#well i think you're wrong but i admire your courage
da-proti-toku-grem · 3 hours
jance + royalty au? 👀
Ohhh I think I'm gonna have fun with this one and it'll probably turn too long so putting this under the cut <3
(Note: I'm too lazy to search which countries still have any sort of monarchy and which ones would fit the most, so I leave it up for imagination. I mean, I know we have one here in Spain so maybe one could be Spanish but idk, whatever agahsbs)
Both Jan and Nace are next in line for their respective monarchies. They've never met each other, but along with the education they received as princes, they had to learn about the rest of the monarchies and regimes in the world, so yeah... they do know at least a bit about each other.
Jan has been out as queer for a few years now, since he was 18. It took him some time to gather the courage to speak to his parents, scared of how they would react to the possibility that the prince - the future king of the country - might fall in love with a man one day, making the possibility of having biological children a little, well, complicated. He still liked girls, but he liked boys too, so the possibility was there.
Still, he talked to them. Thankfully, his parents were very supportive and reassured him that there were many ways they could still have children, and there was always the adoption possibility if other methods didn't work out. "The crown is something that is passed from generation to generation, but it is not our blood that makes us kings or queens. We will love you and your future children no matter what."
They agreed to wait until he was 18 to make a statement. It was pretty wild, he appeared in the news and every single newspaper, the word obviously spreading all over the word: he was the first ever out and proud (future) monarch. But anyways, the response was mostly supportive.
Nace, for his part, belongs to a much conservative monarchy. The country has progressed a lot, is a lot more open and lgbtq friendly than it used to be. The monarchy - or, well, his parents and the people around them - on the other hand...
He has known he's gay since he was little, after realizing that him looking at men that way was not admiration or him wanting to be like them, but more like him having a crush on them.
He didn't tell anyone tho, he grew up hearing everyone around him talking bad about people like that, people like him, so he never said anything about it, he hated himself for being like that. That was until a few years later he confessed everything to his sister one night, crying, expecting her to hate him just as much as he had learned to hate that part of him. Instead, his sister hold him tight and told him that it was okay, that she loved him just the way he was, there was nothing wrong about it and he deserved to be loved for who he was.
With time, he started to learn how to love himself again. It was hard sometimes, he wasn't quite there yet - the thought that his parents wouldn't accept him if he came out a constant reminder of it - but he tried.
Then, it happened. Jan - the gorgeous prince with long, black hair and a slightly mysterious and cool aura, yet with beautiful big brown eyes and a soft smile that might or might not make Nace's stomach tingle every time he sees him on tv - has come out as queer. It's shocking at first, but he can't help but feel... good. He's not alone, there's people like him out there, and they're determined to prove that there's nothing wrong with being queer just because you're part of the Royal Family. And he's also proud of the younger boy, for having the courage to come out to a whole country (and the whole world basically) when he himself can't even talk to his parents.
It's not until a few years later that they meet at an event Nace's family organized, but Nace hasn't stopped thinking about the beautiful prince's speech. Nace surprises even himself by going up to Jan and introducing himself (even if they obviously know who they are but, a prince has to be polite right?). They talk a little and they realize that neither of them really wanted to be there, so they escaped the salon where everyone is gathered and Nace shows him around the castle.
They end up going into Nace's room, both of them laying on his bed side by side, looking at the ceiling, cracking jokes and talking shit about how ridiculously polite and hypocrite everyone in that room was. Nace's heart warms as he realizes that the beautiful, kinda shy guy he's had a little crush on from seeing him on tv is apparently really kind and funny and sweet and even more beautiful in person than he is through the screen somehow, and Nace doesn't know what possessed him in that moment but he ends up talking to Jan about when he came out. He confesses him how much his speech impacted him and how much it has helped him accept himself.
He doesn't say it directly, but it doesn't take a genius to understand, yet Jan ventures a quiet "so, you are..." There's a bit of silence where Jan wonders if he pushed too hard until Nace says "I'm gay". He's never said that to anyone besides his sister and it feels good, liberating and, for the first time since the conversation started, he dares to look at Jan. He finds him already looking at him with a bright smile on his face and a (hopeful?) glimmer in his eyes. The younger man doesn't say anything, but he wraps him up in a hug like no one has ever given him. It makes Nace feel safe and accepted like he's never felt and without realizing he starts sobbing quietly, the sobs turning into full tears streaming down his cheeks and heavy breathing as he tells Jan everything that troubles him, everything about his family not being accepting and Jan holds him through it, caressing his hair and whispering words of affirmation until he fully calms down.
Nace feels embarrassed after that, but Jan quickly reassures him and they end up exchanging numbers.
Sadly, the event doesn't last forever and Jan has to go home not long after, but he leaves with a promise to keep in touch, both of them excited for what seemed to be the start of a beautiful friendship.
Nace probably didn't expect it, but they end up texting almost every day. Despite their equally busy schedules, it's nice to come out of a very boring meeting to a bunch of messages from Jan, complaining about his equally boring meetings, talking about stuff that happen throughout his day or sending random memes. He's a bit shy at first, not daring to start conversations, but it's not long until he starts doing the same.
They stay up late at night chatting and sometimes even face timing each other. Nace learns that Jan is very much a night owl, but he's not that used to staying up too late so he sometimes falls asleep in the middle of their call (Jan just finds it incredibly cute and endearing, and if he sometimes spends a few long minutes looking at Nace's peaceful sleeping face before hanging up well... no one needed to know that)
It's been a few month since they first met when Nace has to travel to do some stuff in Jan's country. He swears he's never been more excited to go meet some people and visit some places, but the thought of getting to reunite with Jan is exhilarating. They hug each other so tight and definitely longer than you would hug someone you've only met once before once they meet, but they're both too happy to care about it.
The time Nace spends there passes by way too quickly and he has to go home. It's when he's laying in his own bed that night, his whole body seeming to miss Jan with every atom and his heart aching with the desire to have the other man near, that he realizes (or more like, accepts) that he's in love with Jan.
And he cries. Cries because he's fallen in love with his best friend. Cries because he doesn't want to fuck up this beautiful friendship that they've manage to build besides the distance. Cries because he knows he doesn't stand a chance. Cries because he would never forgive himself for ruining what they have. Cries because he misses him, so fucking much. But how could he not? When Jan has helped him accept and love himself just the way he is, when Jan has showed him he's deserving of love and genuine friendship, when Jan is just so... Jan.
Unbeknownst to him, Jan is having a similar reaction all the way over at home.
Jan blames himself. He knew he had a crush on Nace after that night they met. He thought it would be just a silly crush and it would go away soon, but every day that passed, every text and every late night call, made him fall a little bit more. How was his (not so) silly little crush supposed to go away when Nace was so sweet and nice and kind and cute and beautiful, when his hair was so soft and his dimpled smile was so bright and genuine and his sassy remarks never failed to make Jan smile, when he looked so incredibly adorable and hot when he was wearing his glasses, when his hugs made him feel so safe, when he talked so passionately about the things he liked - god he was such a nerd and fuck Jan was so down bad for him.
So yeah, Jan blames himself. Blames himself because he know this could potentially ruin their friendship. He would never be able to forgive himself if his feelings for his friend were the reason Nace decided to step away from his life, making him lose probably the most precious thing he has ever had.
Of course, none of them say anything about it, they keep in touch just like before, they visit each other as often as their schedules allow them, enjoying being friends. Both of them secretly hoping they could be more, but neither of them daring to risk breaking what they already have.
How long will it take them to get their shit together and realize the feeling is mutual? Will they be able to resist the urge to lean in and kiss the other on one of those rare times they get to spend the day together? Who will take the first step, risking everything they have, holding on to hope that this could turn out well and they could be happy together? How will they overcome all the challenges they will encounter once they are together, like having a long distance relationship or what Nace's parents will have to say about it? How will the world take it when Nace comes out, or if they - two princes and future kings of two different countries - come out as a couple? Well... that's a story for another time.
Leave an AU and a pairing in my ask and I’ll give you the plot of the fic I won’t write for it.
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mcllymauk · 1 year
seeing a lot of "they made Peepaw McChildMurderer unfuckable now (as Matthew Lilliard)" and to that I have two separate, but distinct reactions:
1: cowards
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lazyjellyfish300 · 25 days
Camping with Miguel🏕️
AU Co-worker!Miguel O'Hara x AFAB!Reader
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Synopsis: an innocent camping trip with your friend from work, Miguel, what could happen?😏😏
WC: 1.1k
A/N: feeling self indulgent with summer coming soon. Tbh I think Miguel would HATE camping, he'll do glamping in a cabin but not a tent bc he's so huge and his back hurts, but let me dream for a sec okay🤭. Outline format bc lazy and tbh don't feel super good about this one and did it on a whim but it was fun to get out! Inspired by lyrics from the song "Candles" by Daughter. 🖤🏕️
@leonsbimbogf @thatone-writer
-Imagine going camping with your older co-worker and friend Miguel, somewhere remote in a national park, deep in the forest with not a soul around in sight
-it was your idea since both of your dates bailed for the weekend, befriending one another initially when you both grumbled over Janet at the office's potluck, and the pitiful end of year pizza party, obvious tension between both of you for months, finally worked up the courage to ask him to do something, figuring you might as well since neither of you had plans. 
-Miguel makes you get in the passenger seat after seeing how silly you look behind the wheel of the enormous flatbed pickup truck you rented, both of you from the city have no clue what you're doing
-when you arrive, evergreen trees shrouding the small campsite, biting chill of mountain wind brushing your face as you step out, breathing in the crisp temperatures of the remote woods and releasing it with a deep sigh 
-you bicker over the tent, finally allowing Miguel to set it up himself, when he insists that you're doing it wrong while you pout in a camping chair, attitude slowly leaving your body as you begrudgingly eat one of the sandwiches from the cooler, some chips, and a cold soda, realizing you were just cranky due to hunger and the long drive.
-Miguel smiles, telling you playfully to save some for him, to which you flip him off. 
-he feels sweat trickle down his forehead watching you try to wield an axe and chop some firewood, approaching you with hands raised, telling you to slowly put it down. 
-you're suddenly feeling really turned on when you watch him roll up his flannel on his thick hairy forearms, grunting as he brings the axe down, chopping the wood like it's nothing, using his collar to wipe his forehead as he pants, those wavy brown locks of his falling in his face. 
-later, as the sun goes down, and the temperatures drop, he can't help but admire how adorable you look in your oversized sweatpants and hoodie, wanting to just pull you into his arms to stop you from shivering. 
-you share amazing conversation and silly banter you're throwing back and forth as you sit around the fire, your camping chairs pushed close together, your socked feet in his lap under a thick warm blanket with one of his arms resting on top of your legs, roasting you some marshmallows over the fire, telling him when to rotate the skewer so it turns a lovely golden brown on all sides (except he wasn't paying attention the first time, lighting it on fire on accident and you giggling as you watched him cutely panicking, trying to blow it out, but not before it became a crispy charred mess) 
-thinking about eating s'mores and your face getting warm as you nurse your Stella Rosa wine in your tumbler while he sips beer from a bottle.
"Did you feel a raindrop just now?" 
-but soon the sprinkles come down harder and harder, until it's a full on rain shower, your fire burnt out and scrambling to save the food, your chairs, and anything else you don't want to get soaked as you run towards the tent, zipping it up behind you, sighing with relief and laughing together as you hear the rain get more intense. 
-"How long are we stuck in here?" You ask. Miguel shrugs, pulling you protectively closer to him.
 "I don't know..." He whispers.
-your teeth are chattering, you're standing there half hunched over in the small tent while Miguel quickly unzips the sleeping bags and lays the blankets over the large air mattress, telling you to get in next to him underneath your fortress of warmth as you cling to each other in the chilly tent. 
-thinking about how both of your shaking gets less and less frantic as you hold each other in the quiet tent, listening to the rain ceaselessly pelting the outside in lulling rhythm. 
-thinking about his chin resting on your forehead, the smell coming off his body smoky from the campfire with the faint musk of a man who's been working in the sun.
-he jokes that your body heat between both of you would transfer more quickly if you were both naked.
-his lips part as you look up at him, asking if he wants to test that theory. 
-your teeth are chattering again as you both struggle to strip down, frigid air obliterating both your bodies in a sea of goosebumps, practically pouncing on each other again under your nest of blankets when you're both bare, electricity and pure want permeating all throughout your body when you feel his skin against yours for the first time
-imagine his full lips with the slightest dust of the bitter cold on them then the feeling of his warm tongue sliding into your mouth with a little groan, deepening kisses gradually with an increased appetite than before, the crisp taste of beer on his tongue mixing with the fruity bittersweet wine on yours.
-Miguel's cheeky smile and the playful, sweet kiss he plants against your lips at you biting your cheek in embarrassment to stifle your whiny pleas as he coaxes his fingers inside your weeping cunt,
 "You don't have to be quiet, baby. There's nobody around to hear us, but you and me..." 
-the chill that runs through your body when you're nice and wet, ready to be fucked when he pulls you up so you're straddling his lap so he can watch your pretty face as you slide up and down his cock.
-you gently pull at the curls at the nape of his neck, fingers curling into fists as you drown inside scarlet seas. 
- you're looking at each other with a fresh set of eyes, wide like a crime scene, your passion the culprit. Lines that weren't meant to be crossed but you did it anyway as he slowly, gently, passionately, tenderly makes love to you for the first time. 
-he hypnotically paints your clit with his fat tip, warm and wet massaging between your lips, 
"Mirame...." (Look at me)
-a sharp intake of air between his teeth as your warm cunt hugs him so tightly all at once, his rough hands gripping the tender flesh of your hips, guiding you back up his length before letting you slide down it again, smirking when you whine
-steady soft tempo in the dark, as he soothes you with the sound of his voice, gently, and carefully moving his hips underneath you, rippling underneath you like a wave, until a ring of creamy arousal pools at the base of his cock, your love mixed with his as he brings it to your lips, telling you to taste it as you begin riding him again.
"We taste so fucking good together..."
-a steamy bubble of heat between your bodies shielding you from the cold of the outside as he rolls on top of you for another round, rainy prelude to a passionate night, bodies molded together like they were intended for the other despite never meeting before as the storm rumbled across milky skies underneath a dim crescent moon.
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fuckmyskywalker · 8 months
"Frustration!" — Anakin Skywalker.
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— CW: 18+, smut. Hate sex, dirty talk, cunnilingus. | Word count: 1.2k!
— Taglist! | List of films!
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“Anakin, fucking let go of me!” The leather of his glove digs into your skin, as he drags you harshly into the cockpit.
He locks the door behind him, not even bothering to give you the reason why he’s so upset about… well, something. Only Anakin knows what’s going on inside his mind— although, sometimes you wonder if he even knows what’s going on. You try to stay calm, but your heart is racing. Anakin's face is contorted into something unreadable and his eyes are wide. He turns away from you, seemingly out of anger or fear— or both.
“Do you like him?” He asks out of the blue, increasing your confused state. He crosses his arms over his chest as he waits for your answer. 
With no clue what he is talking about, you stare at him rather annoyed. The lack of answer makes him scoff, he thinks you’re playing dumb. Anakin thinks everyone should know what he is thinking about and to some extent, it’s frustrating. The lack of communication on his part when it comes to literally any ambit is potentially a red flag— but who would dare to question the Chosen One?
Anakin knows he can be as cocky as he wants. He is demanding and irritating— his ego is as big as Yavin Prime, if not bigger. But, you always find a way to put a stop to him, and that frustrates him even more. He hates that you are the only person who can say “no” to him, not even Obi-Wan can stop him when he has his mind set on something. Plus, it doesn’t help at all that he’s been fucking with you for a while now.
“I asked you a question, fucking answer it,” Anakin’s tone is beyond demanding. With what right is he talking to you as if you were one of his soldiers? 
You finally talk, “Anakin, I have no clue who are you talking about.”
“Don’t play stupid, I saw you. You were flirting with Senator Cadaman,” his body language is aggressive, something you are more than accustomed to. 
«Oh Maker, he is jealous,» you think. That was unexpected. 
“Anakin,” taking a step closer, you mirror his position, crossing your arms as well. In an ideal situation, you would calm him down, and let him know that nothing is going on between you and Cadaman… but this will never be the ideal situation— not when Anakin Skywalker is involved. “I wasn’t flirting with him. It’s called being polite, is it suddenly my fault you mistake simple manners with flirting, just because no one is nice to you?”
Perhaps you were being harsh on him, but you weren’t in the mood to deal with Anakin’s jealousy— not now, not never. Boundaries were never set to start with; it’s not formal, it’s not a relationship.
It’s just sex.
“People are nice to me.”
“Only because they are afraid of you.”
“No, it is because they respect me!” His voice raises. Deep down he knows that maybe, just maybe, you're right— but Anakin would rather die than admit when he’s wrong.
“Get out of your damn bubble, Anakin. It has nothing to do with respect; when people respect you they admire you,” closing the distance between your bodies, you raise your hand, digging your index finger into his chest. “People fear what may happen to them if they don’t agree with you, or follow your orders, or deny you something.”
His flesh hand grabs your own, yanking you towards him and pressing you against his chest. His gloved hand reaches for your jaw, forcing you to raise your head to look at him— it hurts. He is being rough. He is mad.
“Fear?” He looks down at you with lust and sentiment, barely covered by a thin veil of disgust. Only you can say no to him. Only you have the courage to treat him as an equal— and that makes his dick so, so hard. “I’ll fucking show you what fear is.”
You fight against him, but it’s pretty much pointless. Anakin spins you and presses your chest over the ship panel, the different buttons and levers painfully digging into your skin. He struggles to take your pants off but in the end, he manages to yank them below your knees— adding a hint of humiliation to the situation. His gloved hand slaps your ass harshly, causing you to moan. 
“Do you want to be a bitch and talk back?” He says after another slap. “Do you want to act like a slut?”
“Anakin!” You wail. He smiles, this is how he wants you. This is where he thinks you belong. 
“Do you want me to stop?” Another slap. The dynamic between you two has always been the same, fighting, arguing, and calling each other names… until you grew up enough to blow the steam off in more… carnal ways. “Tell me to fucking stop, and I will.”
But you don’t. You find yourself unable to speak. 
You hate how he breaks your will, you hate how you only find pleasure in his rough treatment, and you especially hate feeding his ego.
“See? I know you. I know the real you,” his voice is pure spite, despite the lewd undertones. “I know you are nothing more than a slut, you enjoy the attention.”
The skin of your ass is burning, and it hurts, but the words that could make him stop his assault never leave your lips. You feel powerless, like you are nothing more than a toy that he can play with at his leisure. You hate the feeling of not being in control of your own body, and you curse yourself for not being able to break free from his grip. Is that same power play that keeps you tied to him— and what keeps Anakin always coming back to you?
“See how fucking wet you are?” 
He is disgusting. You despise him— but you push your hips towards his face when he kneels right behind you to plunge his tongue inside your pussy. He laps at you without shame, as if he doesn’t even know the definition of it. Anakin eats you out relentlessly, groaning at the taste. 
“I fucking hate you and your perfect fucking cunt,” he spits right on you, mixing your arousal with his saliva. The act makes you squirm, stretching your arm behind you and yanking his messy hair bringing back his face to where you need him the most. 
“Shut up, shut the fuck up,” you breathe, closing your eyes. “W–Why can’t you just be quiet for five damn minutes!”
Anakin moans against your core, closing his eyes and fucking you with his tongue until your knees go weak. Sneaking his hand in between your legs he rubs tight, quick circles over your clit which triggers your orgasm— perhaps faster than on any other occasion. Biting your lower lip, refusing to let his name escape from the deepest corners of your mind, you close your eyes to focus on the lewd noises of the man behind you— practically slurping everything you have to offer. 
In an instant, he is standing next to you, grabbing a fistful of your hair and crashing his lips against yours. Smearing the wetness all over his mouth over your face, the kiss is messy, borderline savage— and you love it.
“I wasn’t flirting with him,” you whisper.
“I know.”
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🌊Taglist!: @anisbaby | @vadersslut | @alixwriter | @bimbo-baggins86 | @lovrsm | @pockcock | @haydensgirlaela | @zemoslittlemonster | @captain-satan
— 🐚 if you wish you be added to my taglist there's a google forms in the beginning of the post! There you can select which days you would like to be tagged in (or choose the option: all the above!). If you send me a DM or an ask I will tag you on every day! | some tags might not work due to your settings, so let me know!
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arcanesea · 5 months
sparks fly
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PAIRING: yang jeongin x reader GENRE: best friends to lovers, jeongin has a f!fans that annoys reader lol WC: 1.1k WARNING: profanity, jeongin is a little mean:[
"Special delivery from your 'secret admirer'." You said, making an air quote after slamming the coffee cup with a little too much force. You took your seat across Jeongin, huffing.
He looked inside the cup, pushing it in your direction, "You drink first, it might be poisoned."
You flip the ungracious finger in front of his face. Throwing a mocking smile. His so-called secret admirer (who lives directly across your dorm) has been making some inquiries over the last couple of weeks. Coffee, bottled beverages, cookies, even sandwiches, only for Jeongin. She waited in front of your door every morning, requesting you to deliver the goods to Jeongin.
When asked why she didn't do it herself, she claims that she doesn't have the courage yet. Along with that, she also asks you to play matchmaker. You would've agreed if she's not actually acting so annoying, asking for a selfie or even a photo of Jeongin with the stuff she sends.
"What if he thought this was all from me?" you ask one day, holding the tuna sandwich in your hand. Jeongin hates tuna, he prefers chicken sandwiches or plain bacon.
"Why? Do you plan on tricking him into believing that?" she asks back, confused. "You're just friends, right? You always said so, Jeongin does too."
Right… Friends…
Today was probably your tipping point because she's in a hurry, and you don't have class until later in the afternoon so you planned to sleep in a little bit. But persistent as ever, she knocks violently at your door, waking your roommates who had the day off, basically pissing the both of you and now you're just cranky.
"Did she annoy you?" Jeongin asked. He swirls the cup in a figure-8 motion, trying to assess your mood this morning.
"You think?" you respond. You took out your laptop, trying not to be a pile of negative energy. "I don't get it why she's so persistent, it's not like you're going to date her anyways, right?" you ask Jeongin without looking in his direction. Truth is, you're afraid that he might've said that you're wrong.
"Well since she seems to be perceived in a bad way by my best friend? Yeah, I think I'll pass," he answers. Your heart sank at the word best friend, but that's just the way you are. His hands leave the cup, tousling your hair.
"It's not like that, it's just… she's hell-bent on sending you this stuff, through me, like I'm some goddamn owl." You press on your keyboards violently. "And I'm still nice for actually giving it to you. I could've eaten them all by myself!" You exclaim. You had, in fact, thought about that. But that would make you look so bad, that even your roommates vote against doing so in case of karma.
"Are you not going to drink it?" you ask, eyeing the coffee. "I haven't eaten anything and I feel I could eat someone right now."
"I'll get you a new one," he said, standing up from his seat. "Sandwich?"
"Tuna," you answered, offering him a smile. "Thanks, you're the best!"
He grabs the coffee cup with him and walks inside the cafeteria to order a sandwich. He looked around the room when his eyes caught a glimpse of the so-called secret admirer. Well, he found that bit by himself, taking notes from the description you gave him along the time. His eyes met hers and he dropped the coffee cup on the bin. Not even taking a sip from it.
Jeongin hesitates a bit before actually approaching her. She didn't notice him at first until one of her friends whispered in her ear, pointing at him. He leans on the table, throwing a vile smirk. Luckily the cafeteria is so bustling with people that no one even notices the scene.
"Listen," Jeongin said. "I appreciate your effort, but you need to quit."
"Why? Did your little friend say something bad about me?" She dared herself to ask. Jeongin clicks his tongue, unimpressed. "Am I wrong to try? You're single anyways."
"Wow, you really got some attitude," he responds with a smile. "I can't tolerate an ungrateful person," he expels, surprising her. He's not one to talk shit about someone else, but when they mess with you, they're looking for a fight with him too (even when you're capable of picking fights by yourself, it makes him feel much better if you don't have to).
"You need to apologize, or you don't have to. Either way, this stops now." Jeongin said, "I'll pay you back if you want. Let's not waste each other's energy on something impossible to achieve, and that means the possibility of you and me together."
Without waiting for her response, Jeongin walked out and took his place in front of you. Handing you the tuna sandwich.
"You don't have to do that, you know," you said, opening the paper wrap and thanking him. You saw him approaching her table earlier when you went in to wash your hands. From afar, you can see his cynical face contrasting her shocked expression. You don't even want to interrupt, letting him do what he feels like doing. You trust him enough to not do something stupid or say something harmful. Counting on him to stay on course, which he did, just the cold-hard truth is all that comes out of his mouth.
"What?" he asks back, eyebrows knitting together. Then it sets on his face, "Oh… Well." He shrugs nonchalantly.
"Why did you even grant her wishes? I thought you liked me."
You choked on your sandwich at his careless statement, grabbing your bottle before chugging the water inside, leaving him laughing.
"Excuse me? How did you even come up with that?" you ask. Though you act cool, your insides are trembling with fear.
"Well, because I like you, I just thought the feelings were mutual." He bites into his sandwich, looking at you with your jaw slightly dropped. "Was it not mutual?" he asks again when you didn't respond for a few minutes.
"Is this seriously how you're gonna confess to me? are you tricking me into confessing first? That's such a dick move, you know." You gulp your water again, trying to drown the nervousness.
"Well, what do you want me to do? Going down on one knee is definitely too early, right?" he asks, trying to play innocent. He puts down his sandwich, looking at you, seriously this time. "I like you," he started. "That should be enough confession, right?"
His eyes turned the shape of a crescent moon, a genuine smile on his face.
"Fine," you admit defeat, putting down your own sandwich before ripping the bands of friendzone by saying; "I like you too."
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look who's posting double due to technical error:/
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amvpk01 · 3 months
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unwanted obsession
when obsession goes beyond admiration, it turns into repulsion and the search for love becomes a path of rejection.
cw: f!reader, non-con, obsession, rejection, violence, stalking, humiliation, kidnapping, manipulation, murder
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Can you imagine someone who is completely useless at everything they do? There's no such thing as good grades, good looks, popularity, or even a good personality. He was a complete shit and he knew it.
It was just another day of him going to school, doing assignments that most of the time the teacher would point out were wrong just to embarrass him in front of the class or that the handwriting was illegible, talking to his pathetic friends just like him, buying something in the canteen and sitting on the benches to eat and look around judging the people.
It was Thursday so it was more crowded than the other days, some familiar faces and others not so much, but someone on the other side of the courtyard surprised him.
A girl with h/c hair and e/c eyes, a pretty face, and a sexy body.
He wondered how someone as beautiful and charming as that could exist. Were you new to the school or did he just not notice you before?
"-Are you there? Dude?? Hello?! Are you listening to me you piece-"
"Calm down bro-"
"Her name?" He interrupted his friends.
"Uh- Who?"
"Pink shirt." The friends looked at the aforementioned girl.
"Don't know, but Giovanna's talking to her, maybe you can ask?"
"...I thought I'd die before I saw you like a girl!"
"Quiet! So fucking noisy. What if she heard you?!"
"Don't worry. It's just that it always crossed my mind that you would be... you know, gay?"
He didn't mind the homophobic comments or the pats on the back along with the laughter of his friends. All that went through his mind was how he was going to get close to you.
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You couldn't help but admire your purple nails that matched your fit. It was already a habit of yours to match clothes along with accessories and painted nails. No matter the occasion, you'll ALWAYS be pretty and stylish.
"[Name]?" You looked in the direction of the voice.
"Hi, Gigi! You good?" Noticing her face made you worried. "What's wrong?"
"Well, do you know about some guy who texted you yesterday?"
"Huh, no? All my notifications are off."
"Looks like some guy from my class keeps saying you're ghosting him on DM."
"Oh. My bad, it was not my intention. I think I'll see about that later." You wondered what that guy wanted to talk about. Maybe was someone you already know?
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He couldn't believe it that you didn't block him. He thought you had ghosted him but it was just a misunderstanding?!?
'Thanks God... Now I need to talk with her.'
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It's been a few weeks since he had the courage and ask you to talk. Every day you exchanged greetings and had long talks that were mostly started by him. You tried to find him attractive or like his personality but nothing worked. Maybe because you already knew his intentions?
But there's something that has been bothering you. Maybe it's just your mind trying to delude you but you swear that someone's stalking you.
And your instinct is telling you that's him even though you don't have proof. You did see a lot of pictures of you on his phone but didn't think he would start to follow you on your way home.
So today you're gonna find out if it's him or not!
You made your usual way home, but you diverted your path to another street that had more shops. Your stalker follows behind you, his face all covered by a stupid black mask and sunglasses.
Maybe you should enter the first shop that you see to know if he would enter too?
Without wasting time, you run into a lingerie store and try to hide further into the store. The stranger only realized the type of store when he put one foot inside, his covered face flushed with embarrassment, and then decided to wait for you outside.
'Damnit! He didn't enter?!' Your thoughts were pure anger and disappointment but vanished when some lady came asking for what type of lingerie you were searching for. Then you got why he didn't.
'NO. NO. NO. NO. JUST NO. DON'T TELL ME SHE'S BUYING LINGERIE TO USE WITH SOMEONE ELSE! SHE SAID SHE HAD NO BOYFRIEND. BUT WHAT IF SHE'S SEEING SOMEONE?!?' He started hyperventilating and his disguise was only making his breathing worse.
After waiting 5 minutes, you come out with a bag in your hands and then speed up your walk. He couldn't lose you from his sight. In his point of view, he was protecting you.
You surely have been running fast, are you embarrassed by someone seeing you in this type of store?
Surely he saw you walking around that corner-
Oh no...
It feels like you're leaning against the wall just waiting for him. In a fast move, you pulled away his mask. Not being able to hide your disgusted face.
"...What the fuck?"
"Wait- I-I can explain!! It's j-just a misunderstanding! I s-swear! Please, let me-"
"...That's so fucking creepy dude...
If I knew you were like this, I would just ignore you from the start...
Maybe I shouldn't listen to my friends."
He was disturbed that he didn't mind you running away from that place. How could he be so dumb to fall for such a trick? Now, you won't ever talk to him again. Just the fact that he scared you hurt him so much.
You were so kind and pure to him like an angel, and he felt like a demon knowing that you would never want to see him again.
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A week has passed since the incident, and he hasn't gone to school, much less left the house. He didn't dare to even see you. Your disgusted face was already haunting him but there's something that he didn't notice before.
'Maybe I shouldn't listen to my friends.'
What did you mean by that? Did your friends tell you about him or something? His phone was getting many notifications, then he decided to pick it up.
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A party? Seriously? He wasn't in the mood for this, but locking himself in his home isn't going to make anything better.
He hopes that you go too so he can apologize for his past behavior.
In his own way.
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You were relieved, there was no sight of him in school. Mostly like he was who was hiding and not you. You didn't know if he ever felt sorry, after all, you blocked him from everything leaving him with no opportunity to speak and you didn't see him everywhere. Thanks God.
But nothing more than a wonderful party to raise your mood.
If you only know what would happen after this.
part 2 (in progress)
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nhularin · 10 months
you dont even know my name do ya?
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PAIRING uni student! jake x barista! reader GENRE fluff, strangers to lovers, whipped jake WARNINGS not proofread OTHER just me, a barista, being absolutely delulu with jake WC 0.7k
series masterlist PERM TAGLIST @avocarua @misokei
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February 26, 1998
jake found himself in the busy yet strangely comforting café near campus. It was a place where he could focus on his studies (well, technically he wasnt studying, just looking at his screen trying to look as smart as his friend heeseung, without distractions. and it didn't hurt that you, the cute barista had quickly become a highlight of his visits. he didnt know your name, but it didnt stop him from spending hours at that crammed coffee shop just to admire your form. jay told him to just stop being a weirdo and drop his unrequited admiration, which he just ignored
But wait a minute while I make you mine, make you mine
you were vibrant and kind, always greeting him with a warm smile as he ordered his usual drink ( a taro milk tea with peach bubbles and cheese foam). he'd admire you from afar, secretly harboring a crush that seemed to grow with each passing day. But he didn't have the courage to tell you how he felt, fearing rejection or making things awkward. he didnt want you to think that hes a weirdo, or worse, like sunghoon.
every day, he would visit the shop, hoping for a chance to exchange a few words with you, mostly talking aboit his annoying professor and you questioning his choice of beverage. he would spend hours at a table, pretending to work on his assignments while secretly stealing glances at you. just hearing your name leave your coworkers lips makes him feel giddy
I'm all nervous 'cause you're on my mind all the time
on a seemingly mundane monday, he entered the café, his mind preoccupied with you instead of his upcoming biology exam. as he approached the counter, his heart skipped a beat. there you stood, smiling at him and beautiful as ever with your cute green apron draped around your frame. he couldnt stop the scenarios of you two cooking together in his apartment form in his head
"hello my friend! the usual again?" you have asked, shaking your head with that intoxicating smile "you know, you should start drinking something else, its going to mess up your bowls. we dont want the fiasco from last week repeating, do we?"
all jake could do was lower his head in embarrassment. he remembered telling you about how he shat his pants in the middle of his anatomy exam, excusing himself to the restroom where he found brown spots coating his jeans.
"yeah i think thats a great idea" he muttered out with faux confidence, good job jaeyun "just give me whatever you like. i know you have great taste" (in men, please date me)
I'm usually pretty talkative, what's wrong with me?
after he paid for his drink and definitely overpriced sandwich, he made his way to his regular table by the window, where he could peacefully enjoy his meal and fantasize about you without any disturbance.
but he noticed something different. there, written in a messy yet delicate handwriting, was your name and number. his eyes widened with surprise, a mix of excitement and nervousness flooding in his veins. he gazed at the cup for what seems like hours, a chaotic mess of thoughts swirling in his mind. could this be an accident? was this meant for someone else? he was going to kill that lucky asshole if it was. or was it a genuine invitation? were you flirting with him? THE yn?
"hey stranger! i know we dont really know each other but i'd love to invite you for a drink outside of this shop <3 here's my number, i hope it doesnt sound weird :( +82-XXX-XXX-XXX
ps: please start studying instead of just gazing into the distance"
a smile spread across jakes face, and a surge of joy filled his heart. he took a deep breath, his whole body trembling with excitement and nerves. with a mix of determination and hope, he quickly pulled out his phone and saved your number 'ynie <3'
oh how jay was wrong
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I just read this and 🥹🥹
Could you do a part two?? Where Peter finally knows from her telling him because he’s still worried something is wrong between?
The Parkers
--genre: FLUFF, slight angst
--pairing: husband!tasm!peter parker x pregnant!wife!reader
--word count: 0.9k
--warnings: language, reader is pregnant, anxiety, one mention of nausea, FLUFF, peter loves his wife and her overthinking so much.
lowkey was waiting for someone to ask for a part two because i love this fic so much...
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It was half past nine when you and Peter decided to head back home. The party was winding down, and after a cleaning up, May seemed like she was ready to hit the hay as well. With one last hug for everyone left in the living room, Peter leads you out the front door. 
As soon as the two of you stepped into the night, a shiver ran up both of your spines. A quick glance at each other signaled that it was absolutely freezing. Peter immediately pulls you into his side and starts to rub his hand along your arm at a fast pace, a simple attempt at trying to warm you up. You giggle at his action, looking up at him and his now rosy cheeks, admiring your husband. 
You must have not noticed how long you were silent, Peter broke it, “You sure you’re alright, bug?” Peter still thinks that there’s something wrong between the two of you. The thought was eating him alive as you’ve been silent the entire walk home. 
Your body tenses at his question, and with you still pulled into his side, he felt it too. May’s get-together was a good distraction from the very real situation you’ve found yourself in, and Peter's question brought back all the anxiety you felt earlier today. The hairs on his arms raised at the sudden nervousness radiating off of you. Even though your anxiety is urging him to speak, he allows you the time to respond. “Oh–um…Yeah, everything’s alright. I just need to talk to you about something,” your voice wavering, didn’t help either your or Peter’s feelings right now. 
Peter clears his throat, “Yeah, what’s going on?”
All of a sudden, you feel hot. Even a thin sheen of sweat appears on your brow, but the last thing you want is for Peter to let go of you. Your pace slows as you muster up the courage to tell him about everything, the test, the nausea, the conversation with Miriam, all of it. “Peter, I-I’m,” you take a sharp and deep breath, not daring to look anywhere but the pavement, “I’m pregnant.”
And still, with the words leaving the tightness of your throat, you still don’t feel any better. As you wait for any sort of response from Peter, you feel worse. 
You finally pry your eyes away from the gray cement and to the warm brown eyes of your husband. You two look at each other for a prolonged moment. You’re so nervous, but you can’t bear to pull yourself out of the trance of Peter’s eyes. 
You sigh, as you begin to speak, more like ramble, again, “Fuck, I know I should have told you as soon as I found out this morning, but I was, still am, nervous. And I also know I have no reason to be nervous, especially around you, but everything about this scares the shit out of me, but it also makes me so excited? I just have a lot of emotions right now, and I don’t know how to–.”
You're quickly enveloped in a bone-crushing hug, Peter rocking you two back and forth. He lets go of you as he brings both of his hands up to your face, “I’m gonna be a dad?” 
His entire reaction throws you off guard as you look at his features, “Uh…yeah, Pete. You’re gonna be a dad.”
A little giggle leaves his mouth before he leans his head down to kiss you softly, but passionately. The tenseness in your shoulders dissolves as you kiss him back. You two probably look crazy to others walking or driving down the street, but neither of you cared for them. 
With one last peck, Peter pulls away from your lips with a wide smile on his face. He brushes a stray hair that fell into your face behind your ear as his eyebrows furrow, “Why were you so nervous baby?”
“I don’t know,” you start, “I know that we’ve talked about kids before, but now, it’s real and I didn’t know how you were going to react.”
“Oh, bug. I will always stand by you and with you through whatever life throws at us. This is pretty big, but I fully believe that you’re capable of amazing things like being a mother, and with me, raising a family. I love you so so much (Y/N). Forever and ever.”
Peter always can bring a tear to your eye just off the way he loves you. You never knew how much you could love someone until you met Peter, and you were silly for ever thinking that his love for you would dull due to something like this. 
“You know, Miriam caught onto me earlier today?”
He leads you into a casual stroll as he recoils in disbelief, “No way. You just found out, how could she know?”
You shrug, “Said she could ‘see it in my face’.”
Peter laughs, grabbing ahold of your hand, and giving it a soft squeeze, “Maybe she’s magic…You know, May said that she once knew if her patient’s baby was a boy or a girl. And she was right.”
“Well,” you look at your husband, “we know who we need to go to when one of us wants to buy a lottery ticket!”
--author's note: EEEKKK!!! YAY A PART TWOOOO!!!!! peter loves reader so much omg its sickening. i need to write dad!peter more bc damn, i need him. be sure to like, comment, and reblog if you love what you see. my asks/inbox is open to send requests!!! ok, bye ily<3333
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Hey, I love ur writing so much!! Idk if ur interested in continuation requestions but if you are I'd love to see a continuation of the insomniac hero/villain with sleep powers? Maybe the sleep powers take effect immediately so villain makes sure hero is all ready and comfy in bed first? Maybe villain is still there when hero wakes up? Idk just some thoughts! The first part was so beautifully written it's really stuck in my brain
pt. 1
"Lay down," the villain said. They had been right with their secret assumption - the hero had barely eaten anything either. They had made a quick dinner and had helped them get ready for bed.
It wasn't like they cared. Obviously that wasn't the case. They did this because their sidekicks were friends...
"You're pretty patient with me," the hero said. They took their shirt off and the villain's face turned red. Immediately, they looked at the floor, trying not to be embarrassed. "I appreciate that."
"Well- It's...sleep is important." The villain gathered their thoughts. They weren't sixteen anymore. They couldn't possibly blush because of a shirtless hero.
"I think I need to get my ass kicked every once in a while. Not in the literal sense. I mean, sometimes I think I need someone to tell me what to do. To grab my shoulders and shake me until I realise that I'm wrong."
"You're stubborn, that's alright." I can deal with stubborn. The villain cleared their throat and allowed themselves to look at the hero again.
"I probably would have looked through those files until morning." The hero laughed and the villain could feel a weird twist in their chest. It twisted further and further, the more they looked at the hero. "Can you forget how to rest? Is that a thing?"
They let themselves sink into their bed and the villain finally found the courage to approach them.
"I think you can forget to take care of yourself. Especially when you put everyone else's needs above your own."
"I am a hero, that's what I do. It's my destiny. I was born to do this..."
"You weren't born to destroy yourself." The villain sat down on the bed. "Now stop stalling."
The hero smirked sleepily.
"You do care," they said and the villain wasn't sure if they could fight these allegations any longer.
"You talk to much." They tugged the hero into bed and suddenly, that overwhelming feeling of being embarrassed came over them again. If I could, they thought, if I could put my life into their hands, I would.
The hero's dedication was something they admired and yet they felt jealousy rise in their throat. They wanted that dedication, too. They wanted the hero to put as much time into their fights as they put time into working for the city. But they also knew they couldn't force the hero.
"Time for bed," they said. They summoned their powers but before they could make the hero fall asleep, their enemy grabbed the villain's hand.
"Please stay if you can," they whispered. "You don't have to but...if you want to, please...I think you're the only one I'd allow to help me."
And then the answer came quite softly, "Of course."
The villain stayed until the hero woke up. In total, the hero slept for eleven hours.
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waayfo · 8 months
about you 1975 (zhongli)
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There was something 'bout you that now I can't remember
You were sure, and very sure that it was the first time you two had met. In Liyue Harbor, which is busy as usual, you walk around just to enjoy the view. And that's where you met him.
He sat elegantly with a glass of tea in his hand. Sometimes he focuses on listening to iron tongue tian—which for you is very boring. His eyes seemed to be able to trap anyone who saw them because of its beauty. And to you, he is the definition of beauty (or maybe more than it). But most importantly, being around him makes you feel familiar. It's as if you knew him deeply and were always with him.
"Looks like something has caught your attention." The man said after taking a sip of his tea. You immediately feel embarrassed after being caught admiring him. "Ah, sorry for making you uncomfortable."
The man chuckled. "That's okay."
"I'm sorry but, have we met before?" Your curiosity can't stop you from asking. And you end up regretting asking because he'll definitely think you're really weird.
The man stared at the tea remaining in his glass, his eyes showing as if he was remembering a memory full of sadness. It took him some time to answer, "You can say that."
Obviously that makes you even more curious. "Huh?"
"You haven't changed." Now he looks at you with a smile. Not the smile he usually gives (how do you know this?), but a smile of relief as if he had been waiting for a long time.
"I... I don't understand."
"Sorry for confusing you. Come and take a seat. My name is Zhongli. And may i ask what's your name?"
"Y/n. It's nice to meet you, Zhongli."
"Nice to meet you too. That's a beautiful name." And once again, you feel deja vu.
Do you think I have forgotten? Do you think I have forgotten? Do you think I have forgotten About you?
The highest peak that is like a country above the clouds is where two people who occupy the highest position among humans meet. One, is famous for its cruelty and firmness in leading. One, is known for its curiosity and courage.
"Well, what do we have here? A visitor?" His voice was booming even though it didn't feel like it was in a closed room. Anyone who hears it will feel frightened in an instant. His figure sat in a chair around a table, with a cup of tea in his hand.
"This place is very beautiful. I've always been curious about what it would feel like to be above the clouds. Turns out this is what it feels like." The happy smile was clearly visible, and somehow he felt calm seeing it.
"You have great curiosity like people say."
"And you are as intimidating as people say." They both laughed.
"Well, come and take a seat. Even though I know that we know each other's names, what's wrong with introducing ourselves? My name is Morax. And may i ask your name?"
You smiled a little. "My name is y/n. It is an honor for me to meet you, Morax."
"It is an honor for me to meet you too, y/n. That's a beautiful name."
And when they met, people believed that they would be opposites and trigger another war. And in the end, even though their personalities are different, they are always together until the end.
I think about you (so don't let go) About you (so don't let go)
Thousands or even millions of spears decorated the dark sky which filled the fear of those who saw them.
He is angry. Morax was angry, that was all anyone knew. And everyone knows that anyone who makes him angry deserves to be punished by him.
And here he is, punishing someone with his spear. While he was hugging the body of someone who was almost helpless in his arms, he shed tears. For the first time, after going through thousands of battles, he shed tears just because he lost someone he loved.
And before the fragments of that person finally disappeared and left only dust and memories for those who knew, Morax made a promise;
"I will meet you again, even in a different body and in a different place. I will always find you. And when that happens, I will always protect you."
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kairiscorner · 8 months
shy!miguel o'hara x shy!gn!reader headcanons.
he had secretly admired you from afar for the last few months that you had known each other. he does get pretty self-conscious about it sometimes (well, most of the time, tbh) and he does pry his eyes away from you as much as he can–but there are moments when he just gets lost in thinking about you and admiring you while you're off doing your own thing, as if he's hypnotized by you and all of you.
he has tried so many times to approach you and compliment you, tell you the truth about how he feels towards you to get the feeling over with, and to just be closer to you outside of work; but he can never hold on to the courage long enough for you to get the hint that he likes you so, so much.
being the shy type yourself, you tend to put yourself away from the spotlight–without even realizing it sometimes. so whenever miguel goes over to you and tries to confess he true feelings, you always have this tendency to see him as an intimidating leader–which he is, for the most part, just not around you.
he gets worried sometimes whenever you shirk away from him even more than you usually do around others, making him sometimes think he did something wrong.
he wants to correct any and all mistakes in his way of approaching you, the last thing he wants is to make you uncomfortable, so of course, he tries to change himself up to seem more confident and more friendly–but this freaks you out even more because you're never used to a friendly miguel.
you sometimes feel like you're walking on eggshells around him, and as friendly as he appears, you can't help but wanna look away to the side or to the ground out of sheer embarrassment and shyness at how such a big, commanding man is taking the time out of his day to talk to you about something alone.
he does get lost in his own head sometimes when he sees you lose your composure over him–the stuttering, the way your eyes hop between here and there every time he speaks, the way you gasp a little when he calls your attention, and the way you jolt up and gently bite your lip whenever he gets closer–makes him lose his composure as well and makes him fall for you even harder and overthink even more about all of this.
he doesn't know how to tell you how much he admires you and your silent self when you're doing something you like, how much he loves you when you're talking because you don't seem to do that very often–how much he wants to hear you talk and just be yourself; and how much he loves being close to you and having you be comfortable and happy around him, even with all your pretty little shy traits making you cuter than you already are.
"shock it, i... look, i-i... i love you, okay?" he blurted out as he felt his face heating up and getting fuzzier, with his lower lip quivering in anxiety as he hoped you wouldn't take this the wrong way and make him think he's a creep or whatnot. your eyes widened and your face got all warm, you gasped gently after you processed what he just told you. "i... love you, too, miguel... i always, always have." you respond as you stared down at your feet in embarrassment, but didn't regret being honest with him.
miguel blinked back in confusion and surprise, you seriously... no way.
"y-you do?" he asked you in a soft voice as you gently raised your head and nodded. miguel felt his heart hammer incessantly in his chest as he watched your beautiful eyes look up into his own, your flustered expression making him love you even more. "th-then... i love you more." he says, trying to hold on to his pride as he felt himself folding for you, making you involuntarily giggle, which sent him over the edge and made him look all the more embarrassed and happy that you reciprocated his feelings.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @hearts4gabri @hisachuu @wreakingmarveloushavok @fictarian @yuridopted0 @simsrandomstuff @luvstarrstruck @popeheywardssecretgf @meeom @arachnoia @melovetitties @fable-library @ophanimgold @smokeywhalee @capnshtfce
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keruimi · 1 month
Can I request a fluff??? Kenma tutoring the reader since the reader is bad at studies?? And later they confess and all?? Thank you!!
Infatuation or Love?
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Pairing: Kenma Kozume x Reader
Warnings: Fluff
Notes: I'm sorry if it took so long. I really know Kenma as an introvert so him agreeing on tutoring someone seems too impossible. But I thankfully manage, I just hope he is not that out of character. Hope you enjoy it!!
I sigh in relief after hearing the school bell and was ready to take my console out of my pocket when the teacher called for me.
I stay still from my seat thinking what will we talk about knowing I didn't even do anything wrong this week.
I decided to finally stand up and walk to her desk and saw she was checking something in her grading sheet so I just stood in front so we wouldn't invade each other's space.
But this is nerve wracking.
"Sensei?" I called out in a whisper to alarm her of my presence.
"Kenma, I'm sorry for what I'm about to request" she started as I bit my lip a little to distract myself.
"I know that you are really busy especially if you are a regular in the volleyball team" she started as I nod in understanding but still thinking where our conversation is heading.
"But I need you to tutor someone"
It felt like my brain stopped functioning on her words.
I hope, I wish, if you don't mind.
It seems like those words are not in her vocabulary.
Do I even have a choice in this?
"Sensei, don't we have other students for that?" I mustered up the courage to question her as I tightly grip on my gaming console.
I need time for myself too. Lev is already a heavy problem I'm trying to unload from my life.
"They have declined"
"Then why can't I?" I almost slap my hand on my mouth when it let out the words that shouldn't be stated.
"Well I thought you would agree since you and Y/n seem to be close compared to the other students I gave this request to"
My ears pick that one name.
"Yes Kenma" she answered.
"Come again?" The teacher exclaims in puzzlement as I tried to supressed the growing blush on my cheeks.
That came out loud than what I intended.
"I mean I don't mind, Sensei" I murmur that lifted a small smile from the teacher in front of me.
"Alright then, here's her contacts. Both of you should talk about your schedules so you know when you will have tutor sessions"
She handed me a card before I bid my goodbyes and immediately went to the volleyball boy's changing room.
I peek inside and saw that everyone seems to be already in the gym so I changed to my practice clothes.
I took my phone and typed her number.
It took me a lot of courage to even send a greeting and need to double check my spelling so I won't look stupid.
I hope this is the 'Y/n' I knew well due to Kuroo's constant nagging.
I quickly turn off my phone when I click the send button and just started walking to the gym, trying to calm my heart down.
Kenma, this is not you.
I remind myself when I start to notice I'm getting work up in this set up.
"Kenma! You're late!" I heard Kuroo immediately as I took a deep breath because I can really feel my racing heart.
I am not even sure if it was really her.
"Hey you ok? You look lost?" Kuroo ask as he stop in front me so I just walk past him and just start warming up.
"You look red, did you run on your way here?"
"Shut up"
"I'm just asking! Who knows you might be experiencing heat stroke right now"
I just ignore his nagging and just let the time pass by but I can't deny that my mind was in the phone.
Silently yearning that she would message me back.
Just because of one tutor, I had the chance to spend time with her.
"Kenma right?" My ears perk up when I hear her soft voice amidst the crowded hallway of the school.
I glanced up from my gaming console and saw the girl I started to secretly admire out of nowhere.
I just know I liked her when my heartbeat went faster and felt my face turn warm.
This infatuation just decided to target me right now.
"You're the one I'm going to tutor, correct?" I ask in a whisper as she hums in agreement.
I started to walk towards the library and felt her follow me.
My nerves started to get more out of control from the silence between the two of us until we finally managed to take a seat in the school's library.
"Where do you want to start?" I decided to break the silence and hid my gaming console to focus but I can't deny how my hands tremble under the table.
I really don't like socialising.
I only agree because it was her. Seems like I screwed myself up.
But thinking of the bright side, I prefer here than the gym where I won't even have enough rest unlike here where I bask in the cool and calming surroundings of the library without anyone annoying me.
Extra credits because of her presence.
"Wherever you want to start with" she answered in a whisper and my heart seems to calm down.
Is she also shy?
I mean, I only see her in every match we play, except when it's outside of tokyo.
That's why she always catches my attention until it turns into infatuation.
Now I need to suffer with the quick heartbeats every time I hear her name.
I shook my head to remove the thoughts that keep distracting me as I put my bag down to the floor.
"Alright then, we'll start with the easiest"
I need to take the lead which I have never done my whole life but this is a girl I'm talking about.
A shy one to say the least so since I need to teach her, I need to take the lead no matter how much I hate it.
As long as it was her.
Yet those moments where I need to push myself out of the bubble, will be one of the memories I would be honor to remember.
Because our relationship started to progress until we finally become comfortable in each other's presence.
She became a part of my routine and in exchange of fighting against my anxiety, I get to know more about who she is.
The reason why her grades started to fail was because she was also a working student. She can't balance school requirements and her work.
But she is not that really hard to teach. I think I only need to repeat myself twice and she will understand the lesson we are tackling.
And right now, three weeks after this tutoring session, I'm starting to have the urge to just lean on her shoulder and rest because I'm really starting to get comfortable in her presence.
It feels like I don't even want this to end.
"Kenma, I finished it" I heard her beside me as I finished the round I started playing like 10 minutes ago as I stopped leaning on the chair to check the worksheet I gave her.
Is this still infatuation when I'm starting to put efforts for her own good?
I slid the paper in front of her as I leaned towards her so I can point out where she went wrong in the third equation.
"In this part, you need to use the exact value. The only thing you're going to estimate is the final answer. Alright?"
I heard her hum as I finally had the urge to look at her and saw her focus was already on me.
It felt like my world stopped at that moment.
I saw how her face started to turn a little red until a notification sound caught my attention that made me break our eye contact.
I immediately turned away my face from her to hide the obvious blush appearing on my cheeks.
I was really falling in love that time.
And the obvious glances as the time passed by started to get to me.
"Kenma?" I heard her call for my name after I finished a practice match that brought the focus of my teammates on me.
"Oh, you're here" I muttered before I permitted myself to leave while drying the sweat from my neck using my towel.
"What brought you here?"
I finally glanced at her and saw she was holding a small box. I also noticed her shifting her feet from time to time and I unknowingly smiled.
"Sensei said that my grades are already good. So you won't need to tutor me anymore"
She mumbled as I nod but I can't help the sadness I felt in my chest and I out my mouth in a firm line to avoid saying something I shouldn't.
"Is that so?" I lost my words as my mind blank knowing it might be our last before we become strangers again.
"Yes, so as a little gift for keeping up with me. I made you an apple pie"
"Apple pie?" She nod when I repeated her words before she handed me the pastry.
"I've heard from your teammates that Apple Pie is your favorite" I didn't fail to notice the small blush forming on her cheeks that really confirms to me that this feeling of mine is not one-sided.
"Thank you Y/n. It was nice being with you" I exclaimed as I took her gift from her.
"Would you mind prolonging our time more?" I suggested and she immediately lifted her head up in delight.
"Are you sure?" She asked as I nod.
I saw her clasping her hands together as she seems to think whether to let out the words she is thinking or just let it be.
"I like you, Y/n"
I admitted it first so it won't be more difficult for her and I saw how her eyes met mine.
"That's why I ask you if you would like to prolong our time longer" I can't prevent myself from lifting a small smile.
And out of nowhere, I felt her own body on mine as I raised the box so she won't crush it.
"I like you too, Kenma. I really do"
Can I still call this infatuation?
When I'm starting to fall in love
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turbulentscrawl · 6 months
Hey there!! If you're up for it, some Victor Grantz sfw & ns/fw perchance?
Ngl I'm a bit in awe with how many requests you've been able to post in such a relatively short amount of time 😵‍💫 it's very admirable, but I also hope you get enough rest so you don't burn yourself out ^^"
I absolutely can! He's my first one posting the relationship HCs before the general haha
I appreciate the concern, but I'm alright! Headcanons are pretty quick and easy for me to fill, it's just the actual scenarios that are a little more work-intensive. And I fill stuff as I have time and inspiration, so I'll have on-and-off spurts like that where stuff comes out faster!
Victor Grantz
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-Victor is a very empathetic and adaptable partner. He’s very attuned to your mood, and goes out of his way to check on you whenever he has spare time. He enjoys being the person you vent to, about anything and everything—remember, secrets are huge deal to Victor. Sharing your private thoughts and feelings with him is the ultimate sign of your trust in him, so tell him about all your troubles. He won’t share them with another soul. Well, maybe Wick, but that doesn’t count right?
-He’s totally open to basic PDA. Don’t get me wrong, his cheeks go apple-red every time, but he’s got no issues with giving you a hug or a smooch in front of other people. He’s even alright with sitting in one another’s laps because he can’t turn down a good cuddle. But Wick gets to sit in the lap of whoever is on top.
-When you’re in a relationship with Victor, his true sillyguy nature reveals itself. Like, if he ever catches you dancing like a loon to music and chores, he’s immediately joining in. If you initiate a prank war, he’s very likely to reciprocate. (But only if it’s the harmless stuff.) Cooking with him? He’s gonna dollop something on your nose. If you have any non-verbal stims or ticks, he likes to playfully copy them.
-In a modern world, he enjoys watching movies with you and will 100% cry at the sad and heartwarming stuff. He doesn’t love horror movies, but romcoms and animated flicks are good. During the Holidays he has those awful Hallmark movies playing constantly.
-He enjoys outdoor activities! If you don’t he can generally get his fill from doing his deliveries and taking Wick on walks, but he’d really enjoy it if you wanted to go hiking or camping sometime. In the winter, he enjoys building snowmen and snowball fights.
-It may surprise some of you, but he’s more of a top! (A very gentle top.) But he’s quite shy, and nervous about making unwanted advances, so he always waits for your invitation first. He likes when you whisper flirty little lines to him as a signal that you’re in the mood, or send him a letter with a time and place for a sneaky tryst. It never fails to put a sweet smile and adorable blush on his cheeks.
-Before, and even for a good while into your relationship, Victor is more likely to scurry off to take care of any arousal by himself than he is to agree to sex. It’s nothing against you, honestly, he just needs time to build up the courage to see you naked without passing out. The good news: he unintentionally edges himself a lot because he gets so distracted thinking of you, so by the time you do get involved sexually he’s already built up some decent endurance.
-He’ll give you oral if you ask, but he prefers to use his hands on you so he can kiss you at the same time. If you give him oral, he unravels quickly. It’s the one thing he never gets much better at lasting through.
-Victor likes to indulge in a romantic atmosphere and is especially fond of soft candlelight and rose petals. Intimacy is a precious commodity after Victor’s history, and he wants to foster it. If you ever get ahold of a private hot spring or a nice, big bath with some wine, consider him seduced.
-He’s not very loud during the act, but he sighs sweetly and whimpers. It’s very common for him to whisper an “I love you” during or right after he finishes. When he comes, his arms shake something terrible, so he usually ends up laying right on top of you instead of holding himself up properly. He doesn’t weigh too much, thankfully, and it’s a great opportunity to cling to him. He also really doesn’t want to pull out after. Can’t he just stay like this while and enjoy the afterglow?
-He really enjoys roleplay in the bedroom. Is he the best at it? No, he’s really not. And it’s fine if you’re not either because Victor doesn’t take it too seriously. He just thinks it’s fun to dress up and pretend a little bit in the bedroom. He won’t, for instance, play a whole long scene as a police officer where you get arrested and whatnot. He’s just a “police officer” who finds you attractive, instead of a “postman.” As hinted briefly above, he also likes cockwarming during frisky cuddles. ;)
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dema-heart · 10 months
can you do a hobie x hippie y/n (wears wrap tops & long flowy skirts, lots of chimy jewelry, distracts the police from hindering his spidering) that loves to be his little spider-man cheerleader, but like has no sense of self-preservation, is reckless, and is soooo sure that they can handle themselves?
You're a real piece of work
Hobie x hippie (mostly) fem!reader
Mentions of cops ,protests, and feminine clothing
Use of the term goddess toward the end
Warning: Me attempting to write action lol
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The first time you'd seen spiderpunk in person was when he came crashing into the jewelry stand at the farmer's market you'd been looking at. He laid there with a groan as you looked him over, more curious than scared. You'd heard about him, hell who hadn't, the punk themed web swinger who's fought against what he felt was wrong. Some of his ideas lined up with yours, and some didn't, but the way he fought against it all sat well with your own reckless self.
There was commotion to your left, You looked only to see officers making their way over. Quickly without thinking, you tossed your long over-sized sweater over him, hoping he'd get the message to cover up. He looked at you, the eyes of his mask squinting, but you just nodded your head before running up to the officers.
"Officers!! Thank goddess you're here! Spiderman just came crashing into my jewelry stand!" Your voice was a practiced panic as you pretended to be startled. Your hand riddled with rings clutched at the necklaces dangling on your chest as you pointed out the obviously wrecked booth. "He went running off in that direction just before you got here please you have to hurry he can't get away with this!"
The officers looked you over, eyes narrowed in question. You shifted your booted feet, long skirt swaying. Everyone knew better than to get this close to the officers. Most just got out of their way or ignored them if around but You knew if you did that, they'd find your new favorite hero, so instead you made a scene hoping they'd take the bait.
"Thank you ma'am will get right on it. The force will not forget your help today." One of the officers nodded before they walked off in the direction you'd pointed in. You grinned, snickering to yourself once they were out of ear shot before walking back to the booth.
Peaking in, you saw your sweater and a poorly hidden spiderpunk. "You're not the best at hiding, huh?" you chuckled, raising a hand to help him out of the booth rubble.
"Not usually the type to hide, but you went through all that work for me to do so." He shrugged, dusting himself off. He reached down grabbing your sweater shaking it before handing it over. "Thanks though can always use a break...sorry bout the shop" He nodded his head back toward the ruined booth.
"Oh... that...no thank you. S'not mine but the owner keeps stealing a friend of mines ideas so I had planned on doing something about it today" You smiled mischievously as your previous plans ran through your head.
"A trouble maker then" He chuckled. Getting ready to swing off not before taking a look at the bracelets that littered your wrist. "hm here. A thanks" He slipped one of his thinner spiked bracelets off and handed it to you. It didn't match your current look; a pale green and brown wrap shirt, paired with a long thin flowy skirt, your earthy tones and the black spiked leather clashing, but you didn't mind. As you slipped it on admiring the way it meshed,He'd swung off giving a two finger salute.
Since then, you'd both left quite the impression on each other. Constantly running into each other at protests or him having to save you when you once again risked it all to help someone or prove a point. In return you'd covered for him more times than he'd like to admit ,allowing him to get away from cops or reporters with ease or even allowing him to rest by hidding him in alley ways or stores you knew supported him, and he respected your courageousness the same way you respected his.
This time was no different. You were at a festival before all hell broke loose....you rushed forward against the panicked crowd, having seen some young kid getting swept along. You pushed and elbowed your way through people, the spiked bracelet sitting on your wrist along with your normal jewelry as your own lucky charm. You grabbed the kid by the back of their shirt, pulling them to you roughly, not caring about the bodies pushing against you or the hits you were taking as you covered the kid before pulling them out and to the side.
"You okay, little one?" Your voice was calm and soothing a big difference from your ruffled appearance. The kid nodded before their eyes lit up, looking up into the sky. You looked up watching spider-punk swing by. You immediately stood up yelling a 'took you long enough' before cheering him on. Your hand had never left the kids, though, and as things got rougher, you moved to see if their was somewhere you could take the kid in all the chaos only to get stopped by their hand squeezing yours. you looked down at them and watched as fear took over their features. Confused, you looked back only to see what was probably a mangled up booth flying toward you both.
'Well Shit' was all you thought before grabbing the kid and pulling him into your chest, turning so you'd take the brunt of the hit and bracing for impact.
The hit never came and as you opened your eyes, you saw webbing holding all the debris from hitting you or the kid. Spider-punk coming down to check on you both.
"We've got to stop meeting like this, luv. I'm starting to think you like danger more than you like me. " his tone was teasing as he watched a mother come rushing forward to grab the kid you'd protected twice now.
"I don't know I think I like both pretty equally" You grinned taking a step closer to the masked hero.
"Well, that's no good." You couldn't tell, but you swore he was smiling. The sound of heavy footed boots and police sirens made both your heads snap to the side.
"Think that's my que," You said grinning as you turned back to face him, slipping one of your necklaces off you motioned for him to bend down. He did allowing you to slip it over his head, the rock and gem themed necklace looking just as out of place on him as the spiked bracelet on your wrist. "A thank you...and maybe a see you later" You said grinning as he looked from the necklace that had a little spider skull pendant in the center to you.
Sun light shined behind you giving you a golden hue and the wind picked up slighty causing your thin, flowy clothes to sway in a graceful manner and with that smile on your face you looked like a goddess, a beautiful earthy goddess, and spiderpunk for a second honestly thought you might be one before that mischievous look came across your face and you were pulling him toward you by his jacket his hand quickly coming up to grab yours in surprise before you pushed off him falling to the ground. From any other point of view, it looked like he shoved you for stopping him. The cuts and scraps form you pulling the kid out the crowd earlier really working in your favor here.
"Officer! Officers, please help over here! Spiderman attacked me! Please, you have to hurry." You wailed out before winking up at spiderpunk and whispering 'go' as you watched the Officers come running toward you. He got the message smirking under his mask as he webbed the nearest lamp post swinging away. He'd look back to see the officers help you up, and you'd stumble, causing them to have to stay behind long enough to secure you were alright and get your take on what happened. He'd laughed, always amazed at how bold you were and how good your acting was in these moments.
...and maybe later he'd find the lil tag on the necklace you gave him with 'your biggest fan♡ find me here!' And your address written on it.
...and maybe just maybe he'd pay you a visit...just to make sure the risk-taking goddess hadn't gotten themselves too hurt while he wasn't looking...
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Oh my gosh ! Thank you for the lovely request, Firefly! I hope you liked it. I'm not necessarily familiar with hippie style or mannerisms, but I did make a whole pintrest board just to make sure I had some idea of what I was working with. I went for less established and more build up for their relationship, and I tried to keep it as neutral but fem leaning as possible (off your choice of clothing).
( ^-^)ノ∠※。.:*:・'°☆
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
can i request first kiss with tetcho and anyone else you want? ^^
yes you certainly can my love!!
Their first kiss with you
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♡ pairing: Tecchou Suehiro, Atsushi Nakajima, Oda Sakunosuke, Lucy Montgomery x gn!Reader
♡ synopsis: Your first kiss with them!
♡ cw: Very slight implications of NSFW in Tecchou's part, but otherwise pure fluff :)
note: Well, this took far too long. I'm sorry anon T-T fortunately I am starting to catch up with most of my reqs, so hopefully I'll be able to open reqs again soon! (for clarification I'm currently completing ones I received before closing my requests) Apologies for errors and I hope you enjoy x
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Offbeat as he is, he's secretly so serious about it. He's crazy adamant on not messing this moment up lol
He initially intended to make it fun and fancy, like take you out to some restaurant and make it all romantic (that's probably what the other Hunting Dogs suggested), but in reality you're both just sitting on the couch at your place together playing video games and eating pizza and other random snacks
Your relationship was progressing steadily but Tecchou wanted to make the next big move, so he wanted to kiss you while he was spending the night with you (and possibly do other things idk)
You guys were currently watching a movie (it can be whatever film you want) and Tecchou just keeps thinking about kissing you. He's even more aloof than usual and you do eventually notice it.
When you decide to ask him if something's wrong, he turns to you and asks "Is it alright if I kiss you?" Tecchou's always been a very direct person after all!
You pause out of shock for a second or two, but you quickly tell him that you'd be more than happy if he kissed you.
So, Tecchou does kiss you after gently caressing your cheek. He's a surprisingly soft and gentle kisser. You two end up making out for a while and ignoring the movie lol
Perhaps the casual staying-in date was a better setting for your first kiss with him after all ^-^
You've never seen him so nervous in your life
Throughout your whole date you were already aware that he was planning to end it with your first kiss (poor thing is too obvious) but you didn't say anything because you didn't wanna embarrass him.
He tries to keep the mood at ease but he's just so clearly trying to build up his courage to do it so it's kinda hard to be normal with him without giving away the fact that you're in the know.
The date is the two of you going out to eat one evening (perhaps at a diner of some sort), and then wandering around the port together and admiring the environment (city lights are quite romantic, after all)
You two are sitting at a bench near the sea, it's comfortably quiet between the two of you, but you know Atsushi is still trying to figure out how to approach this
Eventually you decide enough is enough and just do it for him. You grab his attention, pull him in and kiss him. He short circuits and when you pull away is speechless, and his face is also so pink. It's honestly super cute
But when you kiss him again he's less shocked, and so he kisses back. And, what do you know, he's great at it! If you could, you would make out with Atsushi for hours.
"I've been wanting to do that for the longest time," he breathes, after you two pull apart for air. And that's hot, my friends. Only cowards would deny it 😌
You two usually spent your dates in places that most people wouldn't really consider romantic (eg. Bar Lupin, just strolling through the danker streets of Yokohama, sitting in your car in a parking lot somewhere (it's an aesthetic guys))
On these dates you two tend to have conversations about life, philosophy, literature and other stuff like that.
You and Oda are sitting side by side, and he's watching you with this lovestruck look on his face while you're talking about something you're passionate about.
When you notice, you ask him what the matter is, to which he simply smiles and tells you that you look adorable.
As if that wasn't enough he then adds "To be honest, I'd really like to kiss you." Cue your short circuiting, and Odasaku's chuckling while he watches this.
Eventually though you tell him that you really wouldn't mind that, and so he slowly leans in and presses his lips to yours. Afterwards he tells you that you taste sweeter than he could have imagined, and he'll also kiss your hand like the gentleman he is
Whether or not you continue really depends whether or not you're in private or public, so you can either go back to talking or you can just make out with him (he's more than happy to do both)
On the surface your first kiss with Oda seems casual enough but you're both reeling with butterflies afterwards (help I want him so bad)
She kinda drags it out for a while. Lucy really wants to kiss you, but she's too afraid to admit that to you, but she also doesn't wanna kiss you out of nowhere because that's rude. She doesn't know what to do
You and Lucy would have super cute dates- cafe visits, walks in the park, classic romantic stuff. She's very cute and old school like that
This particular date is a picnic, like on a summer afternoon in the park. Often Lucy is a bit of a chatterbox and loves to converse with you but today she's a little quiet.
You ask her if she's alright because she's also eating less than normal, and with a blush she insists that she's fine and tells you to enjoy yourself.
You try to brush it off and the date continues all fine and well, but when comes the time to eat the cake that she brought, she offers to feed it to you. She's so clearly nervous while doing this, even though it's not the first time she's fed you
Once you both finish eating she takes a breath and finally blurts out "Can I kiss you?"
When it clicks that this is why she's been nervous the whole time you start laughing and she gets mad at you (though she's just a little embarrassed is all)
You tell her that of course she can kiss you, and so she does (with a huge blush on her face lol). And she tastes like strawberries <3
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man it's been so long since i kissed someone...or had physical contact with another human being in any capacity...i'm not coping well guys T-T
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rinniemybeloved · 1 year
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notes : kodzuken pls pay my bills
warnings : kinda ooc shirabu, atsumu not rlly wanting to be a dad
pairings : various setters x fem!reader, reader is Iwaizumi's sister in oikawa's part
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He's a very busy man. Being a stock trader, a pro gamer, a youtube content creator, and a ceo all at once wasn't something many could do. It was clear that he didn't wan't to be in a relationship and didn't have time to be in one anyways. But, his mother has always loved the idea of her son having a 'traditional' family. He didn't want to upset his mother, so he agreed to marry the girl his mother picked for him, you. At first, he tried to ignore you, but how long can you ignore someone who literally lives in the same household as you?
"If you want to live here, you have to make yourself useful."
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You and Keiji had broken up a long time ago. The last year of highschool, to be exact. It was just a normal first relationship and you both broke up on good terms. It only lasted a few months, anyways. But within those few months, you developed a special admiration for him. He wasn't just 'any other guy that you had dated', he was politer and his reserved nature made you feel comfortable. So, when you two bumped into each other seven years later, you two tried to give it another shot. That's when you realized that Keiji didn't really change at all, he was still him.
"It was right person wrong time, and this might just be the right time."
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You're the younger sister of Hajime Iwaizumi, so you've known Oikawa for many years. You were really close to him, you even knew some things about Tooru that not even your brother knew. There was always a bond between you two, but you thought that Hajime would get mad if you spoke out about it. During Hajime's wedding, Tooru had had way too many drinks and was saying whatever comes to his head without thinking. You were having fun watching him slur his words and say the dumbest stuff ever, until he said something about you.
"No, I am not drunk! If I was, I'd say how much I wanna kiss you right now."
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He was one of the most successful doctors in the country, while you were just an average nurse. You were scared of approaching him, it didn't seem like he wanted to waste his time talking to someone like you. You knew that it wouldn't be good to keep your feelings hidden, so you managed to pluck up the courage to finally go up to him during his lunch break. You asked him a few things about his job, and luckily, it went well! You tried not to get your hopes up after just a small interaction, but you could feel that everything would continue to get better after this.
"You're not one of those girls who're gonna ask me for my snapchat, right?"
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You got pregnant at seventeen, so it was expected that Atsumu didn't want to ruin his bright future by taking care of a kid. The boy tried to avoid talking or even thinking about you and the baby at any cost. You were a girl of the past to him. But, that hatred he had for you all faded away when he saw you with your 3-year-old daughter, he couldn't help but want to be in his daughter's life. He was brave enough to reach out to you and ask to start over. So, you gave him the chance to visit his daughter once a week. But, he wanted more than that.
"Is wanting to be a part of both of your lives too much to ask?"
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If he was the moon, then you were his sun. Even if he would never admit it, you made his day brighter by doing the smallest of things. Unfortunately, you two never had the time to actually hangout and spend time because of him always being attached to volleyball. Even with the small part of his daily life that you were in, you almost always seemed to make it better for him. He didn't really even know why. You packed his lunch, helped him with his studies, tied his shoes (he can't tie shoes lol), the list just goes on. There were some times when he thought—
"Do I make her as happy as she makes me?"
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Requests are open!
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