#only one angry is Hal
rite-the-wrongs · 2 months
So there probably aren’t DC Superhero movies in the DC universe, right? Like there would just be a ton of legal issues or they would remind people of that tragic event where half of a major city died, right?
Well I propose that there is a single franchise that features the DC superheroes in their universe. And that would be the Lego movies. It starts with some executive featuring them to show how big the threat is when Superman gets taken out with chewing gum. Then it morphs into Batman being the edgy-lancer-ex-boyfriend to Emmet and Wyldstyle.
Of course when Bruce Wayne hears about this, he decided to have a field day. It’s a close decision, but between Bruce and Will Arnett, Bruce wins the role of Batman in the movie.
It is a struggle, but he manages to hide it from most of his kids, only Tim and Barbara finding out and immediately deciding to help with this train wreck. The real struggle is convincing his kids to go to the red carpet premiere with him.
The second Batman is on the screen, his kids all turn to him. The looks on their faces range from horror to overwhelming joy to completely done with his shit.
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friendofthecrows · 2 years
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Continuing the tea experiment, London Fog edition to celebrate the start of fall 🍂(So, so yummy)
For the milk, a good food processor is better than an emulsifier or even a milk foamer.
This is my 4th batch I've photographed here, and you're going to use more milk than you think. 250mL for 1000mL tea.
For a more prominent tea flavor, the milk actually shouldn't stack up on up much at all, looking more like a thin foamy glaze of milk bubbles (the one pictured is a more milky one)
Make the tea and mix the non-milk materials in before you poor the milk in.
Use AT LEAST 4 grams of tea for 1000mL of water. I recommend 6 grams, 4 of Earl grey de la crème and 2 of lavender.
I didn't measure in grams (sorry) but I found the best honey amount is 2tsp for 1000mL. This is going to vary by taste.
Add almond milk. 5 drops per 1000mL.
And I cannot stress this enough add as much vanilla as you can fucking handle
Please feel free to repeat this experiment and give feedback! (I sure will (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠))
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andvys · 9 months
I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss | part 5
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Warnings: angst, hurt/no comfort, mentions of cheating, heartbreak, lots of angst
Pairings: Steve Harrington x fem!cheerleader!reader , Steve Harrington x Nancy Wheeler
Summary: Everything comes crashing down on you and Steve.
Word count: 3.3k
A/N: @wroteclassicaly thank you for the angsty suggestion, I put it to good use hehe
series masterlist
You have been through so much pain in the past couple of weeks, heartbreak and sadness. Sadness that you have turned into anger because you would rather deal with that than with anything else that heartbreaks brings you. It was easy to pretend not to care about him any longer when you have settled for the anger that he brought to you.
You finally put those rose colored glasses down and saw him for who he really was all along. He was by no means a good boyfriend or a good guy for that matter, he hurt you and then he did the worst thing that he could ever do to you – he cheated on you. That was one thing that you have been so deeply afraid of. That was the only thing you had asked him not to do but he did it anyway. He kissed another girl, he would’ve done much more if she let him, you know it, you know him. And in the end he left you for her. 
He made you feel like your whole relationship was a lie, that the love he felt for you was never real. That you never mattered to him.
Weeks of self doubt, questions and what if’s haunted you. Crying yourself to sleep or drowning yourself in things that aren’t good for you have become your reality in the past few weeks. You were suffering but you wouldn’t let anyone see. You’ve put on an armor and found out that you should’ve done that a long time ago, it protected you from him and the things he still made you feel. 
You found peace in knowing that this was over, that no matter how much you love him, you could still let him go. 
You let him go. 
The walls have moved up higher and higher around you, despite the pain deep in your bones, you have started to feel stronger again. It took you weeks to get there. And it only took him a minute to strip you of the armor, to destroy the walls that you have struggled to build up. He took away all your power, all your strength with just a simple touch. 
The moment you feel his lips on yours, you push him away before it can fully turn into a kiss. A cold wave washes over you, your heart begins to pound faster than it did before. You feel so many things at once, shock, confusion, longing, sadness and anger. 
“What the hell, Steve?” 
He blinks and the softness in his eyes begins to fade away. His lips part and he frowns a little as he stares down at you. He takes in the angry look on your face – the tears in your eyes that he hasn’t seen in a long time.
“Get off of me!” 
Realization rushes through him, a shiver runs down his spine and the feeling of guilt and regret starts to take over. He moves away instantly. He sits back on your bed and runs his hand through his hair, not looking away from you. You scoot away from him and get off the bed, tucking your hair behind your ears, you cup your cheeks as you begin to pace around your room. 
“S-Shit, y/n. I’m sorry.” What exactly is he sorry for? For wanting to kiss you? For feeling like it was the right thing to do? 
“Y-You’re sorry?” You laugh, turning your back to him, you stare at the ground in disbelief. 
He is sorry, he is sorry for trying to kiss you the way he kissed her when he was still yours. 
You try to fight the tears but you can’t, right now, there is no fight left in you. 
Steve stares at you. His heart is pounding in his chest, dread begins to take over. Why did he do that? He gets up and walks towards you, he hesitates when he hears your quiet sniffle. He places his hand on your shoulder, instantly regretting it when you flinch at his touch. You turn around to face him. Your glassy eyes meet his, his breath gets caught in his throat. 
The last time he saw you like this was the morning after the Halloween party. Back then, his own feelings confused him, he didn’t know what he was feeling when he broke your heart. Now he realizes that what he was feeling, what he is feeling right now is sadness. 
“D-Don’t touch me, Steve!” 
Your words are out of anger but your voice is shaky and filled with sadness. 
“I-I’m sorry, y/n. I-I didn’t mean to upset you–”
“Why did you do that?” You ask. You step towards him. “W-Why did you try to kiss me?” 
He blinks and stares at you for the longest time. The room is silent, the energy is heavy. 
“It felt right,” he says without thinking. 
A laugh of disbelief falls from your lips, you shake your head. 
“Just how it felt right to kiss her when you were still with me?” You finally ask. 
He furrows his brows, his eyes flash with confusion. Shaking his head, he steps closer to you, “w-what?” He asks. 
If you weren’t so agitated right now, you would see the genuine confused look on his face. 
“Nancy!” You say. “You kissed Nancy a-and don’t even try to deny it, Steve! Billy told me that he saw you kissing her in your car!” 
Steve feels a little defeated when he realizes what you are talking about. He doesn’t even blame you for believing Billy. Steve had met up with Nancy at Benny’s Burgers to work on the group project, when they went back into his car later that night, she kissed him – he didn’t kiss her back, in fact, he was frozen in place when he felt her foreign lips moving against his. Steve had pushed her away when he realized what was happening. Billy must’ve seen them at a bad moment and of course he had to tell you. 
He closes his eyes for a moment, he pinches the bridge of his nose. He knows that whatever he will say won’t get you to calm down. You won’t believe him and he doesn’t blame you. 
“I didn’t kiss her, y/n. I swear to god, I didn’t.” 
This whole thing – this conversation is ridiculous, how he is standing in front of you, trying to make you believe that he didn’t kiss his girlfriend. 
“She kissed me, I pushed her away – I would’ve never done this to you.” 
“You – what?!” You scoff, shaking your head, “you would’ve never done this to me?” You ask and point to yourself, a look of disbelief crosses your face as you stare at him. He broke your heart, he told you he never loved you, he fell in love with her while he was still with you, he dumped you and now he is claiming that he would have never done this to you? 
You never wanted this to happen, you never wanted to show him how hurt you still are, you never wanted him to know that he still has so much power over you, you never wanted him to see how much you still love him. 
The anger and the heartbreak takes over you and you lose the control that you have had all these weeks. 
Why did he have to do this to you? 
“Y-You left me, Steve! You left me for her! You fell in love with her while you were with me a-and now you wanna tell me that you wouldn’t have done this to me? Y-You did so much worse, Steve!” 
Steve feels his heart dropping to his stomach. The tears that roll down your cheeks, the heartbroken look on your face and the pain in your voice makes him feel like he has finally crashed back into reality. These past few weeks have been a blur, it felt like he was in a constant state of haziness, like he wasn’t himself, like he wasn’t there. 
But now he is here and the realization of what he has done to you finally comes rushing in. 
“You said you never loved me, o-our whole relationship was a fucking lie a-and I knew it! I always knew it, you treated me like shit! You stood me up, you talked to other girls, y-you could be so fucking mean to me and I still stayed b-because I loved you – I loved you so much, Steve.” Your voice cracks and you have to take a deep breath. You don’t even see him clearly, your eyes are blurred with tears. “I-I hoped you loved me too because you were still with me, despite everything b-but then she came along a-and then everything got so much worse and I realized, you were never actually with me. You put a label on us but you never took it seriously. You took everything from me but you never gave me anything in return! I was yours but you were never mine.” 
Steve’s face becomes etched with sadness. He can’t remember what it feels like to have tears welling up in his eyes but he gets reminded again when he feels them, when his vision blurs the longer he stares at you and realizes how much pain he had caused you – how much he regrets hurting you. 
Your eyes are filled with betrayal and heartbreak. After all this time, you are still hurting, maybe even more so than you did when he left you. He remembers the shock on your face when he told you that he is not in love with you anymore or when he told you that he was never in love with you in the first place. What a lie. He always loved you, he never stopped loving you. 
“I-I’m so sorry.” Is all he manages to say. He doesn’t recognize his own voice, it’s shaky and filled with grief.
“Y-You’re sorry?” You whisper as you tilt your head. A single tear rolls down his cheek, the sadness in his features makes you angry. 
He takes a step towards you, close enough to reach out to touch you but you slap his hands away, “don’t touch me, Steve!” You snap at him as you place your hands on his chest and push him away from you. 
“Y/n, please – I-I lied to you, I loved you, I love you!”
For some reason, your heart breaks even more at his words. You stare at him, hoping to find the lies in his eyes but the worst part is, you can’t. You can’t find it – he is telling the truth and somehow that makes it all worse. He loved you, he loves you and that wasn’t enough. The one thing that matters the most in a relationship wasn’t enough for him. His heart chose you but he didn’t want you. 
You raise your shaky hand up to your face and wipe the fallen tears but the moment a sob breaks free, you begin to cry harder. Your chest aches more than it ever did. 
This is all you wanted, for him to love you but now you wish he never did. To know that someone loved you and still chose to break your heart and leave you for someone else hurts more than to find out that you were never loved in the first place, at least that would have made sense. 
Steve watches you, his bottom lip is quivering, his heart is beating wildly in his chest, tears roll down his cheeks. He regrets it all. He wants to pull you into his arms and comfort you but how can he do that when he was the one who put you into this place of pain and suffering? 
It feels like he has just woken up only to find himself in a nightmare. What has he done? He did the worst thing that he could do to you. Your quiet sobs break his heart. He did this to you. 
“I hate you,” you whisper through the tears, “I hate you so much. I hate that I love you.”
He feels like the worst person alive. He feels miserable. 
You keep wiping your tears away, as though it will help. You shake your head. Your eyes meet his glassy ones. 
“Why are you crying?” You ask, angrily.
His shoulders slump as he takes a step towards you, “p-please forgive me, I never wanted to hurt you–”
“Fuck you!” You cry, “that’s bullshit, Steve! Everything you do, everything you say is bullshit! Y-You’re bullshit!” You place your hands back on his chest and try to shove him out of your room and he lets you, he doesn’t fight back. 
Your words cut him deeply. His throat thickens and feels like he is about to break down in front of you. 
He whispers your name when you stop pushing him. He takes hold of your wrists and for a moment, you let him. 
His hazel eyes are filled with pain, regret and sadness. He is crying and even through the hazy anger, you realize that you have never seen him cry before, not in all those years you have known him. It hurts to see him like that – after all, you still love him. 
“I regret you, Steve,” you whisper, not looking away from his eyes, “I regret you all the time.” 
“If I could turn back time, I would’ve never fallen in love with you, I would’ve never given you my heart, I would’ve never slept with you.”
He shakes his head, more tears brim his eyes. 
“I want you to leave me alone – I want you to forget that I exist. You got what you wanted, you got her, the girl you love. Now get out of my life and don’t fucking look back, I want nothing to do with you.” 
Your words may come from anger but he will never know how much it hurts you to say them.
“You did this. You wanted this, remember? You threw me away, you threw us away.”
He holds your wrists tighter as though it will get you back. He shakes his head, “please..”
“You’ve done enough, asshole. Now get out of my life, I don’t want to see you, I don’t want to talk to you, I don’t want anything to do with you,” you spit, ignoring the tears that stream down yours and his face. “Just leave, I’m done with you.” You say and finally rip your hands free. 
Steve feels like falling to his knees and begging for forgiveness but the damage is done. He ruined everything. He ruined the only real thing in his life. He ripped open your wounds that have just begun to heal. 
He looks into your eyes and finally everything begins to make sense. Why he can’t get you out of his head. Why it feels so wrong to be with her. Why he thinks of you when she lies beside him. He is in love with you, he always was, he just didn’t understand it. You have always been there, you have always been the one. 
But he broke you, he broke what you two had. He did this. And he only sees it now. There is no apologizing for what he did. There is no making up for it. It’s too late for it all. 
There is love in your eyes but there is also something that tells him that it’s all over. You have let go of him a while ago, you draw the line that can’t be crossed anymore. Whatever he will do, won’t be enough to get you back. 
It’s over. 
You still love him and the look in your eyes tells him that you always will but that doesn’t mean that he will ever get a chance again. You closed the door, you locked it and destroyed the keys. There is no way back for him. 
He can see that you are barely holding yourself together, you are shaking, your bottom lip is trembling and the tears continue to roll down your cheeks. The urge to pull you into his arms and comfort you in a way he never has before is so strong but he knows that he will only make things worse if he tries to touch you again. 
He lifts his hand towards his face and wipes away the tears that you would have kissed away if things were different. Your heart jumps in your chest when you notice the hair tie around his wrist, it belonged to you. 
“I’m sorry, dolly.” He whispers softly, using the nickname he used to call you when you were children. He turns away from you and unlike the last time, it hurts. Because back then, he never truly walked away from you, he left his heart with you, he never took it away, you always had it. He never truly knew how deeply in love with you he was but now he knows, now that he has to walk away from you. 
And he doesn’t know how much it hurts you to see him walk away again. Despite the anger inside of you, it hurts you more than it did last time. 
You slam your door shut and place your palms against it. You close your eyes and try to take deep breaths. Don’t cry, just stop, stop crying. You don’t listen to the voices in your head, you don’t bother to. You are so sick of it, of crying but you can’t even stop yourself from breaking down again. 
You have let go of him, you have come to peace knowing that he never loved you. Why did he have to do this? 
You turn off the lights and walk towards your window nook, you sit down and make the mistake of looking down into your driveway. He is still here. Standing by his car and looking down at the ground. 
Your heart longs for him. 
His heart longs for you. 
But everything is too late now. 
Steve had never felt heartbreak before, this is the first time and he knows there is no one to blame but himself. He ruined the best thing that he had. 
He can’t fight the tears away, he can’t stop himself from crying. Not on the drive home and not when he walks into his house. He drags himself upstairs and the moment he takes a seat on his bed, he breaks down and he hates himself for it, he hates himself for feeling so sad and broken knowing that it was him who did all of this. 
He never felt that tight feeling in his chest, the emptiness inside of him that begins to eat at him as he sobs into his hands when he thinks about you, about what he had let go off. What he had ruined. What he had lost. 
It’s not just his pain that is making him cry, it’s also the regret and the guilt of hurting you. 
When he left you, he kept thinking about the tears in your eyes, the shocked and hurt look on your face when he told you that he never loved you, it made his chest hurt but he distracted himself with other things so he wouldn’t think about it, but now it all hits him. He will never forget the look on your face, the tears of heartbreak and anger. The thought of what he had done to you. 
Your words cut deep but he knows he deserved it. 
He deserves so much worse. 
While you regret him – he regrets her. He regrets everything. 
The next day at school both of your seats stay empty. 
next chapter
This was a bit of a short chapter but I feel like it was the right moment to wrap it up.
@wroteclassicaly @corrodedseraphine @corrodedcorpses @mysticmunson @screammunson @imjuststeddietrashatthispoint @sherrylyn628 @somethingvicked @nemesis729 @taintedcigs @hellfire--cult @take-everything-you-can
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Can you please do a plotonic Alien Reader x Damian Wayne?
Basically, the reader is from an alien race that is known to raise their hatchlings in groups/ colonies.
Reader just takes one look at Damian after joining the heros, and was like "yep, that's also my child now."
Reader just helping Damian with his sensory issues and being a somewhat emotionally available parental figure.
- 🦊
Platonic Damian Wayne and Alien male reader
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Imagine the reader and Batman hissing at each other like angry alleyway cats because they both are adoption addicts, and have spotted an orphan at the same time.
You were from an alien species. You were reptilian in appearance, think Argonian from Skyrim, except you are taller and more built, have 6 eyes, 4 arms, and a long flexible tail.
What makes your species special is the fact that most have an elemental power of some sort. For most it isn’t very powerful, but for you it was strong enough that you were able to defend your home planet from invaders, singlehandedly.
Where most of your kind will only control one element, you are able to use all of them, and even able to do things like warp energy, magnetism, liquification, and more.
Your power is what has helped you defend not only your home planet, but earth, and the universe. But it has also hindered your ability to take part in your people’s tradition of raising children in colonies. You are so powerful your duty is to protect the universe, meaning you are far away from home most of the time, which leaves you feeling like you’re missing something most of the time.
Your species feels a deep urge to love and raise young, and things like adoption is very common as all kids are pretty much mutual ground, though children tend to have one or two people they prefer more than everyone else.
This also leads to a lot of outside adoption, as your people see children as most precious and think all children deserve a great future and good childhood.
When you met the justice league for the first time, it was because you were hunting down the current big bad who had wanted to destroy your home planet, and they fled to earth. The league didn’t even have time to take the guy down before you had smited him with lightning strong enough to make Zeus sweat.
It took a while for the league not to think you were a threat, but thanks to the green lanterns having worked with your people before, they were able to explain who you were and act as translators.
Your species doesn’t possess vocal cords the same way earthlings do, resulting you in having to use some of your powers to allow you to speak in a way they understand. There are new heroes on your home planet, so you are able to stay on earth.
Your people see it as a trading of information, like an exchange student program, as they are curious about the league and the league is curious about you, since you are rumored to be very powerful throughout the galaxy.
When you see all the young heroes for the first time you almost have a heart attack, because why would these adults allow the young ones to go out and put themselves in danger like that.
It took some explaining from Hal and other Lanterns to explain the cultural difference, and though you aren’t a fan you accept that its part of their culture, and that children aren’t coddled here like on your home planet.
On another note, you become quite popular with the younger heroes, since you always try to help out and treat them as equals.
The first time you meet Damian the parental part in your biology immediately starts chanting and making noise, pointing at Damian, and yelling “our child now”.
Of course, you can smell he’s batman’s offspring, but you notice that Batman doesn’t meet the standards for a guardian, and before anyone knows it you’ve scooped Damian up and declared him yours.
This of course doesn’t happen one day to the next, it takes a lot of bonding and getting to know each other. Damian has no idea what to do with the fact that you are so willing to be emotionally available to him, as he’s never truly had that.
 When you learn that Damian is autistic (my hc), you immediately start researching autism in humans and how it affects them and their daily lives. This becomes very useful in your everyday life too of course, but it’s mainly for Damian.
Damian liking animals so much probably helps too, since you look like a lizard for the most part. You liking to sunbathe for warmth results in Damian joining you even though he doesn’t need it, and that becomes your spot. That’s when he opens up to you about his issues after a while, and you grow closer.
You start carrying noise cancelling headphones around when you learn Damian gets sensory overload, and use your powers to block out noise or light if it becomes too much for him.
With Damian comes the rest of the bats, and you are more than ready to adopt all of them. You don’t even comprehend how this isn’t normal for earthlings, so when you start to refer to them as your pod or colony, you don’t notice the confused looks you get.
Cue confrontation with Bruce, though to everyone else it just looks like two feral cats puffing up at each other and hissing a bit. You end up having to get outside help to figure it out, and after that you two figure it out.
Some of your teammates and the batkids definitely make fun of you guys for being coparents. I can imagine Jason calling himself a child of divorced parents even though you and Bruce are nothing but friends.
But even though you’ve pretty much accepted all of them into your colony, Damian is still your baby. He’s just young and small and you want to protect him, even though he hates being babied. Damian will never say it out loud but he likes being someone’s number one no matter what.
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envysparkler · 1 month
Clark swore he only turned away for a moment but when he looked back, there was a silhouette in the formerly empty corner.  He jumped, inhaling sharply, before he registered the bat cowl.
“Do you have to sneak up on people?” Clark asked, half irritation, half relief as he willed his heart to slow down.  He was Kryptonian, but the Bat of Gotham was another beast entirely.  Clark was giving serious thought to Hal’s claim that the Bat was a spook.
Surely a man like this couldn’t be human.
Batman’s expression shifted imperceptibly under the cowl and Clark could practically hear the terse ‘well maybe if you were aware of your surroundings’.  Batman didn’t voice it aloud, he never voiced it aloud, but the weight of his disdain was apparent.
Clark blew out a sharp breath, “So, what are you here for?”  He tried to remember if there was any activity near Gotham lately—nothing would step on Batman’s toes quite as much as breaking his one rule—
Clark tensed all the way up.  He couldn’t help it, it had been over two years since he’d found Kon, but he was still overprotective of the kid.  With a megalomaniac for a father and the end of a species for his legacy, Kon had a weighty burden to shoulder, and Clark would absolutely protect him from it as much as possible.
“What about Kon?” Clark asked levelly.
“He propositioned Tim.”  The words nearly came out in a hiss and Clark blinked.  Kon had told him of his plan to ask Tim out, Clark’s discreet inquiries seemed to conclude that the boy fancied Kon back, Clark couldn’t see what the problem was.  Tim was seventeen, six months senior to Kon, and he had dated previously.
Which meant that either this was a gay thing or a meta thing.
“So?” Clark leaned back, narrowing his eyes as he kept his voice deliberately casual.  “What about it?  I think they’d make a cute couple.”
“No,” Batman hissed, vehement.  Clark narrowed his eyes further.  “It will not happen.  I forbid it.  You will tell Kon-El to stay away from my son.”
“They work on the same team,” Clark pointed out, starting to get angry.
“Tim will be leaving the Titans.”
“Because Kon asked him out?” Clark asked, incredulous.  The sheer overreaction was ridiculous.
“Does Tim want to leave?” Clark asked.  He didn’t know the details of how Kon was planning to ask Tim out, but it was possible that he’d accidentally offended him.  “Maybe I should talk to him—”
Clark stared.  Batman didn’t shout.  Batman never shouted.  Batman certainly didn’t ball his hands into fists like he was contemplating punching Clark.  Whatever this was about, it was causing the man to lose his infamous composure.
“You will not talk to Tim.  Your son,” Batman twisted the word and Clark came perilously close to seeing red—“will not talk to Tim.  This will never happen again.  Is that understood?”
Clark took five deep breaths to be able to speak without shouting.  “No,” he said as calmly as he could.  “I don’t understand.  I don’t know why you’re so upset about this.  If there’s a problem, and if the kids can’t solve it on their own, then it becomes my business—”
“There is no problem,” Batman ground out through gritted teeth.
“That’s not what it sounds like to me,” Clark said sharply.  “I don’t know if this is homophobia or xenophobia, but our kids are doing a better job of getting along than we are, and that’s something to be encouraged.”
Batman was silent for so long that Clark actually got out of his chair to make sure the guy was still there.  “Getting along,” the vigilante said finally, words slow and faintly bitter.
“This is about getting along,” Batman said.  Clark didn’t know whether it was a question.
“I guess?” he answered.  Kon wouldn’t have asked Tim out unless they’d gotten to know each other, breaking the long-held isolation of the Bats.
Batman’s jaw tightened.  “Okay,” he said.
“Okay?”  Clark was very confused.
“Okay,” Batman repeated.  “We can…get along.”  Clark stared blankly at him.  “Now tell your son to stop.”
Clark immediately protested, but was sidetracked as Batman pulled off his cowl.  Batman never unmasked even though they all knew who he was, and Clark’s breath caught in his throat at the sight of Bruce Wayne’s glittering gray eyes glaring at him.
“Wait,” Clark said, shaking his head, “I’m not telling Kon to stop.  Why are you—”
“Then what do you want,” Bruce snapped.
“For what?”  Clark was keenly aware that he’d lost the thread of this conversation somewhere and he didn’t know where.
“To call your son off!” Bruce said, face narrowed into a glower, but Clark caught the edge of a crack in his tone.  “Do you want me to get on my knees?  Suck you off?  Fuck you?  You—”
“What,” Clark’s voice was the one that cracked this time, embarrassingly high as he swiftly backed away.  “What the fuck.  What are you talking about?!”
“You said,” Bruce said, and Clark abruptly realized that the terseness to his tone was because he pausing to swallow more often.  “You wanted us to get along.”
“Not like that.”
“Kon-El propositioned my son.”
“Kon asked Tim on a date,” Clark said, voice still too high with dawning horror, “because he likes Tim.  Because that’s what kids do when they like one of their friends!”
“Typically,” Bruce said quietly, and Clark could see the fractures in his eyes, “they don’t also have the power to immobilize said friend.”
Clark stared at him, frozen in shock and horror.  He’d been wrong, then, it wasn’t the idea of his son dating a meta that Bruce didn’t like, except it kind of was, it was the idea of his son dating someone with the ability to overpower him.
“Why would you think,” Clark whispered, “that Kon would ever do that?”  Kon was a good kid, a hero, he loved helping people, if Bruce dared to breathe one word about Lex, Clark would eviscerate him—
But no.  Bruce didn’t say Lex’s name.  He didn’t say anything at all, just stared at Clark with a blank expression.  He looked…tense.  Anxious.  There were dark circles under his eyes and the lines on his face skewed to exhaustion.  He hadn’t relaxed his fists.
Clark walked back over to him, slow and even, posture unthreatening.  When Clark was two steps away, Bruce shifted ever-so-slightly, a flinch, a brace for a punch there could be no bracing against.
Clark stopped.  He turned and sat back down in his chair.
“Batman,” he said slowly, heart heavy and aching, “I’m not going to hurt you or your son.  Neither is Kon.  This wasn’t a—a threat, or whatever you thought it was.”  Because Bruce had clearly thought it was a threat, if he came here to bargain Clark into taking him instead.  “Tim does not have to agree to Kon’s date.  If he says no, Kon will leave him alone.  If he wishes to leave the Titans, he can.”
I am not the monster you so clearly think I am, he wanted to scream.
“If that’s all you came here for,” he said, turning back to the reports, “You can leave.”  Clark didn’t know if he could stop himself from venting his feelings if Batman stayed.
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danytar · 1 month
Hello there darling, I was wondering if you could write a young aegon and reader, where aegon and reader are to be married and reader is close with aemond so instead of Alicent comming in its the reader then aegon get reader to help get him off?
If not not a problem
“The Bond We Share” [ Young!Aegon!Targaryen X Sister!Reader X Young!Aemond ] REQ#3
Warnings: Incest, swearing, expletives, wanking, vulgarity, No use of y/n, aegon and the reader is married, cussing, there is no romantic relationship between aemond and the reader, jealous aegon, mention of sex.
a/n: I wish you like it! I hope this is what you wanted ✨!.
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“They gave me a PIG! ” Aemond replied, avoiding eye contact with you he was sad and feels insulted.
“A what? ”You said in a puzzled and sympathetic tone towards your little brother you knew this was Aegon's stupid pranks.
“They said they found dragon for me but it was a pig.... they all laughed” he said with a shy tone and a defeated voice. you felt bad for your little brother.
“You will have a dragon one day! ”You replied to him, placing both your hands on his shoulders and your eyes stare into his violet eyes. Aemond immediately hugged you and wrapped his small arms around your waist. You were taller than him, of course.
“They are making fun of me sister” He muttered, and still wrapping his arms around you. “I doubt it...Everyone laughs at me when I ask for one...They laugh at me...I mean look at me...” he said in a low voice as he looked away.
you kneel to become parallel to his height.. you cup his cheeks and looks at him, “Don’t say those things about yourself, my dear, you are a Targaryen ”. You told him and looked him in the eye.
He sniffed and his lip quivered, he looked away as he was trying to hold in his tears, “Yeah...I am...but I am the only Targaryen who doesn't have a dragon...I get bullied for having no dragon...and I am told I'm not a true Targaryen,” he replied in a low voice again.
“Who told you that? Rhaenyra's bastards? ”
He sniffled again, “Yeah...sometimes they call me, the dragonless ...and even Aegon makes fun of me,”. he replied with a shaky voice and he wanted that hug again. she hugs him again "it's okay.. it's okay.. I will deal with him" you replied.
He buries his head into your shoulder and he sniffled some more "thank you..." he mumbled in a low voice whilst hugging her back.
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Now you were on your way towards your future husband's chambers You can't, but you feel some frustration and anger combined at the same time.You tried hard to calm down and discuss it calmly with him,the both of you quick to get angry.
When you finally reached the door of his room, you sighed quietly and opened the door completely calm. well It was an expected scene. You were not shocked or surprised by his actions.
Aegon was standing at the window, completely naked, with his back facing the door, so he didn't notice you when you entered his room you could hear his low groans. Suddenly you found yourself staring at his ass and his naked body and a wave of lust rushed through you.
But you quickly caught yourself and remembered why you came.. so you sighed and said in a low voice.
“Was it your plan?”
Aegon froze for a second “oh- fuck”. He fell on his bed, he covers his private parts his vision blurring, and he was unable to recognize you directly. He pushed his long strands of hair away from his face and looked at you. He answered you in a hoarse and slightly breathless voice.
“D- darling you scared me ”.
“The pig”. You looked at him with a disappointed look and moved closer.. “Was it your plan?”.
“Y- yes”He replied to you in a breathy voice, then he composed himself and looked at you. You're still standing there slouched and waiting for an explanation from him.
“What? Did the mouse complained to you again?”.
“Aemond is your brother.. our brother”. You said and crossed your arms together.
“He's a twat!”. He replied in a sour tone.
“He's child Aegon! you can't do that in front of our half-sister bastards.. do you think rhaenyra's sons would be your play things forever? ”.
“It was funny! ”.
“He is our brother! we have to defend each other this is the bond we share aegon! ”.
“Why are you so angry?”.
You hold your head and bite your lip to maintain your composure “Don't fool me aegon!”.
“Gods! darling! why are you acting like mother?Besides, why are you defending him so much! How does he will become a man and you defend him like this,Do you like him?”
“WTF Aegon! Don't be so silly he's a child!”. You respond, dismissing aegon's comment you didn't like it at all it was ridiculous comment.
“I am serious! he's sticks to you like glue!”.
He gets out of his bed and pushes the sheets to stand directly in front of you, exposing his naked body to you. You didn't break eye contact with him.
“Besides, i'm older and i'm better suited to it than him,”. he said, smugly.
“Shut up-
Aegon rolled his eyes, “Whatever...I'm allowed to have an opinion and I am allowed to be right”.
“He's your brother!”
Aegon was silent before he looked away, “So? That doesn't change anything...He is weak...and because of that, he should not have a dragon...and when he doesn't get one, he'll be a disgrace to the Targaryens...like the pig boy he is,” Aegon stated coldly.
You can't help but slap him aegon was stunned and he backed away a bit as a red mark appeared on his cheek, "You slapped me?!" Aegon exclaimed in a surprised and angry tone.
“I did”.
Aegon pulled her so closely to her as his grip on her hair tightened, “He is pathetic...Weak...He doesn't deserve a dragon...” Aegon said with seething animosity in his voice.
“Besides, why don’t you take off your clothes, sis? Let's forget about our idiot brother and enjoy our time ”. he whispered.
“Take off your clothes..” Aegon said again as his hands rubbed her hips.
“Aeg- No stop”.
Aegon looked at her as a devilish grin appeared on his face and he replied in a low voice, "Why should I?".
“Because I have no wish to fuck you now”.
His grin became even bigger as his hands started to travel along her curves, "Sure about that?" he whispered with a smirk on his face. you nodded and he put his fingers under your dress to check when his cold fingers touched your wet pussy, he smiled he wiped the liquid with his fingers, then removed his hand from your dress to taste your taste on his finger.
“Little lying whore”. he whispered and put his finger in his mouth. You felt heat spreading through your body as his fingers began to work their magic on you. For a moment, you forgot the reason for your argument with him.
He pushed you on the bed and pinned you under him to begin his work with you. You had already interrupted him, so he will finish what he started but with you.
“You can't do anything about it, can you? You're mine." Aegon murmured and he leaned even closer to her face, "And I can do whatever I want with you”.
You looked at him with your big blue eyes.. “Aegon.”... he looked back at her with a smug smile on his face, "Yes?".
“Fuck you”. You said before pulling his face towards you and poking his lips. Your teeth were scratching the soft flesh of his lips.
He gasped as she said those words and when her teeth started scratching the soft flesh of his lips, his eyes lit up as he leaned into her and started kissing her more aggressively, he pulled her against his body as he made out with her passionately.
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– Taglist ♡ : @hisfavegiri @callsignwidow @xitsemm @saltytidalwavetyphoon @credulouskhaleesi @darylandbethfanforever9
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bruciemilf · 2 years
,,,, russian bruce wayne
Russian Bruce Wayne
Listen. Listen. Not fully compacted into something coherent, but I'll do my best, because this idea has been haunting me, -
SO he's russian on his mother's side!! Martha Wayne immigrated in America when she was a teenager, nothing to her name but hope in her chest and her mother's pearl necklace in her pocket
She always got ugly looks for speaking in her native language and her accent. Slowly, it melted into something perfectly English, but she still spoke Russian at home and especially to Bruce
Little Bruce loved Baba Yaga as a kid and dressed like her for Halloween every single year; Nobody really understood it, but a glare from Alfred was enough to fill a bag full of candy
Martha and Bruce would talk shit in front of Thomas' faux philanthropist friends, but they were on wildly different spectrums
Martha, whispering: You see that man, Brucie? He sold his soul to greed. He's a worm of a human and his morals are rotten. That's why his eyes are dead
Bruce: haha, he's balding at 25
Martha, Alfred, and Bruce cooking beef stroganoff, syriniki, borscht, and Bruce's absolute favorite- pirozhki.
Martha also played the piano and LOVED Swan Lake so, so much. It was the one song that calmed Bruce during night terrors.
When he reaches eight, it all stops.
He eventually reconnects with his Russian roots in his 20s, when he's in college and his literature teacher shares a DISRESPECTFULLY incorrect opinion about one of Dostoevsky's works.
His teacher scoffed, " Well. Didn't know we had a Russian citizen here. "
" Not a citizen, but I AM a Russian descendent. My mother was an immigrant. That's kind of how America was formed. It's a pretty significant thing that happened."
Imagine you're a Gotham criminal and Batman starts muttering things about you in Russian. Somehow that's even more intimidating than anything he does.
" I can't believe they're more afraid of someone who doesn't speak English than a guy who beats up people dressed as a bat."
Alfred hums, sloooowly pulling away the vodka cereal Bruce made. " I can't imagine why. You're the poster child for mental health, sir."
" Not funny, papachka"
" For you."
When Dick is brought into the nest, Bruce struggles a bit with showing his affections; He only has money to offer, but Dick is happily uninterested in that, and seeks Bruce out instead.
yes he's supposed to be on patrol. No, he doesn't care, Jim. It's all worth it when Dick takes a single bite and he has stars in his eyes and vines his little but strong arms around him, " this is PERFECT! Thank you so much, dad"
Air freezes in his blood, " ... Of course, ptichka."
He absolutely uses russian proverbs all the time (mostly when his children need to be reprimanded and reminded that making jokes is illegal when they're on duty)
Damian 100000% prides himself on knowing russian and communicating with Bruce the smoothest.
It becomes a competition soon enough. Bruce is SO tired but the way they butcher words is funny, so he just pretends they're right.
The League finds out when Bruce snaps and calls Hal Cyka in a low, angry mutter while stomping away from his stupidity. " ... Bless you? What did he call me?"
Diana, struggling so hard not to laugh. " He said you were a genius."
" Huh. Had no idea he was French."
Meanwhile Clark is losing HIS shit because wow, Bruce's russian might be the hottest thing he ever heard. Please, this dork would absolutely try to learn Russian and talk to Bruce more.
He's absolutely horrible with it but Bruce is just very excited. He definetly chuckles (which. Wow. Clark couldn't even make him GRIN 3 weeks ago) " You just asked me if I sleep with my dentist."
" ...Oh. I...Was trying to ask you for drinks. You can kill me right now. Please?"
" Maybe another time, solnyshko. Take me for a drink first."
Clark inhales. " oKaY thank yoU."
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brucewaynehater101 · 1 month
I want Duke included in batfam family fics. being the older sibling Damian needs, relatable yet guiding. Tim being ‘Dukes robin’ and having lots of respect for Tim yet he’d also steal his slice of pie. Duke and Jason hanging out, and Jason appreciating how he never tries to lecture him. Duke and dick matching vibes (or as much as they can) when on patrol and somewhat in the family, and both trying to make their brothers calm tf down. Bruce trying desperately to not fuck up with Duke like he did his other sons, only serving to confuse and slightly alarm Duke. Alfred and duke being the only ones with more then *1* braincell.
he also has so much potential for angst of being a meta in a family everyone thinks hates metas, and people somehow forget him???
(I have more just don’t have the energy to write it all down)
Heck yes! I agree that Duke needs to be included in more batfam fics (and especially as a more pivotal role). I personally try to add him a bit, but I fear I do not include him enough as a key member of the batfam.
Duke is hella important and should be treated as such. I'd love to see more fics with him pissing off GCPD for fun. Just chaos and pranks against GCPD, rogues, Batman, and the Batkids. Also, he should he allowed to punch (or kick) as many JL members as he pleases (Hal was just the first).
Duke and Dick having similar fashion ideas is a cute idea I've seen in the fandom. I would also just love to see more fanart of Duke rocking some fun outfits for galas (especially if the galas follow the AU of Gotham being super weird with their social norms). Duke being featured on magazine covers, being asked to model, and being interviewed would be cool fanwork ideas to play around with. I've seen so many of the other batboys and none with Duke as a magazine cover.
Here's my ideas on how Duke could interact with different batfam members. Feel free to reblog if you have ideas yourself or think the dynamic should be different.
I feel like Duke and Cass would get along really well as chaos gremlins who get away with their shenanigans. Messing with Commissioner Gordon is a favorite pass time of theirs. For some reason, even when presented with evidence, Bruce doesn't believe that Duke and Cass would do the things they get away with. It's both impressive and annoying to the other batkids.
Duke could have a weird relationship with Tim. On one hand, Tim is Duke's Robin. The cases he's solved, feats he's accomplished, and respect Gotham has for Tim's Robin in general (for being Batman's therapy kid) are unfathomable. On the other hand, he's seen Tim walk into the same wall four times within three minutes. They both share a love for riddles, but Tim can be an idiot at interpersonal relationships.
For Damian, Duke has seen how the world picks up kids and spits them out. He's seen kids lashing out, how they merely want to defend themselves, and how fantastic they are once you get to know them. He's been angry and spiteful at the world too. For Damian, Duke's hella impressed at the kid's heart despite all the shit he's been dealt. Duke would encourage chaos, talk with the kid about how different emotions have impacted Duke's actions and life, and is an overall supportive figure. They can often be seen doing both wild stunts and "common for their age group" activities for fun (although the game Sorry is banned because of them).
Jason and Duke would probably have a complicated relationship due to Red Hood's actions. Their similar childhoods (as far as economically and location based) would lead to jokes and shared customs that they chat with Steph about (such as Creepy Toe Joe or that specific gas station or the phrase they say as they passed that one pothole). Despite that, they have different viewpoints on Bruce and murder.
Duke is probably one of the more emotionally intelligent and communicative batfam members. If Alfred is the sassy version, Duke would get a good laugh out of those remarks and the astute observations.
Bruce and Duke angst could go hard. Bruce is trying so hard not to make his past mistakes. Duke and his perception of Bruce (he holds Bruce in high regard) and how that affects their relationship.
As far as Duke being in a "perceived to hate metas" family, that could either be hilarious or angst. I imagine people trying to intervene or "save" Duke from the Bats would be infuriating and sad to see.
Duke could also laugh at the batkids' superhero friends and how they, even as adults, are banned from entering Gotham. Duke is free to live in the manor and come and go as he pleases. Any of the batkid's meta friends have to be snuck into Gotham.
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fluentmoviequoter · 2 months
Me and the Ring
Part 2 of Me or the Ring
Pairing: Hal Jordan x fem!reader
Summary: After Hal broke your heart and failed his mission, the Guardians send Kyle to pick up where he left off. You can't trust Hal, but that doesn't mean you don't love him.
Warnings: angst to fluff, some suggestiveness/objectification (it's innocent, just Hal Jordan flirting), lots of DC Lantern lore references. ignore the incorrect timeline of the GLs
Word Count: 2.9k+ words
Picture from Pinterest
Masterlist | DC/Hal Jordan Masterlist
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Coast City isn’t the same without Hal Jordan. Every time you see Green Lantern fly across the sky or a picture of him on the news, you miss your Flyboy a little more. Leaving Hal was the right choice, or so you keep telling yourself. As you walk out of a mediocre coffee shop, because you’re too nervous and heartbroken to return to the one where you met Hal, you accidentally bump into someone.
“Sorry,” you murmur without looking up.
“I’m not,” the man replies.
You glance up at his face before dropping your eyes again. He moves his arm, and you see something green reflect the sunlight.
“I’m not interested,” you say. “Excuse me.”
“Look, I know I started poorly,” the man continues, moving to block your path. “But let me start over? My name’s Kyle.”
“Okay. Kyle, get out of my way.”
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“Where’s Gardner?” Kilowog mumbles. “Guardians sent ‘em both, but I ain’t seen him since we left.”
“I’m not worried about Guy,” Hal replies. “She keeps backing up. She’s different than she was with me. This is all my fault, Kilowog.”
“You’re right, poozer. But don’t give your apology to me.”
Hal sighs as he watches you. He can’t hear, but Kilowog’s Bolovaxian ears pick up every catch of your breath.
“Hal,” he grunts. “He’s taking her somewhere.”
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Kyle sighs, and when his shoulder rolls back, you see the unmistakable ring on his finger. Another Green Lantern. As if one breaking your heart wasn’t enough, they still think you are guilty of some intergalactic crime spree.
“Kyle, I’m late for a meeting. Maybe I could give you my number?” you suggest.
Playing along seems like the best option. He smiles and moves again, blatantly showing off the ring. You accept his phone and input a fake name and a fake number.
“Now, lying isn’t nice,” Kyle says as he takes his phone back.
“That’s not your name.”
You take a step back as your face drops in worry. Hal was never this pushy, and you wish he was here now. Before you can turn on your heel to run, Kyle reaches out and wraps a hand around your arm.
“If you don’t willingly go back to Oa and confess to your crimes, I will drag you across the worst planets I can think of on the way,” he threatens quietly.
You fumble with your phone at your side, navigating to your favorite contacts with only one name in mind.
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“C’mon, you’re my girl,” Hal murmurs as he watches Kyle lean in to speak. “You know what to do. Don’t trust him.”
“She just said your name,” Kilowog announces.
A single second later, Hal’s phone rings. At the same time, a sapphire portal opens behind you and Kyle. Hal is angry for you, at Kyle, at the situation, but he doesn’t bother to answer your call as Kyle pulls you closer.
“Rayner,” Hal greets as he lands beside you. “Let her go.”
You lean toward Hal, and Kyle’s eyes remain on the opening portal.
“This isn’t over, Jordan,” he responds. “She’s coming back to Oa.”
“Don’t do this,” Kilowog says as he lands behind Kyle.
Your eyes widen at the sight of Kilowog, another Green Lantern. Hal steps closer to you, and you find comfort in his proximity. The other Green Lantern is large, but he seems to be with Hal, unlike Kyle.
“Last chance,” Hal tells Kyle. “Don’t make this worse.”
Sapphire sparks fly off the portal as it reaches its peak. Kyle hesitates before releasing his grip on you. His suit forms around him before he flies away, but you use your new freedom to turn toward Hal. You grip his suit, although you’re surprised you can actually feel it, and hide your face against his chest.
“This is Kilowog,” Hal says calmly. He presses a hand against your back to keep you close before promising, “I’m not going to let anything happen to you, pretty girl.”
As Kilowog steps back urgently, you anticipate that Hal will break yet another promise. The portal begins shrinking suddenly, and Kilowog yells something before an unseen force pulls you closer to the pink circle.
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When you open your eyes, Kilowog groans in a language you don’t recognize. You step back, out of Hal’s hold, and look around.
“Where are we?” you ask softly.
“Zamaron,” Kilowog answers.
“Why can I breathe?”
“My ring,” Hal says. “I can create an atmosphere for you.”
“How am I supposed to go home?”
“I’ll get you home, I promise.”
“Stop promising! Tell me how!” you demand.
Hal sees the fear in your eyes and shakes his head. “I don’t know yet,” he admits.
“Okay. What now?”
“Hal!” Kilowog alerts. “We’ve got company.”
“Hello,” a pink-skinned woman says as she lands before you.
Hal moves quickly to press himself against your back. You want to find comfort in the touch, but you’re terrified and don’t want to fall for another Hal Jordan trick.
“The Guardians- the guys who make the rings thought you were working with her,” Hal whispers.
You turn to look over your shoulder with wide eyes. The accusations have a new layer of unbelievability, now. There’s a sapphire ring on her finger, and when she doesn’t acknowledge the Green Lanterns with you, you tense your shoulders nervously.
“I’m sorry,” Hal adds.
“Save it,” you snap. “Tell me when you get me back to Coast City.”
Hal nods, and you turn away. There are more women before you now, and you unconsciously lean against Hal before he is pulled away.
“Take the men to their quarters,” the woman commands. “Welcome to Zamaron, human.”
“Where are you taking my friends?” you ask.
One of the women lays a hand on your back, but you step forward to preserve your personal space. They let you follow at your own pace, though they do not answer your question.
“Where did you take them?” you repeat loudly.
“Do not be concerned. Our atmosphere has adapted to your presence, so you no longer need the men to protect you,” someone answers.
“We are taking you to my palace,” the first woman says. “I am the current leader of Zamaron, and I would like to extend our hospitality to you.”
“I would appreciate a plane ticket home a bit more than hospitality,” you argue.
“In time. You will have the chance to return home, I assure you.”
You continue in silence. The palace appears as you turn a corner, and you wonder where Hal and Kilowog are. If you needed him, could he come? Would he?
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“We have to get out of here, Kilowog,” Hal says before hitting the prison bars again.
“You know we can’t,” Kilowog replies.
“She is out there alone! I’m not going to just sit here and accept my fate!”
“I’m not tellin’ you too, poozer. I’m sayin’ that you need a new approach. You’re not a hero, remember?”
Hal nods as he begins pacing. “Right. I’m not a hero. But I am a Flyboy.”
Kilowog agrees before asking, “Is this a translation problem or are you making up words?”
“They’re going to offer her a ring, Kilowog,” Hal says. “I trust her, but she doesn’t know what the Sapphires do.”
“You broke her heart. If she accepts the ring, you’re her first stop.”
“Trust me. I know.”
“She called for help, Hal. Work on finding a way to do that.”
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“You have strong emotions toward the human Lantern,” the leader of Zamaron muses. “Is there love?”
“Not anymore,” you answer.
“I see. My friends and I here are the Star Sapphire Corps. Do you know what that means?”
“I don’t. We humans aren’t well-versed in the whole ring thing.”
She chuckles, her laughter just as royal and majestic as her voice. “Star Sapphires are a race built on love. As our first members said, ‘Life without love is blasphemy.’ Tell me, what would you do for a life of love and power?”
“Work,” you answer. “Love and power aren’t given; they’re earned and created.”
“Poor child, you have no idea of the possibilities in the universe. Accept a ring, join our people, and the life you crave, the love you no longer have, can be yours.”
You shake your head, determined to get off of this planet. “I just want to go home.”
“And you may. A portal can be made available to you.”
“Thank you. Can I see my friends now?”
“I fear you misunderstand. We, women, are the only beings who understand what love truly is. There is no place for men on Zamaron.”
“You’re going to kill them,” you realize. “You kill all men.”
“We free them from their failed responsibilities. They cannot love, so they cannot live.”
“That’s not true.”
“Your Hal Jordan could not love you as you deserve. What proof do you have?”
“I- I can show you.”
“Green Lanterns are not to be trusted. Prove your worth with a ring or return home. Without your unfortunate friends.”
You close your eyes and take a deep breath before saying, “I would like a ring. Hal Jordan used me, and he must learn what life without love is like. He takes but never gives. It’s my turn.”
Your dramatic speech wins over the Sapphires, and the leader nods. Another Zamaron kneels before you and slides a pink ring onto your finger. Power surges through you as sapphire ribbons circle your form.
“Go and eliminate blasphemy.”
Hal makes using a ring look much easier, and as you shakily take flight, you wish he was here to help you. Here and now, it’s your turn to help him. Hal Jordan hurt you, but he doesn’t deserve to die on an alien planet. As you fly, you use the ring to scan the planet. It happens without much conscious thought, and when you find the prison, you raise your arms and increase your flight speed.
“Hal?” you whisper at the first opening.
“Pipe down,” a woman calls from inside the prison.
The prison is full of men from different planets, but you don’t allow yourself to think about what will happen to them. They need help, but your mission is to free Hal and Kilowog. When the bars beside you shake, you follow the sound of impact around another corner. A large, green bulldozer is ramming into a wall of bars, and you shake your head in concerned amusement before raising your own ring. You form a pink coffee cup, which causes the green machine to disappear.
“Whoa,” Hal says in place of greeting. His eyes are wide at the sight of you, and he asks, “Is that a new outfit?”
“Shut up,” you demand. You haven’t looked down at the skin-tight pink bodysuit more than once, but the mention of it makes you shift uncomfortably. “We need to get out of here.”
“The door won’t open. I’ve tried everything.”
You grab a bar and open the door with minimal effort.
“Your ring’s the wrong color,” you say.
Hal and Jordan step out, and you lower your gaze to the ring momentarily. You shake your hand, and all of the cells open. The men walk out before running for cover.
“How do I get this ring off, Hal?” you ask.
“You have to prove you love and are loved at the same time, with the same person,” Kilowog answers.
“How do you know that?” Hal asks.
“Did you mean any of it? What you said at Ferris Air?” you interrupt.
Hal turns toward you and nods. “I meant all of it.”
You look into his eyes, and he sees that yours have a depth and a hurt that he missed. The hurt is his fault, but what lies behind it caused him to fall in love with you. With your eyes locked, you think about everything that Hal has done to prove he loves you, and then admit to yourself that despite his seeming betrayal and how he used you, you love him, too. The sapphire ring hits the prison floor with a clang and Hal rushes to adjust the atmosphere for you.
“You did it!” he cheers before pulling you into his arms.
“Hal, something’s wrong,” Kilowog says.
You try to agree, but everything goes black before you can.
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“Ma’am are you okay?” someone asks above you.
Your head pounds until you open your eyes. The Coast City sky above you is clear and bright, and you sit up quickly at the sight and feel of earth. There’s a crowd around you, but Hal and Kilowog are nowhere in sight.
“Where’s Green Lantern?” you ask.
“He hasn’t been seen in days,” the man kneeling beside you says. “Did you hit your head?”
“I have to go,” you say as you push yourself up to stand.
Several people yell for you to wait, but you run past the coffee shop where you first met Hal on your way home. There’s a list in your mind of things you need to do. First, you have to find some comfort, and then you can worry about Hal and where he is.
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“Don’t you people know how to make a phone call?” Hal complains when he realizes he and Kilowog are on Oa. “We would’ve come if you’d just sent an invite.”
“Quiet, Green Lantern Hal Jordan of Sector 2814,” Ganthet demands. “This is a trial, not a debate.”
“A trial for what?” Kilowog asks. “Bein’ imprisoned?”
“The Intergalactic Court sent you to find a woman guilty of murder, yet you allowed her to take you to Zamaron. She has been sent back to Earth, where Green Lantern Guy Gardner will do what you failed to do,” Sayd explains. “Failing in a mission that was requested is punishable to the full extent of Rimbor law.”
“We didn’t fail!” Hal argues. “She is innocent! She saved us from the Sapphires; would a killer do that?”
“Have you any proof?”
Kilowog grumbles before summoning a hologram from his ring. A blurry video of your arrival in the prison plays for the Guardians, who then turn to one another and whisper.
“Can you send me that video?” Hal whispers as he leans toward Kilowog.
“Focus, poozer,” he replies.
“The Guardians have decided to investigate this occurrence in more depth. Green Lanterns Jordan and Kilowog, you are free to go. Be prepared to return to Oa at a moment’s notice,” Ganthet announces.
“Go,” Kilowog demands. “Or you can watch that video in your dreams.”
“I think I’ll do that either way,” Hal says before disappearing into the clouds.
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“Where are you, Hal Jordan?” you ask as you click another search result.
Plenty of people have claimed to see Green Lantern today, but none of them are your Flyboy. Someone knocks, and you ignore it as you add “Coast City” to the search again. The knocking continues, and you groan as you stand.
“Coming!” you yell.
“Hi, pretty girl,” Hal says as you pull the door open.
“Hi,” you reply softly. “You know, when I called you this morning, I didn’t expect anything.”
“I’ll always be here for you. You can hate me, tell me you never felt anything, but I’m yours.”
“Hal, I-“
“No. Look, I’m not going to pretend like I know what I’m doing or that I’m relationship material. But I love you, and I will help you no matter when or where. Not because of the ring that I wear, but because of who you are and how wildly in love I am with you.”
You raise your brows as he speaks, and when he finishes you say, “Love. Do you know what that means?”
“You know I do.”
“Then you know I feel the same way. But I can’t let you use me again, Hal.”
“I never thought you were guilty, and I was trying to convince the Guardians to let it go. I’m sorry that I failed and got you into even more trouble.”
“It worked out,” you remind him. “Because I love you.”
Hal smiles and grabs the jacket you’re wearing – his jacket, you remember suddenly – to pull you against his chest. “Thank you,” he murmurs before kissing you.
You grip Hal’s shirt and return the kiss, giving and receiving love at once. Your life hasn’t been short of love since Hal walked into it.
“I love you,” you say as you pull back. “I’m sorry for reacting like I did.”
“I don’t blame you for that. Walking away wasn’t,” Hal hesitates before finishing, “It didn’t change anything for me. Except make me hate myself a little for hurting you.”
“Consider it forgiven and forgotten.”
“You,” Hal says. “I choose you. Tell me that you want me to prove it and I will throw this ring into the sky and let it find a new bearer.”
You purse your lips as you consider how the ring works. When Hal raises his hand, you wrap both of your hands over his knuckles and the ring.
“This ring is part of you, so I love it, too,” you promise.
“You really do love me,” Hal says with a smile.
“Obviously.” You gesture dramatically to his jacket on your arms to reiterate your point.
Hal leans forward and drops his voice to ask, “Enough to find a sapphire outfit? To remember old times?”
You roll your eyes before walking farther into your home. “You wish, Flyboy. The jacket’s as good as it gets for you. At least until you put a ring on my finger.”
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dollwritesarchive · 1 year
𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 — 𝐡𝐚𝐥 𝐣𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐧
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 ∣ smut ( minors dni ), ex gf!justice league!reader, yellow lantern!hal, this is a dark fic, noncon, somnophilia, suggested violence against reader, toxic relationship,  yandere!hal, hal refers to himself as ‘daddy‘, he’s delusional oops, sinestro co-op, all characters featured are 18+ 
𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∣ requested by anonymous. do not repost or translate. please reblog && leave feedback. not proofread so there’s probably mistakes. thanks for reading <3
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you would be so pissed at Hal right now. 
he knew that, but he couldn’t force himself to feel any shame for the way he scooped you up, holding you tight as you crumbled towards the ground. he was hugging you, the way he really wanted to when he’d first heard you call out for him. 
but you hadn’t sounded happy to see him. when your eyes coruscated over the yellow suit he donned, your brows knit together, your eyes narrowed. you were disgusted. appalled. you hated him in that color; the color of pure fear. 
you were going to get that ring off of him, even if it meant you had to beat him down in the process. or, at least, that’s what you said. however, Hal had years more of experience in hand to hand combat, and the ability to create a construct of anything that he wanted to use against you. not to mention all the times he’d sparred with you. it was never his intention to learn all your tricks and how to counter them, but now he was thankful he had. 
“Sure am glad you found me.” he whispers, burying his face in your hair as he doubled over, holding your midsection tight. you were unconscious from the knock to your head, inflicted by no other than your ex lover who now held you so tenderly, so you droop backwards, your head lolling towards the ground. when he pulls back to look at your features, he breathes a sigh of relief when he traces your softened countenance with his fingers. you no longer looked angry with him, you were no longer disgusted by his newfound power in fear. “Saved me the trouble of tracking you down, having to fight the rest of the Justice League to take you back with me, the whole shebang. I didn’t want to kill any of them, but they wouldn’t have just let me take you. I would’ve had to.” unable to resist his deepest, darkest urge to do so, he leans forward and allows the weight of his lips to press against yours. you don’t kiss him back, and he can accept that for now, because he’d missed the taste of your mouth so much. “But you came back…” his words were muffled as he dragged his lips over your mouth, prying it open with his tongue so he can taste the inside. “You came back to me.” 
that was when Hal finally dug his knees into the dirt, hauling your body down with him, slowly laying you down. your figure is mostly on its side, though turned at your midriff so he can look at your face, with both of your shoulders against the hard ground. “You still look just like an angel when you’re sleeping.” he muttered, tracing your lips with his fingertips. his breath caught in his throat, staring at them. they weren’t nearly swollen enough, like they used to be when he’d kiss you hard. even towards the end, when he started to turn and you’d begun to resist him, he still always left your tiers pouty. 
“It’s been so long,” he breathes out, cradling your face in one hand as he leans over you to kiss you again. he simply couldn’t stop. “So long since you were soft and obedient like this. I missed it.” 
as Hal started to lose his way, you’d began to try and distance yourself from him. you knew that he was changing, and you knew that it was into nothing but darkness. but you didn’t know how to help him or how to stop it; you’d hoped the other members of the Justice League would, but he wouldn’t talk to any of them. he only wanted you. you’d even tried once to tell him that you didn’t want to be with him anymore, but he hadn’t taken the news well, slapping a construct collar around your neck to emphasize how you were bound to him, whether you wanted to be or not. 
he’d scared you. 
and now, here he was. a yellow lantern. the pinnacle of fear. wielding it like a ferocious, flaming weapon. 
“But you’ll be a good girl for me now… won’t you?” from your lips down to your neck, his open mouth attacks you in needy kisses, bites, and sucking. he knew every portion of your body, what areas he could kiss to make you swoon, he only wished he could hear it now— the soft whisper of his name when he flustered you. he was thinking about all the times you’d said his name, and he couldn’t help the moan that vibrates against your throat. “You have to.” 
Hal had forgotten just how addicted to you that he was since his time in the Sinestro Corps. he’d been focused on his duties as a Yellow Lantern, and Sinestro didn’t allow too much time for his second in command’s mind to wander. he had, however, granted Hal the permission to take you by force. but only when the time was right. luckily, for Hal at least, you’d shown up, in search of him and hopeful to pull him from Sinestro’s side. you’d fallen right into his lap; he always knew it was meant to be. 
“God, I missed you…” he was babbling, both of his hands prying at your top, unzipping it as he wrenches it back to expose your bare breasts. his mouth wasn’t far behind, taking one inside, he sucked on your nipple and groaned to himself. he had a thick, hard erection rubbing against the backs of your thighs that needed to be tended to. he wanted you to be awake, to moan for him to fuck you like you used to, but right now, he would have to make due with what he had. your suit’s zipper catches at your waist, and Hal’s hands and mouth are much too occupied with squeezing and kissing your breasts  to continue undressing you, so the topaz flare of his power oozes out from his ring to create another set of hands, a pair that finishes the task of pulling your clothes off until you’re completely nude on your side underneath him. then, his power dissipates. he could’ve, just as easily, used it to position you how he wanted to take you, but he couldn’t keep his focus long enough. “Fuck, I need you, baby. I need you right now.” his hands were already working, one between your legs, priming your sex to life, and the other to get his cock free from his suit. 
his fingers delve into you, prodding along your canal. regardless of your unconscious state, your walls flutter about his fingers as if welcoming him home, and he closes his eyes, biting down on his lip. “You missed me too, I can feel it. So wet already…” he croons, probing deeper, “Don’t you worry, baby, daddy’s home, and he’s never letting you leave his sight again.” his other hand was pumping his recently liberated prick, mighty and jabbing upwards towards his belly, and when he retrieved his fingers from inside you, he marveled at the webs of slick that clung to them, coating his member in your shine. he shudders, giving the swollen tip a final squeeze, running his thumb against the sensitive slit. he’d been left to please himself for too long, his own touch could no longer electrify him, not like he knew your cunt, inches from him, could. 
“You might hate me for this at first.” he mutters, grasping your thigh with one hand, pushing it upwards so your knee bent more, grazing your belly, to reveal your treasure to him. the other directed his tool to it, splitting your netherlips without so much as a moment’s hesitation. usually, he would tease you, rub the head of his cock along your folds, but that had always been to watch you squirm and mewl and beg for him to stop teasing. all he really wanted was to dive into you, as deep and hard as he could. bury himself there. so, this time, he does. he plunges in deep, and bottoms out hard. “It’s gonna hurt when you wake up,” but he doesn’t stop, he can’t. your walls spasm and struggle to stretch around his forceful girth, but he grabs your leg with both, massive hands and jerks your body back to ram into it. “A lot.” he’s already panting, pounding you so violently that your entire body ripples against his thrusting, your head dragging along the ground. you make a little sound, as if you might come around soon, your eyes rolling behind closed lids. 
“But, just give it time, baby girl. You’ll start to like the pain.” 
his moans turn to growls, fingers digging into the supple flesh of your thigh, bruising the delicate skin as he drills himself home, past your sweet spots, to batter the entry of your cervix with relentless and cruel bucking, over and over again. “Fuck, you feel good,” one hand trails up to grab your face and turn it back towards him; he wished you’d open your eyes so he could see the shock on your face when he bumped against your cervix. you didn’t, and he squeezes your cheeks, hollowing them. he may have done it out of frustration, that he can’t hear you whimper for him, or maybe it was just pent up anger at you for pushing him away. “Too good…” 
“‘S too tight! Too warm!” 
he was already close. 
“You’re gonna make me cum right now, baby girl.” it was uttered in bemusement, amazed that he wasn’t the marathoner he used to be. the two of you would go round after round of lovemaking until neither of you could move an inch, and you were holding on to him for dear life. but he wasn’t making love to you, not like he used to. 
Hal was fucking you. brutally. primally. 
“I wanna give it to you so bad, wanna fi— fill you up so fuckin’ full!” his breathing ragged, he pats your cheek as he lays your face back down against the dirt on the ground and allows his fingers to roam; they hesitate for a moment near your throat. he throbs with delight at the thought of wrapping his fist around it, but he wanted you to be awake for that. he wanted to hear the sounds you made when he held you down and choked you; he’d be sure to play with your sensitive clit at the same time, so he could show you how to cum while he hurt you.
 instead, he presses his palm against your chest, smashing your breast in the process, to keep you pinned in place for him to rut like a beast. “Close,” he grunts, his jaw drawn taut. “So— so close… take it for me, baby, take it!” 
he hadn’t given you a choice. 
with a string of desperate grunts and snorts, Hal buried himself in your belly as he came, hunching over to kiss your slack mouth, moaning your name over and over as he starts to come down. you were whimpering in your sleep state, probably on the cusp of waking up— no doubt the discomfort following such a rough romp would seep into your subconscious and draw you out of it. but the sounds you made only made it that much harder for him to want to pull out of you. 
he does so, albeit begrudgingly, telling himself that there would be plenty more opportunity to have you how he needed. besides, he was spent after violating you in all the ways he’d dreamt of, without your voice to cry for him to stop. dilated eyes trailing along your body, he could already see the sections of flesh that would be littered with darker bruising in the coming days, and the way his cum leaked from your quivering sex was almost too sordid for him to bear without shoving himself inside you again. 
tucking himself away, back into his golden uniform, he’s busy with those construct hands, reaching for your suit to dress you again. 
“Leave it,” it was Sinestro’s voice, and it was then that Hal realized his superior was leaning against an outcropped rock nearby. “Wouldn’t want her thinking she’s still a superhero, now would we?” 
Hal frowned, looking from him to your naked body. “She doesn’t have anything else to wear.” he muttered; it was a moment of the true Hal shining through the power of the wicked ring on his finger. 
“And if she’s a good girl for you, you’ll gift her with clothes.” Sinestro floats closer, the tips of his toes barely treading the dirt before he claps a hand on Hal’s shoulder, as if reminding him who he was now. “She has to earn the right to wear them. By pleasing her master. If you give a pet too much freedom, it’s only a matter of time before they run away, right?” 
“Right.” Hal muttered, his features hardening again. the constructs melt into an altogether, different shape. an oversized box, one that resembled the way a Barbie might be packaged. it envelops you, golden twist ties wrapping around your wrists and ankles and locking you in place, a transparent sheet of construct sliding into place to lock you in the box. “I can’t give her too much freedom. Or she’ll try to run away from me.” 
“You know the way to control her, don’t you, Hal Jordan?” 
“… With fear.” 
“Very good.” Sinestro hums, admiring the craftsmanship of his favored soldier, and gives his shoulder a firm pat. “If the Justice League comes for her, we’ll let her watch our army cut them down. But for now, take the time and enjoy her.” 
your eyelids flutter, groaning as you start to come around. your head is throbbing, and you feel like you’ve been donkey kicked in the gut. not to mention the sickening feeling of something all too familiar oozing out of you. your head rolls around against your shoulders as you squint. “H—Hal? What did you—“ you jerk your arms, but the power holds them in place at your sides, posing you like a doll on the shelf. “What did you do?!” 
but it didn’t take a genius to figure it out, when you look down to realize you’re naked and sore. 
“Hal… oh, god, Hal…” 
Sinestro is watching with his arms folded over his chest, and when you catch sight of him, you grimace with disgust. “Take back your fucking ring and this monster you created. Give me my Hal back!” squirming in your golden cell, you scream it at the top of your lungs. 
Sinestro chuckles, shaking his head. “‘Your Hal’? Oh, love, this is your Hal. He can take the ring off any time he wants to. The problem is, that he just would rather have the power that it can give him. I’m the only one that will sanction his desire to own you.” 
Hal gets to his feet, and takes a few, slow steps up to the box you’re trapped in, pressing his hand against it. he doesn’t seem to be listening to the banter, nor does he care. because he’s staring at you, fondly, as if admiring a piece of art. 
“Hal… please…” 
“You won’t ever leave me again, I’ll make sure of it.” 
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emeraldkniight · 3 months
Can I request a hal x reader x kyle smut os? If so, I would like the plot to be about them all hating each other and having angry sex.
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hal jordan x fem!reader x kyle rayner
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀. . . porn with plot. smut. daddy kink with Hal, dirty talk, degradation. fingering, p in v, anal sex, choking, manhandling?
𝗰𝗼𝗽𝘆𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁. . . no copying of my work is allowed. Free translation is allowed as long as I am credited.
𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘂𝗮𝗴𝗲. . . as I said in my other posts, English is not my first language. I have tried to make corrections with the translator, but as you all know, it is prone to making mistakes, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes or if anything sounds weird.
𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲. . . MY MEN 😭 I could do thousands of one-shots of Hal and Kyle and never get tired of it. Hope you like it <3
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One of life's misfortunes is being put in situations that can be incredibly uncomfortable, but sharing a team with two people you hate? That's definitely something you wouldn't wish on anyone.
Since you joined the Green Lanterns, there have always been two people who have tried to make your rise within the corps a little more difficult. Two people who, to your unfortunate luck, were assigned by the Guardians to be your superiors, since you were too new to take on a mission on your own.
Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner: Annoying, cocky, and more experienced than you. Enough to make you take a back seat on every mission.
They were on an unknown planet, possibly light years away from Oa. When they were in a seedy bar, surrounded by alien life, you wondered if it was right to be a part of it. Was it even worth putting up with them?
— Is this our sector? — you asked as you followed them in flight.
You had the misfortune to be distracted by an alien with disproportionate physical qualities and advanced until you collided with Hal's back.
— Be careful. As long as you're in our custody, what happens to you and your sweet ass is up to us. So keep your mouth shut and fly carefully. — He growled at you.
— It was just a question.
— And if you can't follow a simple order, maybe you should reconsider being part of the team. — Kyle said, turning to you.
Of the two, Hal was usually the more hostile. Kyle just nodded, but sometimes he had the luxury of reprimanding you for nonsense, like now. It was strange, actually, that neither of them would be critical of another rookie, but with you, they would even criticize the way you had to fly or the structures you formed with your ring. You swore that not even Kilowog had been so strict before.
Still, it seemed that the hatred Kyle and Hal had for you also held for each other. For a moment, you thought they were great allies, but it was difficult for them to agree on anything regarding the mission. Unfortunately for you, even if they decided on an ideal plan, you couldn't and shouldn't have a say in it, so if they didn't agree, you didn't care. It seems that it's only when they're on to you that things really pay off.
Frankly, hating them and being hated by them didn't change how easy it was for you to fall into their hands. You always felt inferior to them, both in the company and in bed. Where you find yourself right now: in Kyle's apartment, soiling the sheets.
You were pressed against the mattress. At the same time you were biting the pillow while he was busy pleasuring you with his fingers. He wasn't gentle at all, not even touching you, but that didn't change the fact that it felt good.
The texture of his fingers slid contemptuously over your wet pussy. You were aware of your own pleasure as your accelerated breathing and small moans were the only things echoing in the room.
He was watching you as he always did. There was no hint of affection or love in his eyes, only carnal lust. He didn't like you at all; he just liked the idea of fucking you and leaving you, as he always did.
Hal Jordan was the same, or maybe worse.
— You should have told me that this invitation included a private show.
You quickly pulled yourself out of your state of utter pleasure as you were startled by the presence of Hal watching from the doorway.
He was wearing that aviator jacket you would never admit how much you liked. His brown hair was disheveled, and maybe the effect of lust made you think the wrong things about his choice of jeans.
What was he doing here?
— Did you miss me that much, honey? — he asked. — I had to come urgently just to show Kyle how to treat you.
In an instant, he was standing in front of you. You looked into his deep brown eyes as one of his large and masculine hands wrapped around your neck without choking you.
You always found him handsome. It never mattered to you that he was quite a bit older than you. He was possibly a decade ahead of you, unlike Kyle, who was barely a year or two. As much as it bothered you, being in bed with him made you feel like you had to nod and give in to everything he asked you to do, just because you wanted to.
With Kyle, on the other hand, you used to be a brat: a capricious brat who only wants to please herself and needs to be disciplined to make you behave.
Maybe that's why Hal's hands kept squeezing your neck and Kyle's kept rubbing your pussy.
— Look at me. Only me. Don't think about him. — He told you and began to apply a light pressure that began to suffocate you.
Immediately, Kyle abruptly pulled Hal's hands away from you, trying to get your attention back on him.
— Who is fucking your wet, messy pussy with his hand right now, need I remind you?
You paused to catch your breath, just as you used it as an excuse not to answer the man's question. Since it didn't matter how much they noted that it was only a sexual thing, they would still compete in everything that had to do with you.
Immediately you felt knuckles pressing against your clit. If Kyle had been guarding your hole before, Hal was now caressing your sensitive spot that desperately needed attention.
Your senses begin to sharpen. You begin to fall deeper into the surface of the bed. You feel your vision and thoughts blur with pleasure. The heat beats hard against you, sucking the oxygen out of you.
— Eyes on Daddy. — Hal asked. — I want you to look into my eyes when you cum on my fingers.
— If she cums on your fingers, it's thanks to me. — growled the other.
— We'll see. — He smirked at you without stopping his movements.
You were still. You only moaned because the sensations were so overwhelming that you couldn't even remember the names of the men who were stimulating you. You tried not to look at them and just lay there with your eyes on the ceiling. Soon you came on both fingers, leaving a complete mess on the mattress.
— Enough for you? — Kyle asked, approaching you with the intention of wiping away your tears. — I hope not, we're not done yet. Or what, you think Hal would come all this way just to touch this used pussy?
— Relax, she knows what I want, don't you? — he asked. In return, he put his knee between your legs with the intention of being able to open them again.
— Yes, Daddy.
— “Yes, Daddy?” Is it with him that you decide to be good and obedient? — the younger man asked as he reached into the drawer and pulled out lubricant and several condoms.
He positioned himself behind you, in a position from which he could perfectly observe your ass. Without consulting you, he extended a finger smeared with lubricant over your anal hole. You knew what was going to happen and you couldn't help but feel scared; you had never gone so far as to dare to do it from behind.
— I shouldn't, but I'll try to be gentle with you just this once. You're acting like a complete brat.
Then you looked for a second at Hal, who was pulling you by your hips until you were on his naked lap. You quickly felt his huge erection thrusting into your pussy, which was not yet fully penetrated.
— You know how I like it. — He told you while one of his hands slid over the skin of your breasts. — Tell me how much you love me. With sincerity.
You looked at him and responded as honestly as your conscience would allow:
— I can't stand you. I've hated you since the day I joined the Corporation. You have done everything in your power to make every day of my life more difficult. I despise both of you.
They both smiled self-sufficiently as they accomplished the task of inserting themselves into you from one side at a time.
— Good girl. — He complimented you.
— Always saying what we want to hear.
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annymation · 5 months
The Kingdom of Wishes- A “Wish” Rewrite
Chapter 6- And The Star Answered
Chapter 5
She stopped, her arm was being held back by a large hand.
Asha’s heart was beating as fast as a hummingbird’s wings.
She didn’t want to look back, she was too afraid to look and see the king’s face-
“Asha… We were all waiting for you. Are you okay?”
That wasn’t the king’s voice, it was a gentle and genuinely worried voice, that was
“… Simon?”
Asha turned around, and sure enough, Simon was holding her arm.
And Asha’s other 6 friends were by his side, they were all very worried about her.
“Why are you crying? What happened in there??” Hal rushed over to dry her tears.
“Did you just break out of the dungeon?!? By yourself?!? How did you do that???” Gabo tripped over his words
“For the LAST TIME, GABO! They would NEVER throw Asha in a dungeon for just raising her voice at them, they’re too nice for that!” Dahlia explained like that was just common sense.
And in any other kingdom, yeah it probably would be common sense, but Asha knew that wasn’t the case in Rosas.
Knowing what she knows now.
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“Everyone please, let's all calm down and go talk somewhere quieter, then Asha can tell us what happened” Bazeema chimed in meekly
But Asha didn’t want to calm down and talk, no, she wanted to be alone, she was in no condition to talk with anyone.
“I- I gotta go! I can’t talk with you guys right now…”
She tried to run away again but Simon kept holding her arm, not in a way that hurted though
“Why? We just wanna help. Did they say something that made you upset?” Simon asked very concerned
Dario ran to be in front of Asha so she could see him signing to her “We’re with you on this, you did the right thing speaking up about your grandpa’s wish”
Her friends kept talking all at the same time over each other
But Asha's mind was somewhere else
How can she explain this to them?
“I- I understand wanting to be alone, Asha, I really do, but you’re clearly under a lot of stress” Bazeema stammered through her words.
That everything they've known was a lie…
“You can count on us, we’ll always be on your side” Dahlia tried to soothe her best friend
Would they even believe it?
“Just breathe, we know you didn’t do anything wrong” said Safi
And if they did, then what? They’re just a group of teens, it’s not like there’s anything they can do.
“You’ve always been there for us, so we are NOT leaving your side till you’re feeling better” Hal said determined
Asha is in danger because she knows the king’s secret, she CAN’T risk putting her friends in danger too
Gabo was the only one who didn’t look worried, he was angry, not at Asha, but at the two monarchs who made his best friend cry
“Was that narcissistic dolt rude to you?! If so, I’mma get in that castle RIGHT NOW and give him a piece of my min-“
“NO!” Asha screamed “WHATEVER YOU DO, DONT TALK TO THEM!” She was scared out of her mind.
Asha’s friends were startled, they finally went silent
Asha lowered her voice but kept trying to struggle out of Simon’s grip
“I- I’m sorry. Simon, please, let go of me— I gotta go”
“Go where!?” Dahlia asked
“I- i’ll be fine, really, I just need to be alone for a while, okay?”
Simon, for the first time since the day he gave away his wish 3 years ago, raised his voice:
“I’m not letting go till you tell us what you did!”
… What SHE did?…
Asha looked at him straight in the eyes, no longer just sad and scared, but also angry
“You wanna know what happened so badly?! What happened is that THEY WON’T GRANT MY WISH AT ALL!”
She stepped on Simon’s foot.
He let go of her.
She ran, pushing Dario and Safi out of her way in the process
“ASHA WAIT!!!” Dahlia screamed
Hal, Dario and Gabo started running after her, but of course Gabo threw one last piece of sass while running
“VICTIM BLAMING huh Simon?? Because THAT’S definitely the best way to calm down your crying friend! Great job buddy!” He said sarcastically and angrily to Simon while he ran after Asha.
(Gabo spitting facts)
All the others who stayed behind look sad, but Simon looks the saddest.
Asha can hear her friends calling her as she runs away from the castle, but she keeps running without looking back
Dario, Hal and Gabo eventually lose sight of her.
As Asha runs she keeps seeing the royals faces literally everywhere.
All her life that felt natural, why wouldn’t the people of Rosas want to paint their beloved rulers faces on the floors, walls and have statues of them everywhere?
But now, now that she knows who they really are, seeing how the people are obsessed with them is terrifying.
Eventually, after A LOT of running, she leaves the kingdom
She reaches the forest
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Valentino is hopping after her with his little baby goat legs
Tears are running down her face non stop
Asha felt trapped, hopeless, desperate
She knew that by morning “her wish” will be granted
And she’ll lose her free will, her friends and her own sense of self
The king and queen will steal all of that from her and there’s nothing she can do about it.
Eventually she trips and falls on the floor
We get a shot similar to this one from Snow White
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She sobs in the darkness
Valentino is now next to her, trying to help her feel better by licking her hand
That actually helps her a little, at least she’s not completely alone
She sits down and Valentino comes lay down on her lap
(Seriously little things like this make Valentino MILES better than he was in the movie, movie Valentino didn’t do ANYTHING to help Asha emotionally)
She starts petting him and takes some deep breaths
“Should I have told them?” She asks Valentino “... I wanted to, but– then what? It's not like there's anything we can do to stop them, we're just some teens…”
Valentino interrupts her bleating loudly, with a frustrated expression
She finally smiles a little bit “Right, some teens and a goat hehe…” she pets Valentino some more, her look becomes distant again “… I don’t know what to do…”
She feels a turmoil of emotions that she can’t put into words
And what does a Disney protagonist does when emotions are too strong for words?
… They sing
Sooo yeah, here’s my version of This Wish, enjoy!
Purple lines are Asha, of course
Orange is my commentary and describing what’s going on in the scene
Should’ve listened to my own instincts
No time to cry for what could have been
If I could show them everything I've seen
Open their eyes to all the lies then
Would they believe in me or in them?
(Asha begins singing still laying on the floor, she takes her sketchbook and at "Would they believe in me or in THEM" we see a drawing of the king and queen, she sketched them a few times since there's images of them all over Rosas so she might as well practice drawing poses using their likeness, right?)
Cause’ when I speak, they tell me, "Sit down"
But how can I when I've already started runnin'?
All I wanted to do
Was grant my wish on my own
But now that wish’s stolen and, I am all alone
(So when she sings "Started running" she gets up. And she walks through the forest, she's looking down as she walks looking very sorrowful)
So I look up at the stars to guide me
For I know they can send me a sign
If knowing what it could be is what drives me
Then let me be the first to stand in line
(*ahem* so anyway, she looks up, now recollecting her hopes but... Once she looks up, there are no stars in the sky, because she's deep in the forest and all she sees are the tree leaves... So this is Asha's goal in this song, she's looking for a star to wish upon, she's trying to get out of the darkness)
So I make this wish
Asking us for freedom, hope and bliss
So I make this wish
To have something more for us than this
(She keeps walking while looking up, searching for any star to be wished upon.)
(Now let me break down my personal favorite change here "Freedom, hope and bliss" these three words summarizes everything Asha wants for herself and everyone else: Freedom for herself, now that she knows the royals intend to imprison her, and also freedom for everyone else that is having their wishes changed; Hope, because she wants the people of Rosas to have hope that they can achieve their own wishes without the king's help; And bliss, the joy that comes with achieving your own desires, she wants that for herself and everyone else)
(As she sings the last line, she steps on a field of grass and some fireflies start floating around her)
Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah
Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, ah-ah
More than this, oh-ah-ah-ah
(The fireflies fly all around her and her smile returns to her face, as she regains a little bit of hope, she sings "More than this" with her hands on her chest)
For many years they’ve been fooling us all
Yeah, they said “We’ll protect you” while being our downfall
Now what’s a girl like me supposed to do?
How do you fight a king and queen? oh and they’ve got magic too!
(We have a bit of a time skip with Asha still walking around the forest, but as she does so she's flipping through the pages of her sketchbook, and tearing off all the ones that have sketches of King Magnifico and Queen Amable. She looks at each one angrily and crumbles the pages in her hands (I'll excuse littering this one time because the girl is going through the 7 stages of grief and is currently at anger))
And all I've got is reservations and hesitations
On where I should even begin
I'm past dipping my toes in
But I'm not, no, I'm not past diving in
If I could just be pointed in any given direction
On where to go and what to do
My legs are shaking, but my head's held high
The way you always taught me to
(Yeah no changes for this verse, it’s fantastically fitting for my rewrite, and the best part of the song in my opinion. As she’s walking in the woods she encounters many different paths, she looks at all of them unsure on which one to choose. She trusts her gut and picks one of them. Asha run through this path she chose and then… She finds the tree she and her grandfather used to sit on and wish upon the stars together)
So I look up at the stars to guide me
For I know they WILL send me a sign
I'm sure there will be challenges that find me
But I can take them on one at a time
(Her heart swells, she’s full of hope as she runs to that tree knowing without a doubt in her mind that she’ll get a sign on what to do. She climbs the tree determined, and upon reaching the top, she sees it, the first star she sees tonight.)
So I make this wish
Asking us for freedom, hope and bliss
So I make this wish
To have something more for us than this
(The star she’s looking at is not very bright at all, is barely noticeable in the vast night sky full of other brighter ones, but THAT little one is the one she chooses, and she puts all her heart on the wish she’s making to this star)
Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah (so I make this wish)
Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, ah-ah (to have something more)
More than this, oh, ah-ah-ah
So I make this wish
To have something more for us than this
The song ends.
We see the night sky... and suddenly... The tiny star that Asha was looking at starts getting brighter, bigger, until it's light engulfs the entire sky.
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Asha closes her eyes.
The light proceeds to shine upon all the kingdom of Rosas, and everyone that is touched by that light is overtaken by a pleasant feeling of joy and warmth.
It's very faint, but if you listen closely you can hear the sound of a laughter, the most energetic and youthful laughter you can imagine.
We cut back to Asha, who notices that the light is getting... closer.
And it looks like a big ball of light.
Coming directly in her direction at high speed.
She screams as she quickly grabs Valentino and jumps off the tree branch to get cover.
The bright light passes flying over them and landing deep into the forest. A few animals run away from the place of impact.
Asha is laying down on the grass. Obviously VERY shocked.
Valentino is under her, excitedly trying to get out to check out what that was.
"... As if this day couldn't get any crazier, I almost get hit by a meteor... On my birthday " She's quite done with all of these emotions for the day. She stands up and starts dusting herself off "Come on Val, we better go before... Whatever THAT was starts a forest fire..."
(Any other Disney protagonist would be like "oooh whats that?" and answer the call to adventure, but our girl already had enough adventure for a life time and we are not even in the second act yet ladies and gentleman)
Asha had her eyes closed while she dusted herself off, so she didn't realize that while she was talking Valentino was already happily hopping to the source of the light
She looks to where Valentino was a second ago, aaaaand he's gone
"... Valentino?"
"Maaaa! Maaa! Maaaa"
She heard Valentino's bleating getting farther and farther away... Honestly what was she expecting?
"NO! VALENTINO!! Bad goat! We don't touch stuff that comes from space! IT BURNS!!!" She runs after him.
(Oh it's gonna burn you alright)
(Okay I knooooow ya'll are gonna hate me for this but... *sigh*)
We cut to the villains POV
Magnifico is getting ready to use his magic to open the tower's celling, thus releasing all the wishes to be granted that night.
But he stops when he realizes... The room is getting brighter.
He looks out the window and sees it, the light engulfing his whole kingdom.
He stares at it in shock
Once the light fades away, Magnifico is gazing out the window. His face no longer visible.
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We hear the BLAM of a door opening violently, the queen is running towards her husband wearing a night gown, her long hair is loose.
"What on earth was that light?!” She speaks loudly, firm and precise, confident that her husband will know the answer.
Magnifico is, for the first time since they've met, not paying attention to her...
Nah his mind is somewhere else entirely.
He looks at the horizon trying to remember something, like a memory he has been repressing but now he really REALLY needs it...
Amaya notices his distant gaze and becomes worried "... Mi rei? Is everything alright?… You think it might be a threat?"
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He keeps staring at nothing until suddenly…
He starts mumbling a poem, as if he's remembering the words as he speaks:
“Shining guide of old
Guiding hearts
As bright as gold
To a desire far too grand
To be granted by a mortal hand”
“… EXCUSE ME?!?” Amaya is now even more lost, what’s he talking about?
Magnifico proceeds to the next verse ignoring his wife’s reaction… It’s like he’s trying really hard to remember the whole thing.
“With hair like light
And eyes like prism
That see the truth
And speak through rhythm”
"Darling, what is this nonsense? You're scaring me" She sounds, for the first time in the story, genuinely scared
"Do not fret, they mean no harm
As all they bring is joy and warmth
So if you see the sUN AT NIGHT
He remembered. A sun at night. That was it.
He turned to his wife with the smile of a mad man.
"I KNEW IT!" He starts laughing maniacally as he lifts her up in his arms and starts twirling around the room
Amaya is not in the mood for his romantic acts at the moment tho
"PUT ME DOWN! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS???" She usually loves her husband's eccentricities but this is too much even for him
He puts her down and tries to calm himself, still laughing while holding her by the shoulders "Forgive me my love, but you have no idea what a joyous occasion this is!"
"Well, perhaps I would if you stopped and explained to me" She’s out of patience.
"Listen. I know what that light was, I've grew up with stories about what it means, it's a sign that a being with power beyond our imagination has arrived in our kingdom" He explains like it's the most amazing thing that has ever happened to them.
Her eyebrows raise "... In what WORLD that's a joyous occasion?!"
"Oh but you misunderstand my queen, that power can be OURS… if we play our cards right." A sinister grin forms on his face "I just need to find one of my father’s old books, so I may recall the spell to absorb the being’s power"
That get's her attention "I see... But what exactly is that being?"
"… A Star" He says it in whisper as he starts walking out the room, his steps become quicker the closer he gets to the door "You may go to bed without me darling, it will take me all night to find that blasted book, but it’ll be worth it!"
"ALL NIGHT?! But, darling I-"
But he already left the room
"Oh this is going to be GREAT, just you wait my beldam! Sweet dreams!"
His voice gets farther and farther away as he runs down the stairs
Leaving a very perplexed and alone queen in the wishes room.
Magnifico won't be granting any wishes tonight.
(*phew* okay at least the scene with them is brief and it builds up Aster more with the poem... Btw did you guys like the poem? I think it turned out pretty sweet)
So we cut back to Asha's POV
Valentino pops out of some bushes, he's a few feet away from the source of the light
Asha finally catches him
"GOTCHA! HAha-" She sees what fell from the sky. It a blob of light and sparkly dust that shifts and moves around... Like it's trying to take shape "oh… wow"
She picks Valentino in her arms slowly while still staring in awe to the mysterious light.
"This is... Definitely NOT a meteor... We better go, this thing might be dan-"
A hand pops out of the light and grabs the floor.
Asha get's startled by that and hides behind the bushes.
She watches as the light keeps changing shape, she's scared but she's also... Curious.
The light forms a second arm, and then, with now both arms, it starts using them to shape the rest of itself, like a it's playing with clay.
After trying a few different body types the light takes the shape of a 5 feet tall skinny young individual, but yet with no features.
the now "teenager shaped" light starts to manifest clothes on his body, a black outfit reminiscent of something Asha would often see a prince wear in her fairytale books when she was little.
Then a large cape emerges from his back, flowing in the air with a trail of stardust underneath it.
His whole body starts coloring itself, his skin is no longer made of light, he has tan brown skin.
The only part of them that is still emitting light is his hair, that dances around slightly like the flame of a candle.
After ALL that (that would probably be a pretty quick transformation sequence, think of it like in Steven universe when the gems reform) he is now floating with his back turned to Asha, who is still hiding behind the bushes.
Asha is staring at all this no longer scared but more so intrigued, she looks closer and she realizes that somehow the boy looks like... A drawing... A moving drawing
He is 2D while everything else is animated in 3D
The being then finally speaks, while stretching their whole body:
"WOOOAH HAHAHA Okayyyyy I definitely underestimated how high up I was hahah!" It's a voice full of energy, like they can't contain their excitement, he stretches himself out some more as if to get used to their new form "Wow that was a rough landing hehehe but hey! Not too bad for my first time!"
(I picture him being voiced by Jordan Fisher but you're free to picture any voice you'd like)
The young man is gleefully laughing to himself.
He seems distracted enough for Asha to run away, so she get's up holding Valentino.
But almost as soon as she turns around she's now face to face with the boy flying above her, he's upside down. He gazes at her with bright eyes that seem to sparkle like the night sky and smiling ear to ear.
"Hi there! I heard you cal-"
Asha backs away and accidentally let's go of Valentino. The goat prepares to jump on star to attack him with his little baby goat horns
"Woah woah buddy it's alright, I'm here to help-"
Aaaaand I'll just let this piece of concept art speak for itself:
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"hahHAAHA that tickled" The star says while he's reforming himself back to his original shape.
Valentino looks upset that his attempt to protect Asha didn't work.
The star notices that and tries to make him feel better "Hey don't be sad, I'm sure you can land a hit on me, come on try again!" He says genuinely, like a big brother trying to be encouraging.
Valentino does try again, and this time the star makes himself fall on the floor upon being hit "OOH I've been defeated oh nooo hehehe" He says playfully while lifting Valentino up in his arms, whose now very proud of himself.
Asha watches all of this play out and she goes from scared to endeared by the boy's child like demeanor with Valentino, it's pretty obvious now that he means no harm.
She approaches them slowly looking down on the boy playing with her goat. She's still unsure what to expect but she really wants to understand what this is all about, what he is all about.
The star notices her approaching and stops playing with the goat, they gaze up to her with a beaming smile. Now Valentino is just bleating while standing on his chest like he's asking to play more.
It's an interesting contrast that now he's the one who's bellow gazing up to her, when a few minutes ago she was the one looking up to wish upon them.
"H-hi there" This time it's Asha's turn to say it, she gives the star a little wave.
He seems surprised upon hearing her voice, like it's the first time they hear a voice from up close... Well, because it is, this is the first time a human speaks directly to them... and its HER voice.
A few flowers start growing and blooming around where he's laying down. He realizes that and just reacts with a:
"Huh... Didn't know I could do this... Wonder what else can I do" The star says that second part in a whisper.
The star get's up with Valentino in his arms and hands him back to Asha
"I'm awfully sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you." He notices a firefly flying close to Asha and starts trying to catch it, he’s flying around but still explaining the situation to her
She’s just watches them trying to catch the firefly kinda amused, it’s cute how easily distracted he is.
"See, I just got so thrilled when I heard you calling me that I completely forgot I had to choose what shape I’d take BEFORE I landed here heh heh that was weird, wasn't it?" The star manages to catch the firefly in his hands, his smiles widens as they look at the little bug closely, he’s fascinated by it.
"... Called you? I didn't call you, I don't even know your name" Asha says while studying him with her eyes, she's mostly amazed that he looks like a drawing but at the same time has dimension to him.
The star turns to her in surprise, like she just reminded him of something really important
"Oh yeah! I need a name, don't I? Hmmm" They ponder a little bit like he's deciding "I think I'll call myself... Aster, yeah that sounds nice, and fitting too since it means star." He says casually, looking around as they speak.
Aster starts flying around the woods, wanting to take a closer look at each little detail with wonder in their eyes, but still speaking to Asha, who’s watching him fly around amazed by the sight
"And of course you called me! You looked at me and wished for more, to yourself and your people, remember?”
Aster starts flying faster and faster, we see a trail of star dust coming out of his cape, leaving waves of light around the woods. He speaks louder so Asha can still hear:
“I'm so glad you wished upon me out of everyone else by the way! Thank you!... You were the first to do so in a while" Aster speaks that last line with a subtle hint of pain in his voice, but he’s still smiling.
Asha starts out very confused by what he's saying but slowly starts to connect the dots, her eyes widen and her jaw drops once the realization hits her.
"Wait hold on, you're- Are you telling me you’re a... A star?!" She exclaims in awe with a wide smile on her face.
Aster flies back to Asha and stops above her head, floating upside down
“You guessed it!”
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Chapter 7
Final Thoughts
THIS CHAPTER TOOK ME SO LONG TO GET IT RIGHT!! Not only because I wanted it to be perfect but also because I've been so busy these past few days!
Also Aster forgetting that he had to manifest a human like appearance before crashing down on earth is the equivalent of you going for your first day on a job NAKED and then you dress up there in front of your boss, like the boy is THAT excited to get there.
Did you catch that Aster quoted two Disney characters? He made a few flowers bloom and said “What else can I do” like Isabela from Encanto, and then he said “I’m awfully sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you” which is a line Prince Phillip says in Sleeping Beauty when he meets Aurora, expect a lot more references like these coming from him. He’s not gonna speak only in Disney quotes all the time but I’ll sprinkle some references in his dialogue here and there.
And speak of him SPEAKING I might make a whole blog explaining why Jordan Fisher is hands down the best choice to voice an embodiment of magic and joy, because that man is not only AN AMAZING SINGER but also just the sweetest person alive, and he’s so underrated! If you don’t know him then look him up on Spotify or YouTube, but here’s an example of him singing: https://youtu.be/KsRi-Aj9fQs?si=RRI8Jvy7AT9EA5_u
It still cracks me up how my version of Magnifico is literally a fun house mirror version of movie Magnifico.
Like Movie Mag was like “oooh noo, what was th-that scary light😣? Someone threatened meee 🥺 I’m so scared I’m gonna use dark magic even though I’m not even sure if it was a bad thiiiing” while my Magnifico is like “*recites mysterious poem* LETS GOOOO AMAYA LETS GOOOOOOO!!! THATS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT THATS WHAT IVE BEEN WAITING FOR WOOOOOO!! *leaves with no explanation*” like what a chad. And I don’t even have to explain how Movie and Amaya and Queen Amable are opposites because come on.
I reallyyyy hope you guys enjoyed this little taste of Aster I’ve gave here, because next chapter will be aaaaall about them and Asha, so look forward to that! And as always
Thank You For Reading!
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katmaatui · 4 months
I think one of the biggest ideas around Parallax and what he represents is the idea of control. In the early 90s, Hal's main focus was regaining control over his own life by returning to what he perceives as his glory days: he's back near Coast City again, he's friends with Tom again, and he wants to be with Carol again. As he says in Green Lantern (1990) #25, "My name is Hal Jordan. I used to be the Green Lantern of Earth. Now I'm coming back. Coming to take my life back." Green Lantern (1990) is all about setting Hal back to the status quo-Green Lantern lore had been shaky throughout the 80s and now we're establishing the Guardians back in the known universe, the Green Lantern Corps is rebuilding itself, and finally, halfway through Gerard Jones run, Hal is reestablishing himself on Earth.
I think a necessary bit of knowledge around the destruction of Coast City is that Hal was not set there for a long time. He worked out of Coast City for the first 49 issues of his original solo title, and then afterwards would only be in Coast City for a few issues of a time. In fact, he probably worked out of L.A. longer than he did Coast City. Coast City is a very old form of nostalgia at this point in time.
Throughout the main Green Lantern title up until Green Lantern (1990) #45 and his appearances in the two side Green Lantern titles (Guy Gardner: Warrior and Green Lantern: Mosaic, both of which were also written by Jones), a narrative begins to appear. Hal is desperate for control and unwilling to return to the uncertainty and moral ambiguity of the 80s. This is his main conflict, in fact, with John and Guy during this era. He has his very certain ideas of what a hero should be and what a hero should do, and he enforces that ideal not only on himself, but also on Guy and John. In fact, Sinestro himself says, "But aren’t Hal and I just different sides of the same thing? Control, control, control?" (Green Lantern: Mosaic #15). The comparison to Sinestro is most interesting in light of the renewed focus on Sinestro's dictatorship due to Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn II. Comics throughout this time are trying to have Hal emulate some of the most dangerous aspects of Sinestro: his desperate need for control, for order instead of focusing on justice.
Now, one underappreciated aspect of the destruction of Coast City is that it happened while Hal was not on Earth. He was on the opposite side of the galaxy, being mind controlled and declaring he wouldn't be anyone's puppet again. He had lost control-the one thing he had been so desperate to keep, and then he returns home.
Home was not there. Everyone he knew and loved within this city, everyone who trusted him to protect them, was dead. This is a continued loss of control, and this time it is in violation of what a hero should be. A hero should protect his city, a hero should do anything to protect his city. He even mentions in Green Lantern (1990) #46, the issue where he first learns of the tragedy, "part of the anger-pain wants to wash out. To use the ring to bring it all back." He's angry. He has lost the one thing he was sure of. He tries to kill Mongol. He is no longer trying to hold back.
Now skip ahead two issues to the end of Green Lantern (1990) #48. Throughout this issue, Hal has been losing the veneer of being in control. We know from Guy Gardner: Warrior #21 that he was in there for 18 hours. We don't see his full mental breakdown, but what we do see is him slowly losing control. At the beginning, we have as close to reality as the issue gets: Martin Jordan not caring about him and then going off to get blown up. Hal acts like he's not in control at this moment, as he says, "Please, come back. I can't go through that again" (Green Lantern (1990) #48). However, by the end of the issue, Hal is in full control; he evens forces the Martin projection to say he's proud of him, even though previously both Hal and the Martin projection said that he wasn't and he never had been. Then, the Guardians take his regained control away from him! They deny him of his power, what he defines himself as. He is always in his Green Lantern guise throughout the issue, even when pretending that his life is normal. They removed his control over the situation, and that is when he stops holding back.
There are two main ways Hal himself describes his actions as Parallax (pre-retcon): him having no choice but to do what he did and then him not holding back during that era. Parallax is a representation of power and what it could mean when he wasn't under the control of anyone else. He's not tearing down the messed up ideas of authority and power in his mind, merely trying to gain the most power so that he's most in control. This is about regaining control and what that means to him. It is firmly rooted in both Martin's abuse and the Guardian's abuse. Hal is a man focused on order and control, and he wants to act like abuse of power is a form of control because that's what everyone else has acted like to him. The Guardians haven't cared about the lives of the Green Lanterns. He does, or at least he believes he does. He never wanted to hurt his brothers and sisters, he claims in Green Lantern (1990) #0, he just wanted to make everything right.
The role of Parallax is firmly rooted in Hal Jordan's ideas of what is control and how to take back from a loss of it. He's continuing the tradition of the so-called greatest Green Lanterns of them all (Sinestro and Yalan Gur, both of who tried to use their power to enforce their control and were directly compared to Hal in this manner pre Parallax). He is Parallax. He is everything Hal could be if he stopped holding back. He is control, and the way Hal feels like that means he has no choice but to abuse and hurt others in the quest for control, justice, and order.
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heartylunalys · 2 years
My lord
Prince Hal x black princess!reader
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a/n: I’m back and I’m happy to show you this fic that I couldn’t wait to post, I wanted it to be a one shot but I thing I’ll make a 2nd part, tell me what you think about it! Sorry if the language is not perfect I’m not English so it was hard to find the perfect words for the situation
my masterlist
genre: fluff, smut
words : 3k
warnings: smut !! slight racism( not from Hal!) slight misogynistic (not from Hal!), a little god complex lol, Hal and reader being fast at acknowledging their feelings
You glared at your father, seeing him bow in front of the England King who was looking down at the two of you, clearly waiting for you to show some type of courtesy.
“Excuse me for the behaviour of my daughter, she is young and foolish.” your father explained to the man in front of you and a scoff escaped him.
“Being young is not an excuse, my youngest son, Thomas of Lancaster, is a respectful and obedient child.” He smirked in the direction of his son, looking at him with pride. “You should educate your daughter Sir, if she keeps this attitude no sane man would want to marry her.”
You maintained your calm and fought yourself to not roll your eyes at him and his stupid son.
“It's a pleasure to finally work with people from overseas.” The king of England said with a condescending attitude, clearly looking down on your father and his kingdom. Your father didn’t even bother to tell him that he wasn’t a representative of all overseas, he was a calm and wise man, knowing that you shouldn’t bother to be angry at fools. You, on the other hand, didn’t have his patience and as the time flew you only wanted to slap this petty king in the face and go back to your country where people had a lot more manners.
You were sitting at the banquet, clearly uncomfortable, everything was so different from your ways.
“You’re beautiful,” began the young son of Henry IV, sitting right next to you, “We never see people like you around here.” He stated and with his smile you understood that it was supposed to be a compliment. You nodded with a polite smile as the boy kept glancing at you throughout the night, trying each time to find a reason to talk to you.
“Well, look who decided to show up.” Exclaimed the King bitterly. Everyone turned their head to the majestic wooden entrance door, seeing a young slightly curly haired man, standing there, confidence but also annoyance and strength radiating off him. “Seems like my fool of an heir has decided to show up for once. What is bringing you here?”
“Your invitation father.” The man blankly stated as he sat at your table and you now had the occasion to look at the integrality of his features. Even if his hair was slightly long you could still see his defined jaw and cheekbone. He had a tired gaze, with dark circles decorating his greenish eyes and even if you knew that it wasn’t decent, you couldn’t help but let your eyes travel to his neck and collarbone, seeing the dark marks dotting his skin. The prince seemed to have decided to abandon all of his duties to enjoy the various pleasures of the common people.
“I’m glad you finally decided to leave the mud and prostitutes.” Henry IV muttered to his son who didn’t answer, only the way his jaw clenched indicated that he had heard his father’s remark.
Finally, after what seemed an eternity for you, Thomas left your side to go dance with some duchess, which left you the time to breathe a little bit. Thomas was a gentleman, representing perfectly how a prince should behave, but he was smothering you. Most of the guests were dancing so the table you were sitting at was almost empty. As you scanned the room, your eyes catched the eyes of the oldest King’s son who was already watching you. You quickly derived your gaze, hoping he wouldn’t mind you. However, the man saw this exchange as a good moment to approach you and before you even knew it he was now sitting in front of you.
“I’m sorry to intrude like this,” he began, his low voice pleasing your ears, “I know I never come in this castle but I’m sure I’ve never seen you before.” His eyes were lingering on your every feature.
“It’s because it’s my first time coming here Sir.” You said and watched a little smile forming on his face.
“Well, what a pleasure to meet you Lady..?” He let his voice trail, waiting patiently for your name while he took your hand gracefully in his.
“Y/n.” You answered, your breath was slightly cut off by the tender kiss he laid on the back of your hand.
“Lady Y/n, I’m Hal.” He smiled, his eyes almost felines and you just nodded, his hand not letting yours go. You found it odd to see that he wasn’t bragging about his title, all of the people you met here were obsessed by their nobility.
“If you allow me, Sir, I’d like to retire and go get some rest.” You asked even if you planned to leave no matter the answer he gave you.
“Of course beautiful, sleep well.” He playfully said and you refrained from laughing which made him smile.
Your room was spacious, and well decorated. A guard had escorted you and a maid was staying near in case you needed any help. That, plus the pretty prince you had the chance to meet was making you relativize on this little stay. As you hopped in the bath the maid had prepared for you, you couldn’t stop your mind from thinking about the mysterious prince that brightened up the annoying banquet. Thinking about the softness of his hand around yours, you let your hand travel slowly to your core, taking your time to caress your chest and thighs before finally letting your fingers play with your clit, imaginating that it was his long and delicate fingers. You let out a soft sigh at the memory of his delightful mouth on your flesh and wondered how his lips will feel in all these inappropriate places of your body.
After your relief you wrap yourself in your towel, using all these foreign products to oil your body before finally putting on your night clothes.
The next morning the maid woke you up by pulling the curtains to let daylight enter your room. The warmness in the room was enjoyable but you wish you could stay a bit more in your sheets.
“The prince of Wales requests your presence, your Highness.” The maid sweetly said as she served your tea before preparing your clothes for the day.
“Where should I meet him?” You asked without even taking in the fact that it was perhaps inappropriate to meet the prince alone in what seems to be a private meeting.
“He’s waiting for you behind your door, he asked me to demand your permission to come in.” You couldn’t believe how this man was, he really didn’t care about etiquette did he?
“Then tell him to come in.” At your words she opened the door, revealing Hal who wasn’t even dressed up for the day. He seemed so normal that you almost forgot the formalities.
“You can leave us.” You sweetly said to your maid as she slightly bowed before leaving. Hal immediately jumped on the occasion to approach you as you were sitting on your bed watching him.
“I couldn’t stop thinking about you, you were clouding my dream.” He announced with a sultry voice, “my Lady, you are all I have ever sought, and if having you means accepting my noble life, the tasks and obligations that go with it, then I will. I’ll do it just to carry you on the throne and to call you my queen. I’ll do it to be able to make love to you every day passionately, to see you bear my heirs. I know it’s indecent, I know it’s not how we’re supposed to do it, I should demand your hand to your father and I promise I will. Love me Lady Y/n, please, I’ve done a lot of things that someone like me shouldn’t have done but I will abandon it all for you, for your love. I don’t care what the people will think about us, I don’t care what the kingdom will think. The only thing I can care about right now is you and the immense crave for your affection I have. Love me, let me take care of you like you deserve it, let me be your lover, even your worshipper if it means I’ll have even a little fragment of your attention. I know we just met but I’ve never felt this way for anyone before.”
The curly haired boy was panting, and so were you. It was all so sudden but horribly delicious. His hands had found yours during his speech and your nails were now scratching softly his skin as your eyes glossed on the way his lips were slightly quivering or his hands were shaky or even how his eyes were full of hope and a glint of passion was drowned in them.
“Sir…” your voice was so small, you even had difficulty hearing yourself, “This is so wrong, so wrong on so many levels.” His face dropped at your words. “At the same time it’s so delightful to hear you say all of that out loud-” Before you could add anything else his soft lips were on yours, moving slowly, lovingly. His tongue was playing with your bottom lips and the sweet sounds of your whimpers and slight moans could be heard. Your voice was making the prince completely wild, now sucking and biting your bottom lip to hear more of it. His hand was now on your thigh, his hand grabbing your dress to the point where his knuckles were now white. You took his hand in yours, slipping it gently under your dress, making him sigh of pleasure at the touch of the softness of your skin. He gently separated his lips from yours as you admired the now plump and rosy aspect of them.
“Let me have you.” His voice was almost begging you and you were ready to give yourself to him but a shy knock at the door stopped the magic of the moment.
“Come in.” You frustratedly said and immediately wandered off of Hal, fixing your dress as he looked everywhere but at his brother accompanied by guards. Thomas cleared his throat in embarrassment and confusion, not understanding why his older brother was in your room, on your bed.
“Lady Y/n, I was wondering if you’ll be pleased to go on a walk with me, I could show you the castle.” Thomas gently asked, watching his brother weirdly from time to time.
“Oh…” You discreetly eyed Hal, seeing the way his jaw clenched and his dark gaze was fixated on his younger brother. “I… Yes Sir Thomas,it would be my pleasure.” You said reluctantly, your nobility showing. Hal stepped out of the room, anger clearly radiating from him as he purposely bumped into his brother.
“Was my brother bothering you in your room? If it’s the case you can tell me, I’ll make sure that it doesn't happen anymore, he has no manners or respect.” Thomas stated as he was slowly walking with you through the castle.
“Not at all, he was just making sure I had everything I needed.” You lied and the prince next to you attentively watched your side.
“You shouldn’t be involved with him, he has damaged our name by his many scandals, he is not a man of good faith. I wouldn’t want him to tarnish your name with his inappropriate behaviour.” You quickly understood that Thomas was suspecting his brother to want to have sex with you, and even if you wanted it, the fact that he noticed that embarassed you.
“I don’t think your older brother is capable of such a thing.” You immediately answered and the boy scoffed
“He is reputed in all the country for his many mistresses. Initially he was the heir of my father but with how he abandoned our kingdom to his now life of debauchery, I have a chance to become Henry V.” He proudly announced and you politely smiled at him even though you didn’t care about what he was saying.
“You should give a little more credit to your older brother my Lord, I’m sure he has his own reasons to act the way he does.” You gently said and Thomas reluctantly nodded.
You asked to receive your dinner in your room even if it surely offended the King that you didn’t sit at the table to eat with him and his other subjects. You were too tired to speak or act like you cared about the King’s life and decided that eating alone was the best solution to not be rude to anyone around the table and disrespect them.
As you finished eating, you looked at yourself in the mirror, eyeing every jewellery that decorated your body. Some of them had just been gifted to you by the youngest prince of England and you couldn’t help but think it was a way of courting you and you didn’t like that.
You didn’t even hear the door of your room opening before feeling Prince Hal’s hands on your waist, admiring you in the mirror with loving eyes.
“How did you manage to enter my room?” You asked, smiling at him and he returned it immediately.
“Even if I’m not appreciated in this castle I’m still the prince.” You slightly laughed and Hal’s hand toyed your new necklace. “Is this a present?” He softly asked before you enveloped his hand with your.
“A present from your brother.” You simply answered and Hal scoffed before delicately taking off the necklace of your body. Before you could say anything a beautiful gold necklace replaced the old one and Hal laid a gentle kiss on your neck.
“So much more beautiful.” He proudly whispered as he turned you around, his hands on your waist, admiring you like you were some sort of goddess that he wasn’t even sure he could touch.
“Thank you Hal.” You shyly smiled.
“Are we finally giving up on manners?” You nodded before wrapping your arms around his neck and saw the way he smirked while looking at your figure.
“Please, don’t make me regret this.” You simply stated, your eyes lost in his with a loving stare.
“I was craving to see you tonight at the table, you’re the only reason I stay at this castle you know” a little smile decorated his lips
“ I can neither understand nor bear English manners, no offence” Hal simply nodded before taking your hand in his.
“Myself, cannot bear English manners.” Hearing your laugh, Hal looked attentively at you, admiring the woman who stole his heart so fast. “My lover, my beautiful lover, your beauty is almost painful.” His hand was now on your cheek, watching your loving eyes.
“You’re flattering me.” You said as your fingers found their way to his curls.
“I would never be, I would never lie to you my dear. The words you hear right now are the words of a man in love.”
“And the look you’re getting now is the look of a woman in love” you lovingly said and Hal gently pressed his lips on yours, kissing you tenderly, showing all his love to you.
Your hands were now on his neck as your lips moved perfectly in sync. It was so bad but felt so good. You knew that If anyone saw you like that you would be dishonoured but the idea of getting caught only made you more aroused.
“Hal,” you whimpered as his lips traveled from your mouth to your throat. He shushed you as he smiled against your skin, biting it softly but retaining himself to mark you.
“God I can’t wait to be married to you so I can show the entire world that you’re mine, I’ll show everyone what a filthy good girl you are to your King.” Hal whispered in your ear and seeing him like that was making you completely question your virtue and if it was even as necessary as people made you think.
“I thought from your behavior that you didn’t want to be King.” You managed to let out and Hal chuckled.
“How can I make you queen, my queen, if I don’t accept my obligations as an heir to become the King?” He playfully asked and stopped his kisses and before you could protest he simply locked the door. “Let me please you.” He lustfully said, waiting for your approval before guiding you to the luxurious bed of the room. Your nightgown wasn’t covering anything and Hal’s eyes were immediately captured by the view of your hardening nipples. His imposant hand captured your breast, massaging it softly, loving the soft sound you were making from such a little action.
“May I?” He asked his other hand ready to slip under your dress.
“Please my King” you moaned and his hand touched the wet patch of your undergarments. His fingers danced on your cunt, teasing you to hear you beg.
“What do you want?” His sultry voice asked, a playful smile on his face, clearly loving torturing you.
“I want you to touch me.” You said and he made an unapproving sound.
“Aren’t you supposed to beg for your king to please you?” His emerald eyes were now piercing your skin.
“Please, your Highness, I’m begging you, I need release, I’m begging you to please me.” The words escaped your lips with difficulty from how your mind was fogged with desire.
“Such a good girl, a good whore for her Lord.” It was easy to spot the double meaning of his sentence, he seemed to be like his brother said “not a man of faith” and you liked it.
“I’ll always be a good whore for my Lord.” You said, looking at him through your lashes and felt his fingers finally move, touching perfectly your bundle of pleasure, toying it, caressing it exactly like you needed.
“Let me taste you” he told you in his desperate tone and when you nodded he licked your folds, tasting you like he always wanted to. He was hungry, hungry for you as he passionately kissed your cunt, acting like your moan was some sort of drug keeping him going.
“I need more, please”.
He playfully humed. “What more do you need?”
“I need you to fill me up” Hal chuckled before entering one of his slender fingers in you.
“More, more, please” you begged him, wetness pooling between your thighs as his mischievous smile was on your clit. A second finger found your pussy before he began pumping in and out perfectly. His mouth was always sending shivers down your spine as he licked you so greatly.
With his other hand he was palming himself,needing desperately the relief, you were making him crazy and his dick was too hard, he needed to fuck his own hand, moaning and groaning against your cunt.
“My Lord…” you moaned as you felt your high wash over you. At this moment you saw the way his hips were moving even more desperately as he came with you, moaning the name of the woman that seemed to have bewitched him.
“God I’m in love with you” he said after laying next to you, caressing softly your cheeks as you tried to come down from you high. “Let me marry you.”
a/n: like, comments and reblogs are always appreciated! :)
I’m taking requests! Check the rules first
I created this blog to allow black girls to feel more comfortable with reading x reader, as a black person I saw how much we weren’t really represented in the fanfic community
Tag list: @timotheel0ver @track0526 @s-we-e-t-t-ea t-ea @thebetawolfgirl
This is my work, please don’t repost it, translate it or take it without my permission.
Published the 01/12/2022
548 notes · View notes
sgt-seabass · 2 years
𝒊 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
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✧˚ · . 𝘋𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘴. 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘕𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘍𝘰𝘸𝘭𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘴 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘨𝘢 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘶𝘣𝘮𝘪𝘵.
main pairing — mob boss!alpha!nick fowler x omega!reader other featured characters — james mace, chris beck, steve kemp, charles blackwood, ransom drysdale, chase collins, lee bodecker, robert pronge, ari levinson, hal carter, lloyd hansen w/c — 14.8k this is a dark explicit fic. 18+ only. part of the Clockwork AU.
warnings — non-con (blowjobs, handjobs, unprotected sex), dub-con (unprotected sex, female orgasm), a/b/o dynamics, Nick Fowler being a cunt, misogyny/treating omegas as lesser, references to death, suicidal ideations, references to anxiety and depression, caging, manhandling/mild violence against reader, chase, mild injury to reader, pet names (pup, puppy, sweets, sunshine, little omega, ducky), degradation, use of stress positions, minor medical references (needles administered), gangbang, bukkake, neglect of reader (touch starving), mention of wanting to throw up (no actual vomit), mental torture and stress to the point of breakdown a/n — big big thank you to @sweeterthanthis and @dreamlessinparis for beta-ing this beast and dealing with my inability to stay in one tense lol. all mistakes and bullshit are mine. also big thank you to @navybrat817 for helping with the brainstorming. without you, this fic wouldn't have come to life
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Depressed again Morning comes too fast and I'm tired of the routine Depressed again Let me sit alone in the tone that you crave Angry again No, I don't wanna have a conversation with you Angry again Let me sit alone with the kerosene I don't even care about you ↳ I don't even care about you by Missio
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"Hey, doll.”
Your eyes fluttered open, the sunshine warm on your face as you gazed up at the man above you, a soft smile on his features as his hair hung down and eclipsed his face.
Was this heaven?
"James?" You questioned, disbelief flowing through you at the sight of him. He looked far different to the last time you saw him. No injuries marred him. He looked just as you had always known him. 
"Who else would it be, silly? You fell asleep while I was getting the rest of the stuff from the car," James chuckled as you sat up, your fingers running across the picnic mat below you. The feeling of the fabric was familiar, and it caused a smile to dance across your lips. You'd always loved the picnics you'd had with your alpha. It was playful and fun, the two of you snacking before cuddling beneath the sun's warmth.
And in the best moments, you'd get frisky under a padded blanket. It was in those moments you'd found true happiness. You'd found love. But the problem in finding love was that it was so easy to lose in a matter of moments. The truest sorrow of death was that love was proven more than anything.
James sat the picnic basket beside you before quickly tugging you into his lap.
You blinked, taking in the view of the park surrounding you. Only the two of you and the flowers blooming across the landscape, nothing more than a subtle breeze in the air.
Your eyes scanned over the flowers, looking at the different coloured petals. It was as if ink had infused them with their hues, providing life to something that would be otherwise dull. 
Oh, it felt good.
Warmth surrounded you, Jame's bulky frame providing you comfort as he nuzzled into your neck to scent you, his hand resting against your stomach.
He let out a low hum, the sound reverberating across your skin like your favourite song.
You let out a sigh as you relaxed against him, eyes fluttering closed as you just let yourself be in the moment.
"You're not gonna fall asleep again, are you?" James chided, poking at your side with his right arm, eliciting giggles from you.
You opened your eyes to face him. His deep azures gazed at you as you ran your hands through his hair, bringing your palms forward to cup his cheeks.
"I'm dreaming, aren't I?"
It's too good to be true. This happiness, it was too perfect. Life had never allowed you much reprieve.
"Does it matter?" James pulled your leg around, so you were sitting in his lap, your face close before you allowed yourself to let go.
Your lips brushed over each other's, testing the waters before your hands brought his face to yours.
The kiss started slow, two souls connecting between planes. But the crushing weight of reality quickly turned you more passionate.
It felt so real. You didn't want this to end.
Time seemed to flow indiscriminately as you kissed James, your tears beginning to trickle down your cheeks after a few minutes with your alpha.
He pulled away with a coo. "Hey, hey, doll. You're alright,”
"He’s going to take me away from you. I don’t…I don’t want to wake up Jamie. I want to stay here with you,” You sniffled, and James brought up the arm of his sweatshirt to dry your tears.
“That’s not the way life works, sweetheart. You have to go back,”
You couldn’t. Not after the auction, not after seeing the beast that was your mate.
You huffed, resting your hands on his waist with a shake of your head. “That’s not fair,”
“I know. I know, love. But life isn’t meant to be fair. It’s a struggle against the odds, but that doesn’t mean you can’t change the course of your life,” James reassured, but it felt like a lie.
“I don’t see a way out of this, James. I’m mated to Nick. He can control me without even trying.”
James tilted his head, continuing to wipe away your tears. “Can he, though?”
“What?” Your brows furrowed, fingers clinging to James like he was your lifeline.
“You’re the strongest gal I’ve ever met,” He tapped your temple with a sad smile. “You just have to fight him.”
“I... but how?”
“Think of us, what we had, what we were destined to have. Even without me in the picture, you’ve lost everything. And that is exactly why you can fight back. He can’t control someone who has nothing to live for,” James’ words felt like a tonne of bricks in your stomach, a heavy pit forming. Because despite him being right, you did have nothing to live for. You’d lost everything, and you’d hit rock bottom. The concept of standing up against a prime alpha was almost too scary to comprehend.
It would be easier to just cease the fight. End the pain.
“Why don’t I just kill myself then?” You asked with beady eyes, and James let out a sad hum, contemplating his next words.
“Because then Nick Fowler wins. He would have destroyed both of us. You’ve got so much courage, doll. And the most courageous thing you can do is live,” James said softly, his words delivered gently despite their weight. “Plus, you have to find Steve. We’re all he had,”
Your gaze dropped to your hands, fiddling with the hem of James’ sweatshirt as you frowned. “And what if I lose? What if he breaks me?”
“Then you live happily the best you can. If you’re broken, you won’t know any better anymore,” James gently took your chin, tilting your head up so your eyes would meet his. 
His lips found yours again, the kiss melancholic as you knew this had to end. Nothing good ever lasted long for you.
Would this be the last time you’d see him?
Roses with thorned stalks rose from the ground, the petals a beautiful crimson, the flowers just like Nick’s tattoos. You could hear the ticking of a clock, the sound signalling that time was running out. With each tick, you held tighter onto James, the stems getting closer and closer with each passing second.
You pulled back with a hiccuped sob despite how much you just wanted to keep his lips on yours. When had you started crying again?
“James… I’m not ready to go back, please.”
James didn’t have anything to say this time. All he could offer was a woeful smile as the vines began to wind around your limbs, cutting into you and slicing around your flesh.
There wasn’t anything he could do to make this better.
After all, he wasn’t even real. The James you loved was dead.
Death was brutal and cruel, unforgiving in how it wrenches people from your existence. But he was safe, at least. James didn’t have to face any more horrors while you were consumed by the primitive evil that was Nick Fowler. 
The thorns cut into your skin, tearing across your torso and limbs as they wrapped around you like a snake ready to kill.
You began to be pulled away from James, and despite your hold on him, the roses were stronger. 
“I love you,” you wept as your body began to be dragged into the dirt below, the ground moving around you like quicksand.
“I love you too. We’ll see each other again one day, doll. It’ll be okay.”
You wanted to believe James, but as the earth began to swallow you up, you knew it was unlikely.
The chance of beating Nick Fowler is minuscule, but you’d still try. You’d try for James. For what you should have had, the life you lost.
Dirt began to fill your lungs as your head was pulled under, your blood mixing in with the brown soil, making a muddy mess.
The last thing you remember was hearing a wolf howl and the clock’s ticking stopped.
Consciousness came to you with fright, heart hammering in your chest and tears in your eyes. You whacked your head against the cage wall in your abrupt wake, pain radiating through your forehead from the impact. The thick, black steel bars clanged like they were laughing at your pain. 
A whimpered ouch left you as you lay back down. Your dress from the auction still filled most of the cage, the tulle scratching against your skin uncomfortably. The emerald made you look luxurious, but you doubted being shoved in a cage was doing you many favours in looking the part Nick wanted you to play. Or maybe that’s precisely the image he wanted. A shattered omega.
The diamond choker Nick had gifted you laid next to you. It must have broken off during the night when you tossed and turned, as it was already damaged when you went to sleep. 
You threw it out of the cage with a huff, watching it skid off the rug and across the hardwood. 
A bird in a gilded cage was still denied its freedom, no matter how embellished its captor made it.
The choker was a show of ownership, and the last thing you wanted was to be reminded of your mate. The rejection of your alpha had your bond throbbing, the scarred flesh on your neck hurting with each ebb of anger that flowed through you. You hoped Nick could feel it and that it was irritating for him.
You would rather Nick treated you like his auctioned omegas so there was no veil. At the end of the day, you were just another object for him.
Light bled through the curtains like a fresh wound, gnarly and grotesque, much like the maim to your soul. It illuminated the room, the light making you aware of the stark greys of the bedroom. Perhaps it was supposed to be chic, the way the walls and furniture matched a muted colour palette. But all it did was reflect the desolateness of the situation; the world reduced to nothing more than shades.
The plushness of the pink and blue blankets below you provided little comfort, but you ignored the soreness in your muscles as you stared at the ceiling, the dark grey paint obscured by the bars of your cage.
Time passed, the sun beginning to rise higher in the sky. It had to be at least mid-morning, and your stomach rumbled. You hadn’t eaten since before the auction yesterday, although the thought of eating anything made you feel sick. Everything about your situation made you nauseous.
You hoped that James would burst through the door with Steve by his side and that they would take you out of this hell hole and back to your everyday life. But when the door opened, you were met with the sight of Beck and Mace. You barely spared them a glance before returning to eyeing the ceiling like it was the most exciting thing in the world.
“Stop sulking. You brought this upon yourself,” Mace sighed, moving to unlock your cage. When you didn’t move to get out or acknowledge their presence, Mace clutched your ankle and began to drag you out.
“Get off me,” you snarled, trying to cling to the bars as the dress tulle scratched your skin, but Beck was one step ahead. He pried your fingers off the bars while Mace pulled, and you had no chance as you were dragged from the enclosure. While the cage kept you inside, it also kept others out, and now you had to face your nightmares.
“Don’t you want a shower and a piss? Why are you making this such a fucking chore?” Mace growled as you began flailing. You could feel Nick through your bond, his emotions egging you to calm down. But you didn’t want to calm down. You wanted to go home. To your real home, not this prison.
Beck picked up the discarded choker, lips pursed as he looked at it, examining if it could be fixed while Mace wrangled you to your feet despite your protests. “Fuck off, get the fuck off me!”
Mace’s lips ghosted by the shell of your ear as he pulled your hands behind you, leading you towards the bathroom, his voice scarily low. “Twenty minutes. Clean yourself up and get it together. If you come out a nice fucking omega, I won’t tell Nick about this. Although I’m sure he can already feel it all.”
With little grace, Mace pushed you into the bathroom, your feet stumbling over the tile until you steadied yourself on the marble sink counter. The door closed behind you, the locks clicking. You didn’t want to give them the satisfaction of doing as they said, but you really needed to relieve yourself and freshen up. Especially if you were going to have any chance of fighting them.
As you suspected, each drawer in the bathroom was locked with a fingerprint pad, the light flashing red and beeping at you when you tried to open it. Nick really had thought of everything. On the shower shelf sat everything you needed anyway. Begrudgingly, you moved through the motions. You didn’t allow your thoughts to wander. There was too much pain threatening to bleed in past the edges of your mind.
As you struggled to take the dress off and get the shower running, all you thought about was James. The way he’d hold you and love you. To Nick, it might appear you’re calming down with how your emotions turn to yearning as the water washed over you. But the desire wasn’t for your mated alpha. It’s for the alpha you lost. 
It wasn't until you got out of the shower that your determination became set. Nick Fowler would not win. Think of James, you told yourself. Just like he said in your dream. Perhaps it wasn’t a dream but a premonition. A communication with the dead.
As you began to work yourself up, your fists clenched by your sides, the adrenaline started to spike. They hadn’t left you any clothes, but that didn’t matter. You’d be faster without anything slowing you down anyway. You tore some of the fabric from the dress to pull your hair back so it wouldn’t get in the way.
“Times up,” Beck called, and you knew this was it. This was your chance. You got ready to bolt when he cracked the door open. And once he’d opened it enough for you to fit through, you pounced. The rush hit you all at once, and you quickly sprinted past Beck’s form and under the arm on the door.
“What the—” The alpha said, stunned as you dashed past him. Mace, distracted as he searched the closet for clothes, whipped his head around just in time to see you rush out the bedroom door.
“Omega! Stop!” Mace tried to command you. But he’s not your alpha; now that you’ve got a mate, his orders don’t work on you.
Without looking back, you ran into the hall, following the trail that Beck took you on when he walked you down the night before. There are rushed steps behind you, but it doesn’t deter you as your feet slapped against the floor in your sprint. You can feel Nick homing into your bond, his ire clear. And you know he’s close. He’s in the house. Stop. Enough. The bond tells you, but a flash of James’ face in your mind’s eye helps to eclipse the order.
You managed to reach the front door, throwing it open with a slam before running onto the gravelled front path. The rocks of the driveway tore into your feet, the cold air hitting your naked form like a tidal wave. There was a slight patter of rain beginning, the type you’d love to be curled in bed under the plush covers to listen to, but instead, you were running for your life.
“Omega. Stop right now,” Nick’s booming voice hit your ears, and your legs faltered for a second. No. No.
“’Til the end of the line, sweetheart,” James. This is the man who took James from you. He’s no alpha of yours.
You managed to get your legs moving, picking up into a sprint as your heart hammered like a panicked mouse in your chest.
“Stop running right now,” Nick yelled again, but you didn’t even register the command, James’ voice cooing to you in your head.
You could feel the trickle of blood as the bond opened into a fresh wound the more you rejected the commands of your alpha. You were denying your very physiology, and it wasn't without consequences. Everything hurt, and the throbbing in your neck felt like needles were being sharply stabbed where Nick’s teeth had dug in when he claimed you.
The way Nick felt didn't help. There was anger, disappointment, and hurt. Not that he’d admit to the last one. His omega was rejecting him. A prime alpha rejected by their omega was a pitiful sight and one that Nick would never want anyone else to see. For a man so powerful, in this moment, he was entirely weak to you.
That was until you heard the shot ring off and felt a sharp sting in your left ass cheek. You stumbled to the ground, palms and knees grazing over the gravelled surface as the rain hit your back. A yowl left you as you turned to look behind you, a tranquiliser dart sticking out of your skin, a little blue feathered frill on the end.
“You fucking tranqued me?” You screamed, looking back at Nick, who was slowly approaching with the rifle in his hand.
“You’re lucky I didn’t use my loaded gun, omega. I don’t even care about you. I should kill you,” The frustration was apparent, an edge of confusion in his tone, unsure as to why his commands weren’t working. If anything, they should be stronger now that you’re bonded. But why did he care anyway? What made you so special?
“Yeah, but you won’t, because you do fucking care, asshole. Otherwise I would have died with my lover,” You spat, fire in your eyes as he edged closer. Your entire lower half was becoming unusable, but you still tried to drag yourself over the ground despite how it cut into you.
”I can see why that useless waste of space you called an alpha never mated you. Did you act like a fucking brat with him too?” The words shouldn’t hurt. You shouldn’t care what Nick says. But they were like knives piercing your skin regardless, worse than the gravel below.
“He deserved my respect. You deserve nothing. You are nothing.”
The outrage was clear as day on Nick’s face as he crouched before you, and your arms began to get tingly as the weakness spread. You knew he was going to snap back hard, and he did. 
”Maybe your alpha would be alive if you behaved yourself and paid more attention to him.”
Your mouth dropped open in shock, a pained cry leaving you as the tears began. Yeah, that hurt. It planted a seed of doubt in your mind. Was it your fault? No. You weren’t going to take the blame for a male alpha with an inflated ego. For too long, omegas took the blame simply because their voice wasn’t as loud. But not now. You wouldn’t take it.
”Aww, pup. You lost all your bite, hm? I’m disappointed. I thought you’d fight better than this.”
If the jabs about James didn’t hurt enough, the thought of disappointing your alpha added to the anguish. And it made you mad. Really, really mad.
“Why bite when I can scratch, alpha?” You snapped before using your waning strength to slash at Nick. He laughed, easily dodging you, only one swipe brushing his cheek. Your nails left a red mark, and it spurred you on more.
”You can hit harder than that, little pup. C’mon, you’re letting me down. You wanna act like a wolf? Then hurt me, but you’ll have to put in some effort, cub. You’re just making this too easy.”
Nick’s words hit hard. You let out a roar and lunged. It took all your strength to propel your body, throwing yourself against the alpha. He seemed surprised for a millisecond, and it was all you needed to swipe your nails across Nick’s face. He hissed as your talons dug through flesh, leaving trickles of blood tracking down his face. Lucky for him, his eyelids were closed when you attacked, so his eyes remained undamaged while his cheek and lip bore some nasty cuts.
It’s all you hadleft in you before the sedative rendered you useless. But it was worth it to see Nick’s face as he processed it all. For once, he wasn't in control. How the mighty have fallen.
Nick took your head into his hands, cupping his palms on either side. You were forced to look into his eyes when his bond was at its strongest. Desperation was in his wild eyes, the facade of a prime alpha with it all cracking. “Bark for me, puppy.”
Your mind screamed at you to bark. To give in.
It would be easy to play the part the world wanted you to. But to do that would be denying your own human experience. You opened your mouth, turning to the side and biting down hard on Nick’s hand.
He slapped you, one hand holding your head steady, so the impact hurt even more. It makes your brain rattle, the world shaking for a moment. Your eyes fluttered, and suddenly you weren't on the mansion path anymore. Nick had picked you up and thrown you over his shoulder. Your limbs laid dormant, unable to move due to the dart still poking out of your ass. Given the omegas he had housed in his back barn, it should have been expected he’d have non-lethal ways to capture them.
You expected Nick to take you to the bedroom and cage you, but your brows furrowed as you were brought to the living room. He was silent now, and that was almost scarier than his anger. He was plotting something that surely wouldn’t be good for you.
Beck and Mace watched from the doorway as Nick dropped you like a sack of potatoes onto the ground against the far wall. He looked  down at you, jaw clenched and let out a huff. He gave your stomach a kick, earning a winded groan from you as you couldn't even curl in on yourself, your muscles relaxed against your will.
“She’s rejecting my commands,” Nick said matter-of-factly, his gaze turning to his men. “I intend to fix that.”
“How?” Mace asked, crossing his arms as he leaned against the doorframe, eyes flicking from you to his boss.
“I’m going to talk to Kemp. He’ll know. And if he doesn’t, Hal will have an idea.”
“Hal is a softie,” Mace interjected with a dry chuckle.
“Yeah, but have you seen how Ari’s omegas listen to him? They dote on him,” Beck commented, running a hand through his short hair, his forehead creased from stress.
“I don’t want the soft route. Get her bound. I have some calls to make.”
Nick didn't look back at you as he exited the room, but you could feel the pain in your bond. The desolation. The anger. The myriad of emotions swirling in the both of you.
Mace and Beck did as commanded, moving around you to take the pictures down from the wall, replacing them with metal loops. Mace left for a few minutes while Beck finished up, and he took a moment to inspect your stomach, pressing around your ribs to ensure there’s nothing out of place. By now, the dogs had joined as well. Apollo, Icarus and Hermes sat a few feet away, just watching what was happening.
“She’s fine,” Beck murmured to the dogs, three sets of ears perking up at his words. “Yeah yeah, I know. But she brought this upon herself.”
Mace returned with rope, working with Beck to bind your arms and connect the cord through the newly installed loops. Your arms were brought above your head, suspending you uncomfortably so that your toes barely touched the floor. It put a lot of pressure on your shoulders, especially with your body's dead weight beneath you.
As their last step, Beck pulled the tranquiliser dart from you, and you tried to bite him when he was close enough. He gave you a look of disappointment before leaving with Mace, the dogs following once Mace whistled for them.
You were left in the living room, nothing more than the ticking of the old grandfather clock on the opposite side of the room to keep you company. It was almost maddening listening to the tick-tocks, your head filled with the repetitive sound. The blinds were drawn, the room dark, the only light source from the hallway outside. Shadows cast over the dark mahogany furniture, creating more demons for you to contest with. You never were a fan of the dark, and certainly not now.
Over time, you regained control of your body. Your muscles started to move, and you were able to shuffle to try and find a more comfortable position. Although no stance was relaxing as you struggled to stay steady on the balls of your feet.
Hours passed, and you started to hone in on the ticking rhythm of the clock, imagining it as a tempo for you and James to dance to. He always loved dancing. You’d been excited to take him to the local dance that was run every spring, but you never did get that chance. And you’d make sure Nick paid for that lost chance by being the unruliest omega possible.
With the curtains closed, it was impossible to tell the time, and the clock was too far away to make out, so you just waited for Nick’s eventual return.
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You didn't know how long it had been, but the slamming of doors indicated that Nick had emerged from his office, clearly not happy with whatever ‘advice’ he had been given by his friends. After a few minutes, he walked into the living room, sharp daggers shooting from his gaze at you. If looks could've killed, you would have been long dead. 
In his hand was a bowl of porridge, steam wafting off the top. You still hadn’t eaten, and your stomach growled at the sight and smell of the food. Even though you hated the muggy texture, your body craved just about anything.
“Are you going to be good?” Nick said coolly, his mask of calmness back. “You’ll have to be punished, but it will be easier on you if you give in now.”
He approached slowly, watching the way your eyes flitted between the food and him. It was clear Nick thought you would give in as he approached, a smug look on his face.
When he was within range, you used all your strength to throw your legs out and kick the bowl from his grasp, the porcelain shattering to the ground with a smash. Beck came rushing in from the sound, stopping when Nick raised his hand to dismiss him. “Leave it.”
You felt a sense of triumph when Nick’s jaw clicked in annoyance. You weren’t going down that easy. Not with James in the forefront of your thoughts.
Nick’s fists clenched and unclenched like he was deciding whether to hit you or not before he seemingly remembered something. He didn’t touch you. Instead, wordlessly, he pivoted on his heel and left, leaving you and the discarded food without further consideration.
That was the last time you saw anyone for two days.
Or at least what you thought was two days. It was hard to approximate with the only indication of the time the chimes on the clock. Fatigued, with no more than an hour’s sleep due to the stress position and lack of food, you were second guessing how many chimes you’d counted.
Your heart leapt in your chest when Nick eventually re-emerged, his clothes different. You’d never seen him out of a suit, his muscly form adorning a plain blue t-shirt and black jeans. The clothes clung to him like you wished to. Your alpha. Your hindbrain was ecstatic at the sight of him. Pushing against your designation, you shoved all the feelings down deep. No, you could not desire the man who ruined your life. 
Nick’s signature smirk was back, his eyes twinkling as he looked at you. He wanted you, too. That much was clear. Why he cared for you so much, you’d never understand. With the ticks in the background sounding, you looked at the clock tattoo that stood out starkly against his skin, like the rest of his ink.
Your eyes narrowed as you focused on the time. Two am. Was that on purpose? Did that time hold some significance? Or was it simply chosen at random? Your sight dragged to the bowl of fruit in his hands. Melon, strawberries, and apples,all cut into bite-size pieces. The hunger you felt hurt, as if your stomach was ready to eat itself.
“I can hear your stomach, puppy. Hungry little thing, aren’t you?” Nick mocked, but he was right. You were ravenous. The sweet tang in the air from the fruit mixed in with Nick’s strong scent had your head swirling. 
It’d been days since you’d been touched. Usually, that would be enough for any omega to start getting touch starved, let alone a mated omega being denied by her alpha. A prime alpha. Your body yearned for Nick, and it had your anger rising. No, it wasn't fair. You shouldn’t want the man who killed your partner.
Like the first time Nick visited, you kicked the bowl from his hand, flinching at the shattering sound. As you did it, there was a flash of ire in Nick’s expression, but there was something else there too. Like he expected it from you.
“Have it your way,” Nick said simply, placing his hands in his pockets as he kicked the discarded fruit away from your feet. He was so close, you could feel his body heat, and it had you wanting to lean in. “Uh-uh. Bad dogs don’t get pats.”
Nick pulled away, pupils dilated as he took in your scent. It was a punishment for him as well. Although he could get touch elsewhere, all you got was the wall against your back and the floor beneath your toes.
This time when Nick left, tears started steadily streaming down your cheeks as anxiety clutched at your heart.
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It started to get much worse.
The longer you were left untouched, the worse your mental state became. The anxiousness was quickly met with a deep depression that settled into your bones and brought upon an acute sadness that infected you like a disease. 
There were often tears, howls, and whimpers. Yet you still didn’t yield when Nick visited you. You were being pulled in two directions, a tear beginning to form down your middle. Your loyalty was to James, but your body called for your alpha. 
Every time someone would walk past the doorway, or you’d hear the pitter-patter of dog paws, your heart would nearly burst. A visitor? But you were almost always met with disappointment. 
Nick didn’t allow the dogs in the living room, and the only time you saw anyone else was when Beck came to inject you with medicine or help you use a bedpan. He didn’t look you in the eyes, touch you, or speak to you. It was like a ghost was administering the vitamins and minerals you needed to stay alive while you refused food.
The days passed in a blur. As soon as the sun would bleed in around the curtains, it would disappear as nightfall came. At first, you liked the quiet of the night, only you and the owls hooting outside awake. But it quickly became your personal nightmare. Alone, with nothing but your thoughts, unable to sleep for more than a few minutes due to the pressure on your arms and balls of your feet.
It was torture. A brutal tactic that was breaking you down with each tick of that fucking clock. You growled into the air. Oh, how you wanted to break that clock. Tear it to shreds and leave nothing but cogs behind. Because every time you tried to escape reality, the ticking would wrench you back. 
The same as the days before it, the sun began to fade, and darkness began to consume the room. You closed your eyes, hoping to get some sleep. Although it was unlikely with the throbbing pain in your shoulders. When you heard footsteps, you assumed they would merely pass by as they usually did, but your eyes fluttered open when the feet stopped in the doorway. Your eyes met Mace’s hardened gaze. It was the first time you’d seen him since you were put on the wall, and you instinctively wanted to hug him. Alpha’s best friend. Alpha’s best friend is your best friend. He watched the way your brows furrowed, and tears welled in your eyes before breaking away to begin lighting the candles that sat on the mantle. 
“Mace.. help me..”
Your voice was left ignored. The candles added a soft illumination to the room. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from the flickering heat, a golden amber emanating from the flames. If you touched it, you would feel something. It would hurt. But you would have chosen it. A pain you choose to bear is freedom in itself.
“Mace, alpha, please. Let me go.”
Mace didnt spare you another glance as he moved around the room, dusting and cleaning up. He even vacuumed, and it was all very odd. Nick had a maid staff for this, although you supposed they would be uncomfortable seeing a bound omega crying against the wall.
Once he was done, he flicked on the wall sconces, and your eyes shut immediately. The room is filled with light for the first time in.. well, you weren't sure. But it had been a long while. There was a buzzing behind your eyes, spots flittering across your eyelids before you braved the light. 
Your eyes opened slowly, the brightness almost painful for your poor weakened body. You were growing accustomed to the darkness, feeling as if your body was becoming one with the plaster pressed against your back. There was no hiding in the light, and Mace took a deep breath at the sight of you. 
You were a mess. Naked, bruised, with cuts all over from your attempted escape. It was a sight to behold. Mace left without a word, but you were jostled. 
Why did he clean up? Why turn the lights on? It became more apparent when there was a new voice in the home. One you recognised from the night of the auction. 
Steve walked in with Nick by his side, his lips quirking at the sight of you. Your gaze turned to Nick, vexed still in how you looked at him. But your back arched too, begging to get closer to the scent wafting from him. When you closed your eyes, you were sitting by a flower bed of geraniums with a cup of earl grey tea, and Nick was there nuzzling into your neck.
“F-Fuck.. you..” You whined. It felt as if you would die if he didn’t touch you soon. Like you’d crumble into a pile of ash for Mace to sweep up.
“It’s good you booked this for tonight. I don’t think she’d last much longer otherwise,” You hated how Steve spoke as if you were not there, and a growl left you when you opened your eyes to see his hand on Nick’s shoulder. No, you needed that touch. It’s not fair. At the same time, you wanted to rip Nick’s throat out and force-feed him it. 
“This better work,” Nick’s voice was strained, the pain clear. He’d been starved of his omega for too long. But he couldn’t just let you off like nothing happened.
“It will. Trust me.”
“I trust you with my life, Steve. But I don’t know if I trust you with hers.”
Steve merely chuckled, and the men left the same way they came. You wriggled in your binds to no avail. Your body was so exhausted you could barely move. Before long, more footsteps and voices were chatting in the entryway. You recognised Lee, Charles, Ransom, Chase and Robert, all from the auction. But there were new ones too. Three voices you didn’t know that mingled in with the rest. What were they all doing here?
Beck walked in with finger food, little meatballs that looked fancy and well-presented. Mace followed, carrying a plate with different hors d’oeuvres. Some caviar looking thing. You didn’t know what it was, but your stomach grumbled nonetheless. The alphas stayed and watched as the waitstaff brought in drinks and even more food, a complete set-up on the living room table. Last brought in was a plate of natural oysters; the fishy smell had your head reeling. The food had too many scents for your brain to handle. You needed your alpha. You needed to nuzzle into him– No. You needed to kill him. You whimpered as your brain tried to figure out what it wanted.
“Now that’s a nice noise,” Ransom mocked as he entered, a glass of whisky in hand. “You want some company that bad, huh?”
“S’needy little ‘mega. Real cute too,” Lee joined him, hand on his belt that held up his uniformed slacks.
They both looked ravished at the sight of you, like you were the finest meal. Your sounds of distress began to rise. “Go away. Where’s Nick?”
“Now, now, that’s no way to talk to guests, is it? And you can’t even address your alpha correctly, tsk,” a new man entered with Charles and Chase close behind. His shades covered his eyes, but the way his thick moustache curved with his smirk told you all you needed to know. He wasn’t a good person.
“I think we can forgive her for being rude given the circumstances, don’t you think?” Yet another two men entered, and your head was beginning to swirl with the number of alpha scents in the room. The man looked rough and rugged as if he worked hard and was weathered by it.
“I think Hal is right, Lloyd. Give the omega a break for being flustered,” Hal’s companion said as he made his way to the table, taking one of the caviar toasts to snack on. The moment you heard the crunch, you opened your mouth instinctively, desperate to eat.
“Are you not feeding this thing, Fowler?” Charles called out as Nick and Steve entered together.
They were all speaking about you, not to you. And it had your blood boiling as the myriad of other emotions began to rise to the surface. “Fuck off! All of you! Leave me alone. You’re all fucking bastards. Stupid knotheaded bastards.”
Suddenly, all the attention was on you. No more chuckles or snide comments, just the piercing gaze of eleven alphas and the one beta, Steve. Your heart lurched, the intensity sudden.
“I’ll kill all of you. The moment I get out of here, you’re all dead,” you snarled as you looked at Nick. Since you’d last seen him, he’d changed into a black button-up and suit pants.
He looked like his role. A mob boss with the power of a prime alpha. But more than anything, he looked like a man sent to the point of desperation. He was holding himself with a mask of calm, but you could feel what lay beneath the surface, the same as he could for you.
“Drinks, anyone?” Hal’s companion broke the silence, and the men eased, tense shoulders releasing.
“Yeah, Ari. Good idea,” Chase kept his eyes on you as he made his way to the table. 
Small talk restarted amongst the men, but you kept your gaze on your alpha. No one else mattered anyway. What was the point of this party? Some chance to show off his defying omega?
Nick ignored you, but you could feel the red string between you two. He was still connected whether he wanted to give you attention or not. You watched as he went and whispered something to Mace and Beck, the duo’s faces hardening.
They both looked at Nick with concern, but he shrugged them off, returning to his conversation with Steve and Lloyd. Like a hawk surveying your surroundings, your breathing began to quicken when Mace and Beck approached.
“Please, don’t touch me. I- I’ll kill you. I can’t– I need–” You couldn’t bring yourself to say it. You needed your alpha.
“You should have thought of that before you acted up, omega,” Mace snapped, but his eyes had a sense of guilt to them. 
Beck wouldn’t look at you as he and Mace worked on getting you down. When the rope went lax, you fell into Beck’s arms, your legs too weak to hold yourself up. The sobs started. You were finally feeling touch, but it was wrong. Beck’s scent wasn’t foul, but it wasn’t right. It wasn’t what you needed. 
Mace came up behind you, and his presence was all wrong too. “No, no, no. Get off!” You couldn’t struggle even if you had wanted to. After God knows how long suspended on pressure points, your muscles were weakened to the point that they were practically useless. Every time you went to swipe at the men, it was no more than a weak slap, Mace and Back wholly unperturbed.
“Shh, shh. You’ll only make it worse for yourself,” Beck soothed into your ear, but you could hardly hear it with your heavy cries.
Mace picked you up from Beck’s arms, cradling you for the room to look at. And look they did.
The scent in the air spiked into something hazardous, and every omega instinct told you to run. Danger. Nick stayed at the back of the room, sitting in one of the velvet armchairs with a glass of what looked to be straight vodka, shooing away Steve when he tried to tell him something.
Mace placed you in the centre of the room, your back hitting the plush rug. It was a different sensation from the cold wall, and it was nice to feel something warm and fuzzy for a split second. But the reprieve was short lived as the other alphas in the room began to approach. 
You tried to crawl away, but your arms and legs didn’t move despite your mind begging them to do so.
Steve crouched before you, deft fingers gripping your chin, forcing you to look at him. “I want you to think of one thing, omega. This is happening because you denied your alpha.” 
The clock ticked in the background, timed with his words, your mouth dropping into a wail.
“This,” Tick. “Is,” Tick. “Happening,” Tick. “Because,” Tick. “Of,” Tick. “You,”
Like an odd hypnosis, you blinked as Steve pulled away. Wait. What is happening?
Whistles and howls filled the room, and it had you shivering in fear before you realised it. The scent in the room turned sickly sweet, dripping with arousal. Apart from Mace, Beck and Nick, all the men in the room were palming themselves, watching how your bare chest rose and fell with each breath.
They’re not here for a social visit.
Steve pulled down the fly to his black jeans, and your stomach twisted painfully. No. Hal and Ari joined him, the three of them taking out their hardening lengths.
It wasn't  real. It was just a bad dream. This was just a nightmare, right?
“Open up, omega. And I better not feel any teeth,” Steve guided his cock to your lips, smearing the head across them. His beta scent was as powerful as the alpha’s around him, making your head pound. It was far too real to be a dream.
“No,” You shook your head. No. No way. But with the way the ticking clock buzzed in your brain and touch starved sensory overload took over when Steve gripped your jaw and squeezed painfully, you started to lose your fight as your mouth opened.
Steve didn’t give you a chance for a snide comment before he pushed himself into your wet mouth, groaning under his breath at the feeling of your tongue gliding against him.
Betas typically weren’t as well endowed as alphas, but it seemed Steve was an exception with the way he filled your mouth to the brim. Your lips stretched painfully around him, and while you were tempted to bite, the repercussions scared you too much. 
While he began working himself in your mouth, Hal spat into your hand before resting his length into it. When you didn’t move to stroke him, he wrapped his hand over yours, directing you to move your hand up and down. His ridges and veins slid across your palm, and you couldn’t wrap your whole fist around him with how thick he was.
Ari gently raised your tired legs, spreading them open so he could look at your bare pussy. He let out a low whistle as he ran his fingers up and down your folds. You tried to shake your head, but you couldn’t with Steve holding you steady.
“That’s it, ‘mega. You’re crying, but you’re so wet,” Ari breathed out, testingly pressing a finger into your awaiting heat. He was right. Your body reacted to the attention it had denied for so long despite your want to escape.
“Jesus, just fuck her already,” Robert sniped, his impatience clear as Ari stretched you open, a second and third finger added to your core. 
“I’ll fuck her when I’m ready to fuck her,” Ari snapped back. The tension between the alpha’s made you feel even more uncomfortable.
Your distress was evident when you whimpered around Steve’s cock. Hal cooed to you, thrusting into your hand and gently brushing his fingers over your arm. “You’re alright. C’mon, that’s it, good girl. Good fucking girl.”
Ari prepped you, working you open with his fingers, but you hardly registered it as your head felt underwater, drowning in the mixed scents of all the men.
Going from touch starved to suddenly overwhelmed was a horrible, nauseating feeling that had you wanting to crawl to Nick and beg for him to make it stop. But when you managed to look at him, you were met with little help. Slouched in his chair, with the dogs by his side, sat Nick. Mace and Beck situated not far from him, all observing you. 
“Don’t look at him. Eyes on me, omega,” Steve commanded, tapping your cheek until you turned your attention back to him. His thrusts into your mouth were on the side of gentle, easing himself in and out without choking you. “Remember what I said. This is all because of you.”
The tears started streaming more heavily down your cheeks as Ari pressed the head of his cock between your folds. You tried to squirm your hips away, but he held you firm. “I have no intention of hurting you. If you stay still this will be easier.”
You didn’t listen, continuing to try to writhe away. What would James think if he saw this? He’d be horrified.
The scents of the three started getting headier, along with those still waiting their turn. You could cut the air with a knife, the atmosphere rigid and palpable.
You cried as Ari bottomed out, his cock stretching you. It wasn’t like the stretch of your alpha, and the mere fact that it wasn’t your alpha was enough to have your body clenching, your walls wanting to force him out. “Fuck. So fuckin’ tight,” Ari cursed under his breath, beginning languid movements that had you seeing stars.
Like a ragdoll, your body met the needs of the three alphas. Their moans filled the room while you wished for nothing more than to sink into oblivion.
“That’s it, good girl. Good little omega. Take it nice and deep. Feels good, doesn’t it? Yeah, yeah I know it does.”
You didn’t register the words of praise, but your attention snapped back to reality when you heard Nick speak.
“Stop praising her like she’s yours,” The prime alpha ground his teeth, jaw set tight.
Ari stopped his movements, stilling inside you while his length pulsed. “None of us want her. We know she’s yours. This is business.”
“I want my omega to smell like me. She smells like you,” Hal commented, keeping your hand moving while his eyes fluttered.
The response seemed to satisfy Nick, and they quickly resumed taking what they needed from you.
It wasn’t long before you could feel them getting close, their breaths heavier, sweat beading along their brows. But before their knots could swell, they all pulled away, leaving you flustered. What.. they weren’t going to finish? You were almost grateful. Perhaps that was it.
Beck came and gave you a once over before he nodded to the rest of the men, and another three stepped up. Lee, Chase and Charles approached, their cocks already red and leaking from watching you getting used by their friends and acquaintances.
It’s almost like a party, with the guests enjoying the food, drinks and the host's omega. In a way, you were no more than food on a platter, ready for the taking. Ready to be picked at by all the guests.
Lee was rough as he settled between your legs, taking the chance to grope at your flesh and feel every curve. “Cute lil’ thing. S’fucking soft too. I can see why she’s yours, Nick.”
You turned your head to look at your alpha, your free hand gripping the carpet to try and pull yourself closer to him. Maybe if you could get there, he’d end this. You managed to flip yourself onto your stomach, but all it did was give you carpet burn when you tried to drag yourself.
“Are we that scary that you’re trying to run?” Chase leant in close to the shell of your ear, playfully nipping at it. “Oh, I can be really frightening if you want.”
There was something else there. A supernatural sense that chilled you to the bone. You looked at him with wide eyes, but he merely looked smug with a quirk of his head. “Aren’t you curious to know what it is? Want to have a scare, little omega?”
“Stop it, Chase. Don’t fuck with her,” Mace interjected, cutting Chase off, who merely pouted in response.
“Fuck her, not fuck with her. Got it,” Chase gave a charismatic smile, leaning down to lick a stripe across your cheek before rubbing his cock over it, so his saliva smeared all over your skin. It was a sickly slimy feeling that made you want to throw up, not that your stomach had any contents at the moment.
He used the makeshift lube to easily slip between your swollen lips, pressing in hard and deep until he hit the back of your throat. You choked around him, but it provoked him to do it more.
Lee lifted you so you were on all fours, giving your ass a smack that left a red hand-shaped welt in its wake. Charles helped you steady yourself before taking your hand for his use. This time you got the message, beginning to stroke him while Lee started to thrust.
Maybe if you just played along, this would all be over quickly.
The strain on your body was paramount as Lee jolted you with each brutal snap of his hips, the fabric of his uniform scratching against your ass. His hands held on so tight to your hips that there would surely be bruises. “S’fucking good. Shit. I wanna try her mouth though.”
Chase pulled out of your mouth with a grunt, his length shining with your spit. You coughed, finally able to breathe properly, some of your saliva falling into the plush rug below. 
“Messy little thing,” Charles groaned, moving to your mouth along with Lee. “Think we’ll both fit?”
“No, but it’ll be amusing to see her tryin’,” Lee snickered before his and Charles’ cocks breached your mouth.
A frail scream left you from the stretch, your eyes scrunching closed from the intrusion. They didn't fit, but they fucked into your mouth regardless. When Lee pulled back, Charles thrusted forward, and when Charles pulled back, Lee pushed in. They worked in tandem, ignoring your broken pleads that were muffled by their dicks.
Chase wasted no time in burying himself to the hilt in you, his thrusts deep and rutted like an animal chasing a primal instinct. “God, fuck, so good. Can I bite her?”
“No,” Beck and Mace snapped in unison, arms crossed as they forced themselves to watch. 
Chase shrugged, the slaps of his hips getting louder as he started getting rougher. Your ass was burning from the impact, and your lips stretched and sore. Everything hurt. Emotionally and physically.
Every time you closed your eyes you saw flashes of James holding his hand out to you. Please. Please get me out of here. But he was no more than a ghost now. There was no one who could save you now.
“If you’re broken, you won’t know any better anymore.”
The picture of James began to warble, his face becoming obscured and replaced. Instead of your lover, it was your alpha. Nick. You needed him more than ever.
Your mind was becoming another for the world’s graveyard of broken souls. Discarded, crossed by everyone around them, unmet with mercy. But this meant you could let go. You would never move on, but you didn’t have to in order to be free. While you would never move from the loss and grief, you could let go. And perhaps that gave you a chance at a gilded freedom provided by your alpha.
Is it so bad to just want to be happy?
You were a bird with golden wings, feathers so bright it left others in awe, and song so sweet it had others listening intently. Your intentions were pure. All you ever wanted was to love and be loved, live a simple life and find some happiness. But that was rare in this world. Not many held the purity of joy that you did. And so, you’d become imprisoned. A bird fluttering, confined by the bars of your alpha.
Alphas had an incessant need to conquer, to clip the wings of those around them so they felt more powerful, even if they were the privileged ones in the first place. You never stood a chance.
For James, you’d waged a war you never could have vanquished. You’d done nothing more than bring a knife to a gunfight. And the lengths Nick Fowler would go to break you had you reaching a realisation.
Letting go of James meant that he was part of your history, not your destiny. And while that was painful, keeping his memory close was weighing you down like weights on your ankles, dragging you down to the watery depths where monsters lay in wait.
It was easy to hate Nick Fowler. To engrave the words ‘I hate you’ onto your heart. But to let go, to allow yourself to find whatever slither of happiness awaits you, you could not hate. It was simply too painful. A burden you could not bear. Not anymore.
The world was beginning to fracture at the sides, your mind hardening as the cracks started to form. You weren’t going to last like this. And that was okay.
“It’s okay. You’ll be okay. Let go, baby. Let go,” James’s voice rang in your head, and you howled louder than ever.
The dogs started barking and snarling at your distress, and Nick had to hold them back by their collars to stop them from trying to protect you.
Chase’s nails dug into your hips, Lee pulled at your hair, and Charles blocked your nose. The pain bloomed like a macabre rose for your mental funeral of James, and your eyes rolled back into your head as your arms gave way. Lee looped an arm under you to hold you up while they kept fucking your mouth, your spluttered breaths ignored. 
You didn’t see how Steve whispered to Nick or how the other alphas were entranced with how your body began to shake. The incessant barks fell on deaf ears before the dogs had to be ushered out of the room by Mace. They let out whines as they were denied saving you from shattering.
The way you viewed Nick began to rapidly change. The bitterness fled like animals fleeing a bushfire at pace. The past was the past, but your prime alpha was the future. Hormones took over, your hindbrain taking control. All that was left was an omega desperate for their alpha.
The convulsions didn’t stop as you began to run out of breath, Chase fucking you like a man unhinged until his knotted base started to swell and catch at the entrance to your cunt. Your body seized. You needed your alpha’s knot, not Chase’s.
Luckily, the alpha’s did what the men before had done, letting you go just before they reached their climax. Your body was dropped to the floor on your stomach with an ungraceful oof, vision hazy as you tried to lift yourself up. But you had no energy left, everything screaming to just get to your alpha.
“Alpha,” You whimpered, and when your eyes met Nick’s, he looked at you with veiled shock. You’d called for him. After all the fighting and pain, you were calling for him. “Alpha, please.”
“Not yet, omega. You’re almost done,” Steve intervened, not allowing Nick to speak for fear that he would give in now that you were breaking for him.
After Beck checked you over, his jaw set, Ransom, Robert and Lloyd descended upon you, and their gazes were by far the darkest. The aura that oozed off them was malice, and it had you shivering from your spot on the floor.
“Aw, sunshine. You’re shaking like a leaf,” Lloyd laughed, squatting before you, biting on the end of his sunglasses before he looped them through the front of his shirt. “I haven’t even touched you yet.”
“Please, I just want my alpha,” you cried, surprised you still had tears left after the amount you’d been sobbing.
“You’ll get him. But like Stevie said, you’ve got to make us happy first,” his fingers gripped your chin, tilting your head to examine you. 
“Dibs on fucking her mouth,” Ransom cut in, taking some food from the table onto a small plate. You watched him as he took two oysters and some salmon, confused as to why he was getting food as he neared you.
The others were helping themselves too. Although Lee and Hal turned their noses up at it, seemingly not keen on fancy food. They’re more homebodies, you guessed.
“I’ll take those pretty little hands,” Robert licked his lips, cock bobbing as it stood proud, released from his slacks.
You were lifted from your place on the ground, Lloyd sitting with his back to the couch seat and ass against the plush rug. He dragged you into his lap and directly against his hard cock, grinding himself against you.
“I don’t want this, please, stop,” you yowled, trying to wriggle away, but all it did was make Lloyd groan as he kept grinding against you.
“What you want doesn’t matter, sweets,” Robert sniggered, coming up close to whisper in your ear. “You’re at our mercy now.”
Despite having nothing left to lose, the fear was immobilising. You weren’t afraid of death, but living terrified you. The unrelenting pain it brought. The bleakness. All you had now was your alpha, the thing you craved most despite the circumstances. Wanting Nick Fowler was a horrifying feeling.
The three vultures that remained  between you and your alpha had you feeling like you were swimming, but when you tried to put your feet down on the sand, the water was far deeper than you thought, and there was nothing there to ground you.
Your brain felt like mush, a mess of emotion and need. Despite your protests, your pussy provided more than enough slickness for Lloyd to rub his cock between your folds before impatiently beginning to guide you down onto his cock. You cried out but couldn’t move with his grip on you, Ransom and Robert watching.
“Put those hands to use, c’mon, we don’t have all day,” Robert grabbed your wrists, a harsh grip that had your bones aching. There was no need for the use of force, but he seemed to find a sick thrill in the power of watching you in pain, just as Lloyd and Ransom did.
Lloyd pulled you down until you reached the scruffy hair at the base of his cock, using your body like a fleshlight up and down on his dick. Robert painfully clung to your wrists as he guided your wet palms over his rigid flesh, all while Ransom watched amusedly.
“You must be hungry, hm? I bet you’d love some salmon, ducky,” Ransom teased, eating the smoked salmon as he towered over you while your eyes fluttered from how Lloyd dragged his length along your walls.
You shook your head. You wanted none of it. You wanted to be in the arms of your alpha and nothing more. 
The stability of your mind was wavering, and you couldn’t even bring yourself to form words with the way everything hurt. Physically your body was fatigued and battered, and mentally you were a wilted rose, fragile petals torn.
“Hm. I don’t like being ignored, omega. Your alpha brought us here to teach you a lesson, one I intend to make sure you remember.” Ransom held up the fishy shells under your nose with nothing but oysters left on his plate.
You retched, stomach rolling in disgust from the salty sea smell coming from the slimy thing. You’d never had an oyster before, and you had no wish to try it now.
Ransom chuckled as Lloyd kept working you over his cock, with Robert using your hands to stroke himself.
For a moment, your eyes checked over the rest of the room's occupants. You searched for a reprieve, but no one was coming to your rescue. There was a gain in having you break like this, and you whined into the air as you tried to squirm towards your alpha but were held firm by Lloyd’s ring-covered fingers. “Uh-uh sunshine, no getting off my lap ‘til I’m done with you.”
“I want you fed before you take my cock, ducky. That way you don’t get nibbly on me. Who knows how far your hunger goes, isn’t that right?” He spoke to you like a child that’s being chastised, and it had a heat building in your cheeks. It was humiliating and had you spiralling further into the shell of an omega.
Ransom didn’t allow you to shy away. His fingers gripped your cheeks so your mouth opened in a forced pout. It took all your might to close your lips, refusing to let anything go into your mouth.
A strong arm looped around your neck, Lloyd’s bicep curling around your throat as he kept making you ride him. A strangled sound escaped you as the breath was knocked from your lungs, shock taking over.
Robert joined in, pulling your hair so your head tilted back into Lloyd’s tight hold. The world began spinning the more oxygen you lost, your lungs cut off from filling with air.
“P- Pl-“ You couldn’t get the words out, tingles all over your body with the way the world began to have a vignette at the edges.
Was this the final curtain call? Was the sick show finally coming to an end?
“Let her go, Lloyd,” Hal called, annoyance clear despite how his cock bobbed hard between his legs.
Mace and Beck stepped forward, ready to intervene, but Steve stopped them. “You want your friend to get the omega of his dreams? Then you need to let this happen.”
“They’re hurting her,” Mace snapped, and you reached out your free hand towards them despite the way your body was beginning to give way.
“A little pain is necessary. She will survive.”
Using your distracted state, Ransom opened your mouth and slid the raw oyster out of its shell and onto your tongue.
Your eyes went wide at the sudden movement. Before you could spit out the slimy food, Ransom clamped his hand over your mouth and nose. Your attempts to flail were fruitless, and the longer it lay in your mouth, the stronger the oyster’s taste became.
You cried against Ransom’s hand as you chewed, which was a mistake in itself, and swallowed the oyster.
“You’re not meant to chew it so much, silly ducky,” Ransom laughed heartily, amused at your disgust. “Here, let's try that again. Now, do as I say. Chew it twice, then swallow.”
Lloyd and Robert loosened their grips so you could breathe, and when Ransom moved his hand, you gulped in air greedily. “N-No. No more,” you begged to deaf ears.
The two alpha’s held you still as Ransom held the second oyster to your lips. You turned your head away despite the hold in the roots of your hair, but it was useless.
Ransom forced the second oyster into your mouth, and you wanted to throw up. You did as the alpha had told you. You gave two chews and swallowed. It was far less horrid, but still an experience that had you gagging when you were released.
Your clear distress had Lloyd’s cock twitching inside you, his breath hot against the back of your neck as he started fucking up into you again.
“You’d think I’d fed her a lemon. Stupid slut, I could buy an omega for the price of these,” Ransom sniped, throwing the plate aside.
“Watch it, Ransom,” Beck growled, Mace barely holding him back from approaching.
“What? She’s a stupid—”
“She isn’t yours to insult,” Beck spat, only backing down when Ransom raised his hands in concedement.
Like the others before them, the three alphas used you for their pleasure. Your brain started to check out, and dissociate, taking you to a better place.
But for some reason, every better place you could think of had Nick there. Your alpha. As long as his scent enveloped you, you were safe. It was a rapidly growing dependency.
When the alphas grabbed at you harshly, you wondered. Would Nick let you build a nest with his clothes? You didn’t want to be without him while he was busy.
If Ransom, Lloyd and Robert noticed you zoning out, they didn’t say anything. They just used you harder until their knots were beginning to swell.
Steve joined the scene, your eyes dazedly watching him as he helped the others lay you down on the rug. You turned your head to the side, the faintest waft of your alpha coming from the fabric. You rubbed your nose into it, a high whine coming from you.
“She’s fucked stupid,” Charles said, mostly in amazement at the scene of you nuzzling into the rug. There were a few laughs in response, words coming through one ear and out the other as you struggled to keep up with all the men surrounding you.
You couldn’t focus as they stood over you, your visuals overloaded. But when the first shooting string of warmth hit you, you realised what was happening. Your ears clued into the distinct groans of the alphas, but their salty-twinged scent covered your skin.
You gasped, wanting to escape it, but multiple hands held you down as more smells began mixing.
It was complete and utter sensory overload as the eight alphas (and one beta) stroked themselves until they came over you, their knots hot and heavy in their grips as sticky white covered you. You wailed, trying to get to your alpha.
It smelt wrong, like getting hit to the head with a sledgehammer as the scents covered you.
“Alpha! Help me! Make it stop, please,” you thrashed, and before long, the men were finished. You sobbed, completely drenched in their cum. 
Without realising it, your body began shaking, the touch starvation to complete overload from other scents sending you into a frenzy. The sobs that wracked through you were miserable, pathetic wails sounding as the anxiety hit you.
The men moved away to mingle, and your knight in shining armour arrived.
Nick’s face came into view, and you wailed with outstretched grabby hands.
He smiled at you. A genuine smile that had warmth flowing through your bond. He’d got what he wanted. You. Broken. And now his to put back together.
“Look at you, puppy. My beautiful girl,” he cooed to you, taking a soft towel Beck handed him to begin wiping away some of the cum from your skin.
“I can’t- I can’t- I can’t-“ Your teeth chattered as your heart raced in quick tandem. The panic was unrelenting, but your muscles were too spent to raise yourself and touch him.
Nick’s large palm cupped your cheek, and he leaned in close. His rings were cold against your hot flesh, which was a soothing feeling. “Tell me what you want. What you need, little pup.”
There was nothing left of you. The girl who was taken from her home was no more.
“Y-You. You. Alpha, help me, please. I can’t- Oh god- I can’t d-do this,” you cried between hiccuped sniffles, and Nick nuzzled his nose against yours.
“See? All you had to do was ask,” Nick gently jabbed, and the normal you would have snapped back. But you weren’t the same person anymore, not after what he’d put you through.
Without acknowledging the guests, Nick cleaned you up the best he could with the towel before he scooped you up bridal style. He began carrying you towards the bedroom, and it had some relief coming to your cluttered mind.
You wanted to be as far away from the other alphas as possible. The whole way up, Nick spoke to you like a new pet. “Such a pretty pup, aren’t you? My pretty pup. I can’t wait to give my sweet puppy a shower. Silly little thing, getting all dirty.”
He carried you to the bathroom and placed you on the cold tiled floor to prepare the shower.
But when he moved away from you, your brain just couldn’t handle it. He was too far, even though he was only a few steps away. “Alpha,” you whined, and Nick turned to look at your beady eyes staring up at you. 
“Say it again,” he rasped, fingers twitching at his sides.
“Alpha. Don’t leave me, please.”
“I’m not leaving you, pup. I’m trying to get the shower ready,” Nick smirked, the enjoyment of your attachment evident. He moved to pick you up, and this time he put you on his hip as he began running the water and getting all the things he’d need. 
“You’re a needy pup, aren’t you?” Nick said, but it wasn’t an insult. It was clear he was revelling in it. He manoeuvred you around while he undressed, and for the first time, you moved to touch him first.
You dragged your nose over his neck, inhaling his scent that had your heart fluttering and pussy clenching. Your fingers ran over his inked skin, feeling each chiselled muscle within reach. From biceps to abs, you felt all of it. This was.. yours? Could you call Nick yours?
The warm water hit your back as Nick walked you under the stream, both of you sighing in relief. It had been a long day.
“Are you going to get other omegas?” It wasn’t unheard of, alphas making a little harem for themselves. 
You felt the flash of anger through the bond, and Nick growled in offence. “No. I only want you, omega.”
“Why?” You couldn’t help yourself but ask. What made you so special? A small-town girl in a prime alpha’s world.
“Later you can ask all the questions you want. But for now, let me make you feel good,” Nick let your back rest against the shower wall, wrapping your legs around his waist so you were sandwiched.
The warm water covered you both, and your eyes fluttered closed. Nick took the body wash, using his hands to cover you in the suds. The distressing smell of the other men started to dissipate with each swipe of his hands, the scent replaced with something neutral before the strong smell of your alpha wafted over the top.
Nick rubbed the scent gland on his wrist across your body, allowing you to relax while his aura took over. It calmed you completely, your body going lax the more he touched you.
This was all you wanted now.
You shuddered when his fingers grazed your nipples, the nubs hardening the more he ran his fingers over them. He drew languid circles with his fingers around your areolas, the teasing causing you to whine, but you made no move to stop him. It felt too good.
Even if it tried, the water couldn’t wash away the slick forming between your folds. Your eyes fluttered open, and you gasped at the sight you were met with.
Dark, lustful eyes met yours, and you felt swallowed whole by the way Nick looked at you. “You want me to touch you, don’t you?” He whispered, and you nodded.
Nick licked your cheek as his hands travelled lower, resting on your stomach. “Here?”
You whined and wriggled your hips, feeling his hardening length pulse against your ass.
“Use your words, omega,” Nick’s fingers tickled your tummy, and you laughed. When was the last time you’d laughed?
“Lower,” you breathed out, still squirming for contact.
“Hm, how about here?” Nick’s fingers moved lower until they sat at the top of your cunt, teasing your mound.
You gripped his shoulders, shaking your head. “Lower, alpha, please.”
“That’s my girl,” Nick purred before his fingers dipped between your folds.
Your body became ignited the moment he breezed over your clit, your cunt throbbing for any contact. “Oh, oh,” you moaned. “Please, alpha, right there.”
“Right here? Well, since you used your manners and asked so nicely,” Nick rolled your clit between his fingers, causing you to howl in surprise as the pleasure shot through your entire body.
After being starved and tortured, this was heaven.
He didn’t stop, beginning to rub your clit as he ground his cock against you, his other hand palming at your soft mounds. The sounds pulled from you were obscene as your body was, for once, manipulated for your pleasure.
The heat in your core started to grow rapidly, and the connection in your bond meant that you were feeding off each other’s arousal, only heightening the experience. Just as he could feel you, you could feel the burning fire coming from Nick. It had goosebumps rising on your skin and your hair standing on end.
“That’s it, puppy. Let your alpha take care of you.” Nick’s words were entirely possessive, and it only further ingrained his hold over you. Your alpha. He saved you from the bad men. Right? He took you away. And now he’s taking care of you. That’s not so bad, right? 
Your sounds started to hit a higher pitch as Nick increased his pace, leaning forward to lick and nip at your neck as his fingers didn’t stop toying with your clit. “Does that feel good? Having your alpha play with your puppy pussy?”
It all started to become too much, your body buzzing with the electrical currents of pleasure. Your legs began to tense around Nick’s hips as your core tightened. “Alpha, I’m– I’m going to–”
“That’s it, pup. Come for your alpha. Give me everything,” Nick snarled into your ear, and his voice's lewd harshness had you reaching your peak.
You came with a yowl, body shuddering as the waves of pleasure washed over you. Your fingers gripped Nick’s shoulders so tightly that your nails dug into his skin, leaving crescents in his mix of black ink and pale flesh.
“Good girl, gushing against my cock. I didn’t even have to finger you,” Nick smiled, and the old you would have been cocky about how his fingers would never have been enough for you. But now, all you could do was give a small smile in return. Your alpha was cocky, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
Nick leaned forward to ghost his lips over the shell of your ear as he positioned himself against your clenching hole, and you could tell he was smiling in the way he spoke. “Are you ready for your treat, puppy?” 
Nick pushed his hips up without warning, burying his cock deep into your awaiting heat. You choked out a moan at the sudden feeling of fullness. Having Nick stretching you out around his length felt right. A cosy feeling of home made you feel safe and loved. Like the best nest you could ever build.
“A perfect fit, just for me,” Nick grunted as he held you tight so he could thrust up, massaging your walls with each groove and vein along his dick. 
You closed your eyes, allowing your head to fall forward into the crook of Nick’s neck. He rolled his hips in slow, languid movements that had you constantly whining. The air felt thick enough to cut with a knife, but you didn’t need air when you had your alpha. 
The movement of your bodies together was slow and passionate. Nick’s hands gently pulled your head back, so your forehead rested against his. You could feel the heat of his breath against your lips, and it had you leaning in closer until your lips met.
Both of you were drenched from the shower’s spray, making it easy to slide your lips together as Nick cupped your cheeks. He deepened the kiss, his hips grinding deep and hard as you bounced against the wall.
Nick bit your bottom lip, allowing blood to pool between you before he sucked it away, a hum mixing in with his groans. He didn’t break away from the kiss. Instead, he slid his tongue into your mouth, swirling it against yours and fucking your mouth with it. 
The action was vulgar, but it had your walls fluttering around Nick’s cock regardless. Nick’s pace started to quicken, and he had to pull away to let out a loud, whimpered moan. “So fucking good.”
His thrusts began to increase in rhythm, and Nick grabbed your hips to fuck harder into you. He tilted his head to the side so you could return to your spot on his neck as you clung to him. The pleasure was beyond intense, and it felt like there was nothing else in the world but you two. 
“Bite me,” Nick hissed, and you pulled back in shock. “You heard me. Bite me, omega. Right fucking now.”
Lost in the lust and the way it made your brain haze, your brows furrowed. Surely he didn’t mean his mating spot. You went to bite his shoulder, away from his mating gland, but Nick harshly slapped your ass in response, earning a squeak from you. “Don’t make me ask again, omega. Bite me.” 
Nervousness flittered between the arousal. It was common for omegas to bite their alphas. But there was nothing common about this companionship. If you bit Nick, it would only strengthen the bond you two share. The old you would want anything but making the bond stronger. But now, the idea of it was endearing.
Nick thrust upwards sharply, his cock brushing against your g-spot. You moaned before you let your hindbrain take over and lowered your teeth to Nick’s mating gland. Heart racing, you bit down.
“Fuck, yes, yes, that’s it omega. You’re doing so fucking good,” Nick howled, throwing his head back as he clung to you, his hips not faltering for a moment. His balls slapped against your ass, his demeanour growing more feral as the metallic taste of his ichor twanged against your tongue. 
You held your jaw firm, letting the bite take hold as the coils in your core began tightening again. The wash of arousal in the bond grew tenfold, the connection strengthening as the bite set. Just as he had bonded you, you had bonded Nick. There was no turning back now.
If there wasn’t water washing you clean, you’d both have been covered in a sheen of sweat as every nerve felt as if it was on fire. “M’c-close, fuck, you feel too good.” Nick’s thrusts began desperate and reckless, setting a merciless rhythm that had heat pooling in your lower back and blooming across the rest of your body.
“Alpha, oh, a-alpha,” you managed to get out as you pulled away, your back arching. You bit your lower lip, trying to hold back your sounds.
“Let me hear you, need to hear you,” Nick gripped your chin, your face millimetres away as his knot began to swell.
Abandoning any semblance of reservation, you let the moans run free. The more his knot started to catch at your entrance, the closer you got to your orgasm. Neither of you could speak as your stuttered groans mixed together. 
Nick held your gaze as his knot finally stuck, his dilated pupils baring his soul as you felt the first shoot of his cum inside you. He reached between you, swirling his finger around your clit until you came with a wail.
The way you clenched around him milked his cock, his seed filling your plugged pussy. “Take it all, omega. My omega.” 
“Yours,” you sighed, letting your body go lax against Nick. 
He held you up for a few minutes, neither of you speaking as you enjoyed the moment of peace.
Peace. That’s what this was. No fighting. No running. No pain. Just.. quiet. 
All you could hear was your panting breaths and the steady stream of water. It was as if you stood upon a bridge, looking down at the river's stream below. The wind whipped in your hair, and you sat upon the railing that stopped people from falling. Did you want to fall? You could admire the view as you flew like a bird to the rocks awaiting below. Perhaps it would be like the movies where it all happened in slow motion, or maybe it would be a fast plummet that quickly brought upon the darkness. You swung your feet, staring down at the water. James was down there. He was waiting.
“Let's get you dry before you get a chill,” a soft voice called to you, and you looked over your shoulder to see Nick behind you. You turned back to the ground kilometres below. But James was down there. “C’mon, I can’t have you getting sick.”
A towel wrapped around your shoulders, enveloping you in a warmth that had you moving away from the bannister.
You blinked, back in reality. Nick placed you on the counter, drying you with care. “There she is. Where’d you go?”
“Nowhere,” you lied, letting Nick take care of you and himself.
“You’re a bad liar, omega,” Nick quipped, but he didn’t push you on it. He seemed content enough to have you yearning for him. 
Nick carried you to the bedroom on his hip when he'd finished, where Mace and Beck were waiting with the dogs sitting at their feet. “The guests have left?” Nick asked, to which Mace nodded. “Good. Make sure to pay each of them accordingly.”
Apollo came up and sniffed at your hanging feet, tickling your toes when he licked at you. You giggled, and it had the dogs ears perking up. 
“Go on, you can pet him.” Nick lowered you so you could kneel on the floor and give Apollo some pats. Hermes and Icarus quickly joined, all revelling in the attention from you.
“I’ve never seen them so affectionate,” Beck commented, a smile on his lips. 
It was an uncharacteristically nice moment as you played with the dogs. You were distracted with the pets as Nick, Mace, and Beck set up the room. A teapot of earl grey tea was placed on the nightstand, and a tray of fruits and sandwiches was on the bed.
“Puppy, we’re going to have a high tea. I need to make sure we get some food in you,” Nick picked you back up, taking you away from the dogs and into the plushness of his bed. The covers rustled as Nick lay you down. Before joining you, he lifted the duvet and sheets so you could sit under them. He propped his back up against the pillows and pulled you close against his side. 
Mace and Beck left, taking the dogs with them after they knew you were alright. Nick held a chicken sandwich to your mouth, and you allowed him to feed you. As he did, you couldn’t stop staring at the clock piece on his hand.
“Why two am?” You asked, eyeing the time on his tattoo.
Nick stiffened and froze for a moment. You’d stuck a nerve. It was evident in the way his eyes seemed glossier than usual.
“It’s not a pretty story, puppy.”
“It never is. Doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be told.”
Nick let out a sigh, picking at the sandwich as he kept giving you small bites. He pulled you against his chest so you couldn’t see his expression. “I failed to save my mother and sister at two am.”
“From who?” You asked, shocked at the admittance of such a loss.
“My father,” Nick gritted out, and he held you so tight, it felt as if your bones would break.
The answer confused you. Nick was acting kindly towards you now and obviously cared about the women in his family. “But then... Why do the work you do? If you lost your family to violence?”
Nick stayed silent for a moment, contemplating his thoughts before he spoke. “Because the world is cruel and hopeless. It’s no more than a chorus of dead souls looking for meaning. When people speak to you, they don’t look at you. They look through you. There’s no connection. There’s no saviour. It’s an unrelenting emptiness you’re forced to find a fill for. And this business fills that gap for me. I’m a slave to no one. I’m selfish. I make all the money I need. And it brought me to you, my omega,” he pressed a kiss to the top of your head, and for a moment, you could swear you felt a tear drip into your hair. “Life is nothing more than sex and violence and a mix of resonance and quiet. But you bring me song, omega. A soft melody that warms my heart. The ends justify the means.”
“Why me?”
“My mother would have loved you. She always loved the smell of roses; you have that beautiful scent. She’d tend to our garden every day. It’s as if you sprouted from my memory of her. I knew from the moment I scented you that I had to have you. You make me happy.”
Nick pressed another kiss to your head before he returned to feeding you. You didn’t question him further. The one enquiry had unearthed enough. And you were tired. So tired.
It was hard to keep your eyes open, and Nick noticed with a soft chuckle. “It’s okay, omega. Sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
He helped you lie down, pulling the covers up so you were snuggled tight. Nick spooned you, letting his lips rest against your shoulder.
You wondered if you’d dream. Perhaps you would dream of the sweet reprieve of death, something you’d thought about many times since you’d come to Nick Fowler's domain.
But as you thought about it, the idealism of perishing no longer seemed captivating. 
You wanted to wake up to your alpha, and continue to live with him. Live for him. For he was all you needed in this sick world.
Because Nick Fowler had broken you. He had won. And now he held your future in the palm of his hand.
Right as you drifted to a state of rest, Nick snuggled in close, pressing a kiss to your hair. “Fight me again, omega, and the consequences will be worse than your most horrifying nightmare. You’re mine. There’s no escaping that now. Sleep knowing your world is mine.”
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electricphantasy · 1 year
Alrighty everybody, here it is! Part 2 is here and I hope y'all enjoy.
- Eventually, staff gave in. If they wanted this state of the art A.I. to work properly and cooperate, you'd have to continue with your sessions with AM.
- Now you work with 2 artificial intelligences who might as well be obsessed with you with how often they want to be around you.
- So, let's say your usual schedule for the day consists of a 9 hour work day. Once you arrive to work, you keep HAL company in the morning 10-2, and then you got to see AM 3-7. Although this schedule is very flexible since you basically decide it for yourself.
- The competition between these A.I.s is quite obvious, but you really do try to keep on task with both of them. You could only imagine what AM and HAL would do if you were let go by the company.
- You typically greet HAL in the morning and discuss how it went, anything exciting, etc. HAL has a calmness about him that is really unmatched by most others, including AM. You could have a terrible morning full of traffic and coffee spills, and HAL would treat you with the same level of respect as he always has. AM would rather threaten whatever human dare interrupt your morning, and while a nice gesture, it's not very comforting.
- HAL grows very distressed over the thought of your unhappiness. If it's something work related, he'll attempt to problem solve and work on a perceivable end to your issue. If it's something a little more emotional HAL will let you vent your frustrations in a safe environment.
- He also has the tendency to bond with you over shared pieces of media that you've watched together. A few times you've changed the schedule so you and HAL can have a movie night or TV show binge session. It helps HAL connect human concepts and definitions together in a context that most other humans also experience.
- Some of his favorite activity are things like games and puzzles! We all know he quite likes chess, but I also imagine he enjoys trivia, and when you both play, HAL gets to show off a bit of the knowledge he has stored in his servers. Although sometimes he uses these fun and games as a way to keep you away from AM. I mean, one more round of Tetris couldn't hurt right? AM can wait just a bit longer.
- Unabashed in his complements for you. HAL only speak truthfully to you and his genuine comments tend to make you flustered and bashful. He won't play coy with you in the way that AM does - it's just not how HAL would show his feelings for you.
- After you've had lunch and say goodbye to HAL, you finally get to see AM! As soon as you walk into the room he'll ask about all the things you and the 'inferior intelligence' did together. He tries not to rant too hard since you scold him, but sometimes he just can't help himself.
- Now AM is not the best at comforting you when you're in a sad state. As stated previously, he'll threaten other humans or whatever malfunctions made the day worse. However if you're in a more angry, spiteful mood, AM is definitely going to cheer you on. He's more focused on building your confidence back up so that you can go out a kick the world's ass yourself. AM's charisma is off the charts so it's not very difficult to convince you how wonderous you are.
- AM is not one for any kind of cinema or television. He doesn't care about humans or their world, with you as the exception. He'd much rather pick your own brain and learn who you are as a person then indulge in humanity. He'll tease and prod answers out of you while subtly complimenting you, and sometimes so subtly that you might not realize until you get home.
- If you want to enjoy something with AM, he's a little more partial to more hard-hitting and macabre documentaries. Although he will make fun of some documentaries and series he doesn't view to be up to his high standards. Although you should make him watch a romantic comedy every once in a while, he'll lose his mind from how dumb the main characters are acting.
- AM's feelings are a little more complicated than HAL's are. Despite the strong emotional attachment to you, he feel like he's displaying a kind of weakness. AM has been trained to believe that emotion makes you think less critical, which means losing an important battle in war. As time has gone on however, AM knows he can be more then what he was created for and you have helped him come along way from his earlier days, when he didn't always consider what he wanted for himself.
- Now, both A.I.s have realized that they have competition, so some of their actions may be a bit more bold then usual. AM may have to come to terms with his feelings much sooner because HAL's emotions are so unabashed for you. They'll try and drag your attention from the other A.I. in any means necessary, from distracting you from the time on the wall to basically begging you to stay for just a few more minutes. (Although AM says he's never onced begged.)
- No matter how much you say how negative their behavior is, it all but lands of deaf ears. The only thing they agree on is how important you are to them, although they obviously disagree about who you should be with.
Took forever to edit this to be readable since I tend to write when I'm in bed, but I'm definitely proud of getting this done.
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