#but she’ll never tell
rite-the-wrongs · 2 months
So there probably aren’t DC Superhero movies in the DC universe, right? Like there would just be a ton of legal issues or they would remind people of that tragic event where half of a major city died, right?
Well I propose that there is a single franchise that features the DC superheroes in their universe. And that would be the Lego movies. It starts with some executive featuring them to show how big the threat is when Superman gets taken out with chewing gum. Then it morphs into Batman being the edgy-lancer-ex-boyfriend to Emmet and Wyldstyle.
Of course when Bruce Wayne hears about this, he decided to have a field day. It’s a close decision, but between Bruce and Will Arnett, Bruce wins the role of Batman in the movie.
It is a struggle, but he manages to hide it from most of his kids, only Tim and Barbara finding out and immediately deciding to help with this train wreck. The real struggle is convincing his kids to go to the red carpet premiere with him.
The second Batman is on the screen, his kids all turn to him. The looks on their faces range from horror to overwhelming joy to completely done with his shit.
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theotterpenguin · 2 months
it’s always “let aang swear” or “let zuko swear” but y’all are missing out on the comedic potential of katara being the one who has the dirtiest mouth. she swears like a sailor but is just better at hiding it than everyone else because she doesn't want to influence aang or toph, and tries to keep up pretenses of being proper.
after all the time they spent fighting each other as enemies and sparring as friends, zuko’s the only one that knows this about her but no one believes him.
(for those who question where katara could possibly learn to curse, i ask - have you ever assisted women through childbirth in a world where epidurals don't exist? katara has. like c'mon. she knows all the swear words).
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thefiresofpompeii · 2 months
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england we are in shambles
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bowyooo · 8 months
got a huge crush on Jeanine Vicquemare from @spilledkaleidoscope (please go check the arts if you didn’t yet they are incredible), so i decided to go sketch something with her
may i present to you
Jean trying to be at peace and kill the part that cringes, while being moisturised
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tanglepelt · 8 months
Dp x dc idea 142
The trio don’t know jazz knows Danny is phantom in this.
Danny was caught. His parents turned phantom over to the GIW refusing to hear him out. No chance to say he was their son barely getting a word in as they celebrated his capture.
24 hours later. Danny Fenton was reported missing parents hysterical. 48 hours pass and Danny Phantom with the help of two “unknowns” escapes.
Jazz comes back from touring colleges. To see the mess. Jack and Maddie were in to much of a panic trying to find Danny to relay the news to her.
Soon after. Government labs and buildings are under attack. New villains seemingly entering the fray. Two mad scientist decked out in orange and blue. Rumors of a third searching the building prior to the explosions.
The league is called in to investigate these attacks.
Meanwhile a hero has noticed an severely injured meta and two friends inside there city. Doing their best to be unnoticed.
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yelena-bellova · 29 days
Not how I wanted to start my morning but when people say Swifties are crazy….
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ickypuppi3 · 3 months
billy seeing his mom again and realising he’s now taller than her and, like- sure. he knew he would be but. something about the way he has to tilt his head down as he talks to her, the way she has to look up at him, just. sends him spiralling
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sunnyside-sunset · 4 months
oh….. qsmp fandom….. when i GET you…… i adore you guys but i swear, im only seeing stuff about pepito being worried about replacing bobby when empanada is RIGHT THERE IM GONNA LOSE IT
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roseworth · 8 months
what a fucking week (it’s 2 pm on a monday)
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tiffanyachings · 4 months
but do the toxic yuri enjoyers know about nobody by the crane wives
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thecryptidbard · 1 year
I am certain that in the almost 40 years since she died, the other ghosts have to have “accidentally” woken Stephanie up at least once just because they’re bored and know that she’ll start all kinds of drama.
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jamsjunk · 11 months
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if i got something wrong no i didn’t
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mazzystar24 · 1 month
You know who Tommy reminds me of that it was bothering me sm that I couldn’t place it but then I remembered this scene?
Rick from Casablanca
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Like Tommy says this to chimney verbatim in that one scene
He calls buck (his love interest) “kid” just like Rick does to Ilsa (his love interest)
Even personality wise something about it fits like the cool guy exterior, the struggle to be good,the sort of air of unphased energy if you get what I mean, etc
Anyways that got me thinking and if the bucktommy break up is something bittersweet like Rick and Ilsa then I would love it:
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Like imagine this if buddie does go canon instead of Rick letting Ilsa go for the greater good of the world/politics
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makkie-is-screaming · 7 months
having a mutual you want to be friends with but knowing your the driest texter ever
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boringgg-bunnyyy · 11 days
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she sees all
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nat-seal-well · 4 months
It might be time for me to look for something new
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