#this never ever ends well i end up spending 10+ hours a day on this game whenever i can. this is not ok
deanwritings · 2 days
The Guest House - Chapter 10
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Pairing: Dean x Reader
Series Summary: Dean Winchester is going through a nasty divorce. He doesn't have much left to his name, but what he does have is his house. Leave it to his soon-to-be ex wife to find a way to even ruin that for him. Enter Y/N, who is looking to get away from life for a bit, and stumbles right into the middle of it all.
The Guest House Master List
Word Count: 3,180
A/N: Know it's been a while and appreciate everyone's patience!
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It takes a little over an hour for Dean to finish up the two cars. Having been taught your lesson, you handed Dean the correct tools he requested, though he did remember to say “please” each time he asked. 
From time to time he would explain what he was working on, not that it meant much to you, but you were starting to pick up on a few things, which you were hoping to take home with you so you wouldn’t feel so helpless the next time you went to get an oil change.
“So how did you even meet Rick?” You lean against a pillar as Dean rolls out from the Stingray, shutting off his head lamp as he stands. He lets out a chuckle at your question. 
“I’ve actually known him most of my life.” Dean gently rests against the hood, crossing his arms. 
You just raise your eyebrows, hoping he’ll elaborate. 
“My dad used to come here all the time growing up, and so did Rick.” He continues. “They were around the same age and they kept in touch as they got older. My dad used to bring us up here when we were kids. I loved it, but Sam and my mom would spend our visits up here swimming at the lake, but my dad and I would be sitting in those bleachers.” He points out the windowed garage door to the grand stands.
“It would be July and it could be 120 degrees between the heat and the cars, but there was nowhere else we’d rather be.” He reminisces with a smile but he keeps his eyes on his oil-stained boots. 
“Rick is cut from the same cloth. He stopped coming around as I got older, got busy with his fancy life in the city, but when he ended up buying this place, he reached out to my dad and I, would get us in the ‘VIP’ suite, which were just his seats. He was excited when he found out I started working in Bobby’s shop, and then a couple years later he called me up to take a look at a vintage car he was going to buy. Said he had hired a guy but didn’t trust his report, so needed someone he could count on. I was just twenty-one, but he trusted every word I said, and I’ve been working for him ever since.”
You smile across at Dean, not that he sees it. Whether intentionally or not, Dean was opening up to you, more of him becoming unraveled. And there’s one question you’ve been wanting to ask him for weeks now, and you finally felt comfortable enough with him to post it.
“And what’s the deal with you and Nick?” You ask quietly, nervous that you may be overstepping, but hell, he brought you to a weekend away at his mom’s house. You were well past acquaintance status. 
You think back to that night at Max’s, your first week here, when you had gotten cozy with the blonde-haired beau before Dean had stepped in. Before Dean gave a shit about you, he did that night. And you always wondered why.
Dean takes in a deep breath, keeping his eyes downcast. 
“It started back in high school. It was just teenage stuff; he was the football star, I played basketball. We were both really competitive and it was just a lot of stupid ego stuff. But when Sammy started high school my senior year, Nick took an interest in him, and decided to make Sam’s life hell because of me. He bullied the poor kid almost every day. So I took it upon myself to make sure he never bothered Sam again.” A smirk slowly begins to rise. “Got suspended for a week because of it and almost wasn’t allowed to walk graduation, but it was worth it.”
“And what exactly did you do?” His eyes flash up to you, a devilish gleam in them. 
“I may or may not have rigged his airbags to go off when he turned the radio on one day after school.”
You blanch.
“You can do that?” Dean nods.
“But how did they know that was you? Even if he suspected you, there would have been no way to prove it.”
“Because I was waiting for him in the parking lot and after they went off, I pulled him out of the car and told him if he ever bothered Sammy again I would cut his brakes and make it look like an accident.” Dean doesn’t flinch at the threat, and neither do you. You had two younger siblings, both brothers. You understood. Being the older sibling also meant being the protector, and you had stepped in from time to time when your brothers needed it. 
Dean looks back to you.
“That was the end of it though. Never bothered me or Sam again.” He wipes his hands against each other before shoving them in the pockets of his coveralls. 
“Well I guess I really do owe you for saving me from ‘the town’s biggest asshole’ then.” You smile at him, using his own words from that night. Words you had thrown back at him in rash rage. 
“I would say so.” He agrees, pushing off the car and closing the gap between you. Your eyes stalk the movement, not missing a step until he stops an arm’s length from you. His eyes have that devilish sparkle that twists your stomach in the best way.
“And what exactly do you have in mind?” You challenge, standing up straighter even though your knees feel weak. 
“How about dinner?” His voice is low, shared only between the two of you even though there’s no one else around. 
Your eyes widen.
“You’re asking me out?” You gawk, practically breathless. His lips slowly curve up and he doesn’t break your gaze.
“I’m saying you can make it up to me by taking me out to dinner.” Your face and stomach drop, irritation rising like bile up your throat.
“Are you serious?” You cross your arm and drop your hip. 
“Sure am, sweetheart.” He purrs. You respond with a heavy breath out of your nose.
“I literally just bought you lunch the other day.” You snap. “Explain to me why it’s my responsibility to keep feeding you?” You bite, ignoring the fact that you had bought him lunch the other day as a thank you for taking you hiking. But he didn’t need to be reminded of that. 
Instead of waiting for an answer, you side step from him and walk towards the exit.
“Where are you going?” Dean calls from behind you. You turn on your heel and stare him down.
“Aren’t you done?” You huff, crossing your arms again. “I was headed back to the car.” You throw your thumb over your shoulder.
Dean just annoyingly smiles back at you.
“We’re not taking the truck.” You raise your eyebrows.
“What are we going to walk back?” You retort. 
Dean turns on his heel in response and walks further into the garage.
You wait a second, then two, to see if he’s going to turn around, but he doesn’t. You tap your foot, but Dean still doesn’t turn back.
You drop your arms with a heavy breath and start after him, following him a few stalls down until you see him leaning into the open door of a shining black car, the body sleek and clearly not from this century.
“Is this another one of Rick’s?” You step up to the hood, tempted to reach out and run your fingers down the polished onyx. 
“Nope,” Dean’s voice is muffled through the windshield as he rummages around inside.
“Can you answer a question that doesn’t require me to continue asking you questions?” You scowl, starting to have enough of this little game of his. 
His laugh just echoes as he pushes out of the car and rests on the open door.
“Remember I told you about my baby?” You squint your eyes, the conversation ringing a vague bell. 
You suck in a breath. 
“Your car.” You snap your finger then point it at him and it comes back to you, remembering how absurd you thought it was when Dean shared he called his prized car “baby.” 
Dean raises his eyebrows with a smile, opening his arms wide.
“Y/N, meet Baby. Baby, meet Y/N.” You frown at his exaggerated antics.
“Please don’t make me say “hi” to the car.” You groan, wondering exactly how much Dean loves this car. 
Dean pats the hood and leans in.
“Don’t worry, Baby. She can be nice when she wants to be.” He coos. Your eyes bulge and mouth gapes. 
“Should I be concerned about you? Is this what happens when you spend your life around car fumes?” You cross your arms, half kidding. 
Dean just looks back at you with a grin. 
“Get in the car will ya?” He orders before he dips down and plops into the driver’s seat and closes his car.
You stare at him for a moment through the windshield as he fiddles with something. 
Aunt Rose, help me. You say up a silent prayer before you walk around the car and take a seat onto the white leather bench. 
The inside is immaculate; conditioned, tan upholstery, a shining steering wheel, and a dashboard expertly restored to its former glory.
You run a hand along the felt ceiling, the fibers tickling your fingertips. 
“You really built this car?” You ask in awe as you continue to take in the refurbished wonder. 
Dean presses a button on a clicker attached to his visor, and the garage door in front of you begins to rise, sun chasing in through the windshield. 
“Sure did,” Dean turns the key in the engine, the car roaring to life before Dean flicks down the gear shift into drive. “Got her in a scrap yard for a couple hundred bucks, then would use my paychecks from the shop to buy her new parts. Took me over three years. Which is why I keep her here.” Dean slowly pulls out of the garage, waiting for the car to clear before he hits the clicker again, shutting the door behind us.  
You smile out the window as you slowly make your way down the empty race track towards the exit.
“If you love her that much why not just drive her all the time?” You play with the leather armrest that connects to the door. “Seems like a waste to just leave it in a garage all the time.” You muse.
You don't have many mantras in life, but one you strongly believed in not waiting to enjoy something. Your parents had saved an expensive bottle of champagne for you as a graduation present. They had won it in an auction years before and never had a good reason to open it and figured celebrating your matriculation would be the right time to finally pop it open. By the time they did, it had gone bad and your dad shook his head as he poured it down the drain. 
“Cause I ain’t risking a dent or scratch in her after all the time I put into fixing her up.” Dean waves at the gate agent as you pass through the exit, and you give him a smile as well.
“I’m just saying. What’s the point of having a beautiful car like this if you’re just going to keep her hidden away? You’re like an overprotective father.” You chuckle as you look back out the window at the passing scenery of bare trees and dead grass. March truly was an ugly month. 
You look over to Dean, catching his gaze for a moment before it returns to the road, a smirk his only answer. 
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Without a word, Dean leans his foot heavily onto the gas pedal, the needle on the speedometer quickly climbing as the outdoor world begins to blur by.  
His heart jumps into his throat and his smile grows as the car continues to pick up speed. He wants to glance at Y/N, see her reaction, but he’s not reckless, not enough to take his eyes off the straightaway as the Impala ticks past 80 MPH.
He hears you take in a breath, but it’s not a gasp, doesn't sound scared or shocked, and he’s hoping you’re feeling the same excitement that he is as he shoots down the street, the engine rumbling through the front seat as he darts down his own personal racetrack that he’s driven down more times than he can count. 
Which is why he takes his foot off the gas, letting the needle fall before they come up to the bend that takes them back into town. 
It was only a few seconds, mere heartbeats, but it always makes Dean feel alive. 
Once the car is at a manageable speed, he peeks over to you – your hand is braced against the door, but your smile is wide in a silent laugh. He swallows at the sight, a lump growing in his throat before he looks back to the road, taking the turn at an easy speed.
“I know it doesn’t quite compare after Rick took you through the racetrack today, but every time I take Baby out of the garage, I’ve gotta run her.” He beams, triumph heavy in his chest as he shows off his pride and joy, feeling a pure sense of excitement that he truly hasn’t felt in years. 
Dean looks back over to you, your hair swishing as you shake your head. 
“No,” you breathe out with a smile. “That was great.” 
Dean releases a deep breath through his nose he didn’t realize he was holding. Almost like he was worried about your answer.
“Still think you should take her out more.” 
Dean just smirks, revving the engine again and letting the car fly. 
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After Dean brings them to a roadside burger stand for lunch, they’re back at Mary’s house. Y/N had excused herself for a shower, and Mary and Dean lounge in the living room, the sun setting behind the windows, while Dean scrolls through social media on his phone. 
“Nice day out?” Mary asks from the couch across from him, a book in her lap.
Dean takes a breath and puts his phone down, hearing her tone. The same tone she had in the kitchen this morning when she was inquiring more about the woman he brought home.
Not taking the bait, he simply replies, “Good. Managed to get all of Rick’s cars done in just about two hours. He’s all ready for tomorrow.” Mary just rolls her chartreuse eyes. 
“And Y/N?” She asks bluntly. “How was your day with her?” 
He knows what his mother is fishing for. Outside of the odd high school fling, Lisa was the only woman he had ever brought home. And here he was, with Y/N, some random girl he met only a few weeks ago, brought here by his ex, showering just upstairs.
The thought lights something in his eyes as his gaze leaves the living room, thinking of the blue and white bathroom he was so familiar with, the lengthy standup shower, enough room for two, where Y/N was probably lathering soap all over —-
“Dean.” Mary chirps, almost like she can see her son’s thoughts on his face. 
“What?” He snaps, heat flushing his neck and cheeks, feeling like a caught child. 
Mary just sighs and moves her book aside, leaning forward and resting her arms on her jean-clad knees. 
“Don’t even start, mom.” He can see the conversation she wants to have. 
“You’re the one who brought her here.” She counters. He rubs a hand down his face and leans back against the cushion.
“Look, I’m just trying to be friendly. She and I started off on a really bad foot, and I’m stuck with her for the month. Also, when I invited her, I never thought she’d actually say yes. I was more being polite.” Which was true, but doesn’t change the fact that when he got her text that she was going to join him for the weekend, his stomach flipped. 
“She just quit her job and lost her aunt.” He continues on thoughtlessly. “She’s spending a month in a place where she knows no one. I’m just trying to be nice.” He sighs, crossing his arms across his chest. 
A soft, but sad smile graces Mary’s lips, and she leans back.
“Well then, I’m very proud of you.” Dean starts to smile, but it doesn’t fully form. He looks across at his mother. “What?” She offers him back a similar smile.
“Just sounds like the two of you may have come together at the right time is all.” Dean frowns as he hears the telltale creak of pipes as the water upstairs shuts off.  
“What does that mean?” He huffs. 
“Well it sounds like she’s going through some big life changes, and so are you.” She offers gently. 
“Oh here we go.” Dean rolls his eyes, his fists tightening.
“Huff and pout all you want, Dean.” Mary chastises her oldest son, who was always the most stubborn of her two boys. “But I think it’s nice that you two found each other when you're both going through a difficult time.” Dean fights the urge to roll his eyes again, knowing if he does, it will draw another chide from his mother. 
“Fine,” he concedes. “It’s nice.” He placates his mother, hoping to end the conversation.
He’s not a charity case. He’s going through a divorce, just like 50% of married people. He’s not the first and he’s certainly not the last. He doesn’t need her pity. Or yours. Not that you’ve offered it. 
Soft footsteps echo overhead, Y/N likely padding down the hallway back to her room. Probably in nothing but a towel. 
“It’s just nice to see you happy again, Dean. Been a while since I’ve seen it.” Dean unfurls at her words, his body slumping with a sigh. 
He’s being a dick. To his mother. 
What an asshole.
He runs his hand down his face again. 
Mary stands and steps around the coffee table, stopping in front of her sullen son. She rests a gentle hand on his shoulder. 
“Don’t fight something nice just because you don’t think you deserve it.” She gives him a squeeze. After a moment, she steps away with a pat to his shoulder before she goes.
“I’m going to run to the store and pick up dinner. Any requests?” Dean opens his mouth. “Besides pie.” Mary beats him to it. 
“All good.” Mary nods her head.
“I’ll be back in a little bit.” This time, Dean nods, quietly listening as Mary grabs her keys from the kitchen before stepping out the front door. 
He hears Y/N move about upstairs again as Mary’s car comes to life in the driveway.
But Dean just relaxes on the couch, rests his head back, and closes his eyes.
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Forever Tags
@iprobablyshipit91  @likesiriusly @kittyque @findingfitnessforme @wonderange @captainemwinchester @xtina2191 @smoothdogsgirl @mogaruke @chin-up-love @tsunadesenjuuchiha @lyarr24 @globetrotter28 @krazykelly @roseblue373 @k-slla @stephv213 @kaydallas21 @nerdymuffinbonkcloud @magssteenkamp 
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kimmkitsuragi · 2 months
little devil in my head is whispering me to play civ 6......... mustn't think
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gremlingottoosilly · 7 months
I met a guy in the Summer (dilf!Konig x fem!Reader)
Your boyfriend is an asshole. Luckily, his hot dad just returned from deployment. CW and Tags: Cheating, dub-con, size kink, daddy kink, age gap(reader in 20s, Konig is early 40s), Konig is a pervert, slightly obsessive Konig, love(and lust) at first sight, fingering, dom!Konig Word count: 3713 AO3
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“Just one more game, babe, don’t be a buzzkill. I don’t want to end at a loss.” You didn’t want to be a buzzkill, of course. You simply wanted to be a good girlfriend, have some domestically cozy date, and for your boyfriend to at least try to put an effort into being with you. It wasn’t much to ask for, really. You hoped so, at least. You didn’t want to be an annoying, nagging girlfriend who only ever waits for another reason to yell at him, but your patience started to run thin. 
You spend the past three hours either listening to his apathetic rambling about the shows he watched – really, you wanted to invest in stuff he liked, but an abnormally large amount of animes he talked about had 1000-year-old girls who looked like they were 10, wearing inappropriate outfits, and you started to raise the alarm. 
You also watched him play – and also listened to his rage quitting and angry voice messages to his team that, honestly, made you slightly anxious. You never liked loud people, people who were so easy to rage about something as silly as some colorful video game with too many characters to look after. 
So, like a good girlfriend would – you wanted to be a good girlfriend, he was such a nice guy before you started dating, and you need something to think about besides the tremendous amount of study work you are doing for college – you decided to go and look for snacks. Maybe bring something for him as well. 
— I’ll find something to eat, alright? 
He didn’t respond at first, so you shook his shoulder. Your boyfriend took off his headphones with annoying look on his face, half-turning to look at you. You gulped, suddenly feeling like a child in front of the principal – not a feeling that you were supposed to feel around your partner, but with him, you somehow constantly felt like you were being judged. 
— Nah, stay here. I don’t want my father to see you. 
— Ah…your father is at home? 
You never heard anyone else being at the house – big house, you must admit, and it’s embarrassing almost how you never thought about his family. He lives with his dad, apparently, and the depth of your relationships can only be judged by the fact you literally didn’t know what his father’s name was. 
— Returned from his fucking deployment. He’d ask too many questions about you. 
— You didn’t tell him about me? 
Ah, now you’re hurt a little bit. You knew it wasn’t anything serious or too committed yet, but you intended to make this work. To try and fix all the problems you can without ending things abruptly. 
— He never asked. Not like he cares too much, but…
An apathetic dad, huh. 
You started to slowly piece together the puzzle that was your boyfriend’s horrible boyfriend skills. Now, you want to meet the man who conceived him and kick him in the nuts for creating such an unlovable human being who somehow captivated your chronically lonely heart. 
— If you don’t want me to come and meet him, I can go home. 
He doesn’t answer because his queue is finally coming to another match – you simply nod, knowing everything you need to. You can grab a little snack for yourself, fuck off to your dorm and rethink your life choices while your roommate is getting pounded by some gruss British bloke with an accent that makes your ears bleed. 
You have dignity, and right now, it has asked you to get some snacks from the kitchen. 
*** Now, the only thing König wanted after returning from deployment was to take as many hot showers as he could, shut his bastard of a son up, and get some delicious food waiting for him in the freezer. He was already home for a few days, but adjusting is always hard when you basically fucking hate living at your own house. Of-fucking-course, his son was watching the house while he was away – and now he can’t even think of a good excuse to set him off to his mother. Too old to do this, and split custody never really worked when not even one part of the relationship wanted to take care of the kid. 
König closes the door of the refrigerator – of course, his son took every good thing that he stashed for himself. With a groan, the colonel fights the urge to finally throw him out of the house – a thing he needed to do a few years ago, just when he celebrated his 18th, but some sentimental part of his heart instead promised to help with finding a place close to the college. No good deed goes unpunished. 
With a groan, he takes a few steps from the fridge – and then he almost stumbles across an angel. 
Now, König never thought of himself as a predator who prefers running after college girls who might as well be his daughters. He never thought of himself as a gut who liked them young – his wife, god forsake her name, was his age when they started dating, and he hardly had any sexual encounters with a person under 25 in the past few years. Well, not like he had any sexual encounters in the past years, but…
The thing is – he never thought he liked girls with wide eyes, pouty faces, and trembling hands who were holding a bag of his cookies that he carefully stashed away from his son. 
You are wearing something cute, a nice skirt and an adorable pink cardigan that looks so cozy and warm and soft, and he fights the urge to grab your skirt and simply lift it, You’re dressed up for a cute coffee date, and König has to double check if he isn’t dreaming and no one has decided to play a prank on him and send him a cute callgirl. 
— Oh! Sorry. It’s yours, isn’t it? 
You give him his cookies back – but not before your fingers fished another salty caramel goodness out of the bag, and you bit it. He looks at your teeth, at your lips, and glimpses of your tongue – god, he is an old, dirty bastard because even his baggy pants aren’t enough to hide his boner. You have no right to look this pretty for a man who hasn’t seen a woman in three months and hasn’t had sex in the past few years. 
You lick the crumbs from your fingers – it’s such a deliberate action that he can’t believe he actually sees it, and it’s not even something from porn he used to like. 
— Ja. You can have it. 
He would give you the code to his bank account if you asked for it. 
— Thank you, sir. I’m…well, I assume if Paul didn’t introduce me to you…I’m his girlfriend. Nice to meet you. 
You lick your lips and take a step back, pressed against the counter. He looks at the sway of your hips, a bit of crumbs on your shirt, and almost brushes it away with his hands. It would be a good excuse to touch your chest – but he can’t be like this, he has to keep his urges under control, or else his son will never forgive him. 
Yeah, like he needs a better reason to throw his useless son from his home. 
— Girlfriend? He never spoke about you. 
You look sad, and he immediately curses under his breath. For a moment, you look too fragile – too real. He can’t handle this look on a woman, especially as pretty and young as you are. You bat your eyelashes, even involuntarily, and he already prepares to give you the keys to his home just so you’d stop with such miserable expressions. He has a spare bedroom. 
He has his bedroom with a bed that would be enough for both of you. 
— Ah. Um. We’re…I guess we’re not at this stage yet. 
— Knowing him, you’ll never be, Schatz. 
You look at him immediately – you’re offended, angry, and sad at the same time. There is a certain stubbornness in your eyes that immediately makes him want to simply scoop you in his arms, lift you, and drag you straight to the altar – and here he thought that his impulses over getting married would be over after his first divorce. 
— What do you mean by this, sir? 
You look uncertain now, he can see this in your eyes – and really, knowing his asshole of a child, he is almost sure that Paul never once got you off, either physically or emotionally. 
Now, König never once considered himself to be a good man. He has killed countless people, overthrown many governments, and made shitty jobs for shitty people way more than saving hostages to help the good guys – and in the romantic field, it’s even worse. Wife, unsatisfied with his controlling tendencies and inability to feel normal love for a human being – and a son who hates him because, in fact, he never once wanted to have a kid. 
He looks at you and sees a pretty young thing, still in college or freshly out of, probably without a stable job and normal social standing – a good girl won’t be with his son if she isn’t stupid or extremely desperate for a relationship. 
The thing is, König is also extremely desperate for another warm body next to his, to feel a woman beside him, to love and obsess over someone – he looks at your pouty lips and shaky hands, at the way you bite the corner of your glossy mouth, and he almost wants to drop you on this very table and fuck you until you’re crying under him. He can’t do just that, of course. It would probably make you extremely uncomfortable and scared, but…well, quite frankly, his son doesn’t deserve you. 
König is. 
— I won’t sugarcoat it, Schatz. My son is a Scheiß Arschloch…fucking asshole, that is. I’m surprised he brought home someone as cute as you. 
You feel embarrassment collecting in your body. Paul’s dad is a…interesting man. 
Tall, broad, very muscular – even his baggy house clothes aren’t really concealing his extremely interesting physique from your eyes. He looks yummy and tasty, and you fight the urge to eye the bulge in his pants because you’re a good girl, you don’t look at your boyfriend’s dad like this. 
König has greying ginger hair, locks already curling slightly at the lack of cutting, and you fight the urge to sit on the counter and get your palm in his scalp, massage his head gently, and pull him closer for a kiss. You feel like a dirty, horrible woman – your boyfriend is in his room, probably enjoying his time on your “date” while you’re lusting over his father. 
Then again, this date already felt like a disaster. This relationship, too. 
— Paul isn’t all that bad, sir. 
“He at least has a nice dick,” you wanted to add but stopped yourself. Paul is tall and somewhat strong – if he weren’t sitting at his computer all day, you would call him even muscular. And he has a nice dick, yes, even though he had no idea how to use it. You liked the idea of laying with him, of spraying your jaw trying to fit all of this in your mouth, but his kinks and his sex skills being directly taken from porn…not really your thing. 
You look at König and wonder if they are similar in all of the places. He is his father, after all. 
König catches your gaze locked on his bulge and smirks. 
God, if he knew his son had such a cute girl, he would ask her to come earlier. He is two weeks off deployment and probably won’t take another long contract for a few months because they just upped his retirement payings, and he can afford to slack off a little bit, only visiting the home base for some training and instructions for rookies. 
He can afford to retire and never worry about money again – but he needs someone to make his days less boring, right? 
You look like a good candidate. 
— I’m sure my son was convincing, but I know him better than anyone. He doesn’t deserve you, Schatz. 
He is shitty at flirting, it’s not his forte – he can flaunt his money, maybe, show you in his wallet and bank account face first. He can just straight up ask you to be his sugar baby and suck his cock instead of doing your studies, but he can’t flirt and manipulate to save his life. Lying isn’t something he is good for, this is why his wife has left. 
— I…not sure we should be having this conversation here. 
You’re a good girl, and it’s infuriating. He knows that having someone in his bed shouldn’t be the end goal for his leave, but he wants you, and by the look on your face, you aren’t opposed to the idea. König doesn’t understand if he likes that you’re so reserved about it or if he wants you to be a bit more slutty – but he captures you in the space between the kitchen counter and presses you with his body. 
— You want to see the bedroom then?
Pushes you so close his knee gets between your legs – it might look involuntary like he didn’t exactly want for it to be placed here, but you aren’t dumb, you know what he wants from you. Like a good fucking girl, you’re too shy to give it to him right about now. God, sometimes he hates being so nice to people around him. 
— Sir, this is very…
He got you caged in his hands, body trapped in his embrace – you jerk your head upwards a little bit, staring at him like a small bird in the hands of a predator. He isn’t a strong man in regard of morals, he doesn’t see anything wrong with fucking his son’s girlfriend – if the girl is up to it. And if she isn’t…well, he better make sure she is. 
— What is it, Schatz? Paul won’t hear us in his headphones.
You know just how wrong it is, and you almost want to escape – his dick grinds on your pelvis through his pants, and you’re horrified to see how big it is. Excited too, of course, he is bigger than your boyfriend ever could be, and you don’t want to be a slut, but, oh well, not like you were in a committed and serious relationship anyway. 
Paul was seeing your friends more than you ever saw them – it’s probably a sign that you should settle for someone older. You did enjoy Lana Del Rey's songs, after all. 
— I don’t want to break his heart. 
— He doesn’t have one. 
You’re lost when he pushes his lips to kiss you over and over again – a surprisingly good kisser, and you give in because it was the first time in forever a kiss made you feel this good. His lips are sending electricity down your spine, you want to moan just from his knee, pushing on the softness of your cunt through that adorable skirt you liked so much – you feel so small like this, so tiny in his hands, you…
God, you feel like a slut, and you like it. 
Soon enough, you answered the kiss, your lips meeting his in a dance that made you feel hot, that made you feel like your boyfriend never could. Never thinking of yourself as someone who can fall so easily into the hands of an older man, now you know that he got you right where he wanted. 
You push your hand on his pants, trying to get the control back – but he stops you, a giant hand enveloping your wrist and pushing you back. With a surprise on your face, König just wants to kiss you all over. God, you’re adorable, and he knows that you deserve way more than being fucked on the rough kitchen counter while your so-called boyfriend is too busy dickriding his friends in some useless online game. 
— Not now, princess. You deserve better than being fucked on the kitchen counter, ja? It can come later. 
“Later” sounds like a promise, and you bite back your moan when he keeps pushing his knee against your cunt, making you throb and clench on nothing. He is such a gentleman, you can’t help but compare him to his son – and his fabulous ability to make you feel dirty after fucking you in the backseat of his car and tossing you to your dorm with your pussy still wet and messy after you didn’t cum. 
You sob, not from sadness, but from pleasure mixed with some weird, unnatural for you emotions – you feel weird, strained here like this, but you hug his neck and whisper something in his ear. Something, dangerously sounding just like “daddy, please” 
König is blushing, and he looks fucking adorable. 
— Daddy, ja? God, you’re dangerous, liebling. Going to get me in trouble with my son later. 
He laughs when he kisses you again, his hand slipping in your panties only to find them completely soaked – he knows you deserve a nice pillow and soft sheets under your body, and he pushes you up so you can hug his waist with your legs. You rely on him like a cute pet, and you’re so perfect in his hands he curses himself for not seeing you before. 
He is going to ruin you for anyone but him. Put so much cum in you, it will make your tummy bulge – make you his precious sugar baby, pay for your dumb college and make you move to his bedroom instead of some shitty dorm you probably share with four other people. 
He can be good for you – but he will ruin you for anyone else, anyone appropriate, every guy your age who clearly doesn’t know how to treat a lady right. 
— So wet for me…such a filthy thing, I didn’t know my son dated a whore. 
— N…not a whore, please…
He kisses you on your forehead, silently apologizing. You feel his crooked, scarred smile, and you push your face up to kiss him – you want to touch him so badly it makes you feel stupid. 
— Sorry, Schatzen. Not a whore, a good girl for her daddy, ja? So nice for me, too fucking young…
— W…we really shouldn’t… — Tshhh, don’t think about it. Thinking will only hurt your pretty dumb head. — I’m not…
— Quiet, little one. Let daddy handle everything.
He kisses you over and over, his fingers playing with your pussy – meaty digits digging in your hole, making you whimper from sudden intrusion. He is big, bigger than anyone else, just two of his fingers are enough to spread you as much as normal cock would, and even though you’re used to taking Paul’s size, you just know that his dad would be much, much bigger. He is going to split you open, and you will love every fucking second. 
It feels so wrong, you still aren’t sure if you want him to touch you like this. 
It feels so right, he is experienced and eager, pushing every button to make you squirm in his grasp. Your orgasm comes embarrassingly quick – maybe because you haven’t gotten off in ages, only miserable masturbation sessions and poor attempts at faking your orgasm made it feel real. Paul never cared enough to actually get you off – but now…
You aren’t ready for him. You squirm in his grasp when the pressure becomes too much, and he soothes you, two fingers still buried in your soaked cunt. You feel so dirty, so wrong right now – you are cumming on the fingers of your boyfriend’s absent father, and you love every second of it. 
Post-orgasm clarity makes you whiny and sobby, and you whimper in his shoulder when he gently lifts you in his hands. God, you’re adorable, and he knows that he just scrambled your brain with that orgasm – it’s good, really, he might just want to keep your pretty head nice and empty for him. Not like you would ever need to think in his presence, the colonel can handle everything in- and out- of bed. 
König holds you close, not allowing you to scramble away no matter how embarrassed you are. You are his precious thing, with a pouty face, and he will do everything in his power to make you squirm on his fingers again and again before he makes you his wife for good. 
So impulsive, maybe this is why his son is such an asshole – taking the worst traits of his father. 
— Don’t cry, Schatzen. You’re okay, it felt good, didn’t it? 
— W…we shouldn’t have. Shit. I’m sorry, it was a m…god, I need to tell Paul. 
— I’ll tell him. 
— No! — I will tell my asshole of a son that you’re my girl now, ja? And then I will take you to the bedroom, so we can fuck. 
— I need to return to my dorm. 
— And then I will dine you properly, okay? Sorry, Liebling, I know I should court you before all of this…but we can afford to go a bit off board, ja? 
He is smiling, so smitten and obsessed over just having you cum on his fingers once – you don’t have the heart to say no. Never did. You’re a good, proper girl, and Paul was never treating you right anyway. You feel dirty, yes, but somehow, it is almost right. 
He peppers your face with kisses, like a dog lapping its tongue all over your skin – you’re so concentrated on the warmth of his strong, seasoned body that you don’t even look in the direction of the doorway to the kitchen. 
Paul, however, looks straight at you, disheartened and shocked. 
— W…what the fuck, dad?! König laughs, kissing you once again – deep, hot, with tongue and loud, sloppy sounds of your mouth pressing into one another. You’re stuck in place, still caged in his arms like a precious little pet you are. 
— She’ll make a good step mom, ja? 
You don’t even register his hands slowly caressing your fingers as if he already tries to check the ring sizes. 
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imaginaryf1shots · 2 months
Doubt | Lewis Hamilton
WC: 4.1K
Lewis H. x reader
Summery:(REQUESTED) What happens when the news about Lewis move to Ferrari gets leaked and all eyes turn to you.
Warning: cursing? (Don't remember if there's any, but just incase be warned)
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You've been in a relationship with Lewis for a little over two years, and it’s safe to say that they’ve been the best two years of your life. You couldn’t dream of a better boyfriend even if you tried, you don’t think you’ve shown Lewis or his fans any bad thing. You feel like you’ve always been friend;y with the fans, never responded to the hate you got for dating the 7 times world champion, and you’ve gotten a lot.
On February 1st you woke up to Lewis getting out of the bed, you blinked seeing him looking at his phone as he walked out of the room. His back is tense, you slip on Lewis’s shirt from the day before as you get out of the bed, you follow him out and see him pacing back and forth in the living room. You gave him a questioning look but he doesn’t give you any indication of what’s going on.
”-I just don’t understand how it’s already out.” Lewis says on the phone and you start to piece together what happened. “Only a few people know about the move.”
You close your eyes knowing how the media will eat this up and be all over the news analysing everything that ever happened and will happen this season, you go to the kitchen and put the kettle on for some tea, you also put some food in Rosco’s bowl. It takes Lewis another 10 minutes for him to finish the call. you go to his side with the tea, he gives you a thankful smile which you return.
“Who leaked it?” You ask him knowing that this is what’s going to be on his mind the most.
”We don’t know yet.” He groans and leans back on the sofa, his head tilted up, you rub his arms and lean in and press a kiss to his cheek.
”What will you do?” You ask him softly, not taking your eyes off him.
“Not address it for now, wait a bit to see what reactions the people will have.” Lewis says and you sigh.
”Okay, well don’t overthink it, it happened, we have under a month before the season starts, so let’s enjoy the last bit of your time off, come on, what do you feel like having for breakfast?”
“Hmm, anything you are I’ll love.” Lewis says with a smile leaning over, you kiss him softly on the lips and get up to head to the kitchen to start on breakfast.
you knew this wasn’t the end of it and that the teams will look into who leaked the news of Lewis’s move from Mercedes to the media, fans also were on it and had their theories and as the last bit of vacation came, they got wilder and wilder, the thing you truly didn’t expect os for the fans to turn their sights on you. those that hated you looked like they doubled with the amount of hate you’ve had on your socials, you’re being accused of everything under the sun, you’re being bullied and shamed for your looks, for not being trustworthy, for being a gold-digger and everything else under the sun. nothing really affected you from all that hate, as long as it;s coming from people that don’t know you, you believe that it’s done out of jealousy and want for what you have, they don’t know you so why would their words affect you? doesn’t mean you like it, or that it should happen in the first place, but you do slow down on your social media presence, but you don't sit and let it consume you, you continue living your life and let them talk.
Lewis and you are in England for the last preparation before the start of the season, he’s been super busy so you spent the last few days barely seeing him, spending your time with his family and your friends in the UK. so you’re a bit surprised when you get back from shopping with his mu, to see him on the sofa with his phone.
”Hey, when did you get back?” You ask, smiling, putting your bags to the side, and walking to his side.
”Two hours ago.” He says not looking up from his phone, you hum and lean in for a kiss but he moves last second so your lips fall onto his cheek instead, and before you could react he’s standing up and heading to the bedroom.
”Lew, is something wrong?” You ask and stand up following him slowly, confused, your brain goes over everything that has happened lately trying to find something wrong that you’ve done but coming up blank.
”No.” He says simply, you frown not believing him, he’s acting cold, it’s a stark contrast to his usual self, he goes to the closet and closes the door, you stand there nt knowing ahwaz to do, he didn't kiss you, left you in the icing room, is giving you one word answers, and closed the door to change all things he doesn’t do. you sit on the bed and put your head in your hands that are resting on your knees, there’s something definitely wrong, because why is this happening out of nowhere. You’re biting your lips, stressed and lost at the same time, when he comes out he’s dressed in a hoodie and sweats with the hood up covering part of his face.
“You’re leaving?” YOu ask him standing up, again he doesn’t look at you, another unusual thing.
”Yeah.” Is all you get.
”Oh.” It takes everything in you to get your eyes not to fill up with tears, but your vice is breathier and shakier. “When will you come back?”
“I don’t know.”
“Okay, well have fun.” You manage to say before he’s out of the bedroom and out of the house. Why is he acting so… so asshole-y, nothing is making sense to you right now, there’s no reason for him to be this way, no reason, and even if there was something that you’ve done, you’re the kind of couple that are completely open with one another if something is bothering one of you then you talk it out, you don't just let it come between you because well most things are misunderstandings, and you need to be patient enough and understanding enough to talk it out. You debate calling someone to ask if something happened, but you’re also not the type to ask for outer help when it comes to your relationship, to outsiders they think that you’ve never had a fight or disagreement that you’re the perfect couple. You’re really private when it comes to the dynamic and the inner workings of your relationship.
Feeling frustrated and suddenly so alone, tears gather in your eyes and l eaves in waves, you sit in front of the bed leaning your back to it, and just let them flow. Rosco comes into the room and whines, he rubs up against you making you scratch and pet him the way he likes.
”Do you know what's wrong with daddy? hm? I didn't think so.” You mutter and smile as Rosco licks your hand. “I know, I know, I love you.”
You decide to stop crying and wait for Lewis to come back, because there must be a reason for him being like that and you just need to talk it out, you convince yourself that he went out for a breather and he’ll come back soon, but as the minutes turn into hours and there’s no sign of him coming back, you change into your pyjamas and head to bed. You don’t know how long you laid there, tossing and turning, covering and uncovering yourself. you’re still awake when Lewis eventually comes back,sitting up when he gets into the bedroom, you know he expected you to be asleep from the look on his face. Your eyes are slightly red making him soften up a little, but he’s mad, he’s upset and feels betrayed and it’s eating him up.
“Lew, can we please talk?” You ask hating how small you sound, this is not you at all. you’re always confident and sure of yourself, you’re not this small upset little girl. guess when it comes to the ones you love you’re everything you’re usually aren’t.
”Later.” Again with the one word answers, he changed again in the closet closing the door behind him. You know that if he doesn’t talk to you, you won’t be able to fall asleep, so you move to the end of the bed and wait for him until he comes back out.
”I think we should talk now.” You say standing up but don't move towards him, in fear or rejection.
”I don’t think so.” He says shaking his head and shrugging, still not looking at you.
”Well, it’s not just up to you.” You say frustrated, you’re not backing down until he tells you what you’ve done wrong, or what happened. “You’re in a relationship okay, this works both ways, and you can't just ignore me for no reason because you want to.”
“No reason?” He scoffs, sounding a bit amused before he changes his tone. “No reason, there is a reason, okay.” This is the first time he’s shown you any emotion today and you can’t be happy because it;s all anger coming out of his mouth at the moment and it’s completely unwarranted.
”Then what is the reason Lewis, because surprise! I don’t read minds, and we haven’t even seen each other that much these past few days, so please tell me what happened.” You plead with Lewis in desperation, another thing that doesn’t ever happen, you never plead or beg unless playfully and in the bedroom.
“I know okay, I know, you don’t have to act anymore, you can just tell me.” Lewis says leaving you even more confused.
“Tell you what? you haven’t even said anything, how am i supposed to know what to tell you when I don’t know myself, look Lewis this isn’t like you, we never solve things this way, I don’t know what has gotten into you but just tell me.” You sounded tired at this point, no further well to keep fighting after being ignored and talked to in cryptic words.
”The news about Ferrari-“ Lewis starts before he stops himself.
”What about it? What does that have to do with-“ It dawns on you what happened, the reason he’s refusing to talk to you, the reason he’s so cold and distant, the reason for the betrayed look on his face. You couldn’t help yourself, you laugh, you laugh and you laugh.”Fucking hell LEwis, I don’t believe you right now, I truly don’t”
”Do you deny it?” He asks and you laugh again, every time you laugh you know he gets annoyed but you don’t have it in you to care, you see it now, and it’s all over his face, he’s feeling cheated, like he was stabbed in the back, just betrayed.
”Why does it matter what I say? I mean you already decided that I did it, so why does it matter if I agree or not?” You ask him, shaking your head.
”Just answer me, did you tell the media?” He asked stepping half way closer and this time you step away, you turn and head into the closet. “Where are you going? I’m not done talking about this.”
”Well, I am.” You say closing the door in his face, quickly changing in a sweat set and taking a beak pack and put a few essentials in, when you open the closet door to head out you find Lewis waiting for you, but you ignore him and take your purse from the vanity.
”Wasn’t it you that said that we have to talk?” Lewis follows you and you sigh.
”Yes, and it was also you who ignored me.” Lewis gets in your way blocking the front door. “Lewis, love, look, if you doubt me then why are we even talking, I mean you believe the conspiracy theories that the fans spouted out as if we haven’t been together for years, you clearly don’t trust me to believe that I would do something like this, you have no trust in me.”
”So you’re going to do what? Leave?” Lewis asks and you sidestep him.
”What else am I supposed to do, stay and beg you to believe me? I’m not that kind of woman Lewis and if I was you wouldn’t have been with me in the first place.” You say and open the door to leave. “Once the season starts, I’ll come back to gather my things, same with Monaco, you son’s have to see me anymore.”
You close the door in his face and leave, Lewis stands there in silence and for the first time since he was told by someone in his team that it was you that did it, he’s starting to doubt it, yes you’re one of the only people who knew about his move, but you weren’t the only one. however his fans and his team, everyone is saying it’s you.
The season starts and you’re not in the paddock, something that is clearly noticed. In the last two years you’ve been at every first and last race along with as many as you could, you’re one of the wags that are at most of the races. All this rules the rumours but they’re just rumours as of now, there’s no way for anyone to actually know, you still follow each other, but you haven’t posted since you last saw Lewis. You’ve dropped off the face of the earth, gone MIA. LEwis sen you one text saying you can stay in his London house for as long as you needed, and that was it. He wasn’t cruel, he begged you to move in with him and he wasn’t about to leave you in the streets, but he knows you haven’t been there, the security system hasn’t been deactivated once.
Bahrain comes and goes and so does Jeddah and Lewis is missing you, he won’t admit it but he misses you like crazy, he’s so used to having you by his side. You’re always there to hug him and take care of him after a race, whether you’re physically there or you’re on facetime with him. His bed is cold when he gets in, he finds himself reaching to your side of the bed to pull you close only to find you not there and every time it kills him a little. He still feels betrayed but he misses you, he loves you and it makes it so much harder for him.
It’s been over a month and you still haven’t confirmed your breakup and you haven’t unfollowed each other, but the fans have taken your absence as a sight to confirm that it was you that leaked the information.
The truth always comes out, sometimes it’s instant, sometimes it takes a while, but eventually it does come out. So here you are sitting on the sofa at your parents’s house, where you've been since you left Lewis in February. The headlines are bold and clear, someone from Mercedes heard Toto and George talking about the move and sold the news to the media for a bit of money. Suddenly you’re trending on twitter(it’s not X) and flooded with apologies and ‘I believed you’ and ‘we were wrong’, but it doesn’t matter to you, you don't care. You turned off your phone and went to go find your mum to help her with dinner.
You don’t turn on your phone the next day, or the day after or the day after that. Feeling happy with the detox you’re having. you do wonder what’s going through LEwis’s mind thought, he now knows the truth as well, he knows that you had absolutely nothing to do with it and as much as you want it to fill you with joy that he’s proven wrong, it doesn’t. You’re still miserable and hurt, you’re so hurt by him believing that it physically hurts you, you lost a big piece of you that day, the piece that you had given Lewis, the part that he promised to take care of to protect to love and he broke that promise, you thought, you believed the he’s different but he didn’t believer you in the end, he didn’t even ask you.
It’s a Wednesday night when someone rings the front door bell, you’re in your room and don’t move knowing one of your parents will answer the door.
”y/n!” Your mum calls for you, you get up from your childhood bed and go to see what she wants, walking into the living room you stop in your tracks seeing Lewis standing in front of you. You look at your mum and dad, your dad had an annoyed look on his face, you haven’t told them what had happened and they didn’t ask, but it doesn’t take a genius to guess with you turning up at their door one random day with a bag and no explanation.
”Hi.” Lewis says and takes you in, dressed in one of your lounge sets with your hair in a messy bun, but looking oh so beautiful, he missed you so much, he missed everything about you. You stand there not knowing what to do, you haven’t expected him to turn up, you haven’t been to Monaco to get your things yet, but you cleared your stuff from his London house and into a storage until just a week ago.
”Do you want him to stay?” Your dad asks and you know that if you said no, he;d kick Lewis out, no questions asked.
”No, no it’s okay.” You mutter and give your dad a small smile, your parents nod and leave the living room and go to the garden, you know for a fact it’s an effort for them not to eavesdrop on your conversation if they’re in the house.
Once they’re out you turn to look at Lewis and you see the bags under his eyes, you know he hasn’t been sleeping well, he hasn’t for a while, you could tell even from the TV. “Sit down.” You gesture for him to sit on the sofa, he follows your instructions and you sit across from him, placing your hands between your legs.
“I uh, I tried calling you.” Lewis says sounding nervous, you’re both acting like you haven’t been in a relationship for over two years and understandingly so, the last time you talked Lewis was hurt about the thought of you betraying him and now, he’s here because you never did but he betrayed you by doubting you and that hurt you and it missed him up. The guilt is eating him up, he came here knowing there’s a big chance you wouldn’t take him back and forgive him, but there’s a bit of hope inside of him and he’s willing to take that risk and try, he’d get on his knees if he had to.
”I turned my phone off a few days ago, it was all a bit too much.” You say and bite at your lip, not looking at Lewis for too long, you haven’t cried since you left him that day, but you feel like you’re about to cry now if you keep looking at him too long.
”I’m sorry about that.” Lewis says and you shrug.
”It is what it is.” You mutter, giving him a tight lipped smile. “Can’t do anything about it.”
”I could’ve but I didn’t, y/n, love, I’m so sorry, I’m truly sorry, I wish I could take it all back.” Lewis says his voice heavy and full of regret. “There’s no excuse for what I’ve done, and I should’ve stood up for you online and for my team. I feel terrible and I don’t blame you for being upset and mad at me.”
”I’m not mad.” You say tears leaving your eyes, you have to look away, your jaw clenching and unclenching, you sniff before you look back at him. “I’m hurt Lewis you doubting me is what hurts the most, I don’t care that you didn’t stand up for me online or any of that stuff, but you were so cold to me and you didn’t even talk to me about it like you usually do, you ignored me and the accused me, you were so cruel.”
”I know, and it’s my biggest regret, I don’t want to lose you, those weeks without you have been the worst and you’ve been, you've been too kind to me, you can yell if you want, curse me, hit me, tell me how messed up I am, just-just give me a chance, give us a chance.” Lewis moves to the coffee table so he’s close to you and there's no escaping his eyes now, the ones you missed so much the last few weeks. “Don;t forgive me yet, wait until I’ve earned it, but don’t shut me out, I’d do anything you want, apologise a hundred times if you want just please.”
“I don’t know Lewis, just as you felt betrayed when you thought I leaked it, I feel betrayed because of how you were.” You say pushing your tears away with the back of your hand, your lips red from all the biting you were doing to not sob. “I love you with all of my heart, but I still feel so hurt, it physically pains me to know you;d think of me like that, that I’d be capable of betraying your trust in me.”
”It was a moment of weakness, believe me darling, it would never ever happen again, never, I love you so much and being away from you is much worse than anything I’ve even been through.” Lewis says and takes your hand in both of his, they’re warm and conferring, you take in the details of his tattoos, the ones you usually take when you’re lost in thought or board, the ones that hold you and pull you close, the ones that pull you for randomly dancing because he just felt like it, the ones you missed so much. You stay silent lost in thought, you know you still love Lewis and you want to get back with him, but something like this can’t be forgotten easily. Lewis gets on his knees moving even closer to you. “I’m begging you my love please, just give us a chance, and if at any point you feel like you can’t forgive me then that’s it, I’ll let you go, no matter what I feel.”
You sigh, closing your eyes and resting your forehead on his, your hand cupping his cheek, feeling his beard, his skin, feeling him.
“Okay.” You breath, your voice is barely a whisper, Lewis thinks he may have misheard or imagined it. “Okay, let’s try to move on from this, but, but it’ll take time for both of us to heal.”
”I know, and I’ll wait for you and help you heal, as much time as you need.” Lewis pulls away to kiss your forehead feeling like a kiss on the lips might be too much right now. “Can I hug you?”
”Please.” Lewis stands up pulling you in for a much needed hug, you stand there for a long time, not saying anything just holding each other. Basking in the comfort of finlay being in each other’s arms again, you’re home.
It takes a while for things to get back how it was, you still were offline, and there has been no sightings of you with Lewis anywhere, everyone assumed that your relationship has ended and that you’ve both went your separate ways, but you’ve been working on your relationship and on yourselves, taking all the time you needed to heal and come out stronger than you were before.
So it takes everyone by surprise when you turn up to the paddock in Monaco hand in hand with Lewis, the fans go crazy with the news, the true ones over the roof with happiness. You do have to admit that you missed the paddock and the excitement and the rush that comes with it. You and Lewis aren’t big on PDA, but pictures of you two holding hands, hugging and sharing a couple kisses are all over the internet by the time the weekend comes to an end.
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ruggiezz · 8 months
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[synopsis] twisted wonderland characters play roblox and some of them fail miserably
[characters] heartslabyul, octavinelle, and scarabia
[extra] play roblox, is very entertaining, especially apeirophobia, 10/10 would reccomend. adeuce is a package deal you can't separate them. i may or may not have gotten carried away writing these
He didn't even want to try it at first. That's a game for kids, right? He's occupied with his studies. Then you introduced him to Word Bomb, a game where he could show off the fact that he read an entire encyclopedia when he was a kid. He destroys people in the game; like, ok, you're supposed to write a word with the letters they give you, but how did Riddle come up with the word "uvulopalatopharyngoplasty"?
Now he plays in his free time, but he does it like his family's honor is at risk. He only lost once since he started playing, and he took it personally.
★﹕TREY CLOVER — bloxy bingo
One of the two who decided to pick a chill game. Trey is just trying to take a break; why are people insulting him in seven different languages because he won once? This game feels like he is in a retirement home playing with old people, except the old people are beefing with each other and buying like six different sheets to fill and have more chances to win. A kid even wrote him a whole paragraph in a language he couldn't even read; the only thing he knew was that they insulted his entire bloodline. At the end Trey got frustrated, but not to the point of fighting kids on Roblox.
Cater is not as nice as Trey; he actually does fight kids on Roblox. No, 'Progamerkiller1234', you cannot stay at his fort; it took him three days in the game to make it aesthetically pleasing; no, he doesn't care that the employees are chasing you and that you're about to die; that sounds like a you problem. People have tried to steal his place from him before, and he won't take the risk again. At this point, Cater doesn't even care about the SCP aspect of the game; he's just there to do a whole mansion with the furniture and to show off his pretty avatar. Now, if you ask him to let you stay at his place, he will let you, since you aren't a random person trying to rob him. But please help with collecting food while he's building.
★﹕ACE AND DEUCE — apeirophobia
It started with Ace saying something along the lines of "let's play this game just to laugh at how dumb it is", and somehow progressed into Deuce screaming because a Smiler scared him, Ace screaming because Deuce startled him, and you having to carry them through the game. The backrooms suddenly aren't funny anymore, but Ace doesn't want to quit because he "can't lose to a kid's game". So now the three of you keep replaying and replaying the game, dying in the most stupid ways possible. A Doppelganger killed you, the Titan Smiler caught Deuce because he got stuck, and a Skin Stealer kept killing Ace. You even had to spend 2 hours replaying the funrooms level, and when you thought the horrors were over, you lost the next level.
Please free Deuce from this suffering. It's 4 am and some random entity is chasing him, his throat will be sore tomorrow from how much he screamed. And never mention ever again that Ace screamed because he got startled when Trey knocked on his door.
★﹕AZUL ASHENGROTTO — work at a pizza place
The second Azul started playing, he overthrew the manager and took their position. There's a problem though: nobody works in this game; Azul has to do everything, and I mean everything. He's the cashier, the chef, the delivery guy, and the supplier; he's running around doing all the work. If he could name himself the employee of the month he would, but he's the manager, so the game doesn't allow him. This game got him stressed, and they didn't even pay him well.
Did that teach him to pay his Mostro Lounge employees better? No, the only thing he learned is that he shouldn't play Roblox again because, clearly, nobody there takes having a business seriously.
★﹕JADE LEECH — murder mistery 2
If you don't know what the game is about, it's a game where you're assigned a role every round: citizen, murderer, or sheriff; guess which one is his favorite role. Jade is having a blast; he acts like a pro in the game, and he always wins whenever he is the murderer. The worst thing is that nobody suspects he's good at playing because he has the basic Roblox skin; he refuses to change it because it's useful when playing. He is passively aggressive in the chat whenever someone provokes him, either that or he's just making fun of some random kid who got angry at him.
★﹕FLOYD LEECH — ragdoll engine
The only thing you do in that game is make your character suffer; Floyd likes that very much. The first thing he did was throw himself down the stairs, and then he just couldn't stop. Throwing himself off the highest stairs he could find, down a building, launching himself from a cannon—he just finds it extremely funny to see his character suffer. But his favorite thing is pushing other players. He's a menace; you can be doing your own thing, then he randomly approaches you and starts pushing you around, and he won't leave you alone. I mean, at least he isn't pushing people down the stairs in real life.
★﹕KALIM AL-ASIM — bee swarm simulator
The other one who chose a chill game. It's repetitive, yes, but Kalim is having the time of his life. You caught his interest the second you mentioned the cute bees; they all had cute faces and everything. He got emotionally attached to his bees, so now he plays every time he can. You know those types of players that you see and they make you think they have been playing for years? That's Kalim, except he has only been playing for a month; he has already spent a ridiculous amount of money on the game and on his avatar. He will show you his bees as if they were his kids.
★﹕JAMIL VIPER — natural disaster survival
Stressed, really stressed. Tell him why his character fell off a building because of a tsunami, or why he blew up, or why a meteorite fell on him. WHAT HAPPENED TO HIS LIMB? DID IT FLY AWAY WITH THE TORNADO?? There's so much going on, he's confused and can barely keep up. He has to admit that it's funny when your character dies for some random reason though, you're receiving the same treatment the game gave him.
"WHERE DID MY HAIR GO? WHY AM I BALD??" Jami said a few seconds before a tornado sent him flying.
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breeloveschris · 3 months
Eyes Like The Ocean
Pt 2
Pairing: Chris x Reader
Summery: Just a girl on vacation at her beach house who meets a boy on the beach, what happens when she has to go back home.
Warnings: cussing, mentions of loss of a parent (briefly talked about)
Breespeaks: new series!! Eyes Like The Ocean. I hope y’all enjoy and I promise you guys this will be so much better then you’ll never understand, keep in mind, You’ll never understand was my first work ever.. lol anyways! Enjoy:)
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I quickly made my way out of the cafe, and making a beeline to my car just wanting to get home already.
I’ve been working for the past 9 hours, and I just wanna take a shower and crawl in bed. Today’s already started off shitty when I was called into work on my day off.
Somehow in the first two hours of being at work I ended up spilling coffee all over me, I also had a middle aged man throw a whole drink all over my outfit.
All because there were no seats left and I wouldn’t tell people to move. Shame on me I guess.
I drove the 10 minute drive from work to my home, well Apartment. As soon as I got into my house I went straight to my closet grabbing a sweatshirt and some shorts.
I took a two hour long shower, I didn’t even notice the coffee all in the tips of my hair until I started taking off my clothes. It was an everything shower type of day.
As soon as I got out of the shower I went straight to my couch and turned on Bambi, my favorite movie.
I’ve been living in New Jersey since I was 8, I moved here from Boston Massachusetts. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss Boston, but New Jersey is also where my family is and I don’t know what id do without my sister and her husband.
My sister is 5 years older than me, She’s 23 with a husband and a nice house. If I look up to anyone it’s her, she has her life together more than our mother ever did.
Every spring we go to Cape Cod, we have a cute little family home down near the beach. Last year we didn’t get to go because Allies husband was sick.
We plan on going in two days, and if everything checks out we will be there. And let’s just say I’m beyond excited, I miss it there.
I was scrolling through TikTok when I got a FaceTime call from my sister, “hey Allie!” I said with a smile as I paused the movie. “Hey, I was just calling to make sure you’re still down to go” she said smirking as if I’d ever decline the offer to spend a week in Cape Cod.
“Girl stop playing, you know that I’m always down” I said getting up and walking to the kitchen, setting my phone up so she could still see me as I grabbed chicken nuggets from the freezer.
“Yeah.. I’m sorry about last year, he got sick so randomly.” She said with a frown, “it’s okay, we’re going this year” I said with a shrug as I threw the chicken nuggets in the air fryer.
“Whoop whoop” I heard Gavin shout in the background.
I laughed and shook my head as I put my elbow on the counter and leaned on my hand. “How was work?, you look like you’ve had a long day” Gavin said with a small laugh.
“Dude! This guy threw a drink all over me because I wouldn’t tell other customers to move” I said groaning, “wow, remind me to never work in the food industry ever again” Allie said laughing. I laughed and shook my head.
“I wasn’t even supposed to go in today, but they said since I won’t be here Friday I should go in for someone else so they can take my shift on Friday” I said rolling my eyes.
We talked for 2 hours, and as soon as we got off the phone I started the movie over so I could listen to it as I clean and lock the house up.
I went to bed as soon as I got done with all the house work, I turned my fan on high and went straight to sleep.
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I woke up very early going straight to my bathroom to brush my teeth and brush my hair, I looked into the mirror and smiled “One more day” I whispered.
I walked back into my room sighing, time to deep clean this room so I can come back to a clean room. Right after I spend an hour on TikTok, I thought with a smirk as I jumped on my bed.
I’ve been cleaning my room for the past two hours when I heard a knock on my door, I furrowed my eyebrows not expecting anyone to come over.
I walked to my door and opened it revealing a bag of Taco Bell with a note stuck to it. I picked it up and walked inside placing the bag on the counter and taking the note off to read it.
“Don’t forget to eat, and make sure you pack bathing suits, I really don’t feel like shopping for some as soon as we get there cause you forgot <3 Allie”
I laughed and shook my head, I ran into my room picking up my phone sending a quick thank you to her. I walked back into the kitchen and ate my Taco Bell because I’ve been up for 3 hours and still haven’t ate.
After I got done eating I went into my room to change, I changed into a sweatshirt and sweatpants as it’s always cold in my apartment.
I started to pack pretty early because it usually takes me over 2 hours to pack, I’m indecisive as fuck.
It indeed took me two hours and 56 minutes to pack, but I got it done and that’s all that matters. I honestly just wanna go to sleep now so I can hurry up and wake up in the morning.
We’re leaving at 6:30 in the morning because we have a 5 hour drive and we want to make it there before lunch.. before all the tourists get there.
I don’t have many friends. I only have one friend, Alyssa. She lives in the cape, So I only get to see her once a year and we FaceTime through the year. It’s hard but we make it work.
I put on some random movie on as I started to deep clean the living room.
I was about 30 minutes into cleaning when I found an old picture. More specifically, a picture of my dad. Tears immediately sprung to my eyes, my dad was my best friend and the only reason why our family stayed together.
He was the best dad around for as long as he could be, he passed away when I was 16. Luckily my sister was already moved out so I was able to just go live with her instead having to get a hold of my mother.
I sighed and wiped my eyes, standing up and walking over to my mirror in the hallway and putting it with all my other pictures that littered my mirror.
I continued to clean the living room for another hour and a half. I finally finished, the only reason why it took me so long was because the kitchen is connected to the living room so I also cleaned the kitchen.
I took a shower and did my nightly routine before putting all of the stuff that I use in my bookbag, besides my toothbrush and hairbrush. I laid in bed for like an hour before actually drifting off.
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I got rudely woken up by someone shaking me, I gasped and jumped back. I opened my eyes wide to look at my intruder, just seeing my sister.
I groaned loudly and threw my pillow at her face, “you bitch” I said rubbing my eyes sighing.
“Always sleep with one eye open baby sis, I don’t understand how you still get scared when you know I have a key” she said shaking her head. “Well usually you don’t come in here shaking me like a damn earthquake” I said glaring at her.
“Girl, put a smile on your face. We’re going to the cape!! Oh by the way Gavin has already taken your shit to the car” she said with a laugh, “Allie!! I needed to put my toothbrush in my bookbag” I said throwing my head back.
“Stop yapping and get ready, I wanna leave” she said dragging out leave. I roll my eyes and get off the bed as Allie left, probably to rummage through my snacks.
I go to my closet changing into a pair of sweat shorts, and a cropped baby pink tank top. I went to the bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth, bringing both brushes and my toothpaste out into the living room.
As soon as I walk in the living room I see Gavin and Allie sitting on my couch talking, I coughed showing that I was there. Gavin whipped his head around and jumped up running over towards me, he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and spinning me around.
We all busted out laughing as he placed me back to the ground. “Dude your gonna give me a headache and I haven’t even been around you for more then 10 seconds” I said with a laugh.
“Hey! That’s very rude.” He said pouting, “boohoo, can you hold this” I said as I pushed what was in my hands to his chest which he grabbed.
I turned around immediately and started walking to my room, “what the fuck am I supposed to do with this Y/n?!” he said with raised eyebrows. I just shrugged and flipped him off over my shoulder.
“Go put it in the car Gavin” Allie said with a laugh, I turned around and pointed at her “ding ding ding” I said with a smirk.
I turn back around and walk through my door, walking back into my closet I grabbed a pair of socks and my white Nike platform tennis shoes.
We made our way to the car after locking up my apartment and grabbing the things I didn’t pack before because they were still in use.
When we got to the car I hopped into the back groaning and jumping back out. “What?” Allie asked as she climbed into the drivers seat, “I forgot my blanket” I said as I turned around running up the stairs back to my apartment.
I got my blanket and even brought a pillow because it’s a 5 hour drive and I’m hoping to get some sleep.
We were an hour into the drive when Allie and Gavin wanted to switch because Allie didn’t feel like driving anymore, I’m assuming, I don’t really know because I have my headphones on blaring some old lil skies.
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We made it to the beach right at 11:40. I yawned and rubbed my eyes, “get up loser, we home” Allie said from the front. “Bitch I’m awake” I said shaking my head with a laugh, “yea bitch she’s awake” Gavin said from the trunk making me and Allie whip our heads around.
“Gavin!” Me and Allie both said at the same time which made us all fall over laughing.
I opened my door with a big smile and breathing in the salty air with closed eyes. “Oh how I’ve missed you” I whispered, “oh hell nah, don’t you start that shit” Gavin said shaking his head and moving his finger side to side as to say no.
“Dude shut up, I’m talking to my favorite place” I said as I held up a hand towards him. I turned and looked at the beautiful beige, one story house, my smile only growing.
“Allie! Gimme the keys.. right now!” I said turning to her, she tossed them to me and I made a bee line to the door only stopping to get my bags from Gavin, I’ll get my stuff from the car later.
I ran my fingers along side of the fingers as I walked towards my room. I walked into my room seeing everything was exactly how i left it.
I opened the balcony door that was in my room and stepped out, the weather is so nice, probably like 85 degrees.
I was just looking out at the ocean from the balcony, I never wanna leave this place.
I felt hands on my shoulders which made me jump and gasp turning around quick, seeing Allie. “If you don’t stop fucking scaring me” I said rolling my eyes.
“My bad, I just wanted to see if you wanted to go down to the beach with me. Gavin said he didn’t want too because “he’s tired” but I really want too” she said holding her hands together like she was begging me.
“Girl bye, you had me at beach” I said smirking, she yelled out a loud “Yahooo” I punched her arm and pushed her inside. We were laughing so hard that Gavin came in and looked at us like he just saw a ghost which made us laugh harder.
Allie left my room so I could change, I changed into a cute blue floral bikini that showed my little sun tattoo just on my hip. I threw my phone on the bed as I walked out of my room.
We walked down the cute flower trail we have in the backyard leading to the beach.
We made it to the beach with huge smiles, it wasn’t that crowded at all, our favorite. We looked at each other and smirked “Last one in has to pay for dinner” I said as I dashed towards the ocean. “Your cheating?!” Allie said running after me, I just laughed as I jumped in.
I came back up and looked around me to find Allie, I couldn’t find her anywhere until I felt arms around my shoulder as I was getting flung back under the water. I came back up laughing and looking at her “you bitch” I said shaking my head.
“That’s your favorite word today huh?” She said laughing, I just shrugged “maybe” I said with a smirk. She just laughed and shook her head.
I sighed and looked around trying to see if I could see any familiar faces. I ended up locking eyes with a boy who looked around my age, he had the prettiest eyes, he has eyes like the ocean that’s for sure.
He smirked and waved, my cheeks went rosy as a small smile spread across my face, he looked away a few seconds later. I hope I see more of him.
“Y/n!” Allie whispered as she pushed my shoulder, “what?” I asked as I turned around. “That dude was totally checking you out” she said as she nodded her head in his direction, “no, he was just being polite, I was looking first” I said shrugging.
“Bro.. catch a dick or something” she said smirking, I gasped “Allie!!” I said pushing her under the water. She came up laughing, “live a little, you’re only 19” she said smiling. This trip is gonna be so much fun.
Breespeaks pt 2: phewwww she’s a long one hehe, do we like it? Are we excited?? Idk about y’all but I’m fs excited. Also if you’d like to be tagged in this series please comment here
Taglist: @stuniolobbg @iloveneilperry @freshloveforthefit @nicksmainbitch @junnniiieee07 @sturniolosreads @novasturniolo03 @robins-scoop @jennss23 @hearts4chriss @creamoncreamoncream2 @tcvazq @bunbunbl0gs @lacysturniolo @chrisloyalgf @lilsstvrn @youaremyfiveever @whicked-hazlatwhore @gnxosblog @annamcdonalds67 @1blowyourmind @ilovedasturniolos @bellbottombaby @pinklittleflower @dlyansworld @sleepdeprivedandinsane @sttzee e @sturniololol @emerald-09 @kqyslyho3 @beardedstudentsuit @ifilwtmfc @sturnssmuts @luverboychris @bitterspoons @jada-lockwood
(I tagged everyone so y’all could see it, but I will be making a separate taglist so please lmk)
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rebelfell · 7 months
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The Third Date
Eddie Munson x Anorgasmic!Reader
When you move back to Hawkins after graduating college, you find yourself reconnecting with an old friend in a new way. Your first two dates with Eddie Munson are everything you’d ever dreamed, but the next one has you unraveling.
Part One. Part Two.
cw: childhood friends to lovers, mutual pining, fem!reader, deceased parent, mentions of poor sexual experiences, some drinking, sexual anxiety, making out, fingering, panic attack, eddie being sweet and reassuring, fluffy ending.
I was kinda in my feelings and needed Eddie to tell me all the right things. Sue me. 18+, MDNI 7k
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You used to like this mirror.
It was vintage. Full length with an ornate gold frame, swirling embellishments on the top and sides. Not to mention it was a fucking steal at $10 from an estate sale. You’d liked it enough to make it one of the scant number of things you hauled all the way back to Hawkins when you moved out of your shoebox apartment in the city.
Right now, though? You kind of hated it. 
Usually, standing before it made you feel stately and elegant, even if all you had on was ratty denim shorts and a threadbare t-shirt riddled with holes and bleach stains. Yet here you were in one of your favorite outfits, hair meticulously styled, face glowing and dewy after spending an hour on it, and all you felt was ridiculous.
Not the mirror’s fault, technically. But it was the messenger. It told you at every twist of your hips, at every outfit change, at every pluck and tug of your clothes, that you were never going to look right—that you were never going to feel right. And it mocked your every failed attempt to do so.
You inhale, breath shallow and shaky as you try yet again to calm down. It’s just a date, you remind yourself. It’s just a date and he’s just a guy. There’s nothing to be worried about. 
Except it wasn’t just a date. It was the auspicious Third Date.
And it certainly wasn’t just a guy…it was Eddie.
This was something you’d been waiting for forever. For longer than forever. For longer than you could count. Eddie Munson was your oldest and dearest friend. Growing up, you were like each other’s second heads—facing the worst of what small minds in a small town in Indiana cooked up. You stood, middle fingers brandished like swords, dreaming of a wider world.
It felt strange to think this would only be your third date when you’d basically been dating since you were thirteen. You went to movies together, wasted weekday afternoons at the record store, lounged on the gravelly bank of Lover’s Lake reading well-worn paperbacks—Two Towers for him, Dorothy Parker for you. He begged you to sit in on Hellfire when he started the club your junior year and only had three members, himself included. He’d sneak you into the dive bar where his band played Tuesday nights, and you would immediately stick out among the five drunks who assembled every week. But as long as all you ordered was ginger ale and swore up and down you weren’t a cop, the bartender let you sit there all night to watch him.
Nights never ended the way “real” dates did. No hands being held as he walked you from his van to your doorstep; no kisses under flickering porch lights scored by a cricket symphony.
He never touched you too much, always quick to withdraw his hands when they lingered on your hip or back or arm. That would change, though, if he smoked or drank a bit and his cuddly side came out. Secretly, you longed for these times. You reveled in having his chin rest on your shoulder or his arms wind around your waist to hold you close. It never felt gross or crossed the line into groping like with other, lesser, guys looking for something to fondle. With Eddie, it felt more like he was showing you how he wished he could be all the time.
At least that’s what you let yourself imagine. 
He always apologized the following day, just short of castrating himself over it. It made you want to slap him. Slap him and then kiss him and slap him again. How could he not get it? How could he not see how goddamn in love with him you were? How could he not feel the same way? You waved him off, assuring him he hadn’t done anything wrong. All the while thinking, you fucking idiot, and not even knowing if you were referring to him or yourself.
Then came graduation. Or rather, your graduation and his sullen admission he wasn't eligible, which lead to the longest, most difficult conversation of your lives so far. It wasn’t even a conversation so much as it was you swinging wildly between reactions—scolding him for not telling you sooner; grasping at the straws of extra credit assignments your teachers would never assign; volunteering to stand guard while he broke into the administration office.
Eventually, though, you had to face the reality of losing him and it left a prominent break in your heart. Your acceptance letter to a school in Indianapolis that used to make you feel weightless, like you could finally fly out of here, now felt more like chains dragging you away.
You had half a mind to take him with you. You must have rehearsed the speech you wanted to make something like fifty times. Screw Hawkins, you’d say. Screw their closed minds and their disdain for anything even a little different. He could get his GED—you’d help him, happily. He could find work in the city and take community college classes or go to trade school. The two of you could live together and watch slasher movies every Friday night, falling asleep on his chest when you got tired just as you’d done all throughout high-school.
Of course those thoughts inevitably spiraled into what would happen once he started dating. A bigger city meant a bigger pool of people, all with the potential to realize the kind, sweet, caring boy who was bursting with passion for his fantasy games and music and his other rich interests was actually a massive catch and not a social pariah. In no time, it would be someone else falling asleep on his chest and you watching them be carried to his bed.
You couldn’t bear the thought of that. Maybe even moreso, you couldn't bear the thought of asking him to come with you and him saying “no.”
So, you went alone. You packed up your car with the barest necessities, you kissed your dad goodbye and said you’d see him at Christmas. But it was Eddie who saw you off, taking you into his arms and holding you there with your head tucked under his chin. You buried your face in his chest, tears leaking onto the patches you’d helped him sew on his denim vest. He told you how proud he was and how much he was gonna miss you. He said to write. To send pictures.
All you could do was sniffle.
At college, you tried expanding your horizons. You joined a couple clubs to make new friends and started going to parties. You met people like Carl. And even though he was handsome and seemed nice enough, you turned him down when he asked you to dinner. It wasn’t until much later, when your roommate scolded you for doing so, that you even felt some doubt about it. What was even the point when you knew he wasn’t what you wanted?
Except what you wanted might never be yours.
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That first trip home to Hawkins was wildly unnerving. You knew it hadn’t actually been that long since you left. But why did it feel so strange that everything felt exactly the same? Had you really changed so much already that your home no longer felt like home? 
Even seeing Eddie again felt like rupturing old wounds you thought had successfully scabbed over. You withdrew from him without even realizing you were doing it. He knew something was wrong, but didn’t dare voice it. His greatest fear loomed: you were done with Hawkins. 
Done with him.
It took a while to strike the balance between the old and the new. You’d run away so fast and tried to overwrite everything in your life, returning to Hawkins felt like entering a fantasy world. And Eddie became like an apparition, a specter of everything you missed most. 
You started writing to him more, sharing stories about your classes, gossip in the dorms, drunk adventures in the city. And he wrote back, telling you all about the new members of Hellfire who also happened to play instruments and were eager to replace the members of Corroded Coffin who had graduated and moved away. Eventually, the letters became more like a diary. 
You could confess things you’d never imagined telling anyone—stuff about your mom and how you’d spent every day wondering if she’d be proud of you; how you worried about your dad and wondered if he would ever get over her; how you feared you might never find love like theirs and even if you did, how it might be taken away from you like it was from them.
And he confessed back to you. Amidst his ideas for new D&D campaigns and song lyrics, he gave you deeper insight on things you knew already—his father’s sordid criminal history and his mother’s inability to cope, which led to her dropping Eddie on his uncle’s doorstep at the ripe old age of eleven. Reading about Hawkins through his eyes made it feel more real and less like a dream you’d woken up from. It kept that connection open, a bridge between your worlds, so  you could experience college and all the new things it had to offer, but still felt connected.
Then the end of your sophomore year brought more bad news. 
Again, he wasn’t eligible. Again, he wasn’t graduating.
You’d not been able to let go of that fantasy of him joining you at school. Every time you walked across the quad, leaves crunching beneath your boots, sunlight dying as it dipped behind the old brick buildings and cast everything in a hazy golden autumn glow, you imagined a pair of clean, white sneakers next to yours and a ringed hand squeezing your fingers.
He promised you this was his year. Swore it, in fact. ‘86, baby! he’d scrawled big and messy under his signature at the end of one of his letters. And maybe it would. He said he was doing better—army crawling his way towards a D in Mrs. O'Donnell's class, already planning how he would snatch his diploma and flip the bird at the principal as he walked the stage.
He was certain enough it made you start to believe it too.
You never dared to broach the subject of what he wanted to do after graduation. He hadn’t mentioned applying to any colleges or looking for work. The rest of the band was graduating with him. Maybe they’d all move here to get more exposure. Maybe they wanted to record a demo they could pass out to record companies. Or maybe Eddie wanted to go solo.
The lack of information made you antsy. Was he being decidedly cagey about his plans? Was he hiding something? Or was he just afraid of disappointing you again?
It was nearing the end of the school year when you finally broke. You had to see him.
For once, your spring breaks were going to overlap. You blew off your classes on Friday to make the drive and managed to get to Hawkins High just as the final bell was ringing. His van still sat in the parking lot and you pulled in alongside it to wait, practically jumping out of your skin with excitement. Thirty whole minutes crawled by before you finally spotted him.
He emerged from the woods at the back of the practice sport fields, chattering with ease to maybe the last person on earth you would have expected to see.
Chrissy Cunningham was just as pretty as she’d always been. She was a couple years behind you and Eddie in school, but everyone knew of her from the moment she made the varsity cheer squad as a freshman—a staggering feat no one else had ever managed. She still had the same bouncy ponytail, the same enormous eyes and cherubic cheeks you imagined must ache at the end of each day from her constant smiling. And she was somehow smiling even wider than normal at whatever Eddie was saying as he grinned back at her.
It made your stomach churn thinking what they could have been doing to have her smiling like that. You knew he’d started dealing for Reefer Rick to earn extra money, but in what universe would the queen of Hawkins High be struck with the urge to buy a bag of skunky weed? 
Unless it wasn’t weed she was after at all.
Panic doused your body. You jammed your key back in the ignition and sped out of the lot, praying he didn’t see you. You drove straight back to school, tears streaming down your face for the entire journey, making you hate yourself more with every salty trail that stained your cheeks. Because what else did you expect? For him to pine for you like you did for him? For him to be like you and not date anyone, ever? To keep everyone who even attempted to get close at a distance? Reserving a space in your heart for someone who might not even want to fill it?
You loved him more now than you ever had. Even without seeing him every day, even without having him constantly at your side. If anything, it had gotten worse. Your feelings piled up within you just as his letters did in your room. They all lived in a box under your shitty dorm bed to be pulled out over and over and over so you could parse every line for hidden meaning. Crying at his words, so heartfelt and honest you didn’t even notice the grammatical and spelling errors.
By the time you got back to campus, you felt raw and spent. Your face was streaked with tears and you were breathless from crying. For days, you walked around campus like a ghost until you bumped into Carl, the only other soul not off on some debaucherous Spring Break trip. And when he asked you for seemingly the hundredth time if he could buy you dinner…you said yes.
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It came in the mail a few months later. Your address scribbled messily on an invitation to the Hawkins High Class of 1986 graduation. Eddie had included a photocopy of his final grades and written “proof it’s not a clerical error” with a little smiley face in the corner.
You called him that night to tell him how proud of him you were. And you were proud of him. So unbelievably proud. But when he asked if you were coming, you lied. You said your boyfriend’s parents would be in town and that he wanted you to meet them. You told him how sorry you were, all the while thinking Chrissy could congratulate him enough for the both of you. 
And in spite of yourself…you let yourself pretend you heard a little dejection in his voice when you used the word “boyfriend”—fictitious as it was.
The truth was, you’d only been officially dating Carl for a couple weeks. And he was perfectly nice. He’d kissed you and it felt fine. It didn’t quite live up to what you believed it should feel like, but maybe that was a good thing. Maybe what you imagined wasn’t realistic. Maybe what you thought it should be wasn’t feasible.
Maybe you just had to let that go.
And dating Carl was simple and uncomplicated. It served a purpose. It made you feel at least like you weren’t languishing in a wasteland of your unrequited feelings. It made you feel like you were trying. Sure, the sex wasn’t great. But you hardly expected it to be good for you. 
You’d hooked up with the odd guy here and there over the years. It was a pattern that began with some guy you met downtown whose assignment was to keep you occupied while his friend put the moves on your roommate. You were a little drunk and a lot lonely, so you’d gone along with it. It was quick. A little uncomfortable. It certainly didn’t make you eager to repeat the experience. But at least you could say you’d done it.
Part of you thought maybe it would get better, but it never did. 
Even guys you thought were decent at first were quick to gloss over the preamble and lead up, jumping straight to stuffing themselves inside you with no regard to your winces of discomfort. It didn’t take long before you started to assume you had to be the problem. Even by yourself, it took you ages to reach any sort of precipice. And even when you did, even when you felt your heart rate rising and your body heaving in response, the pay-off was…underwhelming.
With Carl, you thought it could be different. Maybe you needed a deeper connection; maybe you needed a few times to get comfortable with someone to properly ascend that peak. But the more you did it with him, the less attainable that seemed. Maybe you were just broken. 
You also tried not to dwell on the fact that the only times you ever got close were when you pictured a different face hovering over yours; when you imagined your fingers twisted up in dark, shaggy curls; when you visualized pale skin littered with tattoos and sinewy arms caging you in; when you lit that one candle you only bought because it reminded you of Eddie’s cologne.
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The decision to move back home turned out to be less a decision and more a necessity.
A whole year out of school and you’d had truly terrible luck finding a job—at least a decent one that actually wanted to pay you. Carl, ever the charmer, wondered why you even wanted to work when you’d just wind up quitting when you got married. Really, you appreciated it. It was exactly the kind of comment you needed to jolt you out of a relationship that had been on autopilot.
You were a mess. Lost. Aimless. Barely treading water. Wishing you could call the one person you knew would cheer you up, but unsure if it would only result in more heartache. In the blink of an eye, it had been over five years since you left home and it was starting to feel like your only accomplishments were breaking up with your boyfriend and buying a mirror.
Then came the call from your dad.
He’d taken a nasty fall at his hardware store. He was fine, for the most part. But he was now significantly weaker and would have to have surgery as well as physical therapy after. And he certainly couldn’t run his store anymore. It had never run particularly smoothly to begin with and his books left something to be desired—another thing you’d be helping with once you moved back. He never outright asked you to do so, but he also didn’t have to.
The only good news was the bad news: a massive fire that disintegrated Starcourt Mall had led to an influx of renovations to the downtown area. In the wake of the mall’s destruction came a resurgence in small businesses that breathed life back into the desolation the mall caused.
It was in this newly resurrected downtown where Eddie was making his mark. He had opened a hobby shop where he still hosted his weekly D&D games with a lot of the kids who had originally been in his club. His store became like a beacon for all the kids (and even some of the adults) in Hawkins who felt there was no place for them. Eddie gave them somewhere to belong and celebrated all the things that made them targets of ridicule to everyone else.
It was also your first stop on your first day back.
The whole shop was so Eddie. As you walked inside and took in the decor, it seemed entirely possible he had just moved everything from his bedroom at Wayne’s right in here. He’d even rigged the entrance with a speaker that played the guitar riff of “Enter Sandman” when someone came through the door. 
You wished you could bottle the moment he came out front, your arrival signaled by the song.
“Holy shit…”
The box of miniatures and figurines he’d just finished pricing in the back fell to the floor with a thump and a rattle of plastic parts. He barely registered it, though. With round, unblinking eyes he stared, too stunned to move a muscle until a smile cracked his face wide open.
In just three long strides he crossed the store and swept you into his arms, lifting you up and whirling you around. “You’re here!” he gushed, arms crushing you around the middle in the most exquisite pain. “You’re really here!”
“I told you I was moving back!” 
You laughed heartily in his ear as he placed you back on the ground, telling yourself it must have been the unexpected lift making you breathless and not how the sunlight coming through the windows hit his eyes and made them shine like molten honey. He kept you close, letting his hands rest on your arms and squeezing them like he had to be sure you weren’t a mirage.
“I thought it was one of those ‘too good to be true’ things,” he said sheepishly, a pink blush creeping across his cheeks. “Had to see it to believe it.”
“Well, believe it,” you sighed.
You were already prepared for the loss of his touch, for when he would shamefully retract his hands, but he never did. He held you comfortably, his thumb lightly brushing over your skin. He let you go reluctantly, not regretfully, letting his fingertips trail softly down your arm.
“It’s so good to see you,” he said, his voice coated in warmth. “I missed you so much.”
You nodded, your throat pinched as you tried not to cry. “I…I missed you too.”
Eddie’s smile grew even bigger, his eyes seeming to dance with excitement. “Well, we have to celebrate,” he said. “I close up shop at six. Meet me back here and we’ll go to the Hideout?”
You stalled, chewing on the inside of your cheek as you considered. Almost on instinct, you’d nearly agreed right away. Old habits and what not. But did you want to fall immediately back into your old patterns? Hawkins had changed so little since you left, it felt too easy to slip back into the trap. Could you really go right back to hopelessly pining for him as you’d done so long?
“Come on,” Eddie urged, flashing those doe eyes he knew you couldn’t resist. “It’s one drink.”
“Okay, okay!” you laughed. “One drink.”
One drink turned out to be three. Starting with your first legal drink together at his old haunt while a different band of hopeful kids fumbled their way through clumsy Metallica covers.
“Please tell me we were never that young,” Eddie sighed, taking a swig of his beer.
“You’ve never been young,” you teased. “You came out of the womb a crotchety old man.”
A little later, you absconded to the corner booth and tucked yourselves away from the rowdiness of the growing crowd. You were flushed from the alcohol buzzing in your bloodstream and from how close Eddie was sitting. It felt just like old times, except it was nothing like old times.
Because this time, he was flirting with you. And not being subtle.
You thought maybe you were imagining it at first, but it only became more obvious the longer the night wore on. There was a whole new confidence and intention in the way he talked to you. He’d never been shy, never had any trouble drawing people in, but there was a fire lit behind his eyes tonight you’d never seen before. And you were the sole object of that blaze.
“So…still with Carl?” He finally asked, after bolstering himself to do so for the last three hours.
You took a long sip of your drink, eyes never leaving his over the rim of your glass. The liquor made you bold, the burn at the back of your throat adding smokiness to your voice.
“No-pe,” you said, popping your lips on the final syllable. Eddie smiled wolfishly and leaned in.
“Good,” he purred. “Cos that would have made it real awkward when I asked you out.”
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He took you to dinner two days later. Rang the doorbell and smiled at you as he stood on your porch wearing a black button down under a darker black velvet vest. His black jeans were a new- looking pair of the same kind he’d always worn, sans the ragged holes over his knees.
Despite the thin material of your sundress and the balmy weather outside, you were sweating with nerves. The breeze played with your skirt as he walked you to his van and the coolness of it on your clammy skin made you shiver. But when Eddie suddenly darted ahead of you to open your door and turned around with his hand held up to help you inside, it made you melt. 
The gesture filled your body with warmth, chasing away any hint of a chill.
After dinner, he suggested you walk a block or so to a bar where Eddie liked to play pool. And as you did, his hand reached for yours and he threaded your fingers together. You stared down at it, stunned. How many times had you wished he would do that? How many times did you imagine the heat of his palm against yours mixing with the coolness of his chunky silver rings on his fingers? It had always seemed so impossible and he’d just done it.
Like it was nothing. Like he’d done it a thousand times before. Easy. Natural.
He held your hand all the way into the bar, only letting go of you to accept a tray of balls from the bartender when Eddie requested a table. With a couple of beers in hand, you followed him to his favorite one that was tucked away in a little alcove, practically private.
You set down the beers and watched as he racked the balls, gaze lingering on his long frame and chuckling at the way he shimmied his hips as he leaned over the table to break. “Eyes on me,” he told you, playful smile revealing his teeth.
It was a redundant request, because it was entirely impossible to look anywhere else.
Eddie had filled out quite a bit since high-school. He was never an athlete by any means, but evidently a regime of guitar playing and dice throwing was enough to maintain decent tone. You stared at him unabashed as he walked around the table, lining up his shot. His vest now flapped open and he’d rolled up his shirtsleeves to reveal the familiar smattering of bats under his elbow and the puppetmaster etched inside his forearm. It made you wonder how many more tattoos—new ones you’d not yet seen—were hiding under the rest of his clothes. He smirked at you, smug as he leaned over the table, thoroughly enjoying the way your eyes followed him.
“See something you like, sweetheart?” he drawled before sinking a bank shot.
You rolled your eyes, trying to fein being unimpressed. “Trying to distract me, Munson?” you asked, chalking the tip of your cue in a much more sensual manner than necessary, letting your fingers lazily stroke the stick as Eddie watched transfixed. He huffed a laugh at the display.
“I could ask you the same thing.”
Evidently, both of you were equally distracted. Most of your games lagged for a mutual inability to sink more than one shot in a row as the other did their best to pull focus. It was far easier for you, having only to lean forward slightly across the table from him to reveal a healthy dose of your cleavage. That, coupled with a coy smile and batting eyelashes, spelled disaster for Eddie. Everytime you did it, he’d scratch his shot and chuckle dryly at his own hubris.
He took a different approach, choosing instead to stand as close to you as he could as you lined up your shots. His musk and cologne filled your nose, a tantalizing woodsy smell that made your head spin as you struggled to keep your eyes on the ball. He rested his hip against the table, handcuff belt buckle glinting as it reflected the light from the lamp hanging overhead.
You could practically hear the childish taunt of not touching you, not touching you.
“Just take your shot, baby,” he cooed, low and husky. The sound made your heart hammer.
A couple hours of teasing and toying later, both of you were ready to explode. Your glasses sat empty on the nearby table, neither of you terribly interested in a refill. And as Eddie sunk the eight ball again, his eyes flashed to the tray for the balls rather than going to re-rack them.
“I guess I should get you home?” he asked.
A little sullen at the idea, you nodded and returned your cues to a rack on the wall while Eddie brought the balls back to the bartender and settled the tab. Only when you were walking back to the table to get your purse and passed a pair of men who reeked of tobacco did something occur to you: Eddie hadn’t taken a smoke break once.
“Did you quit?” you asked, staring at him with wide eyes. He smiled as he drew nearer to you, relishing the way your chest heaved as you reacted to his closeness.
“Took a couple years, but yeah,” he said. “Sometimes I still need a little help, though.”
He tugged his shirttail out from the waistband of his jeans, causing his belt and the chain on his wallet to jingle slightly as he lifted his shirt to flash a strip of his stomach. You’re so distracted by the action and the cut of his v-muscle it takes a few seconds to register the beige nicotine patch stuck on his hip. You stared at him and then back at it, fingers itching to reach out and touch.
He leaned in, his face the closest it had been to yours all night, his voice hushed so only you could hear. “For when I’m really nervous,” he said.
Streetlights and stars blurred as you stepped out of the bar and he whirled you into the alley. The rough brick scraped your back and snagged on your dress as you were flattened against it and you gazed up at Eddie, string lights overhead shining brightly in your eyes.
“Are you ready?” he asked softly. “Are you ready for this to start?”
You swallowed hard, feeling the weight his eyes trained on your face. Your hands settled lightly on his waist and you gave an impatient tug as you nodded. It was all the invitation he needed. 
His mouth met yours like the sun met the horizon. The softest kiss you’d ever had deepened gradually until you were grasping at him, fisting his shirt in your fingers. Your lips felt molded together, pliant to the other’s movements, but still insistent as they chased one another.
Control shifted subtly between you, taking turns drawing the other in and pulling back. More teasing, more toying. Yet you never denied each other long, unable to stay apart.
God, this was it. This was what it was always supposed to feel like.
It could have been hours you stood out there kissing and laughing, but you’d never have known. The only thing that alerted you to the passing of time was when the lights inside the bar shut off and the employees filed out for their final smoke break before heading home.
Giggling like terrible criminals begging to be caught, you and Eddie hugged the shadows and made your way back to his van. You rode home with your panties soaked, subtly shifting in your seat, trying not to think about the arousal pooled between your thighs. And at home, back in your room, you were so tempted to dip your fingers into the slickness as you thought about Eddie’s breath on your lips; how the ends of his curls tickled your sternum when he leaned into you; the way his scent lingered on your skin after being pressed between his body and that wall. 
But you didn’t dare risk the disappointment that would follow when your pleasure receded like waves being drawn into a riptide; when you backed down from the edge of that cliff, feeling even emptier after not reaching that peak. Again. No, you couldn’t spoil this night with all that.
You saw him more throughout the week. He started popping into your father’s store almost as soon as it opened, offering you coffee and a kiss. And he spent the first hour of the morning with you at the front counter, propped up on his elbow with his chin resting on the heel of his hand.
“Don’t you have anything better to do?” you asked, swatting him with a folded up newspaper after you finished doing the jumble together.
He just shrugged with all the casual ease of somebody whose own shop didn’t open until 11. Or noon if he was hungover. “What could be better than hanging out with my favorite girl?”
Favorite girl. The words lived in your brain all day. It made you positively giddy every time you thought about it, even causing you to accidentally enter a customer’s 15% discount as 51% and not even bother correcting it. The loss on a value pack of paint brushes and trays seemed a paltry fee for the smile that spread across old Mrs. Gershwin’s face when she saw her total.
Eddie started calling every night at 9:30, practically on the dot, and it didn’t take long for you to get in the habit of settling into your bed around that time so you could pick up the receiver in your room before the ringing disturbed your dad dozing in his recliner downstairs. 
“So when do I get to take you out again?” he asked, clearly not oblivious to how it made you melt on the other end of the line. 
You blushed your way through making arrangements for an early movie Saturday followed by dinner. Then, before beginning the long process of saying your goodnights, you paused to ask him the thing you’d been wondering since that night at the Hideout.
“Eddie…are we really doing this?” you asked, torn between giddiness and trepidation.
“I certainly am,” he hummed into the receiver.
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He talked the whole way through the movie and still had more to say at dinner afterward. 
It didn’t bother you, though. You loved listening to him talk. Your ears had gone so long without his rambling, it was more like music than words. His feet toyed with yours under the table and after you ordered dessert, he excused himself to use the bathroom only to slide into your side of the booth when he came back. You giggled over tiramisu and cheesecake, your sides pressed together from shoulder to ankle. Later, the tastes of your desserts would mix in your mouths as he kissed you deeply in his car dropping you off.
Everything about it felt so alive. So ripe with the promise of what this could turn into, what it had already become. In two dates with Eddie, you felt more connection than you had in two years of dating Carl. Not that it was fair comparing them. Nothing and no one could ever compare to this.
It was a Wednesday when he made a new proposition. You had already crawled into bed and swathed yourself in blankets to wait for his call. And after the few customary minutes of talking about your respective days, he brought up his idea for Friday night.
“Would you want to come over here for dinner?” he asked.
“You…you mean like your place?”
“I was thinking mine, but if your heart is set on a neighbor’s, I’m sure breaking in wouldn’t be too difficult.” He’s smirking so hard you swear you can hear it over the phone. 
“I guess yours will do,” you chuckled. “Does this mean I’ll get to see The Hair in person?”
Eddie was living with Steve Harrington, which had taken a commanding lead for being the most confusing thing you’d learned since returning home. Apparently they’d been brought together by a shared friendship with Dustin Henderson, one of the kids from Hellfire Eddie had taken under his batwing during his third and final senior year. Dustin had spent months insisting both boys would get along if they only gave the other a chance until his badgering paid off.
Now, the pair shared a tiny apartment downtown, walking distance from Eddie’s shop and only a short drive to Family Video where Steve was now the manager. And Dustin evidently couldn’t go five minutes without congratulating himself for bringing the two of them together. Eddie liked to joke that they were now co-parenting the little shithead (affectionate).
“Actually, Steve is out of town this weekend,” Eddie said, struggling to contain his excitement and keep his cool. “So, we’ll have the place to ourselves.”
Breathe, breathe, breathe. “Oh, yeah?” you said, voice spiking just an octave too high.
“Yep. And, um…you could stay over if you wanted? If that sounds good to you?”
Stay over. You knew what that meant. There was something gut wrenchingly endearing about the way he asked—the innocent peal of his voice. But there was no doubt in your mind what he was getting at. This wasn’t going to be like crashing on his couch after a movie night or pouring yourself into his bed after a Corroded Coffin show that lasted to the wee hours.
This would be something new. Something completely different.
“That sounds great,” you said, finally.
And it did sound great. It just also sounded a little terrifying.
Admittedly, you hadn’t been on many dates in your life. But television and film had successfully indoctrinated you with knowledge of that classic Third Date milestone. And it made sense. He wasn’t some stranger. You’d known each other for so long, it stood to reason things would continue to accelerate between you.
And was that such a bad thing? 
This was Eddie, after all. He was your best friend. He was your other half. You weren’t sure if  you even believed in soul mates, so to speak, but if they did exist you couldn’t imagine anyone besides him in that role. He had stoked life into the coals within you that you were certain had burnt into a lump of ash. You never felt with anyone the way you felt with him. 
So if you were gonna do this, you were gonna do it right.
You went shopping, fighting off anxious nausea as you perused the racks of lingerie in the far corner of a little boutique. Averting your eyes from the more salacious options, you settled on a matching set of midnight blue embroidered with silver thread to look like stars. It was made of thin mesh that gave the illusion of coverage, but revealed plenty through the sheer netting.
It also looked a little like something a wizard might wear. And for obvious reasons, you had a feeling Eddie might like that. 
Securing your purchase you thought might make you feel more prepared, but it only caused your thoughts to unravel further. This was the first time Eddie would be seeing your underwear and it wasn’t even your own. At least it didn’t yet feel like your own the way your drawer full of less suggestive garments did. What if he thought you looked ridiculous? What if he laughed or got turned off because your thighs were too big or the pudge of your stomach grossed him out? Worse yet, what if you failed to live up to the implications? What if he saw it and assumed you knew what you were doing, only to be woefully disappointed by your skills? Or lack thereof?
It was impossible to reconcile the two wolves fighting for dominance in your mind. On the one hand, it was wildly exciting: the thought of finally getting to be with him and touch him and have him touch you back. At the same time, though, you were overwhelmed at the prospect. What if it changed things between you? You’d always thought you wanted more than friendship with him, but what if in that pursuit you lost the person you treasured more than anything in the world?
And then of course there were the normal fears. 
After so much unfulfilling sex, you couldn’t help but be fearful your body would betray you as it always had. It was hard not to pin all your hopes on this and you didn’t want to add any more pressure to this night than you already felt. But even if you backed off that peak and failed to reach the summit, surely the ascent would feel just as nice as long as it was with him. 
This was what you tried to tell yourself as you turned one last time in front of your mirror. 
Literally everything about this night was making you uncomfortable and it hadn’t even begun yet. The lingerie that felt fine when you bought it was tight and itchy on your skin, and it felt glaringly obvious you were wearing it under your clothes—like a diaper or a straightjacket.
You’d shaved, even though it made you feel like a creepy bald Barbie, and even though you found the concept kind of disturbing. Whose brilliant idea was it anyway that to be sexy you had to look like a child between your legs? And you always wound up completely bare because you could never get it even and kept having to take more from each side until nothing was left.
Still, you did it. Because that was what everyone did, right? That’s what he would expect?
Shaking your head, trying to fling away all your thoughts, you busy yourself packing your small overnight bag. It was the same one you must have brought over to Eddie’s a hundred times over, but for the first time you found yourself doubting it. Would he think you were high maintenance for wanting your own toothbrush and a change of clothes? For bringing something comfortable to sleep in? Would he think you were a weirdo for not just sleeping naked? God, what if he saw it and figured you’d been sleeping with so many guys, you just kept it packed all the time?
Panic creeps up the back of your neck. It burns hot on your cheeks and makes your heart pound in your temples until you’re so dizzy you have to lean against the door with your head bent.
Breathe, you think. Breathe, breathe, breathe. 
Frustratingly slowly, the thrumming in your chest subsides. You managed to bring yourself down off the ledge and find your center—Eddie.
Eddie would make everything alright. 
He always did.
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Part Two
342 notes · View notes
amlvsx · 4 months
"I would have never thought.."
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•Bang Chan x Male Reader•
Summary: y/n is a well known dancer on tiktok and instagram. his unique dance style and dance covers draw attention to him. Bang Chan just so happens to come across one of his dance covers, specifically his megaverse dance cover. y/n ends up going to see stray kids just a couple days after Chan liked his cover. one thing y/n didn't expect to happen at the concert, was to be recognized by his favorite idol.
Genre: fluff-ish
Warnings: little bit of cursing
A/N: hey guys!! this is my first ever story here on tumblr, i kept getting stuck on a few things since i haven’t wrote a fic in so long, please let me know if you like this! :))
The rays of sun that peeked through your curtains laid across your lower face as you laid in your bed.
The sun now reflected across your eyelids indicating a few hours have went by. You opened your eyes and they were automatically met with the shining light.
Sighing as you rolled over to escape the sun, your eyes landed on your phone as it seemed to ding.
Lifting yourself up halfway, you grabbed your phone to see a notification from instagram.
gnabnahc liked your reel
Rubbing the sleep away from your eyes, you reread the notification not believing what was written on your phone. “No fucking way” You thought with your mouth agape and eyes wide, you unlocked your phone and went into instagram.
Looking at the reel that Chan liked, it was a video of you doing the dance to Megaverse.
You clicked off of instagram and texted your friend.
Bro you will not believe what just happened..
Bang Chan liked my instagram reel!
No way!🫢
Which one?
My dance cover of Megaverse :D
That's so cool!!
Sadly I have to go, I have to get back to work
but ttyl👋
bye bye👋
You smile to yourself as you get out of bed to start your day. You make your way to the bathroom to take a shower. Getting undressed, you make sure the temperature of the shower is just how you like it before stepping inside. Letting a sigh escape you as relax from the feeling of the streams of warm water cascade down your back.
After washing your body and hair, you turn off the shower and step out. Drying off your body and putting on your clothes for the day, you make your way to the kitchen. You decided to make yourself an omelet with fruit. Once the cooking was done, you sat down with your breakfast and opened your phone.
Looking at the notification again, you still couldn't believe that the Bang Chan had liked your reel. Never in your life did you ever think that your favorite idol was going to notice you. Thinking about Chan reminded you that you were going to Stray Kids’ concert in a few days. You finally had the opportunity to get barricade, even though you spent almost all of your life savings.
You ate your breakfast and cleaned up what you didn’t eat.
Day of the concert..
You woke up from your alarm blasting in your ear. Rolling over and shutting off your alarm, you opened your eyes. Checking the time it was 10:45 a.m. Getting out of bed you went to the bathroom and got ready for the day since the concert wasn’t til 7 p.m.
After doing everything you needed to do in the bathroom you decided to spend some of your time catching up on your favorite show. Only after 10 minutes your stomach started to rumble. You decided to have cereal since you didn’t feel like cooking.
Sitting on your couch with your cereal, you continued watching your show. After an hour, you got up and cleaned up your empty bowl.
“Hmm..what should I do?” You thought to yourself. Noticing that you haven’t done a dance cover in a couple of days, you thought about doing Maniac by VIVIZ.
Going to your living room where you had the most space, you look up the dance on TikTok. While learning the dance you get a call from your friend.
“yo, what’s up?” You say waiting for a response.
“hey, i was just wondering what time are you going to pick me up for the concert?” Your friend replies.
“probably around 5:45, i want to make sure we get there somewhat early” You tell your friend.
“okay, cya then”
Hanging up the call you continue learning the dance. Making sure you got all the moves down, you record yourself. It takes a couple of tries for you to be completely satisfied with the results but once you are happy with the video you post it on TikTok and Instagram.
You were left with nothing to do but since you had yet to pick out your outfit for the concert, you went over to your closet. You picked out a Aelfric Eden shirt and a pair of black cargo pants. You obviously are going to wear your Converse, since it might be a little cold, you picked out a black leather jacket.
For some jewelry you picked out some silver rings and a silver chain. After you picked out everything that you wanted to you got your light stick and your wolf chan. You laid those two things next to your outfit that you put on your bed and checked the time, 2:33 p.m.
You thought about watching your show again but you didn’t feel like it, so you went over to your computer and went to find a video game to play. After finding a video game, you occupied yourself with it for about two ish hours since you had some time to kill.
You sigh as you lean back into your chair, slightly stretching. You check the time yet again, 4:45 p.m. You were bored out of your mind waiting for it to be time to go pick up your friend, as you sat there you hear your stomach gargle, realizing that you never ate lunch.
You have been wanting to go to this one take out place for a while, so you texted your friend to see if they wanted to get food before going to the concert. You instantly get a text back with them agreeing.
You get up to go change into your outfit, once you had the outfit on, you looked in your mirror mostly happy with how the clothes seemed to kind of go together. Once you fixed your hair to make it look the best you could get it to look, you grab your light stick, wolf chan, your jacket, and your keys.
You walk out of your house, making sure the front door is locked, and you get in your car. Quickly texting your friend that you are on your way, you pull out of your driveway and head to their house.
You surprisingly make it there faster than you expected, your friend had been already standing outside waiting for you. You turn on the radio while you also put on the directions to this food place.
You arrived at the food place, getting out of the car and walking in, you were shocked with how beautiful the inside looked. You ordered whatever seemed appealing to you. The stadium that the concert was being held at was not too far away, and your friend had suggested that you guys could eat in the little restaurant.
While waiting for your food you and your friend had brought up Chan liking your reel.
“so he didn’t comment or anything on your video?” Your friend asked.
“no he only liked it and that was it, though i would have never expected him to watch instagram reels” You chuckled.
“maybe he was just bored or something” Your friend shrugged.
“maybe bu-“ You got cut off by a person calling you and your friends order. You stood up and grabbed your guys’ food. You and your friend went on talking about nonsense the rest of the time you were at the restaurant.
“we should probably go now, it’s already 5:15” Your friend reminded you.
“yea you’re right, i do want to make sure we can get in line early” You said while picking up your garbage to throw in the trash.
Walking back to your car, you two headed to the stadium. Your friend had connected their phone to your car and was blasting Stray Kids. Time flew by and you had already arrived at the stadium. You quickly got out of the car with your light stick and wolf chan to make sure you got a decent spot in line.
You waited for some time before finally getting your tickets checked. You rushed to the barricade just to see that it wasn’t as full as you expected it to be.
As you waited for the show to start, your friend had noticed a head pop out from the curtains under the stage.
“bro who is that” Your friend asked.
“huh who?” You looked at your friend confused.
“over there” Your friend pointed behind you to under the stage.
You looked back to where your friend had pointed, your eyes widened in shock as you stared at the person.
“dude that’s chan” You said in disbelief.
“why is he just peaking out like that” Your friend chuckled.
You kept staring at him, and his eyes eventually made their way to yours , You looked away with slight embarrassment reverting back to reality, but you could feel his gaze on you.
You looked in his direction again, your eyes just feeling drawn to him. Something about his eyes was luring you in. He was still looking you before he breaks eye contact and looks to the ground, smiling to himself. He slipped back behind the curtains completely.
Your friend nudged you lightly, “i think someone recognizes you,” they said in a teasing tone.
“oh hush,” you say rolling your eyes with a cheeky smile.
You and your friend continue talking for a little while until the Stray Kids anthem started playing. You focused on the stage, filled with excitement and anticipation. The crowd being filled with screams only fueled your expectations.
The moment you had been waiting for had finally come, the Stray Kids was preforming in front of you. You screamed your lungs out, along with your friend and the crowd. The first song began to play as you swayed your light stick around.
As the concert shifted into the more calmer stage, the members started to interact with fans more since they weren’t dancing a lot. Chan had been roaming around your section for quite some time now. Just as you were focused on recording another member , you failed to notice that Chan was sitting on the edge of the stage right in front to you, interacting with the people next to you.
Your friend hit you while squealing, you looked back to in front of you. You started fanboying over the sight in front of you. Moving your phone to focus on Chan, he reached out for your phone.
A little confused with what he was doing you, let him grab your phone waiting for his next move. He recorded himself on your phone, he even did a few poses with you in the background before handing your phone back. He got up and walked over to a different section while you were frozen in place.
Your friend squealed even more, shaking you not believing what just happened. The rest of the concert was amazing, eventually the time came where they had to say goodbye. They went backstage after their goodbyes and soon the crowd started to leave.
You and your friend started making your way out of the stadium giggling about certain things that happened. As soon as you stepped outside you were hit with the cold winter air. You had forgotten your jacket in the car, so you started to speed walk back to your car. Unfortunately, you parked on the side of the stadium and your car was kind of far.
You weren’t paying attention to your surroundings much as you got closer to your car, and just to your luck you bump into someone. Stumbling back a little bit you take a good look at the person, it was quite dark so it took you a second to fully realize who you just bumped into.
“oh sorry, are you okay?” Chan asked.
“i am okay but i’m sorry i should have been paying attention more. i didn’t hurt you, did i?” You responded quite worried.
“no no, i am fine trust me” Chan said as he flashed his signature smile.
You stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to say. Standing this close to your favorite idol made you really nervous.
Chan broke the silence, “are you the person who did that one Megaverse dance cover?”
“yeah that was me,” You chuckled nervously. You anxiously fidgeted with your fingers.
“it was a really good cover, your dance style is really eye catching.” You have heard that same compliment from a lot of different people, especially other dancers. But hearing it from Chan just felt different, it probably was because he was your favorite idol but you still felt like it was something that had a new meaning now.
Your favorite idol thinks that your dance style is eye catching. Something that you could have never imagined would happen to you.
“I would have never thought…I would hear you say that”
A/N: i feel like i made this story too long but i hope you guys liked it!!
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hystericstar · 11 months
maybe a headcanon or two for each link + sidon and how they do aftercare? I know it's not explicit but is still nsfw related, right? ;w;
Yeah, in my book it is! Just very soft :)
! MDNI !
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𐂅 Twilight princess link 𐂅
9/10 times you’re gonna end up really sore, so he remedies that for you by giving the best massages you’ve ever had
Rough, calloused hands rubbing your back was something you never knew you needed till now
has a whole conversation with you
asking about your day, if you felt okay, etc.
goes into golden retriever mode as if you don’t limp when you walk
“ I couldn’t be happier your day went well darlin’. As for me, just your smile makes me forget anything else even exists.”
༆ Skyward sword link ༆
bath time!!!
Carries you to the bathroom and has you sit in the warm water while he changes the soiled bedsheets
he joins you when he’s done and y’all bathe together
his favorite thing is to brush your hair while humming
your’e always out like a light within minutes
idk why I just feel like he has the voice of an angel
“ Are you comfy enough? Let me know if I pull too hard on your hair, okay? Is there anything in particular you want me to sing for you dove?”
ᘏ Botw/Totk link ᘎ
Cleans you up, leaves, and then comes back with a tray full of munchies
you guys spend like half an hour praising each other
and then another half is just you happily listening to him tell stories of his chaotic adventures
a tickle fight may or may not be involved
“no matter how hard the battle was, it’d do it all again if it meant I’d get to have you look in my direction.”
𝄞 Ocarina of time link 𝄞
Gently holds you and takes a moment to just press his forehead against yours, admiring every aspect of you
starts gently making out with you cause he just loves you so much he physically can’t contain it
he’ll hold you for as long as you let him, face buried in your neck the whole time
holds your hand too cause he’s soft and if you disagree then you’re wrong
“you are my sun, sky, and earth. I am nothing without you.”
➳ Hyrule warriors link ➳
“I want you to breathe in and out for me, kay?”
bro performs a whole wellness check
“ I wasn’t too rough on you, was I?”
”thank you for allowing me the honor to pleasure you m’lady.”
don’t ask me why but I feel like he calls you that
actually it’s cannon Zelda just told me herself
gentlemanly but can’t help tease you for that blissed out look in your eye
teaches you stretches to ease any kind of pain and exercises to help you catch your breath
ᖫ The fierce deity ᖭ
Asks you if you enjoyed it
wants to know if you did or didn’t like anything he did in particular
after all, he vowed he would serve you the moment he laid eyes on you
what kind of deity would he be if he couldn’t make his darling little human feel good?
“ I will do everything in my power to grant your every wish. I’d forge you jewelry made of the stars should you say the word.”
🜲 Sidon 🜲
Yk how I said twi would have golden retriever energy after?
yeah, scratch that
he is nothing compared to fish man
immediately sprints outside to get you some fresh zora spring water
don’t worry, he purified it like 5 times so that water is clean
you swear you can almost see the fin on his head wagging-
“are you hungry? Comfortable? Cold?”
eventually, he asks if you want to go for a swim
takes you to a private pond and lets ride on his back, or, if you’d prefer, you lay on his chest while he just floats along.
done 😩
it was so fun adding in little text lines for them. Writing lines for characters is so fun istg
thank you for requesting!
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lucy90712 · 5 months
I heard requests so here I am. Bare with me this might not make sense. So readergf! x Jude Bellingham. Readergf! used to have a situationship with pedri until he told her he didn’t want anything serious. Fast forward to the Clasico she’s in the tunnels wishing Jude luck (obvi with a kiss) & before she goes to her seats, Jude yells to her “I love you” which makes Pedri whisper something to Gavi. Later in the game there’s a scuffle between Pedri & Jude bc Gavi tackled him but in his eyes, he’s just being a good friend. This then gets brought down in the tunnels when Jude is just trying to leave the match, gf tells pedri she’s with a real man which makes Jude fall more in love with her. I hate to make pedri & gavi look like this but I love Jude 😩
WC: 2.5k El Classico is always a big event as the rivalry between Real Madrid and Barcelona runs deep and has been going on for many years. Tonight will be my first time going to a Classico which is nerve wracking in itself but it is made so much worse by the choices I've made over the last year or so. Last year I was in a situationship so to say with Pedri, I really liked him and wanted to enter into a proper committed relationship with him but that's not what he wanted. He wasn't ready for a committed relationship and I wasn't willing to wait because as much as it hurt to let him go I couldn't be sure that Pedri would ever be ready or that when he was he'd want to be with me. The 'break up' was hard on me as I really did have feelings for Pedri and thought he could be the one for me but clearly it wasn't meant to be. 
A few months after calling things off with Pedri my friends made me come away with them on a girls trip to Germany. At the time I was really against it but now I can't imagine what my life would be like if I hadn't gone on that trip. While we were there I met a guy at a club we went to he bought me a few drinks and we talked all night. We exchanged phone numbers before we both went home but I thought I'd never hear from him again. To my surprise he actually text me the next day and wanted to take me out before I went home. To start with I was a bit hesitant as after leaving the club my friends told me that I was talking to Jude Bellingham another footballer and I wasn't sure if I was ready to date another one. After some convincing I went on the date and I'm so glad I did Jude was so sweet and he made me change my thoughts on love completely. 
Nearly a year later and Jude and I have been together for 10 months. I've never been happier than I have been in the last 10 months Jude is the best boyfriend and he treats me so well I couldn't ask for anything more. Over the summer Jude moved teams so now he plays for Real Madrid which has been great for our relationship as it has meant that we can be closer to each other as I moved there after my breakup with Pedri. I hadn't thought too much about the consequences of Jude's move until I was reminded about el Classico. Jude knows about my relationship with Pedri so when he asked if I wanted to go to the game he made it clear that if I didn't want to go he wouldn't mind but I know I have to get over everything someday and I want to support Jude so I decided to go. It will be my first time seeing Pedri since everything ended but Jude has reassured me that everything will be fine. 
Jude left for the game with the team early this morning leaving me to find my own way there as I can't go with the team at least not on the way there. Instead of driving the 5 hours from Madrid to Barcelona I am getting the train as it's quicker and a lot cheaper than flying or paying for fuel. On the train I was going to get on with some work or do a bit of reading to pass the time but instead I found myself spending far too much time thinking about the game. I couldn't stop thinking about what it would be like to see Pedri again after so long and what he might think if he sees me with Jude. I also worried about what might happen on the pitch I know it's usually an intense match and I don't want anything to happen to Jude out there. 
By the time I arrived in Barcelona it wasn't long until the match was due to start so I quickly made my way to the hotel I booked for the night as there are no trains back until the morning. I just about had time to freshen up a bit and change into my Bellingham shirt which Jude gave me especially for this game even though I already own quite a few. There wasn't time for me to do much else so I quickly brushed my hair and left the hotel to make my way to the stadium. It took a bit longer to get there than I'm used to as Barcelona aren't playing at camp nou at the moment but I still made it with a good amount of time until the match. 
As I arrived I text Jude to let him know I arrived safely because he made me promise to do so before he left this morning. Typically just after I made it to my seat he text me back and told me to come and see him before the warm up. I didn't particularly know where I was going but eventually I found my way down the tunnel and to Jude who was waiting for me outside the locker room. As soon as he saw me coming he opened his arms so that he was ready to engulf me in a hug as soon as I was within his reach. Jude hugged me so tightly that my feet came off the floor for a few seconds which I didn't expect but I should've as Jude always gives the best hugs. When he put me down he kept his arms around me while looking down at me with a big smile on his face. 
"Thank you for coming here I know you were nervous but having you here means the world to me" he said 
"You don't don't need to thank me I wanted to be here I'm not going to let the past get in the way of me being here for you" I said 
"I can't believe it's my first proper el Classico" Jude said 
"I know please be careful out there though things can get pretty feisty and I don't want you getting hurt" I warmed him 
"I promise I'll be careful you don't have to worry about me" he said 
"I always worry about you" I said 
"Well don't" he laughed 
Our conversation had to come to an end quite quickly as it was time for warm up but Jude being Jude couldn't leave me without pulling me in for a kiss. He gave me one kiss before I pulled him back in to give him a good luck kiss. Vini came out of the locker room just as we pulled away from each other so Jude told him to wait as he bid me goodbye and slapped my ass as he left which if I could've I would have told him off for. As I turned round to head back to my seat I saw Pedri coming towards me. I felt all of the blood drain from my face as he definitely saw me and Jude together. Even though I said I didn't want the past go get in the way of me coming here that didn't mean I wouldn't be thinking about it and panicking when I saw Pedri. I'm not sure why seeing him made me so anxious but it did it also brought back a lot of memories especially of the heartbreak the man just down the corridor caused me. I was frozen to the spot but as Pedri walked past he smiled at me so I weakly smiled back. 
By the time I made it to my seat I was glad it was just the warm up as I needed a few minutes to gather my thoughts but that's all I had as time seemed to disappear in seconds and before I knew it the match was starting. Barcelona scored early on but apart from that the first half was relatively uneventful there was a few bad tackles here and there but nothing crazy. The second half came around quickly though and about 15 minutes in Jude scored to make it level. Watching him score in el Classico and dedicate his goal to me filled me with an overwhelming sense of pride. I thought nothing could wipe the smile off my face until a few minutes later Gavi tackled Jude and before I knew it he was face to face with Pedri clearly arguing. As much as it could've been about anything instantly I was worried that Pedri had said something or was mad as Jude had dedicated his goal to me. They were pulled apart and the game went on with Jude scoring yet another goal to give Madrid the win in the end. 
While the team were celebrating I stayed in the stands to watch but once they started heading down the tunnel I slowly made my way there so I could meet Jude after he was ready so we could celebrate together. I knew I would be waiting a while so I looked at my phone while I stood there reading all of the tweets about the game and how well Jude played which put a big smile on my face. As I was stood there a lot of people walked back and forth and there was a lot of noise but I drowned it all out until I heard a familiar voice calling my name. Straight away I knew it was Pedri but I was still hoping that when I looked up someone else would be stood there but of course that didn't happen. There he was stood just a few feet in front of me with that smile that reminded me of our early days together when we were both having fun getting to know each other. Somehow being face to face with him wasn't quite as nerve wracking as I thought it would be sure I was a little anxious as to what he was going to say but I didn't feel like the world was going to end. 
"Hey it's been a while how have you been?" He asked 
"I've been good how have you been?" I asked 
"Yeah I've been good what brings you to the match?" He asked getting straight to the point 
"I'm here to support Jude I met him a while back and we've been together for nearly a year now" I said telling him the truth 
"I'm happy for you" he muttered 
"Look I know you have a new boyfriend now but I have to say I'm sorry for how I ended things it wasn't right for me to lead you on for that long and I really regret it you are such an amazing girl and I regret letting you go the way I did" he admitted 
"It's ok it hurt at the time but I'm over it now you did what was best for you and that's ok" I said 
"Does Jude make you happy?" He asked 
"He does he's really sweet and supportive and we're always on the same page overall we have a really healthy relationship" I said 
"I'm glad you're happy but I'm sorry I couldn't be the one to make you feel that way" he said 
"We just weren't meant to be you'll find your person one day Pedri and you can be just as happy as I am and you deserve it too" I said 
He unexpectedly gave me a hug before leaving probably to head home. For a few seconds I was drowning in my own thoughts which had clearly all be pushed to the back of my mind during my conversation with Pedri. Once I had my thoughts under control I felt so much better it was as if talking to him finally gave me a sense of closure. We were able to talk about what happened without emotions clouding our judgement or trying to be petty to get back at each other it was just a normal adult conversation. It was nice to hear him apologise and acknowledge that he didn't go about things in the best way as it sort of validated my feelings at the time. As much as Pedri caused me pain I don't hate him he's still a lovely person so as much as we weren't meant to be that doesn't mean he doesn't deserve a healthy relationship and I hope he knows that after our conversation. 
Just a few minutes later Jude finally came out of the locker room of course with a big smile on his face. I always love seeing him all happy after a win just his smile always brightens my day which I thought I'd need today but I'm actually ok. Jude hugged me and gave me a quick kiss before rambling on about the game like I wasn't sat watching it which he always does but I find it endearing. As he talked he kept remembering more things he wanted to tell me so we spent a good while stood in the corridor outside the locker rooms talking, well he was talking at me. Eventually he stopped talking but not before he told me he was allowed to stay the night here with me instead of going back so we got to head to my hotel together. Once we were in a taxi to the hotel Jude finally allowed me to get a word into the conversation. 
"Did you enjoy the game?" He asked 
"Yeah it was great you played so well I'm so proud of you" I said 
"I'm sorry I made you wait so long we were all celebrating and I just couldn't leave nothing happened while I was gone did it?" He asked 
"I did see Pedri we had a good conversation actually he apologised for treating me the way he did and I told him I'm happy with you now which he seemed to accept it felt good to talk to him I feel like that part of my life is completely over now" I said 
"That's good I'm glad you got closure on that chapter of your life" he said 
"I have to ask though what were you arguing about on the pitch?" I questioned 
"Oh it was nothing he was standing up for Gavi saying there was nothing wrong with his challenge but I disagreed nothing major I had a quick word with him after the game and all is good" he explained 
"Good I'm glad everyone can all get along now" I said 
By the time we made it to the hotel both of us were exhausted so we got straight into bed and went to sleep. I was actually able to get off to sleep really easily as unlike the last few days my mind was at rest there was no more anxiety or worry everything finally feels perfect. 
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hanniluvi · 6 months
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[ DAY ONE ] of the advent calendar !
( 📞 ) NOW CALLING . . . a christmas movie night with your lover was a great idea, until someone fell asleep before the movie could end…
( ꕤ ) NOW PAIRING . . . bf!jungwon x gn!reader
( 📞 ) NOW GENRES . . . fluff, established relationship
( ꕤ ) NOW WARNINGS . . . none i think ~~ WC 600+ !
( 📞 ) NOW HANGING UP . . . first fic for the winter mlist yay !! with jungwon being the first idol i ever made a fic about , i just had to make him the first day for this event 🫶 !!
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You've long dreamt of having a movie night, especially the idea of binge-watching Christmas films with someone special. Jungwon holds that idea in mind—he never forgets what you want. Eager to be the best partner he can be, he’s all in for sharing the activities you've been wishing for, like this movie night.
The only problem was that he was on a trip, being far apart from you. What stung more was that he wouldn’t be around for the initial days of December; he was due to return mid-month. However, he's known for making efforts just for you.
So, how about an online movie date?
He was really excited about this idea because he was still able to bond with you overseas in a special way. And to his excitement, you thought it was also a great idea, having the movie night happen at 8 PM—well, in your timezone. Despite the huge time zone differences, Jungwon set the date night that could fit within your schedule.
And with that, the hours quickly flew by, and with Jungwon setting up his laptop. He stared at the time eagerly, watching it hit 8 PM, calling you at that exact time. You quickly answered, and he had the brightest smile on his face.
“Hi,” you said as you got yourself comfortable in your bed, setting your laptop onto your lap. “Hey love,” you heard that sweet tone in his voice, making you break into a smile. You looked at the screen, looking at your boyfriend in a gray hoodie, fiddling around with the strings of it. “What movie do you want to watch?”
"Hm…Oh! How about watching 'The Nightmares Before Christmas?'" you suggested enthusiastically, noticing your boyfriend's questionable expression. "I heard that movie was more on the scary side rather than Christmassy..."
"It can't be something you can't handle!" you assured him, which he eventually agreed to share his screen and stream the movie.
"I'll trust your word on it."
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"Lying down was not a good idea," Jungwon admitted as he felt his eyelids growing heavy. No matter how many times he rubbed his eyes or blinked repeatedly, drowsiness weighed heavily on him. He let out a yawn, drawing your attention.
“Jungwon?” You interrupted his yawn, slightly surprising him as if you caught him doing something terrible.
“You tired?”
“Just getting myself comfortable, that’s all.”
“What time is it for you?”
"2:30 A.M," he glanced at the clock, instantly regretting revealing he was up at such a late hour. He might have gotten away with it if he'd said it was 10 PM, but no, he had to ruin his cover. Oh how ready he was for another scolding.
“Jungwon!” You stared at the screen, watching him awkwardly scratch the back of his head. “Why are you even up at this time?”
“Because you wanted to have a movie night, and I wanted to spend the first few days of December with you—and I picked a timezone suitable for you.” He confessed, and you just couldn’t help but have a smile. “It just didn’t work out on my end…I guess?”
“Won, I appreciate that, but shouldn’t you be asleep right now? I mean, we can always pause the movie and continue next time—you’ve got things to do tomorrow.” you suggested. However, he was set on finishing the movie that night. You knew Jungwon well enough to realize he was determined, and so you both continued watching.
But as anticipated, once Jungwon settled into a comfortable position, it was inevitable that he'd fall asleep. Within ten minutes, there was no longer any commentary about the movie.
“Won?” you whispered loud enough, noticing he didn’t move a single bit. Smiling at his peaceful appearance, you paused the movie and ended the call, already feeling his absence.
You opened the messaging app and began typing with a playful smirk,
Who said we had to finish the movie tonight?
You, but you feel asleep! It’s okay though, we can always watch together next time!
And maybe, you won’t doze off <3
You shut your laptop, rolling onto your side and tugging the blanket closer. Sleep was much needed, not only for rest but also to ensure you'd have extra time to see Jungwon in the morning, you figured.
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ENHA PERM TAGLIST (1) — @flwoie @ixomiyu @haruavrse @shinsou-rii @bearseulgs @ilovewonyo @yenqa @dimplewonie @bubblytaetae @wtfhyuck @ineedaherosavemeenow @ml8dy @starikizs @wonioml @chirokookie @xiaoderrrr @neozon3nha @en-chantedtomeetyou @millksea @enhaz1 @eundiarys @hyeosi @ja4hyvn @judeduartewannabe @j-wyoung @thia-aep @vampcharxter @softpia @officiallyjaehyuns @itsactuallylina @hsheart @sweetjaemss @ahnneyong @hanienie @jwnghyuns @kpoplover718 @jiawji @rikizm @haknom @yeokii @wvnkoi @whoschr @teddywonss @shinunoga-iie-wa @isoobie @skzenhalove @misokei @s00buwu @ox1-lovesick @miercerise @litttlestars @enhapocketz
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thalialunacy · 26 days
[for the @calaisreno May Prompt-a-palooza; cw for bodily functions]
(1) (2) (3) (4) 5: awkward (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
Sharing a home with someone, regardless of square footage or relationship, involves an unavoidable amount of intimate physical knowledge. As an army mate of John's had once said eloquently, 'Well, I know what your shit smells like, don't I?'
Those things, John is prepared for. Has got used to, even, in his once-and-future living arrangement. He's a doctor, a combat veteran, and a widowed father. He's not exactly squeamish.
And he can personally attest, on several levels, to the fact that Sherlock is not a machine. You can't share a bathroom and not learn a few things about a person.
But… it's like some switch got turned on after their 'moment' in the stairwell.
(Because no, they had not marched back upstairs and worked things out per Mrs Hudson's request. As will shock no one, they had instead gone on their stubborn ways, and are ploughing through their daily lives willy-nilly as long as they can.)
(Which is not very long.)
Things keep happening.
- John, sitting guilelessly at the table, makes to stand just as Sherlock is walking by, and ends up with his nose essentially in the armpit of Sherlock's dressing gown. Which Sherlock is still wearing. After sleeping several hours in it and old pyjamas.
- John, Rosie in his lap, snorts awake to find himself-- well, both him and his daughter-- slumped into Sherlock on the sofa, credits scrolling on the television screen while Sherlock scrolls through his phone. And, unfortunately, both John and his daughter have managed to leave sleep-warm saliva on Sherlock's person, in two round spots on his breathtakingly expensive shirt. Sherlock, who must have noticed, seems unconcerned. John wonders briefly if he's woken up in an alternate dimension, then realises they'd been watching Doctor Who and it must have seeped into his psyche.
- John, now one hundred percent accustomed to wiping his toddler's nose, is so focused on his laptop screen when he hears a sneeze that he doesn't think (at all) before pulling out a tissue and reaching over to the face of the sneezer. That it's Sherlock is only a fact he recognises a split second too late.
- John, brain uncaffeinated, yawns while reaching across Sherlock to grab something off the table, and realises with a start that it's 6am and neither of them have cleaned their teeth. He stares at the mouth so close to his, at the man whose breath is bitter, yes, but somehow not unagreeable, then jerks away gracelessly. 'I'll just--' He points his thumb over his shoulder at the loo, and escapes, face flaming.
- And finally: John, going quietly mad when Rosie gets her first real, frightening fever. His training doesn't stand a chance of overriding his lizard brain, so he spends three days ignoring absolutely all personal hygiene and never leaving his daughter's side. When it finally breaks, when John feels like he can breathe again, he notices Sherlock is there, too, beside him, quietly watching her sleep restfully for the first time in what feels like long, dusty years. And he suddenly realises he must smell like -- well, like a locker room and a crowded pub rolled around in the dirt then pissed off a skunk, probably. And Sherlock is standing next to him as if he smells like roses. This, unexpectedly, makes John's stomach broil under a surge of affection, and he feels his eyes stinging for one horrifying, sleep-deprived moment.
Soon, after so many of these things, he can't help wondering if God or whomever is taking the piss. If fate is having a good old go at John H Watson by giving him the closest, most fulfilling relationship he's ever had-- and making it with the one person who can knock him flat on his arse and keep him there.
He's tempted, more than once, to give the sky two fingers. But he has yet to get around to doing it. He's too busy, for once, actually living.
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bupia · 8 months
Would very much like to see 2 and 31 of the smut prompts with Cardinal Copia - I would love to know what direction you take with it!
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“I’ve never done this before…” - “Well, neither have I.” “I’m worried I won’t be good enough.”
There's a smut under the cut, +18 only, please.
(AFAB!reader: dirty talk; masturbation; mentions of masturbation)
It wasn't my intention to make a whole story, but I hope you all enjoy it.
Available on AO3
Day 10 | Day 12
You found yourself in a state of profound boredom. Wednesday was in full swing, but everyone around you was engrossed in their own duties, leaving you with nothing to occupy your time. It wasn't that you couldn't find something to do, but rather that you were consumed by a deep longing for him, Cardinal Copia.
The absence of Cardinal Copia at the ministry was disconcerting. It was a challenge not to see him wandering about or hear him call your name. Ever since he took the helm of Ghost, he had become increasingly hard to spend time with. There were moments when you'd call or text him, and you'd spend a few precious hours together until he drifted off to sleep. Poor Cardinal worked tirelessly, but there was little you could do to change that.
Today, however, your yearning for him was particularly strong. You craved him - his scent, his touch, his voice. Your situation with Cardinal Copia was unique. You'd decided to date, but before you could really embark on that relationship, a tour had emerged and created a chasm between you. So, in a way, you had him, yet you didn't. You could have had him, but the demands of the tour had created distance.
You longed to reach out to him, to send a message, to express how deeply you missed him, or just to say a simple "hi" perhaps, or send a silly joke that would make him laugh. But that wasn't what you desired from him today. As mentioned before, you wanted him, all of him.
You picked up your phone to check the time and, after a bit of mental math, you figured out what time it was where he was. It was likely getting close to his stage performance, but waiting until the show ended seemed unbearable. It might not have been the most tactful move, but you felt compelled to do it. You were already planning to take a shower and needed to get undressed, so it wasn't too much of a stretch.
So, you went ahead and did it. You took a few pictures, maybe two or three, and sent them to him. Perhaps he'd see them and understand how much you yearned for him, or maybe he'd be a bit annoyed at your attempt to tempt him before the show. Either way, it felt like a win-win situation.
You left your phone on the bedroom and headed into the bathroom for a relaxing, warm shower, hoping it would help quell your desires. However, your mind remained preoccupied with the thought of how he would react to the pictures you had sent. The bath, which was intended to be a way to unwind, became one of the quickest showers you'd ever taken. You were eager to see if he had replied and to find out what he thought.
After finishing your shower, you wrapped a towel around your body and returned to the bedroom, your anticipation growing by the second. You reached for your phone, only to be met with disappointment. There was no reply, no message, nothing. The initial shock of receiving no response was quickly replaced by embarrassment and regret. You shouldn't have sent those photos, especially considering the timing. Of course, he probably didn't have a moment to open them amidst his busy schedule.
As you contemplated deleting the pictures before he had a chance to see them, you noticed three dots appearing in the corner of the screen, indicating that he was typing a message. You watched them, and then they disappeared. A sigh of relief escaped your lips, but the anticipation returned when the dots reappeared. The ebb and flow of those three dots had you on edge.
And then, a message finally popped up.
"Amore, what are those?"
You read his message and felt a surge of nervousness. The uncertainty of his response had you second-guessing yourself. Did he not like the pictures? Had you made a mistake? These thoughts raced through your mind as you read his message. Summoning your courage, you decided to respond to his message. You knew you needed to say something, perhaps even offer an apology. So, you typed out your response.
"What?" "Why are you apologizing?"
"I shouldn't have send the pictures..."
"What do you mean you shouldn't have sent them?"
"It was irresponsible."
"I agree."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you read his response, and you couldn't help but feel like you had indeed ruined everything. It was a moment of self-critique and regret.
"It was very irresponsible to make me hard before the ritual."
You read his message and your eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, thanks Satan" you thought. You read his message again just to be sure you weren't imagining things, and it was real. He had indeed said it, and you were relieved that you hadn't ruined everything as you had feared.
"Amore? Are you still there?"
The sudden vibration of your phone nearly made you drop it. It was clear you needed to respond, so you quickly typed out a message, not wanting to leave him hanging.
"Yes!!!" "I'm here!!!"
"Ok" "Good" "I thought I made you uncomfortable with my last message."
"What???? Not at all" "Actually, tell me more..."
A mischievous grin crept across your face as you lay down on the bed, pressing your legs together. The sensation of the cold from your still-wet body was soon to be replaced with warmth.
"More?" "What do you want to know?"
"Maybe you can tell me how hard your 🍆 is."
"My eggplant?"
"You don't know what it means?"
"I don't, amore" "I'm sorry."
"Eggplant means dick!!"
You saw the three dots reappearing, teasing you with their presence. As you rolled on the bed and settled on your stomach, a giggle escaped your lips. The anticipation and playfulness in the conversation were starting to lighten the mood.
"Maybe we can try use only words?" "I'm sorry, amore, I'm not used to this modern language."
Your laughter filled the room as you found his adorableness and occasional dorkiness endearing. It was difficult not to be amused and charmed by his quirks.
"Of course we can."
"Thank you"
"So..." "How hard your dick is, Cardinal?"
You were well aware of how much he enjoyed being addressed as "Cardinal." You imagined he might be feeling a delightful shiver down his spine at that moment, although you were equally sure he was probably cursing you in Italian, albeit playfully.
"You left my dick pretty hard."
"Yeah?" "Do I deserve to see it?"
"You do." "But, how do I do it?" "I'm worried I won't be good enough" "I've never done it before."
"Well, neither do I..." "But you got some pics of me" "You just need to take a pic and send it to me, ok?"
"So let me see how hard you are right now."
"I wish I could show you in reality."
"I know you are going to show it to me soon..." "Right?"
You settled comfortably on the bed, resting your head on the pillow as you awaited his response. Minutes ticked by with no sign of a reply. Just as you began to wonder if he was occupied with something else, the familiar three dots appeared on the screen, signaling that he was typing. The anticipation built once more.
"Can I send it?"
You received his message, which included two identical, blurry pictures. The images were impossible to make out, but you could discern the red color of his cassock. Despite the lack of clarity, you couldn't help but laugh at the adorableness of the situation.
"Did it work?"
"No!!!" "I can't see a thing!!!"
"Is it that bad? Sorry, amore, I heard a noise and took it fast." "Wait."
As you continued to laugh and shake your head, you turned onto your side, gazing at the blurry pictures he had sent. Then, when you least expected it, a clear image popped up. This time, it wasn't blurry at all. It was a crisp picture of him holding his member in his hand. Your eyes widened in surprise at how big and thick it was. You could feel a heat building between your legs, you definitely needed him.
"Did you get it, amore?"
You couldn't tear your eyes away from the image. His member looked absolutely perfect. You rolled over once more, settling on your back as you continued to gaze at the image.
"Fuck" "I need you"
"Do you?"
"Yes" "Now"
"Amore..." "I wish I could be there now..." "I would be worshiping all your body." "Just like you deserve to be worshiped" "You naked body is perfect." "I need to touch you."
"I need you to touch me."
"I want to touch you."
"Yeah?" "Where do you want to touch me?"
"This is not fair." "You know I will be going on stage soon."
"We can stop if you want..."
"I don't."
Your hand reached for your towel, leaving it open on your body. You slowly spread your legs, going with your hand to between them. Your fingers began to rub your flesh, spreading them apart. You moaned softly as you felt your moisture begin to flow out of you, coating your hand.
"So tell me"
"I want to touch your body" "While I kiss it" "Every inch of it" "I want to make you feel loved" "Wanted" "Desired"
"Yeah?" "What more?"
"I will kiss your lips" "Your neck" "Your chest" "Your belly..." "Please, amore, let me see you again."
Of course, he could see you again. You tapped the camera icon, prepared to take another photo for him. But then it occurred to you that you could do better and decided to record a video of yourself instead. So you did. You removed your hand from between your legs and started to record it. You went with your hand slowly from your belly to your inner thighs, caressing it until you reach your mound. You went down with your hand going with it to between your legs. You gasped as you felt how wet you were and how easily your fingers slid between your folds.
You halted the recording and sent it to him, your heart racing as you patiently awaited his reply. Seeing the "received" status, you couldn't help but bite your lower lip in anticipation. After a few seconds, the familiar three dots appeared once more, and you couldn't help but smile in excitement, eager to see his response.
"Are you touching yourself?"
"So do it" "Because I am" "I really need to fuck you right now"
As you read his message, a shiver ran down your spine, and an involuntary, soft gasp escaped your lips. The anticipation and desire were palpable.
"Say it again" "Please"
"I need to fuck you right now" "I need to feel you on my cock"
"I need you inside me, Copia" "I need you to fuck me" "Until I can't take it anymore" "But in reality" "I will never get enough"
"Fuck, amore" "What a sinful mouth you have" "It would look so beautiful here"
Another message popped up in the chat, this time containing a video of him. For someone who didn't know what to do some minutes ago, he was learning very fast.
You played the video and you could hear his low moans. He was lazily stroking his length on his gloved hand, and you could see a glistening on the leather. You continued rubbing yourself, feeling the softness of your folds. You looked down at your hand, seeing how wet it was. You brought your finger up to your mouth and sucked on it, imagining that he would do the same with you.
"Not fair!!"
"You didn't like it?"
"I loved it" "But is not fair to make me want you even more"
"I really want to be on your bed right now" "So I could taste you" "And fuck you until I make you scream my title."
"I'm very wet right now..." "Copia" "I need you so much" "I need to feel you inside of me."
"Do you, amore?" "Fuck" "You are driving me insane here" "I feel like I could cum only by reading your messages."
"Do you?"
"Yes" "Very much."
"So do it" "Cum for me"
"Will you cum for me too, amore?"
You were in state of euphoria now, your whole being focused on your fingers. You moved one to your clit, rubbing it gently. The sensation made your hips buck slightly, and you let out another soft moan.
"Tell me what you are doing, amore."
"I'm just rubbing it."
"Fuck" "I wish I was the one doing it."
"You'll do it as you got back to the ministry."
"Yes" "And so much more..."
You could feel yourself getting more and more turned on. You could feel the heat building inside of you.
"Yeah? Tell me" "Please."
"I'm going to fuck you so good, amore" "Yes, so fucking good." "Fuck" "I need to feel your pussy on my 🍆"
Seeing the emoji, you couldn't help but burst into laughter. He was indeed an adorable dork, and he was all yours.
"Did I use it right, amore?"
"Good." "Because that's what I want now" "I want you to fuck yourself" "And think about my cock" "Inside you" "Fucking you" "So very good"
As you read his message, you started to rub faster, harder. You could hear your breathing getting heavier. You closed your eyes and pictured him, his hands on your body, his length buried within you. You opened your eyes, throwing your head back, moaning loudly. You turned your eyes to your phone, seeing new messages of him.
"Please, amore" "Let me fuck you" "Let me fuck you until you scream my name" "I need to fuck you so much" "Fuck this show" "I wish I could go to your bedroom right now" "And fuck you the whole night"
You closed your eyes and lost yourself in the moment. Your fingers covered in your juice. You lowered your hand to your entrance, sliding one finger into you. You moaned again, this time louder. You hips bucked slightly as you slit it in. You pulled out, then back in. You repeated this several times, each time going a little deeper.
"Yes" "Cardinal" "I'm doing it"
"Very good." "Don't stop" "Only when you cum for me"
You started to move faster, pushing your fingers in and out of your entrance. Your breathing became ragged as you let the sensations wash over you. Your hips were moving up and down, matching your thrusts. Feeling your orgasm starting to build, you quickened your pace. You took your phone, opening the camera and started to record it. Your walls were tightening around your fingers, pushing them deeper, feeling your walls squeezing them.
"Ah! Cardinal!" you moaned in pleasure. "Fuck me, just like that, please don't stop, make me cum on your cock!" you screamed out, feeling waves of pleasure roll through you. "Yes, just like that, just like tha-Ah!" you kept moving your fingers in and out of you, trying to prolong the feeling. "I'm going to cum, Copia, I'm going to... I... I..." your hips bucked wildly as you came, your body shuddering as you did.
You stopped the record, sending him the video. You kept your fingers buried inside you as your orgasm subsided, then pulled them out. You lay there for a moment, catching your breath. Then you felt your phone vibrating on your hand and you looked at it, seeing Copia's message.
"Fuck amore" "I need to hear you moaning my name when I get back to the ministry" "I want to make you cum on my cock just like that" "And even more" "So much more" "Fuck"
"Did you cum, Copia?"
"Not yet, amore."
"So cum for me, Copia" "Please" "Feel my pussy tightening around your big cock" "And cum inside of me" "Fill me with your seed" "Make me yours"
After sending your last message, you reached for your towel to clean your hands, realizing that you might need another bath before going to sleep. A few minutes passed, and Cardinal Copia had yet to send a reply. You settled on the bed, sitting up with your back against the headboard, your gaze fixed on your cellphone. Then, another photo arrived. This time, him holding his length on his hand full of his seed on his glove and on the tip of his member.
"Look what you did to me." "A mess, amore." "You did a mess."
"I'd gladly clean that mess for you."
"Amore, no more tempting." "I'll be on stage in ten."
"Wish you could come to the ministry in 10"
"I wish I could go to you too." "But don't worry." "Did you enjoy it?"
"Yes" "How about you?"
"So much, amore." "But I need you more than I needed before." "Maybe I'll use your video at the hotel after the show."
"Why don't you call me? So we can play together."
"Are you sure? It will be late for you."
"So wake me up telling me how much you want me."
"I want you every hour of my day." "I think about you all the time."
"So call me just as you got to the hotel, maybe I can teach you how to do video calls."
"That sounds interesting." "Ok, amore" "I need to clean up and go." "Please wait for me." "I love you, Ti amo."
"Do your best there." "I love you, Copia."
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loriannbowman · 28 days
Honkai Star Rail X Arknights | Yandere!Sunday X Sankta!Reader | Part Five
Sunday continues to explain the many intricacies of Penacony, its history, its people, and its works. He speaks so quickly that you're honestly left in the dust. Why is he speaking so quickly? Is he in a rush?
"-And the Dreamjolt Troupe's origins begin with-"
"Um... Mr. Sunday? Is there a reason for all... this? You seem to be in a hurry. If you need to get going somewhere, I don't mind waitin-"
"No," he says curtly. "I'm not in a rush to go anywhere, don't worry. I apologize if I've been speaking too quickly for you, honest, I just have so much to share about our wonderful home," he smiles.
I only have half an hour left to spend with you and learn everything I can... I don't have time to dally.
"It's alright, I guess. I'm just a little slow when so much is happening at one time, it's nothing to do with you. Everything you've said so far - from what I was able to remember - is very cool! I'd love to go look around this 'dream.' I just wonder how much time has passed..."
Sunday smiles innocently, his eyes creasing with crow's feet. No one will know the cold sweat that drips down the back of his neck. Although he spoke much of the Dreamscape, the Reverie, of Penacony and its history, he refused to speak of the hours of operation. If he does, you'll have to wake up, and he doesn't want to acknowledge such an end.
A Sweet Dream Should Never End.
"Shall we go and explore Golden Hour? Or would you enjoy Blue Hour? Twilight? Dawn?"
You look at him in surprise. Weren't you under arrest for supposed 'infiltration and trespassing'? Why would he suddenly let you go look at the city? You physically shake your head. It's best not to look a gift horse in the mouth.
"Um... Golden Hour is just fine, I guess. It's the closest, and I don't want to trouble you with a long walk."
Sunday smiles once again, a look of faint satisfaction graces his thin lips. He stands from his seat and offers you his hand. His whole body seems to glow with light. You raise your hand and grasp his, the glove is cool with an underlying heat from his palm.
"Let's go. Oh, and make sure to look inconspicuous. We still don't want the citizens to be knowledgeable of a stowaway," Sunday coos with a light chuckle.
As you and Sunday walk around Golden Hour, your eyes are so bright. Amazing things that can only exist in a dream are right before your eyes. Floating ice creams, walking signs, fountains of sparkling drink, pinball transportation, cars that run on music! Everything was so bright and colourful, you wish all the other operators at Rhodes Island could see all this! You could only imagine how Grey or Shaw or even Hibiscus would react to all these sights and sounds. Its all so beautiful, you could temporarily forget about the pains of Oripathy that plagues your thoughts every single waking day.
Sunday watched with a sweet smile. His heart flutters at every little reaction you have. It's so... endearing. You're just like child in a candy store. You are sweet like a pot of golden honey. You are a treasure - a treasure he wants to keep all to himself.
No matter how much he wants to focus on you, the ever ticking clock continues to pass by in the back of his mind. Every single second plagued his mind as it is birthed, lived, and died.
15 minutes...
10 minutes...
5 minutes...
3 minutes...
Sunday quickly turns to you, grabbing your hands in his, pressing them firmly against his chest. You can faintly feel the heartbeat underneath his coat.
"Lamplight, how are you feeling?"
You spirit was so high, you body felt like it would combust from how much you buzzed.
"Amazing! This is all so fantastic!"
2 minutes...
"You like it that much?"
"Would you ever like to come again? Or maybe stay as a resident for a while?"
"If I had the choice or opportunity, maybe... but I still have much to do, much to accomplish back home..."
1 minute...
"I see. Well, are you satisfied with Penacony as it is? As a head of the family, I can make changes as you see fit. I just hope we can meet again."
"Nah, everything's fine. But... why does it sound like you're saying goodbye?"
Sunday now is the one to shrug his shoulders. He continues to hold you hands, staring at you with solemn eyes. Oh how he wished time would just freeze in place, to keep this memory alive.
Several of the citizens wake up, and several others come into the dreamscape. Your time was up. You should wake up from this sweet dream and eventually forget about this as all but a dream.
But you didn't
You didn't wake up. You're body was still... asleep? No, something might be wrong.
Sunday's expression was a mixture of confusion and relief.
"Mr. Sunday? Is something troubling you?"
Sunday, unsure of what's happening, but thankful for this blessing, begins to smile, eyes wide with excitment.
"No, nothing at all."
"Doctor!" Amiya calls out, barging into the Doctor's office.
"Lamplight! They... They're comatosed!"
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kitthepurplepotato · 6 months
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Chapter 5 - Never enough
Summary: Y/N goes out with Kyouka for a flat hunt. Izuku gets smacked in the face - Once by a random teen and once by his Sweet Pea.
Warnings: Swear words, mentions of a toxic relationship (in the past).
First Chapter Master List
Kyouka comes over a few hours after Izuku leaves; he didn’t really say goodbye after your conversation in the bedroom this morning, which was quite surprising and he also left an untouched sandwich on the table, filled with his favorite stuff, which is also… well… really fucking weird, but okay. To be fair, there is so much happening all at once it’s easy to go all silly, especially at 5 AM in the morning. Maybe it took him so long to make his sandwich he ended up being late and instead of bringing it with him he just left it on the table. Even though, Izuku must be aware that he owns a cat so leaving food on the table isn’t the smartest idea. Thankfully, All Meowt is the laziest motherfucker the word has ever seen and jumping on the table to get some nibbles is way too much of a lbother for him, hence why the food is still in tact.
Sometimes you wonder if All Meowt is even a cat; he doesn’t scratch furniture, doesn’t eat anything he needs to work for, barely jumps on anything and he’s just… a part of the furniture. A furry little sofa pillow. He’s also really smart as somehow he knew you are the one who messed with his automatic feeder because to this day, he didn’t even approach you once when Izuku wasn’t around. Except when you sleep. Then he cuddles. He probably hopes you stay that way forever.
“Okay, I managed to get a viewing for flat 2 and flat 4.” Kyouka mumbles to herself after putting her phone down. You look at the girl incredulously. “Don’t look at me like that, I know flat 4 is pricy as fudge, but with my current salary, I can afford it. I won’t have a bunch to spend for a few months but if I make it to the top 10 next year, it won’t be a problem!”
You know Kyouka like you know the back of your hand; there is no reason to even look at flat 2 at this point, this silly woman has already decided to get that fancy ass flat and there is probably an extremely ridiculous reason behind it.
“Be honest with me…” You look at your bestie, trying your best not to look judgmental. “Why do you want that flat?”
Kyouka looks down at her hands, her cheeks ruddy from embarassment. “My favorite rockstar lives in the same building… you know the one with black hair and the sick angel wing tattoo.” Kyouka answers while she plays with her bangs like a stupid school girl.
There it is. There it fucking is.
“So you decided to spend all your life savings for a few minutes of neighborly banter with your Bae.” You really can’t believe this silly woman.
“Oh my god, you are literally dating your favorite hero, sorry if your stupid love story made me believe in fated love!” She yells and you can’t help but laugh at that.
“Hey, it didn’t cost me anything to fall in love with him though! Plus we are not official yet!” Now it’s your turn to be embarrassed.
“Oh fuck off, Izuku wouldn’t even poke you with a foot long pole if he wouldn’t want you to be his fucking wife in the next few years. My bro isn’t playing around. He’s had enough of that shit when he was young.”
Well, that’s a new information.
“What do you mean?”
Kyouka sighs.
“It’s not my place you tell you this and to be honest I don’t know too much about it, Katsuki is probably the best one to ask but… there was this girl, right after high school who was all over Izuku after his first debut. We told him to stay away from her, we warned him that she’s only after the fame and the money but Izuku was so happy to be liked by someone in a romantic way he didn’t fucking listen to any of us…” Kyouka’s eyes look really sad as she continues. “Izuku was always a sweet boy so most people only thought of him just as that; a boy, not a man. This girl was different, I give her that. I fucking hated her. We all did. Except Izuku.” You really don’t like where this story is going. You can feel the betrayal in the air, it makes your stomach upset and your heart bleed. “After a few weeks Izuku couldn’t even wear his own clothes. She started to point out every geeky thing on him, the shirts, the shoes, his hair… she wanted him to change into something he wasn’t. She even made a comment about his baby fat. Katsuki almost exploded her that day and Izuku stopped bringing her over after that. Things got worse after as Katsuki wasn’t there to reprimand her. I don’t want to say more, Y/N. Ask him. It’s not my story to tell.”
You are rendered speechless. There are so many emotions swirling inside you; fury, hatred, sadness, then there is the urge to protect, the urge to call Izuku home so you can tell him how much you love him and his quirkiness… it’s so much to take in, so much to think about…
“Let’s go before we both start crying.” Kyouka ruffles your hair and motions towards the door, ready for the adventure.
You try your best to keep your focus on the beautiful flats. You look around for flaws, ask the right questions but you are not really there; your mind can only think of Izuku, about how alone he must’ve felt while dating that terrible human being, how humiliated he had to feel around his friends in those clothes he was forced to wear… fuck.
“I’ll walk you home then I’ll come back to do the paperwork.”
She doesn’t need to say any more for you to know that all your thoughts are written on your face.
“Don’t be sorry! You helped a lot. Really.” Kyouka smiles. You are so lucky to have her.
Izuku is not with it at work. He makes a lot of mistakes and he gets punched by some “random extra” who shouldn’t even be able to touch him.
There was a group of teens making a ruckus downtown. Izuku and Katsuki were out on patrol when they saw them yelling at a poor old man, asking for money but somehow Izuku managed to get hit by one of the kids while he was too distracted with his own thoughts.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, Deku!” Katsuki yells at him with a red face. “You just let that fucking extra have the time of his fucking life! Hitting the number one fucking hero in the face! He probably thinks he’s the coolest fucking dude right now and has zero motherfucking remorse about what he’s done!”
“Because you were any better, you burned that kids face! Do you want to get canceled?!”
Izuku is frustrated. He can’t do this anymore. He can’t just let Katsuki step over him like that, not anymore…
“Someone had to do something about it! I had to clean your fucking mess up because that’s what friends do, you absolute fucking moron!”
“Since when do you consider me as a friend? I thought I’m just a nuisance.”
“Stop with the attitude. I know what you are doing and it’s not going to work. You won’t push me away. Don’t make the same mistakes I’ve made when I was a kid. You know it more than anyone how much it fucking hurts.”
“I’m sorry, Kacchan.” He can’t take it anymore. The tears fall, his body shakes and moves towards Katsuki on his own and Katsuki catches him just in time.
“If you want to talk, I’m here. Eijirou is here too. You are not alone anymore.” Katsuki mutters into his hair, his fingers deep in Izuku’s curls. Katsuki has changed so much in the last few years; if anyone would’ve told him he’s gonna be cuddled by Katsuki while he cries for the stupidest fucking reason he would’ve laughed in their face.
He knows he’s being an idiot. Y/N loves him, he can see it in her eyes when he comes back after a long day of work, he can feel it in her touches, in the food she makes, in the way she smiles when Izuku cuddles her from behind… he also knows his Sweet Pea loves him the way he is and he has no reason to doubt himself with her but Izuku can’t do anything with his insecurities; he’s been told so many times how weird he is, how unattractive his home wear is, how his unruly hair makes him look like a child and he doesn’t even want to start talking about his “annoying” clinginess.
Maybe he should’ve told her to finish that commission instead of asking her to go to bed with him. Maybe he should’ve let her cook the food alone or ask her if she needs help instead of clinging to her back like an oversized koala. Maybe he should’ve slept on his own side of the bed instead of suffocating his Sweet Pea with his heavy arms. He went overboard. Even his perfect Sweet Pea needs some space. Maybe that’s why she wants to move out. She loves Izuku but Izuku is too much as a boyfriend… he’s too much, he’s always too much…
“Go home, Zuku.” Katsuki sighs into his hair. “Go home and sort yourself out. I fucking hate seeing you like this. I want to blow your face up.”
Izuku can’t help but snort at that.
“I love you too, Kacchan.”
“Fuck you.”
You get home around 2PM; you managed to find some All Might shaped chicken nuggets in the store which you decided to air fry today with some lovely fresh veggies you found in the little market you love. Oh, and rice. Izuku needs more than a snack when he comes home.
Thankfully you manage to finish cooking by 3 so you decide to sit down and finally start working on your commissions; there isn’t much to do, just a few sketches, so you should be done by the time Izuku gets home. Thank god no one commissioned anything detailed, otherwise you would be fucked; there is no way you can do a full, colored drawing in this mental state.
For your surprise the door opens around 4PM; Izuku is already in his civilian clothes, freshly showered, hair still a bit wet.
There is one thing you realize now that Kyouka told you about his past; Izuku’s civilian clothes are quite plain compared to his usual style. It doesn’t sit right with you but that’s a problem for another day.
Today’s problem is…
“You are really early, did you forget something? Want to eat before you go back? I made you something special!” You jump off the chair right away. Izuku looks at you like this is the last time he sees your face; you have no idea what’s going on but you really hate that look on his face, that’s for sure. “Oh my god, please tell me this is not that part of the fanfiction when the hero comes home and tells his wife that he’s going a year long mission to America. I’m not ready for that yet.”
For some reason, Izuku looks guilty. He lowers his eyes, suddenly finding the design of the floor extremely interesting as he fiddles with the sleeve of his jacket anxiously.
“Just a short day, nothing to worry about.” Izuku smiles but it’s fake. So fucking fake it makes you want to gag. “Were you doing a commission? Don’t worry about me, I’m not even supposed to be here, so just ignore me.”
Red flag. A big, fucking red flag. Something happened and Izuku is not telling you jack shit about it.
“Izu, what the fuck, I’ve been waiting to have a few hours with you for a whole week, I can’t just ignore you. With the amount of hours you work I have all the time to finish this fucking scribble, but I only have a few hours with you.” You reprimand, a little bit offended. Just a little bit. Teeny-tiny bit. “You also left without giving me a kiss. You need to give me double kisses today. Also, look at the food I made for you!” You run into the kitchen and come out with the All Might shaped chicken nuggets. You show them off proudly, jumping up and down with the excitement. “Look! It’s All Might! And chicken! I put the magnet that came with it on the fridge, I hope that’s fine! There are 10 different magnets to collect, I’ll try to get them all!”
Suddenly, a loud sob escapes Izuku’s mouth, but it’s not his usual ‘I’m so happy so I’ll cry a river’ kinda sob, it’s the one full of pain and misery. “Izu.” You put the food down on the table to approach the shaking man now sitting on the floor. “I’m sorry do you not want to eat All Might? That’s okay, Izu!” You mutter but Izuku jumps into your words.
“Y/N, stop.” The sound of your own name sounds so foreign from Izuku’s mouth you almost choke on your words. “Stop. It hurts. It hurts so fucking much, I can’t…” Izuku starts to sob again and you are not too far behind him. Without knowing, your tears start to fall, joining Izuku’s in the puddle of misery on the floor.
“What’s wrong, baby? Please, tell me what did I do wrong. I won’t do it ever again, I swear…”
“I know you want to move out. You don’t need to pretend.” Izuku jumps into your words between two loud sobs. “I know I’m impossible to live with, I know my love is toxic, it’s too much too soon, I’m… aware of it and I can change, I can give you space, fuck, I can sleep in the agency if you want me to, I don’t care, but please, don’t leave me. I can change, I can do anything…”
Instead of words you decide to use your hand to tell him how fucking annoyed you are. Because honest to fuck you thought someone died or Izuku is dying or the world is on fire and these are his last words… the sound of the slap is loud in the quiet room but it makes Izuku listen and hopefully he’ll forgive you when this is over.
“I don’t want you to change, you dumb little… waaah!” Great job, Y/N. You are doing fucking well. You slapped the poor sobbing guy then you called him dumb. Great start indeed. “I fucking love you and your nerdy little ass, I love the way you geek out over the stupidest thing, I love how we are glued to each other when you’re home because that’s what I also want to do, thank you for fucking asking, I love those super silly t-shirts you’re hiding at the back of your drawer and I can’t believe you never wear them by the way, I’m not leaving you, I’m not going anywhere, I want to be here, with you, every single second, I can’t believe you really thought you could get rid of me that easily, Midoriya Izuku!” You have no air left by the time you finish your sentence because you forgot to breathe during your rant. “Don’t you fucking dare to change for me. I fell in love with YOU, not with some impostor. Tell me what you want. Do what you want. Act as silly as you want. I’ll probably only love you more, even though it’s quite impossible.”
The silence is deafening. You can see Izuku’s brain going into overdrive. He looks completely lost.
“The notes on the table…” He mutters as he motions towards the notebook. He looks dumbfounded.
“Kyouka is looking for a new flat. I was helping her.”
“I’m an idiot.” Izuku mumbles, mortified. He even forgets to cry.
“Yeah, you are. My idiot boyfriend who I love so dearly.” The words slip out but it’s too late to take it back; you look at Izuku with a terrified look on your face, ready to be reprimanded but Izuku looks at you with nothing but wonder, eyes shining from tears and finally, from happiness.
“Say it again.”
“Say it again.” Izuku’s hand reaches towards you. Needless to say, you take it.
“My weird boyfriend, Midoriya Izuku.” You giggle to yourself. If this would be a fanfiction… ahh, Nevermind.
“I love you, Sweet Pea. Please, never change.” Izuku is all over you, not even caring about the floor being the most uncomfortable surface in the whole entire building. You can’t really hold yourself up with such a heavy weight sitting on your shoulders so you both end up stumbling backwards with a loud yelp followed by a bunch of giggling.
“So what does my boyfriend want to do today?” You mutter into Izuku’s neck between two kisses.
“I want to watch an All Might movie in my silly All Might onesie I’m hiding in my dresser while I eat the silly little all might chicken nuggets my perfect girlfriend made for me.”
Your smile is so big it actually hurts your jaw.
“… Only if I can borrow a silly All Might shirt to match with you.”
Apparently, that was the right thing to say; Izuku is about to combust from the happiness as he attacks your mouth with violent happy kisses.
“Have I told you how much I love you?” He mutters into your lips, already knowing your answer.
“Only a few thousand times but it never gets old.”
“Is that a challenge I hear?” He smirks with such confidence it makes you shiver. You did that. You made him feel that way. Oh fuck, this new Midoriya Izuku is really bad for your heart.
“Might as well be.” You grab Izuku’s hair at the back of his head and yank him forward for a heated, deep kiss. Izuku yelps but he doesn’t let you have all the control; this is Izuku’s day, he’s is completely unhinged and so are you.
The food got cold by the time you managed to untangle from each other.
And fuck, it was so worth it.
… Next Chapter!
Potato ramble:
- Some explanations for the this chapter because I feel like it’s needed:
- 1. Midoriya does wear merch, but mostly black ones with a logo on it instead of the super loud, super colorful ones he would prefer.
- 2. Midoriya’s mum said in one of the chapters that Midoriya has never had a girl over before which is still true; the girl was never officially introduced to Inko as Izuku knew the way the girl was treating him would make his mom really sad. Inko has a slight idea about what happened thanks to Katsuki but she was spared from the gruesome details of it. Izuku doesn’t know his mom knows about it.
- 3. No, they didn’t do anything cheeky on the floor. They were just kissing, you dirty little potato.
- In the next chapter, we are going home to Izuku’s mom! I’m so excited!!!!
- I got a beautiful Deku figurine. I try not to talk about my figurine obsession anymore but I have to show this one off. I genuinely didn’t think I’ll be able to get my hands on this one because it’s an Ichiban Kuji (it’s like a lottery but with anime merch) Last One prize, but here I am, I guess. 😂
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TL: @garfieldthomas @porusuniverse @stickygumchewer @sixxze @mily-moo @aei-sedai-moiraine @aymasakusa @kastuari @kenzie-deadly @shiviwrites07 @lukerycyja-reblogs @cloroxisadelectabletreat @coffeent @kisskissshutmydoor @bobcar1 @yazminetrahan @cringefan @ronimacaroni77 @thekookiecorner @dangerousluv1 @emperatris-rinaka @shotos-angelic-whore @angelsdemonsmonsters @norvacaine @rei165 @unofficialmuilover @yao-ai
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ultrone · 9 months
coach’s sister !
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shauna shipman and coach ben’s little sister falling in love ҂ fluff; brief making out sesh, both are eighteen years old; this was supposed to be hcs but i got a bit too inspired lmaoo, also imagine the arm is shauna’s. . .﹙2.7k wc﹚
shauna and you met one day when your parents couldn't pick you up from school as per usual. you didn't want to take the bus, so your last resort was waiting until your brother was free after practice to drive you home. it didn't bother you though, because you used the time to work on some of your assignments.
you thought soccer practice was over at 6:00 pm, so you packed your stuff and headed to the field to look for your brother. it wasn't until you got there and saw everyone mid-game that you remembered practice was actually over at 6:30 pm. since you were already there, you decided to go sit at the benches and wait.
as you entered the bench area, you realized you weren't alone. shauna shipman was also there, holding an ice pack against her visibly swollen ankle.
you had never spoken to her before, but you knew well who she was, just as she knew who you were. you had noticed shauna during soccer matches that your brother forced you to watch; she was number six. you weren't sure what it was about her, but she always caught your eye. it might have been her great footwork, incredible speed, big brown eyes, or adorable smile, but you couldn't tear your eyes away from her whenever she was running across the field.
and well, pretty much everyone on the soccer team knew who you were, as coach ben had a picture with you in his office, and they sometimes saw you leaving with him after games or practice. mari would joke about coach ben liking girls ten years younger than him until misty, who somehow knows everything, mentioned that you're his younger sister.
"hey," she said, interrupting your thoughts. "you're coach ben's sister, aren't you? y/n," she asked, curiosity in her gaze. you never imagined her voice would be so raspy—you found it very attractive.
"that's me," you assured with a smile. "just waiting for him to give me a ride home," you explained, and she nodded in understanding. "what happened to your ankle?" you asked, eyebrows furrowed.
and that's all it took for the two of you to dive into an endless conversation. you chatted away for what felt like an eternity, though it was only 30 minutes. you discovered you had more in common than you had ever imagined. so much so that she ended up asking for your phone number—of course, without coach ben noticing. she definitely didn't want to get her ass beaten during the next practice.
not even 10 minutes had passed since you left when she already texted you, and the two of you texted all night.
a week of non-stop texting and exchanging greetings between classes went by until you both agreed to meet again. initially, these were just regular hangouts, like watching movies at her place or going out to eat. but then, she started offering you a ride home every day, but only if you were willing to wait for her until practice ended. of course, you did—how could you not? you had the biggest crush on her.
and strangely enough, your academic performance improved, as you would spend two hours every day waiting for her at the library, working on your homework. afterwards, she would drive you home, always ensuring to park a few houses away so that your brother wouldn’t spot you coming out of her car.
one day, much like any other, shauna drove you home. she parked two houses down the street, and the two of you were engaged in a random conversation.
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“shit, ben's texting me, i’ve gotta go before he gets suspicious,” you said hurriedly.
i mean, obviously, he was already suspicious—neither your parents nor he was driving you home from school, and he knew you hated taking the bus. you had attempted to use the "doing homework" excuse, but it didn’t cut it. he had a hunch that you were hiding something.
you locked your phone and began gathering your belongings, which were placed between your feet. just as you opened the car door and started to step out, shauna swiftly grabbed your arm, pulling you back inside. she cupped your chin with her other hand, drawing your lips together in a sudden kiss.
"shit—sorry, i don't know what came over me," she said, breaking the kiss abruptly and avoiding eye contact. instead of responding, you pulled her into another passionate kiss. as your lips grasped her lower lip, her tongue slipped inside your mouth, while her hand slid to your waist, gripping it tightly. you were so lost in the moment that you didn't notice the car's lights had turned on due to the door being left ajar.
as luck would have it, your brother suddenly emerged for his jog and started sprinting in your direction. it didn't take him long to spot shauna's car, and the well-lit interior made it easy for him to get a clear view. a clear view of the two of you devouring each other's mouths.
“y/n?” your brother's voice penetrated your ears, causing your heart to plummet into your chest. you swiftly separated from shauna and turned around, only to find your brother standing with his hand on the car door, opening it wide.
you couldn't discern whether he was angry or not; his expression remained deadpan and serious. you and shauna were left speechless, simply staring back at him. you both felt incredibly embarrassed, not only because ben caught you making out but also because he could see your swollen lips and shauna’s dishevelled hair.
"get out of the car," he ordered, shifting slightly to make room for you to step out. as you complied and stood beside him, he leaned down and said to shauna, "we'll talk about this tomorrow before practice. get there early." then he closed the door and started walking toward your house. you gave a nervous but gentle smile to shauna through the window before following your brother.
as you heard shauna's car starting and leaving, you silently followed your brother all the way into your house and into the living room. dropping your belongings onto the floor next to the couch, you took a seat. ben stood right in front of you, hands on his waist, facing the other way.
"so, this is why you've been coming home late every day," he began, turning around to face you. "why didn't you tell me?" he asked with a frown.
"there was nothing to say," you replied. "we're just friends, i guess," you said, sounding a bit confused. you and shauna weren't "just friends," and you knew it damn well. even though you had never discussed it directly, you spent almost every day together, and it was pretty obvious that the two of you were in love by the way you treated and talked to each other. all those lingering doubts and insecurities you had about it were dispelled by the kiss you had shared a few minutes ago.
"just friends? really?" he said incredulously, alluding to the fact that he had clearly seen both of you making out.
"yeah... sorry you had to see that," you said with an awkward chuckle while rubbing the back of your neck, referring to the kiss. "but i'm being honest with you. shauna and i are just friends. we met one day when i was waiting for you at the benches, and we hit it off right away. we started hanging out very frequently, and, well... now we're here," you explained, your tone becoming a bit shyer toward the end.
he sighed and relaxed his arms, letting them fall to his sides as he pursed his lips. then, he walked toward you and sat right next to you.
"you really like her, don't you?" he asked, turning to look at you.
you covered your face with your hands in embarrassment as you rested your elbows on your knees. "mhm," you mumbled as you nodded in agreement, not wanting to meet his gaze. the memory of your kiss with shauna kept replaying in your head, and the last thing you wanted right now was a pep talk from your older brother.
“look at me,” he said but you ignored him. "y/n," he repeated in a more stern tone, so you complied. "i'm not mad at you, okay?" he began, placing his hand on your knee for reassurance and softening his voice. "i wish you had told me about it, but i also understand why you didn't," he said. "i just want you to be happy, you know that, right? i mean... i'd prefer you were happy with someone who wasn't on my soccer team," he chuckled. "but shauna's a good girl. a bit grumpy at times," he quipped, earning a laugh from you. "but i know she's a good student and a nice person too, so i know you're in good hands," he said.
"yeah, she's amazing," you began. "did i tell you i got a B+ on my last biology test?" you said excitedly. "she helped me study for it," you added, a smile lingering on your face as you recalled shauna's adorable focused expression while working on a cheat sheet for you to review.
ben couldn't help but smile too, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you closer while gently rubbing your arm. "i'm glad she's making you happy and helping you excel in school," he said genuinely. "and i hate to be that person, but if she ever hurts you, she'll go through hell at practice. i'll have a one-vs-all scrimmage session ready for her just in case," he said, sounding protective.
"you better not," you shot back, moving away slightly to look at him through narrowed eyes. "if anything, i want to see you giving her special treatment."
"hah," he chuckled. "yeah, yeah... that won't happen," he said before standing up from the couch. "that reminds me, i need to talk to her before practice tomorrow," he said, his expression turning serious as he tried to intimidate you.
"you'll go easy on her, right?" you asked. you weren't overly worried since you knew your brother wasn't mean, but you couldn't help feeling a bit nervous for shauna, especially since she didn't know him as well as you did, and he was just her coach, after all. she must be really nervous right now.
"we'll see," he said, walking out of the house to resume his jog before you could muster a reply.
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you sat impatiently in the library, your leg shaking as you waited for the clock to strike 6:30 pm in the afternoon. you hadn't spoken much with shauna since yesterday's events. you didn't share any classes today, and she hadn't responded to your texts during lunch. she had checked in on you last night, expressing concern about what ben had told you. however, you assured her that everything had gone well and agreed to meet up today at your usual time, which is why you felt so nervous.
suddenly, a hand rested on your shoulder, snapping you out of your thoughts. you looked up and found yourself locking eyes with a pair of big brown eyes.
"hey," shauna said, placing her backpack and gym bag on the floor before taking a seat in the chair next to yours. she seemed a bit nervous but not sad or worried, which eased your concerns about her conversation with ben not being as awkward or strange as you had feared.
"what are you doing here?" you asked curiously, offering a soft smile. "it's still pretty early."
"coach ben let us go early today; he had a meeting with the other coaches," she explained. "shouldn't you be studying for our english midterm?" she teased, raising an eyebrow while glancing at the paused tv show on your computer screen.
"i was just ten minutes ago; i needed a quick breather," you tried to convince her, though the truth was that you had given up on your studies an hour ago.
"sure..." she said, unconvinced, wearing a sly smile. she made a mental note to help you study later.
the two of you sat in silence for a few minutes, both of you contemplating yesterday's events, unsure of where or how to begin. you were about to ask if ben had spoken to her, but she started talking before you could muster the courage to open your mouth.
"so," she began, looking down at her hands and fidgeting with the rings on her fingers. "i'm sorry about yesterday, for kissing you like that," she said nervously. "i should've asked first."
you gazed at her, tilting your head slightly, and gave her a soft smile. "don't worry about it. i kissed you back, after all," you reminded her. "and i liked it," you confessed, feeling your cheeks grow warm.
"you did?" she asked, meeting your gaze as her shoulders relaxed a bit, her eyebrows raising slightly in a hopeful manner.
"i did," you confirmed. the two of you sat in silence for a few more seconds, but this time, you broke it.
"i like you, shauna," you said, your gaze shifting to the table in front of you in embarrassment. you were very nervous, and the only thing that gave you the courage to confess your feelings was the fact that she had initiated the kiss yesterday night.
shauna couldn't help but smile at your words, her cheeks flushed. "i like you too, y/n," she confessed. "a lot."
she put her hand on your thigh in an attempt to make you meet her gaze once more. and once you did, she asked, “can i kiss you?”
you smiled softly at her, “you don’t have to ask,” you whispered, slowly leaning closer.
just as your lips were about to meet, you heard a phone camera shutter sound from the table directly behind yours. you frowned and turned to locate the source of the sound, finding yourself locking eyes with a pair of green ones you instantly recognized.
"jackie!" shauna hissed, her face a mix of embarrassment and surprise. "what are you doing?"
"i'm sorry! you two looked so adorable; i had to capture this memorable moment," she explained. "i told you she liked you back," she added excitedly, raising her eyebrows suggestively and grinning widely.
"jackie, stop it," shauna scolded, her annoyance evident. finally, the blonde girl seemed to get the memo.
"okay, okay! i'm leaving now. see you later, guys," she said, skipping toward the entrance where jeff was waiting for her.
shauna sighed in embarrassment. "i'm sorry, that was so embarrassing."
"it's okay," you reassured her with a laugh. "at least we have a cute picture now."
"true," she admitted, a soft smile returning to her lips.
"by the way, did ben talk to you?" you asked intrigued.
"yeah, he did," she confirmed. "he gave me a 20-minute pep talk about how important you are to him and threatened to make me run 50 laps around the entire school if i ever hurt you," she chuckled.
"well, you better not then," you said, leaning closer to her once more, trying to hide your smile by biting on your lower lip.
"how could i? he showed me that one picture of you wearing a full-body star costume from your kindergarten christmas recital. i could never hurt that little thing," she teased, making a playful pout with her lips.
"he did not show you that picture," you said, covering your face in embarrassment.
"oh, yes, he did," she countered, retrieving her phone from her pocket and pressing the power button, revealing that the picture was now her lock screen.
"if you don't take that picture off your lock screen right now, shipman…" you playfully threatened, attempting to grab her phone from her hands, but she was quicker, “i’m gonna kill you.”
with her phone secure, she leaned back slightly, prompting you to lean in. seizing the opportunity, she deftly held your forearm in place and leaned in herself, planting a sweet kiss on your lips. without hesitation, you reciprocated, both of you wearing sheepish smiles on your faces.
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