rosecandyart · 9 months
Dear God where do I start
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lady-zephyrine · 9 months
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I wanted to draw an Elephant Daisy because I genuinely think that she's adorable.
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francoisl-artblog · 11 months
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Babario, your buddy Babario !
Wow, I'm so late at everything recently, I'm working on some stuff that I can't wait to show, but in the meantime...
This direct man, was one of the greatest. Alright, I'm a Mario and Pikmin fan, so it was obviously my best time to be there. ( I can finally play Pikmin 2 again ! You don't understand how delighted I am right now.)
Super Mario RPG remake, I can't believe it, Peach will have her own game again, Luigi's mansion 2 remake, and I only mention Mario's game here !  And Super Mario Bros Wonder is the breath I needed for 10 years. (Although Mario Maker 2 was a pretty good time). Daisy and Yoshi are playable, New adorable art style, finally new and crazy mechanic, and for some reason, Mario elephant. I mean, look at him. It's the cutest weird thing ever, and I'm all for it.
So, yeah, I'm not gonna say that fan art are fully back, sure, but I needed to make at least one thing here.
Have a nice day !
Mario (c) Nintendo artwork made by me
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jeonaachu · 3 months
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Genre: Established relationship, fluff
Pairing: Jung Hoseok × Fem. OC
Words: 1.1k
Summary: Hoseok and OC are on a mini countryside vacation and he's scared of bugs.
A/n: Spring is here so I HAD to write something related to it.
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“Shh…. It was just a bug-” Haneul starts, to comfort her very frightened boyfriend who is currently clinging to her body like a giant koala, but is cut off when a high pitched voice speaks up.
“It landed on my neck!” He lets out, burying his head into the crook of his girlfriend's neck for some comfort. “And it was as big as my palm.” He adds. 
Haneul laughs softly and wraps her arms around his slightly shivering body. He's just too adorable. “Hobi…. It was literally just a dragonfly. They are harmless, love.” Her voice is gentle as she tries to get him to calm down, knowing very well how scary bugs are for him. 
The male was quick to shake his head. His body curling up against hers even more. “I don't care if it was a dragonfly or an elephant fly. It was scary!” 
She sighs. Maybe bringing him to the countryside for a chill weekend outing wasn't a great idea. He had quite a scare because of a grasshopper last night too when they arrived here. He's always been a scaredy cat, always startled easily by one thing or the other. 
This little trip was planned to give both of them some time to unwind, away from the hustle and bustle of the fast city life both of them lead. Go on picnics, run around in the fields of daisies, pick strawberries and just enjoy each other's company. And what season would have been better than spring itself? But the trip was turning out to be a little stressful for Hoseok because both of them skipped the part where they'd have to deal with the insects and bugs that also reside in these open fields and farms. 
“You're such a baby sometimes.” She comments in a playful manner, giggling a little but lets him snuggle close to her on the couch.
It was Hoseok himself who had gone out in the garden of the rented cottage house to pick some daisies for his girlfriend, wanting to make her feel special but instead he himself was the one seeking comfort now because he had encountered a huge and unpleasant bug outside which was as big as his palm.
Well, that was definitely an exaggeration. 
She wasn't really bothered by it though. He can go around being as dramatic as he wants and she'd still be ready to calm him down and soothe his scared self. 
The male raises his head from her neck and squints his eyes at her. “I'm going to tell you the same thing when you ask for chocolates next time.” A small pout forms on his lips as he looks at her with an unimpressed expression at her teasing remark. 
Oh, and he can be petty sometimes! 
“Are you really going there now?” Haneul looks down at him, her lips spread wide in an amused grin.
He nods with his eyes closed which makes her let out a small chuckle at his boyish attitude. She props her head up which was previously resting on the armrest of the couch and leans in, softly pecking Hoseok's lips before returning back to her spot. “Alright, I'm sorry. How can I make such a huge mistake!” She states, her eyes shining bright with mischief. 
It wasn't really an apology made because she felt bad for calling him a baby but rather because she wanted to be on the safe side, not wanting to risk losing her chances of getting her beloved chocolates from him. 
Her playfulness makes him groan and nuzzle his head in the crook of her neck once again, their bodies tangled together as they lay on the couch. “That does not sound very genuine but I'll take it.” His voice is filled with a certain tenderness as his fingers trail up her arm, fingers gently tracing her soft skin. 
Haneul smiles and lovingly caresses his back. The both of them stay like that for a while, a blanket of comfortable silence surrounding them. Her hand plays with his soft hair while he lays his arm over her torso, being cozy together. 
“I don't know if it's going to help you with your fear but according to a legend, a dragonfly around you is actually an angel from heaven visiting you.” She speaks up, wanting to put him at ease. She herself is pretty skeptical about the legend but if it helps him enjoy this little outing, she won't mind doing an extensive research on different mythologies, legends, fairy tales, folklores and what not. 
She smiles at the curious glint in his eyes. She's so in love with this guy, it's unbelievable. He's got this innocent vibe to him that it makes her want to wrap him up in a bubble wrap. 
“Mhmm..” She nods her head to which Hoseok's mouth forms a little ‘o’ shape. “So what do you say? Go out and pick strawberries?” 
He blinks in contemplation and glances out through the window. It's still noon. The sun is shining bright but not in a way that makes the skin burn. It's the gentle kind of warmth, the type that fills one with joy. 
A small yawn escapes her mouth and she stretches her limbs a little, breaking the comfortable embrace they were laying in and gets off the couch. She was feeling lazy and it wasn't what she wanted, not when she's out on this mini trip with her boyfriend. She was here to explore and have fun, not laze around. With a small grin, she takes his hoodie from the armrest of the couch and quickly puts it over her tank top. 
Hoseok is quick to rise up on his feet. “Hey, that's mine!” He exclaims, amused by his girlfriend's never-ending mischievous antics. Before he could protest against her act of stealing his hoodie, she was already at the door with her playful giggles filling up the entire place which only added up to the lovely environment inside the cottage. 
“Okay at least wait for me!” He calls for her when she just runs out into the field of daisies adjacent to the place they were staying at. 
Haneul laughs, a mischievous tone lying under that sweet, bubbly sound. “Catch me!” She replies back which makes him shake his head, a silly grin on his face. 
Only if she knew that he'd catch her no matter how far she goes, follow her everywhere no matter where she goes. Even if it's the afterlife. Just so he could see that beautiful face of hers and stay with her forever.
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kpopnstarwars · 5 months
Stray Kids Playing Mario Wonder: Headcanons
A/N: so i've been playing mario wonder with my sister and suddenly inspiration hit, hope yall enjoy this because i sure as hell did
tw: swearing but like once
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has to play yoshi because he's Secretly Awful at Video Games™ 1.0
once he realises he can slurp things up with yoshi's tongue he does it constantly, even when there's nothing to attack, and continues to imitate the noise long after the boys have finished playing
does this really cute facial expression that looks nothing like yoshi but the boys don't tell him that because he looks really smol and adorable
plays blue yoshi because he likes 'his little purple booties'
fake cries with Yoshi every time he does the weird fluttering thing after a jump
100% puffs his cheeks out every time he catches stuff in Yoshi's mouth
in general a precious cutie patootie when they play so the boys don't yell at him when he dies by falling into lava for the 30000th time
more under the cut
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takes out every single enemy they come across, regardless if it needs to be killed or not
the boys switch on the badge that gives money when enemies are killed but then lino maxes out the coins so they switch it back off
plays blue toad secretly wishes he could be toadette but he's not gonna take it from felix
his favourite power up is the fire because with it he is DEADLY - best believe he'll be keeping it, enemies aren't getting near him with that shit
willing and able to steal people's controllers if they can't jump somewhere so he can do it for them
in general, he's super deadly and not to be messed with, carries a lot of the time and develops a tunnel vision mode where he can filter out the antics going on around him (mainly screaming because changbin died again)
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Secretly Awful at Video Games™ 2.0
delivers a huge speech about his love for bowser every time he appears, followed by an optional peaches duet with felix
lives for the boss fights even though they're not all that, cheers very loudly every time he hits bowser junior
gets personally offended if he gets attacked by one of the npc characters, gets even more offended when he inevitably fails to kill them
tries to move around when there are cut scenes (everyone can just hear him fiddling with his joystick)
started off playing daisy (hyun took peach) but then got banned so is a yoshi - he took red yoshi because he thinks he's the most badass
in general, he is the reason why the boys playing mario wonder is so chaotic
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refuses to be anyone but peach
extra dramatic when he dies, and cries irl whenever peach hits her head on the ceilings until minho threatens to feed him tissues
makes everyone stop if he wants to investigate some tubes, then sulks if there was nothing there
laughs hysterically whenever one of the yoshis have to carry an elephant powered up character, and tries to jump on chan/changbin's back at any given moment because his 'legs are tired'
actually manages to not die despite not being invincible like the yoshis or nabbit but is also sort of useless
enjoys the scenery in the background way too much (thinks the fluff puff peaks are super aesthetic, and it's fair enough)
in general, he's very dramatic (who's surprised) and highkey thrives off the chaos changbin creates
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huge chaos along with changbin
is actually good but plays nabbit because he tends to try to do crazy things and die so the boys ban him from playing a player that takes enemy damage
purposefully takes the power ups even though they don't work on him just to deprive minho everyone else
can and will freestyle/hum over the music while he runs around in the game, jumping on shit
loud screeching ensues every time they get a wonder seed and change into goombas/other trippy things because he thinks it's so cute
in general, just as chaotic as changbin but dies less + his freestyling over the music is kinda cool
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plays toadette
massive cutie when he plays
copies game characters noises except in his extremely low voice or sings peaches when bowser comes on screen
always makes sure to squeeze changbin's biceps console changbin when he dies
always the one to revive people when they die, which leads to minho not letting anyone else revive him apart from felix
in general is seriously cracked but always waits for everyone to catch up when he plays (that one time when chan couldn't for the life of him climb up that one wall)
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purposely avoids people if they need reviving
fights with jeongin to get top of the flagpole
does rock paper scissors with jeongin every time they play to see who is mario and who is luigi
has to have the little crown about his head at all times, if not, he's going to do anything in his ability to get it back
roasts anyone who dies by falling off stuff (mainly changbin)
likes to dash while hitting enemies away with his trunk when he's got the elephant power up
in general, he's deadly and jumps with terrifying precision - this boy is never gonna die because of skill issue
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alternates between luigi and mario because of seungmin
secretly likes luigi more but he knows seungmin wants mario so pretends he also wants mario
sometimes looks up the secret easter eggs etc. but he normally spots them before he needs to look it up
favourite power up is the bubble one because he likes jumping on the bubbles
makes sure to sit as far away from hyunjin as he can otherwise hyunjin will deafen him/cling onto him/do that thing where he agressively messes up jeongin's hair
in general, he's good - not as good as felix but he's unflappable and not distractable so tends to be seungmin's main contender
stray kids taglist: @sleepyleeji
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i-sailorstar-i · 1 year
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⭐️ Super Mario RPG is game I’ve only played once in my life, and that was on the Wii virtual console. But it’s a fantastic game, and now it looks even better! Princess Peach looks adorable in the chibi artstyle, and is just as beautiful! I kinda wish they kept her classic dress, but I like it nonetheless :)
🎀 I 100% did not think this would ever happen! A new solo Princess Peach game, and way overdue if I may add. I played the hell out of Super Princess Peach on the DS when it first came out and I loved every bit of it, and now my wish has finally come true! And it looks like it has a magical girl thing going on and, as a massive Sailor Moon fan, I’m on cloud nine! Look at her! Peach looks so serene and graceful when transforming! But into what?! And where’s her crown?? Nintendo is dirty for teasing us with so little of it and it’s left me begging for more! How do they expect me to wait until 2024??? ;-;
🌼 I, like many others, have heard the rumors of a new 2D Mario game being announced on this direct, and it was true! I’m a little…iffy about it, tbh, but any game with playable Peach is an instant buy for me! It looks like it may be a tad overstimulating, with the way the world twists and turns, and with the bright colors, but I think I’ll be okay. The artstyle looks great, reminds me of the recent Sonic games with the way Mario moves and expresses. And Daisy’s playable? That’s awesome! She was overdue to be in one of these! The elephant power up is cute, but I’m a bit worried about Peach and Daisy wearing it… looking at you, DeviantArt… :/
There hasn’t been a Direct that’s had me this hyped in a long time, and I think this one’s the best yet! I need all the Peach content there is, and I’m looking forward to each game’s release! 💖👑⭐️
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britishassistant · 9 months
What if Villain!Yuu had a civilian that cares for them like that civilian would come and check on Villain!Yuu like
Civilian: did you eat well?
Civilian: do you need sleep?
Like a sweetheart Civilian that genuinely cares for them and helps them escape the other civilians *cough* NRC *cough* *cough* anyways a civilian that is very trustworthy?
“Do you think we should be doing more?”
The head proprietor of the Daisy Chains bookshop looks up at his husband, curled up on the corner of their couch, a book abandoned in his lap. He runs a nail over his empty teacup, tracing the kittens painted in black, white and grey playing with a purple ball of yarn.
“I’m not sure what you mean, love.” Martin admits, setting down his knitting. Elena’s shooting up like a weed, she’ll need a new hat again for this winter.
“With. You know,” Jonathan Blackwood moves his hands in a vague gesture that somehow encompasses the elephant in the room. The one who rather graciously agreed to let Elena come over to play at their lair and promised to bring her home by four.
“I know they’re an adult.” Jon states, raking a hand through hair that’s now almost entirely silver, only a few dark streaks from when Martin first met him remaining. “I know they’re, they’re independent. That, that they’ve got those minions, and the birds, and they’re. They’re functional.”
Martin raises an eyebrow, shifting closer. “I’m sensing a ‘but’?”
“But Yuu isn’t. I’m not sure they’re…happy.” Jon scratches at the faded round scars pockmarked across his cheek. “And I know they’re an adult, I know, but sometimes I look at them, and.”
He peers at Martin, brown eyes wide and beseeching. “God, Martin, they’re so young. They’re going out and giving orders and trying to pretend they’re this, this big bad monster, but they’re just—just—!”
“Hey, hey, hey.” Martin puts his knitting entirely to the side and scooches the rest of the way over, wrapping his husband up in a gently crushing embrace. “I know, love, I know. I don’t like it either. Feels a bit too close for comfort.”
Jon buries his head in the crook of Martin’s shoulder. Martin can faintly feel him nuzzle the tip of the scar tissue that hides under his jumper, which snakes down his arm to the elbow and bursts across his shoulder blades.
After taking a few deep breaths, he’s recovered enough to sit back, still resting in the protective cocoon of Martin’s arms. “I don’t. I can’t feel good just leaving them to be a, a pawn of that organization. Even if their friends have their best interests in mind, I can’t trust that’s the same for their. Their employer. So I was wondering if there wasn’t something more we should be doing. If we could help somehow.”
Martin shrugs. “Well, you’re right that we can’t just. What, present adoption papers and say ‘thanks Mr. Night Raven, but we’re taking your kid because you’re a shit parent’? That wouldn’t go well for anyone, and like you said, they are an adult. Yuu’s responsible for the decisions they make, and so far they haven’t actually said they want to decide to stop being a supervillain.”
The mulish set of Jon’s jaw is familiar and adorable. “Yes, but—!”
Martin presses a kiss to his husband’s cheek to forestall the protest. “But, if they ever say they’d like to, we can of course do everything we can to help them. And in the meantime, we’ll just. Be there. As best we can. Honestly, I think Elena’s already done half the work for us.”
That gets Jon to smile at least, thumb rubbing circles into Martin’s shoulder. “What, just keep offering meals and tea like they’re a stray cat?”
“It worked on you, didn’t it?” Martin grins, then shrieks a laugh as Jon blows a raspberry into his clavicle as revenge.
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multicolour-ink · 9 months
Totally forgot there was a Super Mario Bros Wonder direct today!
Daisy and Peach look adorable with the Elephant power up .
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wfagamerants · 1 year
A bit late because lol, rl, but as a blog about my Mario opinions, I can’t resist rambling a bit about my opinions of stuff in a direct full of Mario stuff.
Ordering them in how excited I am for each of them, though in the end I am happy about all of these, it’s just a way to decide how to order them.
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Luigi’s Mansion Dark Moon Switch
I genuinely like Dark Moon and honestly don’t think it's rep as the lesser of the three games in some circles is earned, so seeing a Switch version is welcome in my book.
That said, I do have some concerns with how choppy the game looks in places. The original had a few moments like this too, but in a HD re-release…yeah you gotta clean that up. Odds are that may even happen, given the game isn’t due until next year.
Besides that, yeah, Dark Moon on Switch. I like the game and will gladly get this and use it as an excuse to replay it, but odds are there isn’t gonna be much new here. Not a bad thing, just makes me struggle to put this higher up here.
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Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope DLC
It looks good, I’ll play it and that is honestly it.
This may be worth a discussion of its own, but while I like Sparks of Hope and even prefer some aspects of it over the original, it didn’t stick with me in the long run like the first game and it seems many feel the same way.
Hard to say what it is, but I am sure I will enjoy this, it’s just that at this point, I am really mostly interested in Rayman when it comes to this game,
The mechanical King Bob-omb’s pretty sick though.
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Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Booster Course Pass Wave 5
Fun idea for a new racetrack and a very solid selection of new characters. Good first impressions.
We still don’t know the other 7 tracks, but I do genuinely think every new wave so far has been better than the last, so I am in good spirits about it and Mario Kart 8 is something I can keep coming back to for another round very easily.
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New Peach Game
This is easily the most surprising one in its mere existence.
With how little has been shown so far, it’s hard to really have a strong opinion on things, but the stage play theme does make one wonder what could be and little details like Peach not having her crown really are curious.
Above all else though, I am just excited this is a thing. Spin-offs focusing on other characters are always among the most interesting new releases. They allow for experimentation with ideas that may be seen as not fitting Mario himself and after the 2000s, the well of new ones dried up really substantially.
Peach is also still a very unexplored character for this, even her first game is still heavily grounded in regular Mario stuff, while this is looking to be more of a Luigi’s Mansion kind of spin-off, so I am very intrigued.
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Super Mario Wonder
Quite frankly, this game, in everything we have seen, feels like an outright apology for how static and safe 2D Marios have been in the NSMB era.
With this is one, it really feels like there was a desire to just get weird and I can vibe with that. The sections for collecting Wonder Seeds seem really creative and out there, with a lot of variety at that and the trippy nature of the first one in particular is a stand-out.
Besides that we got a surprising roster of characters, with the most out there choice being Daisy. Nintendo actually using their characters? Crazy talk.
In all seriousness, I appreciate them expanding beyond Mario and Luigi on a more regular basis now and what helps charm me even more is how expressive and alive the characters are.
Everyone around on social media has likely seen these comparison shots already:
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But even beyond that you have little things like the characters reacting to the spiked boulder about to chase them:
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I just adore stuff like this and hope the game is full of that.
Beyond that there are still a lot of little things, like the not-Toad NPC, the elephant power-up, that wild looking Bowser Jr, etc. Loads to see and I can’t wait for more info.
My only gripe is that they are still passing up Toad in favor of colorful generics. It’s not gonna make me less excited for the game, even though I feel cheated out of one of my favs, but I wish Nintendo would finally stop doing that.
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Super Mario RPG Remake
I won’t lie, when leakers mentioned this one, I wasn’t all that thrilled.
Not because I don’t like RPG or the idea of a remake, but because I expected it to be butchered. Part of its charm is that it is a time capsule to an era where Mario’s now known visual identity and several concepts didn’t exist yet. I fully expected that to be done away with, for the sake of brand consistency, on top of some of the more undesirable changes from the Mario & Luigi remakes.
I couldn’t have been more wrong.
Genuinely, I was so caught off-guard by everything shown here. Mario, Peach and Bowser are updated to their modern looks, which is perfectly fine, but beyond that, it is genuinely amazing how much they retained the original.
All the original characters are still present which, granted, wasn't unlikely, but still lovely to see.
They retained a more chibi proportioned look, in-line with the original’s renders and sprites.
The environments still look as they did back then, no NSMB colorful hills in the grassland area or anything. They even resisted the temptation to update Peach’s castle to its standard look.
Most shocking of all, the old Toad NPC designs, my favorites in all Mario games, are left intact:
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And as an extra bone as a Toad fan, after Wonder disappointed, they even gave him dibs on the blue vest, to further distinguish him from the rest of his species.
Everything just looks so nice. The models and environments, the music, the cutscenes, it’s a charmer across the board.
Much like with Luigi’s Mansion, it’s up in the air how much new there will be content-wise, but honestly, I am fine regardless what direction it takes.
I’m just happy to have a reminder of what Mario RPGs used to be and I will gladly support it to show I miss that kinda stuff, on top of my adoration for the original.
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WarioWare Move It!
The Wario fan is most excited for the Wario game, say what?
In all seriousness of course this makes me incredibly happy. Smooth Moves was my favorite WarioWare before the big revival with Gold and GiT and a follow-up with the joycon as the main focus always made sense.
This is very much a traditional WarioWare to its core and frankly, that is amazing, it even embraces the low quality, cursed 3D models from Smooth Moves that I love with all my heart. I would have also liked a GiT follow-up, but this always made the most sense for a second Switch entry and I am happy they aren’t sleeping on it.
The extra stuff like the board game mode also adds some intrigue, not enough to see what this will be like yet, but I am always glad to get some extra offerings beyond the regular stages.
That aside you got the fun vacation theme, 13-Amp possibly being a host now, some lovely Smooth Moves callbacks like the return of forms and so on. I am nothing but excited.
And this is yet another one I am happy just exists. This is the first time since the Wii that Wario has gotten more than one new game on a system and so soon after GiT no less. WarioWare is in a healthy state again and that is huge.
So yeah, banger after banger and a nice uptick after the 2022 Mario output was on the lacking side. I’ll always defend Battle League in many aspects, but it still sucks content-wise and Sparks of Hope, while good, is pretty lacking in the Mario aspect.
Between the 2023 releases out of these and the movie though, we truly have a banger year for anything Mario.
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sylv3onpropaganda · 1 year
what i think six of crows characters would listen to!
kaz doesn’t listen to music often, but he ALWAYS listens to whatever inej said she’s listening to currently but never admits it 
he probably like the arctic monkeys and the neighborhood
maybe cage the elephant is somewhere in there 
(i’m struggling with this 1)
inej really likes those “your laying  in a fantasy forest with deers and robins circling you” type music
what i mean by that : hozier, tamino, florence and the machine
taylor swift is there too but she isnt her favorite 
she really likes the albums “ceremonials, lungs, wasteland baby, folklore, eat your young ep, red tv” 
nina LOVES taylor swift 
esp: RED TV. NINA LOVES RED TV! lover, fearless, 1989, reputation, speak now 
she adores coco and clair clair (says the lyrics resonate with her soul and body) 
likes lady gaga (poker face, judas, government hooker, guy)
also really likes lungs by florence and the machine!! nerds out w inej about them all the time 
david bowie 
he’d like norman fucking rockwell by lana del rey and did you know that there’s a tunnel under ocean boulevard and chemtrails over the country club 
likes taylor swift but pretty much only listens to folklore and evermore 
also likes florence and the machine !!!!! he likes dance fever and how big how blue how beautiful 
daisy jones and the six 
he listens to weird as shit fjerdan folk songs
he bumps the fjerdan national anthem every day of the week 
nina bullies him 
coco and clair clair
cruel summer by taylor swift 
HE LOOOOOOVES BRITNEY SPEARS!!!! circus is one of his faves he loves “in the zone”
he and nina talk about how every coco and clair clair song is written about them 
likes a little bit of everything honestly 
abba obsessed
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blackhakumen · 10 months
Mini Fanfic #1125: The Return of the Elephant Princess (Super Smash Bros Ultimate X Darkstalkers)
9:12 a.m. at Luigi and Daisy's Bedroom.......
Daisy: (Hugs Luigi Lovingly in her Elephant Form While Giggling) Weegie, you sly dog!~ (Forms a Playful Smirk on her Face) What possess you having me hug you as an elephant at nine in the morning for?~
Luigi: (Smiles Sheepishly) You were in so cute your elephant form that I couldn't help but to sneak the Eleberry in here for you to use again. I'm sorry....
Daisy: (Giggles Softly) Nah don't worry about it, babe~ (Gently Rocks Luigi From Side to Side) You know I'm always happy to give you your daily hugs, elephant or no- Ah....ah......AHHHHHCHOOO!
Daisy sneezes and accidently sprays Luigi with water from out her trunks.
Daisy: (Gasps Before Having her Eyes Widened in Complete Worry) Oh no, Luigi! Are you okay?
Luigi: ('Sigh') Yeah, I'm okay. I didn't even know you had water in your trunks that time.
Daisy: Neither did I. (Grabs a Nearby Towel and Gives it to Luigi) I really need to be more careful how to use this thing.
Luigi: Agreed.
The couple suddenly hears a knock on the window as they walk over and see Lilith Aensland using her bats to hover outside.
Lilith: (Happily Waves at the Duo) Mooorning!~
Luigi: (Opens the Window While Drying his Himself Off) Lili? What are you doing here?
Lilith: (Smiles Brightly) To visit you dear lovelies, of course!~ (Notices an Elephant Standing Right Next to Luigi) I didn't know you guys have a pet elephant. It looks so cute and cuddly~
Daisy: No, Lili, it's me, Daisy. I'm the elephant.
Lilith: (Eyes Widened a Bit as She Hovers Herself into the Room Inside the Room) You don't say. How did that happen?
Daisy: (Shows Lilith Elephant Looking Fruit Sitting on her and Luigi's Bed) I took a bite out of that Eleberry Weegie stole for me from the Item Vault.
Lilith: (Eyes Begins to Sparkle at the Eleberry in Question) My gosh~ It looks so precious and delectable at the same times~ I want a taste!~
Luigi: (Quickly Stands in Front of Lilith While Wiggling his Hands Around in Defense) Nonono! Lili, you can't eat that Eleberry!
Lilith: (Starts Pouting in Disappointment) Awwww.....Why not?
Luigi: Because it's the rarest power up Peach found so far.
Daisy: Yeah, and the last thing we want right now is to have her find out that there's more than one bite marks off of it. You understand, right?
Lilith: ('Sighs in Defeat') I guess....But can I hug you at least?
Daisy: (Smiles Brightly) Sure. (Spread her Arms Wide Open) Knock yourself out.
Lilith: (Happily Squeals Before Rushing Over to Hug the Elephant Princess) Wooooow!~ It's like hugging a giant teddy bear~
Luigi: (Joins in on the Hug Fest) I know, right? So adorable~
Daisy: (Giggles Some More) Speak for yourselves!~ You two are way more cuter than I can ever be-
??????: What in tarnation?
The trio turns to see Cloud, Tifa, and Dedede by the bedroom's doorway.
Tifa: (Smiles Brightly) Morning!~ Whatcha guys got there?~
Luigi: An.......Eleberry....
Lilith: (Smiles Brightly) And an elephant princess. (Places her Hands to the Side of her Face While Whispering and Pointing at Daisy Next to Her) Who's actually Daisy.
Cloud: (Already Has a Deadpinned Look on his Face While Tifa's Softly Giggling Beside Him) How shocking.
Tifa: You planning on getting another rematch this morning, your highness?
Dedede: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) Another rematch?
Cloud: (Turns to Dedede) Daisy uses her elephant form to try and beat Samus in arm wrestling, only lost a second later.
Daisy: ('Scoffs') Excuse you, Strife? I did not lose in a second. (Crosses her Arms While Turning Away) It was more than ten at least.
Cloud: Not really something to be proud of in retrospect.
Daisy: (Comically Glares at Cloud) It lasted longer than before damnit!
Dedede: (Let's Out a Hardy Laugh) You really had to go and cheat your way to the top there, tree trunks?
Daisy: (Glares at Dedede) Oh yeah? I don't see you going around challenging Samus in an arm wrestle, lubber boy!
Dedede: That woman blew up more planets than all the times Ridley get rejected. (Forms a Cocky Smirk on his Face) But I'll sure as hell, have no problem taking you on anyday of the week.
Daisy: Really? YOU have what it takes to beat me?
Dedede: (Simply Nodded) Uh-huh. See, y'all ain't the only ones who's been hitting the gym in the morning times.
Tifa: (Turns to Dedede) You have? I don't think I ever saw you there whenever Cliud and I went.
Dedede: That's because I go to a private gym back in my universe.
Cloud: (Raises an Eyebrow) Private gym, huh?
Dedede: Yep! I maybe banned from ever setting foot back to my old kingdom, but it's good to know that I still have a place back in my training grounds. And it's a good thing too. (Place his Knuckles onto his Hips With a Proud Smile) I feel more thinner than I ever been.
Lilith: Really? You look as chubby as you always been to me.
Cloud: Maybe his workout routine only last around ten minutes minimum.
Dedede: (Glares at Cloud) Boy, I'll have you know that I've been in there working my ass off for an hour and a half straight!
Luigi: That doesn't sound too bad.
Cloud: (Rolls his Eyes) Perhaps. When was the last time you went there?
Dedede: Uh......A week.
Cloud: (Stares at Dedede in Silence)
Dedede: Two weeks.
Cloud: .........
Dedede: ('Groans in Defeat') Fine! I haven't been back there in the last five weeks or so, but I have worked out! (Turns Back to Daisy While Pointing at Her) And I know I'm strong enough to take YOU down in an arm wrestling match one of these days!
Daisy: Why wait when we can have ourselves one right here and now, tubby!
Dedede: Sounds good to me! If I win, you have to stay in that form for the rest of the month.
Daisy: (Eyes Begins to Widened) What!? I'll be in trouble with Peach by then!
Dedede: I know. (Crosses his Arms With a Very Smug Look on his Face) It would make my victory all the more sweeter.
Daisy: ('Ugh') Fine, I'll accept the terms! But If I win, you're gonna have to train with Cloud and Tifa for rest of the year!
Dedede: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) REST OF THE YEAR!?
Daisy: Yeah, that's right. You've been working out like the rest of us here, right? (Forms a Smirk of her Own) So you shouldn't have any problems keeping up with the Merc and the Lockhart princess.
Dedede: (Already Sweating Bullets) I-I-I mean, y-yeah, but-
Tifa: (Smiles Softly)Aw, cheer up, your majesty. We'll be sure to keep you in fit in no time. (Smiles Turns into a Dark One While Cracking her Knuckles) By any means necessary.
Cloud: (Places a Hand onto Dedede's Shoulder While Giving a Dark, Menacing Glare) And we'll make plenty sure you won't go slacking off either.
Dedede: ('Gulp') W-Well....You better prepare to eat your words later, princess. I ain't gonna lose here today!
Daisy: (Walks Up to Dedede While Butting Heads with Him) You better pray that your victory comes to life, king! Cuz I'm not gonna go.easy on you ONE BIT!!
Few Minutes Later at the Dining Hall
Minutes has passed since the challenge has begun and the two combatants continue to prove their dominance in strength over the other as they struggle to arm wrestle their way to victory.
It was close match and it took longer than either of them would expect it to turn out, but in the end, the victor ultimately goes to one strong enough to break the table they were wrestling on in half.
Luigi: (Points to the Victor of the Challenge) DAISYYYYYYYYY WINS!
Daisy: (Happily Stands Up and Pumps her Hooves Up in Victory) WOOOOOHOHOHOO! (Pulls Luigi into Tight Hug) AH YEAG!
Everyone in the crowd beings to cheer for the elephant princess in rejoice with Lilith jumping up, cheering for her in a cheerleader outfit she recently transformed into.
Dedede: (Pounds his Fist Onto the Floor He's Laying on in Defeat) Damnit! I was this close to beating her!
Cloud: (Squat Himself Down to Dedede's Level) And you still lose. We'll be seeing you first thing tomorrow morning.
Tifa: (Smiles Brightly) And please be sure not to be late.
Dedede: (Rolls his Eyes) Uh-huh.....
Chun-Li: (Claps For Daisy's Success in the Crowd Along Wkth Samus) Handicap or not, I'm happy she won this one.
Samus: Yeah, I'll admit, she wasn't too shabby. (Smirks a Bit) Still no match for me though.
Chun-Li: (Turns to her Girlfriend) You're never gonna let her live it down, won't you?
Samus; Nope. I don't think I'll ever will
Chun-Li: ('Sigh') I figured as much.....
Daisy: (Walks Over to Dedede) You did well, De, but know this! No matter what I turn into, never underestimate the pure RAW power of the great and GLORIOUS-
Everyone turn their heads to see both Peach and Mario glaring at the elephant princess as they walk into the scene. All while the rest of the crowd begins to hightail themselves out of the hall.
Daisy: (Eyes Widened in Fear Along with Luigi) Crap.
Luigi: Mamma mia.....
Lilith: (Happily Greets Herself to the Not So Happily Couple) Hi!~ The name's Lili~
Dedede: (Clicks his Tongue Before Getting Himself Back Up on his Feet) Weeelp! (Causally Sweeps the Dust Off of his Clothes) It's been a fun match, but I must depart. (Forms an Evil Smirk on his Face) Hope you enjoy your short lived victory there, ya highness! (Let's Out his Hardy Laugh Before Walking Out of the Room)
Cloud: Yeeeeeah, we forgot had something planned for today, so......
Tifa: We love you all! Bye!
Tifa quickly rushes herself and Cloud out of the room leaving the couple (and Lilith) alone with a very disappointed counterparts still glaring at them in silence.
Daisy: Okay. I know this looks bad and irresponsible on both of our parts, but.....At....(Smiles Awkwardly) least I finally won an arm wrestling ma-
As Daisy reverts back to her normal human self with a bonk on the head with a green shell, Peach and Mario begins to scold her and Luigi for their misuse of the Eleberry.
(Lilith only stays behind because she don't want them to be alone when they face their punishment)
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tumbler-tidbits · 2 years
So I recently bought a stuffed toy cow for my dog at a yard sale. It’s absolutely adorable but whenever I look at it… it seems familiar. Well turns out I wrote a fic about it LOL! I wrote this back in 2019 and never shared it, and I actually have several other fics from this verse that I never shared, so I’m sharing one now! Please enjoy 😊
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This is a Tumbleweed Tale from my Boots ‘Verse.
More info about the verse HERE
Characters: Jacey, Jensen, & Dixie. Others mentioned
Summary: A lovey goes MIA.
Word Count: 1,265
Warnings: slightly angst I guess? Language, Not much else.
The screaming is driving me crazy and worsening my headache that has started as a result. It’s been two and a half hours and there is no sign of it stopping anytime soon. As long as it’s gone she’s gonna scream. And it’s not a tantrum, she is genuinely distraught and I understand, but she needs to calm down or she’s gonna make herself sick. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, I should probably explain….
Each of the kids has a “lovey” - a special stuffed animal that was given to them at birth by Nana and Papa, and just naturally became a security object. Dallas has a Bunny, Walker has a dog, Wade & Weston have elephants, and Daisy’s is a lamb.
Each kid also has a different level of attachment to their loveys. For example they all sleep with it every night. Walker and Wade will carry theirs around the house, mostly to the living room on movie nights. Dallas and Weston aren’t attached as much and their loveys always stay in their room. Daisy carries hers all over the house, but she’s 2 and doesn’t leave the house much.
Then there’s Dixie. Dixie’s lovey is a cow, affectionately named Moo-Moo, and it goes everywhere with her.
Literally. Everywhere.
She sleeps with it, eats with it, plays with it, and it sits on the counter when she takes a bath. It goes outside to play, to ballet, karate, and even to kindergarten- kept safe in her backpack.
I have to sneak it away when she’s asleep so I can wash it, because it has to be with her at all times, even if it’s just her bag. Dixie and Moo-Moo are inseparable and if they aren’t together then it’s defcon one! A nuclear missile is headed your way. The world is ending!
Which brings us back to the current situation in which Dixie has been screaming and sobbing uncontrollably for going on 3 hours.
Moo-Moo is missing.
When we get home from school, the kids get out their homework while I Prepare a snack. Then we all sit at the table together and complete it before practices, recitals, and games.
Well today, when Dixie got to the table and proceeded to get her homework and her lovey from her bag, Moo-Moo wasn’t there, and panic ensued.
We checked her bags, nothing.
We checked the car, nothing.
We checked her room, nothing.
We checked the entire house, nothing.
We even checked the yard, garage, and barn, still nothing.
My daughter is sobbing and I can’t do anything about it but hold her and promise that we will find her Moo-Moo. While silently praying that it’s a promise I can keep.
Jay returns from checking the playground at the school. Unfortunately the building was already locked up so he couldn’t search her classroom.
Dixie runs into his arms with her red rimmed eyes and a tear stained face and asks “Daddy did you find her?”
My heart breaks for her all over again.
Jay squeezes her tight before he responds, “I’m sorry baby girl, I didn’t. The school was already closed.”
She starts crying anew and Jay just holds her. It’s really all we can do at this point, at least until morning.
Dinner is a somber affair, Dixie just picks at her food and scoots it around her plate, while sniffling.
“Dixie baby, you need to eat honey” I encourage softly, she responds by putting a solitary green bean in her mouth and chewing slowly. Jay and I lock eyes across the table, silently agreeing that we won’t push her to eat.
The bedtime routine isn’t much better, but baths and teeth brushing are completed. The screaming has stopped but in its place tears just silently stream down her pink flushed cheeks.
I put Dixie in bed with us and sandwich her between me and Jensen. We both know she won’t sleep- that she’ll fight it until the exhaustion wins over and she can’t fight anymore, but she needs some extra attention. Our normally loud, fierce, little firecracker is quiet,sad, and subdued so Mama and Daddy snuggles are in store.
The alarm beeps at 6am and I swing my arm down on the snooze button without opening my eyes. After fighting to stay awake, Dixie finally succumbed to sleep around 2:30. So to little girls who’s bedtime is 8:30 and a Mama and Daddy who are normally in bed by 10:30, the morning is not a welcome affair!
The damn thing buzzes again at 6:05 and I can feel Jay shift to sitting up.
“Darlin’? C’mon we gotta get up”
“Need to get the tumbleweeds fed’n off to school honey”
“I knooooow” I respond, sitting up and jutting my lip out to pout at my husband. He just chuckles, he knows I’m not a morning person.
It’s slow going but we manage to get everyone dressed, fed, and in the car. Jay heads to work and I drive the kids to school. There’s a pit in my stomach as I park the car and the kids start to unload, because this is our last chance and if Moo-Moo isn’t in the school building I don’t know what we’re gonna do.
Dallas and Walker head to their classrooms, and I drop the twins at the preschool, so with Daisy on my hip I then take Dixie’s hand and we walk to her class. I can feel her hesitation as we approach the door, seeing my daughter so out of character just crushes me, I squeeze her hand for reassurance as we go in. She walks to her cubby, and there’s nothing. No Moo-Moo. The tears start falling again and now there are tears in my eyes. I squat down and open my arms to envelope her in a giant hug, at the same time that Miss Maison, her teacher, approaches us.
“Everything alright over here?” She asks softly. She can see the tears in Dixie’s eyes.
I shake my head in the negative.
“Actually no. Dixie’s lovey Moo-Moo has gone missing and this was the last place we had to check”
She smiles reassuringly and turns to her desk.
“Is this who your looking for?” She asks and both Dixie and I turn abruptly to face her. There on the desk is the beloved stuffed cow!
“MOO-MOO!” Dixie shouts and runs to the spot scooping the lovey into her arms and squeezing tight.
“I found her on the floor of the cubby room this morning” Miss Maison says “ she must have fallen from your backpack when you put your books inside”.
Personally, I don’t care what happened, I’m just happy we found it! I quickly pull my phone out and text my husband, We got her!
I can see Dixie yawning already, so I decide then to take her back home. She had a rough night and frankly I don’t want that damn cow out of my sight!
Dixie fell asleep in the car on the ride home, so I know it was best to keep her. All is well again with my little family, order has been restored! And as for Moo-Moo? Let’s just say she now has a permanent “leash” that gets tethered to Dixie’s bags or the belt loop of her jeans when she’s out of the house. I’m not gonna risk another instance where Moo-Moo goes missing!
Using my old tag list since it’s been YEARS
Tidbits Taglist:  @idreamofplaid  @dean-winchesters-bacon  @maddiepants  @pisces-cutie ​ @covered-byroses @currentlyfangirling99   @team-free-will-you-idjits-67 @xxhalfbloodprincessxx @supernaturalsammy01  @sammyimpala-67 @ladywinchester1967 @sweetiepie-dean  @fangirl-forevers-world @thoughtslikeaminefield​ @bobasheebaby​ @evansrogerskitten  @missjenniferblog @sculptorofbeginnings @kbl1313 @spnskinnyballs @treat-winchesterswith-kindness @justcallmeasmodeus @ain-t-bovvered @getnaildbyme @akshi8278 @rebelminxy @a-mess-of-many-fandoms @fandom-princess-forevermore @dawnie1988 @flamencodiva @deanwinchesterswitch @adoptdontshoppets @princessmisery666-library @spnbaby-67 @foxyjwls007 @cassiopeia-barrow @jesseswartzwelder
Boots ‘Verse: @deans-baby-momma @fanfictionismydeath @becs-bunker
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craftygal65 · 2 years
This elephant is so cute!
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a Vale Hospice Knitted Elephant
This image courtesy of skandavalehospice.org
When you knit the Skanda Vale Hospice Knitted Elephant, you are knitting for a good cause. This knitted animal pattern makes an adorable elephant you can send directly to the hospice or sell on their behalf in order to raise money for their new in-patient unit. Skanda Vale Hospice is located in South West Wales. The hospice is run by the monks and nuns of Skanda Vale Monastery. Interestingly enough, the monastery is also an animal sanctuary and the inspiration for this knit elephant pattern is Valli, the elephant who calls the sanctuary home. Work up this cute knitted animal for yourself or your kids or consider donating it to the hospice to support their admirable efforts.
Click here for knitting pattern
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"Good night Daisy doll is all ready for bedtime - she has her teddy bear and her hotwater bottle. Daisy is approximately 34 cm (13.5 inches) tall. Her little bear is approximately 7 cm (2.8 inches) tall. Daisy doll is knitted flat. I used DK/8ply yarn and 3.25 (US 3, UK 10) knitting needles, but of course you can use any yarn and needle combination you like that gives good tension. Great project for using up oddments of yarn."
Click here for free pattern
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Parents may breathe a sigh of relief at the beginning of each new school year, but their children certainly don't feel the same way. Use knitted toy patterns like the Magical Mini Backpack charms to help ease your children's transition by adding a little magic to their school day. Free knitting patterns for toys make great lunchbox surprises and key chain charms, especially when they're perfect miniatures of everyday school objects. Your kids will be enchanted to find that these little charms even have straps, just like their real backpacks.
Click here for knitting pattern
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You better watch those sewers - you never know when Baby Gators will start crawling up for some sunlight! Need some protection? Use this free knitting pattern to make some little gators of your own.
Click here for knitting pattern
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whereisalicedotcom · 11 months
🏵️ what flower symbolizes you? if none come to mind, what’s your birth flower and do you identify with its meaning?
🍄 if you had to live the rest of your life as either a gnome, a fairy, or another woodland creature which would you choose and where would you live?
I've always quite enjoyed the meaning of daisies, though I must admit my favorite is always a rose.
I think I would ADORE being a fairy! It would suit me like a second life. Wouldn't you think so? Though I'd happily be a gnome, or any creature of whom could spend the golden afternoons trading acorn tops for lemon grass that I'd smoke in my little hollowed out pinecone and I suppose I then MUST live in Fairyland if I am to be a fairy which is of course only a hop and skip away from Wonderland but I really think I'd feel much at home in the mushroom forest, surely, but that is only unless the elephant bees are a squashing concern which may explain why fairies stay away from Wonderland but in bunches they're really a very bureaucratic lot I don't think I'd associate with the high society of them but maybe if I were to make my home in the Tulgey Wood the bandersnatch would probably pay me no mind being but a wee thing, I-
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dribs-and-drabbles · 2 years
The weekend series roundup - Friday edition
Dear Doctor I'm Coming for Soul ep 6:
A bit flat this week, I think because Prakan and Tuaphee spent so much time apart. The medical stuff isn't so interesting, it's their relationship that's important, and when that didn't progress it felt a bit boring. The only excitement came from seeing Pat's shirt for 15 seconds! I like that Keeta confessed, so he can move on and it hopefully won't get in the way of Prakan and Tuaphee, but the 'rivalry' between all the doctors is a bit annoying.
Star in my Mind ep 4:
We got to see Khabkleun's insecurities and difficulties in communicating and therefore can understand a little better as to why he's so incapable of telling Daonuea how he feels. But it seems next week he will try - and fail - to show Daonuea by kissing him. I liked that Daonuea and Fah's relationship got cleared up - and the different surnames - but not that Papang is also interested in Daonuea (what about Ting Ting!). Damn that boy is popular! We also got a subtle confirmation that Khabkleun and Gia are not a couple (maybe she liked him but not vice versa?). We also had our first snippet of Prince, with a meet-cute in a stairwell with a meaningful look shared between him and Fah...which is nice timing after Fah's "Some people are meant to be single" from last week. And in more 'things from Bad Buddy repeated in other shows', we got a scene at a market with a sunshine boi and the closed-off reserved man in love with him (a new trope perhaps?)....and potentially more music from BB - at 1:30 in part 1 (although I can't remember where it might have been used in BB, but it just feels like it was... EDIT: just as I posted this I realised @veorulfr had answered an ask I sent them about this 😁 - Yes it was! - in ep 8 of BB).
Secret Crush on You ep 12:
NOT ENOUGH DAISY AND INTOUCH. At all. It just seems odd now that they're not furthering this storyline - it feels like it's an elephant in the room. We know there's a potential something going on between them, and we know Daisy is having a crisis of confidence, but nothing is being done about either...and it should. With so much happening with Toh and Jao, it's just odd to leave Daisy and Intouch hanging like this. I need MOAR. And I understand what they're trying to do with Jao's storyline...but I'm not sure I like how they're doing it. 🙄
Plus & Minus ep 4:
FU LI GONG AND ZHENG ZE SHOU ARE SO DARLING, I LOVE THEM YOUR HONOUR. Honestly, I cannot wait until they profess their love for each other but I also love the slow burn pining. Oh they are both so gone for each other. Fu Li Gong shows it in his softness and shy glances, the heartbreak that's written clear on his face, the adoration for his best friend but the agonising belief it's all one sided. And Zheng Ze Shou shows it in those fleeting moments of seriousness, when he drops the boyish, happy-go-lucky façade he puts on to distract himself from how much he wants Fu Li Gong and to protect himself from the fear that it wouldn't be reciprocated. The other couple are starting to move along...but they don't hold a candle to the mains at the moment. 👏🏼
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hues-of-purple · 3 years
Master list of my 18 self-published books (LINK to all)
! Please reblog this !
When Daisies and Thunderstorms Collide (Genre: poetry/romance): “In which a young lady falls for a young man. The young lady learns that she can be both delicate and strong at the same time; thus daisies and thunderstorms were born. Free verse poetry book told in the perspective of an underrated flower.”
The Girl With The Purple Hair (Genre: short story/romance): “In which a sensitive boy falls head over heals for a purple-haired girl.”
My Dreamland (genre: poetry): “A girl dreams told in the four seasons”
Survival (genre: novella/fantasy/romance): “Carlisle, Kayla, Nathan and Owen's world falls around them as the first year of the annual Survival Games are announced in an enchanted forest that is set on them failing. Will they live to see the end of The Survival Games?”
The Stars in her Eyes (genre: short story/romance): “In which a boy watches the girl he adores becoming less bright.”
Tiny Poems for Gentle Hearts (genre: poetry): “A collection of 150 poems for warming hearts and thawing souls.”
Shades of blue (genre: short story/romance): “in which a bright girl falls for a shy boy” (these summaries 😂 😳)
Ellie Everlasting (genre: novel/fantasy/romance): “What would you do if you discovered your favourite fairy tale was based on reality?During the last year of high school, an unexpected tragedy tears Ellie Parker away from her family, and her girlfriend, Olivia. While the survivors struggle to cope with the trauma of losing someone so young and full of promise, Ellie finds herself wrapped up in the adventure of a lifetime… on the other side of the grave. Neverland is real. Peter Pan is real. The Lost Boys and Girls are real. But something sinister lurks in the shadows, threatening both worlds. Will Ellie and her new friends be able to save Earth and Neverland before it’s too late?”
Emilie The Little Elephant (genre: children’s book/illustrations): “Come and play with Emilie the little elephant and join her on her adventures!”
Mia & Her Collected Memories (genre: short story/friendship): “In which a mind-reading girl collects people's memories to help them cope with heartbreak.”
When Mermaids Rise (genre: poetry/empowerment): “In which mermaids learn to rise above the other creatures of the sea.”
Astrophile (genre: poetry/romance): “In which a girl watches her girlfriend become less bright over a period of a few months.”
Love Among The Planets (genre: narrative poetry/space romance): “Selena, soul of the moon falls for Aurora, soul of the sun. When Aurora dies, Selena thinks she'll never find love again, but then Pearl, soul of Pluto, shows up to offer her support. But can she hold on to that love?”
Cosmic Dreams (genre: poetry): “Delve into the world of galaxies and dreams.”
You’re Perfect To Me (genre: poetry): “wrote about a friend.”
When Sunflowers and Moons Collide (genre: poetry): “In which a poet thinks about people a little too much...”
Daisies & Wild Heartbeats (genre: poetry/mental health): “In which the gardens and galaxies in my mind grow.”
Ace of Arts (genre: art book): “A collection of artworks containing the different aspects of asexual, aromantic and other a-spec identities within the LGBTQ+ community as a whole, shown in the form of abstract and aesthetic art pieces.”
Thanks so much for reading! Lmk if you have any questions 🥰
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