#random nematale stuff
corpupine · 21 days
When du you think that you will be done with season 5 of NemaTale?
I'm actually already done with it! Just getting it all ready to be posted, haha. I'm planning on making a bigger update post tomorrow that will outline the whole posting plan, since it's gonna be different from past chapters 😊
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corpupine · 2 years
Hii! I am a new person here and i saw your comic through a dubbed video , i was wondering if you're continuing this comic, because its absolutely amazing! The story is great and creative and i hope you get the hype you deserve ^^
Hey there! I'm so glad you're enjoying the comic!!
NemaTale is currently updating every other Saturday on here. So next Saturday, look for more pages! 😊😉 Thank you for the kind message, hope you have a great day!
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corpupine · 1 year
Just a heads up!
There's gonna be an influx of posts from me, mainly just posts with new links to the comic pages. I finally had to split the masterpost into several different posts (links to smaller posts will still be in the main masterpost) because there were too many links in the original. So you'll be seeing a lot of that from me in the next few minutes! Then it will be back to our regularly scheduled shenanigans. :}
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corpupine · 2 years
Hey, just wanted to ask how u are doing? & how, if u can say, the progress on Ch5 is? Also, that art of Sans & Nema looked SO good. I know it's not going to happen in-comic (if something similar happen that would be cool), but it was still good, & I loved it. PS: Unrelated, but if u want 2 really good UT fics to read, I totally rec. The Golden Quiche (post-true pacifist ending. Has 1 of my fav. Sans & Frisks), The lone Defender (inspired by DustTale, post-Soulless Pac., Golden Quiche AU/AT.
Heya!! Thanks so much for checking in! I've been doing well--busy, but well! Lots of life changes going on here. I had to quit my job last week because it was growing into a toxic situation, so a lot of my time has been spent trying to find a new one. But in the meantime I haven't been lagging behind on comic stuff!
I don't have an official progress bar to show, but I can tell you that I am now 52% of the way done with all the final pages for Chapter 5! If I hustle, I may be able to get it all done by the end of next week. That would be my dream, haha, since I'm literally months off of my initial estimate for when I would be done.
To be honest, that's been a mixed bag for me. I'm really, really frustrated with myself that it's taking me so long to get done with Chapter 5, partially because I want to show you guys chapter 4, but also because I just want to move on already!! I love chapter 5 but gosh it's been more than a year now that I've been working on it, and I want to move on to what comes next. At the same time, I really do feel like Chapter 5 has some of the best art I've ever made, so I realize that might be part of the reason why it's taking longer.
Part of the reason why I wanted to have pages done in advance is so I didn't have to do long hiatuses like this. I get very anxious at the thought of people abandoning the comic because it's taking too long to update, or becoming frustrated with me. I'm only one person, and I'm doing my best! The overwhelming majority of people have been so, so kind and patient with me through this process, and I really want to thank you guys. Especially in the last few months, the comic has seen such growth, and that was even while it's been on hiatus! So I know that when I'm actually ready and Chapter 4 comes out, people won't be saying 'what took you so long?' but rather being excited about it. At least that's what I hope.
Whoops, sorry, that was probably a more involved answer than anyone needed, haha! Thanks so much for enjoying that art of Sans and Nema! I loved how that one turned out, haha. And ooh, I've heard of both of those but haven't checked them out! Once life slows down a bit I'll have to give those a try :)
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corpupine · 2 years
Exciting Update!
But I'm not giving up! The reason I'm updating right now is to show you something:
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That's right! I'm officially 100% done with all the inks for Chapter 5! It was a marathon, but it was worth it! Really excited that I got that part done, it's the most stressful bit of comics for me, haha.
In addition, here's how far I am on the flat colors:
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You can see how much faster these go! I only started these a few days ago :D
That's all for now! I'm hoping this month will bring lots of productive comic work and I'll be able to continue to make progress on this! Thanks so much for reading *hugs*
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corpupine · 2 years
Yo does anyone know why NemaTale is currently #1 in the Popular section of the Gaming tab on Tapas?!?
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I saw this and nearly fell out of my chair
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corpupine · 2 years
Comic Process Update:
I'm still working my butt off! I've been ripping through the lineart for all of Chapter 5, but I've still got a ways to go. I'm not giving up! Been trying some new stuff with the art and I really like the way it's been looking, too.
The reason I'm posting now is because I was wondering something. As I've been working on this chapter, I've really benefited from having a visual representation of how far along I am and what I have left to do--a sort of progress bar that I update each day. Would people be interested in getting updates that way? I wouldn't be able to update it every day (That would slow me down) but I could give you guys a visual update once or twice a week! As a sample, Here is my progress on the inks as of January 25th, 2022:
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Percent of Inks completed: 38%
Percent of Inks remaining: 62%
(Just as a note, when this progress bar is completed, I still have another one for the flats and then a short round of cleanup for the final pages.)
Anyways, if people would be interested in seeing this, I'd be willing to post updates in this fashion! I'm not online much right now because uh, *gestures to giant pile of comic work.* But I have big plans for when this chapter is done! Like getting started on Chapter 6, finally getting around to setting up a Ko-Fi account, and making merch! You guys are awesome, thanks for sticking around!
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corpupine · 2 years
Ooh, last thing for now--I forgot to mention that SCTV uploaded the next part of the dub! Check it out if you so desire :D
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corpupine · 2 years
How's everybody doing? I had a great Thanksgiving break, except for the part where I caught a cold on the last day and spent the entire 10-hour drive home from my parents' house shivering and sneezing 😅 I'm giving myself a rest day before I jump back into furiously working on Chapter 5! Had a bit of art block that I finally smashed through and I'm just trying to sprint through to the end 😤😤✊
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corpupine · 2 years
Here's how I'm doing on the inks:
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So I've been making a lot of progress!!
Unfortunately a snag has come up, however. After nearly 2 years of avoiding it, hubby and I have officially been felled by the COVID bug 🙃
So far it hasn't been too bad, just a mild fever and body aches. But I may lose some of my productivity/speed over the next few days. *Cries in art deadlines*
I want to stress though: Chapter 4 *is* coming out!! Soon!!! Your patience has been amazing, I always appreciate it so much how kind and accepting you guys are, even though this is taking forever haha. You guys are the best!!
Okay, I'm going to go snuggle my husband and sleep for the next 2.5 millennia 🤗
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corpupine · 2 years
This is just a suggestion, but I think it would be a good idea to link your DeviantArt and Tapas themselves in the Masterpost, so people can find them easier. I admit, I do have some trouble finding links to them at times on your tumblr, esp. your tapas. Just a suggestion/idea though, you don't have to do it!
That's a great idea! It has been done :D
Also, there are links to my deviantart and tumblr on my Tapas profile page! Tapas puts them in a weird, out of the way spot, but they're right here:
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This is on the left-hand side of my profile page. But they are there! Have been for a while haha, but I don't love Tapas' design for that. Anyway, hope that helps! Have a good day :D
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corpupine · 3 years
Random Update:
I just added up my follower count on all my different art platforms and I have more than 900 subscribers 😳 I'm sure there are some duplicates on the different platforms, but that's still pretty awesome if you ask me!! I feel like my follower numbers kind of started to explode after I started posting Chapter 3, and I'm really glad people are enjoying it so much!!
Anyway that's all, have a nice day ☺
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corpupine · 2 years
Post-Covid Update!
All right, since I last posted I have gone through the ringer with Covid and come out the other end triumphant! (Though I've been taking a lot more naps than normal . . .)
Ultimately it wasn't too bad! Just felt like a really bad cold for me. Thank heavens for vaccinations, haha. I wasn't super productive on my comic in the middle of the illness, but by now I've gotten a lot more done! Here's my progress as of Friday, February 25th:
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Wow wow, look at that progress bar! I'm 80% done with 20% to go!
I'm sooo close, haha. I'm hoping that the flats and final touches will go a lot faster, but I'll let you guys know! My (extremely optimistic) goal right now is to start posting chapter 4 towards the end of March. Again, thank you guys so much for your patience! I hope you know I'm working super hard to get these pages done so I can show you what's next.
That's all for now! Expect more updates in the future :D
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corpupine · 2 years
Another update!
I'm feeling lots better this week, been trying to give myself more of a break so I don't burn out. Here's my progress on the inks as of 2/10/22:
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I'm 62% done! Yay :D
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corpupine · 2 years
Alright, almost the new years or is actually the new years for some people! Happy New Years, corpupine btw! We are getting closer and closer till that speedpaint or whatever video where you answer questions and for Ch4 to start (I don't know how early is early January though, I am still excited nonetheless). Now I got your comic back early 2022, as well as the Fatal Error comic coming back in Jan. or Feb. I think, and Heart and SOUL coming back in Jan. All really good comics. Oh yeah! ^_^
Oh yes! Happy New Year 2022 to you as well!
I'm answering this a bit late because I just got back in town after vacation. It was good! Much needed I think.
Unfortunately, the way I've been progressing on the comic, the video and chapter 4 are probably coming out in very late January but most likely in February. I'm continually trying to make progress, but this is the part of the comic process where I tend to work the hardest but experience the least amount of return. In other words, I'm a bit burnt out already and the year's only just begun . . . yaaay?
So, as I continue to progress I will update you on if I need to push the release dates back further. Thanks so much for your patience in all this! I'm glad to be included in your list of good comics that you're excited for. This new year is going to bring many new adventures! Thanks for reading <3
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corpupine · 3 years
Quick Update:
The Q n A video is officially complete! I'm really excited to show you guys, haha. Some of the footage at the end exported kind of funny, but I'm not enough a video whiz to fix it so we'll just make do with what we've got!
The video will officially go up sometime near the beginning of 2022. It's hard to nail down an exact date still, but I'm well on my way to finishing Chapter 5 so hopefully I'll have more information for you soon!
Also, we're nearing the end of Chapter 3 now. I just wanted to say I've loved the interactions people have been having about this chapter! It brings me so much joy that people are debating, learning more about each character's viewpoints, and just overall having a fun time. These interactions between Toriel and Sans are a major reason why I chose this ending, tbh--I just find it so compelling! I may not be a perfect artist/writer, but I am proud of myself for the work I've done on this chapter in particular.
Okay, I think that's all! And even though the Q n A is done, you guys are always welcome to ask me any questions you have on here! I'd love to hear from you.
You guys are great! Have an awesome day :D
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