#steve rogers x oc fanfiction
welldonebeca · 7 months
it's a Bad Idea, right? **
Summary: The worst idea a waitress in Mama Stefka can have is to fall in love with a man in Hydra. They aren’t supposed to even talk! It doesn’t stop Betty, though. Pairing: Steve Rogers x Original Female Character Warnings: Mafia AU. Secret identity au. Tension. Patreon Promo.
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“Mila,” Betty called out, washing your hands in the kitchen sink. “Did you cut the lemons last night?”
The restaurant was going to open in two minutes, it was Friday. They needed lemons for the tea.
Mila always did that, every time it was her turn to cut the lemons the night before she would not do it and everyone would be left scrambling in the morning.
“On it now,” she called out.
Betty rolled her eyes, but didn’t complain.
As long as she did it…
Betty took her apron, wrapping it around her waist and looking around for her pen.
“Hey,” Elena walked into the kitchen, phone in hand. “Does anyone speak German?”
She looked around, and the other waitresses did the same.
Was Ruby in today?
“No one?” Mila insisted. “Really?”
Betty shrugged.
Mama Stefka was a blend  - a crock-pot if someone was to ask the girls -  of everything East Europe and more. It was founded by a Bulgarian family she didn’t know when, and it slowly grew into something more. By now, it had a little bit of everything from everywhere.
Betty. Well…  Elżbieta was Polish. She was the only one, but the team was full of girls from every little place possible.
Taty from Belarus, Anna and Elena from Moldova, Martina from Slovakia, Natalia from Russia…
“Wait, isn’t Nat coming today?” Betty realised. “She speaks German.”
Natalia was their hostess, she’d been in the restaurant for ten years or something, when they were still a tiny thing with just Bulgarian food.
Everyone had gotten there before Betty, to be fair.
Debbie’s face lit up.
“Yes! When is she coming?”
But before anyone answered, the door opened, and Nat walked in, looking rushed and pink on the face.
“I’m sorry, I got stuck in traffic,” she apologised quickly, a bit breathless.
Debbie rushed to her, passing her a phone Betty didn’t even know she was holding.
“It’s on mute. They need someone who speaks German to serve them tonight.”
Natalia picked it up, pressing it to her ear.
"Hallo, hier ist Natalia vom Mama Stefka. Wie kann ich Ihnen behilflich sein?"
She walked off to the employees area, too stable on her huge heels.
"Natürlich können wir das arrangieren," she answered, very cheerful. "Sieben Uhr? Ja, fünf Personen."
Wanda walked past Betty, looking back at Nat and then at her again.
“Well, someone needs to learn German,” Wanda sighed.
“Not me,” Betty pocketed her stuff. “I already know languages enough and get paid the same thing as a waitress who only speaks one.”
She walked off to the dinning room, joining Debbie as she put the chairs down into the right places, still barefoot.
English wasn’t constantly spoken in Mama Stefka. Most of the visitors were immigrants, or children of immigrants. Everyone knew everyone in their community, it meant solace and community, even though not everyone was from the same country.
Well, that and their involvement with Hydra.
Okay, so no everyone who went to Mama Stefka was involved with Hydra, but they either knew someone from Hydra, was from Hydra, or was too clueless about Hydra to know their kid, sibling, parent or partner was in Hydra – or they just really liked their food, but those were very few people.
Betty, and all of the other waitress, pretended not to know.
It was best to be oblivious than to be in danger.
Half an hour later, the place was on its way to blooming, and her section already had a few tables full when Nat called for her in the kitchen.
“The Malicks are here,” she called out. “They’re asking to sit with you.”
Betty lit up. Oh, the Malicks were delightful!
When Betty had come to America, Mrs Malick had given her a room, so she wouldn’t have to pay for a hotel before school started, and always took her back during school breaks, when her dorm was closed.
Studying in New York wasn’t for everyone.
It also didn’t guarantee a job, which was why she was at Mama Stefka. They always welcomed Eastern girls in need of work and money to keep a roof over their heads.
But when Betty walked out to the dinning room, Mrs Malick was nowhere to be seen, just her boys, Wilfred, Nathaniel, and Gideon, sat around a table of four, near the corner, the most isolated table in your room.
Oh. It was that kind of dinner, then.
She walked down to it, setting four glasses down.
“Cześć chłopaki,” she smiled, as cheerful as a waitress should be. Hello, boys. “Wasza mama dziś nie wpadła?”
No ma today?
They were Polish. Well, Betty was Polish and French, but people didn’t know that. To them, she was pure Polish.
“Niestety, nie mogła dziś przyjść,” Nathaniel told her.
The brothers exchanged looks, and she followed their expressions with her eyes, and Gideon cleared his throat.
“Jesteśmy tu z innej przyczyny dziś wieczorem, Elżbieta,” he spoke, at last, looking right into her eyes, very firm. “Jestem pewien, że możemy na ciebie liczyć, że zachowasz dyskrecję?"
She stiffened up.
We are here for a different reason tonight, Elżbieta. I'm sure we can trust you to be discreet?
Very serious, then.
"Oczywiście," she agreed. “Czy życzą sobie Państwo zobaczyć menu, czy poczekają na swojego gościa?"
Of course. Would you like to see the Menu or wait for your guest?
“Wait,” Fred told her. “Thank you.”
She nodded, walking off.
It was one of those nights, then.
“Hey,” you walked to Nat. “Make sure no one bothers the Malick, will you know? Just keep them… isolated.”
She raised her eyebrows a bit, not too moved.
“It’s another night of many heads, I see,” she hummed, writing something down. “I’ll do my best with what I’m given.”
Betty nodded stiffly, her shoulders hurting a bit in tension.
Nights of many heads always made her anxious.
The man who walked into the room was very new, very tall and very strong. Betty had never seen him, ever – he was remarkable, too remarkable to be forgotten.
“That’s a tall glass of water,” she mumbled to Nat.
He looked around the room, and his eyes met hers for a brief moment, baby blue, like the clear sky of the prettiest of summer days. Was he... Norwegian? Austrian?
His hair was such a pretty golden shade of blonde, long like a lion’s mane. His beard was darker, almost brown. Maybe German. Lots of German boys looked like that, although this one was much better looking than the ones she remembered.
In any other day, she would be happy to smile to him and try to get his name.
“I’ll go check on them,” she picked up a pair of menus.
“Good luck.”
Betty walked down to the table, glancing at the box of clean plates by the corner.
“Witam ponownie, i witam, panie. Jestem Betty, będę przyjmować dziś pańskie zamówienie,” she distributed the menus. “Czy mogę przynieść państwu jakieś napoje po daniach?"
The man looked at her with confusion, and Nathaniel cleared his throat.
“English, Betty,” he requested. “Our guest isn’t fluent in Polish.”
She looked back at the man, and he just nodded stiffly.
“I’m Betty, I’ll be taking your order today,” she repeated it. “Can I bring you some refreshments after the plates?”
But the man didn’t speak, Fred did.
“We’ll call you when we are ready to order,” he told her. “Thank you, Betty.”
She just confirmed quietly, taking four plates, forks and knives, and set everything down, leaving them be.
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"it's a Bad Idea, right?" is a Patreon exclusive fic. To read it now, subscribe to my page! It's just $2 a month and I post 6x a week.
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Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​​ @amythyststorm33​​ @shaelyn102 @yknott81​​ ​​@maximofftrash​​ @kgbrenner​​ @thefridgeismybestie @magpiegirl80​ @mogaruke​ ​​ @musicalcoffeebean @megasimpleplan4ever​​ @deemoriarty​​ @05spn18​​ @malindacath @kdcollinsauthor​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​ @widowsfics @frozenhuntress67​ @averyrogers83​​ @notyourtypicalrose​ @nerdypinupcrystal @giruvega Marvel forever tags: @its-daydreamer23​​ ​ @tayrae515 @indecisiondecisions​? @afanofmanystuffs​? @patzammit @thevanishedillusion​​? @alexisshoto​ @princess-evans-addict @dreams-of-feysand​​ ​@dragonqueen0606 @izbelross @isabelle-faith
24 notes · View notes
sarahowritesostucky · 4 months
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📖"Temporary Custody"
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Steve x ofc x Bucky; Steve x Bucky
Word Count: 3620
Tags: Dom/sub, bdsm au, dom Bucky, sub reader, hurt/comfort, enemies to lovers, gay sex'n'stuff, straight sex'n'stuff, Steve being a literal Golden Retriever, mental health issues, dub-con, forced submission, referenced childhood abuse and resultant mental health issues, bakery au, m/f/m, gentle domination, total power exchange
Summary: The stigma and shame of being a submissive has kept Mary unfulfilled and in the closet her whole life, until an inciting incident leads to Bucky and Steve taking her in and giving her everything she was always too afraid to ask for.
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Trigger warnings: This story contains themes of eating disordered behavior, body image issues, childhood abuse, self-harm, and alcohol abuse.
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Wait! I haven't read an earlier chapter of this fic! Story Masterpost
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6. Somethin' with Bananas
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Steve wakes up to Bucky spooning him, pressing his morning wood against his ass. He hums with his eyes still closed, enjoying the feeling. “Mmm, g’morning.”
Hands slide onto his hips. “Mornin’ Sunshine.”
Steve smiles. “Sunshine” is one of Bucky’s favorite pet names for him. Steve is rather fond of it too, after so many years together. His husband has a knack for making him feel special like that. “What’re you doin', Buck?” he warns softly, still smiling because he likes the feeling of being explored, even if they can't take this far right now because of—
“She left for work a while ago,” Bucky murmurs, the answer to a question that Steve hasn’t asked. Alone time doesn’t happen as much as it used to, these days. "Left a bunch of baking stuff out on the counter. There's a note threatening us with mortal peril if we eat any of her bananas."
"Hmm." Steve yawns deeply and wiggles his butt back against his husband's noticeable hardon. "Whas'she makin'?"
"Dunno. Somethin' with bananas." Bucky’s hand slides to the juncture of Steve’s legs. He palms the half hard line of his cock from over his briefs, massaging the bulge as it grows. Steve moans a little and tips his head back to Bucky’s shoulder, a wordless request for kisses. Bucky starts lavishing his neck with attention while his hand continues its slow work.
Steve loves moments like this. Early morning, the sun barely out and the world quiet, the bedroom air still and thick from sleep; easy, instinctual fucking; simple and not complicated, just the two of them loving on each other. He inhales a little sharper when Bucky finally slides his hand under the waistband of his underwear. “Yeah,” he whispers.
“Mmhm.” Bucky kisses his neck. “This what you wanted, Honey?” His hand is wrapped flush around Steve now, skin on skin. He strokes once up and down and gives a squeeze, starts up a slow, tight rhythm.
“Oh.” Steve bites his lip, eyes closed as he just feels what Bucky’s doing to him. “Mm. Mmhm. S’real good.” He shivers when Bucky’s thumb swipes at his cockhead, spreading the wetness around and pressing firm against his slit. “Fuck …”
“Always were a leaker,” Bucky says lowly. “You get so wet, Honey.”
“Buck,” Steve whines. He loves Bucky’s talk in bed but he’s never been able to handle it. It turns him into a pitiful mess, every time.
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Bucky just chuckles, knowing the effect he has on him. He’s Dominant. Winding Steve around his little finger comes naturally to him, and Steve can’t say he doesn’t like it. “You were making pretty sounds in your sleep,” Bucky says, murmuring the words in between kisses on Steve’s neck. “Moaning and moving your hips a little.” He demonstrates, pushing his own hips up against Steve’s ass. Steve makes an embarrassed, whimpery sort of noise that goes straight to Bucky’s cock, and he shushes him. “Shh, no. It was hot, Stevie. You were feeling real good in your sleep, huh?”
“What were you dreaming about?” Bucky presses his thigh forward, between Steve’s legs, crowding him that much closer. “Hm?”
“Her,” Steve says breathily. “I … h-her.”
“Mary?” Bucky grins against the skin of his neck. “Having dirty dreams about our girl, huh?”
Steve moans—whether at Bucky calling her ‘their girl’, or at the way his other hand is now reaching down to cup Steve’s sac, isn’t clear. Bucky gives a gentle squeeze and tug, then rolls the weight of his testicles in his palm. Steve, who’s always been keen on having his balls played with, moans louder and nods against the pillow. “Didn’t mean to,” he says, as if he needs to defend his character.
Bucky grins like a shark and nips his earlobe. “Course not. You just couldn’t help it, could you? She’s always there, moaning around bites of cream filled pastries, showing off her ass in those leggings—”
Steve groans.
“—Giving us attitude every day like she wants a spanking, but dropping so sweet by the end’a the night.” He can see pink spreading around to the back of Steve’s neck and shoulders now. His Stevie colors so easily. Bucky licks delicately along the shell of his ear and whispers, “Tell me. Tell me what you did to her in the dream.” Steve moans and doesn’t answer for a long while, maybe too distracted by Bucky’s hand that’s still stroking him slowly. Bucky stills, opens his hand and presses Steve’s cock up against his stomach. “Steve,” he warns. “Tell me.”
“... Wasn’t me,” Steve mumbles, embarrassed. “It was you. You were touching her, fucking her.”
Bucky’s guts tighten in arousal. “Oh?” he breathes. “You like thinkin’ about that? Like thinking about me laying her out? Her spreading her legs for me right here on this bed?” Steve groans and nods, whining impatiently and humping forward for more. Bucky chuckles and takes him in hand again, squeezing his shaft and fondling his balls. They’re tighter now, drawn up closer to his body as he gets more worked up. “So?” Bucky needles, when he still hasn’t gotten an answer. “Is that what you want?”
“Bucky, nngh, Yes, alright?”
“Mmhm.” He chuckles softly and nuzzles Steve’s neck, enjoying his husband’s flustered state. “But you know, I think I’d like to watch you.” He can just picture it: Steve’s muscled, strong body moving over her soft curves, his big hands holding her open gently—because everything Steve does is gentle—while he makes her cum on his cock. “Yeah. You like that idea, Big guy? Me too. I wanna watch this big fat dick—” he squeezes his fist on Steve— “plowing her sloppy, making her cum so good she even cries a little bit.” Steve whines again, and Bucky hums in agreement. “Mmhm. It’d be so hot, Stevie.”
Steve squirms against him in distress. “I, I’ve never … With girls I mean. I’m not … I’ve never …” he peters off, and Bucky’s got no idea what he’s saying.
“What?” He frowns and ruts his erection against the cleft of Steve’s ass for a little relief. “What’re you talking about, Baby? You’ve been with women before. College?”
Steve shakes his head against the pillow. “No, I mean I … I don’t know what to do. To make ‘em feel good. I’m … not good at it.”
Bucky actually stops what he’s doing. Steve grunts at the lack of touch, but Bucky just hushes him and pulls on his shoulder, urging him to turn over. “Hey. C’mere. Look at me.” Steve’s face is indeed colored pink when he turns to lie facing Bucky. His eyes flick up briefly, but dart away again, shy. Bucky’s heart squeezes. “Oh, Honey,” he says, bringing a hand up to cup Steve’s jaw. “Who told you that?” He thinks of murdering whatever coed bitch might’ve made Steve feel self-conscious.
Steve looks mortified. “Nobody did. Just … I could tell. The times I was with ‘em. I couldn’t make them, you know, cum.” He looks so ashamed as he admits it, and Bucky wants to grab him and kiss all over his entire face.
“Aw, Steve,” he coos. “Is that it? You’re nervous about being with a woman again? Not confident?”
Steve nods. He tucks himself against Bucky’s body and presses his face in his neck, hiding there. “Women are hard,” he mumbles. “I like ‘em, but it’s not easy.”
Bucky chuckles a little. “Yeah, that’s for sure. But it’s not that bad, baby. You just gotta know a few basics. Gotta take it real slow and feel them out, find out what makes her feel good. Every girl’s different. That’s the beauty in it.”
Steve grunts and ruts up against him, their cocks knocking together between their bellies. “Tell me?” he asks, eager and sweet. “Please, Buck? Tell me how.”
Bucky feels like half the blood leaves his brain, his dick throbbing anew. “Fuck,” he breathes, crazy turned on at the idea. “You want me to teach you, Stevie? Teach you how to get her crying? Dripping wet? How to touch her so good you make her cum?”
Steve shivers and nods, grinding his forehead into Bucky’s shoulder in embarrassment. “Yeah, yeah I want you to. Want you to teach me.”
Bucky pulls Steve’s head up to make him look at him. His face is pinched—embarrassed but wanting. Bucky curses. “Fuck. Yeah, yeah baby I’ll teach you how. C’mere.” He moves up the bed, pulling Steve’s meaty shoulders to get him to follow, directing him to sit in his lap, back to chest as Bucky props them up against the headboard. He spreads his legs wide to accommodate Steve’s bulk, wrapping his arms around him from behind. “My little overachiever,” he murmurs. “Such a Boy Scout, always wanting to be the best you can be.”
Steve huffs. “Don’t think they gave out merits for eating pussy,” he quips, uncharacteristically lewd. 
Bucky barks out a laugh in delight. “Well pay attention, Sweetheart. You’re about to earn that badge.” Steve shudders against him, but he’s leaning back against Bucky, slumped just a little lower in his lap. He’s ready to listen, and Bucky’s fucking hot at the chance to tell. “First thing you gotta know,” he says, speaking delicately and smoothing his hands over Steve’s sides. “Is forget what you’ve seen in porn. They make that shit for us, not them. It’s all fake. No better way to make a girl miserable than to go pounding into her or whatever else.”
Steve makes a questioning noise, and God bless him, Bucky knows instantly that this is news to the big dummy. “But …” he hedges.
“No buts, Honey.” Bucky kisses his ear. “You gotta be so gentle. Always start soft, always go slow. Start that way and pay attention to her reactions.” He skims his fingertips up Steve’s ribs, tickling lightly over to his pecs and back down, making him gasp. “Yeah,” Bucky hums, “Just like that. She might be quiet at first, girls don’t moan all loud right off the bat. They don’t get worked up as fast as we do. They take time.”
Steve nods, panting a little as he listens to him. “W-what then?” he asks.
“Listen to her breathing, the sounds she makes. She’ll start breathing heavier when you’ve got her feeling good, start making little sounds without even realizing she’s doin’ it.” Steve looses a tiny whimper and Bucky grins. “Yeah, just like that.” He reaches down and finds Steve’s cock again, and god it’s sexy how wet his fella can get. He strokes him a few times, just languidly, letting the precum guide the slide of his fist. Not hurrying. Showing Steve what he means when he says ‘slow’.
“Oh,” Steve breathes, sounding gone for it.
“Yeah,” Bucky agrees. “And then when she starts moving her hips?” He presses his crotch into the small of Steve’s back. “Just rubbing herself against you or humping up in the air a little? Oh yeah, that’s when she’s into it.” He brings one hand up to cradle Steve’s pec. “Girls are more sensitive here than we are,” he tells him. He’s looking over Steve’s shoulder now, eyeing up what he’s doing. He flicks his thumb over the nipple—so freaking small and petal pink where Bucky’s are darker. And he’s so responsive, the nipple pebbling up with hardly any effort on Bucky’s part. “Mmhm,” Bucky hums approvingly. “You want to try different things. You can just hold ‘em …” he uses both hands and cups the meat of Steve’s chest, giving a proprietary squeeze. Steve moans and Bucky smiles. “Yeah. But not too hard. Treat her tits like they’re something delicate, somethin’ special.” He makes the motion to Steve’s pecs like he would do to lightly bounce a woman’s breasts in his palms. “And Mary, she’s got smaller tits. A nice, healthy handful, just like you.”
Steve whines and squirms impatiently in his lap. Bucky glances down to check, and sees Steve’s cock; abandoned on his stomach, dark, and leaking. It’s so heavy and thick, the foreskin drawn halfway down the head, showcasing the shiny pink tip of him. Bucky curses softly. Fuck, but he wants to wring an orgasm out of that cock like ten minutes ago. But he forces himself to stay the course.
“When you use your mouth on her nipples,” he whispers, voice soft like velvet in Steve’s ear, “You can lick. Or nibble a little.” He mimics each option with a stroke and then a pinch of his fingers on Steve’s nipples, flicking out with his tongue to get the shell of Steve’s ear. “But I’ll tell you what: most of ‘em like it best when you suck.” He uses all five fingertips drawn together to pull gently at the peaks of Steve’s chest, and Steve makes a hurt, wanting sound. “Yeah,” Bucky agrees. “Suck her nipples. Then fit as much of her in your mouth as you can and suck that too.” He takes pity on Steve and reaches back down for his cock. Steve cries out, and Bucky gentles him. “Shh sh sh. Remember: slow.”
Steve groans, his tight hips flexing and pushing his cock up into the curl of Bucky’s fist. “Buck, please.”
“It’s not about you,” Bucky chides. “You’re a man. You get to cum so easy and all the time. You gotta help her get there, give her what she deserves.”
Steve sobs a little, so worked up from all the teasing, but he falls back into Bucky, relaxing against his chest and laying himself open for Bucky to continue. Pride and adoration for his man well up in Bucky at the show of submission. “Good,” he praises, giving an extra indulgent twist on the next upstroke. Steve’s foreskin moves with the motions, making soft, wet noises with all the precum he’s leaking. Bucky hums appreciatively. “Yeah, lookit that.” He draws his hand all the way up, tight, and then dips his thumb into the folds, rubbing into that wetness, against the sensitive head. “If you’re doing it right, touching her enough, she’ll be wet by now,” he says. “But you still shouldn’t go for her pussy yet. Not yet.”
“What … what else?” Steve asks muzzily, like he can’t think of anything else to do that doesn’t involve his dick getting jerked off or sticking it in a hypothetical pussy.
“Tease her,” Bucky says. “Run your hands all over her body, all over her soft skin.”
Steve sighs happily. “I like how soft they are. Smooth.”
Hearing Steve talk about what he likes about women makes Bucky’s dick throb, and he grinds it against Steve’s lower back for some relief. “Mmhm,” he agrees, moving his hands up and down the skin of Steve’s ribcage, his belly, grabbing on at his hips and giving a proprietary jostle. “Dig your fingers into her, gentle but insistent. Let her feel how much you love her body.”
“Now?” Steve asks.
“Not yet,” Bucky whispers.
“Fuck. Bucky.”
“Tease her,” he insists, ignoring Steve’s pleading. He slides his hands down Steve’s thighs and inwards, pulling them apart. Steve moans and spreads them wide. “Exactly,” Bucky says. “You want to touch her here. Run your hands all over, so close to where she wants it. Remember, if you’ve been doing this right, she’ll be wet by now.” He goes back and strokes the wetness along Steve’s shaft. “Sink down between her legs and kiss her thighs—you’ll smell it.”
“Oh my god.”
Bucky smiles, in love with his husband for how easily he comes apart under his care. He traces down to the base of Steve’s cock, making a vee with two fingers and rubbing the skin on either side. “Put pressure on her mound, really close but not touching where she wants it. Not yet.” His other hand slides down and delicately traces the seam of Steve’s sac. “Tease her, trace her folds. Get a little bit of that wetness and rub it around to make her even more sensitive. And then …” He blows gently on Steve’s ear. Steve moans. “Just like that. You want to wait. Don’t give her your mouth until she’s whining and shovin’ up at you for it.”
Bucky chuckles and circles the wet pad of his finger over one testicle and then the other. He nudges at Steve’s taut sac and whispers in his ear. “Push her lips apart.”
Steve is breathing hard through his nose, tense, his dick bobbing rock hard and angry in the air. Bucky has mercy on him and reaches for it, and Steve chokes out a sob of relief at only the slightest touch.
Bucky kisses his temple soothingly. “Shh. Here. Riiight here.” He holds the head between his thumb and fingers and starts jacking just the tip of him, foreskin tugging and gliding in that way that he knows feels amazing for Steve. “Right above her sweet spot, see? You rub on her like this, up and down, back and forth. Work the hood over her clit juuust like this.”
Steve makes a debased groan at the echo of what Bucky’s saying, and how he’s working Steve’s foreskin over the head of his dick. “Fuck, fuck,” he hisses.
“Yeah, you’re close. She’s soaked by now. You think it’s time to give her more?”
“Bucky. Yes, yes, please.” His hips are straining upwards but he lets his head loll back on Bucky’s shoulder, open for what he’ll do next. “Please,” he begs.
“Now this is important, baby, so pay attention,” Bucky says. “Some women like a mouth on ‘em down there, some don’t. Some do, but they have a hang up over how they think they look or taste or something.” Steve makes a sad noise at that, matching Bucky’s opinion that: yeah, women shouldn’t worry so much. Pussy is just generally fucking awesome. “Tell her how much you love it,” he says. “The taste of her, the shape of her lips. Make her feel pretty and wanted.” He’s fondling Steve’s balls anew as he says this, rubbing and rolling them, then cupping his whole palm over them and dipping behind to dig fingertips into his taint. “Come on, Stevie,” he goads, “Let me hear it. Tell me what you’d say.”
It takes Steve a few tries before he can pull enough of his brain out of his dick to rasp, “S’fucking gorgeous p-pussy. So … so wet. Can I lick it Honey, huh? Please lemme lick it. Wanna taste that sweet cunt.”
Bucky gasps, shocked and delighted at Steve’s dirty talk. “Oh, Stevie,” he groans. “Baby. Fuck, yes. I didn’t know you had it in you.” He wraps his hand fully around Steve’s cock and starts jerking him off fast, fast enough that it’s obvious he’s finally aiming to make Steve cum, and Steve chokes on a relieved heave of breath. 
"Yes! Oh, thank you!”
Bucky attacks Steve’s neck with his mouth, biting and smearing spit and scraping his teeth over the wet skin. He growls as he watches his fist working furiously over Steve's red, hard dick. “Suck her clit while you fuck her on your fingers,” he rasps. “Tell her she’s a good girl, tell her to ride your face, grind down on your hand. Make sure she knows she’s allowed to let go.”
Steve cries out, guttural and loud like he always gets when his pleasure is cresting. “Bucky, Buck. Honey, oh. F-fuck, m’close.”
“Mmhm. Thaat’s it, Princess,” he says, pitching his voice just so and using that name so that Steve knows. Knows he’s talking to her.
Steve whines, his whole body tight and straining into Bucky’s grip.
“Curl your fucking fingers in her,” Bucky growls. “She’s close. Don’t slow down. Don’t even speed up. She likes what you’re doing now, so don’t you dare fucking change a thing.”
“That’s it, Princess, just like that. You’re almost there.”
“Fuck, fuck … ssshit …”
“Ride Daddy’s hand, fuck back on it. Good girl.”
Steve jerks and shouts, cock pulsing in telltale contractions, before searing ropes of come shoot up his stomach and all over Bucky’s hand. “Oh, oh, oh!” He grunts through it with gorgeous sounds, and Bucky’s so in love with the sight of it that he’s not roleplaying anymore when he purrs, “Fucking beautiful, Sweetheart.”
Steve slumps when it’s over, still panting from the pleasure. Bucky eases off, sets his wet and slowly softening dick gently against his stomach. He moves them, guiding Steve to turn over and lie out on his front. He shoves Steve’s legs together and straddles them, swipes his hand that’s covered in Steve’s release into the tight space between his thighs, wetting him up. He growls viciously, pent up and rock hard and ready to fucking cum. He ruts into the wet clench of Steve’s thick thighs, fucking him like he’s got a loose, easy cunt. “Fuck, baby,” he grits, close within a matter of minutes. He chases his orgasm and collapses onto Steve’s broad back when it hits, grinding in hard one last time and shouting loud and guttural with how goddamn good it feels. “Fuck! Ughn, f-ffuuck.” 
He comes down heaving, panting against Steve’s skin. Steve is strong enough that he can roll out from under his weight, and he pulls Bucky into his arms and draws his head onto his chest. Bucky goes gratefully, happy to have Steve’s firm pecs as a pillow. “God, honey,” he breathes, wrung out. Steve makes a noise of agreement. They just lie there together, sweaty and spent, catching their breath for a long time.
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“... Buck?”
“… You’re a good teacher.”
Bucky laughs and crawls up to kiss Steve on the mouth. “Yeah,” he says when they part. “But that wasn’t even the main event.” Steve looks confused for a second, before Bucky slyly clarifies: “You still gotta fuck her. And you know you want to make her cum at least twice.”
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194 notes · View notes
lunaroserites · 2 months
It's Okay, We're Okay
Pairing: Established Bucky x Fem!Reader
Characters: Avengers Cast
Summery: Snippets into an OC's life that I love, that sorta follows the cannon events of the Infinity SAGA. She is enhanced and maybe a little OP, but whatever lol
Warnings: Not beta'd! All mistakes are my own. Friends fluff, swearing, implied sex, kissing, flirting, marriage, character death. Sorta cannon compliant. Cannon is a suggestion. No use of YN and very little/no body description
Word Court: 6048
Likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated! ❤️
Please do not repost, translate or otherwise copy my work elsewhere, without my express permission, thank you! Lunaroserites on tumblr and ao3
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“How about a semi stable 100 year old man,” Bucky said with a bright smile as he hugged Steve, his tone lighter than it had been in months. You couldn’t help but smile as you walked up toward the two. 
“And how about his semi stable almost 100 year old wife?” You mused, Steve looked at you for a moment before his eyes flicked to Bucky’s face. You held your hand up and a beautiful vibranium ring sat on your ring finger, Bucky held up his vibranium arm and flexed his fingers, the matching ring visibly different from the rest of his arm. Steve’s face broke out into an even bigger smile. 
“Congrats you guys,” he pulled you both in a one armed hug each. Bucky’s arm crept around your waist in the hug and you held Steve’s arm tightly. 
Natasha ran up to you and wrapped you in a tight hug, “congratulations!” You smiled at her and touched her forehead with yours. 
“What are we facing,” you asked, looking back to Steve. He delved into what we were about to face. “Well at least it will be easy,” you said sarcastically, leaning to Bucky’s side for some comfort. He held you tightly into his side for a brief moment. 
“I’ll give you two a moment,” Steve turned to speak with T’Challa and the rest of the crew. 
Bucky placed his hand on your cheek and leaned his forehead into yours, his metal hand holding your waist gently. You mirrored him, holding the back of his head and reaching up on your tiptoes to meet him halfway, your other hand splayed open on his chest. He stared contentedly into your eyes for a few moments, pouring all his love and affection into that look. 
“I love you,” you said softly and pressed a soft kiss to his plush lips. 
“I love you doll,” he whispered back after you pulled back. You took a couple deep breaths together and parted from one another. You rolled your shoulders and stretched your arms out, tilting your head side to side a couple times to warm up. 
“It’s okay.” 
“We’re okay,” he finished. 
“Looks like we have a battle to face,” you as you rejoined Steve and the rest of the crew. You cracked your knuckles, pulled your hood up, and unsheath your daggers.“Phantom out,” you faded into the shadows leaving a wave of calm behind as you flitted through the shadows toward the upcoming battle. “You better watch his ass Steve, he’s not as spry as he once was,” you teased into the ear piece. 
“You weren’t thinking that last night when you screamed my name, Honey” Bucky quipped back, you blushed. 
“Let’s keep the comms clean you two,” Steve said trying to sound stern, but you could pick the amusement out in his tone. 
“Oh don’t be a bitch,” you groaned as one of the weird alien creatures dodged your daggers. You screeched when one clipped your shoulder, it picked your scent up even though you were hidden in the shadows. One swift movement and the creature was dead with the blade of your dagger embedded in its skull. Pulling it out and shaking it off you heard Bucky curse on the comms and you were immediately heading toward him. 
You ran and dodged everyone and everything on the way to Bucky’s side. Still immersed in the shadows, you climbed up on Bucky’s back, he barely registered your weight as you perched on his shoulder as he picked up a small raccoon and spun around creating a circle of bullets hitting everything surrounding them. 
“How much for the arm?” It asked. 
“Not for sale,” you answered, reappearing, sitting on Bucky's shoulder with one leg crossed over the other and a smirk on your face. The raccoon looked perplexed as he looked you up and down for a moment before shaking his head. 
“I’ll get that arm,” you snorted at the racoon's declaration.
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“Doll? Steve?” Bucky called, you turned around, Steve following suit and you watched in horror as Bucky’s legs started disappearing.
“Bucky?” You started running toward him, catching his hand in yours and his eyes bore into yours, you were falling to your knees as he disappeared more and more, dust clenched into your fist as his hand vanished. 
“I love…” and he was gone, the dull thunk of his gun hitting the ground filled your ears. 
“BUCKY!? BUCKY!” You screamed, an inhuman wail left your lips as your hands moved around the dust that scattered the ground where he fell. You didn’t register Steve’s arms wrap around you as he hauled you up and away from your husband’s body, dust. You kicked and wailed in his arms, sobs wrecking your body as you screamed for Bucky. 
“Hey, hey,” Steve’s voice was right in your ear as he gripped your arms to your sides, his other hand pulling your face into his neck. He was trying to sooth you, he maneuvered your body so you were being cradled into his chest, his big hand cupping the back of your head into his shoulder as you shook uncontrollably, sobs wrecking your throat.
“Bucky,” you sobbed, fisting Steve’s tactical suit. “Bucky…” your voice quieted as you cried into his shoulder as he held you tightly. 
“I know, I know,” he soothed, his hand rubbing up and down your back in circles like he did after he personally told you Bucky fell from that train. Another sod ripped though your trembling form. 
“Steve, I’m dreaming right? This is a nightmare right,” you pulled back and looked into his eyes, he had a far off look in them. That question mirrored the one you asked back then, and right now he wasn’t seeing Phantom, enhanced Avenger, he was seeing you, that tiny woman that held the heart of his best friend in her hands. Your voice was desperate, all you wanted to do was wake up in your bed cuddled up to your husband. But all you were met with were Steve’s saddened blue eyes. He shook his head and pulled you back into a tight hug. You sobbed again, all the strength in your body gone. 
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1 week later 
You sat and stared out the window of the compound, you barely moved from that spot since Steve placed you there a week ago. You barely ate, all food made your stomach turn uncomfortably, everything reminded you of him. Looking at your ring brought silent sobs up, as your tear ducts were long empty from all the tears you shed. 
The sound of a glass hitting the table made you jump, you turned your head to look at where the noise came from. 
“You look awful,” Rocket said. You scoffed and looked away from him. He had spent the last week drinking Tony’s expensive liquor, your heart clenched at the thought of Tony, you still had no clue if he was still alive or where he was. 
You had dark bags under your eyes and your hair was greasy, your clothes only changed because Natasha took it upon herself to get you changed a couple days ago. You felt incredibly numb, the world was devoid of all feeling and colour. You were spiraling and you couldn’t stop. 
You flinched when cold glass touched your bare arm, you looked over and Rocket was holding out a glass of amber liquor. You took it and shot it back, welcoming the burn it caused. 
“He was your husband?” Rocket asked, tears stung your eyes as you closed them and sniffled before nodding. 
“Ye… yes,” you choked out. He gave you a sad look, and placed his paw on your arm where he touched the glass a moment before. Pulling back he lifted the bottle and tilted it toward you. You held the glass out and he topped it up. 
“To the loved ones we lost,” he clinked the bottle to your glass and you both tipped the drink back. You finished yours in one go, the burn less than the last time. He refilled the cup. 
“Tony’s gonna be pissed,” you couldn’t help the chuckle that bubbled out of your throat. You wanted to blame it on the booze, but you haven’t been able to get drunk since 1946. Maybe it was the fact Rocket was the first person to look at you with something other than pity in the last week or the shock was finally starting to wear off. Whatever it was, you appreciated it. 
1 week later
That’s how your nights went for the next week. Sharing a drink or two of Tony’s expensive liquor with Rocket. You barely saw Steve and the rest of the team as they were busy with relief efforts. Whenever Steve was in the compound he had trouble evenlooking at you, like it hurt his heart more to see you so distant. 
“Tell me about him,” Rocket said as he topped your glass up. He usually avoided personal questions, so this was unusual. You sucked in a sharp breath before pulling your knees up to your chest and looking at the ring on your finger. A fresh wave of tears welled up and you blinked a couple times, you took a couple shuddering breaths before shaking your head and looking out the window, your chin on your knees. 
“He was everything to me,” you started. “We met after Steve saved him from Hydra back in the 40s,” Rocket gave you a questioning look. “Did you look up anything about Steve?” He nodded, “I know there’s not as much on Bucky and I out there.” He nodded again. “He could make anyone feel at ease, he was so effortlessly happy despite everything that was happening. I had heard girls talk about falling in love and it sounded like horse shit,” you chuckled. “But then I met him, and I knew instantly what they were talking about. Everything just felt right.” 
“Bucky and I were almost married back then. But it was postponed for the mission he went on to bring in Zola, and then he didn’t come home.”  
You pressed your palm to your eyes, “I was inconsolable, I’m surprised Howard didn’t send me back to America,” that name confused him. “Howard Stark is my adoptive brother. My mom died giving birth to me, dad wasn’t around, his mom and mine were best friends. So the Starks raised me as their own. That’s Tony’s dad.” He nodded again, he just listened. It was nice. 
“Back to Bucky, there was a celebration happening in the canteen on the camp after Steve saved the 107th, Peggy and I were the only women there who weren’t nurses. She had been speaking to Steve and Bucky, well more so flirting with Steve.” You giggled. 
“Steve made a comment ‘maybe she has a friend’ and I just so happened to need to speak with Steve right after Peggy, who was my best friend. So Steve made a comment after I left,” you chuckled thinking back. “Bucky asked me to dance that night and we ended up in his bunk, the rest is history really,” you chuckled. 
“He was so sweet, flirty and funny. I was smitten from the second he introduced himself when I was talking to Steve,” you said dreamily. “Howard was pissed, how dare his baby sister date, the horror,” a full laugh came out as you remembered the look of horror on Howard's face when he caught you sneaking out of the bunk house the next morning. Your laugh was light and airy, like sweet bells or chimes. Steve had been listening to you from the door as you recounted your time back then. A ghost of a smile on his face. 
“So what happened, how are you still here?” Rocket asked. 
“After Steve went into the ice,” you noticed Steve now, your eyes saddened for a moment. “Howard threw himself into trying to replicate the serum. I was his first test subject, it felt right. No one else could do it. I felt like I owed it to Steve and Bucky to try and make their legacies survive. Kinda stupid,” you chuckled again. “In ‘51 we heard whispers of the Winter Soldier, they sent me to investigate. No one else came back alive. I was captured by Cerberus, the human experimentation division of Hydra. They held me captive for 61 years, until someone fucked up and my location was compromised and Fury was able to pinpoint me. He sent Steve in and well, he was surprised to see a face from his past staring back at him when he defrosted me.” 
Rocket nodded, and looked over to Steve, “I never expected to see her staring back at me,” he said softly, taking a seat on the sofa. “I never expected her to be an enhanced.” 
“I had ended up back in Hydra's hands after the battle of New York in 2012. I had changed hands a few times during my 6 decades captured. Cerberus had gone rouge at some point and it was a constant battle to get me back between the two. Hydra got their hands on the staff and used it on me, to see what it could do,” it was hard to talk about what you went through. It sounded insane. “Steve was on a mission to see if he could find the staff when he found me in cryostasis.”
“Fury sent me on a mission to find the staff, but I’m pretty sure he was actually sending me to find her. When I confronted him about it he just shrugged,” Steve added, you nodded along with him, having been with Steve during that confrontation. 
 “Hydra was terrified of me because my abilities were quite strong. I can disappear into shadows, and manipulate emotions with some mild telepathy and telekinesis. I think it's just my control of shadows, but I don’t really know.” 
“I remember not believing my eyes, it was like seeing a ghost,” Steve murmured, you nodded. 
“Seeing Steve was shocking to me as well, last I knew he went down with a plane somewhere in the arctic,” you said back. Rocket listened intently. 
“I remember meeting Tony for the first time when you brought me back to the tower. I couldn’t believe it, Howard actually had a kid, a son,” you smiled. “He knew who I was. Apparently Howard talked about me a lot, and they had a picture of me in the house,” you looked down. Even though you were technically younger than him, you always felt like an aunt to him. “He called me auntie,” you chuckled, your eyes saddening again. “I miss them Steve,” you sighed and leaned back against the sofa. 
“How did you find Bucky?” Rocket asked. 
“He found us,” you laughed, and looked over at Steve. “HYDRA sent the Winter Soldier after us. It’s a long story.” You said quickly, “they wanted Cap gone and me back. I’ll never forget the emotions I felt that day in Washington when the Winter Soldier was revealed to be Bucky,” you shuddered thinking back to that fateful day that completely changed the trajectory of your life.
You three finished the bottle that night. 
1 week later 
You were finally up and about, trying to be useful when a ship touched down on the lawn of the compound.
“Tony!” You shouted, taking off in a sprint toward him as he walked down the ramp, a blue lady following him. You held on to him to keep him steady and he looked at you perplexed. 
“I lost the kid,” he said frantically. “I failed, I lost the kid,” he sounded so defeated. 
“We failed too, I lost Bucky,” he gave you a pained expression. “I’m sorry about the kid,” you said solemnly as you walked with him into the compound. Pepper hot on your heels. 
Steve asked him if he knew where Thanos might be, Tony gave him the most angry look you had ever seen. 
“Maybe we should let him rest,” you said softly, Tony already ripping into Steve and then he was given a sedative. 
The blue lady, Nebula as she introduced herself, had an idea on where to find Thanos, so you were traveling into space. Rocket had let you sit next to him, you two had grown very close in the last few weeks. 
Finding Thanos wasn’t as satisfying as you had hoped. He had destroyed the stones and there was no way to bring your loved ones back. Before Thor killed him you had jumped on his back and dug your fingers into his temples and made him relieve everything, every mistake, every failure and twisted his mind painfully, “this is for taking him from me again,” you ground out, tears pouring from your eyes and your head was pounding. Then Thor killed him, and it was unsatisfying. 
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Time skip
Tony left the compound, telling Steve it was his. Pepper went with him. You were devastated. It took two years for you and Tony to get back on proper speaking terms. He held a lot of resentment towards you and Bucky, well for you still loving Bucky after he killed Howard and Marie. 
“I did horrible things to Tony,” you shouted. “Do you blame me?” He shook his head, fire in his eyes. 
“That’s different, it wasn’t you,” he bit back. 
“How? It wasn’t him either,” You snapped. 
“You didn’t kill my mom,” he said. 
“Tony. I know nothing will ever change that. But please, I’m begging you. Please try and understand it wasn’t Bucky either,” you said sadly, reaching out to touch his cheek. “Please. Bucky loved Howard, he wouldn’t have killed him or Marie if he was in control of his mind,” you said tenderly. Tony’s cheek connected with your palm and you rubbed your thumb over his cheek bone. “Please Tony, for me. I’m not asking for you to be friends or even forgive him. I’m asking for you to forgive me, to let me back in. You’re my only family left,” you said softly. 
He nodded a moment later, “okay,” he pulled you into a hug. “I missed you, I’m sorry you lost Barnes,” he said softly. You let out a breath of relief and hugged him back just as hard. “I’m sorry you lost the kid,” you felt him nod. 
You semi retired over the next few years, only helping out sometimes, you tried to live a semi normal life. You spent a lot of time with Tony and Pepper, enjoying getting to be an actual auntie to Morgan. She was like Tony’s mini me, and it made your heart ache you never got to know Tony as a boy.  Tony even broke down after some time and told you about Howard, how he was, you were baffled, as the man he described was nothing like the brother you grew up with. 
“If I were around, I would have kicked his ass,” you said one night while sharing a drink with Tony.
“Seeing how you are with Morgan, it would have been nice to have you around growing up,” he replied. “Dad talked about you a lot, he said I reminded him of you, you were just as impulsive and hard headed as I was apparently.” That made you throw your head back and laugh.  
“You remind me of Howard actually, I’m sorry you never really got to see that side of him,” your voice tapered off as you looked down at the liquor in your cup.
“I gotta ask, you and Barnes, did you,” he took a deep breath, “did you guys ever plan on having kids, white picket fence, a dog.” You knew it was still hard for him to bring up Bucky, it was a wound that would likely never heal.
You thought for a moment, rolling the ring around on your finger that you vowed to never remove, thinking back to when you and Bucky met and were young, full of hopes and dreams for a future stolen from you. “Yes, maybe a brownstone in Brooklyn though, or an acreage in upstate. A couple kids and a dog or two. The American Dream.” 
“I meant now, after you guys found one another again,” Tony said softly. 
“Oh, if you really look at it, we only have had a handful of months together that were semi peaceful, so we never really talked about it again,” you said sadly. You watched him nod and he touched your hand. 
“You would be a great mom,” Tony squeezed your hand. Tears welled up in your eyes at his kind words. “For what it’s worth, I know the gone can’t appreciate it. But you can, the living can. I forgive him. It will always hurt and part of me will always be raw about it. But I forgive him.” The tears fell now, and you sniffled while pulling Tony into a tight hug, relief flooding your body. 
Steve respected that you wanted to try and live life semi-normally. He would only call you to participate in the field when something required your abilities and expertise. 
With the help of Tony you were able to claim the trust Howard had set up for you after you disappeared in 1951. He apparently had a gut feeling you were still alive. Out there somewhere. Tony also helped with getting your stake in Stark Industries legitimized. You rented an apartment in New York, so you could still visit the compound easily. Not really wanting to buy a house yet or build one, part of you still held out that maybe one day you would get Bucky back and you two could start that family you both dreamed about. 
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You were staring at Steve like he had ten heads just magically sprout out of his neck as you both stood in your living room. “Come again?” your heart pounded loudly and your palms were calmly, your brain going into overdrive as you clutched your hands in front of you.
“We might be able to get them back,” Steve said again, and your breath hitched, it was the most hopeful you heard him since before the blip. You stared at him in shock. 
“Don’t fuck with my heart Steve,” you voice cracked slightly. He shook his head. 
“I’m not I promise, we need to see if we can get Tony on board, I was hoping you would help,” Steve asked, almost begging. 
You stood next to Steve while Bruce tested the time machine van Scott brought to the compound. Both of you sighing when he came back as a baby, and then coming back himself in a soiled suit. 
Your heart beat spiked excitedly when you saw one of Tony’s sports cars fly up the compound's driveway, you squeezed Steve's hand, and he squeezed yours back. 
You didn’t time travel, there weren't enough suits or pym-practicals for you to go as well. You monitored the equipment while you waited for the team to come back. Losing Natasha was devastating, you comforted Clint after he got back. “I couldn’t save her,” he sounded broken and your heart shattered. 
You watched in horror as Bruce basically barbequed his arm to undo the snap. Everyone looked around at one another, trying to figure out if it worked or not. Your phone and Clint’s started ringing. You both walked over hesitantly, you grabbed yours. Sam’s face on the screen and you felt a sob get stuck in your throat. You and Clint shared a quick look before you both swiped to answer, placing the phone to your ear your breath hitched when you heard him. 
“Doll,” tears flooded your cheeks as you brought your hand to cover your mouth. 
“Bucky,” you choked out, “Buc…” a scream ripped through your throat as the compound collapsed around you, burying you and Clint. 
“Hello?” Clint groaned as he flashed his light around. 
“Help,” you coughed as rubble shifted on top of you. “Clint,” you called out. 
“Come on kid,” he said, holding your hand as he pulled you free. 
“I’m older than you Clint,” you laughed a dry laugh, rubbing the dirt off your face. He gave you a deadpan expression. “Sorry,” you raised your hand up in surrender. 
“Shit,” you looked down at the ground, the gauntlet was sitting in front of you two. Then you heard it, it was faint. Clint immediately sent a torch arrow through the tunnel, revealing creatures similar to the ones you fought in Wakanda. Clint quickly grabbed the gauntlet and you both ran for it. 
“God I hate those things,” you groaned as you ran alongside Clint. 
“You fought them before?” He asked. 
“In Wakanda before the blip,” he nodded as he  shot explosive arrows into the pipes. The explosion caused you both to fly forward and you fell on top of him. With a groan you rolled off him and quickly sprang up. More were coming, he looked up and shot a grapple up and offered you his hand. You shook your hand and sunk into the shadows and crawled up the wall in them as he cut one of the creatures down. As he landed from his grapple, you jammed your dagger into the floor and used your momentum to kick one of them back down the hole. 
He raised his blade over the hole and yelled before rolling over and lying down for a moment, you followed suit groaning with him. 
“Oh hey I know you,” Clint murmured as Nebula came and took the gauntlet. 
“Father, I have the stones,” your eyes snapped open and you looked at her. You sunk into the shadows before she could stop you. 
“You what?” Clint mumbled, he was shocked and more awake now. She placed her boot on his chest and pointed a gun at him. 
“Stop,” a new voice said. A lady whose skin was green entered with a gun pointed at Nebula came in. Nebula moved, her gun still pointed at Clint’s head as you skulked through the shadows to get behind her. 
“You’re betraying us?” other Nebula asked, as the other lady held her arm steady, the gun aimed at her. Another Nebula came in with her hands up and Clint jumped out from the middle of them. You sent a small pulse of calm toward him so he could still feel you there with him. 
“You don’t have to do this,” your Nebula says. 
“I am this,” the other retorts. 
“No you're not,” the green lady says, you stayed still and watched. Poised to strike when needed. 
“You’ve seen what we’ve become,” your Nebula says softly as she walks towards the other. 
“Nebula, listen to her,” the other lady urged. 
“You can change,” the green lady dropped her gun, you tensed. 
“He won’t let me,” the other Nebula said tearfully and aimed her gun at the green lady. You sprung forward and grabbed her arms from behind revealing yourself completely, as your Nebula shot her. You gasped and dropped to the ground and started hyperventilating, feeling all over your chest for damage. Clint was to your side in an instant checking you over. 
“Okay, breathe, breathe,” you took a sharp breath and stared into Clint’s eyes, yours wild and terrified. 
“It’s okay, we’re okay,” you repeat your mantra out loud. You scrambled up as Clint grabbed the gauntlet and you two ran. 
Wakanda 2023 Post Unsnap 
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Bucky woke up face down in the dirt, and he was very confused. Sam was to his side instantaneously and pulled him up. 
“What the hell happened?” Bucky shook his head and looked around. “Doll? Doll!” He shouted. “Where are you?” He called out, hoping for an answer he was met with silence. 
“I have no idea,” Sam looked bewildered, “I’m going to call her,” he said and dialed your number, he didn’t get an answer and Bucky’s stomach tied itself in knots as he heard it ring. When he heard her breath as she answered. 
“Doll?” He asked breathlessly, she didn’t answer for a couple beats but then her sweet voice crackled through the phone. 
“Bucky,” a breath of relief flooded him as he heard her voice. “Buc..” he heard her scream and the sound of falling rubble and then the line went dead. 
“Doll?” Bucky called frantically, “Doll!?” He screamed into the phone. 
“Barnes,” Sam said sternly. “Barnes,” he tried again. “Bucky!” He grabbed him by the shoulders and made him look at him. “We’ll get to her,” Sam promised, his own heart twisting. 
Golden circles opened up suddenly in front of them, Wanda and Groot joining them as they looked through the portals in bewilderment. “We’re Masters of the Mythic Arts, your team needs help facing Thanos.” 
Avengers Compound 2023
“Did anyone ever tell you, you talk too much,” you shouted as you reappeared next to Steve. He looked awful. You looked around you and your heart beat slowed as you took everything in. You couldn’t see Tony or Thor. Or anyone else for that matter, Clint sent you ahead to try and find Cap since you could move faster in the shadows than he could run. 
“Ca,” a muffled sound crackled through the comm in Steve’s ears, yours crackling to life as well. “Cap? It’s Sam.” The comm cleared, “on your left,” golden circles opened what looked like portals and T’Challa, Shuri and Okoye walked though. Sam flew out right after and your heart soared as you watched him fly above and circle back, landing in front of you and Steve.   
Bucky walked though one of the portals and you could have screamed for joy. Your stomach started somersaulting and your heart rate spiked. “Go,” Steve said softly. You took off toward Bucky, his arm opening to you almost instantly as you body slammed into him a moment later. His arm wrapped tightly around your waist and yours wrapped around his neck. He inhaled a deep breath through his nose that was buried into your hair. 
You pulled back and placed your hand on his cheeks and smiled brightly up at him, “Bucky,” you were crying. 
“Doll,” he whispered back. In his arm you turned toward Thanos again, Bucky’s arm secured around your waist as you faced the purple monster. You looked at one another once more before nodding at each other. 
“I love you,” you said softly. 
“I love you too,” he said back tenderly. 
“It’s okay.”
“We’re okay.”
“AVENGERS!” Steve shouted. “Assemble.” It was chaos the moment he finished. 
“Let’s do this. Phantom out,” you faded into the shadows instantly. 
You danced around slicing at anything that got to close, trying to track Clint to figure out where he had made it off too when you went ahead. 
You kept close to Bucky and stabbed a rogue creature that almost got Rocket. He whipped around and you half appeared smiling at him before throwing a knife and embedding into the skull of a creature that was too close to Bucky for your liking. 
“Hey Daisy,” Rocket chuckled. The nickname he coined for you a few years back stuck hard, and you didn’t hate it. Bucky looked over his shoulder with a questioning expression before shrugging and continuing what he was doing. You slipped back into the shadows and kept fighting. 
“Bucky the kid,” you shouted as you tried to dodge the oncoming fire. “I got you, protect him,” you watched as Bucky jumped forward and took a hit, your shadows protecting him. You scrambled forward and checked on him. The gun fire lulled for a moment and started firing in the sky. 
A missile like something started taking out the ship. You and Bucky watched in awe as it started to fall apart and fall into the lake. 
“You got something for me?” Carol asked. 
Peter handed her the gauntlet, “I don’t know how you’re gonna get it through all that.” 
“Don’t worry, she’s got help,” Okoye said as you all appeared around him. You emerged from the shadows for a moment and nodded to Wanda, smiling at her, she smiled back. 
Pepper was pulling Peter away from him, “Tony,” you ran forward and fell to your knees next to him and took his head in your hands. “Tony.” You felt tears slip down your cheeks as you let him go and crawled backwards, collapsing to the ground, Peter falling next to you, you pulled him into a hug. 
It was Bucky that pulled you up into his arms a short while later, you completely gave your strength over to him and went completely limp in his grasp. He looked down at you tenderly and nuzzled his nose into your hair softly. “It’s okay, we’re okay,” his voice was soothing and raw. 
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“I love you 3000,” you placed your hand over your mouth and stifled the sob that threatened to come out and leaned your head into Steve’s shoulder. He wrapped his arm around you and hugged you to him. Your heart broke for Morgan, his little mini me.
While Pepper gathered the ceremonial ‘Tony Stark Has A Heart,’ bouquet, Morgan toddled over to you. You crouched down to her level and gave her a big hug. She pulled back and her little face full of tears, you whipped them gently and smiled at her. 
“It’s okay,” you said softly into her hair as you pulled her back into another hug. 
“We’re okay,” she caught you off guard by finishing the mantra you repeated regularly. It was a safety net for you, something that soothed your soul in the darkest of times. You couldn't count how many times you said it to her when she would fall and hurt herself or if she had a bad dream or if she missed her parents when you watched her.  
Too hear you say it brought some sense of calm to you and nodded at her. “We are,” you cupped her cheek and smiled at her. “Dad will always love you, and he’ll always be right here,” you touched her heart, “and right here,” you touched her temple. She smiled sadly at you. 
“Luv you auntie,” she whispered before going back to her mom.   
As you followed Pepper out of the house, you joined Bucky’s side to watch her set Tony's heart adrift on the lake. He wrapped his arm around you and held you close. 
“I’m sorry you lost him,” Bucky said quietly as you watched on. You let out a deep shuddering sigh and nodded. 
“He forgave you after everything,” you murmured softly, your eyes sad. “I’m sad he never got to tell you himself.” Bucky kissed your temple gently and nodded against your head. 
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“Don’t do anything stupid until I get back,” Steve said to Bucky with a smile. 
“How can I? You’re taking all the stupid with you,” he murmured back and they hugged. 
He looked at you and smiled, “it’s okay,” he said softly. 
“We’re okay,” you finished. He pulled you into a hug tightly before letting go to bring the stones back. 
“I’m gonna miss you punk,” Bucky said softly. 
“It’s gonna be okay Buck,” Steve said as he stepped on the platform. 
Something screamed inside you that something was going to happen, you and Bucky stood side by side while Sam hammered on Bruce to figure out what happened. 
“Hey Sam,” Bucky called as you two looked toward a man sitting on a bench. You approached it first and looked at him, you swallowed hard. 
“Steve,” your voice cracked. He smiled up at you. 
“I’m so proud of you. Keep each other safe, and love hard,” you reached forward and wrapped him in a tight hug for a moment. You looked at his hand and noticed the ring.
“I’m glad you got to be happy, we’ll miss you. It’s okay,” you whispered as you stepped back. 
“We’re okay,” he nodded back. You walked away while wiping a tear from your eye and joined Bucky again while Sam went and spoke with him. 
“You don’t want to say anything,” you whispered to him, he wrapped his arm around you gently and pulled you close as he watched. 
“No,” Bucky said simply. You nodded and pressed your head into his shoulder. 
Feel free you send me a message if you have a request or would like more, or would like to be added to the tag list <3
If you want me to go more in depth into how she fits in the time line, let me know!
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beah388love · 25 days
Reader is mad at Steve because hes always busy with his meetings so she accidentally makes Steve jealous by hanging out with Bucky, Steve doesn’t mind though until Y/N passes out tired in Buckys arms
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Never scare me like that again
18+ Minors DNI!!!
Full Masterlist Marvel Masterlist
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
Summary: Steve’s been accidentally ignoring you
Warnings: swearing,fainting,not eating,not sleeping,bad language!!!(please tell me if I missed any!!!)
(Thank you so much for this request nonnie! I love it! I couldn’t wait to write this 🧡💛)
Steve has had so many meetings and paperwork that’s he’s been accidentally ignoring you.
You know he’s got work so you try not to get upset by it but it does hurt a little..
Like when last week you made his favourite dinner and when he got back he didn’t even eat it let alone notice,
“Steve? Are you coming to bed?” You asked when you saw him at his desk with the lamp on.
He shook his head but didn’t even look up, you sighed as you went back upstairs to bed, crying yourself to sleep.
Because of the change of Steve’s and yours time schedules, you was around Bucky a lot more often and you guys slowly became closer friends overtime, eating lunch together,training together etc.
He was so funny and sarcastic, especially when Sam was there.
“Mornin y/n…tinman” Sam teased as he walked past you both and Bucky rolled his eyes with a groan.
“Whatever birdbrain” he replied and Sam chuckled
Thats when you saw Steve, you smiled at him but he didn’t even notice you.
You bit your lip back trying to not let it get to you.
Bucky tapped you on the back, “y/n? Did you hear me?” He asked and you went wide eyed. You didn’t even notice he was talking.
“Sorry what did you say?” You said and he chuckled
“I said are you gonna be at our film night tonight?” He asked and you smiled with a nod.
“I wouldn’t miss it! I love the teams film night” you exclaimed excitedly making Bucky laugh.
Catching Steve’s attention.
Steve looked up confused, and saw you and Bucky laughing together. He noticed you two had grown closer recently, Tony cut off his thoughts
“You jealous?” He asked smirking and Steve coughed
“Jealous? No.. bucky?…No” Steve said as he looked back down at the handful of papers in his hands, his watch ticking off to remind him of his next meeting.
“Ah! I forgot!” Steve groaned as he ran to the meeting room quickly.
You had been feeling shit.
You hadn’t slept.
You only eat breakfast when you was with Bucky in the morning, but other than that you just trained and watched films. Not speaking to Steve for a whole week.
Bucky noticed you hadn’t eaten lunch for the past four days, he didn’t know about dinner but he guessed you didn’t eat that either.
You looked exhausted and he always noticed the tear marks next to your eyes in the morning.
He didn’t know if he should ask if you and Steve were okay or not, he didn’t want to be nosy?
But he realised he didn’t care, he was worried about you and wanted to make sure your okay.
So before movie night, he saw you was in the kitchen with Nat, getting all the food,snacks,films ready.
“Hey uh- y/n? An I talk to you alone?” Bucky asked and you paused before nodding, leaving the kitchen with him.
“Yeah what is it buck?” You asked him with a confused smile.
“Look- I uh- don’t wanna be nosy or anything? But uh- I just wanted to ask if you and Steve were okay?” He asked hesitantly as he scratched the back of his neck.
You looked awful, makeup trying to hide your eye bags and tear stains.
“What? Yes we’re- fine! I’m fine!” you replied looking away from him.
You felt a wave of sickness? Dizziness?
You sucked in a deep breath holding onto the wall.
“Y/n? I didn’t want to- are you okay?!” Bucky asked panicked as he rushed over to you. Holding you up when your body went limp, you fainted.
Everything went black.
“Nat! Steve?!” Bucky yelled as he picked you up in his arms carrying you to the sofa laying you down gently.
“What’s wrong?!” Steve rushed in the room panicked
“It’s Y/n she just fainted?” Bucky replied as he looked at you worried.
“Fuck! Get Banner!” Steve said to Bucky in a panic ad he rushed over to you and grabbed a pillow and blanket for you.
You looked drained. How didn’t he notice?
Your eyes were dark, tear marks on the ends of your eyelids, your lips were a little bloody from biting them. Which you only ever did when you was anxious.
He ran his hand through his hair worried.
“I’m so sorry” he whispered to himself but it was more to you.
He realised he hasn’t even been around you for the past two weeks.
“Steve? Where is she?” Banner asked until he saw you on the sofa, after he checked you over “she’s fine cap, she’ll wake up soon” he said and Steve nodded not taking his eyes off of you.
You woke up to Steve next to you, “Y/n?” He said breathlessly when he looked down at you.
“What happened?” You asked as he ran his fingers through your hair, calming you.
“You fainted baby” he said and you remembered.
“Are you okay? You looked really tired? Was you crying?” Steve asked you softly and you looked away.
“And don’t lie to me” Steve said to you and thi sighed.
“You haven’t spoke to me for the past week! You barely even noticed me” you sighed sadly looking up to Steve and he felt like shit.
“I know and I’m sorry- I don’t mean to- I was worried- I just!” Steve ran his hand through his hair, disappointed with himself.
“Bucky told me you haven’t been eating, or sleeping- is it true?“ Steve asked you concerned and you nodded lightly as played with your hands anxiously.
“I’m sorry…I missed you so much, I thought you was gonna break up with me” you whimpered as you tried to stop your tears.
“Don’t say you’re sorry, it’s not your fault it’s mine. I’m sorry.” Steve said as he held you in his arms, rocking you both giving you an occasional kiss on the head.
“I- I’m so sorry baby, I had meetings and papers- that’s no excuse! I’m sorry baby. I promise to never do that to you again. I’m sorry for ignoring you baby..” Steve said into your ear softly and you nodded into his chest, your tears slowing.
“Oh shit- sorry-“ Bucky went wide eyed as he quickly ran out the room.
“Language!” Steve yelled as he ran away.
You and Steve laughed, “I didn’t like seeing you laugh with Bucky yesterday..I want to be the only one who makes you laugh.” Steve whined and you giggled.
“So jealous” you mumbled into his chest making him chuckle.
“Am not” he whined
“Are to” you giggled
He turns you over onto the sofa, ticking your sides making you scream a laugh.
“Stevie no!” You laughed making him grin.
He stopped when you was nearly crying if laughter as you squirmed.
“Just promise me something?” Steve asked you and you looked at him confused as you panted from laughing so hard.
“Never scare me like that again!” Steve grinned as he held your arms and gave you a deep passionate kiss, taking your breath away again.
“Wanna go watch the movie now?” Steve asked you with a smile, you gasped when you remembered it was today.
You jumped up grabbing his hand and ran to the livingroom.
“Slow down!” Steve laughed as you dragged him along.
You and Steve were cuddle up in the corner of the sofa, him stroking your hair comfortingly.
He had a plate of your favourite snacks,
He was passing them to you, making sure you eat after this past week.
He held one up to you but you didn’t take it.
“Y/n?” He whispered and when he looked down you was asleep.
Your face smushed against his chest.
He smiled giving you a little kiss on the temple, “I love you so much.” He whispered, he didn’t even watch the film, just stared down and admired you.
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avengerscompound · 2 months
The Tower - Under the Table
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The Tower - Under the Table
Series Masterlist
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 4585
Warnings:  smut (ten personal bixexual orgy, oral sex, vaginal fingering, anal sex, some use of powers, blindfolds)
Synopsis:  It’s Elly’s birthday, and after dinner the group have their own special kind of party game, one where they find out how well they know each other, and who can keep a good poker face.
Author’s Note:  Long time no update! I’ve been writing really slow at the moment.  But I am still doing these if you have requests.  This one was Requested by bubsanddoll21 on Wattpad. You can send in your requests too.
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Takes place between The Tower and The Holiday Special
Under the Table
In the early days of my relationship with the Avengers, it was a rare event that all of us had a meal together at a table.  Ten people at a table felt more like a dinner party than a date.  Sitting around on the couches just felt more familiar and comfortable. So when we did sit down to eat, it was a special occasion.
This one was my birthday.
The others had wanted to do something special, so they decorated the conference room and Bucky, Sam, and Wanda had cooked a large meal.  It was nice and at the point where most of us had finished eating, Tony leaned back in his chair and put his hands behind his head.  “We should have brought some games up with us,” he said.  “I could go a few rounds of Cards Against Humanity right now.”
“I could go down and get something,” Steve offered.
“You’re still eating, Steve,” Wanda said.  “Someone else can go.”
“Or!” Clint said, waggling his eyebrows.  “Or… we could play a different kind of game.”
“Why do I get the feeling that you’re not talking about charades?” Sam asked.
“Because you know me too well, Sammy,” Clint said.  “I saw this thing…”
“What have I told you about watching that stuff on the company wifi?” Tony scolded.
Clint smirked at him.  “To invite you along when I do,” he teased and stuck his tongue out at Tony.  “Anyway, as I was saying; I saw this thing.  Someone gets under the table and starts going down on someone.  And if the person getting blown or eating out gives it away that it’s happening to them, they have to go under the table.  And if someone guesses the wrong person, it’s them.  Like a Blow Job Roulette.”
“Okay, that sounds fun,” I said.  “Can we?” 
There was a murmur around the table, and one by one everyone agreed it sounded like it could be fun.
“Birthday girl goes first,” Sam said.
“Shouldn’t I be the one that gets eaten out first?” I countered. 
“But then we’d all know it was you, and you’d just end up under the table,” Sam argued.  “You might as well start down there.”
I laughed.  The logic was flawed, but I figured it was as good a place as any.  “Alright, pants off everyone,” I said, slipping off my chair onto my knees under the table.  Everyone shuffled around, some of them just opening their pants and pulling their cocks out, while others stood and pushed their pants all the way down.  Wanda and Natasha were both wearing skirts, so they just took off their panties and hoisted up their skirts.  It was quite a sight under the table.  Nine people all around me, pants down, and legs spread.  Some of the men were already half-hard.  I looked around, picking my target.
Of all the members of the group, Wanda was calling to me the most.  She was wearing thigh-high black socks, heeled boots, and a black skirt that was bunched up.  Her legs were spread and the little thatch of pubic hair glistened invitingly.
I crawled over to her, putting my hands on her thighs.  She tensed and I ducked my head forward, licking up her slit.  I wondered what she looked like right now.  How she was hiding what was happening.  If she was hiding it.  From where I was, it seemed so obvious.  Her muscles had clenched and she’d tilted her hips forward.  I could even feel a slight shake in her thighs.  I couldn’t imagine it not being totally obvious from above the table, but if she was, no one had said anything yet.
I pushed my tongue inside her and flicked it up over her clit, painting little shapes over it.  She squirmed and her cunt flooded, and as the tart, musky flavor of her slick filled my mouth, Bucky, Tony, and Clint all called out at once. “Wanda!”
“No fair!” Wanda whined as I pulled away.
“That’s the game, Wanda,” Sam said.  “Now under the table.”
I crawled out and wriggled out of my pants as Wanda climbed in under the table.  I sat down and nothing seemed to happen for a while.  I could hear Wanda moving under the table for a moment, and then after that, it was just the sounds of people picking at the last of the food and random conversation in the group.
All of a sudden Clint yelped and practically rocketed up off his chair. “Wanda!” he scolded.  “No powers!”
She got up giggling as everyone burst out laughing.  “Did someone get invaded by some pink light?” Tony teased.
“That’s one way to put it,” Clint said as he climbed under the table.
It took a really long time before the next person became clear.  I was studying everyone very closely, and the only thing that had me wondering was the slightly bored looks in the eyes of Natasha and Tony.  Which made me think it was more likely Tony as he usually dominated the conversation.  It wasn’t until his brow furrowed and he moved his hand under the table that I knew for sure it was him.
“Tony!” I yelled, pointing at him.  “It’s you!”
“Ah, shit,” Tony said, reaching under the table with both hands and began to rut his hips.  “Wait, Clint, I’m nearly done.”
“Hey now,” Steve said.  “You can wait like the rest of us.”
Clint made a choked sound and stumbled out from under the table, his eyes watering, and he wiped his mouth.  “Jesus,” he cursed.  “Tony was a terrible choice.”
“Oh, baby,” Tony said, as he smoothed down his shirt.  “The amount of calls I’ve taken while I’ve been balls deep in someone.”
“Alright, alright, get under the table smart ass,” Steve said.
Tony laughed as he climbed under, and I decided on a completely different strategy.  I glanced around the table, trying to see if anyone had given it away, but at the same time, I tensed my hands and took in a shaky breath.
“Elly!” Clint, Steve, Natasha, and Sam all said at once.
“No!” I shouted and Bruce groaned. “It’s Bruce!”
“You little…!” Natasha scolded.  “That was evil!”
Tony had broken down into laughter under the table and he crawled his way out.  “That was awesome,” he said.  “Now what?  Do all of you have to get under the table?”
“Might I suggest that we alter the game?” Thor asked.  “Perhaps, rather than all of us trying to work out who is being pleasured, Lady Elise should be blindfolded and have to work out which of her lovers is pleasuring her.”
“I think that sounds like a fantastic idea,” Natasha said.  “If she can guess, then they can make her come.  If not, she just gets edged.”
“What do you think of that, Elise?” Steve asked.
I nodded enthusiastically.  “Yes, please. It is my birthday after all.”
“We might need lube and something to blindfold El with,” Sam said.  “I mean - if we’re going to have real fun that is.”
Wanda lifted her loop scarf off over her head, and Tony, Clint, Natasha, and Thor all fished in their pockets and pulled out lube.  What was funny was none of them had the same kind of lube.  Tony had the warming gel kind, Clint’s was espresso flavored, Natasha’s doubled as a massage gel, and Thor’s was an oil he’d brought from Asgard and came in a delicate-looking, hand-blown glass bottle.
Steve and Wanda approached me as the others started clearing the table.  “Let’s get you ready, Elise,” Steve said.
Steve lifted my shirt off over my head and Wanda unfastened my bra.  I let the fabric slip down my arms and Steve tossed both it and my bra aside.  Wanda kissed me softly and then wrapped the scarf around the top of my head, obscuring my vision.  When it was in place properly, and I had assured them I couldn’t see anything, Steve lifted me and put me on the table.
I lay back and lifted my legs, spreading them and resting my feet at the edge of the table.  They made me wait a moment, and while I waited, they were clearly not keeping their hands to themselves.  There were moans and the soft wet sounds of kissing around me, which only made that wait worse.
My thighs were trembling by the time someone touched me.  Right away I knew it was one of the guys and not Natasha or Wanda, and given the fact that he touched me with both hands, and they were both flesh, I knew it wasn’t Bucky either.
There was no preamble. Whoever it was just lunged in and began to lap up the length of the slit.  They didn’t even try spreading me with their fingers, rather their tongue pushed between my folds and just got to work.  I could feel the scratch of their beard.  Yet, even without that, they were very skilled with their tongue.  It started wide, sweeping up from my entrance to my clit, and then began to focus on the little but, sending little jolts through me.  I didn’t even need the extra sensation of their long hair tickling the insides of my thighs, I knew it was Thor.  The size of his hands, the beard, and the technique all screamed the god of thunder to me.
“Mmm… Thor,” I moaned, lifting my hips to meet his mouth.
A deep booming chuckle sounded between my legs and Thor sent a jolt of electricity right through my clit making my body jerk up hard.  I nearly came just from that.
“How do you even do that?” Tony laughed. “You are too good at this game.”
“You gotta make me come now,” I said breathlessly, reaching down to tangle my hands into Thor’s hair.
“Don’t worry, lover.  I will,” Thor said.
He was good to his word.  He pulled my clit between his lips and began to flick his tongue over it.  Every now and again, he’d send another spark into it, that made my core muscles clench completely out of my control.  It brought me careening to the edge very quickly and the fourth time he did it, the dam burst and I came, arching up hard off the table as my orgasm crashed through me.
“Fucking hell!” I cried out.
“Damn, Thor,” Sam said.  “That had to be some kind of record.”
“I am a god, Samuel,” Thor bragged.
There was only a short wait for the next person to move up.  It was another one of the men and once again, clearly not Bucky.  This person was much more tentative than Thor, spreading my folds with his fingers, and slowly swirling his tongue over them.   He was tender and methodical, and it sent a warm buzz through me, oozing out like honey on tiles.  There was no beard, and the very faint tickle of the hair on his head on my thighs.
“Bruce,” I moaned, arching my back and lifting one leg so it was draped over his shoulder.
“What the fuck?” Tony cursed.  “You’re gonna be having so many orgasms tonight.”
“I know you all too well,” I moaned.  “Gonna have to mess up on purpose so I don’t die.”
“Let’s see how you go,” Bruce said and eased two fingers inside me.
Bruce was slower and more methodical about things than Thor, at least initially.  He pushed his fingers in deep, touching my g-spot and then stroking over it.  As he did, he pulled my clit between his lips and flicked his tongue over it.  The louder I moaned the rougher he got, so it wasn’t long before he’d gone from careful and slow, to rough and fast.  His fingers hammered into my g-spot, over and over, sending sharp jolts right through me, making it so I couldn’t think straight.  Beside me, someone had started having sex, and from the sounds of it, it’d be a while before Clint was down between my legs.
My orgasm peaked and Bruce pushed his fingers against my g-spot and twisted his wrist, and I came, my back arching off the table as I cried out, shuddering with it.
Bruce hummed and pulled away. “Mmm… I love seeing you come,” he hummed, leaning down to kiss me.
I sucked my slick from his lips and he pulled away, running his hand down my stomach and patting my pussy before pulling away.  I didn’t have to wait very long before the next person to take their place.  Right away I could tell it was one of the women, which narrowed the choice down to two.  I almost wanted to just take a shot in the dark and really freak them out.  I didn’t even need to though, the slow tease of her fingers up my thighs, and the way she ran her nails over my hips as she leaned in, I knew right away it was Natasha.  Not because she always touched me like that, but just that it was uniquely her.
“Natasha!” I said quickly.
She cursed in Russian and Tony burst out laughing, while at least two other people applauded me.  I would have taken a bow if I wasn’t flat on my back.  “That’s my girl,” Natasha praised and got to work.
Her nimble fingers pushed inside me and immediately pushed against my g-spot. I gasped and bucked up hard against her, but she just pushed my hips back down and continued doing it.  She countered the intense pressure of her fingers against that sweet spot inside me with her tongue on my clit.  It was intense.  I couldn’t focus.  Lights popped behind my eyes and each time I tried to say something all that came out was an animalistic cry.
When I came, I gushed, spraying Natasha with my juices as I arched hard on the table.  It was so intense, it knocked every conscious thought out of my head and I just oozed down onto the table, breathing heavily, completely forgetting that there were still six more people to go.
“Well done, Mishka,” Natasha praised.“I hope you have more in you.”
I wasn’t so sure.  In fact, when the next person stepped up, it took me a moment to realize there was even someone there.  Their tongue was lapping up and down my folds before I was truly aware enough to remember I was supposed to be playing a game.
The way they lapped their tongue was almost soothing after the intensity of the last orgasm I had.  There was a scratch of beard on my skin, but my foggy head made it hard to think about which beard it could be.
Finally, it clicked into place.  No metal hand.  That cut out Bucky.  Clint and Steve were both clean-shaven.  Which just left Tony and Sam.  I was sure that Tony would want to torture me after what happened and he wouldn’t be going easy on me at all. “Sam…” I moaned, the sounds completely breathless.
“We should never have doubted you,” Thor said.  “This is truly impressive.”
“Are you sure you’re not peeking?” Clint asked.
“Just know you all,” I argued in that same breathless moan.
Sam pulled back and a moment later there was the press of his cock against my cunt. “Let’s make you come a different way,” Sam said.
He lifted my legs so they were up against his chest and he pushed into me.  As he started to thrust into me, I gripped the edge of the table to hold myself steady. “Oh fuck,” I moaned.  I was so sensitive and overworked, that I knew the next six orgasms would happen really fast.  I was going to be completely over-stimulated by the time we were done.
Sam slid his hands down my thighs and onto my cunt, and he began to rub my clit in tight circles. I mewled, arching my back and clenching tight around his shaft.  “Oh god, Sam.  Please…”  I didn’t even know what I was pleading for.  I just knew I needed something.  More, harder, slow down, be gentle.  Or maybe just to stop.
His thumb kept rubbing in tight circles on my clit and thrusting in fast and deep, and very quickly I was brought spiraling to the edge once more.  He pinched my clit and I went toppling over, crying out and clenching my teeth as all my muscles clenched up at once.
“Good girl,” Sam praised.  “There we go.”
He slipped out of me and I let my legs fall on the table.  “You still okay?” he asked.
I nodded and made an incoherent sound.  He caressed my cheek and ran his thumb over my bottom lips.  “Elise, are you sure?”
I nodded again.  “Yeah.  I can do this.”
He stepped away and the next hand touched me. Just the right hand, and it slid up my legs and when it reached the apex of my thigh, the thumb ran up and down my slit.  Someone might have been just trying to mess with me, but I didn’t think so, and when the person crouched and their long hair teased the inside of my thighs it confirmed it.  “Bucky,” I said.
He laughed. “Damn it.  I was trying not to give it away.”
“That’s what gave it away,” I said.
“Alright, alright, let’s make you come then,” he said, sounding a lot like he was pouting.
He didn’t even bother to try and go down on me.  He just pushed my legs up against my body, lined his cock up to my cunt, and shoved in deep.  I gasped as he bottomed out and I felt the sharp sting of the head of his cock hitting my cervix.  “Bucky,” I whined.
“Sorry, honey,” he said, backing off a bit.  He smoothed his hands down my thighs and began to thrust.
I reached up, grabbing his wrists as he thrust into me and I wrapped my legs around his waist, drawing him in as tightly as I could.  “Bucky,” I moaned.  “Kiss me.”
He wrapped his right arm around my waist and lifted me, so I was sitting on the edge of the table and the cool metal of his thumb brushed over my lips.  I parted them, leaning forward as I wrapped my arms around him and pushed my hands into his hair.
He kissed me, his tongue pushing into my mouth.  I flicked my tongue forward to meet his and they danced together.  Bucky kept thrusting into me and I rolled my hips to meet him.  As worked up as I was, I knew I wouldn’t last, but the way this orgasm built felt so different from the past four.  It wound around me like a warm blanket.  I was engulfed by it, cocooned completely.  It heated me from the inside and yet I trembled in Bucky’s arms.  He held me close, thrusting in deep and kissing me with a passionate intensity that took my breath away.
When my orgasm washed over me, I threw my head back and clenched tight around me.  “Oh god, Bucky,” I moaned.
Bucky’s hips stuttered and he groaned loudly, burying his head in my neck. “Fuck, Elly,” he groaned, suddenly jerking forward and coming inside me.
“Bucky Barnes, you dirty dog,” Clint scolded.  “Leaving a mess in there for us to clean up.”
I swatted lazily in Clint’s direction as Bucky started laughing. “Oh like you’re not looking forward to that.”
He pulled out of me and I lay back with a groan.  It wasn’t long before someone else was between my legs.  They lifted them and spread them wide and then did something that gave them away immediately.  They laughed.
“What’s so funny, Tony?” I asked.
“Ah fuck,” he said. “Didn’t even get a chance to trick you.  I just had plans to go to town on you.”
“Mean,” he said, reaching for him.  “Go on, you gotta give me my prize.”
“Alright, alright,” he said and pushed his cock up against my cunt.  “It’s coming and so will you be.”
I laughed, but it was cut short as he shoved inside of me.  He thrust in so hard it nearly knocked the wind from me.  I cried out and reached above my head.  Someone grabbed my hand and I held onto them as Tony began to thrust into me.
He didn’t go easy on me the way Bucky had.  He grabbed my legs, held me in place, and just railed into me.  “Fuck… fuck… fuck…” I babbled as I was jolted on the table.  My fingers tightened around whoever’s hand I was holding.  It felt like this orgasm was being hammered into me.  Each thrust of Tony’s hips just made it build more and more until I was ready to burst.
It hit me hard, lights popped behind my eyes and I cried out, my hips bucking and my body writhing under him.  “Oh fuck yes, Tony!” I mewled.
Tony kept thrusting, fucking me through my orgasm, and with a shudder he came too, moaning as he did.  “There you go, Legolas,” Tony teased as he held me in place.
He leaned down and kissed me as he pulled out, and stepped away.  A lay on the table breathing heavily, waiting for the next person the move up.
I didn’t have to wait long, and once again, I knew who it was as soon as their hands were on my skin.
“Wanda,” I said.
She giggled.  “I knew there was no point trying to trick you.  But lucky you, now you get your prize.”
She took her hands off me completely and just as I wondered what she was doing, the warm tingle of her powers touched on my feet and began to wind their way up my leg.  It was slow going, and it didn’t settle on my cunt right away, rather, it wrapped its way right around me, making my whole body buzz and tingle.
I whined, squirming on the table.  I was still holding someone’s hand, and I gripped it tighter, trying to tether myself to something real.
“Please, Wanda,” I whined, bucking my hips.
She giggled again, but things started to get more focused.  It swirled around my nipples, tugging on them, and began to buzz against my clit. I moaned, arching my back and the pressure increased.  Every moan I made made her increase the pressure of her powers on me.  My nipples hardened almost painfully and a hot current ran right through me from my clit.  I was dripping on the table as my cunt clenched around nothing.
It started to feel like some kind of torture.  I was so close, and yet she was keeping me hovering there right at the edge.  “Please.  Please, Wanda.  I need … I need…”
“Yes, Elly?” she asked.
“I need to come,” I wailed.
A jolt shot through me, and just like that, I came, arching hard off the table, and screaming as my orgasm rocked through me, making me gush onto the table.  It was the most intense orgasm yet, and for a moment everything went black.
When the world returned, I was panting heavily, completely dazed as I rode out the extreme orgasm high.
“Holy shit, Wanda,” Natasha cursed.  “That was impressive.”
“Two more left, El,” Steve said.  “You sure you’ve got them in you?”
I nodded slowly.  “Think so.”
Someone moved up and skimmed the back of their fingers up the insides of my thighs.  It was a Clint trick, but not out of Steve’s playbook. Whoever it was leaned in, ghosting his lips up the insides of my soaked thighs.  His fingers moved to my cunt, spreading it with his fingers and running his tongue up my slit.  There was no beard, but both Clint and Steve were currently clean-shaven, so that didn’t give it away.  I really had no idea who was touching me.
I lifted my feet, put them on his shoulders, and flexed my toes.  Whoever it was was broad-shouldered and muscular.  That didn’t exactly narrow it down either.  And just because Steve was broader than Clint, I chose him.
“Steve?” I asked.
“You sure about that, darlin’?” Bucky asked. 
“No… but it’s my guess,” I moaned.
Some of the group started clapping.  “Well done, that’s all of you.  How about Clint and Steve make you come together, so you only have to do one more?” Sam suggested.
I nodded emphatically.  “Please.”
Steve moved forward, the thick head of his cock pressing against my cunt.  I raised my hips to meet him, wrapping my legs around his waist and pulling him closer to me.  He pulled back just a little and with a snap of his hips, he sunk in deep.
I gasped and arched my back.  As I did, Clint moved up beside me on the table and began to flick his tongue over my clit and play with my breast.  The table was jostled beside us and Clint grunted and let out a moan.
“Who’s fucking Clint?” I moaned.
“That’d be me, honey,” Sam replied.  “You want to see?”
I nodded.  “Please.”
The blindfold was taken off as Steve continued to thrust into me.  I blinked at the light and looked around, Taking everything in.  Steve was between my legs, holding me in place, his brow furrowed as he fucked me.  Clint was half propped on the table, bent over me, licking at my clit and that base of Steve’s cock.  Sam was behind him, one hand braced on Clint’s shoulder and the other on his hip as he thrust into him, jostling him against me.  The others were spaced around the table.  Most just watching.  Thor was the one holding my hand, though Wanda was bouncing in his lap, her eyes glowing pink.
Everyone else was just kissing and holding each other as they watched Clint and Steve bring on my final orgasm.  Seeing them just added to my pleasure, bringing me closer and closer to the edge.
I relaxed back, just letting the pleasure wash over me, It encompassed me completely.  But in the end, it wasn’t either Steve or Clint that set my orgasm off, it was Wanda’s orgasm.
She cried out and her powers burst out of her and I was hit by a sudden, intense wave of her pleasure.  I came hard, all my muscles clenching at once making me arch violently off the table.  I cried out and my vision blacked out for a moment.  Wanda’s orgasm must have affected the others too.  Steve groaned and gripped my hips hard shoving into me and coming deep inside me.  Sam’s hips bucked and his head fell back as his hit too, and Clint suddenly arched like a cat and came in thick ropes onto the table.
I fell back breathing heavily as I rode the waves of my orgasm.  Steve hunched over me panting and Clint slithered down and lay there with his head on my stomach.
That’s how we stayed for a while and then Natasha stood.  “Okay.  How about we clean up here and head downstairs?  I think it’s time for a soak in the hot tub.” 
Steve sighed contentedly and slipped out of me.   He pulled up his pants and then picked me up, cradling me against him. “Good birthday?” he asked.
I hummed, snuggling against his chest and closing his eyes as I murmured my reply. “The best.”
~ END ~
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jen-with-a-pen · 8 months
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⊹–SUMMARY–⊹ Inexperienced and still freshly-traumatized by his first heartbreak, Steve Rogers decides to finally move away for college after taking two gap years to work, save, and help his Ma around the house. It’ll be good for him. Away from his ex. Away from his hometown. He's excited to finally chase his dreams and begin again as a promising fine arts student at Richards College. Well, almost. Thanks to a generous scholarship spanning the next four years of his life, Steve is required to participate in on-campus Greek life. It’s simple: join a frat. They shouldn't be too intimidating. At least they're not as bad as they are in the movies, right? Right..?
⊹–PAIRINGS–⊹ Art Student!Frat Brother!Steve Rogers x Film Student!Sorority Sister!F!Reader
⊹–WARNINGS–⊹ more to be added as series progresses frat bros being frat bros, sorority sisters being sorority sisters, manipulation, coercion, blackmail, fluff, angst, whump, explicit forced s3xual acts, slow burn, dissociation, nud1ty, dubcon (bordering noncon), forced drvgging, mentions of kidnapping, emotional damage, Steve's just trying his best, Bucky and Sam are major frat bros, Tony and Clint are somewhere I swear The warnings listed here are not exhaustive but generally encapsulate the series as a whole and do not represent every single chapter. Please be mindful and read the chapter warnings!
Read this fic on AO3!
The Richards College Playlist
Steve's Playlist
any art featured in the series title header and story-specific dividers was found on pinterest and is used in good faith. all credit goes to the original artists, as i could not find accurate credit for any. collage done by me
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Spam liking my works will result in an automatic block!
–⊹– One: Saturday, currently.
–⊹– Two: Last Monday.
–⊹– Three: Last Tuesday.
–⊹– Four: Last Wednesday.
–⊹– Five: Last Thursday.
–⊹– Six: Saturday, still.
–⊹– Seven: Last Friday.
–⊹– Eight: Saturday, again.
–⊹– Nine: Saturday, again.
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evansbby · 2 years
𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 {𝐩𝐨𝐲𝐭 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞}
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: dark alpha!Steve Rogers x naive omega!reader
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: smut, dark!Steve, daddy kink, misogyny, alcohol consumption, mentions of: inebriation, dubcon, noncon, innocence kink, thigh riding, dry humping, public sex, a/b/o dynamics.
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Steve takes his omega to her first college party. (A drabble for my fic, preying on you tonight. This drabble is set after Steve mates with omega, but before she finds out she’s pregnant.)
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“Steve, I’m kind of scared.”
The words fall past your lips in a soft whisper, and you clutch harder onto Steve’s hand, practically burying yourself beside him as you both make your way towards the frat house. Already, the party seems to have spilled out onto the lawn – there’s beer cans littered everywhere, a pool filled to the brim with half-naked people and even two alphas fighting while a crowd forms around them. You’re scared to find out what’s happening inside the frat house.
Steve snorts, “Why would you be scared? Haven’t you ever been to a party before?”
Your silence is enough to answer the question – and you can’t help but feel embarrassed. Already more than halfway through your first year in college, and you haven’t even been to a frat party. But it barely seems like your kind of get-together anyways.
“What if people make fun of me?” You ask him, your other hand reaching up to clutch his muscular bicep.
“They wouldn’t make fun of you, omega. You’re with me.”
You grimace, looking down at your outfit for the night. You didn’t really own any party clothes, or anything even remotely sexy like a bodycon dress or the pretty crop tops that you see the girls around you wearing. And earlier, Steve had barged into the bedroom, announcing he was taking you to his friend Thor’s house and barely giving you any time to pick a proper outfit.
You were dressed in your white cashmere sweater and matching pink and white pleated skirt – something Steve had picked out for you to wear to the lecture that morning, and certainly not appropriate party attire. Already, you could see some girls sneering at you, and laughing, and staring, and –
“Can’t do this, Steve.” You stop dead in your tracks, anxiety rising like a tidal wave from within you, and you look up at your alpha pleadingly “They’re gonna laugh at me.”
Steve looks bored as he tugs you along, “If they do then I’ll kill them with my bare hands,” He says casually, pushing you forward so that you’re standing in front of him with his palm pressing against your lower back, “Even if it’s a girl.”
You have no idea what to make of his casual confession that he’d beat up a girl for you, so you just keep your lips pressed in a thin line and let him guide you to the front of the frat house. Scratch that, the place might as well be a haunted house with how fast your heart’s beating as you both approach the door.
Standing silently under Steve’s arm while he greets his alpha friends is easy enough. They’re loud, obnoxious and misogynistic – much like Steve himself. Some of them don’t even acknowledge you, others give you leery looks when they think Steve isn’t looking. A freshman – same as you – who you recognise from the football team, is one of the few alphas who greets you.
“Hey. How’re you doing?”
You’re about to open your mouth to answer, heart pitter-pattering because someone’s actually spoken to you, but Steve beats you to it.
“Jensen, stop fucking flirting with my girlfriend.” Steve seethes, a look of pure irritation on his face as he wraps his arm around your waist and yanks you closer, “In fact, don’t even look at her. Go stand in that fucking corner over there. No, not there. There.” He shakes his head in disapproval, watching as Jake obeys his orders, “I swear, that kid is fucking useless. God knows how he got on the team.”
“He wasn’t flirting, Steve. He was just saying hi.” You murmur, feeling bad for the guy. From what you’ve seen, Steve tends to pick on him a lot.
Heated blue eyes look down at you, “Do you want to fuck him?”
Aghast, you shake your head, “What? No! No, I don’t–”
“Then don’t fucking speak on the matter. You know you’re not allowed to talk to any other guy and they aren’t allowed to talk to you.”
You bow your head, squeaking out an apology because you don’t really want to see Steve get angry right now. And the blonde immediately relaxes once he sees your display of submission, slipping on his charming smile how one would slip on a mask, leaving you wondering how exactly it is that he does that…
Steve’s friend Thor looks friendly enough, but still intimidating with how he’s got a beer can in each hand, one of which he offers to you. And Steve doesn’t seem to have a problem with Thor speaking to you, maybe because the other alpha has a redhead next to him who he introduces as his girlfriend, Natasha.
“No, thank you.” You answer politely as the huge blond holds a beer up to your face, “I don’t drink.”
Thor rumbles with laughter, “You’re in your first year, kid – of course you don’t drink. That’ll change soon, mark my words.”
Natasha slaps her boyfriend on the chest, “Oh, shut up, babe, stop trying to act all wise.”
You gape at the two of them, waiting for Thor to reprimand her but all he does it throw his head back and laugh. You can’t believe it! How has Natasha gotten away with talking to her alpha like that? You can’t imagine ever telling Steve to shut up – he’d probably spank your ass raw before you even got the first syllable out.
Steve pulls you into a secluded corner, pushing you up against the wall, “You don’t drink, huh? I didn’t know that.”
You shake your head, “Alcohol is scary.” Your mind momentarily flits back to some of your mother’s old boyfriends, the stench of alcohol on them, how mad they would get… You blink several times to get rid of the memories, “Plus, it doesn’t taste very nice.”
“So your tolerance is probably very low, huh?” Steve licks his pink lips, grinding his hard crotch into yours and you feel your face getting hot.
“Um, I guess…”
“Bet I could give you one of those fruity drinks – a cocktail with a cute umbrella. It’d taste like juice and you’d be none the wiser…” His lips are at your ear, and you can’t understand why he’s suddenly so hard over the thought of giving you a drink. You feel his teeth grazing against your ear lobe, his hand slipping down to grab your ass, “Bet you’d be all needy and stumbling all over the place after three sips…”
“P-Please don’t do that.” The thought of being drunk in front of all these people, of not being in control of your body and conscious – you can’t think of anything worse.
“You’d be completely dependent on me,” Steve presses his hips against you again, practically humping into you as your skirt begins to ride up and you squeak and scramble to pull it back down. “I mean, you’re already completely dependent on me, but just imagine how slutty you’d become after just one drink.” He licks the shell of your ear, “I know from experience that omegas get horny when they’re drunk. Bet you’d let me fuck you right here in the middle of the party – in front of everyone.”
“N-No, don’t want that!” You mewl softly, hating how you’re soaking through your panties as you listen to his words, feel his hand grope its way up your cardigan and past your bra.
“Mm, I think you do want it.” He peppers kisses up your neck and jaw, “Maybe on top of the snooker table? And fucking Jensen would probably cry, I know how bad he wants to fuck you.”
“P-Please stop, people can see us!” You beg him when you feel his hand going up your skirt, skimming over your panties which are completely drenched.
“C’mon baby, let daddy give you a little drink. One won’t hurt,” He teases you softly, “Don’t you trust me? Don’t you trust your alpha?”
Did you trust him? You weren’t too sure, not when he’d just revealed his plan of inebriating you and fucking you on the snooker table in front of everyone. All that did was scare you and make you want to run for the hills.
“Hey Steve, Thor and the other guys are calling you.” Natasha pops up, seemingly from out of nowhere, and you can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. Steve, however, looks irritated beyond belief.
“Fuck off,” He says, not even dignifying her with eye contact as he continues to kiss your neck, “Can’t you see I’m busy?”
Natasha shrugs sweetly, “The guys wanna play beer pong and they need you to make it equal teams. And anyways,” She looks at you now, “Me and your girlfriend could get ourselves better acquainted.”
“She doesn’t want to be friends with you,” Steve answers for you, and you wish he didn’t because Natasha seems – cool. And fearless, the way she’s talking to the alphas as if she’s not afraid of them. How is that even possible?
But surprisingly, he gives in. And after pressing his lips against yours in the most possessive, head-spinning kiss he’s ever given you, he makes his way over to the other end of the room, immediately declaring himself captain and handpicking his beer pong team-members.
Natasha chuckles and shakes her head, “Steve’s bossy, isn’t he? Even for an alpha.”
Your breath catches in your throat, not wanting to say anything bad about Steve. The bond you share with him has also given you an unwavering loyalty to him. But you’re also scared that if you do agree with Natasha, and it somehow gets back to Steve, that he’d be mad.
The redhead grabs your arm, “And you’re ever bit as shy as Steve is outspoken.” And then she’s tugging you towards the stairs, “C’mon, let’s go upstairs. The music’s so loud down here, I can barely hear you.”
You let her pull you upstairs, heart thudding because what if she’s mean to you? But she seems nice enough, way nicer than the other girls who fraternise with the popular alphas. You look back to take one last look at Steve, and somehow, across the room filled with people, he seems to look back at you at the same time. But then Natasha tugs you upstairs and into one of the rooms.
“This is Thor’s room, but I’m here most of the time so it’s kind of my room too.” You can tell, the room has an omega’s touch. Flowery sheets adorn the bed, as well as tons of blankets and pillows, meticulously folded and arranged. Your hands itch for your own nest, packed with your own pillows and an assortment of Steve’s clothes and, of course, Steve Junior.
“It’s nice.” You say softly.
“Mmhm,” The redhead looks you over, “Cute outfit.”
“Thank you. Although I know it’s not party appropriate.”
“It’s still cute. I could see about five different guys staring at you when you and Steve walked in earlier.”
You gulp, “That’s not true.”
Natasha flops down on her bed with a loud thud, “Girl, please. Look at yourself. You’re like an alpha’s wet dream. No wonder Steve mated you as soon as he got the chance.”
You bite your lip, scrunching your eyes shut momentarily as memories of the forced mating come rushing back. Instinctively, your hand reaches up to touch your mark, which throbs as if on cue. Suddenly, Natasha’s next to you, arm around you.
“Sorry,” She whispers, “I can tell you don’t wanna talk about that.” And then her voice brightens, and you know it’s in a bid to change the topic quickly and you’re appreciative of that, “Hey, wanna play dress-up?”
“D-Dress-up?” You swallow harshly again, looking down at your outfit which your alpha handpicked, “Steve wouldn’t want me to.”
Natasha wrinkles her nose, “So? Honey, men don’t know what they want. That’s one of the ways us ladies can control them – with our bodies, our clothes.”
“C-Control them?” The idea seems so far-fetched, almost comical. You control Steve? You can’t picture it, not in a billion years.
“Yes. For example, this preppy outfit you’ve got on now – you could have half the alphas at this party eating out of the palm of your hand with how cute you look.” Natasha walks you forward till you’re standing in front of the full-length mirror, stroking your hair as you look at your reflection, “As for Steve, I’d love to see his reaction if you wore something totally different and risqué.”
You press your lips together as you regard the idea, “I don’t think I own anything risqué.”
Natasha grins, “Don’t sweat it. I do.”
Within the next twenty minutes, Natasha has you decked out in a black bodycon dress, tight and ruched, almost like a second skin, with the neckline dipping down to reveal more than a hint of your cleavage. She’s even done your makeup: a smoky eye and berry-coloured lip. And wow, you actually feel… sexy.
“Fuck. You’re genuinely so hot.” Natasha whistles, and for a split second, this awful feeling courses through your veins. What if this is all a cruel practical joke? But Natasha’s smile looks so genuine, you can’t help but relax.
“You think so?” You ask her softly.
“I know so.”
“Thank you.”
But your confidence seems to dwindle when you and Natasha make your way downstairs once more. What if Steve didn’t like your new look? What if he yelled at you in front of everyone? Called you a slut like how he used to? You can feel your palms grow all sweaty, but the redhead pulls you back into the main room anyways.
“He’s gonna have literal hearts in his eyes, trust me.” She whispers in your ear, “I’ve worn that dress for Thor and he loves it.”
Steve’s team has won the beer pong game, and he’s currently downing a bottle in celebration when you make your way over to him. It’s crazy, but in the twenty or so minutes you’ve been upstairs, you’ve actually missed him, your body yearning for him as it always does. You tug at his sweater, wanting to feel his heavy arm around you again.
“Hey, baby, you missed the best game–” Steve cuts himself off, jaw slackening slightly before he quickly closes his mouth, blue eyes open and alert as he looks you up and down, gaze so fiery and intense, you feel like he’ll bore holes straight through your body. “What the fuck are you wearing?”
Any confidence you may have had seems to dissipate almost immediately, and you shake your head, backing away, “I-I’m sorry, I know it looks stupid. I’ll go change–”
But he grabs you, beer forgotten as the bottle clatters to the floor, and then he’s dragging you back to the secluded corner, one hand covering your cleavage and the other one tugging at the hem of your dress, trying to pull it down over your ass. You’d find it almost comical if you weren’t scared out of your mind.
“You look…” He slams you against the wall, licking his lips and it’s as if he can’t tear his eyes away from your body, looking you up and down, up and then back down again, paying special attention to your cleavage, “You look so fucking hot.”
You barely have time to squeak out a thank you before his lips are on you, latching onto your neck and straight to his favourite spot – your mark. Tonguing it, lathering it with his saliva before grazing his teeth against it, almost as if he wants to mark you again, mark his territory.
“But I didn’t give you permission to dress like a slut, did I, omega?”
“N-No, but – Ah!” You gasp when you feel his leg between yours, parting your thighs and your already wet core throbs at the contact against the rough denim of his jeans.
“My slutty little baby omega,” Steve coos, sponging kissing up your neck as he begins to move his leg against your pussy, making you gasp and moan and whimper in the process, “You like that everyone’s staring at your hot little body, don’t you? Your body which belongs to me?” His palm collides with your ass with a loud smack, “I mean, look at Jensen, over there in his corner. Bet that little douchebag’s busted a nut in his pants after seeing you in this little outfit. Do you like that, huh? Done being all meek and shy? You like being a slutty, attention-seeking omega now?”
“N-No!” Your words keep getting caught in your throat with how good his leg feels as it drives up against your pussy, the denim catching onto your clit and creating the most delicious friction, “W-Wore it for you, Steve! Th-Thought maybe you’d like it.”
“I’d like it better on the floor,” He whispers hotly in your ear, hands coming down to rest tightly on your hips as he begins to move you on his thigh. And your body is so compliant to his hold, the dress riding up till it’s practically bunched around your waist, your panties pushed to the side by his impatient fingers, your bare pussy leaving streaks of wetness on his jeans but neither of you seem to care.
“Want me to rip this slutty dress off you, huh, omega? Embarrass you in front of everyone at this party, make you walk out of here in just your panties? Since you suddenly like to show off your body so fucking much?”
“I…I thought you’d like it – ah! – something different!” You pant.
Fear ripples through you at his threat, mingling with the pleasure already coursing through your veins as you ride Steve’s muscular thigh. The lights are dim, but you can see over his shoulder: at least five pairs of eyes are staring at what’s going on. You recognise Jake, Andy and – of course – Bucky, amongst them.
“Where’s my sweet and innocent little omega, huh?” He tweaks your nipple through the thin fabric of your dress, and you can feel your climax looming closer and closer, “Where’s daddy’s baby, who’s so shy, she didn’t want anyone seeing her body?”
You’re already fucked out, but his hypocrisy shines through – because aren’t all the dresses and skirts he makes you wear to lectures almost just as slutty? They’re just more pastel-coloured and cutesy. Oh, to understand how Steve’s mind works…
“I like this slutty dress on you, omega.” Steve presses his lips against yours, before drawing back, “But I don’t like how everyone’s staring at what’s mine.” He gives your ass another hard slap, driving you forward and making you grind your pussy harder on his leg, practically dry-humping him for all you’re worth. “But don’t worry baby, daddy’s gonna buy you more dresses like this. You can play dress-up at home, too. In the privacy of our fucking bedroom.”
He begins moving his leg, grinding it into your sensitive, soaking pussy. Your clit, so engorged with pleasure, is almost overwhelmed by the sensations, and you bite down on Steve’s shoulder to keep from moaning out loud. You can’t believe it, never in a million years did you think this would be you – getting off on Steve’s thigh in the middle of some frat party that’s in full swing.
“That’s right, baby. Make yourself cum on daddy’s thigh. Not even a drop of alcohol in you, and you’re still acting like a fucking slut. But I know deep down you’re still my cute little baby omega, who dresses in the cute outfits your daddy buys you. My sweet girl, aren’t you?”
“Mhm, yes, daddy!” You can’t help but whimper as your orgasm crashes over you, and you continue to hump against his thigh as you ride out your bliss, the entire roomful of people forgotten, the pairs of nosey eyes watching you all forgotten too in your release, moaning his name over and over as you wet the denim of his jeans even more.
“That’s my little baby,” Steve praises you, practically holding you up against the wall as you go lax in his arms, “My baby in this fucking dress with your hot fucking body on display. God, I don’t know whether to fuck you or punish you.”
Either or both, he seems to have made up his mind that the night is over. Without saying goodbye to his friends, and not even giving you a chance to say goodbye to Natasha, he half carries and half drags you out the door, and you can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, the veil of anxiety lifting off your heart as you get away from all the people.
“You really put on a show tonight, didn’t you, omega?” Steve remarks as he carries you over to his car, “Can’t wait to order some more slutty dresses for you, so you can give me a private show.” He gives you a kiss before opening the door and placing you into the passenger seat, and you smile faintly until you hear his next words:
“Oh, and you’re not allowed to speak to Natasha anymore. Clearly, she’s a bad influence on you.”
a/n: omg, someone stop me from writing poyt drabbles! but they’re so much fun to write ahhhh! forever in love with steve and omega’s dynamic, and i wanted to explore them doing normal college things like going to parties! PLEASE, please do tell me what you think! your feedback means more than the world!!! thank you so much for reading! love you guys xx
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babyjakes · 7 months
forever and a day | 54. you didn't.
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← last chapter | series masterlist | next chapter (coming soon!) →
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summary | a story in which america’s favorite captain gives a new life and family to a five-year-old girl who has suffered well beyond her years at the hands of hydra.
characters | dad!steve rogers, girl/willa rogers (original character)
warnings | AU similar enough to OU to include spoilers to many Marvel movies (Age of Ultron and beyond). action and fight scenes with violence and killing. injuries/mild gore. mature themes related to and semi-graphic depictions of child abuse/neglect, past CSA and CSM, and their aftermath (emaciation, wounds, scarring, etc). medical abuse (including sterilization) and experimentation. ptsd/trauma symptoms in a child (developmental discrepancies, de-humanized behavior, detachment, extreme fears). medical treatment of CSM and other aftermath of abuse.trauma-informed therapeutic treatment of ECT. minor mentions of disordered eating. themes relating to abuse of power/authority and immoral interrogation tactics including SA (with brief depictions.) evil!Tony Stark.
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If the night at Bucky's had been an isolated incident, I wouldn't have thought much about it. Unfortunately, in the days that have followed, things have only seemed to get more and more difficult for Willa.
It started the following morning, when I woke up around 5:00am to find the little girl in the bed next to me, bawling her eyes out. I had quickly switched on the bedside lamp, checking her over to see what was the matter, and I found her to be in the grips of a seemingly hellish night terror. She had no mind channel open, no crimson glow, so there was no way for me to know what she was dreaming of. Immediately, I had gathered her in my arms, rocking and soothing her as best I could while simultaneously hoping to rouse her from her torturous sleep. But it was no use; she was far too deep in the nightmare to break free. She flailed and sobbed and sputtered incoherently for hours, and all I could do was hold her and watch. By the time 7:00am rolled around, she finally woke up, and at that point she was inconsolable.
I couldn't get anything out of her that entire morning. She had fought her way out of my arms and crawled deep under my blankets, and I simply had no heart to remove her. I tried coaxing her out with the promise of cuddles, breakfast, and even her favorite movie, but nothing worked. Eventually, I decided to leave her alone and let her determine when she felt safe to come out, but she ended up staying there for most of the day. When she did finally emerge, she was a puddle of tears, her eyes begging for comfort and reassurance. But at the same time, she wouldn't let me come anywhere near her. When bedtime came around again, I offered to let her sleep with me in my room for another night, and she surprised me greatly by agreeing to it.
Through the night, she had another horrific nightmare, one so terrifying that it sent her jumping out of the bed in fear when she awoke. As soon as she saw me waiting for her with the lamp on, a deeply concerned expression drawn on my face, she grew so afraid of being punished that she began hyperventilating, eventually passing out from her compromised airflow. In the agonizing process of her panic attack, she wet herself again, and it was at that point that I decided I needed to speak with Jenny.
"Did anything happen in the days leading up to her shift in behavior that might've been cause for such a regression?" the mild young lady asks as she sits across from me in the living room. Resting back against the soft cushions of the sofa, I pick apart the past week in my mind, ultimately unable to identify anything.
"No," I sigh with a shake of my head. "There were small incidents here and there, but that's always the way it's been with her. Nothing major happened, at least, not that I can think of." It's now later in the morning, and Jenny and I are wrapping up a last-minute session I requested while Willa plays in her room. The doctor started off speaking with the child herself, but after half an hour or so of not getting much response at all, she decided to come out and work with me instead.
"I see," Jenny notes, scribbling something down on her legal pad. Closing up her pen, she brings her eyes up to meet mine, a familiar sense of warmth and patience lingering in her gaze. "Steve, with everything that Willa's gone through, her road to recovery isn't going to be as smooth as any of us would like it to be." I nod, not sure where the doctor could be going with a statement like that. "And even though things seem like they're getting worse with her, this is actually a pattern that's seen quite frequently with survivors of abuse and trauma who've recently escaped. Willa's body and mind were suppressing a lot of emotions, a lot of fear during her captivity, and even at the tower due to the things Tony did; her system couldn't handle addressing these feelings, so it shut them out. Now that she's in a truly safe place, with a safe person who only loves her and takes care of her, those things are beginning to show themselves because it's safe for them to." A wave of relief washes over me as the woman finishes her explanation, and I let out a deep hum.
"So this... is normal?" I ask. She nods.
"It's a difficult part of the process, since it might seem to both of you like things are getting worse when they should be getting better, but it's really just a sign that her body and mind are ready to start doing some deeper repair."
"I see. That's..." my voice trails off as I bring a hand up to brush through my hair. "That's so good to hear," I finish honestly. "I was really worried that I had done something wrong, or was messing up in some way."
"I don't think you need to worry about that, Steve, not at all. You're doing a phenomenal job with Willa. She just adores you." A faint smile crosses my face as I think of the little girl, and how much love and care I hold for her in my heart as well. "As far as dealing with her new or returning behavior, I'd recommend allowing her to get it out, as much as you possibly can. A big part of her might just need to respond in the way her body originally wanted to. She might need to go through the act of being scared or crying or getting sick, since those were all responses that were made impossible for her up until now. In regards to the increased accidents, it's a very common indicator of sexual trauma in children. I know it's frustrating, but try to be as patient with her about it as you can."
"No, no- it's not even frustrating," I assure her quickly, meaning the words with all my heart. "Really, it's not. It's not a hassle when it happens, not at all; it just makes me so worried."
"I know it's alarming to see her regressing in that sense, but it's totally normal and shouldn't pose an issue permanently as long as she remains in a safe environment where she isn't violated sexually. We're just meeting her where she's at, if that makes sense, and where she's at might go forward or backward for a while before we really start making linear progress. I know you know this already, but Willa is in many ways somewhat younger than five still, at least internally. And that's okay. We just have to let her exist at whatever developmental age she's at."
"And you think- you're sure it's okay? That I'm kind of, well- I don't know, kind of 'babying' her, as Tony would say?" I ask, wanting to be sure the doctor still approves of my controversial approach. Jenny smiles, allowing me to relax even more with relief.
"Yes, that's completely acceptable. Actually, it's probably very therapeutic for her system to be allowed to have those critical early childhood experiences that she was deprived of for so long. Whatever helps her feel safe and secure, even if it's meant for younger kids, is completely fine."
"Good," I nod, feeling slightly more sure about myself as a parent from all of Jenny's encouragement. "I'm sorry she wasn't up to working with you today," I apologize again, "I told her you were coming and asked her to do her best to be open and honest, but... I don't know. At the same time, I don't have much heart to push her."
"It's completely fine," Jenny reassures me once more, shaking her head at my persistent apologizing. "Therapy isn't ever something that should be forced upon a child. She'll talk when she's ready." Glancing down at her notepad, she offers, "I was wondering, though, if maybe the three of us could wrap up the session together? I believe Willa's still playing by herself in her room, and a lot of times children can be demonstrative of what they're thinking or feeling through the ways that they play. Maybe we could sit in with her for a little bit, if you don't mind?"
"I don't mind at all," I tell her, earning a smile as she rises to her feet. 
"Alright, then," she says with a nod. "I'll let you lead the way."
Leading the woman back through the house, I stop just outside the child's half-open door, knocking a few times against the sturdy wood before pulling it the rest of the way open. Willa sits on the floor beside her bed, a few toys scattered around her as she holds a small wooden doll in her hands. Her big green eyes meet mine warily, and my heart sinks as she begins to tremble. "Hey sweetheart," I greet gently. For a moment, I remember that just a few days ago, she would beam every time I entered the room. Realizing that we're back to such a state of fear and uncertainty, a tinge of disappointment builds up inside of me. But then, I remember the doctor's words, and I'm able to remind myself that Willa's behavior is actually probably a good sign, in some weird way. "Things are starting to show themselves because it's safe for them to."
"Your daddy and I were wondering if we could sit and play with you for a little bit," the young lady's soothing voice overlaps her previous words running through my head. A look of skepticism forms on the little girl's face as she glances between the two of us, but thankfully after a few more moments, she nods. "Wonderful," Jenny says with a smile, and we enter in, both sitting a few feet back to give the child some space.
"What're you playing, Willa-bug?" I ask in a gentle tone, now able to get a better look at the toys she's taken out of her boxes. She has a bathtub and a sandbox from a dollhouse set, as well as Captain America and Ironman figurines, and the little brown-haired doll she's holding in her hand. The clothes are half torn off the doll, the hair messed and tangled. Big, frightened eyes look from the doll to me, and then back. "Who've you got there?"
"Willa," she says simply, holding up the doll that seems to represent herself. I nod.
"Is Willa getting dressed?" Jenny asks politely.
Swallowing hard, Willa shakes her head. "Off," she mumbles, removing the toy's purple dress and placing it on the floor. She then removes the doll's underwear as well, leaving it completely naked. Next, she reaches over and picks up the sandbox, opening up the cover. Almost urgently, she begins to dig, not stopping until she's created a little hole in the center. Then, she takes the Willa doll, placing it in the center of the hole. A lump forms in my throat as she buries the tiny pair of underpants with it, not paying any mind to the dress.
"Oh, you're... is Willa playing in the sand?" I ask, trying to understand the child's actions. Not giving a response, Willa simply continues with her scene, picking up the Ironman action figure and extending its arm. Clumsily, she begins using the plastic hand of the figurine to begin shuffling sand back over the doll that represents herself. "Willa, sweetie, what- what is Ironman doing?" I question carefully. 
Once the wooden doll and her underwear have disappeared completely beneath the sand, Willa extends the other arm of the superhero's body, making them now both stick out straight. With a concerning amount of force, she begins jabbing the hands into the sand, uncomfortable sounds of plastic and wood colliding as the man apparently attacks the girl. Glancing over at Jenny, I see that her brow is furrowed in concentration. All I can hope is that she's understanding what Willa's actions mean, because to be completely honest, I have no idea what to make of any of it. 
After several more moments of the violent motions, Willa finally stops, putting Ironman's arms back down and dropping him to the floor. Sifting through the sand, Willa pulls out the wooden doll, shaking her off slightly before finding her purple dress and redressing her. Turning back to the sandbox for a moment, she uses a single finger to re-bury the underpants, causing my brain to ache with questions and concerns. When satisfied with the way the piece of clothing is hidden, Willa picks up the bathtub, once again removing the doll's dress before placing her in the tub, coming to what seems to be a stopping point.
"Sweetheart?" I ask quietly, unable to even form my thoughts into a question.
"Can you tell us what you're doing, Willa?" Jenny fills in for me. "Willa's taking a bath now?" The little girl nods. "What about Daddy? He's with you when you take baths, right?" she continues, picking up Captain America off the floor and offering it to the child. To my surprise, Willa shakes her head, pushing the doll away. Jenny lets her. "No help from Daddy? Okay, that's okay, hun," the doctor says quickly, wanting to avoid upsetting the chidl. 
"What was... what happened in the sandbox, honey?" I ask, not sure if I should be asking so many questions but ultimately too worried to refrain from doing so. Willa flinches slightly at my question, her bottom lip quivering as she gives me nothing but silence in return. "Okay, it's okay, sweetheart," I coo soothingly, not wanting to push the subject too hard, "that's okay, you don't have to tell us."
"How about you keep playing, sweetie," Jenny suggests, "it's okay. You said Willa was in the bath?" The small girl nods, looking back down at her toys before pulling the doll out of the tub, redressing her in her purple gown. Then, the child surprises both me and the doctor by repeating the same exact process all over again, starting with digging out the underpants in the sandbox, putting them back on the doll, and then completely undressing it.
My brow creases in perplexion as I watch Willa 'play,' her motions almost seeming like a routine or ritual that her body knows by heart. She repeats the entire scene once, then twice, and by the point in which she's buried herself a third time with her underwear, preparing the Ironman doll to perform his assault, I finally speak again, causing the child to pause. "Willa," I breathe, my heart pounding faintly in my ears. "What are you doing?"
Her wary gaze rises to meet mine and she blinks, her arm beginning to tremble as she clutches the action figure tightly. 
"Could you explain it to us?" Jenny adds, her voice laced with concern. "What is Ironman doing to Willa?"
"Why is she buried with her underwear?" I ask, earning a glance of warning from the doctor. Sighing, I take a moment to breathe, not wanting to say anything I might regret. "What is- sweetheart," I murmur as I notice the poor thing's eyes filling with tears. "What is Tony doing to you?"
"Hurting me," she concedes, her voice barely loud enough to hear. Her big green eyes peer up at mine and beg for what she's too afraid to out loud: to not hurt her, myself, to not be angry with her for expressing her feelings with her toys.
"Okay, Willa-bug," I nod, not completely understanding but deciding that at the moment, I don't really need to. My biggest priority for now has to be showing Willa that she's safe and that she's not in trouble for what she's admitted. "What if- how about Daddy comes and helps you?" I offer hopefully, taking the Captain America figure from Jenny carefully and holding it up for the little girl to see. "How about Daddy comes and protects you?"
"N-no," Willa refuses, picking up her sandbox and holding it slightly closer to herself, almost in a protective manner.
"Why not, sweetheart? How about Daddy comes and- comes and makes Tony stop, stops him from hurting you," I try, reaching out with the figure and trying to place it in the sandbox with the other two characters. Unexpectedly, Willa jerks it away, bits of sand spilling out from the sides as a look of anger forms on the child's face, a look I've never seen before. "Willa, please-" I insist, extending a hand to take hold of the sandbox.
But to my complete surprise, instead of pulling back again or allowing me, Willa throws the entire thing at me, sand dumping all over my clothes as she snaps, "No. You don't. You didn't."
As the dust settles into my lap and I blink away the sand from my eyes, I'm met with the sight of Willa staring back at me, any indication of anger or frustration completely drained from her face. Her eyes are as wide as saucers as she gawks at me, as if she, herself, can't believe what she's done. And before I can say anything, before I can reassure her or even try to calm her fears, she's jolted up onto her feet, running right out of her bedroom door. 
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Me reading terrible fic on ao3, because I'm desperate for a certain man and I have nothing else left: I'm a survivor. I'm a warrior. I can do this.
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jackiequick · 5 days
What If Bucky Barnes saved a life that day? | MARVEL Fanfic
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Pairing: Jason Grey Underwood & James ‘Bucky’ Barnes
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Setting: Flashback to December 16, 1991
Summary: It was a old winter night when a crash happened that would swirl the weekend for a world wind, as both eyes met in the chaos of it all. Becoming a interesting sight of secretive events. An old memory coming back to life?
Characters mentioned: Howard Stark, Maira Stark, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Elizabeth Stark, Daniel Sousa and Peggy Carter
Marvel Au fanfic
Warning: Angsty fic with some fluff
Gravel crunches under the tires of the Rolls Royce as it trundles up the country road. The Winter Soldier peers through the scope and adjusts his grip, his finger ghosting over the trigger. He's been in position for hours, has watched his targets for over two weeks before this. He knows their routine.
Inside the car sat Howard driving as Maria chatted on the phone with Peggy and Jason trying to figure out a way to nap quietly. Tony was at home he refused to go and stay with his godmother Peggy Carter instead.
This is the first day of a long weekend in the Stark Family country estate. They were meant to meet some people there in the upcoming weeks.
But no one will think to look for them until at least Monday.
The Soldier takes careful aim. If he misses, he will have to eliminate his targets individually. This is much cleaner.
He fires.
With the silencer, the shot is noiseless, but the blown tire is not.
The expensive Rolls Royce had been on the final turn before a wide country driveway. It skids onto the soft shoulder, and flips on its side to slide down a steep ravine. Having the family gasping for air, shielding themselves for comfort and deeply coughing as the car takes a spinal shock.
Screaming and yelling were silence soon enough. Groans can be heard from Jason squeezing his eyes shut as a trickle of blood ran down his forehead and a few shards of glass scarred around him, his pain increased. He felt dizzy, nasty feeling twirling in his stomach and his airways feeling like they shut down for a moment.
Snapping in and out of consciousness at whimpering and soft yelling he recognized. However you could’ve sworn he was dead by his chest not puffing.
Carefully, the Soldier packs away his rifle and makes his way down the slope, dragging piles of dry brush behind him. No one will see the wreckage from the roadway.
The Soldier sees that the woman has been ejected from her seat. Maria Stark. She is dead. He mentally crosses her off his list.
Ripping away the car door from its hinges, he peers inside. Howard Stark trickle of blood coming from the corner of his mouth waking up in soft mumbling, alerting the others in the car.
Howard Stark opens his eyes, glances over an somewhat conscious Jason as he looks at the Soldier. There is no anger or fear in his gaze -- but something else. Something that gives the Soldier pause. This is not an expression he has seen from his targets before.
Jason’s eyes flickering open falling onto the Howard, before looking at The Solider in pain, trying to search for his gun under his seat.
He locked eyes with the Solider seeing right into his soul. His steel blue eyes deep in an unknown word he can’t trace. The pain behind the lifeless face he gave, pausing at their actions. He doesn’t pull his gun on him, one bit. It was unspoken line between both parties.
"Bucky," Howard muttered. His hands fumbling weakly at his seatbelt, but his gaze is unfocused and vague. Dying, Jason knows it. But he hears his friend say, "Don’t hurt my son if he’s next…”
The word rattles around in the Soldier's head for a few moments without purchase. Jason waits for him to make a move, trying to figure out what happened that his last breath hasn’t come. But nothing.
Howard however takes a battling breath, then his shoulders lower. He dies with his eyes half open.
His attention snaps back at his words, knowing he meant every word as Jason weakly kicked open the door. The Solider finished the job for him tugging him out of the car, scooping up the blondes hand in his. Both men locked eyes once again, confused about the quick actions.
He could snap his neck, pull a gun on him or something.
In the Soldier's pocket is a lighter -- the authorities will assume the fire sparked from the car crash and caught dry brush. The flames will cleanse all evidence he was here.
Bucky... don’t hurt my son if he’s next..
Finish the assignment, the Soldier thinks. However a part of himself couldn’t murder the blonde. He didn’t have it in him to do it. None of them would know. He wondered why the man didn’t say a word to him yet, just staring at him a glint of trouble in his eyes as he felt his hand.
Jason just he recognizes those blue eyes, allowing the man to grab his bicep now as the other was occupied by a handheld gun trying to comprehend why he wasn’t dead yet. Then it hit him, his target included him in the flesh with the dog tags around his neck or at least his wristwatch, for extra evidence of his job being completed.
His eyes wet as all he could do was follow the instructions the Solider—Bucky—gave him. Then he turns and walks into the forest with him. The Solider’s work is not complete. He will be expected to end him.
It's only then he realizes he doesn't want to. His memories felt like they were split in two when they reached a hotel. Jason told him before entering that they will need to straighten up they’re hair and clothes, coming up with a cover story to tell the recipients. Bucky refused to comment on the request but eventually gave in.
An odd couple who needed to stay the night and thankfully she brought it.
Once entering the hotel room, Bucky finally let go of his bicep not realizing he might’ve left a bruised on the blonde. The room was somewhat cozy with beds, the lights were deemed reasonable, tiny kitchen, table with chairs and a bathroom. His eyes flicker titled his heads getting a better look at the man who sat down in one of the chairs.
It rattled Bucky’s brain at the moment seeing him again in full lighting, having not seen him in the longest time. He hasn’t aged a day! It pained him as he watched his movements, trying to remember the night they met. It came in patches across the entire trip here. The memories.
That night and the morning afterwards. It stunning. His smile and glimpse of joy in his eyes.
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Everyone dressed in their finest whites and browns laughing teasing one another across the room. But Bucky’s eyes stayed that weekend on the blonde man chuckling with his buddies sharing a beer. With Howard Stark.
His pals were having fun. So, all he wanted was some alone time with the man, ready to enjoy himself and he did.
His voice brought him back to the present day.
“You can take a seat, you know? Get comfortable. I’m not your handler or anything. You took me as your hostage tonight. And for what, Bucky?” He said, his tone was calming but slightly bruised feelings. Tired and hurt.
“Okay..” Bucky replies softly taking a seat, unzipping his suit a bit to allow himself to breathe, “…my mission seems to not be complete. I was expecting to end everyone in that car.”
“So why didn’t you? For the last half hour I have been trying to comprehend why you did pull the gun on me? We were in the forest, you could’ve done it..”
“Because I couldn’t. The look in both of your eyes…I didn’t’ want to. Why didn’t you defend yourself, hmm? The whole time you were silent.”
“I couldn’t defend myself assuming your actions, so I waited for you to make your decision. Now your keeping me safe, why?”
“I don��t know..”
“Yes you do. You don’t remember right? But when my—Howard said your name…you paused. I saw a look in your eyes, you regret it. You heard what he said about his son and you paused. Then looked at me.”
They locked eyes again. Jason hitched a breath, his eyes scanning every feature his face. The look of confused as if he wanted to admit something but couldn’t due to his orders. But he didn’t need to know why he murdered, the only other man to look at with such kindness and the women who took him into her heart with so much love.
The dead know everything. He would just have to accept that one day, but that didn’t mean he decided to not get a swing at Bucky for his actions. He just needed some satisfaction, some answer. By the second swing to the face, his body crumbled in pain from accident. The brunette guided him back to his seat holding his wrist.
He glared feeling weak as he looked up at Bucky again. Some urgency in his face to tell him. Both men knew it. It was silent. It was only then Bucky’s mouth opened and shut, hesitate to say it even though both men knew it all too well. He remembers all of it.
Hours came and went. Jason went on to take a shower after Bucky did. It was a kind offer. It was his only time to actually think.
He was flabbergasted at the sight standing underneath the water that fit his face. In that room held the face of the man he didn’t expect to see. He remember it all too well.
That weekend after that mission, he just met Howard thinking he would never see that man ever again in his life. But he was very wrong! Jason had tears in his eyes missing him so badly, the smell of his cologne still in his nose.
He remembered Howard and him being brought up to a bar. The 107th and 106th gang was there. He was talking with his buddies, along with Howard who was more interested in the bartender. She was hot.
But his eyes fell onto the one of prettiest brunette around. Sergeant Barnes.
Hell he would’ve dated him.
Honestly Jason always had a thing for brunettes since he had Howard and Violet but he loved Angie more than his life itself. As well as his darling Maria, he loved her so much.
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Damn the respect people, including himself had for that man.
He remembered both men chatting afterwards enjoying each other’s company. Laughing and teasing one another every once in a while. He looked at him with such kindness and respect. It felt good.
Then he remembered the words that kickstarted the rest of the night and morning after.
Hey, Barnes stole a jeep! Yelled Howard so loudly half of bar heard it.
Next thing he remembered was all three of them riding across the streets, dropping the genius off once he saw the bartender from earlier clocked out, leading him and Barnes alone. The two rode off into the night, passing through street lights and stores glancing over at each other every so often. It felt like a breath of fresh air, laughing the whole time.
They talked about life after the way, family they were waiting for them, and hopefully new opportunities to take upon once it all over. Seeing each other again and heading to vacation for a while. He asked Bucky if he had a lady waiting for him at home and his response was a simple no. Jason remembered his eyes perk up hearing that teasing him on any lady would love to have him.
He remembered the jeep coming to a stop near a park bench on a high hill. Nobody around, just pure sliver dollar silence as the cloudy skies cleared up to reveal the moon and stars. The smell of the flowers and air as he followed the brunette up the hill, sliding over to seat next to him at the benchmark and nice autumn breeze that blew past them.
The way Bucky teased him asking if he had a chance with a girl. His reply was a honest, ‘No, i don’t know if i will settle anytime soon.’
‘Why not?’ Was his response with a smile.
‘I feel like I forgot what normal is meant to be.’
‘I get that. I feel like I didn’t really know how to live before.’
‘Hmm. Maybe, we shouldn’t settle for normal.’
The next morning. It was a sight to see. The sun was coming up, the orange light turned the field into liquid gold shining down on both men. Bucky’s head rested on his shoulder as his hand placed on his shoulder snoring softy. His own head nuzzled against the brunette humming in his sleep, waking up as the sun hit his eyes.
Jason smiled at the memories.
Since it was weekend full with sightseeing, training with his pal and meeting new ones. Sneaking off with Bucky and Howard to the stores then heading off to the restaurants for a quick bite. It was a delightful surprise how comfortable he felt about Barnes, the sweet warm in his eyes and the charming smile that he portrayed everywhere they went.
But now in that very room sat the brunette with longer hair, deep blue eyes and a body language that said an unknown things. He barley cracked smiled however he remembered it all. The memories that were made and he actions he took.
To anyone who knew Bucky Barnes, would say he was a bit of a distant distraction from the normal life. He dated plenty of men and women in his time. Always had a thing for people with a respectable background. Something he would come to apparently appreciate in the future.
His mind flew back to that weekend with Underwood. The laughter they shared, the drinks, the running from the bar onto the jeep that night and the hopes to see one another again.
Bucky even gave the man his number and a cheeky wink before he took off to return fight the war.
But he didn’t get the chance to call him. Or even received a phone call since he fell off that train…
The last thing he remembered before waking up to that laboratory full of scientists was dreaming about that weekend. That smile and laughter that escaped Jason’s lips. The grin he gave everyone and the wink he returned to the night.
God! If he wasn’t in this situation, he would run over to the blonde and tell him everything he knew.
But he couldn’t. He shouldn’t. He spared his heart by letting him live.
Bucky Barnes cared way too much to murder the man who gave him, a lifetime of memories.
He felt stupid.
But he shouldn’t. He deserved to smile. To see the man he cared for again.
“Bucky..?” Asked the blonde, coming out of the shower with wet hair and a white t-shirt giving him, a gentle smile.
“Hmm.” He responded, sucking a breath flickering his eyesight towards him.
“What’s going on that pretty little head of yours? You can tell me..”
“I um..you won’t like what you hear…i can’t..sorry.”
“I can tell enough. Your working for the other side against your will..you’ve been manipulated by them. I don’t know why you killed my..doesn’t matter.”
“…did you love ‘em?”
“Yeah..with all my heart..”
“I’m sorry..I’m so sorry.”
Bucky stood up, he wanted to run. He tried to escape the room, his hand was on doorknob as his voice hitched. He was tired. Annoyed. Sad. Hurt. He looked over his shoulder to look back at the blonde.
The kindness in his eyes. He paused, letting go on the handle as he turned around to face the man. His head dropped in sorrow, facing the floor as he felt light fingertips crawl up his chin, lifting his head to meet the green eyes. Bucky wouldn’t admit it but he missed the starving touch of someone’s warmth against his cold face.
That comforting gaze that would soften his cheeks.
His blue eyes met the green eyes once again. He wanted to let his shoulders fall but he feared it would show weakness. He wanted to let out a sob, but he feared he would let his guard down. But he wasn’t with anyone who would hurt him.
He hoped that Jason wouldn’t try to hurt him, yeah sure he killed his friend however, he could see something else in his face. Sorrow and compassion. Comfort. He was in a vulnerable position.
They both were.
Jason didn’t think he would admit the words that slipped his lips but they did.
“I’m not gonna hurt..i can’t blame you for what you did. It wasn’t your fault. You hear me Bucky? It wasn’t your fault...i just missed your voice..i wish i gotten your call..” The blonde admitted with a soft gaze.
He needed to hear those words.
The brunette shoulders finally fell as his guard fell down, tears slowly shaking down his cheeks. He wouldn’t expect forgiveness for what he did, but he gotten caught up in a tingled mess. Bucky’s head fell onto Jason’s shoulder as the blonde run a hand across his back, whispering softly to his ear that he wasn’t his fault.
Never was his fault. It was a guilt they would be have to carryover until the end of time.
He’s not the villain here, he’s the victim of a crime scene. He didn’t want to do it, but he knew the whole mission had to be done.
And now, here he stood in the arms of the man who showed him some kind of love. Compassion. Reassuring words. Kindness towards him after all the mistakes he did.
He wasn’t in stupid Russia. He was in the arms of someone who treated him like a human. Not a weapon to be experienced with.
“I missed you so many times…” Jason told him, his feelings were hurt but his heart was beating quickly for the brunette in front of him.
Feeling that reached up to the surface again after years of forgetting that heartbreak. It was a weakness inside him, when he looked at someone like Bucky Barnes.
Love? Was it some kind of love? Lust?
Possibly. It was a single weekend they both shared but it felt good. Freeing from the issues the world has been facing. A war.
Bucky eyes were pooled as a sob reckoned his body, he crumbled into Jason’s arms. He remembers the warmth and kindness theses are showed him that late night.
All he wanted now, was to faced him and beg for the blonde to help him with the hidden wound he tried to patch up eariler but failed to do so. However he knew he didn’t need to beg for help, he was already getting it. He was allowed to let his guard down for once in a long time.
It felt good, real good.
“J..JJ..I’m sorry.. I’m so sorry for what I did.” Bucky admitted with a chocked sob, “I didn’t expect to see you again after all theses years..and I have to return back soon…but I don’t want to..”
“I know you don’t…I know you have to return but when you do, I want to know that you survived so long and I’m proud of you. You did the hard part and one day you will get a better break..” Jason told him, trying to find the words to express how he felt.
“I don’t know when or how you will get a chance to breathe again but you will Bucky, all I could hope is for you to be happy one day...and for now, I’m going to give you one.”
“Huh? JJ I can’t let you do that..I’m already in so much trouble soon..”
“Let me fix your wound..like I used to?”
“I’ll like that…uh, are you okay?”
“I will be..”
Jason gently guided Bucky to the edge of the bed, waiting for him remove his jacket so he saw the badly cleaned wound. He found a first aid kit and started to clean it correctly, with such ease and gentleness asking if it stings every so often. Bucky started to smile down at the blonde who cleaned his wounds. He noticed the cuts and bruises on his face and arms.
Bucky winced as he softly muttered, “Sorry…”
“Don’t be..I’ve been though worse.” Jason said with a soft smile.
“You got better at this..”
“Yeah well, with the plenty of injuries I kinda had to..”
“You’ve been injured before?”
“Fights and missions in my own line of business..”
“How are you still alive?”
“Same as you, my body is frozen in time. But that’s a story for another time…”
“…are you uh, married? Kids?”
“Oh? Um, no. I couldn’t find anyone who could deal with my burdens. I mean I loved and lost before but i wouldn’t want anyone to suffer a lie that isn’t theirs..”
“Do i wanna ask?”
“I think it’s best not to. I mean, I’m not asking for anything about your line of work or lifestyle. We don’t need to talk about it.”
“Where are you going after this?”
“I uh, don’t know yet..I need to keep the wounds on and build another cover story. But I’ll figure it out later..”
“And now?”
This time, Jason looked up with a soft smile once he finished cleaning and patching him up correctly, as he shrugged. His green eyes burden so much hurt, love and confusion that carried so much depth behind that. Bucky would’ve loved to take that away, anyone would have given him a chance to breath during this time.
He doesn’t know what he did to describe or even deserve this one thing from him.
But sure as hell he was grateful for it.
“Do you ever…wonder what life would’ve been like if none of this ever…uh..um, happened?” Bucky asked, sounding kinda stupid the way his words slurred, “.. I would’ve loved to hang out with our buddies a lot more and date around..”
“Well I would’ve been married, with a kid or two..we would’ve lived closed by to your house..” Jason said with a small smile taking a few pauses as he thought, “…maybe you and me would sneak off for a night at the bar..”
“…I would’ve married Dot..god I loved her..and you would’ve gotten Angie..that was her name, right? I remember her eyeing you a lot..”
“Yeah, Angie Martinelli..I loved her way before I knew she would’ve been friends with Peggy Carter..but times change.”
“You haven’t..”
“You can say that…”
“What about us? If I wasn’t Hydra…where d-did you work after the war?”
“Uh, the SSR..now it’s SHIELD..you would’ve loved it. Hell, I think you would’ve loved Elizabeth.”
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A smile crept up Bucky’s lips at the reminder of Elizabeth Stark’s name.
She was smart, sweet as candy, gorgeous, a wildcard and a total badass in his eyes. He got flashes of her face and the moment they met after he was rescued by the others. She was one of the most beautiful and kindness ladies he ever met, greeting each other with so much respect.
She teased him about a dates and he gave her his number. As they were spending night just chatting on the phone at hotels and campsites available for calls. He remembered promising another date before the war ended.
But never did live up to that promise. He hoped she was alright.
Jason noticed the look on his face and gave him a gentle smile, “Hey..it’s alright. We all miss her.. and i know you did the best you could do with the time we had in the war..”
“I know..I know..sometimes I wish I didn’t fall into the woods and that I held onto that railing…but it wasn’t my intention for any of it..it never was. I had a clear goal that day and it got turned into something else…I’m sorry for everything..” Bucky admitted looking down for a moment.
“It wasn’t your fault, okay? None of us could’ve predicted any of this to happen to our lives..but we are surviving and that’s all we can do..”
“I can only imagine what you’ve seen and been though over all theses years..”
“Don’t worry about me..I can handle it…or so I hope I can….what else do you remember?”
“A lot of it..sometimes it comes in flashes..”
“Such as?”
“…this blonde haired man..tall..blue eyes..”
“There was a old knock off comic book, I saw it a few days ago…Captain America, I think it is was?”
“Yeah, a lot of countries and states still sell them…and? You remember anything..?”
“I um..I know him, I think i do? I know I do…who is he?..Rogers…”
“...he was your best friend, Bucky…Steve Rogers.”
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The name rattled in Bucky’s brain for a few short minutes as he stayed silent. Searching his eyes waiting for a sign as he stayed biting his bottom lip, sniffling trying to remember.
He remembers it. The face, the name, and the sound of his voice.
His best friend til the end of the line…
Jason took out his wallet, rummaging though the brown leather until he pulled out a small picture. A tiny one of the night at the bar that a photographer grabbed. He handed it to Bucky, as his fingers crossed the old photograph as his eyesight got blurry. Fresh tears came rolling in.
“Steve.” The brunette muttered, as the flashes of memories came back better than ever, like someone clicked the undo button.
“You have this?” Bucky asked mumbling about the picture in his hand.
Jason nods, “I like to keep old photographs in my wallet..that one was supposed to be for Peggy, uh Carter, to keep..she wanted it framed.”
“He looks..i look..oh god Steve..how could i—? How could I forget his face of all people?”
“It’s not your fault. HYDRA..they did it. They don’t want you to remember of this, because they know something might happen..”
“…did they ever take you..?”
“They tried. Once. In the 40s, a lot of Russian men and women. They kidnapped me during a mission..they almost wiped my mind..i mean, they kinda did..”
“..you don’t remember a lot either?”
“Some memories came and went..just like you, the situation it feels a little fuzzy. But I’m okay. We’re both okay…do you remember anything about Steve?”
“I remember a lot..before and after the war when i fell, I remember the memories of him..”
Bucky had a look in his eyes as if he’s reliving a memory. He let out a light chuckle and sniffled, “..he’s a little punk. I told him to not do anything stupid…”
Jason just watched Bucky in that moment. He didn’t say a word. Just listen to him as he mumbled and muttered softly with a light smile at his memories. A look in his eyes seemed to return as he watch him.
Some lightning of gentle glee in the brunette’s eyes as he talked, running his fingers crossed his long brown hair and catching the other man’s eyes every now and then.
“..do you remember your full name..?” The blonde asked softly, after being silent for so long leaning against the bed.
“Mhmm…more or less..i don’t like it..” The brunette admitted, matching his soft tone.
“..James Barnes..I always liked Bucky better..”
“..i think i was a good friend, right? I was good enough that it became my nickname..?”
“Well, I remember you did say that Steve gave you that nickname when you were kids..so i think you were a great friend..”
“..and was i good to you?..am i good to you?”
“What do you think?”
“..i think i was good to you?..i hurt you though..i hurt a lot of people’s feelings..i know it..”
“It wasn’t you. I can’t blame you, for hurting me or those people..”
“..why are you so good..to me? The world has been cruel to me..”
The blonde gave him a small smile, tugging some hair out of his face for a second and let out of a breath before standing up. Jason knew why he was good to Bucky Barnes. The world is a cruel place fulled with cruel people and niceness isn’t something everyone gets. He should know.
In his eyes, the brunette deserves some kindness and attention after everything.
“The world is cruel and hard and if it sees any bit of light..it will crushes it. And you deserve a chance to feel cared for, not be seen as a weapon. Or an experiment..” Jason said with a soft gaze.
His words meant more than he lead on.
“It sounds like your talking from experience..” Bucky replies, fumbling with his sleeves.
“I sorta am. And how i seen it, your more than what they made you to be.”
“You know…your the only thing that makes sense right now to me..thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
The rest of the night went as follows. The silence of fallen snow along with the sound of plates clanging together then dropped into the small sink. They were able to get food and water from the hotel, and able to find some form of entertainment on TV.
Hell, they found some extra clothing left in a closet to borrow for some time.
Both of them stayed in comfortable silence, giving all smiles and having conversations.
It was late. Very late into the night when tiredness started to take fold. It was mostly Jason who was tired, trying to nurse a tiny headache meanwhile Bucky was just resting his head on a pillow.
“You should rest..” Bucky said softly, resting his head against his curled in arms.
“You first.” Jason replied with a soft tease in his voice, looking over his shoulder.
“Hilarious..at least take a nap.”
“I’m fine..”
“What’s wrong?”
“Should i be the one to ask you that?”
“Jason. What’s going on?”
“..how can i rest knowing what i know now..? I’m not mad about anything, just sad and tired..surprised.”
“It’s Christmas time, Bucky. I lost a lot my friend beforehand..my nephew hates his father..and some others are god knows where..”
“..i’m sorry. It’s my fault your gone..they’re gone.”
“No it’s not..our Christmas was already a messy one, before you showed up..no one really cares about the holiday too much anymore.”
“So i sorta saved your Christmas?”
“I guess you did.”
Both men let out a small chuckle at the last comment. It was the holiday season and here they are in the mist of it all, hiding out til morning or early afternoon. It wasn’t so bad, per say since they weren’t alone in the slightest bit but they would’ve liked it to be in better circumstances. Jason knew he wasn’t gonna enjoy this holiday season as much as he used to, and seeing Bucky was a surprise to say the least.
But a serious secret he would have to keep, like other things he kept secret from the world.
He knew he would have to return back home soon, change his whole identity once again and transfer any information onto new documents, like he did every December reach the end of a decade.
Bucky watched him, move across the room to reach forward and grab a few dusty books from the small group of shelves. It confused Bucky onto what he was he doing, seeing the man pick up a napkin and a pencil. He watched him scramble and scribble onto the napkin, crossing things down as he went. He justified his own actions against the questions he had, leaning over to get a closer look at the actions Jason silently took.
It made him wonder how much times he did this in pure silence as the TV played as background noise. His bets were 15 times a day, once every couple of months? He saw titles of different types being scripted on the napkin, but it wasn’t clear to him because of subtle it was written, where it look like a small riddle or rhyme in a children’s book.
He watched Jason pick up on the paused that he made, looking over at the TV Christmas movie that was set up on the screen.
“What aren’t you telling me?” Bucky muttered, turning the volume of the movie up to an 8.
“Hm?” Jason answered, resting book against the bedside table.
“The napkin. The books. You look like a mad man.”
“Hilarious, Barnes. I’m just tinkering with something, a new theme..”
“N-new theme?”
“Uh, new alias, I guess..”
“Walk me through this, for I can understand what you mean..because I think I get it.”
“You were sent to murder Mr and Mrs. Stark, not knowing they would have an extra passenger seated in the back, right?”
“HYDRA assumed that Stark would have a party or something following him to his drive but they didn’t confirm that being the case. They want anyone who was in the car, as witnesses or something to be dead..you were there.”
“Exactly. I was there, they didn’t even bother to confirm if Stark would have another passenger there like his son or his best friends. But they want evidence of the murder, you shot the sirens and cameras right?”
Bucky gave him a look as if he was stupid or something, of course he shot the cameras. Jason cleared his throat after that look he received, getting his answer. That was also when Bucky realized what he means and where he’s getting at. A new cover story, an alias and everything after tonight. It made him wonder how many times has he done this routine before.
Bucky sighed, “I see what you’re doing. I get it, I do and you won’t tell me anything about the alias to keep you safe..for HYDRA doesn’t ask me question, they might as well wipe my mind after this mission is over..”
“Hm, yeah. I’ve done this before and I’ll do it a million times over.” Jason repiled, handing the brunette an old school pin from his jacket marked with dried up blood and sighed, “This is mine.”
“What the hell is this?”
“Old school SSR pin, every single agent had one. Howard had copy in his jacket pocket that you didn’t take, they won’t know the difference between the signs of the pin, that’s your evidence.”
“Ja-I can’t take it. It’s yours..it’s evidence but still..”
“They might want evidence, Bucky. I won’t need it, not where I’m going. I have everything else at home..I’m glad Howard died with his pin in his pocket, it meant he created everything he could for the organization’s future and I would have to return back to SHIELD without mine..”
“You’re an idiot. They will know you don’t have yours, won’t they?”
He shook his head this time, he had that one covered. With all the years he lived, he made sure he had a copy of everything he could possibly own and could be used for travel tucked away in a small area at his house. Certain items stayed within that box and others were thrown away, to not stir any controversy over him. Jason wasn’t that stupid.
It made Bucky wonder however, if he didn’t murder Jason Underwood allegedly since it seemed like that name died for the public a long time ago, then what alias did he take down within that flamed car earlier? It was better he didn’t know that particular name until later, when asked. He just nodded instead with a soft sigh.
The rest of the night was spend a rather sleepless one, due to Bucky wondering and reloading his equipment, packing up everything needed to return back to work soon. Meanwhile Jason stayed sat on the bed, trying to rematch up his own wounds and rewrite in his mind the way to get back home without any deep questions. His cover was the easiest part, he was badly hurt which was truth and wasn’t thinking straight due to having an unlimited amount of time.
His mind ran across to only responsive person he knew who would grab him what was needed was Daniel Sousa, no questions asked, without Peggy on his back door for too long pondering what happened.
Bucky was half asleep, his head rested on the pillow with a soft smile watching the blonde chuckling softly to himself. Jason was resting in his bed with his hands behind his head, staring at the ceiling humming a soft tune as his eyes glanced over at the brunette who was staring right at him. His piercing blue eyes connected with his green ones in a shimmer of the bedroom lights. If it wasn’t for the night he wouldn’t have blushed more easily as he should have.
“What? Can’t find the confidence to look me in the eyes, Underwood?” Bucky said with a grin, chuckling as he let out a sigh he didn’t realize he was holding. He might as well be flirting.
“Watch it, Barnes. Last person who looked at me that way, i ended up on a hill in France.” Jason added shaking his head, returning the effortlessly warm grin.
“Ohh who was the lucky one?”
“You know who. For someone who just finished a murder mission, you’re awfully flirty with me.”
“I didn’t want to do it..you know that. It’s just seeing you all relax..makes me forget about everything, you know?”
“I know..despite that whole look of yours, I’m actually digging the number you’re wearing..it’s stupid..I’m delusional.”
“If you’re delusional then I’m sure as gone.”
The two of them softly chuckled.
Jason softly smiled, “Hey.”
“Hm?” Bucky replied staring back at him again.
“You look..good.”
“I uh..I feel good.”
They shift in their respective positions, rolling over in bed to face the other person in a more comfortable manner. Despite all the stress and frustration that they feel about tonight, the moment they looked at each other’s faces, it all melted away.
Hydra, being on the run, Shield, keeping lies to themselves and begging for the truth not to come back to haunt them—all of that? It drifted over to the back of their minds like it was nothing.
Funny, how seeing someone who you missed so much time with can do to a person.
As if, it was written in stone by the gods above to somehow be interwoven in each other’s life one way or another. Jason and Bucky shouldn’t be allowed to share such a secretive moment together, tucked away in some hotel room after such a harsh encounter, yet here they are. Both cold and alone in the mist of the night, despite the central heating system wrapping around the ground, it seems like it would barely survive the hours up ahead.
“I missed you..” Jason admitted, as his voice lowered to a whisper but the brunette heard it.
Bucky was taken back by his words as he melted a little and returned to confession, “…so did I. I uh, I missed you a lot..”
“It was some silly night but I remember it, you know?”
“You remember the rest of the week? We sneaked off to every other store to find the best souvenir but ended up at a ice cream parlor instead.”
“Didn’t we share an ice cream together?”
“Cause they only had a couple scoops of Rocky Road left! You do remember.”
Bucky roared a laugh as Jason grinned.
The Winter Soldier wasn’t in his eyes, nor was the Agent at SHIELD in his own.
Just two old men, Jason Grey and James Buchanan.
There was a lot bending on their hands with the horrific incident that occurred in front of their eyes, yet neither side had the slightest intention to bring it up again for a long time. Yes, Jason could’ve shot him while stuck in this hotel and Bucky could’ve done the same at any point, but they didn’t dare to do so.
Jason knew if he did, HYDRA would’ve been after him in a matter of weeks and it would take longer for him to recover and return home to his life in California. Bucky knew if he killed him, it would’ve been another kill in his books that would haunt him forever and he made a silent promise to Howard Stark to not go after his son, in response he needed the blonde to return home alive.
Aside from the obvious mess brewing upon them and lack of self respect, if it was up to Jason and Bucky, the two would run away together. Be hidden away from the world until everything died down and they could start somewhere else, have a better chance to escape the chaos and breathe.
Yet, it wasn’t in the cards for either of them.
Instead both men ate whatever snacks found in the refrigerator and vending machines in the halls, watching the crappy old movies on television as they stayed chatting until dawn…
…the morning sunlight peaked through the shades of the hotel that very first alarm to strike upon the room, cracking open the notion that this wasn’t a dream, everything that happened last night was just fact.
The second clue to this alarming trend was that the other bed was emptied out, paneling over the bed closes to the door as glimpses of the blonde and brunette snoring calmly. Fully clothed, wearing some fabric they found in one of the closets comfortable enough to rest in. Bucky’s hand lay across Jason’s chest as the blonde hummed in his sleep with his fact turned toward the brunette’s direction.
Both curled underneath the blanket for warmth, breathing deeply into the air surrounding the room. The pillows were soft, the mattress kept itself polished and comfortable, as blankets were stacked one over the other beneath the pair.
The third striking feature of the set was the moment Bucky slowly turned to his left, letting out a soft groan as he fluttered his eyes open. He squeezed his eyes for a second to breathe in the silence and light that filled his senses, meeting the sleeping gaze of the blonde man.
He only felt a slight smile reaching his lips, as the memory of last night slowly wired in his brain, where the two were watching on a movie then nodding off on his bed unexpectedly, the temperature dropped as it resulted in finding a couple more blankets to keep warm. A part of him should shiver and regret this folding turn of events that took place.
But he couldn’t shake off the pressure of leaving him in the hotel alone after all of this is over. If it was up to him, he wouldn’t think twice and find a way to escape this situation, bringing the other with him for just a little while. Despite the high urge to do something about it, he couldn’t get himself to disappear from the bed and leave the key behind.
Instead he stayed, watching every tall tale feature the blonde had to offer his memories.
“..mornin’..” Mumbled Jason softly and ever so gently as his eyes stayed closed.
It almost startles Bucky at the sudden voice reaching his ears but nonetheless he smiles, “..m-morning.”
There was a peaceful silence that drafted between them.
“How did you sleep?” Asked the blonde, slowly opening his eyes turning to get a glimpse of the brunette.
And by god, James Barnes wasn’t allowed to look this well at the crack of dawn. His long dark locks curled around the edges of the pillow, his blue eyes shining in the sunlight and the cool metallic hand rested on his chest just as comfortably.
After a long second, Bucky responded, “I uh, I slept well actually..”
“I bet.” Jason joked, bringing a light smile to his face.
That caused a crash of light chuckle to fill the air.
The morning went pretty well. The two stayed in bed staring at the ceiling and stealing glances half of the time, enjoying the light banter. Eventually Bucky crawled out of bed and got himself in the shower, then soon went Jason’s turn to freshen up.
After a long period of time of declining interest in food, Jason’s stomach growls as he grabbed himself a sandwich from the hotel bar and a couple of drinks from the vending machine. He may or may not have taken a couple of bucks out of the brunette’s wallet that morning.
But he repaid him with a sandwich and a bottle of water, despite Bucky’s light glares he couldn’t be bothered to give a remark as hunger strikes. He just ate calmly and hummed a small smile to the man.
Sadly enough, the time they had spent together came to a close. Items were packed, stitches were wrapped and clothing was tucked away for any cleaning lady to come in later. Jason sat on the bed buckling his bootstraps and cuffing his socks into place, as his gaze turned to the man who was fumbling with his jacket once more. Bucky nodded, getting the last clasp secured on his jacket and swung his bag over his shoulder.
The two had a seamless idea to leave the hotel one after the other, in order to not stir up any wondering eyes or glimpses of controversy in the air. Yes, the thought was more than simple for anyone to follow along if they were looking too closely but neither was willing to take that chance.
Barnes was first to leave.
Neither said a word, just kept their gaze afar from another.
As Bucky stood by the door, his hand hovering over the doorknob, a sudden wave of emotion washed over him once his gaze fell on Jason for the 5th time this morning. He couldn't bear the thought of leaving without expressing the depth of his feelings and gratitude towards the man.
He didn't know if he would retreat or regret this later on, however at the moment, he didn't care to dwell on those thoughts.
With a swift and decisive movement, Bucky turned around, closing the distance between them in an instant. A finger hung under the blonde's chin, staring into each other's eyes. Without a second later, his lips met Jason's with a gentle and tender touch, a silent testament to the unspoken words that lingered between them.
For a brief moment, time seemed to stand still as they shared the intimate embrace, the weight of their emotions hanging heavy in the air.
Jason's initial surprise quickly melted into a reciprocal response, his body instinctively leaning in to meet Bucky's kiss. Their lips moved together in a dance of longing and affection, each moment filled with a sense of warmth and belonging that neither wanted to let go of.
When they finally parted, there was a softness in their smiles, an understanding that transcended words. It was a silent agreement, a shared moment of mutual affection and longing that bound them together in ways they couldn't fully comprehend.
A couple of milliseconds past, standing there in pure silence.
Bucky once turned to leave, a smile graced his lips, his heart filled with a newfound sense of peace and contentment. The door closed behind as he turned towards the steps leading himself to the first floor of the hotel.
Jason watched him go, still slightly breathless from the unexpected kiss, a part of him couldn't help but chuckle softly to himself, shaking his head in disbelief at the whirlwind of emotions that had swept over them both.
And as they went their separate ways, the memory of that fleeting moment lingered in the air, a reminder of the small yet somehow profound connection they shared...
Ahhh! Couldn't resist writing for this unexacting pairing, this has been in my drafts for a year now and decided to finally post it. Anyways let me know what you think. Remember to like, comment and share
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @missstrawbs2001 @cherrysft @rickb-chaos @starkleila @infinetlyforgotten @meiramel @sherloquestea @buckysteveloki-me @yetanotherwells @nakiaswg @carellmcu @ximehs @xgoddessoffandomsx
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welldonebeca · 2 months
it's a Bad Idea, right? (1)
Summary: The worst idea a waitress in Mama Stefka can have is to fall in love with a man in Hydra. They aren’t supposed to even talk! It doesn’t stop Betty, though. Warnings: Mafia AU. Secret identity au. Tension.
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“Mila,” Betty called out, washing her hands in the kitchen sink. “Did you cut the lemons last night?”
The restaurant was going to open in two minutes, it was Friday. They needed lemons for the tea.
Mila always did that, every time it was her turn to cut the lemons the night before, she would not do it and everyone would be left scrambling for brunch time.
“On it now,” she called out.
Betty rolled her eyes but didn’t complain.
As long as she did it…
Betty took her apron, wrapping it around her waist and looking around for her pen.
“Hey,” Elena walked into the kitchen, phone in hand. “Does anyone speak German?”
She looked around, and the other waitresses did the same.
Was Ruby in today?
“No one?” Mila insisted. “Really?”
Betty shrugged.
Mama Stefka was a blend  - a crock-pot if someone were to ask the girls -  of everything East Europe and more. It was founded by a Bulgarian family she didn’t know when, and it slowly grew into something more. By now, it had a little bit of everything from everywhere.
Betty. Well…  Elżbieta was Polish. She was the only one, but the team was full of girls from every little place possible.
Taty from Belarus, Anna and Elena from Moldova, Martina from Slovakia, Natalia from Russia…
“Wait, isn’t Nat coming today?” Betty realised. “She speaks German.”
Natalia was their hostess, she’d been in the restaurant for ten years or something when they were still a tiny thing with just Bulgarian food.
Everyone had gotten there before Betty, to be fair.
Debbie’s face lit up.
“Yes! When is she coming?”
But before anyone answered, the door opened, and Nat walked in, looking rushed and pink on the face.
“I’m sorry, I got stuck in traffic,” she apologised quickly, a bit breathless.
Debbie rushed to her, passing her a phone Betty didn’t even know she was holding.
“It’s on mute. They need someone who speaks German to serve them tonight.”
Natalia picked it up, pressing it to her ear.
"Hallo, hier ist Natalia vom Mama Stefka. Wie kann ich Ihnen behilflich sein?"
She walked off to the employees area, too stable on her huge heels.
"Natürlich können wir das arrangieren," she answered, very cheerful. "Sieben Uhr? Ja, fünf Personen."
Wanda walked past Betty, looking back at Nat and then at her again.
“Well, someone needs to learn German,” Wanda sighed.
“Not me,” Betty pocketed her stuff. “I already know languages enough and get paid the same thing as a waitress who only speaks one.”
She walked off to the dining room, joining Debbie as she put the chairs down into the right places, still barefoot.
English wasn’t constantly spoken in Mama Stefka. Most of the visitors were immigrants or children of immigrants. Everyone knew everyone in their community, it meant solace and community, even though not everyone was from the same country.
Well, that and their involvement with Hydra.
Okay, so no everyone who went to Mama Stefka was involved with Hydra, but they either knew someone from Hydra, was from Hydra, or was too clueless about Hydra to know their kid, sibling, parent or partner was in Hydra – or they just really liked their food, but those were very few people.
Betty, and all of the other waitress, pretended not to know.
It was better to be oblivious than to be in danger.
Half an hour later, the place was on its way to blooming, and her section already had a few tables full when Nat called for her in the kitchen.
“The Malicks are here,” she called out. “They’re asking to sit with you.”
Betty lit up. Oh, the Malicks were delightful!
When Betty had come to America, Mrs Malick had given her a room, so she wouldn’t have to pay for a hotel before school started, and always took her back during school breaks when her dorm was closed.
Studying in New York wasn’t for everyone.
It also didn’t guarantee a job, which was why she was at Mama Stefka. They always welcomed Eastern girls in need of work and money to keep a roof over their heads.
But when Betty walked out to the dining room, Mrs Malick was nowhere to be seen, just her boys, Wilfred, Nathaniel, and Gideon, sat around a table of four, near the corner, the most isolated table in your room.
Oh. It was that kind of dinner, then.
She walked down to it, setting four glasses down.
“Cześć chłopaki,” she smiled, as cheerful as a waitress should be. Hello, boys. “Wasza mama dziś nie wpadła?”
No ma today?
They were Polish. Well, Betty was Polish and French, but people didn’t know that. To them, she was pure Polish.
“Niestety, nie mogła dziś przyjść,” Nathaniel told her.
The brothers exchanged looks, and she followed their expressions with her eyes, and Gideon cleared his throat.
“Jesteśmy tu z innej przyczyny dziś wieczorem, Elżbieta,” he spoke, at last, looking right into her eyes, very firm. “Jestem pewien, że możemy na ciebie liczyć, że zachowasz dyskrecję?"
She stiffened up.
We are here for a different reason tonight, Elżbieta. I'm sure we can trust you to be discreet?
Very serious, then.
"Oczywiście," she agreed. “Czy życzą sobie Państwo zobaczyć menu, czy poczekają na swojego gościa?"
Of course. Would you like to see the Menu or wait for your guest?
“Wait,” Fred told her. “Thank you.”
She nodded, walking off.
It was one of those nights, then.
“Hey,” you walked to Nat. “Make sure no one bothers the Malick, will you know? Just keep them… isolated.”
She raised her eyebrows a bit, not too moved.
“It’s another night of many heads, I see,” she hummed, writing something down. “I’ll do my best with what I’m given.”
Betty nodded stiffly, her shoulders hurting a bit in tension.
Nights of many heads always made her anxious.
The man who walked into the room was very new, very tall and very strong. Betty had never seen him, ever – he was remarkable, too remarkable to be forgotten.
“That’s a tall glass of water,” she mumbled to Nat.
He looked around the room, and his eyes met hers for a brief moment, baby blue, like the clear sky of the prettiest of summer days. Was he... Norwegian? Austrian?
His hair was so pretty golden shade of blonde, long like a lion’s mane. His beard was darker, almost brown. Maybe German. Lots of German boys looked like that, although this one was much better looking than the ones she remembered.
In any other day, she would be happy to smile to him and try to get his name.
“I’ll go check on them,” she picked up a pair of menus.
“Good luck.”
Betty walked down to the table, glancing at the box of clean plates by the corner.
“Witam ponownie, i witam, panie. Jestem Betty, będę przyjmować dziś pańskie zamówienie,” she distributed the menus. “Czy mogę przynieść państwu jakieś napoje po daniach?"
The man looked at her with confusion, and Nathaniel cleared his throat.
“English, Betty,” he requested. “Our guest isn’t fluent in Polish.”
She looked back at the man, and he just nodded stiffly.
“I’m Betty, I’ll be taking your order today,” she repeated it. “Can I bring you some refreshments after the plates?”
But the man didn’t speak, Fred did.
“We’ll call you when we are ready to order,” he told her. “Thank you, Betty.”
She just confirmed quietly, taking four plates, forks and knives, and set everything down, leaving them be.
“it’s a Bad Idea, right?” was posted on my Patreon in September 2023. To have early access to it (and lots of other stories), consider subscribe to my page! It’s just $2 a month, and I know you won’t regret it!
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Bad Idea: @peaceloveancolor
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sarahowritesostucky · 4 months
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📖Make it Stick: Pt. 3 The Knight
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Rating: Explicit
Chapter Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Bucky x ofc x Steve
Word Count: 3195
Tags: dark!fic, mob/mafia au, mob!Bucky, mob!Steve, dubcon/noncon, sexual coercion, half-sibling incest, m/f/m, non-con drug use, mentions of torture (non graphic), double penetration, forced tattooing, forced orgasms, enemies to lovers
Summary: When his babygirl—his sweet pea, little one, puppy ... half-sister—is recaptured after her latest attempt at running away, Bucky makes a power play in front of the entire Bratva to remind her exactly who she belongs to.
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Dark and smutty content below the break. Consume responsibly.
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Wait! I haven't read part 1, part 2!
“Nnn, pl-please…”
Her gasp is hardly audible this time, she’s so out of breath.
Panting from the way the second orgasm’s just ripped through her. And she’s crying still, but only just. Not like before. Because now the pleasure’s overtaken most of the anger, all of the fear, and even some of the humiliation. Bucky pulls his hands from her and delicately eases her panties back into place, smooths her little slip of a dress out for her. He looks up from his spot on the floor.
Her chest heaves with her breathing, the underside of her breasts—beautiful and natural under the silk—on full display for Bucky from this angle. And, Christ, her nipples are pebbled up, just begging for attention. Bucky sees Steve refixing his hold on her waist to support her because she’s gone so slack. She’s shaking against him, his body practically the only thing keeping her vertical at this point.
Inside his pants, Bucky is … uncomfortable. He slowly pushes up from where he’s been kneeling in front of her, coming back to stand at his full height and crowd in close again. He cages her between his body and Steve’s, hands landing on her waist right alongside Steve’s own. “Shh sh sh,” he hushes, mockingly tender. “Don’t you want to say thank you for your orgasm?” He leans in so that the words are whispered against the side of her head. He’s staring at Steve as he says it, and when Lena’s mortified, overwhelmed little whimper comes in response, he doesn’t miss how Steve’s mouth twitches at the corner. Steve likes to play the white knight—and maybe he sort of is, compared to Bucky, but even still, he’s no sweetheart. And he’s enjoying the heck out of this. “Are you hard?” Bucky whispers, and he feels his sweet puppy’s body stiffen between them as she figures out who he’s talking to.
“You have to ask?” Steve answers, the rumble of his voice no doubt felt against Polina’s back. She makes another little outraged cry when Steve presses forward, driving his erection against her backside and pushing her more tightly up against Bucky.
Bucky, who helpfully slots his thigh back between her legs. She shivers as her sex is pressed up against him, going stock still to avoid any stimulation. Bucky coos down at her. He lets go of her waist and cups her face with one hand, tucking her hair behind her ear with the other. “Aw, princess,” he murmurs. “You sensitive now? Hm?”
She sniffles and nods her head. She’s been much more forthcoming ever since the suppository and the pill worked their way into her system. Behind the glossy sheen of her tears, her pupils are even wider and darker than Steve’s. It’s hardly taken any work at all to get her to come twice for him, she’s so keyed up.
Bucky tuts lovingly and brings the still buzzing vibrator up in front of her face. He twists the base, turning it off. Lena’s whole body slumps between them with relief, and Bucky chuckles. “Don’t get too excited. This might not be over for you.”
“W-what …” she swallows dryly. “What do you mean?”
“You still have a choice to make.” Bucky taps the little bullet vibrator against her lips. “Open.” She clamps her mouth shut stubbornly, so Bucky shrugs and rubs it over her instead, smearing her own release onto her lips. He leans in and slots his mouth over hers, licking the taste of her right back. “Mmm,” he hums. “Somebody’s been drinking their pineapple juice.”
She’s glowering at him when he pulls back. Bucky licks his lips like he’s savoring the last taste of a fatty meal. He can tell from the look on her face that he’s actually right: she has been drinking it. He feels a rush of fondness mixed with anger come at that—Fond, because it’s proof that she takes even his smallest teachings to heart.
“No, seriously. That’s why I have a glass each morning. It makes cum taste sweeter. … Pussy, too.”
Anger, because it’s not him she’s been drinking it for.
He forces the latter emotion away with a deep breath and a long exhale. He doesn’t have to be angry, because nobody but him is ever going to taste that pussy again. … Well, almost nobody but him. “Okay, little one,” he sighs. “Time to make a choice.” He reaches around her and tucks the vibe back into Steve’s pocket. Then he looks down and meets her gaze.
Her pretty blue eyes are wide but dazed, high from the drugs coursing through her system. Bucky smiles and cups her face with both hands. She’s so fucking beautiful, with her round little face and plush lips, her pretty blue eyes. They’re near arctic in color—closer to Steve’s cornflower blue than Bucky’s own muddled blue-grey. Sharp and clear, like ice underwater, and positively gorgeous when they’re crying.
Lena sniffles and Bucky’s heart twinges with affection. He leans in and kisses her cheeks, cleaning up her tears. “You need to listen to me now, Polina,” he murmurs, feeling her shudder underneath his touch. “Are you listening?”
She whines a little, not able to give up completely on her stubbornness, even now. Bucky loves her so goddamn much. She tries to squirm in their hold again, but as soon as her over sensitized clit bumps Bucky’s thigh, she’s calming back down. “What?” she asks quietly, sniffling and trying to put on a stiff upper lip. It’s cute.
“It’s up to you, how this goes,” Bucky tells her. He looks over to his right and catches the eye of one of the widows. It’s Belova. He jerks his head for her to go and get the supplies that are waiting in the wings. She disappears and reappears with a rolling tray table of tattoo supplies. “This,” he says to Lena, “is what’s happening.”
She squints in confusion at it for a second or two—the tray of gauze and ointment, inks and gloves and gun—before her eyes register the stencil and read it … and go wide in realization. She jerks in their hold, thrashing, tossing her head back against Steve’s chest in another vain attempt to hurt him. “No!” she huffs, the sound breaking into a pitiful whimper at the end, despite her bravery. “No, you can’t!”
Bucky waits her out, and sure enough, her little tantrum dies down. She cries, and he wipes those tears away, too. “Shh,” he soothes. “It’s not so bad.”
“It is!” she cries. “I hate you. I hate you!”
“You’re a smart girl, Lena. You can’t tell me you didn’t always know you’d wind up here.” He tilts her chin up when she refuses to look at him. Her tearful, angry eyes meet his, and he offers her a tender smile. He gives her another kiss, just a peck on the lips, this time. “I always get what I want, sora mica,” he murmurs, right against her lips.
Little sister.
She shudders underneath his touch but doesn’t shirk away, and Bucky preens because he knows the war that’s going on in her head right now, even if she’ll never admit to it. Revulsion, mixed with lust, and darkness, and something too close for comfort to love. It’s what he used to feel, back before he decided to give up on conventional morality altogether. Poor little Lena, though, he thinks sadly. She hasn’t gotten there yet. Oh well, she’s young, she’ll learn.
“Now,” he tells her, thumbing over the familial cleft in her chin. “You have two choices, sweet pea. You ready to listen to ‘em?”
She grits her teeth and purses her lips in an angry little moue, stubborn thing, though she capitulates when Bucky tightens his grip on her chin. “Yes,” she whispers tightly.
Bucky smiles. “Okay. Now, two things are happening, no matter what,” he says, raising a warning eyebrow at her. “You’re getting this tattooed on your body … and Gleb back there is going for a long swim in the Hudson.” He waits her out while she throws another hissy fit over that, tears leaking and eyes burning up at him. Bucky sighs and looks off to the side until it’s over. Then, when she’s slumped back against Steve again, all tuckered out, he continues, “If you hold still like a good girl, I won’t take your dress off in front of all these people, won’t force any more orgasms outta you down here where everyone can see. And Gleb’ll get wheeled off to his morphine and an easy death. No torture, just the widow’s bite—lickety-split, no fuss-no muss.”
He watches as her eyes flare and her face crumples with suppressed emotion. She composes herself faster this time, though, and he continues softly, drawing her lip down with his thumb. “But, if you make things difficult? I’ll have you squirting all over this floor before I knock you out and ink you while you’re unconscious. And Gleb will have …” he looks off to the side, as if trying to parse out his words, “... mmm, he’ll have a very stressful weekend.” He tilts his head and narrows his eyes, squeezing her chin sternly enough that it smooshes her cheeks the barest bit. “Are you gonna be good?”
She looks torn for a second or two, but then her eyes slip closed in defeat. In Bucky’s hand, she gives the tiniest of nods.
Bucky’s pleased, but he wants more from her. “Tell me,” he commands. “You’re gonna hold nice and still?”
She sniffles and nods again. “Yes,” she breathes. “I’ll hold s-still. I’ll … I’ll be good.”
Her meek response satisfies him. Feeling a sudden wash of tenderness towards her, he leans down and presses their foreheads together and whispers, “Thank you, little one. You know how I hate to see you struggle.”
She shivers against him but doesn’t throw out any bratty quip. She keeps her eyes down, avoidant. Sighing, Bucky pulls back and steps aside to have a word with Belova. He tells her his plans for Gleb, and she gives a sharp nod and heads off to handle it. Bucky knows then that he can put the idiot man from his mind for good. The widows will more than take care of him.
Bucky returns to Steve and Lena, ready to get to work. Really, he’d prefer Natasha to be the one doing this. Bucky’s no amateur with the gun, but he’s not as good as she is. Oh well. He has a steady hand, and the design is extremely simple. Just that one phrase, in cyrillic:
собственность дракона.
Translated roughly, it means: Property of the Dragon.
“Steve,” Bucky says. “Sit with her on the bench. It’ll help keep her calm.”
Along with the cart of tattoo supplies, a rolling stool, a bench, and a padded armrest have been brought over from the Red Room. Steve all but lifts Lena and brings her over there, straddling the bench first before pulling her to straddle it in front of him. Bucky goes about setting up, snapping on a pair of black vinyl gloves while Steve wraps his arms around Lena’s waist and murmurs quietly into her ear. Bucky smiles at the pair of them. Steve cares about Polina, too, has known her for almost a decade, and he’s always had a knack for calming her down. A good thing, since Bucky’s so naturally gifted at riling her up.
He sits on the stool and scoots over to them. Lena watches him warily. Steve’s used both his and Bucky’s discarded ties to bind her arm down at the wrist and at the bend of her elbow, in case she gets second thoughts about her promise of good behavior. Bucky’s mouth quirks at the ingenuity, and his dick twitches at the optics. He’ll have to take a picture, one he’s got the ink in. A shot of her arm; reddened and bleeding with his mark, and his and Steve’s neckties framing it. Fuck, he might jerk off to it sometime.
He spends a minute getting the ink prepared, and then he carefully cleans her inner forearm and applies the stencil. It’s small but long, stretching almost the full length between the ties. It’ll take a good hour or more in its entirety, but Bucky isn’t a sadist: His little one has been through a lot, and they’ve got a long night ahead of them once they take her upstairs. Bucky wants that time to be spent mostly in pleasure, not pain. They’ll just do the outline, for now.
Lena whimpers when the paper peels back from her skin, revealing the design left behind. “Bucky,” she pleads, though one look up at him and her begging stalls. Bucky gives her a grim, apologetic look, and she knows. She knows she’s not getting out of this. She whines lowly and turns her face into Steve’s shoulder.
“Shhh,” he soothes her, his big arms wrapped tightly around her waist, comforting and restraining all at once. “You’ll be fine, hon. This is how it has to be.”
Bucky settles himself and the gun, then turns it on. Soon, the buzzing fills the small space between the three of them. In the background there’s still the noise of the club: music, chatter, bodies moving around. But in their little corner in the back, it almost feels private now that they’re centered around what Bucky’s about to do to her. “Okay, malyshka,” he murmurs, waiting until he’s got her full attention. “Watch the gun. Don’t want you jerking around in surprise.”
He’s a little taken aback by the emotions that hit, as he brings the needle down and starts inking her for the first time. He’s marking her permanently, branding her as his in a way that will never wash off, and from which she can never escape. And despite her tears and the ties binding her arm down, she is sitting there for him, allowing it. That goes straight to Bucky’s cock as sure as anything else he’s ever done to her, and he spends the rest of the session focusing on each line and curve, putting the red ink underneath her skin and trying to work out what it is that’s twisting up in his gut so bad. There’s lust and possessiveness, that much he expected, but there’s also a certain amount of … melancholy? Maybe. Whatever it is, it’s there too. A feeling of resolution, of an era coming to an end. Arousing and yet oddly bittersweet.
Lena’s fist is already clenched when he starts, but he can see her body stiffening further as the burn of the needle really sets in. Her arm flexes and her fingers curl harder into her palm, the veins popping against the strained lock of her inner elbow. Steve keeps up a gentle litany of praise and reassurance in her ear, half of which Bucky hears and half of which he misses due to his own focus on the gun. He’d love to take Steve’s place, be the one to hold her and comfort her through this, but that’s just not possible because he simply doesn’t trust anyone else to do the work.
He’s even glad that Natasha refused to do it, at this point. Because this isn’t just any tattoo. It’s personal and intimate. A promise as good as any wedding ring. Probably better-than, in the fidelity it’ll enforce. Not on Lena’s part, poor thing, but on the part of any man who might��dare to entertain the idea of an affair with her. One look at her arm, and that idea would go straight up in smoke. These red words are branding her for life, in more ways than one. It’s only right that Bucky be the one to do it.
“Almost done,” he murmurs when he’s finishing up at her wrist. It’s the most painful area, and he regrets saving it for last. But his girl does beautifully and keeps relatively still, sometimes hissing or whining in pain but never asking for a break, and never twitching enough to throw Bucky off course. He finishes the outline and sits back, setting the gun aide on the cart and reaching for the salve. He smiles at his little one, who by now has stopped crying. “Good job, sweet pea,” he praises softly.
Her defenses are down from having all of her focus on something other than him for so long. She only blushes a little when he uses the nickname, and says nothing snarky back. Bucky’s heart pulls with it. In Steve’s lap, she watches as Bucky uses a tongue depressor to apply the salve in long, smooth strokes over the raw areas. She blinks at her arm like she’s fully waking from a dream. “... That’s it?” she asks, sounding surprised, maybe even disappointed—though that’s probably just Bucky’s wishful thinking.
“For now,” he tells her, bringing out the non-stick pads and adhesive wrap. He’s giving her all the aftercare that he’s neglected on himself—already the back of his neck and shoulders feels tight and unpleasant, and he doesn’t want the same for her. Steve pulls the ties loose to release her arm, and Bucky explains, “You have delicate skin, sweetheart. We’ll let this heal, fill it in another time. Add some other design elements, if you want.” He catches her look of surprise and smiles, then looks away before her expression can shutter on him. He gently applies the pads along her skin, wrapping her up in an opera glove’s length worth of neon pink animal print bandaging, nice and tight. “There you go.”
“Cheetah print, really?”
“Just special for you, my little hellcat. Don’t worry, you can take it off tomorrow.” He rolls out on the stool and goes around to stand just in front of the bench. Briefly, he meets Steve’s eyes, and they have a short, non-verbal conversation, at the end of which Steve nods smally in agreement. “Okay,” Bucky says, reaching out to palm Lena’s face.
She automatically goes to shirk away from it, but Steve whispers something in her ear—Bucky doesn’t hear what—and it makes her settle. She bites her lip and peeks up at Bucky through her lashes and ruined makeup. “I was good,” she whispers, like she’s half-sure Bucky’s going to revoke his end of the deal.
He tries not to let it show on his face, how that hurts him. “Yeah, sweetheart. You were very good.” He bends over to kiss the top of her head, then turns and searches out Belova. She’s standing next to Maximoff now, over at the bar. Bucky goes over and holds out his hand. Pietro shakes first, Yelena second. “Thank you,” he tells them. “For bringing her back safely.”
“Again,” Yelena says with a smirk and a semi-suppressed eyeroll.
“You should get a leash,” Pietro jokes.
“Or a homing beacon.”
Bucky waves them off (though the homing beacon idea has occurred before), telling them to go back to their drinks and enjoy their evening. He doesn’t bother asking if the Gleb issue’s been dealt with—he knows from the look on Belova’s face that it has.
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Part four
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You Cannot Run From Your Past Finale
Mobster!Simon Ghost Riley X F!Reader
Price didn’t want to think about what could possibly go wrong, knowing that any worst case scenario could happen no matter how prepared they were. Simon hadn’t bothered to take off the ring you’d slipped onto his finger, it felt wrong to take it off. The two of you could worry about what happened next in a few days, as long as he survived. a/:here it is! the big ending! if you did read and enjoy I thank you a ton and hope it met everyone's expectations, i spent a while working on it and it mans a lot warnings:violence, blood, gore, death, character death
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You slept for nearly the entire flight, body resting against Simon’s as he did all he could to comfort and keep you warm. Price didn’t want to think about what could possibly go wrong, knowing that any worst case scenario could happen no matter how prepared they were. Simon hadn’t bothered to take off the ring you’d slipped onto his finger, it felt wrong to take it off. The two of you could worry about what happened next in a few days, as long as he survived.
“We’re going to be landing soon, might want to wake her.” Price gestured to where you’d made yourself comfortable against him.
Simon nodded, gently shaking your shoulder. You huffed into his chest, burrowing closer as your hand slid beneath his sweater.
“Doll, you need to get up, we’re gonna be landing soon.” Simon didn’t want to disturb you at all, but he knew the landing wouldn’t be gentle.
“Mmm, fine.” You pushed yourself up slowly, confused for a brief moment before reality sunk back in.
You were almost in New York to meet with Steve, and possibly Tony if he was willing to make the time. Everyone else seemed tense, nerves starting to set in as the plane began its slow descent to the ground. Everything was going to work out for you, even if you had to resort to going with plan b and putting yourself into danger.
Plan A was getting Tony on board to kill James himself as a way to exact his revenge and live a happier life knowing his parents' murderer was dead. Plan B..well you didn’t want to acknowledge plan b unless you ultimately had to. You hadn’t informed Simon of it at all, the less he knew about your suicide mission the better.
Price sighed softly as the plane came to its final stop, you were officially in New York and now it was time to call Steve and Tony. Simon allowed you to get changed as everyone else grabbed their bags and headed off the plane, keeping an eye to make sure no one tried to sneak a peek. Sending out a quick text you let Steve know you were in town and able to meet up, at least until James was confirmed to be back in town. His only reply was an address, perfect.
“Steve’s ready to meet, let’s go before he changes his mind.” You grabbed Simon’s hands, lacing your fingers together and heading over to the car with everyone else.
Price wasn’t uncomfortable driving to the mysterious address, but given that none of you were really sure if Steve wasn’t about to completely fuck you over? Well it was a valid concern for everyone at the moment. You refused to let your mind wander to any negative place, hoping for all intents and purposes that things would be perfectly fine and you would all go home happy at the end of the day.
“We’re here, better let him know just in case.” Soap stepped out of the car first, heading over to the door while you and Simon did the same.
Gaz and Price were going to keep watch outside until you confirmed it was definitely Steve inside and that it wasn’t a total setup. Simon reached around for the gun slipped into the back of his trousers, watching the door closely as you walked inside.
Steve looked so different from the last time you’d seen him, standing before you was a man that was nearly as tall as your husband, shoulders just as broad. Where had little scrawny Steve Rogers gone? Jesus he could give a model a run for their money, and yet he wanted to live a normal and happy life.
“It’s really you.” You ran over, hugging him tightly as tears slipped down your cheeks.
“Yeah, it’s me hun.” Steve’s hands rubbed along your back slowly, doing his best to help comfort you.
He’d heard about what James had planned to do, how you’d been betrothed to his once best friend before he’d managed to destroy it all. Steve had always seen you as the sister he’d always wanted but never had, and when you were able to flee the country he was glad. James didn’t deserve someone like you, someone to give him the heirs he so desperately wanted. And here you were, a man watching Steve like a hawk ready to strike if needed.
“God, what the hell happened, you got so big.” You laughed as you pulled from his embrace, wiping away your tears as you took in the thick navy sweater he wore.
“Growth spurt hit pretty late to be honest, but James doesn’t even know what I look like anymore so I’m thankful for it.” His hair was longer, a dark beard covering his once smooth cheeks.
“I’m glad you’ve been able to live a good life, if any of us deserved it, it was definitely you.” Steve had done everything he could to make sure his friends were happy, after losing his mother he’d been so lost.
Steve shook his head, chuckling as he pulled you back in once more into a tight embrace. It didn’t matter that you being here meant someone wouldn’t come out alive, but he was thankful. You were clearly in a much better place, the ring on your finger catching his attention for a brief moment, he’d talk to you about that later.
“I was able to get in touch with Tony, and while he said the idea’s batshit crazy, he’s willing to help.” That helped ease your mind, if Tony was willing this would go a lot smoother.
“Good, so we need to wait until James lands back in New York before we can go ahead with the plan.” You glanced over to Simon, emotions were swirling in his eyes, reminding you exactly why you were risking everything.
Price and Gaz walked into the building, shutting the door to keep any wandering eyes from catching on to what was going on. You walked everyone over to the table that was closest, laying down the blueprints of James’ building, going over the plan with your group, and Steve. It would be a no brainer as long as James didn’t become suspicious, if he suspected anything you’d all lose.
“Do you mind if I send these to Tony? He’s better with building layouts than I am, he’ll know where the guards should be if needed.” You didn’t hesitate to let Steve take the reins, it was in your best interest to let the pros handle everything.
Simon kept a hand on your back, wanting to be close to you at all times, the need to protect you tripling from the moment you’d landed. Price could see the way Simon was infatuated with you, knew that one of his best men had found his soulmate. He prayed to a god that had given up on him long ago that he wouldn’t lose any of his men, that they would win this horrific battle. If Tony could do what he was claiming, you wouldn’t be put into any danger at all, but if he couldn’t. Price refused to think about that option, this would work and that was final.
“Tony’s got everything set up, you’ll go to his estate tomorrow claiming you had to flee your husband and make sure that he believes you.” Simon hated the idea of you running into James’ arms, claiming that you’d loved him and only him.
“I know, I’ll have to leave my rings at the hotel before I go, if he sees them he’ll know right away.” You didn’t want to take them off, afraid if you did you’d never see Simon again.
“Let’s head to my house, James hasn’t landed yet so we have a little more time to prepare before he’s back home.” Steve was more nervous having your new group of friends in his home than anything else.
You agreed, reaching back to hold onto Simon’s arm as you all headed out of the building to a place where James wouldn’t find you. You and Simon were stuck together like glue, refusing to leave the other’s side until you were safely inside the Brooklyn brownstone. His house had a warmth that you hadn’t felt in years, enveloping you like a warm hug. The sound of feet pattering towards you suddenly caught your attention.
“Daddy!” A little girl, no older than four, threw herself into Steve’s arms.
Your jaw dropped open, not only did Steve grow into the man before you, he was also a parent! Her crystal blue eyes were nearly identical to Steve’s, her hair a soft corn husk yellow that hung down her shoulders in ringlets. 
“Sorry, this is my daughter Sophia, Sophia this is your auntie Y/N.” You couldn’t stop the way your breath caught in your throat, he’d been calling you her auntie?
“Hi!” Sophia wiggled in her fathers hold, a bright smile showing off her teeth.
“Hi sweetheart, it’s nice to finally meet you, this is my husband Simon, he’s your uncle.” You gestured to Simon behind you, the words slipping off your tongue easily.
“Hello!” Sophia was excited by all the sudden new people in her house, there were so many new friends to play with.
Steve was glad she didn’t seem scared of anyone, even if you were all dressed down to look like regular civilians. Would their accents give them away almost right away? Perhaps, but that was a problem for when the big issue was taken care of. He made coffee and tea for everyone, giving Sophia a cup of juice to help keep her busy while everyone talked. You would meet up with Tony in the morning and head over to pay James a visit.
Surely this would all work out and you wouldn’t be in danger for longer than was needed…right?
You were terrified, heart racing as you stood outside the ridiculously large skyscraper. James was clearly overcompensating when it came to his business. You’d left your ring with Simon, promising to come back to him safely and put this nightmare behind you. Now, taking a deep breath, you pushed open the glass double doors and headed inside. The receptionist stopped you immediately, refusing to let you onto the elevator until you announced who you were.
“I’m an old friend of James, my names Y/N, he’ll know.” You watched her as she called him, mumbling your name, her eyes suddenly widening in what seemed like horror.
“Yes sir, I’ll send her up right now.” She didn’t say a word as she weakly pointed towards a completely different elevator.
Shit, this wasn’t going how you’d planned, had he had a specific elevator that went directly to his office. You nodded towards the young woman before stepping into the enclosed space, waiting with baited breath as you watched the numbers tick by. You continued to go over the script in your head, it had to be perfect. As the doors ‘dinged’ loudly you stepped off quickly, heading down to where James’ office was. The tears were already running down your cheeks, perfect.
“Sweetheart, what happened?” James feigned concern, you knew he didn’t truly care about how you were feeling at that moment.
“Oh, James, I’m so sorry I ever left, Simon was horrible, he wanted to lock me in that house and force me to become nothing more than a slave. I had to escape before it was too late.” You knew your makeup was ruined, an idea that Steve had brought up.
He pulled you into his embrace, hands stiff as he did what he could to try and comfort you in that moment. You felt sick to your stomach, letting this man put his hands on you after everything he’d said and done. You couldn’t complain though, this was your only chance to finally do what you deemed right.
“I’m so glad you came back home darling, we’ll live a much happier life together, you’ll never go without.” James’ hands slid up your back, calloused hands cradling your jaw.
“Thank you.” You smiled at him, hoping like hell it reached your eyes and didn’t give away your entire plan.
James seemed to believe your words, a small smile pulling up his lips as he leant his forehead gently against yours. You cupped your hands overtop of his own, breathing in the scent of his expensive cologne. The sound of the safety on a gun turning off caught your attention, you had mere seconds to move before Tony would rush into the room. James’ hands tightened as you tried to duck down, eyes filled with rage as Tony stood in the doorway.
You watched in horror, afraid you would be used as a human shield by the man standing before you. As he opened his mouth to argue, blood splattered across your face and chest, James’ eyes rolling back as his body fell to the floor. Tony stood shocked in the doorway, arm resting by his side as he waited to see who the hell had taken James out. Your eyes glanced at the window, a miniscule hole giving you all the information you needed. Simon couldn’t risk Tony freezing up and letting James cause any harm to you, so he took matters into his own hands.
“Shit, hey why don’t you get away from him.” Tony grabbed your arm gently, pulling you away from James’ corpse.
Blood was soaking into the hardwood floor, staining the once light wood a deep crimson. Simon didn’t mind giving Tony all of the credit, as long as he knew you were safe, that was all that mattered. You ran down to the bathroom, desperate to get the blood off your skin and wash away the memories that would surely haunt you for a long time. Tony stood outside the bathroom door, giving you the privacy you so desperately needed.
On the opposite building Simon had deconstructed his sniper, setting the pieces back into their case so he could make his way over to you. Soap could handle dealing with the weapons, it was one of his favorite things to do anyway, you were now his priority. Price tried to stop him, to see if things had worked out but failed as Simon ran by him. For someone of his size Simon was nearly silent as he made his way down the elevator, ignoring the two elderly women that were fawning over his arms. He wondered if you would still love him when he was no longer young and fit, unable to protect his boss anymore.
He wouldn’t admit he had to threaten the receptionist at the front desk, pointing a gun at her head before she called the elevator. Tony was pacing outside, hands shaking as reality sunk in that James was truly dead, he would never hold his parents’ death over his head anymore. Steve would finally be safe to live his life without worry that James would kill his daughter.
“She’s in there, probably waiting to see you anyway.” Tony waved him off, walking towards one of the offices nearby.
You’d managed to get all of the blood off of your skin, unfortunately your clothes were done for and would be stained no matter what. As Simon opened the door and locked eyes with you your heart rate increased tenfold, he was here. You were still alive, eyes shining with unshed tears as you turned to face him. Simon didn’t spare a single second, running over and pulling you into his arms, lips crashing with yours harshly.
You gripped his hair, pulling him tighter to your body to confirm that he truly was in your arms and not a nightmare. His hands slid beneath your shirt, pulling the offending fabric from your body and leaving you bare, save for your bra. Simon pulled from your embrace, pulling off his coat and laying it overtop of your shoulders. You basked in the warmth, breathing in the comforting scent of his cologne and body wash.
“I was so afraid I’d lost you.” Simon rubbed your arms gently, helping warm you up as the adrenaline wore off.
“I’m still here, I promise.” Your eyes met his, promising him a million and one different things.
Outside in the hallway Price met up with Tony, a favor weighing on his mind now that they were finally in the clear.
“Since your man took him out, I believe I owe you?” Tony wasn’t an idiot, knowing that Simon had done what he couldn’t, he owed them his life.
“Could you help one of my men get eloped, today?” It was a tight ask, considering that most marriage licenses’ took a few days to be notarized.
“I..I might have already had it started, I saw the way he looked at her last night. They can go down today and get married if they really wanted to.” Price was floored, he had only been in Tony’s presence for less than a day and was already doing more than most.
He thanked the other man, pushing the bathroom door open slowly to give the two of you time to break apart if needed. What he hadn’t been expecting to see was the way Simon cradled you so delicately, as if you would shatter into a million pieces with one wrong move.
“If you’d like, Tony’s offered to allow you to get married today.” Simon was shocked, after everything he hadn’t expected to hear that of all things.
“You know what? Let’s do it, we already have the rings, and I can’t picture my life with anyone else by my side.” You wanted to put your rings back on right away, but if it meant truly being Simon’s wife, you could wait a little longer.
“Alright, let’s go you two.” Price couldn’t keep the smile off his face.
Maybe it was a whirlwind of emotions, maybe you were rushing into something that could ultimately crash and burn, but there was no one else you’d want to spend the rest of your life with.
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misshoneybee · 2 years
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— ℳ𝒾𝓈𝓈ℋ𝑜𝓃𝑒𝓎ℬ𝑒𝑒'𝓈 𝒦𝒾𝓃𝓀𝓉𝑜𝒷𝑒𝓇 —
Pairing: College!Reader x DBF!Steve Rogers Content Warnings: Age gap (Reader is early twenties, Steve is mid-forties), infidelity, bratty!reader, smut, light dom/sub, use of pet names, daddy kink, oral sex (m-rec), dirty talk, degradation, hold the moan, squirting, creampie Word Count: 4.8k  A/N: Please just pretend it's the fifteenth, lmao. Anyway, I got beef with P*ggy C*rter so this one's personal. 😜 I was so happy that so many of you guys seemed to enjoy 'The Night' so I'm very excited to share the second Kinktober prompt with you! As always, my blog is 18+ so: MINORS, DNI! Anyway, enjoy!! xx. Navigation: Masterpost | Playlist | Divider Credit | Kinktober Masterpost | October Eighth | October Twenty-Second Summary: When your dad’s best friend tags along on a family vacation, there’s just something about him that you can’t stay away from. The only obstacle? You needed to get that ring off his fucking finger.
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You hoped to God that you were hiding the little smirk on your lips better than it felt like you were. The way Steve was holding his jaw and the way his hand was clenched on the tablecloth made you stifle a giggle into your hand before silently pressing your finger to your lips, gesturing for him to keep silent as your parents carried on a conversation on the other side of the table.
When they’d told you that your dad’s old roommate from college was coming along for the trip to your family’s house in Boulder, you were annoyed. You already didn’t care to go on some stupid family vacation on one of your few, precious breaks from college, but you certainly didn’t care to have some middle-aged, stick-in-the-mud tag along on it.
Then again, when his sleek, little sports car had appeared at the top of the long, private driveway, and he’d gotten out, you hadn’t expected Dr. Steven G. Rogers to look like that. When you’d greeted him alongside your parents, your eyes had been wide as he took your hand to gently shake. The older man towered over your frame, his jaw covered in a lush beard with the most beautiful shade of aquamarine eyes, and fuck—he was fit.
You’d only been at the ski resort for two days before the heated glances and barely-there touches had become too much for the both of you. Maybe you’d been playing with fire, walking around the big, drafty house in tiny, thin pajamas and without a bra, but everything had caught in a blaze when he’d found you in the middle of the night, climbing on the kitchen counter to reach the expensive vodka that your parents kept on the top shelf. His hands on your hips had steadied you as you jumped, frightened at the silent touch, before lowering you to sit on the cold marble.
Within seconds, in a silent agreement to keep this just between the two of you, Steve’s lips had easily found yours as you slipped your hand beneath the waistband of his stupid, plaid pajama pants that were slung low on his hips. Your hand found his already hard cock and he’d let out a quiet hiss as your hand worked his length until he’d finally had enough, carrying you down the hall to his room and fucking you until the sun had almost risen.
Since that night, much to your parents’ obliviousness, you hadn’t spent a single night alone in your bed. When the two of you weren’t fucking, you were laying bare, tangled in the warm, rumpled sheets, and talking about anything and everything. You discussed your major in molecular biology, his stint as a captain in the military, your last breakup, and the ring you’d spotted on his finger after the first time he’d fucked you.
At first, you felt a pang of guilt but after he opened up to you, you knew all about Peggy and how strained their marriage was. You knew they hadn’t fucked in six months. And you knew that maybe you liked him a little more than you’d initially planned. There were only two more days before you needed to go back to school and you were putting off the conversation of what came next, no matter how much you wanted to know and how it was driving you crazy.
As you took a sip of the sweet red wine, Steve gave a little surprised cough that hid a groan and it almost gave everything away; how your hand was rubbing his swollen length, hidden beneath the tablecloth, how you definitely were far less innocent than your parents believed, how you were fucking their forty-something year old friend.
“They work her too hard.” Your dad mentioned to Steve over his rocks glass, and you had to refrain from rolling your eyes. Your mom hadn’t shut up about how disappointed she was that Peggy hadn’t been able to join you—you couldn’t stop thanking God that she hadn’t.
“You know Peg,” Steve shrugged nonchalantly, taking a sip of his water as he white-knuckled the glass, “She wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“We know,” You mother sighed, her fork picking at the now-wilted greens on her plate as she frowned, “It’d just be nice for your wife to be able to go on vacation with us sometime.”
“You’re a cardiologist for Christ’s sake and you still find time.” Your father agreed, giving a pointed nod towards Steve. You bit your tongue as bile rose in your throat. Did they even know how unhappy Steve was? Why were they talking about her?
Steve’s chuckle was light, even though he registered the way you’d slowly taken your hand back from his lap, “She and I both knew that I came second to SHIELD when we got married.” With another shrug, he added, “I guess you can’t help who you fall in love with.”
It felt like your blood ran cold as jealousy snaked its way around your ribcage, squeezing your chest tightly. Maybe he did still love her. They’d almost been together for as long as you’d been alive. Of course, all he wanted was a fling—you were just a way to get his dick wet since his bitch of a wife was too busy with her job.
You barely registered the way your body had grown numb until your wineglass slipped from your fingers and tipped over on the table, cracking the delicate glass as the burgundy bled into the pristine fibers of the white tablecloth as a sharp gasp was pulled through your lips at the mess. Your eyes found Steve’s and you saw the slightest shift in his brow as he registered the envy in your expression.
“You okay, sweet pea?” Your dad frowned worriedly, standing, and grabbing some towels to mitigate the damage you’d done. Your mother busied herself drying it up and fussing with the linen. Being an only child meant you were constantly babied and sometimes, it worked to your advantage.
“I’m sorry,” You sighed, pressing a hand to your cheek as you forced yourself to sound more run down than annoyed, and even a little embarrassed, “I’m okay—I just feel a little sick to my stomach. Maybe I’m coming down with something.”
Your eyes flashed to Steve and your irritation grew as you saw a little glint of entertainment staring back at you, biting the inside of your cheek, you took a deep breath and chose to ignore him, turning your attention to your mother with a sad expression, “I think I’m going to lay down.”
Brushing some hair from your forehead, she frowned, “Are you sure? We were going to go on the gold slope—“
“I don’t know if I’ll feel up to it.” You gave a shrug, fake disappointment crossing your face as you pointedly ignored Steve, “Will you wake me up before you go? Maybe I’ll be feeling better by then.
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Maybe spite wasn’t the best motivator, especially with the way your fucking orgasm was evading you after almost half an hour. After changing into a deep, green silk negligee, you’d sent a few pictures to Bucky, your on-again-off-again fuck buddy. Predictably, he’d responded with enthusiasm, showering you in compliments and praise as you sent videos back and forth. He’d sent a shaky video of himself coming more than ten minutes ago and you’d finally had to relent, faking a quick orgasm in your front facing camera before putting your phone down.
Had Steve ruined your ability to come any other way aside from with him? Your breath came quicker as you rolled your hips with the vibrator that was pressed against your clit, a quiet whine breaking through your lips as you stayed on the edge, balancing but never quite falling over.
Three muffled voices in the hall made you jump as you pressed the button on the bright pink toy, abruptly switching off the patterned vibrations as you yanked a thin blanket over top of you. A sharp knock sounded against the heavy, wooden door and your breath caught in your chest. Pretending to be asleep, you fought to even the slow breaths that were filling your lungs. After a few more knocks, your door finally creaked open and heavy footsteps found their way to your bedside.
The cologne was familiar; it had been rubbed off on to your own skin several times now. It was clean and fresh, reminding you of sun on your skin and sand between your toes rather than the blankets of snow that were falling outside the windows. Steve’s heavy hand landed on your shoulder, giving you a gentle shake as he murmured your name, “Wake up. Your parents are leaving; they wanted me to check one more time and see if you wanted to go with them.”
Remaining silent, you willed your face to stay carefully blank as his hand slowly drifted up and down your arm, causing goosebumps to pepper the surface as you suppressed a shiver despite how annoyed you were with him. It was like his touch set you on fire, gilding you like some precious thing that was just for him. Pressing the back of his hand to your forehead, you counted the seconds that seemed to last hours. The sooner he left you the fuck alone, the sooner you could try and come—without thinking of him. After a long moment and one last brush of his fingers against your cheek, he slipped back out of the room.
“She’s pretty feverish.” Steve’s voice was low as he spoke to your parents in the hall, and you willed them to leave. As they walked away, their voices quieted and you finally exhaled, resting a hand on your stomach as you fought to calm the racing beat of your heart. Any progressed you’d made had been washed away and you murmured a curse, flopping on to your back helplessly.
A few minutes later, you heard the rumble from your parents’ car in the driveway. The sound of the tires quickly faded, and it wasn’t long before the heavy footsteps were back in front of your door. Sinking into the mattress, pulling your blanket tighter around yourself, you’d only just squeezed your eyes shut when the door opened.
The side of your mattress sank, and Steve’s heavy hand landed on your waist; it was like you could feel the little smirk on his lips. Leaning down, he gently brushed some hair from your neck before placing a barely there kiss on your soft skin, murmuring into your ear, “Wake up, princess.”
You remained silent, forcing your body to remain still no matter how badly his touch made you want to beg for more. The hand drifted from your hip to your ass, giving the soft cushion of your skin a firm squeeze as his body pressed against your back, his voice was low, “I know you’re faking it.”
Illusion shattered, you hastily jerked away from him, using what little leverage you had to try and shove him away, “Fuck you, Steve.”
You were fuming and tried to smack him away, but it was futile—he was stronger than you and easily maneuvered you to straddle his lap, a careful eyebrow raised as he took both of your wrists in one of his hands, resting them against your chest, “What was that about?”
“Just leave me alone.” You fruitlessly tried to pull away, but he only pulled you closer with a heavy hand on your back, pressing your body to his. You could feel his heartbeat against your chest, and you felt a shiver run down your spine.
“Was my princess jealous?” He murmured.
“I’m not your princess,” You spat, “And I’m not fucking jealous.”
“And now you’re lying to me?” He tsked. The quiet, little chuckle that he let out made your face grow warm, embarrassment and irritation dancing together and licking up your spine. Steve pressed a soft kiss just beneath your jaw, “Come on, baby. Tell daddy why you’re upset.”
“You said you were separating with her.” You finally bit out, avoiding his eyes as exhaled slowly.
“I am.” He confirmed, a hand drifting to your chin, his thumb rubbing back and forth over your cheek.
“You didn’t tell my parents about it.” Your eyes focused on the ring that rested on the fourth finger of the hand that held yours against his chest.
Understanding crossed his face, a little smile ticking at the corner of his lips, “Is that why you’re upset?” Shaking his head, he released your hands, removed the ring and sat it on your bedside table, before taking your face in his hands instead, brushing a kiss against your forehead as your wide eyes searched his, “Silly girl. I’m moving out next week. I already got an apartment in the city.”
It was almost embarrassing, how light your heart felt at his words, “Really?”
“Yes, baby. And my lawyers are drawing up papers this month. Nothing’s been going on between me and her for a while—we’re just waiting for the right time to tell everyone. I promise.” As he slipped his arms around you, you relaxed into his touch, burying your face in his neck, brushing your lips against it as relief flooded your body. The two of you remained like that for several minutes before you felt him shift to pick up something from your bed, murmuring lowly, “Now, what’s this?”
Sitting up, you followed his sparkling eyes to what was in his hand. The bright pink silicone that rested in his palm stared back at you and you felt warmth crawl up your chest as your face caught fire. Pressing the button, it turned on and you could only let out a squeak, “Steve!”
“Is that my name, baby?” He grinned, raising an eyebrow as he clicked through the vibration patterns that seemed so loud in the otherwise silent house.
“Give it back!” Leaning out of his arms, you snatched it from his hand, fumbling to turn it off before hiding it behind your back. When you turned to face him, his attention was no longer on your face.
His bottom lip was caught in his teeth, his eyes darkening as his voice came out in a low rumble, “Oh, sweet girl. What are you wearing?”
Suddenly, you remembered yourself and the thin silk and lace that covered your body, cupping your breasts and hugging your waist. Before you could formulate any sort of response, his eyes found your phone tangled in the sheets. It was like you could see the gears click into place as he snatched the device before you could grab it, his thumb keying in your birthday and unlocking it quickly.
“Steve—” It felt like you were going to combust as the messages between you and Bucky popped up on your screen; you were silent as he scrolled through them slowly, taking in each picture and video that you’d sent.
Clicking the last one you’d sent just minutes before he’d knocked on your door, you could see the still-shot thumbnail of the video and froze as he pressed play, a smirk on his lips as your breathy moans came from the speaker of your phone. Watching him watch yourself made you feel lightheaded.
The video showed everything. You’d had your phone propped up between your spread legs, your negligee shoved up around your waist, and your puffy pussy bared to the camera as you thrust the toy into it, rocking your hips against it as you cried quietly, “Fuck—yes! God, that’s it! Use my pussy. Fuck me so good, baby…”
It felt like eons as your cries pitched higher before you faked your climax. Running his tongue over his teeth, he locked your phone and tossed it aside. His eyes were dark as they found yours, his fingers digging into your waist, “I know you didn’t send these to daddy, sweetheart, and I know you don’t have to fake it with me, so who did you send them to?”
Shaking your head, your voice wavered as you denied quietly, “I didn’t—”
“Don’t lie to me, princess.” A hand trailed up your thigh, slipping beneath the lace-lined edge of your slip. Steve’s fingers easily found you bare, and a low groan came from his chest as he played with your damp folds, brushing a finger up and down them slowly as he clicked his tongue, asking once again, calmly, “Who did you send them to?”
Your lip quivered, a new rush of wetness coating his fingers as he slipped them further inside your pussy as you whispered, “M—my ex-boyfriend.”
“Daddy wasn’t giving you enough attention, so you had to be a little slut and find it somewhere else, didn’t you?” Shaking his head, he withdrew his fingers and ignored your whine. Cleaning your wetness from his digits with his tongue, he gave a quiet chuckle, “Such a tease. You’re just a little whore, showing this sweet little pussy to any boy who asks, aren’t you?”
Shaking your head, your voice was small as you denied blushingly, “No—”
Removing you from his lap, he placed you to kneel on the bed, coming to stand, “Since you want to be used, I’m gonna use you.” He undid his belt, his eyes holding yours as the leather fell to the ground. Undoing his jeans, he shoved them down enough to reveal his erection, the hard tip leaking as he stroked it slowly, your eyes following his hand as he murmured, “You’re gonna show daddy you’re sorry and suck his cock, okay?” Biting your lip, you nodded slowly, unable to take your eyes from the way his thumb brushed over his slit. A hand came to rest around your neck like a necklace, forcing your gaze back up to his as he chided softly, “Use your words, princess.”
Nodding dumbly, your voice was raspy as you softly agreed, “Yes, daddy.”
At once, you dragged your hot tongue across you palm, wetting your hand before wrapping it firmly around the base of his cock, ruddy and swollen with need. He groaned, his hips giving a sharp jerk as you stroked you hand up and down his length several times. Finally, leaning forward, your tongue flicked out to lick the pearl of salty precum that had begun to leak from his slit.
“Fuck, princess,” Steve groaned, his hand holding the back of your head, guiding your mouth closer to his cock.
At his broken moan, your confidence grew as you dragged your tongue along the thick vein that ran from the base to his sensitive tip. Reaching its crown, you swirled your tongue around it before taking it in the wet heat of your mouth.
Silently, you mused that he certainly had the longest cock of any man you’d ever been with. Of course, you’d been intimidated the first time that you’d seen it, but you’d never been one to turn down a challenge. Seconds felt like hours as you took his length deeper into your mouth, inch by inch until the tip brushed against the back of your throat.
At the unfamiliar sensation, you gagged and pulled back, your lips slick and swollen as saliva dripped down your chin and you gasped for air.
His brows were drawn together in concern as his hooded eyes shot open, spotting the way yours had begun to water, “You’re doing so well, baby.”
His other hand that rested on your face brushed a thumb gently over your cheekbone as his eyes peered into yours and you nodded. Holding his eyes, you watched his body relax as you took him back between your lips, jerking off the length that you couldn’t take. His hand on your head guided you slowly up and down his length, careful not to take him the whole way into your throat as you’d done before.
The nails of your hands that rested on his hips, gently pressed into his skin as you hollowed your cheeks around him, “Fuck, yeah, that’s my good girl.” The new suction forced a grunt from his mouth and tilted his head back, letting out a broken moan, “Sucking my cock like a goddamn dream.”
He stroked your hair as you found a rhythm, swollen lips wrapped around his length as you bobbed your head, watching for each little reaction he was giving. A whimper around his length made him curse as he tugged your hair, pulling you off his cock.
Taking in a sharp breath, you looked up at him from under your lashes. His thumb tugged at your swollen bottom lip, and he groaned, “Come here, princess.”
Like you were a doll, he guided you to lay on your back before tugging his sweater over his head and shedding his jeans. Climbing on the bed between your legs, he pushed the hem of your slip up your thighs slowly, “Fuck, look at this sweet little pussy… Spread your legs a little more for me, princess.” His hands on the inside of your thighs opened you up more to his starving eyes and you shyly turned your face to the side as his eyes devoured you. “You’re such a good girl…”
Letting out a low groan, Steve’s hands climbed higher, his thumb brushing over your swollen clit with unbridled adoration.
“Please…” You breathed out, your fingers tightening in the wrinkled sheets.
“Please what?” Steve teased, covering your body with his. Dragging the tip of his cock up and down your glistening slit slowly, covering himself in your slick, he murmured, “You want daddy to fuck you? Is that it, baby? You want all my cum in this tight little cunt?”
“Yes, please…” Nodding dumbly, your chest rose and fell with each heavy, needy breath as he lined himself up with your entrance, “Fuck me, daddy. Need you to make me your little slut.”
Pressing a kiss to your forehead, he pressed his swollen tip to your hole, and you whimpered at the stretch, your hips shifting in discomfort as he split you slowly. A deep moan was pulled from your throat as his thumb dragged small circles around your swollen bud that begged for his attention, “Oh god, Steve…”
The slight burn from the initial stretch quickly faded into a pleasurable ache between your legs and he gave you only a moment before slowly dragging out. He couldn’t ignore your breathy moans and the way your thick lashes fluttered shut at the sensation before he pushed back in sharply. He gave a few experimental thrusts before quickly finding a rhythm as he glided easily through your wet folds into the tight heat of your cunt.
Your hips rolled up to meet each of his thrusts, the both of you working together symbiotically as he hit a spot that made you clench around him and let out a whiny groan. A devilish grin crossed his bearded face and he murmured, “That feel good, baby?”
Before you could even nod, you giggled as he suddenly rolled you over. Sitting up whilst straddling his broad hips, you tugged the silk over your head and tossed it somewhere on your floor. Sinking back down on his length, you gasped as he bottomed out inside you and he let out a quiet hiss as his hands trailed up your waist, cupping your tits as his thumbs toyed with your sensitive, pebbled nipples.
“Fuck, daddy, ’s too big—” You whined, carefully rocking your hips as the muscles in your stomach clenched.
“I know, princess, but you can take it…” He let out a groan as you languidly grinded against him, your clit brushing against the coarse thatch of trimmed hair just above his cock each time you sank down on to him. “That’s it, princess. Just like that—you’re so good for me. I love this sweet little pussy…”
Together, you easily found a frenzied pace before the harmony of your whimpers and his moans was interrupted by a shrill ringtone. You gasped as he held your body close, leaning over and grabbing his phone, pressing a confusingly chaste kiss to your lips as groaned out, “Shit—stay quiet for me, baby.”
“Steve!” You hissed his name as he accepted the call with a sly grin.
“Hello?” He waited a moment for the voice on the other end of the line to respond, “Oh, yeah. She’s doin’ okay.” He grinned as your eyes went impossibly wider, your hands resting on his shoulders as you kept yourself carefully still.
Fucking. Shit.
It was your parents. Steve’s cock was nestled deep inside your cunt as he casually conversed with your parents, and that was so wrong and so fucking hot.
Quickly muting the microphone, he cocked an eyebrow, looking down to where your bodies were still joined, “Did I say you could stop?”
With a shaky breath, you resumed the languid grind, back and forth, your teeth digging into your lip as your clit pressed firmly against his pelvis.
He winked, unmuting the phone, “I think she’s okay. She’s probably still in bed…just. sleeping. I’ll shoot you a text after I check on her again,” You couldn’t help the way your walls clenched around him as his tip pressed against that special spot deep within you. He let out a low groan before quickly trying to cover, “Fuck, ba—stubbed my toe. Sorry.”
With a hand on your lower back, he guided you back and forth slowly, only half-listening to the voice on the other end of the line, “Yeah, I’ll let you know. See you in a few hours.”
As he tossed his phone to the hardwood floor with a clatter, his hands around your waist quickly took over. All but lifting and sinking you back down on the length of his rigid cock repeatedly, Steve’s hips continued to snap up into yours and you could only babble out, “Daddy—please, let me come. Want to come on your cock so bad—fuck!”
“Christ, baby—I can feel you squeezin’ around me. Almost told your parents how good you are at riding my cock, how good you feel wrapped around me.” He hammered into you with a deep groan, adding, “You want them to know you like fucking older guys? How daddy likes to play with this pussy while they sleep right down the hall?”
“Please—” You begged helplessly, your nails digging into his shoulders, feeling your orgasm approaching like an unstoppable wave.
“Yeah, they don’t know their innocent little girl is a fucking whore.” Steve grunted, taking in the sight of your tits bouncing and the way you’d tossed your head back, with a little smirk, “They don’t know how wet you get when I eat this precious little cunt, dripping all over my tongue and tasting like honey. They don’t know how you beg daddy to come in your sweet pussy.”
At that, the wave finally overtook you as he hammered against your g-spot, making you squirm as a little trickle of your wetness leaked out around where his cock was pressed into you before the dam broke and you gushed over his length. You let out a squeal of his name, scratching down his back, leaving red streaks on his pale skin.
Steve’s thrusts finally grew uneven, slowing as he grunted out, “That’s it, baby. I’m gonna fill this cunt up with all my cum—fuck!”
Your words were unintelligible as your eyes rolled back and he fucked you through both of your orgasms. Coming undone on top of him, you were unable to hold yourself up as he pressed deep into you, hard against your cervix as he spilled into you with a long, low moan, coating your walls with him. He sat up, staying inside of you, and opened his arms, allowing you to collapse against his hard, sweat-glistening body.
“Oh, fuck…” Your hips twitched with the aftershocks as he stayed inside, feeling your walls continuing to clench around him as you came down from the high. Looking down at where your bodies were joined, you felt your face grow warm at the wetness that was spattered over his Adonis belt and the cum that had leaked out from around the base of his cock, covering your petals and making you messy.
“That’s so much cum, daddy…” You whispered, resting your forehead against his and giggling softly.
He gave a low chuckle, his thumb caressing your cheek, “Can’t help it with you, baby.”  Capturing your lips in a lazy kiss, you hummed as his tongue intertwined with yours slowly before parting, murmuring as his hand stroked up and down your bare back, “You did so good for me.”
“Thank you.” You whispered, burying your face in his neck. You could feel his chest shake as he laid back, pulling you along with him.
“You gettin’ all shy on me now, princess?” He chuckled and tugged you closer as you snuggled into him, murmuring against your temple, “Did I tell you my new place is about ten minutes from campus?”
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avengerscompound · 1 month
The Tower - Morning Coffee
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The Tower - Morning Coffee
Series Masterlist
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 2778
Warnings:  smut (FMM Bisexual threesome, oral sex, vaginal sex, anal sex, double penetration, rough sex, rough oral sex, over stimulation, anal fingering, rimming, facials)
Synopsis:  Elly walks in on Thor and Steve flirting over their morning coffee, things quickly move on from just flirting.
Author’s Note: Requested by bubsanddoll21 on Wattpad based on this art. You can send in your requests too.
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This takes place between The Tower and Holiday Special
Morning Coffee
When Thor visited the Avengers, the whole building felt like it was bathed in a powerful aphrodisiac.  Entering any room at any time of the day held the risk of walking in on someone either having sex or moving toward it.  Even in particularly public places, one of the Avengers might have cleared the room to spend some one-on-one time with Thor.
So it was no surprise when I went to the common room for breakfast early on a Sunday morning and walked in on Steve and Thor together.
Nothing had started between them.  Not yet anyway.  It looked like Steve had gotten a start on breakfast only to be distracted by Thor.  The kitchen bench had ingredients scattered all over it.  Most hadn’t even been touched except to move them from the fridge or pantry to the bench.  There was flour in a bowl and milk poured into a measuring jug but that was it.
The food was not what I was focused on.  The two muscular blonds were what caught my attention.  Both men were shirtless and wearing gray sweatpants, and nothing else.  Thor was leaning back on the counter, his hair tied back in a loose ponytail, stray strands of hair falling around his face.  He had one arm draped over his midriff and held a large mug of coffee to his lips.  He was peering over the cup at Steve with a flirtatious smile.  Steve leaned in toward the taller man, his hands in his pockets.
Nothing was happening yet outside a little early morning flirting, but I knew if I backed out of the room, it would.  I almost did.  I never quite knew what to do when I walked in on my partners getting frisky with each other.  I always wanted to dive right between them and get in on the action, but if they wanted one-on-one time, I didn’t want to mess that up for them.
This was the common room though, and if Thor and Steve wanted one-on-one time, they had their own rooms for that.   Besides they were just flirting so far, nothing was stopping them from continuing that and going up to one of their rooms if they wanted private time.
I approached the kitchen, and despite not needing to at all, I squeezed my way between them as if it was the only way to get by, my breasts brushing up against Thor’s chest and my as against Steve’s crotch.  “Excuse me, coming through,” I joked.
They both laughed and Steve caught me before I could make it past them, his arms wrapping around my waist.  “Good morning, you little troublemaker,” he said, kissing my neck.  “I’m starting to think you have a superpower and it’s sniffing out pheromones?” 
“Oh?  Was something happening here?  I just saw a couple of guys sharing a coffee,” I teased.
Both of them laughed and Thor set his cup down beside him.  “I think I’ve had enough coffee,” he said, putting his hand on my cheek.  He looked down at me for a moment, and I gazed up at him, losing myself in the intensity of that gaze.
He looked up at Steve and smiled.  “Captain,” he said.  “Shall we?”
“Oh, we shall,” Steve agreed.
Thor’s other hand curled around the back of Steve’s head and pulled him into a heated kiss.  I stood pinned between them, watching them kiss over my shoulder.  It was quite the spot to be, and my stomach flipped with desire as I watched them.  I ran my hands down Thor’s muscular chest as I leaned back against Steve.
The men broke the kiss with a soft gasp and Thor leaned down to kiss me.  As his tongue coaxed my lips apart, Steve kissed my neck and massaged my breasts.  It was like a fire lit inside me.  I went from playful and teasing to desperately needing them at the flick of the switch, and by the feel of the bulges in their pants, that wasn’t just true for me.
I was still wearing my pajamas, a white tank top, and a pair of pink sleep shorts with pigs on them.  One of Steve’s hands ran up under the tank top to squeeze my breasts and the other slid into my shorts and his finger ran up and down my slit.
“She’s already wet, Thor,” he said, the hint of a growl in his voice.
Thor chuckled, breaking the kiss.  “Of course, she is.  Our little whore is always ready to take us.”
There was something about being talked about like I wasn’t there, particularly using the demeaning words they used, that hit me just right.  My stomach flipped and my clit throbbed under Steve’s fingers.  If I was wet before, I was practically soaking now.
Thor lifted my tank top off over my head and Steve pushed my shorts and panties down.  I wriggled out of my clothes and, when I was fully naked, I pushed myself up firmly against Thor and rubbed at his bulge through the fabric of his sweatpants.
I didn’t get to do that for long, Steve grabbed me by the waist and put me on the kitchen island.  I spread my legs and he crouched down between them, his mouth latching onto my cunt.  I gasped and my head fell back, my hands going to his hair.  “Fuck,” I gasped.
As he started to swirl his tongue around my folds, Thor moved around to the other side of the island.  He put his hand on my shoulder and he guided me back.  I leaned against him for a moment, my heels digging into Steve’s shoulders as he fucked me with his tongue.  Thor kissed me for a moment, his tongue probing into my mouth, but he pulled back quickly, biting at my bottom lip.
He guided me back so I was lying right over the island with my head hanging over the edge and he pushed his pants down, pulling out his cock.  It stood out straight in front of him and he ran his palm up and down the length as he stepped up to me.  I licked my lips and stuck out my tongue.
Thor let out a groan - a deep rumble of a sound that felt like thunder - and he ran the head of his cock over my lips.  I flicked my tongue out teasing it over the slit and then lathing it up the shaft.  He grunted and pushed the head of his cock past my lips.
It was hard to concentrate with Steve between my legs.  He was lapping at my cunt like a starving man.  His tongue pushed inside me and swirled around then flicked up to my clit where it circled it and flicked back and forth over the top.  It sent sharp jolts shuddering through me and heat radiated out from my core.
Meanwhile, Thor began to thrust into my mouth.  He started gently, just testing my limits.  He was large and he knew it. My lips had to stretch wide to take his girth, and he didn’t want to hurt me.  As he realized that I could not only take him, but I was enjoying it, he thrust in deeper.  It cut off my airways and made me gag and drool over his cock, but I couldn’t stop moaning and writhing around on the kitchen bench.  I grabbed hold of Steve’s hair with one hand and braced the other on Thor’s hip.
I was falling apart on the bench as pleasure slowly built up, coiling around me like a snake.  Thor started to fuck deeper and deeper, making drool run down my cheeks and my throat bulge as it was filled with his cock.  Steve’s tongue explored more of me, moving lower as he spread me wide.  He reached my asshole and when he swirled his tongue around it I choked and my whole body jerked.  They kept going, Steve licking at my asshole and rubbing my clit with his thumb and Thor fucking my throat as he massaged my tits.  The snake’s coils became tighter and tighter until every one of my muscles was clenched tight and I was arched up on the kitchen bench, trembling right at the precipice.
All at once the coils released at once and I came, my cries muffled by Thor’s cock.
They reacted quickly, and before my orgasm had even ended, they were pulling out of me and Steve had picked me up and set me back on my feet.
He kissed me searingly hard and turned me around, bending me over the bench.  I was still dazed and riding out my orgasm high when he shoved his cock deep into my aching cunt.
“Fuck!” I gasped, my hands trying to find purchase on the kitchen bench.  Steve didn’t give me any time to adjust to him.  He just started to pound into me from behind, shoving me up against the bench.
Thor moved around the bench, moving behind Steve and pulling him into a hungry kiss.
I tried to watch them over my shoulder, but Steve put his hand on the side of my head and pushed it down against the counter.  I moaned loudly at the action, he always knew exactly how rough and degrading he could be to make me completely fall apart.
I closed my eyes, just giving into the feeling of it and the rhythmic crack of skin against skin.  Steve spread my ass cheeks and a moment later a glob of spit landed directly on my asshole.
Two sets of hands descended on me.  Steve wrapped my hair around one hand and gripped my hip with the other.  Thor pressed one palm into the middle of my back and he began to push his finger in and out of my asshole.
I mewled and squirmed around on the bench, but they held me in place, Steve railing into me, while Thor stretched me out.  Neither said a single word but on occasion, I could hear the soft smack of their lips as they kissed over the steady crack of Steve’s hips colliding into my ass.
A second orgasm hit suddenly, I screamed out, my voice hoarse from being fucked so deep by Thor.
“That’s it, just like that,” Steve praised, his hips still snapping into me.
I was starting to feel fucked out, but neither Thor nor Steve seemed anywhere close to being done.  Thor was still methodically stretching out my asshole, spitting on it from time to time, and adding lube that I think he’d fished out of his pocket, though I wasn’t sure.
I clenched my jaw, trying to keep myself together.  It was all so intense and I was becoming overstimulated.  A third orgasm hit not long after the second, and I shuddered on the bench and reached out gripping the edge.
I was starting to feel overstimulated, and I sagged on the bench, and my legs gave out.
That was when Steve pulled out and Thor removed his fingers.  I just lay there for a moment, breathing heavily, not having any idea what Thor or Steve were doing.
A moment later, Thor lifted me, wrapping my legs around his waist.  I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and clung to him.  He kissed me as he lowered me down on his hard cock, and my moan was swallowed by his lips.
He started to bounce me, just a little, and Steve stepped up behind me, slicking his cock with lube.  “You ready for us both, sweetheart?” Steve asked as he pressed the head of his cock against my asshole.
I moaned and nodded, the ability to form words seemed to be lost to me.
“Of course, she is,” Thor cooed.  “She always is.”
Steve pushed forward and the head of his thick cock popped past my ring muscle.  I mewled, leaning back against him, and letting my head drop back over his shoulder.  “That’s it.  That’s our girl,” he praised, pushing in deeper.
Both men were so big, and I felt so full and so stretched.  It felt like their cocks were filling every inch of me.  I clung to Thor and leaned against Steve, and both men used me.  They thrust up into me, snapping their hips hard and fast, and Thor bounced me up and down on their cocks.  I was helpless to do anything but hold on and let the pleasure surge through me.
An orgasm hit, tearing through me, and just as it passed another hit.  I was completely fucked out, and dazed.  I mewled and dug my nails into Thor’s shoulders but I was helpless to stop the intense pleasure that was surging through me.  “Please,” I begged, but for what, I couldn’t tell you.  Another orgasm hit and I cried out and shuddered between them.  “Please,”  I repeated.
They took pity on me, lifting me off their cocks and I mewled again at how empty I suddenly felt.  I clenched around nothing, wanting at least part of that full-up feeling again.
Neither man had come yet, and when they set me on my feet, I sank to my knees without any suggestion to do so and just looked up at them with my mouth open and my tongue poking out.
“Look at you,” Thor praised and they both moved over me and began to pump their cocks.
I looked up at them dazed as they both brought themselves over.  Steve came first, splattering my face and breasts with thick cords of semen.  I moaned as it hit my skin.  Thor wasn’t too far behind him, his come mixing with Steve’s on my skin.
“So beautiful,” Thor praised.  “How lucky are we, Captain.”
“Very lucky,” Steve agreed.  “FRIDAY, take a picture of our girl here.  Thor should have something to take back to Asgard with him.” 
“Elise?” FRIDAY asked.
I nodded. “Uh-huh.  He can have a picture.”
Thor chuckled.  “I am blessed today.”
Steve gathered both his clothes and mine then came and scooped me up off the floor.  “Let’s get you cleaned up, sweetheart.”
“You both go, I’ll clean up here and get the panflaps started,” Thor said.
Steve carried me to the bathroom and set me on the sink.  “How are you doing there, honey?” he asked as he grabbed a washcloth and began to clean me up.
“Mm… I feel a little high,” I hummed, titling my face up as he cleaned the mess off my face.
“We weren’t too rough with you?” he asked.
I giggled and shook my head.  “No… you know I like that.”
He laughed and leaned down and kissed me softly. “Yeah, I do.  That’s why I do it.”
“Did I interrupt you?” I asked, looking up at him.
He shook his head.  “No.  We were just flirting.  It probably wouldn’t have led anywhere if you hadn’t arrived.  Maybe some kissing and touching while we cooked.”  He finished cleaning me off and grabbed my tank top, pulling it over my head.  “It’s nice having him here though, isn’t it.”
“Mm-hmm,” I agreed.  “You all get as horny as I am just every day.”
Steve laughed and kissed me. “I guess we do.”
“He’s very loving too,” I said.  “In a different way.  Like he’s not ashamed of it.”
“You think the rest of us are ashamed of it?” Steve asked, tilting his head.  
I shook my head slowly.  “No… Well… Not ashamed.  But I think that there are cultural and personal things we all struggle with.  And that means we’re not always open.  But Thor doesn’t have that.  This just feels like it’s normal for him.  He doesn’t overthink anything when it comes to expressing his love for us.”
Steve hummed.  “I suppose you’re right,” he agreed.  “I know we all love it when he’s here.”
He picked up my shorts and pulled them up to my knees.  I jumped off the counter and pulled them the rest of the way up. “All good?” he asked.
“Yeah, I just gotta pee.”
“Alright, I’ll meet you back out there,” he agreed.
I went to use the bathroom while Steve cleaned himself up.  Breakfast was well underway, and both Steve and Thor were in the kitchen working on it together.  I went to join them, and when I got close, Thor curled his arm around my waist and pulled me in close, kissing my cheek.
The elevator opened and Clint and Bucky got out.  Clint scrunched his nose and looked over at us.  “Smells like sex in here.”
Bucky sighed dramatically and shook his head.  “Oh goddamn it,” he complained.  “Missed it again.”
 ~ END ~
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vilentia · 10 months
Unspoken Hearts
Steve Rogers x reader
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Summary: Three near-misses and one momentous confession in the life of Steve Rogers .
The First Time
Steve had always been a man of action, not words. Yet, as he watched you from across the room, your laughter tinkling like wind chimes on a breezy summer day, he felt the words on the tip of his tongue. It was a quiet evening at the Avengers' compound, the team gathered for a rare moment of respite. Your smile was radiant, your eyes sparkling with mischief as you recounted a story. Steve's heart swelled, and for a fleeting moment, he almost said it, those three words that had taken root deep within him.
But he didn't. Instead, he smiled back, his eyes speaking volumes as he silently marveled at the incredible person you were.
The Second Time
The second time came during a mission, one fraught with danger and uncertainty. You and Steve were side by side, adrenaline pumping through your veins as you fought alongside one another. In the heat of the battle, as explosions erupted around you, he caught a glimpse of your determined expression, unwavering even in the face of chaos.
For a heartbeat, time seemed to stand still, and Steve almost whispered those words of love, words he had held back for so long. But the mission demanded his attention, and he couldn't afford any distractions. So he fought on, his feelings buried deep within, yet stronger than ever.
The Third Time
It was a quiet evening, much like the first, but this time the Avengers were scattered, and it was just the two of you. You sat together on the balcony, gazing up at the star-studded sky. The night air was cool, and a comfortable silence enveloped you. Steve glanced at you, his heart pounding as he realized just how much you meant to him.
The words nearly tumbled from his lips, but he hesitated. He feared that saying those words might change everything, that they might jeopardize the precious connection you shared. So, he simply reached for your hand, entwining his fingers with yours, and held you close, silently conveying what his words could not.
The Fourth Time
It was a rainy day, the sound of droplets against the windowpane providing a soothing backdrop to your quiet afternoon together. Steve sat beside you on the couch, his gaze fixed on the book you were reading. The room was filled with a sense of calm, a moment of serenity in a world often filled with chaos.
And then, as if drawn by an invisible force, Steve turned to you, his eyes filled with a depth of emotion that couldn't be contained any longer. With a gentle smile, he said those three words that had been on the verge of escape for so long, "I love you."
Your heart skipped a beat as you met his gaze, and in that moment, you knew that your love story was just beginning.
Tears welled up in your eyes, and you smiled, your voice quivering with emotion as you replied, "I love you too, Steve."
As those words hung in the air, the rain outside seemed to pause, as if even the heavens were holding their breath, celebrating this moment of love and vulnerability. Steve pulled you into his arms, and together you embraced the truth that had been silently growing between you, filling the room with warmth and the promise of a future filled with love.
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