#part of the reason she's water is because of the “I flow with the things” thing she said to the principal
what-is-this-about · 8 months
Uuuh, I don't know what possessed me to make this (O_O')
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sirenscriptures · 3 months
pleasure waves (remastered)
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pairing: tengen x hinatsuru x makio x suma x reader
synopsis: after your honeymoon with tengen starts to come to a close, he and his wives plan to make your last night on the beautiful shores of cancun memorable… 4.4k
warnings/notes: fem ! reader, fivesome, soft to rough sex, LOTS of praise and admiration, semi-public sex, size difference/kink, endearment/pet names, tooth-rottingly sweet aftercare, outdoor sex, passionate sex.
* if you recognize this, it’s because it’s a rewrite of an old collab piece from one of my old blogs <3 this may or may not be a mini series in the future, just depends on what feedback i receive ! *
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a warm, kissing breeze passed over you as you stepped out onto the shore’s opening. all the noise and commotion coming from behind you began to melt into the soothing sound of the waves pushing over the sand. 
the sky was stunning, clouds gradient with purple, pink and orange hues. meanwhile, the sun was piercing as it gradually sunk below the horizon, encasing the entire beach area in a warm, dim haze. 
now away from the crowded resort, you felt your body relax. your feet planted into the freshly cooling sand, the thin cloth of your bathing suit cover freely dancing within the gentle breeze. with the heat slowly dying down, the near stifling warmth in the air began to fade into a soothing coolness. 
behind you back at the large courtyard, there was a bustling crowd watching a large fire show being performed on the side stage. large wand-shaped poles whirled all over like flags around the flashy performers, earning excited cheers as they tossed them up and the flames continued to swirl over them.
at some point, you had lost hinatsuru somewhere in the crowd. the two of you had just gotten back early from a dinner with tengen, makio and suma, and wanted to get a head start on enjoying the last bits of the resort on your last night here. 
even though the place was beautiful in and out, you had to admit the wide clearing the shore offered right outside of the resort was your personal favorite part. even if there were people all around, the serenity of the crashing waves and clear winds made it seem like pure solitude for you. 
“there you are.” a familiar soft voice from behind you silenced your thoughts.
turning around, your eyes met with hinatsuru again. her thick hair flowed down her shoulders, warm violet eyes locked upon you now. seeing her in front of you now caused you to smile. 
she was dressed in a lilac and white floral pattern bathing suit cover, one that was a similar style to yours. underneath, the wind kicked up to reveal her dark purple two piece that hugged her body perfectly. truly, she was a sight to behold. as she always was. 
“i was certain i lost you in there,” she took your hand into hers, gently grasping it, gaze turning to the sight of the now dying sun on the shore in front of the both of you. “good thing i know this area well by now.” she chuckled. 
you admired the softness of her palm intertwining with yours. the two of you stood together, watching the gentle waves roll by as night fell over the sky. 
slowly, her arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you close to her. the rhythmic, whispering crashes of the shore kept both of you practically hypnotized in your embrace. 
it was amazing to think such clear waters and light air could have such a beautiful affect on you and all the people here. it was almost as if this entire shore, this entire city was something alike to a dream. which made sense, due to all the people who came here every year for vacation. 
yet, your reason to be here felt so much more special than anything else. being married, especially to tengen and three beautiful ladies, was a different type of love. 
it felt deeper, and certainly more adventurous than any other relationship you’d been apart of. even after the wedding, which was relatively private, it was a lot for you to get situated with. 
even though you felt like you were finally breaking through the ice and getting used to being with all four of them, there was still something lingering inside you. something that just wouldn’t go away, no matter how many times you tried. a nagging feeling of what you could best describe as anxiety. 
even if you did feel good and relaxed around them, especially during this amazing week vacation, there was always something you felt you were unnecessarily worried about. as if something was missing, or just not right within your mind. 
while you knew it could just be overlapping thoughts, it still didn’t stop you from lying wide awake at night, even with both of tengen’s arms snaked around you, his other wives sound asleep next to you as well. 
it took you a few moments to notice hina staring at you as you zoned out into your thoughts, a visibly concerned look dressing her expression.
her hands slipped up beneath your chin, hands directing your face to look at her.
“are you alright?” she asked, feeling how the heat increased in your cheeks. “you’ve barely said a word since dinner.” 
you let out a small sigh. it’d be no good to just nod and say yes at this point. she knew you too well for that by now.
“i just haven’t felt my best, specifically today.” you admitted. 
her hands lowered to grasp your own, tilting her head curiously. “how so, love?”
your eyes averted, glimpsing the early sprout of the full moon deep in the horizon ahead of you. it was near splintering to try and voice your feelings, yet you knew you had to. otherwise, this feeling would only fester onwards. 
“well, i know its early on…but i don’t really feel like i’m really married to you.” 
hinatsuru’s taken aback expression that followed your words was what made you panic instantly.  
“n-not that i don’t want to be married to you! that’s not it at all! i just don’t feel completely–” 
you were interrupted by her laughter, hina playfully swatting at you. she abruptly cleared her throat and met your confused expression with a soothing smile. 
“[name], you’re too cute..” she murmured, stroking your now burning face with familiar tenderness. even if it was amusing, she remained with a certain seriousness, even with such a gentle personality. 
“you know that’s normal, right?” she said, thumb gently stroking the surface of your cheekbone. “i can tell you, since i felt that exact same way when i first married tengen.” 
you shot her a confused look. out of what you’d seen, her and tengen’s bond seemed to be so deep. even though he adored every single one of you the same, he and hina were another kind of bond that you didn’t even fully understand when first getting together with them. then again, you figured that would come with time.
“i never quite knew why, but it never felt real.” she said, turning to look at the dazzling moon above you now, its light glittering upon the water. 
“it felt a little isolating and even scary at first, but that was normal at the time.” she turned back, still smiling at you. “you’re still so new to this. so don’t stress yourself out for not feeling all there.” 
it was like a completely different weight had lifted off of you now that she’d said that. you couldn’t help but smile at her, your hands intertwining together again. it all made so much sense now, thankfully. 
“there’s my girls!” you heard a familiar, booming voice call from behind you both. 
turning around, you glimpsed tengen and makio walking towards you both, suma dashing ahead of them through the sand to come greet you.
suma’s eyes were lit up with that same fiery excitement as she ran towards you both, arms bundling you and hina in a large embrace. the three of you were left giggling at the sight, struggling to recompose yourselves. 
though, suma pulled back with a slight pouty look on her face. 
“now why did you head off without us?” she asked, hands now on her hips. “you know this is a honeymoon, meaning we’re supposed to be spending time together!”
“oh, give them a break, suma. can you blame them? this view is incredible!” makio exclaimed, eyes wide with amazement as she looked at the sky. “plus, we’ve had all week together.” 
suma admired the view with a smile. “i guess you’re right, then.” she rolled her eyes playfully. 
“well, it's our turn to enjoy it now!” she chuckled, running ahead to enjoy the rush of the shore alongside makio, where they proceeded to remove their bathing suit covers and venture deeper into the shore together. 
you glanced back behind you, eyes meeting with tengen’s. he stood in front of you and hina, that same handsome smile across his lips. his longer hair was barely past his shoulders, giving him that naturally scruffy look you loved so much. 
he leaned down suddenly, hands bringing your face to his, kissing you warmly. the gesture admittedly took you by surprise, the warmth rushing to your face again. 
tengen pulled away gently, eyes still staring into yours with a soft intensity, paired with something else you couldn’t quite read at the moment. 
“how are you?” he asked quietly, thumb gently rubbing against your cheek.
“i’m good.” you murmured in response, trying to suppress the tremble in your voice. 
beside you, hinatsuru was smiling tenderly at you two. even if you were still struggling to find your true place of balance with them, she trusted it would all melt away tonight. after all, they had all arranged for this night to be all about you, the new wife. 
but, you didn’t need to know that. not yet, at least. 
the whole time the other two wives messed about in the shore, tengen had you wrapped in his arms as hina laid snuggled beside you both. being the new wife, they wanted to make sure you were prioritized, especially on the last night of the honeymoon. 
the sound of the gentle waves paired with the darkness of the sky was so soothing. you could feel yourself practically melting into tengen’s chest as you laid on top of him. 
he smiled down at you. “you look so good in that bathing suit,” he murmured. 
you gushed at his sweet words as his hand tenderly stroked your inner thigh. 
“you really know my style by now.” you replied. 
he hummed gently, fingers running through your hair. that familiar mischievous glint appeared back in his eyes as he admired you. one of his calloused hands momentarily tilted your head up by your chin, warm breath on your cheek.
“it’s too bad i’ll have to tear it off you.” he teased directly in your ear. 
slowly, his hands begin to wander even more. from your thighs to your waist, he made sure to thoroughly caress every part of your body. his hands seemed so large compared to practically all of you.
thinking about how much strength he had, he could simply wrap a single arm around you and be able to carry you perfectly anywhere he wanted. you were so delicate that it was obvious when he was holding back when touching you. it was so easy for someone of his size to accidentally hurt you if he were being careless, which he was the complete opposite of, thankfully.
you felt your breath hitch as his hands traveled to your protruding nipples, pinching them in between his fingers slightly. his large fingers kneaded carefully around your areolas, admiring how his touch made you squirm against him. 
you let out a small whimper, his hands proceeding to massage and grasp at every part of you that he could. the more you responded to his touches, the more he wanted to do to you. in the midst of laying with two of his women, tengen had honestly forgotten that there was a chance anyone could walk by and see, even though this was a more private side of the shore. 
“tengen…be gentle with her.” hina spoke softly, her hand interlocking with yours from behind you. 
even though you only caught a glimpse of her out of the corner of your eye before she positioned herself closer to you, you swore you could see a flash of protectiveness, or…was that envy in her eyes? you never knew hinatsuru of all people had a territorial side such as this.
“she’s our new jewel, after all.” she said proudly, eyes glimmering within coming into contact with yours. 
suddenly, her lips collided with yours. while this wasn’t the first time she’d done this to you, it always managed to send a plethora of sensations through you. this was especially prevalent now, for you had to hold back a staggered moan when her soft lips mashed against yours. 
she tasted so sweet. with her tongue slipping in and out of your mouth, you could feel your mind blurring as if the amount of pleasure had given you some sort of fever. honestly, you wouldn't be surprised at this point if you’d caught a temperature. 
hina pulled away from you eventually, her warm gaze greeting you once more with that same sweet smile. at the same time, tengen’s hands continued to roam your body, the same smirk lacing his lips. 
you could feel your entire body heating up even more. having the both of them praise and caress you at the same time was almost overwhelming, yet you relished the feeling and how it began to leave a generous slick of fluid within your bathing suit bottoms. 
tengen chuckled in response, turning your face back to his. now, you could really glimpse the hungry expression forming in his gaze. 
“yes, she is…so precious too.”
his lips once again interlocked with yours, tongue teasing the inside of your mouth. his kiss was much heavier than hina’s, the intensity of it managing to make you let out a choked moan. meanwhile you could feel her hands from behind you taking to massage your breasts, her tender lips laying kisses along your neck. 
you knew very well this whole time you were making him wait. this whole trip, you’d been so nervous around him. as if you weren’t already married to him, and like it was the first time you’d met him. you’d acted the same way in front of the wives from time to time. but it was much more intense around tengen. 
but now, he craved to see your true wild side. what was it like to see you in your messiest, loveliest form? you could tell hina and possibly makio and suma would want the same. 
they had only one way to find out, and what better way to do it on the most romantic beach at night? 
“well well, starting without us?” makio’s voice sounded from above you. her playful smirk was directed right at you, marveling at how you were already a melting mess in between them. 
suma was behind her by a few steps, peeking down at you with an aroused curiosity. “as always.” she scoffed, half-jokingly.
looking up at them, they were dripping wet from the shore that was now whispering away in the distance. you could see the sun’s golden hue beginning to cast ripples of color over the darkening water as it slowly set, the cool air fully sweeping over with the moonlight beginning to sneak in. 
but you had every night to see that sunset on this vacation. what really caught your attention were the two wives in front of you. they looked so beautiful as always, just even more so now. the slight golden glow of the disappearing sun emitted a beautiful hue on their mostly bare bodies that seemed to shine with droplet marks from the sea. while suma was more bashful and trying to cover herself, makio stood unabashed with her hand on her hip, wrinkled bikini top dangling out of her hand. 
tengen glared at them with the same playfulness, hands not stopping from running all over you. 
“don’t complain, you just weren’t paying proper attention,” he teased. “you’re here now, after all.”
suddenly, he began to sit up, gently guiding you to do the same. tengen’s hands remained on your hips, leaning himself close to your face. 
“sit and face me.” he murmured.
you immediately obeyed. now sitting in front of him, your gaze pointed up at him like you were awaiting his next command. 
he shook his head at you, amused. “on my lap, princess.” 
even though you were growing shaky, you obeyed. now straddling him, you gently rested your arms on his broad shoulders for a little bit of support. 
you watched as he undid his robe, revealing his enthralling muscles. even if you already knew what he looked like shirtless, this was even more of an amplifying experience. 
you could see how there was a faint remainder of the oil previously lathered on his skin at the beginning of the day gleaming on his skin. you could see every faint scar and mark of his perfectly displayed for you to admire. though it was futile to just stare in silence, since your awe-struck expression caused him to chuckle, even earning a slight giggle from hina and the others. 
“see something you like?” he chuckled, hands running up your bare waist. 
before you could react properly, you felt makio’s hand from behind you abruptly untie the string of your bikini top in a singular motion, taking advantage of you being distracted. the initial gesture caused you to jump. 
before you could stop it, the thin fabric had already fallen to the ground. the heat in your body now felt blistering as you were almost completely revealed, especially out in the open like this. 
as you initially scrambled to cover yourself, tengen stopped you, a dazed yet still focused look in his eyes. you could almost see every want of his coming to light now. every craving, every ache he’d had for you and your body was becoming so clear now. 
“don’t.” he said gruffly, placing your hands back where they were. 
“you look so pretty, hun.” makio purred from behind you, embracing you by your upper waist, her lips grazing against the back of your neck.
“why would you ever want to hide this?” she admired everything from your thighs to your breasts, making you shiver even with her lightest touches. 
you let out a whimper as makio continued. as if it weren't enough, both suma and hinatsuru now moved even closer to you. at this point, it was all such a collective blur that all you could feel was their hands touching you, without being able to discern who exactly was touching what in the moment. 
desperately, you started to grind down on tengen’s erection through the thin cloth of your bikini. even with the slight separation, you could feel just how big he was growing beneath you. his gaze was still so focused, even though you could feel his breath growing even more labored on your skin. 
though, you swear you could feel hina’s eyes burning into you. even as she patiently watched you, inside she was reeling at how good you looked. so entranced and in a pure, euphoric state. this is all she wanted for you, for you to experience the best pleasure from all of your lovers at once. 
you couldn’t even gather what had happened in between, but the sound that dragged you from a near pleasure-drunken state was the sound of fabric ripping. looking down, you saw the mangled pieces of your suit bottoms in tengens hands, effortlessly ripped away to reveal your ass, along with your now soaked cunt.
before you could even move, you let out a gasp as you flinched, feeling makio’s fingers swipe over your slick wetness, admiring how a generous amount of it glistened on her fingertips.
“well, what do we have here?” makio teased. being the closest to tengen, she extended her hand to him, a knowing look in her eyes. 
you could feel yourself pulsing as he took her fingers into his mouth, tongue lapping up all of your fluids from her fingers. from there, something was set ablaze in him that even he wasn’t fully prepared for. 
“shit…” tengen groaned under his breath. his fingers dug into your hips, lips beginning to leave a trail of kisses on your neck. his breath was rough and hot, teeth occasionally sinking in and marking you up as he pleased. 
throwing your head back, you could feel everything from his shaft rubbing against your folds, to your wives’ hands roaming and groping you all over. some were in your hair, some squeezing your ass, and some even snaking around your stomach to tease your sensitive bud. 
in the midst of the entanglement, you could glimpse hina kissing up your stomach, or what of it she could manage to get in contact with while your husband suckled at your sore nipples. 
her eyes had the same look of craving that tengen had—but it was so much softer. she gently caressed your face in her hands as she admired your beauty again. once more, her lips collided with yours. through her kisses, you could feel yourself instinctively squeeze your thighs together as your tongues teased one another. 
in between hot kisses, you heard her say ‘i love you’ which almost made you tip over the edge, until tengen caught your attention once again. either way, there was no way you were cumming only once tonight.
you could see he was getting restless now. his hands were starting to leave deeper marks on your hips, and it was evident he wanted all of you to himself now. laying you down beneath him, the wives knew to leave him some space. they still remained close, of course. 
seeing as you were already trembling and even had a few tear streaks staining your face, your wives and husband did their best to make sure you were fully relaxed. 
while tengen let his cock rest at your entrance, he slowly massaged your lower pelvic area with care. hina and suma were above you: suma taking to massaging your tense shoulders and hina gingerly running her fingers through your hair. meanwhile, makio worked her hands into massaging your legs and feet. 
he smiled softly down at you, the tip naturally plunging in slightly due to how wet you were. his hand caressed your face, thumb brushing over your lower lip. 
“take a deep breath, baby.” he said, face close to yours now. “i’ll start slow, okay?” 
you could only meekly nod at him as suma and hina both held onto each of your hands now. 
he let out a low groan as he almost immediately slipped balls-deep into you. your head threw back, a shaky cry escaping your lips as he was already stretching you out so much. you could feel your legs trembling uncontrollably, as you were already so close to an orgasm. 
even though his starting thrusts were slow, you could feel them pick up quite fast. you could almost feel how pent up he’d been with each thrust.
tengen drove himself further into you by lifting you into a mating press, the slaps from his thrusts getting louder the faster he pounded into you. in response, your hands messily grasped around his neck, struggling to find your balance as his length fucked deeper and deeper into you. 
“tengen…s’feels so good,” you slurred, the slapping only getting faster the closer you grew. 
with the way you tightened around him, he could only respond with feral moans and growls, words barely stringing together as all he could think about was making you come. 
“that’s my angel…taking me so well,” he panted, thrusts now growing sloppy as you clenched around him even more, your breasts bouncing with his rhythm. 
his eyes, while set ablaze with something so primal, still managed to have that soft undertone to them as he looked at you. it was so clear how much he adored you, and he would make it known. he let his fingers dig back into your tender flesh, ready to spill everything he had to give inside of you. 
his forehead was against yours now, both of your moans breaking up into shaky, desperate noises. 
“cum for me, sweetheart,” he hissed passionately, the final thrusts becoming so deep you swear you felt like you were about to burst. 
“show me that you’re mine.” 
it only took a few more pumps of his cock inside of you before you cried out, louder than you ever had before. your climax had caused almost full-body convulsions, and you didn’t think you’d be able to function properly if it weren’t for your wives soothing you. 
you still remained laying on your back for a while, letting hinatsuru wipe the hot tears that streaked down your cheeks as suma kissed and massaged your body, and makio helped you get your breathing back to normal. 
tengen, while still in a daze himself, still fetched you cold water and wasn’t about to let you walk back to the resort. come to think of it, he probably wouldn’t let you walk for a while after this. 
after a while, the group of you sat out on the shore admiring the crashing of the waves along with the beautiful stars that now blanketed the night sky. 
you laid with your lovers, head resting against tengen’s chest while your wives surrounded you in a sort of “pile” of cuddling. of course, hina was closest to you, her head resting on one of your shoulders. 
“I think that was a pretty good trip, hm?” tengen asked, smiling specifically at you. 
you could only give an exhausted smile, hand rubbing against one of his arms that surrounded your waist. 
makio let out a yawn. “it’s only good if we can stay here forever.” she sighed dreamily, resting her head on one of his shoulders. tengen chuckled, laying a kiss on her forehead. 
you glanced towards hina, a sleepy figure of suma rested against her thigh. hina looked back at you sweetly, her hand rubbing over yours. 
“do you feel better?”
you couldn’t help but giggle a little, thinking of how different you felt a couple hours ago compared to now. 
“so much better.” you murmured, circling your thumb over her hand.
the smile you gave hina in that moment seemed to solve something within herself she even didn’t know needed solving. she figured it was because you and her lovers brought her so much peace, which was something she always found herself needing more of in her life. 
after a honeymoon like this, all of you collectively felt like nothing could ever come close to this moment: watching the stars with your lovers as the waves crash in the distance. 
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satoruhour · 11 months
hello!! ive been lurking on your acc for a little bit and i absolutely adore your writing like omg!! but earlier i got to thinkin about toji (as we all do) and i was thinking about how vulgar i imagine him to be in a sexual context and it makes me like soo shy and im not shy 🙄 im just obsessed with the idea of him saying really filthy shit to us and then practicing what he preaches yk
a/n: i keep falling asleep on the couch writing. and thank u for the inspiration for the name LOL
wc: 2.4k
warnings: reader has the same bite to her as toji does but gets shy when said man says filthy things, dom!toji, implication of sex in parts of the drabble, (public) dirty talk, pet names, he calls you ‘whore’ and ‘slut‘, toji calls you ‘mama’ once, oral (m receiving), deepthroating, spitting (on hand and in mouth), p -> v penetration, clit stimulation, unprotected sex, riidng, praise, degradation, daddy kink at the end, creampie / breeding kink, brief oral / cunnilingus @ the end, n*sfw under the cut
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fushiguro toji is a vulgar man inside and out. It’s obvious when he tells the teenage boys to go fuck themselves when he catches them looking at you and you have to slap his bicep, or perhaps grabbing a piece of your ass while waiting in line to pay for groceries and all you can do is send him a nasty glare and a strong nudge of your elbow.
he doesn’t mind his baby fighting back, especially with how easily he can overturn the tables and have you squirming and breathing heavily whenever he gets you under him in the bedroom.
it comes to light first when you’re talking with a co-worker at a company party, talking casually with them before toji comes over with both your drinks. he’s tamer, then, sucking up to your insufferable colleagues even if they didn’t know what they were saying. this dude was clearly eyeing you, too, despite knowing toji was your plus one, and at that point the poor man has had enough.
“how ’bout you invite him back to our hotel and let him watch as i fuck you? maybe then he would stop fucking starin’.” toji passes you your drink as he whispers it, albeit the last part filled with mild bitterness, not entirely as secretive as he would like to be because the colleague’s eyes are widening immediately. he swallows his saliva at the large stature of your boyfriend’s and you just know he did it on purpose. but when you don’t reply and bark back at him with annoyance, toji’s lips curl in a smile, a light bulb going off in his head at his discovery and he’s been incessant since.
“yeah? how ’bout you clean a bathroom for once, fucker,” you roll your eyes, throwing a rag into the bathroom sink, disgruntled at how your boyfriend couldn’t even clean his own sink. it was beyond him to clean the place where water flowed everyday but when he told you that all you could muster was a look of disgust.
you were in no mood for him when you saw him creep in behind you in the mirror, eyes trained on the male who just mutters apologies into your neck, kissing the skin there like a tease and resist the urge to shiver, keeping up your angered expression.
until his words hit. “’m sorry baby, shoulda known better than to say stupid shit like that. how ’bout i make it up to you?”
“like what, toji? you gonna get on your hands and knees and scrub the floors yourself? cause i’d like th—”
“i’ll do it,” but not for the reason you think, “i’ll do it if i get to eat my pretty girl’s pussy out. and then let me pound her while she watches how good i make her feel.”
needless to say, your panties were thrown in the washing machine immediately as he made your moans echo in that squeezy bathroom, and the sink ended up being squeaky clean for the next few weeks.
it’s the best way to get you to shut up and sometimes the way your lips move as you’re rambling about something or how your figure looks as you’re reaching for the tv remote and spouting profanities is just so hypnotising. he’s obsessed with you.
toji stares blankly at you while you’re explaining the way to work the air fryer for the third time that day, and it’s not his fault you’re currently in a camisole. it’s accentuating your tits and the home shorts you’re in isn’t helping either, because he can easily swipe it to the side to fuck into you.
you snap your fingers in front of his face, “wha—? listen to me when i’m talking to you, babe.”
toji just rolls his eyes, something he knows you hate, and he watches your outburst with a lovestruck smile. he catches your snapping hand with ease, switching to holding it. “hey! what did i say about rolling eyes?”
he leans forward, placing his other hand dangerously close to your ass, but the forehead peck distracts you. “i heard you the first time, darling.”
“you—!” toji just laughs at your surprise. sure, he was old as fuck but he wasn’t entirely clueless about the air fryer, but he let you explain and drone on about the settings, knowing you’d be focused on the device. that way, his eyes could travel unforgivingly and just like that, the playful moment is overcome by his vulgar disposition again, the act of his body craving yours before his words made you freeze on the spot.
“but enough about air fryers, hm?” the sight of toji’s hand almost covering yours was enough to send you reeling, but it’s increased when he drags your hand down the hardness of his front. you can feel the ridges of his abs, down, down, down until his bulge. he guides you to squeeze his dick, a guttural groan making its way to the front of his throat. “how ’bout you show me how much your eyes can roll back as my cock disappears into you, huh?”
your breath hitches at the proposition and toji’s smile spreads into a grin at your reaction because it’s like this every. single. time. unconsciously your hands start to undo the knot of his sweatpants, pulling it under his hardened shaft, the other sighing when your hand finally wraps around it. it aches so much that he finds himself thrusting into your hand briefly before you start stroking.
toji gathers a blob of spit on his tongue and maintains eye contact, spitting directly onto his cock for some lubrication and you take a deep breath, slick noises sounding out throughout the house. he makes sure to do it again later. “getting it ready for your pretty little cunt, aren’t you? filthy girl— f-fuck…”
the words make you rub your thighs together, stepping closer to him while you continue stroking, up, down and up, down, determined to give him a taste of his own medicine. pushing him until you’re out of the kitchen, he lets you shove him onto the couch, a loud groan leaving his lips when you descend to your knees and your mouth closes around his cock.
“s’big,” you whimper, swirling your tongue around his angry tip and going back to deepthroating him, desperate to feel his dick down your throat.
“oh— s-shit, baby,” toji pulls back the hair from your head, seeing your eyes barely being able to focus as it hits the back of your throat, “that’s it… suck it like the dirty whore you are.”
the degradation is reason enough for you to bob your head quickly, moaning around his length as your mouth drips drool mixed with the pre-cum from his tip. toji chokes out your name, hips bucking into your warm mouth while your hands find purchase on his thick thighs, taking him down your throat until your nose meets his pelvis. soon he‘s cumming down your throat with grunts, feeling the hot semen rush into your cavern.
“stay there, good fuckin’ girl,” the other groans out when your eyes shift to him, swallowing bits of his cum with a small stream of tears filling your lash line that threaten to fall. he notices your hand sneaking into your panties and he smirks, bringing you off his cock to catch your breath. you sputter and gasp, hand still lightly wrapped around him. he’s still hard after cumming, but he’s also more sensitive.
“can i ride you now?” you ask like it’s any other question, shimmying out of your underwear before wasting no time to straddle him. his tip pokes your pussy and you grab him, dragging him up and down your folds to collect your slick. before long, you’re grinding on the bottom of his shaft, your labia spread along his dick and toji is charmed by how you move on him with needy moans and two hands on his torso.
“sure ya can, doll, but…” you can tell toji’s impatient, as with you, so with a roll of your eyes (toji mumbles under his breath that you’re a hypocrite), you sink down slowly on him, the arousal of your cunt wet enough to take him without prep. inch by inch you take him deep, head thrown back as toji enjoys the view — the curve of your body, how your nipples poke through your camisole — and he smiles as his baby calls out his name from being so full.
“o-oh my god… toji—” the last bits of his name fades out when he moves his hips experimentally, the pain soon fading into pleasure and the feel of his cock in you causes you to lean forward.
“yes?” he grins, body now propped up with his elbows, meeting you halfway, “is my princess tired already?”
“n-no, i can do it,” you mewl when your hips start to bounce, the stretch of his dick feeling so good. he’s reaching places in you that you can’t even fathom, “i can take you…”
toji groans softly at your declaration, body twisted in such pleasure as you soon find a rhythm on him, relishing in the way toji watches you with lust in his eyes. he helps you with a hand on your hips, but the other pushes your top past your tits, mouth latching onto your nipple and taking one into his mouth and the gesture halts your movement for a bit. a chill runs through your body as he swirls his tongue around your bud, a breathless moan leaving you as toji looks up at you through hooded eyes.
it’s got you clenching, and toji hums into your chest, moving to your other nipple before releasing it with a pop! “tired?”
you make a small sound of agreement, the sensations of his thick cock in you paired with his lips on your tits and the burn of your thighs too much for you. he happily indulges you, bringing your body close to him before he plants his feet on the sofa and fucks up into you, a choked moan leaving you. that one thrust was just to tease you, limping into his embrace as he hears the slap of his balls onto your ass.
“you’re taking me alright,” toji laughs, cut off by a moan when he continues his ministrations, entranced by how you’re so wet you manage to leak down his length. with how your pussy is drooling, he rams into you easily, obscene noises of your sopping cunt against his pelvis as your sounds of pleasure comes out in little breaths.
“so wet,” toji comments softly, cock twitching from how your boobs felt against him and how your pussy feels so damn tight. it hugs him so snugly he has to will himself not to cum, but you’re making it difficult by how you call out his name in whines. “don’t tell me she was wet earlier already?”
you can hardly focus on his questions as he bullies his cock into you, body rocking from his relentless hips and the friction of your clit against his skin, but you mutter out a yes, a high-pitched one that’s got toji chuckling.
“my baby loves it when i talk dirty, huh?” you whine into his neck, arms tightening around his neck, “she loves it when i tell her how much i want to slam my cock into her pussy, yeah?” toji is ruthless, continuing to thrust while his words have very much the same effect. “or maybe she wants me to say how i want to cum deep in her cunt, filling her to the brim. shit… does she want me to fuck a baby into her?”
you clamp down around his cock with a loud moan and he stutters, “gotta stop clenching around me, darlin’, f-fuck.”
“y-yeah… wan’ that…” you pull away from your hiding place to babble out, eyes close to closing and drool dripping down the sides of your mouth. “wan’ all your cum, daddy.”
toji sucks in a breath at the name drop and in a second, he’s switching the positions. he admires the sweat on your skin and your heaving chest, and for the first time he’s able to see just how soaking wet you are, along with the stretch of your pussy on him.
“wan’ you to make me a mommy…” you mewl softly, and that’s all it takes for the other to start moving again because if it’s anything he loves more than seeing you crumble at his words, it’s how you tell him what you want.
you can feel toji twitch in you at that, but you have close to no strength, letting him thrust into you with vigour that’s running out too — he’s too besotted with your moans and face that’s morphed into pleasure, along with your whiny pleas.
“c’mon, open your mouth, mama,” toji pulls on your bottom lip with his thumb, “stick out ya tongue.”
you obey, hand squeezing his bicep as he gathers saliva in his mouth again, thrusts stopping briefly. he can feel your hips move, but you’re still focused on how toji purses his lips and how the spit leaves his lips — the long line of spit that descends slowly onto your tongue and the tension that surrounds it tells him you love it.
“attagirl,” he grins, wiping the corners of your cavern as the pace starts up again, and it’s so sudden you already feel like cumming.
“g’nna cum, daddy,” you mutter out, legs closing around him when you feel the familiar coil of your abdomen and toji just holds you closer, intoxicated with the moment that he wants it to last. “gonna—”
your eyes are blown wide when toji secretly reaches down to press a thumb into your clit, drawing lazy circles. that’s enough for your orgasm to come crashing down on you, pussy clenching hard on the other.
“daddy— oh my god!” toji still continues to rail into you, whimpers of his name spurring him on until you’re moaning out again as his cock spurts his cum deep in your cunt, filling you with his load until it spills out.
toji immediately drops down and starts to lap at your clit, a first class seat to his cum leaking from your pussy, laughing when you hardly care about it staining the sofa, too cockdrunk to care about reprimanding him.
“so pliant,” toji uses a finger to push his cum into you, “maybe i should get you like this more often, heh.”
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justmeinadaze · 5 months
Little Girl Gone Part 3 (Steddie X You)
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A/N: I tried to grab all the tags! If I missed any let me know :)
Warnings: Gangster Eddie/Officer Steve & Doctor Fem Reader, SMUT, slight degrading, spanking, slapping, handcuffs, etc. FLUFF, more details about the guys relationship,
ANGST, Per the previous chapters cliffhanger we get to meet Jason Carver and he causes problems triggering Eddie to react impulsively. Steve and Y/N spend the bulk of the chapter trying to talk him out of it. Steve and Y/N talk about past relationships, The boys fight but its an understanding between them (you'll see what I mean), technically not a cliffhanger ending this time!
Word Count: 6883
Previous Chapter Here
Clearing your throat, you regained your composure as you feigned a smile and extended your palm out to shake his. 
“Hello there Mr. Carver. How can I help you today?”
“Well, like I told the young lady out there, I’m just here for a checkup. I’m embarrassed to say I wasn’t even aware this little office was here and so close to my house!”, he chuckled as he leaned against the counter. 
Your head slightly ticked to the side at his statement as you pretended to read his chart. Carver’s side of Hawkins was nowhere near your clinic with you actually being a lot closer to Eddie’s building then any of Jason’s. 
“Is that right?”
As the gangster nods, he turns his back to you for a moment to check his phone allowing you to sneak towards your sink and turn on the water as you pretended to wash your hands, utilizing your own device as you call Eddie’s phone. 
“If anything happens, you see something or feel unsafe just call my cell. I’m more likely to answer than Steve who’s always on the move.”
Casually fumbling with your hair, you slide the wireless earbud into your ear and slide your device back into your pocket just as Jason turns back around. 
“Please forgive me. Didn’t mean to break one of your rules.”, he laughs softly as he points to your “No Cell Phones” sign.
“Hey princess. I was just thinking about you.”, Eddie’s voice sweetly flowed from your phone.
“Oh, don’t worry about it, Mr. Carver. I completely understand.” You heard clicking that sounded like a gun being loaded as you focused on the man in front of you. “Now was there a particular reason you felt like you needed a checkup or did you just wanted to keep up appearances?” 
“No Steve, fuck you. I’m not staying put. This fucker has the nerve to come on to MY territory and…well then I’ll meet you there. You better get there before me because I swear to God if this asshole wants a war… The fuck did you just say to me!? Goddamn it!”
“I have to confess; I did have a bit of a reason. My head and my shoulder have really been bothering me.”
“Steve’s on the way, Y/N. He said he’s a couple of minutes away and so am I. Just stay calm, baby.”
“That’s not uncommon with things like…migraines. I, um, I can run some tests and prescribe you some medication that…that will help.”
Jason takes a few steps toward you as he speaks. 
“I would appreciate that. It just genuinely feels like I got shot in the forehead or something.”, he chuckles as he moves again till he’s right in front of you. 
“I think you should leave.”
“Aw, why? I’ve heard from the community around here that you’d be the person to come to for pain and I’m in a lot of it. You see, I had to bury one of my close friends yesterday.”
“What does that have to do with me?”
“That’s what I’m trying to find out, honey.”
“Don’t call me that.”, you growl making him smirk down at you before pushing some of your hair behind your ear displaying the earbud. 
“She seems like a strong one, Munson. Beautiful. Girl in uniform. You definitely have a type.”
“Don’t touch me either.”
“Or what, honey, huh?”
The exam room door flies open as Steve barrels through with his gun drawn. 
“Jason. You’re on the wrong side of town.”
“Put me on speaker, Y/N.”
Removing the device from your ear, you do what he says and hold your phone towards the gangster whose eyebrows raise in amusement.  
“Is that my favorite rival?”
“Jason… you’re playing with fire. First you come on my territory, kidnap, and hurt Steve. Then you send one of your idiots to point a gun in my face. Normally this would be strike three but I’m giving you an out here. Stay away from them and off my side of Hawkins and we’ll do the same.”
“You know, Eddie, that sounds like a sweet deal. Let me talk it over with my team and…oh wait. You killed half my team.”
“You hurt the man I love. You started this… Don’t play the victim now.”
“No, you know who’s a victim? Andrew, Patrick, Samuel, and all of my other friends you killed.”, he sneered as his eyes met your own. “Soon you’ll know what it feels like. You won’t know when or where, freak, but I assure you I will be there when your pig and little whore here become victims to. Unless… you want to switch sides and come with me, pretty girl.”
As his hand reached out to touch your face, your fist reached out to punch him, knocking him backwards just in time for Steve to move forward, grab your wrist, and pull you behind him. 
“Like you said, asshole, I have a type. She’s a lot stronger than she seems. However…”
The door to the room opens again as Eddie saunters in cocking his gun and points it in the other man’s face. 
“If you ever pull a stunt like this again or lay one hand on her, there will be nowhere you could run where we wouldn’t find you. I’m not Allen, Jason. I’m not going to let the stupid bullshit you used to do slide.”
Moving aside to stand by Steve, he allowed the gangster to stand and adjust his suit as he headed for the door. 
“You’re right, Munson. You aren’t Allen. The streets ran better with him in charge and you’re nothing like him. You may think these people respect you but I assure you they pity you.”, he spat before leaving the way he came.
The officer immediately turned around and cupped your head in his hands. 
“Are you ok, honey? You did really good.”
You aggressively nod, gripping his wrist as you lean your forehead against his. 
“Yeah, I’m ok. What does this mean?”
“It means I fucking slaughter that asshole and show him exactly how people respect me.”, Eddie grumble as tucked away his weapon. 
“No, it doesn’t. That’s something impulsive Allen would do but not you.”
The gangster chuckled under his breath casually walking towards the officer, placing himself mere inches from him with a stoic expression but eyes filled with fury. 
“That’s the second time today you, Steven, have insinuated I’m acting like my father and second person today to compare me to him. I am the boss of the Munson crew and I know how to handle my business. Now, go back to being the dirty cop and shut the fuck up.”
“I’m dirty because of you, babe. Everything I do is for you.”
“Wait…”, you begged as you step between them, each man prepared to duke it out here in your exam room. “Wait, don’t do this here. We can talk about it tonight in your loft.”
“We?”, Eddie sneered as he backed away. “You two can come over but the conversation will be the same. I know what I’m doing and neither of you have any say but especially you, little girl.”
“The head of a gang just threatened my life. I’m allowed to have an opinion on this.”
“Edward Munson, don’t do anything till we talk or I swear to God, I will arrest you and take you in myself.”
The gangster bit his bottom lip, huffing at he turned to leave. 
“Well then bring your handcuffs, sweetheart, because you will need them.”
Steve stayed with you the rest of the day and after you got off, drove with you to Eddie’s building. As soon as you both stepped in you could feel the energy buzzing around what happened. 
“Hey Marcus. Please tell me he’s at least in his apartment.”
“Yes, sir, Mr. Harrington, but he has had people coming and going.”
“Great. Thanks, bud.”
The man behind the desk smiles at you as you wave politely, your other hand firmly locked with the officer’s as he led you to the elevator. 
“Is this normal? Have you ever seen him like this?”, you ask.
“Uh, yeah, but not at this scale.” As the door to the elevator closes, he sighs before turning to face you. “We meant what we said, Y/N, about not hurting you or anything like that but we both can get feisty when we’re heated. If anything makes you feel uncomfortable or you get scared just say that word we taught you, ok?”
The entire week you stayed with them after what happened with Andrew, you not only spent that time getting to know each other but they explained some rules they like to follow when it comes to “playing rough.” Steve told you that due to their line of work sometimes they liked to take out their stresses on each other which made you giggle at the time when his eyes playfully rolled back. 
“We like to go all out, you know? Slapping, choking, degrading… of course, honey, you don’t have to do any of that.”
“I don’t mind you doing any of that. Just don’t like punch me or cut me.”
“Sweetheart, we aren’t into that kinda thing either. Trust me, we see it enough out there.”, Eddie teases as he points absently towards the window. “If you don’t like something we’re doing or you need us to stop just say ‘Red’, alright?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Oh, Munson. She has manners. I like that.”
“Yes, sir.”
The officer grins as he leans down to kiss your lips. 
As soon as you enter Eddie’s apartment you’re stunned by the chaos around you. There were guns laid out in random sections of the living room with a gigantic map of Hawkins on the coffee table. Walking further in, you noticed pieces of glass shattered against the wall with liquid that smelled like bourbon surrounding it. 
“Ed, this is a rash jump. Shouldn’t the retaliation be level with the offense? A war seems…extreme.”
“Alright, Gareth, what would be level for openly threatening me and the people I care about, hm? Kill more insignificant lackies? Steal some of his product? No. If this is what he wants then I’m going to give it to him.”
“Jesus, man. You sound like—” The gangster’s angry glare cut him off as he rose to his feet, relief panting his features when he noticed Steve. “You know we’d follow you anywhere but we…I really think you should reevaluate your strategy.”
Eddie ignores him as he holds his current glass of alcohol in his hand to his forehead as he continues to focus on the image in front of him. The officer pats Gareth shoulder comfortingly as he leaves and you exhale your nerves as you watch these two men you’ve grown fond of interact.
“I see you didn’t wait for me.”, Steve sighed with agitation. 
“You’re right, I didn’t, but I haven’t made any definitive moves yet so you’re right on time to say your peace.”
“Eddie, I’m not playing around. If you start a gang war in the middle of Hawkins, I will arrest you and throw you in a cell myself. If you want to act like your dad then I can treat you like him.”
The long-haired man slammed his glass against the table and rose to his feet, striding angrily towards the officer before shoving him furiously in the chest.
“Last time you tried that, babe, we barely made it halfway down the street before you were fucking me and letting me go! You think now you can follow through? After everything we’ve been through? Now that you love me.”
Steve stepped forward shoving the man back with his broad chest.
“With no hesitation, honey. I’d be doing it because I love you. I’m not going to let you get innocent people and/or yourself killed! There are other ways we can do this, Eddie.”
“There’s no other way. I’m tired of his cocky, entitled attitude and I gave him plenty of leeway! His response was to hurt you, threaten me, and intimidate Y/N? No. I won’t have that disrespect!”
“Eddie, doing this won’t gain you that respect. If anything, you’ll lose more or all of it.”, you added trying to help. 
“Oh, sweetheart, if anyone has less say in this, it’s you.”
“My life is now on the line to as well as those innocent people Steve mentioned. I see and heal them every day! You told me when we first met that you didn’t kill people you didn’t have to. You don’t have to do this.”
Eddie glared into his boyfriend’s eyes as he reached for his phone and started dialing. 
“Hey, Jeff. Yeah, get everything together and—”
Steve hand flew, knocking the device from the gangster’s hand as he tumbled to the side and caught himself on the couch. 
“Jeff, it’s Steve. Ignore that order. As a matter of fact, all of you head home for the night, ok? Mr. Munson and I need to have a talk so he won’t be making anymore decisions tonight.”
With exception force, he threw the phone hard against the wall, not even flinching when it shattered. Both men stared each other down as the fury burned around them and you’d be lying if you said watching them angerly pant as their dominance oozed from them didn’t turn you on a bit. 
 Eddie lunged toward him and you watched in aw as both men began to fight each other. The officer got the upper hand, pinning him to the floor, and pressing his knee into his shoulder blades as he handcuffed his hands behind his back. 
“Be careful, Steve! He’s still healing.”
Rolling him onto his back, he checked the gangster’s wound that was exposed due his shirtless physique that had Steve not just checking his side but his entire upper body. 
“Why are you acting so impulsively? This isn’t like you.”
“Well, this feels familiar. You sizing me up while I’m on my back, handcuffed. I’m starting to think the reason you restrain me is because you can’t control me without it. Just like how you think threatening to take me in will get me to submit to what you want.”
Keeping both knees straddling his waist, Steve’s palms caressed his stomach around to his back, his eyes never leaving his boyfriend’s as he removed the cuffs accepting the challenge. 
“I can control you just fine without restraints. Now… are you done with your tantrum, little boy, or should we keep going?”
The condescension in his partner’s voice infuriated the gangster as he smacked him in the face and tried to throw him off him. This just spurred Steve on more as he grabbed the man’s wrists and held them to the floor. 
“Honey, can you help me?”
Nodding, you scurried his way and when his eyes gestured towards his belt, you immediately unbuckled it, even going the extra step of pulling out his cock for him.
“Thank you, pretty girl.”, he coos, tilting his head towards you so you could kiss his lips as Eddie struggled beneath him. “See? She’s a good girl.”
“She IS a good girl. That’s why I’m doing this; to protect her.”
“Don’t. Don’t say you’re doing this for us, Eddie, because we don’t want you to do this.”
The gangster’s jaw clenched at your words causing Steve to sigh in frustration as he leaned down till the tip of his cock was resting on his lips. 
“Open.” When his partner remained still, the pretty boy rolled his eyes, shuffling the man’s hands into one of his own so he could free his other to reach behind him and place it on the massive bulge in his slacks. “OPEN.”
Eddie’s eyes fluttered as Steve continued to massage him and without prompting you slide towards the gangster’s waist and unbuckled his pants as well. 
“All the way off, baby. He needs to be exposed and vulnerable because that seems to be what he’s into now a days. Right, little boy? That’s what this move you’re planning will do.”
When Eddie moaned, Steve turned to see just as you were running your tongue down the veins of the man’s length. 
“She’s a lot nicer than I am because I assure you I’m not going to be that gentle. Now…OPEN.”, he growled. 
He tried to remain steadfast but when your lips enveloped him, Eddie couldn’t help but groan allowing Steve to slide into his awaiting mouth. Releasing him from his hold, the officer balanced his hands above his boyfriend’s head as he thrust into him as you lightly mewled at the feeling of Eddie’s palms petting your hair. 
“Fuck. That’s it. Keep that sassy fucking mouth open for me.”
Coming around to their front, you help Steve remove his shirt before leaning down beside Eddie’s forehead to tenderly move his hair away from his face. Even though they were upset, both men sighed at the action. You were a nice contrast to their rough lifestyle, not just when you played but in their relationship as well. 
“Eddie, please, there’s another way we can do this without people getting hurt.”
Wrapping his arms around his waist, the gangster flipped the officer over and you slid back a bit to allow them to wrestle. You noticed immediately that a lot of Eddie’s fight had decreased especially when Steve’s back hit the wall as he circled his legs around him, locking the long-haired boy in a position that had him thrown over his lap on his stomach with his ass exposed. 
Gripping his wrists again in one hand, the other free one came down hard on his behind making Eddie groan. 
“She’s talking to you and she’s right, Ed.” Squirming against his hold, Steve’s hand came down again. “Why are you being so stubborn about this?!”
His deep, authoritative voice startled you but not his partner as his palm came down once more before sucking on two of his fingers and sliding them into his entrance. 
“Are you trying to prove something? Everyone already knows you’re a badass to be feared if needed.” Eddie moaned as Steve’s fingers tapped that spot inside of him that drove him crazy. “You keep saying it’s a respect thing but I don’t believe you. People respect you except that fucking, preppy moron but that’s one man. We don’t need to kill a bunch of people to prove a point to him.”
Steve spanked him again as he mused.
“Is it me?”, you asked in a small voice that makes Eddie’s head hang as his hair blocks his face. “Is it because of what we talked about…about how I’m another vulnerability?”
“I won’t allow anyone to fucking hurt you.”, he grumbled as his eyes shot up to meet yours. “Anyone.”
With incredible force, Steve pushed him off his lap and rose to his feet, pulling up his pants, and collecting you in his arms before carrying you up the stairs to the bedroom. 
“Grab anything you may need, honey. We’re going to my place.”
“You have a place?”
“Yeah. Can’t really have it on record that I live with a gangster.”, he chuckles, his face hardening as Eddie enters the room. “You promised me that you wouldn’t let your feelings for me affect what you did out there. We agreed that extended to her when we decided to bring her into our world. If you really want to fucking burn down Hawkins to show the city that we are yours then we’ll remove ourselves from the fucking equation. Oh, and she’s not a vulnerability. Personally, I think she’s one of our strengths. One of the few fucking positive things about us and in our lives.”
“Why do you think I’m trying to protect her?!”
“EXCUSE ME! But haven’t I protected you two?!”, you angrily spit towards Eddie. “You I’ve saved twice, remember? I don’t NEED you to protect me. I can protect myself just fine. I like knowing I have you two there for me though. I…I make myself vulnerable FOR you. That doesn’t mean I’m weak. I’m not afraid of Jason Carver. If anything, I’m more afraid of you right now and what you might do.”
Eddie let out a heavy sigh as his palm flew up to his chest. Taking a hold of your hand, Steve led you past the brokenhearted gangster and out the front door.
Grinning softly, you took in the new dwelling Steve had brought you to. It was a modest, brick interior, studio apartment on the fifth floor of a complex that had a good view of the city. The walls were pretty much bare except for the couple of pictures of sports cars and near his bed his certificate of graduation from the police academy. In the corner, he had set up a little gym area with weights and a treadmill with the same fantasy book off to the side that you remembered on Eddie’s nightstand. 
When you flashed it to him questioningly, he smiled. 
“Eddie loves that crap. Whenever he babbles about it, I at least want to know what he’s talking about.” 
On his nightstand, he placed his badge and gun right beside the medication you prescribed him making you beam when you see he had been following your instructions. Beside his lamp and phone charger was a framed photo of him and Eddie different from the one the gangster had. In his photo, Eddie was on a kitchen counter somewhere with his legs reaching to wrap around Steve’s waist as his ringed fingers tugged at the collar of his shirt to bring him closer. Their lips were inches apart, noses just barely touching as Steve smirked down at him. 
“We need to get a picture of you so we both can have one.”
“Does it worry you? Like if you invite a friend over who’s on the force and they see that?”
“Sweetheart, I don’t know if you noticed but I’m kind of an asshole. I don’t have many friends.”, he laughs breathily as he runs his fingers through his hair and takes a seat beside you.  “The friends I do have know about us. If I ever go somewhere work related or with any of the other officers I usually go to their places. And of course, I’m the only cop that goes to his place so…”
Your own fingers tenderly reach out to caress his cheek and run down his muscular back making him sigh as he closes his eyes. 
“Are you ok?”
“Yeah… I’m just…I’m just worried. I really don’t want him to this.”
“Would you genuinely take him in like you said?”
“I would. Which means I would most likely get arrested to.” Opening his eyes, he glances your way seeing the slight confusion as he continues. “If I just brought him, it wouldn’t be enough. I’d have to tell them how I knew it was him and then everything else but…at least he’d be safe. Unless they send him to the same place his dad is at…Fuck.”, he groans as he rubs his palms over his face.
“What would happen to me?”
His head abruptly turned at your question as he became more serious. 
“Nothing, baby. I promise. You’d be safe. Eddie has people that would watch over you for us and of course anything else you may need they can get it.”
“I need you two.”, you cry as your head hangs. “I like you both so much… I don’t want to lose you.” Steve’s arm shot out to pull you to him so he could hold you tightly to his chest. “God, what is wrong with me? I’ve never been this, I don’t know, clingy before.”
“We tend to have that effect on women.” He laughs and pretends to flinch when you pull away to lightly slap his arm. “Does it bother you? I mean do you like it?”
“I do. It scares me a little bit sometimes. Eddie says we’re his vulnerabilities but for me…being open like this…in that particular headspace… Most men are always intimidated by me when they first meet me and lately I struggled to get past that first date. My last relationship…didn’t end well…so I put all my energy into finishing my PhD and working.”
“I can understand that. I did the same thing after my last relationship. It’s part of the reason I had the balls to go after Eddie. I did so much reconnaissance and sleuthing that I thought I had enough to bring in the leader of a mafia gang. He, uh, wasn’t what I thought he would be.”
“Goofy. He told me a dad joke that made me laugh. By the time we got near the station, I didn’t want to let him go. Over the past 10 months, I’ve learned how sweet, nerdy, and adorable he can be.”
“I learned the same thing about you.” Steve scrunched his nose as he laughed at you. “I did. You were a bit of a jerk and I thought you hated me.”
“I told you I’m a jerk!”, he grinned till you both calmed down and he tenderly petted your head. “No, baby, I didn’t hate you.”
A knock on the door had you both more alert as he placed his finger over his mouth in a shushing motion while he reached for his weapon. Rising to your feet in preparation, you watched as he slowly moved towards the sound, exhaling after looking through his peephole.
Lowering his weapon, he opens the door to a disgruntled Eddie who barges through and throws his leather jacket on the couch, his face instantly softening when he sees yours. 
“Why are you crying? Is everything ok?”
You wipe your face as he hurries towards you, giving you a once over as you nod.
“Yeah, Eddie. I’m ok. We were just talking about you…how much we care about you.”
“Why are you here, Munson? Don’t you have a massacre to dictate?”
Blinking, he readjusts himself so he can address you both. 
“Steve, when you showed up at my door after Carver’s guys jumped you, it scared the hell out of me. You were in so much pain and…”, his voice cracks before clearing his throat as he continues. “I remember what it was like having the shit kicked out of me and the fact that someone had the balls to do that to someone I love; someone that’s mine. I saw red. When Jason showed up at her work threatening to do the same…Baby, I lost my fucking mind.”
“Clearly.”, Steve chided, sighing when you flashed him a stern look. “She’s not just yours, you know. It’s not solely on you to watch out for her. You don’t think when I saw him pressing up against her and calling her a whore I didn’t want to shoot that motherfucker then and there? You’re also mine, Eddie, and if I have to arrest you to keep you alive…” 
“Are you still going to go through with it? Going after Jason?”, you ask, relief washing over you when he folds his arms and shakes his head. 
“You both were right. There are other ways we can attack him without innocent people getting hurt.” The gangster’s beautiful chocolate hues glance towards you. “I’m sorry I scared you.” As your arms wrap around him, he exhales heavily into your hair as his fingers cling to you. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I’m so fucking sorry.”
“It’s ok—”
“No, it’s not.”, he scolds himself as he tilts your head back to look at him. “Don’t you ever let either of us get away with bullshit like that. It’s one thing to dominate you. It’s another to frighten you. We don’t want to do that with you.”
“So, what I’m hearing, Edward Munson, is that you need to be punished.”, Steve teases causing the other man’s eyes to playfully narrow as he bows towards his boyfriend extending his arms on either side. 
“I’m all yours, Officer.”
Grinning, he steps forward, placing himself directly in front of him before forcefully turning him to face you as he pats him down. 
“God this feels so vaguely familiar.”
“Because it’s been done so many times in the past?”
“Only by you, baby.”
Steve’s face hardens as he spanks the man in front of him as he leans over his shoulder to whisper in his ear.
“Stop talking. You’re in a lot of trouble.” 
You watch with intense desire as his palm glides over the gangster’s pockets and reroutes around to the bulge in his slacks. Eddie groans as he licks his lips, his hips slightly grinding to find more friction.
“Too bad you were a bad little boy. We could have been sucking you cock right now or you could be sinking it into her tight, wet pussy. But no… you had to play big man in Hawkins, didn’t you?” When his boyfriend doesn’t answer, he spanks him again. “Didn’t you?”
“Ah, fuck. Yes.”
Abruptly grabbing his wrists, Steve handcuffs them behind Eddie’s back, guiding him towards his mattress, and tossing him stomach first onto his bed. 
“Can you do me a favor, sweet girl?”
Stepping closer to him, you allow him to murmur instructions to you making you nod before lightly kissing his lips. After completely disrobing, you climb on to the bed in front of Eddie and per the officer’s instructions, open your legs wide for him to see.
“Fuck, angel. You’re so fucking beautiful.”, he compliments in a strained tone as the other man reached underneath him to remove the gangster pants and boxers. 
“Yeah? You like my pussy, baby?” Scooting a bit closer to him, you bite your bottom lip and grin as he nods, tilting his head to kiss your inner thigh. As his kisses trail further up towards your legs, you push yourself back, denying him what he desperately wants. “Oh, I’m sorry. Officer Harrington said you weren’t allowed.”
Steve smirks over his shoulder as he listens to Eddie whine while hanging his head.
“No, hey, keep your eyes on her.”, he scolds, gripping his jaw and forcing his head up.
The long-haired boy groans as your fingers glide effortlessly through your folds, the sound of your wetness making him harder as he tries to relieve the pressure by rutting into the mattress. His boyfriend roughly loops his arms through his own, bringing his back to his chest as he guides his cock into his entrance. 
“Fuck, baby, that’s it.”
You had never really been privy to seeing them be sexually intimate and you never initiated any of that in the bedroom. You wanted them to feel comfortable especially since you were the newcomer to the relationship and dynamic. Seeing them now as Steve slammed his hips into Eddie’s, lifting and holding his upper half with his arms alone as the gangster practically drooled mewling his name; it was the sexist thing you had ever seen. 
A small cry left your throat as you pushed two of your fingers into your needy hole.
“Aw, look what you’re doing to her, honey. She wants your mouth in her cunt so bad. I bet you do to, huh?”
“I-I—fuck—I’m sorry.”, he sighed exasperatingly. 
“I’m sure you are.” Pulling out, he smacked his ass before bouncing on to the bed on his back and man handling his boyfriend till he was positioned over his cock. “You better ride my dick fucking hard.” Holding the base, both men moaned as he lowered himself on to his firm length and did what he commanded. “Mmm—fuck—come here, Y/N.”
After crawling over to him, he tugged your arm and shifted your body till you were sitting directly on his face. 
“I got you, baby.”
Steve wasted no time, his fingers digging into your thighs as his thick, masterful tongue went to work. Eddie watched you both with glassy, lust filled eyes as he bounced and grinded on the man he loved. Leaning towards him, you couldn’t help but capture his lips and was surprised when the officer allowed it. 
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I really am. Fuck, his cock feels so fucking good.”
“I forgive you, Eddie. I forgive you. YES! Steve, please. I need him.”
His hold around you tightened as he shook his head between your legs, his lips making obscene slurping sounds as he flicked his tongue against your clit at an overwhelming pace. 
Panting, your body trembled as you came as his tongue continued with its assault, elongating your high. After a soft kiss to your thigh and a firm tap of your ass, you climbed off him, waiting for instruction. Sitting up, he grabbed Eddie’s cheeks and kissed him passionately making the gangster groan at the taste of you on his boyfriend’s mouth. 
“I’m sorry, Steve. You know how I am sometimes.”
“Hot headed? Stubborn? A pain in my ass?” They both chuckled softly, the officer running his thumb along his lips. “We talk to each other right? Figure things out together.”
“Yeah, baby, we do.”
“ALL of us. That includes her now. She makes us stronger.”
“Yeah, she does.”, Eddie smiled as he glanced your way wishing he could touch you. 
Giving him one final kiss, Steve leans back and pats his lower stomach. 
“Come here, honey.” Taking his hand, you let him direct you till you were straddling him with the other man’s cock teasing your pussy lips. “You’ll have to slide back on him but he should be able to do the rest.”
Nodding your head, you reach behind you to hold his length as you guide him inside of you. 
“Oh my fucking God.”, Eddie growls as you mewl at the stretch. 
Steve’s large palms grip your hips as his boyfriend start’s bouncing and thrusting his own. 
“Does that feel good, Y/N?”
“S-So good.”
“Shit. You’re both so fucking sexy That’s it. Just let go and take it like a good girl.”
Your breasts hang perfectly in front of his face and when his mouth attaches to your nipple, your pussy clenches around Eddie making him whimper as he picks up his pace. 
“Please, Eddie. Make me cum.”
As he does his best to honor your request while restrained, Steve licks his thumb and massages your clit driving you crazy as you push up and lean against the gangster’s chest. You feel him grunt into your shoulder as he releases inside of you, you following as you moan his name into the ceiling. After lightly spanking you, you collapse to the side and watch as Eddie falls forward knowing the man he loves will be there as Steve cups his cheeks and thrusts roughly upwards chasing his own high. 
“That’s it, Eddie, baby. Take it, take it, take it. That’s my good boy. Fuck.”
They both groan as the man underneath him thrusts his spend deep inside of him, his mouth falling open as he pants against his lips. 
“I love you so much, Steven, fuck. I love you.”
As the gangster croons into his neck and they continue to whisper admiration for each other, you tip toe towards the officer’s set of keys and quietly reappear to free him. His palms promptly come to pet the boy’s head, kissing his forehead before playfully wrapping his arms around you and dragging you over Steve to place you between them.
A warm feeling washes over you as both men roll on to their side to nuzzle their noses against your cheeks as they hold you. 
You aren’t sure when you fell asleep or for how long but the strong, delicious smell of pasta caused your eyes to flutter open. Eddie was still knocked out beside you but due to the small space you could see Steve with his bare back to you in sweats at the stove. One of his shirts had been placed by the bed and you smiled as you slid it on, shuffling towards him. 
“Hey you. I’m making dinner if you’re hungry.” His grin grows when you nod, turning his attention back to his sizzling pan. Hopping up, on to the nearby stool by his counter, you notice a file with Jason’s name on it.
“May I?”
Glancing that way, he hesitates for only a moment before giving his approval. 
The file itself was thick with photos and notes of Carver’s gang showing that the officer really did take his job seriously as you browsed through the details. Kind of like Eddie his father passed the reigns to his son Jason but unlike him, his father was still out and walking freely. He seemed to still have a bit of sway when it came to the clan itself but otherwise he trusted his son. He had been running things for a couple of years before Eddie took over and due to the change Steve noted a few things you found disturbing.
“Hey. Put that down and try this.”  You smile as he holds a spoon to your lips and he beams with pride when make a tiny yum noise as he turns back around. “My mom was actually a pretty good cook. She taught me a thing or two.”
“Jesus Christ, it smells good in here.”, Eddie announced, grabbing a desk chair and sliding obnoxiously loud over to you two making you laugh. While tilting up to kiss you, he yanks the file from your grasp. “Bad Officer Harrington. Letting her snoop.”
“She’s not snooping. She asked and I said it was alright.”
“I’m glad you’re not going after him, Ed. There’s some things in there…”
“Yeah. Jason Carver is a prick. I’m surprised his dad lets him get away with half the shit he does but unless George Carver deems you worthy so to speak he doesn’t give a damn.”
Your head shot up as an idea hit you. 
“Wait a second, Hawkins does a charity thing every year where the wealthy show up to throw money at causes to make them feel better about themselves.”
“Yeah, my parents go to that.”, Steve replied with a hint of sarcasm you didn’t miss. 
“My dad was always invited but never went. He never felt the need to pretend to be a good man.”
“But that’s why I never went. I had heard that the head of the Carver’s attended.” They both continue to stare at you with confused eyes causing you to let out a frustrated sigh as you rise to your feet. “The sponsors of that party have funds for Hawkins medical funds but the bulk of it goes to that general hospital. I’m still always invited…if I wanted to mingle with the donors…make an impression… Come on, guys.”
“Honey, just say what’s on your mind.”
“I can go with Eddie and we can talk to Jason’s dad. Maybe somehow convince him to get his son to leave us alone.”
They exchange a look before the gangster finally speaks. 
“Y/N, sweetheart, that means you’d have be seen with me and not just by the Carvers. My team, a few of our friends, and apparently Jason somehow knows about Steve but otherwise he’s hidden. If we go to this event with you on my arm, EVERYONE will know.”
“Including the police, baby. Which means you could have more eyes on you and pressure pushed when it comes to him.”
Your head hangs as you fiddle with your fingers. 
“I would never turn you over or tell them anything. I swear…”
“No, honey.”, Steve quickly explains. “We aren’t worried about that. We just don’t want you to be uncomfortable. Of course, we can protect you in that regard from getting into any kind of legal trouble.”
“Your family and friends will have something to say—”
“I don’t have much family and I work 24/7 so I don’t have time for friends. Honestly, the only thing I care about is that clinic, my patients, and you two.” The genuinely smile at that last bit making you blush. “I do. I care about you very much. It’s been a long time since I felt like I wasn’t just coasting through life. These past couple of weeks I’ve really enjoyed having someone to talk to, to hold me, even just hear someone tell me I’m fucking beautiful.”
Eddie gets to his feet and tenderly kisses your lips.
“You are beautiful, angel. Ok, I need to take you shopping so we can get you a new dress.”
“Oh, you don’t have to—”
“I know I don’t HAVE to. I want to.”, he grins. “We need to go over some rules and things if we are going to pull this off. “
“I can come to. Since my parents are attending, it wouldn’t be odd for me to be there and I can keep an eye on you two.”
“My knight in shining handcuffs and a holster gun.” Steve sticks out his tongue as Eddie giggles like a little kid. “Alright, princess, this won’t be the last time I ask but are you sure you want to do this?”
Your gaze shifts between them as a heavy sigh exits from your lungs. 
“I’m sure.”
@5tud10-54r4h @munsonzgf @eddiesguitarskills @supraveng
@lilaclazer @ima1986 @micheledawn1975 @foreverminliv @corkadymu
@lemme-slytherin-that-dick @joannamuns9n @dashingdeb16 @sashaphantomhive
289 notes · View notes
worldsover · 1 year
Flawless ft. Wonyoung
Co-written with @kaedespicelatte
length ✦ 8587
genres ✧ Daddy kink, spanking, creampies, blindfolded, buttplug, (anal) princess!Wonyoung
This flaw doesn’t count as a flaw.
Three minutes ago, Wonyoung was sitting on your lap—her “favorite seat”—but with that impatience, it became naughty grinding. A test for your self-control. Wonyoung had the slinkiest white dress wrapped around her body, more a towel or bathrobe than fashion. If she were making eye contact instead of having her back towards you, you would have had some embarrassing laundry to deal with. That was what her face did to you. She slid her ass up and down on your crotch, sitting harder, more restless than necessary for a regular chair. What subtlety. You were wearing pants, and your cock was begging to be free of them.
Three minutes later, you’re sitting on the edge of the king-sized bed, and Wonyoung is still on your lap. She’s in a new position though. Wasn’t too hard. With two hands around her slender waist, you picked her up like a misplaced toy. After bending her over, her stomach is on your thighs, and her ass is in the air. Sunlight brightens the already white room, and a beam trickling through thin curtains casts a perfect spotlight on her behind. The only thing stopping you from dropping your open palm where it belongs is one layer of expensive fabric. Now look who’s begging.
Impatience, so-called flaw, leads to perfection. No, this flaw can’t count.
Wonyoung’s head hangs. “I’m sorry, Daddy.”
“I don’t think you are.”
Who cares about truth. Imagine all you could do to Wonyoung in this compromised position. You could slide fingers under her dress, make her legs go limp, then bring her down to her knees, use her pretty mouth. Or you could tease with her more precise touches, feather the back of her neck or her ears, and send shivers through her whole body. You even entertain the thought of whipping out your burgeoning erection from your pants and finishing yourself off right then and there, just to ruin the pricey dress.
Your hand is on her ass, and there was never any other choice. The other hand begins the process, hikes the dress up her lithe legs, then you stop just under her asscheeks. You could stay here, stare at her thighs forever, kiss, lick, slide your cock between the smooth flesh, and though you could do as your imagination wished, you pull the hem of her dress up, revealing her thin white thong—there was never any other choice.
Wonyoung had to wear skimpy underwear for the photoshoot, and now it clings to her waist, her pussy lips. Look closer, and you find a strand of her excitement wetting the thong. All because you have her bent over. All because of the looming threat of your palm striking down. Wonyoung knows her impatience leads to satisfaction. That’s why, despite her quiet whimpers, she’s also shaking her ass; you’re certain it’s not even a conscious action.
A sharp noise follows the bluntness, the flesh jiggling. You should’ve lifted for the second strike, but in its own unconsciousness, your hand rests on her reddened asscheeks, your fingers settling in. A part of you wants to massage, soothe, and calm the woman whose hastily drawn breath was distressing. Then, she looks back. She shouldn’t have.
There’s no reason for your other hand to hit harder, to leave a deeper shade of cherry on her skin. No reason but her eyes. She says so much in a glance, a small thing. Wonyoung is tense, tired, and unsatisfied.
As much as she needs sleep or food or water, she needs this next slap on her ass. The shivers throughout her body manifest as waves of goosebumps flowing through her delicate skin. Every spank unravels her more and more—might as well pluck the ribbon off her chest.
With a hard enough spank, Wonyoung’s whole body jolts forward, causing hair to fall over her face. You slide her hair away from her eyes. One hand, you grab her face, squishing her cheeks together. Wonyoung’s eyes are pleading for you to give the reward.
“Are you my good princess?”
“Yes.” The meekness is not just in her voice but in the redness of her face.
With more and more of your rampant strikes, you notice again the underwear hanging on for dear life. Again, options. You could slide that thin fabric to the side and get your finger wetter than the faucet can. But you’re going to keep Wonyoung’s thong on. You don’t have to take it off to know what the rest of her body is telling you.
“Tell me, what do you want?”
Wonyoung stammers.
“Don’t pretend like you weren’t begging for it moments ago.”
She steels herself. “I want your cock inside me.”
You don’t know where she summoned that resolve, but you like the passion in her eyes. “Then get it.”
Of course, that means only one thing. Without delay, Wonyoung is on her knees in front of you. You remind yourself how often you have to thank every deity that you get to be in this position, that you get to witness the rarest form of a kneeling princess or whatever faultless being Wonyoung is.
If she had flaws, here in this room is where you would expose them. If she had flaws—but then, of course, she doesn’t; how could the sparkle in her eyes be a flaw? How could reverence, worship, all in a hint of a look turned to a gaze in its length? How could she do nothing yet do everything to the fire inside you hardening and lengthening your shaft to some impossibly maximal extent in front of Wonyoung’s face—how, if not for her freedom from flaw?
It was small touches then that pulled you into such a stupor that let your guard down; it’s small touches now that pull you out of your reminiscing. One of her small hands is on your sack, and her fingers graze carefully. Wonyoung giggles when she sees your dick jump at the touch.
“Daddy, you have so much cum for me, don’t you?”
You growl. Even if she didn’t notice the electric jolt her mere touch sent, she must certainly notice the firmness of your balls. She can’t hide the smile. Of course, she notices. Nothing gets past Wonyoung. That hint of a smirk on her lips becomes something else, a letter.
And now its round, plump shape is on your cockhead, wettening, worshiping—would’ve been eye contact if you weren’t meeting her pupils with the whites of your eyes. Was on your cockhead, but now those lips are further down your length, miraculous. How can anything be that soft. How can anything give you so much pleasure. How can questions not even be questions because you don’t have that kind of faculty of mind with Wonyoung sliding her mouth, moist with spit, slathering your cock. There was a room here, there was a bed, there was the light of the sun, and none of those things exist.
When Wonyoung sucks dick, she’s in a flow state too. Lips, up, down, eyes, down, up. Lick, kiss, lick, swallow. Her specialty is the way that she bookends every suck with a kiss as if she’s making out with your cock, leaving lipstick smudged. Her lips just naturally fall onto your flesh, like they were meant to be there to soothe and nurture. The seduction of her gaze comes naturally the same way that saliva naturally flows out of the edge of her mouth when your length jabs at her throat.
Only for a moment can you look at her, accept that gaze. It’s already too much sensation, feeling her stimulate your cock, but when you see that perfect pretty face impaled on you, you can barely hold back. Not that she can either. You thought she was wet when you were spanking her, but there’s a veritable sliver of translucent juice from between her legs. Every stroke of her mouth brings a little more wetness.
A pulse in your core. Every stroke of her mouth brings a little more of what’s trapped in your sack. Deliberately sampling, Wonyoung taps the tip of her tongue at the seed dripping out, and she lets out a small moan of delight.
“Daddy, I love the taste of your cum. But I need it somewhere.” Wonyoung’s wandering hands move down her own torso till she rubs her midriff for emphasis. There was no other ending to begin with.
Wonyoung ends the blowjob with a purposeful gag, getting spit to run down from her thick lips to her expensive necklace. It’s elegant, shiny, understated. These would have all been ways you would have described Wonyoung—then you clean up the saliva on her collarbone with a finger, and she grabs your digit with her mouth, suckling.
It’s a picture you wish you keep forever, but not even the perfect photograph could capture the high in your system. She’s eager, bouncy, and ready for however you’re about to ravage her.
Not that ready though.
Wonyoung yelps when you pull her off the ground, off her knees, and practically carry her like she’s just a couple bags of groceries. It’s cruel, your love of watching any speck of confidence disappear from Wonyoung. You could tell some kindling inside of her was being sparked as she sucked your cock. Every time she steals a degree of heat from your body, a breath of air from your lungs, a thought from your head, she gets off from it. But what gets her off even more—watch her panties; they’re getting even darker—is when you have your hands on her wrists—oh, how slender, how easy she is to hold down. You have to suppress yourself from some absurd animalistic noise, from some immediate urge to take her right now. Other plans await, and begin at your word:
“Such a naughty, naughty princess. How can you be this beautiful, this perfect, yet still so filthy?”
Hands held against the bed, Wonyoung looks up at you in total surrender. “D-daddy… it’s, it’s your cock.” Then her eyes go down your body.
A Sword of Damocles above her midriff. Wonyoung’s words came with dripping desperation, or in other words, drool; it matches how your cock is slathered in her spit. You slap your shaft against her stomach, then trace a finger around her belly button.
“After I fuck you into a bumbling mess,” you say with a paradoxical lightness, “I’m going to breed you, fill you up, deposit every last drop into your womb.”
Then you start to finger her, no restraint in the pumping of your digits into her slit. Wonyoung is half-surprised at the suddenness, half-pouting that it’s not your dick deep inside her. Two fingers in and out, mechanical yet you have a familiarity with her body that ensures she’s in a daze. Watch her slender frame twist and writhe in pleasure, and you watch with a wry grin.
Your tone follows your smile, your confidence. “These sheets look so expensive. It's a shame that we're about to ruin them.”
After all, it’s so surprisingly easy to bring her mind past the brink. Fingers rub that soft spot several inches deep, while one digit begins to focus on that small nub past her pretty pussy lips. Barely takes a minute or two for your fingers to get Wonyoung squirting all over them. Warm slickness covers your digits, your forefinger slipping in between her folds. Your thumb rubs circles around her clit as she convulses beneath your fingertips.
Wonyoung groans loudly. When your wrist brushes across her neck, she goes rigid, whimpers cut off by an exhale.
The deliberate exit of your fingers spells the end of this prologue that’s dragged on for far too long, and Wonyoung seems to share the sentiment. Her eyes shine with a familiar glee as she guides your hands behind her. Her thin digits exude uncharacteristic strength to tug yours beneath the silkiness of her dress, almost as if she’s hinting at something as she leans ever so slightly forward—
“Time for the main course, Daddy?” Wonyoung asks, the angelic smile dimpling her face yet again.
No more time nor patience for panties on her legs, the dress on her body. As much as she needs your dick, you need her completely bare and ready for you to ravage. Expensive clothes, soaked underwear, thrown to the floor like it's nothing. It is nothing.
You pull off the dampened sheets, push her back down onto the mattress. Wonyoung opens her mouth without a hint of trepidation and stretches her arms out to pull you in for a kiss, but you realize you haven't removed your clothes either, so you tear your pants, your shirt, everything else off your body in half a motion.
“Come stuff your big fat hard cock in me, Daddy.”
Even the most ridiculous sentences coming from Wonyoung’s lips sound elegant. You climb over the foot of the bed and straddle her thighs, letting your hips settle atop hers, then let your lips graze hers. Your hands aren’t nearly as gentle, a rough grasp on her breasts and a finger sliding on her slit.
Wonyoung moans softly, her tongue curling into your mouth. You kiss harder, her legs wrapping around yours, her fingers digging into your back, her fingernails scratching at your skin. You moan against her lips, her tongue parting yours, then pushing into your mouth. Your fingers dig into her hips as you start to move, grinding against her, your cock throbbing, wetting the sheets beneath you.
Your lips leave hers though your eyes never leave. As you align your cock at her entrance, Wonyoung gives you a nod. There's always that adorable glint of uncertainty like it's the first time. Always feels like it. See, your thick cock can’t ever just slide inside Wonyoung’s tiny hole; it’s almost unnatural; you’d break her in half. That’s why you have to do everything to make her torrentially wet. You do everything from teasing her slit with your tip, sliding it up and down, to caressing every inch of her skin, never letting Wonyoung cool down from the flames you’re stoking. Slap, slap, you slap your length against her labia, and Wonyoung lets out small yelps.
Slow, slide in. Time slips. Who knows how long it took for you to push your shaft all the way inside. The clock doesn’t, you’re keeping as little track as the timepiece on the wall, and Wonyoung’s eyes are rolled back so far she might even see her brain short-circuiting.
You guide her cheek to look at you as you bottom out, and the two of you savor the combination. It’s nothing new—you’ve fucked the wind out of her plenty before—but you really can’t get enough of perfection. Perfection is the way her long legs tremble, the way her mouth doesn’t know whether to tense in harsh tightness or smile dumbly, the way she gets even redder when you lean down for a kiss.
A few strokes, enough friction to set off fireworks in your skull. One thrust, one. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven—there must be some other number to which you count—who knows what it would be. You let go of her hand to push against the mattress and find some stability: you're about to make the bed creak; you're about to fuck Wonyoung into the bed. When she opens her eyes, eyelashes fluttering, and smiles at you, your so-called free will is limited again. There's nothing else to do but to thrust deeper, faster, harder. Wonyoung's gasping voice echoes through the walls as you bury your cock in her, pounding her, stretching her, filling her.
Already, the world melts away until it becomes only fundamental sensations: the warmth of her cunt milking your dick, her nails scratching along your back, the sight of her flushed cheeks, her puffy lips, the sweat dotting your brow, the smell of her sweet perfume.
That's not just the bed now: Wonyoung is squeaking, mewling as you pound her. Her legs quiver, her toes curl, and she's grabbing at the sheets, crying out. You're fucking her as hard as possible, but you need harder. You want to shatter the universe with each stroke, rip a hole in reality because the momentary euphoria after orgasm is nothing compared to this overwhelming bliss. Then again, it looks like her glee is certainly reaching new heights.
You groan louder than she does, bellowing like a wild beast as you plow into her pussy. It's not just your balls that are swollen; your whole body is taut, your heart thudding against your chest. But you need this moment to last longer, and Wonyoung feels too damn good like this. The way her pussy clenches as her body shakes when she orgasms is too much for you to handle. After fucking Wonyoung through her climax, you stop for a moment, earning pouting and whimpering from the girl beneath you.
"Why?" she whines.
You only give her an acknowledging grunt before you wrap your arms around her back to pick her up. With her limber limbs, it's so easy to twist her until she has her long legs folded above her head, her back against your chest. It's as if she's a mere toy to your strength.
Wonyoung confirms it herself: “Oh, fuck, Daddy, I’m your fuckdoll, please, fuck me hard.” She’s gasping even though you’re the one doing all the work.
She’s perfectly content to just let her eyes roll into her head, to let her thoughts become null and void. Why would Wonyoung need to think when she can just get pistoned hard by that big cock making her pussy sore and begging for more. She’s perfectly content to just let her eyes roll into her head, to let her thoughts become null and void. Why would Wonyoung need to think when she can just get pistoned hard by that big cock making her pussy sore and begging for more. Automatically, her hips buck against your thighs as you slam your cock against her pussy.
You can see how wet and slippery she is with just a glance downward. A waterfall of pussy juices slides down her thighs and drips onto the floor. Your cock is already coated in wetness from previous thrusts into Wonyoung's tight hole. You want to feel your warm load spurt out and drench every inch of her insides, but not yet. She's buckling and shaking. She wants the exact same—no, she needs it even more. Giving Wonyoung kisses on her neck, she strains her head back, her mouth open with a sound she's struggling to get out through heavy breaths. You too are feeling the burn in your thighs. You have to tighten your grip around her knees to make sure you're still carefully holding the most precious, delicate person to you (not that you're treating her as such). No matter how light she may be, it requires considerable effort on your part. So after slowing down your pace of fucking, you take a few steps towards the wall, still keeping Wonyoung's legs over her head, your dick well-impaled inside her cunt.
With your back to the wall, you can thrust as hard as you want. You find depths and intensities that you didn't know were possible. Her pert little ass bounces against your waist, sweat drips down both your bodies, and slight yelps turn to shouts that test the hotel room's noise insulation.
"W-wow, Daddy!" Wonyoung cries out when you resume your torrid pistoning, "God, keep going, ohhh, yes, I'm gonna cum soon."
Here's the flaw, returning, a ghost. It haunts in a small way. It reminds you of your flaws: your climax is soon to arrive. But when you look at her body and her angelic face as she turns back to look at you, open-mouthed, you want this flaw to dissipate, to stay in this moment forever. So yet again, you interrupt her impending cumming by throwing her onto the bed. So yet again, she looks like a plaything, a perfect one, but one so easy to throw nonetheless.
“Fuuck.” Wonyoung takes many long breaths. A slight, vague smile.
After all, she’s not so fragile; you knew that. The first time you fucked her, the back of a big black van with tinted windows, you couldn’t even pretend like you could hold back. This is where your role as her favorite seat started. The two of you were testing the van’s suspension— there weren’t exactly any potholes for the parked car to drive over. After you got over the tightness of her cunt, you were pulling her hair as she was clawing into your back, and she called you “Daddy” just as she’s repeating now.
“Daaddy. Come here.”
Watch how her heart beats out of her chest, how the flawless flaw never even crosses her mind because she’s too lost in her lust. Though already parted by your cock, she spreads her pussy more and looks at you with a twinkle that’s far too innocent, and lips that can’t pretend the same innocence as they drip with drool.
“Please. I need to cum on your cock.” You can’t ever resist a begging Wonyoung for too long.
Once you climb back onto the bed, you position yourself above her chest, placing your cock right across her face. “You need it that bad, huh?”
Wonyoung nods assuredly, and places as many kisses as she can on your balls, on the underside of your cock, before letting your tip rest on her suckling lips.
“Looks like you do.” Of course, you’re going to breed her, but you have to get a real taste of her throat while you’re here. Though she always pushes herself as deep as she can when she gives you her loving blowjobs, it’s not the same as fucking her face.
So when you grab the bottom of her lip, Wonyoung knows exactly what you want. You push your hips forward, and your cock slides right—well, there’s that barrier first. Back of her mouth, causing her to choke. You like the way her eyes water. You get a little more when you place your hand on her throat, a sadistic glee when you feel the bulge against her neck. Her arms struggle, and you let that helplessness linger for a little longer.
Wonyoung looks nearly pissed at you when you finally release your hold, both your cock and your hand. You’ve watched her take your shaft down her throat for so long—such addiction to the taste (maybe that’s another flaw)—she almost passed out. With this next thrust, you watch, and feel, her outstretched tongue slide against the bottom of your shaft, and this time, you start to ramp up in speed, until her mouth becomes another pussy for you to fuck. You love to hear the “glugh” sounds from every deep insertion, love to see her eyelids twitch and eyebrows raise. It’s almost as if you don’t have the most beautiful face underneath you, just some fleshlight.
But as much as you’d love to fill her throat with cum, you remember what your end goal is. You dismount from her chest and ask her, “You said you wanted to cum on my cock, right?”
“Yesss, Daddy.”
You know exactly what makes her even more sensitive.
You get up, and Wonyoung watches you as you grab a white cloth strip by the bedside. You’re not even sure why the hotel provides it—it’s a thin small towel? —but it’ll suit your needs perfectly.
With a come-hither gesture, Wonyoung sits up.
You wrap the cloth around her eyes. “You trust Daddy, right?”
“Of course. Do whatever you want with me. I’m your princess, your toy.”
“Good girl.” Before returning to pick Wonyoung up again, you grab a couple other things from a bag—a shiny metal buttplug, a small bottle of lube. You set them aside.
You’ll always love throwing Wonyoung around on a bed. It’s just too easy, too fun to listen to the squeals. After you flip her prone onto her stomach, her pert little ass is right there—you have no choice but to give each cheek a spank. Two spanks. Three for good measure. Then, grab her hips and lift them up. Right now, there’s no point blindfolding Wonyoung when she’s in this face-down ass-up position. But you have other plans.
A favorite pastime of yours: slapping your cock against Wonyoung. This time, her needy cunt is the target, and every slap earns an adorable yelp, though muffled by the sheets.
Wonyoung is desperately trying to fuck her pussy into your cock, but she can’t see anything.
“Please, Daddy, put it in, put it in! Daddy, please, I need your cum in me so bad, I need it, I do.” The whine in her voice is genuine, the lack of seed inside Wonyoung leaving her unfulfilled in a despondent way.
So you decide to go ahead. As you guide the tip of your cock to its destination, you press the base of the shaft against the crack between her asscheeks, spreading them wide open with two hands digging into the flesh and exposing the entrance to her vagina.
Wonyoung is ready to let out a scream that echoes off the walls. And once she realizes that you haven't actually shoved your penis into her, she moans and pants and says, "Oh God, oh Daddy, don't tease me like thaaat, pleassse. I'll do anything for you if you put that monster cock inside of me. Put it inside of me, Daddy." She tries to say something else, but then she chokes. Her hands move under the sheets, grasping for the bedsheet as her body shudders and trembles. You slide your dick between her pretty pussy lips, between her asscheeks, collecting all the wetness, and while you’re at it, adding a bit more with generous spit.
“Remember what you were practicing for before we left?”
Between groaning and whimpering, as you press the tip of your cock up and down her slit, tempting to put it in, Wonyoung manages to let out a little “hmm?”
You grab the metal plug next to you and balance it on her ass. You love seeing her head tilt in confusion at the cold metal.
“What’s that, Daddy?”
“Can you guess?”
You then grab the bottle of lube and squirt an ample amount on her butt. Some of it drips down her back, sending chills to the spine underneath, while most of it drips between her buttcheeks. To make sure it doesn't go to waste, whatever drips, you collect with a finger then spread on her asshole, carefully teasing her by never actually putting your finger inside.
She shudders. “Oh.” Shudders again. “Ohh, ffuuck. Yes, yes, y-yes. Daddy, are you gonna do it?”
You smile.
Her breathing comes in shallow gulps as she feels the buttplug press against her tight hole and your cock seated on her pussy lips, a two-fold tease that leaves her frustrated—you and she both know she deserves it. Then it's a long whine into the pillows when you just massage her asscheeks and thighs for a while. She looks back even though she's blindfolded; you realize it's so that she can show off her sweet pout.
You slowly sink the buttplug into her ass. You can't get enough of the way her hole widens around the plug, clinging and expanding, while the rest of Wonyoung's body tenses up.
"You okay?"
Though she whimpers, she also nods. You pause for a few moments after hearing her cry out, enjoying her pleasure as her asshole clenches tightly around the cold metal plug. You squeeze her cheeks together, holding her still as you thrust halfway in and out.
"Oh, fuuuck, Daddy, is that what it's gonna feel like when you fuck me there?"
"Even better princess. It's gonna be warm and thick and you're gonna feel all my cum inside your tummy."
"Ahh!" she yelps out when you finally push the plug into its hole. "Fuck me. I've been a good girl."
You reach over and grab your cock which resting on Wonyoung's quivering pussy lips and slide your shaft between her asscheeks. feeling her shiver in response. "Really? How many times have you begged me to put my cock inside your tight little ass, princess?"
"I dunno… too many to count," Wonyoung whispers as she starts grinding her hips back and forth to meet your strokes.
"Doesn't sound like a good girl."
"But I am? But I am!" Her tone is sugary sweet.
"Still not sure this pussy deserves it. See, you're pushing your ass into me like a greedy slut."
"Nnnh, but I'm your slut, Daddy. I'm a slut for your big dick, and that makes me a good girl, the best princess." All the while, she keeps thrusting back into you, when suddenly, her cunt slurps your cock up, your tip suctioned like it's nothing. Wonyoung is so talented that she doesn’t even need to see to fuck her pussy into your cock. She groans. "See, Daddy, that's where it belongs."
You grunt in disapproval, but you're already inside of her and pulling out is one of those Thor feats—not for humans like you. So in one snap of your hips, you drive your cock into her pussy, and to show your annoyance, you slap her ass over and over, re-reddening the sensitive skin from earlier.
"Ahh! Daddy!"
"That's right, princess." In and out, every pistoning motion is blowing your mind, especially how she reciprocates every thrust with one of her own, fucking herself into your crotch, but you can't let that stop your reprimand. "You have to learn your lesson."
She can only repeat her yelps and mewls which only grow louder when you slam yourself against her G-spot, reach for her clit, toy with the buttplug in her ass by pulling it out slightly and letting it go for her asshole to receive once again. Wonyoung’s whole body is trembling with desire. Her pussy is contracting and molding to the shape of your cock—must be intense without sight. Her cries echo off the walls, the only way she knows she’s still in this room. "Daddy, Daddy, please, I'm begging you. Fill my pussy up, fill it with cum. Give me the biggest load ever."
Without warning, you pull out—so you do have some deity blood in you—flip her over onto her back, then grab her ankles, spreading her legs and lifting them up.
Wonyoung is still blindfolded, so there's no way for her to know when you'll resume your pounding. "Daddy, are you gonna keep—oh!"
Of course, you don't delay. In this mating press position, Wonyoung can't use her arms or shoulders to resist, so you take full advantage. Her petite breasts bounce freely beneath her as you pound her cunt mercilessly, slamming her against the mattress, giving her the kind of hard, fast, rough fucking reserved for pornstars, not princesses and idols like her. Your balls slap against her crotch and she gasps out loud, calling your name while her nails claw the bedsheets. That buttplug and the blindfold contribute to making Wonyoung's inner walls clench your shaft tight. Even without being able to see what's happening, her screams tell you everything about how she’s feeling. How close she is.
Your rhythm is relentless yet calculated. You know her body well enough to slow down just right so that she doesn’t cum yet. You’re not just trying to edge her, though that is part of your impetus. The timing needs to be perfect.
As much as she’s begging, you hold off until you hear her start crying in frustration. She's completely unintelligible, barely getting out words: "Cum, Daddy, please, cum, cum, I need, I’m, princess, nnhgh, inside, fuck, mm, fuck."
Wonyoung arches her back whenever you plunge deep into her, forcing her to stretch out further. To feel her pussy wrap your cock at its tightest, you bring her feet together, holding her legs up in the air above her. Every time you bury your member within her, you watch her mouth drop open as she lets out a breathless scream.
You let go of her legs, and they naturally spread out on the mattress. Your shaft is completely engulfed by her walls. You lean down to kiss her neck, her collarbones, her shoulders, all milky white.
Wonyoung gives you an innocent smile, unable to see. Then you thrust once. "Your cock..." Twice. "Makes me so..." Three times. "So happy."
The smile doesn’t fade though. You can’t see her eyes, but they must be filled with bliss. Listen to her giggling. Then, as you pick up the pace, she bends her head back and with her mouth open, her tongue falls out naturally. Look at this. Perfection. It must be.
Her pussy's spraying out copious amounts of juices; look, you'll get the pages wet, or the words wet, or whatever. Wonyoung is tense yet shaking at the same time. Your shaft has never felt so throttled before. There's no artist nor writer that can completely explain the heights of pleasure you're both peaking towards. Your balls contract as the seed builds up within your testicles, waiting for release.
The orgasmic wave hits you first, ripple upon ripple through your entire body. No ink could possibly draw the mess you made inside Wonyoung's womb. Then the next wave hits Wonyoung. This is where the words fail for the wild sounds that break through. Where the words learn imperfection because they could never achieve the same bliss that Wonyoung is feeling in her shaking and her shouting and her cunt clenching your throbbing, spurting cock. There was never art; if you tried to explain its existence, it would have to go up against this kiss, these tongues, yours and Wonyoung's. This was closer to the raison d'etre, closer to the divine, closer to the best descriptions of the fluids and feelings between your crotches right now. Wonyoung's face goes from pain to bliss to confusion to pure euphoria and back again and all of these were without flaw. Her eyes are hidden, but all else is clear: the red of her cheeks, the raising of her eyebrows, the pull of her lips any which way. All this while warm cum spills out and makes her pussy all creamy as it milks your cock for all the seed inside, and maybe this vulgar truth, so flawed, is the best any one man can do. Maybe these last few thrusts are the best you can do.
There were flaws because it ended because it had to, and there weren't flaws because the moment happened because it always had to.
A few more ins and outs, ins and outs, lazy, lazy, slow. You've never seen so much white coat your shaft, never seen so much white flow out from between Wonyoung's legs.
Wonyoung's hands flail weakly in front of her face, and her body sways from side to side. Her hair falls across her forehead and you run your fingers along her scalp.
"Are you okay, princess?"
Her body stiffens for a second and she pulls her hair away from her eyes. When she nods, you lay next to her. "Fuck. Your cum is the best, your cock is the best... you're the best, Daddy."
"You too."
The two of you stay like that for quite a while, neither wanting to move since the afterglow of such intense lovemaking hasn't left either of you yet.
"Hey," she says eventually. "I'm going to wash up."
You stop her when she reaches for the cloth around her eyes. “Wait, not yet."
Wonyoung's head tilts. "Huh? But I'm sweaty, Daddy."
"Follow me,” you say. You grab the bottle of lube still on the bed next to you.
With her hand in yours, you lead Wonyoung across the room. She steps carefully as you bring her to the bathroom. Take a moment to glance at her full body in front of the large round mirror, covered in sweat, dripping with cum, nothing on but a blindfold and buttplug—a far cry from the elegance of the photoshoots and the modeling she’s been doing. Wonyoung is perfectly lit by the LEDs surrounding the mirror, an artisan’s statue before you.
“You look so beautiful like this,” you say. Cup her tits; they fit perfectly in your hands. Wonyoung squirms, not expecting the touch. Your lips find their way onto her addictively delicate neck once again, peppering her with kisses hard enough to plant hickies all over. This time, however, she tastes different—the sweat glazing her skin smears a hint of saltiness all over your tastebuds. "You taste so beautiful, sound so beautiful, everything. You're such a perfect princess."
“Where are we, Daddy?”
Finally, you remove the blindfold.
“Ohh.” Wonyoung leans on the edge of the sink to look at herself. Can’t blame her. You gaze at her too; making eye contact with Wonyoung in the mirror messes up your pulse a beat as always.
You stand behind her, your cock nestling just right between her buttcheeks. (The metal of her buttplug is cool to the sensitive touch of your tip.) Point to the small plastic bottle you set down on the marble countertop. “Look at this. You know what that is, don’t you?”
“Y-yes, Daddy. That’s the lube.”
You smile sweetly at Wonyoung. “Do you know what I'm going to do with that?”
Wonyoung nods. Her legs rub together in anticipation of what's to come, and as the realization really sets in, her butt wiggles in the most cock-teasing way possible. She slides her ass against your soft—now, half-hard—cock.
“Don't just nod, use your words instead.”
“S-sorry. D-daddy is going to fuck my ass—”
“Be more specific. Come on, you can do better than this.”
“D-daddy is gonna pull the buttplug out of my ass, and, and bend me over the sink,” Wonyoung bites her lower lip as the shade of red on her face thickens, “and—and then put the lube in me and, uh, and stretch my tight little asshole with his big fat cock—”
“Bingo, clever girl.” You give her another quick peck on her cheek. “So what are you waiting for?”
Wonyoung places her elbows on the sink's counter, leans forward, arches her spine, and raises her heels, presenting her ass. The metallic buttplug sparkles and you reach for the bright toy. At the slowest possible speed, you work the plug out, earning whimpers from Wonyoung’s lips. It pops out with a satisfying sound, and her asshole is subtly gaped by the small insertion. You throw the metal toy to the corner of the bathroom countertop.
“I feel so empty, Daddy. Fill me.”
Reach for your erection and—when did you get this hard again. Must’ve been when you watched your seed drip between Wonyoung's long legs. Must’ve been when you tasted her petite tits. No, no, it must be—Watch her eyes in the mirror, how they flash these different emotions, but they're all as foggy as the reflective surface. A touch of fear—she knows just how much bigger your dick is than the buttplug—a bit of exhaustion from the first session—so much cum in her womb that she had to have been bred—but the biggest portion is crystal clear lust. In itself, a reflection of your own hunger.
No, no, she’s hungrier. First, Wonyoung notices the cum spilling from her cunt and quickly scoops some of it. But in tasting your load, she starts to drool and you can see the idea form in her head. She opens her mouth, drools out a glob of spit, and rubs her hands. Then, she reaches behind her with both hands, quickly finding your dick to work with those drool-covered palms and digits. If you weren’t sure about your hardness, now you are. She spends some time stroking and twisting her pretty fingers on half of your shaft while rubbing your cock’s tip against her ass.
No matter how good this feels, eventually, you have to stop her. You grab the bottle. Same as the first time, you waste a good amount of it by letting it fall down her ass and legs because the way her skin glistens even more is mesmerizing. You come up with good ideas quickly too; you slather your shaft with the lube that’s dripping down, rubbing yourself all over her thighs, her buttcheeks, even collecting some of your cum from her pussy lips. Whatever fluids you can get, you need.
“You’re Daddy’s toy, right?” You grip your now sufficiently slick cock with your hand, your tip resting right on the squinting hole.
You whisper, “I’m breaking you then.” Push your cockhead forward into her asshole, and you begin to slowly inch it deeper and deeper.
Wonyoung whimpers softly. You want her to cry, but not yet. You can't wait to get past her sphincter muscle, though the tightness around your cockhead already feels heavenly. Deep breath, push harder. You grunt as you feel something, or maybe everything, loosen, every muscle fiber of her body loosens at the thickness penetrating her. Wonyoung lets out a little yelp; you know it won't stay quiet for long. Her petite ass is being split apart by your cock in an addicting way. Addicting in sight, addicting in sensation. You can't get enough because how can you get enough of this flawless feeling. This pressure on your shaft is pressure in your mind so that even the first insertion is even more extreme than fucking her freshly-creampied pussy.
Feels too good already. A rush of pride knowing you took her anal virginity. You are fixed in place, your legs locked, your feet firm where they are. So Wonyoung is the one who fucks her ass into your cock. It takes much effort on her part, however. She’s adorable when she tries to wiggle herself down into your shaft, especially since she has to go through the strain of your width against her tight hole.
Every time Wonyoung does anything, it’s in earnest. Wonyoung can let you take charge, yet she’s fighting for every inch of your cock, for the glory of having you as her seat, as she always does. After long groans and tight grasps—you’re holding her hips; she’s holding the sink—your dick is fully lodged within her asshole, which squeezes and stretches your shaft, already begging for your load.
You think for a moment that you have to start slow here, but Wonyoung, the burgeoning anal slut, immediately starts bouncing like a bunny—funny, it’s not like you can breed her ass, but damn is Wonyoung trying her best to find out if that’s possible. While you’ve let go of her waist, Wonyoung is pushing her hands into the mirror, leaving her hot breath as fog.
Other than your own moans, you can only clench your fists and your jaw and your neck and every muscle in your body feeling Wonyoung’s anal entrance grip up and down your cock over and over. An incredible warmth, even as you re-apply lube. She does not stop backing her ass into you at a rapid pace.
You’re wordless, no dirty talk, no punishing Wonyoung for her boundless need. You’re happy to accept Wonyoung as she quickly gets accustomed to the sensation, seeing how her eyes are rolling up into her head and her mouth is contorting with unsure pleasure.
Surprisingly, she has plenty left to say.
"Daddy...oh, Daddy!"
Well, it’s more than you at least.
Wonyoung throws her head back, squeezing her eyes shut. Her voice barely audible as she moans, she says, "Your dick, mmnh, is so huge, Daddy! Ohhh… ffuck, ngh, it hurts so good. I need it, I need it all."
Her arms tremble slightly as she rocks her hips faster, her breasts heaving from the exertion and excitement. Your balls hit her cheeks with every powerful thrust into you. You’ve never ceded so much control to this girl before, but when you’re receiving the privilege of anally fucking Wonyoung, you’ll take whatever, however.
“Gonna cum in my ass too, right? Gonna cum in both my holes, turn me into a total cumslut for you Daddy, a complete, hnh, whore for your cum.”
She sounds like it. That much is for certain. As much as your cock in her ass is a new feeling for her, it’s totally novel for you too. Not even the tightest grip with your own hands could compete. And it’s a messy endeavor, what with all the lube that you squirt on and the sweat and the carnal smell of sex. Pussy juice forms strings from Wonyoung’s quivering pussy. Your every pounding slam into her butthole is accentuated by shivering from her legs, arching from her back.
You watch Wonyoung tire herself out trying to fuck her ass on your dick, trying to milk out your cum into her tummy. Hold her sides again, but your hands can’t stay in one spot for long. You reach up towards her chest and play with her erect nipples; you spend a dozen or two dozen thrusts with your hand around her neck, on her mouth, making her eyes water; you grab her hair and pull forcefully—no grip is enough. She was supporting herself by placing her hands on the sink, but her elbows collapse at the intensity. You catch her and slow down.
Keep in mind Wonyoung’s tight ring is still wrapped around the base of your cock. So your words come out short and breathless. “Are you okay?”
Wonyoung gulps and nods slowly.
“Hmm.” You wrap your arms around her torso and the two of you shamble toward the large rectangular tub in the middle of the room. Sitting down against the bathtub’s edge, you’re right where you started: Wonyoung using you as her chair.
In the mirror, Wonyoung barely has any stamina left, her eyes and her mouth half-open. You peel Wonyoung off you by gripping her slender waist and pulling upward, and her asshole grips your cock in kind. There’s something about this languid motion that’s unbearably intoxicating, making you light-headed. You can’t even bring her halfway up your cock, so you let go and she slowly sits back down. She wants to start bouncing again, but you can tell by her broken breaths that she’s exhausted.
You thrust upwards into Wonyoung, holding her body in place like a cocksleeve and jerking your hips.
“Oh, fuck, you’re in my stomach.”
You might as well be with that bulge your cock is making on her midriff. At this angle, you’re hitting every organ you can inside Wonyoung, mixing up her guts, might as well be. She’s reduced to hitched breaths, to unseemly noises. You’re reduced too, initial pulsations of your body signaling what’s nigh.
There have been many places you’ve cum with Wonyoung. You’ve painted her ethereal face with your cum, ruining it into perfection plenty of times. Every inch of her skin has seen some sort of semen coating: her armpits, her delicate fingers, her flat midriff, her thighs, her feet—it’d be easier to count the spots you’ve missed. But it’s Wonyoung’s holes that make the best receptacles for your load. She’s incredibly practiced at swallowing your load. Wonyoung can be in the middle of talking with her mouth full of cock, when suddenly you’d burst at the seams, and she would happily receive every drop. You know the highs she obtains whenever you breed her needy womb, how she milks you with simultaneous orgasms.
This place is new. A new sin, flaw, mistake. You’re holding onto Wonyoung as tight as possible, wrapping both arms around, one around her belly and one around her tits. Gaining as much leverage as possible, you rapidly pound your cock into Wonyoung’s now sore asshole—you can tell by how she’s yelping, how tears drip down her face, how she’s writhing in her favorite seat. You’d almost feel bad if you didn’t feel so good, or if Wonyoung weren’t calling “Yes, Daddy, yes” every thrust.
You try to keep yourself together as long as possible, chasing what can’t be chased, but once you hear Wonyoung scream, your climax overtakes you completely. Your body is flooded with internal fire; Wonyoung’s ass is flooded with a thick creamy load. Even if every muscle of yours is begging for you to slow down, you can’t. This doesn’t feel like your second orgasm. Somehow, you’re cumming even more, unloading everything you have. Count this flaw, this wicked painting inside Wonyoung’s guts, as another facet of flawlessness. Somehow there’s grace to the way she receives all this cum.
While you’re riding out your endless throbs, Wonyoung finds a bit of strength again, riding your cock as it shoots rope after rope of your seed deep within her. Filling her up so much, you notice cum leaking past her asshole, which makes your shaft all creamy white. The ghost once more: brilliance must fade. The back-and-forth bouncing and thrusting between the two of you slow down eventually.
“Daaaddy, that felt… incredible.” Wonyoung leans back on you as your cock slips out, and you scoot both of your bodies into the bathtub below you.
By the twinkle in Wonyoung’s eye, you have a feeling that this first time won’t be close to the last. In fact, when you turn on the warm water to take a bath, she just can’t stop kissing and hugging you. Doesn’t matter how naughty it is that cum is dripping out both of her holes. She happily makes out with you, her tongue exploring your mouth. Eventually, the two of you get to scrub each other with soap.
The only reason you’re not hard right now is that you’re sore from the multiple orgasms, the tightness of Wonyoung’s holes draining you of everything you have. Despite this, Wonyoung’s eyelids drop as she cuddles against you in the warm water. You drain the tub, dry her off, and carry her back to the bed.
Perfection even sleeps gorgeously.
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imaginepirates · 1 year
Everything I Need
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Jack and the reader both have feelings for each other, but have yet to act on them. When the reader sees him kissing someone else, they think he's already in a relationship, and they begin pushing him away to save their own emotions.
@emdrabbles @tesserphantom @viper-official @hellspawn-brownies @groovy-lady @ghoulishbehaviour @kittenlittle24
~3100 words
The distinct slide of warm sand through your toes pulled a smile to your face. After six long months of roving, the Pearl had made port back at Tortuga, and your feet hit solid ground for the first time in half a year. As much as you loved sailing, a ship was only so large, and you could only walk the same fifty yards of deck so many times before it began to drive you batty. 
The scenery never changed on the open ocean, not truly. Oh, every day the water was a new shade, and the sky a new color, and the patterns of the waves and clouds never took the same shapes, but even when the sea changed from serene to angry, wind was still wind, and water still water. 
The little cove you’d tucked yourself into was a welcome change to all that. You relished the vibrant greens and yellows and reds of the plants, as well as the chirping of birds, and even the singing cicadas. Later, you would enjoy new company, too, and new stories alongside, but for the moment, you were content to sit only with the company of the land. 
Your seclusion, however, didn’t last long. A figure dropped down next to you, barefoot with their trousers rolled up to the knee. It hadn’t taken Jack long to find you; he knew you too well. It should have annoyed you more, that he always knew where you would be, but his company was never unwelcome. 
“Glad to be back ashore?” 
You accepted the bottle he held out to you, taking a swig before answering. “In all honesty, I am. But you’re already itching to be back out there, aren’t you?” You nudged him with a knee, and he smiled back at you, used to your teasing. 
“Can’t help myself, love. The ocean calls to me, and who am I to deny her? I have everything I need out there.”
“Except rum. You come back for that.”
“Except rum,” he agreed. 
It was easy, conversation between you. Jack had a way about him like a gentle morning tide, an ebb and flow to his words and thoughts, simple to wade through and enjoyably warm. A part of you wondered whether he shared this side of himself with everyone, and another, selfish part of you secretly hoped he didn’t. 
The truth you had come to accept was simple: after many long years of knowing him, somewhere along the line you’d fallen a little in love with your captain. That truth, of course, was a maddeningly frustrating one. There were many unspoken rules aboard a ship, the first and foremost being that no part of the crew was to have romantic, or god forbid sexual, relations with the captain. It was a grand violation of the fragile ecosystem that was ship life. Compounded with that fact was the deeper, more meaningful reason you couldn’t bring yourself to confess— Jack was a creature of freedom, and in desiring his affection, you would be denying him the full range of liberty he needed. It was a thing you simply couldn’t do. 
“What are the chances Anamaria has already gotten into a fight?” Jack was still staring out over the horizon, that characteristic gleam in his eye. 
“What are the chances she’s already won?” You knew Anamaria, and there was a high likelihood that by the time you got to whatever tavern she was in, someone would already owe her money. And have a broken jaw. 
Jack stood, helping you to your feet and corking his bottle. “I won’t let you be reclusive all night. I’ll need someone sympathetic there when Anamaria decides it’s my turn.”
“I’d pay good money to see that.”
Jack feigned offense. “How could you?”
“Because if there’s someone knocking you around, you likely deserve it.”
You walked into town like that, joking and placing meaningless bets on who had gotten up to what while you were both away. Tortuga was exactly like you remembered it, a city much like the sea, where things never really changed. Every building was still itself, if a little more tattered and worn. Not that you minded. That exact attribute was what made it perfectly suited for a group of pirates. The place had its charm, even amongst the heaps of mud and rusty door-joints. Old and battered, just like you all were.
Jack slipped past you into a crowded bar, and you promptly followed. You were overwhelmed all at once by the rowdy music, the sea of voices, the mix of smells, the different fabrics, and the heat created by so many bodies in so little space. You tried peeking around for a familiar face but had no such luck. Instead, you accepted the random fluke of drink Jack had plucked off a bar and set in your hands. 
It took careful navigation through multiple rooms before you saw anyone you knew. Sure enough, Anamaria had a stack of coins on the table in front of her, and half the room away a man was nursing a black eye and bloody nose. 
You settled down next to her, eyeing the considerable amount of money she’d won, grinning. You could swear she had some sort of gambling god sitting on her shoulder, whispering in her ear and telling her the right cards to play. Jack had wandered off somewhere else, presumably in search of something new to drink. You watched him go, letting your eyes linger on his form in the dim light, comfortable in the knowledge he couldn’t catch you, only to get an elbow in the ribs from Anamaria who sat just beside you. 
“You have got to stop staring at him like that.”
“Hey now, don’t be unfair.” You held up your hands, reluctantly tearing your eyes from Jack. “It’s not that bad. I really doubt many people have noticed.”
“Only half the crew. If excitement onboard doesn’t pick up, we’ll be betting on you two next.”
“That’s unfair. Pintel and Ragetti provide ample entertainment.”
Speaking of those two, you noticed them across the room, clearly bickering over some newfound subject. They always found ways to inspire philosophical discussion, even if the philosophy at hand was objectively ridiculous. 
Unfortunately, though, Anamaria was right. Your feelings for Jack were probably a bit obvious, despite trying to keep them to yourself. You were afraid Jack would find out, or worse — that he already knew. But you couldn’t keep yourself from noticing his smile, his laugh, any simple expressions of true joy that weren’t part of his facade. He put on an act, you knew, for most people. The perfectly suave pirate come to rob you of all earthly riches, leaving you dazed and a little enthralled. An alluring storybook character come to life. It was those real smiles, though, that you couldn’t shake from your brain, that kept you staring after him even as the moment faded and passed. 
Then there were the endearments, said out of habit if anything else, but they still had their charm. Every time he called you ‘love’, you got this warm sensation in your chest like the feeling of a good drink, spreading to your stomach and dancing across your limbs. Flirtation was in his nature, but that didn’t make it any less effective.
You sighed, taking a sip of the mystery drink Jack had handed you. It was some sort of cocktail, pleasantly fruity with a hint of grenadine*. Jack had disappeared, so your focus shifted toward watching other bar-goers. A tall blonde sawed a whipping fiddle, the tune drawing dancers to the center of the floor. The dancers, of course, were too drunk to keep their coordination, and the resulting chaos of limbs had you snickering. 
Tortuga really was the last bastion of revelry in the ever-shrinking world. You let yourself enjoy it; there was enough time for overthinking things later. For the time being, you relaxed back into your seat, cheering on Anamaria when another poor sod challenged her to cards, wheezing with laughter as Gibbs attempted a jig, blushing and breathless as the fiddler pulled you into the crowd for a dance of your own. 
By the time early morning rolled around, the bar was full of passed-out patrons, people napping wherever they could find room. You rose groggily to your feet, unaware of how long you’d been asleep, and staggered to the door. The outside air made a refreshing contrast to the stifling heat inside the bar, and the smell of brine helped clear your head. You rubbed your eyes and straightened up. 
You walked around the back of the bar in hopes of finding clean water with which to wash your face, only to see a handsome, redheaded young-man with their fingers buried in the front of Jack’s shirt. And their mouth firmly on his. 
You whipped around before either of them could notice you, stalking back the way you came. You didn’t hear the soft thud of the redhead’s body hitting the wall as Jack pushed them away, nor Jack’s voice, calm but firm, denying any further advances. Instead, you followed your feet until they hit sand, curling up in the cove you’d found the previous day. 
You should have known. You should have known Jack would already have someone, someone he was closer to than you. You couldn’t be the only person in love with him—if you’d noticed all the wonderful things about him, other people undoubtedly had, too. Jack had been a pirate for a long time, and had a whole past you knew nothing about. Of course there would be someone else. 
You curled and uncurled your fingers in the sand. The breeze off the ocean did nothing to cool the hot wave of jealousy that rolled over you. You let it sit there, broiling and festering and simmering within you, allowing yourself to stew over it. Warm tears fell over your cheeks, and you wiped them away angrily with the back of your hand.
Then it was gone. Like the recession of the morning tide, your jealousy left you in one fell swoop, and only exhaustion and emptiness remained as you hugged your knees. You had no right to feel jealous of Jack’s lover. You and Jack had never shared a romantic relationship, and you had no claim to him. All you had were the feelings you kept to yourself, and it was your own fault for never acting on them. If anything, you should be happy Jack had someone he cherished; it was so rare as a pirate to find time for partners. 
Still, a little nagging voice in the back of your head whispered its miseries in your ear. 
Back aboard the Pearl, the crew filed onto the ship, still dreary and in need of more sleep. But Jack seemed anxious to leave, and everyone was used to hangovers and quick departures. Gibbs grumbled something along the lines of ‘what trouble has Jack gotten into this time?’, but nobody argued about getting underway. 
For you, it was both a blessing and a curse. While you doubted anyone had noticed your absence that morning, you were less than thrilled with the prospect of seeing Jack every day and being reminded of the feelings you desperately needed to leave behind. Then again, leaving Tortuga meant you wouldn’t have to hide from the bars in fear of more…potent reminders. 
You spent your time avoiding Jack as much as possible. Somehow, there was always a task for you to do down below when he was on deck, or rigging to climb until he was a speck far beneath you. The crow’s nest was quickly becoming your favorite spot. You could climb there and brood for a while under the pretense of watching out for the Navy—any of them—and you didn’t have to deal with concern from the crew over uncharacteristic frowning. 
But he noticed. And you noticed he noticed because his gaze wavered whenever it landed on you, and that never used to happen before. He’d stopped speaking with you, though you felt how much he wanted to. You told yourself it was for the best, but it felt wrong at the same time.
In truth, it hurt. You missed your old conversations, the easy familiarity you used to share. Your life on the Pearl just wasn’t the same without it. It was your fault, too, which stung even more, and you hated thinking that you were putting Jack through any sort of torment of his own. Your intention was never to hurt him, but you feared that was part of the result you were getting. 
As it turned out, Jack wasn’t the only one who noticed. “Why are you avoiding him so much lately?” Anamaria sidled up to you, helping you secure belaying pins. Jack wasn’t on deck, so you were more free to talk without fear of anything getting back to him.
Leave it to her to sniff things out. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You tried playing the comment off, but knew you failed miserably. 
“Did something happen between the two of you in Tortuga?” 
She put a hand over yours, halting your work and forcing you to meet her gaze. “Something’s wrong, of that I’m sure. Care to enlighten me?” Seeing your hesitation, she reassured you. “I’m your friend. I’m not going to tell anyone, and I’m not going to judge you. Too much.” 
You knew from her smirk that she was joking, and it was the first time you’d had any humor around in weeks. It felt good to have that dynamic back, and you warmed to the idea of opening up, though you were a bit mortified to do so. 
“It’s just…” you began, “you know I have feelings for Jack. And I was finally coming to terms with them, but the morning we left, I realized there’s no place for them.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean I saw Jack kissing someone else.” You stopped mid-action, the rope in your hands suffering an unfinished knot.
You didn’t need to look at her to know Anamaria was shocked. You pushed on, the silence too much for you to bear at the moment. “It makes sense: I mean, he’s been a pirate for a long time, and he’s had all these adventures and travels, and it shouldn’t come as a surprise that he met someone on one of them. I have no right to feel jealous; we were never together.”
“That doesn’t make it hurt any less.” Anamaria’s hand came to rest on your shoulder, her thumb rubbing gently over your shirt. 
You sighed. She was right, as usual. “No, it really doesn’t.”
“I’d say let’s spit in his drink, but you’ve already acknowledged it’s not that sort of situation.”
You smiled a little in spite of yourself. You continued working in silence, taking as much comfort from her company as you could. Maybe with her around, and being friends with the rest of the crew, you could dull some of your pain with their companionship. No matter how much it stung that Jack couldn’t love you, you could never be truly lonely with the rest of them by your side. 
Evening fell with a cloudless sunset, nothing to obscure the reds and yellows and pinks of the darkening sky. You stayed on deck instead of retreating somewhere else, unwilling to let your negative thoughts get the better of you. You were still alone, standing at the rail by yourself, but you weren’t lonely with the rest of the crew milling about, wisps of conversation drifting over to you. 
A presence at your side made you turn. It was Jack, staring out over the horizon, looking a little anxious. You couldn’t blame him. You knew you were the source of his discomfort, and you wanted to make up for it as best as you could, though the prospect of confessing the reasons behind your behavior scared you. He would think less of you for this, you were sure. He was too easygoing to understand why you would be so caught up on jealousy.
Jack opened his mouth to speak, but you started. “I know I’ve been distant, and I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” You sucked in a breath, bracing yourself for what had to come next. “I saw you in Tortuga the morning we left, you know, with that boy. He’s a handsome sort, and I’m glad for you, but I had no idea you were in any sort of relationship, and I had kind of been hoping…” you trailed off. This was hard, but you had to grit through it, because not talking to Jack again would be harder. “I had feelings for you. Have feelings. And watching you with him has kind of been eating me up alive.”
You risked a look over to Jack after a moment, waiting on a response. To your surprise, he looked shocked, and beneath that, you saw a tinge of sadness. 
“I’m sorry to overwhelm you,” you began, but Jack cut you off with a shake of his head. 
“I’m the sorry one, love. You shouldn’t have had to see that, and it gave you the completely wrong idea.”
Now it was your turn for shock, and not a little panic. “What do you mean?”
“I mean I didn’t want him to kiss me.” The sentence hung in the air before Jack continued. “It’s not that he isn’t good looking, or that I don’t know him—I do, but I don’t feel that way about him. I don’t…” Jack frowned, looking for the right word. “I don’t love him.”
“Oh.” It came out so small you weren’t sure you’d even said anything, but Jack finally managed to look you in the eye. 
“I don’t know if I deserve your affection. My flirting gets me in trouble; you got to see it first hand. And that got me in trouble with you. I’m not sure I’m worthy of commitment.”
“Oh Jack.” You raised a hand to cup the side of his face. “I don’t think you have a choice. I’ve already loved you for so long, I’m not sure I can stop.”
“Even though I deserve one of Anamaria’s beatings?”
“Even though that.”
Jack’s fingers laced themselves through yours, keeping your hand in place on his cheek. “I don’t need land to find my lover. You said it yourself: I could stay at sea forever. Because I have everything I need right here.”
*I’m aware grenadine wasn’t invented until 1872, but I needed to put something there, and idk my alcohol. 
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yxine · 7 months
hiii this is my first ever request so i'm nervous but 😅 I had this idea (i'm delulu) of the reader going to one of badas classes and she joins the reader in the choreo when it's time to perform and their relationship kinda forms from there 🩵
It's okay babes I'm delulu too, your idea is so good! It was so fun writing it! Do send more requests if you want to;)
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— FLOW. ❞
Bada Lee x Student!Reader:
— in which Bada joins her student that she secretly adores on the choreography she had made.
Really short!
notes: any characters in this fiction is not mine, this is made purely for entertainment.
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You were nervous, this was your first time being a part of your teacher's film. Usually you would just be on the sidelines watching other people in your class dance to their hearts content to appeal the viewers behind the film, well also their teacher.
Bada Lee, a famous choreographer in south Korea who had choreographed for multiple artist such as Kai from Exo, NCT, Aespa and etc. Known for being a very good dancer, a vibe that attracts men and women alike and for her duality that seemed to always surprise people outside from her circle.
She intimidated you, but you also can't help but feel attracted to her. It was the 'Bada Effect' or so they say and you certainly agree with that.
So now here you are standing in the middle of the studio waiting for Bada to finish testing the speakers. Your hands were sweating so much you kept wiping your palms on your black trouser. You have to perfect this, for the spectators...for Bada.
And so, the music started and your body immediately moved to the beat. Every step was on beat, it was like you were water, fluid on every movements. The places where you need more impact, you gave it so popping to make the quality even higher. It looked like you were the one who made the choreography, not your teacher.
Bada can't help but just stare at you as you danced like it was the last thing you do. This was one of the reasons why she chose you to dance for one of her videos, your quality was out of this world, she even wondered why you were still taking her classes. But it was also exactly why she adored you and exactly why it took her this long to show you off to other people without you knowing.
With your aura, it will just be a matter of time before you become famous like her. Which is why she doesn't put you in her videos til now because if you had all the attention, how will she get yours?
One of the reasons why Bada also chose you was because she originally made the choreo for a duo, so guess what she's going for there. Yes...
Everyone in the studio cheered loudly as Bada suddenly went behind you, arms were wrapped around you before swiftly moving to your left. The image looked like a lover wanting to wrap their arms around their significant other but was pulled away. It made everyone yell in surprise as suddenly the dance made sense now.
You on the other hand was focused on the dance that even when Bada joined you, you were in the zone and didn't even flinch. It was like both of you planned it but it wasn't.
Both your bodies in sync and was so closely each other it looked so intimate, the tension was so high as both of you grinded to the rhythm. This should not be done in the studio was what the other's were thinking.
It wasn't until the song ended that you finally snapped out of it and covered your mouth in shock the moment your eyes locked with your teacher.
When did she get here?!
Bada only smiled and chuckled in amusement of your expression, slightly taken aback as you didn't even notice her. You were dancing with so much effort and focus it looked cute in her eyes. The fact that it was her choreography that made you like this...
"That was good, love. Maybe we should do it again next time." Bada said to you making you blush profusely as she winked and clapped her hands to get her other students' attention while you just stood there processing.
I got to watch that video when it uploads!
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To hunt or be hunted #10
Pairing: Alastor x Fem!Reader x Lucifer Summary: Just a window to what the beginning looked like, before the deal, and wine and dine with Luci. Warnings: Angst, blood, Charlie being a divorce child.
I'm brewing something good here, a very special friend of mine is writing the smut for the next part, so please be patient.
Hazbin Taglist: @sakuraluna2468 @boogiemansbitch @mysterypotatoink @sibsteria @cherry-cola-100 @readergirlstuff @phoenixica24 @martinys-world @alientee @jellyroom2 @jewelsrules @ladyzaunis @zealousllamawolf @kittycat246 @shamblezzz
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Young, idiot and most of all, blood lusted.
“They have never caught me and they never will. They have never seen me, for I am invisible, even as the ether that surrounds your earth. I am not a human being, but a spirit and a fell demon from hottest hell” you laughed repeating your own word written in blood.
How could you explain death? Its smell, sandalwood. Its feeling? Warm, ember heat-like. After hitting 2000 victims, your mind drifted to a state of noise. Multiple voices drove your senses to anger, wrath, the influence of your hate had incinerated your reason, and made you seem like a monster in the night.
The coarse sound of the metal dragging the street was all the New Orleanians could hear besides the jazz playing, because that was the only condition you put to spared those who claimed themselves innocent. The list in your hand seemed infinite as re enforcements settled in your city.  
Walking around the bayou reviewing the same, you found the gentleman image of your desires eating some lady’s arm behind a willow tree, such nauseating devotion made your core feel butterflies.
Endless names, nonending blood flow. Suddenly food didn’t satiated you, water had the contrary effect on you, this had to stop. Your axe in hand, in the cold of your marital bedroom, you lit a candle, its dim light barely managing to fight the gloomy atmosphere. And you laughed, for the first time after having cried so much death and pain.
For the first time your hands shook on your axe, but that didn't matter, as soon as your vision blurred, you moved automatically, forcing the blade against your face, right in the middle. Again and again hard and breaking sounds, blood on your dress and sheets, by some supernatural force you managed to split your own skull in two before losing your life completely. The last thing your eyes saw among the blood that fell from your eyelids was the candle that started a fire.
You died at the hands of the Axe-man.
Everyone pictures purgatory in a different way, usually something they would hate, in your case that was a Hospital corridor, with a red lighted number count, waiting to be your turn.
"Miss Lionheart, I must say that we were waiting for you, we had a predicament about where to put your soul," the secretary, a lamb with pink fur like cotton candy, examined documents all with images of you without your face, "On the one hand you freed many girls from sexual slavery, she also lived being honest, fair and in her moments benevolent" her bitter tone contrasted with the reading of your judgment.
"However a life is a life, the good deed will not be praised because it was stained with violence, insanity, wrath, vengeance and pride" she rearranged her glasses as a fifty-year-old lady would, "Also, you renounced God and his teachings, I fear that hell awaits you" she gave you a pious look, if it were up to her, you would be enjoying eternal life in heaven, but the decision was made by a power greater than her.
Would you have lived better if you had known that heaven was real? You asked yourself, seeing the shiny door contrast with the dark and red sky. On the other hand, did you regret cutting those girls' chains? No.
You fell, the hot wind hissed on your skin, slowly engulfing you like embers, the ground shook and a great roar was caused by the impact of your new body on the dry, sulfurous soil on the outskirts of pentagram city.
Years before the technology impact.
Relatively young, addicted to the tingle of consuming a soul. It is a sensation like no other, making deals with souls for asylum and care. You took advantage of those who didn't know a better alternative, the faceless monster they called you, a faceless chimera. One of the first Overlords you met was Zestial, who repudiates you, he’s disgusted because he thinks you’re a rebel without morals.
You would rather die than admit that you were almost killed in your first extermination, an angel who returned home with her mask broken, just because you understood too late that the edge of your axe didn’t make cuts on her skin, instead the holy blade rose your arm, making your blood sizzle like when you but bloody meat on the grill.
Barely managed to escape her. It's funny that a being considered divine is more bloodthirsty than a serial killer, it is but it doesn't cause you much fun.
The pain of the wound clouded several of your senses for years, the good thing is that with a total count of seven million souls and the tobacco business taking over years after your arrival, the souls gave you enough strength to overcome the pain.
Call it destiny or divine mercy, but the hotel was your refuge when the acid of the rain began to melt your skin. Among the cobwebs and the rats you slept, you let the power help with the wounds. "Hey, that looks bad, do you need help?" soft and sweet, Charlie tried everything to seem that way, "How much is it going to cost me?" She didn't mean to laugh at you, but the princess knew little about what was happening on the streets of her kingdom.
"Nothing, I just want to help, I can't promise you perfection but the scar will be great?" she tried to make you feel better. A ray of sun in the dark Charlie is, in your eyes she resembled a lot of your own daughter, the slight curve of her smile, the golden locks, the warmth radiating from her mere presence.
You were far too much of a fool to admit you loved that, instead you wanted to destroy her.
Weakness, in your path to the power, it was a term that couldn’t exist. Letting you help her, even seeing that she was in a worse state than you, put a patch in your heart, it had been there for a long time, caused by time. Although it's true, she offered you her hand and you snatched it from her, figuratively.
But what started the fight itself? Going down the hill from where the hotel is established, into the hole where it was rumored the archangel and his wife had fallen, with dagger in hand you heard her talk about how much it hurt her that her mother had turned her back on her, not a word had she said to her before. to take his suitcases and leave. Without really listening you raised the object, her back an open target, but when you were about to end her, she disappeared from your view.
The air around became dense, almost tangible, the dagger flew from your hand and embedded itself far from your reach, that was when you turned to see the monster that could become the princess of hell.
Two months of knowing her, down the drain.
And then the deal was given, despite how angry she was, she helped you with your injuries and you with hers, with the few powers that she allowed you to possess you fixed the hotel to look less in ruins, you paid to fix it a little even if it was not the best workmanship.
"Can you say something to make me feel better?" She said with a blanket over her body, looking at the fireplace, "It's raining acid" you sat next to her, leaving her cup of sweet tea in front of her, with a small plate of cookies, "How does that help me?" She said discouraged, "Instead of focusing on the acid, just notice that we no longer have leaks, and enjoy the sound" She took your advice, closed her eyes and listened.
“You’re right” she smiled, first in a while.
You snapped out your trance when the king kissed your cheek, his breath was warm and minty.
Lucifer had promised to take you to one of the best restaurants in his kingdom, without taking into account the terror that his presence and yours would cause, of course. The poor group of waiters watched attentively as Lucifer chose a table that he liked, one near the stage where a comedian occasionally appeared. The group looked with pity at one of his companions, that was his assigned area.
The king took the chair and gallantly invited you to sit, after you did he could’ve sat in front of you, but he decided to be by your side, at a distance in which he could have your hand in his. “Welcome your majesty and miss Axe-man, can I get you started on anything?” the waiter was sweating himself to death, as Lucifer ordered some entrees and drinks while they cooked up some kind of demon lobster.
He promised you’d love the taste, and he weren’t wrong, “I have no idea why I haven’t tried this before” he was delighted he could show you new things, he even introduced you to absinthe, which is an anise flavored liquor that can in fact cause severe intoxication when consumed a large quantities. That is why it is served in very tiny glasses.
“So, how is it?” he threw a laugh when he saw your frown as soon as the liquid went down your throat, “Tastes earthy, with a kick, I think I’ll stick to either fruit cocktails or whiskey” he made a signal to the waiter, who brought you a glass of a single malt type of whiskey, “Was your idea knowing that I wouldn’t like it or the waiter’s insight?” he smirked “Both” you kissed his cheek then motioned your hand so the boy would come near you enough to slip a 50 hell buck in his pocket, “Good thinking”.
An inner part of yourself thought it was funny the amount of respect or fear you got by yourself, but with his hand on yours, people saw you as an asset not worth the chance of getting killed for even see you in a wrong way. It gave you sensations down your crotch, right in your sadism side.
“You love it don’t you?” he knew you knew what he meant, “It became my new guilty pleasure” he chose your dress, well rather suggested, he wanted to match with you.
He didn't know whether to change his style or give you something that matched him, he didn't want to disrespect you in any way, you chose to get out of the black for a day and try to open yourself up to a new possibility. With a snap of his fingers he materialized a dress on your body that you really liked.
From the bust to the waist it was white adorned with embroidery of flowers of different sizes and flowers, all white. The skirt was long and uncut, falling perfectly to your ankles, a beautiful scarlet red that matched his wings. It was a very conservatory dress, fit to the time you were born in, but that accentuated your features in a perfect way.
“You look beautiful” “All thanks to my designer” 'Did she liked this sort of dresses too?' You thought, “Lilith liked things that would show off more skin, in case you were wondering” you were, he knew that as soon as he looked at you, while taking a sip out of his drink, “I couldn’t help it” he gave you a gentle squeeze on your hand, “I know” he wasn't angry, at all.
“Do you read my mind?” A type of tension in the air, breathable, yet he had you tied by your hands and feet in his gaze, let them damn you, because the devil is beautiful. “I don’t need to; your eyes are pretty sincere” He wondered what your eyes would look like without your soul being owned by someone else, he was grateful that someone as good as his daughter had you instead of a heartless overlord that could use you as he pleased.
“I hate the way you read me” you whispered close to his ear, sending a shiver down his spine, “No you don’t” he offered you a cocky smile and a soft kiss to the hand he was holding.
“Thank you for being for me last night” his voice was soft, still carrying a lot of pain. With a smile and a soft caress to his cheek you spoke, “Anytime, Luci” his name rolling down your mouth was heaven to him.
Later that night the rest of the hotel was awake and hanging out in the parlor, “Hey Y/n, how did it go?” Charlie waved at you from the fire place, while Vaggie asked “Where’s the king?”, you laughed and showed a little of your neck under your coat that he had conjured, showing a sleeping white snake, “He had a little too much to drink, suddenly he was snoozing and a snake” Charlie let out a chuckle, “I’ll take his royal self to bed if you guys don’t mind“ Angel went running to your side to take a photo of sleepy Luci, “He looks so cute like that” he cooed excitedly, “I know, right?”.
He in a puff of golden glitter he turned back to his adorable self, just as you were setting him down on the bed, “Don’t leave me” me muttered, deep asleep, “I’ll be back in a few minutes, I promise” he snuggled against your plushie, purring slightly at your caresses. His light snoring was your signal to pull his boots off and finish tucking him in.
Now, what you promised to Alastor, indulging him in a few drinks.
Part 11
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sokkastyles · 2 months
I read that post you reblogged about Katara using bloodbending to heal Zuko during the final Agni Kai, and honestly I would have loved it if that happened too. I've mentioned before in a previous ask that I wish bloodbending had been explored more in the narrative, especially Katara's complicated feelings about bloodbending. This is going to sound a bit morbid, but I'm kind of wondering if, after the encounter with Hama, do you think Katara would be kind of hyperaware of the water flowing throughout her own body or anyone else's? Would she feel tempted to try bloodbending again? Even though the first time she had to do so was to prevent Aang and Sokka from hurting each other, so she bloodbent Hama, and she found the whole thing disturbing, there's a part of me that wonders if Katara would still have a bit of morbid curiosity about bloodbending anyways. I know this sounds like I want Katara's character to be a bit darker, but what I really want is for Katara to be allowed to have these thoughts or this type of curiosity without her being made to feel like she's a bad person for it. Idk if any of this made that much sense, but I'm curious to know, what are your thoughts?
Katara unconsciously being hyper aware of the water around her and in other people's bodies after Hama is something that has made itself into my fics. Because bending is depicted in atla as part of who the person is, and I think keeping a bender from bending is like keeping someone from being allowed to move their arms and legs.
And once Katara knows this ability exists, not just bloodbending but everything Hama taught her that goes with it, like how to find the water in everything, she will find it impossible to not have this completely alter her bending and how she sees the world.
And, like with firebending, it's not the bending itself that is bad, it's what you do with it.
I love zutara fics that include bloodbending, not just the dark ones, but something I've explored a little in my fics is how it makes her more aware of Zuko's body and heightens her physical connection with him.
Bloodbending can work as a metaphor for consent, because it's not that it's inherently evil to have that kind of knowledge of another person's body, but it's about consent and trust. I see no reason why bloodbending can't be used to heal the same way that medical knowledge can be used both to heal or to kill and torture. (I'm thinking of that particular analogy because I'm reading Gene Wolfe's Shadow of the Torturer currently).
Like, I get that the show writers were trying to add complexity by showing the dark side of waterbending with Hama, but the thing is that while waterbending was always portrayed as good before, it was also portrayed in a very limited way. Katara is the last waterbender of her tribe, who had to learn on her own. "Some waterbending is bad, actually," isn't really a lesson she needed to learn, especially not from the only teacher she's ever had who can actually tell her about her own heritage. The unintended message is that Katara exploring a culture heritage that has been denied to her through war is bad, and it actually ends up limiting things instead of making them more complex. It's also another weird way the show dichotomizes combat waterbending and healing. Despite Katara gaining Pakku's respect, she is still getting the message from things like the Hama episode that using her bending for combat and not healing is wrong. The obvious solution is to make waterbending healing a form of bloodbending, and now that Netflix has made healing an actual learned bending form instead of something Katara is naturally good at, I have hope that this connection might actually be made. And this is a win win, because making healing a form of bloodbending actually achieves the complexity the original show was going for.
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sloanesallow · 2 months
ocean wave blues
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Sloane has never seen the ocean. Sebastian helps to rectify that. (art by puri.dew) 1k words (originally posted Dec. 2023)
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll see.” 
Sebastian glances over his shoulder at Sloane to see if she is still following him. He understands her trepidation—the last time she visited Feldcroft, she didn’t exactly receive a warm welcome, not from Solomon or Rookwood’s goons. This time, Sebastian is determined to make her experience memorable, in a far more positive way. 
It’s November, and while it hasn’t snowed in the hamlet yet, the weather is decidedly cold. Sloane is bundled up, layers upon layers wrapped around her lithe frame in an almost comical way. She stumbles on the steep, uneven path and he’s quick to catch her, keeping a firm grasp on her arms until she finds her balance again. 
They continue on, Sebastian slipping his hand down to hold hers for perhaps a little longer than necessary. He decides it’s only to ensure she doesn’t trip again, and not because he likes the feel of her palm against his. 
“Will you please tell me where we’re going?” she asks again, looking around at the sparse surroundings in an attempt to determine their precise location. 
He smirks, shaking his head. “Not a fan of surprises?” 
“Not particularly.” 
“You’ll be able to hear it soon,” he replies, somewhat cryptically. 
Sloane’s perplexed expression lingers for another few paces before she stops to listen, a smile gradually pulling at her lips. “Is that…?” 
“The ocean?” Sebastian nods, watching as she listens to the not so distant rush of water. “When you mentioned having never seen the shore up close, I knew we had to rectify that immediately.” 
Her smile stretches into a full blown grin and he ignores the way his heart flutters at the sight. Her fingers flex around his hand and he quickly but carefully ushers them down the rest of the overgrown path until it turns into sand. Sebastian keeps his focus on Sloane as she takes in the view, ocean waves gently crashing against the shore. Her eyes widen in awe, almost sparkling as she takes in a deep breath, the salt air flowing through her hair. 
It’s a dazzling sight—not just the sunset on the horizon painting the sky with hues of orange and gold—but Sloane’s wonder-filled reaction too. Sebastian can’t help but feel a little prideful for being part of the reason for her happiness. She lets go of his hand and takes a tentative step forward, her boots sinking slightly into the wet sand.  
At first she bends down, brushing her fingers against the cool ground before picking up a handful and letting the grains sift back to the ground. A quiet laugh escapes her lips, a sound so pure and filled with delight, causing warmth to spread through Sebastian’s chest. He watches her, completely captivated by her childlike amazement. He’s seen this view countless times before, but it’s as if he’s seeing it for the first time, the atmosphere amplified by her presence. 
Sloane stands up again, turning to look at him, her eyes shining with unshed tears of joy. “This is the nicest thing anyone has done for me,” she says and he hopes it is hyperbolic, wanting to tell her that she deserves the world. “Thank you, Sebastian.” 
He shrugs, but his attempt to play coy is overshadowed by his pleased expression. “Anything to see you smile.”
A blush turns her already flushed cheeks a darker shade of pink as she bashfully glances away. Before he can tease her any further, she’s reaching down again, this time to yank off her boots, almost toppling over again as she tugs her stockings down. It’s his turn to blush and he averts his gaze before he sees more skin than what is considered proper. 
The next thing Sebastian hears is her giggling, prompting him to snap his gaze back to her, watching as she rushes towards the ocean with her skirt gathered up above her knees. He reaches out to stop her but she’s too quick. 
“Sloane, wait!” he yells after her. “It’s freezing!” 
As soon as she meets the water she shrieks, the sound dissolving into more laughter as the waves crash around her bare skin. There’s a bright smile on her face as she looks back at him, “come on!” 
Damn. Sebastian curses, momentarily breathless. She’s a vision, something he’ll never forget as long as he lives. Her smile is so alluring that she could ask him to jump off the seaside cliff and he’d be diving into the ocean without a second thought. He quickly shucks his own boots, tossing them into the sand with his socks before securing the hem of his trousers above his knees. 
Sloane’s laughter continues as he runs after her, his own surprised yelp echoing across the beach as the chilly water rushes over his bare feet. It’s a kind of happiness Sebastian hasn’t afforded himself in quite some time, the realization nearly sends him reeling. He’s only known Sloane for a few months and yet she’s managed to turn his world on its axis, not that he’d have it any other way. 
Eventually, they stand still in the surf, ankle-deep in the freezing water and grinning at each other like the foolish teenagers they are as the sun sets beyond the horizon. But Sebastian keeps his gaze fixed on her, even as she becomes distracted by plucking seashells from the sand to place in her pocket. Sloane is beautiful—breathtaking—stormy eyes reflecting the rising moon, hair dancing in the cool breeze.    
“I’ve never felt so alive,” she says, her voice barely a whisper that is carried away by the wind. 
Sebastian doesn’t trust himself to speak, too afraid he’ll say something stupid and ruin the moment. He’s never felt this way before, this intense connection, this overwhelming attraction. Sloane is more than a pretty face, more than a passing fancy he can blame on boyish hormones. No, whatever he is feeling is more tangible, more…real. 
Terrifying, but thrilling at the same time. 
He finally finds his voice, wondering if there’s a way they could stay here forever. “Me too.” 
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ncityprincess · 9 months
And don’t you forget it
Pairing: bf taeyong x single mom reader ft. asshole johnny
Plot: blah blah blah this is just fiction I don’t know these people. Johnny is not very nice in this and he may bring up some abandonment wounds so proceed with caution 🫶🏾
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“Yeah sorry babe, something…came up” Johnny slurred with a dazed chuckle. Here you were, up way earlier than usual getting your 5 year old daughter ready for her day with her incompetent daddy, and he couldn’t even be bothered to give you a heads up before he cancelled. Again.
“Yeah I can see that John” you sighed, running out of the little patience you had left. You could tell he was lying in bed with whichever chick he picked up last night. “You know, being hungover on a Tuesday isn’t a good look. And neither is flaking on your daughter for the umpteenth time in a row.” You were ready to tell him off even more, but you were interrupted by a woman’s cartoonishly seductive voice.
“Johnnyyy baby, come play with me again.” A woman with a thin sheet wrapped around her body came into the frame and leaned down to press sensual kisses into Johnny’s neck. He groaned obnoxiously, making you roll your eyes. “In a minute, doll” he purred.
“Ugh, you’re such a joke. You know, Kaylee is going to kindergarten this year. She’s not dumb John, she’s gonna grow up to resent you for abandoning her like this.” Your voice kept getting louder and louder in the echoey bathroom. You had dealt with his carelessness for far too long.
“Look I’m sorry ok?” He said nonchalantly. “Let’s just try again next week. Gotta go, give Kaylee a kiss for me, will ya?”
“FUCK YOU” You shrieked, and hung up the FaceTime call before slamming your phone onto the bathroom counter. You could feel the hot tears forming in your eyes already. Once again, your child’s father had made all these extravagant plans for your daughter, just for him to not follow through.
A faint knock on the en-suite bathroom door made the shame of the situation set in even more for you. You took a deep breath and let out a defeated “come in.” It was Taeyong, your current boyfriend and first relationship after having your daughter and separating from Johnny.
Even in your state of frustration, you were able to admire how beautiful he looked with his messy bed head and navy blue boxers hanging dangerously low on his lean hips.
Your relationship with johnny all came to a head when he had made the final screw up that made you gain the courage to break up with him. He missed Kaylee’s 3rd birthday party because he was out doing his usual routine of getting hammered, and ended up getting into a bar fight for one reason or another. he had to spend the rest of the night sobering up at the local jailhouse, thus missing his baby girl blow out her candles.
After spending the better part of a year beating yourself up over your break up and blaming yourself for Kaylee not having a good father in her life, you decided enough was enough. Johnny needed to figure his own shit out, and do his own healing. His demons have nothing to do with you or your daughter, and it wasn’t your job to fix him. You made the decision to try the co-parenting thing, but it was easier said than done.
On one spring day, Taeyong had approached you at a cafe to tell you how beautiful you looked in your yellow dress. You couldn’t even look him in the eye, too embarrassed to receive such a compliment. It was the first time you had actually felt seen that way in a while. From there, your relationship flowed like water. Everything just came naturally for the two of you. Kaylee absolutely adored Taeyong, and he loved to spend quality time with her. He would take the three of you to see the latest Disney movie, go to the water park, and treat you to ice cream dates. Everything just felt. Natural.
But of course, the great co-parenting dilemma always lingered.
“Hey” he greeted with a softly with a small, gentle smile.
“I hate him Tae. I hate him so much!” By now the dam had broke, and the tears started flowing. Taeyong immediately embraced you and rubbed your back soothingly.
“My love…” he cooed, but let you continue.
“Why does he get to keep doing this to us? To her? He—he doesn’t even care that he’s hurting Kaylee. And once again, I’m left to break the news that her father doesn’t want to see her.” You sobbed.
This song and dance of johnny attempting to be a father had gone on for far too long. When you were pregnant, you were convinced the three of you were going to be a happy little family forever, but once Kaylee was born, Johnny had changed. A lot. He partied till 4 am, came home plastered, and did the same thing all over again the next day. You were the only one getting up at all hours of the night to feed your daughter and change her. You were cooking all the meals and cleaning the house. You were there to pick up the pieces when Johnny messed things up. You felt like a single parent in your own home. After three years of failing to be a good father to Kaylee, you made the decision to break up with him and asked him to move out of your house.
“He’s a coward. Any man that can’t take responsibility for their child is immature and selfish. We’ll figure this out together baby.” Taeyong held you for a few more moments and pulled away to cradle your face in his warm hands. You looked up at him through tear-stained lashes. His eyes held so much sincerity and reassurance.
“The day doesn’t have to be totally ruined. How about the three of us go to the Zoo! They just opened up that new butterfly exhibit, those are Kaylee’s favorites.”
You sniffled, making taeyong’s heart swell. “Yeah?”
“Of course.” He said softly. Taeyong wiped the last few straggler tears that were left on your cheeks. “You’re too good to me, Tae” you whined. “Nonsense, nothings to good for you, my love. As long as I’m around, you and Kaylee’s happiness are my top priority.”
He leaned down to press a soft kiss against your lips. Taeyong’s kindness was one of the things that drew you to him the most. He was so selfless and never made you feel bad about being a single parent. The overwhelming love you had for him made you fall deeper into the kiss. You wanted to forget all about this situation with your ex.
After a few moments of passionate kissing, taeyong gently grabbed your hand and guided you back into the main bedroom. He stopped right in front of your full length mirror. Taeyong stepped behind you and ran his hands up and down your sides. “Look love, look at yourself in the mirror. Aren’t you so beautiful?” He whispered into your ear.
You cast your timid gaze into your own reflection, noting taeyong’s hungry eyes staring into yours through the mirror. You could feel the front of his body pressed against your ass. You felt yourself getting damp at the sensation of taeyong’s morning wood. You quickly looked down at your feet, the intimate sight in front of you was too much to handle. “Tae come on…”
“Ah ah ah, say you’re pretty. Tell me how pretty you are.” he raised your head back up with gentle fingers and looked down at you. He pressed slow, intentional kisses into your neck, making your eyes roll back.
“I’m—I’m pretty” you finally breathed out.
“Yes *kiss* you *kiss* are *kiss*”
Your legs felt like jelly. If it wasn’t for taeyong’s strong arms wrapped around you, you surely would have melted onto the floor. His one hand snaked up the front of your body, past your tank top covered breasts and settled around your neck. His piercing eyes met yours in the mirror once again “and don’t you forget it.”
Taeyong pulled your tank top off of your body, cursing when he saw your bare breasts. He played with your nipples, admiring the way your ass started to grind against his stiff dick.
“Mmm, I want you” You moaned out. Taeyong guided you onto the bed and laid you on your back. “I’m all yours, my love.” He pulled off both of your bottoms and stroked himself a few times. You both moaned once he finally entered you. The delicious stretch of his cock got rid of whatever lingering thoughts of johnny you had in your mind.
Taeyong wrapped your legs around his hips and picked up the pace. He caressed the side of your face, smiling down at you. “You feel so good baby” he grunted. You loved how gentle and sweet he was being, but you needed something a little different in this moment.
“Tae…pound me, please?” You begged. Taeyong slowed his movements and a smirk grew on his face. “Anything for you, my love”. Before you knew it, you were flipped over and placed on all fours. Taeyong slammed back inside of you, making you cry out.
“Fuckkkk just like that!” You grabbed onto your headboard for dear life, partially to stop it from banging against the wall. Kaylee was only a few doors down.
Taeyong let out a guttural groan, loving the way your walls squeezed his dick. He had a vice grip on your hips, pounding his lower body into yours. “Shit, feels so good baby. You’re so wet.” Your arousal was dripping all over your thighs and his dick, making it nice and easy for Taeyong to piston in and out of you. The obscene noises of pleasure and skin on skin caught up to you, and you were ready to burst any second now.
“Baby I’m gonna cum” you whined, toes curling in preparation for your orgasm. Taeyong reached around to play with your clit, rubbing it in small, tight circles. You couldn’t hold on anymore, and allowed your high to wash over you.
“Oh good girl, I’m right behind you baby” Taeyong praised. He sloppily thrusted into you a few more times before blowing his load inside of you. You whined at the overstimulating feeling, enjoying the sound of taeyong riding out his own high.
He finally pulled out of you, and you both collapsed onto the bed side by side. You caught your breath, and turned to face him. He was already staring at you with sleepy, satisfied eyes. “I love you Tae, thank you. For everything.”
Taeyong caressed your hip. “I love you more baby. Now, let’s go see where Kaylee wants to eat for breakfast before we go to the zoo!”
The end ❤️
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surgerypatient · 4 months
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Joseph’s dental surgery
Joseph had long wondered how long he could go without brushing his teeth, unbeknownst to him he would soon find out in a “routine” visit to a new dental clinic in his town after his previous one had closed down some years prior, they didn’t look horrendous- to him- of course most others opinions would vary from bad to worse. as it happened his appointment was scheduled to be the last of the day- this was because they knew of his attempting to avoid brushing as long as possible. The time finally came for him to go over, the building it was in was very nice, new, sterile feeling as many doctors offices are- part of the reason he picked this facility was their offering general anesthesia for dental phobia patients among other things he was not a fan of dental work done to him. He walked up to the door opened it and was greeted by Suzie the busty brunette receptionist wearing pastel blue scrubs and a scrub cap
Hi you must be Joe ❤️ she chimed
yeah that’s me, here for my appointment with Dr Grace Wheeler.
I’ll let them know youre here
I sat down in one of the tiny chairs and picked up an old magazine to flip through and before long they came for him.
“Hello, Joe “Dr Wheeler greeted and retrieved him personally wearing her wine red scrubs and glasses framing her face under her dirty blonde hair tucked in a cap.
those scrubs are cute Joe said
“Thanks, you won’t be seeing them much though!”
”Why would that be?”
you’ll see, come on back with me, gotta get you ready for your sleep!
“That’s why, I’ll be asleep, alright” I follow her down a long hallway with doors lining each side of the hallway until we arrive at the last one which looks different from the others!
I see some a teal gown, purple cap and blue grippy socks on the big navy blue debtal surgery table with a cup shaped headrest with a loaded mayo stand next to it full of tools and supplies but covered with a green towel. Next to it, a quite advanced looking large anesthesia machine
Just undress and put those clothes on and leave your belongings in this bin please! I’ll be back shortly!
I started to undress all the way and put on the patient attire before sinking into the immense surgery table awaiting my sleep
Then Dr Wheeler came back this time with 2 scrubbed-in figures in tow, they were wearing pale green gowns, blue, full head hoods and white tie-on surgical masks. you could tell they were women, busty at that.
“oohhh, is it time?”
I make myself still on the table, arms on the armrests, as one grabs a wipe and wipes his arm, before sticking a needle in and attaching a bag of saline to the new port in the crook of my elbow.
Then the other one grabs a big fluffy blanket and puts it over me , securing straps over my torso down to my feet.
“We don’t want you falling out now, do we?” Wheeler says, now dressed similarly to her helpers in a green gown, white mask and dark purple gloves
time to sleep you hear as a scrubbed figure places a mask over your face, at first it tastes normal but quickly you feel the flow change and become more chemical smelling, we’re just giving you some nitrous now, as she loads a syringe into your port filled with a strange white liquid
“this may burn or sting slightly”
she was right and soon in addition the back of your throat tasted a bit coppery, before long your vision began to blur as well.
you’re falling down so good, joe, keep falling ❤️ only a matter of time now!
pretty soon what was left of your vision finally faded out and you were in a state of anesthesia.
alright, he’s out , ladies get to work
the mask was renoved from your face then the restraints on your lower body loosened before your legs were moved into the frog pose and your groin shaved and wiped with warm water then painted with betadine followed by a syringe of sterile lubricant injected into your urethra and a catheter placed before the blanket and restraints were replaced.
While that was happening a nasotracheal tube was being introduced into your right nostril, and attached to the ventilator to keep you under and a ring mouth-gag sewn in place simultaneously, before a tube of opthalmic ointment was squirted over each of your corneas and they were sealed with surgical dressings then green towels were placed around your mouth and secured around the tube to keep it in place followed by the mayo stand being wheeled to hang over your insensate body and your chair was raised to just over 4ft off the ground before one of the assistant’s began painting the lower portion of your face with antiseptic, then placed a throat pack with the surgical clamps.
Now it was time to work, Dr Grace Wheeler made quick work of your full clearance, removing each tooth individually before leveling the bone along your gumline with the piezoelectric grinder and sewing your new gums shut, who knows you might just learn a thing or two from being toothless now
hope you all like this story, i wrote it in one take, i know the grammar a d whatnot aren’t all there but the concept sure is
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bottlesofrouge · 3 months
on one condition.
harry styles x original character
part one.
word count: 6.9K
warning: their home lives kind of suck but that's it! (i think)
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1 JUNE 2018
in the month of june, the sun rises around 5:25 am every morning in new york. sometimes it rises a few minutes earlier, and sometimes it rises a few minutes later, but lynn knew as soon as the first ray peaked its way through the blinds, her mother would be fully dressed, standing in the kitchen, and tapping her way through work emails that had mysteriously piled up overnight. growing up, lynn found this routine comforting because it never changed, weekends and holidays included. if she woke up and it was light outside, she knew her mom would be standing behind the breakfast bar with a stack of blueberry pancakes (made by her very wonderful au pair, elena) planted in front of her. she would sit on the stool across from her, and talk her mom's ear off. little lynn thought her mom's lack of responses was due to the fact that she was so tired from waking up so early every morning, but now-lynn realizes she just didn't really care that much.
her fingertips brush across the back of the stool sitting next to her, and it's almost like she can see a seven-year-old lynn sitting next to her. the slight glow of the numbers on the oven clock illuminating her features as she tells her mom about her chorus concert that was taking place in the evening. her grin widens as kathleen tells her she'll be there after she finishes work. although, elena will be the only familiar face she sees in the audience, and now-lynn knows it will always be like this. elena's familiar face amongst the crowd with her mother nowhere in sight.
the oven clock reads 5:13 am, and lynn decides to go over to the kitchen sink to splash some water on her face, trying to wash away any indication that might suggest she had not moved from the stool since she sat down nearly five hours prior. because that would be crazy, but also entirely true.
"you're up early," her mom's voice flows from the bottom of the staircase as soon as the first ray bounces off the granite kitchen counter, illuminating the room a bit more with its glow.
"i am," she reaches for the stool that she just got up from as her mom places a fresh cup of coffee in front of her.
kathleen says nothing else. instead, she reaches for her macbook that has been charging on the counter overnight, and lynn assumes she's immediately opening outlook. that's how it usually went the mornings after she'd spent the night. she'd stare at the wall for a few hours, trying not to let the sounds of her mother slamming the keys of the keyboard annoy her too much.
honestly, lynn didn't know what her mom did for work. she tried to explain it to her on a few occasions, but the only thing she understood was that it was extremely time-consuming. kathleen once said she was the only one in her office that had children, and she thought that maybe her mom should've followed in their footsteps.
"you'll be ready by 11, right? and you'll help me make sure the girls are ready?" kathleen says. she doesn't look at lynn until a few moments pass with no response. they make eye contact and her mom raises her brow. "the barbecue, lynn. remember?"
"right. i've got it. don't worry."
"your coffee's getting cold," her mom points out.
lynn tips the mug around before taking a sip. it's definitely cold, but she denies it and takes another sip before telling her mom she's wrong. there's really no reason to. it's only a cup of coffee, but she thinks she'll do just about anything to spite her.
her dad walks in and the entire atmosphere changes. he kisses kathleen's forehead and lynn can't help but cringe inside. it's absolutely sickening and she can't understand why her mom would ever take someone like him back. she had said lynn would understand when she was older, but it's been fifteen years and she still can't wrap her mind around it.
"good morning," he says as he pours himself a cup of coffee. "are the girls up?"
tuning out whatever her garbage father has to say is the only gift that lynn is thankful for. as soon as he opens his mouth, her ears magically turn off. it's something she'll be eternally grateful for because she thinks hearing peter's voice for more than four seconds would send her into a spiral.
growing up without a dad was a lot less horrific than some people may think. lynn didn't feel like she was missing out, and she didn't think her life was doomed to be a failure because of his absence. she honestly never thought much of her dad. that all changed when she was eleven though, and she walked in the door from school to see her parents moving all of her dad's belongings back into the same house he had moved out of eleven years prior (after having an affair with her first au pair before she had even turned one). needless to say, the sight of peter's face is enough to make now-lynn physically ill.
"are you going to be in such a sour mood all day, lynn?" she rolls her eyes at the words and makes no move to respond. it's silent once again, and the only sound that can be heard is kathleen's occasionally slurping.
it's nearing ten when her sisters finally wake up. jane is the first one down the steps. she's got the blanket she's had since she was born clenched in her fist as her other hand is holding the railing to make sure she doesn't tumble down the staircase. the little girl wordlessly makes her way to the kitchen, where she finds lynn making her blueberry pancakes covered in maple syrup.
"lynn," she yawns, fist rubbing her eyes. "you're back already?"
"m'only here for the barbecue mom insisted i go to."
"aw, man," the girl stabs a piece of her pancake and rests her head in her hand, a sigh pushing past her lips.
"i know. i miss you, too, jane." her fingers brush the other's hair away from her face as she eats. "i'll visit you a lot, and you know you and amelia are always invited over. all you have to do is ask."
jane only hums in response to her sister and puts all of her energy back to eating her pancakes. it's not long until amelia comes down the stairs. she looks almost as disheveled as their youngest sister. her hair is in a messy knot on top of her head, and she's still sporting last night's pajamas. lynn can't help but wonder where her mom went off to, and she feels a little queasy when amelia says she already knew lynn was visiting. simply because the kitchen smelled of food.
she makes sure jane's hair and teeth are brushed before finding her a little summer dress that screamed neighborhood barbecue, and then she braids amelia's hair away from her face before getting herself ready. there were only ten minutes before they had to leave, so lynn opts for a pink two-piece set she ordered from a random website online that probably specializes in drop shipping, and retouches her leftover makeup from yesterday before joining the two girls in the living room where they were watching some new disney movie that jane probably asked to be put on. it would be an understatement to say she was tired. her eyes felt heavy and she could barely hold her head up. she thinks that if she fell asleep now she could get out of this whole thing, but kathleen comes walking down the staircase, crushing her dreams of an afternoon nap.
"really lynn? that's what you're wearing?" and the girl should be upset at her mother's words. she really should, but after spending twenty-seven years hearing them, she's gotten used to them. "there's someone there i want you to meet."
lynn rolls her eyes as she walks to the foyer, "i'm not the next contestant on the bachelorette," she slips her shoe on. "and i'm definitely not dressing up for one of your friend's sons."
surprisingly, her mom drops it. lynn would be lying if she had said that she didn't find it the slightest bit alarming. her mom would've spent the entire two-minute-long drive trying to sell her on this mystery boy, but instead she reminds the girls that dance camp starts on monday... and then she asks lynn to take them.
when lynn gets out of the car, she can only focus on one thing, and that was how hot it was outside. it wasn't just a little uncomfortable. no, it was absolutely sweat-running-down-your-back roasting. she decides on pulling her hair up off of her neck which earns another comment from her mother. honestly, she tuned this one out, but she thinks she said something about lynn's masculine features becoming more prominent when her hair was tied back.
it's not long before kathleen starts introducing the girls to all of her friends. a woman asks if jane and amelia were her grandkids, and when her mom says no, she said that she couldn't believe how similar the girls looked to their nanny while nodding over at lynn.
there was honestly nothing she found more repulsing than this damn neighborhood barbecue. she hated it when she was seven, and she hates it now, twenty years later. it was hot and the air felt thick and humid. all she wanted was a nice long nap. she could picture it now. fresh, crisp, cool sheets and-
"lynn adams," kathleen's snapping her fingers in front of the girl's face, and it takes everything in her not to swat her mom's hand away. "don't be rude. this is my friend from yoga, marianne. she has a son-" and she doesn't know what else her mother says because as soon as the words leave her mouth, kathleen's voice sounds something similar to the bland tones of the parents in any charlie brown special, and before she knows it, marianne from yoga is hugging her and leading her towards a boy who looks like a young, unshowered, mick jagger cosplayer.
harry's parents invited him over for lunch, and he really couldn't say no. he missed his mom's home-cooked meals, and honestly, he really never cooks actual meals for himself. he's found that cheap vodka and whatever mixer he could find in his cabinets worked as a great substitute. he'd never admit it, but he was excited to see his parents. sure, he lives only twenty minutes away, but he doesn't really ever have time to make a visit. failing all of his classes and frequenting the town's bar really took all of his energy.
when harry gets to his parents, he sees his sister's car in the driveway, and he thinks it's going to be a nice little family meal, something he hasn't had since he started going to college. but it's not. and really, he should've known better. no one wants to be around him.
when he stepped inside, his family and family friends were waiting for him in the living room. they sat in a circle and they all held folded pieces of paper in their hands. it took them a minute to realize that they were hosting their own intervention.
the entire event was so uncomfortable, and it made harry hate himself more than he already had. he knew he had a problem, and he also knew that he could stop whenever he wanted to. he did, in fact. he only started drinking again because he was craving validation. it doesn't really make sense to anyone but him, but he found it was easier to get someone to go home with him after he had been drinking. it gave him the confidence he needed, simple as that.
when his mom started reading her note, she was sobbing, and it made harry cry, too. it wasn't because what she was saying moved something deep inside of him. it was because he couldn't understand why they felt the need to embarrass him in front of so many people he wasn't really comfortable with. a phone call asking harry if he was okay would've worked just as well, but they never called unless it was to tell him just how disappointed they were in him.
so now he was at this stupid event for a neighborhood he hasn't lived in since he turned 18. his mom had asked him to come, and he felt like he couldn't say no. he was scared he'd push her into holding a second intervention, and honestly, he didn't think he'd be able to handle that.
it was hot and noisy, and there were kids everywhere. harry hated kids. they were gross and dirty, and they always found a way to piss him off. they were part of the reason that harry was so big on safe sex. he would literally have to change his name and move continents if he were to get anyone pregnant.
he's sitting at one of the picnic tables alone. his dad was lucky enough to skip the whole thing, and gemma claimed she was busy. his mom didn't mind though, and harry couldn't help but wonder why she was so adamant about him going. originally, he had thought that maybe she had wanted to spend some quality time with him, but nearly an hour had passed and marianne was still talking to her book club mom friends, not really showing interest in introducing them to her son. harry wasn't too surprised, though. his mom never really introduced him to her friends anymore.
marianne loves him. harry knows that. she only ever wants what's best for him, but she always goes about it the wrong way. maybe some kids needed an hour-long phone call lecture about how they'll never amount to anything if they don't finish their degrees. his sister was one of those kids. he remembers sitting at the kitchen table while his mom scolded her on the phone, and her dad did in person. john had driven the six hours to gemma's college town to bail her out of the county jail after a crazy night during her freshman year. needless to say, after that phone call, it never happened again. what his parents failed to realize was that harry wasn't gemma, and maybe he just needed someone to hold his hand and tell him everything would be okay.
he notices marianne moving away from her book club group and towards a family. there was an older couple, a girl that looked about his age, and two younger children. harry couldn't help but wonder what that family dynamic was. perhaps she was the girls' nanny, or maybe she was even a third in the parents' relationship. if it was the latter, it would definitely be a little harder to get her to sleep with him, but he always liked a good challenge.
"harry," his mom pulls him from his thoughts. he blinks and suddenly his mom and the nanny (slash possible unicorn) were standing in front of him at the other side of the table. "this is lynn, kathleen's daughter."
"who's kathleen?" he takes a drink from his cup (which held nothing but ice cubes and water) before wiping the wetness off of his mouth with the back of his hand.
marianne's face turns red, "kathleen from yoga." she says it slowly like it should ring a bell, but harry's not too familiar with the attendees of the 'Yoga Over 40' class. "kathleen and i thought you guys should talk. maybe get to know each other today," and before harry can open his mouth to say no thank you, marianne is pulling a chair out for the girl and then walks away.
"i'm lynn," she says like marianne didn't introduce her thirty seconds ago. she holds out her hand, but harry's already in a foul mood and he senses lynn (he thinks that is a terrible name) would be an easy target to humiliate.
so instead of shaking her hand like a decent human being, he looks at her over the top of his sunglasses and pops the spearmint gum he's been chewing since he got here. "not interested."
"don't flatter yourself," she rolls her eyes and leans forward, resting her forehead on the palms of her hands before crossing her arms in front of her.
"so you're telling me you weren't just begging my mom to introduce us?" his eyebrow quirks and he has a small smile forming on his lips. "'cause it looked an awful lot like that."
she smiles at him, white teeth and all, "trust me when i say i would rather act as a speed bump at the entrance of this neighborhood, waiting to be taken out of my misery by an unsuspecting hybrid toyota prius."
"weirdly specific," he takes another drink. "is that some sort of kink of yours?"
"maybe," her eyes bore into his. the look on her face is so bland, harry can't quite get a read on her. she looked the opposite of him. lynn had blonde hair and blue eyes. the only thing the two had in common was their curly hair, and so harry was obligated to think that it wasn't totally unattractive. "is yours watching mommy pick up girls at the neighborhood picnic for you?"
"ha. ha," harry's voice is emotionless. "tell me, lynn. have you ever considered going into comedy?"
"no, but i'm certain that everyone in the local comedy crowd would love my work. i'm thinking i could enter a piece titled 'desperate mom tries to pawn off loser son'. what do you think? i could credit you if you'd like." she smiles at him again, and he can tell by her eyes that her smile is fake. harry thinks if she were wearing sunglasses he might think she was trying to make a joke rather than a dig at him.
"kathleen thought we should talk," he reminds her. "i wouldn't be climbing on your high horse just yet."
the silence that followed hung around them like a cloud, and it was quite awkward. lynn didn't seem to mind though. she was off in her own world, daydreaming about god knows what. if harry were to take a guess, he'd bet that she was thinking of fairies and rainbows, or whatever else children under the age of eight think about during their free time.
"do you want to get out of here?" harry's popping the gum in his mouth again. "we could have sex. i will say you're not my usual type, but i can always appreciate a good body.
"gross," she leans back in her chair, her face showing disgust almost as if his words could contaminate her. "what's your usual type? wait let me guess," she taps her finger on her chin for a moment. "brown hair and pretty green eyes. i assume it's the closest thing you'll get to fulfilling the fantasy you have of fucking yourself."
"you think my eyes are pretty," he says, completely disregarding whatever else she said.
"i can appreciate nice eyes when i see them," she says. "don't fall in love with me yet."
lynn's wearing her hair pulled away from her face, and harry thinks it suits her. she has some sort of matching outfit on. it's shorts and a button-up top, made out of the same soft material. it's baby pink, like her lips, and she's dainty?? harry doesn't know if that's the right word, but she looks small and soft. like if she were in an arm wrestling competition with a fly, the fly would win. the tiniest smile, really it was barely a smile, makes its way to his face because... well, he thinks she's pretty.
"got something on my face?" she asks, and harry's waiting for a snide remark to follow, but she's serious. lynn has no idea that he just spent the last five minutes shamelessly checking her out. the fact that he was caught makes his cheeks burn a little, and harry shakes his head.
"you know, maybe we should get out of here after all," her fingertips brush over the back of his hand as she speaks.
"you want me to rock your world, huh blondie?"
she nods and sucks her bottom lip between her teeth. harry feels his whole body growing hot as she leans towards him again. "you wanna know what would really rock my world, harry?"
"hmm?" he hums, leaning forward to meet her in the middle of the table. honestly, this whole thing was wildly inappropriate for the high point hills annual family barbecue, but he didn't really care.
"you taking me back to yours," she leans even closer and harry can feel her words against his ear. "and letting me have the longest, most-mind blowing nap i've ever had."
"you're sick, lynn," he pulls away from her to see one of her fake smiles across her face. "but, i never leave a woman unsatisfied. let's go."
"your prius wet dream sounds hotter with every second that passes here," he stretches his arms above his head when he stands up. "and not having to hear your voice is a huge plus."
"has anyone ever told you how charming you are, harry?" she accidentally bumps him with her hip as they walk towards his car together.
"your mom has multiple times actually. she tells me after every night we spend together," and he bumps her back, maybe a little too hard because she almost loses her balance when their hips collide.
12 JUNE 2018
throughout grade school, lynn could always count the number of friends she had on a singular hand at any given time. it wasn't that she was disliked or anything like that. she was just rather quiet and didn't feel the urge to talk to anyone unless she was being spoken to. her senior year friend group only took up four out of her five fingers, and it consisted of jacqueline, luke, silas, and violet. they met in their mathletes club at the beginning of her and silas's senior year. both luke and violet were juniors, and jackie was only a sophomore. the five of them parted ways, each going to a different college in various different states. luke ended up being the closest to her when she was in college, and even then he was four states away.
however, the distance didn't keep them apart. it was a tradition that they all met at least once a year, usually in their hometown. they would go out, maybe grab a drink, or go to the local bowling alley, but this year, jackie was in her final semester, taking the three condensed summer courses she needed to graduate when everyone was in town. having never skipped a year in nearly a decade, the five of them decided to have dinner on jackie's campus in between two of her night classes. that's how lynn found herself sitting around boxes and boxes of take out and drinking cheap wine out of hydroflask surrounded by her best friends.
"how's ren, silas?" jackie's voice pulls her back into the conversation. "i thought you'd bring them."
silas takes lynn's hydroflask from her hands, and swallows a huge gulp before clearing his throat. "i asked them to marry me," he hands the drink back to lynn. "and they said no. i guess they weren't really the marriage type."
"dude," luke shoves him. "why didn't you tell any of us?"
"it was something i needed to figure out on my own. i loved ren, you all know that, but i really want the whole thing. marriage, kids, all of it. in a way, i was the one who left them, but.. ren's engaged. i found out last night, and i don't really know how to feel about it."
"i'm sorry, si," lynn rests her head on her friend's shoulder. "you deserve better than that."
"when did you guys break up?" everyone turns to glare at violet, but silas offers her a smile.
"six months ago. i think it's a valid time frame, but we were together for four years so," he shrugs. "i don't want to think too far into it. as long as ren's happy.. that's what matters to me."
"why can't all men be like you?" jackie says. "when i broke up with chad, he stalked me for a week before sending me a $500 venmo request for wasting his time."
"his name's chad, jackie," luke laughs. "i'm not sure what you were expecting."
luke's eyes catch lynn's and he smiles at her so warmly she can't help but smile back. the two dated briefly when they were in college, keeping their romance strictly between them. but every time luke smiles at her like that, it reminds her of the many times she'd open her dorm door to find him sitting on her bed, grinning at her like... actually, there was really nothing to compare it to. she called it his sunshine smile because it was warm and bright, and it was all hers.
and then one day it wasn't. lynn remembers sitting at their yearly hangout, luke's new girlfriend glued to his side. clara yawned, he gave her that smile, and then took her home early. lynn wanted to rip that smile off his face and put it in her pocket to be hers to keep forever. and when luke showed up at her door the next morning asking if she was sure—if them not being together was really what she wanted. she said yes, and the dream of ever getting that sunshine smile back was crushed.
so now she settles for the close-lipped, warm smiles luke offers. she takes them in and tries so hard to lock them up in her memory. the way luke made her feel is something she never wants to forget, and she can't believe she threw it all away for some dick that lived across the hall.
sometimes when she can't sleep at night she thinks of luke's drunk phone call. he was a blubbering mess, but she managed to make out when he asked if lynn had cheated on him, and when lynn said 'no, but we should break up', he cried. she couldn't bring herself to hang up, so she sat there for nearly ten minutes listening to luke's heart break. she wonders if luke remembers that phone call, too.
his sunshine smiles are still reserved for clara (til death do them part), and the only other people he shares them with are their children, a toddler named thomas and a baby named ivy, and every time she sees them she can't help but wonder if they were supposed to be hers. it's not that she was still in love with luke or anything like that. she loved him in the most platonic way possible, but she deeply missed what they shared because it was good. he was good.
"earth to lynn," silas waving his hand in front of her face is what brings her back. "come back to us, darling."
"sorry, she sits up, no longer leaning on her friend. "i don't know where i went."
"are you still not sleeping?" violet's voice is so full of concern and it makes lynn's cold, grinch-like heart grow a few sizes.
"i sleep during the day," she stuffs a spoonful of the cake silas had brought. "it works. i'm okay."
"you know we love you," luke says. "you can always stay with clara and i."
"don't know if you'd want that. i'd probably steal ivy," she takes another bite. "god, she is one cute baby."
the group laughs, and lynn disappears in her own head for the next hour. she doesn't come back until jackie stands up, declaring she'll be late for her next lecture, and the rest of the group follows. luke leaves a few minutes later when clara sends a picture of ivy in her pajamas, and lynn thinks that she should never take him up on his offer because she would definitely make national news for kidnapping the girl. violet leaves with him because they parked next to each other, and she doesn't remember where that was exactly.
"thank you," silas says. "for not telling them about ren." lynn had known since the night of the doomed proposal. silas had called her from the comfort of his beaten-up honda civic and cried to her for hours.
she nodded, "of course. you asked me not to."
"yeah," he leans back on the blanket, and lynn follows him. the sun was just setting and she thought the sky was gorgeous. "i know." his voice breaks off, and she knows he's crying.
"did you know luke and i were together?"
"what?" he sits up, wide-eye staring at the girl.
"a few years ago. when we were both in college."
"it was bad?"
"it was good," lynn says around a yawn. "so good, actually. sometimes i'm scared i won't have anything on that level again."
silas runs a hand through his hair, and furrows his brows. "what happened?"
"i left him for you know who," her hands grip his shoulders, forcing him to look at her. "and silas, please don't tell anyone this, but i regretted it for so long."
"you don't anymore?"
"no," she shakes her head and her hands fall to her lap. "seeing him with his family, silas. he's so happy, and that's worth every second of pain i caused. that's why i'm telling you this. if ren is really happy, it'll be worth it. i promise. it'll all feel okay."
silas pulls lynn into his chest, and she can feel his tears wetting her hair. "im so grateful for you, el. so incredibly grateful for you."
"you know i feel the same about you."
when he pulls away, he's looking at her with misty eyes and saying he needs to go catch his flight. they say their goodbyes and lynn even lets a tear of her own fall because he was the person she felt the closest to out of the entire group. they were the same age, and there was something a little trauma bonding about going to college alone, hundreds of miles away from home.
lynn lays back on the blanket, everything from their dinner still left behind. she's overly tired and feels like the world would explode if she had to move another inch. a quick nap under the stars is calling her name. her eyelids are growing heavy, and-
"i could steal your purse right now," the voice startles her awake. "it's sitting so far away from you and you seem to have quite the chunk of cash hanging out."
she turns her head to see harry sitting next to her and groans. "don't you have like, i don't know, a mick jagger cosplay convention to go to."
"i'll take that as a compliment, lynn." he looks down at her. "i was just making sure you weren't dead."
"how thoughtful," she sits up and leans back on her arms. "you should've just left me for the vultures, though. being picked apart by them sounds much more appealing than having a nice little chitchat with you."
"always flattering yourself, aren't you, blondie?" he gives her a lopsided smile. "couldn't have anyone finding your dead body on my campus after i took you home with me a week ago. it's too suspicious. plus, my mom doesn't really have the time to be making #freeharry posters and organizing rallies."
"i, in ghost form, would learn to speak to children just so i could tell my sisters you're guilty."
"that's who you were with at the barbecue?" he leans back on his arms to match lynn. "your sisters?"
"yeah," her finger pulls the collar of her shirt away from her neck. "i'd prefer not to talk about them right now."
"okay," he drops his head to the side, and he looks at her. it was so unfair that such pretty were wasted on someone like him.
"what? you don't have a list of questions ready to rapid fire at me? that seems unlike you."
"of course i do," he says. "but you said you didn't want to talk about it." eyes now narrowed, he licks his lips before finishing. "and you don't know me, lynn. not at all."
harry was right, and it made her feel a little guilty. when he took her home with her, the two didn't speak at all once they got to the car. the ride was quiet and she rested her head against the cool window and let her eyes fall shut. he showed her the guest room, and that was that. she immediately fell asleep, and when she did finally wake up, it was around midnight. harry was already sleeping, but he left her a note (which said he would take her home in the morning) and a plate of whatever he made for dinner (its important to note that harry made the entire meal free of the big 8 allergens) (because he didn't know if lynn had any food allergies). she ordered an uber instead, and miles drove her the whopping fifteen minutes to her parents' house in exchange for five stars and a three dollar tip.
"thank you," she offers him the slightest smile. really, it's so small harry would probably need a telescope to see the way the corners of her mouth were upturned. "for the other night."
"you're not the first girl to thank me for bringing them home," the words make lynn's eyes roll, and whatever guilt she felt in the very bottom of her stomach for judging harry is long gone. "im only pushing your buttons, blondie. lighten up," he nudges her with his shoulder and that is the tipping point for lynn.
"because women being sexualized by disgusting men is so funny, harry," she watches as his eyes grow wide. almost like he's shocked. like no one's ever told him differently.
"lynn, i didn't-"
she holds her hand up. "you should go."
and he does, not before giving her a pained look which only made her want to roll her eyes harder. lynn watches him leave and pretends not to notice the way his shoulders are slouched over more than they were the first time and the way he drags his feet like he's a thousand pounds heavier. her eyes focus back on the squirrel that's still running around the tree once he's out of sight. why were college campus squirrels always so large?
the next thing she knows, jackie is poking her side and pressing her palm against lynn's chest almost as if she was checking if her heart was still beating. a sigh falls from the girl's lips when she realizes that lynn is alive, and she can see a line in between the girls brows through her half closed eyelids. she notices jackie's chest heaving, almost like she was trying to steady her breathing. the heavy, hot ball of guilt finds it's way back into her stomach. she hates having her friends worry about her.
"sorry, jackie. i fell asleep," she yawns and reaches above her head to stretch out her back.
"are you okay, lynn?" jackie's staring at her with such intensity, she thinks this is probably what it feels like to be in an interrogation room after your life-long enemy mysteriously disappeared. "like genuinely, are you doing alright?"
"im tired," she offers her a big smile. "that's all. im fine."
jackie narrows her eyes and tilts her head skeptically, and lynn is doing her very best to not burst into tears because there's no reason for her to be crying. her friend's face softens, and she stands up, reaching her hand down to lynn.
"c'mon. let's clean up. you're staying the night at mine." lynn doesn't argue because she really does want to stay with her friend. it's been so long since she's slept at jackie's despite her only living an hour away from the girl's school. "and i usually take the bus, so you're driving."
lynn smiles at her as she helps pick up the dinner mess that the group had left, and she can't help but wonder how she was lucky eough to have such great friends. they've known each other for nearly a decade, and still care for each other the same way they did back in high school. she knows that if she were to tell jackie how she moved out months ago and still hasn't slept through the night at her own place, silas's flight would be missed and violet would drive the six hours back just to be with her.
deep down, lynn knows she can't sleep because of something a little bigger than an uncomfortable bed, but she chooses to ignore it because her therapist had said she was doing very well, or whatever that meant. it was like her doctor just marked her with a stamp, big red lettering reading 'HEALED' across her forehead, and that was supposed to make everything feel okay forever. her friends and family were so proud of this milestone, lynn didn't know if she would ever be able to tell them that maybe the big red stamp was wrong. and that was the thing, it didn't always feel wrong. only during those long sleepless nights and cloudy, rainy days.
she feels lied to, really. everyone said healing wasn't something that just happened overnight, and of course, she knew that. (who didn't know that?) they pushed this idea that lots of therapy and sometimes a few medications would help her get better. and that's the thing. she did feel better. with each hour spent on her therapist's couch came the slightest bit of feeling better.
what she didn't realize was that feeling better and feeling yourself again weren't mutually exclusive. she feels a thousand times better and yet she's never felt farther from who she used to be. honestly, that version of her might be dead, and that is something she never wants to face.
"i've lost you again, lynn," jackie's leaning over the center console to rest her head on her friend's shoulder. "that brain of yours must be pretty nice for you to be spending so much time in there."
"i just got the biggest feeling of deja vu," lynn brushes off her worries as she parks in the designated parking spot. "this is new, right? i haven't visited you here before?"
the two girls meet at the front of the car, lynn helping the other with her huge course textbooks that probably cost more than her rent.
"don't think so. luke and clara brought the babies to visit once, but i don't remember if you were there."
lynn shakes her head. it wasn't that she avoided luke and clara, but she tried to spend minimal time around them.
jackie lives on the fourth floor of her complex. each staircase has approximately thirty-two (she counted) stairs, and by the time they get to the top, lynn is completely out of breath. she leans on the wall outside of the girl's apartment door as she fumbles through her tote bag full of god knows what.
"i was in such a rush this morning," she gives her a sympathetic smile. "i just tossed my keys in here."
lynn holds back a groan as jackie piles whatever else she's holding on top of the stack of books in her hands and then kneels on the ground, dumping out the contents of her bag as she searches for her keys that look to be nowhere in sight. she hears an elevator ding and lynn wants to do nothing more than roughly shove her friend over with her foot because why did they walk all the way up ninety-six stairs when there was a perfectly functioning elevator mere feet away?
"why didn't we take the elevator, ja-"
the most obscene kissing sounds fall out of the elevator as soon as the door opens. it sounds like someone is slowly pulling one hundred suction cups painfully slow off of the walls in there and lynn wonders if it's some kind of swingers group because there's no way two people could be kissing that aggressively.
"found them," jackie stands up, brushes off her pants, and looks towards the elevator.
"m'neighbor... has someone over every night."
she's proven wrong when a girl walks out, her arms draped around a boy's neck. he's kissing her and walking her back so she's pressed against the wall, and lynn can't look away. not even when the two turn, and she realizes its harry. not even when harry's eyes catch her stare. and not even when the girl starts sucking on any exposed skin her mouth could reach (harry was still looking at lynn) (and she was still looking at him) (and his lips looked nearly bruised) (not that it matters).
jackie steps between them, and by the time she grabs all of her things, harry and the girl are in his apartment. she can't help the small laugh that escapes when she realizes the girl had brown hair and pretty green eyes.
a/n: all of this is getting reposted because the format is driving me absolutely craaaazy :(
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theinnerunderrain · 1 year
The apple of his eyes [Yan! Kazuha x Amnesiac! Reader]
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Warnings: Yandere themes, amnesia, manipulation and gaslighting, objectification.
Love is a fruit that is always in season and within everyone's fingertips. There is no fixed constraint on who may gather it.
Kazuha reasoned that even if the affection was contrived, it was nevertheless a fruit of blessing and therefore only needed just that little prodding in the right direction. It was his own fruit, which he voluntarily spent time tending to by providing it with continual water, ample food, and trimming at the margins to allow for the healthy growth of new twinges.
"Who are you?"
Kazuha was a bit saddened by your sincere interest as she heard the inquiry leave your lips. But perhaps it was the results of his own behaviour—his failure to effectively manage his emotions. It was an error that he didn't intend to make but committed due to his strong sentiments towards you, which he vowed to better control.
He simply lost control and devoured a touch too much of the fruit.
But how can you condemn him when you're just too sweet for your own good?
"...Ah, you do not seem to remember me."
He mumbled, attempting to seem as miserable and distressed as he could, hoping to elicit your sympathy and cause you to shed your sense of guilt.
"I-I apologise for forgetting. If you just tell me, I might be able to recall certain things..!"
The sound of your bewildered voice prompted a ghost smile to briefly trail the edge of his lips, but the room's obscurity prevented you from seeing any of his smile because of how quickly it vanished.
"[First Name]."
He pronounced your name fluently, as if it were a weekly incantation he repeated to himself as part of his meditations. As though he was so accustomed to saying your name that it became an intrinsic part of his personality.
"There's no need to panic. You can refer to me as Kaedehara Kazuha, your friend."
His statement fell off the tip of his tongue, however it wasn't entirely a lie given that you two were friends prior to the occurrence. He wasn't really lying about anything; considering how close you two were to one another, some people might have even assumed you two were in a relationship.
So he didn't have to feel guilty about anything.
"Ah, so we're friends..!"
You inquired, gazing at him with anticipation as he finished speaking, as if it were a comfort to have a friend by your side who could assist you find your way down the memory lane. As you searched for memories of this alleged friend of yours, the term "friend" kept resonating in your head.
Yet nothing came to mind.
But the name Kazuha does sound oddly familiar, doesn't it?
"You were involved in an accident, one that rendered your mind unconscious and blank. We are lucky enough to have you alive and well."
His lips were as seamless as caramel as he chatted, examining your visage for any indications of emotion as his crimson gaze skimmed over it. However, the only impression on your face was one of utter uncertainty, as if he were some kind of parent attempting to explain to their infant child the significance of the very first day of preschool.
"What sort of accident was I involved in?"
You asked, concealing a few stray hairs behind your ears while you awaited the man's response. The murmur of small ripples squirting against the ship seemed to resonate in the atmosphere, and the wobbling of the vessel made you feel somewhat apprehensive, even if you already got a sense of déjà vu simply being inside the boat.
"That's something I'm not sure of. A Crux crew member discovered your body lying on the shore. Here, drink some water."
Kazuha leaned over the bed and reached for a cup of water, pressing the rim of the grey cup on your lips and tilting your head back so the water would easily flow down your throat.
"I hope that helped you feel much better."
He smiled, setting the cup back to its original position, and then wiped the excess moisture from the corner of your lips with the sleeve of his shirt. Even someone with no memories would be able to tell that possibly Kazuha had a bit too much fondness for you based on his almost too endearing stare.
Yet you made no attempt to question him, only allowing him to gently care for you. Perhaps too afraid or too hesitant to freely question the young man.
"Now, as much as I would love to answer your question."
Kazuha positioned a gentle caress on your shoulder and cautiously eased you into the mattress. He then reached for the blanket and slid it over your body merely enough to encompass the majority of your body. The blanket smelled like syrup and leaves, much like Kazuha, and felt warm against your body amidst the cold night.
"Why don't you rest, and when the moment is right, we'll discuss tomorrow?"
What he was doing wasn't wrong.
Kazuha didn't force you to do anything and he didn't tell you any nasty falsehoods. He just added more components to the story.
Kazuha wouldn't even perceive it as pressuring since he wasn't employing any violent methods to ensure you comply with his dictates. So what if he was required to coerce the intimacy between the two of you?
He was essentially repainting over your image of him, as though he were commencing with a blank canvas and rewriting one of his compositions. Kazuha might even claim that your creation is his finest. Given that Kazuha was not a scientist and could not just concoct a love potion, it certainly necessitated some trial and error. He was aware of your doubts about him, yet you were forced to rely on him because you had no other reliable source.
To ensure that the fruit he sought blossoms properly, it just required a small amount of encouragement and a few words. He'll just have to erase your memories when you start to retrieve them, persuade you that you're mistaken, and how could you honestly trust yourself. Shouldn't you be relying on him instead since your mind is filled with voids and empty memories of the past?
You don't have to think of anything.
Let him serve as your compass, like a gardener steadily guiding his fruit in the right direction.
He should manoeuvre the fruit into his hand since there are no set restrictions on who has access to you.
Kazuha wasn't going to let anyone steal from him or ruin the quality of his produce.
Not after he worked so hard.
Not after he had to give you a little shove.
Not while you're clutching to him so affectionately and feeling grateful to your close friend for saving your life.
Not when his fruit is so luscious and red that it is at the pinnacle of its prime, able can be devoured at any time.
If Kazuha had to eliminate innumerable vines in order to obtain the fruit he desires, it wouldn't be beneficial for anyone, would it?
Just be good and listen to him.
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actual-changeling · 8 months
i know i just posted a 6k+ fic today but have this ficlet from aziraphale's pov as a treat before i disappear for the night.
@dancingcrowley a lil gift for u
In hindsight, it is entirely his fault for getting way too drunk.
"The... point?"
Crowley is looking at him without blinking, his head hanging upside down off the edge of the sofa, his legs hooked over the backrest, and it is either by pure luck or a subconscious demonic miracle that he hasn't slid to the floor yet. His wine glass is empty and has been for a while, probably since around nine when Aziraphale swapped his glass for the bottle and began pacing around the backroom with an increasing frenzy.
"Yes! The- the point of," he vaguely waves his free hand, unsure what exactly he is even referring to, "of it all."
Another swig of red chases the dryness out of his throat and causes his next words to tumble out of his mouth like a glacier-fed waterfall in early spring.
"The point of being here, like, earth, you know?" Crowley does not, in fact, know, that much is obvious from the expression on his face, but he shifts around a little, and that's good enough for Aziraphale.
"She put me in in in the SKY, and then there was WHOOOSH heaven, all white and empty, and suddenly, oh, look, humans! Humaning like, like rabbits or something. All doing things."
Emptying the wine bottle takes him less than a few seconds, heat rising to his cheeks and blushing down his chest, and Aziraphale briefly considers taking his waistcoat off when Crowley flings himself upright and slithers into what can loosely be called a sitting position. In reality, it is closer to what you would get if you put wet spaghetti on a dollhouse chair.
"There's no point, angel," he says, sounding vaguely bored, and maybe it's his growing disinterest; maybe it's the apocalypse that should have happened two years ago but didn't, maybe it's the fact that Aziraphale has been thinking one too many times about the last time God had actually talked to him.
"There fucking HAS to be a point, Crowley. There has to be! Otherwise, what's the- why would I- there wouldn't be a reason to-"
A reason to do good except to be kind, but he could live with that. He can live without knowing Her plan or being able to return to heaven, he can even live without ever hearing Her voice again, not that the last few millennia have ever offered any of that to him.
No, the point is, and Aziraphale has a point, he is sure of that even as the room begins to spin slightly, the point is that if there is NO point, there's no reason to deny himself anything.
...fine, not anything.
Crowley. Without a point, he could have- THEY could have- but they can't because there is a point.
"I just- just can't see it," he finishes out loud, uncaring that Crowley has not been privy to the argument in his head.
"There is a point," Crowley repeats, his voice dipping into a tone he knows from late-night dinners at the Ritz and casual temptations. In the low, golden light, his face is half-covered in shadows, and he sprawls across the sofa like calligraphy drawn with watered-down ink, flowing apart at the seams.
Or maybe Aziraphale's just way too drunk.
"There's a point."
Falling back into his armchair and coming close to immediately sliding onto the floor, Aziraphale tries to settle down and returns the bottle to its place on the side table. Maybe he should sober up and steer the conversation into safer waters, but he is still busy chasing one last question around his head.
What would we do if there wasn't a point?
Who would they be, then?
Crowley is already who he would be, always has been, and the parts of him that aren't are anchor points of the red thread weaving between them.
The real question is who he would be, and the truth is that he already knows the answer.
He feels Crowley's gaze on him, his eyes glinting amber in the relative darkness of the room, and Aziraphale looks back, chews up the bitterly familiar answer on his tongue, and swallows it like he always does.
"Hungry?" Crowley asks, already grabbing his shades from between the cushions.
Aziraphale lingers for a second, watching the smooth flex of his muscles as he pulls on his jacket and the tip of his tongue when it darts out to wet his bottom lip, but he smiles when Crowley turns back towards him with raised eyebrows and concern tight on his face.
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this-acuteneurosis · 2 months
One thing I will never understand is your other readers obsession with people finding out Leia is from the future and/or related to Padmé/Anakin. As far as I'm conerned, the entire story could progress with that secret never coming out and I would be perfectly happy. Enough of my rambling. Keep up the good work! Angst Gremlin Leia lives rent free in my mind...
I've thought about this a lot as questions about the reveal have come and gone at various points in the story. I'm getting a fewer of them these days, but at this point, I think I understand the impulse. My guess is the motive is generally one of two things, one more conscious than the other.
Firstly, I think people are just excited by the idea of the emotions and the drama. Even a vague reveal gives an opportunity for people to be heartbroken on Leia's behalf, patting her on the back or hugging her and consoling her. A specific reveal of things like who she's related to, how and when people died: there's just so much juicy drama in there, so many agonizing feelings to enjoy. And as a writer who pretty good an dragging out the angst in general, I think people get excited with the idea that I would really dip into the pit of misery, that I would draw deeply from that well of agony and make all the characters chug that bitter water. I can see the appeal of this kind of emotionality, but I've also obviously managed to find plenty of misery to slosh around without going that far. Still, I can understand the craving.
Partly because I think the first matter flows into part two, which is catharsis. Some of that is just emotional. Yes, everyone wants the agony of Anakin (let's be real, it's mostly Anakin) realizing the depths of darkness that Leia experienced with Vader. But there's also the payoff on the other side of that. The closeness that could come on the other side. And I think it's assumed that's what would happen because that's sort of the nature of Leia's arc that I've set up. The story begins not with politics, but with Leia's grief. It's not just a background motif. It's a persistent theme, and a character arc that is deeply important to the story. If Don't Look Back ends without clearly showing Leia moving past some stage of her grief, into a happier future, I'll basically have failed as an author. Since Leia's relationship with Anakin is so fraught because of her history with Vader, and since her grief means she aggressively keeps secrets to maintain control, it's pretty reasonable that there are people that assume a plot resolution of this arc will include her revealing the truth to someone. Maybe even many someones. It would be one pretty tangible way to show that growth.
All of their speculation aside, I've got a much better idea at this point of how much Leia is eventually going to reveal, to whom, and when. She may yet surprise me, but I'm much more settled in the beats of the arc of her grief specifically. And I've known pretty much since the beginning how this story was going to end. So everyone will just have to wait and see where we land.
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