#whenever they say ANYTHING. like a total absolute baby.
bicon-crange · 9 months
update on my horrendous situation btw: it is still ongoing and at this point i am considering self sabotage
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reallyromealone · 9 months
This request is random and it’s all up to you if you want to write it
So say muzan makes the upper six to watch over his infant son and I’d imagine it be chaotic
Like baby reader cries whenever akaza carries him, hates doma and throws his toys at him, maybe his enjoy chasing hantengu (which would lead to hantengu to run away crying), maybe gyokko would teach baby reader about art, maybe for gyutaro he’d be a decent care taker while daki is confused on how to take care of baby reader and kokushibo is baby reader baby reader favorite person and likes to be carried by kokushibo
This is totally up to you if you want to write it
Muzan was a very attentive father despite himself, his son; his /heir/ was his world.
(Name) was precious and perfect, given anything he could desire in the world.
An absolute papas boy.
So when the moons had to watch the little bundle...
It was a nightmare.
"WAAAAAAH!" (name) screeched as tears rolled down his face, smacking the demon angrily as his barely present fangs bit at Akaza, not harming the demon in the slightest.
"Please behave, our Lord will be home soon!" He tried soothing the babe who wailed louder.
Doma was treated no better though instead of crying it was violence.
"Please little Lord, I just wanna be your friend~" Doma said playfully as he shook a raddle infront of the little one who looked absolutely furious that he cult leader was touching his rattle "ABABABA!" He screeched and smacked his hands against the tatami mat and the blond cooed but glared when a stuffed toy hit him "that's very rude little lord~" Doma said and lifted (name) who immediately tugged at his hair with force "why are you so full of hate~!" He said with almost sadness in his voice "I'm the best one here!"
"He's gone right now little one!"
(Name) was /facinated/ by hantengu and followed him around everywhere, Shakey little feet as the upper moon tried to get away from the little one, tiny Muzan picking up speed wit his waddles as the poor demon tried running away.
And that's when they learned little (name) could crawl on walls.
"GET AWAY!" He said anxiously and (name) made loud happy baby noises.
Gyokko looked fond as the little one finger painted, messy and colorful and proudly showed it to the other, it was a mess but he could see a vague shape of Lord Muzan based on the black blob with little red eyes.
"Very good little one" (name) beamed at the praise.
Gyotaro was an excellent care taker, soothing the little babe for his nap as Daki played dress up, she wasn't sure how to care for a baby having never had done so but she always thought infant clothes were precious, the siblings watching him as he sleeped on a blanket.
But out of all the moons, (name) always prefered Kokushibo who sat in silence reading as (name) sat in his lap drinking his bottle, the demon glancing down as the babe pat his arm "do you wish for me to read to you?"
"Very well..." Kokushibos voice was deep and relaxing to the boy, reminding him of his papa in a way and Kokushibo was reminded of his own children with (name).
Rarely did he think of them but occasionally he wondered what lives they led.
He wondered what life (name) would lead.
The babe sneezed and Kokushibo was confused as a daisy bloomed from the tatami mat.
Well then.
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zriasstuff · 2 months
All because I liked a boy
Theodore Nott x reader
Before you scroll: THANK YOU FOR 314 FOLLOWERS RAHHH <<33 (the pi number is perfect) and special shoutout to @babygoddam who ALWAYS likes my shit first, you a real one. Feel absolutely free to send in requests (totally not because im running out of ideas)!!!!
Summary: Theo is dating Pansy, but is also seeing you secretly behind her back. What happens when you get sick of that and present him an ultimatum. Will it be her or you? And what if a unexpected friendship develops from all this?
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It’s your last year at hogwarts, so that makes you about 17/18 yo.
Everything about your clandestine meetups behind the quidditch field was morally wrong. As you’re walking up to your meetup spot, you feel the urge to stop yourself and go back to your dorm. You want to, and most importantly should stop making the same mistake again and again. But your lack of self control would be the eventual death of you.
Actually, no. Theodore Nott would be the eventual death of you. He was the reason for your lack of self control.
The freezing January air made it impossible to breathe, your red nose hurting from every drawn breath. Shivers ran through your body, all the way to your head where you were experiencing a first hand brain freeze. How was it possible that this is what your life has come to.
Through the foggy air, you eventually make out a tall and lean figure, approaching you with arms crossed and head down. Death has arrived.
“My bad on suggesting to meet up here in this crappy weather, but my dorm is occupied”, he breathed out while clouds of vapor escaped his mouth.
“What about the library then?”, you suggested. Any place inside would be better than this.
“No”, he decisively rejects your idea while shaking his head.
“Why not”, you ask.
“You know why”, he says, sounding increasingly annoyed.
“I don’t” You do. You know exactly why. You want to hear him say it.
“Don’t do this”
“I really don’t know”
“Stop, I really don't want to do this right now” Theo let out a repressed huff with his head lowered. One of his hands that was in his jacket pocket began ruffling through his hair. Whenever he was uneasy he did that.
“Fine”, you let it go. Truth be told, you were also afraid that you wouldn’t be able to digest what Theo would say. On one side, you knew that this was wrong. But on the other hand, admitting it was wrong meant that you would have to end it, otherwise it would make you guys horrible people.
Not that you weren’t horrible people now, but saying it just made it all the more real. Real is bad. Reality sucks. It was easier to hide in a bubble.
Theo looks you in the eyes again, assessing that this probably wasn’t a great time to do anything. But he didn’t want to make you feel like trash either.
“So how was your day?”, he awkwardly asks.
“We don’t have to do this, don’t pretend you actually care”, you sigh. His attempt was meant well, but it was futile. He could never make you feel fully cared for. And that was alright. You know you don’t deserve it anyway.
“I do care”, he exhales while nailing you with his intense stare.
“For your dirty mistress? How naive do you think i am”
“So you do want to do this right now” You thought you didn’t, but today seemed to be especially hard on you. Perhaps it was the stress from classes, perhaps it was the passive aggressive letter you got from your parents, or perhaps it was Theo barely acknowledging your existence in between classes.
“If not now, when then? I'm getting sick of not talking about it” It was time to face reality and put your fears aside.
“I thought you were okay with this”, he raised his voice confusingly.
“With being your side chick who can’t be seen or associated with you in public? Am I okay with seeing you prance around with Pansy, while I have to meet you out here like this?”
“Hey I'm not the bad guy who is forcing you to do this”
Theodore Nott wasn’t forcing you to do anything. No. He would just call you baby behind closed doors. Buy you flowers. Secretly spend nights with you. Anything a boyfriend would do, just without the emotional attachment.
And Pansy. His girlfriend he actually prances around with. His girlfriend who thinks she means the world to him. This slippery slope with Theodore down to where you were now started approximately four months ago. He had gotten into a really bad fight with her and at a party he started flirting with you. He lied about having broken up with her.
The worst part— you didn’t even find out up until two months later. In those two months he had obviously made up with her and didn’t end it, but he was sneaky. You had to give him credit for having juggled the two of you for that long without either noticing. You guess it helped that you were in Gryffindor. But after two months Theo got tired of being on edge all the time, so he decided to make his relationship with Pansy public again.
Why didn't you end it with him back then? Good question. All you remember is a bunch of unconvincing bullshit from him. But as unconvincing as it was, he gave you a sense of comfort. And although he didn’t make you feel fully cared for, he was still better than your supposed friends. Those two months you lived in the unknown were special, you had to admit. You felt special. But even the brightest spark eventually dies out.
“I know you’re not forcing me, but I'm getting fucking exhausted of this. And I feel terrible about Pansy”
“Why do you even care about her?”
“WHY DON’T YOU?!”, you suddenly burst out. Yes, he chose her over you because he had been together with her before you got together with him. Admittedly, he’s treating her better than you. But you don’t hate her. She actually didn't do anything. And unlike you, she isn't actively hurting you. It was so frustrating to know that you were choosing some guy over the “girls protect girls” vow. All because you couldn’t handle being alone again. Pathetic.
“Do you realize how ridiculous you sound Theo? Saying you like both of us, but in reality you treat both of us like shit.”
“Well what do you want me to do?”, he angrily asked.
“I'm giving you an ultimatum. Either you break up with me and stay with her. Or you tell her and deal with her breaking up with you. If she doesn’t, and if you also don’t, then I will anyway”
Perhaps it sounded a bit too extreme at the moment. You were definitely the last person to talk about morals, but it wasn’t too late yet. In the long run, it would benefit Theo too. A huge weight was finally going to be lifted off of your shoulders.
“Please, you’re not thinking straight”, he pitifully pleads in a last attempt to escape his responsibility and ultimately reality.
“I mean this works just fine. Pansy is happy, I can make you happy, and i promise you won’t feel like a dirty mistress”
A scoff is all you’re able to respond with. “You got until the end of the week, otherwise I will immediately cut off any ties with you”
Are you as important to Theo as he says you are? It’s wrong, but innerly you wish that he would break up with Pansy without telling her. That would be ideal for you. Freaking Theodore Nott, who showed you what kind of person you really were.
The next day, you caught Theo and Pansy making out in the hallways. “Ugh get a room”, you think to yourself. The day after, still no change. And on the day after that, everything was still the same. And as one could imagine, on the fourth day, still nothing.
With Friday approaching, Theo would only have two more days to make his decision according to your ultimatum. Perhaps he thought that you didn’t mean it seriously, but you did. You swore to yourself that if after two days still nothing happened, you’d break up with him. “Break up”, as in quit being fuck buddies, it wasn’t like you were in a real relationship.
Consumed by your own thoughts, you apparently missed McGonagall's announcement. Suddenly half the class was packing their stuff and getting up.
“Hey what’s going on”, you ask a guy sitting in front of you.
“Did you seriously not pay attention?”, he hisses.
“What do you think, smart-ass, since I’m asking you right now?” This was not the time to be lecturing you.
“We got a new seating arrangement, she just read out all the pairs who are going to be sitting next to each other. I think you’re with Pansy”
Shit. You swallow hard at the mention of her name.
“You sure?”, you ask dumbfounded.
“I mean she’s walking up to you right now”, he says shrugging his shoulders, “anyway gotta go”
You hope to fuck that he was wrong. But after turning around frantically, you observe that Pansy was in fact walking up to you. Out of all forty students, of course you would be next to her.
“Heyyy, looks like we’re going to be stuck with each other for a semester. Cute bracelet by the way, where’d you get it?”, she greets you in quite a chipper tone.
“You’re boyfriend actually got it for me after our first time”, is what you would say if you didn’t lie. Instead you reply “thanks, a friend got it for me but I don’t know from where”
“Y’know I actually have a really similar one”, she says as she’s sitting down next to you and pulls up her sleeve, “Theo gave it to me”. It was basically the same bracelet, just in gold instead of silver. So, what were the chances that Theo bought several bracelets in the same shop and just gave them out to whoever he fancied at the moment. Not even the slightest effort.
“How sweet”, you force yourself to say in the happiest tone you can manage.
“So what’s going on in your life?”, she continues the conversation, “I just realized that I barely know anything about you, even though we’ve known each other since year one”
You almost want to say “trust me, you don’t want to know what’s going on in my life”. Instead you say “nothing much, I’ve been thinking about maybe trying out for the quidditch team”
“Oh how cool, I’ve seen you fly in class, you totally should try out. You know during the last game between Slytherin and Gryffindor Blaise did this really funny thing where…”
What Blaise did, you’ll never know because you tuned out. But what you do know now is that Pansy is actually an incredibly nice person. In just five minutes she has shown you support, complimented you and began talking to you like you were her new friend. Perhaps she thought you could be friends. After the lesson ended, you felt almost carefree. You guys barely got any work done, but instead gossiped about anything that came to mind. Time practically passed away in seconds, and you were just hugging Pansy goodbye before going separate ways. Nothing felt weird at all until…
As you’re about to pull away from the hug, you catch Theo staring intensely from the corner of your eye. Was he suspecting something? Truth be told, you could’ve inquired more about his and Pansy’s relationship, but you decided to not be nosy. The less you knew, the better.
Later on, after you spent hours feeling like an empty shell of a human being, you slouch to your dinner table. During the day your thoughts felt like a huge, untieable knot, so you decided to ignore everything. When all classes ended, you immediately hopped into bed, rolling around, slowly rotting. Feeling nothing was better than thinking too much. There was simply too much. There was the question of whether you were a terrible human being, wondering if you should completely rebrand yourself, thinking about what Theo would do and about how it would affect Pansy, and so much more. In the end, nothing would be answered by just thinking about it.
Even while eating dinner, you have to restrain yourself from letting your most inner thoughts wander. Though, Pansy sure added fuel to the fire by smiling at you. Genuinely flashing you the purest, brightest smile. For no reason at all. Just to be nice probably. Instead of smiling back like a normal human being, you almost choke on your water.
This was it. You couldn’t pretend to be unbothered. You had to end it. You hated that option because it meant that Theo could escape from his responsibility, but it also meant that you could redeem yourself. Right? After all, you also carried some of that responsibility.
To contact Theo, you wrote “meet me at astronomy tower, important!” on a small piece of paper and slipped it into his hand after dinner was over. Hopefully no one saw that transaction. Since everyone always pushed another, it was only natural to bump into someone and touch their hand or arm.
Halfway on your way to the tower, you question if all this had been a huge mistake. Would you even have the guts to do what you had set out to do ? Theo could be so goddamn persuasive sometimes.
On your last few steps you lose a bit of balance and barely make it to the balcony, feeling like you would collapse any time soon. It even takes you a second to realize that Theo was already there. Before he turned around you just thought that it was some random guy.
“How were you faster than me”, you huff completely out of breath.
“I have my ways”, he says. “So why’d you want to meet me here”, he asks, seeming disturbingly nonchalant. As if he couldn’t guess the possible reasons.
“I want this to be as quick and painless as possible”, you begin. You gain an eyebrow raise from the otherwise collected looking guy.
“Let’s just officially end this. You and me. We are officially over.”
You were pretty sure that you didn’t sound as confident as you wish you had, but nonetheless you had done it. Officially calling the breaks would be your ticket to a normal life again. Whew did that feel freeing. But this wasn’t fully over yet.
“I thought it was up to me”, Theo sounded agitated now.
“Well i changed my mind”
“That’s not fai-“
“Seriously, Theo, you want to talk about fair ?”
“So what if i told you that I would’ve chosen you over Pansy”, he tells you while throwing his arms around. “You just want to give up like a coward?”, he spits at you, blowing up in anger and disbelief. His widening eyes and clenching jaw told you were enough to convince you that he was full on serious.
Is that what you were doing? Giving up on something genuine? You never thought about it in that way. Sure, your connection to Theo was undeniably strong, but were you ready for actual commitment?
“You don’t get to say that”, you defensively say as you take a step back. He immediately gets in your face again.
With tears forming in your eyes, threatening to spill out, and quivering lips, you try your best to curve your mouth upward and take your last stand.
“I am not giving up. We never had anything to begin with because you were a coward.”
He steps even closer, his nose touching yours. His dead brown eyes looked hauntingly beautiful in the moment. “But don’t you see, I want to give us a try”
“I CAN’T DO THIS THEO”, you yell in his face, not caring that your tears streamed down your face. All that bottled up anger came down to this. “WHAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND, THERE IS NO US.” Just as you say that, you frantically tear off his gifted silver bracelet and throw it in his face. “We’re done Theodore” are your last words before storming off.
When you notice him following, you run even faster, yelling “STOP FOLLOWING ME FOR FUCKS SAKE”. Eventually you stop hearing his footsteps, and you allow yourself to break down in an empty corridor. You keep muttering “it’s for the best” as a way of reassurance, but you don’t even know if that’s true anymore.
That night you went to sleep, wanting nothing but to drown out everything. Instead you got a fucking nightmare about the entire events at the astronomy tower. Only, you were watching from the third person point of view this time.
Luckily, as you wake up, you realize that it was a Saturday, so you could be in peace a little longer. Apparently you also woke up pretty late because you were alone in the dorm. Great, your “friends” didn’t even bother pretending to include you. It was always like that. They were nice to your face, but actively excluded you. What was it about you that alienated you from everyone?
You suddenly jolt up and watch Pansy come through the door. She looked furious and extremely messy. You notice her heavy eye bags and smeared mascara.
“YOU WANT TO TELL ME WHY THE FUCK YOUR BRACELET WAS ON THEOS NIGHTSTAND?!?”, she shouts, probably loud enough for everyone in Gryffindor to hear.
“What are you talking ab-” It was mid sentence when you realize that you in fact threw your bracelet in Theo’s face yesterday and that Pansy recognised it from McGonagall's class.
There was no point in lying. “Pansy please I can explain”, you desperately choke out, feeling a knot in your throat.
“Fuck you. I actually liked you, but i guess you are just another snake”
Before you can actually explain yourself, she already left. All by yourself, you begin to sob. Perhaps your “friends” were right in excluding you. You wouldn’t even want to be friends with yourself.
This mess you were in— what if you never went to that party where you met Theo? But that wasn’t even the most important part. You had to find a way to make it up to Pansy.
Argh this is it…for now ? So if you read the deleted original fic “Baby”, you will recognise the first part, but not the rest. I asked if you wanted a pt.2, but then i realised i could just make all of it into one, longer part. I really really hope you found this if you read “Baby”. And who knows maybe this storyline will continue.
Also thank you for the people who commented, i tagged y’all (except for two i couldn’t find), so you could find this more easily. @onyxwingsandcrowblackdreams @princessofsilverandserpents @pumpkinchee @laur20a23 @ladyblablabla @the-mrs-malik-styles @boomdolle @mmeskywalker
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yveaart · 3 months
HAIIII ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ are you able do to bf seungcheol headcannons or the type of bf seungcheol!!! If you’ve alr had, sorry for asking 😿
seungcheol as your bf !!
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(absolutely up for all the scoups movement🥰)
seungcheol as your bf !! who does the coquette ribbon trend where you tie his bicep with a ribbon and making him flex it. your eyes trained on his bicep but his eyes were on you as the ribbon rips at the bottom part making it fall down to the ground.
seungcheol as your bf !! who spends extra time at the gym just to see your face whenever he sneakily flexes his muscles in front of you. he makes sure that they are firm whenever you get the urge to bite him
seungcheol as your bf !! who lets you wear anything, he totally doesn’t understand whats with people telling their girlfriends what to wear
seungcheol as your bf !! who doesn’t answer how many kids he wants and replies that its up to you who had to carry them
seungcheol as your bf !! who would purposely place your cooking stuff a cabinet higher so you always had to ask for him.
seungcheol as your bf !! who does your skincare for you when you had a hard day. he would pat his fingers no heavier than a feather.
seungcheol as your bf !! who makes you rely on him so you could turn your brain off with him.
seungcheol as your bf !! who hides his face in his hands and laughs uncontrollably whenever you compliment him.
seungcheol as your bf !! who smells like baby powder because he puts it on purpose saying that he could be your baby (and the fact that you loved the smell)
seungcheol as your bf !! who tries to make you paper flowers every anniversary but ends up buying a bouquet thats as long as your arm because he couldn’t fold them the right way.
seungcheol as your bf !! who brings sandals whenever you go out because he knows you might get your feet hurt
seungcheol as your bf !! who always respects your space, except when in conflict because even if you don’t talk; you had to cuddle each other to sleep.
seungcheol as your bf !! who keeps an eye whenever a guy approaches the both of you, placing his hand on your waist as he held you closer to him
seungcheol as your bf !! who had enough of your ex and kissed you deeply when he was trying to approach you two.
seungcheol as your bf !! who would “help” you cook but would just back hug you and watch you stir up some delicious meals for the both of you.
seungcheol as your bf !! who whispers “i love you” and lands a peck on your forehead when you sleep
seungcheol as your bf !! who’s willing to share his food with you and makes sure you eat well.
seungcheol as your bf !! who sprays his cologne on your clothes whenever he does the laundry.
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blushweddinggowns · 1 year
It was kinda like an open secret, the fact that they were together. And if Steve was being honest with himself, even that was a stretch.
And it was one hundred percent their fault. Well...mostly it was Eddie's fault. The second they were with whoever he deemed "safe" Eddie would be all over him. Whether it was pet names, casually wrapping an arm around his waist, dragging him to sit on his lap, a kiss to his forehead, Eddie was far from shy when it came to handing out affection.
And if Steve did absolutely nothing to stop him when it happened well...that was Eddie's fault too. What else was Steve supposed to do when the man he loved was so openly sweet and affectionate? Say no? Put a stop to the behavior that made him feel like he was the most important person in Eddie's world? Give up the chaste hugs and kisses that made him feel like he was walking on air?
Yeah, no. It wasn't Steve's fault that Eddie made him feel so good, so the blame could stay laid at his feet.
Yep, totally Eddie's fault, Steve had nothing to do with it.
But there were only so many times you could call your new "best friend" baby before people started asking questions. Robin knew, Wayne knew, Nancy knew, and Steve was pretty sure all of Eddie’s age-appropriate friends were well aware.
And the kids would figure it out when they figured it out. It's not that they didn't trust them to accept their relationship, it was more that they would be too accepting. And way too involved. And Steve wanted to bask in the honeymoon period before all of his little shits started giving unprompted advice on his love life, and Eddie felt the same way.
So they lied, but only a little. Or more that Steve lied. Whenever it was a Steve and Eddie date night exclusive and the kids were vying for attention or rides, he'd tell them was hanging out with Robin or working late. But Eddie would just smile and shake his head to any asks, always with a painfully sincere, "Can't tonight, I got a date with my sweetheart."
His sweetheart who, none of the kids could meet until, in his words, he officially locked it down, the silly little speech never failing in making Steve blush and smile like an idiot. It was always enough to make the kids back off, and for the moment, their little plan seemed to be working.
But Steve wasn't sure how long it would stay that way, not when Eddie was very suddenly elected as the go-to for advice on the kids' love lives.
Which ow. Steve had experience with relationships, maybe not good experiences until very recently, but he had them! But the kids bypassed him every time in favor of the "one" adult in their lives who actually was seeing someone. And Steve didn't have the heart to break it to them that he was the only one their new love genius had ever been with.
Lucas had started it, faux casual at a Hellfire meetup, with Steve lazily reading magazines in the corner while he waited for his nerd boyfriend to be done so their night could actually begin.
"Hey Eddie, you've been seeing your girlfriend for a while right?"
Eddie nodded, "We're closing in at six months, why?"
Lucas rubbed a hand over the back of his neck, embarrassed, "Well...what would you do if say, you know they love you, and you love them, but they never let you help them with anything? Like...they always act like they're a burden when they're really just the best?"
Steve perked up at the question. silently watching as Eddie considered it.
He nodded along, thoughtful, “I was with someone like that once, always thinking about everyone else but never themselves. I guess you kinda just have to love it out of them y'know? Like give them the space they ask for sure, but let them know that you're always there for them. Not because you have to but because you want to.” 
Eddie took a chance and glanced at Steve while he spoke, giving him the quickest wink known to mankind. Steve hid behind his magazine, ears red with a stupid, lovestruck smile as Lucas thanked him.
Then it was Dustin. He sprung it on them while Steve was driving him over to the Wheeler's place, Eddie flipping through radio stations while Dustin was prattling to them in the backseat, "So I was trying to explain it to her, and she totally flipped out and hung up! She said that I think I'm smarter than her, which is totally untrue! Suzie is the smartest person I know!"
Steve snorted, "I told you you could be condescending-"
Dustin glared at him, waving him away, "I'm asking Eddie thank you very much! "I just thought she knew that I know she's smarter than me. So what should I do?"
Eddie shrugged, "I was with someone like that once, super, super smart but they could never acknowledge it in the way I thought they should. For them though, it was because people always talked down to them and never made the effort to see how they were smart. There are a lot of different kinds of intelligence out there right? So just let her know that there are some things you're better at but you know that for most things she's the gold star child."
Eddie glanced back at Dustin, rolling his eyes when he realized the kid was actually taking notes, but it gave him a chance to stealthily grab Steve's hand and squeeze it with a wide grin, "It isn't fair, but rarely does the smartest person in a room, know that it's them."
And if Steve couldn't help but kiss the daylights out of him while they were still in the Wheeler's driveway after that little speech, he stood that it was still Eddie's fault for being so sweet.
The kids kept coming to Eddie for advice, mostly because it usually worked. Some of it Steve was there for and some of it he wasn't, but it never stopped embarrassing the living hell out of him to hear himself be talked about so positively and sweetly, especially if it came out of the mouths of one of the kid's, unknowingly repeating stories and advice centered around Steve.
It was Will who finally cracked it, because who else? They were all at the Harrington place, taking full advantage of the absentee parents and pool during a hot summer day. Wil found the two of them in the kitchen, in the middle of a stupid debate over the best action movie of the year, sharing a popsicle back and forth while they play-fought.
He looked nervous as he walked up to them, looking anywhere but at their faces, "Hey Eddie, do you mind if I ask you something?"
Eddie nodded, snatching the last of the popsicle from Steve's hand, ignoring his whining, "Sure dude, what's up?"
"Have you ever, um, liked someone who you thought didn't like you back? But then they started...acting different?"
Eddie cocked his head at him, "Elaborate."
"Like...just treating you differently. More touchy-feely and attentive maybe? Do you think...that means anything? Has that ever happened to you?"
Steve glanced out the kitchen window, eyes on Mike as he sat at the edge of the pool, legs dangling over the side while his head was on a swivel, no doubt looking for Will.
It didn't take a genius to guess who he was talking about.
Eddie shrugged, "Not exactly? But I have gone after someone majorly out of my league before. And that worked out. I'd say just be straight forward and confident. Ask if they're interested, or if you can't do that ask them how'd they feel if you got with someone else. That can sometimes get the ball rolling if they're being too tight-lipped about their feelings."
Will nodded along, "So is that how you got Steve?"
Steve froze while Eddie laughed, not even catching on to the slip, "I got Steve by crying to his loose-lipped best friend about how in love with him I was. Not the best example."
And of course, that was the moment Dustin decided to walk in the room.
Steve brought a hand to his mouth, laughing behind it as Dustin froze, staring wide-eyed at Eddie, "You're with Steve?!"
Eddie whipped around to face him, but Dustin was already staring at Steve, "So the someone like that, has been you this whole time?!"
Steve was still laughing behind his hand as Dustin skittered out, no doubt to announce to the whole backyard just where their great love advice had been coming from.
Will followed him, winking at them over his shoulder as he went. Eddie was still standing there, confused on how one of the munchkins just bamboozled him into telling the longest kept secret he ever had.
Steve clapped a hand on his shoulder, just as voices started to raise from the background, coupled with a few yells around someone owing Will money, "Guess the secret's out huh?"
Eddie turned to face him with a sigh, smacking a kiss to his forehead, "You realize this means you're going to have to help with the love advice now right?"
Steve groaned, "I thought my existence was the help."
"Nope, it's your turn to give the love advice about me from now on."
Steve laughed, leaning in to kiss him chastely on the mouth. They grinned at each other, enjoying their last moments of peace before the whole gaggle of kids made they're way into the room, armed with questions and accusations galore.
But that was okay, Steve was more than ready for it to be his turn.
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pupyuj · 5 months
GP! Yujin "accidentally" (girl never wears condoms who we kidding) knocking you up 🙊 now you have to tell her about being a possible baby daddy🤭 what if I say she might be into it🤔👀 like her thoughts drift to you walking around carrying HER kid for the next few months. 🤭She's possessive your honor😊 honestly her reaction is totally up to you
- 🧇
oddly enough i enjoyed writing this ask but mostly bcs it's on the softer side lmao 😭 might be the only time i indulge in something involving pregnancy but who knows! baby daddy yuj was just something i could NOTTTT pass up 😳
[cw: pregnancy!, lactation kink.]
oh my god she would be flabbergasted??? 😭 yujinnie likes to tell you that she'll give you babies whenever the two of you fuck but 78% of the time she doesn't mean it!! 😣 so one day when you sit her down and tell her you're pregnant and that you have absolutely no plans to 'get rid' of the baby... well, yujin was literally speechless 😭 but she wouldn't hate it... in fact seeing you so confident about your decision to keep her child really helped her come to her own conclusion about this whole situation herself! you best believe she'll raise tf outta that baby with you 😤💕
anw back to the nasty stuff—yk how turned on yujin would be afterwards?? just staring at you while you go about your day... her boner situation so fucking bad bcs she can't stop thinking about the night she put that baby inside you... and you don't even have your little bump yet but she acts like you do!! she's always caressing your stomach while making out, makes sure to plant the sweetest kisses on it before she goes down on you too! :3
every time she's staring she's so desperate to knock you up again that she just wants to bend you over and fuck you but she gets kinda afraid?? 😭 yujinnie doesn't want to hurt you or the baby so she refrains from doing anything too crazy... but then you'd tell her that you'll both be careful so that none of you three will get hurt and suddenly she's back to being a huge fucking pervert! oh and don't even get met started on how she acts when your tits start leaking... lord.
yujin would have you sat on her lap all the time, your shirt off and perky nipples on her mouth,,, yujin has no problem getting messy with it too!! sucking on your nipples like she’s the baby 😭😭😭 makes a joke about your tits drying up by the time the kid gets here bcs she really does get addicted to them! 😵‍💫 sometimes it gets annoying how she just wants to touch you all the time but most of your anger comes from the mood swings 😭😭 all yujin has to do is kiss you and pull you around for a dance with fun music playing in the background and you’ll be fine! 🥰
about the possessive thing… well yes! 😵‍💫 yujin also gets overprotective to the point it becomes something the two of you argue about… 😭 daddy will be nagging at you a lot but that’s bcs she’s only concerned about you and the kid!! most of the time you can’t even get mad at her bcs yujin’s just being a good daddy mommy 🥺 see, she’s usually so haughty and reckless but getting you pregnant would definitely bring out a sweeter side of yujin that you’ll fall in love w her all over again 😔💕
okay now she really needs to breed me—[SIRENS BLARING]
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thehusbandoden · 6 months
Can you do hcs about class 1-a with pregnant darling? It's fine if you can't!/Uncomfortable with it!
A/n: of course! I hope these were semi enjoyable lol <3
Pregnant Reader Headcannons Part 2 (Aizawa, Shoto, Shinso, and Tamaki)
General info:
Genre: fluff/slice of life \\ total wc: 1,876 \\ posted: 12/06/2023 \\ requested
Part 1 (Izuku, Bakugo, Kiri, Denki, and Sero)
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Aizawa Shota (707 words):
Aizawa always works hard, as we all know.
He not only teaches, but he also works as a pro hero during the night.
He's sleep deprived and very grumpy.. but not to you.
He's sweet and loving, though sometimes tsundere.
He spoils you with gifts and affection whenever he can, trying to slightly make up for the time away from one another.
When he finds out you're pregnant.. he's honestly scared.
He works so much.. how could he ever take care of a child? Not to mention the long and hard nine months you're going to have to face practically alone.
He doesn't show his worry however, he holds you close and kisses your face, reassuring you that everything is going to be okay and that he's happy.
He tries to get paternity leave about four months into your pregnancy, but he didn't actually get it until six months.
And that was from teaching.. he was still working in the middle of the night until you hit eight months.
He was exhausted.
He would wake up at seven, prepare his lesson, make you breakfast, clean up the house, and write you a love letter for you to find. (He secretly placed them in places easy to reach/find).
Afterwards, he goes back to bed and cuddles you until he has to get up again in a few minutes.
Whenever he has to leave you get really sad and it makes him feel so guilty.. especially if you cried or begged him to stay.
He gave you lots and lots of kisses, holding you tightly against him as he apologized, telling you that he would be home before you knew it.
He taught as best as he could even though he hardly got a few hours of sleep, and he graded papers and planned lessons whenever he was on break.
Sometimes he didn't even eat lunch, too busy focussing on his student's papers.
After school he picked you up a gift and wrote you yet another love letter.
He usually returned home with a bouquet of flowers, a treat you've been craving, something to do with one of your hobbies, and a letter full of love.
He'd wrap you in his arms, coddling you with kisses and praise.
The rest of his day was full of you, and only you.
He held you, kissed you, spoiling you in whatever way possible.
He couldn't really sleep well, unable to rest his eyes when you were laying next to him so.. vulnerable.
He usually watched you sleep as he waited for midnight.
When the clock hits midnight he starts to get ready for work, giving you a loving peck every time he passes your sleeping form.
He'll gently shake you awake when it's time for him to leave, telling you that he'll be back in a few hours and that he loved you.
He embraced you tightly, littering kisses up and down your face before giving you a long, proper kiss. Smiling at how you sleepily kissed back.
He left with one more 'I love you', and then he was off to go patrol the streets.
He actually gets off work an hour before he says he does, but he uses that time to get the rest of the papers for his students done.
He gets home about six am, showering before embracing you tightly.
He'll sleep with you for another hour before getting up about an hour later to get everything else done.
All in all he does his very best for you, and absolutely spoils you when he gets paternity leave.
You don't have to do anything but sit there, look pretty, and let your body make that baby.
I'd say he's fairly protective. He doesn't like anyone but 'his' people, and you are the one person who he would do anything for... and maybe Eri, but she comes later.
He intimidates anyone who dares make you uncomfortable.
Though if you're handling well than he'll watch behind you, smirking slightly.
All in all he's a selfless husband. He'd do anything for you, and he doesn't care if that means he gets even less sleep..
(He'll lie about the hours of sleep he's getting so you don't have to worry about him)
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Todoroki Shoto (537 words):
Shoto always wanted kids, but he was too afraid to turn out like his dad.
So he never mentioned them, and you didn't either.
Well until you found out you were pregnant.
You were kinda scared to tell him at first, afraid that it would trigger ptsd from his childhood or something.
WEll, luckily for you, he wasn't upset.. at all.
He was nervous, yes. Really nervous, but he was excited and happy.
After a few minutes of staring at the test, thinking about what it meant, he pulled you into a tight embrace, lovingly kissing the apple of your cheek.
He got paternity leave at about five months.
He followed you everywhere, too worried about the 'what ifs' to let you do anything by yourself.
He wouldn't let you carry anything if it was remotely heavy.
Very protective, but in a lot less obvious way.
IF he notices someone looking at you in a lustful way he'll pull you into his chest, placing a hand on your baby bump as if he was screaming at them 'she's taken'.
If it came down to it, he would physically defend you.
But unlike Bakugo, only if he really needed to.
He'll glare and he'll tell them that you're married, but he won't physically harm them unless they started it, or they touched you/got into your space.
He gets really clingy, but he only hovers over you because he's too scared to hurt you and baby.
He'll usually cuddle you if you reassure him that he won't hurt you -or baby-, but he does get really really insecure sometimes and starts to overthink.
Most of the time the only way to pull him out of that is to be upset about it.
If you get really sad/angry he'll hold you against him, apologizing softly.
He'll help you however he can.
But he can't cook..
He literally almost burned the house down... twice.
He tried and tried, but he just can't seem to make anything but cereal.
So instead he hires you a chef.
He massages your feet, shoulders, back, belly bump, anywhere you need it.
You get a daily dose of cuddles and kisses. That isn't negotiable.
One day you were feeling very uncomfortable and didn't want any touch.. you left bed before Shoto and rejected his kisses.
He literally thought that you hated him.
He let you have your space, but he was so freaking sad.
He was angry too, but only at himself.
He started overthinking, thinking that he wasn't good enough, that he worked too hard, and that you deserve someone better.
The thoughts went on and on until he couldn't take it anymore.
HE shyly went over to you, gripping the bottom of his shirt tightly like a child, his head downcast and tears shining in his eyes.
"D-do you.. hate me?" He asked quietly, a tear falling down his cheek.
Your heart broke and you burst into tears, pulling him onto the couch next to you, holding him close as you sobbed, apologizing and telling him how perfect he was and how much you loved him.
He didn't believe you until you repeated it like five times and gave him over three dozen kisses.
He's still partly broken from his past, so even little things like that can make his brain go into overdrive, and he starts to get insecure.
That aside, he's a very sweet, thoughtful, and loving husband.
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Shinso Hitoshi (165):
You both already stayed indoors most of the time, but this just cemented it.
He was a protective overthinker. He didn't want anything bad to happen to you.
He doesn't like many people, but when it comes to you he would literally kill for you.. even if that ruins his newly gained reputation.
He got paternity leave about four months into your pregnancy, spoiling you for the long five months afterwards.
He'd glare at anyone who stared at you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders to bring you closer to him.
If it came down to it he would use his quirk to get any creep far away from you.
You usually cuddle all day. It's actually pretty calming.
He takes care of you entirely, cooking, cleaning, the works.
He's amazing at foot massages.
He gets more sleep now because all he does is cuddle you.
He's not very good with helping you with your hormones, but the affection make up for it.
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Amajiki Tamaki (430):
Tama is so freaking cute.
He's still shy ofc, but he musters up the courage to protect you.
He will get physical if it comes down to it.
But only if they start to try and touch you.
He's honestly so sweet.
He's so happy and yet so scared.
Out of everyone, he's most definitely the one that over tinks the most.
He worries about everything from him being a terrible parent to his kid getting his anxiety and hating him for the rest of their life because they're being bullied.
He starts to think about birthday parties and prom. What about his child's wedding?! They're father is going to be a mess!
Not to mention labor?!
What if he passes out?
What if you start to hate him?
What if you leave him? What if he fails you and your child?
His thoughts grow darker and darker as he falls into a pit of despair.
He'd probably grow into a depressive and if you don't snap him out of it.
Pull him into your arms, give him a long, proper kiss, and then just cuddle him.
Hold him to your chest, whispering sweet things in his ear.
He'll be better within 5-40 minutes.
Whenever you breakdown because of your hormones he'll break down with you.
He tries to be strong but seeing you cry breaks him.
He'll hold you, trying to reassure you as he's breaking down too.
He'll get your cravings whenever he can.
Even if it's two in the morning, or in broad daylight where he has to deal with a lot of people..
Like Shoto, he thinks you hate him if you get upset with him.
Though unlike Shoto, he won't come to you. He continues to take care of you, but he's obviously reserved.
He won't ask for cuddles, or even move to lay beside you.
He keeps to himself and when he's not taking care of you he's across the room, staring at the floor.
He could go on for weeks if you don't catch him.
He's a sensitive sweetheart, and he does need to be taken care of too.
Oh oh, he's also super good at cooking.
Due to his quirk, he's tried a lot of meals and cooks often.
If you want to try another recipe he'll secretly work on it for days, before shyly giving it to you to try.
He's very very insecure, so he trusts you a lot to let you try new recipes of his.
He loves you a lot, and the one thing he wants is your happiness and love.
Part 1
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Aizawa's masterlist | Shoto's masterlist | Shinso's masterlist | Tama's masterlist
Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated <33
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way -minus reblogging.
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tasteleeknow · 2 years
— make a wish
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pairing: minho x fem!reader genre: smut, fluff, established relationship. content: 18+ minors dni. warnings below cut. word count: 3.9k
summary: it’s your boyfriends birthday. you can’t afford to get him much—so you offer him a small coupon book of favours. he cashes in immediately.
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a/n: reupload bc of shadowban mess, i'm sorry! thank u so much to everyone who read and gave me feedback the first time, love u for it ❤︎︎
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afab!reader. profanity. anxiety mention. pet names. oil massage. unprotected intercourse. praise kink. grinding. breast groping. fingering. possessive behaviour.
You couldn’t afford to get your boyfriend anything for his birthday. You’d considered borrowing some money from your friends. Anything you could afford felt totally inadequate. It was embarrassing. You had been so stressed about it Minho had noticed your low mood. “Just stressed with work,” you’d told him. It was only during a phone call with your parents you’d had an idea. When you were little you’d made your parents small coupon books for their birthdays. Each page would have a small redeemable favour they could use at any time. Things like vacuum the house, breakfast in bed, clean the bathroom etc. When you had no money of your own the little ticket books were your solution. Why couldn’t they be now?
You’d spent the last few days with the small book in your pocket, pulling it out and adding a page whenever a new idea popped into your head. You knew he’d pretend to like whatever you got him. Whether he was actually happy or not, you’d never know. You couldn’t help feeling anxious about it. You’d woken up before him this morning to make him breakfast, fiddling with the small book periodically—second guessing giving it to him at all. You could just tell him his gift hasn’t arrived yet, go borrow some money and buy him something nice. 
He sits across from you now, devouring the pancakes you’d made—his hair fluffy from sleep. He’d hardly said anything since he’d woken up, stumbling out of the bathroom and collapsing into the chair—half asleep. You wonder if now is the best time to give him the coupon book, while he’s too sleepy to think too much about it. 
“Come here,” Minho mumbles around a mouthful of pancakes, pushing his chair back and patting his thigh. You shove the small book in your pocket and stand to make your way to his side of the table. He watches you approach him, eyes dropping to your bare legs. 
You were wearing a sweater you’d stolen from him, some panties and a pair of fluffy socks. Lazy day attire. When you’d asked him if there was anything he wanted to do on his birthday, he’d stretched his arms above his head and mumbled. He wanted to do absolutely nothing at all. You’d thought maybe you could make up for the gift with a trip somewhere nice. Obviously not.
You settle yourself in his lap, thighs across his legs, side pressed to his chest. “Feed me,” he says, a serious expression on his face. 
You wrap one arm around his neck, holding yourself against him. “No please?” 
“It’s my birthday.”
“So I'm just your personal servant today then?” 
“Mm, pancake,” he says, opening his mouth in preparation. Maybe he will like your coupon book. You pull your arm from his neck so you can reach over to cut up the pancakes. His arms wrap around you, keeping you from falling off his lap. You hold your hand under the fork as you bring it to his mouth, ready to catch any spillage. 
“Say ahhh,” you prompt, treating him like one of the small children you’d babysat as a teenager. He frowns, leaning forward to latch onto the fork to steal the food. He leans back, eyebrows relaxing—a satisfied expression forming on his face as he chews. “Baby,” you tease, poking his cheek. 
“You’re supposed to be nice to me today.” 
“I’m always nice to you.” 
“Extra nice. Another,” he says, finished with his mouthful. You feed him another, watching him chew. You may as well give him the book. You could always tell him you had another gift coming. You reach into your pocket to pull the small book out. “What’s that?” he asks, reaching to snatch it from your hands. You pull it away from him just in time. 
“Be patient or you can’t have it.” 
“It’s for me then?” he says, a grin forming on his face.  
“Only if you’re good.” 
“I’m always good.” 
You take a deep breath, preparing yourself. “It’s…not much. I couldn’t really…afford much else so I thought—” 
“Give it,” he says, reaching to snatch it from you. He’s successful this time. You hold your breath as he inspects it, snaking one arm around his neck so he can free both his hands. He’s quiet as he reads the small note you’d written on the first page, then he flicks through. 
“I can use these anytime?” he says finally. 
“Yeah, whenever.” 
“What’s this one?” he asks, pointing to one of the pages. 
“I’ll pet you.” 
His nose scrunches as he pulls a face. “Why would I want to be pet?” 
“You love being pet.” You reach up to stroke the hair at the back of his head. “Like when I stroke your hair as you’re falling asleep.” 
“Now I have to pay for that?” 
“You just get to ask for it whenever you want.” 
He’s silent as he flips through a few pages. “I want to redeem this one right now,” he says, ripping out one of the tickets. You take it from him so you can read it. 
“Clean the cat litter for a week.” You look across the room to the three litter trays against the wall. “Alright then, your week starts now.” 
“Good, I haven’t done it this morning,” he says, flipping through the pages again. “This one, too.” You take the piece of paper from him. 
“Return one of your sweaters,” you read.
“I want this one back, right now.” He tugs at the sweater you're wearing. He hadn’t worn it in months, not since you’d stolen it. You attempt to climb off him so you can go change. “No, now,” he says, holding you down. 
“This coupon is for one sweater, not one naked girlfriend on your lap.” 
“It’s not my fault you allowed the system to be easily manipulated.” 
“Let me up a second.” He loosens his grip on you just long enough for you to resettle yourself in his lap, one leg over each thigh—facing him fully now. “Help me,” you say, lifting your arms above your head. His fingers brush against your skin as he pulls the sweater up over your head—dropping it to the ground the second you’re freed. You look down at the pile of fabric on the floor. “If you don’t want that, let me keep it. It’s my favourite.” 
“I want it.” 
“You’re disrespecting it.” 
“It’s mine, I can put it where I want,” he says, leaning back in the chair and tracing his palms up your waist. 
“I hate you.”
“Did you really just say that to me on my birthday?” He says, eyes fixed on your tits. 
“Do you like it? The book.” 
“Do you really or are you just saying that?”
“It’s already got you naked in my lap, I like it,” he mutters, hands grasping your breasts. You pull them off you. 
“Groping wasn’t part of the voucher.” 
“I’ve never needed a voucher before.” 
“Well, now you do.” 
“Is there a groping voucher?” 
“Take a look.” 
He reaches down to grab the book from the floor before flipping through it. You smooth his messy hair down a little as he searches. “Massage?” he reads. “Can I have a massage AND grope your tits?” 
You hold your hand out in reply. He rips the massage coupon out and slaps it on your hand then flips through until he finds a ticket with your scribbled handwriting that reads: ‘1 Coupon to Touch, Grope or Poke’. 
“I can’t believe I need to pay for this now,” he grumbles, tearing the page from the book and slapping it on top of the other in your palm. 
“One massage with groping coming right up,” you say before pressing a soft kiss to his lips and climbing off his lap. He bends over to grab the sweater off the floor before following you to the bedroom. You lay out a towel on the bed. “Lie down,” you tell him before collecting the massage oil from the bathroom. When you return he’s stripped himself fully, lying back with his hands behind his head. “Did I tell you to strip?” 
“The voucher didn’t say I needed to be clothed. You’ve got the oil anyway. You were gonna tell me when you came back, control freak.” He says, smirking at you from his reclined position against the pillows. 
“I was going to tell you to take your shirt off, not whip your cock out.” 
“You like my cock,” he says, reaching down to stroke himself.
“Don’t fish for compliments, there’s a voucher for that.” 
He pulls his hand from his cock, propping himself up on his elbows to look at you properly. “There’s a compliment voucher?”
“Mm,” you confirm, climbing onto the bed to settle next to him.
“How many?” 
“It’s unlimited until it expires at the end of the week.” 
“Okay, compliment my cock then.” 
“I like your cock very much. My favourite cock. Very pretty. Now roll over.” 
He groans dramatically as he turns onto his stomach, pulling a pillow down to rest his head on. You climb over him, settling against his ass. You snap the cap off the oil before dribbling a generous amount over his back. He mumbles something, too muffled for you to make out. 
You lay yourself down onto him, breasts against the bare skin of his back. “What was that?” you ask before pressing your lips to the skin just behind his ear. 
“The oil is cold,” he repeats, clearer this time. 
“It’s cold? Poor baby,” you tease, sitting up again and dragging your hands down his back—spreading the oil as you go. Your breasts and stomach are slippery from where you pressed against him. He was right, it was a little cold. “I’ll warm you up, yeah?” you say, hands working the oil into his muscles. He groans as you hit a sore spot, letting you know where he needs extra attention. His muscles flex occasionally as you work, the feeling of them under your hands in combination with the noises coming from his throat make it impossible for you to stay still. The small movements of your hips against him go unnoticed. At least he doesn’t give you any indication he’s noticed. 
It isn’t until you’ve reached his lower back that he speaks up. “Take them off.”
You lift your fingers from his skin. “My hands?” 
“Panties. I can feel you rolling against me…wanna feel your naked pussy.”
“Shut up.” 
“It’s my birthday,” he whines. “Is there a coupon for it?”
“For grinding against your ass?” 
“For getting naked.” 
He lets out a contented sigh. “Best present ever.”
You can’t help it when your lips curve into a small smile in response. “You wanna use it then?”
“Mm, take them off.” 
You stand up on the bed to pull them down your legs, leaving you entirely bare minus the fluffy socks on your feet. “Socks?” you ask. 
“They can stay. Cute.” 
You lower yourself onto him, against his lower back this time. You can’t help letting a small sound escape your throat as your sensitive cunt presses against his warm slippery skin. You resume kneading his muscles as your hips roll against him, leaning down to press small kisses against his neck occasionally. Each time you lean down to kiss his neck you listen to the barely audible sounds he makes, like he’s holding back moans. 
“You warm now?” you ask eventually, voice breathy. 
“Mm,” he confirms, “Can feel your hot little cunt…so warm.” 
“This was a coupon for a massage, and now I'm naked grinding on you.” 
“Like I said, easily manipulated. No rules about combining tickets.” 
“Turn over,” you say, climbing off him. He sits up, pulling you into his lap. “Let go, I’m not done.” 
“Mm? Intermission,” he mutters before pressing his lips into yours. You feel his cock trapped between you, the oil spreading a little from your chest to his. “Compliment,” he mutters between kisses—cashing in one of his unlimited compliment coupons for the day.
“Could feel all your muscles…you’ve been working so hard...” 
“Yeah? The gym is paying off then?”
“Mm, can see it.” 
“Thank you.” He presses a gentle kiss to your forehead. “I’ll lie down now.” 
You climb off him, letting him settle himself down on his back. As you reach for the bottle his hand wraps around your wrist, stopping you. “Do you need that?” he asks.
“You don’t like it?” 
“I like it, but you could oil me up another way.” He says, one corner of his mouth lifting slightly.
You sigh, giving him a pointed look as you wait for whatever is about to come out of his mouth next. He was completely unpredictable, one of the many things you loved about him. 
“Your tits,” he finishes, lips curving into a proper grin.
“Use your tits to oil me, they’re all slippery.” 
“You…want me to…rub the oil from my tits onto you?” 
“It’s my birthday,” he repeats for the umpteenth time. 
“There’s no coupon for that.” 
“Just because you love me, then.” 
“Let me get the oil, I need more.” 
He releases your wrist, allowing you to grab the bottle. You climb over him and open the cap—looking up at his face. He smiles. Alright, then. You tip the bottle upside down at your clavicles, letting the oil pour down over your tits. It’s cold. When the oil hits your nipple, a shiver runs down your spine. Minho’s hand comes up to grip your thigh. 
“More,” he says, voice breathy. You definitely don’t need more but you humour him, pouring oil until it drips down onto his stomach. 
“Enough?” you ask, finally.
“Mm, good.” 
You drop the bottle onto the bed next to you and use both hands to massage the oil into your tits a little. His hand on your thigh squeezes a little tighter as you work.
“I’m a fucking genius,” he mutters, eyes fixed on your tits. You huff out a laugh, hands dropping to rest on his chest. 
“Should I oil your tits now?” 
“If you like,” he says, as if he hadn’t guided the situation exactly where he wanted it. You lower yourself down onto him, chest to chest. “Compliment,” he breathes into your mouth. You slide back and forth a little against him, the slick oil making it easy. 
“Needy,” you tease before pressing a soft kiss to his lips. “Hm…let me think.”
“You need to think about it?” 
“You just have too many good qualities. It’s overwhelming.” 
“Ah, I see.” 
“You make me feel safe…and warm. I get this feeling in my chest when I’m with you, like everything is really okay.”
His arms wrap around you, pulling you down onto his chest fully. “Another.” 
“Your eyes are the prettiest.” 
“Mm, another.” 
“You make me laugh more than anyone else.” 
“These are really unlimited?” 
“Sure, but the more time I spend complimenting you the less time I have to rub oil on you with my tits.” 
“You can't compliment me WHILE you rub oil on me with your tits? It’s my birthday.” 
“Is it? You hadn’t mentioned,” you tease, grinning down at him before continuing to spread oil over him with your body. He closes his eyes, biting his bottom lip between his teeth as you work. His hair flops over his forehead, still messy from sleep. One of his hands grips your thigh, the other above his head—resting against the pillow, palm facing up. You reach up to intertwine your fingers with his, his hand warm in yours. 
“Kiss,” he mutters, lips a little swollen from where he’d bitten them. You take his hand from your thigh, pressing it above his head to join the other. You hold him there, each hand in his as you taste him. He’s a little sweet from the maple syrup. You can’t help moaning into his mouth, a little overwhelmed from all the different sensations. The warmth of him under you, the slippery oil coating your torso, the slide of your sensitive nipples against his skin, his sweet lips attached to yours, his warm hands in yours.
He detaches his lips from yours to speak. “Is there—” He kisses you again, interrupting himself. “Is there a coupon for letting me oil you?” 
“No, I don’t think letting you give me an oil massage is much of a gift.” 
“Well, I do,” he says before wrapping his arms around you, flipping you under him. You felt like you’d been holding his hands to the bed pretty firmly. Apparently not. He’d pulled himself free without even a hint of struggle. His dark hair hangs down over his eyes. You reach up to play with it just before he sits back and grasps each of your tits.
“So slippery, hm?” he whispers, eyes fixed on where his hands grope you—kneading each breast thoroughly. He’d always had a fascination with your breasts, groping them whenever he had the chance. You’d often hear the bathroom door open mid shower, your boyfriend joining you. He’d lather up his hands with body wash, insisting on massaging each breast—completely fixated on them until you eventually guided his hands elsewhere. 
You wrap your hands around his wrists now, prompting him to look up at your face. “I’m slippery elsewhere, too,” you say, guiding his hands down your stomach slowly. He pulls away so he can move down the bed and push your legs apart—settling himself between them. 
“Here, baby?” he asks, one finger gently brushing against your wet cunt. You suck in a breath, already sensitive from grinding against him. His finger brushes up and down through your folds gently, like he’s never touched you before. You close your eyes, basking in the feeling of his soft caress. You're so blissed out you nearly jump out of your skin at the cold oil he pours over your cunt. Apparently you’d been so out of it you hadn’t noticed him reaching for the bottle. 
“Co-Cold,” you stammer out, back arching off the bed slightly. 
“Yeah? Poor baby,” he teases, mimicking your words from earlier as his fingers find you again—much more confident this time. He spreads the oil over your mound, then his fingers move down through your folds, massaging the oil over your cunt thoroughly. “So pretty,” he mutters, just loud enough for you to make out. 
You struggle to stay still, squirming as he plays with you. It isn’t until he presses his long fingers inside you, the other hand working circles on your clit, that you let go—back arching off the bed as you whine his name. He works you through your high, wet sounds filling the room as he fucks you with his fingers. 
He climbs over you as you attempt to catch your breath, panting into his mouth as he kisses you. So sweet. 
“Do I need a coupon to fuck you?” he whispers against your lips. 
“No,” you breathe out, “you can do that just because I love you.”
The tip of his cock kisses your sensitive cunt as he mutters against your mouth. “I want to hear compliments as I fill you.” You nod, struggling to offer him a verbal response. “Use your words,” he prompts. 
“Yes…compliments…move, please.” 
He presses forward, his tip spreading you open. Your mind blanks, as it always does when he enters you. As he knows it will. Your mouth falls open, brows pulling together. “Compliment,” he says, not pressing in any further. 
You take a deep breath, looking up into his eyes. “So—So big, always so hard for me,” you manage to breathe out. He offers you a small smile before pushing into you a little more, the oil helping him spread you open. He drops his head into your shoulder. 
“Another,” he says, lips moving against your skin. 
“Stretch me open so well, feel so full of you every time. Wish you were inside me always, just like this,” you say, threading your fingers into his hair. You hold him against you as he begins moving, pressing his body into yours. He quiet as he fucks into you slow and deep, much slower than your used to. He usually liked it fast and hard, holding your hips up off the bed so he could use your cunt like a toy. He’d fuck you like that most nights, biceps flexing as he held you up. It wasn’t until he’d filled you that he’d melt, everything about him softened as he helped you reach your high—either with his fingers or his mouth.
“Tell me your mine,” he mumbles into your neck now. Slow, deep strokes of his cock splitting you open. 
“Of course I’m yours,” you answer, fingers stroking the back of his neck gently. “Just like your mine, right?” 
“Mm,” he confirms before his lips attach to your skin properly, sucking a mark into your neck. You savour the feeling of him filling you as he works on marking your neck, the movement of his hips speeding up a little. When he finally detaches from your neck, you expect him to sit back—to start fucking you like he usually did. Instead he moves his head to the other side of your neck so he can begin marking you again. By the time he’s finished this one his hips are moving erratically, signalling his end. He hovers over you, breath mingling with yours as he pants. 
You keep your eyes locked on his as he comes, loving the expression he makes as he fills you. You reach up to grab the back of his neck, pulling his mouth to yours as his hips stutter against you, a final moan slipping from his lips.
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After returning from the bathroom you find Minho quietly flipping through the coupon book, inspecting each page properly. You settle yourself against him, head resting against his chest. “What does this one mean?” he asks. 
“Read it to me.” 
“Make a wish.” 
“That’s a free for all. You can ask for anything.” 
You chuckle, hand lightly patting his stomach. “Nothing that’ll get either of us arrested…or killed.” Or cost more than I can afford, you add silently. 
He says nothing. You imagine his brain running through every possible thing he could ask of you. You imagine him asking to adopt another cat or make you come to the gym with him everyday. Every now and then you’d tag along and watch his workout. He said it was motivating. You close your eyes, nuzzling against him a little. Then the sound of paper tearing breaks the comfortable silence and he tucks the ticket into your hand. 
“I want to use it now,” he announces. 
“You sure? You only get one.” 
“One a year.”
“You want the same gift again next year?” 
“It’s a good gift.” 
You don’t hold back your smile, your face hidden from him. You believe him. He actually likes it. “Alright, what’s your wish this year then?”
He’s quiet again. His hand rests on top of yours, the ticket tucked safely under both your hands. Finally, he speaks again. “Marry me.” 
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please reblog and share your thoughts. caption, tags, replies, or ask box, i read it all. feedback is what motivates me to write more!
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devildomsoup · 1 year
Silly little headcanons #1
Definitely has a favourite pen and everyone dreads the day he will have to change it.
He once shrunk Cerberus and carried him around in a handbag because he had to go to the vet.
Joint pains (no, I will not elaborate)
Has a picture in his wallet of his brothers and MC. Luke is also there for some reason.
Will turn off the lights and walk out of his room. Walks back a few moments later to check if he remembered to turn the lights off.
Boops his younger brothers on the nose when he says goodnight.
Considered dying his hair piss yellow at some point.
He swears that Luke is just an annoying little chihuahua that he doesn't care about. But the pictures of him accompanying Luke to the cinema suggest otherwise.
He forgets to throw out socks with holes in them. So sometimes he will just walk around with socks that are barely holding on.
Has a controller that only MC is allowed to use. He will not even use it himself.
Can touch his nose with his tongue
Accidentally called his brothers "Ruri" on multiple occasions.
Has an album on his phone with pictures of him and Lucifer. Will deny it if you ask him.
Once cursed the entirety of Lucifer's record collection. The curse in question made it so the only song on any of the records was Baby Shark.
When he wants MC's attention he will go "pspspsps."
Satan has put on his blue jacket normally a grand total of 6 times.
Will wear heels with just about anything. Yes, that includes sweatpants.
A lesser demon once found out about MC's deepest insecurity and started using it to insult them. Asmodeus found out and sent the demon flying through a wall.
He either sneezes like a cat or like an old man. There is no in-between.
He reminds everyone in HoL to drink water and will make sure they do so one way or another.
Not allowed to be alone in RAD's art supply room. He will eat the paint if left unattended.
He only had 4 shirts until Asmodeus forced him to get more.
Takes Luke with him around RAD when Simeon can't. Also scared of any demon that looks at Luke the wrong way.
He has carried every single one of his brothers to bed more than once. Lucifer is no exception.
Follows the cat rule. If it fits I sits.
Don't tell anyone but his favourite blanket is the jackets of his older brothers.
Will sometimes force people to take a nap with him. Does someone look tired boom it's nap time.
Pops his back really loudly whenever he wakes up
Will show anyone and I mean anyone pictures of Luke like a proud father.
Got scammed once and now he's afraid of opening links.
He once accompanied Beel to a workout and ended up destroying a punching bag.
Do not under any circumstances let him be alone in the candle section of a store. Purgatory Hall already has a closet full of them.
Tried to kill a fly with one of his spears.
When asked if he wanted anything special for his birthday he requested a cake made by Solomon.
Enjoys watching butterflies flutter around. He will stand absolutely still if one lands on him and stay like that until the butterfly leaves again.
Wins every staring contest.
Has gotten lost in stores, parks and RAD so many times that he now has a bracelet with the contact info of Simeon and Barbatos. Even though he has his own D.D.D.
Mimics Simeon and Raphael to appear like a mature angel.
He will never admit it but he makes drawings for the brothers.
Luke and MC have a secret handshake.
Immune to the pain of stepping on a lego.
Once accidentally turned himself into a rat and nearly got murdered by Barbatos.
Enjoys watching romcoms with MC.
Can and will randomly appear in MC's room tell them a horrible joke and then vanish into thin air.
She has the most random things in her pocket. Watch her pull out a porcelain frog from one of her pockets.
She had a buzz cut at some point.
Will drag you out of bed in the middle of the night so you can test her new inventions.
Loves playing with people's hair. It doesn't matter what texture or length it is. Just let her play with it.
Has a rubber duck collection.
Was introduced to vocaloid and now he won't stop singing World is Mine.
Gives the best hugs. 10/10 would hug again.
Buys Barbatos flowers every week to show his appreciation.
Knows how to tap dance.
Let's MC call him Barbie.
He receives small trinkets from the Little Ds.
Will cradle MC like a little baby when he is stressed or just missed them.
He enjoys soup.
He says he hates hugs. But in reality, he might even shed a few tears if you hug him.
A master of building card houses.
Once took care of a bat until it was healthy enough to live on its own.
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triassictriserratops · 2 months
I know we all love talking about jealous Katniss but I want to talk about jealous Peeta because reading the books now as an adult makes me realize how obvious he was about being jealous, he’s just not possessive or a jerk. Because it’s hilarious to me that he just keeps bringing stuff up that he’s jealous about but trying to be subtle. “I thought he was your cousin””she’s just mad because of her boyfriend” “is that really the only time you’ve kissed Gale”. Good grief, he brings up Gale more than Katniss ever does. But it also matches his character that uses words for everything. He just keeps bringing up stuff while Katniss is like WTF. Post marriage he doesn’t really get jealous but once in a while I’m sure there may be a minor thing here or there that makes him jealous and he brings it up during dinner to Katniss who is just focused on the food
Jealous Peeta absolutely FED me, It was NOT SUBTLE.
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and we know there were a LOT more moments of jealousy than he let on. he makes a point of telling Caesar that he knew other boys liked her - so i imagine there was a bit of locker room talk and a LOT of Peeta biting his tongue and taking his frustration out on the mat instead.
(Once, he got a record-breaking - and SLIGHTLY arm-fracturing - win when one of the guys on the team talked, in detail, about what he wanted to offer Katniss as a trade the next time she came by his parents' shop.)
I fully imagine that Peeta was aware of, and HAAAAATED the fact that the two went out to the woods together. He NEEDED to believe they were cousins. Like, for his sanity. because he can't IMAGINE that Gale would actually fumble the bag by being alone with Katniss every single morning for 4 years and NOT making a move.
And Peeta was trying to undermine Gale, too. "I hear the girls talk about him a lot - baby girl, that man is a whore, i wouldn't do you like that."
no and then the HIJACKED jealousy???? UNFUCKING REAL. Every single barrier that boy put up for himself was GONE. ERADICATED. He was SEETHING with a jealousy he couldn't even really understand and just sitting at that table like:
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So of COURSE he has to turn it around and try to make HER jealous. Make her realize how unimportant she is. He could have anyone. He could even take Annie.
"Fuck Everthorne and their star-crossed bullshit." (because he TOTALLY viewed them as star-crossed. Nobody believes in the existence of Everthorne more than Peeta Mellark)
"And fuck Katniss too, and NOT sexually (unless?...) No, FUCK HER (biblically???) NO."
Honestly, I personally don't see him getting jealous at all after "so after". Once she gives him the security and peace of saying the words - he'll never doubt her. Not once. And Katniss loves in an all or nothing way. And with Peeta, it's ALL.
If anything? It's Katniss. Post-marriage Katniss has a bow with the words "for trifling hoes that wish they could" etched into it. It's specifically her "that's my WIFE" bow and she's just ITCHING to use it.
That being said, while he may not be jealous Peeta is VERY competitive whenever Gale is visiting the district. For, like, the stupidest shit. Gale comes to town carrying a buck so he'll just go and move bags of flour, one in each arm, like it's nothing. (He's actually sweating HARD but he refuses to admit it)
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icyminghao · 1 year
bf!wonwoo thoughts
pairing: wonwoo x gn!reader genre: fluff word count: 0.47k warning(s): none
requested by @pepperonidk: bestie i need you to continue your revenge bedtime procrastination bf!seventeen thoughts and focus them onto dk josh or wonu 🙏🏼 i am on my knees 🧎🏻‍♀️
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thinking about bf!wonwoo who’s so soft for you, he’s literally the definition of partner privilege. he’d quite literally say yes to anything you ask of him because he’s just that whipped for you. you want to put stickers on his hair? go ahead, baby, his hair is yours. you want to do a duet with him at a karaoke session with the guys? he’s belting to the most heartbreaking songs with you immediately.
bf!wonwoo who would give you book recommendations so very often. he’d leave books around the house for you to read and leave cute little notes inside them for you to find, most of them being stuff like “this reminded me of you.” or “let’s go there one day.” that makes you swoon every single time you find them.
bf!wonwoo who would be so excited if you wanted to play video games with him. it doesn’t matter if you’re absolutely horrible at the game, he’d be your number one defender against toxic teammates and would totally carry you to victory every time. reserves the good loot for you to take first too (he’s so whipped)
bf!wonwoo who is so endeared by anything and everything you do. always has a lovesick smile plastered on his face whenever he looks at you. you could be embarassing yourself in front of everyone in the room and he’d still think you were the cutest person in the world. the members definitely notice, but they choose not to call him out for it (you make him brighter, after all)
bf!wonwoo who’s the most attentive listener even if he doesn’t seem like it sometimes. you tend to talk his ear off about anything that happens throughout your day, but what you didn’t expect was for him to actually be paying attention and remembering the little things you’d mentioned to him in passing. you talked about seeing escape rooms on tiktok and finding it cool? he’s immediately searching up the best escape rooms to try and taking you there as soon as he can, much to your surprise.
bf!wonwoo who has trouble opening up to people, but tries his best when it’s you. he’d talk about how much he loves you while you’re in his arms at night when he thinks you’re asleep. he doesn’t know you’re listening, and you don’t plan on telling him in case he stops. you make sure to do it back to him, though, and you definitely don’t miss the softest of smiles forming on his “sleeping” face every time you do it.
bf!wonwoo who thanks his lucky stars for being able to meet you and have the opportunity to love you every time. he’s so grateful to you for being there for him and for motivating him to be a better version of himself with each day that passes.
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a/n: bye i am so incredibly soft for these it’s feeding into my delusions so much 😵‍💫😵‍💫
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impishjesters · 8 months
I’m devouring the nonsexual intimacy with Jax dawg- oml we eatin good
How would Jax be with an s/o who enjoys leaning on him? I adore physical touch but sometimes if I can’t use my arms it feels like I’m trapped, so it’s nice to just glomp people lmao (s/o is ticklish too- Jax would have a field day with that one)
If you need a little more substance, maybe s/o like randomly serenading Jax in private! Like those old 80s jazz love songs (complete with slow dancing)
Thank you and have a wonderful day/night!
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Leaning on one another
warning(s): none unless you count jazz note(s): I joke about it but I actually quite like jazz, maybe not all jazz but it's definitely not the worst type of music. I'm looking at you country music.... A/N: I included a bonus because I thought the idea of cornering this man in his room with jazz music was absolutely hilarious lol
Jax doesn’t have a physical battery per say, but there is definitely a limit to how much he can tolerate at a given time—whether it’s in public or private.
He doesn’t like sitting still for long periods of time and there’s a limit to how vulnerable he’s willing to be at any given time if at all.
So having a s/o that understands this and goes for physical touch like leaning on him or something that’s not inherently seen as romantic and mushy is a win in his book.
Don’t get me wrong, he loves you but it’s a lot and he’s not really used to it. He’s still trying to wrap his head around the fact you two are dating, that you like him.
He’s all for being leaned on or having you loosely hang off him in public, sometimes regardless of what side of him you’re leaning on, he might lean back.
Little shit might only catch himself though if you can’t hold him/he catches you off guard and/or lose your footing, he’ll make the attempt to stick an arm out and catch you—but whether you crash or not depends on your own reflexes. (he doesn’t make the rules, sorry babe)
If you wanna be held but not feel restricted, as long as he’s not doing anything he’ll let you stand in front of him, lean back, and drape his arms over you—totally not to just lean on you and be an absolute menace.
In fact, that’s probably how he found out you were ticklish—and that knowledge is far too much power in his hands.
Sure he can do it whenever he wants, but he tends to save it for other unsuspecting situations—like if the two of you get into a little spat and you’re not speaking to him—two can play that game.
He won’t completely restrict your arms but he’ll throw his arms around you and tickle you, it doesn’t always work to ease whatever the spat was about.
That said Jax doesn’t do it when the situation is serious and calls for an actual discussion, he knows at least that much when it comes to reading the room. (That and you’ve probably gotten onto him about it at least once before…)
He also may or may not have tickled you to get you up, you don’t need to sleep but you can still lie down and whatnot. And if you aren’t budging? Tickle time baby.
Jax isn’t a dancer by any means, so when he opens the door to his room to find you standing there with music that’s—very much not the repetitive cartoony music that usually plays in this hellscape—he’s a little surprised.
The first question out of his mouth is:
“Is that fucking jazz?”
“No, just normal jazz.”
That response gets a good hearty chuckle out of him.
When you try pulling him in for a dance he’s a little nervous though it comes off as looking irritated, he’s uh, never danced to jazz of all things let alone with someone else.
You’re gonna have to take the reigns on this one, regardless of whether you can dance or not, you started this.
Despite the fact it is jazz playing, he enjoys the situation as a whole, your weight leaning on him the subtle holding one another. And the fact it’s in private? He can comfortably(ish) let himself feel a little vulnerable around you with no risk of having an audience.
Regardless of the fact it’s jazz, if you happen to sing along he considers himself impressed and will jokingly (read: obnoxiously) comment how he feels utterly serenaded, completely wooed, absolutely swooning—it goes on until you stop him, please stop him he’ll just keep going.
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emmyrosee · 11 days
Only write this if u want to and with whoever u want.
But y/n has been depresso expresso these past few weeks she can’t get out of bed, she’s not been answering calls or texts and whenever she does she’s declining requests to hang out or come over….and her boyfriend had been missing her. So he just shows up spontaneously and rings the doorbell and she opens the door and she stares at him and then BURSTS into tears. BC GUESS WHAT ur grieving ur broke ur periods here u have assignments due next week that u haven’t even started and ur just so overwhelmed…. But Ofc u didn’t want ur boyfriend to see u like this u look messy right now. BUTTT Ofc ur boyfriend couldn’t care less and takes care of u anyway and brings u outside for fresh air and takes u for some ice cream at the 24 hr convince store nearby even though he doesn’t even like Ice cream that much but u have been craving something sweet and cold so why wouldn’t he 🥹
The gentle knocking against your door has your brow raising and your show pausing. You’re not used to having guests at this hour, much less guests at all, and you wrap yourself in a blanket to get up and greet the person at the door.
You check the peephole. Osamu stands outside, playing on his phone.
Your heart sinks at the idea of him seeing you like this, seeing you so drained and so tired, but you can’t ignore him or send him away, either. You shrug the blanket higher on your shoulders and you open the door, trying to ignore the way his face lights up as you open it. “Hey,” you murmur.
“Hey,” he whispers, hands digging around the plastic bag in his hand, pulling out a bag of gummy bears. “I brought gummy bears.”
You don’t know why- Honest!- but your eyes water and your lip wobbles and you absolutely throw yourself into his chest, his arms expertly catching you and cradling you while you absolutely wail. You fist his shirt as your sobs wrack your soul. He doesn’t say anything, merely pressing kisses to your head and rocking you both gently. “I’m sorry,” you heave.
He shushes you softly, “don’t worry about it. It’s okay.”
“I missed you so much,” you sob, and he hums in agreement. “Osamu, I’m so tired, I can’t bring myself to do anything, what’s wrong?”
“You’re in your head,” he says quietly, pulling back to wipe a tear that falls from your eye. “And that’s okay. You’ve been working so hard, it’s totally normal to be a bit burnt out, baby. You’ve got a lot going on.” He smiles softly at you, “but this is your sign to be pampered for a little bit, okay? You trust me?”
You sniffle a few more times before nodding, curling back into his chest to feel the tightness of his embrace circle you once again. He says nothing, he does nothing, merely letting you cry it out in his arms, with the occasional kiss to the crown of your head. Once you’ve tuckered yourself out, you pull back to look at him once again, only to laugh at the imprint of your crying face on his shirt. “Sorry,” you manage between sniffly laughter.
“It’s fine,” he snorts. “It’ll dry. Now-“ he nudges his head towards the door, “go lock up, and we can run to 7/11 for some ice cream.”
The mere idea makes your heart sing, but you pout up at him, “you don’t like ice cream though?”
“I’ll get chips. I know you’re going to steal some anyways, so I don’t mind,” he chuckles. For the first time in weeks, you feel yourself perk up, the idea of something sweet and cold tingling your tastebuds in ways you haven’t felt since losing your appetite. You move quicker than you have in days, turning off the tv and locking your door, only for osamu to catch you and wrap you in his big arms. You giggle as he catches under your knees and spins you into a bridal carry, and you wrap your arms around him instinctively.
He places you gingerly in the passenger seat, careful of your head and legs before closing the door and making his way to the drivers side. You smirk and lean over to honk the horn to scare him, cackling as he leaps a foot in the air, his face curling into one of mischief as he shakes his head. He gets in the car, “I’m getting you back for that.”
“Try me,” you tease.
The ride to 7/11 is just as fun, with his hand on your thigh and the windows down while music plays through the speakers. The sun is setting, casting a hue of pink over the horizon and objects on it, and it’s almost amusing how the 7/11 looks ethereal carved in pink.
Four bags of chips, a bag of m’n’m’s and three ice creams later, you check out of the store and make your way back to the car, each of you indulging in your ice creams before they melt into goo.
You sigh and look up at him, “are we going home?”
“Do you want to?”
He looks over at you warmly, laying his tongue flat to slurp up a lap of ice cream. You snicker and shrug, “not… not really. I mean… I haven’t been outside in weeks, and it feels so good.”
“Then we don’t go home,” he says simply, taking a bite of his cone. “I think the moon is full tonight, so we can go watch the sunset finish, look for the moon?”
You beam up at him, “I’d love that.”
He nods, “I thought you might.”
It takes only 5 minutes to find a park suitable to situate at, your fingers now dug into a bag of Doritos as he parks the car and nudges his head, “come on. We can set up in the trunk.”
“Yeah,” he encourages, and you merely shrug and follow his example of getting out of the car. He pops the trunk and plops himself down, patting the seat next to him. “I don’t have a blanket we can lay down on, so this will have to do.”
“Why don’t you lay on the dirt and I’ll lay on you?” You ask, and he rolls his eyes while you laugh. “I thought you were chivalrous, Osamu.”
“I’m not getting a tick because you’re too fancy to sit in a trunk,” he teases, and you shake your head playfully before sitting in the trunk next to him. You rest your head on his shoulders, and he reaches in the bag for a dorito, his head laying down to rest on yours.
And it’s quiet. Comfortably quiet, with a warm hand resting on your knee with his thumb rolling over the bone lovingly, a bag of crumpled Doritos tossed somewhere behind you. The sun has set half an hour ago, but you’re both too entranced by the bright moon hanging low in the sky to move. Bugs come to life as they chirp, and streetlights pop on around the park.
It’s bliss.
It’s amazing how much the fresh air has brought you back, how much Osamu brought you back, and you don’t know what you’d do without him.
“Yeah baby?”
“I love you.”
He kisses your head, “I love you too, baby.” Then he sighs, and you feel the arm wrapped lowly around you trail up your side, and your lip twitches. “Now, about the whole honking at me thing-“
“No!” You squeal as five fingers dig into your side, holding you close as you squirm at the tickling, your laughter ringing in the air of night that envelops you both like a hug.
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fairyhaos · 10 months
how seventeen act with their s/o who has lots of natural aegyo
requested by anon: Could I request svt with an innocent or really cute s/o or something like that? Feel free to decline though!
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tries to pretend that he's Totally Chill with how naturally adorable you are, is anything but. doesn't like when you're directing your big doe eyes at anyone else, however, and always has an arm snaking around your waist and pulling you against him while frowning at the person you were talking to bc how dare they have your cuteness directed at them??? your cute pout and unintentional aegyo are saved for His eyes and his alone
the Weakest for you omg. all you need to do is look at him with big, sad eyes and he’s falling to your feet ready to do your every command. what do you want, baby? just tell it to jeonghan and he'll move mountains for you. seungcheol laughs at him for being weak, but what can he say? you don't even realise how unintentionally cute you are all the time, so it's not exactly like he can tell you to stop. he loves you too much to not do everything you want, and your adorable nature that makes it impossible for him to refuse you is just a bonus. 
raises a finger and says that no it is Not right to use your cuteness as a weapon against him bc what do you think he's gonna do? give in instantly?... you're absolutely right tell him exactly what you'll want and he'll give it to you right this second. finds himself laughing when you're being naturally adorable, pinching your cheeks and telling you that your expression was just so cute before he immediately mimicks what you were doing, all gooey doe-eyed and it makes you laugh and hit him until his face melts back into that familiar adoring expression
doesn’t know what to do with himself. you’re just so adorable oh my god he cannot deal with your level of cuteness??? hands fluttering everywhere and giggling whenever you come up to him, all shy and wanting to ask something to him. it probably takes him a good few seconds to stop squishing your cheeks and petting your head to finally register what you’re saying, but damn he’s just so so utterly whipped for you when you’re all unintentionally cute and he’s doing anything you want in the blink of an eye. but really. if he’s being truly honest, he’d probably do it anyway.
loud. enamoured. fake sobs and wails and squishes your cheeks so hard that you can't finish the rest of your sentence. he Will sometimes look over at you and cry out about how cute you are just randomly while you're sitting there doing absolutely nothing. expect endless praise and compliments from this man. probably calls you a bunch of sickly sweet nicknames like "flower" and "sugar" because you're just that adorable and sweet to him
he's not ashamed to admit that sometimes just looking over at you has him losing his train of thought. what can he say? anyone would feel their words trail away from them if they looked up from the table to see you watching them intently, eyes attentive and sparkling with utterly adorable adoration. he's stopped talking countless times, smiling and leaning over to kiss your cheek while you laugh and ask him why he's suddenly paused the conversation. 
he tries to pretend he’s not affected by it, but he’s really affected by it. like, really really. it doesn't help that you're totally unaware of your natural cuteness. sometimes he'll just sit there blinking at you for a long moment before having to duck his head to hide his pink cheeks because goodness, you really are such a cute person and he loves you so much. pretends to grump and push you away when you pester him while pouting, but he's trying to hide his own small smile at your behaviour
blinks at you as you stare at him, wide-eyed and adorable before having to huff out an endeared breath of laughter and pinch your cheeks and asking you if you could repeat what you were saying? it makes it even more adorable how this is just How You Are, unintentionally and naturally cute, and he'll never tell you how sweet he thinks it is but everyone can tell how enamoured he is with your natural aegyo
if it was possible to combust from how adorable someone is, then mingyu would probably have died several times by now. he Cannot handle it at all, and does Not pretend that he can in the slightest. smooths back your hair, cooing and calling you his adorable little angel and will genuinely squeak with adoration when you giggle, shy from his compliments. treats you like you're the most precious, most delicate, most cherished person in the entire universe. 
unintentionally engages in countless aegyo competitions with you, bc your natural cuteness sets him off and leads him to being all cutesy back to you, which in turn accidentally encourages you to be even more adorable than before. seungkwan's walked in on the two of you talking in pout to each other more times that he's liked to witness. you two together are cuteness overload, and there's a betting pool going on for when the honeymoon phase of your relationship will end. (jeonghan says never, and currently it looks like he's the one that'll win the bet) 
squeaks and coos and dotes on you like you're a cute little puppy (bc honestly that's exactly what you are in his eyes) and will do absolutely anything you asked. you might have to repeat your requests to him several times though, because he keeps getting distracted by the stars in your eyes. gets fake-mad at how adorable you are and tells that this Shouldn't Be Possible until you're giggling and smiling over his fond tirade over how much he loves you
spends an unhealthy amount of time just Staring at you throughout his day as you do normal, daily things. literally has hearts emanating from his gaze because he literally is just that enamoured by you. does everything you ask and everything you don't ask, too, because honestly, given the amount of hours he spends watching you with adoring eyes, it would be decidedly Not normal if he didn't learn how to read your body language and immediately and instantly anything you ever need ever
stood there starstruck the first time he had your unintentional aegyo directed at him before snapping out of it and making it his Mission to get you to understand just how goddamn powerful your pout and cuteness was and trying to help you utilise it to help get you (and him) out of sticky situations with the other members. kinda keeps forgetting to actually teach you tho. bc he keeps getting sidetracked by how utterly adorable and pretty your eyes are. 
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reactions tags: @jeonginssa @hanranghae17 @magicaltonaru @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @turningcarat @zarara @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @iheartyujin @summery-bat @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @ejspencer14 @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @saythename-chess @yonabutnotyuna @youthoughtiwasfeelingyou @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @sunshinekyeom-sang @ocyeanicc @zozojella @thesmellofcoffeeandrain @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @nananacomeonnnn @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @hansolaria @gam3bo1z @marisblogg @evasaysstuff @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride @kellesvt @butiluvu
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hopeluna-archived · 8 months
totally not like a personal experience or anything but is it ok if i request the obey me bros + dateables (whether or not you wanna add luke is up to you bc this is a sfw request so the little chihuahua baby can be in it) with an mc who always had to fight just to have someone just pay attention to them? i mean like having to repeat their words, call out the name of the person theyre talking to, constantly ask if theyre still paying attention to what theyre saying, etc. (bonus points if they also feel like no one even really likes what they do have to say once they get someones attention)
!! MC who always had to fight just to have someone pay attention to them | obey me
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A/N: totally not writing this out of personal experience or anything hahahaha
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Diavolo
CW: hurt/comfort, mostly comfort tho, mentions of neglect and feelings of not being "enough", lemme know if there is anything else!
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Lucifer is quite perceptive and notices this. He has never had an issue with this himself because when he talks, he commands the room, willing everybody to listen. And he'll do the same with you, even if you might not notice it. Any person daring to speak over you gets shut down pretty quickly by Lucifer's stare.
Mammon understands this. He's had to deal with fighting for making his voice heard pretty much all the time. When he notices you do the same, he's hurt. How can someone not listen to your words?? No matter what he's doing, he always makes sure to give his full attention to you when you're talking and how can he not? Your voice sounds too heavenly to ignore <3
Levi doesn't catch on to this at first till someone, probably Satan, points it out one day. He feels pathetic that you feel this way because he, himself has felt this way too many times to count. He always got upset about how people would tune out his ramblings. He feels worse when he realizes you have never done it yet you face that too with other people.
Satan's pissed. More than usual. How dare people ignore you when he looks at you like you hung the stars everytime you're talking? Satan notices this very early on and is already thinking of ways to torture every single person who decided to makes you feel any less. He will literally stare into their soul when you are talking as a way of warning them.
Diavolo's heart breaks whenever he sees the crestfallen look on your face at someone ignoring you. He might be a goof but he still notices these little things and is quite upset and confused at how someone could ever not hang on to every words you utter. He thought it was absolutely normal to look at you in adoration every time you talk?
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© hopeluna. Do not copy, translate, modify or repost any of my work in this or any other site. Do not steal or modify my ideas/concepts either.
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moonlightwonie · 9 months
Can I please request something with bang chan?
You've been trapped by his presence and he won't let you go and you're losing the spark in your eyes and chan doesn't know what to do.
So he tries to fuck his love unto you.
'Tell me how to make you happy?', 'tell me what I need to do for you to love me'
bf!bangchan x gn reader || word count: 1.3k
angst, crying, dirty talk, spit, choking, kind of toxic tbh (oops) i wrote a lot, so prepare yourself 🫣
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☆゜・。。・゜゜・。。・゜★ 🔮 ☆゜・。。・゜゜・。。・゜★
you and chan had been dating for a little over a year now, from the moment you two started dating, you had always spent so much time together. whenever you weren’t together it was only because of work or day to day activities, where you absolutely couldn’t be together. he’d always showed you and told you how much he loved you from the beginning, which was a little overwhelming to you at first, but you were still attracted to him and loved being around him. you could tell that he was a special guy, you just needed some time to get comfortable and let yourself fall for him.
as time went on, you just felt the spark kind of dying out, atleast on your end. you loved chan, but whenever it came down to anything intimate, you just weren’t feeling any… electricity; and that really bugged you, because how could you not be sexually attracted to him?? he’s handsome, has a big heart, a wicked sense of humor, and he treated you like a queen. he was a total sweetheart, you were his whole world. his top most priority was making you feel happy and loved. you couldn’t keep going on like this, how could you lead him on any further? you didn’t want to hurt him, you did love him after all, you just weren’t feeling that spark anymore.
once he got home from practice, you were immediately greeted with a big, bright smile and open arms, “heyy, baby!! c’mere, i missed you” he said as you walked over to him and gave him a small hug, which was nothing compared to the giant bear hug he gave you. “chris, we have to talk… it’s important” you muttered as you nervous bit on your lip, averting your gaze to the floor as you tried to calm your nerves.
the cheeriness and joy in his eyes quickly turned to worry and concern, taking your hands in his as he looked at you with a small frown. “w-what is it, y/n? is something wrong?” he’d ask you, making you shake your head and walk him over to the couch. “i don’t know how to say this… but… uh, well…” you’d start saying before looking up into his eyes, seeing the anxiety plastered on his face.
“it’s okay, it’s okay… just.. just say it, love” he muttered softly as he fought some tears in his eyes. because deep down he had a feeling of where this conversation was going. he could feel the difference in how you looked at him, the hesitation whenever he’d go to hold your hand, whenever he kissed you or when you two had sex, everything just felt off.
you sighed softly at his words and shook your head, “i.. chris, you’re such a good guy.. and you have always treated me so so well” you started to say, “but i just… i don’t think i have feelings for you anymore… i love you, just… just not like-“ you were cut off by your boyfriend, “just not what? like a boyfriend?? is that it?” he covered his mouth, tears boiling in his eyes as he tried to form proper sentences through the hurt, “how long have you felt this way? is it something i said or did? is something i didn’t do???”.
“no no no, baby, it’s nothing that you did.. it’s just-“ you went to wipe his tears, but he shook his head and gently pushed your hands away. “is it because of my schedule? i’ll drop everything if it means making you stay.. i’ll do anything for you to stay, absolutely anything for you to love me!! just tell me, y/n, what do i have to do for you to love me??” he asked as he fell to his knees infront of you. “do i not please you good enough? b-because i can do better, yeah.. i can be better for you and make you feel good, is that what you want, baby??” he asked eagerly as he bit his lip whilst looking into your eyes, tears filled in his own as he gently caressed your knees, “please?”.
fuck. you had no words. god, you hated yourself for this. you had this precious man literally crying on his knees, begging for you to love him. why couldn’t you just be normal and fall for him? fuck. you hated it whenever chan would cry, especially knowing it was because of you. “chris, it’s not that easy.. it’s not like that” you’d tell him as you wiped away his tears, “well can’t i atleast try? do you know how much this kills me? i just want you to love me” he sniffled whilst tilting his head, “please, please let me show you how much i love you? maybe i can make you love me, one way or another, i don’t care”.
you sighed heavily before nodding and caving into his words, sniffling at your own tears as you looked down into his eyes. “o-okay, channie… just please don’t cry” you said before you were interrupted by a sudden kiss to your lips. he cupped your face and pulled you in closer, kissing you deeply as he began untying his sweatpants. you had to admit, you didn’t mind having sex with him, you just didn’t feel the emotional elements of it with him… or maybe just not as deeply as him.
one thing lead to another, the two of you had been lying on the same couch you’d both been crying on, feeling him split you open with his cock and hold your hips in place. you couldn’t help but moan and mutter his name, he’d been making you feel so good, after all. “y-ya like that, baby? does.. hmm, does that feel good?” he’d asked you as he leaned down to kiss and suck on your neck, “do you see how much i love you? how much i’m willing to prove my love for you?” he muttered against your salty skin. you didn’t know what to say, you had already been feeling all fucked out AND he was making you feel good, but you still felt so guilty, because you knew this wouldn’t change anything, and yet here you were letting him use your body like this.
“tell me you love me, baby.. p-please? please just tell me once?” he begged as he looked deep into your eyes, making you sigh and throw your head back, “i… i.. i can’t” you said through your moans, feeling a pit in your stomach as you cursed yourself. “w-what?” he asked with wide eyes, slowing down his movements as he looked into your eyes. “just tell me what i have to do to make you happy… tell me what the fuck i need to do in order to make you love me, y/n?” he said as he unintentionally tightened his grip on your hips, feeling frustrated.
as strange as it may sound, you rarely ever heard him swear, so it you found it a little hot when you heard him say ‘fuck’ and hold your hips so mean. you felt a little tickle in your stomach as you bit your lip. you were so used to your boyfriend being so gentle with you and being afraid to hurt you, but right now all you wanted was him to take out his hurt and stress onto you and manhandle you. “can you.. b-be a little rougher? i can take it.. just don’t be gentle” you said softly as you felt your cheeks heat up, “i’ll use the safeword if i want you to stop”.
chan was taken a little aback by what you had asked of him. he was certainly surprised, but lord knows he’d do absolutely anything to make you happy and to love him, so he did just as you asked. he picked up the pace of his movements and began pounding in and out of you at an almost animalistic rate whilst you wore his hand around your neck like the prettiest choker you’d ever worn. “do you like being treated like a filthy whore, baby? is that all it takes for you?” he snarled at you as he forced your mouth open and spit into it. he grinned widely when he seen your eyes light up.
you couldn’t contain yourself, you were tugging at his wavy locks and screaming so loud for him, he’d never made you feel this good before- no one had. “d-don’t stop… please, daddy” you begged him desperately, the nickname you referred to him as only encouraged him to go harder, “feels so good”. not too long after, you both finally finished and rode out your highs. shit, you were seeing stars and could barely think straight. but one thing was for sure, not being treated like you were something fragile for once made you feel something, for sure. who knew all it took was for your boyfriend to treat you like a whore every now and then? <3333
☆゜・。。・゜゜・。。・゜★ 🔮 ☆゜・。。・゜゜・。。・゜★
i hope you enjoyed that, i apologize if that wasn’t you had in mind! i hope you guys liked it hehe<333
if you don’t like my content you can either keep scrolling or just block me, no need to send negativity ♡
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