#Clint Barton headcanons
✰ breakfast with the avengers, as a teenage avenger!! (headcanons)
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type of writing: headcanons / scenario
wordcount: 979
characters: a lot LMAO a few main ones are clint barton, scott lang, miles morales, harley keener, the reader, steve rogers, and tony stark.
a/n: just to make it clear, for the “teenage avenger” series, i have a core group of “teenage avengers”. this includes the reader, peter parker, harley keener, and miles morales :) also requests are open! lmk if you want a scenario or headcanons! can include the reader or not!!
the avengers might be the busiest people in the world.
however, they always make time at least once a month to have breakfast together at the compound.
it was steve’s idea (of course!!) but when he mentioned it for the first time, everyone quickly got on board.
pietro was so excited that he sped over to the cupboards, talking incoherently about chocolate chip pancakes.
however, he soon came back (in less than a second, ofc) with a sad face.
turns out, you all had an issue on your hands. 
there was no pancake mix, no bacon, no eggs, no fruit, no nothing!
ok, he was being dramatic. there was some food, but certainly not enough to feed ALL the avengers.
tony volunteered the “kids” ( you, harley, peter, and miles ) to go to the store.
clint decided he wanted to go too, and then scott decided to join at the last minute.
so the six of you piled into the car.
scott drove (regrettably -- the man has some issues with attention), you got shotgun, and peter, harley, miles and clint were all in the back.
now, you may be wondering why clint was in the back and not the front, because he seems to be a responsible adult in this situation.
well, first of all, have you met clint barton? do you even know what he’s like? 
second of all, the avengers have a very strict “you call it, you get it” policy when it comes to the car.
this happened when thor “accidentally” stepped on scott’s foot so that he could get in the front seat.
anyways scott definitely plays cheery 70s music in the car.
he turns it up super loud and sings along (very off key)
every single time that man stops at a stoplight he turns around with an eager look on his face. harley is usually on his phone, but peter and miles try to give him a smile.
clint’s just flipping him off :) 
so once y'all get to the store, it's time to get serious.
well, in harley, peter, miles, and your eyes.
for clint and scott? debatable.
as you're all getting the cart, somehow clint and scott slip away.
and then you hear it.
" y/n !!! y/n !!! "
you turn at the mention of your name to see clint barton, that silly little guy, holding six lightsabers in his hands.
how he got six of them in like less than a minute is a great question.
and yet, it's the coolest thing you've seen all week.
immediately, the whole trip is overtaken by all of you chatting about how to use the lightsabers.
some ideas include; scaring tony by calling him into a dark room where you all turn them on at the same time, scaring steve by calling him into a dark room where you all turn them on at the same time, scaring sam by calling him into a dark room where you all turn them on at the same time...
ok maybe they were kind of unoriginal.
you decided that you would consult sam + bucky (the prank masters ofc) later to get some advice.
anyways you bought so much stuff.
like there were literally three carts of food.
on the way home, clint had to ride in the trunk LMAO
btw the compound is so cool and high tech that once you pull the car into the garage and open the trunk, there’s this little robot that sorts everything out and then puts it in tubes that take it to the pantries and fridges. 
it’s very convenient because it would’ve taken you all like fifteen trips, even with super strength or whatever 
so now you’re finally back up in the kitchen
and pietro keeps telling you all how hungry he is
wanda tells him to stop and literally makes a forcefield with her magic so he can't interrupt y'all LMAO
now you're actually good at cooking.
im gonna go ahead and say you, sam, and wanda are the best cooks in the compound.
happy is actually good too, he just never wants to HAHA
but you made a deal with him that you wouldn't bother him for three days if he helped you so he's in the kitchen now.
he even wore this super cheesy "kiss the cook" apron that tony got him for christmas once
AND a chef hat.
anyways so y'all have to make a LOT of food.
i mean the avengers are the avengers, they get really hungry.
so originally miles & peter & harley wanted to help you, but then peter somehow cut his finger plugging in the waffle iron? so you just put him in charge of music.
and then harley kept accidentally knocking the pancake mix everywhere.
so then sam made him stand by him and watch him cook.
miles was good though, he has skills.
you had to make pancakes AND waffles, because nobody could come up with what was best.
once when you were on winter break, you tried to have a final competition on whether pancakes or waffles were better.
just as pancakes were in the lead, dr strange came in and said waffles were the best.
so now you always have to make both.
you enlisted steve to help bring everything to the table.
he's really good at balancing like six or seven plates at a time.
scott was ready to help too, but you just made him set the table instead because otherwise he was gonna get hurt.
once everything was done and on the table, you all sat down.
but then just as you were ready, the lights went out.
and that kind of freaked you out, because i mean, yeah.
so you turned the lights back on and yelled at clint for scaring you.
and then you all ate together :)
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mbruben-stein · 27 days
Helloooo, im pretty sure your requests are open right now, so can I request Hc for Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, and Steve Rogers (if you want you can also do T'Challa) where they are the Parent figures of the youngest avenger? (if you do T'Challa I'd rather go for a brother figure for him) so just platonic fluff if you do that :33 (Idm if it's Fem or Gender neutral) Also dw if you dont write this, have a great day/night <33
Marvel Avengers characters as Parental Father/Mother/Brother figure to the youngest Avenger of the team.
Tony Stark
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Tony may come off as a bit of a playboy and a rebel, but deep down, he has a heart of gold. Especially when it comes to the youngest member of the Avengers, s/o. Tony sees s/o as a protege, someone who can learn from his own experiences and mistakes. He takes s/o under his wing, offering guidance, support, and a shoulder to lean on.
As a father figure, Tony is fiercely protective of s/o, always looking out for their well-being and safety. He imparts valuable life lessons, teaching s/o about responsibility, courage, and the importance of using their powers for good. Tony encourages s/o to embrace their uniqueness and to never be afraid to stand up for what they believe in.
Despite his busy schedule and the demands of being a superhero, Tony always makes time for s/o. He listens to their concerns, offers advice, and shares in their triumphs and struggles. Whether it's helping s/o with their training, building new gadgets together, or simply spending quality time bonding, Tony cherishes every moment he gets to spend with s/o.
Through his actions and words, Tony shows s/o that they are valued, loved, and supported. He may not always express his emotions openly, but his actions speak louder than words. Tony Stark may be a billionaire, a genius, and a superhero, but above all, he is a father figure who will always be there for s/o, no matter what challenges they may face.
Clint Barton
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Clint took on the role of a father figure to s/o, the youngest member of the Avengers, with a sense of responsibility and care that mirrored his own role as a father to his children. Despite being a skilled and experienced operative, Barton approached s/o with patience, understanding, and a willingness to guide and mentor them in their journey as a superhero. He shared his knowledge, skills, and experiences with s/o, helping them to navigate the challenges and responsibilities that came with being a member of the Avengers.
Barton's fatherly instincts kicked in as he looked out for s/o's well-being, offering them advice, support, and encouragement when needed. He made sure s/o felt included, valued, and supported within the team, creating a sense of family and belonging for them. Barton's protective nature extended to s/o, as he prioritized their safety and ensured they were prepared for any dangerous situations they might face.
Despite the weight of his own personal losses and struggles, Barton found solace in being a positive influence and role model for s/o, imparting important life lessons and values that went beyond just being a superhero. He showed s/o what it meant to be brave, compassionate, and selfless, leading by example and instilling in them a sense of integrity and purpose.
Through their bond, Barton and s/o forged a special connection built on trust, respect, and mutual support. Barton's unwavering dedication to s/o's growth and well-being reflected his deep sense of care and love, making him not just a mentor, but a true father figure in s/o's life.
Natasha Romanoff
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Natasha Romanoff was like a mother figure to s/o, the youngest member of the Avengers team. Despite her tough exterior and secretive nature, Natasha had a soft spot for s/o and took them under her wing. She always made sure s/o was safe and looked out for them like a protective mother would.
Natasha would often spend time with s/o, teaching them self-defense techniques and sharing stories of her past missions. She would listen to s/o's problems and offer guidance and support, just like a mother would do for their child. Natasha's caring and nurturing nature shone through when she was with s/o, making them feel loved and valued.
S/o looked up to Natasha and admired her strength and courage. They felt safe and secure in Natasha's presence, knowing that she would always have their back no matter what. Natasha's maternal instincts kicked in whenever s/o was in danger, and she would do everything in her power to protect and defend them.
Natasha's bond with s/o was special and unique, like that of a mother and child. She may not have had children of her own, but she treated s/o with the same love and care that a mother would give to her own child. S/o was grateful to have Natasha in their life, knowing that they had a fierce and loyal protector in her.
Overall, Natasha Romanoff's motherly instincts towards s/o made them feel cherished and loved, like a true member of her family. She may have been known as the Black Widow, but to s/o, she was a nurturing and loving mother figure who would always be there for them.
Steve Rogers
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Steve is a natural leader and protector, always looking out for those around him. When s/o, the youngest member of the Avengers, first joined the group, they were nervous and overwhelmed by the responsibility that came with being a superhero. Steve immediately took them under his wing, offering guidance, support, and encouragement every step of the way.
As s/o's father figure, Steve is always there to listen, offer advice, and provide a sense of stability and security in the chaotic world of superheroes. He teaches s/o the importance of standing up for what is right, being courageous in the face of danger, and always putting others before themselves. Steve's unwavering moral compass and selfless nature serve as a shining example for s/o to follow.
Despite his own struggles and losses, Steve never hesitates to show s/o love and affection, making sure they know they are valued and cared for. He is a source of strength and inspiration for s/o, helping them grow and develop into a confident and capable hero.
Through their shared adventures and challenges, Steve and s/o form a deep bond that goes beyond mentorship. They become family, with Steve always looking out for s/o's well-being and happiness. As s/o grows and matures, they know they can always count on Steve to be there for them, guiding them with wisdom and compassion.
In the end, Steve Rogers is not just a superhero, but a loving and supportive father figure to s/o, helping them navigate the complexities of the superhero world with grace and courage.
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T'Challa was like a brother figure to s/o, the youngest member of the avengers. Despite his regal and serious demeanor, T'Challa always made sure to look out for s/o and offer guidance whenever needed. He would often check in on s/o to see how they were doing and offer words of encouragement and wisdom.
Whenever s/o was feeling unsure or overwhelmed, T'Challa was there to lend a listening ear and provide reassurance. He would remind s/o of their strengths and capabilities, boosting their confidence and helping them to believe in themselves.
T'Challa also took on the role of a mentor to s/o, teaching them valuable lessons about leadership, responsibility, and the importance of standing up for what is right. He would share stories from his own experiences and offer advice on how to navigate difficult situations.
Despite his busy schedule as king of Wakanda, T'Challa always made time for s/o, whether it was to train together, have heart-to-heart conversations, or simply spend time bonding as friends. His presence was a source of comfort and stability for s/o, knowing that they had someone as wise and caring as T'Challa by their side.
Overall, T'Challa's brotherly relationship with s/o was one built on trust, respect, and mutual support. He was not just a king or a hero, but a true friend and ally who s/o could always rely on in times of need.
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graceloveswolves · 2 years
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Dating Clint Barton Would Include….
- probably starting off as friends
- having to accept his role as an Avenger (if you’re not one as well)
- he will be away from you at times when he’s on a mission
- but he makes up for lost time when he’s away
- one time he left in the middle of dinner on an emergency
- and you were majorly disappointed but understood he was going out to save lives
- and woke up the next day to breakfast being made, flowers on the table, and a new bracelet on your wrist
- he’s very sarcastic and funny
- you guys joke around all the time, teasing each other
- he would literally give you anything you wanted
- wanted a new kitchen? Done.
- want a pet horse? Done.
- want to get married? Yes.
- want a baby? Hell yes.
- he’s so husband material and a very good at being one
- he loves you more then anything else in the world and shows it to you all the time
- he is secretive of you though, unless it’s Natasha or another close friend of his
- he’s scared someone would take you or something bad would happen to you because of him
- it actually frightens the shit out of him when you take awhile to respond to him when he’s away
- which of course you try your best to respond to him
- since texting him is a huge part of your relationship when he’s away
- it will be random things/pictures of inside jokes or things you guys find funny
- knowing/learning sign language since he is mostly deaf
- also watching over him a lot because of it
- but Clint being Clint will no doubt make a ton of jokes about not hearing you
- eventually he will want to get married and settle down with you
- “Clint what are you doing here?”
- “Disappointing my wife.”
- but sometimes duty calls
- he of course will start taking less and less missions when you guys are starting to build a family and life together
- him teaching you how to shoot a bow
- getting you one for yourself just to make him feel better when he’s away
- installing a bunch of security measures in the house
- having picnics together in a quiet field
- him taking you out to go do something fun like see a movie or out to eat
- always having a hand or arm on you
- very into PDA
- and handsy when it comes to your butt
- using him as a pillow wherever you guys end up sitting down at
- he in return will use you as a foot rest
- reassuring him that he’s just as important as anyone else in the Avenger’s
- he’s a very loyal person and will always be loyal to you
- him telling you his war stories while he was gone
- checking him for injuries when he comes home
- lots of cuddles when he gets home
- and sex
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minimarvelh · 2 months
Clint, entering the living room and sitting next to Tony on the couch: very random question and unrelated to anything about me, but..have you ever just looked at someone and wanted to adopt them?
Tony, trying to make the most nonchalant face the world has ever seen, while trying to hide sleeping spider on his laps with a huge blanket: eh no? you’re weird.
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nam-ski · 3 months
Marvel headcanons:
- Clint gifts Peter a drum set for birthday just to annoy Tony, Tony just turned the soundproofed walls and.
- Nat has a „emotional support knife“ and every time she’s stressed she stabs random people with it.
- In Peters school was a project called, bring a family heirloom. So he just brought Steve with him, because he was practically given from Howard to Tony and one day he will be given to Peter.
- What if one day when the Rogeus are in Wakanda they all panic because Toby’s jet appears and then Peter gets out, he and Shuri disappear to god knows where. For a week none of the two is be seen and then Peter goes back to Queens, all of the Rogeus just think they hallucinated and neither TChalla or Shuri is willingly to explain it.
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marinasmarvel · 28 days
✨soft natasha headcanon #3✨
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Natasha’s graduation ceremony haunts her, and it’s because she thought all her maternal instincts were taken with her ovaries and uterus. But, Natasha is actually really amazing with kids. Cooper was seven when they first met, and Lila was five. They both immediately took a liking to her, and it was only two months after first meeting them that they asked to call her Auntie Nat. Even with kids that are older like Peter Parker, she is always so good with them. She’s Peter’s second favorite Avenger after Tony, and he thinks that she gives the best hugs and advice. Nathaniel and Natasha have always had a special bond. Whenever Clint and Laura couldn’t calm him down as a baby, they would always call Nat and he would instantly settle. Natasha can’t have biological kids, but there are plenty of kids in her life that she considers her own.
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kalancholy · 2 months
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Comic redraw + my own tweaks
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eosbishova · 11 months
Kate, holding an explosive tip for an arrow: So, what does this do?
Clint: Way too dangerous
Kate, holding up another one: This one?
Clint: Way way too dangerous
Yelena, turns to Natasha: And you are partners with this man?
Natasha, shrugs: He actually can tell the arrows from all the mediocre labels
Yelena, under her breath: Perfect, just another Kate. Except, she titles everything with two or three sentences max. It is mouthful. You can name jar "cookie jar" but Kate names jar "Super Delicious Beverage For When Yelena Leaves For Solo Missions And I Have The House To Myself. Must Eat With Capri Sun" It is embarrassing.
Kate: I can hear you, Yelena. You act like you didn't name your other closet as: "My Hot Stash Of Clothes That Has Pockets For All Purpose But It Is Quality Material. Not Use For Missions With Mud"
Yelena: You named that one.
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✰ being kate bishop's younger sibling would include...
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with a role model like kate bishop, you were bound to be two things.
chaotic and fearless.
seeing your sister absolutely CRUSH the competition in archery was something you looked forward to.
you used to make handmade signs with glitter glue & happy faces, cheering her on, even though she was too focused to notice during the competition.
after the death of your father, she was extremely protective of you.
she didn't want to lose anyone else.
when your mother became more distant, often on work calls, she would look after you.
you used to take her bow sometimes when she wasn't looking, feeling the smoothness of it under your fingers, pretending that you were her.
that is, until she saw you holding it, taking it away & tackling you in a fit of laughter.
you two totally have the best text messages.
i feel like there's a lot of those cat emojis used lol
you raid her closet all. the. time. she doesn't even care, just tells you to wash it before you give it back.
that's why you're the best dressed at any event, ofc.
you and kate are super close like "i-know-what-your-emotion-is-just-from-your-face" close.
which is why when kate got involved in the "hawkeye" business, you kinda knew something was up.
i mean, let's face it, kate is bound to be a pretty terrible liar.
oh sure, she tried to keep it from you. blaming all those late nights on hanging out with friends.
"silly kate", you had said, "you don't HAVE any friends!"
so finally she confided in you. swore you to secrecy.
that didn't stop you from spying on her.
okay, not really.
but you liked her weird little apartment, with the metal staircase and the target on the wall, the big window opposite the door.
and you just happened to be there one day when she came in with a DOG.
oh and clint barton too. but that's not really that important.
a dog, a one eyed dog, bounding up to you and panting, tail wagging with enthusiasm.
your life was complete.
kate rolled her eyes, questioning why you never got that excited when SHE came home.
speaking of clint barton, he totally thinks you're cool.
you happily tell him all of the embarassing stories you know about kate.
you nearly DIED of laughter when he told you how he casually mentioned that kate had tripped and fallen in front of massive amounts of people at a very important event in the middle of a mission.
kate never let you down, no matter what.
she was always just a call away, whether it was to laugh, cry, or just talk.
you found yourself in her old room often, lying on her bed & looking at the posters around the room, the medals and trophies she had won.
despite all of her achievements, she never made you feel lesser than or worthless. she always encouraged you no matter what.
sure, she would send you old pictures of yourself she found on her phone, threatening to send them to the avengers. (no WAY she had ALL their contacts.)
sure, she always took more than half of the blanket when you had movie night on the couch.
and sure, she constantly messed up your hair just when you had gotten it perfect.
but all in all, she was your big sister, and you loved her more than the sun.
but not as much as you loved lucky the pizza dog :)
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Hi could I request a fic with the avengers where the readers mom is very close with the avengers and she had the reader at 15 with the readers father who has been on and off absent and the reader doesn't see much of him and she was basically raised by the avengers theyre basically parental figures to her and have always been there for her when her dad finally shows up they threatened him because they're all overprotective mostly tony cause he sees the reader like his own daughter and he knows what it's like to grow up without a dad and the reader thanks him and hugs him and the rest of the avengers join in a group hug always reassuring her she isn't a mistake.
Six avengers and a Baby
Paring: avengers x Teen!Reader
A/n: sorry this is so late, I had zero idea of where I was gonna take this so I hope you don't mind is being HC and sorry it's so short.
A/n #2: request are closed so I can work on a twilight series I've started.
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So your mother is close to the averagers due to the fact she went to college with pepper, they were best friends and she got your mom a job at the Compound so she could take care of you.
Due to her being a single mom she always took you to work with her. She had you at a very young age and your father was never around.
It didn't really matter to you because the avenger grew a soft spot for you and helped your mom Raise you.
I your opinion you learned way more for them than you do in school. They all care for you a lot and are extremely over protective.
Some small details about you and them are:
You and tony are the closest, he's always been like a father to you and has always got your back.
You and Bruce are about the same, you call him uncle Bruce and he's your go to dude when you need help with homework.
Steve is like a big brother. He's tougut you many things like how to treat people and helped you become the kind soul you are today.
Clint teaches you normal day-to-day things. You want to learn how to use a bow/arrow he'll teach you. He also has thought you how to change the oil and a tire on a car just incase you get stranded.
With Natasha you two had to warm up to each other. She loves you and all, but when you were little you were scared of her for no particular reason.
Thor is just your Best Friend, he always makes you laugh and knows how to brighten up your day. One time he lifted his Hammer with you so you would think you could do it when the others can't(you were five at the time)
Your scared of loki. Period.
But then one day your dad showed up and the avengers or your mom wasn't pleased.
“y/n is my daughter, my own”
“then where the hell were you when she got her tonsels taken out and was absolutely miserable for three days?” Bruce shouted.
“where were you when she started kindergarten or high school?” nat stated.
“you don't have the right to call yourself her father!” Tony shouted. “she's my kid”
When Your father left you immediately hugged Tony. He held you tight and wasn't planning to let go for a while. “your not a mistake.... Your a fucking mericle”
When the whole time came around and hugged you too you know you were home and this was your family.
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4maximilf · 6 months
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did this a while ago
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shadowthunder · 11 days
Kate: What made a guy like you join some shady government organization?
Clint: There wasn't really much of a choice on my part. Escaping from a foster home, ex-carnie, mercenary work before I was even 18. If not for my aim and a chance from Fury, I wouldn't be here today.
Kate: Shit, sorry…
Kate: Was it the same deal for Laura?
Clint: Nah, she got a bet to find out if aliens are real, and she won.
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headcanonthings · 6 months
Pietro: Hey old man? Clint: Yeah? Pietro: There’s a small get together at my school on Friday. Clint: How small? Pietro: You, me and the principal
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mar-azra · 3 months
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Happy birthday, my favorite traumatized gay
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scavengerssuccotash · 8 months
Bad Guy: Pshh you think I’m scared of you? You’re just some guy!? What could you do that the rest of the Avengers couldn’t, huh?
Clint: *shrugs* You’re right I don’t have all the fancy gadgets that Stark has and I’m not smart enough to blast myself with some fancy rays and turn all mean, and I sure as hell ain’t no god. But you know what else I don’t have?
Bad guy: what?
Clint: That goody-two-shoes moral high ground that Caps always going on about—
Bad guy:…
Clint: *inspecting the sharp point of an arrow head* A lot of dead guys underestimate what I’m capable of. You wanna add to that body count?
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marinasmarvel · 1 month
✨soft natasha headcanon✨
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Natasha has perfected her American accent. She first learned to disguise her Russian accent before going undercover at Stark industries, so around 2010. It’s rare to see her slip up. However, if she’s really tired, or even distracted, her American accent falters. Clint and Yelena are the only two people who have seen this on multiple occasions. The rest of the Avengers saw it during a movie night when Natasha was half asleep. They were surprised when she suddenly had a Russian accent out of nowhere. But Clint explained to them that it means she feels safe around them. She wouldn’t fall asleep or feel relaxed around a random person. She’s 95 percent fluent in english, but still has some slip ups with phrases and stuff. Tony, Clint, and Sam enjoy teasing her about it. Yelena would too, but she’s just as bad, if not worse.
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