#there may be one more—a koala one
alilaro · 6 months
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all my little guys so far!
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pyre-sea · 1 year
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Sabo in Alabasta, what crimes will he witness.
I have so many thoughts about “what if Sabo was in Alabasta at the same time as Ace and Luffy?” this doesn’t even scratch the surface.
Sabo has such Sabo vibes that it would definitely cause a 🤔 but as soon as Luffy sees his scar and long hair he’d immediately forget his suspicions and run off again. And I don’t think Sabo in this state would be in any way prepared for Luffy’s Luffy-ness. 
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verysium · 6 months
attractive things bllk characters (unintentionally) do?👀
i received this ask and decided to write this entire thing through a caffeine-powered fever dream. may have gone a little overboard. please pray for both your sanity and mine. thank you anon for your strong sense of imagination (or delusion, whichever you prefer.)
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nagi lifts the hem of his shirt to wipe the sweat off his face, and you accidentally (or not so accidentally) get a good look at the droplets running down his abs and v-line. he also does the doorway lean while waiting for you to get ready. since he's so tall, he puts his one arm up on the top of the door frame while scrolling through his phone. when he feels drained of energy, he clings to you like a koala, face buried into the crook of your neck.
rin pushes his hair back when his bangs get in the way, and it shows off his ridiculously sharp side profile. sometimes you have to pause mid-conversation because the direct eye contact gets too intense. he has the brightest turquoise eyes in existence, and they stare right into your soul. pair that with the height difference and him towering over you. hang onto your ovaries because this man is about to snatch them. if isagi or sae are anywhere remotely close within your vicinity, he will personally drag your chair closer over to him. you know, the whole nick jonas chair pull thing? he also unintentionally clenches his jaw when pissed, the vein popping out and everything.
barou is polite to his elders. he holds the door open for others. he tips extra at restaurants. he is kind to service workers. he's just a gentleman overall even though he likes to act tough. he rolls up his sleeves while cleaning or cutting up vegetables, and you can see the veins bulging in his forearms. wears those form-fitting aprons where you can see the outline of his waist and the muscles in his back. he is not immune to raging pit bull moments, but he will calm down immediately when you ask him to.
kaiser requires physical touch to function. all concept of personal boundaries goes poof in his little ego-driven brain. he holds your chin so you look up at him while he's talking. also has that husky growl when he wakes up in the morning. he speaks german. what else is more attractive than that? if you stroke his ego, he will puff his chest out like an emperor penguin and flash that movie star smile. does not slow down his pace for you, and will laugh at your expense when you trip in heels and fall. but then he feels guilty about it and begrudgingly picks you up and carries you home. however, before that he will make you swear on everything holy to never tell isagi about his moment of weakness. (tbh kaiser is a menace and has some serious self-esteem issues. pls avoid dating a man like him in real life until he is fully mature. i still love him tho.)
reo mansplains but not in the condescending way. he does so in the "omg i'm so excited to finally get to share something with you and you're never going to believe it" sort of way. rambles on and on about his interests and gets that little glint in his eye when he's passionate about something. also not sure if this counts but he gets extremely depressed when you don't message him back within five minutes. what do you mean you were busy? he was out here dying from a literal famine. he needs your affection to survive. last but not least, he is good at styling. he knows what colors work best for you, and he will put together three new looks for you in record time.
hiori dreams that you left him for good and wakes up crying with his arms around you. will refuse to let you leave the bed even if it is just to get a glass of water. his rare moments of emotional vulnerability are what gets to you.
shidou does not condone any of your bad decisions. you want to get shit-faced and party until early morning? no complaints from him. you want to wear sexy outfits to the club? say less because he's about to enjoy the view and knock out the front teeth of every guy who dares to ogle you. i don't know if this qualifies as being attractive, but he would never be the controlling type. you can dress and act however you want. unfortunately for you though, this is also a textbook case of the blind leading the blind. if you get horrendously hungover, so does he. if you get pulled over, he's going to be too blackout drunk to even comprehend the officer's words. you can count on him for a good time, but not anything else. do not take any of his advice at face value.
oliver likes to show you off even if he doesn't notice it himself. any talk with his team, and he will find a way to make the entire conversation about you. at this point, the entire u-20 team is done with him. they placed bets that you two wouldn't last more than a month due to his philandering reputation, but the universe seems to think otherwise because you and oliver hit the six-month mark and are still going strong.
ness guards your drink with an unnecessary amount of protection. while you left to go use the restroom, he was looking left and right, and the hairs on the back of his neck were prickling every time someone even came close to your cup. he also shoos away any person who opens their mouth while standing next to your drink because apparently the condensation from their breath could be dangerous. definitely covers your cup with both hands even if it has a lid. no suspicious shit is happening on his watch.
yukimiya is well-read, and he wears glasses. he has a copy of every single classic out there in existence and will fangirl along with you over your virginia woolf collection. he was written by a woman with two cats and a wine glass. not much else to say.
loki absolutely clears the entire carnival/arcade game. you want that giant teddy bear that costs over three hundred ticket points? say less because he's about to win the whole damn pot. of all characters, i would say he's one of the only green flags. like celery green.
isagi always looks for you when he enters the room. intentionally or not, he always seeks your presence. if someone says a funny joke, he turns to you to see if you're laughing or not. also does that somewhat creepy stare thing where he just looks at you quietly while you do mundane tasks. internally he is screaming cus what do you mean you actually like him?
chigiri gives you that thankful little smile whenever you stand up for him. i feel like people don't understand how goofy he can get as he's canonically good at doing impressions/impersonations. also has the prettiest laugh. if he ever cuts his hair, i think i'm going to get a nosebleed.
noa unconsciously says yes to every question you ask of him. he'd be giving bastard münchen a hard time (and denying isagi's requests) but then immediately once you come over, he's automatically acquiescing to everything you say. the rest of the team is low-key shocked you can win him over so easily. when they confront him about it, he just shrugs and goes "y/n is always right."
kurona's entire existence is attractive. he's just perfect. nothing is ever wrong with him. will let you check out his shark teeth and lightly pokes your finger to leave an imprint. hopefully you'll always remember him that way. he's also quiet so he will listen to everything you say and give ample weight to your words.
sae is my baby girl so he gets a whole section dedicated to himself:
absentmindedly plays with your hair. when you're sleeping in his lap, he'll gently run his fingers along your scalp. sometimes in the morning when you're sitting up on the edge of your bed to do your makeup, he'll come up from behind you and brush back your hair. might also press a kiss to the back of your neck.
helps you put on your face mask. when he's shopping, he will buy you lotion along with his own skincare products. says that it was just a convenient store run but you know he personally made sure to get you the best quality ones.
this is canon because i said so: when he gets out of the shower, he slings the towel over his neck or his shoulder. he also involuntarily flexes his biceps when he bends down to grab something. has the world's most defined deltoids.
when you're stuck in large crowds at the airport, he puts his hand in your back pocket to keep you two from getting separated. if the TSA pat-down is anywhere too personal for his liking, he will openly glare at the officer once you've passed the security checkpoint.
bonus point: when you two brush your teeth early in the morning, he has that little bed head where his shorn-off bangs stick up in cute little tufts here and there. will have a dead look on his face, but his eyes soften when he catches your gaze through the mirror.
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etheries1015 · 6 months
Hello! I hope your having a good day while reading this but I was wondering if you could write a fic about the housewardens reacting to their s/o koala holding them when they sleep!
Awee that's a cute idea! The house wardens with their little Koala humans heuheu.
TWST housewardens react to their s/o holding them while they sleep
Warnings: Gender-neutral reader, probably shorter than you may have hoped, I'm sorry :( But I hope you still like it!
Riddle Rosehearts
The first time you two slept in the same bed, he was caught off guard when he was suddenly engulfed by your arms. I see him as the type to sleep on his back, still and quiet, and suddenly that is disturbed by the significant other grabbing hold of his arm and utilizing half of his body to be subjected as your personal body pillow. He may find it uncomfortable initially, however, he finds a happy medium by adjusting his form to work with yours whilst still giving him a full night of proper rest. you of course weren't in control of how you slept, and was rather grateful you trusted him as much.
"Were you aware you tend to hug me in your sleep?" He chuckled, "Huh? No, I do not mind. I found a comfortable position to sleep in so that we both got what we wanted. You don't need to sleep elsewhere, I feel...strangely comforted by your embrace..."
Leona Kingscholar
you don't even get the chance to do it first, he already has you beat. He is most assuredly the first to fall asleep between the two of you, his arms are wrapped around your waist and head propped against your shoulder before you had the chance to reciprocate. HE is the koala between the two of you. However, when you wake up in the morning you find that you're now facing him, a tangle of arms and legs as if during the night you both sought to be closer to one another. One big cuddle competition. Yet it was oddly comforting, how you both slept very similarly. Sometimes you're more aggressive than he is though, with your legs bent and holding him in your grasp on the odd days you fall asleep first. It restricts his movements from being able to adjust himself the way he wants, so he isn't shy to wake you up.
"Oy, wake up. I wanna move. Eh? You're comfortable like this? I don't care, let me hold you instead."
Azul Ashengrotto
I will die on this hill when I say that Azul sleeps kind of like an Octopus in his human form, with his arms and legs spread out on the bed. it's his highest form of vulnerability and trust in you for you to sleep in the same bed as him, so of course he will want to practice the same for you. Even when you grab hold of one (or a few) of his limbs and cuddle him as if you were the koala and he the branch, he doesn't mind whatsoever. He is a very still sleeper, so he doesn't feel his movements to be constricted whenever you cuddle him in such a way.
"Do I mind the way you grab hold of me while we are sleeping? No, not at all. If I am being completely honest, it's rather nice..." He falters, "I see it as a form of affection and trust, a sign that you feel safe with me. I rather that not change."
Kalim Al-Asim
He thinks it's the cutest thing in the entire world he has ever seen. The way you grab hold of him in your sleep as if you were claiming him to be yours, he thinks it's wonderfully splendid! It's as if you were being possessive, or you found him to be a soft pillow to grab hold of at night and cuddle with. Honestly, the first time it happened, he got so excited he had to hold in his squeals of satisfaction and joy to not wake you. He revels in this, his head leaning against yours as you use your entire body to hold him close to you. Kalim honestly can't think of a cuter habit for someone he loves to have.
"When you grab hold of me at night, it's the best feeling ever! Oh oh, tonight, can I hold you instead? let's reverse the roles! I want to hold you too- Oh, you won't get a good night's sleep that way? well, that's alright! I'll be your personal pillow as much as you want! Hehe!"
Vil Schoenheit
Vil always had a strong disposition to have a good night's rest. He had his reserves about sleeping in the same bed as you for a while, however, his desire to be close to his beloved outweighed his desire for model sleep. He finds it rather cute when you are in a deep sleep and your arms and legs automatically take him in your grasp. He never thought he would be able to properly sleep with another person by his side, so he is pleasantly surprised when the soft warmth of your body actually helps him get a better rest than ever. He feels safe and at ease in your arms, a strong contrast to the craziness of his everyday life. Being in the public eye he isn't fond of PDA, so at night when it is truly just the two of you, he savors every moment you bless him with your embrace. It's a truly peaceful feeling for him, the way you cutely cuddle into his body without a care in the world about who he is, how he sleeps, and what he looks like in his vulnerable state. It's just... you and him. Nobody else. It's a very intimate time for him.
"Your sleeping habits? Hmm...well, you grab hold of me every night. What? No, it doesn't obstruct my sleep. If anything, I have been feeling much more energized in the mornings...don't overthink it and come over here, my potato. It's time for bed, and I expect to be very thoroughly cuddled."
Idia Shroud
Oh my gosh. You have claimed him. Now he can't move a single muscle, like a cat you have made him your property. If he moves even a single inch, he knows it would ruin the flow and there would be a possibility of you moving, and he doesn't want that. It's like having a cat on your chest, and the second you move even a toe, the cat decides it's tired of you and moves on. Idia doesn't mind if he looses a little bit of sleep staring at the ceiling to allow you the majority of his body to cuddle, he's never been more elated about being in the same bed as someone before. He likes it a little too much, there was one time you were scrolling on his phone to find pictures of you cuddling him at night. An entire photo album in his gallery, in fact.
"N-n-nothing! that's nothing! Don't look, it's not...it's not what you think...oh jeez, you probably think I'm a total weirdo who takes pictures of people when they sleep-- no! not other people, it's just you! I- wait. That was a trap. You set me up for failure with that comment. Ahh, this is so embarrassing...please don't stop! I...I just like it so much when you hold me tight when you sleep...ugh. I can't believe I just said that, I sound like a corny male lead. Don't read too much into it, can't a man just enjoy his significant other's sleeping habits? Jeez..."
Malleus Draconia
You don't get the chance to cling to him, when you sleep with a dragon, they decide to do that for you. When you first slept together in the same bed, he was grabbing hold of you tightly, wrapping his body to be the koala and YOU the branch. There was only one particular night when he slept with his tail free, and you grabbed hold of it in your sleep. He woke up to feeling something pressed against his tail, looking back to see you had taken upon yourself to fully engulf your arms and your legs wrapping around to match. He was fully in your trap! After that, he found a way for both of you to be happy. Holding you in his arms, he adjusted his tail to fit snuggly in the middle of you two, enough for you to grab hold of it in your sleep whilst he was simultaneously holding onto you. Malleus would have preferred wrapping his tail around your body, however seeing you so at peace with it within your grasp, he made an exception.
"Be careful, my dearest. I wouldn't want my tail to hurt you by mistake, so you must be gentle. Ah- my lockscreen? Yes, I can't help but smile every time I gaze upon this photo I had taken, so I had Diamond assist me in changing my mobile device screen. Perhaps I shall take a few more photos, you are rather adorable grasping onto me like a babe to a blanket."
Link to my masterlist
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delcakoo · 11 months
So not sure if those short fics are wonki only but i was hoping you’d write on hee seeing you wear another members hoodie pls? Ty!
LOL i write for everyone but my anons seem to be wonki biased,, (jus like me tho)
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“hee, i was trying to watch someth-mmph,” your boyfriend’s lips cut yours off rudely, similarly to his body that crushes yours as he wraps around you like a koala.
“netflix can wait, no?” he mumbles against your jaw, sharp nose digging into the soft skin of your cheek. “boyfriend’s first.”
sighing in defeat, your phone is thrown lazily across the couch before you’re returning heeseung’s embrace, smiling at the content groan he releases once your arms encase him. he’s milliseconds from moving back up and sneaking another kiss, only for his peripheral vision to slowly fall across a seemingly new, unidentifiable green hoodie covering your torso.
he frowns; it definitely isn’t his, and you usually tell him when you get new clothes..
meanwhile — waiting rather impatiently for the kiss he initiated first — your brows furrow. “what?”
not offering a response, heeseung cranes his neck down to sniff the soft material, frowning when the comfort of your scent is nowhere to be found. “baby, where’d you get this?” he inquires, tone laced in utter confusion.
you blink, shrugging absentmindedly. “it was just.. lying on the floor. finders keepers, losers weepers.”
he immediately pouts, bambi eyes turning down sulkily as he grips onto the hoodie’s sleeve. “baby,” he repeats in a whine, “my room is only a few steps away. this looks like jake’s.”
“well.. i was tired and cold and you took too long making snacks.” you attempt to defend yourself, despite knowing damn well your boyfriend may as well break the record for fastest ramen-maker after the countless times he’s served you both.
either way, heeseung spares your pathetic rebuttal, instead squirming out of your arms to pace over to his bedroom with quick strikes and a determined huff. the whole time, you send him whines and complaints from the couch, scolding him for leaving the cuddle session early — even more so when he disappears behind the door accompanied by noisy clacks of coat hangers knocking each other.
“finally,” you grumpily announce once he returns, arms extending to make grabby hands along the way. however, when you try to pull him back onto the couch, the bastard moves away, pointing at the purple hoodie in his grasp stubbornly.
“nuh-uh, hoodie off first,” heeseung demands.
“but hee, i want—“
unfortunately, you’re interrupted once more by a strict glare. “you can have cuddles when you aren’t wearing my bandmates clothes.”
his stubbornness always wins, apparently. as you accept defeat, you roll your eyes while yanking the material over your head. “so dramatic..“
heeseung doesn’t seem to mind your jab, much too busy smiling cutely as you pull his hoodie on instead, snickering at how it looks way bigger than usual. even more so when you expectedly gaze up at him, opening your arms and humming when he falls into them at last.
suddenly, heeseung’s spinning around so you’re the one perched up on his lap, deer-like eyes scanning over you in adoration. “there’s my baby,” he pecks your lips through mumbles, thumb rubbing your cheek to enhance his affection. “so pretty in my clothes.”
your lips descend to gently find a home against his neck — though you never admit it’s really to hide the blush arising from his words. “yours is more comfy, n’ it smells like you.”
he grins, a veiny hand moving up to run through your hair. “good. i plan to pull the hyung-card and make sure no hoodies are lying around here except mine from now on.”
you can only laugh, despite knowing that he’s not exactly joking.
hi loves my exam-fried brain produced this so i apologize for any errors <\3
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Lazy mornings w/ them
Lazy mornings with the jjk me. Slight nsfw. Fem!reader. There's some fluff in there.
A/N: Not proofread, brain rot bright and early in the morning, enjoy ♡
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You can wake up in one of the two positions. Gojo lying on his back as you cling to him like a baby koala. Your leg thrown over his. Or, you're facing away, his long limbs wrapped around your frame. His face buried in your hair as his hand is tucked underneath your shirt. A handful of your breast. He'd kiss your neck, mumbling, "Morning baby," he'd give a playful squeeze to your tit. Of course this would lead to you being turned on, pushing back against him. "Oh? I see baby, you're just as needy as I am in the morning."
I see you waking up on his chest more often than not. His hair fanned out on the pillows as you cling to his sides. Your hands combing through the long strands as you press kisses to his chest. And his hand would be on your back, rubbing and occasionally drifting low to your ass. Giving it a playful swat every now and then, only smirking when you question his motives. "I can't touch my baby? Since when? It's all innocent." It in fact, was not innocent, you found when he soon becomes buried between your thighs.
Most of the time you wake up and he's already in his office. It bothered you at first but you understood he was a busy man. So instead of complaining, you'd grab a smaller blanket and sleepily walk to the kitchen. Making him a cup of coffee before bringing it to him. You'd set it on the desk and climb into his lap easily. The blanket snug around your form as one arm held you to him. You'd feel a kiss pressed to your hair, "Good morning." The rumble of his chest making you giggle, and sometimes if it's been too long, he'd let you cockwarm him. He knows how much you want this shared intimacy.
Sweet boy. He'd be cuddled up to you, his head resting on your chest as he nuzzled against you. His hand under your shirt as he caressed your tummy. Or sometimes he'd rub your thighs, he really just wants to be touching you as much as possible. And usually your mornings are sweet. Filled with kisses and soft cuddles, but sometimes it gets him needy. Which leads to you going down on him, or allowing him to fill you. His hips slowly fucking himself inside you, heavy breath against your neck. "M'sorry...you're so pretty in the morning. Can't resist."
It may just be me but I don't see him as much of a cuddler. However, he'll let you lay on his massive titties so you don't whine about it. His arm held loose around your waist as you laid in bed. Of course, sometimes he'd tease you or ask for morning head. "Your pretty ass kept rubbing against me last night. It's only fair you take care of it." Your mouth soon becomes full of his big dick as he pets your head. But not always, sometimes he really will just let you lay on his chest and relax.
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talesofsonicasura · 3 months
To Save A DogDay
I couldn't help but write this after seeing the constant dedication of saving the giant toy doggo. So here's something to assist you guys in the effort. I've done some research(even though Google was being an ass) and took a look at this particular post by @dafloof
First off, DogDay is surprisingly big despite being cut in half. If I have to compare his size then think of those giant plushies you win from a theme park or carnival game. Thus the only possible carry for the average person to safely escort him is bridal or hanging off like a koala on the side due to the grab pack. He might be able to shrink himself to a more manageable size if DogDay is similar to CatNap in body structure.
Although that doesn't mean the task is impossible outside of adrenaline. DogDay may be big you got to think about his possible weight. Bigger Bodies are still toys with the Smiling Critters being plushies. How much of him is stuffing and not organs?
The necessary body parts for him to still be alive are the lungs, heart, brain, stomach, and some sort of skeletal structure. Here's a weight chart for the average human. (Although these might be smaller if harvested back as a child than an adult.)
Stomach: 2-4 pounds/lbs
Brain- 2.5 pounds/lbs
Heart- 0.25 pounds/lbs
Lungs- 1.8 pounds/lbs
Human Skeleton- 15-25 pounds/lbs
Average weight here 21.05 - 31.05 lbs. His arm bones might be reinforced similar to the Prototype but they still wouldn't be that heavy. For carrying in your arms, 35- 55 lbs is what the the untrained person can hold. Body weight contributes to how much someone can carry with a 139 lbs untrained woman being able to deadlift around 74 lbs. For men it is 125 lbs for 148 lbs.
Adrenaline can help contribute to this as there have been feats done by people in dangerous situations. One example being a human mother fighting off a polar bear to protect her kids or someone moving a car by themselves to get free. We can do insane things when it comes to survival.
There's also the mental side to this. Our brains actually diminish the perception of how strong we are by 40%. If you carry something you love or cherish like a person, then they can weigh less just from that viewpoint. Sometimes thinking like the Little Engine That Could will make a difference.
Now I am not forgetting the dangerous little critters. There are ways to deal with them and have enough time to bring DogDay along. In his cell, there are two ports they can crawl out of. Blocking these whether by flares or stuffing them with nearby items can do the trick.
Second is bribery. We aren't restricted to the environment like in the game and throughout the facility there are intact vending machines. The toys obviously need to eat but seem unable get into the machines. YOU CAN.
Break the glass and stockpile as much snacks as possible. Finding bags or boxes to carry them wouldn't be hard. Offer these to the little Critters in exchange for DogDay. You can open one bag for further incentive as the chance to get a special treat is something no one will be able to resist.
DogDay might be able to drag himself so breaking the chains with the Grab Pack or a different tool is possible. They are probably rusty thus easier to break. It will obviously hurt for DogDay to drag his body so stealing something like a cushion from CatNap's hideyhole could ease the pain.
Should that not be the case then other options are available. Considering Playcare is a fun house, you might be able to find scooterboards or a platform cart to carry him. If not then a makeshift sled to pull DogDay about is the next best move.
Now there's actually another escape route. A duck ride that you couldn't access in the game due to bugs. I think Mob was planning for a chase down there as it is fully fleshed out with puzzles and an environment.
DogDay can hold onto the boat while you solve the puzzles to get out. For those who hadn't chosen bribery then flares will keep pursuing Little Critters away. Maybe set a fire as you escape since there's plenty of items to make a molotov cocktail if crafty enough.
I suggest finding some walkie talkies as someone needs to look after DogDay. The area under the statue can be a possible safe spot but being able to contact Kissy Missy and Poppy will better the chances of his recovery than just survival. Both know the factory's inner works enough to remain hidden so they might know where to find supplies. A possible ally with valuable info can sway them to help.
There is also the option of coming back to Playcare. DogDay might still be alive as you can hear his muffled cries during the chase. He might be worse for wear due to the little menaces piloting him like a bootleg Megazord. Walkie talkies can help you page Kissy Missy to help with escorting the Bigger Body safely.
It is possible to save DogDay if you are smart or crafty enough to use the environment. The factory offers a lot of potential options to help with that. Do know that you can turn a simple water gun into a flamethrower.
Why follow the rules of the game when there are ways to break them?
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The four times you fell asleep on Ghost and the one time Ghost fell asleep on you - four.
simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
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word count: 4.7k
synopsis: Price decides to have a movie night on base. You and Ghost have The Talk.
warnings: occasional swearing, man written by a woman (may have slightly idealised Ghost), miscommunication, emotionally constipated Ghost and reader, the episodic mentions of Ghost's groaning and blonde eyelashes, brief appearance of Keegan Russ, mentions of smoking
notes: this was not supposed to be this long, but ideas just kept coming and coming. As I have mentioned before, this was initially intended to be a filler chapter for the "grand finale" (aka the one where he falls asleep on you) - so this is why the ending may seem a little bit rushed.
reader's callsign is Bambi (she/her)
find it on ao3 part one part two part three part four part five
“So you want to have a movie night here, on base?”
“A movie night, tonight?”
“Can we bring snacks? And drinks?”
“What are we going to watch?”
Seated at his usual place in the mess hall, Captain John Price found himself struggling to hide the proud, fatherly smile that threatened to spread on his face. He was surprised by the enthusiasm with which his idea of a movie night had been met, yet there you were, all curious and excited about it. You were seated between Soap and Gaz, your food momentarily forgotten as you started planning the entire evening around his proposal. You three were so caught up in debating whether you should mix in all types of popcorn with nachos that you did not notice the insistent glances of the passersby. Or the aggressive glares that Ghost was shooting back, his balaclava only highlighting the coldness of his features.
It was the second day after your night out at the pub and after thinking about the events over and over again, he accepted, with resignation, that his innate need to protect you and keep you from harm's way had only grown stronger. Ghost was a man of few words and certainly, not one to publicly display his feelings, so when you came to him in the morning and thanked him for taking care of you when you got wasted, he just shrugged it off with a piss-poor remark that you would do the same for him. He did not miss the blush that spread across your face when you answered that you absolutely would, if there would ever be such an occasion, and left him with an awkward pat on the shoulder. Which was kind of ironic since, two nights before, you climbed him like a beanstalk and clung to him like a koala.
And there he was, longing for any kind of interaction from you, like the touch-starved mess that he'd become. He would have placed himself next to you at the table, but he didn't want to give Price more satisfaction - the older man had already figured out enough about the intensity of his feelings about you, the Polaroid that Simon now kept safely tucked in his wallet being proof of it.
And what was this with Price's sudden idea of a movie night? Ghost knew the Captain insisted on having a united team whose members can trust each other, after all that's why he handpicked you all to join, but another gathering besides the night spent at the pub was way too much for his social battery.
At least you had all accepted his quiet persona from the beginning, not attempting to push his buttons more than it was necessary.
Until you fell asleep on him in the lounging room.
And then again at the safe house.
And then again at the pub.
"Ghost, do you copy?"
Your delicate voice pulled him out of his thoughts, only for him to be met with the questioning look that was etched in your face.
"I know that look!", Soap quickly chimed in, a daring smirk on his face. "Who's the lucky woman, L.T.?"
"Or man- which is totally fine too!", Gaz added with an equal devious expression.
Both of them shut up when Ghost shot them his signature threatening look, and his heart skipped a beat when he saw the tender smile on your face slightly falter. Before giving anyone the chance to further ruin the moment, he willed his eyes on you, softening his voice as much as he could:
"I'm sorry, Bambi. 'were you saying?"
"Would you like to join me later on a trip to the supermarket for snacks? I don't trust these two menaces with such an important task!"
He gulped loudly at the sight of the pleading look in your eyes, not entirely sure if you were just playing him, or if the doe eyes were really making a return. At that point, Simon had already memorized your features, being able to draw them with his eyes closed, but his heart still fluttered upon seeing your large and round irises, brimming with innocence and tenderness.
Additionally, he could feel Price's unwavering gaze burning into the back of his head. And he had a feeling the Captain would force his ass into the first available car and drag him to the supermarket with you.
"Sure - we can take my car... plenty of space for groceries", his words trailed off at the sight of the satisfied grin you gave him, your eyes brimming with joy. "We could go after the combat training if it's ok with you..."
"Absolutely! Thanks, Ghost, you're the best!"
You rose from your seat and placed your hands on his shoulders in what was meant to be half a hug before jogging out of the mess hall, a hot blush spreading across your cheeks.
The memories of the previous night were still blurry in your head, but you could recall the unique feeling of your cheek being pressed against a chest - Ghost's chest, the distinct smell of him still lingering on the black t-shirt you had neatly folded and placed on your bed. You did not plan to wash it any time soon.
You had thanked Ghost for taking care of you, but after the morning coffee chat you had with Soap, you actually felt the need to apologize for being such a burden. Of course, Soap had been just as intoxicated as you, so you couldn't place too much trust in his words. However, the recent teasing about the person that occupied Ghost's thoughts, made you feel uneasy about the whole situation. Were you being too clingy and touchy towards him - did you cross any of his boundaries? You hadn't even realised when you'd let your guard down in his presence, but it was certain that falling asleep on him without any negative reaction from his side, marked a significant step in that direction.
But now you had a chance to figure things out in the way adults do: by openly communicating with him. And the trip to the supermarket was the perfect cover-up for it.
You just had to keep to yourself until then - maybe try to limit your interactions with him as overstepping his boundaries was the last thing you'd wanted to do. It couldn't be that hard, right?
It was barely noon, and Ghost couldn't figure out what he'd done so wrong to make you avoid him like the plague. Did you get upset at him for not returning the hug? Did he not seem excited enough about the trip to get snacks?
Did someone put something in your food and you suspected him?
He thought it was nothing at first. After all, it would have been unusual for you to sit next to him at the morning briefing as you usually had a spot next to Gaz. But then you did not even seem to acknowledge his presence at the shooting range, barely muttering a greeting when passing him on the way to the lockers.
And now, ironically enough, you chose to spar with one of the Ghosts- none other than their scout sniper, Keegan Russ. On the one hand, it was actually a good move: you could learn and trade tips and tricks with a sniper as good as he was. On the other hand, Simon did not like the way his hands seemed to linger over your body every time you mounted an attack, or how his chest puffed when he was trying to walk you through some new move. Like him, Keegan always wore a balaclava in public, but unlike him, the younger operator did not seem to care about hiding his emotions: everyone could tell that he was smirking as he extended his hand to help you get up after he'd mercilessly tossed you on the mat.
Yet the next thing he knew, he was the one making contact with the mat, his back absorbing most of the impact. The sudden reversal in the sparring match left him momentarily disoriented, his eyes still searching for you and your new combat partner. It wasn't until he spotted Soap's concerned expression, the Sergeant hesitantly hovering above him, that he showed any intention of getting up. The Scot subtly followed his line of sight until his eyes landed on you and Keegan. You were beaming at him as he seemed to tell you a story based on the frantic way his hands moved, his icy blue eyes fixed on you as he spoke.
"Seems I got ya good, L.T.", Soap said as he helped Ghost back on his feet, giving him a slight pat as an apology. "Do you want to call it a day or-?"
He could barely hide his smirk before receiving a growl and a criminal side-eye in response. And he let his guard down as the next thing he knew, his arm was caught in a firm grip and his body flew over Ghost's shoulder, landing on the training mat with a loud thud. He could not stifle the groan that escaped him and closed his eyes in resignation. Once again, he learnt the hard way not to mess with the big man with the scary mask.
"Wipe that smirk off your face, MacTavish. We're here to train, not to ogle at others!"
"Copy that, sir!"
"I'm just telling you, Keegan, you've got to man up and talk to her!", you said between breaths as you dodged his incoming shots. "You wanted girl advice from a girl? Now you have it!"
"How can I know it won't just scare her off? Should- should I take off my mask, do you think that she'll see that as a clear sign that - you know?"
"It'll definitely be a step in that direction..."
Your words momentarily trailed off as you stole a glance at Ghost who was currently caught up in his own sparring match with Soap. He'd traded his usual skull mask for one of his balaclavas, and he wore his usual black t-shirt that allowed you to fully take in his tattoed arms, rippling with muscles and scars. Maybe limiting your interactions with him was a bad idea. Not that you had something against teaming up with Keegan - you two needed to do some catching up - and it was just the right time for it, but you felt you could have learnt a lot from the Lieutenant.
And at that moment you didn't mind being pinned to the ground by him, just like he did with Soap.
"So did you convince him to take his mask off?"
Keegan's question took you by surprise, as did his left foot, which interlocked with yours and sent you falling face-first. You could tell he was smirking under the balaclava as he helped you back up, and a grin also spread on your face as you shook your head in acceptance:
"Why would I ever do that?"
"Because I can feel his death stare on me right now and... I saw the picture from the lounging room. I think it was rather cute, you know?"
"No, I don't..."
The words came out slowly as your mind was trying to figure out what he could be talking about. The only pictures you had with Ghost were the ones taken after important missions, the ones with the other members of Task Force 141 and whoever may have been involved. And it was safe to say they could not be described as "cute".
"Oh come on, don't play dumb - the Polaroid picture from the lounging room? The one where you-"
"Sergeant L/N, 'you ready to go? I'll meet you at the car in 10."
Despite having interrupted your conversation, Ghost did not seem fazed by it. He didn't even wait for your confirmation- just turned his back on you and started walking towards that door with a certain smugness in his gait. As he took in the scene, Keegan's smirk widened under the mask. He may have needed girl advice, but boy- scratch that -special forces operator advice was a topic he was well versed in.
"I wouldn't make him wait if I were you", he resumed shrugging his shoulders and giving you a sympathetic look. "And thanks for the advice, I'll keep you posted on the situation!"
It took you 7 minutes to get changed and jog to Ghost's usual parking spot and he was already there, smoke in his hand. Even so, you felt the need to mutter a quick apology before getting in and fastening your seatbelt. Ghost was quick to follow, hopping into the driver's seat and starting the car.
He internally sighed when the radio began playing. It was going to be a long ride.
You, on the other hand, rested your head against the window, your mind brimming with questions about the mysterious picture that Keegan had mentioned. It was true that you had not checked the wooden panel for any new additions- at one point, you had completely forgotten about it, but it seemed some people took it seriously.
Involuntarily, your gaze slipped to Ghost. The Lieutenant was focused on the road, one hand holding the steering wheel while another rested on the gearstick. He was unusually calm and collected, unlike the chaotic driver you were used to. Did he know about the picture too? Was it bothering him in any way?
The car came to a sudden stop, brakes screeching on the hot concrete as he steered into an empty parking spot. You shot him a confused look as he turned off the engine and turned towards you, his chocolate eyes filled with questions:
"I've had enough", he began in a gruff tone that softened when his eyes landed on your face. "Come on, Bambi, out with it!"
You raised your eyebrows at his question, even if, deep down, you knew it was time for The Talk.
And you were so not prepared for it. So you decided to play dumb.
"Out with what? Do you want me to get out of the car or-?"
"You know what I'm talking about!"
His tone was even and his eyes too gentle for your liking. Part of you had wanted to get him all riled up so that you could justify the outburst that you were on the verge of having. Yet he only raised an eyebrow in question, leaning in the driver's seat and crossing his arms:
"You've been acting weird all day- ignoring and avoiding me. And you kept staring at me for the past quarter of an hour yet now you won't even look me in the eye! You've got to give me a hand here, Bambi because I have no idea what I did wrong!"
It was the second time in the past week that you'd heard him talk that much in one sitting, yet you were busy managing your stress levels, which were currently shooting through the roof. Turns out, you were not ready for The Talk. Communication was overrated anyway-
"You- you didn't do anything wrong and...", you answered incoherently, your mind trying to make sense of the words that were leaving your mouth.
"OK, fine! I-am-sorry-for-being-such-a-burden-to-you-and-intruding-your-personal-space-and-falling-asleep-on-you-without-having-your-permission-and-"
"What the hell are you talking about? Who- who even implied that you are a burden to me? Was it Russ- do I need to have a chat with him?"
"Oh no, Keegan had nothing to do with it. He was actually asking me for advice about this nurse he met and- you know what? Yeah, let's not go there..."
"I fully agree", Ghost nodded in compliance, partly amused by the unexpected oversharing side of you. "But, Bambi, you... You could never be a burden to any of us. Do you understand that?"
A sudden wave of clarity swept over your thoughts after you talked about it, and with it also came the furious blush that made you bury your face in your hands:
"God, I'm so embarrassed now..."
"Hey, hey, look at me!"
Ghost tried to control the faint shaking of his gloved hand as he placed it on your shoulder. He had figured out something was wrong, but would have never thought that you would see yourself as a burden, that you would intrude on his personal space? Why would you even think of such nonsense in the first place?
"If this is about you getting wasted at the pub, then you've got it all wrong!", he decided to continue when you lowered your hands and exposed the upper half of your face.
"Fucking hell, Y/N, would you quit looking at me with those doe-eyes? You have no idea what you are doing to me right now..."
He did not realise he said it out loud until you widened your eyes even more and proceeded to hide your face in your hands again, muttering a string of apologies. He let out a frustrated groan, pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head in disbelief. Never in a million years would he have guessed that he would have to spend the afternoon like that, having this kind of talk in his car, in a random parking lot. Yet there you were, two operators, seemingly with no communication skills and a penchant for hiding your faces in masks and hands.
With careful moves, Ghost removed his gloves, trying to ignore the stark contrast between his fingers and yours. He then extended his hands towards yours, gently pulling them away from your face. The sight of your E/C eyes made him let out a soft sigh:
"I did not mean it like that... there is nothing wrong with the doe-eyes. There's a reason they call you Bambi after all.."
You let out a dry chuckle, your eyes still glued to the ground as you were relishing in the warm feeling of his touch. His hands haven't left yours- in fact, he pulled them into his lap and was currently playing with the metal ring you've quickly slipped on before leaving.
"I don't know who or what made you think you intruded on my personal space. You didn't."
His pause made you raise your eyes back to his face, momentarily losing yourself in his chocolate orbs. Your doe-eyes may have been one of his weaknesses, but his blonde eyelashes were going to be the death of you, you were certain of that.
"And you falling asleep on me? It - I can't believe I'm actually saying it out loud and correct me if I'm wrong in any way - it made me feel good, to know that you felt safe enough to put yourself in a vulnerable position when I am nearby- and not once, but thrice now..."
"Wait- you mean twice, right?"
His chuckle made you widen your eyes in disbelief. He was definitely smirking under the mask.
"Ghost, when was the third time?"
"I just told you all this deep and emotional stuff and this is what you decide to focus on?"
"Well, I am not good at dealing with emotions, as you can see!". The blush was making a rapid comeback.
"The point is", he resumed his idea, "that you have no reasons to think you are a bother to me. You are not. Are we clear?"
"Yes, sir!"
Ghost rolled his eyes as he turned the engine back on and gently let go of your hands, the remnants of your touch still warm on his fingers. He rolled out of the parking lot with ease, trying hard not to replay the awkward conversation that just took place, when your voice chimed in:
"Does this mean... hypothetically speaking, if I were to fall asleep during the movie night, and I were seated next to you..."
"Should I be concerned about your sleeping schedule? Or actually, the lack of it?"
You let out a brief sigh of relief as you got out of the car and headed towards the base, Ghost closely following you with two heavy bags in his hands. He refused to let you carry the bags under the pretence of having already trained hard enough today, but you knew it was just his specific way of reassuring you that things were good between the two of you.
As awkward as it had been, The Talk seemed to have cleared out any miscommunication issues you may have created inside your mind, and it certainly made you not feel bad about the moments you had drifted off on his shoulder. Or arms. Or whatever else place.
And as he was headed towards the kitchen, you made a bee-line to the lounging room, which, to your luck, proved to be empty. You turned on the lights and stopped in front of the wooden panel, your eyes quickly moving from one Polaroid picture to another. It had been a while since you last checked them as there were several additions that you hadn't been aware of: a blurred selfie of Soap and Gaz, a still shot of an unknown operator sipping his tea, a picture of Price, dozing off on his armchair and there it was, a snapshot of you, fast asleep on Ghost's shoulder, the Lieutenant staring at the camera with a blank look.
"I couldn't stop Soap from taking it."
You involuntarily flinched when you heard Ghost's amused voice. He must have snuck up on you as he was currently standing on your right, his eyes fixed on the picture at hand.
"Keegan mentioned it during combat training. I didn't even know it was there", You shrugged your shoulders at him.
"Does it bother you?"
There was something indescribable in his tone that made you halt for a second and look up at him. The glimpse of vulnerability in his eyes was not missed on you and your mind recalled the details of your previous conversation.
"It made me feel good, to know that you felt safe enough to put yourself in a vulnerable position when I am nearby"
"No, I actually kind of like it. Don't you?"
He let out a grunt as confirmation and you tried to fight the smile that threatened to spread on your face. You opened your mouth to tease him about it when Price, Gaz and Soap entered the lounging room, already having changed into civilian clothes. You quickly forgot what you were about to say when you noticed that Price was holding a DVD in his hands- and not just any DVD:
"We're going to watch 'The Bodyguard'?"
The captain busied himself with setting up the DVD player, but you could tell there was a smile on his face:
"What can I say? Your toast inspired me, Bambi!"
You shot a questioning look at Gaz who seemed equally as confused as you were, but then looked over at Soap who was chuckling under his breath:
"I may have left that bit out!", he confessed with a guilty grin, as he sat down on one of the sofas, Gaz joining him quickly.
"You don't remember the toast?", Ghost asked amusedly, having already taken his usual place on the couch. "You called Price 'the cool dad of the group' before blasting out 'I Will Always Love You' on karaoke."
Letting out a long sigh of defeat, you sat down next to Ghost, shaking your head in disbelief. That part of the night was still an empty space in your mind, and listening to bits of it did not help you remember anything about it. Yet you were not surprised by the music choice - it was your usual shower song so why not sing it when totally intoxicated as well?
"You also thanked Simon for taking care of you during the missions and letting you fall asleep on him", Price added quickly before Ghost could interject, a glimpse of his proud dad smile dancing on his face.
You raised your eyes to Ghost in a sheepish look, only to see him roll his eyes and extend his right arm on the couch, almost as an invitation for you to come closer. The lights were turned off and the movie started, but that did not stop you from raising an eyebrow in question. He merely nodded in your direction and you understood the message, trying to scoot over as quietly as possible. You hoped he hadn't heard the small sigh of satisfaction that left your lips when you cuddled up into his side, slightly leaning your head against his chest and taking a deep breath. You knew the movie by heart, it having been an integral part of your childhood, so instead of paying much attention to it, you redirected your efforts towards focusing on the multitude of sensations created by the close contact between Ghost's body and yours.
His familiar scent enveloped you like a comforting blanket, but it was the steady rhythm of his heartbeat that made your eyelids heavy. There was something uniquely special about the whole situation- the intimacy and fragility of the moment mixed with the consistent cadence of his breaths and the occasional vibrations that would resonate from his chest, were lulling you to sleep.
And when you felt his fingers starting to trace circles on your back, you nestled your head in the crook of his neck and drifted off into a peaceful slumber. It seemed that lately, the only good sleep you got was in Simon's arms.
--- bonus scene
The movie had long ended, yet none of you made any attempt to get up and start cleaning after you. The lounging room was still dark, the faint light from the TV casting shadows on the opposite wall. Soap was loudly snoring, perched on his usual place on the sofa. Price had also dozed off in his designated armchair and Gaz was mindlessly scrolling on his phone, a blank look on his face.
Still leaning against Ghost's chest, you were trying to fight the last remnants of sleep that were still lingering around. You were aware that eventually you had to get up and go home, but Ghost's heartbeats were steady and reassuring and the weight of his arm on your back was comforting and warm enough to keep you trapped in between dream and reality.
You were debating whether you should open your eyes or not when, all of a sudden, the room was flooded with light, the unexpected brightness blinding your senses and making you let out a deep groan. You could feel Ghost shifting below, his arm leaving your back and you ended up opening her eyes when he whispered into your ear:
"Get up, Laswell's here!"
You eventually peeled yourself from Ghost, your mind having difficulties processing the piece of information - what was Laswell doing in England? Wasn't she supposed to be in the US, gathering intelligence and coordinating missions?
Yet there she was, in flesh and bone, already heading up the door as she signed you to follow her.
"I can't tell you how glad I am I've got you all here already", she turned to Price as she hurried towards the long hall and into the main briefing room. "It's better than having to call each one of you in the dead of the night.."
"Kate, slow down- what is going on?", John asked in a calming tone, throwing apprehensive looks at the files she was holding in her hands.
"Alright - is everybody here? Bambi, Soap, Gaz, Ghost?"
Laswell locked the door before going back to her usual place. Still dumbfounded from being woken up so suddenly, you looked up at Ghost, but the warm look in his eyes was long gone, replaced by the stone-cold one he sported during missions. You could tell that, internally, he was already preparing for whatever news Laswell was about to deliver. And the grim look plastered on her face, as she turned on the video projector, was foreboding enough:
"A shipment of biological weapons we've been tracking just went missing. We have good reason to suspect that our scouts have been compromised."
taglist: @neoarchipelago, @thecorruptedlovely, @mitchlow, @fieldsofbats, @thaprilks, @stars-andfreckles, @that-napa-know-how, @preistinajamjar, @iamaliceinwonderland, @allaboutirem0, @lilpothoscuttings, @01trickster10, @yyiikes, @joanne-uwu, @dorck26
2K notes · View notes
The Hashira’s Favourite Hugs
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Happy Valentines day everyone! Enjoy some lovin from your favourite Hashira ^^
Requests and asks are still open :)
Word count: 4k~
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Mitsuri Kanroji
Prepare to be swept off your feet (literally)
Approaching our very own love Hashira and requesting a hug will be met with the same excitement no matter what
“Huh? Do you want a hug? Of course! Come here sweetie, let me hold you for a bit!”
She will be SO HAPPY if you asked ^^
Mitsuri may squeeze you a little, but never too much
Her goal is to get you as close to her as possible, no gap spared between you two
She’s honestly one of the best huggers here
Depending on your height, she’ll either prop her chin on either your head or shoulder
She’s a little warm from her flustering, but still enthusiastic nonetheless
If your head is tucked away, she’ll focus on swaying you both side to side in a rocking motion
Almost as if you two were dancing
But if you face is out in the open, Mitsuri will not waste a second before peppering your entire face in kisses
She tries her best to make you feel loved
Mitsuri absolutely adores hugs so she’ll never turn you down
She likes cooing about how much she loves you while the two of you hold each other
“Oh you make my heart skip a beat! I love you so much!!!”
Compliments will not be held back here, Mitsuri will go above and beyond
But even the love Hashira has a favourite hug
Mitsuri was once gone for more than a week on some business that she had to attend to
You missed her terribly, and you grew more worried as time passed by
While lounging in your shared bedroom, you heard the door open and close as your love cheered “Honey, I’m home!”
You sprinted across the house, found Mitsuri and leapt into her arms, yours pulling her in by her neck
Seizing momentum while she had it, Mitsuri spun the two of you around while you were still in the air
But when the two of you had spun enough and she tried to put you down, she realized that your legs were around her waist
You were almost clinging onto her like a koala, and something inside of her melted
She was internally squealing at how affectionate you were :)
Mitsuri’s favourite hugs are ones where she can use her strength, often by lifting you up into her arms
“Sweetie it’s late, let me carry you to bed, okay?”
It just makes her feel strong and cherished
Would absolutely carry you around like this all the time if you let her
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Obanai Iguro
He acts like he hates them
Do not underestimate him and the complete unadulterated adoration he has for you and the few people he lets near his heart
Obanai is just not used to that kind of thing, and it really stresses him out
If you asked him for a hug he would just shoot you a critical stare before groaning out an "Ughhh, fine. Come here"
You would be doing all the work here
Even if you have both your arms wrapped around him, your head resting on his shoulder, he still won't move
Obanai is really stiff about it
If you're lucky, he'll MAYBE pat your back unenthusiastically
Truth be told, Obanai doesn't let people touch him often so he wouldn't have much experience in it by far
Now if you ASKED him what is favourite hug is, he would say the side squeeze he gives you in public
Obanai can get overprotective easily, but he doesn't like showing it
He rarely misunderstands when someone is just being nice or affectionate in a platonic manner and when someone is actually hitting on you
If he sees someone making moves on you or just making you uncomfortable in general, he will glide over there and put his hand in your back pocket
Effectively pulling you into a very tense side hug
Obanai wouldn't say anything, but his main line of protection is his very judgmental look at his target
He wants you to believe that he's tough and all, that guarding you from danger is his greatest joy
But Obanai is really soft
His actual favourite hugs are what he refers to as "Sweater Time"
If you have larger sweaters than he does, he will pull the bottom hem of it up for a minute and pull it over his head
If he's taller than you then he just tucks you underneath the hem of his
Basically the two of you are wearing the same, spacious sweater
He's close enough that just fitting into it doesn't make you feel like you need to wrap your arms around him
But Obanai might pull you in if he just really needs your touch
He absolutely loves holding your face and resting his forehead on yours, absentmindedly tracing your jaw
Takes the opportunity to look into your eyes but Obanai doesn’t hold eye contact for long
So very warm :)
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Tengen Uzui
You’re in for a ride, that’s for sure
If you ask Tengen for a hug, he’s gonna be so snarky about it
He’ll make you confirm it like 5 times
“Hmm? You want a hug from the God of Festivals? Ahhh, of course, anyone would want to be in my arms! Come closer and claim you prize from yours truly~”
Tengen will motion you towards him, hinting to put your arms around him
Most of the time he’ll tease you about it, but sometimes Tengen will just flash a smile and pull you in
He’s pretty strong so his hugs are pretty tight by default
You can smell a hint of the cologne he uses, which is never too strong in the first place
Loves pressing you in by the small of your back, he can’t explain why though
Tengen’s hands just gravitate there, no lower or higher
Even when you two are already hugging, Tengen will not be able to resist teasing you
He is RELENTLESS about it too
Even if Tengen gets annoying with how affectionate you can be, he doesn't really mean it
Because every now and then, he just needs you there with him for a bit
It doesn't happen often but Tengen does have nights where he just can't sleep
You wouldn't know if its stress, repetitive thoughts or nightmares simply because he refuses to tell you
When he just lies there in the early hours of the morning, he'll carefully drag whoever is nearest towards him
This particular instance, you barely stirred awake as Tengen lifted your body to lie atop of his
Sensing your arousal from slumber, Tengen already hushes you back to sleep
"It's okay baby," he coos. "Just needed you a little closer. Get some rest"
If you happen to stay awake, he'll continue his attempts to get you to fall asleep again as he would honestly prefer for you to stay asleep when he's like this
Because when Tengen feels the worst of himself haunt his thoughts with all the memories and pain that he carries everywhere, nothing soothes him more than you pulling him closer whilst dreaming
This unconscious "I love you" of yours never fails to bring a sad smile and a few tears of love rolling down his cheeks
Pulls you even closer as he feels joy spread throughout his chest like fireworks
Yes, this is his favourite, and he will reward your efforts with forehead kisses and gently stroking your spine
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Sanemi Shinazugawa
Either he has rabies or he just snarled at you
“Why the fuck are your arms like that? Are you looking for a fight?”
If you ask Sanemi for a hug, expect some backlash
See, all you wanted was some affection and somehow he's looking at you like you have two heads or something
"No you jerk, I just want a hug..."
Sanemi is pretty circumstantial with hugs, but he's not like Obanai where he's hiding how soft he really is
In reality, he would prefer that you got a hug from someone else
"Isn't it Mitsuri's day off? She should be in the garden at Shinobu's place"
Due to his workaholic nature, Sanemi doesn't think that he would be the best person for when you want affection
And its not because he hates affection nor does he find you annoying
Sanemi just think that because he's sweaty, covered in a bit of blood and is exhausted beyond belief, that maybe someone else's hug may bring more comfort than he could
But if there's no one else around...
"Mitsuri took a trip to a resort in the mountains, and you're already here"
With a roll of his eyes, Sanemi will acquiesce
"Get over here, you dork"
I will advise you however, that hug will not last more than three seconds
He will be firm in the hug, and maybe he'll give you a few pats on the back, but that's all you're getting
"There, now no more distractions. I've got some unfinished buisness..."
He will immediately turn away and go back to whatever he was doing
Honestly, he's trying to hide how (minorly) flustered he is by your sudden request for affection, but it's not surprising enough for him to let up a little on his unspoken self-consciousness
No, that would take at least a decade of attempts to make any progress
Just take his huffiness with a bit of grace; Sanemi just isn't the best person to go to when you want a hug
But if you come to him with tears dribbling down your cheeks, and a pained expression on your face
If you come to him with opened arms and a few sobs choked in your throat
If you push aside your dignity to allow Sanemi to see you at your worst, and a look in your eyes that shows that he's the only one who can alleviate the pain
"I've got you, I'm not going anywhere. I've got you"
He won't hesitate to immediately pull you in
There's something in the way you hold onto him that makes him believe that maybe, just maybe, he's not as bad as he thought
Hugs like these are his favourite, when he can push out his insecurities and hug you just for the sake of hugging you
Yeah, he's no good for hugging you when you want it
But he's perfect at it when you need it
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Shinobu Kocho
She’s kinda iffy with them, but she does have her own preferences
If you approach Shinobu and you ask for a hug, she’ll open her arms to you and motion you toward her
“Oh my, my dear do you need a hug? No need to worry Angel, I’m right here”
She’s definitely shorter than you so she’ll normally press her face into your chest while the two of you embrace
Shinobu likes listening to your heartbeat, and sometimes seizes the opportunity to check your health
Usually she does it because she finds it soothing
Other times, Shinobu just worries even if she knows she has no reason to
Believe it or not but she doesn’t like being held
Shinobu will never breathe a word of it, especially if you’re really affectionate
Would never ask you to stop, she just wouldn’t go out of her way to ask you to hold her
You would think after learning this that Shinobu just doesn’t like physical affection
While cooking some dinner for the two of you, your mind will start to wander about Shinobu
She spends so much time studying medicine that you hardly saw her all day today
You missed her dearly
But then you feel two arms snake around your waist, and someone pressing into your back
The smell of wisteria and rubbing alcohol wafting around you
Yes, it’s true that Shinobu doesn’t like being held
But she LOVES holding you close
In bed she’s the big spoon, she hangs onto you when you share showers, her arms will wrap around your neck when she checks up on you working at your desk
But right now?
You cooking and talking about your day, while she hums along?
Feeling you relax into her touch as she hops up on her toes to press her forehead into your neck?
Yes, this is Shinobu’s favourite
There is no place she would rather be
Shinobu is the type of person where she just loves existing in the same space as you, but with her chest pressed against your back
Overall, back hugs enthusiast
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Kyojuro Rengoku
Look me in my eyes and tell me that he isn’t the best hugger here
If you ask Kyojuro for a hug, he would be so honoured to give you one
“But of course my love! Please allow me to give you a proper embrace!”
He’s so soft and warm you could melt away
Depending on how you are when you asked, he will either ask you about your day or stay very quiet for you
Our sunshine boy can brighten even the stormiest days
Kyojuro’s very versatile with affection, so if he knows you have a preference he will heed to it at once
Head scratches, back rubs, shoulder pats, you name it
He’ll do it all for you
If it’s possible in the moment, he will give you a loving kiss on the forehead
With how affectionate Kyojuro is, you would think maybe he doesn’t have a favourite hug but that’s not true
“My love! I have finished my project, sit down with me so I may share it with you!”
You had just came back from the kitchen with two cups of tea, setting them on the coffee table
Kyojuro sat on the floor with his legs crossed, arms open and motioning you towards him
Initially you were confused with how close you stood near him, but Kyojuro still hurriedly motioned you towards him
He softly held onto your hips, turning you away from him, and pulled you down so you sat on the floor with him
You were basically sitting in Kyojuro’s lap
He had one arm around your waist, using the other hand to pull the box he was working on for the past couple weeks across the table towards the both of you
It was a time capsule of various items and mementos of time spent with you and his friends
Although the two of you were reminiscing on the memories made , Kyojuro’s focus lied in how comfortable you were to hold in his lap
He fantasizes of turning you around to face him so he could be all romantic and look into your eyes
But yes, Kyojuro’s favourite hugs are the ones where you are seated in his lap
If you want to hug him as well, Kyojuro will spin you around so you can cuddle all you’d like :)
Big or small, he can handle you no problem
Don’t ever worry about being too heavy ^^
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Giyu Tomioka
Also iffy but for different reasons
To be completely honest Giyu has no idea what he’s doing
And he doesn’t know if he should tell you
The last thing he would want is to come off as unapproachable (even if he’s aware that most of his peers don’t like him)
If you ask Giyu for a hug, he’ll just nod and open his arms slightly
When you close in on the hug though, his arms aren’t even touching you
They just stay there… hovering…
Good grief help this man
“Giyu, what are you doing…” “Hugging you?” He mumbled
There’s no way around it, you have to show him how it’s done
“Let me show you Giyu, put your arms like this-“
He’s still learning so please be patient with him
Even after you two practice a couple times, he’s still awkward about it
Very light grip on his end, he feels like if he were to actually put pressure in his hugging it might disturb you somehow
Like what if he's hugging too tight? What if you want to escape his hold earlier than you thought??? What if he's doing this wrong?????
After you two have hugged in a couple other ways, he starts developing preferences
For an example, he likes draping his arms on your shoulders in a way that they fall down your back
Giyu feels like he’s not bothering you too much this way, and it’s natural enough for him to not overthink it
His first natural instinct isn’t usually physical affection, and Giyu wouldn’t even be able to firmly place what his favourite hug would be due to his lack of experience
But one time you greeted him after he came back from a particularly rough mission
Idk he was just standing in the middle of his yard looking lost and worn out
You tried to talk to him but he was unresponsive, so you just pulled him in
His arms still rested at his sides but from the way that his chin rested on your shoulder, you couldn't have seen it but there was a twinkle in his eye
When you pulled away with a smile and bade him goodbye, you genuinely restored something in him
This is Giyu's favourite hug; ones where you just hold him close without an expectation that he has to reciprocate something
Next time you saw him seated at his desk and writing in his journal you noticed it
You almost missed it but it was most definitely there
A tiny smile was on his face as he printed his thoughts onto the paper
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Gyomei Himejima
You wouldn’t notice right away, but he’s actually awkward with hugs
This gentle giant is so huge and you’re so small in comparison he doesn’t know what to do
So if you ask Gyomei for a hug, you're gonna have to be more specific
"You want a hug? Of course. May you please elaborate on your preferences?"
Boundaries are very important to Gyomei
He would prefer if you could have a discussion before you need a hug where you list the things you are and are not okay with when it comes to touch
But if neither of you have had that discussion, just describe what you need from this specific case and that'll suffice for Gyomei
Once that's done, Gyomei will only then allow you to wrap your arms around him
The most common tendencies he tends to gravitate to is petting your head and rubbing your back gently
I will warn you that unless you specify that you don't like getting picked up, Gyomei may unintentionally lift you off the ground by a couple inches
Honestly, he forgot how huge he is and he thought you were taller
If you want to return some level of affection to Gyomei, I would suggest singing some praises for him or making generally happy noises :)
He particularly likes it if you coo a small "Dawwwwwww" or let out a pleased hum, it just pulls a wide grin out of him
When you two eventually pull away, he will without a doubt rustle your hair or pat your head
"Are you feeling better? I'm always here for you, remember that"
His biggest priority whilst showing you affection is ensuring that he leaves you in a better state than he found you
Be it physically, mentally, or emotionally, Gyomei will always be ready to take care of you
Even if he's oddly stiff about it
You see, Gyomei is hyperaware of his size and it sometimes conflicts with his confidence in coming off as passive and kind
It's really hard to be perceived as non-threatening when you're 7'2 and one of the strongest Hashira
So he tries to establish boundaries with you not just to respect you and ensure he's not crossing any lines, but also to make him feel safe and comfortable in being affectionate with you
I will add however, Gyomei doesn't have any physical boundaries with you (except killing another living thing without full disclosure)
So imagine his surprise when you ask if you can try lifting him
"You can certainly try- ouf!"
He was interrupted with your efforts to pick him up
Regardless if you manage to get him an inch off the ground, your determination still has him flustered
Gyomei finds your strength and playfulness endearing, letting a soft chuckle at your smaller stature trying to lift his gigantic self
But he'll heartily tell you to put him down before you start to over exert yourself
Gyomei will hold onto you for a little longer in thanks though :)
Because Gyomei's favourite hugs are the ones that make him feel small and cared for, rather than large and nurturing
He appreciates how you remind him of that side of him
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Muichiro Tokito (Platonic)
Muichiro needs a good measure of caution if you're going to be affectionate with him
Initially most people would think that it's because you would have to try a couple times to get his attention with the amount of times that he spaces out
But honestly, if you hug him without warning he gets scared
If you ever did pull him into your arms whilst his mind was elsewhere, you can see Muichiro start to panic
He won't say anything about it, just standing very very still
But Muichiro is visibly uncomfortable
I mean think about it, imagine how startling it could be if you were just minding your own business and out of nowhere, someone's in your personal bubble
It makes Muichiro feel like he missed out on something important :/
His shoulders will be shaking as he looks around the person who's hugging him, trying to gauge what kind of situation he's in and what would be the appropriate reaction
Muichiro doesn't really like hugs in general so I wouldn't recommend hugging him in the first place
If anything, Muichiro feels bad because everyone just assumes that because he's a kid that he likes hugs and being coddled
So if you ask him for a hug, he'll politely turn you down
"A hug? Sorry, I'm not a hugger..."
He really doesn't mean it maliciously so please don't hold any hard feelings about it
It's only a personal boundary, he just hopes that you'll respect it
If you want to be affectionate with him, then I would suggest handshakes :)
But I will also raise that there may be a time where Muichiro may want to give you a hug
It's usually when someone accomplishes some kind of feat, and Muichiro just feels really proud of them
So his favourite hugs are the ones that he initiates (usually out of pride)
Muichiro will always do it with his arms wrapped around your waist and pressing his face into your middle
Hugging him back isn't his favourite, but now would be a great opportunity for head pats ^^
Muichiro loves those
Overall you just need to be patient and understanding with Muichiro, and just trust that he will come to you
And you know what, if you really need that hug then Muichiro will at least go out of his way to cheer you up
It just might not be the way that you would expect
꒷꒦˚︶︶꒦꒷︶꒷꒦˚ ꒷꒦˚︶︶꒦꒷︶꒷꒦˚ ꒷꒦˚︶︶꒦꒷︶꒷꒦˚
Let me know if I should do this prompt for the Demons too!
Reminder to read the rules before submitting any asks or requests ^^
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stsgluver · 9 months
TAKE ME BACK TO BEFORE – gojo satoru
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summary. based off of this drabble. satoru loses his best friend, and, in the process, loses you too. PART ONE OF FOUR.
wc. 4.4k
tags. ANGST <33333 some fluff at the beginning, slight mention of some suggestive activities, cliff-hanger ending (neither happy nor sad), might be swearing I can't remember and it's 12am I'm too tired to check, may include spelling mistakes
a/n. sorry some bits are a little rushed but I wanted the focus on yn and gojo without making it too long!! hope you enjoy (unknown whether i'll pt2 it, might just leave it to the imagination)!!!! this is also my first long long piece of writing so i’m happy to accept any criticism xxx
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chapped lips kiss along the back of your neck, soft hair tickling with each movement. you can feel the heat of the sun that peaks though the half closed curtains – satoru’s fault since the additional two seconds that would take is two seconds that he’s not with you and god forbid he’s not wrapped around you like a koala.
like right now.
you daren’t not open your eyes yet, enjoying the peace of being gently pampered by your boyfriend’s love as his kisses move down your shoulders and his fingers draw circles on your thighs and tummy. one leg is slotted neatly between yours and for a few blissful moments, he’s not the strongest sorcerer alive and you’re not his semi-grade one girlfriend that is constantly scrutinised for not coming from a well known clan. in their eyes you weren’t worthy to be in bed with a special grade. not that that had ever stopped you or gojou.
“i know you’re awake,” satoru murmurs against your skin, lifting his head up so that it rests against your shoulder. his voice is laced with sleep and you’re sure he hasn’t been awake much longer than you. he squeezes you impossibly closer, his bare chest against your back and your lips tilt up in a smile at the fact you’re the only one who will ever be this close to him. able to touch and kiss every inch of his skin with no infinity acting as a barrier.
after the fight with toji, gojo had reached a state of enlightenment. he declared himself the honoured one and suddenly you, suguru and gojo were no longer doing missions together. in fact, gojo would practically drop off the face of the earth for several weeks at a time as the higher ups took advantage of his new-found skills. you and suguru coped but it had changed the dynamic of your relationships entirely so these mornings were easily your favourite time of the day.
“i preferred it when you didnt speak,” you lie, twisting round in his arms to face him. it was becoming more of a rarity to see your boyfriend without his glasses on. as his power grew stronger, the consequential headaches were only worsening and shoko could only counter his cursed technique so much. “more kisses please.” squeezing your eyes shut and puckering your lips in an over-exaggerated manner, you hear satoru snicker lightly but he complies nonetheless.
one hand dips under your head to lightly grasp ahold of your hair, ensuring you stay tightly against him. the other reaches down, skimming past your shorts to grasp your thigh and pull it over his leg so your body is pressed against his. his hands are so gentle but they leave a fiery heat in their path that makes you wish you weren’t at the jujutsu high dorms with your friends either side of you.
“so demanding,” he mocks, his voice muffled against your lips. you’re almost embarrassed by how hard you’re trying to swallow the whine that’s stuck at the back of your throat. and satoru knows, he always knows, and he pinches your thigh as your hand wraps around his neck.
you bite down on his lip and squeeze your hand and he’s gasping and you’re kissing him harder until, finally, oxygen catches up to you both. satoru keeps you close, your foreheads pressed against one anothers as your quickened breaths mingle.
it’s a few more seconds till your heart has calmed down enough to hear yourself think and you open your eyes to see his ocean blue ones already staring at you. if your cheeks weren’t already red from your small make out, they definitely were now under his powerful gaze, so full of love and adoration.
satoru sees you so clearly, you look like an angel to him. sure, he has a strip from a photo booth of the two of you folded in the back pocket of his uniform at all times and hundreds of pictures of you on his phone to look back at when he’s away from you. but seeing you like this so up close is an image he wants branded into his brain permanently.
“we don’t have class today,” satoru says suggestively, drawing dangerously high circles that have you shuddering in anticipation.
your thumb brushes against his chin, tickled against the slight stubble that he’d shave off once you got out of bed. “what are you proposing?” you hum with a grin.
satoru enunciates each of his words with a wet kiss to your lips, cheek, nose and jaw, “you, me and a whole morning of s-” 
there’s a sharp knock against the door and satoru rolls over onto his side of the bed, letting out a very loud and very mature whine. you giggle quietly and press one last kiss to the crook of his neck, telling him to go speak to whoever it is. with a grumbled who the fuck is cockblocking the honoured one, satoru complies and slides off of the bed to find his pyjama pants to at least look half decent.
you watch him lazily, and you think you could fall back asleep if it weren’t for the fact your body is buzzing from the simple make out session. it was scary to admit the power satoru had over you.
“i’m trying to spend quality time with my girlfriend kento, this better be good,” satoru whines as he slides open his dorm door. you could almost picture nanami’s disgusted expression at the half-clothed, six-foot-something sorcerer who, quite frankly, was acting like a child.
“i need your help exorcising a few grade threes that were spotted,” nanami admits in a monotone voice but your heart instantly sinks.
“you’re grade two-” satoru tries to argue but you hiss gojo and the simple use of his family name has him reconsidering. clicking his tongue, he nods once at nanami with a more serious expression than is usually worn by the special grade, “give me five and i’ll be there.”
“i’ll be outside. bye yn.”
“stay safe kento!” you call back to him as you hear his footsteps get further away. 
satoru slowly closes the door. any trace of the sexual desires that were in the room previous have dissipated into a quiet sombre. he’s silent for a few moments before he turns his attention back to you, carefully assessing your response.
you stare up at the ceiling for a few more moments before you meet the eyes of your boyfriend. there’s an unspoken name between you and both of you are scared to say what you’re thinking.
the mission had initially meant to be one for you: it was supposed to be just a couple of grade two curses. easy. but you’d pushed yourself too hard the day before during train and could barely walk on your left leg. shoko had been away with family so the higher ups made the executive decision to send nanami and him. 
things went nasty quickly with the information being all wrong and satoru was the one who ultimately exorcised the curses as the rest of you mourned over what remained of his body. it didn’t matter that almost twelve months had passed. the guilt of ‘what if’ still tormented your memories and you’d be lucky if you went a week without seeing him in your dreams.
“i love you.” you turn your body to the left to see satoru having knelt down just in front of the bed. his icy blue eyes were filled to the brim with concern and pity for your situation. with satoru so often being away for missions now, you two had struggled to work through your guilt as you tried to pull further and further away from him. 
you offer him a small smile for reassurance. “i love you too.”
“always?” he tilts his head and grins. it didn’t take a genius to figure out that satoru had two very clear and distinctive love languages: physical touch and affirmations. he didn’t need the reassurance but there was just something about hearing you profess your love for him over and over that made his heart soar. 
you reach out to hold his face, and he practically purrs as he nestles himself closer into your touch. “of course pretty boy. who else would put up with your tantrums?”
“tantrums?! i would never,” satoru says, appalled by the accusations so much so he holds your wrists and kisses both palms of your hands. “that hurt my feelings.”
“you’ll be okay.” you roll your eyes, but your lips have quirked into a small smile and satoru mirrors it with a with a wide as he classes that as a  success. he places one little kiss to your lips, sighing reluctantly as he knows he’s got to leave you. 
despite the fact he was getting ready to go on a mission and not spend the day on a date with you, you do love the view of watching him get dressed. his back muscles in particular as he pulls a white shirt over his head that you wish you could bite—
since you had started slipping into satoru’s room and spending the night, you two had formed a codependent morning routine. one part of which being the fact that satoru seemed to lose all ability to button up his uniform jacket the second you were in his bed. 
you shrug off the duvet and slip off of his bed to stand in front of him where he stood awaiting. a silence settles between the two of you as your hands gently pull his jacket together and slot each of the buttons into place. his glasses remain in his hand so you’re blessed with those ocean eyes watching each of your ministrations.
“suguru gets back from visiting his parents today,” you loop your arms loosely around his neck once you’re done, and he wants to laugh at the way you stretch up to meet his height. “him, ieiri and i are going to get boba if you want to join. bring kento too. i’m worried about him.”
“he’ll be okay,” you frown at satoru’s cheerful, but also dismissive, tone. “it’s just a part of-”
“-being a sorcerer. yeah i know,” you grumble. satoru is not an idiot, far from it, he’s just never known anything other than the jujutsu world. in such a world death has become normalised – even for a boy only eighteen. “but me and kento aren’t from families like you. we didn’t know what we were signing up for,” you explain and his lips pull into a thin line.
he presses an apologetic kiss to you forehead and gives your waist a soft squeeze, “i’m sorry, love you, baby.”
“i love you more,” you draw your arms around him more tightly and press your cheek to your chest as you hold him close to you, “come back to me safely.”
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“answer my calls idiot,” you sigh as you press on geto’s contact for the third time. he should have arrived at the school twenty minutes ago but it had pretty much been radio silent since he’d arrived at his parents. other than the confirmation that he was there and safe, you hadn’t heard anything. you initially weren’t concerned – he was seeing his family after all – but he was never late to meet you.
as you run down the hall to her, you notice your teacher, yaga, standing stony-faced with paper in his hands. you hold up your phone with suguru’s contact on the screen, “have you heard from sugu-“ shoko sighs, shaking her head and your stomach drops. not suguru too. you could barely recover from haibara. the only person that got you through that was satoru and you don’t think he can hold you together and keep himself sane if suguru had been killed by a curse too.
“someone tell me he’s still alive,” there’s tears welling up in your eyes as your grip tightens around your phone. what if you’d called him a day prior? would he have answered? asked for help? could you have saved him?
shoko can’t meet your gaze as she struggles to find the right words to explain so it’s your teacher that wordlessly answers your demand by handing you the letter in his hand, “read this.” 
you wish you hadn’t.
“what? what?” you repeat, eyes wide as you scan the word ‘execution’. your stomach is doing flips at this point and you really think you might be sick. your head pounds as you reread the words. “is this real?”
“unfortunately,” yaga confirms.
you think maybe it’s selfish, your friend is clearly suffering because no perfectly well being commits such a heinous act, but the only person that concerns you is– “does satoru know?”
“no,” he shakes his head, “i’m informing him once he’s back with nanami. i’m going to need all four of you to be on your best behaviour, keeping a low profile and completing any missions received as swiftly and efficiently as possible. we’re all going to be scrutinised for every decision we make from now.” yaga doesn’t have to explain himself fully to you both to know what he’s implying. all of you are under suspicion now of conspiracy – one mistake and the next execution letter could have your name written.
“do you know where is suguru now?” you ask shoko with a shaky voice once yaga has walked away back to his office.
“the boba shop,” shoko plays with the unlit cigarette in her hand. she, much like gojo, kept her true emotions hidden by a veil of grins and snarky comments, but there was a clear tone of defeat in her voice. “we planned to go there so he’ll go.”
you lift your head up from the floor, “but that was before he did… this.” there is a lump in your throat as you speak and find yourself feeling selfish as your concern shifts to your boyfriend and how he’ll handle suguru’s defection.
“he’ll be there,” shoko says firmly with the utmost trust in her voice. a true belief that he will never let you both down, that he will never do anything that has been accused of him.
that belief is quickly dashed, a day dream that isn’t real and the truth cut through you deeper than any curse ever could. suguru was nonchalant when you had spoken, apologetic that he had to leave all of his friends as opposed to his actions that caused that. shoko had called satoru and the rest had been a blur as she took you back to jujutsu high to give satoru and suguru their space.
time stills until a familiar aura of cursed energy enters the high school. he’s not wearing his usual dark shades so you can see his eyes are clearly bloodshot and puffy from tears – even if they’re partially covered by his growing white locks and his hunched posture.
you, shoko and yaga have been awaiting his return. there is a target on suguru’s head now and your teacher needs to know if satoru has pulled the trigger. you just need your boyfriend to come back to you in one piece, both metaphorically and physically. 
he doesn’t acknowledge any of you. there’s no words, no gestures, no shift in his energy to even let you all know that he’s responsive to the outside world. it’s like he’s just on autopilot as he pushes between the three of you and heads in the direction of the dorm rooms.
shoko sighs, flicking the lighter in her hand as she silently takes her leave. your heart feels like it’s ripping in two and you’re struggling to pick up the falling pieces as you watch her walk away. suguru is gone, shoko is shutting down and satoru…
yaga encourages you to go and speak to satoru whilst he discusses with other sorcerers about plans going forward regarding suguru. 
“toru? toru?” you knock lightly on his door, repeating your nickname for him when he doesn’t respond to you the first time. you know he’s in there.
another twenty seconds go by before you make the assertive decision to enter, pressing your palms against the door and slowly sliding it open. slipping in and closing the door behind yourself, there’s a slight ache in your chest as you mourn the blissful morning you had woken up to. a morning in a world that no longer existed.
the bed is still perfectly made as you had tidied it before you’d gone on your suguru hunt. satoru sits at his desk, his foot tapping lightly on the ground repeatedly as his knee moves up and down. you have never seen him in any state of anxiety before. it felt intrusive to witness the strongest in such a manner – even if you are his girlfriend.
you perch yourself onto the edge of his bed and wait for him to open up. which he never does. shocker. “did suguru say much to you?”
“i know this is bad right now but-“
“do you know?” satoru snaps, hands slamming down against his desk causing you to jump. you’ve never seen him speak so angrily and act out – his emotions overruling his logical reasoning. “is it because i’m fucking cryin? is that what made you realise?”
“you were here. you have been with him and not once did you mention that suguru wasn’t doing well,” satoru doesn’t sugarcoat his words as he layers the blame thickly on you, “maybe if you hadn’t been so fucking focused on how your last fuck up killed haibara, i wouldn’t have lost my best friend.” you choke back a sob, hand over your mouth as tears well up in your eyes. satoru doesn’t look at you. somewhere between this morning and now, your position has shifted – from the centre of his universe to just another weak person who burdens him.
“he is my best friend too,” your broken voice tries to defend itself. the attempt falls on deaf ears because now satoru is pacing back and forth, his fingers pressed to the sides of his forehead as he rotates them in small circles. migraine.
“satoru i get you’re grieving and you’re hurt but you can’t blame me,” you try to reason because god you love him so much and you think if he means what he says, if satoru truly blames you… you’re not sure how you’re going to be able to move on.
“cant i?” satoru lets out a dry chuckle, shaking his head. “i ignored him for you. to make sure you were okay.”
“look we’re both emotional right now. i’ll give you some time to cool off and we can work this out–” you try to reach out and hold his hand but you're met with a force you haven’t felt in a very very very long time. he turned his infinity on.
“dont bother,” he slouches back down into his chair, forearm covering his eyes as he leans back. “there’s nothing to work out.”
those tears that you’d been holding back are freely flowing now, down past your reddned cheeks and dripping onto his bed sheets as you feel yourself become light-headed. “are you break-“
“go.” there’s a chill down your spine from the assertiveness in his voice. it’s monotone and without any trace of the love he had for you that morning. he really means it then, everything he said.
so you comply and you don’t look back.
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“ieiri, i just need two more minutes then i should be ready to go–”
“you’re leaving.” 
your breath hitches and your whole world comes to a halt at the oh-so-familiar voice behind you. one that had barely addressed you or acknowledged your existence for a year now. a ghost.
“gojo,” you know he doesn’t like your usage of his first name from the disgruntled sound he makes. there’s a brief pause as your brain hot wires itself back into function again and you refrain from repeating his family name that tastes so foreign on your tongue. “uh, yeah, my plane to korea leaves in a few hours.” 
“you weren’t going to say goodbye?”
you scoff, closing the last box with the remains of your tape, “this is the first time you’ve recognised my existence in nearly a year, gojo. can’t say goodbye to someone who’s already left you behind.” your tone is especially sharp as you utter the syllables of his last name. it hurts to speak to him, to hear his voice, to exist to him again. he doesn’t get to speak to you with a breeziness in his voice, like he never abandoned you in the worst way possible. like he didn’t shatter your heart into a million pieces when you were already at your lowest.
the world of jujutsu is cruel and had been especially to you since geto’s defection and the break up with gojo. you had shoko and nanami but shoko was slowly regressing into a shell of a former self and nanami had always had one foot out of the door. the last twelve months had only solidified his decision to leave.
the higher ups have little to no respect for you – that is a fact. gojo leaving you had removed any sort of political defence you had against them and they didn’t hesitate to question your position and capabilities as a sorcerer after every mission. you don;t need gojo to survive, you could stand up for yourself, but you deserved more than to be left in the lurch at such a volatile time with suguru’s defection. 
there’s a dampness in your palm and you wince as you realise how tightly you had been clenching your fists.
gojo reaches out for your bloodied hands and you flinch away, finally turning back to look at him.
he’s stunning.
“don’t touch me,” you are quick to widen the distance between the two of you, wiping your hands on your dark skirt. for a moment there’s a parallel to all those months ago – when he’d decided to break up with you and cut you off from touching him with the same infinity that had once brought you so much joy. initially, allowing you to touch him had been his way of opening up, learning how to be vulnerable to the person he loves. he hadn’t needed to tell you you were over the moment he forced that barrier between you once more.
“i’m sorry.” his blue eyes aren’t as blue as they once were, their light dimmed, and he looks genuinely apologetic for overstepping. it doesn’t ease the ache.
the two of you take a breath and just stare. your eyes scan the face and body of the man who you thought you knew like the back of your hand. every scar on his body and every thought in his mind.
his lips quirk into a sad smile, “i love you.” your jaw clenches at his admission and you turn back to your boxes. 
he doesn’t mean it. he can’t.
“gojo,” you warn quietly, your thoughts quickly going into haywire at his confession because you’d be lying if you said you don’t love him too. in fact, you know you do – it’s what has driven your hatred towards him to blossom into a garden of sharp, bleeding roses.
“please stop calling me that,” he always hated to be reduced to the clan he is from. he takes a cautious step towards you as the words continue to spill from his lips. “i love you, i love you so much, but i have lost so much. i got scared and i pushed you away and it was so wrong of me–”
“i lost everything.” you look directly at him and you can only hope that he knows you’re referring to him and him alone. it isn’t that you consider everyone else expendable, you’re just capable of coping with the loss of them. a piece of you died a year ago and 
“but you’re not the strongest are you?” you click your tongue and almost laugh. he belongs in this world of sorcery more than you ever could. everything is reduced to power. “i’ve been this prodigy since as long as i can remember and i couldnt save haibara, i didn’t even realise suguru was spiralling and you…” 
“i was right here,” you press a finger directly into the centre of his chest to emphasise your point. somehow you manage not to hesitate and stutter as you realise he’s dropped his infinity for you again – even if it is just to allow you to prod him in anger. “i needed you. i lost someone who i saw as a little brother and then one of my best friends kills his parents and an entire village. i needed you.”
gojo’s left silent for a moment so you finish off, “you know how i find this society to be a prestigious bunch of shit but i stayed for you and you still left me. i would’ve done anything for you.” there’s those tears again. you need him out of your room and you need out of this world as soon as possible.
“i have two kids.”
“what?” you don’t bother to hide the hurt in your voice, nor the underlying tones of jealousy. you’d been out of his life for twelve months and he’d already moved on? and had kids? at nineteen?
“they were about to get sold to the zen’in clan-“ your eyebrows furrow as the pieces of the puzzle come together. 
“fushiguro’s?” you cut him off to ask tentatively, and gojo nods. you take a seat on your bed. you’re not quite sure you can handle anything coming out of his mouth without risking passing out from the sheer overwhelmingness of it all. how dare he waltz back into your life, announce he has two kids that he was willingly raising to ensure they didn’t become victims of the zen’in clan? for what? as a favour for the man who basically killed him not even three years prior?
gojo flashes you a sheepish smile, clasping his hands together as he rocked back and forth on his heels nervously. “want to raise them with me?”
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taglist ! @sanokiss ! @dummyf ! @erenssin ! @makiuchiha97 ! @sosoa ! @bontensh0e ! @cole-silas ! @fenrysashryver ! @istanuwow !
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need your touch
preference summary: you're touch starved and what their reactions are.
content warnings: none
fandom: baldur's gate 3
characters: astarion, gale, wyll, halsin
gender neutral reader
anon request
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Astarion: He's pretty touchy through the relationship. He prefers to initiate touch, but once he sees that you're leaning into his touch a little more than the average person would, he realizes that you might have been starved for affection. His heart breaks, knowing what it's like in a sense. He craves touch where he can consent to it, he's also been denied the touch that comes from loving hands, where it's not against his will. So, with you, he's able to start his journey of healing, being able to bring about touch for you, and you giving touch back that he wants. It's refreshing for him, but he also aims to make sure you're also given the attention you crave. He wants to see you happy, and you're the first he cares for in a long time. He will always have you pulled into his side, his touches always fleeting when you're in public. He's always taking his touch from your back to your arm, and eventually to hold your hand. He also really loves cuddling you at night, fully taking in your tiny shivers when you get the touches you so crave.
Gale: You do have to mention your starvation to him, and ask for the attention, because while he may notice it, he never wants to feel like he's giving you too much. He can't bare to hear that he's doing too much and having to dial it back. But Gale is one of the most cuddly people to grant your wishes for touch. When he finds out that you're starved for touch, he's wrapping himself around you like a koala. You barely get the question out of asking him to be a little more touchy with you, and he grants it. You're happy, I mean at this point, you don't have to ask for touch. If anything, you'd have to ask him to lessen his touch. But he's touch starved himself, and I definitely think his number one love language is physical touch. He always has one hand on you constantly, and it's definitely subconscious. He loves PDA, wanting to make sure everyone knew you were together. You'll never feel starved for affection again with Gale, he ensures that you're always wrapped in his embrace.
Wyll: He's very subtle with his touch, but it's always there when he reaches out for you. He notices your touch starvation, you never have to bring it up. Of course there's a deep conversation about it at some point, but you never have to outright ask him for more touch at any point. He's always there, grabbing your hand and kissing the palm, being very romantic with any touch he gives you. He'll hold your hand after kissing it, after spinning you around, pulling you as close as you could get to him. He kisses you all over the face, making sure no part of you went unmissed with kisses. He always makes sure you're pressed against him in some form or another, he's definitely a romantic at heart with his touches. They're always followed by some sort of words of affirmation as well, he really gets a kick out of seeing you flustered with the combo. But he really loves doting on you, ensuring his hand is always somewhere on your body, really just craving seeing you lean into his touch, never wanting to see you starved again.
Halsin: Oh Halsin, he very much makes sure that you're going to experience his touch whenever it's wanted by you. He notices your awkward attempts at getting more touch, and he asks you about it. He doesn't judge, in fact, it means he amps up his showering you in love through physical touch. He loves holding you close, especially when it comes to sleep. He leans a pretty decent amount of weight on you, a warm weighted blanket is what he felt like. He's really skilled at bear hugs, always pulling you in tight and pulling you slightly off the ground. He will always give you small kisses throughout the day, always trying to give you some sort of small embrace with it. He's the type to always have arms around you if everyone is idle for the night at camp, never one to shy away from PDA. He pulls you down on top of him near his tent, keeping a warm grip on you. He loves to nuzzle his head into your neck, really trying to put as much weight on you, knowing that kind of touch can be comforting.
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Obey Me when you hug them from behind
Warnings; None
Includes; Bros plus Dia and Barb
Lucifer: If you went up and hugged Lucifer from behind, I feel like his first instinct is to tense up and yell at whoever touched him. He wouldn’t yell when he figured out it was you but he would still be slightly on edge. I feel like he would expect someone to hurt him and he has to be on guard at all times. After fully realizing it was you, he would relax and turn around so he can give you a proper hug. He’s not used to surprise acts of affection so he may be a little bit awkward in the very beginning but once you’ve been together for longer, he would become more used to it and less stiff. If you want a genuine reaction from him, only do it when he’s in his study or when his brothers aren’t around. If you do it while in RAD, he might not give you much affection given his reputation.
Mammon: Mammon might jump at first but he would be quick to relax into it and just enjoy the affection. He would turn bright red and act like it's a big honor for you to be able to hug him but just know he is melting inside. The great Mammon would never show affection toward a human after all but if you wanted to hug him first he wasn’t going to complain. After a while of being in a relationship and he had a stressful day, he might be the one to come and hug you from behind. Being around you always makes his day better. If you did it at RAD, he would act like it’s a big deal but he’s just flustered and doesn’t want to ruin his so-called “reputation.” He would still let you hug him but he would be complaining just a little bit more than usual.
Levi: Levi would be super flustered and would immediately freak out if you came up and hugged him from behind. He definitely won’t know what to do in this situation so he would just awkwardly stand there, not knowing if he should move or hug you back. He might push you away in the very beginning of your relationship and question why you would want to hug a yucky otaku like him. Once your relationship gets more serious, he would still freak out and be super flustered but would definitely seem much more comfortable in your embrace. If you did it during one of the few days that he’s actually at RAD, he would 100% freak out and maybe even lock himself in his room for a while after he got home and would not want to go back to RAD for a while. He still loves you but he doesn’t know how to react to stuff like that.
Satan: Satan would tense up just like Lucifer would and would try to pull away and yell at whoever it was. Once he realizes it was you, he would let you hug him and just kind of relax like that. In the beginning of your relationship, he might seem a bit stiff but once you get him to open up, he becomes more affectionate. Once you’ve been together for a while and you go up and hug him while he’s reading or something like that, he’ll just continue with whatever he was doing and let you hang onto him like a baby koala. If he was reading, he might just pull you into his lap and have you read alongside him. You should never tell him this but his reaction in the beginning is quite similar to Lucifer’s reaction. He would also be pretty fine if you hugged him at RAD as long as he wasn’t in the middle of something important or doing classwork. He doesn’t really care what the others think, they wouldn’t say anything to his face anyway. 
Asmo: Asmo would be totally happy if you came up and hugged him. He absolutely loves affection and he’s super happy that you are comfortable enough to come up and do this with him. He may make a few flirty comments before turning around and embracing you in return. Hugs with Asmo tend to turn into cuddle sessions or something involving self care. If he was doing his makeup or painting his nails and you came up and hugged him, he would pull you into his lap and start doing your makeup or nails. He would be totally fine with wherever you decide to hug him, even if it’s in RAD during class. He’s totally chill with all forms of affection, he is the Avatar of Lust after all. Affection is the name of his game. Whether it’s in the beginning of your relationship or you’ve gotten more serious, don’t be afraid to show him affection. He may even come up and be the one to hug you.
Beel: Beel would also be pretty chill if you came up and hugged him. To be honest, he would be pretty happy that you trust him enough. He would try to hug you back but he knows that he is pretty strong so he is super careful because he doesn’t want to hurt you. Sometimes you have to remind him that you aren’t a piece of glass that would shatter the second that he touches you. In the beginning of the relationship, he would be super careful with you because he doesn’t know much about humans but he knows they are fragile. Once you guys get more serious, he wouldn’t be as careful when he hugs you in return. Sometimes you tend to hug him after he finishes working out and he’s a bit sweaty but both you and him don’t truly seem to mind. He also loves any form of affection that loves from you. He would be fine with you hugging him in RAD and would hug you back without making a fuss. 
Belphie: After the certain events that happened in the attic, he tends to treat you like a piece of glass. He’s so scared about hurting you again so when you come up and hug him, it does take him by surprise. He’s definitely not complaining about it because you are warm and cozy and he loves the embrace. Most hugs with Belphie typically end up with a cuddle session where he falls asleep right next to you so you can’t get up and leave. In the beginning of your relationship, he tends to be extremely careful and nervous around you about what happens but after he knows for sure that you forgive him, he’ll act more normal around you. He truly loves you and doesn’t want to hurt you again. After a while of being together, he’ll start hugging you first because he wants to be close to you.
Diavolo: Diavolo loves your hugs, especially if you are smaller than him and he can just completely hold you when you both hug. When you come up behind him and hug him, he’s never that alarmed because he knows that nobody else would dare to do something like that so he knows that it is you. He would be totally fine with you hugging him in RAD but Barbatos and Lucifer may have different thoughts on that but they can’t say no to him and are glad to see him happy. He typically turns around to hug you back when you hug him from behind. He also loves to spoil you with gifts and affection but he also loves affection in return because he’s so used to people respecting him because of his rank and not because of who he is. He’s used to people wanting to be his friend or partner because they want the wealth and the power and not because they truly love him so he truly cares about you and the fact that you love him for him.
Barbatos: Barbatos already know you’re approaching when you try to sneak up on him. He can just sense you there so he’s never worried. Sometimes you wish you could surprise him but he is always on guard just in case. So when you hug him, he is totally calm and collected as he normally is. When you do it for the first time, he remains cool and collected on the outside but on the inside he is melting because of how much he loves you. He’s not used to physical touch or physical affection so he does seem a bit awkward but after a while he figures out how to hug you back and how to properly show affection. If you hug him while he’s working, he probably wouldn’t respond immediately because his brain is in work mode, but afterward he will make sure to make up for the time
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sunboki · 4 months
CYCLE IN, CYCLE OUT. ⎯ a short Minho fiction
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Lee Minho x gn. reader
• trope. established relationship, fluffy, comfort
• word count. 0.6k
• notes. felt vv in love w our favorite MC on these 2 kids shows…
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Lee Minho had a scheduled routine. He’d arrive from practice, unload his bag, fix himself a drink, and set up at his desk for the night. It was easy, normal. Occasionally, a beloved feline would climb itself into his lap, curled up while the man continued to work for a few more hours.
But, as he slowly opened the door only to witness you, passed out asleep where he usually sat, he can’t help but feel surprised.
And here Minho was thinking his butt was going to be the only thing making an imprint.
Your cheek, smushed into the skin of your forearm earns a quieted coo, his tone amusedly comforting when you grumble your dismay upon being poked. Time and time again he’s reminded of how enamoring you are. …Even when there’s drool smeared on your chin.
“Min…” You whine, half-asleep expression knitting with obvious frustration. He carefully (as if you weighed nothing) rolled the chair back, leaving just enough space that he could fit in between and see you face level.
Ducking down, Minho smiles giddily, head tipped to the side just like Soonie does, curious.
“Mm Bubby? What’re you doing sweetness?” He’d whisper, index tenderly swiping some saliva from off your slightly parted lips.
Good sleep, he thinks, chuckling to himself. You’re too cute for him to handle.
And if you had to name one trait of Minho’s you absolutely adore, right now it’d be is ability to turn on that “lovey-dovey” mode. That sugarcoated, saccharine voice he spoke to the kitties with.
It made you melt, even while barely conscious.
“..Bed…” You say, the words coming out as more of a grumble than anything, though your boyfriend seemed to translate no problem.
“Bed? Is my Y/n sleepy?” He teased, waiting to see if your biting ego takes action to no avail.
Minho, eyes softening, already begins shuffling his arms beneath your elbows, a reassuring peck to the outside of your lips causing you to involuntary grin — one that’s quickly returned.
Wrapping your legs around his waist like a tree-hugging Koala, a sturdy hand finds purchase on the back of your thigh, another sweeping disheveled strands of hair away from your eyes along the way.
You both release loud sighs of utmost relief upon flopping down onto the bed, his fingers nimbly unhooking the clasp of your bra while removing his shirt, allowing either of you supreme comfort. Not sexual nor inviting (not like you had any energy anyway), but familiar, loving.
“Long day?” You muttered, his equally familiar palms slipping beneath your top, simply resting atop your stomach. His groan is enough of an answer, breath deepening, eyelashes dusting closed.
Minho habits most people aren’t aware of? He’s touchy. Touchy in terms of wanting to know you’re there, feel you beside him while he sleeps whether that’s his knee wedged between your legs or a chin nuzzled into your shoulder when you wake up.
You love it. The sore shoulder blades, him kicking you from a nightmare, it’s always enjoyable.
You wouldn’t take it back for the world.
Before he would’ve stayed hunched over work for hours, graced by the enjoyable yet lonesome company of his kitties awaiting an unseen bedtime. Cycle in, cycle out.
Except, the first day you walked into his apartment, that loophole routine changed, drastically.
And for the better.
Like tonight, curled up around you like a protective blanket, his hair tickling the back of your neck, chest flush against the expanse of your bare back.
You understand each other, understand without having to say anything. Unspoken consideration, love. Consuming love.
Hard work, busy schedules, nonstop. But arriving home and finding you filling that once empty space, you who he loved with everything in his being, made everything feel worth it.
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sunboki, may 2022 ©
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everparanoid · 4 months
love languages w/ Wriothesley
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠...
"Love should be warm."
Wriothesley grew up hearing words of affirmation from parents who did not love him or his siblings. Thus, as an adult, he cares little for spoken declarations of love and adoration--though they do stroke his ego. Instead, he savours acts of service, quality time, and physical touch. This is reflected in how he gives and receives love. When Wriothesley falls in love, he falls hard. It is not a love he will declare to the world but rather a subtle love, at least in front of the world. His love is not one of words, though he does say them and will if they happen to be your love language, but his love is wordless. It is a love of the tiny things. The insignificant things. The things that others would dismiss as unimportant things. He will notice how your tone changes when you tell him that you love him; how you bring him his morning tea just the way he likes it or how your gestures soften to his touch. He will be thankful for all the little things you do to express your love that you may not realise he has noticed, but it is that innocence in itself—that pure unfiltered action of love that will make his heart defrost.
Wriothesley is not fussy about gifts. That is not to say that he does not like them, but he does not like owing people. If he were to receive a gift from you, however, he would be thankful. But he would still repay your kindness in other small ways. He will do trivial things to make your life easier even if it is as simple as making sure your Welfare meal is your favourite dish rather than the rubbish everyone else gets; it will be even better than his. It may also be listening to you rant about something that you do not want advice about but just need an ear to hear you and a person to be on your side. He is your shoulder to cry, but he won’t force his presence on you. And he will speak sense into you if you are beating yourself up for something he does not believe you should be beating yourself up for. He does not expect anything in return from you but if you were to bring him his super welfare meal whilst he is sorting through Meropide’s recent pile of paperwork, it is safe to say the paperwork will not be the only thing getting done in his office that afternoon.
Wriothesley is a man with more time on his hands than he likes to let people in on. Mostly because he likes not being disturbed. Nor does he like letting people know that his time is free. After all, it is not. Even if he does not have strict plans for his day, he is still a remarkably busy man. He’ll have something that he is doing even if that something is you. Wriothesley is not co-dependent, but he does love to spend as much time as he can in your presence if he can. Which he can… so why wouldn’t he? That means when he has won a fight in the pankration ring and he is having his injuries tended to by Sigewinne, he will be wrapped around you like a giant sweaty Koala. Which will be a nuisance for all parties involved aside from Wriothesley—he’s in heaven. Another time would be when Clorinde comes to visit he will have you within touching distance whilst he engages in conversation… that is if you agree to be there.
These small acts of service and love of physical touch come into play in your sex life as well. As a self-proclaimed king of foreplay, Wriothesley loves to make sure that you are pleased first. Most of this comes down to the principle that sex is one of the most intimate acts a couple partake in. Expect long sleepless nights under the sheets of your shared bed with him completely pussy-whipped, eating you out until you can't take anymore. He'll grin devilishly as he appears from under the sheets, resting his chin on your chest as he tries to coerce you into giving him one more.
"Come on, my love," he says softly. "One more."
"I thought the last one was the last one," you respond. You take in shallow breaths in hopes of soothing your racing heart. He loves the feeling of your heart racing under your glistening skin.
"I promise this time will be the last," he says, rubbing circles along your inner thighs. He bats his eyes innocently. Though the man staring at you with the eyes of a shark is nothing less than a wolf in sheep's clothing. And you were the idiot who kept falling for his trick. With a kiss to your stomach, he coos your name. "Have I ever broken a promise?"
Even if the only thing that happens that night is you reaching your climax, it would be enough for him. If you were to do the same for him, he would become putty in your hands. It plays into his whole Dom but with a switch undertones vibe that he has going on. It isn’t the words of praise that get him off in the end but more so the idea of you wanting to do this for him that will push him over the edge. Pillow talk is a must; Wriothesley doesn't fall asleep straight after sex surprisingly. He savours these moments after sex to catch up and make it known--even though you were near him most of the day--how much he adores you. He'll try his best to fall asleep after you; to watch your body relax in his arms. But on the nights that he doesn't, he'll hold you close keeping you both warm in the cold underwater fortress.
Loving for Wriothesley is warm. It’s about trust and transparency. It is about being honest even if it makes one of you look weak or less than public pretences expect you to be. It is about meeting each other not exactly halfway but close enough. It’s about the small things that you do for each other that are unnecessary and minor in the grand scheme of things but are filled with love.
A short one to get back into the flow of things.
Reblogs w/ tags and comments are very much appreciated! If you enjoyed this, feel free to consider dropping a follow as well! <3
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daisynik7 · 5 months
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Pairing: Aoi Todo x f!reader
Word Count: ~4.7k
cw: switching POVs (reader is in 2nd person, Todo is in 3rd), established relationship, explicit language, smut – phone sex, PIV sex (cowgirl, doggy), nipple play, clitoral stimulation, lots of dirty talk, degrading language (use of the word slut), pet names (babe, baby, baby girl, good girl, princess, sweetheart)
Summary: All of what happens in four months of dating your new boyfriend slash past rival Aoi Todo, leading up to Takada-Chan’s “Winter Wonderland”.
Author’s Notes: Things get explicit here! This is just a fun little bonus chapter to see our two idol fans going at it (literally). Hope you enjoy! Thank you everyone for all the love and support on this, I really appreciate it! Divider credit to @/saradika. 
Previous Chapter | Masterlist
Tag List: @iwillbiteabitch
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Dating Aoi Todo is never boring. If you’ve learned anything from this relationship so far, it’s that. 
Also, taking things slow has proved to be much more difficult than you and Todo ever anticipated, especially when the two of you are alone together. That commitment is broken about a week into your budding relationship.  
The night of the confession, you and your new boyfriend talked for hours while Sara slept on your couch as a watchdog. You didn’t dare try anything with your best friend right outside just a few feet away. To prevent temptation, you set up an air mattress for him as the night progressed, agreeing to sleep separately. The only physical contact you made was when you both feel asleep in your respective beds, holding hands. Cute, innocent, and wholesome.  
After that night, you and Todo started texting every day. He is a man who loves sending good morning texts, along with an array of different emojis. His favorites are the smirking face (of course), the muscle flex (another of course), and surprisingly, the koala bear, which always leaves you with a goofy smile on your face whenever you see it.
Four days after the confession, there is a late-night phone call that lasts over three hours, covering different topics from favorite foods (his is skirt steak, yours is salmon nigiri), ideal date ideas (both of you said a Takada-Chan concert), and pet peeves (he said boredom, you said passive aggressiveness). 
This call also may or may not have ended with phone sex. 
You and Todo just finished discussing your favorite movies when he asks, “Aren’t you sleepy? It’s past one already.”
“I drank a lot of matcha today, so I’m still wide awake,” you explain, shifting around beneath your blanket.
There is silence on the other line and after a while, he finally says, “I can help you fall asleep. So, what are you wearing?”
You snort into the phone, laughing at his less-than-subtle attempt. “You can’t be serious right now.”
“Come on! Just play along!” He clears his throat and in a significantly lower octave, he repeats, “So…what are you wearing?”
You do your best to hide your giggles. “A t-shirt and pajama shorts.”
Even his smirk is audible through the phone. “Sexy.”
Cheeks getting sore from smiling , you comment, “Has anyone ever told you that you’re not very good at this?”
“I’m good at it! Come on babe, you’re ruining the mood. Just…let me get in the groove.”
Growing impatient from his feeble attempts, you take matters into your own hands. “Why don’t you think about me in that mini skirt you like so much. The one from Takada-Chan’s birthday. I know how much you like that.”
“Okay,” he replies quietly, some movement evident on his end.
“You’re supposed to show me how rough you like it, remember?”
“Yeah,” he blurts out, starting to breathe heavily. “Can we do that one time? Please?” 
Hearing him beg arouses you, hand reaching between your legs, spreading them wider beneath the covers. Feeling too brazen at this point, you purr, “Only if you can make me come right now.”
He whispers your name under his breath, followed by a husky, “Fuck. Tell me what you want to hear.” There’s movement against cloth and you can only imagine now that he’s touching himself, palming the bulge straining inside his briefs. 
You shove your panties down your legs, rubbing circles around your clit. “Tell me how you want to fuck me in that skirt.” You’re already wet with arousal, though you don’t tell him that yet, keeping it a naughty secret to reveal when the time is right.
“I want you to ride me in that fucking skirt. Want to bounce you on my fat cock.” His growl is guttural, too fitting for a grade-A beefcake like him. Of course he sounds this sexy when he’s turned on, and of course you’re falling fast for it. 
Desperate to hear more, you goad him. “Yeah? What else?”
He swears harshly again, loving the way you coax him into being bad. “Want to suck on your tits while you’re bouncing on me. Want to play with your clit until you squirt all over my cock.”
“Fuck, I’m touching myself right now,” you whine, squirming against your fingers. 
His voice is erratic, trembling with frenzy, gradually losing himself to the pleasure. “Yeah? Imagine my big fucking thumb on your pretty clit, rubbing it so fucking fast until you come on my big dick.”
“I’m so wet for you, so creamy for you.” You’re salivating, drool leaking from the sides of your mouth, fingers squelching lewdly between your thighs.
“Spread it all over,” he demands. If you listen closely enough, you can hear the rapid strokes of his cock within his fist. “Do it, slut.”
You obey his orders, sliding your middle finger up and down your slit, collecting your slick to smear it over your throbbing bud, so close to your orgasm. In a daze, you moan his name, letting is roll off your tongue.
He jerks himself off to completion, coming from the sweet sounds of his name from your mouth. In between heavy breaths, he grunts harshly. “Fuck. I just came. Sorry.”
You giggle, slowing the pace of your fingers, teasing him. “I thought you were the one that offered to help mefall asleep?”
Embarrassed, he says, “I know, I’m sorry. I just didn’t expect you to say my name like that. That really got me.” There’s more shuffling in the background as you picture him inspecting his own mess. “Holy shit, I came a lot.”
“You should go to bed. You’re probably sleepy now.”
“No, not yet. I have to make you come still,” he offers, determined. 
“It’s fine.”
“No. I need to make you come tonight so I can fuck you in that skirt. It’s going to happen.”
You learn that when Todo is determined to do something, he does it. He is a man that, when given any challenge, will do his damn best to complete it no matter what. 
Not counting the phone sex, Todo could confidently say that they have been successful in taking things slow. That is, until a few days after the infamous phone sex, when all hell breaks loose.
It begins when his girlfriend decides to host a Takada-Chan concert marathon. The pop idol kicks off her international tour a week after Todo’s confession. To honor the start of it, she invites him, Sara, and Yuji to eat a bunch of delicious food and binge watch all Takada-Chan’s concerts available on streaming platforms. Sara and Yuji stay a while, but after the fourth consecutive Takada-Chan concert, they have enough, leaving the couple alone to their own devices, which anyone could guess is not a good idea if they are still sticking to the “taking things slow” route.
As soon as their friends leave, the two give each other one glance before the kissing starts. He spent all day resisting the temptation to touch her in any way since they were with Sara and Yuji. It’s been an excruciating four hours considering how cute and irresistible his girlfriend is. 
She slides her hands under his shirt, pawing at his eight-pack. He slips his tongue inside her mouth as he completely pulls his shirt off. She pulls back, gawking at his body with wide eyes and an open mouth, practically drooling for him. “Like what you see?” he teases, raising a brow at her. She nods her head, leaning in for more kisses. 
Eventually, she whispers, “Wait.”
He stops, leaning back on the couch. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah. I just have a little surprise for you. Wait here.” She gets up and disappears into her bedroom, leaving Todo confused and concerned. After several agonizingly long minutes, she comes out. When he sees her, his jaw drops, blood rushing straight to his cock. 
The mini skirt. She’s wearing the fucking mini skirt. Not only that, she’s also wearing the same blouse she wore at the café, the one that exposes her shoulders and plunging neckline. Essentially the same outfit he has fantasized about since. In one swift motion, he hoists her up onto his lap, spreading her legs so that she’s straddling him. “You’re such a good girl for me, huh?” he growls, scattering wet smooches all over her face. “Such a good girl.” He fondles her body beneath the skirt and to his shock and delight, she isn’t wearing any underwear. “Not even wearing any panties for me, you fucking slut.”
“Only for you,” she whispers, directing his giant hand to her pussy. “Do you feel how wet I am for you already?”
“Fuck,” he breathes out, pressing his thumb to her and drawing circles around her clit. A guttural moan vibrates from her throat, making him move his thumb faster. 
“I want you,” he grunts, feeling fucking feral beneath her. 
“You want to fuck me here on the couch?” She’s panting now as his fingers brush against her bud faster. 
“Yeah, right here, right now. Show me that pretty pussy.” With his free hand, he lifts the hem of her skirt to put her on display,  watching her melt away in the palm of his hand, thumb unyielding against her clit. It glistens with her slick and his dick get tighter and tighter in his pants from the mere sight of it.
She tugs at the waistband of his joggers to release his erection. There’s a thick bead of precum on the tip. She rubs her thumb on it, spreading it over the head, causing him to groan in pleasure. Somehow, she conjures up a bottle of lube and pours a generous amount straight onto him, then she slides her fist up and down his shaft. In this moment of pure ecstasy, he can’t help but thank the pop idol gods for bringing this goddess of a woman into his life. He slides his fingers inside her, relishing how wet she is. Everything is happening so fast; his carnal desires take control. “Fucking ride me,” he commands. 
She gets up on her knees, guiding the tip of his dick to her fluttering hole. Slowly, she sinks down on him, moaning. This is the hottest thing he’s ever fucking seen in his life. “So tight for me. My good girl,” he coos, gripping at her hips and gently moving her further down his shaft. 
“So big, baby. Oh my god,” she whines. Once he bottoms out, she grabs hold of his shoulders and rocks back and forth on his lap, adjusting to his size. 
“Take the skirt off. Want to watch you fuck yourself on my fat cock.” 
He tries to lift her up from his lap, but she shakes her head. “Don’t pull out. Feels so good. So good.” 
Absolutely unhinged, Todo growls, “I’m going to rip this skirt off, then. Need to see your pussy creaming all over me.” He hooks to the waistband, easily ripping it along the seams, tossing it behind him. Smirking, he whispers, “That’s it. Just like that.”
“My skirt!” she cries out, shocked and aroused. 
“I’ll buy you a new one, princess. I’ll buy you hundreds more so I can fuck you just like this.” He holds her waist again, setting the pace, thrusting his own hips into her. His eyes are glued to the shiny ring of her cum collecting on the base of his cock. “You’re so fucking hot, you know that? You wanted to get fucked in that skirt, huh? Such a slut for me.” He releases his tight grip on her as soon as she starts bouncing up and down on her own, digging her nails into the skin of his shoulders, fucking herself deeper. The sounds she makes are music to his ears.
He focuses on her clit again, massaging it with his thumb. She gasps, startling him. “You okay, sweetie?” He cups her cheek, caressing her skin softly.
“Yes, so fucking good!” Her eyes are half-lidded, mouth parted open, looking absolutely divine. She grabs at his wrist and puts her lips over his thumb, completely engulfing it into her sloppy mouth. She moves him in and out, swirling her tongue around him with each stroke. 
He bites his lip to stifle a moan. It takes everything in his willpower to hold back his orgasm. The way she moans, the fucked out look on her face, the thumb sucking. It’s too much and not enough all at the same time. He pulls out of her mouth and switch hands to place his wet thumb on her clit, while the other hand, still glistening from her slick, glides underneath her blouse and up to one of her nipples. She isn’t wearing a bra. 
“Such a fucking good girl,” he murmurs as he strips the blouse off her body. He squeezes one of her breasts and puts his lips around the nipple, sucking hard. With both her hands, she squeezes her tits together, leaning forward, feeding them to him.
“Yeah, want to feed me these big tits, huh baby? So fucking needy.” He buries his face in between her breasts, kissing her nipples one at a time. 
“Suck them hard,” she whimpers. He alternates between each breast, sucking hard until each nipple is taut and plump between his pursed lips.
Mouth hot on his ear, she purrs, “Baby, I’m so close.”
“Come for me, beautiful. Come all over my cock.”
With his lips latched onto her breasts, thumb relentless on her clit, and cock deep in her pussy, it’s no surprise when, after just a few more minutes, she throws her head back and cries out, “I’m coming!” She clenches around him, creating a sensation of pure ecstasy, he can’t help but orgasm right along with her. She moans as it continues, his thick cum filling her up, the excess dripping down the inner plush of her thighs. She collapses against him, panting and trembling slightly from the euphoric rush. Todo cradles her in a warm embrace, burying his face into her neck. 
“You did so good, sweetie. So good for me. Thank you,” he muffles, breathing heavily against her skin. 
“That was amazing,” she says, still slumped over Todo. 
“You should go pee, baby. Don’t want you to get a UTI.”
“Just give me a few minutes. I’m tired.”
Todo, who is also exhausted from having the biggest orgasm of his life, gets up and carries his girlfriend bridal style into the bathroom. He plops her down on the toilet and turns the shower on. When he hears the distinct sound of a tinkle, he breathes a sigh of relief. No girlfriend of Aoi Todo will ever get a UTI from sex, not on his watch. 
Once the floodgates open, nothing stops you and Todo from pouncing on each other every chance you get. The sex is always nothing short of amazing. Despite not being able to keep your hands off each other, you still try to keep PDA down to a minimum. But Todo, being the big bravado self he is, let’s his guard down a few times. He still grabs your ass in public, especially when you’re wearing dresses, shorts, or skirts. And honestly, after the first time, you intentionally started wearing skirts more often just to tease him. 
Whenever you do indulge in the occasional kiss in front of your friends, Todo always gets carried away, shamelessly driving his tongue into your mouth. Normally, you love this, but only in private. Understandably, Sara always gives your boyfriend a whack on top of the head to get him to stop, which he does before muttering an embarrassed apology.
Besides the disgust over the occasional PDA, Sara and Todo get along great. They bond over working out, horror movies, and teasing you. Todo’s brother Yuji is your brother now too. He’ll ask you for advice when it comes to girls or his friendships. You ask him for advice on how to deal with annoying people at work, since Todo’s advice is always, “Just tell me their name and I will beat the shit out of them.” 
As with any relationship, there are issues you two have to work through. When Todo first explains his job, you are convinced he is playing some bizarre prank on you. To be fair, someone describing themselves as a “Jujutsu Sorcerer” who “exorcises” evil curses sounds like something straight out of a shounen anime. When he demonstrate Boogie Woogie, where he manages to switch positions with Yuji in the blink of an eye, you are certain you are going crazy. After a few weeks of processing everything, with a lot of patience from Todo and moral support from Yuji, you can safely say you’ve made peace with understanding the gist of Todo’s profession. Of course, there is still plenty that you can’t grasp, but Todo’s confidence in himself relieves the stress caused by that uncertainty. 
There are times of jealousy and insecurity on both sides that lead to fighting and arguments. When you start your full-time job after the summer, he gets jealous over one of your male coworkers training you for a week. Even after doing your best to convince him that it is strictly professional, he still can’t help himself from making snide remarks about your coworker at the end of the week. An issue that you’re still working on, and slowly getting better at, is trying not to be petty when you get annoyed with him. During this time, you just can’t help yourself.
Eventually, you manage to find the best way to shut him up. 
It’s been two weeks since you started your new full-time job. This week, you worked with a coworker, Kenji Saito, for training. Saito is a man several years older than you who is married with kids. But none of this matters to Todo because he is still jealous. As you prepare dinner at his place, you mention, “Training went well. Saito said I should be ready for my first project next week.”
Todo grunts. “Saito. I’m surprised you’re not calling him by his first name yet. You two have been spending soooo much time together.”
You smile to yourself, unable to resist provoking him. “I barely call you by your first name. But if you want, I can start calling him Kenji.”
He moves behind you like a lion stalking his prey, growling in your ear. “Don’t do that.”
You turn to face him, his body towering above you, casting a daunting shadow. “What are you going to do about it, Aoi?”
As quickly as he moved behind you, he slings you over his shoulder, carrying you into the bedroom. He tosses you onto his bed, stripping off his clothes while you do the same, already wet against your panties. You’re laid on your back when he straddles you, the way he looms over you intensifies the growing sensation in your loins. He leans down to kiss you sloppily. “Only I get to do this to you, right? No one else?” he asks, between kisses.
“Yes, baby. Of course.”
“Then say it for me. Please.”
“Only you get to do this to me. Only you.”
He flips you over on your stomach and presses up against you, lips tickling your ear as he demands, “Say it. Say it again.” His cock throbs between your ass cheeks. 
“Only you, Aoi. This pussy is only for you. Fuck,” you whimper, desperate to feel him inside you.
“It’s mine, huh? You’re my good girl. You’re my fucking slut. Say it.”
“I’m your good girl, Aoi. I’m your – “, you pause to catch your breath. “I’m your fucking slut.” 
He gets off to reach towards the dresser next to the bed. As he does this, you get on your hands and knees, ready for what’s to come (literally). You crane your neck to watch him smear a generous amount of lube along his hard cock, causing you to lick your lips in anticipation. He tosses the bottle onto the floor and positions himself behind you. 
You stick your ass out, back arched and ready for him. He slides the tip along the folds of your pussy, guiding himself in slowly. It’s times like these that you are reminded at how fucking huge your boyfriend is, and you love it. Once he’s to the hilt, he stops. “Shake your ass on my cock. You know how I like it.”
With your hands clenched to the sheets, you thrust yourself onto his dick, back and forth, back and forth. After you’re fully adjusted to his size, you pick up the pace, his cock easily sliding in and out with each thrust. “Just like that baby. Fuck. Wish I could take a video of this. You look so good on my cock. Doing such a good job,” he praises, watching you do all the work.
You continue to move yourself relentlessly on him, moaning loudly into the pillow. When you reach your climax, your back arches even more as you orgasm without saying anything. You don’t want him to know you came already as you keep on fucking him. Todo chuckles in his deep voice. You can almost feel the vibrations of his laugh against your throbbing pussy. “I know you came all over my cock, baby. You can’t fool me. You’re so wet. It’s dripping all over the sheets, nasty girl.” He reaches around to rub your clit, his fingers lubed up and wet with your cum. 
“Fuck. Aoi. Oh my god, don’t stop. Oh fuck,” you whine.
“You’re so good to me, baby. So good. Taking it like a good girl,” he whispers, massaging your sensitive bud deeper. Your pace slows down, knees weak from your first orgasm. Todo places his free hand on your waist, spreading his fingers wide to grip at your skin. “Let me take over, baby girl.” 
You let him, of course. He uses his hold on you to time the thrusts of his hips perfectly. Todo makes you orgasm twice more in this position before he releases himself inside you, filling you up to the brim with his creampie. He pulls out, his load making a mess on his sheets. 
After you do your business in the bathroom, the two of you cuddle in bed, blissed out and exhausted. He turns towards you, kissing you on the forehead, apologizing. “I’m sorry.”
You hum, closing your eyes. “For what?”
“Being annoying,” he admits.
“Being jealous.”
He nuzzles his nose against yours. “For being an asshole.” 
You smile, peaking at him with one eye open. “I’m sorry for being petty. I’ll work on not using that against you when you’re feeling upset about something.”
“To be fair, I wasn’t that upset. Like anyone can compete with me, right? Especially not Saito.” He makes a face when he says that name.
Still feeling a little naughty, you joke, “You mean Kenji?”
You immediately regret it as soon as he wrestles between the sheets, giggling hysterically as he tickles you to the point of tears. 
It’s been four months since you’ve been dating Aoi Todo. Four months of amazing sex, occasional bickering reminiscent of the origins of your relationship, and new discoveries about each other that bring you closer than ever. 
Now, you stand beside your boyfriend, waiting in line at the mall you first met at. Today, Takada-Chan is hosting a special Winter Wonderland event. Essentially, instead of taking a picture on Santa’s lap, Takada-Chan fans get to take a picture next to the pop idol in front of a snowy backdrop. After touring internationally the last few months, the singer planned an impromptu appearance at the mall of her hometown to celebrate the holiday season.  
When it’s finally your turn, Takada-Chan greets you with that beautiful, bright smile. “My favorite couple! I’m so happy you made it! I was hoping to see you today.”
“Takada-Chan! We’re happy to see you, too. It’s been a while. How has the tour been?”
“Tiring. It’s nice to be back home for a little bit. Happy holidays! Oh! Todo, please go follow Haru, he’s going to give you a little something. Think of it as a special gift from me.” She winks. Todo bows deeply and follows Haru behind the set. You can’t help but smile to yourself noticing that your boyfriend is still speechless around the pop idol. Some things never change.
You decide to finally be honest with her. “Takada-Chan. You’ve been so good to us. I have to come clean about something. The first time you met Todo and I, we weren’t actually a couple. We were just faking it because you seemed to like us so much better together. I’m sorry.” You look at her nervously, praying to the pop idol gods that she isn’t too upset for the deception.
To your surprise, she smiles even wider, a twinkle in her eyes. “I know.”
“You know?!”
“I knew you two weren’t a couple. To be honest, I knew it was a bit risky on my end to play matchmaker, but I just couldn’t help myself! Who better to be together than two of my #1 fans?” She gives you another wink as you stare at her, mouth agape. 
She continues. “Also, sweet Todo was convinced that I was his future wife. Poor guy doesn’t know I don’t swing that way. So, I wanted to steer him in the right direction to you. And now look. The fruits of my labor! The results are a beautiful harvest of love. You two are just as cute as I thought you’d be.”
Shocked, you stammer, “Takada-Chan…I really don’t know what to say. How can I…how can we repay you?”
She reaches her arms out to squeeze your shoulders. “I don’t need you to repay me! Anything for my fans.” Leaning closer, she whispers, “But tell me this: Who made the first move? You see, Haru and I had a little bet going since the two of your first visited my dressing room. Haru claims he won, since he saw Todo holding your hand at the big group date. I placed my bets on you, of course.”
“Well, actually, I kissed Todo that morning. So, you did win.”
The pop idol jumps up giddily. “You made the first move?! I knew it! That’s my girl! I love a woman who takes initiative! I’m going to pester Haru to give me my money back.”
“Thank you for everything, Takada-Chan. I mean it.”
“I’m happy for the both of you. Can’t wait to see you at my next event. DM me if you ever need anything!” With a hug, the two of you say your goodbyes. 
You find an empty bench nearby to sit on while you wait for your boyfriend. Todo reappears from the back with two black t-shirts in hand. As he sits next to you, he unfolds the shirts so you can see the front. It’s a screen-printed photo of you, Todo, and Takada-Chan doing the Taka-tan beam in her dressing room. 
“This is awesome! Our own special gift from Takada-Chan! I’ll cherish this forever. My two future wives in one picture,” he grins.
Laughing, you wrap your arms around him, giving him a passionate smooch on the lips. Blushing, he asks, “What was that for?”
“I just really wanted to kiss you.” You gaze into his eyes, smiling before saying, “Because I love you.”
His eyes widen. “What did you say?”
“I love you, Aoi.”
Suddenly, he picks you up and sits you on his lap, beaming. “You love me?”
“Yes. I love you!” You throw your arms around him in a warm embrace. 
He buries his face into your neck, muffling, “I love you, too. I love you so much.” He holds your face in between his palms, kissing you square on the lips. “I love you,” he repeats, kissing you all over your cheeks, forehead, and neck. His hands roam down to your waist, pulling you closer to him. 
Relationships are never perfect. People are never perfect. But this moment right now is perfect. Confessing your love feels natural. It makes sense. To think that this whole thing started off as a ridiculous rivalry and blossomed into a “beautiful harvest of love”, as a certain pop idol would say. It just proves that sometimes, finding love can start off silly and ridiculous. And with Takada-Chan playing matchmaking for you and Todo, you couldn’t write a better love story than this.
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scribbledghost · 6 months
Simon "Ghost" Riley SFW Alphabet
Because I've seen some NSFW Alphabets floating around, but not a SFW one. And I wanted to do some more character study on him.
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
This heavily depends on the setting. Out in public, he's not particularly affectionate at all beyond maybe a hand on your lower back to guide you somewhere or a hand in yours if you're sitting next to each other. But when you're home alone? He's a Koala Man. Loves laying with his head on your chest, listening to your heartbeat. 100% does that thing where he'll stand next to you while you're doing something and keep a hand in your back pocket. Also I love the idea that if you're shorter than him, he loves it when you sort of lean back on him so he can rest his chin on your head.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
The friendship starts. Reluctantly lmao. I can see it going one of two ways: either 1. It's an "Extrovert adopts the introvert without said introvert providing any input" situation, or 2. You just sort of sit in his proximity quietly for long enough and afterwards he's like "yes they are my best friend. No we have not spoken more than 5 words to each other." But, like in a romantic relationship, he's fiercely loyal. Ride or die. He wants his friends safe. Very good at giving advice, but does not sugar coat anything. If you're being a dumbass, he'll tell you.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
For the most part, yes. Sometimes he gets into certain moods where he doesn't really want to be touched, but those are fairly rare and usually triggered by some sort of outside event. And again, he doesn't cuddle unless it's just the two of you (he may put an arm around you when the rest of the team is there, but he won't fully wrap you up). The way he cuddles is... encompassing lol. That's the only way I can describe it. He likes having his arms wrapped around you, likes having you close to him. Being a giant weighted blanket for you is good too. In a way, having you near is soothing for him. He knows you're there, he knows he's got you, and he knows your safe.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
I imagine he would like to settle down, but at first the idea of being so close and vulnerable with someone else spooks him. Once he comes around to the idea though, and once someone manages to break through his emotional defenses, he's down for it. Probably likes to imagine a nice house with a yard and a dog, though honestly he's okay with a simple apartment/flat too, as long as he's with the right person. He's very good at cleaning, the military and him living alone for so long made sure of that. Cooking though... he's decent. Don't expect gourmet, but he knows a thing or two. Cannot bake to save his life though. If it's anything more complicated than what comes in a box with instructions, he's hopeless.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Quickly and efficiently. He doesn't see any reason to drag things out or beat around the bush about it. And he's not the type to do the whole "break-up-make-up" thing, either. You get one breakup with Simon, that's it. He won't give an opportunity for there to be another. He'll tell you that you need to have a conversation, say that it isn't working out, and that he wishes you the best. Done and done. If you really poke and prod him about it, he'll give you specifics as to why it didn't work, but don't expect him to sugarcoat it.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Here's the way I see it: he wants it. Badly. He wants the ring on your finger and the exclusivity and the legal status of it (particularly so you could be taken care of if something were to ever happen to him in the field). But he's terrified of it. He's terrified of turning into his father, terrified of recreating the cycle he grew up in. If you really, really want marriage, he'll work on coming around to it, but if you're ambivalent towards it or don't want it, he's absolutely fine with that. As for how soon he'd want it, I'd say a few years minimum. He probably starts thinking about it much, much sooner, but it takes those several years for him to work through his own feelings on it.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He's incredibly, incredibly gentle physically. Out in the field, he's a machine, and a very efficient one at that, but he doesn't want to be that way at home. One of his biggest fears is accidentally hurting you. He's witnessed so much violence through his life that he refuses to continue it if he can help it (military job notwithstanding). As for emotionally, he's a bit less gentle, but that doesn't mean he's cruel by any means. Just a bit more blunt and to the point. The only time he's particularly harsh is when he's been tipped over the edge after a lot of pushing, or if something happens to scare him.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
From you? He loves them. From anyone else? Hard no. He has no problem with you hugging him as often as you want, though he won't really return them much unless it's just the two of you or only the team around (exceptions are made if he catches someone looking a bit too closely at you). When you're alone, he's hugging you all the time. Especially from behind. His hugs are very warm, and they have a tendency to make you feel safe and secure. Also the type to give that intermittent squeeze while hugging you, the kind that sort of squishes you a little bit.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He doesn't lmao. Straight up Does Not. This doesn't mean he doesn't love you - he does. He just... really dislikes using that phrase to say as much. He finds it overused and diluted. He much prefers to tell you in other ways, like telling you that you mean the world to him, or reminding you that you're everything to him. Plus, to give credit where credit is due, his go-to pet name for you is "love". He uses it more than your actual name. There are a couple of certain, very specific scenarios in which he will actually say the words "I love you", but quite frankly they're not scenarios that either of you want to be in.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
I don't know if I'd say he gets "jealous" so much as "protective". He does tend to feel some type of way if he catches someone getting a bit too close (be it staring too much, getting handsy, etc), especially if he can tell it's making you uncomfortable. This is usually when his reservations on PDA sort of go out the window. If someone starts encroaching, he'll crowd into your space, put his arms around you, press a kiss to your cheek through his mask. Those sorts of things. Or he'll just straight-up menace the offending party and tell them to get lost and that you're not interested. Whether or not his threatening aura goes too far depends mostly on your definition.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Most of the time, they're very soft. He doesn't get too wild with them unless he's been gone for a while or he's particularly riled up. He does like to tease by kissing you with the mask still on though (and it was how your first kiss went - he pressed his mask to your cheek). Once you're more established, he likes to lift the mask to kiss your lips and shoulders specifically, though he frequently kisses your temple and forehead as well. As for him, he has a particular weakness for you kissing his knuckles for some reason. He isn't sure why. Though of course, he'll never deny you if you want to press a kiss to his lips.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He's very, very gentle with them. He knows he's prone to scaring children, especially the younger ones, but he does his best to mitigate that by speaking softly and making himself seem smaller. Definitely feels guilty when he accidentally makes one of them cry (Unfortunately, this happens frequently with babies. Big Man In A Mask can be scary). He'll play with them if they ask, pick them up if they want, etc. For some reason, while he tends to make infants cry, he seems to be a magnet for toddlers. It's like they look at him and see a free jungle gym.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Truthfully, when he's at home, he likes to take his time. He's awake at the crack of dawn, just because he's used to military wakeup times by now. But he by no means gets out of bed when he wakes up, especially when you're with him. Prefers to lie in as long as you'll let him, and by that I mean he prefers to lie there as long as you'll let him hold you. Kinda cranky in the mornings tbh. Doesn't like waking up to a lot of sound or action around him. He does that enough when he's on the job, he'd prefer to avoid it when he's home.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Tries to keep a decent routine so his schedule doesn't get too far out of whack. Doesn't eat past a certain time, and enjoys unwinding about an hour or so before bed with a book or quiet conversation. He won't force you to adhere to the same bedtime he has, but he will readily admit that it's harder for him to fall asleep when you're not there with him. An absolute sucker for spending some time with his head on your chest, bonus points if you sort of massage his scalp at the same time. However, when it comes to actually sleeping, he prefers to be the big spoon.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Gonna have to have an ungodly amount of patience and wait for his level 10 friendship for this one lmfao. Even then, there's certain things that he simply will never tell you. He will never go into particular detail about his upbringing, aside from letting you know his father was a rat bastard who's better off in the ground. He doesn't give you details about his work, though that is purely for your safety. After enough time (and I mean ENOUGH time), he'll tell you about his mother and brother, and even then, he doesn't really talk about their fates other than something along the lines of "they got hurt because of me".
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
I headcanon that he's actually peeved sort of easily, but it takes a lot for him to show it. And even then, he does his best to keep a very tight leash on it. The most he usually does is get quiet and broody. I do believe that he absolutely does not yell, though. Not in anger. He'll quietly seethe, but he does not raise his voice. He may sort of slam a hand or fist down on a nearby surface if he's really ticked and not thinking clearly, but even then he immediately regrets it. And absolutely, 100% never raises a hand towards you. Ever. The idea of you ever being afraid of him for any reason absolutely destroys him.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
His memory is, for the most part, very sharp. Dates for things like anniversaries are always remembered. He may not remember every little detail you mention in passing, but he remembers the important things. If you offhandedly mention needing something bought or done, he's on it. And if you mention anything about your past or who/how you are as a person, he definitely remembers that as well. But if you offhandedly mention you have an appointment or something the following week, he may or may not remember by the time it rolls around.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The first time he let you take off his mask. You'd seen each half of his face separately (aside from his nose, somehow - that seemed to always be covered no matter what), but you had yet to see his entire face at the same time. He remembers gently taking your hands and putting them at the bottom of his mask, telling you quietly that you could remove it. He still remembers how slowly you did so - as if you were waiting for him to change his mind. And he will always remember how you softly called him beautiful once the mask was off.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
VERY PROTECTIVE. Woof woof bark bark scary dog privileges etc. To be honest, his menacing aura is enough to deter any would-be offenders 90% of the time. A stern look from him is usually enough to scare people away. But if they're more bold (or stupid), he has no problem lowering his voice and issuing thinly-veiled threats. If the time ever comes that he needs to physically protect you from an immediate danger, he can be a damn vision. Efficient, cold, calculated. Laser-focused on your safety and nothing else, consequences be damned. Quite frankly, there are few places on the planet that you'd be safer than with Simon Riley.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He puts in as much effort as he can. He knows he's away a lot, and he does his best to make up for that when he's at home. Granted, he doesn't "nail it" every single time, simply because he's... not used to this. Sometimes he forgets certain things (not dates, but perhaps small details), but it's not often. But he truly, genuinely tries his best, and it really is obvious. His love language is acts of service, so everyday tasks are his wheelhouse when he's around. You can usually count on coming home from work to a tidy home, dinner on the stove, and a kiss to your temple as he asks if you'd like for him to run you a bath or shower.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Actual habits? Probably smoking and drinking. Also probably doesn't wash his masks as often as he should, so. Don't put your nose too close to them for an extended period of time. He's just nose-blind to it at this point. For ugly behaviors, I can see him having to keep a very close eye on his possessiveness. Any time you go out without him, he has to restrain himself from sticking a GPS tracker on your car or in your pocket. Any time you introduce him to friends or family, he's subconsciously analyzing them to see if they're a threat. He doesn't mean to, and he feels guilty once he realizes what he's doing, but it's an innate behavior at this point. But, if left unchecked, he could definitely become overprotective to a toxic degree.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Not particularly. He knows he's attractive, but he doesn't really do anything to draw attention to it or maintain it. Most of his face is hidden the vast majority of the time, anyway. He does work out on the regular, though this is more to keep him fit in the field than for vanity's sake. He does tend to shave daily and keep his hair trimmed neat, but again, that's mostly because it would make the mask more uncomfortable otherwise. (I do headcanon that he likes to exaggerate his vanity around his partner though. Just to see if he can fluster them lol).
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
At first? Not really. He's an independent loner who hesitates when having to rely on others. But once you worm your way into his heart and really get to know him? Once he really lets you in? He doesn't really know how to exist without you anymore. You don't have to be right next to him all the time, but once he's yours, he doesn't know any other way to be anymore. It's like you're a part of him then, like you've made a home in his ribcage and if you were to leave (or, heaven forbid, be taken from him), you'd take a massive part of him with you. He feels like he'd turn into a hollowed out shell of himself if he lost you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
You see parts of his face separately long before you see his face in its entirety. First, it's just his eyes. Then, maybe his hair when he only wears a standard facemask. At one point you spot his mouth when he lifts his balaclava up so he can take a drink or smoke (or so he can kiss you). Letting you see his face - his entire face, all at once - is a big deal for Simon. It's something he doesn't give to everyone. In fact, he doesn't really give it to anyone. The only people who have seen it in recent years are certain medics, his team, and you.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He wouldn't like a partner who is... too pushy? idk how to put it. But don't come into the relationship thinking you can fix him or change him. Simon knows he carries more baggage than a metropolitan airport. He's aware. He'll start working through it when he's good and ready, and not a second sooner. Try and force him on that front, and you'll quickly push him away. I also headcanon that he wants nothing to do with someone who's quick to be outwardly angry. If you're the type who yells easily, stomps around, slams doors, etc, then it's absolutely not gonna work out.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He sleeps very lightly. He's awake at the smallest jolt of movement. Also a very quiet sleeper. To the point where sometimes you have to watch for the rise and fall of his chest because you start to worry he's not breathing. In addition: it takes a lot of trust for him to fall asleep around you. He's definitely not the type to doze off around strangers. Because of this, he tends to take most night watches when out in the field until he gets so exhausted he can't fight the sleep anymore. But once he's home with you and you're with him, he's out like a light.
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