#this is an everyone lives nobody dies au because its the only way I can cope with part 3 asjfdsjgkdf
standfucker · 1 year
Jotaro: In many species of fish, sex is fluid.
Reader: Well, duh. They’re underwater.
Jotaro: (long-suffering sigh while Reader and Kakyoin high five)
390 notes · View notes
hollyhomburg · 4 months
Before I Leave You (Pt.66)
(Omegaverse au, Mafia au, Bts x Reader)
Summary: Wolves always go for the throat, whether they’re cornered or hunting.
Tags: Blood, Guns, violence, near death experiences, everyone lives nobody dies...but someone does die this chapter, horror, non-lethal injury, talks of death and dying, a bit of body horror, Trans! tae, Tae is briefly dead named in this, implied/referenced intimate partner violence, flashbacks, brief suicidality.
W/c: 8.3k
A/N: ahhhhhh <3 we're finally ready for this part of the story <3 i wonder what your guys reactions will be, i'm really glad i decided to split this chapter into two peices! it's much cleaner this way. don't be 🥲 too mad at me.
Previous part - Masterlist - First part
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(Four years prior, Hoseok)
Today is the day that Hoseok will meet his future pack, he just doesn’t know it yet.
It always feels like a bit of betrayal but the worst and best days of your life often come close together. Maybe just for contrast. A bit of good in the bad. A slice of cake in a feast of raw meat.
This starts as just another bad day in a long stretch of shitty days. The kind of days were anxiety bubbles up and how afraid you are is all you can think about. Taking one breath and then another like just staying alive means you're guaranteed to get better.
The only place to go from rock bottom is up, and hoseok's sneakers are firmly on the concrete, standing outside of the record store in the rain with no place to go.
Hoseok has been afraid for a long time. He can't really remember even if he thinks hard, the last morning he woke up not afraid.
What hoseok really needs is a day off, but he really can't fucking afford it. He can't afford anything- certainly not a one-bedroom apartment on his own. If he's really really lucky maybe he'll be able to find a closet room somewhere that will cost almost his whole paycheck. Because after today-
After today, Jung Hoseok will be homeless, packless, and alone. His pack dropped the news on him last night…or well ex-pack.
He doesn’t expect that he’ll be moving into the pack's house on this rainy day, he doesn't expect that by the end of the week, he won't be worrying about where his next meal will come from because Jin will be there with it ready. Jimin sometimes too.
He won't be worrying about where he'll sleep because the bed in their spare room that smells like tae tae tae will be his. He'll roll around in it when the door is closed, shy about it because Hoseok has never liked other alpha's scents so much before. And when he comes home and Jungkook has made a nest in it, it will feel like a bit of an impossible silver lining, a bit too much- to have an omega making him a nest, making something special just for him
It takes three weeks for Namjoon to make him a house key for himself. After he gets left outside in a very similar storm to this. The doctor will touch his cheek, thumbing at the dimples that they share. how special is it that each smile gets cradled like a crescent moon? the heavens have left imprints on both of their skin. Freckles for stars and dimples for moon's.
"I don't want you to get sick pup."
"People don't get sick from wet heads anymore hyung."
"They don't. But I want to keep you dry and comfortable in my den. i know you still want to look for apartments but...what if you didn't?"
But neither the weather nor Hoseok knows to prepare for good news. Right now the heavens open up and release its deluge, thick rain the way that only happens at the start of summer. Worms and other wriggly things crawl their way out of their holes to find a good spot to die next to Hoseok's shoes. Worn fancy sneakers that his pack-omega had gotten him a few months ago for their anniversary. They're the nicest thing he's ever owned.
His ex-pack omega.
It's hard to rewire your brain, especially for alpha's. Hoseok is a lone wolf. He hasn't been without a pack in so long, it feels weird to not have someone to call, someone he needs to trail after and cling to. He checks his phone but he doesn't have a single notification from them.
He doesn't have a single notification from anyone.
Hoseok is glad he doesn't feel his instincts as keenly as other alphas do. Otherwise, he might be inclined to gnash his teeth at the people who pass by him on their way to work, umbrellas almost bumping him, perceiving even closeness as a threat. So vulnerable without a pack (lone alphas are always the first to starve in winter).
Hoseok shivers even though its summer, he's soaked to the bone after a few minutes.
He has a key to the record store. He could go inside. Granted- he should be inside already. Opening up shop, making coffee, and letting the place warm up. But standing out in the rain feels too much like penance.
Hoseok likes the rain. The smell of it. The way it makes the whole world ache and go still. He feels every drop on his dark hair, soaking through his thin hoodie. It's cleansing almost, letting the rain soak him through.
(The end of relationships is always hard, let alone the end of abusive relationships, they’re downright terrible).
Hoseok keeps replaying their words in his head, with every slosh of a nearby car, every honk of a taxi. The stoplight red and green bleeding onto the wet concrete. Yellow flashing in contrast with hoseok's dark memories.
“You’re welcome to stay here until the lease runs out, but the four of us need to move back home. You understand Hobi don’t you? We’re just omega’s- we’re just girls- and we think this could be a clean break for all of us. We just don't want to lead you on any longer.”
The worst part is that Hobi had sort of known, had sort of already realized what was happening. he’d seen it in their looks; distant and despondent. Their touches that did not linger longer than necessary, cheeks turned as he comes in for a kiss. The phone calls hushed in the other room that cut off abruptly when he entered.
The lease on their apartment ends today. The place has already been professionally deep cleaned and Hoseok's things are packed in his car in plastic bins. He has 6 of them to his name.
He doesn’t have a place to go yet, he might just sneak into the back room at the record store and sleep there until he figures something out. Hoseok drove to work early because he didn't have another place to go.
This version of Hoseok is not the one you know, this version of Hobi is 23 and hopeless, can’t think about moving back in with his parents a city away, with nothing but a rusted-out Corolla that barely gets him to work let alone through the 200-mile trip. It will die on him in about 6 months and Namjoon will be thankful that Hoseok no longer is driving around in a deathtrap.
He hadn’t even gotten this job by himself, his pack omega- his ex-girlfriend had gotten him this job almost 4 months ago after his last one didn’t pan out. Temporary work for temporary people.
Nothing feels like his. Not his body and certainly not this job.
Hoseok hasn’t smoked in months, but something that feels an awful lot like self-disgust worms under his skin and he can’t resist. Not today of all days. Smoking is something that he doesn’t indulge in often, and hasn’t indulged in since… becoming an alpha to someone. But he guesses it doesn’t matter now without anyone to complain that they don’t like the smell.
The cigarette mixes with the smell of petrichor and Hoseok’s own acidic scent. The smell of a terrified alpha draws him more than a few looks but he pays them no mind. He's thankful for his soaking face, at least the rain keeps out the tears. Cool and soothing against his face.
Hoseok just wants- Hoseok just wants to call them. To talk to someone.
Ending relationships is always like this. You want to keep being good, keep being what they want, but that’s impossible. You can’t act or behave right and dupe someone into loving you. Sometimes the love just isn’t there. (A smaller shyer voice says it was never love at all, you can't possess love, only be given it and Hoseok feels like a cast aside possession. Love and abuse cannot coexist).
Hoseok should have known. He keeps replaying the moments in his head. He’d seen them exchanging knowing looks when they thought he wasn’t looking.He thought he was just being paranoid, until yesterday morning when they’d taken him aside.
“You knew this had to end one day Hoseok" "You knew one day we'd move on." "As much as we appreciate what you’ve done for us, we think it’s time for us to move on.”
“What do you mean? I thought we were leaving next week, you really left me with only a day to find a place to go?”
“We’re sorry Hoseok, your last rut was just too much to deal with. We think it's best if we just stay on our own. It's a clean break this way.”
"Wait, please- I love you."
"We know. We're sorry."
Hoseok is too much for anyone to deal with. He doesn’t call his friends (he hasn’t met up with any of them or returned their texts in months thanks to several pointed words from his pack omega). He doesn’t go inside yet because he deserves the rain. He sits out front of the record store, smoking a cigarette that will probably end up killing him down the line, and thinks Good.
He tells himself the irritation in his eyes is just because of the cigarette smoke blowing in his face, even though he knows it's not. He's not even inhaling right because his breaths come all hitched and pathetic. Anyone would be sad if their relationship of several years had ended. Anyone would be devastated.
Hoseok checks his phone again. Nothing.
Most people on the crowded street ignore him. Though the thick throng of people going about their business, probably going to work at their 9 to 5 jobs that pay enough to afford apartments and packmates. Hoseok is the one soul that stands stationary.
Until one, someone a few feet back stops, tipping their face through their hood to look at him. The only other person without an umbrella.
Hoseok knows his face and his name. It’s just Min Yoongi- his coworker and sort of friend who's coming in for his shift. Hoseok doesn't love Yoongi yet but they're sort of friends already. They might be better friends if Hoseok could get over his admiration and jealousy.
Yoongi has this way of quietly taking care of the people around him. He picks up Hoseok's jacket when it slides off the hook at work, asks him if he wants coffee and even pays for it when he goes to the coffee shop next door. He compliments Hoseok's music tastes when it's his turn to play something, he gives Hoseok the aux frequently in a way that feels a little bit like flirting.
The only two good things about Hoseok's job are the music and Min Yoongi.
He even laughs at Hoseok's shitty jokes when they're stacking new inventory saying cryptic things like "they can't be worse than my omega's jokes."
That's why Hoseok's jealous. Yoongi gets packmates, five of them who make him lunch even when he's only got a four-hour shift. that often linger outside to walk him home or pick him up in their shiney not new not old cars.
(Yoongi's packmates certainly have better things to do than send Yoongi to work with a second packed lunch. "Jin-hyung caught a glimpse of you through the doorway, the only thing that he hates more than Namjoon's snoring is skinny Alpha's.")
Min Yoongi has that look that people do when they're well-loved by packmates. Hair ruffled and neck dotted with bruises that might as well be mating bites for a beta. Beta's don't mate, but these ones certainly keep him close. He wears their scents like a shield. Sometimes so thick that Hoseok can't even smell any of his chocolate scent.
Right now, staring at Yoongi a few paces into the street, all Hoseok can smell is the rain.
When Hoseok had been introduced to him it had felt strange just by virtue of Yoongi's sub gender. A beta? Working somewhere so normal? Weren’t beta's supposed to be like- financial advisors or assistants to the president or something? Betas are supposed to have more important jobs than pushing vinyl and bumping Hoseok's shoulder playfully.
(Hoseok hasn’t seen it yet, the way that the owner hands over little white baggies to people who come in looking hungry for a high that cigarettes or alcohol can’t fix. Hoseok hasn’t yet realized that the record store isn't just a record store. This is just one front business of many that the family has organized across this city and the country for distribution of some of his most precious inventory). Yoongi has worked her for the last year, takes calls in the back for the family. The owner only bows to him when Hoseok's not around.
They only hired hoseok for tax purposes. Having three employees looks less suspicious than just two.
The beta looks concerned, and Hoseok knows he can’t hide the fact that he’s been crying as the beta steps up and pushes Hoseok back under the awning. Out of the rain and into the warmth of the doorway. This kind of movement would make any alpha snap, but not Hoseok. Hoseok just tucks his chin down and starts to cry.
“Oh Hoseok.” Hobi sniffles, and wipes his runny nose on his sleeve. Yoongi's hand curls against his throat, chocolate scent spiking to soothe. “You’re soaking wet."
Yoongi grabs his wrist and Hoseok almost keens at the gentle touch. Whole body shaking, shoulders curling in Yoongi's direction. Yoongi’s lips press into a thin line and then tugs him inside.
(Now, You)
You hold your breath. Still peering around the corner, watching and waiting for the man to spot you.
But he doesn't, after a breath where his soft footsteps echo, you wait, but nothing happens. You peak back around the corner.
You absorb and catalog the details as fast as you can; the black ski mask, covered by one of those traditional Korean masks, wooden with red lacquer. This one is a little different than the one that Jimin had; not twisted with thick eyebrows in a snarl. This one is white with red splotches on the cheeks, like a ghost sent down from above to rob you of your humanity.
The bulletproof vest stops at the collarbones. The gun itself is a black generic model. The long end is extra bulbous with something that might be an attached silencer. His hands covered in black nitrile gloves, leathery at first glance. There is a knife at his waist along with a barrage of other small things; rope and a knife, duct tape and handcuffs. His heavy boots look steel toed and reinforced.
The man (because it is a man you realize; tall, maybe taller than Namjoon) trains his gun at the landing on the top of the stairs. Pointing it in the direction of Hobi, Tae, and Jin’s hushed voices.
Hobi giggles and it sounds so bright. Echoing off the walls and filling the house with his musical laughter.
There is a phone cord tangled in your hands, long and white. You grip it tight.
This man might be silent but you’re quieter as you slide your bare feet across the smooth floors. Your strides are so quiet. You take one step and then another until you're behind the man, mirroring him.
You remember when Yoongi redid the floors, it was one of the few things that he did right away; before the pack came to live here (to love here). It took him weeks and weeks of sanding before he got them to his liking. Days more of brown dark stain that colored his hands ruddy until the soft matte finish stuck. Every pass with the belt sander and dirty rag a movement of love, a meditation for it.
Yoongi made every inch of this house with the same loving intent; to make it a home for all of you. a place to be safe and nurse your wounds and hearts. You won’t let it become a grave. You won’t let this person stay here and ruin it.
Most people get it wrong; In order to kill it is not a matter of elegance or effort. There is no such thing as a perfect kill either. Emotionless and analytic isn't enough and being justified only gets you halfway. There is no way to do it cleanly. People die just as they live, messy and hopeful and dirty.
Murder isn't a matter or wanting or wishing, It’s a matter of rage.
It’s always been this way. Rage has been chewing a hole through you from the moment that you pulled the trigger with Geumjae. From the moment you said ‘I do’. Rage that these violent things have been done to you, that they continue to happen, that you can’t just get away from all the hurt and trauma.
Rage has eaten you clean through to the bone. Rage has made you skinny and starving, rage has made you timid and fragile. But now you're the hungry one. Right now, only three words run through your head;
How dare she.
How dare she send this man into your house. How dare she point a gun at the upstairs, in the general direction of your nest and your packmates. The altar at which you so desperately cling to, for sweet dreams and sweeter worship (There is no deity above the god of love, not even death. Death cannot take the love from your chest, someone dying does not make you stop loving them).
How dare she even think about hurting the people you love.
There is no courage, no bravery, no thought in your head about how stupid it might be as you step closer behind the man. You are not a trained assassin. You’re just an omega.
The adrenaline rush is an old friend, a thrall both intoxicating and unnerving. Your heart beats loud in your ears. You grip the phone cord in your hands and take a quiet steadying breath. He doesn't see you, he doesn't hear you, he doesn't know that you're behind him.
Wolves always go for the throat, whether they’re cornered or hunting.
The assassin’s foot ascends the bottom step. You don’t let him get to the second before you’re moving, hurtling forward. Footsteps no longer light. Your hands go over the man’s shoulders. The cord no more than a white flash across his vision before you draw it tight across his neck.
The pain and panic are instant as you’re suddenly tethered to a six-foot-four assassin and struggling to stay on your feet as he stumbles back. You’re pulled off your feet and down the stairs, but you keep it as tight as you can and you don’t let go. Fighting to keep your makeshift garrote tight as he scrambles to get his fingers around where it digs into his skin. Spluttering loud.
The hard wire digs, cutting easily through plastic and then your skin as he tries to pull you off. You don’t let go until he backs you into the entryway wall and slams you against it with a dizzying clang of bone and body hitting something solid. Your head narrowly avoids one of the hooks that the pack hangs their coats on. An inch to the left and he'd have impaled your skull on it. An inch to the left and you'd be dead.
A single inch.
His head slams into your face, and you feel something in your nose pop, flooding your mouth with blood so thick you choke.
He slams you against the wall once, twice, and then a third time until your grip goes slack and slippery with blood. It knocks the breath out of you, and he finally throws you off. You both fall to the ground like stones. Both of you gasp and struggle for breath. At least one of your ribs it broken, but because of the adrenaline you can't even feel it.
When the man lifts his black gloves to his throat, they come away glossy with blood.
(It’s crazy how you never notice the change from the day to day, one day you are begging for a reason to hold on, a reason to live, and the next you’re fighting tooth and nail to keep going. Just about gnawing your own arm off to get out. To survive and live to see another day. Another sunrise.)
By that time the air has returned to your lungs it’s enough for you to scream. “Jin! Jin! There’s someone in the house there’s-”
You try and inhale through your nose and blood makes you choke. You push at the floor with your hands, struggling to stand, fingers slippery and tacky with your blood.
The man tries to scramble up the stairs but you latch onto his legs and make him drop. Doing everything in your power to keep him from going up to them, to your packmates. Hugging his ankle to your chest to slow him down (the same way you’ve hugged Namjoon’s arm and Yoongi’s, the way you held Hobi in the nest on the couch just a few shattered days ago).
The man turns the gun on you, pointing it to your head, you flinch, waiting for the shot-
and open them as He heaves a frustrated roar before he wheels away and turns, aiming at the top of the stairs instead of right in your face.
You could have died right then. could have and should have, but you didn’t. Your brain is too messy with adrenaline right now to make sense of it.
Why didn't he shoot?
The gun goes off, a bullet whizzing by Jin’s head. His face, scared, on the stairs flashes ever briefly. Ducking for cover just in time. The doorframe explodes in a cacophony of dark wood splitters. The doorknob sparks and bursts into a million pieces with another shot. metal clanking against the ceiling, the walls, down the stairs.
One second, you’re holding onto his heavy leather boot, and the next it’s colliding with your face and you’re out like a light.
Getting hit in your face is always such a disorientating experience. You’d never gotten used to it, even with Geumjae. Granted it’s hard to get used to the stomach-churning low vision feeling of weightlessness, like vertigo only worse.
"Hobi! don't- jesus fucking christ-"
You’re not quite sure what happens next only that you can’t see for a moment after the boot hits your face, and you take big breaths through your mouth. Blood, you taste blood. And then your vision comes back. Black spots and all and there’s Hobi’s face in front of you. No assassin, just him, helping you up from the floor. You're not on the steps anymore but at the bottom of them.
“The kitchen, the kitchen," Blood rushes over your bottom lip. Hoseok wipes it away, inhaling a jagged breath. "He’s-”
He pushes at your shoulders. “The car- get to the car.” It feels impossible. This can be happening in your house. Are you about to have a shoot-out in the street? On your quiet cul-de-sac? But then, in the corner of your vision dark movement.
You tug Hobi’s head down the second that the gun goes off- probably saving his life, definitely saving it as the bullet tears through the banister and ends in a hollow thump in the wall. he may not have shot you but he has no quams shooting at Jin and Hobi. The bullets hit the wall- Maybe 6 inches above your bent heads. Too close, close enough that Hobi trembles in your hold. And he rips something- a piece of the doorway, out of his arm with a wince before he covers your body with his own.
The volley of gunshots are so loud, so vicious as they blow things apart, tearing holes through Yoongi’s coat, the doorway, the banister, and the narrow stairway rungs. Pieces of wood hit your curled forms. Hobi shoves your head down when you try to look.
There is wetness, hot, something hot on your hands, your neck, you know it’s blood before you look. You think it’s from you until the Gunsmoke clears and you realize- fingers skimming across hoseok's forehead, a gash above his eyebrow.
A bullet graze by his hairline thats bleeding profusely. head wounds always bleed a ridiculous amount.
There are more bullets behind you but it’s just Jin returning fire.
Jin’s got Tae behind him. Her face ashy and pink from the shower and panic, her mid-length dark hair such a tangle, cowering behind his back. Jin's gun is so much louder without the silencer. Did he bring one upstairs? Or did he get it from Jimin’s stash?
Jin nearly drags Tae to the three of you, and she clings to you. Your hand finds her face. Fingers are red and bloody smudging against her cheek, blink and you're back there a million moments in the past; dotting red blush across her cheeks with a brush- your fingers- kissing it into place with your lips- painting a line of maroon across her eyelids to bring out the lighter flecks in her eyes- Watching her twirl in a red dress. Pressing your red lips against hers in a quiet dark moment in the library room. With her in Hobi's red car- Everything red.
If it starts with red, maybe it's fitting that it ends in red too.
Jin doesn’t give you time to reminisce. Pushing her shoulder down hard. His bare chest splattered with splinters from the door. Covered in wood fragments that stick to his black sweatpants and damp feet. Shouting, “All of you get down!”
You follow your pack omega’s words. Hobi and Tae With their damn alpha instincts blanket you as Jin fires again. The shots are so much louder in the small space. Another shot, another thunder strike. tae grips your wrist tight, your hands.
When you look down, they look mutilated. you can see bone in one place, deep gashes across the centre of your palms.
Your ears ring and you can't make sense of anything over the noise. Jin returns every bang with a boom of his own, bright flashes lighting up the dark staircase. Casing after casing tinkling down to the floor, rolling across the floorboards
But then, for a second- the gunfire goes quiet.
The house creeks and the three of you hold your breath. Jin's still half-concealed. The air heavy and clouded with gunsmoke and the smell of blood.
Hobi tentatively gets onto his knees and then stands when he doesn't immediately get shot at. You make a small noise in your throat, the loudest that you dare, but he’s looking after Jin, standing in the darkness, hackles raising his angry scent of burning sugar acrid in your nose. His hand slides out of yours, your blood on his palms.
And then you hear the rush of boots, echoing in the living room, near your nest- you’d never unmade it after you and Hobi fucked there. You'd been too busy taking care of Jimin. Hoseok bears his teeth.
Hobi turns, sliding out of your hands quicker than you can grab him. Quicker than you can tell him that he’s being dumb, that he’s being suicidal.
“Not my girlfriend! You asshole!”
The world is a dizzying cacophony of gunpowder, pain, bullets, and shouting. Jin yells Hoseok’s name. But the alpha heads after the assassin regardless of your cries. Jin narrowly keeps him from running headlong into no mans land. the open area by the door that would leave Hoseok a sitting duck.
Tae’s standing up on unsteady legs as you all spill out of the stairs into the narrow hall. Out from her hiding place cowering behind the banister. Your attention isn’t on her it’s on Hobi. Neither you nor Jin are looking at her. You’re running after him on shaky legs. Jin holds you both back, trying to corrall you. The air is cloudy with Gunsmoke, hazy and heavy. Her eyes are wide and pretty like dark marbles as she watches Hobi.
They’re just as pretty when the gun presses to the back of her head.
Everyone turns and goes still. The man has Tae in his arms, hand in her hair making her neck arch. The gun pressed to her jaw. Finger on the trigger.
Her body trembles and she doesn’t turn, frozen still in fear a shallow whine building in her throat.Jin has the gun trained on the man faster than you can make to step in Tae’s direction. But it’s no use.
He must have gone around, run through the livingroom through your pantry. A similar path that you took to surprise him. He must know the floor plan of the house, must have studied it to prevent situations like this. You have no upper hand here with tae in his arms.
Tae’s mouth is buttony and parted, but it settles into a resigned line.
Jin’s never been a good enough shot- not for one like this, even barely 10 feet away. He might hit Tae. Shaky, Jin takes his finger off the trigger and stoops down to put the gun on the floor. His other hand is up, already surrendering when the man jerks Tae's head back by her hair. Rougher than he needs to be.
“Don’t shoot her, please don’t shoot- please.”
The man juts his chin at the gun on the floor. “Kick it away now, be a good omega.” Jin grits his teeth but does as he says.
The man’s voice is rough as gravel. Dignified, but with no obvious accent. Not the quiet cadence that you’ve come to expect from the family. Neither posh nor lowbrow. Something in between. Flat and monotone. You're sure that you've never heard his voice before.
“I have to admit, your file said you’d be resistant, but it said nothing about you being dumb as fuck and a poor shot to boot.”
Jin licks his lips and bares his teeth, “Put that gun back in my hand and then say it again.” The masked man cocks his head to the side and then shrugs as if Jin's fury doesn't mean anything to him.
But He’s bleeding, it trails down to the floor so the words can't be genuine. It's a small wound, a graze on his right thigh. Red bright and hot that drips in onto the floor from his pant leg.
His hand tightens in Tae’s hair. “Line up against the wall. Now. Or I’ll blow her brains out in front of you."
You move first, eyes trained on Tae. But he snaps, eyes unreadable behind that mask, “No- not you. I’m not here to kill you.”
He tosses something to Jin and he catches it. Handcuffs that jingle and clink. Your foot hits an errant bullet with a similar tinkle. “Handcuff Jin to the stairs Hoseok.”
Your names, he knows your names. Your mind races over every detail, every moment trying to piece together a way to get out of this. a way to save them.
“Why are you doing this?” Hobi’s trembling, shaking. “Did Jimin-”
“Jiminie did nothing.” The man croons dragging the barrel of the gun down Tae’s cheek leaving a dark smudge in its wake. It's red on her face, the barrel must still be hot, your blood crusty around her lips.
“Honestly though, you should know he was a shit assassin. Truly piss poor even by industry standards. They always threw him the easiest kills."
The three of you are quiet, if he was hoping to elicit a reaction or more of a fight You don’t give him the satisfaction. Although jin grits his teeth, gnashing anger and an omega's feral instinct to protect their pups.
You step forward hands open, barely two steps from Tae. If you can just get to her maybe you can-
“Please- please don’t kill them."
He cocks his head at you, and you can hear the grin in his voice. “Oh no, you misunderstand me I’m not going to do any of it.”
He taps Tae’s head once again with the gun and Tae starts to truly struggle. You tremble in fury and horror as you realize what he means with a sickening lurch in your stomach.
“This is how it’s going to work Y/n” You still at the sound of your name. “Taehyung here is going to shoot Jin and Hoseok. And then once we’re sure they’re good and dead, I’ll kill her.” He tosses you another pair of handcuffs, these ones are meant for you.
You take one step closer; Jin's gun is between your feet now. But you couldn't pick it up or else he'd shoot Tae. Time, you just need a minute to figure out what to do. How to get them out of this.
Yourself now, that's a different story. If you where in Tae's position you'd turn your face to the side and bite the mans hand.
“And what about me then? If they're all dead what’s to stop me from fighting?” he seems to consider it only briefly, the gun in his hand tilting so that you can see the dark oval where the bullet will come out, where it will rocket through Tae's skull and take all the little worlds she dreams of, all her poems and words and make them nothing.
“You think you're so precious? I’ll just kill you.” he says it like it's nothing. like you're nothing. He nods to the others, appealing to them and not you. “What do you want? All four of you to die? Or just three? What will hurt Namjoon the least? Do you think Yoongi will survive loosing his mate? What do you think Jinnie?”
You think of Yoongi's mating mark, the spot on his hip where your small curved semi-circles sit. You think of them turning black- a brand of a dead mate. You think of Hobi's eyes opening and never closing again. You think of Jungkook nesting without Jin and you. Of Namjoon holding out his hand and having no one to take it without Jin there.
You won't let any of this happen.
The others shoot each other unsure glances but you shake your head. you shake your head because earlier on the step, the man didn't take the easy shot, the easy kill.
If he really had orders to kill you, he would have done it then.
you step forward and shake your head. “I don’t believe you. I know your orders are to take me. That’s what all of this is about isn’t it?” The man doesn’t drop his weapon. Just presses it tighter to Tae’s jaw.
“Handcuff Jin now Hobi. Or else I’ll-”
You see the darkness settle in Jin’s eyes and before you know it he's turning to you, eyes flat. Endless in their darkness, the way they might if-
You don't let yourself consider it. You won't let it get to that point.
You guess it does make sense, having you kill each other as opposed to the assassin doing the dirty work and implicating Moonbyul. If you really are on that ‘no kill list’ like Yoongi said at the hospital, having you take out each other is the only logical course of action. Once Tae kills Jin and Hobi, she'll be free game. This is the only way retribution won’t fall back on her. This is so similar to what she tried and failed to do with Jimin and Jin. This is a second attempt.
Only this time, you have a bargaining chip.
You step forward, in front of Hobi and Jin, blocking them from his line of sight. Barely a pace in front of Tae, but from the way he tightens his grip on her you know that you can go no further.
“You can take me; I’ll go with you. Willingly.”
Jin makes a noise in his throat and tries to move, but dares not when the man tightens his grip on Tae’s hair hard enough to rip a bit of it out.
“That’s what she wants, isn’t it? If you just let them live I’ll go with you.”
The man is silent for a second. Hobi trembles and so does Jin. For a second, you truly think that he’s going to take the bait.
But the mask is directed towards the floor, then back up at you. “Those aren’t my orders.” His finger is on the trigger so close to Tae’s head. “Now cuff him, I don’t want Jinnie getting any ideas.”
Hobi’s hands are shaking as he unwillingly shackles Jin to the steps as slowly as he can. He's buying time too. Every second and every heartbeat is precious. Both ends loop around a single rung and click closed. The rung itself is a little loose from a bullet that blew it apart near the bottom, it’s got to be the loosest one. Hobi turns, and you see the pre-meditation in his eyes; he chose that one so that Jin could still get free if he tried hard enough.
Everyone is trying. Everyone is defiant. The quirk of Jin's eyes as he settles, staring with rage at the man, his voice a quiet croon when he says what might very well be the last words he ever speaks.
“Tae you can close your eyes honey, it’s okay.”
"No I can't" She struggles harder against his hold, but it only gets her part of her hair pulled out with how rough the man jerks her, tears clouding her vision. "I can't- don't- please-"
Tae's soul has always been butterfly soft and flower tender. She's not made for this. She's not made for murder or pain or anything that lacks softness. She's never been a killer; Jimin was always that side of their coin. Saint and sinner.
Your body goes cold and for a second, you think you just might pass out, especially when Hoseok grips your wrist. One final squeeze in what can only be goodbye before he steps away and in front of jin. Hair puffed up. Jin is lowering his eyes and no no no.
Tae is staring at you, eyes wide and scared, but you watch in total powerlessness as her eyebrows lower. You see the moment Tae thinks it. Eyes meeting yours, lips mouthing something that you can’t read. Maybe I’m sorry no.
I love you. Sorry.
The truth is that Jimin drilled this with her years ago before she left for college and he couldn’t follow. When Jimin first realized that for the first time in their lives she’d be without him as a constant protector. Delicate delicate Tae with her delicate pink soul. So vulnerable to the world and all its wickedness.
Tae didn't confront him about it until the nightmares were waking him up regularly. They were simple nightmares back then; images of Tae hurt and mugged. Tae beaten and left in an alleyway. Tae stalked through the night. Simple, but enough to keep him awake. Enough to torture him in his wakon hours as well as the nighttime.
If Jimin saw her now he'd pull the heavens down and demand something truly awful in exchange. He'd take one of the knives from the kitchen and gut him from belly button to addams apple. He'd eviscerate him- and Namjoon might help.
Hut there is no one here to do any of that, there is only Tae in the man's hold.
“What are you so scared of?” She’d asked one morning, trailing endless patterns on his chest in an effort to soothe him back to sleep.
“Something happening to you while I’m not there, mostly.”
“Would it make you feel better? If you taught me the basics?”
Jimin's pause is telling, more telling are his eyes, hopeful when he looks up at Tae. “Yes, it would.”
It’s been years and years since Jimin Tae have bothered to drill any self-defense sequences it at all. Since he stopped asking her to refresh the basics with him once a year just to make sure. Jimin never thought that Tae would have to use those skills. Like with most things, you just sort of hope you don't have to fight.
But Tae knows you did fight. It's written all over your bloody face and your bloody hands, tightened to fists by your side. If you fought tooth and nail to save them she should fight too.
Tae has written fight scenes like this before. If she survives the press of the gun to the back of her head, she’s gonna have one hell of a personal experience to pull from for her book. The content will be endless.
She seems to swell in the space, alpha shoulders settling back. Her mouth is moving, mouthing words her eyes on you. Just in case this is the last thing she ever does.
I’m sorry, I love you.
“Be a good boy and pick up the gun Tae.” Tae bends down, syrupy slow. Intentional with her every movement. One heartbeat. Another. Tae's fingers are maybe an inch from the gun when everything goes haywire.
When she's about halfway bent she uses her momentum to hurl her body back, slamming her head into the gun and then into the man’s face. Cracking the mask and from the sound of it, the man’s nose. Tae's almost knocks herself out with the force of her own head colliding with the man’s face.
She turns, she’s not finished, not even close. She might be a woman but she’s an alpha too. Alphas always always fight to protect their pack. She turns and swings.
And drives her elbow as hard as she can between the alpha’s legs.
Hobi can’t stop his flinch. That has to hurt.
The assassin’s gun goes flying, skittering across the dark floor and under the bookcase and Hobi ends up lunging for it. You go after it too but you end up holding Tae instead, crumpling to the floor without anything to hold her up. She’s holding the back of her head, eyes watering.
The traditional mask lyes in pieces around you, shatered by the force of tae's headbut. The man clutches his nose, features still covered by the ski mast. Growling out- "Bitch- fucking bitch! I'll kill you. I'll fucking kill all of you-"
Jin struggles yanking his cuffed hands down as hard as he can- in another minute he might get loose, but not quick enough as Hobi finds the gun and raises it. The bullet hits the molding beside your pantry, missing the man by inches as he dives away to safety. A lucky shot by any standard, let alone for a beginner. Hobi shoots off after him. knocking into the wall before he's up and chasing it.
“Are you okay, Tae, Tae- look up at me.” Tae is clutching the back of her head. Blinking rabidly. That fucking hurt even if it was worth it.
“I’m fine just-” She leans over your legs and vomits, retching loud and horrible. Concussion- she must have given herself a concussion. Namjoon told you months ago how to read the signs of them shortly after the first time Jungkook ever had a seizure in front of you.
You hold her shoulders, watching Jin try and break himself free, yanking his wrists hard enough that it has to hurt. Moving to try and help him.
And then Hobi makes a noise in the other room, a pained ghasp, A thump and then-
Tae is already up and running, stumbling into the wall. You glance at Jin. "Go- just go" Jin grinds out. But Tae has longer legs than you do even concussed.
By the kitchen, Hobi slips on a fallen tangerine. (You remember then, Yoongi clearing the table with a brush of his hands for Jimin, tossing a whole bowl of them onto the floor. Where they've stayed since then) they're fighting, the man must have managed to disarm Hobi somehow because the gun sits under one of the chairs. Both of them are fighting just beside the dining room table. Part of it splintered and broken where someone broke it.
They're grappling on the floor now. Pushing against each other trying to gain the upper hand. you've watched the alpha's wrestle before- small disputes to settle and reaffirm the hierarchy, but you've never seen hobi move like this. You watch the man grasp at his waist reaching for the knife. His hands so slick with his own blood that it clatters to the floor. Hobi may not be trained but he's a fighter too. Gnashing his teeth and growling. Reaching up into the shallow gash at the mans throat and digging in his fingers.
And then he’s got Hobi on the ground and his hands around your alpha's throat. Tae tries to get him off but he backhands her, sending her sprawling to the ground and clutching her cheek. Too dizzy to stand. Big hands that squeeze and squeeze and squeeze Hobi's narrow throat. Spit at the corner of his lips turning frothy as hoseok tries to breathe and can't.
“I didn’t come this far to get killed by a bunch of family rejects; 11 years and 1458 kills later and I will not die. Just give up already- I didn’t come this far to-”
Hobi’s face is turning purple, hands scrabbling, pushing against his face trying to get him off unsuccessfully. Dying there on the floor. Hobi is going to die right there if you don't do anything.
Jin is shouting from the other room and there is a frying pan in the kitchen. On the countertop that you snatch on your way past, winding up for it before you swing it with all your might at the man's head and-
At the end of the day, it’s hard to say exactly what kills him. Whether it's you or Tae who wields the killing blow. It’s more of a group effort between you and her.
Tae has read countless books that described love as some gentle force, but this love has not made her gentle. Tae cannot sit there on the floor and watch Hobi die. She'd do anything to protect him and the pack. She’d kill people like Minnie did, would lie just as Jin had, would have sacrificed anything- even herself just like Yoongi.
Love had always been giving in Tae's mind, and she would give countless sins and untold violence, to have this not be the last day with you and the pack.
The gun is just sitting there under the chair. tae hardly has to lean over to get it. (If she makes it out of this alive, she swears to himself that she'll finally start taking those kickboxing classes that Jungkook teaches.) Tae lifts the gun at the same moment that your hand descends with the frying pan.
Tae turns, points, aims, and fires. She doesn’t even think twice about it. The trigger goes down as easily as breathing.
Getting shot in the throat definitely distracts him enough, definitely makes him let go of Hobi, clutching at his own throat instead of his. blood rushing over his hand and down onto hobi's face. So much that it almost splashes.
And then the frying pan hits his head with a hollow final thud.
There is a placid terror in things like this, a quiet as things go and come. The thumping, the sobbing breaths you let out, the descent of your hand, beating out your terror on the body below, a vessel for all of your fear.
The handle of the frying pan is thick and heavy in your hands. You bring it down on the man’s head, the curved edge of the cast iron connects with the plate of his skull with a hollow thud. One second, he's clutching at his blown-apart throat, and the next he goes limp, blood and brain matter splatters loud and heavy along the floor. Falling on top of Hobi like a lead weight.
Hobi's brown eyes are bloodshot and red in his mouth, heaving one big breath that sends the room spinning. Sends vertigo into his veins and panic-running adrenaline. You lift your arms up again and hit him, descending again and again.
His body is still, so still. His chest gives one open shudder and then goes truly quiet. Frozen in time. You are covered in blood, in your mouth, on your hair, on the ceiling. More and more splatters as your hand goes up and then down in an endless loop.
Dark cotton soaks, matted with blood and brain matter, blurry from your tears. A bit of it hits your face, wet and stinky. People never tell you how horrible it smells when people die.
You don’t stop hitting the man, even when it's clear he's dead. Even when you glare down at him through the tears in your eyes and see half a face staring up at you. An eyeball rolls across the floor.
There are arms around you pulling you off of him eventually. Dry warm arms, big and heavenly. One wrist dangles with a pair of handcuffs as Jin yanks you back from the man. The body.
“Pup- It’s done, pup- he's gone- Stop.”
There is blood all over you. On your face, on your hands, around the frying pan. Tae too, sitting just beside you. Half of her body splattered. Hobi's soaked with it and still struggling to breathe. But both of them, the three of them are alive.
“It’s over pup.” Jin sounds like he might be crying. Tae definitely is.
Hobi puts his head between his knees, gasping for every breath but still breathing. Tae's got him in his lap. Holding on to him as he splutters. face so soaked with blood he can't open his eyes without blinking rapidly.
It’s anything but over you think as you let go of the handle of the frying pan.
It clatters to the ground with a bloody and final thunk.
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if the beginning of the chapter feels weird/different in terms of narration that is because it was mostly written 3+ years ago and my writing style has changed alot! kinda crazy! hopefully people will just attribute it to hoseok's internal monologue. it might be meandering but i kept reminding myself that this is hoseok at his lowest you know?
One thing i want you guys to realize is that the m/c may not be smart, but holy fuck can she take a beating and still get up.
Gun shoot outs are uniquely hard to write because like, just bang and it's done right? idk why part of this writing just felt so tedious usually i love writing stuff like this :(
hobi calls the m/c his girlfriend 🥺 did you guys notice???? he's such a cute pup charecter.
i have more notes for this chapter BUT i can't share them until the next one is out because it involves hobi's secret.
i hope you guys see like- how good the m/c actually is at the crime and thinking on her feet shit- i think that this chapter above all others shows her street smarts. she knows to keep the guy talking and distracted- i think it compliments her similarities to jimin and jin like. the trio of them are very capable people you know? vs hobi who just headlong rushes the assassin and fucks shit up. i'm not saying it's his fault- he does the best that he can in this chapter.
I'm trying to pull from my actual knowledge of how guns work but fun fact, silencers are still fucking loud, like still so loud that you need ear protection. and even blank bullets can still cause serious injury at close range.
I'm again at the stage where i can't tell if the gun shooting scene is clunky and too predictable or if it's actually as creepy as i've made it out to be.
This is one of those situations- the bargaining for each others lives, that i've actually never had to handle. it's actually pretty unusual for me to write about things that i haven't experienced in some way shape or form.
i've only written a few scenes in my life that have made me wonder like "huh- i wonder if people might actually think that i've seen a dead body, been around a dead body, or killed someone before?" and ngl, the scene with the assassin dying is one that makes me wonder that... i promise i just have a scarily vivid imagination.
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harasharaved · 9 months
Jason Todd Fics - September 2023
Fics I recommend with a focus on or POV of Jason Todd. Masterpost can be found here.
Key: Has a ship or romantic plot, unfinished, multi-chapter, one-shot
NOTE: some of these do require an AO3 Account to read.
Whisper Closely in My Ear by Kangarou
The words went in one ear, rattled around like bees, before ramming out the other. The doctor was sitting painfully close, only two feet away. The tone of voice implied he was talking louder, not quite a yell but something nearly there; it sounded like a whisper to Jason. So quiet, with every third word unintelligible, except for that first phrase: "Mr Wayne, I'm afraid you're profoundly deaf." --- Jason is profoundly deaf. He learns to cope with it.
An AU in which Jason is deaf. This is one of my favorite Jason fics. I often find myself coming back to it. Its a great character study, introspective and has that delicious kind of hurt you just want to sit with for a while, with a helping dollop of comfort.
Children Will Listen by Parker Avenue
Jason Todd is good at extortion. He's what the adults call a snoop - nobody paid attention to the little kid with the big ears. Without even realizing, adults would hand him the keys to getting what he needed. Jason knew how to collect information, because adults found information valuable. And it was. It was free, easy to get, and easy to carry, so long as he kept his head clear and his facts straight. Jason had information Batman could use. He knew it. He had thought it over all day, sitting on that moldy couch, eating stale saltines. Batman would definitely be interested in the information Jason had. Batman had become scary again, like the old stories Jason used to hear the goons in the area tell. Breaking bones, just barely keeping people alive. Batman didn’t kill, no, but sometimes? Sometimes living was worse, maybe. Jason stayed crouched behind that dumpster, silent, because he simply couldn’t decide if Batman was far gone enough to make a kid wish he was dead. (Jason Todd knows how to get what he wants, and Batman tries to lure him to safety.)
Okay I will admit, my biggest weakness is fics about street kid Jason. Slow adoption got me good. Anyways, this one isn't finished but I love the way the pacing takes its time. Co-parents Bruce and Selina is never a con either!
Stargazer by LemonadeGarden
Jason Todd is seriously injured during patrol one night, and is forced to stay at the manor to recuperate until his injuries are healed. To pass the time, he makes a list of things he never got to do before he died. Except there's one small problem: most of them involve Bruce, and Jason doesn't really think Bruce cares all that much about him anymore. This is a story about how wrong he is, but I made it sad anyway.
I'm sure everyone and their mother has rec'd this fic, but I'm doing it anyways because I love it deeply. If you haven't read it, this is your sign!
Glow in the Dark Stars by essspressso (stylesmakethefight)
“I’m being serious, asshat,” Jason hisses, swatting his hands away from his face. “You have to tell me what year it is.” Nightwing crosses his arms a little petulantly. “It’s 2017. Happy?” Jason freezes, breath catching in his throat. 2017. Five years ago. He was…he was fifteen. “Shit,” he murmurs. He’s going to eviscerate Tim. Or: Red Hood Jason and 15-year-old Jason swap timelines, landing one week before 15-year-old Jason is supposed to die.
Time travel trope + Jason Todd's tragic ass life = amazing fics. Feelings, prepare to be felt! LOTS of Angst. You might even shed a tear. Wonderful fic!
Too Much Fucking Salt by Pez_The_Platypus
A rural housewife instinctively understood the law of quantity into quality. Add a pinch of salt to a soup and it tasted better; add one pinch too many and you ruined the batch. Jason had been in limbo for a year and a half, trusting things would get better even though everything just seemed to be getting worse. It was something small that set him off, but really, it was an accumulation of a lot of things that led to this. He was going to kill the Joker.
A one shot, but a LONG one. This one is very sad, heavy, and bittersweet. Its not Bruce or Dick "bashing", it provides a pretty well rounded and human description of them, which is to say they are not angels. Still, if you love pondering the tragedy of Jason Todd and themes of coping with trauma and the inherent grating sensation of trying to heal, this is a great fic for you.
Bruce starts, eyes glaring down at the city and unwilling to look anywhere else, especially in Jason's direction, "You always… hated the rain." Jason's breath gets caught in his throat. (For as long as Jason can remember, it's always been raining.)
Jason angst and character study rooted in comic-accuracy. Great short read!
This Kind of Weather by r_astra
Jason’s at school when his mom dies, and that’s the only reason any of it happens. If he’d been home, if he’d been with her, he would’ve been in the wind before anyone else even knew. Even if they looked, no one ever would’ve found him. He’d have taken to the sewers if that’s what it took, man-eating crocodile guy and all.
Yes, another Jason Todd adoption fic, one in which he does not steal the tires. I have a type and I'm limiting myself to only 2 of the many I love. This one does not have much of a focus at all on the Bat-side of things, just a story of Jason finding a home, much older than in the comics.
A Straight Blade by Sparkypants
"What happened to your face?" Bruce asks, reaching his hand for Jason's jaw. "You're bleeding." Jason bristles, cheeks turning pink. "I cut myself shaving." He says, and wipes at the cut with the cuff of his hoody. Damian makes a clicking noise with his tongue, "I'm amazed you haven't taken your own head off." He snarks. Jason shoves his chair away from the table, temper flaring. "Well it's not like anyone ever taught me, is it." He hisses. He's five years late, but Bruce finally teaches Jason how to shave.
Quick one-shot with feelings. Great little read I often find myself revisiting.
Growing Like a Breeze by WhaleofaTime
April 27th isn't anyone's favorite date, but it's somehow worse than usual today when Bruce gets his car stolen. It's nice of Red Hood to come to his rescue. Nicer even that Jason keeps him company afterwards.
One of those fics that explains everything about why Jason and Bruce's dynamic and relationship is so magnetic to read about. They both suck at feelings and yet make me feel SO MUCH.
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regular-gnome · 4 months
Through many AUs I've been through, yours are the one I like the most, because it's a more realistic one.
I can see that the "cruelty" of other Collectors are not like that they are evil.
For a being that is older than universe, they are like the Gardeners of Stars, as a gardener you have to cut it out what is dead, you have to treat the soil, prepare it for a new tree, now with planets it's kind the same, they visit, they watch, and so they decide if some species is worth to keep and if they are not worth for keeping.
And so, this process of leaving a juvenile collector in a planet till the dominant species dies is kinda a hardening process, in order for them to grow mature and to not let feelings intervene in the decision process, like being a doctor, you must put aside the fear of hurting the patient in order to heal the patient.
But in TOH things got different, they found a species that represented danger to themselves, so they used another species to kill the titans and the little collector paid the piper.
Im very glad you enjoy the AU:D
The concept is rooted in the idea that generally, people or characters don't choose evil simply for the sake of being evil. But nobody is omnicent, they react to whats happening, trying to figure out what might be "best" as they go without really a way to know for sure if its a right call. Having power to destroy a planet with swipe of finger rises the stakes for literally everyone. When the Collector was releashed during King's Tide the game changed. If Belos had managed to control them - nobody would have been able to challenge him. Even Odalia tried to suggest totally reshaping the isles. Seeing anyone as mostly/ only dangerous power sources creates power imbalance, something that can evolve into very shaky and actually dangerous relation when the other side realises they were never really considered a equal person and having the ability to revange. There is a lot of implications and possibilities when someone possesses such power with no oversight and unlimited time but also is a person that doesnt want to be alone:D
If involvement with mortals ends in some kind of complications the collectors will be around to see the consequences, even if they don't directly experience them so sort of desensitization toward the very life they are trying to preserve is bound to happen. "They live for so short and can cause so much change in their own system, its best to control the situation" type of mindset. Also thinking of ecosystem like gardens that need work on makes it easier to deal with, especially since with the scale of galaxy they cant just spend unlimited amout of time in one place full of creatures that do not want to be preserved. Their actions come from a place of care but there is inherent cruelty in their concern
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Sooo yeah, its the perspective that might develop in that kind of situation and might end up with leaving one of their own alone for eons. But who knows, this AU is a lot of theories in a trenchcoat and i dont want to defend their actions. Killing all titans? yeah thats bad. It's more about theorizing why anyone would consider that a reasonable option while also not being evil just cuz
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via-the-cryptid · 8 months
Ive been thiking a little about some things:
1.- I dont remember if one of the Rules of Prismo's Wishroom was that you have to arrive on your own to get a wish or you could be invited, but even if thats the case they could still have Farmworld's Enchiridion (because here there is no backstabbing that ends with the book destroyed) to open a portal so Simon gets his wish the right way.
2.- Talking about Farmworld, I cant imagine how Finn, who has been living with a magical snow mom for a couple of months/years by now, would react to seeing a magical ice version of himself in Crossover.
3.- Continuing with Farmworld, we assume that both that and the regular timeline advance at the same time, so if they go into the multiversal adventure with Finn still being a Teenager, that would mean that Farmworld Finn would also be a Teenager when they arrive. But that could open another story, maybe they find him after his parents and brother died/left for some reason and he is on his own with normal Jake and Bartram, maybe when he meets his future wife AKA Huntress Wizard.
4.- If you think about it regular Marceline its indeed stronger than the Star we saw on canon because while the Star has the powers of all the Vampire Council, Marceline has that +VK pure vampire soul. Also idea, this Star was raised by The Empress instead of the VK, because she was the one who wanted to create an Empire on Stakes and in this AU maybe she trained Marceline to take down VK and get the throne. Also that opens the chance to have Betty saying "Empress! You're a bad Mother!"
answering in sections again:
1. I don’t think it’s ever specified if you have to arrive naturally or if you can be invited when it comes to making a wish — the only rule I remember (and there may be others that I forgot, so feel free to correct me if I’m wrong) is that you can only have one wish per person. as far as I know, Magic Simon should be able to make his wish when he’s first invited to the wish cube in order to explain the Snow Queen situation. however, if you do have to get there naturally and you can’t be invited if you’re making a wish, he’d probably just tell Finn, Jake, and Marceline what he was doing so they could help him collect the jewels and open the portal with their own enchiridion.
2. Finn would probably be very weirded out by Ice Finn, and it would also make him consider the whole Snow Queen situation even more. He sees this version of himself who’s absolutely destroyed by the crown, and then he turns around and sees his mom, who’s just… kinda senile and obsessed with her husband. I feel like that’s gotta mess him up, to know that the crown that made Betty obsess over Simon, also turned Finn into a monster in a different reality. if he talks to Snow Betty about it later, she’ll probably be able to explain the way the crown corrupts and what she was like at the start, as well as Ice Finn’s motivations for doing what he’s doing (because it’s not purely malicious, Ice Finn clearly talks about keeping everyone safe with his ice and trying to protect them), but that will be have to come later since they’re pretty busy avoiding the interdimensional cops when the two Finns meet.
3. you are right, and I actually didn’t consider that before, but I definitely should have. in that case, Farmworld Finn probably still has his wife (could be Huntress Wizard, Phoebe, or even Rosalinen from the Puhoy episode) and might have already had Jay, maybe? but probably none of the either children, and Jay would still be a baby, as would Little Destiny. I think Magic Simon and Snow Betty & co would probably still follow someone out to the crater, but in this case it’s more likely to be Farmworld Finn showing them that the crown is already destroyed, at which point they find the Jewel and decide to use it to find another version of the crown, and then Scarab shows up and they gotta book it real fast. Magic Simon may be way more powerful than he has any right to be, but nobody wants to risk him or anyone else getting put in one of those eggs if Scarab manages to hit them at the right moment. Farmworld Finn runs as soon as Scarab arrives, specifically because the Ooo gang told him to and because Magic Simon immediately started having a wizard showdown, and Farmworld Finn ain’t getting involved in wiz biz.
4. you’re RIGHT, she IS! and you’re also right about the Empress probably being the one to take a front role in raising her, because it seems like the VK is definitely following Empress’s plans here. Snow Betty would definitely yell at her and probably chuck a rock at her head, which I doubt would do anything but it would certainly make Snow Betty feel better. Marceline and the Star also get to have a showdown while Vampworld Bonnie watches and realises that maybe perhaps she has a bit of a crush on this alternate Marceline. just a small one. maybe actually a really big one. regardless, I think that VK is still the one with the crown and is ‘in charge’ of the empire, but he’s a little senile and it’s really Empress pulling the strings and mildly grooming the Star as her replacement if she or VK ever falls.
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zlobonessa · 14 days
standing in the doorway menacingly. I brought my writing here Again.
this one was a part of a regurein challenge i organized for myself on regulus chapter anniversary. not sure if i'll translate the rest but i like this one. regurein, canonverse (so regulus is at his Usual Bullshit), soulmate au. bon appetit.
Regulus's world has been full of colors since birth, and its shades are repugnant to him.
One day your soulmate will die, and you will never see anything but black and white again, says his mother and sighs, if fate allows, you will find out who was prepared for you only in old age.
Regulus — he's fourteen, bony, awkward, and with an eternally whiny face that makes girls laugh — doesn't like this idea at all. And if he chooses incorrectly? So he's going to spend his whole life on the wrong person —just might as well throw it into a compost heap, is that it? Just like that?! But that's what's going to happen, surely it will: how is he supposed to meet his soulmate here, in this barely-a-village? He is not, that's for sure. It is more possible in the town, but they will not let him move there: only smart and strong kids who can work there and send money to their families move to the town, while Regulus...
No one will ever believe that Regulus is not a stupid little boy who will be hit by a cart as soon as he leaves the yard. His parents won't, that's for certain. They don't care that Regulus will spend his whole life in the middle of nowhere, digging in cabbage beds — and his knees, by the way, hurt already, what will happen to him in twenty years? — while all his peers run away to the town to live a better life. His brothers, two relentless idiots, and these jerks who keep laughing and laughing, and even this moron, Rodimus, face so stupid, it's unbelievable, and he barely can form a sentence, but his shoulders are as wide as a doorframe, and he can carry a whole sheep on his back, — everyone will leave him here to rot alone until he becomes a half-witted old man, like that one from the edge of the forest who hanged himself last winter, and Regulus' mother said that he broke his hip and did not want to starve to death, because there was nobody to care for him. His children abandoned him long ago because he was, well, crazy, and his wife died even earlier when everything suddenly turned black in front of his eyes, and she realized that she had married the wrong man and rushed into the river out of grief. How do they know how "capable" he is, huh? What kind of abilities can you have here, in the wilderness, without anything? Cook an empty cabbage soup? How is he supposed to know how to cook it, look, his mother had been cooking it for decades, and it still tastes like grassy water, and is it really that much worse that all his attempts were burnt? If he had been born somewhere else, say, in that same town, he would have been rich then and never cooked at all, and would not have weeded the beds, and in general he would not have been engaged in any of this stupidity, but would have been busy with something actually important — like finding a soulmate, for example.
A soulmate, they say, is someone who will understand you always and easily, someone who gets your feelings like their own, your other half. Soulmate wouldn't laugh at Regulus. Soulmate would not call Regulus a stupid kid with stupid feelings.
Regulus is fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, and twenty, he is bony, awkward, and with an eternally whiny face, and he does not know who his soulmate is.
No, there is one — they have known each other since they were five, probably, she lives in a house next to him and is the same age, is the only child who was often sent to play with them so as not to get in the way, quiet, non-talkative, never laughed at him — but she never laughed at anyone, but she never laughed at him, and everyone laughs at him. She's — well — blonde, soft, and smells like some sweet forest herbs.
And she's getting married in a few days.
Haha, Regulus, what did you think? That somebody will want you like that? That you — seriously, you? — can have the only person who didn't dislike you? Sure thing. Only your family can love you, and they can't stand you — this child is a punishment from gods, I swear, — and your soulmate, even if you meet him by some miracle, will forever nag you about how worthless and useless you are, and how being bound by fate to you — is one neverending tragedy.
It's not fair. He just doesn't deserve anything good. He simply has no right to anything good. Is that his fate?
"What a tragedy the future sometimes brings, prescribed by an indifferent fate," says a strange, strange girl, glowing pure white from within, and Regulus believes her like no one else. "For ordinary people, fate brings order and clarity to their lives, and that's why they need it — but you are not one of them. You are special, you are not one of those who need her guidance and charity, and it is completely unfair to force you to live like them."
Regulus paints the world red, pulsating, tearing wet, splashing, dripping, and drying. Oh, this is better. Now we're talking. The one who laughs last laughs well, eh?
(He stands on the smeared, torn-up dirt that was once his courtyard, and the sucking dark pit under his ribs does not disappear anywhere at all.)
Oh, and he's taking her with him too. So what? Soulmates? Since when does he care about soulmates? These soulmates didn't do him any good. Follow the instructions of some higher power — how about you'll find another fool for that.
"Tell me, that guy... honestly, I can't help but point out that his face... ugh, seriously, if I were not your new and, let me add, much more attractive fiance, I would question your taste in men, you know... Tell me, was he your soulmate?"
She is silent for a long time. Her gaze is blank. Regulus is completely satisfied with this. Let her not look at him at all. It's better this way.
"No." She is still silent. "It didn't matter to me."
Regulus suddenly feels like he's choking in the summer heat, down on his knees between cabbage beds.
"What? What's that supposed to mean, it doesn't matter?"
She shudders.
"Nothing? I'm sorry? It doesn't seem to me that this is "nothing"! Who are you trying to fool, exactly, your future husband? In any other situation, I would!.. What is this all about? Haven't you all been running around with the idea of soulmates like somebody bit you in the ass? Are you trying to say that you didn't care? All this time? Pfft!.. It's just ridiculous! You!... You know what? I'll get out of here. You have disappointed me so much. I'm going to get out of here, and you're going to sit and think about your behavior!"
When she ends her life, she smiles and laughs in his face. Her body falls lifeless to the floor, and the pool of blood spilling under her is red.
There are other girls. Of course, there are: now he is not chained to any villages, to any worthless towns — ha! It's funny to even think that once it seemed to him the pinnacle of dreams, what a fool he was. There are other girls, they are blonde, pretty, obedient, do not smile in vain and do not look at him it all, then cross the line, defile themselves, pull his last nerves, show their true faces, grow old, show themselves to be unfit wives, and none of them manages to suck the colors out of the world of Regulus.
And that's right. Who are they, after all? Why on earth would they have the right to deprive him of the opportunity to contemplate the light? Hey, isn't that greedy? Definitely is! Now Regulus understands clearly: he just never had a soulmate. How did he not think of it before? What is he, some kind of defective freak? No, of course not. He, an exalted and enlightened man, does not need any "second halves" at all. To follow some kind of moldy old traditions? No, thanks. And anyway, his mother could have been lying. Maybe everyone was lying! Their fragile bodies simply break down on their own, and they have come up with some kind of half-assed explanation. What a comedy. And nobody had thought that it was some kind of nonsense? It's such a good thing it's not his problem.
"Let me kill you. It's simple, isn't it? Yes, yes, I admit, it's a bit cliche," Regulus says to the what Saint — Halberd Saint, maybe? He must admit — Regulus prides himself on his objectivity, after all — that he is not so bad: at least he has some manners, and his face is, well, um, rather symmetric. It's a pity, really. But what can be done? Double standards are unacceptable.
The young man's body falls to the ground with a completely ungracious flop, and — eh?
"Eh? Is this some kind of joke? Eh? Eh?!"
His blood is black, and his hair — it was bright red, he allowed himself to imagine that it would go well with blood, and now it's gray, and everything around — everything, absolutely everything, from earth to sky — everything is colored black, gray, and white.
Regulus rubs his eyes. And again.
"Hey, this is not funny. Does anyone even think this is funny? Haha, I'm going to fall. What have you done? What right did you have at all... No, this is absolutely unacceptable!"
Something inside him is turning inside out. He hadn't felt sick in a century or so.
"What are you talking about, you crazy man..." the boy begins, a disgusting mass of gray and black — and stops. His face contorts in horror and disgust.
"This, this... No, it's simply... how did you dare... I will, you, you..." He stammers; his lips are trembling. He tries to reach under his eyelid with his finger: frozen time rejects him, and he wants to immediately tear apart the ribs and the chests of all these, these, these... "All of you, I will!.."
"It's weird. I was under the impression that you were... hmm?"
The color returns immediately like nothing ever happened. The red-haired young man rises for the dead gracefully, even drenched in fresh rich red blood.
Regulus is pretty sure he's going to throw up. Maybe his heart will start pounding now just to stop.
"You." He points at him — Reinhard van Astrea, what a vile, vile, unbearable name — with a shaking finger.
"Me?" Reinhard stares at him blankly.
"How old are you?"
He frowns. Oh Witch, Regulus hates his face.
"I must admit, I don't see what this has to do with..."
"How old?"
Reinhard looks at the boy who has regained his revolting clothes colors. He only smiles tensely in response.
"Twenty. I don't..."
"Twenty. Twenty!" Laughter bursts from his throat. "Twenty, no, did you hear that? You asshole. You brute. You filthy lazy animal. I'm going to kill you now. You scum, you, you, you, you-u-u..."
Dirt, stones, planks, and buildings are flying everywhere. Regulus hardly sees what he's doing. The blood is pounding in his temples, and he knows that this is impossible. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter.
Nothing matters right now.
The colors from Reinhard's world are washed out in waves and rhythmically, with heartbeats. He doesn't say a word.
This is how fate is.
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phantomghost · 2 years
Addams Family au but its not only the Wayne Family its the entirety of Gotham
Gothamite to a Metropolitian: "we may not have apartments with all faucets functioning, but you don't have a crossbow, and I thought everyone had one of those
Gargoyles in Gotham are alive but not in a standing up walking around talking way, it is in a way that you have a deep feeling inside of you that they know what you are saying when you talk to them, it is in a way that they seem to shift and change minusculely as if they moved when you werent looking
Self defence classes are mandatory in Gotham. Subjects include swordfighting, How To Survive a Hostage Situation 101, disabling a bomb, variois martial arts, birdcalling (aka alerting the batfamily for help), how to handle various weapons like knives, crossbows, Arkham Breakout 101, etc.
There is a Gotham spirit similair to the House Spirit in the Addams Family animated movie. It lives deep in the streets and buildings of Gotham. It isnt kind but yet it loves so much, too kich and tries every day to be good despite it all. It's the essence if Gotham basically. Like those Gotham City is sentient fics. There are defintely cults around it.
Everybody knows that when their one of their socks are missing, it's the pixies. Everybody has seen a short glipse of a pixie at least once in their life. But nobody really does anything about them because when you give them offerings, they will tickle the noses of your enemies. Like any other Gotham myths, it's not actually a myth.
One time they built a building in a Metropolitian style (glass, stainless steel, sleek, modern, minimalist, shiny, metal, bronze) and overnight it changed to fit the Gotham goth style (gargoyles gargoyles gargoyles-) nobody knows how. Nobody cares how.
Every True Gothamite knows how to identify different blood splatters.
Metropolitian: "Okay, can I just check something? Everybody else can see the dead body right?" Gothamite: "It's just pretty!" Metropolitian: "It's someone's corpse. It's someone's dead corpse" Gothamite: "We're at someone's wake. What were you expecting. Have you never seen a dead body before? Metropolitian: "Of course not!" Gothamite:"Christ, but are the Metropolitians weird"
There lives an old grandma in the bowery who always sits on the balcony. She shouts at birds and when you talk to her she always manages to talk about her dead husband, who 'died in the 80s". Thing is, everybody knows her and remembers her being a grandma. She never changes, never ages. People claim that she keeps wearing the samr clothes throughout the years, never fading or worsening as normal clothes do. Even the rare 80 yr olds in Gotham remember the 'Old Grandma'.
Gotham lives in their own timezone and are 6 minutes off from everybody else. If you look into the streets you see ppl dressed in widely different time periods, from the 1780s to something that seems to belong in the 2190s.
Just, give me more Weird Gotham City, I live for that shit. The best part is that the world is already so goddamn weird with witches and gods and aliens and ghosts walking around, but somehow Gotham manages to be Weird anyway.
Feel free to add more
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Osmosis Jones AU thing...
~ Poking at the unmoving corpse, that is the Osmosis Fandome. ~
Are you dead? Yes? Splendid! Corpses make for such delightful conversaitions. :)
Osmosis Jones is a strange movie isn´t it? It has exelent animation, interesting charakter design and a facinating concept. But it suffers from... subpar execution.
You wouldn´t belive my surprise, when I found out that there was a drasticly different scipt, from 1998, of the movie. To be honest if just read the first 5 pages of the Original, but they where already so different. (Frank has a wife but no daughter, he eats a meatball that fell on the ground instead of THE egg and Thrax has a SAMURAI SWORD WHAT?!?)
But what really gave me THE brainrot was when i heard that Ozzy had a partner before Drix that was staight up killed by Thrax. This has so much potential for pain and suffring that i just couldn´t leave it alone. Which means dear Ozzy has to suffer for my enjoyment and nobody is going to stop me. (Also my two gratest insperations: mamonna and Burning by Sad Mudoken. They are the only ones who understand me and my fucked up interrests)
Now what exactly is this AU? Its a rewite of the movie... kind of. The plot will largly stay the same. (until the end where i will burn canon in alcahol) I just want to try to make the charakters more compelling. I also want everyone to know that I havent seen this mobie in years and i never saw the series. Which means that im just roling with what I remember. Let me know if it works and if someone wants to join the brainrot, you are always welcome.
Lets start with the main charakte for now, Osmosis Jones himself.
Ozzy is a unorthodox cop with a ruined reputation. The only reason he hasnt been fired yet is because of his past friendship with the poice chief (thoug that relationship is strained and wont help him keep his job much longer)
He insits on working alone, which more often than not cripels him in his duties. (cells are not meant to work alone) This makes him into a subpar cop, even thou he tries his best.
Ozzy used to have a partner. They where a exelent duo and renowned for taking down some of Franks most vile intruders. They where best buddys who knew each other for forever.
One one of there patrols did Ozzys partner get infected by a virus and he was forced to shot him.
Sice then the white bloodcell refues to work with someone else, scared that the past might repeat itself.
He harburs and extreme hatred for viruses and becomes singelminded and recless in the persut of them. (Thats why hes technicaly baned from doing so)
No romance with Leah, that was a stupid plot in my opinion.
Makes still constantly jokes and ingnors authority. (HA coping mechanism :) )
Resents Frank in a way because his partner died so that Frank can live, but Frank doesnt take care of himself and waits away. It makes him feel like his partner died for nothing. He still tries his best to keep Frank healthy.
He smokes when he is stressed, a habbit he picked up when his partner died
And a few sketches
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moon-lv3r · 11 months
soulmates ~ bruabba pt 2
🦋 category: angst, hurt no comfort, one-shot, soulmate au
🦋 characters: bucciarati, abbacchio
🦋 summary: au – in which people are born with red strings from their pinky that attach itself to their soulmate. the string would not appear until soulmate is born. the string appears physical but one can pass their hand through it. only you can see your own string and where it leads
the life of leone abbacchio and everything that contributed to his unfortunate downfall, never meeting his soulmate. all he had were regrets
part 1 - bruno’s pov
part 2 - leone’s pov
🦋 warnings: mentions of drug abuse, overd0sing and abuse
🦋 notes: wrote this at 4am!! took me like weeks to finish but here’s part 2 of the bruabba soulmate au! hope you guys enjoy it hehehehehehe~ i should give them a happy ending next time
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The young boy watched as rats ran about the house as though they had lived here.
His parents fought day and night, screaming about how someone like them could be their soulmate. What was soulmate really? How were his parents right for each other when all they did was a screaming match? Wasn’t finding the right one for you all about happiness? Why had it led to a life of misery for him?
Would the right person ever make life a misery for each other?
As the years went by, Leone eventually learned that his parents were in fact, not each other’s soulmate. Their respective soulmates had died and they learned to deal with it, finding each other at their worst and spiraling into the negatives.
Soulmates had to be a curse.
Love had to be the worst curse of all.
He wondered why his parents stayed with each other when they clearly hated each other so much. He was tired of their constant nonsense. He had to be the one to comfort his younger siblings whenever tears escaped from their eyes when their screaming matches often forced its way into their ears. But who was there to comfort him?
Leone Abbacchio had nobody.
Leone often told bedtime stories to his younger siblings, trying to drown out the fights that were occurring. He always did his best to comfort them, make the place feel like an actual home. All he wanted was for his siblings to have a normal childhood. His younger sister once asked why were their parents together, to which he responded, “Pfft, I don’t care about them. Just… get out of here when you can. Forget they ever existed. Find a proper family because this one, is broken, you don’t need this.” He changed the topic, it wasn’t a topic which he knew the answer to.
As fate would have it, the truth of their parents' marriage eventually slipped out.
“If I hadn’t slept with you and ended up pregnant with Leone, what makes you think I would’ve stayed?” His mother shouted during one of their matches. “You and Leone are my biggest mistakes ever!”
Leone stood in a corner as his siblings huddled him. He stared. His mother stared back. “What are you looking at boy? Don’t make me say it again.”
He was only a teenager when the truth came out. 15. He did what any 15 year old would do, he ran. He left the house, encouraged by his mother and protested by his siblings. Their cries were not enough to change his mind. The fury he had was stronger than ever.
Leone walked about his dirty neighborhood as a drunken woman walked by. Mrs Giovanna. All she did was go out to party, often leaving her son home. Leone turned around to see a young boy carrying the now passed out lady into their home. Why was everyone so messed up? What was soulmate really? Why had it caused all of this? The tragedy that was his life.
He stared up at the peaceful night sky. Away in the distance were the city lights, crowds filled the streets, people’s chatters headed for his ears, they seemed to live such peaceful lives. He wished that he could have that. Why couldn’t he have it all?
The stars seemed to be smiling down at him, pitying the fate that was the life of Leone Abbacchio. Perhaps the stars above were laughing at him, for his lack of an ability to shine. Leone was just a mere trash in an alleyway that nobody would ever stop to pay attention to. When was the last time he had cried?
“Hey boy, fancy some?” A ragged old man stood behind him, flashing rows of gum with a few rotten teeth left. In his mouth was a burnt cigarette. His eyes were as bloodshot as one can be. Not a single rational thought was behind his mind. Leone knew who he was. The sole drug dealer in his neighbourhood. It was hard to believe that he was a man in his thirties when he looked well beyond his years due to the substances he consumed on a daily basis. But it seemed to be able to help him cope…
“Give me your weakest,” Leone ordered. A small one wouldn’t hurt him right?
The weakest grew. Leone was becoming a changed man. Now he would engage in fighting his parents instead of protecting his younger siblings. His younger sister naturally took that role as she watched her elder brother spiral down into the abyss. He couldn’t fight it… not when there were drugs scattered about their home, courtesy to their parents. He needed that high.
“Hey!” Leone shouted at his mother, who was looking to pick a fight with him.
She glared at him, “You dare talk to your mother like this?” She spat. “I will not tolerate th-“
“Shut up! You stupid…” Leone uttered as his eyes drifted to his younger sister standing away in a corner, watching the shell that was her older brother. “Tch… You stupid woman…” He got up and slammed the door of his room. He began engaging in his substances again, unable to quit. Why was it so addicting? He had stolen this from his parents, after running out of money to get some.
The ecstasy he received from those white poison. He suddenly forgot about the troubles he had. It was like he was floating in heaven, living his best life. It was like he was shining among the stars. It was like he was living a life without troubles. He couldn’t free himself from the one thing that helped him forget… Even though it was slowly killing him. It was slowly driving him over the edge.
It wasn’t a surprise when the day came where he hit his own father in front of his whole family. His younger sister ushered all of the younger ones into their bedroom and told them a bedtime story so that they would sleep… just like Leone used to do. Leone was only a mere 15 years old, his sister was 10.
His younger sister had tried to get him off drugs but his withdrawal symptoms were so bad that he could somehow make their already broken home look less like a home. It wasn’t a scene a young child should see, much less endure. Yet, that was the fate of the Abbacchios. Drugs were ruining their household. Everything was ruined. All because of the death of their parents’ respective soulmates.
No wonder none of the children believed in soulmates.
It was the cause of all of their sufferings. It was horrible. It was terrible. How were they supposed to lead a normal life when all they knew were suffering?
At age 16, Leone had already dropped out of school, after an episode of him wrecking everything in his way. It wasn’t a pleasant thing, much less pleasant when Leone’s sister had no choice but to go on behalf of her parents to the discipline office because they were too high to even move. It was a ridiculous scene, yet nobody seemed to realise that something was going on. Maybe they did, but didn’t care enough to get help for the children.
The children had nobody in the cruel world they had little choice but to live in.
Things kept deteriorating. So was Leone’s addiction. He couldn’t go a day without using a single substance, it was a miracle he was still alive. It terrified his younger sister, while his parents did little to stop him. They were still fighting each other and encouraging Leone, often sharing their prized possessions and getting high together.
His younger sister had completely taken over his role as the younger siblings’ caretaker. It was too much. She wanted to blame Leone… but was it really his fault? When it was the environment they were welcomed in that made him that way? She moved her hatred towards her parents and protecting her siblings.
She wanted her elder brother back.
Leone Abbacchio had officially lost himself, at the young age of 16.
Drugs had overtaken him. He was nothing without a single powder. Not a day went by without him getting high on any substance he could get his hands on. If he didn’t take any, his parents would have to face his wrath, but his parents would fight him as well. Peace was something no Abbacchios knew of.
Years slipped by, the situation never improved. Leone was now an adult. He was 20, but he had never truly lived up to that age. His younger sister was now 15, yet she was the one who lived up to that age. She was now at the age at which Leone stopped living, before completely losing himself at 16. She still held onto the hope that her elder brother would return, and save her the responsibilities and get everyone out of the mess they called home.
Leone often returned home with new drugs, or fired from a new job. His sister often confided in their neighbour, a boy of the same age as her named Giorno Giovanna. Their similar situation led them to become friends. She finally had someone to share her troubles with. Leone was glad that she could at least find a decent friend, though he hadn’t liked that blonde stuck up much. But he was still better than him. All the friends Leone had could only encourage his addict behaviour, he just can’t quit it.
Their parents still remained the same. The younger siblings were at the age where they could slightly understand what was going on. It was a sad situation all around. One that seemed to be never ending. They were all trapped in this hell loop.
It wasn’t until one opportunity presented itself that Leone finally figured out a solution. He was going to murder their parents, but he wasn’t going to get caught for it. Leone was the one in charge of cooking, so it would be easy to spike their food. His parents often used drugs so dying of an overdose didn’t seem too far fetched either. It was like a perfect solution. He would call child protective services after that, and get his siblings taken away from him, so that they would be free from him.
Yes, that sounded like a great plan…
He had enough drugs to execute the murderous plan of his. He wondered what had driven him to this point where he was killing his own parents. It was crazy. It was insane. He was driven over the edge wasn’t he? Would he have done this if he wasn’t an addict?
He separated the meal and spiked the one he was going to serve to his parents. He watched as his siblings took their respective meals and ran back into their room, fearing him. He watched as his parents took their meal without even looking him in the eye. He watched as they ate their food, unaware that it was their very last meal. He watched as every bite brought them closer to their death. He watched as they slowly poisoned themselves…
He watched as they slowly died from the consequences of their actions…
Their own son.
He waited for his younger sister to spot the body before calling for child protective services. He watched as his younger sister cried all of her heart out. Crying at the people who never did their jobs as parents… yet a part of her loved them. He spoke into the phone and fed the person on the other side lies, how their parents were using drugs during dinner before abusing them. It was a convincing story. Calling child protective services was a backup, in case the dosage wasn’t enough to kill them.
Their parents did indeed die. The funeral was bleak, void of people. Nobody really cared about the Abbacchios, maybe that Giovanna boy did. But that was about it. Barely anyone showed up to mourn for the loss. But what loss was there to cry over? What did the world lose?
After the funeral, it was time for the children to be taken as Leone was deemed as incapable to look after the children. He wanted this to happen. They deserve a better shot at life than he did. He was nothing, nor will he amount to anything.
“Licia,” Leone ordered. He had something to say before he lost his sister for what could be forever. “I have something to say,” His tone sounded very nonchalant. Licia looked at the man who was supposed to protect her with a deadpan expression, “Make it quick.”
Leone sighed, “Promise me that you’ll do well. Get a good boyfriend, or girlfriend. I don't care. Never allow this to happen again. Listen to your big bro. I-“
“Can you promise me something as well?” His younger sister, Licia Abbacchio stared, trying to hold back tears. “Promise me you’ll quit… the next time I see you… You better be the Leone Abbacchio I always knew… Not this husk of a person. I want the Leone Abbacchio who used to tell me bedtimes stories back!”
Leone paused, staring at the ground before nodding, “Alright I promise. I’ll find all of you when I am clean. Promise me that you’ll enjoy what remains of your teenage years.”
Both siblings exchanged their promises and goodbyes before a teary goodbye. For the first time in years, Leone cried. He cried really hard. Why was life so hard? He hated his decision but he had to make it. What other choice had he got?
For months, Leone did his best to stay clean, to steer away from the dirty path. But it was horrible. He wondered if meeting his soulmate would help but decided against it. He didn’t want to trouble his soulmate with a burden like him. Whoever they were, should meet him when he becomes a better man. He was afraid of his parents’ relationship coming back to haunt him.
Leone just could not stay away. He did his best, but progress was slow. Sometimes he made progress, only to sink even deeper. It was a tough journey. But he had to do it. Leone grew reckless with his dosage, never paying attention to how much he consumed. He was growing careless with something that could kill him.
One night, one fateful night, he swallowed too much. He was careless and just consumed a whole package after trying to stay away for a week. Perhaps it was the redrawal symptoms hitting him, making him reckless. But there he laid, convulsing after vomiting his meal with blood in it. He tried to stand, but collapse onto the ground.
He had failed his sister’s promise. He was supposed to look for her when he became a better man. He was supposed to watch her live her best life. He broke the only thing his sister wanted from him. It was such a simple thing, yet there he laid. He was dying. Memories flashed before his mind, him telling bedtime stories… He wanted to do that again. The smiles he used to see. He wanted to see them all again… He can’t die… Not like this. It wasn’t supposed to end this way. He tried to reach for a phone but it seemed too far away… He looked at the red string on his finger. His soulmate… it seemed that they were not meant to be… Maybe his soulmate was better off without him… Yes…
Leone Abbacchio was worthless, a promise breaker. He deserved nothing.
He was sorry to everyone.
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evilmagician430 · 2 years
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u know what fuck it *posts my venturiantale warrior cats*
uh this is just the acachalla immediate family + maddie though i will post the pie cats when i've drawn all of them
i fucking LOVE designing warriorcats with stupid design motifs and shit and i love turning characters that already exist from something i like into the type of character in something else i like. this is one of those things in life that keep me relatively sane
blazestar is the clan leader but her warrior name was blazepool ^_^ i only mention this because when i came up with her name i thought it was soo pretty then i remembered if shes the clan leader she has 2 have the suffix -star. so the nice name i came up with went out teh window entirely. she became clan leader after the former leader and his deputy DIED in the same night due to a mysterious incident. nobody rlly cared though rip bozos. time 4 milf power. the medicine cat literally had a vision about how blazepool needs 2 be the new clan leader. thats how they decided so suddenly after that night in... garry'sclan...
missingfur is literally an old man he needs to stop killing people over territory boundaries but he doesnt have any other pastimes since he doesnt have any good stories or even ticks
pigeonfoot is the medicine cat and hes billy if you cant tell. i think all my designs r pretty obvious though so whatever. he knows everything awful that is going on but hes so dumn he forgets it instantly after starclan tells him. he caused a girl 2 spiral into insanity entirely on accident. he so cute i put little stars in his eyes because i thought that would be a fun idea for medcats 2 have stars in their eyes like how leaders r sometimes drawn with a star on their chest or forehead (like i did w blazestar..) i legit based his fur patterning and stuff off of a pigeon because again. cuteness points. the vm influence is deep under my skin like scarabs
BRIARFACE the little thing next 2 one of their ears is actually supposed 2 be a briar flower idk if you can see it. the token former kittypet. she used to live in a house but then she saw blazestar and missingfur on her patio one day and blazestar was like "what are your pronouns" and briarface (then some silly housecat name like uhh sweetums) was like. "she/they, i guess, but my housefolk have no way of knowing that, they just think im a tom" and blazestar was all like "if you join our clan we will call you by your preferred pronouns" and she was like folding missingfur's ears closed the whole time since he insisted on coming to the new recruit and wouldve been a bitch. and sweetums said "what?". and blazestar said "what." genuinely not understanding what they were not understanding. 2 weeks later she would become part of the family and be christened briarface because briar is like briar rose and it sounds pretty and face because they have distinctive facial patterning.
mapleclaw is the strongest toughest roughest prettiest girl in garry'sclan and she goe's two hell every night to get better at it. this isnt a secret though everybody knows and nobody minds. pigeonfoot found out from a vision and told everyone and they were like. cool. and he was like oh i guess its fine then. must not be that bad. like her venturiantale counterpart she also lost her entire original family when she was young to murder carried out by none other than JIMMY CASKET... a name that gets sillier the more i think about it. in this au or whatever his name is gravelblade. more on gravelblade later..
rustedpaw oh my god.. el gato ever. he also had all his remaining family die for unspecified reasons when he was quite young. blazestar finds him sitting pathetically in a pile of blood next to one or more of his family members corpsces. takes him home adopts him without question and apprentices him to gravelstep (gravelblade's non evil default form) but then he tries 2 kill missingfur in his sleep and #fails and blazestar is like!!! not my platonic babygirl guy best friend with tax benefits!! and they both decide 2 DIG A HOLE IN THE GROUND LIKE A FOXHOLE and make him live in there 4 being a foxheart (attempted murder). then he just lives there. screaming to be heard. sometimes a cat will stop by to talk with him out of pity or genuine interest. sometime it will be mapleclaw as she's also in charge of bringing him food. also gravelstep is bummed abt being out of an apprentice bht blazestar is like "Don't worry... youre still my fav deputy :)" and gravelstep says " i am your only deputy stop acting like its a superlative"
foxflower used to be a friend of pigeonfoot's who had like a big crush on him and was contantly teasing him, flirting with him and every1 thought they were going to become mates but pigeonfoot just wasnt into her like that. this was solidified when he became a medicine cat and foxflower was like. oh fuck now i REALLY cant have him. so instead she dedicated her life to evil. she still harasses pigeonfoot while hes working and in defense mode mapleclaw killed her early on. they forgot 2 bury her and she stood up and started talking and walking around again 24 hrs later. this was how they discovered every1 in garry'sclan or venturianclan or whatever im calling it has infinity lives..
because they exist purely 2 entertain starclan and nothing they do or that happens 2 them matterz. blazestar actually found this out while she was becoming leader but 4got 2 tell everyone ^_^;
gee whiz i did not realize how much text i would need to type out the lore i had in my head 4 these guys OOPS. guess i really am that deranged. i hope theres like a read more thing on this post when i put it up so this isnt like hell to scroll past everytime uhh goodnight!
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jadelavender1301 · 1 year
“You know, it is good to be out amongst the humans every once in a while.” Renee glares and Andrew while Andrew glares at yet another man too drunk to avoid running into him.
Andrew doesn’t bother responding, and the two of them stand in silence for several seconds till Renee decides on her second approach.
“Maybe you will learn something from them.”
 “There is nothing they could teach me.”
Andrew has seen humans. He has been around, observing, for thousands of years. He has seen the nonsensical patterns of life. Humans think and act in ways he has never understood. He has done this with Renee before: follow her as she reaps the dead. None of them are ever ready to go. Death is just as natural as birth, yet it is feared. All so they can continue the inane act of living. Still, he didn’t lie to his sister, it’s just that he doesn’t believe the humans have any logical explanations to give to him, rather than Andrew already knowing everything there is to know about them.
She opens her mouth to retaliate, but pauses when a voice pierces through the loud chatter of the pub.
“I’ve seen death. I know what death is.”
It wasn’t hard to find the source of the voice. He was standing, one foot stood on the seat at his table, a mug in his hand, though he didn’t look even slightly intoxicated.
“Death it… is stupid.” the man continues. Andrew doesn’t know what to direct his focus to: The man’s words, or his face. “Nobody has to die. The only reason people die is because everyone dies it. You all just go along with it. But not me. I’ve made up my mind. I’m not going to die.”
The owner of the voice holds his mug up with a wide triumphant grin that showed off a single dimple in his left cheek. His eyes are a bright blue, easy to see even with a quarter of the room between the two of them. His hair is an almost unnatural type of red and falls too far down his face, though he doesn’t even seem to notice whenever it covers his eyes. Andrew wonders how he hadn’t spotted the man sooner.
And he wants to live, he says. In a voice that sounds like a song, this man says he never wants to die.
“Neil Josten,” Renee informs him, because Death knows everyone who will eventually knock on its door. “I could grant his wish.” She latches onto this third approach—low hanging fruit in Andrew’s opinion.
“Death comes for every man.” The man closest to Neil Josten responds.
“You don’t know that.” His confidence doesn’t wane in the slightest. “I might get lucky—there’s always a first time. There’s so much to do, so many things to see.”
Third times a charm they say. Andrew clenches his jaw and caves in.
“Why would any sensible creature crave an eternity of this?”
“You could find out.” Renee responds with her soft serene smile that says you gave her exactly what she wanted. More flies with honey and what not.
“He won’t last a century before he’s begging for death.”
She looks back to Andrew from Neil, allowing her smile to hit him full force. “Are you going to tell him, or should I?”
The Sandman AU no one asked for and no one wanted
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mrstsung · 2 years
My self ship with shang in a nutshell
*may be subject to change because im still working on it fully*
In my au. Shang after a certain amount of times he got his ass kicked by liu kang (my hc verse the whole thing in aftetmath did happen but things got "reset" and everyone sorta lived but don't remember shit cept in vague dreams n visions well the gods do at least. Therefore i can keep some things while rearranging the furniture so to speak. The crown is rewritten as an elder god artifact and shang only added to it not created it. And kronika gets killed off waaaaay before any of that shit. And is rewritten to be an elder god of time(of future) and geras(of past) because f that stupid titans bullshit. Cetrion is rewritten to be a main antagonist and more important. And basically I'm making this way better than canons shitshow of a so called "plot" ). He got sent to gay baby jail . And now is fighting for his freedom. Many years go by. Every 10yrs or so he can challenge for his freedom. In a minor tournament of mortal kombat. No fatalities,no powers,only fists. Basically a normal martial tournament however fatalities are not required,only suggested. However you still only get 3 mercys/friendships/sparings. Because rule of 3. Anyways. Basically shang is lonely,desperate and tired.
So....here comes me. Washed up randomly on his beach. (I haven't come up with any true background before yet. So go easy on me.) And shang's like owo whats dis?! Because look this binch aint got none in how long? And also is hella desperate to get free like i said. Theres more to it but I'll leave it at that for now.
At first he's like
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You can check out any time you like,but you can never leave. Hotel California head ass.
Then he's like
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I would be happy to train you. Because he needs help. He definitely at first tho before this plays the "cute helpless old man" because of course shang would. -_-
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But I'm not gonna make it easy on you.
Then i train hard. A few years go by. Things heat up between me n shang. And well feelings develop. And he's not sure if he wants me in a tournament. Because he's scared of actually losing me.
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Cute ol man. Look don't judge me. Old man shang is hella cute too. Like i love all shang tsung ok? Im a shang tsimp.
And then somehow,some way anyway. Entered into a minor tournament. Either snuck in or he gave in. Either way.
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Shang isn't happy. But he allows it,under close supervision.
But somehow. By a miracle. I win
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This pleases shang. Now he has his freedom. Lucky for them thats all he got. And nobody truly died. But shang is now a free dude. And no longer bound to his island.
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But of course shit dont stay so sweet because its mortal fuckin kombat.
This asshole gets resurrected somehow,and kidnaps me because reasons.
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Bald ahh binch.
Shang isn't happy
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But it's ok because he saves me. And that's when things get super serious for me n shang. And he of course gains his youth and vitality more back(which would be jarring for me ngl but its all good). And of course after that close call he trains me slightly in magic,only enough for defense of course. Nothing major. As he doesn't want me to not only surpass him.(its shang ok you knew this was gonna be a problem) but also because he wants me to not end up like him. The one pure soul he cares for. That and some dope ass magic armor.
And after that pretty much we live on the island for the most part in peace.
Minus the occasional outside problem or two
(Srry for the mk legends shang tsung spam tho. Because bruuuuuh. He is hella cool in that movie. Nothing beats tagawa,he's the og after all. But mk legends BOTR and SR shang tsung is dope af design. The voice is ok. I always imagined shang to have a lower set voice tho. Mellow and snakey and almost hypnotic. Like fr. Smooth like butter. Because how else can someone so notoriously snake tongued be not having a voice that sound delicious? And also knows Exactly how to treat someone? Or exactly what to say or comfort. Like fr. This is basic 101. (I do believe shang tsung can love deeply. And genuinely. Its just been a hot ass minute since that and he dont trust easy due to a lot of factors but a majority of that is when he was in service under shao Khan)
But yeah that's basically it.
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sie-rui · 3 years
Hello could i request the boys (chifuyu,baji,angry) finding out the readers father is a yakuza boss,
Its the same request like you did with mikey,draken and mitsuya.
(Sorry if my englisch is not good)
;; the boys find out their s/o is the daughter of a big time yakuza boss
🥛 — matsuno chifuyu, baji keisuke, kawata angry souya
🧾 — gender neutral, second pov (you/your), cursing, fluff, family, au - everyone lives / nobody dies, au - highschool, established relationship, headcanon
✉ — i'm finally back! sorry for disappearing...
🔖 — [ 1 | 2 ]
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↠ In his defense, Chifuyu wasn’t that updated with the gangs around. That’s Yamagishi’s job.
↠ So it was all fine and dandy.
↠ Chifuyu just had to love you so much that he thought about introducing himself to your parents because it was right to do so.
↠ You loved that about him. Despite being a delinquent through and through, Chifuyu always maintained his grades and knew who and how to respect. (You have to thank Baji for that. According to him, Chifuyu was a menace-)
↠ There was no prior preparation whatsoever.
↠ You just dragged him to your house where you knew your father would be.
“Wait, wait! I meant, like, next week or something? Aren’t your parents busy?”
“I already texted him though…”
↠ Chifuyu was so not ready.
↠ When the both of you stopped in front of a traditional house, men walking out, tattoos on their collarbones (or at least in the skin that showed) and shirts with prints and a jacket- Chifuyu wondered if he fucked up.
↠ He glances at you in silent question only to see you smiling happily and greeting the men. They spared him a distrustful glance but greeted you just as merrily.
“Y/n, are we in the right place?”
“Huh? Of course we are. Those guys work with my dad.”
“I love you.”
↠ He truly does. If this is the last time he can say it, he’s not going to miss the chance.
↠ You only smile, kissing him on the lips. Just as the front door slides open and your father blinks at the scene of his dear daughter kissing an unfamiliar boy in his front yard. It was not a good first impression.
↠ Chifuyu sees his life flash in front of his eyes.
“Dad! This is Chifuyu, my boyfriend.”
↠ He could only numbly greet your father, lowering his head while holding your hand tightly.
↠ Honestly, he was surprised that he was even let inside the house and told to stay for dinner.
↠ Chifuyu could only guess that he had come around when your father was in a good mood as you hum around the kitchen while he helps you and your dad lounges in the living room.
↠ Your father didn’t have much to say about him, only quietly scrutinizing him during the dinner but by then Chifuyu was already preoccupied by you telling him little stories.
↠ Most of the time, he was busy talking with you while your father observes him and his initial reactions and his mannerisms that just told a lot.
“What do you think about him?”
“He’s a good kid.”
“Of course! That’s my Chifuyu.”
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↠ There is just something familiar about the way you carried yourself, your looks, your mannerisms.
↠ It reminded Baji of Mikey. Mikey with a powerful brother that had a big name, Mikey who was confident (arrogant, if he’s being completely honest). You just had the same aura.
↠ It slipped his mind a few weeks into dating.
↠ But then he asked about your family since he already introduced you to his.
“Do you wanna meet my dad? I talked about you with him before and he really wanted to see you but he’s just been busy!”
“Really? Sure! As long as we aren’t taking his time.”
“I’m sure it’s no problem. He’s the oyabun so I guess he can ditch anytime. I’d probably do it if I was one.”
↠ Baji had to pause and wonder if you even knew the words that you were using.
↠ He looked at you and you were grinning so excitedly, telling him all these little things from the silverware, the possible meals, and even how he was going to call your father; Baji had long drifted off, deeper into thought.
↠ Right. Just like Mikey, you gave off that aura of someone powerful backing you up so there was no need to worry about anything. (Baji doesn’t doubt that you’re capable of pulling yourself out of a deep hole on your own as well just like his blond friend.)
↠ Fuck.
↠ Baji loves and respects his mother. If she says that you have to bow, greet, and respect your partner’s girlfriend no matter how they are (unless they hurt said partner—that’s a different story altogether), then that was what he was going to do.
↠ Please, Baji would be clearing his throat every few seconds on his way there as he keeps on adjusting his shirt and jacket.
↠ You would be the one to open the door since he personally asked you to the day before and you would almost trip over since his hair was tied up, a few of his shorter strands framing his face, his clothes clean and ironed and shoes shined.
“Kei~ I told you to not try too hard! Dad would love you!”
↠ He honestly doubts that.
↠ The first time his eyes met your father’s, Baji just had to mess it up and keep the contact for a few seconds, almost forgetting to greet him.
↠ Dinner was awkward but Baji had loosened up a little after a squeeze on his arm from you and he was smiling carelessly while your dad assesses him.
↠ He may have doubted about your dad easily accepting him but Keisuke is sure that you love him. That’s enough for him.
↠ There were times when he almost spoke out of line (like when your father commented that he could have left you for more important matters such as Toman) but Baji pulled through. Somehow.
↠ The tension wasn’t completely dissipated on the end of the dinner but it was already gone in Baji’s side. If your father keeps on giving him looks then he’s ignoring them spectacularly.
↠ When the both of you walked him out of the door, Baji giving you one last peck on the cheek and letting one last bow, he couldn’t help but overhear how you told your dad that you were being too hard on him.
↠ That was exactly why he suddenly lost all his worries in the middle of the dinner. It was because he knew that you were on his side.
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↠ The topic was brought up when the two of you were hanging out in his house with Nahoya, watching a movie together.
↠ Since you already met his twin, it was only fair that he got to meet your family as well. (Nahoya was the one who pointed it out.)
↠ The date was set immediately. (Souya having almost no say in it since he just agreed to everything you and Nahoya said.)
↠ He was nervous of course but there was no time for nervousness when he still had to prepare something, a small gift, for your family. Even Nahoya who usually didn’t give any shit about respect was urging him to get something since it was only respectful to do so.
“But isn’t that for those who are planning to propose though?”
“No. Jesus, no. Just… Just get them something.”
↠ It was instilled in him earlier that the way to a person’s heart is through their stomach.
↠ Souya knows that there was a lot of reasons why you fell for him—you remind him every time you could—but he is well-aware that one of the main reason was because of his cooking.
↠ If he can make you fall for him with that then he’s sure that he can get your parents to like him with it as well.
↠ The problem was that he didn’t know what to make.
↠ He ended up borrowing one of his brother’s more formal clothes, getting help with his hair as he holds onto the package tightly, trying not to mess up the wrapping that took him an hour to get right.
↠ Souya decided to play it safe, making an assortment of sweets in case your father had any allergies.
↠ He, though, had to stop in front of a house that had a familiar emblem on it. There were a few men walking around, giving him glances but didn't do anything when he approached the door.
↠ Souya had already gotten a gist of the situation just from that.
↠ The person who opened the door was none other than your dad as you were still busy making the last setups.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Kawata Souya, your daughter’s boyfriend.”
↠ His expression was calm, the usual downturn of his lips only pulled into a thin line as he tries to stop himself from just screaming and dying right then and there because your father clearly wasn’t looking away with that glare and he could still feel the gazes in his back.
↠ He offers the little present and this time, your father’s gaze softens a little from the thoughtful gift when Souya explained that he wasn’t sure what he liked so he prepared a lot.
↠ Dinner was peaceful enough,
↠ Souya’s nicer personality shining even more the more your father looked. It was in the smallest of things, when he helped you cut that piece of beef, when he fixed the loose strand in your hair, the way he politely replies to the questions despite the seemingly permanent frown, and even how he offered to wash the dishes even though he was the guest.
“Your boyfriend is a cook. A good one?”
“It… Well, the stomach is the way to a person’s heart!”
↠ Souya smiles when he overheard the conversation.
↠ He was totally right then. There is nothing to fear when you can cook. Not even yakuzas.
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[ coffee: sielou ]
[ tag list: @emergencyfoodpaimon | @primsonnn | @gommiswifey | @alllostone | @lazecchi | @manjiroarchiviste | @chibichab | @salsas-without-the-middle-s |  @dai-tsukki-desu​ |  asawa-ni-senju | m4tsuch1 | chixkadee |  gwynsapphire |  rugbey |  inu1gf ]
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lily-drake · 3 years
Fantasy/Twin AU
Sorry for being late and not posting for a bit. Was a bit burnt out and had writer block. I will go back to write the other days soon though. Also, sorry, I suck at writing wing aus, this is my first time doing it.
Earth J-236, an earth full of mystical life.  An earth where everyone is born with wings.  Your wings represented who you are; well not really, but that’s what people believed.  If your wings were bright and colorful then you were obviously an amazing person, but if your wings were darker or had little color, then you have great evil in your soul.  Marinette was born seconds after her twin, Damian.  It takes a few years before your wings fully grow in, usually to about 6.  But with the accelerated growth serums used in their artificial wombs, it took them till they were three for their feathers to sprout.  Damian’s were black like their father’s with subtle hints of red like their mothers.  Marinette’s were pure black, devoid of any color, and her mother was so proud of that.  She was the League’s charm, for it’s believed that anyone with pure black wings was pure evil.  Her only purpose being to protect her brother, nothing else was more important than her brother’s safety.  She would die for him, because if he died she might as well have died as well as her only purpose for living would be gone.
Damian glared at his sister, his wings ruffling in annoyance.  She was hovering close to him again, and she never said anything to him ever unless she was completely sure they were alone.  He did not believe that his sister was or could ever be, “pure evil” just because of her wings.  In fact, her mannerisms are the exact opposite of what people believed.  She, in her own ways, is caring, sweet, and protective.  He had seen, and helped, her nurse a baby bird that had fallen from its nest back to health.  She would often place little things around the base for only him to find such as some extra baklava, a throwing knife, a drawing of someone, beads, or other random objects.  Grandfather had always been extra hard on her, making sure she wouldn’t betray them, she wouldn’t become “evil enough to lose herself”.  Sometimes she would sneak into his room at night, and it tore him apart to see silent tears run down his little sister's face as small black raven feathers fell onto the floor from her days worth of training.  He had been learning how to fly, her wings had been clipped every two or three months so she could not leave the base.  She had learned long ago to control her facial and wing expressions, but he could always see the droop in them and the sad shine in her eyes as she stood on the ground while he was in the air.
Marinette looked up and watched as the fiery Phoenix flew through the air setting Nada Parabat aflame.  She didn’t feel much as she watched her grandfather get blown up.  She only felt great anxiety and fear as she could not find her brother.  She loved her brother, and if her job was to cause chaos, she would make sure she could prevent it from hurting him.  Grandfather had told her about how cursed she was, it’s why they had to be extra tough on her, and she understood that.  They couldn’t have her hurting anyone they needed, only the people they wanted gone.  She was angry at grandfather yesterday for taking some of her feathers for failing a task, this must have been her fault.  She didn’t want to hurt her brother, her wings had only proven nothing but destruction.  She had to leave now, then she could go where no one else was, and she wouldn’t have to hurt anyone else.  So like a coward, like the disgrace she was, she ran.  She kept her wings tight against her back making sure that no one could grab them as she ran.  An arrow hit one of them, but she didn’t have time to think about the burning pain as she ran and ran and ran farther and farther and farther away.  Tears ran down her cheeks as she silently prayed that her brother would be okay.
She didn’t know how long she ran, but she knew it must have been a really long time as she had just collapsed from exhaustion in the woods.  She looked back at her wings and slowly and carefully spread them out and hissed in pain from where the arrow had pierced her left wing.  Drops of red slowly dripped down her feathers and dropped on the ground.  She quickly closed them and made sure they were as small and put away as possible.  She looked up at the trees made of brass with different colored jade leaves.  Pearl-like apples growing on a few.  She watched a baby griffon follow it’s mother in the distance, turtle ducks waddling to a pond somewhere nearby, deer nibbling on plants, she could hear the rustling of leaves and branches from unseen creatures and everything was getting more blurry and dark.  She was cold, it felt very cold.  She slowly unwound her wings from around herself and closed them tightly around her, but that didn’t stop the chill that went deep down to her bones.  She was a failure, a mistake, she would only cause harm.  Here she wouldn’t be able to do that, and if she died here, then no one would be hurt by her again, and wasn’t that such a nice thought.
Tom and Sabine had finally been able to hire some trusted employees and explore places in Tibet.  They had made lots of money over the years with their successful bakery, and they thought now was a better time than ever to go on a real honeymoon as they hadn’t been able to afford it before when the bakery had first started.  It was during one of these forest explorations when they saw a trail of little drops of blood and felt they needed to follow it.  What they discovered broke their hearts.  There lying on the cold forest floor was what appeared to be a child hugging their very black wings around them.  They knew of the rumors and myths of black winged people, but they did not care.  They believed that their wings were not what made them evil, but rather situations put into their lives.  Sabine quickly checked for a pulse, and though it was slow she sighed in relief when she felt it.  She quickly handed the small unconscious girl to Tom and they both quickly went to the nearest hospital.  How could someone leave such a small child all alone to die like that?  It looked as if she had been injured if the dried blood on the small fragile wings said anything.  And worst of all, upon closer examination, they had been clipped, recently too.
As soon as they arrived they carried the small girl to the front and demanded that they take her in.  They waited until the doctors were done and gave them permission to visit claiming to be the girl’s adopted parents.  It wasn’t technically a lie, they would be soon even if Sabine had to force it to happen.
When Marinette woke up she knew something was off.  She was under a blanket, she’s never been given a blanket before.  The sent of bleach and chemicals were everywhere and it hurt her nose.  There was a beeping noise next to her that was giving her a headache.  She didn’t know where she was, and that was bad.  She opened her eyes a small fraction so nobody could see she was awake and looked around as much as she could.  The entire room was white and there were bright lights.  There were two strange people waiting in chairs near where she was laying.  She wondered if they were the ones who brought her here.  Slowly she opened them up all the way and silently sat up.  It’s best to make no noise, then she wouldn’t disturb anyone.
“Oh sweety, I’m so glad you’re awake.”
The woman said in a cheery and relieved manner, but she just continued to watch and study them silently.  Her wings felt stiff against her back, though she made sure they didn’t move or give anything away.
“How are you feeling dear?”
Silence greeted them, and her face remained as impassive as ever.  They wanted something, why else would they save a freak like her?  What were they aiming for here?
“Did your parents hurt you?  If so, we can take you away from them.”
Marinette’s eyes widened only a fraction.  These were randoms, innocents if you will.  They obviously had no idea who she was, and they seemed unafraid of her and her wings.  Did they not know how dangerous she was, didn’t they know that black wings meant she was cursed?  The man and the woman looked at eachother and spread their wings.  Marinette was shocked, but she wouldn’t show it.
The large man had light brown eagle wings while the small woman had white and black woodpecker wings.  She wanted to reach out and touch the feathers, but then something bad would happen to them, so she held her hands together.
“We don’t care what your wing color is.  Your wings don’t define who you are, it’s what you do with your life that does.  Can we please help you?”
The woman said sincerely as she gripped the man’s hand in hers.  She felt a pull to them, something telling her to accept.  She didn’t want to hurt them though.  But maybe she could protect them?  Maybe she could find a way around her curse and make sure they don’t get hurt?  Slowly she nodded and they both looked so happy when she did.  She hoped that she wouldn’t hurt them, they didn’t deserve to be cursed.  Maybe if she didn’t touch them things would be ok.  If she didn’t let them touch her then it wouldn’t spread.  She could do this!
Apparently she couldn’t do it because this is a very affectionate family, and the first thing that happened before they let her sleep on their —super fluffy, pure Heaven— bed was give her a hug.  She had made sure that her wings were tucked under her clothes and tight against her back the entire time though.  So they didn’t touch her wings, so maybe that meant they wouldn’t be cursed.
It was strange, because the next morning they went to a courthouse, and she was adopted.  She hadn’t said anything throughout the entire event, she just watched and observed what people did.  They stayed in Tibet for another few days before they flew to Paris, France.  This was supposed to be her new home.  The city of light and love.  Maybe here, it would stop her curse.  It was so bright that it had to block out her darkness.  She still always carried one of her knives with her, she felt naked without one.  Tom and Sabine seemed to understand somehow, and said that it was her business and that was enough for them till she was ready to talk about it.  It was strange not to be interrogated for now wanting to tell someone something.
Marinette had lived with the Dupain-Chengs for about a year now.  It was strange really, they were honest business people and their joy was always sincere.  They didn’t question much of what she did even though it was probably weird to them.  They didn’t punish her for messing up like the league did, and they never went near her wings without permission.  They never plucked her feathers, and they would often ask if they could preen her wings.  She would refuse every time, but she would often wonder what it would be like to have someone else touch them.  Think of what it would be like if she weren’t cursed.  When it was time for school she would always wrap them around herself then tape them so no one would see or be able to touch them.  Things were finally going well, she couldn’t risk it now!
There was a blonde brat that liked to act like she was above her, and because her wings were always hidden with no explanation she made sure everyone knew that she was “wingless”.  She didn’t care though, being wingless was better than being evil winged.  She never really said anything in class or to other students, she never gave much reaction keeping her stoic face up.  The brat left her alone soon after for being a, “ridiculous!  Utterly ridiculous freak.”  And nobody was the wiser.
Being Lady Chaos was….the best thing that ever happened to her if she was being honest.  Even with pure black wings, people still thought she was a hero.  She never flew, she was scared she’d fall and die.  She was never allowed to fly before, and even if she technically can do so now, it’s not worth the risk.  Her partner though, Mr. Bug has gold, red, and black wings.  He can fly through the air with ease she wished she desperately had.  Sometimes after patrol she would go to the very top of the Eiffel Tower and just stretch her wings out as far out as she could.  She would close her eyes as the wind blew past her and ruffled her feathers and pretend that she was soaring through the air.
Year three of living with Tom and Sabine she was comfortable talking to them more, and with Plagg there to control her chaos she finally let them touch her wings.  It was strange really, she never took care of her wings, never cared enough to.  When she first felt the hands on her feathers she had to will herself not to draw them back for fear of them plucking or ripped out.  But Sabine’s hands were so gentle and smooth that they seemed to move on their own and go closer to her touch.  Sabine would smile and hum as she gently preened the dark raven feathers that were soft and smooth.  Maybe she could finally tell the class that she wasn’t wingless soon, and maybe they would be okay with it.
No, they would not as she learned from listening to her classmates talk to the new student, Lila Rossi.  To them Lady Chaos was the only good black winged person because she was chasing after Mr. Bug to earn his affections.  Lady Chaos was obviously evil before she met Mr. Bug and she would always be evil no matter what she did.  Marinette felt nauseous that she ever thought about telling them the truth.  She had never felt more betrayed than she felt now, because she had given them her trust, and they broke it without even knowing it.  After that day, she made extra sure that her wings were hidden and wore a bit thicker clothing just in case.  Tom and Sabine are a little worried about it, but she calmed them pretty quickly.  She was fine, it wasn’t like they were all great friends to begin with.  That’s probably why everyone sides with Lila and decides that she’s a terrible person.
She had tried leaving her past behind, pretending that she didn’t hurt and kill people.  Pretend that she wasn’t a weapon.  She tried to push it far away, but it wasn’t enough.  It was never enough.  She had abandoned her brother.  She betrayed the league.  She did unspeakable things to please someone who would never care about her, just her use.  The city of lights seems duller than usual, it was probably her fault Hawkmoth came to be in the first place, afterall she was cursed to bring ruin everywhere she went.
Lila and Chloe thought it would be a great idea to bring everybody to the Crime Capital of the World for their senior trip.  Probably to watch people flounder and worry when things go wrong, which they definitely would.  She had stopped Hawkmoth a month before the trip, but Mr. Bug took all the credit for it. The arrogant self centered bas*.  Adrien kept giving her side glances that always made her feel uncomfortable and slightly disgusted.  During school he would try to touch her with every chance he’d get.  He almost discovered her wings at one point.  She couldn’t do anything about it before because of the stupid your-rich-so-do-whatever-the-heck-you-want treatment.  Now that Adrien’s family fortune is gone, and people don’t trust him because of what his dad did, so he has to be more careful.  He now kept some distance, which she was extremely grateful for.
She would have broken his hand, she had imagined it plus other things more than once.  But then Tom and Sabine would get in trouble by Gabriel for her actions.  They didn’t deserve that, they had been nothing but good to her since they found her abandoned in that forest.
She would be fine though, as long as Lila had a grip on his arm and she was in the back, away from him.  She listened to their tour guide, Richard Grayson, talk about the history and importance of WE.  The architecture was brilliant really, and you couldn’t blame her for having to draw and sketch it.  She often thought of Damian when she sketched.  She used to leave drawings for him around the base, little things that expressed her adoration for him without getting too close.  She wondered if he was still with the league, had he escaped, did he die?  She hoped that wasn’t the case, she hoped that he would be alive and well.  Bright orange and white wings nearly slapped her in the face if she hadn’t stopped right before the movement had occurred.
“Oh my gosh!  I’m so sorry Marinette!  Sometimes my wings just spasm out of control like that!  I didn’t hurt you did I?”
Marinette just silently rolled her eyes and took a few steps backward and watched the class glare at her waiting for her to comfort the liar.  She would never lower herself to do that.  She was still an Al Ghul afterall, even if she did leave it behind when she fled.  She was thankful when lunch came, she waited far away from the line and watched silently from a dark corner to make sure no one would hurt her.  Then she felt it, a hand touching her back feeling for something.  She quickly and instinctively grabbed the arm and twisted it behind them pinning it behind their back at a painful angle.
“Ukhti, let go.”
Marinette knew that voice.  She remembered that name and she could feel her heart stop.  The lunchroom was silent as they watched the small bluenette silently and quickly release the “Ice Prince”. Everyone watched with bated breaths to see what would happen next.  The boy’s wings were ruffled in agitation and fear.
“Where are they?”
He demanded.  Marinette knew what he was talking about, she simply wrapped her arms around herself and turned her head away definitely.
“Why are you hiding them, Malak?  Please.”
Marinette could feel her wings moving in defiance to what her brain was saying.  They wanted to be shown, they wanted to be touched by her brother again.  She looked down and slowly uncrossed her arms from her body.  Damian gently took her hands in his and looked directly into her eyes.
“Everything will be ok, Taw'ami.”
She slowly nodded and with shaky fingers reached under her hoodie and began to slowly unwrap the tape that kept her wings confined.  When all the tape was in her hands she hesitantly removed her hoodie and let her wings unfold from around herself and into the open.  She had made shirts that let her wings slip through slits in the back that were tailored to her wings specifically and were most comfortable.  Damian marveled at how big her raven wings had grown and how shiny they were.  He reached out a hand slowly and gently ran his fingers down the inky black that was her wings.
Shouts of fear and accusations were thrown at her, mostly from her class.  She didn’t listen though, she just observed.  The tour guide was coming over now, probably to kick her out.  He had such lovely wings though,  they were a deep navy blue that looked similar to black with dark red and light blue running through them.  They looked so well kept and soft.
“Damian, what’s happening?  Who is this?”
“Grayson, meet my twin sister, Marinette.”
“You have a twin?!”
Richard exclaimed loudly, drawing even more attention.  The insults and jeers stopped after that.  She looked over at the class and smirked when she saw their shock and confusion.
“Yes, keep up.”
Damian said brusquely.  They must know each other well then.
“Come, we must take her away from these imbeciles and take her to father.”
Damian grabbed her wrist and tugged, her quickly falling into line like she used to when he did this.
“Now tell me Ukhti, have you been taking care of yourself?”
She nodded as they came to an elevator and walked into it with Richard right behind them.  Marinette felt her feathers fluff up nervously.  She wasn’t in control of them right now, and she wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. Damian ran a hand gently down her right wing trying to smooth it down.
“Things will be fine Marinette.  Just watch, father will be glad to meet you.”
She looked him in the eyes and squeezed her hands together.
“No, I have not told him about you.  Things will be fine though.”
He seemed to understand her weird way of communicating, she still didn’t understand how he did.  Richard cleared his throat and both turned to look at him.
“Sorry to interrupt, but um…I’m Dick, I’m Damian’s, and yours I guess, oldest brother.  It’s nice to meet you.”
He spread his wings in a welcoming way that meant and showed safety and peace. Her wings involuntarily rose up as well to reciprocate his greeting.  When the door to the elevator opened again she quickly forced her wings to hide on her back trying desperately to keep them from sight.  Damian didn’t seem to like it, but he just grabbed her wrist and dragged her to a large office room.  The plaque on the door read “CEO Bruce Wayne”.  Their father was Bruce Wayne?!  She couldn’t go in there, she couldn’t curse him and ruin his life.  No, she had already messed up at the league, and she was just barely not messing up with Tom and Sabine, she would definitely ruin Bruce Wayne’s life, and she would not allow that to happen.  She tugged at his grip desperately trying to get away.
“Marinette, stop.  Your wings are not cursed, that was a lie.”
Marinette shook her head and kept trying to escape the iron-like grip.
“Do you not trust me anymore?”
She froze at that and quickly shook her head.  Of course she trusted him, it was her that shouldn’t be trusted.
“Good, because we’re going in now.”
And that was that, because the door was now open and she was being dragged into the office room where their father and another boy with large bags under his eyes stared at them.  Damian puffed up his chest and feathers letting his strong, big, and brilliant wings rise into the air.
“Father, this is your daughter, my twin, Marinette Erebus Al Ghul-Wayne.”
They both stared at her in shock and Marinette slowly and cautiously raised her despicable black wings into the air.  Both stared at them in awe before looking back at her, but she didn’t meet their eyes.  She didn’t want to see the disgust and hatred in their eyes.
After a few moments she looked up and saw their wings greeting hers like Dick’s had.  Their father’s wings were a mix of black and dark grey alternating the color in each row of feathers.  The other boy’s were black at the top and slowly turned to red at the bottom.  But they were welcoming her openly, so that must mean something!  Well, it was time to get to know her father, she guessed.
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razorblade180 · 3 years
Actor AU 3
The previous one<-
Penny:*dancing on set*
Nora:Someone seems happy.
Penny:🎶First episode I don’t have to wear props! 🎶 This is so liberating!
Nora:You read the script right?
Penny:Just let me vibe!
Neo:*hanging off ledge*
Cinder:.....Long live queen. *pushes her off*
Ruby:Yo! Let’s add a lion king character!
Ironwood:*leans it closely* You have one hour...or I poison Gotham Harbor.
Yang:Pay up Weiss! I told you he’d say it!
Weiss:Damn it!
Ruby:*laughing hysterically.
Adam:*sips tea* Now you’re probably wondering why I’m on set for V8 when I have not scene or relevance. The answer is simple.
Neo:*hits Yang of the edge*
*faint laughing offset*
Blake.....*snickers* You asshole, I was in the zone!
Adam:I’m just adding to the tension!
Yang:*hanging from harness* You should’ve yelled “Lionized!!!!!”
Adam:Oh that would’ve been great!
Blake:You two are the worst!
Right after Cinder stabs Penny
Jaune:Penny!!!! H-Hold on!
Penny:J-Jaune? I don’t...I don’t feel so g-good... hehe, this...*tearing up* this really hurts...
Jaune:*crying* Don’t speak! My semblance, I’ll...I
Penny:No...don’t. No time, but....there’s still something I need you t-to do. Cinder...can’t get the power and the relics. *reaches for blade*
Jaune:W-What?! No, I....I can’t-
Penny:It’s okay Jaune. *smiles* Everything is...gonna be okay.
Jaune:*raising bl-
Penny:Hmm? *sits up* Oh no, did I miss a line?
Director:*points to Cinder*
They turn to see Weiss comforting the the woman with a hug while trying not to laugh at the situation.
Penny:What happened!?
Weiss:She’s crying over the scene!
Penny:What!? *runs over*
Cinder:I am so sorry I ruined take! You were doing so well. Too well! Ugh, god damnit!
Penny:Awww you know I’m fine right? Come here! *hugs her*
Weiss:Cinder fall everyone, the biggest teddy bear around. *wipping eyes*
Jaune:You’re crying too!?
Weiss:I am the second biggest teddy bear around.
Jaune:We have to go!!!
Winter:*points at Cinder*....Sleep with one eye open.
Director:Cut! Why!?
Winter:I couldn’t help myself.
Director:Be angry!
Winter:*glares* The next time I see you I swear, I’ll have your head!
Director:Less angry!
Cinder:That one actually kinda scared me. Haha geez, Winter giving chills!
Winter:Can I curse?
Director:We’re already at the limit before we’d have change ratings.
Winter:Dang it! I just one F bomb!
Director:We’ll put it the gag reel.
Jaune:We need to go!
Winter: Tsk, *points sword* You are going to pay for everything you’ve done! So watch you fucking back...
Winter:*grinning* Yeah that felt great!
Bomb starts sliding slowly.
Qrow:*clenches Clover’s pin*
Bomb falls off plan set
Vine and Elm:.....
Harriet:Well...boom! I guess!? For the love of- *face palms*
Qrow:....Uhhh I haha, I think hahaha- hahaha! Can we maybe tilt the plan a little less!? Oh boy! I guess someone should’ve grabbed that.
Harriet:You know what, can we keep this ending!?
Robyn: Rename the whole episode haha. “Adults watch bomb slowly fall”
Vine:Okay but I like how we’re all just waiting for it to stop, and then just tips right over! The moment it started moving I knew it was going way too fast!
Elm:Mission failed everyone. We’ll get em next time.
Interviewer:How do you think fans will react to this finale?
Penny:Well I can’t spoil anything for obvious reasons but I hope it resonates well. It’s fun having my character be around for a finale for once, and with so many other roles she doesn’t get interact with much. It’s been really fun.
Interviewer:Oh yeah? Who’s been best to work with?
Penny:Oooo that’s tough. My cousin, Nora, she’s been fun to interact with this volume. But uhhh I think I’ll give it to Jaune. We don’t have many scenes overall together but...it’s hard explain. I feel like between my character and his, there’s this kinda mutal headspace they have for their friends. If I had to pick a person I would say Jaune would have the ability to open up Penny in a way nobody else could.
Interviewing:Interesting, well I hope you both get more interactions and that this finale debuts well.
Penny:Thank you!
Winter:*dragging Ironwood off*
Emerald:....Wait, I know I do illusions, but how did the Ironwood not hear or feel the wind coming from an airship several feet away? I kicked up dirt and alerted Amber in volume 3.
Director:....Do we have time to rewri- no? Okay... just don’t think about it!
Nora:Someone cut the signal!
Watts: *playing Galaga* Hehehe all according to plan.
Neo:Change the tab! It’s- we see it in camera! Haha!
Watts:*strokes mustache* I know. That’s how genius I am. Cracking codes and high-scores! Muhahaha!
Ruby:Fun fact, we have two Hound costumes. One where he’s mainly doglike and the other when he’s beating up people. But I you wonder who’s playing him under all that? *takes mask off*
Ruby:Forever a bully, even behind the set.
Cardin:Pfft am not.
Penny:You had a laugh tossing me!
Cardin:You don’t count, you’re family!
Yang:*holding camera* Pssst!
Ren:*sipping coffee*???
Yang:Ready for our fight in the snow?
Ren:I can’t feel my toes! I’m gonna yell at you and then walk away.
Yang:I’ll mess up so we’ll stay here longer.
Ren:Yang! We can have a real fight in the snow right now!
Yang:Heheh, kidding. Mostly.
Ruby:Blake have you heard of Among Us?
Ruby:Among Us. You gotta do tasks without an imposter killing you. I only bring it up because we’re rebooting the power. Someone always dies in electrical.
Blake:Ruby this is real life. Besides this way more Resident Evil, but with no- Tyrant!
Hound:*busts through window*
Ruby:Wny is it always electrical!!!?
Ironwood:*doing shirtless pull-ups*
Ozpin:He’s getting ready for his fight scenes. Trying to look winded but a little bulkier in the moment.
Winter:*watching Ironwood*
Ozpin:*snickering* Winter is trying to get into the mindset of having to a play a character who has to go against all that. The agony of fighting someone you looked at for so long.
Winter:You can call it like it is. I’m gawking a little.
Ozpin:She’s gawking a little.
Hazel:*grabs Salem*
Salem:*squeezing his biceps* Its like my entire torso. You eat a bear for breakfast?
Hazel:Oh my god.
Salem:You know this isn’t the worst way to go out. I had a good run. At least you hold me, unlike Ozma! Why didn’t you hold me like this!?
Hazel:You’re so ridiculous.
Set crew adjusting lighting in manor. All but one stays on.
Oscar and Penny:*waltzing underneath it*
Nora:...I like how on or off camera I personally lose the dating game while another redhead wins.
Ozpin:Which pair you talking about?
Yang and Adam:*cracking jokes*
Nora:This is nonsense! Where’s Jaune!?
Weiss:Food run with Ruby.
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thundrpilot · 3 years
Naruto Fic Rec 1/∞
Naruto Fic Recs: [1] [2] Fic Masterlist here for full list.
☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆
** Kill Your Heroes by TheLightAtLastAndAlways
Word Count:  268,501 (68/?)
Summary:  It's time to stop waiting for other people to save you. A story about fear, resilience, and Sakura.
Comments:  Slow Burn BAMF!Sakura. Also, Kakashi working his way up to being a good teacher and good mentor to Sakura. Genjutsu-type!Sakura.
☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆
** Bleed Out by HazelBeka
Word Count:  103,754 (16/16)
Summary:  After Iruka’s confrontation with Kakashi before the chuunin exams, he’s targeted by a serial killer who seems to be picking off disrespectful chuunin. Iruka survives, but it’s only a matter of time before the killer returns to finish the job. Finding his name on the suspects’ list, Kakashi bullies his way onto Tenzou’s investigation in an attempt to clear his name and protect Iruka from the real threat.
Comments:  Murder Mystery, ANBU, Seals Master!Iruka, basically all the best tropes all in one fic. This was the first Naruto fic I ever read, so I’m very attached and compare all KakaIru fics to this one.
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** The Bingo Book by flailinginlove
Word Count:  64,500 (10/10)
Summary:  Kakashi avoided relationships. He didn't want to put others in danger. So he couldn't understand why there was a face staring back at him, as a sub-entry to his own, in this Bingo Book. Umino Iruka (lover) the caption read. It didn't matter that it wasn't true. The Book was fact, and to Kakashi's enemies, Iruka had just become a weakness they could exploit.
Comments:  Sensor-type!Iruka, ANBU, awkward KakaIru, what else could you possibly want in a fic? I love it when Iruka surprises people with how good of a ninja he is, even though he's "just a chuunin teacher". One of my favorite tropes, along with his chakra-location (like echolocation) from that one episode. Also, flailinginlove is an amazing author and you should go check out more of their stories.
☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆
How to File Form 39-B by thehoyden
Word Count: 10,426 (1/1)
Summary: The first time Iruka met Hatake Kakashi, he was still on some pretty god painkillers.
Comments: Kakashi/Iruka. This one is cute, very light-hearted read with a pinch of angst and a heaping of Iruka parenting Naruto.
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The Bijozakura Seal by megyal
Word Count: 38,055 (13/13)
Summary: Kakashi and Iruka are bonded together, entirely against their wishes. While Iruka begins to deal with it, Kakashi still has… doubts.
Comments: Mission!fic, the two start off not exactly friends, and this fic definitely leans into the angsty and kinda uncomfortable, not-as-often-considered side of having a psychic bond with someone you don't know that well or trust.
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Part of the Pack by SparrowStrike
Word Count: 125,303 (37/37)
Summary: Legend has it the Hatake Clan is an off shoot of the Inuzuka Clan. It's where they get their sharp teeth, affinity for ninken, and tendency to casually adopt every other person they meet.
When Kakashi realizes Naruto's assigned caretakers aren't even sort of doing their job, the young anbu decides to do a bit of long term babysitting (and possibly commit treason). What follows is the story of Uzumaki-Hatake Naruto and his unconventional family.
This is primarily a slice of life piece and heavy on both fluff and angst. It covers a lot of the canon events and has cannon typical violence and darker themes. It can be read as a stand alone, but is the first work of 3 planned in this AU.
Comments:  Dad!Kakashi raising Naruto, lots of politics, hella canon divergence. Part 1 of 3 in The Pack series.
☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆
Roots and Wings by ideaoforder
Word Count:  84,985 (12/12)
Summary:  When Naruto is kidnapped from his orphanage at age three, Kakashi is so done with this shit. He gets Naruto back, tells the Hokage where to go (politely, because he isn't suicidal), and raises the boy himself. Or, you know, tries and is proud when there aren't too many explosions.
Then everybody starts to copy him and it's a whole thing.
Comments:  Found family plus Fix-It fic galore! Focus on Kakashi being a good dad to Naruto, but does have some pairings aren’t that central to the plot: Kakashi/Iruka, Naruto/Shikamaru. Bonus Iruka being a Fuuinjutsu BAMF.
☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆
** by my blood by justdoityoufucker
Word Count:  30,892 (7/7))
Summary:  Kakashi finds love and family, all in one near-successful murder.
Comments:  KakaIru. Found family trope, Everyone Lives / Nobody Dies, Jiraiya is a Hatake, Iruka Whump. This is 100% one of my new favorite Naruto fics, its not what you are expecting and I love it.
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Thought and Feeling Interwound by tucuxi
Word Count: 36,122 (1/1)
Summary:  Tsunade walked around the desk and sat directly next to Iruka, turning both of their chairs with a casually powerful grasp. In the end they were facing each other, not the desk. He tried and failed to hold her gaze. She reached out and tipped his chin up, forcing him to look at her again. Another hit landed. This time it came from Iruka's left. It felt like it must have shattered bone, ribs grinding against each other in his chest, and Iruka bit his tongue almost until it bled to keep from crying out.
“Tell me, Iruka-sensei,” Tsunade said. “How long, exactly, have you been feeling Hatake Kakashi’s emotions?"
Comments:  Kakashi/Iruka. Accidental Soul Bond fic, also known as Jutsu Gone Wrong. Slowburn fic with lots of denial and angst and misunderstandings.
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Fic Masterlist here for full list
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