#respect pronouns or I’ll identify as a problem
hedgehology · 1 year
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It’s Sunday and that means sticker slapping! Enby and trans pride sticker slaps at Kings X London with a a lil wizard frog 🏳️‍⚧️🐸
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italoniponic · 2 years
Hey bestie 🥰 could i maybe request a part two to this wonderful work of art, but for the dorm leaders (or first years, i dont mind at all :D) this time?
If requests arent already full that is.
Anyways thank you for ur time! I really love ur writing 🥺💖
𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲'𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 - 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭
| Notes: Hi, anon!~ If you don’t mind, I picked the first years to do first. It’s been a while but I commented on a side-delayed project that would be basically requests that required two options and I choose one to do first or an add character on a request when the normal limit is 3. The thing is: I’ll write to the dorm leaders for this one another time, but I’ll still write for them… it will just take much more time since it won’t be a top moment priority. Okay, okay. To the request in question! It was so sweet to make. I actually have another “sleep-related” fic in the going so, it all ties together like this huge reader sleepover lol Hope you like it! Thanks for the request <3 |  
Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Jack Howl, Epel Felmier, Sebek Zigvolt x g!n reader who sleepwalks / headcanons / established relationship / sleepwalker reader part 2 / first years / good old fluff / really cozy / use of “you” pronouns 
Cherry’s Harvesting 🍒 Masterlist
Five More Minutes
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Heartslabyul looked really different at night, Ace liked that. Chaotic air aside, it was a very nice and respectable dorm. But in the shadows of the night, it gained that air of mystery and a certain horror-like aura that Ace found simply irresistible. It was like taking something beloved and colorful from childhood and watching it distort into something dark;
Ace wasn't one to do this all the time because it was against the rules and Riddle would just cut his head off again if he caught him wandering around the dorm during the night but he wasn't getting any sleep and wanted to clear his mind a bit. He couldn't do that with Deuce snoring horrendously in the bed next to his;
Speaking of snoring, Ace felt like he could still hear that sound right next to him as he was walking down the stairs. At one point, he felt a presence pass right below him and as he reached for his cellphone to identify what it was, Ace took a fright — and almost, almost woke up the entire dorm — to discover that you were right there sleeping on the stairs;
“Are you crazy...?! Geez. Easy, Ace, easy. Pull yourself together, dude… pull yourself together!,” Ace held his own face, trying to absorb better what was happening in front of him. Or below, theoretically. He looked at you once more, still surprised that you seemed so peaceful sleeping on that steps;
When you told Ace that you had sleepwalking problems, he understood the situation but found a bit exaggerated your comment that sometimes you walked so much in your sleep that you woke up in the most inhospitable places possible. It's kind of insane to think about, right? Apparently not. And Ace could only gasp at you for a solid minute;
After that minute, Ace sighed and tried to find a way to pick you up and hold his phone’s flashlight at the same time. Because it was one thing to wander around Heartslabyul alone in the dark, another thing to go through a staircase with someone who is sleeping. But Ace is a good boyfriend and he wasn't going to just leave you there on the stairs, in the cold and on the most uncomfortable floor in the world;
Ace put you on one of the sofas in the lounge, letting you use his favorite cushion as a backrest — he liked that cushion, it was soft, and he always had a way of grabbing it before anyone else when everyone gathered there. In perspective, Ace had no idea how to handle this situation. He didn't have much experience with dating, let alone sleepwalking;
But after a while, Ace woke you up and calmed you down when you worried that you two would get in trouble for meeting in the middle of the night — even if by accident. Ace accompanied you to the Ramshackle dorm and had that moment to appease his mind that he was looking for;
Ace ended up sleeping on the couch in the living room, having a good feeling of nostalgia after saying goodbye to you with a kiss goodnight and a question if he really couldn't sleep with you — you know, just for safety’s sake. At least this time, he got a laugh out of you. The next day Trey came over to ask what happened but luckily Ace kept his head in place for the rest of the day;
This experience made him do a little research on sleepwalking and recommend teas that would help you sleep better. Since it's not all roses, Ace definitely jokes a little about it just to make you relax. Some jokes are pretty creative, at least. Like he'll find you someday sleeping on your head in his room or something;
And... your unconscious took it very seriously. Ace first felt a foot on his face and as he sat down, he discovered your body facing inversely to his position. He yawned, too sleepy to think about what to do and left you there. You both would get in such trouble, for sure. But Ace just put it aside, hugged your shins and went back to sleep.
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Deuce’s mother used to say: “all good things to those who wake up early.” And even though he was already several times late for school throughout his pre-teen years, Deuce wanted to do his best in high school and get up early. It was his turn in the task of taking care of the flamingos and he wanted to solve everything as soon as possible;
Deuce grabbed his pink leopard-print jumpsuit, put on gloves, and set off for his mission at the time one would normally hear the rooster crow for the first time. The Sun hadn’t yet fully risen, but it was much clearer than the nightly hours allowed. He passed quietly through the silent and at that moment, gray dormitory. He almost missed hearing Ace complaining by his side;
Deuce went to the special garden assigned to flamingos and hedgehogs, calm because he was more used to this task. But to find you sleeping there in the center of the garden was a big surprise. Deuce saw how hedgehogs were trying to protect you from curious flamingos, some even ready to peck you for your insolence — they were the ones that Deuce had the least tact to deal with;
“Shoo-shoo! If you do anything, we'll have fried flamingos for lunch!,” Deuce threatened those graceful-legged birds, pounding his fist into his hand as if he were defending you from a gang. Some flamingos cawed at him but they got out of there and he could get closer to you;
All that confusion didn't seem to make much difference to your sleepy state. The most you did was stretch out and shrug a little when turning to the side, scaring the smaller hedgehogs. Deuce brought your body closer to him and deposited your head on his thigh, a place a little more comfortable than the garden’s grass;
You had commented before about your sleepwalking with Deuce and seeing you in this situation, he had no doubt that you would really end up in the strangest places when you walk around sleeping. He cleaned you a little from dirt and tried to wake you up. On the first try, you just mistook Deuce for a pillow and clung to his torso to get some more sleep;
Deuce needed a moment to regain his composure. One flamingo seemed to say something to the others and he felt as if the group was laughing at his red face. Deuce tried one more time and you finally got a little sense of where you were. Since it was still morning, Deuce told you to sleep on the bench while he went to take care of the flamingos;
Deuce tried to act as if you hadn't squeezed him for a moment like a stuffed animal but you could tell he was anxious about something just the same. It was a good moment of silence, at least. You didn’t go back to sleep, concentrating on watching Deuce feeding the animals and you smiled alone;
Deuce didn’t understand much about sleepwalking but he sought to seek more on the subject. At least to know what you needed. The class that morning went pretty smoothly, but Deuce worried about the way you were almost falling asleep on top of Grim. He wanted you to get a normal night's sleep at one time or another;
A few days later, Deuce woke up early again. Not to feed the flamingos but to check on you at Ramshackle. Deuce didn't consider himself the author of many good ideas, but he was glad he thought of doing so. After all, he found you sleeping next to the portal that led to Heartslabyul;
Deuce snuggled you into his arms and led you back to your dorm. He put you back in bed, straightened your blanket and put Grim next to you — the little monster wouldn't admit it but he would miss you when you leave like that to walk around. Deuce sat in an old armchair nearby, watching you sleep more comfortably. He couldn't stop a sweet smile from escaping.
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Jack was never one to wake up in the middle of the night. His sleep schedule was as neat and well-organized as his studies. It might not be perfect, but it was the best he had come up with so far. But he ended up hearing a noise in the distance, too strange to be something natural or be someone from the dorm itself;
None of Jack’s roommates seemed shaken by the sudden noise, but he couldn't sleep until he found out what it was. Jack went outside and took a deep breath, sniffing the various smells and aromas present there. Then he came across your scent and followed it in the direction of the magift stadium they had in Savanaclaw;
He went up the stone staircase and found you there at the entrance, sleeping so soundly that it didn't even seem like you were lying in the dust. Jack needed a moment. You had already told about your sleepwalking problem before, yet it was a different thing to actually witness it. Jack turned to where your trail began, surprised that you walked from Ramshackle to there without knowing it;
“Hunf, everytime you get into a mess and for what?,” Jack sighed. Despite these words, he took you in his arms with all the care in the world, gently slapping the dust away from you and drying the drool that dripped from the corner of your mouth. He would worry later if the others would ask questions tomorrow when they notice faint traces of your scent over there;
The most important thing at that moment was to take you back to your dorm. Jack made his way out of the Mirror Chamber, holding you deftly close to him so you wouldn't feel the rush of his running. He didn't want you to wake up scared because you weren't in your room;
But when Jack put you back in bed, you ended up waking up just the same. All because you felt that cozy warmth of a few minutes ago suddenly leave you. You opened your eyes and Jack was still there, worried. He explained to you what happened and advised you to go back to sleep;
Jack might not admit that he was a careful boyfriend, but you could tell by the way he tucked you under the covers and ran his hand lightly across your face. He had a small smile on his face. Protective, but not paternal. Just caring. It was a sweetness that only Jack was able to express in his actions. You went back to sleep a bit better after that;
In the days that followed, Jack researched a few more things about sleepwalking and tried to come up with the best number of possible solutions to help you. He went so far as to ask Leona if there was any special secret to him getting enough sleep and the only answer he got was “get a nephew and half a dozen people who make your life unbearable.” Huh, one person with issues at a time;
You two talk a little bit about it from time to time. You realize that Jack cares about you and that's very kind of him — even if he tries to tell you that it's just his role as your partner in life. Whether in big or small problems, Jack would like to help you in any way possible;
On a certain Full Moon night, Jack ended up spending past the hour with his running exercises around the school after dinner and homework. It wasn't too late, but you should be asleep by now. He went to the Ramshackle to check and his fear was right: you weren't in your bed. When Jack passed through the dorm’s gate, he found Grim who guided him to where you were sleeping;
Few things surprise Jack but seeing you riding on the King of Beast’s statue and snoring softly at its stone back was something he wasn't expecting. No wonder Grim was worried, he couldn't get you out of there. First: how did you get there?! Jack would ask you in the morning. But he managed to rescue you and return to your room, where he was determined to guard your sleep just in case — and see you dream away, but that's beside the point!
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It all started when Epel woke up in the middle of the night hungry. Dinner the day before had been a lackluster and he got so busy with the extensive math homework that Crewel gave that he didn’t remember to make his secret apple snacktime. Now all that remained to do was to leave his room as quietly as possible and sneak into the kitchen to find something;
He didn’t have any with him. Epel had to wait another week for the next packet of apples from Harveston to reach him, which would make it easier to store in the room. “Meemaw” always enchanted the crates with a special magic that preserved the fruits  for a longer time and prevented insects from infesting them. This was very useful when left beside his bed;
Epel controlled a sigh halfway through. He didn't want to do any of that, but what to do when all of Pomefiore’s students considered dishes with an eight-centimeter food as a meal? But Epel had to put his complaints aside because he heard a small noise. Luckily it was weak enough for no one upstairs to notice;
Or so he hoped. Sneaking into the direction of the lounge room where the sound had come from, Epel turned on his cell phone flashlight and to his immense surprise, it was just you. What ended up scaring Epel, however, was when his mind — now not so sleepy — processed that you were there, sleeping on Vil’s throne;
“What in tarnation! Ya want our hearts on a darn box or what…,” Epel suddenly covered his mouth, trying to calm down. If he had scheduled one night to break every possible rule of Pomefiore, he wouldn't have gotten away with it so easily. Epel approached you and remembered the first time you told him about your sleepwalking;
This has been a while since you all had to stay together in Ramshackle to train for VDC. Epel had heard you leave the dorm and went after you only to find that you were walking in your sleep. Your luck was that Epel already had some experience with it. His aunt went through a sleepwalking phase when he was very young and the whole family would turn to help her anytime;
You were sleeping very peacefully, your legs resting on the right arm of the throne. Epel ended up smiling as he watched you. It would be a pity to interrupt your so serene sleep, you looked lovely and innocent like that — funny enough, you were doing something that could bring a lot of trouble. Bless your heart, would you actually be the “bad influence” of your relationship?;
When Epel woke you up, the first thing you saw was his smile as if he was quietly chuckling. After the initial panic of knowing where you were and Epel’s confident words that everything would be fine, you two went to the kitchen, picked some apples and Epel accompanied you back to Ramshackle. He couldn’t spend the night there but, would ensure you returned safely;
It was a very unusual night but Epel had fun anyway. You said goodbye with a kiss at the Ramshackle’s gate and Epel assured you that you weren't bothering him. Even if he narrowly escaped being called out, it would be worth it for being helping and taking care of you;
Luckily for Epel, no one seemed to notice anything strange the next morning. Rook was smiling more than usual at him, but nothing that made Vil look for answers. Epel called his family in Harveston and asked for some advice on how to help you with your sleepwalking, anything that could ensure you a healthy night's sleep;
After all, one night, Epel found you asleep again. He had stayed up late to finish a history report and heard you walking around the dorm. Epel stopped you from entering the potions basement and, with care, he guided you back to your dorm. He was running out of patience to sleep in his room and decided that it would be better to stay by your side — a pleasant solution like apple tea.
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Sebek had been the only one left in the training room after 10 p.m. He practiced sword techniques for another hour and when he finally managed to cut off the head of a test dummy, Sebek was satisfied. At the time he yawned, he started to feel a little sleepy and decided to go back;
As Lilia says, an excellent guard also needs to get a good night of sleep and Sebek didn’t intend to disappoint him in this task. He put away the swords he used, closed and locked the room. But as he passed through the Diasomnia’s lounge, he saw a strange figure being illuminated by the greenish flames of the room candles and quickly became alert;
With his wand in hand, Sebek carefully approached the stranger who seemed to be motionless. The emerald light from the fireplace helped the boy finally recognize you. You were lying on a large couch nearby, warmed by the fire and comforted in that furniture worthy of a prince’s castle. Sebek sighed loudly, putting away the wand and putting his hand to his heart;
He had been by a thread of attacking his beloved in believing that it was a killer who could injure the Young Master. “How careless I am! I would never forgive myself if I hurt you, but what are you doing here?!,” Sebek asked despite the fact that you were in such a heavy sleep that it would be impossible to answer;
Sebek then understood. But of course! You sleepwalked! For a solid moment, he had forgotten what you told him about this strange problem of walking while sleeping, resulting sometimes in you walking to the most unusual places. It was similar to Silver’s condition — with the only strong difference that he at least stood where he had slept;
Suddenly, you moved but it was only to change your position on the couch. You had no idea where you were. Sebek then leaned against the arm of the couch, contemplating what to do to help you while watching your sleep. You were so peaceful there, sleeping like a beauty. Sebek couldn’t prevent a docile smile from appearing on his lips;
Carefully, Sebek crouched close to you and deposited a small kiss on your forehead, just before actually trying to wake you up. When you opened your eyes, the first thing you saw was Sebek’s gaze on you, he seemed strangely quiet. You started to apologize but he put a finger to your lips. It was all right, he understood;
Sebek escorted you back to Ramshackle and even though you didn't want to bother him beyond necessary, Sebek decided to sleep on the living room’s couch just in case you had another episode of sleepwalking during the night. He would explain the situation to Malleus and Lilia in the morning and everything would work out — the two faes could bring out his uniform after all;
From that day on, Sebek began to look for more about sleepwalking, causes, precautions and treatments. It didn't matter to him whether it was a disorder or a curse, he was willing to do anything to help you face this situation. Sebek's support was always welcomed and you rejoiced at his enthusiasm;
In fact, in another time — in which you two hadn’t yet fallen in love — Sebek would have quarreled with you for appearing on Diasomnia uninvited. However, he found himself thinking about the possibility that you might want to visit him unconsciously while you were asleep and that was already enough to warm his face any time he reflected on it;
One night, you showed up again at the dorm and it was Sebek who found you again, fortunately. Practically at the witching hour, Sebek suddenly woke up and left the room to check the hallways. You were lying at the top of the staircase leading to the first-years’ rooms, relaxed as ever. Sebek pulled himself together and led you to the lounge, where at least you wouldn’t come into contact with the cold floor. This time he slept sitting on the couch, your head resting on his thigh — a strange but comfortably familiar pillow.
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uncanny-tranny · 10 months
Transsexual Thursday!
I’m the 30+ anon from last week, I think I’ll come back more often cause it’s so nice to talk about all this, so I’ll just call myself A (for ancient) from now on 😀
My euphoria is still going strong, though I haven’t found the courage to email that therapist yet. But I’m pretty sure I’ll be ready soon. There’s also a trans group that meets up every month and it’s so close I could walk there. I’d have to introduce myself via email first though and I’m a bit scared 😅
And, maybe the biggest news, at least it feels like it: I’ve come out to the first two people! They’re two coworkers I’m very close to. We were at the office together yesterday and one of them (she’s in her late 30s) asked if she could ask me a personal question. She was super respectful and asked several times and confirmed that I’d just not answer if it’s too personal.
And then she straight-out asked me if I identify as a woman. And I said no 😀 I was so nervous, but they were both really accepting. The one who asked said she noticed in the past weeks that it seemed like there was something I wanted to open up about, and she had the feeling I wasn’t happy with she/her pronouns and being read as a woman and didn’t want to contribute to that misgendering. And that was so validating, cause apparently I immediately developed dude vibes once I figured out I’m a trans guy 🥹 And she apologized several times in advance cause she might mess up my new name/pronouns but I assured her it’s fine. I’m super new to all this myself after all and not entirely sure how to proceed.
And then we ran into a logistical problem cause it’d be complicated for those two to use my new name/pronouns when nobody else is around, but the old ones with others. And I don’t want to put them in an awkward situation where they accidentally use my new name with someone else and have to explain. So for now we decided that they’ll use my old name/pronouns until I ask them to switch completely. I’ll have to come out to more people until then though. We’re about 25 people at the company and we all get along great and I don’t expect any blatant transphobia, but of course I’m still nervous.
Today the coworker used my new name twice in our chat group (with just the three of us) and it made me very happy 😊 I also thanked them again in the group and said they can always ask me anything (they’re not people who’d ask inappropriate questions). And the one who asked me said she read about trans identity all evening so she’ll ask a lot of questions. And tbh I’m pretty excited about that. Being able to actually talk about it in real life with real people in my native tongue will be cool. And maybe it’ll pave the way for coming out to more coworkers.
And I also basically did a mental transition speed run and looked up how all the different steps work over here, googled doctors and clinics and the documents you need and surgery options and even surgery pictures and how the name change works. Before I really accepted my identity it seemed like way too much and was enough to put me off, but now that I actually looked into it and know what to expect, it seems manageable.
Sorry, this is super long 😅 if you prefer asks that aren’t novels just let me know and I’ll keep things shorter the next time I have something to talk about 😅
That's beautiful, and Ancient is such a gorgeous pseudonym. You deserve to know just how amazing life can be!
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real-godzekiel · 2 years
🥛Do nothing. Nothing works!🥛
Name: Godzekiel(Zeke)/Coconot Pronouns: Ey/Em and Prn/Prns. (Use any except they/them if you can't handle my crazy booger pronouns.)
Thanks for visiting my page! May Ezekiel be with you.
I am an East Asian Canadian from Shanghai China so I have many Chinese internet friends. I will speak Mandarin and reclaim sinophobic slurs. i speak crazy 😼
I identify as fictional characters. . Sorry! "is it kinning is this a mental illness are you this are you that what are you uh why are you like this uhm why just why " sorry gusy im just ezekiel . im kind of just em. sorry . i know i started from a weird funny kinning ask blog thing. i do, at the core, SERIOUSLY see myself as an ezekiel. this is a thing and i do not know how to explain/label it and i don't want to 😼
I am 14!!!! I AM 14 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!! 😼
I like many media that some may consider "problematic". I do not support romanticization of serious topics or bigotry in fiction. I am critical of everything I enjoy and will encourage others to do the same. 😼
If there’s anything that I've posted or did that you find upsetting feel free to tell me! I genuinely don’t want to irritate anyone and I try to respect all points of view. I like to always change for the better and fix problems around me. I will also answer any kind of question asked to me in my inbox./gen!!!! /gen!!!!!!!!! 😼
i draw/reblog gore and horror. it's a side interest i had since childhood and i tag them. i think it's good, but it's also bad. but mostly good. actually all bad. anyways Happy Tree Friends all the way 😼
Current interests are BRBA/BCS/LOTR/DHMIS/TUDOMP look at these acronyms and tell me you understand 😼
EVERYTHING I POST IS OKAY TO REBLOG!!! EVERYTHING I POST IS OKAY TO COMMENT!!! Do what you want with me, 关我屁事!!! The only things I beg you not to do is discrimination to minorities and real harm to real people. (you can harm me though im not real) 😼 😼
#teedee ken confassion: Tag for the ask shit that started my blog. I love you Mod Staci! 😼
#godzekiel: All about me and me and me and me and me and Godzekiel. Might be kind of a random ramble tag to some. The contents are very vague and may contain triggering content and unreality since I say literally anything in this tag. Feel free to ask if you want a post tagged!!!!!! (Almost nothing in #godzekiel will ever absolutely represent any of my beliefs and stances. Please digest the things I say yourself and try not to jump into conclusions. I’m incredibly open to criticism, you can basically say anything that’s focused about me and I’ll be fine with it.) 😼
#no jokes no satire no irony: Posts where I find it important to clarify I'm completely genuine and saying what I believe and feel. Not always serious or important, but necessary nonetheless.
#askee: Your typical ask tag! 😼
#the pen is greater than the sword: Art-made-by-me tag. It's actually "mightier" but I'm too tired to change it. 😼
#moosic h: Music-made-by-me tag. Beep boop besoop. 😼 😼
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yooo it’s the Intro post!
: my name? dennis parking lot. denny for short. I also more commonly go by Will
: use whatever pronouns you’re comfortable with or you think suit me! she/they/he are good but if you look at me and see a xe/xir by all means try it out, I’ll tell ya if it bothers me
: my space dork account is @astroexobiology : basically an rvb blog at this point ngl
: interact with me more than twice and you’re an honorary mutual. sorry not sorry chum
: I have only one consistent tag and it’s #blueys-parking-space. everything else is, well. good luck in there, soldier🫡
dni below
homophobes transphobes aphobes queerphobes etc ableist racist antisemetic terfs maps/pedos/proshippers any kind of alt-right anything
Harry Potter Fans blocked on sight- identifying as TERF, radfem, or not, if you’re aware of what’s happening and you’re still actively supporting it you’re still part of the problem and I just don’t wanna deal with you being term gatekeepy as in bisexual only means cisgender men and women, only lesbians can be butch, etc etc etc. queer culture is diverse and supportive and it always has been, as long as you’re not infringing upon other types of identity and culture by the use of your term (like if you’re white, you’re not a stud, you’re a butch) and be respectful in your definition of your label and let other people have their own. if you say you’re asexual but you still engage in sex and feel some kind of attraction but there’s something there that’s still not allosexual fuck it be asexual! you’re not hurting anybody! if it changes later that’s cool! all terms have spectrums and there’s a reason for that, no label will ever be perfect- if we tried to draw hard lines for the term bisexual we’d exclude people who are bisexual no matter how we define it. which is why personal definitions on a case-by-case basis are good, because everyone who wants one can use them suitably. and please don’t assume you have the right to label anyone because you can ‘see that they’re not using the right word for what they are’. if who you think is just an effeminate gay man is saying they’re a trans woman then they are a trans woman. you do not know them better then yourself. and if their identity changes, even if it becomes what you thought, you still have no right to enforce your idea because it was ‘correct’. Radfems and TeRfS do that. They label trans men as confused gay women instead, they label trans women predatory and dangerous men with a fetish, they assume their ‘view’ of someone determines who they actually are and that is not okay. No matter have obvious or provable you think your take on someone is, don’t label who they are. Thats not for you to decide.
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Hi so we’re the snitch anon system. We’re a system in the body of an able bodied white minor. We’re here just to cause general chaos. I’m in a system (this is run by 2 members of it) so let’s give u a rundown. We’ll also update this with the name and pronouns of any other alters who post something. Oh and I’m headmates with @karnakthegreat.
Asks are open. Asks are always open unless we say otherwise
Any systems can interact with us just no spreading hate. We want to stay respectful on here so no spreading hate. WE DO NOT WELCOME HOMIPHOBES TRANSPHOBES FAKECLAIMERS TURFS PEOPLE WHO SEXUALISE LITTLES OR PET REGRESSORS. IF U INTERACT U WILL BE BLOCKED OR REPORTED. Don’t spread hate it’s not very bachelor man of u okay it’s not cool.
Hi I’m Apollo the actual host.
My pronouns are he/him
Hallo folkrockers I am Art, German pirate and musician and yk I’m pretty cool
My pronouns are he/him they/them
Hello my name is Frau. I’m a caretaker and mother in this system. I am a fictive of Frau Schneider from Rammstein
My pronouns are she/her
Hi I’m Talia and I’m the actual snitch anon. I’ll sign off any posts I’ve done with my name.
My pronouns are she/her/he/him/they/them feel free to use any of them when talking to me.
I’m Scarlet. I’m a bimbo from the Aurora cycle. Also I’m married to a pink alien and i always talk about them.
My pronouns are she/her
Hi I’m endi and I’m an enderwoman
My pronouns are she/they
Hi I’m Heather. I’m not from the musical heathers or anything but I’m a witch. At least that’s one half of my memory’s it’s confusing you can ask about it if u want
My pronouns are she/they and sometimes it/it’s
Hello I am Caercan. I am also a fictive from the Aurora Cycle. I am an ‘alien’ from a race called the Syldrathi
My pronouns are He/him
I’m Saedii. Caercan’s daughter and eldest child
Pronouns she/they
Hey im Olivia. Im a zombie thing that was made by aliens and I sorta came from the song living dead girl by Rob Zombie
Pronouns are she/they/it
Bonjour I’m Monique and I’m friends with Talia. We both like causing problems.
My pronouns are she/her.
I’m Virgil the rat. I’m from rtc and I’m tired of everyone and everything
My pronouns are he/they/rat
Hello my name is Isabella. I have my own account here @themostcuriousgirlintown
My pronouns are she/they/it
I’m Arabella. I’m a marionette puppet made of porcelain.
My pronouns are she/they/it
My name is Zefaria. I’m from the planet Zolar and I’m a cat girl.
My pronouns are she/they
Hi I’m Thomas barrow. I’m a fictive from Downton Abby who was in the First World War
My pronouns are he/him
Hello my name is Persephone. I’m a goddess and I make moderately good pasta and have pasta night once every week. Im also a caretaker and I am very motherly.
My pronouns are she/they
Hello I am General Iroh. You can call me uncle Iroh or grandpa or even just Iroh. I’m always here if you need advice or help.
My pronouns are he/him
Hello I’m Jane.
My pronouns are she/they/it
I’m Thomas Shelby. I have 3 children within the system and I somewhat identify with my source.
My pronouns are he/him
My names Y/n I’m from a video game yes that’s my real name
Pronouns are she/her they/them
Hello darlings my names Lucifer
I tend to use he/they however I have been known to use she/her at times
I’m David. Fictive from The Lost Boys movie yk the one with the pretty vampires
My pronouns are he/they
I’m Stacy daughter of stacys mum. She’s she’s got it going on
Pronouns are she/they
Im Richard. Factive of RzK from Rammstein. Also lead singer in Emigrate
Pronouns are he/him sometimes she/they
I’m Anon yeah that’s my name. I’m a trauma holder and stuff and I don’t like loud noises
Pronouns she/her they/them
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decided to make a tumblr for my Ao3!
About me:
You may call me Peony (or like any kind of flower, I’ll be eagerly waiting what you come up with!) My preferred pronouns are it/ its, but if you feel uncomfortable using them, she/her is okay. Do not they/them me, or I will identify as a fucking problem and come after you with a hoe and turn yours into was/were.
I’ve been digging my roots into the soil for over 25 years. I am old, I get grumpy, I have specific dietary needs and very little patience for drama! That being said, if you’re nice and respectful, I will be the same towards you.
I write only sporadically because I’m a busy bee and this is my hobby. Currently I’m neck-deep in the Call of Duty franchise, with a special appreciation for the MW2 storylines. Captain MacTavish can call me anytime, and I do mean any time. I’ll be here, waiting.
The ask-box is open! Please don’t abuse it.
Tag System:
#from the flowerpot: personal tweets
#archive of nonsense: posts I find humorous
This blog is pro-fiction/ anti-censorship! Always remember Stephen’s Tweet — literature is a tool, and controlling the tools means controlling the user.
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People have a myriad of different reasons and perspectives because all of our lives are to a degree unique. This makes for a colourful medley of experiences that get worked into stories and reflected by fiction. There is no metric good or bad in fiction except from —perhaps— the overall execution, but this is still a hobby for most of us at the end of the day! No piece of fanfiction or fanart should be up to industry standards! If you feel that way, then I’m sorry but you are part of the problem.
Industry standards have always been exclusionary and deeply racist and ableist. Fanworks are not part of an industry, they are a token of love and appreciation from any young flower to the thoughts and ideas of entire creative teams. Fanartists are a huge subculture, the venn diagram of fanartists, queer and BIPOC people is damn near a perfect circle and that’s for a reason! We simply do not fit the industry standard and that’s what makes this community so incredibly diverse and rich. This is what makes us beautiful.
But every flower in this community has their own needs — monsteras, carnivorous plants, cypress trees, daffodils and orchids all have their spot in my house and garden, and they all have their own soil, their own food, their own sun. You can’t put a cypress in peat and feed it orchid food and expect it to grow healthy. It’s not for them! And that’s fine, the peat soil is for the carnies and the orchid food for air plants and, as the name suggests, orchids.
What I’m trying to say is: if something clearly isn’t meant for you, you have to disengage. It’s the only respectful thing to do, both to OP and yourself. In the age of click-fed algorithms, rage-baiting is the easiest way to garner attention — and I am well aware that a lot of us neglected souls have it hardwired into our brains that any kind of attention is better than no attention. This is harmful.
Go out, be kind, disagree privately and disengage quietly, please.
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thinkerspace · 10 months
On Rights, Part One: Positive and Negative Rights
Since moving to America a few years ago, I was quite struck by how flippantly my peers used the term right to describe things I would have never considered rights. Among others, I found the right to not be offended, the right to healthcare, and the right to abortion particularly interesting, though not particularly compelling.
I initially planned to make this subject one article, but I kept vacillating on whether it would better fit a series format or not (hence the gross delay for this post). Because rights are a complex subject, they probably deserve more attention than a single article. In this post, I’m going to start with a problem I’ve come across when writing about rights, which is conflict between positive and negative rights.
There are different ways of thinking about rights, but one of the more basic ways we can categorize rights is on a positive-negative axis. Positive rights concern things given you (like healthcare), whereas negative rights concern things not taken from you (like life). More specifically, positive rights are rights to opportunities and services; negative rights are rights of the person against inhibitory powers of others (like antagonistic persons or government). 
This is somewhat similar to the distinction between claim rights (involving obligations or duties from someone else regarding the right-holding person) and liberty rights (involving freedom and permission for the right-holder). Other political theorists and philosophers, like Maurice Cranston, have suggested classifying negative rights (or “natural rights”) and positive rights instead as “moral rights” and “legal rights”, respectively, where moral rights need to be justified and legal rights need to be established (Hayden, 2001, p.167). This is also somewhat on par with the standard libertarian view of rights, which is that negative / moral / natural rights are valid, but positive / legal rights are not until they are set up via contract. Not every philosopher or social theorist agrees with the distinction between positive and negative rights — some think rights should be classified differently or more holistically. But for the sake of argument, I’ll suppose that they do, for now, so we can see a potential problem in how they would interact if they did exist.
As far as I can tell, negative or natural rights involve something more agentic on the part of the self — almost as though the things it concerns, you would do on your own if no one was stopping you. This includes things like self-defense, freedom of assembly, pursuit of happiness, life, and so on. Conversely, positive rights seem to involve something agentic on the part of someone else — the thing it concerns, you simply wouldn’t have without their intervention. This would include healthcare, universal basic income (UBI), representation in government, and so on.
Others have observed, though, and perhaps rightfully, that the lines between such distinctions can become blurry rather quickly. Suppose someone has the right to self-identification, which would be a negative right, and as an extension of that they identify using self-described pronouns (like zim/zer). Does their negative right to self-identification necessitate a positive right of others’ willingness to address them as they see fit? If a right to self-identification stopped with mere self-identification and had no bearing on one’s expression or treatment of self in the world, perhaps not. But in reality, this is not how people view self-identification. If we have a right to it, we often expect others to accommodate it — just like we expect others to accommodate, for example, a right to life by taking the necessary precautions to avoid putting our lives in danger. If someone had a peanut allergy, they would expect their dinner host to accommodate their right to life by making something without peanuts. The person doesn’t necessarily have a positive right to food without peanuts — but to them, their negative right to life implies that some accommodation on the part of the other party is necessary, supposing the other party doesn’t want to impede upon the right of the first.
This is where the line starts to get blurry. In cases where action X would threaten another party’s negative right Y, some other positive action is required in order to preserve that right. So a negative right to self-identification, at least in implementation, requires accommodation on the part of the other person. But suppose the other person also has a negative right to free speech and didn’t want to use specific pronouns — whose right would trump the other?
Just by combinations, we basically have four options:
Both rights are met.
The negative, but not the positive, right is met.
The positive, but not the negative, right is met.
Neither right is met. 
By the law of noncontradiction, we can be pretty sure the first one isn’t going to happen. If your right to self-identification expects verbal accommodation from me, but my right to free speech won’t comply with that accommodation, the accommodation will or won’t happen — and one right will or won’t bend. 
We can also be pretty sure the fourth one isn’t going to happen for the same reason. Accommodation either will or won’t happen, but there isn’t a nebulous third option where both rights aren’t met. I either will or won’t say what you want. You either will or won’t be called what you want. But if I don’t call you what you want, you won’t get it; if I do, you will get it. My choices are dichotomous; so are the results. So I’ll exercise my right and disregard yours, or I’ll submit to yours and disregard mine. But if I disregard mine, I’m necessarily submitting to yours, because there are only two options — disregard my own right or enforce it — and only one possible consequence for each.
So the question now comes down to either the triumph of the negative right or the triumph of the positive right. If both people dug their heels in and demanded accommodation for their rights, the negative right would probably win, because positive rights require action, whereas negative rights just require you to keep doing what you were doing. For example, if I demand the right to an abortion (positive right) but you’re a pro-life medical worker and you have the right to make practice decisions based on your religion (negative right), for your right to win, you just have to do nothing. For my right to win, I have to convince you to do something.
My instinctive opinion here is that it is less than compellingly reasonable to say someone must do something without their consent. Requiring me to not kill someone I’m angry with (accommodating negative right) and requiring me to give a percentage of my daily income to a UBI fund (accommodating positive right) are pretty different things at least in practice, if not in theory. 
I actually think this is partially why the libertarians take a more contractual perspective on positive rights, because positive rights require someone else to do something for you, and it intuitively seems like a denial of agency to say they have todo something for you “just because”. Negative rights make intuitive sense because they’re agentic on your part, you take the responsibility and initiative for them, you manage the problems if things go wrong, and you don’t demand that people do thingsfor you. If they refuse to do something you need to preserve your negative right (like make peanut-free food), you just don’t interact with them to the extent that the refusal would impact your right. You watch out for your own protection, rather than demanding accommodation. 
(As a side note, this also seems to be partially why the topic of abortion, as well as other forms of abusive injustice, enrages so many people on the pro-life side of the political spectrum — for functional, grown humans, defending their own negative rights aren’t typically a problem. Unborn children, kids abused by their parents, or victims of human trafficking, though, are unable to defend their own negative rights, becoming completely helpless.)
Going back to the face-off between positive and negative rights, it seems pretty clear that if I’m holding up my own negative right or you’re demanding a positive right of me, my negative right will probably win most times. The natural follow-up question to this, though, is is that how it should be?
Asking this question differently may help with some analysis. We could rephrase it as, “if you want me to do something I don’t want to do, is my refusing to do it better or worse than my doing something I don’t agree with?” To say that it is better is to say that your own personal conviction supersedes another person’s right, but to say it is worse is to subordinate what is perhaps the most valuable trademark of humanity — personal thought and volition — to the entitlement of others’. 
Intuitively, I think most of us would say it is better to preserve the negative right to preserve the agency of the self, but that’s also hard to isolate, because we’re quite apt to think that we would be in the right in that situation. Would it be better, ultimately, to sacrifice your own agency for someone else’s right? Who decides what a right is, anyway? From my limited purview on the topic, I’m inclined to conclude that the preservation of personal agency trumps accommodating someone else’s entitlement. I can think of many situations where sacrificing a negative right in a given circumstance out of courtesy for someone else (think: not swearing around small children) would certainly be honorable, but would it actually be better to require it? If we require a mitigation of negative rights for the sake of some potential positive ones, is that an attack on negative rights — and is an attack on negative rights more harmful than an attack on positive rights?
Those questions fall more under the scope of submission versus agency, which will be the topic of the next On Rights post, so I’ll save those for now. As we examine the positive-negative rights axis as a starting point for the discussion on rights, though, we would do well to bear in mind that positive and negative rights have some considerable overlap that leads to conflict. Whether that conflict is good or bad — and how it should be treated — has yet to be defined. 
Hayden, P. (2001). The Philosophy of Human Rights. Paragon House: Paragon Issues in Philosophy, p.163-173.
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susiephone · 3 years
Imagine thinking that wanting straight people to be accepting of gay people is a "trap" and not like, literally THE entire goal of the modern LGBT rights movement since its inception
okay. this is in response to me saying “respectability politics is a trap.” which it absolutely is.
but i’ll give you the benefit of the doubt here. let’s define respectability politics, shall we?
several people who are more well-spoken than me have talked about this. to quote this article on the subject:
Respectability politics is a school of thought that utilizes respectability narratives as the basis for enacting social, political, and legal change.
Respectability narratives are representations of marginalized individuals meant to construct an image of the marginalized group as people sharing similar traits, values, morals with the dominant group.
essentially, respectability politics is when people in a marginalized group (queer people, disabled people, people of color) wish to be accepted by the majority, and thus present themselves in a way and behave in a way that the majority deems acceptable - and pressure others in their marginalized group to do the same. for example:
“Not all bisexual people are sluts, I’m bi and I’ve been in a committed relationship for 20 years!”
“I’m gay, but I’m not one of THOSE gay guys, I hate shopping and I don’t like to flaunt my sexuality at all!”
“Lesbians aren’t really all masculine, I love makeup and having long hair.”
(I’m using examples I’ve seen in the queer community because I’m queer; I know this happens a lot in communities of color, but I am not qualified to speak on that at all.)
this stems from a desire to be accepted by the majority; for the purposes of this discussion, straight people. we hear straight people say things like “i could never date a bi person, they’re all cheaters” or “i don’t mind gay guys, don’t just shove it in my face” and “why don’t lesbians act like women if they love them?” and, in response, some people go, “i don’t act like that!! you can accept me! i fit in! i’m respectable, i’m not like those guys, they embarrass us!”
there’s also a lot of people saying, “don’t reinforce the stereotype.” as if it’s OUR fault straight people stereotype us.
so this leads to shaming within our own community:
“You’re bi and polyamorous? Wow, way to make people think we’re all two-timing whores.”
“Makeup? Jesus, we get it, you’re gay, you don’t have to make it a pride parade every time you go out.”
“You look like a teenage boy, this is why everyone lesbians aren’t real women.”
and that all boils down to:
“THIS is the example you’re setting? This is the face you show to the world? Don’t you know you’re representing us? No wonder they don’t respect us.”
and that’s the real problem: telling other queer people, “it is YOUR fault you’re not accepted, YOU aren’t acceptable, YOU reinforce these stereotypes, YOU should try and be more respectable, more normal.” and the thing is, “normal” is defined by the majority. THEY decide what is acceptable behavior for us. and guess what? 
most of the time, that boils down to, “It’s fine if you’re different... as long as you’re as close to what I deem normal as possible. As long as I can’t tell you’re different.”
in the queer community, this sort of thinking has led to the exclusion of butch lesbians, femme gay men, nonbinary people, non-passing trans people, trans people in general, people who use any pronouns besides she/her and he/him, bisexual people, ace people, aro people, pan people, polyamorous bisexual people, people who have an active sex life, sex workers, people who have changed how they identify, and countless others. these people get shoved aside by the Good Respectable Gays, who are eager to say, “We’re not like them, we’re just like you!” in order to be accepted by the mainstream. and it still doesn’t work. even the most macho, would-never-guess-it gay guy is bound to face some level of oppression or otherness at some point in his life. it doesn’t matter how much he fits in, how much he distances himself from the Unacceptable Queers; it won’t work 100% of the time. how’s that for a punchline?
there is no point in trying to file off the “unacceptable” parts of our community just to please straight people. 
if a person hates all queer people, no matter how they act or present, they’re a homophobe.
if a person doesn’t hate queer people, just the ones who shove it in your face and sleep around and won’t shut up about it and buck gender norms and use weird pronouns and expect people to learn their new name and change their identity every week... they’re still a fucking homophobe.
and why the fuck are we trying to please homophobes, again?
so when people say lil nas x is bad, actually, because he “reinforces the stereotype” of gay people going to hell and thinking a lot about sex or whatever, they’re playing right into respectability politics. why can’t he just talk about his sexuality in a normal way? why can’t he express himself in a nicer way? why does he have to use that imagery? why does he have to make straight people uncomfortable?
lis nas x is a gay black man who grew up being told he’d burn in hell for being gay. and he made an awesome song with a legendary music video saying, “fine. i’ll go to hell, just like you want, and it’ll be great. i’ll take the damn place over and make satan fall in love with me. and i’ll have a great time doing it, because i’m proud of who i am, and i won’t apologize for it or be ashamed of it anymore.”
to see that and wring your hands, worrying that a straight person will see it and decide to be homophobic about it, and pinning the blame for that on nas is missing the point.
every time we as a community make ourselves lesser or change the way we present just to be accepted by the majority, they move the goalposts, and someone else gets left behind. and the beautiful thing about the queer community is that there is a place for everyone who is left out in the cold by the straight, cis majority.
“We’re here, we’re queer, get used to it” was the rallying cry for a reason. we’re different, you think we’re weird, you think we’re deviant, you don’t get us, and that’s fine, you don’t have to get us. we’re not going anywhere. get used to it.
respectability politics is a game you cannot win. so stop playing.
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peachypizzicato · 3 years
an about? on MY blog? its more likely thank u think (semi outdated, will be replaced eventually, f/o list is up to date though :3c)
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hi there! i’m opal/anemone, but my friends call me callie/cal and sometimes i refer to myself as peachy so anything is fine! i’m 20 and my pronouns are she/her (but they/them are fine too)!
this is my main self shipping blog! pretty much every post here will either be about self ship in general or my f/os and their source, so if you aren’t keen on those this probably isn’t the blog for you!
i self ship mostly as a comfort thing, so my main purpose here is to just chill and have fun! :)
some important things to note:
-as stated, im an adult! as far as this account goes that means i’ll curse fairly often, so if you’re uncomfy with that you may want to tread lightly! (i also have an nsfw side blog, minors please do not follow or interact there, adult followers are welcome to ask for the url!)
-i can put on an outgoing face when posting, but im actually really nervous with new people! so please be mindful if you decide to hop into dms, small talk is pretty difficult for me!
-i don’t really have any notable triggers or anything like that, just don’t be weird, y’know? my account is meant to be safe and comfortable for everybody!
my tags:
-peachyrambles: textposts usually, just me runnin’ my yap
-peachyart: my art, if that wasn’t obvious! more often than not revolving around self ship, but sometimes crossposts from my general
-peachymisc: any post that isn’t exclusively text but also isn’t a high enough effort piece to fall under the art tag, middle of the road type stuff
-peachy’s prized possessions: gifts and fanart and the like! pretty much anything that people make for me, it means the world to me <3
-[name] appreesh/appreciation: reblogs or submissions from friends n muts that i interact with a lot!! sometimes also on fanart of inserts n things if we’re close enough :0
-peanut gallery: anonymous asks/submissions, regardless of whether they’re identified or not (identified anons usually get the previous tag too!)
-i don’t do content warnings much, but i’d be happy to within reason! don’t be afraid to ask :)
ship specific info:
-i don’t really have a huge problem with others shipping with my f/os, all i ask is that everyone shows mutual respect! nobody is more entitled to them than anybody else, there’s enough of them to go around!
-i don’t really have specific tags for ships, since i’m awful at thinking of clever ship names, but currently i only have a few (mostly from the same source, fnf, no less!) so they aren’t terribly hidden!
-however, for reference, my s/i’s are:
•penelope “penny” (rom: senpai [week 6]), who you can see in my icon!
•olive (rom: garcello [smoke em out struggle mod], plat: annie [vs annie mod]), with the bright red hair! (content hiatus)
•elodie (rom: chris [demonic discourse mod/hellbent]), with the ponytail and the big round glasses!
•cordelia (rom: raine whispers, child: golden guard/hunter [the owl house]), with the pointy ears!
•autumn spice cookie (rom: roguefort cookie [cookie run ovenbreak]), from like one single post!
•snickerdoodle cookie (rom: eggnog cookie, plat: tiramisu cookie [cookie run ovenbreak]), from the… more posts?
•calliope “callie” (rom: nadia, muriel, and asra [the arcana]), with the two-tone hair!
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justmenoworries · 3 years
Not Up For Interpretation - An Essay On Nonbinary - Erasure
(Trigger Warning: Misgendering, Transphobia, Nonbinary-phobia)
If you’ve been following me for a while, you probably know this was a long time coming. I’ve made several posts about my frustrations concerning this topic and how much it hurt me just how socially accepted erasing an entire identity still is. While representation marches on and things have become better for nonbinary people as a whole, we still battle with a lot of prejudice - both intentional and unintentional.
In this essay, I want to discuss just how our identities are being erased almost daily, why that is harmful and hurtful and what we all can do to change that.
What does Non-binary mean?
Nonbinary- representation in media
So what’s the problem?
How do we fix it?
1. What Does Non-binary Mean?
Non-binary is actually an umbrella term. It includes pretty much every gender-identity that’s neither one or the other so to speak, for example, agender.
Agender means feeling detachment from the gender spectrum in general. If you’re agender, you most likely feel a distance to the concept of gender as a whole, that it doesn’t define you as a person.
There are many identities that classify under non-binary: There’s gender-fluid (you feel you have a gender, but it’s not one gender specifically and can change), demi-gender (identifying as a gender partially, but not completely) and many others.
Sometimes, multiple non-binary identities can mix and match.
Most non-binary people use they/them pronouns, but like with so many things, it varies.
Some nonbinary-people (like me) go by two pairs of pronouns. I go by both she/her and they/them, because it’s what feels most comfortable at the moment. But who knows, maybe in the future I’ll switch to they/them exclusively or expand to he/him.
There is no one defining non-binary experience. Nb-people are just as varied and different as binary people, who go by one specific gender.
There are non-binary people who choose to go solely by she/her or he/him and that’s okay too. It doesn’t make them any more or less non-binary and their identity is still valid.
If your head’s buzzing a bit by now: That’s okay. It’s a complicated topic and no one expects you to understand all of it in one chapter of one essay.
Just know this: If a person identifies as non-binary, you should respect their decision and use the pronouns they go with.
It’s extremely hurtful to refer to someone who already told you that they use they/them pronouns with she/her or he/him, or use they/them to refer to a person who uses she/her.
Think about it like using a trans-person’s deadname: It’s rude, it’s harmful and it shows complete disrespect for the person.
Non-binary people have existed for a very long time. The concept isn’t new. The idea that there are only two genders, with every other identity being an aberration to the norm, is largely a western idea, spread through colonialism.
The Native American people use “Two-Spirit” to describe someone who identifies neither as a man nor a woman. The term itself is relatively new, but the concept of a third gender is deeply rooted in many Native American cultures.
(Author’s Note: If you are not Native American, please do not use it. That’s cultural appropriation.)
In India, the existence of a third gender has always been acknowledged and there are many terms specifically for people who don’t identify with the gender that was assigned to them at birth.
If you’re interested in learning more about non-binary history and non-binary identities around the world, I’d recommend visiting these websites:
Also, maybe consider giving this book a try:
Nonbinary Gender Identities: History, Culture, Resources by Charlie Mcnabb
2. Non-binary Representation In Media
The representation of non-binary people in mainstream media hasn’t been... great, to put it mildly.
Representation, as we all know, is important.
Not only does it give minorities a chance to see themselves in media and feel heard and acknowledged. It also normalizes them.
For example, seeing a black Disney-princess was a huge deal for many black little girls, because they could finally say there was someone there who looked like them. They could see that being white wasn’t a necessity to be a Disney princess.
Seeing a canonically LGBT+ character in a children’s show teaches kids that love is love, no matter what gender you’re attracted to. At the same time, older LGBT+ viewers will see themselves validated and heard in a movie that features on-screen LGBT+ heroes.
There’s been some huge steps in the right direction in the last few years representation-wise.
Not only do we have more LGBT+ protagonists and characters in general, we’ve also begun to question and call out harmful or bigoted portrayals of the community in media, such as “Bury Your Gays” or the “Depraved Homosexual”.
With that being said: Let’s take a look at how Non-binary representation holds up in comparison, shall we?
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This is Double Trouble, from the children’s show “She-Ra And The Princesses Of Power”.
They identify as non-binary and use they/them pronouns. They’re also  a slimy, duplicitous lizard-person who can change their shape at will.
Um, yeah.
Thanks, but no thanks.
Did I mention they’re also the only non-binary character in the entire show? And that they’re working with a genocidal dictator in most of the episodes they’re in?
Let’s look at another example.
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These three (in order of appearance) are Stevonnie, Smoky Quartz and Shep. Three characters appearing in the kid’s show “Steven Universe” and it’s epilogue series “Steven Universe: Future”.
All of them identify as non-binary and use they/them as pronouns.
Stevonnie and Smoky Quartz are the result of a boy and a girl being fused together through weird alien magic.
Shep is a regular human, but they only appeared in one episode. In an epilogue series that only hardcore fans actually watched.
Well, I mean...
One out of three isn’t that bad, right?
Maybe we should pick an example from a series for older viewers.
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Say hello to Doppelganger, a non-binary superhuman who goes by they/them, from the Amazon-series “The Boys”.
They’re working for a corrupt superhero-agency and use their power of shape-shifting to trick people who pose a threat to said agency into having sex with them. And then blackmail those people with footage of said sex.
Do I even need to say it?
If you’ve paid attention during the listing of these examples, you might have noticed a theme.
Namely that characters canonically identifying as non-binary are either
supernatural in some way, shape or form,
barely have a presence in the piece of media they’re in,
Blink-and-you-miss-it-manner of representation aside, the majority of these characters fall squarely under what we call “Othering”.
“Othering” describes the practice of portraying minorities as supernatural creatures or otherwise inhuman. Or to say it bluntly: As “The Other”.
“Othering” is a pretty heinous method. Not only does it portray minorities as inherently abnormal and “different in a bad way”. It also goes directly against what representation is actually for: Normalizing.
As a general rule of thumb: If your piece of media has humans in it, but the only representation of non-white, non-straight people are explicitly inhuman... yeah, that’s bad.
So is there absolutely no positive representation for us out there?
Not quite.
As rare as human non-binary characters in media are to find, they do exist.
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Here we have Bloodhound! A non-binary human hunter who uses they/them pronouns, from the game “Apex Legends”.
It’s been confirmed by the devs and the voice actress that they’re non-binary.
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These are Frisk (bottom) and Chara (top) from the game “Undertale”. While their exact gender identity hasn’t been disclosed, they both canonically use they/them pronouns, so it’s somewhere on the non-binary spectrum.
Two human children who act as the protagonist (Frisk) and antagonist (Chara), depending on how you play the game. (Interpretations vary on the antagonist/protagonist-thing, to say the least.)
And, yep, that’s it.
As my little demonstration here showed, non-binary representation in media is rare. Good non-binary representation is even rarer.
Which is why those small examples of genuinely good representation are so important to the Non-binary community!
It’s hard enough to have to prove you exist. It’s even harder to prove your existence is not abnormal or unnatural.
If you’d like to further educate yourself on representation, it’s impact on society and why it matters, perhaps take a second to read through these articles:
3. So What’s The Problem?
The problem, as is the case with so many things in the world, is prejudice.
Actually, that’s not true.
There’s not a problem, there are multiple problems. And their names are prejudice, ignorance and bigotry.
Remember how I said human non-binary representation is rare?
Yeah, very often media-fans don’t help.
Let’s take for example, the aforementioned Frisk and Chara from “Undertale”.
Despite the game explicitly using they/them to refer to both characters multiple times, the majority of players somehow got it into their heads that Frisk’s and Chara’s gender was “up for interpretation”.
There is a huge amount of fan art straight-up misgendering both characters and portraying them as binary and using only he/him or she/her pronouns.
The most egregious examples are two massively popular fan-animated web shows: “Glitchtale”, by Camila Cuevas and “Underverse” by Jael Peñaloza.
Both series are very beloved by the Undertale-fanbase and even outside of it. Meaning for many people, those two shows might be their first introduction to “Undertale” and it’s two non-binary human characters.
Take a wild guess what both Camila and Jael did with Frisk and Chara.
Underverse, X-Tale IV:
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(Transcript: “Frisk lied to me in the worst possible way... I... I will never forgive him.”)
Underverse, X-Tale V:
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(Transcript: “I-It’s Chara... and it’s a BOY.”)
Glitchtale, My Promise:
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(Transcript: (Referring to Frisk) “I’m not scared of an angry boy anymore.”)
Glitchtale, Game Over Part 1:
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(Transcript: (Referring to Chara) “It’s ok little boy.”)
This... this isn’t okay.
Not only do both of these pieces of fan-art misgender two non-binary characters, the creators knew beforehand that Frisk and Chara use they/them-pronouns, but made the conscious choice to ignore that.
To be fair, in a video discussing “Underverse”, Jael said that only X-Tale Frisk and Chara, the characters you see in the Underverse-examples above, are male, while the characters Frisk and Chara from the main game remained non-binary and used they/them (time-stamp 10:34).
Still, that doesn’t erase the fact that Jael made up alternate versions of two non-binary characters specifically to turn them male. Or that, while addressing the issue, Jael was incredibly dismissive and even mocked the people who felt hurt by her turning two non-binary characters male. Jael also went on to make a fairly non-binary-phobic joke in the video, in which she equated gender identities beyond male and female to identifying as an object.
Jael (translated): “I don’t care if people say the original Frisk and Chara are male, female, helicopters, chairs, dogs or cats, buildings, clouds...”
That’s actually a very common joke among transphobes, if not to say the transphobe-joke:
“Oh, you identify as X? Well then I identify as an attack helicopter!”
If you’re trans, chances are you’ve heard this one, or a variation of it, a million times before.
I certainly have.
I didn’t laugh then and I’m not laughing now.
(Author’s note: I might be angry at both of them for what they did, but I do not, under any circumstances, support the harassment of creators. If you’re thinking about sending either Jael or Camila hate-mail - don’t. It won’t help.)
Jael’s reaction is sadly common in the Undertale fandom. Anyone speaking up against Chara’s and Frisk’s identity being erased is immediately bludgeoned with the “up for interpretation”-argument, despite that not once being the case in the game.
And even with people who do it right and portray Frisk and Chara as they/them, you’ll have dozens of commenters swarming the work with sentences among the lines of “Oh but I think Frisk is a boy/girl! And Chara is a girl/boy!”
By the way, this kind of thing only happens to Frisk and Chara.
Every other character in “Undertale” is referred to and portrayed with their proper pronouns of she/her or he/him.
But not the characters who go by they/them.
Their gender is “up for interpretation”.
Because obviously, their identity couldn’t possibly be canonically non-binary.
Sadly, Frisk and Chara are not alone in this.
Remember Bloodhound?
And how I said they’d been confirmed as non-binary and using they/them pronouns by both the creators and the voice actress?
It seems for many players, that too translated to “up for interpretation”.
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(Transcript: “does it matter what they call him? He, her, it, they toaster oven, it doesn’t matter”)
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(Transcript: “I’m like 90 % sure Bloodhound is a dude because he could just sound like a girl and by their age that I’m assuming looks around 10-12 because I’ve known many males who have sounded like a female when they were younger”)
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(Transcript: “I don’t care it will always be a He. F*ck that non-binary bullsh*t.”)
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(Transcript: “Bloodhound is clearly female.”)
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(Transcript: “I’m not calling a video game character they/them”)
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(Transcript: “exactly. The face was never fully shown neither was the gender so I’d say it means that the player is Bloodhound. So it’s your gender and you refer to “him” as yourself. It’s like a self insertion in my eyes.”)
So, let me get this straight:
If a character, even a player character, uses she/her or he/him, you can accept it, no questions asked.
But when a character uses they/them, suddenly their identity and gender are “up for interpretation”?
This attitude is also widely prevalent in real life.
Many languages only include pronouns for men and women, with no third option available. Non-binary people are often forced to make up their own terms, because their language doesn’t provide one.
Non-binary people often don’t fit within other people’s ideas of gender, so they get excluded altogether. Worse, non-binary people are often the victims of misgendering, denial of their identity or even straight-up violence when coming out.
People will often tell us that we look like a certain gender, so we should only use one set of gendered pronouns. Never mind that that’s not what we want. Never mind that that’s not who we are.
Non-binary people are also largely omitted from legal documentation and studies. We cannot identify as non-binary at our workplace, because using they/them pronouns is considered “unprofessional”. We don’t have our own bathrooms like men and women do. Our gender is seen as less valid than male and female, so even that basic thing is denied to us. I’ve had to use the women’s restroom my entire life, because if I go into a male restroom, I’ll be yelled at or made fun off or simply get told I took the wrong door. It’s extremely uncomfortable for me and I wish I didn’t have to do it.
And since non-binary people aren’t seen as “real transgender-people”, we often don’t receive the medical care we need. This often renders us unable to feel good within our bodies, because the treatment and help we get is wildly inadequate.
It’s especially horrible for intersex people (people who are born with sex characteristics that don’t fit solely into the male/female category) who are often forced to change their bodies to fit within the male/female gender binary.
And you better believe each of those problems is increased ten-fold for non-binary people of color.
We are ignored and dismissed as “confused”, because of who we are.
Representation is a way for Non-binary people to show the world they exist, that they’re here and that they too have stories to tell.
But how can we, when every character that represents us is either othered, barely there or gets taken away from us?
We are not “up for interpretation”.
Neither are the characters in media who share our identity.
And it’s time to stop pretending we ever were.
For more information about Non-Binary Erasure and how harmful it is, you can check out these articles:
4. How Do We Fix It?
Well, first things first: Stop acting like we don’t exist.
And kindly stop other people from doing it too.
We are a part of the LGBT+ community and we deserve to be acknowledged, no matter what our pronouns are.
Address non-binary people with the right pronouns. Don’t argue with them about their identity, don’t comment on how much you think they look like a boy or a girl. Just accept them and be respectful.
If a non-binary person tells you they have two sets of pronouns, for example he/him and they/them, don’t just use one set of pronouns. That can come off as disingenuous. Alternate between the pronouns, don’t leave one or the other out. It’ll probably be hard at first, but if you keep it up, you’ll get used to it pretty quickly.
If you’re witnessing someone harass a non-binary person over their identity, step in and help them.
And please, don’t partake in non-binary erasure in media fandoms.
Don’t misgender non-binary characters, don’t “speculate” on what you think their gender might be. You already know their gender and it’s non-binary. It costs exactly 0 $ to be a decent human being and accept that.
Support Non-Binary people by educating yourself about them and helping to normalize and integrate their identity.
In fact, here’s a list of petitions, organizations and articles who will help you do just that:
6 Ways to Support Your Non-Binary Child
7 Non-Negotiables for Supporting Trans & Non-Binary Students in Your Classroom
If Your Partner Just Came Out As Non-Binary, Here’s How To Support Them
How to Support Your Non-Binary Employees, Colleagues and Friends
Ko-fi page for the Nonbinary Wiki
The Sylvia Rivera Project, an organization who aims to give low-income and non-white transgender, intersex and non-binary people a voice
The Anti Violence Project “empowers lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and HIV-affected communities and allies to end all forms of violence through organizing and education, and supports survivors through counseling and advocacy."
The Trans Lifeline, a hotline for transgender people by transgender people
Tl:DR: Non-Binary representation is important. Non-Binary people still suffer from society at large not acknowledging our existence and forcing us to conform. Don’t be part of that problem by taking away what little representation we have. Educate yourself and do better instead. We deserve to be seen and heard.
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jamesbi-canonbarnes · 3 years
Anyway, Loki series only dipping into genderfluidity by doing Loki played by a new actor presenting as a women a la the comics run formerly known colloquially as “Lady Loki” is exactly what I was afraid of (and expecting) because I think while that run was the first stepping stone to canonically addressing Loki as genderfluid, I think it is the “safe” way to do it because it’s not as “shocking” or subversive as say Tom Hiddleston in a sexy dress or our Loki otherwise more explicitly internalizing or externalizing gender queerness in some other, more focal, way.
If this second Loki is a Loki that was just born (or reborn) in this body and has no memories of a different body and hasn’t questioned gender in any non-normative way, that’s not really an established gender identity. It’s possibly the beginning of the gender story, and maybe we get one or both Lokies questioning their own established gender identity. But we don’t know yet why this second Loki has a different body or what either Loki thinks about that. So I’m hoping it’s not that, and that maybe we get them confirming that they have an established genderfluid identity.
For that reason I’m still reserving judgement. This could be the beginning of a very interesting exploration of genderqueerness, though it could also be basically all they do for their “genderfluid Loki” story. There’s no way to know yet. I’ll be very interested to see if they literally label it, or at least if there is a conversation about it between the two Lokies. I don’t want them to ignore it, but the other side of that coin is, I’ll be interested to see if the creators felt they needed to justify the change of body in the text, rather than just allowing Loki to be casually genderfluid for no reason but that Loki happens to be genderfluid.
(Looking forward, I’m gonna just put out there that the one thing that will make this much worse for me is if the love interest they’ve been teasing (and the bisexuality they’ve been teasing) ends up to be some sort of cop out/safe version too. I’m bracing for them keeping the two Lokies essentially gender separate and maybe a Loki that presents (and possibly identifies) as solely female has a cishet male love interest, and they’re just relying on queer people taking the queer implications and hoping it goes over the cishets’ heads.)
I do think it’s important to note that some genderfluid people do like to play within genders in a similar way to what looks to be set up in ep 2, where at some times they identify/present as a man, sometimes as a woman, and sometimes as non-binary. In that way, I don’t have a problem with “Lady Loki” as sometimes our pronouns are tied up in our presentation in a purposeful way. The issue I have is that we don’t know how Loki identifies and we don’t even know the pronouns our Loki uses besides calling the other variant(s) “he” and “they” (possibly the plural use, maybe the singular) and we don’t know if that’s out of ease or if Loki has considered and chosen pronouns.
Very possibly this new antagonist!Loki uses exclusively female pronouns and identifiers bc she just likes playing in that space right now and wants people to respect that. That would be fine to me as a genderfluid person as long as it’s not used as a cop out to not look queer or address queerness because it might make cishet viewers uncomfy.
The issue is that Disney is, I think, very obviously not going to draw enough nuance here. To call antagonist!Loki “Lady Loki” without other context deepens the sentiment that they are two separate people with separate and binary gender identities, which undercuts the genderfluidity rep. In my opinion. I do think there might also be an argument to be made that calling attention to the gender presentation of the second Loki is also doing something important by not letting gender presentation be ignored, as diverse gender presentation is all we have right now in regards to onscreen queerness. But for me, I don’t want to make assumptions based on gender presentation. Often people assume my gender is female and I would absolutely hate to be called Lady anything, so I do get a bit itchy about imposing any binary language.
I think this is an important conversation to be having but I’m reserving judgment somewhat.
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nex-ture · 3 years
Hiyaaa I saw your matchups were open and wanted to submit a request! Sorry if this is too long ehehe ;;
I identify as a demiboy and use he/they pronouns, and I’m greysexual & heteromantic
For appearance I’m 5’5, I have a little bit longer than shoulder length hair (I like to wear it in a ponytail a lot!) i have brown eyes, and I’m really skinny, and have pale-ish skin, however it ends up getting tanned super easily.
As for personality I’m an INFJ Virgo, I would say I’m an ambivert, I can talk to people on the spot, but I wouldn’t say I’m always amazing at it- however I can be quite loud and lively with the right people and atmosphere. For other random facts & personality info I’m definitely someone who has morals/ideals, but my relationships and friends are top my top priority. I’m also really, really jealous but shh shh, anyways. I’m also kinda stubborn, and when I get in an argument I’ll end up carrying it out for a couple hours before caving and apologizing, and hoping things go back to normal. Even though I am a stubborn and sometimes downright chaotic person, I have an empathetic side, and I’ve gotten “youre wise for your age” more times than I can count, and I end up being the “mom friend” or “therapist friend”. To quote my friends, "You don’t just make me face my problems, you make me ask the deeper questions that let me solve my problems and cope With pain.” I would want to get in a relationship to feel loved, and so I could devote and help change my partner for the better, or help them get through things they’re dealing with internally.
Now for hobbies! When it comes to sports I’m not that good- being a perfectionist means I’m not the best team player in those types of games, and end up slowing the team down. Because of that I’ve enjoyed more 1 on 1 hobbies, I like playing games, (specifically Genshin ofc), listening to music, and drawing! I love to make OC’s and other types of characters and imagine them in the universe they’re supposed to be from, and imagine how they’d interact with characters from the game or show. One hobby I’ve been really interested in recently is psychology, as someone who’s main ambition and aspirations are to help people that are hurting, psychology could help me become a therapist to help those people or to learn more about the human mind and find new ways to help others.
As for other things (I don’t know if I’m supposed to specify this) I would like a romantic matchup, and a female character :D
Again Sorry if this is kinda long, but I was hoping for it to be as accurate as possible, also for one last fun fact I’m a cat person! Anyways byeeee, and ty!! ^^
{ Fischl }
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You are with THE Prinzessin der Verurteilun, you better treat her with a little respect. She's more extroverted and will definitely try to get you to roleplay with her. You can be her knight in shinning armor or her lonely prince she needs to rescue.
She doesn't like arguments but if you do eend in one she's hella petty. She won't apologize until you do and she'll have bennys Adventure team mess with you until you make up.
That leads into another thing, if Bennett and Razor don't like you then I don't think this is gonna work out.
She has some issues and likes to escape into her fantasy world and it would mean so much to her if you would join. Please join her kingdom and help save the world!
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shoyouth · 4 years
Hey you’re writing is really cute and I saw your hcs for a mc with a girlfriend and I really loved it! Do you think you can do a ikevamp suitors react to a transgender mc? One who was born female but identifies as a man? Lgbqt otome fans don’t get enough love so I’d be super awesome if you could write something ❤️
Hello darling!! I’m so sorry this took me a month or so to get to, but I’m glad to be doing it now! I also had an ask for a non-binary!mc but since I feel like all the suitors would treat the two similarly, I’ll be trying my best to fit it into one/accommodate both here :) hope you enjoy, love! Please lmk if anything sounds sketchy/offensive, since I don’t have experience with this myself!
napoleon ; okay. You stare at him dumbstruck bc he’s not taken aback for a moment, he just shrugs and then asks if you want to spar. I feel like he’d treat you v similarly to issac and jean even if you are his lover, bc there’s a v specific respect and care he treats those two with, a way he looks out for them. Would never falter with your pronouns, and if anyone makes a comment he’s like?? Your point?? They’re obv a man/non-binary, idk how you’re seeing a woman. He would also never hesitate to draw out his sword if anyone dared to grow a little too bold/rude.
arthur ; handsome ol’ chap! absolutely slathers you in compliments to validate your identity and make you feel confident, you almost wonder if he likes the way calling you by your pronouns rolls off his tongue. Though he normally was into women, I don’t think he would be opposed to dating you at all, and would grow icy with others who made comments about your relationship. He’s be very vocally supportive, but his teasing compliments will take a softer, more sincere turn if you ever need him to remind you that you’re valid.
mozart ; I see him helping you fix up your appearance ngl? Like not spending a bunch like comte, but silently aiding you in how to appear/act manly/non-binary for the 1800s, such as fixing/trimming your hair into a more “fashionable” look for the times, or nonchalantly informing you that your sleeves should be a little longer. He doesn’t do this to invalidate you at all! He thinks it’s a more subtle way of helping you feel confident navigating their world in your own way. Never hesitates to inform you that you look rather dashing that evening, or to run his finger along your chin with a proud/loving gaze in his eyes.
leonardo ; he’s immortal, he’s heard many a things that haven’t been considered ‘the norm’ for the times. He just kind of nods and takes a step back to admire your face, saying that your features are beautifully androgynous/masculine. If you bind your chest, he’ll frown if you suggest using a kind of corset, and will instead get to work tinkering a more comfortable and safe binding for you to use. Always refers to you as your desires pronouns, and corrects anyone who uses incorrect ones nonchalantly. He likes that he can get away with certain things with you that normal het couples wouldn’t be able to.
vincent ; I think he’d be intrigued and easily adapt to your pronouns; he’d treat you with respect regardless. He’s probably heard of transgender/non-binary before, but I think he, like leo, would spend a lot of time admiring your face and the way you present yourself. Will constantly compliment you, but unlike arthur, it’s not to fluster you or subtly make you feel confident, but bc he keeps finding things about you to be in awe of. You’ll be a very common subject in his sketches and paintings because of the way you hold yourself.
theo ; His brows raise a bit, but they lower just as quickly and he accepts it. You almost think he doesn’t care/remember bc he always calls you a dog instead of your name/pronoun, but he instantly corrects anyone who uses the wrong one, and glares at anyone who gives you shit. If you ever get down on yourself for your appearance not matching your identity, he sternly sits you down and firmly lists everything about you he finds beautiful and fitting to what you want to be. And though it wasn’t his intention, you never fail to grow flustered bc of the little details he’s picked up on, due to the nature of his job rubbing off on his own perceptiveness.
issac ; A little flustered boy. Similar to jean, I think he’d have the right attitude but be a bit clumsy about it. He doesn’t want to offend you! Ofc being trans/a man/non-binary doesn’t matter, he just loves you, but he’s anxious and overthinks how he address you, how he acts around you. Should he not call you petnames? Are those considered feminine? Am I invalidating them by using them?? He just grows stiff and nervous and you have to remind him to breath: just use the correct pronouns and respect you, there’s not much else to it. After a while he relaxes and it comes easier, but he just doesn’t want to lose someone else he loves of his own doing.
dazai ; I will admit he’s a little hard to grasp for me, but I believe that elusiveness is a part of his character anyways lol. Nothing about how he perceives you changes. You’re still you, aren’t you? Doesn’t matter what gender you are, what name you go by, what appearance you have. Maybe his nickname for you will change, but that’s it. I feel like with him you may not even be aware of your gender/it’s impact, bc when you’re with him it doesn’t matter, so you feel light and free from having to think about/act like your identity. You’re just you.
jean ; I think he would be open-minded to it, albeit confused. If you took the time to explain to him what you identify as and what it means, he’ll accept it, not one for many questions. I personally believe he’d be awkward about it a bit?? But would never treat you wrong! I mean in the sense of those clumsy lgbtq+ supporters with the right attitude, if that makes sense lol? So unsurely asking if you’d like to spar...? Or constantly looking to you for confirmation on things you like, what you do, etc etc. Ik jean is supposed to be silent and intimidating, but I imagine him as a clumsy man whose seen too much and doesn’t know how to act bc he was robbed of a childhood, so yeah hopefully this makes sense!
comte ; he’s seen even more than leonardo bc he’s immortal and timetravels; it doesn’t phase him. Tbh he just beckons you to come shopping with him so he can find you the latest male/androgynous fashion, with charming suits and coats and hats. For binding, he’ll try his best to buy you a safe kind, or he may enlist Leonardo’s help or even go to the future to find you one—nothing is too much/expensive when it comes to you. Will always treat you right/like royalty, and remind you that you’re valid and anything you need to feel that way, he will make it so. Gets a v dangerous look in his eye if someone disrespects you.
sebastian ; he’s from the future, so nothing new. Honestly he may even be relieved?? Idk he’s just so formal and polite that I think he’d feel more relaxed with another masculine/non-binary individual from the future, bc he would be able to talk in a certain way he would feel wasn’t as “proper” with a woman, if I’m making sense? He’d have no problem refering to you as your identity, and will always find a way to make you feel comfortable/valid, even if he needs to try and sew his own version of a binder for you.
shakespeare ; okay I’m sorry for those who like shakespeare but I feel like he’d lowkey fetishize it oof. Just like how I think he’d use unrequited love of a lesbian!mc to fuel his plays, he’d think of you as interesting inspiration—at first, at least. He’d run his hand through your hair, down your lapels as he admires you, amused, and it’s only if you grew cross and forced him to see you as your identity/a person, that he may fix his unhealthy perception. After reading Vincent’s route, I’ve come to think that you really need to push against him to reach his actual feelings/past his unstable/dangerous side. Once he’s over that, he would love to cast you as male roles in his plays, bc you have even more conviction than the regular men tbh.
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dreambones · 3 years
About / FAQ
About me
Hello! I’m DreamBones (previously ADreamaredoodle), but I usually go by Dream for short.
I graduated from Video game Design and I’m an independent Game Developer.
I’m 33 years old.
My first language is Spanish, but I also speak English (minus some grammatical errors).
I use She/Her pronouns but identify as Nonbinary (Pansexual, Polyamorous). 
Fandoms I jump around and you’ll likely to see here
Five Nights at Freddy’s
Cuphead: Don’t deal with the devil.
Minecraf Story Mode.
Animal Crossing.
Legend of Zelda.
Boku no Hero Academia / My Hero Academia.
General horror and old slasher movies.
Romance, cheesy stuff.
Tags, generic tags I use for content some might want to avoid
Not all of these are used as often as others, I try to tag everything that I consider could be triggering in some wait (like specific phobias), but these are the generic tags if you want to avoid everythiing related to a specific subject.
TW: Horror (Everything related with horror, from mild creepy things to slasher and more bloody content.)
TW: Nudity / TW: Partial nudity (Used if a character is shirtless or wearing something more revealing than usual. Everything will be SFW and Teen (T) +17)
TW: Suggestive (For those random jokes that might be more mature. Everything will be SFW and Teen (T) +17)
What art programs do you use?
I use Paint Tool Sai, Procreate and Pyxel edit. You can find a more detailed answer here.
As for game making, I use RPG Maker MZ and MV.
If I block you please don’t make new accounts to follow again.
If you realize I have blocked your account, it’s likely becase personal reasons, I’m not comfortable with the content in your blog, or you are too young to be following.
I know it’s not fun being blocked, but please respect that! Do not make multiple accounts and keep following because I will keep blocking you, respect other people boundaries. 
How can I contact you for commissions?
If  you are interested in commissions and you see them open, you can send me a DM (direct message) here on Tumblr and I will answer you as soon as I’m available.
Something you posted bothers me…
Please let me know (kindly) so I can tag it. I try to tag everything that I believe might be triggering, but I’ll very likely miss some topics so don’t be afraid to letting me know.
But also keep in mind the kind of content I make, if you don’t like horror then it’s probably better you don’t follow me. I want to be mindful of triggers, but also I won’t censor my own content if it’s not needed.
Hey this person you rebloged from is problematic because of (insert reason here).
If I rebloged/shared from someone problematic, is very likely I don’t know they are, so please let me know so I can do something about it. I will only take action if there is proof! I don’t trust the “This person is bad, believe me bro”.
Hey this person you are friends with blocked me, can you tell me why/ask them to unblock me?
Sorry but no. I don’t mediate between my friends and their followers. If you insist then you’ll get blocked.
Are you ok with Fan art?
Yes! I am totally cool with fan art! I’m always honored someone wants to draw characters Ive made and stuff.
My only rules about it are:
No shipping (I’ve had problems with this in the past, plus I have several ocs that are self inserts in a way). This also includes nothing NSFW, please keep it SFW.
No gore/bloody stuff. There are some exceptions to this rule since I have lots of  horror characters, but a good guide is if I’ve drawn it, I’m cool with it.
Please tag me in your post so I can reblog! You can also submit if you prefer, but I rather reblog a post of yours and give you the notes. They might be my ocs but it’s your work.
Please don’t put parts of my art in the fan art you post, you can use them as reference for the drawing, but it’s a bit uncomfortable to see fan art posted with my original drawing in a corner.
My game characters have a different set of rules for fanart, you can check them out at my game blog @dreambonesgames
[TBA more as I get them]
Please do not interact with me or my blog if (DNI)
You support, create, reblog any kind of incest and/or pe/dophilic content.
Transphobic / Transmisogynistic.
Transmed /Trsuscum.
Panphobic, Biphobic.
Anti - semite.
Believe / support cringe culture.
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vampish-glamour · 3 years
I agree with most of your views (Including nb’s using labels like lesbian), expect for the views on nb existence. The reasons I see most is that it doesn’t make sense or that nb’s are using gendered terms so they must be gendered or that it’s just people uncomfortable with the gender roles so I‘m just offering another perspective. 🧷1/?
I’m nb because the idea of being male/female gives me dysphoria. It’s not about the gender roles or anything, it’s the idea of having male/female genitals or being perceived as male/female. I try to portray myself as androgynous as possible. I have shorter hair in a pixie cut of sorts, I bind, I avoid wearing things that may make me seem more feminine or masculine, I wear gender-neutral clothing, I don’t use gendered terms like lesbian or gay man. 🧷 2/3
I admit that it may be some internalized transphobia or something but it’s just better for me and my mental health to just use the preferred name/pronouns and try to look as androgynous as I can. As for it not making sense, the human brain is complicated and not everything that it feels or experiences is going to make sense scientifically. It doesn’t make it not real, though. 🧷3/3
I appreciate you sharing your perspective!
I do want to say that “it not making sense” or “enbies use gendered terms therefore they aren’t genderless”, while being common points, is a bit of an oversimplification of things.
A lot of us don’t believe in nonbinary for scientifically based reasons—an example being that the way brains in relation to sex are understood currently makes the concept of a genderless/sexless brain unlikely to exist. (Here’s a really good post about it. And another, because both of these put it scientifically much better than I could ever put it.)
“It’s just being uncomfortable with gender roles” is true for what a lot of us think, though. Because this can go from small things like not being comfortable with traditional clothing, to not liking the societal view of certain body parts.
My opinion on nonbinary “dysphoria” is that there’s likely better explanations for it than being gender dysphoria in the way trans people experience it. Like body dysmorphia, internalized sexism, internalized transphobia, or even just distress around not wanting to be seen the way society views your sex. I think this especially because the vast majority of nonbinary people, in my experience, are female. And there are a lot of societal perceptions of female anatomy that don’t exist for male anatomy.
Here’s my line of thinking;
Gender dysphoria for a trans man would be distress over not being male. From what I understand, his brain would know his body is supposed to be male, and be able to pinpoint things that make it not male. Breasts, genitalia, higher voice, different bone structure, all that sort of thing. The brain would not recognize this as the male body it’s expecting to see in the mirror.
The key point is that the brain is expecting male features instead of female ones.
With nonbinary dysphoria, how would this work? If we say that a hypothetical genderless brain exists, what would it be looking for? How would it determine what a nonbinary body would look like, if nonbinary is not a human sex like male or female are? And how would one achieve a nonbinary body? Take away the breasts and be smooth like a ken doll? Are curves able to be considered nonbinary? How about muscles? And what about skin texture, body/facial hair, smell?
Breasts, genitals, curves, muscles, skin texture, body/facial hair, smell, etc. Are all things trans people take into consideration when transitioning. They’re things that can make somebody appear more or less male or female. Again, since there is no nonbinary sex, this is impossible to pinpoint for the idea of nonbinary bodies.
So, this is where my idea that nonbinary dysphoria is actually something else comes from. Because nonbinary dysphoria works so differently from trans gender dysphoria that I find it hard to consider it the same thing.
I think it’s really important to take into consideration other possibilities. I mentioned social implications/views of certain body parts, and I want to elaborate a little on that.
I’ll use female parts as an example, since I did say they tend to get more of a hard time than male parts.
Female bodies tend to be hyper-sexualized, and put into a very specific box of “submissive sexual object”. Breasts aren’t seen as ways to feed a baby anymore, they’re seen as sex objects. Female genitalia is mostly just reduced to a hole for sexual purposes. Women are expected to be hairless, smooth skinned, curvy in the right places yet still skinny, etc. I truly believe that this impacts how women see themselves and their bodies, including feeling detached from or uncomfortable with them.
So a female nonbinary person might feel greatly uncomfortable with their female body because of subconscious discomfort with how society has taught them to view their body... but also feels uncomfortable with having a male body because they’re not trans. This puts them into a place in the middle—not feeling comfortable being either male or female—that might feel like nonbinary dysphoria, despite not actually being gender dysphoria.
I really do recommend checking out the posts I linked above though, because this is all just my thoughts. Both of the posts talk about the more scientific side of things instead of just opinion or my personal like or thinking.
“As for it not making sense, the human brain is complicated and not everything that it feels or experiences is going to make sense scientifically. It doesn’t make it not real, though”
I agree, but as mentioned before, as science understands the human brain right now—nonbinary brains are very unlikely. It’s not that scientists are marvelling at a miraculous unexplainable phenomenon, they’re saying “here’s how we believe the brain works”, and people can easily make the conclusion that the current understanding makes nonbinary brains unlikely. So it’s absolutely fair to make the claim or theory that nonbinary is not a real biological thing, based on current scientific understanding.
I approach nonbinary in the same way I approach the existence of a god. Meaning, my reasoning for not believing in a god is pretty similar to not believing in nonbinary.
I, and many other atheists, don’t believe in a god partly because of lack of evidence. We don’t want to accept something as reality when there’s hardly anything to prove it to be real. In this case, there are many scientific theories that either better explain, or completely disprove things said in religious texts. This doesn’t mean that if there were rock hard evidence we’d plug our ears and ignore it. But until then, saying “I don’t believe in a god” is a fair statement because there’s no evidence to say otherwise.
The same goes for myself and others who don’t believe that nonbinary is a real biological concept. We don’t want to accept something as reality without evidence. Especially not when there are scientific theories that provide better explanations for nonbinary dysphoria, or disprove the idea of being biologically nonbinary. This doesn’t mean that if there were solid evidence for nonbinary dysphoria and being biologically nonbinary, we’d ignore it. But until we get that solid evidence, saying “I don’t believe in nonbinary” is a fair statement.
Just because nonbinary is something that people hold dear to their hearts as an “identity”, does not mean it is free from skepticism. People are allowed to be sceptical of claims that don’t hold factual weight. Whether that be claims of the divine like god, claims of the occult like ghosts, claims of fantastical creatures like rainbow unicorns, or claims of humans being genderless.
The problem only arises when people start blatantly ignoring scientific evidence or claiming it’s false without providing reason for that claim.
As far as it being better for your mental health goes, I understand. But I do encourage you to look deeper into the issue, because ultimately it’s better to identify what could actually be going on instead of just going with the easiest answer.
And keep in mind that just because you do something for your mental health doesn’t mean others have to accept it as reality.
However, I appreciate that you don’t use gendered terms. Even though I don’t exactly believe in nonbinary as a real thing biologically speaking, I don’t have as much as an issue with people who actually are consistent with it and are respectful to gay people as I do with the people who aren’t. And I certainly hold more respect for nonbinary people who genuinely believe they are experiencing gender dysphoria and don’t disrespect gay people or enforce gender roles than I do for the “I’m nonbinary because I like dresses AND suits and I’m also super gay!!” Types.
My thoughts on this are a bit hard to explain, as I’ve said with a lot of things it’s very clear in my head but hard for me to put into writing. So I hope that at least some of this makes sense lol.
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