#[ Another Name in the Book - OOC Post ]
timelostobserver · 27 days
[ Silly late night HC brought to you by pain meds.
When any of the Angels/Fallen Angels argue with each other, it's just a series of strange, inexplicable sounds and musical chimes. The pitch is determined by their typical tone, thus Hades often sounds like a low tenor or bass of tones rather than higher notes.
Because it's easier to argue in their own language than stoop to bickering between each other in a language mankind created..
-sips sparkling water- ]
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vxiphoid · 11 months
❨ summary ❩ twst › waking them up to tell them stories that don’t make sense
tags ✧ fluff, crack, savanaclaw boys, defo not proofread its like 7 am, cursing but nothing out of the ordinary, ooc(?), ruggie calls you a little shit like once (affectionate), jack is whipped for you
amanuensis’ message ⊹ I LITERALLY LOVE DOING THIS??? my friends hate me for it. but anyways hiii im back after like my month hiatus, how are thy sleeplings?😋 mb guys writers block has been really kicking my ass, i was spitting blanks on paper… i’m gonna hopefully post another pastry emporium soon for scarabia so stay tuned for that‼️
⌜ 300+ e/chara ⌟
♫ sunset boulevard - hohyun
twst masterlist
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— “leona… pspsps….”
— he hums gruffly when his name was called the first time, only opening his eye thinking you called him a second time when it was really just noise that you would make to get the attention of a house cat. he instantly pins his ears back. how dare you. “hmm?”
— “so i took our snail for a walk and i had accidentally left my feet here to wash the dishes because the grass was blue.”
— huh? you could see him trying to process everything you just said as you explained, his lips parting and eyebrows furrowing. it took everything in you not to laugh. he does one of those blinks, the really delayed ones, one eye opens before the other…
— he’s half asleep too so the confusion is just adding up altogether. if chicken scratch wasn’t a writing term, this is literally it in words. its like the books back at home he picks up to read (derogatory) its, what, 4 am? dont do this to him😭
— you’ve never seen him so expressive💀 this definitely makes his eye and ear twitch at the same time. what type of fucked up fever dream is this?? its usually a blessing seeing you as the first thing he wakes up to, not when you wake him up with some bull strung up in a sentence with your beady eyes staring at him while he sleeps. he loves you, yes, but what does he even say to this…
— “what…”
— your forehead met with his chest as you struggled not to laugh at the uncharacteristic break in leona’s voice. how many cups of coffee did you drink? he asks you to repeat yourself even though it kinda a mind mush decision so you did and by the end of it, he looks absolutely restless.
— “that’s… yes. that’s great, herbivore. can we go to bed now?”
— you note that leona is surprisingly patient when half asleep
┏━━━━━━ ━ ─ ╴⋯ ⟢
— deep sleeper. tug his ear. though he practically springs up before your hand makes contact, giving himself whiplash.
— “jack?”
— almost instantly relaxes when he realizes its you, tail wagging subtly☹️ “hi, baby. s’something wrong?”
— “hiii, do you remember a year ahead ago when i had to go to the dentist to get my spine fixed and the cats were barking at the flying dogs because the sky was in the water?”
— bro feels like he just had a stroke💀 he’s blinking rapidly, rubbing nose bridge as you explain. he really wants to understand, he does, but wtf did you just say??? it was the innocent “hi” before you unapologetically bashed his head in with the entire dictionary. its so ridiculous he couldn’t help but laugh.
— “jack, this is serious.” even as you told him that, your voice was not steady at all which made his shoulders shake violently in silent laughter.
— “im listening, i swear. tell me one more time?” yk his ass is not listening. he pulls you into his lap while his thumbs idly rubbed your sides, responding to your stories with “uh-huh” and “yeah?” with a lovesick smile on his face.
— eventually holds your face and starts pressing heart squeezing, fluffy kisses all over your face which truly made you more tired then you were. you honestly start forgetting what and where the story was going.
— jack only pauses his kissing attack to respond when you take a small break but even then he doesn’t pull away fully, he’s just speaking against your skin
— “—and the duck had my arm while i was taking it on a walk because gran tammy was in a flying shopping cart.”
— “oh wow. and then?”
— he’s listening but he’s not, mostly because he’s like two seconds away from dreamland and his brain isn’t registering half the shit you’re saying. he wants to see how many stories you can jumble up.
— “yeah, i think it’s bedtime for us…”
┏━━━━━━ ━ ─ ╴⋯ ⟢
— omfg he wakes up like a mom. like yk how you would barely touch them and they would gasp like they were just given cpr?? he wakes up like that.
— and you’re just standing there awkwardly 👁️👁️
— takes a quick look around before looking at you. “what happened? is it time to wake up leona already?” you shake your head and ruggie flops back, an arm draped over his eyes. “you scared me… come, lay down with me?” he held his free arm out for you and you did take your place cozied up against his side. to your surprise, you did actually scare the living shit out of him from how fast his heart was racing.
— “ruggie, yk i just found out you’re related to turtles, right? and i had to take uncle bobby to the vet to get a dna test because the fish drowned in air.”
— slow roblox turn towards you but instead its his head as he cranes it down to stare at you. you can practically hear the gears in his head turning and you literally could not look at him or you’d blow your cover.🧍🏾
— “i’m sorry,, what the fuck??”
— he’s genuinely confused, asking you questions about your story while his brain tries to put together the pieces. each question he asks, the more its harder to speak in full sentences other than wheezes
— “what are you laughing at, ya little shit? explain this to me!”
— “i’m trying!”
— and you are😭 its like when you have to explain the family tree really slow bc you cant say, “my father’s girlfriend’s son” without him like ???? and you’re trying to explain it to him slowly, eventually forgetting what you said in the first place…
— “…and the fish drowned in air.”
— “yes.”
— “sweetheart, you still haven’t explained how i’m related to turtles—”
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versadies · 1 year
would’ve could’ve should’ve (alhaitham x gn!reader)
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SALUTATIONS. would’ve could’ve should’ve
ADDRESSED. alhaitham (w/ gn!reader)
STAMPS. in which you break up with alhaitham and he sees you again one year later.
CONTENT. angst/no-comfort, ooc!alhaitham (?), break-up, grammar errors, it’s mentioned that alhaitham has past lovers (which are not canon)
POST-SCRIPT. expect more angst fics coming soon while waiting for evermore <33 !!
LINKS. masterlist \ taglist
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Alhaitham is a rational man.
It’s what helps him focus on important things that benefit him. It’s what helps him know what’s necessary or not. It’s what helps him seek truths and knowledge. It’s what helps him choose decisions without his emotions getting in the way. It’s what makes him not an emotional man.
That’s why it’s easy for him to oblige and agree when you ask for a break up. To him, relationships are just partnerships that bring beneficial things. He expected this relationship to end just like his other ones, so he wasn’t too surprised with your request.
Alhaitham could only watch you pack your things and leave the place as he bids you goodbye and wishes you well. That’s the last time he ever saw you.
He thought you’re like everyone else who got to be in a relationship with him — and for your information, he makes sure to treat them all well — you enjoy your time with him, and then break up with him.
However, unlike the relationships he had, his relationship with you is… different.
Unlike with his other relationships, his relationship with you was the longest one — to the point where you even moved in with him in his home and spent time together working in his office.
When you left, his home was a bit… emptier and quiet. He tells himself that it’s just because he got used to your presence around this place. It’s not like he misses the sounds of you humming to a song while working in his office.
It’s not like he misses seeing you in the kitchen looking through the refrigerator. It’s not like he misses seeing you in the living room reading a book, nor does he miss seeing you in the bedroom waiting for him, reading yet another novel that sparks your interest.
It’s not like he misses you dragging him outside to take him to restaurants or shops, nor does he miss you hugging him from behind and watching him work.
Besides that, his office feels strangely suffocating. He always finds himself glancing at a certain spot, only to find nothing there. He couldn’t stand staying in his office for too long, and he doesn’t know why.
He doesn’t miss anything from your relationship. Not at all.
Even when he always expects to hear the sounds of you rushing towards him for a hug when he comes home, even when he expects to see you in the bedroom, and even when he’s always reminded of you whenever he goes out, remembering the times when you took him out.
He doesn’t know why you’re different from his other exes, but he regretted it when he found out.
It took him exactly 1 year, 2 months and 1 day, when he finally saw you again after the break-up.
You look different, but in a good way. You look happier than before, and you seem pleasantly surprised to bump into him.
“Hello, Alhaitham.” You spoke to him softly with a smile. A smile which made his heart feel things.
“Hello as well, ( Name ).” He replied, his shoulders relaxing. “How are you?”
You look a bit surprised from his question, only for your eyes to soften. “I’ve been doing well. How about you? How are things going for you as the Acting Grand Sage?”
“I’ve been doing well, but it’s quite a hassle to be in such a position.” He says with a huff.
He hears you laughing lightly from his comment, which causes his lips to twitch a little from the sound. “I see you’re still you as always.. I’m glad.” You said.
Alhaitham couldn’t help but feel as if he wanted to say more things to you. He wants to tell you how his home feels emptier since you left, how things aren’t the same as it used to be before he met you, and how much he misses y—
He stops himself before he could admit it.
“I have to go now. It was nice seeing you, Alhaitham.” You said with a smile. “Take care of yourself, alright?”
“...Take care, ( Name ). It was nice seeing you as well.”
And with that, he watches you walk away. Conflict runs through his thoughts, unsure whether or not he should stop you and admit it.
“…( Name ), wait.”
You immediately stop your tracks and look back at Alhaitham in confusion. “Yes?”
Alhaitham hesitates for a moment, still unsure what to say. I love you. I miss you. I was a fool for letting you go.
With so many things he wanted to say to you, he couldn’t bring himself to say it.
“…I’m sorry for what I did last year.” was all he could say. He realized it’s better to let you go, so that you could be with someone else who could make you happier than he can.
You’re surprised by his words, thinking of what to say next.
“..It’s all in the past. There’s nothing for you to apologize for since you didn’t do anything wrong.” You said with an assuring smile. “I.. I’m sorry too. I hope you find someone who makes you happy.”
You then turn around. “See you next time, Alhaitham.”
And then you’re gone.
Alhaitham kept his mouth shut. Although his face remains as stoic as it can be, his feelings weren’t. 
Because all in all, he did find someone who makes him happy.
It’s you. 
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PENPALS. @scaraslover @saving-for-xiao @dawgimsohot @ragnvdnr @chiruru @aqualesha @renamichii @mrkamisato @shenhesl0ver @serami00 @serenareiss @hiqhkey @emperatris-rinaka @bystander36 @irisxiel @ladycoleigh @034ven @dear-dairiess @owozi8 @hadesaedes @chiro-chiro-kun @hersscherofyatta @mariusvonhangme @yuzuricebun @nejibot @hoshikistarlette @solaaresque @crowbird @lordbugs @flowersforayato @headintheclouddd @estelwrld @giyusimpsassemble @irethepotatosblog @moonlightaangel @alice0blog @shotosbrainrot @sniffoat @chihawari @mxsomn @kuni-kuzushii @jiminscarmex @mitsukii14 @ylimeprive @sachispet @loreleis-world @sn-owo @starforecasts @someonetookmynamelmao @ceylestia @astrequa @ymikkos @reallysporadicarcade @melodyyamino @dudufodd @somberrock @yevenly @lemontum @nghing @shaiah @miss-lady-witch
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chigirizzz · 11 months
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warnings/tags: angst, hurt/a little bit of comfort, gn! reader, descriptions of physical symptoms of anxiety, ooc sae??, not proofread
summary: love is confusing. a part of you knows sae loved you; another part of you makes you question that. if both parts can't coexist, was your relationship worth fighting for?
wc: 2.3k
notes: this one was difficult to write man. i literally rewrote almost every paragraph dozens of times until i thought this entire thing was worth of being posted. while writing this i was literally biting my own fist out of frustration lmao.
being a professional football player for sure brings a lot of things in your life: fame, money, awards, fans, haters, sponsors, you name it. but one thing that no one ever seems to talk about is the painful feeling inside someone’s entire body when under the extreme pressure—the shortness of breath, the rapid beating of the heart, the big knot on the throat, the tightening of the stomach, the burning sensation in the eyes due to increased blood circulation, and so on.
sae was used to those feelings. it was part of his life as an athlete—it was part of his life ever since he was a young boy, like when he had to get ready to leave his home country to live in another one, practically alone, without his family. for days, young itoshi sae felt in panic, nauseous and was disturbed by severe headaches.
it’s funny how emotions can make you physically sick, right?
of course, anyone can feel like this—it's completely normal and it’s what makes us humans. for a singer, those symptoms of sickness might happen mostly on the stage; for a baker, those nerves might happen mostly when getting ready the perfect wedding cake; for a writer, that anxiety might happen mostly when publishing a book, afraid of what people will think of it and if it will sell well.
for football players, those sensations are, most of the time, absorbed by their bodies and minds the moment they step on the field.
sae falls into this category.
then, at the end of the day, people can still live through situations that make them feel anxious outside of their professions—perhaps they have to get ready for a date; perhaps they got lost and can't find the right path to go home.
sae does not fall into this category. he is a rational man who avoids people and feelings not related to his career. he always knows what to do and what not to do.
but today, today is different. today sae itoshi is in the second category, and he might be stuck in there for a while, who knows.
sitting on the edge of the bed you both share, he inhales deeply as his hands make their way to grab said edges. the soft material of the bedspread under his fingers helped him cool down a little bit. so soft ♡. he exhaled after holding his breath for a few seconds.
he could hear your sobs.
you were sitting on the comfy sofa placed in the small, elegant balcony connected to your shared bedroom. although the curtains were blocking the outside view, the chilly, cold wind of the night would constantly move the brownish pink curtains to give the man the perfect—and heartbroken—sight of your figure in a curled up position, crying, with no sign of stopping so soon.
(brownish pink curtains… you wanted to buy those because it reminded you of sae's hair. of your boyfriend's hair. he could still hear your laugh when you suggested buying those.)
you too were in a psychological and physical distress; you too were in the second category—the difference, however, was that you have been in that same category for a while; meanwhile sae has only entered it today.
sae didn’t like the feeling of his sunken heart, of the big knot on his throat and of the tightening of his stomach’s walls when looking at you so miserable like that. and the worst part? he was the reason you were in that state.
in case you didn't understand yet, my dear reader, itoshi sae broke your heart once again and now your relationship is at a great risk of ending. by saying that sae has officially entered the "second category", we get the idea that said man is now anxious, scared, and physically sick with the thought of losing you—the anxiety that he only felt on the field and never in his personal life? he's feeling it right now.
and it’s only now that he understands how much he disappointed you ever since you two started dating. he remembers it all now: how he didn’t show any interest in your thoughts and hobbies (which is not true, he was just devoid of emotions but it still hurt you), how cold his responses could get, how he never denied that his career was the number one priority, the dry messages he sent you when you were excited, how mean he could be to other people even if you’d tell him how much you hated that attitude of his, how he would just gave you a gift after a fight instead of properly apologizing, how he stood up on you several times on a restaurant, all ready for him to arrive for your date, only to not appear because he preferred to stay late at practice and ended up forgetting the plans you both made…
the true—although not surprising at all—is, the oldest itoshi wasn’t good with feelings; he knew what to do and what not to do during matches, but when it came to human beings, he didn’t have an idea of what he should do or what to say—and let’s be honest, he didn't care about it either. sae did love you, though. the way he looks at you proves it; the marks he would leave on your body during nights so full of lust and romance that would be capable of shedding emotional tears from aphrodite’s eyes proved it; the way he'd roll his eyes and proceed to place soft kisses on your fingers when you complained of the water being too hot after finishing washing the dishes proved it.
the engagement ring he bought for you that is hidden in a safe place where you couldn’t find it proved it.
and now there might not be a day where he could put the ring around your finger and watch you giggle like a teenager in love.
his heart weighs heavier now, almost like it’s getting ready to be swallowed by the black hole formed on his stomach. fuck. he passes his hand through his reddish brown hair, tugging a few strands.
he got out of the bed and made his way to the door of the small balcony. there you were, still in a curled up position. your sobs have stopped already but a sniff or two could be heard.
“talk to me.” the genius didn’t know exactly what his tone was. tiredness? begging? regret? i-don’t-care-at-all-stop-acting-like-this? this man sure was confusing. there was no response, the only thing that could be heard were the sounds of the leaves of the trees moving with the wind, almost mocking, not sae, but you.
the way you rolled your eyes was unknown to him.
“seriously, y/n. head inside so we can talk—”
“fuck you, itoshi, leave me alone.” your intention wasn’t to be mean to him, you didn't think before speaking—it hurt both you and him—, but sometimes harsh words were better in specific times. this is a specific time, you should have shared your thoughts a long time ago. “you wanna talk now? you usually just buy me roses without saying anything.”
“i’m trying to fix things up.”
you turned your head to look at him, a sad smile on your lips. “and i appreciate it, really, but i’m just so fucking tired, sae.” your voice broke on the word “tired”. “and you just want to talk now because i said i was thinking of breaking up with you during our fight earlier? why, sae, why…” more tears were threatening to fall, voice still breaking.
teal colored eyes darkened. you were now looking at the view in front of you. you guys lived in a really peaceful neighborhood with big, expensive houses. the view was nothing special (a few trees, a few parked cars, a park near you), but it wasn't bad either. it's not like the view mattered as long as you lived with the love of your life.
even if said love of your life could sometimes be difficult to put up with.
you remember when you started dating him and met his younger brother, who had the audacity to say with a serious face that you would regret dating your boyfriend. although you now understand the point rin was trying to make, you didn't regret being with sae; you didn't regret anything at all. and if you were to be honest, you wanted to ignore the fight and just spend the night watching a movie or something, but you had to act like a mature adult and find a better solution.
were you, though, being a mature adult by giving that response to sae when he said he wanted to talk? you were genuinely confused.
sighting and while wiping your tears, you patted the uncopied place of the sofa beside you. "ok, let's talk. sit." the man did what you told and you moved away a few centimeters to give him more space. it was… silence. a mix of comfortable and uncomfortable silence.
without looking at you, sae rested his hand on top of yours, causing you to flinch a little by surprise, but paid no mind and let him interlock his fingers with yours, your thumb now caressing his pinky finger.
"what… what do you want to say?"
"were you telling the truth earlier?"
"about me breaking up with you?" a "mhm" was his answer. "yes, i was ." by the corner of your eye you noticed he stared at you after those words. your mind couldn't decipher what his thoughts were. "i don't like being stood up on a date two times in the same month, y'know?"
the man sighted. "i was busy with practice. and i literally warned you at a good time, you just got to the place too early."
you let out a chuckle in an ironic way. "you did warn me, yes, and i wouldn't mind if it was once or twice, but enough is enough, itoshi." it was the second time of the night—scratch that, it was the second time in your entire life that you called him by his surname. even when you were only friends, you would call him by his first name or by cute, silly nicknames. the second time the word itoshi came out of your mouth, it was full of venom; venom that seemed to wrap so tightly around his heart. "i know your career is extremely important to you. i understand that and i want to support you in any way, shape and form, however, things can't keep going like this."
"i see." the reddish brown haired man looked at both your hands still together. you didn't let go of him, you didn't want to and he didn't want it either. “i understand.”
he should say something more. something more profound, more romantic, capable of making you stay, but what can the prodigy do about it? sure, he'd be lying if he said he didn't want you to stay with him, but the decision was yours and he had to take it, whether he liked it or not; whether it’d left him heartbroken or not. besides, he now understands just how much he confused you with his true feelings. you both were tired of the constant kiss and make up.
just how sae could be an egoistic on the field, he could be also one on his private life (just ask literally anybody and they will confirm).
you let go of his fingers to turn your arm so that your palm was facing upwards, in contact with his, and you interlock your fingers again. “it’s not easy for me but… i feel like it’s the best choice.”
you spent a few seconds looking into each other's eyes, until sae leaned his forehead against yours and you did the same, with your eyes closed and enjoying the cold night breeze hitting your bodies, the breeze contrasting with the bittersweet heat formed in your hearts.
“so… is it decided…”
“yes… it is.” you were glad that he respected your decision and that you discussed the matter without further discussion. “i’ll still pack my things today. in the morning i’ll call a friend and ask them to stay at their house for a few days. then i’ll see how it goes.”
he offered to help you pack your bags, but you refused—him helping you would only make you more emotional and rethink your decision. that night, you and your now ex-boyfriend slept on the same bed, back to back.
"hey,” it was now the next morning and you had just gotten ready to leave the house. sae called you before you had a chance to get out the door. “do not hesitate to call me if you need anything.”
a smile formed on your lips. now that you were changing your path in life, it seemed that you just lost a heavy weight on your shoulders. sae didn't like that, but again, he was in no position to make you stay. “ thank you sae, really. the same goes for you, though. and don’t overwork yourself.”
those words and the little chuckle that followed hurt sae like a bitch. you always told him to not work himself till exhaustion, yet he always ignored you…
“well… goodbye, itoshi.” before he’d answer, you stepped out of the door, closing it behind you.
as the sound of the engine of your friend’s car starting up reached his ears, he made his way to the bedroom, to reach out for the engagement ring he bought for you. he layed on the bed, hugging the tiny ring’s box, hot tears running silently down his cheeks to the pillow.
you were gone. you were officially gone.
tagging: @izzylovestnbhd
thank you for reading. likes, reblogs and coments are appreciated ♡
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runningfrom2am · 4 months
empty threats // LTPF
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summary: you get in trouble at school, and don't want to go home just yet.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 3.4k
masterlists / nav / requests
tags/warnings: capitol brat!reader, maybe slightly ooc coryo, idk i tried my best. they're just little in this one :'), so no real warnings. besides r being a little violent and threatening, but what's new lol. non-descript mentions and implications of abuse.
a/n: hi! thought i'd post this before s2 of cold nights bc,,, i'm not ready to let this series go just yet lol. this was (kind of) requested a couple of times so i do intend to write another thing ab them before the series! maybe p2 to 'the finer things in life'? lmk
(also would y'all call me crazy if i said this was based on something i actually did in middle school? yes? okay in that case that was a joke. thanks.)
series masterlist // playlist
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You were having a bad day. A bad week. Bad month. The academy had not been treating you well this year- nothing really was. But school especially was kicking your ass.
You did well, consistently. A's, A+'s, and it was only at the small cost of your sanity. You hardly slept anymore- which is part of the reason your father started allowing you to wear makeup at the beginning of the year. To hide how dark the circles under your eyes were- how pale you were getting from lack of sunlight and exercise, and the bruises that happened to be visible on warmer days where you weren't required to wear your blazer.
You hadn't slept in a week, you were sure. It was hard to tell. Days and nights blurred together; you were effectively a zombie at fourteen. Even you knew that wasn't right.
"Y/N/N." You didn't realize you were falling asleep leaning on your palm, elbow pressed uncomfortably against the surface of the desk.
"Huh?" You blink rapidly, looking over to the source of your name.
"You okay?" Coryo chuckles quietly, looking you over as he almost always did.
"Never been better." You sigh, shaking your head to refocus yourself on writing the notes on the board.
"You sure about that? I'm not exactly inclined to believe you."
"Yes." You nod, having to lean to the side to even see the board. You didn't notice when Arachne finished her notes and stood right in your line of sight to talk to Livia, who was sitting in front of you.
Yes, your teacher had allowed you to discuss upcoming assignments when you were finished copying down the paragraphs on the board, but that didn't mean Arachne should block your view.
"Arachne." You say, waving for her to move when she looks down at you.
"Have you no manners?" She asks, tilting her head at you.
"Move. Please." You really don't have the patience to argue.
"No thank you, I'm alright here." She smiles, sickly sweet, before promptly returning to her conversation.
You close your eyes, taking a deep breath in before slowly letting it out through your nose. "I'm trying to write, and your massive head is blocking the entire board. Move, now."
Coryo snickers beside you, his notes already long done as he sits back to watch.
"We're trying to have a conversation. Some of us have lives outside of school, you know." Arachne digs her grave deeper, crossing her arms as she stares down at you.
You grip your pen in your hand so tight you're afraid it might break.
"Don't." Coryo says to you, reaching out to grab your shoulder in an effort to calm you. He knew this look on you; you looked like you were about to detonate.
You ignore him, trying to look past her again, but she takes a sidestep to the left intentionally blocking your view now. Back and forth, whichever way you lean she's conveniently moving to be right in your line of sight. You try to listen to Coryo and not cause a scene, you really do, but your patience was deteriorating by the second.
"Arachne, I swear to god I will hit you so hard with this book if you don't get out of my way that you'll have worse memory loss than usual. Move."
"Y/N/N, here, let's just switch. You can see just fine from-" Your friend suggests, already standing up to move and open his seat to you.
"Oh, is that so?" The girl laughs at you. "It's not like these notes will ever matter to you. You probably don't even know what that-"
Within a second you're standing, grabbing the textbook from your desk and swinging it at her.
It hits the side of her head with a loud crack that has her stumbling back. Other students are laughing, you can hear it, but only echoes as you breathe heavily.
You smile as she clutches the side of her head, stumbling down into her empty seat. "Thank you." You nod, moving to sit back down and resume taking your notes. Suddenly, you're feeling much more awake; refreshed at being able to channel your frustration into something physical.
Coryo stares at you, almost in shock. Almost, because Arachne should have known that coming from you, there was no such thing as an empty threat.
"Miss Y/L/N!" Your teachers voice bellows as Arachne starts to cry.
God, she's such a baby.
You aren't given the chance to defend yourself before Coryo is speaking up for you. "Sorry, Sir. She's just had a tough week." You shoot him a look and you can see the panic in his eyes, wracking his mind for a way to excuse your violence in a forgivable manner. "I'll take her down to the office." He's helping you up out of your seat before grabbing your books and your bag for you.
Your teacher clearly doesn't have the energy to get into it with you today so he nods, waving for the two of you to go.
"It's just, you know, lady problems." Coryo says as you pass the teacher on his way over to Arachne, who now has Livia fanning her face with a book as if that would help.
"Just, get her out of here." Your teacher says again.
"Of course you would know- just get your insane girlfriend away from me. I can't look at her anymore." Arachne whines, still clutching the side of her head.
You grit your teeth and jam your elbow into your friends ribs at the unnecessary comment right as you exit the doorway.
"Ow!" He winces, looking back to make sure no one saw. "I helped you!"
"I am not on my period, Coriolanus." You hiss, glaring up at him as he walks beside you. "You're such a pig."
"How am I supposed to know! I just know you assaulted Arachne and that's a hard act to excuse. I tried my best."
"You're lucky I'm not. If I was I'd gut you like a fish right now." You grumble, pulling your bag from his shoulder and giving him a shove back.
"I'll count myself lucky then." He chuckles. He never took anything mean you say to him too personally or too seriously. Your threats only ever seemed to be empty when they were directed at him.
"Coryo! Y/N/N! Wait!" You turn and cross your arms as you wait for Sejanus who's speed walking down the hall to catch up.
"Oh, you're late to the party." You grin, raising an eyebrow at him.
"He sent me to escort you guys, didn't want you to sneak off before actually going to the office." He explains as the three of you continue down the hall.
You groan, rolling your eyes. "Ugh, him too?"
"Gross." Coryo mutters.
"Excuse you, that was rude!" You laugh, bumping your shoulder against his arm. You didn't notice when he started to get taller than you, it seemingly happened overnight.
"And I stand by it." He replies, shaking his head at you as you gasp in mock offense.
"I'm wounded, Coryo. Truly."
"Yeah, you guys are never beating those allegations. Sorry." Sejanus laughs.
"True, but it would be nice if he didn't act like i'm repulsive all the time."
"I do not act like you're repulsive!"
"You guys argue like an old married couple. It's cute."
You don't know what prompted you to walk here. Anxiety, maybe, after the receptionist at the office was instructed by Dean Highbottom to call your father this afternoon while you were in the office.
You stand outside the entrance to Coryo's apartment building, pacing in your academy uniform. You stop, staring at the call panel.
"Level 12 Penthouse: Snow"
You chew your lip, looking down at your watch. It was almost five, you wasted time sitting in after school detention staring at the wall. Just press it. You didn't walk all this way just to go home anyways. Press it.
The buzzer is ringing out of the speaker before you can overthink it.
"Uh, hello?" His voice is crackly on the other end, hardly even audible if you weren't panicking over who would answer.
"Coryo, it's me. Can I come in?"
"Uh, hold on. I'll come down." His voice cuts out and you wait for the buzzer that signifies the door is unlocked, but it doesn't come.
You try the handle anyway, but it remains locked. You groan, peeking in for the first time through the large glass windows that made up the entrance to the lobby.
It was a damn mess in there. Garbage bags everywhere, it looked like the floors or the walls hadn't been cleaned in years. Why on earth was there no maintenance in his building? You knew he had a driver, a chef, maids to clean his own apartment, or so he said. Would it be so hard to have the building cleaned every week?
It's a good few minutes before you see your friend open the doors to the stairs, and looking over at the elevator while he walks up to the door you see there's a maintenance sign on it. That was broken, too. Your brow furrows as he walks up to the glass door, shoving it open.
"Y/N... What are you doing here?" He asks, and you give him a once over. He's still wearing his academy uniform, just like you, but without the skirt that drapes around his legs. The buttons are partially undone and buttoned unevenly.
"I, uh..." You start, giving a slight shake of your head. "Why are you still in your uniform?"
"I haven't had the chance to change.." He lies, eyeing you quizzically. He definitely won't be telling you that his only casual clothes are noticeably too small on him, ankles showing in the only pyjama pants he owns so he had to throw this back on in a rush. Usually, he just sleeps in his boxers and only leaves the house in dress clothes. "What's going on?" He asks, changing the subject.
You take a deep, shaky breath and shake your head. "I... was just hoping you'd want to hangout." You smile, but it's not convincing enough for him.
"Oh, uh, I'm a little busy right now..." He glances back inside.
"Of course. Yes. I'm sorry." You nod, slightly disappointed.
"But, I mean, it's just homework. If you have your stuff we could work on it together." He suggests, sensing your discomfort.
"Came straight from school!" You grin, patting your bag where it hangs at your waist.
"Uh, okay..." He chuckles a bit, checking the time on his watch before reaching past you to buzz his own apartment.
You wait for a moment before another voice rings out.
"It's me."
"Coryo, did you lock yourself out again?" His cousin sighs.
"Again?" You gasp, covering your mouth as you laugh quietly at him.
His cheeks flush. "No, I didn't. I was hoping you could bring my school bag down to me, Y/N and I are going to hers to work on homework."
Your smile fades as he volunteers your home. The reason you came was because you didn't want to go back there. Not yet.
"I'll be right down!"
You hear the click of it disconnecting and he smiles at you. "Just give her a minute."
"We can't- Uh..." How to word this without sounding weird. "My brother has friends over, I think. They're always super loud so that's why I came here..."
"Oh, okay. Well..." He looks back inside again. "We can find somewhere else to go. My grandma'am is sleeping, that's all."
You're both lying to each others faces and neither of you knew.
"Sounds good." You nod. "My brother and his friends are just like, so annoying. I wish they would just get together and like... read or something..." You laugh nervously, rubbing your arm.
"I get it." He hums and you laugh.
"As if, Coryo, you are that younger brother."
"No I'm not."
"Yes you are."
"No, I'm not."
"This is exactly how my little brother fights with me so..."
"Except I don't have siblings. So that's impossible."
"Yes you do."
"No, I don't."
"You do!" You laugh. "You realize the genetic components have like... nothing to do with that, right? Tigris is effectively your sister. You live together, for christs sake. Besides, I know I'm right because of... everything." You gesture to him vaguely and he glares at you.
"That's why we get along so well." You smile sweetly at him. "I'm a big sister. I know exactly how to handle little brothers. And you're used to having a big sister around, so you tolerate me."
"Tigris is not my sister, and you are nothing like her."
You playfully roll your eyes. "I wouldn't know. But I would bet money that we have more in common than you know."
"Definitely not." He protests, shaking his head as Tigris steps out of the stairwell with his book bag in hand. She smiles and waves at you as she comes up to the door, opening it to hand it out to him.
"Thank you." He nods, and she turns to you, blocking the door from closing as she stands there.
"Y/N, how are you?" She smiles, holding her housecoat around herself. It had been a long time since you'd seen her- she left the academy before you were old enough to study in the same buildings.
"I'm well, thank you." You smile. "Yourself?"
"I'm good." She nods. "How is school treating you?"
You laugh, shrugging and reaching up to rub your eyes. "Well enough, I suppose. Gives me something to do."
She smiles, sadly, and nods. You look over at Coryo quickly. "Should we be going then?"
He nods. "Yes, we should. Thank you, Tigris."
"Of course." She grins, waving you off as you make your way back down the steps ahead of him.
Coryo throws his bag over his shoulder, rushing to follow you as he notices his mismatched buttons and quickly tries to fix it. "Where do you want to go?" He asks, and you shrug.
"Maybe the park? It's a nice day out." You offer.
He looks around. It wasn't that nice- there was a thin overcast of clouds that suggested it may start to rain, and there wasn't much time before the sun would set. "I mean, it looks like it's going to rain. Noise doesn't bother me, we could just go to your house."
You sigh, looking down at your feet as you walk in no particular direction, kicking a stone across the broken pavement. "No." You quickly dismiss it. "What about the old bomb shelter? I know how to get into the one on my block. There's an unlocked door."
Your friend wrinkles up his nose at the suggestion. "Isn't it gross and dusty and dark?"
"It's not that bad." You laugh. "Don't be a baby."
"Do you remember the bombings?" You ask, pushing aside an old curtain in the underground shelter.
"I don't think I could forget if I wished to." Coryo mutters, looking around. It was dusty, but you had found a light switch very quickly. The lights overhead flickered after years of not being used, but for some reason, power was still connected. Like they were still on standby, waiting for another flood of terrified people to swarm in during the night after years of being left untouched.
"Me neither." You hum, adjusting your bag over your shoulder. "We slept over there." You point vaguely to a far corner of the vast space of old bunk beds and tables.
"Cozy." Coryo mumbles, stepping around a crack in the ceiling where water had dripped down into a puddle on the floor.
You laugh as you place your bag down on a table, quickly removing your blazer to dust off the bench next to it so the two of you could sit. You won't get in any more trouble for dirtying your uniform than you already are for hitting your classmate.
You lay the red material down across it and use your palms to wipe the table so your friend would be more comfortable placing his stuff there. "Here, sit." You smile, patting the spot next to yourself.
"Thanks." He nods, eyes locked on the yellowing bruise that falls around your wrist. It was previously unnoticeable under the shadow of your blazer sleeve, but now with only your blue dress shirt slightly folded up, it was clear as day. To him, anyway. His eyes flick up to your face as you dig through your bag, so blissfully unaware that now he knows why you came to him instead of going home. He hadn't thought of it before.
"Well?" You turn, raising an eyebrow at him when he doesn't make an effort to move. "You scared or something? I don't bite."
He shakes himself out of his stupor of realization. Maybe one day he would say something, but that certainly wouldn't be today. "I'm pretty sure you do." He jokes, sliding into the spot next to you.
"Oh, how you think so little of me." You laugh as he starts pulling papers and books out of his bag. A small smile tugs on his lips, but he doesn't look at you. You tilt your head a little bit, watching his movements closely. He's so sophisticated for a boy who just turned fourteen.
"I was working on math before you showed up. Want to do that first?" His lips are moving suddenly, and you only notice after that he's looking at you.
"Oh, yes. Sure." You smile, quickly turning back to your own notebooks and pulling out the right one. You didn't want to work on homework, not at all, but it was better than being at home.
"What page are you on?" Coryo asks absentmindedly, flipping through his textbook to note both where he is and where you are. You didn't need his help, but he was happy to offer it.
"236. You?"
"You're fast." You giggle, shaking your head as you look at him.
"Well, I had an hour when I got home, so..."
"Right." You wonder as you stare at his blonde curls if they get poofy when he brushes it. It must. He clearly hasn't had a haircut in quite a while. You twist the ends of your own hair between your fingers. You haven't either.
Coryo's brow is furrowed in concentration as he tries to read in the mediocre lighting, copying down the equation he was working on.
"Why are you friends with me?" You ask impulsively, and his writing hand freezes for just a moment.
"Because... You're nice to me." He answers simply, resuming the question he was on.
"I'm not that nice to you." You giggle. "Everyone is nice to you, mostly."
"Yes, well, you're funny too. It seems that all our classmates have monkey brains, or something."
"So you think I'm smart?" You tease, leaning your chin on your palm.
"Aren't you?" He deflects the question back to you, not risking looking your way.
"I like to think so." You shrug. "But that's not a good reason to be friends with someone."
"Then why are you friends with me?"
You bite your lip, picking up your pencil and suddenly finding an interest in the bite marks you've left in the wood over the last week. "I don't know." You say honestly. "You're nice to me... I suppose." You laugh, seeing the irony in your response.
Coryo finally looks at you, smiling knowingly. "See?"
"Okay, fine. But I like to think we get along really well, don't you think?" You really don't want to do your homework, deciding it would be better to just talk anyway. That's why you went to him, you realize. You wanted to talk.
"Sejanus said we bicker like an old married couple." He chuckles.
"Well, yes, but he's wrong. Besides, an old couple wouldn't be married if they didn't at least get along most of the time."
He nods, tapping his pencil against his notebook. "I guess you're right." He agrees. "But we don't really fight, it's just... pretend. You know that, right?" He looks at you hopefully, trying to pick up on a sense of understanding in your eyes.
"Well, duh." You giggle nervously. "If we really fought I wouldn't be your friend. I'd hit you with a book, as we know."
He nods, but doesn't laugh at your joke. "I wouldn't hurt you on purpose. Ever." Don't look at her wrist, don't look at her wrist, don't look at-
"I know." You nod, speaking quieter now as you feel the seriousness in his tone. The smile on your face is genuine, but he can tell it's forced beyond sadness. "Maybe that's why I'm friends with you."
"That's a good reason." He says softly, matching your smile. "Trust is the most important thing."
You think he doesn't know how much that means to you, but he does. You force yourself to look away quickly, torn between the urges to both cry and kiss him. You'd never kissed anyone before, but you'd decided when other girls started having boyfriends who they only stayed with for a week that if you had to pick anyone, it would be Coryo. Something tells you he wouldn't break your heart.
"So you trust me?" You ask, blinking away tears as you pretend to focus on your schoolwork.
"Of course I do."
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taglist:@totallynotkaibiased , @stelleduarte , @klplynn , @secretsicanthideanymore , @bejeweledreverie , @gloryekaterina , @andrewgarfieldsbitch , @queenofspades6 , @pepperonipastas , @ladybug0095 , @lunamothwrites , @sbrewer21 , @mus-tbe-a-weasley , @splxtscreen , @unclecrunkle , @karmaswitch , @coconut-dreamz , @nekee-lilac02 , @ooooglymoooogly , @riddlerloveb0t , @lovedbalances , @notyourwildestdream , @snowlandson-top , @too-lit-for-fanfic , @utopiakys , @deafeningballoonnacho , @roosterschanelslut , @chmpgneprblem , @cosmoetik , , @urvampgfsworld , @carolanns-world @nan-nie , @shakespearseclipse , @iovemoonyy , @notyoursweetheart-honey ,  @xyzstar , @eatpizzasass, @slytherinholland , @queenofshinigamis , @elodiebeau , @soulessjourney , @that-veela-girl
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zombiboon · 2 years
RE Boys Coming Home to a Sleeping S/O
This has been a dead ass account, with the last post being literal months old now and about a whole different fandom. I recently got into Resident Evil (Thanks DBD for adding my new husband Wesker) and while my ass is struggling to understand the lore outside the basics, I’m trying and I’m also gonna write these characters anyways. Are they going to be OOC? Probably. But take some of the RE boys coming home to a sleeping S/O.
if there's a guy you want not in here, it's likely because I know so little of him. I'm still getting into the series (I'm only up to RE5 as of now).
GN!Reader, Fluff, Not at all edited, Likely OOC portrayals
Characters: Albert Wesker, Chris Redfield, Leon S. Kennedy, Carlos Oliveira
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It’s a common sight for Wesker to come home to you sleeping, considering he works late almost if not all nights. Hell, he’s surprised whenever you’re not sleeping by the time he returns home. 
If you’ve fallen asleep on the couch - either from watching TV or maybe even waiting for him to come home -, in the beginning of the relationship, he may just leave a blanket on you so you’re not cold, but further into the relationship, he’ll carry you back to the bedroom.
He’s not one for cuddling either, but he will occasionally spoon you. It won’t start out like that, however, it’s more of a subconscious thing he does while asleep next to you. He may fall asleep next to you, arms at his side (he goes to bed face up, the arms at the side makes him look like a robot), but you’ll wake up with one arm loosely hanging around your waist and his warmth comforting you from behind - if you wake up before him.
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Another man who usually works late. Little too attached to his job, it may as well be his second partner - right after you, of course. 
He usually comes home to you getting ready for bed but sometimes, he’ll come home when you’re already in bed. Though he’d probably never admit it aloud, he does feel a little saddened he can’t chat with you when he comes home, but he’s also a patient and reasonable man, he knows it’d be ridiculous to request you stay up even later just so he can have a brief conversation with you.
He does his best in keeping quiet while getting ready for bed but by the time he adds his weight to the mattress, you’re already turning your head to greet him drowsily. He usually apologises with a quick peck on the lips. Immediately urges you to go back to bed as he shifts into his spot beside you.
He enjoys hugging you tightly more than spooning you, to be honest. He likes embracing you and keeping you close to his chest. But if you manage to sleep through the ruckus of him getting ready for bed, he’ll settle for spooning you.
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Really only ever comes home late when out with friends or coming back from a mission. He has a small habit of uttering a tired, “I’m home” to a darkened house whenever you’ve already gone to bed. 
He’s usually exhausted by the time he comes home late and will immediately book it for the bedroom. He’ll crawl into bed and if you’re a light sleeper, you’ll wake up to Leon clinging to you from behind. He’ll apologise for waking you if you greet him. 
He’s got a deathgrip around your stomach as he nuzzles into your back. If he doesn’t, please spoon him. He adores it.
If he’s not tired, he still lays in bed with you, silently admiring you. Occasionally, he’ll brush a few strands of hair out of your face just to keep cherishing your features with a smile. After a few minutes, it gets him completely knocked out for the rest of the night.
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(this mans last name is so impossible for me to type correctly half the time. curse you second "i")
The type to despise coming home late. He’s exhausted, with his work, his limbs are sore, and he doesn’t get to see you. So when he comes home to a dark house, he’s a little defeated. But hey, he gets to see you - you’d be sleeping, but it’s still you. 
He’s surprisingly stealthy in slipping into bed, so much so you get jumpscared awake by his touch. 
And he’s a cuddly bastard, immediately swinging his arms around you and pulling you back into him as he peppers the back of your ear and neck with soft kisses. He usually keeps you up with a small and whispered conversation, just to check in with you before letting you drift back off into a deep slumber. 
He’ll just nuzzle his face into the back of your neck and when his tight grip loosens just a smidge, you’ll know he’s passed out sleeping - if his snores didn’t alert you to that.
reblogs are greatly appreciated <3
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manikas-whims · 1 year
Reasons I despise Shadow and Bone
• Inej Ghafa in the books was an SA survivor and a girl who despite all that she went through, held hope close to her chest. Book Inej was so scared of the menagerie, she couldn't walk past it without the fear of being recaptured. She finally moved on from this fear when she choked Heleen at the Ice Court, stole her diamond choker and ran, calling her silks feathers. And finally believing that she was free after facing her fear, her abuser head on. So seeing the show Inej casually walk into the menagerie as well as merely shrugging upon hearing of Heleen's death this season, was not just extremely ooc but disrespectful and had zero depth.
• Kaz Brekker's disability was basically neglected this entire season and his cane treated like an accessory. Not only that they butchered the entire Kaz-Nikolai meeting in CK. Kaz would've immediately recognized Nikolai, like that was such a downgrade. Not to mention Nikolai threatening Kaz (and Jesper). Kaz wouldn't be threatened. Instead he'd make negotiations with Nikolai on his terms. Oh and most importantly, his entire backstory was rushed and played off like it was nothing serious. That intensity of two innocent small-town boys being tricked by an adult with agency and power, I couldn't feel it as much as I felt reading the books.
• Jesper Fahey's backstory is very emotional and beautiful. The memories with his mother and his coversations later on with his father, all lead up to him slowly accepting his grisha side more and embracing it. Embracing being a zowa. The show speed-ran through it and well, it lost its depth.
More importantly none of the backstory material makes much sense and lacks so much depth because there was nothing that lead to that development. The books, whatever transpires in SoC is what leads to and triggers their individual character developments. So any backstories stuffed in the show made no sense.
• Nina Zenik's bisexuality is completely erased by the show. Its like netflix is allergic to sapphics 😭
• Now Kanej! We got so much Kanej content we should be happy right? I agree. The scenes did give me a momentary high because those are some of my favorite parts of the books and its a blessing to be able to see them adapted on screen. Except, none of those scenes made sense, especially since season 1 barely hinted about some chemistry between the two and then season suddenly escalated all that slow burn into significant moments badly stashed into the show plot. I mean ofc we got the chapel scene and all but.. The whole wound patching-up scene was a pivotal moment in their relationship and it was completely downplayed in the show. And then there was also Kaz getting mad at Inej freeing some children from slavers? Like ofcourse even book Kaz would be slightly miffed but he wouldn't outright reprimand Inej and tell her she's off the team due to it, but thats what show Kaz did. And then after everything that happens, the sudden drop of “how will you have me” and the “without armor” dialogue completely did dirty to that moment. Like ofc she says “gloves on, fully clothed, head turned away so our lips never meet”. But in the books, Inej utters those words because of all the secrecy and lack of effort for pursuing a proper relationship between them. The “no armor” Inej says is addressed towards wanting him to be more open about himself (since Kaz knows basically everything about her, from her full name to how she was captured and ended up in Ketterdam) but Inej knows nothing about him, not even if Kaz Brekker is his real name. But the show made the “no armor” dialogue so bad. Its made Inej look so shallow as if she is merely speaking in terms of her physical wants.
Ohh and I did mention this in another post but everybody fucking knowing about Kaz's backstory? Everyone but Inej? The only person he actually tells in the books. Him even telling the fraction of stuff he tells Inej spoke volumes about their bond and how he trusted her enough to reveal this truth about himself. Show Kaz's past is revealed to Nina and Jesper casually walking in and listening??? WTF was that? And no Inej in thaf moment. Call it nitpicking but it was WRONG.
• Wesper has been reduced to the token gay couple of the show. Their sweet first encounter has been completely eradicated and they're turned into this typical trope of people who had a one night stand and accidentally met again. Their romance is so sexualised in the show, as many tend to do with queer ships (which is extremely disgusting imo). More importantly, we'll most likely never see the “no, not just girls” in that possible spin-off 🙂
• Ketterdam: the show has given no proper insight on Ketterdam. I bet most of the show only people don't understand much about the city and the gangs. I wonder if many even know whats a Dime Lion. And Pekka randomly having the stadwatch in cahoots with him was so shitty writing?
And these are just a few that i can remember right now. Also i don't want this post to get too long.
–» If you're one of those sheep fans, don't comment shit like “creators already told us its different from the books, so you shouldn't be mad” 🤪 cause I'll definitely delete your comment.
If you are one of those, scroll past this post. Cause what do y'all even mean? People can't freely discuss or criticize a piece of media now? STFU!
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ruisutea · 1 year
Cookie kisses - Kaveh & Al Haitham
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"Why did you order the chocolate chips like that? "
"Because it makes a heart :) "
"Awww y/n"
"I don't see it"
".. "
"What? "
M!reader x Al Haitham x Kaveh
Poly relationship, established relationship, he/they pronouns for reader and the characters. Use of pet names
Ooc Kaveh (I hc him as a lover for baking) because he hasn't been released by the time this posted.
This is my first time writing a polyamourous relationship as someone who isn't polyamourous, so I do apologize in advance if its not as good! (Feedback would be appreciated)
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"Darrrling? We're hooommmeee! "
You heard the calling in the distance, as you stood in the kitchen mixing ingredients into a medium bowl.
Pausing your mixing, you walked over to greet the two men at the door who were taking off their shoes. A few bags were piled in the side.
"Welcome home dear" you greeted, hugging the blond who hugged you back, tightly. His smile becoming big.
Pulling away, you hugged Al Haitham who reciprocated it. Though not tightly as the blond, it was a firm and warm hug.
"What did you guys get? The bags look so full"
"Ah! The vendors had some deals on some of the foods, and even some decoration were on sale" Kaveh started.
"There were some good paintings, although Al Haitham didn't quite like it"
"That's because I didn't like the style" the grey haired man said, carrying a few bags containing food to the kitchen area.
"You have no taste in design! "
Chuckling a bit, you took a few bags while kaveh carried the rest, and headed over to the kitchen where Al Haitham was, while the other went to another room to put some decor away for later.
"I see you made yourself busy whilst were out" Al Haitham says, looking at the ingredients lined neatly next to each other, and the bowl that contained most.
"Mhm! I wanted to bake some cookies for you two so when you guys got back you'd have some warm cookies to snack on" you explained, crouching down to put the tomatoes and chilis in the bottom drawer of the fridge.
"But it seems you guys got back earlier than expected" you added, putting the last few items before closing the fridge.
"Would you like some help? " he asks, watching you come back up and closing the fridge door.
"I'd like that"
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"Alright, now we need some brown and white sugar"
"This is, quite a lot of sugar. And were also supposed to add chocolate? " he asks, looking at the cook book.
"Yup! "
"Isn't that too much sweetness? " he looks up at you, to see your figure trying to find sugar in the cabinet.
"Mhm, depending on the amount your making you add more or less sugar" you explain.
"Or like some people, they tend to put more or less than the instructions to have it their desired taste" you added, moving your body to go deeper in finding the sugar.
"I see"
"Bubs have you seen the sugar? I can't find it"
"Shouldn't it be in the cabinet above? "
"I checked and it's not there"
The moment those words fell out of your mouth, the book was set aside and his hands were now on your waist. Pulling you down.
"I'll find it"
After a few minutes, Al Haitham grabbed both bags of sugar, that were hiding behind some bags of pasta noodles, and jars of sauces still unopened, but not expired.
"Thank you! Now we can continue"
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"Alright I'm back you tw-"
The blond stopped as he watched his two lovers baking together, happily enjoying the silence as they didn't hear Kavehs voice.
"Now some butte-"
"Your baking!? "
The two of you turned around to see your lovely architect shocked, a hand on his chest, making it look dramatic.
"Mhm! We're making cookies" you said, giving him a lovely smile.
"Something wrong? "
"Y-your baking... WITHOUT ME!? " He says dramatically.
"Ugh I feel so betrayed! You both know how much I like baking! " kaveh started.
"Well maybe if you didn't take so long decorating you could've been here" Al Haitham said, still folding in the mixture.
"Ill have you know I was FIXING your horrid designs! Making sure every painting wasn't so crooked, what if someone visits and sees your style in framing!?"
"Well whod be visiting? I don't see your friends, not like you'd have many"
"Here we go again.. " you thought, watching the two argue for 80th time over something little.
"Guys- Kaveh were still not finished, we decided to make a second batch for a few of our friends so if you want, you can still join" you said, hoping that can stop the two arguing.
Though you wanted to make some for the three of you, you also thought about your friends, Tighnari, Collei, Cyno, Candace, Deyha and Nilou. As they do like your baking a lot, and you haven't seen them often you thought it might be a good thing to make more to have a chance to visit and catch up on things.
"Ah! Alright then let's not waste any time"
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"Ah they came out perfect! " you exclaimed, looking at the big batch of cookies you three made.
"Of course they came out perfect" Kaveh said, "becaus-"
"Nows not the time" Al Haitham said, shoving a cookie into the blonds mouth.
"Haah! Haot!"
"You'll be fine" the grey hair man says, before looking at you who carefully put two cookies on a plate.
"Ta da! Look aren't they cute? " you asked, showing al Haitham the cookies you designed.
"Hmm" he looked down at the two cookies, seeing that one out of the two had more chocolate, and the other had less, but more design put in.
"Why did you order the chocolate chips like that? "
"Because it makes a heart"
"Awwngh " Kaveh says, his words slurred due to his tongue burned by the cookie al Haitham shoved in his mouth.
"I don't see it"
"... "
"What? "
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Please do not repost my work on any other platform, likes and reblogs are appreciated<3
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literallyjustchi · 1 month
Akademiya Chronicles
Chapter 1
Hi! My name is Chi, and I am a seasoned writer. :3 I've written a full novel, 20 chapters, and 44k+ words. I'm here to give you quality writing (fanfics and not) that you don't often see here on Tumblr... without all the grammatical errors and simple typos. I hope you enjoy my first chapter ever posted *here!*
tumblr keeps messing up my formatting and IDK WHY, SEND HELP!!!!!
(MC is female, and characters may or may not be OOC. I tried to keep them as in character as I could.)
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Kaveh burst through the Akademiya’s library doors dramatically and collapsed at the nearest table, which coincidentally happened to be mine. My fellow classmates gave him a dirty look but went along with their work, most likely used to–or tired of–Kaveh’s antics.
As for me, I was too busy studying for one of the many upcoming exams. It annoyed me how Alhaitham was at the top of the class without studying or trying, and I wanted to be better than him. I knew I was smarter… I just had to put in the work. Ultimately, it would all pay off, and I would get bragging rights.
Kaveh groaned. “I should just drop out. This whole Kshahrewar thing is hard.”
I rolled my eyes, flipping a page in my book. “Keep going. You’ve already spent so much money getting where you are.”
“Easy for you to say, miss perfect grades. At least you aren’t as dreadful as Alhaitham.”
“Please stop enunciating your words. It’s very annoying.”
He sighed. “I mean, how can someone be as ignorant and… dumb as him? I never knew someone could be as dense and arrogant as him until I met him!”
“Keep your voice down. We’re in a library.” Alhaitham was anything but dumb, but I didn’t feel like arguing.
Kaveh moped. “Nobody understands my woes.”
“I understand, Kaveh.” I just don’t care. Ouch. Is that a little harsh? I closed my book with a defeated sigh. “You wanna go get something to eat for lunch?”
“Together?” He gasped, earning another sharp glare from the others. “Of course! You’re paying, though. Right?”
I put my book into my tote bag and stood up. “Wouldn’t have it any other way.”
To my luck, Cyno and Tighnari were both at Puspa Café, with Cyno animatedly over-explaining the inner workings of Genius Invokation TCG even though Tighnari already knew all the nitty-gritty details.
Kaveh beamed. “Look, Cy and Ti are here! Let’s go talk to them.”
“I think I’ll pass.” If Alhaitham had one thing right, it would be that socializing was draining. I already finished my quota with the few words I exchanged with Kaveh.
Kaveh linked his arm with mine and dragged me to their table in the far corner next to a window, the sunlight filtering through. “Too bad. You need to get out more–have fun, y’know? Don’t want you to end up like Alhaitham, all moody and gloomy.”
Tighnari set down one of his cards and waved to us. “Look who decided to show up. My second favorite pair.”
“Who’s your first?” Kaveh asked.
Tighnari lowered his voice, “Cyno and Sethos, but you can’t tell them,” he said teasingly.
Cyno grimaced. “Gross. Sethos.”
I stifled a laugh. Cyno, though he’d never admit it, even if you put a musket to his head, had a soft spot for Sethos. It was mildly adorable.
Kaveh plopped on the bench, sitting next to Cyno. I, more gracefully and less rambunctiously, sat next to Tignhari with a small nod of acknowledgment.
Cyno shoved a stack of cards at Kaveh. “You’re playing. Here’s your deck. You know how to play?”
Kaveh took the deck and examined it. “Uh, sorta.”
“Good. Tighnari isn’t that good, so I hope you’re better.”
Tighnari rolled his eyes and slid an iced coffee my way. “I had a feeling you were coming.”
I took the coffee into my hands. I almost always came to the café to de-stress or as a break from my never-ending studies, so it was nice that Tighnari remembered, even though he didn’t often come to this side of Sumeru. Maybe it wasn’t a bad idea to agree to come with Kaveh.
The boys played a few rounds of TCG, with Kaveh losing to both of them. Tighnari had no idea what he was doing, but he was doing it better than Kaveh. It was funny to watch Cyno oneshot all of Kaveh’s active characters in one fell swoop, and Tighnari accidentally wiping out Kaveh’s supports and draining him of dice.
Tighnari leaned over to me and whispered while the others were too focused on their game to pay attention, “Don’t make this obvious, but Alhaitham just walked in.”
I nonchalantly looked toward the direction of the entrance. There he was, in all his glory. And sweat? Archons, save me.
It got much, much worse because Sethos was with him. Of course, Sethos was with him. He just had to be. This day couldn’t possibly get any better.
I winced, whispering back, “You didn’t tell him you and Cyno were here?”
“I didn’t know Kaveh was coming. Just you,” he replied.
“Well, what do we do?” “Reap what we sow, I guess. What is there to even do?”
“Prepare your shield of indifference and act like you saw or heard nothing.”
“Acting oblivious has never worked…”
“Today it will. Hopefully. Just act normal.”
Sethos was the first to spot us, his gigantic, shining smile vanishing like a smoldered flame once he saw Cyno. I averted my gaze and pretended I saw nothing.
My plan didn’t work because he and Alhaitham immediately made his way towards our table. Cyno and Sethos’s eyes locked in a fierce gaze, and I could’ve sworn that the pair wouldn’t pounce at each other like rishboland tigers if it weren’t for the fact that they had a crowd. I didn’t dare to look at Alhaitham, but I could see Kaveh scowl from the corner of my eye as I looked down at my lap.
After a long, awkward pause of silence, Tighnari spoke, “Hey, guys. Would you like to join us?” Kaveh and Cyno both muttered a “no,” while Alhaitham and Sethos said “sure.” It was almost comedic.
Sadly, Alhaitham was a freaking sadist because he sat next to me, leaving the only spot left for Sethos with Cyno and Kaveh. There was not a single doubt in my mind that he did that on purpose. The benches were supposed to only seat two people, but they could take three. It was a little cramped as Alhaitham’s thigh brushed against mine, and his hand would’ve done the same if it wasn’t wrapped around my coffee cup.
Definitely on purpose. And I hated that he pretended like nothing was happening.
Cyno pushed a deck into Sethos’s hands. “Join us.”
Sethos took the deck, looking at it like a challenge. Because it was.
Then, Cyno gave another to Alhaitham. “You can join, too, if you want. I think you’re a good player.”
Yeah, he was a good player.
Alhaitham took the deck. “Thanks. I’ll play.”
Cyno looked at me. I shook my head, and he shrugged. “You play really well, too. You could probably beat Al if you tried.”
I narrowed my eyes. He was definitely trying to egg me on, and I wasn’t going to take the bait. It was obvious bait–only an idiot would fall for it.
Alhaitham scoffed. “She couldn’t beat me if she tried.”
I snatched the spare deck from Cyno’s hands. “I’m in.”
Tighnari shook his head. “Here we go again…”
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tofulikesmala · 6 months
Genshin men with a kairi type reader
Notes: this was a request that I got but I accidentally deleted it because I thought it would be saved as a draft and it didn’t so I wrote halfway and accidentally deleted it. If I remember correctly it was 🦇🩷 anon? Anyways I hope you find this post, I thank you for being my first requester and I apologise for writing this late. I would also like to mention that I don’t know who the fuck kairi is so I had to do some research, and I apologise if she’s ooc. And I’m gonna say I don’t know that much about wriothesley so it’s kinda short
Who?: alhaitham, Xiao, Neuvillette, Wriothesley (if there was anyone I forgot, please do message me again so I could write!
genre: fluff (platonic)
reader is around 14-16
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Well, I don’t know how the frikity frack how you managed to get this guy to give a fuck about you but let’s say you do. Well, he would be passive aggressive. Like example it rains, you are drenched because you forgot to bring an umbrella, so you call out his name. Xi- he’s there. You can practically hear him roll his eyes and sighing internally as he sees you drenched. He pulls you towards him as he mutters foolish mortal under his breath as he teleports you to wangshu inn with him. And with a bit of magic once you arrive there he throws a towel on your face and leaves. But hey he cares! When he discovers your dairy and doodles he scoffs as he asks you what was the purpose of it. You smile gently at him as you explain your purpose. But as someone who has lived so long, of course he doesn’t understand. He would act as if he doesn’t care, but expect to find your dairy missing because he’s gonna read everything💀. Onto another topic. Somehow…. He’s attracted to your liveliness. How energetic you are, and how even though you’re weaker at him, your eyes would be filled with determination to keep him safe as well. All in all, Xiao cherishes you deep inside.
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Alhaitham well….is probably worse than Xiao. In my opinion. But he’s much more true in showing his protective side, after all he sees you as a little sibling. Whenever danger arises, he would be those kind of guy to put a protective arm around you, shielding you from any harm. He admires your courage when he sees you wanting to fight, not wanting him to get hurt as well. But he probably dismisses it as stupidity instead. Now… onto him discovering your dairy and doodles
Alhaitham walks into your room, realizing you’re not there. He sits on your bed, waiting for you to come. He notices something in the corner of his eye. He turns his head slightly as he sees a book opened lying face down on the bed. He picks it up as he wonders “what do we have here” he reads it, to find out it was your dairy, and he couldn’t help but let out a soft chuckle when he saw your cute doodles. When you opened the door, your face flushed as you saw alhaitham reading your dairy. Looking at you, alhaitham places the book back down and says “pardon me, but the curiosity got the better of me”
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This man would probably be the one who shows the most protectiveness out of all. After losing two good friends, he intends to lose none more. He always brushes you aside when you want to fight along side him. Your beautiful, cheerful and energetic nature just brightens up his day. He sees you as a friend, a young child who shouldn’t see the dangers of the world yet. Someone he must protect. He’s never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you 😔. Now, where he discovers the dairy and doodles
I’m lazy so let’s say he found it by chance. He gently flips through the pages, smiling as he sees your cute doodles on your dairy. He reads through your everyday life. Warmth filled his heart as he decides, that’s he’s going to make your life much more interesting. As he sees you, he smiles warmly and says “ah, I have invaded your privacy, have I not? I would like to apologise.” He stands up, looking down on you (because we’re short :( ) “Shall we go out for a walk?”
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Well, he grew up in an orphanage, he’s good with kids. Meaning he’s good with you. He’d be that one really caring brother, but he can be such a tease sometimes. With both of your personalities, you guys would click and get along really well💀👍
Let’s just say y’all are talking in your room and he sees your dairy. “Oooo what do we have here?” He grins as he picks up the dairy. Your face turns to one of panic as you tried to take it away from him, only to have his strong arms push away your head gently as he reads it out “Today I blablablablabla” only to leave your faces flushed with embarrassment as he continued to read your dairy. His eyes widen as he chances upon a doodle of him. “Aww this is so cute” as he ruffles your hair. Your groan at him. “Can I have it back already?” He shuts the book with a satisfying thud as he stands up, the book still in his hands. “Nope! I’m gonna read it all!” He smirks at you before exiting the room.
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timelostobserver · 3 days
[ Me quietly working on icons for TMC!Azrael (Hades) >.> ]
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newtdrawz · 7 months
Could u do dally and pony friendship hcs🫣
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You don't understand,, how obsessed I am with their friendship omg 😭 (lil warning these are prolly ooc but I really tried 😭😭 I promise) (feel free to add on to these I love seeing other ppls hc's!!)
Ok throwback to my Ponyboy HC's post where I said Dally is really supportive of Pony's hobby in art!!!!!
Dally might be (secretly ofc he would never admit it) like the #1 fan of Pony's art, besides Johnny and Soda obvi
He really likes watching him sketch and paint, it's memorizing to him and he can't fathom how it looks like a picture from a camera almost, he tells him that too. ("I dunno how you're able to do that so quickly, Pone." "It looks like a photograph almost.")
Pony always tries to downplay his talents and Dally (ofc in his mean/tough love Dally way lol) tells him not to do that and to not sell himself short
Dally truly believes Pony could be famous from his art. That he could get out of Tulsa and make a name for himself. He doesn't really know how to communicate that to him besides the rare compliment here and there.
Another throwback to the post where I did the hc that Johnny and Dally will sit in and listen to Pony read,,
Dally doesn't like reading, never really cared for it. He thinks Pony reading all the time is a little funny and he'll tease him abt time to time.
When he first finds Johnny sitting in the lot with Pony and Pony reading one of his books out loud to Johnny he obviously had to interrupt and obviously sit with them (they're happy to include him btw they don't mind 😭😭)
Dally will not. Shut. Up. He asks Pony abt a million questions abt the book. ("Well why'd the guy go and do that?" "Why's he stupid?" "Wait what happened before that?" "What's that ladies name again?" "Wait What's she look like again?")
This is one of the very few (and probably first) times Pony talks back/sasses Dally ("Why don't you be quiet and let me finish reading the page? And then maybe you'll know what's happening.")
Idk how to explain this but Dally is def the type of friend to feed into his friends delusions 😭 or like hype them up for something they definitely SHOULD NOT do,, like ykwim?? And he def does it with Pony
He definitely encourages Pony to get into a little bit of trouble, just a tiny bit.
Obviously Pony can get in trouble on his own and he does plenty but Dally just encourages it a little bit more lol
He calls it "getting Pony out of his comfort zone" while Darry calls it "peer pressuring" (there was def a conversation/argument abt it 😭😭) (Dal: I am NOT peer pressuring him, I'm getting him out of his comfort zone. Dar: yes you are Dal! Dal: No I'm not! Pony do you feel peer pressured?! Say no. Pony: No... Dal: See?! He's fine. He's having fun!)
Dally 100% keeps Pony out of any real trouble tho, the kind that'd get him sent away or seriously hurt. He'd never encourage him to do something bad enough to warrant those things.
Ok, Dally is actually really nice but in a mean way. Like he's aggressively nice where no one's sure if they're being threatened or complimented or insulted. He's no different with the gang
If Pony or Johnny are like really bad at something Dally will threaten the rest of the gang to lie and be nice 😭😭😭 he won't be nice because it's not expected of him but he'll make everyone else be nice.
One time Pony tried to bake a cake and for some reason he just can't bake. He can cook fine but not bake. So it was like awful but ofc the gang tried it.
When Pony isn't paying attention Dally turns to the gang and straight up threatens them. ("This thing tastes like shit but you're all gonna tell him it tastes good or I swear I'll shove your faces into the cake.")
Dally has no idea WHY he does it, cuz he's not nice (he is) and he doesn't care abt Johnny or Pony's, or really anyone's, feelings (he does he's just emotionally constipated 😭😭😭)
Dally still is kinda mean to Pony though, not mean but like teasing?? Like in a big brother way
Sometimes he just says things without really thinking abt it or randomly teases him (like Pony reading all the time and being a nerd and not talking to girls)
One night they're both sitting on the porch smoking and it's kinda late and Dally randomly just says "ya'know I don't really mean it, right?" And Pony says yeah and Dally just nods and they go back inside.
After that Dally still teases him and stuff but Pony kinda knows now to not really take it heart cuz that's just Dally being Dally.
From an outsiders perspective it does look/sound like Dally is just being and a-hole 😭😭 but the gang just knows him enough that it's some weird love language he has to just be mean to them 😭
Whenever Dally's about to do something really stupid/dangerous/illegal he threatens Pony and Johnny to not do it
Before he does anything he'll look both of them in the eyes and either tell them to beat it incase the police show up or back up and hideout
He looks directly at Pony and goes "Do NOT tell Darry I did this infront of you or else." ("Do not, and I mean do not, EVER do what I'm about to do or I'll beat both of you.")
Dally is basically like the only one rlly allowed to be mean/tease Pony (in his head at least 😭)
Dally makes fun of him plenty and Pony just rolls his eyes and laughs. Dally will ruffle his hair and punch him in the arm and all that.
But the minute someone who isn't Darry or Soda or himself says something rude to Pony he just gets so mad 😭
One time he threatened Steve cuz Steve said something to Pony. ("You better shut up and leave the kid alone, Steve.") (Steve's confused cuz like not even 5 seconds ago Dally just called Pony an idiot or something 😭😭)
He's especially this way with socs and authority figures
And it's not like Pony can't defend himself or anything, Dally knows he can but he just gets mad anyways and again he just starts talking before thinking and next thing he knows he's nearly throwing hands with someone cuz they were an a-hole to his friend lol
He's basically the "only I can be mean to him and no one else can" type of friend 😭
Ok this post got a little out of hand 😭
I had waaaaaay too much fun with this I just really love talking about and making hc's 😭 I'm still trying to nail down Dally's personality so if (which he probably is,,) he's ooc sorry 😭 I literally can't help taking the characters and literally changing sm abt them from canon 😭😭 it's truly a problem but I will try to get him right 🙏
(If there's any spelling mistakes or anything sorry I did this half asleep w/ a headache cuz I was so excited abt this ask 😭 I couldn't wait)
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louellaby · 9 months
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May contain bad grammar, limited vocabulary, and OOC characters. Please mind that English is not my first language, and it takes a lot of courage for me to post due to my anxiety and paranoia.
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taglist: @books-and-catears @owl778
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「 Call My Name 」
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It was early on a Saturday morning. The breakfast for nine people had already been prepared by you and Lucifer, despite knowing that not everyone ate breakfast together during the weekends. But after some convincing much earlier that day, Lucifer agreed to let Soley feel more welcome than he intended to. With your persuasion, of course.
Leaving Lucifer to wake his brothers up, you left on your own way towards Soley's room just down the hall from yours. You couldn't hear anything happening from the room, indicating that maybe she was still asleep, but after you knocked thrice and called out her name, she responded and opened the door. There Soley stood in the same clothes she had worn when you left her the night before. Her eyes were slightly puffy, mascara seemed to have wiped off with traces of it messily smudge under her eyes, and her sclerae had hints of red. She didn't get any sleep at all.
You knew she had a hard first night, which reminded you of your own, so you showed her a worried look and asked how she was faring. Without a second thought, Soley grabbed your hand and pulled you inside the room, closing the door behind you before throwing herself into your embrace. She quietly sobbed, muttering that she wanted to go home. But both of you knew she couldn't, just like you couldn't. One year is such a long time to be suddenly kept away from the life you were comfortable in.
As you held the poor girl in your arms, rubbing her back to calm her down, that's when you decided to stay by her side. To make her feel like one year wouldn't be that long a time. She just needed to enjoy it like you did, and only the right people could help her do that.
After you calmed her down and helped her get ready for the day, the two of you headed towards the dining room where everyone was waiting. The sight was just as you expected it— some frowning at the idea of being woken up early, some still having a bedhead, and some hiding the fact that they were bothered by the sudden change. But the brothers knew they couldn't refuse a request from you; it was you, after all. Their one and only MC.
"Good morning, everyone," you greeted as soon as you entered the room. The boys' heads turned towards you, and they lit up at the sight of your bright smile in that seemingly awful and gloomy morning. "I'm sorry for changing our schedules this abruptly, but I thought it would be great for all of us."
"Don't worry about it, MC," Beelzebub responded, his mouth already full of food. "I'm happy to eat breakfast with all of you."
"Yeah, it's no problem," Mammon added, shrugging his shoulders. "It's not like it's a big change, ya know. I mean, we eat breakfast every day before school anyway."
"Says the one who wouldn't get up from his bed and had to be dragged out," Levi sighed before rubbing his tired eyes.
Without letting them wait another minute, you headed towards your seat at the other end of the table across from Lucifer, who sat at the host's end. You let Soley sit next to Beelzebub, just to your left, knowing that he's the one who'd have the least problem with it. "Sorry for making you wait. Let's eat!"
"It was the same again," Soley sighed and squeezed your hand tightly. Feeling defeated, she hung her head and stared at the ground while the two of you walked through the well-lit streets of the Devildom. "MC, I know you told me to prepare myself for noise while we're living there at the house, but are they always that quiet during meals? They barely spoke a word to each other, and only seemed to answer you and any question you ask them."
You hummed in answer, pulling yourself deep in thought as you let your body move by itself. You were sure of it by then. The brothers don't like being around the new human. Even Lucifer, who at least tried to tolerate you and your behaviour on your first year despite going against his rules and orders over and over again. Still deep in your thoughts and memories, you let your mouth respond without thinking of the consequences, "The way I made them like me was to be assertive and spend time doing the stuff they like. Maybe you could do that, too."
Soley's eyes widened. She lifted her head and looked at you with your eyes still focused on the road but your mind wandering freely. She was about to say something, but because you were deep in thought, she wondered if you would hear her, so she just shut her mouth and thought for herself.
'Be assertive and do stuff they like... hmm.. That's easier said than done, really, but if MC could do it... then maybe I could, too... I could even get closer to those brothers than MC already is if I do a better job than expected, right? It wouldn't hurt to try...'
Soley kept her eyes at you, examining your face as you smiled wholeheartedly at everything you thought would help her or suit her. She stared and stared, pondering her next move.
'Actually, it might hurt, considering how protective those seven are of MC, but if I stick to them and keep pretending to be their friend, then maybe I'd be safe.'
'It's just for one year, after all. I've had to put on a mask for thousands of people for much longer than that. This should be easy.'
Long days and weeks have passed since Soley arrived at the Devildom and began attending RAD as the newest exchange student from the Human Realm. You thought it was going great. In fact, you had high hopes for the programme, just like Diavolo did. You saw first-hand how Soley was doing with the crew from the House of Lamentation. She managed to break the ice with them, and they began inviting her to do their hobbies. There were just times when she'd be vulnerable against other demons, so the brothers are even more protective of her whenever they go out with her.
The weird thing was that... the brothers seemed to be spending less time with you.
"I'm sorry, MC, but Soley wanted to go to a casino with me. But don't ya worry, I'll bring ya back somethin' when I win big! Always trust me to give you the best presents you've ever gotten, alright?!"
"Sorry, MC. I can't play with you today. You see, Soley and I have been trying to beat our high score for the game you and I last played together. She seemed determined even when she's a worse player than you, but I like having to teach her everything about gaming! While she and I keep trying to beat the score, I'll find a new game for you and me to play together, so wait for that one, okay?"
"Oh, hey MC. Do you need me to go to the Royal Library with you? I really want to, but Soley and I have a reservation at that popular cat café that just opened yesterday. I managed to get two tickets for you and me, and when Soley found out about it, she insisted on going with me. I'll take you next time and I promise it'll be worth your while! If you find an interesting book at the library, would you mind telling me about it when I get home this afternoon?"
"MC, there you are! What are you doing here all alone? Well, anyway, what do you think of my new outfit?! It's great, isn't it?! Soley is an apprentice of her mother, who's a famous designer in the human world, so she picked out this outfit for me! I'm wearing this to the upcoming ball, and I'll be the star of the show! Don't worry, we'll pick your outfit for you too, and we'll make sure you're shining as much as me! I mean, you already do, but we've got to show it more! I'll be going now, okay? Byeee~"
"I'm sorry, MC. I wanted to buy you food too, but Soley's been missing human world food, so we ordered a lot of her favourites for tonight's dinner. Since it's food from the human realm, you're bound to like it too, right?"
"M... C...? Oh hey... No, no, it's fine. I don't mind you waking me up. Oh shoot, it's that time already..! I have to go now. Soley and I planned to go shopping for new pillows today. Thanks for waking me up, MC! I'll buy you a new pillow too, so look forward to it!"
They all said that they'd spend time with you after being with Soley for most of the day, but they never did. They broke their promises, but you couldn't bring yourself to be mad at them. They did bring you stuff from wherever they went with Soley.
Mammon brought you presents bought with the money he won after winning with Soley by his side. Something about that didn't sit right with you.
Leviathan found a new game that the two of you could play together, but since Soley was still insisting on beating your score, you had to play the new game by yourself; not that you wanted to, of course. You just decided to wait for the third-born until then.
Satan brought you sweets from the new cat café. Apparently, they were selling one of your favourite desserts, and Satan bought you that. Along with your favourite, there was also something else in the box. It was another dessert that Soley chose for you. A dessert that you weren't fond of. Maybe Satan forgot to tell her that you didn't like that one? That should be it, right?
Asmo returned from his shopping spree with Soley, dozens of bags full of clothes and accessories on both of their arms. When he saw you, he gave you the bags filled with his chosen outfits for you and told you to try them on and pick an outfit for the ball. After that, he left with Soley back to his bedroom to check what they all bought. Do you really want to wear an outfit they both chose for you? Of course you did. You were, in fact, delighted that they thought of you.
Beel bought ingredients to cook your favourite meal. Soley convinced him to let her help cook, and he did, but in the end, they failed, and you got food poisoning. You already knew from her first night that she didn't know how to cook. You cooked the dinner that night after all. She just helped decorate the dining table.
Belphie brought you a fluffy pillow. You recognised it as the one you've been eyeing whenever you go pillow shopping with him. You were touched that he noticed and remembered, except that he didn't, and Soley was the one who recommended that for you because it looked like something you'd want.
The only person left in the house who didn't spend much time with Soley was Lucifer. But it's not like you could spend time with him either since he's too busy keeping himself drowning in his paperwork. And whenever you did want to help him, you found Soley in his office, already helping him with the papers. It made sense for her since her father always had paperwork, and she'd always help him out when she was little. You noticed that the tension between them seemed to have dissipated.
You had nothing left to do in the house but wait. Wait for them to approach you. Wait for them to send you a message. Wait for them to ask you out. Wait for them to give you something they thought you'd like.
Wait for them to just... call your name.
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 4 months
Warning: Rant ahead. Do not read if you wanna avoid me venting about the wider RRverse fandom & their attitude toward the TOA fans.
Seriously. This is a vent post. Stay away if you don't wanna risk getting upset. I just need a place to get it off my chest. It's been stewing in my head for long enough and I usually feel better if I write it down/type it down somewhere. Makes my chest feel less tight.
Stay safe <3
"No one is treating you guys like outcasts!"
"With your annoying POV-"
"Everyone was so OOC-"
"Meg is such a Mary Sue-"
Recently, I have left a comment on a Youtube video. All in all, it was basically just me listing off reasons why I liked TOA and - in hindsight - naively going "idk why people don't like it".
Top Ten things said before disaster.
The next day, I got two comments.
One was along the lines of-
"Don't care."
The other was-
"Jasper broke up and Jason died - it's not canon to me!"
Excuse me for having an opinion, I guess.
What sucks even more is that when a fellow TOA commented to me, the second guy ALSO responded to them with "yeah but PJO and HOO are still better maybe even MCGAA to"
Like what the fuck. who does this. who has the time????
people who don't have a life, i guess.
And then. and then this same person just Keeps Going when I replied. They said "TOA's an AU" and "It relies too heavily on cameos" and then turns around and says "this would have been better if *proceeds to give a list of cameos* were with Apollo instead of Meg"
They. Complain. About. Every. Single. Thing.
Even Tristan McLean going broke. And wishing "something" had been done to "fix" it.
Like fixing something of that caliber would be easy. One of TOA's things is that it deals with Reality - and I get it, some people may not like that, especially for a fantasy series - but come on. You can't expect everything to be fine and dandy 24/7 about a series of GREEK MYTHOLOGY, THE CREATOR OF TRAGEDY.
Then they went on to say they hoped that if the show gets to HOO, they "fix" its ending so TOA doesn't happen.
they also went on to say that TOA is "example of a story that overstayed its welcome" and i'm just. GAHHHHHHHH *screams into pillows*
"we got new characters in PJO & HOO-"
Me: *can literally name off 27 new characters from TOA from the top of my head*
Them: You need to respect other people's opinions-!
Them: There's a reason why people don't like TOA. Can you guess? Because we didn't read the book? Nope i read all 5 and the reason is it's not as good as the others-
Me: bro that's not even a solid REASON-
The condensation on that last one really pissed me off.
What was especially baffling, however, was...
Them: I am pretty sure you have hidden opinions that make you like ToA, like maybe you are LGBTQ or LGBTQ Supporter-
and as a matter of fact, what are they even implying here??? it just sounds like they're saying I must only like TOA because of the queer rep and I can tell you that reason is bullshit.
(I love the queer rep dw it's just not the #1 reason why i love TOA)
also here's a full list of the characters they said were 'OOC': Piper, Frank, Leo, Calypso, Hazel, & Reyna.
A few of these, I understand the confusion (but also disagree with) - but FRANK? FRANK ZHANG WAS OOC?
(In another person's comment about loving TOA they also went "well there's no Percabeth in it-" OH MY GODS JUST STOP ALREADY.)
It was especially infuriating when I pointed out the hate the TOA fans in the comments experience, they replied with "Nobody's treating you like outcasts!"
just. AJHGSFGH. people. some people.
I want to block them. But youtube has removed that feature (thanks a lot youtube).
I'll stick it out. I am point-blank telling them to drop it. We'll see how that goes.
just...people. Guess you still can't have an opinion, huh?
Jokes on them they merely fueled my stubborn fire. I only love TOA more now. The harder they argue, the tighter I cling.
Anyway. If you've stuck it out this far, thanks for listening. I just really needed to vent. It's been bugging me for a few days and ruining my mood every time I open up youtube.
No response is needed, btw - again, needed a place to vent.
ToA fans, you're the best <3 Love ya <3
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magomo · 1 year
Not Harry Potter-related post. This will be in the Filipino-English with lots of modern slangs. It may not be legible to my friends/ moots here 😆
My own take on this fantastic series, especially on Fidel’s character. “Maria Clara at Ibarra” is a teleserye or a tv series in the Philippines based of Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, two novels of our national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal. It’s about a Gen-Z Filipina being isekaid to the world of the novel. This may be a long post. Cuz I’m just gonna be ranting about my theories and my thoughts
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I initially did not watch the first few weeks of Maria Clara at Ibarra properly. I watched it syempre pero kapag yung scenes are parang pinupush together si Klay and Ibarra, di ko pinapanood. It did not sit well with me. Ibarra was known to be faithful and for him to fall for another girl named Maria Clara was such a major OOC and I didn't like it. So sabi ko since di ko bet di ako manunuod coz I don't like talking bad about actors who are actually good at their jobs.
But then! Turns out that was just Klay's kalandian era. Buti na lang nagbalik loob ako. Sinabihan ako ng kapatid ko na lalabas na character ni Sisa and that got my attention! Sisa has always been a character na madalas i-dogshow ng mga tao. Pag nasabihan ka ng "Si Sisa ka ba?", it meant "baliw ka ba?". But we knew there was so much more to her character. Anong nangyare sakanya? Bat siya nagkaganun? How is GMA going to execute Sisa's tragedy? Dami kong tanong. So ayun nanuod na ko ng maayos. And grabe!!! As in grabe! Andrea Torres! Yung chills! Potek grabe yung chills ko sa mga eksena mo mamsh! Literal chills tapos naiiyak ako kase shet! Ang galing mo Ms Andrea Torres! Yung pagportray niya as Sisa was seriously superb. Sisa was more than a baliw! Pinakita nya na people who suffered so much in life, kahit gaano sila kalakas, masisiraan talaga ng ulo. Lalo na nung may mga vultures and nakita niya remains ni Crispin. Grabe yung iyak ko. Sa totoo lang I can't even explain it well. Nagwoword vomit na lang ako kase honestly speechless talaga ko. All I know is ang galing galing ni Andrea Torres.
And then there was Fidel. The greatest mystery of the MCI Universe. Trailer pa lang sabi ko sino role ni David Licauco (bebe quoh)? Eh crush na crush ko pa naman si David since Mr Chinatown (lande mo gagu). So that got me thinking. And I think lahat naman tayo. There was no Fidel in the books. So sino ba siya? Nahook tayo sa character niya kasi wala nga siya sa books. He got us watching kasi gusto natin siya makilala. We want to know who he is, what he is like, what his role is. And honestly speaking, the mystery of Fidel's character was actually the basis and the heart of many theories sa MCI. Nagresearch pa ko, pero wala talagang Fidel. Akala ko nga nung una original character din si Fidel. Like, his character was made up to compensate Klay's lack of romantic partner. Kase I was sure na hindi bibigyan ng ibang leading lady si Ibarra, si Maria Clara (Julie Ann San Jose) lang tlaga. And nacurious na din ako paano magiging flow ng kwento kase nga andun na si Klay so may mababago at mababago talaga. Andun na din si Fidel, na wala naman sa book so pano ba makakaapekto yung role niya sa story. Because of that, nagpile up lang theories about sa story. And ganda lang ng effect nun, lalo na sa youth! They even bought physical copies of the book 😭 sobrang nakakaproud. They were curious too kung paano na magiging flow nung story. And because of the theories, it got all of us thinking. We were analyzing all of their actions, we were theorizing their characters, we were trying to predict ano na mangyayare. In a way, nadevelop yung research and investigative skills natin. What I really commend about MCI was that it remained unpredictable until the very end. Last night na ngayon and we still don't know kung ano mangyayare. It got us hyped from start to finish. Yung antics and quirks ni Klay makakarelate ka din. Tawang tawa ko sa shenanigans niya pati yung paggamit niya sa mga modern slangs. And yung FiLay!!! FiLay nation make some nooooise! Yung enemies to lovers samahan pa ng slowburn at belligerent sexual tension then mutual pining is *chef's kiss*. Anlaptrip ng bangayan nila, yung pang aasar nila sa isa't isa. Bardagulan era at its finest 😂 lagi silang highblood pero grabe yung kilig.
Ako naman my own theory was that Fidel was a minor character of the book but he was a Tabula Rasa, a blank slate. He was like the Daphne Greengrass of Harry Potter. Her name was mentioned pero yung story niya was blank. Kaya nga fanfiction writers are fond of her kasi she doesn't have her own story so writers make her stories on their own. I thought Fidel was like that. Ibarra and Maria Clara's story was already written from start to finish. Their stories were predetermined. Kaya nga kahit anong gawin ni Klay, namatay pa din sila because that was how their roles were written. The only difference was the way it happened. In Klay's version, Maria Clara died protecting her man. Clarita was also so much stronger here than in Rizal's version. Ibarra died, not alone, but surrounded by his friends. Also, both of them died in Klay's arms. Kaya siguro nag-hold on si Klay sa pagkabuhay ni Elias. He was supposed to die sa first book. He was proof na kaya ni Klay baguhin yung kwento. This was the case with Juli as well. Pero siguro, di talaga pwede for our main characters. Anyway, back to Fidel. As I've said he's a blank slate. His story was not predetermined kaya hawak niya yung destiny niya. He can choose what path to take without it interferring with the story. Feel ko nga kung sumama siya kay Klay sa modern world, the first time she went back, okay lang. The story would go on kahit umalis siya sa book. Pero may plothole. Unlike Daphne Greengrass na may pangalan at least, si Fidel wala talaga. I thought maybe iba name niya sa book. Pero I don't know kung sino. So kahit ako, I doubted my own theory. Inisip ko na lang baka totoo yung theory na galing siya sa real world. Basta para siyang si Haru of Extraordinary You (July Found by Chance). Diba nameless extra siya tapos biglang nagkaron ng role? Parang ganorn.
And what a plot twist! Ang ganda and ang galing! Naisip talaga yun ng writers. I wouldn't have thought about it. Pero shet napa-palakpak ako nung nalaman ko essence ng character niya and legit naluha ako. That was brilliantly written. Very fitting and mapapasabi ka ng "HOW COULD WE FORGET ABOUT THEM? THEY DESERVE TO BE RECOGNIZED TOO!"
In a way, tama din pala yung theory ko. Fidel was a minor character in the book na "hanggang dito" lang yung role. And iba nga yung name na ginamit! His role was too minor na yung palayaw niya lang or yung pinangkukutya sakanya, Albino, was used and not even his real name. His character had no notable scene nor significance as his role supposedly started and ended as “Crisostomo Ibarra’s playboy friend who used to attend the Seminary”. He was only in at least one scene and was only mentioned a few times. That was it. Pero dahil sa entrance ni Klay sa book, nagkaroon siya ng maayos na papel sa kwento. If it weren't for Klay, he was gonna remain the playboy he was and magiging boyfriend ni Victoria. Dapat yun na yun. But because of his arguments and confrontations with Klay, nagkaroon ng color yung character niya. His involvement with her gave depth to his character and a bigger role. Fidel was initially a misogynist, who hated Klay's straight-forwardness and her being too opinionated. Yung ugali ni Klay na di nagpapatalo infuriated him to the point na ang tawag niya kay Klay ay bruha ("witch"). However, due to her influence, narealize ni Fidel na napaka narrow-minded niya pala and there's more to Klay than the annoying palasagot Binibini na di mapigilan ang bibig. He found her kakaibang ugali, morals, and ideals to be intruiging. He was attracted to her just as much as he hated her. This was why he gravitated towards her. Ang ganda ng character development ni Fidel. He was just a privileged and entitled man na walang pakialam sa kahit ano prior to Klay but because of her influence, he actually saw kung ano pinaglalaban ni Klay and he did not only fall in love with her, but with the country as well.
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*simping* I love him, your honor. 😍
Because of this development, Albino evolved from just being a side character, who was not even given the chance to use his own name, to being Fidel Delos Reyes y Maglipol, Ibarra’s best friend, Klay’s greatest love, and a symbol of the revolution. Because of Klay, the not-so-important side character Albino became the very significant main character Fidel. He became more than just a letter, more than just a word in a book. Because in the end, he was so much more. He was meant to be so much more. He symbolizes the unsung heroes of the revolution. Those who contributed a lot but remain unnamed to this day. THE WRITERS WERE WAVING THE HINT IN OUR FACES AND WE DID NOT KNOW ANY BETTER! He was "unnamed"! That was the clue! He was one of the unnamed heroes na madaming nagawa sa bayan pero they were never acknowledged.
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Wag ka na iyak, bebe quoh 😢
Kaya nakakainis yung nagsabi na nalihis daw kwento ng MCI kase nagfocus na sa loveteam. Sinasabi pa na wala naman si Fidel sa book bat naging important bigla. I was like ???? what the hell are you saying? FiLay moments were literal crumbs! Crumbs! Fans were licking crumbs kase sobrang onti ng mga scenes nila together. We were thirsty for such moments! Akala siguro nila puro loveteam na lang kase di naman sila nanuod talaga. And maingay kase FiLay fans sa socmed. Puro fanedits lang naman napanood ng mga taong yun. They did not watch until the end kase ni hindi nila alam kung anong essence ng character ni Fidel! Kung gaano ka-deep yung significance and yung symbolism ng character nya. And galing ng move ng GMA na bandang ending na nireveal kung sino Fidel. It kept us on our toes, anticipating kung anong mangyayare, or kung sino yung may tamang theory. Yung pagbuild ng character niya was slow, which was a good thing. He was unlikeable nung simula. He deserved that slap from Klay! Dasurv mo yun Fidel, dapat nga isa pa eh! Even as he was falling for Klay, he was still prejudiced. Madami pa din backhanded comments from him (that “langit ako at ikaw ay lupa” will always be gold lmao). Pero yun yung kagandahan dun. Unti unti nating nakita yung pagbabago sakanya. And ang natural pa ng execution. Hindi yung porke nainlove eh bigla na lang nag 180 degree turn yung ugali. He was not like that. Kasi in real life, hindi naman talaga bigla nagbabago ang isang tao. The process was slow pero nung namulat na si Fidel, he became a key member of the revolution. ("Ang namulat, hindi na pipikit" *ehem* sorry not sorry *ehem*). Also, Fidel's character saved Klay's character from almost becoming Ibarra's "kabit". We don't tolerate third party in this community. Yung pain ni Maria Clara nung akala niya na kerida ni Ibarra si Klay. If you have been cheated on or kahit hindi but your partner made you doubt your relationship, magegets niyo si Maria Clara. She had to stop herself from seeing Ibarra kase that was what was proper that time while Klay was kasakasama niya sa bahay and kahit saan man. She was the fiancée and napaka unfair nun sakanya. Buti na lang, the magkatukayo were given the chance to become best friends to the point na sobrang minahal ni Klay si Clarita and that was ultimately the very reason why she decided to go back to the book, to save her.
Anyway, eto muna for now. Babu!
Mr Torres is a book keeper/traveler. And was that Ate Helana I saw? Another minor character in the book, with Mr Torres, in the real world, most probably with memories. AND FIDEL!!!! BEBE QUOH 😭 May pocket watch din siya! Does that mean book keeper din siya? Or maybe one of Mr Torres's alitaptaps or isa sa mga tao niya? Pero bakit sila Ibarra and Maria Clara walang memories? OMG Barry x Clarisse! MAY BABY PA!
Okay theory time! So my take here is siguro the minor characters in a story are the ones who are capable of book travel. Pero once nasa book na sila, in-character na. So nakakalimutan nila na taga real world pala sila. Kapag tapos na ang story saka lang nila maaalala na taga real world pala sila, and then either back to the real world sila or pupunta sila sa ibang story, kung saan may emergency at need ng intervention ng isang book keeper. And yung role ni Fidel, kung ano lang yung role ni Albino sa original novel, hanggang dun lang siguro siya supposedly and mawawala na siya dapat after niya mafulfill yung role niya. However, due to his interactions with Klay, napatagal siya sa book and mas lumaki yung papel niya sa kwento. For the main characters naman, I think they were never in the book to begin with. Kase diba sa books, there was never a mention of their physical descriptions. Nasa imagination natin yun. So siguro the main characters take on the image of real life people, preferrably yung malalapit lang pala satin. And whatever their role is, whether they survive or not, whether they have a happy ending or not, kelangan nila mafulfill yun or else the story won’t end. Kaya walang memories si Barry nor si Clarisse.
Another theory is maybe napili ni Mr Torres si Fidel na maging book keeper. Kase the last time they saw each other, nakikita na ni Fidel si Mr Torres eh dati hindi. And siguro may some kind of test. Siguro he has to prove himself pa as a book keeper bago siya makabalik kay Klay. I call dibs na galing siya sa Mga Ibong Mandaragit, a novel by Amado V. Hernandez. The novel acts as a sequel to Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo after all. Or baka siya yung dahilan ng emergency sa Mga Ibong Mandaragit lol.
So Fidel is not a counterpart. He is still himself. He is the same Fidel that Klay met and fell in love with with. The same Fidel we all fell in love with. Our Pambansang Ginoo. Hanggang dulo ang ganda ng plot twist! Literal goosbumps! Figuras Cabalisticas now makes sense. Pero di ko na i-eexplain dito kasi the subject is too complicated and mahirap ipaliwanag without my usual word vomit. And magiging mahaba na tong post masyado haha.
AND GRABEEE! MGA KA-SAKLAY! WE WON! FiLay ENDGAME! NAHANAP NA NI FIDEL SI KLAY! WALA NANG BABU! 😭 And alam niyo yung maganda sa ending? There were no words exchanged. They were just looking at each other and smiling. Kase di na kailangan pa ng mga salita. Antagal nilang hinintay ang isa't isa. 13 + 7 years kay Fidel jusko talk about faithfulness! Dude the longing! The yearning! Pano niyo kinaya grabe. They finally found each other and this time, there will be no more goodbyes. They have a long life ahead of them.
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What a journey! Kudos to GMA! To all the actors and staff! You all did very well! Salute to Dr. Jose Rizal. Isang pagpupugay sayo. 🙇🏻‍♀️ Tanda ko nag cutting class pa kami sa Rizal class namin back in college as we didn't see the relevance of the subject sa Civil Engineering, just like how Klay didn't see its relevance to Nursing. Sorry po 😞. Pero kung i-isekai niyo ko, dun din sa may Fidel plith thank you pows huhu.
I will not stop raving about this series. Ending na pero pinag iisip pa din tayo. Andami pa ding ireresearch. Dami pang theories. And that's the reason kaya ako magrerewatch at magbibinge watch neto from the start! WALANG MAGPAPAHINGA SA FANDOM NA TO!
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I'm going to miss everyone so much 😭 8pm weekdays will never be same again
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final-girl96 · 7 months
My Boyfriend's Back: Epiloge
A/N: This is short, and I hate to say it, but this is the end of the story. I will not be continuing into Scream 4, 5, and 6. I will be moving on to Killer Geek next. A very OOC Randy Meeks x Loomis Reader. I don't know when I will be posting anything on that story, probably not until I have at least ten chapters. I hope you enjoyed this story. Thank you for reading and being so patient with me and my lack of updates recently. I love you all. xoxo
Ten Years Later
We moved out of California like we said we would. Stu changed his name and looks. It's been ten years, and nobody has seemed to recognize him. Reese is eleven and in the sixth grade. Everything has been great. We got married seven years ago. I got back into my music and released an album, and Stu went back to school. He got his GED and then went to school for film. We live in a gated community and have the most expensive security system I could get.
I know it sounds ridiculous and over the top. I live with the man who started at this shit but I didn't want to be caught off guard one day. There had been the occasional prank calls here and there with someone pretending to be ghostface. I wanted to keep purpose daughter our of that life. She knows everything. It was hard to hide as she got older. She's smart and sneaky. I probably shouldn't have kept newspaper clippings of everything.
Dewey and Gale are married, still living in Woodsboro. Dewey is the sheriff now, and Gale hasn't written a book in years. But Stab movies keep being made. Of course, after the third movie, Sidney and I threatened to sue if they made any more stable movies based on our lives. The movies have gotten worse and worse.
Speaking of Sidney, she moved out of California too, right after our dad passed away. He had a heart attack a few years after the Hollywood murders. She wrote a book called Out of the Darkness." The books about her…our lives, and how she has dealt with it. She also married Randy, which let me say it was a huge shock. But they grew closer, and she agreed to let him take her on a date. That date turned into another and another, and before she knew it, she was saying yes to marrying him.
Randy wrote a script he had been working on for years, and then he made it into a movie. He produced and directed it himself. He's a big director now and had made dozens of movies, at least of them being his own. Stu has helped on a few of them, co-directing with him. Sidney and Randy also have two kids together, Lily is five, and Nolan is three. They live a few houses down from us, and we have dinner every Friday night.
Life couldn't be any better. It's not what I was expecting it to be, but it all worked out. I still have a small part of me that wonders if Stu ever gets the urge to kill. He's very protective of me and Reese. Randy and Sidney weren't all to on board when I told them about getting back with Stu. They both thought it was a horrible idea, but over time, they have learned to put the past behind them and accept it. I made Stu get rid of anything that linked him back to the ghostface murders. So far, we haven't had any problems, and I hope it stays that way.
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