#I adore how he looks tired most of the time but could easily kill you in a nanosecond
veinereastath · 2 years
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Eᴛʜᴀɴ Hᴀᴡᴋᴇ ᴀs Aʀᴛʜᴜʀ Hᴀʀʀᴏᴡ ɪɴ Mᴏᴏɴ Kɴɪɢʜᴛ [70/?]
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ro-is-struggling · 5 months
Self care || Bucky Barnes x Reader
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Summary: Bucky always seemed interested in your skin care routine, so when one day he arrives tired and drained from a mission, you take the opportunity to show him the importance and benefits of self-care.
Warnings: established relationship, brief mention to Bucky’s past trauma, a fuck ton of fluff, my little knowledge of skin care lol
English is not my first language
Word count: 2200
Notes: this was inspired by a dream I had. I thought it was cute and I couldn't get it out of my head, so I wrote this little thing. If it doesn’t make sense, blame my dumb dreams lol
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It was one of the first times you slept over at Bucky's place that you discovered he didn't have a skin care routine. He would look at you cleansing your face from the bathroom door, watching you apply creams and serums with a mixture of admiration and confusion in his expression. And every time you picked up a new product, he would ask you what it was and what did it do. 
It didn't really surprise you, most of the men you had dated tended to use a small number of personal hygiene products and usually the facial skin was only treated with soap and water. And if that was men your age, it was to be expected that Bucky and his over one hundred years of age were not aware of the benefits of skin care.You found his reactions kind of adorable. It wasn't every day that you caught Bucky acting with the naïve curiosity of a child, and you couldn't help but laugh as you answered his endless questions.
"Please tell me you at least wear sunscreen." You said and Bucky remained silent. "Oh my God, Bucky!" you complained, explaining to him how dangerous the sun was for his skin.
"After all I've been through, I don't think a little sun is going to kill me, doll." He laughed, coming up to you to hug you from behind. You wrapped your arms around his, smiling at him in the mirror as he rested his chin on your shoulder. 
The bastard knew how cute he was —looking at you through the mirror with blue eyes full of love—, and he was using it to his advantage to keep you from scolding him. He was probably right, the super soldier serum surely protected him from skin cancer in the same way it protected him from hits and falls that would be fatal to the rest of humanity. But still, it wouldn't hurt him to take care of himself a little every now and then.
"You smell nice." Bucky praised you, inhaling the subtle floral scent the creams had left on your skin. He gave you a kiss on the cheek, his stubble tickling your sensitive face. You laughed and he knew he had won.
"Don't think you're getting out of this so easily." you warned, tilting your head to the side so you could kiss him. "Flattery will get you nowhere!"
From that day on you decided that you would put together a skincare routine for Bucky. Super Soldier serum or not, everyone's skin needed a little help from time to time. And besides, you believed it was something that could benefit Bucky in more ways than just one. It would teach him to take better care of himself and to value the precious 'me time'. And god knew he needed that. So you made a mental note to buy a couple of products for him the next time you went to restock some of your kit and stopped thinking about it for a while.
That was until one day Bucky came home tired from a mission. You didn't quite know what he had to do and he didn't want to tell you much about it either when you asked him. Not knowing tore you apart, but you respected his wishes and didn't press the issue, deciding to help him in a way that wasn't invasive. You started with running him a bath, filling the tub with warm water and using some of your bath salts and lotions to create a more relaxing environment. You insisted on taking care of him, although Bucky didn't put up much resistance, surrendering to the soothing power of your caresses on his hair. Your fingers gently massaged his scalp, coating it with shampoo to remove all the dirt before rinsing it and repeating the process with conditioner.
He still found such intimacy a bit strange. Even though he enjoyed it, he still wasn't completely used to being cared for with the affection you showed him. It had been so long since anyone had treated him with such love and care that he could hardly remember it. But he felt safe in your hands, happy to have you in his life. A light of hope at the end of the dark tunnel of agony that had been his life. That was what you were to him. His second chance to live, to love. So he relaxed under your touch and let your gentle caresses take all the tiredness and worries out of his system.
But your pampering didn't end when Bucky got out of the tub. After he changed into his pajamas and laid down on his side of the bed, you emerged from the bathroom with a small white bag in your hands. You rested it on the nightstand and began pulling out various products he recognized from your skin care routine, arranging them in a nice neat line. 
"Doll... what are you doing?" Bucky asked, looking at the pink cat-ear headband you held in your hands. It was the one you always wore when you did your makeup or skin care routine, a tool you used to keep your hair out of your face while you worked. He always thought you looked adorable when you used it, but he didn't understand why you were directing it at him this time.
"Taking care of you." You replied as if it were obvious, "I want to show you the benefits of having a good skin care routine." Bucky hesitated for a moment, but eventually gave in to your soft smile and the sparkle of enthusiasm in your eyes. There was nothing he could say no to if you looked at him that way.
He gave you a slight nod and you took that as a signal to continue. You climbed onto the bed, settling onto his lap with one leg on either side of him, so you could face him and work more comfortably. Bucky put his hands on your hips instinctively, the cold metal of his fingers giving you goose bumps at the unexpected touch. But you didn't move them, you liked his hands there.
"First we have to make sure your hair is out of the way." You announced as you placed the headband on his head, making sure no hair was out of place or near his face. You couldn't help but let out a giggle as you admired Bucky wearing the accessory. The pink, furry cat ears looked so out of place it was ridiculous. The clear feminine energy of the headband clashed against the distinctive masculine look on his expression in a fun and charming way. It made him look adorable if you were honest, especially when he smiled at you. He could definitely pull it off.
"How do I look?" Bucky asked, batting his eyelashes in an exaggerated fashion. 
"Adorable." You replied between giggles, before giving him a quick peck on the lips.
When you broke apart, you began your skin care routine, taking a piece of cotton and your favorite micellar water to cleanse Bucky's skin. He looked at you closely, taking advantage of the position you were in to admire your beauty up close while you concentrated on soaking the cotton ball in the liquid. You were the most beautiful woman in the world, he was sure, and not only that, you were kind and loving too. A wonderful person all around and he still didn't understand how he had managed to get you by his side, but he was happy about it.
"Why do you have to clean my face? I just showered." Bucky mumbled with his eyes closed, feeling your delicate fingers on his chin as you ran wet cotton across his face.
You let out a giggle. "Water is not enough! And regular soap is too harsh on the skin of our face, so you need to use a cleanser or cream that is meant for the face."
"I never heard about that." Bucky frowned, tilting his head slightly to the side in confusion.
"Because you're a guy and guys are used to using one product for everything hygiene related."
“That’s not true!” he tried to defend himself, although he didn't sound very convinced.
You decided to skip a few steps in the routine to keep things simple. The idea was not only to pamper Bucky and help him relax, but also show him that maintaining a skin care routine didn't have to be complicated and could bring him many benefits. So you went straight to the eye cream, taking some with your ring finger and carefully applying it to the bags under his eyes.
"Stay still! You're gonna make me poke your eye if you move like that!"
"It already feels like you're poking my eye!"
"Don't be so dramatic!" You laughed, men really were cry babies. "Just close your eyes and trust me." Bucky grumbled, pouting. You planted a quick kiss on his lips, and that seemed to please him because he kept his eyes closed and stopped moving. Carefully, you spread the eye cream over his dark circles, giving his skin time to absorb the product before proceeding with the last step.
"What is that?" Bucky asked you curiously as you reached for the last tub in the line of products. 
"It's a night cream. You're supposed to use it at night after you wash your face to keep your skin moisturized."
"Isn't that what the other cream did?"
"No, silly! That was just for your under eye area, this helps hydrate the rest of your face. We need to give back all the good things we got rid off when we cleaned your skin of all the dirt and oils clogging your pores."
Bucky made an annoyed face, muttering about how complicated it all sounded. But the truth was, he was enjoying the extra attention you were giving him. He had you all to himself, the warmth of your body enveloping him in a comforting embrace as your fingers gently massaged his face. He couldn't think of a better definition of paradise than that. Just the two of you sharing an intimate moment, far from the horrors of the outside world. He could commit to a skin care routine if it involved at least a third of the pampering you were giving him at that moment.
"You don't need to use much," you continued your explanation, dipping one of your fingertips into the cream before bringing it up to Bucky's face. "Just a little bit here, here, here... and here." You painted a couple of white dots on his cheeks, forehead and chin, kissing the tip of his nose before applying a bit of cream to the area. It was such a cute and intimate act he almost blushed.
The first thing Bucky noticed about the cream was the scent. It had a light rose fragrance that was familiar to him, comforting even. It traveled up his nostrils as you massaged the cream into his face, sparking a warm and fuzzy feeling inside him. It took him a few seconds to understand that it was because that was the same rose scent he recognized on your skin whenever he kissed you, that sweet floral scent he had learned to recognize as home. He finally knew he had your choice in moisturizer to thank for it. 
"You're using your cream on me?"
"Yes, it's the only one I had. The perfume doesn't last long, don't worry. I'll buy you an unscented one tomorrow."
"No, don't! I like this one, it smells like you... it's like having a little piece of you with me all the time."
You didn't expect him to say that, so you weren't prepared for the tingling warmth of love that coursed through your body. The idea that he wanted to keep you close at all times, that he recognized your scent and found comfort and safety in it, made your heart melt with love. Bucky was normally a man of few words, and tended to show his feelings with other things rather than words. Acts of service were his most common way of showing how much he loved you, although he also resorted to spending quality time together whenever you had free time. But every once in a while, he would manage to drop a sentence like that, which in concise words made it clear how much he loved you. Always taking you by surprise, he would drop them at the most casual moments, leaving you completely stupid for a few seconds as you processed his words and wondered what you had done to deserve having someone so wonderful in your life. 
Bucky gave you a shy smile, cheeks turning pink under your gaze, feeling exposed and vulnerable. He looked so adorable that you couldn't help but join your lips with his in a slow, loving kiss. He reciprocated immediately, one of his hands leaving your waist to cradle your cheek, pressing you tighter against him and deepening the kiss. 
"I love you," you muttered against his lips, pressing your forehead against his as you gazed into his deep blue eyes.
Bucky smiled, feeling the last bit of stress evaporate from his system thanks to you and your sweetness.  "I love you too."
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pupphe-additions · 5 months
✬Evie’s Relationship With Ateez✬
a/n: it has some swearing in it as does most of my writing but here ya go. Evie's relationship/dynamics with Ateez since Ateez and SKZ are close, I hope you all enjoy <3 also before yall freak when you see what I wrote about Jongho he is my bias. i adore that man more than life itself, i just like angst.
Evie x Seonghwa
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Quote: “My dream wouldn’t be complete without you in it.” Dynamic: His Princess, Her Prince
His contact in her phone is “👑Prince Seonghwa👑” and hers is “Aussie Princess.”
Seonghwa and Wooyoung are the most likely to praise Evie in Ateez.
They get captivated by one another when they watch each other perform.
Evie enjoys watching Ateez concerts when she has the chance to attend them.
Seonghwa winks at her anytime he catches her staring at him.
Evie likes to chew on his arm.
Evie enjoys when he pats her head to show affection.
They kiss each other on the cheeks to greet one another. 
Evie likes holding his hand a lot.
Seonghwa uses Evie as an armrest in a teasing way to make fun of her for being short. Evie elbows him when he does and she will glare harshly at him.
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Evie x Hongjoong
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Quote: “The happier you are, the more beautiful you become.” Dynamic: Mother x Father
His contact in her phone is “🐿️Squirrel🐿️” and her contact in his phone is “Lil Evs”
Evie likes playfully teasing Hongjoong.
Hongjoong and Evie have staring contests and she always wins because she usually just spaces out.
Hongjoong and Evie bicker like a married couple often.
Evie likes to steal his hats and jackets because she “likes to have stuff to remind her of him.”
Evie is Hongjoong’s #1 fan.
Lowkey talking mad shit to one another.
Always tired of their members' bull, but also secretly loves to join in on it.
Always laughing and happy when together.
Hongjoong does whatever he has to, to see Evie happy.
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Evie x Yunho
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Quote: “All the beautiful things are around you." Dynamic: Happy Pet x Equally Happy Owner
His contact in her phone is “🐶My Fav Puppy🐶” and her contact in his phone is “Moonlight”
Evie enjoys it when she gets to play games with Yunho.
Evie always says that Yunho is her favorite puppy and she likes to hang out with him a lot.
Yunho is the only member of Ateez that doesn’t tease her for her being shorter than them,
They always tell each other “I love you” before hanging up when they call.
Another good way to describe their dynamic would be “black cat gf x golden retriever bf” even though they aren’t dating.
They’ve danced together on stage before.
Evie likes to rest her head on Yunho.
Evie is very protective of Yunho and says “no one is allowed to hurt my tall squish.”
Yunho will let her hide behind him if she’s feeling overwhelmed.
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Evie x Yeosang
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Quote: “While many might listen to you, not all will understand you.” Dynamic: Shy Boy x Flirty Girl
His contact in her phone is “Yeo-Cutie😉” and her contact in his phone is “Spicy Aussie” as that’s what she put it as and he has not changed it because he finds it cute.
Evie adores Yeosang and will dote on him 24/7 if she could.
Yeosang gets flustered really easily when he is near Evie.
They do not show any skinship due to how shy Yeosang is around her.
Always listens to what each other has to say.
Yeosang likes to look at Evie but when she notices he will get flustered and look away with red cheeks.
Evie likes to wink at him to see him get flustered. She says it’s nice to be on the opposite end of it for a change.
They don’t spend a lot of time together.
They have eaten chicken together before even though they don’t hang out a lot.
Evie thinks that Yeosang is very cute and charming and will often tease him for how shy she makes him.
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Evie x San
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Quote: “The world would be so drab if no wildflowers were growing among the weeds.” Dynamic: “Looks like could kill you, is a cinnamon roll” duo
His contact in her phone is “Cinnamon Roll” and her contact in his phone is “Lovely Nari”
Every single time they see each other they give each other a new plushy, it’s like their tradition at this point.
They plan on getting matching tattoos with Wooyoung in the future when the can both agree on something.
They have matching pajamas and plushies and have friendship bracelets.
Evie calls San her boy.
They can easily make each other flustered.
When Evie can’t sleep she’ll call San.
They actually don’t hang out as often as they’d like due to either being busy or scared of a dating rumor starting. AGAIN EVIE CANT CATCH A BREAK
San teases Evie any chance he gets because he thinks it’s fun to tease her and to push her buttons.
They always send each other pictures of them hugging their matching plushies to one another.
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Evie x Mingi
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Quote: “Life is a constant battle between chaos and harmony, just like the world around you.” Dynamic: Chaos x Controlled Chaos
His contact in her phone is “🕷️Long Legs🕷️” and her contact in his phone is “Evelyn🖤”
They write each other notes and letters a lot because it feels more personal.
They are constantly recommending anime to one another.
They are WILD together.
During his hiatus she always checked up on him and made sure he knew she’d be there for him as she understood what he was going through and always listened to what he had to say. Because of that they grew a lot closer.
Evie adores her tall boys, especially this tall boy.
They hug a lot when they are near each other.
Mingi likes to lift her off the ground because he enjoys hearing giggling.
Mingi always praises her for her amazing work ethic and crazy stage presence.
They don’t hang out a lot but they talk often.
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Evie x Wooyoung
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Quote: “Sometimes, home is a person.” Dynamic: Soulmates
His contact in her phone is “My Soulmate” and her contact in his phone is “Best Girl Nari.”
They love bullying each other.
They want to get matching tattoos with San. Wooyoung and Evie have friendship bracelets and a matching necklace as well.
They message each other every chance they get.
Evie has outwardly called Wooyoung her soulmate and couldn’t imagine her life without him in it.
They go on friend dates every chance they can.
They will always end their calls after saying “I love you” and blowing each other a kiss and wishing each other a good rest of the day/night.
They also kiss each other on the cheeks to greet one another.
Wooyoung is obsessed with Evie and they flirt all the time.
Evie enjoys sending stupid pictures of herself to Wooyoung. Also these two are SO LOUD together.
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Evie x Jongho
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Quote: “They say love and hate are two sides of the same coin, and I can't help but agree when it comes to you.” Dynamic: Enemies to Lovers
They do not have each other’s numbers saved.
Evie admits that when they first met they didn’t like each other at all.
Jongho thought she was a bad influence and that she was rude, selfish, and uptight. He thought that she was harsh and not someone who he should be friends with or associate with. He tried to convince the other members of Ateez the same but it didn’t work. 
Evie thought he was snooty and uptight. She thought that he was extremely cruel due to how he originally treated her. She didn’t understand why he disliked her so much but two can play that game. She always ignored him when she was around Ateez to avoid any drama she always just minded her own business.
When they first actually talked Jongho realized he got her all wrong and he felt bad but he still didn’t like her.
They were harsh, cold, and cruel toward one another for years.
In 2023 Chan and Hongjoong made them sit down and talk it out, once they did they realized they actually liked each other.
They still aren’t close but they do tolerate each other a lot easier now.
They do not hang out unless other members of Ateez or Stray Kids are around.
Evie doesn’t know if she wants to be closer to Jongho or not because he was extremely rude to her and she still hasn’t fully forgiven him for judging her so harshly when they first met. she does she's just scared
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rocknrollbabe14 · 2 years
Can I request a fluffy Joseph Quinn x fem. reader oneshot where reader wakes up and finds Joseph having a tea party with their two little girls and as reader watches them, she remembers how Joe and her first met on the set of Stranger Things and it was love at first sight?
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It's a Beautiful Life
Warnings: Just cute Dad Joe fluff all the way!
Your eyes shot open, instantly hearing giggles carrying down the hallway and the soft tone of your husband’s voice mixing in with laughter from your two daughters. You looked around your bedroom, the sun shining through the white curtains. Still attempting to adjust to being awake, you look for your husband on his side of the bed. He was missing. You stretched easily before sitting up, rubbing your eyes, orienting yourself. You stood up, grabbing your silk robe from behind the door,  and throwing it on over your gown. The hard wood was cold against your bare feet as you slowly walked down the hallway, the laughter growing louder with each step.
“Daddy, can you pour Mr.Snuggles some more tea?”, your oldest Amelia asked.
“Of course.”, the voice of your husband answered back, his voice warm and comforting.
You neared the door frame, doing your best not to give your presence away. You never grew tired of watching your husband, Joseph being the best daddy he could be to your all’s daughters, Amelia aged five, and Olivia, aged three. Your lips instantly curved into a smile, remembering how lucky you are. You stopped at the door that led to their playroom, inhaling easily. You peered in, just enough to for your husband and daughters to come into view. 
You saw Joseph lifting the pink teapot from Amelia’s tea set, pretending to pour her teddy bear whom she referred to as Mr. Snuggles his share of tea. Amelia was wearing her favorite pink dress, a feathered boa, and a princess tiara you were sure she had dug out of her dress up chest. You smirked, holding your laughter back. Olivia was wearing her yellow dress with a princess tiara. She definitely had the bigger attitude of the two girls and you had no idea where that come from. She was always much more head strong and stubborn that her big sister.
They both had Joseph wrapped around their fingers, however, Olivia could make a face and her daddy would give into her instantly. Olivia favored Joe the most, her light brown hair bouncing with curls. She had his chocolate brown eyes. Amelia favored you a little more, her hair the same texture as yours, however, Joseph’s eye color once again won out over yours.  Joseph always joked about when the girls would grow up and begin dating, stating that he would have to keep the boys away from them both, causing you to giggle. Joe was an amazing father from the day you found out you were pregnant with both of them. 
He was a protector and you felt so safe in his presence. It was always hard for you and the girls when Joe would leave to work on projects or do interviews. They would follow him all the way to the door, asking him if he really had to go. Joe would almost immediately call off whatever he was working on, but you assured him they would be alright. He would bend down, taking them both in his arms, kissing them and telling them how much their daddy loved them and would miss them, explaining he would be back as soon as possible. Seeing your girls cry over Joe killed you but it shattered him, causing him most of the time to leave with tears in his big brown eyes, sniffling as he drug his suitcase out the door.
They would beg and plead to FaceTime with Joe . After he initially had left, they would mope as if they had lost their best friend. You knew they loved you, you were their mommy but it was something about their daddy. They were daddy’s girls and you knew it. As soon as he landed from his flights, you’d let them FaceTime with Joseph. It was adorable, pulling at your heart strings, almost making you ask Joe if he wanted another baby. You smirked at the thought. Maybe you could have a baby boy that’d be a mommy’s boy. You noted to yourself to bring that up to him later. 
Joseph would worry about the girls, wondering if they had calmed down and quit moping, and asking if they had ate anything. It was so cute how worried and concerned he was regarding his baby girls. You would assure him that they already found their toys to occupy themselves and had something to eat, easing his mind. You couldn’t have picked a better man to be the father of your kids. If someone had told you when you and Joe first met that you’d be married and have two beautiful daughters, you would have never believed them. 
“Thanks daddy.”, Amelia beamed proudly.
Your eyes focused back on your husband, who humorously wore a feather boa himself. Amelia had picked him out a white one. You could just imagine her handing it to him, telling him to wear it. You fought to hold back your laughter. 
“You’re welcome princess.”
“Daddy.”, Olivia whined, turning on her charm instantly, puppy dog eyes in full effect. 
You knew Joe was a goner. 
“Yes Liv?”, he asked, using her nickname. 
“Mrs. Peanut wants chocolate chip waffles.”
You smirked, Olivia often using Mrs.Peanut to deflect her own wishes. Mrs.Peanut was her treasured stuffed elephant who was beginning to look a little ragged. Olivia had to have her stuffed elephant to sleep or go to the doctor for check-ups, but especially during thunderstorms before she cried to sleep with you and Joe. 
“Hm does she?”, Joseph hummed, pretending to ponder on her request.
Meeting Joseph was one of the best days of your life aside from marrying him and the birth of your two beautiful daughters. You remembered the first time you laid eyes on him. You were playing an extra in his character Eddie Munson’s Hellfire Club. When you first laid eyes on Joseph, he was dressed as his character Eddie. He was speaking with an American accent, throwing you off when you later heard him speak in his British accent.
He was emitting charisma and charm, instantly intriguing you. You all began making small talk for a few days on set before it was becoming full blown conversations. Eventually, he asked you to go to dinner with him and asked what you did for fun over here in the States. You had told him there was a bowling alley not far from here or skating rink, whichever he found to be most appealing. That one dinner became at least a weekly tradition.
This went on for a month before he asked you officially on a date. He took you to an upscale restaurant and paid for dinner which you had protested at the time but he insisted. He looked nervous the entire time, eventually causing you to ask if there was anything on his mind. He had gulped before taking a sip of wine as if he needed a boost of confidence, preparing himself for a possible instant rejection. You had eyed him cautiously before he continued, admitting he thought you were the most beautiful woman he’d ever met and if you would consider the possibility of dating him.
It had caught you completely off-guard, however, you reciprocated the feeling instantly, laughing nervously and telling him your had felt the same way about him. An attraction for Joseph had been brewing in you for a while at that point. Joseph had looked relieved at your answer before you became impulsive, asking if he wanted to come back to your apartment, suggesting a movie and just to try and relax away from everyone and everything. 
After season four of Stranger Things was released, Joseph blew up with his acting career. It was challenging for you all to navigate and balance a new relationship alongside his fame, but it came easy for you all. It was some give and some take,  but you all had beat the odds, stronger now than ever. 
“Let’s wait on mommy to wake up first.”, Joe finally answered her, bringing you back to the present day.
“Daddy.”, she whined. 
“Liv, daddy will give you and Mrs.Peanut some chocolate chip waffles once mommy wakes up. Give her just a few more minutes, okay baby?”
Olivia finally nodded, slightly pouting, causing Joe to chuckle at his youngest daughter.
Finally deciding to give up spying and eavesdropping on your husband and daughters, you made yourself visible in the doorway. “Did someone want chocolate chip waffles?”
Amelia and Olivia perked up at the sound of your voice before Joe eyed you with his deep, brown eyes. 
“Speaking of mommy, here she is.”, Joe smirked at you.
You beamed at him before entering the room, causing your daughter’s to bombard you, showering you with hugs and kisses. Joe admired this, his heart swelling with pride.
“I see daddy got an invite to the tea party.”, you smiled before kissing each of their heads. 
“Daddy said to let you sleep, you were tired.”, Amelia said matter-of-factly. 
Joe nodded before eyeing you, smiling. 
“Isn’t that just sweet of you all? I love you all.”
“We love you, babe.”, Joe smiled as the girls chimed in with confirmation of their love for you. 
  There was nowhere else you’d rather be. You were thankful you were able to do life with Joe. It was amazing to sit back and admire the life you all had built together. Life may be crazy at times, but it was beautiful with him and your girls. 
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stargoosie · 6 months
New Beginnings ~ Kalluzeb
Chapter 2
The aftermath of Zeb taking Kallus to Lira San.
Waking up the following morning and gazing upon the chrono, seeing it was most definitely late morning was nearly enough to give the strict routined Alexsandr Kallus a heart attack. He seized upward in bed with a start before taking in his surroundings and remembering where he was. Lira San. Lira San. He mouthed the planet’s name a few times before relaxing. He slowly laid back down, wiping the embarrassing panic from his brow. Honestly.. He shook his head at himself, closing his eyes. He opened them a moment later to peer over at where he expected to find Zeb. Green eyes were staring back and he frowned. Great. His little episode had woken him up. He felt him shift closer and place a hand on his arm. Such concern, he mused. He didn’t question why. The lasat had helped him through quite a few rough nights in the past. It was second nature by now. Kallus found it rather sweet, Zeb’s care for others.
“I’m alright..” He assured him, turning over on his side to give the other a sleepy but sincere smile. He placed a hand over his and went on to explain,raising his brows briefly. “The time. I lost track and forgot that was alright now.” Zeb chuckled and Kallus joined him, bringing up a knee and hooking his leg around one of Zeb’s. He enjoyed the tenderness of this. These moments were no longer something brief, needing to be set to the side for their higher priorities. Even with how set in his ways he was, this was something he could very quickly get used to. He grinned with a slow sigh.“But I suppose I’m awake now. Might as well start the morning..” He started to prop himself up on an elbow, but Zeb wasn’t having any of that.
“Oh, no you don’t…” He said with a gravelly tone conveying just how groggy he still was. But apparently he still had enough energy the keep Kallus from making any sudden movements. Kallus was cursing that brute strength of his, though you couldn’t tell by the way he seemed to melt into it. 
He chuckled, turning his head first into his neck and then pulled away so he could look at his face. His eyes were closed now, obviously trying to reclaim sleep and hopeful that Kallus would succumb as well. He would not deny it was tempting. “Zeb…” He reasoned, watching his brow ridges narrow a bit more. Kallus bit his lip. There was something so childish about him that was incredibly adorable. “We can’t just lay around…Come now…” Unfortunately, Zeb was the hard headed, stubborn sort. Kallus was sure he would be perfectly okay without budging from his spot for half the daylight. 
“I’m comfortable.”
“I noticed..” He gave him a sleepy smirk, later glancing around to find some way to escape the other’s vice grip. Truth be told, he wasn’t sure he’d be at ease being awake and walking around all by himself on a strange planet, let alone a planet with a strong resemblance to Lasan. However, he was far too awake now to consider getting more rest, even if Zeb and his radiating body heat were inviting. Honestly, if he were that easily swayed, they might just spent the next few years never leaving this room. So, he did his best to disentangle himself from the other, however he wasn’t prepared for the amount of resistance he’d receive.
“Zeb. Can you—
I’m try— 
Okay. It was less adorable now…
He shoved and pulled and this lasat was really taking this serious, wasn’t he? He could not be that tired if he was using this much power in the first place. Kallus was two seconds from admitting defeat and pledging to kill him later but he got his arms free and gained new resolve. He huffed out a sigh. This should not be such an ordeal. Zeb could go back to sleep if he wanted once Kallus had moved. He was being ridiculous. The way Kallus attempted to free himself was a bit more so. Zeb was strong. He pressed forcefully on his shoulders and at one point shoved the side of his face. Kallus became a bit more irritated than merely playfully amused.
”Garazeb Orrelios. You will let me go this instant…!“
And he did.
The momentum had Kallus falling out of the bed backwards with a loud thud. It took him a second to figure out what had just happened. When the stars left his eyes, he was gazing up at a very smug lasat, laying on his side with his head propped up on a hand. Kallus stared at him hard, wearing a look of disbelief. He was thoroughly pleased with himself. "I’m sorry, did you want to get up…?” The teasing tone was enough to earn him a glare. He did love to mess with him. “What? You said let go..” He chewed on a claw.
Kallus was so very tempted to pull the aggravating lasat out of bed and make him kiss the floor. His mouth tightened. “…I’ve decided your death will be slow.” Zeb began laughing and Kallus found the sound was making him blush. He was determined not to let it turn the tide, because he was supposed to be upset with him. He should be! Not only did he knock him out of bed. He was laughing at him. The nerve! “You are insufferable. I want new lodgings..” He got up and dusted himself off, making a mental note of them needing to clean this place. He observed their surroundings, having been too tired yesterday to really take it in. His gaze shifted when he heard the creak of the mattress. He felt a rough hand ruffle his already messy hair.
“Sure. I’ll get right on that..” Zeb promised with transparency. He could likely tell Kallus wasn’t serious. He’d always been pretty good at reading him…and getting him flustered. That seemed to be his specialty. 
Kallus did not hold onto his bitter mood for long, not for more than a few scoffs and indignant looks, perhaps a half hearted punch or two. Zeb was very difficult to stay mad at.  He was so….so….Kallus didn’t even have a word for it. Was it possible to feel so much for someone who could drive you mad on a constant basis..? Sometimes he still felt like he didn’t understand what this was between them. He supposed there was never enough time to focus on your feelings when most of your life was dedicated to a job. A purpose. 
Still, even through all of that, they had come to a mutual understanding of their importance to one another, as well as their interest… But they had never quite elaborated on just what that meant. War had their lives so hectic and how awkward they both were with emotions certainly hadn’t offered any favors. He had no idea why he was suddenly thinking about this… Maybe it was because everything felt so real. It was so fresh. Absorbing that the war was over has a hard one. Even though he had always hoped to see it, he honestly never thought he’d live long enough. And now, here he was; free. And he was with Zeb whom, of his own accord, invited him to the world he now called home. A place he wanted Kallus to call home. It did not feel real to him. That was what had kept him awake last night. He was so certain all of this would burn away and he’d wake up with a start, alone. It was stupid. He knew that.
He watched Zeb work through his morning routine, knowing he could reach out and touch him if he wanted to. He felt the warmth of the boyish grins he tossed his way. His chest felt light and he felt almost floating, which was a ridiculous feeling for such a serious man to have. But it was real. He knew it was. He needed to stop living inside of his fears. They held him back. They always had. Zeb had taught him that the only way to find peace and have a sense of fulfillment was by taking risks. It was what had brought them together, wasn’t it…? Preparing for the worst case scenario would always leave a part of him closed off. He did not want to be that way. Not with Zeb. He wanted to give all of himself, as scary as that was.
Suddenly his arms were locked around Zeb’s neck and his lips were brushing his and Kallus had barely been aware he’d crossed the room. His body had moved all on its own. Reality was slow to come back to him. This was slow and satisfying but not bearly long enough. He pulled back to give him some distance, not because he seemed unwilling in the least but because he was feeling a little embarrassed for acting so impulsively.
Especially when the first words from Zeb’s mouth were. “…What was that for…?” Kallus wanted to hide his red face but there weren’t many places he wouldn’t be able to tell when they were this close. Zeb raised his head but Kallus could still feel his eyes on him. “Barely ten minutes ago, didn’t you say you were going to kill me…?” He snickered, “Unless that is what you’re doing..”
“You know, I should kill you…. You ever pull something like that again and I just might..” Kallus said firmly but he was far too distracted by the view of the other’s lips to be taken very seriously. Zeb also knew better. The very apparent blush on his cheeks helped with that. He was still so shy.
“Ooh, you really got me shaking over here…You know, your threats have gotten increasingly weaker over the years..” Zeb gave him a smile that made him weak. It was also a bit contagious.
“Don’t tell me you’re dissatisfied with that fact…?” Kallus tilted his head with a raised brow, reaching up to stroke the back of one of Zeb’s ears. His bangs slid slightly over his eyes. He almost moved to swipe them out of the way but Zeb got there before he had the chance. His eyes widened at that but softened quickly after. He received Zeb’s silent answer loud and clear. He lowered his head, hiding the wide grin. He felt Zeb’s hands find his waist and he paused for a moment before glancing upward.
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There were far too many thoughts he wanted to convey. To even try right now would come out a bit of a ramble, especially considering he’d not even had his morning caf. There was no oncoming battle to prepare for. They would have all the time in the galaxy…
“Finish getting ready…” He mumbled into his cheek, stroking his thick sideburn and ruffling the purple strands. He gave him one last look before disappearing into the refresher. Hopefully when he inevitably asked him questions later, he’d have answers..
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Halloween Night: The Scape - Werewolf by night
Summary: Halloween, Samhain, All Hallows' Night, call it what you will, but this day is more than just a holiday, many humans could easily not believe the ancient legends and tales about this date, but supernatural beings know very, very well. as it is the real Halloween, let's see a little more about this dear holiday…who knows what it could bring this time.
Word Count: 1.745
Pairing: Jack Russell x Fem!OC(Hayley García)
Warnings: Child abuse(mentioned), Gore(maybe?..), Private prison, Violence
Faceclaims: Phoebe Tonken as Hayley García Márquez, Robert Sheehan as Adult Eros García Márquez, Diana Silvers as Young Hayley García Márquez, Spencer Mcpherson as Young Eros García Márquez, Cillian Murphy as Sebastian and Eiza González as Javiera García Márquez
A/N: I watched the Halloween special, and I have to say.....Jack Russell is so cute and adorable, when he smiles it's incredibly cute, but he's also so---...I don't even have words to say, just WOW...And I also want to apologize because I promised a one-shot but I decided to split it into chapters, the first one will be introducing Hayley, Eros and Sebastian.
Trapped in her cell, Hayley sat against one of the gray, cracked walls of the place she had lived in since a very young age, a little lost in her mind that day, wondering when the last experiment of the vile vampire who had taken her from her "mother" when she was so young had happened, not knowing why she still called the woman a mother since she would never want the child since it was still in her womb, perhaps..perhaps it was the lack of a mother figure to protect her from her alleged kidnapper, unfortunately she did not know that the woman who had given her life actually gave her to the evil vampire.
When she got up from the floor, she walked to a small cardboard box where she kept a "thing" that she had managed to steal from the vampire without he having noticed, since at the time she stole it, he was very worried about just continuing with his enhancement experiments on Hayley. Her eyes became a golden hot as fire but at the same time they looked so...apathetic, as if she didn't feel as encouraged as had before, after all, she had left that place so few times and most of them had only been to be once again a guinea pig for experiments. She frowned in disgust as looked at the "thing" trying to understand exactly what it was, let out a sigh after a few minutes not knowing how she could use it to escape and gain her long-dreamed freedom.
As much as Hayley was still afraid of the Vampire, her need to run away was greater than any fear, and that was what she counted on most now, since she planned for some time to kill him. For a full stop in all her suffering of years.
As much as that was a dark thought-even though the man was the cause of her pain and the pain of her brothers, well, brother...but that's a matter she should think about another time, since now she should keep focused on how to escape from that place full of suffering, escape with her younger brother, Eros.
In the other cell next to Hayley's was Eros, the girl's younger brother, the poor thing was lying in a dark corner in the fetal position while his pale body had slight tremors due to the cold air that entered through the cracks in the walls, sometimes he wondered if he would survive everything that happened every two weeks, his body seemed to get weaker and paler every day, there were times when he considered "trying" to face the vampire he still called "father", he knew...he always knew since he was little that as much as the older man treated them as mere experiments, he was still the father of Eros and Hayley, at least that was what the boy thought.
— I wonder if Hayley's okay..? Eros closed his greenish eyes for a few minutes while frowning slightly, let out a long tired sigh but decided that he couldn't lie there forever, even though he was still only 14 years old, he didn't want to look weak when he saw his older sister and even when his father saw him. He opened his eyes slowly as he lifted his torso so that it was now sitting on the cold floor, extended his legs to slightly lengthen them, and raised his left hand to bring it up to his short curly hair.
- I'll make you two proud...especially you ... Hayley.
           A few days later
A few days had already passed since the young 19-year-old girl had finalized her "grand plan" to assassinate the vampire who "took care" of her and her brother, at that moment she was with a little more control over her werewolf side, after all, she had been preparing and training for that plan for many, many years since she was 9 years old, even at a tender age, she already knew that she wanted to destroy the man who imprisoned them. She fixed her gaze on her right hand focusing on being able to change her normal nails to the claws of her werewolf form, but not everything is that easy, and she ended up that she had not obtained even a small result, she frowned angrily while unknowingly, her eyes changed to a golden color because of wolf instincts only manifest when she is with strong emotions, such as hatred, for example, Hayley closed her two hands in firm fists while lowering her head, she was shaking but it was not because of the cold but because of the angry. Great anger that she was feeling at that moment, in a fluid and fast movement she raised her left fist to immediately take it to the wall closest to her, the punch she had given to the wall had been so strong that it had left cracks much larger than those that had already been in the place, it had even shaken that whole place...without a doubt, Sebastian, her dear father but not so dear had noticed what had happened.
In a quick movement, Hayley turned in the direction of where the iron door leading to her cell was, fear ran through her veins completely cold, she was afraid, very afraid, but, she did not know what to do, he would probably punish her for having done that and surely she would not return to her cell so soon if that happened. Her eyes continued in that golden hue even without knowing it, his senses were sharper, she could feel from the smallest to the strongest smells that were in that place.
Suddenly, it's like the world is in slow motion, a strong odor seeped into Hayley's nostrils, it felt like a slight mixture of the musk of sweat along with the Woody touch of an aftershave, and the smell seeped into her brain like a drug, she could feel exactly where she saw it and whose smell it was. More elongated and pointed canines were beginning to appear in the girl's mouth inaccurately and even hurt a little, her normal short nails were now claws as sharp and pointed as a well – honed knife for a precise cut-that...was no longer Hayley, well, technically it was, but in its most primitive and animalistic state, her wolf side finally come out to play, and Sebastian would not like to play with it...not this time.
Sebastian carefully placed his feet on the steps of the old wooden staircase that led to the basement of his mansion, where he kept Eros and Hayley imprisoned in their cells, was loading a shotgun with bullets made specifically to kill a hybrid of vampire and werewolf, bullets that he had created himself a few weeks ago, in case experiment 212, also known as Hayley García Márquez, got out of control...like that day. He heard and felt the powerful punch that the girl had given somewhere, a punch that had shaken the mansion, or at least part of it, he thought to himself if it was really worth risking his life at that moment, after all, his beast was out of control, and an uncontrolled and afraid beast...it was something very, very dangerous.
He frowned angrily and was soon seized by an impulse to just destroy the hybrid girl, after completely descending the old and dusty wooden staircase, Sebastian walked in long strides to the iron door of Hayley's cell, raised his right leg to give a strong kick at the door so that it came out of the JAMB and flew into the cell on account of the Vampire's strength, cautiously he entered the cell looking for the young woman.
Unfortunately for Sebastian, in Hayley's cell there was a place that was totally dark because it was there where he put the meals that the girl made during the day, although it was a little tighter and lower than usual, for that young wolf it was even very easy to hide in that small place and watch the vampire like a hungry predator, you could clearly see that the man knew he was being watched but had no idea where exactly he was being watched. The hybrid was kneeling on the ground while his hands were also in the same position, watched in silence waiting for the right moment to attack his prey, but, the Vampire was not silly and soon noticed the low tone of the girl's breathing, turned in the direction of Hayley, putting her in the sights of his rifle and in a few seconds later he fired the gun at her. The hybrid narrowly escaped taking a shot in her right shoulder, and when she noticed that Sebastian wanted to kill her she released a high and serious face, left her observation point of prey to go towards the man at a speed far above human, perhaps, her vampire side also wanted to make a small appearance, not that we could know, only that when he saw Hayley run up to him the man reloaded the gun with the intention not to miss the next shot but it was too late for him because the girl had put a good part of her strength in her legs to give the impulse for a jump in such a way that she fell on top of him, with her left hand she took the shotgun out of the man's hand, throwing it away.
Hayley opened her mouth over Sebastian's head as if to take a big bite out of him, a bite so strong it could shatter the Vampire's skull, a trickle of saliva trickled through the hybrid's teeth to the man's face as he writhed from the girl's strong grip, but she was stronger than him since he had created her for that exact reason, to subdue the Vampire and werewolf races, to make the two races completely his slaves.
— Grrr...you thought...you could control me for how much longer? Hayley is not afraid of you...she just didn't want you to touch her brother anymore...and now, you will never touch either of them again... — So said the werewolf half of the 19-year-old girl before squeezing her hands even more on Sebastian's wrists, and soon she quickly lowered her head and bit the Vampire's face with all her strength, he man's blood flew to the gray floor as Hayley sank her fangs into his face, several splatters of blood splattering around them and onto the hybrid's face. She kept biting into the vampire's skull until she heard the sound of the bone breaking into several pieces, then she pulled a chunk out of Sebastian's face and then spat it from her lips in disgust...
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morgana-ren · 8 months
Is Ilya just as agressive/violent with the one he is in love with? Does he expect subservience and what level of freedom would he allow you? How does he expect you to behave
I know he's not an official part of the nightmare gang but hypothetically jpw would he get on with sharing?
It highly depends on the circumstance, in truth. He likely won't hurt you as much for his own amusement as often, but he certainly doesn't turn into a teddy bear once he develops heart-eyes. He's going to be more careful not to permanently injure you (choking you for too long, breaking your pelvis, etc.) unless Nightmare is around to come in clutch with the healing. He's still very aggressive, but sometimes, it's in a strangely saccharine way-- the way you might get that strange feeling when you see an animal that is so adorable that you just want to squeeze and squeeze--
He's just aggressive by nature, and his love is no different. He is used to taking what he wants, and so take he will. He is capable of being gentle, but it never lasts very long, as it bores him most times. He prefers things very hot and heavy with a lot of weight to the situation. The only emotion he enjoys running high is lust, and he tends to lose himself in the moment.
Now, behavior with Ilya is rough, because while he will strive for obedience and use fear as a weapon, it bores him in the same breath. If you're perfectly obedient and still, he's going to get tired of it very quickly. He wants a little spice-- a little spark of life to keep things interesting. He tends to find people he considers to be challenges and 'tame' them in the way one would a wild animal. That is to say, not very tame at all.
For instance, if he tells you he wants you, and to be a good girl and get on your knees for him, his ideal response to that is usually somewhere along the lines of "Fuck you, make me." It makes him ecstatic.
However, that's not always the case. The longer you spend with him, the better you will get at reading his deliberately dampened moods. There are times where it's going to be dangerous to deny him, and it's best to just give him what he wants. Glaring, cursing, all of that is acceptable, but sometimes, it's honestly better to just let him manhandle you down because the alternative is worse.
As for freedom, the answer to that is an astounding none most of the time. You will be where he wants you to be, doing what he wants you to do. Even when you are out of his sight, you can rest assured he is watching in some capacity. If he goes somewhere, you will follow, but especially in the beginning, he's likely to spend most of his time dwelling around the house and keeping you close by.
When he falls in love, you might be allowed more freedom, but he will insert himself into whatever the narrative of your life is. For example, if you have a family and friends you need to see, he is now your fiancé and you live together and you are very happily in love. If you have a job, he's your boss now. If something is important to you, he will wedge his way in somehow and make himself integral to it. That is his idea of 'compromise.'
Your family and friends will adore him most of the time, especially if they don't look too deeply at him. He's excellent at reading people and being whatever he needs to be to come out on top. He will ensure that he fits seamlessly into your life in that capacity. However, don't expect much else to change. When you return home, it's to his home, and you still belong to him. He's more likely to humor you with little ventures like that, but ultimate freedom is a thing of the past. Rest assured, he has ways of keeping you close.
If you're one of those people that needs to get out of the house or you need a vacation or something, he will oblige, but don't bother trying to run. One thing you will learn is that he has zero qualms with killing or maiming someone to teach you a lesson. It's overkill too, because he could just as easily manipulate their memory. Irk him too much, and blood will be shed to prove a point.
As for Nighty and crew, it's usually Ilya or Reaver that suggests taking someone for entertainment. He has no problems at all sharing, especially if he hasn't developed feelings. He's fine with participating in group sex and all of that, and will usually be the one to suggest it.
Developing feelings for someone though? It might be rough. He would pretend to be fine with it, but he's going to get underhanded to try and ensure that if you're ever made to choose, you will choose him. All the lads have this particular issue.
They're extremely territorial and possessive, and it becomes a problem when they start to fall. Ilya is going to try to deflect their attention somewhere else, or he's going to use his.. uh.. experience to try and ensure you cling to him, and that's if he realizes it before they do. Once the game is on though, he plays very dirty. Essentially, he will play as nasty as the others do.
They're still his brothers and he adores them no matter what, but he can be a real nasty little bastard when it comes to keeping what is his.
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sukirichi · 3 years
black magic [01]
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REQUEST. arranged marriage + enemies to lovers (sukuna is a simp and lowkey a housewife)
CONTENT/WARNINGS. some suggestive scenes, but overall fluff and romance! slight crack fic, I guess? I was laughing when I wrote this lol
NOTES. I NEED A HUSBAND! SUKUNA I’M GOING TO CRY GOODBYE THIS HAS ME SOFT. also anon i’m not sure if you wanted something with more ~sexual tension~ since this is kind of just comedic, but I hope you like it anyway!
part one | part two (nsfw)
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“This is new,” you comment with a glare, your ankle propped on Sukuna’s knee.
“Shut up,” he rolls his eyes, pushing your skirt aside to clean the wounds you attained through exorcising curses. You’ve taken a particularly strong curse today and you’re caught off guard, barely finishing the mission unscathed. Limping all the way back home isn’t easy especially since you live on top of the darned mountain, but if Sukuna’s going to kneel in front of you like this...maybe it wasn’t too tough a journey. “You should stop going to missions you’re not ready for. Look at you, all wounded and bloody.”
“You sound like you care.”
“You’re my wife,” he huffs while dropping the bloody towel on the floor. Sukuna wraps the bandage around your ankle and carries you bridal style even though you’re perfectly capable of walking, but he shoots you a silencing glare. You’d have knocked him in the face any other day, but he’s particularly warm and smells nice today – plus you’re beat – that you bury your face in his chest, ignoring that stupid fluttering in your stomach. “Of course I do.”
You snicker, mind tracing back to your earlier years of this dreaded marriage.
It definitely wasn’t the best – the memories blurring between strangling each other to making out as if breathing was never a thing – and it felt like forever ago when you first met him.
You’d never say it out loud, but... you don’t regret this arranged marriage. Not when Sukuna is tucking himself beside you on the bed, your head above his muscular chest a place similar to home. He covers both your bodies over with a blanket, pulling your body closer to him with a strong arm, his lips pressing onto the crown of your head.
Ugh, you think to yourself, giving in to the need to cuddle your husband after a long day of work. You still refuse to say it out loud, though, and you irk him further by muttering, “That’s not what you said two years ago.”
“I wasn’t in love with you then.”
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 “I refuse to be married to you!”
Sukuna fights back the urge to cover his ears. Ever since your clan decided to visit his land and started exorcising curses one by one, his life has been nothing but hell. Not only are your relatives the most arrogant people ever with a consistent god complex, they just had to let their little mortal child be in charge of taking on the stronger curses. Seriously, what were they thinking, sending you – who’s barely even out of their training bra years – to deal with curses like him?
Everyone knows Sukuna is a no bullshit man. He won’t hesitate to cut your head off the moment you came raging at him, but then he sees how young you are and decides to send you back to your family.
Expecting that everyone would just call it a day and he’d get offerings for his unexpected mercy, Sukuna is beyond stupefied when they send you back to his temple, all dressed pretty with a basket of fruits and flowers braided in your hair. He remembers growling because you look adorable, but that’s easily wiped away when you open your mouth, your voice scratchy against his ears as you stomp your feet like the young mortal you are.
Sukuna pushes a thumb to his forehead to ease the impending headache, and that’s just from your presence. Something inside him tells that you’re going to be a bigger pain than you look.
“You don’t have much of a choice. You should’ve thought of that before deciding to run rampage over my land,” he reminds, turning boredly to his lone servant from above his throne. Sukuna isn’t impressed, to say the least, especially with your clan’s audacious proposition to gain his favour just this once. “Is this really the woman you bring me – the one they insist to be my wife?”
“She is their best fighter, my Lord.”
Well, he can’t disagree to that. You did, after all, single-handedly give him a cut on the cheek. “She’s feisty indeed.”
“Don’t talk as if I’m not here!”
“Mouthy too,” he mumbles to himself, but your sorcerer senses are sharp and easily picks up on it. He sees you flush angry again, looking immensely adorable with your tiny fists clenched like that and he snorts, waving a hand in the air. “Whatever. Get the wedding over with,” he nods to his servant, his sigh loud and tired as he makes his way to you.
You don’t stiffen at each haunting step, his eyes only glimmering harder with entertainment. It’s rare to find a mortal that doesn’t quiver at the sight of him, the urge to break you only growing stronger.
Even as he cups your face, making sure to not let his claws dig into your precious skin, Sukuna smirks. You’ll be entertaining indeed.
So Sukuna makes a promise, four eyes surveying the way your body is starting to fill in curves at the right places, the swell of your flesh just perfect in his hands... He chuckles to himself, daunting you further as he leans down to your ear, taking pleasure in the slight way your breath hitches. “Maybe then I’ll get to teach you a lesson or two.”
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You’re definitely something else, taking advantage of each presented opportunity and not wasting any time before you make your move. Right after the wedding and everyone’s left, leaving you alone with your new husband behind closed doors; you push him until he’s on the ground, legs straddling each side of his hips while you growl above him – the sound similar to a battle cry.
Sukuna merely smirks, barely moving a muscle as his large hands come up to rest on your hips to steady you. “I’ve imagined countless ways you’d be on top of me like this,” his eyes light up with humour upon feeling the cold blade on his skin, “None of them included a knife on my neck though.”
“Shut your mouth. I will kill you myself,” you warn, pressing your knife harder until it draws a slight tinge of blood.
You hardly look threatening above him like this, dolled up to look the best in your wedding with this cursed being. If anything, you look more divine than deadly, and Sukuna thinks that perhaps your beauty could be your best weapon. You are bewitching, after all.
“I refuse to be your Queen and sit next to your throne.”
“Then why didn’t you stop the wedding?”
Sukuna’s teasing grin grows wider when you pull back, trying so hard to not trip over your words. It takes all of his self-restraint to not take you right then and there, but he does a good job of holding back, enjoying this view above him instead. “Could it be you’re attracted to me after all, hm, little one?”
“Do not test me, Curse. I’m more than capable of exorcising you myself.”
“Oh, I don’t doubt that. You’re the strongest in the Gojo clan, are you not?” he prompts to appease you, “I don’t even want to see what you’re capable of, but maybe, just maybe...” just as his eyes darken, the edges of his lips turning up into a smirk, Sukuna digs his claws into your thigh in a possessive show of ownership, a painful reminder that you’re his now. “...You could put on a little show for me?”
“I hate you!”
Experienced and strong as you are, you’re nothing compared to a thousand year old curse who’s killed a lot more people faster than you could blink. Sukuna immediately notices the animalistic way you draw your blade, arm swung back with rage written all over your face. Before you could so much as bat an eye, he easily switches the positions until you’re under him, using only one hand to pin your arms above your head, your blade effortlessly thrown to the other side of the room.
“As I thought, you’re a lot prettier under me like this,” he observes, roaming his eyes shamelessly over the fabric clinging prettily to your body. You’ve fallen silent at his unconcealed attention, your compliance enticing him to lean closer just to inhale your intoxicating scent.
“Not so feisty now, little one? Where’d all your hatred for me go?” Sukuna pulls back with widened eyes, “Oh? Am I hearing it wrong or is your pathetic human heart beating so loud right now?” You refuse to look at him, wriggling your hips in an attempt to leave, completely unaware that the mere movement is hypnotizing the curse above you. Sukuna grips your hips in warning, not wanting to destroy you – not now, anyway. “You know all you need to do is say it. I’d gladly take you right here and then.” His words spoken with that deep, throaty voice immediately sends a wave of heat down your core, but you turn away from him, breathing hard and nervously; something Sukuna picks up on in an instant. “Little one...have you never had a man hold you like this before?”
“I see. Pure and innocent behind that ferocity, huh?” He surprises you by pulling away, smoothening his white robes down as he leaves you panting still on the floor. “Fine. I won’t touch you unless you ask me to.”
“I’d rather die before that ever comes out from my mouth.”
“We’ll see about that,” he smirks, winking at you before he shuts the door. “Little one.”
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There’s a lot of weird – and utterly inconvenient things – about being Sukuna’s wife. The man eats everything, absolutely everything, and it doesn’t help that he sucks at hunting too. For a man so huge and burly, he sure is lazy, preferring to do the laundry in the riverside instead while you go out every day to prepare your meals.
You actually don’t mind, but it’s very fun to complain around him.
You’re on your way back to the temple when Sukuna grabs at you, making you drop the freshly caught birds onto the ground. Your brows furrow, about to scold him for being too eager again when Sukuna stares at your arm, his lips pressing into a thin line.
Following his line of sight, your lips form an ‘o’ shape. There’s blood trickling down your forearm from his claws accidentally cutting you, guilt written all over his face. Another weird thing about Sukuna is that he babbles a lot when he’s emotional, and you’re too tired to hear him beat himself over it that you just drag him inside your room, sitting his ass down before taking a clipper.
Sukuna scoffs when you start cutting his nails. It irks him that you don’t even bother wiping the blood off first and he tsks, eyes narrowed at you. “You should have thicker skin.”
You roll your eyes as you file his nails; you’ve been married to him long enough to know it’s his way of saying sorry. Not wanting to let him wallow in guilt any louder, you pad kisses over his knuckles before swiping the black ink off your desk, using a pen brush to colour your nails instead. Sukuna hovers behind you, head tilted to the side as he watched you. “Are you painting your nails black?” he utters in disbelief, trying to ignore the fact he feels...proud and even a little smug. “Not so fitting for the angelic sorcerer now, isn’t it?”
“I’m only doing this so you don’t feel left out.”
“Maybe I’ll add markings to your pretty face too,” he cups your jaw to make you turn to him, landing a solid kiss flat to your lips which makes you sigh, pretending to be annoyed but leaning over for another peck anyway. Sukuna laughs and pulls you onto his lap, kissing your neck this time around, a little annoyed that you don’t stop in brandishing your nails. “Wife, what do you think?”
“I have work, Sukuna. You flirting with me doesn’t change the fact I need to go.”
“Come home safe for me, at least?” he breathes down your neck, his touch sending shivers down your spine. You’ve definitely changed since the first time he’s met you, starting from a mean (although he stands strong that you are still mean to him sometimes) temperamental little one to a mature, stronger sorcerer who’s secretly weak for his wife.
Unable to resist him as always, you turn around once you’ve finished painting your nails, rubbing your nose over his until your strong, scary husband is turning into putty at your hands. “Of course I will,” you peck his lips one last time, Sukuna’s eyes closing as he dives in for a deeper kiss. “I’ll always come back home to my handsome husband.”
If anyone were to ask how it’s possible that the King of Curses is actually very soft for his sorcerer wife, everyone would claim it’s impossible and a heresy – but if you ask Sukuna, it’s probably just black magic doing its wonders.
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chippedaxe · 3 years
𝔅𝔢𝔞𝔰𝔱 𝔗𝔞𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔤
Title: 𝔅𝔢𝔞𝔰𝔱 𝔗𝔞𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔤
Warning(s): NSFW (minors dni), coarse language, monster fucking, slight size kink, demons, virginity
Pronouns: they/them non specified genitalia .
Synopsis: characters from the dsmp are monster hybrids, this is how their s/o (the reader) reacts to them.
Note: There's not rlly a reason for why I wrote this. If you guys disagree with me on these then that's okay, I just thought of these on the top of my head and I agree that my ideas could be better. (The title could also be better lmao)
2nd note (edit): there’s sfw but nsfw is included, just steer away from the nsfw content whilst reading if you don’t want to read it <3
Word count: 1.1K
* added cut for less clutter
- He looks like a weird kind of blob to be honest but it's a bit cute
- He looks like he's covered in bits of slime or some weird type of green goo
- You like listening to his weird slime noises that he makes, it sounds like plops and its absolutely adorable.
- He talks normally like a human as well but you like his weird slime babbling better.
- He feels so warm on your skin, the feeling he creates while he's inside of you (or you're inside him) is absolutely amazing and so euphoric.
- Everywhere gets dirty during sex, splatters of green goo or slime will be covering the walls and sheets.
- I feel like he would be touch starved from being a monster, not many people would go around him I assume. So he'd react kindly to your lewd touches and your praise~
- He's a type of blaze hybrid, he has sharp teeth and horns coming out from his forehead. He grumbles a lot and growls sometimes but you think its really cute (other people find it scary though)
- you could never find your baby scary <3 Ever since you guys met he was so kind to you, he'd keep you warm with his blaze rods and fire too ^^
- Such a sweetheart, you love to listen to the rumbling of his chest whenever you two lay together. He would probably be avoided during summer however since he'd just make the heat unbearable (you make it up to him at the end of summer)
- Imagine him fucking you with those warm blaze rods of his (not my original idea, someone else had it but idk their @ )
- He's such a beast, there'd be claw marks on the walls and the mattress would almost always get destroyed from sex. Sapnap just can't help making a mess when you're making him feel so good..
- He'd like to nibble on you and leave deep bite marks while rutting into you, maybe even use his fire on you for some temperature play if you'd like something like that.
- I feel like he'd be a bit of a shapeshifter and his shape would shift depending on a dream he has/ had.
- You can recognize him even when he's in a new state due to his distinct personality and because of his shades that he carries on him.
- He's a naturally tired creature so he sleeps a lot, often inviting you to come and join him lovingly.
- You'd always be intrigued with his new characters, eager to fuck each of his forms at least once. Your relationship together is very creative and curious, you guys will try anything and everything.
- Most sex together is sleepy sex, his hands will paw at you tiredly and you will have to put in most of the work.
- He can and will give you wet dreams by choice.
- He's a type of hybrid like medusa, his glasses are on at all times because if he takes them off then he'll turn you to stone.
- You have never seen her eyes before but that's alright, you still love them heaps.
- They will 100% kill anyone who gets to close to you with just a death stare, reassures you with lies that the person will be okay. They won't.
- His scales feel rough against your skin, it makes the sex feel a whole lot different and exotic though so you really don't mind it.
- Her nails claw into you to keep you in place as she ruts into you with their hips, not wanting to let you go for at least another hour.
- Wraps their arms around you lovingly to keep you two close to each other, loves having you close to them while you perform such a beautiful act together.
- Have you seen his old skin?? I imagine something like that but in monster type form, I guess that he'd also be extremely rubbery and stretchy.
- He can stretch his arms around you to give you amazing hugs, finds it hard to unravel his arms from you though.
- I feel as if he wouldn't be able to speak coherent English and his words would be broken speech, if he doesn't try to speak English then he will just be making his own goofy noises.
- Would be able to easily stretch if you were going to put something inside of him, I feel like he'd act so cute and lewd with his monster squeals too!!
- Fingering with him is fucking amazing, sex in general is amazing with him, he'd be able to stretch and basically shape himself into the perfect shape to be able to fuck your hole.
- He could easily tie you or himself up with his stretchy rubbery arms, makes your sex life a whole lot more exciting.
- I headcanon monster him as a human that was possessed by a demon and is now slowly turning into more of a demon.
- Tries to make deals with you for your soul but you reject him every time, surprised when he offers his love for free, you accept that graciously.
- Can reign hell fire and will if so pleases, definitely burns people who get to close to you or the people who hurt you in any.
- He's a demon, he is naturally very tempting, so it doesn't take much for him to get you into his bed. "Come on baby, you can ride me and pull on my horns.." He's got you right where he wants you.
- He's naturally very warm from being a demon so you guys will often have very hot sweaty sex, resulting in you guys being gross and needing a wash afterwards.
- He would be eccentric if you were a virgin, he'd be like "awe, for me? You shouldn't have.." and then absolutely devour and rail the shit out of you to make a memorable experience.
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kyberphilosopher · 3 years
Word Count: 3467 Requested: yes. Based off ‘505′ Warnings: strong hints to sexual disposition. Spoilers if you squint.
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“I’d probably still adore you with your hands around my neck... I did last time I checked.” -Arctic Monkeys, ‘505′.
With hoarse breath and unwavering eyes, you look up to the stars as you speak. “So, you’re really going to do it then?”
“I have to,” you hear him say. His voice has gotten far more mature and calm since the first time you’d heard him speak. Still angry and determined, but in an intelligent, adult way. Eren is a more capable person now. The only thing left to do is wait and see if that’s a good thing, or a bad thing. 
“What do you think are the chances of winning?” you question. A shooting star whizzes across the sky at that very moment, and it’s gone before you can think of a wish. 
You turn around to face him, but his eyes are already on you. Once upon a time, Eren’s eyes were emerald and teal and deep. Now they’re paler. They are cold and steady as a byproduct of who he’s become. It’s hard not to wonder what he’s thinking about when he looks at you like this, especially since he’s become harder to read over the years.
At first, Eren was one of the most insufferable people you’d ever met. He acted out so often, it was hard to see him as another person of intelligent life. You mostly just minded your business through your cadet years, usually hanging around Reiner, who was also difficult to see as intelligent life. Sometimes you and Eren would argue, but it was never passionate. You just had different world views. 
Things got better when you found out what Eren really was. Since you hadn’t made top ten, you could only choose between the Garrison Regiment, or the Scout Regiment. And with Eren’s newly discovered power showing the promise of hope, you decided on the Scouts. He liked that. 
After that, it was hard not to mature at the same time as he. Eren often blamed himself for the death and carnage that surrounded the regiment. You were solely responsible for the passing of your best friend. And after everything that happened with the government, almost dying at Shiganshina- you knew you couldn’t stand this much longer. With your relationship with Eren still budding in its early and steamy stages, he was the only one you told of your desertion. You abandoned the corps, finding a small, abandoned farm within wall Maria to hide out in. 
Eren was too tired and sick of everything to think you were being cowardly. He wanted to leave too. Maybe come with you. But Eren had plans in the works that he couldn’t leave alone. He visited you less and less. Luckily you never made a fuss. 
And now Eren wants to end the world, to save the world. How does he expect you to react to this?
“I just thought I should see you,” Eren replies. You know he’s deflecting your question. You’re not stupid. 
You nod slowly, blinking as you think. “Am I going to die?”
Your companion crosses his arms calmly. “Yes,” he tells you. 
There it is. 
“You know I can’t support you in this, right?” you tell Eren, equally as calm. 
He only replies after a moment, also in deep thought. “I know.”
You look back up to the sky, sighing out through your nose. “Why did you come, Eren? Did you want me to tell you that I think you’re doing the right thing? Or was it because you need to let out some anger? I wonder.”
“I did want to see you.”
“Do you still?”
“And I suppose there’s nothing I can do to change your mind?”
The stars are glittering with pastel hues, like a rainbow, or kaleidoscope. Each one is a different size, bordering on different shapes, all fusing and melting together like your idea of heaven. You can barely even see the midnight color of the sky through all them. It is beautiful, but it’s also bitter. Everything is bitter, here. 
“I didn’t make myself any dinner yet,” you say. “Couldn’t think of anything.”
When she was alive, Eren’s mother would make a soup for the family. It was creamy, hot, filled with meat and cheese at the bottom. Eren never liked soup, but he did love that dish. She was always sure to make extra for him, so that he could enjoy it for several days. And although it wasn’t until after she was gone that Eren realized he rarely ever thanked her for it, it was still one of the warmest memories Eren had. 
He fills your wooden bowl with it, being awfully generous. He knows that even though you haven’t eaten much in the last few years, you too had grown fond of the soup. He knows no matter how slowly you force it down, you are enjoying it. It burns the roof of your mouth every time, but you’ve never cared. All that matters is the creamy sauce, and the cow cooked to perfection. 
You stare at the fireplace beside you, flames cackling and licking upward. Eren sets the bowl in front of you, and takes the seat on the other side. You know he sets his long hair behind his shoulders. You’re already prepared. From your pocket, you produce a stretchy brown hair tie on the verge of snapping, handing it to him. 
“Thanks,” he says, even though this routine has happened however many times he’s seen you. 
“You’re welcome.”
The soup is as amazing as usual. You’re willing to bet Eren makes it even better than his mother did, but you dare not say it aloud. It’s creamy, perfectly seasoned. It goes down your throat, still steaming. 
“Does Mikasa know about this?” you question, taking one more delicious bite. 
“No. None of them do,” Eren answers. “Armin will figure it out soon.”
“You want me to kill ‘em?”
Eren shakes his head. To a lot of people, this would be taken as a joke. But this is nowhere near it. Your tone is too casual, too low for it to be humor of any kind. And the way the man across from you reacts- he’s thinking the same thing. 
“How are they, then?”
Eren thinks as he takes another bite, the warmth creeping up his chest sweetly. “They’re alright for now. I don’t know for how much longer. I can’t see everything.”
“Can you see who’s next?”
He squints at his bowl as if he were angry, but his eyebrows barely move. “Sasha.” 
Sasha. She was always a good presence to have around. While she seemed like the type of person who would annoy you, it was hard to hate her. And you admired her keen intuition anyway. 
“Will you give her something for me?”
Eren nods. Then you both go back to eating for a few seconds, basking in the orange glow from the flames. 
“How are things here?” he questions after a minute. 
“The same,” you tell him. “I think the cow might die soon.”
Some people might reply with condolences, or sympathy. But your lover does not, and you do not expect him to. “I’ll get you a new one,” he says flatly, almost like a promise. You nod once.
Despite the atmosphere which can only be described as bitter, you’re glad to see Eren again. You’re glad that he’s alive, and as alright as he can be. The bed is always colder without him, heated up only by your lingering fingers that you pretend are his every other night. Whenever he leaves an article of clothing behind, usually on purpose, you hold off on washing it so it can smell like him for you as long as possible. Then there are the hair ties you keep either in your pocket or on your wrist, specifically for him. The razors in your cabinet he often didn’t even bother using. 
Even with the sullen demeanor that had managed to overtake both of you, there was at least one thing you cared about in the world still. Maybe it wasn’t the most conventional kind of caring, or the healthiest coping mechanism. But it was still caring. And all that you cared about was him. 
You knew you weren’t Eren’s first priority. You were probably second, or third. It didn’t bother you. Eren’s head was one of the first things lost when the truth was presented to him. It came back coldly and sternly, in contrast to how previously hot and impatient it had been. But by then your head had also grown colder and sterner. In simpler terms, Eren did care for you. He did love you. But he would consider letting you die if it meant achieving what he set out to do, and you knew this. 
Across the table, Eren lifts his head to look up at you as he chews slowly. The burning meal slides down his throat easily, albeit painfully. It doesn’t even register with him, his piercing eyes slowly gaining a glint from the fire light. 
You meet his eyes after a few seconds, feeling them on you. You don’t say a word, don’t even give a questioning look. You just hold him patiently, which is something the two of you find yourself doing often. 
“You can’t stop it,” Eren speaks, looking you dead in the eyes with a steady gaze. There is love behind his eyes, far behind the anger, but you can tell from the tone of voice he is trying to tell you something as if it were an order. Your lips part slightly from the intensity radiating from your lover, who doesn’t move a muscle. “You’ll be free soon.” 
Dinner ends. Eren helps clean up the dishes for you and goes to get water from your well so you can clean easier. You already know from the way his thumb brushed against your own when you took the bowls that you’ll likely be bent over the sink in a few minutes, which you don’t mind, but you wonder if he’ll be willing to be softer than usual as an apology for what he’d said earlier. 
He’d meant to scare you. You’re intelligent enough to figure that out. Even though you don’t scare easy, and you didn’t even give an extreme reaction, the look in Eren’s eyes had made your heart drop to your stomach. Sometimes you forget that Eren sees everything. Then he says something like that to remind you in the most memorable way. 
The wooden door opens and closes behind you. Boots scuff the ground for a few seconds, drawing closer and closer as something in you sparks with anticipation, as it always does. A pail of water hits the surface beside you, partially sloshing over the sides, shining silver in the moonlight from the tall window in front of you. Finally, ultra hot hands slide around your waist and push gently but tightly against where your ribs diverge. 
A jaw leans down on your right shoulder, chin poking against your collarbone. Locks of hair brush against your own, just as the hand on the left runs across your side to finally put a small band in your pocket. 
“I did miss you,” Eren’s low voice seemingly growls, his chest rumbling softly against your back. 
“I was thinking about you,” you admit with monotone, knowing your lover can read through it like as easily as a knife slices through skin. 
“I hope I didn’t worry you,” he says, though you can also read through his own tone. He probably didn’t care about worrying you. He definitely doesn’t still. 
“You didn’t.”
You place a both bowls in the sink, running your fingers over the dirty spoons. Eren’s orbs follow your movement. You can feel his chin change positions ever so slightly in the coming seconds. 
“Can you pass me the rag?” you ask, eyes focused on a piece of food on the spoon that doesn’t even exist. 
In response, Eren doesn’t pass you anything. Only his right hand gives you any kind of acknowledgement, passing from on your ribs to down lower. His fingertips skin over the erogenous zone under the waistband of your undergarments. 
“I worried about you,” Eren murmurs boldly. The hot fingertips pass under the cloth finally, pricks of stubble on his jaw scratching your neck and shoulder as he shifts. “I wanted you to be okay.” His left hand raises to grasp the breast above it. Slowly at first, then firmly, like a warning. Everything is a warning with him. 
Your head lulls back uncontrollably. The back of your hair matts up as it rolls against his own shoulder. 
“I said you worried me,” your partner grumbles. “Did you hear me?”
“No,” you lie lowly, refusing to let your voice shake despite the shiver in your throat. 
“Mm,” Eren hums in condescending understanding. A force presses against your core, which has turned burning hot and ice cold at the same time. The force pulls away, a string of something smooth and slimy following it that makes a sound draw from your lips. It’s high pitched, weak, and unstoppable. You’d be embarrassed if you weren’t so associated with Eren. 
His hand gives your breast a firm squeeze, soreness blossoming from the center. Your back arches quickly and returns lax against him, though now something pokes against your bottom that makes your eyes pop open with a new alertness. Eren’s hand gives you no time again. From your chest, it flies to your throat, holding it back with soft strictness as the other finally dips into the hot pool between your hips. 
“I worried about you.”
A strangled groan releases from between your lips again, this time fully carried up through the air. To Eren, it must sound like nothing more than music, or background noise. 
Thick cylinders pump inside you to the knuckle. They feel better than your own. They always have. 
It feels good. Full. Tight and fast and like the inside of you is quivering under the weight of something that you can’t see or hear. Eren is like a blanket supporting you from falling over, keeping you upright with his grip and his fingers buried inside of you. Prodding every angle, every spot. Not necessarily romantically, but still lovingly. He has always had this goal during intimacy. Nothing matters but communicating to you just how close he wants to be. 
“Eren,” you choke, a dribble of spit sliding from the corner of your lips. 
“Again,” he hisses in response. His fingers hit a tight spot, making every muscle in your body clench at the same time. 
You don’t say another word, your mouth hanging partially open as you focus on everything around you. And it’s all Eren Jaeger. His smell, his growls, his voice, his breathing, his chest, his muscles, his hair, his anger, his bitterness, his intelligence, his determination. It’s overwhelming. It reminds you of getting swept in one of those waves at the ocean he described to you. He’s yours. No- more likely, you’re his. End of story. 
“I said again.”
“Eren,” you moan.  
His head nuzzles into your neck comfortingly, his fingers pushing faster and harder. You can feel how warm you are, never mind how slick. And the way your own body holds around his digits every time he pulls away is enough to make you all the more warm and slick. 
But then...
What is he doing?
He had said “you’ll be free soon”. And yet, here he is, gripping you tightly as he forces you into the corner of submitting. And yes, it is hot. It arouses you as it always has. But something about it makes your stomach turn into a knot of unpleasantness, in contrast to the other one of liquid pleasure. 
“Eren,” you strain, squirming against him. 
Eren speeds up again. A grunt falls from his own mouth from his own power, and you know he’s getting off almost as much as you are. It doesn’t stop feeling good. Feeling euphoric. 
It’s getting rougher. Rougher and harder and faster, more intense. 
Another gruff moan from him. 
“Eren! Stop! Stop!”
Eren’s palm softens away at once. It lifts away, his eyes opening and his hand stilling inside of you. He watches you shake as you gaze up to the ceiling, wide eyed. Your thighs sputter, entire body twitching. You didn’t cum. 
His eyes trail over you. You’ve worked up a steady sweat glistening and glowing, shivering and shaking and quaking because of him in the best way. You’re his. His partner, his friend, his ally he knows for a fact he can rely on.
“C-can we... Eren...” 
Drips of water dribbling down Eren’s temple. One of your hands are threaded in his brunette locks, holding them back so you can have an uninterrupted view. The other hand is dabbing cloth against his forehead and hairline, bathing him softly. 
He’d gone a while without bathing again. You could tell. Eren’s eyes are glued to yours, deep teal memorizing all the flecks in your own as if he hadn’t a million times over. 
Eren loves you. Dearly. He’d travel all seven hours and forty five minutes just to tell you that. He doesn’t know what made you stop earlier. He doesn’t ask. But he’s not mad. Overall, Eren understands that it doesn’t matter what you asked to stop for. You give the word, he obeys. Not because he has to, but because he loves you. 
Still, he knows something is wrong. You don’t show it. You’re steady, calm, mature, apathetic as always. But in the pit of Eren’s stomach, something brews. A warm, strange feeling of intuition and omniscience. 
“You look very pretty today,” Eren ventures, wondering only of your response. “Did I tell you that?”
Your eyes squint. “Thank you,” you reply back. 
The cloth continues to rub against his skin, cleaning something that probably doesn’t even exist. Dirt, maybe. Eren’s stopped taking care of his skin in the past few years. 
“You’re welcome.”
Your eyes squint again. This time, they gloss over with sharp wetness like glass. The eyebrows crease like a break, your bottom lip trembling as you suck it between your teeth. 
He doesn’t know what he was expecting. But your lover wasn’t expecting this. 
Eren hates when you cry. He can remember the first time he’d seen it, but not the most recent. You didn’t cry often- you were strong. Crying over something as useless and flimsy as emotions didn’t seem worth it. So what was this for? What were you about to make Eren break down inside over?
Your hand falls limply from his forehead. Shoulders hunch over in defeat, staring down at the floor as your hair covers over your face. And then the sniffles come, choked out coughs like sobs. 
Eren can see the lightest of bruises he’d left on you from earlier, but you’d never had a problem with it before. No, it was something else. But what?
Silent, your teeth grit together as you wince, tears streaming down your face inexplicably. 
“Earlier w-when you,” you gulp, snot beginning to form, “when you- I did worry a-about you. I- I don’t know why I didn’t...”
You stumble forward. Eren stands from your bath tub to catch you as you slump against him tiredly. 
“I hate it when you go.”
Eren switches positions with you, pushing you down to sit on the edge of the tub. He takes the wet rag from your hand and holds your shoulder back so he can have a good look at you. Then the cloth dabs against your own forehead, just as you had done to him. 
“I hate it here,” you sigh, a single tear drop blurring your vision as it falls finally. 
Your lover moves the cloth from your head to your cheeks, smearing the wetness into your skin and away. They moisten and dry, your eyes red and shiny. Eren tilts your head up under your jaw, creasing his brows and using the towel to clean closer to your eyes. 
“If it helps,” he says, looking straight into your eyes, “you’re crying, but I still think you look pretty.”
You’d be lying if you said that didn’t help even a little, because you love him. 
A soft smile creeps to your lips, your hands dropping in between your thighs. 
No I didn’t reread this lmfao enjoy. Hope I did you justice anon
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licuadora-nasir · 2 years
Hello, Beemoov. I've been trying to avoid addressing this topic for a long time but turns out I'm not the only one who's tired of this issue. I'm talking about many things, but the one I'm most concerned about is Lance. Cause congratulations, you've killed him.
I only see GLIMPSES of the one that has been the most demanded non-romanceable character, and this makes me very sad and disappointed. Let's get by parts:
Lance is a natural-born leader. He's been brave enough to follow his heart and beliefs (even if they exactly weren't... Healthy). He didn't hesitate in turning his back to the guard when he noticed how corrupted the organization was. Lance does what he thinks must be done, as @kanraandchrome said, " he doesn't embarrass himself with morality when he has his own system of valour ".
It's quite funny that in episode 4 we have this dialogue:
Erika: So you haven't changed that much after all? Everyone thinks so.
ANE Lance: Once again, you must have heard wrong, I've only changed sides.
And then ANE Lance proceeds to have this irrational blind trust in Huang Hua saying things like "I don't like questioning Huang Hua's decisions". Since when he's a puppy that follows each of his masters' orders? Why did you have to turn him into someone who hasn't own criteria?
I get that he feels guilty. I understand he's grateful to Huang Hua since she's the one who's given him a second chance and even understood him in TO.
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But you don't have to RUIN a character in order to make him feel guilty for his actions. You make him change sides, not change personal beliefs. THAT'S how redemption works, and this is not a redemption, this is a character obliteration.
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I mean, after writing that prophecy, I guess you find it FUNNY that ANE Lance has lost his soul and his personality. Because I find it hard to understand how Lance is the same person we have in this season. He doesn't resemble his own self. He looks weak and lost.
You can't pick a strong-willed character, with a defined personality and turn him into this. You don't do that to someone the fandom adores so much.
And please, don't get me started in the romance.
How do you pretend to make a reasonable romance plot if the romantic interactions do not have more than two minutes on screen? THIS IS AN OTOME, players are here mainly for the ROMANCE, not the FRIENDSHIP. It's great you've listened to us when it came to improving the illustrations, it's great that Koori stopped showing up in all the illus, WHY can't you listen to the obvious and give us more time with the crushes?
Also, we've gone from this
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"You just want to eat her!"
To an ANE Lance that practically runs from every physical interaction,ç he has with Erika? Because at this point, it feels like Erika is harassing him. Why did you have to make him a romanceable character that ISN'T CAPABLE of romancing the main character? Yeah, guilt and I feel guilty, and omg I hurt her blablabla PLEASE, this problem could have already been easily solved with a conversation!! Instead of running here and there with her friends you should have sat these two down and made them have a real conversation!
I'm glad Nevra starts to feel like himself again, would it kill you to do the same with Lance and Leiftan too?
I'm not going to drop Eldarya. I'm not going to stop liking Lance cause TO Lance exists and I don't recognize ANE Lance as Lance even if you show us glimpses of his personality from time to time. And of course, I won't stop creating content either.
I will play the whole season and when it's finished, I will decide if you've completely ruined my favourite character or not.
But please, do not do this to a character that is so loved by the fandom. Stop treating Lance so dirty, it's like you've decided he was not family-friendly enough and therefore changed him into someone plain and dull. People (I'm people) have waited YEARS for him and seeing him dead is truly disappointing and painful.
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dreamerstreamer · 4 years
Green With Envy
Pairing: Dream / Clay x f!reader
Summary: [Dream SMP!AU] In Dream’s opinion, you and Sapnap are getting a bit too close for comfort. Combine that with a war, and it looks like he’s in way over his head.
Warnings: some cursing (because Tommy exists) + tw// injury
Word Count: 3.9k
A/N: requested by an anon who wanted some dream angst with a fluffy ending! the story takes place during the attack on L’Manberg. love to see that my first dream work is just packed to the brim with tropes. i had a bit of a rough time mapping this one out, but i hope you enjoy it nonetheless.
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Dream let out a yawn as he walked into the living room, ruffling his hair as he went. “Good morning,” he greeted, collapsing onto the nearest couch.
On the other side of the room, you groaned. “‘Good morning’, my ass,” you muttered. “Mornings suck.”
He let out a small laugh at that, admiring your form sitting across from him. You were easily the biggest anti-morning person he knew. You could probably write a whole essay on why they were just the worst. But right now, in this moment, you looked absolutely adorable curled up in the couch cushions. Your hair was a complete mess, your clothes were askew, and a frown was plastered to your face.
Yet you were still so beautiful.
He wondered how you did it—how you managed to be so effortlessly wonderful in that special way of yours. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but he was sure of one thing.
He liked you. A lot.
If only he knew how to tell you.
Sapnap strolled into the room, holding a glass of milk. “Morning, cuties,” he hummed, taking a sip. He glanced down at the grumbling couch lump that was you. “Is [Y/N] being a grump, again?”
Dream nodded, offering him a crooked smile. “You know it.”
For a moment, Sapnap paused. Then a devilish smile crossed his face and he set his glass down on the coffee table. He leapt over the back of the couch, crashing into the space next to you. Leaning over, he wrapped his arm around your smaller figure and pulled you into his chest. 
Dream froze in his spot.
What. The hell.
You let out a yelp at the sudden movement, your frown deepening. “Sapnap,” you said, “what are you—”
“Wakey, wakey!” he cried, his fingers going for your sides in a tickle attack. In an instant, you were howling with laughter, tears springing to your eyes as you kicked your arms and legs. Dream’s throat constricted at the sight, his heart beating faster at the sight of your smile but sinking knowing that he wasn’t the cause of it.
“Snappitus!” you screeched, smacking his head. “Snapmap, stop!” You let out a wheeze. “Oh my god, Sapnap! I’m going to kill y—”
Sapnap finally relented, dropping you back onto the couch cushion with a smile. “That’s the first time I think I’ve seen you smile in the morning, [Y/N].” He jut his thumb into his chest triumphantly. “And it was all thanks to me.”
You heaved, catching your breath before turning to look at him. “Snappitus Nappitus,” you crooned, reaching your hand over towards his face. He looked at you inquisitively. Suddenly, you flicked his forehead, and he fell back with a yelp.
“Dude!” he cried, glaring up at you from where he lay sprawled on the ground. “What the hell was that for?”
You cackled at his reaction, kicking at his armour. “Because you’re an idiot for thinking it was a good idea to do that.”
Sapnap let out a groan of defeat as he asked for you to at least pass him an ice pack for his “grave wound”. On the other side of the room, Dream’s expression was cold. A stone of uneasiness sank to the bottom of his stomach as he stood up, walking out of the living room with a heaviness in his step that he didn’t walk in with.
So, he thought to himself, his gut churning. 
Sapnap, huh?
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The sun glared down at the earth from the sky, not a single cloud to be seen. Dream squinted up at it as he surveyed the weather.
The scheduled day to negotiate with L’Manberg over their territory had finally come.
Under any other circumstances, Dream would be having much more fun preparing for the journey, knowing very well that he was about to see some serious destruction. But today, he was in a terrible mood, and for one reason only.
For the past week, you and Sapnap had been spending practically every second together.
When Dream had sent Sapnap to burn down the forest surrounding L’Manberg’s walls, he had invited you to come with him. When Dream had asked you to hunt creepers to retrieve the gunpowder necessary for the TNT, you had brought Sapnap with you.
And he didn’t think it could get any worse, but even now, you were laughing at something Sapnap was saying, your grin shining brighter than the sun hanging in the sky above you.
Dream was tired of it.
“You have the dynamite sticks, right?” he asked, leading his horse away from the house.
George froze, then let out a long whine. “I forgot it in the storage house. Now, I have to go all the way back to get it.”
Despite his terrible mood, Dream let out a chuckle. “You’re so dumb, George,” he said teasingly, sending him a smirk. “How could you forget the most crucial part of the plan?”
George groaned. “I don’t know! I just forgot, okay?”
He waved a hand at him, pulling out his saddle. “Just go and grab some quickly, alright? We’ll wait for you until you get back.”
George nodded, hopping onto his horse. “I’ll be back soon.” With a snap of his reins, he was dashing down the hill toward the storage warehouse. 
The moment he disappeared over the hill, Dream’s smile vanished along with him. In the corner of his eye, he could see Sapnap chasing after you with a stick, his boots in your hand. A twinge of jealousy ran up his spine.
Wait—jealousy? No way. Dream wasn’t jealous, not one bit. 
With a deep sigh, he diverted his attention to attaching the saddle in his hands to his horse. Mere moments after he placed it upon his horse’s back, he heard footsteps approach him. He already knew who it was without having to look up.
“What do you want?” he said coldly, not bothering to look at you as he began clasping the saddle buckles shut. 
You shifted your weight from foot to foot. “Well, um,” you said, “I wanted to come over and say hi—”
“Cool, hi,” Dream said, cutting you off. He turned, looking at you properly now. “You can go, now.”
You looked taken aback by his words before your expression shifted into a frown. “What’s gotten into you, Dream? You’re not acting like yourself.”
He resisted the urge to roll his eyes. “Oh, am I?” He gestured behind you. “I’m just saying you can leave, now. You did what you came to do, right?”
You were appalled. “Why are you acting like this? I just wanted to hang out with you for a bit before we left.”
Didn’t you get it? He was trying to do you a favour. Before he could stop himself, he snapped, “Why don’t you just hang out with ‘Snappitus Nappitus’?” 
A sinking feeling dug itself into his chest at the pang of hurt that shot across your face. But in an instant, it was gone, your expression hardening. His mouth went dry.
“Fine,” you spat, fixing your eyes on him with a glare. “Maybe I will.”
You turned on your heel, stomping away to the other side of the base, inevitably making your way over to Sapnap to complain. Dream’s eyes trailed after you as you walked off, something stinging behind his eyes.
Why did he say that? He shouldn’t have taken his anger out on anyone, let alone you—the one he cherished most.
He felt sick.
“Dream,” a voice said behind him. “I got the dynamite. Ready to go?”
He turned to see George behind him, seated on his horse with a flint and steel in hand. Taking a deep breath, Dream hoisted himself onto his own horse, picking up the reins with a heavy heart.
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“Big D! What’s the fuck?!”
Dream grimaced under his mask, the string keeping his patience together wearing thinner by the second. 
He and his SMP had been in L’Manberg for no longer than five minutes, and he already wanted to declare war and call it a day. 
“I’ve already presented you with your ultimatum, Tommy.”
Tommy snorted. “Yeah, and it’s a bad one. ‘Give up your land or we’ll light three sticks of dynamite’,” he mocked. He turned to look at Tubbo with a grin. “Tell me that’s not the worst ultimatum you’ve ever fuckin’ heard, Tubbo.”
Tubbo offered a cheerful grin. “It’s a pretty bad ultimatum, yeah.”
Tommy nodded, looking back at Dream with a triumphant smile. “You see, Big D? Your deal sucks. It’s fucking terribl—”
Dream let out a deep sigh. “Tommy, I’m really not in the mood for this.” His form turned toward you for a split second, taking in the sight of your figure next to Sapnap’s before looking back at Tommy. “Let’s just get this over with. What’s your decision?”
The blond blinked at him for a second, a shit-eating grin spreading across his face. “Oooh, are you having women problems?”
Dream’s grip on his sword stiffened, his fingers twitching. “What,” he said, his tone harsh, “are you talking about it?”
Tommy shrugged. “I’m just saying, you might be having some.” He gestured to himself, smiling pompously. “If you were like me, you wouldn’t have these kinds of problems, because I’m an expert at women.”
The string thinned another fraction. “Sure you are, Tommy.”
Just then, Wilbur spoke up. “Tommy doesn’t know what he’s talking about, ignore him.” His smile mirroring Tommy’s. “But say, Dream,” he drawled, his gaze flickering back and forth between you and him, “do you happen to know the saying ‘green with envy’?”
Dream’s breath hitched. If he said one more wor—
Wilbur narrowed his eyes teasingly. “Because to me, it seems to be you’re covered in green from head to toe—inside and out.”
And the string snapped.
“George,” he said, his voice devoid of emotion, “set it off.”
The group looked at him in alarm, their eyes wide as George began, “A-Are you sur—”
“Just set it off!” he shouted, a fury like none other taking over him. How dare Wilbur of all people tease him—taunt him? How dare he? Maybe it was a bad idea, but he was done with negotiating.
It was time.
Without any more questions, Dream watched as George lit three sticks of dynamite, tossing them onto the ground ahead of them. The moment the sticks hit the ground, George yelled, “Go, get out, get out, get out!”
Every member of Dream’s faction turned, rushing for the entrance just as the first explosion rang out. Screams rang out all around him, Tommy cursing incessantly while Fundy screeched. Hidden under his mask, a grin stretched across his face at the sound of destruction. He was a single step away from the exit when Sapnap let out a desperate yell.
Dream stopped, turning to look over his shoulder. The explosions were still ringing out around him, but what he saw horrified him.
You laid on the ground with an arrow pinned to the train of your satchel, leaving you stuck on the ground. Above you, a chunk of the L’Manberg walls was dangerously close to unlatching itself and falling on you. All it would take was a few more explosions for that section of the wall to come crashing onto you, and Dream knew that they had hidden more than enough TNT under the country to make that happen. 
You were tugging desperately on your satchel, unsheathing your sword to cut yourself loose, but Dream knew there wasn’t enough time.
He didn’t allow himself even a single second to process what was happening—he simply bolted.
In one moment, he was turning to head out of the base. In the next, he was tackling you to the ground, his taller figure shielding yours as he pinned you to the earth below.
The ear-splitting train of explosions cut you off, and Dream felt a surge of white hot pain sear up his back as the chunk of wall slammed into his back. He was vaguely aware of the fact that his armour was cracking. He knew he should have repaired it when he had the chance. 
Just then, his mask slid off his face, landing squarely on your chest. The strap must have snapped, he thought distantly to himself. The ringing in his ears was deafening, and he could just barely make out the sight of you crying out underneath him, your lips forming his name—his real name.
It was a shame he couldn’t hear your voice saying it. He’s sure it would sound lovely.
Then the world went dark.
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Something cool brushed over his face, and Dream felt himself being pulled out of unconsciousness.
Where... am I?
Slowly, he opened his eyes, blinking while then drowsiness seeped out of his eyes. It must be late afternoon, given how warm and light it was. Letting his eyes readjust to the brightness of the day, he took in the sight of the space around him. It only took a few seconds for him to figure out that he was in his room. He recognized those chests, his messy desk, the curtains framing the open window. A breeze must have been what woke him up.
Why am I here?
He thought back in his mind, trying to recall the last memory he had experienced.
The battle. His SMP. L’Manberg. Tommy. Wilbur. Ultimatum. Dynamite.
He grimaced.
Oh. Right. That.
He vaguely wondered if their side had won, but also knew that he was missing something. He could have sworn there was more to the battle than just that. What was it?
He felt a weight pressing down on the bed just next to him. Glancing down, his heart stuttered in his chest at the sight of you sitting in a chair next to him, leaned over and fast asleep on the edge of his bed. The images flashed through his mind.
Taunting. The wall. You. Pain. Heat. Your lips mouthing his name. Darkness.
Ah. He remembered, now.
He shifted slightly, feeling a dull pain shoot up his side. Wincing, he pulled back the covers, looking down. He was wearing a new shirt and sweatpants—clean clothes, thank goodness. Lifting up the hem of his shirt, he grimaced at the sight of the white bandages wrapped around his torso. They definitely extended to his back as well, if he remembered correctly. So that explained the aches. 
Ever so slowly, he wiggled back, ignoring each wave of pain that crashed over his spine when he did so. A few moments later, he had finally brought himself to a sitting position, your head now lying on his lap. Dream smiled fondly down at you, reaching out to stroke your hair. You were beautiful when you were sleeping. Well, you were beautiful all the time, but he digressed. 
He had a million questions swirling around in his head. How long had you been sitting here? Did your back hurt from leaning over for so long? Were still mad at him?
He really hoped you weren’t.
Just then, you reached a hand to rub at your eyes, letting out a soft noise as you began to wake up. Dream’s hand immediately darted back to his side, and he watched intently as you brought yourself back to a sitting position. You let out a quiet groan as you cracked your back. It was only then that you fully opened your eye. He could practically see the recognition set in your eyes as you took in where you were before you whirled, jaw dropped as you stared at him.
“Um,” he began, suddenly feeling shy, “hey there.”
You continued to gape at him, eyes wide. “You’re awake,” you blurted.
His lips quirked. “Sure am.”
You scooted closer to him in your chair, shoulders shaking. “You’re actually awake,” you repeated, almost in disbelief.
Dream nodded, amused. “Yep. You already said that.”
All of sudden, you moved forward, climbing onto the bed so that you were sitting on your knees right beside him. He didn’t have a chance to react before you were leaned into him, weakly smacking his chest with your fists, your shoulders trembling as you did so.
“You’re. So. Stupid!” you wailed, punctuating each word with another light hit. You whipped your head up, glaring at him through your watery eyes. “Why did you do it? Why did you block me from the debris?”
Dream averted his gaze from yours, his heartbeat picking up from how close you were to his. He could only hope you couldn’t feel it through your hands. “I wake up and one of the first things you tell me is that I’m stupid?” he said, trying to avoid the topic at hand. “What a warm welcome back.”
You pressed your lips into a thin line. “Don’t change the subject, Dream. Answer the question.” Your gaze narrowed. “Why did you do it?”
He opened his mouth, then closed it. “I—I didn’t even think about it,” he admittedly truthfully. “I just moved without thinking.”
You stared at him, your brows furrowing. “But why? You should have been worried about yourself first.”
Dream blinked down at you, feeling his heart beat against his rib cage wildly. He was almost positive you could feel it. 
Then it hit him, the realization sinking into his mind as clear as day.
It was now or never.
He took a deep breath, reaching up to hold your hand in his. He watched something in your gaze melt, but the question remained in your eyes.
Luckily for you, he had an answer.
“I like you,” he said. “That’s why.”
You stared at him, stunned. He felt anxiety lump in his throat.
“You do?”
He swallowed it back down.
There was a beat of silence.
And then you began to cry.
Almost instantaneously, Dream began to panic. “H-Hey,” he said gently, wrapping his arms around you carefully, “why are you crying? Did I say something wrong? I, uh—” He gulped. “It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way. I know you like Sapnap.”
Now, it was your turn to be confused. Sniffling, you wiped at your eyes. “Wh—” Hiccup. “W-What are you talking about? I don’t—I don’t like Sapnap.”
He wrinkled his brow at you. “Sure you do,” he said. “You’ve basically been all over him lately. That practically screams, ‘I love Sapnap’.”
You stared at him, your tears reduced to stained cheeks now and a slightly sniffling nose. “Sapnap and I are best friends,” you said, frowning.
He nodded. “Yeah. And you like him.”
Your frowned deepened. “No, that’s—” You stopped, and he watched as the gears turned in your head, being able to pinpoint the exact moment they clicked together. 
“Dream,” you said slowly. “You think that I—” You pointed to yourself. “—like Sapnap?”
He cocked his head. “I mean, don’t you?”
You stared at him for a moment longer. “Dream,” you said again, “when you jumped in front of me, I was absolutely terrified. I didn’t know what was going on, and I only remember screaming before you just blacked out on me. We won and L’Manberg surrendered, but George had to help me carry you back. You were out for two days.”
He cringed at your words. It was good that you had won, but two days was a long time to be unconscious. He must have missed so much. 
“During those two days, Dream,” you continued, “I practically didn’t leave that chair.” You pointed to the chair you had been sitting on just moments prior. “Sapnap had to drag me down to eat, and I still slept here, as you already saw.”
He gaped, absolutely shocked. You stayed by his side? For two straight days? For him?
He must have said that out loud without thinking, because you nodded and pursed your lips. “Dream,” you said, “do you know what that means?”
He blinked at you. “I don’t see how this has anything to do with you liking Sapnap.”
You let out a groan, hanging your head in your hands. “How are you this dense?” you muttered, your cheeks flushing pink. “Are you really gonna make me say it?”
He didn’t think he could be anymore confused. “Say what?”
Lifting your head, your eyes met his, your cheeks burning with heat and hands shaking. “That I like you, and not Sapnap.”
Dream froze, his brain short-circuiting in his head.
You liked him.
You liked him back.
A grin spread across his face. This was possibly the greatest day of his life.
Without wasting another minute, he pulled you into his arms, practically crushing you to his chest. You squeaked at the sudden movement, your heart swelling in your chest at the sudden display of affection. “Huh—”
“Thank god,” he murmured in your ear, his voice soaked in relief. “I genuinely thought that you were going to reject me.”
You wrapped your arms around him, careful to be gentle with his back, and smiled into his shoulder. “I thought I was being obvious, but I guess you’re just really stupid.”
Dream sighed, dizzy with affection and something that felt like love.
“Yeah, I am.”
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Dream let out a yawn as he walked into the living room. “Good morning,” he said, eyes darting around the room. “Has anyone seen my—”
He stopped dead in his tracks when his eyes landed on you. On the other side of the room, you were curled into the couch like you almost always were in the morning. But this time, you were wearing a green hoodie. His green hoodie.
His heart melted at the sight.
He didn’t think it was possible for you to be anymore beautiful, yet here you were, destroying all of his expectations. You never ceased to amaze him with just how wondrous you were.
He sighed, striding to the other side of the room and settling in next to you on the couch. “Never mind,” he murmured, leaning in close to nuzzle his face next to yours. “I found it.”
You giggled at his touch, pushing his face away from you. “Ugh, you’re so cheesy.”
He rolled his eyes at you, grinning. “Don’t act like you don’t eat it up.”
You huffed, turning away from him. “I’m not saying anything.”
Sapnap walked in while Dream laughed at your expression, a glass of milk in hand. “Morning,” he greeted, sitting down on the couch opposite of you two. He spared a single glance in your direction before asking, “Are you two being gross, again?”
Dream‘s grin widened. “You know it.”
Sapnap gagged as Dream leaned in close to your face, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “Ewww.”
Turning to face your boyfriend, you pressed a hand to his cheek and cooed. “Clay.” He leaned into your touch, his lips curling. He was right. His name did sound lovely on your lips,
You returned his smile with one of your own, moving your hand away from his cheek and towards his hairline. 
All of a sudden, you flicked his forehead, pain shooting through his skull as he jumped.
“Ow!” he yelped, wincing at the slight sting of your nail against his skin. He rubbed at the red skin, glaring at you. “Why’d you do that?”
You smiled sweetly at him, but he could see your eyes glint devilishly. “Because you’re an idiot for not realizing I liked you sooner.”
From the other side of the room, Sapnap let out a cackle, pointing at Dream. “Suck it, green boy!”
Dream’s brow twitched and a dark grin crossed his face as he stood up, cracking his knuckles. “Oh, Sapnap—”
Let’s just say that Sapnap needed more than a few ice packs, that day.
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sweetleaf-cafe · 3 years
Floyd Crush/Relationship Headcanons
First off, if you've attracted this chaotic eel, good luck.
Once he's decided he's into you, or even before he realizes it, he's going to be extremely obvious.
Floyd will straight up attach himself to you.
Say goodbye to your personal space!
(Though if you were really uncomfortable, he would back off, a bit.)
He can and will squeeze you whenever you're in the vicinity, and if you're not, he'll probably just chase you down and do it anyways.
And if he surprises you or manages to get some sort of rise out of you while doing it?
Then it'll be extra fun in his book!... And you can expect it to become even more of an occurrence.
"Found you, Shrimpy! Lemme squeeze you~!"
When he squeezes you, he's still very firm in his grip, but usually not bone-crushing.
(It wouldn't be any fun if he broke his favorite Shrimpy.)
Well, unless he were very excited or if his mood was at some sort of extreme.
If so, you'll have to be quick to remind him that he's not trying to kill you, and if you don't, R.I.P. you.
Also, he doesn't particularly care where he squeezes you.
You could be giving a presentation in front of the entire school, and that wouldn't stop him.
He would just run up, pick you up, and run right off the stage or wherever you are with you in tow.
(Que Jade chasing after Floyd while Azul tries to get the chaos at the assembly under control.)
If Floyd wants his squeezes, he's getting his squeezes.
Overall though, as long as he isn't murdering you or you aren't super shy or easily embarrassed, hugs from Floyd are very fluffy!
Physical affection from Floyd is certainly not limited to squeezes though.
He loves draping himself on you like a freaking coat.
Only he's very heavy and chances are, you will topple under his weight.
If you do, will he bother to move from this position?
He's comfortable enough as is, as for you?
Pray you aren't in some sort of public space or a hallway.
Hope you can get comfy quick, because who knows how long you're going to be there?
And that's not the end of it, not by a long shot.
He'll also rest his head, arms, or whatever's most comfortable on your head.
If you're somehow taller than Floyd, then DOESN'T MATTER.
He'll just have you sit down first.
Or he'll even just straight up grab a box, stand on it, and rest himself on top of your head.
But if he can't do that, then your shoulders are pretty comfy too, right? :D
"Shrimpy! I'm tired.... lemme use you as a pillow!"
Overall, even before an official relationship starts, Floyd is already very physically affectionate with you.
And he will want your attention, like, all the time.
Whenever he can, he'll be looking for his favorite shrimpy.
Time spent together is spent doing all sorts of stuff, but Floyd is always going to looking to make it FUN.
He wants to play with Shrimpy!
Which somehow always ends with him chasing you around.
If he doesn't find whatever it is that you're doing interesting, he has absolutely no issue trying to find some way of distracting you from it.
What he'll do will certainly vary, but he'll often poke and prod you while complaining till he has your attention.
Or if he's really wanting your immediate attention, he'll just pick you up and carry you off to do whatever it is he wants to do.
At that point, good luck trying to get anything done.
And he'll also get rather possessive.
Does not like it at all if your friends get too close or they flirt with you.
Well, he doesn't like it if anyone pulls something like that if it's not him.
If someone gets a bit too close for comfort, Floyd will squeeze you, all the while sending a death glare towards the offender.
From there, he would be even clingier for the rest of the day, or even longer, depending on how you interacted with them.
And hid mood would also be rather foul.
If you were to ask him about it, he would be honest with you.
"They got too close to my Shrimpy."
If you ask him about since when you've been his Shrimpy, he'll shrug it off.
"Since I decided it."
He'll want a lot of cuddles from you, and somewhere along the line, he'll probably just trap you in his arms and stay like that until his mood shifts.
"I just wanna stay like this."
Floyd is also one to be very vocal about his love for you.
When he's not ranting to Azul and Jade about how adorable he thinks you are, he'll be telling it to your face.
He has absolutely no shame when it comes to this.
What he says will also differ.
Sometimes, it's remarks about how cute he thinks you are.
"Shrimpy is the cutest when they're jumping around like that~"
To other more upfront remarks.
"Because I wuv my Shrimpy~!"
Either way, he's very good about letting you know just the way he feels about you.
It's honestly endearing.
While many of these aren't said in super serious situations, he certainly means every word.
And if you're easily flustered, then he'll definitely notice that.
Once he does, prepare yourself, because you're in for one heck of a ride.
He'll be even more vocal about it, because he thinks that it's adorable when your face turns all red like that~
Throughout all this, eventually, Floyd will just decide he wants to make it official.
He's already aware that you two are essentially in a relationship, and the idea of being able to take it up a notch makes him feel all happy inside.
(The idea likely first being presented by Jade and Azul.)
If you think he's going to wait to tell you, YOU'RE WRONG.
The moment he decides this, he'll just barrel through to find you.
Once he does, he'll pick you up and twirl you around, seemingly happier than ever.
"Shrimpy! I was looking for you all over the place~! So I like you, I want you to stay with me, and I want to date you."
He'll be very upfront with it, not really leaving any room for interpretation.
And from there, he'll also tell you about all the little and big things he loves about you, already in a really great mood.
Should you accept, he'll legit start beaming.
That mood will certainly last awhile, so you can expect most people nearby to be breathing a sigh of relief.
They did not want to be around if things went awry.
Now that you're officially in a romantic relationship, somehow, he'll be even more affectionate.
He'll want kisses from you all the time.
And is not afraid to bug you for them.
"Shrimpy, I wanna kiss~!"
He loves it when you pepper his face with kisses, and any sort of affection you give him, he'll return it three-fold.
Whenever you kiss him, depending on his mood, it can go many different ways.
Still, a lot of the time, he'll be hungry for more.
So it's best to not kiss him a whole lot unless you're looking for a full-on make out session.
As for his erratic mood swings, you'll have to deal with that.
Sometimes, when his mood is sour, you'll be able to brighten it up with a kiss or something cute like that.
However, much of the time, he'll likely just get annoyed with you and will just want to be left alone.
Should you persist, it likely wouldn't really end well. When it comes to this, it's really best to just give him space when asks for it.
Once he's feeling better, he'll be sure to find you and hang out with you more, and will give you an apology if things didn't go so well.
Overall, things with Floyd are always a rollercoaster of emotions and will bring more than enough chaos in your life.
So once again, good luck with our eel boi!
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diedbutterflies69 · 3 years
Drunk in love- Bang Chan imagine.
This is pure imagination. Minors don't interct.
Contains: explicit stuff fingering, blowjob, sex etc.
Red lights mv is the reason for this imagine.
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Being alone never bothered you until now. Being alone at a place you don't belong. Sitting in An expensive night club, after quitting your job you decided to have time for yourself and do all the things you missed out so and the sixteenthth goal of your list was drinking in the city's most stunning and expensive club, you decided to get Fully wasted while slurping various wines, champagne, sweet Mimosa etc. but after seeing the price you realised that the one shot of vodka's price was equivalent to your whole month's grocery budget.
So yeah this is how you were struck, with a beautiful woman who gave you rich CEO vibes slightly drunk and was ranting about some buisness stuff you barely knew.
And she was really something else so damn pretty, elegant even her voice was sexy even though you were quite straight you wouldn't hesitate to be her sugar baby cause Money .
You don't understand how a powerful women like her was being so vulnerable infront of you, maybe because you helped her fixing her expensive backless dress, which was on edge of tearing, who didn't expect her to give you such a great treatment and open up to you. It has been 2 hours since you have been with that stunning women, but now you were really tired and was just wished to go to your nest. While being deep in your thoughts that women whose name was Sana (pretty people have pretty name too) her phone ranged .
" hey, your phone is ringing", you said her softly resulting her in giving a whiny look.
" whoever that is calling can suck fuck itself, you hear me , ignore it", Sana said after silencing her phone and again giving you some great intellectual knowledge.
The phone may have vibrated more than 6 times before Sana decided to to pick it and you again knew however was on the other line will be hearing tons of unique insults now ..
"hello, Bang I am absolutely fine and just having drinks with my new found friend, you relax and go, bye" Sana said screaming her lungs out as the music was hella loud. You were quite surprise by how kind she sounded, She called someone Bang as far you remembered , Must be someone special to her you thought.
"who was it? ", You asked her cautiously trying to not appear too nosy. In answer to your question she gave you a big smile and continuing " My little brother, you already know what kind of shit I am going through so he just worried for me, I am lucky right?", While describing her little bro there was a big smile on her beautiful face and yeah she surly was lucky cause the brother you had was a druggist because of whom you used to get really low on money back in days. And now the phone again rung and she picked up guess she really hated how the person on other side of line was feeling.
"Hello again", Sana said her voice really tired and vulnerable. You guessed that person on the other side asked her where she was as she said the club's name next. You really hate this club from the depth of your heart, cause you didn't got any alcohol to taste nor good food. You were bought back to reality As Sana yelled at the person who was on phone.
"I will kill you if you come here", Damn Sana sounded 1999 times more dangerous now and you were scared to death. But a little glad as someone was coming to pick her up and that meant you can go back to your dead apartment too.
"Guess he will eventually come here, I should just get fully wasted than hearing his boring lecture" Sana said after cutting the call , she signalled a waiter to your table and ordering some great quality of alcohol. Yess finally you could too get a little raste too of that sweet paradise drink, you were internally screaming as the waiter bought some nice too good to be true shots. Sana immediately gulping down three shot one after another means she just swallowed your three months grocery.
Now pushing your urge to atleast try one shot, you stopped Sana from getting wasted and distracting . Once again you killing your desires, after about 20 minutes you saw a drop dead gorgeous Man approaching your and Sana's table . That man was wearing an expensive black suit you could feel his intimidating aura even from a distance, his eyes darker than your future, even in those blurry red lights you can easily notice every feature of that hot stranger. You were bought back to reality when that stranger straight up goes to Sana who was little wasted but still sane. You salute her alcohol tolerance level.
" you fine?" The man asked Sana, now you were sure that he was Sana's little bro but you didn't thought by little she meant such a great human with outstanding body proportions. He was so sexy you were internally drowling over that sexy human's visuals.
" You seriously came here? Damn I love my brother so much", Sana said in her voice clearly indicating how drunk she was. She was smiling adorably at her bro but he looked at her with a annoyed gaze.
"get up, let me take you to your house, come", the stranger said and helped Sana to get up from her seat, which made her stumbled and now you clearly knew her alcohol tolerance level was trash, she wasn't able to even stand without any support . Your hands reached her waist in attempt to save her from falling. And that action finally made the man to look at you . your heartbeat increased so much just by his mere gaze at you . And for the first time in night he talked to you.
"who are you", he asked you . Ouch, that was an obvious question to ask but you were disappointed because how boring and uninterested his tone was with you while with Sana he sounded so fuckin caring. But regardless gulping down your nervousness, you replied to him politely.
"umm, I helped Sana slightly and from then we are talking", you knew your explanation was just trash but it atleast made that man realise that you were the 'new found friend' who Sana described on call.
"Okay, can you help me carry her back till parking lot?", The Stanger asked you, his voice now laced up with little gratitude and expectation. You simply nodded your head and wrapped Sana's one arm to your shoulder and helped her walking while that man went to pay the bill.
At parking lot you were standing with a little dead women, while waiting for him , all you saw at parking lot was beautiful and costly cars, something which you won't be able to afford it this lifetime. You never felt this much out of place before. That man's presence bought you back to reality, again feeling insecure as you standed next to Sana. She was a goddess and her brother an alluring devil.
He didn't spoke much to you and simply helped you carry Sana to the Car.
Now, an overdramatic old aged man coming out of car, which you think you knew, her deceased husband's dad, Sana had gave you her whole family history , future and economic information, apparently that old man treated Sana as his own daughter and today Sana lost the lawsuit related to her late husband's death and that was the reason for Sana's mad women behaviour today. That old man looked as Sana and it seemed like he was controlling his urge to cry, but nevertheless got inside the car with her to tired to even thank you.
Now here's when the fun begins. You were left alone alone with that alluring devil. But you sadly knew he wasn't even interested in you even 1 % so you got ready to go back to your nest and started walking until..
"wait!, Let me drop you to your home please", he said and wooow how could you say no to that glamorous offer as it was too late at night to get a bus and too hard to get a cab. You acted like a little hesitant but eventually said yes, as you didn't knew how less time it will take him to take back his offer. Following him to his car And again your jaw almost dropped it was the hottest car you ever seen in your life. And it was honour for you to get a chance to be inside it. The man opened the door for you, you not being sure if he was being a gentleman or to was preventing you to touch his car, but nevertheless you got inside it the temperature was warmer inside the car and the air freshener was doing a great job. He got on driving seat next to you and started driving.
After exiting the parking lot he asked for your address, and you just told him to drop next to bus stop cause the building you lived was apparently more like a abandoned haunted place.
he didn't forced you for further answers and started driving to your direction.
You were lost in admiring the Stranger's car from inside and literally got startled by his deep voice.
"listen, can I please drop you somewhere , your place is too far from here, I need the go somewhere today", he said you and your mood literally dropped, yeah it was true that you lived far away from club it took you 3 hours to reach there in traffic, so swallowing your disappoint you replied.
"it's okay, drop me here only", you didn't knew why your voice was so weak at the moment maybe because you wanted a little bit kindness from that man but he just ruined your every expectation.
"I am sorry, but there is another option too" that man said to when you were getting ready to yeet yourself out of his useless expensive car.
"you gonna call cab for me, no thanks I will look for it " you Said and you didn't expect to sound rude. You thought now that man will now won't hesitate to throw you out of window.
But in response he smiled, for first time in night but his smile a little evil.
"no, I meant you can spend the night at my house", he said voice laced up with nothing but purness.
And your heart stopped. Spending a night at someone else house and that someone was a dangerous devil. You immediately said no to his tempting offer but
"Please,it doesn't make me feel good to drop off a such a fantastic women of my car and you even helped my sister, I should repay your kindness, please.."
You were more than just shocked, whatever he just said was something you least expected, he fucking called me gorgeous you thought and your heart literally flied in the sky.
"no, it's okay please drop me here", you said impatiently, the nervousness kicking you on head.
"Relax, I am not gonna do anything to you, don't be afraid" he said you in such a calm tone fully opposite of his devil like demonor, you immediately melted and tried to consider his offer, his house won't be less than any luxury hotel and you being you..
"are you comfortable, letting a stranger in your house?" You asked him honestly you didn't wanted to make yourself a burden to that man. In response to your question the stranger let out a soft chuckle.
"forget me,are you comfortable being in some Stranger's house?", He asked you with strange curious tone. You honestly didn't knew the answer.
"Yes, I am comfortable, you only told you won't do anything so", your voice coming out softer a little innocent. He smiled at your answer, somehow satisfied.
"So should I take car to my house?", He asked you again, damn you wanted to shout a big ass yes, but suppressed the desire by simply nodding. And so the stranger reversed the car back to his house direction.
"what's your name ?", He asked you, looking at you finally he initiated a conversation.
"Y/N, what's your name?", You asked him.
"Chan", he simply replied.
"nice", you said and again silence. You were a super awkward person and that fact wasn't hided from Chan.
"What do you do for living?", Chan asked after some second and you frowned upon hearing that question.
"I am sorry, if it was too personal", he quickly noticed your behaviour you tried to say something "No, I am just unemployed at the moment and I am writer, yes writer", you replied what you said wasn't completely a lie you used to write some articles back in past but your recent job from which you quitted was at a restaurant.
"Wow, writers are amazing, it's great make people connect to your work", Chan complimented you for something you really didn't did. Still you took it and smiled back.
" your work must be tough sir, balancing off an company ain't easy", you complimented Chan back.
" Sana must have told you about what I do, right?", Chan asked you to which you nodded.
Again silence and in 5 minutes the car stopped infront of a skyscraper.
Rich people really live in sky. You thought.
"here we are", Chan said after opening the door for you and handing off the keys to guard.your neck almost got twisted to see end of the building.
"Done looking?", Chan asked you slightly waving his hand infront your face and damn he was veiny. Having a thing for hands was definitely your thing and Chan must have noticed your hungry gaze on his hands but didn't said anything .
"yeah let's go", you replied and started walking with him.
You both entered in heavantor. And again the same awkward air surrounding you both. Maybe it was sexual tension in Chan's mind which you scrapped off as awkward.
"Do you perhaps... Have a boyfriend?", Chan asked with a little hesitation in his, and for the first time in your whole life you got this nervous, he didn't proposed you but his question was very suggestive.
"no I don't, do you have girlfriend?", You answered and asked back.
"No", Chan answered and again silence.
"why you asked?", You again questioned him
"To know if I can make you interested in me or not", Chan said back a proud smirk dancing on his face and you were dead. He said something bold so confidently your mind pure hazey now.before you could say something the doors of hellevator opened.
"let's go", Chan said immediately getting out like he just didn't almost gave you heartattack. Nevertheless you followed him.
He put on the passcode and you both entered in his luxurious house. The house something you didn't expect. Dark, just as much dark as your future, but it looked freaking classy.
Chan showed you a room, to spend a night, but you noticed how he was holding back from something and as well as you. And you knew it was now or never.
"I am already interested in you, why would you want to make me though?", You asked if you thought it was bold but you stuttered as much as students who gave presentations.
But Chan find it alluring about you. Cliché but, he was too in daze after meeting you. And now finally his wish coming true. He smiled and come a little too close to you.
"Because, I am really interested in kissing your beautiful lips", Chan said , if this line would be came out of any normal guy then it would be to cringy, But Chan was your alluring hot devil and fantasy, someone so beautiful interested in me you thought. you tried to say the first thing that came to your mind.
"Then kiss.. me", You said the last word almost like a whisper , Chan smirked at you, you were literally his ideal type he knew you weren't innocent but ironically you were.
Chan's hand reached your cheek and made you look at him, being too embarrassed you avoided his eyes.
"Look at me, Y/N", Chan almost said as a whisper. Gathering your scattered courage you finally managed to look in to Chan's eyes and his eyes were .. scary.
"I can kiss you, right?", Chan again asked you and you sweared nothing is as hot as consent. You nodded a yes to him.
"Baby, use your words", Chan said the word baby rolled of his tongue so erotically.
"Yes", you said not breaking the eye contract.
"is it okay to Call me sir?", He asked you, now you were dead sure that this man was Kinky af. And you won't be surprised if he had a tons of chain in his bedroom.
"Kiss me, Sir", you said literally feeling so submissive to him. A last smile Chan gave you before his lips touched yours and the butterflies in your stomach exploded. His lips were soft, but the kiss wasn't he sucked at your bottom lip almost painfully and when his tongue entered your mouth, butterflies again exploded, his tongue doing wonders in your mouth , you didn't even knew a kiss so deep, so sensual can happen. With Chan's right hand at back of your neck ,the other one reached down to squeeze your hand in a tight yet sensual grip you finally feeling those veins and the kiss getting more heated.
"let's continue this in bedroom, Chan said after finally breaking the kiss to catch breath, he lifted you up in his arms and it felt so fuckin great, he was so strong even though you were little heavy Chan showed no sign of uneasiness. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and while he carried you to his bedroom, you never felt this much safe in anyone's arms as much as this hot Stranger's.
He put you down while unlocking his door, after unlocking he again carried you and softly laid you down on his grey bedsheets. His room was a mix of grey and blue a little weird but you didn't got much time to explore as Chan immediately started his ministrations on your body. He was a great man who believed in foreplay supremacy.
"Aah", you moaned a little as he sucked at your neck the little sound of yours making his dick painfully hard. He got on his knees towering your frame.
"Can your mouth handle this?", Chan asked you pointing at his memeber and were glad to give him a positive answer. Getting up, you undid his belt and removed both his pants and briefs simultaneously, Chan looking at you like a animal the whole time. The moment his erection was visible to you , you were beyond shock, he was so fucking big he won't obviously fit in your mouth, but you didn't wanted to disappoint Chan so you slowly entered the tip of cock in your mouth going little by little back and forth slowly till it was deep enough to hit the back of your throat. You slightly gagged and that sended shivers to Chan's spin ,to get that feeling again his hand wrapped around hair and detaching you from his cock.
"will you be comfortable, if I go rough?", Chan again asked you , and without any second thought you said yes to him. After being satisfied with your answer, he immediately tightened his grip on your hair and shoved you back on his cock, his tip directly coming in contract with back of your throat and a gagged being heard, you didn't expect him to be this rouf but it was such a turn on for you. You stumbled a little as he was ramming himself inside you hands gripping on to his thighs for support. He wasn't moaning too much but grunting and occasional deep breaths.
"Fuck, you have wonderful mouth babe, so fucking perfect", Chan praised you that resulted in your pussy skipping a heartbeat and encouraging you to go Even deeper.
Your one hand coming in contact with his balls which maybe was his string before cumming. He was grunting too much which meant he was close .
"keep going babe, I am gonna cum inside your mouth, will it be okay?", Chan asked and to affirm him you just increased the speed.
"don't let it fall" , Chan said and after a few seconds he bursted in your mouth, a warm feeling welcoming inside your throat and just as Chan commanded you swallowed it all without letting his seeds fall. After fully empting himself inside your mouth Chan removed his cock from your mouth.
"let out your tongue", Chan commanded you in his breathless voice you immediately following his words. Slowly removing your tongue.
You looked so submissive to Chan, the perfect person to fuck he wished to fuck. Chan spitted inside your mouth, your eyes widen on his sudden such a filthy yet hot action.
"Swallow it, babe", Chan said voice fully filled with lust. You obeyed him without any hesitation, whatever Chan was doing to you made you feel like being on cloud nine.
Chan again made you lie on the matteress , him staring at you from top, ever so submissive. Chan's hand directly reached your Fully clothed breasts his mere action made you whimper, your small little sounds were giving him so much satisfaction.
"so fucking sensitive", Chan said to himself as he his fingers were dancing on top of your breast. To eager to see your naked body, he slightly tilted your body to undo the dress zipper after successfully removing it he undid your bra next. Your breasts immediately being exposed to his eyes and Chan just lost his sanity, immediately slapping your right breast as an instict,. You moaned loudly at the sudden pain but it was pleasurable enough to make your panties wet.
"Do you like it, you like being gropped and slapped ,huh?", Chan asked you and your head in pure haze .
"yes sir I like it", you breathlessly said causing Chan to smirk , he loved to know what kind of effect he had on your body and mind. After twisting and slapping your nipples Chan finally decided to take them inside his mouth and paint them with beautiful marks. You were questioning his real identity at this moment his teeth felt like Some wolf was devouring you but it was damn pleasurable.
You were a moaner even a screamer during sex , which fueled Chan's lust to give you even more pleasure.
Being done with your boobs now Chan's hands reached your most sensitive part. He wasn't really surprised to know how much wet you were down there when his hands cupped your pussy through the panties.
"my baby is dripping, who caused her wetness?", Chans asked you in dangerous tone you just moaned at his words but he harshly slapped your cunt.
"I asked a question, answer it", Chan warned you his sudden rude tone again surprising you you stuttered as you answered him .
"you sir, I am dripping because of you", you answered Chan and he was satisfied. He entered his middle finger inside your pussy with through the cloth, the harsh texture of cloth making you moaned out. He removed your panties and without a warning entered his 2 fingers inside you and twisting them ever so harshly , Chan was a sex God.
And it was just the beginning of night.
Thanks for reading ❤️.
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rebeccccccaaa · 3 years
𝚃𝚠𝚘 𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝙳𝚊𝚍𝚍𝚢
𝙱𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚢 𝙱𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚎𝚜 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
𝚁𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍: ANON Hey you ❤️ Could I request an imagine with Bucky where you are his non-avenger girlfriend but you got really distant towards him lately as you found out you're pregnant and you're scared of his reaction? But then he finds out and is all happy and all other avengers are happy for you and insist on taking care of you and it's just all fluffy ? Thank you a lot ❤️
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: really fluff smut 18+ (praise, daddy kink, slight mommy kink?, breeding kink, oral fem!rec, age gap, etc), slight angst, cw: mentions of eating disorders (no one has one but bucky thinks this)
𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛’𝚜 𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚜: listen…. The idea of kids and having kids getting pregnant all that jazz, yeah. It fucking terrifies me! LOL! But nonetheless I really do see the appeal and sometimes i catch myself reading these kinds of fics so i really hope you like it anon! :)
PS: updates are going to slow down cuz i don’t have any drafts ready for upload and also things are a little crazy personally so yeah hope y’all understand :)
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“You like that baby?” Bucky groaned in your ear.
“Yes daddy! Oh my god,” you moaned.
“You’re being such a good little girl for your daddy. Fuck, daddy. You're gonna make me a daddy. I’m gonna come inside you and you’re gonna get all swollen and round with my baby. You want that? You wanna be a mommy; make me a daddy?” 
Bucky and you both expressed in the past that kids were something you both wanted but with Bucky still heavily involved with missions and the avengers, and you were in college studying to get a PhD in biomechanics and computer engineering, something that would let you understand and work with Bucky specifically very closely. You were too young to have a baby but that didn’t stop you from playing into fantasies of having a family with the man you were so in love with. 
“Daddy,” you moaned.
“Give it to me, baby,” you looked him into his eyes.
Bucky kissed you hard as you both came and after cleaning yourselves up you had showered together, ate dinner quickly, and soon went to bed. 
That was two months ago. 
Three weeks after that night, Bucky was gone for about two weeks on a mission with Steve. You and the girls were drinking wine but you opted out for the tempting glasses feeling nauseous that entire week. 
As a joke, the girls were saying you were pregnant but you were sure that you and Bucky were always cautious when having sex. It wasn’t a good time to have a baby. So you joked that all three of you should take a pregnancy test and when yours came out positive you freaked out. 
“Oh my god! Bucky’s gonna kill me!” you panicked.
“Hey, relax. It’s ok,” Nat comforted you.
“We can get through this. Now did Bucky explicitly say he doesn’t want kids?” Wanda asked.
“No, we both want kids it’s just, ugh, life is so fucking crazy right now and I’m still in school, Bucky’s going on missions all the time. It’s just not a good time to have a baby.”
“Ok think about it this; if life for us was normal, as boring as that is, would Bucky be upset if you were pregnant?” Nat reasoned.
“No, he would be so happy. He wants to be a dad, it’s just so sudden,” you said in distress.
“It’s always sudden with this situation. But what’s more important is that you have support. Whatever your decision is in the end we'll all support you, even Bucky,” Nat told you.
Bucky came back home and immediately knew that there was something that was upsetting you. You promised him that you were alright but you were conflicted. You tried to tell him, you really did, but there wasn’t a good time. 
One night Bucky tried to initiate sex when you two had the tower to yourselves. You were instantly distant with him afraid he’d take one look at your naked body and know you were pregnant and that freak you out. 
“Baby, are you ok?” Bucky asked that night.
“Yeah, I just don’t feel good,” you didn’t actually lie, the pregnancy did affect your appetite drastically and many foods you used to adore before were repulsive to you. 
“Oh ok, do you need anything?” he was concerned.
“No, I think I’m ok.”
Now present day, you and Bucky hadn’t had sex since. It’s been a little over two months and Bucky wasn’t frustrated per say but he missed you; he missed having his hands on your warm and soft skin. He missed the way you squirmed under him and the little whimpers you made. How good your walls felt as he thrusted in and out of you torturously slow. 
You two were in the kitchen sitting with some of the other team members. So far only Nat and Wanda knew about your pregnancy as hard as it was to not tell Vision or Steve or literally anyone. You stared at the breakfast sitting in front of you; it used to be your favorite but looking at it and smelling it was making you extremely nauseous. 
“Baby?” Bucky rubbed your back.
“Why aren’t you eating? It’s your favorite,” he said.
“I’m not too hungry,” you said.
Bucky wasn’t convinced but because you were in front of other people he didn’t want you to feel embarrassed like a father scolding a teenager. His hand rested on your thigh and immediately felt your leg tense up. 
You retracted and stood up walking away without saying a word and Bucky was confused and followed you quickly shoving as much food in his mouth as he could and tossed his plate in the sink. 
“What’s going on with them?” Steve asked.
“Oh no are they gonna break up?” Sam asked with genuine concern, as much as he fucked around with Buck he did admire your relationship. You are really good for him and he loved you unconditionally.
“No, it’s just-” Wanda started.
“Wanda,” Nat warned. 
“I wasn’t going to say anything,” she rolled her eyes, “There fine. Y/n’s just not feeling well and she doesn’t want to be bothered.”
Bucky walked into your shared room and found you changing into yet another hoodie. That’s when he started piecing things together; or at least he thought. You were always wearing very big clothing and covering your body; that he thought was the most beautiful he’d ever laid eyes on. You were constantly nauseous and refused to eat even some of your favorites dishes and meals. You wouldn’t let him touch even though he’s initiated a couple of times.
“Y/n?” Bucky asked.
“What?” you played dumb.
“Y/n, what’s going on?”
“Nothing, I told you I don’t feel good.”
“That seems to be your excuse a lot.”
“What does that mean?” you asked.
“Y/n, be honest with me. Are you starving yourself?” he had tears in his eyes; he couldn’t even think about you doing this to yourself.
“What! Bucky no! I’m not, ugh, just,” you stuttered.
“What is going on, please tell me, baby?”
“I’m pregnant!”
Silence. Bucky was shocked. You were pregnant? How long? Why didn’t you tell him? 
“I’m so sorry, Buck,” you started crying.
“No, no, no, no, don’t cry babygirl,” Bucky hugged you tightly while you sobbed into his chest.
“I’m happy, I’m really happy and excited for us. We’re gonna be a family,” he smiled.
“You’re not mad?”
“Why would I be mad?”
“I don’t know, I know we talk about this and having a family but not now. I thought you’d be mad at me.”
“Well, I’m a bit bummed that you didn’t tell when you found out but no; I’m so happy. I love you from the bottom of my heart and I would do anything for you. I’m gonna be here every step of the way and we’re gonna get through this together, ok?”
“Ok,” you sniffled. 
“Are you ok? Do you need anything?” Bucky already started going into protective dad mode and he just found out.
“No I just need you,” you whispered. 
“God, I love you,” Bucky picked you up and laid you on the bed littering your face in kisses.
“Does anyone else know?” he asked you.
“Well, uh, the girls,” you said.
“You told the girls?”
“Well, they were drinking and i declined because I was feeling sick and they joked that I was pregnant so we all took pregnancy tests as a joke but mine came out positive. I took two more and they were all positive,” you started tearing up.
“Hey don’t cry, it’s ok.”
“Sorry,” you laughed.
“We’re gonna be ok, right baby?” he whispered.
“Yeah, I love you.”
Bucky leaned down again and pressed kisses to your neck making you giggle. His warm hands trailed under your shirt making your skin burst into chills. Bucky’s lips continued their assault on your neck and before you knew Bucky started lifting your sweater over your head.
You did the same to Bucky and your chests were pressed against each other instantly as he kissed you hard. Bucky trailed kisses down your body slowly, hands rubbing your skin softly, lips staying longer than usual around your stomach for obvious reasons. 
Bucky peeled your sweats from your body and didn’t hesitate to dive in. His tongue licking a long strip against your pussy. You moan softly and your hips wiggled under him. He pressed down on you to keep you from squirming but you were getting very close to your orgasm and it just felt too good. 
Bucky brought his fingers and circled your entrance before inserting a finger slowly. He looked up at you moaning at his fingers and this encouraged Bucky to insert another one. His fingers slipped in and out with ease with your arousal practically dripping from you. 
Bucky leaned forward and circled his tongue around your clit. The obsecene sounds of Bucky finger fucking you echoed in the room and you finallly climax, cumming all over his finger. Bucky crawled up your tired body after taking his pants and boxers off. 
Bucky didn’t bother putting a condom considering you’ve been his only partner the past couple years and he got you pregnant. He pumped his cock a few times before grabbing your legs to wrap around his waist and easily slipped between your folds. 
“Fuck, baby girl. You feel so good,” Bucky moaned in your ear.
“Oh shit, yes,” you whimpered.
“Oh you’re gonna be so beautiful when you're all big and swollen, shit. You’re gonna be the sexiest mommy in this whole fucking world.”
“Ugh! And you’re gonna be such a sexy daddy,” you smirked and cupped his face.
He leaned down and kissed you passionately. He thrusted into you harder and your back arched into his chest, moaning high pitched and loudly. Your hands tugged on his hair and Bucky groaned in your mouth. 
“Oh Buck, I’m gonna come,”you said against his lips.
“Let go, baby. Come for me, mommy,” Bucky said. 
You came hard; your body contracted and trembled, your stomach tightened, your toes curled, and your legs pulled Bucky deep inside you, hot spurts of his cum coating your walls. Bucky settled on you but bounced back afraid he was crushing the baby.
He went to the bathroom, well practically sprinted, and returned with a warm towel to clean you up. Your body laid still while you were cleaned and you just watched Bucky with adoration. He left again and returned wearing boxers and held a bottle of your favorite lotion that you usually saved for special nights or for Tony’s parties.
You smiled and got comfortable as Bucky poured some lotion in his hand. His hands spread the lotion evenly on your body; thumbs skimming your sensitive nipples, gently caresses all over your stomach, teasing grazes along your inner thighs. You closed your eyes and felt euphoria. 
The love of your life was really pampering you and you felt so good. 
“I love you,” you whispered.
“I love you, too,” Bucky kissed your forehead, crawling into the bed with you.
“Let’s stay in all day. My girl is pregnant and she’s gonna need all the rest she can get,” Bucky joked.
“But what about-”
“No, who cares,” bucky interrupted.
“No buts.”
“What are we gonna tell the rest of the team?”
“Oh, well. It’s your body, your comfort. You tell them when you feel it’s best. But I do hope it’s soon because I’m so happy and I don’t think i'd be able to keep this a secret for long,” Bucky dived his head in your neck making you laugh.
“Ok,” you whispered.
“Man, I’m gonna be a dad,” Bucky sighed happily.
“You’re gonna be daddy,” you said innocently.
“I’m already your daddy,” he playfully growled.
“Then you’re gonna be two types of daddy,” you smirked.
“Two types of daddy.”
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dodo-begone · 3 years
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The Mistake has Arrived
Pairing: Yan!DSMP!Techno, Yan!Ranbob!, Yan!Ranbutler x Reader
Request: Do you do continuations? If so could you make a part 2 with for the "mistakes were made" (aka the pregnancy one)? Like how they would act when the child is like actually born and causing mischief?? Please and thank you!
Summary: It seems that, after the baby arrives, things seem to change. It's hard to describe because things didn't change much yet at the same time managed to be the complete opposite of what they were before. Or maybe you hadn't noticed these things before. Who knows.
Word count: 2.1k
Warning: yandere, nsfw joke at the end of Ranbob’s section
Part 1 | Mistakes were Made
If this ever looks wonky/glitched, I have this properly archived on Ao3
A/n: the first part was implied AFAB reader because of pregnancy- and it probably still is but pregnancy is barely mentioned in this.
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So remember when this man was absolutely terrified for you and the baby? Yeah that doesn’t get alleviated. If anything, that fear gets worse.
You holding the child, the perfect combination of you two, makes him truly realize how fragile the baby is. Like hello? This thing is his? And so tiny? Like a potato, a large one at that but still a potato?
Potatoes are fragile. Babies are fragile. Baby is like a potato, which makes them ultra fragile- oh NO.
Let’s get this straight; Techno is the infamous blood god. This huge hulking piglin hybrid who can easily kill anyone in arm’s reach. And then you got this tiny defenceless baby that is related to him? Like he knows how this thing works but it just feels surreal.
This anxiety feeds his distaste for holding his own child. He’s a monster and that’s a sweet innocent baby. He is going to severely harm the baby by even holding it. You never know what could happen- plus you need some mother-child bonding. It’s very important. Yes you may have been carrying that baby for 9 months but some more physical touch goes a long way. It grounds it more into reality for you. Yeah, that’s totally the reason.
The behavior can only last so long though. Eventually Techno would have to bond with his kid, hold his kid. You were getting fed up with how long he was taking. His anxiety over the situation was obvious and you were giving him space. So you did, but it’s been months and he still refuses to even touch them. His avoidance is annoying and it has to come to an end. And you will make sure it will.
One day, while he was relaxing and reading, you gently plop the baby onto Techno and go do some household chores that are usually hard when you have to keep an eye and ear out for the kid at every second.
Techno and the kid have a shared moment of “wtf” because the baby saw this thing before but he never touched it before. And they were left on it? By mother? Techno is internally freaking out while this baby tries to crawl on him. Really they’re just pulling at his hair and clothing. Anything they can get their grubby little hands onto. And gum on whatever they can get into their mouth. Oh god, this is going to be a long… period of time. He doesn’t really know when you’ll come back for them but he hopes it’s soon.
It’s safe to say that you did not come to Techno’s rescue in a swift manner. You made sure to take your time doing everything that couldn’t be properly done. Like cleaning or cooking a proper meal. Cooking had been left up to Techno mostly, and you really appreciated that he took that up and made good food but someone can only handle potato based dishes for so long. It was about time that something else was made. The potatoes needed a break.
When you come back to Techno and the baby, you’re so pleased to see that they’re having a little bonding moment. The baby was calm and Techno was finally relaxed in what felt like a century. Everything was perfect.
Techno was reading Sun Tzu’s The Art of War and your sweet baby child had long dozed off in his arms. Techno either didn’t notice or didn’t care and kept reading aloud, though it was mostly likely that he wanted to start education young. Even in their sleep. He started the education process already, in a way, by reading The Art of War to your pregnant stomach for months on end. You’d long grown tired of it, but the sight and sound of Techno reading still warmed your heart.
Nothing changes on his knowledge of babies. Not much, anyways. Some of the information he knows on babies came directly from you. The rest came from books found around Mizu.
In theory, he knows what to do. He read up on everything he’d need to know, after all. But in practice, it’s a whole different story. Anxiety occasionally comes to haunt him but he easily waves it off. He knows what he’s doing.
When Mizu was still populated, he observed the lives of others. There wasn’t much to do besides that. Children weren’t an uncommon sight. But babies? Now that wasn’t a common sight. Not many people brought their babies out. Nor were there many.
It’s understandable for him to not know exactly how to raise a baby. Unless you raised or helped to raise a baby, you aren’t exactly well versed in baby and are therefore slightly unprepared for said baby.
Though compared to children, he’s actually more prepared to care for the baby since there were so many books about baby care and stuff they’d need. Children are a whole different beast.
With children, it’s a more individual case-to-case deal. There aren’t any parenting guides on children. Well, there are. Though they all differ from each other. Each book has its own descriptions on why a behavior is happening and how to handle or fix it. So many differing opinions that overlapped were overwhelming. Ranbob soon came to the conclusion that childcare is more interpretive. Based on the child’s personality.
That’s way in the future though. Now he has to deal with a baby. A fragile little thing. It’s perfect in every way.
Now his anxiety starts to get the better of him. He’s so much bigger than it, much stronger. The baby is completely at his mercy and he is anxious that something bad may happen to it. Realistically, though, nothing bad is going to happen to his little family.
Once he holds the baby for the first time, all previous anxiety is taken by the wind. All that remains is absolute adoration. This leads to him caring for the baby almost entirely. Or when it’s least convenient for you, that is.
Like when your babe cries late into the night. Witching hour cries. Everytime without fail, he’d awaken and swiftly make his way to the nursery. All in an attempt to allow you to sleep. You’ve already done so much work to make the child. The least he could do was wake up and care for them. Plus you still looked so tired.
Although Ranbob was tired when morning came, it didn’t matter when you came out well rested. Or much better than the day before. Each day was a slight victory in his books. He only wanted the best for you, anyways. If sacrificing a few hours of sleep meant that you’d sleep better, then so be it.
He views your child as a blessing from Dream himself. A symbol of the union between you two. Just absolute perfection. Oh how lucky he is to have you and especially fortunate to have a child with you. His god has seen his hard work and has gifted him with so much more than he deserved. But he’d take it all the same.
If you two “accidently” had another kid, he’d be more than happy. Yes, he’s content and happy with the child you two already have. His life is perfect now. But if another addition just happened to come along? Well who is he to deny his god’s will?
aka he wants to weaken his pullout game to have another kid with you. One kid is enough but two? Oh that’d be swell!
Compared to the previous two, Ranbutler’s reaction to the baby’s arrival would be labeled as “different”. Techno feared for his child, Ranbob was anxious, but Ranbutler? This man is ecstatic! Oh my gosh you two finally have a kid. Isn’t this just great?
His excitement level is astronomical. Come on, this man literally acts like this baby is going to achieve world wide peace or something. Like Jesus Christ incarnated. That’s the level of excitement he’s at.
Right from the get-go, Ranbutler is almost desperate in his attempts to hold the baby. Please? Pretty please? Why can’t he hold your baby? Our baby? Though as… desperate as he is to hold his child, he doesn’t want to disturb important mother-child bonding. Even if you carried them for around nine months, it’s still vital that you actually bond to your baby. Skin-to-skin early on is important.
At the next available time, most likely when you’re asleep or on the verge of sleeping, he’ll gently remove the child from atop your chest. Of course he’d go to the next comfiest and secure place he can and allow for some skin-to-skin between him and the baby.
According to some studies, skin contact with a baby supposedly “awakens” maternal or paternal and he was more than happy to test that out. If it worked? Then that’s great! If it didn’t work? What was the harm? It’s all good in the end.
Because of the nature of his job, you often don’t see him during the day. Both a blessing and a curse. This leaves you alone to care for the baby until he comes back. Even then, it wasn’t a guarantee that he’d help. That’s what you thought, at least.
No matter how exhausted he was or how irate he was from Billiam, the sight of your and the baby always made everything right in the world. All problems just dissolved away, becoming unimportant whispers of responsibilities.
Responsibilities that seemed to come from a whole different reality. Here, at home, the mess that’s Billiam doesn’t exist. Won’t ever affect his lovely little world.
Sometimes he comes home extremely late. So late that you already went to sleep, along with the baby. Occasionally you would try to stay up for him to come home. You were laying on the couch with the baby on your chest, what else was he to presume? That was obviously what you were doing, right?
On those nights, he would sit by you and just watch. Basking in the calm energy you exude. Even without talking to him, you always had a way of calming him down. Of making him feel loved and appreciated.
He would also take care of the baby's needs at night. With his occupation as Billiam’s servant, it really wasn’t the best idea, but he assured you that he would be fine. After all, he couldn’t bond with the baby during the day, so that only left the night. Even if it was menial tasks, he found solace in the presence of the family he was creating,
A question that kept reappearing was how he managed to get such a wonderful partner. One so willing to have a child with him. Deep down, he knew the actual answer, but it was hidden under so many layers of delusions that it’d be better and easier not to deal with that mess.
Now that you had the baby to care for, he was much more willing to leave you alone while he went to work. Yes, sometimes he still brought you into the room with The Egg. But that was only because you seemed stressed the day, night, or morning before he left.
How could he just leave his precious to flounder around so helplessly? A baby can easily be overwhelming. The Egg was more than willing to help you.
The kid, although a beautiful culmination of the love between the two of you, also symbolized another thing. They were a shackle, keeping you tethered to him.
There was no way you’d be able or wish to escape in such a fragile condition. Especially with the baby. How could you risk the life of something so innocent? Of something that did absolutely nothing wrong besides existing. You wouldn’t be such a horrible monster, would you? No, he knows you. Knows that you wouldn’t do that.
Once he has a taste for parenthood, he’s practically addicted. He absolutely loves it. Loves you. Why not have another? And another? And another?
Let’s be honest, he might just want a small herd of kids. Not many, like four or five. A few more wouldn’t do too much harm, but he doesn’t want to overwhelm you. After all, you’d be around them the most, being the primary caretaker for them all.
The desire for a large family comes into direct conflict with his desire to not make you overwhelmed and overworked. It was a hard battle, but he convinced himself that maybe just one more wouldn’t hurt. Just one more, and that’ll be the last he’ll want.
He’ll say that for the next three he plans to have with you. Can men get baby fever? If they can, then this man definitely would have it, just saying.
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