#like photos of kim in cat ears
shou-jpeg · 9 months
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Kim made Chay promise not to set any of their personal photos as his phone wallpaper in case anyone saw. Chay did not keep that promise. Part 17 of ?
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purecantarella · 1 year
A Long Time Coming
not what i really wanted to post for my comeback buT THIS WAS ALREADY HALF WRITTEN SO I THOUGHT JUST RUN WITH IT!! anyway, i hope you all missed me and i will try to get more writing in, i promise. but for now, here yall go!! kim jennie x reader disclaimer/s : none, mostly floof and a touch of angst if you squint
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You think back to your entire life, never once thinking that you'd find yourself in one of the most stereotypical romcom plot trope in the book. Dashing through the airpot, trembling from the cold the rain brought you.
All for her. All for Kim Jennie.
Your entire life was intertwined with hers. Your father had worked closely with her mother during their college years, moving into the same community in New Zealand, both becoming single parents, and above all, had the same wants for their children.
You'd grown up with Jennie, especially with how familiar your parents were with one another. Same daycare, same friend group, same beliefs. It was uncanny how close you two were. You were even aligned to be in the same college, until she announced her intentions to audition for YG Entertainment.
She remembers the argument you two got into.
"You're serious?" You ask as she sits on your bed, trying to reason with you. She could tell from the furrow of your brows and the twitching of your lip just how upset you were. She breathes a sigh, "I just want to follow my own passion, N/n. Not the path our parents paved for us."
You fall back into your desk chair, averting your gaze from your childhood friend, your best friend. Eyes glued to the photo collage she made you during your 15th brithday. Jennie watches your stilled gaze as you stare at your young faces. Standing up to lean over you, placing her hand on yours.
The warmth of her hand sent sparks from your hand to your chest. Brushing the feeling off, you focus on her smile. The brightness radiating from it lighting up every night you slept over, the softness in those cat-like eyes, those soft plush cheeks.
You knew it would be better for her, but damn would you miss her.
"I know it'll be a little different..." She pauses, squeezing your hand gently, "But it'll always be you and me against the world. I could never lose you." The last part only gets past in a breath. Wordlessly, you pull her into a loose embrace. Arms draping around her waist, your head pressed against her chest, "I don't want to lose you either, Jen."
You whisper, silently giving her your blessing to leave as you nuzzle yourself deeper into her. Unbenost to either of you that your father was listening from the door, snacks in hand forgotten.
He watches as Jennie leans down to press her lips to the corner of your hairline, almost missing her saying, "And you'll always have me."
Your father keeps that in mind as you drive her to the airport, watching the tearful goodbye. He keeps it in mind when he watches you fall asleep talking to her. He keeps it in mind when he catches you making out with another woman in your class.
Most of all, he keeps it in mind when Jennie comes back to New Zealand.
"Dad, I was in a meeting. What's up?" You ask, carefully eying your assistant who fends off the angry businessmen. Suddenly, the nerves from the meeting are a distant memory when your father's gruff voice says, "You remember Jennie Kim?"
Your mind goes blank for a minute, previous stress from the meeting fading away as the memories of your first love filling your senses. Each sensation still fresh in your head, on your skin, and in your heart. Your father's words falling on deaf ears.
The last thing you caught before you thank him and tell him you won't be home for dinner is, "She's coming home."
It's been several years since you last saw Jennie, and just around the same time since you two drifted apart. She wasn't your adorable next door neighbor anymore, she was Kim Jennie of Blackpink. While you became a lawyer, choosing a smaller university to stay near home. You were successful and so was she.
But upon hearing her name again, you were a teenager just wanting her to look at you as more than a friend.
Your father and her mother spoke and arranged for a dinner just the four of you when she arrived. You'd planned all your cases around the week she would be in the country in spite of your client's irritability about all of it.
Her arrival date came far sooner than you were emotionally prepared for it. You dressed in your best, picked up flowers, and insisted to your assistant that you could drive to the airport just fine alone.
As you parked, you swallow thickly, placing a hand on your chest in attempts to calm your pounding heart. You take a deep breath and look at the lavish flowers with blue roses, lilac, and hydrangeas before whispering, "She's your best friend, it'll be fine."
Jennie was the same on the plane.
She sorely missed you but it had been years since she saw you. Would you be happy to see her? Would you want to see her? Were you the same? Did you still smile then your cheeks would flush? Do you still scratch at your nails when you got nervous? With how many questions flooded her head, she almost didn’t realize that she was landing.
As she dragged her luggage behind her, she looked around the airport for her mom. A couple minutes to no avail, she pulled her phone out in attempts to call her. A couple rings later, "Jennie! You've touched down, I presume?"
"Yeah-" Before she could say anything more, her mother interjected, "Oh! Then you'll see my surprise for you soon enough!" Jennie's mother exclaimed gleefully. A wave of tiredness washed over her and she sighed, a retort just at the tip of her tongue when someone spoke behind her.
The rapper whipped behind her and her eyes widened to a concerning degree.
There you were. Far more cleaned up than when she last saw you. Your tired eyes and loose fitting and dirty sweater evidently missing. In its place was a casual business suit, hair shiny and healthy, your eyes more alert and discerning. Her serious demeanor shattered at the look of you.
A squeal broke from her lips as she wrapped her arms around your neck. Your ears perked up at the contact, before you wrap your arms around her waist, pulling her impossibly closer. Savoring the smell of her vanilla body wash.
Jennie pulled away and looked at you in amazement while you take in every ounce of her. Not much changed, more so she just grew into her features. But regardless, you feel your heart pound harder than when you imagined reuniting with her.
"I uh..." You trail off awkwardly, only raising the flowers up to her. Like a child giving a gift to their first crush. Well, when it came to Jennie it was pretty much the same feeling. She smiles warmly at you before taking the bouquet in your hands, "Thank you, N/n. I love them." Her hand finding purchase on your arm.
A nervous laugh falls from your lips as you say, "The florist I terrorized for an hour will be very happy to hear that you liked them." Jennie looks up at you with an adoring glaze in her eyes. The smile on her face leaves you breathless and you grin like a child, slipping your hand onto the handle of her luggage, briefly brushing with her hand.
Jennie, trying to mask the flush on her cheeks, looks down. She sees how much you've changed from when she last saw you, just a teenager with their whole future ahead of them. It was odd, but comforting. You'd grown up to all that you strived for, she'd read up on some of the cases you've handled when she had down time. It filled her with an inexplicable amount of pride.
But she also couldn't tell if you would still want her around.
But then, her eyes fall down to your nailbeds and smiles, faint white lines. Maybe you weren’t too different from the Y/n she grew up with.
Once you were both hauled into your car, once again she'd felt like you've reached a point in your life where you have it figured out. A shiny and sleek black car that just oozed class and sophistication. It overwhelmed her to an nth degree.
The only thing keeping you grounded in her mind was the picked at nails you had, a sliver of what made her believe you were still the one she looked up to. The one she looked for in every friend she ever had...in every relationship she'd ever had.
You on the other hand, were just praying that your sweat wouldn't seep through your suit jacket. The anxiety of having her eyes on you weighed on you so heavily. The silence didn't help either.
You open your mouth to speak, but it shuts before anything substantial or just about anything came out. From the corner of your eye, you see Jennie smile before finally easing into the seat, gaze still locked on you.
"You really made something of yourself, N/n." She pauses as you shift the gears into drive and pull out of the slot you were in. You laugh gently at her statement, stealing brief glances, "You're one to talk, miss Jennie Kim of one of the world's biggest girl groups."
"Hope that's not all you think of me..." Jennie pouts before crossing her arms playfully, your smile softens as you lean over and pull her arms out of their position. Smoothly taking her hand in yours, in spite of yourself. Your heart catches up with the action but by this point it's too late, her fingers lace comfortably with yours.
You clear your throat and reply, "Of course that's not all I think of you..." I think of you as the first person I've ever had feelings like this for...maybe even the only one. You think to yourself.
Jennie stares at you expectantly, "You're extraordinary on stage, but nothing beats the memory of you and I just kicking back in my room with a cheesy sit-com on our off-brand cellphones on a crappy pirating site." You both laugh before you continue, stopping at a red light and looking over at her. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that I see you as I always have..."
Pausing to find the right words to say to her as Jennie waits with bated breathe. Her mind and pulse rushing at a million miles a minute. You smile goofily at her, "I see you as the amazing, smart, gorgeous girl who took a chance on her soft-spoken neighbor."
The air around you both is thick and your eyes unconsciously flick down to her lips. Jennie is shocked and is left frozen. Realizing yourself, you clear your throat and pull a forced and dry laugh. "But that's not of course without the drawback of your hair literally being all over the place, on top of your obsession with keeping everything tidy!"
Jennie is pulled out of her adoration and howls out laughing, "Shut up!"
"I swear, one or two of my jackets being left on the floor leads to a whole fuckin spring cleaning moment!" You retort as the light turns green. The rapper beside you rolls her eyes and scoffs.
"Please, if it were just one jacket as you claim, why could I not walk in your room without accidentally stepping on a clean t-shirt."
The rest of the car ride went without a hitch, falling back into your old conversations, her telling you interesting stories of the idols she socializes with, and you whining about the demanding partners and clients you have.
Before you knew it, you were at the curb of your childhood home.
You and Jennie stepped into your home, a sense of familiarity filled the rapper. She breathed in the scent of lavender and sandalwood, the only candle your father ever lit. 'Added a touch of class' he would always say. Your hand wrapped around her waist, making her jump out of nostalgia.
"Jen, I'm just going to grab your bag. Make yourself at home." You say quickly before ducking out the door again, leaving her with a hot flush on her cheeks. Damn feelings, she thinks to herself.
"Jennie Kim! It's been far too long." Your father calls from the door of your kitchen. She smiles warmly at him before jogging over to him and accepting his embrace. He pulls away, ruffling her hair. "You gotta come around more often, kid."
You grunt as you lift Jennie's luggage to the first step of your staircase. Proud of yourself you turn to see Mama Kim smiling at you, "N/n, dearest!"
"Mama Kim!" You cry happily before enveloping her in a warm and tight embrace. She chuckles and pats your arm affectionately and as you pull away, she slaps it gently. You feign distress before she says to you with playful anger, "I've been in the country for weeks and it takes me running into your dad for me to see you."
You chuckle softly before bowing your head respectfully, "Some partners just keeping my hands full."
Jennie's mother smiles deviously, the idol must've picked it up from her. "Speaking of partners keeping your hands full, ever going to woman up and tell my daughter how you feel?" Your eyes bulge as she says this.
"I swear to God, did dad tell you anything?" You ask, embarrassment pumping through your veins. She simply hums and bumps your shoulder with a childlike pout. "Like you could ever hide anything from me. Remember when I caught you sneaking in after curfew."
You eye the older woman cautiously, her eyes glued to her daughter and your father. A soft expression falls onto her face before she looks up to you. "I know how happy she makes you. You don't buy bouquets like that for someone you don't care for." Mama Kim nods over to the flowers atop Jennie's purse.
You blush thinking back to when you bought the arrangement, being so meticulous and seeking the perfect flowers to give to your childhood best friend whom you haven't seen nor spoken to in 9 years. You clear your throat as Jennie looks over at you both, eyes disappearing as her smile brightened.
"I just want everything to be up to her standard." You whisper as she closely approaches. Her mother, still looking at you mutters, "Is it what she wants though?"
With that Mama Kim walks up to her daughter, giving her a tight squeeze while you walk over to your father who was still leaning up against the door frame of the kitchen. Two bottles of beer in hand, he hands one over to you. "She looks good."
You cringe as you take a sip, "Creepy, dad." But you both laugh, before you look to the two other women in the living room looking at old memorabilia. "You are right though...those YG cameras have nothing on how she looks in real life."
There's a lull, you two sip your alcohol quietly waiting for the oven to ding for dinner. You hear your father chuckle beside you, "And that is one hell of a bouquet, Y/n."
"Shut up, dad." Your dad sputters laughing when the oven dings. You grin to yourself and walk into the kitchen, "Dinner time!"
Dinner was filled with laughter and one too many drinks. All the while you couldn't keep your eyes off Jennie. You knew even when you two were kids that she was gorgeous and that that gummy smile lit up anything and everything. She was an enigma...and she still was.
You both stumbled into your bedroom, tipsy from the evening's drinks. Laughter echoing the hall followed by shushing from one another, given your father was asleep on the couch and her mother in the guest bedroom.
Once Jennie gains her composure, she looks around your room. "Not much changed around here since I was last here, huh?" She asks as you plop down on your bed. You hum softly as she continues to walk around the room, everything was meticulously kept. Even the stack of papers was kept tidy and organized. But something out of the corner of her eye piqued her interest.
"No." The rapper gasps before bolting to your shelf, there sat a Blackpink album beside her solo album. Jennie marvels at them for a second, dust had collected atop both of them but they hadn't lost their sheen. "You big fucking nerd!"
You groan and smile before you lift your head up, mind returning once you saw what she had in her hands. "You have my albums?!" She makes out of her laughter.
You grin sheepishly before sitting up to remove your jacket, "Don't make a big deal of it, Kim. I happen to be very in touch with music, not just yours." Trying to brush her off.
Without saying another word, Jennie returns your mini-collection to the shelf, and jumps onto you. You grunt as she lays flat on top of you. "Did your bed get lumpier or is it just me?"
You laugh breathlessly, "I will throw up if you crush me like this."
There's a silence for a moment, it lingers before she rolls over her eyes meeting yours. Eyes droopier but still so bright, it sends a wave of warmth through your chest. You stroke the back of her hair lovingly, weaving your fingers through her soft locks. "I don't think I've told you just how much I missed you, Jen."
She nods and lays her head flat on your chest, nuzzling deep into your shirt. You continue, "I wanted to reach out, but I never knew what to say or I was scared I'd say the wrong thing."
"You could never say the wrong thing, N/n." Her voice childlike and faint. You knew full well how hard your heart was beating and you just knew that she could hear it too. You press your nose atop her head, savoring the moment before your lips meet the soft skin of her forehead. "I almost did, so many times...I've almost told you that I-"
A soft snore.
You shift your gaze from the ceiling to the woman on your chest, sound asleep. You smile and lay another soft kiss on her forehead, "I love you, Jennie."
After that night, you noticed that Jennie had become more clingy. The morning after while you were cooking breakfast, she was seated on the counter, feeding you freshly cut fruit as you cooked. The next day while you were walking around in the New Zealand heat, she took the time to pat your forehead dry while your arms were interlocked.
Finding new ways to make each other smile and reminiscing on the days when all you had to worry about was a paper due at the end of the week. Now, you had jobs, she had crazy fans, and there was so much pressure on both your backs to do well by your clients and her audience.
"You get me, you just get me." Jennie says before she takes another lick of her ice cream. You two had found a nice shady tree with only a few onlookers in the middle of a serene park. You lay on her lap as she talks about how demanding her company is. Photoshoots, video shoots, promotional appearances, all of it. "Trust me, I know a thing or two about that, the people in my law firm suck." You whine.
Jennie laughs, brushing your baby hairs back with a thoughtful look on her face, "They can't be all bad."
You look up at her, catching her eye, giving her a small wistful smile, "They aren't you."
Jennie's eyes widen before she nervously laughs and crushes what's left of her ice cream on your forehead. You gasp and shoot up pulling the sticky substance from your skin, "You're fucking dead, Kim!" You yell before she squeals and runs around the tree.
Her laughter makes her breathe catch before she leans up against the tree, holding her hand out in defense. "Y/n, I call truce, please?"
You laugh, shaking your head. "You stuck a cone of ice cream on my head."
"I made you a unicorn." She retorts with that damn gummy smile on her face. Before you can catch yourself, your hands press against the rough bark of the tree behind her. The smile on her face falters and you feel a twinge of hesitation in your chest. But before you can take a step back, her hand finds its way to the back of your neck. Brushing the hair away and scratches the skin right below your hairline.
She'd done it since you were kids.
Your gaze falls onto her lips, pink, hints of the strawberry ice cream left on her. You wonder if that's what it would taste like if you'd kissed her, like you dreamed of since you were 15. Jennie gently, oh so gently, pulled you closer. "You know, you should really be careful what you confess when you think someone's asleep."
A dry chuckle falls from your lips, "I knew it," You pause, just looking at her in all her glory. No make-up, no stage lights, no big crowd screaming her name. But she still blew you away. Finally, you finish, "I meant it."
Her smile grows twice as wide and you lean forward, your lips ghosting hers before her phone goes off. You hear her curse under her breath before pulling it out of her pocket, leaving you rather awkward.
Jennie answers in the phone in Korean, her brows crease instantly. She's seemingly arguing with whoever's on the other end before her hand balls into a fist behind your neck. Practically fuming, she nods and hangs up. You'd pulled away a bit to give her room to speak, but she turns her attention back to you before she says, "It was my manager, apparently they'd booked me for something this Friday."
"But your going back on Friday?" You return.
The rapper nods but continues to say, "Yeah, but there's preparation, fittings, video shoots to promote that I'll be in attendance." She breathes a frustrated sigh, before her eyes loose their spark, "I'm flying back tonight..."
The rest of the afternoon was spent with Jennie, packing everything away into her suitcase. Making sure everything was packed. Her mom stopped by to bid her goodbye and that they would have dinner when she was in South Korea again.
"Now or never, N/n." Mama Kim whispered to you while she held you in her embrace. "If I hear from my daughter that you did nothing now, I will hunt you down."
You smile and nod. After that moment in the park, you knew it was about time. Your dad called a cab and you two waited on the curbside, a comfortable yet, as paradoxical as it was, uncomfortable silence. You knew what you wanted to say, you know you should explain, and she does too.
But the words just feel like they'd fall flat.
A car pulls up and Jennie takes her bag to the trunk, thanking the driver before turning back to you. "I'm sorry I had to leave, I know you moved everything around to be able to spend time with me."
"It's no worries...Just maybe don't wait a decade to come back?" You joke to which she slaps your arm gently. She smiles up at you. Your heart is hammering again. You want to say something, you should; but all you do is open your arms to her.
Jennie steps into your warm embrace and nuzzles herself into your neck. Leaving a light kiss as she did.
Your arms around her tighten as her taxi waits on the curb, honking impatiently. She should go, you know it but as the beat of your heart echoes loudly in your ears you need to do it. The urge fills you as you pull away. 
Everything slows, you pull the mask over her lips down slowly. The idea of her rejecting you terrifies you further, hands shaking, heart pounding, blood rushing through your body quickly and you feel warm in spite of the cold winter air flowing around both of you. 
Your foreheads press briefly together as your eyes maintain steady eye contact, as if she were giving you her final permission. With a grin on both your faces, you lean in and your lips press together for the first time. 
A long time waiting, but you can’t help the smile that breaks onto your face as time returns. It was short, but it was everything you'd ever wanted since you were just kids in your bedroom dreaming of the future.
Jennie pulls away with a gummy smile on her face, you mirror the smile on her face as you cup her cheeks lovingly. Your lips littering pecks across her face as she giggles as her hand finds yours.
"I can't believe I'm leaving now." Jennie says, a pout forming on her lips. You chuckle, thumb reaching back to stroke the back of her hand. "Neither can I."
You lean down, pecking her lips again, longer than the first time. "But if you think I'm waiting for the next time you're here for a kiss like that, you're dead wrong."
The rapper giggles again, before another honk pops the bubble around you both. Reluctantly, Jennie pulls away, her hand loosely locked with yours as she gives you a shy smile.
"I'll see you soon then?" She asks, hopeful.
You can't resist the teen-like giddiness running through your body, lifting her hand to your lips. Paying particular attention to her ring finger, your pulse hammering as you look up into her dark brown eyes. "It's a date."
Before she can cancel all her schedules for the coming week, she pulls your hand away and opens the door to the car. Turning back briefly to look at you standing with your hands in your pockets, a goofy smile on your face. "I'll call you before I board."
"And when you land?" You ask.
"And every night after." She replies before slipping into the car.
You smile at her through the car window, cheeks sore from all of it. Even though you know she can't hear you, you say, "I'll be waiting."
Jennie sinks into the seat with a dreamy sigh. The driver of the car looks into the rearview mirror, seeing the wispy look on Jennie's face and you folding out of what he assumes is delight. He smiles before saying, "Must be someone amazing to get you smiling that way, ma'am."
She's taken aback for a moment, but her shock melts into a warm smile, too giddy to push the question away.
"Yeah, but it has been a long time coming."
this was far longer than i had initially wanted BUT i quite like how it came out, the parents were a little janky and i feel like a lot of the parts are OOC but still, as a story i quite liked it HAHAHAH i was typing this on my bed so my back really, really hurts rn i hope you lovelies missed me a bit and i will try to continue to bring you guys the content you deserve. i love you all so much and i'll see you all vv soon!! - r
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Okay but same anon re: great bargainer Chay. I like the idea that maybe he takes Kim to the market pretty early in their situationship. And sure Chay is confident but he's mostly been a bit of a stuttery, blushy mess around Kim. I mean, it's his IDOL, after all. And Kim thinks it's really cute but it makes it easier to keep whatever this is in the "puppy love" zone (Kim is trying so hard to compartmentalize). But then at the market he sees Chay in his element (and absolutely out of Kim's element) and like. Super focused and competent. Because again, a bad deal used to mean going hungry!! And at one point Kim pulls some cash out and without even looking or thinking about it Chay slaps his hand away because he's NOT DONE. And once he's talked the vendor down a bit more he realizes what he's done and goes BRIGHT red and won't stop apologizing and Kim starts laughing and is like "no, that was incredible." And then he goes back to his apartment and has a crisis because Chay was so... assertive? And confident?? And not very puppy-ish at all. And Kim is pretty sure that if Chay turned that laser focus on him without that protective casing of puppy love, Kim is gonna be fucked (Kim doesn't know he's already fucked).
Anon, you are brilliant. I'm kissing your brain.
Kim is cool, he acts normal (as normal as he always acts, at least), he brings Chay home, takes a short moment to freak out in the bathroom while Chay cooks, but it's fine, he splashes some water on his face and he's good.
So they eat and maybe watch a movie, and then Kim goes home, sits down on the couch and finally it hits him full force - he feels the blush rising up his neck all the way to his cheeks and ears. So he sits there, face glowing bright red, feeling the need to both giggle and hide his face in a pillow (he's not sure which of these thoughts is more horrifying) and has a full-on crisis.
Meanwhile Chay texts him a photo of himself - a bright smile on his face - together with a cat he saw while taking the trash out. Kim opens it, groans (he's beginning to suspect that he's fucked) and just slumps face down on the couch.
You're right. He is absolutely fucked.
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ditch-lily · 1 year
600 little words for you. I hope this helps cheer you up a little <3
Kim thinks this is a terrible idea, but Chay and P’Mod both overruled his vote. 
This is meant to be a fun meet and greet birthday event to celebrate with the fans, both in person, and for those watching on a live stream. Kim can’t really say he’s having fun, but Chay is here with him, and Chay is having fun. So Kim is, at the very least, content and happy.
Chay had somehow talked his stylists into putting them in matching outfits. 
Kim has on a glittering black jumpsuit with silver embroidery that clings to his skin. It’s kind of annoying, but the constellations and planets sparkle every time the fabric shifts with each of his movements, and he wants to wear this home to see if the kittens will chase him if he darts around the room.
Chay is in a glittering gold jumpsuit with black embroidery, weaving a garden of sunflowers across Chay’s body. Kim has to recant his earlier opinion of the fabric. The way the material clings to Chay’s arms and chest lets Kim appreciate how his boyfriend has been filling out lately. This is not annoying at all. 
Kim and Chay had played a few songs for the fans at the start of the event. Some of his own songs, some covers, and as a special treat, they spoiled the chorus of a duet they’re currently working on.
P’Mod and Chay wouldn’t tell Kim in advance what the main fan-interactive event would be, but he had seen the words “WiKed Wits” being thrown around during the planning process and online – although Chay had forbidden him from reading about it online. 
So here Kim is now, sitting on a stool next to Chay and trying not to give into his urge to run away. 
“We’re having a battle of the wits!” Chay beams at the crowd. “The rules are simple. Under your seat you’ll find a number. We’ll be calling contestants up by lottery. If you get called up, you and I will have a WiK trivia showdown!”
“This is rigged!” yells a fan as the room bursts out into laughter. 
“Ah,” Chay rolls his eyes, “let me finish! First one to hit the buzzer answers. If you answer the question wrong, the other person gets to answer to try and steal the point. The first one to get three points wins.”
Kim looks around, but he doesn’t see any prizes. Oh, no.
Chay winks at Kim. “Winner gets to request Wik to make any pose for a photo!”
Kim leans towards Chay and pulls on Chay’s wrist to bring the mic to his face, “Why does this just sound like a punishment game for me?”
The grin Chay gives Kim does not appease Kim at all. 
Chay brushes Kim’s hair behind his ear and leans closer to Kim, their lips only separated by the mic in Chay’s hand. “This part of the event is a gift for the fans.”
Kim is too busy staring into Chay’s eyes to notice the screaming around him, but he does notice when P’Mod’s hand is suddenly pushing his face away from Chay’s and the quiet “for fuck’s sake” that brings him back to reality. 
Chay doesn’t win every round (some of his fans have very quick reflexes), but his fan’s ideas of punishments need some work. Other than a few cat poses that he’s a little embarrassed about, most of them asked him to hug or kiss Chay? 
He’s not really sure why they’d want a photo of that as their gift, but people are hard to understand.
OHH MY GODDD I'm obsessed. I'm crying. I'm full of emotions!! Kimchay idolistic verse!! fanmeet!! Chay just RULING THE ENTIRE EVENT. Boy had it all planned. I cannot handle it. AHHH THIS IS BEAUTIFUL SHIRLEY
he wants to wear this home to see if the kittens will chase him if he darts around the room.
Chay brushes Kim’s hair behind his ear and leans closer to Kim, their lips only separated by the mic in Chay’s hand. “This part of the event is a gift for the fans.”
this whole event is GENIUS THO what a way to give the fans exactly what they want and have it line up to exactly what Chay wants. Kim in cute poses. wow. diabolical in the best way
but oh I'm treasuring this. thank you so so much this was sweet as heck and really made my day. AHHH SERIOUSLY 💖💖💖💖
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artzychic27 · 9 months
Anymore Class of Heroes headcanons?
Adrien has a gallon of conditioner and shampoo that usually lasts a person with waist length hair up to two months. He uses them up in a day
Denise has all sorts of jewelry inspired by retro video games. Their PacMan earrings are their favorite
Nathaniel has no idea that he snores loudly
Nathaniel: *Skips gracefully into the classroom with songbirds flying behind him* I had the best sleep. How about you guys?
*His classmates all have bloodshot eyes, heavy bags, and appear to be twitching*
Kim: … Is he mocking us?
The star on Aurore’s wand actually comes off. It’s just for decoration
Again. Do NOT. Throw Jean off his groove
Jean: *In the middle of a lavish musical number when Kim walks in at the wrong moment*
Kim: Oh. Sorry, did I-
Jean: Kiiim! You interrupted! Now I have to start all over. Okay, people! From the top!
Cosette is the opposite- They will keep performing no matter what. Some heckler throws their shoe on stage? Cosette chucks it right at their head while nailing that high note
Reshma has a secret love for Indian rock and purple and black clothing, but is terrified of her grandmother finding out
Whenever parents and legal guardians come to visit, it’s always hectic with the students making sure their rooms are pristine, or they’re hiding stuff they don’t want their parents knowing about
Kim and Denise not so subtly show off their biceps just to get Ondine and Simon to simp
Once, Marinette dressed as a guy just to see how everyone would react, and the reactions were not what she expected
Chloé: … Who the fuck is that handsome man?
Jean: I saw him first!
Max: I normally don’t give in to such emotions, but… He’s is so fucking hot!
Alya: *Subtly taking photos* I can’t believe Marinette is missing this.
Every shoe Zoé owns is made of glass- Sneakers, boots, flats, crocs, sandals
Chloé and Cosette are desperately trying to get her to wear some normal shoes before she cuts her foot
Lions are still cats. And as such, Mireille freaks out whenever she sees a cucumber
Mireille: Hey, guys, I- OH, FUCK! WHAT IS THAT THING?! *Points to a cucumber in Alya’s hand*
Alya: … Hon, this is a cucumber.
Mireille: C-can it see me?! What’s it doing?!
Never leave windows open in Aurore, Nino, Lacey, and Simon’s rooms. They sleep float
If you find Ismael’s lamp, wear gloves before handling it. He doesn’t want it smudged
Nathaniel is the only one who dares to brave Marc’s ice storm and ask who upset him
Myléne only loves SOME of her stuffed animals, and the guilt is killing her
If they focus enough, Denise is able to glitch from room to room
Alya sometimes has to chase her friends out of her kitchen when she cooking, like they’re a bunch of strays
Alya: *Notices Adrien reaching for something* Hey! No!… *Taps the counter with a spoon* Go on! Get!
Adrien: … *Slowly reaches again*
Alya: Bad! *Sprays Adrien with a squirt bottle. He hisses and runs out of the room* I swear to- *Sees Kim and Marinette* Hey! Don’t make me use this spoon! I will use it!
Sabrina can’t watch trees getting cut down without feeling sick
Kim does push-ups while Max sits on his back and reads
Kagami can and will shoot any of the asshole royals with her arrows if she catches them messing with her friends and partners
They once slipped an apple into Myléne’s lunch, and Kagami went feral
Juleka will not hesitate to kick your ass with you toss rings onto her horns. And if she won’t, Rose will
She also has a regimen she follows in order to keep her horns from getting too long and too dull at the ends
Alix is a regular down at the village orphanage, often lending her assistance with fund raisers and reading to a few of the kids
It took Adrien seven hours to figure out why his hair felt heavier than normal… Nath fell asleep in it
Lila’s plots to kill of Cosette and steal its music are always thwarted by its classmates. And none of them are amused, especially Zoé
Denise: *Cracks their knuckles*
Marc: *Summons stalagmites*
Reshma: *Summons a carnivorous plant*
Jean: *Whips out his staff*
Zoé: *Hits her glass shoe against the wall, sharpening the end to a fine point* Run, bitch.
Ivan, Denise, Mireille, and Marc are the only ones able to fall asleep on hard surfaces without having back pains when they wake up
For the short time Jess was at DuPont, she became fast friends with Myléne, Adrien, Reshma, and Nathaniel since they liked being outside so much
Also, for reasons unknown, her hair blows perfectly in the wind with a strand never getting in her face. Adrien wants to know her secrets
Reshma HATES the word ‘useless’ with a burning passion. She heard her little sister get called that ever since she didn’t get her gift, and will not put up with anyone using that word against someone else
Chloé may or may not have a slight crush on the village baker’s apprentice, but that doesn’t stop Zoé and Sabrina from teasing her about it
Max does the anime glasses thing whenever he senses something off. It scares people
@msweebyness @imsparky2002
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freakyshibs · 4 months
Grojband older hcs pt 2!
Their shared apartment consists of 3 bedrooms, with Corey and Laney sharing a room together
Theres an Xbox in the living room, the boys mostly are on it, but Laney also plays on it from time to time (she probably plays COD and Stardew Valley ngl)
Kins inventions are still a work in progress and he almost blew up the bathroom once from one of them
They all have their logo tatted on a different part of their bodies
Corey - Chest
Laney - Shoulder
Kin - Mid thigh
Kon - Back
Corey and Laney usually have date nights, whether it be in or out of the apartment (if its in the apartment tho they make sure Kin and Kon aren’t there, bc they usually butt in and ruin the romantic mood for them)
Laney and Kin both have very successful jobs, Kon works at a flower shop, and Corey does business for tattoos
Laney and Coreys cat is named Garfield, (bc hes a fat orange tabby cat) and Kin and Kons sheep dog is named Archie
I like to imagine that Laney has a job in the morning so she leaves when the boys are just waking up, saying goodbye to the twins and giving a kiss to Coreys cheek as his
They have a scrapbook of Kins photos he took of the gang
They are still a band ofc, gigs are easier when they are older
The love lives of the twins are very mia,
(But a little birdie told me Kin is talking with Kim and Kon ended up finding someone where he works at)
Corey and Laney are def that couple that celebrates their year anniversaries
They all have a set playlist that they listen to wherever (apartment ,car, or even a party they throw)
Laney and Corey have a separate one 🫡
Laney actually found some friends who were girls at her job (LET HER HAVE SOME GIRL BESTIES DAMMIT!) and they all have sleepovers from time to time (they definitely ask how her and Corey are doing)
Kon also knits alot, hes a very crafty guy
The only movie Corey will deliberately sit down and watch through the entire thing is Scott Pilgrim, bc he thinks its ‘just like the band’
They all have piercings, with Corey having the most,
Snake Bites
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askclaudia · 1 year
Met Gala Post Mortem
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when you tell me the Met Gala theme is Karl Lagerfeld, I know what to expect. lots of monochrome, black & white, pearls, tweed, black leather, gloves, sunglasses and Chanel. not expecting the avant garde or interesting for this theme because Karl was neither of those things for me - if I could say something positive it would be I expect great tailoring - Karl always looked well tailored. well now that the gala is over and the pictures are out, let's do an autopsy of what was worn at met gala 2023. kicking it off is the belle of the met gala ball - Rihanna. Rih can do no wrong in my book, she looked adorable while pregnant and dressed like a Valentino wedding cake covered in camelia flowers. the lashes on the sunglasses were a reference to vintage Chanel sunnies designed by Karl. my favorite part of Rih’s look was her rocking a 9 carat diamond ring as a toe ring. the worst part of Rih’s outfit was A$AP Rocky. this man had the nerve to stand next to Rihanna at the Met Gala in bedazzled denim. the worst part, the denim was topped with a plaid kilt with a train. if you’re gonna wear a kilt at least have the fortitude to skip the pants. why even try to stand out at the Met Gala next to Rihanna, just be happy you’re her date and don’t embarrass her - that’s your only job. Cardi B never disappoints - she’s a true NYC princess fashion it girl. she wore multiple outfits of course, but this was my favorite. she looked like a cute cake topper in her Chenpeng Studio gown featuring camelias and Chanel signature quilting in black pvc/latex, a white collar and black tie - a signature of Karl’s. she also wore her hair silver as another nod to Lagerfeld. Doja Cat came as Karl’s beloved pet cat Choupette. her look featured a hooded Oscar de la Renta gown with kitty ears & facial prosthetic makeup to make her look like like an actual feline. if there’s one thing I love about Doja, she’s gonna commit to the bit. she even gave carpet interviews as a cat - responding only in meows for some of them. Cara Delevingne came to fuck your bitch and do all the cocaine, that’s the vibe she’s giving and I respect it. Cara resurrected Karl’s ghost with her look - silver platinum hair & fingerless black leather gloves a nod to the deceased’s signature look. her outfit was designed by Karl himself. a crispy clean white mini shirt dress with a dramatic cape, leather thigh high leg warmers with simple black ankle strap heels. Caresha aka Yung Miami of the City Girls showed out for her first Met Gala carpet. she absolutely stunned in a custom Chanel gown dripping in pearls featuring an extra dramatic neckline in black tulle. this was such a strong Met Gala debut look. my only critique is the makeup, not loving the cut crease eye shadow, I would’ve preferred a smoldering black smokey eye and devastating red lips. one of the biggest personal disappointments of the night for me was Naomi Campbell. she came in 2010 Chanel couture, but as a muse of the man's I expected more than pink silk satin with silver embellishments. she's worn so many iconic Chanel runway looks I cannot understand why she chose that one. another thing that made me sad about her was she's overdoing filler to the point where her features are changing.  Anne Hathaway, one of my personal favs of the night. she gave us a deconstructed tweed high slit Versace gown w camelia flowers for cups adorned in gold and pearl safety pin style broaches. Gisele has been glowing in every picture I’ve seen her in since she divorced football man. attending the Met Gala solo for the first time in 15 years, Gisele relived her Lagerfeld Chanel moment by wearing the archival bridal Chanel gown that she wore for a 2007 Harper’s Bazaar editorial photo shoot. Kim is always gonna serve baddie but I was really surprised that she invoked her Playboy spread with a pearl draping Schiparelli dress. my gripe is that she could’ve bared midsection instead of giving us Spanx/Skims and the necklace was unnecessary. the best accessory is her dramatic layered shawl. If Kylie is gonna do one thing, she’s gonna serve a fast fashion look. Kylie has the rare talent of being able to take something elegant and expensive like this silk satin lined Haider Ackermann for Jean Paul Gaultier dress and make it look like a stretch polyester bodycon dress. Keke Palmer wore a look that aged her so much I thought she was Angela Bassett at first. everything about the look from the hair to the shawl was more appropriate for a woman 20 years older than her. her tweed mermaid Sergio Hudson gown did at least accentuate her fantastic figure. I also feel like her necklace was stolen, it looks like it’s missing. dropping your first viral single to the met gala in one year, Ice Spice’s career is on warp speed and I’m happy for her. Anna Wintour extended her a last minute invite, as a result she didn’t have time to tailor her white sequin cutout Balmain dressall in all a predictable Met Gala given the theme. conspicuously missing was Megan Thee Stallion & Nicki Minaj. I hope Anna revoked Nicki’s Met Gala passes for showing up looking like a pilgrim’s shoe for years. In my fashion fanfic world Anna chose Cardi over Nicki and snubbed Meg for Ice Spice. Gallery Anna is so committed to her bit - never serving.Sora Choi in Thom Browne triggered all of my bisexual androgynous daddy tendenciesKendal showed up in a recycled Lady Gaga street look from 2012tfw you divorced Tom Brady and took his life force with youRussell Westbrook wore call center ballet flatsRami Malek came as a busboyPete Davidson came as Inspector Gadget Subway Flasherit looks like a maxipad and sexy pope costume at the same timeParis Hilton is boringMindy Kaling's facial expression is exactly how I feel about her lookif there's one thing Mary J Blige is gonna do, it's a thigh high bootLil Nas X came as Karl's cat Choupette and successfully photobombed every person who walked the carpet behind himKristen Stewart looks like she reeks of stale cigarette smoke in this lookJennie Kim's dress looks like an off the rack Jessica McClintock prom dress from 2005Jared Leto came as a furryErykah Badu came as the shaman that guides you on your ayahuasca tripDiddy as Sean John Snowyou cannot convince me that isn't a Baby Phat puffer jacket Previous image Next image Read the full article
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97ft · 2 years
[ #𝟐𝟑 𝐇𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐈 ]
⚠︎ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 | Smut, Dilf! Aged Up! Taehyung, Infidelity, Mentions of Pornography, Daddy Kink, Slapping, Oral (m), Cum Play
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Taehyung's phone was rather vulnerable right now. Just sitting there in the open—it wasn't even turned off.
Curiosity kills the cat as people say, and in some cases, it's probably true. Taehyung's wife had decided to have a casual little scroll through his photos before heading out of the house, remembering all the times she'd shared with him. Most of those times being complete years ago—they'd drifted apart like Pangaea.
She was smiling to herself until she scrolled to a recent picture. She wasn't shocked, actually, she was. Who wouldn't be shocked when they found porn their husband's phone—a photo of a girl's mouth filled with cum, wide open. Just porn, she thought.
Setting the phone down she sighed, Taehyung's turned the corner in the nick of time. He ruffled his blow dried hair, "You goin' out?"
She nodded, he hummed. "See ya."
Again, they drifted apart like Pangaea.
Except they'd probably never come together, ever again. Not as long as you were in Taehyung's life. So probably, never again.
Mr. Kim smiled when he opened the door to greet you. "Hi, pretty" he grinned, pulling you into his house and greeting you with a kiss before he flopped down on his couch. His legs were spread wide open.
"Could you do me a favor, baby?"
You hummed, busy messing with Mr. Kim's wedding ring. "Could you do me a favor after I do you a favor?"
Mr. Kim laughed, "Course', baby." And exactly like that, you agreed.
"Just wan' you to suck me off." he stated simply, waiting for you to ask the question he was dying for you to ask. "That's it?"
"No, wanna record you." he answered, a smug smile of his face. You sighed in amusement, "Whatever you want, Mister."
Mr. Kim pointed his phone at you as you undid his pants, letting his cock spring up right in your face. You gulped audibly—he'd cum in your mouth before, but never have you taken him inside your mouth. And for the love of god, he was big. "Look at my baby," he cooed "Gawking at my dick, it's cute."
His right hand came into collision with your cheek, the slap wasn't harsh, but it certainly snapped you back into reality. "You're cute, but Daddy just really needs you to be good and suck is cock. M'kay?"
You swallowed your fear and nodded, what could possibly go wrong? Your lips wrapped around his cock before you began to take him as far as you could in your mouth without gagging. "Good baby, such a good baby," Mr. Kim praised breathlessly, "Just go a little deeper, in your throat—take me in your throat." His hands were entangled in your hair, and when you struggled to take him farther than your gag-reflex, he took matters into his own hands. Slowly but surely, he pushed your pretty head down on his cock. Your choking noises going completely unacknowledged by Mr. Kim. "Baby's goin' so fuckin' deep," he groaned "G-Gonna...gonna make me cum"
You whimpered at the thought of Mr. Kim spilling his cum all the way down your throat, the whimper made his ears perk up. "Oh? Someone likes the sound of that, huh?" he hissed between his teeth, now thrusting up into your mouth. "Come the fuck..on" he groaned again, feeling his high on the tip of his tongue.
Quickly, he came in your throat. "Take it like a good girl" he encouraged, breathing heavily in an effort to catch his breath. "Swallow it."
You did as he said, opening your mouth to show him you did exactly as he said. "That's my fuckin' girl," he praised, ending the video and putting his phone down. "Now what was your favor, baby?"
You giggled a little, "Divorce your wife."
Mr. Kim had never been prouder of you.
The following morning, Mr. Kim's wife snooped through his phone again. Scrolling through his gallery, she found the video of you with him. Fortunately, she didn't bother to push play. "She your favourite porn star or something, Taehyung?" his wife asked.
"Guess you could say so."
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TAGLiST: @vivilover @underratedmisfit @peachytan @wndrlevi @dyaidk @seventeenis-thedream @seokjennieee @moonchild1 @bbangtanlove95 @scqrl3tte @debicaptain-saturn @sukunasstomachtongue @enhypemen @arcticmarshmallow @lvlyk1tty @isaaaaxhx @flwrprncss24 @burnedbythesun98 @telepathytae @papieami @cherryjungkookie @nmello8862 @raehayashi @nglmrk @toxiccyubin
UNABLE 2 TAG: @thesavagegirlslife @mermaidshmari @duolingofanaccount @lustfulbunnii @kwl1zy @mstcmlee @svtn1449 @bluesharksandfish @ririkocha @bangtannoovalvg @genius-suga-baby @kaisnylonspread @angelinemarrie @nyoungieskitten @sevendwys
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fourth-quartet · 2 years
Kang Yohan
13:05 - I just woke up.
13:05 - Did you sleep well?
13:06 - I dreamt you were here. You and Elijah went for a walk. It was windy out.
13:08 - You were wearing a blue scarf.
14:37 - I bought you a blue scarf.
14:38 - I’ll send it to you.
One of the first things Gaon realizes when he reconnects with Elijah six months after everything, is that Kang Yohan is an entirely different person in Switzerland. Gaon and Elijah video call almost daily, once it becomes clear that she’s going stir crazy stuck with only Yohan for company.
Elijah looks good, in Switzerland. She’s cut her hair shorter, tucks it behind her ear more. Gaon smiles when he starts to see the transition to different clothes too; Elijah calls him wearing t-shirts and hoodies instead of dresses, calls him and shows him the jeans she’s been wearing, and she beams when Gaon just smiles and calls her pretty. Some days Gaon wonders if she’s still nursing a crush on him. Most days he knows she isn’t.
Because Kang Yohan wanders around their house in Zurich and teases her whenever he’s on the phone with him. Rather than threatening murder, Elijah just rolls her eyes or glares at him or, in rare cases, actually ignores him.
But it means Kang Yohan wanders past her phone occasionally. And the Kang Yohan that Gaon sees is one he’s only caught glimpses of in person before; in jeans and comfortable sweaters, sometimes hoodies. Kang Yohan, with his hair cut shorter than Gaon has ever seen it, styled off of his face but not in a way that makes it harsh, professional; just out of the way. Yohan looks good, comfortable, cozy. He looks happy.
Yohan smiles easily, teases even more easily, and grumbles good-naturedly when Elijah teases him back. Yohan also makes excuses to be anywhere near Elijah whenever she’s on the phone until one day, she finally runs out of patience. “Why don’t you just call him from your own phone?” Elijah snaps and Gaon mutes himself so Yohan doesn’t hear him laughing. Yohan stammers some excuses and flees the room.
Yohan doesn’t text first though. Elijah finally forwards him Yohan’s new number alongside several hundred eye roll emojis. Gaon laughs and texts first.
Kim Gaon
01:00 - Kang Yohan, are you perhaps playing hard to get?
Yohan’s response comes immediately.
Kang Yohan
01:00 - Isn’t it late for you?
01:01 - Go to sleep, Kim Gaon.
The dam is broken, though, and Yohan takes full advantage of it.
Yohan texts whatever is on his mind, whenever he wants. Some days, Gaon wakes to thirty text notifications, all from Yohan, rambling about whatever’s on his mind. Other days he just wakes to a single notification, a photo of Zurich’s sunset sent after Gaon had gone to bed.
Some days Gaon glances at his phone on his lunch break and sees notifications. Elijah tells him that Yohan, after being told by three therapists he proceeded to fire that he needs a hobby, starts volunteering to work with animals. Gaon expects daily photos of Yohan’s favorites. He usually gets them, pictures of cats and dogs that Elijah tells him he can’t adopt. Once, Yohan sends him a picture of a bunny and Gaon laughs when Yohan just sends sad emojis six minutes later, indicating Elijah’s response to his attempts to adopt it.
Kang Yohan
00:05 - I know you’re asleep.
00:05 - You better be asleep, Kim Gaon.
00:05 - But I was thinking.
00:05 - I’ve been thinking a lot.
00:06 - Elijah would say too much.
00:06 - She’s probably right.
00:07 - She’s usually right.
00:07 - Don’t you ever tell her I said that.
00:08 - I miss you.
00:08 - I don’t miss people. It’s frustrating.
00:08 - I miss you more than I care to admit.
00:11 - I’m fine. Before you worry.
00:11 - I know you’ll worry, reading these. I haven’t had much to drink.
00:12 - I haven’t missed anyone like this before.
00:13 - I miss the warmth you brought to a home that was nothing but torture.
00:13 - I miss the meals you cooked for us. I miss you making us sit down to eat.
00:14 - Elijah and I sit down to eat together every day now. Two meals, every day, we eat together.
00:14 - But it’s not a family meal if you’re not here with us.
00:15 - One day, Gaon-ah.
00:15 - We’ll have a real family meal.
Gaon finds himself smiling whenever he reads through Yohan’s messages. It becomes a recurring joke, for Yohan to clarify he hasn’t been drinking when he goes off on one of his tangents. Gaon doesn’t mind the tangents, the stream-of-conscious that Yohan sends him, regardless of whether or not he’s awake. It’s just another glimpse into Kang Yohan. Gaon could live off of these small glimpses into Yohan’s thoughts, could live off of the way that Yohan staves off his loneliness by texting Gaon.
Kang Yohan
05:13 - Elijah called me samchon today.
05:13 - She hasn’t called me that since she was 8 years old.
05:13 - Nine years.
05:13 - For nine years now she’s been calling me Yohan and Yohan alone.
05:13 - I’d forgotten what the word sounded like from her.
05:14 - It wasn’t weaponized.
05:14 - She just.
05:14 - Called me.
05:15 - Samchon, come help me a minute.
05:15 - Samchon.
Kim Gaon
05:20 - You’re her uncle regardless of how she refers to you.
Kang Yohan
05:22 - Go back to sleep.
05:26 - Call me later?
Kim Gaon
05:27 - I thought I was going back to sleep.
Kang Yohan
05:28 - I’ve changed my mind, I don’t want to talk to you.
Kim Gaon
05:29 - I’ll call you around 11, your time.
Kang Yohan
05:34 - I’ll be waiting.
Their video calls are a new occurrence. Gaon treasures the way Yohan calls him, with his phone propped against his headboard and his head tucked on his arm, not quite asleep but sinking slowly into the weariness. Yohan doesn’t talk much then.
Their positions flip. Gaon prefers to talk out loud and Yohan prefers to listen, sleepy eyes fixing on his phone to watch Gaon talk, rant, about whatever is on his mind. Most of the time, there’s a small smile barely visible in the corners of Yohan’s lips.
“I’m taking some time off next month,” Gaon says finally, propping his phone up on his desk. Where it’s still early in the morning for him, it’s fast approaching midnight in Zurich and he can see Yohan struggling to stay awake.
“Mm?” Yohan asks, blinking a few times in an effort to remain awake.
“I was thinking,” Gaon says, smiling slightly, “maybe I could come visit. You could show me around Zurich.” Yohan blinks a few more times but the words don’t seem to process. Gaon lets out a small exhale of laughter and shakes his head, starting on another topic. Yohan will get back to him eventually.
Kang Yohan
16:26 - We’d love to have you here.
16:27 - I’d love to have you here.
16:29 - Promise me you’ll come.
Kim Gaon
16:30 - There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.
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persephoneyss · 3 years
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Pairing: jeon jungkook x f!reader.
Genre: Yandere, dark themes, heartbreak, office au.
Summary: ❝The fool is one who rests dreaming of doing things beyond his reach, instead of making it come true, pathetic.❞
Warnings: Yandere behavior, obsession, stalking / harassment, quite a bit of voyeurism, implicit murder, naming of non-consensual sex, forced pregnancy, somnophilia, jk drug a reader, extremely complicated relationships, sexual tension between mxm characters, naming of homosexual relations mxm.
Number of words: 5000+
︙ Author's note: My second fic here, thank you very much for all the support you gave to the first one. Enjoy!
(Sorry for any mistakes, my first language is not English and I am not fluent either.)
Puedes leer este fic y más aquí en español.
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They say, out there, that monotony is boring.
What everyone vaguely forgot, is that we live in it. It is an endless loop between what we do, and what we want.
So, nobody wanted to change it.
Jungkook lived in a routine. He liked his personal independence and, likewise, he never changed anything in his life. He was a man of habit, worthy of admiration and imitation. But he never considered himself capable of guiding someone as his own person, he just seemed boring to him.
Perhaps his complexity of seeing things in different ways was what made him such a genius.
People who break with the custom or the conventional can be called differently in the eyes of everyone, crazy or genius. Jungkook considered himself to be in the middle of both terms. He was madly in love with his genius.
But nobody said that love was for everyone, Jungkook was also in love with another person that he considered that he was worthy of his love, the obsessive and sick, misunderstood love of him.
Jungkook was a genius, but he never wanted money wasting his time on useless things like building an empire and being a millionaire. He looked at other directions in life. His salary was minimal, he worked hard under Kim Taehyung's whip. His boss was successful, just as he has imagined since he saw him go by one fall day.
He couldn't remember the date, but he knew it was fall. The cool breeze was a seal of love.
The clumsy little Jungkook, always with his head down looking for a chance at life. When he could have anything he wanted with his inner genius. The porcelain cup swayed in his hand, watching people rush past, just as he thought it would, everyone had their own business in this time of change. Taehyung really fell from the sky like an angel, or that's what he wanted to remember the day he watched him pass a coffee shop with his phone in hand ordering a cold American coffee even though the wind was blowing strongly in the streets. Jungkook watched him fervently, he was enigmatic and undoubtedly managed to get his attention almost immediately. His tall, firm figure made her want to clench her thighs.
His father always told her that pleasure was fun on unfortunate occasions.
Perhaps because of that, he took enormous pleasure in seeing Taehyung walking close to him.
He felt, in a disgusting way, good about himself. It was as if just by looking at his face and his dark eyes, he would manage to make her cum on his pants. Jungkook searched for him for days, until in an insignificant magazine, which he found by chance, he read about one of the most sought-after businessmen in the nation. Much money, and above all an elegant demeanor. They were the perfect combination to create someone like Kim Taehyung, however, Jungkook missed everything when he saw a photo of his beloved unknown to him.
It was a matter of time. He now named himself to be an excellent worker, always by Taehyung's side wherever he went, he felt euphoric just hearing him say his name with his voice so silent. His personal secretary was jealous of him, she even insulted him for a simple smile that young Jeon showed her. She obviously was fired from her, she being replaced by Mrs. Jang who was an older woman, married with two children.
However, no one ever noticed or simply turned a deaf ear to Jungkook's constant provocations towards the former secretary, just as her mocking smiles seemed to be ignored by conveniently blind eyes.
Jungkook was a man who knew how to play. He loved being the mouse for Taehyung, getting caught up in his whims. But he loved even more being the cat marrying the prey.
And just when he could already feel himself on top of the iceberg, almost close to touching his beloved boss. You arrived. You were an intern, nothing special considering that thousands came every year and you didn't have a permanent position unless you did your job well. Jungkook didn't even notice your presence, not for a year. Mrs. Jang sick from one day to the next, Taehyung had a considerable appreciation for her so she did not take away his job. Only covered it with a temporary vacation.
Jungkook was used to walking into his boss's office being greeted by the harsh but sweet voice of the older woman. But his steps seemed to stop in automatic mode when he heard your voice, it was sweet after sweet. His gaze fell quickly on your figure, you were ethereal, with a hint of mischief that he noticed, questioning if your perfect form was normal to see in a person.
And ironically, he proclaimed you a beautiful and heavenly Angel.
His heart pounded when you seemed to notice his presence, your eyes fell on his face in confusion. Jungkook bit his lip, his breath caught and unconsciously, he clenched his thighs to cover his growing erection. He thought he looked ridiculous standing in front of you without saying anything.
He felt strangely pathetic next to you.
"Who are you? Where is Mrs. Jang?" He asked defensively, surprising your innocent figure. But you never let your guard down.
"I'm sorry, but I'm only a substitute until Mrs. Jang manages to recover. Can I help you with something?"
Jungkook frowned, but only managed to nod with no idea what to do. He took a few steps back, realizing that he had invaded your personal space and cornered you between him and your desk. Anyone who saw them would think that they were close and even that they were having a lovers' quarrel.
I didn't want that. Taehyung was close to being his.
Jungkook looked at you with disdain, you were like a viper trying to tempt his masculine weakness.
But I am not unaware of the fact that I could smell your perfume of roses and vanilla. He was offended that Taehyung will not tell him that he is against someone young again. For a moment he feared that you would steal his position as his boss's right hand man, but that would be ridiculous. Thought. Taehyung was happy by his side, he appreciates him like a ... Little brother. He was trusted.
Nobody said Lucifer couldn't be a woman ...
The next few days weren't any better. Jungkook had his eyes glued to you at all times, counting the minutes when Taehyung called you at his office. How long will it take to leave from your entrance. And when it seemed like too long, he knocked on the door pretending to bring some important documents to sign. I could see you, when you were near your boss you had your head lowered. You were a submissive to him.
Jungkook felt envious, and far beyond, in a reprehensible jealousy of Taehyung. You never lowered your head when he came to greet you every day, nor when he ordered you to bring him a coffee and even less when he tried to embarrass you in front of the other people in the office.
But without a doubt, Jungkook came to hate you more than anyone in his monotonous life. You were a thief to him, you did your job so flawlessly that Taehyung had no choice but to give you the job of secretary. Your secretary. A smile was what adorned your lips every day, Jungkook cursed you a million different times.
You were a competition on their way to the heart of your beloved and perfect boss.
Nothing really changed after your acceptance as a secretary. Jungkook was cruelly trying to ignore you, but you never said anything to him or gave him a sign that he will affect you. Maybe deep down, I expected to see you destroyed by her rejection. Possibly, he thought ironically that he would seek him out asking forgiveness for any mistake you have made for such contempt, seeking to be to his liking again. However, nothing changed for you, you greet him politely, always with that charming look and smile of yours. Just like every day.
Then Jungkook did what seemed the least complicated to him.
He slowly gave up, walking straight to your table to start a conversation every morning, this time, ignoring calls from his boss needing him.
Taehyung was perfect. He put it on a pedestal, admiring its beauty every day as if it were a God.
But with you it was different. You weren't a Goddess to him, that would be stupid. For Jungkook to have you by his side, it was like giving him the privilege of being born again. You were more than his love, you were his life.
Jungkook lived for you. I existed to watch you, love you, make you happy. In its twisted and sick reality, everything you did revolved around his discretion. For he should always have been like that. Taehyung was nothing more than a cruel and beautiful distraction that fate put on him, proving his loyalty to you. Unfortunately he fell into it. His heart felt heavy in his chest, thinking of how long you must have been waiting for him. You must have been alone all that time.
Jungkook cried for you.
"Good morning, Jungkook-ah" Your voice, again.
His gaze was lost on your face. You were the most beautiful thing he had seen in his miserable years of life. He wondered if you, too, could feel his appreciation for you, or could you hear his rampant heartbeat.
Almost unconsciously, like the first time he clenched his thighs biting his lips to avoid being tempted to look past your fragile face. He had never been able to look at your body in a dirty way, but he did not deny wanting to do so. So he did it. His eyes inspected all of you, drinking in your sensuality as if you were a glass of water in front of him. Under your neck that was proud, you had a small necklace with your name written on it hanging and shining beautifully. Your collarbones rose beautifully, Jungkook felt an unreadable desire to want to bite the soft flesh of your neck leaving its marks on it as a sign that you were his. Only from him. Your white shirt was buttoned making a pout to form on her face, I wanted to see what color bra you were wearing that day. Maybe you were wearing something sexier under that stupid uniform, I guess you were ready for him, with some hidden lingerie, tempting him to take you to a bathroom in the building and fuck you foolishly while saying you were his over and over again.
"Are you feeling okay Jungkook-ah?" His gaze followed your body, which rose from your seat to approach him. For a moment he thought he could see your thighs protrude from the black fabric of your skirt that clung exquisitely to your body. His mind created thousands of scenarios where he would remove that garment to make you feel good, hitting you with his cock mercilessly.
Maybe I would let you touch it under the table at employee meetings that were held every week, if you let it mark your entire body with bites and bruises.
"You seem distressed, let me see if you have a fever." You say, without even realizing how his eyes are resting solely on your lips that he was dying to kiss and bite at will.
Jungkook knew that if he touched it, it would be the end. His cock stood up proudly creating a tent in his pants, he was grateful that you were so clueless that you never noticed that small but big problem. His eyes squeezed shut and his hand squeezed his crotch, he hunched over so you wouldn't notice he was coming into his pants with your gentle, harmless touch.
"I'm so sorry! Did I hurt you?" You asked again, even more concerned than before.
Jungkook smiled, trying to breathe normally again. Really naive.
He made fun of you, he liked to play pretend to be the mouse just like with Taehyung. In front of you, he was a sweet and gentle man.
It was fun trying to keep his intentions true, but clearly this was starting to get tedious.
A week had passed since the incident, that day he had to ask permission pretending to be sick in order to go home.
You had been worried about his condition, thinking that you could have helped him. That same night, you called his phone wishing him well soon and apologizing once again.
You were never smart enough to notice that Jungkook had his hand inside his pants touching hard just hearing your soft voice saying how sorry you were, you sounded so weak and vulnerable to him. He dreamed of hearing you again, this time begging for him to make you cum on him a thousand times, he knew you would be perfect for his big cock. Taking him like a big girl, like her perfect little one.
Jungkook was a greedy person. Below being a caring and kind man, he was selfish with his desires. He got bored seeing you for so little time during the day, it seemed as if you ran away from him when you left the large company building. Perhaps it was his greed that led him and condemned you to follow you every day, treading closely in your footsteps.
You lived in a small apartment complex, your house had one bedroom and one bathroom. Jungkook thought it was essential for you, you earned almost the same as him and you were certainly a practical person. Making him fall in love with you even more, he felt identified in a funny way. Ironic. When your figure was lost inside your apartment he felt furious, he could not help feeling angry for not being able to see more of you.
But his eyes noticed almost immediately that your apartment had a window, one that just faced another in front of the neighboring building. An enormous satisfaction invaded him. He collected as much money as he could, managing to raise two months of rent for the apartment in front of yours. That would be enough until he would bring you to his feet, and then he would move in with you living together as a normal couple. The man who owns the building was surprised by the persistent attitude of the young man in renting a specific apartment. But he quickly forgot about it when he saw the money in his hand.
"I hope you are not bothered by the noises, the walls are thin and there could be problems with that." The owner babbled, explaining and talking about things that honestly didn't matter to him as long as he could be around you.
Jungkook watched your apartment from the window, the window looked directly into your room. He felt a smile grow on his face, he could see your perfectly arranged bed and the products on your dressing table. Mentally he wrote down all the marks, he had become obsessed with your smell. Wanting to imitate everything about you as much as possible, he even followed you to the mall to see where you always bought your clothes. He began to wear the same brand of clothing, the same style and in the same way, your personal things. Like your skincare products, even your lipstick.
Their love had now turned into a sinister game of catching the helpless mouse. He followed you day and night, it was only a matter of time before you were at his feet begging not to be eaten by the evil cat.
You never liked the night blanket, you felt that the worst things could happen in the dark of one night. Your steps were hurried, you constantly felt a presence following your weak form knowing that you would do nothing to stop it. You were not capable. You only got to feel calm and let out a sigh when you got to your little house, it was cozy for just one person. You liked it, it had a unique charm. Your shoes fell to the ground, as did your coat and bag. You were exhausted, Taehyung was not the best boss. He seemed to have an obsession with making you run around for coffee or a simple napkin.
Secretly, it was obnoxious.
"You're here, little one ..." a voice whispered, watching you from a camera lens.
I had bought a whole spy gear, between cameras, lenses and more just to see you, possibly to take some photos as a souvenir as well. Jungkook smiled, biting his lip impatiently. He had arrived at his department at the same time as you, but his work was not finished yet, not until you lay on your bed turning off the light and preventing him from seeing you any longer. "Good girl." His eyes never left your figure, the first garment fell to the ground.
You had a habit of going straight to the bathroom to relax for a few minutes after a tiring day. You were not yet aware that dark brown eyes were watching you from afar. Jungkook had adorable eyes according to many, they were like those of a defenseless and tender deer, but they would surely change their opinion if they knew what he does and sees with them.
"_____..." Your name left his lips in a moan, his face heated feeling his cock grow slowly at the sight of your naked body so exciting, you walked to the bathroom, losing his sight. But his imagination did the rest.
He sat in front of his camera, pulling down his pants along with his boxer shorts releasing his cock that rose proudly, crashing against his stomach. The presemen came out of his reddened tip, he moved his hand using it as a lubricant to be able to touch himself, imagining that you were looking at him too, calling him and begging him to come to your house to be able to fuck you in your bed. Your neighbors probably wouldn't like the noise. But I would still screw you so they can hear who made you feel good. Who you belonged to.
Just those thoughts was enough for him to come all over his hand, staining his stomach and part of the ground. His chest rose and fell with a laugh. It sure was pathetic.
But now I felt like I had some kind of power over you. Maybe it was always like that, you were his from the day you greeted him for the first time. He refused to think that you could see him cheated on with his boss. It was ridiculous, you clearly loved him.
So, for Jungkook you were his lovers in body and soul.
He could and had the power to do whatever he wanted with you. Taehyung walked in front of him, but for the first time in two years he didn't feel happy or euphoric to see him, and less excited.
He also didn't feel different when he called him into his office.
"Sit down Mr. Jeon, I have some business to attend to with you."
He obeyed immediately, realizing that even he had a power over his weak form. No one was superior to the great Taehyung.
Ironically. He likes irony.
"Lately I was going through the files of my employees and noticed something very unique." He spoke fully focused on his speech, Jungkook felt uncomfortable under his dark and empty gaze. "You have been working here for more than two years without taking a vacation or leaving your position something very exceptional and admirable. Thank you very much for your commitment to us, Mr. Jeon."
A sigh left his lips, he wondered vaguely why his breathing seemed to fail thinking that they could fire him. That would be terribly chaotic, it could not be close to you if it were to be roofed by the company.
It was a relief for him and a condemnation for you.
"It really isn't important, Chief Kim. I will continue to do my job fervently and do my best." He responded with a smile and a bow, trying to get out as soon as possible. He wanted to see you and Taehyung was starting to make him more nervous than usual, he felt that characteristic feeling of having damn butterflies fluttering in his stomach.
He felt like vomiting.
"That seems incredible to me, I would like to celebrate your great achievements. You think if after work, I can buy you a... a drink." He offered remarkably animated.
Funny, he had never been interested in doing that even when Jungkook followed him around like a puppy seeking approval. Did change something now? "I think it would be fair."
Everyone fully says that Lucifer is a man, Eve was very tempted by the apple of sin ...
"I would be delighted, only if I can bring one more person. He is someone important to me, and I would like him to celebrate in the same way." Jungkook smiled, he was delighted.
Taehyung looked surprised, genuinely surprised. But still, he managed to maintain his composure. "Of course, it would be a pleasure to meet that special person to you. You can go now."
Jungkook nodded, giving another bow and walking patiently to the door.
Taehyung watched his figure get lost, he felt strangely curious. He had never seen Jungkook interested in anything other than his job. However, now he spoke of someone special in his life. He frowned, searching his desk for the keys to his drawer hidden from anyone.
It was a bit personal.
He opened it, taking out the only thing inside. A red letter, the envelope was charming and eye-catching. He remembered it just like that day, Jungkook kneeling on the floor of his office where silence reigned. I knew that little Jeon waited for everyone to leave so he could confess, he said nothing at all, his gaze on the ground and his hands held the letter in the air hoping that he would take it.
He never read it.
But he knew it was a confession of his unforgivable love, that Jungkook would think he could fire him for something so heinous. But it was never necessary, he never read the letter so there was never a mistake on anyone's part. But now he was curious.
Maybe jealousy, he wanted to have power over everyone within his company and if a puppet left his strings, it would be like losing power over everyone.
He was lost so much in his misery that he did not notice that you had entered without permission, you were in a hurry because he answered a call from an investor from China that you could not wait for him to answer.
"Mr. Kim, you have a call ..."
Business dinners were boring for you, you knew it was just a stupid look covering up a night in a restaurant where they met to drink as much alcohol as they could. Especially men, according to your criteria. You didn't feel comfortable being the third person on a date between a boss and an important employee. However, I politely accept Mr. Jeon's invitation.
You looked for the table, where dinner and a toast to all the achievements of the aforementioned was supposed to take place. It was one number in particular, table 69.
"Miss _____..." Jungkook was the first to get up from his place to say hello. Taehyung stayed still in his seat, not even looking up from his wine glass. "Have a seat please welcome."
You felt uncomfortable, again. You were the third wheel on a date of two, to say you were a hindrance was to be a joker. Your chair was closer to Jungkook, as if your boss wanted not to be near you by mistake.
"Do you want to order something? Some wine?" Jungkook seemed strangely nervous, as well as attentive to any of your movements.
As if he were afraid of something certainly improbable.
"A-water is fine, thanks." You whisper overwhelmed by so much attention from one person. His hands seemed to shake as he got up from his seat running to bring your precious order.
Taehyung looked at everything with skeptical eyes. He was an observer. His gaze fell on your clothes, you weren't necessarily wearing something revealing or provocative to have so much attention from his former platonic lovers. You were dressed in a black skirt, a honey colored blouse and a white scarf along with some black shoes. You looked comfortable with your clothes, but quite the opposite with the situation and the environment.
Jungkook was dumb. Very silly, he thought, reading your thoughts. You clearly weren't interested in him and still, he was struggling to get your approval as if you were better than Taehyung.
Did you even think about what you were so valuable?
Your name left his lips, drawing your attention right away. "Bored?" His question surprised you, perhaps he was more than observant.
"No, no ..." You reply nervously, waving your hands in the air to give yourself more credibility. "I just think I'm not the most appropriate person to take this place at this dinner. It's weird."
"I get it. You are nobody, just an employee trying to do your job ... not impressive, by the way." Your face was distorted, you were not the most correct person in a matter of manners but you were sure that that was completely offensive and rude. Your inner voice whispered for you to leave, it wasn't worth it. "You are free to go, I will tell Mr. Jeon that you felt bad and had an emergency."
Doubt grew within you. Right now you felt that everything that came out of his mouth was trying to attack you and hurt you in some way. You frowned, refusing to indulge in his game. To say that Taehyung was surprised was an understatement.
"I'm fine, but thank you Mr. Kim."
"Listen damned-..."
Jungkook returned to his place sitting next to you, Taehyung closed his mouth automatically fearing the worst of him. The glass of crystal clear water sat in front of you, it seemed as if it had searched for simple water for days when only a few minutes passed. He looked eager for you to bring him to your lips and drink from something brought by him.
It was terrifying.
Your hand refused to take the glass, your conscience screamed uncontrollably for you to drop it on the floor pretending to have an accident. It was a horribly euphoric feeling. When the water wet your tongue you felt dizzy, your nerves calmed down noticeably.
It was just water.
Jungkook kept smiling the entire dinner, talking about things you honestly didn't understand. It was as if he and Taehyung had a special language to speak to each other, one in which you weren't welcome.
"It feels good?" Your vision became blurry, you had drunk half a glass of wine but your head felt like a whirlpool. Strangely familiar. Your mouth suddenly felt dry, your breath failed and your eyes surrendered.
Jungkook screamed in horror when your body fell to the ground, Taehyung smugly watched as the people around you tried to get up scared by your state. He did not care much about me, nor did it affect him that Jungkook went with you to a hospital. He just sat there, finishing his glass of wine and his special dish. Curious eyes watched them intrigued.
A truly unique man.
Your head rested calmly on his shoulder, he finally smiled away from the pressure of the people in the restaurant. You seemed so peaceful with your steady breathing and calm rhythm, you were so close to him that he was afraid he couldn't wait until he got to his new home. The man who was driving observed in the rear-view mirror, they seemed like a very calm couple and it certainly created a chilling sensation as the young man sitting in his car touched your face as if he feared breaking you by accident. On cold nights like these, he preferred not to ask any questions of his clandestine and unknown clients, but he would always take that doubt about who he helped to escape his own problems.
The room specially chosen by him was decorated, every detail seemed to reflect your darkest tastes and those that everyone knew. It was beautifully scary like the books and pillow was a replica of what you always wanted. Jungkook was proud to have been able to get everything, his bank account was now just zeroes. He learned how useful money was if you saved enough, he hated people who used it without knowing or measuring what it might be worth later.
Your body fell on the giant bed, the sheets were soft and honey color like your blouse. Jungkook knew that you liked colors that will make you relax but you had no preference for one in particular. His curious eyes glowed in the dark, his hands daringly touched your body without fear of being rejected because you simply couldn't do it.
"You are mine, now." He whispered, his voice mingling with the silent screams of the night. The moon was shining hungrily illuminating the room, but not enough to impede what was impossible to stop. "Sleep, sleep a lot. I could wait for you forever."
His promises remained in the air and on deaf ears. With selfishness in his heart, he rose above you positioning himself above you allowing his face to fall on your neck where he sipped from your charming scent that tempted him to follow. Your legs were side by side on his hips, he brought his body closer to yours. He couldn't bear to go on pretending to be the good guy, he was the only one.
"Please do not leave me..."
His sobs were trapped between the four walls, he was sick. He begged for forgiveness. Mercy he did not deserve. I was hoping that you could see him again directly as always, with a smile and your soft voice wishing him a good morning.
His calm, gentle kisses turned desperate, angry, and somewhat cruel. Leaving exaggerated marks all over your body, I wish it long ago. However, he was never heard.
Now he had what he wanted.
He felt complete by your side. His parents loved him as if they depended on their love, but they were certainly false in his head. Jungkook happily recalled how they prevented him from using his own money, how they seemed to put walls in front of him to prevent him from going to live alone, and how they rejected that he was in love with someone of the same gender.
His father called it disgusting and a shame, his mother was silent crying in his hands covering her grief.
Their bodies were never discovered. The police felt useless in front of their eyes, they apologized for their incompetence. They had fallen off a bridge where they always went to pray, where Jungkook knew they were asking for forgiveness and then committing the same sins again.
He planned his move cunningly, moving his pieces one by one.
He amused himself like a child killing a pawn of his competition.
He made an account of his crimes, his parents, Taehyung's best friend who was the harmless Park Jimin, his boss's former secretary who after being fired was strangely run over by a car that was never discovered, also remembers your insolent neighbor who seemed to enjoy stalking you, Jungkook remembers how I completely hate him. His hands on her neck made it clear when she hated him, he was disgusting.
He applauded happily, he felt very good about himself seeing that he made up his mind about so many people who for him were a plague in this world. It was like a child receiving a gift, his hands took the pen on his desk writing the last name on his list for now. Red ink stained the paper, a smile invaded his face.
𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓣𝓪𝓮𝓱𝔂𝓾𝓷𝓰.
A gasp left his lips watching your figure move on the bed, he got up from his seat to watch you wake up. You looked so innocent, but now you were stained.
You carried her future child within you, he tried very hard to get you pregnant. You never noticed how he always managed to put powdered sleeping pills in your food every night since he got tired of just looking at you. Then he only had to enter your house like a ghost, his moans of pleasure were silent as he collided with you, fucking you hard with the thought and idea that you would carry his son in your womb.
So, you would never want to leave.
You will learn to love the monotony of being the wife and mother of Jeon Jungkook's son.
After all, he was never a fool.
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just kidding, m | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: There was a time where you would be out partying, getting drunk and fucking up a storm. But you’re different now. You stopped drinking. Now you’re the one waiting for Kim Taehyung to call so you can pick him up from his drunken adventures. There’s just one small hitch –  Taehyung’s roommate, Jeon Jungkook, offering you a mojito.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language, (a little) alcohol consumption; slight crack at the start lol; smut (fem reader, thigh riding, handjob, fingering, m-receiving oral); non-idol!AU; Jungkook is a tempter and he knows it; noona!reader and you’re a nympho, whoops
“I don’t drink.”
Jeon Jungkook blinked at you, holding out the mojito.
“But… I made it.”
“That’s true. But I don’t drink.”
He pursed his lips and frowned.
“You sure?” he asked, putting on his best puppy eyes.
“I promise it’s not poisoned.”
You laughed, jangling your car keys. “I have to drive later. But also, I do not drink.”
He nodded and took a sip of it. “It’s really smooth.”
You smiled and went back to your phone. Kim Taehyung was supposed to text you in a bit so you could pick him up from a party. In exchange, he let you borrow his computer to play League of Legends since he had a better PC and internet than your apartment. There was an event going on, so you had to grind games. You were getting tired though and you didn’t want to be in the middle of a game when Taehyung called half-drunk.
Now you were sitting on the couch, as Taehyung’s roommate Jeon Jungkook stood there and took sips from his mojito. Just standing there, thinking. He did that a lot, drifting off into space randomly. You figured it was some sort of weird habit. He was wearing a striped black-and-white turtleneck and black leather pants. His cheek-length black hair was pinned back on the right side, revealing his undercut. It seemed like he was going out, but he had spent all night in his room before going to the kitchen and then appearing with said mojito. Why? Honestly, you had no idea.
“Are you going somewhere?” you asked, looking up at him from the sofa.
Jungkook snapped out of it and stared at you. “What?”
You pointed to his outfit. “You’re dressed all fancy.”
Jungkook looked down. “Oh. Uh, not really. I was going to go with Taehyung tonight but I had an assignment to finish that I forgot about. I never changed.”
You nodded. Hm.
“How do you know Taehyung-ssi, anyway, noona?”
“I sucked his dick once.”
Jungkook nearly dropped his glass.
You calmly scrolled through Instagram. You flickered your eyes up to see Jungkook’s shocked face and his red ears.
“I’m kidding,” you chuckled, seeing Jungkook blink rapidly to collect himself. “I used to be the Biology lab TA. He’d ask for help a lot. And he plays League, so we ended up hanging out. Also, I have a car.”
“R-right…” Jungkook crab-walked to the armchair next to the sofa and sat down, placing his drink on the table. “Right, yeah.”
You two sat in silence, rather comfortable for you, rather awkward for Jungkook. You didn’t come here that often, but it was always only to borrow Taehyung’s internet or to pick him up from random outings. It was never a big deal to you, as Taehyung was always nice and bought you food later as thanks. As for Jeon Jungkook, he was just kind of there. Introverted, quiet, sometimes piped up to inquire about something when he was curious. You weren’t exactly talkative, but he didn’t bother you either, so it was never too memorable.
“What’s on your shirt?” Jungkook asked, tilted his head.
You lifted your phone to give him a better look at the nine-pointed star and bleeding goat head of your long-sleeved black shirt. “It’s an American metal band.”
Jungkook blinked at you. “You listen to metal?”
You put your phone back down. “Yup.”
You suddenly remembered your legs were wide open because you were wearing your black velvet pants and they were hot as fuck. Wearing these was a mistake. You closed your legs and settled them on the couch. They had been expensive though, so you felt like you had to wear them to get your money’s worth. Damnnit. Why did you buy these again?
“Why don’t you drink alcohol?”
You closed Instagram and opened Twitter. “Because I become sexually uninhibited.”
You looked up to see Jungkook trying to process what you said, imaginary question marks popping on top of his head.
“It means I fuck anything with legs, Jungkook.”
His brown doe eyes went wide. “W-what?”
You shrugged. “Yeah, you know, one time one of my friends caught me in a room with my clothes off blowing three guys at once, so I figured, hmm, maybe I shouldn’t drink anymore. That ever happen to you?” you added nonchalantly.
Jungkook shook his head so quickly his long black hair floated in the air.
“Huh. Well, me neither,” you chuckled. “I was just kidding.”
Jungkook looked like a mother who was trying to process all of their child’s sex escapades. “That’s good then. Whew,” he remarked with an awkward laugh. He took another long, hasty sip of his mojito.
“It was four guys.”
Jungkook nearly choked. He snapped his head up to see your shoulders shaking as you tried to contain your snickering, hiding behind your phone. He glared at you, clearing his throat sharply.
“You shouldn’t lie, noona,” he muttered, frowning.
You lowered your phone and straightened. “I was laughing at your expression. I wasn’t lying.”
He narrowed his eyes, disbelieving. “About what part?” he said warily.
“I do not drink because I will literally try to fuck anyone in my immediate vicinity when I’m drunk,” you stated in a matter-of-fact tone. “You can imagine it’s not very good for my sexual health or my social life as I stumble out of a party covered in cum of four guys I don’t know.”
Jungkook was in the middle of drinking his mojito and swallowed so hard the entire drink disappeared into his throat.
“What?” he wheezed out, slamming his chest with his fist.
You put your hands up. “It happens.”
Jungkook looked as if he as going to pass out, either from the image or from drinking too fast. You picked up your phone again and set Taehyung a text.
Are you dead? I think I killed your roommate.
Jungkook shook his head vigorously. “You must be joking.”
“Nope, that actually happened. Ask Taehyung.”
Jungkook looked taken aback. “What?” he said again in the same panicked tone.
“I told you someone found me.”
You swore that if this was the Wild West, a tumbleweed would have drifted by. Jungkook looked as white as a sheet. You calmly plucked the glass from his hand since it seemed like he was rapidly losing focus of his surroundings.
“How… That’s so dangerous!” Jungkook sputtered, seemingly coming back to life.
“Indeed, which is why I am sitting here right now and not piss drunk in a random bedroom in someone’s house,” you replied calmly, waiting for Taehyung to text you back. “See, this is why you don’t offer me a drink because then I would try to fuck you. You’ve been spared.”
Jungkook gave you a very strange expression and suddenly crossed one leg over the other. You rubbed your eyes. Hopefully Taehyung didn’t stay out too late. You were getting sleepy.
“Well, you still have to be attracted to them, r-right?” Jungkook commented, looking away and biting his knuckle.
You didn’t look up from your phone.
“I suppose. I don’t really have a type, and when you’re drunk you only look at the parts you’re attracted to anyway and forget about anything else,” you responded, chuckling at a cute cat picture. “At least you’re attractive, so if I met you at a party drunk, I’d fuck you, easy.” Owls could sit cross-legged? What? You squinted at the meme, trying to see if it was Photoshopped.
Silence. Absolute fucking silence.
You decided that it seemed unlikely the photo of this sitting owl was Photoshopped and lifted your head to see Jungkook staring at you like you had three heads.
“You’re…” Jungkook chuckled awkwardly. “Just kidding, right?”
You blinked. “What? About you being attractive?” You pointed to him. “No. I’m not. You’re handsome, Jungkook.”
You saw his ears turning red once again. “Ahaha… but you wouldn’t fuck me, right?”
“I would.”
A crow cawed loudly outside the window.
Jungkook wasn’t blinking. Was he dead? Was Taehyung going to come home to a statue of a roommate? You tilted your head and waved your hand in front of his face. Jungkook didn’t move. Maybe he went into shock.
“Jungkook? You alive in there?” you asked, waving your hand some more.
He blinked rapidly, startling you. “I… I…”
Okay, now he was scaring you. Was he broken? Did Taehyung have an A.I. for a roommate and not tell you? Taehyung, please come home and oil your Jungkook, you thought dryly as you watched him scrunch up his nose, as if he was trying to stretch his face muscles out.
“You surprised me,” Jungkook sputtered, nervously rubbing the back of his head. “I just… there’s no way…”
“That I would fuck you?” you replied, completely chill. He turned even redder. You placed a hand on your cheek and rested your elbow on the couch. “Why not? You’re cute, have nice fashion sense, seem like a decent guy.”
Yeah, Jungkook was definitely breaking down because he did not seem to know how to form proper sentences anymore. He was like a fish out of water, opening and closing his mouth awkwardly.
“But, I couldn’t though.” You cut off his attempts to fathom a thought. He stiffened, his doe eyes shifting to you. “Because you’re Taehyung’s friend, not a stranger. I try not to mess up my friendships, you know?”
He swallowed thickly. “R-right.”
You removed your hand from your cheek and cracked your neck, leaning back against the plushy couch arm. Sheesh, where was Taehyung? You could have played an entire ARAM in the time he was messing about. He told you around this time, but perhaps he had run late. Oh well.
“But… if he doesn’t know…”
Hold up.
You lifted your head, slowly, slowly to Jungkook’s nervous stare and shifty eyes.
“I mean, if Taehyung doesn’t know… doesn’t count, right?” he asked innocently.
His dark hair obscured part of his angular face, pink lips slightly parted. His eyes were watching your every move like a hawk, brows furrowed slightly. The living room light reflected off his glowing tan skin and the glossiness of his lips.
If you don’t stop looking like that, you thought. There’s going to be consequences.
“Let’s not tread dangerous waters here,” you said quietly.
One of his dark eyebrows quirked upwards ever-so-slightly. “How is it dangerous? Taehyung’s going to call you when he needs to be picked up. He’s going to see the inside of your car before he even sees the inside of this apartment.”
Uh oh. Now your heart was beating fast. Fuck. Fuckity fuck. Alcohol made you sexually uninhibited because you really, really enjoyed having sex. Far too much. But you couldn’t go through life fucking everything with legs (or without them – to be honest, it wasn’t that strict of a requirement) because, hello, societal standards? Social appropriateness of maybe not fucking the cashier at your favorite coffee spot or your friend’s roommate in his apartment? You know, you had to be a productive human being and not a damn nympho. Wasn’t like you were getting paid for it.
Jungkook lifted his leg from his knee and spread them, tilting his chin upward.
Oh ho?
Well, now you knew why Jungkook crossed his legs, because a very obvious bulge was struggling in his leather pants. Where was embarrassed Jungkook? Shocked Jungkook? The Jungkook that was stunned at your crude words and straightforward manner?
Give him back. This is too much.
Perhaps you had been a little too frank for once – ah, who are you kidding, you’d probably been in this situation before.
Jungkook’s right hand slid up his thigh, long fingers with tiny, delicate tattoos, tracing the contours of his muscular quads. You tilted your head as he danced his fingers along his inner thigh before spreading them over his bulge and cupping it, stroking slowly through the thick fabric as he licked his lips.
“I am not drunk enough for this,” you muttered.
“Are you scared?” Jungkook asked softly, still palming himself through his pants. “Scared Taehyungie will be mad at you?” You felt a muscle in your face twitch. It seemed that he knew he was getting the better of you, because his voice was dropping low, sultry. You did not like being challenged, because well… you always tried to rise to the challenge. To your detriment, sometimes.
“Is Taehyung the boss of you?”
You snapped your head at him, narrowing your eyes.
“No one is the boss of me,” you replied icily.
Jungkook softened his features, laying his head back in the armchair. His hair curled around his cheek as his breathing deepened. His teeth caught his lower lip and gradually released it, the pink flesh popping back into place. The tiny mole under his lip trembled.
“Then do whatever you want, noona.”
Your eyes narrowed to slits, nails digging into your palms.
“What’s gotten into you?”
Jungkook’s voice was a smokey wisp, soaking into you.
“Just imagining you on your knees, naked, covered in cum…” He groaned, rocking his hips into his hand. “Sounds so fucking hot.”
Well. It had been. It was fucking hot, it made you wet just thinking about that night. It had felt amazing as the cum dripped down your skin, covering you, making you filthy with your sinful lust, so delicious and raw and dirty that right now you sat up, spreading your legs again because the space between your thighs was too fucking hot, too fucking much. Stupid velvet pants.
You got up from the couch, eyes still on Jungkook, his pupils dilating, tongue tracing the outskirts of his lips. He leaned his head back a little and moaned your name, long and lustful, eyelids fluttering. His dark hair brushed against his brows.
“Stop,” you breathed, reaching down to push your shirt up. Your fingers hovered over the button of your pants. Too hot. Too fucking hot. “You’re doing this on purpose. You’re tempting me.”
The side of his lips curved upward into a lazy smirk.
“I am.”
You placed your phone on the coffee table. The sound was on. Taehyung still hadn’t texted you. You would hear it vibrate against the wood. You took another step, unbuttoning your pants. Fuck. Why was Jungkook so sexy? You could resist if he wasn’t so damn hot.
“Don’t want you to think…” You swallowed; throat tight. “Don’t want you to think I’m treating you like a sex object.” The zipper of your pants slid down. “Because you seem like a nice guy.”
He smiled, undoing his pants too, sighing as the zipper freed his bulge.
“If I was your sex object…” Jungkook purred, pushing his tight leather pants down, down. “Even for only a little bit, I wouldn’t hold it against you, noona.”
Now your velvet pants were being peeled off your hips, leaving you in your seamless black panties. Oh, fuck, his thighs. Muscular and powerful, skin so pretty you wanted to touch. His eyes slid down your body.
“Holy shit, your thighs.”
Seemed like you both had the same idea. You climbed onto Jungkook’s lap, straddling one of his thighs. Now he was close to you, smelling like fresh linen, presence so warm and powerful you were being drugged by it. Your hands slid onto his shoulders, gripping them finger by finger, breathing hard as he tensed them. Slowly, you sat down on his left thigh, gasping as your soaked, clothed heat touched him. He grinned, flexing it under you. His own hand slid up your thigh, squeezing it, watching his fingers sink into your softness.
“Now, this,” Jungkook breathed, staring into your eyes. “This is a sexy body.”
Your heart was beating so fast, so fast. He watched you closely, eyes so dark that you felt like you were drowning in them. You rolled your hips into his thigh, hissing as you became wetter. He flexed the muscle under you, hard and unforgiving, sitting back and letting you rub yourself against it. You smeared your juices into his skin, stimulating your clit, inhaling sharply. Jungkook was still clutching your thigh, his large hand pressed into you.
“Is that enough for you?” he drawled, his other hand sliding up to land on your other thigh. “Is that all you want from me?”
Your eyes flickered to his playful, daring brown orbs.
“There’s no time…” you muttered.
“Take off your panties,” he nudged.
He placed his hands on your waist and lifted you up. You bit your lip, uncertain.
“Noona, I want you to feel good.”
He slipped one finger on the side of your black panties and pushed down. You took the other side and pushed them down, raising your legs to pull out one and then the other. Your panties fluttered to the ground. Jungkook’s gaze on you as you lowered again, bare and dripping, onto his thick thigh. Oh, holy hell. He tensed it and pressed your hips down, grinding his thigh onto your slopping wet pussy. You moaned, grasping his forearms through his turtleneck, feeling the strength in them, the hardness. You closed your eyes, humping his thigh, lost in bliss.
“Can you cum like that?” You felt Jungkook lean forward, lips brushing against yours. “Cum you cum just by rubbing yourself on me?”
Tiny, rigid nods. “If you... kiss me.”
He groaned as he felt your opening tense on his skin. “I thought you would never ask.”
And then his lips were on yours, soft, delicate. Sweet, erotic kisses contrasting with how hard you were fucking his leg, his tongue dancing in the periphery of yours, dodging you playfully as you whined, clutching him tighter. He pressed you down harder, sliding his tongue into your mouth. You shuddered, wetness pooling at his kisses, your core tightening as he whispered your name into your lips.
“Your body is so fucking delectable,” his murmured. “So sexy, it’s sinful.”
You clenched your jaw as you basically rammed your hips into his thigh, slippery and hard, your clit throbbing with need.
“Cum for me, noona.” You could feel his lips form the words as he kissed you, awe in his voice. “Cum on my thigh.”
You dug your nails into his clothed arms and shut your eyes, moaning his name, feeling the strings inside you snap, pleasure waterfalling into you as you came, squelching onto his skin, so viscous and thick that it added to the lubrication, your swollen clit throbbing. Your eyelids fluttered as his hands pressed you down, grinding your hips into his muscle so you could ride your high, extend it until you were melting, hands falling from his arms. He cradled you gently, your chest heaving with effort.
You cracked your eyes open. “Has my phone made any noise?”
He shook his head. His dark hair covered part of his left eye. “No, noona.”
Maybe Taehyung was getting laid. Good for him.
“I’m going to touch you now,” you stated. To the point.
Jungkook grinned.
You reached down to his black boxer briefs and yanked them down, freeing his cock and balls. He lifted his legs a little and you pushed them down, but he took your hand, placing it on his semi-hard cock. He moaned as your fingers wrapped around him.
“Do you want to take it off?” you asked quietly, referring to his underwear.
“No,” Jungkook replied tightly, cupping his hand around yours, using your hand to stroke himself a few times. “I can’t wait anymore.”
You nudged his hand aside and began your pace. He leaned back, gasping softly. Your grip wasn’t what it used to be. Carpal tunnel was a bitch. Still, you furrowed your brow, concentrating, He swelled in your hand, pre-cum leaking at the red tip dripping onto your fingers. You stopped for a moment to coat your palm with it, bringing it to your mouth and licking your hand, moaning at his taste. Jungkook shivered, watching your saliva spread all over before returning to his cock, adding to the lubrication.
He pressed his head into the back of the armchair, hips rising as you started again, jaw tense.
“I’m not as good as before,” you gritted out. “My wrist–”
“It’s perfect,” Jungkook interjected. “Fuck, your hand is perfect.”
He was rock hard in your hand as you jacked him off. You snuck a glance at him. His hands were on his face, combing through his dark hair, eyes closing, mouth open as he moaned, rutting into your palm.
He was just so, so sensual that it was driving you insane, his noises making you wet. There was something feral about it, the way he looked at you through his lashes.
“Can I finger you?” he pleaded. “Please.”
Your hips were raised to get a good angle, your arousal already dripping down your thigh.
“Of course. Touch me, Jungkook.”
He lowered his hands, hair all over his face, staring at you through the veil. His fingers slid up your thigh, slipping in between. Dipping in, moaning as he touched your wetness. You sucked in a breath, feeling his fingertip graze your swollen clit. Your grip tightened.
“Jungkook.” Your eyes found his, glazed with lust. “You can be rougher with me. If you want.”
He swallowed, Adam’s apple bobbing. “Don’t want to hurt you…”
You smirked.
“You forget who you’re talking to.”
He pushed two fingers into you, feeling you suck him in as you stroked him, smile still on your lips. Jungkook grinned, pressing his thumb against your clit and rubbed it as he began to thrust his fingers into you, matching your pace, the two of you focused on getting each other off, breath mixing between your bodies.
“Yeah?” you panted, whimpering at his roughness, his fingers scissoring in you, stretching your walls as you squeezed back, faster and faster.
“Wanna cum in your mouth.”
You chuckled as he shoved a third finger into you, punishing your clit repeatedly, so full, so good, it was making you crazy, but you had to focus, you had to get him off.
“This is a weird angle.”
Jungkook suddenly pulled his fingers out and pinched your clit, making you hiss and your legs shake, pained whimpers clawing from your throat.
“Do it.” His voice was a low growl. “Do it and I’ll reward you.”
You slid off the chair, still stroking his cock, narrowing your eyes at him. Jungkook looked down at you, smirk on his pretty pink lips, whispering your name. You removed your hand and replaced it with your mouth. Fuck. He sighed, hand coming up to tangle in your hair, not quite pressing you down but holding you there, his taste coating your tongue, his hard length throbbing in your mouth. You moaned onto his cock and his hips trembled, his long bangs covering his left eye.
Ugh, the way he looked at you. Your felt your pussy clench, demanding his cock.
Instead, you began to move your head up and down, soft lips around him, mouth tight around the head and length. His hand stayed there, moving with you, firm, reminding you that you couldn’t stop, that you had to keep going until he came. You set a nice, fast, tight pace, already knowing he was close, hearing his breathy groans, repeating your name over and over.
“Always thought you were fuckable,” Jungkook panted out. “Always wanted you in my bed.” He pressed his head into the armchair, shutting his eyes. “Couldn’t figure out how to convince you, couldn’t figure out how to tell you that I wanted you so very much.”
You tightened your throat around him and he dug his nails into your scalp, breathing shallow and tight.
“Gonna cum, noona, fuck, gonna cum down that pretty throat of yours.”
Jungkook squeezed his eyes shut and groaned, his orgasm filling your mouth, coating your tongue, slipping down your throat. You gulped and he yelped at the sensitivity, whimpering as you softly lapped at the head, cleaning him off. Drinking it all, intoxicated with it, so satisfied swallowing it all.
Oh, how you loved sex.
You slowly removed your mouth crawling back up, no longer aware of your obligations to Taehyung, only interested in brushing Jungkook’s hair aside and kissing him deep, moaning as his tongue forced into your mouth, tasting himself. His hand slipped back into your folds and three fingers deep into you, fucking you. You whined into his mouth, telling him how good he was, telling him how good he felt inside you, telling him you how much you wanted his cock, his beautiful, thick cock jammed all the way inside you.
The door lock clicked and neither of you heard anything.
“Ah, I managed to hitch a ride with Jim– WHAT THE FUCK?”
Taehyung’s deep voice boomed throughout the apartment and you were still making out with Jungkook’s face as his fingers thrust into your slopping wet pussy, spreading you out. You whimpered as Jungkook broke the kiss, pushing you against his body as Taehyung slammed the door and marched in, kicking off his shoes carelessly.
“Fucking shit, why are you like this, fucking everything in your sight, you absolute–”
You turned your head, somewhat ashamed, feeling somewhat sorry – but not that sorry, because Jungkook’s fingers were still inside you. Taehyung’s strong features were twisted in annoyance, but he wasn’t looking at you.
He was scowling at Jungkook.
“I told you,” Taehyung said sharply, sweeping his lush fur coat back to reveal his black turtleneck and black slacks, pointing an accusing finger at Jungkook. “Not to get her started, because she is a horny seductress.”
You raised your eyebrows at him. “Excuse me?”
Taehyung ticked his head, looking down at you. “Am I wrong?”
You pouted. “Well, no.”
“And,” he added, directing his attention at you. “Why would you not ask me to fuck first? I’ve seen you naked hundreds of times!”
Jungkook raised his eyebrows. “Hundreds?”
Taehyung ignored him, leaning down and taking your chin. Brown eyes a mix of angry and amused, observing your lust. “I am offended that I respected you and you’re sitting in my roommate’s lap instead of mine.” His breath seemed like alcohol.
Your lips parted, heart beating fast. “S-sorry, Tae… You’re just always dragging me out of weird stuff that I thought you were disgusted by me…”
Taehyung brought his face close to you. You loved his voice. So deep, so intense, so heavy. It seemed to shake your soul with bass.
“I’ve wanted you on my dick the second I saw you.”
And then he kissed you, hard and full, as Jungkook’s fingers began to move inside you once again.
part ii: kth x you x jjk
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ffion451 · 2 years
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Chapter Eleven (and a bit) - Yoongi’s Year (a drabble)
Kick Up the Fire and Let the Flames Break Loose: MYG | KTH (m)
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The series masterpost has the main summary, warning, chapter info and posting dates etc.
⚠️🔞Please note that whilst not every chapter has mature content, that the whole fic has a mature focus and so minors should steer clear of the whole thing🔞⚠️
Chapter warnings: Swearing, brief mentions of poor mental health (nothing intense and not glamorised)
Chapter characters/pairings: Yoongi x reader (sort of)
Note: After reading please read the note at the end of this chapter!
Word count: 1.9K
<<< Taehyung’s Year | Chapter Twelve >>>
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Why does Namjoon have to be so helpful? Yoongi muses despondently as he tries to undo the attempted repair Namjoon inflicted on his broken mic stand, rendering it even more broken than it was to begin with.
Hobi watches with some amusement from his place lounged comfortably on the couch in Yoongi’s studio. He’d tried helping but his offers of assistance were about the same use as poking at a wasp’s nest with a stick and so he retreated to the sidelines to watch the repair from afar. Namjoon was long gone, feeling stung after being thanked for his attempt in the most aggressive terms possible, rendering Yoongi’s attempt to hide his frustration absolutely futile.
At the exact same time as Taehyung scrolls through his phone in the air above the US, Hobi, an expert and almost obsessively-regular user of Instagram, comes across your post for himself and smirks.
“Hey, grumpy cat,” Hobi laughs, extending his phone towards Yoongi, “check this out,”
Completely unaware of the irony of his action, Yoongi bristles like an annoyed feline at the nickname, before taking the offered phone and seeing your smiling face, softening his scowl automatically and instantly.
He thumbs through the photos, his smile extending and his heart swelling with warmth and pride for you and what you’ve achieved, “She’s done so well,” he says happily to Hobi before his breath catches as he sees the comment from Helen.
His voice is strangled when he turns to Hobi, and he has to swallow several times to soothe his suddenly dry mouth before he’s able to speak clearly, “Read that, please, and tell me what you think it means,” he says, passing the phone to Hobi.
“Read what?,” Hobi asks, his eyes roving through the comments.
“The hell’s bells one,” Yoongi says, his voice returning to normal, though his heart seems to have grown powerful little arms, punching at his ribs and seemingly determined to climb into his throat.
“Oh,” says Hobi, his eyebrows raising as he turns to Yoongi.
Instead of speaking to him as Yoongi expects, he looks him in the eye before suddenly shouting, “NAMJOON! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!”
When Namjoon, cowed and apologetic looking, gets in the room anticipating a further scolding, he’s surprised to find Hobi thrusting a phone at him. He reviews the comment he makes the same surprised sigh as Hobi.
“What does it mean?,” says Yoongi, trying to keep the desperation and whine from his voice.
“She’s single,” says Hobi with certainty.
“She’s not with Kim Taehyung,” Namjoon states. It should mean the same exact thing, but somehow Namjoon’s statement means much more.
Yoongi fixes Namjoon with a look he has seen so rarely that he can barely recognise it on his friend’s face, it’s utter helplessness and a cry for a kind of assistance that he can’t find the words for.
Namjoon carefully passes Hobi’s phone back to him, before he removes his own room the deep pocket of his sweatpants. He taps away at the screen, playing with the clock app for a moment before holding the phone to his ear, he smiles at Yoongi and, as the other line begins to ring, he offers explanation,  “It’s an ok time in England, I’m calling Dongyeon.”
Over the course of the next hour, truths are spilled that flow through the studio like floodwater. Not that they were in much doubt, but both Hobi and Namjoon now know exactly how Yoongi feels about you.  As for Yoongi, well he knows you’re as much of a liar as he is, and is doesn’t change a thing about how he feels about you.
Hours later, lying sleeplessly on his bed, confined to the far edge as his dog Holly stretches and sprawls out with soft snores, he let’s his eyes flutter closed in the darkness and imagines what he would say to you if he could summon the courage to speak to you honestly again.
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So, it looks like you lie as much as I do. Wait, is that unfair? Let’s just say you omit the truth as much as I do.  Is that better? 
You could have told me at the observatory that you weren’t with Taehyung anymore and I could have told you on that rooftop in Itaewon that I wasn’t there to win your friendship back, but to finally admit to you how in love with you I am.
I know you’ll ask me why I didn’t say anything. You might be tempted to assume I didn’t think I could compete with Taehyung, but that’s not it. I know he’s probably the best looking man that ever lived and I know he’s hopelessly in love with you, or was, I don’t know where you guys are right now, but it doesn’t matter, because he’s not the man for you. I know that as clearly as I know that I have never loved anyone or anything as much as I love you. It’s been nearly a year since I last saw you and nothing has changed about how I feel about you, nothing else I’ve done matters in the slightest.
Hear me out, because I need you to understand something: I see you. 
I don’t have you on the high pedestal that I think that Kim Taehyung does. That doesn’t mean you don’’t take my breath away though - I see that you’re so fucking clever, and beautiful, and funny and a million other perfect things, but I see more than that. I see that you are insecure, uncertain, frightened and desperate to run from everything that scares you. I see that you can be a coward sometimes but you can also be so fucking brave that I’m awestruck by you. I see that you can be selfish and cruel when you’re hurt and that it devastates you when you are because you’re so generous and kind by nature. I see all of you and there’s not one bit of you that I don’t love. Those parts of you that you’re afraid of, that make you feel ashamed? I love them the most because they’re part of you and you’re only human.
I think we’d be happy together because I know what it is to feel like you do, I’m more than familiar with that monster of self-loathing and exhaustion that threatens to pull you down and smother you in the darkness. I think you hide that from other people, but you never hid it from me. Sometimes I wonder why, but mostly I’m just grateful you trusted me enough to be yourself. I want all of you, the good and the less good: I am no fucking saint, honey, I’m never going to judge you.
I don’t feel the smallest shred of insecurity about how I feel about you, or any doubt about how happy I can make you. I know that means that I need to explain why I’ve not acted on how I’ve felt with more determination then, don’t I? The answer is simple, because of you.
You opened yourself to me almost totally in the time we were close; I feel like all the doors of your mind were open to me and I’ve walked the labyrinth of your mind, my Ariadne, following the red string you laid out for me to keep me from getting lost. Is that the right metaphor? I like the idea of the red string, because I think we’re bound by fate even if I’ve never really believed in it. It can’t be an accident can it, that we met on a plane just like your parents?
Still, I’m getting sidetracked now, carried away with my own ideas, just like you do. I know what you’d say now, with a big grin on your face, you’d accuse me of being like a cat distracted by playing with string, wouldn’t you? And then you’d laugh like it was the funniest thing in the world the more I frowned, until you felt bad for me and you’d try to coax me into smiling for you: you’re far too attached to the sight of my gums, you know that?
Back to the point then, I might see straight into your mind, but your heart is hidden from my sight. I can’t explain what I’d give to know how you feel about me, that’s all I want.
Wait, another lie. Let’s just be honest. I want to know exactly how you feel about me, because I do know you have feelings for me, but are any of those feelings love? Is it anything like I feel? I don’t care if you don’t love me as much as I love you, how could you? If I didn’t feel this way, I’d believe this amount of love was impossible. 
There’s more: I also need to know how you really feel about Kim Taehyung. That’s the real problem, because whilst I can deal with you loving me less than I love you, I can’t cope with you loving him more than you love me: even though I feel in the depths of my fucking soul that I am better for you than he is, it means fucking nothing if you love him more.
I want to tell you that he might be a nice guy, he might love you as much as I do, he might be impossibly fucking gorgeous, your brother’s best friend and a hundred other disgusting wonderful things, but I don’t care, he still doesn’t deserve you. I hope with every fibre of my will that whatever you’re doing now that you realise that truth.  I don’t give a fuck who he is, he’s not good enough for you. I don’t think I am either, if I’m honest. Who could be? I’m slightly frightened that the right man for you is actually Zico, and I just pray neither of you ever realises that! Whatever, I still think I’d make you happiest.
I wish you’d told me the truth about you and Taehyung at the observatory, then I could have said these things to your face and got some answers to these questions that are driving me crazy, none more so than the big one.
Do you love me too?
I have to know, whatever it takes.
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A/N: And that’s a little sneaky peak into the workings of Yoongi’s mind in this fic. I tried to make it different to Taehyung’s style but I’m not sure how successfully I achieved that. This is my first time writing such extended first person POVs and so I hope it kind of worked? Please let me know your thoughts: any questions, thoughts or feedback always gratefully received! Please don’t be a silent reader!
<<< Taehyung’s Year | Chapter Twelve >>>
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youarejesting · 3 years
Sly like a... ? Part 4
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[Master list] [Sly Master List] Beta: n/a (at the moment) Rating: All Pairing: Hybrid!BTS x FailedHybrid!Reader Genre: Hybrid au, fluff, action, adventure, angst, drama, slice of life. Some marked chapters will contain mature/smut scenes, BUT they will not have plot in those scenes and are 100% skippable without losing your place in the story. Words: 1.8k
Summary: Human’s strive to be better, faster and stronger looking to animal DNA. Thus Hybrids are born. As the rise for designer and Pedigree Hybrids increase, so do the failed attempts. There is one species scientists are unsuccessful in creating, but, folklore says they have been here all along, hiding and blending in with the humans for many millennia. How clever they are.
[First] [Prev] [Next]
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Deciding to sleep in the lounge was not only because you had grown too tired from cleaning to retreat for a bed, but also as you had given up your room so each hybrid had their own personal space. Another and more pressing reason you had slept on the couch was to perhaps talk Yoongi down from leaving. 
It was understandable he was apprehensive about the trials and after your in depth conversation he agreed to truly think the offer over before making any rash decisions. That’s all you could hope for, that he tried for the sake of himself and other hybrids in his position. The first day hadn’t gone as successful as you had hoped but you had developed a good impression with the initial three hybrids.
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“The story of the fox goes back to Chinese folklore, in a book called the classics of Mountain and Sea. The book was filled with monsters and mythical creatures that roamed the earth hidden among the humans. They called the fox ‘Huli jing’ and said they had immense power,” Felix spoke quietly tucking you into bed, his silver hair shone by the faint glow of the night light in your room. 
“Some say that every ten years a fox grows a new tail, and others say when a Fox falls in love it will only have one.” He explained seeing you sitting up he pressed his finger to your forehead trying to push you to lay down, “Are you laying down, this is supposed to be a bedtime story.”
“I know but your stories are so good I don’t want to fall asleep again,” You whined but reluctantly gave way, “I am laying down, tell the story, tell the story.”
“In the mountain lived a young man, who spent his days gathering wood, food and water, one evening he wished under the moon for a wife that could love him and give him a family. The next morning he was visited by a beautiful woman, she was everything he wished for and the two fell in love. She told him she would marry him and give him a family if once a month under the full moon she could disappear down to the river and he would never follow. So he obeyed never following and the two had two children, she took the children to the river every full moon and the man started to grow curious.”
“He followed her to the river and saw her remove and wash her skin. She was not a human but a fox and their children splashing in the water were foxes too but they didn’t need to remove their skin. They were part human and were good at disguising themselves. The fox saw her husband standing there and she fled with their children never to be seen again.” Felix saw your eyes drifting and gave a low chuckle, “That will be it for tonight you have lessons in the morning.” 
Growing up in a government facility had everything a real home would, except love, you didn’t have a mother or father to care for you. But you did have a young researcher named Felix who would often visit and dote on you, giving gifts and teaching you about Hybrids. He helped you to understand that you were in fact a Hybrid even if you didn’t appear like one. Felix often told you stories, myths and legends about foxes. He made sure to never treat you like a failure, unlike the other researchers.
“Am I ever going to be allowed to leave, no one will want a hybrid who doesn’t look like a hybrid, but no one wants to deal with a human who has animal tendencies?”
“The right people will accept you when the time comes” He smiled, a knowing glint in his eye, he always looked like he was hiding something. You had a way of getting information out of everyone who worked in the facility but not Felix, he was the exception always calling you out when you tried. “They are out there, now it’s time to sleep.”
He left and after a few moments the lights in the hall switched off. The door creaked open and you shuffled over in your bed and lifted the blanket. Jimin slid under the covers and the two of you fell asleep cuddling. Everynight Jimin snuck from his room to yours if he wasn’t caught and the two of you fell asleep beside one another. His tail nervously in his hands where he would twist it gently.
“Jimin is out of bed again!” 
A head of red locks poked into the room, Felix’s eyes met yours and with a playful wink he turned to leave and you swear you saw three silver bottle brush tails trailing behind him, “They are asleep Astrid, leave them be,”
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Woken by something soft brushing against your hand, you opened your eyes taking in your surroundings. That’s right you were staying in a government house, you hadn’t lived in one of these buildings since you were a teen. The buildings all smelt the same, like the same disinfectant and carpet shampoo, you were used to this even if the disinfectant made it hard to relax. It was hard to adjust to a place that smelt like nothing, everything smelt like something. 
Turning towards your hand you found Jungkook rubbing the sides of his face against your hand and letting your fingers brush over his head. It was a natural reaction cat hybrids have sweat glands in their cheeks that are filled with their scent and well when they nuzzle or rub their faces against something it transfers that scent. 
You scratched behind his ears, he stopped closing his eyes and purring happily in response and you hoped your scent would soon occupy some of the house to ease you discomfort
“Good morning Jungkook!” You greeted him, scratching more diligently behind his ears. He leaned into your touch, you assumed from his purrs that he felt safe and happy to live with you. “Have you had breakfast?”
“Uh, no” he whined a pout prominent on his lips, either he was really hungry or he was upset that you had stopped petting him. You were heading into the kitchen and starting to prepare a large breakfast. Before you had the chance to set the table there was a knock at the door. Jungkook ever so curious slinked across the room to peek out the window.
“Your friend Jimin is back and he brought two new hybrids,” Jungkook's voice died off towards the end and Seokjin stepped out his tail all messy from his sleep. Seokjin petted Jungkook’s head tired and the younger hybrid followed you to the front door.
Pulling the door open you saw Jimin dressed beautifully in a suit and with some rather beautiful make up, he was fresh from his photo shoot. “I look good huh?” He leaned in kissing your cheek and walking inside, muttering something about the smell of the government houses. 
Behind him was Kim Namjoon looking bored. He carried a small potted plant in his hands and practically stumbled up the steps but tried to play it off with a look of contempt lacing his features. He was the tallest out of all the hybrids you had met and you could see Jungkook’s wide eyes already admiring the older Hybrid. 
“It is a pleasure to meet you,” He took your hand and kissed your knuckles and stepped inside. Asking Jungkook to lead him to the room beside Jimin’s he nodded and led the taller feline hybrid to his room. Namjoon seemed a little taken back by Jungkook’s admiring stare.
Jung Hoseok was just full of smiles so excited to see everything the city had to offer, his eyes shone, he would be a ball of energy. His reaction to the house was just a series of loud sound effects, clapping, and giggles. You grinned greeting him with a smile. He was quick to give you a hug talking about how his previous owners had given him some food as a gift. The farm where Hoseok was born were breeders of deer and similar hybrids.
Hoseok had a kind of silly face like Jin's. He was very expressive and when he smiled you just knew he was happy. You could tell he was from the country as he was very lean and yet still muscular. He wasn’t on to shy away from hard work.
With the two new hybrids in the house you felt the tension build, especially between Seokjin the oldest, Yoongi who wasn’t one to follow someone's orders and Namjoon who thought of himself superior to the other hybrids. This was going to end badly if you didn’t step in so you did.
“I would like for you to have no fighting and as of right now I am the leader and the boss, when the time comes that you have grown accustomed to one another then we will vote who will be the leading figure. But for arguments sake I will take the leadership role do we all agree?”
“Yes, of course” Seokjin smiled, he respected your decision and also would rather not start a fight with two predatory hybrids.
“A smart decision.” Namjoon nodded watching Jimin searching for something in his bag, a familiar scent catching your attention. Yoongi smirked seemingly amused by the two hybrids who were quick to bow their heads.
“For now,” Yoongi muttered, slinking off to his room, his dark tail the last thing you saw as he turned down the hall.
“Oh, Y/nnnnn?” Jimin cooed from across the room he had a dark bag filled which from what you could smell was full of fruit, “I got you a present?”
“Blueberries?” You went to run over to inspect the bag but he held up his hand, freezing you to the spot.
“And?” he smirked, rustling the bag letting more of the fresh fruit aroma fill the air,  “What else can you smell?”
“Mulberries?” You sniffed the air stepping forward slowly, “and what is the last one?”
“Grapes and Plums” Seokjin sniffed the air coming closer, you had a bit of a laugh, at least there was someone in the house with similar taste as you. The two of you tipped the bag into a bowl and ate together, the others all enjoyed the breakfast you had made especially the grilled mackerel but you couldn’t help but notice Jimin pouting. Perhaps he didn’t like that Seokjin was enjoying the gift he had gotten for you.
“Thank you so much Jimin, these berries are my favourite and I am so proud of you for letting me share with Seokjin, as he loves them too. You are making such a good first impression, you are such a good boy” Jimin’s face flushed in response apparently he didn’t expect to be praised but you knew how much he loved words of affirmation. 
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maplecornia · 3 years
chapter 8
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𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱: 3.23K
𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢: romance | slice of life | fluff | angst | bts x female!reader | ot7
𝔰𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶: You watched them from the sidelines ever since you were a young teenage girl. Now you’re grown up, they’ve returned after 2 long years and everything has changed. What happens when you pull back the mask and find the darkness within? What happens when you see that they’re broken?
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰: cliffhangers | angst | fluff | slight mentions of self hatred | depression | mental health illness | self harm | occurs in the year 2024 | set in a timeline where BTS went to the military together | slight language
tags:@kookaine |@fangirl125reader |@kookiebbyxx |@taradevonne
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Kim Taehyung never thought he’d see you again.
He presses himself against the wall, petrified. Heart pounding in his throat. His stomach clenching and tying itself into a knot. His breath coming fast, he wonders if he's hallucinating.
He wonders if this is just a dream.
If he drank a bit too much last night.
Even though he only drank grape juice last night.
Even though he remembers the way Jimin kicked him out of bed this morning.
Nevertheless, he can't help wondering if he is somehow imagining this.
Because you can't be here right now. You just can't, it's too much of a coincidence.
Your face flashing into his mind, he tries to shake it away. Tries to reassure himself that he was just hallucinating, that you aren't here. But as he looks around the corner, and sees you staring at Jungkook in horror at what you had done, he knows that this is real.
Inwardly, he smiles thinking to himself, She is like this with everyone.
For some reason this makes his heart constrict in pain and he pauses to take in your face.
You have broken out of your trance, and are offering the towel to Jungkook with a sweet smile on your face.
The same way you smiled at him before.
Part of him wants to walk over there, and say hello. But another part, a larger part, feels as though that would do no good.
After all, he's already met you.
And you didn't recognize him.
Looking away almost sadly, he rests his head back against the wall, cursing himself.
How could he be so stupid? Normally he doesn't feel this way, normally he can keep these feelings in check.
Why should it matter to him if you look really pretty today? Why should he care if your quirkiness is adorable? Why should it bother him if you're talking to another guy? Why should he care that its Jungkook, of all people?
What should it matter to him?
He’s only met you once so how could he have all these complicated feelings already?
The sad truth is, that he does have these feelings.
And he doesn't know what to do with them. After all, you don't even remember him. And even if you did, you wouldn't know that it was him. You didn't even recognize him as he was standing there, mere feet away from you on the Hangang bridge.
He can still remember that moment. As he watched you, a strange girl, hop out of a taxi in the middle of the bridge. How you didn't even notice him standing there, watching with confused amusement. He can still feel the impact as you fell on top of him, in a tangle of arms and legs. The heartbeat in his ears as you rolled off of him and ended up mere inches from him on the ground.
And he can still remember the feeling that erupted in his chest as your eyes met.
Groaning, he runs his hand over his face before almost reluctantly peeking around the corner again. He watches as you hand Jungkook the coffee can and smile up at him brightly, the same way you smiled at Tae once before.
He tries to ignore the harsh tightening of his chest as he watches the encounter. He tries to tell himself that it doesn't bother him, that you are nothing to him.
Just a sweet stranger.
Just someone who brightened his life unlike it's ever been before.
At that thought, he finds himself unwilling to let you smile at anyone else except for him. Of course, you can smile at anyone the way you like. After all, to you, he’s no one, just a man who gave you his beret on a whim.
A man who didn't even tell you his name.
As Jungkook leaves, waving after you, Taehyung turns away. Behind the safety of his corner, he tries to build up his courage, ]to walk out there and meet you, face to face.
No mask, no lies, nothing between you two except who you are and how you feel.
But just as he steps out of his hiding space, taking a deep breath, someone taps him on the shoulder, causing him to let out a startled yelp.
The entire lobby turns to look his way at the sound, and he just barely manages to hide behind the corner before you look his way in curiosity.
Taehyung doesn't have to look to know that the one who hijacked his plan is Park Jimin.
He waits behind Taehyung smirking in amusement at his best friend's reaction. As he opens his mouth to say something, Taehyung places his hand expertly over Jimin's mouth, silencing all sound. Startled, Jimin’s eyes widen and he tries to speak, but all that results is incomprehensible muffled sounds from beneath Taehyung’s blockade.
Giving Jimin a harsh look, Taehyung motions for him to shut up. Jimin pouts in response before rolling his eyes as Tae frantically scans the room for you.
Spying you in the same place as before, he watches as you study the forms on the clipboard once more before heading to a seat in the small waiting room near the entrance. As soon as you sit down, behind a small clear wall, Taehyung lets out a relieved breath, sure that you won't notice him now.
He releases Jimin, who was once more struggling in Tae’s secure hold. Jimin backs up, gasping overdramatically for air. Taehyung rolls his eyes affectionately before shoving his friend lightly on the shoulder.
“Stop it.” Taehyung sighs, crossing his arms across his chest. “I hardly even touched you.”
Jimin pauses, like a cat caught in the middle of mischief. After looking side to side a bit guiltily, he straightens chuckling a bit to himself.
“Sorry, I couldn't help myself,” Jimin explains, and Taehyung rolls his eyes before turning around once more and staring at you.
He watches as you push back your hair, tucking it securely behind your ears so that it's out of the way. He smirks a bit at the gesture, finding it hilarious that no matter what you do, your hair can't seem to stop falling in front of your eyes. You're annoyed by it at first, but after a while, it becomes a habit for you to push it back out of your face.
“Who is that?” Tae jumps at the sound of Jimin's voice so close to his ear. As he turns on him suddenly, Jimin withdraws coolly from where he was previously peering curiously over Taehyung’s shoulder. He raises his eyebrow as Tae’s ears turn bright pink.
“What are you talking about?” he hisses, pushing Jimin back behind the safety of the corner wall. “I wasn't looking at anyone.”
Jimin raises an eyebrow, confused.
“Yes, you were. You were looking at that girl, right over there.” He says, a bit too loudly for Taehyung's liking, as he pokes his head around the corner, and points your way. Frantically, Taehyung grabs Jimin's arm, shoving it down to his side before dragging Jimin once more behind the wall.
“Will you stop it? I told you I wasn't looking at her, so please stop drawing attention to yourself!” Taehyung hisses and Jimin blinks a bit stunned.
Taehyung normally doesn't act like this.
He's normally much more easygoing. Normally, whenever Jimin is acting a bit obnoxious, Taehyung joins in. For some reason, however, today is not one of those days.
As Taehyung looks around the corner once more, Jimin stares at him in perplexed curiosity.
“Okay, fine, you weren't looking at her,” Jimin says, and Taehyung lets go of him almost in relief.
If anyone were able to read through Tae’s feelings, it would be Jimin.
Sometimes it's annoying how much the two of them know each other, sometimes it's reassuring knowing that you will always have that one person on your side even when no one else is.
Either way, all Tae knows is that he cannot let Jimin know his conflicting emotions.
Not when Taehyung doesn't know or make sense of them himself.
He resumes scouting out the area once more, watching as you finish one page and head onto another. You tilt your head back, exasperated with how long that took, and let out a tired sigh. Taehyung finds his heart warming up at the cute and funny way you wear every emotion on your sleeve, and smiles at your little sigh.
Jimin pokes his head over Tae’s shoulder once more, squinting his eyes at you. As soon as he gets a good look at your face, you turn to glance out the little window that lets you see into the entrance where you entered the building not too long ago.
Jimin’s eyes widen at the sight of your bright eyes and he lets out a sharp intake of breath.
Tae turns to him, confused as Jimin steps back, pulling out his phone and scrolling through his recent downloads in his camera roll.
“Jimin? What are you doing?” Jimin doesn't answer Tae’s question until he finds his prize and turns to him, excited.
“Look,” Jimin demands, shoving the screen into Tae’s face. Rolling his eyes, Taehyung patiently takes it from him and peers down at the phone closely. As soon as he sees the picture Jimin has shown to him, his eyes widen the same way and he spins on his heel to take another look at you once more. He compares the photo to you, over and over again before confirming that it is you.
The same photo Jaejin sent to RM earlier this morning.
“Where did you get this?” Taehyung asks, showing Jimin the photo almost accusingly as though Jimin hasn't seen it before. Jimin scoffs, taking the phone away from Taehyung and glancing at the picture himself, doing the same comparison game as Tae had.
“It's her, right?” Jimin asks, Tae letting out an impatient sigh.
“Yes.” He answers. “But how did you--”
“RM sent it to me.” Jimin's voice is calm, sly almost. As though he has a secret waiting to be spilled, and he’s going to hold on to it long enough for Tae to spill his own.
Surprised, Tae doesn't speak for a moment, just watching Jimin as he slowly turns around to him, a smirk on his face.
“Don't you want to know how he got it?” he teases, and Tae, quickly noticing Jimin’s game, shakes himself out of his surprise running his hands through his hair.
“I….” he trails off, trying to find an answer that will satisfy the question but also keep his secret safe. His connection to the strange girl, the way they met, and every unspeakable, inexplainable thing that she has done to his heart. He can't let Jimin know.
Nobody can know.
Luckily, Jimin isn't planning to hold it in for much longer. He was never one for keeping secrets that weren't his own. He smiles, shoving Taehyung lightly on the shoulder as he moves down the hallway.
“Don't worry, I won't tell anyone.” He murmurs, heading towards the elevator where he came from. Almost reluctantly, Taehyung turns away from you and follows Jimin in panic.
“What are you talking about? Tell anyone what?” he asks, jogging to catch up to Jimin.
“That you have a crush on Namjoon's new assistant.” Jimin teases, turning to him and smirking up at Taehyung.
“She’s RM’s new assistant?” Tae wonders softly, before catching himself and shaking his head violently. “Wait….I don't have a crush on her!”
Jimin snorts as they reach the elevator doors and he presses the button before waiting patiently for the doors to open.
“Then why were you staring at her?” he asks, and Tae sighs in frustration. Jimin has the wrong idea.
There’s no possible way for anyone to start loving another person from just one encounter. There is no such thing as love at first sight, that's just people trying to justify being happy with the one they have chosen to spend the rest of their lives for. It's a phrase people use to fool themselves into thinking that there is some sort of destiny for them to end up with another.
Taehyung doesn't believe in that, he never has. However, he doesn't know if Jimin will understand his interest in you. Tae doesn't think Jimin will understand the connection he felt when he first met you. When he first talked to you. He doesn't think anyone will.
“I….” He begins, Jimin raising an incredulous eyebrow as he waits for the answer.
“I just thought her outfit was cute and was curious as to who she was. You know, maybe I could talk to her. Welcome her, make a new friend.” Taehyung spits out a bit too fast. Though Jimin doesn't quite seem to buy it, he looks away, nodding his head.
“Okay, I’ll believe you, but I still think there’s something else going on with you.” Jimin consents, the ding of the elevator doors opening and capturing his attention for a moment.
“What are you talking about? Nothing is going on.” Taehyung ponders, sidestepping to the side, as a few staff members walk out of the elevator.
Jimin and Taehyung bow respectfully, the staff doing the same before they take their place inside the elevator. The doors closing, Jimin responds, reaching to press the floor number they want to take.
“Yes, there is. You're acting especially weird today, and I suspect it has something to do with that girl.” Tae opens his mouth to respond, but Jimin holds up his hand, cutting him off. “Before we get into a fight about it, I’m just going to say I’m not going to assume anything, okay? If you say nothing is going on, I’ll believe you. But Taehyung, you know you can trust me right?”
“Of course!” Taehyung answers almost immediately.
It's the truth, he knows he can trust Jimin. He knows that his friend is probably the most reliable person to trust. Jimin knows Tae inside out, front to back, they are connected in the most intricate ways possible. Taehyung does not doubt that if there's someone he needed to place his life in the hands of, it would be Jimin. It wouldn't be that difficult, after all, Jimin already holds his heart, his soul, his life. They are just that close, a different kind of brotherly love, one that not many people understand.
This, however, is uncharted territory in Taehyung's body, and if Taehyung can't make sense of it, then how can his soulmate do the same?
This...this is something different.
“Trust me, Jimin. Nothing is going on. I'm just curious.” Taehyung reassures him, and Jimin nods, a moment of silence shortly following. Taehyung can tell Jimin doesn't quite believe him, and Jimin knows that he’s not getting the whole truth.
It’s strange, they normally tell each other everything, no matter how big or small.
Jimin doesn't understand why now would be any different. What could be so special about that girl that Taehyung would keep something from him?
What is it about her that Jimin wouldn't understand?
Shaking his head out of his dangerous thoughts, Jimin clears his throat and smiles, shaking his phone in front of Taehyung once more.
“You never answered me.” He starts, the beginning of a chuckle awaiting deep in his throat. Taehyung turns to him from staring out into space, looking confused.
“Didn't you want to know how RM got this picture?” Jimin asks once more, and Tae smiles, before nodding, and settling next to Jimin against the wall of the elevator.
Jimin smiles, once more comfortable with the person he trusts the most in all the world before pulling up the picture once more. Both of them snort as they see it, the expression on your face causing them to smile.
“Who even makes a face like that when they eat?” Tae comments and Jimin chuckles softly, tapping the picture with a small finger as a thought comes to his mind.
“It kind of reminds me of Suga, when he ate that huge bite of salad. Do you remember?” Jimin responds, glancing at Tae who nods as the image comes to mind, his huge box smile making Jimin burst out in laughter.
“Remember?! It's such an iconic moment that even ARMY’s remember it.” Tae responds, tilting the phone so he can peer closer at the picture. “Now that you mention it though, she does kind of look like him.”
Jimin and Tae erupt into laughter, hardly noticing the ding of the elevator as the doors slide open.
Glancing up, Jimin slides the phone into his pocket, hitting Tae lightly on the shoulder before they walk out of the elevator and down the hallway, heading for the meeting room where they’ll be meeting with the rest of BTS.
“Anyway, RM got it from Jaejin, his assistant manager.” Jimin continues, and Tae looks at him, surprised.
“Jaejin? Why would Jaejin be sending RM pictures of a girl? Is there something he’s not telling us?” Taehyung asks, half-joking, and Jimin laughs, shaking his head.
“No, Jae sent it to him because he and his girlfriend were invited to model for fashion week. They were called away for training and Jaejin told RM that his friend will be able to take his place until he is done.” Jimin explains and Taehyung nods, trying to ignore the sudden panic in his chest at the thought of working with you in the same building. Jimin shrugs when Taehyung doesn't say anything.
“That’s all I know, but I guess she’s going to be a part of the staff now, more or less. RM only got this picture so he would be able to recognize her when she came in. He's been waiting for her since 8 this morning.” Taehyung murmurs something incomprehensible as a response, not listening.
Once more, he finds himself distracted with thoughts of you.
He wants to know everything about you.
From the way you laugh to the way you cry, from your likes to your dislikes, and every different tone or volume your voice is capable of.
He wants to hear the innumerable amount of stories you must have. How you came to know Jaejin, and why you came to Korea in the first place.
He wants to study your face, memorize your expressions, be able to read you the same way he can read any one of the expressions of his fellow members.
He wants to be able to read your mind like Jimin can read his.
Like he can read everyone else’s.
But most of all, he wants to know you and only you.
Turning the corner, Jimin spies the door to the meeting room, opened slightly ajar, the rest of BTS already waiting for them. Jimin sort of bounces to the door, opening it for Taehyung, as he waits for Tae to catch up. Tae smirks, putting all thoughts of you out of his mind as best as he can.
Though he longs to build up the courage and speak to you without a mask covering his face, he knows that right now, that is not important. One day, maybe, he’ll be able to find out everything he wants to know. One day, maybe these feelings of his will be safe, understood.
Until then...
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𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔢: this is one of my more favorite chapters hehe. oh, and whoever guessed that the man in the mask was tae, you get a cookie ;)
chapter 9 here
check the Infinite Stars masterlist for more chapters
check my BTS masterlist for other BTS content
check out my masterlist for other kpop fanfics
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a-chlolix-blog · 3 years
Scarabée and Kitty Claws AU
Season 1 akumas that stay similar to canon.
(Episode Post Link Here )
- Alix and Adrien help Fu out, but Chloé accidentally getting the Black Cat Miraculous instead of Adrien.
- Kitty Claws tries to bully Scarabée into being her follower, but it clearly doesn't work (and we know how Chloé likes strong girls).
- Chloé's so focuses on Scarabée, doesn't stick gum on Marinette's seat.
- Nino still becomes Adrien's friend after finding Chloé and Sabrina are his only friends outside of school.
- Marinette's still wary of Adrien, because he's friends with Chloé.
- When finding out about the other Stonehearts, Alix decides to fix her mistake instead of taking off the earrings.
- Mylène and Marinette are taken by Stoneheart instead of Chloé and Mylène.
- Also Scarabée has some non kid-friendly things to say to Hawkmoth during her speech.
Stormy Weather
(Episode Post Link Here)
- Chloé and Sabrina are actually there with Adrien as he's doing the photo shoot while Marinette and Alya are watch Manon.
- Alix ends up going going to the park with Marinette Manon and Alya after buying more cookies for Tikki at the Bakery.
- She quickly goes to transform when she sees Scarabée.
- The contest was actually set up so Aurore would lose because only merch of Mireille was made to promote the one weather girl.
The Bubbler
(Episode Post Link Here)
- It's Adrien's 16th birthday this time, Nino tries to ask Gabriel to let him have a party and gets akumatized.
- Chloé (still not remembering birthdays will) actually feels bad that she forgot and wants to actually make it up to him herself.
- Instead of Chloé trying to dance with and kiss Adrien, she's forced by the Bubbler along with Sabrina to help with Adrien's party.
- The Bubbler's targets are only bad parents and bad adults (except for HM cause he can't find him), so the good ones are safe.
- Instead of sending the party goers into they sky with bubbles, The Bubbler traps Adrien in a bubble to take him away from "the haters".
- Adrien gets gifts from everyone in class and not just Marinette.
Mr Pigeon
(Episode Post Link Here)
- Much similar to canon, but instead of Chloé being in the competition at all, Alix actually tries to make her own hat.
- Marinette and Alix do wish each other luck.
- Scarabée and Kitty Claws still deal with Mr Pigeon, but Kitty's wondering if Adrien's safely inside because of his feather allergy.
- At the end, Marinette wins (of course) and Alix hugs her.
- Adrien tells her about his feather allergy and she quickly switches the feather out for a fake one.
- Chloé secretly wanted Alix to win, but knows Audrey wouldn't approve of her style.
Dark Blade
- Marinette actually decides to run for Class Representative after finding out Chloé's not running.
- Rose and Kim also decide to run against her. So they have a wholesome and fun competition.
- Alix like in canon doesn't care, but what she does care about at the moment is the History of Darkblade and how he is actually the ancestor of Mr. D'Argencourt... who had just lost the Election... Oh No!
- Jagged Stone's at the Hotel signing autographs just for vibes. Luka's also there because he has a relationship with his father early on.
- Of course Mr. D'Argencourt is akumatized into Darkblade and Marinette takes charge while Alix and Chloé go to transform.
- Scarabée's Lucky Charm is a sword which she happily uses to help Kitty Claws fight against Darkblade and his Minions with.
- That day's saved and Marinette becomes Class Representative with Alya as her Debuty with no problems as Rose and Kim voted for her too.
The Mime
- Mylène's dad Fred is still akumatized for the same reason.
- Marinette and Alya took selfies with Scarabée, which had Chloé looking those selfies on the Scarablog with such jealous before The Bodyguard, Nathalie, and Adrien pick her up to see the show.
- Of course the limos caught in the crossfire and Chloé finds herself staring at Scarabée lovingly as she told them to run while she covered them.
- Adrien quickly notices Chloé gawking at her heroine crush and quickly pulls her out of the car.
- Then Nathalie and The Bodyguard take Adrien and goes to hide, which gave Chloé the chance to hide and transform into Kitty Claws.
- The fight pretty much goes the same, they save the and Fred & his understudy's show goes on.
- Adrien ends up sitting with Marinette and Alya & Chloé ends up sitting with Alix and Mylène.
- Kim still gets Otis akumatized because he's being an annoying teen.
- Nino actually has a crush on Alya this and vice versa, so Marinette and Adrien wanna set their besties up.
- Alix only goes to the Zoo with Kim and Max, but only left to get snacks for FIVE MINUTES before Kim did something time.
- Kitty Claws has seen everything, grabs Adrien and Marinette before they could get crushed by the free animals, and hides them in a cage.
- Once Scarabée puts Kim and Max on a roof for now, she grabs Alya and Nino, and hides them in a cage as well.
- The two heroines then meet up, grab Kim and Max, & run off with them before dealing with the akuma.
- Instead of hiding Kim and Max at the Dupain-Cheng mom, Scarabée and Kitty Claws hides them at the Louvre.
- Animan actually turns into a Pterodactyl and flies above Paris to search for Kim, make to Scarabée and Kitty Claws' dismay.
- The heroines end up riding on Animan's back while he's in this form and they're able to get him into the ground without hurting civilians. Kitty Claws holds onto Scarabée the whole time.
- When the Akuma's purified and Alix meets up with the boys, Max and Alix has Kim apologize to Otis.
- The next day Alya and Nino are dating. Marinette and Adrien aren't, but they have a slightly better understanding of each other.
- This episode's akuma is the same as canon. With Vincent stalker and trying to follow Jagged Stone around.
- Alix still works alongside Ivan and these two still have their pillow fight.
- Jagged Stone comes to the Hotel again just to chill, but does need a new pair of tourists glasses, André quickly assigned Marinette to do that.
- Chloé and Adrien were at the front desk when Pixelator came in, Juleka and Rose were just coming out of the kitchen.
- Much to the girlfriends' shock, Chloé keeps Adrien from getting hit by Pixelator by pushing him out of the shot, but she's hit in the process.
- Of course Juleka, Rose, and Adrien go to tell everyone to hide.
- Alix and Ivan found out by getting texts from Mylène and Max. This causes Alix to quickly push Ivan into a closet and leaves to transform into Scarabée.
- The fight goes about the same with Scarabée get hit in her arm and leg (making those parts of her pixels) & Chloé transforming into Kitty Claws & using Cataclysm to get out.
- Marinette's able to avoid the whole akuma madness, but being at home and working on Jagged's glasses.
- When the day's saved Adrien was quickly taken home & Juleka, Rose, Chloé, and Marinette were given tickets to Jagged Stone's concert that night. But Marinette being too inspired by the glasses and wants to design more stuff, gives Alix the ticket to go in her place.
- The four girls had fun that night and Chloé showed as much pictures to Adrien as she could the next day.
Guitar Villain
- Jagged still gets Marinette to make him an album cover & Bob and XY are still annoying.
- Juleka, Rose, and Alix find out that Chloé's not the biggest fan of XY, even going so far as to make fun of his music.
- Jagged Stone's akumatized into Guitar Villain and Fang's still turnt into a dragon.
- Basically that whole akuma fight goes the same, they win, and purify the akuma.
- Marinette actually ends up signing autographs for almost her entire class and after school Juleka brings Luka to her and he gets an autograph too.
Simon Says
- The game show's still the same (seriously how has NO ONE sued Alec?) & Nino along with Simon.
- Marinette's able to make it to the show. But Alya isn't due to babysitting Ella and Etta. Chloé and Sabrina were invited by Adrien, but Nino didn't mind as Chloé nor Sabrina haven't been causing too many problems during the school year so far.
- The show goes the same with the same results as canon and Simon's akumatized.
- Alix sees it all on TV and goes to transform and swing towards the studio, but Chloé isn't so lucky cause Adrien and Marinette insist on keeping their group together so none of them will get controlled.
- When Scarabée shows up and Chloé starts to blush, Adrien stares knowingly while Nino Marinette and Sabrina are confused.
- They all then go to the Agreste Home to check on Gabriel and Scarabée's guarding Gabriel while Nathalie takes Adrien along with Marinette, Nino, Sabrina and Chloé to Adrien's room.
- Chloé quickly tells Adrien she's gonna go do her makeup and quickly goes into his bathroom, locks the door, quietly transforms into Kitty Claws and leaves out the window.
- She then sees Simon's army coming towards the Agreste Home & quickly warns Scarabée by coming in through the front door.
- Scarabée then tell Kitty Claws to hold them off while she gets Chloé, Adrien, Sabrina, Marinette, and Nino out of there.
- Adrien quickly tells Scarabée that Chloé's fixing up her makeup and when the heroine goes to open the door, she realizes it's locked.
- Chloé after going back into the bathroom & transforming back, opens the door quickly and says that's she's working with natural makeup.
- The fight with Simon Says is pretty the same as canon.
- The heroines actually get an apology to Simon out of Alec for setting him up for failure like that.
- Nino nominates Scarabée and Kitty Claws to dance on TV where they happily do.
Inspired by: @emdoddles @muggle-born-princess @princess-of-the-corner @dcschart @justanotherpersonsuniverse @symphonic-scream
21 notes · View notes
taeescript · 3 years
IX. Script of the Angel (m)
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𝔰𝔶𝔫𝔬𝔭𝔰𝔦𝔰 >> This is the story of three very different people. A successful novelist, a blossoming artist and a dedicated cop. They seem to have nothing in common. Yet, they are continually drawn to each other. It is as if their fates have been intertwined. Written. That they must meet.
𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰 >> ft. jungkook and jimin primarily.
𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢 >> policeman!jimin, author!jungkook, painter!freader, serialkiller!XXX; a classic game of cat and mouse
𝔴/𝔠 >> 4.8k
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰 >> mature themes depicted. due to the explicit nature of the topic (serial killers, murders, violence, sexual content, infidelity etc.) this is rated 18+. to spare storytelling: please consider yourself warned. chapter warning: mentions of self-harm and infidelity; depictions of blood and murder. 
𝔞/𝔫 >> topics discussed in this chapter may be brief, but they are serious. please take the warnings mentioned above seriously. if at any point this makes you uncomfortable, please stop reading. 
previous part || series masterlist || next part
Jimin pulls up to the house, and his GPS beeps to tell him that he has arrived at location. He observes the scene from his spot in his car. He then steps out, walks to the door and rings the doorbell.
“Did you forget something?” Liza’s mother opens the door with the question. “Oh!”
Jimin gives an apologetic smile. “Sorry to bother you ma’am, but could I ask you a few questions? S.F.P.D.” He flashes his badge.
A few days ago, he had discovered that a vehicle had been rented out under the name Jeon Jungkook. Consequently, he had put in a request to his friends at the station to inform him of any and all movements of this vehicle. His friends had laughed at him, sending him quickly away as they did not have time to do this for him. Jimin thoroughly pleaded his case and had been given a simple tracking program in which he had used to follow Jungkook around today.
Liza’s mother steps out of the house and quickly closes the door behind her. However, she is not fast enough to hide Liza peering out from Jimin’s observant eyes.
“Your daughter?” he asks.
She becomes flustered. “I…You…Yes. Sorry, who did you say you were?”
He holds out his badge again. “S.F.P.D.”
“R-Right. I see your identification.”
The badge is put away.
“It’s just that we don’t usually have policemen coming to our doors and well, I didn’t want to scare Liza, my daughter,” her mother continues.  
“It’s not a problem, ma’am, and I’m very sorry to have to interrupt your day like this.”
Shaking her head, she waves his concern away.
“Would you be available to answer a few questions right now? It won’t take much of your time,” he tells her.
She nods.
“Did you have any visitors at your house today?” he starts.
“Visitors? Well…” she rambles off a few names and then stops. He hopefully looks on and exhales only when she speaks again. “There was also a man who stopped by. A few minutes before you actually.”
Finally, he is getting somewhere.
“I see. This man you speak about. Have you seen him before?”
“No. That was my first time. I think he worked for an insurance company? He wasn’t even supposed to be at our house; he was looking for a Mrs. Fallon perhaps down the street,” she tells him. A sudden thought dawns upon and she gasps, horror splashing ugly across her face. “He’s not some criminal, is he? Heavens! He seemed like such a nice man as well!”
He places a comforting hand on her shoulder. “There’s nothing to worry about. Could you tell me a little more about him? You said he worked for an insurance company?”
The woman is extremely nervous. He can read it off her body language as she continues to tug at the hem of her shirt. His previous words had not been any consolation to her at all. He appeals one more time.
“Truth be told, I’m here investigating claims about a group assuming fake identities to sell illegal goods to occupants in this area.”
“You don’t think….!” she holds a hand over her mouth.
He shrugs. “We’re not too sure yet. However, if you help answer some of these questions, we’d be able to track down this group quicker.”
“O-Of course! The man showed me some papers. I couldn’t get a real good look, but I think I saw a logo on there. That one with the giant “L” and the twigs that stick out on the side. I can’t remember the name of the company, however…” her voice trails off.
She doesn’t need to explain further as Jimin recognizes the logo.
“Not a problem. Well, that’s all for today. Thank you so much for your time, ma’am,” he nods and begins to leave.
“That’s all? I haven’t even given you the name!” she calls after him.
“You’ve been very helpful!” he shouts behind him, “Have a good day and stay safe!”
He enters his car quickly to prevent her from calling out at him again. The logo she had explained is one he is familiar with. It is one he’s seen often at the building two blocks away from the station, and he knows for a fact that Jungkook does not work for that company.
All Jungkook had done was talk to the woman. They had barely exchanged enough words for her to even remember who he was. However, he was also clearly not there to sell any type of insurance.
If so, what had Jeon Jungkook been doing at that house then?
“Excuse me, would you be able to tell me where I can find this gentleman?” she slides the wallet sized photo of herself and said man to the receptionist.
The pretty lady on the other side faintly smiles upon seeing it. “Your husband?” she asks.
Krystal blushes. “Oh no. He’s my boyfriend. I was hoping that maybe you can locate him.”
The lady’s eyebrows furrow upon her words. “Is he missing? I can direct you to the Missing Person’s Unit.”
“No!” Krystal immediately blurts, “Sorry. I mean, he’s not missing. He had told me previously that the station had called him in for an interview? He’s not involved in any crime. They only wanted to ask him some questions.”
Her fingers fly across the keyboard while chewing on her pen. After a few moments, the receptionist looks back up at Krystal for a brief moment. “What did you say his name was?”
“Jeon Jungkook.”
More typing. “Ah, yes. He came in quite some time ago. I have him signed in to visit the Homicide Unit with Lieutenant Wang.”
“Ah, would you be able to direct me to the Lieutenant?”
“Well, I can’t just have you going in…” the receptionist bites her lips in thought. She scratches something down on her notepad before her head snaps up again.
Namjoon and Jimin had returned from their lunch break. Jimin had only been planning to go down for a quick sandwich at the cafeteria but he had been dragged along by Namjoon to go to the nearby Thai restaurant. It all started when Jimin had observed that Namjoon had an unopened lunch bag on his desk.
“Youngji made lunch for me,” Namjoon had said.
Perhaps this is the opportunity to bring up his suspicions on Jungkook; he hadn’t spoken of the matter to Namjoon for a while now. In fact, he hadn’t even told his supervisor about the vehicle tracking he did a few days ago.
“Oh? What did she make you?” Jimin had innocently asked. How he regretted the decision.
The entire time they were out, Namjoon had complained about his wife’s cooking – especially her renewed passion for cooking green foods (for a brief time, Youngji had stopped). His complaints had paused while they were physically partaking in their lunch meal, and Jimin had thought Namjoon forgot about it, but on their walk back to the station, Namjoon began ranting again. He hadn’t even had the chance to bring up Jungkook’s name let alone his recent observations.
“I don’t even like green beans. I try to tell her, but she insists on making them because they’re healthy,” Namjoon groans, “How does one tell their wife to stop cooking for them?”
Jimin sighs. “Maybe simply saying ‘Please stop cooking for me’.”
That causes Namjoon to roll his eyes. “This is why you’ll never get married. You can’t just tell your wife that her food sucks. I have thick skin when it comes to speaking up to anybody else, but her… I’d rather just down it.”
“You didn’t though. You threw it out and we went out for Thai instead.”
Namjoon does not seem to hear what Jimin has said; as they are walking into the station, he harshly jabs Jimin in the ribs.
“Namjoon what – ” Jimin glares at his friend.
Namjoon nods his head in the direction. “Hot girl, alert. Like 10/10.”
Jimin raises an eyebrow. “You’d better not let Youngji catch you saying that…” his sentence trails off when he notices the girl who stands at the receptionist’s desk.
She is immensely pretty. Her light brown hair hangs in waves down her back and her smooth, long legs are accentuated under the black skirt she is sporting. She is also wearing a body-hugging turtleneck that wraps around her athletic body, naturally drawing attention to her flushed curves.
“Damn,” Namjoon whistles lightly under his breath, “Do you think she’s a good cook?” 
This time, Jimin fails and the laughter bursts out. The sudden sound draws both the receptionist and the beautiful woman’s attention towards the two of them.
“Lieutenant!” the receptionist calls over.
The two men shuffle over like shy school boys.
Now that they are standing closer and that they could see her face, they are even more impressed by her natural beauty. Her make up is light and makes her skin appear soft and dewy. Her bright eyes greet theirs and she tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear, an unconscious seductive gesture in their minds. When they finally reach her, she beams them a smile of perfectly aligned white teeth.
“Howdy,” Namjoon goofily says. He clears his throat once and tries again. “Um, hello. I’m Lieutenant Kim Namjoon.” He extends a hand.
Krystal shakes it.
“Detective Park Jimin,” Jimin introduces himself sequentially.
She takes his hand as well. He notes how warm yet strong her grip is.
“They’ll be able to help you better,” the receptionist smiles.
“Oh?” Jimin tilts his head at the question.
Krystal opens her mouth to explain the reason she is at the station when Namjoon interrupts before she can speak.
“It’s rude to make a lady wait and stand here. Perhaps I’d be able to invite you to his office so the two of you can talk comfortably there?”
“His office? Are you not the Lieutenant?” Krystal asks, slightly confused.
Namjoon laughs. “Yeah I am. But uh… I just remembered that I, um, have some business to take care of for the other… thing. I mean, case. I have to take care of a meeting to see a case.”
Jimin glares at Namjoon.
“You’ll be left in capable hands though. Detective Park is the best in our unit,” Namjoon says. He gives them a quick wave and the wiggle of his brows towards Jimin before leaving the station despite having just returned to it.
Jimin wants to hit Namjoon, but he really could not leave the mysterious stranger standing by herself. He turns to Krystal again.
She is regarding him with a slight grin. “He’s a strange one, isn’t he?” she comments.
“You can’t even begin to imagine,” he returns with a roll of his eyes, “This way.” He leads her towards the elevators up to his floor.
“I’m really sorry to be a bother,” she says while they wait. She waits until he has pressed the button before continuing, “It’s really nothing much. I’m just looking for somebody.”
“If you’re looking for somebody, shouldn’t you be speaking to the MPU?”
“Sorry, slip of the tongue. Missing Person’s Unit.”
She scrunches her nose. “He’s not missing… He’s somewhere here. The last time we spoke he told me he had been called in here, so I thought to try my luck. Perhaps you’ve seen him?”
Her words are confusing to Jimin. They don’t make sense.
The lights above head start to slowly flash as the elevator comes down to meet them. 
“I’m sorry, this is probably really bizarre right now; I haven’t even introduced myself formally. I’m Krystal,” she extends her hand again. It awkwardly hangs there for a quick second before she retracts it a second time, remembering that they had already exchanged handshakes.
Jimin gives her a warm smile. She was nervous, for some strange reason. “Not to worry, Krystal. Do you have a name?”
“Jeon Jungkook,” she says.
“No, he isn’t,” Jimin mumbles. “At least for now,” he keeps that part to himself. He turns back to Krystal. “I saw him. He came in to do an interview for me.”
He is not fast enough to conceal his disgust at the mention of the man’s name.
Krystal catches the brief microexpression, however. “Please don’t tell me that he’s in trouble.”
“Oh! So you did see him! Would you be able to tell me where he is staying currently? I tried to call him earlier but he was busy…”
“I could. But first you are his…”
Ah. So this was the woman Jungkook had mentioned. Again, he is relives the bitter taste in his mouth from when Jungkook had told him that he had been out with another woman. Jimin tightens his fist when a thought crosses his mind.
“Girlfriend, you say?” he repeats. Perhaps he could kill two birds with one stone.
She nods, animatedly. Krystal is excited that she had been able to bump into the handsome detective. He seemed to know about Jungkook’s whereabouts in this foreign city.
“He’s staying with a friend of mine. I could give you her address, if you’d like,” Jimin tells her.
She takes his bait. “Her…?” she repeats silently to herself.
“Is something the matter?” Jimin asks.
Krystal looks back up at him with a smile. “Nothing!” she says, “I’d appreciate that a lot, Detective Tuan.”
Jimin nods. He writes out your address on a piece of paper and hands it to her. “I hope you find him,” he encourages her.
The elevator doors before them open and wait for its passengers.
“Mhmm,” Krystal says. The initial excitement her voice held is audibly dampened. She thanks him and walks away.
Jimin enters the elevator alone. There is a knowing smile on his face. Perhaps this lady would finally be able to get Jungkook out of your life once and for all.
We all have that thing, don’t we? That one thing we know we should not do, yet we succumb into its temptation each and every time because it’s so good. Despite it destroying our body, the thought of not being able to yield torments the passing thoughts in our mind and coaxes us to believe that it is okay.
Let us listen to it this one last time. Just this one last time and we promise ourselves that we will never do it again. Just this one last time and we will then walk away. That is the argument we have and boy.
We’ve lost.
The feeling of absolute bliss washes over your body as you stand in the shower, allowing the hot water to run across every inch of skin. It feels like a large warm hand that massages your shoulders, calves, back – each muscle on your body. You are aware that the temperature is too high but it feels too good for you to turn it down.
After avoiding the studio for so long, you had finally brought yourself around to go back to it. Min had been ecstatic when you walked in. You had not seen each other in a little over two weeks and with you not responding to any of her nor mutual friends’ calls, she had thought something had happened to you.
Min is your best friend. There is no doubt about it. The two of you shared everything so Min had been slightly disappointed when you failed to tell her why you had suddenly disappeared.
You had taken out the large canvas from your bag instead after the initial hug ended. You rolled out the painting and asked Min for her opinion.
“It’s a little… sporadic,” was all Min could say.
“Sporadic… that’s one way to put it,” you grimaced, “I don’t like it. But it’s nearly complete, and I don’t have time to make a new one.”
“Are you making it for a client?”
Min was seen biting the inside of her cheek with all of your mysteries. You had felt bad so you told her, “Remember that guy I told you about? It’s for him.”
Her eyes seemed to light up now that you were speaking again. “Oh yeah! Jungkook! You had been working on it for quite a while, right?”
You nodded.
“Well, how about I go out and get us our favourite donuts from the bakery? I know good food always helps me get over artist’s block!” Min had offered. Before you could tell her otherwise, you were looking at the back of your petite friend rushing out the door into the autumn wind.
With not much of a choice, you had settled down at your usual corner. The studio was quiet. There were a few people here and there, but they were mainly minding their own business. They gave you a small smile as you walked around collecting your usual art utensils.
Once you were sitting in front of the painting again, staring at the blacks, navy, bruise-like purples, you started falling into darker thoughts - the same thoughts that are infesting you now that you are alone in the shower again.
You grab the shampoo and start lathering it into your hair.
Baekhyun… How many years has it been since that happened? Why was it that he continued to torment you like this despite the fact that he was gone? The most difficult moment had been the few weeks right after the incident. Every little thing you did, you were reminded of him. You couldn’t even go out without breaking down into tears; going out meant walking on the path to the studio that you had done so many times with him.
It had taken time, but slowly you thought your wounds had or were at least beginning to close. Yet, Jimin had opened them when you discovered he was still searching for Baekhyun. It wasn’t entirely Jimin’s fault. He was only doing what he thought was right. Still, he shouldn’t have hid it from you.
You blamed that for your moment of weakness. Seeing yourself physically wounded made you think of the wound that had been reopened in your heart. It made you think of the safe haven you used to have with the man you loved. They had been so close to saying their vows – till death do us apart – that was only supposed to be the case when they both grew old. It wasn’t supposed to be their truth so early on.
Baekhyun, am I allowed to fall in love again?
Turning the water off, you step out of the shower. The blast of cold air that hits you makes you tremble, and it is like a clear ring of water in your muddled pool of thoughts.
You shake your head, causing droplets of soapy water to fly everywhere.
You are not in love with Jungkook. There is absolutely no way that can be true. You are grateful to him for being there when you needed – and that is quite often lately. However, you could not find another reason for your speeding heart and dizziness you felt whenever he came home. Could he really be the one to blame for all the moments of breathlessness and chest aches?
Is it okay for me to have new feelings after losing you?
The mirror has been fogged up and you wipe away the condensation with a hand. Peering back at you is a tired girl with long, dark hair that is plastered to your cheeks. Your skin is flushed pink because of the heat and pressure of water. Your lips are flattened and slightly downturned. Your eyebrows are unkempt, and a pimple pushes it way at the side of your nose and all along your T-zone. Fingernails are too long because you have forgotten to cut them; still with chipped pink polish coating the pinky.
You let out a low chuckle. Who would love someone as broken as you? Your eyes dart to a pair of tweezers that sit on the shelf. You pick it up and observe how sharp the edge of the metal object is. You press your fingertip on it until they dig in and you feel the familiar lullaby sting of pain run from that sensitive area down your spine.
You didn’t need to actually draw blood to feel it. Your body is already messed up enough that this is where you momentarily pause.
The one person who had always been there as your supporting foundation is long gone. You had not found the strength to admit it, but you had been flailing in quicksand for a while now.
What’s a house without its foundation? It can only sink until it becomes no more.
You press harder, sending another chilling flash over your body. Your breath quickens and you feel that your lips are dry, although you have only stepped out of the shower.
Is this what others have felt? The addiction that comes the moment you start.  
You close your eyes, forcing your body to continue when the sound of a door being slammed shut scares you.
The tweezers fall to the floor.
Jungkook thinks as he takes off his shoes. There are still dark brown spots on it despite him intensively scrubbing them for five minutes straight in the car with a cloth. He contemplates on throwing his jacket on the ground, but seeing the state of shoes, he needs to be careful. Bending down, he picks them up and decides then that he must burn them.
He is so engrossed in his thoughts he doesn’t notice that he is not the only one home.
Looking around the floor, he finds the closest source of water and strides to it. He lets the water from the kitchen tap run until steam rises from it in which he then proceeds to take off his clothing. He throws in both the jacket and his stained white shirt. He then presses them down until the scalding water hits his own skin.
He hated acting out like this without a plan. He hated it with such a passion, but he hated even more the reason he went out and did it. His kills were always methodically thought out and never without reason. That homeless man in the alleyway shouldn’t have said anything when Jungkook walked by. He should have stayed mute, crammed in that dark corner, and harassed the next person that walked by. Not him. No. That decision only resulted in him lying lifeless in his own bloodied mound of dirt.
How could he have let somebody into his car? How was it even possible that he had allowed someone to monitor him to this extent? To have somebody take this much control of his life.
Each stab, a way to release the frustration he felt to his unknown attacker.
He is reminded of the knife at that moment. He should dispose of that as well. It was likely not possible that they would be able to trace the kill back to him – many people died out in the streets each night – but he needed to be careful, nonetheless.
He drains the water and watches the red-brown liquid swirl down the drain. Lifting his white shirt, he sees that the stain is still there. With a clenched jaw, he throws the heavy cloth against the wall, creating a loud smack.
The kill should have calmed him down. He should be feeling much better, but he doesn’t. Instead, he feels worse than before because now he has lost a perfectly good shirt and a jacket along with his pride.
With one hand braced against the counter of the kitchen, he takes out the bloodied knife from his pocket. He fumbles to flip it open but cannot due to the temporary paralysis on his fingers from drowning them in the hot water. Bracing the bulk of the item against his side, he forcefully digs into it with his fingertips. It slips and nicks his bare skin on the side.
You had had to sit down on the floor after your scare from Jungkook slamming the door shut. The unused tweezers had lain beside you for a while before you could pick it back up and return it to its spot. You busied yourself with getting dressed and going out to greet him.
As you throw the long-sleeved t-shirt over your head, you let out a bitter laugh. You were too weak to even do something like inflict pain on yourself. Jungkook’s perfect timing of returning home had stopped you.
You are twisting your damp hair into a bun when you hear a loud yell from the kitchen area.
“Fuck,” Jungkook snarls. It is deeper than it should have been. He had been aware how much force he had been trying to use to snap the knife out. The self-inflicted wound above his hip continues to ooze, mocking him red in his anger.
“Jungkook?!” You run towards him. You turn the corner and see him shirtless in the middle of the kitchen, one hand holding his side with a reddish liquid running between his fingers. “Oh my god! What happened?”
He feels the drape of your wet hair against his chest before anything. You are immediately by his side, putting your hand over his to place pressure on the wound. Not bothering to ask why he is standing without a shirt, you look up at him concerned.
“My hands slipped while I was trying to take out the knife,” he explains to you.
Again without questions, you lead him to the couch and order him to sit down. He obeys and you leave momentarily to get the first aid kit. When you return, you start to dress his wound. Everything is starting to resolve until Jungkook suddenly chuckles, wincing when it causes his wound to slightly tear.
“Jeon Jungkook!” You reprimand.
He grips the couch while you pour medical alcohol over it. “How ironic,” he says, voice laced with fatigue.
You had thought your heart had fallen out of your chest when you found him bleeding. All the worst possible scenarios had suddenly flown across your mind, and you thought that you were going to watch him die before you.
Not again, your heart has screamed before you could stop it.
Even now, as you were faced before the relatively small but deep wound, you could not stop the racing sensation you felt both mentally and physically.
“What are you talking about?” you say.
He hears the tremble in your voice. How strange.
Lilacs. That is what he is smelling from your shampoo.
“I’m usually the one to patch you up when you’re hurt. Now it’s the other way around,” he sighs.
“You haven’t even begun to explain what you were doing, trying to take out a knife while standing shirtless in our kitchen.”
“Our…” he laughs again.
You had fully been meaning to smack him for making it harder for you to clean the wound until it registers in your mind what he had said. What you let slip.
“You said ‘our kitchen’. I thought I was only a tenant here,” he says.
“Well you’ve… I mean… Y-You are…”  you stutter.
Jungkook rests his head back, feeling an extreme form of tiredness on his body. Everything that had happened that day comes crashing down, knocking his breath out completely. It is as if somebody had thrown consecutive punches and he is now feeling its after effects. His stalker, the random kill, this self-inflicted wound.
You mumble something.
“What was that?” He is knocked out of his thoughts. He looks down at the top of your head. The wound has been covered but your fingers linger on his body, and he feels their coldness on his heated skin.
You mumble again.
He is tired, but you have been kind enough to help him with any questions. He can at least humour this by being patient towards you.
You don’t know what has come over you. You hadn’t meant to say it, but Jungkook’s words had flustered you. You let a single word slip out and it had acted like a key to unlock the next ones that tumble out.
“I like…” you whisper, your voice still buried beneath the veil your hair creates. You don’t even know if you truly mean what you are about to say.
You feel his fingers slip beneath your chin and tilt your head up to him. He stares at you with an unwavering type of patience and attention.
“It won’t help if you keep whispering what it is you want me to hear to my chest. Talk to me like this,” he says slowly, holding your eyes with his. There is an intense fire blazing when you meet them.
Your palms prick as they start to sweat. You gulp and wet your lips.
“I like you!” you blurt, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks immediately after, “I know it doesn’t make sense but – ”
He silences you with his lips.
𝔱𝔞𝔤𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱 (open): @yoonchrisgull
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