#the commandments of a wayne au
nuvolisa · 4 months
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The Commandments of a Wayne
Chapter III - Embarrassment
Masterlist, AO3
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setokaibapetty · 2 months
5 + 1 Fic Friday Roundup: Surprise Relative
Some fics where a surpise blood relation pops up. Like, sometimes the guy who raised you was lying about being your dad, sometimes a Pit gives you a baby, etc.
Imprint (AO3) - "He screwed his eyes shut, held his breath, desperately wished that he was back in his safehouse, alone and blissfully unaware. But the weight in his hands remained, and when he opened his eyes, it was to the bean-shaped 'fuck you' the Lazarus Pit had kindly bestowed upon him, arms and legs folded up against his front beneath off-white muslin while tiny lips smacked softly.'
Red Blood, Blue Blood (AO3) - "Jason Todd was living a very ordinary life in Crime Alley before his mother gets sick. Then, suddenly, Jason and Catherine have to grapple with the secret everyone has known since Jason was born with black hair and blue eyes—Willis Todd wasn't his biological father. Bruce Wayne is, and not only is he the richest man in Gotham, he has three other children who may not be glad to have an interloper in their midst."
Going Off-Book (AO3) - "Dick winces. “Tim, meet Damian Wayne. Apparently, his mom told him who his dad was when he turned eighteen and the first thing he did after finding out was enroll in the nearest police academy. He served for a couple of years and just arranged a transfer here from Metropolis.” He directs a pleading gaze at Tim. “Like I said, Bruce had to go out of town for a while, but he asked me to show Damian the ropes. Tim, I’m sorry, but—"
when the dead tree flowers (AO3) - "It wasn't solely Jango Fett's DNA that went into making Domino Squad. Palpatine had other plans for them. Thankfully, so does their second genetic donor, and he has just as few qualms about murder as a Sith Lord."
Open Arms (AO3) - "The story starts when Quinlan get's a call from the hospital; an old girlfriend has given birth and named him the father, leaving the baby at the hospital. This triggers a series of events that bring Fox back into contact with his bio family, who he is not as distant from as he might like to think."
Bonus: welcome all your bastard actions home (AO3) - "Daenerys had arrived at Winterfell three days past, a great host of dragons and roses and suns and krakens, clearly expecting Jon -- the King in the North, as uneasy that title rests on his shoulders -- to bend the knee. Instead, he takes her to the crypts to speak of ancient history."
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For the last time. It is not a genderbend au!
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Prompt 31
DC Wing Au/Prompt
 Humans are born with wings that start out similar to a baby chick’s in shape, and usually start out matching their natural hair color. These wings of course change and grow as they do, and usually end up mimicking birds from earth once they’re adults. The end shape can be influenced by a multiple of things, including their surroundings, genetics, and even the people they surround themselves with. 
 Some non-humans even have themselves wings too- like Wonder Woman’s wings seemingly made of shimmering bronze and gold, or Aquaman’s wings that shimmer and flicker like the waves he commands. Or Superman with wings large enough to block out the sun glowing like the sunrise, or the Batman’s shimmering shadows that seem to twist and bristle.
 Of course these are quite different than say the wings of Diana Prince, with her eagle-like wings decorated with strings of beads or that reporter Clark Kent’s hawk-esque wings, which are large sure, but that’s not exactly uncommon for someone who grew up in the countryside where there’s open sky everywhere. 
 Quite different from someone like Bruce Wayne, with wings akin to a black swan, or his sons’ equally dark feathers, formed from the same gothic city. And quite different from the the forensic scientist Barry Allen’s hummingbird-esque wings, which is quite ironic seeing as he’s known for being late more often than not. 
Bonus DP crossover: 
 Danny started with what looked like they were going to be large songbird wings like his father. After the accident though? They regrew into the form of a sparrow’s, shimmering with stars and the swirls of the very portal that tore the flesh and feathers from bone. 
"Some ancient traditions state that sparrows carry the souls of the dead, so it is deemed to be bad luck to kill a sparrow... Some sources say that sailors would get tattoos of sparrows so they could carry their souls if they died in the middle of the ocean"
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Steddie Upside-Down AU Part 74
Part 1 Part 73
It’s cold. Eddie’s breath is gusting out in front of him, visible in the air. Somehow, remarkably, Will and Steve are both asleep, cuddled up together in Eddie’s bed. Eddie’s not sure he’ll ever sleep again.
Will’s in one of Steve’s crew-neck sweaters, the yellow one that Eddie steals to sleep in sometimes. His head’s pillowed on Steve’s cold shoulder, cushioned by Steve’s teddy bear to keep a barrier between their drastically different skin temperatures.
Will has three blankets stacked atop him, making him look childlike and smaller than he usually is.
Fuck, they’re all just kids.
In contrast, Steve’s got a t-shirt on, some boxers, no blankets. He’s breathing deeply, air puffing invisibly into the room. Like his lungs are already too cold for the air to tell the difference.
Eddie wants to cry. They’re fucking kids, curled up and small in Eddie’s bed. He wants to barricade the door and never let anyone else see them ever again. But Mama Byers is probably freaking out right about now, and Eddie has the horrible feeling that the monster’s already in here with them.
He leaves the bedroom, closing the door gently with a near-silent click as he pads, sock-footed out of the room.
Eddie’s stuck at the threshold, staring into the darkening interior of the trailer. He feels like he’s been stuck at the threshold for weeks, and everything keeps trying to push him through.
The monster, the lab, Chief fucking Hopper. They’re all pushing at his back, trying to shove him somewhere he’s not sure he wants to be. And now’s he through, and he doesn’t know what to do. They’re kids. They’re all just fucking kids. Even him. Even Steve. And god, Will’s still so small.
He’s past the theshould, straight through, and there’s no more time to stall. So, Eddie does what he always does when he wants to run – he picks up the phone.
It’s not Uncle Wayne that answers, just a faceless, nameless peon down at the plant. But they patch him through. Eddie’s bottom lip tremors, so he bites down on it, caging all his mixed up emotions in his throat until Uncle Wayne can pick up his call and tell him what to do.
“Ed?” he asks, sharp and demanding the way he always gets when he’s worried and trying not to show it. “What’s wrong?”
“It–” Eddie’s throat chooses that moment to clog up. He chokes on his words, trying to claw them out. “It’s Steve he–”
He hiccups pathetically. “Breathe, boy.”
Eddie doesn’t, but he starts talking, words slurring over each other as they fight their way out past his clogged throat and lame tongue. “There was all this smoke, Uncle Wayne, and it’s in him.” He says it all in one breath, barely intelligible as they make a mad dash to escape his vocal chords before he loses the ability to speak altogether.
Eddie does, just once, sharp and quick, before continuing, “You don’t get it. He was suffocating! Dying! But then he wasn’t, but this is wrong.” he says, hissing into the receiver and staring at the closed bedroom door, waiting for it to open. “There’s something wrong with him.”
The last whisper rings over the static of the line. Eddie can hear Uncle Wayne breathing, slow and steady enough that he can regulate his own lungs to it without the command. As if he knows this, because he always knows, he lets the silence settle in. Eddie’s breaths deepen, finally making his lungs fully expand, before Uncle Wayne speaks.
“I’m coming home.”
Uncle Wayne hasn’t come home early since that time in grade school when he’d called him at work, delirious as his brain cooked itself.
Uncle Wayne had come home with cold medicine and canned chicken noodle soup clacking together in a shitty plastic bag from the gas station. Eddie had been curled up on the couch, nearly delirious as his Uncle spooned medicine down his throat before going to heat up the soup on the stove.
He’d only been living with Uncle Wayne for a few months at that point, walking on eggshells as he waited to be kicked to the curb. It was Wayne’s quiet care even in the face of Eddie’s inconvenience that had convinced him that maybe this situation was for keeps.
He hadn’t realized until the next week that the missed work and cost of supplies would mean two double shifts to keep the electricity on. Wayne never mentioned it, but Eddie noticed things, and the break in routine stuck out. He decided to never call Wayne home early from work again. And, he’d stuck to his guns, muddling through any situation until his Uncle got home.
Now, those same cost analyses are running through his head. A day at home today, means overtime tomorrow, means they get to keep the electricity on. “But–”
“No buts, Ed,” Wayne cuts in gruffly. “I’ll see you in ten.”
The dial tone is the most comforting sound Eddie’s ever heard. He stands there, cradling the dead line until it starts beeping, then goes silent. He’s stuck again, at another threshold.
He doesn’t move when he hears tires on gravel coming up the drive, doesn’t move when the front door opens, when his Uncle’s work-rough hands brush over his shoulders and squeeze, when he walks further into the trailer, away from Eddie.
But then he hears the bedroom door click open. He drops the phone, just lets it dangle unhooked on the line, and follows his Uncle into the unknown.
Will’s still curled into a small ball, but now he’s blinking up at where Wayne is hovering above the bed, the back of his hand pressed to Steve’s head with a frown of concentration.
He reaches out to shake Steve’s shoulder. “Don’t–” Eddie starts, but it’s too late: Steve’s awake.
He blinks up at Wayne, gaze vacant and uncomprehending before it clears. “What?” he asks, voice full of sleep’s gravel as he rubs his eyes.
“We gotta go, Harrington.”
Steve blinks uncomprehendingly up at Wayne. He doesn’t react. Not to the last name that Wayne had never called him. Not to the way Wayne’s frowning down at him like he’s trying to vivisect him with just his gaze. He just gets up and walks purposefully out of the room in nothing but his boxers to stand by the door.
Will sits up, looking after Steve with a worried frown Eddie swears he can feel beating within his own chest. He wrings his hands in the loose fabric of the too-long sleeves of Steve’s sweater as he stands. “Where are we going?” he asks, leaving no wiggle room to be left behind.
Wayne turns away, rifling through Eddie’s drawers to grab a T-shirt and basketball shorts for Steve, who’s still standing eerily still by the front door.
“Eddie?” Will asks, but Eddie just shrugs because he doesn’t know, can’t seem to think past the clawing dread festering within him.
Uncle Wayne huffs, “your Ma’s house,” without looking at either of them as he strides out of the room and toward Steve.
Seeing as Eddie’s own Mom is six feet in the ground, he’s going to assume Wayne means Mama Byers. He looks over to Will who’s still standing there, fidgeting with Steve’s sweater with a wide-eyed look Eddie can’t quite read.
“I’m late,” Will murmurs, staring up at Eddie like he can fix this. “She’s going to be mad.”
Eddie strides over to slap his arm companionably over Will’s shoulders as he drags him out of the room. “Nah, just worried, baby Byers.”
Will huffs. “That’s worse,” he murmurs. And yeah, it is. Ms. Byers has spent enough time with that grieving, panicked look in her eyes, that Eddie’d rather never see it again, to be honest. But it’s a little late for that.
Wayne’s pulling Steve’s shorts up, tying the string around his waist. He’s already got a shirt on, arms dangling loosely as he makes no move to help. It would be a sweet moment if Steve’s eyes weren’t still staring vacantly at the front door.
Wayne pushes Steve forward, shuffling him into the flip flops Eddie left abandoned at the front door. Steve flexes his toes around them, and finally shows signs of life. “Thank you,” he murmurs, reaching out to open the front door, and step surely down the steps as they all scramble to follow.
All four of them pile into Wayne’s truck, Wayne in the driver’s seat, and Eddie in the back with Will, Steve sandwiched in between them. No one mentions the empty passenger seat.
Without prompting, Will digs his walkie talkie out of his deep jean pocket, and depresses the talk button. “Party meeting at my house,” Will says, “Over.”
He lets go of the button, and stares down at the thing, like he’s willing his friend’s voices to trickle out. Wayne watches him through the rearview mirror, before flicking his eyes back to the road.
Eddie jumps when voices start speaking over each other, chaotic and loud, until Dustin’s voice rings over them all. “Code red?” he demands.
Will shifts his eyes over to Steve before meeting Eddie’s own. Eddie shrugs because honestly, who could say what the fuck is going on at this point?
“Uh, code yellow?” Will replies questioningly.
“That’s not a thing!” Dustin says.
There’s the sound of a scuffle, then silence, before it’s Mike’s voice ringing out over the tinny speaker. “Is it about whatever the hell happened with Steve?”
Steve doesn’t look up at the sound of his name. A stone’s dropping in Eddie’s stomach. He’s not sure where it lands, but he can feel the impact shake him. Something’s very very wrong.
Will responds, “yeah,” on a quiet exhale. He takes a deep breath before continuing. “Be quick.”
Will shuts the thing off and stuffs it back into his pocket. The silence immediately suffocates, clouding Eddie’s mind. There’s a careful three inches between his thigh and Steve’s that leaves him buzzing.
There haven’t been any spaces between them, not since that first night in the Upside-Down, huddled down in Harrington’s closet, waiting for a dawn that’ll never come. The space aches now, like a missing limb, like a string pulling them together, rope burning Eddie’s skin as he resists.
It’s a relief to pull up to the Byers’ house. Even when Mama Byers storms out, the rain cloud of anger across her face barely masking the banked terror beneath it. Jonathan trails out after her, eyes shining with the worry he hasn’t been able to shake in almost a year. Will crawls out of the backseat, and stands hesitantly beside the open door, looking down at his shoes as his Mom approaches. She scoops Will into her arms with a curse, scolding him fiercely even as Will burrows into her embrace.
Jonathan hovers, palms resting gently onto both their shoulders, like it physically pains him not to be involved, but he doesn’t have the heart to push in between them.
Eddie watches the scene for a moment, letting the ache settle into him before he’s sliding out of the car to stand by Wayne’s side.
When Steve doesn’t immediately get out, Eddie calls, “Stevie?” until he’s crawling out to stand beside Eddie. The contrast between their outfits is startling in the cold, November air. Eddie’s got goosebumps. Steve’s got nothing at all.
“Aren’t you cold, honey?” Eddie looks up from the bare skin of Steve’s arm to watch Mama Byers round the front of the truck, hands outstretched, as if to pull him into his own hug.
“Wait, don’t—” Eddie says, but her hands are already clasped around Steve’s forearms.
Steve hisses, taking a step back and yanking his arms out of her hands. Mama Byers looks up at him, mouth open, eyes wide. No one speaks.
There’s silence. Then, the loud tires of three kid’s shitty bikes eating up the pavement as fast as possible. They skid into view, abandoning bikes to crowd around Will like he’s an injured deer they're trying to protect.
Wayne sighs. “Guess we better go in,” he says. His voice is monotone, but when Eddie looks over at him, his eyes are sad as he gazes at Steve. “We got a lot to talk about.
Part 75
Taglist: @deany-baby @estrellami-1 @altocumulustranslucidus @evillittleguy @carlprocastinator1000 @1-8oo-wtfbro @hallucinatedjosten @goodolefashionedloverboi @newtstabber @lunabyrd @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @manda-panda-monium @disrespectedgoatman @finntheehumaneater @ive-been-bamboozled @harringrieve @grimmfitzz @is-emily-real @dontstealmycake @angeldreamsoffanfic @a-couchpotato @5ammi90 @mac-attack19 @genderless-spoon @kas-eddie-munson @louismeds @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @pansexuality-activated @ellietheasexylibrarian @nebulainajar @mightbeasleep @neonfruitbowl @beth--b @silenzioperso @best-selling-show @v3lv3tf0x @bookworm0690 @paintsplatteredandimperfect @wonderland-girl143-blog @nerdsconquerall @sharingisntkaren
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bruciemilf · 1 year
Okay besties, I have an idea for you;
AU where the justice league was rooted in a small town; everyone knows everybody and no one knows anyone. Not really. But them? Oh, they know eachother.
They knew Clark and Bruce would tie the knot right after graduation.
They knew Diana would take new York museums by storm. They knew Hal would grow into his dad's aviator jacket. They knew Barry would wear gold around his neck in the Olympics. They simply knew.
Except for the fact that Clark had no idea Bruce would go on to divorce him just to marry an old sparring buddy, -- Khoa something; he doesn't know to this day, and he refuses to learn, -- for reasons he wouldn't divulge.
And bruce didn't anticipate his ex husband being the one who would investigate his husband's murder.
Funny how death brings people together.
Not until Dick, their boy, his boy, too, - He's Jon and Kon's brother just as much as he's Jason's, Tim's, and Damian's, and no piece of shit paper could take that from him, - told him, a bone white paleness to his cheeks the day of his weekend.
Their home is chaos; Not a chaos he knows, a chaos he loves, but a disservice on their once home.
Four different cars parked in front of Bruce's manor, dark enough to blend in the depth of night, give Clark a pretty good idea of what he'll find.
" This is bad. This is really bad, right? Oh god, is he moving? He just looked at me, I SWEAR he just looked at me,--"
'' Who gave Barry coffee?" Clark doesn't want them to be shocked when he enters, because really, he's not supposed to be here. The spark of twisted pleasure when they see him Is small, but it's there. " Who died?"
Hal skips over the corpse currently occupying the living room carpet, a frenzy in his eyes, " We do NOT have time for your shit, Kent. It's bad enough Wayne dragged us along to his little graveyard shift,--"
Clark doesn't particularly want to know who's that Oliver tosses Russian words with over the phone, but he takes a pause, only to point sharply at the pilot, " As if you have anything better to do you plane crushing fuck--"
" One time! One time!"
" Quiet down! You're upsetting Bruce," Command and order came to Diana as naturally as flight does to birds; Out of them all, -- jaded and secretive and wore out by life like a pair of shoes, -- she holds the crown of stability for sure.
Clark envies her. Maybe because she's her, or because she has an arm around Bruce.
He's tired; And scared. Clark's pretty little ghost.
Blanket over his lean, strong shoulders, knees nestled to his chest, shivering under Diana's arms. His eyes haven't left the living room.
Not until Clark walked up to the bottom of the stairs, where he could catch a better view of purple and blue rendering Bruce's sharp cheek.
There's something undeniably demure about Bruce Wayne; Youngest of them, softest of them. Clark adored it; He's always been a beast of a man, -- granted, raised with Martha Kent's southern loving ways, but you can't make a puppy from a wolf.
Bruce very much disagreed, and told Clark as such. That they compliment eachother.
Clark can't help but be sad at Bruce's softness now; But he's not stupid enough to think Bruce weak, and God help you if you're that man. Maybe Khoa was that man.
Bruce's eyelashes flutter like a butterfly's wings, " ...Clark." You came.
" Hi, baby." You called.
He closes his eyes, silently letting embarassment take him. Hal facepalms behind him.
" Not to interrupt your weird Eye Make Out slash Emotional Hug contact, but seriously, we need to call the police!"
" No!" Bruce raises to his feet, fingers twisting and fiddling, a nervous habit. Clark wants to capture him in his arms and never let him move, " No. No police."
Diana's voice is gentle, " Why not?"
" Because he did it!" Hal says, " I mean, it's pretty obvious!"
" Oh shut the fuck up-"
" That's absurb--"
" Hal, you're scared I get it, but Bruce would never,--"
" I did," Bruce declares, sentencing them to silence. " I did it. "
A tension filled cloud slowly drips over them. Hal begins pacing even more. Barry joins him. Oliver's yelling gets louder, and the Bruce's fingers shake worse.
Clark, wordlessly, pulls him upstairs, hands gentle on his smaller wrists, ignoring the call back from downstairs, where death still lingers.
Bruce won't look at him when he asks, " Did you do it? Really?"
" He was going to hit me."
" He was already hitting you," Clark spits the hateful truth, acid hissing over his tongue like a well-sharpened knife, " He was already hitting you. And you didn't kill him then. "
A shiver, a tremble, Bruce turning his back as if to protect himself. Clark's heart hurts. He's never been someone Bruce needed protection from, " Please, --"
" So you were either going to stop him from hitting you... Or from hitting someone else," Bruce's frame moves from him, departs again, and Clark follows, because he let Bruce walk away one time and it got them here, " ...Or someone was gonna stop him from hitting you."
Bruce freezes, gaze wide. Only he's not looking at Clark. He's looking at what's behind him.
Clark follows the line of sight.
There's Jason, their youngest, their tallest, terrified, and teary, and blood soiling his hands.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 3 months
Phantom Grin
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: Bruce Wayne visits his son's grave on the night of his resurrection. Will it change Jason's fate, or is it all simply inevitable?
Chapters: 1/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth, Barbara Gordon, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain
Relationship(s): Jason Todd/Original Character
Additional Tags: Canon Divergent AU, Jason Todd Has Chronic Pain, Jason Todd is Disabled, Barbara Gordon is Oracle, Resurrected Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Communicating, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne Get Along
Chapter One: Moonlight Promise
It'd been nearly ten months since the night Jason dug himself out of his own grave. Bruce sat by Jason's bedside, reading to him. Most days, Bruce read to him. When some of Jason's broken bones healed up, Bruce would hold his hand. He tried not to think too hard about the night it happened. The thought of Jason's broken body reaching out to him from the grave made his stomach turn. "I'll come to thee by moonlight, though hell should bar the way," Bruce read in a soft voice. Bruce listened carefully to the rhythm of the machines, making sure Jason's vitals were in order. Jason's heart rate often slowed depending on what Bruce read to him. He could tell that Jason loved poetry, or at least he thought Jason did.
Bruce squeezed Jason's hand gently. "Jason, I have to go earlier today," Bruce whispered, "But we'll finish The Highwayman when I come back. And I'll tell you about Clark's visit... Maybe when I come back, you can—." Bruce's phone rang, and he sighed. "Jason, I promise I'll make things up to you." He stood up and rested a gentle hand on Jason's forehead.
His phone continued to ring, and Jason opened his eyes. Bruce froze. "Jason?" he asked. Jason kept his eyes open for a few breaths before closing them once more. Bruce sat back down and brushed a knuckle against Jason's cheek. "Attaboy," Bruce whispered gently.
Bruce's phone rang again. "I'm not going anywhere... I'm just gonna answer this," Bruce whispered.
He answered the phone, and Dick immediately started apologizing. "I know you asked me not to call—."
"He opened his eyes... Just for a second," Bruce interrupted.
Dick didn't reply immediately. Instead, he made a soft noise. "Do you-. Did it seem like—?" Dick couldn't find the words.
Bruce sat with the phone between his ear and his shoulder. He squeezed Jason's hand. "He's never done it before. He opened his eyes and—. It was like he was trying to wake up," Bruce whispered, "Do you want to speak to him?"
Dick took a deep breath. "Put me on speaker," Dick whispered.
"Jason, I'm putting Dick on speaker," Bruce whispered. He let go of Jason's hand and set the phone on Jason's bedside.
"Good morning, Jason," Dick whispered, "I'm gonna come and see you pretty soon. I might get you something new to listen to. I know your birthday's coming up in August." Jason lay there, his eyes closed, and Bruce moved Jason's bangs out of his face. He didn't want to cut Jason's hair, not yet. In the months since Jason's resurrection, his height and hair were the only things that changed. It was the only way he could cope with the thought of Jason's condition.
Bruce stayed for an hour more and left in time for sundown. He'd be back later that night, but not as Bruce Wayne. Bruce always came at night in the middle of his patrol to make sure Jason didn't suddenly awaken in the night. He even hid motion sensors around Jason's hospital bed so that he'd know the comings and goings of the nurses. Leaving Jason was always hard. In the days following the incident where Jason first opened his eyes, Bruce started to see more and more movement in Jason. Sometimes Jason would open his eyes, other times, Jason would involuntarily grin when Bruce would touch his face. By the end of the year, Jason started responding to simple commands.
One afternoon, Bruce sat in the manor, eating dinner and talking to Dick. "He's gonna wake up any day now," Bruce whispered.
"And what are you gonna do about Tim?" Dick asked.
"Tim can have whatever he wants. He can be whatever he wants... Once Jason's able to come home," Bruce paused for a moment, "Jason'll need my full attention." He picked over his dinner.
Dick looked at him and furrowed his brows. "Gotham needs Batman—."
"And Jason needs me," Bruce raised his voice, "Had I been Bruce more often with Jason, maybe he wouldn't have died in the first place. I need to be there for him. I need to take care of—."
"And I'm not saying you're wrong, but from what I'm hearing in your voice, it sounds like you're calling it quits," Dick interrupted.
"Not permanently. I'm just prioritizing Jason for once," Bruce whispered, "Don't you think he deserves to be put first for once?"
Dick froze. He knew Bruce loved Jason, but he never thought that Bruce would ever set aside his priorities for anything or anyone. "I'm not judging you. I know you love Jason. I love Jason too... I just-. You don't have to do this alone. We're a family, and we're all willing to help in whatever way we can," Dick reassured him, "Maybe it's time you stop thinking you can do all this alone. Don't you think?"
"I can't let him down this time. I can't," Bruce whispered as he took a sip of water. "I should go check on him again soon."
"How many hours would you say you spend at the hospital?" Dick asked.
"Well, since he's gone from comatose to being in a vegetative state... Three hours in the daytime, on and off for two hours at night," Bruce replied. Dick tapped his fingertips on the table. "Yes, I'm thinking about going right now. You should think about coming with me."
Dick nodded. "I'll come along tomorrow before I leave," Dick replied, "No use in asking if you're staying for dessert, huh?" Bruce got up and took his plate to the kitchen.
Bruce's phone beeped, and he checked his phone. "I gotta go to the hospital—."
"What's wrong?" Dick asked.
"He's awake," Bruce replied as he rushed past Dick to the car. Dick followed closely behind.
"Is he okay?" Dick asked. Bruce handed Dick his phone, and when Dick saw what was going on, he pushed his hair back in distress. "Okay, I'm sorry for saying you were crazy for installing the motion sensor cameras."
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nuvolisa · 4 months
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The Commandments of a Wayne
Chapter 1 - The birthday
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Masterlist, AO3
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fandom-friday · 2 months
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Thank you so much to everyone that submitted recommendations this week! There was SO MUCH content, I have to split this week's summary into two parts! A comprehensive list of this week’s fic submissions can be found under the cut! Recommendations are organized by show/media, and any main pairings will be listed after the title.
✨ = 18+ content 🪐 = contains spoilers of a currently running show
The Clone Wars: ✨ Rooftop Reunion (Commander Fox x f!Reader) by @wings-and-beskar ✨ Sweet True Lies (Commander Fox x OC Keeda Ionza) by @sleepingsun501 I Fits I Sits (Captain Rex x OC Mira) by @kimiheartblade Cyare (Clone Trooper Sister x f!Reader) by @imarvelatthestars It Happened Quiet by @mercurydancer An Unexpected Chance by @mercurydancer For This Republic I Will Bleed by @captora
The Bad Batch: ✨Stars Beyond Number (Echo x Riyo Chuchi, Gregor x OC Cerra Kilian) by @dystopicjumpsuit ✨ Exigency (Captain Howzer x f!Reader) by @the-rain-on-kamino 🪐 (TBB S3) She Walks in Starlight (Clone Trooper Sister x f!Reader) by @imarvelatthestars A Dead Traitor is a Good Traitor by @hellowkatey 🪐 (TBB S3) Revelation by RheaShay (AO3)
The Book of Boba Fett: ✨ Golden (Garsa Fwip x Fennec Shand) by @btwxsixesandsevens
Star Wars Prequel Trilogy: Shattered Sunrise (Mace Windu x OC Danica Morrow) by @pickleprickle Sahuldeem by @inonibird Agwe by @jedi-valjean
Batman: Home Is Where the Heart Is by LittleLadybugs (AO3) The Lone Ranger Never Had To Deal With Bruce Wayne by @theskeptileptic Your Hands Are To Loud by BatFamily_shenanigans (AO3) Have We Met Before? by @lulurythmea Soft Robin, Sleepy Robin, Little Ball of Trauma by @iselsis Surprise by Racoonwriter (AO3) Patty Cake, Patty Cake, My Brother Ran Away by That_Hippie_Chick (AO3) Play it Again by @jazz020 The Cold (My Burning Promise) by BlueKappa (AO3) Brotherly Wisdom by @olivia-anderson-fanfic Late by breathingsentences (AO3) Not Him by @animemangasoul
Hetalia: Axis Powers: A Matter of Time by @cultureandseptember A Matter of Course by @cultureandseptember TELL ME A PIECE OF YOUR HISTORY by @cultureandseptember
Crossover AUs: Tanjiro & Kagome: A Taishō-Heisei Friendship (Demon Slayer X InuYasha Crossover) by Splashpointparabox (AO3) Life Anew (Batman X Detroit: Become Human Crossover) by BrickSheep (AO3) Steer Yourself (Any Direction You Choose) (The Clone Wars X The Murderbot Diaries Crossover) by antonomasia09 (AO3) The Five Tenets That Mandalorians Must Follow (and the One Thing Worth Breaking Them For) (The Mandalorian X The Murderbot Diaries Crossover) by @urisarang
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captainkirkk · 1 year
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes. Please look at tags and warnings on ao3 before reading.
Persistence Is A Sin by PlotlessWanderer
Part 1 of Persistence Verse
He stared Bruce Wayne in his dead blank eyes with the full force of his conditional training behind him and told Batman exactly what he was doing wrong. Clenching shaking hands, praying he wouldn't vomit, Tim faced the demon his hero had become and refused to be moved.
Persistence won out over apathy in the end. Tim wore Batman down through sheer stubbornness and blunt honesty. He wasn't looking to replace what Bruce had lost, wasn't trying to be the stand in for a dead boy. Sometimes he wasn't quite sure what he was doing, exactly, but he always knew that whatever it was, it was necessary.
(Tim won't let his heroes fade away without a fight. Even if he has to bring it right to their doorstep and insist they fight too)
Slipping by incogneat_oh
'There is a small plaster on his arm where Bruce had taken a blood sample. It itches. And the computer runs tests.
They don’t believe him when he says he’s fine.
“It was Ivy,” Dick says, tossing Tim a ball.
Tim just shrugs, says, “I feel fine.” '
(Tim is not fine.)
Catch and Release by snackbaskets
There's a tradition among the family: when in danger, you grab the smallest Robin and hang on tight. But like all traditions, this one had to start somewhere, right?
Alternately: three times Dick bodily attacks his father (with love)
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
Local Gods by EsteriaSilversmith
Saiki may have been able to keep anyone from finding out about his psychic abilities, but enough wierd things have happened around PK Academy that the students had to come up with /some/ kind of explanation.
(Aka Saiki's love of sweets comes back to haunt him in the strangest of ways)
Shades of abnormality by TimesBeingWhatTheyAre
Some days Saiki didn’t feel comfortable in his skin.
Canon-compliant AU in which Saiki is genderfluid
The Sandman
The Cat of the Endless by Salmaka
Hob sighs, content to see the cat there and closes his eyes, ready to fall asleep again. He is not quite willing to wake up fully just yet.
But then it hits him.
He doesn’t have a cat.
Clone Wars
The Trouble with Tookas by thosenearandfarwars
Never trust somebody a tooka dislikes.
despite all (despite everything) by never_going_home
Cody is a mess. Obi-Wan is also a mess. They should probably kiss about it at some point.
Featuring: awful horrible terrible siblings, multiple people being So Fucking Done with codywan's pining, an all-inclusive couples' resort, and shenanigans to the extreme.
Sometimes, Cody lies awake in the ship’s night-cycle and thinks about the holo Waxer had found in some forgotten article in the depths of a ‘net archive. It had been grainy and out of focus and half-corrupted, but still clearly the general, comforting some wounded child, twenty years younger, hair long and matted, chin bare of beard, cheeks hollow with hunger and grief. His eyes, though, haunted and full of flinty resolve—his eyes had been the same, the only recognisable part of that child-stranger’s face.
(Nobody could fault Obi-Wan Kenobi for his leadership. The problem, then, lies with Cody.)
hear the silence in your head by firelord_zutara
Despite how wrong wrong wrong his Commander feels in the Force, it’s still a relief when Obi-Wan rounds the corner and sees Cody running towards him, there and whole and alive. That is, until Obi-Wan’s entire universe crumbles in an instant when Cody starts shooting at him.
Or: Instead of Tup being the one with the malfunctioning inhibitor chip, it's Cody.
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002yb · 10 days
Cats and trapped for the wip please?
A recluse has no right to be this damn smug about anything, yet here he is:  needle and thread in hand, snickering to himself as he hand stitches the last seam on a project he’s been working and reworking for an embarrassing amount of time.  As far as hobbies go, he’s aware that this one is downright shameful; an actual embarrassment.  It’s only fitting for the black sheep of the family though.  It’s self-conscious coping at its finest, but Jason jokes with himself about leaning into the fucked up social leper rumor that’s been circulating about him for some time now.  It is what it is, right?  All of Gotham has their theories about the prodigal Wayne son.  Little do they know that the truth is so much worse. The family cat lays across his desk, lazily pawing at a needle cushion until the sun slanting in through the window beside them draws them into a doze.  They purr contentedly as Jason works, comfortable with what’s become a routine of peaceful calm because most days this is all there is. This is it. Because Jason hasn’t left the safety of the manor in over a year.  Because there are some days where Jason can’t even step past the threshold of his own room.  Because sometimes it’s all he can do to get out of his fucking bed without slipping into a catatonic episode of derealization from lingering trauma. (Sometimes Jason is still in that basement, the laughter of a mad man echoing off cold walls; the drag of metal on concrete scraping closer, closer).
Cat!Tailor AU (no capes). Where Jason becomes a recluse as a result of Joker induced trauma. He passes the time with a secret hobby of tailoring clothes for the house cat - Alfred.
Trapped under cut!
“Enough.” It’s an alpha’s command, but Jason fights the compulsion to obey.  It prickles painfully at the base of his skull, smothering him as he lashes out at the League's assassins with vicious kicks and a snapping maw.  Jason keeps Damian held close to his chest, thrown into a frenzy when the pup goes lax in his hold.  It’s a dangerous game to bare his teeth at any alpha, let alone the Demon’s Head, but Jason’s upper lip lifts as he snarls, knees knocking beneath the strain of ignoring a command and growling a pitiful thing with his strained throat. Ra’s al Ghul is not threatened by anyone though, least of all an omega of Jason’s pedigree.  There’s scorn in the cold glint of his eye and he commands again, “Kneel.” Everyone kneels. Jason forces himself to stand.  Even when his weaker leg gives out, Jason pushes himself back up and meets Ra’s al Ghul’s gaze directly.  An alpha’s purpose might be to conquer and provide, but omegas are not lesser or weaker.  Omegas protect and damn anyone who tries to challenge them. “Kneel.” Ra’s commands once more and this time even the obedient shadows choke on the force of the compulsion. Something primal and inhuman tears from Jason’s throat, his legs buckling and bringing him to his knees.  He pitches forward to prostrate himself, body curled protectively over Damian’s. There is no sound when Ra’s approaches him, but Jason can feel the man’s staggering and stifling presence.  It bears down on him and although Jason tries to protest the forced subjugation, he can’t.  It’s all he can do to hold onto Damian as the League assassins pull Jason upright, as they try to steal the pup from his arms.  An angry and territorial rumble sounds from deep in his chest that has Ra’s lifting his chin with contempt at the challenge to his authority. The disobedience has his heart palpitating uncomfortably in his chest.  Ra’s takes Jason’s chin roughly in his hand, his grip harsh enough that Jason has to bite back a yip as the man’s nails dig into the supple skin of Jason’s cheeks.  The alpha tilts Jason’s head so that their eyes can meet and Jason does so with a glare. “Omega.” Ra’s says, contradictorily impressed and disparaging. Jason breathes harshly through his nose, jaw clenched.  The alpha’s eyes flick down–an appraisal, a condemning judgment–before they return to hold Jason’s gaze.
AU where Jason tries to kidnap Damian from the League, but doesn't make it far at all before Ra's tracks him down. Very dead dove, very whump hahaha. Basically Jason gets thrown in a pit of the non-Lazarus variety and endures some trauma until he goes a bit feral and massacres his way out of the League.
It gets him in the same situation as before w/ Ra's & Talia tracking him down, only this time -- Jason (w/ little Damian), make it into the nearest city where they run into Renegade!Dick <- a development that happened soon after Jason's 'death'. And yes, pack dynamics ft Slade, Dick, Jason + Damian. //3//
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bonefall · 1 year
Tumblr media
[ID: Morningstar from warrior cats for the Better Bones AU. He has hornlike, curved ears, sharp cheek fluffs, and a beard. His chest fur is heart-shaped, and the fur is 'bleeding' at the bottom.]
I loooooove Code of the Clans and also Morningstar, but this time around, his story has a very different ending.
Clinging to pacifism at all costs, Morningstar's parable is a cautionary tale to the cats of the modern clans. An ancient leader of ThunderClan, Morningstar refused to allow his cats to fight. His mate was killed, he lost his deputy, and eventually refused to challenge WindClan for herbs that would help his Clan in a Color Cough outbreak.
Eventually, ThunderClan couldn't take it anymore. The Cleric, Pearnose, rallied the warriors and rebelled against Morningstar. As he lay dying, the cat who would become Pearstar leapt onto the highrock and announced a new addition to the Code,
"Never again will a cowardly leader deny us our birthright as Clan cats! Let StarClan shine upon this commandment; that all fully trained Warriors have the Right to Challenge, and this shall not be infringed upon without reason!"
The last thing he saw as the light left his eyes was ThunderClan streaming out of camp, Pearstar leading her first raid as Cleric-turned-leader.
Alignment: Dark Forest, ex-ThunderClan.
Time Period: Code Era
Relations: Songbird (mate), Pearstar (cleric), Ryewhisker and Cloudberry (DF friends)
His Land Mar is ThunderClan's Camp, with a permanent, hazy fog settled about it. It's gloomy, but not so bad when you get a fire going.
Design-wise I wanted him to look like a devil, but also I really loooove the old Wayne design for him. I may revise this one a couple times until I strike a better balance.
His chest is literally a bleeding heart because I think that is very funny
In the Dark Forest, funny enough, he is one of the most hated spirits.
75% of the other demons hate his guts or think he's a total coward.
It's annoying to him that they think he's a pushover. He has actually had to fight to avoid getting mauled by certain cats.
Morningstar surprises people with how strong he can be, when he is forced to fight.
He tends to hang out with Ryewhisker and Cloudberry, who have been there even longer than him. They're super chill with company.
One of the few cats who doesn't help Tigerstar, though Hawkfrost did try to goad him into, "finally standing up for himself"
It didn't work.
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ryah-wolfe · 3 months
Did I watch Dune part two yesterday and am I now thinking about a Jaytim Au. Rough idea so far:
The fall of House Drake, began when Lady Janet chose to birthed a son instead of the daughter she was supposed too. Fearing that the galaxy was not ready for Kwisatz Haderach, the Reverend Mother gives out command.
In the dead of night the great House Drake was massacred with the sole survivor being the smuggled out infant. The baby is hidden in House Wayne, second only to the emperor.
Now the second son of Lord Wayne, Tim is plagued with the dreams of a man in a desert and the deaths of those he loves. What will he do now that the emperor is turning his eyes to House Wayne. Nothing good ever comes from the emperor’s attention.
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Steddie Upside-Down AU Part 115
Part 1 Part 114
Will could tell they were coming well before his bedroom door opened, both their presences shining like a beacon, brighter and brighter the closer they came.
It’s still a surprise to see their faces. Eddie looks excited enough to be verging on manic, the same way he does when there’s a particularly juicy twist in a campaign he’s been planning out. In contrast, Steve looks almost grave. Not worried, but something serious in the slant of his mouth as Eddie tugs him inside and shuts the door.
“What’s going on?” Will asks, looking between the pair for clues, and finding none.
“Nothing serious,” Steve replies. He commandeers Will’s desk chair while Eddie flops into the bed beside Will, wriggling around until he’s stollen all the covers and wrapped them around himself like a human burrito.
“We’ve just got something to tell ya,” Eddie continues, beaming up at Will.
Neither of them continues, so Will looks back and forth between them. Eddie’s eyes are downright twinkling, while Steve stares at the side of Eddie’s head, glaring.
“Fine,” Steve grumbles, finally turning to meet Will’s eyes. “Eddie and I are dating.”
Will nods, maintaining eye contact as he waits for Steve to keep talking. He doesn’t. “That’s it?”
Eddie squawks,  slithering up in bed, still so swaddled in blankets that he looks formless. “What do you mean, that’s it?” he demands, elbowing Will in the ribs, but it’s through all the blankets so Will barely feels it.
“Weren’t you guys already dating?”
Eddie’s mouth is hanging open, formless consonants leaking out of him. Steve steeples his fingers and leans forward, elbows on knees.
“It’s just, Eddie said—”
Eddie wriggles his arm free just in time to slap it over Will’s mouth with an awkward laugh. “Shut, up, Baby Byers,” he hisses, a faux smile on his face.
Steve leans back in the chair, lets his hands land loosely on the armrests. He’s smirking like there’s a canary in his mouth, and for the first time, Will can almost see the cool guy everyone acts like Steve is.
Not the real kind of cool that Steve actually is, but the kind who’d throw parties, and sit on a high school throne he hadn’t even built himself.
“What did you say, Eddie?” he asks, still smirking, and oh, is this flirting?
Will contorts his body until he’s free of Eddie’s silencing hand. “He said he was in love with you,” Will says.
Eddie sags into himself with a groan, burying his face into the blanket he’s still wrapped in. He looks like a pill bug, the only flesh visible a little bit of one of his ankles. Will pokes it and Eddie jerks, raising his head just enough to pout at Will.
“Is that so,” Steve says, but it’s not phrased like a question. Will answers it anyway.
“He said you looked like an angel in the Upside-Down, when we saw all those lights at my house for the first time?” Will feels his own face blushing as he remembers the way the lights had shone down on Steve, painted him in gold like it was his birthright.
Steve’s not smirking anymore, he’s gone all weird and gooey in the face. It only gets worse when Eddie makes a whining noise.
“Is that where the nickname came from?” he mutters quietly enough that it barely carries to Will’s ears. When Steve starts speaking again, it’s at his normal volume. “Wait, where was I for this?”
Eddie sits up at that, uncocooning himself enough to free his arms but keeping it over his head like an extremely unfashionable cloak.
“Uh…” he starts, shifting forward to stare into Steve’s eyes. “You were possessed?”
Steve grimaces, and all Kingly posturing falls away as he slumps back into the chair, crossing his arms in a way that looks more like a hug. Eddie must think so, too, because he latches onto Steve’s pantleg with grabby fingers and pulls until Steve settles onto Will’s bed with them.
“Were there any witnesses to this little declaration?” Steve asks, not meeting anyone’s eyes.
“Just Mom and Uncle Wayne,” Will replies.
Steve nods, slow as he meets Will’s gaze. “…and your Mom was.”
“She doesn’t care,” Will cuts in. Steve lets out a relieved breath that Will feels in his bones. He’d felt that worry when she’d let out a shocked gasp at Eddie’s declaration, had felt it wither away when he’d seen her hopeful face. “She just wanted you back.”
“We all did,” Eddie cuts in, throwing his stolen blanket over Steve’s shoulders, Will nestled between them both. “And we thought maybe trying to reach you in there would work?”
Steve laughs, but it’s all wet and choked up in itself. “And you said you were in love with me?” Steve asks. He reaches around Will to smooth down Eddie’s mussed bangs, the one cheek Will can see from his angle turning a light pink. “That’s so embarrassing for you.”
Eddie grumbles but leans into Steve’s touch all the time. “Well, it worked, didn’t it?” he asks. “We could feel you in there. You must’ve heard us.”
Will cranes himself away to look at Steve’s face, compromising the integrity of their ramshackle blanket fort enough that he tears it off Eddie and Steve entirely.
Steve doesn’t seem to have even noticed. His eyes are distant, glazed over like he’s looking at something else entirely.
Will never wants to see that distance on Steve Harrington’s face ever again, not after black smoke and a Steve that isn’t, so he tugs on their connection, and he comes back alive.
“I think I heard some of it?” he says, holding the palm of his hand to his ear like he’s listening to the ocean. He goes distant again, but Will’s pretty sure he’s just trying to remember, so he resists the temptation to pull him free. “What did everyone else say?”
Eddie reaches out and links his pinkie with Steve’s. “Oh, the same sappy shit we’ve all said to your face,” Eddie replies, but he’s smiling. “Baby Byers acted like it was his job to save you, and fawned over you like you’re some goddamn action hero.”
“Hey!” Will cries, but Steve’s laughing, so he doesn’t mind, especially not when Steve tugs on him this time, beaming at him like he’s a revelation.
“Uncle Wayne, the cantankerous old man that he is, said you were like a son to him.”
“Mom just asked you to come home,” Will cuts in. Steve’s eyes are shining.
“And I declared my undying love to you in front of all and sundry,” Eddie finishes, rearranging their linked pinkies so he can tangle the rest of their fingers together as well.
“You’re all so embarrassing,” Steve says, but he reaches out and bully’s Will into his arms. Eddie, never one to turn down a hug, worms his way into the situation immediately and applies enough pressure to make both their ribs creak.
They stay like that for a long time, until Mom calls, “boys, breakfast!” from somewhere in the house.
Eddie’s the first to let go with a contented sigh, scrabbling up off Will’s. He’s skipped halfway out the door before either of them has even stood up.  
“Has Mama Byers learned to cook since the last time we were here?” Eddie asks, leaning back in to grin cheekily at Will. “I don’t know if I’m in the mood for eggs that are somehow rubbery and watery at the same time.”
Part 116
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Part 8 of Vegas AU that now has a name!! Thank you again @hbyrde36 💜
Betting It All On Love
Steve and Eddie did eventually get to talk more about family, laid sweaty and sated on the floor of Eddie’s bedroom. Steve wasn't entirely sure how they'd ended up sprawled out on the plush carpet, he knew full well it’d give him a three-day backache, but he couldn't find it in himself to give a shit. Not when his head was happily pillowed on Eddie’s chest, listening to the reverberations as much as Eddie’s voice as he told him about his childhood. 
A doting mother tragically lost to childbirth. The enormous amount of guilt Eddie had carried for years because he’d been the one begging his parents for a sibling and when Al came home from the hospital alone, all he'd said was “the baby killed your mother” as though it was Eddie’s fault. A jailbird good-for-nothing father, incapable of putting anything, including his own child, before his imbecilic impulses and when Al had been sentenced to the rest of Eddie's childhood behind bars, Wayne had been willing to be separated from his husband and his kid if that had been what Eddie needed.
Of growing up with his uncles and his cousin, of their siblinglike bond, of never really missing his father when he had the two best dads in the whole world. The whole Munson-Clarke clan had started out in Hawkins, Scott and Wayne only choosing to leave when they’d decided they wanted Charlie. Mainly because they knew that their relationship was tolerated as two bachelors living under the same roof, but that the town would find it much less tolerable when they started raising a child together. That Scott had still never had the heart to leave his post at the school, because who else was going to teach kids the real facts and not the made-up ones the rest of the faculty were happy to go along with.
Steve confessed to being envious of them, of listening to Scott tell tales that started "This weekend my partner and I took our kids..." and wishing he could be one of them. Of getting to know Scott the man not just the teacher and the guilt he felt over the fact that he could've walked into Eddie's life long ago if only things had been different. 
Eddie just hummed softly and pointed out that they’d known each other all along, that they had in fact gone to the same kindergarten and were actually friends once upon a time because Eddie had always had a tendency for strays and Steve had not been a confident child. He had spent the first two lunches sitting miserably alone on the swings before Eddie had waltzed over and commanded that Steve wasn't allowed to be sad any more because from then on they were best friends and best friends didn’t let best friends be sad.
They were back in bed by the time he told Eddie about his lonely childhood in a giant, empty house. About the string of nannies, about Sarah, his au pair from England who always spoke softly and smiled brightly and sung sweetly, who made cookies with him and taught him to swim, who left abruptly in the middle of the night, leaving a behind a white teddy bear and a promise that she loved him very much and that it wasn't his fault she had to leave.
A wife who couldn't trust her husband as far as she could throw him, jet-setting around the world to make sure the only thing he was doing was his job. Never bothering with Steve and only really making an effort to make sure he had someone to take care of him until sweet old Mrs Johnson had died in their living room the Friday they had left for their business trip. And because Steve had managed to deal with finding her cold lifeless body and fended for himself for the rest of the weekend, that had somehow proven to two grown adults that an nine-year-old boy didn't need taking care of any more.
What his parents never realised was, that was the first time Hopper had taken care of him. Steve had eaten and slept and was well groomed because he'd spent the weekend at the cabin, playing with El and climbing trees, trying to catch butterflies and getting covered in mud, all the things he was never allowed to do at home. He'd only really stopped going to Hop's during his parents absence when he'd become close with Tommy, who'd convinced him his life was great because he had unsupervised time to himself, so he could do whatever he wanted. Except all Steve had wanted was to spend time with other people, be near their noise and constant movement, just something, anything to fill the silent emptiness.
Christmases and holidays that were spent alone or getting into trouble with people who called themselves his friends, until the day Hop had said enough and hadn't taken no for an answer. Then he'd become The Babysitter, which had led him to Dustin and Claudia, a mom and a baby brother to add to his weird little found family. Who'd recommended Steve as a babysitter for Holly, where he'd properly met Nancy who had no interest in children, but that hadn't stopped him wanting to marry her, until she called him and their relationship bullshit of course.
Then he'd rebounded with Billy in the locker room showers, where he'd had the fastest sexuality crisis of all time when Billy had caught him staring and instead of punching him when his back had hit the tiled wall like he'd assumed, Billy had stuck his tongue in his mouth instead.
When Steve hadn't got the grades to get into college, and he lost out on a scholarship when Billy tripped him in the championship game because while he was tying his shoelace he was supposedly looking up one of the cheerleader's skirts, he assumed he'd stick around Hawkins until El and Dust graduated, but Billy had insisted he moved to the city with him. Made it sound like some fairytale dream, like their happily ever after, and it was great, until it wasn't. Until he’d finally had enough of being used and cheated on, which led him into the arms of his platonic soulmate who lived in the apartment across the hall, who rescued him not only from Billy but from himself.
It felt good to lay in the safe little bubble he always felt in Eddie’s presence and let it all out, even as they mourned for the little boys they once were, they were equally able to console one another, and Steve felt a weight finally lift off his shoulders.
Robin knew, in the way she knew everything, they’d always had heart-to-heart's but it wasn’t quite the same she needed to make jokes when a topic got too heavy, desperately had to inject some lightness into the dark.
But not Eddie, he listened and nodded solemnly, cried with him, teardrops leaking silently down his face and into his hair and when they were finished talking, he injected Steve full of the affection he’d been sorely missing, pressing kisses into every inch of his skin, squeezing their hands together, their wedding bands slotting neatly against one another, putting him back together in a way no one else had ever been able to.
By the time the sun was poking in around the heavy gold curtains, Steve had never felt closer to anyone than he had with Eddie, despite his earlier reservations he’d never had anyone he’d told everything to, never had anyone he’d wanted to, but it felt so easy to talk to him, like he understood, and maybe he did in a weird way. And as he turned his head slightly to look into Eddie’s eyes glistening in the slithers of early morning light, Steve knew he’d never felt so deeply for another human being. He opened his mouth to speak, trying to translate all he was feeling and thinking into coherent words, but it didn’t take him long to give up. The only words that wanted to flow easily out of his chest were far too big to say yet, or maybe not too big to say precisely, just too big to be heard. 
Eddie raised his eyebrows expectantly, patiently waiting for Steve to say whatever he needed to, but he couldn’t say it, it’d break them if he did, and he felt selfishly like he desperately just needed to keep their bubble of protection and delusion for a little while longer, so he shut his mouth with a tiny shake of his head, a silent “never mind”, pushing closer into Eddie, translating all he was feeling into deep kisses and gentle caresses, silently loving Eddie as hard as he could and convincing his hormone flooded brain the feeling was mutual as they both eventually fell asleep happily tangled up in the blankets and one another.
It'd been years since Steve had last slept as deeply and as well as he had being Eddie's little spoon, even though they hadn't actually slept very much at all, he couldn't remember the last time he woke up feeling actually awake. Honestly, he wasn’t all that pleased about it, he was having a lovely dream of being somewhere tropical, the sounds of seagulls and crashing waves morphing into the dull thudding of Robin pounding on their door, shouting for Eddie, whose only possible offence could be snoring too loudly given he was still sound asleep.
"Ed!" bang bang bang "Eds!" bang bang bang "Eddie!" bang bang bang "Dorkus! You need to come out here before he comes in there!"
He? What the?
Steve wiggled out of Eddie's hold, leaving him to sleep peacefully, slipped on Eddie's boxers (mainly because he didn't know where his own were) and opened the bedroom door, gently pushing his best friend back into the living space. "What's going on?" he asked gruffly, only registering what was happening when Robin gestured towards the front door, where Chrissy was physically trying to keep someone out, “Sorry, we were expecting room service” she muttered as he moved instinctively towards the door.
The altercation only lasted for another second before Chrissy was shoved unceremoniously backwards into the room, only managing to keep her balance thanks to her years of training; Dan Carver practically flying the three feet into the living room as he tripped over his own feet and lost his balance, having the nerve to give Chrissy a dirty look as though it was her fault he was acting like a moron. Steve was immediately furious, felt his spine straighten and his face harden as he looked down at the idiot laying by his feet as he tried his hardest to keep a lid on his temper, he knew getting arrested for punching the dickhead wouldn't help anything.
Carver clambered to his feet, smoothing the lapels of his suit jacket as though the immaculate carpeting might’ve tainted it. He looked Steve up and down, narrowing in on Eddie’s boxers slung low on his hips, "Harrington!” he screeched indignantly, “So it's true?” Dan demanded to know, starting to pace the length of the sofa like a caged animal, "I thought Wheeler was playing some sick joke! But apparently not! So what? You two were fucking behind my back the whole time?" he accused, flailing his arms around as he yelled. 
A derisive laugh crawled up Steve's throat, thanking his lucky stars that even when he was manic with rage, his poker face was as strong as ever, "Don't be dense, Carver, it suits you too well!" Steve stated evenly with a snarl.
His bitchy King Steve persona didn’t faze Dan though, not that Steve really expected it to, his family were well known for being a little batshit. Dan just snorted contemptuously and carried on with his diatribe "Well, what am I supposed to think when you come flaunting out here in his underwear?"
Steve raised one eyebrow slowly, the only outward indication he was losing his temper, "So what? Because he moved on faster than you did, that means he was cheating on you?" Steve queried condescendingly. That was a serious leap past logical, even for a Carver.
"Clearly" Dan scoffed as though Steve had just answered his question for him. And just the insinuation that Dan wanted to blame Eddie, that he wanted to assume Eddie just had Steve waiting in the wings, that Dan was accusing Eddie of being anything like Billy was making Steve's blood boil.
Steve sucked his teeth trying to keep himself calm, sucking in a rapid breath through his nose and rolling out his neck, towering further over Dan, "Okay, firstly, some rules," Steve instructed, "you always did need them," he muttered under his breath, it seemed to be the first time Carver even registered that he was in danger, looking up at Steve with wide eyes. "Do not, under any circumstance, insult my husband! Just because you made brainless life choices does not give you the right to disrespect him. Secondly, apologise to Chrissy!" Steve demanded, his voice as hard and cold as ice, pointing over to where Chrissy was being comforted by a visibly furious Robin on the couch, like he was scolding a particularly naughty child.
Dan’s whole body sagged, his shoulders slumping, his head bowed, muttering an apology to his feet. And yeah, Dan might be regretting all the choices he’s made in the past hour, but Steve was still fuming and King Steve wasn't one to back down until he was done tearing his victim apart, "And thank her for not having your ass thrown in jail for assaulting her," he barked as a command, because as if by his almost thirties he still didn’t understand that forcing someone bodily out of the way was most definitely not okay. Self-entitled brat! Steve thought, and then Finish him!! which sounded alarmingly like Tommy.
Steve didn’t really want to give himself too long to think about that, sucking in another breath and carrying on regardless, "Thirdly, who the hell gave you the right to come barging in here? Newsflash, buddy, you gave up your right to know anything about Eddie's life when you humiliated him in front of your nightmare family!" Steve was starting to yell, his voice raising and becoming less and less steady because the mere thought of the way Dan had broken up with Eddie made him so viscerally angry not even King Steve could contain it.
He took a deep breath, trying desperately to cling to the last of his control, purposefully lowering his voice back to normal, "But a quick FYI, I met Eddie less than 72 hours ago, and he's already the greatest person I've ever met! He's twice the man you've ever been, so don't you dare even try to blame him! You and your pretentious, ignorant, backward, dipwad family were lucky to even know him. You're fortunate he ever graced you with his presence and treated you all with the kindness and care none of you deserved, but I know he gave out in spades because that's just the kind of man he is. I don't know who the fu-"
"Steve," Eddie interrupted quietly, finally emerging from the bedroom, holding up one of the hotel's luxuriously fluffy dressing gowns, wrapping Steve up in it as he wandered over to him.
Steve deflated at Eddie’s gentle touch, "Sorry," Steve muttered, all the fury he'd felt towards Dan dissipating in the hold of Eddie's gaze.
Eddie smiled softly at him, tucking a stray bit of hair back behind Steve’s ear. Flicking his gaze quickly over Steve's shoulder, his expression hardening before he glanced back at Steve, "D'ya mind?" Eddie asked quietly, his eyes roaming all over Steve's face.
It was obvious what Eddie was asking, so obvious that Robin was already waiting by the front door with her hand outstretched, she already knew this was going to be a tough walk back to their room. Steve swallowed hard past the lump already forming in his throat, "No, of course not. I'll just..." Steve muttered, gesturing towards Robin. Eddie smiled gratefully, nodding. Steve hoped it meant he'd see him later, but he couldn’t know for sure.
Chrissy crossed the room, wrapping Eddie in a tight hug, "Do you?" she asked, the "want me to stay" unnecessary.
Eddie smiled gratefully at her but shook his head, "Nah, babe. I got this!" he sounded so determined, Steve was proud of him, even if this meant the end of their relationship, he wanted Eddie to have whatever he wanted, wanted him to be strong enough to reach out with both hands and take it.
Chrissy cupped his face, "Yes. You do!" she told him, the best friends having a quick eye conversation before she nodded sharply and let go, heading out of the suite.
Dan still hadn’t stopped staring at his feet, "Sorry," Dan muttered again as she passed him by.
Chrissy didn't even bother to answer, just gave him the finger and followed the other two out the door towards the stairs. 
Both girls took each of Steve's hands as they ambled down the corridor, Robin making sure to be careful of his tattoo. Neither of them said anything as they headed downstairs, not that there was anything they could say to make it hurt any less, but he felt their comfort as they walked with him in silence.
Luckily, Robin had thought to shove their room key into her dressing gown and as soon as she let him in, he flopped face down on his bed, tears already leaking from his eyes. The girls to curled up together on Robin's bed, giving him the space Robin knew he was asking for, wrapping her and Chrissy in the blankets and putting on a movie. No one even spoke for a good few hours, Steve spent the endless time either sleeping, listening to snippets of film, crying silently or obsessively wondering what Eddie would do now his ex was back and clearly mad with jealousy.
Time passed as Steve flowed in and out of consciousness, he recognised at least two lines from two distinctly different films, both of Robin’s favourites, but he’d no idea how long they stayed, wasting away the precious hours of their holiday while Steve wallowed. Consciousness flowed back to him with the ringing of the phone, Robin fumbling for the receiver and her quiet “Hello? Dust, now isn’t a good time. No, we haven’t been shopping yet. It's a book Dusty, how badly can you need it. Well, if Steve promised, then he’ll get it for you, won’t he? For some reason, he can’t say no to you,” she muttered into the phone like she didn’t know Steve would die for the kid.
Steve pushed himself upright, holding out his hand to question whether Robin wanted him to take his little brother off her hands, “Your mum around?” she asked instead holding up a finger in a wait-a-minute gesture, “Dust. Dusty. Dustin! Words cannot express how little I care about Dork-dom or its robots! Put. Your. Mother. On. The. Phone,” she insisted, placing the warmed, hard plastic into Steve’s palm and wrapping his numb fingers around it. 
He just about managed to get the phone to his ear, as Claudia answered with a cheery, “Hello?” A sob crawling out of Steve’s throat uninvited, his vision quickly blurring Robin sitting on the bed opposite him. “Steve?” Claudia asked, her voice immediately filled with concern, and it breaks him entirely; instead of the faux cheerful greeting he’d intended, what actually comes out of his mouth is a broken whine that sounds distinctly like “Mom!”, followed by another sob as Steve tries desperately to suck air into his lungs. “Steven, honey, what’s wrong?”
And where to start? It had all gone so horribly wrong. A few hours previously he was terribly stupidly in love and now… “Everything,” Steve whined, his voice catching before he could even finish the word. He can’t even remember the last time he felt so miserable, all he wanted was to curl up in his mom's embrace.
Claudia sighed heavily, like she was miserable because he was, “Oh, honey, do you need us to come? We’ll come. Don’t worry baby, it’ll be alright,” Claudia cooed softly, removing the phone slightly away from herself as she yelled, “DUSTIN!” 
And it was as if the noise slapped Steve around the face, like being doused in cold water, quickly snapping him out of his funk and straight into a panic because if Claud came, she’d bring Dustin AND Hopper. And the last thing any of them needed was for Hop to end up in a Vegas prison because Steve was being dramatic over his own stupidity. Eddie didn't owe him anything and if being with Dan is what he wanted and what would make him happy then that was really all Steve cared about. 
“No!” he blurted out as she was halfway through giving Dustin instructions on packing bags and going to the neighbours to ask Mrs Jones if she’d be okay to look after Mews. He could practically see Claudia’s eyebrows raising in the way she always did whenever Dustin was being a little shit, the whole “Excuse me! Who raised you?” look; it brings a slight smile to his face for the first time since he woke up that morning.
“Sorry, I just… I mean… I don’t need you guys to come, honestly, I’ll be okay. Robin’s here, and I’m just being silly. Really,” Steve admitted, and he heard Claudia’s unconvinced hum, so he does his best to explain what happened. She didn't speak once, listening intently and just sighs heavily when he was finished, muttering a few expletives and “those bloody Carvers!” under her breath. By the end of the call, she promised to stay home, and he promised to call and when Dustin started whining because he wasn’t going to get to go to Vegas after all, she tells him how much they love him and hangs up to deal with her youngest.
Steve tried to lean forward to put the receiver down and realised he can’t move. Chrissy was tucked under his spare arm holding him tightly around his middle and Robin was wrapped around his back, her face smushed into his shoulder blade, and he had no idea when they moved, but he was so very grateful for them. Except Steve's bladder was demanding that he move, so he pats Robin’s arm and squeezes Chris’ hand where she’s got his wrapped securely in both of hers and slouched off to the bathroom with a grunted hum when Robin asked if he was sure he was alright. 
He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror above the sink and realised he didn't look as bad as he thought he would. He looked rough, but given how he was feeling it wasn't exactly surprising. Realising he was still wearing Eddie's pants wasn't fun, it made him feel simultaneously glum yet consoled like being wrapped in Eddie’s embrace but, at the same time, like it might be the last one he ever received.
He didn't know why he was catastrophising the situation, why he was so convinced Eddie would go back to Dan. It wasn't like Eddie had been particularly pleased to see him. It was just, Steve knew he hadn't been his best self when he'd laid into Carver, but people from his King Steve days always seemed to bring out the worst in him. 
And he knew how convincing Carver's could be. He'd been in debate classes with Dan, and he'd been to every one of Lucas' ball games, Jason had the gift of the gab too and sure all they had were manipulation tactics, but that didn't mean they didn't work. 
But he also knew deep in his gut that he wasn’t giving Eddie enough credit, that convincing himself Eddie would go running back to someone who treat him like shit would be suggesting Eddie hadn’t seen how toxic their relationship had become, and how happy he’d been since he’d become single; even if he hadn’t been exactly thrilled about the way the relationship ended. 
Steve tried to focus on the positives instead, he'd had an incredible few days with Eddie as his husband and if that was all he was destined for, he would think himself lucky for it. Eddie deserved to shape his life however he wanted to and if that meant a life without Steve, well it would be agony, but Eddie would be happy and that was all Steve could ask for.
And Chrissy was incredible, even though they'd shared a similar upbringing she hadn't let it change her. She was one of the most beautiful people he'd ever met, with her natural warmth that just drew people in and a megawatt smile that naturally made others grow. She was so strong and gutsy, he admired her so much, and he looked forward to getting to know her better. And he knew she and Robin would continue to work well together, they were like yin and yang, like two different pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that fit perfectly, and Steve couldn't be happier for them.
He hoped they were destined for a long and happy life together, he hoped he’d get to stand up at their wedding and talk about how they met and what a joy it was to watch their love blossom. He hoped Eddie would be by his side but if he wasn't, he wouldn't make them choose, he loved Robin too much to do that to her. Steve could just help with the planning, that was the important part, after all, no one got to spend any real time with brides on their wedding day anyway.
Not that Steve was spiralling or anything. 
He was about to leave the bathroom when he heard the girls whispering loudly to one another, neither of them seeming to realise that in such a small space, the bathroom door wasn't much of a sound barrier. Not really wanting to interrupt, he started the shower. He needed to be done with his maudlin mood, they only had a few days left of their vacation, and he wasn’t about to waste any more of it.
He could cry over getting his heart broken when Sam sorted out the divorce paperwork. In the meantime, he could enjoy the rest of Nevada. He stepped under the hot spray with a sigh, the cascade of water had always been a sure-fire way for him to clear his head, a way to cleanse his mind as well as his body. It was odd going through his usual routine one-handed, but if nothing else he’d always have Rachel, his aptly named tattoo, to remind him that for a few days out of his life he’d had and been a husband.
Feeling refreshed and slightly less morose, he stepped out into the bedroom, surprised to find Chrissy missing. Less surprised by Robin launching clothing at him, "Get dressed, dingus! We're going out," she informed him as she stormed past him into the bathroom, not bothering to close the door behind her.
He spent a few moments standing on the spot, grinning wildly to himself, she really was the best friend anyone could ask for. She knew if it were up to him, he'd sit in the room and fret about Eddie and his potentially ending relationship for hours, she knew he needed a distraction and that he needed to have no way to wiggle out of it. 
He might've had to go through hell to find her but it was so, so worth it. She was a true marvel, and he could only hope she knew how much he loved and appreciated her.
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Part 9
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Phantom Grin
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: Bruce Wayne visits his son's grave on the night of his resurrection. Will it change Jason's fate, or is it all simply inevitable?
Chapters: 14/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth, Barbara Gordon, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain
Relationship(s): Jason Todd/Original Character
Additional Tags: Canon Divergent AU, Jason Todd Has Chronic Pain, Jason Todd is Disabled, Barbara Gordon is Oracle, Resurrected Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Communicating, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne Get Along
Chapter Fourteen: The Frost
“Indigo?” Jason asked. She giggled and pressed her forehead into his back. The hairs on the back of Jason’s neck stood on end. “Don’t do that!” His head ached, but he wrote it off as stress pain from the scare. 
“Sorry, it seemed like it’d be funny—. Oh, I—. Jason, I wouldn’t hurt you like that,” Indigo whispered as she ran another gentle hand through his hair. “I like you, Jason. I wasn’t lying when I said that.” Jason took her hand and laced his fingers with hers. 
“I’m sorry I yelled… You scared me,” Jason mumbled. His cheeks and ears were crimson with embarrassment. “Did you love him?” 
“No. I knew my ex was cheating when we left… But I needed to get out. Jason, I know that doesn’t make sense to you, but I don’t have regrets. I got to meet you as a result of him screwing up.” 
“What?” Indigo asked.
“Did you love him?” Jason questioned. 
Jason led her to his car. They sat in silence until Jason leaned over and murmured something. “Sorry, I can’t—.” 
“Could I kiss you again?” Jason asked. Indigo nodded, and Jason leaned forward, and he and Indigo shared a kiss. Jason didn’t want to pull away, so they stayed in lip-lock for much longer than Jason’s young lungs could bear. He was forced to pull away to take a hit from his inhaler. Someone knocked on the windows. Jason realized they’d fogged up. He rolled the window down, rubbing the back of his neck. “Officer, I can—. Dad ?” Jason turned toward Indigo, but she was long gone. He never even heard the door open and shut. 
Bruce raised an eyebrow. “What were you doing in here?” Bruce asked. 
“She—. I can explain. Nothing happened,” Jason stammered, “I mean—. Something happened, but she disappeared, and now—. It wasn’t like we were doing anything… We were only kissing, but she’s not here, and it looks like I was doing something weird—.” 
“Okay… Do you wanna go to Barbara’s and pick up your stuff so we can go home?” Bruce asked. Jason nodded. Bruce squinted at the windows. “Can I ride with you?” 
“I—. Hold on,” Jason whispered as he looked in the backseat. “Okay.”
“Jason… Are you alright?” Bruce asked. 
Jason lay back and rubbed his palm against his right temple. “My p’ripheral vision’s fading… I fink —. No…” Jason shut his eyes as he tried to pull his words together. “I don’t feel s’good .” 
Bruce turned Jason’s face toward him, and lifted Jason’s eyelids, frowning at the drastic difference in his pupils. “Jason, I’m gonna call 9-1-1—.” 
“No… ‘M fine,” Jason slurred. 
“Smile,” Bruce commanded as he called 9-1-1. Jason smiled without trouble. “Raise your arms above your head.” Jason obeyed, but his left arm wouldn’t cooperate. He struggled to lift his left arm, nearly crying as he fought to make his body obey him. “It’s okay… Jason, it’ll be fine.” Bruce spoke to the dispatcher while he took the keys out of the ignition. Bruce unbuckled Jason’s seatbelt and explained Jason’s symptoms.
Jason lay in the CT machine with his eyes shut, trying not to panic with his head in a tight space. “Jason, can you hear me?” a doctor questioned. 
“Mhm,” Jason answered.
“We’re almost done here,” the other doctor replied. It’d been two or three minutes, but it felt like an eternity for Jason. They pulled him out, and he ran his right hand over his face, breathing heavily but not gasping. “Would you like us to grab your dad?” 
Jason nodded, his head tilting to the right, and his head throbbing brutally. “Is it alright if we explain this to your father?” the younger doctor asked. 
Jason nodded, waiting for them to speak to Bruce. If it was bad news, he’d rather hear it from Bruce. So, he allowed the older doctor to help him into a wheelchair while the other left the room. 
“You’re doing great,” she whispered. Bruce entered the room, smiling and nodding as he held Jason’s face in rough but gentle palms. 
“Not a stroke. It’s not a stroke. It’s probably a migraine, so it’ll pass. Jason, it’s okay. I’m gonna sign you out, and we’ll give you your aspirin. Okay?” Bruce smiled. He kissed Jason’s forehead. 
Bruce sat outside Jason’s room while he slept, but Cass didn’t offer the same space. She crept into his room and sat beside him. He didn’t stir until hours later. It was dark outside, and Cass opted out of patrol to keep an eye on him. He peeked out of one eye, smiling at her. “You should be out there,” Jason mumbled. 
Cass shook her head. “I should be here,” Cass corrected him. 
“I’m okay now… You can go if you want. I’m sure Dad’s outside, waiting for me to wake up,” Jason whispered. Cass nodded. 
“He is. Do you want me to let him in?” Cass offered. Jason made a soft noise. Cass messed up his hair and left the room. Jason lay there, silently waiting for Bruce to return. He grinned as Bruce’s hand rustled through his curls. 
“How do you feel?” Bruce asked. Jason tried to roll over, but his head started spinning and he pressed his palms to his eyelids.
“I shouldn’t have moved so fast. What happened to me?” Jason mumbled. Bruce pushed Jason’s hair back. 
“They think it’s a migraine. They want us to go in and talk to a specialist to see if it’s genetic,” Bruce explained, “But, I want to talk to you about what happened before that. I um—. I didn’t see anyone leave the car earlier… And the windows were frosted over. Jason, has anyone else seen this girl?” 
Jason reached for the aspirin bottle as he pushed up in bed. “You’re messing with me, right? A little ghost joke for the undead boy ?” Jason questioned. 
“Jason, you know I’d never joke about that. I’m worried about you. Tim said he sat with you the other night, waiting to see the girl you were talking about—.”
Jason gulped water to wash down his aspirin. “Stop… Leave it alone,” Jason muttered. He drank the rest of his water and lay back. 
“Okay… How are you doing?” Bruce asked again.
“I feel disgusting, but my head doesn’t hurt anymore… And I’ve been training constantly,” Jason replied. 
“Is that what you want?” Bruce asked. 
“I do,” Jason replied. 
Bruce sighed. “When you turn eighteen, you can go on patrol with me, but I want you by my side for six months. I’d rather you be by my side than behind my back. I love you, and I won’t lose you again. Is that okay?” Bruce suggested. Jason smiled. 
“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Jason answered. 
Bruce felt Jason’s forehead. “Your pupils look better… I got home just in time. I would’ve been beside myself if something happened, and I wasn’t—.” 
“But you were. I’m glad you were there. I’m relieved that you’re here now,” Jason interrupted as he lay down. “I didn’t push him…” 
“What?” Bruce asked. 
“You asked me if I pushed him or if he fell… He fell, but I didn’t try to catch him. I couldn’t move,” Jason mumbled, “I’ve been trying—. I wanted to talk about it in confession, but I felt so guilty.” 
“Jason, that’s over and done. I don’t care about that. What matters is here and now. You’re here right now. I love you, Jason. I love you so much,” Bruce whispered. 
“I love you too… And I don’t wanna disappoint you. I don’t—.” 
“You’re not disappointing me. You’re alive again… You’ve far surpassed any expectations I’ve had for you,” Bruce whispered as he pushed Jason’s curls out of his face. “Get some rest. It’s okay. I’ll be here when you feel better.”
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