#look it’s helpful for when i’m waiting for the painkillers to kick in (if they kick in) but it’s still not the vibe
fingertipsmp3 · 6 months
I can’t explain it but my hair right now is giving off the same vibes as a bucket hat
#why did i cut it i look stuuuuupid#i don’t like this. i have to go to physio and she’s going to rearrange my whole leg probably because i’ve been too depressed to exercise#i mean my pilates teacher yesterday went easy on us and i still had to order food because i couldn’t move#i got my period this morning and it’s one of those where the ibuprofen is doing fuck all#i mean it’s holding back the pain to a point i can do something other than lie in the recovery position#but i haven’t been able to do any work. i literally looked at the projects and said ‘no’#i have been watching stardew valley streamers and knitting the simplest blanket pattern on earth#my friend invited me out but then was like ‘oh but i have to go to the farm shop first’ and i was like ‘so you’ll probably be done#at approximately the time i need to be at physio. so. no’#like she has zero concept of the passage of time. she WILL spend an hour staring at a shelf in the farm shop#she’s a fucking sim#what else happened. oh my heat pad died but i found out i can charge it off my kindle charger#i could do a hot water bottle but the thing i hate about the hot water bottle is standing there in the kitchen like a chump#waiting for the kettle to boil while your uterus sheds itself and you start to see the auras#it’s so much nicer to be able to just turn on a heat pad. but. but then you have to remember to CHARGE the heat pad 🫠#i’m also pretty sure it takes longer to charge than the actual battery life of the device. it’s been charging for 3 hours and it’s not even#close to done. i will get perhaps 2#look it’s helpful for when i’m waiting for the painkillers to kick in (if they kick in) but it’s still not the vibe#okay i’ve got to get changed for physio now. two pairs of underwear then shorts then fleece lined sweatpants#i love winter in the north. love wearing so many layers i completely forget what my body looks like#personal
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wonijinjin · 6 months
painfully in love
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author’s note: very self-indulgent, and wrote it to give some comfort to my darlings who suffer every month. take care yall<3 (also just mentioning that i totally believe he would know what to do bc he has a sister and he is the cutest giant puppy)
synopsis: when your period cramps torture you mingyu is always there to help and give you some comfort.
word count: 0.9k | genre: fluff, comfort (mingyu is the best, such a sweetheart) | pairing: mingyu x f! reader | warnings: mentions of pills/medicine, mentions of throwing up, pain
when mingyu stepped into your apartment he knew where he would find you; in the bedroom, under a pile of blankets. you had texted him earlier in the day that you had crazy cramps and asked him to bring some medicine home since you ran out of painkillers. “pretty girl, i am home!” he said loudly to let you know his presence in the house. after taking his coat off he went straight to the kitchen to get you a glass of water and prepared it with the pills and some dark chocolate, since he knew it can help with cramping. he entered the room silently, suspecting that you were asleep by the lack of response to his arrival earlier. he was right; you laid in the middle of the bed, a big fluffy plushie in hand, cluthing onto it tightly, the covers up to your chin, hair messy and spread out on the soft pillow. his heart broke a little; he knew how much pain you were in, it had happened before, that you had very strong symptoms on your period. he decided on not waking you as he felt pity for you and was happy to see that you were getting some rest at last, after being kept up all night by the pain. he settled into the bed next to you cautiously and wrapped his hand around your middle, warming up and massaging your abdomen with his large hands. you felt his form next to you, but didn’t entirely wake up; you just shifted and hugged him unconsciously. “aww, you are so adorable, sweetheart.” he whispered while starting to stroke your hair, playing with the strands in the meantime.
“mingyu…” he heard your mumbles a bit later, not holding you anymore, him working on the computer at the desk in the room. “huh?” he stood up, checking up on your form only to see your eyes closed and brows furrowed, discomfort written all over your features. “you are okay sweetheart, you are okay.” he cooed at you while tucking you in further and kissing your forehead after he saw the creases on it starting to fade, guessing you weren’t in distress anymore.
when you woke up it was almost completely dark outside and the first thing your brain registered was mingyu’s chest. “are you awake, pretty?” he asked gently. “when did you get home? wait i need to get up-“ you tried peeling yourself off mingyu’s body but a sharp pain in your lower stomach made you still your movements. “you okay? are the cramps hitting again?” he looked at you with worried eyes. “yeah.” you pouted, tears threatening to spill from your orbs as the pain increased. “oh sweetheart.” he rubbed your back in calming motions. “i bought painkillers, and i have some water and chocolate to take it with, can you sit up for a moment?” you did as he told and took the medicine, but as expected it needed some time to kick in, and until then you could only wish for the stabbing pain to stop, burying your head in mingyu’s chest as you whimpered in agony. “i’m so nauseous ’gyu. i don’t want to throw up.” you cried while trying to stop your head from spinning; it really had been a long time since you felt this bad. “you won’t. i am so sorry you feel this miserable, pretty girl.” “i am sorry you have to deal with this mingyu. you know how i hate being queasy.” you whined. “even if you do throw up it is okay, you know how you can’t do anything about it baby. tell me if you feel like you are gonna be sick, we will deal with it, alright?” he reassured you and cradled you in his arms, putting you on his chest properly so you could be comfortable. “i hate seeing you in so much pain. i want my happy baby back.” he pouted. “not your fault.” you murmured into his shirt. “thanks for being here.” he kissed your forehead and chuckled lowly. “of course sweetheart, i just wish i could do more.” he smiled sadly. “can i do anything to distract you from the cramps until the medicine works?” he quizzed with a warm expression, his eyes searching your face constantly for any sign of discomfort, ready to adjust to your preferences. “wanna go back to sleep. gotta make up for last night or i will be miserable tomorrow too.” he giggled at your reply, loving how you were so unfiltered on your period, being so real about not wanting to do anything other than sleeping, and not pulling any act about how you are fine and happy. “alright, pretty. then we will do just that. want me to rub your back or turn on a show for some background noise?” you looked up at him, pecking his lips for a quick and lazy kiss as you had absolutely no energy for anything more. “just hold me, please? you are so warm, making me feel sleepy and less achy.” you muttered, already exhausted from fighting your body’s stubborn muscles. “sure. sleep well then.” he whispered. “love you, mingyu.” you said back. “love you too, more than anything. tomorrow will be a greater day. get better soon.”
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joonieskinks · 8 days
johnny!soulmate au where you see grey your whole lives, right up until you first make eye contact with your soulmate - then suddenly the floodgates of colours finally begin to appear.
Johnny was still a Private in the military when you joined up to aid those injured, you eventually earned quite a name for yourself as a nurse on bases. You even got to pick after a couple years and settled on Captain Price’s base after helping him a few years back. He was always kind to you and so you figured, maybe his men would be too.
Johnny then became a Sergeant with the 141, Graves was still in full swing when Johnny received a nasty shot to the shoulder. Upon his return to base, he was quickly transported over to your station for aid. He was laid down in a bed, given injections for the pain, his shirt cut off, leaving his chest bare. You opened the curtain to see your patient squeezing his eyes shut in pain as the injection punctured his skin.
“Hi, Sergeant. I’m nurse y/n, I’ll be taking care of you. Gonna get that bullet out and get you all sewed up, okay?” You introduced, eyes glancing over his vitals.
“Aye, got it lass.” He murmured, finally relaxing in the bed as the painkillers started to kick in. Your eyes finally landed on him, his wound but also his figure. Sure, you see a lot of guys like this but you couldn’t help but look just a little bit longer than usual. Even like this, you think he looks rather good. It makes your insides flip inside you at the thought.
“Right-“ you start and settle down on a stool next to his shoulder. “Those painkillers should be working overtime now, but let me know if it gets to be too much.”
For the first time Johnny looks to the side, eyeing who is actually aiding him. And he’s met with the prettiest woman he’s ever seen in his life. The way your hair frames your face, your kind eyes and beautifully shaped lips- ones he’d very much like to kiss for all your help. You’re stunning and definitely his type, it makes his heart rate rise.
“Easy there, Sergeant. You’re in good hands, I promise.” You pause from tending to his bullet wound to lay your hands on his chest. Your eyes glance over his blushing face, and you smile a little. He’s definitely handsome, your type too.
Johnny’s eyes glance up to meet your own, desperate to recover and say something smooth- but he’s at a complete loss for words as your eyes stand out in the most peculiar way. They look different, they are vivid, clear and coloured.
“Bonnie…” he mutters out, rising up out of bed to look at you closer, and you’re unmoving. In shock, unable to look away from the man in front of you, as his eyes turn blue, as his hair turns brown, as your whole world springs to life.
“Are you…?” You trail off, taking your gloves off to touch his face. Johnny brings his hand up to yours to cup your cheek, tears starting to swell in his eyes.
“I finally found ye.” He chuckles, swiping his thumb lovingly over your cheek over and over. His eyes running all over your features, taking you in, smiling like crazy. “And yer gorgeous too! I’ll be damned.”
You laugh at the flattery, tears starting to leave your own eyes. You can’t wait any longer and bring your lips to meet his. Johnny wastes no time wrapping his arms around you, a hand on your waist and another on the back of your neck. God, you feel good, how he couldn’t wait to explore all of you.
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Sergeant.” You murmur against his lips.
“As much as I like that, lass, the names’ Johnny.” He smiles, bringing his lips back to yours.
Honestly if he had it his way, he’d already have you naked in this station, moaning his name. But alas, you’ll have to reign him in so it seems- and finish sewing his wound shut for crying out loud.
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ornii · 4 months
Hi I requested the irish heimdall one a while back if ya are still accepting requests would ya be open to doing one where he's high on really strong painkillers after an accident and Wednesday is trying to help him but his foresight is active subconsciously and he's dodging her until she kisses him and when she grabs his jaw to kiss him it makes him whine and she uses that as something to tease him about after
A God In Need?
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it is Seldom that a God would be asking for help, but some things simply cannot be done alone. After an incident in Biology class that left (Y/n) with a torn muscle and a few cuts on the body. He can think his girlfriend for the incident as an argument between the two left a scathing message. Sitting in his room, (Y/n) poured a tall glass of water with his one good arm, the other in a sleeve and a bandaged up abdomen. He struggles to open up a pill bottle and fumbled it, reluctantly pouring a few in his hand he swallows it chases it with water. There is a knock on their door. (Y/n) hobbles over to it, and opens the door.
Waiting for him was his girlfriend, Wednesday Addams, she had a small black doctors bag in her hand. (Y/n) raised an eyebrow.
“I’m not dead yet, you can’t perform an autopsy.” He said.
“Silence, I came to reapply your gauze.” She says.
“Really? No kiss on the cheek for me? No, “Hello (Y/n).” Just storm into my room?” He scoffs, Wednesday calmly leans in and gives a peck on his cheek.
“Hello (Y/n), now move.” She was a force to be reckoned with, and (Y/n) was in no position to fight. He side steps and she strolls into the room, closing the door behind him (Y/n) follows.
“So the doctor’s allowed you to work on me?”
“No.” Wednesday replied.
“No. I’m doing this of my own volition.” She explains. And places the bag down upon a desk and begins to rummage through it. Pulling out tape and a few pieces of medical supplies she turns to (Y/n).
“Strip.” She orders, (Y/n) reluctantly sighs and attempts to struggle to remove his shirt. Wednesday watches him fumble around it.
“You are truly helpless.” Wednesday grabs his shirt and lifts it up, her eyes trail down his abdomen and for a moment in her life she was actually a bit flustered. She shakes it off and helps him remove his shirt. Her eyes look him up and down and hesitates.
“Beautiful figure, like a god I know.” He said smugly, Wednesday pulls off the bandage wrap with a quick tug, (Y/n) bites his lip not to yelp. She begins to unwrap. The bloodstained bandages fall on the floor as Wednesday sees the scars along his chest.
“Your wounds are healing faster than I expected. In a week I can finally stop listening to your incessant whining.” She applies fresh bandages as (Y/n)’s medicine begins to kick in. As she reaches to remove his arm sleeve he instinctively steps back. She hesitates for a moment, she looks into his purple eyes to see the lack of clarity within them, hazy.
“And how many did you take?”
“I… don’t know what you’re talking about…” he stammers out. “Your medication, you took to many, didn’t you?”
“Of course not, I don’t need any help counting.” He retorts, trying to shake off the lack of response time from his body to his brain, as if traffic is being blocked off there. Wednesday just dragged him to a chair to sit him down and looked him in the eye.
“Dilated pupils, Slow response time, cold clammy skin..” she thinks and he checks off the list.
“(Y/n), I need you to focus.” She reaches into her bag to retrieve an alcohol swab and a needle.
“You know… you’d make a pretty hot doctor, or a nurse.” (Y/n) admits, Wednesday continues to prepare as he looks around the room, his brain slowly moving forward. “You could be like, “Oh (Y/n), it’s time for your bath?”
“I wouldn’t debase myself for someone’s sexual pleasure.” She said sternly. (Y/n) scoffs, leaning back. “ar ndóigh ní” he mutters angry.
“What was that.” She responds.
“I said.. of course not, because it’s all about you, isn’t it? Hey (Y/n), help me track down a killer, Hey (Y/n), help me figure out where Crackstone is by lying and endangering Enid, Hey (Y/n), almost get yourself killed trying to protect me.” (Y/n) rants off, in disbelief of his stupidity. Wednesday turned to the boy, who was falling asleep
“Since you’re under the influence of pain and medication I’m going to allow that to slide.” She walks over and reaches to check his face, but his body jerks his head away. She reaches again and he moves again, she attempts to catch his head but his body moves.
“Quit being childish.. stop it.” She orders and grabs his jaw, a muffled whine comes from him. “Owwwws” he drones on until her lips connect with his. Letting go she looks him in the eyes.
“I was selfish back then, and you still took your time to love me. I am forever grateful for that, I apologize for it. So will you stop pussyfooting and let me put your bandages on?” She asks, a laugh comes from him and he sits up, still a little drowsy as she begins to wrap his body. She has to get close to his chest to do so, his good arm gently caresses the top of her head.
“You know, Tyr would love to meet you.. and Baldur and Thor.”
“You mean literal gods?” She said. (Y/n) nods, “All Father would be blessed to meet you.”
“So you intent to take me to a realm of gods?” She asks, looking up at him.
“It’s a place where you belong.” He replies, Ladykiller wasn’t a skill that was taught at Asguard, that was all skill. Wednesday gave a soft nod.
“Fine. As long as you don’t whine like that in front of them.” She replied in cheek and goes back to wrapping his wounds
“In front of my lady? Never.” He gives her a soft hug with his one arm, Wednesday halted her wrapping to feel his warmth against her, and returned the favor with her own hug. A God Asking for help was rare, but a god finding true love, one in a million.
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Bobby x daughter!reader - hard days
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Hey, I saw you were hoping for some more asks for Bobby and I just had an idea of his youngest daughter who possibly survived the fire somehow and she perhaps struggles with something caused by it and Bobby is there to help her as well as the rest of the 118. Hope this is ok ❤️ - Anon 💜
Sitting on the table, you kicked your legs a little bit as you watched your dad cooking you something to eat for lunch.
“Hey kid, shouldn’t you be at school?” Chim asked.
You looked at him and shook your head.
“She’s having a difficult time today with her breathing, so we thought we’d take the day off and hang out here, right sweetheart?”
You smiled at your dad and nodded your head a little bit.
“Want me to take a listen?” Hen asked you.
You shrugged a little and got up, following behind her as she took you down to one of the trucks and you sat in the back and she pulled some stuff out.
She listened to your breathing, and how raspy it sounded snd frowned a little bit.
“Is that why you’re not talking today? Does it hurt?”
You nodded again and she nodded, handing you some painkillers she kept in her pocket, and she looked around with a small frown.
“Where’s your oxygen tank?”
You got up and took her hand, pulling her behind you as you led her to your dads office and pointed to the tank in the corner.
“Right, let’s take this upstairs.”
She picked up up and followed you back up the stairs and she got you to sit down at the table and hooked your up to the cannula again.
“That should help a little. How come she’s not using it?” Hen asked.
“She gets tired of carrying it around all day, so as long as she’s in my sight she doesn’t need to use it.” Bobby explained.
Hen nodded and Bobby set the food down in front of you and you grinned happily up at him and he smiled sitting next to you.
“I heard we have a stray.” Buck grinned.
You rolled your eyes and put some of the scrambled eggs of the plate and flicked them at him and everyone laughed.
“You’re cleaning that up.” Your dad scolded lightly.
You shrugged and began to eat your lunch while everyone grabbed some food to sit down with you, and you hummed a little to yourself.
Bobby looked at you and he smiled.
You were slowly getting better everyday, and he could see it, from the healed burns on your arm, to the way you’re able to go longer and longer breathing on your own.
Some days were harder than others though, and he understood that.
When you were finished you cleaned your mess and walked over to Eddie, tapping his shoulder.
“Hey kid, what’s up?” He smiled.
You gestured for him to stand up and he did, and you got him to go back down to one of the trucks with you and he knew immediately what you wanted.
“Well… you’re dad is busy. I’m sure they won’t miss one truck.” He whispered.
“If we’re stealing the truck we’re all going.” Chim said.
They helped you up, and put your oxygen in the truck as well and Buck pulled some headphones over your head.
“Comfy?” He asked.
“Wait! She’s missing something!” Hen called.
She came rushing back in with your dads jacket and you grinned, pulling on the much larger jacket and sat back down while Chim rolled up the sleeves for you.
“Are you seriously stealing my daughter?” Bobby asked.
“We’ll bring her back cap!” Buck grinned.
Bobby rolled his eyes and climbed into the truck as well, sitting next to you.
“Come on then, let’s go.” Chim cheered.
Everyone cheered as well and you held your dads hand tightly as you looked out the window, watching the streets roll by.
You loved this.
You loved going out in one of the engines, sometimes they would have to rush away but you didn’t mind that.
You just liked going for rides.
And although the wasn’t supposed to condone this kind of behaviour Bobby knew how much you loved it.
And on hard days like this he was alright with it just to see your smiling happily
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discount-shades · 1 year
Sleepy Baby Part 18
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a/n: Well I’m happy and sad to come to the end of this little story. I have a few other ideas of little vignettes that I might add later but I’m going to focus on Contract Spouse now.
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin / Reader
Warnings: None, 
Word Count: 1400 ish
Summary: Jake is bullied by a ten year old.
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A blinding pain in your right foot wakes you. Through your muffled grunts of pain you can hear Jake cursing. You are back in his childhood bedroom in Texas.
“Shit, Kisses, you kicked me in the shin.” You feel him reach down to rub his shin and his hand brushes your foot causing you to yelp in pain. “What's wrong? Are you ok?”
“It feels like I broke my toe,” you whine out, gingerly moving your foot under the covers. You feel Jake shift on the bed next to you and the room is bathed in a warm light as he switches on his bedside lamp. Together you carefully lift the covers and you shift so you are sitting. 
Looking at your toe you both know something is wrong. “Oh fuck.” You look at your toe again and glance up at Jake in panic. “We’re supposed to get married today.”
Jake checks the time, “We have twelve hours until that happens. So hospital.” He gets out of bed and limps over to his suitcase to get you something to wear. 
“Is your shin ok?” 
“Pretty sure it is just a bruise.” He helps you pull one of his Navy hoodies on before easing a pair of shorts on you, trying not to touch your injured toe. “I’ll get the nurse to have a look when we are at the hospital.
The hall light turns on as he is helping you out and you see George closing the door to his bedroom. “What's wrong?” His rumpled hair betrays his alert expression. 
“I think I broke my toe in my sleep.” George freezes and blinks at your answer. “Jake’s taking me to the hospital.” George springs into action, opening doors and grabbing you an ice pack and a towel for the trip. “I’ll handle Tammy if you are not back by morning.” 
“Thanks Dad, I’ll text you.” 
Jake carefully lifts you and carries you to the truck. “I’m sorry,” you say, brushing a tear off your cheek as Jake settles you into the passenger seat. “I’m such a nightmare to sleep beside.”
“I’m going to be honest with you, Kisses.” Jake carefully brushes another tear off your cheek. “I really wish you hadn’t kicked me.” You let out a strangled laugh and lean into the hand cupping your cheek. “But my dream is to sleep next to you and all your flailing limbs for the rest of my life, so I need you to get over this.” 
“You need me to not wake you up from your dream by kicking you in the shin.” 
“That too,” Jake agrees, giving you a quick kiss before carefully shutting the door and running around to start the truck. “For future reference, the floppy arms as you roll over are the best of the flailing limbs.”
“How often do I hit you in my sleep if you have a favorite?” You say joking but when you look at Jake he doesn’t meet your eyes. “How often do I hit you in my sleep, Jake?” You can feel the guilt creeping in.
“You don’t usually hit hard,” he says in a mollifying tone as he drives. “I can usually wrap my arms around you and you stop.” 
“I’m sorry.” You say it again. Jake doesn’t respond, he just kisses the back of your hand. 
When you get to the hospital Jake carries you in and sits next to you in the waiting room complaining about how long it is taking. 
“Jake, we have to wait because I’m going to live.” You tell him with a small smile. “If they saw me right away it would be bad.” 
After you get your toe X-rayed you are lying on one of the beds in the ER, curtains drawn around you. Jake is pacing beside you as you wait for the doctor. “Sit down, you're stressing me out.”
 You pat the bed beside you and he huffs before lying down. You tuck yourself under his arm. “You are really getting a head start with the ‘in sickness and in health’ bit.” You had been given some painkillers and without the throbbing in your toe you could see the humor in the situation. 
“Well I aim to be the best.” You snort a laugh at his confidence before sighing.
“How am I going to walk down the aisle today?” 
“I can push you down the aisle in a wheelbarrow.” You glance up at his deadpan expression. “Or an office chair, I could give you a piggyback ride.” You are giggling when the doctor comes in. He confirms that your middle toe is broken and after a local anesthetic sets and splints it. He then advises you to avoid all the fun things you have planned for your wedding.
When Jake carries you back inside it is four in the morning and the two of you go back to sleep with your foot carefully elevated. 
Waking up hours later you hobble to the window to look out at the Seresin’s beautifully decorated backyard. The fall weather is perfect with a cloudless blue sky. Jake had left while you were sleeping but at the sound of you moving around he comes bounding up the stairs. You turn to smile at him as he bursts through the door. 
“We’re getting married today.” You can’t keep the smile off your face. “You aren’t supposed to see me.”
“I’ve already seen you,” he walks over and presses his forehead to yours. “I might as well make it worth my while.” He leans forwards and kisses you sweetly. You sigh and wrap your arms around his neck, leaning into him to take the weight off your injured toe. 
Jake is your legs all morning. He fetches you everything and brings you ice for your toe where you sit with your foot up. He is eventually chased away by your bridesmaids who begin to help you get ready. 
“I’m going to have to go barefoot.” You say staring longingly at the shoes you planned on wearing. 
“Way ahead of you.” Grace pulls out a pair of white crocs out of a bag. “We are going to cut the toe out of these.” You stare at her in surprise. “Jake texted us and we came up with a plan,” she explained. “With your dress no one will be able to tell in the pictures.”
When the time comes the wedding party gathers around the corner of the house, ready to walk down the temporary aisle in the backyard. Jake's parents go first hand in hand, followed by Bob and Jessie, Bradley and Julia, and Javy and Grace.
Evie looks up at you, as the flower girl and ring bearer, she is the last to leave before you and Jake. “You sure you don’t want us to get a horse?” She motions to Jake. “I know he is in the Navy, but he doesn’t do things you have to be strong for, he just flies planes,” she sighs then, world weary at nearly ten. “I don’t know if I would trust him to carry me that far and you are bigger than me.” You burst out laughing as Jake sputters in annoyance.
“He won’t drop me,” you say, kissing his cheek. Jake picks up the basket of flower petals and makes sure the wedding ring box is carefully secured in the bottom. 
“Get out of here traitor,” he says, hiding his grin, and handing her the basket. “I can’t get married until you do your job.” Evie hugs you both with a smile, then turns to go.
“I’ll make sure I don’t accidentally throw the rings.” She calls over her shoulder before bounding around the corner before Jake can say anything. 
“She is turning into my sister,” he huffs. “They need to spend less time together.”
“Your sister Julia?” You laugh and he nods. “Her mother?” He nods again. “Good luck with that,” you say laughing. 
“Well Kisses, are you ready to get married?” He kisses your hand looking into your eyes. 
“”I could be persuaded, Sleepy Baby.” smoothing your hand over his dress whites.
“Oh, and what do I need to do to persuade you?”
“You need to tell me when you bought the engagement ring.” You gaze up at him. “I’ve been trying to figure it out, but I can’t figure out when you decided to marry me.”
“I decided I was going to marry you on our first date.” He says gently kissing you. “I bought the ring the day after that big fight we had when you went hiking.” 
“Yeah,” He has that cocky grin that you love on his face. “I knew you were it for me.” Jake picks you up bridal style and begins to carry you down the aisle. “Let's go get married.”
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deputyrook · 8 months
Impressions- 2/? Mark Hoffman x Psychic!Reader
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(Repost after I accidentally deleted my tumblr 😭)
You're a reluctant psychic. He's a detective. And a serial killer.
(Can I make it any more obvious?)
Word count: 3498
WARNINGS: Gaslightling, corruption, stockholm syndrome, some drug use (painkillers), blackmail, power imbalance, abusive dynamics, overt threatening, general Saw-levels of horror.
this fic is kind of goofy, because I'm writing it for fun and not taking it super seriously! enjoy 💕
“Mark didn’t hit on you, did he?” Kerry asks over the phone, a note of disgust in her voice, “If he did, I’ll kick his ass. Though… you didn't exactly look uncomfortable when you fell into his arms yesterday. Am I wrong?”
Sometimes, you wondered how Kerry could be so oblivious.
You swallow a handful of painkillers before you answer her, washing them down with a swig of stale soda that’s been sitting out on your counter. 
“He's, what, ten years older than us?” You ask, setting down the can and playing with the cord of your telephone.
“That’s not an answer,” Kerry teases, “And he’s early forties, I think. Hey, I won’t stop you. I'll sure as hell judge you, but I won't stop you.”
The events of the prior evening feel surreal now, in the morning light of the next day. Detective Mark Hoffman hasn’t contacted you, and if you didn’t have his phone number saved in your cell, you would have thought the entire car ride had been a bad dream. 
You can’t help but second guess yourself now- had he ever actually admitted to being an accomplice? What if he was just a defensive asshole, and you’d misinterpreted everything again? The doubts creep in, now that your visions have been chased away, back into hiding in the recesses of your mind.
“Not interested,” you mutter. “I wasn’t feeling great last night, you know that. I barely remember getting home.”
Kerry’s tone sobers at that, and you hear her sigh. “Yeah. Sorry about that. I know you don’t like doing that, but we were completely out of leads.”
“And you still are,” you note, “I didn’t dream of anything useful last night, by the way. Total void.” If you’re lucky, you’ll never have another vision about the Jigsaw murders, though you suspect you’ve been plunged headfirst into the thick of it.
The painkillers will keep the flashes at bay, at least for now. The rest will come to you, jumbled and nonsensical, when it’s least convenient.
“Not entirely. But how are you feeling?” Kerry asks. She’s never been the best at heart-to-hearts, or at fielding your psychic nonsense, but you can hear the genuine concern in her voice for you. You wish you could tell her- the killer she hunts is right there, in the office across the hall, she could be in danger- but with the potential risk to both her and you, it’s just not worth it. 
Not unless you manage to get your hands on some hard evidence of Hoffman’s involvement. 
Years of dealing with a surrealist-nightmare-kaleidoscope for a brain had forced you to become patient. You could bide your time and wait carefully until an opportunity to steal some actual proof arose. Until then, you just had to keep breathing.
“Helloooo? Are you there?” Kerry’s voice pulls you out of your thoughts.
“Yeah, sorry Ally. You know how I get. I called in sick today, but I’m alright. I promise. Nothing some rest and relaxation can’t fix,” you try to smile, but you can’t hide the exhaustion in your voice. 
“Good,” she says, resolute, “I won’t ask you to come in again. Not unless something else comes to you. But I won’t believe he’s dead. Not yet.” It doesn’t take psychic abilities to know she’s talking about Eric Matthews, nor to feel the regret she carries with her, punctuating her words.
“And you shouldn’t. You know my hit rate on alive-versus-dead isn’t always the best.” Kerry hums in consideration at your words, and after you both say your goodbyes to one another, you hang up the receiver of the phone.
Once again, you’re left in the silence of your lonely apartment- save for your cat, who brushes up against your leg with a purr. He reminds you so easily that it’s not just your life on the line, here. Would Jigsaw ever try to test a cat...? Reaching down to scratch behind his ears, you try to consider your next steps carefully.
But all it does is make your head hurt. You pluck an ice pack from your freezer and lay down on your sofa, holding it to your head with a soft groan.
You must fall back asleep at some point, because you’re woken up from a dreamless sleep by the ringing of your phone. You check your home phone, and then, realizing it’s not the culprit, rifle through your bag for your cell.
“Hello?” You mumble into the phone as you flip it open, blinking awake.
“What, were you asleep? It’s the middle of the day,” Hoffman says.
“I called in sick. Got in pretty late last night, and I didn’t sleep the best,” You deadpan. Without being right next to him, it’s easier to keep your cool and not get flustered.
“We should talk. Let’s get dinner,” he says, “Six-o-clock. You know Eve’s Diner? On Newhaven street- with the neon sign?”
Your stomach drops. It didn’t seem like he was just asking you out politely. When was the last time you got dinner with a man, anyway? His tone is so casual that it makes you want to squirm.
“Yeah, I know the place. It's pretty close by, right?” At least in public, he wouldn’t be able to do anything overtly threatening to you. It didn’t seem like there was any use in arguing with him, or telling him you weren’t feeling up to it. He knows your address, and he apparently knows Jigsaw. That's enough to secure your compliance.
“Good. I’ll see you there, then.” And he hangs up the phone.
Your head throbs, but it’s lessened in severity since the morning. You consider taking another batch of painkillers, but decide against it. If you’re meeting Hoffman for dinner, it might be better to stay sharp.
The sight of Mark Hoffman, sitting in a diner booth, would be almost comical if it wasn’t so nerve-wracking. He’s stirring some sugar into his coffee, hunched against the wall, his hair smoothed back neatly and his police badge hanging around his neck. He looks tired, you think, but otherwise like a normal, upstanding member of society- if not one slightly too large and too dour for the diner table he’s seated at.
“Hi,” you say, sliding into the booth across from him. 
He nods toward you in recognition, before leaning back in the seat. Mark looks at you, up and down, in silent surveyance. You stare back, studying him in return. Both of you size each other up, like the other is the dangerous one.
“I’ve been thinking about you,” He says, “And after some more thought, I’m not convinced. For all I know, maybe you’re workin’ with John Kramer. That seems more likely than you being psychic.”
Ah. You’ve gotten this reaction before. When someone, with time and consideration, doubles back to doubt your abilities. You couldn’t exactly blame him for that. Particularly for skeptics, it’s a hard pill to swallow that you have access to senses that they don’t.
Being accused of being a serial killer was new territory, however.
“I’m not working with Jigsaw,” you sputter, keeping your voice quiet. The diner isn’t too busy, and you’re seated in a corner away from other patrons, but it’s still public enough that you want to be careful. “Shouldn’t you know I’m not?”
He squints at you, like he’s trying to figure out if you’re lying or not. 
“You tell me. You said there were four. Jigsaw, Amanda, myself- according to you- and so who’s the fourth? If it’s not you.” He sounds impatient. You blink at him, trying to process where he’s coming from. And then, it hits you. He doesn’t know. 
For a second, you consider trying to play it off like you are the fourth apprentice. Maybe then, he’d trust you more directly with information that you could use against him. But then, you re-evaluate. Lying to a mass murderer was probably a bad idea. Lying to a cop was arguably worse.
“Well, it’s not me. But yeah, there’s at leastfour involved that I picked up on. Four main...signatures,” You pause, before continuing. “So that’s why you want me to tell you about what I sense. Even you don’t know what he’s planning, or everyone who’s involved.”
“I’ve been on this case since the beginning. Of course I wanna know. Especially since you’re out here accusing me,” He remarks, taking a sip of his coffee before continuing, “Kerry didn’t act any different toward me this morning. Good. Keeping your theories to yourself was smart.”
“Yes, lest you start actually convincing me you’re not Jigsaw, let me not forget how you threatened me last night,” You mumble, crossing your arms in front of your chest protectively.
“You pouting about it?” He asks, teasing, a smirk just barely edging onto his face, “C’mon. Show me your trick. How do you do it?” He beckons you closer, and you find yourself leaning in across the table. Like you’re sharing a secret with him. 
“It’s not like I’m getting visions of the future, per se,” You try to explain, “It’s more like... hyper intuition. I get emotions, mostly. It’s an extreme version of empathy. Sometimes I get flashes of imagery from the past, present, and future, but it’s usually mixed up so I can’t tell which is which. Mainly, I just trust my gut. Which isn’t often wrong- but my interpretation of what I’m seeing can be off. Has been.”
“Hyper-intuition, huh?” He says, mulling it over, “Tell me something else about me, then. Prove it.”
You swallow uncomfortably. “I uh, need to be touching you.”
Mark raises his eyebrows at you. Before he can say anything mocking, the waitress comes by, filling both of your coffee cups. She takes your orders quickly, as though picking up on the vibe that you both want to be left alone. When she leaves, Mark spreads his hands in a gesture as if to say, do your thing, then.
Gently, you reach out and take his hands in yours. Rough, calloused, and strong. You try not to think about it as you close your eyes, and allow the gate to open for the second time in two days.
The chattering in the diner fades away into the background as your intuition takes hold, clouding out your other five senses like the moon passing over the sun in a total eclipse. First, there’s just darkness. Even the sensation of Mark’s skin against yours fading to a dull buzz. Then, sensations begin to spawn, bubbling up from somewhere else.
From the man seated across from you, you think.
“Strawberries,” you murmur, the taste of fresh, wild berries being the first thing that comes to you, sweet and tart, “I think they were picked wild, by mindful fingers. Yours are older, but never as gentle. Her small hands were always more careful than yours, never crushing the berries like you did.”
It’s a kind, well-loved memory -you assume- the impression coming in easy and unambiguous. The next is more muddled.
“Ah- pain. There’s noise, it’s discordant and loud,” You wince, squeezing Mark’s hands. You tilt your head, trying to make out the source, but all you get is scraps of yelling, fighting, shivering hands, the smell of rain. 
It melts then, into that feeling again. The deep, unending well of misery. Loss, in its purest form. Utter loneliness, vast like an unending ocean.
“It’s like the sun went out,” you whisper, voice cracking. Your heart is breaking. The depth of your pain is nearly unbearable, and it makes you want to pull back and disconnect. “It’s like all the light’s been snuffed from this world. Alone.”
“Yeah,” Mark’s voice confirms, calm, quiet and sombre, “You know why that is, don’t you?”
You frown, hands trembling. The smell of blood rises, pungent and sickening. Blood, blood, so much blood. It smells so strong that you can taste it. Then something else- formaldehyde. The words leave your mouth before you can register what they mean.
“He took her from me,” You murmur hoarsely, a pure conduit for the feeling. Dimly, you’re aware of hands squeezing yours back, too tight.
Then, the rage. The despair. An energy trapped, like a feral animal in an enclosure. Desperate to make things right again, to make the world right, with no way to do it that makes sense.
Trapped, trapped, trapped. Starving. Alone again.
You’re lost in the feeling before Mark’s voice pulls you back.
“He deserved what he got,” he says, and you’re redirected. The sun is still gone, the world is still cold. Justice is a fleeting concept, a principle that isn’t achieved until you make it happen.
The world is so cold without the sun, but he died screaming for taking her. That’s justice enough. 
And then, a finality- a sense of purpose.
"They all deserve it," you say.
You open your eyes, and let go of his hands. Hoffman’s expression is hard to read as you settle back in the booth. The despair still lingers over you, like a chill that’s seeped into your bones.
“That your thought, or mine?” He asks finally. “You must have felt a lot of it over the years. Other people’s pain.”
“Sure,” you reply, “Everyone’s got it. Life isn’t fair.”
“Not unless you make it fair,” Mark counters, “You can’t tell me he didn’t deserve to die like that for what he did.”
“Can you just tell me?” You ask quietly, “So I can get the full picture, no missing pieces of the puzzle. The loss...was your sister? He killed her?”
Mark thinks about it for a second. He looks like he’s going to refuse you, not responding for so long that you wonder if he’s deliberately ignoring you. 
Your food arrives before he answers, the waitress bringing your plates and setting them down in front of you both. Mark's ordered a cheeseburger and fries, the all-American classic diner food; you a club sandwich, though your appetite has evaporated since you've arrived here. And after yesterday, it was barely present to begin with.
Then finally, after you both have started to eat, he speaks.
“My sister’s ex-boyfriend murdered her. Seth Baxter. A sick, abusive fuck. He was convicted, got life in jail. Took a couple of years, but he finally went away for it. Well, he filed an appeal. His new lawyer said that the jury was tainted by the evidence of his history of domestic assaults on women, that the evidence was improperly admitted and ‘prejudicial’ to his case. After five years, the case was successfully appealed... and he went free,” A feeling of disgust and rage twists in you, and you can’t tell whether it’s Hoffman’s or yours.
“So you...”
“Jigsaw killed him,” Mark answers, “Cut him in half. He was already dating someone new when he was picked up. Tell me that's not fair.”
The words hang in the air, and you take them in. You’re starting to learn to read Mark’s face better, you think, because you can detect just a hint of smugness in his expression. You try to determine how you feel about this, but your feelings are still all tangled up in Hoffman’s. Extricating them is difficult.
“So he deserved it,” You say finally, “Jigsaw’s not just a vigilante. He kidnaps people who are- who are addicted to drugs, or who only hurt themselves, and he makes them play in these sick games. It's not right,” You can’t believe you’re arguing the philosophy of Jigsaw with one of the murderers himself. It seems unbelievable.
Mark actually rolls his eyes at you.
“It’s either people who deserve it, or people who don’t deserve their lives to begin with,” He murmurs, “think about it.”
Then you remember the feeling you’d gotten before, at the police station. The deep, dark depths of satisfaction. A kind of beast in the heart, ugly and hungry and grinning. The thought that you might have inadvertently given it some purchase in your own mind freaks you the hell out.
“Easy for you to say,” you whisper, the fear keeping your voice barely audible, “You like watching people hurt.”
Mark doesn’t deny it- maybe he sees no use in doing so, when you already know better. He looks at you coldly, calculating.
“Does it matter?” He says, “Keep your word, and you won’t be on the receiving end.”
You take a sip of your water nervously, looking around the diner. Though still not exceptionally busy, you’ve both nearly finished your food (well, Mark has, you've picked away at yours), and more people are trickling in the door. If you continue to talk here, it may become more difficult to avoid being overheard.
Wouldn’t that be a good thing, for you?
“Let’s finish up,” Mark says, as though he’s been reading your mind, “We can meet up again later. I'm going to ask you more about this mystery fourth person. So keep your eyes open," he pauses, and huffs. "Or closed, I guess."
"And Kerry will be fine?" You ask, insistently, "She's a good person, Hoffman."
"Is she?" He challenges, "she wasn't exactly discreet with Matthews. And she knew he was dirty. As far as I can tell, you're her only friend."
"Oh, and you didn't know?" You snap back, defensive, "If she deserves to be tested, we all do."
Mark stands, putting on his coat. "Yeah. Or most, at least." He replies in agreement.
"Come on," he adds, his hand on the small of your back again. You can't tell if it's meant to be possessive, threatening, or whether he's done it without even thinking about it. Perhaps surprisingly, it doesn't feel as uncomfortable this time around. "I'll walk you home. Wouldn't want anything to happen to you."
A worm has been planted in your mind, and it feeds.
Over the next week, you feel more torn than you think you've ever felt in your life. Mark Hoffman's words bore into your mind, repeating over and over, with the echos of his pain piercing through you in random intervals. You flit between feeling angry at the situation you're in, and wanting to go to Kerry and lay it all out on the table, to a strange feeling of camaraderie with Mark Hoffman.
It's a downside you've always had to reading someone, and inviting them in- you feel connected with them, permanently. Once you see through their eyes, and feel what they feel, it's hard for you to just pull away again. A piece of them remains.
It was like you were being tested yourself. By connecting with the worst possible person, you were pushing yourself- how strained could the connection be, how adverse to your own interest, while you still feel like you're on the same side?
You lie awake at night, replaying your conversation with Mark in your mind. Thinking of all the hurt you'd ever felt, yours and everyone's, echoing forever.
Needless to say- you weren't doing great. And the fact that you weren't sleeping well didn't help.
Dreams came frequently after that shared dinner with Mark Hoffman. You dreamt alternately of horrible panic, the feeling of being trapped, and physical pain that makes you wake up sobbing. So many images form in your mind that it's hard to keep track- scalpels, keys, case files, teeth, distorted statues, the smell of antiseptic.
You text it all to Mark as it comes to you. Anyone looking at your text log would think you were both insane.
But still, you tell him your dreams, and he listens. You theorize about the fourth person together, like you're trying to solve the case. You trade tidbits, make suggestions, and rule out others.
You kind of... like texting him.
[2:33AM - Outgoing] Just woke up with the image of a blonde woman in my head. I don't know who she is.
[2:37AM - Incoming] could be jill tuck. ex-wife.
[2:39AM - Incoming] Photo Message
[2:42AM - Outgoing] Nope, sorry. Not her.
[2:45AM - Incoming] i thought maybe she was the 4th
[2:47AM - Outgoing] Blonde woman didn't feel like the 4th. Looked like a scientist of some kind? Idk. Wearing a white lab coat.
[2:49AM - Outgoing] I also got a red room with a bunch of pictures. Like Polaroids maybe? Hung up I think. Not sure if it was connected to the blonde woman.
[2:50AM - Incoming] that ones a red herring. already happened
[2:52AM - Outgoing] Ugh
[2:56AM - Outgoing] How long is this going to last?
[2:57AM - Incoming] what
[2:59AM - Outgoing] You keeping me as your pet psychic
[3:00AM - Incoming] you think i'm planning to stop?
[3:01AM - Incoming] you'd better get used to me.
[3:02AM - Incoming] remember. delete these.
[3:04AM - Outgoing] Yeah, yeah. Do you ever sleep?
[3:05AM - Incoming] when i'm not being woken up by txts
[3:08AM - Incoming] lets meet this weekend
[3:08AM - Incoming] I want to show you something
(author's note: the true dynamic is emerging! and yes, I had to go on a little sidebar on how seth baxter's sentence could have actually been reversed. i'm a prosecutor, I can't help myself.)
TAG LIST: @icarusinstatic @honimello @haven-is-happy @thebrideofcaliban
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nativestarwrites · 2 months
”We need to get you into a hospital.” 👀👀
Thanks for the prompt! I hope you enjoy this little ficlet,
Jamie calls in sick for morning training with an upset stomach, but Roy has a hunch that something more serious is wrong.
The new key scrapes in the lock, stiff and awkward, mimicking how Roy feels. He shouldn’t be here, using the spare key Jamie gave him only last week. But something hadn’t been right with that phone call. Something in Jamie’s voice said this was more than an upset stomach, more than the minor inconvenience Jamie had waved off with I’ll be fine, coach.
And now, Jamie hadn’t answered the door.
“Jamie?” Roy calls out as he steps into the dark and quiet house. “It’s me, where are you?”
There’s a muffled curse from upstairs and Roy follows it to find Jamie curled up in bed, feverish, shivering and pale.
“The fuck you doing here, Roy? I called to cancel, didn’t I?” Jamie doesn’t sound sure of himself at all and Roy’s worry cranks up another gear.
“Came anyway. Wanted to make sure you weren’t faking,” Roy lies.
“Oh. Thanks.”
Jamie’s voice is flat, void of emotion and Roy’s not sure if he’s seen straight through Roy’s excuse or it’s simply exhausted sarcasm. There’s no bravado here, Jamie’s not even trying to pretend he’s feeling anything other than awful.
“This doesn’t look like food poisoning.”
“Mmm,” Jamie sluggishly answers and Roy’s hand is on Jamie’s forehead before he remembers that this isn’t Phoebe, this is a fully gown man who is--
Burning up like a hot furnace.
“Did you take anything?” Roy asks.
“Some painkillers, just waiting for them to kick in.”
“When did you take them?”
“A while ago,” Jamie replies miserably.
They clearly haven’t helped much, Jamie’s wrapped protectively around his stomach, and Roy recognises the careful breathing of someone trying to control pain. It sparks a distant memory for Roy. Of being curled up around pain, of his mum’s hand brushing through his hair before he was bundled up in blankets and rushed to the doctor.
“Show me where it hurts?”
Jamie groans, but Roy can’t remember the last time he didn’t do what his coach asked of him and the duvet is reluctantly pulled down. Jamie waves at the area Roy was afraid of. Telegraphing his movements slowly, Roy waits until he gets a confused nod from Jamie before he presses down on his lower abdomen, careful but firm. Jamie moans in pain, swiping ineffectively at Roy’s hands. But when Roy lets go--
Jamie shouts in pain.
“Fucking hell, Roy. The fuck you do that for?” Jamie eventually gets out, his voice shaking as much as his body and he rides out the waves of agony.
“We need to get you to a hospital.”
“What?” Jamie whispers, confused, as if Roy’s just told him he’s dying. “Why?”
“I’m not a doctor, but my sister is and I also had appendicitis when I was ten,”
Jamie’s eyes turn wide but he doesn’t move.
“Look, if I’m wrong you can have a pass on burpees for the month,” Roy offers, not adding that if he’s right then Jamie will still be getting that pass on burpees, for a lot longer than a month. “But you need to get this checked out.”
“Fucking hate burpees,” Jamie mutters but he’s moving, cautiously getting himself upright with Roy’s hand steadying him.
An hour later, Jamie’s off to emergency surgery.
And Roy sits in the waiting room, really fucking glad he didn’t ignore that feeling in his gut.
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abiiors · 9 months
hey! I loved your Matty sick blurb yesterday 🥺 idk if you’re still taking blurb requests but I’d love to read a Matty x reader one where the reader has hurt their foot/ankle or something and Matty gets really protective whenever they try to move and look after themself (as they do stubbornly do) rather than letting Matty do it
hello hello <33, this is the last blurb i’m doing for now so i am no longer accepting requests for new ones. i’m so sorry if i missed yours. sometimes, they just don’t inspire any ideas but it’s very possible that two weeks from now i’d come up with something for them. so idk, stay tuned? can’t make promises tho…
quite sappy, but what else did we expect from me...
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“no, no, no, where are you going!” matty hurries over to you, arm instantly around your waist to help you sit back on the bed. 
he’s been like this since yesterday—the overbearing mother hen—ever since you got back from the a&e with a fresh cast on your leg; from your foot to your shin. 
“need to use the loo, baby,” you tell him patiently. he’s only worried about you, just being the concerned boyfriend. plus you are still in pain despite the painkillers so you don’t blame him entirely. yet matty has been watching you like a hawk. 
“so you need to call me!” he scolds, pulling you up again. “no pressure on your ankle, that’s what the doctors said.”
you sigh, giving in. he’s right and when he’s holding you, it hurts less. plus it’s nice being taken care of.
“get out,” you tell him gently but firmly when matty settles you on the toilet. “you’re not watching me pee, matthew, i am not a child.”
he looks like he’s about to protest, throwing his hands up like a teenager before he walks out. he stops at the door though, pointing a finger at you. “i’m standing outside, yeah? call me when you’re done.”
with narrowed eyes, you wait for him to leave. finally some peace. 
he’s been like this for 24 hours now, hovering and over-protective and frankly getting on your last nerve the more he insists on doing everything for you. so you take your time in the bathroom, breathing a sigh of relief and then immediately feeling guilty. 
he’s only worried. it’s not like he’s doing it deliberately. so you get up, grabbing the counter for support and flush the toilet, immediately cringing once you realise what’s about to happen. 
matty bursts in not even two seconds later. “i told you to call me! sweetheart, you’re going to hurt yourself again.”
the tone of his voice grates on you. irritation bubbles in your chest. 
“you could have at least knocked!” you scoff, hobbling over to the sink to wash your hands. his hands are on your waist a second later, steadying you. “what if i were still naked, huh?”
in the mirror, you see him roll his eyes. “i’ve seen you naked a million times.”
“and what if i was still on the toilet?”
“well, you weren’t.”
it takes saintly patience not to scream out in frustration, even more so when he insists on practically carrying you back to bed. six more weeks of this. and then four more weeks of physio after that. the irritation burns stronger. 
“i can walk!” you try not to push him away. “well… i can hobble.”
“absolutely not!” matty responds firmly, about to pick you up and that’s when the restraint snaps. 
“jesus christ, can you stop!” you snap at him, immediately regretting it when his face falls. one thing you know about matty is that he has the remarkable ability to look like a kicked puppy when he’s sad. and right now, it’s working too well on you, making the guilt grow. 
“no, i’m sorry sweetheart, i didn’t mean to snap at you,” you sigh immediately taking hold of his face. he’s just worried, your annoyance was entirely unwarranted. 
“it’s alright,” he tries to smile, “i know you’re in pain—”
“it’s not that,” you cut him off quickly. to your utter annoyance, a twinge of pain shoots up your leg right then, making you groan. matty is onto you immediately and you let him lift you this time, let him carry you back to bed. 
“it’s not the pain, matty…” you start explaining once he’s placed a pillow under your leg to make you more comfortable. “i just, you’ve been hovering, love. you’re crowding me a little…”
“oh.” his voice is still small, “um, sorry, i just. i thought you needed help.”
“i do,” you hurry to reassure him. “of course, i need help. i won’t be able to do so many things on my own for a few weeks at least. it’s just… i don’t need you being over-protective 24/7. that’s… i’m sorry, love, but that’s a bit annoying.”
matty listens patiently, nodding along. “you’re right,” he admits finally, “i should let you have some space. i just, i don’t like seeing you in pain.”
“i know, and i love you for helping me out so much since yesterday but i’m fine, sweetheart,” you reassure him once again, feeling a bit lighter when he smiles a little. “the painkillers are helping.”
“you’d tell me though, wouldn’t you? if you need help?”
you nod at him instantly, “i will, i promise.”
matty does smile then, a proper smile, bending down to kiss your shoulder. “do you need me to go for a bit? i can do my own thing. leave you alone if that’s what you want…”
surprisingly enough, you shake your head. “no, i… just stay. and cuddle with me. we can watch something. i do like your company, matty. i just don’t want you treating me like an invalid.”
“cuddles and netflix sounds perfect.” the bed dips as he gets in, pulling you into his chest. “won’t treat you like an invalid, i promise,” he smiles again, dipping to kiss your head. 
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dreamescapeswriting · 2 years
BTS ~ You Go Into Labour On A Plane [Request]
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⤜GENRE: platonic friend with BTS goes into labour, attempted humour, iffy dialogue, over dramatic hehe, angst, fluffy, 
PAIRING: OT7 X Fem!Reader
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - October 2022
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"Walking is good for you when you're on a plane, it stops blood clots," Jimin stated as you began to waddle up and down the main part of the private jet, your hands holding onto your lower back as you let out a small groan every time you moved. Maybe getting onto a plane when you were 8 months pregnant had been a mistake but you'd been cleared for travel and it was part of your job. The boys had just finished their last night of the tour and now all of you were flying home and you were pretty happy about it too, you'd missed your own bed and the comfort of your home. You never would have gone on the tour if it hadn't been for the fact that you were the member's manager and it was part of your job description. 
"Did she kick you today yet? I'm still pissed I haven't got to feel it." Taehyung grumbled as he watched you waddling past his seat, all of the members were like uncles to your unborn daughter and each of them was excited to finally meet her. 
"Not yet, she's being quiet which is unusual for her," You admitted with a shy giggle, whimpering a little when you suddenly felt a sharp pain in your back but you put it down to pregnancy pains. You stopped beside Jungkook's seat and rested your hands on it for a couple of seconds, leaning yourself forward as you felt another pain beginning to radiate through your back,
"S-Shit," You grunted a little, turning to look over at Jin who was staring back at you with widened eyes, his face instantly began to pale as he thought about what this was all going to mean.
"Did Yn wet herself?" Jungkook asked from behind you, you slowly looked down at the puddle on the floor and you blubbered a little as tears began to rush to your eyes. The movies and all of the shows you'd watched over the years had lied to you, your waters broke and it wasn't some massive splash it was a tiny pop followed by a little water. Instantly the small panic you'd been experiencing before began to bubble over inside of you as you realised that you were currently 42,000 feet in the air with no doctor around you and no painkillers that were going to be able to get rid of the effects of your contractions. 
"Is it what I think it is?!" Jimin yelled out suddenly, your eyes turning to look at the member who was closest to you and you nodded instantly reaching out to hold onto him as you felt a burst of pain radiating up and down your back. Alarms began to ring in each of the member's minds as they realised that this was the moment that they'd been waiting for for months and it was finally going to happen...Only they weren't as prepared as they thought that they were going to be. There was no hospital close by, your "to go" bags were at the studios and at your home where you weren't and there was no way you were going to be able to give birth on a plane. 
As Jimin slowly walked you over to you your body began to shake as you thought about it more and more. This wasn't supposed to happen yet, you were supposed to have more time but it appeared as though babies were destined to come whenever they pleased.
"S-Someone get blankets! Someone get some warm water!" Hoseok started ordering the members around as Jimin slowly laid back his chair for you to take before he helped you sit down. Thank god for private jets, at least you weren't going to be disrupting an entire plane of passengers with your delivery but this wasn't exactly where you had imagined bringing your daughter into the world and especially not with the men you worked with helping you deliver. In all of the times, you'd planned the hospital trips the members were going to be waiting in the waiting room, not in the delivery room with you. 
"I-I'm not having the baby on a plane!" You yelled out to Namjoon who was suddenly by your side and telling Jimin to go and help Taehyung with blankets and towels. Jungkook had disappeared toward the front of the plane and somehow talked his way into the cockpit and you were beginning to freak out. All of them seemed to be pretty okay with you giving birth on a plane in front of them but that was the last thing you wanted.
"You'll be fine, the baby will be fine," Namjoon assured you but you grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him so that he was face to face with you. Your skin was burning as you thought about delivering a baby while you were flying through the sky, 
"I'm not giving birth on a plane Namjoon, no hell no way!" You warned him as he smiled weakly at you he didn't want you to do this either but it wasn't as though you had much of a choice if your contractions were already starting.
"It's not time, she's not supposed to deliver for another month," Jin said in a panicked tone, his eyes almost as wide as yours as he rushed over to you and shook his head. He continued to ramble on about how nothing was ready to back home for the baby and that all of them were supposed to be finishing things off which in turn only made you panic more.
"The nursery isn't done! Neither is the one in Yoongi's studio," He told Namjoon as you whined and squeezed onto the armrests of the chair slowly turning to see Yoongi who was fast asleep in the chair beside you. All of the boys were being so nice to you, they always had been but since getting pregnant they had been more attentive to you, especially since your boyfriend had left you when he discovered you were pregnant. There was supposed to be a nursery inside of Yoongi's studio so that you could come to work and still have the baby with you at all times, HYBE had been completely accommodating to you.
"Everything will be fine, Yn isn't going to give birth on the plane," Yoongi said calmly as he slowly opened his eyes to look at you and you whimpered a little. Usually, Yoongi's calm words and demeanour were enough to reassure you but right now they were doing nothing to aid you. Everything didn't feel as though it was going to be fine, in fact, it felt as though everything was falling apart around you.
"So help me Yoongi if I deliver this baby on a plane I will make you help me deliver the baby," You warned him as he slowly sat up and looked down at his watch,
"It's only been two minutes since your first contraction, as long as you're not having another one so soon we have plenty of time until we can get you to land," Yoongi looked at you and you smiled weakly at him trying to get his words to stay in your mind. He'd been going to a lot of the birthing classes with you whenever he had the chance to and you were thankful that at least one of you had been paying attention to the classes. 
"The pilot said he's going to radio the closest airport and find out if we can do an emergency landing," Jungkook said as he was panting heavily,
"I also have a nurse on the phone that said she'll be willing to go through birthing techniques if the time comes," Jungkook thought that he was helping but bringing back the thought of delivering only made you panic once again.
"I am NOT giving birth on this plane!" You yelled at him, groaning as you began to worry about having your daughter in the middle of the air. While it would be a great story to tell it wasn't exactly one that you wanted to do, what if something went wrong? What if you ended up hurting her? The boys didn't know the first thing about delivering a baby.
"She asked if you know how dilated you are," Jungkook asked while staring at you innocently, you whimpered and shook your head at him. How in the hell were you supposed to know how dilated you were? You'd only just started having contractions surely you were 1 cm? Why didn't anyone teach you this from a young age, why were you only ever given one birthing class on the actual Birth?!
"I don't know," You cried out and shook your head, your eyebrows knitting together as you wondered about how you were supposed to check that by yourself.
"I can check," Jungkook said before you screamed at him to get away from you, you stared him in the eyes and he could have sworn it felt as though he was being stared at by the devil. There was no way you were going to let any of them look under your skirt even if it was for medical purposes.
"I'm fine. The baby is fine, I haven't had another contraction yet." You whispered even though you were mostly trying to convince yourself of that more than you were the members.
"Is the baby going to just shoot out? Do we need to catch it?!" Jimin asked with a grossed-out look on his face, everyone slowly turned to look at him before Jungkook pulled him away from you. 
"The pilot is going to do an emergency landing," Hoseok called out from near the cock pit, he was simply refusing to come any closer to you as he didn't want to risk seeing anything.
"See, everything will be completely fine!" Hoseok added before you glared over in his direction,
"I'm about to push a baby out of my vagina everything is far from fine!" You yelled out before another contraction began to hit you, instantly your right and left hands were taken by Yoongi and Namjoon who were coaching you through your breathing. It was going to be a long flight until you landed if this was what you were going to be dealing with, your eyes slowly landed on Jin who now looked like he was going to pass out. 
"Someone catch Jin," You whined out, rolling your head back against the seat in pain while you heard shuffling from the men as they went to help their eldest member. 
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"Fuck me," You whimpered as you laid your head back against the seat, you were drenched in sweat and the plane was filled with the sounds of a crying baby girl.
"Congratulations mummy," The nurse said as she gently laid your little girl against your chest, your eyes softening as all of the pain you'd been feeling for the last hour slowly faded away from you. This must have been what people meant when they said that the pain of birth melted away as soon as you looked into the eyes of your newborn because you'd forgotten everything the second you held her. 
"I'll send the members back on," The nurse chuckled as you nodded at her, your head slowly looking around the private jet that was no doubt going to be in need of a deep clean. The plane had landed before you went into labour but there was no time to get you from the plane to the hospital so you'd had to deliver on the plane but at least the boys weren't there.
"Uncle Jin is here," Jin called out as he walked through the door and smiled at you, he was smiling back at you with a bandaid on his head from where he had passed out earlier in the plane ride.
"Where are her other uncles?" You giggled as he knelt down beside your seat, his hand gently running across your daughter's cheek as he couldn't help but smile.
"Jimin threw up when the nurse came off the plane so they're cleaning him up," He admitted before Yoongi and Namjoon slowly came on board to come and greet the newest edition of the team.
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Tagline:  @millenniumspec @chiisaiblog @rjdy-367 @rjsmochii @tinyoonsblog @sw33tnight @taestannie @cherrybubblesandvodka @army24--7 @acciocriativity @mitzwinchester @heyjiminnie @kimahnjung98 @halesandy @ethereallino @jin-from-the-block @aerastus @namjooningelsewhere @ratherbfangirling @psychosupernatural @afternoonteabiscuit @lyoongx @periandernyx @heeseunger24 @laylasbunbunny @royallyjjk @critssq @pearlygraysky​ @lenfilms​ @btsiguess-kpop​ @meowmeowisdaname​
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I was wondering if you could do a period comfort for Beel, Belphie and/or Levi? I just love these so much!
Thanks so much!
Another request said: Hello, could we please have period comfort with the twins and Levi as well?
A/N: Hii I’m soso glad you liked the other posts thank youu 🙏🏼 and thank you for the requests!!! :D
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Taking care of you on your period part 3
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: blood mention, fainting, mention of dying
Part 1
Part 2
-He very rarely attends class in person and not online, and on one of those rare times you weren’t feeling well so he’s just very confused before you tell him because you keep standing and leaning on the desk which doesn’t look comfortable at all to him
-And it hardly helps you with the pain but it’s all you can really do while you’re in class besides pacing around which you decide to do as well near your desks at the back of the class
-The teacher decides to embarrass you in front of everyone and asks you why you’re not sitting like everyone else instead of coming up to you which makes you feel even worse, and you don’t even have it in you to throw any retorts at them
-Eventually the pain gets really really bad and even after waiting for some time after taking a painkiller it didn’t kick in, so you tell him you’re just going to head back home and so obviously he comes with you because he’s very concerned and even after you tell him the bleeding is normal, he’s heavily questioning if the amount of pain you’re having is really a normal thing for humans
-His room is unsurprisingly a really good distraction considering he has most of the stuff you’d need to be able to stay in there for hours on end (except for proper food, he only has snacks) so once the pain becomes lighter it’s a good place to unwind and get your focus off of the smaller pains
-It also provides light (from the aquarium part) without being overwhelming enough to give you a headache or migraine and it’s the perfect amount of light to still be able to fall asleep with
-He has tons of blankets and I headcanon he has a couple weighted blankets as well and he’d bring them over for you (you could fold a couple to put behind your back and on your thighs to help ease the pain a bit)
-If you’re on the taller side, his bathtub probably won’t be the comfiest considering you’re already in pain and you’d have to put yourself in an uncomfortable position that would put you in more pain and also share the tiny space with Levi on top of all that, so if you’re not willing to deal with the hassle it’s best you just both go to your room and have him carry all the blankets there for you 
-He starts off embarrassed about buying you period products, but he gets over it pretty quickly after thinking about how much pain you’re in and how much effort he’s saving you, along with the fact that anyone who mocks him for it probably isn’t able to get into a relationship of their own
-Overall, he’s really good with everything but there’s a chance he’ll get the wrong product even though he checks your messages a bunch of times to make sure 😭😭 for example, he might get the right size pad but without wings, but he does learn quickly luckily for you
-He’s naturally very warm which most of the time is really cozy and nice but during the times when it’s warmer out or when your body is really hot on its own due to the pain it can get a bit overwhelming
-At the same time though you don’t want to distance yourself physically because then everything just feels even more off, so cuddling with the AC on and a fan blasting while you have a couple light blankets covering you are the best, especially feeling yourself drift off when the sleeping conditions are so perfect and he’s rubbing your back
-Has a tendency to be a bit suffocating with his arms when you two are cuddling so you have to squirm around a bit to figure out a comfy position
-Constantly picks you up with no problem (which all of the brothers can do technically he’s just the one who does it the most often) so that you don’t have to move if you want to go to your room or somewhere else. He has no shame in it too he’ll just carry on like it’s the most normal thing in the world and he’ll act like anyone who judges is the weird one instead of the other way around lmao
-Definitely the type to tell you to focus on resting instead of stressing over your schoolwork, since even if you stress it’s not like you’re able to do it anyway when you’re not feeling well (even if it does sound kind of harsh) so he offers to help you write an email to your teachers to ask for an extension on the deadlines because you aren’t feeling well
-Some teachers are more understanding than others, and the latter ones just get mad at you for not having started sooner, and so you’re still worried you’ll get marks deducted if you hand anything in late
-So in the end he does your work for you 🥺 he doesn’t want you to start slacking in your classes because of him but he doesn’t want you to be in so much pain and also be stressing out about something that seems so insignificant to him at the same time, so he decides to just do it for you even if it takes him a while to understand the material from classes he’s not in
-He gets you basically everything while you rest and doesn’t make any comments about you not being productive or anything that might make you feel bad for relaxing
-He’s still constantly hungry (as usual) but he does his best to push it aside so he can take care of you, especially if you’re cuddling and you fall asleep on him, he doesn’t wanna risk waking you up 
-Though he will probably text one of his brothers asking them to grab him something from the kitchen (how likely are they to actually do it though 😭)
-Sometimes when you’re taking a bath to relieve the pain you want pressure on your lower stomach at the same time but it's a lot of effort to keep your hands on your stomach at the same time as you’re trying to fully relax your body, so he does it for you while taking a bath together. If you’re at the stage where you can literally bathe together why would he be shy about touching your stomach if it’s not a problem for you?
-He definitely knows about periods from Lilith, I imagine she’d learn about it after visiting the human world and them both being horrified at the thought, because why is it necessary to make them bleed so often? Why not once a year instead?
-Despite this though I don’t think he’d know too many of the details, and since he’s never had actual firsthand experience helping someone with it, it would take him a while to adjust to the fact that there are so many other problems that come along with getting your period, not just blood 😔
-I’m not sure if this is canon but if it’s not, I have a headcanon that he can put others to sleep so that would definitely come in handy pretty often. You’d be in too much pain to fall asleep on your own and you can’t stay still enough to keep trying so you’re just ranting about it to him and he offers, so obviously you accept and then you wake up a few hours later feeling much better
-One problem that you encounter quite often is him falling asleep on you, which is fine on its own, but after some time it stops being comfortable for you. But he’s pretty hard to move when he’s asleep so you have to fight for your life to free yourself 
-And then all your hard work trying to move without disturbing him (which hardly ever happens anyway) is thrown away because he wakes up as soon as you get out of his grip smh
-A good thing about Belphie specifically when you’re in pain is that he’s down to lie down and sleep literally anywhere so if you think that lying down on the floor in the middle of his room with a heating pad on your stomach will help your back pain and cramps he’s down, doesn’t even take any convincing from you he’ll just do it
-Even though he still feels a bit awkward helping you and isn’t always sure what you need him to do, he starts to put in a lot more effort in accompanying you everywhere after a while
-More specifically, after you told him about how you were once home alone and the pain was so bad you thought you were genuinely about to die, and no one was answering your messages either. And about the time you forced yourself to go out even though you weren’t feeling well and nearly passed out
-Both stories really concern him so he starts going with you literally everywhere when you’re on your period because he’s slightly paranoid that you’ll end up being left alone somewhere and you actually will die from it, and he’ll have no idea until after it’s too late 
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clock-06 · 4 months
Had a conversation with that same able bodied neurotypical guy from a few months ago except this time one of my girl classmates was part of it.
It started after I left our lab table to go get pain killers and he was like “what’d you just take” and I told him “painkillers” and he asked why and I did a brief explanation of hEDS, ie; so I lack the connective tissue you have so my muscles hold everything together and they get tired and stuff slips, I took those specifically for a rib slipping. And he gave me the typical able bodied look of horror and then the girl in our group is just like “oh yea I took four pain killers this morning” and we high fived and he looked even more terrified. He looked flabbergasted when we talked about our mutual large doses of high strength painkillers it takes to get through the day.
We then go into a conversation about our experiences with pain killers, why we use them, and the shittiest times we have to take them (for her it’s migraines that she gets for an entire week each month where they’re bad enough she vomits) and I’m like oh those absolutely suck I’m sorry they’re that bad and at one point the guy chimes back in with “I can’t remember the last time I had to take pain killers” and we’re both just like :| good for you buddy.
As we keep talking, she reveals that earlier in the month she was in enough pain and delirium that she accidentally got drugged by non-human approved medicine that her mom told her to take (her mom later realized her mistake and apologized profusely). Her dog had gone through surgery and she’d accidentally taken those pain killers for her migraine, and found she was almost physically incapable of moving once it kicked in. She brings up that she thought she was dead once she realized the medicine wasn’t approved and was just laying there unmoving waiting for it. Guy classmate looks like he’s never heard anything worse and is shocked and irked when I sympathize with her.
During this conversation, we bring up the medical malpractice and consistent disbelieving of AFAB patients seeking pain relief. This is something I’m glad to be seeing more stories about online and more awareness being brought to, but it’s a continuing problem in the medical community. And it’s even worse for women or afab individuals of color, as medical students tend to continue to be taught POC are “naturally more resistant to pain” and therefore don’t need pain killers. This, combined with drug abuse stigma, blocks a ton of POC from getting the proper care they need. This problem is only made worse when coupled with commonly misdiagnosed or overlooked chronic illnesses/pain, and it is absolutely disgusting and horrific the amount of people who die or are permanently affected by this kind of malpractice.
Disbelief towards POC and AFAB individuals when it comes to medical situations and pain can and does hurt and kill people. There is a problem with the system which causes many to seek alternative and potentially dangerous treatment/relief, and many people are in enough pain that they will take anything with little question behind what it is they’re taking if it will help them feel better in the moment. Next time someone tells you they’re in pain or you see them take pain killers seemingly out of nowhere, don’t judge them or ask them invasive questions, try to have more empathy and if possible, make things you’re doing easier for them to handle. (Don’t overdo it obviously, but like, maybe get them in a chair with backing instead of a stool if possible or have a place where they could sit when they would otherwise be forced to stand)
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attic-club-sandwich · 2 years
After some thoughts, I'm deciding to post this again....but with very detailed notes about the reader!
Summary: A short drabble about MC getting their period for the first time since regaining their human form in the Devildom.
Mammon x AFAB! MC
CW: MC has a vagina and menstruates. Period content and blood mentions.
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Being stuck as a sheep in the Devildom was hard, but you were beginning to think that being a human in the Devildom was even harder. Since you regained your human form, your body had started to go back to its normal functions, which included your first monthly cycle since being human in the Devildom.  
Your sleep was interrupted all night long due to the dull ache of cramps in your lower abdomen…unfortunately you knew that ache well. Your period had started in the middle of the night, and you had completely forgotten to get any sort of products for it. Not that you even knew how to go about asking any of the demon brothers. You reach over to your bedside table to check your phone. Squinting, you could make out that it read 3 a.m. Of course. You sigh, kicking the covers off of yourself and head to the bathroom.  As you sit on the toilet contemplating your next move, your phone buzzes. Who would be up at this hour? You thought as you reached for your phone once again. You had a text message from him.
“Yo, MC! I can’t sleep. Are you up?”
Your heart begins to beat faster at the thought of the white haired demon texting you this late at night. 
“Yes. But I won’t be much fun…I'm not feeling the greatest.”
“What?! Why didn’t you say something sooner?! I’ll be right there!” 
You can’t help but giggle as you picture him hopping out of bed and tripping over his own feet as he struggles to put on the closest nearby article of clothing. Because he has nothing on when he sleeps, you thought. You felt your cheeks heating up as you shook your head, this is no time to be fantasizing about the Avatar of Greed. 
You quickly stumble out of the bathroom and pull on a pair of shorts as you hear a knock at your door. “MC, I’m comin’ in, okay?” You turned around to meet Mammon’s gaze as he looked you up and down. “W-Wait. Why do you smell like blood? What the hell happened?!” You sighed as you sat down on your bed, Mammon taking the spot next to you. “I’m okay Mams. I uh, just got my period is all…” It seems to take him a few moments to process what you said. “Your period…? Oh wait, I think I remember reading about that somewhere…in one of Satan’s books about humans.” You nodded. “Yeah, my fragile human body is making me feel a bit sick right now.” Mammon hummed as he  gently placed his hand on your forehead. “Well you’re feelin’ a little warm, and it’s my job to take care of the fragile human! So tell me what you need and I'll get it for ya!” You giggled at his enthusiasm. “Well for one, I need some supplies…I never got anything while I was a sheep.” Mammon nods and jumps up, I’ll go get ya some right away. Need anything else?” You hummed, bringing your hand to your chin as you thought for a moment. “Painkillers, for sure. And snacks.” The second born nodded. “Sure, you relax and I’ll be right back!” He was about to leave your bedroom when he hesitated. “Wait a minute, let me tuck ya in so I know you’ll stay put!” Your eyes widened in surprise as Mammon made his way back towards your bed. “Go on, lay down!” You giggled and slid back under your covers. Mammon pulled the blankets up around you and gently tucked the sides around your body. “Good. Now stay where you are and I’ll be back with everything you need. I’m gonna hack into Levi’s Akuzon account. That way it gets delivered here ASAP!”
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x-bluefire-heart-x · 2 years
Please be more careful
I have started to re watch Law and Order SVU. I haven’t gotten to Rafael’s seasons yet but I got hit with this little fluff piece. I hope you like it and I hope I did Rafael’s character well.
Master List
Prompt List
Warning for slight mention of injury and violence. But no graphic descriptions.
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“I promise it is not as bad as it looks,” you tried to play it off as Olivia stood beside you at the back of the ambulance. “I have had worst.”
“Y/N you got stabbed,” Olivia sighed gesturing towards the bandage wrapped around your waist.
“Lightly, it didn’t go to deep and they were able to stitch here no-” You were interrupted by a panicked voice shouted your name. Olivia looked towards the shout waving for the uniforms to allow ADA Rafael Barba pass. He strode quickly towards the two of you, eyes wide as they took in the bandage and the blood-stained shirt hanging of your shoulders.
“Are you okay?” he reached out for you before he stopped. You smiled gently at him reaching for his hand and grabbing it tightly. Olivia patted your shoulder and left the two of you alone. Rafael stepped closer to you, his other hand reaching up and cupping your cheek, his thumb stroking your skin.
“Rafi, I’m fine,” you smiled. “It was just a light stabbing and you should see that other guy.” Rafael huffed at a laugh, eyes glancing down at the bandage before looking back up at you. His face while slightly amused was full of concern.  
“Carino, a stabbing is never light,” Rafael responded with a tone of both exasperation and amusement. “How did it happen?”
“The perp managed to get the jump on me while I was getting the victim out,” you shrugged. “He managed to stab me before I could react but that was all he managed to do before I knocked him out against the wall. The knife didn’t get to go in too deep, so only a few stitches.” Rafael bent down and gently kissed your forehead. He looked up towards the EMT coming back to the ambulance.
“Are they could to go?” he asked not trusting that you weren’t undermining the injury.
“Yes sir, the Detective only sustained a small injury, the stitches will dissolve on their own,” the EMT agreed. “They can’t do any strenuous activity and shouldn’t return to work for a few days.”
“Thank you,” you smiled at the EMT and stood up tugging on your bloody shirt to make sure it stayed on. Rafael pulled his hoodie off, taking your shirt and replacing it with his hoodie. “Thank you love.” He moved to your right side away from the injury. He offered you his arm and you grinned placing your hand in the crook of his arm.
“Come on, you’ll be staying with me while you recover,” Rafael stated not leaving any room for argument. He led you towards a cab, and opened the door for you helping you before sliding in behind you. He gave his address to the driver and allowed you settled into his side resting your head on his shoulder.
“Oh? Well, twist my arm, I guess I can stay with you, it’ll such a rough time,” you giggled. “…I think the painkillers are kicking in fully now.” You blinked.
“I think they are, but that’s probably a good thing,” he agreed. “And you heard the EMT no strenuous activity. So, you’ll be resting and not lifting a finger.”
“Rafi,” you whined. “I got lightly stabbed in the side, I didn’t even need to go to the hospital, I don’t need you to wait on me.”
Rafael smiled softly at you and brushed your hair out of your eyes as you blinked up at him. He raised your hand to his lips and gently kissed the knuckles.
“Let me, please,” he whispered. “I was worried when Olivia called me. My heart was in my throat until I saw you.”
“I’m sorry,” you whispered as well matching his tone.
“No Carino, you don’t need to apologise, I know your job is dangerous,” Rafael kissed your knuckles again, looking away as the cab arrived at his address.
He paid the bill and helped you out. Your adrenaline was wearing off and the painkillers were starting to make you sleepy. He was careful as he wrapped his arm low around your hips letting you put your full weight on him.  He led you up to his apartment careful of your injury. He led you to his room and sat you down on his bed where you swayed a little.
“I’ll get you some clothes to sleep in, and then we can go to sleep, okay?” he said going to his dresser to grab some baggy sweat pants and one of his old Harvard shirts. You nodded and reached up to try and unzip Rafael’s hoodie but your fingers didn’t wanna cooperate.
“Rafi, I can’t get the zipper,” you pouted looking up at him. “Help?” He tried to hold back his smile as you looked up at him eyes slightly hazy from the painkillers. He placed the bundle of clothes on the bed beside you before coming to stand between your legs.
“Alright,” he nodded.
“No funny business though,” you added tapping his thigh. “No strenuous activity.” A light giggle left your lips as you looked up at him. “But after I’m cleared...” you trailed off as he managed to get you undressed and helped you into his borrowed clothes.
“Yeah, yeah,” he muttered losing the battle with his amusement. He helped you get under the covers. “Come on, let’s get some rest.”
He went through a shortened routine before joining you. You automatically snuggled up to him turning so your back was to him and wiggled until he sighed and slotted himself against your back and gently wrapped his arm around you. He kissed the back of your neck breathing you in. His fingers trailed up and down your stomach.
“I’m okay Rafael,” your assured him grabbing his hand and bringing it to your lips. Before putting it back and linking your fingers together.
“I know, just please be more careful,” he breathed squeezing your fingers. “I know that’s a lot to ask but I love you to the stars Carino.”
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Elijah x daughter!reader - common illnesses
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Elijah as a dad. 💰rich mans. Anyway him looking after you after u get the flu - @genderfluidsanta 💜
Elijah was familiar with human illnesses, but when you started to grow ill, worry took over him and he quickly made you get back into bed.
“It’s just a cold dad, relax!” You laughed.
“Absolutely not, you need rest.”
You smiled as you watched him walk away.
You didn’t know how lucky you managed to get when Elijah decided you were the little girl he wanted to adopt all those years ago.
He eventually told you about what he and the rest were, and you were okay with it.
You loved them, and they loved you and always looked after you, you knew they wouldn’t hurt you.
Elijah went to the store to grab everything he needed, but when he came back he found Rebekah in your room pressing a cold cloth to your head.
“What happened?!”
He rushed to your side, quickly taking over while she picked up the bowl.
“I have no idea, she called me saying she didn’t feel well and when I came in she was sweating. Her temperature is through the roof. Nik went to get some more stuff for you, I’m going to get more water.”
Elijah nodded and kicked his shoes off, climbing on to the bed to sit next to you, holding you against him as he held the cold cloth to your forehead.
He could feel the heat radiate from you, and as you coughed he hears you groan in pain.
He was gone for maybe an hour, he didn’t understand how you could take such a turn for the worse.
“Dad…” you groaned out.
Elijah quickly moved the cloth away, letting you tilt your head back slightly.
“I’m here. Everything is okay.”
“It hurts…”
You groaned again and curled in on yourself and he quickly started to go through the bag.
Grabbing a bottle of water from it, he opened it and grabbed the painkillers.
“I need you to sit up for me (Y/N).” He spoke gently.
You tried, and it broke him to see you in so much pain.
He helped you up and placed the pain killers in your hand, letting you take them before he handed you the bottle of water to wash them down.
Rebekah came back with some more cold water.
She waited for Elijah to lay you back down before passing it over.
“Thank you Rebekah.”
She nodded and left, leaving Elijah to look after you. There wasn’t much she could do.
Elijah stayed by your side for hours, even as Klaus came back with some more medication for you and some other things he was told would help.
The other two came in and out but Elijah sat there, making sure to help you feel better.
You fell asleep briefly, but you’d always wake up again in pain.
He didn’t know what to do.
Was this something feeding you his blood would fix? Was it worth trying?
As he looked at you, curled in on yourself as you slept, sweat rolling down your face he decided it was worth trying yet.
Maybe you just needed time.
He didn’t sleep that night, he stayed up, waking you up whenever you needed a drink, or needed to take more medication.
A few days slipped by and he was growing more and more worried. Your temperature hasn’t gone up, but it was taking its time to go down as well.
You hadn’t eaten, no matter how many times they all asked you to eat something, even if it was just a bit, but when you saw the food you couldn’t stomach it.
You fell asleep a while ago, and Elijah went out to grab more things while the other two took turns watching over you.
When he came back, he went back upstairs and you were downing a bottle of water.
“Any better?” He asked.
You shook your head and grumbled as you laid back down, closing your eyes again.
Elijah sighed, walking over he sat next to you and felt your forehead.
“You’re still burning up.” He whispered.
You didn’t reply to him, but you made a small noise.
“Have you taken the medication?” He asked.
You gave a weak nod of your head.
Elijah sighed and nodded his head back, placing a hand on the side of of your face.
“If you are no matter tomorrow we’ll go to the hospital. I’ll be back in a few hours, rest.”
With that, he kissed your head and left the room, pulling the door closed as he went to put everything in medicine cabinet they made for you.
“I wasn’t aware humans could get so sick so fast.” Rebekah said.
“Neither was I. If she’s no better tomorrow we’ll seek help.”
“Have you tried your blood?”
“No, I did speak to her about it but she refuses.”
Rebekah nodded her head and they turned to face klaus as he walked in the room.
“The Bennett witch says she just needs time to recover.”
“Thank you Niklaus.” Elijah said.
With that, he walked away.
When the sun started to rise again Elijah walked into your room and knelt down next to you.
You looked a whole lot better, you weren’t sweating anymore, and you weren’t a pale.
Placing a hand on your head he smiled to himself.
You felt a lot cooler to the touch now.
You looked at ease, and no longer in pain, so he simply got up and left.
When you woke up your head was throbbing, and your body ached, but you felt better compared to what you had felt like.
Sitting up, you looked around.
“Can someone bring me a drink?” You mumbled.
You knew they had heard you because within a minute Elijah came in with a fresh bottle of water and handed it over.
“Thanks dad…”
Quickly drinking it, you took the pain meds he gave you and sighed.
“You seem better.”
“I feel better.” You smiled.
He smiled back and sat next to you, turning your TV on as he handed you the remote, taking a seat next to you on the bed.
Putting your favourite show on, you rested your head on Elijah’s shoulder and closed your eyes.
“Thanks dad…”
“Anytime darling. If you need anything just let me know.”
You nodded and yawned quickly falling back asleep while Elijah scrolled through his phone
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weaksspot · 1 year
early seasons bath time for @demongirlmeg :-) (read on ao3)
Dean’s arm is fucked up, worse than just tape-a-plastic-bag-over-it-and-shower-anyway fucked up—his wrist and several fingers got smashed pretty bad and a whole lot of skin got torn off when he was dragged what felt like a hundred miles an hour down a stretch of asphalt by a screaming spirit, so now he’s all wrapped up in splints and bandages and a course of antibiotics to counter any infection from the god damn dirt and gore that got smeared into the road rash—and Sam is trying to wrangle him into a bath.
Because of course they got the motel room with the busted shower, and of course there aren’t any other rooms available. Of course they got the last one.
“You cannot get into bed like this,” Sam’s saying, in that voice he uses when he thinks Dean’s being bratty. “You’re filthy and you stink, Dean, and you have to let me clean your face up anyway. You’re still bleeding.”
“It’s a head wound. Head wounds do that,” Dean says, churlish. He knows he’s whining but he can’t help it; he’s woozy from the adrenaline of the hunt ebbing out of him and from the painkillers the nurse gave him. The side of his face is glowing hot where the skin is all raw. He had to let Sam drive them back to the motel. He wants to go to sleep.
“Look—I’ll put fucking bubbles in it, if you want, but you need to take a bath.”
Dean groans.
He looks up at Sam, standing over him, his too big baby brother, arms folded and eyebrows raised.
“I’m serious.”
“I ain’t a stray dog.”
“Well, you smell like one,” Sam says, and reaches out and gets his hands under Dean’s arms to haul him up, and there’s no fighting him.
The bathroom is blurry with steam, the air hot. Sam crouches down and unties Dean’s shoelaces for him and then looks like he’s about to go for his belt too so Dean kicks him with his socked foot, scoots him back across the tile a little bit and Sam just snort-laughs and says fine, if you think you don’t need my help. Dean fumbles his belt and jeans open himself, one-handed, and waits for Sam to slide round and face the other way before he actually strips. It’s not that he’s self-conscious. Obviously not. Sometimes it’s just—sometimes it’s just.
He makes it to the bathtub all by himself, leans hard on his good hand as he lowers himself in. It’s almost too hot. Just this side of bearable. Sam looks over again when he hears Dean sink up to his neck, groaning. His fucked up arm dangles useless over the edge of the tub, now and then producing a warm throb of pain.
“Good?” Sam sounds so pleased with himself, the little fucker. Dean closes his eyes and lets the water lap at his chin and doesn’t answer.
Sweetheart that he is, Sam sits there quietly and just lets Dean soak for a good five minutes before he says anything else. But then what he says is: “I’m gonna wash your hair.” Dean’s eyes snap open, and he stares over the side of the tub as Sam shifts onto his knees and shuffles across the scant space.
“I don't need you to wash my damn hair,” he says, but he takes so long to say it that Sam is already shrugging out of his flannel, leaning his elbows onto the edge of the bath. Dean surreptitiously closes his legs where they’d been splayed open, mindlessly comfortable.
“You gonna do it yourself, with one hand?” Sam has his eyebrows raised like he’s being perfectly reasonable. Dean scowls at him.
“Of course I can do it with one hand,” he grumbles. “Just—” he struggles into sitting up a bit more, skin squeaking on the plastic, and sticks his hand out. “Gimme some soap.”
“Shampoo,” Sam corrects him. One eyebrow goes a little higher than the other.
“Whatever. Jesus. They’re the same thing.”
It’s the heat of the water, and of the torn skin, that’s making Dean’s face so warm. Not how close Sam is, kneeling there fully dressed while Dean’s just. In here.
“No they’re not,” Sam tells him, all calm, but there’s a bit of pink in his cheeks, too. In the tip of his nose. He’s the only person in the world that Dean’s ever seen who blushes in the tip of his nose, like he has a cold.
Still—Sam produces a little travel bottle of shampoo, holds it up and squeezes a blob of it into Dean’s hand like he’d asked, and then sits back and watches the ensuing pathetic attempt to scrub it into his hair. He does it, but, Jesus—with the painkillers and the ache in his shoulders and sheer exhaustion, it’s hard. Dean drops his sudsy hand into the water and lets his head clunk back against the bath and glares at the ceiling. Shampoo trickles into the scraped up side of his face, and it stings.
After a minute, Sam says, “You gonna let me help?”
“No,” Dean mumbles. Then he closes his eyes again, and says: “…fine.”
There’s some quiet shuffling beside him, and then Sam’s hand, gentle, on his forehead. Smoothing his hair back, and then—scrubbing, at the crown of his head, just like Dean does himself every time he washes his hair but God, it feels real different when it’s someone else. When it’s Sammy. Dean drops his chin to his chest, eyes tight shut, teeth pressed together, but he can’t do anything about the shiver that goes through him when Sam’s nails scrape softly behind his each ear, over the nape of his neck. A fingertip running along the curve of his ear where blood had stuck and dried.
“Okay?” Sam asks, real low. Real close.
“Shut up,” Dean whispers into his knees.
“Put your head back,” Sam murmurs, and Dean does but slowly, reluctant, eyes still closed. One of Sam’s big hands comes up to cup his hairline, keeping the shampoo from getting into his eyes, as he scoops up palmfuls of water with the other to rinse it out. It’s so careful, so gentle, and it’s exactly what Dean used to do for him when he was little, too little to do it himself. For a second he can’t breathe quite right.
Sam’s hands fall away and Dean opens his eyes. His brother is just sitting there leaning on the edge of the tub like everything is fine and normal, except that his face is almost as red as Dean’s own is.
“We used to do this the other way round,” Dean says. “I used to wash your hair.”
He feels lightheaded. From the painkillers, probably. The adrenaline. The way Sam is looking at him, too steady. Sam’s t-shirt is damp and sticking to his chest. “You had so much damn hair. Never let anybody cut it ’cept me, and when I did you used to scream bloody murder if I snipped off more than the tiniest goddamn bit.” He’s rambling. He shuts his mouth.
Sam is smiling, just slightly. There’s a little smear of blood across his left cheekbone and in this light his eyes look dark. “I remember.”
Sam nods. Still looking at him with all that focus. Dean watches him suck his lip between his teeth and feels his dick twitch. He looks away. Breathes out slowly.
“Dean.” Sam’s voice is low and rough.
Dean shakes his head and doesn’t look at him, can’t look at him, because if he does—if he does. He lifts his not-fucked hand out of the water and rubs it over his face, squeezes hard at his temples. “If I don’t get out of this tub in a minute I’m gonna pass out and drown.”
His brother doesn't say anything for five unsteady breaths. Dean counts them, for something to concentrate on. Then he moves, stands up, and Dean keeps his eyes forward, right forward, does not even think about how if he turned his head he’d be at just the right height to—
“I’ll get you a towel,” Sam says, and Dean swallows the spit that's gathered under his tongue, and mumbles, “thanks, Sammy.”
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