#sunshine x emo x grumpy
skullywullypully · 6 months
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How many times have I done this meme guys?
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superbat-love · 11 months
I see no difference
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liyatea · 4 months
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My take on veil trend on twitter with Kaiao
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showinalittlelife · 10 months
yeah I’ve talked yalls heads off about satosugu but have u heard of hainana (nanami x haibara) yet?
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corujalesbica · 1 year
Solangelo and wenclair are the same couple in different universes, change my mind
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charkyzombicorn · 10 days
We all know law is a furry and in love with Ben
Got confused on this one for a sec but I think u mean Bepo
I can see it, it's very trope-y definitely
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author-dean-conti · 2 years
Arvin James Black, 18, asexual demipanromantic, he/they
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cheonstapes · 7 months
We need a soulmate au with Miguel! There are barely any in this fandom with reader x miguel and it’s such a cute trope!
Especially with someone who isn’t a complete sunshine, just a reader who is as equally as cold and uninterested in the idea of “soulmates” as Miguel would be, yet they both finds themselves naturally drawn to one another.
miguel o’hara stars in… ‘YOU AND ME, ALWAYS TOGETHER’ (=゚ω゚)ノヽ(^o^)
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a/n ~ NO SMUT?? OH EM GEE! this was so cute i loved it sm! and yes, im sorry but i hate the sunshine reader fics😭 GIMMIE EMO READER AND GRUMPY MIGGY!!
summary; your futures were sealed from the moment you both met, you two just had to accept it.
pairing; miguel o’hara x reader
wc; 1.5k
cw; FLUFF! minor angst, soulmate au!, i think reader is mostly gn! pls tell me if not🩷, blood, injuries, mutual pining, kissing, reader has a little panic attack, love love love, spanish not translated, NAWT PROOFREAD - we all caps now
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As much as he hated to admit it, Miguel always knew you were different.
Miguel was cautious of those around him, guarding his heart against anyone he deemed was getting a bit too close. And you — you were no exception, well, at the start. You were no ray of sunshine, that’s for sure. The way you carried yourself, so nonchalantly — almost rivalling Miguel in his own game.
He thinks about the day he first met you often, the curt nod you gave when he reluctantly invited you into the society. The moment he locked eyes with you, something changed. Maybe it was the adrenaline from the fight, or maybe it was the way your bored eyes brightened ever so slightly as you looked at him. Whatever it was, he didn’t like the way his heart momentarily skipped a beat.
He knew you felt it too, that small spark in your belly. It was impossible to ignore him, not just because he’s your boss — but because you didn’t want to. Every time you were around him the world seemed to look a little brighter, blending colours of you two’s shared connection to create an opening for you both to find each other — to explore the depths of that tumultuous abyss.
It was too good to be true, anyway. The idea of being connected to someone like that, having a ‘soulmate’, was downright stupid. You both were too busy protecting the multiverse to worry about something as trivial as love — Miguel scoured the timelines, and no matter how hard he tried, a love of his own was not part of it.
Yet you couldn’t seem to leave each other alone. The bond between the both of you constantly drawing you back to him, and him back to you. It was small things at first, asking you to go over some
mission reports, double checking data that he had already triple checked with you — then it was asking if you wanted an empanada from the canteen, bringing you coffee when he noticed your tired state, sitting you on his desk as he patched up your injuries.
It infuriated you to no end. Harbouring these feelings deep inside of you, you knew deep down you may be overreacting— but this had to stop. It would never work. It’s all you could tell yourself as you sat in silence, your mask covering your distressed face as he rambled on about the details of the next mission. “You’re with me, let’s go.”
“Huh?” You were so cute. It was a look that he’s never seen on you before, your eyes widened slightly, mouth open in a small pout. “The mission. You’re coming with me, so get moving.” That was the last thing you really wanted, being in direct contact with Miguel. A small part of you felt…excited? It was a strange feeling, one you didn’t welcome with open arms — pushing it down with a roll of your eyes and a small huff as you followed Miguel through the portal.
The universe you were in was practically a wasteland. It was unlike any you’ve seen before and it didn’t sit right with you at all. The air was filled with a noxious green smog, buildings seemingly crumbling with every swing the two of you took. “This is gonna be quick, capture the anomaly and we go. Do not engage unless it attacks first.” His stern voice cut through the heavy silence, your head flitting over to where he was perched on a rooftop.
“Yeah, ok, no problem.” It took everything for you not to respond with some sarcastic remark, the vibe here was too unsettling for you to take a jab at Miguel. He could sense something was off, not with this world — but with you. It was like he had a sixth sense, always knowing when you were upset, angry, happy, hungry. He didn’t think much of it, but something about today made the sense so much more intense.
He was next to you in an instant, towering over you as he blocked your vision of the world in front of you. “Hey, cariño, look at me.” Miguel’s voice had never been softer, even though there was still that gravelly undertone — it was calming, enough to get you to lift your head. The pure distress on your face made his gut twist in anguish, feeling his own anxiety picking up — he hadn’t felt like that in years. Those rough hands of his held your cheeks, so gently, as his thumb caressed the warm skin.
“You know I don’t like seeing you like this — all worried. I wouldn’t have brought you here if I didn’t think you were capable of handling yourself, nena.”
“I know…but I-“
“Ah — no buts. What you aren’t gonna do right now is doubt yourself. I’ve known you for 8 years now, and the last thing I think when I see you is ‘quitter’. So get your ass together so we can finish this and go home.” Another curt nod, but this time there was the small hint of a smile on your face — the fire in your eyes reigniting at his words.
“Bueña chica. C’mon the anomaly should be just —“
It was barely touching you. The end of a sharp spike close to penetrating the tender skin of your stomach — but for some reason the pain was unbearable. It felt like blood was pooling in your organs, only there was none. The quietness interrupted as soft patter of crimson droplets hit the jagged concrete of the roof.
Your eyes trailed up, Miguel’s face uncharacteristically contorted into one of something akin to fear — the gaping hole in his stomach revealing itself when the thick shard slides out of it, the anomaly making unintelligible clicks and groans behind him. “No…no, Miguel!” The pain you felt directly mirrored his, your screams of anguish piercing the sensitive ears of the creature — its scaly body slithering off before you could stop it.
“Miguel? Miguel, stay with me ok — we’re going home, I-I’m gonna open the portal now and we’re gonna get you some help.” He could hear how fast your heart was beating, rings of red invading your eyes as tears pooled along with it. Even with the doughnut-sized hole in his torso, he couldn’t help but smile at how cute you were when you’re worried — the pain subsiding momentarily. “Ey, ¡carajo!, cálmate cariño. I…I’ll be ok, nothing I can’t handle.”
“Miguel, respectfully, that’s bullshit — there’s quite literally a whole carved out of you and you wanna sit here and tell me you’ll be ok? We’re going back right now, you’re not fucking dying on me.” Turning, you tapped around on your watch — opening a portal back to the HQ. Miguel’s presence behind you didn’t go unnoticed, despite his fatal, in your eyes, injury — he still found the time to tease you when he should be on the ground fighting for his life.
“How many times am I gonna have to tell you to look at me?” Was his voice always that deep, that sultry. His hands trail up your arm, grasping your wrist gently to stop your movements. The world turns as your spun round, eye-to-chest with Miguel before he lifts your head by your chin. He guides your hand towards his stomach, your hand meeting his firm muscles. “Where — Where did it…?” He chuckles deeply, shaking his head.
“Told you it’s nothing I can’t handle.” He was smiling, genuinely smiling as he looked at you — his eyes softening as he looked down at your expression. You were spluttering, hands waving around as you tried to process what you’re looking at — the hole now completely sealed as if nothing happened. Miguel’s rough hands cupped your cheeks, eyes flickering down to your lips — his own face heating up slightly.
You pause, hands shaking coming to grasp onto his shoulders — your bodies coming to press against each other. It was straight out of a movie, a dysfunctional one at that, but a movie nonetheless — faces meeting in the middle as your lips collide, tongues gently dancing. One of his hands move to grip your hips through the fabric of your suit, blunt nails digging into the fat as he grunts out curses against your spit soaked lips.
A few heated minutes pass and he breaks the kiss, panting down at you. “Let’s go capture that fucker.” You nod, your face lighting up from that bright smile you put on — once dull eyes sparkling up at him. “And after, I’m taking you out to that buffet place you keep talking about.”
Your hearts were beating in sync, everything perfectly aligned as you both finally found each other. You’re future together slotting into the timeline, the shared acknowledgement of your connection coming to fruition.
Whether you believed it or not, you two were soulmates, and nothing would change that.
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-if you put a buck in my cup
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rip-quizilla · 5 months
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Eddie x GN!Reader
Description: You get a job at the record store, where you terrorize Eddie with so many different genres of music that he gets whiplash, but your energy is adorable so he's instantly soft for you.
Tags: big grumpy/sunshine trope here, fluff, workplace relationship (kind of), outgoing!reader, Hannah putting her liked songs on shuffle and using them here shamelessly, no physical description of reader other than hinting that they have a glorious gyatt that Eddie can't help but stare at.
Word Count: 2.4K
A/N: I didn't coin the term "polyjamourous"! I saw it in a TikTok by Viktor Fellbrink. Does it describe me perfectly though? Absolutely.
When Eddie had interviewed you for a job at the record store downtown, one of the first questions he’d asked was about your taste in music. Your response had caught him so off guard that he couldn’t hold back a laugh.
“I’m polyjamourous.” you’d said. 
Eddie had blinked a couple of times, a snorted laugh jumping from his throat. “Polyjamorous…” he’d repeated, an amused grin ticking up the corner of his mouth. “That’s one I have not heard before.”
You had shrugged, smiling the same way you’d been smiling throughout the entire interview. “I listen to a little bit of everything, I like pretty much all music.” 
What Eddie had expected from that was mostly pop, maybe a classic rock hit here and there. Judging by the ripped jeans and Doc Martens you were wearing the day of your interview, he suspected there may have been an emo/alt rock phase in your history so maybe some Paramore or MCR. 
What he hadn’t been expecting was the fact that when you said you liked all music, you meant all music. 
A month into working with you, and he already dreaded the days that you’d signed your name on the list entitled “Aux Cord Dibs” that sat on a tattered clipboard under the counter. The first hour of your shuffled liked songs on Spotify, and Eddie already had whiplash. 
The songs that played (in order) were:
Satisfied- The Broadway Cast of Hamilton
Raise Hell- Brandi Carlile
The Offering- Sleep Token
Magical- Ed Sheeran
Dream a Little Dream of Me- Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong
Just to name a few.
Not only were you completely unashamed that the first song to pop up under your aux cord time was a fucking show tune, but you knew every word. You sang, rapped- acted- every word. 
Eddie was now absolutely sure that you had had an emo phase, because this meant you were also a theater kid (same as him, but he wasn’t about to admit that to you) and in Eddie’s experience, most theater kids were also emo kids in some way, shape, or form.
“How much coffee did you drink this morning?” he’d muttered once you’d finished your one-woman show whilst shelving new records. 
“No coffee, this is all natural.” You’d said that with a grin so wide, it was obvious to him that you knew how obnoxious that sounded and you were taking it in stride. 
“You’re just the Energizer bunny… naturally?” 
Somehow, you grinned wider. “Yes!”
You can imagine how terrified Eddie was when you pulled a Celcius out of your bag an hour later. What happens when you give an energy drink to a person with natural energy?
You get impromptu dance breaks. 
Eddie had been boxing up an online order when out of the corner of his eye, he saw your oversized sweatered form bouncing around between aisles to the beat of whatever K-Pop bullshit was currently assaulting his speakers. 
Wordlessly, his eyes drifted to the monitor displaying the security camera feed where he found a full view of your hopping, stepping, and jumping to the bouncy rhythm of a Korean song with random English words sprinkled in. The grainy feed from the camera even picked up the subtle motion of your lips moving, and Eddie’s lips couldn’t help but twist into an amused little smile when he realized that must mean you were even trying to lip sync to the words, and he might be wrong but he was pretty sure you didn’t speak Korean.
His shoulders shook, silently chuckling at your antics until the music slowed down in tempo. Your hips began to move in slow, pronounced circles, sending the rest of your body rolling with the momentum. Eddie knew you didn’t mean to turn him on with the way your hips were moving… but you had an ass that shook when you walked, much less when you were actually wiggling your hips around. It wasn’t a you problem that was making Eddie’s eyes bug out of his skull and glue themselves to the screen; it was definitely an Eddie problem.
He had to keep it professional; Eddie was a shift manager, and while he wasn’t technically your boss, that was a gray area delicate enough that he didn’t plan on rushing into anything risky. The last thing he should be doing was ogling you on the security camera like a fucking creep. So, he made a point to pay attention to literally anything else whenever you started dancing around the store like some sort of coked-up cheerleader.
After a few shifts with Eddie, you started to notice that he was pointedly ignoring your antics- which made forcing him to pay attention all the more entertaining. The job could be boring on slow days, so this was how you entertained yourself- annoying the shit out of Eddie Munson.
Eddie: “If I hear one more show tune, I’m commandeering the aux cord.”
You: Proceeds to belt all three parts of Sincerely Me from Dear Evan Hansen, complete with choreography.
Eddie: “Is there any metal on this playlist? Just one song? I need a breather…”
You: Introduces Eddie to Babymetal.
One day, you even forced Eddie to suffer through Lizzo. That was funny as all hell, if you’d ever seen it. 
“I feel like I’m walking through a Forever 21.” He’d grumbled as you cheekily shimmied your shoulders at him and mimed a toss of your hair for good measure. 
“First of all,” you laughed, “I’m impressed you know what Forever 21 is.”
“I have been to a mall, you know.”
“Second,” you continued, “You’re starting to come off as a bit of a music elitist.”
Eddie shook his head, shelving new records from the stack of crates on the floor. “It isn’t a crime to know what I like and don’t like, kid.”
You smirked, reaching wordlessly over to the media center behind the counter and turning up the music. It was empty in the store save for you and Eddie, so the change in volume wouldn’t hurt anyone. Lizzo’s Like a Girl rang out through the speakers, and you made a show of losing yourself to the beat just to spite the metalhead before you. 
Eddie sighed, looking up to the ceiling as if God himself could save him from this torment; he couldn’t stop the whisper of a smile from creeping into the corners of his lips. “What did I do to deserve this shit?” he groaned.
Your grin was blazing, infectious in the way you wore it with reckless abandon as you danced from shelf to shelf with one of the crates of records. When the crate was empty, each album carefully nestled in its appropriate place, you set the crate down on the floor right as the chorus started and your hips shook in time with the drop of the beat. 
Eddie had been looking out the corner of his eye the whole time, but averted his gaze immediately once you were shaking your ass in the air. Unbeknownst to you, he was doing everything in his power not to stare.
Bouncing as you perked back up, you flashed him a sadistic grin and shrugged. “You just make it so much fun to torture you, sorry.” 
Eddie rolled his eyes, “That was the emptiest apology I’ve ever heard.” To which you laughed and heartily agreed, launching your whole self into shaking all you had to the beat, even going so far as to plant your foot on the edge of the counter. 
You looked more silly than sexy, even Eddie could admit that, but it was your reckless abandon and giant fucking smile that made him break in that moment. You were shaking your ass- was that twerking? Eddie didn’t think it was twerking, but then again, he wasn’t an expert- and singing along to the music with so much energy that Eddie’s smile finally won his face over. He nodded his head to the beat, even shimmied his shoulders a little, and watched you make an adorable fool of yourself. 
That was when the door opened, sending a chime through the shop as a very confused Steve and Robin walked through the door just in time to see you shaking your ass in their direction. 
As far as you knew, these two were customers, so you swiftly tore your foot from the counter and started to apologize before Steve cut you off with a lopsided grin and a midair brush of his hand. 
“Please don’t apologize, because that might be the best first impression you could’ve made on me.” He confidently strode forward, already extending a hand which you happily accepted. Steve had a way of putting people at ease, Eddie had noticed, even if they had been the opposite of “at ease” before he’d entered the scene. 
He watched straight-faced as Steve struck up a conversation with you about being friends with Eddie and stopping by to say hello, then proceeded to introduce himself and ask you about yourself with the confidence and coolness that came so easily to people like Steve Harrington. Eddie chewed his lip and felt an unwelcome flare of jealousy in his stomach when you gave Steve the same smile that- up until now- you’d been giving him. 
 “So that’s the new hire you told us about?” Robin asked, voice low enough that only Eddie could hear.
He nodded, eyes trained on Steve as he said some joke that made you laugh. “Yeeeeeuup.” Eddie drew out the word, lacing passive aggression into every extra syllable. 
“I see.” Robin looked at Eddie, arching an eyebrow as she wordlessly assessed him, then slowly looked at you and smiled knowingly. “Well, if you’re gonna make a move, better beat Steve to it.”
Eddie sighed and shook his head, murmuring out the corner of his mouth “Stay. Out of it.”  before picking up his crate of records and moving to a different shelf. You were out of sight, but your and Steve’s voices still carried to where he worked. 
“...a little bit of everything.” Eddie heard you say, picking up on your conversation as he silently shelved new inventory. “What kind of music do you listen to?”
“Nothing in particular, I just jam to whatever’s on the radio.” Already inwardly cringing at how Steve must be shrugging or tossing his hair or some shit, Eddie eavesdropped inconspicuously. “Compared to a seasoned listener like yourself, I must sound like an idiot. You should make a playlist for me, so I can know what an expert would recommend.” 
“Expert?” you snorted, “Oh I’m hardly an expert. Half of what I listen to is garbage, but it’s fun garbage so I’m not ashamed. Eddie’s the expert.”
Eddie’s eyes widened. He wasn’t sure if you knew he was nearby enough to hear you, but he wasn’t about to miss out on whatever you were about to say about him, so he remained silent and out of sight. 
Harrington scoffed. “Expert on metal, sure, but unless you’re into headbanging and screaming, I think he’d be pretty lost-”
“Not true.” you interjected. “He likes some classic rock, a bit of old school jazz- you know I played a song by Bob Dylan one day, and he started rattling off all these facts about the guy?” 
Eddie remembered that day. He’d almost told you that he knew all those facts because his mom had loved Bob Dylan, but he thought talking about his dead mom might be a little more personal than you were prepared to get with him so early into knowing him. 
“When Eddie hears music he thinks is good, it doesn’t matter what genre it is- he respects it whether it’s his taste or not.” Eddie had long since stopped shelving; he stood stock still, listening with wide eyes as you spoke with more admiration in your voice than Eddie had ever expected to belong to him. “I play a crazy wide range of music when I work with him, and every time a song I really love comes on it’s hard for me to not focus on how he’s reacting to it. It’s like every time, I’m in my head like- will he like this one?”
Steve was quiet for a moment before Eddie heard him reply, “Sounds like you’re hoping you’ll impress him.” 
Eddie felt his heart start beating a little faster. Were you?
You giggled a little, and for a moment Eddie’s heart fell when he thought you were laughing at the very insinuation that you might want to impress him.
“Yeah, I guess I am.” he heard  you say. “I haven’t known Eddie long, but I’ve always thought he’s an impressive person. It’s hard not to want to impress him back.”
Eddie couldn’t suppress his smile even if he’d wanted to. Sneaking around the shelves where you couldn’t see him, he turned a corner to continue his work as he hummed to himself.
After you’d locked the doors at 8, the two of you were closing down the shop alone as your playlist quietly painted the quiet evening air. You were walking through the store doing your final check while Eddie took inventory, and Eddie had been silently nodding his head to the beat of the music as you came into view of the checkout counter.
“What song is this?”
Your eyes widened, and the eagerness in your gaze made Eddie’s heart just about burst. 
“Uh, it’s Chicken by Your Neighbors.” you stuttered, “You like it?”
“Yeah,” he smiled, softly, “it’s good.”
There was that blinding grin again, contagious in how it fed his until it doubled in size. “Yeah, it is.” 
A pause settled between the two of you, song lyrics potent in the evening’s silence. 
You ain’t got no time to wait
You don’t get what you don’t ask for
“Hey, uhh…” Eddie was quick to grab your attention, and you watched him wide-eyed and expectant. “...feel like getting pizza after this? Surfer Boy doesn’t close ‘til midnight, and I was gonna stop by to see my buddy Argyle after closing anyway, so-”
“Yes!” you agreed, a little more eagerly than you had originally intended to come across. You cleared your throat, “I mean, if it’s no trouble-”
“No trouble at all, it's just down the street, I’ll walk with you.”
You were both grinning like idiots, but neither of you seemed to care. You continued your closing duties, both of you nodding your heads to the beat of the music and enjoying the feelings that, though unspoken and undefined, were currently nestling comfortably into your chest and his. 
Taglist: (really just people I have been talking about this to, I hope you like it❤️) @the-unforgivenn, @vintagehellfire, @munson-blurbs, @hellfire--cult, @word-wytch
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outro-jo · 10 months
skz and their black cat partner
pairing: skz members x (gn) reader
type: headcanon?
warnings: none really
request: yes?
notes: i got an interesting request and i wasn’t sure how to go about it until i saw this svt reaction and so i went more this route
how i personally define a black cat personality: dark energy/vibe usually accompanied by a dark aesthetic but doesn’t always have to. not super fond of affection or prefers affection on their own terms. sassy with good quips and comebacks. has an interest in “darker” topics such as horror, the occult, “dark” psychology, etc. chronically unbothered. FIERCELY protective once you gain their love/loyalty. occasionally unhinged and feral (gets the zoomies whether physical or mental/verbal). big scorpio energy tbh
not taking requests at this time/clearing out inbox
masterlist | info
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chan- think of how he is with lee know and seungmin sometimes. yeah. like when you’re sitting there like 😐😒, he’s squishing you and sticking his face in yours affectionately. you’re his baby. there are times when he respects your space but for the most part he’s all over you. most of the time he’s the protector but there have been a few times he’s seen your protective side and the pride he feels???? omg
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lee know- omg he loves it sm. he already has the sunshine to his grumpy with some of the other boys. so you’re just like him. his fav thing though is when you get a burst of energy (zoomies) usually at the end of the day and you’re just goofing off with him. he LOVES to tease you. not rly the way chan does where it’s all cutesy but he just kinda pokes at you… physically and metaphorically. he just loves having someone he can chill with and really be himself.
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changbin- so he likes to play that he’s this dark boy but he’s really a softie. he gets kinda nervous sometimes when you’re too quiet that he’s done something wrong but you do this thing where when you’re sitting together you take his hand and put it where you want affection at that moment. like you’ll just hold his hand or put his hand on your head and he just :> “oh so you do like me???”
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hyunjin- he’s finally found someone as sassy as him. the funniest thing (for others really) is when something happens and you both kinda share the same look of confusion and disgust (judgement). everything is just really calm and lowkey with you, which he loves but then when you’re both alone you kinda bounce off the walls together.
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han- beast boy x raven (gn) vibes. like he is an absolute SIMP for you. he thrives with a darker, kinda emo or goth partner. even if that’s not rly your aesthetic, he just likes having a partner that’s more lowkey to balance him out but whenever you do get your bursts of energy he always matches it and it’s kinda magical. you’re the one usually teasing him and it’s funny bc it’ll either fluster the hell out of him or like he didn’t even catch it. you 1000% become like a security blanket in human form for him.
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felix- grumpy x sunshine. now, he’s not the type to poke fun at you or anything or tease you when you’re in your more quiet, grumpy moments. he just kinda sits there like the sunshine he is and loves you through it. damn, is he cute. he has you melting instantly but you obviously can’t show that. he loves to cuddle you even when you’re stiff as a board, unsure what to do with affection. felix also does this super 🫠🫠🫠 thing where he randomly tells you you’re pretty (✨gn✨) AND ITS ALWAYS WITH THE CUTEST FACE SCRUNCH and then gives you a little peck leaving you like 🧍🏻😳
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seungmin- you two actually have similar energy but he’s like the dog version? i wouldn’t necessarily call him a black lab or anything, he’s just kinda the puppy version of you. (idk how to make it make sense. iykyk) you two just kinda vibe together and enjoy each other’s company without having to say a lot which is super nice. you just have this like rhythm and comfortability with each other that is just so ✨✨✨. there’s also this insane sixth sense with each other where you both feel out what’s going on in the room and know what to do without saying a word to each other. the amount of times where y’all have been hanging out with friends only to get up and leave without any notice to anyone else to be like, “yeah, we’re gonna go” bc both of your social batteries have drained and you two just need to go watch some tv. you’re both also incredibly protective of each other when necessary.
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i.n- he just finds everything you do so adorable and endearing. think wednesday and enid but he doesn’t rly have the enid aesthetic, just vibes. you have more of a dark side which he admittedly kinda loves. you could be sitting there sharpening knives and he’s like, “aren’t they the cutest!” (exaggeration but you get the idea) you just exist and he’s your biggest fan though. omg you smiled at him once (kinda sarcastically) and it made his whole year.
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summer-nights19 · 3 months
Hey author, can I get a request for GOM who have a S/O who can be really mean and Blunt on the outside but kind secretly (On the outside, they can act like Jade West or Karma Akabane but to those who are close to them, They can be gentle, kind, caring, and funny).
Hii Erina :> I love this concept so much omd (and it's so fun to meet another knb writer)
GoM x S/O who's like Jade West
When he first met you, he was intrigued- most people respected or feared him, so he was shocked when you were seemingly unintimidated. While it bothered him, it also made him feel indescribably linked to you
Now, he loves that you have a softer and kinder side that you only show him and a few other people. He's quite possessive, and it makes him feel like you're his
Because he knows how rare that side of you is, he treasures it even more, though he doesn't tell you often
It was definitely an enemies/rivals to lovers kind of relationship
Appreciates how blunt you are- he despises fake people and sees it as a strength of yours (plus it means guys don't usually try to hit on you - it's very clear you're not interested)
Definitely tells you to watch your attitude jokingly
Another enemies to lovers - you'd always argue over the stupidest things
Over time however, you realised you had more in common than you thought and you understood each other
Opening up to each and developing trust other took time - he appreciated it even more knowing you don't normally let people in
Teases you about how different you act when you guys are alone, but he actually kinda likes knowing you so deeply compared to everyone else (also, he's the same-)
You guys definitely spend hours laughing together and bitching about people that piss you off
If you have a goth/alt aesthetic like Jade, he's secretly into it
Definitely tried to hit on you from the start. The fact that if didn't work only made him more resilient
Initially, you found the way he tried so hard to get to know you and always hung around you very annoying, and you made that painfully clear
However, over time, he showed you he was on your side and genuinely cared about you, so you gradually behan to open up and show him the softer side of your personality
Now, you two do everything and go everywhere together
Teases you about being an "emo kid" (he loves your look really)
Is secretly entertained when you pick fights with his groupies
Sunshine x grumpy kind of dynamic
Thinks your rare smiles are everything and does everything he can to make you happy
You met when you were paired up together for a class project
It was very painful at first - you were both stubborn and unwilling to compromise, so you spent hours insulting each other
But, with the deadline looming, you managed to figure out how to work together and ended up getting an A* on that project
You started respecting each other and seeing each other's good qualities (although neither one of you admitted it)
Takao probably realised Midorima liked you way earlier than Midorima himself and teased him relentlessly because of it
Definitely a slow burn, but when you guys became close, Midorima completely fell in love with your soft side
At the start of the relationship, communication felt awkward and difficult at times, but the deeper your bond got, the easier it became as you grew less guarded around each other
Gets flustered very easily around you, especially if you compliment him
Your flirting looks more like insulting each other
Friends to lovers - you guys would just chill together because you found everyone else's company intolerable
Will insult the hell out of each other but fight anyone who insults the other one
At first, he just saw you as funny and sharp tongued. But, when you grew closer and began to trust each other, he saw the other side of your personality and grew to adore it
Took him months to realise why he loved your company so much and he remained in denial for ages after that
Very possessive/jealous (you tease him a lot because of it)
Becomes a sweetheart when you're alone
You guys mostly do chill things together like relaxing at home while eating snacks and watching TV
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genghisthebrain · 5 months
gay things wednesday addams definitely does because she's gay: a masterlist:
dates women
dates enid
goes to pride and threatens the entire bloodline of a random drag queen because said drag queen implied that enid's nails were not perfect
has a thing for xavier (this is gay because xavier looks like he had tuberculosis as a child and now looks like a lady who could never overpower wednesday in a physical or social setting)
does crimes (inherently homosexual)
runs a fandom tumblr (or multiple. brittana or swanqueen. it's clearly one of the two)
has made powerpoints on the gay undertones of music she listens to (this includes classical music)
could probably recite the whole of glee by heart if put to the test
cello (as a violinist who used to play in a string ensemble, i think like 80% of us are gay now. evidently the strings made us homos)
THE HUG (TM) (you all know the one) (it was gay)
danced to lady gaga at the rave'n in the gay ass dress (absolute slay)
i can fix him complex (this is prevalent in queer women who spend a lot of time reading fanfiction. and on that note:)
reads fanfiction. of all kinds. lesbian
writes fanfiction. of all kinds. lesbian
makes the homolone pun every christmas (to the extent where home alone is formally banned from the wenclair household)
drinks pumpkin spice lattes (yes she does no i will not accept criticism)
magic (magic is gay)
being the child of the bi4bi supercouple morticia and gomez
mental illness
summons spirits from visions (i'll have whatever she's taken)
pain tolerance (important to be able to deal with pain when you have to deal with the emotional trauma lesbian media gives us. killing eve i'm looking you right in the eye)
highly intelligent (all gays are extra smart)
investigates crimes/supernatural happenings (it was a very formative experience for me as a gay girl to wish for a crime to happen around my area so i could investigate it)
teacher crush on ms thornhill (we all had them don't you deny it)
emo of some variation (queer and you know it)
whatever the grumpy x sunshine fuck was going on with hers and enid's room
summarily, wednesday is a lesbian, and i love and respect her for it
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seniaasaysstuff · 1 year
𝐌𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥🥀 || 𝐒𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐧𝐚 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Reposting because my tumblr keeps glitching.
a/n- This is a grumpy! sukuna x !sunshine reincarnated reader filet. The reader was kind of lovers with sukuna before he became a curse. Idk haha read to find out! Hope you enjoy it. Let me know if you want to read more of it. This chapter is a bit cracky sukuna and reader's interaction is so funny.
I’ll be creating a tag list so let me know if you want to be added!
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You ran towards him. He caught you in his arms.
You wrapped your legs around his waist and hid your face in his neck.
"You're alive." You sobbed.
You had missed him so much. He was your rock.
He stayed with you through thick or thin.
He rubbed your back soothingly. "It's okay l'm here now aren't I?'
"You're not allowed to leave me again." You mumbled.
"You left me first tho?" Sukuna teasingly spoke.
You whacked the back of his head.
"Hey asshole, don't joke about that" He cursed out in pain.
"Still the same." He shook his head fondly.
"And you're the same old bast-" he hoisted you in the air.
"Noooo RYO im going to kill you," he tossed you in the air again.
"What were you trying to say huh?" He cockily questioned.
"Nooooo I meant you're my same old handsome boyfriend." You kissed his cheek. The tip of his ears was red.
"Are you blushing? Aww my baby kuna." You cooed at him.
"Woman if you don't stop right now-" he grumbled in embarrassment.
Someone coughed, bringing you both back to reality.
You alanced hack and there was a white hair dude with a blindfold on and that spiky emo boy.
"Oh god. You mumbled and hid your face in sukuna's neck in embarrassment.
"They saw all of it didn't they?" You questioned, still mortified.
His whole body shook when he laughed.
"If you don't stop laughing, I'm going to hit you."
You threatened him.
He just burst into a fit of laughter at your threat.
You started weakly punching his back. "You're such an idiot."
"Damn woman stop it hurts." He groaned. You heard another cough. You squeaked.
"Um hi?" The weird dude with white hair and a blindfold spoke.
"Miss? Do you know who this guy is?" He asked.
"Oi, who're you calling miss? Don't speak to her. Don’t look at her and don't even breathe in her direction." Sukuna growled.
The white hair dude that introduced himself as gojo raised his arms in surrender.
"Wait a minute where is Yuji?" You asked. In the midst of all the chaos, you forgot about Yuji. You felt terribly guilty. You forgot about him. You felt like crying.
Sukuna's cheek grew a mouth and spoke, "I'm here nee-chan! Ryo-nii just took over my body to talk to you." You gasped at the voice.
"How?" You looked at sukuna. "Magic." He whispered in a low voice.
You whacked him again. "Ow." Both Yuji and Sukuna yelled. "What the fuck." You mumbled.
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unpopularshipbracket · 11 months
Round 2b Match 1
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Rashmi Jamil/Amelie Macon (Entropic Float)
Fic count: 0
Milo/Piers (Pokemon)
fic count: 29
Rashmelie propaganda under cut!
"this essay is going to be reused whole cloth from the submission of them to the 17 million years of pining poll! because unfortunately i do not have the energy to go insane enough to write up anything new oh.
my god. where the fuck do i start with them for real.
okay so, theyve been friends since early childhood, and before either of them came out (Rashmi is agender, they/them, while Amelie is a trans girl, she/her, and they are both mspec which is a bit less relevant but is also there). the earliest time that we know that they have feelings for each other is when theyre both 14, and Rashmi - already out, with their entire family (parents and grandma) supporting them without question - is moving. uhhh 90% of american geography names are the same to me so i might lie there. from Nevada, where they both grew up, to New York, where Rashmi is planning on studying dance further, which has always been their plan; around 14 is when they ran out of teachers at home.
they quietly hope Amelie doesnt confess her feelings for them, as they fear it might tempt them to stay, which they cannot allow themself to do. Amelie, meanwhile, is very carefully not thinking about gender, because her parents are quite frankly the worst. over the course of the years before they meet back up, Amelie has had some dates, but each time, they dont work out, and in her own words, put logs on the flame she carries for Rashmi.
Rashmi, meanwhile. gets married. one of Rashmi's biggest struggles in their romantic pursuits has been the fact that they are both Indian and queer. it has been a struggle for them to find someone who respects both - someone who respects their gender identity while not throwing their culture under the bus. that is one of the factors contributing to the way their relationship with "Ajay" (we learn that this name isnt his real one, but it was magically replaced in Rashmi's memories of him and we dont know it) played out: he is also Indian, and the first thing he asked them upon meeting them was what their pronouns were. and it was all good.
until it wasnt.
i would love to get into that deeper, but the important point is that "Ajay" is kind of a piece of garbage, whose crimes include finding Rashmi's address when they didnt give it out, deliberately not sending Amelie her wedding invitation because Rashmi told him they used to have a crush on her, driving them to drop out of dance school, and general possessiveness (notable being the fact that, whenever he is home, he always asks them to stay home too, which leads to them dropping their social circle and their hobbies). one of the places it grows from is "Ajay" being ace and not quite believing that Rashmi accepts that. he also has a substance abuse problem.
all of that culminates as they return from a short visit to their parents, and he in a fit pushes them down a long flight of stairs.
in the meantime... god, i cant even figure out what parts of information are important about Amelie here. i would put as notable the fact that she only figured out she was a girl something like a year before the events of the game - and only ever came out to Rashmi, who in turn told their parents...
and who didnt realize that Amelie's workplace didnt know. her workplace is just. terrible in social terms. she loves the work itself (its food industry, a restaurant in a casino, dont remember the exact job description) but her coworkers are being the absolute worst. a cesspool of toxic masculinity. also an environment for Amelie's undiagnosed psychosis. she is prone to auditory hallucinations.
after being outed to her boss while also hearing from Rashmi's parents that their husband is... lets just say bad for them, she, while safely at home, hallucinates that her boss or maybe her father is breaking down the door.
simultaneously with Rashmi as they are falling down the stairs, they make Wishes.
these are not widely understood; from the context of the game, it seems as though some people get a Wish when in significant peril, or in distress. you do not need to use the Wish immediately as you get it, but they both did.
essentially, what Rashmi Wishes for is a way to escape from their husband that wouldnt raise a fuss; and Amelie Wishes for a place where she and Rashmi can both be safe. (i am very muddly on the details there) their Wishes create the anomalous clocktower where the game takes place."
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etherealnoir · 7 months
The Man in the Chair
Pairing: Dhan Rana x Zeke Wallace Word Count: 1.2K Tags: Phobias, Disassociation, Trauma (All mild), Subtle Emotional Infidelity (if you squint?) Summary: Dhan likes talking to Zeke. And he hates that he likes it so much. But he'd never tell Zeke that. A/N: Just a slice of conversation between a grumpy vet and a ray of sunshine techie. You could read this as romantic or platonic tbh.
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"Okay, Dhan, you did it. You survived. It's fine."
He took a deep breath, leaning over the sink and staring into his own eyes in the streaky, fogged up mirror.
He knew the door was quadruple locked. He checked once, twice, three times both before and after he got out the shower. And though the silence in the apartment unnerved him, it was better than the alternative. Once he felt semi-safe enough to relax, he played some low meditation music that Margaret recommended for him.
Typically, Dhan had a specific way of doing things: Lay clothes out, iron them, shower, hair maintenance, put on clothes, make the bed, head out. Muscle memory made his routine second nature. In his husband's absence, however, everything just felt...off. Like everything in his apartment had been moved two inches to the left when he wasn't looking, and he'd forgotten how to function.
He'd been trying to spend as little time in the confines of his shared home as possible.
As if summoned telepathically, his music was interrupted by an incoming FaceTime call from The Man in the Chair. He involuntarily felt the corner of his mouth twitch and he mentally kicked himself, schooling his features before accepting the call.
"What's going on?" Dhan said after clearing his throat, "Any updates on the text transcripts?"
Zeke quirked a brow at him, "I mean yeah, but why do you look so...wet?"
Dhan glanced at the smaller version of himself on the screen in confusion. His dark, damp hair flopped over his brows and droplets of water rolled down his face, staining his shirt. The one time chose to wear something other than black.
He did, in fact, look like he'd just survived a drowning attempt. Dhan sighed in deep exhaustion at the prospect of putting in effort to dry his hair, after already using so much energy to just get up and get dressed.
"I just showered, sorry for...this," he motioned to himself tiredly, "I'll get around to it. Eventually."
Zeke let out a good natured chuckle, rapidly typing something on his desktop keyboard as he spoke, "Hey, I'm not judging you! I just figured you were going for a new look. I think we all had an emo phase once, right? Who's to say you can't have another one at like...what? Thirty--?"
"--Ok, I get it, I look like shit." Dhan couldn't help the snort that escaped from him at Zeke's ribbing, "We can't always look neat and polished like you, rich boy."
Zeke's eyes flickered to Dhan's face on the screen for a moment and he laughed, "I was born with the natural ability to look good. Money has nothing to do with it, bro."
Dhan felt something in his brain twitch. Like the disappointment a child might feel when a parent denies them their favorite candy. He brushed it off. Or maybe he filed it away for later. He couldn't really be honest with himself about whether it was worth exploring further.
"The transcripts?" Dhan continued, rolling his eyes semi-jokingly, "What's going on with them?"
Zeke said nothing, but Dhan heard the telltale *ding* of a new message on his phone.
"I've just dropped the file into the shared drive, and I sent you the keycode for it." Zeke finally stopped typing to face the screen directly, "It's about 238 pages of text, but I've highlighted the important parts between July 3rd and September 22nd. Hopefully that makes it a little easier to skim."
"Thanks, buddy."
Buddy? The word felt like battery acid in his mouth.
"Buddy?" Zeke grinned, "Now I know you're feeling a bit off, today." When his gaze suddenly softened in sympathy, Dhan had to look away to feign interest in towel drying his hair. The younger man's kindness was disarming sometimes. Most times. It took a while for Dhan to get comfortable with it.
He didn't understand what Zeke got out of this other than an occasional gaming partner and someone to bounce bad jokes off of. Sometimes Zeke looked at Dhan with so much genuine care that it made him want to scream.
Stop looking at me like that! Stop fucking pitying me! I'm not a pitiful person. I've been at this for longer than you. Stop making me want to spill my guts.
Stop looking at me like I mean something to you.
"I still feel weird. Like, uh...Like my brain and my body are on different hemispheres, you know?" He confessed, intentionally avoiding eye contact.
Zeke hummed, "I've been there. Sometimes I feel like I'm trying to lasso my brain back into its rightful place, and it just won't budge. Other times I feel like I'm scattered everywhere like little particles of dust while my body stays stuck in this chair. I almost wish that were true. Maybe then this space wouldn't feel so suffocating sometimes."
There was an amicable silence between the two men as Dhan absentmindedly dried his hair.
Finally, he broke the silence and started to ask, "Have you, you know, tried going outside again since the--"
"No." Zeke flatly responded, instinctively pressing his hand to the scar on his forehead, "It's just...I'm not ready yet."
It was understandable. If Dhan's first time facing his fears in ages resulted in an injury that required a concussion check up, he'd be hesitant to try it again, too. Draping the towel over his shoulders, Dhan rubbed the back of his neck.
"It was impressive taking the chance even though you were afraid, by the way. I don't know if I ever, like, said that. To you. About that."
Zeke offered a weak smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. It didn't look right on him. Dhan awkwardly rushed to add, "And, hey, you're gonna have to check out my gaming setup sometime. You can only do that if you visit. You can't get jealous when you see it, though."
He grinned at Dhan. A wide, toothy grin that made his stomach swoop, “Yeah. Yeah, I’d like that. But, seriously, don’t get too cocky. You’ve already seen mine and I’m still adding to it.”
At this, Dhan couldn’t help but smile back at his enthusiasm, even if it wasn’t as big and bright as Zeke’s. Though, could anyone’s smile match his? He allowed his mind to wander for a moment, indulging in the idea that he could never find another person who smiles at him like he does. It was nice to forget the complications of his existence for a while.
“I’m gonna, um, work on these…these files,” Dhan said, coming back into focus to find Zeke working on something off screen. “Thanks for sending them over.”
Zeke offered a casual salute in response, “Anytime, Rana. Call me if you need anything!”
He knew that, to Zeke, that last sentence meant multiple things. And Dhan had to wonder if he knew the effect he had on people.
Did he have this effect on people? Or did he just have this effect on him?
Dhan leaned against the sink again as the call ended and took a deep breath. In through the nose, out through the mouth. He ran his fingers through his damp hair.
Suddenly—for reasons that were completely unrelated to the previous conversation—he found the motivation to get himself together for the day.
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jaybirdswriting · 7 months
Sorry if this is too specific but y’know the whole “grumpy x sunshine” trope? Can I get some prompts for that sort of dynamic between A and B, but in a platonic/sibling context rather than romantic? (That’s not to say it should be any less soft or fluffy tho hehe)
A: The sunshine sibling tends to hang out with grumpy people, and the grumpy sibling tends to hang out with sunshine people. It's the type of person they're naturally drawn to considering their sunshine/grumpy sibling is their best friend.
B: The sunshine sibling mocks the grumpy sibling by doing an overexaggerated frown every time they walk into the room.
C: The younger sibling has their sunshine/grumpy demeanor as a direct counter to the eldest's sunshine/grumpy personality.
D: The grumpy sibling is very protective over the sunshine siblings personality. If anyone tries to darken their day, the grumpy sibling will stop that real fast.
E: The sunshine sibling is very defensive over their siblings personality. If anyone comments about them being "negative" the sunshine sibling is quick to jump in with "Everyone is different! That's what makes people themselves!"
F: Both siblings always prepare to introduce their sibling to people. They know it takes them for a loop to realize that their sibling is their exact opposite.
More Undercut
G: The sunshine sibling has a sad music playlist while the grumpy siblings playlist is pretty upbeat. They often joke the irony.
H: Sunshine Sibling: "We have golden retriever and black cat energy!" Grumpy Sibling: "I- Okay?" Sunshine Sibling: "See? Black cat energy!"
I: The older grumpy sibling sang "You are my sunshine" to their younger sunshine sibling during their childhood.
J: It took the older sunshine sibling a long time to accept that their youngest sibling's grumpiness isn't a negative thing. Rather, it's just a part of who they are.
K: Grumpy Sibling: "Do you ever think it's weird that we're related? Considering how different we are." Sunshine Sibling Who Is Joyful As They Are Sassy: "Not as weird as your hair cut."
L: The sunshine sibling loves hugging everyone, including their grumpy sibling. The grumpy sibling wants to act like they hate it, but it's always a highlight of their day.
M: The grumpy/sunshine sibling always sends their siblings viral moon/sun, night/day, ocean/sky trends with the caption: "It's us!"
N: The grumpy sibling really appreciates how their sunshine sibling is always able to find the bright side of things. That optimism really helps push them forward some days.
O: The sunshine sibling really appreciates how their grumpy sibling is is more realistic about certain things. They really value their input in more serious situations.
P: The sunshine characters smile falls when they believe something bad happened to their grumpy sibling. Only then do their friends learn who gives the sunshine character their light.
Q: The siblings joke that they're points to "nature" in the nature vs nurture argument.
R: The sunshine/grumpy sibling will sometimes grab their siblings hoodies and such when they're in a rush. Their friends tend to look at them weird when their usual sunshine/grumpy attitude is contrasted by a dark hoodie with a rain cloud on it or bright hoodie with a smiley face on it.
S: The grumpy sibling has their sunshine sibling saved on their phone with a bunch of bright emojis, and the sunshine siblings have their grumpy sibling saved on their phone with a bunch of dark emojis.
T: The sunshine sibling has an emo playlist on their phone that they blast whenever the grumpy sibling does anything. The grumpy sibling isn't sure if they find it annoying or really funny.
U: The grumpy and sunshine siblings flip their personalities with age.
V: The youngest sibling is mostly a grumpy/sunshine character, but they certainly have aspects of their personality that they picked up from their older siblings.
W: The sunshine sibling likes that their sibling is so grumpy. It makes those rare moments where they're outwardly a ray of sunshine stand out in their memory so much.
X: The grumpy sibling is the first one to try and cheer their sunshine sibling up when they get down.
Y: The grumpy sibling always shows up at their siblings door whenever they need a smile.
Z: The siblings are always compared to the sun and a storm. Therefore the grumpy/sunshine sibling gives their sibling a matching sun/storm cloud necklace set so they'll always be connected.
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