#nothing crazy like on ao3 ig
Hello y'all!
I'm sorry for disappearing unannounced. I had to catch up with my classes and then had to focus on exams.
Buuuut now I'm back and shall resume writing soon :3 hope you all have a wonderful day
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bmtillerbabe · 3 months
Chapter 2 of "A Beneficial Arrangement"!
More chapters available now on my AO3! Including the smutttt 😍
The night came much faster than you had anticipated.
  The night you agreed to share your blood with the camp’s only resident vampire. The night that you had been looking forward to, and dreading, with all your heart.
  What if your blood was… disgusting somehow, this time? What if he hated it, what if it didn’t work out, what if it hurt more than you thought it would? What if things changed between you? What if, what if, what if ….
  You sighed and rubbed your eyes, pinching the bridge of your nose. It did absolutely nothing to help the torment of your own mind, but it kept you calm. Kind of.
  Having to make an extra trip back to the Grove to visit the only merchant within miles, and fighting several hoards of goblins and gnolls along the way – along with confronting some of these famed cultists – You and your party were well beaten, battered and bruised, and deserved a much-needed rest.
  And you hadn’t even entered the Underdark yet.
  Your stomach flipped over itself.
  Making camp just inside the Grove, you help everyone set up in the undercaves of the Druidic Village. You were sure you had met Mol around here somewhere, and the thought only made you smile at her memory. Perhaps you would run into her down the road again? You hoped so.
  You rummage through the camp’s supplies and gather what was needed for a simple campfire.
  Wringing your hands in a small gesture and whispering the incantation, “Ig-Nis!”, you started it up and began to unpack the rest of the supplies for the night.
  See? This. This was nice. Preparing to make dinner. Laying out the bedrolls. Chopping up extra bits of meat, feeding them to Scratch; and leaving an extra bit out, just in case that baby owlbear your group had found decided to swing by some time in the night.
  This was very nice indeed.
  But try as you might, there was no denying the creeping excitement that was growing in your belly. The feeling of doing something fun … something daring …. Something ….
  Well. Something.
  Your cheeks flushed at your silent musings. It wasn’t a bad thing. You weren’t doing a bad thing, you reminded yourself harshly. It was helpful. You were helping. There was no reason to be all worked up over something as simple as offering some of your blood to a fellow party member, so said member would have dinner for the night. No reason at all to think of how it was going to go, or what you were going to say. No reason to --
  Someone clearing their throat near you caused you to jump and gasp.
  “Oh! Sorry! Didn’t mean to startle you, Tav.” Gale’s voice brings you out of your reverie. Er, out of your head…. He is kind of staring at you, watching with concern as he rests on his haunches near you, eyeing your hands. “Everything alright?”
  You nod, not realizing until now that you had lost track of your thoughts and had been kind of throwing everything down onto the rock floor as you pulled it from your pack. “Oh.” You observe quietly. “I’m… I’m fine. Thank you, Gale.”
  Lovely, you chide yourself mentally. Not only did I think I was crazy, but now Gale does, too.
  He didn’t seem to believe your answer, but let it be. And for that, you were thankful.
  “Well, I believe it’s my turn to play camp's chef.” He said cheerily with a clap of his hands. “How does Tomato Soup with Carrots, Potatoes, and Sausage sound?”
  Your stomach dropped, as you were hoping to keep your mind busy and dutifully distracted from the night ahead, both anticipating and dreading it.
  I mean, being busy cooking was one way out of it…
  But what excuse would you have to turn down Gale’s offer to cook? He did make a mean Tomato Soup ….
  You sigh, defeated. “Of course. That sounds amazing.” You say, rising to your feet.
  And just like that … you’re left with nothing else to do.
  With dinner having fallen to Gale, and everyone already beginning to heal with Shadowheart and the occasional Potion, you tried to think of anything else to distract your wandering mind. Lae'zel was practicing combat on her makeshift dummy, Wyll was sharpening his assorted weapons, Karlach was sitting cross-legged playing with a teddy bear she’d found somewhere and decided to keep (and also named Clive, for some reason), and Astarion …. Astarion was reading, as per usual.
  Aloof and detached, he slowly paced around the front of his tent as he casually skimmed the pages of his book. With him currently distracted, you decided to allow your gaze to rest a bit longer than you usually would.
  This …. This was the man – er, elf – that you had offered yourself to.
  I didn’t offer myself, you thought harshly, I offered ….
  Well. Myself.
  Astarion’s eyes seemed to be glowing the dim light of the caves, and his brow was furrowed onto his forehead as if it were a permanent crease on his otherwise flawless skin. You eyed his one hand turning the pages on his leather-bound book, and the other resting on the spine, holding it open – and oh, you swallowed at the tantalizing sight of that beautiful forearm, veins sprouting up and knuckles slightly crunched at the weight of the hardback; those long, slender fingers …. Nearly drooling, you swallowed deeply, suddenly wishing that you were going to be doing so much more than –
  And then, as if he could sense you watching him, his eyes darted up – and took no time to find you staring at him.
  Was he … is that a smirk … ?
  A slight audible gasp was torn from your throat as you quickly averted your gaze and turned away to quickly – very quickly – to find anything else to stare at.
  A rock.
  That works.
  What in the sweet hells were you thinking? You scolded yourself as you briskly walked away towards the rock, as if it had suddenly just become the most interesting thing in the entirety of Fae’run. You didn’t dare glance back at the vampire’s tent, much too emberassed to have been caught gawking.
  Your steps quickened.
  Stupid, stupid, stupid … oh wonderful, now he’s really going to think I’ve lost my mind to the tadpole …
  Reaching down, you picked up the rock, and reared back to throw it as far into the nearby pond as you could …. An idea dawned on you.
  There was something you could do for tonight. You could shower.
  After all, the adventure from today had been quite tiresome and dirty…. Not to mention, the idea of smelling as sweet as you could for … well … for …
  Well. You just wanted to smell sweet.
  You left it at that.
                            * * * * * * * * * *
  So much for the bath.
  You were sweating more than a bugbear in heat.
  Nerves are a bitch, you thought to yourself bitterly. But try as you may to calm yourself down, the time had come, and any minute now, you were expecting Astarion to come to your tent.
  It was night in the caves and in the world around you, everyone else in the party having long since laid down to sleep. Distant sounds of dripping and chirping echoes sounded throughout the cave, and in any other circumstance, would have proven to be quite relaxing.
  But now, the sounds only served as a reminder that you – and your guest – were the only ones left awake, in for what may as well been the world.
  Your cheeks flushed again, and you awkwardly paced the small confines of the candlelit space.
  Your mind was a mess.
  You couldn’t decide if laying down was the way to go, or sitting comfortably on a chair. Well, the first time had been laying down, so maybe – what the hells? No! You shouldn’t lay down! That would give off the wrong idea! So, maybe sitting in a chair instead, or just standing! Yes, standing! You could ---
  Rustling of fabric caught your attention before you could decide and you turned quickly to see Astarion pulling apart the flap on the front of your tent. He glanced behind him before ducking inside.
  “Astarion!” You gasped quietly, aware of your sleeping campmates nearby. “Knock next time!” You whispered roughly as you tried to catch your breath.
  He lifted a white brow at you and smirked, thrusting a hand to his hip. “Oh, I’m sorry,” He mocked playfully, “Knock on what? The curtain?”
  Your retort died on the tip of your tongue when you realized he was right. Where did you expect him to knock in a tent?
  Fidgeting with your fingers and not sure how exactly to proceed, you let your eyes fall to your shoes (that had suddenly become the most interesting thing in the world… Sorry, Rock) and tried to keep your voice straight as you cleared your throat to keep the silence from making your mind any louder.
  “So, er…. I… Its—I—”
  Sensing your tension, Astarion gave out a sigh and rolled his eyes, taking you by the shoulders and forcing you a step back and down onto your chair. You immediately went quiet and allowed him to guide you down, eyes wide and muscles stiff with nervous energy.
  Well, that was easy.
  You remained still, but couldn’t bring your eyes back up to meet his. He took a step closer until he was right above you.
  Alarm bells sang out in your head, both as a warning to flee, and a warning to reach up and pull him down onto your skin – both sides warring for who wanted the spotlight more…
  “I’ve been waiting for this all day,” He uttered, “and I am positively parched.”
  You gulped.
  Definitely the latter, the latter was winning, and winning by a lot ….
  Your stomach was in knots, yet somehow doing flips and rumbling and jittering, and…. You wanted this more than anything, yet was still so nervous about….
  Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe this was wrong. Not only was it wrong, but you didn’t want to make AStarion feel as if you were…. Using him. Because you weren’t. I mean, you were, but… but… You fought with yourself for a second, wondering if you should just admit defeat and tell him to leave. Tell him you cant. Tell him that you couldn’t offer help because…. Help wasn’t really what you wanted to give… You wanted… Something else, something …
  When a few seconds went by without anything being said, Astarion sighed. The sudden sound made you look up at him and your eyes locked.
  “Darling,” He began slowly, coking his head to the side.
  Gods, those silver curls …
  “If you’re unsure about this, there is no commitment, here. If you really don’t want to do this, I wont---”
  “No! I do.” You cut him off, and his eyes went wide at you, a devilish grin tugging the corners of his pale lips. You nod again like that will help you cement your words. “I do … I do.”
  Astarion smiled down at you. “Well then, relax, my dear. This is hardly your first time.” He winks takes a confident step towards you, reaching for your neck, brushing away your hair. You close your eyes at his touch and breathe in softly before you can stop, hoping he doesn’t take notice.
  He doesn’t seem to.
  You almost hold your breath as you feel him lean down, his cool skin mere inches from yours now. You keep your eyes closed, fearing you may faint if you look directly at him.
  You wait.
  You feel his hand reach around the back of your neck and hold you in place, and you suck your bottom lip into your mouth and give it a bite to keep back the moan that threatens to escape your lips.
  Bad idea.
  A warm, coppery taste bleeds into your mouth as you pierce your own skin, tasting your own blood to try and distract yourself  – and was that a groan? – and you gasp sharply when Astarion suddenly sinks his fangs into the vein of your neck without warning.
  Your eyes shoot wide open and your mouth hangs as you feel the blood pumping through your veins, and out… into his awaiting mouth.
  His cold lips are against your skin, causing you to shiver – or, at least you were hoping that’s why you shivered – and his hand had gone from holding your neck softly, to gripping it tightly, entwining his fingers in your hair to pull you impossibly closer. The butterflies in your stomach disappeared, having morphed into something so much larger…. So much more powerful.
  The soft grunts and suckling sounds from him have your mind reeling.
  Your hands move of their own accord before you can think more of it, reaching up to grab the back of his head … holding him in place.
  You cant help but cry out at the feel of him sucking at your pulsating neck, fingers gripping his luscious hair – somewhere in the back of your mind, it barely registers that you hear a distant growl from somewhere beneath you –
  Lust and desire are coming over you in waves, drowning you willingly as you feel yourself slipping away, all conscious thought and fear from before being replaced almost instantaneously with a needy, greedy need and want for more, more, more … a growing warmth not only spreading throughout your body, but shooting to the tips of your fingers, and between your thighs …
  And then …
  It’s … over.
  Just as quick as it had began.
  Astarion is pulling away with a satisfied moan, his fangs popping audibly out of your skin, and his tongue darting out to lap up the blood still flowing from your puncture wounds. He connects his lips to your sensitive skin one more time to give a gentle suck and a final lick before leaning back to look at you.
  “That…” He breathed out, his voice dark, husky…. Gravelly….
  Muscles somewhere beneath you clenched of their own volition, you know your cheeks are flushed once more, and you were suddenly very thankful that he had made you sit. Had you been standing, you surely would have fallen – and had you been lying down, you surely would have passed out.
  Were your ears ringing …?
  “That was absolutely delicious.”
  You can’t bring yourself to talk, only to look hungrily at his chin and the tiny droplet of your blood dripping down it. And suddenly, there is nothing in the world you want more than to push into him and crush your lips to his, tasting yourself, tasting the sweet, sharp tang of your lifeforce mixed with his tongue. Your mouth is suddenly so dry, and all you can seem to think of are ways to wet it, none of which involving your own saliva.
  The feeling only intensifies when you watch his long, sharp tongue dart out to lick at the dribbles of crimson left over.
  Yep. You’re dizzy.
  It’s quiet between you for a moment, your gazes locked. You try to think of anything to say, like ‘I hope this helps; I hope you enjoyed it; you can feed on me anytime you like; I want you to push me down onto the bedroll and drain me dry….’
  But he beats you to the punch, grinning as he finishes cleaning himself off, sucking his fingers clean after wiping his chin.
  Gods damn this man, he is going to be the end of me …
  “Thank you for this wonderful little treat, darling.”
  You find your voice somewhere inside you and it seems to snap you out of your reverie.
  “O-o-of course. N-not a problem.” You clear your throat, embarrassed at your stutter and the way your voice squeaked. “Any time.”
  “Oh, I do so hope you mean that.” His voice had definitely gotten darker…. more seductive…
  I mean, you always knew about vampires and their charms, but ….  This didn’t feel like a charm. It felt more like something…. Raw. “I would so love to have another taste.”
  Trying to keep your mind straight, you rise to your feet.
  Another bad idea.
  You immediately swoon, nearly losing your balance and stumbling forward.
  Astarion catches you easily, giving a quiet chuckle. “Take it easy, love. You’re going to be lightheaded for a while. Might I suggest you lie down?” With his hands around the small of your back and your face somewhere in his chest, the fatigue of the day, and sudden blood loss, hits you all at once and all you want is to lay down and sleep for the next decade. He walks with you haphazardly in his arms until he can lay you gently down onto your bedroll.
  “How much did you take?” You squeak out, your mind reeling and the room spinning.
  “Not much. But everyone’s body is different. Some need longer to get used to it than others. Don’t worry, darling, it will wear off in a few hours.”
  You lean your head back onto your pillow and eye him, offering your best smile.
  “So … is that better than going out to hunt?” You ask, already knowing his answer.
  He scoffs at you playfully, as if it were even a question. “Of course!” He chimes. “Human blood is significantly better than animal blood. More …. Potent, you could say.”
  “Well …. Thank you, for letting me help you.” You offer, content with watching him sit before you and wishing the moment would last a lot longer.
  “And thank you for offering.” He eyes your neck for a second before continuing. “Now, don’t overdo it. It will take a few days for your blood to replenish fully, and by that time, hopefully you’ll be ready for me to have my next snack.” He shoots you a sly wink that has your heart fluttering in your chest.
  Then he is standing to move away – had he crouched next to you? – bowing dramatically, throwing his hands out to either side of him. “And with that, I must take my leave.”
  He turns towards the entrance of your tent, but you speak up as he grabs the edge of the fabric.
  “Goodnight … Astarion.”
  He pauses and turns his head just enough that you notice, but doesn’t fully face you.
  “Goodnight, Tavriel.”
  And then he’s gone.
Read the rest now on AO3!! :)
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thedvilsinthedetails · 6 months
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hey im still figuring out what i wanna be called but for now u can call me Jamie if u want I’m genderfluid as fuck [they/she/he or whatever idegafatp]
some typa aroace spectrum probs grayace & demiromantic also omniromantic - in general I have nothing figured out
so a simp w like a slight preference for men ig but kinda ace most of the time but sometimes very not
neurospicy bitch
minor but adults can follow/interact idc tbh
writing request status: OPEN FOR MICROFICS RN
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I’m a rosekiller loverrr but also a multi shipper so u never know what ur gonna see ig [but probably Rosekiller, Wolfstar, Dorlene, Starchaser maybe some sunkiller if I’m in the mood etc] for the record just bc I don’t ship smth doesn’t mean I support hating it even as a joke [translation: prongsfoot is chill leave them be]
if u don’t like smth, just ignore it, if u send me hate I’ll reply w shitty jokes probs
my dream job is to be an actor [screen actor specifically]
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Media I like:
Fav TV stuff: Challengers, Gravity Falls, Cruella, 10 things I hate about you, into the spiderverse
Fav author is @neil-gaiman also that man is my idol so I’ll probs reblog him a shit ton [do u think he’ll like…mind that I tagged him? Sorry if this bothered u Neil!!!] Music [uhhh changes all the time tbh but for rn]: The Neighbourhood, Olivia Rodrigo, Conan Gray [Kid Krow phase rn], Chappell Roan, Renée Rapp, Green day, Ricky Montgomery, NOAHFINNCE, MARINA and Hozier
Spider-Man. Fucking love Spider-Man.
One thing to note about me tho: obvi I love recommendations but I find starting literally any new forms of media really fucking daunting for no reason [this is everything: songs, movies, books etc]
e.g. I fucking love spider verse but I still haven’t watched movie 2, same w latest season of young royals, same with even like ONE song alone I find it rlly hard and really scary
so if u give me recommendations and I don’t get back to u about them for ages it’s not bc I forgot or i was ignoring u but bc I find it scary so pls be patient :)
also same w please don’t like assume I’m knowledgeable about like any of the music artists I named earlier bc tbh I don’t rlly listen to artists I listen to songs [im still a fan of a lot of music artists ofc but the artists I listen to ≠ the artists I’m a fan of]
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HI! welcome to my crazy blog, I love making friends im not at all scary I promise :D
Btw my inbox is ALWAYS open for spam, ship ramblings [even if it’s not smth I ship], info dropping about ur hyperfixations, venting, questions etc. [the only thing is no illegal ships bc it will be ignored] also sorry pre warning im shit with the inbox chains [‘send this to ten people who…’] so often I won’t answer those sorry, anything else I will make sure to answer but the chains I sometimes just forget about sorryyy
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Barty Crouch Jr & James Potter kinnie
got a FAT crush on Evan Rosier [he’s the loml he just doesn’t know it yet] and also a crush on Dorcas Meadowes
I write sometimes:
I fell for you like glitter on stage - rosekiller band au, this was a microfic series on tumblr that I posted on ao3 for convenience [words: 4548] [this is my fav thing I’ve ever written lol]
we are all just prisoners here of our own device - Jegulus, a oneshot on ao3 based on the song ‘hotel California’ by the eagles. [Words: 6162]
Oh where do we begin? The rubble or our sins? - ON HIATUS. Roman Empire Jegulus au with side Rosekiller, Wolfstar and Pandalily on ao3 [words: 6141] [currently I don’t want to write Jegulus - the hyperfixation hath faded]
also I’m in a marauders RP as Barty and u shld follow it bc we’re all super cool and funny and amazing and awesome and yeah @bartythebabygorljr
tags you’ll see on my page:
me and my old black biro > writing tag
Im in love with that Rosier boy > [this is a new one] me having a massive crush on Evan Rosier
the most boring soap opera > my life tag
I have an online diary called @miseryoforpheus if ur fascinated by my charming and irresistible personality
[The song at the bottom of my intro post changes all the time depending on how I’m feeling]
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raaorqtpbpdy · 1 year
In the Zone (2)
Based on the Phic Phight prompts: Danny and co. go sight seeing in the zone and get lost. Maybe they have to navigate weird ghost logic/physics/laws to make their way home (from @ventisettestars). And Sam and Tucker maybe getting Pharaoh + plant powers? ecto contamination for the win ig (from @corvidspectre).
Chapter 2: The Mourning Estate
AO3 Link
[Warnings for supernatural horror elements]
Time passed strangely in the Ghost Zone. They flew in the Specter Speeder for what could have been less than an hour, or nearly a day, before they made their next stop. While Danny took a shift driving, Sam spotted a spooky gothic mansion through the window and asked to check it out. Its pointed spires and ivy-grown walls were built with stone so black it absorbed light from the surrounding ectoplasm, and there appeared to be a perpetual, swirling thunderstorm overhead.
"Okay," Danny said cautiously, "but it's probably a specific ghost's lair, so we'll knock first and politely ask to look around, and if we're told we can't, we'll leave, alright? I'm not looking to get the crap beat out of me on a sight-seeing trip."
"Alright, fair enough," Sam agreed. "But just look at that place! It's so cool!"
"Cool... isn't the word I'd use," Tucker disagreed, already grimacing at the look of the place.
"Scared, Tucker?" she taunted.
"We're in the Ghost Zone, Sam," he pointed out. "Scared is the default around here. If you're not scared, you're crazy."
"Or a ghost yourself," Danny tacked on, taking them down toward the grand, round driveway in front of the mansion. When they touched down on the gravel, an eerie sort of music filled the air.
"I really don't like this place," Tucker said.
"Oh, suck it up, you big baby," Sam told him, jumping out of the speeder with a grin.
Her heavy combat boots crunched on the gravel as she walked up to the front steps, climbing each of them with her heartbeat pounding in her ears. It was like this place was trying to make her think she was afraid, even thought all she felt was excitement. Tucker, on the other hand, was already trembling with terror. The only thing that kept him moving forward was Danny's unyielding grip on his arm, dragging him along, step by step.
A grotesque stared at Sam with ruby eyes as she gripped the iron door knocker in its mouth. She could have sworn it blinked at her as she pulled the knocker back and slammed it into the door three times. For a long moment, nothing happened. The eerie music reached a crescendo and then fell silent as the door creaked slowly open.
Standing in the doorway was a tall, thin ghost in a ratted and torn up formal suit with the tails dragging behind him. His eyes drooped, and his mustache drooped, and his shoulders drooped, and overall he just had a generally droopy quality about him. "I'm afraid the ladies aren't accepting guests at the moment," he said apologetically.
"Well, we tried!" Tucker said loudly. "Guess we should get back to the speeder and get out of here!"
"Wait!" Sam stopped him. "May I ask who the ladies are?"
"Of course." The butler nodded. "Lady Dove and Lady Shroud are the arbiters of this estate. They're in Mourning."
"Look, we just wanted to explore this place a little," Sam told him, pleading. "Would you please ask the ladies if we can see inside. We promise we won't cause any trouble."
"I suppose I can do that," the butler agreed, "but I wouldn't expect them to have you. They're in Mourning, after all." He bowed his head as he closed the door.
When he didn't return after three seconds, Tucker once again proposed that they leave, and once again, Sam stopped him. He stood there, jittering, on the front porch the whole time they waited, and jumped three feet up in alarm when the door creaked open again. The butler stood there once more, still towering over the teens.
"It seems the ladies have elected to meet with you, after all," he said, and he pulled the door further open, drifting aside with a bow to allow them entry. Danny grabbed Tucker by the arm again to lead him in since he was clearly still opposed.
"Maybe I could just, uh, keep the speeder warm for you," he suggested nervously. "You know, in case we need to make another quick get away."
"Stop being such a wuss," Sam told him.
"Please, follow me to the courtyard, and don't wander off," the butler warned.
They followed him down a long, straight hallway, carpeted in a blood red rug with intricate black patterns. The dark grey wallpaper was printed with spidery silhouettes, and the the gas lamps offered very little in the way of light. The eerie music started again, so quietly they didn't notice at first.
They took a left turn, then a right, and stopped in front of a door obscured by shadows. "The courtyard," the butler announced. When the door swung open, the eerie music was replaced by up-tempo rock and roll.
The courtyard was surrounded by a gorgeous garden. Flowers of all colors and shapes grew liberally in along the pathways, lined with white stones. A grove of fruit trees loomed in one directions, branches glimmering with peaches, apples, pears, and apricots, and probably more.
"Wheee!" A voice cheered. A girl in a white dress flew past them on a zip-line.
"Lady Dove," the butler said. "I've brought your guests."
"Really?" the girl called down, dropping from the zip-line and landing in front of the trio. When she hit the pale gray paving stones her white skirt ruffled and flowed out like mist before turning mostly solid again. She looked to be around twelve or thirteen. Her round, pink face beamed up at them. "It's very nice to meet you!" she said. "I'm Dove in Mourning."
"I'm Sam, and these are my friends, Danny and Tucker. This doesn't look like mourning to me though."
"No no!" Dove said, waving a hand dismissively. "My name is in Mourning. I'm just playing right now. Do you want to play with me?"
"Your games don't involve us getting hurt or dying, right?" Tucker asked, and Dove's green eyes widened.
"Wait! You mean you're alive?"
"Well, mostly," Danny joked.
There was a shift in the air, the rock slowed like it was coming from a broken speaker and then morphed back into that music from before. Dove started to cry. Her flouncy white hair turned black, and the color seeped down and down, dripping like oil until her dress was pitch black too, and sweeping across the paving stones. All of the soft airiness she exuded gave way to a dripping darkness. Her pink skin turned a sickly green, and her green eyes turned to red as glowing tears beaded up in them and she started to tremble.
"Alive?" she repeated, choking on her tears. "Alive. Alive."
"Lady Shroud," the butler said. "How nice of you to join us."
Shroud began outright weeping. The tiles around her turned black. The flowers wilted and withered. Only the ones right next to Sam stayed in bloom. The fruit rotted in the tree branches and fell as the trees shriveled up, becoming gnarled husks.
"Did we say something wrong?" Danny asked, stepping back from her nervously. "Should we not have told her we're..." he hesitated to say 'alive' again, not wanting to upset the ghost further.
"This happens sometimes," the butler answered. "One never can know what will set the ladies off. Lady Shroud rarely suffers visitors, so when Lady Dove invited you in, I thought her sister wouldn't make an appearance."
"Sister?" Tucker asked. "Aren't they the same person?"
"It's... complicated." The butler sighed. "It's best to leave them alone when they're like this. Soon enough, Dove will come to comfort her, and she'll calm down."
"Should we... leave?" Danny asked.
Shroud opened her mouth, too wide and too dark with needle-like teeth. She wailed like a banshee and screamed on a howling voice, "GET! OUT!"
"I think that would be for the best, yes," the butler confirmed, and they scrambled for the door back into the mansion. "I'll keep her attention. Best of luck!"
Back inside, they tried to remember which way they came from, but the halls all looked the same and each was darker than the last. When they looked in doors, each room was identical to the others, each parlor, each bedroom, all of them exactly alike. They sprinted through the maze-like mansion while Shroud's wails and sobs grew louder, almost as if they were getting closer. The tempo rose on the ominous music.
Tucker tripped over the carpet and landed with a thud in the hall. The wails grew louder. Danny swore and helped up his friend, picking him up and carrying him bridal-style, rather than wait for him to recover enough to run. "Wait! In the Ghost Zone, humans can use ghost powers!" he remembered. "This way!" With Tucker in his arms, he led Sam through a wall, and another, and another.
Finally, the wailing grew quieter as they went through the final wall and there, like a lifeboat in a storm, was the Specter Speeder. Danny set Tucker back on his feet. They were out of the mansion and home free.
"Sorry, Sam," Danny said as they walked down the front steps again, Shroud's wails and sobs still punctuating each step despite the distance between them. "We got to see some of it, at least, and we met an interesting ghost... er, ghosts?"
"It's okay," Sam said, sounding only a little bit disappointed. "The aesthetic was spectacular, but honestly, that place was kind of boring. I mean, everything being identical has a certain level of spookiness, but no real intrigue. Bit of a let down, if I'm being honest."
"Yeah," Tucker agreed, finally calming down now that they were almost back to the speeder. "No offense or anything, Sam,—but this one was a bust." He wheeze, trying to catch his breath still, even though Danny had carried him the final stretch. "I've done more running today than I have through all of high school." She laughed at him, which might've been more biting if they weren't all so out of breath.
"Don't worry," Danny assured her. "This the the Ghost Zone, right? I'm sure there will be a lot more, uh, gothy places for us to see. Ones where we'll have more freedom to explore without the threat of a ghost having a temper tantrum, hopefully." They climbed back into the speeder and Danny took them into the sky.
"Woulda been nice if you'd told us we could walk through walls sooner though, Danny." Sam gave him a pointed look.
"I'm sorry! I forgot! And anyway," he yawned, "I think we should get some sleep. I'll put the Specter Speeder in neutral and maybe it'll be somewhere cool when we wake up."
"Sounds like a plan," Sam agreed, and Tucker nodded, grabbing the sleeping bags. Danny hit the lock button, and then activated the anti-ghost shield to make sure nothing and no one messed with them while they were asleep. "To be honest, we're not off to a great start, but maybe tomorrow will be better."
"I hope so," Danny said. They all climbed into their sleeping bags on the hard, steel floor of the speeder and tried to get some rest.
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scurvyratt · 4 months
You like Tony x chris? <- that's not hate or cancellation, incredibly interesting weirdly horny dynamic if you do would love to hear your thoughts on it and how much ade deserved better
Hi, thanks for the question!
So to answer your first question, do I ship Tony and Chris- well, kinda? I don't really "ship" anything at all to be honest lol. But I guess that I enjoy reading fanfic and making memes about pairings that have interesting, weird, and toxic dynamics- like Chris and Tony. I also think that Tony x Johnny Sac and Tony x Artie have some potential lol.
There are a few things that I like about Tony and Chris: the power dynamic, Tony's mental and physical abuse, Chris' devotion regardless of the abuse and mockery, how Chris desperately wants his approval but Tony doesn't gaf, how Tony forgives him over and over- until he doesn't and kills him with his own two hands lmao....
Tony claims that he views Chris as a son but he clearly doesn't. Look at the difference between how he treats AJ and how he treats Chris. He never wanted the mob life for AJ and basically allows him to be a flop lol.. Meanwhile he spends the whole show essentially grooming Chris to take over. When AJ attempts suicide and almost drowns to death, Tony saves him. When Chris is on the verge of death after the car crash, Tony kills him. So anways, Tony views AJ as his son, an extension of himself, while he views Chris as a pawn. I'm not saying that Tony never loved Chris, maybe he did at the beginning, and you can see that in how he allows Chris to get away with things that anyone else would've immediately been killed over; but that clearly dissipates as the show goes on and Chris continues to fuck up and Tony becomes more self obsessed and paranoid.
I mean Chris gives up his fiancé for Tony (there are other reasons like the infertility obv. but y'know, not relevant ig) which is insane. Also that scene where he cries because Tony makes fun of his big nose ijbol... The more stern Tony x crybaby Chris dynamic is kinda funny to me.
And yeah, you're totally correct about the "weirdly horny" thing lmao!! There are many scenes where Tony scruffs Chris by the collar, shoves him against the wall, and shouts at him in a very intimate manner,,, Like the homoeroticism vibes were insane... So yeah basicallyyy I find Tony x Chris interesting because of how twisted and repugnant it is lol. Unfortunately there's only like 2 fanfics on ao3 which is kinda crazy imo. There's tons of WaltJesse fanfic (incredibly similar dynamic that was obv based on Tony and Chris) meanwhile there's nothing for the pseudo incest shippers🙄.
Moving on to Adriana,,, yeah she totally deserved better. I'm not one of those "Adriana was innocent" people, because obviously she wasn't, but I don't think that she was a bad person or that she deserved anything that happened to her. Her main faults were that she was incredibly naive and dumb unfortunately... She had multiple chances to leave Chris but did not take them, which was infuriating to watch but also realistic I think.
I honestly do not like Chris at all actually. He's one of my least favorite characters because his abuse of Adriana was so grotesque and painful to watch. Like I don't rlly gaf that he was depressed or an addict or abused by Tony lol... there are zero reasons to abuse a woman.
And I suppose you might be asking yourself why Tony x Chris is okay but Chris x Adriana isn't since I did say that I like toxic couples... well, the simple answer is that I don't like to see women being abused, and idgaf about what men do to each other lmao. Especially two terrible people like Tony and Chris.
Anyways I hope that answers your question! I’m not the best writer so sorry if this seemed like word vomit lol.
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death2theking · 21 days
Hii!! :D
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Welcome to the Thunder Zone ig. This is sorta like an introduction, so hello and welcome!
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You can call me anything you'd like but just keep it nice plz!
He/Him (Trans)
I do fanfic commissions while also just writing for me.
I have an Ao3 account (@Death2theking) where I post all my stuff. That's the only website I'm on other than Tumblr.
I might put a price on commissions later on, buuuut for now they are free!! :D
I'm ALOT more active in the summer than during school. I'll let ya'll know if either requests are closed or I'm just not going to be as active.
I am relatively new to the whole posting my writing shtick so please bare with me. I write for a bajillion fandoms tho.
I have absolutely no schedule, sooo.... HOPE YOU ENJOY
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Percy Jackson (I've only read a couple of the books, so bare with me)
Bungou Stray Dogs
Spiderman (Tom Holland, mostly)
Five Nights at Freddy's
Demon Slayer
My Hero Academia
The Husky and his White Cat Shizuin
The Scum Villian's Self-Saving System
I have and will write for more fandoms but those are the main.
Honestly, you can just request something and I will say if I can write for it or not.
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I will do:
Really stupid shit (If it's really crazy it'll be posted as Anon)
Smut (Rules for that later)
Oneshots and series
AU's of fandoms
Crossovers (If I'm cool with writing both fandoms)
All kinds of ships (M/M, F/F, M/F, etc.)
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I won't do:
Underage stuff
Weird kinks (Like piss and stuff)
SUPER graphic stuff (I'll do some graphic stuff but I'm not going into detail abt a murder of anything)
If you do want to request any of that just don't please, thank you :p
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Nothing too crazy, like, I'll go up to 4 people and that's it. Mb some extensions to that but..
I will do stupid shit with it but, again, might be posted as Anon.
I'll do porn w/o plot AND porn w/ plot.
The things I won't do still apply.
Uhhh I think that's it?
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Requests at the moment are closed. Give me like a week and I should be good 👍
I'll post a Masterlist in a bit, it'll be mostly WIPS
Hope you consider following!! Thx for interacting
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peachy-beomie · 3 years
Fellas, is it Gay to Kiss The Homies? <TEN-CENTRIC>
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Genre: Light Hurt/Comfort
Pairings: Kunten (Qian Kun x Ten Lee) and implied (Ten x Everyone) [ALL SHIPS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE PLATONIC]
Word Count: 1455
Warnings: Fluff overdose, might give you diabetes /t
Synopsis: Ten just really likes kisses and he wants to give them to his friends. That’s it.
A/N: I wrote this wanting it to be Platonic!Kunten but tbh it may have gotten away from me a little bit so believe what you want ig
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30021543
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Ten has always been overly affectionate. In the eyes of Weishennies, Winwin and Yangyang bear the brunt of it. On variety shows and lives Ten can sometimes be found floating around one of his two didis or entirely attached to them. It’s become a joke among fans and members, the way Ten calls Yangyang baby while the maknae responds with countless protests and whines. But something fans are unaware of is that off-camera, the Thai male’s affection extends to all the members. Ten is known to demand touches from most any friend in reach. Even Kun, despite the pairs’ constant bickering. The WayV members have grown used to Ten’s insatiable need to hold and be held. There’s a silent understanding between the 7 roommates. All the boys know that comforting Ten is just more of a physical thing. Each member understands, and some have even become fond of the actions. Most surprisingly Winwin. Though he seems like a total skinship anti, he’s all smiles whenever Ten envelopes him in a hug. 
For the endless love and acceptance of his bandmates, Ten feels so incredibly blessed. But even in such a wonderful situation, there are things Ten can’t have. And lines he dare not cross.
To Ten, there’s nothing inherently romantic or sexual about his lingering touches. To him, spooning with his friends is his way of showing platonic affection. Obviously some things are reserved for romantic/sexual partners: making out and things of the like. But the lines between friendship and partnership are far thinner to him than most. He hasn’t told his friends about his affinity for kisses, having only recently come to terms with it himself. All through his life he’s had these fleeting urges to kiss his friends, and he’d always passed them off as intrusive thoughts. But lately, these urges have become more persistent. When his members are especially kind to him, he feels his attention float briefly to their lips, wishing to give them a small peck. It’s always a peck. A forehead kiss, eskimo, cheek, knuckle, nose; always something innocent. A mere grazing of lips to skin. No matter how innocent the intent or the action, Ten can’t help but feel completely and utterly ashamed. 
Friends aren’t supposed to want to kiss each other, he chides to himself. The dancer already feels like enough of a bother asking to cuddle and hold hands, he fears that by taking the extra step, he’ll lose all 6 of them entirely. So he pushes these feelings deep down, and continues on, hoping the others don’t notice his worry. 
Unfortunately for Ten, Kun prides himself on being in tune with his members’ emotions. Kun first realizes something is wrong during one of the group’s rare off days. He and Ten had opted to stay home, the younger practically BEGGING him to continue watching Doctor Who with him. The two eldest boys have been watching it together for a couple months, and have already plowed through 2 seasons (that’s quite impressive considering how packed their schedules are). Since it’s nearly impossible to refuse Ten anything, Kun finds himself lazing the day away on the couch, carding his fingers through the soft brown locks strewn across his lap.
“Fuck. Everything,” Ten says after they finish the season 2 finale. “Whoever made this episode is a monster.”
Kun giggles, leaning down to wipe stray tears from Ten’s cheeks. “You knew it had to end eventually Tennie.” 
“YEAH BUT THAT WAS SO M E A N!” Ten removes his head from Kun’s lap as the older laughs harder. “It’s not funny!” The Thai man pouts, only eliciting more laughter. 
“Aw you poor thing,” Kun teases, pushing himself off the couch and holding a expectant hand out to the pouting brunette. “C’mon you big baby. Let me make you something to cheer you up.”
Never one to turn down free food, Ten trudges to the kitchen and sits down at the table while his ge gets to work. Ten watches Kun work for 15 minutes before turning to the table and placing a bowl of noodles in front of Ten. The younger looks up at the singer then, an almost indecipherable look on his face. In those few seconds of silence, Kun sees hesitation in Ten’s eyes, an uncharacteristic moment of pause. It’s like Ten wants to do something but he’s restraining himself. Then all too quickly, the look is gone. Ten thanks Kun for the meal before scarfing it down. 
Kun doesn’t bring it up then, or when he sees the same look directed at Hendery the next night while they’re playing Monopoly. He waits a week before finally confronting the boy, having seen the same hesitant gaze 5 or more times by now.
He decided to confront him after their biweekly Just Dance tournament. Kun and Ten were on a team together and kicking everyone else’s asses. After winning their 4th consecutive battle they’d hugged victoriously. When they pulled back, Ten had “the look” written all over his face. And without warning, he pecked Kun on the nose.
Ten stood straight in horror, he didn’t even give Kun a chance to say anything before bolting out of the room. The 5 other members followed him with eyes full of worry and concern. They’re only semi-placated with Kun’s promise of “I’ll talk to him.”
Kun opened the door to Ten and Hendery’s shared room to see Ten facing the wall dejectedly, curled tightly into his blankets. The older made sure he moved softly and quietly, not wanting to spook the boy. He sat himself on the bed across from Ten’s huddled figure, not missing the other boy’s flinch. Kun lays down behind the boy, wrapping his arms around his middle.
“I’m not mad Yongqin, if that’s what you’re worried about,” Kun uses Ten’s Mandarin name, knowing the younger loves the way it rolls off his tongue. “I just want to understand, ok?” The older rubs soothing circles on Ten’s arm with his finger.
“I’m sorry,” Ten whispers, almost imperceptibly quiet. 
“Qinqin I told you there’s nothing to be s--”
“No but I am sorry,” Ten says, turning himself in Kun’s hold to face the older, but still not making eye contact. “I-I shouldn’t have done that.”
“I could tell it was bothering you.” Kun says, raising the eyebrow of the dancer.
“Yeah,” Kun confirms. “So do you have a crush on me?”
“Not at all,” Ten says honestly. He fiddles with his fingers between their parallel chests rather than meet Kun’s gaze. “I just… hhh I don’t know how to begin to explain it.”
“Take your time.” Kun assures which Ten is exceedingly grateful for. Kun has always been patient and level-headed that way.
“It’s kinda like… you know how you hug your friends? To show them you care about them?” Kun nods easily. “Well, for me… kissing is kinda equivalent to a hug with a friend. It’s just...my way of showing affection I guess,” Kun nods again, taking in every word Ten says. “It became apparent a few months ago. But I didn’t want to bother you guys with it, so I kept quiet. And I know it’s weird and it’s really no big deal if you don’t want to I can--”
“Yeah, It’s too much isn’t it? Can we just pretend this never happened? I’m really sor--”
“Look Kun don’t worry about it. It’s really fine. I just want to--”
Ten finally ceases his baseless ranting. Kun rubs up and down the boy’s upper arms.
“Ten it’s fine. I never said I disliked it. If platonic kisses are something you want… something you need,” Kun smiles lightly. “Then I don’t see a problem with that.”
This time Ten actually does look Kun in the eye, cat-like eyes wide with disbelief. “What?”
“Just explain to me what you need Yongqin,” Kun whispers understandingly, and for some reason it makes Ten blush a little. “I’m all ears.”
Ten was left completely dumbfounded. He had just proposed something… crazy.... and yet Kun isn’t running. He doesn’t seem weirded out, or scared, or disgusted. He’s still there. 
“U-um…” Ten starts. “Just… small ones, I guess. Like cheek, nose, knuckles, forehead, hair, that kind of stuff,” Kun processes all this again. “A-and pecks on the lips are nice sometimes… i-if that’s not too much.”
Kun shakes his head and smiles, “Sounds good to me!” And to punctuate it, he places a small kiss on Ten’s forehead, setting the boy’s cheeks aflame once more. 
“T-Thanks,” He says genuinely.
“Of course Tenten,” The older contemplates giving him another kiss for assurance, but he decides that he shouldn’t overwhelm Ten too much just yet. “Anything for you.”
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comradegeorge · 3 years
it is crazy there is so much truthing or truthing jokes on twitter, a PUBLIC platform they are active on. also i feel like a lot of truthing “jokes” are just straight up homophobia. like how many times can you and your friends giggle at calling a random minecrafter gay using borderline or blatantly offensive vocabulary. like the effect that has is just homophobia! lmao. also maybe i just don’t get irl shipping but i really think it shows a lot of issues with dehumanization of the creators in the fandom and i’m sick of pretending it’s unrelated just because the content creators are fine with it. this is coming from someone who thinks d n f can be weird, i think when people take that to write analyses about them or write them kissing or whatever, most people are just turning them into characters in a way that clearly warps their perception of the real person
under the cut tldr keep Intense irl shipping away from public twitter pls
no seriouslyyy there are dnf truthing tweets that get like. thousands of likes and get on dnf's tls and will obviously be seen by ppl outside of the community. i've always thought that public twitter has never been the place to be . straight up making romantic headcanons abt real people ...?? or Loudly reading into the smallest things they say to truth (a lot of the tweets don't even /j anymore,,,) like ok best case scenario they're both straight and it's just weird. but if either of them r possibly not straight it's. i dont even wanna think abt it tbh djdhdh
and i agree re dehumanizing and u worded it rly well !!!! i have nothing to add bc i agree on all fronts but that's always been a big issue with irl shipping in particular. though im someone who's fine w shippy fiction bc i kind of. dont rly see the characters as Actually dream n george if that makes sense lol. george in particular gets written wildly differently every time i encounter a fic and it's v Clearly not george [last name] or not even georgenotfound but george ao3. like i've read fic where the author thinks george is 4'9". other fic where how he acts is Completely opposite to how hes presented himself to his audience. and like Ok. ig ppl are responsible for how they engage with fan content, and part of that is simply remembering that they are not dating, george is straight and also 5'9" with normal-sized hands.
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tehohaews · 3 years
 Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works.
Thank you soooo much Nuria @taytawan for tagging me 🥺💖and ignore how late this is oops
Okay so 2020 is the year that I returned to “the internet” and I’m grateful cause otherwise I wouldn’t get to know all of you lovely people.Thank you for existing and making me feel like I belong somewhere 💖💖 So, along with my works I'm also gonna mention some of my favorite people and their works here and If you’ve ever made me smile you’re here and I love you <3
@snugglesweaters  Terryyyyyyy. My closest friend here 🥺 I’ve never told you this but if it wasn’t for you,I doubt I would’ve lasted this long here. It's nice knowing someone as clueless and a clown like me. I can talk to you about anything and I feel like we have similar views on stuffs.I love making random references to fics and knowing that you’ll get it cause we kind of read the same fics. I love this tine glitter fic of yours (yes tine glitter fic), obviously this cause (vampire) bright in a beanie AND the coffee shop au hc that only I know about hehe. I love your (almost) phd brain and hope you’re doing well in your dissertation. YOU CAN DO IT DW. And may you stay healthy,hydrated,safe and happy in the coming year 😊💖 I love you soooooooo muchhhhhhh 💖💖💖
@lesbian-earn Mayyyyy!!!. My co president of the short people supremacy club. You are so sweet and kind and thank you for reaching out to me that one day I was feeling a bit anxious.It’s always lovely to see you on my activity and on the dash. Like I once said, you remind me of sunshine and ilu 💖💖 Hope that the next year is kind to you and you’ll do well in your uni stuffs dw, I know you can.💖 Also I’ve said this before but i looooveeee this fic of yours and when I found out it was you dfjidfjidfidf
@taytawan Nuriaaaaaaa 💖💖 You say that I’m kind but it’s always because you are so sweet and talented that I can’t help screaming about your works everytime I see them. If I’m not mistaken, the name Nuria comes from the word Nur meaning light. You make the world brighter and a better place by your presence and I’ve said this before but really, it would’ve been very lonely without you in this 2g circus. I love these two sets of yours (I mean I did write an essay in the tags when I saw this) .Thank you for everything, I love you and I hope that you remain safe and happy in the coming year 💖💖 (Also join mine and May's short people club,Terry isn't invited ofc jdjsdjasjij)
@brightwinfilm NATH efhifhihis my (almost) birthday twin. LISTEN we’re gonna have so much fun in March, 1) Itsay part 2 AND your birthday 2)Sarawat’s birthday 3) My birthday and 4)since we’re here let’s just say Tine’s birthday is in March too hehehe. Thank you for all the lovely sarawatine and brightwin content you make, they never fail to make me smile.I love this set of yours and this also cause hehehe i WILL bring this back muhahhaa.You’re a wonderful person and you make the world a better place. Take care of yourself and I hope that you are always happy,healthy and safe 💖 i love youuu
@ryudian​ My go to person when I need any updates. You are SO HELPFUL and so NICE. I love going to your blog and seeing your st dolls and all the crazy stuffs you do because of bw. And I absolutely loved what you did with the oishi drinks here. May you be happy and safe in the coming year and stop spending so much money on merch I'm worried you'll go bankrupt
@komari-maxx​ I love seeing you on my activity and I love your st dolls and fics, specially this fruity4 one cause sdhididhid you included my hc of them arguing over the colour on lunch.This totally happened no one can change my mind. Hope you'll be happy (with your st dolls hehe) in the coming year
@teh-ohaew *tarn voice* Eyy TAY djidjijid hehe oops. Tay and Teh sound so similar specially in tarn's voice. Omg Teh Tay besties. TAYYYYY I love youuuu and I love reading your tags and seeing you on my dash except when you and Ayesha go crazy sdhusdh hehe jk. You are so nice and I love this sarawatine ig hc of yours. Hope you have a lovely year ahead and remain happy,healthy and safe. Don't forget to take care of yourself (by that I mean listen to the itsay original score on repeat)
@metawin JAYYYYY. I still remember the first time I came across your blog, it was when you were (probably) rewatching wyel and blogging about it crazily. I was laughing so hard at those and then you followed me back and I still to this day have no idea why. It's comforting seeing your posts in the tags and the dash and I absolutely love this itsay set of yours. You are so talented and lovely and I hope that you have a wonderful year ahead. Lots of love <3333
@gremlinmetawin Ayesha bb 🥺🥺 You were the first person who interacted with me here and I love you for that. It's lovely seeing you in my dash and thank you for tagging me in tag games, I have fun doing them 💖💖 tbh I know like 3 Ayeshas irl but you are the loveliest and kindest of them all. Hope that the next year is kind to you,bring you happiness and you finally finish all those unwatched shows
@khaotungthanawat SAMMMMM Have I said that you are SO TALENTED this week? although tbh you deserve to hear that everyday. You always say that it's nothing but no, you ARE talented and kind. It's wonderful seeing your posts ( I feel like you're everywhere nowadays another proof that you work hard). You are a blessing to this world and I hope for you to be always happy and safe 💖💖.I love this st set, this itsay one and the tags of this post 😂😂 I will never not laugh at this.If this doesn't happen in the st special special askdkdsks 
@metawwin ALIIIIIIIII, queen of parallels djijidjias. I love going through your blog and seeing all your 2g stuffs.I absolutely adore this set of yours. You are so talented and you make the world a happier place <3 I love youuuuu and I hope you're staying hydrated,taking care of yourself and doing the things you love. You deserve all the love and happiness in the world 💖💖
@wirapong AISHIIIIII Hope you're doing well. I've screamed about this already BUT this club drama fic? lives in my head rent free. Also I love all your soft baby wat fics cause WAT IS A BABY. Glad we have Tine as the President of the Sarawat protection squad. I love your writing. you're so talented and I hope that the coming year will bring you happiness <33
@acequinz Hi Ace!! I love your incorrect quotes sideblog and I love your fics, specially this, this and this. You're a lovely person and I hope that you have a wonderful year ahead.
@bisexualrep DORAAAA We haven't talked in a while but I smile whenever I see you in my activities. You are maybe the 4th person who followed me here and it still feels weird cause this and this? some of my fav wyel fics of all time. It's lovely reading your tags, they are so cheerful <3 Hope you're doing well and taking care of yourself. You deserve to be happy always 💖💖
Omg this is so long. If you're still here, here are some of the works that I'm proud of. 1)This itsay set. This was my first time doing big gifs and although this is loooong I like how this turned out, specially the colouring. 2) This cause do I do anything except 2g shitposting? No <3 I had this idea even before s2g aired but decided to wait so that I have more shots from s2g and I'm glad I did cause Earn basically got confirmed as a wlw so (Also special thanks to Terry cause the Man and Air hc were hers,her phd brain ikr) 3)This cause dcjsdjidi SARAWATINE SOULMATES. I love how the colouring turned out despite the fact that ps crashed halfway and I lost the gifs i spent 2 hours colouring. I tried to do this with scenes from the series only but couldn't cause wHen YoU aRe wItH yOuR cAmeRA SHOW US goddammit. If this was ao3 this would've been tagged as Tine teepakorn loves Sarawat guntithanon xD 4) Still2gether textposts obviously. I KNOW that 90% people follow me for my 2g shitposting and I got an ask once saying how were they so accurate and the reason for that is I spent HOURS on these. Atfirst it took a long time but after a while I got the hang of it. It was fun (though sometimes tiring) to make these after each ep aired. I'm proud of it and the fact that I managed to do 13 parts? gsjsdjsj 5) Still2gether subs that looks fake but aren't. shutup this was my first time giffing but it was funnnnn looking for the (canon) crack parts after every ep aired. 
Also,thank you to all the lovely people who likes and reblogs my posts, I do see you and I love you all <33 
Tagging: If you’re here then consider yourself tagged if you wanna do this or to anyone who sees this on the dash
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whenihaveyouromione · 3 years
When I Have You - Chapter 10
Read on Fanfiction.net or ao3 if you’d prefer!
Follow this story’s IG account ‘whenihaveyou.romione’.
If you’re interested in participating in a fanfiction writing competition for Harry Potter, playing in a Quidditch team and in a Quidditch position (Keeper, Chaser, Beater or Seeker) follow this link here. It’s super fun and well run, as it has been going on for 9 seasons now. 
Chapter 10
Ron didn’t pry, but he was pleased to see that his words had made some kind of impact on Harry, because on moving day, Ginny appeared the happiest Ron had seen her in a very long time. It seemed Harry had taken his very vague and inexperienced advice and done something to assure Ginny that she was important to him. 
Cheerfully, she offered her assistance in their move. 
Ron didn’t have much to bring over. Just his clothes (which, once he had his own money, he was going to replace), and everything he’d had pinned to his wall. It almost felt a bit childish taking all the Chudley Cannons things he’d collected over the years, but he couldn’t allow his mother to toss them out either, which he knew would happen if he didn’t take them. Perhaps it was time he got a new bedspread, but he could at least store the other stuff away somewhere as keepsakes. 
He’d just watched the last of his possessions fly into a large cardboard box when Ginny came into his room and sat down on his now bare bed. She looked around at the empty walls, where all of his posters had once been, and smiled. “Ah, so that is the colour of your walls?”
“Ha, ha.”
“Hermione will be disappointed,” Ginny continued. “She actually told me she thought your obsession with the Cannons was endearing; even when I told her you’d had it that way since you were five.”
“Really?” Ron asked, his mind suddenly picturing an even bigger room for more souvenirs. “She likes my room?” 
“Yeah,” Ginny said, rolling her eyes. “She loves a lot about you, Chudley-Cannons-obsession included.” She looked at the box on the floor and smiled. “But I’d still think of a new way to decorate.”
“You’re being unnaturally nice,” Ron said, suddenly suspicious. “What do you want?”
“Nothing. I just assume I have you to thank for Harry’s sudden change in attitude.”
Ron flushed. “Er, he told you about that?”. He really didn’t want to engage with Ginny in a conversation about this. It was one thing giving Harry advice; it was a whole other thing to have to talk to his sister about her lovelife. Though, from what she had just told him, it seemed that Hermione and Ginny didn’t seem to have an issue discussing theirs.
“No, but it was such a sudden change, I assumed someone was in his ear, and you were the one I told about my frustrations, so I figured… well, thanks, Ron.”
“Anytime,” Ron mumbled, not meeting her eye. “Someone needed to say it. I don’t want him messing you around.”
“Funny, isn’t it?” Ginny continued, as if she was oblivious to his awkwardness. “You and I, being friends. I mean, you’re my brother and I love you, but it’s almost as if we’re friends now, too.”
“I guess,” Ron said, the thought only just occurring to him that he had, in fact, been spending a lot of time with his sister since the war. “It makes sense, I suppose. I’m friends with Harry, you’re friends with Hermione, I’m with Hermione, you’re… with Harry.” The last part came out in a squeak.
Ginny snorted. “It really makes you uncomfortable, doesn’t it? Me being with Harry?”
“Well, you are my sister,” Ron said, “and he’s my best mate, and… you’re my sister, and it just feels… weird. But I’m alright so long as I don’t hear about the intimate details —”
“Says you, who shares that with Harry!” Ginny scoffed. 
“That’s different,” Ron said. 
“Hermione isn’t his little sister.”
Ginny laughed. “You being my brother doesn’t seem to stop her…”
“Nothing.” Ginny stood up from the bed, grinning. Then, catching Ron completely off guard, she hugged him. Ron hugged her back, and he realised that he couldn’t remember the last time he’d even hugged his sister. They must have been really young…
“What was that for?” he asked when she pulled away.
“For standing up for me,” Ginny said. “Even when I don’t need it, even when I resent you for it, even when it’s to your best friend. Thank you.”
“Er, anytime.” Ron picked the box up from the floor, and Ginny followed him down the many flights of stairs until they reached the bottom. Harry was already waiting, with even less stuff than Ron had. 
It was a stark reminder for Ron that while Harry may have been famous in the wizarding world, he had grown up with less than Ron had. It had taken Ron a very long time to work it out; that his best friend in the whole world had had a miserable life growing up thanks to his Muggle relatives, and most of the time, Harry had never sought the attention he got. 
Ron got that now, and he no longer envied Harry. In fact, he felt sorry for him. Ron wanted nothing less than to ever be in Harry’s shoes. 
Harry eyed the box Ron carried in his arms, then smiled. “Plan on decorating the house?” he asked.
“No,” Ron said. “I just don’t want Mum throwing them out. Although,” he looked to Ginny, “apparently Hermione finds it endearing, so you never know.”
Harry snorted and then nodded to the fireplace. “You ready?”
It felt very odd to be leaving the Burrow, knowing that he’d never be back. Not to be living there, anyway. He’d probably still come over for dinner often, and to visit. This had been the only home he had known, and as small and as crowded as it was, it was still home, and, if he was being honest, always would be. No matter where he lived in the future, he’d always remember the Burrow. 
Molly gave them each a hug, wiping her eyes and carrying on like it would be the last time she’d ever see them. She then placed a container of food on top of Ron’s box. 
“That’s so you boys don’t go hungry tonight.” She sniffed, gave them both another hug, and finally stepped back to give them access to the fireplace. 
“It’s alright, Mum,” Ron said, throwing some Floo powder into it. “We’ll come back to visit often. You’re all good.”
Ron let Harry go first, considering it was his house. Ginny said goodbye to him in a way that forced Ron to look away. She said something about seeing him tomorrow, letting him settle in. Then Harry was gone. 
With one last goodbye (to his family and his home), Ron followed and was soon stepping into the much darker room of number twelve, Grimmauld Place. 
He looked around, a strange feeling settling upon him, and it wasn’t because this was now his home; Grimmauld Place had always made him feel a little uncomfortable, even when it had been bustling with the Order.
“The Blacks were a miserable sort, weren’t they?” he said to Harry. “We definitely need to brighten this place up a bit if we’re going to be living here.”
Harry smiled and nodded. “Yeah, definitely can’t live here with house-elf heads all through the house. Hermione would have a fit. They’ll be the first to go. Maybe some new furniture, too. Something more…”
“Colourful?” Ron offered, looking down at his box of Chudley Cannons stuff again. “I mean —”
“We’ll go shopping tomorrow,” Harry promised. “For now, let’s just sort out what’s what.”
Ron followed Harry up the creaky staircase, stopping on the landing with the covered portrait of Walburga Black. “I really wish that could go,” he said. “Not sure I fancy coming down for breakfast every morning and having to see her.” He shuddered, still remembering the times she’d screeched for hours at a time when he, Harry and Hermione had stayed there for a brief time on their Horcrux hunt. 
“We’ll work on that, too,” Harry said. “Maybe Auror training will teach us some new tricks that we can use.”
“If Moody couldn’t do it, do you think we can?” Ron asked. 
Harry shrugged, continuing up the stairs until they reached some of the bedrooms. 
“You can have that one,” Ron said, indicating the one Harry had lived in for a bit after the war. “If you want, I mean. I guess we have plenty to choose from.”
“Nah, this will do me,” Harry said. “Which one will you pick?”
Ron contemplated some of the wooden doors. One had belonged to Sirius’ parents, which he flat out refused to even consider. Another was the one he’d stayed in just the other year. “That one, I guess.”
Harry nodded. 
Ron pushed open the door to the room slightly down the hall and opposite Harry’s room. It was just as he had left it before; cold, dark and rather gloomy. At least this time he had the means to change it. 
He set the box down and turned to Harry. “Are we crazy for living here?” he asked. “It’s not the best place in the world…”
“It’s the only other home I know,” Harry said. “It’ll be alright for a while, won’t it?”
Ron nodded. “Yeah, I guess. It’s huge for the two of us, though.”
“Would have been even bigger with just me.” And Ron saw the grateful smile Harry gave him. It warmed Ron; he was welcome here. 
“So,” Ron began, “what should we do on our first night here?”
The answer to that question was to have a quiet night in. That evening, around dinner time, Ron fetched the food his mother had given them, and they sat in the large kitchen at the end of the table to eat it. It wasn’t much, but it was more than what either of them could have cooked for themselves.
“So, maybe shopping for food is the first step tomorrow?” Ron asked as he sent his empty plate flying to the sink. “Where is Kreacher, anyway?”
“I… dismissed him,” Harry said. “When I first came back. He wasn’t too pleased about it, but he’s free now. Who knows where he’s gone, but I’m sure if we ever need him, he’ll be glad to come back to the house of his old master.”
“Right, so I guess we’ll be doing our own dishes then?” Ron said, and Harry smirked.
“Don’t let Hermione hear you saying that,” he said. 
“Don’t plan on it,” Ron said, yawning. To his surprise, he realised that that was the first time since that morning that he’d thought about Hermione. In the hours leading up to dinner, he and Harry had attempted to brighten up the place, but to no avail. “I hope she’s alright,” he added after a moment.
“Percy said she was fine, didn’t he?” Harry asked. “That it was all going to plan?”
Ron nodded. “Yeah, but I’d love to hear from her personally, you know? I guess it takes a while for an owl to get here from Australia.”
“I guess…” Harry looked around the empty kitchen, frowning. “Hey, you don’t fancy a Butterbeer, do you?”
“Sure,” Ron said. “You got any?”
“No,” Harry said, “but I can get some. Why don’t we really celebrate our first night as housemates?”
“By getting drunk?” Ron asked. 
“No, by, just… celebrating?”
Ron grinned. “Sounds like a plan, mate. Listen, you get them this time, and once we start getting paid for the training, I’ll do the next one.” Once again, he felt a thrill rush through him over the thought of making his own money. There were so many things he wanted to do with it that he doubted he’d be able to do it all on the first go. 
“Agreed,” Harry said and he clambered from his seat. “Won’t be too long,” and he vanished down the hall, where Ron heard the whoosh of Harry disappearing via the fireplace. 
The house immediately became quieter the moment Harry was gone. Ron got up from his own chair and wandered back down the hall and to the stairs. He contemplated writing to Hermione while Harry was out and letting her know that he wasn’t at the Burrow anymore. But then he decided against it. She had far more important things to worry about than him telling her that he’d moved house. He’d mention it in a reply whenever he received an update from her. 
Instead, he moved into the living area, which — like the rest of the house — was dark and bland. Sirius had hated this place growing up and as an adult, and Ron had never been a fan of it. It held a lot of memories for him, good and bad, and he hoped that eventually he’d be able to erase the bad ones entirely. 
He moved into the drawing room and sat down on the sofa, smiling slightly to himself. Here had been a good memory for him. It hadn’t been that long ago, though it felt like a lifetime. It was the first night here after escaping the wedding, and they’d all been terrified of being discovered after the attack in Muggle London. 
Ron remembered how he’d insisted he sleep on the floor and let Hermione sleep on the cushions. It seemed silly now, considering all that had happened, but it had felt right at the time. He’d been so desperate to prove himself to her despite having just fled an attack on theirs — and everyone else’s — lives. In fact, it had seemed even more important in that moment to give her some sign about how he felt. How many more days would they have together?
And it had kind of worked, too, for not long after Harry had fallen asleep she’d shifted on the cushions, her head turning slightly to face him. She’d been so close in that moment, and even with his own fear for his family, his father’s Patronus the only word that they were safe, her presence soothed him. 
“I’m scared,” she whispered. 
Those two words put everything else aside then, and he reached for her hand and squeezed it. 
“Me too,” was all he said. 
He had expected her to let go after that, but she didn’t, and he had absolutely no intention of letting go if she didn’t want to. They’d fallen asleep like that, and it had been the calmest he had felt in a very long time. 
In the present, he sat there for a long while, until Harry returned carrying some bottles of Butterbeer and one large bottle of Firewhisky. He held them up. “All ready to go!” he said.
The remainder of the evening was great, Ron thought. They chatted, mostly about Quidditch and what would happen once the new season started. Ron, as usual, had higher expectations for the Cannons than he should have, while Harry said if it was possible, he’d really like to attend a game or two. His only experience in watching the professionals was in the World Cup, which had been years ago now.
“I hear Oliver Wood is actually getting a chance to play this year,” Ron said. “So the Prophet says, anyway.”
They both smiled at that, and as amusing as it was, Harry and Ron agreed that they were genuinely pleased for the old Gryffindor captain. 
“Though, I’ll be honest, it would be a sweet victory if the Cannons beat Puddlemere,” Ron said. 
As the evening wore on, and the Butterbeer bottles slowly emptied, Ron found himself contemplating what life was going to be like in the coming months. The day after next he’d be all consumed with training, but what would happen after that? Once training was complete? Would he become a real Auror? Someone who could go on missions, catch Dark wizards? 
And what of his life with Hermione? She wanted to finish school, and he had no doubt that once she got her one hundred NEWTs or whatever exceptional result she was capable of, she’d be highly sought after in whatever career she chose to pursue. But then what? 
“You alright there?” Harry asked, snapping Ron from his thoughts.
“You looked as if you were lost in thought,” Harry said. “And you had a stupid grin on your face.”
“Oh, right.” Ron felt his ears burning. “I was just thinking.” He wasn’t sure Harry would appreciate him talking about how he just simply could not imagine a future that didn’t involve Hermione in it anymore, so to change the topic, he said, “This’ll be great, won’t it?”
“What will?” Harry asked.
“The two of us living together?”
“Yeah,” Harry said with a small smile. “I think it’ll be fantastic.”
13 notes · View notes
wayward-mikaelson · 4 years
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Word Count: 2715
Pairing: None
Characters: Reader, Dean, Cas, Sam, Hezekiah, Maggie, 
Summary: Cas and Reader see the flashback of the Reader killing Maggie and also learn that the Reader was working with Hezekiah to bring Michael back. Having the knowledge that only the angel she worked with can help her, she leaves the bunker without the boys.
Disclaimer: Language, Panic Attack, Lying, Blood and Gore, Character Death
A/N: So sorry this one is out late. It’s been crazy busy at home and I wanted this to be perfect. 
A/N 2: Tell me what you think!!!! I love hearing what you all think
A/N 3: Tag all your spn accounts so they can check this out!
Forever Tag List: @donnaintx​ @myinconnelly1​ @magssteenkamp​ @hobby27​ @elansaidaris​ @440mxs-wife​
Dean/Jensen Tag List: @sandlee44​ @squirrelnotsam​ @akshi8278​ 
I walk out of the cabin while cursing Hezekiah. He didn't want to do anything to get his self righteous of an angel ass hands dirty. So he sends me to his bidding. Something that I'm happy to do if it meant seeing 'him' again. Other times I'm not so up to it. Not many people know I'm alive so I try and make my outing short and brief. I've contemplated dying my hair but never really gotten around to it since most of my errands end with me covered in blood or a nearly broken bone.
I toss my bag into the back of the car and get into the drivers seat and start my trip from Texas to Kansas. I don't make too many stops unless it's for food or to quickly use the restroom. This is going to be one of the trickiest errands I've had. Hezekiah needs something from Lebanon. From the bunker. I know that bunker like the back of my hand and knew where there were secret passage ways that led to rooms and such. As long as they weren't there, everything will go smoothly. If they were there, well, I'm going have to cross that bridge when I get there.
I park in a well hidden spot away from the Bunker and head there on foot. Part of me wants to run into them and see what they have been up to. Maybe he has moved on. Maybe there is a new woman in his life that can make him smile the way I used to do. The other part of me doesn't want to run in to them because I know it will complicate the thing I'm doing with Hezekiah. If he has moved on, it certianly will complicate things with the other woman.
"Focus," I tell myself. "Your only mission is to get the blood and get out."
I hear a twig snap in the distance and it raises the hairs on my back of my neck. I slowly draw my small blade and turn around. There isn't anyone. Must have been a deer. I turn back around and there she is. Standing there and making my job a little less complicated. I slowly put my blade away and approach her.
"YN?" The look on her face is disbelief. Her eyes look me over a millions times before I get a foot away from her. "Is it really you?" The smile on her face pulls at my heart strings. I thought I could do this job but, I don't think I can. "Oh...my...fucking...God! It is you! Everyone will be so happy!" She throws her arms around me and hugs me tight. I return the hug as well. I miss her terribly.
"Maggie," I say her name and feel the heart strings pull harder. I almost just say screw this thing Hezekiah has going on but, I dont. "You can't tell anyone." I pull away from her.
"Why not?" Maggie asks looking confused. "Dean has been miserable without you and Sam," Her voice breaks a bit. "He's broken up seeing his brother like this. He stays up all night most nights making sure Dean doesn't just off himself."
I feel the tears start to form in the corner of my eyes. I hold them back though. I can't let her see that this effects me. I can't let her see that I miss him with everything in me but he wouldn't understand this. He wouldn't understand that I also need to see someone else.
I lick my lips and sit against the nearest tree. Maggie follows me. Part of me wants to scream for her run because of what I need to do. But again, I don't. "Did you and Sam ever hook up?" I ask her. I need to change the subject away from him.
Maggie blushes a bit. "We've talked about going out but, ever since we burned your body..."Her voice trails off. "There has never been a perfect time. I mean he's kissed me a few times but that's about it." Good, I think. That's really good but, also so very terribly sad. "What have you been up to and when the hell did  you get back?"
"Some months ago," I smile a little. My hidden hand fumbles with the blade at my side. I need to make this quick. "I'm working on brining Michael back."
"What?" Maggie exclaims. "Why would you do that? He needs to stay in that crystal at the bottom of the ocean!"
With one quick, swift, and fluid movement, I slash her throat with my blade. "Because I need to and you're apart of what we need to bring him back. Blood from his world."
I watch as Maggie holds her throat, trying to keep the blood from spilling out. But the would is too deep, the blood seeps between her fingers. I take my camel back and open it and shove her bloody hand aside. I let as much blood spill into the bag as I can. I see the look in her eyes. Surprise and betrayal linger. She's gasping for air and as she does more blood spills out and down her neck and into her shirt.
When I'm satisfied with what I need and gently lay her down on the ground. I sit with her as she struggles to breath. Struggles to talk even. The light in her eyes start to fade. Her breathing slows and she stops talking. She's dead a few minutes later and I let a few tears fall. I lean over and close her eyes.
"I'm sorry," I whisper. "I needed to do this and I couldn't let you live."
I get up and angrily pull out my phone. I hit send on Hezekiah's number and it goes straight to voicemail. Damn self righteous, feathered ass dick needs to pick up the phone when I call. "I got your fucking blood, you asshole," I angrily say into the phone. "I hope your pompous dickless ass is satisfied." I hang up and shove the phone back into my pocket.
I gasp for air once I am able to focus on everything in the room around me. I see Dean lean up off the door. Worry takes over his face. I feel Cas's hand slowly move from the sides of my head. I'm sure surprise is on his. My breathing is picking up and my body is cold and shivering. So many questions are running through my head right now but I need to process what the fuck I had just seen. What I did. Sam is never going to forgive me. Sam is most likely going to want to kill me if or when he finds out that it was me that killed Maggie. Actually there is no 'if' he finds out, it's only a matter of when he finds out.
"Untie me," I barely get out and yank at the binds that held me to the chair. Dean is moving but for some reason he's moving slow. "Fucking untie me, damn it." I scream and thrash around in the chair. Deans soothing words echo in the room as he quickly unties me. The binds come undone and I get up and sink against the nearest wall. I hug my legs to my chest and squeeze my eyes shut. My heart is beating hard in my chest. The tears are flowing
"What the hell happened?" Dean asks Cas. I can hear the worry in his voice "Did we get the answer we need?  
"Yes," I hear Cas say. He sounds like he's catching his breath too. That must have taken a lot of energy. "And then some."
"So, tell me what happened," Dean demands. More from Cas than me.
I open my eyes and see Dean is kneeling next to me, staring at Cas who is also trying to process what had happened. What I did. Cas looks back at me and I have that 'oh shit' moment again. I take a deep breath and take Deans hand in mine.
"Dean," I say swallowing hard. He looks at me. The worry that he wears on his face makes me not want to tell him what happened. But I need to. I hold his hand tighter. "I killed Maggie. I killed her to bring Michael back."
I feel Dean slowly pull his hand away. I know it's not at the news of me telling him that I was the one who killed Maggie. It's at the news of brining Michael back. Dean knows about the connection Michael and I had. He knew of the dream like sex Michael and I had. This must feel like an absolute betrayal to him and I don't blame him for feeling that way.
"Cas," Deans voice is almost a whisper when he speaks. "Are you able to go back in? Tear down the wall so we can know more?"
"No," Cas says. "My energy was nearly drained. Something was pushing me back. And no I cannot tear down the wall. It is an angelic wall of protection used to keep things out once a traumatic even happens. So maybe when YN woke up covered in blood the other day. The angel that put it there has to be the one to remove it."
"Then we find that angel," Dean stands up and starts to walk out the room. "That wall needs to come down so we can know more about if Michael is back." He turns back to me. I see some hurt in his eyes and I hate myself for it. What other horrible things have I done?
"I'm sorry," I choke out.
"I know," Dean looks away from me. My heart hurts even more but, I brought this upon myself. "No one speaks a word of this to Sam. He can't know about this yet." Dean leaves the room leaving me with Cas.
Cas walks over to me and helps me to my feet. "Michael is a huge sore spot for Dean. It is a part of his life that he wants to erase. So hearing that he could or is back...just give him some space."
"So it has nothing to do with the mark or the dream sex?" I ask wiping my face of tears.
Cas shakes his head. "Dean knows that Michael only used you as a pawn in his plan."
I fake a smile. "Okay."
The rest of the day is slow. I spent more time in my room that I wanted. Dean doesn't ignore me at all. He checks in on me and makes sure I'm doing okay. He makes sure I have water or soda or even a strong drink at hand and some food to eat. This eases my mind some. Dean even tells me that he isn't mad about my past with Michael. Just that we have to deal with him again.
The real reason why I'm in my room is that Sam is back at the bunker and every time I saw his face before retreating into my room, I saw Maggies happy face when she talked about Sam and then I would see her lifeless face. The blood that slowly flowed from her neck. I knew that I couldn't face Sam without him knowing the truth.
"So when should we go after this spineless dick?" Dean says in my doorway. He's holding a six pack and a box of pizza. He looks so attractive right now. Any girls dream come true. I remember first meeting him, he was the kind to have multiple one night stands. Then slowly those stopped and eventually he somehow started to chase me and I guess death wouldn't stop that.
"I honestly don't know," I pat the spot next to on my bed and Dean waltz on in. Its a lie and I don't want him knowing I already have a plan in place. Dean cracks open two beers and hands me one while I get myself a slice of pizza. "The more I want to know what else I've done the more I'm scared as hell to find out." Now thats the truth. I want to know but freaked the fuck out that I could have killed another human to bring Michael back.
"Whatever we plan," Dean takes my hand and kisses it. For someone who claims he hates the romance part of relationships he does that part really well. "We are in this together."
"Together," I repeat.
After a few old crappy movies, Dean is out. His soft snores tell me he's already in a deep sleep. I pick up the beer bottles and pizza box and stuff them in the kitchen trash. I make my way back to the room and stare at Dean sleeping there in my bed. I could lay next to him for another hour but I know I will pass out and I wouldn't have another opportunity like this again.
Taking a deep breath and swallowing hard, I pull out a duffle bag and start to shove clothes and stuff into the bag. I sneak to Deans room and throw a few guns in another bag. I head back to my room and leave a small note for Dean propped up on a glass of water. I lean towards him and kiss his forehead. I hate to do this and it kills me but, I need to do this. To protect Dean.
I make my way  towards the kitchen again and grab a random set of keys to the many cars in the bunker. Just as I was about to walk into the bunker garage, I run right into Sam.
"Hey there," Sam steadies me. "Dean says you haven't been feeling good." Then he notices the bags I carry. "You're leaving?"
I scoot pass Sam without making any kind of eye contact with him. I can't look him in the eyes knowing what I did. "I have a lead on how to get my memories back. I'm going to check it out."
"By yourself?" Sam asks. "Dean told me that Cas tried to access your memories but you have a very strong wall up. Only the angel who put it there will be able to take it down."
I decide to turn around and look at Sam. He doesn't know and he looks at peace right now. "I have to." I adjust the bags on my shoulders as they are starting to feel heavy. "It deals with Michael and I don't want Dean to be apart of this because of Michael. We don't know if his body will get hijacked again." Thats a lie, I remember that dream I had on the way to the bunker where there was vessel like thing in the room with a dreaded hair man. Maybe that's Hezekiah.
"Well let me come with you," Sam suggets.
"No," I quickly say. "You can't. You have to stay here."
Sam stares at me. I can tell that he's trying to figure out what's going on. I can see the red flags that he sees. "Something happened that Dean doesn't want me to know, is that right? I can tell in your eyes that you're freaked out."
I lick my lips. "A memory he doesn't want you knowing about just yet."
"What is it?" Sam asks firmly.
I take a deep breath. Dean is going to super pissed at when he finds out that I told his baby brother. Swallowing deeply I say, "The memory that Cas was able to pull out from me was me killing Maggie."
As if it were in slow motion, I see Sams face fall. I watch the color drain from his face. Sadness, pain and anger replace whatever emotions he had on before. He just stares at me and I see a small tear from his eyes. All I want to do is hug him and tell him how sorry I am. But I know nothing i do will be able to make him feel better.
I quickly turn on my heel and rush to the garage. I throw my bag into the car whose key I chose and was on the road in less than ten minutes. A minute later my phone rings. I look at it and see that it's Dean calling.
31 notes · View notes
ragewerthers · 4 years
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Summary: There is no greater joy, in Ignis' opinion, then waking up with Gladio by his side. But as of late there has been one troubling nuisance that seems hell bent on ensnaring him.Gladio's hair.Is there really any way to tame the hair beast?
A/n: This is another F3S for my good friend @bgn846​! 
I couldn't get this out of my head as soon as I read it and I had to write it right away! :D The prompt was:
'Gladio's hair is crazy especially after he wakes up.  He sorta has bangs, or a mohawk or who knows it's nuts.  So who gets this lovely view in the morning? Or maybe he's tired and he doesn't style it one day.  Or maybe they run out of hair gel while on the road trip.'
I hope that this has all the fluff you are looking for, my friend!
You can also read on AO3 at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23266075
Enjoy! :D
Word Count: 1833
Mornings with Gladio were nothing short of wonderful.  The man was an insatiable cuddlebug and on the coldest of mornings he was a welcome haven of coziness, something that Ignis could burrow into and find safety in.  However… there was one part of the morning that, as of late, was starting to become a bit of a nuisance.
Gladio’s hair.
To be fair, Ignis adored his darling’s hair.  It was luxurious and thick.  Its color was a deep, dark brown that reminded Ignis of his beloved Ebony and the way it would get those soft waves in it when it got wet or when he styled it was something that always seemed to make him weak-kneed.
But right now, in this moment, as the sun was just beginning to make its way through the blinds of their bedroom… it was attempting with all its might to strangle the hell out of him.
Gladio’s hair, much like the man himself, was not something easily tamed.  In the morning it was at its most wicked.  It would hiss at the sight of a brush, recoil at the sight of a comb and lash out at any sort of hair product meant to beat it into submission.
Ignis was currently caught up in his partner's embrace, a place normally so welcoming, but his entire face was almost completely entangled in the man's mane which also meant that Gladio’s own face was all encompassed in it leaving nothing of his chiseled features to view.  Not that Ignis could see it with what was already falling over him and blurring his vision.
“Gladio?  Gladio, lo-...Pbthhthp!”  His attempt to gently rouse the man was abruptly ended as some of Gladio’s hair went for the attack.  Gladio had shifted causing another cascade to fall over Ignis’s face and inadvertently getting into his mouth.
“M’ff… don’... Igs sleepin’…,” Gladio mumbled as he pulled Ignis closer and nuzzled into the top of his head which was, more or less, 99.9% Gladio’s own hair.
Bringing a hand up, Ignis began to carefully make a bid for freedom.  First he brushed it away from his own face so as to be able to see and breath again which was a blessing.  Then, gently, he began to sweep it back over Gladio’s face as well, slowly revealing his sleeping features and making his heart flutter ridiculously in his chest.
Tucking a rampant wild curl behind Gladio’s ear, he let his fingers gently trace the outer shell, watching as Gladio’s nose crinkled slightly at the touch.
Ignis bit his lip and held back a little chuckle as he watched this.  He continued to gently trace his fingers down the side of Gladio’s neck and was rewarded with a little wiggle out of the man as his shoulders scrunched up and a rumbled little giggle bubbled up from his chest.
Ignis was just reaching back up to follow the same path again with his fingers when he found his wrist captured quickly in Gladio’s strong yet gentle hold.  Glancing over he noticed one sleepy amber eye watching him intently, the other still obscured by his hair.  Ignis chuckled softly and gave him his most innocent smile.
“Have I awoken the beast?” he murmured softly, not wanting to completely disrupt the quiet morning.
Gladio gave a little growl at that.  The sound rumbling through his chest as he brought Ignis’s hand to his lips and pressed a soft kiss to his palm.  “You have,” he purred back, his voice pitched deeper from sleep and making Ignis’s cheeks flush slightly at the timbre of it.  Gladio noticed the little flush and the corners of his lips quirked up in amusement.  “Why’re you feelin’ so brave this mornin’?”  He pressed another kiss against Ignis’ wrist, slowly lifting his arm higher and higher to kiss along the underside of his forearm and nipping gently at the crease of his elbow.
The flush of Ignis’s face began to travel along with Gladio’s gentle attentions.  His ears and neck slowly starting to feel warmer and warmer.  “I-I had to if I wanted to survive,” he stammered out, breath hitching a moment as he felt the little nip.
The comment caught Gladio off guard and for a moment a flicker of concern passed over his features.  Ignis noticed the change and offered him a gentle smile to quell his worries.
“I’m alright, love.  It was just… your hair was attempting to claim me in its clutches,” he murmured softly, watching as the worry slowly ebbed away as gentle amusement took over Gladio’s expression.  
Gladio relinquished his hold on Ignis’ arm, moving instead to wrap his  own arm back around the Adviser’s lithe waist and draw him closer.  Trying to make amends in some small way for what his hair had attempted to do so early this morning.  He could feel Ignis settling in his hold once more and ran a hand over his spine to keep him close and content.  “I don’t know why it fights so much in the morning.  It’s like it gets a life of its own,” he joked, feeling Ignis chuckle against him. 
“It’s like in your sleep you become some sort of… hair beast,” Ignis teased, getting Gladio to snort and lean back to look at him with his still partially hair covered face.
“Well… I’m awake now and I’ll make sure to keep you safe,” he murmured fondly, pressing a few gentle kisses over Ignis’s face.
Closing his eyes, Ignis felt his own smile growing at the peppered kisses, basking in the warmth of his lovers' embrace… at least until he felt a barrage of hair once again fall onto his face shrouding him in darkness.
“Gladio!  It’s doing it again!” Ignis cried out, lifting his hand to try and clear his sight only to be stopped by a sudden attack on his neck.  A flurry of kisses and nibbles instantly eliciting a squeak from him as he began to squirm and giggle unbecomingly in Gladio’s hold.  “N-no!  Gladio!  Y-You’re supposed to pro-tehehect meehehe!” he cried out, pushing at the man’s chest ineffectively and soon finding himself rolled over onto his back and gently pinned.
“Gladio?” the Shield growled playfully against Ignis’ neck, his fingers now moving to lightly scribble against the Adviser’s side and making him try to curl up and bat away the monster's hand as a new round of manic giggles and snorts began to escape him.  “There is no Gladio here.  Only the hair beast!”
“Stahahapit you m-monstehehe!” Ignis tried to chide, but sadly his laughter overtook him.  Especially when Gladio nuzzled his stubbly jaw right into the crook of his shoulder making him let out the most ridiculous squeal that had him flushing crimson.
It did, however, do the trick of getting Gladio to pause his attack as he started to laugh at the noise.  Leaning up on his one arm he looked down fondly on his blushing and panting partner.
“That was the most adorable thing I’ve ever heard, Ignis,” Gladio chuckled, bringing a hand up to soothe over Ignis’ chest to help calm his breathing and giggles.  It seemed to help slightly as the Adviser began to calm minutely and Gladio shook his head to the side a little, trying to move some of his hair from his sight to see his partner properly.
Ignis rolled his eyes both at the spectacle and the comment, still laying there panting and blushing with a smile lingering over his lips.  “Y-you… will speak of that to no one… understood?” he asked, only just seeing the crinkle of Gladio’s smile underneath the man;s wild curtain of hair that still managed to obscure him from view.
“You think I’d share that cuteness with anyone else?  Never,” Gladio promised, finally bringing his hand up to push his hair back from his face so he could look at Ignis properly.
As Ignis watched the unveiling of his partner from underneath his wild locks, his blush seemed to come back full force.  It always struck him just how beautiful Gladio was and after having been denied the sight of him the entire morning he was reminded instantly.  In the full light of dawn, with the sun playing over his lover's tan skin, his whiskey gold eyes and warm smile… his heart felt like it was going to beat right out of his chest..  Ignis loved every bit of this man, crazy hair and all, with every fiber of his being.
Bringing a hand up, Ignis gently cradled Gladio’s jaw, his thumb soothing over his stubbly cheek and watched as his gentle giant of a lover closed his eyes at the touch and nuzzled into his palm.  This only served to make the warmth in his chest grow and he knew the smile that blossomed over his lips was ridiculous, but he was just so happy.  So content.  He refused to try and hide it and especially from Gladio.
“Gods I love you,” he whispered softly, almost reverently, as he let the moment completely draw him in.
Gladio’s eyes opened once more, honey-gold meeting sparkling emerald.  “And I love you, Ignis.  More than I can ever say,” he whispered back, ducking down to capture the Adviser’s lips in a warm, lingering kiss.
Ignis was more than happy to return it, a soft hum escaping against Gladio’s lips as the hand that rested on his partner's jaw moved up to gently tangle in that wild mane Gladio called hair.
Carefully lowering himself, Gladio’s chest only just resting over Ignis’, the Shield let another happy little purr rumble in his chest at the touch.  He could feel Ignis starting to smile against his lips and soon the kiss couldn’t be maintained any longer.  Leaning back with a little chuckle he stared fondly down at his lover, pressing another little kiss to the tip of nose if only to get it to crinkle adorably.  “You have no right being this adorable, Iggy,” he chided lightly, getting the normally stoic Adviser to giggle.
“My apologies.  I shall endeavor to stop,” Ignis promised, getting another soft growl from Gladio as the Shield hid against his neck.
“Don’t you dare,” he mumbled, making Ignis smile more as he brought his other hand up to soothe against Gladio’s muscled back.
“Alright.  I won’t.  But only because my hair beast asked so nicely,” he teased gently, turning his head to press a little kiss to the aforementioned tangled mess of curls.  He felt a quiet little chuckle against his shoulder and could practically feel the way Gladio started to nod off against him again.  As he continued to soothe his darling’s back and lightly scratch over his scalp he smiled more, letting his own eyes close as he allowed himself to relax as well.
Morning’s with Gladio really were nothing short of wonderful.  Even if a certain hair beast managed to show up every now and again.
Ignis wouldn’t have it any other way.
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winryofresembool · 4 years
Things We Lost in the Fire, ch 5
aka Caleo uni au
Fic summary: Calypso starts studying at a new university, but to her annoyance her new flatmate is a loud mouthed mechanic who also likes to sneak his dog in whenever. But as she learns to know him better, she realizes they might have more in common than what she first thought. Eventually, even the darkest secrets come out…
Chapter summary:  Fire alarms make a good reason to talk to your flatmate.
A/N: New chapter! This isn't the longest but we get some important hints about Leo's past. I wanted to involve fire into his story somehow and, well, this is what happened.
Thanks to Cris for betaing and a huge shoutout to smoustart on ig for making this awesome piece of art for this fic! 
Please enjoy and leave a comment if you like this fic because that can literally make my day and it sure as heck makes me more motivated to continue it!
Characters in this ch: Leo, Calypso
Words: 1400+
Genre: romance & hurt/comfort 
Warnings: none
previous chapter / next chapter / AO3
"Damn that fire alarm!" Calypso growled to herself as the device made the beeping sound again. "I can't focus when it's doing that."
She had been working on her latest literature assignment ("write a detailed character analysis on one of the characters in Odyssey") when the fire alarm had started making a sound that Calypso suspected meant it was running out of battery. Unfortunately, she didn't have tools of her own so she had no idea how she'd manage to change them before the sound would drive her mad. She didn't want to give up so easily, though, so she took one of her hair pins and climbed on a chair, attempting to unscrew the fire alarm with the pin. However, she had no success. The pin was too thick and the alarm was a bit too high for her, so she had to stand on her toes to reach it in the first place. That's why, when she heard a door open, she nearly lost her balance because she got startled by the sudden sound.
"Wow, wow! Woman! What are you doing?" her flatmate yelped when he rushed to give her his hand so she wouldn't fall from the chair.
Calypso was embarrassed that he had seen that scene unfold, so she let go of his hand immediately once she was standing steadily on the floor and said a bit more rudely than what she had meant: "What does it look like? Trying to change the battery, of course."
"No offense, Sunshine, but were you really trying to open it with a hair pin?" Leo asked, amusement clear in his voice. "Like, sure, hair pins can be used for many things but I'm pretty sure there are better tools for that."
Calypso squinted at him. "First of all, don't call me Sunshine. Second of all, Mister Mechanic, I don't carry tools around everywhere unlike some people. So please get yours and change those damn batteries."
Leo was no longer affected by Calypso's tone. He was secretly happy that for once he'd be good for something.
“Gladly, Sunshine,” he replied cheerfully, emphasizing the Sunshine part. He was already wearing his toolbelt with a screwdriver peeking from it and he seemed unfazed when their fingers touched for a moment as Calypso handed him the batteries she had been planning to use.
“By the way, you’re buying the next batteries in case these will stop working too before either of us has moved out,” Calypso noted as she watched Leo picking the suitable tool for opening the fire alarm.
“That’s fair enough,” Leo said, still smiling as he focused on his mission. Calypso was slightly surprised by his calmness. She was fully aware that she was not acting like her usual self in his company, and at first it seemed to have irritated Leo, but now? He didn’t seem to care. He had taken an entirely new approach and she didn’t know what to think of it.
Leo climbed on the chair (not having issues reaching the alarm since he was about 10 centimeters taller than Calypso) and started unscrewing the lid. When he got it done, he gave the lid for Calypso to hold while he put the new batteries in. Standing in such a close proximity, Calypso noticed the scars on Leo’s olive colored arms that were left uncovered by his T-shirt. She wanted to ask about them but she didn’t know how he’d feel about it so the only thing that came out of her mouth was an “ummm…”
“Yeah? Were you gonna say something?” Leo asked nonchalantly while still switching the batteries.
“Never mind. It’s. It’s none of my business.” Calypso shrugged.
“What is?” Leo kept insisting.
“I was…” Calypso felt her cheeks getting hot. “…just wondering where you got those scars.”
Now Leo’s smile finally faded. He shook his head. “A fire. Long time ago. That’s all.” It meant she wasn’t allowed to ask more questions about that, and she got the hint.
“I’m sorry.”
“Well, what happened, happened.” He sighed, climbing down the chair. “But now that we’re getting serious, can I ask you a question? Why do you act like that? Like you hate me? I’m trying my hardest to think of what I really did wrong but I can’t think of anything other than me just being generally annoying. Most people get past that in about two weeks. But I can’t get a grip of you.”
“It’s complicated.” Calypso said, similar kind of sadness in her eyes as what she’d seen in Leo’s after her question. Then she realized that maybe they did have something in common: secrets about their past they didn’t want to share. “I… I don’t think I actually hate you. It has… something to do with my past. I don’t have a lot of good experiences with people, and… that’s why I’m quite cautious when I meet someone new these days. I admit that when I first saw you, I was… prejudiced. But as I’ve gotten to know you a bit better, I’ve noticed… some of the thoughts I had of you were probably wrong.”
Leo couldn’t help but snort at that confession. “Oh, then what were you expecting? Some tall, handsome, strong, heroic guy who actually prefers spending his time with people rather than with his machines?”
“That’s not it. You gave me a kind of obnoxious picture of yourself during our first conversation. And then your dog broke my desk… I guess that was the final straw. But you did fix it. And you helped me to change the batteries too,” she pointed at the fire alarm. “And I think I understand your machine craziness. You need a distraction, don’t you?”
“Yeah,” Leo admitted, starting unconsciously fiddling with his toolbox again. “Doing something with my hands always helps me when I feel anxious or… whatever.”
Calypso could relate to that. “I’m the same. I mean, I’m not as good with tools as you are, but I take care of my flowers, sew, knit, draw… that kind of stuff.”
“I see.” Leo nodded. “Hey, is it just me or did we just have our first proper conversation? Just wait till Jason and Piper are gonna hear about this!”
“What?” Calypso asked, confused about what Leo’s friends had to do with that.
“Oh, sorry.” Leo looked embarrassed, realizing he had said too much. “I probably shouldn’t have said that. But, um, the thing is, I… kinda made a deal with my friends that I would talk to you. Because they thought I was acting stupid. But I swear, this wasn’t planned, I heard the fire alarm too and I didn’t know you were already trying to take care of it. So I was 100 per cent honest about everything I said. Leo Valdez doesn’t lie.”
Calypso raised her eyebrow, but this time there was actually no maliciousness in her voice when she asked: “Oh, so you were talking about me to your friends? I wonder what you said.”
Leo’s face turned as hot as a tomato: “Not-nothing bad! Just that we weren’t off to a good start, but…”
“Relax,” Calypso stopped him, a hint of smile on her face. “You don’t have to tell me more.”
“Huh? You’re not mad?” Leo’s eyebrows disappeared behind his long, curly fringe.
“Nah. I have to admit I may have mentioned you to someone at the uni as well. Turns out she had heard of you too,” Calypso giggled at Leo’s surprised expression. The surprise didn’t last long, though, because it turned into a grin as Leo said:
“That’s the Valdez effect for you! Of course all the ladies have heard of me, I’m irresistible!”
“Right now you’re being pretty resistible, though.” Calypso rolled her eyes, but her mouth twitched with amusement.
“Huh? You’re not feeling my charm?”
“No! Absolutely not!” she said coldly, resting her hands on her hips.
Leo pretended to feel upset by her comment. “Just wait, I will win you over!”
“Oh, we’ll see about that,” Calypso stuck her tongue out. “Hey, if you are done with your weirdness now, I’d like to test if the fire alarm works.”
Before Leo had time to say more, Calypso pulled out matches from her pocket, climbed on the chair and took one stick out of the box. Before she managed to light it, though, Leo yelped, his face unnaturally pale: “No, don’t!”
“What’s wrong?” Calypso asked, turning to see him.
“It’s just… I hate the sound it makes, wait till I’m in my room,” he said but Calypso had a feeling that wasn’t the truth. She tried to think what could have possibly triggered him, and came up with only one possible solution: he was afraid of fire.
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hallofwisps · 4 years
Bite of the Frost Fae
Chapter Five: My Friend Thinks Yours’ is Cute
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17652593/chapters/54944221
(Forgot to post this on here. Also I can’t seem to find chapter one on here lmao rip ig)
"I swear it was around here somewhere," Mathias said as he and Tuuli wandered down the street, rubbing his hands together for warmth.
"I think you're crazy. There has never been a coffee place on this street!"
"Yes, there is, Sigve took me there!"
"I'm not even sure if I believe Sigve is real either," She teased, then cut off when she looked ahead. "Huh. I guess there is a coffee place here. Sorry Mat, you were right."
"Told you so," He huffed and opened the door for her. Much like his first time there, no one acknowledged them, except this time the place felt more hostile and tense. Probably because they weren't usual patrons. Tuuli walked to the counter first, smiling sweetly until she made eye contact with the woman at the register. The Finn tensed, almost trembling.
"U-um…" The woman quirked a brow, still watching silently before she spoke in her deep alto.
"You want to order?"
"Yes- uh," Tuuli bit her lip and glanced over to Mathias. "I'm not sure..?"
Mathias patted Tuuli's shoulder, shooting the other woman a smile. But before he could speak, the mysterious lady gave a curt nod and turned to make their drinks. "I guess we're getting surprised…"
They took a seat close to the counter and removed their coats. Tuuli would sneak a glance at the woman working on their drinks every now and then.
"Something wrong?" Mathias asked her.
"No- She's just… So pretty, um- and scary…"
"I bet she's not that scary! Don't judge a book by its cover. Flirt a bit," He teased her, chuckling as her round cheeks grew pink. Their drinks were placed in front of them, and Mathias pulled his wallet out. Tuuli took this chance to inspect her more, taking in her thin but pointed nose, pale and unblemished skin, with lovely blue and green eyes shadowed by furrowed brows. Tuuli's heart jumped into her throat when those eyes turned to her, realizing she had been caught staring.
"H-Hey… I'm Tuuli, uh, I like your braid…" She almost shook under the intense gaze. She saw the woman's eyes widened just slightly before her lips quirked a bit and she touched the long thin braid that was over her shoulder.
"I like your hat…" She responded, referring to the white knitted beanie the other wore. Grinning, Tuuli thanked her. "Are you new around here? I've never even noticed this coffee place before!"
"Um… Yes, I haven't been here, um… In a long time." Tuuli listened and nodded before she said back, "Do you have a spare minute to sit and chat with us?"
Mathias almost snorted at the us part, knowing he was going to be third-wheeling. The woman looked around hesitantly but eventually took a seat with them. "What's your name?"
"You may call me Bea."
"That's a cute name, I'm Tuu- oh, I said that already," She giggled nervously, causing Bea to smile softly and almost laugh along. Mathias shook his head, listening to Tuuli awkwardly try flirting with Bea and start some small talk. But he couldn't help noticing the other customers side-eyeing them now that Bea was sat there, even hearing some snickers. Bea wasn't very talkative, and Tuuli didn't know her, so there were quite a bit of heavy silences that not even Mathias could fill. During one of these said silences, he found his gaze drifting to the window.
His heartbeat picked up slightly, making eye contact with Sigve, who was stepping into the cafe.
"Ah, hello…" Sigve greeted, scanning the trio briefly. Exchanging a small nod with Bea. Tuuli turned around to see who was there, tilting her head in slight confusion before her eyes widened and she almost gasped audibly. "Wait, is this the guy?" She asked, turning to face Mathias. 
His cheeks heated and he nodded, clearing his throat.
"Sigve, this is my friend Tuuli. Tuuli, Sigve," He introduced, gesturing accordingly. Sigve took the last seat at the small table, seeming tense as he shook her hand. "Nice to meet you… I take it he's mentioned me?"
"Oh, only al-" She cut off with a slight whine as Mathias gently kicked her shin. "I mean, yeah. He's said your name once or twice."
"My name…" Sigve seemed to almost be having his own conversation with Bea, just through their eyes alone.
"Are you and Bea friends?" She asked, smiling sweetly.
"We grew up together."
"Really!? Ah, well the four of us should get together sometime, yes?" 
"Sounds like fun," Mathias said, glancing between the quieter duo. Bea nodded, smiling softly towards Tuuli. Sigve shrugged in response. "I wouldn't mind that…"
"Bea mentioned she hadn't been here in a long time, do you also travel?" Tuuli directed the conversation to Sigve. Sigve hummed slightly, "Yes. We both take a lot of trips throughout the year."
"So do Mathias and me! Though we typically travel through Northern Europe, occasionally we'll get chances to go to places like Spain."
"It's nothing big, just a few trade jobs." Magnus rubbed the back of his neck, trying to not seem overly proud of it. He was trying to seem cool in front of Sigve, and he knew Tuuli was the type to try and embarrass him in front of him. "Where have you been?"
"Also around Northern Europe and America, places like Greenland and Iceland," Sigve said. 
"Just for fun?" Tuuli asked, eyes widening slightly. "Sounds expensive."
"I travel with family, Bea comes as well," Sigve explained. And with that, Tuuli's attention was directed back to Bea. Reaching to place a hand on her arm and said, "You'll have to tell me all about it sometime!"
Bea flushed a bit and nodded, before noticing others entering the cafe. Giving a small nod to the Finn and smiling softly, she stood and went to return to work. "She's awfully quiet, huh?" Tuuli hums to no one in particular, her gaze still on the tall woman.
"Don't mind her, I think she's just crushing on your friend," Mathias said to Sigve, although Tuuli didn't even seem to realize what he said. Sigve chuckled, covering his smile with his hand. "Don't worry, I believe they will get along fine," He responded, watching as Bea sent a shy glance towards Tuuli.
"Do you want to skip out, and leave them to their devices?" 
"Where shall we go?" Sigve was already starting to stand. 
"I was thinking about the library since the last time got cut short." Mathias pulled his coat on, tapping Tuuli to tell her they were leaving. She waved him off, getting up to talk to Bea more now that other customers had settled. Mathias gave a thumbs up to Sigve and then they were leaving. The air seemed even colder than when he had gone in and felt like a sharp slap to the face. "Geez, it's freezing…"
Sigve raised a brow, "It's not that bad. The sea isn't even frozen."
"T-That's how you measure freezing!?" The Dane would have laughed if his teeth weren't chattering. Sigve rolled his eyes with a small smile, reaching and lacing his fingers with the other's, leading the way to the bus stop. Mathias was able to focus on the feeling, suddenly feeling less cold as they stood and waited. The snowflakes seemed to slow to stop and the moment of clarity gave Mathias time to take in Sigve once again. The slight upturn of his nose, and the long lashes framing his peculiar eyes, never failed to mesmerize him. Sigve caught his eye, bushing slightly but giving his hand a small squeeze and smiling shyly in return…
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The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far: Chapter Seven: New Things
Hey y'all I hope your well. So sorry that it's been a minute but as we all know the world is in chaos. I am currently the only one in my house working and trying to support three others who are high risk. Due to that I've been massively stressed out and busy. Still I finally managed to get this together to go up. 
As always you can find it here on AO3
Hope you all enjoy it. Be safe out there and take care of yourselves and others.
“...and next ladies and gentlemen we have a creature so rare…so illusive that only the truest explorers have seen it. I give you the Cucuk-ig,” Billie said with a flamboyant flourish at a hog with wings carefully attached to its back, “Now I know that it may seem too good to be true but I assure you I personally brought this specimen back from the deepest bowls of the Amazon,” she told the tour she led leaning towards them as though imparting some great secret, “You see most people believe that the phrase ‘when pigs fly’ was coined to refer to something impossible. But it actually comes from the people of the Bulspita region where these creatures live. You see the phrase actually refers to early July when these amazing creatures migrate to their breeding grounds. The natives coined the phrase in reference to their harvest season which aligns with their migration,” she said her voice carrying the tone of a scholar looking around at the rubes a few of which looked skeptical, “Now of course when I heard the locals claims of flying pigs I scoffed but a native man offered to take me to see them. And so we embarked on a four week trek into the deepest groves of the Amazon. It was slow going as we cut through undergrowth so thick….,” she said launching into a story of grand adventure.
Dipper couldn’t help but think she looked like she had walked out of the jungle; heavy tan cargos were slung low on her hips, a black tank top hugged her form under an unzipped grey green cargo vest, and worn heat boots served at the basis for her persona. Fingerless black gloves and a red bandanna tied loosely around her neck sold the Laura Croft vibe along with her heavy black curls spilling in a wild mess about her face and shoulders. He noticed that her southern drawl had changed into a smooth English clip lending to the mysterious adventurer role. Dipper knew that to be roped into Stan's show you had to have a costume and he was kind of jealous of hers, it was a far cry better then gluing dog hair to yourself and dancing for money.
“Man she is really good at this,” Dipper observed from the counter where he leaned next to Wendy, “Like she kinda puts Stan to shame.”
“Oh yeah man,” Wendy said as they watched tourist eat up the black haired woman’s words leaning in as she spoke, "The stuff she shows up with is actually pretty cool, and she comes up with stories that could totally be a comic book. She’s like one of the coolest people I know. I mean I know that she's a total sham like Stan but sometimes I wonder if she really does go off on super cool adventures like some kind of Iowa Jane. Even my Dad thinks she's a bad ass."
"Really?" he said as he watched the for group scramble at shove money at her as she touted only $5 to get their picture taken with the pig. More then a few asked her to pose with them which she did gladly flashing winning smiles and peace signs for the camera. Watching her he couldn't help but think she looked like he though the author would; adventurous, daring, and brave.
"Hey...so I was thinking. You know how Billie has six fingers, " He stared causing Wendy to raise a brow her eyes shooting over to him.
"Yeah dude but she's kinda sky about it so maybe not..., " she offered quickly and he held up his hands shaking his head.
"No, no! Listen, " He said quickly, "The Journal has a six fingered left hand on the front. She has six fingers on her left hand, " He said and she shot up from her slouch on the counter to stare at him.
"Dude! Do you think she's the author!?! " Wendy asked her eyes wide and eager as they shot over to Billie who was now telling the eager crowd about the mermaid Stan had, "She totally could be. I mean she's a PI but who knows what she's actually investigating. It would totally make since."
"Well that's what I thought but Mabel pointed out that the book is super old. So Soos thinks she might be the authors daughter, " He told her bouncing in excitement at the redhead's sudden enthusiasm, "Mabel found out that her Dad grew up with Stan, but he died when she was young. The Journal Author said he hid it because he was in danger. What if her Dad was the Author and she came here looking for answers...for the Journals?" he said his own excitement bubbling up as he shared his theory with his favorite person.
"Whoa..., " she said looking down at him, "We have to ask her! She could be the key to figuring it out! "
"No, I mean not yet, " he said quickly, "I mean what if she's not? I think we should do some investigation first. I mean look at Gideon. He got a hold of one of them and went nuts. And the shape shifter...well you we're there. I think we should be careful here, " he said glancing over at the woman.
"Well, I mean I know Billie and she's pretty cool. She helped Tambry and I out... " Wendy started.
"What’re you two over here conspirin’ ‘bout ? " Billie's voice broke in causing both of them to jump. She seemed to have dropped the fake english accent her heavy drawl replacing it as she eyed both of them a lazy half smile pulling at her lips.
"Nothing! " they said in unison causing Billie's lips to twist in amusement as she cocked a brow. Eyeing them let let out a hum of disbelief.
"Yeah, y’all look as innocent as a fox in the hen house, " she drawled, "I'ma go pick up some burgers at Greasy's y’all want anything?” she asked as she leaned against the counter.
“Heck yeah. Double cheese burger please,” Wendy said with a laugh. With a nod Billie turned her emerald eyes on Dipper who stood staring up at her with red ears.
“What ‘bout you Bud?” she asked cocking a brow and he blushed even deeper as one hand came up to scratch the back of his neck. Just like his Grunkle, and her if she was honest. Must run in the family, she supposed.
“Uhhhh, sure. Thank,” he said as he shook himself slightly looking down to his feet before glancing up at her sheepishly, “Want me to come along to help?” he asked and she blinked in suprise. She seemed to hesitate as he waited anxiously; if he went with her maybe he could ask her some questions. After a minute she rolled a shoulder and gave a nervious smile.
“Sure, an extra pair ah hands never hurts,” she replied after a second and was rewarded with a beaming smile, “Well, get a move on. I aint waitin’ all day,” she said as she spun and headed out to the door to the El Diablo. Dipper looked at Wendy who widened her eyes and looked after Billie.
“Go dude,” she said and he scampered out the door after her. Clamering into the car he quickly pulled the seat belt on an watched as she slid into the front seat and started the car. Pulling out of the drive way she headed towards town. Glancing in the rear view mirror at the kid in the back seat. He was fidgeting as he stared at her from under the brim of his hat. A heavy silence filled the car as both of them seemed to think of something to say. After a few tense moments Billie cleared her throat.
“So…Stan says you like weird stuff,” she said breaking the silence and he let out a nervous laugh.
“Yeah,” he said looking up at her in the rear view mirror, “The stuff around here is crazy. You said you’ve seen the gnomes, right? On our first day they decided to kidnap Mabel and make her their queen. When she said no they tried to kidnap her. Did you know that they can stack themselves into a giant mecha gnome?” he asked and she rolled her eyes and left out a huff of laughter.
“No, I didn’t,” she told him, “I know they’re nasty little varmints that’ll try an steal anything not nailed down. I like the ‘lil campfires that scuttle ‘round the woods, though,” she told him and his ears perked up.
“I haven’t seen those,” he said eagerly, “Do you think you could show me one. I’d like to add it to the jor…letters I’m writing home,” he caught himself his voice cracking. She cocked a brow at his stumble over his words but decided to leave it be.
“Sure, there’s one that seems ta hang out in the woods behind the Shack. I give it marshmallows every time I come visit so he’ll usually show up if I shake a bag an’ whistle,” she told him, “You’ll ‘ave ta show me some o’ the weird stuff you’ve found. We just wont tell Stan since he likes ta pretend that ‘weird’ ain’t a thing,” she said and he let out an uncomfortable laugh.
“Yeah, it took me raising a hoard of zombies to get him to admit it,” he said causing Billie’s eyes to fly open wide and her head to jerk back to look at him.
“What?!” she said before remembering that she was driving, “That’s…alarmin’ on a few levels kid,” she told him and he turned red as he scrunched down to hide in his vest causing her to wince, “I mean zombies being real and all,” she said quickly even though she had to wonder how the hell he had managed to raise the dead.
“Oh yeah, but you can cure the it with paint thinner and cinnamon,” he said and she had to bite her cheeks not to say anything, “We fixed Soos up after and he’s fine,” he added as she pulled up to Greasy’s. Turning around she handed Dipper a hand full of bills.
“I called Susan already. Go grab the food,” she told him, “And try not to summon any zombies on your way,” she told him and he grinned as he nodded hopping out. Watching him go she shook her head, she was going to have to ask Stan about the zombie thing. And figure out how in the hell he knew how to summon zombies, that didn’t seem safe for a 12 year old to be doing as a past time. Great more homework. Maybe she should just do full investigations on the whole damned family and save herself some time.
Billie sat on Wendy’s hide out one leg dangling over the edge head resting in her hand as she stared at her lap top. She was reading Filbrick Pine’s service record. And man was it a read, apparently Grandpa was a bad ass who’d served honorably kicking some serious Nazi ass in WW2. While she had Stanley’s life pretty well plotted out from 18 and beyond, that didn’t help her figure out why his whole family had erased him. To understand that she needed to understand her family, which meant learning the in and outs of it. And what she was finding was slowly paint a picture of dysfunction that made her feel slightly less out of place.
Idly she pushed the thick glasses up her nose. It was late and she had changed into her basket ball shorts and t-shirt after the kids had gone to bed, and her contacts had been bugging her. Normally she hated wearing the stupid coke bottle lenses but she was blind as a bat without them. Sticking her pen between her lips she chewed on it lightly in between jotting down notes in the book beside her. So far she had pieced together that Filbrick had served front lines for most of the war, and done it stoically. He’d been one of the first ones on sight of three concentration camp liberalizations, and his psych eval.s suggested that he had repressed most of the trauma from such service. Though he met much of the criteria for PTSD as laid down by the APA.
Depending on the severity of it he would have…her eyes snapped open as she jerked up. She’d been dozing, it was late and a day spent hustling for Stan was more tiring then one might think. Sighing she set the laptop aside and brought the cigarette in her fingers to her lips taking a long drag  the cherry flaring to illuminate the bright blue paper of the barrel of it. Cracking her neck she looked out over the yard and out into the trees. A heavy mist had descended around them obscuring the shapes below; changing them into shifting twisting shadows. The horrors of her subconscious just waiting to rise up and consume her if she let them. Good thing Lucid dreaming was a thing; if it wasn’t she’d probably be a full blown alcoholic instead of just a functioning one.
“Well, well, well, you’re new,” came a voice from behind her that sent shivers down her spine. It was soft yet reverberated around her and one that she didn’t recognize. She knew her demons and this wasn’t one of the. Taking another drag she held the cigarette up and cocked her head watching the smoke curling up and away into the stars that spiraled lazily above them.
“So are you,” she said after a moment with out turning. A chilling laugh came from behind her as the demon moved circling her. She didn’t look up to follow it’s progress but she saw it; a yellow pyramid with a giant eye. The dapper little bow tie and top hat added a touch that was both sinister and comical.
“Hmmmm, you don’t fit,” he said as he stopped in front of her, “A real Wild Card. Nice hand, I love freaks,” he laughed and she finally looked up at him cocking a brow he lips twisting in boredom.
“Huh, guess I’m running out of imagination. I’d think my subconscious would be able to come up with new material,” she sighed rolling her eyes, “So what are you? New form of self loathing? Manifestation of trauma? Representation of budding Body Dysmorphic Disorder?  she asked and he laughed as he looked down at the mist and the figures that swarmed there.
“As delightful as that stew of crazy is I’m not part of it,” he laughed floating lazily around her, “No, I’m something so much more,” he assured her stopping hover over the pages of her notebook and looking down at them, “Looking for Pine Family secrets, huh? I could help you know,” he laughed as he raised his hand and the pages exploded to float around them, “I know things, lots of things,” he added his voice distorting to a deeper growl as his body began flashing a million images at once, some she recognized and a lot more she didn’t, “I could help you you know. Infinite knowledge and all it takes is a hand shake,” he said his hand bursting into blue flames as he offered it to her. She stared at him her face expressionless except for a single brow twitching as the pages swirled around them each displaying a picture of her family moving in mute memories.
“Okay enough of that,” she said snapping her fingers the pages returning to a normal notebook causing Bill’s eye to widen slightly as she looked up at him a vicious kind of smile pulling at her lips, “Look here Bill. This is my dream. I don’t know what you are but I don’t make deals without knowing the stakes. So whatever you are you can leave. My whole job is finding out secrets and I don’t need no help. So crawl back under what ever walk you came from. I’m waking up now,” she told him snapping her fingers again.
Billie jerked awake finding the stars over her fixed in their proper places. Shaking herself she sat up and looked down at her notebook the pages fluttering in the light summer breeze of the night. There in the corner of the page was a simple doodle of a triangle with a top hat.
“Well that’s new,” she said looking down at the lines.
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emmielupinblack · 5 years
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Remus Lupin x Reader (Modern Hogwarts AU)
Warnings: just fluff. Nothing crazy.
Word Count: 2344
Request: “So I kinda had a Remus x reader idea. it’s more like a modern age AU where reader is kinda quiet & often hangs in the common room with the marauders being loud, but just constantly has her earbuds in & reading/working, just enjoying their presence w/o being apart of it. The guys interact with her, she’s polite but tries not to mind her own. They finally convince Remus to talk to the reader and they find they have a lot in common? Ig that’s kind of what I was thinking if it all makes sense?” -- @bbkay7297-blog
Read on Ao3
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You tossed your books onto the main table in the center of the common room, where your friends were hovering over their newest project. Merlin only knew what they were getting into this time. But, you kept out of it, sticking to the advice your friend Lily had given you several years back.
“Potions is going to be the death of me,” you muttered as you plopped yourself down into one of the chairs. James raised his head and smiled, then turned back to his work. Sirius propped his feet up onto the table in front of him, nodding your way in greetings. Peter scowled down at the piece of paper in front of them, not acknowledging you at all. You didn’t mind. Frankly, you hadn’t seen him that focused in a long time, and you didn’t want to ruin the moment.
Your gaze flicked over to Remus, who nodded his head ever so slightly to whatever was playing through his headphones. His nose was deep in a book, more than likely something related to whatever shenanigans the group was up to. He was seated two chairs away from Sirius, towards the corner of the room, as usual.
Remus Lupin was a kind soul, but very quiet. When he was involved with his three brother-like friends, he was a little more outgoing. That was a side you rarely saw, but you knew it existed. But, for the most part, he only said what he needed to say, and always said it with a little more kindness than he needed to.
“You can’t die,” Sirius finally responded to you, pulling his feet off the table. “Who else is going to help me with my Divination assignments?” You smiled and rolled your eyes.
“That’s all I mean to you? Divination tutoring? Once we’re done with school, you’re just going to throw me to the wayside?” you teased. “I see how it is.”
Sirius snickered and winked. “That’s the plan, love.” You huffed. 
“Rude, Sirius.” James joked. “She’s useful sometimes.” You laughed as you pulled one of your books towards you. 
“Thanks, James. That makes me feel so much better.” James smiled and nodded, chuckling to himself. Peter pointed something out to the two boys, diverting their attention from you. So, you skimmed over your assigned reading for the evening, and quietly absorbed some of the information in front of you.
About twenty minutes later, Remus shifted in his seat and handed his book to Sirius. He muttered something to his friend and chuckled, then returned back to his post at the end of the table. You watched the interaction, smiling. Remus eyed his book, his shining hazel eyes skimming over the lines. His brow furrowed ever so slightly as he studied the content.
Then, Remus lifted his gaze, locking his eyes on yours. You froze for a moment, honestly not knowing what to do. He was too far away to just strike up a conversation with, but he was staring at you for too long to ignore. So, you did the only thing you could do. You closed your book and stood from your seat, then gathered the rest of your pile into your arms.
“I’ll see you guys later,” you mumbled to your friends as you stood. James, Peter, and Sirius all muttered their goodbyes as you slowly made your way to the entrance of the girl’s dorms. As you passed Remus, you gently patted his shoulder, allowing your hand to linger just a moment longer than you meant to, before disappearing through the archway.
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Remus’ eyes remained locked on the archway Y/N had passed through at least five minutes before. Sirius caught his friend transfixed by the ancient stonework and grinned.
“Just talk to her, mate. He’s not going to bite.” Sirius chuckled. “She’s probably the nicest person we know. Plus, the way she patted your shoulder as he left? If that wasn’t a crush confession, then I don’t know what is.”
Remus shrugged. “She never really talks to me—”
“Because you don’t talk to her! Maybe she thinks you don’t want to talk to her!” Sirius rolled his eyes as James scooted over to listen to the gossip. “Rem, you can’t sit in a corner all day and mope when the girl you fancy doesn’t strike up conversation.” James nodded beside his friend.
“Plus, you always have those headphones in your ears! Maybe she thinks you’re trying to avoid her altogether,” James added.
Remus’ eyes widened with realization. They were right. He wasn’t the most extroverted person. He was actually the complete opposite on the best of days. He was an observer, a listener, and the voice of reason when it came to his hooligan friends. It was no wonder Y/N didn’t reach out to him much. He realized that he wasn’t very approachable. And, if he was going to win Y/N over, he needed to try to be at least a little friendly.
“Just talk to her, mate. Next time you see her in the common room, or in the hall, ask her how she is. Or as her if she needs help studying! I know she’s been struggling lately,” James offered. Remus huffed.
“Oh, and I’m going to take dating advice from you?” Remus asked, rolling his eyes. “How’s everything with Lily going?”
Sirius shook his head at his friend. “Don’t be stubborn. We all know James is Prince Charming and Lily is just playing hard to get.” The rebellious friend smiled. “Just try it. She’s not going to hurt you.” Remus finally nodded, agreeing to follow his friend’s advice. He just hoped it wouldn’t bite him in the ass.
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You buried your face in your Potions class notes, praying that you would remember enough to pass the exam in two days. There was very little hope that you were going to remember even a fraction of what you had learned that very day, let alone what you had learned over the last month. Plus, your OWLs were coming up soon, and having additional exams to study for was just unfair. 
“You look stressed,” a soft voice announced from your right. You twisted in your seat and spotted Remus leaning over your shoulder from behind the couch. It was the closest you could ever remember being to your young friend for any length of time, and it was making your body react in so many ways. His oversized sweater was hovering centimeters from your bare arm as he scanned over your face. Then, he sat down beside you on the tattered red couch and smiled. “You’ve obviously been studying too long.”
Your eyes landed on the headphones that were dangling from one of his ears as you nodded. “Yeah, but I need to remember this. If half of these potions were on the test, I wouldn’t know where to begin! I mean, if I have my book beside me, I can make anything. I’m just abysmal at remembering ingredients.” You sighed, slamming your book shut. “I just don’t know what to do.”
Remus chuckled softly. “Sounds like you need to take a break and think of a different strategy.” You snapped your gaze to his and tilted your head. “But I have two days until—”
“I know. I’m taking the test too, Y/N.” Remus interrupted softly. “But I think you need to take a breath and not think about Potions class for a little while.” He smiled, then tried to change the subject. “What else have you been up to today? Other than school I mean.” You shook your head.
“Nothing exciting. James asked me if I wanted to help him flood the Slytherin Common Room this weekend. I told him that I would leave that kind of thing to the experts.” You rolled your eyes and laughed. Remus laughed with you. You eyed his headphones again, which were still plugged into his right ear. “What are you listening to? You’re always listening to something.”
Remus shrugged, then picked up the other small earbud. He offered it to you with a smile. “Shinedown. They’re one of my favorite bands.” You took the earbud and placed it into your left ear, leaning a little closer to Remus to you wouldn’t tug his out.
“I’ve never heard of them.”
Remus smiled. “They’re a muggle band that’s been around for a little while. Their sound has evolved a little over the years, but I like all of their work. It’s basically modern rock.” He slipped his cell phone out of his pocket, a piece of technology that had only been permitted at Hogwarts two years before. “If you like rock, you’ll like them.” He turned up the volume just a little so you would hear it better.
After a minute, you started to sway your head to the rhythm. They were good. You weren’t picky about music, enjoying a little bit of everything. But, especially lately, you hadn’t had the time to listen to any. You had been too involved with passing that damn class to have any other hobbies. 
You scooted a little closer to Remus until your legs nearly touched. You could smell mint tea on him, along with the subtle scent of his shampoo. The scent, the closeness, the hum of the music, it was all so calming. You closed your eyes for a moment and let your body relax.
“I take it you like them?” Remus barely whispered. You nodded, keeping your eyes closed.
“I guess I never realized how much music relaxes me. It’s been a while since I’ve even thought about listening to anything.” You opened your eyes finally, your gaze landing on his. “Thank you.” Remus smiled at your words.
“You know, I got an Outstanding in Potions last year. I’m happy to help you study. I mean, if that’s okay with you. I know some people need to study alone.” His cheeks reddened against the dim light of the fireplace. You couldn’t help but smile.
“You would do that?” Remus nodded.
“Of course. All you have to do is ask.” You peered over at your book, then back at Remus.
“I’ll just have to take you up on that.” Remus smiled and nodded, then let out a deep sigh.
“Alright, then. But, later. I’m not going to let you look in that book for at least another thirty minutes. I don’t want to have to reconstruct your brain if it falls out of your ears.” You both laughed, leaning a little closer to each other. Your head fell onto Remus’ shoulder, and his head leaned against yours. Your stomach fluttered at the connection.
The song changed, and the two of you listened in silence. You tapped your fingers against your thigh to the slow rhythm. I wish you’d open up for me, ‘cause I wanna know you Amaryllis. The words reminded you of Remus, and how you ached to know the shy handsome young man. Lifting your head, you turned to Remus, who furrowed his brow in confusion.
“Why don’t we talk more often?” you practically blurted. Remus seemed caught off guard by your question, backing up a bit. Then, he let out a long breath and bit his lip.
“I’m just not that much of a talker. And, even if I do, I—” He paused, thinking about his next words carefully. “I haven’t had to talk to someone I like as more than a friend.” His words were soft, but still hit you like a freight train. More than a friend? Remus liked you as more than a friend? That was something you never thought you would hear, no matter how much you wished it were the truth. And, now that it was out in the open, you didn’t really know what to do next. 
Remus noticed your mental struggle and frowned. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable—”
“I’m not. I just didn’t expect to ever hear that from you.” You smiled over at Remus. “But I’m glad I did.” Remus perked up at your words. “Because I feel the same way, I think.” You chewed on your lower lip. “I mean, I don’t really know a whole lot about you, even thought I’ve been your friend for years.” You babbled for a little bit before finally freezing, glancing up at a stunned Remus. 
Remus reached over slowly, placing his hand on yours. “Well, you can get to know me. And I can get to know you. I’m just sorry I wasn’t more open towards you before.” He shook his head. “I’m not great with conversation.”
You giggled. “Well, you’re the one who walked up to me today. So, I’d call that progress.” The song in your ear changed yet again, starting an upbeat, faster-paced tune that made your heart race a little. “You can help me with my studying, expose me to new music. I like what I’m hearing so far!” You danced a little where you sat, making the two of you laugh. Remus squeezed your hand.
“I think that sounds awesome.” He glanced over at the clock on the wall. “Well, I can’t let you look at the book for another twenty minutes.”
“Fine, then. How about you tell me a little more about yourself?” you asked with a smile. Remus nodded, blushing a little as he continued to hold your hand in his.
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Remus Lupin Tags: @evyiione, @sly-vixen-up2nogood
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