#or play them for laughs to lampshade them
tyrantisterror · 2 months
I think one of the things that gets lost in the big, endless internet conversation about whether or not heroes should kill their villains is the fact that killing villains off robs you of a lot of story-telling potential. The Joker died at the end of his debut story in Batman - imagine what Batman would be if he stayed dead. No Joker in Batman 66, no The Killing Joke which means no Barbara Gordon as Oracle and no The Dark Knight, no Mark Hamill Joker episodes of BTAS (so many of them were based on his comic appearances, after all - the laughing fish is a direct adaptation of a comic), which means no Harley Quinn and no Return of the Joker, on and on it goes.
Like, you can argue the morality of heroes sparing their villains till you turn blue - god knows this site does it at least a thousand times a day - but on a purely pragmatic story-telling level, the minute you kill ANY character, you kill all the story potential they had. And yeah, it's fiction, you can bring them back from the dead if you really need them, but that's a pretty hard story beat to pull off without hurting your story. You don't want to fill your tale with "Somehow, Palpatine has returned" moments.
And you can just make new villains, sure, but again you have a problem with that - a new villain has to establish themselves and has to stand out from who came before, which means you can't go directly to the storylines you could have had with a villain who stuck around AFTER their introduction. A recurring villain is capable of doing things that one-off villains can't.
I'm going to illustrate this with a character from a fandom I'm not even a part of - I never played the Ratchet and Clank series and am only vaguely aware of it, but one day I saw a supercut of scenes starring one of its recurring villains, Dr. Nefarious, on twitter, and I was like "Oh shit, that's the guy who plays Quark on Deep Space Nine, isn't? This guys a hoot, let's see if we can find more clips on youtube." Which brought me to this hefty video here from one of the more recent games in the series.
And, like, as a person who "doesn't even go here," it's obvious this goofy little fucker has a history. His opening scenes have him ranting about how much it sucks to lose repeatedly - a lampshade on the "flaw" of a recurring villain, i.e. that their threat diminishes the more they come back because, by the nature of their role in the story, it means they've suffered a lot of losses. So how cool is it that as this supercut chugs along you can clearly see this is a theme of the game - that this is a story about the virtue of losing, a story that is enriched by having an antagonist who fans of the series know has lost a LOT?
The true antagonist is an alternate version of Dr. Nefarious who's won every fight in his life so far, apparently with little effort, and I love how they differ on a design aspect. They're both technically mad scientists, but notably, Emperor Nefarious, the winner, has a more imposing and "heroic" build, but a smaller brain-dome for his robot brains. Because winning may make him look strong, but if a mad scientist's real power is their mind, well, which Nefarious is really the strong one here then?
Dr. Nefarious gets this juicy arc about realizing the virtue in his repeated failures that corresponds with the heroic characters struggling to find a way to win against a seemingly invincible opponent, as well as contrasts the true villain, Dr. Nefarious's explicit counterpart and foil Emperor Nefarious, who has never once lost and is a total piece of shit for it. Again, not my fandom, I don't go here, not an expert on Ratchet and Clank, but even as a relative stranger to it who's just watching a big supercut, I fucking love this. This is an excellent story.
And it's one you can only tell with a recurring villain. Without Dr. Nefarious, this story works significantly less. You need a villain with a history the audience has seen to really sell this.
Anyway, I made this post because, ironically enough, I saw another tweet talking about how some fans think Dr. Nefarious should have been killed off in his first appearance, and, like... that's just fucking baffling to me, as a person outside this fandom looking in. Recurring villains deserve more love, man, they give us so much.
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simplydnp · 15 days
I just want you to know. That I smile each time I see you posts/Reblogs! Also, thoughts on the new AmazingPhil video? And the "Hard Launch v.s Soft Launch" discourse? but regardless they're defiantly edging. lol
thank you! it's a lot of fun to be able to just speak my mind about things here.
it's a great video! really good succesor to dilm (one of my favourite dnp videos ever). it was nothing too serious, and any of the actually decent outfits, phil stood up for which was sweet. dan's really good at playing off jokes, but it's nice to see him be defended a little. i will never forgive twitter for suggesting catboy dan was a bad look. have you seen him??? literally i couldn't look directly at the pictures for so long bc my face would get so red. perfection 🤌
i know i say it every video but i just like seeing them laugh together. be happy together. they made me a sentimental bitch so i'm always thinking about how grateful i am to have this. to get this. regularly! it's so special. i am absolutely losing it over the clothes sharing and insanity of a choker exchange. so many walls down lately. it makes me feel some type of way 🥺
i'm not a discourse girlie but my two cents is theres soft launch, hard launch, and a secret third thing just called launching. cause whatevers been happening lately has not been soft, but it aint hard either. soft-launching was mostly showing their cards while still in the closet, and a bit afterwards of lampshading their relationship. lately, they've just been launching. nothing Too definitive for those media outlets to grab onto, but there if you're paying attention. the hard launch... we'll know it when we see it.
by the magic of sharing too much of himself we know that dans not a fan of edging 💀 (don't ask me for a source, i know he said something somewhat recently and that's all ive got) but he does love to conclude. so. i'm certain we'll get there eventually.
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literary-illuminati · 7 months
Book Review 53 – The Kaiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi
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This is the last novel I read exclusively and entirely because it was nominated for a Hugo, and is also the first thing of Scalzi’s I’ve ever touched. Not that I haven’t been, like, peripherally aware of him for a while, but until now I’ve never really felt compelled by any of the pitches I’ve heard for his stuff. Having now read this – yeah, I stand by that. It’s not a bad book, but it’s just very much brainless dumb popcorn fun. Also he’s got a few writing quirks I kind of despise.
The story is about exactly what it says on the tin – a former grad student who dropped out to join a startup and then got fired and ended up doing food delivery during COVID runs into an old acquaintance and is offered a mysterious but high paying job ‘lifting things’. The job turns out to be with the eponymous Kaiju Preservation Society – an NGO with bases on an alternate earth, studying the nuclear-powered leviathans that are somehow its natural apex predators and protecting them from poachers. From there the plot plays out as you’d expect – crash course training and being introduced to the world, making friends, near-misses studying the Kaiju, an asshole billionaire whose revealed to be the villain, breaking the rules and disobeying orders with those friends to save a Kaiju from the billionaire before she goes nuclear and wipes out half of Newfoundland, and so on. Like I said, brainless popcorn. The pacing would actually work very well adapted to a movie, I think – certainly the whole thing would do better with some visuals.
This is a very simple novel, clearly designed to be a comfort read rather than something you wrestle with. Everyone is exactly who they appear to be when they’re introduced, there’s no moral complexity or clever mysteries, the plot plays out beat for beat as you would expect it to. Cozy fantasy for people who like giant monsters and action scenes, I guess?
The tone is very jokey, in a very 2010s nerd culture kind of way? This is a book written about people who name the bases on the world full of 12-story kaiju after classic Godzilla movies, and for people who would do the same. Just about every sympathetic major character is a massive nerd of some variety, and this is very clearly a reason you’re supposed to relate to and like them. And the lampshading – the book knows its worldbuilding makes no sense, and it takes pains to point this out to you as you read it so you can laugh at it, again and again. Hell, it lampshades how much its lampshading, complete with a definition of the term that feels like it was read right off of TV Tropes. Others may find this endearing, for me it just grated intensely.
Lastly - so this isn’t a book about COVID, but it’s very clearly a pandemic novel. The non-Kaiju World parts will probably be a fascinating cultural artifact for undergrads a couple decades down the line. It’s got the housing crisis, the gig economy, ZIRP corporate phantasmagoria, COVID lockdowns, and all that’s before all the cultural references. Anyway, it wins a decent amount of goodwill from me by remembering the existence of all the people for whom ‘lockdown’ wasn’t really a thin because ‘essential worker’ was a shockingly broad category. Still, it’s all just backdrop that stuck out too me, not really the book’s actual subject.
Anyway yeah, I’m probably being a bit harsh – this was nominated for a Hugo? Really? - but the book’s fine. Inoffensive. Would make a great Disney movie.
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bowlcutbat · 1 year
The Quiet Game
Tim is blindfolded with a nerf gun and has to rely on his ears and senses
He slowly walks around the living room,very menacing.
He starts getting closer to Jason,who panicked and put a lamp shade on his head. It somehow worked and Tim walked past him.
He starts walking towards Dick on the couch, “shit.” Dick said out loud. Tim slowly points the gun towards the couch, Dick did a flip over the back of the couch. When Tim shot a bullet and it didn’t hit anything he huffs,frustrated.
Then somebody’s phone went off. God is a women by Arianna Grande playing. That was Cassie’s ringtone. He whipped his whole body towards the sound and started walking over.
Cassandra just let herself be shot. That was one sibling down. A shit ton more left.
Then he heard like 5 of them giggling. “What!” He shouted,low key freaked out. What Tim did not know was that Damian was behind him the entire time. Literally just following him around.
‘You know what.’ Tim wasn’t known as a menace for nothing. He just held down the trigger and just started spinning in a circle.
He was spinning like a damn tornado. He heard his siblings shout out in pain. Once he was somewhat sure he got them all he took off the blindfold,and burst out laughing.
Luke was slumped over the armrest of the couch,Duke and Stephanie were on the ground,Jason was clutching his crotch,lampshade still over his head, Dick somehow got shot behind the couch and was laying on his stomach,Harper was clutching her throat,Barbara has her head in her hands.
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tumblezwei · 1 year
mind giving some more detailed thoughts about "velma"? i saw a pretty unflattering review and some people said it was by a hater so it was biased, but i don't wanna sit through something genuinely terrible. fwiw, i liked "mystery incorporated" for a darker iteration of scooby
Oh definitely. I wanna make it clear first off that literally nothing is wrong with making the cast more diverse. It's a complete nonissue that unfortunately needs to be mentioned to make sure everyone knows I'm not a fucking asshole.
And uh, putting this under a cut because wow I had more words than I thought I would.
Pretty much everything outside of absolutely superficial nonsense is just bad. The writing is the most obvious and most damning for me. The first episode opens with Daphne and her friends in the school locker rooms showering and the literal first conversation is them lampshading how pilot episodes always have more gratuitous nudity and sex than the rest of the show. And it's not a one off joke, it's a whole several minutes long bit where they argue about the pros and cons of it. And after Daphne gets stopped by Velma from drowning her friend in a puddle for disagreeing with her, Velma asks "what about race-blind casting? What do you think about that?" We get an answer from Daphne and then the dead body is found.
And that's about what you'll get from the humor. For some reason I expected better than constant sex jokes, nudity, and bit-sized versions of arguments the creators see on Twitter, but you won't get much else. In the same episode is a pregnant woman being photographed naked with her baby pressing against her stomach enough to see the outline because. Funny. And the rare time a joke ever lands it's followed up by another joke lampshading teen mystery show tropes. It's just not funny.
And aside from that is the atrocious pacing. Absolutely nothing is given any room to breathe, and it always feels like you're being flung wildly from plot point to plot point with no emotional attachment to anything going on. Fred gets introduced, he's racist and misogynistic btw, and literally two scenes later he's telling us his character motivations. Just, states point blank that his deal is trying to be Masculine enough for his dad. And then he leaves. And then we get Velma's backstory with her missing mom. And before we have even the rest of the episode to get invested in her search, it's revealed that her mom just left and there was no mystery.
Like, yeah, maybe it's a bait and switch, but the way information is conveyed in this show is so blunt and without a single hint of artistry or care that it felt like a slap in the face.
None of these characters feel like themselves and none of them are fun to watch. Velma is just kind of mean to everyone all the time, Fred has become White Privilege personified, Daphne is Popular Mean Girl, and Sha-sorry Norville is the sad sack friend that has an unrequited crush played for laughs. Also he hates drugs. Haha.
And I'm not saying you can't do fresh takes on these characters, but imo the things that make them feel like themselves just aren't there. Shaggy isn't a desperate nerd afraid that he's a beta male, he's a chill dude that's loved by his friends and loves to have a good time. And oh god I just realized that we didn't even see Norville eat anything. but anyways, Daphne's character is always at it's best when she's a ditzy rich girl who's surprisingly competent. Like the best humor from her comes from how she's basically Barbie in every sense of the definition. Fred is an ally, fuck you. Like I get you went with the White Privilege stereotype because he's the only blue-eyed blind-haired character, but Fred Jones is a fucking himbo and always will be.
The secondary characters are nothing. Just black holes for bad jokes. The plot is stupid point blank.
And there's Velma's hallucinations that are thought to be conjured from her guilt at her mother's disappearance. But never once are they treated seriously. We get one scene where the horror of it gets built up only to be immediately made into a joke. The scary stuff in this show has no tension. Nothing is ever given proper tension, nothing ever gets lingered on. We see a horrifying image of a viney arm wriggling it's way into Velma's heart and then they make a joke. Velma runs through a horror house made from her own mind only a joke to be made about Norville's feelings for her. Which he has. Velma also has a crush on Fred btw. And despite the obvious end goal of Velma/Daphne, the two have no chemistry between them.
And there's no Scooby Doo. Because apparently that's what makes the franchise a kids show. Sure. Why not?
Just. Don't watch this. If you're a Scooby Doo fan you're not gonna get anything out of it. Go rewatch Mystery Incorporated instead if you want to see these characters treated with respect.
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Lucius Thoughts
I had an ask, from @carmillas-girlfriend I think, for my Lucius thoughts, but now I can't find it. Anyway, I did write them out, so I'm gonna post them anyway..
Oh Lucius. Our dear, beleaguered, "that wasn't sarcasm, I just talk like that," Every Queer.
At the start, he's there to let all us 21st century viewers know that the story knows what's up with Stede, even if he doesn't know it yet.
While Stede is busy being a clueless, closeted Liberace gay--flamboyant in clothing, speech, and gesture, with the oomph of a lifetime of wealth behind it, Lucius is at once his shadow, mirror, and foil. Stede's scribe and ghost author of his narrative (lampshaded). A fellow queer survivor of bullying and closeting who recognizes that in Stede. A younger queer (both in his age relative to Stede and in that the stereotype that he embodies is more contemporary to us than the one that Stede does), who is nevertheless more self-aware and infinitely more experienced (not least because he wasn't sheltered/trapped by wealth). The show dresses him like Stede and set up the red ruin of his borrowed white suit with blood and wine before Stede is gut-stabbed in his.
Because he is younger/more aware/more contemporary, Lucius gets to play all the gay beats that we expect but that Stede, for all his flaming, doesn't: self-aware simpering, quavering squeamish disgust, the rampant flirtation and sweet promiscuity, the absolutely fluid audacity that reduces Izzy to pudding in the C Plot at the same moment Stede is cluelessly domming Ed and primly reducing a bunch of bigoted aristocrats to self-immolation in the A Plot.
And then we get the first of Lucius' inversions of the Baby Gay/Gay Mentor trope when, by hitting the beats of the Gay Best Friend (on a ship full of queers), he becomes relationship counselor to both Stede and Ed.
And of course that's one reason he has to go overboard along with the rest of Bonnet's Playthings in the Season 1 finale. He knows Ed's softness, and Ed knows that Lucius will be a roadblock in his return to the hardness he's used to hiding his softness behind.But Lucius also has to go overboard and endure the horrors that he does between seasons in the service of his own growth and his development as a character, not just a narrative device.
Returned to us, with his beard and his fugue-state smoking and his anger and fear spilling out past his cute gay sarcasm, Lucius is hurt, and he's also becoming a real boy.
Stede sees Lucius's old defence mechanisms failing him, and they invert the Baby Gay/Gay Mentor trope again. Stede may not have success in love that Lucius lacks, but he has plumbed the depths of failure more completely. "Don't snark your lover away, Baby Gay," Stede says to him. "Go talk about your feelings. Learn from my mistakes."
And he does. And it works. It takes time, and repetition, and effort--and it works. Lucius and Pete once again echo Stede and Blackbeard, but both couples are more realistic in Season 2 than they were before.
I really wish we had back the time that Max execs robbed us of. I wish Season 2 had episodes with C Plots. I wish we had more time with the crew, with and without Ed and Stede. I wanted Ed and Lucius to truly talk it thorugh (and maybe have a gentle laugh at Pete's claims to have once sailed with Blackbeard). I wish Lucius had been the one to interrupt Ed and Stede's morning after, if anyone had to. I wish we'd gotten to see Lucius as Everyone's Gay Bestie in his new and changed iteration.
Le sigh.
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nellie-elizabeth · 10 months
What We Do in the Shadows: A Night Out with the Guys (5x02)
The poor Guide lol.
I will say, the Guide isn't really my favorite part of the show, as much as I love Kristen Schaal. So when the show seems to lampshade how superfluous she feels, making jokes about how the other vampires forgot about her, didn't notice she hadn't been around, I find myself sort of agreeing with that sentiment. She's great, but she doesn't seem to add much that we don't already have with the other characters, and I don't miss her when she's gone! Sorry!
I did enjoy Nadja's plot thread even without caring much for the Guide, specifically her discovery of Little Antipaxos! It was so fun to see her connect back with her roots, while being completely and utterly oblivious to the poor way she's treating the people around her, specifically the Guide. Her enthusiasm about her original home is infectious and delightful.
Lazlo and Nandor hanging out with Sean and his buddies made for a lot of laughs. They're playing an extended game of chicken with each other, basically, both refusing to use hypnosis to get themselves out of trouble as the evening devolves into pure chaos. Sean and his buddies harass a cop, steal his car, crash his car, shoot his gun off into the air, get arrested... and all the while, Lazlo shows how charm can work just as well as hypnosis. But in the end, once they're all locked up behind bars, Lazlo admits that he's never been very good at hypnosis, and that's why he tried to mock Nandor about using it so often. Nandor uses his powers to get them out, and then he backs Lazlo up, claiming it was his charisma that saved the day after all.
What works so well about this show is that it's 95% jokes, but then every once in a while they toss in something to make it clear that these people actually care about each other and enjoy one another's company. The fact that Lazlo admitted a weakness to Nandor, and then Nandor helped him out and also let him take the credit, shows that there's a real affinity between them. It makes all the comedy land even harder, that there's a genuine backbone to it.
And then there's Guillermo, trying to figure out why his vampire change doesn't seem to have worked out. Clearly something's going on - he's able to give himself bat ears when he attempts to transform. The Baron doesn't know what's up with all that, though they do run an experiment to see what happens when a vampire gets double-bitten by two different vampires, in order to perhaps change Guillermo further. Their test subject ends up exploding into gory mist, so it sounds like getting Nandor to bite Guillermo isn't going to be the answer to these issues either.
I loved the beat at the end where Guillermo inadvertently spills the beans and tells Lazlo he's been bitten. Lazlo is furious and says that the news will probably kill Nandor. He suggests convincing Nandor to bite him, and when Guillermo says "I don't think that will work," Lazlo replies: "You don't? Well then you're fucked." That was a big laugh but also an example of what I was talking about above. Lazlo is legitimately pissed off, and Guillermo is legitimately scared. This is a funny show with a lot of jokes, but the stakes are underpinning the shenanigans super well!
That's all for now. I'm officially so excited for the other vampires (Nandor especially, of course) to find out about Guillermo's condition. It's sure to be a lot of fun and chaotic nonsense!
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wanderingandfound · 10 months
Went with my coworkers to watch the Barbie movie. Mega spoilers below. What I can say without spoilers is that this is a movie you should watch with friends/acquaintances, but a full theater could substitute. I had fun.
The good:
I was laughing so much and so was our teen intern and a lot of other people in the theater.
The props and costumes!
Margo Robbie!!!!!
The... disappointing? The negative criticisms:
So many truths were dropped as jokes and it was funny and well-paced but for a movie that is constantly talking about how bad the patriarchy is... it doesn't grapple with it or seem to have anything to say? Which isn't surprising because I knew going into it it was basically an ad for a toyline, but I didn't expect so many explicit call outs of systemic and structural misogyny, which is why I'm left wishing there had been a point the film was trying to make. It's like everything was lampshaded and never analyzed.
The set up, given by a voice-of-god narrator, is that in Barbieland the Barbies think misogyny is solved in the real world because of them. And then the ending has the protagonist, Stereotypical Barbie, saying she wants to be one of the people shaping the ideas, not one of the dolls shaped by those ideas. It turns out Gloria had been shaping her, by dreaming up Cellulite Barbie and Constantly Thinking About Death Barbie (I forget the exact phrase the movie used) and Sad Barbie. You would think this would be the plot of the movie. This is what caused Stereotypical Barbie's malfunctioning, what ignited the call to adventure. This is what Barbie's last big decision was about. You would be wrong (we'll get there). Maybe I'm just spoiled by Discworld (and something else did this too... ugh I can't remember) but like, the interplay of belief between humans and their gods? How they both shape and form each other? That is my absolute jam and they could have done so much with it and they seemed like they were going to! And they technically did something with it but like, I dunno, to me it felt like the something they did do was deserving of a 22 minute episode in a 26 episode season, not a full theatrical movie with a star-studded cast. Oh no, in the real world the toys got weird. The plot in the toy world wasn't even caused directly by human beliefs but rather by a toy's belief.
Okay there's nothing in the movie to contradict asexual!Barbie so that's great but uh, now that it's out I don't want to keep seeing ace!Ken jokes/implications that this is actual real representation because uh...
...the plot is that Ken is an incel.
He has a song about how it sucks to be in the Friendzone.
He brings patriarchy to Barbieland and brainwashes all the other Barbies to be subservient to Kens because he loved that in the real world he was finally given the time of day.
For a bit I was worried that the movie would try and pull a "misandry is just as bad as misogyny" thing because he did kinda have 1 valid complaint in the beginning, but thankfully it didn't.
Anyways I know there are ace people who genuinely like kissing, but I don't think a character who makes multiple unwanted advances to the same character is like, innately representation. Even if he does lack genitalia.
On a related note, with spoilers for the very last moment pre-credits, I don't know how I feel about the only action we see Barbie take as a human rather than a doll is attending a gynecologist appointment. Like on one hand it was funny, and gynecologists are treated as women's doctors by society. On the other hand, the implication that being a Real Woman means having a vagina is bad. Like yes one of the Barbies is played by a trans actress, but I didn't catch anything in the movie to imply that she's a trans Barbie, you know? Like if I was watching this unaware of the internet hullabaloo, nothing in the movie would have clued me into the creators knowing that gender isn't something fixed and predetermined. Which I feel is relevant when they made a move all about gender, the patriarchy, and how humans imagine and conceptualize the world!
Related to the second bullet, Gloria has a proto-goth daughter (who unfortunately does get pinkafied) and it is absolutely clear said daughter gets some of her rage at the unfairness of the world from Gloria. And Gloria has been drawing all these Sad Barbies, which Sasha thinks is actually cool and dark. But when Sasha pushes Gloria to present her ideas to her boss, what comes out it Ordinary Barbie, who could or could not be a mom and could or could not be the president. Like I get that the point is that sadness, overwhelming thoughts of death, and cellulite are all normal, but the way Ordinary Barbie was pitched makes it really easy for the doll to be identical to Stereotypical Barbie as a toy.
They didn't deal with death at all! Like, they acknowledged that humans die and barbies don't but this was all undermined by having a human ghost in multiple emotional scenes! They dealt neither with actual death, nor how unfounded fears of others' death can make people scared and sad (huge root of my depression) or how fears of one's own death can make someone obsessed with legacy and leaving a mark (seems rather relevant for a Barbie movie with many explicit call backs to the entire history of Barbie, and for a movie that says it's about imagination and conceptualization).
I don't really know what the Executives were supposed to bring to the movie. Like, soon enough the pacing absolutely removed them from feeling like an actual threat. And they were.... cartoonish is the wrong word. They felt like they were from Barbieland, not from the Real World. I feel like they were useful for one joke about how lol, Barbie is about girlpower but all the people in charge are cis white men.
The movie makes gay men the butt of jokes and nothing more, and absolutely nothing indicated to me that they know gay women exist.
This should be higher up but like starting a few weeks (months?) ago the press for the movie made me worry that it was going to be too much about Ken and like, yeah, I was right. The plot isn't Barbie vs. The Real World. The plot is Barbie vs. Ken.
Well this wasn't supposed to get so long and I fell asleep while writing it but uh, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, yeah. This movie is like the opposite of Nope in the way that when I left that theater with my siblings and dad and cousins we were analyzing nonstop about what things meant and symbolized and all that, and then the next day we had even more to say. Since then I think the only other movie I've seen in theaters has been SM:AtSV with my dad and siblings and like, okay we didn't leave the theaters theorizing but we did leave talking about how good it was (and then my siblings started talking about MCU's Spider-Man and Doctor Strange and I kinda tuned out). Vs when I left the theaters with four of my coworkers, we clearly had fun but like, there wasn't much more to say.
Like I watched Nimona by myself the other week, yeah? (Well okay, my parents came home three quarters of the way through but even though my mom was in the living room she wasn't watching the movie.) And I think that was a good use of my time and I enjoyed it, as evidenced by going through the tags on Tumblr and reblogging art and analysis. But if I had watched the Barbie movie by myself, and not in a half-full theater eager to laugh with my coworkers including one making a bunch of comments to me and some guy behind me making a bunch of comments to his friend, I think I might have felt a little emoty at the end. Like, the experience was fun but I don't think I got anything from the movie. Metaphorical potato chips/sugar candy if you will, where it tastes nice in your mouth but doesn't fuel you in either the short term or the long term.
I did have fun! But if you were expecting something more than an ad and a laugh, this is not it.
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sdaomine · 5 months
The von Hagen Twins and their Chocolate Drinks (Family AU, Pt. 1)
The twins go missing in the middle of the night. Vyn finds dark liquid splattered across the kitchen floor, and he almost gets a heart attack.
wc: 2,547 | tags: family au, marriage, kids
One fateful night, Vyn Richter-von Hagen swore he would die early of a heart attack. 
He awoke in the middle of his sleep, perhaps around two in the morning, for no particular reason at all. His husband, Marius, slept peacefully beside him. The man had his two arms wrapped around Vyn’s waist like some koala—a cute and clingy one at that, according to their youngest son—as if he never ought to let Vyn go. The doctor suppressed a small laugh at that. He did not expect to be so sentimental at two am.
Somehow he knew, though, that he could not return to his slumber that easily. He had awoken by instinct, it seemed, and assumed something was amiss. So he eased Marius’ arms off him—thank god Marius was dead to the world at the time—and clambered out of the bed. 
His parental instinct led him along the dimmed, quiet hallways where a crayon and paint-colored Victorian door offered entry to a special room. On the door were drawings of monsters and indescribable creatures; obvious scribbles from six year-olds. A smile tugged at the corner of Vyn’s lips. He missed them dearly, even when he just tucked them to bed a few hours ago. 
But when he opened the door, his children were nowhere to be found.
Two beds empty, illuminated by the lampshades. Everything was how Vyn left them, except those whom he treasured most. His chest tightened as he scrambled towards the baby monitor. 
Vyn gasped in horror. 
One of his hands flew to his chest, feeling his erratic heartbeat. Panic rose in alarm, and he dashed outside the room, running barefooted along the hallways, the stairs, then into their massive kitchen. 
He stumbled upon one of their staff, who tried to stop Vyn and attempted to calm him down. “Master Vyn, please—Master Vyn! What is wrong?”
Vyn gripped the man’s hand tightly. “Secure the house. Find the children,” he gasped out, and the staff swallowed the lump in his throat seeing Vyn’s very serious expression. “Secure everything. Now. And wake my husband—tell him… tell him the twins are not in their room.”
He could only nod as Vyn proceeded downstairs. But it’s not like anyone could blame him; what he saw in the baby monitor was enough an alarming feat for any parent. Only one light illuminated the kitchen, and on the floor were what Vyn hoped to be spilled drinks, and not blood. 
There was a long trail of something dark all around the area, splattered without care. It cannot be blood. It cannot be.
He was a brilliant doctor who was good at minds, but right now, all he could think of were the dangers his kids could have gotten into. Snuck out in the middle of the night to grab food, slipped on the floor, hit their heads, tried to move across the kitchen and ended up behind the cupboard. A skilled assassin who managed to get inside their estate, coming to get his boys, only to find them wandering about the kitchen and taking that chance. He didn’t know. They seemed absurd. In normal circumstances he wouldn’t be thinking of those. But it was two am, he was a parent, his kids were nowhere to be found, and the von Hagens had lots of enemies. Maybe one slipped. Maybe everything he and Marius did was not enough to protect his family.
“Sam?” he called, voice quivering. He had entered the kitchen. Without his glasses, he couldn’t see that dark, liquid trail clearly. “Nikolai? Boys?” He heaved. “Boys?”
He walked forward, slowly, into the kitchen’s heart. It was eerily quiet, and it was as if the air had hushed around him. “Sam? Nikolai? I swear it, if you two are playing with me…” 
Vyn held onto the marble sink when he glimpsed a tiny, socked foot visible from behind one of the counters… And it was not moving. 
He ran, almost leaped into the counter. The trail of dark liquid that made a mess around the kitchen led there. For the first time after years, Vyn whispered a little prayer in his head. 
Ah, and there they were! 
His two darling boys, slumped against the counter, each chugging a chocolate container. His husband’s chocolate container. 
Their pajamas were soiled with chocolate, their skin sticky with its sweetness. There’s even chocolate dripping from Nikolai’s hair. Samuel appeared a tad more neat, but both were dirty altogether. 
Vyn did not know what to feel. His heart thumped with ire, but he was glad his boys were safe. At the same time, he couldn’t not be angry with these two little boys giving him—and everybody—a jumpscare at two in the morning, when they only snuck out to drink their dad’s chocolate, mess the floor, and… 
It certainly did not help that he was looking at the spitting images of Marius von Hagen. His twins, whom he carried for months in his womb only to end up looking exactly like his husband with no ounce of his features—except Samuel’s mole near the eye, perhaps—was enough to tip the scales in favor of his rising fury.
“I told you he could see your foot!” Nikolai, who was still clutching onto his chocolate container, turned to blame his brother. “I told you!”
Samuel already had tears in his eyes. He was trying too hard not to sob in front of Vyn and his twin brother.
“No! I… Ma would notice us even more if I had tried to move my foot!” he argued, but it was clear he believed Nikolai was right—he always believed his brother—and that he should have moved his foot. But Vyn had already entered the kitchen, had already called for them, so it would make sense that their Ma had now seen his foot, right? 
“No, stop reasoning with me. You should’ve listened!”
“But…” Little Samuel tried to argue, but faced with his angry-looking twin, not a single word came. Nikolai had always been the adventurous one (or so Nikolai believed such about himself, and eventually made Samuel think the same), and Samuel was always left out in their room, being the one who always chose to behave; always the one who stayed behind, looking out for his brother.
However, if anything, Samuel loved his twin—loved him very much that he helped cover Nikolai’s tracks and joined him in his silly pranks. He enjoyed every one of their ‘adventures’, but always regretted it when their parents—Vyn, particularly—managed to find out. 
“I’M SORRY, MA!” Samuel rose from the floor, the chocolate container abandoned. “I’M SORRY!” 
“Samuel, dear—”
“I’m sorry we made a mess! That we drank chocolate at… at… two o’ clock in the morning! That we left trails of chocolate everywhere! It’s because—” He stopped to take a sniff, “because Nikolai and I played while drinking chocolate, and then… and then—!” 
Vyn knelt to the floor and embraced him. Samuel’s crying paused for a second; he did not know whether to stop sobbing or to sob louder with his father hugging him like that, even after he made a mess around the kitchen. Eventually he chose to just cry louder, until most of the staff jolted awake.
“Hush, my child. It is all right. No one is angry.” Vyn tightened his arms around Samuel, and pressed a light kiss on the boy’s forehead. “I was only worried. Do not cry for me, my love. Come on, now.”
To his credit, Samuel actually tried to not cry. The sobs did halt, and eventually the tears stopped flowing. Only he was making a desperate effort, and too much of it that he ended up blowing his nose with a very green mucus.
And so he was crying again, because he blew his nose in front of his most prized person, and because he couldn’t not join Nikolai in crying, too. 
“Nikolai, darling!” Vyn called for his other son, whose cries now surely alarmed the entire house. Nikolai dropped the chocolate container and made more mess before he rushed to Vyn’s warm embrace. “Hush… I am not angry with you two, all right?”
“But you don’t love me anymore!” Nikolai screamed. 
“What? Wherever did you learn that? Of course I love you,” he reassured, his hand making calming strokes up and down the boy’s back. “I will always love you and your brother. Even if you mess with my kitchen.”
“Really?” he sniffed, snuggling onto Vyn’s neck. “So… we can play with chocolate here again?”
Nikolai cried. An animalistic, howling cry that made Vyn want to get therapy himself.
“What—?” he turned to look at Nikolai, whose head was resting against his chest. And realized that he was now smeared with chocolate, too, what with chocolate liquid dripping from Nikolai’s hair. “Nikolai, will you be a dear and tell me why you have chocolate on your hair?”
“Jesus, what happened here—Vyn!” Marius rushed towards the island counter, where Vyn and their boys were wrapped in one another’s embrace. And Nikolai’s hair still dripping wet with sticky chocolate that cost at least 8,000 Stellin. Marius knelt beside Vyn and looked directly at his children. “What did you boys do this time?”
No answer, just sobs. The usual. He was surprised Samuel was pretty quiet today; most of the time it was Samuel who tried to take the blame (to which his twin brother would object) and explained everything—step by step, with all the details—to their waiting parents. Sometimes to a very stressed-out Vincent. 
It was his husband who answered on behalf. “You wish to know?” He scowled. “Your clones snuck out to drink your chocolate and made a mess in my kitchen, that is what happened.”
“Chocolate again?” A young, honeyed voice complained a meter away. “Aren’t they gonna get the poopies? Ugh.”
Vyn’s eyes widened in shock. “Victoria! Whatever are you doing here at this hour? Have you even slept?”
“NO! STAY AWAY, VICKY! DON’T STEAL MAMA FROM US AGAIN!” Nikolai burst out, jumping into Vyn’s arms and almost sending them onto the floor. Marius tried his best not to snicker. He wouldn’t dare, of course, lest he wanted his husband’s you’ll-get-no-fuck-from-me-tonight glare.
“Shut up, Nikolai. The only stealing in here is you stealing my beauty sleep. Your sobs are hideous.”
Victoria put a hand on her waist. “Okay. I’ll curse you then. I hope you ro—”
Vyn gave her an incredulous look. Where on earth did this girl learn such words? This is not what an eight-year-old ought to randomly say! Oh, for goodness’ sake.
“C’mere now, Vicky. I’ll get you back upstairs, since you need your princess beauty sleep,” Marius said in sing-song, to which Victoria acknowledged by hoisting her arms, a gesture Marius knew the best. “And yes, I’ll carry you princess-style too. Come now.”
Victoria smiled groggily. Vyn’s heart warmed at the sight of it. His daughter was close to both him and Marius, which he was grateful for; having children had been one of his greatest fears what with his broken family along with many other threads of broken relationships. Seeing his husband and daughter getting along well was something he would always treasure. 
(And also because Victoria looked exactly like him, with her silver hair and golden eyes, her natural brightness and elegance. Although he wasn’t exactly happy Victoria got his temper and attitude).
“Good night, Ma,” Victoria said as she waved goodbye. She kept staring until the scene blurred in her now droopy eyes, but never caved in to sleep until she heard his father say, “Sweet dreams, my rose.”
When Marius returned to the kitchen, Nikolai was dead asleep in Vyn’s arms. Samuel worried about his brother enough that he gave Nikolai all of Vyn and sat beside them in silence. He too was drowsy with sleep, with all his adrenaline of sneaking out gone, but he didn’t want to trouble Vyn or Marius having to carry him upstairs (also because he truly thought he was a big boy now and weighed heavy). 
“Look at him drooling like he didn’t give everyone a heart attack.” Marius chuckled as he gently ruffled Nikolai’s hair. The boy didn’t seem to be bothered by it. “He looks like—wait, what the f—”
“—fu—heck? Is this chocolate?”
“In your son’s hair? I’m afraid yes.”
“Sorry boys,” Marius whispered as he eased Samuel off the floor, carrying him. “Hup. I’m afraid we’ll have to wash you up before letting you go to bed. That all right with you, Sam?”
Samuel looked exhausted. Still, he did his best to open his eyes and mouth a little ‘yes’ to his dad. The sweet gesture tickled Marius’ heart. “Good boy.” He rose from the floor and turned to Vyn, extending his arm to help him as he carried Nikolai in his arms. “Come on love.”
He caught Vyn blush at that, and Vyn couldn’t decide whether to regret letting himself be flustered by Marius calling him “love,” or cave into the hot sensation he now felt seeing that handsome smirk on his husband’s face. And it certainly didn’t help that he just got up from bed and looked dashing with his bed hair (just the normal bed hair—they didn’t have sex last night, much to Marius’ disappointment). 
“I assure you, Marius,” Vyn warned before his husband could tease him, “you shall see that smirk wiped off your face when Nikolai throws a tantrum as you wash him.”
Marius’ protest died in his throat as Vyn went on tiptoe, pressing a small kiss on his cheek. This time it was Marius whose cheeks were dusted pink. He never regretted it one bit. “Okay, your highness. I’ll wash the boys, you go freshen up.”
“I did not say I will not join you.”
“It’s okay.” Marius cupped his husband’s cheek, thumb grazing gently against skin. “Go freshen up. I’ll be quick with the boys. I know you’re tired running around, taking care of them,” he said, his gaze softening. “Let me do it this time, yeah?”
This man, he thought, he is always looking out for me. It’s not like Vyn was a stay-at-home parent. He too was gone during work hours, leaving the children with their staff, so he truly wasn’t the exhausted housewife or some sort, yet Marius always insisted Vyn had done enough, and that it was his turn to care for the kids.
“What are you thinking about?” Marius asked, snapping Vyn away from his thoughts.
“Nothing,” Vyn answered, then tiptoed yet again to lick his husband’s lips. “I am just thinking about how lucky I am that I married you.”
Marius’ face darkened. “You—”
He’s interrupted by Vyn who gave him a little push, urging him to go to the bathroom and give the boys a bath. Vyn could only wink as Marius adjusted Samuel in his arms, walking through the hallways towards the bathroom, followed by Vyn who carried Nikolai.
“You wish that was me you are carrying,“ Vyn whispered, only to earn a very serious, very determined look from Marius who, with his deep voice answered in return:
"... Later."
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favennnnn · 5 months
"The Mini Green Notebook"
-Project Loki AU
-Lorelei x Augustus
A bead of sweat formed in Lorelei's temple. She is panting like she has done a suspicious act. In every room, she's looking for her lost mini green notebook. Nervousness is rushing through her blood. Lorelei can't afford to lose it because the content of the front page is about the codes in her investigation, while the back page contains dark secrets that only she is allowed to read. A suggestion popped up in her mind. She decided to rest first on the long white bench to be calm and remember where she left it. She's concerned that if she is shivering while having a train of thought, she won't find it.
Augustus was busy fixing his activity sheets in his office when something caught his attention. A mini green notebook.
"A green apple notebook? I don't remember having this one. I only have black notebooks. Maybe this is from my assistant, and she accidentally left it."
Augustus put it on his table near his lampshade. He was about to leave his office, but something inside him wanted to stay. Augustus averted his gaze at the green apple notebook on the table. He returned to his working area and sat down on his swivel chair.
"But my assistant's mini-notebook is always blue. I don't think this is her possession."
In his curiosity, he opened the notebook. His mind went blank after seeing the first page. It's full of codes that he can't understand.
"What the heck is this? Is this from Moriarty? Moriarty knows that I'm not into codes as a means of secret communication. Is he playing with me?"
He threw the mini-notebook on the floor due to annoyance. He fixed his glasses and brushed up his hair. Augustus frowned at what he saw on the floor. The notebook that was thrown is currently in an open position, revealing the back page. It piqued his curiosity. He picked it up, and read it silently. "How to tie a necktie properly?" by Lorelei Rios. Augustus is wondering how Lorelei's notebook ended up in his office.
"Anyways, I'll read this. The title looks interesting."
Mixed emotions covered his face. It seems like he's reading a roller coaster story. He laughs like a psycho while reading, then after a few seconds he'll blush, then he'll react "What the f*ck?!" His eyes keep opening wide in disbelief.
He can't believe that Lorelei wrote them.
"I pulled his necktie towards me until our lips met."
"I initiated the tongue to tongue movement, and I circled my tongue inside his mouth."
"I pulled his hair hard."
"My nails remained deep at his back."
"He covered my globes with his huge hands."
Lorelei's eyes went wide. She suddenly remembered that she went yesterday night to Augustus' office to investigate. She thinks that she might accidentally drop it there. Adrenaline rush hit her to the point that she was running quickly toward his office and she didn't realize that she sat on a fresh paint bench, giving big white spots on her skirt and the back of her thighs.
Lorelei opened the door silently, but it was too late. She saw Augustus holding her green notebook, and he was focused on the back page. Augustus is reading the ending of the story, "This is your punishment for not eating my breakfast, Thoren."
Lorelei froze at her position like she couldn't move an inch. Augustus looks so drowned in the story that he doesn't even realize Lorelei is at his door.
"Gus, give it back to me." Lorelei walked slowly towards him.
"Oh, you're here, Lori. Didn't know that there's a wild version of you hiding in that innocent face." Augustus looks unbothered.
"You've read it all, didn't you?" Lorelei asked in a panicking way.
"Wait, what's with the white spots scattered on your inner thighs?" Making Augustus gulped.
"Geez, maybe it's from the white bench I've...wait, answer my question first! Did you read it?" Lorelei raised her voice.
"I would be lying if I said no." Gus stands up and teases Lorelei by raising his right hand and holding the notebook.
She kept on jumping, she couldn't get it from him because he was too tall.
Augustus changed the position of his hand, he put his hands on his back to confuse Lorelei, but Lorelei took it as a big opportunity since his hands weren't above anymore, she tried to get it at his back, but she didn't realize that she's on a hugging position with him. *awkward*
Lorelei felt a hard bulge on her stomach. "What's this feeling?" She whispered.
"I didn't know that you are this soft" Augustus replied while he was blushing.
Lorelei grabbed the notebook at his back and stepped away from Gus like she was disgusted.
"I've read it all. It's detailed." Augustus complimented.
"Really? Do I have a lot of grammatical errors?" Lorelei asked with pleading eyes.
Augustus laughed, "What? So you're not embarrassed about your story, but you're embarrassed because you might have wrong grammar?" He continued laughing.
Lorelei's cheeks turned red like tomatoes.
"Please, don't use it against me. Don't write an article about this. I don't want to ruin the QED's reputation." She pleaded.
Augustus walks towards her, making Lorelei walk backward until she's cornered at the wall. He put his two hands on the wall, making it look like he jailed Lorelei.
"I won't unless you'll agree to my conditions." He smirked at her.
This is only a fan-fiction story.
Characters were from akosiibarra’s “Project Loki” on Wattpad.
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pajamamadonna · 2 years
Unknown Pleasures (Chapter 10)
Eddie Munson x Chrissy Cunningham (18+)
study-sessions gone awry, blanket forts, mutual masturbation
cw: sexual content (minors, please dni)
Sat on the mattress, Eddie halts his scribbling, flipping the yellow necked pencil (brittle in his hold)—rubbering an eraser spot of red shavings. Rich like Jupiter’s storm, swirling and angry, between notebook blue lines. Where, inked in its oil, are half muted numbers—hatched and scratched from repeat efforts (the paper pulped). Frustration perched in Eddie’s belly’s pulley—bubbling to his chest, up his throat, and out of his mouth; ruddy through the clench of his teeth. “I hate calculus,” he grits a subdued shout, tossing the notebook to the ground—paper rustling as he flops (gently in mind of snapped ribs) on the bed, his arms open and asking.
“Then let’s take a break,” Chrissy says gently, drooping the textbook in her lap—curled, as she is, in the stained beige chair. Attuned to the tension of tutoring—aware of Eddie’s impatience, disinterest, and fragile devotion (his parchment crinkled from care). So set to assist his senior success—dutifully instructing in hopes that Ms. O’Donnell’s D will hold above its lower letter (though not at the cost of Eddie’s confidence).
Where, in the generosity of Chrissy’s pause, Eddie sighs—moved by the grief of scholarly struggling. And too, of the past’s firm failings. His head throbbing from frenetic focus. Its pulse redirected in the ready rinse of lust—Eddie lolling his head in the blankets and reaching a hand to Chrissy. “Yes,” he agrees, distracted by the beauty of her cheeks (shining like buffed and blushing marble). “Come here, sweetheart,” Eddie grins, its line messy.
To which, Chrissy giggles, her legs crossed (one Ked bouncing). “A break, Eddie,” she scolds sweetly. “Not a makeout session.”
The billowing in Eddie’s jeans, indifferent to Chrissy’s refusal. So he sighs, jutting his bottom lip—widening his eyes like two wet brown wafers. Before fretting an unfiltered smile—enjoying the challenge of Chrissy’s charge. It’s nice to be ordered about, he thinks. Disobedience, a tasty avenue to attention (a lesson so long ago learned). Where Eddie adopts a smug smile—stitch-free and balanced on the undecided edge of waxing or waning in merry misbehavior. “And how should we fill the time instead?” He asks, lifting a performative grin—its glisten snaked in the syrup of scratchy sulking sarcasm.
While Chrissy cocks a savvy smile. “What if…” She trails and looks around, brightening with a strawberry burst. “I helped you clean your room?” She says.
To which, Eddie lifts his head from the mattress—knitting with a horrified smirk. “That’s an impossible task,” he slugs.
“No, it’ll be easy,” Chrissy insists, rising to her feet and walking for his bedside table. “We can do one spot at a time,” she says, riddling her fingers as though they were itchy. Before brandishing in action—where she begins to shift and slide the scattered objects along the table’s sticky surface. A preppy seer playing walnut games. 
While Eddie watches in muffled dismay (slowly lifting and chewing salty pretzels)—grinning with dull embarrassment as Chrissy collects the empty cans and beer bottles. Dumping them (along with the contents of the ashtray) in the handled mouth of an uncrumpled plastic bag. Whereafter, Chrissy arranges the automotive magazine, the copper bottle of cologne, the arm-clicking pair of sunglasses, and the stack of cassette tapes beneath the bell of the lampshade. The turn, rather pleasing for its newfound organization. Though Eddie understands himself (his habits and his absent-mindedness) well enough to predict the disruption within a matter of hours. Still, he appreciates the efforts, grinning as Chrissy opens her arms.
“See,” she says, her smile faltering as she scans the rest of the room—unconvinced of her fortitude.
So Eddie laughs lightly. “It looks great,” he grins, poking his tongue past his teeth and rolling to take Chrissy’s hand—pulling her to straddle ‘stride his hips. Where she settles with a surprised giggle and its subsequent sigh—her pelvis, a seashell at his belt. Her form, a mirage at the base of his mountain. As Eddie laces his fingers in hers and dips her for a kiss.
A pleasant press in the pillows—a glide of his tongue between her lips. And then soaking with bated breath—warm and wet and wanting—Chrissy’s arms braced in the heels of Eddie’s hands (earned by his ears). Her balance, blissful in his basin—ripened as she strokes her hips and bites his lip. Rough as she retreats.
To which, Eddie growls—his voice breaking as he shifts his hands to hold Chrissy’s straightened spine. Randy and panting as she cracks her eyes and softens a smile. While Eddie lies, hard and unhearing—gulping for breath. His brow furrowed (his face, a grumble) for the sight of Chrissy’s snack stern head shake. Pink and pretty.
So he startles the crinkled comforter in a fast fist—grabbing the blanket and pulling it to parachute above them. Smiling as the cover sinks its shroud, light sifting through its warm weave. “What if we made a fort?” He whispers excitedly, sucking the caps of his teeth—nodding like he has an answering vote.
To which, Chrissy laughs. “You’ve got to study,” she says, her tone firm despite its honey.
Where Eddie bats his lashes longingly—punching a purposed pout. “We can study in the fort,” he vibrates to pressure his point.
So Chrissy eases—a giggle in her gossamer. “You’re hard to say no to, you know,” she laments amidst levity.
“I know,” Eddie grins, making mischievous eyes.
As Chrissy slides off and starts instructing—pointing for Eddie’s agreed performance. “We’ll need chairs first,” she says.
“Yes ma’am,” Eddie replies, swelling in his shorts. Where he skips to carry a vinyl-edged desk chair from the crowd of its corner, his T-shirt lifting from his belt as he hoists the seat above his head—walking to place it across the room. Guarded by the garden gnome—glued with a galvanized grunt. Eddie, humming as Chrissy next directs for sheets. So he tosses the cotton covers from his mattress—obedient as he scrounges an extra set of bedding from the closet. Passing the tenting to Chrissy before spreading a moth-munched knit blanket on the rust-colored carpet (a rug of sorts). Where Eddie and Chrissy begin to shape the fort, draping the architectured cloaking and blocking the light—pinning corners to desks beneath stacks of frayed books. And wrapping headrests and arms with silver dimpled duct tape bitten from its wheel. After which, Eddie climbs on the bed, ducking for the curtained door of the fort and tossing his lumpy pillows inside (fleeced like grinning frisbees).  Earned as Chrissy follows their flight. Wherein she fluffs and files the interior design. While Eddie pulls the lamp (cord taut) from his bedside table, dropping to all fours, tipping its shade, and crawling through the mouth of the orange-lit fort.
A fortress and a phallus erected (persistent in its duration). Where Eddie places the lamp and jerks to his back, his eyes dancing the stretch of the sheets—settling, with a swallow, on the smatter of semen-stain constellations. “Those stains are, uh…” He starts, trailing noncommittally—closing his mouth and lifting a little look at Chrissy. “I don’t know what those stains are,” he drawls (decided upon his roof-raked return)—flushed for the feel of Chrissy’s chosen grin.
Rolling his eyes—groaning as she cracks the textbook, ready to resume their study (her eyelids bright and starry). To which, Eddie slathers a sigh. “I can’t think when I’m hot,” he digs his heels in diversion—gritting his teeth and tugging furiously at his shirt. Crossing his arms and pulling the garment from his head—spinning its collar on his wrist and flinging the tee through the jaws of the fort, his ribcage rippling rudely (his mullet, a mane).
Where Eddie can feel the churn of Chrissy’s stare—the ogle in her bobble. Stippling self-pleasure in his smile at first. But when Chrissy reaches out tenderly—her eyes shining as she closes to caress an inch of knuckle along the line of Eddie’s jaw—his stomach turns, his breath catching. Hitched for the uncommonness of focused doting—for the care in her stare. Its swallow sweeping nauseously as Chrissy drops to trace his collarbones, the teeth of his tattoo, and then to stroke the stretch of cloth, wrapped so delicately around his ribs—her fingers feathering the gauze. Wherein, Eddie senses the weight of her sympathy—her apology and her kindness, the slippers of each fleeting brush.
So Eddie clears his throat—his Adam’s apple heavy as it works. Pitched as he slides his hand beneath his waistband, taking gentle hold of hot flesh. Tugs, which tell a chuffing interruption—unable to take the openness of Chrissy’s touching adoration.
She, who shoots wide eyes and shifts to the cuffs of Eddie’s belt—tuning for the strain of denim.
But Eddie stills Chrissy’s hand, his fingertips calloused on her soft wrist. “Wait,” he says, his voice like mellowed milk. “I want to watch you,” he grins without doing so.
“Watch me do what?” Chrissy asks, her brow knit—teal in the elvenness of innocence.
“Touch yourself,” Eddie rasps—doing just so himself. Where his bottom lip catches on the huff of his breath. “I’ll do it too,” he manages, blushing from a bloom of heat.
As Chrissy lines her lips in thought. Before nodding so gently, Eddie thinks he might finish then—his heartbeat, a flexing fist in his chest. Stunned to a stall as Chrissy sits back on her heels, lifting her tartan skirt and skating her hand beneath its hem—exposing the cotton rectangle of skin-snug lilac, which contours her cunt. Where she begins to rub at its apex—letting a little gasp as she smarts and then circles.
So Eddie sweeps a thumb at his head—mirroring Chrissy’s motion, his eyes rocking to half-moons of white; a bulb in the base of his belly. Burning as Eddie licks his lips and undoes his belt—popping his button, unseaming his zipper, and freeing his cock for fresh air. 
Chrissy moaning.
Eddie groaning.
The tendons of Chrissy’s neck tensing and loosening in time—her hand, an ark atop the sweetest wave; a penny of moisture pooling on her panties.
Eddie’s balls bouncing in answer (ripe and round and ready). His prick, dense and warming—twitching as he hastens the jerking of his fist, shutting his eyes and yanking his wrist. Only seconds before he is spilling with a grated grunt (a shredded shout)—spurting lines of lapping white to the crease of his sternum, some catching in the nestle of hair beneath his navel. His chest heaving and his throat hoarse—holding as Chrissy starts to waver.
“Keep going,” he pants—breathless and fogged; overstimulated by observation. Eased as Chrissy finally finds her finish—riding the flitting of her fingers, her sigh like lavender as it settles.
And Eddie slumps in the pillows, his eyes closed as he softens. Before untucking the bandana from his back pocket—wiping the mess from his hand and his stomach, righting himself with a zip, and tossing the fabric aside. Where he rolls to cover Chrissy in a hug, wrapping his arms and pulling her to lie by his side.
Chrissy, laughing as she thunks the open textbook to splay smoothly on Eddie’s face (its spine in line with his nose), the pages crisp—the smell, academic. A scent he breathes in.
Before Chrissy crinkles a grin and removes the book, sighing to curl against his chest. Where they stay for a time—recollecting and returning. Eddie’s head light—his bones relaxed.
Until Chrissy turns to him.“Eddie,” she says, her stare serious.
“Yeah,” he answers, his brow bending in concern.
While Chrissy locates something sturdy inside her. “I don’t want to hide anymore,” she says—quiet despite the firmness in her voice (rich with ruled intention).
So Eddie takes her face in his hand. “Me neither, sweetheart,” he grins—sloppy and sure.
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colgatebluemintygel · 2 years
hiii watching bake off rn and thinking abt your wiwhw remus :( he’s sooo… gonna politely ask u to indulge me and wonder if u have any little ideas with what r/s are up to in that au? or any scenes that didn’t make the cut xx they’re so special to me
it's so funny that you say this, actually! because this week they've fully taken up residence in my brain again after a brief 2 months away <333 they went on holiday and now they're BACK and i can't get them out of my head!! they're giggling and holding hands as we speak!!
i've just started drafting out the first of many lil sequels, and it'll follow on pretty directly from the final chapter! SOO i won't say too much about that just yet, but watch this space!!! all i'll say is that it will, in fact, feature them wading in waist-high water! lol
but HOW ARE THEY??? they're soooo good!!!!! and they're soooooooo stupidly sickeningly in love!!!! sirius has been alternating between kissing remus and obsessively writing songs. he's up all night writing! picture remus asleep and drooling, twisted and tangled in the sheets, with the undersheet fully yanked up off of the mattress, while sirius sits there with hearts in his eyes, writing songs and gently brushing the curls out of remus's face like "hehe!!!!!!! i can't believe he's mine! :'-) <3333" while remus snores xxxxxx
sirius wakes remus up every morning with coffee in bed because remus is utterly useless without it. and then remus makes bread, and sirius sighs dreamily as he watches remus knead it. this may or may not lead to kitchen shagging! it has been known to happen!!!
sirius keeps trying to teach remus how to cook, which, as of typing this, has led to 3 house fires :-\ sirius still hasn't given up <3333
remus hoards mugs on his bedside table and always leaves little random bits of loose paper lying around, which makes sirius laugh. remus still thinks kevin mccloud is a bit of a posh twat, but he sits through nightly viewings of grand designs because it makes sirius happy. sirius is also a bit posh, but remus loves him anyway!
remus brought his pet hen (lottie!!!) with him to london from wales, and he's learning all about urban chicken rearing xx one of their neighbours, a very rich and funky old lady who collects victorian lampshades, is obsessed with lottie (and also remus), and looks after lottie whenever they're away!
sirius takes remus on tour! and remus gets very horned up watching sirius play shows (and singing songs about him), which leads to a lot of shagging in changing rooms! in fact, there's just a lot of shagging in general!! that never changes!!!
remus and arthur talk constantly! he sends remus daily pictures of his ties!
they eventually Come Out as a couple and go to an award show together, where sirius wins an award for his album about remus (i mean. they're all about remus! goes without saying, really!). remus gets a bit panicky from all the people and the cameras, so he and sirius sneak out and smoke a cheeky ciggie on the roof of whatever fancy building the award show is being held at. then they go back inside and sirius watches stunned as remus just lopes right up to jay z (or idk. some other famous dude) and asks for gum. lol. remus clearly has no idea that he's talking to someone wildly famous, and sirius is just standing there, watching this interaction like :'-))))))))) i love this man!!!!!!!!
I GOT CARRIED AWAY BUT AHHHH they're so good! so so so good and i'm so unbelievably glad that they're special to you! they're so special to me too <333 always will be xxx
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2n2n · 2 years
the other sibcon
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Well. However one would like to interpret it, Teru sure loves his siblings... and as the force opposing Hanako, representing the Minamoto clan’s doctrine here, it’s something to consider in the conflicts moving forward.
of course, he’s a SIMP for Tiara....
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his inability to resist her leads to him being softer on Kaii, just like he resists going nuts on Hanako early on to avoid creating conflict with Kou. Teru doesn’t want any wedges driven between himself and his beloved siblings...
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well. It’s pretty over the top of course. Akane’s constantly subjected to Teru’s obsessive prattle about his siblings, so trust Akane’s drags of him.
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a normal amount of sibling love of course.....
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well, it’s up for interpretation. Tiara’s got her own situation, though...
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uh-huh..... well, it’s not so unusual, for her age... mind you, aidairo choose to integrate this.... lol
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Pretty intense, isn’t he?
Teru’s real loyalty is not to the Minamoto clan at large, or humanity, but to his siblings, who he adores. If it were necessary to switch sides, to protect them, I think he ultimately would, as I’ve sad before....
...so what does this kind of relationship to his siblings mean, for his perspective on the Yugi? What will Teru have to say, think, or feel, about Hanako murdering his twin brother, about Hanako’s yorishiro-- that which he protects and holds dear-- being his little brother? Tsukasa has completely evaded even being seen by Teru, up until this point... and Teru, unlike essentially everyone else at play on that side, has an intimate understanding of the mechanisms at play in Kamome... I’m sure if Teru took one glance at Tsukasa, that he would instantly ‘know’ what’s going on between the twins.... maybe a bit more sharply than anyone else, given his own life? The seal, the tragic history of the house, the ikka-shinjuu that took place in it, Amane’s true identity... one single glance at that black square on Tsukasa’s cheek, ah I honestly think it’d make Teru laugh.... who knew no. 7 was just like him?
I’ve compared Teru and Hanako before! They have a very similar lifestyle and belief system.... and that’s only ever more true. Maybe it’s only Hanako’s brother he loves who can break him out of his cycle of loyalty to the cruel system, and maybe it is Teru’s family he loves which can force him out of his binds to the cruel Minamoto legacy.
..... Kind of would be down for the sibcon to brocon drags, though. It’d.... be interesting for someone to come at Hanako about his brother, to understand... maybe the two are ‘older brothers’ with a responsibility/protection complex for a reason. I’m sure it’ll be significant in-story for some eventual conflict. We haven’t lampshaded their sibling thing, yet.... but it’s definitely all there.
I think Teru already understands Hanako’s mindset, ‘cuz his is similar, of course. It’s not a problem if its you, suffering, in place of your beloved...
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I both really don’t want Teru to find out about Tsukasa’s whole situation, and also, sortof, do..... maybe nobody but another sibcon could really peel Hanako about this complex he’s got.
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raiden88 · 2 years
TARS x reader
Doing this because the only one I can find is TARS X CASE.
This is going to be more of a ‘living with’ sort of fanfiction series [?] possible series, let’s see how much traction this gets.
First, my artists’ rendition of a humanoid TARS, for future reference
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Will update it when I get a better drawing of him humanoid.
• also, you were also on the mission
• if you want, you can switch it from tars to case while reading
-Timeskip to after movie ends and cooper saves brand from that other planet we saw her on-
You were waiting at copper station. Waiting…. Waiting for cooper and TARS to get back from their secret mission. Everyone was alerted that there had been a stolen ship, everyone was worried about that, but not about the two who had gone missing that same night.
You were also upset that they didn’t even try to tell you. You thought that after everything you had been through together, they both, or at least one of them, would tell you about their endeavors. But no, you were left alone, worried, and scared, thinking about all of the possibilities. Would they come home? Would you ever see them again? Will they come back with Brand? What has Brand been up to? Is Brand okay? Is she even alive? We’re all the thoughts that kept going through your head like race cars on a racetrack.
You were so lost in your worried and saddened thoughts, that you hadn’t realized that they had returned. “(Y/n)? Is everything alright? You look ill.” You heard TARS’ voice suddenly ask as you were thinking. You looked up to see the cereal box you fell for. “TARS! You’re back!!” You jumped up and tried to give a pathetic hug to the giant packing box of steal. “I thought you guys wouldn’t return, why didn’t you tell me you were leaving! I could have come with you!” You scolded him, obviously upset that you were left alone.
That’s when cooper stepped into your view and spoke. “I told him so that you WOULDN’T come, I didn’t want you to come with in case we could make it back.” He explained half heartedly. “You, the man who survived a black hole, was worried you wouldn’t return? I call bull.” You rolled your eyes slightly, not taking the man seriously. “Okay, think what you want sport, you and slick can catch up while I take ms. Brand here to the doctors to check on her and her vitals.” He helped Brand to walk to the doctors, she seems to have aged quite a bit, maybe 15 or 20 or so.
You do the two fingiré salute, offering your attention to her. “Glad to have you back ma’am.” You said. “Glad to be back.” She retorted, still holding onto Cooper, trying to walk over to the doctors.
You turn towards TARS once again, realizing that you never really let go of him that entire time. You slowly, and awkwardly, let go of him, being slightly embarrassed. “Sorry”. You laughed, stepping back and letting the rather large Nokia 3310 move around as he liked. “It’s of no problem to me, I enjoy your affection.” He explains, moving his body to a sort of sitting position. “Thats good to hear, I think.” You we’re worried that he may judge you for your affection toward him, cause come on, he could pass for a lampshade, and you still love him.
“How was it here while we were gone?” He asked, rather curious. “Well…. More windows were broken, we have had three harvests, aaannnd they came up with a new technology that seems rather odd to me.” You name off, counting on your fingers while thinking of the most prominent things you could remember. “What kind of technology?” He asks, turning to you lightly, seemingly very curious. “I don’t know, but it reminds me of that one game I played a long time ago. WhT was it called… it started with a ‘D’. Hmmmm.” You thought for a a few, then, “AHAH! Detroit: become human! That’s it!” You exclaimed excitedly.
“Wow, they just keep enhancing every day huh. Those machines must be happy with their bodies.” He said, though you could send some sort of sadness. “Hey, everything okay TARS?” You asked, slightly worried about this handless drawer. “Oh yes, I’m fine, just hard getting around with this bull sometimes.” He somewhat hurriedly explained. “I could talk to them if you want, I can see if they can somehow, I don’t know, transfer your data?? Or your conscious? If you’d like me to that is.” You add that last part swiftly and look at him worriedly, hoping not to have pressured the microwave.
He seemed to be thinking about it because of how long it took him to answer. “I think we should do it.” He stated, turning to you fully. You were still stuck on the word we, but you were still excited. “I can’t wait then.” You smiled to him, happy about what was to come.
Please tell me what you think so far!
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sofiadragon · 2 years
She-Hulk was like this in the comics? OK, still the wrong show for the current MCU.
I saw some gifs of a scene that might be more funny than mean-spirited wokeness that lampshades all the daddy issues in Marvel, but I'm wary of looking up a clip because I suspect the tone is brutal instead of humorous. In the reblogs someone explained that the She-Hulk comics were always this sort of preachy lamp shading and that was part of the fun of them. Similar to why people love Deadpool comics, they didn’t care about the 4th wall and poked fun at the more serious stories that were in other comics. That sounds great, but it begs the question:
What serious ongoing story do we have in the MCU right now? 
Spiderman No Way Home is the only movie I can think of. Everything else is played for laughs, shock value, and wild off the wall visuals. There are no heavy plots active in the movies right now besides Spiderman’s story. Some of the TV series have serious moments, but is that who She-Hulk is lampooning? These movies used to have something to say, statements about our world and the nature of people, good, and balancing the needs of the many and the few. There were always jokes, but lately it is all jokes all the time. Some people are getting tired of that.
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Even if it is a good joke, even if She-Hulk being this way is comics-accurate, this is the tone for all the new MCU productions these days so She-Hulk isn't the fresh irreverent take that lampoons the more serious stories, it is just more of what people are getting a bit sick of. There are funny scenes in Iron Man 1, The Hulk, and Thor 1, but those stories were all weighty and serious with very significant moral questions at their core. Thor in his first two movies had gravitas and even Ant Man had more serious conversations about big topics than the latest films in the MCU. There are no more serious stories, so making fun of the outlandish off-the-wall zaniness just comes across as mean. You couldn't give something like the Animaniacs that kind of treatment in a spin-off without sounding judgmental and harsh. Oh, they are always going on about the sexy nurse, that's so sexist of Wacko and Yacko. That kind of joke just doesn't work. Thor's love triangle in Love and Thunder is all jokes, down to characters having jokes and references as names. If you parody a parody most people assume you didn't get the joke the first time or just enjoy tearing other people down and being smug about how clever you are. It's a bad look, that's part of the point of the Lokasenna, so humans have clearly known that taking jokes too far is mean-spirited at least since the invention of jokes.
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futurefind · 4 months
“One is always on time if time doesn't matter to them, little mouse”. from bronwyn for sa!
Fantasy Magic & Romance / Always Accepting // @tvrningout
Sasume withholds a groan at Bronwyn's belated appearance, and lets one loose regardless as the other woman lampshades it with all but a laugh. Rolls her eyes, wishing with futility that Bronwyn could be normal for once, ever, no matter how brief.
"You're lucky no one thinks I'm social," she grumps. "Or else I'd have to be playing politician to soothe everyone's nerves about you not being a no-show."
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Not that no one had tried, of course, but between her dour-everything and her sword no one had tried after the first few curt responses.
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