#I am forcing myself into quiet time soon though so there should be peace on your dashboards momentarily
imwritesometimes · 1 year
I bring that sort of 'is she always... this way or is this a special circumstance?' to the every day that most ppl can only dream about
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ravenofthefandoms · 1 year
A Bastard’s Happiness
Word Count: 4274
Pairing: Beric Dondarrion x Jon Snow’s twin!Reader
Characters: Beric Dondarrion, Eddard Stark, Jon Snow, Thoros of Myr, Jory Cassel (mentioned), Jaime Lannister (mentioned), Arya Stark (mentioned), Sansa Stark (mentioned), Septa Mordane (mentioned)
A/N: Requested by @futuristicyouthvoid!! Sorry it took so long for me to finish this, just had a long week at work and I was feeling lazy. I finally finished myself to finish it tonight but I haven’t proofread so it might be a bit shitty compared to my normal stuff. I hope you still enjoy!
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters mentioned. They belong to George R.R. Martin. I do not own any gifs used. They belong to their original creators. I do not consent to my work being published by other accounts or on other platforms.
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Being a bastard was never easy. However, being a bastard of Ned Stark and the twin sister of Jon Snow made it significantly easier. Though you were detested by the Lady Catelyn Stark, no one went out of their way to make your life difficult. Your upbringing was fairly peaceful. Jon protected you and your half-siblings were kind. Robb would tease and joke with you, but was never anything less than a gentleman. Sansa was always friendly, bonding over your needlework with her. She was far better than you were, her mother being her teacher, but yours was not shabby by any means. Despite your friendship with Sansa, Arya was also quite fond of you, though not nearly as much as she was with Jon. When she was a bit younger, the two of you would play sword with longer branches you could find in the Godswood.
The Godswood was your favorite place in the entirety of Winterfell. It was quiet and always peaceful. Which is why you had sought it that particular evening. Dusk began to grow, but you could only sob under the watchful eyes of the heart trees’ faces. The godswood, typically a place of peace and sanctuary, was the only comfort you could think of after your brother told you of his plans to leave for the Night’s Watch when your father left for King’s Landing. 
You had been aware of this trip as soon as the wheels began to turn for it. You had resigned yourself to the fact that your father was leaving and taking your sisters with him. As long as you had Jon, you could face down Balerion himself. But the Night’s Watch? That wasn’t just someplace you could follow him to. You couldn’t and you wouldn’t. There was nothing at that frozen castle for a woman, let alone a bastard woman. A shiver ran down your spine at the thought of being surrounded by the criminals you knew lurked there. Even Jon couldn’t fight the entirety of the Night’s Watch for you.
A particularly strong wind blew through the trees, making you look up. A large frame was walking towards you, forcing your back ramrod straight. Another anxious beat of your heart resonated in your chest before you recognized the shape. “Lord father, I did not realize it was you.” You relaxed as Lord Stark’s stoic face appeared clearly from the shadows.
“I did not mean to startle you, (Y/N).” He settled down on a log next to you. “I was told that I may find you out here. Jon has told you of his plans.” You nodded in affirmation, teeth finding your lip as you nibbled it anxiously. 
“My dear, I do not wish to see you unhappy. But I cannot allow you to go with your brother. I am sorry.” His tone was sincere as he placed a warm hand on your knee. Looking up at him with teary eyes, you nodded. You had no desire to go to the Wall anyways, but this command from Lord Stark only solidified it.
The two of you sat in silence for a short time before you spoke. “Father, may I ask you for something?” He chuckled softly and gave you a curt nod. “Would it be at all possible for me to go with you to King’s Landing? I know that I should not ask since I have asked so much already, but I do not wish to stay in Winterfell without Jon. I think I’d like to explore, see more of Westeros. If you would permit it, of course. I-I-... I can protect myself. Gods know I’ve knocked Robb on his arse plenty. And I wouldn’t need much! I would never ask anything to be a burden on you.” You were rambling, you realized, and cut yourself off from continuing with a shaky breath.
Ned gave you a soft smile before wrapping his arm around your shoulders. You leaned into him and closed your eyes, taking in the feeling. His strong arm was warm and cradled you gently. He smelled of the Godswood and the hall in the keep. Burning this moment into your brain rooted you back to reality and you looked up at him with a smile. “I would not deny you this, daughter. You are a Stark, even if you do not have the name. If it is your wish to accompany us, then it shall be so.” Your face lit up with a grin as you wrapped your arms around him tightly. The action caught Ned offguard, but he returned it nonetheless. “Now, come. You are missing dinner.”
The Red Keep was not at all what you had imagined it to be. It loomed over you as the Stark party finished the final leg of its journey. King’s Landing, however, was exactly what you imagined. The stench and crowds as described your lord father had not been exaggerated, making you hate both upon arrival. 
It was fairly easy to trudge through the rest of the day, seeking the comfort of a comfortable bed after many months on the road. After all formalities had been seen to, you were shown to your rooms. Here, you had a servant prepare a bath for you as well as bring you food. The woman curstied and scurried away when you thanked her. As soon as she left, you worked on stripping yourself, hands working on their own as your mind strayed to the ride in. It was there, that you saw a familiar yet almost unrecognized face. Ser Beric Dondarrion. A few years your elder, he was someone you had met at a tourney in honor of the betrothal of one of the Tully cousins to one of his own cousins. You were both younger then, you only turning two and ten while Beric had recently celebrated his 17th nameday. 
He had gone to the abandoned training grounds that were on the other side of the castle from the tourney field. The day had been long and it was only midday. His father pushing him to find a bride was not something he wanted to deal with all day, so he decided to hack at a training dummy all day instead.
Here, he found you sparring with Jon, still short and awkward and chubby-faced. Despite the small age gap, the three of you became good friends over the duration of the week-long tourney. When you all bid goodbye for the last time, he swore to send ravens and Jon agreed to do the same. Over the past few years, however, the ravens became sparse and the letters not as detailed as when you were children. Seeing his face again had been a slight shock. He seemed older now, his hair cropped short and close to his head and a certain weariness in his eyes that had not been there before. You know, of course, that he had been named Lord of Blackhaven a few years after that tourney, but you were not prepared to see him like that.
Reaching up, you pulled free the few pins in your hair, shaking your mane out as you did. Your fingers pressed lightly into the slightly aching areas the metal had left behind. Once you were free from your confined clothing, you grabbed a robe from one of your chests that had been delivered to your room. It was slightly too warm for the warm climate of King’s Landing. The thick material still smelled of home, however, and it brought a sense of comfort to you. You wrapped it around yourself, burying your nose into your shoulder. 
A soft knock broke you from your reverie and had your feet following the sound to your door. “Thank the gods,” you muttered to yourself. The ache in your stomach had begun to grow. You were quite surprised, however, to find someone holding a tray of food that was not your maid. “Lord Beric!” The shock must have been evident upon your face because he simply chuckled and nodded.
“Lady (Y/N). A pleasure to see you again after all these years.” Still a gentleman, it seemed, given his use of a title that did not belong to you. “I thought I had seen you this morning in the Great Hall but I was not sure. Forgive the intrusion, but I had to see for myself if it was truly you.” There was an almost childlike expression of excitement on his face as he gazed upon you. A beat of breath held silence between the two of you before he realized he had caught you at a stage of undress.
“I was wondering the same, actually.” You admitted, wrapping yourself a bit tighter in your robe. “Forgive my state, I was expecting my maid.” He nodded, holding up the tray he seemed to have forgotten momentarily.
“Yes, that is where I got this. She went off to fetch bathwater, I believe.” He kept his eyes firmly planted on your face, honor not allowing his eyes to drift. The thought made you smile slightly, glad to know he hadn’t grown out of his knightly habits. “Jon is not with you?” In the short time he knew you both, the dark-headed twins were never far from one another. 
You shook your head gently, opening the door fully and gesturing for him to come in. He set the tray of food down on the table before turning back to you. “I’m afraid not. He’s actually gone to the Wall. My brother plans on taking the black.” A bittersweet smile graced your lips. 
He answered with his own small frown. “I’m sorry to hear that. For you, at least. I know that must not have been easy.” You shrugged slightly but nodded in affirmation.
“I will be alright. It’s about time I got rid of the sack of bones.” You attempted with a lighthearted joke, which he graciously chuckled at. “Truthfully, I am glad he is doing what will make him happy. He deserves it.”
Beric took a few steps closer to you. “And, if I may be so forward, my lady, what do you plan? Hopefully to find your own happiness.”
Your cheeks warmed imperceptibly. “I do hope to find that, yes. I must admit, I have thought quite a bit on what I will do here, but I still do not know.” You chuckled softly, eyes flicking up to his. 
“Perhaps we would be able to know each other better while you are here. If you can make the time for me, of course.” His tone was teasing and the glint in his eyes was full of mirth. The soft scuttle of shoes on the stone behind you drew your attention from the knight in front of you. Your maid had returned with two others to fill your bath. “For now, my lady, I will leave you.” 
“I think I will be able to make time to see you, my lord. A very thoughtful offer that I would gladly take. A good night to you, Lord Beric.” He now stood right in front of you, bowing to take your hand. His lips brushed your knuckles, light as a feather. Your eyes never left each others, so you curtseyed, the only thing you could think to do.
“Sleep well, my lady.” With that, he was gone and your maid was informing you that your bath was ready. When you sank into the warm water, you blamed the red heat across your face on the steam.
Days turned into weeks that turned into months of your time in King’s Landing. Three months, to be exact. You managed to fill your days despite your earlier doubts. You spent your time either exploring the Red Keep with Arya, working your needlepoint with Sansa, or spending time with Beric. Often times, the two of you would spar with one another, There were days, however, when you spent your time with him walking through the gardens or walking the markets of King’s Landing. 
“My lady, I hope I have not kept you waiting.” His voice behind you made you startle, but you turned to look up at him with a warm smile.
“Not at all, my lord.” You took the arm he offered to you before your short trek to the palace gardens. “I hope your morning was kind to you.” He had told you before that he prefers to do any and all business that he must as Lord of Blackhaven.
“It was nothing too difficult, my lady. Mostly, I spent my time waiting for a delivery from the marketplace.” Your brow quirked at him but you kept your face forward.
A small smile graced your lips when you felt his eyes on your face. “I hope your purchase was worth your wait and coin, my lord.” He nodded in agreement.
“I suppose you will have to tell me.” The two of you came to a halt as he removed his arm from your hand to reach into his coat. From an interior pocket, he produced a box, just longer than his hand that it sat upon.
Your eyes lit up in surprise as you gazed up at him. “Is it…?” Gifts were not something you were entirely unused to, but they were very unused to handsome young men, even if it was just friendly.
“For you, my lady. I hope you will find it as beautiful as I find you.” His words were spoken gently, though they still brought what you were sure was a pink dusting to your cheeks.
Opening the box, you found the most beautiful dagger that you had ever seen. The hilt had carvings of direwolves on one side, while a small purple jewel, one of his house’s colors, sat in the middle of the engravings on the other side. Your eyes, suddenly watery, turned up to him.”My lord, it’s…” Words failed to come to you. “I don’t know that I can accept this.” He smiled and shook his head, clasping the hand that held the knife gently.
“You can and you will. I insist.” You couldn’t help the grin that grew on your cheeks. The moment your eyes met, however, you swore a spark hit your chest. His gaze drew you in, leaving you nearly breathless. No words were spoken, the heat of his hand on yours suddenly very intense.
“Lady (Y/N), your father sends for you.” The voice of one of your father’s men snapped the pair of you from whatever moment you had just been caught in. A guilty blush engulfed your cheeks as you nodded. 
“Thank you. I will be along in just a moment.” You returned your gaze to Beric. “Only because you insist, my lord, I will thank you for this incredibly generous gift.” You dipped into a curtsey before placing the lid atop the box again. He bid you a soft goodbye, which you returned, before you followed your father’s man.
Arriving in your father’s chambers, a bolt of panic struck any floating feelings you held of your moment with Lord Beric into the dirt. “Father!” You cried as you rushed to his bedside, kneeling by your lord father’s head. Sansa stood to your right while Arya, on the other side of the bed, looked almost wrathful. “What has happened?” A gleam of sweat covered your father’s pale face and his leg was propped up under blanket. “There was a… situation with Ser Jaime.” Ned did not wish to delve into the details with your younger sisters around, so he motioned to Septa Mordane, who herded the younger two Stark girls from the room. “He attacked us in the streets. Jory is dead.” His hand found your free one, gripping it gently as a sob racked through your chest. Jory had been the first of your father’s men to train you willingly, acting as another older brother. You held a great amount of love for the man. Gently, your father tugged on your hand and motioned for you to sit on the bed next to him. You obliged, Beric’s gift resting in your lap. “Daughter, I worry. For your safety, especially. You do not have the Stark name to protect you.”
“I can protect myself, father. I can protect Sansa and Arya, too.” Your voice was pleading as you looked at him, scared of his next words. His smile was sad as he looked up at you. “I know, my child, I know. But I would rather you protect yourself somewhere else. King’s Landing is too dangerous. (Y/N), I want you to leave tonight. Ride for Riverrun. Though Cat is not your mother, the Tullys will still protect you. You are family. Hoster and Edmure have always been kind to you and your brother.” He readjusted his position on the bed gently, trying to keep the pain from flaring. “Tonight, you will pack a bag and take some money and food and ride.” His voice left no room for discussion. Though you knew he wanted only to protect you, fat tears still dropped onto your cheeks.
He reached up to pet your hair softly before looking at the box in your lap. “A gift? From who?” His attempts to distract you from tears made you smile softly. You lifted the lid from the box and presented the blade to him. “Lord Beric. He has just graced me with it before I came to you.” Ned’s eyes looked over you with a small, knowing smile.
“I’m sorry I am making you do this thing, but it must be done.” You nodded your agreement before standing. “And, for your safety, I beg that you do not tell anyone that you are leaving. I will explain it to Sansa and Arya.”
 You nodded again. “I suppose I shall go prepare then. I shall see you tonight, Lord Father.”
That night, you found yourself pressing a kiss goodbye to your father’s cheek before one of his men whisked you away to the stables. An extra simple gown, a bag of gold, and a few days rations of food weighed your saddle pack while your sword and gifted dagger swayed on your belt.
“Lord Beric Dondarrion. You shall have the command. Assemble one hundred men and ride to Ser Gregor’s keep.” The young lord agreed and, after Lord Eddard sentenced Ser Gregor, was ready to leave so he may prepare. “A moment, Lord Beric.” The younger man nodded and approached the Hand as everyone else left the Great Hall. Though the pair received an inquiring look from Littlefinger, they were soon alone. Ned’s voice was soft as he spoke, not wanting to be overheard. “As well as bringing Ser Gregor to justice, I would like to ask something else of you.”
Beric nodded. “Anything, Lord Hand.” Eddard’s gaze flicked to the doors and then to the hall leading to the Small Council room.
“My daughter, (Y/N). I have sent her to the Riverlands for her safety, after I was attacked. I told her to ride for Riverrun, but I fear she shall not go to my good father’s home. I ask that you search for her while in the Riverlands. Protect her, make sure she makes it to the Wall if you can. I imagine that is where she will want to go.” Beric’s heart skipped a beat at the Hand’s request. When you had disappeared a week ago, no note and no goodbye, he feared that he overstepped his boundaries. “I will find her, Lord Hand, and give my life for hers if I must.”
Months had passed since you had fled King’s Landing. Eddard’s suspicions were correct. He was taken prisoner and beheaded not long after. The rest of your household was killed with him, the only ones spared being Sansa and, presumably, Arya. When you had heard the news, you were staying at an inn in the Riverlands. Riverrun was nearby, but you had not yet decided if you wished to continue as your lord father had wished or if you wanted to find your brother.
Sitting at a table by yourself, you mulled over your thoughts with a tank of ale in your hands and the leftover remnants of your warm dinner in front of you. So lost in thought, you almost didn’t notice the man who decided to sit across from you. He was pock-faced and stank immensely of piss and ale. Immediately, he tried to get you to lay with him, his words slurred together. His attempt was shortlived, thankfully, as a lithe man with a bun pulling the hair from his face stepped in. The new man boxed the other around the ears, which had the drunk man grumbling before stumbling away.
“I apologize for my man. He’s drunk. My name is Thoros, my lady.” Thoros sat in the now vacant seat across from you. 
“I thank you, Ser Thoros. I was worried his smell would bring my dinner back onto my plate.” He chuckled at your sharp tongue. “I am (Y/N) Sn-... Stone.” After recent events, you had to remind yourself that being a Northerner outside of the North was far less safe than being a bastard of anywhere else. Thoros eyes narrowed at you slightly before he smiled politely.
“Well, (Y/N), it is a pity that you’re not a Snow. My men and I have been instructed by our lord to look out for a (Y/N) Snow. My lord is not looking for any Stones, though, so I suppose I shall leave you to your drink.” He stood from the table and started to make his way back to sit with his men.
“Wait!” You turned to stand after him. “Who is your lord?”
“Thoros is returning, my lord.” Beric nodded at the soldier before standing from his seat. Resheathing his sword, he walked towards the approaching party. He counted an extra horse, however, and greeted Thoros with a confused look. 
“My friend, may I present to you, (Y/N) Snow. Or so she says.” Thoros grinned at his friend teasingly, who gazed up at you with surprise in his eye. You dismounted your horse before approaching him timidly. It was not lost on you that you had disappeared from him, not saying anything about where you were going, and you were worried he would be upset with you, though it would be rightfully.
“Lord Beric,” you murmured before dropping into a curtsey. The man said nothing. Fear crept into your gut as you kept your eyes fixed on the ground in front of you. You were more than surprised, however, when Beric approached you quickly and pulled you into his arms. A small gasp fell from your lips before your own arms wrapped around his neck, face buried in his strong shoulder.
“(Y/N)... I was so worried,” he admitted when he pulled away from you, his hands holding onto your arms gently. Eye flicking around you, he noticed that many of his men were watching the pair of you. “Come. Let us find some privacy.” You nodded in agreement as he lead you to a secluded area of their hideout.
“I’m sorry,” you said as soon as you were alone. “My father was attacked and he wanted me to be safe so I ran. I wanted to say goodbye, truly, but he forbade it and I’m so sorry. Especially after you gave me such a thoughtful gift, I felt most horrible to leave you as I did.” You knew you were rambling but struggled to shut the floodgates as words tumbled from your lips.
Beric did not mind. Instead of letting you continue your rambling, his warm, calloused hand cupped your face before dropping his lips to meet your own. Your eyes shot open in surprise before fluttering closed, returning his soft yet desperate kiss. He was the first to pull away, resting his forehead against yours. “I thought I had scared you away. But your lord father sent me here and he told me everything. He asked me to find you.” Tears welled in your eyes at his words. “I am so sorry for your loss, (Y/N).” His voice was soft as he spoke.
Tears spilled over but his thumbs were quick to wipe them from your cheeks. “I was supposed to go to Riverrun but I couldn’t bring myself to do it.” Your voice was watery and trembling as you spoke.
“The Lord of Light. He knew we would find you.” You giggled softly, more in surprise than anything. “My lady, I ask that you forgive my boldness again, but I must admit. You have my heart, (Y/N). When you left, I knew I had to find you again. Now you are here. I beg that you stay with me. Let me protect you. Let me love you.”
Your own hand came up to caress his cheek, his head leaning into your palm. “The old gods and the new would have to drag me away from you, Beric.” He smiled at you, sunshine from his grin warming you through. Pulling away from him slightly, you allowed yourself to take in his appearance. His beard had grown out much more, a patch covered his right eye, and a new weariness made him look older than his 21 years. “What’s happened to you?” Your fingers drifted over the patch.
His shoulders shook with a soft chuckle. “I will tell you everything later, my love. But it was all worth it. I have you back, so it was worth it.”
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First Impressions - First Meeting
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Lilac eyes opened to an unfamiliar room as she looked about to notice she was in a room filled with demons, she remembers vaguely that Maddi mentioned something about demons, she just can't remember what right now, right now Lilac is a bit pissed off being summoned to another realm by strangers after she opened a letter that she didn't even get chance to read.
"Welcome to Devildom Lilac" a red head spoke as he sat in the chief judge seat in this council, court roomish place, Lilac could not care, she would like to go back to the human realm please and thank you. "oh pardon me. Feeling a bit shocked are we?" the red head continues "well that's understandable. You've only just arrived, after all as a human, it will take you awhile to adjust to things down here"
Could he shut up? Lilac thought as her back ached, great just great it just had to start up didn't it?
"The Devildom..?" Lilac questioned, so she was right she's in the realm of demons "Why am I here?" the tone in her voice was agitation, she wants to go home please, please to anyone out there ensure her father gives her mother the right medicine to numb the pain please, well as much as it can, it isn't the most effective but it's the best option
"Yes exactly, the Devildom, I see that you catch on quickly, excellent" the red head continued "I suppose I should start by introducing myself"
That would be the obvious choice Lilac thought
"My name is Diavolo" Diavolo introduces himself "I am ruler of all demons and all here knows me and someday soon I will be crowned King of Devildom, this is the royal academy of Diavolo though we just call it RAD, your standing in the assembly hall, the very heart of RAD. This is where we officers of the student council hold our meetings and conduct our business, I'm the president of said council"
Oh he's the one Maddi tried to marry, I remember hearing about that but why do I need to know this?
"Why am I here? what does this have to do with me?" Lilac questioned, she is pissed off but she wants answers first then she'll start shouting
"I will explain everything to you" another spoke
"Wait even better question can I go home? Because whatever is going on I don't want to do it" Lilac spoke "because all I did was open an letter that I didn't even get a chance to read and appeared here"
"You won't be going home yet, you are here to part take in an exchange program of the three realms for peace, you'll be staying here for a year" the other spoke
"Okay what the fuck?!" Lilac exclaims "so you kidnap me and then expect me to take part in this exchange program, no your forcing me to just because oh yay peace everyone wants that" she started to rant "I don't care who the fuck you are future king or who the rest of you are, I'd like to go home and focus on my job, I don't have time for this bullshit"
"Cal-" Diavolo spoke before being interrupted
"Because it's fucking arrogant for starters because I'm a healer for the Sorcerer's Society and quiet a few witches and those without powers, you have just caused a bunch of patients to loose their healer for a year how do you plan to rectify that, will I still be able to go to the human realm for my work or are you going to allow people to die because they couldn't get to a healer or a doctor's in the time they needed to because their healer had been forcefully made absent and to reside in another realm" Lilac spoke "and I have my own matters as well in the human realm how do you plan to rectify that it's very arrogant to force someone to take part and it only shows because you plan on forcing me to stay here you don't see humanity as equals as you believe you have the right to force us to do this stuff without thinking of consequences if you want peace you have to see humanity as equals and have seen humanity? we have short lifespans and you think it would be peaceful nope, we have wars with one another and sometimes over the most stupid things and most of humanity doesn't even know Devildom or Celestial realm exists so why are you trying to make peace between the three realms without making your existence known in the human realm? Is it to gain more influence on humans as a whole because if it is I will make your lives miserable because humans are just as much of equals to you demons and the Celestial realm even if we aren't like either species" Lilac's rant went on and by the mere tone alone you could tell she was serious and pissed off by the prospect "and do I even need to cover the matter of you guys by definition and legal view in the human realm kidnapped me and now are keeping me here by force, that's a big legal problem, so unless your willing to compromise with me, I'll be heading home now"
Silence filled the room as she noticed a demon glaring at her, the demon appeared to be a demon of sorts, one of the demons seemed to have recorded it all, and most of them looked gobsmacked that she did what she did, though she could tell that one of them looked amused in the matter.
When Diavolo started to chuckle, it pissed her off even more as he smirked
"Well we'll need to sort out those details won't we Lilac?" Diavolo spoke
What did I just get into? Lilac thought as she agreed "Yes we will then, I do expect your open to compromises if this is to work"
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Link to Masterlist
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emotional abuse tw
I moved out from my moms house a few months ago and I was hoping that the abuse would end. My mom is completely unaware that she's abusive and even when several therapists suggested an unhealthy relationship between the two of us, she simply forbid me to see that therapist ever again, and at some point, to see any therapist.
She called me today and yelled at me for so many things, that are her fault, at the base.
(Not to get too deep into it) I should get money from the state two years ago, but I would've needed her signature (because back then I still lived with her). She refused so I never got anything. When I told her, she accused me of failing getting the money (though they wrote the missing signature as the official reason) and trying harder, so many times, that I just lied to her at some point and said, that I receive it now. I wrote the bureau (from which I'd get the money) that I take back my application and would go without the money, because it was just too much trouble for me, for not that much money.
For some reason, this bureau wrote me twice a year, that they needed more proof and I always wrote them an email, referring to my old email, that I never gotten anything and don't expect anything but peace and quiet. They never answered so I thought it was okay. This was always big trouble, because my mom always opens my post and would yell at me, whenever that letter came.
And today I got a letter to my old address (my moms house) and she opened it and it was said bureau, saying that I need to pay back 4 times the amount of the money that I could have, but never did, get. Because I couldn't give them enough proof I deserve it. This is much trouble for me, because of the moving I lost access to my bank account and can't show them, that I never gotten anything (this whole moving is a mess in itself) and, well, because my mom read this letter and yelled at me and I had a hard time covering my old lies because imagine what would happen if I told her I lied to her for 2 years.
And then she had the audacity to yell at me "You could've taken yourself a therapist who could help you with all of that, but now it is too late" as if she didn't forbid me to do? I am looking for a therapist, almost since the day I moved out, but waiting lists are 1 year or more.
And then (idk she apparently remembered what she hated on me, once she started yelling) she yelled at me because I always wear the same outfit (I visited her last weekend) and I shouldn't dare coming to her house with that outfit again (nothing against the outfit itself). That she'd drag me shopping soon enough, if I don't get myself something else.
And this is so fucked up, because she raised me with so much self hate towards my body, my weight, my curves, slut shaming every visible collarbone, that this is my only comfort-summer outfit by now. I can't even look into the mirror without self hate, but sure, my fault that I don't own a more diverse wardrobe.
And she did lie to me in the past, that we would drive somewhere fun and when we arrived it was a shopping mall and I was forced to spent 10 hours there, until I bought enough to satisfy her. I am afraid she'll do something like that again and I will avoid getting into her car in the near future.
You know, I feel so fucked. I feel like that shitty bureau hates me, because wtf? I always feel like everyone just waits to stab me in the back, but they really proofed it. And my mom, who yells at me as if any of this was my fault? As if I didn't do all I can just to survive and everything else is an extra? Nobody appreciates, what I do, that I go outside with all of my self hate, that I try to find a therapist, no, it is never enough, I am never good enough and it is all my fault.
Hi anon,
I'm so sorry to hear about what you've been going through. It sounds like your mom often criticizes you and fails to understand your circumstances or perspective, to say the least. It seems like your mom puts a lot of unnecessary pressure on you and discourages healthy and open discussions with her by making you feel like everything is somehow your fault.
When you've been experiencing this for a long period of time, it can be easy to internalize these messages and feel like you aren't good enough or that everything is your fault, but please remember that you are worth so much more than this and you are trying your hardest. You do not deserve to be treated this way.
It sounds like your relationship with your mom doesn't benefit you in any way. Since it seems that you're living on your own now, have you considered cutting her off? It would be a big change and may come with a complex range of feelings, but it's also worth self reflecting and asking yourself what you deserve, and if your mom's behavior aligns with that. I do also understand if the situation with the bureau is preventing this.
Please remember to practice self care during this time. You deserve to be gentle with yourself, especially after everything you've been through. If anyone has any comments or suggestions, feel free to add on. Otherwise, I hope I could help, and please let us know if you need anything.
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renee-writer · 2 years
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Fergus' Problem Chapter 37
“You know that you don’t have to do this.” She nods. Don’t have to but need to, for her own peace of mind, is what she thinks. That is why they are meeting her parents for a much needed conversation.
“I know Fergus but, so I can live with them, I need to.”
“You know I will do all I can to help you, so, let’s go meet the, your parents.” She arches her eyes wondering what he was going to say. It couldn’t be anything she hasn’t already called them.
“Yes let’s.” James is left with Jamie and Claire. “What’s one more.” Had been their reaction when asked. Their support made all these easy. Not that Mama Claire hadn’t said, “They just better not hurt you or they won’t like me.” Both the support and protectiveness, made her feel wonderful.
They are meeting in the private room of a local restaurant. Marsali and Fergus arrive first. Offered menus, Fergus explains to the waiter that, “We are here for a pretty emotional meeting. Maybe after, we may order something.” Water is brought out and Marsali sips nervously at it.
They arrive soon after. Laughaire face falls at not seeing the baby. “You didn’t bring him?”
“No,” and then just because she can and she should be enough, she adds, “He is with Mama Claire.”
Her mam frowns, starts to say something, shakes her head and, simply takes a seat. Simon joins her. They sit in silence for a moment.
“It is nice to see you Marsali.” Her dad finally offers.
“Thank you.”
“So do you forgive her for having a child?” Fergus asks.
“Do I still wish she would have waited, yes. But, what’s done is done.”
“What is done is our son, James Fergus Fraser. He is two months and has the sweetest personality. He looks like Marsali.”
All get quiet again. Marsali forces herself to not fill it. They aren’t in the wrong.
“We hoped you would bring him.”
“That won’t happen unless we can work this out. Until he is more then something done, until you are alright with both my husband and myself.” She tells her mam.
“You really got married?” They present their left hands.
“As I said, I love her and take responsibility for those I love. My wife and son are everything to me. She is well taken care of. Even though we live with my parents, right now, I pay them rent and provide all James needs.”
Simon crooks his head. It impresses him, despite himself. His wife just frowns.
“And your school?”
“All A level as before. Before his birth, I took extra classes, not counting the antenatal ones, to make sure I stayed caught up.”
“So, you see, even though her life has changed, she is still doing very well.”
“Next year, how do you intend to handle school and a baby?”
“I have enough credits that I only have two classes. Fergus is arranging his university schedule so he will be home with James then.”
Anything else, she thinks, staring her mam down. Laughaire drops her eyes first.
“Well, it seems you have your life all worked out. I can’t find fault in any of your plans.” She turns her attention to her dad.
“Thank you. It hasn’t been easy but we are on track and doing what we need to be doing for James.”
“Laughaire, they have addressed all our concerns. They aren’t on aid and she will finish school.”
“I just wished better for you, Marsali. Something other then a teen pregnancy.”
She sighs. “Our timing could have been better. But mam, I am happy. So happy. Fergus and James are my life. Trust me when I say that we would have been married anyway. Had bairns. Starting early wasn’t planned but, we are doing okay. More then okay. When I wake up to my son’s sweet face with Fergus beside me, it is the best feeling. You wanted better for me but, I can’t imagine a better life.”
They part agreeing to meet up again soon to continue the conversation.
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jedijourneys · 1 year
Korrin’s Journal; Entry Three
What an inspiring day. An exhausting, thrilling, and curious day. The water of the stream is cold, and yet I have found peace in its current, soothing the ankles even as it freezes the toes. There is a homesickness that rears at me, the head of an ocean leviathan peering at me with bittersweet eyes. Home. But I blink it away, and tell myself sternly, the sea is the home of my body, but the Jedi are the home of my heart. There is a glee in everything I see, a pleasure and affection for every small stone, every flake of snow, every fish in the stream, every thranta in the sky. I would have thought the temple grounds would be old by now. The sights would become bland. The crisp air would start to taste no different than any other world I've explored. But no. There is an awakening in my spirit, my very soul, it beats in my veins, a warmth like fire.
In my eyes, I see with nothing but appreciation. I cherish every blade of grass, every wave on the water, every droplet of dew, every wisp of frost upon the cold wind. There is such a beauty in all things in this galaxy, a beauty I never could have noticed before, and yet there it is, so powerful that I can nearly feel it just as easily as a stone in my palm. Once, I was blind. Now, I can finally see. The force has granted me a life that brings meaning and wisdom. A chance of redemption. I shall return this gift with unequivocal reverence. I will study, learn, and grow. The Jedi have my loyalty and dedication. And should they ever have need, I shall ensure that they will also have my blade.
The morning passed with mediation on the ice. The frigid fingers of mountain air against my skin. When my limbs became numb and stinging, I crossed into the sunlit afternoon, and made my way to the Archives. It is quiet there, peaceful. The room is warmly lit and cozy. The shelves whisper my name. I looked for anything solid that could be found on force ghosts, but it was a futile affair. I suppose I'll just have to reach out to those who claim to have seen one, though I only know of one so far. Zenteal. And even so, she seemed uncertain of her own experience when she admitted to it during that class. It can wait. I should be focusing on other things at the moment. When I am a Knight, I will look into this matter again. I did learn of this wonderful recipe, or at least, I think it might be wonderful. I've yet to try making it for myself. Cooking has always been an interest of mine, but not one that I've ever had much time to pursue. Even so, I've stored away this 'Sweetmelon cinnamon pie' recipe for a later date. I am determined to attempt baking it eventually. And I'd might as well look into other recipes as well, when I have the free time.
Class late this afternoon was called 'Path of Study', and it documented the many paths that Jedi could take within their respective schools. For Consulars, such as myself, we were expected to find a place within Healing, Diplomacy, or Lorekeeping. I think everyone already knows which of these I will pursue. Of course, Rangers were mentioned as well, but that doesn't seem quite like something I'd be interested in when Lorekeeping is right there. There was a new student in the class, a shy fellow. His name was Callum, and he was submissive and uncertain. I certainly hope he grows to be confident one day soon. He'll need to be. I did notice him staring at me during class, though. I wonder if he's ever seen or met a nautolan before? Perhaps not. Or maybe he's simply curious about my people. I offered to answer his questions, but that just seemed to spook him. I won't push the matter. If he ever wants to talk, I'd be happy to oblige him.
Guardians seem to be the figureheads of the order. When anyone thinks of a heroic Jedi with a gleaming blue lightsaber, valiantly protecting the innocent from harm, Guardians are often what they picture. At least in my experience. They are the frontline fighters. Sentinels are technologically gifted, and capable of learning a special technique called Mechu-Deru. I have since looked into this, though I was aware of how late it was getting. Curiously, Mechu-Deru was an ability created by the Sith, and it imbued the user with a great knowledge of technology on a level that was enhanced with the force. It has since been adapted to the light, of course, though even so, few Sentinels practice it. Still, it is fascinating to read about.
Mystics are very mysterious, and don't share their secrets with those outside of their school. As you can imagine, my curiosity is burning, but I do understand the need for confidentiality in important matters. I will respect their secrecy.
In any case, Tam'a'ryth was a very patient teacher. She told me that some Consular classes were being revamped, and some lesser taught ones would be making a resurgence. I am greatly looking forward to these.
After class, I returned to the stream to feel the current of the water. Freezing, as always, but still soothing. A small group gathered, and chatted for a bit, before another Initiate, Lyceus, invited me to a spar. I have had little combat training beyond hitting a few dummies, and knowing how to adjust the power on my practice saber, of course. But this was an opportunity to learn something new, so of course, I agreed. Under the watchful gaze of Tam'a'ryth, Kethry, Tengirr, and a few others, Lyceus and I had a bit of a friendly fist fight in one of the dueling arena on temple grounds. The spar didn't last long. It was clear that I knew nothing about brawling with my fists. I prefer to use those for reading and writing, after all. But it was still a learning experience, and my bruises shouldn't be too bad. He wasn't trying to beat me into the ground, after all. Lyceus seems like a dedicated young Jedi. I think he worries he will not be able to find a Master, as he seemed to suggest. And he isn't very patient. But he will make an excellent Knight one day, I am sure of it. Probably a better one than I could ever be.
After that, we all hung around for additional duels, this time with our training sabers. Lyceus sparred with a student named Rafael, first. This was a guy I knew was of the more introverted sort. He often appears nervous during classes. I once tried to reach out to him, but he was very obviously not interested. Since then, I've been keeping my distance from Rafael, though I am still concerned. During the duel, he seemed to know his way around the training saber pretty well, but it was Lyceus with the discipline behind his strokes, or rather, his force push. Where had he learned that? Soon, Rafael was hit in the leg, and went down quick after that. Luckily, he is fine. Training sabers don't exactly do much damage. Nothing long term, anyways. Small bruises are not much to worry about.
Though Lyceus was probably tired by that point, he was willing to spar with me again. I do not find much enjoyment in dueling, if I must be honest, but as a Jedi, I know that I will one day be called upon to fight. This is something I must learn, and so I will.
The spar started out as you would expect. Lyceus blocked my initial attack, and managed to hit me with his training saber. It stung a bit, but nothing to be concerned about. I watched as he did some sort of step routine, observed the way he moved his body when he parried and attacked. In doing so, I quickly picked up on his abilities, and managed to deflect his final blow with a bit of difficulty, before striking him in the leg with my own training saber. He fell, but he was alright, thankfully. I might have surprised him. Or maybe not. It doesn't really matter, does it? I'm just glad I was able to learn something. I am thankful for his help.
We all chatted for a bit after that. Knight Kethry showed us her personalized lightsaber form. It appears graceful and deadly. I doubt I'll ever be able to move like that, but the display was inspiring nonetheless. Lyceus agreed to sparring with me on a regular basis, which I was quite pleased with. One day, I will be a competent duelist! But likely not for quite some time. Luckily, I am as patient as the snowy mountains around the Alderaan temple. Or at least, I like to think I am.
You can probably guess what I did after that. Did I take a hot bath and sit down to relax? Perhaps meditate before bed? No, of course not. I returned to the Archives and began looking into the various new things I had learned. But it was getting late, so I only stayed for an hour or so. And now, here I am, rambling about my day before bed. I suppose it helps me unwind. I am excited to see what tomorrow brings. And the many days after that, of course. Come morning, I think I'll continue my meditation routine. What if I climbed those boulders outside the Archives? After a bit of morning exercise, I'll sit on top and meditate for a time. Maybe I'll strike the practice dummies for a bit, too. Just for good measure. I can try to teach myself that step routine that Lyceus was doing during our duel. After that, it's back to my typical library nonsense. I want to look into a lightsaber form that Tam'a'ryth mentioned to me earlier this evening. Niman was the name. I am pleased that my memory only rarely lets me down.
But, that's all stuff for tomorrow. A new day. For now, I really should get some rest. I am tired. And a little sore. At least I am certain that my sleep will be deep and pleasant tonight.
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
Intro, Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Satan
*it’s a somewhat rare day in the House of Lamentation because most of the brothers are peacefully together in the same room for once. They aren’t always known to hang out in the Common Room but today Satan is getting his nails redone by Asmo while Mammon, Beel, and Levi all face off against each other in a mobile game they’ve found recently. Belphie is there too, but mostly in spirit as he naps on the couch. For once, it seems that everyone is either lounging on the couches or laying on the floor doing their own thing with nary a fight in sight*
*the only person missing from their little gathering is Lucifer… something that gets remedied all too soon as the eldest walks by the entrance with the MC quietly by his side. Satan is the first to notice them pass by and it only takes a glimpse for him to see something unusual about the pair...*
*the MC is carrying a suitcase*
Satan: MC? Are you going on a trip?
*Satan’s voice breaks the previously peaceful silence and gets everyone else’s attention, quickly setting their sights on the doorway as well. Having been noticed, Lucifer and MC are forced to stop so they all can see… Automatically, there’s something off about the MC. They’re glancing down at the floor, unable to meet their eyes, while Lucifer scans the others with the same expression he gives during important meetings… The look he only uses when things are delicate and he’s warning them to be on good behavior*
*Mammon is the first to get back to his feet, already sensing that something is wrong here*
Mammon: Oi? What’s goin’ on? What’s with the bags??
Levi: *sits up next his brother, panicking slightly* You didn’t say we were going anywhere! I’m waiting on a package!!
Beel: Are we leaving…? I haven’t packed any snacks yet…
*Lucifer waves his brothers down, hardening his glare for a moment to get the point across*
Lucifer: Settle down. *he doesn’t keep his eyes on them for long because he’s soon looking down at the MC with a much softer expression, resting a hand on their back tenderly*
Lucifer: Would you like to tell them, or should I…?
MC: No, no… It’s fine. I can do it…
*their human’s somber tone is like an alarm bell to every demon in the room and by now they’re all waiting at attention - even Belphie seems more alert than ever. Something has made their human is sad… But why? What’s changed? Had they upset them? Has someone hurt them?? The MC can already feel the air getting tense as their dear pact-mates wait for them to name their target...*
MC: It’s nothing to worry about, guys. I… just need to go to the human world for a few days… A friend of mine has died recently and I want… No, I am going to the funeral… *and like that the tension in the room evaporates immediately as all their expressions soften…*
Asmo: Oh, MC… That’s awful! *he’s on his feet in an instant to be at their side and offering a hug which the MC gladly accepts. He plants a soft kiss on their temple while holding them tight*
Asmo: I can’t imagine what you’re feeling, sweetheart, but we’re here for you…
*the MC feels a large hand rest on their shoulder as Beel comes up beside Asmo, nodding*
Beel: Yeah… We’re here.
*taking a cue from their brothers, the rest of the boys all get to their feet as necessary and come to the MC’s side - either reaching out to try and hold them or simply hovering close by - but Lucifer stops them just short of making contact*
Lucifer: We shouldn’t crowd them…
MC: It’s alright, Lucifer… *they give Asmo a short squeeze to signal they’re letting go before taking a step back from them all* I won’t be gone for long, everyone… I just need to be with my family and friends for a little while…
Asmo: *steps back, but keeps ahold of their hands* Wait, do you have something to wear? Humans wear black at funerals, don’t they? Or is it white? I can find something for you before you go!
Satan: *glances at their suitcase, genuinely concerned* Is that all you’re bringing...? Did you remember to pack your toothbrush? Socks?
Beel: *already digging in his pockets for a spare bag of treats* Do you need snacks for the trip?
Belphie: They’re probably just going by portal, Beel…
Beel: *frowns* But it’s a long walk…
*their combined concern is enough to make the MC smile just a bit, relaxing their demons some, but they still only shake their head*
MC: Thank you, guys, but I have everything I need at home… Lord Diavolo is letting Barbs take me home, Beel, so don’t worry. I won’t starve. I just need to stop by the Castle first...
Mammon: Ah, so that’s where we’re goin’? Alright! *he breaks away from his brothers and starts walking down the hall, looking back at the MC with full expectation that they’ll follow* Come on. MC! Let’s get movin’.
*the MC stands frozen for a moment or two in the hallway before slowly taking yet another step away from the brothers, to their collective confusion*
MC: Thank you, guys… Really… I love you all… But I think I need just a little time to clear my head before I… Before I, uh… *they glance to Lucifer, feeling guilty and trying not to wince, but the eldest seems to pick up on what they’re trying to say*
Lucifer: Ah… of course… *he turns to his brothers, Mammon in particular, before taking a step aside to start clearing the hall* Everyone, since we’re all staying here, let’s give the MC some space… *again, he throws another glance at Mammon, knowing how clingy his brother can be, and sure enough...*
Mammon: Eh? Whatcha talkin’ about...?
*the secondborn, bless his heart, doesn’t seem to be following what the MC is trying to say… and why would he? He and the MC have been thick as thieves since they made their pact in the first place... Thankfully, Satan and Levi are much faster on the uptake and they both swiftly yank him out of the way*
Levi: It means that they want to walk there alone, you idiot…! *he huffs at his elder brother, but it's not hard to see that he looks a little disappointed himself... The MC shoots them all a sympathetic look before their eyes again cast down to the floor*
MC: I’m sorry, everyone… I know you’re worried, but I just need a little time to think and prepare myself before going back home again…
Satan: You have nothing to feel sorry for, MC… We understand. *he keeps ahold of Mammon’s wrist as he smiles to his brother* Don’t we, Mammon? *his grip tightens like a vice, even though his smile never wavers...*
Mammon: Ow!! Okay, okay, I get it!! *he pulls his arm out of Satan’s grasp and glares at him before looking back at the MC. He tries his best to smile at them like he isn’t bothered by the situation… but everyone knows better*
Mammon: I get ya, MC… Take your time, we'll be here for ya when ya get back!
*the MC watches their loyal first demon letting them go on their own for once and sends him a teary-eyed smile*
MC: Thank you, Mammon… Everyone… 
*they finally turn away from their demons and start down the hall to the doorway. If any of the brothers want to call out or stop them, they hold it in until they hear the heavy door close with a 'thunk'*
*it a minute or two before one of the brothers finally works up the nerve to break silence they're all sharing*
Asmo: Poor MC… *his hands cradle his cheeks in a bid for self-comfort...*
Lucifer: Yes… human lives are quite fragile…
Levi: Should we do something for them when they get back…?
Mammon: *huffs* No duh! Satan, what do humans usually do after funerals?
*the fourthborn sighs at his brother's vague question, but crosses his arms as he starts to think*
Satan: Well… There's usually mourning… Humans sometimes take time off of work or school so that they can adjust to their grief...
Lucifer: *nods* I'll be sure to let Diavolo know, then.
Satan: Aside from that it depends on the household… Some come together and others don’t talk very much. I've heard that some humans may even hold a celebration of sorts for the departed.
Beel: *starts drooling* Then we could make them a cake…!
Belphie: *sighs* I don't think that's a good idea, Beel… What if they don’t do that?
Beel: Oh… *gets a little disappointed*
Mammon: Well, what are we supposed to do? Pretend they're fine?? Ain’t there somethin’ ya can think of, Satan?
*Mammon turns to the blonde of the group, but instead of looking mildly irritated at his insistence the fourthborn is glaring at the ground - seemingly lost in thought*
Mammon: …. Um, yo? Satan? *Mammon gives him a minute to react but to his frustration, Satan doesn't look up...*
Mammon: Hey, Hell to Satan!! Hello?? *Mammon shakes his brother's shoulder, snapping him back to reality long enough to get his his hand slapped away*
Satan: Mammon, stop that!
Mammon: You're the one who went quiet!
*the rest of the brothers all watch Satan quizzically, it’s unlike him to space out mid-conversation…*
Asmo: Is something wrong, Satan?
*hearing the question, Satan’s anger quickly melts back into contemplation as he avoids his brothers' stares*
Satan: Well…
Mammon: Spit it out, will ya??
*Satan's fist comes down hard on his brother's head and makes a pretty good bump in its place* 
Satan: Be quiet, moron, I'm thinking!!
*while Mammon angrily rubs his head, Satan looks away from them again - well aware of the Pandora's Box he's about to open…*
Satan: I was thinking about MC… and how they're human…
Belphie: *raises an eyebrow* Yeah? So?
Levi: *smiles slyly, snark already in his eyes before it hits his tongue* Did you just figure that out...?
*Satan shoots them a sideways glare before facing away towards the room’s fireplace* 
Satan: No. Obviously not. 
Satan: ...What I meant to say is, the MC is going to die...
*and like that, all the air in the room seemingly vanishes… Nothing Satan has said is incorrect, but the brothers have always had something of an understanding about this… The MC was mortal, their life would end, but it wasn't something to just… you know...*
*Mammon is the first on the defensive*
Mammon: Hey, hey, hey why ya gotta bring that up now, Satan?? The MC's fine!
Satan: I know that! *his tone snaps a bit as he only glances at his brothers' direction* But let's think about it for a second… What about us?
Asmo: *shifts uncomfortably and hugs his arms to his chest* I don't think I like where this is going…
*when Asmo glances as Lucifer, he sees his eyes are locked on Satan in a steely glare... Though it's pretty obvious he doesn't like this subject either, he seems more hesitant to put a stop to it…*
Lucifer: Yes… We will all die too… But what are you getting at, Satan?
*the fourthborn seems to pause, then breaks away from his brothers fully so he can walk closer to the fire - letting the heat brush against his skin*
Satan: If I recall, Diavolo has told us in the past that we won't die like humans, or even angels...
*he looks across the fireplace mantle for a picture frame, then takes it in both hands. The picture inside is not very interesting, just one of House back in its better years... He starts to slide the image out as he continues*
Satan: As Avatars of our sins, we will exist as long as temptation remains present. We won't die exactly, but we'll be reborn instead…
Lucifer: *raises an eyebrow, still trying to follow his train of thought but getting impatient* Where are you going with this, Satan…?
Mammon: *huffs, crossing his arms* Yeah! Get to the point already...
Belphie: *yawns*... Or I’m just going to take a nap...
*if their impatience is bothering him, Satan - for once - doesn't show it as he presents them with the grainy picture*
Satan: When we're reborn, will we forget the MC?
*the room appears to freeze for a moment as everyone holds a collective breath… Some are still trying to follow Satan's logic, others pick up on what he means all too quickly…*
Mammon: W-... What are you talkin' about…? 'Course we won't! *the secondborn chews at his lip while Levi nervously thumbs his headphones...*
Levi: Yeah… What Mammon said. Even if we're reborn, it's still us right? *Levi glances around to the others for confirmation, something an anxious Asmo is quick to give*
Asmo: Y-yeah! If it's us, then we have to remember them somewhere…!
Satan: *shakes his head* We can't be certain… In the human world, it's said reincarnated individuals rarely remember their former lives...
Belphie: *glares at the blonde sharply, the topic of their death clearly agitating him more than the most* Well this isn't the human world, Satan!
Satan: *meets his anger in kind, knowing full well that he doesn’t relish the subject either* And do you have anything else to go off of? It's not like any of us have died yet!
*with that an uneasy silence settles over the brothers as the gravity of the situation takes hold... A possible future with no memories of MC… At some level, they had all approached the idea that they would pass on but to have no memories at all just…*
Asmo: So we'll just… forget them…? *even though it seems only a distant possibility, tears are already threatening to spill from his eyes...*
Mammon: You're wrong…
Beel: But I don't want to… *Beel looks solemnly down at Belphie, then to Lucifer, before he quietly realizes that there isn't anything either of them can do...*
Mammon: You're wrong.
Levi: M… M-MC…. *his bottom lip quivers as he fights to keep himself together somehow… What will happen to his Henry…?*
Mammon: You got it all WRONG!!
*in a flash of light and heat, Mammon's demon form whips out in its full glory but his body is trembling... Both his fists are at his sides, white-knuckled from frustration, and his head hangs low so his brothers can't see his eyes...*
Mammon: I won't forget MC… We won't forget MC…!
*everyone watches him cautiously, but Satan is the first to speak...*
Satan: Mammo-
*Mammon cuts him off by unfurling his wings, knocking Levi and Belphie back in the process*
Mammon: Shut UP! I don't want to hear it!! We'll remember them and that's final, ya got that?!
*though everybody knows that Mammon doesn't have any power over the situation, much less the authority to give them orders, his point has been made. This conversation is over...*
*with that, Mammon retracts his wings and stalks out of the room quickly - likely to run to his bedroom and vent his aggression. Among the remaining brothers, there doesn’t look to be much willingness to keep talking…*
Lucifer: Well… Thank you, Satan, for bringing that to our attention… *his acknowledgement expresses no gratitude, but no sarcasm either… it seems even Lucifer has been dulled by this topic…*
Lucifer: I think we can all agree to never bring this up again… *there's a quiet nod among the brothers, but none are willing to meet his eyes...* 
Lucifer: Then so be it...
*another silence hangs in the air before Lucifer is the first to move*
Lucifer: It's been a long day… Everyone, get some rest.
*following his lead, the rest of the brothers begin to file out to their bedrooms one-by-one, until only Satan remains. He sighs, dropping the picture in his hand into the fire to watch it blacken and burn to ash…*
*though he loathes to admit it, Mammon's words have struck a chord with him… He won't forget the MC... And little did he know, that same vow has done the same for the rest of his brothers as well...*
*They won't forget the MC… not if they have anything to say about it*
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What If?
Bucky x Reader
Summary: You think back on your relationship with Bucky, with questions of 'What if' surrounding you, four questions stood out to you, so you wonder- which one will come true?
Word count: 4,179
Warnings: melancholy angst, character death of sorts (not real deaths), some fluff, the winter soldier, mentions of violence, civil war Bucky, language, me referencing poems.
A/N: Civil War timeline with some modifications. Italics are daydreams. The question What If? Is my favourite question- it is so hopeful and yet so destructive. Besides the Taylor song, I also based this on the song 'What If?' From the musical If/Then
A/N2: this is based on the song The 1 by Taylor Swift for @captain-kelli Don't Call It A Comeback Tour challenge! When I signed up for it this entire story just came to my mind all at once and I could see it all from start to finish. However when I finally sat down with my outline to write it… something possessed it. I have mixed feelings about this but oh well, I hope you will like it! Thank you @lookiamtrying for beta reading this!
No one is allowed to repost my writing or steal or copy my work! Reblog on tumblr is fine.
It always came back to your head in flashes; he came back in glances at objects around your apartment, but he never came back to you- not in your reality. You remembered the last night you saw him next to you, you remembered his cold voice that you read so well past. You mostly remembered the look in his blue eyes- they were soft and sad, contrasting his tone just like how his words contrasted their true meaning.
You had found your little piece of heaven in this small apartment, Bucky found his peace with you. He was always cautious, ever since he pulled Steve out of the river and started to remember his old life he run away from hydra, using all of his training to disappear from both sides that were looking for him. And then he found you and everything changed. You didn't know who he was at first, but by the time he opened up and told you who he was he held a part of your heart. It took some time but by the time you earned his full trust you took space in his heart, and when you didn't run away after you found out about him- your place in his heart grew and he kept you there safe. Logically he knew he should never stay for too long, and he shouldn't stay with you, but you were the first friend he had in decades- you helped him through nightmares, and you gave him a diary to keep track of the memories that started to come back. So he risked everything, and took every precaution to make sure he could stay there with you and dissipate his past from his potential future with you. And slowly but surely your relationship together evolved. You were proud of every progress he made- when the nightmares became rare, when you had to buy him another notebook, when he talked to you about it and you saw him forgive himself for something that was not his choice- you were proud when he started smiling and touching you more freely even with his left arm. You were proud of him when he showed his emotions more and told you those three little words with a bright look in his eye that caused you to smile and reply those same three words.
Then he came home to you one night with a heavy look that you haven't seen in a long time- you remember it from the time you were only friends, when he came to your door after a nightmare, panicked, saying he should run away.
He didn't talk that night, but you felt him change again, you felt him being more reserved again, like the Bucky you first met.
Then he came home to you one night a week later with the same look but now you saw his eyes- they weren't cold, they were emotional.
"They found me." No they didn't.
"Bucky," he was never one to lie. "What are you saying?"
You left the mug you held on the counter and walked to him in the living room. When he didn't answer you went to sit on the couch, patting the spot next to you.
"Talk to me, please." Bucky went towards you but he bent down and you knew what he was about to do. He moved the rug away and pulled at the wooden floor until you could both see the hidden space there where he told you an emergency bag will be necessary. He pulled it out.
"I need to go, you can't come with me."
"No, Bucky look at me," you stood up in front of him, "you don't have to run away! I can come with you-"
"It's too dangerous! You can't date the Winter Soldier!" He finally said. You knew he was trying to scare you with his cold tone, but you didn't let him.
"And yet, I am still here! I am not going to leave you Bucky- no one found you, stay with me- please don't run away."
"Doll," his eyes always gave him away. "I need to go, they are close. I need to leave."
"Bucky," tears welled up in your eyes. "Will you-"
"I am not going to come back."
Yes, you remember that night well. You played it in your head over and over again. You remembered your tears, the slamming door, and mostly the quiet.
You felt it when you woke up alone again every day after that. You saw him on the TV a few weeks after he left you- he stood next to Captain America- at least he found Steve. You had a million things you wished you could have said, questions you wished to know. You never know, though, when it will all go away, but you know the greatest loves of all time are over now, they always end. But you could never let it go, he plagued your mind.
It was the constant question of: Would he have stayed for you? If things were different? If he didn't have an excuse to leave?
You knew the answer could kill you, but your mind couldn't help but wonder- What if?
What if he stayed?
"I'm not coming back." Bucky closed the door behind him, it slammed harder than he intended to. He took the time to rest against the door, gathering his thoughts as he softly whispered to the air-
"I love you."
You brought life to his grey world, you helped him find himself- is he scared more of hydra finding you, or of you? Everything good seemed to be taken from him, and you were the sunshine for him- the moonlight comfort of the midnight nightmares.
Bucky spent so long running, what if he just let himself have this- you? What if he didn't use his past as an excuse to run away from his possible future?
He didn't think further when he opened the door again and shut it behind him. His eyes were just as soft and glassy as yours, filled with unshed tears. He came to you and you got up from the couch- without missing a beat he pulled you to him, holding you tight.
"I'm sorry, doll, I love you, and I don't want to leave you."
"Then stay, please. We are safe." You held him tighter and let out a shaking breath when you realized he didn't walk away, he stayed for you.
"I'll stay." He promised you that night, both of you refused to let go.
It was a few months after that and Bucky passed a jewelry shop, he watched as couples inside looked at all the shiny items and picked a few to take to their home. You were his home.
When he came back to you, the house smelled like his favourite pie that you made. He wanted to stay forever here with you, you didn't have much, but you had enough to get by and it was everything he could wish for right now.
But at night he laid wide awake, his metal arm surrounding you securely, drawing senseless patterns on your skin as you slept.
He couldn't give you a future like all the other normal couples have, but he could try to do his best, you always told him that trying was enough.
Bucky went to the museum the next night, when the old guard fell asleep he snuck in and searched for his treasure- in the area that displayed his stuff from the 40s- he found it. His ma's engagement ring, it was silver with two blue stones on either side the small diamond- you will look so perfect wearing it.
He was walking home with a smile, hoping to be home before you wake up- he left you a note but he knew you would only worry.
On the way, he decided to purchase some plums and then he saw the newspaper- the assassination of King T'Chaka, blamed on the Winter Soldier. He knew he had to get home fast. The smile dropped from his face and he ran to you.
"Doll!" He yelled to you when he closed the apartment shut, he panicked when you didn't answer. Checking the windows were closed, he saw no sign of forced entry, so he moved to the bedroom you shared."Doll,"
You were still asleep peacefully in your bed, only opening your eyes when you heard him call you again.
"Good morning, Bucky." You smiled at him and went to pull him down for a kiss which he gladly returned, letting himself relax when he knew you were safe. "What are you doing all dressed up-"
You stopped when you saw his nervous eyes.
"What happened?" you sat up on the bed and held Bucky's hand as he told you about the news.
"But, they don't know where we are, so we will be fine… right?" you were trying to stay hopeful, you didn't want anything to get in the way of your happiness, but life finds a way.
"We can't be certain… doll I think we need to go."
"Go where?" you didn't want to leave this house, you shared so many moments here with him, "This is our home."
"You are my home, we can find a place for us wherever we go- but I have to keep you safe with me. So, we need to go."
You only nodded to him, solemnly getting out of bed and packing the essentials he told you to take.
Soon enough, you were ready to go, but he stopped you before you reached for the door handle.
"Wait," his throat suddenly went dry, but he had to do this- he had to do this here. "I just need to tell you something, before we go."
"What is it?"
"We shared so many memories here, you helped me find myself and never gave up on me. And then I fell in love with you and I was so happy when I first kissed you and you admitted to loving me as well- and you let me set the pace. You were always there for me, doll, and I always want you to be."
"Bucky, what are you-"
"My ma always told me to give this to someone special, someone who managed to see the real me, and I have no clue how you did it, doll, but you did." He got down on one knee, "So, I want to do my ma proud, do this properly."
And then he went down on one knee, and then you said yes.
You smiled, you would have been so happy, and he never would have gotten caught, not if he had you. You've only seen the ring before in pictures but… it would have been fun, if he would've been the one.
You really were something together, so you let your mind wonder again.
Little did you know that all that time ago, Bucky had wondered the exact same thing. What if he stayed?
Bucky burst through the door, shutting it behind him as he went to envelop you in his arms.
"I'm not leaving you, not ever." He held you tight- and he promised he won't let you go no matter what happened. He couldn't handle not being with you.
Months passed with you sleeping soundly next to him.
Another day started like any other- right before he heard the explosion coming from the living room, awakening both you and Bucky in freight.
"Bucky, what's happening?" You whispered to him as you saw him get up and grab the gun that was taped under the bed.
"Stay here, I'll keep you safe, they found me but I promise- I won't let them get to you." He told you, and then Bucky went, opening the door and seeing the Hydra agents that stormed his house- his home.
Bucky sprung to action and shot the ones that came near him, protecting himself from the bullets with his metal arm. As soon as he took care of the agents in his home, he heard voices coming up the stairs- he had to get you out of here.
"Doll, come on, we have to go." He urgently told you, seeing you were already dressed and took the emergency bag he kept under your bed- you always knew.
"Where to, Bucky?" your shaky voice didn't escape him as he escorted you through the bodies on the floor, but he didn't have time to comfort you right now- his only mission was to get you to safety. That was all he wished for. That was all he wished for when you went to the roof to look at the stars, when you passed by a fountain and he remembered his ma telling him to toss pennies in the pool and make a wish.
He helped you down the fire escape and held you tight as he jumped onto another roof. Then he simply told you to run as he seeked temporary cover to think of an exit for you. They were shooting at you now, and he ushered you in front of him, having his body as a shield for you.
He found a place behind a vent as soon as you gained some speed and put space between you and the Hydra agents.
"Bucky-" your soft voice called to him, bringing him back to you. He looked at you when you just looked at your stomach, where blood was now seeping through your shirt.
"No, no doll stay with me-" your eyes began to flutter as the dizziness took you. "We will fix it, you'll be okay- I'll fix it."
"Bucky- it's okay." Your hand caressed his cheek; you winced when he put pressure on the wound.
"No, it's not! I can't lose you doll, this is all my fault, please stay with me." You felt his tears on your hand, even when you felt things go dark, you didn't break his gaze.
"This isn't your fault, Bucky. I love you, please promise me you'll stay yourself- don't let them convince you you're anything but a good man."
"No, doll, stay- please." His voice broke. "I love you."
The lights went out in your eyes, and he felt all the light in his life go with you, he sobbed over you, not caring about the hydra agents getting close. No one will take you away from him. He didn't let you go, he couldn't handle being without you.
If only his wishes came true, it would've been you that was alive instead of him, and you would've been safe.
What if you had gone after him?
It took you months, but you knew you had to go after him and fight for the two of you. You finally found him- they had taken him to the Avengers facility like you saw on the news. He was captured with Captain America- his former friend, you hoped Steve was taking care of your Bucky.
He had to be safe now, right? From what you heard of Steve… he won't let anything happen to him- so you hoped that maybe you could tell him who you were to Bucky and they will let you see him.
You walked into the facility with your cover, standing idly in the corner of the room as you watched Bucky being locked in a cage. It hurt your heart and you wished you could walk up to Steve but he was with government officials- and those were never good.
Then everything went dark. You were freaking out like the rest of them when you heard a girl talking to Steve-
"Sublevel 5, east wing." She had said and you quickly exited from the room, hoping to get to Bucky. Remembering the schematics of the building you memorized, you rushed to him. Was it dangerous? Maybe. Did you care? Not even a bit.
You ran down the stairs when you heard a commotion.
You entered the floor to see Tony Stark aiming a weapon against Bucky. You've never seen him this way, as the Winter Soldier- but he was still your Bucky.
"No!" you shouted when a loud blast echoed in the room. Tony went to attack him and you stood there helpless, not knowing what to do. You knew in your heart that he will recognize you- he has to. He is your Bucky- he said he will never forget you.
Two girls went to attack him after he pushed Tony Stark away and you rushed forward, getting to him before the others, you grabbed his arm.
"Civilians aren't allowed here, get out of the way!" The Black Widow called to you, but you ignored her as Bucky turned to you. You couldn't see him in the Winter Soldier's eyes but you knew he was there. The Winter Soldier grabbed you by the throat with his metal arm and pinned you to the wall, but you tried to stop him.
"Bucky- Bucky it's me, please come back to me." You said to him and dared to reach out to hold his cheek. "Bucky I'm here, I know you can break out of this- you won't hurt me."
His hard eyes were now confused instead and he did nothing for a couple of moments before you knew you had him.
"Doll?" he whispered to you, before he pulled away from you, realizing what happened. You didn't let him get far.
"I'm here Bucky, you didn't hurt me." You took his flesh hand, shooting a daring glance at the two girls who stood there on edge. "Please don't hurt him."
You brought Bucky closer, seeing the hesitation in his eyes, you assured him.
"I've got you, you didn't hurt me. Bucky, let me keep you safe for once." You brought him closer and he sent a shaky look at the agents, eyes falling to their guns and weapons that stood ready. "Look at me."
He did, and your eyes brought him ever so closer until you could hug him properly. You held him closely, keeping a tight hold around his neck. His arms soon surrounded you, and you knew he had his eyes sharp and open, protecting you all the time, checking for potential threats.
"We need to go." He told you. You turned around when you heard footsteps approaching, and Natasha yelling at them to stand down.
"Buck?" You heard Steve's voice, but with the new people with guns, Bucky immediately pulled you back so he could stand in front of you to protect you.
"Why are you just standing there?" One of the government officials came into the room and ordered around. "Take him down!"
"No!" Both you and Steve yelled. You saw red- no one will hurt him again.
"Listen," you ignored Bucky who was adamant on keeping you behind him and you stepped forward, his hand was still on your waist. "He will do whatever it takes to keep me safe, whoever points a gun at me will be viewed as a threat that he will take out- so I suggest you move out of the room."
Steve looked puzzled between his friend and Natasha, who just shook her head at his silent question.
"Do you think I will leave a dangerous hydra asset- the Winter Soldier- alone by the hands of some girl?" Bucky's hand tightened around you.
"His name is James Bucky Barnes, not an asset- just a man." You spat out at him, "Only these five can stay- I think three avengers are more capable than you or your team to deal with this. So unless you want to lose your life because you insulted some girl- move out, now."
"Listen to the girl, Ross" Tony held his hands up and the other man walked out until it was only the two of you, Steve, Tony, Natasha, the blonde agent and Prince T'Challa. You looked at Bucky behind you before you looked at Steve.
"It's nice to finally meet you, Steve." He nodded to you, "I have heard a lot about you. And I hope you didn't change from who you used to be."
"And why is that?" Natasha spoke up.
"Because all I want is for Bucky to be safe. He hasn't been triggered in two years, not since the Triskelion. He did nothing wrong- he is just Bucky now." You interlaced your fingers with his and you felt him relax behind you.
"He killed my father." The king said and you shook your head.
"I didn't kill your father." Bucky said quietly.
"He was with me the entire time, at a different country too." You hoped they will listen to you.
"Ross will not be happy… but let's take my jet and get out of here. How does that sound?" Tony offered, "And then we can talk."
You looked back at Bucky and nodded, he smiled softly at you, and you knew you will be okay.
Yes, you would have been okay. If you were there you would have talked sense into everyone. He would have been okay if you went after him- you wouldn't have let anything happen to him. It played all out in your head like a film, but you knew the greatest films of all time were never made- all because of a single choice.
Little did you know, that when Bucky sat in his cell as the guy in front of him started reading the words- all he thought about was you. He was so glad you weren't there, he couldn't even imagine what would have happened if you had gone after him.
Bucky felt the words take over him, he shook his head trying to fight it.
But it was too late, and Bucky was stuck inside his own mind. He tried to fight him, but The Winter Soldier was in control.
It was all a blur to him, but then he saw you- he heard your voice, and suddenly all he could do was fight, trying to break free from all those years of torture just to save you- if only he could save you, he could forgive himself- he could fight.
He hoped you could still see him there, he heard you call out his name.
"Bucky- Bucky it's me, please come back to me." You said to him and dared to reach out to hold his cheek- he could feel you. "Bucky I'm here, I know you can break out of this- you won't hurt me."
He tried- he tried to break free for you and he almost did.
"Bucky-" he heard you call out to him and he was forced to watch as the spark in your eyes, that you reserved just for him, died out. He was caged- and you died because of him, because he wasn't strong enough.
Bucky tried to shake the mental image of your lifeless body from his head. He sat in that chair as the Winter Soldier took over him, you didn't know it but all he thought about back then was you and the only relief he had is that you weren't around for him to hurt.
But What if the story ends here?
You pulled yourself out of the memories you could have had and brought yourself back to the present, if only you had done something- anything. You looked around your apartment as you sat on the couch, your tea long forgotten. You rose up with a sigh, and you pondered how long were you going to wonder about the road not taken? He haunted all of your What Ifs. Four years ago you chose to let two blue eyes into your life- and that has made all the difference. Two years ago those blue eyes left your life- and that had changed everything.
You went to close the old bag you found, with the shiny object still in its box- you shut it and delicately put it in the bag and closed it.
You still mused over it though- if one thing had been different, would everything be different today? With each choice that you make you lose roads you won't get to take, with each coin that you toss you lose choices you won't get to make. You choose and then everything changes, and you know there is no turning back... so you wonder- What if?
If only your wishes came true, Bucky would have come back to you.
But timing is a funny thing.
You almost missed the knock on the door. Putting the mug on the table, you went to the door.
If your wishes came true, he would have chosen you.
You opened the door, coming face to face with a man you only saw on TV, with his hair now short, his left arm black and gold- so much changed but his eyes were still the same. He was still Bucky- was he still yours? You couldn't help but wonder…
"Hi, doll."
What if it began again?
Taglist: : @callmeluna @sstanbarnes @buckys-other-punk @drabblewithfrannybarnes @easygoingtheatre @that-one-person @justab-eautifulmess @onceupona-happilyeverafter @wipplogg @supraveng @samwilsons-pillowpecs @ayybtch @kitkatd7 @chrissquares @make-me-imagine @jessalyn-jpeg @buckybarneschokeme
173 notes · View notes
itsallyscorner · 4 years
just like magic with marvel cast, the vibe is----- a perfect song for a lil b*tch with a good heart and a sarcastic mouth
just like magic is the song we ALL need for 2020😌 Start manifesting ya’ll🖤 Also thank you sm for the request I am so so sorry this took so freakin’ long😭 Love u, happy reading🖤🖤 Tried to add my own lil twist to your request:)
(A lil different from the request, but I tried to make the reader have a bit sas.)
just like magic
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Growing up within the Marvel Cinematic Universe was probably one of things you were most grateful for. When you first started out you weren’t that social. You were new to the business, you didn’t know anybody and you were intimidated by every single actor you crossed paths with.
At first you didn’t feel like you fit in. You felt as if you were a burden to everyone else. You barely talked to anyone which made the others approach you out of force by the Russos. Everyone around you was talented while you were just some newcomer who had jack shit as experience. The first few years you were insecure of yourself mentally and physically. You weren’t as pretty or fit as the other women in the MCU nor did your skills live up to theirs. Which led to some unhealthy habits. Plus there were haters and movie critics who would say horrible things about you and your acting.
You had a rocky start unlike Tom Holland and even Lexi Rabe. Until one day when you realized that you had to change how you were thinking. It took you a while but all that negative thinking you were doing was only bringing you negative energy. So when you had a break from filming movies, your number one goal was to improve yourself.
Wake up in my bed, I just wanna have a good day (Mmm, ah)
Think it in my head, then it happens how it should, ayy
Twelve o'clock, I got a team meeting, then a meditation at like 1:30
Then I ride to the studio listening to some shit I wrote (Oh)
You woke up with smile on your face in a sense of calmness. The sun shined bright hues into your room as you got up from your bed. Today was the first day back on set. You guys were finally filming Civil War and you were honestly so excited. As you did your morning routine, you went over how the day would go in your head. You’re genuinely excited to see the entire cast. It has been almost half a year since you’ve seen everyone and you couldn’t wait to be back.
You took one last look at yourself in the mirror. Compared to the previous year, you looked and felt healthy. Your eyes shined and you looked well relaxed. You know like one of those face cleanser commercials? That’s how you felt. You felt like a breath of fresh air.
The ride to the studio took a good 30 minutes but it felt like seconds. You entered the set with a new sense of confidence and pride. The energy was practically radiating off you.
“(Y/n)?” You hear someone call from behind you. You turn around and see Scarlett looking at you.
“Hey!” You greet her as you approach her. You pulled her into a hug, startling her.
“Oh! Hello to you too, honey.” She laughed as she wrapped her arms around you. “How are you?”
“I’m doing great! Life’s been good.” You answer as a toothy grin graces itself on your face. Scarlett’s eyes are filled with shocked. From the previous times she’s talked to you she’s never seen you so loud or open. You were always shy and closed off from everyone on set.
Good karma, my aesthetic (Aesthetic)
Keep my conscience clear, that's why I'm so magnetic
Manifest it (Yeah), I finessed it (I finessed it)
Take my pen and write some love letters to Heaven
Eventually everyone on set caught on to your new attitude. Though they tried to be discreet about their reactions and shocked expressions, you could still see how they were caught off guard by your sudden change of nature.
Anthony watched as you conversed with Elizabeth and Scarlett on the couch in Robert’s “village” . You were probably the most smiliest person in the room beating Evans, who was eating his lunch.
“She’s like different. But in a good way. It’s like she’s bloomed.” Anthony thought out loud to the men beside him. Chris (E) and Sebastian look in your direction.
“Bloomed?” Chris snorted as he swallowed his food.
“Yeah, like she’s growing into a woman.” Anthony hummed proudly as he went back to his own lunch. Sebastian smiled at you, “I think she’s gained some confidence in herself and finally realized how good of a person she is.”
“If she’s finally realized that, I’m glad she did. She’s like a ball of sunshine, it’s adorable.” Chris smiled proudly at you as your hands move around animatedly while explaining some story to the two women in front of you.
“Y’all think it’s a boy?” Anthony wondered. Sebastian rolled his eyes at his friend. Before he can even respond Anthony is calling you over. You approach the men with a smile and take a seat beside Sebastian.
“What’s up?” You greet them. Chris nods at you as he chews on his sandwich. Sebastian greeting you with a quiet “hey”.
“So who’s the lucky man?” Anthony asks teasingly. Your brows knit together head tilting to the side.
“Yes man, or boy, whatever. Who’s got you feelin’ yourself, (y/n).” Anthony wiggles his brows as he shimmies closer to you. Sebastian, who’s in between you two, cringes at the man to his left.
You didn’t take any offense to the question, knowing that everyone was curious as to why you were so unlike yourself.
You chuckled before smirking at the older man, “Anthony, honey. I don’t need a man to be feelin’ myself. I did this on my own.”
Chris and Sebastian’s mouth drop at your answer. Chris laughed as he pointed out Anthony’s face. Sebastian slung an arm around your shoulder bringing you into a side hug as he laughed with Chris.
“To be fair” Chris began to say but started to laugh, “To be fair, you deserved that.” Anthony’s face went flushed as he nodded to himself. You suddenly felt bad that you put him on the spot.
“Alright, stop laughing at him.” You playfully glare at Chris and Seb. You poke Anthony’s arm, “To answer your question, I’ve just been working on myself. Thinking more positively, I even tried manifestation.”
“You know what, that’s good. You’re taking care of yourself mentally and physically. I’m proud of you for doing this for yourself, we all are.” Anthony tells you as he motions to the two other men.
You look at all three of them, all of them looking at you with pride, “Thanks guys.”
Just like magic (Baby), just like magic (Oh yeah)
Middle finger to my thumb and then I snap it
Just like magic (Yeah), I'm attractive (Oh yeah)
I get everything I want 'cause I attract it (Oh)
As the months passed, the more you evolved into another version of you. You walked with determination, carried yourself with such grace and you’ve gained confidence in your career. You didn’t let your insecurities get to you, instead you faced them and overcame them. You were tired of letting them control you.
Your change in attitude and perspective on life has definitely affected your life in many ways. Manifestation was one of the things that have helped you the most. Writing about your goals and putting that energy out to the world has helped you persevere in your job. You’ve only faced good karma; sending out positive energy and receiving it back from the universe.
So far you’ve been casted in two new projects and have a campaign lined up with Gucci. If you were told a year ago that you’d be working with big time directors and freakin’ Gucci, you wouldn’t have believe them. Life has been unreal ever since you decided to change your life around. But of course you had to thank your Marvel family, without them and their support you probably wouldn’t haven gotten to where you were today.
Looking at my phone, but I'm tryna disconnect it (Oh yeah)
Read a fuckin' book, I be tryna stay connected (Yeah)
Say it's tricky at the top, gotta keep a slim ego for a thick wallet
Losing friends left and right, but I just send 'em love and light (Oh)
As many people recognized your success many people still tried to pull you down. Some fans on social media have noticed your change in behavior and have even praised you for practicing self care. While others still tried to push you off the mountain of success you were currently on and drag you across the ground.
These were the reasons as to why you were barely on your phone anymore. You used to be invested in your phone but after realizing how much negativity it brought you, you’ve decided to slowly disconnect from it. Which led you to becoming more interested into books.
Chris (E) had even brought some of his favorite arts of literature for you to borrow. You were currently on your third book of his, Sapiens A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari. You were sitting outside your trailer in a fold up chair under the shade. Your peacefulness was interrupted by Tom (Holland) who had a worried expression on his face.
“Have you not seen it yet?” He asked you as soon as he was in front of you. Being the two most youngest actors on the current set, you guys were closer to each other than with the adults.
“Seen what, Tommy?” You put a finger in between the pages you were reading to save your spot. Tom pulls his phone out and began to type. He tapped on his screen and turned the screen to you.
“She’s been talking crap about you for days.” You read the article and saw that one of your “friends”, Sabrina has been speaking out about your success and how it’s changed you as a person.
“She’s going off about how the more money you get in your wallet, the more bratty and arrogant you become.” He grumbled as he turned his phone off.
“I could care less, honestly. I know I haven’t done anything to her and if I did I was unaware of it. Plus, she stopped talking to me after I said I couldn’t get her a part in a movie.” You shrugged as you placed a proper bookmark in the book.
“You’re not upset?”
“I mean it’s sad that she’s acting so two faced. But if that’s how she wants to roll, then be my guest. It’s her loss, not everyone has great taste.” You flicked a piece of hair away from your face with your hand.
“You’re not gonna release a statement against her?”
“No, probably just wish her well with her life and move on with my own.” You answered much to Tom’s dismay.
Redesign your brain, we gon' make some new habits
Just like magic (Just like magic), just like magic
Filming has officially ended a few months ago and now you guys were doing press tour for Civil War. Before you were the new and improved version of yourself, you dreaded press tours. Some interviewers were nice and respectful, but there were those who would ask inappropriate questions and were just rude in general. All you could remember during those past tours was wanting to leave those rooms as soon as possible.
The q&a panel at New York had a packed room. There were many journalist crowded in the room shoulder to shoulder. You were sat in between Elizabeth and Scarlett, two of the women who have been guiding you and teaching you about life as a woman in the business. They were also like your older sisters.
The panel had been going smoothly for the first half hour until a man with a snobby face and cocky demeanor approached the mic.
“Hello, I’m Keith and my question’s for (y/n).” He began. You nodded in his direction, motioning for him to continue.
“I think everyone’s noticed how you’ve changed and developed as a person. Obviously something’s changed in your life. So I want to know if you’ve had any intimate relationships with any of the men in the cast?” You were surprised at the man’s question. First it was bold of him to ask such a question and second it was just disrespectful to you and the others on the cast.
“I mean someone’s gotta be fucking you good to make you crawl out your shell.” The man finished shrugging nonchalantly. Robert was about to interject but your mouth was quicker than his. The men of the cast were disgusted at the man while they sat at the edge of their seats.
“Well last time I checked my contract, my job was to act, not sleep around with the men who are part of these movies.” You spoke into the mic. All the attention was on you while the room was at a standstill.
“It’s also very upsetting that you think a girl needs to be fucked in order to be confident in herself. I hate to break it to you but women are completely capable of turning their lives around without the help of men and that says a lot about you, sir. So if I were you, I’d take myself back to my seat and rethink my life because if one of us has to redesign our brains it’s you.” You finished as you placed your mic on your lap. The room was silent until the cast began to clap. This was your first time standing up for yourself, usually Robert or Scarlett would swoop in and save you but this time, you were saving yourself.
You shook your head as you blushed, shoving your head in your hands. You felt some pats on the backs and cheers from your dysfunctional family. You look up and see Scarlett and Elizabeth smiling at you proudly.
“Isn’t she amazing?” Robert asked the crowd as he hugged you. The crowd cheering you on.
Just like magic, your life felt like a dream come true, knowing that you were worth it and enough for the people around you and for yourself.
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whisperlullaby · 3 years
Just Say It And I’m Yours-Ch.1
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: Language, stalking ish themes
Words: 1490
Summary: Steve is considering retiring from being Captain America. He doesn’t remember why he took the shield or what it means for him anymore. Then he met you. 
A/N: First and foremost I am SO SORRY FOR BEING SO SHIT AT SUMMARIES. I just don’t want to give anything away. Second, this is my first series! So like, comment, reblog, let me know you want to see more of this. This story is going to start in Steve’s perspective and switch to the readers. I’ll let you guys know when the POV is shifting so no worries. So, this first chapter is told through Steve. Third, if I missed any warnings please let me know. Last but most CERTAINTLY not least, a very VERY special thanks to @river-soul​ for reading through this and assuring me it was a good first chapter. I am so grateful for you. Let me know what you think! (Gif by @navybrat817 )
“Steve, she's getting married tomorrow,” Bucky solemnly states as he puts a hand on Steve’s shoulder. “If you’re going to do something you better do it soon.” 
“I know Buck, but what could I say to her? I haven’t been able to tell her how I feel about her for years.” Steve looked out over the lake, his eyes pricking with tears. “She made her decision.” 
“You’re an idiot. You’ve been in love with her since you first saw her. If you don’t tell her, she’s going to make the biggest mistake of her life. We both know that,” Bucky sighed, raking a hand over his face. “I know she loves you. You need to talk to her. She can’t marry him Steve, you know the second she does she’ll be gone forever. The person you knew reduced to, whatever this shell of a person is.”
Steve rubbed the back of his neck and looked down where the water was gently lapping against the shore. After a few moments, he heard Bucky make his way back to the lodge. As the small waves ebbed and flowed against the shallow shore Steve thought about you and how he was an absolute coward back when you were a big part of his life. 
One and a half years ago
Steve was sketching at Marine Park in Brooklyn during golden hour when everything seemed to glow. He needed a break from his Captain America responsibilities and every time he put his charcoal to the paper everything seemed to melt away. The world was vastly different since he came out of the ice and he felt his heart swell thinking about all the fights he had to endure in order to restore some semblance of peace in the universe. He was happy that he had his best friend back, cleared of the mind control Hydra put in him and he made so many new friends and a family in The Avengers. Yet, as he drew out the skyline on the thick white paper, he couldn’t help but feel like he was still missing something. He knew he needed a break from his duties to figure it out constantly being pulled into a fight was a great distraction, but he knew he needed to figure out what brought meaning to his life. The decision to take time off gnawed at Steve like a dog to a bone, who was he if he wasn’t Captain America?
Steve heard you before he saw you, picking up the fierce tone you were using made him glad he wasn’t on the receiving end of your reprimand. Steve looked up to see you wedged in between a woman and her dog and a man probably twice your size towering over you, trying to be intimidating. The fact you stepped forward refusing to back down made Steve smile, oddly fond of your bravery. The commotion you were making drew a small crowd and Steve felt a strange pull to join the group to be close to you. 
“Who the fuck do you think you are? Following this poor woman around like a stalker,” You yelled, poking your finger in his chest. “Did you think she was being coy when she told you to stop following her? Was that some deranged invitation to keep on top of her the rest of the world is unaware of?”
Steve could tell that you were not about to back down as you protected the other woman. The fire in your eyes was something Steve was familiar with in himself before he went into the ice. He noticed the man ball his hands into fists and before you could react he had pulled back to hit you. Steve jumped in and caught the punch, inches from your face.
“You’re gonna want to walk away pal before you make things worse for yourself.” 
Steve’s voice was low in warning. When he glanced over at you, you looked up at him almost offended that he had stepped in. Before Steve could say anything you returned your gaze to the other man and swiftly kneed him in the balls. 
“Stop following women you fucking asshole,” you admonished as the man crumpled to the ground in pain. “I know you probably have a hard time listening to women when they say no because there is just a bunch of empty space where your brain is supposed to be, but maybe take this as a warning.” 
Steve watched you slack jawed as you flagged down a police officer to give a statement to. He observed you as you spoke with the other woman, who was visibly shaken by the incident, with such genuine concern and kindness. He couldn’t stop looking at you as you soothed her with gentle touches and quiet whispers. Steve waited for his turn to speak with the officers regarding the incident, after which the man was taken into custody. When Steve turned around you were walking towards him. 
“Umm thanks for catching the punch,” you said with a shrug. “I could have taken him though.” 
Steve let out a soft chuckle. 
“Well I wouldn’t be much of a superhero if I stood around and let a civilian get clocked for defending someone.”
You cocked your eyebrow at him and crossed your arms. 
“Yeah but you’re not in the suit, which means you’re off duty. Either way I’m grateful, I have a job interview tomorrow and can’t really show up with a black eye. It wouldn’t really say ‘hire me I’m even tempered and have a keen ability to moderate conflict in a calm respectful manner.’ ”
Steve smiled, letting out a sigh as he cast his eyes to the ground.
 “Oh sweetheart I’m always on duty, comes with the territory.” 
He looked up to see you watching him with kindness and understanding.
“I’m sure that must be a very heavy burden to carry,” You sighed. “I hope you can take a vacation or something soon. It looks like you might need one.”
To say Steve was enamored by you would be the understatement of the century. In the brief time he had spent with you, he had noticed that you were fierce, kind, honest, compassionate, and absolutely stunning. He found himself physically having to shake his head to keep from staring at you.
“I’m Steve,” he blurted out. “I feel like you already know that though. It was really nice of you to say that. Sometimes I only see myself as Captain America, no vacation days in sight.” 
Steve chuckled as you rolled your eyes at him.
“Y/N, and I mean it. You shouldn’t feel like you’re always on duty.”  
You pointed your finger at his chest.
“Besides, I’m a tough girl, I can handle myself. You should trust people a bit more Rogers.” 
You gave Steve a cheeky grin and started walking away.
Steve scrambled to follow you, not ready to have your conversation end.
“So, job interview? What do you do?” 
Steve easily kept your stride. When you chuckled Steve swore his heart skipped a beat.
“Would you believe I’m a victim advocate? I have an interview with the state prosecutor. I make sure anyone who has experienced trauma of any sort is represented and protected during court cases and criminal trials,” you stated proudly. 
“After what I just witnessed, I would have been more surprised if you told me you were an accountant.” Steve joked. “Would it be okay if I walked you wherever you’re going? I know you can handle yourself but I’d like to make sure you don’t leave a trail of broken men in your wake.”
You snorted out laughter. 
“Yeah wouldn’t want to get put away for attacking more skeezy men. That sounds great Captain, thank you.”
Steve smiled and kept asking you questions on your walk. He had this need to know everything he could about you since you blew into his life like a sunshower. When Steve got you back to your apartment the sun was just setting.
“Well Rogers, it’s been an interesting day,” you say, nonchalantly fiddling with your keys.
“I’ll say, I didn’t think my day would consist of watching someone stand up for another woman who almost got punched, then kneeing the guy in the balls.” 
Steve smiled.
“I am pleasantly surprised with the way my day turned out,” he told you.
“Well there’s a lot more where that came from if you stick with me Cap.” 
You smirked at Steve grabbing his sketchbook. 
“Here’s my number, if you ever need a little extra adventure in your life, call me,” you said. 
With that you turned the key in the lock and pushed yourself inside the apartment. Steve was left to stand staring at your closed door. He didn’t know what force drove you into his life but knowing you for those few hours made him feel more alive than he had in years.
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beifongsss · 4 years
firebending [zuko]
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Pairing: Zuko x reader
Requested?: Yes! By a wonderful anon: “your zuko fics are all so well-written! I have a request for a firebender reader who hates the fire nation and was never trained in the art of fighting. then she/they join the gaang and learns firebending with aang from zuko. it’s awkward between them at first but cue ~ romance ~”
Summary: If someone told you that you’d end up dating the Fire Nation prince one day, you would’ve laughed in their face. If only you knew how right they were.
wc. ~5.2k
When you first joined the Gaang, everyone expected you and Katara to hate each other. After all, you were from the Fire Nation and everybody knew Katara was the biggest anti-Fire Nation enthusiast there ever was.
They were quickly proven wrong when you didn’t fight against Katara’s harsh remarks, instead agreeing with them and even adding more scathing words of your own to show your distaste towards the Fire Nation. Since joining them, you never wore anything related to the Fire Nation. Nothing that is, with the exception of an elaborate hairpiece that your mother had left you. The hairpiece never left your body, the sunstone in the middle of it shining from its place on your head.
Escaping Ba Sing Se (and therefore the Earth Kingdom) had simultaneously been the best and worst thing that had happened to you. You were glad that Aang was alive, obviously, but being back in Fire Nation clothing was making you anxious.
Ever since the battle in the catacombs, you had been avoiding everyone. You had revealed your firebending in a panic, shooting a strong blast of fire at the banished prince as he snuck up on Katara. He had been taken off guard just long enough for you to subdue him before he realized that you didn’t know what you were doing.
There had been no time for Katara to question you after that. You had all fled and met up with her father, Hakoda, before seizing a Fire Nation ship to use as a disguise. As soon as you stepped foot on the ship, you had scrambled to an empty room and locked yourself inside. You had ignored Katara’s pleas for you to open the door, never once moving from your spot unless it was to use the bathroom or to get the tray of food that you knew had been placed at your door.
No one had known you were a firebender, and the initial shock eventually wore off as everyone found themselves missing your presence. It wasn’t until Aang woke up that you finally emerged.
“(Y/N)?” Sokka asked hesitantly, knocking softly on your door.
“Go away!” was the muffled reply that came from your room.
“Nope. I think Aang wants to see you.”
Sokka waited for a few seconds before the door swung open, reveling you standing there. You were wearing your Earth Kingdom clothes, trying to delay the inevitable. You looked up at him, making his heart hurt when he noticed the exhaustion in your eyes.
“Is he really awake?” you asked, your voice small. Sokka nodded.
“Hurry up and get changed. He’s on the deck.”
You nodded softly before closing the door. You opened it again a few minutes later, now dressed in red. As much as Sokka hated to admit it, you looked good in red. The Fire Nation was your home, after all. You followed him up to the deck, your finger nimbly twisting part of your hair into a knot big enough for your hairpiece.
“(Y/N)!” Aang yelled when you came into view. He launched himself at you and you caught him with a small “oof”. You giggled softly as you rubbed his head, making his hair stick up in all directions.
“Aang!” you cried in reply. “You have hair!”
Aang made a funny face at your words before fixing his hair. “Yeah, I guess I was out longer than I thought.”
You leaned down and swept the boy up into another hug, pulling him close as you held tears back. “I’m so glad you’re okay Aang. I don’t know what we would’ve done if you-”
“Don’t worry! Look at me, I’m fine!” Aang said, trying to make you feel better. He led you over to where everyone else was, Katara looking up and smiling softly as you glanced at her. “They also told me about your firebending! How come you never told us?’
You reeled back in shock, looking around wildly as everyone heard Aang’s word. When there were no negative reactions, you relaxed slightly.
“Everyone already knows huh?” you asked drily, being met with nods from everyone on board. You sighed and tapped your foot before speaking. “Okay, yes I’m a firebender. The reason I never told you guys is because I never wanted to use it. I was young when I fled and I never got a chance to learn anything other than the basics.”
Aang nodded in understanding. “But you could’ve built your skills that time we met Jeong Jeong.”
“No. After my family...” you trailed off, thinking about why you never became a master bender. Aang gave you an encouraging look and you breathed in deeply. “I promised myself I wouldn’t firebend ever again. Not after that.”
Aang nodded in understanding as you fell silent, thinking about your past. The Fire Nation was the reason why you had been all alone. They had killed your family with the weapon you now hated: firebending.
The silence engulfed the entire ship, everyone lost in their own thoughts. There was a peaceful atmosphere as the ship drifted along, but of course it didn’t last long.
Soon enough, you found yourself chasing after Aang, eventually being forced to hide in the Fire Nation as the Day Of Black Sun loomed closer and closer.
The promise that you had made to yourself to never firebend again was still intact. You hadn’t let any bursts of fire out, not even when you had found yourself surrounded by Fire Nation troops on the Day of Black Sun. The eclipse was a blessing to you, the brief eight minutes just long enough to make you feel normal.
Of course, you soon found yourselves fleeing to the Western Air Temple, silently mourning the loss the rest of the invasion army. Once you all settled in, you kept wearing the red top you had acquired in the Fire Nation. You don’t know why; it just brought you some type of comfort. Aang had grinned when he noticed, wondering if all your adventures in the Fire Nation had lessened your hatred towards the nation.
It had.
But not by much. Wearing the color red weighed heavily on your soul and you spent many of your waking hours debating whether or not keeping the red clothes was the right choice. It frustrated you to no end, how a simply piece of cloth could jumble your thoughts so easily. The red reminded you of the pain and grief you had experienced when you had lost your family, but in a twisted way it also reminded you of them. It reminded you of the days back when you still had them, back when you still had a home and you were happy. Deep down, you knew that you were Fire Nation but that knowledge didn’t stop your inner turmoil. And over the next few days, it only got worse with the arrival of a certain someone.
“Hello, Zuko here.”
You tried to hold back your groan, you really did. But it was as though the universe wanted to test you and had decided to do so by sending the Fire Nation prince your way. Zuko’s soft smile had dropped at your reaction, the corners of his lips quirking downward.
“Hey, I heard you guys flying around down there, so, I just thought I'd wait for you here,” he continued. Appa walked up to the prince and sniffed him before proceeding to lick him. Zuko’s face twisted up in disgust. “I know you must be surprised to see me here.”
"Not really,” Sokka said. “Since you've followed us all over the world!”
“Right,” Zuko said, wincing slightly as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, uh, anyway, what I wanted to tell you about is that I've changed, and I, uh, I'm good now, and well I think I should join your group, oh, and I can teach firebending to you. See, I, uh-”
“You want to what now?” you asked sharply, exchanging a look with Katara.
“You can't possibly think that any of us would trust you, can you?” she asked, opening her water skin. “I mean, how stupid do you think we are?!”
Zuko’s eyes shifted to you before he answered. “You trust her. She’s a firebender.”
Your eyes widened in anger and you began to march up to the prince, only stopping when Katara held you back.
“I am not, a firebender,” you hissed, staring Zuko down. “And I am not Fire Nation.”
Zuko stayed quiet, his eyes drifting from your red shirt to the hairpiece on your head. You followed his line of sight, eyes widening when you realized he was staring at the sunstone. You yanked your arm out of Katara’s grip, angrily stomping out of the room. You quickly stripped yourself of your red top as soon as you were out of sight before sighing deeply and pulling your hairpiece out. You arrived at the sleeping chamber and sat down on your sleeping bag quietly, holding the hairpiece in your hand tightly.
You stared at it sadly, the sunstone glinting in the dim light. Without hesitation, you pulled your arm back and flung it away, watching the sunstone glint in the sunlight as it rolled towards the edge. It was gone in a second, tumbling over the edge of the temple.
Now you were truly no longer Fire Nation.
Your life had just gotten ten times harder now that Zuko had been allowed to join the group. The defeat of Combustion Man had been intense and you had found injured when it was all over. Unlike Sokka, you had never been good with fighting, always relying on your intelligence to get you out of dire situations. With Combustion Man however, that proved to be a problem, and you had found yourself caught in the middle of a fight with no protection whatsoever.
In addition to the pain of your injury, you found yourself dealing with the prince’s presence. You found yourself avoiding the group entirely, taking on the more tedious chores (like laundry) to avoid spending time with the group and even hanging out with Haru, Teo, and The Duke as they explored the temple.
Tensions didn’t rise until a few days later, beginning when Aang approached you with an idea. After your tragic failure with Combustion Man, Aang believed that you needed to learn how to protect yourself and he thought that the right way to do that was by learning how to firebend. You had vehemently refused, accidentally yelling at the Air Nomad as everyone else watched in silence.
The argument was put on pause for a few days when Aang and Zuko traveled to the Sun Warriors’ ruins but when they came back, Toph had sided with him as well. You felt slightly betrayed by the small earthbender but still refused, stating that there was no way you would willingly learn how to firebend. At least you still had Sokka and Katara on your side.
At least you did until Sokka and Zuko took a trip to The Boiling Rock the next day. When they got back two days later, Sokka was on Aang’s side as well. The fight with Azula on the gondola had left him shaken as he realized just how hard it was to fight a bender with just a sword. You didn’t know how to use a sword, but you could firebend and so Sokka became one of Aang’s supporters. Katara was the only one who was still on your side, but that changed when Azula raided the temple.
Everyone had been woken up suddenly, reacting a bit slower than normal as Azula appeared. She immediately lunged at you, shooting blasts of blue fire as she stalked closer to you. Your eyes were wide with fear, dodging her attacks as much as you could.
“Watch out!” Zuko yelled, tackling you from the side, a pillar crashing down where you had been standing as a result of Azula’s lightning. You grunted softly as you landed, the breath leaving your lungs as Zuko landed on top of you. You opened your eyes immediately, meeting bright gold irises before they looked away as Zuko began to scan you for any visible injuries. Zuko’s hands rested on either side of your head as he tried to keep his weight off of you, not that it helped considering you were still struggling to catch your breath.
Or maybe you were struggling to catch your breath because of how close he was.
“Are you okay?” Zuko asked, drawing your attention back to him. Scowling, you threw him off of you before scrambling to your feet, rushing to help Katara when you heard her yelp. Zuko noticed Toph earthbend a tunnel into the side of the temple, and rushed to join the others. His eyes landed on you as you threw yourself to the side, narrowly dodging another one of Azula’s deadly blasts. The princess grabbed you by the hair, laughing maniacally before dragging you to the airships.
“What are you doing?” Aang yelled, noticing that Zuko had stopped in his path.
“Azula has (Y/N)!” Zuko replied, turning around and facing the airships. “I’m gonna go get her.”
Katara rushed to Aang’s side, exchanging a worried look with him before getting on top of Appa. The rest of the Gaang joined them, holding on tight as they tried to maneuver the sky bison through all the debris. 
Zuko ran and launched himself onto the airship, landing safely on top of one. He glared at his sister, noticing that she was still holding onto you.
“Let her go, Azula!” Zuko yelled, his eyes never leaving hers.
“Hmm, I don’t think I will,” Azula replied, the blue flame in her palm growing brighter as she held it up to your face. “I think I’ll get rid of her instead. Then I’ll get rid of you. I can’t wait to celebrate being an only child.”
She inched the flame closer to your face, prompting Zuko to shoot a fire blast near her head. Growling, Azula tossed you to the side before confronting Zuko. The two siblings fought for a few minutes and you tried your best to avoid any wayward blasts. The fight stopped when they both struck at the same time, the resulting blast blowing both of them backwards.
“Zuko!” you cried, sprinting to grab the boy before he fell. You managed to grab onto his hand but his momentum sent you both tumbling into the chasm, a scream getting stuck in your throat as you plummeted. You were so overcome with fear that you didn’t notice Zuko pulling you into him, holding you close as you fell.
The fall didn’t last long, Appa managing to swoop in and save the two of you. You sat quietly on Appa’s saddle, both you and Zuko watching Azula as she kept falling.
“She’s...not gonna make it,” Zuko said softly, his arms tightening around you slightly. You watched with wide eyes as Azula used firebending to propel herself to the cliffside, sliding down a bit further before she took out her hairpin and stuck it into the side of the cliff, effectively ending her fall. “Of course she did.”
The seven of you sat in silence for a few minutes before Katara spoke up, tears in her eyes as she looked at you. “(Y/N), seeing Azula capture you got me thinking. I think...I think that you should learn how to firebend. You need to know how to defend yourself.”
“And I think that you can let go of each other now,” Sokka said cheekily, trying to diffuse the tension that had settled upon the group at Katara’s words. You shimmied out of Zuko’s hold, walking up to the Water Tribe girl and looking at her in disbelief.
“You’re supposed to be on my side Katara,” you hissed, flinching when she tried to reach for your hand. Without another words, you walked away and took Appa’s reins. The rest of the flight was silent, everybody knowing that now was not the time to be chatty.
Once again, you had retreated from the group. It wasn’t exactly hard considering the fact that now it was Katara and Zuko who had disappeared, gone on a quest to find her mother’s murderer. After a few days, Zuko reappeared alone and you found yourselves traveling to Ember Island.
Upon your arrival, you made your way over to Katara, who was standing quietly on the deck.
“I heard what you did,” you spoke first. “I’m glad you didn’t kill him.”
“I couldn’t bring myself to do it,” she whispered back, still looking straight ahead.
She turned slightly, facing you before speaking. “It’s not in my nature to kill. I couldn’t bring myself to use my bending for that. I have the chance to prevent other’s from going through what I went through; from going through what you went through. I want to use my bending for good.”
You mulled over her words for a few seconds before sighing deeply and walking away. Aang watched you quietly as he walked over to Katara, his eyes widening slightly when you walked up to Zuko.
“Ok,” you said quietly, looking up at the prince. “Teach me how to firebend.”
Zuko’s eyes widened briefly before he crossed his arms and composed himself. “Tomorrow at dawn. Be ready.”
And ready you were. Every day. Firebending was a lot easier than you expected, and you found yourself breezing though the basics and the intermediate moves. It wasn’t until you got to the advanced moves that you began to have some trouble.
“No!” Zuko barked. “That’s not how it’s done. Again!”
Your eye twitched before you took your stance again, launching yourself into the move that you were currently working on. You sighed deeply when you realized you had done it wrong again.
“Wrong. Again.”
“If you’re so good at it then come and show me,” you snapped, fed up with his attitude. Zuko straightened up before walking over to you, motioning for you to take your stance once more. You rolled your eyes, blowing the hair out of your eyes before complying.
“I will,” he said, moving your arms into the right position. He walked around you and you opened your mouth to make another comment, stopping when his hand came around from behind and gently shut your jaw. “Don’t say anything.”
Your breath hitched in your throat as he spoke. He was closer than you thought, his lips brushing your ear as he spoke. You shivered when his hands landed on your back, fixing your posture before they made their way to your waist. He gripped your waist firmly, shifting you into position before leaning forwards slightly, whispering in your ear once more. “Do it again.”
Fighting a blush, you did as you were told. You chuckled breathlessly when you did it correctly this time, a blast of fire leaving your hand at the right moment.
“See? You did it,” Zuko said, a faint smirk on his lips. “You’re a natural.”
You bounced up to him, wrapping your arms around his neck in excitement. His arms immediately wrapped around your waist, enjoying the closeness of the hug. You leaned back slightly, meeting his eyes as you smiled cheesily. “It’s only because I have such a great teacher.”
The two of you walked back to the beach house, joking around after a long day of training. Upon entering the beach house, Katara pulled you aside. “(Y/N)! Thank goodness. I need your help in the kitchen!”
You gave Zuko an apologetic smile as you followed Katara, being met with an understanding nod as he went off on his own. Katara handed you a tray of cups, smirking slightly before speaking. “So, you and Zuko huh?”
“What? N-No,” you replied immediately.
“I’m talking about firebending. How’s that going?” Katara said, filling the cups with watermelon juice as she arched an eyebrow.
A bright blush spread across your cheeks as you realized what she was talking about. “O-Oh. It’s going great. Zuko’s been teaching me some advanced moves now!”
Katara hummed in reply, waving you away now that the cups were full. You headed out of the kitchen in a hurry, loosing your footing when you heard Katara speak yet again.
“I bet the next move he makes is gonna be on you.”
The conversation between you and Katara was basically forgotten as the days went by. 
Zuko had informed the Gaang about his father’s plan to destroy the Earth Kingdom, causing you all to worry greatly. In addition, Aang had disappeared overnight and all attempts to find him had been futile.
And that’s how you found yourselves following June and her shirshu as she led you to Ba Sing Se, where Zuko’s Uncle Iroh was supposed to be. You had been warmly welcomed by the Order of the White Lotus and Zuko and Iroh had made up, leaving you with only a day to plan out what you were going to do before Sozin’s comet arrived.
It was quickly decided that the Order of the White Lotus would stay behind and reclaim Ba Sing Se while Sokka, Suki, and Toph would set out to destroy the airship fleet. Zuko had asked you and Katara to join him in defeating Azula and although Katara had agreed immediately, you were a bit hesitant. Of course, Zuko noticed and he decided to confront you about it.
“(Y/N),” Zuko said, coming up to you when you were prepping Appa for the ride. Katara was a few yards away, giving the two of you privacy. You glanced at Zuko before climbing onto Appa’s saddle, the prince following closely behind you. “What’s wrong?”
“Zuko, I,” you paused, breathing deeply. “I shouldn’t go. I just started bending and what is something goes wrong? I don’t want to be a liability to y-”
“Hey,” Zuko whispered, ducking his head to make eye contact with you. “I meant what I said on Ember Island. You’re a natural. You’ll be fine.”
You sighed before hugging your knees to your chest. “I just can’t believe that I’m actually returning to the Fire Nation, even if it’s to help you reclaim your throne. I’m just glad that maybe under your rule, things might finally change.”
Zuko stayed quiet before standing up and reaching for his bag. He shuffled around for a moment before kneeling behind you, his fingers gently grabbing your hair.
“What are you-”
“Shh,” Zuko cut you off. “Give me a second.”
His fingers weaved through your hair, putting it up into a style you were all too familiar with. He was gentle with his actions, letting his hands fall to your shoulders when he was done. “There.”
You reached up, your fingers trembling slightly as they brushed over the sunstone that you had known your whole life.
“M-My hairpiece,” you gasped, tears springing to your eyes as you realized how much you had missed it. “How did you-”
“I found it at the Western Air Temple,” Zuko interrupted quietly. “It was after I came to you guys the first time. Katara sent me away and when I was walking under a balcony, it fell onto the ground. I recognized it so I picked it up. I assumed you would want it back at some point.”
Zuko fell backwards when you threw yourself at him, wrapping him up in a tight hug.
“Thank you,” you whispered, leaning up and pressing a kiss to his cheek. A tiny gasp escaped him and you pulled back, meeting his eyes as he stared down at you. The two of you stared at each other for a few tense seconds before you both leaned forwards rapidly, your lips meeting in the middle.
Maybe it was a spur of the moment decision, kissing Zuko. Maybe it was due to to the anxiety bubbling up in you, your emotions hard to control as you prepared to end of the war in one way or another. Or maybe, it was simply two teenagers too shy to tell each other how they felt, finally sharing a tender moment.
“So, are we ready to go?” Katara asked. The two of you sprung apart, blushes on both of your faces as the Water Tribe girl smirked at you. Zuko nodded and you looked away, taking your place at Appa’s reins.
“Ready as I’ll ever be. Yip yip.”
The fight had been a blur to you. You didn’t remember much other than the fact that Zuko had taken a bolt of lightning meant for you. After Zuko had been injured, you and Katara had teamed up to take Azula down. She had challenged you to an Agni Kai after striking Zuko and you had accepted in order to lure her away from his body. To say she had been surprised when you actually fought back with fire was an understatement.
With Katara’s help, you managed to chain her to an old grate before rushing over to aid Zuko. After Katara had done all she could, you helped Zuko into the palace where he had been taken to the infirmary. You hadn’t seen him since.
You had however, met back up with Aang, Sokka, Toph, and Suki. They informed the two of you of what they had done and in turn you had told them about Zuko’s injury. They were all worried about him but after hearing that Katara had healed him, they were slightly relieved.
The next time you saw the prince was on the day of his coronation. Some of the palace guards had come for you, stating that Zuko was requesting your presence. You felt your heart jump into your throat as you nodded, allowing them to lead you through the palace until you came to a pair of gilded doors.
“He’s in there,” one of the guards said. “Would you like us to announce your arrival?”
“No, it’s fine. I can just knock,” you said meekly, causing the guards to smile amusedly. You bowed shortly to them before turning to face the door, gently knocking and waiting for a response.
“Come in!”
The door swung open at your touch and you awkwardly stepped inside, still standing near the doorway as your gaze landed on Zuko.
“Close it,” he said, his voice quiet yet rough. You complied, stepping aside and shutting the door before inching closer. He was shirtless, thick bandages covering his torso. Covering the new scar he had earned because of you. He turned around, his face softening when his eyes met yours.
“Hey,” he said softly, his eyes scanning you for injuries the way he did back when Azula raided the Western Air Temple.
“Hi, how are you?” you squeaked, shuffling awkwardly. You winced at your words, blushing in embarrassment as Zuko’s lips quirked up. He walked over to his bed before picking up the shirt he was going to wear.
“I’m fine. How are you?” he asked, a teasing smile on his lips as he began to put it on. His smile dropped as he moved too harshly, pain shooting through his torso as he struggled to pull the fabric on.
“Spirits! Be careful,” you said, all embarrassment leaving you as you rushed forwards and took the shirt from his hands. “Here, let me.”
You helped him slide one arm in before slipping it over his shoulders and guiding his other arm in as well. You grabbed the belt used to hold it in place before standing in front of him. Your breath caught in your throat as you eyed the bandages, guilt settling in your stomach as you softly placed a hand on his chest. Zuko’s hands automatically went to your waist, pulling you closer to him as he stared at you worriedly.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, still looking at his chest. “This was my fault.”
“Hey,” Zuko replied, one of hands leaving your waist to lift your chin. You shivered softly at the action, your eyes finally meeting his bright gold ones. “It wasn’t your fault. Azula shouldn’t have done it in the first place. She challenged me to an Agni Kai, not you.”
“You should’ve let it hit me,” you said, looking at him sadly. “I can’t imagine what would’ve happened if Katara hadn’t been there. Zuko, you could’ve d-”
Your eyes widened and your words died on your throat when Zuko leant down, softly pressing his lips to yours. The hand that was still on your waist wrapped around you, pulling you closer as Zuko kissed you gently. He began to pull away after a few seconds, noticing your lack of response. Mentally kicking yourself, you began to kiss back, closing your eyes as you wrapped your free arm around his neck to keep him close. Zuko couldn’t help but smile at your response.
“I took that hit because I love you, (Y/N),” Zuko whispered, finally pulling away and leaning his forehead against yours. “I couldn’t let Azula hurt you.”
“Zuko, I-I love you too,” you confessed, your eyes still closed. Suddenly, you pulled away before gently swatting his head. “But that doesn’t make what you did any less stupid.”
“Hey! I saved your life!” he exclaimed, rubbing his head.
“I know,” you said, rolling your eyes before hugging him close once again. “And I love you for it. But never, and I mean never, do that again.”
“No promises,” Zuko replied, guiding your lips to his once more. This kiss was different, full of trust and love and peace.
You pulled away reluctantly, fixing his shirt and looping the belt around him before taking his hand. “Now let’s go. You have a coronation to get to.”
Zuko stopped for a second, pulling you back to him as he looked at you uncertainly. You looked up at him curiously, prompting him to speak.
“Are you-” Zuko stopped abruptly, trying to get his thoughts in order. “Will you stay with me? Here? Even after everyone else leaves?”
You hesitated for a split second, remembering everything that you had suffered at the hands of the Fire Nation. You opened your mouth to reply, looking up to meet Zuko’s gaze. You faltered for a moment, taking in the way he was looking at you. Here in front of you stood the crown prince, the very symbol of the nation that you had spent the majority of your life hating. But he was also just a teen, and he was willing to put in the work to fix the Fire Nation’s past mistakes.
Your heart swelled in your chest as you thought about the golden-eyed boy , and everything he had done to help the Avatar. Because of him, the Fire Nation now had a chance at redemption, and you knew it wouldn’t be easy to undo centuries of imperialism and pain. Especially not when it was so deeply rooted in the nation. And so you answered his question, confident that you were making the right decision.
“Of course I’ll stay, Zuko. And I’ll be here to help you every step of the way.”
@musicalkeys, @mywigglybaby​, @bubblebars​, @iguessthefloorislava​, @dekahg​, @boxofteenageideas​, @bottledcotscowater, @butterflycore​, @coldlilheart​, @the-firebender-girl​, @ajediherowitchrunner​, @lammello​, @astroninaaa​, @samsmultifandomblogs​, @sadskater25, @oddment-niwit-blubber-tweak​, @duh-dobrik​
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realcube · 3 years
waking up the hq boys at midnight to get ice-cream hcs🍦
characters: tsukishima, tanaka, nishinoya, ushijima, sugawara,  oikawa,  kageyama 
note: yes, this was very much inspired by that one tiktok sound where the girl wakes up her bf to get ice-cream- 
also, i use midnight as like..the middle of the night- not actaully 12AM lol
tw// fluff, sangwoo- 
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Tsukishima Kei
you did not need to wake him up at 1AM to get ice-cream
man was already up, having just came off his phone and laying like this 😐 in bed as he either waited for himself to fall asleep or was thinking about an awkward interaction he had earlier that day 
anyway, as soon as you turned to him like ‘tsukki, do you wanna come with me to get ice-cream?’
he was suddenly 😴 fast asleep, fake snores and all
you were stubborn though, so you hopped out of bed up to go get ice-cream by yourself if he was just going to ignore you 
although, once you threw your coat on, tsukishima decided to start questioning your unusual behaviour, ‘why do you want ice-cream? it’s night; can’t you just sleep like a normal person and have ice-cream in the morning?’ 
honestly, tsukishima probably finds your nightly antics more endearing and cute rather than annoying 
he’d never admit it though- 
if you talk to him after midnight, on the outside he always looks displeased but really, he loves talking to you period
whether it is at 5PM or 1AM
you shrugged, without an explanation for your craving, ‘i don’t need to reason my midnight urges to you.’
with that, you turned on your heels to head out the door with the full intention of going to get ice-cream - this wasn’t a game 
tsukishima groaned as he finally deduced that you were being dead serious and not just doing this to irritate him
‘ugh, wait.’ he scoffed, forcing himself out of bed to follow you, ‘we have ice-cream downstairs, dumb-ass. don’t bother going out.’ 
you didn’t spare him a glance, continuing to venture to the front door, ‘yeah, but we don’t have strawberry.’ 
tsukishima glared at you, realising that persuasion would not work in this situation so he’d have to resort to brute force and trickery
‘ah, alright.’ he let out a sigh of defeat, ‘at least give us a hug before you go then.’
you paid no mind to how he referred to himself as plural, which is something he only does when he is lying or guilty as he is talking on behalf of his two faces 
also, you should’ve realised something was up when he actually asked for a hug instead of just expecting you to give him one
obliging, you wrapped him in a hug; allowing him to scoop you up into his arms, throw you over his shoulder and carry you to the kitchen
‘let me go, you whore!’  you squealed, lightly slapping his back as if that’d make him let you go 
tsukishima snickered at how childish you were being, ‘you can’t go out in the middle of the night to get ice-cream. you’ll die.’ 
‘i won’t die!’
‘you definitely will.’
anyway, he ends up making you both a bowl of ice-cream and eating it with you at the kitchen table while watching Spirited Away
and despite the fact he had some too, he’ll tease you about this for..the rest of your life 
like sometimes he’ll just wake you up in the middle of the night (during holidays ofc - he respects your sleep schedule) and whisper in your ear, ‘(y/n), do you wanna come get ice-cream with me?’
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Tanaka Ryūnosuke
ik most ppl would think he’d just go with you without a second thought or that he’d be the one asking you to go out for ice-cream but- no- 
well, yes; he wants to 
but when you wake him at 1AM 
(which he doesn’t mind btw bc  sometimes he accidentally wakes you up at like 3AM bc he’s ragin’ on Battlefield oop-)
and you’re all like ‘ryū, wanna go get ice-cream?’ *puppy eyes*
he’s like ‘sure!- but i ain’t got money so- no ❤’ 
then he goes back to sleep 
however, if you say that you’ll pay..he’s already standing with your bags by the door
so you’re definitely gonna have to fork up some cash for that good quality pistachio gelato for him if you want his presence 😌
but tbh, if you said that you were just gonna pay for yourself, he’d come anyway-
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Nishinoya Yū
y’all go out at midnight for ice-cream at least once a week-
and it literally began bc you were watching ASMRs and Mukbangs together at 1AM during a sleepover 
and one person was having some lemon gelato and it looked 👌✨ immaculate
in that moment, you both looked at each other and neither of you had to utter a single word for you both to know that there was a mutual goal in mind; to get ice-cream, ASAP
so yeah ig you didn’t have to wake him up but you did need to awake the desire for ice-cream inside him
needless to say, y’all ran to the nearest ice-cream place 
and you made a race out of it 
(you won, ofc)
and y’know the trope where you have food on the corner of your lip/chin etc and the person kisses you to get rid of it? 
yeah he tried to do that with the trope in mind but he deadass LICKED you IWFBVBBFRI
he was like ‘omg (y/n), lemme get that for you’ 😋👅
honestly, ig it depends if you are into that kinda stuff but ik some ppl would leave fast af ( ゚д゚)つ Bye
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Ushijima Wakatoshi
sorry i might have a bit of favouritism going on but i feel like ushijima would be a bigger bitch about it than tsukishima (at first)
but it’s like- solely bc you woke him up y’know?
‘ushijima, wanna go get ice-cream?’
he’s just laying there with his bed-head like :/
silently livid bc you messed up his potential 9 hours of sleep
pester all you want but that is the best you’re getting out of him that night
HOWEVER, the following afternoon (after practise ofc), he took you out for ice-cream 😊
and unlike some would believe (by ‘some’, i mean myself 2 secs ago.) i don’t think he’d be all ‘ice-cream is horrible for your health, (y/n)’ or ‘i can’t believe you’re eating that filth. your body is a temple.’
but that rather he’d just happily eat gelato with you; everything in moderation ig :)
‘(y/n), do you want a bite of mine?’ and give you a spoonful to try like the romance king he is  
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Oikawa Tōru
you wouldn’t wake him up bc mf needs his beauty sleep
plus, it was during a sleepover at your house so ofc you didn’t want to wake up your guest 
but he’s a light sleeper so when you’re shuffling through your stuff at 1AM, sneaking around the house to find a jacket (trying to be as quiet as possible so you don’t wake him up); his eyes are open and he’s speculating that sangwoo is near
until he turns around to notice that you’re not laying next to him and he is in fact being spooned by a large pillow (probably a sangwoo body pillow smh)
after that, he hops to his feet and storms through the house in search of you so he can yell at you for ruining his sleep grr
however, once he finds you and realises that you look ready to head out, he feels inclined to firstly ask, ‘where are you going? you know it’s 2AM, right?’ 
you replied by explaining your plan to sneak out for ice-cream and he just stared at you, absolutely bewildered for a few moments
he stood like a statue with that stupid expression on his face for ages so you asked him if he was alright, to which he responded, ‘that’s such a stupid idea.’
‘so, you’re not coming with?’
‘of course i am.’
so you both ended up sitting with your ice-cream cones, in your pyjamas, on a park bench somewhere, admiring the moonlit sky along with the stars adorning it
oh, and that was actually the first time he said ‘i love you.’
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Sugawara Kōshi
if feel like suga would be exactly like the guy in the sound/video: confused, tired and extremely reluctant but ofc inevitably he ends up standing outside of a dessert place, hand-in-hand with you
he’d wake up, weary from fatigue and he barely has the strength to argue with you during the day - so how exactly was he supposed to do it in the middle of the night? 
thus, he lugged himself out of bed and threw on a coat but as soon as the cold winter air bit at his nose, he was flooded with the energy and will-power to try convince you stay in with him
(It’s his parental senses) 
‘you’ll catch a cold, darling!’ (yes, he does call you that.) ‘and it’s night too, there’s probably a bunch of creeps out and around!’
at that point, it was just a battle of will
bc you both had each other’s wishes at heart
you wanted him to have peace of mind and he wanted you to have ice-cream
(and he was kinda craving some himself tbh)
so you both decided to stay in, tucking into the half-eaten tubs of Ben & Jerry’s in the fridge 
and after that, neither of you got any sleep bc you both stayed up watching movies and cuddling 🥺
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Kageyama Tobio
he was wide awake at 2AM, laying beside you on the bed, practising sets 
so ofc the time wasn’t an issue
but kageyama wasn’t big on sweet treats so when you suggested that y’all should go out for ice-cream, you were shocked - to say the least - when he simply replied 
like why would he oppose? he was already awake. plus, he was kinda craving something sweet tbh
also, he could tell it’d make you happy and he’s whipped tbh
so you took advantage of this indifferency by immediately jolting up and dragging him to your favourite dessert place
the whole time, he acted as usual - it was as if he was just on a regular walk to school
when you got there, you both shared a sundae and he paid; what a king (❤´艸`❤)
(it was bc you had forgotten your wallet/purse at home- but still a kind gesture 💕)
you both just sat in a booth, pecking away at the sundae while talking about anything and everything that came to mind as the low, distant R&B music from the shop’s speakers played in the background
 ‘it is flat. have you ever been on a plane before, (y/n)? did you see a single curve? no.’
you rolled your eyes, finding it physically painful how stupid kagyeama could be sometimes, ‘it’s science, kags. the earth is round! the curves are just very subtle.’
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alexlwrites · 3 years
Summary: The one where your best friend of years and love of your life is getting married and wants you to be the maid of honor. Luckily for you, the best man is not exactly happy either.
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader, Jungkook x Reader
Tags: Romance, Humor, Fluff, Angst
A/n: had to repost cause someone said they couldn't find the last post for some reason.
Part 4: All I can be is sorry
(Fanfic masterlist)
(support me on my ko-fi <3 )
(<<<Part three)
“What are you doing here?” was the first thing you said and despite the many hours your friend had spent there and his spare key, the words still sounded like an accusation.
Jungkook was silent under you, holding still like he was trying to disappear, but Taehyung noticed him. “What are you doing here?” he said, voice far from welcoming.
The younger boy walked in, stepping into your living room and placing you gently on the couch “Ran into Y/N” he answered quietly “she hurt her ankle and I helped her, that’s all.”
“I didn’t know you were close.”
Jungkook waited for you to deny it, but instead you repeated your first question “What are you doing here?”
“You said you needed to talk” Taehyung answered, voice confused as if it was obvious.
“Yeah, hours ago!” you could feel the flames of anger rising within you, filled by years of frustration and the worst few weeks of your life “You can’t just show up here out of nowhere this late.”
“What are you talking about?” Taehyung sounded more and more confused, voice rising just like yours “We used to show up like this all the time”
“Not anymore! I’m not gonna show up unnanounced at your fucking house and go ‘boo’ at your fiance, so you shouldn’t do the same here!”
There was a moment of pause, a stretch of silence as Taehyung took in what you said and for a second you thought you saw a light recognition in his eyes, but Jungkook distracted you before you could look into it “I should go. I hope you feel better soon, Y/N” he turned to you and something in face made you believe he was talking about something beyond your injure.
“Thank you so much for your help, Jungkook” you smiled at him, trying to ignore Taehyung’s burning look “I’d walk you to the door, but…”
He grinned slightly and waved you away “I got it, don’t worry” when the door closed behind him, you realized neither Jungkook nor Taehyung had said goodbye to each other.
You turned your look back to your friend, noticing how for the first time how out of place he looked in your home, in your line of sight.
“Where is all your stuff?” he asked again in a quieter, more polite manner.
This was it, you thought, but the answers left your mouth much more easily than you initially believed they would “I’m moving.”
Taehyung nodded, having probably already deduced that. “Getting a bigger place?” he guessed, walking around the room trying to look casual “Is this what you wanted to talk about?”
You watched him, his steps and shifting eyes, overthinking his movements as he gave you nothing but a blank face “Bigger country.”
That made him turn and you felt panic bubble inside you, clawing the walls of your body and begging to leave whatever way it could, in screams, tears or digging nails into skin. That was the confrontation you avoided until it loomed over you like a guillotine.
“What do you mean?” he sounded strained, like he was holding back, fighting against the same panic you did, slightly closer to winning than you.
“I got a promotion. A really great offer to relocate to their English branch.” show no weakness, you told yourself, you are not asking for permission.
Taehyung did not like that.
“And what?” he threw his hands in the air, like your answer wasn’t nearly enough to satisfy him “You’re just gonna leave everything behind, just like that? What about your family?”
“My parents know and they’ve already made plans to visit. They are very excited. This is huge for me, Taehyung.”
“What about your friends?”
You scoffed “Who, Yoongi? He was the one who told me to take the job…”
“What about me, Y/N?”
Weeks ago you would have a five thousand word answer to that question. Weeks ago you asked that question before every choice you made. Weeks ago you loved him much more than you did yourself.
But now you just loved him so much it hurt and loving yourself wasn’t nearly as painful.
“You don’t need me here.”
He shook his head angrily “You can’t seriously believe that’s true.”
You shrugged, but that wasn’t enough for him again “Is this about Haewon? About the wedding?”
Back was the panic and it begged you to let it react, to take control over your body so it could pump adrenaline into it and force you to ignore any physical or emotional pain and run away. “What do you mean?” you asked, voice sounding so quiet under the thunderous beat of your heart.
Taehyung turned his back to you, hunched like he was hiding something “Nothing, never mind.”
But you knew better. Something in you was attuned to him, something that grew over the years, trained to pick apart and recognize lies, half-truths and omissions, like when he said a scratch didn’t hurt as kids or when he told you he loved you as adults.
That something brought you to the epiphany you spent years avoiding. “You know.” you said.
He didn’t move, still hunched in silence, and that was enough of an answer. “You know” you repeated, but now it sounded like an accusation just like the first words you directed at him that night, like you were placing blame “Oh my God, you know.”
He finally looked at you, all worried eyes and twisted fingers picking at each other and you wished you could have done something to make him feel better but you could barely breathe just like you could barely stand up, limbs and heart on fire.
“Y/N…” he started, but you didn’t let him finish. You had flames in the back of your throat forcing out all the words stuck there, pushing the questions you held back for so long they became part of the fabric of you.
“How long have you know?” you asked and he flinched at every word, but this time you didn’t stop them from coming “Why the fuck didn’t you say anything?”
Nothing in his guilty expression made you feel sorry for him, not his teary eyes, not his next words “I didn’t want to lose you.”
“You really think I would leave?” you asked and God, you wish you could stand up, wish you could push him back “You really think so little of me that you think I’d just throw our friendship in the garbage if you rejected?”
Taehyung winced as you got louder, shrinking until he looked much smaller than usual “I though things would become too awkward between the two of us.”
“Taehyung did you really think I expected anything but rejection?” tears were leaving you as your frustration rose “Did you really think years of you parading girlfriends in front of me gave me hope? Lead me on? How much of an idiot do you think I am?”
He shook his head, getting close to you and kneeling on the floor by your legs, faces leveled with each other “I just could never bring myself to let you down. I t-tried, you know, seeing you that way, but…”
“Please, stop talking!” you placed your hands on your ears and shut your eyes, hoping you could hide your humiliation “I don’t want to hear all the ways you tried to force yourself to love me!”
He took your hand between his, forcing your arms down “I do love you!”
“No, you don’t! Cause if you did, you would’ve said something! You wouldn’t have let me suffer in silence, you would’ve talked to me and allowed me to move the fuck on from you.”
“I’m sorry.” he sighed and although his apologies sounded sincere they meant nothing for you “I was selfish and I didn’t want you to move on from me. I still don’t want you to move away from me. I feel so-”
"No, you don't get to be sorry, you don't get to be sad or to be hurt, you don't get anything cause you got me for years.” you took your hands away, ignoring how he taken back he looked at yout outburst “For years you got me by your side watching you fall in love with different people; got me by your side at parties just for you to leave with someone else; got me by your side as your fucking bride got to choose her wedding dress and i got nothing. I didn't get to feel a thing, didn’t get to feel sorry for myself because I didn't feel like I had the right to keep you by my side. You don't get to feel shit now." the last part came out as a whisper as the energy left your body and left you empty.
You both sat in silence for a while as neither dared to say anything after that. You shut your eyes to avoid looking into his and feeling any sympathy.
Finally, you heard him stand up “Maybe I should leave” he said and he sounded almost as bad as you felt.
“No, not maybe. You should leave.”
You heard his steps as he walked, counting silently in your head to see how many it would take for him to walk out of your life.
He stopped halfway.
“You don’t have to come to the wedding.”
You scoffed “I know I don’t.”
“But I’d really love it if you did.”
“Well, you know what, for the first time I don’t really care about what you’d love, Taehyung.”
Jungkook sat in his car for a long time after he left you, flexing and relaxing his hand like he always did when he was nervous or stressed. From his window he could see the entrance to your building and he watched for a while, curious to see how long it would take for Taehyung to leave. When he didn’t, Jungkook drove away.
As the lights and cars passed by, he wondered if he should’ve stayed longer. If he should’ve stayed there until his hyung left, his presence sparing you of any fights or arguments.
Jungkook thought you deserved a little peace.
He remembered a time where you didn’t look so fragile and exhausted. He stored away those memories like a precious little thing, all those stolen looks he got from across Haewon’s living room kept like a treasure, because he didn’t know when he would get to see you like that again.
Jealousy and resentment settled inside of him as he drove, thinking of Taehyung’s interaction with you. What would it be like, he thought, to be so secure of his place in your life that he could just walk into your apartment and make himself at home?
Jungkook still felt like it was a bit audacious for him to show up like that and he couldn’t deny how happy he felt when it looked like you felt that too.
When he got home, Jungkook allowed himself to lie on his bed, taking in the smell of your perfume that had rubbed off on his shirt. He allowed himself to relive his night with you, happy to have a few memories to save, finally some that were his own and not borrowed glimpses. He counted on his fingers the time you laughed and said his name, the moments he had to avoid blushing like a high schooler in love.
And then he stowed them all away and reminded himself of your empty apartment and way too full heart and how your life had no place for him at the moment.
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crown-anon · 3 years
@hearts1ck my beloved
November 1st
CW: explicit; more CWs under the cut
format: one-shot
people: GeorgeNotFound
pronouns: he/him; reader has male anatomy; more specifics under the cut
edited 14 March 2021
anonymous asked
consider. okay. CONSIDER. consider masochist george. okay?? okay. okay LISTEN.
I think I have a problem with gimmicks also. because. because. ever since strawberry milk george, I. I have not stopped thinking about strawberry flavored lube. because! listen okay hear me out.
(this is absolutely 110% a response to discovering that you share a birthday with him. what of it?)
I know everyone likes pillow princess george and. that's okay. that's FINE. these are not mutually exclusive.
george looking up at you with The LookTM wearing some pink strawberry milk lingerie. not even lingerie really! just something cute like that
& him being like. "I know you love me 👉👈 but I need you to fuck me like you don't"
so I was. thinking. that brat george is the exact kind of person to say (playfully & consensually) "but I don't wanna give you head, I just wanna fuck >:(" after you've got him worked up, maybe from teasing him throughout the day, or edging him a little. but you still need some type of lube. so you go to apply the first bottle you see and he's pink when he asks you "😳 is that ... strawberry ... ?" and you're confused like ??? bro you just asked me to fuck you into next week why're you interested in the flavored lube
but. but listen. he would get so enthusiastic about it. at first it's just "maybe I can stand to eat them out just a little bit before ..." and then after you come the first time it devolves really, really quickly into the need to just. take care of you. and it stretches on until you've come three or four times, and you're still shaking, and he's just. completely gone in subspace
hmm ... george climbing up onto your lap when he's done with you, going in to give you a kiss, and he tastes like strawberry. and he ends up moaning right into your mouth because he's been so horny but so? understimulated?? that he outright jumps as soon as his dick grazes your thigh. it would only take a couple stuttery grinds before he's finishing on both of your stomachs
and he's just so cute when comes, or when he bites down on your shoulder to keep himself quiet. and it's your birthdays. so, you decide you'll give him a reason to cry. and he'll finally get put in his place! it's a win-win for both of you!!
istg every time I send you an ask I discover something new about myself. you. you have made a dreamteam simp out of me. I am but a shell of the man I once was. I think I should thank you? [👑]
i say this nearly every time you send stuff in but...... by god you own my soul. all of it. this – i – first of all, the implications of masochist george losing his fucking mind when you’re rough with him? guhhhfjklgjgf. and ,..d,,f,,, ,, ,, george in pink lingerie. i. i . a... pink satin slip maybe or .... ohghfd; oh my god those. that cat panty/bra set. im ascending im losing my brain as i type this i cannot –
okay im back on earth. he’d get into that rhythm and settle like liquid while he gets to work on you, and his subspace face is so self-satisfied and nearly smug so he’s just having the time of his life,,, and he makes such a loud noise when his dick twitches against your thigh and maybe... JUST MAYBE he whimpers extra watery when you drag his hips to grind against where you’re wet and dripping/your spent cock as if he’s the one who’d get overstimulated by it. when he finally leans away, eyelids heavy, you gently fit your hand over his jaw and ask, “did you even ask? it’s one thing to come without permission, but not even caring to ask? georgie, i might just be offended,” and he whines “green”s against your neck before you even check-in
and because u made it abt both of our birthdays ,,,, spanks for each year we’ve been alive methinks ??? and then the scratch down his ass gets him hard again and he’s so embarrassed by it, ,,, , ,, ,, ,, ,, ,
also thank god you’ve joined the george boat. i’m so proud of myself for hopefully being part of the reason you got dragged over here HJFKDHSKD
#👑 anon #(my beloved) #keep #anon thoughts: george #redsick #SHAWTY WANT THE WHOLE CREW SHAWTY BAD
as soon as you said birthday spanks I decided I had to write more about this. and I was going to leave more snippets in your askbox like the fucking gremlin creature I am, but then my thoughts started. actually having structure? and then I started writing it. and I tried to do homework and write on study breaks only but. I just kept coming back to this. this is the polar opposite of writer's block. I think I'm cursed or something. so here I am rushing to finish this so that I may rest in peace!!
yes I've been writing nonstop since I sent you that ask. what of it. what the fuck of it.
when I said I discover something new about myself every time we interact, I. I'm serious. I think I might be insane or something. I'm way too sadistic. you'll see. what the fuck is this? what the fuck did I just write??
this would have done so much critical psychic damage if I had posted it on November 1st in real life, but mental illness says I can't let my horny thoughts rattle around in my brain for that long. so!! it's you guys's problem now xoxoxo
I'm not fucking proofreading this. love you though 💗
I did end up proofreading actually. oops! looks like posting at 23:00 isn't always a good idea.
November 1st
CW: explicit, anal (kind of vague), bondage (collar + leash), corruption, domspace (I think??), edging, handjob, humiliation, masochism, oral, praise, sadism, spanking, subspace, swearing. I call George a whore and a slut at least once. and also, George calls yellow at one point. this one kind of surprised me so just. Be Careful. I cannot believe I wrote this. I don't know where this came from.
format: one-shot
people: GeorgeNotFound
pronouns: he/him; I use the word "sir;" reader has male anatomy; I use the words "cock," "dick," and "head;" reader can ejaculate
dawn shines through drawn curtains, illuminating the tile floor and your robed figure reflecting off it. batter sizzles in the skillet as you flip the last pancake over. this side looks golden brown, like honeycomb or caramelized sugar. that delicious, freshly-baked fragrance mingles with scented candles. it's perfect, you smile. he's going to love it.
you lift the pancake with a spatula, stacking it on top of the others on his plate. you bring it to his seat at the table, along with the butter, the syrup, the honey, the jam…and you go to pour him a drink.
"hey baby," you greet warmly to the sleepyhead rubbing his eyes in the entryway, still clinging to a pillow. his hair's a mess, only wearing socks and a sweatshirt that reaches down past his thighs. you reckon he'd only just crawled out of bed.
"morning…" he yawns, stumbling past you to take his seat.
"milk?" you ask, he only nods. "did you sleep okay?"
he hums affirmatively. "I…can we…"
one track mind, you joke inwardly. but you don't blame him. "of course," you open the fridge.
you hear him pause. "…is it too early for that?"
"no, no!" you give him a lighthearted laugh. "I kind of expected it, to be honest…I want it, too."
he's silent under the noise of you rummaging through the fridge. "I—"
"sorry—it looks like all we have is strawberry milk. is that alright?"
"yeah…yeah, that's alright. I…actually…wanted to try something new." you shut the fridge, he's fidgeting in his seat.
"hit me with it," your expression is gentle. you pass his cup off to him, but he holds his hand over yours a little too long, looking up at you.
"fuck me like you hate me."
you don't know if it's hearing him swear, or the way he said it so calmly, or how he closed his eyes and swallowed hard before his tone could dip down into something lower. but like a match in an torrent of gasoline, suddenly you're burning up.
you only realize you're staring when he bites his lip and looks down. you start to say something, but the words don't form.
he laughs nonthreateningly, covering his mouth with the back of his hand. "is that a yes?"
you laugh with him. "I…yes, absolutely yes." you turn back around to make your own stack of pancakes. "you should eat first, though."
"what?" he teases. "will I need the energy?"
you smile. "yeah. I think you will." you can practically feel him open his mouth in protest, but he stays silent after that.
and it stays mostly silent while you cook your pancakes. you hear the clinking of his fork on his plate, but it isn't very disruptive. it sounds like he's hurrying to finish his food.
when you go back to the table with your own platter, he's already done eating. he's red down to his neck, fidgeting with the hem of his sweatshirt, looking at you expectantly. you spot a pair of tassels peeking out from under it, just below his hip bones. is that…
he pulls the hem up just a bit, holding your gaze. he smiles, apparently satisfied watching your face heat up.
"I—you should go…go get ready," you manage. he gets up before you even finish your sentence, only stopping to give you a quick kiss on the cheek.
except it isn't quick, when he slides his hand down to rest firmly on your collar, and leans in to trail kisses down your neck. "a-and leave that on," you stutter.
he pauses, just under your jaw. "leave what on?" he murmurs.
your breath catches, you shut your eyes. "whatever the fuck it is you're wearing under there."
he's hardly grazing your skin, but you can feel how hot he is next to you. it takes all of your willpower not to shiver.
he pulls back quickly, only his hand lingering. "I don't know what you're talking about." and just like that, he disappears into your bedroom.
you reach up a hand tentatively to your collar, hot to the touch. I'm in way too deep, you decide, and force yourself to take a bite of your food despite your nerves.
"that," you hiss. "that fucking outfit. that."
"oh, this?" he bites his lip, hooking his thumb in the keyhole. "this's just what I went to bed in last night."
"fuck you. we both know that isn't true."
he tugs gently on his top, pulling it a little to the side. "what's the big deal? can't I wear something special for my birthday?"
"it's special, all right," and you leave it at that, opting instead to slot between his legs where he sits waiting on the edge of the bed. you bring up a hand to cup his jaw, brushing your thumb across his cheek. you'll never get enough of the way he looks at you, like you're intoxicating.
…? you frown.
"is something…missing?" he perks up instantly at "missing."
"what…?" he chooses his words carefully.
"the collar—your collar. where is it?" you turn away to start going through your bedside table, but the way his lips quirk up into a sly smile isn't lost on you.
that's lube…that's a vibrator…where the fuck is it…? "w-what collar?" he stumbles over his words.
your mind jumps to say, the collar that came with that outfit, or I know you know what I'm talking about, but you won't give him the satisfaction. you decide to speak a little darker, only a firm "George." you hear him swallow.
"w-well," his voice is shaky, "you only told me to leave on whatever I was wearing under my shirt. and…I wasn't wearing that collar at breakfast…s-so technically…"
you stop looking immediately. you turn to take him in, legs crossed, stance confident, but expression showing uncertainty. you can see the regret on his face. "get up." he takes a shallow breath. "get up."
"don't I'm sorry me," you snap. "you look for your fucking collar on your own."
he slips off the bed, looking ashamed, but starts digging through the drawer all the same. "I really am sorry," he murmurs. you take his place sitting on the bed. he finds what he's looking for rather quickly: a simple white leather collar with a bell, and a leash. he hands them off to you shyly. "um, here…"
"good boy," you praise. "kneel."
he shuts his eyes and does as he's told. you can see the bliss wash over his face just at being ordered around. his lips part a little as he lets out a heavy breath. if only I knew what this would do to him, you muse, I'd have done this ages ago.
you fasten the collar, revelling in how he shivers at the gentle sensation of cold leather hanging around his neck. you leave it a little bit loose, but still comfortable, and hook the leash in its place. he sits obediently still on his knees, looking deep in thought.
"Oh, I know what I'm gonna do to you," you bait. "how old are you today?"
"mmm. twenty-five." he looks down.
you smile, holding tight onto the leash. "I'm gonna edge you. twenty-five times."
he flinches away immediately, yet hums in pleasant surprise when the leash snaps taught. the bell jingles stiffly. "no way. that's way too much."
"I think you should've thought about that before you wore that to breakfast," you decide, tugging a little. he's caught off-guard and stumbles forward, stopping himself by leaving a clumsy pair of kisses on the inside of your thigh. the metal and leather feel refreshingly cool against your feverish skin. "we've got all day, baby."
you expect to hear some kind of protest, you're crazy. or a playful taunt, I'm better off doing this by myself. but he knits his brows and openly moans at the thought. "all day…" he repeats.
he looks up at you, almost pleading, and you can hear the resignation in his voice when he whispers "alright."
"get up here," you command. "on top of me." as he climbs up into your lap, a little too eagerly, you add, "and take your dick out."
you shrug your robe off your shoulders while he's working on his panties, and without thinking, you ask, "color?"
he stops, leaving his head poking cutely over the waistband. he looks up at you again. "…what?"
"um…color," you explain. "like, how are you doing? is this okay? I don't actually want to hurt you. uhhh…green means good, yellow means slow down, and red means stop."
he stifles a laugh. "you're such a nerd. I'm okay."
"alright." you blush a little. "we can stop whenever you need to. this is for you…" you think of something horribly unsexy to say. "…birthday boy."
now he's really laughing, with his whole body. you think the way it makes his collar jingle is cute. "oh my god. shut up. just shut up," his expression turns serious, and he drops to a whisper, "and fuck me."
that got you hot again. you pull him by the leash into a kiss, you bite his lip, you eat him up. and you grab the both of you together with your other hand, you moan in tandem. you can feel how you took him by surprise in the way he twitches under your thumb, the way he leans into you with his whole body. you part from the kiss and he leans back on his heels, panting hard, holding on to your shoulders for support. you can feel him shaking a little.
when you move your hand all the way up the first time, you squeeze both of your heads gently, and he practically falls into you. muffled in the crook of your neck, he begs, "god, do that again."
so you do. again. and again. what was a string of stuttered breaths turns into a single broken moan as you jerk the both of you off. when you think you're getting close, you let go of yourself to focus all your attention on him.
"fuck, sir," he whines—hahaha, that sir made your cock leak a little. he shut his eyes tight. "I-I-I think—I think I'm—"
just like that, you stop, and he goes slack, practically laying on you. but he doesn't grind back, or even move to touch himself. that won't last very long.
you let him come back down, knowing edging takes a lot out of you; maybe even more so than actually coming does. slowly but surely, his breathing steadies. you rub between his shoulderblades affectionately, still trying to ground yourself, too.
once you've found your voice again, you question, "are you gonna count for me?"
he makes a sound against your skin, somewhere between excitement and fear. "…o-one." you revel in how fucked-out he sounds already.
"one what?" you prod.
he seems at a loss, like he's forgotten himself, what he said. after a minute or two of pondering, he catches on. "…sir."
it's your turn to moan. your dick jumps at the honorific, still mostly untouched against your stomach. "good boy." and you dive back in. twenty-four to go.
it's noon. you're working on nineteen. and your partner's getting much more…expressive. he's started biting his hand to keep himself quiet, but he's still…
"I-I—oh fuck, I'm—fuck, I-I'm—I'm—" he whimpers through his teeth. and he yelps, whole body shaking, bell jingling incessantly, when he comes all over your hand and stomach.
you take your hand off him immediately, and this time he does try to reach down, ride through it, but you grab both his wrists to stop him. he grinds down uselessly against your thigh and your dick. although you're still hard, and only a hairline trigger away from coming yourself, it doesn't stop you from keeping this brat in line. you only bite your lip and close your eyes.
he leans his forehead against yours, moving in to give you a kiss, but you push him away.
"did you never learn how to fucking count?" you growl.
he winces. "I-I-I-I'm…I'm sorry—"
you scowl at your hand, covered in come. "here, slut," you raise it up to his lips. "clean this off for me."
he tears up a little, but takes your fingers into his mouth all the same. pretty quickly, though, he spits them back out.
"it doesn't taste good…" he complains.
"oh? oh, it doesn't?" you mock. "but it felt good, when you came without my permission, like a cheap fucking whore."
a couple of tears spill over, roll down his cheeks, yet he says nothing, only moving back in to lap his come off your hand. you can see it in his expression that he's not very happy about it, but he doesn't protest further.
"is this good enough, sir?" he asks, when it seems that he's gotten it all. it looks clean enough, you agree. you grab him by the chin, hooking your thumb in his mouth. you don't even have to tell him to suck.
"you come without my approval again, and it's over. you can go back to playing minecraft—or what-the-fuck-ever—with your friends for your birthday. do you want to sleep on the couch, Georgie?"
if he wasn't crying before, he's definitely crying now. he doesn't shake his head, but he circles your fingertip with his tongue enthusiastically, as if to say, I'll be good, I'll be good this time, looking up at you doe-eyed.
"bend over for me," you demand. "across my lap."
he does so immediately. he slips a little bit while he's changing positions, you hear the bell ring, and he scrambles to correct himself. he settles with his ankles crossed and his head in his hands, propping himself up on his elbows. you feel a little bad, you admit, but you won't budge; he has a safeword, you trust that he'll use it.
"let's try that again," your tone softens. "I want you to count for me, okay?"
he nods.
you pull his panties to the side, pause briefly, and bring down your hand with a satisfying smack.
"ohhhhhh—" he moans, jolting a little. "—holy shit, did you just spank me?"
your stomach drops, you go to rub him gently where you just hit him. "is that okay—?"
"it's hot, it's so hot, fuck," he shifts in your lap. "um, sorry…one."
seriously, something about hearing him swear awakens something in you, every time. you're fired up. you spank him again.
"mmm—two…" is he…? "three…"
you pause to massage his ass again, and to speak. "you're…you're hard again, aren't you?"
you didn't even spank him yet, but he lets out a moan. "fuck, I—I just. I want you. I want this. so, so much."
you wonder if this is actually the same George who was fidgeting with his pillow in the dining room this morning.
"you're so bad, getting turned on by something like this," you tease. he only moans in response.
"four—five—six—seven…" he chokes out. "it's starting to sting…"
you take a break, kneading the skin where your angry red handprint is starting to take shape.
"eight…nine…but god, it hurts so good…" he wipes his eyes with the back of his hand. "ten…"
at ten, you linger for a moment, holding a handful of his ass. "does it?"
"yes—yesyesyes," he buries his face in the pillow, and shivers. "fuck, eleven…twelve…"
you pull his panties down to his knees, and switch sides. he lifts his hips up, so I can reach him better, you guess. you don't miss the telltale glint of a butt plug, but you'll get to that later.
"thirteen—fourteen—fifteen—sixteen," he moans between slaps. he's gripping the pillowcase so hard his knuckles are white.
in this new position, the way he jumps with every hit makes his cock brush against yours just right. fuck, you're still hard from earlier. this time you're the one who whimpers.
"seventeen, eighteen," he pauses, breathless. you pull gently on his leash, he arches his back and moans, "n-nineteen." his bell jingles.
he grinds down, just for a moment, and the friction is delicious. you're a little dizzy, you think you might've thrust back. you both sigh at the feeling.
"…t-twenty…see? I-I can count…I'm a good boy…I'm good for you…aren't I?"
"you are," you murmur, but you aren't sure he hears you. "you're so good…"
"twenty-one—twenty-two…I-I feel like I haven't done anything right today…twenty-three…"
"…George…?" you hear a muffled sob.
"twenty-four…" he mumbles.
"George?" you start to get concerned. he just keeps crying. "hey…" you whisper. you gently prompt him to turn him over; the pillow's a little wet. you pull the panties off all the way, and get him out of the bra, which had a little stray come on it. you help him sit up in your lap, and pull him into a hug.
"am I really just a whore…?" he asks brokenly.
"you've been so good for me, baby. you've done everything I've asked." you wipe his tears away with your thumb. "are you okay?"
"but I—" he coughs. "—I came too soon, I came without your permission…"
you kiss his hair, and hold him to your chest. "you've been so patient. I'm proud of you."
he finally wraps his arms around you. "I-I'm sorry."
"nonsense," you reassure. "your comfort takes priority. are you okay? color?"
"I…" he searches for the words. "I dunno. yellow? I…that hurt, I think. being…degraded?"
you comb through his hair with your fingers. "I understand. thank you for telling me. I love you."
you stay like that for a minute. you grab him a snack and a drink, but for the most part, you just enjoy each other's company, tangled-up together. you don't bother putting your clothes back on.
it's later in the evening. you're straddling him, peppering his shoulders with kisses, and he's giggling underneath you. he turns over to give you a short and sweet kiss.
"baby?" he says, looking expectantly.
"what is it?" you sit back on your heels.
he hesitates. "…I wanna keep going. from earlier."
you're serious again. "are you sure you're okay?" you grab his hand, bringing it up to kiss his fingertips. "I don't want to hurt you."
"I'm alright," he assures. "I remember you promising me an all-day thing, though."
you blush, a little surprised by his forwardness. "of course. I think…I…" you laugh. "I wanna fuck you."
"yeah?" he smiles, leaning up close. "show me how much."
you hold his jaw while you kiss him, biting his bottom lip between your teeth. he tastes like the coffee and cream you made him earlier. you feel his breath hitch. he reaches up to hold your shoulders.
you pull back. "hey, blow me first."
"what? why?" he giggled.
"it's been a couple hours, I'm not hard anymore," you coax. "I thought you liked taking orders?"
he cringed. "but come tastes gross!"
you slid off him and hopped off the bed, opening the drawer. "suit yourself. you get to watch me jack off, then."
"fine by me, I think you look good when you masturbate."
"ohhh, I forget, you're too blissed-out to pay attention to how I look when you're getting fucking owned."
"I am not!"
"you are too!" he sticks his tongue out at you.
you open the lid, pouring a little on your hand, a little on your cock. it's translucent pink, seems a little fragrant. you give yourself a couple of strokes with a sigh.
he's quiet for a second, then, shyly, "um…is that…strawberry flavored…?"
you bite your lip. "I thought you weren't gonna give me head?"
"I was just curious." it's a weak lie, but you say nothing.
your eyes are shut, but you can feel him moving around a bit on the bed, you hear his bell ring a couple times. you feel a hand on your thigh, so you decide to peek. and holy shit.
your partner's made his way to the floor, on his knees between your legs, holding his leash in his mouth, his fucking mouth, what the fuck. his thumb's rubbing circles on the inside of your thigh. the half-lidded look he's giving you should be criminal.
"you—I thought you said you wouldn't…" you can't find the words. you reach out and take the leash from his mouth. you see your hand shake in front of you.
"I'm just watching…" he whispers, looking up at you, mesmerized.
you're only able to get a couple of pumps in before he's joining you, hand over yours as you get yourself off. just the extra sensation of somebody else's touch is enough to make you bite back a moan.
"fuck—!" you jolt when he licks a stripe up the underside. he mouths over the head, jerking you off on his own now. you move to grip the sheets in one hand, his leash in the other. and you come without warning. you see it end up on his hand and your stomach before you shut your eyes tight.
he's quiet while you're coming down, just helping you ride it out, giving you kisses on your thighs. when you look back down at him, he's got two of his fingertips in his mouth, licking them clean. he stands up abruptly, it startles you a little. you see his bell ring. and he grabs you by the hips and leans down to your midriff.
"…I don't think I cleaned you off all the way earlier…" he breathes, and he starts to lap up the mess of his and your come that's been on you since this afternoon.
what the fuck. why is this so hot? why is he so hot? all too soon, your spent cock twitches in interest at your lover. he cups it with a hand, smiling against your tummy. you're so sensitive it hurts. you think you mean to say something, but nothing comes out.
"hmm…?" he bites his lip. "you still want some more?" all you can do is whine. at this point, you don't know if it's in protest or invitation.
you don't get the chance to find out either, because fuck, he's really going down on you now. you don't know what the fuck he's doing with his tongue, or where his gag reflex went, but at this rate you're gonna come again.
"George—George, baby, I—slow down, I-I'm—" you plead. his leash slips out of your hand, you tip your head back.
he swallows.
the last thing you remember is coming harder than you ever have in your life. you think you held him by his hair. you might've fucked his mouth a little. he's never let you come in his mouth before…fuck…
it's nighttime now. he's riding your thigh, got one of his legs slotted between yours. the friction between his knee and your overstimulated cock feels embarrassingly good. you're so dizzy, all you can articulate is a loud moan. you don't sound at all like you remember. his bell keeps ringing and ringing and ringing as he grinds against you.
he leans down, one arm holding your hip, the other keeping himself propped up. he bites your shoulder, hard, hard enough to bruise. he comes on both of your stomachs.
"George," you beg. you're losing your voice.
"mmmmmmsir," he slurs. "fuck me."
"George, I…" you don't know what you're saying. the end of your sentence turns into a whimper.
"you need me to get you hard again? you need me to rile you up?" he turns to kiss your jaw, feeling around for your dick. "like this?"
"George," you sound urgent, until he squeezes right around the head, and you forget what you were saying. you're pretty fucking close to forgetting who you are entirely.
he sits up on top of you, grinning. "love the way you say my name, sir."
that name. all it takes is the way he says that fucking name and you're ready to go again. you flip the two of you over, so that you're towering over him instead. "you still didn't. fucking. ask me. if you could come."
he giggles, a little crazed. he hooks his arms around his knees, hugging them to his chest.. "so what? so what? you gonna fuck me 'till I behave?"
"yes," you reach down, "I think I will." and you pull out the butt plug he (probably forgot he) had in all day.
"fuck—" he sobs. you watch his dick bob. precome drips into a pool on his stomach. "—green—green—so fucking green."
you're still sensitive from coming twice—you're pretty sure he is too. you lean down to give him a kiss, you moan into each other's mouths. he tastes like strawberries and his and your come. it is a little gross, you admit. but he's so tight and so fucking cute that you can't bring yourself to care. you part, and there's a line of salvia connecting the two of you.
"wait—" you say, but it comes out like a growl. "roll over."
he gets on his hands and knees, reaching back and spreading himself open for you. fuck.
you fuck him like that, holding the leash tight, loving the way he arches his back into the bed. the bell on his collar jingles incessantly.
you spank him, one last time.
"th-that's twenty-f-five—oh, fuck, sir," he growls, clinging on to the blankets for dear life.
you pin one of his hands in place and reach down to touch him. he starts laughing again.
"mmmmmmay I please come, sir? I—fuck—I'm so close, soclosesoclose," his breath stutters, you can hear the breaks in his voice. he buries his face in the blankets.
I'm close, you think, but the words don't make it out. "you're so good—you're so fucking good—come for me—fuck, come for me."
you're a mess. there's some drying solution of come and lube on your stomach. not to mention whatever the fuck's going on with your hair. your robe is discarded haphazardly on the floor. you think you've got a hickey, but you can't remember where.
actually, you're both a mess. he's also covered in come, sweat, and lube. he's got a red ring around his neck where you pulled him by the leash a little too hard. he's just covered in bruises. he clings to your arm, still fast asleep. you both passed out pretty quickly after…whatever that was, but you got back up a couple hours later. it doesn't look like he did, though.
actually, your whole bedroom is a mess. a blanket or two ended up discarded on the floor. there's an empty bottle of edible lube somewhere around here. your kitty lingerie set, still dirty, somehow ended up hanging in the closet. the first time you woke up you were both cuddling with a butt plug that you misplaced in the heat of the moment.
you don't think you've ever seen him like that. you can't even put it into words. you've never spanked him. he's never called you sir. you've never come in his mouth. he's never…begged for you like that before. you've never been so exhausted after coming that you both just, just fainted.
you feel lightheaded, and dead tired. you know you both must have gotten back up and gone at it at least a couple more times, but it's blurry, you can't remember. all you know is your vibrator's missing, and you feel…unusually empty, like you do the morning-after getting railed a little too hard.
last night…what the fuck happened last night?
you contemplate getting up, slipping your arm out of his embrace, pulling the covers back up around him, leaving to make breakfast. you're kind of disgusting, several hours after sex without cleaning up properly. you want to get yourselves some washcloths, maybe take shower together, or run him a bath. you know he's gotta be way more sore than you are.
you catch yourself staring, lost in thought; he just looks too cute when he's very clearly roughed up, but still sleeping soundly. and with the way he wanted…the way he needed you yesterday, you don't think he would want to wake up alone.
maybe it's okay if we sleep in a little longer.
you stroke his hair and whisper, "happy birthday, baby boy."
edited 14 March 2021
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The Art of Inversion
Neil x Reader
Chapter 24 - If You Want Me... 
Masterlist; Chapter 23
Summary: Tension reaches its boiling point when you overhear an unfortunate conversation. With unexpected allies, you attempt to break the impasse once and for all.
Warnings: ANGST (still but... well you’ll see ;)); at few points R! is being a little dramatic which can be triggering if you’ve been dealing with intrusive thoughts (nothing too bad though); swearing.
Author’s Notes: Finally! It’s been a wild ride... and god am I happy i’ve managed. This part took a lot of effort but I quite like what I came up with... even if sometimes it gets too angsty. Can’t wait for what’s coming next, however... :)))) Hope you enjoy and all feedback is always appreciated! <3 
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The shooting range on the icebreaker was a strange place. It occupied a large proportion of the deck floor in the accommodation part of the ship, next to the turnstile and sparring grounds. With darkness swallowing every corner that was not lit up by the blinking fluorescents, it was a perfect place to hide. Soon it became your go-to solace when things got difficult, and the only other idea you could come up with involved going outside without the oxygen mask attached. You did not want to go that far. Yet. Target practice became your favourite occupation. It was simple and did not involve talking to people that could give you worrying looks or comment on the dark circles underneath your eyes. Sleep was no longer a thing, with you catching three-hour-long naps at best, in between never-ending worrying and staring at the ceiling, reminiscing the past. The constant headaches were something you soldiered through, accepting them as a part of reality. The worst part of that new life was the fact that you and Neil stopped talking to each other altogether. Not even empty pleasantries could get through the stone-cold awkwardness and tension capable of killing you before the heartache would. After a day of near-misses and horrifying mistakes that culminated with you accidentally spilling boiling water all over the sweater when Neil entered the galley, you both mastered the art of hiding. You only saw him once afterwards, sitting at the table in the corner of the canteen. That was almost two days ago, and you were thankful.
Once you went through the assigned daily rounds, you moved onto the task of cleaning the guns and rifles. Polishing the metal cases and arranging the bullets was as close to therapy as it could get. With the repetitive action occupying your brain, there was no time to get emotional over things you could not change. Only at the shooting range, you did not feel so utterly hopeless. So terribly unloved. A sudden noise by the airlock made you look up. Conveniently the air in the range was sealed so that you need not to worry about oxygen masks during the target practice. It also meant you got approximately five seconds warning to check the identity of the intruder. This time you were surprised.
“Hi, Y/N. Thought I’d find you here” TP’s dark gaze slid over you cautiously.
Taking off the mask, he joined you at the makeshift table, looking at the arsenal you have spread over the surface. You eyed him with curiosity. That was unexpected. So far, he has never interacted with you outside of the meetings. And every time he did, you could not stop thinking about how much he knew. Who did he see when he looked at you?
“Afternoon” shaking off the reverie, you offered him a tight smile, “Is it afternoon?” glancing at the watch, you grimaced, “Oh,”
The last time you checked, it was 3 pm. The blue numbers on your wrist were mercilessly ticking away. 8:30 pm. How the fuck. TP caught your silent crisis as he asked:
“How long have you been down here?” looking up, you encountered a glimmer of worry in his eyes.
“Umm, five hours?” it felt like the best estimate.
It was probably longer. But he need not know that.
“Jesus,” wincing, he directed his taxing gaze back onto you, “When was the last time you had food?” tone strictly business.
The truth was that you did not remember. With everything falling apart and losing meaning, food became an afterthought. Half the time you would realise you only had one meal around 1 am, forcing you to tiptoe to the kitchen and grab something from the cupboard. A hungry stomach was nothing compared to all the other issues. It could be ignored.
“Breakfast. I’m not hungry though,” brushing off the concern you chose defiance, “Is this an interrogation?” you arched one eyebrow and cocked the gun you have wiped clean.
TP snorted at your comedic timing.
“No, I come here in peace” he raised his hands in defeat and added, “To see if you’re… alright” the hesitation made you scoff.
“You know that I’m not. Because things are generally far from alright,” letting annoyance slip into the sentence, you let go of the tools and met his gaze with coldness.
The deepening frown was concerning. You were being unfair. After all, it was not him who has caused all this pain. Remorse nipped at your heart as you sighed heavily.
“Sorry, that was unnecessary,” he accepted your apologetic smile with a nod, giving the courage to continue, “And I’m also sorry that you all have to witness that mess in the meetings. I’d rather it stayed between him and me... but he seems to disagree” you shrugged.
Sometimes you did wonder why Neil seemed so intent on making your arguments a public spectacle. Whether that was a part of the intricate plan to make you look like an idiot or a result of his emotions boiling over. Not that it mattered. Everyone on the team knew what the deal was anyway. A poor, naïve you, desperately in love with someone who could not care less. Nothing out of the ordinary. Judging by TP’s passing frown, for him too the topic was rather uncomfortable. He took a long moment to respond, looking for answers in the rows of bullets you have arranged on the table.
“Not going to lie, it’s awkward, but at least I know what’s going on, and I can offer to listen” he met your gaze with newly found determination.
Okay… Confiding in TP was quite low on the list of things you expected to have the opportunity of doing. But then so was having to convince Neil not to get himself killed for the sake of the operation. Anything goes.
“Aren’t you taking a side?” that suspicious voice in your head was difficult to get rid of, “Agreeing with him that I’m stupid, emotional, and overall a burden?” you recited the memorized litany of epithets with a stone-cold expression.
The words have lost their meanings after you have put them apart in the quiet of your mind. Now they were just sounds, incapable of inflicting pain. It was the least that could be done.
“He went too far with that” TP winced, his eyes expressing traces of disapproval, “I might not know you well, but you’re none of these things,” a sympathetic smile softening the tone.
An open hand. An olive branch. Why not? Taking a deep breath, you got ready to open up before the most unexpecting of allies.
“In a way, he was right though…” you looked down, trying to find the needed strength, “I am stupid because I have allowed myself to care too much for him” there it is, “And now I’m paying for it” when you met his eyes again, you found nothing but thoughtfulness.
It was something you thought about often as well. The fact that Neil was right, you did care, and that it was perhaps the reason for your demise. But who could blame you for falling for the bastard looking like the devil? And equally charming too.
“Maybe it’s a little too forward, but-” TP’s tentative tone made you grin.
In moments like this, you acutely remembered that he was still a rookie. Not used to the half-truths and strange tenets you accepted as your credo. His innocence was adorable even.
“In this profession, a it’s sometimes nice to say the truth. Shoot away” you waved your hand dismissively, anticipating the question.
There is a first time for everything.
“Fair point” he mirrored your smile before asking, “Do you love him?”
Plain and simple. Ignoring the panic, you took a moment to ponder the answer. It was… obvious. You told Neil as much twice before, and no amount of pretending and lies could ever undo it. The words were his. Just as you were. Unfortunately.
“I’d want to say no, that I got over it, but… Yes, I do,” you offered the answer with a helpless frown, “Think any idiot can see it” noticing a hint of embarrassment briefly you patted TP’s shoulder, “No matter how much he hurts me, I always find myself wishing things could be… like they once were”
Whatever that meant. In truth, you wanted more. You wanted to wake up next to him every morning. You wanted affirmations of love every day as you tasted his coffee-stained lips. You wanted to lie in his embrace, feeling desired and loved. But most of all, you wanted to be able to lace up your fingers with his, following the instincts that became your second nature. To card your fingers through his silky golden strands and to give him everything he would desire. You wanted to be his. He was supposed to be yours. Or was the universe wrong?
Thoughts of that kind could be lethal. Shaking yourself awake, you met TP’s eyes. Apart from the lack of surprise at your admission, you noticed something strange. A passing realization. As though he has heard something similar before but was afraid to speak up. Once again, you found yourself wondering what Neil told him. What did he mean by ‘things you and I should explain to each other’? For a moment, you wanted to jump head in and ask. But what good would knowing the truth be when you could not act on it? As though aware of your increasing dilemma, the man spoke up again.
“I’m sorry for Oslo” your eyes widened at the reminder.
“Why?” blurting out the question, you eyed him cautiously.
The deepening discomfort radiating off him confirmed your assumptions. That was it. He knew what nearly happened that night. And he was flustered about his role in it. That was not the conversation you ever expected to have.
“I can’t help but think that maybe if I hadn’t… interrupted you, it would’ve-” he stumbled over the sentence somewhat endearingly.
Perhaps it was the lack of care that made you say the next words. Or maybe just the fact that nothing mattered anymore, and so who could judge you for the purest form of honesty.
“Doubt it,” interrupting him with a sour smile, you added, “Maybe it’s good you knocked then… Least he doesn’t have absolutely everything” noticing the alarm painted on TP’s face, you blushed.
Yep, too far. Still true, however.
“I’m sorry, you didn’t have to know that much” you brushed off the sudden awkwardness with a sincere apology.
“I can pretend I’ve never heard it” it was his turn to give a reassuring shoulder squeeze.
You could feel the strange companionship forming. Sure you did not mind. Relaxing back in the chair, you spoke up:
“Thanks,” as TP also visibly reclined, you brought up the thought that was not letting go of your mind, “I don’t know how much he has told you about… this,” gesturing vaguely, you bit your lip.
Somehow you knew that he would not betray Neil by sharing with you everything that has been said. But even crumbs would do…
“Quite a bit,” you watched him closely, intrigued by the hesitation, “Enough for me to know that you’re someone I can trust and that he had reasons to be acting that happy in Tallinn before the action” oh.
That painful pang in your heart was heart to ignore. You winced, feeling the steady gaze fixed on your face. The analysis was mutual. Neil, happy, back in Tallinn. Because of you. You have lost too much.
“What do you mean?” treading carefully, you asked the safest of questions.
A small smile on his face showed you just how obvious you were. Lovesick idiot.
“Hours he has spent texting someone, phone calls he would pick up instantly and then come back grinning like a madman” TP offered you examples with a glimmer in his eyes “It only clicked when we were inverting, and I asked him about you” the blush on your cheeks deepened under his taxing gaze “Suddenly all of that made sense if you were in Estonia with us” he shrugged, finishing the thought.
Oh my god. While you experienced it all firsthand during those chaotic yet hopeful days in the safehouse when everything seemed to have infinite potential, hearing about it from someone else’s perspective felt strange. Almost like a slap in the face. Because it only confirmed what you knew – he once loved you. Once.
“Well, it seems like he has changed his mind…” you muttered, feeling the resentment settle in.
You wondered whether one day it would stop hurting. If you could ever get over this and find someone else. That darkest part of your brain knew the answer well enough. Nothing could come close. And nothing ever would.
“Or he’s just an idiot” the cheeriness felt forced.
But judging by the way TP was staring at you, you could tell it was his attempt at dispersing the sudden melancholy. It was strange to see him worried about you of all people. Perhaps your shit attempts at diverting everyone’s attention from your declining mentality were failing. And that was a reason to be concerned.
“That too,” plastering on an unconvincing smile, you stifled a yawn.
That caught his attention.
“You should get some rest” upon further thought, he added, “And food,”
The intensity of his look was stifling. You hated being the centre of attention. Especially in moments like this when you felt vulnerable, an object of pity and unease. Stupid, weak, and useless. The sabotaging voice came out in full force, making you want nothing but to curl up in bed and disappear. Not yet, however.
“Yes, sir” you raised your hand in mock salute.
Your face fell when instead of a laugh, you got a frown in response. Oopsie.
“I’m serious” TP seemed to consider something quickly before placing his hand on your forearm, “I’m… I’ve been a little worried about you” he met your eyes with a clear purpose.
Shit. That is exactly what you wanted to avoid. Being seen as pathetic and a burden. Internally, you cursed yourself for not being strong enough. For letting anyone see the cracks. You would not let them see you shatter into pieces.
“I’m doing fine,” mustering the happiest of grins, you tried to mask the urgency.
Please buy the bullshit.
“Are you?” he didn’t. Before your brain could fully arrive at the panic station, his inquisitive expression softened. You held his gaze for a beat, hoping to convey everything. Hoping to convince him to let the conversation go. It worked for TP gave a final taxing look before backing off. You exhaled slowly, relaxing a little. Maybe the worst was over…
“Before we go… there’s one more thing I wanted to talk to you about…” TP changed the subject, looking down at the table “The lock. You want to go with him”
It was not exactly a question, yet you knew he expected an answer. That one you could easily give him. It was obvious, even if you have never said it out loud. Up till now.
“Yes... Maybe it is an impulsive and stupid thing to do, but I can’t let him do it alone. I can’t let him get killed” the word felt foreign in your mouth.
As though ‘Neil’ and ‘death’ were two irrelevant concepts that did not fit together even in theory. They could not. You would not allow it. And you were willing to accept the worst of risks to make sure it would not happen. Hell, you would even fight against fate and time to assure that.
“I’d rather avoid that too” TP’s quiet comment made you look up, “He deserves so much more than…” there was something startling in his gaze.
As though he has stopped himself before saying too much. Much more than what? And why was he looking at you like that? Like you were missing something tragic, and his heart was breaking for your loss. You felt like going insane. TP cleared his throat awkwardly, resuming the conversation, not at all fluently:
“I don’t buy the whole ‘what’s happened, happened’. What does that even mean?” the irritation shining through his strange tone was distracting.
“Don’t ask me,” you shrugged, “I like to think there’s a different solution to this. One that doesn’t involve Neil sacrificing himself. And I need to be there with him because if it comes to it… I’d take that bullet for him” you did not know where the honesty came from.
Or why you would admit something that fundamental to TP. His response was just as anticipated – a gasp and widened eyes. Nibbling on your lower lip, you broke the eye contact and chose to stare at the forgotten gun lying on the table. It was the truth, so why did admitting it feel so… radical?
“Are you sure?” when he found his voice again, it was hoarse.
“It’s that kind of love,” you replied, still unable to meet his gaze.
You never expected to reveal yourself like that to TP. Wheeler? Maybe. Even Kat seemed like a probable option, but not the boss himself. And especially not at this stage of his story. Yet he was there, willing to listen, and that was enough. You would deal with the consequences later, in your mind that would undoubtedly rebel against such a display of fragility.
“I don’t want it to sound patronizing… but you’re still young. There might be someone else for you along the line if Neil-” his voice broke through your reverie as you interrupted him with a start.
“I know” finally, you raised your head again, showing the sincerity of expression, “But something tells me it’s him or nothing. Call it fate or insanity” biting back a dry chuckle, you felt a single tear form in the corner of your eye.
That was something you have spent most of the time thinking about. At the start, you desperately wanted to believe that you would get over this. That it was just another disappointment, and like before, eventually you would forget about those blue eyes and maniacal grin. But your heart knew better, constantly reminding you that it was not that simple. That Neil was not someone you just forget. Because how could you?
“Reality?” TP’s eyes were filled with thoughtfulness.
“Perhaps,” you cracked a smile, feeling heaviness in your heart lift by an inch.
Always something. Another yawn ended the delicate moment seconds later, making you scowl in annoyance. What was the point of tiredness when you could not even rest properly? TP laughed at your pained expression and got up:
“Now, you into the kitchen. And try to get some sleep” he offered you a hand which you took and stood up.
“I’ll try” a lie, “Thank you… for checking in and listening” sheepishly, you tried to find any words of gratitude.
“I owed you that after those hours in Oslo, filled with plans, coffees, and awful songs you’d sing to entertain us” the knowing smirk suggested that he did remember what you hoped would be forever forgotten.
MTV in Norwegian. Your knackered brain deciding that singing along to ‘Like a Virgin’ and ABBA was what had to be done to make everyone smile. Mistakes have been made.
“Don’t remind me,” TP laughed as you smacked him on the shoulder.
*** You did not sleep after you bid goodbye to TP. That night too was spent tossing and turning in bed, thinking about how everything could have crumbled so quickly. It has only been weeks since Tallinn. In fact, looking from the linear point of view, it has not even happened yet. The normal you have been enjoying the confusion of those days before Oslo when everything was difficult yet hopeful. Too good to be true, at times. Well, now you knew that those moments never lasted too long.
The next morning you quickly grabbed breakfast and sneaked into the sparring area, hoping to catch a few minutes with the punching bag before the troops would take over space. However, that day it was not meant to be.
You heard the voices as soon as you opened the airlock and entered the large room. It was divided into a few sections, each devoted to a different training exercise. To your advantage, each was also separated with a thin plastic screen. Cautiously, you approached the nearest divider, trying to determine whether your mind was not playing any tricks. After one second, you knew. TP and Neil were having a rather heated conversation on the other side of the screen. A sparring ground was the place you least expected to encounter them. And yet… You wanted to turn away and leave before more damage could be done, but the moment you heard the boss’s voice, you froze on the spot:
“Why are you so hard on her?” TP’s question rung out clear in the highly domed room “The only crime she has committed was falling in love with you. I don’t think that’s worth all that pain you’re inflicting”
There was no doubt as to who he meant. Your heart sank. Oh my god. On one hand, it was encouraging to know someone was fighting for your side and pointing out the unnecessary torture Neil was so keen on. But the fact that they were discussing the nature of your feelings was terrifying. Listening on felt wrong, yet you could not move away.
“It would be better for her if she hadn’t” Neil’s cold tone made your blood turn to ice.
There was something frightening in how distant he sounded. As though he was nothing like the man you fell in love with, only a cold impostor that borrowed his face and voice. He was right.
“Why? You told me that you love-” TP’s voice rose, incredulity tinging every single word.
Neil told him his feelings. You expected that, and it still felt like a punch. You leaned on the wall for support.
“It doesn’t matter what I said” the biting edge to Neil’s voice was new, “Or how I feel. The sooner she gets over it, the better for all of us” he threw it without caution, as though he was done with your bullshit.
With the fact that you were stupid enough to love him. He did not want your love. Never did. The crushing weight on your chest would not give way.
“You’re cruel” TP was surprised, as though he could not believe what he was hearing.
“That’s mercy” Neil was begging for the conversation to be over, “Cruelty would be letting her entertain the idea that we can...” he trailed off, unable to finish the sentence.
Christ. All those nights spent wishing for answers, and when they came you wanted to forget you ever heard it. It was foolish to believe anything could ever happen between you.
“But why? Neil, you are in love with her” TP raised his voice yet again, utterly done with whatever the blonde bastard was doing.
You could not care less. Nothing mattered anymore. But you did not expect the very next punch. Or the pain you would feel.
“I’m not” clear-cut rejection; nothing to interpret “I don’t love her. There’s no need to look at me like I’m a monster”
Enough. You heard enough. The pain was as bad as ever as you walked away. Your mind set on one simple thing - tea. Yes, that would solve it.
*** Going to the galley felt as though you were stuck within a dream you could not shake off. Half-aware of your surroundings, you nearly walked into Dominic, whose survival instincts kept him off your path. Muttering apologies, you undid the zip lock and sauntered into the kitchen without a care in the world. With a start, you noticed Kat sat at the table. She gave you a welcoming half-smile as she sipped the tea from the metal cup. Your autopilot stuttered, overwhelmed by the company. Blocking off any attempts at thinking, you followed the muscle memory. Setting the kettle on. Putting teabag into the mug. Earl Grey because it reminded you of those morning kisses in London. No. Wrong memory. You shook your head, waiting for the water to boil. The fridge was too loud, the buzz making thoughts appear. Sighing, you leaned on the counter. Your eyes were burning, the sensation increasing with every single blink. It was alright. So why did it feel like the world was ending?
The kettle switched off. Without sparing a single thought to the reality, you poured the water in, watching with fascination as the teabag floated up. Kat’s spoon let out a clink as she placed it on the edge of the plate. You jumped up, startled. That was enough to break through your carefully woven barrier. The thoughts came rushing in. Neil didn’t love you. Your chest tightened as the next breath came out strained. The air was gone. Your hands shook as you tried to take out the teabag. Fuck. Everything was over. A single gasp was all you could manage before you shattered. The tears fell down your cheeks in a steady stream, blurring everything with tragedy. Choked sobs shook your frame as you desperately tried to hold on. To sanity. To reality. Anything to make the pain go away. But it would not disappear, only getting stronger. As though through the glass, you could hear someone say your name. Voice tinted with worry and urgency. But you did not care. The sobs turned into a howl as you slid down to the floor. The sounds coming from your throat sounded foreign and harsh, tearing at your vocal cords mercilessly. Oh my god. That was the break you always feared. There was no end to tears falling down your cheeks onto the floor and beneath your shirt. Slowly breathing became almost impossible, forcing out those pathetic half sniffles that only made everything worse. You wanted to do something. Anything. To make it stop. To forget. To lose the ability to feel things. Your fingers clawed at nothingness, barely losing against the desire to make all that internal pain physical. By any means necessary. Because then at least you could blame it on something concrete. And not just heartbreak. A word you despised because it sounded weak. Stupid. Easily avoidable for everyone but not you. A lost cause. A failure.
“Hey…” warm fingers gently touched your shoulder.
You raised your head. The pounding headache and lack of oxygen, making everything seem twice as difficult. Kat’s blue eyes bore into yours with concern. You have made quite the show. Self-preservation told you to get up and leave, save yourself some shame. But you would not even know where to go. Or what to do. You did not trust yourself to make reasonable choices.
“Are you alright?” Kat’s voice brought you back to the present moment.
An anchor. Maybe this could work… She was still eyeing you closely, unsure about how to act but wanting to be helpful.
“Mmmm no,” you sent her a broken smile, grateful for the handkerchief she handed, “But it’s okay. Sorry about this. I didn’t mean to-” you gestured vaguely, knowing she would catch on.
Tears were still flowing steady, threatening with dehydration should this continue. But at least the wailing subsided to quiet sobs interrupting your sentence every few words.
“Don’t apologise, we all break sometimes,” Kat squeezed your shoulder, joining you on the floor, “Do you want to talk about it?”
It was tempting. Even if terrifying. But you felt like maybe she could be the listener you needed. Someone objective enough, without any ties to Neil or you. Someone safe to confide in that would keep your secrets in safekeeping. But…
“What if someone comes in?” grasping the most idiotic of excuses, you glanced at the airlock with apprehension.
You could just about imagine what would have happened should Neil walk in during your conversation. Your heart would not take it.
“We’ll just tell them to leave,” Kat’s cheeky tone made you turn to her, “I think they’re all a little afraid of me for some reason,” she added, with a small smirk.
She crossed her long legs and sat next to you with both your backs supported by the cupboard doors.
“As they should be,” you replied, feeling strangely at ease, considering everything.
That spark in her eyes was worth the stress over being too forward for someone you barely knew.
“So…” she nudged you with her shoulder as further encouragement.
There was no more escaping it. You took a deep breath, urging your heart to stay strong. Words started spilling out without sense or order.
“Is just... the world is potentially ending in a few days, and here I am crying over the fact that someone doesn’t love me” your throat contracted upon the word as though it was forbidden “I should’ve known better. He never could want someone like me because why would he” more tears as you realised the ultimate truth “I’m not extraordinary. It all feels so stupid, pathetic. But I can’t get over it because I still love him. And I don’t know how to stop” you finished the rant on a sob that forced you to cover your face with your hands.
There it was. Out in the open. You wondered how you could have ever been naïve enough to think your feelings could be reciprocated. For him, it was just a crush. Amplified by the troubles you had to face and the recent difficulties. Nothing more. You were conveniently there when he needed someone to lean on. But if it came to it, he would never choose you.
“It’s about Neil, isn’t it?” something in her voice made you meet her gaze.
You were that obvious, huh? A panicked thought convinced you that everyone on the bloody ship knew about your weakness for the blonde bastard. Yes, even that mess sergeant that always gave you a sorry smile when you approached the counter at mealtimes. Before you could spiral down another wretched rabbit hole, you asked the most innocent of questions:
“How do you know?”
There was no point in trying to convince Kat she got it wrong. She seemed to consider something for a moment before she looked at you with newly found resilience:
“Let me tell you a story,”
You quirked your eyebrow, confused and intrigued. Might as well… Nodding at her silent question, you rested your head against the cupboard. Dried tears tinged your chapped lips with salt.
“When we were in Oslo, staying in a hotel for two nights, TP went out, and Neil stayed with me” she set up the scene with a neutral tone, “We talked a lot about everything really. He asked me about Andrei...” you glanced at Kat, noticing a passing grimace, “Normally I would shut off, but there was that calm curiosity about him, and I didn’t mind saying too much” she admitted with a sheepish smile.
You knew the feeling well, always telling Neil too much because he was such an excellent listener. Confiding even the darkest of secrets and thoughts never felt like anything significant when he reacted with that same confidence and acceptance. That was one of the reasons why the fall was unavoidable.
“Neil has that sort of effect on people,” you returned her smile, shrugging slightly.
Kat patted your hand gently, noting the look on your face. The infatuation and yearning you could not get rid of whenever you did as much as spare a thought towards him.
“I can tell... the point is that he mentioned you, as well” your eyes widened as she paused, “His friend, as he referred to you but not without stumbling over the word a little” she grinned upon your struck expression, “He told me about your role in this. That you’re an asset, excellent sharpshooter, brave as hell and equally reckless at times” my god
You blushed, feeling Kat’s taxing gaze. Friend? Suppose that’s one way of introducing you to people. It was fascinating to know that even after the mess of Tallinn, Neil valued your contributions to the mission. That he would mention you to anyone. Favourably, at that.
“Sounds about right,” frowning, you pondered the implications of her words, “So you knew who I was that morning on the bridge?” the sudden realisation felt refreshing.
That explained her looks directed at you and Neil back then. The visible consternation about the matter of your relationship.
“Yes, it clicked pretty quickly” upon your perplexed gaze, she picked up the story, “I could tell that there was more underneath all the praise. There was that longing in his eyes and a spark that lit up only for you,” Kat added, smiling as you gasped, “I asked whether love was allowed in your line of business” there was boldness in her eyes that made your heart clench. Something important was coming, “He said yes, but it’s dangerous and best avoided. Only that’s not always possible. Sometimes it gets you, and before you realise you can’t breathe another word without missing that one essential person. Your heart doesn’t belong to you anymore, and nothing can be done” oh my god.
You stared at the floor as her words sunk in. It felt surreal, as though you have wandered into a dream. A good one. But dreams could only last so long… Shaking off the haze, you glanced at the woman sat next to you. She was observing you with an enigmatic smirk gracing her features.
“He said that?” your voice came out raspy.
Just a clarification. In case you have misunderstood. But Kat was not surprised.
“Yes,” she nodded, that same sympathetic expression on her face, “Considering what I’ve seen with you and him... there’s only one person he could’ve meant” your heart dropped, as though unused to the idea “I understood it that morning on the bridge when despite the awkwardness, he was willing to defy everyone else for your sake”
Your mind wandered back. Neil’s constant presence by your side, his hand touching the small of your back and then staying there for longer than necessary. His support and trust placed in your hands without hesitation. Right now, even something that insignificant felt unattainable. But it did happen. Could it be that he meant you? Unable to withstand the whirlwind of emotions, you stood up. Pacing in the tiny room, a protest came up, spilling out of your mouth:
“But I just heard him tell TP that he doesn’t love me” you swallowed hard as the reminder of the reality hit.
It was one thing to know it. Another to put it into words once again. You felt like screaming, demanding answers from the main culprit of this whole mess. But it was too dangerous. Another heartbreak could be lethal in its consequences.
“Sometimes we lie to ourselves to save the pain” the quiet certainty of Kat’s voice kept you grounded.
It felt risky to believe that he was pushing you away out of fear. But what if… No. You met her inquisitive gaze, hoping to convey the confusion and desperation. She must have understood for she added:
“He’s still coming to check up on me every evening, and the last two days he’s been a little… strange” the meaningful pause felt like bait.
One that you did not hesitate to take.
“How do you mean?” stopping mindless trotting, you sat down on the stool.
“Quiet, wistful, as though something was troubling him, threatening to spill out if he wasn’t too careful” a long taxing look; it sounded familiar, “Trust me, I don’t mean to give you false hope, I just thought you should know that before deciding on any further action” Kat got up and approached you.
Placing a hand on your shoulder, she squeezed it. You felt immensely grateful. Even if a little speechless… Because all of that was a lot to take in. You desperately needed a long afternoon spent in bed, staring at the ceiling and processing the eventful morning. Was it still morning?
“It means a lot, I’m not sure how I could repay you” finding the words again, you gave her a helpless smile.
“Just try to be happy. And don’t give up on things that seem too good to be true. Sometimes those are most worth keeping around” the depth of melancholy in her eyes was startling, “What will you do now?” the tentative tone assured you of the intent behind the question.
It was Kat’s way of saying: don’t do anything stupid. You could not promise that to anyone. The wounds were too fresh; emotions barely kept under control. Anything could happen. But you did not want to alarm her.
“I’m not sure. Think, probably” an unconvincing nonchalance had to do, as unprecedented honesty took voice “But I’m beginning to realise that if I won’t be able to… have him… I’ll just let him be. He deserves the best more than anybody else” you finished the thought and met her eyes.
A passing shock you found there was intriguing. As though your words reminded her of something, and she needed an additional moment to recover. God knows what sort of secrets everybody held on this god-forsaken ship… If the weight of the past and the unsaid could sink boats, it would have been long over. For everyone.
*** You thanked the gods (and Ives) for letting the topic of the lock wait out a little longer. Instead, the next morning’s meeting concerned the splinter unit, the who, and the how. As a result for once, no voice has been raised throughout the two hours spent on the bridge. Nothing much has been decided, but you did not mind. The burden of the last few days rested on your shoulders, preventing sleep or any form of relaxation. The word ‘tired’ did not even begin to describe it. But duties had to be put ahead of any personal issues and so you took part in the confab as usual. Seeing Neil after everything felt like a stab straight in the heart. His silence and the complete lack of acknowledgment of your existence were the added twist of the hilt.
The moment the meeting was over, you bolted out of the door in desperate need of fresh air. It was bound to rain later as the entire deck was covered in strange puddles that formed out of nothing. Perks of inversion and all that. Lost in thoughts concerning the locks, blonde bastards, and the torture of love as a concept and a feeling, you forgot about the golden rule of inverted rainfalls in the making – caution upon stepping on the wet surfaces. Turning around the corner, your foot slipped. Fuck. All you could do was flail your hands helplessly while praying that the fall will not be painful and that it will not detach the oxygen tank. Suffocation was not the death of your choice.
Suddenly the fall was interrupted with a strong grip on your waist. Hands pulling you upright, back to standing. The hold felt familiar. And forbidden. Turning to face the saviour, you were struck by the sight of the blue eyes that haunted your every waking hour. Every dream too. He was close, with hands wrapped around your waist securely. Somehow this felt worse than the fall. You half expected Neil to let go any second now, step away and yell at you for being clumsy. Or maybe just for existing. But he was still there. One of his hands slipped down onto your hip. Speechless, you kept on gazing into his eyes, trying to understand what was going on. All you could see was increasing the confusion. Desire. The boundless depths were drawing you in. Neil pulled you closer. Something in his face made you believe that if it was not for the oxygen masks, he would have kissed you. His gaze roamed across your features, intense, relentless, as though he could never have enough of you. It felt like being stripped bare, left exposed and vulnerable. Despite trying, you were unable to put up a guard, showing him all that he was not supposed to know instead. Everything you tried to hide and deny, bury deep inside so it could be forgotten. Well not anymore… Whatever Neil saw in your eyes woke him up. You noticed a passing frown, replaced with increasing shock. And then horror. What the hell. Before you could even process what happened, he let go and took a hasty step back. He looked sick, pale with fear and panic. Then, just as you tried to find any relevant words, Neil spoke:
“Be more careful next time,” cold and curt as though nothing happened.
He walked off briskly, disappearing into the darkness of the training grounds. What the fuck? A single drop flew up from the deck, splashing onto your chin. The rain has begun. You felt strange. Suddenly mourning the fact that you have been saved from suffocation. It would have been simpler. Less painful. Less terrifying.
*** No matter the hours passing by, or the thousands of different grounding techniques you have attempted, nothing was helping. Lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling, you wanted a multitude of things. To get blackout drunk in the hope of forgetting this morning ever happened. (You checked the galley, utterly disappointed to have found nothing with the necessary voltage). You wanted to talk to someone, briefly considering visiting Kat further down the corridor. But that would have meant being even more vulnerable. And a burden. So nope. At one point, you once again considered marching outside without the mask, letting the inverted lung membranes and fucked up rain do the rest. But you did not want to end the life itself. That was not all that bad. You liked your job, the various people you have met along the way. It was only that the current predicament was… unbearable. There had to be a different option.
Then mindless pacing replaced the stillness of lying down. Window, door, and back again. To be repeated for at least an hour. Your thoughts swirling around everything that has been said. Everything that happened. Kat’s story. The look in Neil’s eyes. What if… what if? The unknowns kept multiplying in your head, driving you insane with the extent of what you did not understand. You always hated those moments of suspense. Unsure whether to give up, let go and try to move on, or to keep trying, hoping. Your heart could never process them well without breaking and shattering into millions of pieces. Fuck.
There was one way out of it. One that you tried to push to the back of your head for the few past hours because it was too terrifying. But you were slowly running out of alternatives. One look out of the window told you that you had spent at least six hours like this. It would not do. It was either him or nothing. But you could not survive the insufferable without knowing which one it was. Taking a deep breath, you stopped in the middle of the cabin. This is it. You knew what had to be done. You put on the sweater as though in a trance, making sure to repeat silly affirmations in the quiet of your mind. It had to be alright. If it wasn’t, there were always the seals left…
The walk down the short corridor felt like ascending the steps to the guillotine. Only whatever might happen could be worse than beheading. Your hand shook as you rapped on the door to Neil’s cabin. The sound felt like the worst mistake you ever made. It was too late to turn back. After a very long moment, you heard shuffling inside. When the door opened, you were shocked by a few observations all at once. Neil’s eyes were reddened, hair in absolute disarray. When he realised that you were the intruder, his hands automatically went to smooth the strands in some way. Making even more mess in the process. In any different situation, you would have found that endearing. But your heart was too heavy. You eyed him instantaneously, gaze slipping over the fitting black thermal shirt and the joggers with narrowed cuffs. Not helpful. As you glanced back at his face, you noticed the intensifying confusion. That was the chance to speak…
“Can I come in?” a tentative start to make him more likely to agree.
The shock in his blue eyes slowly changed into careful curiosity. Neil gave you a once-over before opening the door wider and stepping back.
“Of course. Friends are allowed to visit each other” a hint of impatience as though he already had enough.
But that was not the most infuriating bit…
“Friends?” you crossed the threshold and met his eyes with the face of stone, “Sure, that’s one way of looking at what we are” the lack of reaction was inspiring, “Or were” you took a look around his room.
Equally small cabin, littered with a few personal objects. His was phone abandoned on the bedside table, a change of clothes on the floor. A naïve idiot would have taken a moment to consider the fact that maybe he was not as well as you thought. But you were past that, desperate to get answers. A reaction. An end to this madness. With resolve ever-increasing, you sat down on the edge of Neil’s bed, ready for the battle ahead. Meeting his perplexed gaze, you let the penny drop:
“I wonder with how many friends have you been kissing on the bed for two hours” a flash of recognition and then a frown.
As expected. But it still hurt.
That moment from the afternoon before the morning plane to Tallinn was one you often replayed in those desperate hours when nothing seemed to help. You were lying in bed in your room back in London, enjoying each other’s company, exchanging kisses like compliments every few minutes. Sometimes Neil would let his hands become more daring in their caress, causing goosebumps all over your skin. Bringing out sighs and making your heart overflow with love and hope that you finally found what you have been looking for. You felt wanted. You talked a lot about the future, sharing different ridiculous plans for how it could play out. Neil promised to visit your prospective farm with the sheep and dogs. Back then, judging by the look in his eyes, you dared dream that perhaps he would want to be a part of those days still to come. Now, looking at the blonde man awkwardly perching on the chair in front of you, nothing made sense. He stayed for the night then, allowing you to hug him close until the morning. You woke up first, watching him for a few minutes. The steady rise and fall of his chest. Relaxed face with hair sticking up. Calm and content. The warmth spreading from your heart inspired you to press a kiss to his lips as a means of wake up. The sight of Neil sleepy-eyed, peering up at you with a fond smile gracing his features was worth much. Maybe even the current tortures…
Facing him now, you could see the frown deepen.
“Painful memory?” you countered, watching him closely for any hints.
A mask was put on well. But there were flashes of something there. A potential… A possibility of getting burned too.
“In a way,” Neil grimaced, avoiding your piercing gaze.
He was uncomfortable, mindlessly picking on the skin around his nails and tapping his foot. That was the signal to keep on pushing. Until he would be forced to be honest.
“That’s a shame. It’s one of my favourite ones” as he looked up, you offered a deadpan smile, “Just like Oslo,” a shrug complemented with a quick scan of his body, “Though I’m not sure about that… ending,” feigning thoughtfulness you ended the harsh scrutiny.
The point was to back him up against the wall without making him throw you out. That tiny voice at the back of your head told you that he would have done that already if you were not in any way important. That voice was too confident.
“What is your point?” Neil bit back, betraying the level of annoyance you have brought with the innocent reminder.
You knew there was no more skirting around the issue. Now or never.
“Why did you do that earlier? Why did you hold me like...” you trailed off, unable to put into words what it felt like.
Like what? Like a lover. Like someone you actually cared about and not just an irritation. Like someone you could want in your life. But you could never say that to him.
“I was being a gentleman” Neil glanced at you with painfully fake indifference, “Women tend to appreciate that,” a shrug that could not fool you.
Women. The spark of jealousy burned bright. Because what if you were just another distraction. Nothing special. But then the things he said to Kat suggested otherwise. You held onto that thought and squared your shoulders. The game was on.
“...Right,” a sceptical glance in his direction before you continued, “Was that look gentlemanly too? Because last time I checked, gentlemen didn’t tend to look at women as though they wanted to…” trailing off, you awaited the response.
That would mean he took the bait. And the case was not yet lost.
“What?” the lazy tone made you meet Neil’s gaze.
He looked… off. As though before you knocked, he was not exactly fine. It was that nervousness and unkempt appearance that betrayed him. On its own accord, your heart gave out a painful thump, anticipating the fact that Neil too might have been hurting. But why? Ignoring the distraction, you found the needed words and dropped them carelessly.
“Devour them” you held his gaze confidently.
The verb felt right. As though Neil was not trusting his instincts, he looked down, breaking the contact. Putting up further guards. Bingo. He scoffed, throwing in cruelty to the mix:
“And here I was thinking you’re over… this” a vague hand gesture to show what this meant.  
You. And him. That something that both was there and was not. Or rather, he wanted it to cease to exist. Only it was not that easy.
“I never said that” putting on the necessary emphasis, you kept on staring at him until he looked up.
Mouth open for another quip. That same steel-blue eyes and clenched jaw. Whatever you have been doing was working. Slowly aggravating him to the point of discomfort. You had to keep the upper hand. Neil seemed to consider something, restlessly fiddling with a pen he picked up from the bedside table. After a beat, he spoke up:
“Why are you here?” weariness in his eyes as he gave out a long exhale.
Easy question… right?
“Because I want answers” it could not be any simpler.
He flinched, letting you see the extent of panic hidden underneath the annoyance and casualness.
“What makes you think I’ve got them?” an arched eyebrow adding the mocking intonation.
The meter of space between you felt like an ocean. He was close enough for you to brush away the strand that has fallen into his eye if you only leaned in. And yet so far that you felt alone, alienated by the cold scrutiny. You had to keep going, tearing at the carefully build up armour hiding him away from you.
“Because you always have words. An abundance of them” you waited till he looked at you again before pressing on “Be it things you probably wish I have forgotten that you have once whispered between kisses” a pause, noticing the boundless unease in the blue eyes “Or all those lovely adjectives you have given me the last couple of days” using the moment of hesitation, you added, “But maybe you were right, and I am stupid, emotional-”
You could give him the whole litany. Your legacy. Exactly how much you were worth in Neil’s eyes. Unless it was a lie…? Before you could begin, Neil raised his hand, interrupting sharply:
“Okay, I get your point” no pride in that frown, almost as though he regretted it, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that” the apology took you by surprise.
As did the sudden change in his face. Neil held your gaze with unusual sheepishness. As if even the act of looking at you was dangerous. Tearing the skin from his lower lip, he was the epitome of insecurity. There was no time to falter.
“Everything?” you prodded, mindful of the poker face you had to maintain.
You could not lose him now. Neil hesitated for a short moment before responding:
“Yes,” another second of eye contact, and he got up, impatiently touching the doorknob “If this is all you wanted, then I’d rather be alone-”
No. You leaped up, reaching out before he could finish the sentence. As your hand landed on his forearm, his eyes snapped to you in shock. He was not expecting you to breach the touch barrier. But there was no other choice. With heart hammering in your chest, you felt your throat tighten. Please not now…
“No,” emotions exposed in the tiny voice crack, “Neil, I’m tired of this, of you not making any fucking sense and expecting me to accept it” pleading, you let your fingers wrap around his wrist.
That had to do. Judging by the terror in his eyes, it was already too much. You could feel your resolve waning. Terrified of the consequences if this backfired. Of what you would have to do if he rejected you once and for good. Of the pain you would have to face then. But you had to be brave. He swallowed hard. You wondered what caused the goosebumps on his skin.
“If this is about earlier, then you’re blowing it out of proportion. Be more reasonable” there was a raw edge to his voice that was new.
You were close now. Enough to force Neil to stare at the ground to avoid looking at you. You noticed those dark circles under his eyes. And the tension spilling out in waves. He was scared of you. And that was a horrifying discovery. Your eyes were burning as you begged your heart to hold on. You had to survive this.
“It’s not just that” betraying the nerves, you took a greedy inhale, “It’s what you told Kat in Oslo. It’s how you look at me” following potentially disastrous instincts, you tipped his chin to meet his eye, “It’s all those sudden switches when you seem so cold and calculating and yet so separated from the real you” running out of breath, you could only stare at Neil.
The widened eyes and parted lips told you exactly how shocked he was. You did feel bad for bringing Kat into it. The argument was too strong to let it go. And it worked if his silent panic was anything to go by. He was desperately searching for words, unable to tear his eyes away from yours as though what you said was a binding charm.
“Why do you think you know the real me?” finally, Neil settled upon the question.
One last attempt at making you forgo this madness. Only there was nothing convincing in his delivery. Eyes hazed, showing you fear and uncertainty. A blood droplet on the lower lip where he tore through the skin. Ignoring the most innate of desires to wipe it off, you cupped his cheek. Neil gasped, frozen in the spot. Could it be working? Sliding your hand down, you interlocked your fingers with his. Everything felt surreal. As if you were not a part of the scene. But you had to persist. To finish what you started.
“Because you once told me that you’ve never lied to me. That I’m very important. Your everything, even” your voice broke again on the last sentence as you tightened your hold over Neil’s hand, “And I understand that you could have changed your mind, but…” you hesitated, feeling him shudder.
Oh my god. Your heart broke for the umpteenth time as the fact dawned on you. Neil was shivering slightly as though he was cold. But there was no draft. Nothing to cause it apart from your presence, words, and the physical touch. A choked sob built up in your throat.
“…why are you trembling when all I’m doing is holding your hand? Am I that revolting?” the questions were interrupted by a sniff you could not hold back any longer; there was time for honesty, “The last few days have been awful, making me want to stupid things just to feel something different than heartbreak. I’m not saying that to get your pity, but if I got it all so wrong then tell me now. Because I’m not sure I can survive much longer like this” after finishing the speech, the tears trailed down your cheeks uninvited.
It was all there for him. Nothing to add. Your heart was beating fast, blood pounding in your ears. For a second, you felt suspended in time, unable to do anything but stare at Neil, who seemed utterly speechless. And then his face fell. Eyes fell shut as he let out a heart-shattering whimper. Tears started falling down his face as you tried to brush them away. You have not seen him that broken since the aftermath of TP’s death. He tugged his hand out of your hold to cover his face, turning away. Christ… The searing pain was back, this time making your heart bleed for Neil. You did not know what to do, powerless and paralyzed with a multitude of thoughts and feelings. After a minute which felt like an eternity, Neil faced you again with red-rimmed eyes and tragedy in his gaze. That was the needed wake-up. Stepping back into action, you placed your hand on his chest. Just over the beating heart. A gentle encouragement.
“I can’t… I can’t tell you that it’s over because I still…” the breathless words tinged with panic and struggle as he fought for every gust of air, “I can’t keep on…” another sob, shaking his whole body “You’re…” a sharp intake followed by instant defeat.
Immeasurable anguish in Neil’s eyes was another reason to find the strength you did not know you had. Maybe it was worth it.
“What? I’m here with you and willing to listen. To do anything but please just make me understand” holding back more tears, you made sure he saw the determination painted on your face.
Slowly you were coming to terms with the reality. You would do anything for him. Anything he asked.
“I don’t know how to…” Neil trailed off, looking for answers all over the floor and ceiling, “I’m tired of having to pretend when you’re all I…” a moment of hesitation as his eyes widened.
He did not intend to say that much. You’re all I… what? Before you could find ways of pressing on, he turned away again and sat down on the bed. A frown etched deep into his forehead. Eyebrows furrowed. Eyes glistening with unshed tears. This was bad. Awkwardly, you shifted from one foot to another. Words were escaping you both.
“Then don’t. I won’t bite” your useless quip was received with an ill-disguised dry chuckle, “Call it naïve, but I don’t think it’s anything we can’t fix if we…” shit.
You knew what was there on the tip of your tongue. It was too early. Fuck knows if he even… But he had to. There was no other force in the universe that could cause this much pain.
“If what?” Neil caught your mistake with strange emotion in his eyes.
As though he wanted you to spell it out. You could not give in. Some words had the potential to destroy, and it was too fragile. A freshly opened wound you still had to mend somehow.
“Don’t make me say it again” a whisper to make him understand your actions.
After a beat, Neil nodded. He seemed exhausted, slouching and staring at the floor unseeingly. That feeling of helplessness threatened to come back with force as you were running out of ideas to make it work. To get him back somehow. Then his voice broke the tense silence:
“Christ…” a long exhale before he looked at you again, “I don’t even know where to begin, but…” resignation passed through his face.
You felt a strange spark of hope flicker in the depths of your heart. It did not look like rejection. It did not look like anything you have ever experienced, and yet it made so much sense. Because after everything you have been through, there was no way this could be easy. Kindling that building fire, you cautiously took a step forward, maintaining the eye contact:
“Yes?” the most neutral of tones, holding the emotions at bay.
Everything not to scare him off. You made it so close. You could give up now. A hint of a sad smile upon Neil’s lips was encouraging…
“Come closer. I want to…” he reached out a hand you gladly took, letting him pull you nearer.
It did not matter what he wanted. Only that you could give it to him. Anything. Everything. Upon the sudden surge of courage, you covered the remaining inches of space and straddled his lap in one smooth movement. Another gasp as Neil glanced at you with obvious amazement. Then, as though he worried that even this was too much, he looked down at where his hands tentatively settled on your hips. This position was familiar. And yet, you felt different, unable to make sense of the myriad of emotions and thoughts occupying your mind. All that mattered was Neil. His hesitant but intimate hold. The hair falling into his eyes. Shallow breaths escaping through the parted lips.
“It’s alright, look at me,” gently you lifted his chin so that you could meet his gaze.
Blue eyes full of longing. For you. Exhaling sharply, you knew well enough what to do. You wound your hands around his waist, drawing him into a tight embrace. That too felt natural. After a second, Neil relaxed, melting into your hug as if that was exactly what was missing. At that moment, with head resting in the crook of his neck, at last feeling as though there was a point in all this, your eyes welled up. No matter the suffering, this had to be it. Your everything. Neil breathed you in, warm puffs of air causing shivers all over your body. There was no point in pretending.
“Please come back to me,” you whispered against his skin, letting tears trail onto his shirt.
Neil tightened his hold, hands roaming over your back, pulling you even closer. All it took was a kiss he pressed onto the exposed skin of your collarbone to make you tremble.
“I never left,” the hesitancy told you he did not believe it either.
“You did. But maybe… I’ll do anything to have you back” the urgency in your voice causing Neil to lean back.
He wiped the stray tears from your cheeks, taking an additional moment to caress your neck with tenderness. You could only lean into his touch, feeling as though whatever might happen has already been decided. There was no way you could let this go. Neil seemed to consider something quickly before he spoke:
“All those words… they fail me when I’m trying to explain what I was doing” his voice was raspy with the weight of emotions, “Or why. Because I’m scared of making it come true. It’s as if once I say it… it might…” he paused, searching for words in your eyes.
“Become real?” you offered, running your fingers through his unruly hair.
You were right. It was all an act. The elation was restrained by worry and love. It didn’t matter.
“Yeah…” Neil swallowed hard, “And then there’s all this mess in my head… The thoughts that just won’t shut up. I’m so fucking tired of… of-” the familiarity of his words causing another flash of pain within your heart “I can’t ask you to-” he cut himself off as though the idea was unspeakable.
You caught a sight of something darker within his gaze. They always said that actions speak louder than words…
“Neil, I said I’ll do anything. I mean it. What do you need?” you met his panicked eyes with resilience.
It took him a longer minute to stop staring at you. To wake up. And then, as simple as it can be:
“You. I need you,” touching his forehead to yours his breath ghosted your lips, “But after everything I did, I wouldn’t expect you to want me… like that” the depth of remorse was heart-breaking.
You already knew what the answer would be. Nothing else mattered. Regrets, worries, and fears had to be abandoned for the sake of this.
“The trouble with the heart is that it doesn’t care what you’ve done. Only that this is you,” smiling lightly, you cupped his cheek, “Just… kiss me. Like you mean it. Like you could love me. And then we’ll see if we can make it work,” unsure where the words came from, you faltered.
But before any vicious doubts could step in, Neil closed the gap. His lips slowly glided over yours, reminding you what it felt like. It did not take much persuading for you to open your mouth, deepening the kiss. It felt like coming home after a long time away. Like that first step over the threshold when one is unsure what they will find. Only to realise that everything is in the right place. That they should have never left. You tangled your fingers in his hair, bringing him even closer. He groaned upon the sensation, teeth grazing over your bottom lip. A sigh escaped your throat as Neil’s hands ventured underneath the sweater. For the first time in a while, everything made sense. You tugged at his shirt just for the sake of it as a means of showing him how wrong he was. You wanted him more than before if that was possible. The kiss consuming you both with its intensity and force. Your tongues participating in their dance, brushing against each other, increasing the intimacy of the moment. It finally felt right. Slow, unhurried, but desperate. Unforgettable.
You did not even know when it ended. One moment you were willing to give up breath if only to make it last longer. The next Neil had you pinned to the bed, breathless and shocked. When you met his gaze, the depth of expression told you what it meant. Finally.
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queenmuzz · 3 years
A ‘Peaceful’ Family Breakfast
Set in an AU, where both Eva and Sparda live, and Dante and Vergil live (relatively) normal lives....well, they DID... A prequel to THIS piece
Tagging @toschiworlds for coming up with this AU in the first place
It was such an unusual feeling, Eva thought to herself as she set out the pitcher of freshly squeezed orange juice on the table.  How long had it been since they had a proper meal together, all four of them, in peace?  Certainly before her sons had turned eighteen...before Dante had gone to work on his new demon hunting business, before Vergil had taken a year to travel before he started university.  And even before then, when did a meal not end up with the two brothers bickering, only to be broken up by a piercing glare from their parents?
But now, this beautiful spring morning, the windows flung open to let in the fresh air, for the first time this year, she felt that today’s Pancake Sunday would go beautifully.  Dante, with the help of his father, had finally gotten on his feet financially, so he was in a good mood.  And Vergil… while he looked the very picture of calm, she could tell he was barely keeping his turmoil together.  Both Sparda and Dante seemed unaware of how well he hid his inner thoughts, but Eva had seen that look before, although not on her sons, and it was painful to watch.
He has had his heart broken.  She knew that intuitively, and yet she didn’t press him for details.  He would tell her eventually, and her alone.  Sparda, despite his countless years among humans, still was clueless about subtle emotional clues.  
And while Dante was a bit more clever, was too preoccupied with his new independence to pick up on his brother’s distress.  God help us if he does though, she thought, that’ll be the fight that not even I could stop.  It was best to let Vergil confide in her, of his own choice, in private.  But not today.  Today, she would enjoy the family pancake breakfast.
“Man, this smells delicious!” Dante had already seated himself down and was helping himself to the top three pancakes from the platter, still steaming.
“You’ve outdone yourself, milady,” her husband kissed her cheek in approval as he placed a few breakfast sausages on her plate, before helping himself.
“Dante!” her youngest froze, his fingers grasping the handle of the glass pitcher.  “Vergil should have the first glass of juice.”  Dante sulked as he sat back down, “after all, he provided the oranges for this, fresh from that island called…?”
“Fortuna” Vergil quickly answered.
“Fortuna….” Sparda murmured… “That’s a name I haven’t heard in a very long time…”
Dante’s interest was piqued, “Hmmm, what’s so special about that place?” “Ah,” his father smiled while reminiscing, “I spent many generations there, a loooong time ago, aiding them against the onslaught of demons that threatened to overwhelm them” his face darkened a bit, “Unfortunately, they started to rely on me a mite too much, to the point of reverence, so I decided to leave, before they went down a path that was too dangerous.  How fares the island?  I do hope that the Cathedral in the city centre still stands, it was beautiful during my stay.”
“It is still there, and yes...very beautiful, the second most beautiful creation on that island,”  Vergil admitted, before realizing that he had revealed something he ought not have.
“Second eh?” Dante was quick to pick up on that, “What’s the first?  A really nice looking pizza parlour?”
Vergil began to turn as red as the strawberries, and Eva knew exactly what he thought was the most beautiful.  Her eldest would never reveal it, and her youngest would never stop asking, leading to yet another disrupted family meal.
Never had she been so relieved that the phone rang from the living room.  
“Dante,” she asked sweetly, “would you be a dear and answer it?”  That might be enough to distract the young man, and she saw Vergil let out a sigh of relief as his brother gave her a casual salute, before sauntering off.  Sparda, of course, didn’t notice a thing, too focused on soaking his pancakes with syrup.
“Let’s just enjoy a pleasant morning, you boys can talk about what you’ve been up to for the past year later, shall we?”  Vergil a bit too eagerly agreed.
Even though his voice was muffled from behind the wall, she could make out snippets of the conversation.
“Sparda residence, Dante here!”  A bit of silence, and then she noticed Vergil stiffen.  No doubt he could hear what was being spoken, with his demonic heritage,  “Wait, you want to talk to him?  Babe, hate to break it to yah, but I’m the better lookin’ twin by far.”  Vergil’s knuckles popped and turned white, but before he could get up, Dante’s dejected voice replied “Oh okay… don’t get your panties in a twist, I’ll grab him.  HEY VERG!  PHONE’S FOR YOU!”
Eva didn’t even mind that Vergil didn’t ask permission to leave the table, and bolted towards the phone.  She couldn’t see it, but she assumed that he yanked the receiver from his brother, before glaring at him to get out, if the way Dante made a hasty retreat back into the dining room was any indication.
Dante looked at her and gave her a clueless shrug, before sitting back down and grabbing yet another couple of pancakes.  Unlike Dante, Vergil kept his voice down, and she couldn’t hear anything he said.
But both Dante and Vergil did.  Because despite how clueless the men could be, their exceptional hearing was unsurpassed.  Both father and son dropped their forks, and stared at each other, as if they were looking at confirmation at what they had just heard.
Eva couldn’t help herself, her curiosity demanded it.  “What is it?”  
Dante looked like he was about to blurt it out, but Sparda cut him off.  “My dear, I believe we should have some tea, would you be able to make some?  I’d do it myself, but I can never get the temperature right, it always comes out tasting bitter and burnt.”
Eva knew when she was being herded out of a conversation, but Sparda did this so rarely, that she trusted his intentions.  So, faking a smile, she headed back to the kitchen, and turned on the stove top kettle.
She could hear both her husband and son in a quiet argument.  She didn’t know what was being spoken about, but she knew it was from something they had overheard.
“Dante...this is not for you to reveal.  This is your brother’s duty.”
“But you know how he is!  He’ll probably pretend it didn’t happen!  Mom HAS to know!”
“And she will, but give Vergil the chance to tell her.  He’s probably as shocked as we are.”
“But VERGIL of all guys?  I expected him to stab himself in the chest before this ever happened…”
“Be patient...your brother is full of surprises, but he will find a way to make it work.”
Eva’s blood went cold.  Had Vergil done something? Was he hurt?  Did someone want to hurt him?  Her motherly instincts screamed at her to check up on her eldest, to make sure that he was alright, to assure him that whatever he was keeping back, she would love him unconditionally.  But then, the kettle whistled, so she distracted herself by pouring into the teapot, the fragrance wafting up providing a temporary sense of calm.  Forcing a smile, she brought the teapot in, and acted as if she hadn’t heard anything.  Both Sparda and Dante focused intently on their pancakes, refusing to look at each other, or at her.  In the living room, she finally heard Vergil’s voice, low, yet trembling. 
“I...I will think of something.  I’ll be there as soon as I am able.  From there, we’ll take it one step at a time.”  A pause. “Take care of yourself…”  and she could have sworn, spoken almost as a whisper, an “I love you.”
She was in the middle of bringing out the sugar pot from the kitchen when Vergil came back, pale and slightly wobbly, as if he had been punched in the head.   The air was still, and there wasn’t even the chirping of spring birds.  Both Sparda and Dante stared at Vergil expectantly.
“Well…” her husband stated, carefully adjusting his monocle, “I believe we all heard what was spoke, save for your mother.  Would you like to fill her in?”
Vergil looked like he wanted to be anywhere other than this room as he stood stock still, his Adam’s apple bobbing rapidly. 
“If you don’t tell her bro, I will…” Dante promised, and got a stabbing glare for his threat.  
Eva waited patiently, not pushing her son.  She knew, more than anyone, that the more you pushed Vergil, the more resistant he became.  But she still stood there expecting anything and everything.
“Mother…” Vergil slowly gave in, “I’m going to be a father…”
The delicate china sugar pot shattered into countless pieces as it hit the floor, the sugar just adding to the mess.  And the noise it made could barely uproar that both father and son made at the revelation.
So much for a quiet meal together...
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