#then I just happened to listen to Divide yesterday
Writing another rwby fansong (yes i know i still haven’t finished the first one). I constantly have this battle in my head of wanting to show off things I’m writing but also not wanting to spoil too much before it’s done, and this time the former has won lol
I haven’t recorded the vocals yet but I’m sure you’ll recognize the leitmotif I’m using at least. This section is still a little messier than I want it to feel, so I need to tweak it a bit more, but so far it’s my favorite weird part of the song. Basically one big experimental section that somehow worked out. 
(The first few seconds of this are the unfinished end of the chorus, featuring two other very quick leitmotifs)
I wanted to repeat an earlier section of the song that’s in a much slower tempo, but I didn’t want to abruptly switch back to that slow tempo and just putting the former section in the new tempo sounded WAY too frantic. So I was like “Huh, what if I just put it in 3/4 time or something weird and then only slightly slow it down?” 
Reworked the rhythms, heavily doubted if it would actually work the entire time, and uhhh somehow it did!
(Also I started writing the lyrics weeks ago and they very much have a post-v9 “I hit rock bottom and I’m back, bitch” vibe so uhhhhh after the last couple episodes I really hope they still work eventually lmao)
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phospheneics · 6 days
unexpected care
Summary: After getting caught up in a recent villain attack on UA and badly injured, your distant co-worker Aizawa is waiting by your hospital bed to check on you. Will this unexpected care turn your relationship around?
divider by @cafekitsune
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As you slowly regained consciousness, you open your eyes slowly to stare at the white ceiling before you. The memories of the recent attack start to flood your brain as you realized where you were.
"Hey, you're awake. Good."
Your head turns to see your co-worker, Shota Aizawa sitting at your bedside. You take notice of his expression. His usual serious, stern look is no where to be found and had been replaced with a more soft, and concerned expression.
"Aizawa?" you murmured, surprised to see him there.
"How are you feeling?" he questioned.
Your head was spinning. How am I doing? Why is he even here? All of these thoughts raced through your mind as your think of a response to his question. You and Aizawa are not close in the slightest. In fact, you often don't see eye-to-eye. Yet here he was, checking up on you.
"I'm doing alright.. I guess." You let out a small laugh as you replied. You definitely we're not alright. Your head was pounding from your injuries.
"Uh huh.." His gaze had softened on you. "You took quite the hit yesterday." He says, his eyes still clinging to you.
He adjusts his position in the chair, making himself more comfortable. You can't help but stare when he rolls his sleeves up and ties his hair back.
"Thank you for coming to check on me, that really means a lot." Your pull the outer edges of your lips into a smile to show your gratitude.
He pauses before replying. "I was really worried when I heard what had happened yesterday." He stops for a minute, hesitating on his next words. "I cancelled all my classes for today to come down to the hospital, I just had to make sure you were okay."
Hearing these words escape his lips, your face heats up. His words lingered in the air for the next couple days you spent in the hospital.
Throughout your time in the hospital, visits from Aizawa became a regular occurrence. He would come in periodically bringing in flowers, snacks and even books to keep you entertained.
One day, you sit up to interrupt Aizawa's reading to you.
"Hey.., Aizawa?" "I just wanted to thank you for taking time to be here with me, and for everything else you've done and ........-" You continue rambling on and on thanking him.
Aizawa listens to you ramble, a soft smile playing on his lips as he takes in your heartfelt gratitude. But as you continue to thank him, he can't help but feel a warmth spread through his chest. He had never expected to feel this way about you, but seeing your genuine appreciation touches something deep within him.
Without a word, he leans forward, his hand coming up to gently cup your cheek. Before you can react, his lips meet yours in a soft, tender kiss.
For a moment, it's just the two of you, lost in the sweetness of the kiss. Everything else fades away—the world, the noise, leaving only the feeling of his lips on yours and the steady beat of your hearts.
When he finally pulls back, his gaze meets yours, his eyes filled with a warmth you had never seen before. "You don't need to thank me," he whispers, his voice barely above a murmur. "I'm just glad you're okay."
You're speechless, your heart racing as you process what just occurred. But as you lock eyes with him, you can't help but wonder if this could be the start of something wonderful.
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thebiggerbear · 15 days
Close Enough - Russell Shaw x Reader
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Summary: When you'd met the Shaws at the morgue the day before, you thought that had been the end of it and you wouldn't need to see one Shaw brother in particular again. Little did you know that Colter was about to once again ask for your help and not only would you be forced to see Russell again but things were about to change drastically for the both of you.
Pairing: Russell Shaw x Female!Reader; Russell Shaw x Female!FBI Special Agent!Reader
A/N: Sequel to So Close. I wanted to follow up and reveal what happened between Russell and the reader in the past but as I was writing it, this idea popped into my head in addition to that and I just had to see where it went. This was the end result lol. Hope it's okay.
Unbeta'd so all mistakes are mine. I still have not seen Tracker (besides 1x12) because I just haven't had the time for a proper binge yet so if I got some things wrong about Colter and his experience in the show, I apologize.
Also, I always like to throw the disclaimer out there anytime I write something related to the universe of law enforcement: I have never worked in law enforcement so I tried to piece together things I’ve seen and heard in true crime documentaries and podcasts alongside with movies/tv and books. I apologize for any inconsistencies, incorrect information, exaggerations, or complete fallacies. Basically, I made shit up.
Songs I listened to while writing: Somebody That I Used to Know by Gotye; Easy Living by Loretta Lynn & Conway Twitty; Sweet Dreams by Patsy Cline; Sounds of Someday by Radio Company
Warnings: sanctioned assassination; death; gun violence; violence/blood mention; mention of dead bodies; arson; implied sex; a very, very tiny amount of smut(ish); language (I guess?)
Word Count: 16K+
Russell Taglist: @deangirl96 (I hope you don't mind me tagging you in this one; this is going to lead into the series that I mentioned); @avada-kedavra-bitch-187; @rieleatiel
Jensen Taglist: @samanddeaninatrenchcoat
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Please do not do any of the above. Thank you for your understanding.
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Your phone started to buzz and you glanced at the screen, rolling your eyes and letting out a sigh before picking up. That wasn’t the normal reaction you would have to seeing Colter’s name pop up on your phone but ever since that mess back at the morgue yesterday, you had been hoping he wouldn’t contact you again. At least not until his brother went back to whatever hole he’d crawled out of. But now it looked like that had been a fool’s hope, on both counts.
“You what?” You hissed.
“We’re about to head to this home in the Blue Ridge Mountains and go in to get Doug,” he repeated.
“I’m sorry, an incredible amount of stupid just sounded in my ear. Can you repeat that?”
“Reenie got me the location and it’s solid intel.” He lowered his voice. “Look, I thought we should get law enforcement involved, alright? But there’s a…valid reason why Russ doesn’t want to call them that I can’t get into right now.”
“Whoops, more stupid. One more time?”
Colter groaned into the phone. “Come on, Y/N.”
“I’m serious, Colter. What the hell are either of you think—wait, scratch that. What the hell are you thinking? Going into a dangerous location like that without any backup? If Carlos Solano found your missing man in a safehouse, do you think he won’t be armed to the teeth? That he won’t have guards patrolling the compound that you’re walking right into? That he won’t see something like this coming? You guys are walking right into a shitstorm.” Christ, you loved the guy like a long-lost brother that you sometimes kept in touch with but if he were in front of you right now, you would’ve delivered one good smack to the back of his head to get him thinking straight. Colter may know his way around a gun, but he wasn’t someone who had formal training or combat experience like Russell did. He didn’t even have your training and you wouldn’t be going in there kamikaze-style like they were.
“That’s why I’m calling you and asking you to meet us there. I’m not exactly calling in law enforcement but we’ll have one more person to watch our backs and help us search for Doug. And who better than a special agent with the FBI?”
You sat back in your chair, shaking your head but thinking it over. This was beyond stupid and you shouldn’t be encouraging it. Russell’s involvement in this idiot plan didn’t surprise you; Colter’s did. He knew better. But you also knew that if he thought he had a chance to get the missing guy back home safely, he was going to take it, no matter the personal risk. If you didn’t go like he asked and anything happened to him or Russell, you’d never forgive yourself.
You pinched the bridge of your nose between your thumb and forefinger, your decision made. “Send me the location and I’ll leave now to meet you.”
“Thank you.” You could hear the genuine gratitude in his tone. “I promise I’ll explain everything.”
“You better,” you nearly growled before disconnecting the call. You had a feeling you knew what he was going to tell you but for his sake, you hoped it wasn’t anything close to what you were thinking. But why else would Russell not want to call law enforcement for help in rescuing his friend who had been taken hostage by a foreign criminal? God, you hoped you were wrong.
You let out another loud sigh and before you could stand, your phone started ringing again. When you glanced at the screen, instead of a name, you saw “Blocked”. Not good.
You swiped green, holding it to your ear. “Y/L/N.”
“We have a problem,” said the voice on the other end, one you knew all too well, and it didn't sound happy. Shit.
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You watched as Colter’s truck pulled up alongside your car. Colter got out and noticed you leaning against your trunk, arms crossed and a scowl in place. Russell came around from the other side. 
“Either of you boys see two suicidal idiots around here? Oh, wait.”
Russell’s jaw tightened. “It wasn’t my idea to call you.” He slid a glare over to his brother. 
“You’re lucky he did,” you snapped. “And since I’m here,” You got to your feet and turned to open your trunk, revealing a smorgasbord of gear and weapons. “We’re going to be doing this my way.” You held out a bulletproof vest to Colter first and he immediately started to strap it on. You held one out to Russell but he shook his head and didn’t take it. You glanced over to find he had already put his own on while you’d been grabbing one for his brother.
“Okay, look,” Russell started, his eyes scanning your makeshift armory and setting your teeth on edge. “This isn’t some FBI raid of some drug gang. This guy, Carlos Solano, he’s the real deal. He’s as dangerous as they come.”
You could feel your irritation turning into anger at the suggestion that you didn’t know how serious this was, and from him of all people. “And what am I? Some part-time mall security guard? A receptionist at the Academy? I’ve dealt with cartels before and they’re as dangerous as they come, too. So take that mansplaining and shove it right up where the sun doesn't shine.”
Russell took a step closer and laid a hand on your shoulder, his eyes burning into you. “Be pissed at me all you want but I don’t want you getting hurt.”
“But you’re okay with your brother getting hurt?” You briefly glanced in Colter’s direction. The younger man was watching you two carefully as he adjusted his vest one last time, wisely choosing to stay out of this one. 
Russell’s jaw clenched and he dropped his hand. “I’ve got him.”
You snorted and grabbed a gun, loading it quickly. “And I’ve got both of you. Now, we’ve got a bit of a hike so let’s cut the chit chat and get this over with, shall we?” You motioned for Colter to turn around and you inserted an extra handgun into the back of his belt. “We stick together as a unit. You hear me? No wandering off alone.”
Colter faced you again. “Yes, Mom,” he teased.
You swatted at his shoulder before checking the fit of his vest, nodding in approval.
“I have done this before, you know.”
You knew that already. You’d been there with him a couple of times for such instances. “Good for you,” you quipped. “But for kicks, how about you just humor me?”
He rolled his eyes and you smirked, turning to slam the trunk shut. You glanced up to find Russell watching you, his jaw still tight but his eyes containing a familiar light that you hadn’t seen in a while. “You good?”
“Yep.” And just like that, the light hollowed out, replaced by something far colder yet familiar, but not because you’d seen it in his gaze. You’d seen it often enough in your own when looking into the mirror. 
Pushing that thought away and shifting focus, you began to lead the way into the trees. “Alright, let’s do this and get Doug home in time for breakfast.” Colter flanked you on your right while Russell came up on your left. 
“Let’s rock and roll,” he agreed. 
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It hadn’t been as bad as you’d been expecting, even after you’d received the intel Colter had referred to on the phone. One guard and three henchmen. You were annoyed and almost insulted that they had presented so little a challenge considering Carlos Solano was supposed to be this big bad criminal. But when you glanced over and saw Colter looking over Russell’s bloody jacket sleeve, you regretted the thought and gratitude immediately filled you that things hadn’t been worse. Russell had taken a bullet to the arm and thankfully, it had passed right through. 
Before you could shoot the bastard that shot him, Colter and Russell were on it. You watched in awe as the brothers moved as a single unit, almost as if they hadn’t been strained or missed a beat over the years. You supposed you should be happy that they were working together rather than still arguing over shit from a lifetime ago that had torn their family apart. For Colter’s sake at least.
Just then, you heard what sounded like a small plane outside. You hurried to a window and glanced outside, seeing a rapidly descending charter plane aiming for the tiny landing strip in the back of the property. Right on time.
You let the curtain fall and looked back at the guys. “Time to go.”
Doug’s face was ashen while Colter and Russell exchanged glances. Immediately, Russell picked up his gun and got ready to leave the room.
You rushed to stop him. “There will be none of that!” 
“You guys get Doug back to the truck. I’ll handle this.”
You practically jogged around him, planting yourself in his path. “Not happening.”
He glared down at you. “Y/N, I need to close this up. Move.”
You scowled right back. “You’ve been shot.”
“I’m fine.”
“No, you’re not.”
“I have to finish this.”
You refused to budge. “You are not finishing anything. You’re getting the hell out of here, that’s what you’re doing.” 
“Guys, not the time,” Colter interceded. “He’s getting off that plane any second now, so what’s the plan?”
“She’s right, man,” Doug added, making both of your gazes snap over at him. “We really need to go.”
Voices suddenly sounded outside and you all glanced towards the window.
“Shit,” you muttered, quickly checking the chamber on your gun. As you were about to head out of the room, a hand grasped gently under your chin and forced your eyes to meet Russell’s. You could see the pleading there but also a stone-cold resignation. “Go with Colter and Doug,” he urged, giving you a brief but strained smile. “I need you to go.” You felt the rough skin of his thumb on your cheek as he moved it tenderly back and forth.
You knew what he was really telling you, what he planned to do, but hell if you weren’t more infuriated with him. You were so sick of the self-sacrificial bullshit. Hadn’t it cost you enough? Cost you both?
You pulled away from him, giving him a glare. “I don’t think you understand,” you said in a tone so cold you were pretty sure you could give the winds in Antarctica a run for their money. “I’m taking Solano in and I am not leaving until I have my suspect alive and in custody.” Russell looked pissed but you couldn’t care less. Better than him being dead in the next two minutes.
You turned to face Colter and Doug so they also got the message. “This case is under Federal jurisdiction now.” Colter glanced between you and his brother who you turned back to face. “I’m bringing him in. Got it?”
Russell went to say something but didn’t get the chance. The sounds of gunfire erupted right outside the room and you all had to duck for cover. 
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You secured your handcuffs around Carlos Solano’s wrists that had been forced behind his back once you shoved him into the chair in the room, purposely tightening the metal bracelets past the point of comfort. The man reacted, cursing you out as you smirked up at him. 
Getting to your feet, you focused on the Shaws and Doug. Russell watched you with a glare while Colter waited for you to speak. Doug looked downright terrified. They had helped you to take down Solano’s men who had flown with him — all three of them. Russell aimed for Solano but at the last second, you got in his way and tackled the criminal to the ground. Needless to say, he wasn’t happy with you. Oh well. The feeling was mutual.
Colter placed his hands on his hips. “Alright, so how are we getting him back to the truck? Are we just going to drag him through the woods and hope we don’t come across anybody else he might have coming here? How are we going to work this?”
You slipped your gun back into your holster. “He doesn’t have anyone else coming here and the plan is that you three are going to head back to the truck and get out of here. I’m going to wait for a pickup,” You gestured towards the window with your thumb where the landing strip could be seen. “They’re nearby, waiting for my call, and they won’t take long to get here.” You shook your phone in your hand, indicating you were going to be using it.
Russell glanced around, as if expecting Agents to start popping up out of the woodworks at any second, before his eyes settled back on you. “So you called this in after all?”
You shrugged. “You were going into a fully armed compound to rescue a hostage, a two-man team against a crime lord on the FBI’s Most Wanted list? Yeah, of course, I did.”
He shook his head, chuckling and muttering a curse under his breath. “Of course you did,” he echoed, shooting a look over at his brother. 
Colter’s gaze flickered back to you. “We’ll wait with you until they get here.”
You offered up a small smile. “I appreciate it but not necessary. I’ve got this until they get here and I do the handover.”
“Look, you should get Doug out of here.” You inclined your head in the direction of the man who was staring dazedly at the floor. “You need to get him checked out and your brother should get his arm looked at.”
“I’m fine,” Russell interjected.
You ignored him. “I’ll be alright, Colter. Believe it or not, you tend to get experience with this kind of thing once or twice before becoming a Special Agent.” You meant it as a light-hearted reassurance but you could tell that both Shaw brothers were going to be a hard sell. At least Colter’s reasoning was up front and above board.
“I’m sure but I don’t feel comfortable leaving you alone. Not with him.” Colter gestured towards Solano who spit in his direction.
“I won’t be for long. But you guys need to get out of here. The Bureau can’t know you were involved in this.” You shot him a meaningful look. “For multiple reasons.”
The younger man looked as if he was going to protest again when you held up a hand. “Colter. You may not like it but you need to do as I’m telling you. If the Bureau finds any of you here…” You could tell that he didn’t care so much about himself but you let your eyes briefly flick in Russell’s direction, who was busy glaring at the man you had bound to the chair. You saw Colter’s expression immediately change and you knew you had succeeded in convincing him to vacate the area as soon as possible.
He nodded his head in assent. “Okay.” He laid a hand on Doug’s shoulder, prompting the man to look up at him, and urged him to start moving to the door.
“Okay? What do you mean okay?” Russell huffed.
Colter held up a hand. “Russell—”
“No.” Russell turned a glare on you. “Not okay. He’s a loose end that needs tying up. He knows who we are now, he came after Doug, and the FBI isn’t going to do shit with him.” You narrowed your eyes in a glare but he continued. “That’s not an insult. It’s the truth and you know it. They’re going to what? Get him to talk, to roll over on someone else he has connections to who’s higher up their food chain, and he gets off scot free? No, not happening on my watch.” 
He took a step forward and so did you, in front of Solano. You drew your gun but held it loosely across your waist, your finger on the trigger, ready and waiting should you need it. Russell stopped cold, his eyes flickering back and forth between you and the weapon in your hand. Colter and Doug were frozen, watching the scene unfold.
“I told you,” you said in the most deadly serious tone you could muster. “I’m taking him in, alive. If you have a problem with that, well…” You flipped the safety on the gun off. “You’ll have to go through me. And I promise you, my aim is a hell of a lot more accurate at close range than it’s ever been.”
Russell didn’t blink, he just kept scowling at you.
“Russ?” Colter called.
“Don’t make me kill you in front of him, Russell,” you murmured so only the two of you would hear. You were serious as a heart attack. No matter how you had felt about him once upon a time, this was important enough for you to make good on your threat if you needed to.
“You wouldn’t.”
“I would and it will be justified by the higher ups as protection of a high-valued target before your body goes cold.” You hated saying the words but it was nothing but the truth that you spoke. You hoped he heard the message underneath your words: walk away, this isn’t worth dying over. “And he’ll be further traumatized,” you inclined your head in Colter’s direction. “Losing his brother right in front of him, just like he lost his dad.” You knew that was a severely low blow but he also needed to hear you. 
As expected, Russell’s jaw clenched and you saw a twitch in the good arm he had, the one that was holding his gun. “Don’t be stupid and do that to him,” you warned. “Walk away.”
That cold look was back in his eyes again. You mentally prepared yourself for what was about to go down. You had hoped he wouldn’t force your hand but then again, Russell Shaw had always been the epitome of stubborn, usually to his own detriment…and yours.   
“Russell?” Colter tried again.
“Russ, come on, man. Let it be for now,” Doug added in, trying to help. “And let’s regroup.”
This time, Russell appeared to hear them both, his gaze breaking from yours momentarily, flickering over Solano behind you, who was laughing and smirking in the former’s direction, clearly enjoying the standoff over him. 
Russell’s eyes met yours again but this time, there was nothing familiar about the green you used to stare into when he’d sway with you on the dance floor to a slow song playing overhead or when you’d both wear matching sated grins and laugh, a pleasant exhaustion overtaking you as he pulled you into his arms in a motel bed. It was almost like staring into a dark void and you couldn’t help but wonder how often that void showed up during war or if the war created it — the old chicken or the egg question. Either way, you knew you’d succeeded in convincing him to leave, but you’d also have to watch yourself. There was no warmth left in those jade-colored orbs when they focused on you. You’d done your work well; you’d crossed a line that you could never go back from.
“Alright,” he capitulated, loud enough that the two men near the doorway heard him. He relaxed his arm and slipped his gun into a pocket in his vest. His face lightened a little and a strained smile worked its way across his face. He glanced back at his brother. “She’s right. We should get Doug out of here.” He turned back to face you, his smile fading. “She’s got this.” He then glanced in Solano’s direction, smirking right back. “I’ll see you soon,” he promised, giving him a finger gun and winking, before his expression became stone once more and he walked away, glaring at you as he did.
You lifted your chin, not reacting in the slightest, until Solano shouted out, “You’ll be seeing me? No, puta, I’ll be seeing you. You’ll never see it coming, you hear me? You’ll never see it co—” You spun a few degrees and pistol-whipped him, causing the jackass to cry out in pain before you turned back to face Doug and the two most important men in your life. “Get going,” you growled out, lifting your phone with your other hand as a subtle threat.
Colter gave you a nod, the concern still there in his dark brown gaze as he led Doug out the door. Russell’s eyes never left you, even when he walked out the door a moment later, following his little brother’s lead. You never looked away even when he was past the threshold. 
You ignored Solano’s yelling threats and kept your eyes on the spot you had last seen the Shaws disappear through a few minutes longer than needed, tense and ready in case Russell decided to double back. Though you highly doubted he’d come at you from the same angle. A part of you was making sure you stayed prepared in case there was an ambush, yes, but another part of you knew your gaze was lingering on the spot because you knew things had now drastically changed between you and Russell forever. He would never forgive your threats and you would never forgive yourself for having to make them. Though that remorse was more related to Colter than his brother. Regardless, when it came to the Shaws now, you were fucked. Not even Dory would want to hear from you, not that she had all that much before, but now it was definitely a no go. And that saddened you tremendously.
Hearing more of Solano’s threats, you recentered your focus on the task at hand and prepared to wait, giving him one more pistol whip for good measure, before you settled in and kept both eyes and ears open for any possible ambush that might come your way before you could finish up here. 
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You leaned against the workstation next to the chair, waiting, gun still in hand and your eyes focused on it. You had waited a certain amount of time to allow the boys to get out of the area.
“The soldado was right, you know. They’re not going to hold me,” Solano bragged.
You briefly closed your eyes in annoyance. He had been talking ever since you were left alone with him. He had offered you money to let him go, offered you riches and power that you knew for a fact he had no business offering. He even had the nerve to propose making you one of his new lieutenants, citing your fighting skills and gun handling that he’d briefly witnessed. He knew you would be able to protect him because you had from the asesinos who had killed his brother. He then changed tactics, threatening you, your loved ones, the men who just left…now, he was boasting about how he would walk free and whatever charges were thrown at him wouldn’t stick. You just wished he would shut the hell up already. Needless to say, it had been a long twenty minutes. You now understood why his brother had been the businessman and he was only the muscle willing to do the dirty work. His bargaining skills were for shit, not that it mattered in the scheme of things. No deals were being made today.
“I offer them a little bit of money and they’ll just make the case go away. Just like that.”
You checked your watch. Twenty two minutes now. That was good enough. You slowly got to your feet and moved past him to look out the window. You had purposely moved his chair out of the sight of the glass, in case Russell got any ideas.
“That’s how it works here in America. Everybody knows that. If the criminals have money and power, they don’t stay in jail.”
You ignored him, glancing around to see if there was any movement outside. You didn’t see any. 
“They won’t keep me locked up. They weren’t able to in my home country. What makes you think they’ll be able to here? Where corruption is ripe and anyone can be bought? And then I’ll be coming for you and for your friends. You will wish for death long before I am through with you.”
You made your way to another window, lifting the curtain and looking around. Still nothing.
“There’s no point in bringing me to jail. It will never hold me.”
You lowered the curtain and squared your shoulders, turning to face his direction. You focused on him, staring right into his eyes. “You know, I think you’re right.”
Solano seemed pleasantly surprised for a moment, thinking you were finally stupid enough to take one of his offers, before his eyes narrowed with realization. “No, wait—”
You quickly lifted your gun and squeezed off a round. His head snapped back from the force and the space behind him was spattered with red among other things. One glance confirmed your aim had been accurate; he was dead. Right through the eye. What you’d said to Russell earlier hadn’t been an exaggeration; you were much more accurate at close range than you’d ever been.
You slipped a pair of gloves on that you pulled from your pants pocket and immediately started unzipping the small compartments on the side of your vest where you usually kept extra ammo in a raid, pulling out small white bottles that weren’t sporting any labels. You began to squirt the liquid from inside them all around the room, dousing Solano’s body with a healthy amount.
You continued into the house, having quite a few bottles of lighter fluid to empty out in specific areas that would help achieve your goal. Arson wasn’t your preferred route but it did get rid of pesky little things like hair and DNA, and what it didn’t, it contaminated which would make it harder for not only law enforcement but the justice system to work with. Though you weren’t too worried about either looking at this particular house fire too closely.
You didn’t bother collecting any bullet casings, knowing that your gun and the ones you’d given Colter to use would be untraceable even if they somehow managed to get a hold of any of the weapons (which they wouldn’t). And Russell’s gun…you figured he had that handled. The only thing you did collect were your handcuffs. 
You also didn’t bother staging anything for the scene. There was already enough evidence that pointed to the theory that Solano’s own men had turned on him and a gunfight ensued, resulting in the multiple dead bodies. While an arson specialist would most likely be able to tell that an accelerant had been used, there was no way for them to confirm just who had been present for this battle and who had gotten away. Satellite imagery would be shoddy at best due to the foliage cover (and eventual smoke) but still, you planned to set the fire and make your getaway out the back, crossing over the landing strip so if they went back to look for any heat signatures after the fire started, it would be one person leaving the scene alive, the person they would assume had started the blaze. There were no nearby neighbors to immediately call first responders but that didn’t mean smoke wouldn’t be seen from the sky from miles away or that a fiery orange blaze in the distance wouldn’t be noticed by residents of another vacation home or cars traveling the backroads in the area. Since you planned to go into the deep woods and take the long roundabout route back to your car, you weren’t too worried about your path being followed.
Once you had completed all of your tasks, you used the fireplace to help, moving the grate out of the way, starting a fire, and then knocking a fiery log onto the wooden flooring. You used a lighter to set flammable materials that you could find to add to the flames. Only when the room was nearly engulfed did you finally slip a beanie from your pocket, cover your head fully, and make your way out of the house. Once at the landing strip, you ducked under the plane, making sure you couldn’t be seen from above. 
You watched as the flames consumed the house. Once the smoke was sufficient, flames were ragings out of the windows, and the sound of breaking glass could be heard, you knew it was time for you to vacate the vicinity before the sirens started up. It was fortunate that most people were asleep at this hour but the sun was due to come up not too long from now and you had a long trek ahead of you, so you needed to get moving.
You kept your head down and made your way into the woods surrounding the property line. 
The sun was breaching the horizon and quickly warming the sky by the time you made it back to your car. You were relieved that Colter’s truck was gone and you needed to quickly make tracks as well. Sirens had started up an hour ago and you needed to get the hell out of Dodge before the cops were all over these roads. You tossed your weapons and vest into the trunk and got in the car. You slipped your beanie off your head, tossing it onto the seat next to you, and started the engine.
Just as you had expected, cops were everywhere but thankfully, you had timed it just right and gotten out before they could block all of the mountain roads. Once you were back in town a few hours later and a certain distance away, you pulled a phone out of your glove compartment you kept there for emergencies and turned it on. You pressed a button and it immediately dialed the number programmed — the only number you had saved on this device. 
It rang once before the same voice from yesterday picked up. “Is it done?”
“We’re clear,” you confirmed. “It’s been handled.”
Your jaw clenched. You knew that despite how you and Russell had left things earlier, you would do whatever it took to keep him breathing. “He’s a soldier. He follows orders.”
“He wasn’t so willing to follow orders in this situation.”
“You know what they’re taught. Leave no man behind. He got his man so he’ll be fine. Things can go back to how they were. He’s not going to be an issue and he’s clean, just like you wanted.”
And then you were asked the one question you didn’t want to hear. “And the brother? What’s your assessment?”
The knuckles of your free hand gripped your steering wheel so tightly that you could see how white your skin turned from the pressure. “Non-issue. He has no interest in you.”
“He seemed interested yesterday.”
You forced yourself to remain calm and nonchalant. “He’s paid to be nosy when someone goes missing so he can get them found. He found who he was looking for, he was able to keep the promise to the guy’s wife — it’s over for him. The case is closed, it’s as simple as that for him. He’s no threat.”
You waited to hear a response, holding your breath and your hand gripping the wheel even tighter, your body tensed. This would be what decided your fate. Either you would be allowed to go on as before or you’d be going on a mission up against one of the top private security contractor firms in the world which wouldn’t end well for you. But you’d take out whoever you could with you before you were killed.
Another moment passed before the voice replied, “Understood.”
Your body relaxed slightly and your shoulders sunk in relief. Colter was safe. Russell was safe…for now. And you didn’t have to go all Rambo Kamikaze on anyone. Win-win all around.
“I’ll let the higher ups know the situation has been contained. Good work. We’ll be in touch.”
Without waiting for a response from you, the call disconnected. You quickly shut the phone off and tossed it back into its original spot. You let out a deep breath and the exhaustion from the past twelve hours immediately overtook your body. Deciding that returning to your place was not an option for you right now, you headed to another part of town, parked your car on the street some blocks away to the nearest motel, and using a baseball cap to cover your hair along with sunglasses, you hoofed it and then booked a room, paying cash and using a fake name. Once you set up everything you needed to in your quarters, you slipped onto the mattress and got some much needed rest, keeping your gun under your pillow within reach should you need it.
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You pulled up to Colter’s trailer, watching as he stepped outside to greet you. You put your car in park, took a deep breath, and got out. You offered Colter a small smile. “Hey.”
He returned it. “Hey.”
You had been surprised when Colter called you a few days later to let you know he was still in town for a bit and invited you to drop by for a beer. Not surprised that he was still around (you already knew that) but surprised that he even wanted to speak to you. Perhaps Russell hadn’t told him what you’d threatened back in the mountains.
You took the beer he offered to you and followed him over to the firepit, taking a seat on one of the coolers. He sat nearby and held up his bottle in a toast. You mirrored him and then you both took a sip. You nearly sighed in satisfaction as the carbonated beverage slid down your throat. You enjoyed the taste and checked the label. “Mmm, home brew…not bad. You got something you want to tell me? Planning on opening some sort of brewery outfit anytime soon?” You were teasing but if Colter really was thinking of doing something else — anything else — instead of his current job, you’d fully support it.
“Not me.” Disappointment flared in your chest, your hope dashed. “Russ was actually the one who made it. I had some left over from the other night.”
The beer suddenly began to sour in your stomach. Well, you supposed it was good that Russell was starting to think of the future, the most important part of that being that there would be one. It still burned a bit, though.
You decided to change the subject so you wouldn’t have to think about that right then. “So, your guy is back home safe?”
Colter nodded. “Dropped him off myself.” Something else you already knew but you had to keep up appearances.
You nodded, biting your lip and staring into the flames. “And your brother?”
Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Colter’s jaw tense for a moment. “Gone.” Though you had an idea that was the case, Colter’s confirmation still stung, like someone poking a finger into an old wound after ripping the scar tissue away. But what else had you expected? This was Russell Shaw you two were talking about after all.
You snorted and shook your head, taking another swig of beer. “Of course he is.”
He turned to look at you. “You know, you never told me what happened between you two.”
You shrugged a shoulder. “Not worth going into, trust me.”
Thankfully, Colter left it alone and he rolled with it when you brought up a different topic instead. 
“So, how much longer are you here for?”
“Teddi and Velma are working on that right now actually. Hopefully, something pops up soon.” He took another sip of beer, turning to gaze at the flames as well.
“It will.” Fortunately for him and sadly for others, someone would always go missing.
“How about you? Are they sending you somewhere for a new case or are they going to let you stay local for a bit? If it’s the latter, maybe you could get a dog for that place of yours?”
You smirked and ran your thumb down the smooth glass of the brown bottle in your hand. Colter kept teasing you about the residence you maintained nearby considering you were never really there most of the time. He’d then extoll the virtues of living on the open road, not having roots put down anywhere that would grow into expectations, and the unrestrained thrill of it all. The first time you’d had that conversation, you knew then that the desire to keep moving and stay unburdened must be a male Shaw thing. Dory seemed happy where she had settled and you — you wanted a home base. Some place you could come back to where you were still able to connect to yourself again, no matter how lost at sea you might be at times, no matter how much you felt as if every single piece of you was floating away on the wind until only a monster was left standing there, staring back at you in the rearview mirror of your car.
“Right now, I have a few things I need to close up,” you lied. “Then I’ll probably get sent out in the field again to work some cases.” You hated lying to him but you had no choice. His safety came first. As much as you had hated Russell for a time, you could now appreciate the difficult position he was in. Though, he had chosen to be put there, and now, so had you. 
You watched Colter nod, accepting your answer. “I still think a German Shepherd would be a great choice for you,” he teased. “You know, a big dog, trainable, would make a good guard dog. You could take it with you, chase suspects down together...”
“Oh yeah, I could see it now,” you played along. “I’d have to sneak him into hotel rooms, make sure he doesn’t take a shit on the rug… Then we’d go on the job and I could introduce him to everyone, ‘I’m Special Agent Y/L/N but you can call me Turner and this is my partner Hooch.’”
Colter winced. “No, no. You have to give him a name that will strike fear into the hearts of the criminals you track down. Like General or Commando or Killer. Killer! Now that’s a good name. That will make anyone think twice about running from a dog with that name.”
This time, you were the one who winced though you hid it well. Instead, you forced out a laugh. “I am not getting a huge dog named Killer and bringing him to work with me.”
He grinned. “That’s a shame. I would have loved to have seen the look on your face when the dog would sit in the front seat.”
“There would be no front seat sitting. Back seat only.”
“Like a criminal who he just helped you to arrest? That’s cold, even for you.”
“I am so glad that you have this imaginary dog of mine’s back.”
He snickered and took a drink, looking back at the flames. Your smile slowly faded as you did the same. You both sat there, drinking in a companionable silence for a bit.
Eventually, your eyes flickered over towards him. “I need you to promise me something.”
His brows drew together questioningly when he met your gaze.
“Horizon…” You noticed him tense slightly at the mention. “No more.” When you saw the confusion in his expression, you elaborated. “No more digging, no more Reenie asking her contacts about them, no more mention of them period. You got the guy you were looking for. Now, put it to bed and forget that you ever knew they existed.”
His confusion increased. “I did put it to bed the second I dropped Doug off at his door and saw him hug his wife.”
You gave him a look. “Col, I need you to promise me,” you softly entreated. 
His brows arched slightly at the use of the nickname; you didn’t use it often and if you were, then he knew you meant business. He also knew what you were telling him without explicitly saying it; Horizon was dangerous and they were better left alone. It would be better for him to get a case of sudden amnesia about anything related to the organization.
He watched you for a moment before giving you a nod. “As long as nobody else goes missing like Doug did and as long as Russ is okay, they’re forgotten.”
You knew that was the best you were going to get from him and you leaned forward slightly. “And if anything happens to Russ, I’ll be right there with you, knocking on their front door,” you promised. And you would be; no question about it.
The corner of his lips tipped up in the beginning of a smile and after a moment, you couldn’t help but return it. 
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The coffee shop you were in was decently quiet considering it was around 8:55 in the morning and most people were making their last minute dashes for caffeine before the working day began. You sat near the window, facing the entrance so you could keep an eye on who came in and out. You had ordered your usual, a soy vanilla latte, and you carefully sipped at the hot liquid. You scanned your phone for the day’s headlines, looking for any updates on the mysterious house fire that started in the mountains a few nights ago.  
You knew you wouldn’t find any and sure enough, you didn’t. Someone was working overtime to squash the case from up above, just like you knew they would. You also knew that some local law enforcement officials didn’t buy the criminals-turning-on-their-boss theory and they actually thought the scene looked like a professional hit. Exactly what you figured would happen when accelerants had been found to be used at the scene. As much as you were sure the cops were looking to sink their teeth into something exciting to happen in those parts in however long, the bottom line was the case would get dropped and no one was going to care what happened to a violent criminal like Carlos Solano. The FBI would actually be relieved to remove one more name from their list, one more file from their desks. One more dangerous bad guy removed from the world that threatened American citizens as well as national security. No one was going to miss the murderous bastard.
You powered down your screen and placed your phone on the table, turning to glance out the window. That was when you saw him. Well, the reflection of him. 
You watched as he walked towards you, still dressed in a ratty pair of jeans and old boots, wearing another t-shirt with a different musician on it while sporting an open button-up over it, and donning that old military style jacket. His eyes were intent on you and you had to wonder how he had gotten in without you seeing him. The answer was in the reflection of someone walking past him to get to the bathrooms in the rear of the cafe. There was no exit located near there, you knew that because this was a local spot of yours, so how did he… Shit.
Even though you watched him in the glass and he watched you back, you didn’t give anything away to alert him that you knew he was there. You started calculating in your head how many people stood in between you and the front door (your only exit at this point), how much force you would have to use to catch him off guard and knock him to the ground so you could make your escape, and how fast you would have to run to your car. You even had a moment to debate drawing your gun and your badge, and making a scene to get yourself out of this mess. But all of that proved to be for naught when he came to a stop near you and announced his presence by asking, “This seat taken?”
You slowly turned to face him, arching an inquisitive brow, but you eventually shook your head. His lips twitched into the beginning of a smirk and he took the seat across from you. His eyes were a lot lighter than they were the other day as they took you in. “Looking good, Y/N. Like always.”
Your eyes narrowed. “Really?”
He shrugged and reached for your coffee, taking the lid off. You hated it when he did this, the whole sharing coffee thing; now you would need to order another one…well, depending on how this impromptu meeting went. “What, I can’t tell my girl that she looks good?” He took a sip and made a face. “How do you still drink this crap? It tastes like foam mixed with shit.”
“And free garbage coffee from the lobby of the latest scuzzy motel you’re staying in doesn’t?”
“Hey, don’t knock it. They have real nice machines now and it tastes the way coffee should. Not like this bullshit.”
You watched as he grabbed a spoon, added some sugar, and began stirring the crap out of what had once been your perfect latte. You thought over what he’d said before. “I’m not your girl, Russell.” His eyes met yours. “I haven’t been for some time now.”
He finished stirring and removed the spoon, lifting the glass to take a sip. “You’ll always be my girl.”
You snorted and lifted a finger in the air to signal to the barista that you wanted another coffee. The kid gave you a nod and turned to make it. “Is that what you tell yourself when you’re hooking up with cheerleaders-turned-dental-hygienists in hot tubs?”
Russell pressed his lips together and looked appropriately chastised, not even bothering to deny it. “Colter told you. I should’ve known he would mention it. You two were always close like that.”   
You didn’t confirm or deny that. There was no point in mentioning that Colter hadn’t been the one to tell you, not intentionally anyway. Instead, you leaned forward in your chair. “What do you want, Russell?”
“I wanted to talk to you.”
“About what?” You snapped. You had been on edge, thinking he was here to either kill you or threaten you. Then him hitting on you and making that asinine and incredibly presumptuous statement bothered you more than you cared to admit. Not to mention he pissed you off when he took the latte you’d decided to treat yourself with after a few difficult days (without even asking you might add), knowing how that had irked you anytime he did it when you were dating. It was like the man was begging you to put a foot in his ass.
Russell glanced around briefly before removing something from inside his jacket. It was a folded up newspaper and he slapped it down in front of you. A picture of a burnt out structure stared back up at you with the headline reading above it “House Fire Claims 8 Lives, Sheriff Confirms Arson”. Your eyes met his and in that moment, you knew that he knew.
You refused to give it away just like that, though. If he wanted the truth, he’d have to work for it. He wasn’t getting anything for free, not from you, not anymore. You gave him a smirk. “Is this your way of telling me that you’ve finally learned to read, Russ? I’m impressed, really.”
Instead of being insulted, his eyes widened slightly. “You called me Russ.”
You sat back in your chair, pushing the newspaper away from you and prying eyes, waiting for the barista making his way over to you to deliver your coffee. “Slip of the tongue. Won’t happen again.” You smiled at the young kid in thanks when he placed the drink down in front of you and promptly slid your glass out of Russell’s reach. He saw it and immediately worked to smother a smile as the kid walked away.
“So, you got any more interesting tricks I should know about?”
Without any preamble, Russell said, “Solano’s dead,” the exact second you took a sip of your new coffee. If he was expecting any reaction to the news, he was in for disappointment when you didn’t give it.
“Yes, I heard. Quite unfortunate.”
“They’re all dead actually. Even that guard we subdued in the beginning.”
You remembered; you’d been the one to kill him after all. Once Russell and Colter got to their feet after knocking the guard out and started moving towards the house, you quietly pulled a knife and slipped the blade into the side of the man’s head. You’d cut his zip ties, removed them and the gag, and then caught up to the guys — all within seconds. You had made sure to move the guard’s body inside later, right before you’d started the fire, trying your best to get rid of any drag marks you’d left on the ground. You were there to clean up the mess, not leave witnesses, even if they had never seen any of you coming.
You nodded. “I know, I heard that, too. Is there a point here somewhere or can I get back to the nice morning I was having before you showed up to steal my coffee?”
Russell was the one to lean forward this time, lowering his voice even further. “You said you were calling in the FBI for a pickup. Who did you really call?”
You could tell he was trying to give you an out, an opportunity to explain that it wasn’t what he was thinking, and maybe you should have lied your ass off…but you no longer wanted to. You knew Russell; he wasn’t going to let this go until he had an answer that he deemed to be the truth. And while you could give him a distorted version of that truth that didn’t land at your feet, a petty part of you wanted him to know. 
“Y/N?” He pressed. “Who did you call?”
You sat back in your chair, considering him for a moment before you spoke. “No one.”
Russell dropped his head, briefly closing his eyes. “Fuck, I was afraid of that.” He glanced up at you, his eyes full of a sadness you hadn’t seen in some time. You knew he wouldn’t be happy if he ever found out the truth, but not to this extent. “I told you to walk away and let me handle it.” His voice was softer, not as gruff as before. You realized then that you’d accomplished what that vindictive side of you had wanted all along, ever since the day he walked away; you’d hurt him and caused him pain. Pain that you could see clear as day lining his face right now. He wasn’t even trying to hide it. And quite frankly, that pain caught you off guard. After all of this time, this is what it took for him to feel even a sliver of what you’d felt back in the day when he’d left you bleeding, your heart torn from your chest and sitting in pieces on the floor he’d just casually walked over to get to the door?
Not really sure what to make of this development or the emotions it caused to rise up within you, you went into pure professional mode and forged ahead. “The three of you didn’t need to be involved.” You could see the pain getting worse and it made you uncomfortable, something prodding at your chest and itching at your skin that you really didn’t care for. “Besides, last I checked, I don’t take orders from you, Shaw.” You threw his last name in there as a last resort to put even more distance there between you.
His eyes flicked from the newspaper to you. “Who do you take orders from then? Something tells me this wasn’t FBI-sanctioned.” 
You surreptitiously glanced around you before leaning in, lowering your voice.“You know, going to your handler’s house during her kid’s birthday party was a pretty bad idea. Ann really didn’t like that.” You watched as Russell’s eyes widened slightly before his face fell, a dreaded realization filling his expression. He had never mentioned her name to you before and he knew Colter hadn’t mentioned her to you either when giving you the rundown of what they knew before meeting up in the mountains. You sat back, tensed and ready for whatever came next. 
His jaw clenched. “How long?” He ground out.
“Long enough.”
You kept your gaze trained on his and you did your best to read him, trying to assess what he might do, now that the pain was all but absent since your revelation. Would he tell you to watch your back and leave? Would he tell you to stay away from Colter for good? It was hard to gauge from the way he was staring at you right then. You could see anger bubbling underneath but you also caught something coming to the surface that strangely looked like remorse. Considering you hadn’t seen that emotion on him too often, it was tough to be sure in your identification of it. And then something flickered in his eyes right then, something so fast you almost didn’t catch it, but you did. Fear that quickly dissolved into determination. You braced yourself for whatever he would say or do; this was it. This would determine your next steps.
Instead, he surprised you once more. He snatched the newspaper up and slipped it back into his jacket, before reaching over and taking your hand in his. “I’m getting you out of here. Now. Let’s go.”
Stunned, you wordlessly got to your feet but then it hit you, you were about to go somewhere alone with him. Not that you couldn’t handle yourself but he had still been Special Ops once upon a time and he killed people for a living…just like you. 
“Russell, I’m not—”
“Yes, you are,” he growled. “I’m getting you as far from here as I can. I’ve got a buddy who has a cabin in upstate New York. It’s got months-long supplies, power and running water, and a small armory. You’ll be safe there until this whole thing blows over.”
You yanked your hand out of his and grabbed your phone and jacket. “I’m plenty safe here. I have no reason to run, so I’m staying. You want to leave? Go right ahead. We both know it’s what you’re best at.” The sadness was back but you looked away from it. Yes, that had been another low blow but it was also well-deserved. You moved past him, refusing to look over your shoulder even once. There was no way he’d do anything out in the open; he wouldn’t dare risk it, especially now.
You slipped into your car, not surprised in the least when Russell got in on the other side before you could even think about locking the doors.
“What are you doing?” You hissed.
“What’s it look like?” He clicked his seatbelt. “I’m staying with you until you agree to my plan to get you someplace safe or you explain how the hell this even happened.” He pulled out the newspaper, holding it up for a moment before tossing it to the floor. You could see the determined set to his jaw and you knew he meant it. 
“Russell,” You pinched the bridge of your nose. “I do not have time for this.” You blew out a quiet breath and turned to face him. “Now I suggest you get out of my car or—”
“You’ll shoot me?” He shot you a look. Yeah, he was still pissed about the threats you’d made a few nights ago. You supposed you couldn’t blame him but you did what you had to do to get him and his brother out of there. You had regrets but they were slim. “We both know you won’t.”
That infuriated you and had you seething. “You think I won’t?”
“I know you won’t. Just like I know that no matter how much you tell yourself that you hate me, you really don’t.”
You scoffed out a laugh in disbelief. “Wow, you really are incredibly delusi—”
“I also know you would never do that to my brother.” Your glare in his direction intensified. “You’ve always been protective of him. Just like me.” A glimmer of a fond smile worked its way onto his bearded face.
Your jaw clenched and you looked away from him, back towards the coffee shop you had just stormed out of, your grip tightening on your steering wheel. It was true; you’d always looked out for Colter in some way ever since you’d gotten to know him through Russell. 
While the relationship between the brothers had been strained for years, it didn’t mean that there hadn’t been a couple of times where Dory hadn’t attempted to get them into a room together to try to fix what had been broken. In one such instance, Russell had brought you along, after shocking you by asking you two nights before to accompany him. The man had spent over a decade in the military, worked Special Ops, and there wasn’t much he was afraid of, if at all. But when you were wrapping leftovers to throw into the fridge and he’d laid a hand on your shoulder, turning you to face him, you’d never seen Russell Shaw look so worried, vulnerable, and damn near terrified in all of the time you’d known him. You’d even felt it when he’d enfolded you into his arms and whispered into your ear that he was due to meet up with his family in the next two days, asking you to come with him. How could you say no to that? You knew of the family’s tragic history and the simmering tensions that still existed between the Shaws who were still alive; Russell had told you everything, even about how his mom had hung him out to dry (though he made excuses for her which made you grind your teeth). And for him to ask you to go, to meet his family, you knew then just how important this was for him. So you went, squeezed his hand in silent support whenever he appeared to need it, and did your best to provide distraction whenever things got a little too tense or heated. Dory didn’t care for you too much; you got the distinct feeling that she wasn’t happy Russell had brought an interloper to a family-only discussion. But Colter…Colter you got along with from the start. 
Colter seemed happier to talk to you than his brother and you could tell that bothered Russell tremendously. He had told you once how much he missed his siblings at times, especially his little brother, and he would never stop hoping to patch things up with them one day. Sure enough, he tried to interject into the conversation a few times with you helping as much as you could, but each time Colter shut him down. It was blatantly obvious that the younger man wanted nothing to do with him and there was definitely some resentment still floating around after years of estrangement. Needless to say, things hadn’t ended well at that dinner and you weren’t surprised that Russell drank a little heavier that night. Nor were you surprised when he grasped at you in the hotel room and pulled you to him, his lips claiming yours as he began unbuttoning your shirt and moving you towards the bed. You knew he was hurting and you let him take solace in you as you whispered loving assurances in his ear. 
After that, Colter surprised you by calling you a couple of months down the road, apologetically asking for your help on a case he had picked up. Though he didn’t know you well, he was in a rough spot and needed a helping hand, particularly a Federal one. You saw the opportunity for what it had been, an opening of a possible door between him and Russell, so you took it. You helped Colter as much as you could without risking being read the riot act by your superior, and you two got to know each other better as you worked together. It happened a few more times and you had even called Colter in to assist on a case of your own that you had snagged. You had gone for beers afterwards each time and you’d tried your best to talk to him, to convince him to give Russell a chance. He hadn’t been interested, was resistant to it even, but he liked you and he was starting to trust you a little more each time. He’d even reluctantly admitted once that he was glad his brother had you, immediately following up with “He better be treating you right, though.” You had simply smiled and assured him that Russell very much was. 
You didn’t mention the odd absences a few times a month (sometimes with little to no warning), the radio silence during these stints, and the avoidance of any penetrating questions upon his return — all of it that had become conditional to your relationship by that point. And Russell certainly wasn’t happy at all to find out you’d been working with Colter once you told him. You both had arguments before like any common couple but nothing like this. You had never seen him so angry and he’d laughed when you told him he had no need to be jealous if that was what he was worried about, you loved him and you were trying to make things better for the both of them, to pave the way for him to be able to make peace with his brother. 
“You just don’t get it.” 
He had shaken his head and glared over at you before he walked out of the room, away from you. From then on, Russell became even more secretive, distant, and cold as ice. Gone was the easy affection, heart to heart talks, and playful banter between you. Gone were the tender touches, gentle kisses, and passionate sex. The love of your life turned into a stranger right before your very eyes. It hadn’t been too long after that when he’d left for good, leaving your heart shattered on your hardwood floor. As time passed, you were surprised he hadn’t just packed up and left in the middle of the night while you were sleeping, without a single word to you and completely ghosting you, since he had been intent on leaving you in his past. It might have been kinder actually compared to the things he’d said to you as a final goodbye before walking away for good. 
So whenever you had dared to think back on it over the last few years, you’d always figured the fight over Colter had contributed in some way to the rapid unraveling of your relationship. Well, that fight and…other things.
“Let’s go somewhere we can talk,” Russell urged, breaking you out of your thoughts. “Come on, Y/N, you owe me that at least.”
You turned the most menacing glare on him that was possible for you to give someone. “I don’t owe you shit,” you bit out. How dare he say that? To you of all people?  
His jaw tightened and after a moment, he agreed with a soft nod. “Fair enough.” 
You broke away from his intent gaze a minute later, your decision made as you turned the car on. “You know what? If this will get you out of my life for good this time, then fine. Let’s talk. And don’t be so sure I won’t shoot you afterwards should you continue to piss me off. You’re right, I do care about Colter,” You scowled over at him. “But not that deeply.”
Russell matched your scowl but wisely kept quiet as you backed your car out of your parking spot. You felt an immediate surge of guilt for having said that about his younger brother. You did care about Colter, more than you would ever admit to anyone, even your ex. There was nothing remotely romantic between you two; there never had been and there never would be. But Russell had been right; you were protective of him. Not only because he was a good man but he also reminded you of someone you had lost long ago. You would bend over backwards to keep him safe (as safe as you could given his chosen career), even if it meant putting yourself in harm’s way. He had truly become like a brother to you. 
But you had also meant what you said just now. If Russell continued to irritate you, there was no way he was leaving this time without you putting a bullet in him. Right in his ass before the door could hit it when he turned his back on you for the last time. That or a good old fashioned ass kicking in the form of your right hook. After everything he’d done, he deserved nothing less.  
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You pulled up to a local motel that you had booked a room at the last few days, in case you needed to close up shop and haul ass out of town quickly. It wasn’t the same establishment you had gone to the morning of the fire and you still had your place thirty minutes away, but you had learned it was always best to prepare for any eventuality. Especially after a job needing to be done so close to home. You had seen what happened with Doug; who was to say Horizon wouldn’t leave you out to dry, too, should the heat from the fire get a little too close?
You got out and headed over to the door, unlocking it and stepping inside, not looking back to see if Russell was following you. Neither of you had spoken on the ride over (which was probably for the best) and you didn’t glance at him once. Instead, you had done your damndest to tamp down the fury you felt racing through your veins as more and more memories played out in your mind. Now that Russell had a vague idea of the truth of what you had been doing all of this time, everything you had ever wanted to say to him seemed to be trying to rush to the surface as well as all of the pain you had endured.
You slipped your suit jacket off and tossed it onto the bedspread. You heard the door shut behind you and you spun around, seeing Russell’s eyes scanning the room, stopping on the bed, and then lifting to you. You scoffed and unbuttoned the sleeves of your blouse, rolling them up to your forearms. “Not happening so don’t even think about it,” you hissed.
“Wasn’t going there.”
You didn’t believe him. “Right.” You took a seat at the table and impatiently gestured to the seat across from you. “Well?”
He sat down and without missing a beat, dove right in. “How the hell did this even happen, Y/N?”
“Really? That’s what you’re starting out with?”
Russell shot you a look.
You let out an aggravated sigh and sat back in your chair, crossing your legs and getting comfortable. “I was recruited, not too long after you left.”
His jaw dropped. “They approached you?”
Nodding, your jaw tightened thinking back to that time. It wasn’t a memory you liked revisiting. You were at your lowest, Russell having just walked out like the four and a half years you’d spent together hadn’t meant a damn thing to him. He had been it for you. You had put everything you had into the relationship, which proved to be a difficult balancing act sometimes between your career at the Bureau and Russell’s job that he wouldn’t tell you too much about. You both had overcome so much together…all for him to tell you that he simply didn’t love you anymore, give you a shitty apology, and walk right out the door years later. Like you had simply been an amusing distraction, nothing more. Like you had merely been a stopping point in his journey and now he was bored and moving on. The breakup would’ve hurt regardless but the cold detached manner he’d spoken to you with caused more pain than you would have ever been willing to admit. It was a good thing you had already become a Special Agent by then, not stuck to any one location or field office, given how often you were hungover for some weeks there. You had attempted to track him down (which hadn’t been easy) to try to talk to him, to make him see reason; you didn’t believe that he had stopped loving you just like that. But when you had finally located him, he had been holed up in a dingy motel, similar to this one, but he wasn’t alone. That had hurt beyond words and it had taken everything for you not to say anything, not to let him see you, and turn back around, heading home with your tail between your legs and your head hanging in heartbroken defeat. 
None of it made sense to you. How had your life changed so drastically in a single day? Perhaps you had never really known Russell Shaw. Perhaps you only saw what he wanted you to see. But when you replayed the last few weeks of your relationship, even the fight over Colter, something still wasn’t jiving. So you buried yourself in work during the day and as deep into the bottle as you could during the late nights. Until they showed up.
“And you said yes?” He asked in disbelief.
Your eyes flicked to Russell, narrowing. “Why not? You did.”
He pressed his lips together. You had him there and he knew it. “That was different.”
“How?” You snapped. “Exactly how is that different, Russell?”
“I joined them long before you and I met.” Yeah, you knew that now. You knew everything he hadn’t told you the time you’d been together, minus the actual details of the off the books missions he went on. You now knew why Doug had never told Tracy anything either. Not only were they not allowed to, but It was safer that way.
“Well, bully for you, Shaw. You’ve got a few years on me at being a black ops agent and you’ve racked up a few more bodies than I have. Told way more lies, too. Congrats. Do we get you a cake or…?”
He leaned forward, covering your hand with his. “Stop. Just…talk to me,” he pleaded gently.
You hated it when he did that because you hated that it still affected you on some deep level. You rolled your eyes and moved your hand from underneath his, placing it in your lap. “They approached me about six months out from when you left.”
“Who approached you?”
Yeah, you weren’t giving him that. If you did, you knew he’d be on their doorstep in a second and that you couldn’t have. Not after you had just cleaned up the Solano mess and smoothed things over. “Doesn’t matter.”
“It does to me.” You knew that, could see it in his expression, but too bad. You both were in it now, had signed NDA’s, and details like that were meant to stay confidential anyway. 
“Someone did and that’s all you're getting.” You gave him a meaningful look. “Regardless, they offered me a job and I took it.”
You watched as Russell’s features tightened. “And the FBI thing?”
“Still active, though I’m now kept more as an ear to the ground, providing information and cleanup when need be.” You noticed a slight wince cross across his face. “They’re the ones I answer to and they’ve chosen to keep me there for the time being. I’m more effective in that setup.” Those words from your handler still burned you but over time, you had been able to adapt and utilize their refusal to fully bring you in to your advantage.
“And Solano and his men? Were they cleanup?”
You didn’t break away from his penetrating gaze and gave it to him straight. “You and Doug made quite a mess of things. So, yes, I was called in to clean it up.” He briefly closed his eyes in the same pain you had seen earlier, though you couldn’t fathom why. It had been nearly three years since he’d last professed to give a shit about you. Why would this even affect him? “Horizon wanted you kept clean and Doug was on his own. Then you idiotically showed up at Ann’s residence, not only tipping them off to the fact that you were sniffing around where you shouldn’t have been but then you allowed Colter to threaten them. You had to know that was going to ruffle quite a few feathers and put a target on your backs.”
His jaw clenched again and that dark void was back in his gaze. His fingers twitched near his phone and you knew he was itching to call his brother to check on him. “And they sent you to clean that up, too?”
You slowly shook your head. “No.” If they had, you wouldn’t be sitting here right now. Most likely, you’d be dead while Colter and Russell would hopefully be on the run or have gone into hiding. “Only to assess what threats you both posed to the organization.”
“And what was your assessment?” He watched you carefully. In this moment, you weren’t former lovers. You were two people with lethal skills and training, willing to do whatever it took to keep your loved ones safe, even from each other. 
You never broke away from his gaze, watching him back just as carefully. “What do you think?”
He stayed quiet for a moment, looking pensive and most likely turning your words over in his mind. You weren’t going to say it but knowing that gnawing feeling of constantly worrying about someone you cared deeply about, you wanted to make sure you both were on the same page of this topic. “And, Russell, if they had sent me for that, I never would.” His gaze immediately met yours. “Ever,” you promised. 
His eyes roamed over your face, most likely assessing if you were bullshitting him or telling the truth. Obviously having decided on the latter, after a minute or so, he gave you a nod. “How do you know they accepted your assessment, though? There’s no way they don’t know about you and Colter, you and me…”
This time, your jaw was the one clenching. Yeah, you were made aware of that fact when you had been approached for recruitment. That was how they knew about you, your career as a Federal agent, and how you had been involved with Russell once upon a time. When you found out more about Horizon from the inside, it didn’t surprise you one bit how deeply they dove into the background of their candidates or the amount of information they gathered on them. You’d even helped put together a few files yourself, without fully knowing what unit the candidates were being considered for of course. They kept a close watch on their assets and that was putting it lightly. 
So when you got involved with Russell, completely oblivious to what you were really getting into, Horizon had already scoped you out as well as Colter, Dory, their mother, Bobby, Reenie, Teddi, Velma — everyone. Even Colter’s on-again/off-again, Billie, and the mysterious circumstances of the death of the boys’ father. They knew it all. Horizon didn’t like surprises and you supposed you couldn’t blame them considering their line of work, but it also meant that you and everyone you cared about needed to be extra careful. 
It was one of the many reasons you couldn’t completely forgive Russell, though you now understood why he’d walked out when he did. Things had unraveled so badly between you that you’d started quietly digging into Horizon, not trusting what Russell had told you prior. Back then, you thought you’d find only what Russell had claimed: private security, perhaps a couple of Special Ops situations where an American hostage was retrieved in another country, or worse: he was lying to you and having an affair. Now, you knew he had told you the truth — a very scrubbed, limited version of the truth that omitted most of what he really did for the outfit. You remembered what he’d told you about a week and a half before he left. 
“You need to stop digging.” 
You looked upon him with confusion. One minute, you had been having a very tense and silent dinner where you could only hear forks scraping against the plates every so often, and the next, Russell was glaring over at you, speaking cryptically. “What are you talking about?”
“You know exactly what I’m talking about. You need to stop looking into Horizon and leave it alone. I mean it, Y/N. Let it be.” His eyes bored into you with warning before he got up from the table and took his plate into the kitchen, leaving you to finish your meal alone.    
Normally, you wouldn’t have listened, determined to get to the bottom of Russell’s mysterious employer, but considering how your relationship was hanging by a thread at that point, you did. Despite the warning bells going off in your head, you did as exactly as he said: you let it be. 
You suddenly remembered Russell’s question to you. “You’re still breathing, aren’t you?”
Russell affected a slow nod, thinking it over. “And Colter?”
“I told them he’s no threat,” you murmured. “I talked to him, told him to forget they exist. He agreed as long as you were safe.”
For the first time since this conversation started, you could see Russell start to relax a bit, relief saturating his features. Even a small smile started to light up the tension in his face. While you could understand the feeling, share it even, something about it had you on your feet, walking over to the small refrigerator and pulling out a bottle of water from the six pack you had tossed in there when you booked the room. You held one up in an offer but Russell shook his head. 
“I’m good.”
You shrugged, unsurprised, and twisted off the cap, taking a drink. It made sense that he was still being cautious. Before you knew it, though, he was standing in front of you, that pleading yet determined look in his eyes again. 
“I want to get you out.”
You snorted. “There is no getting out, Russell. Not for me, anyway. Not until they’re done with me.”
He took a step closer and gently took the water bottle from you, placing it on the counter, and grasped your chin, forcing you to look up at him. “There’s always an exit strategy,” he murmured. “I never wanted this for you, Y/N. I only ever wanted to keep you safe. That’s why I left.”
Yeah, you knew that now, too. “I know that now. Why you wouldn’t tell me certain things about your job, but, Jesus, Russell. Did you really think they didn’t already know about me and who I was to you? Colter even? Dory? Your mom?”
He let out a deep sigh and hung his head, letting your chin go. “I know. I… It was a good fit for me at the time, the money was good — that’s why I hooked Doug up with them. But seeing how they hung him out to dry at the first opportunity and now you,” He tenderly ran his thumb along your cheek. “I’m seriously starting to rethink that decision.”
You pulled away from him. “It doesn’t matter. You can’t unring that bell.” You made your way back over to the bed and yanked your duffel bag from underneath it. You unzipped it and began rooting through it to make sure you had everything you needed for a quick getaway. You didn’t think you needed to go anywhere but now this location was blown for you since you had made the decision to let Russell know about it. You had already triple checked your stash when you left it here upon check-in but you needed something to focus on instead of the clear regret in Russell’s face. “And as for me, I made my decision.” You pulled out a gun from a secret compartment, checked the clip to make sure it was full, and slipped it back inside. “I’m good with it. I’ve used it fully to my advantage and I make good money, more than I was ever going to make at the Bureau, even if they fast-tracked me to Deputy Director. Solano was on our Most Wanted List for twenty six days and I took him out in one. Had he possibly gone free, there’s no telling what he would have done, who he would have hurt besides Doug.” You knew exactly what he would have done and who he would have hurt; he’d told you in explicit detail. You didn’t go into it but Russell wasn’t stupid (not when it came to things like this anyway). He most likely knew as well. He’d wanted to close up Solano as a loose end himself after all. “That kind of cleanup I can more than live with.”
Russell carefully approached, his eyes on the second gun you had pulled out and were checking. “I get that and I more than appreciate what you did with Solano. For Doug, for Colter and me.” Once you slipped the weapon back into its pocket, he laid a hand on your shoulder, prompting you to look over at him. “You can’t tell me, though, that this is what you want for your endgame. Not really.”
You shook your head in disbelief. “I don’t have an endgame, Russell. Maybe I did once but you took that the second you walked out the door, acting like everything we’d gone through meant nothing to you, like I meant nothing to you.” 
There was that remorse again and you despised it. “I’m sorry, I…handled that badly,” he admitted.
“Handled it badly?” You laughed in disbelief. You shirked his hand off of you and moved to the night table, yanking the drawer open to rip out the bible sitting in there. You opened it to the area you had cut out to hold emergency cash and cards, just like Russell had taught you once upon a time. “You told me I’d been nothing to you but a fling for the past four years, that you might have loved me once but you didn’t anymore. That I was…how did you put it? A fun distraction.” You slammed the bible shut and tossed it back into the drawer before closing it. You hurried back over to the bag, throwing the funds inside another secret compartment, more than done with this conversation.
“You’re right, I fucked up. I only said those things to—”
“Cut the cord, yeah, I know. Still doesn’t make it right,” you muttered, roughly zipping the duffel back up. 
“I wanted you to be safe. You were digging into them, even after I told you not to! And worse, you were pulling Colter into it!”
That quickly got your attention and you spun on your heel, jabbing a finger in the air at him. “Don’t you fucking dare lay Colter at my feet. Especially after what you just pulled last week. It wasn’t me hauling him into Doug’s case! Not to mention, way before you met me, the minute you took that job, you put everyone you knew on their radar and you know it! So don’t you fucking dare. I have been doing everything I can to make sure Colter is safe and doesn’t pull their attention, poring over every case he takes in the background to ensure they’re not involved or have any vested interests that are. Hell, I even just used a contact of mine to float a case over to Teddi and Velma to get him out of town and far away from here to continue keeping him safe. Me, Russell! Me! And what did you do to keep him safe? You blow back into town and not only put him even more on their radar, you deliver him right to their goddamn doorstep! So don’t you dare even try to put that on me,” you finished in a snarl. 
Shame lurked at the corners of his eyes and you scoffed in disgust, whirling around to grab your jacket from the bed before picking up the duffel bag and slinging the handle over your shoulder. “So glad we had this talk,” you sniped. “Now go have fun with the cheerleading dental hygienist or Reenie,” You could see more shame looking back at you. Unlike the hot tub conquest, Colter had actually told you about that one. You could tell how much it was bothering him and you knew he wouldn’t have mentioned it otherwise, knowing it wasn’t something you really wanted to hear. “Or that bartender you holed up with three weeks after you walked out on me,” Now you could see surprise; you could care less. “Or whoever you want. But me? I’m done. Have a nice life, Russell Shaw, and try not to get killed before you get out to start your little brewery operation. Oh, and try to manage not to get your brother or me killed in the process, yeah? Thanks ever so much. See ya.” 
You were walking towards the door when you were grabbed and whipped around. Before you could react, Russell was on you, his mouth covering yours and his hands gripping your face. “I love you,” he breathed against your lips after breaking away to let you catch your breath. “I’m sorry I said what I did back then but it wasn’t the truth. It took everything I had to walk away but as long as you were safe, that was all that mattered to me. I fucked up and I am sorry. I never stopped loving you, Y/N. Not ever.” 
He wiped at your cheeks and you hadn’t even realized you’d been crying. Shit. Well, that was embarrassing. Even more embarrassing was how much you wanted to believe him. You knew he was telling the truth about why he walked away, how he wanted to keep you safe, but it obviously hadn’t been as difficult for him to move on as it had been for you. “No, you don’t,” you choked out. “If that were true, you would have never walked out that door.” Your voice wobbled on those last few words and you hated it, hated how vulnerable you were being to him right now.
You wiped at your own cheeks and turned around, ignoring the pleading you saw once again in his eyes. 
“Y/N, please,” he ground out.
You kept moving towards the door. As you laid your hand on the door handle to turn it, you were whipped around one more time and he was kissing you yet again, your back pressed up against the wood. Except this time, you finally threw in the towel and gave in to what your damaged heart had been wanting all of this time. You buried your fingers in his hair and kissed him back just as passionately, not caring that more tears rolled down your cheeks as you did. He yanked the duffel bag from you and let it fall into a heap on the floor before lifting you up and turning to carry you over to the bed. You knew this was going to hurt like hell later but you refused to put a stop to it. You’d find a way to numb the pain when it ripped you open a second time, just like you always had. 
The only thought running through your mind as he laid you down and ripped your blouse open, sending buttons flying everywhere, was that you had been right. You knew the bastard had been lying earlier when you’d caught him looking between you and the bed. But right then as he lifted away from you to quickly shed his top layers and then dove back down to kiss you again and melt into you, your fingers greedily relearning every inch of his bare skin, you couldn’t care less.   
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You reached your hand over, tenderly running a finger along the edges of the bandage on Russell’s arm. “Does it hurt?” You murmured.
“A little.” He turned his head to smile down at you. “More than worth it, though.”
You rolled your eyes, ignoring his chuckle at you gently pushing his head away, and turned onto your back. Russell embraced you with his other arm, pulling you into him. You rested your ear against his bare chest, hearing his steady heartbeat and settling your gaze on the ceiling above you. He pressed a kiss to your head, letting his lips linger against your hair, as his thumb rubbed your shoulder back and forth.
After a few minutes of content silence between you, you put voice to the question resounding in your mind. “How did we get here, Russell?”
“Well, you drove us over and then we—”
You softly swatted his chest, making him laugh and hearing the sound reverberate underneath your ear. “You know what I mean.”
“I wish I knew the best way to answer that, “ he whispered to you. You could hear the genuine regret in his tone and it made you start thinking about when you both would have to leave this motel room, and go back to the separate lives you had been living. Memories of lazy mornings like this back when you had been together, of you listening to his voice in your ear and knowing you were safe and loved, replayed in your mind on a loop. You would never admit it to him but you missed this, missed him. Nothing had felt right in the last couple of years like this moment here did. If anything, all of that time felt like some weird drug-induced nightmare, and you had just woken up to find Russell here next to you, nothing having changed. But that wasn’t true; everything had changed.
Not wanting to think about that just yet, you picked up the hand that had been caressing your shoulder and studied the skin of his wrist. “This is new.” You trailed your finger along the design of the tattoo sitting there. “What prompted you to get this one?”
“That’s something Doug and I got one night when we met up with another one of the guys from our unit when he was in town. Tommy Laird. Good man.”
“A crown?”
Russell shrugged underneath you. “Tommy picked the design.”
“‘We three kings’, huh?”
You heard him chuckle. “Never thought of it like that but sure.”
“Is he also a part of Horizon?”
You felt him tense underneath you at the mention of the dark and deadly elephant in the room. “No. He, uh, he lives with his wife and three kids in North Carolina. They have a house in Cary and he went back to the family business when he got home.”
You nodded and pulled his wrist to you, placing your lips on his skin and tenderly kissing the middle of the design before letting him go. He hugged you closer to him and placed a kiss to your ear in turn, letting out what sounded like a contented sigh. 
A moment later, he murmured. “I want to help get you out.”
You nearly rolled your eyes again. You wanted to ask him why he was dead set on thinking that you even wanted out. Perhaps the you he had known would want a way out, want something more out of life than money and secrets and cleanups, but you had changed a lot in the last three years. But you knew if you posed that question, it would shatter the cocoon you currently found yourselves in and you weren’t ready for that to end just yet. So instead, you reminded him of another angle of the truth. “That’s not possible. Not the way you’re thinking. You know that.”
“Anything’s possible.” You nearly smiled at his response; there was the stubborn streak that sometimes infuriated you and sometimes endeared you to him, like right now. But you needed to make sure you maintained a reality check for the both of you. You knew what he was really thinking.
“Even if it was, we can’t.”
His head lifted and he frowned down at you. “Why not?”
“This isn’t some Mr. and Mrs. Smith shit. We don’t get a happy ending,” you finished sadly, thinking back to the life you once shared together as you cupped his cheek and rubbed it gently with your thumb. “Not together. It’s too dangerous.” You left it at that but you knew that he was more than aware of what you meant. 
His frown intensified at your words and he covered your hand with his, turning to place a kiss into your palm. “We’ll work it out.”
“Russ,” you sighed.
He gently grasped your chin between his thumb and forefinger, looking into your eyes. “We’ll work it out,” he softly repeated, that glint of determination back in his gaze. 
You decided once more that you wouldn’t bother launching into the many reasons it actually wouldn’t work out and you would refrain from popping that bubble he had just wrapped you both in. That moment would come later. But for now, you continued to keep silent.
When he noticed you weren’t going to say anything, a mischievous smile began to form on that handsome face you loved. “You know, I don’t really have anything planned for today. How about you?”
Other than some paperwork you had to go over later, your day was pretty much free, too. Even if it hadn’t been, you knew that look and after this morning, despite still having some unresolved anger with him, despite things that still needed to be said between you, you would have freed up your schedule immediately. “I don’t think I’ll be missed for a while,” you teased.
He leaned in to kiss you, whispering to your lips, “Oh, you were missed. Very much fucking missed.” The impishness you had heard a moment before was now absent but he never gave you a chance to respond. Instead, he kissed you deeply and began moving to cover your body with his once again. He maneuvered himself in between your thighs, your legs automatically coming up to gently cradle his hips. “Your arm,” you broke away to warn him.
“Don’t care.” He lowered down to keep kissing you and surprisingly (or unsurprisingly perhaps), all was right in the world right then. You didn’t allow yourself to get swept away by it or by the fantasy of something that would never be. Sadly, the time for you and Russell to be together had come and gone. You’d had your chance and you both had blown it, with him starting you out of the gate. This right here, this was all that was left — like embers of a dying fire. You would always love him, you knew that (truthfully, you had always known it), but this was all you would ever have. Once you both walked out that door, you would be walking in separate directions, taking different paths in your lives, no matter what Russell would say. 
But for right now, you allowed yourself to live in the moment, to enjoy it as he groaned into your mouth when your hand helped guide him to where you both wanted him to be. You held onto him as he began a slow movement within you, knowing you would need to take over again very soon when his left arm began to tremble. But until then you kept him close to you, drank deeply of him, and reveled in what the two of you had always managed to create together, content to keep Horizon and the rest of the world on the other side of the motel room door, if only for a moment longer. 
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A/N: I know I left some things open and unresolved. I wanted to do that to let this be a gateway to the continuing story in the short series coming titled "Closer".
Please let me know what you think. 😊
97 notes · View notes
linawritestwst · 1 year
𝚢𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚡 𝚝𝚠𝚜𝚝'𝚜 𝚋𝚒𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚏𝚕𝚊𝚐𝚜 (𝚐𝚗!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)
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okay, so, i should probably explain how these headcanons work and how i chose characters for them.
each character gets a yandere!reader with a specific personality trait and there will be different yandere types too. you can read more about yandere types online, i personally used information from the dere wiki.
about the title.. i agree that most twst characters can be called red flags (btw i mean it in an affectionate way.. with some characters. some of them are red flags in a derogatory way to me sdhdkjsdks) since almost all characters are based on disney villains, however, i decided to go with the ones i personally consider to be a little bit less sane than others <3 also i just used those characters who i wanted to see in a relationship with a yandere!reader, so don't come at me, okay sdhjsksksk i know that i should have included some other characters too, like now i'm thinking that i probably should have added cater, azul and a few other characters too but. i'm tired, okay. if people will be interested in seeing a part 2, sure, i might write one, but for now, just take this.
characters: riddle rosehearts (listen, i know that he's not as bad as other characters, but hey. yandere!reader x riddle makes me 💞💓💗💖💕) , jade leech, floyd leech, jamil viper, rook hunt, malleus draconia, lilia vanrouge (again, he's probably not that bad, but it's the vibe, okay) rollo flamme.
warnings: possible ooc, general yandere themes, themes of obsession, mentions of manipulation, murder and death, implications of suicide. if you're not comfortable with yandere/horror content (i think it has some angst too?), i suggest you skip these. stay safe, love y'all.
also i'm sorry if this has typos or anything like that it's kinda late and i wrote this instead of doing my hw
(divider link)
character: riddle rosehearts
yandere type: training type
personality trait: cheerful
♡ you remember meeting riddle for the first time like it was yesterday. of course you would remember it well, you knew that he was the one right when you saw him. riddle wasn't like most nrc students. he was responsible, hardworking, he followed the rules instead of breaking them. he definitely was your type. he was so cute too! it's so easy to make him blush and sweat and stutter, his reactions are always so fun and entertaining!..
♡ but there's this one small thing that annoys you a little. why do all other students say that riddle needs to chill and that there's no point in following all those rules? can't they see how amazing and talented he is? of course you're more loyal than all those traitors, you would never go against your queen's orders. in fact, you actually think that riddle should be even more strict. you remember hearing about his unique magic for the first time and being so excited to see it, "off with your head" means that he can easily cut anyone's head off, right?.. oh, so he just stops them from using magic.. man, and here you hoped that you will finally see those rulebreakers' heads on the floor.
♡ most people find it weird how even though you're always so cheerful and you love to have fun, you still think that riddle is right and you continue to support him. well, maybe your idea of fun is simply watching your classmates cry because they forgot to study for today's test and now it's too late to do anything! <3 actually, you're a bit scared that someone will try to change riddle's mind and make him become more relaxed and forgiving of those who break the queen's rules. you can't allow that to happen! you must make sure that riddle stays the same.. actually, what if you tried to help him become even more perfect than he already is? riddle will never forget about anything if he has someone like you by his side. he will study even more because you think that he's not working hard enough. he will try harder to impress you because you're the only person in this school who actually gets him.
character: jade leech
yandere type: obsession type
personality trait: shy
♡ jade is one of the few people in this school who actually understands you. he never judges you, he never forces you to socialize, of course, he does say that it would be nice for you to talk to others more, but he doesn't think that you being an introvert is a bad thing. he doesn't think you're weird, he listens to you when you talk to him about your interests and his face expression never changes. he always has a smile on his face no matter what you say, he never looks disappointed or confused or scared, he genuinely likes spending time with you and you know it.. or maybe that's just what he wants you to think.
♡ but even if he actually doesn't have feelings for you, you definitely are in love with him. anyone would fall in love with him if they were treated the same way. for someone as shy and quiet as you, meeting jade was the best thing that could ever happen to you. if it wasn't for him, you would be so.. lonely. actually, you just stopped caring about making more friends after meeting jade. jade is the only friend you need. you don't have to talk to anyone else. they will just laugh at you or call you weird and you're too tired from dealing with people like that. you think about jade so often, his own brother finds it concerning. you couldn't care less about what floyd thinks though.
♡ .. but what if jade actually finds it creepy too? no, no, that thought scares you so much, you can't stand it! jade loves you, right? he wants to be more than friends, right?.. but what if he doesn't even think of you as a friend? what if he just pretends to be nice, what if it's just him being polite? it's so scary to think about and you can feel your heart breaking, but.. what if it's true? you have to make sure that he loves you back. you have to talk to him about it. yes, you're shy, yes, you're quiet, yes, it's hard for you to talk about your feelings, but you have to know the truth. and if it turns out that jade is actually a huge liar.. haha.. at least one of you will die, that's for sure.
character: floyd leech
yandere type: self-sacrifice
personality trait: cold
♡ most people find it hard to talk to you. you're known for almost never showing your emotions and always looking like you want to kill someone even though you don't even look angry or anything like that, there's just something about your eyes and the way you look at people. so yeah, most people just ignore you or even run away every time they see you. it's not like you're mad at them, really. you don't mind spending most of your time alone. but it still.. hurts a little. haha.. so you actually can feel emotions after all. so when floyd suddenly started talking to you more and even gave you a cute nickname, you were surprised (though it was hard to tell from your face expression) but also.. maybe even happy?
♡ floyd doesn't exactly have the best reputation either because of his.. uh.. interesting personality, so of course you two would get along so easily. honestly, you even start to feel like you're.. it's so weird to hear yourself say it, but it feels like you're actually in love with floyd. he's the only one who can make you feel something and react to things, he's the only one who can make you smile or cry or feel fear. and he gets excited when he finally sees your face expression change too. however.. his mood swings do scare you a little bit. sometimes, when you're not showing any emotions and his tricks aren't working, he suddenly says that he's bored and just leaves you. huh.. a-are you not interesting enough for him?
♡ you knew it. of course, you knew that someone like you isn't good enough for floyd. he's always so full of energy, he needs someone who can keep up with him and you're not like that at all. but you need his attention. you just want him to look at you one more time. you really hope he will stop ignoring you if you just.. start acting differently. what if you start acting more like riddle who he loves to annoy so much? what if you start acting more like kalim who's just as energetic as floyd? you don't care what other people think of you, you just want floyd back. you're so scared of disappointing him again, you'll be anything he wants you to be.
character: jamil viper
yandere type: protective
personality trait: soft
♡ you admire jamil so much. you have no idea how someone can be as perfect as him. he's so patient, so hardworking, so good at everything he does.. and he also has to deal with kalim all the time. you talk about jamil so often that some people start to think that you have a crush on him. whenever they make jokes about that, you blush and deny everything, but you know very well that you really are deeply in love with him. you really want him to love you just as much as you love him. but how are you gonna make him notice you? well.. maybe you should help him in some way?
♡ but how exactly can you help him? you doubt that you can help him with cooking or his vice dorm leader duties.. ah, it must be hard for him to be kalim's vice dorm leader. maybe you can tell kalim to be a little bit more responsible? you know, so that jamil won't be overworked. you try to have a conversation with kalim about it and he promises that he won't push jamil too hard and he will try to be a better dorm leader. you apologize in case you have said something rude, but he claims that it's fine and that you're actually right. he really should pay more attention to jamil's well-being. he thanks you for caring about jamil so much and you say that it's not a big deal while trying to hide just how red your face currently is.
♡ .. kalim is a good guy. he really is. but he's not good at keeping his promises. no matter how much he tries, he still forgets things and jamil has to do everything for him. and even if kalim tries to do something without anyone's help, jamil still ends up doing it for him because he doesn't trust kalim and he doesn't want him to accidentally ruin anything. it hurts seeing jamil work so much. despite your best efforts, his situation never changes. well.. you didn't want to do this, you really didn't. but if there's no other way to solve this problem, maybe you should.. you know.. remove the person who's making all of this happen? ah, and if any other scarabia students get in your way or try to make jamil's life miserable as well.. it's okay, you can take care of them too. it's all for his sake.
character: rook hunt
yandere type: monopoly + removal
personality trait: popular i know it's not really a personality trait but still
♡ you're loved and admired by many nrc students. they have many different reasons to love you: your beauty, your intelligence, your sense of humor, etc. and you enjoy being this popular, even though on the outside you look like a gentle and even kinda shy person. however, even though you have such a good reputation and you're loved by so many people.. you're still not satisfied with it. why? well, the thing is.. no matter how many nrc students love you and say you're the most beautiful person in twisted wonderland, you just want one specific person to call you that. but he's never gonna do it. because he thinks all people are beautiful in their own way and he never stops complimenting them.
♡ rook is an interesting person. you have to agree that he can be a little.. weird sometimes, but for some reason, his behavior and personality intrigues you and you can't help but find him fascinating. and of course, he's one of your many admirers. he's not immune to your charms and he certainly finds you beautiful. however.. it's not like he thinks you're the most beautiful person here. he changes his mind like every few seconds, you swear, if you could put him in the same room with you, vil and neige, he would probably explode or something. but you want more than that. you want him to call you the most beautiful person he has ever seen. i guess you could say you want him to call you the fairest one of all, haha.
♡ so how can you make this happen? how can you make rook look only at you and nobody else? this is gonna be hard. you can't exactly get rid of just one person or even two people, because rook finds everybody beautiful. but uh.. maybe you can just remove the strongest rivals first? and if that's not gonna make him pay more attention to you, you'll have to get rid of more people then. and more. and more. you will make sure rook has his eyes only on you in the end because there will be nobody else to look at. too bad, you don't know that rook thinks that when someone is covered in blood and their heart had already stopped beating, that person is still beautiful in some scary, twisted way. so even if you do kill all those people, his thoughts will still be about them.
character: malleus draconia
yandere type: loneliness induction
personality trait: manipulative yes i know most of them are manipulative shhh
♡ oh, poor malleus. everyone finds him so scary because of his intimidating aura, it's impossible for him to make friends or even simply talk to people without making them want to run away. he's so strong, so powerful, of course people would be scared of him. well.. it's their fault for being so weak then. no, it's just not possible for them to become stronger. even if they do, they will never be as amazing as malleus. you don't think that malleus not having any friends is a bad thing, really. those other students don't deserve to even breathe the same air as him. he's just better than them and that's why they don't want to talk to him. they can't accept the fact that they're weaker than him.
♡ it's okay though. you're more than happy to be malleus's only friend. yes, he doesn't need anyone else but you. you've told him that many, many times before. at first he wasn't sure about it, but now.. he doesn't even talk to other diasomnia students that much, including lilia, silver and sebek. actually, sebek acting like his usual self annoys him now. he'd much rather hear you saying that you're ready to do anything for him. sure, you will say that. it's not like you actually mean it though. you agree that malleus is better than others and that you're the only one who's allowed to talk to him, but you do have your limits. it's not like you're okay with dying for him. you won't let him die for you either.
♡ you just enjoy him being obsessed with you a little too much to die for him. maybe malleus could make more friends if it wasn't for you. maybe he could find someone to be in a more healthy relationship with if it wasn't for you. but the fact that a strong mage and a prince of briar valley depends on you so much that he refuses to talk to anyone else makes you too happy to let him form bonds with other students. you repeatedly tell him that other people don't deserve him and that he doesn't have to spend time with them if he doesn't want to. it's okay if you're his only friend. it's okay if you're the only person who cares about him. you will give him more love than all those people combined.
character: lilia vanrouge
yandere type: dependent
personality trait: innocent
♡ you know that most students find lilia a bit strange, but you think that he's one of the most reliable and trustworthy people here. sure, he loves to pull pranks and mess with people, but you actually do think he's funny. you always laugh at his jokes and even though you get scared after he suddenly appears right in front of you out of nowhere or you see him hanging upside down, you still enjoy his company. in fact, you enjoy it so much that it's a bit.. hard to imagine your life without him. it'd be so lonely without lilia by your side.
♡ lilia is always there when you need someone's help and he's always there to support you and cheer you up when you're feeling down. no matter what other people say you know that this man is one of the kindest people you've ever met. he often says that you should be more careful since it's not like he can always come to your aid, even though he wants to be your hero so much. from his tone it sounds like he's joking, but he actually really is worried about you. you often look like a lost child who has no idea what to do and who will trust anyone no matter how suspicious they look. sometimes he jokes about you acting like this to get more attention from him. little does he know that this actually might be true.
♡ you need lilia to watch over you. you need lilia to come to you when you're sad and lonely and tell you that everything is going to be okay. most of the time you're not pretending, you really are this pure and innocent, you still have no idea how you can act like this while attending a school full of villains. but sometimes you do pretend to be a little bit more naive than you really are. you just like it when lilia acts protective and you're so, so afraid of him leaving you one day because he thinks that you're gonna be fine on your own. if he thinks so, then he's wrong. you will do anything to make lilia stay. you will do anything to make him believe that it's impossible for you to do anything without his help. haha.. maybe you should start getting into more dangerous situations on purpose. maybe if he sees how you almost die, he will understand that he just can't leave you. he's not allowed to leave you.
character: rollo flamme
yandere type: worship
personality trait: flirty
♡ it's hard for other people to say if you actually do have a crush on rollo or you're just messing around. you don't act like this with others though, so maybe you actually do have feelings for him?.. but again, it's hard for both rollo and those people to take you seriously. also, other nbc students just don't understand how a person like you ended up falling for someone like rollo. like.. he's probably not your type, right? you're so outgoing, talkative and energetic, you're not like him at all. actually, shouldn't you find him annoying? you two are just so different.. well, in your case, opposites attract.
♡ you don't hate rollo. actually, it's hard for you to say that you have a crush on him either. what you feel for him is much stronger. it's like.. he's so different from all the other people. he's basically flawless to you. even when you find out how much he hates magic, you still agree with him. if you are a magic user, you will gladly die for him to show just how much you respect him and how far you're willing to go for him. if you are not a magic user, you will be more than okay with killing as many magic users as he wants you to kill. hm? he's a magic user as well? ah.. well, he's just different from them. he's just better. also, he would never use magic in the same way as all those other mages.
♡ it takes a lot of time for other people and even rollo himself to realize just how deep your obsession with him is. you always play it off as a joke and if rollo asks about it, you smile and wink at him while saying that you just love him so much, your feelings for him often make you say the weirdest things. it's so fun to see him react to your words too. haha, if he can't handle you simply saying that he's cute, then maybe you really should keep your obsession with him a secret for now.
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thebluemage · 2 years
Marking What’s His
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Pairing | Doctor!Steve Kemp x female reader
Warning | Explicit sexual content, 18+, smut, possessiveness, fingering (f receiving), established relationship with Doctor!Steve and girlfriend!patient reader, doctor/girlfriend!patient dynamic, orgasm control, edging, bondage, overstimulation, use of pet names (Bunny), light choking, biting kink, use of sex toys, aftercare, Steve Kemp (he’s a warning on his own!)
Summary | Steve doesn’t like it when another man touches you, and he shows you what happens.
Word Count | 2650
A/N | I’m perpetually horny because of writing this. I couldn’t help myself! Beta’d by the amazing @christine-the-soprano-31​, but all mistakes are my own. Banner & divider made by @vase-of-lilies. If y’all enjoy it, leave some feedback, comment and reblog. I’d really appreciate it!! 💗
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Steve had given you free reign of the house, and tonight, he’d invited you to come to a charity event with him for work. He introduced you to many of his colleagues. One of them was a young, well skilled surgeon, and you guessed that he took a liking to you because he’d made some small talk while patting your shoulder every now and then. Steve noticed it immediately and shot a pointed look in your direction, his eyes not leaving you for the rest of the night. The event was lovely and beautiful otherwise, until you and Steve went out to the car; that’s when the arguing began.
You burst in through the front door angry and agitated. Steve had been glaring at you all evening, ever since that colleague had approached you and made small talk with you.
“For the last time Steve. He was just friendly to me. And you should know that, because he’s your fucking colleague!” You yell at him.
“I don’t fucking care if he’s my colleague. He was flirting with you!” He accuses.
“God, can you stop insinuating things for just one second and listen—”
Steve cuts your words off as he approaches you and collides his mouth into yours very hard. You gasp out a breath before you’re putty in his hands. A delighted whimper slips from your lips and you attach your hands around his neck. He grabs your jaw firmly and authoritatively to make you look at him.
“No baby, you listen to me. I know what he’s like, and he was constantly eyeing you and giving you looks. And I should fire him for it.” He says sternly, fury eminent in his voice.
“Why are you mad at me, then?” You ask, discombobulated.
“Because you let it happen.” He says through gritted teeth, his jaw clenched as his eyes turn darker with every word.
Your eyes go wide at his statement.
“What? That’s unfair!”
He grabs you by the throat and squeezes his fingers around you, his thumb grazing along as he drags you up against the wall, trapping you against it.
“Maybe if I punish you, it’ll help you remember who you belong to next time, darling.” He grunts while his other hand roams along your body. He quickly finds your dampening panties and rubs at them slowly. You sigh out a prolonged mewl.
“Such a needy little Bunny, aren’t you?” His voice is laced in sultriness as he licks a stripe from your throat to your cheek and nibbles on your jaw.
“Basement. Now. Enter my lab, and wait for further instructions.” He orders when he lets you go. You avert your eyes to the floor as you obey his orders and walk down the stairs to the basement. 
You open the door to his lab, the familiar odor entering your nostrils as soon as you step through the threshold. You look around the room; it seems that nothing has changed, as if it was only yesterday when you first found yourself here. Echoes of footsteps follow down the stairs, you turn around to see Steve in scrubs, a stethoscope hanging loosely around his neck. You already know what this is going to be. 
“Lay on the exam table for me, my patient,” he commands you. His tone of voice is firm and contained, leaving you breathless. You swallow the lump in your throat and obediently follow his orders once again. You lay yourself on the table, your demeanor calm and collected. You already know how the procedure goes. He looks down at you with a broad smile.
“Good girl. First, I’m going to give you a checkup and then we’ll get to work,” he explains as he puts the stethoscope in his ears. He presses the diaphragm to your chest, listening to your heart. 
He sighs lovingly, his face merely inches away from yours, looking at you as though he is completely entranced by the melody of your heart; by the unique melody of your body. 
“If you could only hear how pretty your heart sounds. Here, listen to it,” he murmurs as he takes the buds out of his ears and puts them in yours. He puts the diaphragm in your hand and places his hand over yours, guiding it around your chest. You hear the sound of your steady heart, producing a rhythmic and composed tone.
“It’s beautiful, and therefore, you are beautiful.” He takes the stethoscope from you, and you suddenly find yourself lost in his cerulean gaze, his face still inches from yours. He smiles contentendly and continues his routine, distancing himself again.
“Alright, everything is perfect. My Bunny is nice and healthy. Now, you already know how this works. Go ahead and undress yourself,” Steve instructs. 
“Yes, Steve.” You reply softly, giving him a bashful smile. He gives you a gown to put on and you go behind the partition and quickly change into it. You come back to him as he beckons you to his exam table again. Everything is in place for him to begin as you lie back down. 
“Since this is a punishment, I have to restrict you from any movements,” he says before grabbing your ankles and pulling until your hips are at the edge of the table. He straps your legs and thighs into the stirrups, already exposing your throbbing pussy to the icy air of the lab. Next, he moves to strap your wrists above your head.
“Bunny, do you recall how many times he touched you?” His broad frame hovers above you, as you look up at him in anticipation.
“Uhhh…5 times, maybe?” You say, trying to recount thoughtfully.
His eyes darken at your words. 
“You’re getting edged 5 times,” he affirms, his tone like ice. “Now, give me a random number.”
“Great, I’m going to edge you 5 times, and I’m going to bite into you 8 times and let you come 8 times. You think you can handle that, Bunny?” He asks you assuringly, talking to you as though you’re a patient at his practice.
“I–I think I can,” you say with a little uncertainty.“Hmm, of course you can,” he says, while he smiles and softly tucks a lone strand of hair behind your ear.
You look at him as he rolls the cart to his side and picks up a scalpel from the tray. 
“Let me see what you’ve got here, my little bunny. There’s no need to be shy over it, you’re safe here with me,” he says. He cuts all the way through the gown, leaving you completely bare. He slowly lingers the blade just above the surface, tracing intricate patterns along your smooth skin. Your skin prickles and your breath hitches in your throat.
“It’s time,” he announces. He puts the scalpel back on the cart and instead picks up a magic wand, turning it on to the lowest setting. He trails the vibrator along your nipples until they perk up and then travels lower, until he settles it between your thighs.
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“No! Please!” you whine out. Tears run down your face as you feel your near orgasm ebbing away again.
“Shh, shh. You’re doing so great, my sweet patient,” he coos tenderly while leaving soft kisses along your thighs.
“Please, Doctor. I–I need to come! I need it. I-I crave it! Aah!” you plead, completely out of breath. 
“But you sound too angelic for me to end it so soon,” he teases.
“Please, please, please. I’d do anything you ask of me. Fuck! Anything!” you beg rapidly. You’re tugging against the restraints holding you in place.
“Huh, anything I ask of you?” he confirms. You give a desperate nod.  
“Well, you’re in luck because I’m asking you to cum for me.” He places the magic wand right to your core and switches it to the highest setting.
“Oh, Aah! Fuck!” You squeal when you feel the intense vibrations. You buck your hips upward, chasing the reverberation that sets your soul on fire.
“You know, maybe I should mark you. You always look so pretty when I mark you up. so everyone knows that you’re mine, all mine,” he muses. He lowers himself so his lips are at your neck, and you can feel his hot breath near the shell of your ear.
“I need you to say it, Bunny. Say that you want me to bite you,” he whispers seductively in your ear.
“Pl-please Steve, I need you to bite me!” you beg, your voice on the verge of an orgasm.
“Good girl,” he praises. He brings his lips to the crook of your neck and bites into you, leaving you with a red, lingering bite mark.
You let out a breathless moan, feeling delirious in the midst of this ongoing ecstasy. You arch your back from the table and your body begins to stutter as you sense another orgasm coming.
“You’re so gorgeous when you writhe like that, but I want to bet you’re even more marvelous when you come, so cum for me.”
“Shit! Yes, yes, yes! Oooohh!” you wail out as you feel pulses of bliss rushing through your body, enrapturing you completely. Your wetness drips out to your thighs.
“Yes, just like that, beautiful. I love it when you lose control like that bunny,” Steve asserts. He caresses your face as he puts the magic wand on the cart.
You breathe heavily, feeling yourself coming down from your salacious high. You close your eyes for a few moments and open them again when you feel the cold diaphragm of a stethoscope on your chest. 
“I hear your heart thundering, but the storm isn’t over yet, my love,” he says while looking at you with depraved eyes. “I’m doing this research for your pleasure, and only yours. Your body fascinates me like no other has. You know that, right?” he asks, his voice demanding confirmation. 
“Yes, of course I know that, Steve. I–” You get cut off when you feel Steve’s mouth around one of your nipples. He runs his tongue along its tip while still listening to your heart. You gasp a hitched breath, quivering with excitement.
“Captivating, just captivating,” he mumbles, utterly fixated on your body. He puts the stethoscope away and begins to fondle your other breast. A snivel slips from your mouth while your body releases another gush of slick, wetting your core even more. Steve proceeds to bite into your chest, leaving a red bite mark under your collarbone and making you hiss with unparalleled hunger from deep within you. His hands roam all over your body, enrapturing you in comfort and warmth while coaxing another orgasm from you. 
He lowers down until his head reaches your core and greedily licks long and lasting trails around it. He flicks on your clit multiple times before he sucks at it hard. You can only whimper against his never ending onslaught.
“You’re so wet, my sweet patient. I’m taking such good care of you. Now, be a good girl and cum for me again,” he commands. You feel his teeth bite into your thigh and soothe it with licks. Your face contorts as you feel another wave of gratifying bliss surrounding you. You weep out another luscious whine when you feel his fingers entering your cunt.
“You can do one more, can’t you bunny?” he says with a wicked smirk. “Come on, sweetheart. You can do this, just one more.” He gives an encouraging hum.
“I– It’s a lot. Too much!” you answer. Words tumble incoherently out of your mouth. Your whole body glistens and shudders with excessive delight.
“I know, I know. You’re taking it so well, and you can do this. I know what your body is capable of. And I’m here to help you through this. Maybe this will take you over the edge,” he says. He bites against your thighs twice.
The coil in your gut snaps as a legion of shock waves travels through your body. You scream in utter satisfaction. Your back arches high off the table while your body convulses uncontrollably. Only when you collapse against the table does your body finally go still, Heavy breaths echo through the lab and you close your eyes to rest for a bit. You feel warm hands releasing you from your restraints, and those same warm hands caress you gently.
“Do you feel any pain?” You hear the focus in Steve’s voice as he moves your exhausted frame so that you’re sitting up on the table. You lean heavily against him, using his body to hold yourself up.
“No. I–I just feel a little sore,” you answer back, exhausted.
“It took a toll on you, didn’t it? Come here.” He pulls you into his arms and embraces you into a soothing hug. You always feel safe and secure in his arms. As if nothing could ever hurt you when you’re enveloped in them. His arms are your safe place.
“I just wanted to prove myself to you, because I didn’t want to disappoint you.”
“What are you talking about? You could never disappoint me, Bunny. Your body takes what it can take, and if you feel like you can’t, don’t hesitate to use your safeword. All I ever want is for you to be comfortable and safe. I want you to enjoy yourself when I’m doing my research.” He cradles your face between his big hands and strokes your face delicately.
“You did so well for me, my sweet patient. I’m so proud of you,” he declares. He pressed a lingering kiss to your forehead before carrying you out of the lab, through the hallway, and all the way to the bedroom.
He lays you down on the soft bed and goes to the bathroom to grab a wet cloth to clean you up. He moves the cloth as gently as he can over your body, kneading your muscles underneath and making you relax instantly.
“How are you feeling right now?” he asks.
“Better, at least I’m not sore anymore,” you reply.
“Here, let me massage you,” he says while kneading your muscles expertly. 
“Thank you, Steve,” you sigh thankfully.
“What for?”
“For taking such great care of me, I’m so grateful to have you.”
“Anything for my patient. For my love,” Steve says as he traces every contour of your body. He moved to lay beside you, caressing your skin delicately with his fingertips, as if it were made out of porcelain. He nuzzles closer to you as he cuddles with you, burying your face into his neck.
“I’m so sorry for being jealous, but I can’t help myself. I need you to understand that I’m possessive when it comes to you, my sweet patient. Call me selfish, but I don’t ever want anyone else to touch you, except for me. You’re mine and mine only and I love you. I love you with everything I have. You’re my world, and I’d give you the universe,” he confesses while he holds you close.
“It’s okay, I understand. If I were you, I’d be like this too,” you laugh to lighten the mood. “And I love you too, Steve. You’re my lighthouse to guide me through my darkest nights, my safe place to feel sound and secure, my home to come back to. I love you so much that my heart aches when you’re not around me.” You look deep into his eyes as you speak, once again finding yourself lost in their depth. 
“God. You’re so perfect,” he says, looking at you. 
You trace the remaining bite marks on your neck. “Well at least, now everyone will know that I’m yours,” you tease with a giggle. You throw a leg around him, feeling loved and cherished. And that’s all that matters to you; you are loved, you are cherished, and you are his. 
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alexa-fika · 4 months
hey so i really liked your revenge and teasings story and wanted to ask if you could do a part 2 on that. Like when enel finally gets his karma etc
Revenge and policing ( ASL x sister!reader)
A/N Yall this is not a cook, I don’t like it but I had to answer I would delete it within the hour but Lee would have my head if I put a timer on a fic ever again, Im sorry yall, I will do better for you guys
Part 1 y’all listen I COOKED in part one so go check it out
Dividers by @/saradika
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The Brothers had wasted no time planning a way to bring Enel his come-upping, as they now found themselves in the park going over the plan once again
Reader Leans against Ace as he tries his best to put a microphoned belt on her from the awkward position
Ace is struggling to put the belt on her, trying his best to get her to stop leaning on him
“You’re making this so much harder,” he grunts
“Im scared,” she mutters
"I know you are, but this is important, okay?" Sabo whispers giving her a quick kiss on the Temple
"Once the belt is on, you just have to make sure Enel confessed to what he did," Zoro, a friend of Luffy from the police force, explained
“That should be easy; he always gloats about it.”
Ace nods in agreement; they were sure to get the confession
"All we have to do is stay calm," he whispers to her
Ace finally manages to secure the belt to her hip and pulls her into his body, rubbing her back to reassure her that everything will turn out fine.
“That applies to you guys. Please don’t jump on the guy, even after we get him. I will not have you guys thrown in jail because of that bastard.”
Luffy and Ace exchange a look as Ace replies,
"No promises."
"Don't worry, we won't; we just want to make him confess his crimes in a normal manner first," Sabo adds
She sighs, knowing that was as close as she would get to a comprise
“Okay, it’s almost two… I think it’s time you guys head out; he should be here any minute.”
“We’ll be in the car, okay? If something happens, we are but a few minutes away,” Sabo says, gently holding her hand as he tells her
She nods, smiling at him as they walk away
Reader waits by the tree near the entrance to the park, waiting for Enel to arrive, the cold wind of winter was already making her shiver a little
Her shivers increase as the man of the hour slowly approaches her
She feels her heartbeat rise as he neared her, doing her best to avoid his gaze and stand as strong and straight as possible to prevent him from picking out how truly nervous she actually was.
“Finally showed your face? you ran away yesterday you damn bitch; you dare run away from your me?”
“I -I’m sorry you told me you didn’t want me there…”
He just laughed at her excuse
“Don’t you dare tell me bullshit like that. I expect you to stay beside me like a good little follower.”
He continues walking towards her
“Besides, I wasn’t done talking to you yet before you cowardly left.”
“You hit me…again”
He just smirks as he reaches her
“And I will do it again; maybe this time I won’t stop until I break every bone in your pathetic little body,” he said, smirking and raising his hand to hit her
She closes her eyes, waiting for the hit, only for her to hear a scream of pain coming from Enel instead and a familiar warmth on her face
She opens her eyes seeing a wall of fire in front of her, quickly recognizing the wall of fire from Ace’s and Sabo’s Mera-Mera fruit
Enel is stunned; Ace is standing in front of her, with Sabo being right behind him with a cold smile on his face.
“Do not touch a single strand of her hair again,” Ace says sternly
“Or what he growls, you can’t touch a hair on me, lest you want that school of yours to pay the price; you think they will believe a bunch of nobodies over me?”
“Are you okay, Reader?” Luffy asks, glancing at her slightly behind his brothers
“Im okay,” she said, taking off her belt
“Hey Enel”
Enel eyes narrow as he tries to calm his raging fury
“What?… What the hell do you want now?”
“Maybe they won’t believe some ‘nobodies,’ but maybe they will believe you,” she said, showing him the hidden mic with a grin
“you fucking bitch… he mutters, his electricity sparking” only to pause at the feel of something touching his head
“Enel, you are under arrest for battery and domestic abuse,” Zoro growls
Once he heard what Zoro said, he burst into laughter
“You have no evidence!”
“I witnessed everything, including you trying to hit her, and she has audio proof of your abuse,” Zoro snaps back, cuffing the self-proclaimed God
“You little who-
His words are quickly interrupted as the oldest of the brothers delivers a swift punch to his face
“Shut up, you’re done for, asshole,” Ace growls
“Hey, he just assaulted me. Are you not going to do anything?! I want to press charges,” Enel screams, glaring at Zoro
“I didn’t see anything,” he says with a smirk, pulling him along to the police car and saying his goodbyes to Luffy on the way
“It’s over…” Reader mutters, letting out a sigh of relief as she throws herself on one of the park’s benches
“you guys actually pulled it off.”
"Yeah, we did," Luffy replies happily with a proud grin
"Enel won't be causing trouble for you anymore, not when he's in jail," Ace adds with a smirk
"Are you sure you're alright?" Sabo asks, concerned, as he joins them
"You're shivering.”
She sniffles, tears flowing down her cheeks
“hah?? Reader?!” Sabo fusses confused
“ I love you guys so much,” she says, pulling them into a hug
“We love you too, baby sis,” Ace replies, hugging back tightly
“You’re family; we’ll do anything for you,” Sabo comments as he joins in the hug with Ace
“We’re happy we were able to help; we only wish we could have done it sooner,” comments Luffy
“No..you were just in time.”
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Im sorry y’all, but look forward to more Rayleigh and shakky action, got a request for them, anyone has any suggestions in what the fic could be about?
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pinkkittysaw · 9 months
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*the title is part of a quote from the book Little Devil in America: Notes in Praise of Black Performance by Hanif Abdurraqib
pairing: clive rosfield x f!reader
summary: unable to deal with your bouts of insecurity, you try to call it quits on your relationship with clive
word count: 3.5k
content: hurt/comfort, established relationship, self flagellation (talks of insecurity and self doubt/deprecation), unhealthy coping mechanisms, allusions to anxiety, extremely self indulgent
(18+) this piece is sfw but am uncomfortable with minors interacting with my work
a/n: dealing with a lot of anxiety and thoughts of worthlessness/hopelessness so i created this in hopes of alleviating some of those feelings 👍
also if you’re interested, i listened to Need 2 by Pinegrove while writing this. figured it’d help set the mood while reading
divider by @/saradika
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"You're still sleeping in the bunks? Clive returned yesterday, you know." Jill teases as she sits on the edge of the bed you've chosen to occupy for the past few nights. It wasn't unusual for you to reside in the bunks whenever Clive was away on an assignment; the big bed that occupies his chambers being too spacious to bear during nights spent alone.
What was unusual, however, was that you continued to spend your evenings there after he had already returned. Having once been so eager to jump into his sturdy arms after catching wind of his arrival back at the hideaway. You were often caught running down to the pier once the ferryboat came into view, excitedly waiting for him at the dock while waving your arms like a madwoman. When Jill heard from Clive that the two of you hadn't spoken since before he left, she immediately knew something was amiss.
"I'm aware," you grumble into the pillow that you're currently holding over your face.
"Did something happen between you two?" She probes, a frown forming on her features as she scoots closer to you. "Did he hurt you? Because I swear to Founder if he-"
"No, no, no, it's nothing like that," you interrupt, removing the pillow. "He's lovely. I just..." Hesitation creeps into your voice as your words trail off. To be honest, you're not quite sure how to describe what you're experiencing at the moment. "I'm feeling...unwell." Though it's not a physical illness that ails you, you hope that your response is satisfactory enough for her to leave the conversation be.
"Have you come down with something? I can help you to the infirmary if you need."
"It's nothing that serious. I'll be alright." You give her a half-hearted smile in an attempt to reassure her. She eventually yields, though still not convinced of your words.
With a shake of her head and a heavy sigh, she rises to stand. "He'll come looking for you sooner or later." Padding across the room from your bunk to the entrance, she looks back at you before making her exit. "You can't avoid him forever."
You scoff when she's just out of earshot. Like hell you can't, you think to yourself. Wearing your self-isolation on your sleeve like a badge of honor. Whenever you wanted to disappear from people's lives, you did, regardless of how much it hurt. This time was no different.
The truth of the matter is that you were avoiding Clive; the reasons for doing so were nobody's fault but your own.
In your eyes, you were so much weaker than he, often thinking you were undeserving of a man of his caliber. He harnesses the strength to take on entire eikons, whereas you peril in comparison, so after ruminating on your feelings of worthlessness one night, you decided to call it quits, figuring that it was for the best and choosing to avoid him so you didn't have to confront your own inadequacy. Perhaps it wasn't the healthiest choice, but it was the one you decided to go with.
The next few days are spent taking on as many assignments as you can, with the hope of eluding Clive. The majority of his time was spent away from the hideout, but you could never be too careful.
Rushing over to check the alliant reports at first light and carrying on well throughout the day. From dawn til dusk, you worked yourself to the bone only to collapse in your bunk at the end of the day, dead to the world, rising early from your slumber to repeat it all again the next day. 
Apparently, Clive caught on to your little scheme because, after one late afternoon, someone stood waiting for you at the pier upon your return to the hideaway.
After thanking Obolus, you make your way over to the fellow bearer to inquire about what's going on. "Clive's looking to speak with you in his chambers; he said it was urgent," she states.
"It can't wait?"
"He seemed rather insistent; best not keep him waiting."
"Of course, thank you for letting me know." You smile at her before making your way over to his chambers, grumbling to yourself. You climb the steps to his room with a pout on your face, not looking forward to the conversation awaiting you on the other side of the door.
After taking a moment to collect yourself, you extend your arm to gently knock on the door. "Come in." His voice calls out from inside the room.
You push apart the two slabs of wood separating his chambers from the main deck and step inside. He's sitting at his desk to your left, quill in hand, stripped down to just his tunic and trousers, his leathers and armor removed, while his sword rests against the wall. Fuck, you think to yourself. He must be set on staying a while. There's no escaping him this time.
You make quick work to occupy yourself with the objects scattered around the room as you move to stand in front of his desk. You're surprised to see a pile of your forgotten clothing neatly folded on the couch that sits against the opposing wall, as well as the various knickknacks you've added to his desk during your time together. Albeit an overreaction, you half expected your things to be tossed into the lake's abyss with how you were acting. 
"Ah," he says as he looks up from his writing, setting down the quill. "There you are. I hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty of having your clothes washed, should you want them back."
"But if not, I could always make space for them here."
Your eyes meet his as the statement leaves his mouth. It's an invitation, an olive branch extended to you in hopes of making peace. The implication of his words, the domesticity of it all, leaving bits and pieces of each other in one another's lives, even after all that you've done to push him out of yours, leaves a bitter aftertaste in your mouth, making you realize just how truly undeserving of his love you really are.  
A mumbled "Thank you" is all you can offer him in response.
"It's no problem." He stands up from his seat; both his hands lay flat on the desk below as he peers down at you. "I've heard you've been making yourself quite scarce lately."
"Your undertaking of assignments has increased significantly. It's almost as if...you've been avoiding me." He states it like a question, trying to gauge your reaction and see if you'll give him something he can latch on to.
"That's not true," you scoff. It is true, and you both damn well know it, but you keep up the facade anyway.
He exhales the breath he was holding, easing up on the interrogation. "I admit, I've been spending more time away from the hideout, but you can't seriously expect me to believe that your behavior lately is normal."
"I haven't seen as much as a glimpse of you since before I left."
Frustration grows in your belly; you're tired of running, tired of hiding, and tired of pretending. "I can't do this anymore, Clive."
"Can't do what?"
"This. Us."
"Excuse me?"
"I'm just not good enough for you... or anyone."
"I shouldn't even be here. I'm not strong enough to fight alongside the cursebreakers," you gesture into the open air. "I lack the wit to come up with strategies to help take down the Mothercrystals, and I've got as much charm as a bloody morbol."
"I've read the missives from the past few days, all of which praise you for your tact, your kindness, dedication, and care. Just because you're not on the frontlines doesn't mean you're not making an impact."
"What good is any of it?" You raise your voice. "What good is helping with crops, fetching supplies, and slaying meager monsters if it's the next day that our people are led to slaughter?"
"The imperials tighten their grip across the realm with each passing moon, and what I do in the grand scheme of things is the equivalent of sitting on my arse twiddling my thumbs. I'm about as useful as a corpse."
"ENOUGH." His voice boomed and bellowed, loud enough that people down on the main deck probably turned their heads at the sound. "Sit," he commands, pointing to the couch across the room, and you dare not disobey.
Embarrassed that you've stirred up such a fuss, you sit yourself down on the piece of furniture and hang your head low, preparing for a scolding. Not that it wouldn't be deserved; Clive has enough to worry about with the Mothercrystals and bearers, now having to also quell the insecurities that linger in your heart.
Just suck it up and do better is what you've always been told, but try and try and try as you might, you can never seem to get there. You're never enough. Can your strengths even be called strengths if there's so many out there who can do everything you do but better?
You don't bother raising your head to him as he paces back and forth, not wanting him to see another weakness of yours in the form of your tears. He gives a heavy sigh as he collects his thoughts, pinching his nosebridge while searching for the right words. "I apologize for raising my voice, but I simply cannot bear how critical you are of yourself, especially when I know for a fact that your fears are unfounded."
He marches up to where you sit on the couch, caressing your cheek and nudging your face in his direction. You can't bring yourself to meet his icy blues, knowing your heart would burst at the seams under his gaze or the kind smile that he reserves just for you. You don't deserve it, not with the way you've acted, so instead you turn your head in the opposite direction, refusing to indulge in his affections. His grip is a tad more firm as he attempts to move your face once more. You don't have the strength to resist his pull, so you let him maneuver your jaw to face him.
Tears begin to flow down your cheeks, and your lower lip wobbles as you attempt to hold in your sobs. His eyes widen as he sees the state that you're in, and with a gentle finger, he lifts your chin up.
"Will you look at me, please?" His voice isn't as strong as it once was moments before. There's a small break in his tone, almost as if he's pleading with you. Feeling exhausted now, you lift your eyes to meet his. They're not filled with anger or disappointment, but with concern, and more tears pool in your waterline as you scan his face.
"Oh, sweetheart," he whispers, bringing his thumbs to wipe away the tears spilling from your eyes before sitting down beside you. He surveys your sullen expression before pulling you into a hug. His warmth surrounds you in his embrace, and a part of you hates how secure it makes you feel.
Always relying on others to get by, you'd be dead without him, and you know it. You're a hopeless, bumbling mess trying to find your way through a dark maze.
You cry more into his shoulder, soaking through his tunic with your tears, despite your best efforts to remain unfeeling and stoic. It's all too much all at once, and his comfort only agitates the ache deep within your heart.
"Let it all out; I'm right here."
"You're safe," he murmurs in your ear, stroking a comforting hand up and down your back.
"I don't deserve you, Clive."
"You don't deserve to see me like this," you manage to choke out between sobs. The force of your crying is so violent against him that you start hiccupping and gasping for air.
He doesn't respond to your claims, not yet anyway, knowing that doing so would only rile you up more—choosing to hold you instead, rocking you slightly from side to side. He waits for you to calm down before addressing you, and you don't attempt to speak again, your shortness of breath not allowing for any more words to be uttered. You allow yourself to rest in his arms like you've done many times before, and after a short while, your wails are reduced to nothing but sniffles.
Once you've become a bit more settled, he pulls away from the embrace only to fetch a hankerchief, giving you a few minutes to collect yourself. He sits back down with you, his free hand grasping yours firmly, grounding you. The weight of his fingers interlocked with yours serves as a reminder that he's here; he's with you.
"I apologize for the outburst," you say, wiping your face down with the cloth before shifting your attention to him once more.
"No need for apologies, my love. I'd much rather you cry in my arms than continue to bottle this feeling inside you and let it fester."
You look away from him, turning toward the gaps in the wall of his chambers where the sunlight peaks through. You stare out at the lake below, watching as the black water laps at the walls of the hideaway.
Your voice takes on a somber tone when you speak next. "You deserve someone better than me, Clive, someone stronger." The air surrounding you two is still but its weight is all too heavy.
"Don't be ridiculous," he chides, his body turning to face you as he throws an arm over the backrest of the couch.
"If only I was." You let your words drift off into the ether before speaking again. "You deserve someone who can bear the weight of her own burdens, who's strong enough to not fall apart at every small inconvenience, someone who doesn't need to run into the comfort of your arms like a petulant child. I'm not worth everything you do for me—the kindness, the generosity, the love—none of it."
He scoots closer to you, bringing a hand to grasp at your hip, his thumb stroking it back and forth. "Is that not my right as your lover? To see you at your weakest and most vulnerable and still love you anyway?"
"I'm nothing, Clive. It's been that way since the day I was born. I'm not worth trying to save, just deadweight that needs to be tossed overboard."
"You think I'm a sinking ship, then? that I can't ‘handle’ you?" He gestures in the air.
"I can barely handle myself. Let's just end this before it's too late."
"Don't I have a say in the matter? You're making all these decisions about us without so much as a forethought for how I feel."
"It's better this way."
"Better for who? The self-destructive thoughts in your head? Because it's certainly not better for me and I'd go as far to say that it's not what you really want either. So pray tell, what's the real issue here?Where is all this stemming from?"
You shoot a glare his way—a defensive one, but still a glare nonetheless.
He reaches out to cup your face, his thumb stroking your cheek. It feels like no matter what you do, it's always wrong. Here you were acting like a brat to the man you loved, and here he was, being patient with you like a saint.
You relent, letting him have a peek into the inner world that you've kept a secret all this time. "There's a horrible weight in my chest carried with me wherever I go, wrapped up tight in my gut like a ball of twine, and no matter what I do, it comes back. I can't shake it. I can't shake anything. I'm still here, a mess of fear and nerves."
"I'm angry, vengeful, and mean, but at the same time, I'm scared of everything, timid and fragile as a mouse. If weakness were a person, it'd be me. Sometimes it's a miracle that i'm even able to do the things I do. I rely on you too much, and it scares me."
"You're anything but weak, my love. In fact, I think being vulnerable and open like this takes immense strength." He continues to caress your face.
"I'm not strong enough to fight alongside you. I'm useless when it comes to taking down the Mothercrystals."
He chuckles. "If physical strength was all I cared about, I would have taken a brute as my lover."
"Clive…" You roll your eyes in a playful manner, appreciating his attempt at lifting your mood.
The sun is setting now, and his chambers are tinted with a pale orange-yellow hue. The light reflects off the water, and you gaze upon the lake below while his gaze lingers on you.
"Come," he states, extending a hand as he stands up from the couch. You take his hand in yours as he leads you over to the gap in the wall, both admiring the sunset together. It's a beautiful evening; the clouds are painted pink and orange as the sun dips below the horizon.
"I'm serious, you know," he nudges your shoulder. The beginnings of a smile paint your features—a smile that he takes as a small win.
"Clive, I-" He presses a finger to your lips, silencing you. "Just listen, please," you nod, and he turns, facing the scenic view again, the sunlight bouncing off the yellow tones of his skin. "Do you remember traveling to the Apodetry all those years back? When I couldn't grapple with the fact that I was Ifrit and very well may have killed my own brother?"
You don't say anything, but you nod, and then he continues. "I'm not sure if I ever would have come to terms with it if you weren't by my side." He lets out a small sigh. "You say that you can't handle your own burdens, that I deserve someone stronger, but the truth is, without you, I might never have been able to bear my own. I'm not sure if I'd be the man I am today if I didn't have you, so don't you dare imply that I'd somehow be better off without you."
"You're right when you said I don't need you. It is not a matter of need or deserving, my love, but a matter of want. I want you. I desire you so wholeheartedly."
"I know that I alone am not enough to quell these thoughtsof yours, especially after the life you've lived-" he turns to face you again, his thumb grazing the leftover scar on your cheek from the removal of your brand, "-but please believe me when I say that you do matter, and not just to me, but to everyone here, to every person you've helped, to every soul you've graced with your kindness. Would you say those who work in the backgarden are unworthy of being here, simply because they don't wield a blade and march in the frontlines?"
"No," you pout.
He smiles. "Then I implore you to extend that same kindness to yourself." He steps closer, moving to nuzzle your nose with his. "Though you're not taking down Mothercrystals, you're showing people that there's still hope—that kindness can still exist in a world where harsh cruelties befall those who never deserve it."
"A twinkling light is left with everyone you help, no matter how minuscule it seems."
"We chose this undertaking so that dominants and bearers alike could live the lives they choose. If a life of peace is what you want, then it's one that you shall have. You shouldn't be fighting each and every day just so you can make it to the next."
Both of your foreheads press together as he continues to speak. "You don't need to throw yourself to the wolves. You're done with having to earn through suffering. You're done having to prove your worth. You don't have to earn your right to exist and be happy, not with me or anyone else here."
He presses his lips against yours. "I love you," he whispers in between the kiss. "Your vulnerabilities, your fears... They are not shortcomings, my love. They are what make you who you are, and though I wish I could make your pain a bit more tolerable, I wouldn't change a single thing about you, ever."
He presses more kisses on your lips, sweet, loving, and gentle. "You are my strength, my everything. I love you so much."
Bathed in the dying light of the sun, you hold each other tender with a slow brushing of lips against each other, and though such demons of the mind aren't so easily bested, you're given a moment's solace in the warm embrace of your lover, knowing that no matter what ails you, you'll face it together.
"I love you too, Clive."
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silantryoo · 1 year
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kim minji x newjeans!reader
WARNINGS ; jealousy
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minji knew that you hated hiding your relationship from your members.
all of the sneaking around, and staying late after midnight was exciting at first. you two would go on midnight food runs, identities hidden as you ran around the night market like two kids in love.
soon, you found yourselves avoiding each other in the dorms in fear that your members would have caught on.
you were quick to protest. you hated the divide between the two of you during the day. it felt as if she only cared about you when the sun was down, when no one was looking.
you didn't want to hide like this anymore.
still, minji refused to budge. she told you that it was too early to tell them, despite the fact that you two had been together months before you had debuted. she wanted to make sure that the group was established before telling them something that could potentially divide the group in two.
in reality, part of her was terrified to reveal something so important to others. it made her feel vulnerable. it made her feel naked.
she asked for more time, just for you to hold on and trust her.
you searched her eyes, nodding hesitantly. you trusted minji, loved her even. as much as you hated the situation, you could tell that the thought of coming out to the others was uncomfortable for her. you weren't going to push her.
you just hoped that you didn't have to wait too long.
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being the oldest of the group had a lot of downsides that you would've never guessed. aside from being bombarded with random questions from hyein about life and ethics (a recent development that stemmed from the two of you watching a foreign tv show), the girls often found it hilarious to annoy you at any given time of day.
hanni was usually the main one, and she made it extremely evident during your live with the rest of the girls.
you found yourself seated between your girlfriend and hanni, reading through the comments as hyein and danielle talked about the shoot that you guys had done yesterday.
"unnie." you heard a whisper beside you.
you turned your head towards her, only to find her facing the screen, oddly paying too much attention to it. sighing, you faced forward once more, the chat starting to pick up.
minjisgirl: she's doing it again
katy/n: rip y/n. ur blood cells will be missed
"unnie." you felt a warm breath enter you ear.
you yelped, nearly jumping onto minji as you glared at the younger girl who shrugged at you innocently. you roll your eyes, glaring slightly at minji who was laughing beside you.
hyehye: i knew it
haerin looked back at you in amusement, only for you to send a tired look back. it was barely twenty minutes into the live and hanni had already started her antics.
and she wondered why the two of you never go on solo lives together.
you looked at hanni for a moment, waiting for her to do it again. once again, she was too busy watching the chat roll by and ignoring you.
you rolled your eyes, quickly turning to minji as the younger girls continued to speak. you looked closely at her while she listened, a small smile appeared on your face.
the leader looked over to you, giving you a look. you wiggled your eyebrows in return.
"unnie." you heard hanni whisper again.
you sighed deeply, turning to face her. she looked at you with innocent eyes, her hand in her pocket. "what?"
naomi: here she goes
the girls turn to watch the commotion happening, haerin silently laughing to herself as danielle looked at the two of you confused.
hanni carefully pulled out her hand, as if she was hiding something. you watched with bored eyes as she revealed the thing she was hiding, which turned out to be a finger heart.
you sigh once more.
"i love you." hanni offered it to you, smiling widely at your reaction.
hyehye: hanni's gonna be left hanging again lol
1lovehany/n: JUST SAY IT BACK
minji felt herself frown, but quickly replaced it with a smile after realizing she was on live. she hated when hanni did this, especially with you.
you felt yourself nod, blinking at her tiredly. with a tight smile, you complied (which was something you never did).
"i love you too." you sighed, ignoring her shocked look.
1lovehany/n: SHE SAID IT?>>{:L>{"P*)&
hany/n: I HAVE THE CLIP!!! @ hany/nonly on twt
minji bit her tongue, an ugly feeling starting to spread in her chest. like her, you hated being affectionate. it wasn't that it made you feel vulnerable, it just made you uncomfortable. it took you a whole month to be comfortable holding her hand, and even that was a long time for her.
hearing you say something that she waited so long to hear made her upset, even if it wasn't meant that way.
hanni looked back to the screen with a smile of disbelief laced on her face. she looked at the other members who were just as shocked as she was, shrugging in a bragging-like manner (because she was).
you watched as the chat went wild, mostly from your fans saying that they had never heard you utter that word, not even to them. you knew it wasn't true since you often told minji that all the time.
the live continued with you often receiving looks from hyein and danielle (who both seemed like they were waiting for you to say it to them too), and minji (who looked upset).
minji side-eyed hanni, who kept silently bragging to the camera as if she was your girlfriend who you had confessed your love on a live broadcast. she knew she was being irrational, but it irritated her.
minji fought the urge to roll her eyes. she was the girlfriend, not hanni.
nonchalantly, she snuck her hand into yours, catching you off guard. you turned to her with a surprised look, but her eyes were glued onto the chat. you could feel your ears starting to heat up from both embarrassment and giddiness.
this was the most affection that you two had done in front of the others, even if it was hidden off-screen and the others couldn't see it.
"unnie," you felt the younger girl poke your side. "unnie."
you rolled your eyes, turning your head only for your lips to accidentally graze her cheek. she covered her mouth with a loud slap, in shock before standing up and cheering.
you felt your entire face go red.
1lovehany/n: no WAY?
you looked over to the camera as the other members turned around, wondering what happened.
minji, however, had watched the interaction the whole time.
you felt her hand tighten as she stared at the screen with a forced smile, trying to control her emotions. she never considered herself a jealous person. she was always fine with you putting your arms around the other members, although it did slightly irk her when the two of you had made things official between each other.
she was usually fine with this stuff.
but right now, she was raging internally. in fact, haerin, who sat in front of her, could hear her lightly scoffing under her breath. the younger girl looked between the two of you, a lightbulb nearly appearing above her head.
hanni continued to cheer, pointing to her cheek as she stuck her tongue out at you.
"yah!" you smacked her shoulder as hyein read through the comments ('you kissed her?') "pham hanni! stop cheering!"
"aww," danielle turned to face you, pouting. "i want a kiss too!"
you looked over to hanni, who was bragging about how she had managed to steal your first kiss. your eyes moved to your manager as a signal for help, but she had been laughing along with her the entire time.
"no," you denied the younger girl, feeling minji's grip tighten slightly. "that was by accident."
danielle sighed dramatically. she looked over to the camera as if asking for help from your fans to convince you. minji clenched her jaw.
hyehye: JUST DO IT!)8_93)#(&
"me too!" hyein jumped up from her seat, raising her hand.
you groaned. wanting to hide your face in your hands, you released your hold on minji's. minji frowned, unable to hide her disappointment this time as she watched you mutter curses in your hands.
minji hated to admit it, but part of her realized that she had ended up making the wrong decision of not telling the girls. she didn't consider how flirty they were by nature, and her jealousy now definitely outweighed her fear.
haerin turned around, quickly meeting eyes with a frowning minji before she smirked at you.
"me too."
"seriously, haerin?" you exclaimed in disbelief, most of the staff behind the camera now laughing. you looked into her eyes, a mischievous glint shining through. "you think this is funny, don't you?"
haerin nodded.
minji watched as the girls (i.e. hyein and danielle) continued to pester you, trying to convince you to just 'show your love' for them and that 'they really don't mind affection'.
you looked over to minji, wondering how she felt about the whole situation. she was never someone who had a possessive streak (or so you thought), so you figured it would be better to agree than not to, especially since it was merely platonic.
you were right, or at least thought so. minji's face was stoic, not a single emotion on her face as she watched the screen. she wouldn't have cared, right?
"fine! whatever!" you raised your hands up in surrender. you looked over to the chat, watching it as it went so fast that you couldn't even see words anymore. "just stop bugging me."
danielle and hyein squealed while haerin's face dropped. the cat-like girl didn't expect you to say yes since she figured that you'd hate affection. hanni laughed at her.
this time around, minji scoffed loud enough for you and haerin to hear. you turned to her, worry filling your face before getting pulled in by danielle.
minji hated that she could've prevented this.
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minji sat on your dorm's couch, her head on your thigh as she lay, rewatching the clip from yesterday's live that had your entire fanbase in shackles. it was trending all over social media. not only that, but your ship with hanni blew up much more than she appreciated.
being too focused on her phone, she completely missed the fact that you were bright red. usually, you wouldn't be so flustered because of something so simple, but to you, this level of pda outside her room was basically a declaration of love (especially since most of the girls were in the same room as the both of you).
hanni looked over your shoulder, a bowl of yogurt in her hand as she listened to minji's phone. she smiled knowingly.
"i can't believe you actually kissed me." the younger girl teased, earning a giggle from the other girls.
minji turned off her phone, subtly (not really) glaring at hanni. she had been teasing you since yesterday and wasn't exactly happy with how flustered you would get.
"stop it!" you smacked hanni's shoulder. "i'm gonna ransack your room if you don't stop."
"as if minji's gonna let you," hanni scoffed, looking right at her leader. "right minji?"
minji rolled her eyes as she sat up, not answering the girl.
hanni frowned, not entirely sure why minji was acting so weird. hanni always considered the fact that there was always weird tension around the both of you but chalked it up to minji most likely disliking you. hanni would find it weird that minji would stare at you unwaveringly as if the older girl was trying to melt you with her eyes. she also found that the two of you would always avoid each other, sometimes outright refusing to sit next to one another.
but ever since yesterday, minji had been extremely clingy toward you, and extremely cold toward everyone else.
she looked over to haerin whose eyes glinted as if she was trying to tell the older girl something. squinting, she tried to decipher it, a small smile appearing on haerin's face.
danielle's squeal quickly brought hanni out of her thoughts.
"your lips were so soft!" the austrailian complimented, smiling at you brightly. "what lipbalm do you use?"
you felt your blush spread to the back of your neck as minji gripped you hand tightly, her face not amused. minji looked over at you, jaw clenching as she thought that you had blushed because of danielle (which wasn't true in the slightest).
before you can reply, hyein, who just woken up, waddled in front of you and minji, a hello kitty blanket wrapped around her body. "i want another kiss please."
minji sighed, officially fed up with how much the other girls were hogging you. "hyein, no."
"why not?" hyein whined, grabbing your arm as she tried to pull you up from the couch. "it makes me feel loved."
minji interrupted you before you could agree (because being the maknae, you figured that hyein could use the extra love).
"because." minji said. "no."
you opened your mouth to speak, only for hanni to stand up, yogurt still in her mouth. "yeah, she only loves me!"
minji rolled her eyes, her grip getting tighter on you. you looked over at her curiously, you arm starting to hurt from hyein's tugging. minji only got like this during horror movies when the protagonist would go towards random sounds that they shouldn't have gone to.
"is that true, unnie?" danielle pouted, part of you not sure if she was actually upset or teasing you.
"no." you shook your head, shaking off hyein's arm. "look, i only said that because—"
"y/n and i are dating."
all heads turned toward minji, some with a look of disbelief, others with a look of surprise.
haerin smiled, mentally high-fiving herself as hyein and danielle covered their mouths.
"minji-yah!" you exclaimed at the girl, who happened to be glaring hanni down.
hanni laughed, covering her mouth as she almost choked. "yeah, okay."
minji scoffed. she didn't understand why it was so unbelievable that the two of you were dating.
"you don't believe me?" minji challenged her. she quickly turned to you. "y/n, kiss me."
"what? no!" you looked at her with wide eyes. "i mean, i'm fine with us coming out but don't you think this is a little too fa—"
minji rolled her eyes. she quickly covered hyein's eyes before leaning into a long kiss, one that definitely proved that the two of you were together.
she pulled away and returned to glaring back at hanni, not paying attention to a very flustered you.
minji removed her hand. hyein looked around, wondering if the two of you actually kissed or not.
"oh shit." hanni covered her mouth, haerin and danielle both as shocked as her.
"no swearing around hyein." you managed to mumble out weakly.
minji looked over at you and chuckled, forgetting that you happened to end up like this sometimes, especially in public. she kissed your cheek, gently using her thumb to caress the back of your hand.
"right, sorry." hanni shook her head. she looked between the both of you. "i really thought you guys hated each other."
"we don't." minji said dryly. "so you can stop now."
"i seriously can't believe you guys are together." hanni whispered, her hand still over her mouth. "my brain can't process it."
danielle squinted at the two of you, haerin quietly watching as the australian girl pieced the puzzle together.
hyein nodded. "i wouldn't have expected it, but i did always think that minji-unnie had a crush on y/n-unnie."
minji looked at her in disbelief ('why me? why not her?') as you high-fived the youngest girl.
"wait a second, you were jealous!" danielle jumped up, accidentally scaring hanni and hyein in the process. "that's so cute!"
the room went silent for a moment, danielle's coos only to be heard before hanni openly laughed. haerin chuckled under her breath and hyein, who was trying her best, let out a snicker before looking away. you turned your head to minji, finally understanding why she was acting the way that she was.
minji's cheeks turned bright red. "i was not jealous."
"you were jealous? of hanni?" you pointed at the girl dressed in loose monk-like clothes with yogurt in her hand, holding close a bunny plushy that she found in the market. "what's there to be jealous about?"
"i'm just saying." you reasoned out. you pulled out your phone, trying to find a better example for minji. "if anything, you should be more jealous of—"
"stop it."
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> main masterlist.
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justjams2003 · 9 months
Can you write a dark!Thor fic, with fem!reader (Medieval AU), where the reader is taken as a slave, when her village was destroyed. I LOVE your writing so you can do whatever plot or theme you want :)whenever you can. I hope you're safe and I wish you a great day/night. xxx
Sweet Savagery
So... I loved this request so much! And it gave me so many ideas and motivation that I decided to make this a series! Hope you enjoy it!
Paring: Dark!Thor Odinson x Slave!Reader
Summary: All your life, Thor's blue eyes have haunted you. You believed you outran him, but now all your hopes come tumbling down.
Warnings: Death of loved ones, violence, nightmares, non-con, p in v, degradation. Tell me if I missed any.
Word count: 2k+, Unedited
1st Divider by: @firefly-graphics
2nd Divider by: @cafekitsune
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Are you cursed by the Gods? Or is it entirely only him? You were only just a small thing when it happened. The violently blue lightning striking down on your father’s wheat fields. You can remember it as though it was yesterday. Even after years of trying to forget.
When the dark consumes you, the light of the colossal fire takes over your mind. Your mama had scolded you just the same evening, pleading with you not to wander too far into the forest. Repeatedly saying that she wanted you home before sundown.
Like always, your mind floated into the sky, only to be vehemently struck down to earth, by that lightning bolt.
The one that started it all. Your little legs carried you as fast as you could, and still, the flames had engulfed the little farmhouse you had lived on for so long. The wall of fire had long since cleared any sign there ever was of your family’s only income. Leaving only a black streak of ash as it made its way further into the village.
If only you could’ve cried so much that it put out the fire. If only it didn’t burn down Aunty Cathy’s house, who was practically your second mother. Or the local baker’s house, who always gave you a free loaf, unable to resist your doe-eyes. Or even the blacksmith’s house, which you only saw on occasion. At least you knew him.
There are a lot of regrets surrounding that night. The most prevalent one is; not listening to your mother. The gods might have been merciful and have let you die with your parents. They might have spared you from looking into those blue eyes. The same shade of blue that caused this all.
The fire still roared; the moon was full and round; even the stars twinkled and yet those aggressively blue eyes lit up the dark of the night more than any of the previously mentioned. You remember the fear that surrounded you, praying to the gods you knew at the time, that those eyes weren’t searching for you in the night.
And you couldn’t help but wonder if the man with the eyes was the one to cause the lightning. Or maybe you were cursed by the gods. If they were laughing in their ivory towers at the cruel joke of a coincidence.
At that time, you thought that these deaths would be the worst of your worries. That those eyes wouldn’t surround every part of your fate. The gods did laugh.
Thieves found you hiding in the woods. They tied you up and used you as they saw fit. Only to grow tired of you, purely just because you became too old for them and sold you off to a slave trader. Which is where you find yourself now. Just barely clothed, waiting in the throne room.
Your bones are clattering and you’re unsure if it’s from the cold or utter fear. You’ve heard many stories of this deranged king. Crimes are punished harshly in a superfluous manner. The circles from which you’ve spent your formative years, the best thieves on the globe, could only speak in terrified tones.
And when they did, they spoke of a man who defies god’s creation. Some even mentioned that the fates and time itself dare not touch him. A king, with the stature of a giant, unmissable and unmistakable. The people who made other people shake in their boots, questioned if this king is just maybe an ancestor of the Titans.
Bred to raise an army and challenge the gods' thrones.
Judging by the extreme size of the throne, all rumours seem to be true. With each passing moment, your anxiety only grew. Until, finally, you can feel the vibrations through the floor. Slow and steady steps, no need to rush. Each of the slaves would stand there waiting for however long they are told to.
The doors open, again; slow. The men that enter are huge, yes, but none compare to him. The king, no doubt. Nevertheless, his size is the least of your worries. All you can see is that night flashing before your eyes once more, the same eyes.
What scares you most is that you haven’t made up his power, or just how much his eyes remind you of storms. His gaze follows from your far left until it finally lands on you. The storms in his eyes are steady, he remains stoic and unreadable.
The room stays silent. His gaze does not move from you, but he does. You can hear his throne creak, which now looks small in relation to former imaginations. Your eyes meet the floor and soon after his perfectly polished boots. He doesn’t dare look as silly as the other kings, with no tights and no pointy shoes.
His breath is heavy, you can’t help but fear breathing. He towers over you, and you can feel his gaze burning holes through your skull. Suddenly his hand grips you by the neck, forcing you to meet him face to face. At first, he seems to scan your body, what for, only the gods know.
Then finally his eyes meet yours. If he recognises you, he certainly doesn’t show it. He gives nothing away. At the same time, it feels like those blue eyes are burrowing themselves deeper into your mind. As if he’s saying, “Remember. Remember what I did? I fucking loved it.”
The king lets go and the second he does your shackles are undone. Maids shuffle all around you and the last you see of him is his blood-red cloak dragging across the floor.
You can hear the slave trader audibly sigh in relief. You can hear the few coins that your life and body was traded for being handed to him. That’s it, it seems. The end.
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Once more, you feel barren. Exposed in the little amount of clothes you were given. This is his chambers? You wouldn't be able to tell it from any other room in the castle. To such a degree that you wouldn't be able to see a difference from any other bedroom in any other castle in the world. It's almost entirely empty.
There is no smell that lingers, no portraits, no trinkets. There is no soul. It's kept pristinely clean, so much so that you wouldn't even know a man of his size stays here. The bed, yes, is huge to match his stature, but the bedding is one you would expect from any other.
A sudden thump erupts in the room, this causes you to jump. His hammer, his weapon of choice hits the ground. The wooden floor is dented, in the spot you presume where the hammer is placed every night. Once again, he's quiet, yet somehow you know exactly what to do when he turns his back to you.
Your hurried, shuffling steps can be heard across the oak floor. Like the mouse running to the cat. You unclip his blood-red coat from his steel shoulder plates. Now, after the initial shock, you can truly take in all that is him.
His blonde luscious hair that falls just below his shoulder is kept loose. It’s covered in dirt and grime but still, somehow it looks like golden threads, each placed perfectly. You then unbuckle the mentioned shoulder plates. They each carry a heavy weight from their sheer size. You fold it all neatly together and place it by the cupboard next to the door.
The mighty king turns to you, and with one quick shrug, he throws off his shirt. Could he indeed be a giant? Was he made to overthrow the gods? Or perhaps he was made by the gods himself, made alluring and beautiful to gain the human's trust.
You've experienced the lies of beauty before. Beauty earns trust that years of friendship can't compare to. Just the same, it stabs you in the back. At least with beauty, there's a pretty sight while you bleed.
Heavy footsteps shake you from the past, his presence forcing you all the way with your knees against the bed. The king's hand engulfs your neck, all around. He's warm against your icy skin, your body leans against him, for the heat. At the same time your mind fights, fights the need to give in and want this.
The man in front of you bends his neck low, his nose grazing from your collarbone all the way to your ear. A sudden storm begins to rumble in his chest, shivers form up and down your body as he speaks his first words to you.
"I know who you are." A rash of emotions hits your mind. He knows. He knows. He knows. The words reply in your head. The little hope you had that he would use you as just another whore is defenestrated. His wrath is not limited by time and his grudge will not fall.
"I remember that night. How can I forget how your parents screamed?" It's as if he chuckled, but at the same time, it can be heard as a growl. Like that of a clap of thunder. "They begged and pleaded for me to save your life."
The cruel king takes the thin straps of your night dress and pushes them off your shoulders and onto the floor. The wind sweeps through the windows, cold air making your body perk up.
"I was merciful, was I not?" That same cold air clashes with his hot breath. Now comes the time to decide. Would it be worth it to run?
Is there a point? He-His hot tongue is pressed against the base of your neck. It follows the curve of your tendons all the way up to your lips. "Now you must pay the debt of your life." Those plump lips ghost against your own. -He will catch you. "Yes, my king."
He is not soft; you have decided so. The thoughts that swim behind those icy-blue eyes, those which the world cannot see, do not contain mercy.
Yet, somehow, his hands are soft on your upper arms. “You will learn to love it.” He furrows his brows ever so slightly. The corners of his mouth are pulled down, just barely. As though he is seeing your future, the future he will cause, and is somehow saddened by it.
As if he suddenly realises that he’s shown more than the rock wall around his heart, he twists you around and throws you on the bed. You can hear his bottoms hit the floor and know it’s started.
His hands are rough, and huge, surrounding all of your waist. And just like every other part of him, his cock is immense. And in one harsh stroke, he impales your insides. There is no possible way to hold back the gasp that escapes your lips.
Your hands grip the sheets and already, you can feel the tears form in your eyes. On top of all that, he grabs you by the shoulder and pulls you even further down on him.
Sweat beads down your back after many violent thrusts. Grunts escape from the man, but not another word. There is no halting the moans that free themselves from your body.
Not soon after you can feel his dick grow even bigger somehow. His legs pull himself closer to yours and the liquids between your bodies soon are joined by steaky loads of cum.
Everything rocks and shakes your body. Your legs are raw and littered with bruises from the brutal beat of bodies. There are red marks all over your back and an ache in your shoulder.
Exhaustion is heavy weight forcing you down onto the mattress. Fire burns between your legs when he pulls himself from you. He seems to lay you down gently, still on your stomach.
You can feel his hot breath on your back. In contrast to the earlier savage fuck, he places gentle kisses on your neck. His beard tickles your skin, and you can feel his long hair graze against you.
“Thor. You may call me Thor.” You furrow your brows but before you can protest, the giant man is gone. Not that it matters, fatigue has taken over you and like every time before the dark is filled with bright blue eyes.
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quaranmine · 2 months
Hi, not sure if you remember me, but i sent an ask a while ago saying how i love the Incadescence of a dying light and that i talk about it with my friend and how we both really liked the story and are juts you know discussing it well update to now. we still do that lol. i cant stop thinking about it, i listen to the firewatch OST on the daily, resonating with each track at a time. I love it. I live it. I am enamored. Everytime Im studying Polish (my native language) and revising each epoch for my upcoming finals i cant help but connect themes and motives to that wonderful story of yours. If i land on a fitting topic in my oral final exam (like pop-culture, creativity and arts, certain themes in modern media) you BET Ill be talking about this fic (with all the credit I can give of course!) cause USARWSETDYRVUHUISC I cant get it out of my head. Its such an amazing example of how the media of fanfiction elevates the story to its maximum potential. How knowing the characters makes it so much easier to connect and resonate, even though Mumbo is absent from the majority of the fic, we still feel hurt after finding out whats happened to him. Like, its such an amazing creative medium I love fanfiction and TERSSXEFJNKVCRXSERARXSXERCDJNGIKKDc :thumbsup: oh gosh The Incadescence of a Dying Light. yeah so fun fact i actually had to look up what it means cause i didnt know the word before and oh. oh. oh its so much worse and more painful. really love it, i do, oh i do! I now have acquired (idk how to spell it lul) the never subsiding lust for nature and outdoors and hiking and being a part of it. I love it, you made me regain my love for it. I loved it before, yes, but i was caught up in my own head and had so much stuff i had to do, but now i love to look out my window even more, i love strolling in my garden. i love it. thank you, thank you, thak youuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup: So yeah, this fic is one of my faves of all time, i like it a lot, it has inspired me to live more and be alive basically and also. and for the end a fanart of an alternative ending where Mumbo somehow survives and just lives in the forest like a wild animal, living his best life, eating berries (i decided on drawing him eating berries [peace love and plants] instead of chowing down [is chowing a word??] on some rabbit lol) and then grian finds him and its super awkward
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HI! Yes, of course I remember you! First of all, had a really wild day yesterday at work, but I read this at soooome point on my phone during the middle of the day and it made me smile :)
This ask is just so??? AAAAAAA???? I almost don't know how to respond, because it's just SO wonderful to hear this about something I created. Like I did that? I made a thing that is sticking deeply with people? I'm just soooo <333333
I like your point about how fanfiction can maximize story potential! I think it'd make a wonderful essay topic honestly. I have thought about this in connection with fanfic a lot--specifically, the divide between original fiction and fanfiction. In original works, you have to make the audience care. You have to introduce me to a character, setting, and story I will be interested in. I've read a lot of negative book reviews that start off with "the author didn't make me care about the characters" (i have also...said this myself about books I ended up not liking.) With fanfic, you skip that step! It lets you jump right in. I don't have to explain Mumbo and Grian's friendship or demonstrate it to you. You just Know. Someone reading it fandom blind would get the implication about how important they are to each other simply by seing the depth of Grian's grief, but for my intended audience, I can do whatever I want because I trust you to already have the background information you need.
The title is from a line I really like in a song (Post Humorous by Gus Dapperton). It just...painted such a nice word picture. Especially for a story about grief death and fire!
I just. Love that this fic helped you regain a desire for nature? That just makes me feel...warm, I guess, to know that I was able to spark that with something I created. I hope it goes well for you, and you get to take many walks. This spring I've been using the trails near my aunt's house (not.....hiking paths. too urban.) much more. I wanted to walk this week but I was too busy lol. I hope you have many wonderful experiences out in the Great Outdoors <3 one of these days, I swear I'll up and move to a place with "better" nature and "real" trails close by.
Also, SKFJSLFJSKFLSJKF your fanart made me laugh so much. I have like. Entertained this idea. Not as an actual or serious part of the story but I was like man wouldn't it just be off-the-wall if he was just vibing Out There 😭😭😭 You've caught the vibe perfectly LOL
this was all around such a special message to hear, thank you SO much!
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deandoesthingstome · 1 year
Night Moves
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Chapter 7
Pairing: Walter Marshall x OFC (Alexandra Pierce)
Series Summary: When Walter Marshall is called to investigate a homicide by the railroad tracks, he quickly uncovers an unsettling pattern. Alexandra Pierce just wants someone to find out what happened to her friend. She has some secrets, too. And Walter’s going to uncover them.
Word Count: 2504
Series Warnings: In general, this series will depict assault, murder, stripping, hooking, rough sex, fingering, oral (m and f receiving), p in v sex in various positions, self-loathing, failed relationships, smoking, alcohol, general violence, makeup sex, and maybe some comfort. +18, Minors DNI. Edit: If you were here before, know that I removed drug use and drug addiction. I had a plan and things changed, as they so often do.
Chapter Warnings: Angry Walter, police procedure (sure), more misogyny, some serious assault, self defense, pain, death.
A/N: I will not lie. This did NOT go the way I thought it would. It’s pretty dark and ugly. I think it’s important to the story though. I also didn’t get to the scene for the song I wanted, so there WILL be at least one more chapter. Please don’t cry.
Disclaimers: I do not own Walter Marshall, Night Hunter (Nomis), or any other characters from that movie, but I do own this OFC (Alexandra Pierce) and these words. Do not repost as your own. Likes, Reblogs, and Comments are more than welcome. It’s how I get my nourishment.
Header made by me, with pics found from Pexel.com and the internet. Dividers are not mine, but check out the masterlist for credit.
Playlist:  Night Moves Songs 23-26 Direct Spotify Link
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“Alright, listen up!” Walter bursts into the dispatch room with all the anger and energy of a man who has realized exactly what has been going on and whose life is at stake now. “I need someone to pull plates for Detective Mick Jonas and then scan all traffic cams starting at the intersection of 10th and Vine. I want to know where that car is heading like 5 minutes ago.”
The switchboard is lit up and it isn’t as if the operators are slacking, but the blank stares he gets do not help his demeanor.
“Is everyone deaf??? Get on this. Now!” He marches to the nearest desk to loom over the tech, and stares daggers at her while her fingers begin flying over the keyboard.
“Is that our Mick Jonas?” she asks.
“You got the plate?” He ignores her question with a glare.
“Coming right up. Okay, yeah, here it is, but I don’t…”
“Who’s got the cameras?” he interrupts her. His skin feels like it’s on fire and at any moment he’s going to break something if he doesn’t get an answer. When Rachel steps in the room, she sees his behavior as well as a familiar attitude. If she had to hazard a guess, it’s the reason he showed up in yesterday’s clothes but she knows it’s neither the time nor the place to ask about it. Only that she can’t let him run this search.
“Walter,” she puts a hand on his shoulder with enough pressure to let him know it’d be best not to shrug it away.
“I need to know where he’s going, Rachel!”
“We all need to know where he’s going. Yelling at the crew isn’t going to speed up the computers.”
“He’s not alone. He’s got another victim with him right now! Fuck!” Nothing about Rachel’s speech has calmed him down or gotten him to lower his voice.
“Who’s with him?”
“Alex… Alexandra Pierce.” 
The way he says her name, Rachel knows. And she knows she can’t stop him, but he won’t be going alone. She pulls out her cell to call another detective and tells him to be on standby for the chase. Dispatch’ll put a call out to officers in the area once they have a location, but she needs someone who can take charge of the scene, because it isn’t going to be Walter if she can help it. Not in the state he’s in.
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We are so close I can barely contain myself. One more corner, one more long stretch of road, one more gate to open and close, one more winding, tree-covered lane into a deep forest of pine. 
When we reach the bus, I’m on fire.
I can see the bitch starting to shift, move about. I look over and see her blink her eyes open and I just wait for the terror to creep into her eyes. And then I laugh.
I taunt her. I don’t even know what words are coming out of my mouth anymore, I just know she doesn’t like them and the more she doesn’t like them the more I say them. Over and over and over.
I keep a close eye on her when I open my door. I was careful to hit the switch to lock all the doors when I put her in the car, but now I just flip the lever for my lock. I can’t stop laughing when she thinks her door will open, too. She struggles just long enough for me to get around to her side so I’m ready when she finally finds the switch and opens the door. I'm right there ready to take her in my arms.
And then she does what none of them ever did. The thing I’ve been waiting for what seems like my entire life. 
She hits me.
It’s kinda my fault. I grabbed her under her arms. I let my guard down cause it’s been so goddamn easy lately. Well, all except that asshole that showed up the other night. But the ones I just beat up? The ones I thought for sure would fight back just a little? Nothing. 
They ignored me. Ignored the things I said to them. Acted like they had someone coming. Tried to walk away. Pulled out their phones, which were so easy to strip from their hands. But the best part? The thing that always got me going?
They would trip. Stumble. Those fucking ridiculous heels would end it for them every time. And I’d catch ‘em. Rush forward and grasp an arm or sometimes even get in front of them. But set ‘em right either way. Hold on just a beat too long. Smile. And they would know.
The right hook would come before they even took a deep enough breath to let out the scream they thought would save them. If I got it right, they’d spin just a little more off balance again so I could grab ‘em with my left. It was just more convenient than having to reach down to pick ‘em up off the ground just to get to hitting them again.
And if they didn’t fight back? Which they never fucking did. I’d just rough ‘em up. They were obviously easily swayed if they weren’t going to fight back. If they didn’t want to try to stop me, clearly they just didn’t care. And maybe that would be just the thing, the sign telling them it was time to be done with the whoring and the screwing around. TIme to stop flaunting their bodies for money and never for anyone who really deserved it.
But this one. She hits me again before I can comprehend what has just happened. And I’m just coming to my senses when I see she’s trying to draw her knee back so I know what’s coming and I jut my hips out of the way. I pull her close and butt my head against hers, knowing it ain’t going to feel great but it’s going to hurt her worse.
It gives me enough time to shore up my hold on her. I grab both her wrists in one hand and yank ‘em up hard over her head and I give her two more solid jabs, right in the eyes.
She is positively stunned and I think I’m good. But then she starts struggling again. She spits in my face and there is enough blood hanging around from the previous hits that some of what lands in my eye is colored and it burns. Stings. I can’t let go but I have to get this shit out of my eye.
So I’m still holding on to her arms when I lift my free hand to my face and fuck, right when I do, she connects her knee to my nuts and I let go of her hands to drop to the ground.
I can stand the pain a moment longer while I clear my vision and then I swallow hard because I see her trying to get back in the car and so I have to get up and to her fast. I grab her by the hair and pull her back against me, then turn her around and smack her across the face. 
She’s shocked enough again that I get a few more good solid hits in before she gets her wits back and tries again. 
This is so fuckin’ fun! That cunt from the other day was better than most which is what got her dead, but still was nothin’ compared to this bitch. Fuck, I think I’m hard right now.
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“Are you fuckin’ kidding me?” Walter shouts. He can’t believe what Rachel has just said to him. After everything they’ve been through.
“It’s because I’ve been through it with you that I can’t let you lead on this, Walter, and you know I’m right.”
Walter is seeing only red as he stares at Rachel with crazy eyes, but she’s staring right back and she isn’t going to budge. He could move her physically out of the doorway but that’s going to feel like assault and he can’t risk it.
He takes a deep breath in through his nose, nostrils flaring before he huffs the breath out and back in again. A few more times and he can see a little clearer and he knows she’s right as much as he can’t admit it. 
“I’ll ride with you. Detective Greeves and his partner will take over when we get there. The patrol units are already on the way. From the traffic cam footage and a few more conversations with Lila we were finally able to pinpoint an old family plot a little out of town. So you know that also means the sheriff. It’s going to be a fucking mess out there, Walter, and I need you to stay the fuck out of it. Do you hear me?”
Walter nods, slowly, still breathing in and out. He shifts his head to the left to crack his neck and steps back from the doorway. With Rachel sure he’s under control, she steps back into the hall and turns to nod to Greeves. He hands a vest to her, then one to Walter when he finally leaves the dispatch room.
And now they are off. Walter’s got the GPS coordinates plugged in and he’s gritting through the instinct to drift around the lead car in front of him, but he promised. He doesn’t know what Rachel thinks she could do if he changed his mind right now, but he also knows if he does, he’s probably off the force.
Because if he gets to them first, he’s gonna kill him. And since he’s not actually on the case anymore, even if there weren't jurisdictional concerns, a shot from him isn’t going to be official. It’s going to be murder.
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Alex can’t stand up any more. She’s on her knees and he is still hitting the side of her head.
There’s some flashing lights and sharp, high pitched sounds and Alex can’t tell if it’s from the club or if maybe the apartment's electricity is on the fritz again and Mrs. Travers is calling for help. 
But these lights are blue and red. And yellow. And there are a lot of them. And the sound just doesn’t stop.
Alex hears someone yell ‘freeze’ and she hears a few more people yell ‘down on the ground’ and she can’t figure out why because she’s already on the ground but she collapses all the way anyway because no one is holding her up anymore.
And she hears her name. Someone is shouting her name. They are getting closer, but then not. 
“Get the fuck out of my way!” Walter shouts as he pushes past a uniformed officer and rushes to Alex’s side. “Alex, Alex! Can you hear me?”
He’s on his knees just next to her and he’s touching her shoulder and he wants so badly to pick her up and hold her in his arms but he doesn't know the extent of the damage and he can’t be the one to do more, so he runs his hand down her arm to grab her hand and he holds that instead.
Her hand is warm but there is no movement. He bends down low and turns his head so he can put his ear next to her mouth and watch her chest. It’s low, but it’s there. A little rise and fall. And he can hear a small gasp.
“Waller?” she croaks out.
“Yeah! Yes, yeah. I‘m here, Alex. I’m here.” Walter jerks his head up to see if her eyes are open. And they probably would be if they weren’t puffing up and sealing closed as they spoke.
“Where here?” a little muffled.
“It doesn’t matter. We’ve got an ambulance on the way and we’re gonna get you out of here and to some help. I just need you to hold on, okay. Keep talking to me, okay?”
Walter can see her jaw isn’t sitting right and even though he’s not a doctor or EMT or whatever the fuck ever, he sure as fuck knows he can’t leave it hanging like that. He reaches down under his vest to rip a wide swatch from his t-shirt and tears it once more at a side seam to pull it all the way off so he’s got a long strip he can maneuver around her head. He knows he shouldn’t move her jaw to the side, so it’s gonna have to stay off-kilter while he presses it gently up so he can shorten the bandage and tie it as loosely-tight on top of her head as he dares.
And this means she can’t talk to him now. Fuck.
“Alex? Honey? I know you can’t talk right now and I don’t want you to even try anymore. And I know you can’t blink your eyes once or twice for me either. Don’t worry. Can you huff for me? One for yes, two for no.”
For a brief moment Walter wants to kick himself because if it’s no, she can’t huff even once. What a fucking moron! He hangs his head low.
But then he feels a short puff on his neck and he almost gives himself whiplash to turn his face to her again.
“That’s good, Alex. That’s really good.” He wants to smile so she can hear it in his voice, but he’s terrified right now. Terrified he’s about to lose the best thing that’s happened to him since Faye. There’s no smile covering that sound.
“Detective Marshall?” a voice calls down. “No questions about the case, okay?”
“You’re fucking standing right there. You can hear anything I ask her.” Walter pulls himself up a little so he’s not shouting directly in her face, even as he tries to temper it with gritted teeth and little sneer.
“We can’t hear her response. And it seems like you’re the only one who’s gonna feel it. Let’s just get her to a hospital and then figure out how to get her statement.”
Walter grits his teeth again and bites in the response he wants to give as he sees Rachel make her way over.
“The ambulances are here.”
“Plural?” he asks as he turns to look. One gurney out with a board and clean bed, one gurney out with a black bag. He never even heard the shot.
The EMTs shift him out of the way, slip a spinal board under her, and hoist Alex to the gurney before rolling her away. Walter turns to Rachel with a look of despair and she sends him off with a quick ‘go’.
Walter hoists himself into the back of the ambulance before they can shut the door. He doesn’t care whether they think he’s officially on duty. He sits down beside Alex and grabs her hand, leans in and whispers in her ear.
“Hold on, Alex. Please.”
Taglist: (If you asked for a tag and it’s not here, Tumblr likely isn’t letting me tag you. Ask if you want me to try again.)
Chapter 8
Anything: @kittenofdoomage @fvckinghenrycavill @mayloma @sillyrabbit81 @kebabgirl67 @beck07990  (Also throwing in a few from the old days for old times sake ;) @littlegreenplasticsoldier @anotherwinchesterfangirl @sebbytrash @feelmyroarrrr)
NM: @enchantedbytomandhenry @kingliam2019 @henryownsme @littlefreya @identity2212 @marantha @angelcavill66 @sweetdreamsofgelato @jeremyrennermakesmesmile @liveoncoffeeandflowersss @greensleeves888 @dinoswierdmom @geralts-yenn @wabi-sabi1090 @bourbonwithice​ @used-to-be-bourbonwithice (this one doesn’t work for me, sorry!)
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 9 months
Hakuoki Shinkai Tenun no Shou Stellaworth Booklet “Her Long Day” Part 2
sorry this is late... but I've come down with chills, which is unfortunately unsurprising given how that happens when I go from a hot environment to a cool one... and I've just been tired and doing a lot of sleeping early... or passing out? 😂 Honestly, I almost never sleep before 10pm so it's been nice to indulge in being lazy... even if it's due to feeling a bit off.
Anyway, I haven't decided if I want to bother with cramming in two more of these "moments" before next thursday since I need to get to the artist's notes for Deemo... but w/e! Enjoy!
Also, the tl I've referenced isn't entirely consistent with the honorifics so I've put in what I think they are.
Hakuoki Shinkai Tenun no Shou Stellaworth Booklet “Her Long Day” Part 2
Translation by KumoriYami
Sìshí·Yamazaki Moment 《9~11 o'clock》
Everyone ate breakfast, and once all the dishes were washed.
Members went to patrol and train as part of their daily routine——.
And I set up medical tools, including a mill and mortar, in Yamazaki-san's room.
"Then, before Yamazaki-san returns, I'll get started first…"
I pounded the sun-dried flower petals, and opened up the notebook that contained medication prescriptions/recipes.
During my time as a page, I have frequently been assigned miscellaneous tasks...
The duty I was requested by Hijikata-san today was to help Yamazaki-san boil medicine for the team members.
While I was crushing petals, one of the raw materials…
"——I'm sorry, Yukimura-kun. I've kept you waiting."
The owner of the room opened the door and poked his inside as he spoke quietly.
"Yamazaki-san, I started first, is that alright?"
"Aahh, that's fine. I'll also help now too."
Yamazaki-san sat down in front of me, and narrowed his eyes as he looked at the notebook and spoke.
"Well, today… our main focus is to replenish the drugs that have an insufficient supply that are to be used soon."
"Yes. And Ito-san said that he had a sore throat and asked for cough medicine. After, Hijikata-san asked me to make some medicine for stomach pain."
"Ito-san aside, what happened to the Vice-Commander…? Why is he suddenly having stomach pain?"
"Uh, it appears that his stomach has severely been hurting since yesterday…"
"…..It was Okita-kun again. Really, what does that person think the Vice-Commander…"
Yamazaki-san breathed out a sigh, and began to pound the petals.
"Always playing pranks and causing trouble for him, and the Vice-Commander cannot ignore him… He's obviously a division captain, so he should have some respect for the Vice-Commander!"
"No, that's not it, Yamazaki-san. It seems that it wasn't Okita-san's fault this time, but Nomura-kun's."
"…Nomura-kun? What on earth did he do?"
Astonishment was on Yamazaki-san's face, and I trembled with fear as I spoke.
"Um… it seems like he was delivering a late night snack to HIjikata-san, and he accidently fell down in his room and caused half of the letters to get destroyed by fire..."
"....I see, I understand."
Yamazaki-san abruptly stood up, and I hurried added:
"No-Nomura-un didn't have any ill intentions! He just was a bit out of luck…"
"I understand. I merely want to teach him a very, very small lesson, and tell him that he needs to be careful about everything."
Yamzaki-san had a smile on his face, but there there was no smiling in his eyes, he then turned his back to me and spoke.
"……Anyway, at least, for approximately three periods of time*, it's only natural to have him seiza and listen."
"Three moments of time* will be from day until night...!"
T/N: I think this is based on the wadokei, the old Japanese way of telling time... which divided the day into 12 hours... or alternatively, it's based on rokuji, which divided a day into 6 periods of time... and I have no idea how best to word these "periods".
While quickly catching up to Yamazaki-san who was leaving, I prayed in my for Nomura-kun's fate.
Wǔshí · Iba moment 《11~13 o'clock》
Shinsengumi Headquarters · Nishi Hongan-ji Temple
In addition to how the room was used for assemblies, it was also used by members to eat, and because it was lunch time, the large hall was crowded with many members.
"Don't push! If you want get more rice, please line up!"
"Yukimura-senpai, the rice tub is almost empty again!"
"The next pot of rice should be cooked soon, so I'll quickly go and bring it!"
Normally, Souma-kun and I were usually on in charge of the meals for the executives that were close to Kondou-san and Hijikata-san, so we rarely helped meals for the ordinary team members...
But the person in charge today caught a cold, so Souma-kun and I were entrusted by Inoue-san to begin helping him wherever.
"This… this is complete chaos…."
In a moment someone won't have a dish or chopsticks/there won't be enough dishes and chopsticks, someone will want more rice in a moment, someone will spill soup and ask me for a rag…… and so on and so forth.
In the face of one rude voice after another, I felt like I was going to have my hands far too full.
Despite that, since I had agreed to Inoue-san's request, I still had to put in the effort to handle things well, even while feeling overwhelmed.
"——Chizuru, if possible, can I help?"
Iba-san grabbed hold of my hand, and took the rice paddle from my hands.
"Ib-Iba-san? Why are you here....?"
"I happened to have something I had to come here for… but, that can be talked about later. For now, we should handle the matter at first."
After those firm words were spoken, Iba-san clearly greeted the team members.
"Those who want more rice, you don't have to stand up. Please sit where you are and lift your rice bowl, and pass it down in turn."
"How about another serving of taro? Unfortunately, all of the taro has already been eaten so how about another serving of konbu? Konbu (こんぶ) and cheerful (こぶ) are homophones, but they are very" auspicious.
the word "cheerful" is a correct translation, but I think that's wrong... since what I found on what こぶ i means doesn't really make anything seem auspicious?
Iba-san was like a teahouse clerk, taking care of the team members in a clear and orderly manner.
Seeing him like that, I quickly continued to help——
Half an hour later, almost all of team members finished eating.
"It's almost over. Good work/You've worked hard, Chizuru."
In the almost empty hall, I hurriedly bowed my head to express my thanks to Iba-san.
"I'm sorry, I didn't expect to trouble Iba-san with chores…"
"Don't worry about it. I myself wished to help."
Hearing him say that, I relaxed a bit, though still felt apologetic.
Seeing how anxious I looked, Iba-san nodded as if he had suddenly thought of something.
"Since you're so worried about this…. how bout I receive a bit of remuneration/a reward?"
"Remuneration? I don't have a lot of money..."
"Not like that…. Just repay me with food personally cooked by Chizuru."
For a moment, I wasn't able to react to what he meant, so I blankly stared at him.
"Food that I cook… is that okay?"
"Nnn. To be honest, I came to headquarters today because I wanted to eat food that you cooked."
"…….I understand. In that case, I'm very honoured!"
Seeing Iba-san smile, I started thinking about what to cook for him.
---to be continued---
references used for the stuff about time:
wadokei: https://grapeejapan.com/181323
rokuji: https://wadokei.org/wadokei-developments/edo-divisions-of-day/
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abihastastybeans · 2 months
5, 10, 13, 15, 18, 19, 21, 29 from here
(i just realised that that's a lot so feel free to skip some/answer selectively if you want to do that!)
(are you kidding ofcourse I'm gonna answer all of that, let's make a game out of it and see how long it takes me)(it's 15:05 when I started answering)
5. Favourite song in your native language
Can't think of one rn😭 The first one that came to mind is Venmadhi Venmadhi from Minnale because some guy was playing that on the bus yesterday. I think it's a lovely song, especially the third verse :)
10. Most enjoyable swear word in your native language
I don't really swear in Tamil😂 I only use words like stupid/wastrel/dog/buffalo... y'know the most common ones lol
But, again, the first swear word that came to mind is *looks around to make sure no one's listening* "watha" - which is basically the Tamil equivalent of fuck - because one of my friends called another friend that this morning lmao
13. Does your country (or family) have any specific superstitions ot traditions that might seem strange to outsiders?
Well there's so many but i generally think that doing rituals/ chanting slokas or vedas must be very strange to outsiders who aren't really used to that! Imagine being a white christian and you encounter a yagna happening with a giant fire, lots of huge shirtless men saying very weird words in their blaring voice, adding all kinds of different things into the fire, while surrounding people watched on... I'd be terrified 😂💀
15. A saying, joke, or hermetic meme that only people from your country will get?
18. Do you speak with a dialect of your native language?
Gosh I speak so many dialects - depending on who I'm talking with. There's what I consider the normal one, there's the one mixed with random English sentences😂, there's the local chennai dialect for when I'm dealing with/in public or local vendors💀, there's the tambrahm (wow it feels weird to say it like that) dialect because that's what I was raised on in mum's side of the family
19. Do you like your country's flag and/or emblem? What about the national anthem?
I've honestly never thought about this before...
Flag - 🇮🇳 It's a good one, I like what it stands for. But no one would forget the struggle it would take when you were 6 years old and were asked to draw the national flag and you wouldn't remember how many spokes are there in the ashoka chakra😭 or even if you remembered, you wouldn't know how to divide them evenly throughout the circle... So much stress. 7/10
Emblem - it's a bit complex if you ask me but eh. It looks cool i guess. I like the phrase 'satyameva jayathe' ("truth alone triumphs" in Sanskrit) so there's that :p 5/10
National Anthem - I love it!! I like the picture it paints, listing out all those places! Only criticism is that it was very difficult for younger abi to sing the beginning because it was so very low and i struggled for a long time😅 9/10
21. If you could send two things from your country into space, what would they be?
Aloo mutter gravy and methi roti👍
29. Does your region/city have a beef with another place in your country?
I was thinking really hard...before i realised🤭
MYSURU. WHY do you do that to your sambar??? It's nice, I'd be lying if I said it's bad, but how?????? How did you come to the decision "oh you know what. I'm gonna make this taste sweet. Yeah."??
We went to Mysore one time and had some sambar and do you know what happened, cal? My cousin threw up, that's what happened.
(it was because of the long uphill travel but the sambar definitely contributed :p)
What you lack in sambar, you make up for it with Udupi rasam so. I forgive you😤
(now the time is 15:55)
"Hi, I'm not from the US" ask set
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nicoline1998enilocin · 9 months
Here we go again
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Pairing | Husband!Steve Rogers x Husband!Bucky Barnes
Word count | 1.5K
Summary | Steve has finally returned after a three-week mission, and they are enjoying a lovely day at home together. They enjoy every second of grocery shopping, dinner, and watching TV. This all changes when Bucky goes to take a shower, and Steve needs to save him from one of the worst things he's ever experienced.
Prompt(s) | N3: Free space | @stuckybingo
Warning(s) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Multiple mentions of a spider, established relationship ( Husbands ), light angst, Bucky feels a little insecure due to his past, Steve is the best husband ever.
A/n | Welcome to my first fic for Stucky Bingo Round 5, and I decided to start right in the middle with the free space! I hope you all enjoy where I went with this 🖤
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💚
Divider is made by @firefly-graphics | Header & 18+ banner are made by yours truly
Main Masterlist | Stucky Masterlist | Bingo Masterlist
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''Do you have a suggestion for dinner tonight?'' Bucky asks as he and Steve walk through the rows of vegetables in the grocery store. He's holding his husband's hand with his flesh hand, his metal one pushing the shopping cart ahead of them.
Tonight is the first night in a while where they are both home simultaneously, and Bucky has offered to cook dinner. Steve returned from a three-week-long mission yesterday, so he slept most of the day after coming home.
Now they have to go and do their weekly grocery shop, with two super soldiers with big appetites that always amount to a lot of food and an even longer receipt after paying for it all.
Steve pretends like he has to think long and hard about his decision, but in reality, he already knows what he wants. ''How about your amazing seafood pasta? You know I'm always a sucker for that,'' he offers, and Bucky nods and gives Steve a soft kiss on his cheek.
''Alright, but only because you've had a long mission. And because I love you,'' Bucky says, and he lets go of the cart and turns to Steve to capture his lips in a short but sweet kiss.
They load up their cart with all the food they'll need for the coming week, and when it's time to get to the register, the two of them get a weird look from the cashier at the amount of food they have.
''Sorry,'' Bucky mumbles as he stands at the other end of the register, ready to load all the stuff into the bags they brought, and Steve empties the cart. When that's done, and the groceries are paid for, Steve grabs Bucky's hand again and gently squeezes it.
Once they arrive at the car, Steve can see that Bucky is lost in his mind again, pulling him back to reality. ''Hey, what's going on in that beautiful head of yours?'' he asks as Bucky looks up at him.
''Sorry, it's just- She looked so judgemental, and you know I'm not doing well with that,'' Bucky says, and Steve nods. Bucky has received enough stares due to his past as the Winter Soldier.
''C'mon, let's go home, where it's safe. There's nothing to be worried about now. I'm with you, and nothing can happen as long as I'm by your side,'' Steve reassures him, and Bucky nods.
Steve kisses the other man's forehead and guides him to the car, letting Bucky sit in the passenger's seat before loading the groceries into the car and returning the cart.
''Alright, let's go home,'' he says; he looks at his husband, who gives him a weak smile in return. As soon as the car started, Steve reached over to Bucky, who placed his Vibranium hand in Steve's before putting it on his thigh.
''I love you,'' Steve tells Bucky sincerely.
''I love you too, punk,'' Bucky says in response, earning a deep laugh from his husband.
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The groceries are all inside and put away, so Bucky prepares to start dinner and puts on his favorite podcast to listen to while cooking. Steve is busy working in the office to round up some more paperwork from the mission, but he couldn't leave without a couple of kisses first.
''Bucky- kiss- I really- kiss- need to go- kiss- to work- more kisses- now,'' Steve said, but Bucky didn't want to let him go just yet. ''Maybe later, now you're mine,'' he tried, but his husband didn't have the time.
''After I'm done, you can have all the kisses you want, but now I have to work. I don't want to make Fury... well... furious,'' he said with a chuckle, and with one last soft kiss, he went to the office.
While Bucky's podcast was babbling away, he prepared the seafood and the creamy sauce for the pasta because that needed the most time to be ready; the fettuccine was done in about 10 minutes.
Thirty minutes later, Steve walks back into the kitchen and wraps his arms around his husband's waist, pulling him close for a hug. ''Smells amazing as always, Pumpkin,'' Steve says, making Bucky chuckle at the nickname.
''Glad to hear it, Pookie,'' he joked, and Steve pinched Bucky's sides softly to tease him.
''It's a good thing you're cute; otherwise, you would not have survived it,'' Steve said with a straight face, but it didn't take long before a big smile appeared on his face.
Steve prepared the table by putting down their placemats, bowls, cutlery, and glasses. He even lit a lovely candle to add to the atmosphere, and not long after dinner, the two men sat down to eat together.
The conversation during dinner is light and precisely what they needed after being apart for so long. The footsie under the table wasn't too bad, either.
When the food was gone, they cleaned dishes together, and now they are both lying on the couch. Steve is lying with their back on the couch, and Bucky is lying on top of him as he plays with his husband's hair.
''Hmm, it feels good to be back home again,'' Steve whispers while the two of them watch a documentary on the TV.
''It's even better to have you back again; the last few weeks were not as fun without you,'' Bucky sighs, almost falling asleep as he listens to Steve's heartbeat, which always calms him down.
The two of them stay like that for nearly two hours, and then Bucky gets up to shower. ''Why don't you maybe sketch a little? I always enjoy what you come up with,'' Bucky suggests, and Steve nods.
''Yeah, sounds good. Now take your shower, you smell!'' Steve jokes, and Bucky sprints to the bathroom. Once there, he puts on some of his favorite jazz music from the 30s and 40s to relax.
However, there's not enough time for him to relax because, by the time he is in his boxer briefs, he spots a spider that crawls over the floor and into the shower.
Bucky lets out a very high-pitched shriek, and his heart rate jumps to abnormal levels out of pure fear. He continues to scream bloody murder every time it moves, and within no time, Steve is there, too, thinking Bucky got very hurt.
As soon as he arrives, Bucky jumps into Steve's arms and buries his face into his husband's neck, shaking like a straw.
''Sshh, it's okay. What happened? Are you hurt?'' Steve asks, and Bucky points to the shower, not lifting his head from the safety of Steve's neck.
The first thing that shoots through Steve's head? Here we go again. He walks over to the shower, and Bucky holds him even tighter at the thought of being close to the spider.
''Ah, I see what's going on. I will put you on the bed and rescue the spider, okay? I'll release it outside so it can't bother you again,'' Steve says, but his words do nothing to soothe the super soldier.
''Can I stay like this for a little longer? Am comfy now,'' he sighs, and Steve chuckles.
''Just a few minutes, but after that, I will have to take away the spider because it's looking at me like it wants to eat me,'' Steve jokes, and Bucky's head shoots up.
''Could you not joke about that?!'' he asks, slightly panicked at his words.
''Sorry,'' Steve said, capturing Bucky's lips in a deep kiss, trying to take his mind off the matter, and it worked. Bucky gets so lost in how his lips slot together with Steve's that he doesn't notice Steve walking to the bed and sitting down with him on his lap.
''Love you, thank you for saving me from that horrible monster,'' Bucky said, and he let Steve put him down on the bed, and he crawled under the covers to feel a little safer.
Steve rescues the spider and releases it outside, just like he promised Bucky he would do. When he returns, he finds him still lying under the covers, only his eyes and hands poking out above the comforter.
''He's gone, so you're all safe now,'' Steve says as he sits on the bed.
''Can you just check if there aren't any more of them?'' Bucky asks with pleading eyes, and Steve chuckles but agrees regardless.
''Of course, I'll be right back,''.
''Nope, that was the only one! Get your amazing butt in the shower already,'' Steve says, and Bucky does, but not before turning back to his husband.
''Can you please take a shower with me? You know, in case it comes back?'' Bucky says with the biggest doe eyes Steve has ever seen, but he can never say no to his husband.
''Of course. I love you,'' he says as he gets up and strips out of his clothes, closely followed by Bucky.
''I love you too,'' he says as he immediately turns on the shower and pulls Steve in for a deep kiss. After all, he never said they would be getting clean in the shower.
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Fixer Upper: End of the Road - Mechanic!Curtis x Reader
Summary: All good things must come to an end....
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: Angst! Lil bit of Fluff!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics​
Masterlist / AU Masterlist
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You could barely breathe you were sobbing so hard. Every gasp of air hurt, your lungs starved of oxygen. Everything just hurt, you never expected this to happen. It had always been one of your worst nightmares, you just didn’t expect it to ever become reality.
But it was happening, and there was nothing you could do to stop it. You thought everything was fine, great even, but maybe you were just ignoring all the signs. That maybe if you didn’t acknowledge them, they wouldn’t be true, you wouldn’t have to deal with it.
But it was true, so here you were curled up into a ball on the couch. Your knees hugged close to your chest, which was also probably impacting your ability to breathe. Your head buried in your knees, just desperate to block out the cruel, cruel words.
“Sweetheart…” Curtis muttered from his spot beside you.
“Don’t. Please don’t Curtis I don’t want to hear it” you managed to gasp out, looking over to see his solemn expression through the blurriness of your tears.
“I’m sorry” he sighed, his hand moving to rest on your shoulder but stopping when you flinched “you had to know this day would happen eventually”
You let out another choked sob hearing that because no you didn’t. You didn’t think this could ever happen.
“Please stop crying, you’re worrying Jacques” Curtis says, Jacques whimpering from his spot on the floor in front of you.
“I wasn’t the one who started this conversation” you snap glaring over at Curtis before groaning, your head dropping your hands “I’m sorry” you mutter hands running up and down your face.
“No it’s okay, it’s understandable to lash out after getting bad news,” Curtis says gently.
“Bad news is a bit of an understatement,” you say with a watery scoff, trying to wipe away your tears “is there really nothing that can change this?” You ask pleadingly.
“Not really” Curtis admits shaking his head “Dougie is a very old car, even with constant maintenance it's not going to last forever,” he says rubbing your back soothingly.
“I don’t want to get rid of him, he means too much to me” you sniffle, leaning into Curtis’ embrace.
“We don’t have to,” Curtis says wrapping his large comforting arms around you “we can keep him in the garage, where it's warm and dry, and take him out occasionally for day trips to give him a run”
“I guess” you sigh snuggling closer into his chest.
“But you can’t keep driving him everywhere, every day because it’ll just kill him, that’s what I did to my old car and I don’t want you to go through that”  Curtis sighed kissing the top of your head.
“You’re right” you pout with a long sigh “still sucks though”
“I know, but look I know where all the good car dealerships are so we can go get you a nice new one this weekend” Curtis offers as you look up at him.
“None will be as good as Dougie” you mutter.
“No but it’ll stop me from worrying that you’re gonna break down somewhere every time you drive it,” Curtis says with a knowing look.
“Hey Dougie breaking down is what brought us together” you point out.
“I know, and I’m very grateful” Curtis chuckles kissing your forehead.
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As promised that weekend Curtis took you to a car dealership to find you a new car. You were still pouting about the whole situation so you were more than happy to let Curtis take control.
Which was also good because you had no clue what kind of things you wanted, nor what kind of car. You also didn’t know what kind of things were good or bad. As you listened to Curtis talk to the dealer it sounded like a foreign language to you.
“You might be in luck, we have a car that just came in yesterday that has everything you’re looking for and for a good price” the dealer nods with a pleased smile “let me show you”
The dealer leads you out of the dealership and onto the lot. When he reached the car he gestured for you to get in, but you held back both expecting and thinking it was best that Curtis took the lead again.
“It’s not my car sweetheart, you need to like it,” Curtis says gently pushing you towards the car.
You let out a small huff “I’m not gonna like it as much as Dougie” you say quietly enough that only Curtis could hear you.
He let out a small snort of laughter shaking his head at you “c’mon” he smile pushing you towards the car.
You sighed in resignation, walking over and climbing into the front seat of the car. The first thing that caught you by surprise was how comfortable the seat was, the leather was scratchy or saggy.
“Okay, so I’ve already explained all the stats to you both already so I’m just gonna show you all the toys and gadgets instead” the dealer explains as he points at the central console.
The more the dealership pointed out the harder it became to ask uninterested. This car had things you didn’t even know it could have, like self-parking, reversing cameras and heated seats.
When the dealer was done he climbed back out of the car and Curtis took his place “so what do you think?” He smiles over at you.
“I’m in shock! This is like iron man's car or something there’s so many gadgets” you exclaim shaking your head in disbelief “it also has heated seats too!”
Curtis chuckles “wow I didn’t realise the bar was so low, so shall we get it?”
“Yeah it’s amazing” you admit “it’s not Dougie” you quickly correct “but it's great, I love it”
“Okay good, so the next important question, what is its name?” Curtis smirks.
“Ooh, I dunno!” You say trying to rack your brain for one.
“What about your favourite movie character?” Curtis suggests making you laugh.
“Well considering my favourite movie character’s name is Me, I don’t think that’s gonna work” you chuckle.
“Okay, what about your second favourite?” Curtis smiles.
You rest your head back against the headrest pursing your lips as you thought, a smile tugging at your lips as you decided on your answer “Frankie”
“I thought that film always makes you cry,” Curtis says frowning slightly, but still with a smile on his face.
“It does but because it's such an emotional scene, and the main character is someone who’s a bit grumpy and closed off but secretly a big softie,” you say smiling over at him.
Curtis gives you a bashful smile “well Frankie it is then” he says leaning over and kissing you softly.
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Masterlist / AU Masterlist
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tiannasfanfic · 2 years
Adrian Chase/Vigilante x Reader (Fluff)
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Summary: One thing that Adrian Chase has always appreciated about you is how you always listen to your gut. (Crossposted to AO3)
Rating: Teen & Up
Author Note: Gender neutral reader, no pronouns used. This is just a short one that I thought of yesterday while mowing my uncle's old house. It came to me as one of those "what if" self indulgent scenarios.
CW: Brief mentions of cancer, family members passing away, and an attempted assault, but no details on any of those. Some slight sexual inuendo.
Word Count: 2,186
Divider by @firefly-graphics
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Adrian Chase loved your mom. Hands down, no question. He ranked her right up there with his mom, and that seriously high praise coming from him.
It still felt a little weird to him to get along with your parents, but that was due to being under the assumption his entire life that a person wasn’t supposed to get along with their in laws. Defying those expectations, both of your parents loved him, and Adrian’s dad and stepdad adored you. He knew his mom would’ve loved you, too.
But, back to your mom, Adrian loved your mom dearly. There was no disputing that, but she had some odd habits at times and was more stubborn than Chris and Harcourt combined. Actually, now that he thought about it, your mom reminded him of Harcourt sometimes.
Once that idea popped into Adrian’s head, he immediately had to tell Peacemaker.
He took his phone out of his pocket, careful to not disturb the branches of the tree he was in. The brightness of his screen was turned down, plus he had recently gotten one of those privacy screens for it, so he wasn’t too worried about giving away his hiding place. Plus, he was about twenty feet up and surrounded by leaves. He planned to make it quick though, not wanting to look away from where you and your mom were for too long.
I just had a thought. Doesn’t Y/N’s mom remind you of Harcourt?
Chris had met your mom quite a few times so it didn’t take long for a response.
Dude, holy shit! You’re right!
Adrian sent Chris the merman emoji then put his phone away. He went back to watching the two of you doing a bit of nighttime mowing and reminded himself again that he really loved your mom, even though this really could have waited until tomorrow morning before any storms moved in. This wasn’t a good neighborhood and not a place you really wanted to be after dark. Too many white supremacist assholes. But, once your mom got something stuck in her head, there was no talking her out of it.
The lawn in question getting mowed was at a house that had belonged to your uncle prior to him passing away. Since he had no next of kin and wasn’t married, his belongings and house went to his sister, which was your mom. Shortly after that, your last two grandparents passed on, leaving them two more houses. In most normal cases, this wouldn’t be a problem. Go through the houses and sell them or rent them out. But this all happened at a time when your dad was at the start of his fight with cancer and was already getting financial assistance through charities for the medications. If the houses were sold, or even rented out, that would put them over the income threshold and the assistance would be lost. Now your parents had no choice but to sit on the houses and keep doing upkeep, which included mowing.
All of this got started almost seven years ago. Adrian met you four years ago shortly after you moved back home to help them with everything. The two of you had met through a mutual friend and started dating shortly afterwards. You’d been married almost two years now. Since you were living in a one room loft house on your parent’s property, Adrian had moved in with you. It was more like being neighbors with your parents rather than living with them. The good kind of neighbors though and usually stayed out of your business.
While Adrian tried to help out as much as he could when he got a proper day or night off, you insisted he rest instead. Since you weren’t working now with as much help as your parents needed, you told him you’d ask if you needed help. He didn’t entirely believe you since you had a habit of overworking yourself, but it would have to do.
That’s one of the reasons why when Adrian got a phone call from your dad as he was leaving Fennel Fields, he nearly dropped his phone in shock.
It wasn’t the fact your dad called. Since he couldn’t be on his feet much these days, he tended to stay in his recliner and find ways to keep himself amused. Sometimes he did this by leaving funny voicemails or texting dirty jokes to Adrian and you, but sometimes he just called to say hi because he was bored. Your dad had known about Adrian being Vigilante for a while now and they frequently texted on slow nights for patrol when it was just the two of them up.
It was what your dad asked Adrian that nearly made him drop his phone.
“Hey Adrian,” your dad started out. “I know you’re about to go on patrol, but would you go keep an eye on our two bozos’ until they get home?”
“I can, yeah,” Adrian said, as he walked to the Sebring. “What’s going on?”
“Y/N’s mom got it in her head that the yard of her brother’s house absolutely had to be mowed tonight,” you dad explained. “She heard about all that rain we’re supposed to start getting tomorrow and freaked out about it. You know how she gets. So, she got Y/N to go with her. They left about ten minutes ago.”
Adrian stopped in his tracks and briefly looked at his phone to see the time.
“It’s just a little after 7 now,” Adrian said. “They should be done by the time all the noise ordinances go into effect.”
“I know, but Y/N just texted from the house, asking me to call and ask you. Said to tell you she has a weird feeling about it tonight.”
Now it all made sense. This was a Vigilante call, not an Adrian call. Your gut instincts always ended up right more often than not. But, even if they weren’t usually tight, Adrian would’ve still gone over there anyway. Making sure you felt safe was just as much of a priority to him as actually keeping you safe.
It didn’t take long to get to your uncle’s old house. It was just a half mile away from home. Normally, when it was something that close, Adrian would take his car home then hurry over on foot. This time, he was in a hurry to get to you, so he parked the Sebring one street over behind an old, defunct sporting goods store. He hopped the fence and shimmied up a tree near the freestanding garage just as you two were finished with the front yard and came into the back.
You were the first around to the back, dragging the silent mower behind you, and Adrian noticed immediately how tense and worried you looked. This put Adrian further on guard. Your gut feelings were one thing, but this looked like you were expecting something to actually happen. His first instinct was to shimmy out of the tree and go cheer you up. He didn’t like it when you were upset or worried, especially when it was about stuff like this that was well within his control. He really wanted to remind you of that so you would know everything would be okay.
But, on the other hand, your mom didn’t know he was Vigilante. The three of you had decided it was best to keep her in the dark about it. So, instead, he did the next best thing to hopping out of the tree.
Adrian took one of his protein bars that he kept in one of his many pockets and lobbed it at your head.
Even from twenty feet up, he was still a damn good aim. The protein bar hit you square in the middle of your forehead, which made you do the Wildly Swatting at a Bug Dance. Adrian had to bite his lip under the mask to keep from laughing while watching you. Once you stopped, you began to dust yourself off, like you were still trying to get rid of the bug that jumped on you. The protein bar on the ground caught your eye then and he watched you bend over to pick it up. It took a second for it to click in your brain what one of your husband’s protein bars flying at your head meant. Adrian grinned with pride as he saw relief wash over your features. You pocketed the bar, then raised your arm in a thumbs up…
Right as your mom walked around the corner with the weed eater.
“What are you doing?” she asked, looking very confused.
Fortunately, you did not share Adrian’s weakness for lying.
“Hmm?” you said, turning to your mom. “Oh! I just saw that the garage hadn’t been broken into again yet, so I was doing the Bender from The Breakfast Club pose.”
You proceeded to do the pose again, only without the thumbs up though, like in the movie.
Your mom shook her head at you and started weed eating along the fence. You got to work mowing. Adrian noticed you didn’t look around to spot him, but he hadn’t really expected you to. As long as you knew he was there, that was enough for you. That was the whole reason he tossed the protein bar at you.
And now you had a snack in case you forgot to eat, which you did often despite Adrian’s best efforts to remind you.
Despite the end of summer temperatures getting closer to normal and the sun going down past the horizon, it was still fairly hot out. You were hauling ass to get the mowing done and Adrian could see your clothes sticking to you from sweat. It stayed out of your face thanks to a bandana wrapped around your forehead.
As the time passed and Adrian watched you, he couldn’t help but think about how lucky he was. Even now in your old yard work clothes, sweaty, hot, and covered in dirt and grass, you were the sexiest person alive. He was still in shock and awe that he nabbed you. And you had pursued him, no less! That’s the part that really shocked him. The total hottie had gone after the total nerd.
Unfortunately, while that was something Adrian had dreamed of his whole life, when it finally happened, he had no idea how to react. He had almost blown things before he’d even asked you out. But that’s a story for another time.
Presently, Adrian decided he was going to skip patrol after you two went home. He knew your anxiety would be sky high based on the fact you’d been so uncomfortable you had your dad call him in. Plus, he suspected that your back was bothering you based on the way you held yourself as you finished mowing the yard. There was some definite tightness and tension around your neck and shoulders. He would need to join you in the shower tonight to start working those out. Anything he couldn’t get while in there could certainly be worked out after the shower when he laid you out on the bed. Adrian fully planned to relax you in several ways, and several times, before the night was over.
A little while after you turned off the mower, but before you two could start loading everything back in your parent’s truck, four men entered the backyard. They walked up to you and Adrian waited just long enough for the men to give him just cause before jumping out of the tree. But, as soon as one of the men grabbed you by the arm and another pulled a knife, it was over pretty quickly.
Afterwards, Adrian fought himself to console you two as he would anyone else rather than as his wife and mother-in-law. He desperately wanted to take you in his arms, take all of the oncoming stress off of you two, but knew he couldn’t. You would have to be your mom’s rock as you dealt with the police, and he would have to wait to be yours.
He did, however, stay much longer with you two than he normally would after resuing somebody. He retrieved your phone and two bottles of water from the truck for you. He dialed 911 on your phone and held it for you while you talked to the dispatcher because you were shaking too much to do it yourself. He even waited until the sirens were only a couple of blocks away before hopping the back fence, making his exit.
If Adrian hadn’t already planned to skip patrol, this definitely would've changed his mind. There was no way he could leave you alone after a night like tonight. You still needed Vigilante, just in other ways now.
And, as he drove home, his own hands beginning to shake at how he could have lost you tonight, he thanked whoever was listening upstairs that you always listened to your intuition.
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