#(i realize that's a confusing statement right after i wrote it)
mvybanks · 5 months
SPARKS FLY — jj maybank
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a/n: wrote this on a whim the other day for some reason so don’t judge me if it sucks💀 also i got inspired by one episode of grey’s anatomy that i was thinking about oops ++ technically the fic is not based on sparks fly by taylor but i was listening to my playlist while picking a title and i just realized how well it fit so enjoy!
warnings: hospitals, mention of injuries
word count: 1.1k
pairing: lovesick!jj x doctor!reader
add yourself to my taglist <3
“Doctor, you’re needed for a neuro consult in the ER.” Your intern warned you as you were checking the labs of one of your patients. You nodded and began to speed walk towards the emergency room, the intern hot on your heels as you looked for the patient you had been called in for.
Entering, you found three men inside; two of them were standing beside the hospital bed as the third one was lying on it, already covered with some bandages that your colleagues had provided for.
“Hello. I’m doctor Y/l/n.” You announced, the words basically engrained in your brain for what seemed like forever, while you closed the curtain behind you.
The blond man, who apparently was the only injured one in the room, slowly turned his head away from you with a scared look upon his face. “Do you guys see the hot doctor too or am I dying?” He asked to the two men that were standing beside him, lowering his voice although it was still clear to your ears. They snickered and shook their heads at their friend’s behavior.
“I’m sorry about him,” started one of them, “He’s not usually like this.”
“Don’t lie to a doctor! He is usually like this.” Said the other, clearly amused.
You couldn’t help but chuckle as you took the chart that was hanging at the foot of the bed and began to look over it.
“So,” you cleared your throat, “Mr. Maybank, does your head hurt at all?” You asked while reaching for the penlight inside the pocket of your coat.
“Not really. I’m just confused, I guess.”
You used the device to shine the light inside his eyes as you calmly ordered, “Okay, follow the light, please.”
“You have pretty eyes,” he whispered, as if he could barely understand that he was saying all of that out loud.
Taken aback from his statement, “Alright, no more painkillers for you, Mr. Maybank,” you playfully said.
“How is he?” One of his -what you assumed-friends asked.
“Apart from the other injuries that Doctor Haberman has already taken care of, he looks fine. No concussion, but he needs some rest.” You smiled politely.
“You’re incredibly beautiful, has anyone ever told you that?” He admitted, this time sounding even more serious and you hoped that he couldn’t tell how flustered and speechless he had turned you.
“Leave the doctor alone, JJ.” The long-haired friend reprimanded him.
“So, he can leave now, right?”
“Yes, of course. Doctor Mangino here will bring you the discharge papers.” You said referring to your intern who immediately ran to do as you had asked. “Have some rest and you’ll be fine, Mr. Maybank.”
“Thank you, doctor.”
The rest of the day went by, completely uneventful, and yet the conversation with one patient was stuck in your mind. Your love life had become such a joke that you couldn’t shake off a few compliments from a patient on painkillers. Pathetic, that’s what it was. But after all, you wouldn’t, and couldn’t, have changed that for the world. Your work had to always come first and if the lousy dates you had been on couldn’t get that, there was nothing you could do to change their minds.
By the end of your shift, as you walked past the nurses at the reception, one of them called out for you. “Someone was looking for you in the waiting room. A certain JJ Maybank. He said he’s a patient of yours.”
“Yes, sure. I’ll go see him. Thank you!” You exclaimed as you all but ran to the waiting room, scared that something had happened. It was late and he was the only one in the room when you walked in. “Mr. Maybank. What happened?”
He got up from his seat, “Call me JJ, please.” He said nonchalantly as he slipped his hands in the back pockets of his jeans.
Confused, you got closer to him, “JJ, are you hurt? Do you have a headache?” You began while you reached for the penlight again, but he stopped you, gently placing a hand on your wrist.
“I’m okay.” He reassured you, smiling down at your worried expression.
In that moment, seeing him so up close, you realized how handsome he was, which caused a blush to creep up your cheeks.
“You’re in a hospital and you don’t need any help? Why are you here, then?” You asked, puzzled at his behavior. A riddle of a man.
“How else would I be able to ask you out?” He inquired as if it had been as obvious and clear as the blue sky on a sunny day.
Your eyes widened and something in your stomach fluttered. What the hell was that man doing to you?
Your lack of response, however, had worried him. “Alright, you can say no, it’s not like I can’t handle rejection, you know?”
You shook your head. “It’s not that. You caught me by surprise, that’s all.”
“Is that a yes, then?” He asked, hopeful.
“It’s not a yes.” You bent your head to the side as you played with him.
“Give a guy a break here.” JJ chuckled nervously as he tried to not show you how much he wished for a positive answer. You had completely taken over his mind and he couldn’t help but want to get to know you.
Grinning, you grabbed his hand and took a pen from the pocket of your coat before you began to write your number on his wrist. “This is all I can promise today.”
Smiling like a kid in a candy store, he could feel his heart almost jump out of his chest. “That’s all I was asking for, pretty girl.”
“It’s just my phone number. Don’t get too cocky now.” You chuckled as you began to take some steps back, slowly walking backwards.
“We’ll see.” He winked, a confident smile adorning his lips. You shook your head in disbelief, laughing at his antics.
Then, all in the blink of an eye, he reached for your arm, pulling you close once again, “And one more thing.” He exclaimed before taking you in his arms and unexpectedly pressing his lips against yours.
You gasped in surprise, and yet you still kissed him back, your heart racing in your chest as you couldn’t even remember the last time anyone had ever kissed you like that.
JJ swore he saw fireworks as soon as your mouths had touched, an electricity running all over his body the moment you relaxed against his body and gave in to the palpable tension between you.
However, it didn’t last long, just enough for both of you to become eager for more.
“Can I get cocky now?” He mumbled against your lips.
With your eyes still closed, your parted mouth and the feeling of your heart beating loudly all over your body, “A little bit, yeah.” You whispered.
“Goodnight, doctor.”
And with that, he left you there, still in shock as your fingertips brushed over your own lips for you could barely understand what had just happened. That man was trouble, you could feel it, your instincts were telling you to run and to save yourself from the incoming and inevitable heartache, and yet your lips were aching to be touched by his once again.
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@jjmaybankisbae @notslay-norcleor @poppet05 @solargazes @cindersnightmare @fairlymax @chaostudee @goldenroutledge @harleyharlot @taintedxkisses @uhcallmemommy @babypoguelife @screan @voguesir @vigilanteshitposting @kliness @gemofthenight @magnificantmermaid @f4ll-for-you @marzipaanz @sweetestdesire @guililove @freyawhitexxx1 @mistalli @shady-the-simp @fangirl-madz @one-sweet-gubler @camelliaflow3r @emery-333 @hallecarey1 @lovelornanonymity @rafetopia @maybankslover r @jjgaybanklover @lyndys @futurecorps3 @bxrbie1 @maybanksbabe @moremaybank @jjsbank444 @vivian-555 @jjfordays @highpope @livsters @starkeylover @peachpitlover @instabull @fishingirl12 @outerbankszn @congratsloserr @loveu-always @rentaldarling @embersfae @bee6r @savagemickey03 @lunalovegood156 @idli-dosa @madelynie @riveramour + in the comments!
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loveswrites · 11 months
Do you know when you’re going to post your next Poly Volturi? (Absolutely no rush btw take your time and always focus on you and your health first🫶) I was just wondering cause i miss you 🫶
(i don’t have any intention of sounding rude or anything im just wondering and i definitely dont wanna rush you and i ofc want you to take your time and ofc it’s important to focus on yourself first ALWAYS🫶🫶)
Nightmare Poly Volturi x reader
Time it took me: 5 hours
Word count: 2023
To anon: Hello lovely! I'm sorry for the wait it's been like a month since my last post but I've come to give you a little gift! Hope you like it! Thank you so much for your reassurance, You didn't sound rude at all I understand I was gone a LONG time. I'm surprised I even wrote this today my mind was so foggy I haven't really had a good day so I thought I'd put a smile on someone else's!
Love <3
p.s I also tried to find that spongebob meme in a gif but I couldn't find it for some reason lmk if you get it when you read it!
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Turning a sharp corner your hip grazed against the cold cobblestone walls of the castle. Causing you to suck in a strong gasp of air. Rubbing your hand against the throbbing pain you felt something wet. Twisting your face up in confusion you couldn't tell what it was. There was a storm and the castle was as dark as it's ever been. The candles Cauis ordered to be lit every set of the sun for you weren't lit like they normally are. If one candle blew out, rather you were there or not he would have someone's head not long after.
"You smell delicious." You heard from no other than the exact one you were thinking about. Caius.
Still a little confused, your eyes widened. Blood. You were bleeding and Cauis was chasing you.
Resuming your slow steps turned into a fast pace run. Well as fast as you could. Your eyes burned with tears as you could hear Caius' steps quicken. Why was he doing this, you thought. Doesn't he love you? 
"Are you frightened little human?" Cauis hissed out with so much venom you could taste it. 
"Please stop-" You were cut off with a scream crawling out of your throat as a strong sound of thunder and lightning struck.
"Your fear reeks a phenomenal scent. I can't wait to taste you." He sneered out letting out a chilling chuckle. 
You couldn't stop the tear that ran down your cheek with his statement. All you could feel was your heart pounding in your chest, So much you thought it would run into overdrive and stop. With the halls darken you ran with what little memory you could collect right now.  Your brain was foggy. Your heart was hurt. And your face was stained with tears of fear. You never thought that you would die like this. The more you ran the more you realized that this was a loop. You had been running around in a circle this whole time and Cauis was still chasing you. 
"Help Me! Jane! Alec! Please don't do this Caius! You're scaring me!" You screamed out looking back for the first time since you started running.
 He was right there. 
Pricing red eyes stared back at you menacingly.
The only sound you could get out of your mouth was a gasp. He grabbed you by your arms in a tight unbreakable grip. So tight you thought your bones would snap. You never did take your vitamins as a kid you thought. Before you could say another word he bared his fangs and snapped down on your neck. You let out a strong scream. It was so loud it echoed and bounced off the walls. You could feel your own blood wetting your skin rolling down your once warm body. As much as you struggled you couldn't move. As much as you screamed you could no longer make sound. All you felt was your life being drained from your body. Mustering all of your strength you screamed the loudest you could with little life you had left. 
"Mio caro!? Wake up è solo un sogno!" A voice sounded.
Snapping your eyes open, you saw him. Screaming once against you pushed off of him blinded to your surroundings. You fell down onto a cold marble floor it hurt but you could care less right now. Anything to get away from him.
"Don't touch me! S-stay away from me! J-Jane! Where are you!?" You screamed out tears already rolling down your face. Still crawling away from Caius you kept your eyes on him the best you could with blurred vision. 
"What-" Cauis started but was cut off by your words.
"Don't talk to me, leave me alone! Jane! W-where's Jane!? Jane! Jane!!" You cried screaming at the top of your lungs. 
Everyone's attention snapped to the door as Jane busted through the door. Her piercing red eyes were filled with anger ready to unleash hell on anyone that dared to hurt what is hers. 
"What happened!" She snapped sharp eyes staring down everyone who was in the room. She saw no threat but that didn't mean there wasn't one.
You were in the throne room as you always were half the time. Everyone knew you loved laying upon the throne with Caius. You were often there with him during most trails. It was convenient because most of the time all of your mates were there also. So hearing your screams come from this room of all places put Jane on guard. 
"We don't know she was just resting as she always is, then woke up screaming." Marcus stated.
"She's very frightened and the first one so called out for was you. Go to her, Slowly.” Aro said making sure to speak softly.
She listened, making sure to take slow and soft steps towards you. When she was finally in front of you she kneeled down to your level as you had backed yourself into a corner. 
“Who scared you?” She asked, trying her best to not sound too demanding but failing miserably. 
You reached out and wrapped your arms around her tightly, crying hard.
“Please don’t let him hurt me.” You whispered into her neck. A whisper so low that she had to try to listen. 
“Who is trying to hurt you?” She whispered back wrapping her arms around you. Doing her best to console you as physical touch is still a hard thing for her.
“C-caius he bit me he was trying to kill me.” You said still shaking as the scene replayed in your head over and over again.
“Well I guess we know who won't be turning her.” Felix snickered, earning a shove from dem.
“Silence!” Cauis ordered, making Felix shut up immediately. His loud tone made you jump and brung more tears to your eyes. Jane continued to comfort you, whispering calming and promising words in your ear.
“Go on, tell me what else happened.” She beckoned.
“I was trying to run away from him b-because he was chasing me. I didn’t know why until I realized that I was bleeding and he wasn’t chasing me to help me. He was chasing me to bring more h-harm to me. I was going in circles and I couldn’t find a way out! There wasn’t a way out but I kept trying and trying but he still got me and- He drained me of everything inside of me.. I can still feel his bite. It hurts, why does it hurt?” You whimpered out sniffling every few words. You held onto Jane tighter in fear she would let you go.
It was silent for a while. No one in the room knew quite what to say. Or what you needed to hear. But the one thing they all knew was that no matter how much Cauis would threaten or yell at you he would lay down his life for you. And if he ever laid a harmful hand on you the rest of you mates would deal with him no matter the consequences. One little human held so much power. 
“It was just a nightmare, you're safe. He would never hurt you. And if he did I’d kill him myself.” Jane said firmly. 
Her words brung comfort to you. Jane never lies. Especially to you.  She always says that she has no time for lying. To which you always say she technically has all her life or death to lie. 
“Jane let me see her.” Cauis said leaving no room for arguing.
“Caius.” Marcus said in a warning tone.
“Do you want to face him? I’ll take you away if not.” Jane whispered in your ear. It took a little while for you to answer but eventually you did sadly. You truly weren't ready to face him but you didn’t want Jane to get in trouble for your newfound fear.
“It’s okay..” You said slowly as if you were trying to convince yourself. 
“Are you sure?” She questioned.
“I’m sure.” You said taking a deep breath when Jane parted from you. Though Jane was freezing cold her cold began to feel warm to you. So when she let you go you couldn’t help but feel naked under the eyes of everyone in the room. A shiver ran down your spine when you finally made eye contact with Caius. His red eyes were intimidating but not as threatening as the ones in your nightmares. In fact his eyes looked.. Concerned, confusion and hurt. That one was a kick to the chest. You hated seeing him hurt but you hated seeing you hurt more. 
“Come here.” Caius said watching you as you took very slow steps to you. Realizing your fear was truly real as you'd normally run to him full of joy. But now you shake with each step. You were never even this scared when you first met. 
Once you were standing in front of him he closed the gap between you two holding onto your hands. Your warm soft ones colliding against his cold hard ones.  
“You truly think I’d ever hurt you on purpose if at all? I’m offended by how lowly you think of me amore mio.” He frowned looking down at you. 
“It was- it felt very real.” You whispered looking down but that didn’t last long as he put his hand under your chin and tilted your head back up to face you.
“If you're frightened do not be cowardly in fear I will not accept it. Especially when I am aware of how fearless you are. It was a horrible dream, a nightmare. One that will never come true.” He said watching you with close eyes.
“I-” You were cut off with his next words.
“You should know that I would never hurt you on purpose. But eventually for you to be with us forever you will have to be turned. But it won't be painful for you. We will ensure it. Alec will use his power to make sure of it.” Caius stated as if this would make you feel better.
“You’ve been conspiring about my death behind my back?” You questioned furrowing your eyebrows.
“More like preparing. You're not getting any younger.” Felix said from behind you.
“Are you serious?” You questioned.
“We’d rather have you dead and with us rather than dead and gone bellissima.” Dem voiced softly in hopes you wouldn’t get upset with the rest of them.
“I feel like this is some type of gaslighting or manipulation.” You said, shaking your head.
“Nevermind that, do you feel better?” Alec asked, deterring your thoughts from this topic.
“I kinda do. I’d still like a little space from you though.” You said looking up at Caius. 
“Only a few days after that you're asking for ungiveable things.” He said letting you go but not before kissing you on your forehead making you freeze momentarily.
“Go get some rest.” He dismissed you.
As you walked away after standing there for a while Jane followed you and right when you grabbed the door Caius words made you stop in your tracks.
“ You shouldn’t be scared of me in that sense. You wouldn’t even be filling, you refuse to take your vitamins Carlisle insists you take.” He yelled out so you could hear. 
You couldn’t help the small laugh that came out of your mouth knowing how true that statement was. For the next few days Jane followed you everywhere. Always on your heels. Sleeping with you, feeding next to you, If she knew you were having a bad dream she’d wake you up right away and take you out for a walk. All until you felt comfortable to be alone with Cauis she was right there by your side. 
And when you finally felt comfortable enough you saw how bad Cauis was taking it through his paintings. He was afraid you would see him as a monster. He knew he was but he never wanted to be that in your eyes. You spent the next few nights showing him how fearless you were of him. Wink wink.
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defrosted69 · 7 months
My Laker Star (Yunjin Story)
So this is basically a continuation of the first story of My laker star but this is now Yunjin's story. If you havent read it, you should as it gives a little background of this story. Someone requested me this and the plot and I tweak a few of it. Hope you Guys enjoy.
(3.3K words)
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You were at home when you kept examining the handwriting on the back of the album that the girls had signed earlier. None of them appear to line up on the handwriting, which adds to the confusion. Could there have been a signature among the girls that you missed?
"Who wrote this one? All their penmanship shows who they are but this one is so different…"
You groaned and lay on your bed, looking at the ceiling, hoping for any insight into who this person is. But then it hit you like a baseball, and you grabbed your phone and contacted someone who could assist you. You'd think it would take a few seconds for the individual to respond, but she replied after the first ring.
"Hey Jennifer, Can I meet you tomorrow?
"KFJSHDJSJS!! Sure… What time?
"Umm.. Does 10am sound good? We can meet infront of the staples arena.
"Sure sure. I'll be there. Wear your best outfit okay? Hehehe~
You were perplexed by her statements, but this was Yunjin we were talking about. She had been rather unpredictable with her acts when you first met her. You couldn't help but agree with her remark. Yunjin has become more attractive despite the years of not seeing her. That's not to say she wasn't lovely before; in fact, she was well-known in high school for being nice and attractive. It's surprising how you ended up friends with someone as lovely as her.
It was another typical high school day, and the sun was shining brightly with no clouds in the sky. The sky was blue, and it was one of those days when you simply wanted to sleep, but you couldn't since you had a sharp-eyed instructor in front of you. That is, until a thought occurred to you. The teacher saw your question as you raised your arm.
"Miss I need to go to the bathroom. Nature is calling"
"And why should I allow you?"
"Guess I'll just take a shit here then"
As the teacher groaned and begged you to hurry up, the class chuckled at your reply. You exited the classroom with a smile on your face and began roaming the corridors. You're pleased the hall monitors are all in class because you could have been sent to the student behavioral office and punished by cleaning the school garden, which would have been the worst penalty possible. The gardeners were not cleaning up the weeds that were all over the property. It didn't even appear like a garden; it was more like a tiny forest.
In the schoolyard, an angelic voice stopped your walk. It was strange for someone to be singing like that in this period, but what perplexed you the most was why the choir would rehearse outside with the sun shining brightly. You went outside because you were curious and spotted a female singing alone on a bench.
It was quite surprising that someone like her could get those voices all by herself. Your eyes narrowed as you realized the female wasn't simply any other chick. Everyone was talking about the legendary Yunjin Huh. Many males wanted to get to know her better, but her welcoming demeanor worked as a barrier, making the guys feel rejected even if they didn't confess.
As she finished her song, you couldn't help but clap grabbing her attention as she didn't expect that soemone would have heard her.
"Wow, that's amazing Yunjin"
"Oh.. I didn't know I wasn't alone.. Hehe.. What's your name?"
"Y/N McDaniels. So your the famous Yunjin huh."
You slowly walked towards her as Yunjin giggled and shook her head in denial.
"I'm not famous Y/N."
"Well if you say so."
"Well aren't you suppose to be in class?"
"With a weather like this? I would rather stay here anf enjoy the winds passing by."
Yunjin giggled as she found you entertaining right away. She's seen how boys at school attempt to appear cool in front of her, but with just a few words, she can tell you don't care about impressing her since your lips just says what's on your mind.
"That is true. Honestly, I would have just stayed somewhere and sleep."
You Chuckeled and thought that her idea wasn't bad at all. Perhaps you can find a place to take a nap or just a place to sleep the day from.
"That doesn't sound like a bad idea actually. Any ideas?"
"Oh, well there's the rooftops. There's behind the water and wall where you can sleep. My friends told me about it."
"Looks like a place I need to visit soon. Anyway, your singing earlier, isn't that opera style?"
Yunjin happily nodded her head as a smile appeared on her face. Not many people her age know how Opera is. Sure they know that its a mix of music and acting but it's also a story and a way of showing the emotions in the story.
"You know Opera?"
"I have been through a few shows before with my friends. Are you in an opera club or something?"
"Yes! Actually hold on Y/n. Just stay there."
Yunjin dashed back to the school building while you stood there waiting for her. It was wonderful how Yunjin treated you like a friend and not a stranger since most people would have shut you down if you tried to chat. But Yunjin was unique. She returned not long after with a ticket in hand.
"We actual have a show this Friday at the school gym. I hope you can be there to watch"
She smiled pleasantly, and you could see the passion and love she had for performing on stages in her grin. You weren't someone who like performing on stage, so having the confidence to express your gift was something you admired in her. But you smiled and took the ticket.
"Sure, I'll be there. You better not dissapoint me Yunjin. I'm a little critical to critiques."
Yunjin laughed at your remark as she playfully rolled her eyes at you.
"Oh please, Just call me Jennifer. And it's like you know what the TRUE OPERA is."
"I know."
"Then what is it?"
"…That's a secret that will be answered soon."
You and Yunjin both chuckled as you got to know each other better. She was a basketball lover, which was your topic of conversation, and you completely lost track of time attempting to communicate with her as both of you were comfortable talking to each other as if you had been friends for a long time.
And you could see how she shone on stage with her acting and powerful vocals during her performance. You could see her potential on a larger scale since, as time passed, you and Yunjin literally became best friends because her friends mixed nicely with your personality. You both enjoyed making each other laugh and were each other's strongest supporters. So you were overjoyed when she informed you she was heading to Korea to pursue her ambition.
"Jen I'm proud of you. I know you'll do well there in Korea. Show them the American power RAAAAHHH!!"
Yunjin laughed at your silly antic but deep down, she was quite nervous. She was Korean but she wasn't sure if the people there would immediately accept her since she's been living in America for so long. Of course she hasn't forgotten her tone when it comes to speaking her native tounge.
"Heh.. Yeah…"
"Hey Jen, don't worry. You'll do fine. In fact I have something for you so that you wouldn't feel nervous all the time."
You grab your Keychain and handed her your key to your room at your house. This confused Yunjin as she chuckled.
"Why your key?"
"Because in that key holds my room at my house we're we made memories together, having fun and supported each other. That key symbolizes our friendship and my support for you on whatever you will do in the future. So Yunjin, Goodluck! Hehe"
Yunjin sobbed and gave you a bear embrace as you gave her one final grin. Yunjin didn't often reveal her tender side to you, but when she did, it made her appear so frail that you wanted to shield her from the outside world. More than anything else, you didn't want her to fail in life, even if you didn't enjoy seeing her miserable. You thought that you would still be friends with her in the future and that you could be her pillar of support. even if you both have more time than ever.
"Heh.. Thanks Y/N.. I'll make sure I'll be an famous Idol. So.. You better be an NBA star when we meet again got it?"
You gave her a pat on the back and a smile came on your face. Yunjin has always enjoyed challenging you, even on small matters, but this time you are determined to fulfill your ambition even more.
"Heh ,when we meet again, let's have lunch together."
"Ohhh kinda like a date? I'm in!"
"Maybe? But it's still a long time from now. So don't get your hopes up"
"Oh I will. So you better keep your end of the bargain."
Both of you laughed wholeheartedly as you enjoyed Yunjin being in your embrace. It was gonna take a long time again to even see her or even communicate with her so this moment will forever leave a mark in your life because this moment, could be the last time you'll ever see each other again.
But Destiny spoke a sike. and forced you two to reunite. And you two kept your words to yourself. Because you were a star player for the Los Angeles Lakers and Yunjin was now a famous idol with her group Lesserafim. Meeting her again seemed like a dream come true, and her beauty has only become more stunning.
Standing infront of the staples arena, you were waiting for Yunjin as the sun was slowly reaching its peak. You were quite earlier than the proposed time because you have this unexplained feeling where you wanted to see her and just spend time with her. That thought alone made you smile like an idiot.
"This guy is smiling by himself. So weird.."
You chuckled as a shadow of an umbrella blocked the sunlight as Yunjin was smiling at you. Her bright smile didn't change all this years as you stood up but your eyes immediately caught something familiar.
"You… You still have my key? After all this years?"
You were amazed when Yunjin had your key made into an necklace as Yunjin blushed a little before smiling at you and hugging you with her arms wrapped around your neck.
"Hehehe, It's because it's very important to me~ well.. That means your very important to me hehe"
Your heart began to rush faster after hearing those words, and your cheeks turned redder than normal. Although Yunjin wasn't supposed to drive you crazy, your heart is currently in her grasp.
"T-Thanks… I… I miss you too Jen"
"Come on call me Yunjin. What? Your shy now? Hehe~"
As Yunjin prodded your nose, smiling and scrunching it, she withdrew. You had never seen this side of Yunjin before, and it was changing the way you perceived her. You took the umbrella from Yunjin, and she grasped your hand.
"Say Y/N, how's your parents doing?"
"Oh, there actually in the city right now."
"Oh really?! Then let's have dinner with them."
"You know… That isn't a bad Idea. Let's do it!"
"Yehey! Hehe~"
As you chuckled at Yunjin's goofy yet endearing actions, she clung to your side. As you two strolled through the streets of Los Angeles holding hands, you lifted the umbrella to shield her from the sun. When you were holding her hand and being this close to her, you started to ponder if the Yunjin you had before was simply a friend and the Yunjin you had now was a lady you could love. To be honest, you weren't accustomed to being this tactile with her before and nothing really meant anything before.
You shook your head at that thought as you couldn't believe your head process such an crazy thought. You in love with your friend?! You must be crazy.
"What am I thinking?! She's your friend. That's crossing the line"
Yunjin smiled slightly as she noticed the sorrow on your face. So far, her strategy of getting you to fall in love with her was working nicely. She is aware that time has gone between you two, and her heart has at last come to the realization that you are the man she desires. They said she was a late bloomer, but following the game, she broke down and acknowledged her love for you, and her heart is calling out for you.
She giggled and getting your attention from her as her eyes glittered with admiration and love.
"What's wrong Y/N? You looked in distress. You wanna take a shit or something?"
She laughed at her own remark and just like that, your thoughts was erased by Yunjin being happy again. Her smile was very precious to you and you were willing to sacrifice the world just to protect that smile of hers.
"Nu-Uh. Silly. Anyway, my parents made a reservation for their dinner tonight. I can message them that I'll join them with you. I'm sure they would love to see you again"
"Heh, I kinda miss your parents too. Especially you…"
"What was that?"
"I said I'm hungry. Buy me food Daniels."
As you purchased her a new York burger, you smiled at her moniker. You two took a seat on a wooden bench and started gorging on the burger like two ravenous racoons causing mayhem. It was evident from strolling around the city how stunning and wonderful Yunjin was. Even if it occasionally made you grimace, her grin and antics made you smile. You were forced to reconsider when she seemed to have an odd fascination towards you out of the blue.
Do you miss her because she's an old friend?
Do you miss her because your falling for her?
Your gaze was fixed on her the whole day, and your hand remained in hers. While everything around you grew hazy, Yunjin glowed brightly. The city was still bustling even though the sun had long set. While strolling through the city center, you and Yunjin noticed a pianist who was playing a melodic tune.
"Wanna see me sing Y/N?"
"You'll sing?"
"Yeah. I'll show you my progress before finally becoming an Idol."
You couldn't help but feel proud at her as you let her hand go as she walked towards the performer. They spoke as he handed her the mic and soon a small crowd began to form surrounding her. Yunjin eyed you and smiled.
"This song is for my tall best friend right there. Hope you like this."
As the audience cheered you on, you flushed. Everyone was mesmerized by Yunjin's voice as the pianist started to play, and you couldn't help but gaze at her in wonder. It seemed to be the song of the heart the way she was singing it. Every second that goes by, your heart is beating harder and louder, and her eyes are constantly glinting at you.
Your heart was calling out for her, letting you know that you were missing her, and maybe you realized as soon as you heard her voice. Her music told the tale of how you and Yunjin overcame adversity together to realize your own aspirations rather than just being a show. A startling glimpse of memories passed before your eyes, showing you that the sacrificed tears and disappointment were ultimately worthwhile. You got a peek into Yunjin's struggles while she pursued her goals.
You two persevered through difficult obstacles and ascended to the top, showcasing your skill to the world. Yunjin may now share her voice and its stories with the world.
But there was one thing you didn't want Yunjin to show.
And it was her smile.
You wanted Yunjin to smile only to you and nobody else. Your heart had given the brain the message that you...
Have fallen in love
As the song ended, an eruption of cheer engulf Yunjin as she smiled happily. She thanked the pianist and walked toward you happily. Your smile wasn't the smile you usually show, it was now full of admiration and love.
"So Did I do well?"
You could only nod your head at her as no words can describe how much she shined beautiful right now. Yunjin giggled as she blushed seeing how you stare at her. She could feel her heart racing so much and she could feel the atmosphere change now. She could feel that something amazing was bound to happen.
"Yunjin… Your amazing.."
"Heh.. C-Come on.. I-It's nothing special.."
Yunjin blushed and shyly looked away as you stare at her. Yunjin returned her gaze at you as both of you stare at each other's eyes seeing admiration and love in them. Your throat was getting more and more dryer as you don't know what to speak but you could feel the moment was now.
"Yunjin… I-"
"Wait Hold on. I wanted to show you something Y/N"
You were interested in what Yunjin was about to show you when she took something out of her pocket. Then, when she attached it to her necklace, a little gold heart materialized in her hand.
"Y/N, Do you know why I added a heart in my necklace?"
You gulped as her cheeks were turning red. You weren't a fool, you know why she placed that heart near the key you gifted her.
"Then I don't need to explain much. All you need to hear is that You unlocked my feelings for you. When I was down, I was holding on in this key knowing you were going through the same hardship as me. Even when we were far away, I knew you were still supporting me as I am too you. So.. Y/N… "
The ambiance has grown more strong as everyone vanished out of sight and the surrounding sounds abruptly subsided. You and Yunjin seemed to be the only people in the world. After taking a deep breath, Yunjin looked into your eyes and spoke the song that was on her heart.
"I.. Like you.. Not as my best friend or bestie but as I guy.…I wanna spend my life with."
"I love you Y/N."
There it was, the final song of her heart was performed right infront of you as it was your turn to either applause her performance or be a critique towards her. You already know your answer as you spoke.
"Yunjin I-"
"Shhh..Y/N, I'm not the only girl you should think about."
Yunjin placed a finger on your mouth stopping you from saying the 3 words that you desperately wanted to say. But hearing her words made you confused on what she meant.
"What do you…"
Your phone vibrated indicating a notification as your eyes widen upon seeing the message. You looked at Yunjin who smiled and nodded her head.
"That's right Y/N. It's not just me who's in love with you…"
Your phone vibrated again and this time the messages says…
Zuhazana sent you a message
"Can we meet Y/N?"
"You left me! Why didn't you come back to me!"
"Sakura let me explain"
Rui was at a loss for words as tears streamed down her cheeks. He is aware of how horrible what he did was and how deeply it wounded Sakura.
"No, no! I hate you!!"
3 words that crushed the heart of Rui as Sakura stormed away with tears rolling down her eyes. He could only sigh as he dug himself a hole he never will escape.
"What have I done…."
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clemswinecorner · 1 year
Sidewalk rule [Marcus Armstrong]
Summary: During Yeah Nah G'day you and the screamingmeals cohosts realize Marcus does not know what the sidewalk rule is. A TikTok for reference, in case you also don't know :)
Wordcount: 844
Warnings: none
Huge shoutout to @pinkysky-darling for the idea! Haven't posted in a while, here's little thing I wrote instead of trying to make deadlines :) Have fun!
Main Masterlist
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“So I was walking with my girlfriend and as always she was on, like, you know the side of the store window, so of course she had to look at every single item,” Clem, in the middle of the couch, frowns and interrupts James. “Why as always, couldn’t you switch?” James looks to his right at the French man. “Sidewalk rule,” he casually says. “Ah yeah… Okay go on,” Marcus looks at the two, at Rory and back at the duo. “What’s the sidewalk rule?” He asks, a little in doubt whether he missed out on something. "You don’t know the sidewalk rule?" Clem asks surprised as he turns towards the Kiwi. Marcus just shakes his head as you look up from your laptop casually listening to their conversation. "Wait but I thought you did it like, all the time," James asks confused, looking at you behind the camera for confirmation as you look at the three of them with your eyebrows furrowed. "Yeah, you don’t know it?" Marcus shakes his head at you and the other guys. “How un-gentlemen like of you,” James says as Clem dramatically shakes his head. “Red flag, you should break up with him,” you chuckle. “Honestly it kind of is a red flag, maybe I should,” Marcus looks between you guys with wide eyes, still not having a clue what’s going on. He looked adorable being this clueless. “No but I think you do do it,” you say and Clem agrees, having walked with the two of you more than he can count. “I still don’t know what it is,” You chuckle before opening your mouth to explain, James immediately interrupting you. “Wait, do it in the mic,” you roll your eyes as you stand up and walk over, leaning over the couch. “So, for everyone like Marcus who doesn’t know what the sidewalk rule is, there’s two steps to it. One is that the guy, no matter what girl he’s with -whether it be his mom, friend or girlfriend or any other girl- he walks on the side of the road. So this way, when a car comes and crashes into you it will hit him first etc. And then part two, I guess, is that if you’re in a small alley or road and you can’t walk next to her, the guy always walks in front. This way he sees the danger, he gets hit first and all that jazz.”
The boys listen intently as you explain everything. “Oh, well, I actually didn’t know there was a second thing as well, I never thought about that,” James mentions as you walk out of frame again. Clem looks at him, “No I think I've seen that before. Just think it’s sort of something natural to do.” Marcus nods his head in agreement. “Yeah. I never really thought about it but like I always walk in front of you,” you smile at him as he tries to think back to whenever you were walking together. “I don’t know, I kind of always walk on the same side, I think?” He looks at you for confirmation and you hum in agreement. “Yeah I guess most times it just feels weird if I walk on the other side of, you know like my girlfriend,” He says, making a hand gesture in your direction. “I’m rarely consciously thinking ‘oh just need to make sure I’m walking on the side of the cars!’ like it just happens,” Clem smirks as he shares a look with James. “Well. That was the sidewalk rule. Anything else to share about you and your girlfriend’s disgustingly cute habits or should we round it up?” Marcus blushes at James’ statement as you softly giggle. “Weren’t you in the middle of a story?” Clem asks as he glances over at Marcus, who's smiling and biting his lip after you just made eye contact. “Yeah mate, you were talking about your girlfriend looking at every single item,” Marcus changes the subject as he lightly slaps James’ arm over Clem’s shoulder. “Right, I was.” 
“Do you think they notice?” Clem asks James as they make their way to the store for some form of dinner and drinks. “What, that we’re third wheeling?” Clem chuckles at his response. “No, how pure their love is. And how oblivious Marcus is to how he’s actually romantic.” James chuckles as they look at the two of you in front of them walking closely together. "Oh, yeah, no, Y/N definitely knows," James says, Marcus looking at you like a love-sick puppy as the two of you laugh at a joke. "You think?" James nods in your direction, as you look at Marcus with a fond smile, to answer his question. "Yeah. Does he, though?" James simply shrugs. "I mean, I’d assume he’s aware that’s it’s like, real love and what not. Don’t think he knows to what extent, considering the Yeah Nah G’day," Clem laughs along as they catch up with you and Marcus in front of the store. "So, what drinks we getting?"
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crackedpumpkin · 1 year
a/n: Sooooo i procrastinated and wrote a lil sumn-sumn. remember to drink ur water guys!!
Rise! Leonardo Hamato x Villain! Reader
"Turn around, villain!" Leo laughs victoriously, wanting nothing more than to get this over with and return home to boast about his latest accomplishment to you.
You flinch. Your mask lay at the doorway, having been knocked off your face during the fight.
You couldn't turn around. You couldn't reveal your identity, after trying so desperately to hide it from him.
But you had no choice. Outnumbered and weaponless, surrendering is your only option.
So you slowly turn, hoping to at least buy time to think of a distraction.
However, as soon as the moonlight shines on the distinctive mole near your lip, everything comes crashing down.
Mikey's loud gasp echoes throughout the museum, pure shock on his face when he realizes who you are.
"What're you talking about Mike? She's back at the lair, watching Lou Jitsu with Splinter." Leo chuckles, slinging his sword behind his back in a nonchalent pose.
Oh God.
You gulp at the statement, finally turning around fully. Your cheeks burn, your gaze locked with his.
You watch as surprise flickers over his face, his brows furrowing in confusion, then disbelief until realisation settles in. Despair fills his soul, working its way down to the depths of his heart that was slowly beginning to sink.
"No," He breathes out, each word laced with the pain of heartbreak he had grown ever-so-familiar with. "Say you're lying, right now. Say you're at home in the lair. That you aren't who I've- We've, been fighting against for so long. Say that you're not her."
Your silence is all it takes for him to feel his heart shatter into pieces in his chest.
"Say it."
His voice trembles, tears brimming in his eyes against his own will. He raises his sword, pointing at you with an emotion he's never felt towards you before - anger.
You want to say yes, that it's not you. That you're back home, waiting for his return and showering him with kisses as soon as he gets home to you. You want to, but you can't.
Instead, you shake your head.
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thefandomenchantress · 11 months
Beach Day! (DRDT)
A/N - I saw a post by @ashuukii about the cast’s swimwear, and decided to make a beach-themed post as well! So here’s a one-shot type thing for what would happen if the DRDT cast went to the beach. Sorry if it’s a little rough around the edges, I wrote this while I was at the…Well, the beach, ironically.
“I really don’t see why Eden insisted we all go to the beach together.” Charles complained as the class arrived at the beach.
Whit, who was walking beside him, shrugged. “I dunno. Something about forming stronger bonds as a class.” He answered, before smiling up at the chemist. “But it’ll be fun!”
“I suppose.” Charles sighed, kicking the sand in frustration as they neared the spot where the class was going to set up their umbrellas, towels, and other items.
“I have sooo many beach-related puns to use!” Whit exclaimed, carelessly tossing his towel in a random patch of sand. Their other classmates soon followed, also dropping the supplies they were holding onto the sand.
“Everyone make sure to put on sunscreen before you get in the water!” Eden exclaimed, already making a large pile of sand to stick their umbrella in.
“That’s a good idea, Eden. We wouldn’t want anyone to get sunburnt.” Hu agreed, unfolding a few beach chairs near Eden’s newly opened beach umbrella.
Everyone began doing as the two asked, and Arei approached J after finishing. “So…J.” She began as the effects artist sprayed some sunscreen on her legs. “I bet you’re gonna look super cute in your swim suit today.” She said teasingly, noticing J hadn’t taken off her sweatshirt yet.
“I know you’re just trying to embarrass me. It’s not going to work today.” J responded, despite the fact her face was already turning pink. “And don’t call me cute.”
Arei just kept on smiling, barely even acknowledging J’s annoyance. “So, what kind of swim suit are you wearing, if it’s not a cute one?” She asked, putting on an innocent expression. “I don’t see how anything wouldn’t look cute on you.”
J, trying to ignore how red her face was, focused on the first half of Arei’s statement. “I’m wearing a one-piece swimsuit, because wearing a bikini is fucking girly.” She finally pulled off her sweatshirt, revealing a plain, black, one-piece swimsuit. She kept on her shorts, however.
“Hmm. I think you were wrong about not looking cute.” Arei said with a thoughtful expression, and J glared at her.
As the two bickered, Whit began pulling things out of the bag he brought. “What’s that?” Charles asked, pointing to a few squirt guns Whit had laid out in front of him.
“Water guns. You put water in them, and then you shoot the water at people.” Whit smiled up at him, pointing one of the squirt guns right at Charles. “Which reminds me, I filled them up with sink water before I got here.”
Realizing what Whit was implying, Charles began to back away from the smaller boy. And thus, a chase began as Charles ran down the beach to escape Whit’s aim, Whit leaving the rest of the squirt guns for his classmates to use if they wanted to.
Hu, who figured to best way to avoid the water fight would be to avoid her classmates for a bit, finally left the shade of the umbrella to head near the water. Instead of going swimming, however, she instead paced slowly along the shore, staring at the ground. She did this for a minute or so before a deep voice startled her.
“Would you mind if I asked what you were doing?” Levi asked as he caught up to her, after jogging from their spot on the beach to her.
“Ah!” Hu exclaimed, a bit startled, before recovering. “Of course I wouldn’t mind. I’m trying to find sea glass.”
Levi tilted his head to the side slightly, confused. “What is ‘sea glass’?” He asked, and conveniently, Hu happened to spot a piece at that very moment. She leaned down and gently picked it up off of the sand before the tide could carry it away.
“Sea glass is discarded, broken glass that’s been weathered down by the ocean, making the edges smooth and sometimes giving it the appearance of colored rocks. They’re almost always green, brown, or white, but I prefer the green ones.” She gave a small laugh, gesturing to her outfit, which was almost completely comprised of green. “Though I suppose that’s to be expected. The ocean turns the glass the prettiest shades.”
Levi analyzed the green piece of sea glass she had in her hand, and nodded in agreement. “They’re rather beautiful, I agree. Would you mind if I joined you in your search?”
“You’re free to join me, Levi.” Hu reassured him. And so the two continued walking slowly along the shoreline in peace and quiet.
Meanwhile, Nico was also enjoying some peace and quiet as they used half the meat in the sandwich that was supposed to be their lunch to try and attract some of the smaller fish.
They were sitting in the shallow, one-foot-deep water near the shore. They didn’t like fully submerging themselves in water. One of their many cat-like traits, they supposed.
They flinched as Xander splashed past them recklessly, trying to run away from Whit and his squirt gun. Nico frowned as the commotion scared away the few fish that had gathered around them.
“Sorry, Nico!” Xander exclaimed, ducking behind them for cover. Whit pretended to glare at the rebel before turning away to find a new target. Just as he turned around, Veronika shot water straight at his face from her own water gun, and Whit laughed before engaging in a water battle with her.
“Thanks, Nico.” Xander said, standing up from behind the animal therapist. He noticed Nico’s poorly-hidden disappointed expression. “Hey, what’s wrong?” He asked, concerned.
“Well…Is this the kind of situation where you actually want to know?” Nico asked uncertainly.
Xander nodded eagerly. “Of course.”
“Well…You scared away the fish, and now I’m kind of mad at you.” Nico said honestly, beginning to take the last of the lunch meat out of their sandwich. Maybe it was enough to attract the fish again.
“Oh, shit! Sorry, Nico.” Xander looked at their disassembled sandwhich. “Uh…What are you doing with your sandwich?”
“Using some of the meat to attract the fish.” Nico answered, about to put the meat under the water before Xander harshly yanked their hand back up.
“Hey, wait! You can’t just have bread for lunch.” He insisted. “I’ll go get my sandwich, and you can use some of that meat.” He put a hand behind his neck sheepishly. “It’s the least I could do.”
“If you’re sure.” Nico agreed, and Xander sprinted through the water back to the umbrellas, where his sandwich was.
Arturo scowled as Xander ran past. Arturo was currently laying down on a beach chair, wearing a large pair of sunglasses and pretending to be important.
“Arturo!” Arturo grimaced at the sound of a certain Ultimate Horror Fanatic calling his name. “Aren’t you going to come swim?” Veronika asked as she ran up to him. She was soaking wet, and when she leaned over him she dripped water all over the taller boy.
Arturo rolled his eyes, not that Veronika could see that, since he was wearing his oversized sunglasses. “No, I will not be joining you.” He said plainly, hoping Veronika would just retreat back to the water and leave him alone. She did no such thing.
“Why not?” Veronika questioned, glancing behind him for a moment. Arturo didn’t see this, however. “You’ll have fun!”
“I doubt it.” Arturo grumbled. He was about to continue, but right at that moment a gallon of water was poured onto his head.
“Sorry, Arturo!” Eden exclaimed, giggling. “Veronika said she’d buy me an ice cream if I helped sneak attack you!”
“I think we made him mad.” Veronika pointed out excitedly as Arturo shook with anger. He slowly began to get up out of his chair, and the girls understood that this meant he was ready to enact revenge.
Eden and Veronika then spent the next five minutes running away from an angry Arturo, who eventually gave up on catching them and stalked back to his beach chair.
Eden and Veronika’s paces slowed to a walk as they continued to make their way down the beach. After a bit, they spotted Teruko and Min working on a rather large sand castle.
Eden immediately sat down next to them. “Woah, it looks great!” She exclaimed, admiring the sand castle. Just as she said this, the entire thing collapsed, most likely due to Teruko’s bad luck.
Teruko sighed. “That keeps happening. Sorry, Min,” She apologized, trying and failing to salvage the toppled castle.
Min nodded understandingly. “It’s alright, Teruko. It wasn’t very structurally sound anyway.”
“Have you read any books about making sand castles, Min?” Eden asked as she helped rebuild the castle, picking up a plastic bucket and shovel.
“Sadly, no.” Min replied.
“Ooh, crabs!” Veronika exclaimed excitedly, pointing to an army of small crabs that were crawling towards Teruko. Teruko immediately jumped up from the ground and backed away from them.
“Ugh, those things always pinch me.” She complained.
“Hmm. Crabs are surprising powerful for their size. They can even draw blood if you’re not careful.” Min said. “Though I’m sure you know that, Teruko.”
“Yeah…” Teruko sighed.
Just as they were beginning to make their sand castle look like a castle instead of a pile of sand, David approached them. “Hello.” He greeted. “I was wondering if any of you would like to come down to the ice cream shop with me? Or maybe just tell me what flavor you’d prefer I get you? Provided you pay for it.”
“I’ll go with you.” Teruko answered immediately. Even hanging out with David was better than a hoard of angry crabs. Eden looked at Veronika hopefully, reminding the red head of her promise. Veronika sighed dramatically before pulling out a ten dollar bill and handing it to David.
“Can you get me a chocolate ice cream?” Eden asked excitedly. David nodded.
“Get me the most obscure flavor you can find! I get bored if I eat the same flavor every time.” Veronika requested—Well, more like demanded.
“Alright. Min, do you want anything?” David asked. The Ultimate Student shook her head, continuing to rebuild the sandcastle. “In that case, we’ll be back soon.”
And so, Teruko and David strode along the beach towards the ice cream shop. Before long, however, J and Arei spotted them. “Oh, are you guys getting ice cream?” J asked, spotting the money in David’s hand.
“Yeah. You want some?” Teruko asked.
“Teruko, we’re already getting four ice creams, we can’t carry five.” David reminded her.
“I’ll just come with you guys, then.” J decided. Arei looked utterly betrayed by that statement.
“Wait, you’re leaving me?!” She exclaimed, dropping the beach ball they’d been playing with. “But I’ll be so lonely…” She whined, fake tears in her eyes.
“Just hang out with someone else.” J suggested.
“Who? No one else is as fun as you.” Arei complained.
J sighed. “How about…” She looked around for Arei’s next victim playmate. After a moment, she spotted Ace and Rose, who were underneath their beach umbrella, Ace spraying copious amounts of sunscreen on himself and Rose sleeping. Well, she knew who Arei would find more entertaining. “Ace. Go bother him.”
“Well…Okay.” Arei agreed. “HEY ACE!” She yelled, running towards him and away from J, David, and Teruko.
“Alright, let’s go.” J said, and they began to once again make their way towards the ice cream parlor that was a little ways away from the beach.
“Heeeey, Ace.” Arei greeted as she approached the jockey, sitting down next to him. He glared at her.
“What the fuck do you want?” He asked, inching away from her.
“J left, so now I’m playing with you.” Arei explained.
Ace rolled his eyes, opening a new bottle of sunscreen. “Go play with someone else—HEY!” Ace exclaimed as Arei snatched the sunscreen from him. He tried to snatch it back, but to no avail.
“You’ve already put on, like, thirty layers of sunscreen!” She exclaimed.
“Yeah, well, I don’t want to get skin cancer, okay?!?” He tried to grab the sunscreen again.
“You’re obviously stalling so you won’t have to go swimming. What, are you afraid of the ocean or something?” She asked.
Ace froze, his gloved hands fidgeting with the hem of his white tank top. “N-no.” He answered.
Arei raised an eyebrow. “Woooow, that was suuuper convincing! I totally believe you!” Arei said sarcastically.
“Shut the fuck up, alright?!? The ocean is super scary. Humans have only discovered, like, five percent of it, and there are lots of big, scary fish and—” Arei cut him off with a groan.
“Ugh, you’re such a wimp!” She exclaimed, before grabbing him by the wrist and trying to drag him to the water. He screamed in response, holding onto the umbrella with the other hand and refusing to let her drag him in.
Arei sighed. “Fine. How about this. If you go swimming with me and you don’t have fun, I’ll do your homework for a week. If you do have fun, you do my homework for a week.” Ace considered the offer for a moment, before slowly letting go of the umbrella and giving her a nervous nod of agreement.
“Yay! Let’s go!” Arei exclaimed, dragging him to the water and practically throwing him in.
“AREI WHAT THE FUCK?!?” Ace yelled, but Arei just cackled and ran in after him.
Meanwhile, J, David, and Teruko were approaching the ice cream shop. They entered, and were immediately hit with a refreshing blast of cold air.
“Air conditioning, how I’ve missed you.” J said as they headed over to the display case for all the ice cream.
“Shit, they’re out of my favorite flavor.” Teruko complained, earning a glare from a nearby mother and an amazed look from her six-year-old son who was probably going to teach the swear word to all his friends when he got home.
“What’s your favorite flavor?” David asked curiously.
“Vanilla.” Teruko answered.
“Whose favorite flavor is vanilla? That’s so boring.” David commented. Teruko opened her mouth to go on an angry rant about why vanilla was great, actually, before J interrupted them.
“Shut up, you two, we need to order.” She said. “What do you two want?”
“I guess I’ll get chocolate.” Teruko sighed.
“Strawberry.” David answered.
Teruko gave him an annoyed look. “Wait, you were complaining about my favorite flavor being vanilla and yours is strawberry? That’s just pink vanilla ice cream.”
They started to argue again, and J sighed, turning to the half-asleep cashier. “I’ll get two chocolates, one strawberry, one mint chocolate chip, and…” J turned to the other two. “What flavor did Veronika want?”
“The weirdest one we could find.” Teruko answered, briefly pausing her argument with David.
J looked at all the flavors and eventually answered uncertainly, “…The sharknado?” It seemed to be blueberry flavored ice cream with mini gummy sharks on top, which would probably be weird enough for Veronika.
The cashier yawned, and asked, “Cup or waffle cone?” J turned to the other two uncertainly.
“Cups. That way we can be sure the ice cream won’t melt and fall on the ground or something on the way back to the beach.” Teruko decided.
And just a few minutes later, they were walking out of the ice cream parlor, their ice creams in their hands. They began to walk back to the beach.
Back at the beach, everyone was slowly getting tired from being in the sun all day, and were beginning to look forward to leaving…All except one, that is.
“Mhm…” Rose mumbled as she sat up, taking note of how far the sun had moved in the sky. It had probably been at least a few hours…
Rose sleepily gazed at the beach in front of her, spotting all her classmates having fun and messing around.
Hu and Levi were carrying small handfuls of sea glass as they headed towards her. To her surprise, Arei had managed to drag Ace into the water, and while the jockey was trying to look annoyed, it was obvious he was having fun. Whit and Charles were having a water gun fight, Charles looking way happier than usual. Min, Eden, Veronika, Teruko, J, and David were all gathered around a vaguely sand castle-like mound of sand and eating ice cream, Min and Teruko sharing theirs. Xander and Nico were using most of their lunches to attract small fish. And Arturo was resting next to her, seemingly asleep.
Hmm…The scene looked like it belonged in a movie. Or a painting.
Rose smiled. She barely ever made anything original anymore, thanks to her job as an Art Forger, but for the first time in a long while…She had an excellent idea for an original piece.
A/N - I tried to give everyone an even amount of screen time, so sorry if some characters got more than others. Nevertheless, I hope anyone who’s read this far enjoyed this little one-shot!
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italoniponic · 2 years
May i request headcanons of ace, cater and kalim with a reader who confesses to them by accident then runs away and avoids the boys out of embarrasment? If thats okay?
𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲'𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 - 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭
| Notes: Hi, anon! I hope you don’t mind but I ended up giving it a "happy" ending. I’m horrible with angst tbh. But the reader had their confession accepted at the end at least~ Hope you like it
Thanks for the request <3 |
Ace Trappola, Cater Diamond, Kalim Al Asim x g!n reader who accidentally confessed themselves to him and ran away
pining crush / angst with happy ending / use of "you" pronouns
Cherry's Harvesting event 🍒 Masterlist
And So It Happened...
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“Gosh, Ace, sometimes I don't even know why I like you,” was how it all began. Ace had made a mild stupid joke about one of the subjects you were studying and you, one of the few people who laughed, ended up relaxing so much to let that statement slip away. A confession... that you liked Ace Trappola;
Perhaps it was the confused and awkward silence of your first-year friends around you or the shock expression of Ace himself that made you realize what happened. You started sweating cold. Did you really say that? Out loud?! Goodness, your heart seemed to sound so loud in your ears. You didn't know who or where to look;
Ace tried to say something, pronouncing your name first, but you ran from there as fast as you could. He couldn’t react in time. You ran as fast as Jack on a good day, flying with the wind to nowhere. Just far away from there. As far as you could get from Ace. You didn't want to hear anything at that moment. No answer, no question, no joke to soften the mood. Nothing;
The next instant, Ace recovered. Grim got out of his way before he was accidentally trampled with the grass in the courtyard, the boy getting up and running real fast. Ace shouted your name in vain, trying to make you stop, but there was no more sign of you. His head was spinning. Did you like him? Since when? Why had you run away like that?;
The others decided not to comment on anything so as not to make the situation worse. Deuce asked Grim to check on you and see if you were okay. They would respect your space if you didn't want to say anything for now. It was a difficult decision that Ace had to accept. Your expression of fear as you ran away from him was marked in his mind and he didn’t know what your feelings were at the time. If you cried because of him... this vision was devastating just to imagine;
The days following were very difficult from there. Grim couldn't get anything out of you when he arrived in Ramshackle. You could notice how he was being kinder than usual — in his own way, of course, but very affectionate — and the concern hidden in his every word but, you just didn't know what to do. It would be impossible to stare Ace in the eye and unfortunately, you sat right next to him in class. The embarrassment between you, the awkwardness, the possible rejection, all of this would be too terrible to deal with;
You didn't go to class the next day, nor the day after that. On the third day, you showed up but took a seat in Class 1-B where Jack and Epel study. You gave any excuse about Crowley needing you to do this for Crewel and tried to act the most natural about it, sitting on the ladder next to the grandstand as there was no seat available. Crewel heard from Deuce about what had happened and sighed, trying to have patience. He wrote you a note to hand over to the other teachers, saying you needed “some fresh air” and “try a new class” since you’re the school's magic-less student — that would be a far better excuse than using Crowley's name in vain, no matter how irresponsible the principal was;
You and Ace walked miserably through the halls, you avoiding him and him trying to find you unsuccessfully. You had lunch with the ghosts in Ramshackle that week and although they tried to cheer you up, your mood remained sad and gloomy. Now, not worrying about what Ace thought of you, you thought about what his state was at that moment. Were you making him suffer in some way? That's not what you wanted, no way! And it just made you more and more sad;
Deuce and Jack insisted on motivating Ace to find you and fix things, but he didn't know exactly how to do it. Was he hurting you so much? Was he that bad? Ace didn’t want you to deprive yourself of your friends because of him. It was his fault, it was his conclusion. Damn, he needed to bring you back somehow. Even if your feelings were fleeting, even if you two couldn't go back where you used to be. Ace just wanted to see you smiling next to others, truly happy;
Someone knocked on Ramshackle's door that night. You went to meet them, walking leisurely and exhausted. Depressed. It wasn't technically a bad time but, you really didn't want to see anyone. To your surprise, Ace was there. He took a deep breath when you opened the door and held it before you hit it in his face to run away again. “Please just listen to me! I... brought you something,” Ace said, extending to you a white handkerchief in his left hand;
You stared at him, confused and curious. Despite the handkerchief being weird, Ace wasn't trying to play with you at that moment. At least not in the sense of making fun of you. He gave a small smile, joining both hands under the handkerchief. That's when he suddenly took off his handkerchief and in his hand a small bouquet of red roses appeared. “But they are...! They're from Heartslabyul! Riddle will cut off your head!,” you exclaimed, worried. Ace laughed. He had more important things to worry about at that time. “Do you know the meaning of red roses?,” he asked and stretched them out for you to pick up this time. Their meaning was love. You stared at him, shocked. “Maybe you ran away because you thought I would be an idiot and make fun of you because of your feelings but... the truth is...,” Ace's cheeks turned a little red. “I like you too.”
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That day had been almost perfect. Cater had taken you to the more commercial part of the village near the school, showing you dozens of shops of varying sizes, preferences and styles. You two took a break in a very cute and conceptual cafe, taking several pictures of your adventure. In the end, Cater gave you a small gift: it was a piece of clothing that you had been looking at since the beginning of the tour, but didn’t dare to buy. You got completely on cloud nine with that gesture;
“That's why I love you, Cater!,” that phrase came out more naturally than it should. More intense than you could disguise. And the fact that you stood staring at Cater, redness crackling down your face and terror in your eyes, only made things obvious. The rumors, indeed, were true: you liked Cater Diamond;
Cater was going to say something when you ran from there as quickly as possible, without giving him time to react or do anything. In fact, he couldn’t even move, such a shock. To have a can of paint falling on his head with the strength of a thousand men would have been a quicker thud to process. When Cater pulled himself together and went after you, you were already hiding inside Night Raven College;
At first, Cater tried to talk to you, but the Ramshackle dormitory gate was locked and the rain it was promised for later in the evening seemed to have advanced to stay between you two. A torrential downpour fell so violent that Cater was dragged by concerned Heartslabyul students somewhere far away from there and with decent cover, but deep down he didn't want to leave you alone at a time like this;
Mingling with the rainy days that came, your mood and enthusiasm for things seemed to fade, as if someone had ripped you out of a wonderful dream to return to the grayish reality. Or a nightmare. You couldn't bear to think of Cater's answer, what he would be thinking about you at that moment. You avoided talking about him with Ace and Deuce, which made them worried;
Every day Cater would ask them about you and be met with the same answers. You were sad, upset about something, discouraged. And Cater felt he was guilty somehow. To soften the Adeuce duo's concern, Cater tried to say that it was just something momentary and would pass — he hoped. But inside his own room, he thought about what to do to reach you again and to clarify things;
To cope with sadness, you overslept. Cater, on the other hand, spent the nights wide awake thinking about various scenarios to be able to talk to you. But you seemed to disappear inside the corridors, impossible for him to find you. You stopped having lunch with your group of first-year friends and except for classes, you seemed like an illusion at school;
That's when, one day, you found a “Cater” at every point of the school. When you tried to pretend not to have seen one and fled to another place, another appeared. And another one. And another one. They didn't do or talk to you. They just watched you for a moment and made a signal to another clone closer. You ran back to Ramshackle, thought to have lost sight of the clones of the boy you loved the most and was trying to avoid at all costs;
That’s it, until you found another Cater near your dorm. He was sitting on the balcony, making shapeless drawings on the dust of the floor with his index finger. Lonely, depressed. You couldn’t control yourself and approached him, curious. Suddenly he looked up and from the way his green eyes shone at the sight of you, there was no doubt... it was the real Cater Diamond;
“Cater, I...!,” you tried to say something but you couldn't complete it. To make matters worse, he was up and kind of directly in front of the door, which would make it very difficult for you to escape inside. And also, you didn't want to run anymore. Because you closed your eyes to take a deep breath, you didn’t notice when Cater hugged you tightly, his arms trembling;
“I thought I have lost you forever. If you want, you can reject me. You can do that. But... I just want you to know... that I love you too. I love you with all my being,” Cater’s voice was embargoed. You hugged him back, clinging to him more than ever. “I hope you understand, you always see the truest side of me.”
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Perhaps things began to unravel when Kalim had a very crazy idea of a special performance at the party he was telling you about: bringing tigers to Scarabia and Kalim would perform a magic trick by placing his head inside the mouth of this very large tiger. It was, well, dangerous and you knew Jamil would go crazy because of it. You tried to convince Kalim not to do this, but he did not listen to you. “I know you're worried, but everything will be fine. Tigers are pretty warm inside,” he said with a concerning voice of experience;
“I love you too much to let you risk yourself like this...,” you replied on impulse, accidentally. It was because you saw Jamil static behind Kalim — the interpretation of your words as clear as day, clear as your feelings for Kalim Al Asim — that you panicked. To make matters worse, you confused Kalim's serious look with him also understanding what you meant. In fact, he was remembering what his cousin always warned about tigers, however the confusion was made;
So you ran away from there as fast as you could. You could hear Kalim shouting your name in the distance, but you didn't pay attention. You were feeling so much shame, so much pressure, your heart was beating violently like thousands of tambors. You ran out of Scarabia like a thief fleeing from guards, a street rat. You feared for Kalim's answer without even being sure what he was thinking about all that;
Kalim heard Jamil sigh behind him — the burden of explaining the situation to the master's naive mind falling on his shoulders. That's when Kalim understood... you liked him. Maybe you didn't just like him, you loved him. He kept these words within his heart, understanding them and feeling several things at once. Why did you run away if you had such a beautiful thing to tell him? What were you so afraid of?;
Kalim thought of immediately going to Ramshackle to throw a party for you and cheer you up, but Jamil had to hold him by the collar. It was not the right time to break into your house and act as if your feelings were nothing... which was not Kalim's intention. It never was. But, apparently, he could make this impression. So he should need to wait for you to approach him again;
That is if you approached him again. Kalim saw the days pass before him, losing its brightness little by little because you seemed to disappear from his horizon. Sometimes he even noticed your presence in the corridor halls. But you disappeared so quickly that he was starting to think that it was just an illusion — and you ran away from him more and more;
Your friends began to worry about your strange behavior and Jamil was, to his own surprise, genuinely heartbroken for the two of you. A depressed Kalim was a silent Kalim. However, he felt no pleasure in the quietness that haunted Scarabia. And you seemed dry and melancholic like desert sands at night, devoid of the sun you loved so much;
Jamil allowed Kalim to take the first step: to find you and clarify the situation. He didn’t admit it out loud, but he wanted you to return Kalim’s joy to his heart. Only you were capable of that. But no parties! No fussy, flashy stuff! Kalim would have to remain calm at this time, it was the advice he received from his vice-leader;
It was a melancholy late afternoon. You hid in the shadows of your room, prisoner of your own thoughts. It was at a point where you didn't even know what you were suffering from anymore. You heard from others about how sad Kalim was lately and you could only blame yourself for this. But what could you do? That's when you heard knocking on the door;
You were frightened when you found Kalim outside. You froze. There was no time to try to close the door again because Kalim called you by your name and... you missed him so much that it was impossible to ignore him anymore. You lowered your gaze and noticed that he was hiding something in his closed hands. He showed you that it was a small ruby, its red color of which shone beautifully with the last rays of the setting sun. Why was he showing you this?;
“Jamil explained everything to me. I'm sorry I couldn't say anything to you at that moment. Maybe it would have made you suffer less. The thing is... you are like this jewel to me,” Kalim smiled. “They don't come from anywhere, you know? They start on a rock and are hammered until they find a precious thing inside. And I am glad that I continued to live so lucky that my rare jewel came to me. Actually! Your love is far more precious than all my wealth!”
Special Notes: “I’m horrible with angst tbh” to “suffering three different sad situations” to “love confessions with open ending”
Let me say that before being a clown to you, I’m a clown to myself
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ayarsi · 8 months
Good Omentober + Fictober (2)
Good Omentober Day 2 - stars
Fictober Prompt #7 - “Do you recognize this?
Fanfiction - Good Omens
Rating - G
Wordcount - 751
(A REALLY late post but school requirements are so draining and stressful. I already wrote this beforehand but didn't have time to post. Since I can't seem to squish in some writing in between school and other things, I guess I'll just have to post the fics on the weekends.)
Aziraphale gasped loud enough for Crowley to hear from across the hall. It wouldn’t be surprising though, as she was used to Aziraphale’s dramatic reactions. This time, however, Crowley felt something was off. Something happened. She mumbled a few complaints but soon got up from her perch on the sofa and strutted over to the bookshelves to find the angel.
“Crowley! There you are,” said Aziraphale, a giddy smile plastered on his face. “I found something that you might find delightful. Hold on, I lost the page.”
He was holding quite a thick book and frantically flipping through the musty pages to find whatever he gasped about. Crowley simply stood there leaning against a shelf, possibly muttering the same comments she made earlier.
Another gasp of excitement. Aziraphale held the book up to Crowley’s face, pointing at a colorful illustration. “Ah yes, here it is! Do you recognize this?”
Crowley squinted. “What is.. that.”
A moment of confusion. A second of realization.
“Oh! Oh. Right.”
One angel, busy admiring the splendour of her work. Her companion was also busy admiring, not the flashes of light or the formation of celestial objects in front of him, but of her. He was fascinated with how the colors reflected in her eyes, of her wide grin as she watched what she called a nebula form--there were too many reasons to list.
Sure, he had only just met her a while ago. Maybe he saw her around in the halls of heaven but didn’t really notice. But there’s this something about her that sparks curiosity in Aziraphale, a curiosity to know more about her.
“Oh,” the starmaker angel marvelled. “Look at you, you’re gorgeous.”
Aziraphale blushed. “Why, thank-”
Oh. It wasn’t him. She wasn’t talking about him. She was still watching the nebula. Oh. It was a good thing Aziraphale’s voice was wasn’t too loud, was it? Oh, the embarrassment.
Crowley loved the stars. She loved them too much. That’s why God must have thought the best way to punish her, by removing the most important thing Crowley fought for. By not allowing her to see. All those billions and trillions of stars and nebulae and other celestial objects created by Crowley, she would never be able to see clearly again.
“I’m sorry. It slipped out of my mind, Crowley.”
“Ngkk It’s nothing. Well, there is something there but I just can’t see it. I mean I can see it but not what it really is- Get what I mean?”
Aziraphale’s smile slowly morphed into that of a guilty frown.
“Angel. Angel, it’s fine” Crowley snatched the book (carefully, of course; she wouldn’t risk damaging Aziraphale’s precious book) from Aziraphale’s hands and studied the illustration inches away from her face. To her, it wasn’t comprehensible and all the colors were a blurry mess. But she tried. She tried to remember.
Crowley hated it when Aziraphale was guilty of anything trivial. It’s not just because she didn’t want her angel to fuss and apologize, it’s because his apology means he’ll do anything and everything to make Crowley feel better. And the silence that was happening after Crowley’s statement meant that Aziraphale was going to do just that: make up for it.
“Er, shh. Quiet down, I’m trying to-”
“Yes, I know, and I’m awfully sorry to-”
“What do you mean ‘nah’?”
“You’re saying sorry, why? You can’t do anything about it and it’s not even your fault.”
Another thing Aziraphale does that Crowley absolutely ‘despises’ is when Aziraphale goes all soft and rather gentle and-
“I haven’t even said a word yet.”
“Exactly. I’m stopping you so you don’t have to say anything.”
“Let’s go stargazing. Well, I’ll gaze at the stars and I’ll describe them to you. You do know that I am excellent at describing things.” (He isn’t. Crowley just loves to listen to anything he has to say.)
“Come on now. May I tempt you for a walk around St. James’s Park? And perhaps some laying on the grass and-”
“Fine. I should be the one doing the tempting, angel.”
Aziraphale simply smiled. Crowley held back hers. Instead, she looked directly into Aziraphale’s eyes. Even if she couldn’t see the stars in the books and the stars above, she could still see one at least. She can’t remember when or how Aziraphale got stars in his eyes, but Crowley doesn’t care. She’s content; she can stare at Aziraphale’s eyes for as long as she liked.
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l-starlight-l · 1 year
The love of a hero
Quick Trim
Previous: Part1, Part2, Part3, Part4, Part5
A/n: I WROTE THIS WHOLE STORY AND IT DID NOT SAVE. I had to rewrite the whole thing and it was so heartbreaking💔
Warning: slight cursing
Description: you spend your day off with your favorite neighbor, Jason Todd.
Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader
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You had decided that on your day off you were going to wake up early and be a productive adult. You woke up around nine and got ready for the day. During one of your explorations of the city you found the best coffee in all of Gotham. Lucky for you it was only a block away, you figured you’d stop by on your way to run some errands.
After stopping by a few stores you made your way back to the apartment complex. You had picked up some groceries and a new outfit for an upcoming party. You had to pass the coffee shop on your way back and spotted a very familiar face. The barista called out a name “for Jason” and he turned and grabbed the cup. You made eye contact and his face brightened up. He smiled and began to walk towards you.
“Have you tried this place?” He asked while pointing behind him “best coffee I’ve ever had” he says taking a big sip from his cup.
“Actually I had some this morning, and I agree. The. Best. Coffee.” You say with a giggle.
“Let me help you” he offers while reaching for the bags on your arm. Your hands brush together and your heart skips. He turns to walk towards the apartments and you follow.
“What a gentleman, it’s truely a wonder how you: handsome, smart, and basically perfect, don’t have a girlfriend” you tease him and he acts hurt.
“Women throw themselves at me” he says with a dramatic tone. His eyes narrow as he say’s quietly, “you think I’m handsome?”. You shake your head while he holds the door to the complex for you. You both walk in and head for the stairs. “Sooo… are you doing anything important today?” He questions while you unlock your door.
You pretend to think as you open the door. “You know I actually think I have some very important books waiting for me” you say with heavy sarcasm. He looks a little let down but starts to put away your groceries. “I’m just kidding, Jason” you laugh, “I would love to spend time with you”. You meet his eyes and you think you feel something but you’re not sure. You start to help him put the bags away.
When you’re done you hop onto the counter and watch as he puts away the last bag. You can tell he’s frustrated but not sure why. As you watch him closer, you watch as his bangs fall into his eyes every time he looks down. He laugh to yourself, “Your hair is getting pretty long”.
He glares at you and you’re super surprised. He’s never looked at you like that. He’s heard that statement from almost his whole family this past week. “I’m well aware” he rolls his eyes and starts to unpack the last bag. He steps back and takes a look at everything in the bag, he turns to you and says “this is stuff to make cookies right?”.
“Um, yeah it is” you say confused at the sudden change in tone. “Would you like some?”.
He makes dead eye contact with you, “if I ever say no to that question, kill me”.
You laugh, the few months you’ve been in the city you two have spend a lot of time together. He’s sorta your best friend at the moment. “How about I give your hair a quick trim and then we make some cookies”.
“Sounds like a plan, just don’t fuck up my hair” he says as he walks over to you, who had pulled out a chair and grabbed your scissors.
Starting at the back, you take little by little off till your satisfied. You notice some serious scarring on his neck and upper back but choose to ignore it. Everyone has their issues and it’s none of your business. You move to the front, grabbing the ends of his hair between your fingers and lean in. Carefully you take a inch or two off. You make eye contact with him and realize how close you are. His lips are inches from yours, you want to lean in but stop yourself. Quickly you stand up and grab a hand help mirror.
“Finished” you say handing him the mirror. He takes it and looks to the left and then to the right gently playing with it.
“So you’re a doctor and a hairstylist, is there anything you can’t do” he flirts with a smirk. “Cookie time” he gets up and heads to the kitchen.
The next hour is spent flirting and making a mess of your kitchen. When the cookies are done baking you put them on a plate and head to the living room. Jason is already there, book in his hand. He sets it down and grabs a cookie. A big bite is taken out and he closes his eyes. A moan escapes his mouth. “Oh wow, you must really be enjoying those cookies” you tease.
“These cookies taste just like the ones from my childhood. It’s crazy like identical” he says taking another. You pause and a thought comes to your head. Bruce Wayne. Adopted children. Then it disappears. There is no way, you would know if he was.
You pick up your book off the coffee table and plop down onto the couch. Your legs lay in Jason’s lap and one of his hands rests on your calf. It’s a small gesture but it makes your cheeks heat up. The rest of the afternoon is spent curled up on the couch, book in hand right next to your favorite neighbor.
Tag list: @princessbl0ss0m @mxtokko
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first-edition · 2 years
Breaking Seasons
Spencer reid x reader fan fiction
Go ahead and read the first chapter here
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Cw- violence, mature language and speak, gore, eventual smut, fluff, angst, abuse, childhood trauma, sexual themes, vewier discretion is advised.
Summary- When y/n takes her sick friends criminology class to take notes in the winter, she meets the guest speaker, BAU-FBI agent Spencer reid. After getting to know more about each other due to a college school related case, that ends up involving y/n herself, they naught just have each to keep warm.
Story begins under cut
Chapter 2
                                    ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"He's...nice" You reply to Mave as you place down the pages of notes you wrote some while earlier. 
"Nice...just nice! Y/n your totally Into him." She says following with a cough. 
"No no no I'm not we just had a short conversation while walking to the lot it was nothing." You retort. 
"Thank you for these, by the way." She replies to you as she looks at the notes. "Go home before you catch it. You can leave the note in my mail slot next time, it goes right into the room." Mave waved you off as you grab your bag just as your about to walk out three loud gun shots are heard. Both you and Mave drop to the ground as a bullet flies through the dorms wall hitting and shattering a picture hanging. Retreating foot steps and people yelling are heard. 
"Y/N!?" She replies you let out a sigh. 
"You alright?" You ask 
"Im good." She says standing up. You get up as well and walk to the door. 
"No Dont." She says as you put your hand to the knob and turn it opening the door slowly. You peek out not seeing anyone from the hall way but a hand sticking out from a dorm room. 
"Someone's hurt!" You exclaim to mave. Soon the other dorm rooms begin to open and people rush the halls to help.
The scene is soon cleared and bright yellow caution tape tapes off the dorm room and part of the hall. You sit with mave in her dorm the door open as police come in and out looking at the bullet hole now through her wall. 
"Y/n?" A familiar voice speaks out one you heard today. You look up seeing spencer enter the room he immediately comes over to you. 
"You alright?" He ask kneeling down to you. He wears blue latex gloves a black Fbi windbreaker jacket. 
You nod to him. Confused why he's so worried about you when someone is dead in the next room. 
"Im fine. Can I go now" You huff somehow annoyed with everyone around you all of a sudden. 
"Did they take a statement from you?" He asks 
"Yes four times Im annoyed, I'm tired, I'm cold, I'm hungry, i have homework to finish not to mention going to your stupid lecture for her class on Monday." You retort. He stands up and nods you sigh and get up walking out finally on your way home. 
Opening your door to you apartment you see your cat sleeping on the couch. You drop your coat and bag putting your keys on the side table and walk into the kitchen only to realize you were gonna go shopping this week but forgot, order out it is. Walking to the other room and down the hall to your bath room you undress and turn on the shower water letting it heat up as a cloud of stem fills the bathroom. The fogging up mirror and the cold tiles against your bare feet. Stepping in you let the eater run down your back soaking you hair. You sigh closing your eyes thinking about the crime scene you witnessed. The fact that spencer had to be involved meant it was part of something bigger that the fbi has to be involved. 
You finish you shower and dry off putting on underwear, fluffy socks, and a sweater. You dry off you hair in a towel and walk back into your living room greeting your still sleeping cat. You're about to sit on the couch when a knock rings out front the front door. You walk over and look through the peep hole expecting your food you ordered and it is you open the door and receive to food smiling and closing the door walking over to the couch and sitting down Turing on the tv enjoying the rest of your night. 
You walk through the hall of the house hearing gun shots over and over and over you stop to see you sisters hand peaking out of the door frame your mother standing over her holding out a gun shooting her body. Tears and fear fill your eyes as she looks up at you her eyes steering into yours not breaking the contact as you shake in fear. She smiles at you putting her finger to her lips in a hushing motion then puts the gun to her own head and pulls the trigger falling to the ground blood splatted on your face. 
Your alarm wakes you up harshly falling out of bed hitting the hard wood floor. Feeling like a bus had hi you. You huff sitting up moving your hair out of your face. You reach up hitting your phone to turn it off only for it to buzz again with a text. You get up and sit back down on the side of your bed looking at the texts from your ex constantly asking to talk, and meet up, that he misses you. You roll your eyes and get up turning your phone on do not disturb. And dropping it back on your bed.
Walking into your kitchen you see your cat sitting on the table waiting patiently to be fed. 
"Morning to you." You say taking out food and putting it in her bowl setting it down. She goes to it and eats meowing as a thank you. 
You open the cabinet and grab a mug looking around for the coffee and once again remembering that you forgot to go shopping. Placing the mug on the counter you walk back over to your room and get dressed. You put on black jeans and a thick badge sweater with a large black puffer jacket on top your badge scarf and black beanie you put on black boots grabbing your phone and mini back pack you walk to your door and grab your eyes. 
"Ill be back." You tell your cat and walk out the door. 
Parking in front of your favorite coffee, tea store you nice the familiar Prius. You turn off your car and get out walking into the place. 
"Y/n good morning." Pricilla the tender says "hi" you say "i heard what happened at school you alright?" She asks 
"Yeah i wasn't shot so I'm good" you say taking your wallet out.
"No I mean..you...they told me there were gunshots. Your mom and sister.." she says 
You resort back to your dream when you've witnessed your sisters murder.
"I'm fine." You say harshly. She takes the hint and nods.
"a Carmel macchiato hot please." You say in semi annoyance. She nods putting in your order.
"Anything else?" Pricilla asks 
"Yeah and a vanilla coffee please extra sugar." His voice says over your shoulder you look up seeing Spencer a red plaid scarf wrapped around his neck with a brown coat zipped up and grey jeans along with red converse. He taps his card on the screen and pays. 
"No spencer you didn't have to-" 
He shakes his head no and gives you a smile. 
"Thanks." You say and walk over to the other side of the counter to wait for your drinks 
"You alright?" He asks 
"Y-yeah im sorry for snapping at you yesterday." You apologize
"It's fine really i know some of the stuff i work in dosnt make others very uncomfortable." He says As a flash of memory of your mothers eyes hit you. You shake it of and nod to him. 
"It's not that." You say he frowns as the other tender places down the drinks. You take yours he takes his. "Thank you for the drink i have to go." You say And hurry off outside. You start up your car with your key. But before you get in your stopped by Spencer's voice. 
"Y/n?" He says you turn facing him. 
"You-um i- me and i just.. i wanted to ask um..if. Well with work and all i just.." 
"Spencer i really have to go." You say just wanting to go back home.
He nods "sorry. Ill see You Monday." He says. Watching as you get into your car and drive off.
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unlimitedhorsepower · 2 years
been rotating t&b2 cour2 in my mind like a 5D object...
i wanted to write more comprehensive post to air some of my grievances, and of course finally releasing my exclusive statement on my special beast ryan goldsmith.
however when i started to write this i realized i have a shitton of thoughts and could rewrite the entire cour if i really thought about it, so i actually mention most characters in this self-indulgent essay of mine and you can just skim through if you were interested in my thoughts.
i talk a lot of yuri here even if i went into this thinking that ive already talked about him enough, because he fascinates me...
anyhow, here they are, my more comprehensive thoughts under the cut because theyre not spoiler free:
this is unbearably long: ive bolded some key sentences that build up to something if youd like to skim it instead of reading it. i also suggest you using Ctrl+F to find mentions of characters you care about because ive literally mentioned every single character in this in some way and it genuinely is incredibly long and convoluted.
i talk about some characters way more because i wrote those parts earlier and felt more full of energy. i also talk a lot about ryan. perhaps even more than he deserves! but he is my favourite character, youve been warned. i didnt even mean to make him seem so important because hes not, lmfao.
ill say, it can definitely be a bit confusing if its not being read it order but like, meh... i guess it was also more important for me to get my thoughts out so that i can have other thoughts again.
this entire thing got away from me and at many points devolved to me not only ragging on t&b2 but extensively discussing my alternatives which couldve imo built the entire thing into something more worthwhile...
ive added like three screencaps to make it a little more exciting to scroll through, and if i have energy left im gonna add more images to make it less like a huge wall of text, which it is. but right now i just wanna post it because i genuinely spent 10 hours straight writing this and then woke up today and spent another 10 hours writing it.
i think this is my therapy over yuris arc, because that genuinely made me sick. maybe im unreasonable and just pissed off about that specifically, but who knows. not me!
so, to begin... t&b2 cour2.
i initially called it “good” and said i enjoyed it besides yuris arc, but that feeling was born from the sheer emotional turmoil yuris death gave me. in comparison, everything else in the cour was fine- great, even!
there can be missteps and flaws that diminish your enjoyment but that are easy enough to fix in your mind, and then theres a misstep of the sort of a character dying after the narrative spends a lot of time giving me what i can only describe as trauma porn.
i already wrote about that here, so ill skip some of the things related to yuri (i just cant get over it... i keep circling back to him throughout this document because hes such a central figure to what we got and what i thought we would get).
cour2 had such a solid basic understanding of characters, but there was just way too much going on at the same time and way too many loose plot threads. cour2 was like building a house of cards on top of a solid brick foundation and expecting it to hold water.
cour1 isnt perfect, but it was pretty good in introducing us to new concepts, new characters (three new heroes to our ensemble cast, one returning talent from the rising who needs less establishing, and the new villains, and more) and the new plot threads, but i also feel that misogyny unfortunately played a great role in who got arcs and what sort of arcs.
season1 isnt perfect either, of course, but one could imagine a sequel follows up tonally with its predecessor and also improves upon it, especially because this has been explicitly suggested by the creators (like improving on nathans portrayal, for example!).
cour2 majorly failed to follow up on the promises of cour1 and the overall promises of what t&b is like in tone and content. there were too many plot threads and too many characters. i wouldve entirely cut out aurora and large parts of yuris/lunatics “arc”. the latter i wouldve tied into LL audun and a greater plotline of mr.legend and heroism.
speaking of mr.legend, yuris hallucinations of him were excessive and felt extremely cheap. i know i said i wouldnt focus on yuri, but i feel like i have to... mr.legends force ghost saying anything will never amount to any healing or retributive action from the man himself, but i felt like i was supposed to feel it was “good” he knew those things.
i felt that the narrative was telling me that indeed, yuri had loved his father once, and he had positive qualities, but i already knew that. i also never doubted that both of his parents had once loved him- its just that those things dont take away from how poorly they treated yuri in the end.
im willing to extend some sympathy to yuris mother, but to mr.legend, never. in one of the mangas mr.legend in the past asks young maverick to wipe his memories of him ever having powers (even though the memories will return to him in due time since thats a major thing to change) so that he can be free of the guilt he feels.
even without that, i already knew that the real mr.legend most likely felt some sense of guilt over his actions, not just the mr.legend force ghost/yuris hallucination.
i know: i simply dont care! he may have been put into a shitty situation and suffered, but it was his choice to hurt others. it was him who used his status to fix fights and beat his wife and child. he was in a position of power, and he took advantage of it to make himself feel better.
side note, alcoholism keeps being equated to evil by it being explicitly referenced with mr.legend and gregory sunshine even if by itself its a taxing addiction and addicts are people who are suffering, not caricaturish evildoers. antonios drinking habits have been equally worrisome sometimes -if you look at his schedule in KOW the rising, he is very much using alcohol to drown his sorrows- and this briefly comes up in cour1.
in cour2, its played up for jokes: antonio took ivan drinking and ivan drank way too much and did funny things while he was drunk (more on this later). antonios just different actually, because hes fundamentally good.
it was shown to us that mr.legend was very active in the match fixing himself... i think it wouldve been more fitting to show child yuri spying on his fathers discussion with maverick trying to suggest it to test the waters of seeing how easy it would be to manipulate mr.legend into it, perhaps about to offer him coffee to signify hes about to change memories if he needs to, and mr.legend jumping on the offer instead of declining it and shattering yuris high opinion of his father.
maverick not being included just reminds me how yuri is somehow a secret child nobody knows about. we remain in the dark on how yuri ended up taking care of his own mother and what he did to attain the position of a judge.
we still dont know the details of who covered up mr.legends death and why and how. it wouldve only made sense it was maverick, but how the hell did he then not know that yuri must be the one with the powerful NEXT power?.. how did he in general not recognize yuri once he became a judge? was he not distrustful?
more importantly, why did he not try to manipulate yuri? wouldnt it have been a huge boon for him to find a vulnerable child who is mr.legends son no less, and to raise him into a tool like he eventually raised barnaby?
i could see that yuris mother olga (i think its officially translated as origa, but its definitely olga) actually protected him back then. after all, he was the only remaining family she had left, even if she too grew to resent yuri at some point for some reason (and somewhat understandable, given how she was portrayed in s1 accepting mr.legends treatment: she had submitted to her fate and become traumatized).
however, olga has calmed down from her potrayal of throwing plates at yuri in s1 and the change happened without explanation but an acknowledgment from the caregiver, and she is never given any depth as to why she could blame yuri so deeply and fervently in some of her more lucid (?) moments.
in cour2, she becomes just a vessel for inflicting more trauma on yuri, and its her only purpose: shes not her own character. shes a woman, specifically a mother, and thats all we need to know about her.
i know that my tinfoil hat theory of gregory sunshine being yuris biological father is implausible at this point after all that talk about hero blood in yuris veins, but it wouldve genuinely given olga much more depth to give her a reason (not a justification) on why shes been so aggressive towards yuri and blames him specifically, if yuri had been an illegitimate child or somesuch. but i wrote about that already in the linked post and its replies.
back to parental figures, i think laras mother zamira was a great character in cour1. shes not a morally good character, no, but i think her portrayal was strong? it was very clear to me that shes treating lara as an extension of herself instead of her own person. she controls her and her life, and she reprimands lara for having thoughts and feelings beyond her control.
it is her who has set lara on this path to heroism, and it is for her benefit. lara is a vessel for her to life through, and this could be easily contrasted with yuri and his burden about being mr.legends son.
however, in cour2 the entire premise is undermined when zamira is proven to “actually care” about lara. if i dont remember wrong, paolin even says that “she reminds her of her own mother”, which i was meant to understand in a positive way. this is presented in tandem with mr.legend(s ghost) somehow “really caring about yuri” in that odd scene they had together.
its also proven that zamira wasnt an unreliable narrator about her prior tennis partner pamela, because we see pamela easily blame NEXT for existing in the news as proof that she is cruel. i get the sense were supposed to think zamira was just sad and trying her best to raise lara and make sure nobody takes advantage of her like she was taken advantage of.
i frankly dont care! she had, undoubtedly, treated lara the way she treats her in cour1 for laras entire life: shes 14. it leaves a lasting mark she can never take back. “im sorry” doesnt even begin to fix it.
i wrote about yuri adopting lara here, so i wont delve into some very specific AU, but it wouldve felt much more reasonable and realistic for lara to be freed from her mother, not even necessarily in the way my pipeline dream describes, in a way that couldve emphasized yuri and his good qualities.
t&b has never been free of misogyny and other issues, but i feel like this cour really brought a lot of those issues to the surface instead of improving on them... instead of a nuanced portrayal of a fractured mother-daughter relationship, we were given something that just felt like underlining the fact that zamira is a mother, of course she cares about lara in more ways than for her own benefit.
zamira is a mother like olga, and thats what we “needed” to know about them in addition to knowing that they experienced trauma that just made them forget about their motherhood for a moment, but we learn that olga cared too, she even made those cookies. their mother-son relationship is similarly glossed over.
lara -like yuri- is done a great disservice in the process of redeeming abusive parents. shes a kid who killed a villain on accident in self-defense in cour1, and it felt significant. cour2 doesnt bring this up as a plot point in any way.
i was imagining her getting a much bigger arc that couldve overall easily tied into revealing mr.legend as a horrible parent instead of being its own distinctly separate arc.
speaking of mr.legend being exposed, it was ridiculous that yuri revealed mr.legends awfulness to kotetsu and barnaby and it fell fully flat due to kotetsus and barnabys reactions, or rather due to their lack of reactions, which was strange for them both.
its realistic enough to have yuri do something like that, even if it was sudden: it feels like he was under a lot of duress and clearly seeking help in any way he could, justifying it to himself in some “logical” reasoning for it because i dont think he would consciously realize he needs and wants someone to believe him.
before i get into that and how i think they shouldve reacted with far more compassion, i want to say that to me its clear that kotetsus career in heroism has led him to neglect kaede, especially in the past when kaede didnt know that her father was a hero. this is brought up a bit in cour1, and for example is prominent in the beginnings additional scene where kaede begs for her father to show up at the ice rink just this once.
the series shows their father-daughter relationship mostly from kotetsus side, so that we know hes trying his best and really wants to be involved in kaedes life but hes genuinely busy, but if you think about it from kaedes perspective, kotetsu hasnt always been a good father to her and kotetsus business doesnt take away from his failings.
misogyny plays a role in this portrayal, and that i cant blame kotetsu for as a fictional character, but the fact that some of his actions are played for jokes and the fact that he continues doing them bother me, like pretending hes doing yoga like kaede suggested and instead of actually doing it. i wish he was more honest with her, even about those little things!
narratively in the rising, again, kaede is forced to adopt a tomoe-like role in encouraging her own father to continue his hero work, which isnt cute to me at all. its extremely emotionally taxing to have to be more responsible than your own parent and give them advice.. in cour2 she is again protecting her father from the truth that his mother is bedridden (nothing, afaik, comes out of that by the way?).
why is kaede protecting kotetsu, and why does she feel the need to do that? shes a child! she should be able to depend on his father, not feel like she has to protect him just because hes a hero.
those things frustrate me about kotetsu and the narrative around him and kaede, because i think this moment especially couldve used to do something about this dynamic and parenting. however, every parenting-related thing in cour2 was atrocious.
kotetsu has flaws and i think he has done wrong despite trying his best (sometimes your best isnt enough!), but he isnt cruel and genuinely does care about kaede, and he cares about others even if theyre not his family (he is a busybody, after all). he is a single father and a widower whose late wife pushed him into hero work, and his old mother supports him greatly, as does his brother.
despite family being so important to kotetsu, he ends up not reacting much to yuris admission that mr.legend beat his wife and child. doesnt that seem like something he wouldve focused on? good-hearted as he is, wouldnt he have been utterly shocked to hear that someone who “saved” him couldve been so thoroughly rotten?
it shouldve shocked him more than match-fixing and clinging to the identity of a hero: imagining himself becoming a cruel parent (and a husband).
i think he shouldve admitted that his own hero career has caused him to neglect kaede, and that he didnt even properly realize until as of late how much it had affected her- that he has flaws too and cant claim to be special or that mr.legend was an outlier, and that he cant imagine how hard it mustve been for yuri to go through that.
it wouldve been far more compassionate of him, and he really has a lot of compassion for others! i refuse to watch that scene again right now so maybe i remember some part wrong, but still: in my opinion he was a dick to yuri, and very defensive about himself. he didnt try to console him, it felt like he wanted to set himself apart as a better person than mr.legend.
i dont understand why he didnt at least try to find yuri after hes stormed off and hes realized that he said stuff yuri probably didnt want to hear? thats a thing kotetsu does all the time: he meddles. he gets things wrong, sure, but he meddles, and pulls people aside to have a chat with them and to try to help (like he later on does with barnaby).
kotetsu believes in heroism and his ideals of heroes, and its also very personal and family-related to him, so for him to be more shocked by mr.legend clinging to his hero image than the abuse part explicitly was a weird narrative choice to inflict more pain on yuri. i dont think yuri felt understood at all.
i think kotetsu wouldve been able to discern the most important part of this: that mr.legend was a bad father and husband, and he shouldve extended compassion to yuri (even if yuri didnt ask for any). thats what he did with barnaby in s1 as well!
just like kotetsus nonreaction to what really mattered in what yuri told the two of them, barnaby didnt have much to say which made the entire scene feel more callous.
its a deliberate choice, and its as odd as kotetsus reaction.
barnaby saw his parents dead in front of his eyes and was taken in by maverick and regarded him as a parental figure he could depend on up until the moment it was explicitly revealed to him that maverick had killed his parents and used him like a tool.
i could understand kotetsu initially being defensive (hearing someone he was “saved” by being thoroughly awful is not easy!) if barnaby had chimed in and snapped kotetsu out of it, which wouldve also played into the idea that people need others to support them and also to “steer them on the right path” so that kotetsu manages to focus on the most important but also the most painful part even if it also hurts him to think about, including admitting to his own failures as a father.
i think barnaby shouldve immediately been sympathetic towards yuri, and it couldve also signified how far he has come from his first appearance in s1 where he explicitly had closed himself off from others, and perhaps even realized that yuri is acting like he once did and is deeply lonely.
his sudden admittance to being mr.legends son is an urgent cry for help!
canonically, the moment started and ended and neither kotetsu or barnaby cared enough to say anything nice or follow after him. i think it was out-of-character, and they were forced to act like that to make sure yuris downwards spiral would continue. it was cruel.
the plot often felt explicitly manufactured towards a certain endpoint instead of feeling natural and in-character, going so far the narrative took explicit steps to prevent certain things from happening.
the “prevention of things” was especially obvious with ryan.
this is going to be long because not only is he my favourite character, but ever since his introduction in the rising he has occupied a specific niche that couldve played into the theme of questioning who really is a hero and why, and what makes a hero.
because karina forms blue golden with ryan, i dont think i can discuss ryans lack of any real arc without bringing her up, especially because karina and ryan have both been positioned as being more of “main characters” than the rest of the supporting hero ensemble, which is why i especially expected more out of them.
karina has been central ever since the pilot of t&b, in which she is featured: she has a lot of connections to kotetsu including her childish crush, and out of all heroes, it is her who kaede calls when she wants to plan something, and ryan was introduced as a main character in the rising and embodies traits from both kotetsu and barnaby, including visually.
to begin with, ryans themes from the rising arent contradicted by cour1 setting him up as having very personal beef with gregory sunshine, the most prominent antagonist because the heroes never properly meet rosicky and LL audun is a last-minute addition (who wouldve deserved more screen time, more on him later).
in cour1, we come to know that gregory caused ryan collapse a building on himself and nobody helped him, his fellow heroes laughing at him before they leave him bleeding underneath rubble. in cour2, we see more of it and that he didnt only get buried underneath large amounts of rubble, but that he majorly injured (or worse) a large amount of civilians as well.
again, im not sure because im not going to rewatch, but i understood it was supposed to be the same instance as the one where his fellow heroes laugh at him, unless its just a nightmare he has that civilians were injured as well.
regardless, he was personally affected by gregory, and he wants gregory to not to run free, and its a fact that hes actually very emotional and acts impulsively under duress, like trying to leave sternbild the moment he thought karina was going to ditch him as a buddy (because he, like yuri, is actually lonely and wants people to understand him but gives up way too quickly).
he also breaks the door into gregorys apartment without a second thought (this is breaking&entering!), and later on we see him yelling and gesturing at blue goldens manager in a quick background scene about their new contracts.
however, his reaction to mattia allegedly ratting them out to gregory is “slightly miffed” at best, even if gregory was so close to being caught by him. it feels unbelievable to me, especially because i think his loud and genuine emotions are his strength but also his potential flaw.
i think he shouldve acted way more unreasonably emotional about it, instead of only bringing up how anyone can betray you at any time. to take a detour to karina for a bit, it was also ridiculous that karina had nothing significant to say to that.
she has difficulties speaking up sometimes, but karina shouldve been allowed to feel personally slighted by ryan after all the buddy hero arcs being about trusting each other.
it seems that she can only be given arcs that revolve around men and not, for example, her feelings about herself and being able to take pride in being a very hard-working hero, idol, and now a friend too, especially when the new manga shows her reoccurring troubles in trying to balance different aspects of her life like studying and being a hero.
it wouldve stung to hear ryan say that like he was brushing her off: did ryan learn nothing, and was he just saying all that stuff earlier to put her at ease instead of being genuine? it also ties into ryans issue of always being genuine but his eccentric personality making him seem fake/suspicious, like in the rising.
his personality felt utterly stagnant in cour2 with smug quips, however, and he was just positioned as “morally good” instead of the narrative allowing him to reasonably continue his arc and meaning for the narrative by going after gregory as a hero even when its against the law.
some of the themes of ryans character pair off with yuris and any arc he couldve been given with gregory wouldve been perfect to compliment an arc with yuri/lunatic, the truth about mr.legend, how LL audun couldve tied into that.
yuri is positioned as a vigilante, even a villain, but hes shown to save kotetsu on-screen, and he follows his code of justice very strictly. we know his reasons to act the way he does, and he is sympathetic. ryan, on the other hand, is positioned as a hero, but he can be kind of a prick and his idea of justice is remarkably lax in some ways. we can make a good guess why he acts like that, and like yuri, he is sympathetic.
they both are characters kotetsu and barnaby know well, and theyre both more severe than the titular protagonists. kotetsu has bent the rules on occasion to act according to his idea of heroism, but in my opinion ryan is set up as someone who would explicitly break rules for his idea of heroism (or lack thereof).
ryan is a good person and very much a hero, but he isnt the flawed but idealistic hero full of passion like wild tiger, or the humble and pure-hearted storybook hero like sky high, hes the egotistical heracles clad in the golden pelt of the slain nemean lion who knows just how good he is (and thats all he has going on for him, that ego of his).
its obvious that he can be a bit selfish: in the rising he uses his gravity dome to not only to save the building, but he traps all the other heroes in it, including pulling sky high from the air. from the movie commentary track ive gotten the idea that he did it on purpose since he can control the height of the dome he creates.
he also stretches out his dome later, so it begs the question if it was ever necessary to get any of the other heroes trapped in it to begin with.
he does save that building and the civilians within and causes no significant harm because he really is good at being a hero and hes not evil, but the narrative shows that he doesnt treat heroism like the heroes of sternbild do: he lacks the same sense of honorable justice our sternbild heroes have.
being a hero is first and foremost his career, which is why he brings up that “the money is good”, and because hes positioned as an experienced hero, he mustve started out as a child, given that he is younger than barnaby (even if in my opinion is not so much younger than he is).
the rising is strongly themed around justice day and the myth, and its also about him seeing the heroes of sternbild care about each other and their bonds with each other, instead of them all regarding each other as competition like hes used to people treating him, given how unbothered he is by figuring out barnaby didnt only distrust him but outright suspected him of being a villain.
due to seeing the bonds of the heroes of sternbild, he starts to “carry a heart of justice” as per the myth. barnaby suspected that he is a villain and the goddess of the story even if he ended up being more like the people cast aside by the goddess for their selfishness.
in the end he makes a choice: he can stay and keep the central bond between kotetsu and barnaby broken, or he can leave and mend the bond his hiring caused and bring the two of them back together as a duo. in the last shot, the winged lion of apollon media faces away from the camera like the way ryan leaves, while the justice tower smiles.
justice was enacted and she approves of it, and funnily ryan never thought that he could be a part of these bonds which is why he wholly leaves sternbild. in his KOW the rising schedule he meets up with a lot of people but theyre all just acquantaices, and he talks with his iguana. he moves around a lot, its in his title of the “wandering gravity prince”.
he lacks bonds like yuri lacks them, but by giving him a buddy partner in t&b2, he becomes more of a part of sternbild heroes, but its not just going to change who he has grown into overnight.
its intentional that ryan has wings on his hero suit like the ones the goddess is portrayed with, and the rest of his imagery plays into the this theming of the goddess/the sun while echoing kotetsus “tiger”.
lions are associated with the sun, even the zodiac sign leo is ruled by the sun. royals and gods have been linked to the sun in many places, so his old hero suit and title play into it. gold, similarly, echoes this sentiment.
in the opening, ryan “sun” is composed of the streets of the city and missing its center where the sponsor is displayed, but knowing the legend, its where the city was caved in, and it uses the same colours as the illustrated parts of the legend of justice day (in which the sun is displayed similarly, and yes, if you disagree on it looking like the sun, you could be right, perhaps that part is a coincidence.)
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yuri is shown in the opening of the rising as well, his slide after ryans and his red moon the central piece of his background and juxtaposed with ryans hollow sun.
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and i want to be clear, ryans background changes into a sky full of stars before yuris slide is displayed, which also makes sense for ryan because the heroes of sternbild are portrayed as stars more than once (and its funny for ryan to be the sun because the sun is just a star, its just closer to earth. hes not special, hes just loud about it).
its also significant to me that all heroes are portrayed with slides with a side-view of buildings in the background whenever applicable, even keith who can literally fly: it is ryan who has a momentary birds-eye view.
its the opposite of yuris, in which the lines around his red moon are buildings as if someone was looking upwards from the ground and also somewhat echoes the parts, including colour-wise, where the people are trapped in the cave by the goddess.
lunatic features prominently in the rising once yuri figures whats going on, and kotetsu gets to talk to him about how hes trying to save virgil/andrew from the burden of having killed and whatnot. the entire movie is themed around a holiday called justice day and showing mercy and who deserves mercy and why?
i genuinely thought that ryan being brought back indicates that tiger&bunny continues to question what being a hero really means, by giving the titular protagonists and the narrative someone to contrast with lunatic while ensuring kotetsu and barnaby can stay on the side of “good”/heroes for the sake of them being the main characters.
it wouldve been a purpose fulfilled for ryan to go against the law and becoming a vigilante because of how badly he wants to catch gregory: he has a huge personal reason to do so.
instead of the narrative following the logical conclusion of ryan going rogue due to how badly he wants to see gregory out of the streets, we get a scene specifically to explain why ryan cant follow through with the logical next step of his arc?
what a waste of everyones time, and i get the sense that the writers understand how strongly ryan feels about it (the foundation is there!) because it required both the company owner and manager to hang karinas fate over his head to ensure he doesnt just go on his merry way.
(i dont, by the way, understand that scene, and i cant bear to look at t&b2 scenes again... if you can explain it to me, then please do lol. like i specifically dont understand why ryan doing anything would cause harm to karinas privacy.)
not only wouldve it been meaningful for the entire narrative and ryan, this couldve so easily been used to give karina a satisfying arc that also shows that she is just as capable and deserving of an arc as the guy heroes of the cast, especially as the most prominent woman hero. now, instead, she ends up being a plot device to make ryan feel one way or another.
even if blue goldens buddy arc included ryan realizing that he doesnt need to protect karina, it was immediately undermined by “protecting karina” being his only reason to not go rogue to find gregory?
instead of letting ryan go rogue and giving karina agency in going after him by his own choice, we get that. what was the point?
one buddy pair explicitly going against the (unjust!) law couldve served to put lunatic in a different light and interrogate the hero system as a whole, and it wouldve make sense for it to be blue golden due to their proximity to the titular main characters.
realistically i imagine ryan would have enough respect for karina to tell her beforehand what hes about to do, but unaccustomed to working together with people, he would imply that hes going alone and karina puts her foot down about it: shes not going to stop him, but shes not letting him go alone, because shes going with him.
it is her decision, and it gives her agency and an active role.
they cant have a character essentially say “yeah misogyny and gender roles and that shit is kinda fucked up” and then follow it up with Absolutely Nothing and also give karina an another arc about her crush on a man.
karinas potential as a character is squandered time and time again. in s1 its incredibly easy to miss that shes almost always the 2nd on the hero leaderboard because more attention is paid to her funny moments like her “cutie escape” and general fanservice which is awful by the way, considering that for the most part of it she is a child.
its also realistic for the idol industry, and at times the show comes close to making some sort of commentary out of it but it never quite manages, in no small part because karina is never allowed to really shine.
either way, shelving the heroes couldve been more impactful for muddying the waters about the hero industry. the cartoonishly evil interference from the cops only serves to promote the view that the heroes are acting Morally Good because theyre being hindered by not the hero system and the law but the individually selfish police chief and ouroboros interference, and serves to imply lunatic is definitely Morally Bad for acting outside of the law.
it is eventually agnes who “gets everyone to break the law, together!”, and it undermines any reasonable narrative meaning for the entire thing and makes it feel like our heroes couldnt be heroes for a bit for the sake of a meaningless and boring shock twist included for some shock value because nothing really comes out of it.
having blue golden go rogue and the police going after them wouldve forced their hands into actually fighting against non-heroes and the law, not just being on the run while they try to find gregory. ryan and karina could cause significant infrastructure damage very easily to make sure the police dont catch up, and it wouldve been easy to summarise it as collapsed roads frozen over.
while i wouldve in this hypothetical scenario loved an extensive focus on this because ryan is my favourite, i think the whole “going rogue” part couldve been conveyed without taking up an absurd amount of screentime, and couldve easily been condensed for time by having the other heroes watching a news segment about it which wouldnt have felt an out-of-place gimmick given that heroTV exists as a central thing and the fact that this has happened more than once in t&b...
kotetsu and barnaby, and the rest of the heroes could be watching a live feed, and surprised to spot ryan and karina on the run because its unlike they wouldve announced thi. our hero ensemble, especially the protagonist pair, would know that theyre not evil and that they definitely havent turned against the people of sternbild, no matter that theyve now been labeled dangerous NEXT vigilantes.
they couldve been compared to lunatic, which is a very overt way to make the hero ensemble question lunatics status as a vigilante both loved, hated and feared by the general public.
it would be ridiculously easy to play up ryans “evilness” by including a reporter from that introductory press event in the rising where he just randomly used his power on all people in the room to introduce himself (why did he do that. hes so quirky and random.), and then another shot from the rising where he traps all heroes in the gravity dome and thats feels like proof enough? they couldve also recycled the animation.
the narrative couldve made a statement on positioning medias reaction to the beloved idol blue rose on the run as “ryans bad influence” instead of granting her agency, and maybe some of the heroes couldve thought that as well, leaving it to someone else (most likely kotetsu because he is our main character!) to remark that karinas not the type of person to let ryan talk her into this sort of thing and that she mustve instead agreed with him.
having ryan on the hunt for gregory feels natural, but it couldve also been meaningful for karina.
another established thing about gregory is that hes a fucking creep. and karina has dealt with creeps her entire life due to being objectified idol. in cour1, we see that guy trying to hug karina “just this once!”, and it wasnt made into as much of a big deal as it shouldve been because we focused on ryans feelings instead.
that wouldve been fine if it was brought up again, and its utterly wild to me that it feels like they perfectly paved the way for karina to have some sort of arc with gregory herself with ryan bringing up “hug the gregory”, but then the show entirely bailed on it? why the hug theme, then?
it couldve been plot-relevant for karina and the narrative to question what being a hero means for her when her career in heroism has notably led her achievements being belittled in favor of “cutie escape" -moments and even now the media thinks shes out here because of “ryans influence” and not her own choice.
frustrated karina affirming the media somehow that shes doing this for her sense of justice, not because of ryan when some civilian fan of hers tries to save her, the poor little girl, from this vigilante escapade: what wouldve yuri thought of that?
to give karina cool moments wouldve been more impactful and couldve been plot-relevant instead of the disjointed ~girlboss moments~ of rosicky telling gregory to stop being a creep which equated to so little when rosicky is also killed by gregory.
capturing gregory couldve meant something, not been a footnote, and by showing us that fight with blue golden and gregory, they couldve showed us what they half-heartedly tried to show with the quick LL audun fight scene, with karina being the one who ends up protecting ryan after he was knocked out first?
ryan doesnt even need to have his skull caved in like that, all they wouldve had to do is to give ryan a reason to use his power and not be able to let go by having to continue holding something down with his gravity, calling back to barnaby accidentally letting him get knocked unconscious because he wanted to save schneider, except karina actually saves him.
in the process of capturing/pursuing gregory, karina wouldve had a reason to give us some sort of opinion on what she thinks about creeps without it being shoehorned in and how she has to tolerate them because theres so many loopholes in the law but finally, gregory is the one she can fight back against and its because now other people agree that hes evil!
also i genuinely think ryan wouldve loved to not only capture him but to beat the shit out of gregory because he really is different than our heroes from sternbild (and i think he wouldve been justified to do so too, lol).
to exemplify the themes of bonds, karina couldve stopped him but remarked that she feels like gregory wouldve deserved it, and she couldve vocally acknowledged shes having doubts on whether lunatic is so wrong or not, because has anyone or the hero industry itself ever really protected karina from creeps? no!
lunatic is actually making some sort of point when he kills a guy who is a serial killer of women? a bit drastic but hey. it works. that guy cant kill anyone ever again.
it would mean so much for karina to acknowledge that there indeed is something wrong with the hero industry as it exists now and heroes and heroism isnt just “morally good” by default, which also begs the question whether vigilantes etc are ontologically evil by default.
and personally, i dont think ryan would disagree with her? he is well-traveled and has seen so much more than just sternbild: im sure he has met corrupt heroes and heroes who arent even nice or “good”. im sure some places have very fucked up hero systems?..
they couldve made both ryans and karinas arcs mean something by having them face off against gregory (ive been talking of capturing, but they wouldnt even had to been successful and instead gotten captured by the police themselves or been forced to retreat), and it feels so obvious to me?
both members of blue golden wouldve gained something out of it, the overall plotline wouldve gained something out of it, and the setup of the plot wouldve benefited?
the viewer would also know that gregory deserves anything coming for him regardless of the media/public opinion because he is a freak, and the heroes too could explicitly acknowledge that maybe theyve been too harsh on lunatic by not trying to understand him like how blue golden is now misrepresented by the media without any grace? is lunatic just a killer, or... he does keep talking about that justice, after all.
both ryan and karina have interacted plenty with our protagonist pair, so it wouldve served well to draw kotetsus and barnabys attention to it. continuing to question lunatics “evilness” feels so central!
some of the children already said in the cour1 in that that law class of yuris that they thought lunatic was really protecting them and kotetsu was there to hear it, and then nothing came out of that? are you fucking kidding me? he was just like nope, wrong! its evil, end of story.
its like they were given the perfect foundation to do something interesting and valuable, and they didnt end up do any of that just to punish yuri for daring to exist in the way they forced him to exist since t&b is who made yuri the person who he is... but anyways.
yuri is prominently featured in cour2 for all of the wrong reasons, but his prominence couldve been interesting instead: he couldve been standing there looking over the heroes reacting to two of their friends gone rogue and given a cryptic statement on how it seems theyre no different than lunatic in the eyes of the public now that theyre pursuing their own brand of justice...
and everyone couldve been like alright director petrov:)! but also genuinely considered this while yuri is just there, observing the discussion and wondering how their bonds with the two new vigilantes makes it harder for them to be so sure who is a villain to be stopped and who is not.
unrelated to things i think explicitly realistic or in line of t&bs spirit, if i could choose i wouldve also had ryan and lunatic interact.
i think it wouldve been in-character for lunatic to show up to question what ryans going to do with gregory once he finds the man, with ryan answering genuinely but flippantly while karina is bewildered ryan is just trying to have a casual conversation with an fire arrow dramatically pointed at him.
lunatic questions his end goal, like are you gonna kill that guy maybe, and ryans like i dunno, i didnt think that far. now that you mention it maybe i should lol? and karinas like im sorry what is wrong with you?
we couldve gotten the yuri petrov comedy hes hard to rope into by having ryan act like he usually does with lunatic? you try to be dramatic and brooding when some guy is arguing with his emotional support buddy hero girl? ryans only prior interaction with lunatic is in the rising and saying that he looks creepy: he didnt care about a vigilante showing up because he knew the mecha flying over sternbild was the thing he should stop.
its funny because ryans notable trait is “treating everyone equally”, i dont see why he wouldve acted differently with lunatic, and to imagine karina interacting with lunatic because he showed up and ryan isnt having a normal reaction to it by being concerned. but why would ryan be concerned?.. hes good at insight and im sure he knows lunatics justice is very serious to him, and ryan knows hes not a killer so why would he be concerned right now?
but yes, the barebones idea of using ryan especially as a vessel to force the hero ensemble to reconsider vigilantism and lunatic couldve in my opinion been done without the two of them ever interacting directly, because its about what they stand for in the narrative.
what we needed to see was kotetsu (and barnaby) forming some sort of opinion on this, since we mostly see the hero side through kotetsus eyes: he is the main character, after all. all the narrative had to do was let ryan to go do what he clearly wants to.
my description of this all is very elaborate and keeps the entire thing somehow separate from the other heroes, but i think the idea or something akin to my elaborate view couldve been conveyed in a fairly conservative amount of scenes, because the cour only has limited time!
theres also a huge potential for the other characters to join in on the vigilante shenanigans like what ended up happening in the end in canon with all of them “going rogue”, and ryan and karinas involvement couldve been greater than other heroes but still far more smaller once kotetsu and barnaby get their ball rolling over the matter...
t&b2 has a lot of characters, and i think they couldve made it work, but the scenes wouldve had to been carefully picked without wasting scenes on counteracting things they had already set up?..
i dont feel like i can answer the question of “what narrative purpose did it serve to make sure ryan doesnt try to capture gregory on his own?” without pivoting back to “it had to be like this so that yuri would suffer and die and our heroes would stay morally Good unlike lunatic!”.
like, i LOVE ryan, hes my favourite character! and many of the scenes he was in i couldve lived without, because they didnt really add anything of worth to the overall narrative or plotline save for reminding us that he exists.
the entire thing where blue golden separates from the other heroes to go try to find gregory in the jail itself was similarly needlessly drawn out and condensed all the same?..
i understand it as necessary somehow (for the current plotline) to introduce LL audun, but because ryan and karina dont really have anything to do with the guy, it feels wasteful.
the pacing felt awkward to me overall. i was actually bored in some of the first episodes of the cour! and after that, everything starts happening so fast: the LL audun situation is especially sped through.
in cour1, heroes got progressively taken out until only “the essentials” in completing the arc were left, which was a great idea for the sake of stretching the limited screentime available.
it also had real in-world impact, unlike blue golden getting up a while later even if gregory flaunted that “it was so easy for LL audun to kill heroes”. it served so little purpose and was a waste of everyones time for a cheap “shock” because since it happened off-screen, i easily guessed they wouldnt kill a character off like that.
in cour2, we start knocking out heroes very late to the episodes and its not even semi-permanent. it wouldve been way more sensible to have some of the cast get knocked out somewhat early to let the remaining heroes to shine! they couldve even made to go berserk by gregory, so that we couldve then knocked HIM out and then gotten most of the heroes back for a grand finale of sorts, probably facing off LL audun and accompanied by lunatic.
even in the canon scenario, subaru couldve charged in (his whole thing is that hes hot-headed and a bit stupid even if his heart is in the right place!) and thomas couldve shown up earlier, eliminating many scenes that had little worth and focused on efficiently introducing LL audun.
they couldve had that fight with him and thomas couldve swiftly explained key details about him for exposition and made it natural because we already knew hes a fan. i also think their arcs werent so bad i suppose, but them fighting together was the conclusion to the mr.thomas buddy arc, so getting knocked out for a few episodes because theyre still rookie heroes and a bit silly wouldve made sense...
especially when they already were in the last fight in cour1!
it wouldnt have been a disservice to their arcs and wouldve given others more time to shine, and it wouldve been interesting to have other heroes react that the rookie team is presumed dead? they wouldve been fighting even harder against LL audun!
which leads me to say that the one good thing about cour2 for me was LL auduns character, but his potential wasnt realized. he was so prominent as imagery in cour1, with the twins and thomas both idolizing him.
we also know that mr.legend was a corrupt hero and there probably were others? instead of auroras introduction (it was such a gimmick), and gregory getting so much screentime for being creepy, it wouldve been far more interesting to focus on the fact LL auduns time active in vigilantism overlapped with mr.legends time as a hero.
i keep coming back to this, but LL audun couldve been the perfect setup for mr.legends crimes becoming public? it wouldve added intrique to the viewer too by have mr.thomas presumed dead and LL audun fighting the remaining heroes.
that wouldve made it harder to believe mr.legend really sucked so much by the general public and many heroes! kotetsu and barnaby wouldve felt inclined to share some part of what they learned from yuri earlier?
i feel like this wouldve been such an interesting way to make kotetsu and barnaby realize even more things about mr.legend, the hero system itself, medias part in who gets to be a hero and whos not, and lunatic... in a deeper way than the canon, half-hearted attempt at sympathetizing we got, because i just think its not in-character to have them react like that!
in-show its mentioned that LL audun “started to think hes a true hero around his tenth year in prison” but it felt like pure ouroboros/maverick interference to me (even if the current narrative mightve meant it for real).
wouldnt it have made more sense that LL audun was actually a "true hero” fighting against the establishment of the hero system itself, not because he hates heroes, but because he had figured out it was already rotten to the core becasue of maverick?
his simple nature was refreshing (in the same way i really liked fugan and mugan because they were villains but also funny about it) and kept the scenes with him light-hearted, a quality ive always been fond of in tiger&bunny. i do like intense scenes, but i think tiger&bunny should also be a little bit funny and not hard to watch.
he couldve lost his grip on reality a little bit since he spent decades in solitary confinement and focused very hard on his idea of heroism, or maverick couldve even fucked with his thoughts and made him into a ticking time bomb of wanting to destroy so many random people if he ever got out?
how the hell did maverick, mr.legend and the heroes of that time, realistically defeat LL audun back then? its not explained (again i could misremember) and its not important to the canon as-is, but imagine if the canon had focused on idk, being nicer to yuri and on the angle of mr.legends crimes and what if maverick, with mr.legend in tow, had promised to destroy sternbild if LL audun doesnt let them have their way?
it wouldve been, i feel, very easy to let us catch on that maverick was manufacturing LL auduns crimes and spread them on the media for the benefit of mr.legend and heroTV, and that LL audun couldnt stop maverick because he had been honorable about it, like a “true hero”?
hundred power is extremely versatile since it heightens all senses and weve seen that it can even boost recovery, and he can activate it almost continuously: what was it that stopped him from cracking mr.legends skull like an egg once the man himself had fully lost his power, given the canon itself features mr.legend worried about having to face someone he cant realistically win against?
LL audun outright refusing to kill mr.legend and/or maverick feels like the logical conclusion to the question of why he could be defeated. it would also give kotetsu something to think about, to realize this on the screen as our main character!
mr.legend was the hero who saved kotetsu, and then he learns from yuri that mr.legend was actually an awful person, and then, as i suggest, he sees a buddy hero pair go rogue- and then they all have to go rogue?
and to bring all of that to a satisfying conclusion, he faces off against LL audun, with the man questioning gregorys claims about who the real villains are because theyve all protected each other.
some further exposition later he could learn that mr.legend wouldnt have been able to be so awful if LL audun had just killed him when he had the chance, and that maverick couldnt have manipulated barnaby and been evil overall if LL audun hadnt taken up my suggested deal from maverick to voluntarily get imprisoned to protect sternbild and had gone the lunatic route instead?
kotetsu has always been so against killing people, and i dont think hes wrong to think so (well yes i think he is wrong. i think its morally okay to kill evil people! albeit not without emotional consequences for the person taking up that burden like lunatic. but i think its important for kotetsu to disagree with killing) and he wouldnt have had to abandon that principle of his, but this troubling reveal couldve given the narrative way more depth?..
and when kotetsu talks of the goal in the rising being saving virgil/andrew from himself: couldnt he have recognized the emotional toll lunatics actions take on him, and the emotional toll LL audun has taken due to his inaction?
like a real bit of some gray morality that actually has a purpose!
thinking about it makes me want to break something- i feel like everything was so perfectly set up for something like this, and not even this scenario but the concept of sympathizing with yuri further and helping him heal!
it couldve happened without revealing that lunatic is yuri and letting yuri continue in his position as the director of the heroes after the season has concluded (i wouldve enjoyed this personally so that i can imagine him out there), because i feel that revealing mr.legends crimes wouldve changed yuris position so significantly, and for the better!
kotetsu, as the main chracter, wouldnt have had to reveal judge petrov is mr.legends son either, maybe just lunatic for example! imagine yuri seeing people condemn his father? that wouldve been incredibly cathartic? that people agree that whoever mr.legends family was, they mustve suffered, truly and deeply?
yuri couldve gotten a scene like what kotetsu got at the end of the rising, with heroTV broadcasting random people having various positive opinions on him instead as he stands somewhere, contemplating taking off his mask and killing himself for his sins and his justice and whatnot while kotetsu and barnaby arent able to calm him down?
we couldve had a dramatic scene like that, and one of the manga chapters features that scene where yuri revealed his face to the terminally ill woman who had wanted to know who the man behind the mask is: he couldve even revealed himself to kotetsu and barnaby at least since theyre the main characters and still retained his anonymity by using his fire to shield himself from heroTV.
and on the broadcasted heroTV screen people from across sternbild could thank him for what hes done: could yuri, at that point, deny himself the possibility of being forgiven in some way?
it couldve also given us the hilarious dynamic of kotetsu and barnaby at least (and just for me, as a treat, ideally most if not all heroes) knowing that yuri is lunatic but they have a pact to keep his secret.
lunatic half-bleeds to death before jumping off but he doesnt set himself on fire and we dont see him fully fall but it serves as a momentary death fakeout.
then theres an ending scene of judge petrov opening the door to the hero lounge to give a briefing (returning us to the start of the season with yuri briefing everyone about buddy heroes) and he looks incredibly beat up.
agnes asks what the hell happened to him and he says he “got caught by one of the rampaging NEXT” or something else not unbelievable but ridiculous with a straight face, and none of the heroes contradict him.
like, wouldnt it be on-brand for kotetsu to try to joke about it while barnaby tried to shush him and causing someone like keith to quip that he doesnt really get it, isnt it a secret? and agnes could just scoff because whatever are the heroes talking about now...
my dream scenario is everyone laughing about this with yuri who is also laughing a little in confusion because now he has those bonds he hasnt had before? ngl i dont care i just want to see him happy lmfao<3
anyways see how ive lost the plot of this opinions document? bible-length and ive rambled about various topics, jeez. i also said i wouldnt talk about yuri so much but he just feels like such a central character and i like it- i just wish theyd been gentle with him instead of whatever we got. and yes, im about to talk about yuri again...
its unfortunate that with such a big cast, again, only the titular protagonists are often given scenes to interact with plot-relevant matters personally and with any depth...
of course, kotetsu and barnaby should remain at the centre of it all since theyre the protagonists, but cour2 especially included us seeing tidbits from the perspective of so many random characters, it begs the question why add so many bits from characters when i think its pretty clear the fans are interested in tiger&bunny for the ensemble cast too and want to see more of them?..
sorry to fervent mario the announcer fans or something i suppose, but if cour2 had used its time more wisely, we couldve gotten great moments from various heroes in the same time we didnt get anything done?
wasnt a single writer aware that the fandom adores the titular protagonists but theres also large fandom pockets for the other hero characters AND yuri? didnt anyone think that s2 and its buddy hero premise couldve more effectively been used to give us more lore and funny moments also for the supporting cast?
this makes me, for example, think of the scenes where everyone is deliberating X rampages and gregory things.
youre telling me that weve got all of these characters in a room and youre capable of making them act in-character while interacting with each other, but you chose the most boring ways to do it in pursuit of some sort of unneeded seriousness?
those scenes by themselves couldve been majorly improved by playing into what ive seen as the strength of tiger&bunny, with the way every hero has a distinct personality easy to play up for light-hearted moments without making it unnatural or forced?..
for example, they could be trying to talk of something serious when ryan, kotetsu and subaru get into a nonsensical argument because theyre all so loud and kotetsu and ryan actually get along well, so they couldve argued on purpose to ease the mood, while subaru got really serious about the argument because hes 17 and goofy?
barnaby, karina and thomas are all collectively sighing because of course their buddy partners are acting like this, and this goes on while keith is trying to get a word out on something actually valuable he thought of but hes too polite to interrupt the conversation, so nathan has to raise her voice and be like “boys can we please calm down keith wants to say something<3 you have 30 seconds before i get mad!″
and kotetsu, ryan and subaru are forced to apologetically sit on the floor or something, just to let keith convey an actually good point he came up just now while listening to them argue. expositional scenes dont have to be boring and lifeless?
of course its sweet to have them work together, but giving them light-hearted moments wouldnt have diminished that. theres just so much potential with the cast we have, and while they had a great foundation, the real potential was never really reached.
the way they neglect the strength of their ensemble cast repeats with who interacts with lunatic/yuri. and i know- kotetsu and barnaby are our main characters here, but sometimes i feel like hes in protagonist jail, because there are so many great interactions to pursue with him that could actually add something to the narrative!
nathan was kind of accidentally framed by him in s1, but we dont really get any follow-up on that. and for me, one of yuris greatest moments is in the manga when he saves keith (civilian) from dying while keith is trying to save the two criminals from dying himself, and keith is never none the wiser about it.
but thats more of a self-indulgence than a realistic critique, i imagine. however, from this i can get to talking about the heroes i didnt yet mention, because i can see so many ways to tie the supporting cast into the narrative and not just include scenes for “fanservice”.
the peripheral material has done this and more, why not include some of it in the show?
this is all mostly just a lot of musing on how underutilized everyone was, and how a lot of it felt disjointed and a bit wasteful of the time they had to convey the entire story.
ill start with keith: it was disappointing how he only smiled through the entire cour2, especially when you think about LL audun, who pretty much shares his “simple” worldview on heroism. we didnt even see him fight LL audun at all if my memory serves me right.
he didnt have any reaction to when the heroes get shelved, and keith arguably has pretty much no other life than being a hero, but he never has any sort of thoughts about the matter.
closest we get is firesky reminiscensing on the moments they had respectively gotten their hero suits, and keith remains one of the heroes whose backstory we know absolutely nothing about. i actually thought keith would drop some backstory lore there, but he didnt.
i feel that cour1 did a fantastic job on telling us what sort of guy he is in the episode nathan complains about him to kotetsu and barnaby: he is insecure despite all of his fame and how “perfect” he is without trying by nature, and he still he tries to act even more perfect to make sure other people would like him.
cour2 didnt really give us anything? i was genuinely expecting keith to break down at some point and that he was trying really hard to act unbothered to not make anyone else lose heart, especially after kotetsu remarked in cour1 that its keith and nathan who are really doing most of the advising around here and not himself and barnaby, the real senior buddy hero pair.
it wouldve not only given us a continuation of things from cour1 and given keith some sort of arc for the 2nd cour, but it couldve given us a character-driven moment used to show us why its kotetsu who is the protagonist even if we all know keith is such a picture-perfect hero.
ive always thought that kotetsu is more approachable than keith on purpose: hes a very normal person with normal concerns that are easy for many to relate to, and that is his charm and his strength, and he doesnt particularly stand out or excel, hes in the hero business purely out of his conviction and doing his best.
wild tiger isnt the most popular hero, but he has dedicated fans, okay! hes goofy and easy-going and meddlesome, and hes trying to make the world better, whereas keith could never be the protagonist in the same way kotetsu is because hes just too good, like how nathan found his projected perfection unnerving.
to let kotetsu participate in reassuring keith (since hes the protagonist and a busybody!) besides nathan as his buddy partner couldve served as a plot point to strengthen the idea that kotetsus various flaws are a part of what makes him great, and it couldve been used in tandem to again, interrogate the narrative about what heroism is, who can be a hero, and so on and so forth.
and with regards to my earlier thoughts about LL audun, keith represents the same type of ideal LL audun at least thinks himself to be, and the sort of ideal LL audun couldve embodied if they let me write t&b2, lol.
there couldve been some sort of plot-relevant parallel there that lets kotetsu actually figure out that LL audun is genuinely thinking hes doing the right thing and gregory was taking advantage of him- something to let kotetsu take the initiative in making LL audun question whether he actually is fighting against villains or not, because LL audun randomly questioning it himself was a bit too convenient.
it couldve been a time for kotetsu to shine with what he does best, trying to talk his brand of sense into the people hes fighting against, like how he always has a lot to say when hes facing off lunatic, or how in season1 his entire plan for making people remember who he is includes him showing up in his old hero suit and talking to them.
isnt that part of kotetsus charm as a protagonist?.. and LL audun wouldve been perfect for a discussion, because his personality wouldve lended itself to a very campy “two heroes having a dramatic discussion during a fight”.
i suppose i also personally dont need or want kotetsu be really good at fighting with the most powerful NEXT power, because thats not what makes him a fun protagonist. him goofing off and slipping on a banana peel on his way to an arrest makes him fun, and him talking the socks off of his opponents is just part of his way of being a hero.
kotetsu is into the whole “superhero flair”: heroes need to have secret identities, and heroes need to be a bit campy with thematic outfits and have dramatic discussions while they fight, and thats the spirit of tiger&bunny, isnt it? isnt that what were here for?
i at least never watched tiger&bunny for a yuri petrov suffering arc, when tiger&bunny has had an uplifting message throughout even if it tackles more adult issues due to the adult protagonists?
either way, to return to keith, i just feel like hes overdue for having that sort of very human moment to his character, because his nuance has largely been confined to manga and peripheral materials... it wouldve been nice to see him get a big moment on-screen.
even in cour1, the episode with firesky is largely shown to us from nathans perspective. having keith break down wouldve also been a great way to show how serious the shelving of heroes is and making the situation feel tense because keith especially is always so happy.
it couldve been a tipping point of sorts, where everyone starts to lose heart whether theyll manage to figure out the X rampage issue or not, because despite the boring seriousness of those scenes, i at least never felt a real sense of urgency or huge concern about them not being able to be heroes?
keith confessing that he is having a very hard time with the circumstances and making everyone visibly falter wouldve actually left an impact, and couldve let kotetsu shine as a protagonist by him trying to pick up the pieces.
it couldve also have bit of a callback to that scene where in the beginning movie hes called everyone together and claimed that the heroes and barnaby want to meet each other and everyone gets upset and leaves, one by one, but i guess it couldve been more that everyone leaves buddy pair by buddy pair since the season makes a big deal of pairing them up with them buddy pairs whenever possible.
it wouldve made me sad but not in an utterly desperate way because i know that the heroes will pull through and save the day, it wouldve been a good sort of sad.
this couldve also given nathan more of a spot to shine, because shes keiths buddy hero partner! she wouldve been there for him, but i also dont want to suggest any sort of reduction of nathan to a mammy stereotype-adjacent spot where her main function in the narrative is to take care of others, but more on nathan later.
the scene where nathan offers to hire keith as a secretary especially perplexed me and was left in the forefront of my mind. it was funny and cute, but thinking of keith losing his hero status and not immediately looking into civilian ways to help like finding volunteer organizations to sign himself up for them is so unbelievable to me, sorry...
and because i think cour2 shouldve used their episodes and screentime wisely, any such things with keith couldve been, again, tied to the bigger themes of heroism and such, right on the nose in fact! i dont think its far-fetched to have a moment of hopelessness by having keith break down and then reveal later on that hes signed himself up to ten different volunteer organizations when prompted by kotetsu.
one remark and everyone figures keith is so sad too, but hes still trying so hard to help?
keith is in many ways the best of them, and even if he was so crestfallen and suffering, hes juggling ten volunteer jobs at once even as people have complicated feelings about NEXTs due to the X riots and whatever. hes trying so hard to get people to like him and hes troubled by having NEXT powers and possibly putting people in danger if he lost control somehow (like, is he bad by showing up as keith goodman without admitting first thing he has NEXT powers, and also maybe without admitting hes sky high, as if it was a crime).
it was actually so odd how none of the heroes were ever really concerned about losing control?.. especially the heroes with powers that have the capacity to be really destructive?
and to return to keith, in my opinion he wouldve also suffered with the very human desire to be a hero again: its a huge part of his identity and it occupies almost all of his time! i think he would feel guilty that even if hes helping still in his own way by volunteering, he would specifically want to be reinstated as a hero.
it would feel selfish to him, that he has such a private desire. hes also extremely introspective and he canonically spends a lot of time thinking. he couldve delivered a very neat and conscise but very human monologue on the topic and it wouldve given the other heroes a great character-driven moment to share a bit more about how they feel about the situation?
to have our hero ensemble shelved from hero work and dedicate no scene for them to talk about how they feel about it specifically is such a waste, when it couldve showcased their personas and furthered the plotline by having them remember why theyre heroes in the first place and/or why they want to continue being heroes, etc...
what bothered me with firesky was that they also felt oddly separate from the rest of the cast at times during cour2 and the trailer made their role seem far bigger than it ended up being.
they had a bunch of nice scenes together that very funny and showcased their personalities, but i was very disappointing how those scenes kind of failed to tie into the main plotline so that they were just... there. even though theyve been a part of the main cast since the start:/
they didnt even get a major fighting scene with a big bad because LL audun knocked them out off-screen.
nathan suffers from many of the things keith suffered... she also didnt really have any significant role and well, it wasnt too bad i suppose, it was just oddly disjointed.
the heroes met up at helios energy, i think, but they couldve done so much more with nathans position as the CEO of helios energy.
it has always been a footnote in the show, even if the new manga shows us that nathan is aware of various changes in the hero system before anyone else by getting to participate in the discussions about those changes as her own boss! which is also weird ethically, but i guess its not taken so seriously.
it could have been easy to make nathan more prominent because of her CEO status. what if wed gotten to see the mayor talk to a wider board of people that included the owners of the hero companies etc and nathan was allowed to be there, hearing the talk about shelving heroes and being like wow! that certainly is a suggestion, but!..
this couldve also been used to emphasize that as his buddy partner nathan knows how important keiths job is to him? she couldve even alluded to how some heroes have really dedicated their entire lives to hero work and this is no joking matter!
instead of us getting scenes of the mayor and the assistant or somesuch, we couldve literally had a character there and given her a moment to shine while keeping it plot-relevant?.. she couldve given kotetsu and barnaby some insider knowledge on how to talk with the mayor, too?
i think her being a CEO and a hero is interesting because i dont think “CEO” is a very heroic civilian job, but i dont know if id want the series to ever delve into it overmuch because i dont know how it would be respectful to nathan who has suffered from being reduced to a homophobic/transmisogynistic stereotype before...
not like nathan is the only rich hero either, its just very different to gain income from only from hero work versus being a CEO. the peripheral material sometimes comments something about it like a gag strip making nathan say she wishes the heroes wouldnt go on a strike due to her being one of the shareholders.
what this does remind me of is that i dont think t&b2 really had any significant commentary on how money makes things go around? in s1, it felt kind of prominent. kotetsus old hero company literally went bankrupt and antonio suffers from his unpopularity driving down his sponsors profits.
its why the heroes have to also keep up appearances- its not enough to just be a hero, you have to work to be popular as well. in s1 kotetsu & barnaby cant go to a crime scene because theyre doing an interview and other popularity stuff so their hero alerts were cancelled for the duration.
we get the whole “ouroboros controls everything, actually!..” and a vague allusion to affecting The Economy, but thats it?
anyway, disregarding all of that, i feel like they couldve used nathans CEO status for something. what if she had put her career and status on the line to use her connections and money to reacquire the hero suits of those whose companies had really put them under lock and key...
i also think back to momentarily developing some sort of mega optimism brain rot and thinking that karina couldve had some sort of gay crush plotline with the girl who was trying to pretend shes rampaging and how incredibly sweet it wouldve if the noted LGBT icon of our lineup, nathan, gender-haver extraordinaire, had been able to support karina with that... like yeah ryan wouldve been there for her but... hes ryan. lol
overall, i thought the buddy pairs were fun, but man, i want to see the hero ensemble interact with everyone and not just one assigned "important” character per hero. it also made a lot of scenes a bit disjointed with how buddy pairs were a bit separated, in my opinion... it worked better when it was just kotetsu and barnaby, because theyre the main characters! of course theyll have more plotlines than the others.
one thing i already found a bit strange at the start of cour1 is that nathan didnt talk with antonio almost at all, and we know the new director is a huge antonio fan (which is actually funny to me, and you can see the antonio love shining through).
but.... in prior content nathan has also been regularly paired up with antonio, and i dont mean in a shipping sense (even if that has happened as well but it has only really been to make gags on nathan being creepy because of her poor portrayal before), just that theyve specifically been portrayed as friends before.
so it feels like nathan got sidelined purposefully while making antonio have that entire thing about agnes seep from mainly peripheral content into the main show... (i have a huge brain and am a gay antonio truther, btw.)
it left a bit of a bitter taste in my mouth that someone who has some say over the happenings in the show (?) and loves antonio hasnt acknowledged their friendship in any way... and nathans portrayal prior has been unfortunate, so it wouldve meant something to see nathan get to be friends with antonio with the gross sterotypes removed?
its not enough to say things have changed and you want to improve on nathans portrayal: i want to fucking see it!
while their dynamic is funny, the above has made me worry that nathan and keith were paired as a buddy pair because the writers didnt have anything better to do with them and keith is “naive enough” to hang out with nathan without them having to address anything about nathan properly, and cour2 really didnt ease my fear about it.
like one thing nathan has done explicitly in various material is to behave in a specifically “boy crazy” way which i as a lesbian dont really care about, but i think it wouldve meant something to let nathan act in that way without making it weirdly creepy and uncomfortable, and instead let nathan be a whole person of her own.
i am a serial friendzoner of everyone except characters who havent interacted in canon (lmfao) but the purposes of respectfully portraying nathan and proving that the horrible stereotuping is over, i think there couldve been real narrative worth in her being canonically romantically interested in keith and have that relationship develop, to show that nathan is so much more than those creepy stereotypical actions forced on her characterization before.
it wouldnt have to be keith in the case they didnt want to introduce any romance between the hero ensemble, but any romance plotline for nathan couldve been used to show they really did want to improve on nathans portrayal like nathan would deserve.
it couldve easily been used for a scene in which nathan properly brings up their identity because sure, its been discussed some more in peripheral material and the rising improves on what she was given before, but still retains multiple harmful elements... and it just makes me mad to imply youre going to improve on stuff like this and then not do anything with nathan.
as far as i know, her civilian outfit in the rising seems to be inspired by a japanese comedians gag character called “hard gay”, whose ensemble includes a leather bodysuit, and hard gay isnt exactly a respectful portrayal.
i also love to read tiger&bunny opinions online through google translate, from people who would understand nathans identity/possible tropes better than i do by the virtue of being LGBT+ and japanese.
one of the things ive seen raised is that nathans declaration of self-love in the rising is more compassionate than their prior portrayal, but that it unfortunately is somewhat of a trope in itself given the wording of it, which i think further explains how i think nathan wouldve deserved a bigger role?
theres also the recurring issue of misogyny, because nathan specifically says (dirctly copied from netflix translation): “they say a man is made of courage, and a woman is made of love. so what does that mean for people that are gay? we are invincible!”
men being courageous and women being loving is a cliche, which they included as a narrative choice and is not nathans fault... and t&b2 really didnt improve on the baked-in misogyny, which ive already talked about...
and ill be honest, i dont know how nathan romance shenanigans couldve tied into the main plotline lmfao, but they couldve called back to s1 and keith asking the girls for romantic advice, except now it wouldve been keith with the younger girls in tow trying to advise nathan, which wouldve been funny.
it wouldnt even had to have been a fuck you to people who like firesky romantically, because nathans plans couldve fallen through (by for example having the guy have been an antagonistic force in some way, perhaps interested in getting close to a hero after theyve been shelved just for the gossip, like an evil reporter, to make a point about media) and they couldve included a buddy hero scene afterwards where nathan remarks how keith would not do that.
because its true, keith would not do that, and it wouldve given people something fun to elaborate on?..
instead of remarkable improvements for nathans character besides the passive “no more creepy things”, we also get that scene at the end of the skyfire episode where subarus quip comes across as somehow homophobic to me, and i genuinely dont know what im supposed to feel about it. if youre wiser, then please enlighten me.
at this point i realized that talking about each character individually might kill me, because i have so many opinions, and maybe i should focus on buddy hero pairs a little better since thats how they were given to us in s2.
i also probably have more opinions on keith and nathan than the rest because keith is one of my favourite characters and i do really like nathan too, im just frequently haunted by the narratives past crimes against nathan and the currently occurring crimes as well, lol.
talking of subaru, his buddy partner thomas, and his sister ruby, why didnt they do something with thomas and the fact that nathan has been mentioned to have a little sister she cares a lot about? that couldve tied into the plotline?
i was very surprised ruby had no particular role and felt very separate from the rest of the narrative, and how nobody except subaru seemed to notice thomas wasnt present?
subaru begrudgingly (because hes 17 and wants to be independent) asking nathan or the firesky duo for advice because kotetsu saw he was acting weird and pulled him aside to talk about it and directed him to nathan on the subject matter couldve been a fun addition.
it couldve again showed that kotetsus strength is more than just some imaginary scenario where hes the smartest and strongest with all of the answers, because its not true. kotetsu couldve put himself down about it like oh bunny, i couldnt do anything, see! its those two giving advice again!
but barnaby wouldve correctly assessed that its only because of kotetsu subaru is doing this, and without kotetsu meddling, nathan or keith wouldnt have noticed to help subaru either.
mr. thomas overall had an alright arc. ruby was introduced, but much wasnt done with her. i sincerely thought she wouldve been adopted by ouroboros after everything that happened in cour1 and the mentions of orphans.
this drives me up the wall, because yet again, they had an obvious route to question heroism and villainy, and who is a victim of their circumstances and what acts exactly are evil.
kotetsu and barnaby wouldve had a lot of sympathy for ruby just because of their own backstories and personalities, and nobody else wouldve been unsympathetic either?
ruby is reduced to “little sister who loves and supports thomas”, and thats all: she barely has any real agency, even if it was her who sought thomas out. her personality is “gentle and understanding”. she continues the theme of being a woman in the show being reduced to narrative vessels to make the guys of the show do or feel something...
i also talked about them a bit earlier, so i dont have much else to say.
but one huge unresolved plot thread is their entire company? why did they even introduce the owner and manager of jungle when they werent relevant? and why did they seemingly sabotage subaru in cour1 by having his PDA not go off when heroes were called?
i thought it was significant? i thought jungle was sabotaging him?.. nothing came out of that?!
origami rock kinda won... they had a lot of good scenes. antonio was clearly beloved by the narrative. ive also spent two days writing this post so im kinda sick of writing it and this is one of the last parts im bothering to comment about so itll be kinda short, but...
like i mentioned earlier, alcoholism was kind of painted as something evil people do and antonios drinking problem was kind of bypassed entirely, when i feel like its a major thing for him? in the KOW the rising schedule, he really goes hard in on drowning his sadness and loneliness in alcohol.
it was also made into a joke moreso, with antonio and ivan apparently having gone drinking together?.. i feel like a more healthy direction for antonio wouldve been them focusing on things ivan wants to do... like, ivan went out drinking? seriously?
i guess that does feel like a major step for him in the sense that hes less shy and far less mortified by knowing he did silly thinks while drunk which is good for him to be less self-conscious... but its also like... i dont know, just weird me out that antonio would introduce ivan to that part of his life, which i felt was just his loneliness coping mechanism.
last but not least, kid cat... they really got the short end of the stick. they even lived in a dorm together and nothing ever really came out of that? it felt like a waste. i already talked about them a little bit.
paolin didnt really get a separate arc but she did really shine in cour1 at least, and maybe its just me but the whole situation around laras mom and kid cat being shoved into it soured their entire thing for me, especially the part of paolin comparing laras mom to her own mom, again... oof. that shit hurted.
i disliked that paolin was pushed into somehow vaguely motherly/caretaker-esque role with lara with her even looking up those damn parenting books and her fun energetic and somewhat goofy personality wasnt so well preserved. i wish a girl character was allowed to be goofy while still having serious and cool moments: they could do this with subaru but not paolin.
i already talked about karina earlier, but again, even if its actually incharacter and natural for karina to be be “the responsible one” in her dynamic with ryan which i do enjoy, i cant help but notice the narrative forcing all girl characters into that sort of role... i would include nathan (haver of gender) in this, because i feel like being goofy on the occasion is very central to her as well, but hmm.
its not even that i dislike karinas and nathans dynamic with their buddy hero partners, its just unfortunate that all girlies had to do similar things, because i cant ignore it... t&b2 really goofed with that.
it disappoints me personally that even if i dont understand how it wouldve made any sense wrt the narrative, i wish paolin had allowed to show her gender non-comformity somehow?.. i probably had my hopes up after hearing about them essentially saying they want to add a bit of representation into t&b2.
but i suppose that mainly meant ruby mentioning she has two dads and the girl with an ex-girlfriend.
all of the girlies got sidelined, which ive already talked about...
i feel like karina got the most major arc which does make sense because shes more of a main character than the rest, but it was also taken a little bit too seriously in my opinion, i wish the characters clearly treated it as karina being a teen who has a crush on some old guy because teens do that.
it was also kind of like a waste for me... i didnt need so many scenes about it personally. shouldve made karina do things for herself.
i have to admit that for a moment i genuinely thought that karina talking to that fake rampaging girl about her unrequited love for an ex-gf was going to awaken some feelings in karina, lmfao.
another thing about mr.legend i didnt manage to fit anywhere is that we still dont know his name? hes just mr.legend, even yuri doesnt say his name. it makes sense, but narratively, this ensures that mr.legend remains the stuff of myths. it feels like this is what they wanted, but it sucks!
to give him a name behind the hero gimmick wouldve brought him down from his status to that of a normal human. ive always been certain that petrov is yuris mothers maiden name as well, so dropping mr.legends name wouldnt have immediately implicated “yuri petrov” of anything.
nobody even knows he had a family! it feels like maverick scrubbed all of that clean, just in case.
as for mattia, i think his character has worth but is used wastefully: not only is he the one to develop the drug that drives much of the plotline, he gives us more insight to the worldbuilding of t&b and normal peoples opinions on NEXT powers. he doesnt hate the NEXT, but if he could choose, he would have NEXT powers himself.
this sets him apart from other similar characters like ben or saito, who are both normal people at the periphery of the heroes without NEXT powers who have been portrayed heroically in the past, since he explicitly wishes he could attain a sliver of the heroism he sees barnaby have, and he thinks he needs a NEXT power to be able to do so.
this couldve been, yet again, used to reinforce the theme that heroism is so much more than just having a powerful NEXT power. mattia couldve also been used more intelligently, and while connecting him to barnaby is nice to give him a new friend, some of his functions couldve been covered by kotetsu or some other members of the hero ensemble.
it couldve worked better if, for example, the hero ensemble had more strongly reacted to suspecting mattia to have ratted them out. i already said that i think ryan wouldve been more than annoyed about it, but the moment couldve been used to showcase various characters and their reactions to it!
i think the moment couldve been drawn out instead of being immediately resolved, maybe even included something about how mattia needs to prove himself to not to be a spy for ouroboros, not because i think its reasonable, but it couldve meant something to have our heroes be utterly wrong about someone!
i come back to this again and again, but it couldve been used as a point that the heroes arent necessarily right just because theyre heroes, and that mattia couldve worked with saito and proven himself to act more “heroically” (alongside saito!) than how the heroes treated him.
and, unfortunately, the narrative itself undermines mattia because of auroras existence.
she introduces a huge plot hole for me. mattia has worked hard to try to develop a NEXT drug, and has actually gotten results, its just that he hasnt gotten the specific result he wanted: why doesnt he just mail that drugs composition to aurora and have her complete it, since her unclear NEXT power seems to have no limits and gives her a vast intellect without even trying?
in fact, when theres any sort of problem, why dont we ask aurora about it? if shes so important, why havent we ever heard of her before? her inclusion didnt feel natural at all.
i really hated aurora, because her character felt so cheap and gimmicky in every possible way. sure, she was foreshadowed in cour1, but since she obviously didnt exist in s1, it felt incredibly stupid that there conveniently is one single person ouroboros has to assassinate to ruin all relations between people who have NEXT powers and those who dont...
her power makes no sense: if shes so fucking smart and has been Thinking of ways to better the world for literally decades, then why capitalism all over the world?
i do think its realistic to expect she cant force the world to become an utopia, but the way shes introduced and dealt with doesnt really give me a well-nuanced view of her. she looks to the side and saves some lizard species form extinction with an idea.
i think her character couldve been interesting if they had used the whole season to set her up and i guess made the themes of the season somehow align with her and “not being able to fix the world alone no matter how smart you are etc” and included her as the brain and LL audun as the brawns and how neither of them could ever fix the world alone according to their opinions, and only in their bonds can our heroes find the most of their strengths, including connections with other people like how kotetsu could chat with a child in s1 to ease him down from his rampage at the ice rink etc.
buuuut i feel like that couldve been the plotline for some other season altogether. now that we know LL audun, he could get him back later and see how hes doing, etc... in the case he was given more nuance or something and not just sent back to jail, i mean.
theres also the moment where aurora opened her eyes and i guess i was supposed to feel it was significant but i genuinely didnt care. like okay. yeah i noticed that. no i dont care that the day was saved and “she felt comfortable closing her eyes again”.
was that purposeful?.. the implication that shes closing her eyes from the world?.. and she only opened them when she realized she personally was in danger?..
that was so wild to me, i still dont know what the purpose behind that was, but that certainly was how the overall arc felt about yuri. eyes closed, who cares if some guy suffers for no reason.
rosicky was interesting to me, and it was a waste she got shot before she could have any sort of discussion?.. she just felt like a cheap trick to get yuris body fucked up. it couldve been an interesting moment overall, but, well...
not like were going to get anything about yuri reacting to how all of that went down? so it was just... weird.
and then rosicky died and gregory "won” their little squabble, and i wish gregory had fucking exploded because lunatics been making some points and i fucking hate him...
also just to return to the ouroboros ties of the season, they made ouroboros so all-powerful it was stupid and lost a lot of meaning to me. like alright, they can do anything, why are we even fighting, and why is rosicky alone in charge of this operation... makes no fucking sense, its such a forced situation.
the ending of cour2 was... well, it existed. i mean, i dont personally mind kotetsu retiring for good overmuch i suppose, but i think with everything that happened (especially in the way i think things should have happened) he couldve just continued as proof that even people without NEXT powers can be superheroes...
and also as a some sort of proof that it was mr.legends refusal to change any part of his hero image that really did him in: kotetsu could cling to his heroism while accepting hes just a guy without powers and not make it such an issue.
and i suppose if he retires, i wouldve loved to see him take some sort of director-like role instead: i dont think he would be able to let hero stuff go completely, but him being a senior you ask for advice would still give him a lot of things to do.
right now its also a bit of my fear, if they have any thoughts of continuing tiger&bunny in any way ever and yuri had to die so that kotetsu could take over the spot he ended up occupying as a director...:( genuinely makes me make a sad face in real life.
by the point we got to the end they had already fucked up the entire premise and any message they wouldve hoped to send and if they had some sort of uplifting message after yuris death, i failed to understand it. but it felt like a giant fuck you to the fans of the show called “tiger&bunny” to get that last bit of tiger&bunny pair disbanding because of reasons.
i mean, theyre not even remotely my favourite characters and i dont think about them overmuch, but leaving it more open-ended wouldve been so much more fun for so many fans? they really fucked up the shows undercurrent of interrogating who can be a hero and why in the first place, but like...
yeah that shit sucked ass sorry. i dont even have anything to add. people who showed up to see more kotetsu and barnaby content getting that half-hearted discussion about where theyre gonna go from here and then showing their plaque in the “true heroes” hall...
i feel like it undercuts kotetsus character so much, because hes always been the “underdog”, and hes pulled through everything that came before this. they explicitly mention that hes been working really hard to supplement his waning power, and then leave it at that: if i was supposed to understand from that part that kotetsu isnt really retiring or anything, it didnt really come across due to the other circumstances.
and again, i dont even really care about kotetsu! its just that he really exemplifies the tone of the show as a fact, and i like to think i have a modicum of media literacy. and by undermining the uplifting message of the show, they directly undermined him, and by undermining him, they further muddied the spirit of t&b.
i feel like an ending i wouldve killed for is one that couldve included that sort of tour of a museum, but it wouldve showed mr.legend paraphernalia being moved away from “true heroes” and also included our protags being inducted in there if they so wished, but leaving it more open ended... and definitely proving that mr.legend was not worthy of being thought of as a hero.
it was weird that the second league isnt brought up at all during the entire season from what i can remember? i dont even have anything significant to say about it, but i think second league heroes are and have been important, just by existing, to the narrative asking the viewer who really is a true hero and who insnt and what it all means.
they just didnt care, just like they didnt care about that question and yuri. again, they fully ignored anything they had set up before, and kept introducing new characters when old side characters couldve been brought back.
i have some thoughts on the police chief being a younger version of the police chief from double decker... im unsure if the implication is that double decker is more than a spiritual sequel and its not just cameo, or if its something more.
mattia did off-handedly mention that hes developing now trying to develop a drug that takes NEXT powers away if i read and understood it right, which would, i guess, make a canonical disappearance of NEXT powers possible.
i have actually never seen double decker myself, but i understand it references tiger&bunny while being separate and clearly “in the future” from it, and as far as i understand, it doesnt have people with superpowers.
i personally think that imagining double deckers world as a canonical sequel to the world of tiger&bunny sucks, but i dunno what the real implication there is.
i also want to talk about the art direction of t&b2 since im airing out my opinions and complaints, so why not: the art direction kinda sucks. everyone has been smoothed and thinned down and the essence of t&bs charming style has been lost in some ways.
you can really see the jump between older art and the newer art with ryan, for example... ill talk about ryan now because this is my post and i love this guy.
he is downright ugly in some parts of the rising, and i love calling him ugly, but in a serious way, yes, i think hes explicitly supposed to be handsome (because what else does he have going on for him even except being loud and looking good lol).
hes just a different kind of attractive than barnaby who is pretty, and theres various scenes in the rising where you can see that barnaby has more of a button nose while ryan has a sharp, short nose, unlike yuri for example, who just has a large nose overall (and its his charm point!).
ryans most notable quality is that his eyes are drawn to look hooded and deep-set with straight eyebrows that make his strong brow even more prominent, and he usually has a very distinct wrinkle across his forehead.
and what does he look like in t&b2? certainly nothing like that.
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i know that the rising has a much larger budget for the designs than the episodic show, and either way they wouldve had to simplify ryans design to translate it into the episodic format. and we all know the goofy parts of season1 they fixed in the bluray release...
that never was a huge problem, and i wouldnt mind it. yes, i guess ryan couldve been changed for marketing, but he looked like that through-out the entire movie and was hugely popular regardless and BECAUSE of how he looks. but its not just ryan, its that the art direction changed drastically, and it made all the characters look so much more generic and samey.
just after the scene i screencapped above, you can see barnaby and ryan from further away with less detail for a scene that passes by quicker, and you can see that less care was used to make them look good but they still were kept distinctive and different. (and sorry to barnaby, i caught him in in the middle of a movement, so he looks extra goofy.)
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t&b2 doesnt even have a lot of scenes that i can remember that really let the chracters emote and make goofy faces: kotetsu has always been hugely expressive! i want to see him make a funny face! kotetsu is also the main character, and part of his thing is being an Old Man (even if he isnt even that old for real, but thats beside the point).
he has wrinkles around his eyes in that shot even if its not hugely detailed, and in contrast i feel he was very smooth in t&b2. the art direction felt as aimless as the bullshit plotline, and equally as uncaring towards established characters!
everyone was drawn very samey. another example to me is the scene in cour1 where thomas inspects keiths pectorals is just sad, because hes been thinned down like everyone else. what was there to inspect? absolutely nothing.
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this screencap from s1 has more to inspect than the scene where keith is supposed to be noticeably buff. by the way, this entire scene with the girlies and keith has more personality and goofiness than most of cour2.
and heres a screencap of keith from that episode, where his face shape and features are distinct.
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ts been a decade and i know that anime production has gone through changes in this time and netflix-style mass drop of episodes may be harder on people in general, but comparing my s2 screencap below to the screencap above just makes me miss the old style because im scared to but s2 keith next to the one above... his eyebrows were so sadly thin and so were his face and body.
you know, lunatic doesnt even have a distinctly large nose, and his eyes arent even particularly sunken and he doesnt have many wrinkles around his eyes like i think is charming for him, because everyone is just smoothed down... and the above screencap isnt even a good example of it, but the charming thickening of lines at some parts is entirely missing in t&b2 from what i can remember? i feel like the linework used to be stronger and more interesting overall.
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anyhow, yes, t&b was also fixed up for the bluray release but i feel like the atrocious-looking parts are kind of funny to look back on. i wonder if theyll be editing s2 visually? (and please revise the entire storyline for yuri too, thanks.)
speaking of s1, where did this entire sentiment disappear to? into the ether?
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also, i cant help but be plagued by thoughts because the episode i got those keith screencaps from, kotetsu & barnaby are interviewed by kids who are taking the reporting very seriously, and their reaction to kotetsu saying the person he looks up to is mr.legend is lukewarm at best.
then barnaby talks of his parents and robotics, and they light up, which is funny because barnaby is way more popular, but it also narratively, in my opinion, shows that especially the new generation of sternbild thinks mr.legend isnt that impressive and would be more willing to accept that despite the myths around him, he was a man who severely sucked.
theyre ready for new heroes to commemorate, ones that really deserve it, and they (even in cour1!) dont see lunatic as a villain but an antihero who protects them.
oh well.
thanks for reading, even if you didnt read all of it and just read interesting parts or skimmed through it! i guess writing this was like free therapy for me because i need to deal with how deeply yuris cour2 canon arc affected me lmfao.
i dont think ive ever been so blindsided and taken aback by the total surprise i felt at the direction his arc took and that definitely factored into how deeply it fucked me up because if i couldve anticipated that yuri could for example die, i wouldve been a lot more normal about it.
but out of all things, i cant believe that tiger&bunny would do that to me, and make me see all of that pain... genuinely fucked up not going to lie. fugan and mugan and their father being shot to death is one thing because its shocking of course, but yuri has been in the show since the start.
yuri has existed in the minds of people for over a decade, now, so it feels so unexpected they would so callously kill him off, it feels entirely uncharacteristic, and i feel like its not something that anyone couldve expected, and maybe it wouldve been less shocking if season2 had come out like, say, an another year after the rising...
but still, i dont understand how we make the jump from yuris portrayal and the overall themes of the rising into t&b2 and his role in cour2. its wild, i dont know how to get over it.
breathing through gritted teeth how i published a few fanfics with yuri in a huge hurry before cour2 dropped because i wanted to have them started in case some major yuri details drop and ill feel compelled the rewrite the yuri parts of them but huh... well.... cry laugh
i love imagining scenarios with my favourite characters, but i tend to include yuri in the core ensemble cast of heroes: trying to imagine any post-canon shenanigans feels so hard right now like watching a VHS reel that ran to the end and has to be rewound, and actually makes me incredibly sad.
theres that new audiodrama coming out with ryan featured in it and i cant even be excited because i just get sick, like physically... i guess imagining myself casually engaging with tiger&bunny content makes me feel like im spitting on yuris nonexistent grave. woe is me. fuck you tiger&bunny2 cour2. TL;DR - my opinions, this entire post condensed somehow:
the whole arc for yuri felt like a giant fuck you not only to him and all of the fans too, and same with the ending kinda
ryan was brought back for a fun cameo only because he never became plot-relevant really so what was the point lol? screentime waste
plot points set up in cour1 and further before were ignored and scenes were specifically used to counteract them?!
big misogyny moment for all woman characters of the show
hero ensemble overall was underutilized
new characters/excessive focus on side characters like the fucking mayor and the police chief in cour2 felt gimmicky and unnecessary and generally didnt add much worth. i dont care show me my funny heroes instead
they tried to do too many things and lost sight of why t&b has been so great and why the idea of a more self-conscious t&b is so exciting: of course the show has had a lot of flaws, like nathans initial portrayal, and to imagine a show that has the same spirit but improves on those flaws is amazing. its just not even remotely what we got</3
never expected a flawless show but there are flaws that you can headcanon away and there are flaws that undermine the entire theme of the show this far. i dont know how to make s2 any better after seeing cour2 without totally ignoring any of it happened
cour1 wasnt even bad. it was solid. shit just hit the fan in cour2
the art direction was a huge downgrade, but maybe it was just budget constraints, so i dont know how harsh i want to be about it.
leave a comment if you want, lo, i love to talk, its relaxing. i also mightve mixed shit up so dont embarrass me too much if you notice any overt mixups since i really did marathon the cour once and i dont know how i can bear to look at it again. i also have some confusion over some parts of the story which i detailed above in my manifesto so if you wanna educate me, please do, lmfao...peace out...
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l223m0nade · 2 years
I wrote a thing! A Bucky-With-A-Cold scenario bc that is my favorite thing in this life, in which he is pretty Winter Soldier-y but not in an angsty way, and Steve is all tender for him.
Canon-ish, post-WS, Steve Bucky and Sam are going on missions against Hydra while Bucky/the Soldier recovers his memories & self.
IDK about this title but I'm stoked I finished this so it's goin up :D
“…Hey Buck. You wakin’ up?”
            The Soldier cracked his eyes open. Took stock of his surroundings: bare wood, high windows looking out onto cold gray sky and earth, unfamiliar lumpy couch, scratchy wool blanket, tall blond man hovering with a cup of something steaming in his hands— Steve. He was with Steve.
            He relaxed as the rest came trickling back. Safehouse. Northern Canada. A mission: chasing down a small Hydra cell that had gone to ground in this remote area. Then… helicopters…
            “How are you feeling?” Steve liked to ask that question. The Soldier had come to realize it wasn’t a taunt or a deliberate attempt to confuse him or make him feel weak, but it was still hard to answer most of the time. He grunted vaguely, then frowned at the scratchy ache in his throat. Had he been screaming in his sleep? There wasn’t the tight misery on Steve’s face that usually resulted from that.
            He was actually smiling a bit, managing to look concerned but also the slightest bit amused. “Do you remember what happened?”
            “Helicopters.” Big ones. “Three of them. You, me, and” the man with the wings— “Sam. He was fine. I took out the crew on mine. You fell,” he finished accusingly. Talking scratched at his throat and resonated oddly in his nose, which felt sort of cotton-wool-stuffed and sensitive and increasingly tingly.
            Steve’s eyes went to his leg and he finally noticed the splint and bandage engulfing his right knee. “…Then what happened.” He still forgot to put inflection into his voice sometimes, to make his words a question instead of a flat statement. Steve didn’t mind, anyhow.
            “You went jumping right after me, ya goof.” Steve suppressed a chuckle as Bucky’s eyes narrowed further at the suggestion that he and not Steve was the goof. “Threw me clear of the hole in the ice while the damn helicopter crashed on top of you.” It hadn’t been funny at the time, but Bucky lying safe on the couch, bundled in blankets, and giving him that accusing narrow-eyed glare that was so familiar, was making him feel giddy with relief and happiness.
He was also starting to scrunch and wrinkle his nose a little —Steve had a guess why— and it was a little, well, cute. “A rotor hit your leg, not too hard but hard enough for a fracture and a pretty bad wound, and you sunk with the chopper, so you were under for a few minutes before me and Sam could get to you. You were hypothermic. I was worried.” He knew his face was doing something very soft and tender but he couldn’t help it. Bucky looked exasperated as he often did in response to Steve’s worry. He was also getting a hazy, confused little expression on his face.
            The Soldier wanted to roll his eyes, a recently discovered expression Steve often inspired, and snark back at the big blond idiot, but before he could, the building tingling itch in his nose crested, seized his breath in a series of hitches, and— “heh…hih-ehschoo!” it only abated for an instant, and then returned. “hitschoo! …heh-heh, adt—” the last one fizzled away and left him blinking and shaking his head. The cotton-wool feeling was still there, even more than before.
            Steve looked more sympathetic than surprised. “Bless you. This is for you to drink, if you want it—” he put the cup of tea on the coffee table within arm’s reach. “It’s good for sore throats, which I think you might have right now.”
            The Soldier squinted at him suspiciously. How did he know that? He sniffled. The feeling that had made him sneeze had backed off, but felt like it could return any second.  
            Steve did his concerned smile thing. “I think you might be a little, well, sick. There was a mention in—in a file I found” now he was glaring at the floor like he’d like to murder it. “Something about immune sensitivity to severe cold temperature. And even though the serum’s supposed to stop us ever getting sick, I’ve gotten a little under the weather when I was healing from an injury before. You might be dealing with a cold, pal. Might not have had one since the last one you caught off me in the ‘40s, or, I guess, you might not remember.”
The Soldier didn’t remember much from Before, though things came back once in a while. Did he remember feeling like this? He had to sniffle again. His head and face were starting to feel big, and heavy, and a soft pounding had started up behind his eyes. His leg hurt, but that was more familiar than this other —just feel crummy, Stevie—feeling.
He shrugged uncertainly in lieu of answering, sat upright just enough to reach the cup of tea and take a few cautious sips. It hadn’t been an order, but he could tell Steve wanted him to drink it. It did feel good on the soreness in his throat. But the steam rising from the cup, despite being a barely perceptible sensation, felt like a feather tickling his nose, and suddenly the sneezes were back.
“hdtsch, h-h-hitsch!...hitshiew!” He turned toward the back of the couch and managed not to spill the tea, sniffled a few times in a row, but his nose wasn’t done: “huh…huh-ISHhhoo!”
“Bless you, Buck! I think that’s a ‘yes’ on catching a cold. Let me get you some tissues, or find something in this place that’ll work…” Steve moved off with purpose as he spoke. It was a safehouse: well-stocked with non-perishable food and basic medical necessities, but not much else. He waffled between bandage cloth and toilet paper for a few seconds and then grabbed both. As he returned to Bucky on the couch he heard another soft but itchy-sounding sneeze— “hih-etssch!” followed by a series of urgent sniffles. “Here you go, pal. Couldn’t find tissues but you can blow your nose with either of these.”
Bucky grabbed a rectangular piece of cloth meant for bandaging wounds, clearly needing to tend to his nose too much to freeze over the decision as he still sometimes did with minor choices offered to him, and blew his nose with an expression of relief.
“Sorry I don’t have any handkerchiefs. I carried one for a while after I woke up, but people don’t use them much anymore and I got tired of getting looks like I was insane or getting called ‘Grandpa’ every time I pulled one out.”
Bucky blinked up at him. His nostrils were already pink and sensitive-looking, and there was a slight flush showing on his cheeks as well. “I don’t remember…this,” he said, gesturing at his face with the makeshift tissue. His voice was getting a bit rough and congested. He cleared his throat. “S’not too bad.” He rubbed his nose itchily, turning it more red, and gave a soft cough. His eyebrows turned up and he gave a shivery inhale like he was about to sneeze, but then it deserted him and he sunk back onto the couch cushion with a sigh. He looked like he was feeling pretty miserable, whatever he might say.
“Not too bad, but not too much fun, either. I sure remember how it felt for me.” Steve said softly, putting his hand on his friend’s warm forehead. Bucky’s eyes fluttered shut, and on instinct Steve put the back of his hand to Bucky’s cheek, and watched as he leaned into the soft cool touch, vulnerable in a way he so rarely was. Something clenched in Steve’s chest. “You definitely have a fever. I’m sure you’ll be better before long, especially if you rest. Get some more sleep; I’ll heat up some soup when you wake up.”
“What ‘bout you,” murmured Bucky sleepily, followed by another soft sniffle.
“Don’t worry about me, Buck.” Steve could feel how sappy his expression must be, and was grateful Sam was sacked out in the back bedroom. “I ain’t tired yet, I’ll be on watch.”
“You were—snfff—in the water too” said Bucky accusingly, fighting sleep as he tried to turn the tables of fussing onto Steve.
“You tossed me outta there so fast I barely had time to get wet.” Steve’s eyes twinkled as he smiled. “Too worried about me, as usual.” Bucky scowled at that like Steve knew he would, scrunching his red nose.
“Like hell. Just didn’t want you to go getting yourself…fro—frohoze…huhh…HUH—USHchoo! Ugh. Frozen againd.” Bucky replied, interrupting himself with a heavy sneeze into the cloth in his hand. He really sounded like he had a cold. He lifted the cloth again just as he shivered into a tiny soft “hih-tishh” and blew his nose tiredly.
“Sleep, Buck.” Steve gave into the urge to stroke his hair and Bucky gave a little sigh, eyes finally sliding closed. “I’ll be here when you wake up.”
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userparamore · 7 months
Maybe it’s cause tour is starting soon and I’m just baffled by all of it so I’m sorry for ranting. But I genuinely don’t understand how paramore thinks all of us fans are just gonna ignore and move on with the fact that they’ve been silent about a genocide when a lot of aspects of their concerts have speeches about the state of the world and the second song of the setlist is literally called “the news” which they wrote about the Ukraine war. I’m sorry but their silence is so cowardly and embarrassing like imagine spending a whole album cycle saying shit like “very comfortable at talking politics” and promoting different congressmen and us representatives and now there’s an ethnic cleansing funded by US taxes and you’re gonna promote an interview?? promote a podcast?? like do they not realize how every single one of their past activism just seems so performative now? 
I love the band and I’m gonna be at the NZ show but it’s crazy that this political and environmentally conscious band is just not gonna call out the government for playing a part in one of the worst crimes ever committed in human history. They’re gonna donate portions of their concert money to KiwiHarvest so I know they care about feeding people and making sure it’s all healthy so where’s the outrage for Palestinians who don’t have clean water and are all eating very little cause the bakeries got bomb. Where’s their cry for the environmental damages that Palestinians are going through with the white phosphorus bomb and fires all around sacred olive trees? 
I hope they know that thousands marched for Palestine here in NZ and I know many people from the protest are also going to the paramore concert. I really hope the band don’t pull those “we just want peace and Israel has the right to defend itself” type of shit cause we booed a member of the NZ parliament off stage for saying something like that and as much as I admire this band, I will not hesitate to do it for them too 
hi anon <3 don't worry you can rant if you want!
their silence have been extremely disappointing and have honestly turned me off them a little. maybe it would be better if they were completely silent between tours – completely on social media hiatus – but when we see them promote stuff and be active it just makes it worse. they're actively not saying anything. if they're going to be political this era they can't pick and choose which causes makes them look the best.
in the dolly parton interview hayley just did also made me more disappointed:
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her saying that her speaking out and trying to make a difference doesn’t do much in the way of action. her saying this is very confusing to me especially after making a statement like “very comfortable with talking politics”, and them supporting different organizations like support + feed, and kiwiharvest. it's crazy to think that them speaking out or supporting these organizations doesn't make a difference. it does. it would make a difference if they spoke out about the genocides happening right now. they have the power.
i'm happy for you being able to attend the NZ show and i hope you have a great time. my guess is they'll keep their mouths shut and not say anything at all before they would show support for isreal (if that's what their beliefs are).
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lifeflowingon · 1 year
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Summary: After a traumatic accident, you wake up with memories of a life, everyone around you denies you ever lived.
Pairing: Jungkook x female reader
Warnings: Angst, crime, mystery, kinda strangers to lovers.
A/N: This is clearly inspired by "Our Time" by @taestefully-in-luv Since I couldn't take it out of my head, I wrote this homage.
You were printing the remaining documents wishing for the machine to hurry up already, so you could drop them at court and finally go home.
"Still here?" asked Captain Min, peeking through the door of your small office.
"Yeah, I want to take this there today so they'll get the documents to check first thing tomorrow morning. I want her out of questioning and out of the city as fast as possible.
"Quite a complicated case though" he replied "I'm not sure they'll let you represent her as usual. Her statement could save tons of lives"
"I know, but I gotta try" reaching for the latest paper you started to organize them in a binder, already full of evidence "We are talking about girls and women Yoongi. I need them to give me the green light so I can work on getting the full statement to represent her in court. She doesn't need to go through this twice, that's why I work here, it's my job.
"I know, I'm just saying is unlikely"
In a somber mood, you checked your watch and realized you have wasted precious time talking.
"Gotta go If I want to make it on time. See you tomorrow captain" you said mischievously while squeezing through the door in a rush.
"See ya, victims advocate" replicated Yoongi laughing heartily.
Still laughing you left the precinct making sure to say goodbye to the new security guy and strutted across the streets trying to reach court in time.
"Star... Star can you hear me?"
Blinking, you tried to remember where were you, but you couldn't. The last thing you recalled was walking to the local courthouse, but all was fuzzy before and after.
"Star, are you okay?"
Shaking your head you focused on the voice that was talking and groaned. Your head was pulsating and your throat was sore.
"Her pulse is fine," said another voice "And she is waking up now, I'll come back later to see how she continues but she should be okay now".
"Good, thanks doc. I'll take it from here".
Finally being able to focus you realized you were laying on a bed in what you supposed was a hospital room. But the place looked small and shabby.
"Where am I?"
"You scared us for a second Star," the man sitting in a chair right against her bed said, "When we took you out of the water we thought we had lost you".
Water? So you did have an accident... but you were nowhere near the water, your town isn't close to it.
"Do you remember, right?" the man looked around searching for someone, but they were alone in the room now.
"I-I... the last I remember is getting out of work and-"
"Yes, thank god, we were going out of work" The man looked relieved you were both on the same page "Since the accident, you have been having memory problems and I didn't know if you were going to wake up this time knowing us or not".
"Memory problems? I-I that can't be. I remember my life fairly well, how could I have lost it..."
"Star, you've been here for a few weeks, and every time you wake up you look more and more confused. The doctor said it was expected since, well lack of oxygen could lead to memory trouble".
"But I don't have amnesia!" you screamed stressed, your head was palpitating and you couldn't breathe well "I know who I am, and my fucking name is not Star!"
Apologetically, the man sighed and got up from the chair.
"This been going on for a while, I-I need to take a break," he said looking defeated.
Trying to calm your beating heart, you looked around and strained your ear to hear noises from outside, but it was silent.
You felt tempted to get up and look out the window but before you could do that, the door opened again and a different man entered the room.
"Star!" he exclaimed. His mop of hair bounced, as he hurriedly made his way to you, once he saw you were conscious "You’re awake!"
"Don't get your hopes up" said the first man appearing again and leaning in the door's lintel "She doesn't remember us".
"W-What?" the doe eyes of the second man looked impossibly big "Baby, you don't remember me?" He said with a pout while grabbing your hand.
"I-I what? Baby?" Retiring your hand from his grasp you put it over your heart. It was beating like crazy "I'm sorry, I don't know you".
"Oh. I see" replied the man, looking disappointed.
"Look I just wanna go home. Can I do that? Can I leave?"
"Sure. I'll take you home".
"Not yet," said the first man, now entering the room and sitting next to the bed again "What's the last thing you remember?"
"I already told you," you said, exasperated "I finished printing the paperwork at my work, I said goodbye to my boss, and was on my way to drop some documents at court. I don't remember anything else after that. Besides walking on the street, I mean."
"What should we do hyung?" asked the guy with the wavy hair. He looked defeated.
Sighing, the older man straightened his back and made eye contact with you.
"Ok. We'll have to believe something happened with your brain - as the doctor said - because what you just told us makes no sense".
"What do you mean?" You whispered, afraid of the answer he might give you.
"First of all, my name is Kim Namjoon and I'm the spokesperson of the village we are in".
"More like a leader, hyung"
"Whatever you want to call it, I'm the voice and face inside and outside of here".
"We know you by the name of Star and you've lived in this place for as long as I can remember..."
"That, that can't be... how?" Confused you looked around the room again. You were sure of who you were, but this made no sense "My name isn't Star is y/n, and I work at the 4th precinct downtown".
"Downtown? Where?" Kim Namjoon asked, looking exasperated "We live on an island. The only way out of here is by boat or by car. By boat is closer, hence why we always use it. Driving takes at least 12 hours to get us out the forest and out of the island".
Astonished, you remained silent.
"You've lived here since your parents died and my father heard of their passing. I'm not sure how they knew each other, but he brought you here and raised you as his own. I remember being childish while he tried to explain it to me, saying the only other option was an orphanage..."
"My parents aren't dead! They live across the country!" You yelled furiously. You knew this story wasn't real, it couldn't be. You remembered everything. "I don't know who you think you are, but I'm going home. I can't listen to any more nonsense".
Sighing, both men looked at each other.
"Fine. First thing tomorrow morning, I'll take you wherever you want to go. But hear me out Star" you could only roll your eyes at the constant use of a name it wasn't yours "I am not leaving you there. It could be dangerous, you'll realize you are confused and have nowhere to go. And when you see that and you'll see it, you'll have to come back with me. I won't put you in unnecessary danger".
"Don't worry Kim Namjoon, everything will be fine" she said defiantly "I'll be sleeping in my bed tomorrow night".
"Sure thing. Wanna sleep here tonight or in your house?"
"I have a house?"
"Yes Star, you have a house" he deadpanned.
Hope you like it! Let me know what you think :)
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twdmusicboxmystery · 1 year
More Dialogue Parallels and Bethyl Arc Analysis (Part 3)
@galadrieljones, something that I found interesting when I was reading @twdmusicboxmystery's post this morning from her TLL coda post, that I had forgotten about, was the writing above the French man.
"Les morts sont nes ici." @twdmusicboxmystery translated it from French to English. "The dead were born here." I was thinking about that as I was writing this afternoon, who wrote it? It wouldn't have been the scientist.
I feel it must have been someone who came and, " jailed them" but won't do that again, if they come back the man said "we'll kill them" just before he killed the woman. It implies that these people were some how different, they weren't the same as the man or persons that came looking. Some of "them" were taken to jail others seem to be hunted down and killed.
The woman has been on the run. Is it more than just being upset about team Primrose and team Violet creating the virus? It seems to be more than just that. And I'm wondering if the religious group that Daryl will be involved with is part of this group of hunters or the ones being hunted because they are different.
I'm suddenly thinking about terminus and how they were actually a sanctuary and then "others" came in killing the Terminus group and they had to choose in become either (my mind just went totally blank help me out here) was it the cattle or the butcher? Could that be part of what Terminus was foreshadowing?
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Yes, cattle and butcher. I think John Proctor from Fear says almost the same thing right before Nick blows the dam. It’s something else tho, “you either harness the fury or you get stampeded.” That’s when a Nick says his key phrase, “I’m looking for a third way,” which is I think related to the good shepherd, the shepherd who doesn’t go searching for trouble and who is not a pacifist but who is willing to kill the wolves if that’s what it takes to defend his flock.
The good shepherd is Christ’s self-proclaimed role, and I think it’s part of Beth’s “I get it now” statement. She can’t just walk away. She needs to kill Dawn to end the reign of terror at Grady. It’s an interesting notion. Are the “religious nationalists” the ones hunting the scientists? Will Daryl be faced with a hard choice?
Yes, yes, yes! To all you just wrote! There's another saying that wasn't in TWDU but in real life. Something that I believe it was in American Sniper? Something to the effect of are you a sheep a wolf or a shepherd. Something along that line. I was just thinking how we were told at the end of Still that (paraphrasing) our mother's been gone for a long time but there's going to be a party when the wolf comes home. Obviously I can't remember the exact lyrics but you get my drift. I'm going to go Google about any sayings of sheep, wolves, and Shepherds.
Yes, Up the Wolves!! “Our mother has been absent ever since we founded Roam. But there’s gonna be a party when the wolf comes home.”
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A reference to Romulus and Remus being raised by a she-wolf after their mother abandons them and then founding the city of Rome.
You should definitely go read or reread the entire good shepherd passage from the Bible. I can’t remember where it is but it’s east to find via google, and it’s super enlightening and I think it’s really a key to understanding Rick in seasons 4-6, and then Daryl in seasons 6-8.
Beth is the template of the good shepherd. She chooses the third way in one of the most random and confusing acts of the entire series, and she dies for it. This turns Rick into a wolf and Daryl into a sheep. Beth starts clearly as a sheep and then she gets beaten up and betrayed at Grady and she wolfs out. She’s then about to go kill Edwards (or Dawn?) out of vengeance until Carol arrives and then she changes her mind. She needs them to save Carol.
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If she had acted rashly she would not have been able to do that and Carol might have died. She realizes this and that she needs to be smart. She becomes a leader to make things go her way, ie: she’s the coffee, changing the water, not changed by the water.
Rick is a sheep in the prison, re: Carol: “You can be a farmer Rick. You can’t just be a farmer.” Then, rick is “out there too long” and he becomes a wolf, re: just insane in season 5, killing Lambson in cold blood, talking about taking over the ASZ like a tyrant and killing ppl if he has to.
After Beth, Daryl becomes sheepish and withdrawn. He goes out of his way then, when invited by Aaron, to try and do something good, basically for Beth. He tries to help Dwight and Sherry and then he’s betrayed by Dwight, and Dwight kills Denise. After this, Daryl wolfs out. He gets drunk and goes into the woods alone. Glenn, Michonne, and Rosita go after him and this is when they’re apprehended by the Saviors and Glenn dies. Daryl thinks this is all because he was too weak to do what needed to be done and killing Dwight.
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So he loses his humanity in the Sanctuary. He kills the savior in cold blood and then he becomes very cold through season 7-8 basically until Carl dies. His arrows track his transformation. When he’s with Beth they’re green. Then after Noah dies they slowly become more red. He loses his crossbow to Dwight and doesn’t use one again until East, when he uses his old crossbow, from pre-Clear. He shoots a green arrow at Rosita.
This is the last time he’ll shoot a green arrow until after Chokepoint when he becomes friends with Connie. Morgan is also a great example of this duality. He can’t kill his wife, so his wife enters his flock and picks off his lamb. He then goes on a rampage. He meets Eastman and vows that all life is precious so therefore he doesn’t kill. But later he realizes that he must sometimes kill BECAUSE all life is precious and it must be preserved. If you don’t kill the wolves they’ll kill everyone. It’s a sacrifice.
I think this is also related to your us vs. them thing,@wdway. Like, after Beth, Rick is becoming the wolf. He compares them to the walking dead. Killing to survive. Daryl, who is trying to be a shepherd, but who loses his way and becomes a sheep instead, proclaims that “We ain’t them.”
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Both men are at extremes and opposite ends of the spectrum. They cross paths like a Venn diagram in Monsters. Rick looks in the mirror, sees the monster he’s become. He meets Morales. He wants to spare him, but why? He doesn’t know. Daryl kills him in an instant. That’s what Rick should have done. Rick is horrified. He sees himself in Daryl. Daryl later kills the savior after Rick promises that if he gives information, he’ll let him live. Rick is again horrified. This is when Rick begins to change.
I was thinking along the lines that Gimple really likes biblical figures and I was thinking about one of the most famous and my personal favorite from the Old Testament King David. In the Old Testament, young David was not a great fighters like his older, bigger, stronger brothers. David was young, his job was to watch over the sheep from the wolves that would eat them. He loved writing poems and sing songs. But he became a strong, brave shepherd protected his sheep.
David was sent out to slay the Giant Warrior Goliath. Others tried to put armor on him trying to make him a warrior because they believe that's the only person that could kill Goliath had to be a warrior but David said no, his weapon was God's will. He slayed Goliath with his slingshot. The giant against the young man.
Beth to Daryl in Still: "I'm not Michonne. I'm not Carol. I'm not Maggie. I survived and you don't get it 'cause I'm not like you or them."
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All three of those women are the warriors of TWD. Beth is the young woman, the little sister who took care of Judith. Beth is the young David, she will slay her Goliath. Guess where the famous statue of David is? That's right, the Louvre Museum in Paris.
Love this!! David and Goliath is a really amazing allegory for Beth. Beth and David are very similar, I know youv’e said this before. David is the musician, the underdog. He is favored by Saul and friends with Saul’s son, but he has to go into hiding because Saul is suddenly worried that David is trying to steal the throne.
The story of David is also in the Book of Samuel. David’s father is named Jesse. Very weird coincidence all these names showing up in season 5!!!! But there is no main or even minor character named David in TWDU, despite all the many other important Biblical names. Jesse and David are also ancestors of Jesus Christ.
I did NOT know about the statue of David being in the Louvre!! Also, Daryl’s fight with Beta always reminded me of David vs. Goliath. Beta falls down the elevator shaft in a clear callback to Slabtown.
There was a David in season 4. A very important character although we only saw him once taking down walkers at the fence with Karen. Carol killed Karen and David. In indifference she was vanished by Rick. Written by Matthew Negrete.
Oh you are right duh. Karen and David.
Yeah he is all over these important episodes!
Wasn't there another David? David and Bess or Betty or something similar, it was a B name. This was in the season 6.
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It's the guy who got bit on the shoulder and Michonne and he became kind of friends for a few hours. He was left at a fence because he could not climb over and the walkers got to him. When they got back to Alexandria they told his wife. The next morning Jesse went to check on her and she was a walker locked in her house. She must have committed suicide. I think she slashed her wrist.
Dang I think you’re right! Good memory on that one.
I remember it because there was a lot of talk in the Bethyl fandom about the two characters names begin with D and B and they did not find each other until after the world fell apart.
I also really love the David and Goliath analogy. That's genius! I want to think about it more, but I love it! So, if Beth is David, does that make Daryl Bathsheba? 😈 I mean, he did sleep with Leah. Hehe.
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d-c-it · 2 years
Meet Sissy
I wrote this so long ago it might not make much sense now, but I have a bunch of drafts I’m probably never going to look at again and it makes me sad no one got to read them. So, here is one.
[After DwIT, before POF]
The light sides were talking with Thomas about yet another issue when a new side showed up.
Everyone was wary but it was Virgil’s expression of absolute terror what made them worry.
“What… What are you doing here?” Anxiety asked, but the new side only let his head fall on the table in the living room and pointed at Thomas.
“Uhh, who is he?” was Thomas’s turn to ask, he looked at Patton after hearing a quiet 'oh no…’ coming from him.
“Ah, I see.” said Logan, and Thomas could only look at all of them, as they refused to say a word. Even Roman was purposely avoiding looking at him, occupying himself by cleaning his sword. It was all silent for a minute until Thomas couldn't take it anymore.
“Deceit!” he yelled.
“Thomas what-!” yelled back Roman but it was too late.
“-m telling you he wasn’t hiding under the bed the last time I- oh, err, this isn’t a surprise I totally expected thi-oh thank fuck there you are!” Deceit seemed to be looking for something as he appeared, he tried to play it off as soon as he realized he was summoned, but it didn’t last him long.
“Language.” said Patton, receiving a deadpan as a response. Thomas coughed slightly to drag the attention back to himself.
“Who is that?” he said as a greeting. But was again, ignored.
“Is there a reason why he is here?” Virgil asked, his tone had an edge of accusation in it.
“’No, please excuse me, I totally brought him here on purpose! I wasn’t looking for him like crazy in the dark mindscape at all!”
“Can we like… not yell?” spoke for the first time, the guy from the living room. Deceit sighed and went to sit next to him. And started murmuring in his ear, the other only looking at the table like it was the most interesting thing on earth.
Patton looked at both with worry, playing with his hands. Thomas was confused, now looking at Logan hoping for answers. The logical side adjusted his tie before speaking.
“Well, Thomas. This is another side of course… He’s-”
“Depression.” said the new guy, suddenly appearing behind Virgil and making him jump in fright. Roman covered his mouth with his hand, trying to hide his laugh, but Thomas heard him muttering “Karma.”. He himself had to swallow a chuckle.
Deceit stood next to Logan, massaging his temples. For the first time they all noticed how tired he looked.
“Are you ok, kiddo?” asked Patton, concern clearly on his face, but Deceit only glared at him, making them all step back, all except Depression.
“So he is my… Depression? But I’m not…” Thomas looked at Deceit, who was pointing at himself, raising an eyebrow. “Oh, right.”
“Come on, Sissy. Let’s go home.” said Deceit to the newcomer, offering one of his hands for him to take. Virgil looked taken aback and startled, as Depression responded, realizing the hand wasn’t meant for him.
“I can’t.” said the guy, everyone took a good look at him, he was very similar to Anxiety, but at the same time, very different. His sweater was a light shade of gray, big and fluffy, and the sleeves covered his hands. It was clearly a bunch of sizes too big because it also covered his thighs only a few centimeters up his knees. His face was covered in dark makeup, but it was all ruined by the black tear lines that crossed his face. His hair was a bedhead mess. Virgil took a step away from him.
Thomas shuddered when the new side looked at him.
“He’s sad.”
Everyone got quiet.
“He’s only growing sadder and sadder, to the point of apathy. I can’t ignore his call anymore.” he said, and Patton glaced worriedly at Thomas, who looked like he was hit by a truck. Deceit pursued his lips, unable to say something against that statement.
“Are you ok, kiddo?” said Patton, softly. Thomas’s eyes slowly filled with tears and he could only look at the floor.
“I’m not… I’m not.”
The main idea of this was to portray how the callback/wedding decision affected Thomas. How sad it made him and how, in the long run, putting others first would make him apathetic towards his own needs, since he needs to think about others to be good. And how good he is at hiding how sad this situation makes him (thanks dee). To the point where Deceit can’t hold back Depression anymore, as he would have gained too much power.
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