#lgbt+ inclusivity
light-hearted-sam · 2 years
Reasons someone might identify as Bi-Lebsian
• Using the split attraction model (homosexual biromantic, etc.)
• individual who experiences lesbian tertiary attraction.
• Questioning, being unsure, or being in a "grey-area" between the two
• Person with a fluid or changing orientation (ex. from bi to lesbian), Being abrosexual/abromantic (fluid sexuality) and/or being Duosexual
• person using the historical definition of lesbian (a woman who loves women; although not necessarily a woman, they could be nonbinary)
• Being mspec, but being oriented primarily or exclusively around one's Women Loving Women/Non-Binary Loving Women identity, therefore, feels like they're socially a lesbian and/or feeling a disconnect from their connection to other genders
• Being mspec, but not being attracted to men, so you still use the "non-men attracted to non-men" definition while still being bi, pan, etc.
• Attraction to multigender people, causing one to consider their attraction to both lesbian and mspec simultaneously
• being part of a plural system, such as having a different sexuality when fronting, or being in a median system where one member somewhat experiences their headmate(s)' attraction(s) and/or being in a System with bisexual and lesbian members
• Lesbian who is attracted to nonbinary people who aren't comfortable being included in lesbian attraction, so they fall under the "bi" part instead
• Lesbian who's dating a trans person who came out while they were dating and no longer wants to be included in lesbian attraction, but they're still attracted to them, so they modified their orientation label accordingly to accommodate their partner
• Nonbinary person with lesbian as their gender but isn't necessarily lesbian in orientation
• being attracted to non lesbian Non-Binary Individuals
• using lesbian as an umbrella term
Note: no one is defining you. you don't have to have one of these reasons to be Bi Lesbian. you can be Bi Lesbian if you feel it fits you!
if they’re any other reasons someone might identify as Bi-Lesbian, Let me know! sources I used: https://bi-lesbian.carrd.co/#basics https://pennytable21.carrd.co/#mspec-lesbian https://mspeclesbians.carrd.co/ https://www.lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Bi-Lesbian https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Bi-Lesbian
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catchymemes · 1 year
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Are you really into hypno or do you just want to escape this dystopia for as much time as you can
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reiningsoral · 4 months
dyall. people. bitches. stop making a fuss over ppl's identities.
"but they have genderfluid and also mlm in their bio!"
fuckin. so what?????
"but they use it/its pronouns!"
doesnt affect you. shut the fuck up.
"but they use neos and emojis as pronouns!"
literally so what?? it's harmless!!!
"but they wont label themself for me!"
idgaf, not your business.
"but they say they're an animal!"
literally ok? how. does that affect you.
"but they think that theyre something that doesnt even exist!"
yes and that's very cool of them
"but they use animals and nouns as their pronouns!"
do i look like i care? no? that's because i dont.
"but they-!"
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drizzledrawings · 1 year
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Happy pride!!!
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stop assuming you can deconstruct gender without deconstructing sexuality when its all just people trying to communicate complex identities with limited vocabulary
aka if you can accept gender is a social construct of labels so bigender girlboys make sense, you should be able to accept lesboys
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houseswife · 6 months
listen. this may sound like a reach but I don’t think house’s eagerness to go to the lesbian bar with thirteen was fetishistic glee. because like. okay. straight men love lesbians. but it’s only ever in a “conventionally attractive porn stars making out”, “I’ll pay these 2 strippers to kiss” sort of way, not exactly in the sense that they like to surround themselves with regular, real life sapphics. in fact, most hetero men despise the lesbians they meet in real life because they see them as either unattainable or unappealing disappointments to their fantasies. now, listen. house isn’t stupid, it’s not like he thought thirteen was gonna let him in on some hot girl-on-girl voyeuristic action, and he certainly knew he wasn’t about to get laid himself at a bar of ALL WLW. he’s an overconfident perv, sure, but not the kind who thinks he can ‘convert’ a gay gal, nor would he even desire to. the damn patient of the week is a guy who tried to ECT himself straight, which house obviously doesn’t believe is reasonable (this episode also gave us the shot where both house & thirteen are shown making a face in response to “I’m as straight as any of you!”)
with all of this laid out, you kinda have to assume that he was excited about the bar for another reason. dare I say it was simply… the joy of existing in a queer space as a queer person?
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talisidekick · 7 months
You're not LGBTQIA+ inclusive if you police transgender or intersex bodies, and expressions.
This goes out to transgender and cisgender people everywhere. I don't care if you're gay, bi, lesbian, aro, ace, an ally, etc.
If you think art, literature, or media shouldn't depict men with boobs and a vagina, or flat chested women with penises, because it's "fetishistic", let me be very damn clear: if you don't get the same feelings from seeing cisgender men and women in the same situations, you are the one oversexualizing trans bodies, not the artist, author, animator, or producer. You aren't being an ally, you're promoting bigotry; go check yourself.
I'm quite frankly tired of walking into supposedly LGBTQIA+ friendly spaces only to find out that my presence is unwanted because I don't conform to the cisgender man and woman body expectation. You're not an ally to me or people like me, you're a fucking threat preying on the hope the acronym and flag provide that say you'll be kind and inclusive. And frankly, thats awefully shitty of you, more shitty than just dropping the T or I from the acronym and putting up signs I'm not allowed, because at least you're letting me know in advance to stay away and not telling me I'm disgusting and unacceptable to you to my face.
I exist, and I shouldn't have to conform to cisgender male or female expectations to be recognized for my existence.
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mogai-flaggot · 5 months
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for those who identify with both the butch and bear labels. this can be self-described however the identifier pleases, and represents queerness in masculinity and self-love.
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yiddishfiles · 1 year
Something that i think is equally important to saying "asexual people aren't asexual because of trauma/body issues and asexuality isn't a phase" is saying "for some people their asexuality IS because of trauma/body issues and it might be something that can be worked through with therapy/recovery but they r still asexual" lots of ppl are asexual for lots of different reasons and u can't go around prescribing the ace experience
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radfems dni, this ain’t the place you wanna be
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k-wame · 28 days
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BARRY KEOGHAN ↳ But yeah, he's…Nah. He's just, he's a gorgeous person, honestly. ↳ 'SALTBURN' Press | Digital Spy · Dec. 2023
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troythecatfish · 2 months
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Source: Mattxiv on instagram
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nb-goblin · 2 months
study participants needed!
UPDATE: thank you everyone that's taken part :) the study has now closed, we got over 200 participants!! thank you so much
Hi, I'm a second year psychology student doing research on how queer people view others within the LGBTQ+ community.
Its just a short task and survey that should take 5-10minutes to complete, any participation is appreciated! Thank you!
Link (including info about our ethical aproval): https://run.pavlovia.org/Wake/public-iat/
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Extra clarrification on some things under the cut :)
In this study we use the words "(gender) conforming" to mean anyone thats not part of the LGBTQ+ community and "(gender)non-conforming" for anyone that is. This was suggested to help us code the results better, but we now know that this may have overcomplicated things.
The first part of the study involves an IAT, for some people they will be put into the "positive, conforming" conditioin first and others will be the "positive, nonconforming" first. It may seem scewed, and some people have bought up that it can seem bias, but that is just how this type of test works- it has been used and tested in many other studies and has not shown internal bias.
These are the main two points people have bought up, feel free to ask any other questions about this research though I will be happy to try and answer as much as I can :)
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uncanny-tranny · 10 months
Something I love seeing is non-English-speaking countries (especially in heavily gendered languages) inventing and using new gender-neutral pronouns or forms of address. It's so nice to see what people come up with and how they integrate those new words and pronouns into the existing culture. It's really heartwarming <<3
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icarusxxrising · 10 months
My identity is for myself and no one else. Stop mistaking your discomfort for harm. If you're uncomfortable, that's something YOU have to work out, preferably far away from me.
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