#no matter what anyone says she is not responsible for getting ace and riddle into the evillious chronicles
sleepy-bunbun-ace · 11 months
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hhhhhhhhh yea, twisted wonderland got me
i made some yuu ocs because i got bored
yume rosalia - the first one. i wanted to make a star based character and then threw them into twst and gave them lore. my only non-human yuu, i got inspire by herta's design in hsr. they have another form but i'm not showing it yet ;P. i made them come from the super mario galaxy universe as an evolved form of the luma because some of them evolved in a way to help out princess rosalina because they love her a lot and want to help her out.
yume asta - the idol. originally they were just created because i needed a yuu for my tsukasa gets isekai'd to twst au but i grew attached to her. she's minori's cousin and has been an idol for the past two years before being isekai'd. she's a totally normal, rule obeying student. yeah, totally. don't go looking for any hidden messages in their part.
silvester hatter - the one magic user. i like making characters based off of concepts and since the twst characters are based off of the disney villains, why not make one based off of a fantasy novel? i was originally gonna do xie lian but then i remembered howl's moving castle and decided to do sophie hatter instead. i based her look off of movie!sophie while her personality will probably be more book!sophie based.
yuu - the tired one. he is the most normal one in terms of life experiences. she definitely introduces the first years to pop culture from her world. they also know how to make their own clothes (sewing, crochet, knitting, etc.) and offer to make clothes for others as well. plushies included. they are not responsible if anyone gets hooked on anything they introduce from their world.
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shinjisdone · 9 months
If it's possible can I get a f!mc with Riddle? As in the events like how you did with deuce. Take your time.
Choosing this one first since Ive been dealing with quite a few things recently and this is the easiest one for me.
The Thorfinn one is gonna be next
Excellent cuz I actually thought about making a Riddle Version ^^
Might have gone overboard so pls treat this as another part of the female!MC and friends series and as a request ^^
tried to focus on the 'female!MC' part but lotsa things ended up pretty neutral...
TW: Mentions of Riddle's strict diet introduced by his mother and his hesitancy to eat food as well as counting calories in the 'When He Cooks For You...' Part
Female!MC and Friends - Riddle Rosehearts
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Oh, the upright and feared Riddle Rosehearts.
Let's not talk about his first meeting and overblot 'cause there he was just c r a zy.
It's after a while after things and he have calmed down where he can even approach you and properly 'meet' you for the first time. Riddle cannot believe how careless he was that he noticed only just now that you are a girl in an all-boys-academy - the only one here probably as well.
His first thought was: 'This breaks a rule.'
But he is quick to scold and correct himself. This kind of thinking earned him the most embarrassing and stressful meltdown he has ever experienced. Clearly no one got out happy with this kind of thinking.
Not Riddle. Not his dorm. Maybe only his mother...
In secret, there were some rules he didn't like...
He likes to have milk in his tea. He likes chestnuts in his sweets...and he would like to have free time to spend with his friends...
He is sure you would like to have that, too.
When You Are Invited To The Unbirthday Party...
Well, this most likely happens after the overblot, as an apology.
It is also the first Unbirthady Party you have been invited to.
It will most likely go as it did in the game...and Riddle is apologizing to you too, since you got dragged into his mess as a bystander.
As a new student! You just got here at NRC and have had to deal with his mess, his problems.
You also helped Ace make the 'apology' nut tart...so you definitely deserve an apology.
There might be a bit of confusion within the normal Heartslabyul dormmates who do not know you...they might also notice that you are a girl.
There might be a few whispers in a group on what you are doing here. It can be hard to notice if someone is magicless on first glance but it can be easy to notice a girl, if you present yourself as such in a way.
There is a sliiiiight chance you are gonna get asked about or talked to about this. If there are some negative claims or responses to you being at NRC or at the party, Riddle will be sure to correct them quickly.
"Do not disregard anyone here! She is still a guest!"
Riddle will go back to his old habit and the students will nervously ask if that is a rule.
"No, not a rule," He softens his voice, "It goes without saying that no one shall be misjudged or disregarded, no matter who they are!"
Continuing his apology, he will treat everyone for a bit. He will ask what tea you like (you can have any tea, no matter the rule!) and if you'd like to play with the hedgehogs (he can turn a blind eye for that one today).
You can take advantage of it like Ace totally did/would. Or you could be considerate of his...weird overblot situation.
At the former he will be annoyed but allow it ONLY FOR TODAY, and for the second one, he will be perplexed but decides, yeah, he should gracefully accept your kindness.
Riddle will make sure to treat you equally, in and out of Heartslabyul.
But, if he finds himself fond of you, favoritism might follow...
When He Cooks For You...
Cooking is...hard.
Riddle truly wants to improve. If he likes you, he could try cooking for you to taste-test his dishes. He doesn't wanna go through the oyster-sauce-situation again...
Depending on your own skills, he might ask for a liiiittle bit of help. What is this spice? How much is a 'spoonful'? What do they mean when they say 'cook with love'?
You will quickly find out that he is a terrible cook. You could be a chef or someone who wouldn't be able to cook to save your own life, but at least you'd still be better than Riddle.
So when he starts asking these small questions...you can expect to give him full on lessons.
He...feels weird being taught by another student but grows to appreaciate it. He will remember your instructions and use them wisely (as he literally states after each explanation) so you can expect a delicious dish!
Nothing is perfect at the beginning but the more he tries, and the more he learns from you (or Trey), the better he gets at it! He lets you try it and once he has made something actually tasty, he will be quite proud!
He never knew how nice it is to see someone enjoy the meals you make...especially with a smile such as yours.
He might make more for you - just for fun and not to learn. Just for you...
B-But as th-thanks, of course! For what other reason could it be?!
If YOU make HIM something, he will be...confused...then realizes...and then feels touched...and then confused again.
You...made him a meal? Just like that? Why?
When he does it for you, he does not question anything. But here the roles are reversed and it's strange to him...
Riddle hesitates a little. This meal was not planned for today and he might not follow exactly as his mother intended his diet to be...but you made this for him.
He eats it...and no matter the taste, he will thank you. Eating slowly as he digests (literally and figuratively) this gesture of yours.
No one has ever done this for him. It was all his mother, who noted down the calories instead of thinking if he'll actually enjoy the dish or not.
If you make him a STRAWBERRY T A R T oooooh man, expect some silence.
Riddle is. So. confused. But. In a good way.
But also in. A. Perplexing way.
You...you did this to please him, right? To make him happy?
There cannot be any other explanation as to why.
Out of every little thing, you decided to make him his favorite food...he will stare at it in awe...and actually ponder if he is even allowed to eat it.
One, because of old habits. Two, because it looks so nice. And you baked it for him.
You went out of your way to get the ingredients, wash and cut the strawberries, knet the doe, put in the oven...
He calls out to you midway and will mutter with a flustered face that he will gladly eat it. Would you...like to accompany him? It could be like an small, unofficial, Unbrithday Party...a private one.
Riddle feels so weird eating the tart. Its great and he loves it...but it's not from a bakery, it's not made by Trey for everyone - it was made by you; For him.
Riddle will thank you with flushed cheeks.
When He...Proposes To A Ghost!?
Oh boy. Ghost wedding, huh?
Well, strange and weird, but nothing Riddle cannot manage!
It is fake-proposing anyway and he was to a lot of parties when he was younger. Perhaps he even witnessed a proposal in one of them!
Safe to say, someone as gentleman-ly and sophisticated as Riddle has a high chance of winning a bride's heart - even if it doesn't beat anymore.
Riddle prepares himself perfectly and has the confidence to suit it to. He doesn't believe he is flawless but knows that his attempt will at least help get Idia out of there.
You could aid him though he doesn't think he needs the help.
But if you want to propose to Eliza as well? Certainly you know that makes you two…uh…rivals?
He doesn't like the thought of that even if it is just fake proposing.
To impress the bride you must wear something formal. No matter if suit or dress, Riddle will feel flustered seeing you like this.
If you wear a suit, expect him to scrutinize you. He is very familiar with wearing suits and look at that, your tie is crooked again! Is the jacket even ironed? And those colors don't align…
He will fix every little thing until you're presentable. This just won't do, you know?
Might realize later that he helped you have a better chance at getting the bride? That's bad. RIDDLE is supposed to be the groom for one. And second…he…doesn't want you to become her wife.
If you wear a dress however, Riddle will definitely feel flustered. He doesn't know much about how dresses are 'properly' worn…and you look nice in it, too.
Are you sure you want to compete in general actually? Riddle got this, you know? You don't need to put yourself out there!
The thought of you winning and becoming a bride yourself? Its…so unpleasant.
Will keep telling you to not worry about this. Don't participate…Riddle is the dormhead and he can take care of this. You can help him if you want…
Or maybe dont. Because rehearsing his proposal and gifting you a bouquet of RED ROSES (he knows they mean true love!) And looking at you with one knee while YOU DRESSED LIKE A BRIDE IS
Before all of this, he would have gladly taught you…but here, he finds himself too flustered to do it. His eyes barely make contact to yours as he sways you in a waltz and even HE starts to make mistakes.
Perhaps he'll show you another time, yeah?
When You Are Stranded On An Island Together...
Wh-what is this? First he's staring into a book and now here he is with you on a beach?! With a...strange, blue creature...
Suddenly being stranded on an island can already be a stressful situation for anyone but for Riddle, it is outrageous. There are no rules, no etiquette, no order...and they left the campus without saying! Sure, it was in accident and sudden and through magical means, but still!
But well...if you two are already here (with that Stitch thing), might as well try to make most of this situation.
Riddle will be a bit at loss when making a cot or a tool or anything like that...but he will get the hang of it eventually. Magic still exists in any case of emergency.
Not being able to freely follow the rules of the Queen of Hearts (how ironic), leaves him a bit anxious and he WILL ALWAYS try his best to follow them. However, he realizes the situation he is in and will not be hard on himself when he cannot do so well or perfectly.
He also would not expect you to follow the rules (maybe Ace though).
Riddle is not used to the beach or vacation itself. Since he is so used to rules and etiquette, you might have to show him how to relax. Swimming, building sand castles, collecting sea shells...anything really.
It's strange...but nice. He slowly finds enjoyment in simply doing unproductive things.
With such casual and revealing clothes, he might feel a bit unsure. Though, well, this is proper 'clothing' for a vacation so...
The dormhead might look for you for any direction on how to...'properly' wear vacation clothes. But! If you were to wear revealing clothing fitting for the beach or heat as well (let alone a *gasp* swimwear or a bikini!) Riddle will turn a bright red. What are you doing wearing that?! No, wait...you're doing it correctly, right?It's fitting for a beach...sorry then...but he will still be as red as a goldfish (in Floyd's words) just not out of rage this time. He's flustered seeing you like this.
It doesn't help that you get into the water...
In a swimwear obviously all of your....feminine ways are showing! (In his words. He just doesn't have the gall to say it outright). Don't you...? He means doesn't this...?
Ugh. He gives up. Too embarrassed to communicate his thoughts and Ace is laughing at him.
Yet...this might be a good opportunity to try out this 'relaxing' with you...
When You Dance At A Masquerade...
An activity Riddle is quite familiar with!
It is an honor to be invited by Noble Bell College, so as a dormleader Riddle will do his utmost to leave an perfect impression from beginning to end.
He will be quite sociable and set his 'rule above all'-mindset aside. He is a guest after all.
You will find yourself asked for a dance by him. He is quite confident in his dancing skills and, regarding the ghost wedding (and Helloween if you partook in it with him), this isn't the first time you have danced together, so there isn't really a reason for Riddle to be nervous.
Even if it was the first time, he'd still assure you that he will show you the ropes.
If you are knowledgable in it yourself, he will expect a good perfomance. Especially if he was the one who taught you.
Riddle quite likes the aesthatic of the masquerade. It has such an mysterious vibe to it and he admits to himself that you seem quite charming and intruiging with that mysterious mask on.
Even if he knows that it's you.
Will act a bit more playful and like a 'prince from far, far away' as he asks you for 'the honor of a dance'. If you laugh and oblige with a bit of playfulness yourself, you scored 100 points.
No matter what you wear, Riddle will compliment your get-up. Do compliment his as well. In fact, it suits him and his personality perfectly! With how sophisticated Riddle is, nobody else could pull off the entire 'masked-prince' aesthatic!
He will blush and clear his throat. Although he will agree with you.
Would truly like to have your first dance but if he does not get the chance, he won't complain. But he will be sure to be on look-out for you to get at least one dance.
If you are??? Very much enjoying the dancing??? With giggles and laughter??? OH man, he doesn't know what to do.
On one hand, he tries really hard not to scold you. This isn't proper etiquette for dancing, you aren't supposed to have f u n. You have to be graceful and impressive and elegant and...
But on the other hand...you have so much fun. You're like a shining sunflower princess blooming amidst these other flowers as if you had seen the sunlight for the first time...he cannot take that fun away from you.
Uh-oh, did he just really think that?
Though his face is blooming just as much in red, he keeps his mouth shut and twirls you as much as you like.
It's nice seeing you enjoy yourself so much. Riddle enjoys himself too.
Yet besides the dancing, he doesn't know what else to do...seems like he does not need to uphold a reputation all the time through the festivity, so he will seek you out for some guidance but also because he enjoys your company.
If you ask him out of curiousity and fun what it means to have 'proper ballroom etiquette', he will gladly tell you but be confused that you might find it fun? He certainly didn't as a kid.
If you, again, play around like some kind of noble or princess, he is biting his tongue. You are just playing around...and it's just for tonight. As long as you don't embarass yourself (or him) then...be as much of a princess as you want.
Ah, to have some tea and dance all night...it would be nice.
Only if you were there though.
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twistyprefect · 2 years
✨Beloved gremlin✨
I have brainrot request: Mom Friend™️ MC always having snacks on hand for her first year besties and their dorm leaders being like “where’s mine?”. (Love Leona and Vil so much….) bonus if MC points to herself and says “right here”
{please i love this awlbhgaerjh- keep snacks on hand for The Babies tm}
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Ace and Deuce learned long before anyone else not to even think about being hungry around MC because she'd always have snacks
Jack appreciates it honestly, it's good to have a consistent and healthy food source so he can keep working
Epel likes that somehow MC always has his favorite snacks and candies no matter if he can never find them anymore
Sebek is nervous to take food from her at first, but he gets used to it pretty easily once it's obvious she isn't trying to poison him
it's more unusual to not see MC pulling a snack out of her bag for one of her adopted freshmen
she's memorized all their favorites, where to get them, and even when they go on sale so she can stock up
Leona is the firs dorm leader to ask her for a snack of his own, complaining that she was playing favorites
"What about me, herbivore? Where's my snack?" he asked teasingly, tail flicking behind him happily
"Uh, right here? duh." She responded, gesturing to herself before walking off to find Jack
Riddle is next, shyly approaching her and asking if she had any snacks or tarts for him
"No tarts, but I have a snack for you here." she said casually, pointing to herself and grinning at his flustered response
Vil approaches her one day, requesting his favorite snack (which Epel had mentioned she knew where to get)
"Nah I don't have that. I have me though." she responded smoothly, laughing as the dorm leader rolled his eyes, trying to hide his flushed cheeks
Malleus smiled as he approached her one afternoon, eager to see if she really had a snack for him if he asked
"Oh sorry! Just gave out my last one. I have a special snack for you though." she said, grinning and gesturing to herself as the overgrown lizard flushed and laughed along with her
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cyber-celeste · 2 years
someone who’s interested in twst, nijisanji and project Sekai???? omgomgOMG !!!
thoughts on twst dorm leaders with a reader that acts like mafuyu asahina???? I feel as if they’d have interesting interactions, especially with mafuyus true personality showing up!!
Twst Dorm Leader with Reader that acts like Mafuyu Asahina
A/N: (they/them) This idea is super interesting though I’m sorry if it took me a while I had a few big things at school but thank you. Also I only played through the japanese story and I can not at all speak or read japanese so most of my ideas on her personality and how she acts through the story are from my sister and the internet so please correct me if i get anything wrong. I use some dialogue from the game out of order most the time so sorry if this make you upset or if its cringy or something but I’m just watching edits and going off that.
!!TW!!// There is one mention of stalking (vils part) there is also heavy angst and mentions of suicidal thoughts and depression, if you ever feel these please contact a professional or a friend to vent.
Riddle Rosehearts
Overall it goes from him thinking you are a great and respectable person straight to him being very concerned about you
At the start he only saw your fake personality of the “perfect role model” and thought that you needed to spend more time with ace and deuce so you’d rub off on them
He sometimes is suspicious of how you act sometimes seeing through your disguise that you push out to others
He is Very concerned for you, he knows how it feels to put up a front for others and he doesn’t want you to go through what he went through with his overblot
He trys to talk to about it in private but you always deny it but he can see your true personality cracking through. He knows what will happen and he’s disappointed in himself that he cant do anything about it.
“Come on, lets talk about this.” Riddle said looking worriedly into your eyes “You’re acting strange, Y/N.” He said awaiting your response “Strange? If I’m strange, then so are you.” You stated looking at the now surprised boy “be honest, Riddle, you wish to disappear more than anyone. And yet you’re calling me strange?” You say blandly with a straight face “Y/N?! What has gotten into you?” Riddle says loudly staring at you concernedly “I… I…!” You hesitantly speak at the awaiting boy “ I don’t want to think I might be saved anymore! I’m tired already!” You shout out “No matter, no matter, no matter how much I look for it! I can’t find it…” you try to catch your breath at the sudden outburst “I can’t take anymore of this..!” You say crying in front of the sad looking boy “Y/N I’m sorry… I didn’t know you felt like this.” He says grabbing your hands “I… Thank you for telling me your struggles Y/N.”
After this fiasco he would try his best to actually make you happy and would go out with you on date (romantic or platonic) to try and make you find a meaning in your life.
He would definitely try out little classes with you, like going to pottery classes and making bowls for each other to use later
Even if he doesn’t succeed with making you truly happy or to find your purpose he can still make amazing memories and he will not let you have a sad life
Leona Kingscholar
Doesn’t like you at the start, you’re too perfect good grades, role model, pretty, it makes him feel like the second choice again.
He already felt off about you from the starts, you were too perfect there had to be something wrong with you.
He doesn’t actively try to figure out whats wrong with you but don’t think he’s not observing you
He figures out your personality is fake pretty fast he doesn’t bring it up to you though because he just wanted to know for personal reasons.
He will try to confront you once if it gets too concerning to him
“I…I…!” You hesitate “I don’t want to think I can be saved anymore! I’m tired already!” You shout at a stunned leona “No matter, no matter, no matter how much I look for it! I can’t find it…” you try and catch your breath as leona stares at you dumbfounded, he didn’t think it was this bad he just thought it was fake because you hate others not yourself. “I can’t take anymore of this..!” You cry out desperately as he just stares, he can’t speak, he doesn’t even know what to do, he just grabs your hand and drags you to the garden, he needs to calm down same as you so he’ll take you to his favorite place.
Nothing much will change maybe he’ll talk to you more he just doesn’t get how someone can feel like you do so he doesn’t know how to act around you.
Azul Ashengrotto
He thinks that you are competition, you are great in school, elegant, an amazing role model. He wishes for you to make a contract with him yet you kindly deny
He would enjoy being with you if you weren’t his competition, he knows something has to be wrong with you just like leona, so he’ll go for a more direct approach
He’ll act more friendly towards you attempting to make you think he’s trying to be your friend yet he’s just trying to find your weaknesses
He unintentionally starts to actually like you, yet he’s very confused seeing some of your behavior leaving it to be “human stuff”
Will talk to the leech twins asking if its okay for you to act like that, they suggest that azul should confront you about it
He pushes it off until you are on the brink of breaking down
You sit down at a couch in azul office, he waves off floyd and jade “come on, lets talk about this.” He said with a soft expression “you’re acting strange, Y/N.” He says awaiting your answer “strange? If I’m strange, then so are you.” You answer looking desolate “be honest, azul, you want to disappear more than anyone. And yet you call me strange?” You say almost un phased by the true meanings of your words “Y/N…” he manages to squeak out “I’m sorry…” he says at your blank face tears welling up in his eyes “I’m sorry that I didn’t notice.” He says starting to cry, he wonders why you feel like this but doesn’t want to pry so you two sit there as he’s trying to process what you had said.
He stays around you more not in the same way as before, he just wishes you the best and trys to make it happen
He tends to spoil you a little, various gifts, free food, coupons, etc
He just wishes you to be truly happy and will do anything in his power to make it happen
Kalim Al-asim
Looks up to you in the same way as jamil at first
Definitely just wanders around you at school, where ever you go he’s kinda near you
He sometimes feels off around you when your true personality starts to shine through but pushes it off
He asks Jamil if he should talk to you about your strange behaviour whether he says he should or not he will try to bring it up in private of course
“I… don’t think I might want to be saved anymore!” You shout at the white haired boy “Y/-“ he trys to say before you cut him off “shut up! I want to disappear all by myself! Leave me alone!” You scream trying to shut him out yet that won’t work and you know it. “Y/N… I’m sorry…” kalim says tears starting to build up in his eyes from seeing you in such a state “I’m so tired already! I look and I look and I look and I look.” You say desperately, The tears forming in your eyes start to leak out “I can’t find it.” You finish starting to sob into your hands, Kalim doesn’t say anything, he’s too afraid to mess up, nothing Jalim had taught him could help him in this situation so he does what he can do and pulls you into a tight hug not planning on letting go anytime soon, his tears stain your shirt and yours does the same.
After he spoils you with affection and gifts in attempt to make you feel better
Once you say you like one thing expect him to buy you millions of stuff close to what you like
Vil Schoenheit
He finds you to be normal and would probably only attempt to talk to you if you started it or you were in a group together for school.
Once he finally gets semi close to you he will ask to give you makeover whether you say yes or no he will compliment your appearance
While staying around you he sees something peak through of your true personality, he may ask rook to “observe” (stalk) you.
He will be straight forward and ask you about it not beating around the bush at all.
“Come on, lets about this” Vil says setting down opposite of you “You’re acting strange, Y/N” he states after taking a long sip of his tea “Strange? If I’m strange, then so are you.” You say staring blankly at the almost offended man “Be honest, Vil, you wish to disappear more than anyone else. And yet you call me strange?” You say with lifeless eyes “you don’t have to do this anymore.” You finally finish waiting for vil’s response “Y/N, I knew you felt different than other yet I didn’t know it was this bad. I’m sorry for being so inconsiderate Y/N, if you ever feel this harmful please come talk to me, I wouldn’t want to lose you.” He says tears prickling in the corners of his eyes at the thought of losing you.
He won’t treat you much different after maybe inviting you over more for makeovers and skincare sessions.
Idia Shroud
He thinks you’re too good to be around him.
He also will always tell you that you act like an anime character.
When your true personality peaks through he will notice but won’t ever talk to you about it due to the fact he may mess up and ruin your friendship (or relationship)
“I… I…! I don’t want to think I might be saved anymore!” You scream finally admitting how you feel “I’m tired already! No matter, no matter, no matter how much I look for it! I can’t find it!” You shout at the man staring at you with a shocked look on his face “I can’t take anymore of this!” You yell out starting to cry. Idia has no clue what to do, his hands take over and pull you into a hug, the tips of his hair turn pink as he rubs circles on your back “Y/N… I-I’m sorry” is the only thing he can mutter out in the embrace.
The most that will change after this talk is that he will compare you to other anime characters
Malleus Draconia
He finds you delightful to be around, you being smart, kind and a role model definitely makes him think of you highly
If you invite him anywhere good luck getting rid of him because now your his best friends ever
When your true personality shows he gets so concerned yet he doesn’t know what to do so he goes to lillia and he tells him to confront you.
“I’m tired of this already! No matter, no matter, no matter how much I look for it…!” You shout tears forming in the corners of your eyes, the tall man in front of you looked concerned and surprised at your sudden out burst “I can’t find it… then… I’d look for it again. Then I’d think ‘this isn’t it’… and then fall into despair.” You explain, tears falling down your face “I… Can’t take anymore of this!” You say starting to violently sob into your hands in front malleus “Y/N… so this is why you’ve started to act strange?” He asks not really wishing for an answer “I- I want to help. How can I?” He asks looking into your eyes awaiting your response.
After he will treat you different in a sense because he now knows you feel this way yet he won’t unfriend you because he still likes you.
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twstlotus · 4 years
Welcome to Tumblr sweetie, don't hesitate to reach out in case you need some assistance! And as for a request, how about something like this: s/o has made a new friend at Royal Sword Academy and she now spends more time at that other h o r r i b l e school rather then at NRC! How would Leona, Riddle andAzul feel about that? (s/o is their crush) Hcs please! And, is this too weird??😂😂
thank you for your kind words! and no worries, your request is fine and it was fun to write. i also apologize if i get azul’s character inaccurate or anything of the sort.
regardless, i do hope you enjoy.
i swear i’ll learn how to shorten the length of my pieces soon
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Leona Kingscholar
Leona would be the most jealous out of the three boys (and the most possessive and competitive for your attention).
What, you’ve got a new friend from that lame school full of lousy, pompous princes and expected him to be happy for you? You must be more naive than he thought
 He’d openly display his discontent for your frequent visits to RSA to spend time with this new “friend” of yours and he’d simply let out a disgruntled sigh as a response to whenever you begin to speak of him.
While he doesn’t outright try to deter the friendship you have between you and the RSA student, he tries to at least improve the one you have between him and you in hopes that you see the time you spend with him is more enjoyable than the time you spend with that pretentious prince! Isn’t that right, herbivore?
He’ll follow along with your requests and be more compliant than usual– even attend classes to see you more often and hopefully be able to spend more time with you. He’ll also be more willing to help you with homework should you find difficulty in it, albeit at a price, of course. You didn’t expect to let you off scot-free, did you?
What does he charge you with? Well, it’s simple. Just don’t go off running to RSA more often than you do with him.
If you ask if he’s jealous, he’ll act annoyed and say that “he’s not even jealous by the smallest bit” and tell you to focus on your homework if you still want him to help you. He’s not the most patient person, he’ll say.
Despite how he seems to lead the act that he doesn’t care, Leona is afraid that you might abandon your friendship with him and direct your attention to the shoddy prince than him. He was never able to call anything “his own” so when he begins to form a crush on you, and thinks that his advances seem to bear fruit– he’s afraid that all that effort would be thrown down the drain if you were to find more of a liking towards the RSA student.
It’s your duty to reassure him that you’d still be by his side regardless of the friends that you make along the way. He puts a lot of trust in you, it’s only appropriate if you reaffirm that trust as well! Maybe then he’d try to accept the friendship you have with the RSA student. Don’t expect it to be easy, though, he’s a stubborn lion as everyone recognizes him as.
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Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle is accepting of your friendship with the RSA boy.
Despite his nature, He doesn’t believe he has the right to tie you down to him or govern your relationships with other people. Sure he’s rather strict but that really only applies to the rules, plus he’s still...somewhat sensible.
If anything, he’s rather glad that you’re making new connections to other people. He himself wasn’t able to enjoy the luxury of having a large number of companions as you do in his childhood, so he wants you to be happy with the ones you were able to gain through your stay in the school.
In fact, he may sometimes ask you about Che’nya’s well-being now that the two don’t speak on a daily basis and can only speak briefly whenever Che’nya mysteriously appears in NRC before being chased out by a herd of what’s usually angry Heartslabyul students.
But when your visits to RSA have been becoming more and more frequent, to the point where Riddle hardly sees you in schools, that’s when he’ll begin to confront you about the matter at hand.
He’ll explain while he’s happy that you’ve found a new companion outside of the NRC, you need to remember to also spend time with the ones who are in your school. He’ll mention that Ace, Deuce, Cater, Trey, and many others miss your presence, but quietly mumble that he misses the moments the two of you would spend together, too– ah, what? He didn’t say anything…
Riddle isn’t wrong, the members of the Heartslabyul dorm do miss you! Even Ace keeps pestering him about you! He says he has a “cool card trick” to show you and Deuce– he can’t just do his trick with only Deuce as the audience (it’ll be boring), he wants you to watch it, too! Cater and Trey are also somewhat vocal about it, albeit not as troublesome about it. They all miss you!
Riddle doesn’t openly voice his longing for your times together until he confronts you, but even then, he doesn’t say much after that– but actually, he’s the one that misses you most– he’s just respectful enough to not trouble you about it. He misses the way you’d make his heart flutter with a simple laugh, even awes at how diligent you were but the fact that you didn’t flaunt it only made his crush for you develop further.
He hopes that after his confrontation with you, you’ll be able to manage your relationships in a more timely manner and equally balance your minutes of hours together with the people in NRC, and your friend in RSA; but don’t forget to include him in the list, alright? He’s waiting for you at the rose trees with paint buckets for you to use, to paint with him like you promised you would that afternoon.
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Azul Ashengrotto
Azul just more so views it as a business opportunity. New people mean new customers! 
He doesn’t fret over your frequent visits to the RSA, really. Though sometimes he’ll comment on how you should try and visit the Mostro Lounge more often.
He may even accompany you to RSA to gain new customers– but it’s also because he wants to try and spend more time with you and he doesn’t mind admitting it.
His hands are always so full of managing the Mostro Lounge, assisting troubled clients, keeping the twins in line, and many other things. He’s a busy man. At least now he can spend more time with you while bringing in possible new customers! He considers it to be beneficial to him in both ways.
When your friend comes into the scene and you happily greet him. Azul would politely introduce himself to this new friend of yours while quietly muttering all the delicious drinks he serves in the Mostro Lounge and promising deals he proposes to his clients. Your friend could be one of those lucky clients if he simply asked! He says, giving him a deceiving kind smile.
Of course, he doesn’t come with only the reason that he’d try to gain new customers whilst spending time with you. During the entire visit, he’ll always at least have a hand on your shoulder or back but plays it off casually. Keep in mind that he’s interested in you and is trying to pursue you romantically so he’s not going to let anyone else try to come close to you so easily.
Oh, and if they do? Azul will casually play off proposing one of his deals to them. With his charismatic personality, it’s a simple breeze for him to lure the poor student into accepting one of his deals and he knows that none of the other NRC students would try to warn them of it. May Mother Mary bless their sou
Overall, Azul is just as accepting as Riddle is about your friend and your visits. He’s not one to get jealous very easily, and since he can accompany you whenever he isn’t as busy with his endeavors. He doesn’t seem to worry about anyone else trying to pursue you either since he isn’t the jealous type.
It’s only when he’s able to see someone chase after your heart that he begins to spring into action– and that never ends well for the person in question.
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yan-twst · 4 years
Hi! Can u make a non-yandere headcanon with Heartslabyul soulmate AU (temperature gets hotter the nearer they are, colder when they are further away), please? Thank you in advance!
i hadn’t heard of this au before, but for convenience’s sake i’m gonna say that the temperatures even out after they get together / kiss or whatever because... the thought of like being with your soulmate and then forever feeling super warm sounds unpleasant as hell
riddle rosehearts
riddle was completely caught off guard when he suddenly began to feel warm in the entrance ceremony- could it be... that his soulmate was one of the incoming students?!
he convinces himself that he was probably just imagining things- no, surely not... when he begins to feel even warmer when that odd non-magic user runs around with their fire-spewing racoon, he tells himself that the warmth is just kalim’s uniform that caught fire. nothing more... right?
riddle had assumed his soulmate perhaps just didn’t exist- that he didn’t have one. he’d felt frigidly cold his whole life, moreso than people whose soulmates were simply in another country, and yet now, he feels warmth...
he’s very in denial about the whole thing. how- how can it be? there’s no way his soulmate is someone from another world, right? but he can’t keep fooling himself about how warm he feels when they’re close, warmer than he’s felt in his whole life
the first time he’s close enough to touch them, he feels... so warm. it’s almost like standing next to a fireplace- and based on the look on their eyes, he knows they feel it to
it’s an awkward conversation to have; “so we are... soulmates” is a very direct thing to say, but... he’s overjoyed. he finally found them, the one who’s meant for him- finally, he isn’t plagued by the freezing cold he’d felt his whole life
even though he feels like a fool for having ignored the signals for so long, his darling comforts him- they were also technically skirting around the subject, weren’t they? but it’s all good now, and neither of them will ever go another night feeling like they’ll freeze to death: they have each other, and that’s all that matters
ace trappola
ace’s brother used to tell him that his soulmate was simply somewhere far away, and that’s why he was always so cold- he had to have one, if he was cold, right? if he didn’t have one, then he’d just... not feel cold? it was a bit of an odd explanation, and not one that brought him much comfort as a young child
when he got older, he simply decided his brother was wrong. he had no soulmate. all his friends had either found their soulmate or talked excitedly about feeling flashes of warmth when they traveled or went to crowded events, but not him- he still felt as frigid as always
... so when he arrived at NRC and felt the cold melt away just slightly, he was freaked the hell out. could it be- could it be his soulmate was here?! it made sense, right?! because the magic mirror called mages from all over the world!
and then he meets the magicless student and oh. he is so warm- compared to how cold he’d felt, he almost feels like he’ll burn up. his eyes go wide like plates, and he can tell that the student is equally as shocked, both ignoring grim’s confused stare
he has no idea what to do. he had not planned for this, at all- he’d accepted he had no soulmate, so he never even thought of what he’d say to his if he even had one. it’s a bit of an awkward “so... i guess we’re soulmates, huh?”, but the magicless student quickly breaks into a smile and nods
he’s not gonna shut up about this. so this is how it feels to not be freezing cold, huh? he likes it a lot! he’s gonna do his best to be a good boyfriend to his soulmate, even if it means quite a lot of teasing; even if he’s a bit of a meanie, he’s truly glad he finally found them
deuce spade
deuce used to complain a lot to his mother about how cold he was- adding to her distress. not only did she worry over her son, always getting into trouble, but he also seemed to have no soulmate, no matter how many people he met or how far they went out just to try and get deuce to feel a flash of warmth...
of course, once he realized how much he was hurting her, he stopped; his delinquent tendencies, and his complaining of the cold. he opted to do what many people with faraway soulmates do, which was using heat packs and wearing layers- even if he did feel as if though his soulmate was... farther away than anyone he’d spoken to
deuce was set out to be a good student in NRC, and he’s thrown off his rhythm when he arrives and suddenly he feels... warm. sure, not actually hot- but compared to the freezing, cold feeling he’s had all his life? he knows for sure his soulmate is there, closer than ever
it takes him a bit by surprise when he realizes the warmth increases when he approaches the odd magicless student. they- didn’t they... come from another world?! is it even possible to be soulmates with someone from another world?
but they confirm they also feel warm when deuce is close, warmer than they ever had. suddenly it makes sense to him: he was cold as hell, because his soulmate was... in an entirely different world than him...
he doesn’t want to take things too fast- he’s still reeling form discovering he actually does have a soulmate, and he wants to properly confess and get to know them! so- give him the chance to do so; he’s going to do it the proper way!
(of course, that day he calls his mom to tell her the good news, and she’s almost in tears; deuce, who she’d worried over so much, is finally going to feel warmth, the freezing cold isn’t going to haunt hher boy anymore)
trey clover
he never really talks about soulmates that much, not even with his friends. riddle had asked once, and received a very vague response- however, just standing besides trey felt... cold- like he was so frigid his body radiated cold, even if he never mentioned it
that was part of why he liked baking so much- being around the oven, working near fire and cooking warmed him up slightly. he was silently envious of others- those who shed the odd temperature changes by finally getting together with their soulmates, or even those who lived in the same country as their soulmate. of anyone who didn’t feel the freezing cold he’d lived his whole life with
he’s already 18 and hasn’t even felt a slightly warmer temperature in his whole life- he’s more than given up, honestly. and then, at the start of his 3rd year, while the entrance ceremony is taking place, he feels it- the temperature rises. a lot. sure, he’s still not entirely warm, but compared to how he was before? it’s a lot
he’s almost antsy about it- his soulmate arrived, ok, they’re here, he just... he has to find them. it shouldn’t be so difficult, right? both of them must have been feeling freezing their whole lives, so finding the heat should be rather easy-
and then he comes face to face with the new, magicless student from ramshackle, and he knows. of course he knows- he’s so warm, warmer than he’d ever felt when baking; he almost forgets to introduce himself
he and his soulmate have a lot of catching up, he reckons; how had they been living their life up until now? were they as cold as him? and- well... he’s happy. he’s so grateful that they’re finally here: it has to be fate, for them to be taken to this world where he is, right?
cater diamond
cater exells in hiding his true self- he’s such a cheery and happy dude, nobody would be able to tell how freezing cold he’s been his whole life. he’s used to wearing layers, using heat packs to help his almost-ice cold hands, and all the tips and tricks to hide the fact his soulmate must be as far away as possible
of course it’s really painful for him- he wishes so bad he could have his soulmate by his side! not only because the near constant cold is almost painful at times, but... he just feels like it’d all be better, yknow?
he doesn’t even drop a clue for anyone to know he’s distraught over this, though; he’s more or less given up. not even during the entrance ceremony does he have hope
... until he feels warmth
at first he says nothing, too shocked to think- is it... is it real? are his nerves finally dying from the cold and he’s just kinda feeling things? he pushes down the thoughts as he leads the heartslabyul freshmen away for their welcome party- surely, if he isn’t going crazy... he’ll run into his soulmate, right?
as it turns out, the freshmen- ace and deuce, end up guiding his soulmate right to him as he’s busy painting roses. he almost drops his magic pen out of shock, the warmth almost overwhelming, as ace and deuce stare in confusion as cater and the ramshackle prefect just... stare at each other
well! it seems his soulmate was truly as far as they could be- someone from an entirely different world?! no wonder he was cold, huh? but at least now that’s over, isn’t it? he’s so happy and overwhelmed he almost forgets to take a congratulatory selfie- this deserves to be immortalized! 
of course, once the selfie is taken, he slows down a bit. there’s so many questions he has for them! how had their lives been up until now? he’s more than happy to help them around this new world for them; after all, he’s quite giddy that he’s not going to feel the freezing cold again
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twistedtranslations · 4 years
Trey Clover - If you started to enjoy it
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You can unlock this story by getting Trey’s SSR Dorm Uniform
Translation under the cut
Heartslabyul Dorm - Rose Maze
Ace: Isn't it unproductive to take care of the lawn? Those weeds’ll grow back in no time even if you properly pull ‘em out.
Deuce: Sometimes I really resonate with you, Ace. I feel like we’re stuck doing this forever with no end in sight.
Trey: Come on guys, don't slack and keep at it. A perfect lawn is essential for the "Unbirthday party".
Cater: If the garden looks unseemly, I can't take a pretty picture. After the weeding, the pruning awaits you! Fight on!
Ace: Huh, why do only the first years have to…
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Trey: The only thing the first years are in charge of is the rare croquet game. The second and third years have other serious jobs to do. Everyone helps to prepare the party. That is what the law of the Queen of Hearts states. By doing our best to cooperate for the preparation, we can develop a better sense of unity… Don't you think that's surprisingly suitable for us?
Ace: ... I feel like everyone’s only cooperating because they fear the dorm leader will have their heads.
Deuce: Then what are you guys in charge of?
Cater: I'm preparing the venue~ Please look forward to an exciting arrangement!
Trey: I'm making the cake. An "Unbirthday party" is not complete without a cake after all.
Ace: Yay! We're getting your super delicious cakes! What kind of cake are you baking this time?
Trey: What kind of cake?… Hm, it's something I can't explain so easily. The definition of an "Unbirthday party" is a party with no birthday. There's no cake really fitting for that.
Ace: I think that depends on the sense and ideas of the creator… Ah. Doesn't that mean that the cake itself can be any kind? But melon tarts are a no go.
Trey: Huh? Ah, I understand. According to the laws of the Queen of Hearts… "The cake should have a candle" and "Melon tarts are prohibited" are the only rules…
Ace: Okay, then why don't we go for a cherry pie base instead of the usual cake! The sweet sourness is great and the crunchy pie dough makes for a perfect texture! … I like it better than anything else.
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Deuce: Ace, don't trouble Clover by saying shoving your requests in. Furthermore… A chiffon cake made with lots of eggs is better than a cherry pie. The humble sweetness makes it digestible for everyone.
Ace: Now you're just making requests for the thing you want to eat!
Deuce: I-I'm not. I'm thinking about the entire dorm…
Heartslabyul Student A: What, are we requesting cakes? I want a chocolate cake!
Heartslabyul Student B: I'd like a cheese cake!
Heartslabyul Student C: A cake doesn't have to be limited to sweetness. Trey, why don't you try something like quiche?
Trey: There, there, guys. I never said I was taking requests from anyone! And in the first place, I'd have to prepare the ingredients. Immediate changes are hard, you know.
Ace: With your skills you'd be able to manage it~
Cater: I understand why you guys are pleading with our genius patissier~ But don’t you think you’re putting him on the spot by pestering him?
Heartslabyul Student A: But no matter how delicious a cake is, eating the same thing repeatedly will make you tired of it.
Ace: Ah, right? Fresh flavors are also important… I’m fed up with it, I want to eat something different every time.
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Trey:… I see. Then why don't you guys try making the cakes yourselves? That way, you can eat your favorite cake. Our college endorses the study of cooking with the elective subject "MasterChef".
Deuce: Now that you say it, "MasterChef" is a practical class, right?
Trey: Yes. It's a traditional program from the past to teach students how to cook for themselves after graduation. It's not a mandatory subject, so few students take it, but it's very informative if you want to learn the basics.
Heartslabyul Student A: Hm… then we should try it. You can make it look so easy.
Heartslabyul Student C: It seems much more fun and easy than maintaining this plain law!
Trey: There's always a shortage of helping hands for making sweets, so if you started enjoying cooking because of that, you'd really help me out. Then I shall hand my kitchen utensils over and you guys can be in charge of the cakes.
Deuce:… Ace, you should apologize for that just now. For the whole being tired of his cakes and there not being new flavors…
Ace: You should too. Trey was simply too kind and didn’t get angry.
Deuce: Yeah… Even so? It's true that Trey is an adult, after all. It's rare for there to be helpful and nice people amongst the student body of this college… If I was being told that the job I had to do was "Easy, ", I would get pissed off.
Ace: If you got pissed that easily, you wouldn't be able to take care of our impatient dorm leader.
Cater: You're right. I haven't seen Trey get angry much~… Well, if you do make him angry, he drags it on for a fairly long time.
Chapter 2
Heartslabyul Dorm
Riddle: Unbelievable. Who was slacking for things to end up like this? No one has pruned the lawn, the colors of the roses are inconsistent and the tableware has not been polished! We won't be able to make it for tomorrow's "Unbirthday party"!
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Trey: Calm down Riddle. Why don't we try to finish the party with no beheadings?
Riddle: Urgh…
Trey: There's no one who can do everything perfectly from the start. As for the first years, how about I teach them some magic that can help them prune the lawn more efficiently? If we finish everything carefully, one by one, we might make it in time for the party?
Riddle:… You are right. I understand. Thank you Trey.
Trey: Okay. I shall check the roses that still have to be painted… but before that, I'll check up on the kids in the kitchen, just in case.
Heartslabyul Dorm - Kitchen
Heartslabyul Student A: I'm making a chocolate cake but the chocolate won't melt. I'm putting all the chocolate bars in the oven!
Heartslabyul Student B: Weren't we making a cheesecake? I'm pretty fussy about cheese. Let's try making some with magic from milk.
Heartslabyul Student C: Didn't I say it was going to be quiche? By the way, does anyone know how to handle this fish…?
Trey: How lively. I see, do your best.
Cater: Ah, Trey. Dif you feel like watching over the first years who are encouraging each other to make cakes?
Trey: Kind of. Is the construction of the venue you're in charge of finished?
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Cater: *sigh*… I'm really doing my best… I've been getting more nervous the more the "Unbirthday party" nears and lately Riddle has been in a super foul mood~ If we make one more mistake he might explode.
Trey: He hasn't exploded yet, so you can just proceed, right? That guy is also doing his best.
Cater: And there you go. You're coddling him! You guys have that kind of relationship because you've been together since childhood, right? I don't have childhood friends so I don't really understand, but don't you tire of it?
Trey: Actually, back in the days, he really didn't carry that angry image with him. He might feel responsible now because he is the dorm leader.
Cater: Huh, really? But the rumors say that he inherited it from his tiger mom?
Trey: Hehehe. They say that, but Riddle's mother wasn't really like that. When it was revealed that Riddle came over to play, she marched into my home, looking ten times more threatening than Riddle, and lectured our family for five hours.
Cater: Scary… you really shouldn't laugh that much, Trey!
Trey: Thinking about it now, I can make fun of it. That someone can get so angry about a child playing. But now that you say it, it was really scary at that time. I totally didn't understand why she was angry…
Trey: I was really worried whether or not I was guilty of doing something terrible. When I asked Che'nya, he merely said "I don't know nya~", so I had no one to talk it over with. And I think she got way more angry at Riddle than I, so I felt really guilty.
Cater: Heh. You were pretty serious since you were small huh… Are you the anxious type?
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Trey: I think anyone who met that mother would be. In any case, once you made her angry, she was untouchable. If you think about that, I'm just grateful that sweets seem to cheer Riddle up.
Cater: About that! I totally understand why your tarts cheered Riddle up earlier. Honestly, your cakes deserve the graces of god. How many times have they saved me in this year…
Trey: Flattery doesn't work on me. Besides, this time, it seems I wasn't up to the task and had to relinquish my position.
Cater: Hahaha… Yeah. At least I didn't imagine he was angry.
Trey: Did you say anything?
Cater: Nothing~
Heartslabyul Dorm - Tea Garden
The day of the unbirthday party
Ace: S-Somehow… I captured all the hedgehogs that ran away in time for the party…
Deuce: The flamingos are perfectly on stand by. With this, the perfect party can start.
Trey: Thank you, you two. It seems you had a lot of trouble preparing.
Riddle: At one point I even thought about what would happen to this party… but it seems that despite all the "Unbirthday party" can start.
Cater: Riddle seems satisfied. It seems like no one will get beheaded today~
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Riddle: Oho? I do not see the cake anywhere. Where is it?
Heartslabyul Student A: Uhm… It's…
Riddle: The "Unbirthday party" cannot start unless there's cake. Hurry and fetch it!
Heartslabyul Student B: U-Understood.
Ace: Hm? Don't you think those guys who made the cake look a bit pale?
Trey: …
Chapter 3
Riddle: The "Unbirthday party" cannot start unless there's cake. Hurry and fetch it!
Heartslabyul Student B: W-We brought it.
Heartslabyul Student A: We made this with our utmost effort… A special cake made by the first years.
Everyone: ?!
Deuce: Cough, cough, what's that stench! It smells sugary and smoky and of meat and fish… The acid and spice are hurting my eyes!
Cater: The green syrup, the blue cream and the shocking pink decorations… It's more art than a cake. I could upload it to Magicam with the tag #DestructionandCreation.
Ace: Hey, didn't it move? That cake definitely moved just now? Are you sure it's edible?!
Trey: You really did it. You guys made another intense cake. Just how did you make it like this?
Heartslabyul Student A: Ah, it's not my fault. It's his!
Heartslabyul Student B: Y-You're wrong! It's you who… No, wait? Isn't it Ace who said from the start that he wanted to eat something different? Didn’t he start it?
Ace: Maybe I said that, but you guys made it? I have no hands in this!
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Heartslabyul Student C: Then it's Deuce's fault who said that chiffon cake would be nice and started a quarrel.
Deuce: D-Don't involve me! You made your own mess and you can clean it up yourselves!
Riddle: …
Cater: Uhm, Riddle? Let's stay amiable, 'kay?
Riddle: You guys!
Everyone: Argh!
Cater: S-Shit. We did our best, but Riddle is going to explode…!
Riddle: To think you dared to make such a messy cake for the dignified "Unbirthday party"… I hope you are all prepared?!
Ace: Aah! Why us as well!?
Deuce: Dorm leader Rosehearts, please calm down! If we apologize, will you accept…!
Riddle: Do not bother with excuses!!! Off with…!
???: Stop!
Deuce: Huh, that voice is…
Trey: Calm down Riddle.
Ace: T-Trey!
Riddle: What's this Trey, release my arms. I cannot chastise the first years who made a mess of the "Unbirthday party" like this!
Trey: … It is true that this cake does not seem edible by its appearance. It's not appetizing, and the smell is awful. It's laughable.… But wouldn’t you say that a cake made by the combined ideas of the first years is very Heartslabyul-like? With that said, isn’t it quite wonderful?
Riddle: I do not think so in the least!
Cater: Right~
Riddle: Furthermore, there is no candle on this cake. They did not obey the laws of the Queen of Hearts! Why did you not make the cake as you usually do? If you did it normally, something like this would not have…
Trey: I understand, I understand. You don't have to be that upset. Isn't this your long awaited "Unbirthday party". It's fine. I put some cakes aside that I make every time for the "Unbirthday party".
Everyone: Huh?!
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Trey: The "Unbirthday party" is Heartslabyul's most important day. It's not like I had any intention to slack?
Riddle:… Then you should have told us earlier. I would have reflexively beheaded the dorm students. The "Unbirthday party" can continue without problems. You guys, thank Trey for that.
Heartslabyul Student B: W-We're saved!
Cater: As expected of you, Trey! Okay, everything is ready. Let's start the "Unbirthday party"!
Trey: Indeed, let's start.… Congratulations on the "Unbirthday party"!
Everyone: Congratulations!
Ace: T-Trey… No, Master Trey! You saved us!
Deuce: I really thought I was going to be beheaded. Thank you for persuading our dorm leader!
Cater: As expected of you, Trey! Just when did you make the other cake?
Trey: Yesterday evening, secretly, when everyone was asleep. I had a bad feeling, so I made it just in case.
Ace: Your cakes always look so delicious~ Just by looking I can feel my belly growl.
Deuce: Aah, I really want to eat it as soon as possible.
Trey: But weren't you two tired of these kinds of cakes?
Deuce/Ace: Huh?
Trey: It seems you guys were tired of eating the same thing every time and wanted some new flavors, so don't worry, me and Riddle will eat this one.
Cater: The first years telling you they were fed up with it really pissed you off, didn’t they?
Ace: T-Trey, please don't be so mean. That was just a slip of the tongue…
Deuce: Indeed! We think your cakes are the best. Right, everyone?
Heartslabyul Students: Yes! We want to eat your cakes!
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Trey: … Then you guys understand, right? That making sweets isn't something you can do haphazardly. You have to consider all the risks, make plans beforehand and adapt yourself to the situation at hand… If you can do all that, it can become a routine. You don't have the comfort to make these things at peace.
Ace: Uhm… just to verify, but we're still talking about making sweets, right? Because it sounds an awful lot like you're talking about the dorm leader…
Trey: In any case. Do you now understand my hardships?
Deuce/Ace: Yeah…
Trey: Okay, I'm glad you're honest.
Deuce: We learned a lot.… Thank you for existing, Trey's cakes.
Heartslabyul Students: Bon appétit~…
Trey: Wait.
Deuce/Ace: Huh?
Trey: What do you guys intend to do with the cake you made? You shouldn't waste food. If you're not going to eat it, I won't let you eat the cake I made especially for the "Unbirthday party".
Deuce: W-We have to eat this shitty cake?! We already repented, but it seems just words aren't enough…
Ace: Where has our mature and kind Trey gone…
Cater: The gentler a person usually is, the scarier they'll be when they're angry! Treat this as an opportunity to learn.
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alice-angel12x · 4 years
Cherry Blossom wedding PT.2
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"So Darx took over the school to force Y/n into marriage with him," Riddle summarized. 
"What?!" Everyone gasped.
"What so scary about Darx?" Jack asked.
"Darx is currently the most powerful wizard, and he didn't get that title though fair or clean means," Vil explained.
"And as of late he's been looking for a suitable bride," Lilia added suddenly, " I'm familiar with him cause at first he's been taking many fae brides, some I've known personally. Then they disappear suddenly, and Darx simply moves on to the next."
"S-so were dealing with a possible murder," Kalim stuttered in fear.
"Well nobody has ever shown up, and there is no evidence that he killed them. So all those sad souls are still considered missing," Azul clarified.
"We have to rescue her!" Inir and Ortho shouted.
"Ummm," Everyone backed away.
"What?" Inir gasped.
"Why? Please help us!" Ortho begged.
"Look we all like Y/n and we don't want anything bad to happen to her, but we also don't want to be the ones who die pissing off Darx,"  Ace said.
"while Idia always avoids me yet he only asks for me when he's troubled, that's too easy," Vil added.
" It's your "brother"'s problem. Solve it on your own," Leona sighed.
Inir began to tear up and cry out loud.
"Don't worry Inir, If they won't help then I'll do something," Ortho said to his crying friend.
"Hey, hey. You can't do anything just by yourself," Kalim gasped.
"Stimulating patterns to take back Idia Shroud and Y/n Ebonywood. Requirements: Least time of operation...the simulation has been completed successfully. We will now operate the plan. Charging magic energy. Aiming for Night Raven College's main school grounds," Ortho said as he readied his attack, "Magic beam firing in 5... 4... 3... 2..."
" PLEASE STOOOOOP!" Crowley shouted, "Do you want to make our legendary school turn into ruins!? Magic beams are prohibited!
"Since everybody won't help us, I had to do it," Ortho glared.
" ...everyone. Is it okay to decline that easily? If you abandon Shroud and Y/n just like this..," Crowley scolded.
"What should I say? It'll be pointless even if we fought back..," Ace sighed.
"Ah! There they are! Night Raven College's students!" Crowley said pretending to be a news reporter.
" Wh-what is it so suddenly," Ace gasped.
 "I'm a reporter from TBC News! You're a student from Night Raven College, right!?" Crowley continued.
" Eh? Y-Yeah, I am but... wait, close, too close! Headmaster, you're too close!" Ace stuttered
 "Is it true that it's possessed by ghosts? Please answer the question! It'll be featured by tomorrow morning, so let me take some pictures too. Click-click!" Crowley acted.
"Ugh, the flash is too bright!" Ace groaned.
 "I heard a student was abducted? And you abandoned her?"
"I-I have different dorms from the kidnapped person! I don't know anything!" Ace tried to argue.
  "You left him because you weren't close to him? I can't believe you! I need to compile a special feature... Shocking! The dark side of the prestigious school!"
" Whoa, I said stop it! Don't point the camera here!" Ace shouted.
 "Click click click! Click-click! Click!"
"STOP IT! Ace shouted again.
"And so if Y/n doesn't come back, you'll be pressed by the mass and be interviewed no matter morning or noon. I don't want to see my students getting tired like that, or Shroud getting even more stress on top of his possible trauma. Since I'm kind," Crowley warned.
" If you don't cooperate, I'll hack the news channel and put it on the news. I'll write in big marks "The Student Who Abandoned Their Friend" and air it!" Ortho threatened.
"I think the one who would be troubled the most if there's a scandal on the school is you, the school's responsible person, the headmaster," Riddle stated.
"But, it would trouble me. My mother would cry if she saw that news," Deuce sighed.
" Gossips will affect my image as an entertainer. I don't want it," Vil stated.
" It seems that we have to help then," Lilia smiled, " I can't have things like...Malleus, the next king of the Valley of Thorns couldn't save a human to be spread around, and he does hold Y/n in a special place in his heart."
" Yes. As you said, Lilia-sama!!" Sebek shouted.
"Then, everyone! Let's save Shroud and Y/n  from Darx together!" Crowley cheered, "Ah〜〜〜〜 I'm happy that I only have nice students〜〜〜."
" Let's think of a way to save my brother and Y/n together!" Ortho cheered.
"First of all, why don't we talk to Darx," Kalim suggested.
" What a magnificent thought, you are Golden. Though I don't think he would let go of a beautiful maiden like Y/n so easily. If I were in his shoes I certainly wouldn't," Rook smiled.
" In the end, we just have to get him back by force, don't you think?" Leona stated.
 "We all ended up here because we can't do that. Did you forget?" Vil said.
"Yes. We can't "defeat" the ghosts in a face to face battle. They're troublesome as an opponent. Let's avoid a battle with them." Crowley said.
"You know from what I've heard Darx is a narcissistic wizard and happily excepts challenges from anyone," Riddle stated.
"True, a Fae friend of mine challenged Darx to save his lover, but he disappeared along with her," Lilia added.
"Maybe Sam has something useful in his shop," Inir suggested.
So it was off to the school shop and Mr.Sam. Who surprisingly had had something that could maybe help with Darx. A pure white crystal that can undo any spell of a specific caster.
"That was something I did have, but those darn ghosts came by and raided my shop and getting away with lots of my stuff," Sam sighed.
"What they took the crystal too?!" Crowley gasped.
"Yep, but I'll give you advice instead. Darx specializes in summoning and capture Magic," Sam explained, " That is probably why Y/n and Shroud hasn't come back to us yet."
"So I guess the only option is to beat him at a match in hopes to win both student's freedom," Crowley sighed, " Alright those I call, step forward, you will be the first to challenge group to challenge Darx," 
" Trey Clover, Jack Howl, Jade Leech, Floyd Leech, Kingscholar, Schoenheit, and Zigvolt," Crowley called.
"I was so troubled getting chased by ghosts, so this is where you all evacuated," Trey smiled.
" I'm glad we could gather," Jade greeted.
"Headmaster. What are you going to do with we seven?" Vil asked.
"You are all strong with your unique magic, so maybe you can outfox Darx, or maybe you could all challenge him together," Crowley suggested.
"W-what why can't I go? I feel like I'm abandoning my duties as a dorm leader if I let Trey, the vice dorm leader to challenge this mission," Riddle asked.
"What sad you can't be Y/n's knight in shining warmer," Ace teased.
"N-No that not it at all," Riddle denied.
"We don't know what Darx is capable of, and Riddle you heavily rely on your unique magic and we cannot afford to lose you so soon," Crowley explained.
"I'll have the CCTV's footage be connected so we can watch you from the sidelines," Ortho smiled.
"Vil will surely win not only is he beautiful, but he is also strong too. Don't you think so, Epel-Kun?" Rook smiled.
"Eh! I-I guess," Epel stuttered.
(Cafetaria — Wedding Ceremony)
"*chuckle* What a beautiful day today, and not so powerful without this pendant protecting you," Darx smiled as he grabbed Y/n's chin.
"Keep this out of her reach," Drax ordered a troll servent.
Y/n simply glared at the man, he had placed a magic seal on to keep her in place and to prevent her from using her magic.  Y/n dressed to the nines in a beautiful wedding dress that Drax's troll servants put her in.
As Y/n stood in her frozen spot she noticed that all the short troll servants looked at her with sorrow and pity as they stood next to her. Drax had seven troll servants and an army of ghosts. Drax was still ordering his ghost and monster servants around trying to get the ceremony ready. Y/n sighed as she looked over at the front row seating area to see Idia struggling at his bindings that tied him to his seat. A similar seal was cast on him too.
"SOMEONE SAVE US—-!!!" Idia cried out.
" I suddenly got surrounded by ghosts, got roped and tied up... and now I have to watch a friend get forced into marrying some brute?" Idia said in fear, " A brute that might kill her soon."
"Not fish, how about beef served at the wedding?" Drax said as a troll servant stepped up with her tray of food.
Drax chuckled as he took a fork full of beef all the while the strolls stood nervously and uncomfortable in front of him. Drax growled in disappointment that the food tasted cheap and knocked the plated out of the hands of the troll and dropping food onto his servant.
"Soon I'll have a new wife, and hopefully you won't disappoint me," Drax said simply as he looked over to Y/n, who only glared at him.
Idia wanted to hurl at that sentence as side glared at his kidnapper. Suddenly a ghost rushed over to Darx with some urgent news. Apparently, some NRC students came to challenge him for "His bride's hand". Drax laughed as he ordered the ghosts to let them in.
"You hear that Y/n, Were going to be saved," Idia smiled in relief at his friend.
Soon the seven students quickly barged through the door demanding to challenge Darx in magical combat.
"So you all think you can take what is soon to be mine," Darx laughed.
"The marriage hasn't happened yet, so Y/n doesn't belong to anyone," Leona growled.
"And a rude brute like you doesn't deserve a lady like Y/n," Jack added.
"Plus forcing women into marriage is a disgusting trait," Vil glared.
"So you're her friends I'm assuming," Darx said simply in a bored tone, " Look dear all your friends have come to watch our marriage.
The boys looked up the alter to see a beautifully dressed Y/n staring at them with a relieved smile on her face at the sight of them. The boys could feel their hearts flutter in their chests at the sight of here. Oh, and there was Idia in the front row.
"Darx we challenge you to a Magic duel, If we win You will set our friends free," Trey said in a serious tone.
"hahaha, I can't wait to squeeze the lights out of him," Floyd laughed.
"Challenge excepted,"  Darx smirked.
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seimeinotaka · 3 years
A waltz for two solo dancers (VilXFeMC)
For TwstOC Week Day 2. Relationships.
There is a lingering tension between Vil and Ann, like a waltz. A waltz for two solo dancers, each gliding at their own tune, so close yet so far. Wanting to get close, but not enough to touch each other. Yearning gazes being the only betrayal of those hidden thoughts.
Thanks to polyphenols@AO3 for beta-reading this!
Vil stood in front of Ann, fixing her tie and her hair, unaware or uncaring of the soft smile on her face. Her heart always beat this fast when she was with him, always aware of the way he made her feel.
She loved Vil deeply, ever since that day.
 “That’s why I want to give my all to be able to vote for myself proudly.”
Her heart was taken by those words, the deep conviction in his heart.
But she knew things couldn't go the way she wished, because she was a person who did not deserve anything.
It was why she was content with these faint touches, these ephemeral interactions that would go nowhere. At times, it almost felt like Vil was affectionate, an elusive softness that felt like a mirage. But, even if her heart trembled, she pushed her delusions to the back of her mind while simultaneously surrendering herself to the moment until her mind reminded her of her own reality, which marred the moment with a deep shame and grief.
"I cannot enjoy this, no matter how much I desire this. No, it was wishing for anything in the first place that caused me to lose everything."
A risky double thought.
"I don’t like the Potato, Rook," Vil said dryly.
The vice leader arched his eyebrows, with a matching knowing, taunting smile.
"Sure you don't, Roi du Poison. That's why you're mesmerized by the trickster."
"How could I be?" Vil scoffed with disdain, glaring at Rook, a sign to wipe that smirk off his face.  "She doesn't know her place and dares to talk back to me. She's untidy, she doesn't take care of her skin, have you seen how she's always yawning in art class?"
Rook nodded to everything he said. "Oui, she is exactly as you say. When you demand her to move, she asks you 'Why?', instead of 'Is this far enough?'. Instead of being mesmerized by your beauty, she waves you hello. You expect her to fear and respect you, admiring you from afar, but she invades your private space to tell you she doesn't like how you treat others. Didn't she tell you, 'I'm on a raid, don't interrupt me or I'll kill you' without batting an eye, when you were filming in the courtyard she was sitting in?"
"You are proving my point, Rook."
"Unyielding against your charms and uncaring at your status as the Queen. To call this a crush would be a mistake. No, your feelings run deeper than this, ahhhh~ the scorching and relentless feeling of love!"
If looks could kill, the hunter would have been buried thirteen times already, for saying something so ridiculous. Vil Schoenheit in love with her, of all people?
"The Trickster also seems interested in you."
The words aimed directly at his heart, why did he choose Rook as vice leader when he was not careful of his place? And why was everyone telling him things he didn't want to admit?
"Of course, isn't that obvious? I am Vil Schoenheit," he uttered, attempting to assert his dominance, to defend his wounded pride.
"You know that's not what I mean."
He turned his eyes away, she had seen through him, the ugliness he wanted to hide. She saw it and yet...
"Stop spouting nonsense, Rook. I'm in a foul mood. I will be in my room."
He entered his room and closed his doors, fist slamming on them. His heart ached, frowning deeply as how easily he could recall her face and her cheeky smile.
And how he desperately wanted her to look at him.
When she was nice to everyone...
How could he tell if she is looking at him...?
He slammed his fist against the door, once more hiding his blushing face on his sleeve, as he was only accompanied by the sound of his racing heart.
Her feelings were like an open box, the best way to hide something was to be upfront about everything. It was how she had managed to fool herself. Never had she tried anything to reach him, to try to get him to love her.
It was fine if her love was one-sided, as hurtful as it was.
She was okay with being just his ‘professional headache’, the girl who sometimes got scolded by him, the possible friend that sometimes hangs out with him. She enjoyed their talks, their accidental meetings, their bickering.
As long as that line was never crossed, she was fine.
There was a silly contradiction to that trail of thought. She was fully aware of her love, and always acted on it, whenever she greeted him or talked to him. Her reassurance came from the bottom of her heart. However, she had no intention of it being known, she wouldn’t go and confess to him or anyone. She was no idiot and she knew how to avoid the usual talks of romance and love between her friends. It helped that Ace and Deuce hardly talked about the matter, focusing on the day-to-day happenings, and less on whatever she was feeling.
So long she could see him, from an invisible wall she had erected to protect him, she would be fine with whatever they never were.
He was surprised to acknowledge she had similar traits to him, even if they looked like immediate opposites at first glance. She didn’t look much like it, but she favored hard work, that was his first surprise. All of her potato friends had been duped by Azul’s scheme, but she was the one who bailed them out. She had also a hidden passion as well, given her devotion to that game of hers she played, and the art she seemed fond of making. While she was young and inexperienced, given how she often lost track of time, it was precisely this trait that showed her ambition and determination. The fortitude to throw herself into a task she had to accomplish no matter what. It honestly annoyed him, she somehow thought it adequate to go to bed at unholy hours as long as she did what she wanted, her skin care be damned, but it somehow made her shine when he scolded her the next morning.
“Sorry, Vil-senpai, I was at a good part of my game and I couldn’t stop.”
With his cosmetics, he could somehow make up for a tired look on her skin, but at times, it was as if she was glowing instead. He wouldn’t have imagined she had pulled an all-nighter, even if she was supposed to be the potato and him, the beauty expert.
She did possess something he lacked. It was that kindness of hers, one not restricted to her friends. His world didn’t forgive the easily duped, the ones who did something for others, expecting nothing in return. The school they studied at held this principle deep in its roots, where being kind and soft would only leave you as prey to be used. He was far from the likes of Azul and Leona, but he wasn’t the kind to help others for no reason. To give out his secrets for free, it was a way to coddle laziness and neglect. In the industry, it was a sure way to get you killed. But it seemed this concept didn’t apply to her, as her webcomic was a way to help her study (one of the potatoes had come to read it often) and her Magicam was full of advice, the accumulated experience of a high-ranked player in her home world. Everything for free, nothing expected in return.
He himself had been on the receiving end, with her annoying encouragement and unwanted advice. With his own life being saved from overblotting, like she had saved the others. Riddle, Leona, Azul, Jamil. Some of them people who had attacked her or her friends. Yet she still helped them, she helped him, not asking for anything, not even a thank you. They had argued, he had been cold to her, but she still extended her hand to save him.
There was something Vil Schoenheit possessed that no one else had, a brilliance that lay deeper than his obvious beauty.
Ann knew he was beautiful, but it was the elegance he carried himself with, the strictness he had for himself and the diligence to reach his goals that made him who he was.
Vil never excused himself, taking responsibility for his faults, like his own admission of his failings for his Overblot and making amends for it. He never asked for help, he worked on his own. She had learned his father was a famous actor, and Vil, while loving him dearly, had never resorted to latching on his father’s fame as an easy way into the business industry.
Instead, he had worked hard, went to auditions and prepared himself. The few times she helped him carry props for his Film Appreciation Club, she had seen the worn out scripts, the hundreds of notes and stickers. He took care of everything with meticulous care, she might have found him rehearsing nonstop even on his busy schedule.
Vil worked out and prided himself on being perfect always, even though he was close to wearing himself thin, and it wasn’t out of simple vanity. He was complex, far from perfect, with his secret failings that didn’t make him less beautiful in her eyes. Someone who wanted to better himself, to reach perfection even if such a state was impossible from the start, how could she not love him for giving his all to a goal?
Even if he denied it, he was kind, secretly helping others being their best person they could be. As harsh and strict as he seemed, he looked out for everyone, not only those close to him or in his dorm. He wouldn’t even mind being painted as something he loathed, as long as that person got the drive to improve themselves. It was why for her, he was a true selfless hero, with shortcomings that he struggled with. And it was why she wanted him to achieve his dream, and had tried to help him in the only way she could, through words, written or spoken, and through art so that others might see him in a different light, the things Vil never mentioned about himself that were easily missed by others just looking at him at glance.
He wanted her to look at him. To praise him. To tell him he was the most beautiful.
"I don't care about your opinion. "
It was a bold lie, one to hide his own deepest feelings, the actual fear of her opinion of him. He was aware that he was in the eye of everyone, but...
He wanted to be in her eyes but feared hearing her thoughts. Because she saw right through his efforts. Through everything he did. Would she praise him?
He felt bare, exposed. And, he was unsure if he could handle her rejection. That was why he shut out her opinion fast, fearing the words he didn't want to hear.
Why wasn't she telling him he was beautiful, like everyone else? Why did she approach him easily? She didn't know her place, he kept repeating that to himself, but there was a lingering fear it was because he was nothing to her, hence why she acted so nonchalantly.
He wanted to be her very first thought in the morning and the last one at night, just as she invaded his dreams and haunted him everywhere with her presence or absence. But he couldn't easily go and tell her, "I saw you in my dreams again. We were together, you by my side, the place I yearn for you to be."
He sighed. There was no use getting upset over this.  But these words didn't reach his heart, its pace increasing as he thought of her again.
(He knew that it was because she didn't say those words, that she looked deeper, focusing on his sweat, blood and tears, that he looked for her everywhere now.)
"You've worked so hard to get where you're standing on and that's really amazing."
He was in deep.
"I think your beauty doesn't only lie in how you look, you are beautiful, but it's your determination and hard work that makes you shine."
He stopped breathing when she said that, heart aching so much because she wasn't aware that her words pierced his heart, permanently latching on it like the sword in his crown. Whenever he repeated them in his mind, like a broken record, he clenched his chest, losing all strength, a sweet tasting poison that bewitched his soul. It hurts him but, he couldn't stop himself from yearning it.
"Please, look at me."
"...Please love me..."
He whispered quietly in the darkness of his empty room.
There was an irony of the Pomefiore Queen falling victim to her sweet tender poison.
(Was it really poison? Her words were sweet and gentle, beautiful and without any ill intentions. But they killed him slowly, so they might as well be the most dangerous venom in the world. And he wouldn't stop wishing for it, taking them all until there was nothing left.)
"Vil-senpai, good morning!"
She would smile brightly at him and he would avoid her eyes, feigning indifference because he couldn't hold her gaze back. He preferred to nitpick, to tell her that her lips were dry, that she should pay attention to her appearance, harshly scolding her as his hands carefully arranged her tie.
"I won't be always fixing you. You should be always presentable, what am I going to do with you?"
He fussed over her, giving her even some lipstick he had, after applying it to her lips that surely her potato friends would comment on later.
What was he going to do? Wasn't it obvious? He'd look for her next and fuss again over her appearance, because that was as close as he could allow himself to be, safely hidden by the pretense of her untidy appearance.
"Tell me, Trickster Ann-kun," Rook's piercing voice shot through the silence like the arrow from his bow. "Do you have feelings for the beautiful Vil?"
He had suddenly approached her, as she had taken a night stroll in the surroundings of Ramshackle Dorm to clear her head, even though she knew the chaos would remain.
She closed her eyes, she knew that looking away or up front would show the answer, a fawn in front of the perceptive hunter. Vil had already confronted her, her eyes telling a different story than what she wanted to say. Rook would surely suspect, no, she had a feeling he was asking to confirm his suspicions.
"What do you mean?"
"Your eyes shine the most when you are next to him, even if you then look away moments after. You approach him often, during the free times he has or even when your paths cross, in between classes and your personal activities. There's a tension, a soft lingering warmth when you talk to him. I look at Vil the most, so naturally I would notice first anything that happens around him."
She looked up at the sky, her lips drawn in a thin line. There were no stars to reflect on her eyes.
"Would it bother you?"
"Non, naturally there are many who have feelings for him. In fact, I would be most bothered if people didn't realize his beauty."
"You did mention it before, you wanted us to see his beauty back during our VDC training."
"Oui, Vil has a beauty no one else possesses. It would be foolish to ignore it when close to it. But we are not talking about me, we are talking about you, Trickster Ann-kun."
"Befitting of your name, you try to fool your opponents and the people who surround you. But you should already know I am a hunter and it's my pride to say I do not let my prey get away.”
"I had a feeling you would say that, though whatever. Whatever I feel, it doesn't really matter."
She could feel his sharp eyes on her, carefully examining her every movement, conscious or unconscious. For a moment, she thought he was concerned, but she wouldn't engage in eye contact for her sake. She knew better than engaging in a fight she would lose.
"If I like him or not, it doesn't matter. Someone like him shouldn't be with someone like me."
"Do you think of yourself as inferior to him, Trickster Ann-kun? Vil is the kind of person who can appreciate beauty, no matter how unconventional."
"I don't really know where I fall in that category, and I don't think too much about it anyway," she said with a casual shrug, but it didn't shake off Rook's inquisitive gaze.
"You should be aware that you're already someone important to him. What happened in the VDC put you in another place in his eyes."
What would it be? Vil’s overblot and her desperate tries to save him? Their talk alone after they lost the VDC? She was sure Vil couldn’t know her punching Rook was largely due to her own anger at him for doing this to Vil.
But no matter the reason, it changed nothing.
"...It's because of that...Things are fine the way they are now. I'm fine with that. "
"Perhaps you are, but what about Vil?"
She unconsciously turned to him, his green eyes revealing a strong protectiveness and concern. She winced and looked away, though perhaps she had already shown too much.
"...He is better this way. I...I don't deserve him, that's all."
"Is this why you don't grasp for him? The yearning in your eyes, you cannot hide it from me, but you don't wish to claim him."
Ann couldn’t reply, and the look in the hunter’s eyes told him he knew more, her silence a confirmation for him. He pressed for no more answers, not that she would give them. Her love was doomed from the start and she was fine with that.
“But what about Vil?”
That was the only problem, though she prayed it never happened.
 The truth is, I want him to love me. I want him to hold me.
 But I can’t have him.
 I have to look at him from afar, no matter how much my heart aches for him.
This was a waltz for two solo dancers, each gliding at their own tune, so close yet so far. Wanting to get close, but not enough to touch each other. Yearning gazes being the only betrayal of those hidden thoughts.
His lips touched hers and a bolt of electricity passed through his body, heart aching so much, as his tight chest reminded him to breathe. Her lips were so soft and tender, and when he pulled back in shock at what he had done, her warmth lingering on his lips almost made him wish to continue. Locking mouths, their skin needing to be one, to be this close always, it was a feeling he had been blessed to have just experienced and cursed, because it would never be enough.
Especially when her eyes reflected a pain he would have never expected to see.
The one time he had let himself be overcome with emotion, his relentless feelings deciding something so bold, it had to be the time where he quietly poured them all in one action only to feel a quiet unmoving slap in the form of her gaze.
She didn't have to say anything, too shocked to move but the rejection in her eyes was more than clear, and her lingering lips on his skin added insult to the injury.
It was the pain he felt as he left the room that let him know how hard he had fallen for her, how much he yearned for her love and adoration, and it was crushing him.
The next thing she realized was his perfume so close filling her nostrils, his soft lips on hers.
And she felt her world crumbling, the small bubble she had crafted for her delusions rupturing and bringing her to the terrible reality she had to confront.
Something took over her, a violent mix of terror and guilt, of her realizing the thing she had done and how far her silly nonsense had reached.
She wanted his love, she yearned for it deeply, but she couldn’t accept it.
Vil was in love with someone else, right? Not her, someone like Rook or someone else who deserved him.
But his lips were on hers, a delicate blessing she wasn’t worthy of receiving. Hence she could only stand in horror, unable to move or react, because what was she supposed to do?
He pulled back abruptly, his cheeks light pink and brilliant violet eyes avoiding hers. He shook his head before vanishing through the door.
She pressed her fingers on her lips, they were warm, so tempting to keep bringing back the ghost of his skin over hers, the thing she had wished deep down for so long.
But the hurt in his eyes kept haunting her, and she felt like dying.
Thank you for reading!
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sssyzygy1 · 4 years
His: new shamy fanfic
He had never liked to be touched. As long as he could remember- which was nearly every day of his entire life as he has an eidetic memory- he had been uncomfortable with others around him. His best friends knew not to even casually suggest a high-five. He avoided handshakes unless absolutely necessary for professional reasons alone. Even when his family would hug him, save his mother and Meemaw, he could barely tolerate it. Just the brief notion of intimacy in any form made his brow and lips wrinkle in distaste.
He has never really been concerned as to why it bothered him to be touched. He never wondered if his germ phobia was the root cause or if it was something deeper and further ingrained into his makeup. It didn’t matter why, not really, and any rambling of thought in that direction was, in fact, wasted thought that could, instead,  be devoted to unraveling the mysteries of the universe. No one, and nothing, had ever tempted him to reconsider his decision to avoid human contact. It didn’t reason that he should be uncomfortable just for convention.
But then something happened he did not expect: an experiment of sorts, as it were.
His well-disciplined, well-ordered, and well-controlled world simply slipped on its perfectly balanced axis. Her hand had reached out so very casually, so very slowly and deliberately. Gentle fingers ensconced his, and something monumental shifted. The soft heat lit up his world like a bomb of sensation. He expected to recoil, but instead he found his eyes closing involuntarily- just for the barest of seconds. Color exploded. When he was able to regain any semblance of thought, he sought her face, looking for some answer, some clue, as to why his brain- never quiet- had ceased to function. Warmth, and something more he could not name, spread through each nerve-ending. He felt electrified.
She was so much more than he ever imagined her to be. As such, he was more than happy to be her experiment.
Other women had touched him, of course. He was brilliant, and with his bold azure eyes and dark hair, he was, as they say, a catch. He did not underplay his attractiveness and never felt insecure in that regard. However, he felt no need to riddle his life with the baser urges that ruled the majority of his friends and colleagues.
He had, on occasion, found himself the victim of, well, assault, as it were. Women had casually touched him: his arm, his hands, his feet.  He had been hugged more often than he would prefer, by women and by men alike.   A woman- drunk, though hardly an excuse!-had kissed him full on the lips. Yes, he cringed each time. He had recoiled from them all in horror. His eyes would spring open in terror and revulsion and he would try to drown out the panic and step away. Yes, each experience had been nothing short of hellacious.
But with her, he stayed in the moment. Instead of fear and mindless panic, he voluntarily held on just a bit longer, almost enjoying the feeling. Reaching for the light and heat and yes, that something more, he accepted all that she had to give. What was this little extra shiver? Could it be love? So soon? So unexpectedly? No, no he didn’t believe in love. Love was just a social construct, or a psychological tool to justify the act of coitus.  No, he was simply in awe of her beautiful mind. He wasn’t attracted to her beautiful face. That was illogical on such a short acquaintance.
He slid those thoughts aside as she let go of his hand. “Nothing, never-mind,” she had said. Nothing? How could that myriad of feelings be nothing?! Maybe for her that had all been average? He had so little experience with emotions, perhaps those sensations were commonplace.  Or, perhaps she truly was truly unmoved.  She was logical.  Maybe she had greater control on her physiological responses than he did?  That seemed impossible.   Ultimately, it didn’t matter.  This was all probably the results of happenstance anyway. He was happy to keep living his ordered existence. Their relationship could return to a safe, comfortable affinity. They were friends and there was no need to complicate matters.
She was his only intellectual equal. This was true and real. He had spent his life in pursuit of knowledge, and had wandered for many years, alone in that pursuit. An intellectual companion perhaps? Yes, this was more than enough. He left those silly memories and his hindbrain feelings outside on that sidewalk. Their continued association would excite and challenge them. She was integral to his happiness, this he already knew, but he need not admit such a weakness.
There it was again, that perplexing tingle in each cell: radiating, penetrating each extremity. The source? Her lips: soft, supple, delicate upon his own. And again, his eyes closed. And there was that kaleidoscope of color, echoing the deep hues of his heart. He should pull away. Shouldn’t he pull away? What was this feeling? Not fear. Not the common, expected revulsion. No. This was a yet unnamed emotion. Could this be desire? He was entranced. He was unable and unwilling to pull away. No, instead he shifted forward, just barely, in an attempt to prolong this temporary and temporal euphoria. His body urged him to demand more, to feel more, to take more, to want more, to need more. He welcomed the storm. And then she was gone again. Fascinating.
Late that night, as sleep eluded him, he relived each second. Like the atoms and equations he moved with his mind, the scenes and reels of the evening played like a movie, in perfect clarity. Each breath, the taste of cherry vodka, the hinting smell of lavender, and that feel of her lips….  The ethereal evanescence was his alone to linger over in the deepest recesses of his mind. He felt something click into place deep within: He could envision himself laid bare and naked, kneeling, his heart bleeding and beating in his raised hands; an offering of all that he was, is, and ever will be.
But when morning came, alas, no: he could not revel in this longing. He could not embrace her with everything he was- not now- certainly not when her memory failed to recall anything more than a brief recollection of their time together. He placed this deep need high upon a shelf. He would not share himself with her, not then, not ever.  He could barely believe the power she had over his thoughts. He could not continue this charade.  This was no who he was!  He was no hippy, he was a man of science!   He would reset that moment, both to save her the uncomfortable embarrassment and to save him the acknowledgment that something -something that shook him as hard as an earthquake - could be forgotten and lost in a haze of alcohol. He pretended not to feel that slight ache within his chest. Their relationship of the mind was enough. It had to be enough. He never needed anyone.  
Why did she care what those troglodytes did? Penny and Bernadette clearly had no taste if they purposefully left this mesmerizing, perfect creature behind. Her opinion and knowledge were certainly more valuable than theirs!  He was outraged.  Each would get a strike! How could they have hurt her? She was so superior in every way. Why did she feel so inferior when she was the very center of his world? She sat before him, devastated by their carelessness. He could see the evidence of her desolation on her reddened cheeks as easily as he could see the sorrow in her downcast eyes. He wanted to reach out and catch the lone tear left clinging to her dark eyelash.
She was saying something? What was that? She was proposing what?  Concentrate for heaven’s sake!   Contact? Human contact for comfort? Kissing? Uh-oh: no more kissing! He could barely keep himself from dwelling on that last kiss. No, he could not permit another kiss to short circuit his finest commodity.   That instance was still interrupting his work!  Love-making?  But they weren’t married! Not even dating! He couldn’t make love to her! Could he? No, no, no. What’s this? Cuddling? That would be acceptable. It couldn’t be as dangerous as the other options. He adjusted himself into the couch cushion. She slipped into his arms. Had he said this was safe? He couldn’t have been more wrong.
He immediately became overwhelmed with heat and need. He held her, gently. Her body lay against his. He could feel each curve sit snuggly against his side. Instead of savoring the feel of her, he concentrated instead on simply breathing. He felt lightheaded and slightly dizzy. He had to ignore the overwhelming desire to nuzzle her hair. The scent of lavender invaded his senses.  He felt his eyes drift close of their own accord… Again. It’s almost as if he closed his eyes to enhance the moment and sear it into his memory. He was a prisoner to her desires, and yes, to his own desires as well.
He would admonish Howard and Leonard. They could not allow their women to hurt his woman. His woman? No, that was not correct.  She didn’t belong to him, even if deep down, he wanted her, most desperately. More, he wanted to be hers.  Part of him wondered briefly if he didn’t already belong to her.  After all, wasn’t his life greatly improved by her mere presence? With her, he was accepted. With her, his heart was safe. With her, his body came alive. That was all fact. He could not deny fact. Could he?
What is this ? What is happening?  Illogical! Irrational ! She accepted a date with Stuart?! Not once, but twice? Why? For what purpose? Surely her needs could not be met with his inferiority? Sharing a latte? He rolled his eyes at the mere thought of such a cloyingly unconventional, unoriginal date. Stuart did not deserve her: not her intellect, not her gleaming emerald eyes, not her sassy, devilish, cheeky smile. No, she was everything, and Stuart was nothing.  She was not for him!
She couldn’t be with anyone like Stuart. She couldn’t be with anyone else at all! She was his vixen!  Only him! She must be his!  A decision once made was like a bullet shot from a gun.  His feet moved of their own accord.  He would declare himself.  He stormed into the darkened theater to lay claim to what his heart has known from that first moment: she was his everything. She was his love, his one and only. Love, the deepest and most abiding love did exist after all. This, too, was fact. And that love existed in her. He knew it then, as sure as he knew the 1000th place of Pi.  As the knowledge grew and expanded inside him, he offered her his partnership, he offered her himself, fully and without reserve. There it was, that bleeding heart, tossed at her feet. Terrified, he asked her to be his and his alone.
At her simple response, her acceptance of all that he was, his eyes lightly closed, but his heart saw and felt everything. She was his.
His Amy, always.
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noirrest · 3 years
with a heavy heart and shaking hands, elvira lays on her back as she picks up her phone. she closed her eyes before the screen could light up and pressed to power button as to not see the unopened text message.
it took her a moment to open her eyes again. something told her she already knew what the man had typed out.
she could feel her heart in the pits of her stomach, throat, and the crown of her head.
it made her feel nauseous.
maybe she should go to mr. s' shop and see if he had anything to make her feel better. he always did say he'd have everything anyone would need.
her thumb hovers over the screen, twitching as she kept herself from tapping it.
"HENCHMAN!" grim screeches from the roof outside her window, "i'm hungry!"
elvira struggles out from under her mountain of blankets and stolen clothes, then even more to peep her head out of the hammock. "then why don't you just ask one of the ghosts to open up a can of tuna for you?"
the monster grumbles as he jumps inside the room, leaping onto a spare bed they [she] managed to disinfest so he could proceed to jump into her hammock. "they're all busy and i'm bored!"
"all i planned on doing was laying in here and watch the latest crime drama, so might just wanna.. go hang with ace 'n deuce."
"riddle got to ace and deuce is out with jack."
"workin' out?"
"workin' out."
the panther beastwoman sighs as she turns on her side, her grip on the rectangular device becoming tighter. grim snatches the electronic out of her hand and struggles to hold it in her own. "what's got you so down and out of it?" he grumbles, repeatedly tapping his paw against the screen to turn it on.
elvira shakes her head before responding. "he."
grim's eyes widened in confusion. "he?"
"he." was his only word of confirmation.
it took a firm shake from side-to-side in order for the screen to light up. grim was met with a rather cryptic name and Unlock to view message.
rolling his eyes, the monster shoved the phone in her face and waved it around. "there's nothing to be scared of human! you can't even see anything! i don't get what your deal is.."
"i can see it if i unlock it. i don't want to see it."
he pondered for a moment before presenting his idea to her. "then unlock it and then i can read it! you won't have to see it!"
elvira turns her neck so that she can see grim and gives him a blank stare. "and if i do end up seeing a glimpse of it? i'll just want to read the rest. on top of that he's gonna be able to see i saw it then wonder why i ghosted him." she responds, turning her eyes to the television that sat on the shelf at the bed of her resting place.
on it was an old cartoon. she'd recognize the characters on it from when idia was rambling on about it during one of their so called hangouts.
".. don't worry about all that, i'll take care of it! you'll see! i can't just go around and let my henchman be depressed about something so small!"
elvira lets out a sigh of defeat as she complies with grim, offering her face to the creature before quickly turning away. the cat grins proudly as he grabs her hand to get it to tap on the message.
he skimmed through the texts in order to try and figure out who it was, though he was unable to by the end.
reading the block of messages was hard seeing as he had only learned how to read recently, but he was able to get through a good portion of it without help.
"you sound real tense in these." he murmurs, "like trein just caught you sleeping in his class."
she let's out a dry chuckle. "i'm not a romantic. it would feel weird if i were just.. all casual, 'ya know?" grim scoffs and uses her thumb to bring up the keyboard.
"you're that way with everyone that everyone that isn't your master or breathing." he corrects, typing out his message to the receiving end with the occasional error. he signs it with a giant G and a cat fire emoji, hoping they got the message.
shrugging, elvira sat up and twisted her hips so that her back was against the wall and her feet hung out of the swinging bed. she brought the monster into her lap, making sure to tilt her head up so she couldn't see what he was doing. "well aren't you mr. observant," the woman teases, extending her thumb some more.
"like i said; it's my job to make sure my henchman isn't all down in the dumps!" grim presses send, watching as a set of ellipses jump up and down on the screen. "don't worry your pretty little head about this mysterious him, i'll make sure he gets what he deserves.."
the panther beastwoman's eyebrow quirks and her lips thinned. "he didn't do anything?"
"doesn't matter." was the only response for a few moments until a soft ding came from her phone. "'m gonna go meet 'em."
elvira's head faced down once he finished, eyes blown wide with fear and shock. "no, no! no, no, no, no, no! why would you do that?!" she snatched the phone out of grim's paws to see what he had sent.
bile began to pile up in the back of her throat as she viewed the three most recent messages. her eyes water as she dropped the device to cover her face. "he's gonna—" she cuts herself off with a frustrated groan, tugging at the hair that stood on the back of her ears.
grim shook his head and wrapped his paws around her neck as best he could. "i know what you think is gonna happen and i know what i'm gonna say to keep it from happening." he answers, giving up on hugging her to hit his paws gently against the crown of her head.
all there is silent, though elvira had been like that after her noise of frustration.
"don't do anything dumb."
"i won't."
and with that, grim jumped out of the hammock and ran to the window.
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disasteromnia · 5 years
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a hoe really out here doing this huh…anyway this is the short version of her profile and I’ll edit it once I complete everything….god I hope that happens soon
☃ 【Alesia’s Profile】 ☃
❄ Name Data  ❄ 
Xxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxx
Chaos Trio Leader, Headache #1 (by Crowley)
Mom (by Ace & Kalim)
Tsundere (by close friends, usually just to make her more flustered)
イーラ (a hint to her real name!)
Alesia : “noble natured” ; a variant of the name Alice, which was derived from the Germanic name Adalheidis
❄ Personal Data  ❄ 
"January 18th"
Blood Type
AB (Rh-negative)
According to Ali, it’s always snowing in her hometown
Song Themes
“It’s Not Like I Like You!!” (painfully obvious lol)
❄ Professional Data  ❄ 
Night Raven College
2nd Year
Best subject(s)
Calligraphy, playing guitar, singing, stargazing
Under the cut : Personality, Background, Relationship, and Magic
❄ Personality ❄
Ali is a very gentle and friendly person, often befriending most people easily. She can also be quite reckless, always doing whatever she feels at the moment instead of thinking things through. She is often out causing chaos in Night Raven College with others (notably, Choco and Wende) much to the staff’s chagrin. She is also self aware of her annoyance and proudly claims herself as a 12 yr old, as if it were some sort of medal. 
Despite her usual childishness, Ali is very capable of stepping up to the responsibility when she feels like it. Usually, it’s when one of her friends is feeling down and needs someone to talk to. While she does allow others to come to her for comfort, she is very hesitant on relying on others for emotional support. She has a few people she openly cries to, but she never tells them why.
When she feels like the other party is comfortable enough with her, she will continue to talk to no end. Often, these conversations are without rhyme or reason as she just genuinely enjoys being able to be with friends. There is, however, a particular topic that she refuses to speak of. No matter how close someone may be to her, she will never talk about her time before Night Raven College. If anyone were to ask her why she refused to talk, she’d answer vaguely like how it was just a normal life before quickly changing topics. If someone were to try and pry the information out of her, she immediately acts cold and defensive, and the air around her starts becoming freezing. Depending on how hard they try to pry, she will not hesitate to cut off that person from her life right then and there.
As long as someone doesn’t try and dig into her past, she will remain fiercely loyal and caring for them, no matter if they were close friends or not. However, this blind loyalty is usually her downfall, especially when it comes to a certain contract-making dorm.
Ali isn’t quick to get mad, and is usually unaffected by whatever people say of her. Most times, she takes any insults as compliments. The only time she ever openly expresses anger, aside from someone trying to pry her past out of her, is when people point out her feelings for two certain individuals. She is very tsundere, openly expressing that she has no such feelings despite being beet red.
Chaotic Neutral
Loyal, caring, is usually up to no good so it won’t be a boring time, does anything just to have a good time, great friend to bring along to buffets, unaffected by most things, either helps you or lets you copy her homework, has enough confidence to do stupid things in public, great for hugs during a hot day because her body feels cold
Is usually up to no good so expect to get in trouble, tsundere, blind loyalty usually leads to her in very unfavorable situations. childishness that makes her look apathetic at times, horrible sleeping schedule, very reckless
Quick to learn (but never studies), decent flexibility and has good lower body strength, natural air cooler, guitar serenading
❄ Appearance ❄
“Dark brown,” her hair reaches down to her shoulder area and usually has a a portion of it tied up with a green or black ribbon. 
“Black eyes,” however when using magic there is a strange pale green tint.
165 cm / 5 ft. 4 in.
120 lbs / 54 kg
35-27-36 in. / 88-68-91 cm
34C (US)
❄ Background ❄
Background story unlocks at Bond Level 10
❄ Magic ❄
Ice Magic 
Ali is very proficient in using ice magic, and often uses it to cause mischief. However, when she becomes too flustered her will accidentally freeze anything within a 3 meter radius of her.
Freezing Arrows : an offensive-type spell that can be very deadly ; a large oval-shaped ice block appears in front of her and continuously shoots arrows made of ice. It is able to not only freeze anything it touches, but impale her targets. The spell ends once the ice block has been fully used up or if destroyed.
Hailstorm : an offensive-type spell similar to Freezing Arrows, but is not as deadly. Instead of shooting arrows, the ice block shoots chunks of ice, and at most it can give a concussion and some cuts and bruises.
Frost Flower Shield : a defensive-type spell ; she creates a large shield resembling a flower. Penetrating through the thick ice is very difficult, even if it is up against fire magic.
Ice Wall : a defensive-type spell ; often used to create an obstacle for whoever is trying to catch her. (i.e. Crowley)
Ice Floor : Ali freezes the floor underneath her, making it very hard for anyone to stand on it.
Snow Maiden’s Dance : A fighting style she created by herself, she creates ice sword projectiles imbued with other elements. It was based off the exotic traditional dances she saw as a child. She currently has 5 dances. She often uses these for show, but makes sure not to put too much power into it. (to be expanded with what 5 elements she can use it with)
Water Magic
She uses water magic as an extension to her Ice Magic. She doesn’t use it as much, and often uses water for healing.
❄ Relationships ❄
Canon Characters ; from Ali’s perspective
Malleus Draconia : Ah Mr. Dorm Leader! Mhmm mhmm, I’m not all too close to him, but he makes it easy to tease Sebek.
Lilia Vanrouge : Ah, the grandpa! He’s much easier to talk to, we actually get along fairly well. I just wished he’d stop teasing me.
Silver : Has a VERY punchable face. I would kick him in the gut…What?! No, I don’t like that moron! DEFINITELY DO NOT!
Sebek Zigvolt : Ah, that brat. He’s fun to mess with. Any time I join them for tea time and Malleus isn’t there, I make sure to give him a heart attack. Heh.
Riddle Rosehearts : Listen, if you’re gonna threaten to cut my head off make sure to actually do it, coward!
Ace Trappola : MY SON! I love you so much you are my precious child I-
Deuce Spade: Also has a very punchable face. Of course I mean what I say- I DO NOT LIKE HIM EITHER
Trey Clover : Broccoli? I don’t talk to him much, but he looks really cool with his bike. I think his hair looks stupid tho.
Cater Diamond : HEEEEEEEEY BROOOOOOOOOO! We make lots of inappropriate jokes together and it usually ends in both of us choking on a drink or food (laugh)
All three of them are the end of me. That is all.
Jamil Viper : Jamil I swear to god if you do anything to Kalim you better be ready to catch these frozen hands-
Vil Schoenheit : I know he can be…a bit over bearing, but thanks to him my skin is clear even though I sleep horribly. His fashion tips tho…they’re 50/50 for me.
Rook Hunt : The one time we talked he asked me to put an apple on my head while he blindfolds himself and try to shoot it. Thankfully, it really did hit the apple. Though truth be told, I wouldn’t mind doing it again.
Idia Shroud : Honestly, sometimes I forget what actually looks like. Whenever I think of him I just think of his mains in our game. Ah- yeah, I play with him from time to time. You would not like to see him in competitive play.
Ortho Shroud : He’s such a good kid, but what’s with his feet-
Jack Howl : One time I punched him and he said I hit like a grandma. He was not wrong. Oh, and don’t tell him this, but I have his number saved as “Extra Virgin Olive Oil.”
Ruggie Bucchi : He’s basically…my spirit animal. Hah. 
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Exhausted Wings / Good Luck
Chapter 4: Closing Words
An epilogue of sorts. Snippets from their stay in Atlas post-attack. And a closing, set in a happy future.
The next few days were hectic, to say the least. After the high of a great victory, They all went back to dealing with Atlas and Mantle and the spoils of their victory. The council, which now rightfully included Robyn, decided that one person having so much power and responsibility was inadvisable. As a result, Robyn was offered the title of General, since she was the most qualified in the council besides Ironwood, and humbly agreed. This meant that Ironwood's sole responsibility was being the headmaster of the Academy. He had felt ashamed for his actions and accepted the punishment. He had broadcasted an apology where he also resigned from his duty as general and introduced Robyn as the newest council member and General. He even shaved for the broadcast.
Meanwhile, Tyrian was interrogated, but no new information would come out of him, save for a slip up that confirmed that Salem’s threat had been a plot to induce fear. He was then sentenced to execution after his trial. He resisted death with all his might and went on rambling on how his “goddess” would save him soon and smite them, all until his very last breath. Ironwood almost regretted killing Watts. Almost. He might have been able to get some information out of him, but he no doubt would have been a pain in Ironwood’s ass like he always was. And then there was Cinder. As much as they would have liked to question her, having her awake just introduced too many risks, so she was kept in an induced coma until the machine to transfer the maiden’s power was repaired and a new maiden could be decided upon. They all agreed that it shouldn’t be anyone from RWBY since Nora was traveling with them and having two maidens in the same place would be a poor decision if things ever went south. They were having trouble thinking of who would be the next fall maiden, until Ruby mentioned Penny. She was a good fighter, and a good friend. She said she would be honored to be a maiden, if it was alright with RNJ. They told her that they would be happy for her to be the new Fall Maiden, and Pyrrah would be happy for her too. Nora pulled them all in for a teary hug. It was just like Beacon, for they would have a new Fall Maiden. Only Neo was left unaccounted for, but she could only do so much to all them when she was alone.
With a new general in charge, the Ace Ops was disbanded since Robyn already had her Happy Huntresses. They decided to rejoin the army’s ranks, with the exception of their leader. He liked to joke that he was eloping with a prince to some faraway land. He was right, in a sense. He was joining Qrow and the kids on their way to Vacuo. With no official job, he found himself spending most of his time with Qrow, which honestly wasn’t too different from before. If anything, he was spending more time with Qrow, which Clover certainly wasn’t gonna complain about. All this time together did allow them to talk about their feelings, about what happened that fateful day, and their future together.
The first thing they talked about was about what exactly happened. Clover needed answers, and Qrow would have to be the one to give them. This elephant in the room would be discussed a few days after their victory, when the dust had settled, and the air had cleared. Clover had felt that the air between them was… odd, to say the least. They still had their share of jokes about luck and their lingering stares at each other, but the way Qrow looked at him was different from how he looked at him before. He saw a new sadness, a new pain, in that face, and he knew the source of it. He could have asked Qrow before if he wanted to talk about it, but he declined, to Clover’s dismay. Does he not trust me anymore? Clover couldn’t say that he wouldn’t understand why, considering who he chose that day. He still wants to be around me though. I can tell that much. maybe he just doesn’t trust me as much as before. Guess I’ll have to earn it back. So, he gave Qrow his space, despite how much he would have liked to get Qrow to open up to him.
Another day went by. He formally met Raven that day. He found her a bit terrifying at first. She was like one of those birds who just stared at you as if they were judging you. But, as she and Qrow explained the pact ritual to him, she didn’t seem so bad. It was a far cry from what Qrow told him before. She was rough around the edges, sure, but it seemed like she was trying to smooth herself out. Good for her. However, he noticed that Qrow avoided looking at him during the time, undoubtedly riddled with guilt. After explaining everything Ozpin told them, she began to discuss the differences between what they were told, and what happened. He could especially feel the air thicken when she asked if he had healed completely, or had any scars or the like, because he should have been healed completely. He told her that he did, where he was stabbed by Tyrian. He could see Qrow tense up in the corner of his eye. Dammit, don't blame yourself so much! You're not the only one who was at fault. Raven noticed it as well, but continued on as if she didn’t. Once she finished, she asked if she could speak to Clover in private. Qrow immediately got defensive, questioning her why. Clover could see the defensiveness in his posture and hear it in the slight change in his voice. See? He still does care about you. She just gave him a look, which he understood. He just scoffed as he left. Meanwhile, Clover looked on, confused over what just transpired. With Qrow gone, she spoke to him.
“If someone told me a week ago that I’d here in Atlas be doing all this,” she said as she motioned around her, “I’d tell them to shut up and to quit wasting my time. And yet, here I am.” She sighed as she sat down. “What do you see in him? He’s moody, cynical, and needy, but won't admit that. All he’s ever done was bring others down with him, and you−”
“Shut up.” Clover stood up from his seat, furious. How dare you say such things!? “Qrow is a wonderful man. He’s chosen to be a good man despite the world telling him otherwise. Despite believing that the world hates him, he still goes on. He’s helped countless people. He helped Ruby and Yang grow into wonderful women. He was there for the people you should have cared about when you weren’t. Qrow is an incredible and strong man. I won’t let him put himself down, and I’m certainly not going to let you either.”
“Hmph.” was all she said. “You're right. He is a good man, so he deserves someone good too. You’ll do fine. I just wanted to make sure.”
“Oh. I see.” He said as he sat back down. Well, I guess that's one way to find out.
“I don’t doubt you love him, and I don't doubt he loves you, but know this,” she said as she leaned in a little “ if you ever purposely hurt him, you will have to deal with more than just me.” Clover did not doubt that. The man practically had an entire army that loved and cared for him.
“If it ever comes to that, chances are, I deserve it.”
“I doubt it will, but if it does, don’t take it personally. He is my little brother after all.” She was obviously hiding the fact that she did care about him still, but he wasn’t going to bring that up.
“I understand.” His mind thought back to his dad’s sisters and the tournament. As endearing as the story was, he can't say he particularly envied his papa getting beat up.
“Well, you should be on your way. We’ve both got better things to do, and give this to Qrow.” She handed him a small box. “It’s something of his he left here a long time ago.”
“Alright.” He replied, curious as to what was in it. “I’ll be sure to give it to him.” As she slipped through a portal, he made his way back to the living space he shared with Qrow. On the way there, he was thinking about what he said. I won’t let him put himself down. Qrow was going through a rough patch, likely blaming himself a lot more than he ever should, and Clover felt that he was letting Qrow do that again. He decided that whether Qrow liked it or not, they were going to have a serious conversation, and he was gonna remind Qrow of how much he loved him, and how much of a great man he was.
By the time Clover returned to their shared living space, Qrow had already showered and was already lying down in bed. Clover guesses that their talk with Raven left him feeling drained. He certainly felt drained as well, though he imagined it wasn’t as much as Qrow. Maybe I should talk to him tomorrow. … No, I should do it today. He needs to know how good he is, no matter how tired he might be. Clover walked next to him to rouse him from his rest.
One night, Qrow had a terrible nightmare, and he couldn't bring himself to talk about it, despite Clover asking. Clover knew it was about him dying.
He dreamt about it too. Qrow had woken him up from it. He remembers making sure he was alive and with Qrow. It wasn’t so much the dying that got to him, it was leaving Qrow to suffer in life that got to him. Death is inevitable, so there’s no need to fear it, but you must still respect it, his papa would tell him, as morbid as it was. Once you no longer fear death, you can truly begin to live and grow to love life. But you must fear life. Life doesn’t let you love it because you’re alive or because you love it. It will throw so many things at you that can make you hate it. That’s why you gotta take life by the horns and make it into a life that loves you. It’s not easy, life will fight back constantly to make you hate it, but its very possible, but even then, you don’t always need life to love you. There are people who can do that, even if that person is yourself.
Clover was lucky. He always loved life, and life loved him, but he guesses he had run out of luck that time. He always accepted those words, but never really understood them as well as he did now. And of course, lucky him, there was someone who loved him when life didn't: Qrow. Clover was going to return the favor, as many times as he needed. He placed the box aside and jostled Qrow’s shoulder, calling his name to gently rouse him.
Qrow opened his eyes to see Clover in front of him, unsurprisingly. His face was always a nice one to see, with his soft eyes and an ever present smile, but the tip of a certain scar on his chest was showing. It was a terrible reminder to him, and one that he would never be able to forget. He’ll admit, Clover would too, they both fucked up bad. They had both apologized to each other as soon as they had the chance, but the guilt still persisted. He only stays with you because he pities you. Why else would a man like him stay with someone like you? In the past, he would have believed that about himself, but Clover had managed to help chip away at that nagging voice. Qrow was a different man now, stronger. Not strong enough to ignore those thoughts entirely, but still stronger, and he would continue to grow stronger little by little. He’s with me because he likes me for who I am. I’m not all bad.
“Hey there shamrock.” Qrow said as he moved to sit upwards on the bed. He could tell that Clover had something to say. Good, bad, or neither, he couldn’t tell. “What’s the matter?” he asked, somewhat concerned.
“Nothing. Just, could you stand up real quick?”
“Sure?” he responded. What are you planning lucky charm? Qrow found out soon enough as Clover pulled him in for a tight embrace. It had caught Qrow a bit off guard, but he reciprocated soon enough, and rested his chin on Clover’s shoulder. Somehow, Clover could always manage to make him feel at least a little better. Well, maybe a lot. “What’s the occasion love bird?”
“I love you.”
“I love you too Cloves.” Qrow replied softly. He was surprised when Clover broke away from the hug to hold him at an arm's length, looking him in his eyes.
“You’re an amazing person Qrow, the most wonderful person I’ve ever had the honor of meeting. You’re kind, smart, funny, caring, and so much more. You deserve so many good things. I just want you to know that.” Qrow pulled him back in for a hug that was tighter than the previous.
“Thanks. I needed that.”
During their time together, they had noticed that good and bad luck followed them both, even when on rare occasions they were seperated for a mission, or some other duty. They also had noticed how their aura levels mirrored each other. It was chalked up to coincidence at first. They were unsure if it was good luck or bad luck at play. However, they soon reached the conclusion that they shared aura, which meant that they shared semblances as well. It made sense, considering what Raven, who was visiting frequently to try to make amends slowly but surely, told them. The fact that their one of their eyes, the windows to the soul, had swapped colors with each other.
The day they realized that, Clover had noticed that Qrow was acting a bit distant, though he could tell why instantly. Qrow lived his whole life being a bringer of bad luck, and had judged his existence for most of his life based on that notion. And suddenly, that had changed. He was now a bird that brought both good and bad luck. He didn’t exactly know how to handle that.
“What’s on your mind Qrow? I can see all the little gears in your head spinning.” Clover asked that day. He just got done showering and had caught Qrow laying down on the couch and staring at the ceiling. He could see that his words snapped Qrow out of his trance.
“Noth−” he paused as he decided to change his reply. “An identity crisis.”
“Is it about our semblances?”
“Mmhm” he hummed as he moved to sit up.
“Wanna talk about it?” Clover asked as he went to sit next to him. Qrow rested his head on his love’s shoulder.
“Tell me,” Qrow asked, “how are you handling it lucky charm?” Clover gave a light chuckle. The nickname seemed a bit odd now, but he would rather that Qrow still called him it. It was endearing.
“To tell you the truth, I’m relieved.” Qrow lifted his head in surprise and looked directly at Clover. Clover could see that the man wanted a deeper explanation. “I told you before, but I’ve had a lot of my success chalked up to my good luck. Yeah, I learned to ignore those comments, but what I didn't tell you is that they still always get under my skin a little. And now? They can’t blame all my success on being lucky and I’ve got one less thing to worry about. Besides, it also means I’ll have a part of you in me.”
“Oh, I’m sure that you like having a part of me in you ” Qrow joked.
“Very much so.” He replied. They both stared at each other for a moment and laughed. Clover always did like to hear Qrow’s laugh. It was a good thing he was good at making jokes then. They both sunk into the couch, Clover resting his head on Qrow’s shoulder this time. “But in all seriousness, how do you feel about this?” He could see that Qrow was thinking again.
“I’m− I wasn’t sure what to think about it. All my life, I’ve been a beacon of bad luck, and now I’m not really that anymore. Everything bad was always my fault,” his mind instantly thinks to Clover lying dead in the snow, soaked in blood, “and I believed it. Even now, I still kind of do. And yes, I know I shouldn’t blame myself, its just… a hard habit to break But, after hearing you, I think I know what to think now. New semblance, new me, so don’t worry. I’ll make sure to tell myself that everything bad that happens isn’t my fault, ‘cause I’ve some lucky charm inside me too.” They both laughed at the horrible joke. Qrow had to admit, it was the dumb, little moments like these that made life really worth living.
“Say,” Clover said as Qrow’s laugh died down, “how exactly do you think our semblance works now?”
“Funny that you mention that. That was one of the things I was thinking about.”
“I thought you were having an identity crisis?”
“Geez, can’t a man have an identity crisis and think about how his semblance works at the same time?” They both gave a slight chuckle.
“Enlighten me o’ majestic Qrow.”
“I was thinking that our semblances increase the chances of good and bad outcomes by a percentage. That percentage is taken from neutral outcomes, so for example, if the percentage for the three outcomes is about thirty-three percent each, then−”
“Oh gods Qrow, I’m sorry, but can’t handle math, especially this late when I’m this tired.” The man could already feel his head spin. Math certainly made Clover’s life a hell but at least it never cared about his semblance, to his dismay at times.
“Says the man who came out of the shower wearing a pair of short shorts that say ‘If you’re reading this, you're getting lucky tonight’ and a tight tank top.”
“Hey.” Clover said as he blushed and pouted. He did nothing to deserve to be so viciously called out. The pout was soon dispelled by a kiss on the lips.
“Welp, I’m gonna shower. I’ll hit the hay with you after Cloves.”
“Alright, and hurry up! You don’t want to keep me waiting, do you?” He certainly didn’t spread his legs in an attempt to convince the man. It was merely to get comfortable on the couch. Internally, Qrow cursed the man and his hot voice and thick thighs. Externally, he held the poker face that he gained from years of experience.
“Hmm,” he hummed as he looked the man up and down as he pretended to be thinking of an answer, “I think you might have lucked out lucky charm.” As Qrow walked towards the shower, he laughed, and also wondered if it was meant to be a good “lucked out,” or a bad “lucked out.” They both had a long day, especially Qrow. Regardless, Clover would consider it a lucky night ‘cause he would have his boyfriend curled up against him. Any night with Qrow was always a night well spent. Besides, they had to enjoy the privacy while they still had it. With Vacuo and chaperoning eight kids on the horizon, he and the gods knew privacy would be a rarity, but just being with Qrow would always be enough. And at least they were good kids too. Wild, but certainly good. He wanted to get to know them better anyways too. The way to a man’s heart is through his kids. Briefly, he wondered if they would begin to call him uncle Clover at some point. He thinks he would cry if they did. The future was full of so many beautiful possibilities.
Many years after their first meeting, after settling down after Salem’s defeat, after a familial spar for Qrow’s hand that Clover won, after having their wedding, after having adopted two kids, they lived a content life.
Many times, Qrow had walked in Clover rocking the baby boy to sleep as his older sister already lay asleep. It always warmed Qrow’s heart. Sometimes, it would seem like a dream to him, to believe that he actually sobered up, settled down with someone, and started a family. He loved someone, and loved himself. And yet, there it was. What was once a dream that died had resurrected with a vengeance to make sure that Qrow would get the life he wanted, the life he deserved.
Many times, Clover would walk in on Qrow playing with their daughter, who was about five years older than her brother. They played so many different games, from tea, to grimm slaying, to reliving a kid-friendly version of his past exploits across Remnant. It was always a party whenever one of the kids showed up to visit their uncle Clover and Uncle Qrow and their children. Tai would stop by frequently, since he lived relatively close, and would gladly babysit when Clover and Qrow would go out for a date. Once in a great while, Raven would show up, always bearing a gift and an embarrassing story about Qrow to tell. To have a family, and to be actually close to people once again had seemed so unlikely ever since his parents died when he was a young adult. Now, he was no longer lonely, and he was surrounded by people he loved, and by people who loved him.
Many times, Qrow and Clover looked back on their past together. It was full of so much strife and struggle, even if they didn’t realize it. It was also filled with so much joy and hope, even if they didn’t realize it. But no matter what, they always looked at their present, and saw how beautiful the product of their sad pasts was. They were both happier than they ever could have imagined. They were no longer lonely, miserable, or without their complement. They had lived their lives in an exhausted state, flying from one problem to the next for so long. And now that they had a more peaceful world, family, love, and each other, they were free to finally let their wings rest, together.
0 notes
theeurekaproject · 4 years
Praeter Rerum Cadite
The unmistakable shriek of a dying woman cut the air like a knife, and in the distance, a body hit the floor with a sickening thud. Acidalia pulled her gun closer and forced herself against the alabaster wall, sitting as still as she could bear. Underneath her clock, her heart beat at the speed of a metronome at prestissimo. If her skin hadn’t evolved to tolerate Martian sun instead of Terran cold, she’d be sweating bullets, but she would never let them know that. She was an Imperatrix, not an animal, and she could battle her fight-or-flight instincts for as long as it took to win this battle—or, more accurately, win this war. Because now there would be war. There was no more chance of a peaceful resolution anymore, if there had even been one in the first place.
But that was the future. War was imminent, but not immediate, and Acidalia couldn’t afford to think of things as distant as tomorrow when she was cornered in a hangar awaiting her own doom. Above her, the laser fire grew ever stronger, and she knew she had to find some way to escape this place before one of those wayward shots came too close to her head. It would only take a single shot and she’d be dead or lobotomized, and that simply couldn’t happen. She had to live with her mind intact—martyrdom was not an option. She needed an exit.
Breathlessly, she glanced around the room, but she couldn’t turn her head too far; movement attracted the eye, and if she ventured too much from her hiding place, the warmth of the engine protecting her would no longer cover her heat signature. She’d be a sitting duck once more, and even the best crack shot in Eleutheria couldn’t take down a dozen enemies at once with just one gun. I should have brought bombs, she realized stupidly, knowing that thinking such thoughts now was utterly useless. As it was, she was very nearly unarmed, and completely incapable of fighting any of these soldiers hand-to-hand—they were Eleutherian brutes, and she was a half-Martian woman with bones so fragile they may as well have been made of paper. Fighting was not an option just as death was not an option. She had to get out of here quickly, or she had to get into a place where she could shoot from far enough away that being physically manhandled was impossible.
Acidalia surveyed her surroundings. She was reasonably close to a broken window, and if she was willing to deal with being stabbed by glass shards, she could probably make it outside. But they were thousands of stories above the ground, battling in an impossibly high skyscraper that reached above Eleutheria’s artificial clouds. Humans could hardly even breathe without assistance at this altitude, even if she miraculously didn’t fall. And, to make matters worse, she was already wounded–between the laceration Ace had left behind and the burns she sustained when Cassiopeia tried to shoot her the second time, she doubted she could even move without cringing in pain.
This pain is nothing compared to what they’ll do to you when they catch you, she told herself, but that thought was not very comforting, and she could feel her pulse quicken in response. Alestra had always told her that she needed to learn how to control herself—Ciphers could master their bodies’ innate responses, override their subconscious mind and their human DNA. Acidalia had never managed to learn that skill, and in the fire of battle, she had to admit to herself that her mother was right. She couldn’t keep up like this, with her traitorous panicking brain and her inability to curtail her animalistic instincts to flee. If she couldn’t calm down, reduce her body temperature and her light speed pulse, they would find her, and it would all be over. She couldn’t fight and she couldn’t run, so she had one option left: weasel her way out of here with logic.
Acidalia bit her lip and concentrated on the few advantages she had, envisioning herself as a player of chess and seeing the hangar as the board. She was the white king, backed into a corner, and Cassiopeia was the black player, incredibly close to a checkmate. But Cassiopeia was no grandmaster, and it didn’t take a genius or a Cipher to see that. Despite being a Generalis by birth, she had never led a military campaign before, and she was firing with all the accuracy of a child playing laser tag. Acidalia was outnumbered, but she was smarter than her adversities. That was both helpful and problematic—helpful because it made manipulation easier, problematic because Cassiopeia was not insightful enough to see the value in keeping her prey alive. If they wanted her imprisoned or interrogated, Acidalia would willingly surrender and escape later, but she had a sneaking suspicion Cassiopeia would put a bullet through her skull the minute she could just for the glory of saying she was the one to kill the bastard Imperatrix.
But Cassiopeia might not shoot if she couldn’t see her target.
Acidalia pondered briefly just shooting Cassiopeia in the face. It wouldn’t be difficult from where she stood—she could probably kill any man in this room without even trying. That part was simple. The danger came from being caught—if someone saw a shot come from this direction, they’d shoot back, and even thick metal engines couldn’t block laser ammunition. The metal would bursting a thousand little bullets under the heat and the pressure, and Acidalia would fall back, her body riddled with tiny holes, blood leeching out of her skin. That would not do.
So she would wait. Wait for an opportunity, wait for backup, wait for something, and pray that they didn’t kill her in the meantime. Artemis had called her and she hadn’t answered, so if anyone in the Revolution had any sense at all, they’d be sending in the cavalry any minute now. It would only be a few minutes before—
“Inveni eam!” somebody screamed. “Inveni eam—
Never mind, Acidalia thought. She’d been hidden well, but she’d forgotten that her feet were bleeding—she’d been running in heels across a floor covered in shards of glass, but the adrenaline coursing through her body had been so strong she’d hardly even noticed the sharp edges cutting into her skin. That didn’t stop the blood, though, and there it was, moving across the floor at the pace of a snail and leaving red streaks on the quartz. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to be noticeable, especially here in this platinum-coated, white-gold luxury.
As the soldier rounded the corner, Acidalia’s laser bolt hit him in his chest, ending his brief victory, but there were more soldiers hot on his tail, and she couldn’t relax for very long. Acidalia shot intermittently into the crowd of men and watched two or three of them drop, but there were far too many for her to ever fight off. She ducked to avoid being hit and dived sideways, her wrist throbbing with every jagged heartbeat, her ankle screaming in pain. There was nowhere to go. The outside was a dead end and her only exit was blocked.
I cannot die, she thought for the thousandth time. I will pry the reaper’s scythe from his hands if that’s what it takes. Death will just have to wait.
She aimed at a reflective piece of glass and fired. Her shot was well placed; it ricocheted off her improvised mirror and flew into a soldier’s head. As he toppled, Acidalia took down his comrade, who tripped haphazardly on his dead friend’s body before succumbing to her laser fire. In retaliation, someone else started shooting; a bolt whizzed past Acidalia’s arm, leaving blistering burns across her skin. She elected to ignore this, and focused instead on killing as many of them as she could. Normally, she wasn’t this vicious, but normally she wasn’t outnumbered and alone.
Christ, how many of them are there? she thought. Whipping her head around, she turned to look in the other direction. Men were jumping down onto the balcony she’d just escaped onto. Before she even registered what had happened, someone’s hands were in her hair. Pure revulsion surged through her as she wrenched herself away from the man on instinct alone, but he was far stronger than she was.
His eyes were pure pride. He had to be her own age or younger, just a kid, had no idea what he was doing other than that he captured the Imperatrix. His curly hair showed through his helmet. He was terrifying because he was so goddamn human. He held her fast, pulling the gun away from her side and pushing her against a wall. She kicked him hard in the shins, but he didn’t react, and her own foot started to bleed again.
“Vae,” she cursed. “Get off of me!”
His expression didn’t change. She raised a leg to strike him again, but was momentarily distracted by a flash of green eyes. Generalis eyes.
“I apologize for what I’m about to do,” Cassiopeia said cordially, without an ounce of regret apparent in her expression.
“My mother sent you to kill me, then?” Acidalia replied. “It’s just like Alestra to make someone else do all the dirty work for her. If you kill me, her hands are clean.” She snickered. “I won’t be killing you. You don’t deserve the waste of a bolt. You’ll die at the hands of a nobody and be laid to rest in a pauper’s grave, like every other bastard Martian who thinks they can contaminate our gene pool.”
“Like your life is any more valuable than mine?” Cassiopeia sneered. “I’ll be more prolific than an Imperatrix with a two-day reign.”
“You’ll go down in history as a traitor,” Acidalia countered. “I’ll be a martyr for my cause; what will you ever be but Alestra Cipher’s dragon?”
“Trust me,” she said, “I have a whole list of what I want to do. And I’ll start fulfilling that list right now.” She reached a slender, bony hand out and grabbed the crown. With a swift movement, she pulled it off of Acidalia, taking strands of her black hair with it. She did not wince. Her deep brown eyes bored holes into Cassiopeia’s, intense and vivid.
“You can call yourself an empress if you wish,” Acidalia said lowly. “Your power does not rest in the title you bestow upon yourself, but in the people who choose to follow you.”
“That philosophical bullshit will be your final words,” Cassiopeia warned.
“So be it.” Her heart pounded and every instinct in her body screamed at her to run as fast as she could, but rather than follow it, she simply leaned back and closed her eyes serenely. I’ll die with dignity, at least.
The man next to her cocked his blaster.
I’m a martyr, she reminded herself. It’s not all in vain. My people will avenge me. My death will send shockwaves through Eleutheria. We can win this war.
The gun was against her temple. It was cold.
Are those good enough last words? What if people quote me? How would anyone ever quote me? No one is here right now. I’m going to die surrounded by my worst enemies.
His fingers were on the trigger.
My brother will be devastated. Artemis will cry. Andromeda will punch something, or—or kill someone, or—oh, Jesus Christ, my death will be a catalyst for her committing a war crime. What if there’s a God? What if there’s a Heaven I’ll never reach because I just killed two dozen people?
“Get the fuck off my sister!”
The gunman’s shot went up into the air as T tackled Acidalia to the ground. He jumped in front of her and began firing shots at everyone in his reach, his eyes pure fury.
“Get away!” he yelled hoarsely.
“Like hell I’d abandon you,” she said, reaching for her gun. “Why on Earth did you come here?”
“I didn’t want my sister to die,” he replied, sounding oddly childish. “What was I supposed to do?” As he grinned at Acidalia, he took down three soldiers at once without even glancing at them. He’d always been an incredible shot, even if he liked to deny it.”
“T, you’re the most aggravating brother in the galaxy, but by stellae do I love you.” Acidalia pulled herself upwards and killed another man, letting the blood from his crushed head leak through her fingers and bury itself under her nails. Cassiopeia, bewildered, sat in the middle of the room, stumbling around the corpses of her own fighters. She drew her own laser pistol and fired quickly at Acidalia, but both shots missed; she was never a sharpshooter at close range. Without the support of the rest of her comrades, she was useless. Acidalia aimed without thinking, concentrating only on making this shot. One millimetron to the right, and the fire in Cassiopeia’s eyes would die-
Something smelled like ash, and someone next to her collapsed.
Cassiopeia shot at her again, but Acidalia fell to her knees so quickly the bolt didn’t have enough time to hit her. “T,” she whispered. “T, no, you’re-“
She whirled up, searching for anyone with a gun, anyone who could have just—no, not killed him, he couldn’t be dead, he wasn’t dead-
The realization hit her like a hovercar. Cassiopeia’s shots were never meant for her.
The sadistic grin on her face was enough to replace every ounce of panic in Acidalia’s body with seething, hot rage. She launched herself at the woman, grabbing her brother’s gun, no longer thinking about her own death, and wrenched the crown off of Cassiopeia’s head. It hit the wall with the force of a thousand stars, carefully arranged crystals of a thousand-year-old artifact shattering against the marble, platinum cracking under stress. Acidalia fired the gun two, three, six times. Some dim, dark part of her mind knew how suicidal this was, how much of a kamikaze stance she was taking, but the larger part of her brain simply didn’t care.
Mortuus frater meus. The thought echoed in her ears, louder than Cassiopeia’s incoherent yelling, louder than the laser blasts all around her. Mortuus frater meus. My brother is dead, he’s dead, et mea culpa, It’s all my fault, that shot was meant for me-
Emotions she couldn’t describe with words swelled in her chest—hatred, pure hatred, rage, like darkness bubbling in her heart, longing, sadness, and damp tears were sliding down her face and landing on the ground and the gun was out of power because T had been shooting it so much, shooting it for her, for Acidalia, for a woman who would be dead in five minutes, and Cassiopeia was laughing-
She took the blaster, T’s big, powerful gun bigger than her own arm, and smashed it on Cassiopeia’s skull as hard as she could.
Blood splattered the walls with red and Acidalia jumped backwards to where her brother’s corpse lay pushed to the side, still warm, so warm under her hands. His eyes were glazed over, the same brown eyes she’d first seen at thirteen, not blinking, just there, open. He had the same cocky smile and his last words played again in her ears: “I didn’t want my sister to die. What else was I supposed to do?”
Anything but this.
Everything came flooding back to her in a torrent of memories and thoughts and feelings. Cassiopeia was on the ground, her head invisible under tangled onyx hair. Corpses lay scattered against the wall, T’s just another body among them. Everything smelled like blood and smoke. The pain of the glass in her foot, the burns where the lasers had not quite come close enough to hit her, the death of her brother who only ever wanted to help, ached so badly she could hardly stand. T’s sacrifice was physically painful, burning like no visible injury ever could. Acidalia collapsed against the wall, grappling for control over her subconscious desire to flee. She clung to a piece of her broken crown with one hand and her brother’s empty gun with the other, shutting her eyes tight against the cold air. T’s body convulsed in agonal rasps, like a post-mortem death rattle, a parody of breath. She pressed her fingers against his neck, hoping without really hoping that he was alive.
There was no pulse beneath her fingers.
He gave another strangled gasp as the final reflexes of his dying brain gave a last-resort effort to get oxygen back in his body, but Acidalia knew how fruitless it was. His heart had already stilled. His consciousness was gone, his body empty. There was something equally sad and endearing about just how hard his lungs were trying, and how little it actually mattered. He was already gone, his brain already dead, everything that made T T already lost to the stars above. Acidalia had fought off Death and won, but she left casualties in her wake, and that made her question if her survival was even worth the cost.
She blinked back more tears and breathed in deeply. This was a bad time to have a meltdown. She knew she’d bought time, but it couldn’t be all that much; if she remained where she was, T’s sacrifice wouldn’t matter. Reinforcements were arriving, and there was no way she could stay here unless she wanted to be caught in more crossfire.
Shakily, Acidalia stood and grabbed her own gun. She left T’s on his corpse, folded his arms together like it was a proper burial, and kissed his forehead, like she’d done when he was eleven and scared and she was trying to be a good big sister. “Requiesce in pace,” she whispered.
Shards of glass dug into her foot with every step she took, her wrist throbbed and swelled even more than it had before, and the rest of her body felt weak, sore. She focused the pain intently, trying to concentrate on the sting of burnt flesh, the disgusting ooze of popping blisters. It was easier to deal with that than everything else. She shoved any other thoughts out of her mind as pure adrenaline propelled her towards the Revelation. There was no time to think or grieve or do anything.
As she clambered up the steps with all the dignity she could muster, Acidalia made out the silhouettes of two more women. She didn’t recognize either of them, but that meant she had no way of knowing if they were friend or foe, and she wasn’t stupid. She raised her gun instinctively, hoping it would be just enough of a threat to keep them from trying anything.
“Woah!” one of them half-shrieked. “We don’t want to hurt you, put that thing down!”
"Who are you?" Acidalia asked through ragged breaths.
"Um, Athena." She blinked again. “And this is Carina—we were sent up here to warn you about Cassiopeia—your brother said—“ “You knew T?” Acidalia could feel panic rise in her throat again. She had a duty to tell these people about the death of their friend, but she had no idea how she could manage such a thing without having a complete mental breakdown. Perhaps it would be easier now, she mused, before she really reconciled T’s passing with the image of the calm, healthy teenage boy she still had in her mind. The corpse on the ground and the smiling brother whose dog tags were in her bag still felt like entirely different people, and that combined with the adrenaline made the burden infinitely easier to bear.
Athena looked at Acidalia’s blooded dress and back up at her bruised visage. “He’s dead, isn’t he?” she asked.
Acidalia nodded wordlessly.
“I’m sorry.”
“Not your fault.” Acidalia was suddenly acutely aware of the black ash on her shirtsleeve—the debris from T’s laser wound, and the only remnant she’d ever have of her dead little brother. Dead little brother, her mind echoed back. Your brother died for you. He’s gone.
A terrifyingly warm, inexplicably yellow sensation flooded her consciousness. Everything in the world ceased to exist for a moment, and the sensations of drying blood and clinging fabric and sharp, painful breaths dissolved into background nothingness. The only thing left in the universe was the image of T’s cooling corpse in a room of other bodies strewn about in Eleutherian heat, the faint trace of a smile fading from his face. He was gone. He was gone and—
And Acidalia couldn’t do this right now.
“Get in the ship,” she said hurriedly to the girls. They were teenagers, clearly—Athena couldn’t have been older than eighteen, give or take. How dare Cassandra do this? Acidalia asked herself, seething internally. What person in their right mind would send two teenage girls to a war zone to accomplish a mission that could just have easily been done with enlisted soldiers? As if the death of one seventeen-year-old wasn’t enough, as if Acidalia needed more blood on her hands, as if any of these peoples’ lives were any more valuable than that of a woman who had just smashed someone’s skull in with a gun twice her size.
“Wait, what?” Athena asked. “What—" “There are people following us. If my mother’s men see you, they will kill you—and me—on sight. Go. Shields up, cloaking on—“ The Revelation hummed in response to her commands, sensing her featherlight touch on its hull and matching her fingerprints to its security system. “We’ll fly to Mars. It’s safer there, and I’ll blend in.”
“But—“ “They’ll kill you! Move!” In the distance, people were moving, and soon enough, they’d see the remnants of the battlefield, the sea of black-clad corpses. Then there would be hell to pay, and Acidalia was in no state to fight, let alone defend two people. She couldn’t die, not now, not after T sacrificed his whole future for her survival. Too many people were depending on her too much for her to ever let herself give up.
“I’m sorry, T,” she whispered to nobody and everybody all at once. The planet seemed to echo her sorrow back to her, the stars above singing a chorus of paenitemur, paenitemur. The world mourned the loss of one of its brightest young subjects in a way Acidalia could never afford to—not now, not ever. T was dead, but Acidalia was alive, and the Revolution would live to see another victory. There was no time for grief.
Wrist throbbing and heart pounding, Acidalia straightened herself and marched into the Revelation, determinedly ignoring the pain that seared through every fibre of her being.
She was an Imperatrix, these were her citizens, and this was her empire. The first battle was over, and she had lived. T had died, but she had lived, and she’d would put the life he had given her to good use. Her survival wasn’t really her choice anymore, if it ever was in the first place. She belonged to Eleutheria as much as it belonged to her, and this planet needed her to keep herself alive. She’d fight for this little blue marble until the day she died, because her brother’s death would not—could not—be in vain. I will fight for you, Acidalia silently promised, and I’ll keep you alive, even if it’s only in memoriam. This time she had no living brother to promise anything back, but he would have if he could, and that was enough.
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