#ooh when art takes me too long i just get too frustrated
jazzzzzzhands · 5 months
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oh i started something goofy back in September where i wanted to attempt Rendering but this has just been in my art program for too long i lost my attention span on it u_u Please allow me to throw this out here and have peace of mind because i really really enjoyed coloring some cereal, its sooo PRETTY full version below, there's Wally! I DID enjoy his hair but here here, have my unfinished work
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oh i forgot my tally marks, i was counting my Cereals as i finished them! silly silly
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eerna · 2 months
i’ve been back on my hadestown bullshit (listening to the album on repeat) and you make such good points about the lyrics being dumbed down and how it does a disservice to the narrative and characters. it’s such an artful, creative show that constantly adapts and changes so why not take some risks with lyrics that may take a few times to sink in? that’s the beauty of listening to it through many times. i catch something new that just punches me in the gut each time (also love your hadestown art it’s so good)
Thank youuu glad you like my stuff :3 Yeah!! I think ultimately it comes down to two things, confidence and Broadway requirements. Anais Mitchell isn't hiding how much she struggled writing the show and balancing between artsy, well crafted, and understandable. She also stated many things have been cut because the show was too long for Broadway and they were required to trim it. To both I say, HUH?? First off, Anais Mitchell honed her craft to perfection. No other musical ever managed to drive me to tears with moodsetting "oohs". She wrote a godly love song that sounds like a godly love song. She deserves all the confidence in the WORLD. But she also never hid that Hadestown is a very personal story influenced by her experience as a free artist, so on the other hand, I totally get that no amount of success can ever truly heal your inner critic, and she will always keep trying to adjust her work. As for the second point, I know at least some of the dumbing down is because the audiences complained. I saw Hadestown live 5 years after seeing a bootleg of it, and in those 5 years they added so many cheap jokes and dishonest tension breaks it is Crazy. But I DID notice in older bootlegs that people laughed at inappropriate times, they seemed like they expected something funny to be happening in every scene because they went to a musical and so picked some really weird spots, which doesn't happen in any of the recordings of the new jokey edition. So in dumbing itself down, the musical mamaged to become more understandable to the audience at large. In fact, even after all the changes, at the theater I overheard people talking in the pause, and they agreed the show is "too confusing" and "they can't tell what exactly is happening and if it is real or not". I can imagine that is a frustrating experience when you paid a good chunk of money to see a show, but also bro, google is Right There. Most people just don't have the will to sit down and listen to a pretty piece of media multiple times to figure it out! And sadly shows can't survive only on those who do! To bring this long ramble to a close, we are right back to art existing under capitalism and how one can't simply make GOOD art, they need to make PROFITABLE art, and that is pretty sucky
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vickyvicarious · 8 months
omg it's been so long
"all I wrote down was... true." and then the pause... ajfklasdf
the HESITATION before "the Count" and the HATRED ohohohohoho
ooh somehow I always missed that Jonathan went to pick van Helsing up from the hotel. no wonder he was surprised to see him
heehee, Jonathan being charmed by van Helsing being charmed by Mina
that sting of music at "you have cured me." is spooky!
Love the delivery of "Doctor, you don't know what it is to doubt everything, even yourself. -No, you don't!... you couldn't... with eyebrows like yours!" Jonathan sounds almost lost in his own head/memories at first, and then like he's cutting van Helsing off forcefully, too forcefully. He realizes how intense he's being, tries to save it by turning things into a lighthearted joke
ohh, van Helsing has such a fun laugh when he isn't King Laughing.
Jonathan: "<3 I would listen to him go on praising Mina for a day <3"
more HANDSHAKES OF FRIENDSHIP I love them so much
ohhhh, Jonathan's voice when he says it made him choky. So cute.
Jonathan's ferocity on "I am with you heart and soul."
""The Westminster Gazette"—I knew it by the colour" Jonathan is so observant. I wonder if he went home and bought his own copy to read for what affected van Helsing so much. but he might be too busy with Count preparations
"Mein Gott! Mein Gott! So soon! so soon!" THIS DELIVERYYYYYY and the repeated "so soon"s continuing under the train noises. agonizing
I never realized that van Helsing didn't expect Lucy to be risen yet! This is the first he knows of her hunting down kids!
"Truly there is no such thing as finality." god Jack sounds so exhausted. He's had more sleep in the past few days than in ages but he sounds tired and miserable still. And once again he's isolating himself in work, not reaching out to friends for comfort.
"I had a letter from Arthur," the wistful almost laugh, and god everything that comes after about Art and Quincey. It is so apparent that he wants to be there with them, that he wishes he could be receiving comfort too, but he doesn't feel like he is the one who deserves it.
"he will only let out enough at a time to whet curiosity." he sounds tired here. in an annoyed way, but mostly just tired. he doesn't seem to have the energy to feel curious anymore, because what's the point? Lucy is already gone.
van Helsing STILL refusing to speak first, buddy he is outright asking you to just tell him. start with the vampires!
every single "____? no?" is so funny. he says it almost the same way every time, trying to find his baseline for Jack's skepticism
"For, had she live one more day, we could have save her." oooof
"Do you mean to tell me that Lucy was bitten by such a bat; and that such a thing is here in London in the nineteenth century?" van Helsing, this was your opportunity! if only he knew that Jack has noticed Bat Weirdness already, it would have been a great opening
so much corn
"Here I interrupted him. I was getting bewildered;" he sounds it, oh my goodness. Also still just upset and distressed by all this
"[harsh sigh] To believe what?" SO frustrated, ahhahaha I love it, and I totally get it
""In God's name, Professor Van Helsing, what! do! you! meannnn?"" bwhaahahahaa omg Jack Has Had Enough
"Oh, my friend, why, think you, did I go so far round, why take so long to tell you so simple a thing? Was it because I hate you and have hated you all my life? Was it because I wished to give you pain? Was it that I wanted, now so late, revenge for that time when you saved my life, and from a fearful death? Ah no!" VERY dramatic wording, some more Miette energy here
but seriously, Jack is so loyal, and willing to go so far for the people he loves
Dr Vincent sounding American is funny because that means so far the only people in London to namedrop vampires are all American. I guess that fits with vampire bats being from South America
"he said he wanted to play with the 'bloofer lady." so at least we can assume Lucy has that vampire charm going on pretty well. She isn't hunting via scare tactics or stealth. She's playing with them, or at least they think she is. thoughts about vampire hunting strategies...
"and standing back, politely, but quite unconsciously, motioned me to precede him. There was a delicious irony in the offer, in the courtliness of giving preference on such a ghastly occasion." this is funny for other reasons too if you think about how nervous van Helsing probably is too. also how he is trying to make sure Jack can't just leave
Jack is great at setting a spooky/sad scene.
the bag rustling noises! the coffinlid creak!
Jack's whisper... and his protectiveness over Lucy...
van Helsing's bone saw gets a lot of use for non-bone purposes
"all the dogged argumentativeness" ohohoho he's feeling so stubborn and almost petulant sounding. I love the sarcasm in van Helsing's "That is good logic."
the strong threat of breakdown of trust in van Helsing offering the key, so Jack will know he isn't messing with the coffin/corpse. And Jack just stubbornly refusing because that wouldn't be enough to stop van Helsing anyways
and yet despite his anger, his frustration and exhaustion and disbelief, he still doesn't leave. he willingly stands vigil.
the music as Lucy comes through. oh, I love it
"Are you satisfied now?" van Helsing has an edge of guilt and horror, the tired almost sigh on the last word. And yet this entire situation has NOT been predisposing Jack to buy in so he just gets even snippier and more sarcastic ("yes, it is a child!")
Jack and van Helsing sneaking up and dropping a little kid in the path of a policeman is such an absurd image. but it's really sad at the same time. I feel awful for these poor kids.
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echantedtoon · 7 months
Hanging Out
Espio x Rouge
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The calming atmosphere of the forest was one he usually found his favorite. Even if that meant being alone for a while. Meditation was a nice get away from the crazy antics of Charmy and Victor. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Letting the serene landscape around him flow. "Well. Hel-lo, cutie.~" He groaned and mentally face palmed himself. Here we go again. "Do you not have anything better to do than bug me when I'm trying to concentrate on inner peace?" His yellow eyes slowly opened and stared at the intruder of his free time. The bat let out a feminine giggle. "Not at the moment, chameleon boy." He sighed and rolled his eyes. "And what must be so important that you would bother me THIS time? Was knuckles too busy?" She shrugged. "Nothing really. Just bored. And while Knuxy is a hoot to rile up, you're actually more of a challenge." He groaned. This had been going on for some time now. Ever since the Chaotic's Detective Agency and G.U.N had worked on the same case a while back. What she found so apealling about bothering him he'd never know. "Well, when you live with a loud mouthed crocodile and hyper child, you have to have patience. It comes with being a ninja....And I have no desire to be your entertainment. Have a nice day." Instead of taking the hint like he hoped, she only chuckled and shuffled to get a more comfortable sitting position on the branch she hung off of and flashed her blue eyes at him. "Oh, like you have anything else to do either. Sitting upside down from a tree in the middle of nowhere." He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He wasn't about to let her get him this quickly. He was better than that. "We ALL have different ways of dealing with stress. Meditation is one way I find inner peace. I would appreciate it if you wouldn't slander the art my ancestors' perfected." "Then you won't mind if I hang around for a little bit." He rose a brow. "YOU wish to meditate with me?" She shrugged. "Sure. Why not? Some of the best ways to spy is just do nothing and listen." He rolled his eyes but closed them and resumed the calming position. He wasn't sure whether or not she would really keep her word, but he was curious to see if she could actually do it. It wasn't long before the peaceful state found him again. With the gentle swaying of the tree and peaceful breeze, inner peace came fast. This is what he loved, and what he hated having interrupted. The stress melted away into what was similar to a dreamless slumber. It felt nice to not- Wait. What was that?
He slowly opened one eye to peer at the object poking his chest. Assuming it was just a stray branch or insect. But both eyes shot open and any sleepy feeling was dashed away at the sight of a gloved hand placed directly on his chest. Right next to the peach colored birthmark. Her face was closer scrunched up as if she was carefully examining a crime scene. He sat there frozen. What was he supposed to do? Yell at her? Tell her to get off him? After what seemed like an eternity of just staring and freezing, she slowly looked up to meet his eyes. She must've seen the shock in his eyes because she smirked and chuckled not a moment later. "Sorry, Sweetie. I couldn't help but notice your cute little chest mark here~," she purred with a wink. He gulped down the lump in his throat he didn't know he had and slightly leaned away when she leaned closer. Eyes widening. She chuckled. "And you know hearts are my favorite shape.~" She didn't even flinch when he finally pushed her hand away. His face went red as she laughed. "That w-was a personal invasion of boundaries and breaking of trust!" "Oh, c'mon! I only wanted to get a closer look at it.~" He sputtered. "Now, I know w-why Knuckles gets so frustrated! Flirts! Touching! Invasion of privacy! Why not just go on a date now and save me the trouble?!" "Ooh.~ What a splendid idea.~" He froze. "What?" She dropped from the branch she was hanging on too to swoop up a moment later with her wings. Still close. "I'll drop by later. Hope you're ready for a real fun time.~" Two hands grabbed onto the sides of his head as she planted a quick kiss to his horn. He froze and his whole body became one with the surroundings. She chuckled at his response and winked. "I'll see you later, Heart Boy.~" He remained frozen and invisible as she winged it through the sky out of sight. He stayed like that for a moment before groaning and face palming himself. How does he get himself into these things?
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heliads · 2 years
ooh hi!!! may i request a drabble? I’ve been described as this reserved, somewhat shy girl who is sweet, caring, impartial and scarcely opens up, that also has a uniquely weird side to her that’s basically “Don’t let them know what your next move is” and “No thoughts inside my brain” mashed together. I like arts, such as music and writing, and I laugh a lot. I tend to not get sarcasm (even though I use it a lot) or generally take a while until I understand stuff. My intuition is always correct. I never say it, but damn I get excited when everything I feel like will happen, happens. I feel like I’m some sort of Kaz Brekker in real life because we both really have the most articulate, intricate thoughts going on but voice not what we mean?. I blush easily, and my whole face gets red, honestly it is embarrassing. My solution for crying is blinking really fast until there are no more tears. I like to test my pain tolerance when the occasion strikes, see how long I can hold on before I break. Does physical description matter? Well, I’m short (5’1/155 cm), my hair is light brown, I have blueish-green eyes, lots of freckles on my face and am chubby. ANYWAYS, my character would be Matt Murdock (if you do him, that is) and if not… Sirius Black with some pure angst such as follows: tight friend falling apart because of unfortunate circumstances, please. Thank you!!
i have not actually seen daredevil, my b, so we're going for sirius
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It is just another day in the Gryffindor Tower, and you are holding yourself together just fine. You are happy because you’re doing well in your classes, you’re delighted that you get to spend time with the fellow members of your lionhearted house, and you are not negatively impacted by the fact that you may be singlehandedly watching one of your most important friendships fall apart before your very eyes. Not in the slightest.
The only problem, of course, is that this isn’t entirely true. You and Sirius Black have been best friends ever since first year, yet something has been changing recently. He’s been treating you differently as of late; arguing over nothing, avoiding you, then staring at you when he thinks you don’t notice. You don’t know why he’s doing any of it, but you do know that it’s frustrating you. All you want is your friend back.
Eventually, you can’t take it anymore. Sirius is heading towards the stairs, and you meet him on the way up. You wave at him, clearly indicating that you want to talk, but he merely breezes past you.
Just before Sirius can disappear entirely, you call out to him. “Why do you hate me?”
Sirius freezes, and comes cautiously back down the stairs. “Hate you? I don’t hate you?”
He sounds doubtful, as if he doesn’t entirely believe it himself. You laugh bitterly.
“I wouldn’t know it from the way you act. You’ve been–”
The words clog up in your throat, stubbornly refusing to come out. “You haven’t been yourself,” you finish lamely.
Sirius seems to understand, though. He scratches the back of his head awkwardly. “There’s a reason for that.”
You arch a brow. “What, other than destroying our friendship? I feel more alone than I have since I first came to Hogwarts, Sirius. You had better have a hell of a reason.”
Sirius seems to be warring between many different emotions, but at last one settles on his face. “I’ve been afraid,” he says simply, “Afraid that you didn’t feel the same way about me that I did about you.”
You look at him, confused. “What does that mean?”
Sirius sighs, frustrated, then takes three fast steps forward and kisses you. He breaks away just as quickly as he leaned in. “That. It means that.”
You stare at him, eyes wide, and he winces. “See, this is why I didn’t want to say anything.”
After a moment, you laugh. “Actually, I think you could have said something way sooner.”
Sirius looks hopeful. “Does that mean–”
You smile. “Yeah, you idiot. I like you too.”
Perhaps these things have a way of working out after all.
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
Demigod MC Series: Athena
So. I have to deal with the virgin goddesses… By mythos, there really shouldn't ever be children of Artemis, Hestia, or Athena (yes, Athena was a virgin goddess). PJ got past that by making it canon that Annabeth and her siblings were born from cracking open Athena's skull (yes, that's also more or less the canon explanation). They gloss over it real quick but I remember, Rick. I've always remembered and that mental image has haunted me for years...
I can't, in good conscience, ignore the history around Athena's worship (call it an academic restraint) but I REFUSE to do the skull thing. So, since I make the rules here, I'm going with magic adoption. They still get magic powers, they're just more human than demigod. Cool? Cool.
Demigod MC Series: Intro, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hades, Dionysus, Demeter, Athena
The human that popped out of the portal seemed to have enough sense not to attack everyone in the room for a change, but even Lucifer could tell that was more of a strategic choice than for lack of ability...
Their very existence was highly unusual… and quite worrisome. He wasn't even aware Athena could have "children" of her own, but apparently she had been taking in some particularly bright humans to raise and train like her own...
Unbeknownst to him, a surprising amount of human scholars, diplomats, and generals have her to thank for their trade… and that alone should speak to the level of intrigue at play here. 
Was this an accident or Athena's attempt to plant an Olympian spy in the Devildom too…? Either way, he didn't trust them from the get go…
Look, Lucifer isn’t stupid. Athena is a goddess of Wisdom and War and war happens on more than just the battlefield… 
Since they've shown up records have been going missing, official documents keep getting misplaced, and he swears that there's some kind of bug in the student council room...!
It's infuriating watching the MC suck up to Diavolo when he's almost certain that they're running their own agenda behind the scenes! And he can't prove any of it!! They cover their tracks too well!
Lucifer has one of those corkboards covered in newspapers and string in a secret wing of the Castle - 100% dedicated to just tracking the MC's activities…. The longer they're there, the more obsessed he becomes...
He swears between Simeon, Solomon, and MC he feels like a shepherd wondering why the sheep are growling… The Devildom has never been in more danger than it is right now... Send help.
To be honest, he kind of thought that they were just going to be Satan 2.0 but that's not really true.
They're more than just a book sponge! Though they do read, like a lot. Let’s just say from one schemer to another… Game recognizes Game.
They come up with plans and ideas soooo fast, it’s insane! Honestly, there are times where he has a new money-making plot and he just brings it to the MC first to run it over. 
Nine times out of ten, not only do they sniff out any problems but they have a solution for him in a matter of minutes! His scheme game has been on point since they’ve shown up!!
They’re also even better tutoring than Satan is, so he’s even managed to get a couple A’s for the first time in his life! Lucifer actually told him he was proud (which he secretly recorded and now uses as a ringtone much to his brother’s regret...)
So yeah, he likes them... buuut that doesn’t keep him from thinking they act a little weird sometimes... 
Mammon: *points to a unused tower close to the RAD building* Over there is the Tower of Sorrow. We use it for storage.
MC: Ah. Interesting… *starts writing in a notebook, muttering* It may need a few minor tweaks but the location is defensible...
Mammon: *stops* Ya say somethin’?
MC: *looks back up* Nope! Say, you’ve been to the Castle a lot haven’t you? Do you know any good ways in?
Mammon: Uhm… Why do ya want to know that…? *starts looking around for Lucifer*
MC: In case of emergencies. I like being prepared. 🙂
Mammon: Look, I don’t know what Lucifer might’a told ya…
MC: I’ll pay you a thousand Grimm for it.
Mammon: Well shit, ya want those maps with or without color?
... Yeeeah, that’s pretty weird… But it’s probably fine. I mean, as long as they keep giving him money, who’s he to complain? 🤷‍♀️
Also thought that they’d be a lot more like Satan but was pleasantly surprised that they were into more than books.
What else did they like exactly? Military strategy!!
It’s been a looong time since he’s been able to talk to someone who’s actually interested in all the battles he’s fought, both in the Celestial Realm and the Devildom, and their curiosity is kind of flattering...! Not a lot of people take his strategic prowess all that seriously anymore...
Plus, they are the BEST partner to have any turn-based strategy game. Hands down. He once got stuck on a level of D-COM for weeks until the MC walked in and mopped the floor with the AI!! They have a serious head for probability and tactics.
The House once made the mistake of letting these two be on the same team during a Hell Game and they absolutely demolished the competition. Mammon didn’t even get a single shot off before half his team was lost to a rigged paint grenade… It took a whole day to clean up… 
However, Levi’s also noticed some odd things about the human… He likes that they’re interested in his past but maybe they’re a little… too interested?
Levi: -and that’s how we defeated the Four Horsemen before they escaped from Purgatory. 
MC: Wow, Levi that’s seriously impressive!! *furiously scribbling on a notebook*
Levi: Well t-thanks… 😅 But, uhm... are you writing that down…?
MC: Hm? Oh no, just doodling. *they lift up the notebook to show a bunch of cute little sketches on the page… and not the magic-based invisible ink all over them…*
Levi: Oh you draw too? Can you do fanart???
MC: Eh, sometimes. But say Levi, can you tell me about your naval ranks again? I’m still really curious… *gets the pen ready again with a smile*
Oh, it's been a long game of cat-and-mouse between these two… and unfortunately, it’s been pretty addicting too.
He honestly had every intention of tricking the human into making a huge mess do he could bother Lucifer, but at every turn they proved just a hair too clever for him...
He once gave them a cursed book to “lend” to Lucifer, but they saw through it the moment they touched it and lifted the spell before handing it over.
He rigged a podium to spray glitter during one of Lucifer's speeches but the MC disconnected the trigger mic before he even got on stage. It was pretty dang frustrating...
At one point he got so desperate that, just as a test, he tried to trap them in the House's Music Room. Fortunately for them, it only took a few minutes to work out an escape. They even passed by him in the hallway with a wink!
It's confounding! It's infuriating!! 
...and it's so damn sexy... He should be furious but he’s just in awe!!
Add on that they know their art, literature, and multiple different crafts thanks to the tutelage of their adopted mother and that’s it. He’s finished. This boy is in love.
Truthfully though, a part of him is 90% sure that they’re also gathering state secrets… Like, they’re watching Barbs and Diavolo far too close for comfort - but he just can't bring himself to care. 🤷‍♀️
The MC could walk into his room one day and say, "Hey, do you want to help overthrow the monarchy with me?" and he dreads it because deep down he knows that he wouldn’t say no…
Take some notes, kids. Some bad influences get you to drink or do drugs. Others pull you into a centuries long conspiracy to destabilize and topple rival realms from within… But he has fallen for their brain hard. Devil help them all…
They’re pretty clever, he’ll give them that, but uh… Are they a little off to anybody else?
Asmo is a charmer by birthright so he has a bit of nose for when someone’s just a liiittttle too nice… Not much of a nose mind you, because he can be thrown off by compliments himself, but enough to think that the MC might be a little too… “kind” for their own good...
First off, who wants to spend that much time with Levi?? They don’t even seem that interested in anime! They just keeping asking him for old war stories…
Then all the sucking up they do to Diavolo and Barbatos? Look, he gets it. Diavolo is a delicious piece of man-hunk and his butler could give him a lesson or two in sweet-talk (and he has), but they seem to be just a little too… nosy.
Of course, Asmo’s suspicions disappear pretty quickly after they start to spoil him with spa nights and beauty secrets they picked up from “casual research” into the subject.
And you know, get a little Demonus in Asmo and start massaging his back? Oh, sweetie he’ll sing like a bird!! … with gossip. Singing with gossip.
Asmo: So I’ve heard that Lucifer has been spending more time at RAD than usual… His whole club is talking about it, they think he’s meeting with some witch!
MC: Hm, is that so? *works on a knot near his shoulder blades* What do you think?
Asmo: Ooh~! Right there, MC! *purrs and lays his head on his arms* Well come on, this is Lucifer we’re talking about! I’m sure he’s just working.
Asmo: Hmm... though come to think of it, I think I heard him asking Barbatos for the spare keys to the Tower of Sorrow…
MC: Oh really? Huh. *works out the knot and gets up* I just remembered that I left some papers with Satan... I’ll be right back.
Asmo: You’re going already??
MC: *waves him off quickly* I’ll be right back, Asmo. *hurries out the door to do totally on-the-up-and-up things… surely*
Honestly he doesn't like this one… But not for the reasons you'd expect.
He agrees with everyone else that they seem a little shady, but Solomon and Simeon are too so it's not like that's anything new... 🤷‍♀️
No, no. He dislikes them because they're the person who FINALLY figured out how to keep him from eating all the food in the kitchen!!
Turns out that the trick was to put a teleportation charm on the fridge door that would send all the food away if it’s opened after a certain time of night… 
And where does it go? The Purgatory Hall fridge. And where does the Purgatory Hall food go…? The HoL fridge…
It doesn’t sound so bad until you remember that it means half of their fridge is now Solomon’s leftovers…. 🤢
After they put the same kind of spell on the pantry, it was all over… He couldn't get midnight snacks from the House anymore… Everything was contaminated by Solomon…
The MC is a nice enough person, he doesn’t have a lot of complaints about them, but he wants them to leave. Now. This is inexcusable… He’s so hungry… and he doesn’t want to die by “goulash” or whatever Solomon calls his latest culinary catastrophe… He’s still too young for death… 😓
In a way, he absolutely could not have asked for a better person to help him get out of that attic.
… In another way, he got one of the worst possible people to try and kill... Like. They saw through his scheme sooo fast…
How was he supposed to know that the human had training in body language and sniffing out lies???
Getting the door open was a piece of cake for them. They knew enough magic to undo the seals and just rummaged around Lucifer's stuff long enough to find the key to the door. He could not have found a more competent individual for a break out, really.
It’s just… well he didn’t expect to go from locked in a room like a prisoner to tied up in enchanted rope, still like a prisoner but now mobile. 😑 
They even used his own hug ruse against him! They caught his wrists when they got close and tied him up before he could shake them off...
Admittedly, it wasn't exactly the best look for them either - what with walking Belphegor downstairs to the others like a one-man-prison-caravan but they're as silver-tongued as they are sly so they talked their way out of it beautifully… 
And like hell was he going to trust them after that!! And not even Beel liked them so something had to be up...
Well, you want a detective? Look no farther than Belphie (no seriously, it’s in the canon). He can put things together pretty fast when he puts his mind to it and watching the MC for a while gave him enough proof to work off of...
He always knew that, humans were bad news and the MC just proved it to him all over again. They are bad news, bad bad news and they’re going to-!
Overthrow… Diavolo…? Is that what he is getting from them…? Huh…
Wait a second, MC. You might just have him interested… 😏
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severelytalentless · 3 years
Stacey’s Mom Part 3
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Poolboy!Yuuji x Cougar!Reader
A/N: One more time because I’m crazy about this pairing. Here are parts 1 and 2 if you missed the build-up. Hope you enjoy this as much as I did.
TW/CW: sexual scenarios and strong language, aged up yuuji, age gap, adultery, oral sex fem receiving, dirty talk, light degradation, lots of praise for our best boy, teasing, some impact play, power exchange, unprotected sex, dumbification, cream pie, dirty dirty smut
Recommended Listening:
House of Cards by BTS
Dangerous Woman by Ariana Grande
Yuuji feels like he’s in a dream.
You just said the magic words.
“I’m all yours baby..”
He’s finally got you all to himself. No one is going to get in the way of him hearing you scream his name. And he intends to make you do so more than a couple of times.
This naughty look on your face is new to him. It’s making his heart race. He feels slightly intimidated. He always thought Mrs. L/N was this innocent little housewife. Now, after the way you just swallowed his cock and basically forced him to fuck your face, he’s thinking he might have judged you all wrong. He’s almost afraid to make the next move.
He stares at you with big sparkling eyes, as if you just handed him the keys to a candy store. The gravity of the situation starts to tug at the knot that’s been looping in on itself in your core, igniting a new nervous excitement.
What happens now?
You half expect him to throw you over his shoulder and haul you away to have his way with you. But instead, he leans in and kisses you. This time, it’s slower, not so urgent.
His tongue doesn’t barge into your mouth. He kisses you softly. It’s sweet and intimate; almost loving. This change of pace takes you by surprise and forces you to lift your foot off the pedal of your arousal.
One hand holds the base of your head so gently and his body presses into you like he’s trying to melt you both together. You swoon into him with a heavy sigh. He cups your face and pushes his thumb into your jaw, tilting your head. He peppers light kisses across your cheek and onto your ear.
“Mmh, Mrs. L/N?” He whispers between pecks.
“Yes, baby?”
“Do I get to have you all night?” The question is hopeful and earnest. He just needs to hear you say it again.
“Ooh honey, I told you, I’m all yours.” You smile and savor the little sparks that fly off your skin as he kisses down your neck. He exhales heavily,
“Thank you..”
You take his hand and lead him over to the door on your right. The guest bedroom in the pool house is always made up since your in-laws are notorious for dropping by without warning. You turn around and walk backwards into the room, holding both his hands. He smiles and follows you, letting go of your fingers as you lean back against the foot of the bed.
He just stands there in awe, taking in your naked body like he’s looking at some beautiful piece of art. The afternoon light through the window is hitting your skin, making you glow. He takes a deep breath and exhales shaking his head.
“You are...incredible..”
Your heart flips and throws blush onto your cheeks.
“You make me weak, Mrs. L/N..”
“Call me Y/N..”
“You make me weak, Y/N.” He repeats himself, emphasizing his words. He steps forward and closes the distance between you. His knuckles brush up along the goosebumps on your arm.
“I’m going to take my time with you.” His voice is soaked in honey to match the sugary smile on his face. You could just melt.
His whole demeanor has shifted into a lower gear. Where before he touched you like he was on a time limit, he now has all the time in the world to worship your body. He wants to know every little thing that makes you sigh and moan. He knows this may be the only chance he’ll ever get.
“Lay back..” his request is quickly met as your head falls back into the pillows. He stands at the foot of the bed and proceeds to crawl up over you, stroking and kissing every inch of your skin as he goes. Your heart is a smoldering mess, fluttering in your chest with each touch of his lips. You feel like a goddess in the hands of a truly loyal subject.
He pauses over your chest and picks up where he had left off before Stacey’s phone call, sucking on your hard nipple and rolling the other between his fingers. The sensations trickle down, adding to the heartbeat thumping into your clit. His hand sweeps under your back as it curves up off the bed and you breathe out his name. His mouth comes off your skin,
“Yes ma’am?” He continues gently squeezing at your nipple, coaxing another sweet sigh.
“Please baby..don’t stop..”
“Don’t plan to, ma’am” his deep voice gives you chills. He says exactly what you want to hear.
His mouth is on you again, lazily tonguing circles around the bud. His hand leaves your breast and skates down between your legs to flirt with your slit. Your back lifts up further and you pull in a sharp breath as he strokes apart your folds. You’re still so slippery from before.
His fingers glide around, bumping your clit and teasing your tight opening before they slip inside. He relishes the long shaky moan that comes out of you. He starts dragging against the swollen flesh inside you.
You’re body flexes and your hands fly to his shoulders, gripping onto him to steady yourself. He sucks and bites down lightly on your nipple in sync with the curling of his fingers and hums when your nails begin to scratch into his skin. He’s playing you like some erotic instrument. You are music to his ears.
“OH-oh Yuuji-uh-yes-more!” you chant along to the rhythm, hips rolling and bucking in reflex. Your wish is granted and he moves his mouth down towards your heat, fingers still strumming your g-spot. The knot inside you tugs hard when you realize where that tongue is about to go, making you whimper in anticipation. Your head rolls back into the pillow, feeling it stroke into your clit.
“Fuuck Yesss” you hiss at him and press your nails into your palms through the sheets. Your thighs involuntarily squish together against his head, but it only helps to lock his mouth into your core.
His licks are lazy and torturous, rubbing flat and slow, massaging your electrified nerves. You choke on your moan and squeeze your legs tighter when he starts to suck and flick at it. His free hand pries your thigh off his face with ease, opening you up again. Your muscles tense and then relax, submitting to the overwhelming pleasure, letting even more rush in. You can’t believe how close to the edge you already are. You prop yourself up on your elbows and look down in disbelief at the scene between your legs.
His strong hand holding your knee down on the bed.
His head cocked at just the right angle, rolling your clit in his mouth.
The obscene wet sounds of his fingers pushing and pulling inside you.
He locks eyes with you.
And you’re fucking gone.
“Oh Yuuji FUCK!”
A surge of heat and pleasure floods your body and you fall back down onto the bed. He moves his tongue to match your writhing and convulsing, you yell out profanities and affirmations.
He lets up on his assault as your heavy breathing slows, eyes beaming with lust and pride, smile coated in your slick. You pant and purr as the waves subside.
“God Yuuji..that was so..I haven’t cum like that in so long..you’re just..” you trip over your words, still high from your release.
He looks up at your blushing dazed expression, completely chuffed by your praise, and pulls his sticky fingers out of you. You watch him shove them into his mouth. He closes his eyes and groans, sucking them clean.
“Have I told you how good you taste?”
“Come show me..” you beckon him up to your mouth and watch his pupils dilate. You feel his cock push against your hip as he leans over you. It’s hot and heavy. You taste yourself on his tongue and brush a finger along the veins of his shaft. He hitches into you and lets out a sharp breath over your mouth.
“You’re such a good boy, Yuuji...” you wrap your hand around his swelling dick and tug a little. He whimpers like a puppy. You giggle.
“Such a nice big cock..” you purr and tease him, enjoying the desperation painted on his face.
“Do you wanna fuck me with it?” Another adorable whimper spills out of his mouth. You squeeze him a little more.
You’re absolutely loving this.
“Uugh..yes-yes ma’am” he nods his head and bites his lip. He bucks his cock into your grip. You lean up close to whisper in his ear.
“Do you wanna stretch me open? Make me scream? Is that what you wanna do, Yuuji?” You sound so wickedly sweet and seductive. His forehead drops against your collarbone and he groans in frustration, wringing his fists into the pillows by your head.
This toying is too much for him. He breaths heavily and lifts his head, glaring at you with sex in his eyes. That look makes your walls clench. The sexy little smirk pulling at your lips sets him on fire.
He pushes up off you in an instant, roughly grabbing your sides and manhandling you flat onto your stomach. You gasp and giggle at the force.
This is exactly what you wanted.
He drags your hips up at a sharp angle, you wiggle your ass in the air, eagerly spreading your legs wide. You yelp at the smack he lands squarely on you behind.
“You’re a filthy tease, you know that?”
“I’m not sure I know what you mean, honey.”
You look back at him and flash a dirty grin.
Another smack is followed quickly by your groan of pleasure at the pain. The sting radiates into your skin.
“You know exactly what you’re doing..”
The tip of his cock slides up and down between your slippery folds. You arch your back and push your arms out in front of you, leaning back into him with a muffled moan. Your heart pounds.
God, you want it so bad.
Then you’re gasping. The thick head pushes past your opening and begins slowly sinking into your cunt. Drool rolls out of your gaping mouth, followed by a lusty little hiccup. The stretch is overwhelmingly and delicious. It’s so much tighter than you expected.
“Fuuck-“ your eyes roll back as he bottoms out into your guts.
“Speak up Y/N..how’s it feel?” You whine when he rolls his hips against your ass, you feel his cock nudge at your cervix. Your cunt twitches around him and your body shudders.
It’s so fucking thick.
“Uugh baby yes..so good..” he slides it back slowly and drives into you, knocking the wind out of you.
“Louder..” he grunts and ruts into you again. And again. And again. Deliberately pulling back so fucking slowly. You cry out every time it dives back in. Then his thrusts halt completely and he holds your hips firmly against his, cock buried to the hilt. You squirm and squeal.
“Tell me what you want, Mrs. L/N.. I wanna hear you say it.” The way he growls the command makes you fuck back onto his cock.
“God yes baby...fuck me...I want you to fuck me.” You beg and arch your back harder, rolling your ass into him. If you had a tail, it’d be wagging.
Whatever switch you managed to flip in Yuuji has him in a seething, dominant state. You’re incredibly pleased by this side of him. It’s fucking sexy. You had a feeling he had it in him, and it didn’t take very much to tease it out.
“Never thought you’d be such a needy slut, is Mr. L/N really not hitting this?” He spanks your ass again and you jump away, only to have him yank your hips back, pumping his cock into your dripping hole.
You look back over your shoulder at him and watch as he pounds into your neglected pussy, an electric current runs through you,
“Not like this honey..” you grin and fuck yourself back onto him, matching his thrusts.
You’re drunk off this cock. It’s giving your greedy cunt exactly what it’s been craving. You relax your muscles and feel it sink in even deeper. He groans behind you and bucks you forward a little, then leans over you to grab the headboard. He picks up speed and rails into you at a punishing pace and with so much more leverage.
You haven’t been this wet in years. His cock pistons in and out of your gushing cunt like a well-oiled machine. Dragging against your clenching walls. Shaking filthy moans out of your chest. Your tongue lolls out of the fucked out smile on your face, you drool like a dumb slut. Your eyes cross up in your skull. You gasp for air, drowning in the pleasure.
It doesn’t get any better than this.
“Yes-baby-yes-oh god-yes-fuck-me-yes!”
He pulls out with a pop and suddenly you’re empty.
You whine desperately and whip your head around at him, panting and pouting.
Yuuji’s on his knees behind you, chest heaving, sweaty sheen highlighting his tight muscles. He looks dazed and for a moment you wonder if he just came. The beefy cock standing proud on his hips tells you otherwise.
“I want you on top..” he smirks, still using that low commanding tone. He moves the pillows and sits against the headboard.
You can’t help but imagine how hot he would look with his wrists tied up to the posts.
‘Maybe next time’
He pats his inner thigh, beckoning to you. You crawl into his lap and straddle him, hovering your battered pussy over his rod. He takes your chin, but not as forcefully as you thought he would. His other hand lands on your waist. His eyes have less fire in them, but just as much lust.
“I wanna see that pretty face when you cum for me.” He grins and you both sigh as he helps you sink down around his cock. It fills you to the brim yet again, and this time you get to see the look on his face. It’s well worth it.
His head falls back, bitten lips parted, cheeks flushed, brows furrowed. A ray of sunlight hits his face. It’s the first time you really notice how beautiful his eyes are, warm amber gems gleaming under his heavy lids.
You grind your hips and groan at the feeling of his cock stirring up your insides. He catches your head as it falls back and licks up the side of your neck, lacing his fingers into your hair. Your grip the headboard with both hands and work yourself up and down in his lap. He’s so deep inside you.
It’s all just so hot. You can almost feel the steam rising off your bodies. Your head rolls forward and his cock throbs when he sees the pleasure on your face. You press your forehead against his and stare into his soul. Heavy breathing and hot moans fill the room. His lip curls into a grin when you mouth a silent ‘fuck’ at him. He slows your hips and holds you halfway down his shaft. The ‘fuck’ comes out at an audible volume when he starts fucking up into you.
“Say my name..”
“Say it again..”
“That’s my girl..”
His girl.
That’s all you are right now. All you wanna be. His.
The thought tips your scale.
Your hands fly into his hair as the knot inside you finally frays apart and you scream out into the climax.
He pulls you into his body and slams up into you one more time, burying himself inside you as your spasming cunt milks the cum right out of him.
You’re whimpering and jerking in his arms while he pants and holds you down, rutting into you in reflex.
You exchange hushed expletives, finally regaining consciousness as your shared orgasm subsides, still clutching each other. You feel fluid spill out of you when he pulls out.
“Oh, shit” he looks down at the mess he made of you.
“Don’t worry baby..” you reassure him. You’ve had an IUD for over a year.
He cradles you and lifts you from his lap to lay you down beside him. Your body feels sticky, spent, and numb.
He can’t take his eyes off the beautiful flush on your face. You look like an angel. It makes his heart ache.
You’re surprised by the lack of guilt you feel about what you just did. You smile at him. Surely it’ll hit you later, but right now you just don’t care.
That was incredible.
He pushes your hair behind your ear.
“Let’s go take a bath...”
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dreamingpartone · 2 years
Do you have any tips for working on sketches and proportions?
ooh! that's a good and tricky question, anon…. I’m not sure how helpful I can be without a bit more specific direction (especially sketching; there are all sorts of ways to sketch all sorts of things) but I've tried to come up with some general tips! just let me know if you were wondering about anything else in particular!
*usual disclaimer that I’m not an expert and different art strokes work for different folks*
✦ Very basic, but start light and loose with sketching — the first thing you want to get down is just gesture/shapes/positioning, then worry about refining and adding detail afterwards
Purely for personal ease, I often use a light pencil (2H) to start my sketches, and then go over it with a mechanical pencil (B). On the other hand: thicker, softer pencils (like 3B+) are really fun to work with for rougher, more gestural sketches or studies!!
(You can replicate this digitally too, by changing brush size and opacity)
✦ Try working small? I’ve never been great at drawing large-scale, but I also think keeping sketches on the smaller side helps me think about what the most important features to capture are
✦ If we’re talking figures, try sketching things in different orders to find what suits you; obviously a lot of people start with the head (including me 90% of the time), but I also like drawing in the angle for shoulders or blocking in the torso first sometimes, so feel free to experiment!
✦ Probably the most important thing: don’t worry about making mistakes in sketches, and especially don’t worry about how nice they look! Unless you have to or want to share them, sketches are just for you, and they’re not meant to be masterpieces. As long as you get what you need from them (whether that’s jotting down a quick idea for later, getting the base ready for a big piece, or practicing drawing xyz) then that’s their job done!
✦ I'm gonna guess you probably mean the human anatomy kind of proportions? (In which case, I am going to skip over the standard “look at and draw a lot of people” because that is obvious and not-particularly-motivating advice in my experience :’))
✦ Again, make sure to start with simple shapes, and know that it’s okay to use easy references! You're not gonna love working on proportions if you jump immediately to a really complex pose or angle and then get frustrated when you can't get it right
✦ Doing studies is great, but make them suit you. I've never been that diligent about studying anatomy and proportions; I enjoy doing quick pose sketches every now and then, but tbh I mostly took the long road of improving proportions by sketching a crap load of fanart over the years, and therefore using references that I have more of an investment in than just “random man #5 posing”
(e.g. I’m pretty sure just absorbing 45 volumes of Haikyuu gave me a little art boost because Furudate is so good at it  — but it also meant I started using actual volleyball photos for sketches and art references, which was great fun! I have also used cricket, classical sculptures, various tv screencaps, meme-y kpop pics, etc, as studies in the past, because they make me actually want to sit down and draw, which is the important first step!)
(ALSO: taking photos of yourself as a reference is 👌 very quick and useful. I have many random photos of myself posing on my phone)
✦ There are some very general but handy proportion guides that I've absorbed over the years, like: a person’s thumb is about the length of their nose, their foot is about the length of their forearm, when arms are relaxed at the sides elbows reach to the navel and fingertips reach about mid-thigh, from the front nipples are in line with the ears, eyes line up at the edge of nostrils, ears are placed between the top of the eye and bottom of the nose (actually ear placement is super handy for getting head angles to look good), etc etc !
(Obviously though, these aren't accurate for every single real life person and can be broken for interesting character design anyway)
✦ Also the Measuring In Heads trick — a classic and pretty common guide for (standing) proportions, once again not 100% foolproof, but measuring your figure in heads can get you a good basis for overall proportion. The “rule” is that a person is generally 7.5 heads tall, so in my art I usually go between 7-8 heads, with the waist at about 3 heads from the top
(I only bother with/remember those two points, but from a quick google apparently you can also measure where the nipples (2 heads) and pelvis (4 heads) are with this one!)
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skellebonez · 3 years
Happy Birthday Winter!
Hey @winterpower98 it's your birthday! I really hope you enjoy this, I know I had a ton of fun writing it for you! Actor AU is one of my favorite AUs you've made and coming back to play around with it again was a blast and a half!
Painter MK cackled, taking the brushes filled with bright pink paint into his fists.
“Yes, yes!” He exclaimed, brushing them against his cheeks and bringing another to run up the center of his face. “The art is-OW! OW, THE ART IS IN MY EYE!”
“Cut!” The director yelled, bringing the entire film production to a halt in an instant. “Xiaotian, what happened?”
The young actor dropped the paintbrushes into the hands of a stage worker to rushed over to help him, one hand covering his right eye as he tried to keep himself from laughing. “I think some of it splashed when I waved the brush at my face. I guess the art really IS-”
“Don’t say it,” Heshang said from the other side of the set, doing his best not to join his co-star in laughter.
“-seeping into my pores!”
The entire cast and crew groaned as Xiaotian cackled again, with a few added ows, before another stage hand came by with a bottle of water.
“Uh…” Xiaojiao pulled, attempting to pull the prop sword from above her head out of the wall only to be met with… a lot more resistance than should probably be there. “UH…? It’s stuck?”
She stood, attempting to pull it out normally only to be met with just as much resistance.
“It’s stuck!” She laughed, out, bracing a foot on the wall with no change.
“Let me try,” General Ironclad, or rather Red in the costume of General Ironclad for the episode, offered, attempting to do the same with the exact same result as his co-star. “What did you use to hold this in place? Cement!?”
“It should have only been stuck in with force!” A stage hand yelled as Xiaotian and Heshang joined in, both failing to pull the sword out from the false wall and Heshang nearly toppling over backwards with his additional costume pieces.
“Whoever stuck that in there needs to be moved to making sure the safety equipment stays connected!” Xiaotian offered, watching as even more people tried to remove the sword. “That is not coming out.”
Heshang held Mo in his arms, waltzing around the set as he waited for places to be called for with the shockingly content feline in his arms.
“You are selling beautiful vegetables today?” Pigsy said, leaning over the the display to give an awkward smile to the disguised Spider Queen.
Tang looked over the produce from where he knelt, looking back up at his companion with a concerned and confused look. “Are you… a-are-PFT-FUCK.”
Everyone on set burst into laughter as Tang did, both of his fellow actors holding back from laughing themselves.
“Why is it this line!?” Tang yelled in frustration as he continued laughing. “It’s not a hard line! I wrote this line! Why do I keep laughing at the last word!?”
“Maybe if Ganglie wasn’t making goo-goo eyes at me you’d keep straight face,” Zhi-Zhu Jing managed to get out through her laughter.
“That’d be the only thing straight about me.”
Dicky Cheung, or the actual Sun Wukong disguised as a human actor in full costume of himself, took a running leap and jumped onto the counter of Pigsy’s noodles, sliding to a perfect stop with a wink toward the camera.
“MK, there’s something I wanted to tell you…” Mei said, looking at MK with sparkles in her eyes before snickering. “Stop looking at me like that, it’s hard enough to keep a straight face during this scene!”
“Sorry!” Xiaotian yelled to the camera. “I can’t help it! How are Jin and Yin this wrong about these two in the show?”
“Himbos!” was the shouted answer from Tang at the other end of the set.
“One of the rare talents that no one knew the great Sun Wukong possessed…” Xiaojiao said ominously, camera panning over to Mr. Cheung in full costume. “Surprisingly good peach juggling!”
“Gotta keep myself occupied somehow!” The actor laughed out, catching two peaches in either hand while the last one was caught perfectly in his mouth to the applause of everyone watching.
“Thanks for the Key los-AH!”
Red flung his arms wildly, key flying into the air as Tie Shan rushed forward and caught him just before he face planted into the ground.
“Mine!” Mr. Cheung yelled as he caught the key mid air and rushed through the frame.
“Thank you… for giving me all o-ooh, whoa!” Lui Er Mihou, or unbeknownst to nearly all Six-Eared Macaque in disguise much the same way as Sun Wukong was, yelped as the cable that was supposed to gently raise him and make him look like he was floating yoinked him as good 4 feet off the ground way too fast. “That’s too much power!”
“SORRY!” The line operator shouted, fiddling with the controls. “Someone loaded the weight setting for Xiaotian into your line instead of yours.”
“I already feel bad enough treating him like garbage and beating him up in this role, this is just rubbing salt in the wound,” Liu Er muttered, leaning back and swinging limply much to the amusement of everyone who couldn’t hear him before raising his voice. “When will my beloved friend Sun Wukong come to rescue me?”
Liu Er yelped in surprise as Mr. Cheung rushed in and grabbed him from beneath to hold him bridal style with a shit eating grin. He couldn't help the flush on his cheeks in response.
“HOW DO YOU KEEP SHOWING UP IN SHOTS WHEN YOU AREN’T SUPPOSED TO BE THERE YET!?” The director yelled with more than a little amusement in his voice despite the disruption.
“You!” DBK said, rounding on Red Son. “You have brought me nothing but failure! Time and time again! I keep telling you I… shit, I can’t remember the next line when you look that sad, I am so sorry.”
“Nothing but disappointment?” Red offered helpfully, immediately breaking out of his downcast somber gaze to the floor with a wide smile.
“It is scary how fast you get in and out of character sometimes, kid,” Niu Mowang laughed out, clearly resisting the urge to ruffle the younger actor’s hair lest he ruin the styling job that took far too long every time they got dressed.
The White Bone Spirit stood at the entrance to the Silken Web Cave, looking at the camera before far too much time passed from when she was supposed to say he line. She moon walked backwards out of the frame without changing her expression one bit as the other actors devolved into cackles.
“The Year of the Spider starts tonight!” Spider Queen proclaimed from her high vantage point before she muttered something under her breathe, narrowing her gaze and then looking off to the side. “Or next year ‘cause I don’t remember my line.”
Huntsman slowly lowered into frame, upside down and gripping the rigging holding him up like Spiderman.
“Oh yeah?” Sun Wukong said, appearing in frame as he walked down the wall MK was embedded in. He grabbed his staff, yanking it out of the wall and jumped down and smacked the wall with it.
… only for it to go through the wall once again and crack it. Or, rather, the false wall that was on a tilted angle to make it look like he was talking down it, rather than a heavily slanted floor.
“I’m sorry!” Mr. Cheung yelled, looking at the damage he caused. “I must have hit at weak spot!”
He hoped no one noticed that when MK offered to get the prop staff for this shot and put it into the wall… he grabbed the real one by accident.
Nui Mowang held the little bird that was Wukong’s transformation stand in for one of the final scenes, gently petting the little head with a big goofy smile on his face.
The entire cast sat around on various travel tables right outside the small Lunar New Year Festival set they had set up, various extras that had answered the open invitation for the shoot going about and getting the free food that was available at the functional stalls provided by the catering they had hired.
It was an odd sight to see Red Son and Spider Queen and Sun Wukong and everyone else sitting around together, but Liu Er Mihou being there outside of his Macaque costume broke the illusion a little bit.
It was the final day of shooting for the season 2 opening special to Monkie Kid, Revenge of the Spider Queen, and everyone was there. Even people who didn’t have to come in wanted to give a temporary farewell to Tie Shan, Nui Mowang, and Red before season 2 proper began shooting. There was still a chance they could bebcalled in for bit roles, the scripts weren’t entirely finished yet, but as far as anyone knew the Demon Bull Family wasn’t going to be returning properly any time soon.
Maybe in season 3, Tang had teased, holding the begun scripts for that in his little tablet away from prying eyes. And they were always welcome to help out in bit roles, background characters or voice over or to use their other talents to work other jobs that were needed around the set.
But even before then it would be a while.
And so that’s how Red found himself sandwiched between Long Xiaojiao and Qi Xiaotian, with the newly added member of their quartet in her full White Bone Spirit costume hanging over his shoulder to watch the compilation that Xiaojiao had expertly edited on her phone for them all.
“The director gave me permission to use whatever I wanted and I though that… maybe we could all have it for ourselves,” Xiaojiao offered, pulling up the wireless transfer option on her phone. “To watch when we miss each other being on set together. I know we’re going to probably be back together with Red Son eventually! But…”
“I’ll miss shooting with you too,” Red said smiling softly as he pulled out his own phone to accept the file. “Hopefully Mr. Tang isn’t just teasing us about season 3.”
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corpupine · 2 years
Hey, just wanted to ask how u are doing? & how, if u can say, the progress on Ch5 is? Also, that art of Sans & Nema looked SO good. I know it's not going to happen in-comic (if something similar happen that would be cool), but it was still good, & I loved it. PS: Unrelated, but if u want 2 really good UT fics to read, I totally rec. The Golden Quiche (post-true pacifist ending. Has 1 of my fav. Sans & Frisks), The lone Defender (inspired by DustTale, post-Soulless Pac., Golden Quiche AU/AT.
Heya!! Thanks so much for checking in! I've been doing well--busy, but well! Lots of life changes going on here. I had to quit my job last week because it was growing into a toxic situation, so a lot of my time has been spent trying to find a new one. But in the meantime I haven't been lagging behind on comic stuff!
I don't have an official progress bar to show, but I can tell you that I am now 52% of the way done with all the final pages for Chapter 5! If I hustle, I may be able to get it all done by the end of next week. That would be my dream, haha, since I'm literally months off of my initial estimate for when I would be done.
To be honest, that's been a mixed bag for me. I'm really, really frustrated with myself that it's taking me so long to get done with Chapter 5, partially because I want to show you guys chapter 4, but also because I just want to move on already!! I love chapter 5 but gosh it's been more than a year now that I've been working on it, and I want to move on to what comes next. At the same time, I really do feel like Chapter 5 has some of the best art I've ever made, so I realize that might be part of the reason why it's taking longer.
Part of the reason why I wanted to have pages done in advance is so I didn't have to do long hiatuses like this. I get very anxious at the thought of people abandoning the comic because it's taking too long to update, or becoming frustrated with me. I'm only one person, and I'm doing my best! The overwhelming majority of people have been so, so kind and patient with me through this process, and I really want to thank you guys. Especially in the last few months, the comic has seen such growth, and that was even while it's been on hiatus! So I know that when I'm actually ready and Chapter 4 comes out, people won't be saying 'what took you so long?' but rather being excited about it. At least that's what I hope.
Whoops, sorry, that was probably a more involved answer than anyone needed, haha! Thanks so much for enjoying that art of Sans and Nema! I loved how that one turned out, haha. And ooh, I've heard of both of those but haven't checked them out! Once life slows down a bit I'll have to give those a try :)
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artisqueer · 3 years
Tumblr media
RetroBangBoy AU - The Hangover (ao3)
hang·o·ver /ˈhaNGˌōvər/ noun 1. a thing that has survived from the past. Example: "a hangover from the fifties" 2. a severe headache or other after-effects caused by an excessive intake of alcohol or drugs
Characters: OT7
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: Brief mentions of alcohol.
Jungkook wakes up parched, hungry, and with a pounding in his head. He pushes the covers off his face and down his chest. His long fluffy hair standing from the static of the sheets. He stretches out his arms above his head, dragging out a groggy yawn. It feels like he’s just woken up from a century-long nap. He looks up past his hands outstretched in the air. The posters above his bed are the same. He looks down, past his bare feet at the bottom of the bed. His drum set, books, and gadgets are all in their place too.
Huh…what year is it?
A heavy thump on the other side of the wall startles him out of bed. The crash is immediately followed by a low moan. Jungkook dashes out to the hall where Yoongi is already standing at the entrance of the bedroom next door. His eldest roommate chuckles behind a mug of coffee, head tilted 90 degrees to the side. Jungkook peers inside the room to see the source of the ruckus, his round head naturally tilts to the side as well. They both stand in the doorway, observing their housemate, Namjoon.
On the floor, upside down, legs folded over his shoulders.
“Where are we?” he asks as he looks up at them from between his thighs.
Yoongi shuffles back to the kitchen, holding his head in pain. “It looks like we’re not in Jeju anymore…” His voice is raspy and deep.
Jungkook’s round eyes bounce back and forth across their house, looking for clues to explain their current predicament. His head is throbbing with pain too. He suddenly remembers his thirst and runs to the kitchen for water.
Once Namjoon has restored himself to a perpendicular position, he joins them in the kitchen too.
“Why does my head hurt? Did we get shit-faced last night?” Jungkook groans into the kitchen counter.
“I can’t remember,” Yoongi grimaces between gulps of coffee.
“Is it a week-day? We have never gone out on a school night… I would never go out on a school night!” Namjoon folds his thick arms across his chest and blinks. “I’m so hungry.”
Jungkook turns away from the sink and his eyes pop at the sight. A whole ass meal, complaining about the lack of a meal...in the kitchen of all places. pls.
“Me too. We better go out for food. There’s nothing to eat here.” Yoongi says with very little energy.
“How can that be? I always stock up on groceries!” Namjoon frantically checks the cabinets and cupboards, finding them all bare.
“What the hell did we do?” The two eldest housemates look at one another, dumbfounded. Jungkook leans into the kitchen wall, aggressively chewing on his thumb. He's nervous, eyes big and wide. He opens his mouth to speak when the phone rings.
Ring ring ring.
Namjoon answers it, rather desperately. “Hello?”
“Good, you’re home.” The voice on the other end breathes out a sigh of relief. “It’s me. Taehyung. Emergency meeting. Your place. Now!”
“So, we’re all blacked out from yesterday. We have the worst hangover of our lives. And Bighead and Jin are missing…” Jungkook repeats as he paces back and forth the living room.
Hoseok enters the breakfast nook and sets down an extra-large pan of sunny side eggs and sausage. He steps back before the starved men wipe it clean.
“What’s gotten into you? You’re all so hungry today,” Hoseok scorns them as a smile grows on his lips. He’s thrilled that he finally gets to cook for them. Jin normally does all the cooking.
“You’re not going to eat?” Jimin asks him from behind a mouth full of food.
“I just don’t feel hungry,” Hoseok shrugs. He wipes his hands on his apron. “I brought us enough groceries to last through the week, so eat well.” Oddly, Hoseok has more energy than everyone in the room put together.
Taehyung speaks from the head of the table. “Guys, we’re not all blacked out—which is why I called everyone here..."
They look up at him from their plates, still eating like the food will be taken away if they stop.
"I remember everything.”
Jungkook interrupts. “Wait. Has anyone checked the date?!” He wiggles out of his chair and nearly trips running to the front porch, where the Sunday paper should be.
Having just eaten to the brim, Yoongi yawns and casually turns on the TV set, out of habit. The display does something completely new. Huh, TVs don't have color? Jimin and Hoseok are most mesmerized by this, moving to sit at the foot of the screen as a Coca-Cola commercial plays:
It's more than taste,
Bigger than a name,
As big as your best times,
As good as your best friends,
As real as the way you feel…
Jungkook runs back with the newspaper all spread out into disarray like his long dark hair. “Um…guys?”
There’s a long pause in the room.
“We’re not in the fifties anymore…”
Their wide eyes look from him to the television and back. There’s only one thing that could mean coming from Jungkook…and it’s not good.
“We, uh, must’ve jumped twenty-seven years into the future,” he scratches the back of his round head. “It’s...1985.”
Taehyung clears his throat. “You guys will need to sit down for this. I can explain.”
They gather in the living room. Namjoon and Yoongi take up the couch, Jungkook sits on the floor between them, and Hoseok and Jimin share the love seat.
Taehyung’s knack for taking pictures and love for journalism make him a natural storyteller. His fine hands sway in the air as he talks. “You all have varying degrees of memory loss. For some very strange reason, I can remember everything that’s happened to us in the last 48 hours.”
Tae recounts their field trip and the events leading up to the portal inside the Manjjanggul Lava tube. How Jin wanted to hide the portal from the lab, Heaven Inc., but Jungkook wanted to destroy it. How Namjoon, Hoseok, Jimin, and Yoongi stormed the cave clearing as Jungkook was opening the portal gate. How Namjoon and Jin fought each other as the cave collapsed. And most importantly, how they were all unexpectedly pulled into the warp after Jungkook. All, except Jin and their beloved Bighead.
Their memories start coming back to them, piece by piece. Oddly, it’s as though only Taehyung could trigger their recollections.
“I don’t understand.” Namjoon finds his glasses and puts them on. Suddenly, he looks more like a professor than a biker. Big-tiddied mathematician. “Why is Taehyung the only one who remembers what happened?”
Taehyung thinks for a moment before an unusual blush forms at his cheeks. “Probably ‘cause I appreciate art. So, I remembered.”
“Uhm, ok. And why doesn’t Hoseok have hangover symptoms like the rest of us?” Yoongi crosses his arms, which seemingly grew thicker in the micro-span of the jump.
Hoseok vibrates from his place next to Jimin. His bright smile radiating through the room. “Ooh, I know I know. ‘Cause I’m your hope! Everyone was totally beat, but I could give you my energy. Like sunshine to a dying plant or light at the end of a dark tunnel or a—”
“—mOtH tO a FlAmE,” the rest mock. Apparently, no one forgot Hoseok’s notorious house party pick-up lines. They all laugh.
Could this be? Do some of the jocks have certain abilities now? What about the bikers?
“We have another problem: where is Sweetcheeks, and Seokjin?” Taehyung seems frustrated.
“And another problem: why did we all get warped with Jungkook in the first place?” Jimin pouts. “What about our families, and my—”
“—Cat! Your cat! Cats have nine lives. For three they play, for three they stray and for the last three, they stay. Why...did I just say that? It feels so familiar, so stran—” Yoongi stops talking out loud, resorting to mumbling to himself instead. He quickly grabs the paper from Jungkook and begins searching it for something.
The others continue to talk over each other, flooded with their worries and bits of things they’re starting to remember. The upcoming homecoming game, the unattended house parties, mourning parents, exams, etc.
“Quiet!” Namjoon’s clear and booming voice silences the room.
“I don’t know,” Jungkook fiddles with his tattooed fingers. “I-I don’t know why I dragged you all here with me. That’s what I have to figure out. I will figure it out. I promise. I’m worried too. If Bighead and Jin didn’t get warped here with us, maybe they, they ended up in a different d—” they sit in silence, thinking the worst.
“No no, that can’t be,” Namjoon reassures. “Given everyone’s memory lapse and their expert recklessness, they may have just wandered off.”
“We have to go back,” Jungkook says. “We have to go back to 1958.”
“How? We’re stuck here,” Yoongi deadpans, his nose still in the paper.
“Actually,” Jimin recalls, “on my way over here I stopped by the coffee shop…and um…well my boss didn’t recognize me at all. He didn’t even know my name.” Jimin’s worries grow. It’s unlike Jimin to walk down the street without a single greeting. He is—was—very popular.
“It's starting to make sense...” Jungkook says under his breath.
“What does, Jungkook.” Namjoon’s jaw does the thing.
“People don’t recognize us in this place because,” he pauses, “because we’re not from here. I don’t mean this town, I mean, this dimension.”
Namjoon presses a finger to his lips, thinking.
“We should pick new names and find temporary jobs. To blend in. We can't go back to school, we don't have identification. We need the money anyway,” Yoongi advises, “to support ourselves while Jungkook figures out a way back.” Yoongi seems to have become incredibly wiser after the jump. He peels the paper apart, pen in hand, circling jobs from the employment section. He looks up from the paper again. “How did I know to say that?”
“Whoa, are you like, a genius now?” Jimin sasses, as much to tease him as to distract from the impending doom that is being stuck in the future.
“No.” Yoongi scoffs, withholding a severe blush. “It’s like I’ve read all the books at the library, and lived nine lives since we left 1958. I just, know things.”
Namjoon nods in agreement. “It’s the best plan we’ve got. If twenty-seven years have passed since our “disappearance”, then our sudden re-emergence could bring unwanted attention, or worse…”
“Could someone still be looking for us after all years?” Jimin asks Tae. Hoseok instantly understands and wraps him in a comforting embrace.
“We need to sort this out as quietly as possible. Let’s keep low profiles until we figure out a way to get back to 1958. I don’t want us to get tangled in loose ends.” Namjoon sighs somberly. Being the leader of the biker gang has made him a suitable leader for whatever mish-mosh-of-a-gang this is now. “We’re in a different dimension and we don’t entirely know what that means. It could be dangerous, but as long as we stick together we will be okay. My priority is to keep us all safe.”
At this declaration, all eyes sparkle. Especially, Jungkook’s.
“I got us here, Joon. You can trust me to find us a way home,” Jungkook gets up from the floor, making for the door.
“Stop!” Jimin interrupts. “We can’t go out dressed like this.”
They look down at their clothes. They are still in their 50s outfits.
“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” Yoongi puts down the paper and pouts.
Hoseok pounces off the sofa, “YES! New clothes…get up get up! We’re off to the mall!” He tosses his apron aside and leads them out the front door. Namjoon and Yoongi groan, dragging their feet toward the back of the group.
Jungkook smiles ear to ear. Maybe the world is not quite right, but everything he truly wants is right here with him.
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whitestaghere · 4 years
Paris in the rain - Edmund Pevensie x reader (Oneshot)
Sksksksksjjjsk.. had this idea for a story the second I started listening to Paris in the rain by Lauv. So here you go! I hope you all enjoy it!!
Warnings - none
Song :- Paris in the Rain
Sitting up on a hill which gave a beautiful view of narnia. Down below you could see the battle field. Where it all had happened. Where I, Caspian, the Kings and Queens of Old and many Narnians had fought to save their home, to save their people, and won victoriously.
The sky highlighted with an orange hue, with clouds swirled in various directions. Like that of a painting.
A light breeze sweeping past me; I let out a sigh, closing my eyes. Yes. Peaceful indeed. The silence almost making me want to drift off into dreamland.
But soon that silence was broken with a clear of throat. Eyes shooting open I looked around me to find the source of the sound only to lock eyes with those warm chocolate like ones.
"Your majesty," I stand up bowing down to him.
He chuckled. Placing a hand on my shoulder; he slowly pushed me down back onto the grass, making himself comfortable next to me.
Scrunching his nose and furrowing his eyebrows, he scoffed, "I thought I told you not to call me that.."
Giggling to myself I rolled my eyes playfully, looking back at the view laying infront of us.
"It's beautiful isn't it?"
"Yeah.." he sighed.
Shifting my gaze towards him I couldn't help but smile to myself. Breathtaking. Eyes closed, lashes fluttering against his skin ever so lightly. Brown locks gently dancing around his head with the breeze. Freckles on display almost like art. And his plush pink lips slightly parted.
Yes. Breathtaking.
Years of friendship, doing absolutely everything together. In and out of the Pevensie's house and them the same with mine. In time I had managed to catch feelings for the boy. Lucy being the first to notice. She was more excited than I was, which was absolutely adorable to watch. Susan and Peter catching up on it a little later, after they caught enough of me stealing glances at him constantly. And soon enough, that developed to something more. The feelings grew stronger.
But fear washed over me. The friendship we had was so precious to me and so to him as he and his siblings say. So thinking of the million possibilities, I didn't want to ruin what we had right now. So I kept my feelings to myself.
Turning his head towards me he smiled softly. Oh that smile. That damned smile.
He tilted his head a little raising an eyebrow, "you've been staring at me quite a while now.. I'm beginning to think you like what you see." He wiggled his eyebrows now.
Heat rising upto my cheeks, I nudged him gently while rolling my eyes, trying to hide the blush on my face. But with the way he was boring his eyes into me I couldn't really help it. Clearing my throat I tried to make up a sentence.
"Ooh look! You're blushing!" he pinched my cheek. "You really do fancy me huh Y/N?"
Swatting his hand away I replayed that sentence in my head. Fancy him? Part of me wanted to think he was flirting with me the second he sent a playful wink my way. But the other part of me just knew it was normal in our friendship for him to be a little bit of a brat sometimes.
Oh but that didn't stop me from being a blushing mess around him of course.
"I-I-" looking away from him, I stared at the setting sun in awe, "look! The sun's setting!"
He let out a chuckle. Looking at him from the corner of my eye, I could see his gaze back on the setting sun.
Smiling to myself I fumbled with my hands.
"I see why you like coming up here.." Edmund broke the silence.
Humming I didn't break my gaze from the view in front of me. "I feel at ease here.. feels like a moment away from all the worries of the world. Just peaceful." Letting out a sigh in content I continued, "It's like I finally feel-"
"Free.." he said along with me.
Looking at eachother without a word, I smiled at him softly.
"I wonder if the skies are like this in Paris," the sky now turning into a pinkish colour. I laughed to myself. Edmund knew very well how much I love to go to Paris.
"Well, when we go back home, I'll take you there," he flashed me a grin.
Raising my eyebrow at him I laughed, "you? Take me to Paris?"
Smirking he nodded his head, "yes me!" My heart fluttered at the thought itself.
Honestly speaking, with Edmund here, everything just feels right. I really had nothing to fear. He's helped me uncountable times. Picked me up whenever I fell, and always pushed me to do my best.
"Hmm?" his eyes still fixated in front of him.
"Thank you.."
"For what?" he tilted his head a little, this time eyes focusing on me.
"For believing in me.. being there for me."
He hummed in response. "What friends are for.."
My smile dropped at that. Friends. What was I even thinking? That's what it always was. What it always will be.
Like I said, that flirtatious nature was just something normal when it came to being friends with Ed. It's too good to be true anyways. Maybe we're really better off friends.
I was so caught up thinking about the term he considered us, that I hadn't noticed the pair of eyes almost literally, burning holes into the side of my head. The change in my expression not going unnoticed by him.
He was always observant. Knew exactly what was going on around him.
Feeling an odd warmth upon my hands I looked at them. Inhaling a sharp breath my eyes shifted back towards the owner.
The way he looked at me, felt like he was staring right into my soul. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing Ed.. there's nothing wrong." I faked a smile at him.
Now intertwining his larger hands with mine he shifted so he was sitting right in front of me. Obviously not buying my answer.
"You're a terrible liar you know? Years of knowing eachother and you really think I can't tell when something is wrong?" he laughed.
Trying not to look into his eyes I gulped. Hooking a finger under my chin he turned me to face him.
"Now tell me what's wrong silly," he smiled at me softly. "Tell me love."
I blushed at the nickname. He had called me this before but this time it hit me harder. He really isn't making this any easier for me. Mindlessly I spat out what was at the tip of my tongue, "am I your friend?"
Oh Aslan.
I mentally facepalmed. Way to go Y/N.. out of all the things you could've said, this? Really?
He laughed. "What world have you been living in all this time to not know?"
I looked away in embarrassment. "Of course you're my friend silly. Actually, more like family at this point."
Well that was enough to show that he only considers me as a sister. I hope my inner self has that clear enough now. I felt like punching myself for even giving him the opportunity to rub that at my face.
I chuckled bitterly and nodded my head in response, "yeah.." He shrugged shifting once again to make himself comfortable. Hands still in his he traced circles on mine with his thumb.
That's it. I really need to tell him. With a sudden wave of confidence I looked at him, "you really don't see it do you?"
"What do you mean?"
I let out a laugh of frustration. Taking in a breath I began, "I've always been thankful for you and your siblings. I absolutely love and adore the bond that we have. But I umm began to feel something different. Feelings come and go they do, but with you it's different. Anywhere with you feels right. When I'm with you, I feel so happy, I feel like I can finally be myself, I feel safe.. I really hope this won't ruin our friendship but I feel like you have a right to know.. I-I.."
He sat there in silence, listening with eyebrows slightly furrowed. Hoping he wouldn't hate me after this I continued.
"I-I-I like you.." at this he widened his eyes a little and looked away, scratching the nape of his neck.
Panicked I looked away, "listen I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. Please, please just forget it, I hope you don't hate me. I'm so soo sorry."
No response.
Sighing I stood up trying my best to hold back my tears, "I-I have to go.."
"Y/N, wait.."
Stopping in my tracks I mustered up all my courage to face him. Turning around my gaze locked with his. The look on his face was absolutely unreadable.
"Edmund I-"
He shook his head. Coming closer to me he placed a hand on my cheek. It took all the strength I had in me not to squeal. He began to lean in. What is he doing?! My body refusing to make a move, I watched as his eyes momentarily flicked from my eyes to my lips.
Finally closing the space between us he brushed his lips against mine. Just for a brief second. But even when he pulled away, the feeling of his lips still lingered.
I couldn't believe it.
Edmund Pevensie. The Edmund Pevensie kissed me.
He pulled away smiling shyly, "I hope that answers everything?"
I looked at him in confusion. What does this actually mean? "I.. Ed I don't get i-"
Placing his lips on mine once again he shut me up. But this time he didn't pull away. His hand still on my cheek and the other now snaking around my waist; he pulled me flush against him. Slowly moving my lips against his, he smiled into the kiss. Tilting his head, he deepened the kiss. The breeze brushing past us, time seemed like it was slowing down around us.
As soon as he pulled away in order for us to catch our breaths, I covered my face in embarrassment, wanting to run away. But my body said otherwise and decided to stay.
He laughed removing my hands off my face and holding them in his, "you don't know how long I've been waiting to do that, how long I've waited to hear you say those words."
"So.. it's umm.. it's mutual?"
He nodded his head.
"I'm sorry," he cut me off. "For not saying anything before. I was just so shocked when I heard all that. I just couldn't believe it. Truth is, I've liked you for a long while now."
Widening my eyes my mouth fell open, "you-you what?!" At this point I swear my ears were just playing tricks on me.
As if reading my thoughts he nodded his head, "isn't it obvious? I like you too. I really wanted to confess before, but I was just too afraid. Afraid that I'd scare you off if you didn't feel the same.. I tried to brush it off several times for the sake of our friendship. But well, that.. didn't work. So yes. Conclusion is, I like you too. And since the feelings are mutual I guess it's safe to say, I always have and I always will."
All of this. It was like a dream come true.
"Love is a strong word they say. But with you, love it is."
As if on cue, we both cringed visibly. Looking at eachother without a word, we burst into a fit of giggles.
"When did you get so cringy Ed?" I managed between laughs.
"Cringy much, I thought so.." he laughed.
"But," he paused. "But its true. How I feel."
I smiled at him softly nodding my head, "guess I could say, you fancy me too?"
He laughed heartily. "Yes, you can. So miss Y/N.. now that we both fancy eachother, to make this official, may I- may I court you?"
Smiling widely I nodded my head once again, "yes. Yes you may."
He pulled me into his arms. Snaking my arms around his torso I breathed in his scent. He rested his head upon mine, "my best friend, is my girlfriend. I like the sound of that."
"Yeah, I like it too," I giggled.
Placing my head on his shoulder, he slowly began to sway our bodies together. Under the night sky. Together. It felt just amazing.
"I love you Y/N," he whispered.
"I love you too Ed," I sighed contently. Anywhere with Edmund, feels like Paris in the rain.
Okay wow... I literally wrote half of this while listening to Paris in the rain. It really is a lovely song.
I hope you all enjoyed this! ❤️ I'm sorry if there were any mistakes. Please do send in requests. Love you all and stay safe <3
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gavotteandgigue · 3 years
Ooh something for DickJay week??? That sounds intriguing 👀
This ask was from MONTHS ago, and @bearly-writing​ asked the same thing at the time but I never managed to finish anything for DickJay week because I hit a massive brick wall made up of cement brick writer’s blocks. I ended up posting a snippet of a different fic and 5 months later I got a chapter out, so maybe if I post a snippet of what was supposed to be the fluffy DickJay submission, 5 months later a chapter will magically appear too? Excerpt behind the cut:
Artemis is just out of the shower with a towel wrapped around her long hair. She settles herself down onto the couch in the den of their floating base when she hears it. 
It's a drawn out breath that hisses rather loudly with the inhale, before pushing out in an equally noisy huff on the exhale.
It’s Jason. He’s sitting over in the corner in one of the arm chairs with his legs curled up on the seat. He has a book in hand, which he doesn’t seem to be reading if the way his eyes are staring blankly off into space are any indication.
Artemis ignores him. She reaches for the remote and turns on the television. There’s a reality cooking show she’s recently found that features a chef with a fiery temper. He screams and shouts every time one of the contestants makes a mistake. She likes him. She thinks he’s funny.
There it is again. Artemis glances over to see that Jason has at least closed the book. He’s now just frowning at the cover. It's one of those literary classics he really likes. Pride and Perjury or something. The pages are dog-eared and worn.
Eventually he opens the book again and Artemis resumes watching her show. She turns the volume a little higher just in case.
This time Jason slumps backward into his chair and drops the book on the floor. He groans in frustration and picks up the book again.
Artemis shoots him a glare. "If you're going to devolve into histrionics like a puerile teenager, can you do it in another room? I'm trying to watch a show."
Jason perks up at her attention, and as if he didn't even hear her remark, he says earnestly, "Hey Art, do you think I'm good enough for Dick?"
"By the Seven Beards, not this again," Artemis rolls her eyes and lets out a sigh of her own. Hers though, is tinged with irritation. Artemis turns her head away from the TV to look at him. "I thought you had an agreement. No killing in Gotham. If it's good enough for Batman it should be good enough for him."
Jason shakes his head. "No. I mean like am I worthy enough?" He pulls his legs up to his chest and tucks his face behind his knees as he says it, so that the last words are so muffled Artemis can barely hear them. He looks dejected. 
On the TV, the chef on the show is picking up a pan of chicken and throwing it on the floor. "Shit!" the chef says. "Absolute shit!"
Artemis thinks so too. Something's happened that Jason suddenly feels insecure about his relationship with Dick. She supposes this needs some attention, but it wouldn't do to tip her hand to her level of concern.
So she turns the volume down on the TV, then unwinds the towel about her hair. It's still a little damp, but dry enough to detangle. She motions Jason over and hands him a comb.
He gets up and plops himself beside her on the couch, then dutifully begins to comb out her hair starting from the ends. Artemis nods in approval. 
"It's just that, I thought Dick saw past all the stuff people say about me," Jason starts talking without being prompted. "I mean, I think he does. Maybe. But I didn't expect everyone else to weigh in too."
"Everyone else?"
"Well, I expected Bruce to be a jackass about it. And he was. He put me through the wringer like I was just out to ruin his precious golden boy." Jason sighs again, but his hands are steady as he carefully works the tangles up the length of her hair. "But then Dick’s whole crew showed up while I was getting groceries. Wally, Garth, even Donna. It wasn't exactly a shovel talk, but let's just say that between the three of them there wouldn't be anything left to bury. I thought at least Donna would give me the benefit of the doubt, but Dick's her best friend, so of course she'll take his side."
Jason sounds plaintive and cranky, but it's pretty clear that Jason feels hurt. He stops talking for a moment as he finishes running the comb through the entire length of Artemis' hair. Then he parts her hair into sections starting at her crown. The boy knows how to french braid. Artemis is marginally impressed.
When he starts overlapping the sections, gradually gathering more hair as he moves down, he continues with, "And then freaking Superman showed up. Gave me a talk about it being a good time to work on being a better person if I wanted to go out with Dick."
He's grumbling at this point, but he keeps winding the braid evenly. 
"What did Dick say?" Artemis asks.
Jason doesn't answer immediately, which probably isn't a good sign. He gives another one of those long sighs again, and says in a smaller voice than Artemis is used to hearing, "Dick just brushed it off. Said that his friends are just looking out for him. Which I guess makes sense, if they don't think I'm good enough."
"And who's looking out for you?"
Jason just shrugs. "I don't need anyone to look out for me."
As usual, Jason's wrong. He may have his faults, but it's plain as day that he's harbored feelings for Dick for a long time. He'd probably walk bare-footed over hot coals for Dick if he only asked. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool. She doesn't blame Dick’s friends for their loyalty, but the judgement is unwarranted. Artemis won't stand by and let Jason be bullied by his boyfriend's overzealous pals. And if Dick doesn't see what harm they've caused, then he has more than just a few choice words from Artemis coming his way.
Nevertheless, there's no reason to overreact. She'll wait and see what happens, and then make her move if necessary.
Jason finishes the braid and then looks around for something to tie it off with. Artemis hands him a hair band from her pocket and he finishes off the braid by adjusting some of the sections around her head.
"Anyway, thanks for listening," Jason gets up from the couch. "Wanted to get that off my chest. I'm sure nothing will come of it."
He looks a little more at ease as he picks up his discarded book and leaves the room. Afterward, she checks her hair in the mirror. The strands are neat and not too tight, and the style is well suited to keeping her hair from becoming a tangled mess during battle. The weave of the braid is thinner than a normal French braid though. It turns out Jason’s done a remarkably good job at plaiting her hair into a fishtail braid. 
Huh, Artemis thinks. Who knew?
............. to be continued
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shadow and bone rewatch s1e6 while drinking mid-range scotch
I wish I have a face that is as unlined and pretty as Ben Barnes' when I'm 39
Arken you dirty dirty liar
the face Alek is making at his lies that he knows are lies firstly because he knows the art of lying so well and also because he can read people very well
okay Ivan is kind of a bad bitch with his smirk at Arken's lies
alek's eyes narrowing and his little smile when Arken says 'im an entertainer' bitch I love this show
*grabs hand, pulls up sleeve, and discovers Arken's hand is full of marks indicating successful passages through the fold* 'well, that is certainly entertaining' I love this man with all my heart
him screaming is so fucking hot, is that weird for me to say
Nina being the Darkling's spy is quite interesting
Ben giving the Darkling crazy eyes when Arken owns up to his guilt is so cool
also wtf is Arken a fool trying to negotiate with possibly the strongest man in the world
kind of loved the darkness literally eating him
also love Alina learning to use her powers better when she is alone than when she is with anyone else, wish we got to see the cut in this season as per the books, ah can't have everything I guess
the camera pan to Jesper's gun at his side, amazing
god Jessie is literally so beautiful I need to see her bring Alina to the peak of her power so bad
netflix you better renew this series to let the plot run to its completion
'And where is my Summoner?' my little Darklina heart ouchie I really wish you hadn't used and manipulated her like this Alek it was incredibly fucked up especially considering you actually caught feelings
'Ivan and I won't fail you' oh Fedyor my baby, my angel, you don't deserve what is coming
Helnik literally recreating Titanic lmao stop this is a joke
I too would jump off the raft if I came to consciousness to see a gorgeous woman with magical powers with her hand on my back
omg but why is ryevost so pretty though
'I know exactly how she felt. The King's soldiers treated me the same way... I'm not myself today.' why must you do this to me, why must you fuel my darklina soulmates agenda idiocy
I don't quite think I have a problem with the Zoya Darkling relationship as much as I have a problem with the line they chose to reveal it to use with.
my drink's over and I don't know if I should have another, considering that it's 7 am
the tenderness with which he looks at Zoya and takes her hand and then when he says 'I shall relax when I have Alina' makes me believe more that the man that is reduced to tears time and again in front of Alina could in fact be the master manipulator I know him to be
god I can't wait for Zoya's character arc
'I speak six languages, it's part of my job' why is Nina literally the fucking coolest
Alina blinding the oprichniki was so hot, I can't wait to see more of her power and her ruthlessness
I know I've said it before but good god is Jessie Mei Li gorgeous
I simply cannot get over Calahan's accent lmao it's really funny
'im not afraid of you' he says to the insanely gorgeous girl with magic
'You're just a man. Like all the others.' she says and then forgets her train of thought looking at him as he strips. god I love this
not sleeping all night and then scotch is not a good idea, I think
'I promise not to ravish you' 'I hate the way you talk' her hand on his chest, his hand gripping hers, my fucking heart feels like it's about to explode
good god these shooting locations and sets are so beautiful
Alina throwing the flask at Mal and Mal going 'OI!' I fucking can't, I guess I am a
simp for childhood friends to lovers, give me more of that banter and childhood friend energy, I am thriving
wow it literally seems like they took book! Mal sl*tshaming book! Alina and made show! Alina sl*tshame show! Mal, hmm, interesting
'They would have split us up!' MAL'S LITTLE SMILE AT THIS, and the 'You wrote me letters?' Mal's nod, the Malina yearning stare, the Malina hug, 'thank you for finding me' 'always. I'll always find you.' NO MALINA YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND YOU HAVE MADE ME ABSOLUTELY FUCKING FERAL
I understand they had to split time between my ravkan babies and the crows and that is why there were several aspects that were sort of not reflected on enough but Alina's training at the Little Palace, Alina's cut, Mal's personality, a teensy bit of backstory for the crows, maybe one lockpicking scene from my boy Kaz
random note: we have far too many idols and paintings and pictures and whatnot of Hindu deities in our house apart from the specially designed temple (we are Hindus, so maybe it's not that weird but it's a little weird)
Kaz's cane is a literal star, it's so beautiful my heart wants to explode
'Why would Heleen get the Crow Club?' *literally fucking gets up and walks aways instead of answering the fucking question* I LITERALLY CAN'T BREATHE I'M LOSING MY MIND
'We won't starve' omg get you someone who packs food for you when you go on the run together hiding from your ex who wants to capture you and use your powers as a weapon against your consent
Mal looking surprised at her summoning sunlight, Alina looking cautiously at him waiting for him to disapprove or run for the hills in fear or smth like that, 'I'm sorry it took me this long to see you... But I see you now' my dumb little shipper trash heart ouch
they really said we're gonna feed you this part asian couple as the protagonists in this show in 2021 and guess what I'm eating it's really tasty I'm very satisfied as a south asian
'I can feel how much you hate sleeping next to me' 👀👀👀 BITCH SAID IMMA SPILL THE TEA AND THEN SHE DID
it's 8 am and guess what I'm getting another drink my parents have c*vid and are in govt qu*r*ntine centres there is nobody to supervise or stop me
I too say 'Why do you have to say things like that?' to my pretty crush when she flirts with me
Nina smiling at Matthias bragging about his conservative ways is my aesthetic
'No, it's not natural for someone to be as stupid as he is tall and yet, oh, there you stand.' MY FUCKING QUEEN
Matthias laughing uncontrollably at Nina saying something which isn't even that funny is a whole ass vibe
Kaz Brekker saying 'The Black General' ooh fuck yeah
isn't alcohol supposed to like kill germs? well, the amount in my system definitely will
I love my crows so much (always but this time particularly for setting that alarm in the stolen carriage)
ooh Polina recognising Inej by the knife yesss let's go writers
this Ivan Jesper showdown is all I needed from life and yet did not know about
Ivan taking off his cloak was, um, sexier than I wanted it to be
I just realised how thirsty I am going to sound in this post
'Has no one told you that keftas are Fabrikator-made and resistant to bullets, hmm?' 'Oh, I do love a challenge' LITERALLY EVERYTHING
im sorry to be pointing out flaws in a perfect show and adaptation but the line delivery on 'You robbed me of my brother, now I'll rob you of your life' from Polina was kind of weak
'You're a-' *gets knocked out with the back of a gun* LMAO we love the hints
got excited at the prospect of kaz v. zoya until I realised they will not be letting the opportunity of kaz v. darkling pass up
my goodness is Amita Suman a splendid actress
'Are you sure you added enough cloves?' literally warranting a wide ass smile from my queen Alina making my entire fucking day
for some reason, no matter how much I push it from my mind, Ben Barnes dressed up as the Darkling, dancing to 'push it' keeps coming to mind, it's absolutely ridiculous
I got somehow distracted with interviews but good things came out of that as it gave my body the time for the booze to kick in
and I would just like to say that I love Leigh for all she has given me
Alina is so fucking compassionate, I have no much love for her. I can feel her guilt and her sorrow as Mal talks of Mikhail and Dubrov
don't particularly like how the stag plotline is woven in, could have been executed better
'You're afraid you might start to like me?' *flaps furs like a bird's wings in frustration*
'I DO like you' my fucking heart you idiots
the sexual tension is so palpable and the moment is so intimate I simply cannot
that moment where you think he might let her fall despite having read the books and he doesn't and he tells her his name I- <3
people have talked about this endlessly but Freddie's little jaw tic after he says Inej because Inej is wounded and he can't physically bring himself to help her I fucking cannot
and now for one of my favorite scenes in television and cinematic history, David Kostyk throwing a book at Jesper Fahey without even knowing who he is merely because he opens the door of his carriage and says hello to him before getting knocked out by Kaz Brekker while trying to run away
Immediately followed by another, the scene with David Kostyk raising his finger to put forward his point in front of the Darkling and the Darkling trying to let him know he doesn't have to before obliging is one of my favourite scenes in the world
also sir please stop being devastatingly attractive in your glorious appearance with your face and your black kefta and cloak because all that comes to mind is Ayesha Erotica's Emo Boy and I'm afraid that is terribly inappropriate.
'No, you look great.' *literally looks down from embarrassment or blushing* MALINA RIGHTS?
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cutesuki--bakugou · 4 years
Main Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Reader
Story Rating: Explicit
Genre: Fluff / Romance 
Warnings: Cursing, Alcohol Consumption, Public and Risky Nudity / Foreplay / Sex, Denial, Dirty / Degrading / Lewd Talk, Choking, Biting
Words: 6,483
Summary: For Bakugou’s 30th birthday, he decides to treat you both to a nice getaway to a spot up in the wilderness for whatever relaxing thing you decided to do. Massage, hiking, chilling in the hot springs... But at 2 in the morning, a bit tipsy and feeling like taking a risk, your brat of a husband drags you out of your room for a late night soak in those springs. It’s not just the water that ends up nice and steamy~
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Art by me, @hvalrossart​ 
“Wait, you want to do what?” 
“I said I want to go out to the hot spring. Got bugs in your ears from hiking today or something?” 
You stared up at your lover in surprise as he came out of the bathroom of your little traditional old-style Japanese room, nestled at the far end of an inn just outside of Tokyo. The peaceful forest area was a perfect getaway for the two of you, and since it just so happened to be your husband's birthday, it was also his location choice. It had plenty of activities and relaxing things for you both to do over the four days you booked, and being on the second night, a couple of those things had already been done. The first day was nothing but relaxation, a spa day with bone popping massage included, and the second day was spent out in the wilderness hiking. 
In truth, you were exhausted from the activity, and the simple fact that you were still awake at two in the morning was enough to make you question your sanity. Yet here he was, saying that he wasn’t quite ready for bed, even after getting out of the shower and drinking a bottle and a half of sake between you. Perhaps it was the alcohol that made him want to take the risk, or maybe it was just that turning thirty made him feel invincible? Not like the great pro hero Bakugou Katsuki needed to feel even more invincible than his already huge ego deluded, but if anything were to boost it, his favorite sake would. 
With a huff and a pout, you narrowed your eyes at him, rolling over to lay on your back with your arms crossed defiantly over your chest. “No, I do not have bugs in my ears! I heard you just fine, I just can’t believe that the words came out of your mouth. It might be your birthday, ‘Suki, but we can’t just break the rules like that. We’ll get kicked out.” 
“No we fucking wouldn’t. A slap on the wrist, maybe, but they wouldn’t kick us out.” Towel still resting haphazardly on the top of his head, Bakugou took a moment to rub his wet blonde locks vigorously, giving you a chance to glance over his still damp, muscular figure. The sake may have been making him feel brave, but for you, all it was doing was making you feel handsy, and the way his arm and back muscles rippled with his movements was already making your core tingle. What was worse, he hadn’t yet touched you in a sexual way not once during this trip, making the sexy lingerie you had hidden in your suitcase useless so far. 
“Why don’t we just stay inside,” cheeks flushing as his crimson glare peered at you behind his bangs, you fiddled with the strap to your white bathrobe, bending your leg just a bit at the knee to show off the skin of your thigh. “We can just make it nice and steamy in here instead.” 
 Knowing smirk crossing his lips, Bakugou scoffed, tossing the wet towel away while keeping the other fashioned around his hips. “Tch, you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Kneeling at the end of the futon where he stood, Bakugou grabbed your ankles and pulled you down towards him, making you squeak from the sudden movement and uncomfortable feeling of your robe bunching up under your hips. “For me to fuck that sweet little pussy of yours, huh?” Keeping your legs spread open with a grip under your knees, his lips began to travel across the skin of your inner thigh, leaving kisses, bites, and tender nibbles in his wake. “Is that what you’ve been waiting for?” 
Already, your heart was racing, and breath was beginning to grow heavy, the heat pooling between your legs and throbbing the closer he got. “Yes, Katsuki-” Your words caught in your throat as he pushed your legs back, spreading them open and exposing your scantily clad hips to him fully. The lace underwear did little to hide anything from him, and the darkness of the fabric between your legs was enough to give away how wet you were. 
“You’re such a naughty girl.” The smirk on Bakugou’s lips grew at the sight of you, and only for a moment, you thought there was a malicious gleam in his eye. “Already so fucking wet.” With a stronger push, he further contorted your body until your knees were on either side of your head, now hovering directly over you with his hips keeping your backside firmly in place. In this position, you were unable to move and struggling to make a coherent thought behind the pounding of your heart in your ears. It was matched with the throbbing between your legs as your body ached and twitched in anticipation of his next move, and as his lips came to hover over yours, the excitement in your stomach nearly bubbled out of control--
“Too bad,” Smirk spreading into a wicked grin, Bakugou found amusement in the sudden change in your expression, which fell in shock along with your stomach. “It’s my birthday, isn’t it? I decide when we fuck.” 
Your face flushing violently from frustration and embarrassment at falling for his fake advances, you squeezed your arms between your thighs, pushing back on his chest to try and get him off you. “Rude! Why would you tease me like that!? Damn it, you got me so horny, you prick!” 
Laughing, Bakugou wasn’t at all perturbed by the pressure on his chest or the kicking of your legs, keeping you in place as he smooshed rough and playful kisses all over your face. “What, babe, you really wanted it that bad?” 
“I do!” Whining with a pout, you glared up at him once he was done with his kiss attack. “I want to fuck… Please?” 
“Only if you go to the hot spring with me.” 
You should have known that was coming. Of course he’d be clever enough to use your need for pleasure to manipulate you into agreeing to go with him. If you were honest, you would have ended up going even if he hadn’t played this little trick, but now you had no choice, even if you were stuck between following the rules and being adventurous. On one hand, it would probably be really exciting, but on the other, it could go really wrong really fast. This entire place was public, and that included the hot springs. Sure, you could probably find a little corner that was tucked away, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t risky. 
Sighing heavily in defeat, you rolled your eyes, cupping both of his cheeks and squishing them together to pucker out his lips, which you kissed in attempted punishment. “Fine. Fine! You win, Mr. Stinky-Birthday-Brain.” 
“Stinky-Birthday-Brain?” Bakugou questioned as he kissed you again, releasing your legs to allow your body to lay normally. “That’s a new one.” Another series of kisses as you wrapped your arms around his neck, allowing him to lift you up and wrap his arms around your torso. “Not all that aggressive, considering I just gave you serious blue balls.” 
“You did.” A final kiss was given before he released you, allowing you to sit up on your own as he stood. “My lady-balls are aching. I gotta potty first before we go.” Using his steady grip to help pull yourself to your feet, you gave his back-end a firm smack before heading towards the bathroom. With sudden agility you didn’t think you possessed, you were able to leap away from his own swinging arm as he tried to land one on your ass, giggling as you fled into the bathroom. “Ooh, a swing and a miss! Loserrrr~” 
“Hurry up and piss before I change my mind and go by myself!” 
After a silent fight of sticking your tongues out at each other, you vanished behind the sliding door, unable to help the smile on your lips. Did his little trick annoy you? Yeah, of course it did, but his playful attitude was something that you couldn’t help but adore. Before the trip, he had been grumpy and at the end of his already thin patience with some drama going on at his hero firm, but the instant you both got out here, it was like he locked everything away. He was obviously determined to make this as good of a vacation as he could, and so were you. So, after taking a quick tinkle, you dug around in your suitcase that was in the closet connected to the bathroom. 
Finding the secret little lingerie set you had bought for him, you took a few minutes to change into it. Your body slipped snugly into the silk and lace, flattering your figure and accentuating all the little things he loved. You knew that clothes weren’t exactly allowed in the hot springs, but if you were going to go out there after hours, breaking one more little rule wouldn’t be all that bad. Besides, you knew it wouldn’t be on you long, not after Bakugou laid eyes on it. He’d be more likely to rip it off in seconds, as he had previous demonstrated with all your past sexy outfits. Much to your misfortune, he had a tendency to quite literally tear it off you in a frenzy of passion, and the delicate clothing usually never survived. 
Once you were set, you tied your robe back around you, making sure that there was nothing peeking out that could give away your secret. Hands washed, you popped on out of the bathroom, approaching your lover as he took another sip of what he had left in his sake cup. “You’re gonna be too drunk to go out!” 
“Am not. I’m not even tipsy, babe.” With just a little left, he handed it to you, letting you finish off the rest with a slurp. “Nice. You ready?” 
Giving a sigh, you set the little sake cup down next to the bottle, placing your hands on your hips. “Fine. Ready. If we get caught, I’m blaming it all on you, big guy.” You gave a playful tug to the strap of the robe he had put on, pushing up on your toes to kiss him. “I still can’t believe you really want to do this.” 
With a shrug, Bakugou led you over towards the door to your room, flipping off the light to shower you in darkness. “I don’t follow the rules all the time. Now shut up, and don’t trip.” Ignoring your nudge to his side in retaliation of him telling you to shut up, Bakugou slid open the door as silently as he could, peeking up and down the hallway. There wasn’t another soul in sight, and the lights were off in any of the other surrounding rooms. And so began your trek towards the springs, having to follow signs in the darkness to make sure you didn’t get lost or turned around. 
Eventually, you came upon the entrance to the hot springs area, which was a doorway blocked off by a gate that was effectively locked. That was quite pointless, however, as the gate only came up to your hips, and with Bakugou’s help, you were both able to get over it without a hitch. 
The closer you got to the springs, the more excited you became, but not exactly for the reason one would assume. No, you were freezing your ass off, the chilly spring nighttime air making you want nothing more than to be completely submerged in the hot water of the springs. You could tell Bakugou was decently cold as well, noticing his toes curl with the first step of his bare feet on the stone path. In the moment, you were surprised at how quietly he was able to walk around, considering his stature and the way he carried himself. It was probably his hero training, you assumed, but you couldn’t help but find it amusing at how incredibly different it was compared to his typical self. 
After walking for about five minutes and going through a final unlocked gate, you both reached the springs, which were deeper into the brush than you expected. Along with that, this smaller gate was decently creaky, so this gave you some comfort. Not only would no one be able to hear you if you were quiet, but you’d also be able to hear anyone coming in. So, after both of you took a final quick glance around, it was time. 
Bakugou took off his robe and tossed it onto a bench without a word, leaving you to watch his naked form as he stepped into the springs. Although you had seen him naked more times than you could probably count at this point, there was something different about this time, feeling your stomach bubble and cheeks flush hot against the chilly air. The entire environment was ridiculously romantic in a way that you hadn’t expected, with the moon illuminating from above and sparse lights beneath the water creating an ethereal glow. The water was murky in it’s typical white-blue haze, and the steam that rose around him created a damp sheen against his nearly flawless skin. 
How the heck did I get so lucky? He’s so stupidly cute! 
“You just gonna stand there staring at me, or are you gonna come in?” 
Physically twitching in shock from the sound of his voice, you hadn’t realized you had been just gawking at him, feeling your body flush in embarrassment. Fiddling with your wedding ring, you stuttered an apology, still unable to really pull your eyes away from his hips where the water came to a stop. The haze of the water made it impossible for you to see anything further, but that wasn’t necessarily what you were looking at, anyway. Just his stomach was enough to make you wet, and a twinge of further embarrassment hit you as you were suddenly reminded of the time you had brought yourself to orgasm by grinding on his abs. A stupid thing to remember in the moment, sure, but your frustration from his teasing in the room had begun to creep back beneath your skin and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to do that again. 
This time, you were fully pulled back into the moment as Bakugou flicked some of the hot water at you, which landed on the top of your chilled foot. “Babe, seriously, get your ass in here. Don’t chicken out on me now.”
“I’m not! I’m just admiring you, is that a crime?” Making your way over to the edge that had some stones as natural steps, you began to untie your robe, keeping it purposefully closed to hide the surprise beneath. “Besides, I have a gift for you.” 
“Oh, do you?” Bakugou sat down on a ledge, resting his arms up on the stone edge of the spring, smirk once again crossing his lips. “I don’t get to unwrap it myself?” 
“Oh, you will, ‘Suki.” As you let the robe fall loose around your body and slip off your arms to rest around your feet, it took every ounce of your self-control to not laugh at the way his expression changed, from a snarky grin to wide eyed shock. He hadn’t been expecting that for sure, for you to be dressed in something so sexy and sensual, so your little surprise had been a success. “What do you think?” Turning yourself around, you gave him a nice 360 view, even purposely bending over with your back towards him to pick up your robe and toss it over with his. 
“I think your fucking sexy ass better get over here.” 
The lustful growl in his voice made your skin tingle and you immediately found yourself following his direction, slowly beginning to descend the stairs into the water. Still, you wanted to tease him, to somehow get back at him for what he had put you through earlier, so you moved slowly with a deliberate sway of your hips. “Or else?” 
“You don’t want to know what-- fuck, babe--!” 
Suddenly, your heel slipped on a rock, sending you tumbling backwards and scrambling to catch onto the edge of the spring so you wouldn’t fall into the water with a loud splash. Now posed with your arms awkwardly behind you and legs spread to support your body, you could only watch as Bakugou ducked nearly all the way under the water, hand over his mouth as bubbles rippled around his face. He was laughing at you!
“Katsuki, don’t laugh!” You hissed at him as loudly as your trembling embarrassed voice and conscious need to be quiet would allow you. “I was trying to be sexy!” 
Still struggling to not laugh with the water now all the way up to his nose, Bakugou shook his head, holding up a hand to tell you to wait. Huffing, you flopped to sit on one the stairs, crossing your arms over your chest as you glared at him with a beet red face. You couldn’t believe he was laughing at you like that! What if you had really fallen or busted your head on the rocks? It was making you feel incredibly stupid and klutzy, wanting to just go back into the bedroom and hide under some blankets for an eternity. 
“Babe,” Bakugou somehow spoke between trying to control his urge to laugh, pushing himself into a deeper section of the pool to where the water stopped at his chest. “You’re fucking incredible. Are you okay?” 
“Incredible?!” Your cheeks somehow flushed darker, the heat spreading all the way to your ears. “I could have died! Don’t laugh at me, that was so embarrassing!” 
“You wouldn’t have died! Come here.” Grin on his face, Bakugou waved you over, keeping one arm outstretched to welcome you. Although you were sick to your stomach with shame, you stood, carefully making your way further into the pool. Thankfully, the bottom was much easier to walk on compared to the deviously slick stairs, so you were able to reach him without any other slip ups. You were surprised to find that he was waiting at the edge of a drop off, where the water line was at your belly button while for him it was up to the middle of his chest. It was odd to be taller than him, but you were more focused on still being extremely flustered, even as his hands came to rest on the sides of your thighs. 
“Are you okay? That was the most graceful thing I’ve ever seen.” 
“I’m fine,” mumbling your response as you glowered down at him, you placed your hands on his cheeks, squishing his face. “You’re so mean… laughing at me like that.” 
Leaning forward, Bakugou kissed your stomach affectionately, carefully pulling you a bit closer to the edge of the drop off as his hands slowly began to slide up the back of your thighs. “It was funny, babe. Besides, it’s not like it happened in front of a bunch of people. It was just me, and I’ve seen worse.” Before you could complain, his hands finally reached your backside, fingertips slipping beneath the lace panties to squeeze your plush curves. “But never like this,” His low voice became tinted with that lust from before, the deep purr and his lips against your skin making you tremble. “You’re so fucking cheeky, wearing an outfit like this out here. I fucking love it.” 
Small smile crossing your lips, you ran your fingers through his hair, slicking it back with the water that dripped from your fingertips. “I wanted to surprise you. I figured this would be more fun rather than just waking you up with it on. You like it?” 
“I think it’s my favorite one you’ve ever bought.” Bakugou’s hungry crimson eyes scanned every inch of your torso, following his hands up your sides. The water made the already form fitting lace stick against your skin, showing every curve and form of your body. He seemed mostly interested in your breasts, the thin fabric taut against your erect nipples. Hands caressing and squeezing them with burning palms, you couldn’t resist a soft gasp at the feeling of his hot tongue rolling over one of the sensitive buds, suckling and biting with the fabric still in place. The other was at the mercy of his fingers, which pinched and softly twisted. The mixed sensation of pain and pleasure already had you to the point of panting, your heartbeat once again matching the throbbing between your legs. 
Having to just stand there waiting for him to make a move was almost unbearable, wanting nothing more than to have him inside you. “Katsuki-” You moaned softly with a particularly hard pinch. “I can’t take it…” 
“What is it you can’t take?” Gripping your hips, he urged you to take a step forward off the ledge, guiding your body down until you rested against him, legs around his waist. Already, you could feel his cock pressing against your thigh, hard and ready, but he made sure you couldn’t move your hips anywhere as he gripped them tightly. “Tell me.” 
Digging your nails into the skin of his shoulders, you weren’t aware that he had been walking somewhere until your back was pressed against the stone side of the pool. His lips and teeth were now teasing the delicate skin of your neck, making your body twitch with sudden harsh nibbles or cripple against him with full on bites. It was so difficult to find the breath to answer, your mind growing as hazy as the water around you. “I… I need you inside me, please don’t make me keep waiting.” 
“I already told you in the room,” prying you off him, Bakugou lifted you up and placed you on the ledge, making sure you were positioned to the very edge and hips just barely above the water. “I’ll decide when it’s time for me to fuck you.” Holding your legs up and open with a grip behind your knee, you were forced to lean back on your hands, pouting at his mean and rough demeanor. On top of that, it was extremely cold out of the water, making you shiver. 
“Mean… It’s cold up here.” 
“Fuck, this outfit looks so good on you like this, all wet and stuck to your skin.” Ignoring your complaint, he once again ran his tongue over one of your erect nipples, spending some time abusing it before he started to make his way down your body. “You’re so fucking sexy, babygirl…” 
The praise surprised you, bringing a new heat to your cheeks and fluttering to your stomach. Releasing your knees, his hands slid down the outside of your thighs to your hips, and by the time they were in his grip, his head was between your legs. Letting them rest over his shoulders, you bit down hard onto your bottom lip as his tongue ran along your sex, teasing your clit and wet folds that were just on the other side of the lace. It was an odd sensation, the pressure against the sensitive button making you wiggle, but it still wasn’t enough as you craved the direct contact. 
Watching him over your heaving chest, you jumped and gasped at a sudden rough tug, the ripping of fabric followed by a sharp movement of his head. Growing impatient, he had torn it open with his teeth, creating a gap that exposed your entire twitching pussy to him, startling you while he was at it. “God, Katsuki, give me a warning next time-- a-aha! N-not so much, Katsu, my voice--” Covering your mouth with one of your hands, you trembled in place as he zeroed all his attention onto your clit, eating you out with hungry vigor. The cold that had been prickling at your skin was no longer on your mind, the heat from his wet and expertly skilled tongue rolling along every inch of your skin. 
 It was difficult to control the gasps and moans against your palm, your body trembling in his grip while you watched his every move and melted into the pleasure. The flicking and swirling of his tongue around your clit was soon joined by his hand sliding up to your breast, squeezing and teasing your now extra sensitive nipples. The other hand, however, vanished beneath the water, and the fire in your body swirled into an inferno once you realized what he was doing. His shoulder and arm pumped in a rhythmic motion, immediately giving away that he was jacking off.
Unable to take your eyes off him, you envisioned his cock in his grip, rock hard and throbbing with his own need for pleasure. Those hard, prominent veins. The pearling precum dripping so deliciously from his blushing, aching head. The length. The girth. Fuck, it was too much! Just imagining it all turned you on enough to make you cum on the spot, and so you did, your thighs squeezing around his head as your hips arched up into him. As if he were frustrated that you came so quickly, Bakugou growled against his efforts, removing his hand from your breast to force one of your legs out to the side. 
“You fucking horny bitch, cumming so fast.” Before you could really recover, his tongue was back at it, but now paired with his middle and ring finger plunging into your depths. Curved at just the right angle, he fingered you rough and deep, sending your body into a new round of ecstasy. Unable to stay sitting up, you fell back to lay on the grass and stone, clasping both of your hands tightly around your mouth. In and out his fingers ravaged your clenching cunt, building up your pleasure to a peak even higher than what you had just experienced, and before you knew it, you were cumming again. 
This time, it was different, an intense pressure releasing as your hips arched and your body jerked uncontrollably. The euphoria had you nearly screaming into your palm, eyes rolled back and ears pounding with your heartbeat. And yet, you could still hear the sound of rippling water and Bakugou’s deep growl of satisfaction, the vibrations of his voice tickling your clit. 
“What a good girl, squirting for me like that.” Sitting up, he gave your twitching and pulsing pussy a few good slaps, forcing a gasp from you and an involuntary clenching of your thighs. Removing your hands from over your mouth, you ignored the wet feeling of saliva that coated your palms, pushing yourself up on your elbows to look down at him between your trembling legs. 
“S-squirting? I did?” 
Smirking, Bakugou brought the two fingers he had fucked you with to his mouth, sucking them clean before licking his lips. “You did. That’s just how fucking horny you are. What a great birthday gift, to see my girl in a sexy outfit and watch her squirt for the first time. We’ll have to try that again.” 
Sitting up further, you let your legs slip back into the water, quick to find his cock and nestle it between your feet. With slow movements, you stroked up and down along his length, leaning forward to kiss him passionately. Cupping his cheeks, you found that he was actually quick to give in to you, welcoming your tongue as it danced across his lips. You loved the taste of yourself on him and how fierce he was with the combined pleasure of you stroking his cock, even biting down onto your bottom lip when you began to stroke him faster. 
“Mm, fuck, babygirl…” Bakugou growled against your lips, gripping onto your hips to scoop you up and back down into the water, giving you access to grip him with your hands instead. “That’s it…” He was so hard, throbbing and strained, and in that moment of stroking him with a tight grip, you realized that he hadn’t been this turned on in a long time. Was it the outfit? The scenery? The alcohol? Probably a combination, but it made it all the more exciting for you. 
“You cock is so hard, ‘Suki,” you nuzzled your nose against his, only teasing him with the thought of kissing you. “How do you want to fuck me, birthday boy?” 
Before he could answer, a sudden sound of rustling foliage and the clicking of a gate shutting made both of you freeze, quickly looking towards the walkway. The instant the glare of a flashlight was visible on the bushes, Bakugou immediately went into panic mode, putting his arms around you tightly as he shifted you both to the back end of the spring as silently as he could. You didn’t move or protest, clutching onto him as you watched with held breath for the person to appear around the corner. 
Had you both been too loud? Or was this someone doing a nightly routine? Maybe it was more rule breakers, and you’d be forced to go back to your room, or worse, have to share the space and postpone the fucking you had been dying to receive. 
Finding a little nook in the spring that provided a decent amount of cover, Bakugou turned you and pressed your front against the stones, resting himself against your back with his head beside yours. Surprisingly, the area he picked was pretty deep, and you could barely touch the bottom with the tips of your toes. Bakugou could stand steady, however, holding you up with his body and his head resting on your shoulder, watching the movement of the light closely. 
Although you knew you should stay focused on trying to hide and stay silent, his cock resting between your legs and up against your aching pussy wasn’t helping. The bobbing of your bodies against the movement of the natural spring jets was making your clit stroke against him erratically and with varying pressure, constantly teasing at the pleasure you wanted so badly. Seeming to become quite frustrated with it himself, Bakugou gripped your hips, lowering you both down a bit more as a person finally appeared from the pathway. 
At first, the man just stood there, using his flashlight to look around curiously. The first time the light passed over where the two of you were hiding, you felt your stomach drop. But, when it went by again and the man began to walk around instead, you felt a bit of relief that you were indeed hidden well enough. 
“Fucking prick…” Bakugou growled low in your ear, digging his fingers into your hips. Flushing, you turned your head a bit, pressing your cheek against his to try and comfort him. In return, he pressed his lips against your skin, one hand softly sliding up your stomach where he could reach. As it traveled back down, you had to suppress a squeak as his fingers went straight to your clit, rolling and stroking it with a roughness that matched his frustration. At first, you tried to keep most of your focus on the prowling stranger, who was walking dangerously close to the back of the springs. Though, he couldn’t reach the area you were, as the bushes and other foliage could grow freely. 
This simple fact was sparking a lot of confidence in your husband, who nibbled at your neck right below your ear as he spoke again. “Stick your ass out, baby.” 
Again, you knew that it was dangerous and pushing the already stretched limits of your luck, but you’d be damned to not listen to him when he spoke to you like that, the throbbing returning just from the simple demand. Swallowing hard, you did as you were told, arching your back for him. 
You could feel him smirk against your skin, a low and satisfied hum resonating deep from within his chest. 
“Don’t scream.” 
Right as his words registered in your mind, they were lost to the feeling of his cock sinking inside you. Slowly, inch by inch, until his hips were flush with yours and there wasn’t a single crevasse of you left untouched. Already trembling, your body ached desperately to move, but all you had the energy to do was wait, feeling his cock pulse against your clenching walls.
Don’t scream… Yeah right! Katsuki, you’re the worst! With the first light rocking of his hips, you bit down onto your bottom lip to try and keep yourself silent, resting your forehead against the stones in front of you. Hold it in! 
With a quiet groan of pleasure, Bakugou kept a tight grip on your hips, moving slowly and with long strides to prevent unnatural movement of the water. Pulling out all the way to the tip with each thrust, you were already made breathless by how deep he dug his cock into you. Every time his tip kissed your cervix, your pussy clenched around him, as if your body was doing everything it could to keep him in place. 
It feels so good… So hot! 
Clamping your teeth together, you couldn’t only focus on the stranger still walking around for a second, worried that any little slip of your concentration could bring about your demise. 
“Your pussy is so fucking tight, baby…” Bakugou growled in your ear, using that teasing and low voice that he knew set you off. “You like my cock inside you?” 
Digging your nails into the stone you held onto, you could only nod, knowing that if you opened your mouth, your voice would slip. Bakugou wasn’t having it, though, picking up his pace. 
“Answer me,” he growled, desperate to hear your voice. Whimpering, you watched your unwelcome company go back towards the entrance to the springs, his flashlight landing on your discarded robes. 
“K-Katsu, I can’t--” You were able to whisper in a trembling voice, promptly pressing your lips into the back of your hand as you were given a punishing bite to your neck, his sharp teeth digging into your skin. The spike of pain only made you arch your hips up higher for him, loving the fluttering of your stomach as it mixed in with the pleasure. 
“Damn it! Whoever closed left these, I guess…  I’ll have to look at the schedule.” 
Your teary gaze looked up momentarily in worry, watching as your robes were picked up and carried away. Bakugou didn’t seem to care or even notice, his fingers so tight against your hips you knew that you’d end up with bruises along the soft flesh. His teeth at your neck were just as dangerous, scraping against your skin with each rocking movement of your bodies. 
 “You better fucking tell me, or I’ll cum and leave your slutty pussy aching.” 
Knowing that he wasn’t lying, as he had done that to you on more than one occasion when he didn’t get the reaction he wanted, you caught his crimson glare over your shoulder, trying to find just a second when your voice wasn’t trembling so you could answer him. It didn’t help that he only fucked you harder the longer you waited, the knot beginning to twist in your core making it so difficult to focus. 
“I-it feels good, ‘Suki--” You began to feel dizzy, leaning forward against the rocks as your entire body began to feel numb with only the tingling pleasure pricking along your nerves. “It feels so good… Your cock… I-it’s so big, I can’t think--!” Again, you pressed your mouth against the back of your hand, though this time you clamped your teeth around your own skin, whimpering and moaning as softly as you could. 
The clanking of the gate shutting was barely noticeable to you, but Bakugou instantly took the pleasure to another level, bringing one foot up to rest on a rock for better leverage. Immediately, the spike in pleasure made you lose control of your voice, turning your hands around to cover your mouth before you screamed out into the cold air. Obviously satisfied that he had gotten more out of you, Bakugou chuckled, a deep groan against your ear. 
“Damn right, my little cock hungry slut. You like when I fuck you hard?” 
“You want to cum?” 
“Y-yes! Yes, Katsuki-- a-ah! I want to cum! Please, please--!” Your voice was cut off as one of his large hands came up and wrapped around your throat, squeezing with just the right amount of pressure to make your already dizzy mind grow lightheaded. The feeling like you were suddenly floating with the lack of oxygen, the pleasure and the sounds of his grunts in your ear made the knot in your core tighten rapidly. As your eyes rolled back and your nails dug into the skin of his arm, you were in a cloud of bliss before it exploded, making your body tremble and wiggle in his grip from the strength of the release. 
Even his voice, a deep groan and growl could barely pull you back, put the prolonged pleasure as he continued to fuck you against your constricting walls did. “Fuck, babygirl, that’s it! You’re such a dirty girl, cumming just ‘cause I’m choking you.” As his grip tightened on your neck, his thrusts became rougher and erratic, further displacing the water around you and forcing you up tighter against the side of the springs. “Here’s your reward--” 
Digging himself as deep into your throbbing cunt as he could, you could feel his release inside you, his cum even hotter than the water. It made you shiver, smiling and sighing softly in happiness and satisfaction along with his own moans into your shoulder. As if another person took control of his body completely, he caressed and hugged your body back against his gently, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. It wasn’t strange for him to become so soft after sex, but damn, was it cute. It made your heart flutter like you were a young person in love.
You were, just so absolutely in love with him, and his adoration for you was made just as clear with the gentle kisses he trailed across your skin. 
“Damn it, babe… You had me so fucking turned on, I could barely hold it until you finished.” 
Giggling softly, you rested your head against his. “Well, then I think your birthday surprise was successful.” 
“It was. This outfit is damn perfect on you. I can’t guarantee I won’t pounce on you back in the room.” 
“I wouldn’t complain. But uh… there is one problem about going back, love.” 
“That guy… took our robes.” 
“He did?! You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me, babe!” 
“Let’s hope the cold doesn’t freeze your dick off.” 
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A warm spring day in Neville's 5th year was a perfect day to go out and find productivity by examining some greenery near the Black Lake. He had brought fresh parchment and a quill outside with him, and he scribbled down perfectly literate handwriting, observing a blade of gold and olive-colored grass.
And coincidentally, he was not the only student who needed a breath of fresh air and to break away from the horrid witch, called Umbridge.
Y/N adjusted the strap of her small, hand-knit bag that she slung over her shoulder. 
She found a seat underneath a willow tree, sat close to the edge of the lake, and tucked herself close to the trunk, which made the perfect makeshift seat between its large and knotted roots.
Y/N sat cross-legged, and carefully emptied the contents of her bag. 
A well-used sketchbook and pencil, and a few snacks that she had been gifted from the generous house-elves after she had skipped lunch.
A fluttering of wings drew her attention away from the beautiful landscape and watched with a smile as her sand-colored tawny owl perched himself on a gangly root close to her.
"Hello, Percy. " she smiled, and gently stroked the top of his feathery head with two fingers. He closed his eyes with a content chirp, making Y/N chuckle.
"I brought you a little snack. Are you hungry?" 
She held out a small piece of bread, and let the owl happily snatch it from between her fingers.
Y/N then looked down at her sketchbook, feeling the urge to let her creativity discharge onto the paper. She scanned her surroundings longingly, trying to unearth any spark of inspiration. Her eyes scanned over large trees, and the captivating lake, watching as a few mermaid tails skimmed the water's surface and delved back down below. A small whip Scorpion scuttled along the ground near Y/N's feet. And when she grew frustrated that no inspiration had come to her, she saw him.
Neville Longbottom, her long time crush, seated on the lush terrain with his legs sprawled out, as he scratched words onto a piece of parchment, and gently biting down on his lower lip in concentration.
A sight for her sore eyes, and for a moment, Y/N can't tear her memorized stare away from the flawless presence about 20 feet away from her.
And when she could finally look away, it was straight down to her hands, watching as they mindlessly duplicated the stunning image not far from her.
Neville felt… strange. He felt the piercing stare of eyes on the side of his head. Nevertheless, he didn't draw his attention away from the violet petals of a beautiful flower. He figured that it was just his subconscious and panicked mind. It always felt that way, since he was known as the fool, the klutz, the screw-up of Hogwarts. He felt like people were always there to judge him.
But if only they were in his shoes. Then they'd know how hard it is to be him. To be Neville. For a moment, the feeling went away, and relief washed over him, but that feeling was short-lived, and the pressure began again.
Neville shifted uncomfortably and furrowed his brows just a bit more. He suspected it was just Draco and his obnoxious goons and decided to just let them stare and conjure up a plan to tease him.
He knew it would never change, and he would just have to live with that.
But, still, his conscience was persistent, and he found his attention pulled away from the delicate flower between his soft fingers, and surveyed his surroundings. And his heart skipped a beat.
Y/N had her beautiful eyes locked down in some sort of book, hand moving in gentle strokes across one of the pages, and her eyebrows knitted together, completely lost in her little world. Next to her, sat a small owl with unusually large eyes. It stared intently at Neville, and then let out a loud chirp.
Y/N smiled, looking up from the book, and up at her owl, speaking to it in a delicately inaudible voice, before realizing that it was staring at something. Neville's face flared as red as his house color, seeing her gentle smile and wave in his direction, and he could hardly lift his hand to wave back. 
He watched as Y/N chuckled, then turned back to her book continuing to scribble with eagerness. 
He tried to continue looking down at the fragile plant in his hand, but his infatuation with the girl nearby was all too much for his timid heart to handle.
Y/N sighed with relief, seeing him turn back to his original position, permitting the opportunity for her to finish the black and white sketch of Neville. She added finalizing touches, like the golden sun reflecting off of his chocolate-colored hair, and his beautiful long eyelashes that fluttered when he blinked.
She looked up one last time to confirm that she'd made the art perfect, but Neville was gone.
Her heart sank, knowing she had missed another opportunity to talk to him, but jumped out of her skin when she heard a cough on her opposite side.
Y/N quickly turned her head, to find Neville standing above her, wringing his clammy hands together.
"M-may I sit here?" He inquired politely, and immediately averted his eyes when hers widened.
Y/N's answer surprised Neville, but he thanked her quietly and accepted the offer of her hand patting the ground. As he lowered himself in between Y/N and a tree root, Neville caught a glimpse of the drawing in her hand and his eyes widened in astonishment.
"That's amazing!" He gaped with perplexity, referring to the art with a nod of his head. Y/N flushed and choked on her own words.
"Ooh, uh yeah…I-I mean thank you! Thank you." She stuttered, internally hexing herself for doing so.
"How in Merlin's Beard did you do that?!" Neville asked, reaching his hand out, and stroking the pencil marks on the well-used paper.
"Just practice I guess. Takes a lot of work, but it pays off in the end." Y/N so badly wanted to place her hand on top of his.
"What spell did you use to do this?" 
"Sorry, what?"
"What spell?" Neville repeated, "I had no clue there was a charm for art."
"There's not…"
And Y/N thought Neville's eyes couldn't get any wider.
The loud noise startled Percy, causing him to screech loudly, and flap his wings. Neville gasped.
"Shh, shh it's okay Percy!" Y/N soothed the owl, with a marvelously lulling voice, and Neville just stared in bewilderment as she was able to Instantly calm him, stroking the top of his head.
"I-I'm so sorry!" Neville whispered guiltily, "I didn't mean to scare him."
Y/N laughed sweetly, making Neville's heart skip a beat.
"It's alright. You don't have to whisper."
"R-right. Sorry." His attention was drawn back to the sketchbook. "So you really  drew that yourself?"
"I did…"
"You're incredible…" Neville muttered and quickly realized that those words were not meant to leave his mouth.
"I-I mean, the drawing is incredible! A-and you are too! AGh… Merlin, I'm pathetic, aren't I?" He hid his bright red face in his hands
He heard Y/N laugh again, and found that her face was just as red.
"I don't think you're pathetic, Neville."
He looked at her with a deep marvel.
"Y-you know my name?"
She nodded, looking back down at her book with rosy cheeks.
"C-Can I ask you a question?" Neville spoke very quietly, turning to admire the lake a few feet away from them.
"Why did you draw me? There are plenty more interesting things to draw, than me."
Y/N was quiet for a moment, and Neville instantly regretted asking the question, afraid it made her uncomfortable, but before he could speak up, Y/N answered. 
"I like to sketch things that I think are pretty."
She answered simply, closing her eyes as the spring air blew gently against her face, and leaned her head back on the trunk of the tree.
Y/N didn't see Neville's face burn an intense shade of red, or how he grinned from ear to ear, mimicking the way she leaned against the willow.
"You think I'm pretty?" He muttered.
"Well, yeah I guess. I think you're very interesting. You seem very nice." She opened her eyes, looking over at Neville, anxious with the sound of his silence.
He was still grinning like a fool as he stared out at the captivating body of water. Y/N found herself starting. He was even more handsome close-up, with the reflection of the water creating beautiful moving patterns that danced across his complexion. He blinked his ivy green eyes a few times.
"Nobody's ever found me interesting unless I'm making a fool of myself." Neville's smile quickly vanished, and he looked back down at his fidgeting hands and picked at a loose string on his cable-knit sweater.
"I can assure you, I think you're more than just a fool. Not everyone can see that, though I'm not sure why."
"Well, I'm not the bravest Gryffindor, for starters. Not as great as Harry Potter. I'm the only one who can't cast his Patronus for Merlin's sake."
"You're brave for trying at least. There's a reason I'm in Hufflepuff, you know. I couldn't do half of the things you Gryffindors could."
"Well sure you can. Hufflepuffs are amazing!"
"Yeah… really though, I think you're incredible Neville."
Neville had nothing else to say. This girl was not one to let him talk down on himself.
After a few moments of stillness, Y/N coughed.
"I think we should get back before Umbridge sicks her evil quill on us."
This made Neville chuckle, a deep, butterfly inducing sound that made goosebumps crawl up and down Y/N's skin.
"You're right. T-thank you by the way."
Y/N looked over at him, realizing she was practically the same height.
"Being so kind. It's not every day that someone wants to draw me."
Y/N blushed, and then got an idea, the thought evident on her face as her eyes lit up.
"Here." She ripped the page, and Neville stared in horror at the sound of tearing paper filling his ears.
"What are you doing?"
She pulled out a cleanly torn page, with the picture of Neville, and then held it out to him with a bright smile.
"A parting gift."
"You don't have to do this. Y-you worked so hard and-"
"It's fine, really. I always find the time to make more."
"Thank you. So much. Really, I mean it." Neville's face hurt from smiling so much, as he stared down at the beautiful artwork.
"You're very welcome." Y/N grinned and dusted off her clothes before standing up on her feet.
Percy fluttered from this perch and up onto her shoulder. Neville still hadn't looked away from his gift, and hardly noticed the girl holding her hand out.
"Need some help?"
He froze, locking eyes with Y/N, and unable to form even half of a syllable, with his bright burning expression.
Finally, he could move his head just enough to replicate a nod, and lifted a trembling hand to place in hers. And he would have melted into a puddle of happy-Neville right then and there if it weren't for the fact that he needed to get back to herbology class.
Her hands were warm and soft, and immediately he grew anxious that she would notice the sweat on his as she helped pull him from the ground.
When Neville was back on two feet, he had nearly forgotten how to walk, being so close to this beautiful angel.
He tumbled forwards a little bit, almost knocking Y/N over, and she laughed, helping him stand up straight.
He quickly pulled his hand away and started to stutter, but Y/N cut him off.
"Hey, you dropped something." 
She pointed down at the grass, and Neville noticed it as well. It was the same purple flower that he had been studying earlier. An idea of his own came to mind, and he stooped to pick it up, before holding it out to Y/N.
She gratefully accepted the beautiful plant and tucked it in the front pocket of her black school robe.
"Thank you, Neville! It's beautiful!"
"Y-you're welcome."  He smiled shyly.
The two acquaintances walked up towards where they had originally come from, having a deeply intriguing conversation about this so-called "Dumbledor's Army" that Neville had spoken of earlier, and though both of them had been very shy and hesitant at first, they walked away with one thing in mind; they were happy that something good had changed.
A/N- I hope you enjoyed this little one shot!! I know, im not super experienced with the entire set up of this format, but I'll get used to it eventually!! Thank you!! ❤❤
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