#((bonjour thank u for following!))
spidybaby · 1 year
Ur fics r so good! If u can,can you do a part 2 to be quiet please with kylian sobering up and not remembering what he said so his mom teasing him or smth like that
Now you be quiet, please
Summary: After the events of last night, Fayza chooses to make Kylian pay for his words.
Warnings: Slightly cursing.
Thank you for reading ❤️‍🩹🥺 hope you like this ✨️ part one
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"Turn that off" he says as he heard the alarm go off. "y/n, turn it off" he shake you a little to wake you up.
You sit up in bed and look at him confused, a few seconds later you turn your attention to the loud alarm turning it off. Taking the covers out you made your way to the bathroom to get ready for the day.
After a nice cold shower to wake you up, you did your skincare routine, indecisive about wearing makeup or just a tinted sunscreen. Deciding on a little bit of concealer to cover your sleepless "Kylian, amour wake up." you call him as you make you way to your vanity. "Amour, wake up" you repeat as you sit and prepare you products.
Melissa reminded you of the brunch before leaving, causing Kylian to invite himself. When his mother and you said no, he made a fuss, leading to him actually getting invited so you decide to actually wake him up.
"Five more minutes" he says as he place his pillow on top of his face "Five more nothing, please wake up" you say as you throw the covers off of him. "Go shower, please" he whines but wakes up and walks to the bathroom, slamming the door on the way.
Once your makeup and hair is ready, you walk to the closet and pick a simple outfit. Deciding for the two of you, you picked Kylians outfit, matching with yours. "Bébé, your clothes are ready on the bed" you say before leaving the room, looking for your purse.
You sit on the big couch you have at the living room, texting Melissa for her to know you and Kylian will be on your way soon.
After a few minutes you hear kylian walking into the room "let's go" he says putting his hand out for you, you take his hand in yours and walk out to your car. "J'ai faim" (I'm hungry) he says while putting on his seat belt "vous avez toujours faim" (you're always hungry) You laugh at him.
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"Bonjour, vous êtes enfin arrivés" (Hi, you finally arrived) Melissa says as she saw you walk to the table. "Bonjour à toi aussi" (hello to you too) Kylian says smiling at the two women at the table "Lana, Comment ça va, mon bébé?" (How are you, baby?) He kissed his niece cheek.
You two sit and order breakfast, making small talk as you wait for your food. You notice the look his mother is sending you. Remembering his words last night you feel your face blush and try to hide it by talking to Lana.
"Kylian, how was your night?" Fayza ask "You had a good time?" She drinks her coffee waiting for him to answer "Oui, I needed that so bad" You want to laugh. He was referring to the party but his mom wasn't. "Oh I'm sure you did, I mean you were so desperate for everyone to knew" the way his mother is playing with him makes you and Melissa laugh.
He has this neutral expression. "I mean, I couldn't help it" he shrug eating his croissant "So it was like the one at the morning or was better?" Melissa asks, making you hide your face in your hands. "What?" Is all he can ask, confused at what they mean.
You groan and turn your body to him "You don't remember?" You wanted to laugh because his face is a whole poem. "Je suis si confus en ce moment" (I'm so confused right now) he stops eating to pay full attention to you. "Lana, Vous savez ce qui passe?" (Do you know what's going on?) He asks his niece. She shrug her shoulder not caring as she enjoys a macaron.
"y/n, what's going on?"
You can't help but laugh. "Ask your mom, I have to go to the bathroom" you get up and make you way to the bathroom. Not wanting to be there when his mom explain the situation.
His eyes follow you until you dissappear from his sight. "Maman?" He asks her now. "Dites-moi juste ce qui se passe ici." (Just tell me what's going on). Fayza just smile and look at Melissa.
"Omg, Kylian. Last night you announced to your mom and I how good y/n made you feel that morning and how good you were going to make her feel as soon as you hit home." Melissa finally explains the situation to him. "Oh" is all he can say, not sure how to answer.
"The weather is good today, don't you think?" He's trying to change the subject, embarrassed about it. "Oui, very good weather. Kind of cold, good for the type of activities you like in the morning. Don't you think?" His mom can't help but tease him. "Yeah, a good warm up, good for before training stretching" Melissa join the teasing. "Arrêtez, s'il vous plaît" (stop, please) he can feel the heat on his face, hiding it with his hands.
You return happily, noticing the way the two women are laughing and the way his face is hiding behind his hands, you can't help but feel sorry for him.
"I'm back" you grab one of his hands and intertwine your fingers with his. "So, you understand now?" You tease. "Last night you were so comfortable expressing this, why so embarrassed now, bébé?" You want him to feel a little bit of the shame you felt yesterday. Enjoying it.
"Don't" he begged. "Remember how I asked you to be quiet, you told me your mom knew about it. Why are you so shy now, Kylian?" You smiled continuing with the mocking.
"Now you be quiet, please." He hides his face in the crook of your neck.
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bad268 · 1 year
Could u write a princess of Monaco and Arthur lecrelc , I see this being written so much for Charles and none for Arthur
thank you :)
Queen of Monaco (Arthur Leclerc X Reader)
Fandom: RPF/Formula 2/3
Requested: Clearly (haha we have the same mind bc I was already drafting this before you requested it)
Warnings: death of parents and brother (mentioned), google translate, the Monaco curse is affecting Arthur now and that's a warning itself bro. I am in denial about the race results today, so I made this to make me happy.
Pronouns: She/Her
W.C. 4108
Summary: The beginning of the relationship between Arthur Leclerc and the Queen of Monaco.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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~~(@/Arthur's insta from January 29, 2023)
It was a normal day in Monaco. It was not a race week, and there were no pressing matters to attend. I had just returned to Monaco last week after attending the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States, but I just received my Bachelor's degree and wanted to return home before starting my Master's. I decided to take my first semester online, so I could go home and spend time with my family.
When I got back, my parents urgently began to train me for the throne even though I was not next in line. Despite having an older brother who was scheduled to become the King of Monaco after my parents, he had to serve in the military before he could move forward. They wanted to have me prepare in the event that something happened to him in battle. 
I had never really been in the public eye due to my brother being the next in line. He was always the one attending meetings, trainings, and keeping up appearances. I was free to do as I pleased for the most part, but in 2015, they sent me to a training school in London. It taught the basics of monarchy and the foundations of how to run a country. It was the same one my brother attended. Even in my spare time, I found my passion in mechanical engineering and aerodynamics. It took some persuasion, but my parents allowed me to attend MIT after my graduation because they were so sure that I would not be needed. My brother is in the final stages of the training. All he needed to do was finish the last few months of military training, and then he would be crowned. 
Upon my return, I learned that my mother was ill, so they wanted to get my brother crowned quickly. However, they practically had to start from square one since I was provided very minimal training in London. My father was furious, not at me, but at the situation they had been placed in. They told me the best thing I could do while they prepare the training is to memorize Monaco as it had been nearly seven years since I had been here. 
I was walking down the pier, looking at all of the little shops that lined the pavement and the boats at the dock. There was a small ice cream shop, a couple of clothing stores, a few restaurants, and a salon. I realized that I had not had my hair professionally done since before college, so I thought it would be a good idea to treat myself.
“Bonjour, comment puis-je vou aider? (Hello, how can I help you?)” A lady greeted me as I stepped through the door. It was a small shop, no one else was in there, but it was cute and welcoming other than the fact that I could not remember French for the life of me.
“I’m sorry, my French is no good,” I replied sheepishly, fully prepared to leave, but the woman stopped me.
“Oh, not a problem, dear. My name is Pascale, what can I help you with?” She smiled, kindly, leading me over to one of the chairs. 
“Well, I haven’t gotten my hair done in almost four years, so I think it’s time to freshen up,” I explained. 
“Oh perfect, I can most certainly help with that,” She laughed, placing an apron around my shoulders. “Are you thinking about dye, highlights, trim, cutting…” She started listing more but I couldn't follow along with all of the terminology. 
“Uh, probably just a trim,” I chuckled, “my parents would kill me if I showed up with short, dyed hair.”
“Not a problem at all,” she grinned and began cutting the ends, little by little, as we made small conversations. “What do you do for work?”
“I actually don’t have a job at the moment,” technically, “but I just came back from the United States. I was at MIT for the last four years, getting my bachelors in mechanical engineering and aerodynamics, and before that, I attended boarding school in London.”
“That’s interesting,” she hummed, “Sounds like you like Formula 1?”
“Not so much the races. I just like the cars,” I laughed in response. “I like learning what could make the cars better, faster, stronger, and safer, but the actual races aren't something for me. I watched one too many accidents end badly, so I can never find enjoyment in it anymore. The last race I went to was in Japan, and I lost my best friend.”
“Oh, I’m sorry about that, dear. If you ever need to talk, I’m here,” Pascale consoled. I looked at her confused through the mirror. She just set the scissors down just as her phone got a notification. She pulled out her phone and opened the notification. It was a text message with a picture. “That is my son, Charles, and his best friend, Pierre. They’re in Formula 1. They went out karting today, and he just sent me this.”
“Oh, Charles Leclerc and Pierre Gasly! I know them,” I recognized immediately. “That’s your son?”
“Yeah, he’s always had this passion for driving, so I’m proud to see him living his dreams,” She smiled, putting her phone back, and resumed cutting my hair.
“Well, I’m proud of him too, and I don’t even know him.” I laughed. 
“Maybe, if you’d ever change your mind, you could join us for a race,” Pascale offered. “Only if you’re up for it.”
“I’ll have to see, but probably not,” I declined nervously. 
“It’s not a problem, dear,” She said, patting my shoulders. “But you are all done. How do you like it?”
My hair was shorter by a couple of inches, but it felt so much lighter and healthier than it did earlier today. “I love it so much, Pascale! Thank you so much! How much do I owe you?”
“Nothing, just promise you’ll think about joining us? It would do you some good to get to know more people, and you could even check out the cars before the race! If you’re not comfortable staying for the race, you can always leave. Just promise you’ll think about it before immediately rejecting it?” She pleaded.
“Fine, I’ll think about it,” I laughed, “but only because you were so persuasive!”
The next time I was out in the streets was nearly a week later. My time was being packed with different trainings and attending private events, but nothing public yet so as to not stir up controversy. I decided to go to a local bakery and get some tea and some food. The food in the castle just did not compare to my favorite bakery. Not by a long shot. 
When I walked in, there were not a lot of people in there. It was a small shop with only two tables and a counter. There was the person behind the counter, Ella, and three people at the tables. One sat by himself and the other two occupied the second table. I approached Ella and ordered a tea and sandwich. She said she would bring it right over once it was finished, and I approached the man sitting by himself.
“Bonjour,” I greeted, my French was slowly coming back to me but not enough to carry a full conversation. The man looked up from his phone at me. He had blue eyes and shady blonde hair. He had airpods in and took one out as I approached the table. “My name is Y/n. Would it be alright if I sit with you? The other table is filled.”
 “Of course,” He responded immediately, moving the bag that was hanging on the other chair to the floor. “I’m Arthur.”
“Nice to meet you, Arthur. Thank you for letting me sit with you,” I laughed, taking the seat that he pulled out for me. “I really appreciate that.”
“It’s my pleasure,” He chuckled along, “It was just empty anyway.”
That was the start of an inseparable bond. It was strange having someone so close again because even though I had some friends in school, they were never as close as Arthur was. For the first couple of months, any time that was not filled with training was spent with each other. Whether it be chilling in his apartment, driving around Monaco, boat rides, and random trips around France and Italy, we were content with doing random acts of entertainment. It didn’t take long before he asked me to be his girlfriend.
One thing we knew would be difficult is the time commitments. With his recent change from Formula 3 to Formula 2 and more royal training for me, we knew it was going to be more time-consuming. That didn’t stop us, however. Tuesdays were the most random day of the week, but neither of us had any responsibilities.
One day in particular, the day before he was set to go to Australia, we were at his apartment, and I was helping him pack since he *conveniently* forgot. We had gone to get smoothies and acai bowls earlier that morning before heading to his apartment. Then, after we ate, we put on some music as background noise while we packed and conversed back and forth.
“Would you ever come to a race with me?” He asked as he pulled a couple of shirts out of his closet. “I know you didn’t have a good experience at the last one, but would you be willing to give it another time?”
“I don’t know, A. I get anxiety just knowing you’re racing,” I explained. Moving to fold the shirts he’s pulling out. 
“That sound like an improvement!” He laughed, jumping over and wrapping his arms around my shoulders as I put the folded clothes in the suitcase. “When we first started talking, you said no immediately. Now, you’re saying you don’t know.”
“What can I say?” I leaned back into his embrace, “You are pretty persuasive.”
“What are the chances of you coming to the Monaco Grand Prix with me?”
“The odds are in your favor since I don’t go anywhere,” I laughed in response. He turned me around in his arms. He was pouting and had his head tilted slightly. “No, don’t do the puppy face. You know I can’t say no to that face.”
With a heavy sigh and a joking eye roll, I caved. I was about to vocalize my decision, but my phone started ringing. This time, my sigh was out of annoyance after seeing it was from Mila, my personal guard and trainer.  “I need to answer that, but yes, I promise to go to the Monaco Grand Prix with you.”
“Of course,” He exclaimed, kissing me all over my face. “I will take care of everything. You go take the call, and I’ll finish packing in here.”
With a small smile, I walked out of his bedroom to the living room and stepped out onto the balcony before answering the phone. “Hi, Mila. What did I forget?”
“Nothing, but are you near the palace?” She responded. Just the tone of her voice made me nervous.
“Not really, I’m about 20 minutes away. Do I need to head back?” 
“Yes, let me know when you get here.” And with that, she hung up. I walked back in to see Arthur with his suitcase fully packed by the door.
“I need to head home,” I started. “Something’s not right.”
“That’s fine,” He reassured, pulling me into a hug. “I’ll need to head out for my flight soon anyway, so I’ll walk you to your car.” 
During the drive back, my mind wandered. Was there a meeting I missed? I couldn’t remember having anything scheduled on a Tuesday. Most meetings were on Mondays or Wednesdays and policy training sessions were Thursdays and Fridays. Maybe there was a last-minute meeting.
Pulling through the gates, I texted Mila once I parked in our car park, and a few guards were waiting for me. “Hi, what did I miss?”
“Y/n, we need to talk,”  one of the guards, Chris, said, and right then, I knew things were worse than I thought. We walked through the corridors to reach one of the meeting rooms, but the only person in there was Mila. The guards immediately turned around and left the room.
“Have a seat,” She cut me off, gesturing to the seat next to her. I took it hesitantly as I looked at her skeptically. “So, I’m not going to beat around the bush with this. As you know, your mother, the queen, was sick.”
“I assume she died then? That’s what this was for?” I cut her short. However, there was something on her face that said she wasn’t finished. “Okay, I’ll let you continue.”
She shook her head dismissively, “No, it’s fine, but you’re right. She passed away early this morning.”
“So my brother will be crowned when he comes back?”
“That’s the next news,” Mila paused. I encouraged her to just rip the bandaid off because I was getting impatient. “Your father went to the base to get your brother, but there was an explosion. There was a gas leak, and somehow the building they were in exploded. We’re still waiting on the details.”
“Wait, so my entire family…” I trailed off, but she knew where I was going. She just nodded solemnly as she pulled me into her side. “So that means…”
“It means you are to be the queen.”
Third POV
Ever since the Melbourne Grand Prix, Arthur has been talking about how his girlfriend was going to join him on the paddock for the Monaco Grand Prix. To say that his friends and brothers teased him would be putting it lightly. Any chance they could, they asked questions about this “girlfriend” of his that they had never heard of, and Arthur was willing to spill all of the details. On the Thursday before the Monaco Grand Prix when he was driving to the track with Charles, he accidentally let it slip that he actually had not heard from her recently. He asked Charles to check his phone to see if she had texted him recently.
“Wait, you haven't heard from her in over a month and you’re not at all worried?” Charles asked, very concerned for someone he’s never met.
“No, we’ve definitely texted recently,” Arthur responded in disbelief. When they pulled up to a red light, Charles showed him that the last message from her was April 1. “No, we’ve definitely talked.”
“Here, pull over. We’ll switch, so you can call her, and I’ll drive us the rest of the way to the track,” Charles said, already getting out of the car as soon as they were on the shoulder. He immediately dialed her number, and after a few rings, it went to voicemail. He thought about leaving her a voice message, but she was already calling him back before he could start.
“Hey, traffic is hideous, but I’m almost there,” She started her explanation. She was sitting in the backseat with a couple of guards, and Mila as her driver took them to the track. “Are you already there?”
“No, we’re not there yet,” he laughed. “Charles and I are still stuck in traffic, but we noticed that I hadn’t messaged you since the Australian Grand Prix. Thought I would call to see if you were still coming.” Charles was half listening to the conversation, but he was smiling to himself, hearing how lovestruck his younger brother sounded.
“Oh, definitely,” She chuckled. Mila nudged the girl with a knowing grin. “I’ve just been insanely busy recently, but I promised. On the bright side, I finished my training!”
“No way, I’m so proud of you, ma chéri!” Arthur cheered. Charles was a little confused as he pulled into the track, but let it go, knowing Arthur would explain it later. “Does that mean there will be a ceremony or something?”
“You could call it a ceremony, yes,” She giggled. She noticed that they were only a few blocks away from the car park of the track, so she turned her phone away toward her shoulder as she directed a question to Mila, “Could I jump out and meet up with Arthur before the race? I promise I’ll be careful, and I’ll be in the box before it starts.” Mila turned to discuss it with one of the guards who was entirely against it. “Please, I won’t leave Arthur’s side, and you know he’s trustworthy.”
“I won’t let her out of my sight, Mila!” Arthur’s voice could be heard through the phone despite it not being on speaker. She gestured to the phone at her shoulder as Mila tried to reason with the guard.
“I’ll go with you,” Mila said as she started collecting their passes and jumping out of the car that was stopped in the traffic going into the parking lot. Y/n immediately climbed out of the back, pulling her phone back up to her ear.
“Alright, Arthur, where do you want us to meet you?”
First POV
“You seem to have gotten shorter since Melbourne,” I laughed as I ran into Arthur’s arms from where he was waiting at the Dams garage. 
“You’re wearing heels,” he pointed out after we pulled away. “What are you and what have you done with my girlfriend?”
“You say that like you don’t like me in heels,” I teased back.
“Ok, lovebirds,” Mila pulled our attention away from each other, “I am going to head up to our seats. Don’t tell anyone I left.”
“Your secret’s safe with me. Thank you, Mila,” I responded as she started walking away.
“You have seats?” Arthur asked.
“Yeah, I didn’t want to rely on you for the passes for Mila, so she bought us hospitality seats,” I explain. It wasn’t the whole truth, but I could not just tell him that in the open. “Is it possible to talk somewhere away from the cameras?”
“You’re not breaking up with me, right?” He immediately jumped to conclusions.
“No, no, no, no,” I quickly shut down. “Je t’aime trop pour partir, mon amour. I just want to tell you something. (I love you too much to leave, my love)”
“Je t’aime, ma belle, (I love you, my beauty)” He whispered, pulling me in for a light kiss before leading me back towards the driver’s room he shares with Ayumu. “Make yourself comfortable.”
I took a seat on one of the beanbags as Arthur sat right next to me. I took a deep breath before deciding the best way to tell him was just to say it fast. “Arthur, I need to tell you about my family.”
“Are you trying to have me meet your family already? You could meet my brothers and maman today if you want,” He rambled.
“I can meet them, but you won’t be able to meet my family. That day you left for Australia was the day I found out they passed away.” I paused looking at his reactions. He looked sorrowful as he grasped my hands and ran his thumbs across the backs of my hands. “Maman had an illness, and papa went to get my brother from the base.”
“Your brother’s in the military?” He asked.
“Was,” I answered. He looked even more confused at that before I continued. “He was serving in the military as his last stage of training. Kind of like my trainings, he had to serve in the military.”
“What kind of training did you need to do? Was this part of your degree or something?”
“No, that’s the big secret I haven’t been able to tell you,” I whispered, putting my head down as I felt guilty for not explaining this sooner.
“Anything you have to say, I will accept you either way,” He reassured me as he pulled me into his chest and kissed my head. “I understand that you have your reasons for hiding some things, so whatever this is, it is not going to stop me from loving you.”
“What if it is complex with more spotlight than you already have?” I asked, throwing my head to rest on his shoulder and looking into his blue eyes. “What if it’s a big change?”
“When we go public, it will be a big change, but I’m willing to do anything for you, ma princesse.”
“Reine, (Queen)” I whispered.
“Quoi? (What)” He responded just as fast.
“What if I told you my parents were the king and queen of Monaco? And my older brother was the prince of Monaco? And now that they’re gone, I will be the queen of Monaco? What would you do?” 
He went silent for a few seconds before whispering, “Are you serious?” My silence was enough of an answer for him to jump up, pulling me with him as he starts laughing and spinning us in circles. He set me down after a couple of spins before holding me at arm's length,  “I would completely understand. I mean you probably didn’t plan on taking the throne because of your brother, and you’d just come back from studying. I only tell people who need to know, and when we met, I wasn’t someone who needed to know. We haven't talked since you found out, so I could never be upset with something like that.”
“But now, if we tell people, you will be heavily scrutinized as people will see you as a potential king,” I signed, happy to know he isn’t upset with me, but still wanting him to see all sides before completely agreeing to move forward. “You’d have more on your list.”
“The only question I would have is if it would interfere with racing,” He turned serious.
“I would never let them keep you from your passions,” I laughed. “They have to respect it by order of the queen.”
“Well, then I would see no issues against continuing to be by your side, ma reine,” he chuckled with a mocking bow.
“Merci mon beau prince, (Thank you my handsome prince)” I mocked back, “now by order of the queen, go win this race.”
“And Arthur Leclerc passes Fredrik Vesti in the final turn of the race,” Crofty shouted over the radio during the final lap of the race. I was up in the hospitality seats with Mila and the guards but headed down to the pitlane a couple of laps before since I was going to be presenting the trophies. I was standing at the pit wall with Charles, Lorenzo, and Pascale, who I met (again) just before the race. “The Monaco Curse is broken for Arthur Leclerc as he wins his first Monaco Grand Prix!”
 I left the pit wall to meet everyone at the podium and stopped to meet up with Mila on my way over. She and the guards escorted me through the crowds. “I’ll tell you now, one of you will need to tell Arthur not to out our relationship when I give him his trophy.”
At the podium, I stood behind the steps as Alice announces the winners. “In third place, we have Théo Pourchaire! In second place, we have Frederik Vesti! And in first place, breaking the Monaco Curse, the home favorite, Arthur Leclerc! Presenting the trophies today is the future Queen of Monaco, Y/n.”
“I’m proud of you,” I said to Arthur as I handed him the trophy.
“Merci, now if only Charles could win,” He joked, taking the trophy and posing with it.
“I’ll tell him you’re talking crap about him,” I teased back, moving away to grab the next trophy for Dams. I handed them all out and expressed my congratulations to the other two drivers before posing for the picture and immediately ducking back as I knew Arthur would try to spray me. I walked down the stairs to meet up with Charles before he heads back to Ferrari for his own race. “Arthur’s talking shit about you. You better win.”
“I’m starting sixth, so we have hope,” Charles responded as he rolled his eyes.
“Just don’t box for hards at the last lap again and you’ll be fine,” I laughed as if it were really that simple. 
“Maybe I broke the curse for both of us or maybe I just had some good luck today,” Arthur said, coming up behind us and throwing his arm around my shoulders.
“Oh yeah, what good luck did you have?” Charles teased, punching Arthur into me.
“Maybe just the future queen of Monaco.”
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jkkyks · 7 months
omg , you hve a tiktok editing account 😭
I saw the edit yesterday on my tiktok fyp , I followed u but I wasn’t sure its you, until Maha posted the edit on her new one shot. THIS IS SO EXCITING♥️ U ARE SO TALENTED💋
Bonjour 💋!!
I have always been an editor myself😂♥️. When I was in my army era ( I still love bts sm) , I made an editing account for Jungkook named @kookietechno (still exists on tiktok & insta, am just not active) . It has like 40K followers🤫 (ur girl is sth aye)
And now I cant hide the fact that I wanna edit Kylian too🤭. Am glad you loved the edit babe, more is yet to come♥️💋 Jkkyks on Tiktok💋
Thank you for the support 🫡
Milles Mercis♥️! Bisous💋.
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zandvoort23 · 3 months
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ROUND 1/24 ⸺ bahrain grand prix ✩ 02.03.2024
maple's rating: ★★★★ (8.3/10)
☁︎ click read more facts, highlights & experiences ☁︎
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✩ facts
red bull ties with williams for fourth on the all-time win table with 114 race wins!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🍾🍾🍾🍾
max today won his eighth consecutive race 😁✨🌷☀️☀️🍾🍾💌💌💌
max now has two of the four longest winning streaks in history in the past 10 months (10 races, eight races)
this is max's fifth grand slam, tying alberto ascari and michael schumacher’s career totals, third of all-time‼️‼️‼️💥💥💥
max is the first driver to score a grand slam in the opening race of the season since michael schumacher in 2004 🥺🥺🥺🥺
today was max’s 42nd consecutive classified finish (the second longest streak in history behind lewis’ 48)
red bull finished one-two in the opening race for the second consecutive season (max beat checo by 11.987s in 2023)
checo’s p2 today was his best finish since monza 23
carlos’ p3 was only his fourth podium finish since the start of 2023
charles’ p4 gave him 12 points – he only scored six points in the opening three races of 2023 combined
with george in p5 and lewis p7, mercedes scored an identical result to bahrain 2023, but with their drivers swapped over
fernando was p9 – he finished on the podium in the opening three races last year
there were no retirements in the opening race of a season for the first time in f1 history 🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰🌷🌷✨✨
✩ raceweek highlights
✩ free practice
max NOT slaying 🙅🙅🙅
dam that ferrari looks a bit fast
max not sounding stressed though 👍
✩ qualifying
qualifying being SO close
lewis kinda not impressing :/ oh okay
no incidents in quali! woah!!!
ALPINE. MASTERCLASS. 🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷 (disasterclass): p19 & p20
GEORGE not following the delta (he did not get a penalty. of course)
charles' q2 lap ✨✨✨✨
thank you oscar piastri for that tow. i will remember 💕💕💕💕
MAX POLE MAX POLE MAX POLE MAX POLE‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️💕💕💕💕💕💕💕☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️
"ha ha sorry gp!" (gp and helmut bet on whether max got pole or not.)
33 poles for maxy!!!
✩ race
me having trouble breathing during the formation lap (normal occurrence. but still funny) 💥💥💥
max IMMEDIATELY fucking off. who cares about the new drs rule if he can make a 1+ second gap within a lap 💀💀💀💀💀
contact between nico and lance 😨👎
charles. poor meow. what is happening to u 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫💔💔
fernando dropping 💔💔💔💔
max building the fuck out of that gap 💘💕💓💖💗‼️‼️‼️🙏🙏🙏
50+ second pit stop for valtteri 💀 why does this always happen to him bro 😭😭😭😭
lewis not having a good time. like. at all 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 ‘MY SEAT IS BROKEN’ AHHSHAHAHAH 😭😭😭😭😭
carlos 👀👀👀
williams overheating / wheel failure 😨😨😨 bc of their new screen 😭😭😭‼️‼️‼️
fuck you vcarb for doing that to my man yuki. fuck you. fuck youuuu oh my god fuck youuuu‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️👎👎👎👎💥💥💥💥💥💥
max weaving on the way to the finish line 😭😭😭😭😭
checo p2! first p2 since monza 😭😭
✩ miscellaneous
lestappen + george after quali 💀 bye
max laughing at george for thinking he's 0.5 behind per lap 🗣️
new intro screen! max looks cutieful! but its a downgrade for the intro in general 💔💔💔
versainz kindaa 👀👀👀😏😏😏
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✩ maple's diary
40 notes · View notes
starryficsfinishwen · 6 months
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✧!。◟[NSFW] ʟᴇ ᴘᴇᴛɪᴛ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴇʀᴏɴ ʀᴏᴜɢᴇ — Von Negut x reader [PGR]
[ doubles as Halloween and 100 150 followers special! ]
“Bonjour, petite fille... Pourquoi marches-tu dans la forêt toute seule?”
a.n. - why does Tumblr have no option to react to comments LOL I'd like to thank the ones who reacted to the previous post and motivated me to make this one happen! I'M SORRY AGAIN FOR BEING SO LATE. I have finals in one-two weeks but hi I'm here LOL I also haven't edited this yet, I still have stuff to write notes and study but YOLO This was also planned to be the 100 followers special but yall. it grew to 150 already LMAO Im so thankful, thank u!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pairing - Wolf!Von Negut x f!human
words - 7,522
warnings - MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. NSFW THEMES: virginity loss, corruption kink. blood and murder is involved. dubcon. mentions of murder. cunnilingus. porn with plot LOL
special mention - banners belong to @/saradika!
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Your mother warned you not to stray from the path.
In your little town, the one you've grown up in, dense green foliage covers the borders. During springtime, flowers and pollen would fill your noses, and the sun is kind to let your laundry dry faster. In summertime, the trees give off cool air for you to sleep in late into the morning. Orange leaves that fall to the ground become the children's plaything, when autumn drenches your little town in cinnamon brown and orange hues. However, in the winter...
“Another victim!” cried out an elderly man as he wrapped the dead body in a thin sheet of cloth, “dear God!”
Townsfolk would gather around the center of the town square, as a dead body mauled to death would appear once a week during winter. Blood and broken bones paint the cobblestone, signaling the beginning of yet another cold winter.
You bring your red cape closer to your neck, the winter air shivering you to the bones. You look away at the horrendous sight of the dead body by the fountain, to which you've known the victim was once your playmate during your childhood years.
“It's those damned wolves!” one of your neighbors proclaimed, unsheathing his sword from his scabbard, “we must hunt them down while it's daylight!”
A murmur erupted amongst the crowd. Wolves— wild creatures that were the king of the woods. However, they are feral in nature, and they are unkind; they murder everything they see and soak them in blood. Once, they only hunted farm animals that the townsfolk had been taking care of (you remember the sheep your father once took care of; its wool ready to be sheared the next summer, yet it never came because its little body was never to be found, apart from the large, animal-like footprints left behind from its pen). Until one day, a human body would appear. And that was the day they all realized that the wolves were now hungry for human blood.
“It is daylight,” called out another neighbor, “we must hunt them down now!”
A ripple of cheers throughout the crowd. Men raised their weapons and lit their fire, holding it up into the air. Lingering through the crowd, countless cries mingled with the somber fury of men. You wish to run away from this sight, were it not for the hand that held you tight.
“They are idiots,” your mother, who lived half of her life in this small town, muttered. “Why should they risk their lives for something trivial like this?”
You wanted to retort, that a human life had died unwillingly to death, but you only grasped the handle of your bucket tighter. This, indeed, only interfered in your daily chore of fetching well water.
“I see your father in the crowd,” she sighs, the creases in your forehead somehow making her look older, “make sure he won't join them in this madness, will you, child?”
You nodded timidly. Although you wish to support the cause, your own kin's blood is far more important than anyone else's. As you prepare to wiggle out of your mother's grasp, the townsfolk suddenly fall silent; ominous, yet full footsteps from the cathedral, not too far from the towns square, echoed loudly.
A man draped in a long, black liturgical vestment, a bible in hand and a large cross hung across his neck. Behind the priest, a regal young nun with blonde hair and green eyes followed closely. Their presence alone made the whole town quiet down, parting to let the priest closer to the mangled body.
You've seen them so many times, yet their wonders still surprise you— the priest opens his old bible, the edges of the book fraying out. He holds onto the cross, steadying it just above the body, muttering a psalm with his eyes closed. The nun would pull out a small glass container, pouring the holy water onto the corpse, and it was set aflame— the townsfolk shrieked in surprise, yet the priest and his nun only stood without any reaction.
They have, after all, been the ones to clean up the messes of murder.
“Do not act so rashly, my brethren,” the priest spoke quietly as he gave the bible to the nun, “the creatures of darkness should not be sought; lest they return us the favor of more bloodshed.”
The people around the square quieted down. Slowly, some returned back to what they were originally doing, even your father who reluctantly went back inside the comforts of your home, until all that was left in the square was the priest, the nun, the ashes of the corpse, and the man who cried out for a hunt. The priest muttered to the man, one that you couldn't hear, but it must have infuriated him as he drew out his weapon and trudged north of the square.
You hear several of your neighbors starting to whisper again— something about being unfortunate, something about being the next victim.
“Well, that's the end of it,” your mother sighed, nudging you in the direction of the well, south, “your chores can't wait forever, dearie.”
Right. You forgot you weren't some omniscient god. You quickly picked up your buckets and walked south. But your eyes still lingered at the ashes that were picked up by the nun in her hand, unable to look away at the immense sadness reflected on her somber green irises.
You trudge forward.
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Being a nun in your small town didn't seem bad. However, your mind often wanders to a future where you were in love with someone, bearing his children and living a long, loving life, despite not having a potential husband yet, that is— something that a nun cannot have, due to their devotional marriage to the Almighty.
These thoughts linger in your head, as you hum a worship song along the way, your two empty buckets clanking with your every step. It wasn't a long walk anyways, the well was now closer.
The noises in the bushes say otherwise.
The hairs on your neck prickle— you were aware rabbits occupied the area, their little paw prints digging into the snow during winter, but such noises were incapable of being made by such gentle, little creatures. You quickly pick up your pace, tugging your cape closer.
The bushes kept ruffling until you reached the well. When you look back, you only find your footsteps in the path, and the bushes were bushes. Breathing a sigh of relief, you do your business, tying your bucket and into the well.
“Aren't those buckets too heavy to carry, miss?”
If you think about it, they are— but not as heavy as your body, jumping to the sudden voice talking to you.
“W-what?” You put your hand to your chest, trying to steady your erratic heartbeat, “who's there?”
A leather shoe steps out of the shadows, before the voice reveals itself. He wore a white dress shirt with a large v-shaped cleavage dipping to his abdomen, his suit slung between his shoulders and flowing to the back, tucked neatly with clean black slacks. His eyes are a hazy shade of grey, dark hair slicked back. You've known all the faces in your little town, but with a face chiseled by the gods themselves...
He's not from this town.
“Apologies,” his lips started to move, face contorted with genuine worry, “I did not mean to scare you. The buckets you carry awfully look heavy, and I wish to help.”
Why was such a man here? You quickly stood to your feet, shaking your hands, “This has been a chore I've been doing since I was a child. You, sir, make me worry; why are you here? Are you lost?”
The man's stares linger, on the cape you wore, chuckling at your words, as if dismissing your warning. “I am not lost, little lamb. I happen to stumble across this area.”
Little lamb, it seemed to fit you as a nickname. All the other kids used to call you weak way back. But now it's different: the lady in red. But you shook your head, trying to forget the awful memory, “Do you wish to find shelter, then? I can ask the good ladies to provide you lodgings until you are ready to leave. You are not safe here, so may as well seek refuge.”
You ponder. Does this man not know about the rumor that circulates to the nearby towns?
Looking deep into his eyes, you mutter, “there is a wolf around the area. I suggest you leave before the day ends.”
In the middle of the darkness, sunlight peeks through the shade of the leaves. They highlighted the contours of his face. For a moment, you nearly miss the unreadable glint in his gray eyes and seemingly sharp teeth. But as you blink, his expression is nothing but confusion, as if he looked like a lost child.
“A wolf?” He hums, “ah, so the rumors were true. That sounds quite...saddening.”
“So you have heard,” nearly forgetting your task, you quickly carry your buckets once more, looking away from the charming man, “since you are well aware of the dangers here, then you should leave, good sir.”
“I'd rather you stay alive than to be an unknown victim in our town.” you added, before trudging through the path you came from.
A shame to leave him hanging, but you value your safety and mental health (even as you walk, you hear the incoming sermon of your mother). Out of the blue, the heavy weight in one of your arms disappears.
“Then that means I should at least help you with this, hm?”
You see him clear— pale skin, white teeth, sparkling eyes— in pure daylight, as he carries one bucket effortlessly.
“At least you and I can be safe from the wolf now, isn't that right, little lamb?”
Heat rushes to your cheeks, hearing those words from the stranger. Shaking your head, supporting the weight of the only bucket you had in hand now, sighing.
“If you are not from this town, then let me introduce you to some ladies in town to let you rest. I feel bad when I let others do all my tasks.”
He laughs— heartily, it makes your tummy jump, you thought you heard heaven— “your kindness baffles me, little lamb.”
“I am only repaying what you have given to me,” You admit, smiling at him genuinely, “you are the one who is kindly carrying my bucket.”
“It is not heavy,” He mirrors your smile, and you nearly miss the sharp teeth, before it somehow turns back to human ones, “I see that you were the one struggling.”
You laughed before looking elsewhere, “I should probably give you something else, then.”
“Please, this is not a favor,” He stops before placing the bucket on the ground, “consider it as...a welcoming gift.”
He flashes you one last smile, before gesturing to the front. Confused, you turned to the direction he pointed— townsfolk going about their day, the children that were playing, and the fountain that seemed good as new, as if nothing happened earlier.
Turning to thank the stranger, you realize that he had long disappeared. Only the bucket that he helped carry remained.
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Despite his sudden departure, a part of you had clung into some hope that he was safe. Maybe not in your town, but somewhere. Amongst the trees were other residents who grew tired of the fear that circulated within your little town, hoping that some were kind enough to let him in.
Fortunately though, the murder stopped. Usually, another body would have popped up in the town square, but instead, a yet-to-be lighted pine tree was erected near the fountain.
On another note, garlands of garlic and a symbol you couldn't recognize was carved onto the wooden posts standing by the entrance.
“It's to scare the wolf,” your father said after another work day, drinking from a bottle of ale that your mother prepared, “the priest commissioned us.”
The bucket of water seemed a bit heavy, several days after the kind stranger helped you. A greedy part of you wishes to see his ethereal face, but the rational one is too wary.
“He won't come back.” You said to yourself, disappointment tugging at the back of your throat, “He probably left town at this point.”
The rustling of the bushes behind you nearly scared the soul out of you. You think it's the wind, but the rustling only grew louder.
Raising one bucket to your chest, you prepare yourself to lunge at the upcoming threat in case it would jump out of its hiding spot. When that time came, you closed your eyes instead—
And a strangled, poor mewl of a cat was heard instead.
Opening one eye, you peeked to see a small kitten, perhaps smaller than the bread you consume every morning. Baby eyes peer at you, one more choked cry spewing out of its lips. Your heart crumbles at the poor creature, putting the bucket down so you could cradle it in your blemished hands, tucking it in the safety of your cape.
Too busy comforting the creature, you never noticed the looming shadow behind you.
“What a poor cat.”
You nearly threw the small creature in your hand. Looking back, your heart rattles as you lock eyes with the stranger from before. A part of you sighs in relief, partly to see that he was well and the other being relieved he was back, while the rest of your body shakes from his sudden arrival.
“Dear sir!” you breathed, fingers finding comfort by patting the kitten's soft head, “Please do not scare me like that. I do not know if I have a bad heart, yet.”
The pretty stranger laughs (at this point, you ask yourself if it was normal to have an upset stomach just from hearing his melodious laughter). Kneeling next to you, he stretches his hand out to the kitten in your hand, slender fingers caressing the area in between its eyes and its forehead.
“What a gentle, yet fragile creature.” He whispers, as if the words were only shared in between the both of you, “Pray tell, how did you find him?”
Ah, so he likes cats as well.
“He was mewling when I found him. I saw no signs of the mother.”
His eyebrows were stitched together, a subtle frown on his lips. Was this regret written on his features?
Fishing out something from his pockets, you trail his movements carefully as he pulls out a piece of meat, enough to fill the kitten's little stomach.
“I figured this would come in handy,” he chuckled, feeding the piece to the cat, “He needs it more than I do.”
You missed his words, instead, you were intently looking at his actions. “He is a he...?”
“Ah, so you have never known what gender cats bear?”
Timidly, you shook your head. “If the cat bears litter, only then will I know that they are a female.”
Golden eyes shine mischievously in the dark. Chuckling once more, he caresses the cheek of the kitten, to which the latter rubs against his fingers. He reached out, a strand of your hair in between his fingers, bringing them to his lips.
“How innocent you are, little lamb,” he whispers, “did your mother not tell you to talk to strangers?”
“She has, but if you were a demon, wouldn't you have killed me right now?”
His smile made your stomach churn, heartbeat skipping lightly in joy, “Quite perceptive, I like you.”
You giggle, “My mother tells me that, too.”
You bring the kitten to your eye level, a pout on your lips, noticing that you were going to be reprimanded should you bring an innocent feline in your raucous home.
“Little lamb, what's wrong?”
“I am afraid that I cannot bring this little one home. My family will be angry at me.”
The stranger sighed. Gently taking the warm cat from your hands, he smiles at you.
“I shall take care of him for you, then.” He spoke, “Only...”
Curiosity outweighs the warning signs flashing in your mind. You quietly asked, “Only...?”
“Will you come and visit me here, when you tend to your bucket? You shall see this creature whenever you like.”
Your heart leaps out of your chest as joy overwhelms you. No longer worrying about the poor kitten, you bowed to the stranger, thankful for his kindness.
“I still cannot believe how naïve you are, Little lamb.” You heard him mutter, but you paid no mind.
When you came back to the village, you failed to notice gray eyes following your every move.
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You did your chores diligently. After all, you were a keeper of your word.
Almost everyday, you were rendezvous with the stranger, eager to care and see the growth of the kitten you found. At some point, you no longer questioned the history of the strange man; how could you, when it already felt like you were raising a family with him?
“Like a good mother,” he complimented once, “you take good care of things.”
Heat would rush to your cheeks, tummy fluttering with what you believed were an ache, were a bunch of butterflies taking home there, alongside your thundering heartbeat. (You would slap yourself, too, confusing the stranger and your family.)
Did you like the stranger? You never realized that the thought was buried in the back of your head, then. But all the same, gray eyes you came to remember would visit you, even in your wildest dreams.
On one particular day, while you were getting ready to fetch some water and meet with your stranger, your mother stopped you.
“Dear child, I'd like you to not do that for today.”
“But,” you paused, hands gripping the buckets, “is there something wrong?”
“I'd like you to take a day off, have your brothers do that chore,” she reached out to hold your shoulders, smiling, “spend a day with your dear mother, hm?”
But how could you inform the stranger you were with these past few months, when you were going out with your mother?
In the end, you couldn't get away; instead, she dressed you in your best ones, face coated with makeup you despised, and before the day ended, you found yourself sitting in front of a man you've never met before, a ring on his finger.
“[Y/N],” his honeyed words were nothing compared to the man in the forest, but the ring on his finger looked awfully more expensive than your life, glimmering and glinting as he announced, “we shall be wed soon, my bride.”
And your fate, though unfortunate, was sealed.
“You weren't here yesterday.”
You flinched from the tone of your friend, the stranger, as you picked up the fast growing kitten in your arms.
Even the cat noticed your distraught, licking your thumb. “I'm sorry...my mother did not make me leave the house.”
It wasn't a lie; after all, you hadn't left the house until you were being dragged to the saloon, your husband-to-be waiting for you.
“I really wanted to talk to you,” you added, twiddling with the kitten's tail, “but my mother...”
His gray eyes were...bleak. Looking at you with noticeable exhaustion, the man could only sigh. “I thought you broke your promise. You already know what would happen...”
You wonder how to break the news to the man. Aware that your attraction to him was more than what friends would feel, your heart crumbles at the thought of telling the truth.
“Dear sir...”
When he looks up, there was a small smile on his lips. “Little lamb, there is something that I must show you.”
Gently pulling you by the hand, you clutch your cape as the winter air seeps into your skin, trying to catch up at the speed of the man. By the time he slows down, you nearly forget you're human, legs surrendering from the exhaustion.
Thankfully, the man caught you first.
“I am sorry,” he said, as if he hadn't run so fast, “I forgot you aren't entirely athletic.”
You smiled at him, looking down to find the little kitten was snugly fit in his breast pocket, mewling contently.
“You can put me down now, dear sir,” you blushed, coughing, “I can walk on my own.”
“Nonsense,” he mirrors your smile, “let me carry you until we reach our destination.”
“Is it very far, then?”
Carrying you like a bride, he shook his head, a small smile on his lips, “We're quite close.”
The warmth and comfort as he carries you effortlessly, the smell of fresh pine and creeks— you could get drunk in this smell forever. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, trying to sneak your way in smelling more (it's too late; the stranger already knew.)
“You may open your eyes now, little lamb.”
You do. And you were not mistaken—
A field full of roses. Dressed in snow, it was the first time you've seen such a magnificent color, like blood, bleeding onto the white. When the stranger puts you down, your legs find themselves running to the field, eager to witness such beauty amongst the winter land.
“How...” words died in your throat, “How did you find something like this?”
Wordlessly, the stranger sits beside you as you fiddle with the flowers, fingers playing with your red cape, “I've told you; I'm a wanderer.”
Sometimes, you thought about your luck that was down the drain. But when you think about the stranger, the cat, and this beautiful scenery, a stray idea came to you, that made you look at the ashen-eyed man— what if you were to run away with him right now?
He looked back at you, piercing eyes glimmering as he slowly leaned to you, aware of how your breath was fanning his lips.
“Little lamb,” his words were your Achilles' heel, the sound of his voice dipping enough to make your heartbeat louder, “Pull away, should you not like what I will do next.”
What does he do next? Gently, softly, he presses his sweet lips to your inexperienced ones. Shortly, sweetly, with his eyes closed, it made yours flutter before surrendering to the feeling of the kiss.
You should pull away. You should have. You had a groom waiting for you at a church, the wedding a few days away. But was it a sin to kiss a man, a stranger you had fallen in love with, to wrap your arms around him, innocently and carelessly but passionately, as the kiss deepens? His heartbeat and yours in sync, your lips exploring whatever was there waiting for the unknown, his hands on your waist, holding your cape, breathing into each other's warmth— was it really a sin?
The stranger pulls away, somehow aware of the lack of oxygen, with a little whine from your lips, you almost made yourself want to hide away forever. But he only laughs, fingers caressing the apple of your cheek, a butterfly kiss on the tip of your nose. It was the first of your many kisses— and it made your stomach flutter wildly, your legs trembling from want.
“How cute,” the stranger chuckles, “And I thought you were innocent, little lamb.”
“I-It's my first time!” you mutter, looking away from his teasing expression, “I've never kissed anyone before...”
He leans closer, lips touching your cheeks, your jaw, feeling him smile as he inhales. “...do you regret, then?”
Do you? Your nails absentmindedly caress the nape of his neck, trying to look around but him. “No...”
“Good, because I want to kiss you more,” he admits, light kisses on your jaw, “God, it's all I want to do with you.”
His body presses more on you, and you only succumb to it— his warmth, his touch, his kisses. You wanted more, every part of you aching and aching until your body was screaming—
“Let's run away together.”
Your breathing chokes on your throat. Looking at him, his expression is serious and unwavering, your heart beating and breaking at the same time.
He moves and you're kissing him again. You forgot it's your first time, you forgot that he was a stranger— the pretty stranger was the water and you were drowning endlessly in him.
The kitten in his breast pocket mewled. It made you pull away. And reality, although painful, began to catch up with you.
“Little lamb?”
His gray eyes were looking at you with worry. Breathing unstable, you try not to let the tears prickling your eyes escape.
“Dear sir, I'm...sorry.”
You try to drink all your regrets, pushing away the only warmth in this long, cold winter.
“I can't be with you.”
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You don't remember what happened after.
You remember walking back, the warmth being overridden by the cold winter, your red cape dragging through the snow. You remember thinking that your mother would be mad at you, for not returning before sundown, that you should be preparing to meet with your betrothed. But to break your heart and the stranger— should you still call him that?— was far too much for your mind, that you had no emotion left whatsoever, to face what was waiting for you at the village.
Your footsteps are heavy. But at least, the light of the village was already bright. Wait, bright? Trudging through the thick snow a little faster, you hear incoherent cries and screams. By the time you reached the source, you felt someone grab ahold of your arm, causing you to yelp out loud.
“Where have you been?” Your mother's voice causes you to panic, poison dripping from her words, “You nearly made me have a heart attack!”
Your mother holds you by the chin, forcing you to look at the crowd by the square, seeing faces of horror amongst familiar faces. “Should you have shown yourself,” your mother sneered, “You would have been the talk of the town.”
With an opening from the crowd, you finally understood what your mother meant: the priest and his nun, an erected torch in the middle, and that horrid scene you thought you were done watching.
Another dead body. This time, their head was cut off.
How were you to know what happened next? Your mother forbade you to leave the house, fearing the wolf would hunt for another. Even all the other activities, including the meet-up with your betrothed, were canceled. You spent the rest of your days waiting, and waiting, unaware that you were supposed to meet with the stranger and fetch water from the well.
The stranger...the stranger you had fallen in love with, the stranger you thought you could run away with.
You sleep through your pain.
Until the days were slowly counting down to the wedding.
“[Y/N], dear,” one day, your father called you downstairs, “Will you please come and meet me here?”
When you did, you were greeted with a big basket, red cloth peeking in between the cover and its mouth. You noticed your mother and father were the only ones waiting for you in the living room, holding the basket together. You wanted to ask.
“It has always been our tradition to bury the flowers we grew before a member of the family were to be wed,” your father spoke, “Aa a tradition to honor our forefathers, we would like for you to do the same.”
“Your wedding day will be tomorrow,” your mother said, “and the priest already allowed us to leave the village, as long as you return before sunset.”
Ah, the wedding. How many weeks have you been holed up in your room, that you've forgotten?
“Not only that, your grandmother lives near the place we do the tradition. We'd like you to extend our invitations to her.” Your father added.
Your heart skipped a beat. It meant you were going to pass by the well, to meet your stranger. But your heart quickly sank— forgetting you've rejected him. There was a high chance he had left. Quietly and compliantly, you picked up the red cape you'd been wearing during your rendezvous and carried the basket that your parents had prepared.
“I'll be back before sundown, then.”
“We love you.” You don't miss those words, before the door closed on you.
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The smell of pine trees on your cape still lingers on your cape.
With the first snow falling, your walk to your grandmother's cottage is far and long. But you don't mind, as the scent on your cape kept you company.
The basket is heavy in your hand, but you don't mind. It reminds you of the cat you found that day, and you wonder if it was now as heavy as the basket you carried. How was he? Is he safe? The stranger, will he not be mad after what you said?
It made you sigh from sadness. At the well, he was never there.
“Little lamb,” he would have called you like that, “what a kind little girl you are.”
His voice lingered, probably something that made you remember things. You remember the smell of pine trees on his fingers, the gentleness of his hands as he held the cat— onto yours. The way they easily slotted in between the gaps in your fingers, while you both lay underneath the kind sun, creating angels out of snow.
“Have I told you how beautiful you are?”
The way he spoke of your nickname, his touches and teases. It was taunting, it was teasing, but it was all you had. His warmth close to your freezing one, tender arms wrapped among yours.
“Little lamb, little lamb,” the lilt of his tone, the way it tickled your neck, the way it traveled to your tummy, “A pliant, little girl of mine.”
Your memories morph into something else— an image of you, in between his hips, your dress dangerously lifted up your stomach. His hands were holding you by the waist, your arms on his shoulders. In your memory, you hear yourself in a tone you would have recognized as something so indecent, something so intimate. Calling the stranger with gray eyes and slicked-back dark hair in a name that you don't recognize, but somehow knew.
“Von Negut,” how vulgar, the name of someone you never recognized, “more, please.”
Do you remember something like this? When your mouth was on the stranger's lips, the way you grinded on his thigh, sultry moans you never knew that you could make—
You tripped on the snow, causing you to wake up from the memory you had. Catching on your breath, trying to grasp reality, you immediately notice that you toppled over your basket. But thankfully, the flowers in it were still intact. Shaking away the sudden fall, you try to move your body, but down there...you disregard it, as the cold was already disturbing you enough. You prepare to advance forward.
But to your surprise— grandmother's cottage was already in front of you.
For as long as you remember, your grandmother was the one who gifted you the red cape.
“It's to protect you from the wolves,” she said, “and you look prettier in red.”
You hoped it was true. Especially with all the murders.
“Grandma,” you called out as you knocked on the door, “It's me, [Y'N].”
A few more knocks should have made her open the door. But on your fifth knock, your grandmother had not made a sound inside. Quietly, you opened the door with a secret that your grandmother taught you when you were younger.
By the time the door opened, you were met with silence and darkness. “Grandma?”
Walking through the wooden floor, your step creaking, you look around to see if your grandmother is asleep. Eventually, you found yourself in her living room, where someone was sitting on a chair facing the windows.
“Grandma?” You called out once more.
“Hello, dear little red hood.” A nickname she fondly called you.
“Hello, grandma. I'm sorry I took so long, that I wasn't able to visit you.”
You quickly placed your basket on the nearest table, rushing to meet your grandmother, but she raised her hand midway, causing you to stop.
“...as much as I want you to pay your respects, dear, I would refrain you from doing so. Grandma...is not feeling well.”
You only noticed the gruffness of her voice. Bowing your head (with a little disappointment), feeling bad for her, wishing you brought medicine as well.
“What brings you here, child?”
“I wished to see you,” you began, “...and I wanted to tell you...to come and visit the town tomorrow. I will be wed by noon.”
A pin-drop silence enveloped the room before your grandmother cackled.
“Marriage, huh?”
You sigh wistfully, the stranger you met crossing your mind, “I...yes.”
“Who is the lucky man?”
“I have never met him before. But my mother said he is the son of one of the best hunters in the region.”
“Does not sound very convincing, tch.” You noticed the anger from her tone, but still, you did not mind.
“Pray tell, dear,” she began once more, “Along the way, did you want this marriage?”
The stranger. The kitten. Your heart and mind. They were all finding someone else. “No...I, I cannot say...”
“Did you not really dream of anyone else, hm?”
Did you? You suddenly remember the lewd thought you had earlier, of the name you called, which made your cheeks flush red, and down there...
“Tell me, little lamb, did you not think of me?”
You froze. No one else called you that nickname. Looking up, the person sitting on the chair finally revealed himself.
The stranger, with sharp teeth and blood in his mouth.
“I wondered when you were going to show up, little lamb.”
With every step he took to you, you would move backward, until you bumped onto the table. Without wasting any time, your stranger pressed himself to you, caging you in between his arms, making you scream.
“Did you miss me?”
“Y-You're the wolf?”
“And here I thought you were glad to see me,” tenderly, like before, his fingers grade your jaw and lips, hungry gray eyes looking on your lips, before staring at your eyes. His fingers found themselves taking a strand of your hair to his lips.
“Marriage, it's a shame.” He chuckled, pressing a kiss to your hair, “I mean, he'd be lucky to have my little lamb as his wife.”
You're shaking in his arms, afraid and somehow aware of his size now that his jacket is out of the way, muscles and skin showing and touching yours. Down there, your legs tremble, and you try not to cry from being intimidated by this bloody man.
“But no marriage would happen tomorrow anyway.”
Pulling out from his pockets, the sunlight glints at the gold band on his fingers, bloodied and gone.
“D-Did you-”
“-kill the man? I would be ruthless; of course not. I merely bullied him to give me the wedding band.”
Like your moment at the rose field, the stranger nuzzled his nose to your cheeks, making you sniffle your cries. “I've been waiting for you for a long, long time now, little lamb.”
Pulling away, pity and sadness were reflected in his eyes, a small frown on his pretty lips. Taking your hand, slipping in the bloody ring on yours, he began to speak.
“Do you know what I had to go through?”
Timidly through your tears, you shook your head. “N-No...”
“Wolves feed on human blood. Without it, we would die.”
He gently kissed your fingers, before whispering, “It was hell; trying to kill just to survive.”
A part of you somehow pitied this man. But he ruthlessly and mercilessly murdered every man in your little town. You looked at him as he continued to kiss your fingers.
“There is a solution to this problem, though.”
As if finding eureka, your stranger's eyes glimmered brighter than the ring you had in hand.
“I had to find my mate.”
His fingers were brushing away the tears streaming on your cheeks, kissing them away, “...and she happens to be you.”
He kissed you. Lips stained with blood, that you could taste in between breaths. But unlike his nature, he was kind, he was still so gentle.
“My little lamb,” he whispered in between kisses, “Be with me, or...”
His lips were now kissing the area underneath your ear, before threatening, “...I will murder everyone in that village.”
With all your strength, you push him off, knocking the table and the basket in the process. But your attempts were futile; he grabbed your cape, causing you to fall onto the scattered flowers on the floor. Screaming and crying through the fear, you helplessly tried to shake out of his hard grasp on your arms above your head. But he already had you pinned in between his body.
“Ah, ah, little lamb,” He teases, “I'd rather you not do that.”
He leans down to you, lips capturing yours. You are helpless in his grasp, with nowhere left to run. His kiss was fiery, passionate. You were afraid, but the way that you molded perfectly onto him, the heat pooling at your legs, his weight above you; you could only pull away for energy, before being kissed once more.
“Von Negut,” you unconsciously cried out, mouth clamping for being carelessly moaning out loud when his leg brushed you down there.
He froze. Looking up, you swore his fangs were showing.
“So you remember,” he grinned, “I am glad I didn't have to introduce myself again, [Y/N].”
He knew who you were, like how you knew who he was before. The memory from earlier resurfaced, and you could only whine from the way he was kissing and teasing you with his lips.
“Let me touch you, little lamb,” he murmured, which you unconsciously opened to him, “let me show you that you are mine.”
His knees found themselves slotted in between your slightly exposed bottoms, your skirt now on your stomach. You try to wiggle out of his grasp, but with Von Negut tearing apart your blouse with one hand, you are more exposed.
“Beautiful,” he inhaled through your bra, burying himself there, “Mine.”
It really was too much: the heat, the wetness pooling down there, and his lips latched on your chest as he stripped you bare. Weakly, you cried out to stop, tears now endlessly crying as your voice turned into helpless moans.
With his free hand, he slipped it in between your thighs, prying your legs open. Neverminding the undergarments as he effortlessly tore them once more, his fingers were toying with your drenched thighs, purposely avoiding your neglected clit.
“Fuck, already wet?” Von Negut chuckled, “What a naughty little slut you are, little lamb.”
Embarrassment flooded you endlessly. His fingers finally decided to play with your wet folds, every sound echoing throughout the room. But just when you thought it was over, Von Negut hovered over to your exposed cunt, mouth drooling as he looked at you: disheveled and confused, amongst the fallen flowers on your back.
“This is mine too, hmm.” Licking one long stripe, you moaned his name out loud, fingers threading his now unkempt hair.
“V-Von Negut, n-no, it's too dirty there...”
“But doesn't it feel nice, hm?” He digs into your pussy, kitten licks on your clit as he played with your sopping wet hole. “You must be lying; you taste heavenly.”
Von Negut felt like he was in heaven at this point. Watching you writhe as he expertly and sloppily ate you out, forgetting the aching tent in his pants. Right now, what you wanted, was to prepare you for something big.
But with you moaning his name without any filter, then God, he was ready to cum right there and then.
“Mmh, look at this, such a virgin little hole, too,” He eases two fingers in, and fuck, it was already tight, with you crying from the pain.
“N-no more, p-please...”
“Little lamb- ah, please stop moving, mmh-” He tries to slip in one more finger, but you wouldn't stop moving. With two fingers, he curled it just right, as you arched your back with a moan.
“Von Negut, no more...!”
“You're coming now, aren't you, little lamb,” he laughed, watching as you bit your teeth, watching in the next few moments before you would come undone.
“W-what's happening?”
You wouldn't know, but Von Negut does. “Cum for me, little lamb.”
Per his instructions, your pussy clamps on his fingers, liquid coming out endlessly as you came violently, coating his hand. Von Negut laughs at your misfortune, but you-
“So, goddamn beautiful, little lamb,” he cooed, trying to call you back to reality from your first orgasm, “we're still not done...”
When he pulled his fingers out, your hole was still clenching around nothing, only igniting the thirst he had for you. Watching as you weakly turned on your stomach, crawling away, Von Negut takes his time, unbuckling his belt, revealing his massive, leaking cock.
Grabbing you by the hips, he drags you closer, cock rubbing in between your ass, making you whimper. “If I put this big thing inside of you, I'm going to make you my woman, hm?”
You turned behind him, watching it in between you, rubbing it against the good parts, “W-wait, will that even f-fit me?”
“You're my good little lamb,” he cooed, tip rubbing your overstimulated clit, “I'm going to tear through your hymen, you won't be a virgin anymore. You're going to be my little lamb, my little cocksleeve.”
His words spurred you on, hole clenching once more around nothing, “N-No, please-!”
“You'll take it like a good fucking girl.”
Without hesitation, he plunged the tip into your tight ring of muscle, your voice crying out from the pain as he sank into you, some blood gushing out, with cream forming from where he fucked you. He was supposed to let you adjust, to let you get used to his girth. But fuck, you just can't be still- your cunt asking him to fuck you more, to suck his dick deeper onto you. With a loud moan, Von Negut bottoms out, the tip hitting your g-spot.
“V-Von Negut-!”
You came violently once more, fluids coming out of your newly-claimed hole, tears and shaking as proof of your defeat. Von Negut should be smiling, then- after all, he was finally yours, as much as you were his.
“Little lamb?”
But you weren't listening. Instead, you subconsciously grind on his dick more, whining impatiently. “Nngh, p-please.”
“Fucked out already, hm? Fuck, and I thought you were so innocent”
Effortlessly turning you to face him without getting you off his cock, Von Negut finally sees your beautiful tear-strained face, helpless as he fucks you properly this time.
Was it always this blissful? Every noise and sound that Von Negut could coax right out of you was perfect. That his mate, the fated red hood, the panacea of all his problems, was finally his to take? Fucking you deeper and harder now, he presses a hand on where the bulge from fucking you was seen.
“Little lamb, [Y/N],” he called out, noticing that he was ready to come, even if he was seeing the expression on your face, “I'm so close...”
“P-please,” you lulled, brain fogging from the pain and pleasure, “V-Von Ne-Negut,”
The clench of your pussy, the way you called his name, and the way his cock was pistoning in and inside of your used pussy— fuck, that was all it took for Von Negut to moan your name and fill your insides, painting your walls white, overflowing, even before he hadn't pulled out yet.
With a sigh, he comes back to Earth, watching as you ride out the last of your orgasm. Pulling out, as messy as it was, with his cum dripping out of you, he tries to succumb to the urge to fucking it back inside. Von Negut carries you in his arms, carrying you to the spare bed he had prepared. You must have been exhausted, seeing that you couldn't open your eyes as he carried you.
“I hope the prophecy was right, then.”
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Your mother once told you not to stray from the path.
But you were far from the path that was laid out to you. Somewhere amongst the dense trees of spring and summer, or the fallen leaves in autumn, and the cold in winter, you settled on a cottage far from the village. There, you could clean, cook, or sleep whenever you wanted,
It could be lonely, but it's not all the time. At least, when you're a ghost.
If you ever find a man in the woods asking to help, decline the offer. Unless you want to be a victim of his whims.
“Little lamb,” he'd call you that, “I hope your mother told you not to stray the path.”
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please like and share!! likes, shares, reblogs are appreciated!!
>> starlillies <<
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i followed you mainly bc of Blitzwing i love Blitzwing and i love BlitzBee (or BumbleBlitz lol whichever)
i tinkie u r very kool 😋👍
Hello hello! Bonjour! Yeah I peeked at your blog when I saw you follow me (curiosity y'know) and saw we had stuff in common between Transformers and Ninja Turtles so I figured why not lol. And thanks!! ^^
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cpkd123 · 8 days
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Oh how I have missed you this week. Since we have barley spoken this week I’m going to give you a thorough update on how my week has been (on time) I began my week on Monday with 5 hours driving practice for my test the following day. This leads me to Tuesday where I aced my driving test with only two minors, I don’t know what god was looking over me but I thank them eternally. So I am now a legal, qualified, professional, road safe, teen driver!!! I finished Tuesday with booking flights to Mexico and New York for our summer holiday excursion😁😁 and also packing for my family holiday!! Which leads me to Wednesday which was a 14 train travel day😀 which was well worth it after being in pure bliss for the past 5 days. Hope you guys enjoy my pictures, (been loving landscape pics, really in rn) these are the days I dreamt of in winter and I’ve never been happier to say that life does get better❤️‍🩹
Ja’mie private school girl - everything I imagined it to be
Read everything everything in 3 days hope u guys are proud of me🙏 was a very average book but had an unexpected twist which is always fun
Watched meet the parents, meet the fockers and little fockers with the fam. Watched them before but they r too jokes.
This is genuinely my third time writing this tumblr has been hating me recently deleting my posts but I hope you guys appreciate the effort and time gone into this. See you all so soon LOVE🍀
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drrubinspomade · 19 days
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We post glorious pinups like this one all day, every day! If you dig this pic we’ve found online, u should investigate the creator/subjects of the work and fan them, follow them, hire them.
If you’d like us to remove, or you know who made this so that we can credit, DM. Thanks and greetings from Los Angeles.
Dr Rubin’s Pomade
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starlightkun · 5 months
omg im literally the angel (remember the sungchan fandom name discourse and it was angel at one point) on ur shoulder telling u to write on 20k words 👼 always thankful for the food 😁🩷 - 🫶 sungchan lover anon
speaking of food here's the current sungchan pictures im currently feral over LIKEEEEEE??
link: https://twitter.com/jsc_pics/status/1747299487880511617?t=MC8Jje2PQZyVzodXsXO47A&s=19
wait do we have an official name? im over here in my own sungchanist world idk (i ESPECIALLY will not know if it happens on twt. i do not even go on my personal twt anymore, much less touch stan twt lmao)
link (i also just rbed these pics lol)
ignoring the fact that the word bonjour followed by the baguette emoji took me OUT (my beloved loserboy, the most justsomeguy caption to use of pictures standing in front of the eiffel tower, i want him so bad just from that alone) he looks SOOOO good its unreal. delicious. scrumptious. better than any baguette.
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umichenginabroad · 11 months
Week 9: Final days in Europe
Dobrý den! Hallo! Bonjour! I have officially left Prague, and I miss it so much already. My family came to pick me up as an excuse to travel around Europe. We stayed a day in Prague and I showed my family around my favorite spots: I took them to the Jewish quarter, Charles bridge, the castle, St Vitus cathedral, tower, royal gardens, and the museum of communism. We also went to my favorite eating places, as well as another place I had been dying to try but never went called pasta fresca (it was really good!). 
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The next day, we headed to Munich! When we got there we went to a hofbrauhaus, which is like a house of beer. There we were able to try typical German food, and see all the waiters and waitresses in typical Bavarian outfits. We had a lot of fun and then walked around the old town (Marienplatz) getting to know Munich a bit. The following day we went on a day trip to Schwangau, where we saw the Neuschwanstein Castle (the one that inspired the sleeping beauty!). It was very pretty and to get to and from the castle you needed to take a bus. The last bus was at 6:45, and we missed it since our tour ended around 6:30, so we had to walk back down the whole mountain. We had a lot of fun and really enjoyed seeing the German countryside on the drive there. 
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We were then on our way to Switzerland, where we were staying in a cute little town called Montreux, which is located right next to Lake Geneva. I also loved looking at all the beautiful landscapes in Switzerland! In Switzerland we went to a mountain on a train (the views were incredible) and had a mini hike up to a lookout which was so gorgeous. We also toured the Cailler chocolate factory, as well as went to a town called Gruyere, where we also toured a cheese factory. We had a lot of fun and ate really good food!
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I have really loved studying abroad and recommend it to anyone who is thinking about it. I was able to make new friends from all over, and was able to immerse myself into a completely different culture from what I am used to, and adapt to it. I have enjoyed this experience very much and I really wish that it wasn't over :( The hardest part of adjusting to the Czech culture was realizing that not everyone smiles, and attempting to understand the language as much as possible, since it is very different from Spanish or English (languages I speak). For the language barrier, I used the translate app, since any time I went to the grocery store I would use it in order to make sure I was buying the correct item. I am very excited to go back to U-M and share some of the things that I learned while I was abroad, as well as talk to people who are considering going abroad to tell them how great of an experience it is!
Thank you (or Děkuji!) for following along during my time abroad! I will miss making these blogs!
Na shledanou!
Mariana Pardo
Biomedical Engineering
Engineering in Prague    
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https-furina · 1 year
BONJOUR BONJOUR!! AAA ty for recommending one of my silly little fics ahshidhf that’s very very sweet of you 😭 AND CONGRATS ON 100 FOLLOWERS!!! i hope to see you reach many more milestones!!!
let’s add 1 more to that follower count now teehee…
shshhsjs ofc i love ur works !! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ and thank u sm my lovely !!
time to quickly follow back bc i keep forgetting to follow ppl
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jkkyks · 1 year
Hi Jana!
Heard from @kymb-10 that you had a long day so I just wanted to tell you that you are loved and cherished.. you're one of the sweetest human beings on Tumblr 💕 and I hope you have a better day tomorrow. Eat healthy food.. be with friends and family or just sleep enough 🤍
We love you a lot ☺️
Indeed yesterday at uni was hectic , sometime I ask myself why did i even major in dentistry ..
Patients were complicated and i tried to be a professional dentist & all, but yeah it was still overwhelming .. I had assignments to do after the clinics and I went home late. I am just glad thursday is over tbh!
But big thank you for your concerns, u guys are absolutely the cutest followers ever♥️ & Don’t worry am eating well, Maha is looking out for me 24/7 (i love you so much @kymb-10 )
Je t’aime tellement aussi , merci du fond du cœur.
Ça a définitivement fait ma journée.
Bisous 💋
I am surviving👍🏼
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gogolstoelicker · 2 years
Bonjour. Since requests are open can i request twisted wonderland with a mikasa-like reader⁉️⁉️ neway i love your writing style ‼️😍💪 but like can we be moots tho 🤯💯
Twisted wonderland with a Mikasa!MC
notes: •MIKASA IS SO🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹💓💓💓💓💓💓
•thanks bro😈💪 and i would love to be moots!
•sorry this took a while KSKKS
•also, i might not update fot a while bc i got sick lmao #sickcore
You're emotionally withdrawn and is noticeably dangerous, intimidating both enemies and comrades. A stoic and level headed individual, you're rarely seen to lose your cool or be at loss of what to do, no matter how bleak the situation seems to be.
No matter how stoic you are, you deeply care for your friends, seeing them as the last remnants of a family you cannot afford to lose.
riddle almost collapsed to the ground and sob when he saw you
like omg?! look at you bro, look at you
now look at those three animals you call as friends
like u may be intimidating but at least you're 1000000000 times better than your friends
you and riddle are like that one spiderman meme lol
bc mothers, get it? (if I'm wrong then uh... this is awkward)
trey is glad that your friend group had at least one responsible person (and another that's trying to be responsible) in the group
he doesn't really mind u came off as intimidating and that u look stoic
i mean there's the diasomnia students so you're fine!!
cater well, at first he was like😮🤔🤔
and then he did a 180 and now he's all sunshine and rainbow with you
ace will def cause problems on purpose sometimes
cant help it man, hes a little shit
and you're his best friend that's gonna be stuck with him forever
whenever you told him it's bad and he did it anyway, you just follow him to make sure he's not hurt in any way
ace, ofc, notices this and is now using it to his fullest advantage😍‼️
deuce, however, tried his best to be just like you and not cause problems
but it failed bc of a certain someone
he feels kind of bad about it so he whacks ace abt it after
u don't have to thank him it's ok😁‼️
probably beats overblot riddle up to snap him out of it
well all of them are pretty much strong too and could come off as intimidating
so when they saw u, they were like, omg they were supposed to be in our pack😍‼️
okok /j im sorry pls dont attack me
leona and ruggie don't really mind ur intimidating aura
and neither do they mind how stoic u are
maybe ruggie will tease u about it here and there
but other than that, they don't mind‼️
you and jack lowkey kins each other?
bc you both care abt ur friends and tried ur best so they won't hurt themselves in some problems they got into and if they won't listen to you guys, you'll follow them to make sure they didn't get too hurt or things didn't get too bad
it's a silent agreement between the two of you LMAO
like one look at the squad, and then a look at each other and then y'all nod at each other
he really admires how strong u are too! like you're magicless but you're really strong
and the fact that you're from the army? WOAH😮
he invited you to train with him every morning
its now the both of your routines
all of them saw u take down a whoke group of savanaclaw students by yourself and go 😮⁉️
i would say smth abt u beating up overblot leona too but we wouldn't want you to turn into sand now, would we
everyone probably remembered how u quite literally beat the shit out of trio with that strength of yours
when they asked for it ofc (oh god i sound like one of the boyz)
like that one time when y'all are trying to steal that one picture
or that one time during his overblot
probably flipped floyd like vil did
oh jade is very amused
and is very interested
you better start running
or maybe stay if u like jade or smth idk
while azul is amused, he kind of have some war flashbacks with how u beat the shit out of him one time
sometimes when he looks at you, he was taken back to when he got his ass whooped and jolted a little
aHahA! you asked him what made him jolt? nothing he just.. forgot smth!
see you later! maybe never tho😁‼️
oh floyd is having the time of his life with you
like ofc he is kind of pissed that you flipped him like he's some paper or something BUT
he is EXTREMELY amused and will poke at you every single day:D!
i do hope you're ready bc he appear out of nowhere just so he can spend time with you^^!!
no worries tho, he don't bite
or does he?
oh well kalim don't really mind how intimidating u are!
ok maybe he minds a little at first
but now, it doesn't even effect him anymore!
hell, he can even detect ur aura from afar now
he's an empath btw
i made so many empath jokes i can't even
like, "i sense the prefect here somewhere"
even if u wore smth really different (mostly bc of ur friends)
like a full clown fit? oh he knows its you
hm? is that u cosplaying as xiao or smth?
jamil is happy
literal heart eyes when he saw u
he's so happy he might shed a tear or two every night
bc omg!! finally!! someone he can trust around kalim!!
like they'll surely make sure kalim won't die or smth from one of his shenanigans
or someone to make sure kalim won't get assassinated or smth??
he almost throws a party of his own
rook would be all over u once he walked past u in the hallways
like oh! it's u prefect!!!!!!!!!!!
he ran up to u with a big smile on his face
like he gives u endless praises each time
and won't leave that spot
someone will have to drag him away
vil, doesn't really mind about u
like sure, u care abt ur friends and thats admirable
you're also really strong and he thinks it's good that u know some self defense
but he does wish you'll smile more😁
even if u have nothing to smile abt in ur life
epel admired u bro
i mean he may be a little intimidated at first
but he slowly warms up to u and got used to it
and now he's cheering ur ass everything u kicked some ass!!
like yeah prefect! go prefect! show them who's boss!!
idia doesn't really care about you
but whenever he saw u, he does feels some chills ran down his spine
can't help it man, your aura is really intimidating
he might even winced a bit when he saw u beat those ppl up who dared to hurt u and ur friend
safe to say, he won't ever try to pick a fight with u!:D
well maybe
ortho, doesn't really care!
he thinks you're amazing
and thankfully, idia got some data abt u that tried to convince him you're not scary at all
well i mean sure, you're no longer scary but
you're still scary
you get what i mean?
like you're not scary anymore but at the same time you're scary
idia will surely get some beatings in chapter 6
well i mean you're in the army so u probably got along well with sebek and silver since they're knights in training (if im not mistaken)
they would sometimes train with you
sebek would even ask u to spar with him sometimes!
silver doesn't really mind ur aura, neither does sebek
they both think you're really strong and admired u for that
plus, the one they served literally have the same aura
lilia, hehe, is a little shit too:D!
he tried everything, and i mean EVERYTHING to make u show a reaction
hanging upside down, giving u his food, spooking u by suddenly appearing behind u, etc
but u won't budge and he has taken as interest on u bc if that
goodluck! u might wanna run to the infirmary everyday!!
dw silver tried to stop him
it was successful sometimes
well sometimes anyway
malleus, doesn't really care
i mean students avoided him bc of his aura too
plus, he's more than happy to have a friend he can relate too!
he really wants to spar with u but held back
overall, they all like u! well sebek won't admit it but u get the point!
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Could we please have a prequel to the praise kink fic? Because i really want to know why were Sirius and Remus not together and what did Remus send him. I really need context
I was hoping somebody would ask for this!! The aforementioned fic is here for any curious souls (18+ please) and SW credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for spicy texts (not exactly nudes), and smutty feelings with nothing explicit
The bus went over a bump and Sirius winced as his shins knocked against the back of the seat in front of him, connecting with the metal brace inside. “Fuck.”
“You sure you don’t want to switch?” James asked next to him. Sirius glanced down at the veritable wall of gear and empty snack bags between them, then back to James in disbelief. He shrugged, then set his headphones back over his ears. “Worth a shot.”
“Merde,” Sirius hissed as a pothole nearly took off his kneecap. He gritted his teeth and readjusted, drawing his legs closer to his chest. I want to be home, he thought, allowing himself an internal moment to whine.
He checked his phone—not even ten in the morning. It was a Saturday, so Remus would probably just be rolling out of bed, still sleepy and soft with his hair sticking up like a disgruntled cat’s. Sirius sighed heavily and stared out the window at the small town rolling past in the distance; there was little he wouldn’t give to be back with him instead of on the way to a full week of conferences.
“Why did we have to win the Cup?” he grumbled.
James lifted one side of his headphones. “What?”
It wasn’t like they had had much time to themselves before that, either—Sirius’ schedule was packed with interviews that felt more like interrogations, and Remus had been running the PT department mostly by himself while Moody took a well-deserved vacation. They were dead on their feet every night, worked to the bone with little energy left to do more than cuddle and fall asleep. Still, Sirius was grateful for every second of it.
He waited ten more minutes before giving in.
New Message To: Re
Bonjour mon loup <3
There was no immediate response, which made sense, though he was a little bit disappointed. Sirius closed his eyes and tried to make himself relax; it would be at least another six hours before they arrived at their destination, and the bad weather gathering overhead didn’t bode well for quick travel.
His phone buzzed gently and he scrambled to answer. Don’t be Reg, don’t be Reg, don’t be Reg—
New Message From: Re
Morning love!
Thanks for the bagels <3
“Fuck yes,” Sirius said under his breath. The bagels had been a last-minute decision as he crept through the house in the early hours of the morning after carefully detaching himself from Remus with a final half-asleep farewell kiss. There was no guarantee he would remember breakfast with everything going on, so Sirius figured it was a safe bet to toast them and leave them on the countertop before heading out.
Message To: Re
Pas de problem
Sleep well?
Message From: Re
Missed you :(
Sirius rested his temple against the cold window with a soft sound. He hated leaving at different times, but that was just how their life worked at the moment.
Message To: Re
Missed you too <3
Three small dots appeared for a long moment before vanishing without a trace just as his heart rate began picking up. Where’d you go? he almost wondered aloud. Something bumped his arm and James raised a quizzical brow. “Loops,” Sirius said by way of explanation.
“I figured. He okay?”
“I think so? He just…disappeared on me.” Sirius was well-aware of how plaintive he sounded—James’ teasing smile was completely unnecessary.
“Aw, Cap,” he laughed, reaching over to mess with his beanie until Sirius slapped his hand away. “It’s alright, buddy, it’s just a couple days.”
Sirius jammed his hat back on his head and flicked James on the unprotected bit of his ear, making him yelp. “Fuck off, I know you’ll be a mess as soon as Lily FaceTimes with my godson.”
“He has a name, you know.”
“Sorry. You’ll be a mess as soon as she FaceTimes with Pocket Pots, who happens to be my godson.”
James rolled his eyes. “I regret giving you that title.”
“Nah, you don’t.”
As if on cue, his phone lit up again; Sirius ignored James’ snickering as he quickly unlocked it.
New Message From: Re
When will you be at the hotel?
“That’s it?” he muttered.
Message To: Re
That was a lot of typing for one sentence
6-7 hrs, if the weather holds
Message From: Re
Sorry lmao Reg came in for a bit
Just curious :) Keep me updated?
Message To: Re
Will do <3
Tell Reg he needs to wash his sheets. It’s been over a month.
A small thumbs-up emoji was his only answer, and he tried not to be too bummed. Remus liked having things to do; sitting there and texting Sirius while he slowly got further and further away was probably not his preferred way to spend a morning. With a sigh that was likely a bit too dramatic for the situation he was in, Sirius faced the window once more and buckled in for a long ride.
He chatted off and on with the others when they stopped for lunch, but everyone was exhausted from the combination of a packed week and an early morning. Even Talker stayed fairly quiet, and James kept his headphones on for most of the trip.
Sirius finally succumbed to his tiredness and put some music on, then dozed for an hour or three while they traveled through yet another field. A few halfhearted calls of “cows” made their way around the bus, though nobody seemed particularly enthused about being packed in with double the gear due to a broken storage compartment. Donuts and gas station coffee could only do so much.
“Just crossed the state border,” Arthur called from the front of the bus as Sirius tried to ignore the cramping in his thighs. Three hours. Just three more.
His music was interrupted by a soft jingle alert and he pulled his phone out, hoping against hope that Regulus hadn’t caused a fire anywhere. It was unlikely given the…well, everything about him, but with Sirius’ luck it could happen.
New Message From: Re
How far?
Message To: Re
About 3 hrs. Ran into some detours
Good day?
Remus remained silent on the other end and Sirius frowned. That was rather rude, and highly unusual. Between the two of them, Remus was the one who kept conversations going past the initial question to be answered.
Message From: Re
Attachment: 1 Image
Love you! Call me when you get there : )
Sirius opened the attachment and almost threw his phone in utter shock. Skin. Bare skin everywhere, its smooth edges broken up only by tight black fabric that may as well have been painted onto the curve of Remus’ ass. “Oh my god,” he whimpered, voice barely audible even to his own ears. It had been taken in their bedroom mirror; Remus looked over his shoulder, and Sirius caught the corner of a devious smirk on his lips. “Oh, you fucker.”
Message From: Re
Thoughts? They’re cozy
Message To: Re
Did you miss the part where I said three (3) hours
Message From: Re
Second one is a guessing game and u get a prize if u get it right : )
The second photograph was more zoomed-in than the first and Sirius wracked his brain, running through his mental catalogue of Remus’ body to figure out the answer. It did absolutely nothing to calm the situation in his pants.
He had no idea what the promised prize was, but anticipation made his hands shake slightly as he carefully scanned the picture. The shadows caught it at an odd angle—it wasn’t the steady slopes of his face or neck, nor was it the strong curve of a shoulder. Not enough freckles, either, he thought.
A lightbulb lit in the back of his mind.
Message To: Re
Right hip
Another thought connected half a second later.
Holy fuck you took them off
Is that my prize?
Remus Lupin I swear to god
Message From: Re
Christ you’re impatient, I was gone for like 2 mins
He chanced a look toward Pots, whose head lolled to the side as he snored.
Message To: Re
Hey quick question why are you like this
It’s a good thing Pots is out cold bc this bus is too small to hide anything
Message From: Re
Haha sux to be you
Sirius’ cheeks heated with a whole cocktail of different emotions as he furiously typed a response.
Message To: Re
‘Sux to be you’???
Are you 13 yrs old????
Message From: Re
Do you want your prize or not u horndog
Message To: Re
He took a deep breath through his nose and flexed his fingers.
Yes please
A simple smiley face—Sirius would never see those things the same—popped up, followed by an audio file. He triple-checked that his headphones were plugged in before tapping ‘play’ with an unsteady thumb.
His face went very, very hot before all the blood went straight to his groin and he closed his eyes, covering his mouth with his hand. Breathy sounds came through the heavy earphones, a little more crackly than they would be in-person; he heard Remus’ gasp catch in his throat and crossed his legs as best he could in the too-small seat, torn between thanking and cursing any higher power. He could practically see Remus’ face in his mind’s eye as the noises continued, intermixed with fragments of desperate words.
The file came to an end after what felt like the blink of an eye and a hundred years, and Sirius did not look away from the violently red seat cushion in front of him for a long moment as his brain came back online. He couldn’t remember the last time he was so turned on.
He took a few deep breaths, though it did nothing to erase the poorly-muffled whines that still rang between his ears like church bells. Sirius huffed and turned to grab his waterbottle out of his duffel, only to make direct eye contact with Finn across the aisle.
Sirius froze.
Finn grinned.
“Don’t you fucking dare,” he hissed, too low to wake James but just loud enough to carry over the four feet separating them. Finn’s smile widened. “Stop it. Stop it right now.”
“How’s Loops?”
“Shut the fuck up.”
“That good, huh?”
“O’Hara, I swear to god—”
“Oh, is Cap spilling secrets?” Kasey asked, poking his head over the back of the seat.
Finn opened his mouth, but the force of Sirius’ glare must have been enough to at least intimidate him a little, because he shook his head. The smug Cheshire grin remained. “Nah, just having a chat about our plans when we get home.”
Kasey groaned. “You’re a lucky man, O’Hara. Both your people get to come with you. Nat sent me a promise, like, twenty minutes ago and I can’t stop thinking about it. I won’t be available tonight from six to eight if anyone was wondering.”
“Did she really?” Finn looked back to Sirius, who bit the inside of his cheek and tried to keep his cool. Two and a half hours, and then he would be safe. Just two and a half more hours.
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errruvande · 2 years
Wanted to make a New-Year shout-out post but I really suck at the things of that kind
I started writing for LOTR just in February of 2021 through participating in the week challenge by my love and sunshine @bonjour-rainycity (i know u aren't here and idk when you will see this and would you in the first place, but still, thank you and I llove you 💖) and I want thank you, cause that challenge had opened a beautiful, angelic and a bit cursed door that leaded me to all the amazing people I now know
I've found so many friends here during this year (I really hope I can call you that way)
without some of you I doubt I could have made it through that year without losing the major part of my nerves (thank you @starryeyedrogue @thespiritoflife for listening to me whining about my life, you truly have helped me😘)
without these jokes and memes you've produce idk if I could have the same year as I had - @gossip-girl-of-middle-earth @entishramblings like may all the gods bless you ❤
the courage of some of you to talk so openly about your gender and sexuality on here gave so much inspiration to analyse my own sexuality and even to talk more openly about it with my friends (i'm here want to thanks especially these beautiful, handsome souls @erosofthepen @tolkien-fantasy @messiambrandybuck @beenovel seeing your posts about your experience helped me to start my own little journey to my true self 💖🥺)
last but not least... I've become a member of the Dwarf simps club all thanks to @lathalea @laurfilijames I mean hands down I'm down for anything our Durin boys (especialy Fili) would ever want to do with me okay okay yes 😏
and I still can't believe that so many of you are my mutuals like damn you are SO COOL WHY DO YOU FOLLOW ME GUYS?????
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tagging everyone who have made this year so special 💖 @aduialel @elvish-sky @moriamithril @mor-wen @blueberryrock @luna-writes-stuff @iwenttomordor @ardastars @tiefliing @simbxlmyne @fool-of--a-took @i-shall-abide @themerriweathermage @thewhiteladyofrohan @thranduilseyebrows @justfangirlthingies @grunid @game-ofthe-company
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Umm this it's hard to put in words atm but
I enjoy so many of your fics so muchhhh sorry for not reblogging and such
And I like the one with Loki being y/n's kind of a best friend in a modern AU if I remember correctly? I keep thinking about the scene with her in his lap you know and him making her basically admit how much she wants him
And that one with Bucky and y/n making him cookies? I rarely enjoy a piece of writing with (kind of)pet! Reader because so many of them are dark but yours it was just the perfect amount of fluff and smut!!! As soon as I finished I was like "DOES SHE(she/they I've read your intro something now) HAVE MORE?"
And the one...the new one with Steve! The artistic vision! It's like so full of "something different" because even I wrote about Steve being the artistic one with reader I haven't posted it though but reader being the artistic one and Steve not and yet that in a complete adorable and sexual mess? It was WOW something new but so good!
I think I've read a few more but these are my favorite for sure! I'm sorry if I don't put them in the right words or if I offended or disturbed you! Also I'm sorry I don't do always the like , reblog , follow and such usually my way of appreciating it's either commenting or sending nice ask (or at least trying) and eventually either adding their works in my recommendation lists! But I've been less motivated to post and literally do anything for my blog with stories lately but I wanted to send you some nice words!
You can answer privately or delete my ask if it's disturbing you
OMG HI HELLO BONJOUR!!! THIS IS SO SWEET IM GOING TO CRY!! thank you from the bottom of my heart this has literally made my entire year. i am SOO happy you enjoy my work! makes my heart go pitter-patter <3 never EVER feel pressured to like, reblog-any of that shit. all i care about is that YOU get happy from reading my work :) also PLS POST THAT ARTISTIC STEVE FIC I AM BEGGING ON HANDS AND KNEES THAT SOUND SOO FREAKIN GOOD!1!1!
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me @ u^
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