#trying to box their relationship into romantic or platonic
citruslullabies · 2 days
I'm still not used to writing for Cooper, so any constructive criticism is welcome!!
Trigger warnings: none
Romantic/platonic?: romantic
Requested by: no one!! Just a fun lil thing
Category: heavy fluff
Ship (romantic or platonic): prewar!Cooper Howard x reader
Word count: 1000
He's a Doll
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The apartment had been so quiet, so calm and peaceful. It was almost suspicious just how calm it had been.
It was a nice saturday evening and you were home alone while your spouse was out doing odd jobs, sipping on a cup of tea while reading an article about the war. It was always a topic your partner avoided but you found it interesting, always keeping up to date on the new information coming out.
Cooper Howard, while at one point a well known and beloved actor, had fallen back into the bottom after his divorce with Barbara. A woman you had never met - nor cared to. You honestly were about to give up on the dating game since you were getting older, and age certainly wasn't kind to anyone. You were a 36 year old woman who already had bad back problems and creaky knees, who would want that??
But he did. You both had met when out grocery shopping, with you trying to reach something on the second to highest shelf and trying to regrettably monkey climb and remembering your age in the process.. when all the sudden hearing a chuckle from behind you. And there he was, a very exhausted looking Cooper Howard chuckling at your dispense before helping you out.
The both of you had met when his divorce was still being finalized and custody as well, it seemed like everything was going south for Coop until he fortunately went down the right aisle at the right time. He couldn't even remember how it happened, meeting and then talking and it somehow took off from there. You'd be lying if you said you understood how it happened either.
The radio was playing in the background of the calm little apartment, legs tucked into your side as the hot cup pressed against your lips and a soothing sweet liquid spilled down your throat. With a smile, you continued to read while humming along to the radio station.
“Everyone tells me he's no good
He doesn't love me like he should
I would forget him if I only could
He's a demon, he's a devil, he's a doll”
The lyrics rung out of the little box, causing you to hum along to the beat and drift off into your own little world inside of your head. The song oddly enough reminded you of Cooper, well, besides the whole cheating aspect.. the lyrics were so sweet and reminded you of the sweet devil you fell in love with.
“That man can look me in the eye
And tell the biggest, sweetest lie
And I forget the lipstick on his tie
He's a demon, he's a devil, he's a doll
Sometimes I make up my mind
That I'll stop being so blind
And tell him off real bad
But then he turns on those charms, and there I am in his arms
And I forget why I'm mad”
A soft sigh escaped your lips as you continued to listen, while the song wasn't necessarily about a good relationship it reminded you of yours in a good way. You and Cooper have fought, but he always somehow manages to calm you down before you blow your top off.
The door opened and Cooper was greeted with the sound of music and your humming, which was a pleasant surprise. He closed the door behind him and put his keys up, looking at you in the living room completely off into your own world.. a devious idea sparks in his head.
Quietly, he walked up behind the couch and leaned over just enough to be hovering. He stopped and admired you for a few moments.. the way you seemed so relaxed and at peace, despite that god forsaken news report on the nuclear fallout and war being in your hands. He chuckled quietly and then grabbed your shoulders abruptly earning a startled yelp and a quick swat to the arm.
“No need to get your panties in a twist darlin, ‘m sorry.” The southern cowboy said with a laugh as he saw your irritated gaze, his pearly whites on full display as his eyes were crinkled up. Oh you couldn't stay mad at him no matter how hard you tried.
Your gaze softened in almost an instant when seeing how joyous his face appeared, rolling your eyes playfully as you folded up the newspaper and tucked it into your arm. He smiled when he felt a delicate hand on his cheek from the one he adored, chuckling and placing his larger and rougher head atop your smaller and softer hand. Your hands had callouses, but they were like buttermilk compared to his sandpapered skin. He leaned down and captured your lips with his own, hands sliding down to your hip dips and squeezing softly.
With a content hum, he snaked one hand over to that pesky paper you had rolled up and took it away from you while you were distracted. He was glad to see you after a long day of work, your lips tasting like sweet sun tea with a bit too much sugar but he still accepted the flavor on his tongue happily since it was you. You pulled away and smiled at him, before pressing your cheek against the cushion.
“Well, I'll just accept it as a heads-up that you're sleeping on the couch tonight.” You chuckled as he gave you a fake offended look. He nuzzled his nose against yours with a chuckle, before pouting. “Oh sugar cube, you're so cruel to a poor cowboy down on his luck.”
You both stayed like that for a while, just adoring each other with playful jabs.. the music continuing to be sweet as it filled the room and danced around the both of you.
“He's a palooka, he's a brute
He drives me crazy but he's cute
Why do I love a guy I ought to shoot?
He is a demon, he is a devil, he is a doll~”
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I'm working on requests!! Thanks for reading
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the-crimson · 9 months
This 4halo date was the best thing ever because it was a situation where every single romantic trope in the book was being used but there was zero actual romance in it between the characters XD it was so funny to watch 10/10
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mossy-aro · 1 year
why do allos insist on viewing relationships in the most boring ways imaginable
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potted-cilantro · 5 months
god who invented this 'friends can't be affectionate' shit and 'romance is a necessity and the default so we're treating every single relationship as a binary' and 'the words in your language only support this binary it is impossible to describe a relationship outside it' bullshit can we get rid of it please
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fabulouslygaybean · 3 months
ugh. this is fucking weird but i almost wish i got more jealous over romantic shit. it would make relationships so much easier by society's standards
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mockerycrow · 7 months
okay, so something unsettling. with ghost x gn! reader. “don’t worry, it’s not my blood”. maybe you are ghost’s civilian friend in an abusive relationship and one day it reaches a point when you’re so scared you lock yourself in the bathroom while your s/o is raging outside the door, banging on it and threatening you. you manage to call simon and ask him to come get you. the result is, well, blood that is not his. 👁️👁️
- 🐇
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[WARNINGS; HUGE warning for abuse and reactions to abuse (I had to take a break writing a part of this), murder, blood + gore + injury, major hurt/comfort, can be read as platonic or romantic.]
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BEING ON LEAVE means Simon needs to restock his fridge and cabinets with enough food for a couple of days. Leaning against the bar of the shopping cart as he turns over the box of tea in his hands. He grumbles since he’s having to buy a new brand of his favorite tea, figuring out that his favorite company discontinued that line. Simon lets out a huff of defeat before tossing the box into the cart and he begins to roll his cart to the self check-out. 
Simon bags his items up into his reusable bags and hauls them out to his car, putting a bag down to dig around for his keys. He finds them and unlocks the back, putting his bags in—and then his phone begins to ring. His eyebrows furrow a bit as he takes his cell phone out of his pocket, his eyebrows raising as he shuts the back. Simon swipes at his screen, accepting the call and pressing the phone to his ear as he gets into the driver's seat of his vehicle. “Hello?” Simon asks into the phone, a bit confused on why you’re calling him.
His heart nearly drops to his stomach when he hears you sob into the receiver, a muffled static banging in the background and some unintelligible yelling. “Simon—“ Your tone is laced with intense fear and alertness, and he can immediately tell you’re in a state of a need to survive. He calls your name, not even bothering to buckle up, starting his car.
Simon calls your name more insistently, his tone bordering on panic. “What’s goin’ on, love??” His heart begins to pound as you sob a near incoherent “go away” to whoever is making you act like this. “Hey, hey hey—focus, sweetheart, what’s happening?” Simon insists, pulling out of the parking lot, already decidedly going to your place of residence.
You shudder and sob into the phone and clear your throat. “Please, Simon, pleaseplease hElp me, he’s—“ You let out a heartbreaking sob that makes Simon’s chest ache, his knuckles turning white as he grips the steering wheel harder. “Derek, he’s fuckin’—he’s trying to—“ You’re barely able to push the words out, and fuck, Simon is so glad you’re not too far from the store he was just at.
“He’s tryin’ t’hurt you, love?” Simon asks—it’s so obvious your partner is, but he needs to double check; have you confirm it. “Yes—he’s trying to break dOwn the door—leave me alONE—!” You scream, piercing his ear through the phone. Simon lets out a huff, his heart pounding against his rib cage. “I’m on my way, alright? I’m nearly there, I won’t let ‘im hurt ya, love.”
Simon is definitely going over the speed limit, weaving through traffic and his tires screeching in protest at his movements. You choke and cough, letting out a terrified weeping noise, barely able to breathe. A painful itch blooms underneath his skin, the sensation burning and bubbling, bursting at the seams. Simon was not allowed anyone’s blood to spill except his. Derek’s. 
“Breathe, alright? I’m on your street—do ya have anythin’ in the restroom to protect yourself with?” Simon asks, hearing you whimper as the muffled sounds of Derek’s maniacal screaming and pounding is apparent. “C’mon, sweetheart.  I know you’re scared, I know, but you’ve got to stay with me.” Simon insists, and you make a timid “mhm” noise. There’s a shuffling sound, and he’s assuming you’re looking through your cabinets. Simon soon rolls up to your home, and he barely puts the car in park, not even bothering to turn the vehicle off.
“I’m here, darlin’. I’m here. Stay as far away from the door as possible.” And with that, he hangs up. You stutter out his name in fear, but you quickly hear your partner—soon to be ex—Derek redirects his anger from you to Simon, who you hear bellow out Derek’s name. Something about Simon’s tone is.. eerie. Something about how Derek begins to yell and gasp and fucking scream is satisfying.
You cover your ears, curled up in the corner of your bathroom, heaving and sobbing as your head is swimming. You’re dizzy from the lack of sufficient air entering your lungs. You aren’t sure how much time passes, but when you hear a gentle, muffled knock, you hold your breath. Simon calls your name from behind the door, causing you to scramble to your feet.
You sob softly and shakily unlock the door and you freeze at the sight of him—there’s blood splattered across his face, dripping down his neck, caking his hair and his clothes. You nearly scream but Simon quickly holds his hands up, his tone gentle. “Don’t worry, it’s not my blood. I’m alright, love.” The relief that floods you is crashing like waves, just like how you collapse into his arms.
Simon cringes just a bit, Derek’s blood smearing against you and staining your clothes, but your desperate sobs and grabby hands make him forget about the mess. Simon quickly wraps his arms around you and leads you deeper into the bathroom, making sure you don’t see the mangled and unrecognizable body of your ex-boyfriend laying in the hallway, in a puddle of his own blood, organs, and excrement.
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physalian · 3 months
What No One Tells you about Writing #3
Opening this up to writing as a whole, because it turns out I have a lot more to say!
Part 1
Part 2
1. You don’t fall in love with your characters immediately
But when you do, it’s a hit of serotonin like no other. I’d been writing a tight cast of characters for my sci-fi series since 2016 and switched over in a bout of writer’s block this year to my new fantasy book. I made it about ⅓ through writing the book going through the motions, unable to visualize what these new characters look like, sound like, or would behave like without a ‘camera’ on them.
Then, all of a sudden, I opened my document to keep on chugging with the first draft, and it clicked. They were no longer faceless elements of my plot, they were my characters and I was excited to see what they could accomplish, rooting for them to succeed. Sometimes, it takes a while, but it does come.
2. Sometimes a smaller edit is better than a massive rewrite
Unless you’re changing the trajectory of your entire plot, or a character’s arc really is unrecoverable, sometimes even a single line of dialogue, a single paragraph of introspection, or a quick exchange between two characters can change everything. If something isn’t working, or your beta readers consistently aren’t jiving with a character you yourself love, try taking a step back, looking at who they are as a person, and boil down what your feedback is telling you and it might demand a simpler fix than you expect.
Tiny details inserted at the right moment can move mountains. Fan theories stand on the backs of these minutiae. One sentence can turn a platonic relationship romantic. One sentence can unravel a fair and just argument. One sentence can fill or open a massive plot hole.
3. Outline? What outline?
Not every book demands weeks upon weeks of prep and worldbuilding. I would argue that jumping right in with only a vague direction in mind gives you a massive advantage: You can’t infodump research you haven’t done. Exposition is forced to come as the plot demands it, because you haven’t designed it yet.
Not every story is simple and straightforward, but even penning the first draft with your vague plan, *then* going back and adding in deeper worldbuilding elements, more thematic details, richer character development, can get you over the writer’s block hurdle and make it far less intimidating to just shut up and write the book.
4. It’s okay to let your characters take the wheel
I’ve seen writing advice that chastises authors who let their characters run wild, off the plan the story has for them. Yeah, doing this can harm your pacing and muddy a strong and consistent arc, but refusing to leave the box of your outline greatly limits your creativity. I do this particularly when writing romantic relationships (and end up like Captain Crunch going Oops! All Gays!).
Did I plan for these two to get together? No, it just happened organically as I wrote them talking, getting closer, getting to know each other better in the circumstances they find themselves in. Was this character meant to be gay? Well, he wasn’t meant to be straight, but you know what, he’d work really well with this other boy over here. None of that would have happened if I was bound and determined to follow my original plan, because my original plan didn’t account for how the story that I want to tell evolves. You aren’t clairvoyant—it’s okay if it didn’t end up where you thought it would.
5. Fight. Scenes. Suck.
Which is crazy because I love fantasy and sci-fi, the actiony-est genres. Some authors love battle scenes and fistfights. It comes naturally to them and I will forever be jealous. I hate fight scenes. I hate blocking and choreographing them. I hate how it doesn’t read like I’m watching a movie. I hate how it could take me hours to write a scene I can read in 5 minutes. I hate that there’s no way around it except to just not write them, or put in the elbow grease and practice.
Whatever your writing kryptonite is, don’t be too hard on yourself. It won’t ever replicate the movie in your head, but our audience isn’t privy to that movie and will be none the wiser of how this didn’t fit your expectations, because it’s probably awesome on its own. It could be a fight scene, sex scene, epic battle, cavalry charge, courtroom argument, car chase—whatever. Be patient, and kind to yourself and it will all come together.
6. Write the scenes you want to write first
And then be prepared to never use them. It can be mighty difficult working backwards from a climax and figuring out how to write the story around it, but if you’re sitting at your laptop staring at your cursor and watching it blink, stuck on a tedious moment that’s necessary but frustrating, go write something exciting. Even if that amazing scene ends up no longer working in the book your story becomes, you still get practice by writing it. Particularly if you hate beginnings or the pressure of a perfect first page is too high, you’re allowed to write any other moment in the book first.
And with that, be prepared to kill your darlings. Not your characters, I mean that one badass line of dialogue living rent free in your head. That epic monologue. That whump scenario for your favorite character. Sometimes it just doesn’t work out anymore, but even if it ends up in the trash, you can always salvage something from it, even if that’s only the knowledge of what not to do in the future.
7. “This is clearly an author insert.” … Yes. It is. Point?
No one likes Mary Sues, because a character who doesn’t struggle or learn to get everything they want in life is uncompelling. The most flagrant author inserts I see aren’t Mary Sues, they’re nerdy, awkward, boring white guys whose world changes to fit their perspective, instead of the other way around—they don’t have anything to say. I’m not the intended audience to relate to these characters and I accept that, but I don’t empathize with the so-called “strong female character” who also doesn’t have flaws or an arc either.
A good author insert? When the author gives their characters pieces of themselves. When the “author insert” struggles and learns and grows and it’s a therapeutic experience just writing these characters thrown into such horrible situations. They feel human when they’re given pieces of a human’s soul. They have real human flaws and idiosyncrasies. I don’t care if the author wrote themselves as the protagonist. I care that this protagonist is entertaining. So if you want to make yourself the hero of your book, go for it! But make sure you look in the mirror and write in your flaws, as much as your strengths.
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I was explaining this to a friend recently and I think it's an important distinction to make: not all queerplatonic relationships look the same.
A good way I've found to illustrate what exactly a qpr is, is to say "a qpr is to relationships what nonbinary is to gender". While both of these traditionally function on a binary (male/female, platonic/romantic), by defining our personal outlooks and experiences of the concepts of gender and relationships with new terms, we challenge the boundaries that society has put in place.
And yes, whilst redefining what actually constitutes romantic or platonic relationships, or male and female identities, and what makes them different (and acknowledging where they overlap, or where they can expand past what we traditionally expect) is important to increasing our understanding, so is providing options entirely outside of those two boxes.
And that's what it is - options. It's very easy to trivialise the concept of nonbinary and simply make gender into a trinary, rather than a binary. Male/female/nonbinary, which goes against the very purpose of the nonbinary label. This further erases the spectrum of gender. It's the same with relationships - by giving a strict set of instructions on how a qpr must look and act, you are simply creating a trinary. The point of the concept of qprs is to acknowledge that there are relationships between people that may overlap platonic and romantic, or fall partially within one and partially outside, or ones that are entirely separate from either category.
There are an infinite amount of ways a relationship can manifest, and if the people in the relationship feel that queerplatonic best describes their partnership without romance, or their affection without commitment, or their feelings towards each other that aren't quite what romantic or platonic is to them, or any other reason that rebels against amatonormativity, then they can choose to use that term. Queerplatonic covers the widest range of relationships that come in all shapes and sizes.
I think it's so important when discussing topics like relationships and gender to consciously make the effort to keep queering our ideas of the concepts - to remember that a spectrum is a spectrum. Labels can be useful for finding community, identifying your experiences and validating your struggles, but as soon as you try to start hyper-defining them, you lose the radical nature of queering our understanding of ourselves and our relationships. We name these concepts in order to give a voice to our subversion of society's arbitrary rules and expectations, not to police each other into conforming to a particular understanding of how a person (with a certain label) "should" act or be.
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certifiablyinsanez · 9 months
Honestly, the discourse surrounding Good Omens about gender and sexuality is giving 2012 and not in a good way. So many views that people have are so rigid and unyielding that it feels they not only miss the point entirely, but also try and cram this story and it’s characters in to labeled boxes that have no place.
I am asexual, aromantic, non-binary, and in a queer platonic relationship. I see myself in many ways on screen in ways I almost never have before. Just thinking about how special this series is to me gets me all choked up. So watching people being vindictive over characterization is overboard for me.
Yes, it’s okay to see Crowley and Aziraphale as gay men. It’s okay to characterize them as non-binary/gender-fluid/agender and queer. It’s okay to see them as asexual. It’s okay to assume their relationship will turn sexual at some point. It’s okay to use strictly he/him pronouns for both. It’s okay to use any and all pronouns for them no matter what their presentation is. It’s okay to see them as trans. It’s okay to classify them as queer platonic, or romantic and sexual. I could literally go on all night.
Instead of celebrating the elaborate nature of them and the story, we’re infighting talking “yOuR StEALiNG aCe RepREsEnTatiOn”, “tHoSE aRe ThE wRoNG pRoNOuNs FoR cROWLeY”. Please just stop and let this unite us for once.
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dotthings · 17 days
Behold, a master tightrope walker at work. While being clear how deep the love goes. That part isn't danced around. Yet this was vague and open-ended as Jensen could manage as to the exact nature of the love from Dean's end.
No amount of shouting from whatever stans will turn this into definitive slamming of a door. Jensen's still threading that needle about Dean, while he said that Cas's confession being romantic is "clear text" not "subtext."
None of this surprises me. It's been self-evident for a while (except to grudgewanking arbitrary naysayers) that Jensen is 100% in support of gay Cas in love with Dean. Jensen's just opening the faucet more letting those views pour out.
"Dean was sitting there on the floor and realized that he -- he had not only lost a brother-in-arms but had also lost one of his closest -- the closest people to him. And I -- you know I've said that when you find your people it doesn't matter who or what or where or why or when they are, you find your people. And they found each other"
The annotated Jensen Ackles:
(1) "brother-in-arms" -- even if someone wants to try and forcibly limit Dean and Cas to that term, brother-in-arms, as has been pointed out many times, has connotations not limited to platonic meanings, in ancient epics, in modern media, in music, in actual historical figures. But limiting to that term isn't even what happened here, since Jensen says "not only lost a brother-in-arms but..." There is no way out of this. Master stroke. He boxed the naysayers in but good. Let them spin in place.
(2) "had also lost one of his closest -- the closest people to him" -- Jensen stopped himself and changed what was likely "friends" to "people" and I'm not insisting on anything as to why but it sure is fascinating that he swerved and went with a less definitive word. Dean and Cas are best friends, that's canon, but if that's the limit, why swerve from saying friends? They are friends. That's true no matter what. This therefore appears to be about keeping things open ended. For now, Jensen doesn't want to tip his hand too far.
(3) "when you find your people it doesn't matter who or what or where or why" oh that's open-ended af. Thank you Jensen. Keeping the doors open wide enough to drive a semi truck through.
(4) "you find your people. And they found each other" -- somebody hold me that's beautiful. I have not much analytical to say except that sounds like another instance of keeping definitions of the relationship open-ended. But mostly I wanted to have another nervous breakdown again. Jensen said Cas is Dean's people. And they found each other. *UGLY SOBBING*
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sublimitymp3 · 11 months
for yandere aemond, aegon, daemon and criston, maybe how do they deal with their love having a lover they are not willing to give up even after marriage? Thank you very much for time you are amazing👀❤
Aemond fell in love with you instantly when you two met. He never particularly liked the idea of being wedded to someone he did not know, but once he saw your sweet face, his worries drifted away. However, he had noticed your reluctance and apprehension to be around him. He thought nothing of it, chalking it up to you having the same opinions of arranged marriages as he once did. Aemond was sure that by the time you two were wed, you'd warm up to him
He was extremely wrong.
You were never cruel or particularly cold to him, you just never gave him any affection or attention as he would. You would dodge his kisses, wipe the ones he did leave on your cheek off, and you treated him more like an acquaintance rather than a husband. He had noticed you would receive letters from time to time, keeping them close to you and being overtly protective of them, and how flustered you'd look after reading them. This only served to make him even more curious about their apparent special contents. One night, Aemond would find the little box where you had stashed the letters. Curiosity got the better of him, and he began reading the various pieces of parchment. A silent rage began to fill him as he discovered they were love letters, exchanged with someone from the Riverlands, your birthplace. He would burn each letter that night, hatching plans to separate you from this secret lover. He'd intercept each and every letter your lover would send to you, reading them with annoyance before burning them in the fireplace. He could see the emotional toll it was taking on you. Your lover had abruptly ceased their communications with you, with no explanation. You wondered if they had grown tired of you, or if they were incapacitated. You were growing sad, and Aemond was always there, though you tried your best to brush him off in hopes another letter would come for you. Eventually, when three months had passed and no new letter was sent, you'd come crying to Aemond, and he'd welcome you with open arms.
Aegon adored you. You were everything he was not, dutiful, kind, and cheerful. He admired you, and he genuinely felt so much love for you, despite you not knowing each other for long. While you were always friendly towards your new husband, you never were quite affectionate with him. He would try to win you over, stealing kisses from you and spoiling you with lavish gifts. He tried for months it seems to charm you, but to no avail. It was clear you had no romantic interest in Aegon, and he found himself slipping into old habits.
It was a brisk night, the cold breeze causing most people to wear heavy cloaks made of wool. Aegon was drunk in some alehouse, drowning his sorrows in his cups. In his peripheral vision, he could've sworn he saw you, huddled in the corner with a large cloak draped over you, and with some man. But he brushed it off as his drunken mind playing tricks on him. He focused back on his cups, but he couldn't shake how similar that woman looked to you. He fully turned around, squinting his eyes in an attempt to clear his blurry vision. Once his eyes were focused and clear, he saw that it was indeed you, with another man. His eyes nearly bulged out of his head when he saw you sharing kisses and loving touches with this stranger. It finally started to make sense to him why you insisted on keeping your relationship with Aegon strictly platonic.
Aegon would go classic Yandere at this point. He'd confine you to your chambers so you wouldn't be able to meet this man anymore. He would probably have his more...sketchy acquaintances deal with the man, eliminating him completely. You would cry and plead with Aegon to just let you go, to allow you to continue to see your lover, but your attempts to sway him were futile. He'd kiss you, whether you liked it or not, and he'd breed you until he was certain you were pregnant, simply another way to keep you anchored to him. Aegon was never much of a patient man, but he'd gladly wait until you accepted him as your one and only love.
Daemon was no stranger to marriage, having been wedded twice already, to Lady Rhea Royce and Lady Laena Velaryon. He was quite sad over the manner in which his second wife had died, and he had truly loved her. Though, he didn't show his sadness, preferring to keep up his appearance of indifference. But then, he couldn't help but let his eyes linger on you at her funeral. You were the daughter of a wealthy merchant who resided at Spicetown, and he was quickly smitten with you.
You were wedded to Daemon not long after, as your father was ecstatic when Daemon asked for your hand. Your father had considered it a great honor and blessing that a Targaryen prince had asked to wed you, and he didn't care to take your feelings into consideration when he accepted the offer. Daemon had observed you were rather closed off and reluctant toward him, but figured your apprehension was either due to how your father wedded you off like it was nothing, or maybe even his reputation as the "rogue prince." When you came to Daemon one day asking to visit Spicetown so you may see your father, he agreed. He wasn't going to keep you from the only family you had, and he somewhat enjoyed the seaside town and its simplicity. Once there, your behavior changed. You were acting a bit shifty, and you weren't even spending much time with your father, instead staying out and about, always disappearing off. Daemon decided to follow you one day, not caring if you discovered him and got angry at him for doing so. he watched you go to a pier, and talk with some fisherman. Maybe he was an old friend or a friend of your father's? But jealousy began to hinder his judgment, and even more so when he saw you kissing the man.
Daemon clearly thinks little of the consequences of his actions, and so he'd stride over, cutting the man down with Dark Sister. He'd drag you roughly by your wrist back to your father and have you say goodbye. Once back home, do not think your actions would go unpunished. Like Aegon, he'd lock you in your chambers, slowly taking away freedoms and making you dependent on him. He didn't care if you hated him, in time he'd make you understand his actions.
Ser Criston had quickly taken notice of you, a new serving girl. You were always timid around him whenever he tried to make idle conversation, something he found adorable. As the queen's sworn shield there were not many times he could speak to you, but at night when he was posted outside her door, you would walk by, holding various cleaning supplies. Then he would stop you to make friendly conversation. Slowly but surely, he was falling in love with you.
One night, Ser Criston would stop you once more. You had assumed he would make more conversation with you, but you were surprised when he dragged you off. He would sneak you both out of the Red Keep and into the city, finding some drunken Septon and forcing him to wed you two. You were so in shock, that you barely protested, and you were now his wife.
Ser Criston was so fond of you, and how timid you continued to be around him. He had forsaken his vows just to be with you, and he would not so subtly remind you of this, in some way to guilt you into keeping quiet about your marriage. And you did feel guilty for having a lover when Ser Criston had risked his integrity and honor to be with you, but you didn't ask to wed him, and that was his own doing and of no fault of yours. One day, while Ser Criston was making his way to his own quarters for rest, he saw you stealing kisses with some lowly stable boy. After all he had risked to be with you, this is how you repaid him? No, Ser Criston wouldn't stand for it.
The next night, when you were approaching the hall where the queen's chambers resided, and where your dear husband was stationed, you noticed how...angry he looked. You would slow your footsteps down, dreading approaching him, but it was inevitable. He would roughly grab you when you finally were near, making you drop your cleaning supplies to the ground. He'd hold your face tightly with one hand, threatening your position as a serving girl, your only source of income. He would make you swear that you'd never see the stable boy again, lest something terrible should happen to him. All you could do was helplessly nod your head in agreement, and hope Ser Criston would spare you both.
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luveline · 1 year
hey babe, i was wondering if you’d write something with grumpy!sirius platonic or romantic (your choice) where the readers normally sunshine and all happy but everyone forgot her birthday so he does everything he can to cheer her up
not projecting at all 🤭
if you don’t want to that’s so okay i understand diolch cariad 🫶🏻🫶🏻
hi, thank you for your request! I hope you can make the very best of your day, anon, I’m sorry the people close to you forgot it :( please have a happy birthday! grumpy!sirius x sunshine fem!reader
Sirius is guilty of pretending you irk him. You're always smiling, always complimenting him, and always touching him. He knows you wouldn't touch him if he asked you not to —you checked with him a couple of times when you first met if it was okay, and he said, Yeah, it's okay, with no further explanation or objection. 
He pretends your sunny disposition doesn't make him happy, too, but it does. It's selfish, then, when he notices you aren't feeling good today and decides he has to correct it immediately, lest the ray of sunshine that is your presence diminish. 
He sits down beside you on the bench, propping his face in his hand, elbow on his knee, a picture of nonchalance. "Hey." 
"Hi, Siri." 
He takes his pack of Lamberts from his jacket pocket and offers you one. You never take one, but he offers anyway. He doesn't want you to start smoking, he just figures that it's a nice gesture. 
He puts them away without lighting any when you say no. 
"Don't not have one on my account," you say. 
It's exactly why you deserve to have someone checking on you, no matter how cold it is, and no matter how much fun everyone's having at the bar. You put everyone else first.
"I didn't want any." He was trying to cheer you up. He should've known a cigarette wouldn't do it. Best go in with guns blazing. 
Sirius rifles through the inside pocket of his leather jacket and pulls out the white box inside. He hadn't wrapped it. There's a confidence that comes with sincerity, and it's the kind of confidence he lacks. He's embarrassed enough to have bought you something in the first place. 
"Happy birthday," he says. "Don't tell me if you don't like it, please." 
You sit up a little straighter, inch by inch, accepting the small box into your hands. They wrap around the lid, your fingers moving with a deliberate gentleness, until your thumbs clamp over the top of it hard enough to make the lid bend. You smile at him, and it is perhaps the most heartbreaking smile he's ever seen. Disappointment and gratefulness all wrapped into one. 
"I didn't think anyone remembered," you say. Your voice is hoarse, and you cough rather than let it crack. 
He thought maybe you'd been upset because it was your birthday —Sirius himself has a weird relationship with his. He hadn't considered that no one else thought to celebrate with you. And despite his general unhappiness, his permanent headache and all the constraints of being as introverted as he is, Sirius sort of snaps.
He puts a hand on your shoulder, his elbow resting against your back, and pulls you toward him. "I'm so sorry." 
You're clearly surprised by his touch, but you don't shy away. "No, it's okay. I realise that it's my fault, you know, we're all adults and I should've mentioned it again, I can't expect people to know if I don't say." 
"I think…" He licks his lips. "Okay, I think that people genuinely do forget things, but it's a special day, and you expected special things. I really don't see how it's your fault." 
"Maybe not," you concede. You sniffle, and Sirius is horrified to realise you've a tear traversing down the soft slope of your cheek. "I don't know, I just wish people remembered." 
"I'm sorry," he says again. 
You wipe your cheek with a cruel hand. He can't stop himself from taking it, wanting to prevent any further self-meanness. Your eyes widen as you look him in the face, tears dewy at the waterline. 
"But you remembered," you say, tone happy even while thick with tears. 
"I wrote it down," he confesses. "I wanted to get it right." 
"That's so nice," you say, another tear cresting your cheek. You wrap your arms around his waist and tuck your cheek against his in a hug. "That's really thoughtful, Siri. Thank you." 
"You're welcome. You… make so much time for me. Whenever you see me. I don't know if you know how much you affect people, you can make anybody smile. I wanted to make sure I could do the same, even if it's only once." 
"You make me smile all the time." You squeeze him and then pull away, wiping your cheeks and straightening your jacket. 
He'd usually roll his eyes, but not right now. He just smiles at you, hoping you understand it for all the silent appreciation that it is. 
You huff a little breath in and drop your gaze to your hands in your lap, where you're untying the bow that's been wrapped around the jewellery box. You lift the lid, the sides emitting a shushing sound near enough lost to the sound of the street and the people laughing in the pub behind you. 
It's a bracelet. The beads are simple but not something you'd see everyday, silver backed hearts, flat on the silver side and a milky white that seems to glow on the bevelled fronts. There's four hearts, connected to smaller milky white beads. 
He was terrified buying it and he's scared now. 
"I really like you," he says. "I'm sorry about your birthday. You deserve a lot more." 
Your cheeks apple as you turn to him, your eyelashes kissing with the force of your smile. You pull your knees to touch his and offer him the bracelet on two fingers. "Can you hook it on, please?" 
"You don't have to wear it," he says, because he didn't think this far. 
"I want to wear it, please. It's beautiful. It's the nicest gift anyone's ever given me." 
He blinks hard and dips his head slightly to one side as he murmurs, "If you're sure," hands coming up to take the bracelet from you. 
You're both quiet as he unlatches it and lays it across your wrist. He's gentle to the point of aching, and he's putting every bit of effort that he can to stop his hands from trembling, he's so nervous.
"There," he says. "Anything else you need?" 
It's meant to be sarcastic, as if to say, you're working me like a dog, here. 
You shake your head hurriedly. "Nothing else. Thank you, Sirius." 
He takes his cigarettes out, knowing he won't be able to calm down, not when you're looking at him like he just hung the moon. "It's okay," he says, putting a cigarette between his lips. "Don't mention it. Please, don't." 
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pigidin · 3 months
OKAY. Am I the only one fascinated by how much Alastor in s1 has interacted with other demons and built a potential for considerable amount of different, broad and unique relationships? With All of them being non-romantic/sexual?
I really don't wanna dive into the discourse of shipping coz honestly, I do think that erasing Al's aroaceness is not cool at all. Personally, I don't see him wishing any romance/sex at all, and well. Considering how platonic he actually is throughout the season, it kinda seems like people forget that friendship (or basically anything non rom-sex) exists in the first place.
Coz, like, let's see what we got::
Vox -- probably one-sided (psychosexual) crush from Vox with possible past friendship between them, them hating on each other yet having (used to have) some respect as well. The ANGST, the drama (for both of sides). Insert aroace troubles (possible aphobia from Vox? Or not? He may be biggest ally as well!) and Vox's petty feelings that are insanely interesting to explore (and laugh at).
Lucifer -- immediate hate that (with a course of events) can turn into forced bonding. The potential of queerplatonic parenting of Charlie is HUGE here. Insecurities from Al? Forced care? Banters? SHENANIGANS? Luci patching up Al after battle, prolly discovering his deal and them slowly bonding on shared interests? Hey.
Rosie -- literal established queerplatonic partners, married for tax benefits, spending their evenings gossiping, hating on Susan and Al rolling his eyes on another romance-rel drama Rosie was trying to help sb with. Rosie can have insane influence on him whether it is understanding modern things or just being with him when he needs it. It also gives off mom/son to me.
Husk -- fucked up master-pet not-friendship with probable care rooted since they were closer in past. Is it toxic? Yes. Is it giving off some problematic dynamic? Sure. Yet it's fucking complex on its core considering pilot, bits and pieces of their interaction and how easily Husk used to insult Al until he overstepped. Them two are quite similar if you think about it and if Al got over his ego it could benefit him a lot.
Niffty -- daugther/father dynamic with them sharing one sadistic-psycho braincell and genuinely enjoying each other's quirks. Protective Al? I just need more Niff and them two being partners in the most outrageous crimes.
Mimzy -- friendship going since they were humans, with them having an amazing (potential) backstory of sharing evenings on two. Al enjoying her company as well as being protective and helpful to her with nothing in return.
Charlie -- manipulated into trusting you as a dad figure? Don't tell me there is nothing below Al's creepy plans or that he wouldn't grow to care for her. He already is proud of her and finds amusement in her inspiration-skills (also, performance is his thing for a reason)
Angel -- I was honestly kinda upset we didn't see any interactions between them except one sex joke, coz my past era of Hunicasts was a fuel to their duo. Them bonding over how different they are is the best description of their dynamic. Also banters and body-puns.
You can't just erase Alastor from interacting with people, but putting him inside boxes of allonormative relationships while he has such a fucking huge potential for everything beyond just that - is quite.. disappointing. People turning a blind eye to a wide variety of relationships he can have (potential to which is set in canon) for the sake of just romance/sex is low key sad.
It's AWESOME to see ppl actually understanding it and.. damn THANKS to everyone who explores Al's relationship with others without it involving final wish to stick tongues into places. Dynamics can be interesting and exciting without it.
I really don't wanna project my romance-aversion onto Al, but when romance and sex is one thing you see everywhere.. it's hard to just let it slip.
You are allowed to do whatever you want, exploring physical intimacy is fun as well, and having Al, well, there are bunch of ways to show it with respecting his orientation and the fact that IT AFFECTS RELATIONSHIPS/ATTRACTIONS but please just don't make it the center of your attention, the one thing relationship revolves around, coz sadly it's just exactly how it looks like from some folks.
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in1-nutshell · 3 months
The opposite personality buddy’s are amazing and that leads me to wonder if you could do Ultra Magnus with a sparkling buddy who has a opposite personality as him? Like him dealing with his sparkling looking up to wheeljack a lot and having a slight crush in him, buddy did arrive on earth with Magnus.
YEEEEE! I love making these Buddy's! Should I do more for the future?
Also Buddy is going to have more of an Uncle/niece relationship than a romantic one.
Hope you enjoy!
Ultra Magnus daughter with the opposite personality
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Cybertronain reader
Magnus first met Buddy as a sparkling.
She was so tiny back then.
He had been walking back to his home after a long day with Optimus Prime
With a war looming over everyone’s helm their talks and teachings were becoming more and more frequent.
Today though, he found a rather large box in front of his door.
Magnus inching cautiously toward the box.
He carefully opens the lid.
A small sparkling looks at him.
“A sparkling?”--Magnus
The sparkling starts crying.
“Wait no! don’t cry!”--Magnus
Magnus quickly grabs the sparkling trying to calm them down.
The sparkling immediately stops crying and places her servos on his faceplate.
“So that’s you started crying, little one?”--Magnus
Sparkling giggles and just pats him face.
“No…do not make that face. You are going to go to the sparkling unit—”--Magnus
The sparkling yawns and cuddles close to his spark and falsl dead asleep.
“…Great…What would Optimus do?”--Magnus
“Keep her.”--Optimus
Magnus jumps at the sound of his mentor’s voice.
“Sir!? What are you doing here?”--Magnus
“You forgot your data pad. And it looks like you’ve met someone new. Does she have a name?”--Optimus
“…I am not sure—”--Magnus
Both mechs notice a small data pad in the box
It says Buddy.
“I believe that is their designation. Buddy?”--Magnus
The sparkling churns a bit cuddling closer.
It was definitely a big adjustment for Magnus, but he did his best to set aside time for the sparkling throughout the day and at night.
Especially when finding out that this sparkling was rather energetic and had a bad habit of sneaking off.
Magnus is trying to find Buddy in his office.
Ratchet walks in with Optimus.
“Ultra Magnus?”—Optimus
Magnus is still turning over office supplies and chairs.
“Optimus, Ratchet… it’s been 2 hours, 45 minutes, 35 seconds and 52 nano clicks! I can’t find Buddy!”--Magnus
“She should be in this room. It was locked and…and…”--Magnus
“Wait! The Wrecker’s might know where she could be hiding. Thank you both for the help.”--Magnus
Magnus begins to walk out of the room.
Optimus and Ratchet watch Buddy cling onto Magnus shoulders while waving good-bye.
“…Should we tell him?”--Ratchet
“…Not now.”--Optimus
Soon enough the war had finally broken out.
Now a new set of obstacles presented themselves.
He had much more work to do with being Prime’s lieutenant.
And someone needed to keep tabs on his rather energetic sparkling running around everything.
She was too tiny and kept on hiding in places she knew she should not have been hiding.
Magnus talked with Ratchet about Buddy’s growth.
She should have been much bigger by this age, but she was still too small.
“This is something natural Magnus.”--Ratchet
Magnus trying to keep Buddy to sit still.
“It is?”--Magnus
“In all, she is just going to be growing slower or if my theory is correct, she should have an immediate growth spurt soon.”--Ratchet
“How big do you think she will get?”--Magnus
“I am not entirely sure Magnus. At least average height, if anything else, she could be a minibot.”--Ratchet
“Where’s Buddy?”--Ratchet
Buddy is no longer sitting on the med slab.
“…”—Magnus and Ratchet
Concern truck and siren noises intensify.
As for babysitters, Prime had offered to look after Buddy many times for Magnus. Which he didn’t mind too much as he trusted the Prime, despite being a bit embarrassed. Buddy was a completely different baby when she was around Prime.
A lot quieter.
She kept him on his pedes every now and then, trying to run and jump off of everywhere.
Ratchet was another babysitter for Buddy.
She made sure the medical cabinets were locked with three locks.
She always figures out the locks with sweets or shiny tools.
She was still tiny and could hide in some of the best places.
This was all while the sparkling could crawl.
She had just learned how to properly walk by herself when Magnus became in charge of the Wrecker’s.
Buddy was now a little menace on two pedes with wheels.
Nothing was stopping her and her energetic moods.
Many Wreckers found themselves looking after the little one during more peaceful moments while Magnus was away.
Magnus walks into the room to find the wreckers tossing Buddy in the air like a ball.
Magnus nearly has a spark attack.
“We didn’t have a ball for lobbing so we’re using Buddy. She seems to like it.”--Wheeljack
Buddy giggling as she is tossed in the air again.
“Again! Again!”--Buddy
“No, not again!”--Magnus
Buddy looks at Wheeljack.
“Uncle Jackie?”—Buddy
“Uncle Jackie?”--Magnus
Wheeljack smirks and tosses Buddy high.
“WHEELJACK YES!”—Wheeljack
“JACKIE YES!”--Buddy
There was one bot in the entire squad he wished Buddy hadn’t formed an attachment with…
Wheeljack had the chaotic energy that nearly matched Buddy’s.
Those two were almost always seen together when there were no fights for the day.
Buddy always wanted to go with Uncle Jackie.
Wheeljack was definitely an instigator and encouraged many of Buddy’s little gremlin habits.
Magnus walking in on Wheeljack giving Buddy a dagger.
“What are you doing!?”--Magnus
“Giving her a dagger?”
Magnus grabs the dagger from her servos despite her whines.
“She shouldn’t have this yet.”--Magnus
“All right, all right.”--Wheeljack
Loud yelling gets Magnus’s attention and moves out.
Wheeljack snickered and looked over at Buddy, who had a cheeky little grin.
She pulls out a small blaster from one of her subspaces.
“Now kid, what do we do with blaster?”--Wheeljack
“We, umm, don’t point them at nice bots faces.”--Buddy
“We shoot Con’s kneecaps off?”--Buddy
“If Father finds out, I found it on the floor while I was left unsupervised?”--Buddy
Wheeljack pats Buddy on the helm with a wide smile.
“Yep! Just like that.”--Wheljack
Buddy hugs Wheeljack’s pede.
“Thank you, Uncle Jackie!”
Wheeljack just pats her helm affectionately.
“Anytime kiddo. Anytime.”--Wheeljack
Wheeljack left one night and never came back to the Wrecker unit.
Buddy thought that something bad had happened to him.
She wasn’t convinced that he would just leave her like that.
Uncle Jackie wouldn’t do that.
A week later she decided to go look for him.
Wheeljack always said to never leave your friends behind, well, she wasn’t going to leave him behind.
She boarded a ship in the middle of the night and tried getting close to the controls when a loud bomb sound shook the ground making her fall into an empty crate.
A bomb had hit the Wrecker’s base.
Magnus was scrambling trying to get everyone out of the fiery inferno.
He quickly realized the direction where the bomb had detonated.
The area where the bomb had been set off was around her sleeping quarters.
There was nothing but rubble and melted metal.
No one could have survived that blast…
A couple of Wrecker’s managed to get him on the ship before they left for another.
He flew away from Cybertron on that ship.
He started to cry when he was far enough from orbit.
Most of his team had dispersed and now Buddy…Buddy was…
He set the ship on autopilot and let out a gut-wrenching sob.
Some boxes move near the cargo hold.
Magnus stops his sobs and looks at the box that was moving around.
The box opens up with Buddy kicking the lid off, climbing out of the box and laying on the floor.
Buddy looks at Magnus.
“Hi! Sorry I woke you up. I got caught inside the box—”--Buddy
Magnus jumps to his pedes and slides across the floor and hugs Buddy like his life depended on it.
“…Father? What happened?”--Buddy
That was the first time Buddy had seen her father sob so hard as he hugged her tight.
They spent the rest of that night in each other’s arms sobbing for their ruined home and out of relief they were okay for now.
Buddy’s growth spurt happened while they were looking for any other Autobots in space.
And it hit fast.
One deca cycle she was around the height of his knee.
The next thing he knew she was now taller and bulkier than him.
She was still so young too…
“How is this even possible?!”--Buddy
“I do not know.”--Magnus
“I don’t want to keep getting bigger!”--Buddy
“That is something we cannot control.”--Magnus
“Yeah, I think I can tell…”--Buddy
When they received the signal from Earth, they followed it.
Arcee was happy to see Magnus again but didn’t recognize the larger bot next to him.
“Ultra Magnus sir.”--Arcee
“At ease soldier.”--Magnus
Arcee looks over at the taller bot who is just waving.
“Hi Arcee!”--Buddy
Magnus looks at Buddy who just looks at his back before turning to Arcee.
“You probably don’t remember me after all these years. I’m Buddy.”--Buddy
Arcee’s optics widen a lot.
“Buddy?! But how?!”--Arcee
Buddy chuckles a bit.
“I guess I finally grew up, didn’t I?”--Buddy
“What’s going on?”--Jack
Buddy and Magnus look at Jack.
“Is this one of the native life forms of this planet?”--Buddy
Buddy moves towards Jack, kneels down and gently pats his head.
“So small…”--Buddy
“Seriously what’s happening?”—Jack
After Team Prime finally has their reunion.
Buddy waving at Ratchet.
“Hi Ratchet!”--Buddy
Ratchet looks like he is about to have a stroke.
Magnus gives him a look of ‘I-know-you-said-she-was-going-to-grow-but-I-didn’t-think-she-was-going-to-be-this-big!’
Ratchet looks back at him with ‘How-was-I-supposed-to-know-her-size?’
Buddy waves at Optimus who is roughly around the same height as her.
“Hi Optimus!”--Buddy
“… Hello Buddy.”--Optimus
Buddy smiles.
Optimus gives both Magnus and Ratchet a look saying ‘Primus-she-was-the-size-of-my-servo-when-I-last-saw-her!’
Both look at him with a ‘I-know!’ look.
Buddy was excited to meet other bots around her age.
Bee and Smokescreen have now become big brothers.
Well, older brothers…
Buddy likes to tease them a bit on size, but in a good-natured way.
She knows how hard life was being too small to do anything.
Buddy is very excited to meet Bulkhead, knowing stories from Wheeljack.
Bulkhead is just happy Jackie had someone that ‘looked’ after him too.
Buddy reminds Bulkhead too much like Wheeljack which still confuses him.
How could Buddy, who was clearly Wrecker material have such a strict rule based father like Ultra Magnus?
When the kids found out about Buddy they were just happy to meet a new member of the team.
“Buddy these are the kids. You’ve already met Jack.”--Bulkhead
Buddy waves back at Jack.
“This is Miko.”--Bulkhead
Miko gives Buddy a peace sign.
Buddy mimics the movement back.
“And this is Raf.”--Bulkhead
Raf waving shyly at Buddy.
Buddy just smiles and waves back.
“You’re really big.”--Raf
“I know! But I didn’t start out this way. I was tiny before.”--Buddy
“How tiny?”--Raf
Buddy points at Arcee.
“Smaller than Arcee. Like half.”--Buddy
“How!? What kind of juice did you drink!”--Miko
“What’s juice?”--Buddy
The kids are very confused about why so many of the bots were slightly babying Buddy.
It takes a while for them to get the idea that Buddy is the youngest member now.
Magnus is glad to see Buddy get to know the team.
He isn’t too excited when her louder side shows up more.
But he loves his daughter, so it isn’t all too bad.
When Buddy gets told that Wheeljack is on Earth, she is angry.
Her angry came at two ways.
It could be acting exactly like her father.
Or two, her personal favorite.
Judo flipping the mech.
That’s what she did the second she saw the white mech.
Buddy clenching her servos and glaring at Wheeljack as he greets everyone.
He walks up to Buddy.
“And who might you be? Don’t tell me—”--Wheeljack
Buddy swiftly grabs Wheeljack and flips him onto his back with a loud bang!
Buddy has a pede on his chassis.
“What did I do to you! Have to hand it to you, the flip was clean—”--Wheeljack
“You have broken rule 17 section 4.5 sub point A, Wheeljack.”--Buddy
“Great she is another Magnus.”--Wheeljack
“Umm… Wheeljack… That’s Buddy.”--Bulkhead
“Yeah right! Buddy is smaller than Arcee—”--Wheeljack
Buddy leans in a bit closer with a mischievous smile on her face.
“Hi Uncle Jackie.”--Buddy
Wheeljack’s optics widen.
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shiny-jr · 2 years
why are you in my apartment? (II)
Warning: Yandere. Gender-neutral reader.
Characters: Jamil Viper, Kalim Al-Asim, Epel Felmier, Rook Hunt, Vil Schoenheit, Ortho Shroud, Idia Shroud, Silver, Sebek Zigvolt, Lilia Vanrouge, Malleus Draconia.
Summary: Everything was supposed to be better when you got your own apartment to call home. So when you got home one day, why was was there some weird guys in your home?
Note: I know I tend to leave the relationships up to interpretation and not divulge into it too much, but know that Ortho’s part is NOT romantic. His part is purely platonic, more like he’s seeking another sibling relationship/dynamic. Whenever I wrote for Ortho, it will always be platonic, it will NEVER be romantic. [ Added ] FINALLY. It’s finished. I feel like it’s way longer than the first part despite there being the same amount of characters and trying to keep the content amount the same. On google docs it says it’s about thirty-four pages. Please, I really hope you guys like this one because I worked hard on it and it took a while. Plus I kept getting stuck on parts. 
Previous: why are you in my apartment? (I)
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You worked and saved to be able to live in a spacious apartment in the downtown area. The buildings had decent security, the apartment itself was in a low-crime area, and there were a bunch of stores nearby for the basic necessities, not to mention you worked from home half the time and the other time work was just a few blocks away. Everything was perfect...! Until it wasn’t. Your seemingly perfect life was thrown completely off balance when you returned home and found your door unlocked.
Like any reasonable person, you were worried. Were you just forgetful this morning or had someone broken in...? Not wanting to call authorities right away and make a fool of yourself if you had forgotten to lock your door today, you carefully proceeded inside, with your phone gripped in hand and your makeshift key weapon in the other hand. Steadily you crept inside, looking left and right, your heart rate accelerating as you noticed a few things out of place. A remote controller not on the coffee table, a blanket you forgot to fold now folded neatly-- Just then, you heard voices and footsteps, and when the strangers entered your line of vision, you screamed as they jumped in surprise and exclaimed,
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Incense...? Why did your apartment smell like lit incense and expensive perfume? You didn’t leave any incense and you didn’t have whatever type of perfume made the place smell nice–– The room was cleaned. On the living room table was a golden tray filled with neatly packaged and wrapped snacks and even a small box of golden accessories. It almost looked like a greeting gift someone left... If someone really left this, that would explain the whining and scolding coming from further inside. When you heard the voices and footsteps grow louder, a white-haired young man wearing lots of accessories appeared from the kitchen.
Coming face to face with a stranger in your own home was certainly a shock.
It was more of the negative kind of shock when you saw this white-haired stranger smile brightly and their eyes widen as they ran towards you with their arms wide open as he exclaimed with such pure excitement, “Ah–– It’s you! You’re finally here!! I’m so excited to meet you! I’ve wanted to see you forever––”
Of course, any logical person would not be as happy at this guy was. Stepping back, you held up the sharp end of your keys and reached back for the door––
A hand firmly kept the door shut, and before you could even think of swinging or screaming, there was another firm but gentle hand on your arm to prevent you from using those keys to slash at anyone. This second man must’ve appeared when you were distracted.
He had long dark hair and wore a hoodie. Whoever he was, he seemed to sense you distress, because he sent his companion a look. “Wait–– sorry about him scaring you. Can you lower those keys, please? I’ll explain everything.”
One game. You downloaded one game, Twisted Wonderland, on a whim, and now this duo of students claimed to be from the Scarabia dorm from that very mobile game. It was incredibly difficult to believe, almost impossible, if it weren’t for their striking resemblance to the characters and the magic they were able to conjure with their pen. What was more of a shock? They claimed to know you as the player. Of course before they knew nothing of your looks or true personality, but now here you were in your divine grace, the real deal right before them! You can be sure that they will take advantage of your kindness as you allowed them to stay until they could find a way to return home. But really, why want to go back when you were here? 
Oh, but you want to know how it’s like living with the Scarabia gang, hm?
Jamil Viper 
If he can handle not just the dorm but also duties at home including his normal responsibilities with Kalim, he can take care of you and your apartment. 
What’s he usually doing in the apartment? Well, to be fair, he is the one mainly keeping the place together. But when he isn’t busy, he’s taken a great interest in the dances and locations of this new world. Really he seems to enjoy learning about this world firsthand by exploring. 
It’s not rare for him to join you. In fact, you welcome it. Jamil is great company, and he’s always there to save you and Kalim from your own mistakes. Anywhere you go, Jamil is there to accompany you to help, he insists, but it might just be because he actually enjoys your company more than he’d like to admit. 
Funnily enough, he’s been offered various jobs by restaurants but refuses them all. Apparently they had a taste of his cooking and now want him to be a cook for their business. Although it is kind of funny to see Jamil repeatedly turn them down but accept their free dishes only for him to give them to you and Kalim. When asked why he won’t accept one job, he says it’s because he’s already busy enough as it is. But Kalim guesses its that Jamil doesn’t want to give up any free time he could spend with you. 
That’s right, Jamil does so much. He can do practically everything from cooking, to cleaning, the laundry, the dishes, buying groceries–– but there’s one thing he can’t do. Whatever you do, do not ask him to get rid of a bug. He’s probably more scared of it than you are. A bug got into the kitchen once and a mess was made by him trying to get away from it. Then all hell broke loose when the insect started flying. 
Oh, but don’t believe he’s all “good guy” playing the role of househusband. Huh, that’s so weird... the apartment owner just informed you that your rent was lowering. Just yesterday when you went shopping with Jamil, the store clerk gave you a huge discount. And last week, that annoying boss of yours suddenly gave you a promotion. But they all had this empty look in their eyes and spoke in monotoned voices... When you confronted Jamil about this, he calmly claimed to know nothing about those instances. 
Of course he missed you, but he isn’t as openly desperate as others may be. Did he miss you, you ask? He’ll smile and reply cooly maybe. Yeah, he totally missed you. Why do you think the house is spotless now? He was trying to take his mind off you through chores again. 
Yes, your vessel, Yuu, was a pawn he could use in the beginning. Well, he was right about one thing, about you being a diamond in the rough. There was really no one else like you in Twisted Wonderland. 
Seeing you before him, the true you, was nothing less than a shock. You, who’s vessel he used and tormented and eventually came to treasure, were here. For now matter how much his heart was picking up speed and now many thoughts raced through his head, he had to keep calm for you. 
When he heard rapid footsteps and Kalim’s eager exclamation, he warned himself to prepare for what lay ahead. Ignoring the calm feeling this strange space brought him, he immediately appeared in the scene of the commotion. Deep down, he held hope, he had a feeling, an idea of where he may be. All his worries seemingly vanished when you came into his line of vision, and he relaxed. It was you... and you weren’t a threat. A tiny bit anxious, really excited, even confused, there was so much going on but he forced himself to remain level-headed and he quickly approached you and held you back from attacking. It was you, really you, so real he could touch you! Hold on–– he had to keep calm and hold up appearances. This way he could be a trustworthy figure in your eyes. 
“Did you need something? You know I’m at your service... Hm? You want me to take a break? There’s no need. Besides, I’m used to doing this much, but I appreciate the sentiment. Now then, I couldn’t help but overhear you complain about a rude neighbor to Kalim. I can divine a solution to this... thorny problem if you just tell me their name.”
Kalim Al-Asim 
Woah, what a small place you got! Is this really comfortable? Even his room back home was bigger than the whole apartment! Don’t worry, he’ll make this place fun and comfy! 
What’s he up to at the apartment? Well, besides sticking to you 90% of the time, he’ll do anything you ask or copy you. Cleaning? He’ll help! Watching TV? Ohh, can he sit next to you? Going out for the day? Cool! He’ll get Jamil and all three of you can go out together! 
Like we just established, Kalim will follow you anywhere! Doesn’t matter if it’s just stepping out to the vending machine or going several blocks away, he’ll gladly keep you company. Plus, here in your world, he’s not known as the heir of a fabulously wealthy merchant family, meaning no one’s trying to harm him and Jamil has more free time too! 
While he may not be the best at chores like Jamil, he does really try his best...! Well, he has his other uses. He’s not just the heir to the Asim family name for any old reason. Believe it or not, Kalim is surprisingly good with money. That means he pays the bills, for gifts, for supplies, etc. And not even out of your pocket! He had on so much gold when he got here, he happily sold a piece or two to pay you back for your hospitality and now you don’t have to pay a thing for months! How much was that stuff he sold even worth...? Wait a moment, when did you get these expensive portraits on the wall and these brand clothes? 
You know how I said he’s beside you almost 24/7? Yeah, when you’re not working from home, those are the worst days for him. Jamil has to always keep an eye on him because if not, Kalim will march over to your office for a “surprise visit!” But when you get home after your shift, you’ll be greeted by the warmest smile from him as he practically jumps on you for a hug. 
Local “good boy,” too. The neighbors adore him because he’s just so sweet and kind. Even the kids seem to love playing with him, so he’ll be on the playground with them as you and Jamil sit on the benches. It’s because of Kalim that you met nearly every person living in the apartment complex, and somehow you got their favor because of the sunshine guy that’s your roommate. Also he’s the “bug handler,” meaning he cheerfully picks up any bugs that snuck in and bids them goodbye at the window or door. 
Kalim misses you way too much when you’re not home. It’s why Jamil is in charge of holding the phone, because if it were up to Kalim, he’d have you on call nearly your entire shift. But just know that even though he doesn’t like you having to go to work, he knows it’s important and he’s really proud you’re working so hard! 
Are you kidding? Your vessel, Yuu, is one of his best friends! He’s taken good care of them! Have you noticed? He loves your vessel, but he loves you way more! 
All logic went out the window as soon as he saw you. Immediately he became overwhelmed by emotion, he felt so much joy and utter excitement come bursting forth! All he could do was express his pure delight! 
Truthfully, Kalim hadn’t expected to see you! He was oblivious to where he was, unsure what would happen. But when he saw you–– all uncertainty and confusion disappeared. Immediately he threw his arms open wide as a large beaming smile broke onto his face, his eyes were practically glimmering with such excitement as he eagerly exclaimed any words that came to mind. It was you, it was you, it was you! He was just so so happy, happy didn’t even being to describe it. Words couldn’t explain the pure amount of glee he was feeling, it was practically oozing out of him in waves as his heart beat rapidly. His heart beat just for you, beating against his ribcage as if it wanted to reach you too, just like how he wished to embrace you! 
“You’re home!!! Ahah, I missed you so much!! How was work? Are you tired? Are you hungry? You must be hungry! Let’s eat now! I helped Jamil make dinner today, and your favorite tea! Hold on, I got your coat and bag! Jamil, they’re home!! Tell us everything! I’m so happy you’re back, I could just kiss you!”
As a whole...
Scarabia always makes sure to spoil you rotten, and they’re only two people so it’s not overwhelming. On one hand, you have one more level-headed roommate who would do anything in the world for you, one the other hand you have an easily excitable roommate who will give you anything in the world! Expect gifts and feasts galore from them, even welcome home parties after a simple day at work. The day could be calm and peaceful or it can be fun and activity-filled, just tell them what you want. Whatever you want, whatever you may need, they’ll happily give it to you. For your hospitality they’ll pay you back tenfold with material items, their time, and their affection. You trust them, don’t you?
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Perfume...? Why did your entire apartment smell of expensive perfume and scented candles? Was that the smell of lavender and apples...? You didn’t even own any candles scented like that. All your coats were hung neatly, the shoes you left by the door were organized, it looked like someone had just cleaned your apartment. On the living room table was a basket of shiny red apples, as if someone left it behind for you. All of this would explain the talk coming from another room. There were light footsteps, you couldn’t tell if they were getting closer or walking somewhere else, until a figure appeared from the hallway–– A short and pretty young man with lavender hair and big blue eyes stopped in his tracks. 
Upon seeing each other, you both froze seemingly in shock. You were horrified that some stranger got in your home, he seemed thunderstruck for some other reason you didn’t know. 
Shaking off the shock, the young man lifted his hand towards you, his blue eyes wide with disbelief as he muttered, “It... I... You... Hah–– They weren’t kiddin’... You’re actually real? This isn’t some cruel little dream or curse? You––”
Leaning back to avoid his touch, you held up the sharp end of your keys as you eyed him warily, “B-Back off pretty boy, I’m armed...! I–– Oof...!”
That... That wasn’t the door behind you. Your wrist wielding the keys was gripped firmly but gently, and you shrieked in fright when you looked up to see a blonde man behind you. When did he get there...?!
His green eyes peered down at you but his smile on his expression broke into surprise at your reaction as he used his other hand to make a shushing motion. “Shhh, shush, dear one, there’s no need to fear! Please wait, calm yourself. Forgive us for the intrusion!... Ahhh, it’s truly an immense honor, it’s a blessing from the heavens above, to be in your presence! Forgive me...! I’ve wanted to observe your grace ever since the moment I began to worship you...!” 
Worship? Wait... was this guy tearing up? “Are you... crying?”
“None of this will do! The whole wardrobe will need to be replaced, furniture will need to be bought, and groceries will be purchased for the refrigerator and pantry. How could anyone live like this? They deserve better! Especially for––” Another tall beautiful blonde man in heels came from the hallway, but his rambling stopped and his amethyst eyes widened once they landed on you, his breath hitching. “...You...” He appeared at a loss for words and he slowly stepped closer, afraid of scaring you off. Carefully his touch grazed over your cheek, apprehensive, as if the slightest contact would shatter you and you’d be gone. Snapping out of his self-induced trance, he retracted his hand quickly and added, “I apologize sincerely, my dear, you must be terribly confused. Please, allow me to explain.” 
One game. You downloaded one game, Twisted Wonderland, on a whim, and now this trio of students claimed to be from the Pomefiore dorm from that very mobile game. It was incredibly difficult to believe, almost impossible, if it weren’t for their striking resemblance to the characters and the magic they were able to conjure with their pen. What was more of a shock? They claimed to know you as the player. Of course before they knew nothing of your looks or true personality, but now here you were in your divine grace, the real deal right before them! You can be sure that they will take advantage of your kindness as you allowed them to stay until they could find a way to return home. But really, why want to go back when you were here?
Oh, but you want to know how it’s like living with the Pomefiore gang, hm?
Epel Felmier 
Just to even be allowed to stay with you has made him incredibly happy, so he’ll do everything in his power to help out! You can rely on him! 
What’s he up to in the apartment? Actually, he’s usually out. After completing chores, he’ll go out. He doesn’t like staying cooped up inside all the time, so it’s normal to find him trying to work out in the nearby park or with the garden he made on the roof of the apartment complex. Also, he’s interested by this world’s sports, especially American football. Look at all those strong guys playing a tough sport!! 
Epel is a bit of the jealous type, so he greatly treasures any time alone you spend with him and he tries to keep it to just you and him. His favorite activities with you are working on his garden, making goods from the products he grew by hand and proudly presented to you, and taking you when Vil and Rook are distracted to ride around town on this motorcycle! Yeah, don’t ask him where he got a whole motorcycle from.
He knows he doesn’t have much to offer to pay you back, so he does what he can. Making deliveries on his motorcycle, selling his garden’s products, maybe even winning bets by secretly racing, plus he begrudgingly joins in on Rook and Vil’s... work, whenever he can get paid from it or when Vil pressures him to do it. But, at the end of his day, all his handwork’s earnings go to you. Just take it, he’s not going to let you refuse! 
Really, he just wants to appear responsible and reliable in your eyes, that’s why he willingly does a lot of chores too. No task is too big or too small! Leave him a grocery list and he’s off to go buy and carry everything back himself! You mentioned how you wanted to clean the rooms, so he took it upon himself to deep clean the apartment! What else do you want him to do? 
Don’t let his adorable looks fool you. He’s a bit protective of you. Well, the other two are as well, but Epel is more openly hostile about it. He knows when to keep up appearances though. If he can guilt trip harassers or creeps with his looks alone so they stop bothering you, great. However, if that doesn’t do the trick, well... Let’s just say that he nearly caused a scene by sucker-punching a rando who cat-called you on the streets once. You two managed to get away but Epel was absolutely fuming. He wasn’t scolded by you or Vil because he defended you, but he was still mad he couldn’t “give ‘em hell.” 
Oh, he misses you fairly often. Like mentioned before, he gets jealous. Don’t your coworkers realize how lucky they are, getting to work with you all day? You’ll hear him mumble complaints like that often, but he won’t say anything out loud unless you prompt him to do so. Ease him into a good mood again by simply holding his hand, he enjoys holding onto you like this whenever you let him.
Do you know how annoying it was to be your vessel, Yuu’s, friend after you already befriended members from four other dorms? It was so frustrating trying to keep your attention when they’re all vying for it! 
Of course the first thing he felt about seeing the true you was pure disbelief. This couldn’t be real, could it...? Was this some sorta dream? If it was, he never wanted to wake up again. If this was a dream where he could stay with you, he’d be content with staying in an eternal slumber. 
When he walked out of the hallway and saw you standing there, he was starstruck. Pinch him, because this dream was too good to be true! Immediately once he came within a few feet of you, he felt that heavenly grace only the player wielded, he knew it was truly you. It wasn’t the puppet you played with and controlled back in his world. You were so... so... amazing? No, that wasn’t it, words couldn’t even describe it. You looked normal, your home was normal, you seemed average at best, but at the same time.... you were wow. It’s as if your entire being had him spellbound. At first, for a brief moment, he felt stiff before getting worked up, eager but anxious at the same time. When he tried to open his mouth and speak, he could only fumble over his words. C’mon, just talk, damn it! If this was a dream, he never wanted it to end. 
“Hey! Over here! Heh, surprised to see me? I got out when Vil was busy on the phone. I figured that maybe you’d be tired after workin’ all day so what better then to drive you home on my motorcycle? Hop on. What do you say we make some detours and stops along the way? We can stop at some scenic spots if you want?” 
Rook Hunt 
Ah, what a lovely nest you have! So this was your temple, the very grounds where you lived. As your loyal follower, he will care and defend this sacred place. 
What’s he up to at the apartment? Well... it’s hard to tell sometimes. Although he is extremely fascinated with your world, he wishes to learn and “see all the beauty in the world that is home to the divine player,” whatever that means. Exploring and being generally curious seems to be a big hobby of his. 
The guy is a real enigma. Wherever you are, Rook is sure to follow and even when you don’t see him, most of the time you get the feeling you’re being watched... He offers his assistance at every turn, he accompanies you everywhere and anywhere. Sometimes it’s a little creepy how he’s always there, but his smile is nothing but kind and his words of praise are loving. Not to mention he’s a very good listener, he’ll listen to any rant or simple chat, as he admires you with a lovestruck smile. 
From what you’ve gathered, Rook is from a fairly wealthy family. So immediately he offers his assistance. How does he do it? Where does he even get the money from? How? It literally makes no sense, it’s a real mystery. For all you know, he could’ve sold some priceless antique or something he had on him, which seemed extremely unlikely but how else did he get that kind of money? When you ask about it, he merely smiles at you and places the money for rent and bills in your palm as he assures you to not worry a single hair on your pretty head. He’s fairly affectionate too, embraces are welcome and if you’ll allow it, he enjoys giving you forehead kisses as well.
Rook also does his fair share of chores, but his main responsibility he’s placed upon himself appears to be your security. Your safety and comfort are of the utmost importance! He, like the rest of the trio, is protective of you, but he isn’t as hostile about it as Epel may be. Usually a warning and his presence with a mere ominous smile is enough to ward off any unwanted guests. 
Speaking of unwanted guests, not only is he your personal security but he also manages to find the time to be the apartment security. No one is going in or out of the apartment complex without him knowing, he even keeps watch of the outside apartment grounds. Ever since Rook arrived, there’s been a lot less break-ins and reported stealing. However, you have caught him cleaning his arrows way more recently, that leave the cleaning cloth a little red... Yeah, you know that he knows that you’ve noticed, but you’re too nervous to ask about it. 
Yes, he missed you dearly! It’s not very common because he’s always lingering whether you know it or not, but he clearly expresses joy whenever he can see you again. If you ask, he’ll deliver heartfelt words as he describes the pain of being apart from you for even a second! 
Ah, sweet precious Yuu, your treasured vessel. Believe him when he says that ever since he first laid his sights on your vessel, he sensed you, and was captivated by your presence flowing through Yuu! 
Oh, to meet the true you, was nothing short of a miracle! A miracle he may be undeserving of, but was something he desired deep in his heart. There was so much he wished to know, so much he wanted to say, so much he wanted to do–– all for you! 
His sharp hearing picked up on the sound of the front door with unfamiliar footsteps quickly. Immediately his heart rate began to pick up speed as if he were feeling the adrenaline of a hunt, but now he felt as vulnerable as the quarry, not the hunter. It was this feeling, your grace, that made him feel so... exposed. As if laying all his secrets bare. When he saw you–– he could easily sneak up on you seeing as you were distracted with his underclassman. When you accidentally bumped against him and he had to hold your wrist, he felt such a feeling of euphoria course through his nervous system. He couldn’t help but smile–– until you screamed. Swiftly he attempted to calm you, he couldn’t bear to be the source of your distress! It’s true, he shed tears because he was just so happy to meet you...! All he wanted to do was bring you joy and worship you. 
“You summoned me, mon dieu? Say the word, and I shall make your wish a reality... Heh, but of course I heard you! This loyal huntsman is forever at your beck and call! I implore you to tell me what you desire so that I may carry out your every command!–– Hm? You merely called upon me to see if I were present...? I see! Then if I may, may I be so bold as to offer you my company?” 
Vil Schoenheit 
Dearest, there’s no more need for fretting. He, Vil, the fairest one of all, will now handle everything from here on out. So just accept his affections and offer to help. 
What could he possibly be up to? Lots of things actually. He spends time both inside and outside. Of course he’s no pig, he does his own share or chores and helps keep the apartment clean, but he also spends a lot of time out. 
Watching movies, going out for lunch or dinner, simply taking a walk, or even going on a shopping trip. These are all things Vil enjoys to do with you and the others. You choose the movie; you buy whatever you wish to eat (he’s keeping an eye on your diet); and whatever outfits you choose to buy he’ll pay for, and more! 
Wait a moment, how the hell does he have over millions of followers on Instagram already? It’s only been a week! What–– what does he mean he’s inviting you to come along to a photoshoot and audition for a huge movie role he has? Yeah, somehow Vil becomes popular almost instantly, maybe it’s because of his looks? He’s practically doing everything he used to do in his world, now here. Movies, modeling, advertisements, he’s got it. What’s more? He’s getting paid handsomely to do it all, and where does most of that money go? To you of course! 
With the money he earns, he uses it to spoil you like crazy. Since Rook and Epel already covered the rent and bills, he pays for the luxuries. Luxury furniture; brand clothes; expensive jewelry; is that a painted portrait of you with Vil, Rook, and Epel, hanging on the wall inside a golden frame...? Your whole apartment is getting refurbished. He’d love to rent you an entire condo but if you insist, then he has no choice but to stay here in this one with you. 
Because of his elevating status, not only can you live in luxury but you also get to rub elbows with celebrities. However, that and when his fans target you, tend to be when his protectiveness shine through. It’s why he has Rook always watching you. Vil will constantly keep an arm around your waist when encountering fans or stars. Oh, and he isn’t afraid of snapping back venomously. You witnessed how on one occasion, his new manager subtly insulted you and in response, Vil both insulted him and fired him on the spot. From what you’ve heard, that guy has had miserable luck in the industry ever since then. “Any slight against you, is a slight against me,” Vil claims. 
Of course he misses you! If he wasn’t so busy while you were at work and he were left alone with his thoughts, he may have not been able to handle it. He has suggested you quit your job and allow him to take care of you, or if you wanted to work so badly you could just work with him somehow. It was a nice suggestion but you had to politely turn him down. It’s fairly common for him to kiss your cheek when he gets to see you after a long day, which leaves a lipstick stain on your skin.
To be frank, he did not care much, if at all, for your vessel, Yuu, at least in the beginning. However, that changed as time passed and he grew close to Yuu then learned the truth. Eventually he deemed himself responsible for helping your vessel and maintaining their health. 
To see you stand there before him in all your perfect glory... it left him stunned, you literally took his breath away. Here you were, your true self, your perfect self, before his very own eyes. All his work and effort into perfecting himself, caring for your vessel, and improving his underclassmen in Pomefiore into their best selves–– everything he did was for you. 
Now he understood how his fans felt when they were so starstruck that they couldn’t breath, couldn’t move, couldn’t even speak until their mind registered what was happening. When he ended up here and realized where he was, he got straight to work which meant feverishly cleaning and making immediate plans to improve your living environment. However when he saw you and realized it was truly you, his legs started moving on their own, drawn to your presence. Everything he was focusing on before seemingly vanished, as all he could think about now was you. When his fingers grazed over your flesh, he shivered, relieved that you weren’t cold and artificial like your vessel–– you were warm, and you were real. He was in such a state of bliss because you were here–– until he realized how confused you must be. Scolding himself, he prioritized your perfect self above all, so he would first calm you before proceeding to care for you and love you. 
“I had the manager set a seat for you right beside the director and the snack bar is stocked with your favorites. All I ask is you don’t indulge too much in the snacks, I scheduled a dinner for us to meet Rook and Epel after I film this scene... What’s the matter? Don’t you want to watch me work?... What? One of the cast members degraded you?... Alas for her. Who dare insult you? Reveal her name!” 
As a whole...
Pomefiore is another dorm that spoils you, proven by your new life of luxury with the company of these three who lovingly adore you and are fiercely protective of you. You have a pretty lavender-haired sometimes brash roommate who’s sweet to you, an eccentric blonde hunter who’s obsessed with you, and a beautiful blonde model who adores you wholly and wants to care for you for eternity. What more could anyone ask for? The trio is one of the more affectionate and direct with their feelings, so there won’t be a moment when you will feel unloved. Whether that’s a good or bad thing with them... who knows? You’ll continue to let them pay you back for your hospitality by caring for you, won’t you? 
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Fire…? Oh god, you didn’t leave the stove on, did you? Or was someone here messing with the microwave or oven? There might even be a fire starting in another apartment in this complex! In your rush to see where the source of the smell was coming on, you failed to notice the new tablet and remotes sprawled out over the living room table. Someone had been here and left these devices. Hurriedly you rushed inside the kitchen, but there was no sign of anything having been left on. Checking the apartment group chat that gave notices and news for the complex, there was no news of a fire and the smoke detector hadn’t turned on. Wait… there were noises coming from a room connected to the hallway and that seemed to be where the smell came from too. Just as you were about to exit the kitchen, someone entered the same space. It was… the figure of a young robot boy with a mop of flaming blue hair…? 
“Aha! My scanner was correct! I did detect a familiar life force entering the complex grounds! I’m so happy to see you! Ah, wait––”
He stopped once you backed away, you eyed him warily as you held up the sharp end of your keys to warn him. Although you weren’t sure how much damage the keys would do against his metal body if it came down to having to defend yourself. Plus, you’re sure his blue fair hair, however that worked, would burn badly. Before you could ask or demand anything, he continued just as cheerfully, 
“Your heart rate is accelerating at a concerning rate, and so is your breathing pattern–– These are clear signs of fear. Don’t worry! Ah, this is so exciting! I thought I’d never see you like this!” Like a child who just can’t sit still, he practically danced, floating around you, seemingly not caring for the keys in your hand and he didn’t appear to be a threat. Instead he took your hand in his metallic palm, tugging you along towards your room as he insisted, “Come on, you have to see him! Let’s surprise him!”
See who? Surprise who? Your unspoken questions were answered when you were pushed into your home-office where you stored files and your laptop from when you were working at the apartment. There, you could smell the source of the fire, a long messy mane of blue fire that acted as lengthy locks of hair. 
Right now he had yet to notice you. He was far too invested in what appeared to be… building? There were parts and tools all around him as it appeared he had connected your laptop to various PCs and monitors. “What a cheap set-up they had… How can anyone do anything on one monitor? Tsk. This should make it more efficient. Their wi-fi speed is trash, so I gotta fix that too. Hah… Ortho, did you find whatever made that noise––? Uh…” As soon as his eyes landed on you, he froze like a deer in the headlights. His glowing yellow-eyes were wide as he gaped, dropping the piece for the computers in his hands. There was Ortho with the brightest eyes, radiating pure joy, and right next to him was… was… “Y-You–– T-This isn’t what it looks like…!” 
One game. You downloaded one game, Twisted Wonderland, on a whim, and now this duo of students claimed to be from the Ignihyde dorm from that very mobile game. It was incredibly difficult to believe, almost impossible, if it weren’t for their striking resemblance to the characters and the magic they were able to conjure with their pen. What was more of a shock? They claimed to know you as the player. Of course before they knew nothing of your looks or true personality, but now here you were in your divine grace, the real deal right before them! You can be sure that they will take advantage of your kindness as you allowed them to stay until they could find a way to return home. But really, why want to go back when you were here? 
Oh, but you want to know how it’s like living with the Ignihyde gang, hm? 
Ortho Shroud 
Do not worry! He already helps care for his big brother, he can care for you too! He’ll take good care of your home! 
What’s he usually doing at the apartment? Actually, he’s the one that goes out more often, besides helping keep the place together. In this new world, he finds everything interesting. Please teach him about your world, he wants to know as much as he can! 
Whenever you go out, Ortho is always the one to join you (he goes unnoticed thanks to the custom-made upgrade and hat his brother made him). When you go out for groceries. According to his scanners, these are the ripest and juiciest of fruits! When you go out for clothes. Here is a hologram and program he and his brother created to let you see how outfits would look on you without trying them on! When you want something specific. He’s searched the stock of every store within a 25 mile radius for the item you were looking for, and he’s located five stores with the item! Shall he call and have them reserve it as he leads the way for you? 
He’s a very kind and optimistic kid, so he’s won over a lot of the neighbors, meaning he gets a lot of little gifts he likes to give you. The elderly folks say he’s just the cutest kid, the adults think he’s such a well-behaved boy, and the other children seem to think he’s cool. If only they knew how down right mischievous, almost to a concerning level, he could be. He’s going to vacuum the apartment–– with a wind power blaster on max! Haha, just kidding~! If he did that then he might destroy this whole floor of the apartment complex! 
Although he is very responsible. Keeping the apartment clean, vacuuming, doing the laundry, washing the dishes, dusting, organizing everything, handling any mail whether it be digital or written, he even orders takeout and it’s actually good healthy food (half of the time)! He does it all despite you telling him he doesn’t have to, but he wants to! He would do a lot of this stuff for his older brother, so it’s no hassle. Although he would be really happy if you played games with him after! 
The only time he isn’t doing something for you or his brother, is when there’s a forecast of heavy storms with lightning. There was a huge crack of thunder followed by his scream down the hall. He’s deathly afraid of the thunder, hiding himself away in your room if you’re away. However, if you’re there, he’s clinging to you like a lifeline and won’t let go until the storm has passed. You and Idia are the only ones he feels safe with during a storm, so comfort him. 
Yeah, uh, Ortho isn’t entirely innocent though, he can actually be rather destructive. It’s rare, but he too has his moments. Take for example, when you were scared of the huge spider that ended up in the closet. No, wait, Ortho, don’t use that giant blaster––! Or how when your landlord mentioned he was raising the cost of rent and you complained, he later came back to retract that statement all while nervously avoiding innocent little Ortho. Ortho also acts as security, he has motion sensors that detect movement all around the complex grounds. It’s so effective that he was able to confront a would-be thief by the park and stop them from doing anything bad! Hooray! Wait a moment, you wonder… What happened to that pretty tree in the park? Why is there only a burnt stump left…? 
Yes, he missed you so much! Everyday while you work, you’re getting texts and the occasional call from Ortho. Please don’t be mad, he just really misses you! When your shift is done, he’s always there waiting at the lobby, swinging his little feet as he sits and waits. He visibly brightens up when he sees you, eagerly running over to hold your hand and take you home so his brother can see you too! 
In the beginning, he just wanted a friendship with you (through your vessel), him, and of course his brother. He just wanted to be your friend, be in your company, just like how everyone else smiled with you and spent time with you. Can’t he be your friend too…? 
He detected your presence far before you detected him. So when his suspicions were confirmed, he was over the moon! It was you, his friend! This was his dream come true: the real and authentic you, him, and his brother, all together in one place and living together like a big happy family! Just like in his favorite movies! 
As soon as he detected your presence, he had to wait and contain his excitement. He wanted this to be a surprise! When Idia asked him to go check the source of the commotion, he nyoomed right over to where he detected your presence on his scanners. He was so so happy to see you–– he didn’t care about the keys you were holding and he was certain his own flames were increasing. Oh, if he had a heart, he was sure its heart rate would surpass yours! It wasn’t that Ortho was oblivious, it’s just that he was so overjoyed that he didn’t mind your initial fear. You’d get over it quickly, he knows it. How could you continue to see him as a threat? You’ll recognize him soon, just as he recognizes you, then you’ll be happy too! Afterall, didn’t humans say joy was supposed to be infectious? 
“Happiness gauge has reached 100%... Yay, you’re here! Hi! How are you feeling right now? How was work today? Do you want me to place a take-out order or place a reservation at your favorite restaurant? I’m sure if you ask my brother to join us out to eat, then he’ll say yes! Hm?... How’d I know what time you got off of work? Hehe, I know your whole schedule for your convenience!” 
Idia Shroud
Ah, this was so nerve-wracking being away from his own room. Well… it’s not that bad since you’re here. Just leave him in your home where he can be comfortable.
What’s he doing at the apartment? You’re not completely sure but he does stay inside practically all the time. He’s almost always on some type of device, and will not-so-subtly try to linger around you if you let him. 
It’s rare to see Idia go out, especially by himself. However, if you ask him and you seem very eager to go out… well, he’ll impulsively say yes but he’s anxious the entire time. He’ll wear caps to hide his flaming hair and jackets or coats to cover himself. If you take him to someplace like an arcade or merch shop, he’s lightening up and actually enjoying the trip outside. 
Your work from home office? Yeah, that’s basically his office now too. Don’t worry, he’s set up a partition of shelves filled with a mix of your office supplies and the merchandise he buys. His side is all dark and lit by the screen light from devices, the room filled with scattered comics, video game cases, and appliances used by Ortho. Apparently he codes things, programs stuff, creates and sells, because every week there’s a transaction notification from your bank account. It’s Idia wiring you more than enough money for rent and bills. 
It’s fairly normal to see Idia shuffling around the apartment, sometimes forgoing the comfort of his bed or office to be in the same room as you. He doesn’t do much of chores–– he is a bit messy but at least he keeps it to his area. If you ask him to clean though, he’ll tidy up. But… don’t ask him to cook. He can’t manage that. If you do ask him, you’re getting served those really expensive fancy instant ramen. It’s the thought that counts…? 
You’ve never actually seen Idia get angry. But you have heard a loud and audibly frustrated Hah? from his room/office once when you texted him about some negative experiences. According to Ortho, Idia has turned red at times after hearing about your negative experiences. And he means literally, like his calm blue hair had flared into an angry red. Whoever caused those negative experiences whether it be harassment, bullying, or anything else, you won’t be hearing from them ever again. 
Even if it doesn’t seem like he does much, he does a lot. Creating personal service and wifi so you don’t have to pay companies, upgrading all your devices, connecting appliances to your phone like the lights and locks of the apartment and such. He wants to spend time with you, but he’s far too nervous to ask you… Which is why Ortho is always bringing you together. Sometimes if Idia has enough courage, he’ll call you instead of text you or purposefully leave something in your space so you can go to him later. He’ll help you out though. He’ll slow down or shut down the computers of your co-workers so it looks like you’re doing more work and you get a promotion. H-Huh…? N… No… He didn’t hack into your laptop’s camera or the surveillance tapes from your workplace just to watch you… 
Yeah, he missed you, but why would someone as great as you miss someone as miserable as himself…? Why do you think he’s always watching you through screens when you’re not around? If you mention missing you to him, he suddenly looks very nervous. Great, he’s been found out. Now you must think he’s some creep… as if his constant texts throughout the day don’t give away the fact that he longs for your company whether it be with your actual presence or conversation online. 
Ah, right, your vessel… Honestly, he didn’t like Yuu at all at first, but that changed later. They weren’t… that bad. Your vessel was really something special, in some ways it bested his own work on Ortho. Your vessel could be warm or cold, it had a heartbeat, it functioned like a normal human. Perhaps that growing fascination with your vessel was what drew him closer. 
When his gaze landed in you, the flames of his hair grew in heat and size, simmering dangerously high as he attempted to keep his cool–– but he couldn’t! You were staring, probably judging, forming negative thoughts already. Any step closer and his hair might flare up, hot enough to activate the sprinkler systems of the apartment. 
When Idia connected the dots, realizing where he was, he very nearly went into shock. How was this possible? Why was this happening to him and Ortho? No, wait, it’s not like he was upset. This was like a one in trillionth chance. Something lucky finally happened to him! But at the same time, he was freaking out badly. Breaking into a cold sweat, feeling his nerves spike 100%, he felt sick but at the same time he was so eager he could scream! The two things preventing him from breaking down under the weight of all these emotions, was his little brother and seeing the state of this place. What’s with these simple appliances? No offense but your wifi sucks. Oh god, what kind of PC was this? How do you even play any games on something this simple? This was real beginner tutorial level stuff. Seriously? Don’t you have anything better? Which is how he became so engrossed in improving everything he could get his hands on. He was so focused on improving your things that he didn’t even notice you were here, and so when he did finally notice you, he was right back at square one with the flood of emotions rolling back in. 
“Someone will get hurt? Nahhhh. I mean, you know, it could happen. The probability is there. Stuff happens, that’s life, isn’t it? N-No, that doesn’t mean I’ll do anything to them… Anyway! You don’t owe anything to those normies. Seriously, why do you even care about your coworkers? It’d be so much better if you just always worked from home. They just try to boss you around, unlike me and Ortho. Tsk. They’re so annoying. Especially with how that one loser told you to get him a coffee. Huh? H-How do I know that…? Um….” 
As a whole... 
Ignihyde is probably the most vigilant of all the dorms. They’re always watching, even when you think they aren’t. You’re kept under 24/7 surveillance, but it’s not like you know that. Plus, it’s for your safety! Don’t you know how many creeps are out there? It’s okay though. You have a young and powerful robot boy who looks up at you with nothing but respect and admiration, and an intelligent introverted shut-in who’s obsessed with you but sometimes far too nervous to approach you himself. Not just anyone could get close to this brother duo. You’ll have a lot of fun with them and they’ll be sure to keep you entertained. They consider you family at this point, you know? You’ve offered them your hospitality and company, surely you think of them as family too, don’t you? 
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Flowers…? The fragrant smell of nature permeated through your apartment. Quickly you found the source of the aroma, which came from some flowers in a vase in the living room. Flowers which you never collected or were gifted. It was a bouquet of mismatched plants, made of some poppies with missing petals, crumpled daisies, red roses so dark in shade they were almost black, and strangely enough there were even thorns in the bunch. Everything was neater than when you left it. No dust, no stray blankets, everything was orderly. The distant sound of chatter filled your ears, coming from somewhere within the kitchen. And with that– Oh god, what was that stench? Was something from the kitchen burning? Were the people here trying to burn down your apartment with the stove?
“I will be the one responsible to check! If I cannot even do something as simple as ensure the safety of the player’s abode, then I have no right to even serve them! For––” The man stopped, halting his marching as he exited the kitchen and came face-to-face with you.
You froze in fear, warily eyeing the tall with light-green hair slicked back. Not only were you frightened of this man who was obviously much stronger than you judging by his build, but this guy had also been talking to someone. There were bound to be others. As his yellow-green eyes widened and his mouth opened, you were struggling to swiftly take out something that may help you. In one hand you held your phone, in the other your keys. Just as you decide whether to call someone for help or try to defend yourself with the sharp end of your keys, the man does the unthinkable––
He starts bawling. This grown man who looked so intimidating and stronger than you, just started sobbing for no apparent reason! Too stunned by what was occurring, you failed to act as he got up close immediately. Yet he didn’t touch you, but he peered down at you as he furiously wiped away the tears in his eyes. “Wait!!! Please… Please, forgive me!! N–Not only have we barged in on your sacred dwelling unannounced, but I–– I must’ve alarmed you!! It’s merely–– I’m honored beyond belief to finally be in the presence of your true self!! How could I be so lucky? What good deed did I do to deserve this opportunity?!”
What? It was safe to say that you no longer felt threatened. Just… bewildered, and definitely still uneasy.
“Sebek, why are you–– Oh…” Right then, another figure emerged from the kitchen. A calm sleepy looking man with silver hair ambled into the room, but his eyes widened upon landing on you. Slowly he approached, gaze fixated on you, as if in a trance. Yet… he wasn’t very threatening. He had this peaceful air around him. You were still hesitant, but you had your phone and keys at your disposal. Upon getting closer, he lowered his head as if bowing while he spoke, “I apologize for the fright he must’ve given you. Father said this was the moment we had all been waiting for but I didn’t believe he meant… this.” His tone was monotoned, but he smiled, his expression showing his happiness but his voice didn’t match. “I’m so surprised… but so happy too. Ah, Father must be waiting to see you then…!”
With little to no room for arguments, the two men flanked your sides, and hurriedly escorted you to the kitchen. The closer you got, the heavier the smell became. Oh god, it was so bad–– Inside you saw a mess near the oven. There were bowls, cups, spoons, flour, and a tall leaning to the side abomination that could’ve only been a cake only discernible by the recipe page beside it. There was… no one here? Wait… Looking up, you were surprised to see a short guy dangling from the ceiling like a bat–– how was he even doing that?
When your gaze landed on him, he gave a grin, revealing tiny fangs. He lowered himself a bit so dangled upside down in front of you, his black hair with magenta highlights shifting with his movement, his large deep red eyes peering down at you. Judging by the oven mitts on his hands, he was likely the culprit for the mess and the cake as well as the smell of smoke most likely from the oven. But he didn’t seem to care too much for that right now, instead he was focused intensely on you. “There you are! You finally came! I was wondering when you were going to return. I’m sure these two youngins gave you an enthusiastic welcome! As you can see I’ve baked you a cake as a welcome gift from myself. Don’t worry too much about the mess, I’ll clean that up and you can try my cooking! Ah, don’t be so scared~” He floated down from the ceiling until he was standing upright in front of you. The short man was odd, there was something off about him, but he merely patted your head as the over mitt floated off his hand. “Surely you must recognize us by now. So, you know that there’s one more person waiting for you, don’t you?”
That was how you found yourself trapped in a room with one of them. The three you met were so excited to meet you, but they were just as eager for you to see the final fourth one of them. You found him wandering your study, admiring the objects and furniture but not touching, as if he were appreciating the priceless displays in a museum. That is until you, the most precious treasure of all, appeared in his vision. You get it now, you understood why people were nervous around him. He just had this air of elegance and superiority. The tall and extremely intimidating man with the black hair looked down at you with his green eyes, at first surprised before he smiled such a soft smile that quickly became a more menacing looking one. Although he may have just been excited and he might have not meant it to look menacing. Then, he spoke, “It feels like I’ve waited an eternity for this moment with you… I’m uncertain if it was by one of my attempts, mere chance, or by what I hope was your longing to see me as well, that called me forth and brought me and my companions to your world. I’ve dreamt of this moment countless times, ever since you first graced me with your presence through your vessel in my world. Although, I realize I am undeserving, that there’s the possibility I may have arrived here by mistake, but I am determined to make the most out of it. So, please grant my wish, I wish to stay beside you for an eternity. If you accept me, I’ll be forever grateful and remain loyal until the very end of time.”
One game. You downloaded one game, Twisted Wonderland, on a whim, and now this group of students claimed to be from the Diasomnia dorm from that very mobile game. It was incredibly difficult to believe, almost impossible, if it weren’t for their striking resemblance to the characters and the magic they were able to conjure with their pen. What was more of a shock? They claimed to know you as the player. Of course before they knew nothing of your looks or true personality, but now here you were in your divine grace, the real deal right before them! You can be sure that they will take advantage of your kindness as you allowed them to stay until they could find a way to return home. But really, why want to go back when you were here? 
Oh, but you want to know how it’s like living with the Diasomnia gang, hm? 
Sebek Zigvolt 
Worry not, he will serve you just as he serves the young master! He, Sebek, will wholeheartedly dedicate himself not only to being of assistance to you but also to defending your abode!! 
What is he doing at the apartment? Serving you, of course! In everything he does, he does for you. Cleaning, cooking, shopping. You actually have to command him to do something for himself, or else he’d be taking care of you non-stop. 
Sebek is one of the clingiest members by far. You going out shopping? Say no more, he’ll carry all the bags! You want to take a stroll? He shall accompany you and hold your umbrella to protect you from that wretched sun! The sidewalk is too crowded? Everyone move aside, make room!! It’s terribly embarrassing sometimes, so you have to remind him to try and not attract unnecessary attention. If you ask him why not do something he enjoys for once, he immediately responds with “But… I enjoy serving you…!” 
Yes, Sebek enthusiastically does many of the chores and he takes care of the cooking with Silver. Don’t underestimate his dedication to fulfilling your every command. He’s loud so if you ask him to be quiet for a moment, he'll stay absolutely silent until you give him permission to speak again. If you mention having issues with someone at work, he’s marching straight over and only you can stop him before he gives that poor person a multiple hour long lecture mixed with scoldings and praises of you. Say you’re hungry, and he’s immediately in the kitchen starting to cook a whole buffet. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do for you, you know. 
Speaking of food, like mentioned previously, Silver and Sebek handle the food meaning they make your lunch. If it weren’t for Silver placing some restrictions, Sebek would be giving you enough food for everyone on the floor you work on. Still, he makes sure you have more than enough. He’s packed a healthy appetizer and a good main dish paired with a side dish! Oh, and here’s a portable mug with freshly brewed tea! 
He says goodbye at the door when you’re leaving for work but it’s a long goodbye because he’s following you through the halls, down the stairs, all the way towards the street. No, no, he cannot follow you this time. Annnnd he’s still following. You implemented a rule for all four of them, they are not allowed to enter your workplace when you’re busy. Before the rule was implemented, Sebek tried barging in more than once. After the rule, he tried to get a job as a security guard for the building. Thankfully, he was rejected because he just wanted to guard one floor which was the one you worked on. He takes matters concerning your security seriously, you must text him at least once every thirty minutes so he knows you okay! At the very least, you haven’t seen him hurt anyone just to keep you safe. And you’re sure he hasn’t harmed anyone… right? 
If it’s not obvious by now, Sebek probably has the hardest time when you leave. You haven’t seen it, but since the large portrait he’s commissioned to have placed in his room is not complete yet (he also asked for one of Malleus), he keeps a locket with your picture around his neck. Every once in a while when you aren’t around, others will catch him gazing fondly at your image. The second your shift is done, he’s somehow already in the elevator waiting for you. If the others manage to convince him to wait at home, you arrive to see him standing rigidly at the front door like a soldier waiting to be given commands. He has the brightest smile as he greets you loudly and enthusiastically. Give him a head pat for his good work. 
Ah, yes, your vessel Yuu. He’s proud to report that he served your vessel as well!! Although every time he recalls how he used to view your vessel as a mere human of no significance, he scorns himself. If only he wasn’t so blind, if only he realized your importance earlier he could’ve spent much more time in your graceful presence!! That’s the only regret he has concerning your vessel. 
Oh, the pure joy he felt upon seeing you––! The overwhelming feeling of your grace washing over his entire being filled him with such bliss! Why, he was simply so thrilled, so shocked but delighted that he was moved to tears!!  
When Lilia requested that he guard the front door, he immediately did so. How astute of sir Lilia, he was right, the door had to be guarded in the case that someone arrived! Sebek volunteered to do the job, wishing to take the task instead of Silver. That way he would be the first to see who came through the door! What he didn’t expect was for the player he practically worshipped to be there! Why, it sent him into such a shock, making his jaw drop! That’s when he burst into tears, awestruck by your presence that overwhelmed him!! All his time that he devoted to training in combat, learning from various classes, teaching himself useful skills, it was not just for the young master Malleus but also for you––! You were the only other person he could hold in such high regard!! 
“My liege!!! I welcome you home!! I apologize for not being present today to escort you home! I envy my companions who were able to bask in your wonderful presence while escorting you here safely…! Tsk–– However! I’ve spent my time wisely. I’ve cleaned the entire apartment while everyone was absent! Additionally, I’ve prepared everything necessary for dinner! Thank you for working hard today once again!! I sincerely hope that my measly efforts are able to lift some responsibility off your shoulders!!” 
Ah, so this is your home… It’s very nice. He will do his best to protect it. Please, rest assured, he will defend you and your home until his last breath. 
What’s he usually doing? Well, when not volunteering to do chores, he’s sleeping. Silver being classic Silver. He tries really hard to stay awake but your home is just… so comforting. And your presence is so relaxing, how can he not just… be lulled into a… deep sleep…
Silver is probably the best person to have with you. He’s calm and manages to charm everyone without even trying, not to mention he’s the only human in the group. He’s grateful whenever you allow him to go with you. It gives him an opportunity to learn more about you, your homeland, and the humans around. Like the rest of the group, he sometimes has difficulty understanding human customs despite being human. Forgive him, he was raised by fae. Please, teach him? 
Believe it or not, it’s Silver who’s the most beloved by the neighbors. They’re all crazy over him, especially the women. The old ladies love to pinch his cheeks because he’s such a gentleman, the mothers wish their sons were like him, the younger women all try to flirt with him all the time, even the children adore him because he’s just like the prince in their fairytale books! Whenever they give him gifts, which is often, Silver doesn’t mind sharing with you. In fact, he actually prefers it if you had the gift. 
Ah, the animals. Silver really is like a magical prince. For some reason, animals just flock to him. On more than one occasion, you’ve caught them helping Silver with chores. Birds moving wet clothes to dry on the balcony, squirrels helping him sweep up dust, etc. How does he do it? You have no idea. While you were at work once, a pair of pigeons delivered you a bouquet of flowers with a note simply reading: To my beloved. From, Silver. Knowing Silver, it probably wasn’t even his intention to be romantic. He probably just saw some pretty flowers he wanted to give you. 
Yes, he’s very chill and it’s difficult to tell how he feels by his expression. In fact, you’ve only seen him get angry once. It was at a cafe, seated at a small table as you awaited your orders to collect the food and meet the others elsewhere so you could have a picnic. You had placed your purse on the back of your seat as Silver sat nearby, dozing off a bit. You weren’t paying attention as you waited for your order number to be called, when a stranger strolled by and reached for your unattended bag–– Never before had you seen Silver snap fully awake so quickly before. Nor had you ever seen his face contort into anger as he gripped the would-be-thief’s wrist before he could even touch your belongings. The situation ended peacefully from what you remembered. But when you weren’t listening, Silver made sure to inform his Father and Master Malleus, which led the two to properly punish the thief without you knowing. 
Yes, he did quite miss you… but he doesn’t want to bother you when he knows you are busy. He’ll only act clingy if you allow it and if you spare time for him. To him, it doesn’t matter what you’re doing. You could be looking at another person, but as long as he’s in your presence, then he’s content. Although… he wouldn’t deny any attention you do decide to give him. 
Yes, he knew your vessel Yuu. Just as he was training to be a knight worthy to serve and protect Master Malleus, he would also do the same for your vessel. In his eyes, you were like the royalty a knight should devote themselves to. 
Of course seeing the true you for the first time would put a smile on his face. Do you realize how difficult it is to actually get Silver to visibly smile? If this was merely a fantasy formed by his desires in his dreams, he never wanted to wake up again. 
When the sound of Sebek’s loud sobs reached his ears and when Lilia gave an amused glance at him, Silver took both of these as a sign to investigate. He and Sebek had no idea where they were or what was going on, but Lilia and Malleus seemed content, even absolutely delighted to be here. Wherever here was. If they were so happy to be here, then perhaps he shouldn’t be so worried. Then he saw you in front of his crying companion, and it all made sense. They had sensed your presence and knew you would be here. Right then, it felt like he was having an otherworldly experience, just by seeing you. It felt like this couldn’t be real, like this was far too good to be true–– yet here you were. His legs moving on his own, immediately drawn closer until he found himself bowing and smiling up at you. 
“Thank you for allowing me to escort you to work today. I’m very happy right now… Hm? I don’t look happy? But I’m smiling? Oh… am I not smiling? Apologies. Please know that being beside you with the privilege of being your protector is everything I’ve dreamed of. If I were to get injured or worse by defending you, I would not mind. I would risk every part of my being just to see you safe and smiling… Ah–– that’s both sappy and concerning you say? But I’m only speaking how I feel…” 
Lilia Vanrouge 
Oh, don’t fret, little one! Lilia is here now. Not only will he keep all these young ones in line, but he’ll be sure to care for you and love you. 
What’s he up to around the apartment? Honestly, you’re not sure. You rarely see him cleaning, but somehow he keeps the apartment spotless. When up to his own devices, he seems greatly intrigued just by the things of his world so he usually explores and shows you his finds or new knowledge. He mentioned something like the unknown making him feel young again. 
It’s like having a dad all over again, but a very fun laid back kind of dad. This includes lovingly teasing you for almost everything, embarrassing you by pridefully showing you off whenever the opportunity presents itself, and the talks that include wisdom from a very ancient fae. You’re still stuck with his horrible cooking though. 
Lilia probably fits in the most, which is strange considering he’s a fae with a vast past. People don’t seem to look twice at his ears because they assume it’s a prop or they’re hidden by his hair. Not to mention the highlights in his hair combined with his attitude and how he takes a liking to grunge/punk clothes. If you’d pass him on the street you’d have no idea he was from a magic world. Additionally, he seems to get along with most people. It’s very weird to see this short guy wearing edgy fashion and somehow relating to the elderly war veterans in the apartment complex. Although you don’t mind, since he has their favor and they give him extra supplies for the apartment. 
He makes sure you’re loved. Cheek kisses, head pats, checking in on you after a long day, willing to do whatever it takes to cheer you up. He’s easily the most openly affectionate out of the group. If you’re tired, he’ll hum or sing you a lullaby if you ask. He can be surprisingly gentle and soft. Once after a full day out with all of them, you promptly passed out upon returning home as your head lay in his lap and he gazed down at you with nothing but eyes filled with adoration. Malleus was nearby, his fingers weaving through your hair as he felt content at seeing you so peaceful. Meanwhile the bickering between Silver and Sebek had stopped, both had fallen asleep on the other couches too. It was a picturesque scene. 
Lilia prefers that you don’t see a certain side of him, however, he won’t scramble to hide it. If you find out then you find out, but you’ll still have him. Lilia can be rather… cruel. That’s probably something to be expected of a fae who’s seen war and experienced so much. Any threat to you is quickly snuffed out. He’ll give a firm talk to co-workers who treat you badly, he’ll hunt down creeps who tried to take pictures of you or touch you in public, and if someone ever dared try to mortally wound you? May whatever higher being there may be have mercy on their soul once Lilia gets his hands on them. 
Oh, Lilia missed you deeply. In fact, it’s fairly common for him to try to guilt-trip you into working from home today just so he can be with you. Sometimes it’s hard to say no to his cute face and crocodile tears… When you do go and return, you immediately are greeted by a warm hug as he asks to hear about your day. 
Ah, your cute little vessel Yuu. Yes, he knew them well. Ever since day one, you had intrigued him greatly. In his several millennia long lifetime, he had never once met someone like you. You were truly one of a kind, and he wanted to know you better. 
As soon as he appeared, he realized almost immediately that he was in a place dear to you. Although it was faint, he could feel your presence, meaning you had been here. Well, what an unexpected turn of events! This was not how he expected his day to go! In the meantime, he’d prepare something sweet to welcome you with. Let’s see here, what ingredients were in the kitchen… 
Of course he knew it was you at the door! It was why he sent Sebek first then Silver, wanting the two to see you first before he could later keep all your attention and coo over you. Ah, he was patient as it came with age, but he hadn’t felt this impatient in a long time. He put a lot of effort into this… cake, for you! He truly hoped you liked it. Now to surprise you! And it certainly was a surprise to see him floating from the ceiling, and he relished in your reaction, and your presence–– oh, your sweet grace! He can’t ever remember a time where he felt this happy to see someone before. He just can’t wait to take you under his wing, fret over you, and just spoil you silly! 
“Good morning, my little bat! Breakfast is almost–– hm?... You’re already about to leave for work? My, my, is it really that late in the morning already? How time flies. Are you not working from home today? Oh… but I planned to spend time with you during your break. I even saved so you can spend at any cafe we pass by… Of course, it’s fine, I know you’re busy and you work hard. But everytime you go, I get so lonely I can c-cry… Oh? Last minute change of plans? I see! Heheh, I’ll be sure to spoil you with whatever you want on your break then!” 
Malleus Draconia 
So this building is your residence?–– No? Only these few rooms and the rest belong to others? Ah… but you deserve much more. Shall he, Malleus, ward off the rest of the humans and demolish this complex to have a castle built in its place? No? As you wish, he’ll leave you to reside in this apartment since you find it satisfactory. 
What could he possibly be doing in your apartment? A majority of the time, you have no idea. He’s just following you endlessly so long as you allow him to. You never really see him do chores, perhaps because his retainers do it for him or he does it when you aren’t looking. Really anything you want to do, he’ll gladly join you. Although you’re not certain what he does when he’s not with you… 
As mentioned before, he’ll always try to follow you simply because he does not want to be apart from you. At first it was a little unnerving but you quickly got used to it. He’s able to go out with little to no trouble, since most people think his horns and ears are some strange prop, plus you made him and the others promise to not use magic in public. One good thing about his presence is he always scares off unwanted company. Even if people don’t know who he is, he’s intimidating enough with the way he carries himself. 
Malleus believes you deserve the world and more. So he covers all costs. Will this pile of gold from his treasury do? What is he thinking? You deserve much more than this puny sum! No, you insist, that’s more than enough. As to how he even got his treasures here, you have no clue. All he asks in return is for your company. He truly does care for you possibly more than anyone, so he’ll gladly give more gold just to spoil you. If you bring him with you to shop or any simple outing or invite him somewhere, he’s over the moon with joy. 
Although it’s hard to believe it since he acts so refined and elegant. You think he’s an enigmatic being, maybe a little peculiar, and he always keeps his cool but in actuality… he’s weak for you. Even if he seems calm, any moment with you sends his heart fluttering. Every glance, every smile, every touch, every word, every gesture, it fills him with so much unbelievable ecstasy that makes his heart beat wildly. Who would have thought that such a peaceful simple domestic life would satisfy a prince like him? 
Everything you say, everything you do, even what you think matters. He teased you and such, but never to the point of upsetting you, just because he cannot resist seeing your range of emotions and reactions. One day when he nearly exposed magic to a passerby when attempting to impress you with his skills, leading to you becoming worried and upset, he was absolutely devastated. Malleus believed you were cross with him, how could he do such a foolish thing and anger you? Next thing you know, there was suddenly a nasty storm with powerful lightning and thunder despite the sunny weather five minutes ago, unconsciously formed by his immediate regret and immense guilt. Yet as soon as you spoke to him as he apologized profusely and you explained you weren’t angry at him, the storm quickly cleared upon comforting him. Needless to say, he was not about to make the same mistake twice. 
You seem to have no worries recently. Of course he and Lilia handle each little matter stressing you. If you stop, you might actually notice the way your rude boss shivers upon seeing the fae waiting to escort you home from work. If you turned around to see Malleus, you might’ve seen the way he glared down at the shop owner that scammed you as said owner nervously gave you much more than you paid for. Oh, you’re scared of going out at night because of creeps? Fear not, for he will be beside you the entire time. Besides, he and Lilia already weeded out all… potential threats in the area. You will be safe as long as he is around. 
You know, he’s actually much worse than Sebek when it comes to clinginess. You just never notice Malleus. If you think you’re alone… you’re not. If you feel like you’re being watched when you leave all four of them at home… you’re being watched. The fae prince never truly leaves you alone. He tells himself it’s to keep you safe and content always, but it’s partly for himself too. He’d feel far too lonely if he actually left you for over five minutes. Maybe his lingering presence, even when you don’t know it, explains some little things. The coffee you left cold at your desk is pleasantly warm when you come back, when you turn around the mess of papers is suddenly an organized stack, that coworker you had a fight with suddenly went home sick and didn’t return for nearly a week and when they did return they seemed… scared. 
Malleus likes to believe he knows your vessel, Yuu, better than anyone else. Afterall, he met you early on, he even accidentally helped you. He knew you were a strange one in the beginning, but he had no idea how special you were until later on. 
Like Lilia, he was quick to realize where he was. At first, he was shocked, in pure disbelief. This must be some kind of miracle or a cruel joke––! Lilia was quick to keep Sebek and Silver busy, while he was left to his own devices. So, he explored, but never daring to touch anything, as if even the trashcan in the corner were sacred since it belonged to you. 
Of course he felt your nearing presence. It felt like time was longer than ever now, like every second was an hour. When he heard Sebek sobbing followed by Silver’s voice, he felt his heartbeat quicken. It was happening. You were almost here. Soon, you would come to see him. When he heard the distant voice of Lilia in the kitchen, he felt nervous for the first time in a long while. The moment was coming when he would see you finally, but the moment didn’t seem to come fast enough. Part of him was worried you would fear him. After all, this was technically like a first meeting, so if that were the case–– he’d simply do everything in his power so you warm up to him. You meant far too much to him, he would not allow you to leave him alone even if you tried. He wanted this, you, or something with you, far too much, more than anything he’s ever desired before. Then he heard the door–– it was happening! His gaze landed over to you, immediately transfixed on you. This was it. He was finally meeting the person he adored and coveted, the very one he sought out. 
“You’re relieved to see me after a long day? Hm, as am I to see you… Why am I smiling so ominously, you ask? Heh. Well, because I’ve reunited with you, and because I was thinking of the others who were not blessed and have not seen you. Diasomnia was fortunate enough not only to bask in your presence but to live beside you. I merely find it amusing to remember the countless times others within the college had not invited me to see your plaything Yuu, and yet here I am in the company of the true you. I wonder if they realize, if they know, or even see me here alongside you now. It’s a shame I cannot see them writhing as they wallow in their own sorrows and regret.” 
As a whole... 
Diasomnia adores you wholly, in their eyes you can do no wrong. They both revere you and adore you. For you, they’ll do anything, they’ve told you as much. If you asked, they’d even tear this world apart and mold it into how you see fit. You assure them that you never want that, that the most you usually want is help with chores and stuff. Still, they do carry out your commands, even if it’s not anything major. You have a dedicated green-haired half-fae eager to please you in any way, a sleepy young man that keeps the calm and peace, an ancient fae who dotes over you, and a fae prince willing to bring this society to its knees should you ask. With these four, they’re practically like family at this point. An overpowered, obsessed, and overprotective family… They treasure you very much, I hope you realize that. You’ve offered them your hospitality and company, surely you won’t think of ever getting rid of them, right?
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furst1ded · 3 months
Thoughts on Shipping Alastor from an AroAce person
(this entire thing is copy and pasted excerpts from a Discord rant so if the grammar is funky, that's why, I just felt like giving my 2 cents on the topic)
Aroace people can still participate in romantic and sexual interactions. All being aro/ace/aroace means is you don't feel romantic/sexual attraction upon seeing other people. You can feel it later on or in waves or could never feel that attraction but still can participate and love others in a fulfilling way. Some aroace people are fine performing intimacy onto others but dislike reciprocation, others are the opposite where they're fine receiving but not giving. It's a spectrum.
The nuances of asexuality and aromanticism aside, you can be in a relationship without being in a relationship. Platonic relationships beyond friendship are a thing (QPRs for example). But like, I get it. Not everyone who ships Alastor keeps it confined to a QPR. And his character seems pretty sex-repulsed and romance-averse. But here's the other thing. He's fictional. As long as his character remains aroace in canon, fans taking the silly radio man and making him kiss the devil isn't taking away from aroace representation.
This next bit is coming from me as an AroAce person myself. I ship Alastor. I write/read him kissing people and fucking and acting romantic. And guess what? It's related to expressing my sexuality. Alastor is one of my favorite characters in anything ever and I love that there's a character that represents a facet of myself in a popular media. I relate to him so goddamn much and that's why I ship him. He's a fictional character I like that I project onto, so I use him as a way to navigate and explore romantic/sexual relationships that I'm never going to participate in myself. He's not real so I just puppet him around to live through vicariously in the scenarios I don't want to be a part of myself but find super interesting. It's not anything new, I do the same with my own characters in the stories I write them in, it's part of storytelling, I just use him for a specific type of story for a specfic part of myself.
It's not like we're hurting anybody by shipping him. We're not drastically effecting canon and making him an alloromantic. I've seen plenty of fics that ship him that either make it a QPR or they thoroughly explore the nuances of his asexuality and what subtype of sexuality he is and how he navigates it and I love those fics because they speak to me on a spiritual level. Grayromantic Alastor, demisexual alastor, sex-repulsed but romance-favorable Alastor, sex-repulsed and romance-averse Alastor in a one-sided ship fic, etc they're all so important to me because it helps me live out my own sexuality and romantic orientation and explore myself.
I get it. Not everyone is respectful. Not everyone feels the way I do and use characters in this way. It can suck seeing people just ignore his sexuality when asexuals and aromantics don't get much in terms of screen-time. But you can't control everybody and what work they put out. And trying to censor stuff like that does more harm than good. I just explained why fics involving Alastor are so important to me. They normalize QPRs and aroaces being in relationships. That's probably what pisses me off the fucking most. If we're not allowed to write about aroaces being in relationships or romantic/sexual situations, you put aroaces into a box. A box where every aroace is perceived as sexless and loveless, which just isn't true. A box where aroaces are prudes or infants who can't handle hearing the word "sex". It's just so frustrating. You can be mad at fics that expressly rewrite or stomp on his sexuality, sure. You can't stop them, but you can disapprove of them. But let the rest of us have our fun making the literal devil and TV head man have the hots for a man whose teeth are yellower than the sun, Jesus Christ.
TL;DR: asexuality is a spectrum, I'm aroace and use shipping as a way to explore and express myself and I know I'm not the only one, trying to suppress works where an Aroace character is seen participating in romance or sex can actually be harmful in that it promotes only one idea of what being aroace is, and at the end of the day the character I'm talking about doesn't even exist.
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