#its a silly doggy show & everyone likes it
joy-crimes · 1 year
What's your opinions on Scooby-Doo?
it's kinda one of those things where i feel deeply that it is something we, as a society, do NOT need to keep making. like. What is there left to say for a series that's been going on for so many decades.
i think that velma being a lesbian is cool af but also it's like. It's not like a real person is coming out. It's a corporate decision presented to the public. It's hard to separate the part of it that's cool from the part that was like. clearly made to keep the show in peoples' consciousness.
i actually really like scooby do and i'm sure the more they keep making, the more fun stuff they can do w/ the formula but also. it's just... one of those things that makes me crave art that works within set limitations. i get skeeved out by stuff that's supposed to continue forever.
though there are certainly less egregious things that fit that bill.
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theminecraftbee · 19 days
The moon has fully set over the horizon. The howling over the server has stopped. Four Hermits sit in a circle, staring just slightly away from each other, as to not be caught staring. Joe is miserably trying to wring mud out of his puppet. Stress isn't bothering about the mud at all but is despairing at how shredded her jumper is. Somehow, Zedaph has only lost a shoe, which is more concerning than any of the prior people. Xisuma is deliberately not checking himself. The damning lack of helmet on his head, though, means he can't avoid feeling how he underwent the same terrible transformation as everyone else.
"So," he says, finally.
"I could use pants," Joe says, finally giving up on washing out his puppet, and, ah. Yes. Those are pretty well destroyed, aren't they? Xisuma looks away politely, feeling his face heat up. It heats up more when he realizes everyone can see it, gosh, he's–he's not so sure how he feels about that–
"I think we all need pants. Look at us," Stress says, and if Xisuma can be looking away any harder, he sure is now. Wait, she said 'all', does that include... Oh, oh dear.
"Well I don't know about you, but I still have perfectly serviceable pants," Zedaph says imperiously.
"You know, if anything, that's weirder, given the way we were all giant wolves traipsing around in the night just now. Which is strange itself! However, wolves don't normally wear pants, so really, the fact the only article of clothing you've lost is your shoes is less miraculous and more actively impossible!" Joe responds.
"Well you're actively impossible," mutters Zedaph.
"My god, it was real," Xisuma says.
"Well, I mean, I sort of figured it had to be, what with the four of us being all covered in mud and tired and your helmet being gone and all that," Stress says.
"It was real," Xisuma says.
The four of them sit in silence a little longer. The sun continues its steady march upwards into the sky. It's April; the day is longer than the night, by now, so they aren't wasting but so much time compared to the time the moon was up. The time the moon was up feels a bit more like a dream than anything else, too; distantly, Xisuma wonders if this is what spiders feel like when they become angry during the night, or what drives the undead from the ground. It's a disquieting thought, and he'd literally lived in a skeleton!
"So," Joe says. "So. Which one of us is going to yell at Zedaph for biting us?"
"Rude!" Zedaph says. "Very rude, I'm not the one that bit you! You bit me! Xisuma bit me, actually, you all saw him!"
"What? No, I didn't!" Xisuma says. "Gosh, if I were a werewolf, don't you think you'd know by now?"
"Hm. Suspicious," Zedaph says.
"No?" Xisuma says.
"I mean, I'd try to claim it was my fault, what with being a monster and all, but I'm actually a different sort of beastie normally," Stress says. "Being all doggy is new for me. I should show Iskall. Hey, do you think I should bite Iskall?"
"Yes," Zedaph says.
"No," Xisuma says.
"I'll split the difference and say maybe," Joe says. "Also, since we're arguing about it anyway, I'll say that I think I'd remember if I bit someone, although maybe I wouldn't. It's been a weird night. Maybe I should just go ahead and get everyone apology gifts instead?"
"Please don't," Zedaph says.
"Aww, but I like his gifts," Stress says.
"Honestly, yeah, I was–no, Zedaph is right, it'd be too distracting," Xisuma says, thinking of many of the, er, gifts he's gotten from Joe in the past. "Besides, it's not your fault. But if none of us bit anyone, then why on earth are we all werewolves no–oh no."
"That was ominous?" Joe says.
"Oh. Ohhhhhh," Zedaph says. "Whoops."
"It was supposed to be a joke about investment bankers," Xisuma says.
"Wait, what, do you really think the silly name turned us into werewolves?" Stress says.
"I had other season plans, Xisuma!" Joe says.
"Hey, does that make me a sheep in wolf's clothing that's also a wolf that turns into a sheep that turns into a wolf? If so, neat," Zedaph says.
"Do you know how annoying it will be to get a werewolf puppet?" Joe says.
"Gosh, I absolutely have to bite Iskall now," Stress says.
Xisuma, for a moment, considers putting a stop to it. If it really is the silly name, the collective, the hats and the howls–if it really is the collective weight of story bearing down on all of them–then really, it's still so early that it would be very easy to stop.
Xisuma considers the competition the rest of the shopping district poses, and how easy it will be to move as a collective when they're also a pack.
Also, he hasn't actually been a wolf before. That's one mob he hasn't done!
"You should bite Iskall. I want to know what it does," Xisuma says, deciding that he's quite bored with being responsible and that if someone wants to stop it, it will have to be not him. "But, er, first, in the meantime, do you think he or Doc is better to ask for a helmet that'll grow to fit my muzzle instead of nearly trapping my skull?"
"Hm," Stress says. "Well, Iskall is pretty good at head electronics."
"Yeah, but Doc is a better choice for abominations against nature!" Joe says.
"What about me? I like abominations," Zedaph says.
"It's okay, Zedaph, it's just you don't make many helmets, is all," Xisuma says. "We'll run around being abominations of nature, gosh, most full moons together. Is that good enough?"
"Fine," Zedaph says. "I'm bringing the snacks. I have sheep, and I've always wanted to try cannibalism."
"I guess werewolves wouldn't have to worry about prions," Joe says, nodding.
"Well, if you're going to get Doc, I'm going to go bite Iskall. I know I don't got fangs right now but it'll be very funny either way," Stress says.
"Have fun!" Xisuma says, and even though he's still red, and no one has pants but Zedaph, and he feels vaguely sick without his helmet, he also feels something close to pure delight. Gosh. Werewolves, huh? What a concept, having a little pack. He'll have to make the most of it; they've already seen his face anyway, and not one of them have commented or looked him in the eyes. Clearly, it won't matter so much if Doc takes a while with the helmet.
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jesterprincessjazmin · 2 months
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Meeee! Its me! :3 look here I am!
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i dont have locs anymore :'3 I actually belly flopped off a diving board SO HARD the little lockage i had came undone! Like the weezer song! >B] anywhoz
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My interests!!! (^∧^)
I LUV SAPPHICS!!! AND QUEER.. ANYTHING! >///< im sapphos apprentice fr
my favorite shows r animes that will ruin ur life and childhood cartoons!! ^_^ like madoka magica, death note, erased, adventure time, my little pony friendship is magic, chowder, fish hooks etc etc! >;3
My favorite artists are hastune miku!!! And nicki minaj and System of a Down! :3 and tyler the creator and lemon demon and tally hall and jack stauber and spellcasting <3
I don't like labels :P)) I like writing scripts, songs, drawing and singing and theater and film - i don't have an act in specific. I just do what makes me happy
I draw and make comics and cartoons! I love art and animation so very much! My dream is to be a well-known cartoonist for many different projects ^_^ I adore indie animation, too!! Bugbo and the amazing digital circus and big top burger are my inspirations currently >:3c
My dni
Basic dni info don't be racist don't be a terf no pro contact/anti contact zoos or maps no mspec lesbians yadda yadda all the normal stuff and if u consider urself one of those "I hate everyone equally" centrist dickheads then gtfo my traphouse, disrespectfully <3
ALSO im very much cringe coded so if u embrace "cringe culture" or are against furrys or gacha kids or just people being themselves and being happy without hurting anyone (keyword: WITHOUT) you can also gtfo my traphouse NO BULLIES ALLOWED! /srs
Also, pro shipping is a sensitive subject for me. If your ships are harmful or downright disgusting, dni. I know it can be a coping skill for trauma, but my acc isn't the best place for that sorry bud :/
I'm autistic!!! :3 self diagnosed for now trying to get a medical diagnosis soon! So tone tags are very much appreciated! /srs
Hey! Im a minor!! Im 16!! Keep that in mind if ur an nsfw acc or centered around adult topics!! <33
I go by fae/faer prns mostly!!! She/her is ok too but i prefer fae/faer!! ^_^ I have some xenos like doggie/doggiez as well!
I'm down with the sickness /ref
... by that I mean I got a lot going on in my life :p living situation and mental illnesses, I'll just be posting whenever I wanna, no strict schedule
I'm super silly and still figuring myself out! So come along with me like the adventure time song n Diddy and watch me grow thru my shenanigans on this totally valid real and not social simulation of an app/website >:D
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
Vinnie may we have some marry hcs please? I think i kin her and shes been a big fave of mine wah
awesome choice, mary is great!!! sadly i cant rly think of anything i havent already said at one point.... like i love mary, but she's not the character i think of the most
a cute one. since mary doesnt need to eat to survive and i think its rly funny she's only introduced to the concept of eating when moving in with mekatrio, mary cooking.... it would be SO BAD. like this isnt an original hc or anything but like she's rly that bitch creating fires out of NOWHERE.
since her and momo are bfffs and momo's cooking and tastes are. special. they make a lot of abominations together completely unsupervised and it's so bad. do it at momo's house bc both are banned from kido's kitchen and shintaros in his room like Why do i smell burning
i think mary doesnt care for eating and rather enjoys sitting at the table bc she feels included :) mostly wants to cook as a way to show love. eventually gets more into baking than cooking bc its cuter♥️♥️♥️ but everything is always SO nasty you know how it is with baking. its very easy to mess up and everywhere u can mess up, mary messes up. and burns many things.
but she's always looking forward to giving the dan her cupcakes and all that :((( and kido and kano are super prone to teasing but seto is there looking at them like EAT THE DAMN CUPCAKE so theyre like (shiver) then momo wholeheartedly enjoys them because she's insane and the rest is also pretending so hard bc mary seems so excited and she's so sweet. everyone gets sick after
my hcs of her that ive talked abt before include her having a service animal or emotional support animal and its a doggy. bc of her social anxiety and ptsd/hallucinations. and that she and seto are building their own house from scratch like tsukihiko did :3
i also think mary gets her legal identity sorted out post str bc she obviously doesnt have any documents regarding who she is LMAOO and if she's integrating society she's gonna need it... takane helps with this bc. hehe. falsified documents ♥️
setomary are qpp BY THE WAY but are married anyway they elope as soon as theyre 18 bc. idk. partly bc of identity issues with a marriage it makes everything easier for marys documents but also she is so insanely traumatized and seto helps her through EVERYTHING and they love each other so much and seto is like i want to be with you for the rest of my life mary would feel so bad bc... the rest of his life is not the rest of Her life. she knows he will eventually die. and her grandmother's heartbreaking story will just repeat with her but she's gone through so much already but even if mary were to reject seto's love he's just content being by her side and again theyre qpp like setomary is so specific in my mind. theyre both aroace btw♥️ but they get married anyway. bc of reasons.
setomary eloping at 18 super spontaneously and call kido and kano like hey can you come pick us up at the registry office. and kano and kido are like why are you at the registry office. and seto and mary are like erm....
theyre like we NEED this and the dan throws a super improvised wedding and its so silly. ayano wedding planner GONE CRAZY. yknow steven universe There Is An Awful Lot Of Awful Things We Could Be Thinking Of But For Just One Day Let's Only Think About Love. yeah. something like that (ive always wanted to make an animatic of that with kagepro actually...my secret is out) theyre still qpp though. but also married. you get it right.
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alleycatdog · 1 year
Kinda been thinking about the hucow fantasy, but what if like… doggie :3 what if I’m a uhhh (hang on I gotta look something up) (okay) a breeding bull/cock/boar/buck
What if all us bucks (we are still magic doggies but I think we deserve antlers too) got a special enclosure to bond with each other, play-fight, and there were stations where you get brushed or have your paws/hooves cleaned or your teeth cared for
And there was a wing for the ummmm hens/sow/does/bitches (that one feels mean, so I’m going to use does because deergirl are always cute) and they got pampered and stuff too
And then when it was breeding season, we got put into special pens, designed to allow sniffing and some communication but no contact. Maybe there’s one in the buck enclosure, and they guide a doe in there when she is ready, and then the doe gets to watch all the silly bucks compete for her attention. I think we would jump really high and do fast turns and do staged fights where no one gets hurt
And a buck gets put in the same type of pen in the doe enclosure, so he can stand all charming and polite while all the does gather around to sniff and check him out
And then there’s a long hallway, with two narrow pens running down each side, just big enough for us to move passed each other while we sniff the does on the other side of the hall. Every doe and buck can peacefully find their preferred mate. Sometimes multiple does will amicably pick the same buck; or vice versa.
Everyone is told to sit and stay, and everyone has to be very still for the next part. Someone reaches through the bars very carefully and gives us each a collar with a tag that matches the mate we chose. A really pretty tag is clipped to the collars of anyone who chose not to participate, to make sure their wishes are respected and they’re not bothered anymore that year.
Then we all get released back into our pens, and there’s a lot of showing off and being happy. Sometimes the bucks will be too excited and will try to mount the other bucks, which gets a variety of responses! Some bucks move their tail over and let the poor horny buck rut into them. Some bucks take a few steps away to decline, which the mounting buck responds to by either dashing away to find a receptive buck, or a gentle bumping of antlers that seems to strengthen their bonds.
Sometimes the bucks drop their chest to the floor and steady their back legs under their hindquarters. This behavior is also seen in does, when they are ready to breed. The mounting buck typically ruts until orgasm. The receiving buck will spend the entire time in a state of extreme arousal, unless they orgasm before the other buck. An orgasm makes a buck very relaxed and blissful and content to receive the mounting buck as long as they’re both enjoying it.
The initiating buck often orgasms first, which usually is indicated by their front legs flexing as they steady their grip on the receiving partner. After dismounting, the buck can’t steady its front legs. It’ll either flop down entirely to rest, or it’ll drop its chest down while it’s ass seems to lock into place.
This is an invitation for the receptive buck to mount. Other nearby bucks don’t interpret it as an invitation. When a buck or doe kneels, it’s typically for a specific partner. If they stay that way without appearing to be communicating with someone specific, others might approach gently and nuzzle as a way to establish communication, and then might cautiously mount, giving the receptive one time to withdraw an accidental invitation.
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pielplastica · 2 months
I haven't cried, now's not the time. It hurts, but I have to be strong. She said that she has her own issues, and she wanted time to try and figure them out alone because she can no longer try to help me without me putting effort into fixing my own problems, and you know what? She's right. Last night it was difficult for me to get some sleep because I was so tempted to write her but I knew it wasn't right, I need to get my life back on track on my own, and I won't resent her for it.
I know that maybe you won't like to read this, and I'm sorry but I have to put it out. I really did liked her, I really did saw myself with her for a long, long time. I wanted us to work, and yesterday I was devastated but didn't shred a single tear but I was close, oh so close to give up everything. Have you seen this memes of Superman smiling, with the sun behind his back while Starman by David Bowie plays? This may sound silly but I thought of it, and it gave me the courage to keep on going.
I no longer want to be this, I no longer wish to die. I want to be better, and I want to be a person who other people can rely on and look up to. I know it sounds silly and now I feel even sillier for crying and getting emotional over a Superman meme but it helped me open my eyes, just like she did.
I made a plan to get better, one step at a time. Last night while I was eating (I always get hungry around 1:00 AM), I thought "what can I do right now to show change?" and when I sat down at the dinner table, I knew it instantly: let my door open from now on. There's this anime/manga that I love with my whole life: Great Teacher Onizuka, and in one of the first episodes he breaks down a wall in a student house, like literally goes to her house to break down a wall with a sledgehammer and by that he changed that student's life and I thought of doing the same. Not breaking down my door, but letting it open. I always hide myself in my room, and for days I didn't go out all day, just at night to eat, but I want that to change. So I did that, I slept with my door open, and I won't close it again.
Today I went to buy food for my doggies, and the security guard stopped me to look at my receipt and looked at me all suspicious but that's his job, but that's the only other human interaction I've had today apart from my family, and that's a win in my book. Also I did some exercises and I think that I found a night shift job that could help me with my studies, its 11pm to 6 am. I want to work again, save up for next semester and keep on working and studying. I won't go to classes for what's left of this semester, but I'll make my own guides since we have the academic planning at hand so that I can be 100% ready next semester. I'll save for another guitar, I noticed that its like my "comfort" thing and that my anxiety only became worse since I don't have one.
I miss her, but I think this is for the better.
Everyone can choose what they want to be in life. I'll try to be a sun for everyone, and a shade with cool breeze when needed. I want to be Superman.
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Delicate (JJK x Reader) 🐾💜☁️🔞
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🧶Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
🧶Genre: hybrid!AU, Tsundere (slightly), Fluff, a bit of Angst, smut
🧶Warnings: Jungkook is a brat, Catboy!Jungkook, He basically hates everyone but his kitten, HUman! Reader, Wet dream, masturbation, big dick! Kook but whats new, Sweet reader, Spanking (and not on her butt if you know what I mean), Rough handjob (fem. Rec), doggy style, Desperate koo, overstimulation, forced orgasm, multiple orgasm, slightly angsty moment, but nothing bad lol, confessions, basically owner/Hybrid to lovers lol
🧶Summary: Jungkook does whatever he wants, whenever he wants. Changing for you might be harder than he initially thought- but maybe he doesn't even need to. Maybe you'll love him just for who he actually is.
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Jungkook was a maine coon hybrid. He's been at the shelter for years now, adopted just to be returned a week later, every time. He's got serious additude problems, thinks way too highly of himself, is just overall too much to handle. He knows that. But that doesn't mean he wants to change.
No, he actually actively decides to be a dick. Simply irritating others is like some sort of game for him, feeding his ego to no ends whenever someone gives up on him. It's like he's winning.
Jungkook loves winning.
It all however, changes as soon as he spots you. You're small, and not in a sense of short- no, you actually look like a doll to him. So delicate, so adorable, Jungkook can't help but stare with wide, green cateyes. His pupils are contracted as if you're too bringt for them to handle, yet its only the amount of sudden emotions that's making them look like that. As soon as you turn around, spotting him, smiling at him, they widen like the moon itself; making the cat-hybrid next to him wave a hand in front of his face, since he completely blocked out the fact that the older hybrid was talking to him. He irritatedly swishes his hand away, ears now perked up as his fluffy tail twitches every second or so. He can hear your voice, soft and sweet, and he's whipped already.
Jungkook wants you.
He stands up suddenly, completely dismissing the hybrid that he'd conversed with earlier, as he walks over to you, who's standing in front of another area filled with dog hybrids. He scrunches his nose in disgust; you don't need one of those mutts, you need him. He stops a footstep away from you, and the worker sighes as you look up at the hybrid. "Oh, thats Jungkook-" he explains. "He's one of our problem cases, so I wouldn't really reccomend him for you." He explains, and Jungkooks brows furrow. Who the fuck does he think he is, calling him a problem case? He knows its true, but that doesn't mean he can just say that out loud to anyone, especially not you. How's he supposed to gain your trust now?
You smile, now visibly a little intimitated. Jungkook knows why, knows that his physique is pretty much yelling strength and confidence. He suddenly gets an idea, and decides to try it out. No hurt in playing around a little.
So he lets his ears droop, and slowly walks back towards the corner of the room, simply sitting down there before flopping to his side, huffing out a breath as if exhausted. He hoped it works, otherwise he's pulling this stunt without reason, making a fool of himself for nothing. But it seems as if it works, slowly, because he can spot your now slightly worried eyes watching him as the worker leads you along, to meet some other dog hybrids. He knows he's got you. He just has to wait.
Jungkook loves taking naps.
And this time, it helped time pass by easily, as he suddenly smells your fabric softener again, as he can hear the worker try and talk you out of it. He can feel you behind him as he'd rolled around on his spot to face the wall, and he visibly shudders as your hand touches his tail. He turns around slowly, tired eyes spotting you squatting down close to his back, as he sits up. He looks at you curiously, and you suddenly smile, leaning your head slightly to the side, your earrings dangling prettily from your ears as he can't look away. You're even prettier up close and personal like this. "So, you're Jungkook?" You ask, and he forgets to answer for a moment, nods after he notices the awkward silence, as he blushes. You giggle, and sit down properly, obviously intending to get to know him more.
He sits properly as well, not saying anything, as you ask away. "They said you're quite the troublemaker." You amusedly state, and Jungkook suddenly has the urge to roll his eyes. He doesn't however, knowing all his acting would've been for nothing if he slipped now. So he simply looks down, his ears slightly bend backwards as he scratches his neck. "But I think you're just a bit rough around the edges." You explain, and his eyes move, looking at you as you continue. "Like a diamond, you know? They need to be handled carefully, and then they turn into the prettiest things." You say, and he already decides he loves your voice. He carefully answers.
"You think so?"
He can see the surprise in your face, it's to be expected. His tone doesn't fit his current act at all, but he can't change that. But you smile, nodding, and he internally sighs at that, at the fact that you simply accepted that. "Look-" You suddenly say, pulling out your phone and showing him a balcony, with pretty flowers blooming. You swipe, and it shows what he assumes is your apartment. It's small, he notices, but for some reason it looks more inviting than any place he'd ever been to. It looks cozy, well taken care of, and a tad bit unruled; it looks like a home. His eyes sparkle with actual genuine interest. "We could put some blankets here, the sun shines there nicely throughout the day, so you could take some awesome naps there-" You explain, and his ears perk into your direction at that. "Oh, and during the summer you can always stay on the balcony- its really nice there when its hot you know? The cool breeze is nice." You say, and suddenly notice how he's looking at you, expecting something. "I mean-" You stutter suddenly, locking your phone and growing a bit shy at him being so close to you. You have to admit; he's really handsome. "Only if you want to come with me, that is." You ask, and he suddenly nods.
Jungkook would love to come home with you.
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That was a year ago, and your home slowly became his own home as well, more perfect than those photos could ever convey.
As you walk around the apartment, he notices how you carry some of your own stuff into another room- smaller than the original bedroom. At his confused glance, you scratch the back of your neck, right where he knows your scent is strongest, and he gets the urge to bury his nose into the spot. "Oh! I just uhm.. last night you slept in front of my door, so I thought you may want to change rooms? You're bigger than me, so you need more space, i think?" You say, and he shakes his head with a soft smile, walking up to you and stopping you in your tracks.
"N-No.. Actually, I wanted to ask you something." He wonders, now not looking at you anymore, as you look up at his eyes. "I uhm.." He starts, swallowing some saliva to finally get the words out. "I was wondering if I could sleep in your room."
Its quiet for a moment, and he grows anxious at this, thinking that he had just overstepped some boundary he didn't know of yet. "Like- I mean, I get lonely during the night, and you said once that you need to hug something to sleep well and maybe you could hug me and we would safe costs for heating because two people are warmer than just one and-" He rambles on, and you put your hands on his shoulders, making him shut up in the midst of talking. Your touch does that to him, most of the time. It's like magic, addicting, and he can't help but swallow again, now however not because of fear.
"You should've said something sooner, silly!" You say, reaching up to scratch his ear, which involuntarily makes him purr as he presses against your hand. "Of course you can. Don't worry so much, kookie." You say, and he smiles at this, happy that he was finally closer to you.
Jungkook is such a sweet cat, in your eyes. He's gentle, always so ready to help you with whatever problem you have, lending you a hand with household chores; he's truly the perfect hybrid at your side.
So, so sweet.
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Scratch that.
Jungkook was currently eyeing your best friend down, ears pinned back while his fluffy tail was standing tall, agression clear in his entire posture. "Wow, ok. What's with him?" Yoongi asks, unsure on what exactly was going on. Maybe it was Hoesok's scent on him that agitated him? But he couldn't know for sure. Instead of you however, Jungkook answered in his low voice, clearly offended by something. He doesn't klnow why this always happens.
"Don't talk like I'm not here, asshole." He spits out, and your eyes widen. Jungkook was such a sweet guy around you, it was hard to imagine this was actually happening time and time again. He was watching Yoongi with careful eyes, pupils contracted to slits as his greenish eyes pin the older man down with their stare. He's cautious, and you don't quite know about what, until Yoongi makes the mistake of reaching out for you.
Before so much as his fingertips can reach you, Jungkook has already jumped from his spot, shoving the shorter man back with so much force he almost falls into the small coffee table behind him. "Jungkook!" You exclaim scandalized, as he turns around at your tone of voice. Looking at your posture, taking in your scent, he can sense immediately that you're scared, confused, and he hates it. "Apologize." You demand, and Jungkook shakes his head, unwavering, before you sigh out, pointing towards the bedroom door. "Then get inside. And don't come out until I say so." You say, and his ears pin themselves back again, however his shoulders slump down as well, visibly deflating. He's actually sorry now- but it's too late to force himself to apologize to Yoongi; that intruder who's clearly here to claim territory. "Now." You say, and Jungkook suddenly breaks eye contact with you, letting himself be defeated for the first time since he was adopted.
For some reason, your voice hangs heavy on his muscles, heavier than any collar ever hung around his neck.
He hates this. He hates that he has to give up the fight to this complete stranger just because you said so; yet he can't will himself to go against your will. He wants to stay, he wants to be good, but he cant help but grow hostile with another guy in the same apartment as you. It's as if he's giving you up, and that's definitely not what he wants to do. But its ultimately whats happening.
And he hates it.
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Jungkook isn't a sweet kitty. He's an untamed tiger, just simply agreeing on living with you, and that has become very apparent these months. He likes to pick on you, and loves to make a mess. There's nothing left of the oh so sweet and caring catboy you adopted a year ago, but it somehow doesn't bother you. You know that he was eager to get out of the shelter, and that he had been pretending for long enough.
This was Jungkooks true nature, and you were okay with that.
He was a bit of a brat, throwing down objects placed by you whenever you weren't home, simply to show you his unhappiness about that fact. He knew that you had to work, but that didn't mean that he liked it.
He also had a major enemy now.
Seokjin across the street, Namjoons prized silver labrador hybrid, or so he calls him. He's handsome, you have to admit, but Jungkook can't see anything visually appealing about the mutt. He hates him with a passion, and its quite possibly because of his very flirty nature, especially towards you. Jungkook wasn't talented in that department, he rather enjoyed picking on you than complimenting you. Compliments got boring after a while. Calling you shorty and watching you struggle to reach the highest shelf would never get old to him, however.
He likes to call Seokjin a rat for his grey features, just to see him get all offended, and he doesn't care much that you always scold him for it. He likes to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants, and he's been testing you long enough to somehow know when the fun is over. He'd never intentionally hurt you, emotionally nor physically, but that doesn't mean he can't pick on you now and then.
Its his own way of showing affection. You just don't quite get it, it seems.
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Its when you leave for a late night business gathering to celebrate the company's anniversary that he breaks. He simply pretends to be asleep as he waits for you to leave, simply peeking at your dress though almost closed eyes, and he wishes he didn't do it. Your scent is driving him crazy already, yet you were always careful to cover up around him, seemingly conscious about him and the fact that he is, apart from his cat side, still a young man. He wont ever be able to burn that image of your perfect legs in that perfect little dress out of his mind now that he's seen it. And its the kiss you place on his cheek that pushes him over the edge, makes him struggle to stay composed until he can hear the front door close shut.
He whines out, turning around on the bed as he buries his face into the sheets, into the spot that's usually occupied by your form. It still smells like you; not like you when you try to use perfume, which he hates, but your unmasked smell he absolutely loves. It fills his senses, makes him squirm on the mattress as he turns, bunching the sheets between his legs as he begins to hump into nothing, the friction of the bed sheets enough to rile him up as he bites the pillow your head usually rests on. He can see it in front of him vividly like a dream he's experiencing right in that moment. You, laid out underneath him, his teeth not clamping down on fabric but your delicate skin, making such wonderful noises as he takes you like the good and sweet girl you are for him. How enticingly you would mewl, arching your back as he guides his leaking cock inside you, stretching you out as his hands would hold you close, keep you upright so you wont just smash onto the mattress onto your face. He curses as he picks up his pace, simple movement not enough anymore as his hand reaches down, frustratingly palming his impatient erection hidden underneath his sweatpants as his dream continues, showing him how you would say his name, breathlessly, as you would look over your shoulder.
Then it shifts, as his mind is suddenly focusing on your face. Would you be into giving him head? Oh god, if you would, he knows he wouldn't be able to last; with your innocent eyes, kneeled in front of him, so eagerly taking his cock he couldn't help but cum inside your throat. And he knows you would be such a good kitten, you would swallow him down prettily, and he would praise you so good. "Hnng, fuck..!" He exclaims, as he writhes on top of the sheets, messing everything up, but he doesn't care.
He never really thought about that weird missionary position humans liked, but he could actually see the appeal of it, if he was doing it with you. To be able to see every change of your features, how your soft lips would part in pleasure as he fills you up like you should be, oh it would be a sight for him to see. His eyes squeeze shut as he turns his head, groaning loudly as he almost sobs brokenly into the pillow, feeling his release stain the fabric of his sweats uncomfortably. But he doesn't care, as he sniffles, breathing heavily before he chuckles.
"Fuck, I'm pathetic."
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Can hybrids outgrow their owners?
It certainly feels like it. Jungkook has been growing more and more distant to you, and you feel as if its your own fault. You must've done something wrong, you assume, as he distances himself more and more not only from you, but everyone else as well. He doesn't pick up a fight with Seokjin anymore, hell, he even let Yoongi inside yesterday. And you try to push back your tears as you walk inside the living room, where he's currently sitting, watching the window, tail lazily swaying softly. Maybe the apartment really was too small for him- you've head your neighborly lady complain recently about that when she saw him through the window. Maybe you weren't the right person for him.
"Jungkookie?" You carefully ask, as you see his tail twitch, a sign that he noticed you. "We need to talk." You start, and he gets up, ready to leave the room.
"Well I don't want to though, your bad." He responds, and you reach for his hand, as he whips his head around, ready to bite an answer out, but he spots something in your gaze that makes him stop in his tracks.
"We need to.. I can't- I can't make that decision for you, we need to talk about where you wanna go." His brows furrow as he tries to figure out what you're implying, a weird feeling in his gut telling him that it's something he wont like at all. "I want you to be happy, even if its not with me kookie." You sigh out, and he connects the dots, suddenly realizing what you're saying.
"Ho- wait no no-" His eyes widen, and you look at him as he shakes his head at you, suddenly defensive. "You want to give me away?!" He barks out, bushy tail behind him angrily whipping from one side to the other. "I don't want to! You said this is my home, you can't make me leave!" He spits at you, and you grow confused.
"But-" You start. "You've been so uncomfortable around me Kook, it's okay if you don't want to live with me anymore, really. Namjoon said that sometimes Hybrids outgrow their owners-" You say, but Jungkooks eyes glint angrily.
"Namjoon doesn't know shit!" He yells, and you shut up at that. "I don't want to go, I won't ever go!" He finalizes, and you are on your last leg. He's completely confusing you at this point.
"Then tell me what I'm supposed to do! You're clearly not comfortable around me anymore, what am I supposed to do?!" You yell back, voice by far not as strong as his, but it riles him up enough that he snaps.
"There's nothing you can do about my fucking hormones giving me wet dreams about you like a teenager!" He says, and your eyes widen, making his ears grow red in shame. "There, I said it. Want me to spell it out? I want to fuck you, there you go!" He says, throwing his hands in the air for good measure as he breathes heavily, giving both of you a moment to process his confession. He suddenly grows more quiet, more calm, his voice in no way as harsh and loud as before. "No.. no that's not right." He admits, and comes to conclusion that its now or never. "I want to hold you at night like a lover does, not just a hybrid and his owner. I want you to see me as a partner, not just as a pet." he states, gaze falling downwards as his ears flop to the sides, tail unmoving behind him.
"I never saw you as just a pet, Koo." You say, and he perks up at that, as you walk closer to him, hugging him closely, as he stands a bit awkwardly, before deciding to hug you back. "I didn't want to take advantage of you." You say, and he grows hopeful.
"Does that mean you.. like me like that?" He asks, and you nod into his chest.
Making him grin like an idiot.
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Its after this moment that things slowly change a bit. He's still picking on you whenever he can, but he's also being awfully suggestive ever since your talk. Its like he wants to know what runs your gears more clearly these days, as he's making sure to flaunt his post workout body every now and then just to see you turn red at the sight.
He loves how he makes you shy.
Its you however, who breaks him first.
The day he can't keep his hands off of you is the day the spider in your shower decided to jump down on you, scaring the life out of your body as you screach in horror, fleeing the scene in nothing but a towel as you safe yourself into the bedroom, where Jungkook had been taking a nap before hearing your scream. He's ready to laugh at you, until he notices the towel barely hanging onto what you hold against your chest, skin still slightly damp as only your hair is still dry. He can't help himself anymore. "Hm.. how about I get your mind off of that scary little insect?" He humms from behind you, and you open your mouth to retort a snappy remark, but you don't get that far.
He's already behind you, his legs placing themselves next to yours on the bed as he hooks his own over yours, spreading your legs for him as he takes the bits of towel out of your hands, making it fall to the sides, revealing your body to him, at last. He can't help but lick his lips at the sight he gets from over your shoulder, purring loudly as he licks at your neck, finally getting a taste of you; and it's energizing, like a drug, making a shiver run through his spine as his tail twitches behind him in pleasure. You gasp out loud as he bites down, hand reaching between your legs to move his middle and ring finger inside your already wettening center, making him groan. "So ready.." He muses, loving the sounds you make, as he obnoxious noise of squelching from the wettness between your legs with every movement of his fingers fills the room. You struggle to close your legs at the sensation, but he doesn't let you; instead gently hitting your cunt as if to put you back into place, while he groans. "Bad girl. This is mine, isn't it?" He asks, and you can't answer for a moment. "This-" He says, his hand forcefully coming down onto your pussy again, as you squeal from it. "Is mine, isn't it?" He asks again, and you nod over and over again, making him smile. "That's right. And I do what I want with it." He says, before he pumps his fingers in and out at a relentless pace, uncaring of the mess he's making as you squirm and mewl in his lap. He loves this, loves how the sounds he imagined you making can't ever compare to what he's currently hearing. He has to take you.
He removes his hand, undressing himself impatiently as he turns you over for him, behind presented to him as he licks his lips again. "So pretty." He praises, and pumps his length once, twice, before he enters your smooth center, already feeling as if he's in heaven. "I promise I-" He starts, but has to moan out as you clench around him particularly hard. "I promise I'll be gentle next time-" He says, before his palms find your breasts, kneading them in his palms as he kisses along your spine. "But I need you." He whines out, making you huff out a breath as you look over your shoulder, just like he imagined. "Fuck!" He presses out, skin against skin one of the many sounds apart from your heavy breathing and shared sounds of pleasure inside the room, spider long forgotten as you suddenly arch your back into him. "My kitten's gonna cum? Hm?" He asks, and a cute moan is all he gets- all he needs, as you try to get up a bit more, making him push your neck into the pillows below, careful to let you breath as your cheek is what meets the fabric below, his other hand brushing away your hair lovingly, so that he can watch you come undone. "So sweet, so submissive.." He humms out, as he dips down, your back against his chest as he kisses underneath your earlobe, amusement clear in his voice. "Such a cute little whore for me, my sweetest princess, so beautiful.." He praises, and you moan out obscenely as you come, his pace never stopping once. "You're gonna have to-" He says, moving more desperately now to reach his own peak. "You're gonna have to take it baby." He presses out, holding your hips as he forces them onto him with more strength, making you whine in overstimulation. "Almost there- there we go-" He exclaims, uncaringly rubbing your clit between your legs as you shiver violently underneath him, second orgasm hitting you so quickly that your body can't seem to prepare itself as you feel wetness escape you, making him groan loudly. "What a good girl, look at that- ah!" He exclaims, pushing himself as deep as he can as you feel him spurt his load inside you, finally stopping, finally calming down.
"Jungkook?" You ask out of breath, as he simply holds you close, still buried inside of you, falling to the side as he buries his nose in between the crook of your neck.
"Hmm.. no, lets stay like that.." He humms sleepily, and you simply close your eyes, agreeing to his statement.
Jungkook is not a sweet cat- but he certainly has his moments.
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"Kitten?" He asks, as he notices you being weirdly quiet next to him on the couch, now noticing the tears on your cheeks. "You're such a crybaby!" He laughs, as he wipes away your tears with his sweater sleeve, making you pout.
"Not fair." You mumble out, and he simply chuckles, placing a kiss ontop of your nose.
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beelspillowpet · 3 years
Hiya!! bros + side characters react to a werewolf mc???
Heya!! I’m not that great with the side characters yet unfortunately, which is why I’ve been avoiding them up to this point. 😭😭😭 I’ll try my best regardless!
What the f*ck.
Like actually what the f*ck. A werewolf?? Now he isn’t one to judge- out loud at least- but he can’t help but feel that this is at least a little odd. I guess werewolves are technically a hybrid of human and wolf...
There goes his chances of having a relatively quiet and calm year of this exchange program. Luckily though, you get along with Cerberus swimmingly.
He doesn’t want to compare you to a dog too often- he thinks it might be offensive to your kind. So instead, he treats you more like a human. Unless you ask for otherwise- and why would you? He can’t deny that your reaction to scratching behind your ears doesn’t get a bit of a rise out of him. It’s adorable.
He’s wanted a dog for AGES now. Everyone says he’s too immature to be dedicated and take care of one though. But he has you! You’re just good doggie!
You constantly have to remind him that you aren’t a dog- you’re a werewolf. “I hear ya’ I hear ya’. Now who wants walkies?! You do! Yeah ya’ do!”
He’s attached to you very quickly. He probably does get it through his thick skull at some point that it’s rude to just treat you like a literal dog sometimes- he should leave that to Luke, really. So he does tone it down a bit at some point. He’s your best friend for life now, though.
Wow. It’s like that anime he wanted a little bit ago. Living with you anyways. Except its real, and sometimes it’s like hell.
You are only allowed in his room when you’re not covered in fur. It’s the only way to keep his bathtub bed from being hairy, and all his figurines from being being the same.
Otherwise, hanging out with you is kinda fun. He asks you sometimes what it’s like to be this way. Sometimes he thinks about writing fanfictions based on that one anime (One Day Suddenly A Werewolf Appeared in My House and Is Staying Here With Me and My Brothers and Help Why Are They So Friendly!?) with a more realistic approach.
You two aren’t exactly best friends, but you’re close enough. He knows not to show you cat videos, but at least you have those cute dog videos.
His first thought was something like “Jacob, is that you?” Then he cringed, because Twilight was a dark chapter in his life, for him.
He’s not THAT fond of werewolves... but his mind wanders back to the excitement of Mammon nearly getting a dog that one time for the family. He tolerates you, at the very least, but at the most, you two get along quite well.
Everyone suspected Satan as the cat-lover, but SURPRISE! His affinity to cats is merely his attraction to their perceived nature. He enjoys your company, especially if you don’t mind his occasional gushing about cats anyways.
As long as you’re well behaved around other animals (you’re from the Human Realm, no? You should be on your best behavior here.) he would enjoy taking you with him on his random outings, especially to cate cafes.
Oh he can’t fucking wait to do your hair up in little bows and things like that.
He becomes the family groomer- aside from Beel anyway. He loves doing your claws, filing and painting them all these pretty colors that compliment your coat.
Speaking of coats- he’s a little self conscious about the fur coats he has in his closet. If you’re sensitive to those sorts of things, he will be mindful in the future to not wear them around you to not offend. He’s a demon, but he’s not an insensitive jerk! He LOVES you, silly!
Probably doesn’t treat you at all like a dog. In part because you probably get enough of that from Mammon, the pea-brained fool. Doesn’t he know that your true beauty is underneath the fuzzy soft fur!? I mean, just look at those eyes! They’re almost as beautiful as his!
He is BARELY. BARELY. Containing his excitement. If you remember correctly; YES! Beel is a dog lover. An avid one. He isn’t too fond of Cerberus himself, but you’re just his size. Fun sized werewolf. In his attempts at befriending you, he does bring home raw meats and dog treats.
You remind him that you are a werewolf and not a dog- and he calms down a bit. He still gives you tummy rubs after you’ve eaten plenty of food with him. He enjoys the time you two spend together on jogs. He never says it out loud, but it’s like he’s taking his dog for a walk.
He likes spending time with you by default. Please be friends with him. Please like him. He likes you too. You’re his new best buddy, and he’s never letting you go. Prepare for him to lift you up, and squeeze you with his suffocating love, werewolf!
Ya’ll replaced him with a werewolf? Lit.
He’s got a brand new pillow, and it’s name is MC. You two take naps regularly now, you can’t escape his exhausted death grip. He notices that you wag your tail a lot, especially when you’re excited.
He picks that habit up when he sees you. His brothers tease him about it, but he just tells them that they never noticed before. Suuuuure. Over 5,000 years and they’re just now noticing that little habit? Unlikely.
Regardless, he appreciates your company, and that you get along famously with his brothers- especially Beel. Though admittedly, he’s a bit worried that you will accidently scratch him while you two sleep. Nightmares must suck for you, but it certainly sucks for him too if you decided to kick with those claws out.
Oh whose a good doggie? You are! Yes you are!!! Oh YES you are!! This is amazing!!!! The best day ever!!!! Who knew that when he planned this exchange program, a werewolf would end up here!?
He loves talking to you. What’s it like being a werewolf? Are you more human? More wolf? Do you shed? Do you-
Prepare to have the demon prince of hell pestering you and adoring you. You’re his new best friend, sorry Lucifer. Sorry Cerberus. Or rather, you, and he can go on strolls on Cerberus’s back! That would be lovely!
Please. Kill all the rats you find and make sure he doesn’t find them. He doesn’t care that you’re not a cat or anything. Just... do him this one favor.
Otherwise, he doesn’t mind your existence much. He finds the shenanigans you and the others get up to is quite funny, but is mindful and reserved on his teasing and manners around you.
He pampers you, and watches carefully for your interests. If you like certain things, he will be sure to list them down privately and bring them up when needed, the ever attentive and loyal butler he is.
Ok... so he might have a joke or two about you being a werewolf. They aren’t dog-themed, he promises. But would you like a treat? He’s specially baked one for you. It’s a nice cupcake. See? No dog jokes here! :)
Thank God everyone can stop making dog jokes about him now.
Wait, that was rude wasn’t it?! Forgive him! He loves animals! N-not that you’re an animal or anything, b-but...!
Graah! Forget it, okay?! He’s sorry. He’ll do better, and he’ll start by baking you some sweets. You know, Archangel Michael really likes sweets. He’s gotten pretty good at making them himself, so he’s sure you’ll like them as an apology!
He still gets teased about being a chihuahua, though. He is effectively, you’re puppy, as far as everyone else is concerned.
Oh fuck. This is pretty cool.
He won’t stop making dog jokes. He can’t help himself, honestly. It’s too funny.
He appreciates that you don’t take his teasing too seriously, but he seems the least bit surprised that you are a werewolf.
If he comes at you with a fancy knife, he’s planning to make a sacrifice of you. Don’t hold back on this crazy sorcerer, please!
Oh my. This wasn’t expected! This year should be most enjoyable!
Will actually not make dog jokes. Unless you find them funny. He has a few dogshit ones to offer~
Like the others, he seems to see you as the superior to Luke. He’s your puppy, treat him well! Of course he’s teasing, all in good faith. He more than likely has inspiration to write in a character like you now. He does have a good point of reference for werewolves now thankfully!
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xenteaart · 4 years
Shall We? (Part 2)
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x fem!Reader
Request: Can I request part two for Shall We? Pleeeeaase 🙏!! You can’t just leave it like that.
Word count: 1,7k
Warnings: kind of a fight scene?? and like one swear word idk
Note: Sooo here’s part two of this fic, give it a read if you havent coz otherwise this one is not going to make much sense haha
For the sake of the story, Five disappeared when he was 18 (instead of 13) and got stuck in his 18 year-old-body after coming back accordingly. Also I’ve decided to give the reader and the Handler kind of a Lila x the Handler dynamic
The events are taking place in s1, some details of the canon are obvsly altered.
Hope you enjoy!
Taglist: @stitched-mouth​ @startrekkingaroundasgard​
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“You do know you can’t win. I really don’t wanna hurt you, Y/N,” he uttered, raising his hands a little as a way to warn you not to come any closer for your own good.
Even though it was supposed to be a sweet gesture of concern, hearing him confirm that he still thought you were no match for him cut you to your very core.
“Oh, yeah? Well, I’m afraid you might have to. Shall we?” you sneered and threw your leg into the air, hitting Five right under his kneecap and making him collapse on the ground with a surprised gasp.
Five truly had zero intention of hurting you, but your determination to have a fight left him no choice, and even his clear advantage of having loads more experience and superpowers on top did not seem to make you hesitate.
“Come on, don’t be stupid, Y/N,” Five commented as he got back on his feet and took a few steps away from you, still giving you a chance to back off before he had to inflict any pain on your person, but all it achieved was winding you up even more.
The problem was - you two underwent identical training at the Commission as the Handler gave both of you her very best mentor, and right now you were basically mirroring each other’s moves, except Five was also using his spatial jumps to disorient you. He was still going easy on you, mostly just blocking your punches and jumping further away so you had to chase him all over the Academy while he was hoping you would simply exhaust yourself before any real damage would be done. Quite frankly, it was a smart decision on his part and a rather thoughtful one as well because, despite all appearances, he actually cared about you an awful lot.
As the both of you gracefully danced all the way to the second floor, you were already out of breath from the endless running around which meant Five’s plan was beginning to work. However, you realized what he was doing soon enough to indulge him into the feeling of being right and played his little game for a while, waiting for the perfect moment when he’d get distracted, and as the moment came you had to act fast.
You threw yourself forwards and promptly wrapped your arms around Five’s waist, knocking him off his feet and pressing your body against his as you pinned him to the floor. He groaned with annoyance and winced at the pain as his back hit the hard wooden surface. The next few seconds sort of happened in slow-mo for both of you as he roughly pushed you off himself and somehow managed to switch places with you, now looming over your body and warningly putting his knee on your solar plexus, threatening to crush your ribcage if you moved.
A mutual silence fell between you as you were processing the last 30 minutes of your lives, both visibly struggling to believe that each of you somehow ended up fighting the person they would never wish to hurt in their entire life. The sounds of your heavy breathing were filling the room as you were merely staring at each other in utter confusion. The weight of Five’s knee on your diaphragm was beginning to give you trouble breathing, and your breaths became shallow and hoarse which finally snapped him out of his trance.
“Gonna tell me what the hell is up now, Y/N?” he asked in his teacher-y manner that you used to absolutely hate and adore all at once, especially when he used to give you lectures on your occasional fuck-ups - whether it was failing a class because you were too lazy to turn in your assigments in time or something a little more serious, like getting into an argument with the Monocle and consequently making life harder for both of you.
You would always roll your eyes and smirk when he would get into his i-am-disappointed-in-you-but-i-still-love-you character and cross his arms on his chest for dramatic effect.
“You were the one telling me to piss off in the first place, remember,” you narrowed your eyes as you were subtly gasping for air underneath Five’s weight. He pursed his lips and looked away, contemplating whether or not to be completely honest. Evidently, his lack of sincerity got him nowhere the last time around, so he sighed loudly; his shoulders dropping and his expression finally revealing all of the exhaustion and regret that he was concealing quite successfully up until now.
“I only pushed you away to protect you.”
“Sounds like bullshit to me,” you replied, clearly unimpressed and palpably suspicious; two years of being brainwashed by the Handler now taking their toll on your perspective.
“God, don’t be so slow,” Five uttered clearly irritated but then quickly realized his offensive implication and added, “Said with respect.”
You stayed silent, raising your brow as a way of telling him to continue.
“I couldn’t risk you becoming a casualty because being involved in my family’s mess as a non-super is dangerous. As in, you’re going to be a target all the time, and I couldn’t and still can’t afford to waste my time worrying about your safety. As much as I’d love to - it’s simply not the luxury I have. I’ve got to stop the end of the world, otherwise everyone is going to be dead in four days, don’t you get it?” Five asked, a waterfall of emotions pushing at the inner sides of his chest, waiting to be set loose and consume everything on its way.
You were quietly listening to his explanation and taking it all in whilst still trying to fight off the suspicion and disbelief that were nagging at your every cell.
“I wanted to keep you safe because I couldn’t bear to lose you again,” his voice trembled a little as the memories of his post-apocalypse life washed over his mind, “The last 45 years have been a fucking nightmare.”
“I’d find it way more believable if you stopped crushing my ribs for starters,” you muttered through clenched teeth and immediately felt the pressure taken off your chest, precious and very much needed oxygen starting to flow through your system the way it should again.
Five got up and offered his hand to help you on your feet as a gesture to show you that he didn’t see you as an enemy and placed trust in you. You took his hand and steadied yourself awkwardly, still slightly disoriented and light-headed.
“I don’t know what the Handler told you but I do know she’s exceptional at manipulating,” Five added as he looked you right in the eye, “Christ, and you’re so naive, always have been. Most days it’s truly adorable but sometimes, Y/N, it really doesn’t work in your favor,” as the words escaped his lips, his gaze became noticeably softer; his expression blossoming with tenderness towards you.
“Prove it. Prove that you care.”
Five chuckled and shook his head, simultaneously annoyed and amused at your stubbornness. The atmosphere between you was shifting and you couldn’t help but notice the familiar overwhelming feeling of comfort and peace enveloping your person from head to toe. You’ve forgotten what it felt like being around Five, and now you were finally getting to remember. At home.
He slipped his hand into the pocket of his uniform shorts and pulled out a grape-sized plastic figure of a golden retriever.
“You gave me this a few days before I jumped and got stuck in the future. I carried it with me all the way. This silly trinket was the only thing I had left of you, the only thing that reminded me you were still out there waiting for me. Kept me going,” he shrugged casually as if it wasn’t important at all which it absolutely was.
“Five, c’mere! Look what I found!” you called for him as you were sitting on the floor surrounded by all sorts of useless crap. You were in the middle of decluttering your bedroom when a little figure of a dog caught your eye, it was the breed that Five was especially fond of and you knew he secretly dreamed of getting a puppy of his own as soon as he was out of the house.
“What’s that?” he asked, unimpressed.
“It’s a doggie! He wants to be your friend,” you replied, playing with your accent a little, rolling you “r”s and shifting the flow of your words to sound more Scottish or ... Russian. God knows where you were going with it but you tended to butcher your accent for fun quite a lot.
“Y/N, are you twelve?”
“His name is Mr.Pennycrumb and he’s gonna look after you whenever I’m not around,” you said with utmost confidence and gave him a wide smile, putting the trinket into Five’s pocket, clearly very proud of yourself and still committed to your silly accent performance, “Treat him well.”
Five scoffed and shrugged.
“So did he?” you asked, staring at the goddamn toy as tears were slowly welling up in your eyes.
“Did he do a good job looking after you while I wasn’t around?” your gaze finally met Five’s as the realization in his own eyes was starting to sink in. A pained smile touched the corners of his mouth, and you could see Five genuinely struggle to maintain his tough facade.
“Yeah. He did.”
Without saying a word, you stepped closer and rested your cheek on his shoulder, wrapping your arms around him, this time with no hostility or murderous intention. If you had to be perfectly honest with yourself, you’d admit you could never find it in you to actually hurt Five, let alone killing him. Both of you knew that way too well.
He returned the hug and pulled you closer, burying his nose in your hair and then planting a quick innocent kiss on the top of your head. Feeling the warmth radiating from you was enough to make him relax further into your embrace, his eyes now closed shut and his breathing steady and deep.
It didn’t last for as long as you’d like, though, a big loud bang from downstairs making you both flinch and pull away from each other, breaking your fragile bubble of comfort and calm in an instant.
“Shit, Hazel and Cha-Cha,” Five whispered, concern and worry crawling back onto his features. He briefly looked at you, and you simply nodded, non-verbally confirming that you were willing to help and were no longer part of the Handler’s plan.
The two of you were going to talk all about that later. His years alone, his and your own involvement with the Commission, the end of the world and loads more.
Of course, right in this moment neither of you could possibly know that your friendship was, in fact, a gateway into a lifelong partnership but you were bound to find out eventually. And the journey you two were about to begin as soon as the apocalypse was dealt with and gone was going to be magnificent.
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patriciasage · 3 years
Dawn Patrol
Author: Patricia_Sage
Fandom: The Adventure Zone - Balance
Magnus blushes and he looks at Taako with stars in his eyes. He looks at Taako the way Barry probably looks at Lup. And Barry realizes how fucking stupid he’s been.
[a Stolen Century story - Barry thinks Magnus is flirting with Lup. He's wrong.]
posted in full under the break but you can find me on A03!!
Barry Bluejeans has a crush on Lup the moment he sees her on his first day with the I.P.R.E., but he falls completely and permanently in love with her around Cycle 10.
He speaks the mongoose language with her and Taako like they’re a secret club, and her soft, mischievous smile makes his heart flutter. Barry and Lup combine their expertise of science and arcana, respectively, staying up late into the night drawing diagrams on the Starblaster’s wall. She tells him about her childhood, about how she views the world. She’s vulgar, bold, impulsive, but also incredibly soft and sweet. She remembers what he likes and doesn't like to eat. They play fetch together in Puppy Town and that’s the first time Barry imagines her as his wife. He tells his brain to slow the fuck down; they’ve only known each other for a decade.
When Taako dies for his first time in Cycle 12, Lup prefers to spend nights with Barry in his lab, curled up in his desk chair. Barry gladly provides his company and cozy blankets to her in solace, and she barely leaves his side that year. It’s nice to spend so much time with her, but it also hurts him to see her so sad and trying so hard to hide it. When Taako materializes next to her on the deck as they speed away from another consumed world, she hugs her twin for at least two full minutes, and Barry resolves to do his best to protect her…and protect her heart.
Barry thinks he might have a chance. After all, they are a crew of seven, and one of them is her brother. He figures that Lup might want him, even if it’s just for a night (and although he wants more with her, so much more, he would take anything she offers). But it seems he’s not the only one carrying a flame for Lup.
Magnus Burnsides is a huge, handsome, kind young man who has never half-assed anything in his life. So, when he begins to flirt with Lup it’s pretty obvious. He’s constantly showing off, doing ridiculous and dangerous things to impress her. He attempts to learn more about elf culture and magic, talking animatedly to Lup and Taako while they cook supper. He’s courteous, charming, and brave in ways that Barry could never mold himself.
Magnus also notices how Taako’s death affected his sister, and he seems to make the same resolution as Barry. From that day forward, Magnus always has Taako’s back, even going so far as to put himself in danger to protect the wizard. In Cycle 16, Taako is retrieving the Light of Creation and sets off a trap. Before Barry can even react, Magnus leaps forward and pushes the elf out of the way. Magnus is impaled by six spears. When the fighter appears on the Starblaster with his signature black eye months later, Taako punches him hard in the arm. “Don’t do that again, you big idiot!” There's a stone in Barry's stomach as Lup kisses Magnus on the cheek and quietly thanks him.
Compared to Magnus, Barry feels small and boring and incapable.
It’s not even possible to hate Magnus, though, because he’s so damn hospitable. Instead, Barry resigns himself to the fact that Lup will likely choose the fighter over him. He enjoys her company, tries to keep everyone out of trouble, and finds contentment in this seemingly endless time with his new family.
The Beach World on Cycle 21 is a welcome reprieve. They find the light very early and everyone just relaxes for once. Even Merle enjoys himself as he recovers in the med bay; the others visit him often and begrudgingly help him work on his book of poetry. Davenport practices self-care, Lucretia gets lost in her art, and Taako learns how to surf. But things aren’t too leisurely because Magnus decides he’s going to “train” them to be ready for surprise attacks.
Barry is sitting on the beach next to Lup one hot morning. She’s lying on her back on their beach blanket with a large, floppy hat covering her eyes. She’s resting her arms under her head, telling Barry about a festival her aunt took her to when she was a kid. Barry is trying very hard not to be completely distracted by the sight of her armpit hair, her stylish bathing suit, and her beautiful, brown skin shining in the sun. Barry, in contrast, is sitting under a huge umbrella, wearing a white T-shirt, jean shorts, and a thick layer of sunscreen.
Suddenly, a huge shadow covers the sun and a loud voice shouts, “Magnus!”
Barry yelps and drops his glass of lemonade on the blanket. Magnus sinks to his knees in the sand so he’s eye-to-eye with the scientist. “You gotta be ready, Bluejeans. Anywhere, anytime.” He smiles over Barry’s shoulder. “I didn’t get you at all, did I?”
Lup has lifted up her hat a little to look at them, but her relaxed position is unchanged, unbothered. She smirks, “You’re going to have to do better than that, Burnsides.”
Magnus winks. “Challenge accepted.” Barry feels like a jellyfish blob on the sand between them.
And then Magnus takes off his shirt.
It takes all of Barry’s self-control not to throw himself into the ocean and let himself drown. Magnus has these ridiculous broad shoulders, an even patch of hair across his chest, and his stomach protrudes over his waistband only slightly in that sexy way. His skin is browned and freckled from long days in the sun and his ridiculous biceps flex as he throws his shirt on the blanket next to them. Barry, in contrast, is a pale potato of a man.
He’s ready to get up and leave them to their flirting when Magnus speaks up. “Well, see ya later!”
Magnus hands Barry his now empty lemonade glass and then stands up, brushing sand off of his hairy legs. He sprints across the beach until he’s met with the resistance of the water, making a huge splash. “Hey! Taako!”
Caught up in conversation with Lup, Barry had forgotten about the wizard. Taako is sitting on his surfboard, floating on large but gentle waves about thirty feet away from shore. He’s retying his long blonde hair up into a messy bun. “Hey, big guy. What’s crackin?”
“Just doing some training, you know?”
“Yeah, you got Barry good.”
“How’s surfing today?”
“It’s going off. I’ve only been in the soup a few times but that was early in the morning. Dawn patrol, am I right?”
Magnus laughs. “Yeah, for sure.” Taako has been almost creating his own language at this point.
Beside Barry, Lup snorts. “What the fuck does that even mean?” she says. “Magnus shouldn’t encourage him like that but, eh, you know how he is with Taako.”
“How he –” Barry looks back over at the fighter and it’s like a crisp breath of air enters his lungs. Magnus has sat himself on the sand with his feet in the water. He rests his chin on his hand and watches Taako prepare to carve another wave. Magnus cheers when the wizard stands on the board and laughs when Taako falls into the water. Taako’s long hair is out of its bounds again, cascading over his bare, dark shoulders. As he climbs onto his surfboard, he flips Magnus off. Magnus blushes.
Magnus blushes and he looks at Taako with stars in his eyes. He looks at Taako the way Barry probably looks at Lup. And Barry realizes how fucking stupid he’s been.
Magnus hasn’t been flirting with Lup. Barry has only seen him flirt when they’re both with Lup and Lup is with Taako. And Barry was so immersed in his own insecurity that he didn’t stop to actually observe what was going on around him. Some scientist he is.
At the end of the day, Barry watches Magnus offer to carry Taako’s surfboard back to the cabin. Taako, forever dramatic, convinces Magnus to carry him back as well. It doesn’t take much convincing. Barry looks at Magnus’s pleased and flustered expression with Taako latched onto his back, complaining, and Barry internally ridicules himself for being so dense.
A few days later, Barry asks Taako to teach him to swim. They work on it every morning for a few weeks. It’s brutal in the beginning – Barry flounders whenever he tries to go horizontal and Taako has a tendency to point and laugh rather than help. But they both get better at it and soon they have an amicable and productive routine. Barry goes from indiscriminately splashing to a solid doggy paddle to an almost front crawl. And Taako claps and coos at him like a proud mother.
On the last day of their morning swimming lessons, Barry thanks him and gets up the courage to have an honest discussion. “There have been times where I haven’t been able to hang out with everybody because y’all go swimming and there are times where there’s people I, like, you know, want to hang out with and I just haven’t been able to do it and that’s not a good look and it makes me look like a big nerd and I um… It’s just that— I just, like— I don’t know. It’s… Never mind, it’s stupid. Thanks for teaching me how to swim.”
“Who are you afraid of looking silly in front of?” Taako asks. They’re both standing waist-deep in the water and Barry tries to make his anxiety dissolve. Taako’s approval means the absolute world in this situation.
“I look up to Lup a lot…” he admits.
And Taako is graciously chill. He places his hand on the scientists’ shoulder comfortingly and speaks with rare seriousness. “Barry, you’re locked in and this wave’s crashing all around you, my man, and I— I don’t begrudge you anything. You know, we’ve lost a lot, uh, and there’s a lot more we might lose...but the one thing we do have is the thing that people in love rarely ever have enough of – and it’s time.” This is a side to Taako that he doesn’t show often, someone genuine and wise and openly affectionate.
The wizard’s words echo in his head often – “You got all the time in the world, my man.”
Barry is feeling relieved and grateful as he walks from the beach that day with his sunhat on. Lup will tease him about his sunburn but it will be worth it to be able to swim with her. As he reaches the part of the beach where sand transforms into foliage, something stops him in his trek – the sight of a hulking figure sitting on a rock. It’s Magnus. “Is this another training thing?” Barry asks cautiously as he approaches.
Magnus doesn’t look up. He seems dejected. “No, it’s not. I’m just thinking.”
“Um,” Barry fidgets with the string on his swim trunks. “You alright? What’s going on?”
“I dunno, you tell me, Barry!” Magnus says, gesticulating with his large hands. “What’s going on with these morning swimming sessions?”
Magnus looks disappointed and self-conscious; a combination Barry is very familiar with. He has to remind himself to close his mouth.
Magnus Burnsides is jealous of Barry Bluejeans.
Barry begins to laugh. This just makes Magnus’s cheeks turn red and his eyebrows furrow even more. “Fine, okay, you don’t need to –”
“No, no,” Barry interrupts, approaching the fighter. He places his hand on Magnus’s huge bicep. “Magnus, I don’t know how to - … Okay. You don’t need to worry about me.”
“I’m not worried. You’re a good guy. It’s fine. I just thought that maybe…” Magnus shakes his head, and his expression clears. “I asked him if he could teach me to surf and he said he was too busy teaching you to swim so I guess I was just disappointed because I really wanted to…learn how to surf.”
“Magnus. Taako doesn’t want to…swim with me. And I only asked Taako to teach me because I wanted to swim with Lup.” Magnus looks up at him with hopeful dark eyes. “I really want to swim with Lup. I think I want to swim with Lup for the rest of my life.” Barry chuckles. “For a long time, I thought you wanted to swim with Lup!”
Magnus lets out a startled laugh of his own. “No, I… I want to, uh, swim with Taako. But I’m not sure he wants to swim with me.”
“Well, he doesn’t want to swim with old Barry, that’s for sure.” Barry shrugs. “I can ask Lup, maybe? She’ll know.”
Magnus stands up from the rock. His shoulders are relaxed now. “No, it’s okay. I think he needs more time. I’ll ask him myself one day.”
The Beach World is a gift they didn’t know they needed. They grow closer as a family. Lucretia commemorates it through portraiture. Lup and Taako continue to be firecrackers, burning bright, loud, and dangerous. And Barry and Magnus continue to stare with stars in their eyes.
Merle, Lucretia, and Davenport make bets.
In Cycle 25, Merle wins.
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fly-pow-bye · 3 years
Powerpuff Girls - The Bad Episodes
I've been doing mini GIFsets of every episode of the original Powerpuff Girls, along with short summaries and reviews of them. That was the original intention of Fly Pow Bye, and I just never did it until now. Finally, after completing a rather different mission that wasn't nearly as entertaining, at least, not intentionally, Fly Pow Bye's original mission has been completed. I had to do something special to celebrate that, so why not do two different top tens? Worst is first!
Setting down three rules for both of these lists.
It has to be either an episode or a special of the original Powerpuff Girls.
I have to say at least one good aspect about the bad episodes, and one bad aspect about the good episodes.
This is my opinion and my opinion alone. There were some episodes everyone hates that I didn't hate as much (Town and Out, for example), and vice versa. If one liked any of these episodes, I respect their opinion.
Anyway, let's begin with the episodes I did not like.
10. Prime Mates
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I do remember watching maybe one or two Droopy cartoons when they aired on Cartoon Network back when they had entire blocks dedicated to old cartoons, but I don't remember much about them. However, I at least know enough about Droopy to know what Mopey Popo was referring to with his style of voice.
Younger me found this episode boring, and current me's opinion has not changed, and it's all because it feels really repetitive. Mojo Jojo tries to do something, Mopey Popo gets in the way, Mojo gets angry, repeat, repeat, repeat. They do throw a curveball in the end, and it does provoke some thought into how the ending happened, but it's not a great payoff for the slog that precedes it.
Good thing: One thing that does outshine the ending is that, despite this running on cartoon logic, they actually show the damage the previous scenes did. For example, if a giant ray gun gets lasered in half, it's in the next scene with a giant bandage on it. I thought that was a neat touch.
9. Monkey See, Doggy Two
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No, not Monkey See, Doggy Do, that's a good episode, and this episode sure knows it. Doggy Two is a direct sequel to Doggy Do where Mojo Jojo does the exact same plan with a few alterations. It is so exact, that almost half of the episode is just stock footage from Doggy Do. Not just the shots from Mojo Jojo's VHS tape of the events of the previous episode, but it even lifts entire jokes from the opening scene and just does them as if nobody saw them before. I know this was before the days of Netflix, as only the truly dedicated would be able to just pull up a funny moment from a particular episode and would benefit from clip shows, but why do a clip show with just one episode?
I get what this episode was doing besides save some money on animation: it is basing its humor on the silliness of the first Doggy episode. It all hinges on Mojo Jojo deciding the two things he did wrong were not protect his butt with a metal block and not have the Powerpuff Girls turn into dogs. This could be good for a minute-long promo like they did with the Super Friends, but not for 12 minutes. The predictable ending does not help in the slightest. I'm glad there's no Doggy Three.
Good thing: The episode isn't entirely worthless, as it does have maybe three or four decent lines from Mojo Jojo when he's watching that VHS tape. I like the part when Mojo Jojo has to explain to the girls that, yes, he does have a lot of cameras around Townsville that can replicate those camera shots. If only there were more moments like that; a self-targeted MST3K episode could potentially work.
...speaking of Super Friends...
8. Superfriends
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The Powerpuff Girls get a new friend for this episode named Robin Snyder, who was apparently an accident, too. Robin gets sad that the girls are so busy, so she ends up becoming friends with Princess instead. Princess decides to get Robin to steal a gumball. As Robin gets captured by Princess in an attempt to show that she can be a Powerpuff Girl that can fight crime, Princess just decides to yell about it and make it obvious that she set her up for it, and the Powerpuff Girls just forgive her. The end. Just stretch that out to a half an hour and that's this episode. Honestly, this episode would be boring even as a normal episode!
This episode does suffer a problem a lot of the half-hour Powerpuff Girls had: there's not enough material here for a half hour, and, as the Powerpuff Girls seemed to have a strict ban on B plots, they have to stretch out scenes to the point where they get boring. This one goes beyond even beyond those episodes; there's a reason why this is the only one on this bottom 10. Three minutes of this episode is dedicated to a music video set to that Apples In Stereo song which wasn't as catchy as I remembered it being, and about a third of it is a still image of a Powerpuff Signal! There's a lot of overly long scenes that add nothing, too. It's a shame, Robin Snyder could have been a decent addition to the cast, but this episode doesn't make me wish she appeared again.
Good thing: Besides the aforementioned "I was an accident, too" line, I do like the idea of the Powerpuff Girls having an ordinary classmate to be friends with. Really, who else do they have? Mitch Mitchelson? He's a bully! Harry Pitts? He's gross! Elmer Sglue? Did anyone even know he appeared in more than one episode without them explaining how he demutated from his glue monster form? He appeared more than Robin, that's for sure. No, that girl from Stuck Up Up And Away wasn't Robin.
7. Slave The Day
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Slave The Day is the Powerpuff Girls' take on a cliche plot. The Powerpuff Girls save Big Billy's life, Big Billy decides to become their personal servant, and he ends up being more of a nuisance than anything else. There are episodes that use cliche plots throughout the Powerpuff Girls, but usually they do a spin on it. The spin here is that the Powerpuff Girls beat up Big Billy at the end. Unlike a certain other episode that gained a lot of infamy over the Powerpuff Girls beating up someone, they try their hardest to explain why Big Billy deserved that beating, and it just comes off as awkward. There's not much else to say; it's just another boring episode.
Good thing: The scene where Big Billy gets rescued is pretty well done. I like how we just see a bunch of swooping camera shots, and a graffiti bottle getting mangled by the train, giving a sort of G-rated blood splatter effect with its contents.
6. The City of Frownsville
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(tw // 9/11)
The most interesting part of this episode is a piece of trivia that claims that this episode was supposed to be this show's 9/11 tribute. I almost put that one in the review, but then I realized I didn't remember seeing any kind of memoriam card. Not on the DVD, not on TV recordings, and not on any of my contemporary sources. Turns out, this trivia came from one person who decided to edit a bunch of wikis, sometimes even including a "Memoriam card" that is littered with spelling and grammar errors, is in the wrong aspect ratio, and has a rest in peace to the "World Trade Centre" (sic) itself. Remember kids, research before trusting wikis.
(tw over)
As for the episode, it's an episode that really banks on seeing people cry endlessly being a good source of entertainment. It isn’t. Yes, the villain slips on a banana peel, and that somehow ends the episode on a happy note, but that banana ends up getting set up for a very long time. The one joke that might have been great, and it's ruined by this episode's seemingly glacial pace. I wouldn't cry about it, but I would not want to watch this episode again.
Good thing: It's not an idea I've seen before, I'll give them that.
5. Toast of the Town
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There is one character that really suffered from the seasonal rot of Seasons 5 and 6, and that is the once as-lovable-as-he-was-not-too-smart Mayor. In most of the Season 5 and 6 episodes he was in, they essentially turned him into a toddler with a moustache. They were also really obsessed with him being in the nude, making me think they were mistaken on why everyone liked The Bare Facts. Thankfully, this is not one of those episodes, but there's little else to be thankful for in this one.
The Mayor is just not a great character here; here, that comparison to him being a toddler with a mustache far more fitting, as he actually acts like, and is rightfully treated like, a toddler in this one. I would slightly forgive this if they explained that the Chemical X-induced growth didn't apply to his brain, but judging by later episodes, I would have had a hard time believing it. It doesn't help that this "character growing into a giant and causing mayhem" plot was done much better and a little more creatively in What's The Big Idea.
Good thing: It has a really neat reference to Dee Dee from Dexter's Lab and her catchphrase.
4. Sweet N Sour
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It's a devil in plain sight episode. Next.
In all seriousness, I went into this episode with an open mind. Sure, this episode has the plot of the worst episodes of any cartoon, but, hey, Mommy Fearest could be considered a devil in plain sight episode, and that episode's good! After rewatching it, my opinion has certainly changed: this episode is even worse than I remembered! The usual Devil In Plain Sight plot has the devil usually not committing crimes in the sight of the people they're fooling. Here, they do the crimes, and nobody wants to arrest them because they're so adorable!
Even Save Mojo was a better episode than this, because at least I can say that episode was meant to be a commentary on how certain animal rights groups would see the Powerpuff Girls.
Good thing: There is a minute of catharsis in the end, where it's implied that these animals are being hugged to death. It does feel a little stretched out, but I think of all the scenes to stretch out, I'd take that over still shots of the Powerpuff Signal.
3. Fallen Arches
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I'm just as surprised that, of all of the episodes that could be considered to be worse than Sweet N Sour, it could be an episode from the McCracken age. Remember when I said Frownsville had a seemingly glacial pace? Here's an episode that intended to have a glacial pace, and succeeded far more than they should have. That GIF is a pretty good representation of the episode: almost nothing happens until the end, and the end is almost as bad as the rest of the episode. It's not funny.
I mean, I get it, they're old! Old people move very slowly! That's the joke for the entire episode when it's not focused on the two superheroes bickering until the episode decides to just have them make up. It really doesn't help that it came out a year after the much better Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy episode. It may be a coincidence, but let's just say there's a good reason why Fallen Arches didn't become its own series of episodes.
Good thing: I do like the idea of other superheroes being around, especially in Townsville's pre-Powerpuff Girls days.
2. Say Uncle
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The Powerpuff Girls confuse a taffy-loving sasquatch to be their uncle. That idea could work, and they must have had plenty of ideas because this episode feels like a hodgepodge of a bunch of them. A bunch of incomplete ideas that don't really lead to anything that could be called comedy, but ideas nonetheless.
Throughout the episode, one just wants to scream at the television, as if they weren't already animated to do what they were going to do next, that this guy is not a human being. Even the people who should know better, like Blossom or Professor Utonium, are still going along with it because the episode just wouldn't be as long. The whole taffy part of the character feels forced, and so does all of the taffy related events that have to happen to make this bigfoot go bananas. In the end, they forget to actually tell a joke. Also, what was with the turtle race? Is this supposed to represent how slow this episode is? That's the best I can come up with. Terrible.
Good thing: The sasquatch just barging into Ms. Keane's class is the only time I cracked a smile at this.
First, some dishonorable mentions:
Tough Love - Having all of Townsville be against the Powerpuff Girls is a neat idea. Too bad it just ends with Him just giving up for no real reason. I almost put this at #10 just because I wanted to have an episode from each season for variety's sake, but I didn't feel like leaving out Prime Mates for the sake of an episode that's more disappointing than bad.
Getting Twiggy With It - Gee, I hope Mitch Mitchelson isn't a bully to Twiggy! Uh oh! Gee, I hope Mitch Mitchelson isn't a bully to Twiggy! Uh oh! Gee, I hope Mitch Mitchelson isn't a bully to Twiggy! Uh oh! Oh, he's getting what he deserved. The end.
Mojo Jonesin' - A very special episode about kids getting hooked on Chemical X. Played as straight as possible and not really good at all, but I can appreciate the moxy of doing an anti-drug episode that blatantly to leave it out of this list.
Film Flam - An episode about a fake film about the Powerpuff Girls is more convoluted and slow than anything else. It has a good Professor expression, though.
Pee Pee G's - No, I don't want a plot about the Powerpuff Girls potentially wetting the bed.
Custody Battle - One will remember the classic line near the end of the episode, and the beginning is really good. Too bad most of the episode is just a naked Mayor crawling around acting like a toddler!
Finally, the #1 worst episode...it's Sun Scream. I tried to hide it to not spoil this list, but come on.
1. Sun Scream
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However, a few months before this experiment, I was utterly convinced Sweet N Sour would be my least favorite episode. A special thank you to younger me for completely blocking this episode from my memory. This episode feels more like a creepypasta than anything resembling even bad comedy. This evil episode has the Powerpuff Girls writhe in pain throughout the entire episode, and after watching it, a photorealistic Powerpuff Girl jumps out the screen and beats the tar out of the viewer with their many, many tiny hands that make up their supposedly handless arms. Okay, maybe I just imagined that last part, but it sure felt like it.
It's not that I hate gross out humor. It's not that I hate overly preachy episodes. It's not that I hate that even Blossom apparently felt sunscreen is for nerds when she's the nerdiest one herself. Not only is Sun Scream the worst episode of the original Powerpuff Girls, it may actually be the worst episode in the entire franchise! Coming from me, that should say a lot.
Good thing: Uh, the card game playing crook's name is Monty? I guess that's kind of clever.
It was kind of easy to pick out this list because there actually aren't that many episodes I would call horrible. One may notice I've called some of the episodes on this list just "boring", and how that could make an episode worthy of being on this list is, in itself, is a testament to how good The Powerpuff Girls is. Next week, we look at the good episodes!
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ribosoons · 4 years
"what are gonna do about it? give me detention slip?"| Wonwoo
Wonwoo x reader || Fluff
Warnings: suggestive, mentions of alcohol, profanity 
Summary: You basically hate each other.
a/n: my first lOoOong au omgggg!!! i worked for it days!! I REALLY HOPE YOU LIKE WILL LIKE IT!!!!
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"wow the caveman finally decides to come out of his cave"
"wow the house rat wasn't still learning her lesson not to put her nose on other's business'"
you scoffed on wonwoo's response. you gave him a look and he just gave you a smile that 'ha-stfu-bitch'. you just rolled your eyes and enter your room.
you live in a rent-a-room-kinda house full of people you don't know. well, you befriended them except jeon wonwoo, the caveman you knew.
And you are the only one who suffer?!
you can't remember the exact reason why you hated this man but all you can think of is:
you can give a longer list aside from this but this might take a while if ever you list them.
you tried to give wonwoo a talk about his noise but you may or may not became rude telling him to shut up.
since then, your housemates knew that both of you hated each other. like hate hate hate.
"so, what do you want for your birthday?" your friend Soonyoung asked.
"a cat" you blatantly said.
"hm" he laid his back to his chair when a student knocked to your faculty's door.
"is ms y/n there?" your student jana asked.
you quickly showed yourself and took the papers in her hands.
"thank you jana!"
you look at the pile of paper placed in your hand and thought. 'i will be up all night checking these papers'
later that night, as expected, you are up and checking your student's paper.
"WELL YEAH FUCK YOU KIM MINGYU YOU SUCK!" you heard wonwoo shouts followed by a burst of laughter.
you rubbed your temples and put on your earphones. but for your thin walls' sake. you can still hear wonwoo shout.
you got up to your seat and knock on wonwoo's room.
after 5 knocks still no response and you can still his rage.
you opened his door and took the nearest thing you can touch, which is this white coat, and threw it at him.
with his quick response he looked at you then his monitor and you saw him die to his game and the word "defeat" on this game and you heard a murmur of raging testosterone in his headphones.
"what?" he said while squinting his eyes on me.
"you are so noisy"
"what are gonna do about it? give me detention slip?"
you rolled your eyes to wonwoo because of his response and you slammed his door. opening again saying "please shut the fuck up im doing my papers"
and slammed the door again.
gladly wonwoo shut up this night thus having you a great night checking your students' paper.
you woke up to loud knocks to your door. you stood up and opened your door.
"can you please" you saw a grumpy wonwoo standing in front of you.
"alarm. your alarm kept on ringing for the last 10 minutes. keep it down"
"what?" your nerves suddenly woke up and ran back to your phone and checked the time.
"oh shit" you murmur and took your towel and ran to your bathroom and took a shower.
with an unbelievable pace, you got to the school on time.
you walked peacefully while the students greet you their good mornings and replying to them also a good morning.
you got to your table and get ready for your first subject class.
"oh shit the papers" you suddenly realized and panicked. "oh shit oh shit"
"what?" soonyoung asked.
"I forgot my student's paper"
"cant you call home?"
"you are so genius"
you called the house's landline.
"hello this is y/n. who's this?"
"ah y/n noona! it is me chan!"
"ah! great! you have university today?"
"this evening but i need to shift to the cafe"
"i see. the thing is, can you bring me the pile of papers placed on my table?"
"thank you! the spare key of my room is placed under the nearest plant"
"okay!! see you!"
"see you thank you! i'll treat you lunch"
"ah no thanks. do my papers instead?"
"haha no. i'll treat you lunch"
you hang up the call and go to your first class.
"happy birthday!" Soonyoung called as soon as you entered the faculty room.
"what?" your co-teachers were also saying their greetings.
Soonyoung shoved the cake to you face (not literally) and said "make a wish"
you closed your eyes and made a wish, wishing that you'll have a boyfriend before this year ends.
everyone claps and wished you a happy birthday once again after you blew the cake. everyone go back to their respective places and did their work.
"hey i have a gift for you" you followed Soonyoung to your faculty's coffee room and there you saw a kitten placed inside a cage.
"surprise" you gave Soonyoung a hug and thank him with all your heart.
"uhh sorry to interrupt you two but someone is looking for you ms. y/n" you looked to where your co-teacher pointing and saw wonwoo squinting his eyes on you.
he's on his black polo pairing with his black tie, he's not wearing his glasses? oh contacts.
you let go Soonyoung and fixed your blouse.
"what?" you asked soon as you came closer to wonwoo.
"is he your boyfriend?" now it's your turn to squint your eyes on him
"no, do you like him?"
"why are you here?" you asked.
"chan said i need to give these papers" he said and giving you a paper bag.
"oh. why?"
"the boy is running late"
"and you?"
"i'm on lunch break"
"how much time is your lunch break doctor Jeon?"
"not much"
"then go away you are running out of time. ill tell your boss you kept on slacking"
"wow after i gave you your papers? you're welcome madame"
"just kidding. thanks a bunch. have a great day!" you gave him a smile.
"so i can make noise later?"
"it's still a no for me"
"ok. i have to go"
"yeah see you" wonwoo turn his back to you. clutching the paper bag, you saw wonwoo walk back to you again.
"i forgot i got you this" he said while giving the boba he's been holding the whole time.
"for me?"
"yeah. its your birthday right?" he said still on his squinting eyes.
he's giving you a gift yet his face is just,,, squinting his eyes.
"ok bye"
you just there watching his back, while drinking the boba he gave you, going further and further until he's gone.
"ms. y/n is he your boyfriend?" you almost choke with the boba to the sudden voice you heard.
"what? jana it's you! how can I help you?"
"no no, we are just walking around and we saw you with your boyfriend a minute ago"
"boyfriend? who?"
"the one who gave you those. so sweet he gave you a gift and a booobaaaa" they sing sang
"no jana, he's just a delivery man who delivered your papers. kindly distribute this to your classmates" they gave you a disappointed sigh.
"oh we thought he's your boyfriend. oh well, you should go out with Mr. Kwon instead!" you chuckled because of the silliness of your students.
"haha no, now go and enjoy your break while it lasts and distributes them"
"ok ms. y/l/n! see you later!"
you were about to get out when one of your students called you, it was jana.
"yes jana?"
"is this yours ms?" jana asked giving you the cute pin. "i saw it inside the paper bag you gave, i think it's yours. it was neither mine nor kath's"
it was a pin with a black cat printed on it.
"oh y/n it looks like this cat" soonyoung point out showing the cat he gave you.
it was.
"goodbye ms. y/n! mr. kwon!" your student bid their goodbye.
"so it was from doctor jeon. i see" you squit your eyes to soonyoung which made him laugh.
"in your dreams kwon soonyoung. it was from chan im sure"
"ok y/l/n y/n"
as you got home chan instantly came to you.
"ah noona im sorry i didn't come. oh- is that a cat?"
"no its a rat" chan didn't answer instead he asked you what her name was.
"oh, actually i sill don't know" his question made you think what her name would be.
"oh chan" you could the younger whose petting the cat inside the cage you are holding.
"thank for the cute pin" you thanked him
"what pin?"
"the can pin?"
"i don't know what you are talking about" you just shrug and left the cat to chan and run a bathe for yourself.
going out of your room, wonwoo walked past you. before he opens his door he called your name.
"y/n, your spare keys" he said. he was about to come into his room when you halt him. you rush into your room and pick the pin jana saw inside the paper bag.
"is this yours? or someone from you vet?" you asked.
"no, never seen that" he said and finally entered his room.
you just shrugged and go to your newly adopted cat.
you sat beside chan and you two finally thinking what you should name this black cat.
"let's name her cat but in a different language"
"lets call her doggie"
"y/n please no"
you two just stare at the cute cat thinking what would her name be.
"call her jett"
you two synchronously look back and saw wonwoo sipping his banana milk.
you squit your eyes on him.
"because she's jett black"
you grabbed your little cat "ok you are now jett" you smiled to wonwoo.
chan saw his older hyung taken aback with your smile and gave him a meaningful smile.
wonwoo just rolled his eyes to chan which made the younger laugh.
"why are you laughing?"
"jett momma is home where are you" you yelled.
as soon as you get into your house's lounge area you saw wonwoo feeding your cat.
"what are you doing?"
"feeding your cat" he said not looking at you
"yes my cat"
"do you want her to starve into her death?" you just rolled your eyes and left the cat with the care of wonwoo to change your clothes and freshen up a little bit.
you go directly to wonwoo and you saw your cat sleeping peacefully on wonwoo's lap while he rubs her head.
He carefully lifted the little one but she insisted to stay on wonwoo's lap.
you have no choice but to sit beside wonwoo and wait for your cat to had her sleep deeper.
"how's work?" he randomly asked.
"good" you answered shortly. wonwoo just gave you a look seems like asking for more information.
"it was tiring. students are just too energetic for my liking. how about the vet?" you asked.
"common things happened. dogs, cats, hamsters with their monthly check-up and such" you gave him a nod.
you two were silent.
"wow you two at peace? no yelling?" your housemate minghao asked.
you both look at his squinting your eyes
"no" you said and carefully took the baby kitten on wonwoo's lap and go directly to your room.
this has become a routine for both of you, you going home seeing wonwoo feeding jett or just casually playing with her and you'll fix yourself and sit beside wonwoo waiting for the cat to sleep.
"wow what are you two? a newly wedded couple who bought a cat as their child?" mingyu asked. wonwoo brushed off the question by raising his middle finger.
wonwoo and mingyu left you with the cat because the two of them will play games, as usual, so you prepared yourself a food leaving jett inside your room since her toys were there. although she had toys around the house because of wonwoo, it is better to be safe than sorry that is why you left your cat inside the room.
after you washed your dishes you brought jett her cat food with you.
you opened the door and immediately saw jett laying in your floor with red stains surrounding her.
you panicked, you dropped jett's food and immediately knock on wonwoos door. it was mingyu who opened the door but you barged in and removed wonwoo's earphone and drag him into your room.
"y/n what the fuck"
"what happened to jett?" right after he saw jett on your floor he quickly took gathered his first aid tools and check her pulse and heart rate.
"she's what?" your cat meowed and licked wonwoo's fingers.
"what?" you repeated your self.
wonwoo looked around and saw the small bottle of lip tint around the cat. he was about to report what he saw to you but he saw you crying.
wonwoo placed down the broken glass of tint and gave you a hug while rubbing your back whispering that jett is in good condition, that i was all just misunderstanding. you kept on weeping but wonwoo stayed put in his place hugging you.
"everything is all right" he said and you broke off the hug.
you look around and saw jett purring at you. you let out a soft chuckle while sniffing.
"you silly cat" and you gave jett a hug.
after what happened you told wonwoo you have to clean jett's mess leading him to go back to his room and saw mingyu playing alone.
"you are restricted for 5 minutes, you were afk"
"yeah" wonwoo replied and sat to his seat.
"you two really looks like a new wedded couple~" mingyu sing sang
"shut up"
"no look. you have to confess"
"no shut up" wonwoo firmly said.
"ok if that what you really think" mingyu laughs.
"who was the dude who gave her cat again? soon- whaat? he's totally getting her"
wonwoo gave no answer on mingyu's statements living the younger dude laughing.
lunch break at your school, as usual, students keep on knocking on your door to ask for their teachers when they should be having a good lunch meal.
"miss y/l/n, someone is looking for you"
"how many times i have to tell my students i want to have a peaceful lunchtime" you ranted at soonyoung.
"welp this is what you've signed up for" you rolled your eyes and drank your water and go directly to the door.
in your surprise, it was not a student who's looking at you but it was wonwoo.
"uhh" he said, he may look calmed inside but dude he's panicking.
"what are you doing here?"
"i dont really know" you squint your eyes trying to look into his soul.
you were about to go back to your table when wonwoo grab your arms. "here" he gave you a paper bag and he flees away.
"how can he even surpass the guards?" you looked inside the paper bag and saw a boba and chocolate in it.
The next day, wonwoo came again but this time he barges into your class.
"you see im teaching" you said squinting your eyes.
"i can tell" he plainly stated.
"what do you want?"
"you" you were stunned when he said the word.
"i mean i want you to have this. have a great day" again, he gave you a paper bag this time inside it, it has a slice of cake in it.
"yieeee miss y/n is he your boyfriend?" one of your students asked.
"oh! miss isn't he the one who gave you the pin?" jana asked.
"what pin?"
"the cattoooo~" she sing sang. you brushed off the questions and continued discussing.
the following days were the same, wonwoo kept on giving you foods during you-dont-know-when.
"lets have a bet" soonyoung interrupted you.
"oh come on!"
"hit me"
"i bet wonwoo likes you" his statement made you stop checking the papers and froze.
"oh i see~ you also like the guy~" he sing sang.
you just got home, trying to speed up your pace to avoid wonwoo.
"y/n i gave jett her monthl-"
"thanks" you quickly took jett from his grasp and run to your room. Jett meowed at you while looking.
"no, you have to stay away from him"
from the past few days, you kept on avoiding wonwoo. whenever he visits you to your workplace you always send soonyoung to talk to him.
in the house, you are trying to break wonwoo's and jett's bond by getting her and running to your room.
You dont know what to do.
"hey y/n" minghao called you
"ill be hosting a party tomorrow here in our flat, are you okay with that? i kinda surveying everyone to know if yall are comfortable me having a party here"
"yeah sure! im okay with that"
"really? okay! it will be starting in 5pm!" you gave minghao a smile.
tomorrow came, it was saturday so it was kinda a free day for you (tho you have tons of paper to check but hey! it was a party, you need to join in!)
you came out of your room at exactly 5pm and everything was basically set up neatly. pingpong table, the drinks, the lights, everything!!
you roam around and saw some familiar figures and some weren't. you asked soonyoung also to come, minghao basically didnt give a shit you inviting someone.
this dude is rich.
"hey!" soonyoung danced going towards you.
"nice party"
"this wasnt my plan tho"
you and soonyoung are just sticking to each other's company. Got drinks for yourselves.
you both are sitting in the couch while you and soonyoung chug the whole bottle of soju betting who will finish it first. you are so glad you took the peach flavored soju which put you in so much in advantage.
"I WON!" you declared.
"not fair" soonyoung checked your bottle and it was proven empty.
"hi y/n!" suddenly a wild mingyu appeared infront of you.
"oh hi! youre also here!"
"yeah i was invited by wonwoo"
"ah yeah the caveman ofcourse" mingyu excused himself and go directly to wonwoo's room.
"dude there is a fucking party outside and youre here playing valorant"
"yeah, and we are duoing"
"uh no, you need to socialize" mingyu chirped.
"pass, i had my annual socializing last month. ill be socializing next year"
"yeah soonyoung and y/n are together" mingyu blurt made wonwoo look at him. mingyu very well know that wonwoo is very much into you.
"lets take a few shots" wonwoo said leaving his pc and dragged mingyu outside.
wonwoo saw you laughing with soonyoung at the couch made him squint his eyes.
"i see. a point for soonyoung for today" mingyu giggled.
wonwoo chug his whole soju bottle and took a deep sigh.
"what now?" wonwoo asked looking at his friend.
"what what now? are you stupid? you need to make a move!" mingyu nagged.
"yeah, but she kept on avoiding me"
"yeah she 100% hates you" mingyu said which made wonwoo take another bottle of soju and chug it which made mingyu laugh.
"you are pussy"
"yeah fuck off"
wonwoo and mingyu are just watching you and soonyoung from sides. it was a shock for both of wonwoo ang mingyu when you and soonyoung stood up and saw you both going directly to your bedroom.
"someone's going to get her. hurry up" mingyu pushed wonwoo which made him run.
"hey! y/n!" wonwoo called before you two-step inside your room.
"what?" you respond.
"can we talk?"
"no" soonyoung just nudged you which made your eye roll.
"you go inside first" you instructed soonyoung and look at wonwoo.
"what do you want to talk about?"
"can we talk inside my room? its kinda loud here" you nod and follow him inside his room.
"are you avoiding me?" his question made you caught off guard thus making you hold your breath.
"yes" you said trying to sound confident. maybe because of the amount of alcohol you consumed.
"stop playing with my feelings" you whispered but wonwoo heard it loud and clear. you look down looking at you heels clutching your fist trying to stop yourself from crying.
you felt wonwoo hold your chin bring it up. you two lock your gaze.
"i like you y/n" wonwoo pressed his lips into yours and quickly retreated. he looked at your facial expression and saw you squinting your eyes. which made him giggled and kissed you again.
you two kissed moving against each other. wonwoo moved his hand, left on you waist right on your nape.
you wrapped your arms in wonwoo's neck and just go with the flow in your kiss.
"you know what y/n" wonwoo said between your kisses.
"what?" you responded still kissing him back.
"i love you" he said. you felt him smile between your kisses.
you two break off from each other. placing wonwoo's forehead into yours.
"i wanna know if you like me too. if not, ill make you love me"
"well i kinda like you" you said laughing bringing your head on wonwoo's chest.
wonwoo held you head carefully and placed a kiss on top of your head and say "i will take care of you and jett"
"i promise"
"just so you know the reason why im looking at you that way because i forgot my glasses at my office"
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evanmcintosh · 3 years
Puppies, ice cream, beaches and cuddles.
Who: @marleyxrcse & @evanmcintosh‘
When: Sometime mid September
What: Evan joins Marley in getting her puppy. Emo shit and feelings get involved. Ends with beach cuddles.
Notes: Tw drug use, mentions of drugs
Marley walked over to Evan's place, unannounced. She wanted to do something that she thought about for a while but decided at the last minute she wanted to do it now. Marley knocked on the front door, hoping Evan would be there and free to come with her.
Evan was sat in his bedroom about to take a second hit from his bong when he heard the knock at the door. He was already just a tad bit high and didn’t bother with a shirt as he went to answer the door. He just hoped it wasn’t his brother, he didn’t want to deal with that. He yawned as he opened the door to find Marley standing there, cute as ever. “Marley, hey… “ he ran a hand through his hair as he stared at the pretty girl. “What’s going on, sweets?”
Marley grinned as the boy opened the door, happy that he was at there. "Hi!" She felt her cheeks burning a little when she realized he wasn't wearing a shirt. "Is there someone in there? Am I bothering you?" She asked, whispering. Marley pulled out her phone and looked through her phone. "I know it's last minute but I found someone, who lives an hour away from here, and the family that was supposed to take her backed out. She will be mine if we go right now. Would you like to come with me? Please?" she asked, showing him the picture of the puppy golden retriever. 
Evan raised a brow confused for a bit as his mind slowly caught up. “What? Oh, no. I’m alone. Sorry, I uh, I just took a hit. I’m a little high.” He over explained. Her concern was cute. “Someone?” He asked with a chuckle. “Oh like a dog.” He laughed again. “Yeah, yeah.  Come in, I just need to change.”
"Oh great. I'm glad I'm not bothering you. Sorry, I meant I found someone who had a puppy to give." She chuckled. Marley stepped into the house, "Thank you for wanting to come with me." She smiled at him. "Where's Chuck?" she asked, looking around for him.
“You could never bother me.” He gave her a charming smile and let her into the apartment, shutting the door behind her. “Of course, babe.” He squeezed her arm gently. “He’s in my room being lazy. C’mon.” He led her to his bedroom where Chuck laid on the bed sound asleep. The faint odor of weed filled the room, a smell Evan didn’t really even notice anymore. Evan rummaged through his drawers to look for a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, not really bothering to leave the room before removing his basketball shorts leaving himself in just his boxers to change.
"I can't believe i'm going to be a new mom." Marley said, following him to his room. "Hi Chuck!" She called his name softly as she walked over to the bed. Marley reached her hand out so he could smell her before petting the door. "You're gonna have a new friend soon!" She said, excited. The girl took a seat on the bed and couldn't help but glanced at the man as he changed.
“That’s very exciting. I’m really happy for you.” He stepped back from where he was standing and leaned over to give Marley a kiss on the cheek. Evan then pulled his jeans on and put his shirt on before sitting next to Marley to put his shoes on. “Do you know what you’re going to name him?” He asked curiously “Thank you. I’ve always wanted a dog and I’m so happy I get to realize one of my biggest dreams.” Marley’s lips curved into a smile as he kissed her cheek. “It’s a her and I’m not sure yet… I had maybe Bailey or Skye in mind… Maybe i will come up with something on our way there. We’re gonna have to stop at the pet store too. And get ice cream too.”
“Those are pretty names.” He agreed. “Oh, are we now? I mean puppies and Ice cream does sound like the perfect combination.” He brushed her hair out of her face and stroked her cheek with his thumb lightly. “Alright, looks like we’re ready to go.” He turned to the small dog and leaned over to kiss his head. “Sorry buddy, you’re staying here.” He gave him a few scratches before standing up and taking Marleys hand. “Lead me to your car, m’lady.”
Marley leaned into his touch, “It’s gonna be a perfect day.” She said excitedly. “Bye Chuck. Be a good boy.” Marley pecked the top of the dog’s head before standing up and made her way outside the house. “I didn’t tell my mother yet. Let’s hope she won’t kick me out for this. I doubt she will but we never know.” She laughed. “I’ve been thinking about getting my own place… But i’m not sure yet.”
“Perfect day?” It warmed Evan up a bit. “You think spending time with me contributes to your perfect day?” He asks curiously. It had been a while since someone actually wanted to hang out with him. “You should totally get your own place. It’s awesome. But if you ever do need a place to stay, my place is always available for you.” He responded as he followed her to the car. “Of course it does!” Marley nudged him playfully before walking on the other side of the car. She sat on the driver’s seat and put on her GPS. “It does sounds awesome but it does sounds lonely as well.” She admitted. “You’re so sweet, thank you.”
Evan shrugged his shoulders “I mean, i prefer it. I love living alone. It means I can do anything I want, have anyone I want over. Plus, I have Chuck to keep me company. You could also just get a roommate.” He explained “That’s what friends are for, right?” He chuckled softly
“That is true. You can do whatever you want without bothering anyone. I’m close to my mom and I help her a lot so I kind of feel guilty about moving out. It wouldn’t be so bad if I stay in Gradian tho.” Marley explained, starting to drive. Evan gave her a sympathetic smile and placed his hand on her knee for a gentle squeeze. “I think you should do whatever you feel comfortable with. And if you ever do need space or a place to crash you can stay in my spare room.” Evan realized he didn’t really know Marleys situation and pushing her to move out was selfish of him. All he could do is offer his support.
Marley moved her hand on the top of his, "I've been thinking a lot in the last two years actually. I've always wanted to move to New York City. I would love to be able to be on Broadway someday. I know it's a silly dream." She chuckled and shook her head. "I don't think I will make that big move, not soon anwyay. I don't want to leave my friends and family behind... I guess moving out and staying in town might be the best option."
Evan flipped his hand under hers and intertwined their fingers. “New York is beautiful. I don’t think that’s silly at all.” He brought her hand up to his lips and gave it a comforting kiss. “Don’t feel pressured, you’re still young. You have time.” He nodded before placing their hands back on her knee. “Do what feels best for you, not for anyone else.”
"It really is beautiful. Well from what I've seen in movies at least. I would love to go on vacation someday before I make a big decision like moving there. I know Harley lived there a bit. I might ask her if she wants to go with me and visit the city." Marley have been debating for years for that decision. She wished she could bring everyone she loved with her to New York so that way she would have everything and eveyone she loved at the same place. "I know I have to do what's best for me but family and friends are so important to me. That's what makes it so hard." She sighed. Marley smiled slightly and glanced over at him as he kissed the top of her hand. "Thank you for listening to me rambling." she laughed.
“It’s pretty similar to the movies, although a lot dirtier and it smells kinda funky but that’s kind of what gives it its charm. You have to have bad to appreciate the good and all that.” He nods “I wouldn’t mind tagging along, it’s been a while since I’ve been back in the states.” Evan let out a small sigh and settled into the seat. “Of course, Marls. I’ll always listen.”
"You've been to New York before?" She asked. "You can definitely come with us. We could bring the pups with us as well! I know New York is a dog friendly place. I know there's a lot of dog parks. Maybe when we cannot bring them with us to some places they could go to doggy daycare! They could have fun and socialize." Marley was so thrilled and happy about the thought of going to this vacation. "Oh it would be so much fun. We could also go to a Broadway show! Oh my- that would be amazing!"
Evan nods along with her excitement. It had been a while since he had felt really excited about something and It was refreshing to see someone feel that way. He wished he could feel that way again but lately it had been so difficult for him.  “Sounds like a good time, Marlz.”
"I'm sure we will have the best time over there. I've never really got out of Gradian. I've been to England a few times but that's pretty much it." Marley glanced over at him again. "What are the little things, or big things, that makes you feel happy?" She asked, her thumb stroking the back of his hand. 
“You’ll love the states. I’ve been fortunate enough to be well traveled but I think my favorite place is back home. I miss California.” He shrugs and squeezes her hand. He hated talking about his feelings, he hated admitting how horrible he felt about himself and things around him. “Lately not much.”  He bit his lip and looked away from her, out the window to distract himself from feeling sad.
“I’m sure I will. There’s so many places I would like to visit around the world.” Marley smiled sadly at his words. “I’m sorry you feel that way. We can try to forget about our worries today and just enjoy the day. I think there’s a beach nearby we could hang out there with the pup. “
Evan shook his head and pulled his hand back. “Don’t worry about it. I’m fine.” He said dryly and grimaced at his own tone of voice. He hated how irritable he could become when he was sobering up and he hated taking it out on others but sometimes he couldn’t control himself. He swallowed and shook out his hands a bit, nervous that he might have upset Marley.
Marley was taken aback by his tone of voice, her hand falling on her lap. "You know, it's okay to not be okay." She said softly. "I will always worry because I care about you. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want you but I will never pressure you to do anything." She tried to reasure him in some way. "You know, most of the time I am not okay as well and I absolutely hate talking about bad things i'm feeling. I try to focus on things that brings me joy and it helps me."
“Yeah, well I’m not you, Marley. I’m not optimistic about my shit show of life. Can we just drop it and get the puppy.” He responded irritably. He took a deep breath and fidgeted with his fingers for a moment as he got his mind together. He really didn’t want to keep snapping at Marley. He didn’t understand why he acted like this. He hated it, he hated himself. “I’m sorry, I’m such a fucking asshole.” He muttered and chewed at his lip as he reached for her hand again.
Marley's heart squeezed a little at his words. She didn't added anything else, not wanting to make him feel uncomfortable. The last thing she wanted was to make him feel upset. She stayed silent, trying to let the tension go down a bit. She looked over at him as he spoke again. "No you're not..." Marley squeezed his hand gently. "I'm sorry if I made you upset, I didn't mean to."
Evan felt bad for making Marley feel guilty of something that clearly wasn’t her fault. “No, please don’t apologize. You didn’t do anything wrong.” He squeezed her hand and leaned over to press soft kisses to her shoulder, trying to apologize with his affection.
"Would you like to go to the beach anyway?" She asked. Marley looked over at the gps and smiled widely. "We're here!" She said excitedly. She pulled up in the driveway of this beautiful house, surrounded by fields. "This house is so beautiful. After having my Broadway career, I would love to get a house like this. Where I could raise my kids and have so many animals." She sighed. "You're coming in with me right?" 
Evan nodded “Sure, yeah. Whatever you want to do.” He agreed apologetically with a small small. “I’m sure you’ll have that and more.” Evan was prepared to wait in the car, he didn’t mind it at all. “Oh, if you want me to, I can.” He replied as he took his seatbelt off and got out of the car, stretching his body as he waited for the girl.
“I hope I will.” Marley got out of the car and walked to the other side of it to where Evan was standing. “Come on!” She she grinned and reached out for his hand, pulled him gently towards the house with her. A gasp escaped her lips as the older lady walked out on the porch, holding the baby golden retriever who was wagging her tail. “Look at her!” She let go of this hand to take the puppy carefully into her arms. “Thank you so so so much.” She said to the lady before turning around to face Evan.
Evan followed the girl and stayed back a bit once Marley rushed to the puppy. Evan had to admit how adorable the puppy was and it was nice seeing the girl so excited. He smiled to himself, his smile brightening up as the girl turned to him with the dog. “Look at you. You’re officially a dog mom.” He chuckled softly
Marley was glad to see Evan smile after the conversation they just had. The girl nodded, “I am!” She pressed a kiss on the puppy’s head and stepped closer to the boy so he would be able to pet her if he wanted to. “I can’t believe she’s mine.”
Evan stepped closer and gave the dog a small pet before rubbing Marley’s shoulder a little. “I’m really happy for you. Do you wanna get going now? We still need to stop by the ice cream shop. I can hold her while you say bye to the nice lady.” 
Marley carefully moved the puppy into Evan’s arms. Before walking back to the lady. She made sure she got the transfer of money she made before she left. Marley came back to her friend, holding a starter pack. “She’s so nice. She gave me a small bag of food that she’s eating right now so I can make a transition to new food and I also have a bandana and a toy!” She showed everything to him as she spoke. “Do you think you can drive so I can hold her? If you don’t want or can’t I totally understand.”
Evan held the small fluffy dog in his arms and rocked her gently in his arms. He enjoyed holding the dog but he knew Marley should be the one bonding with her. “That’s awesome, hun.” He nodded as he took the supplies with his free hand and traded the dog off to the girl. “Of course, babe.” He took the keys from her as well and opened the door for her to get into the passenger side qnd closed the door once she was inside. He got back in the car and adjusted the seat for himself. “You ready for ice cream and the beach?”
Marley traded the basket for the dog and hugged her gently into her arm. “Thank you so much.” She kissed his cheek. The girl sat down in the car and reached out on the back seat for the leach and collar and putted it on. “I’m ready. We’re ready!”
Evan knew he was forward with physical affection but it always surprised him when others were physical with him. He blushed lightly at the kiss and turned the car on to get ready to go. It wasn’t long before he found a local ice cream shop and drove them to the beach. They found a nice spot and once there he took his shirt off so the girl could sit on it and not get sandy. “It’s a beautiful day today, Marls.”
Marley felt like she was in a dream. Nothing else mattered at this moment. It was like a weight as been taking off her shoulders. “You’re sweet.” She said when he laid down his shirt for her. Marley sat down and giggled when the puppy started to roll into the sand.  “It really is. I’m very happy you came with me.”
Evan got down to the puppies level in the sand qnd laid next to where she was rolling. He propped himself up on his side and rubbed the dogs belly for a little before she got up to run around on the long leash. Evan rolled onto his back to look up at the girl with a small grin, squinting his eyes at the sun. “I’m glad you wanted me to come. I’m sorry about my mood in the car earlier.” He pouted softly.
Marley couldn’t help but grinned when she looked at him interacting with the dog. The sounds of the waves, puppy and nice company. It was really the perfect day. Marley ran her fingers through his hair, looking down at him. “It’s alright, don’t worry about it.” she reassured him in a soft tone.
Evan sighed softly. “Are you sure?” He asked nervously before closing his eyes. He loved the feeling of her fingers through his hair and he hummed gently as he relaxed under her touch. “You should lay with me, the sun feels really nice.”
“Yes, i’m sure. I understand. Sometimes emotions takes over.” Marley moved to lay down next to him, still holding on to the leach. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth of the sun hitting her skin.
Evan nodded and shifted his body once she laid on the sand. He wrapped his arm around her so she could lay on his chest comfortably. He kissed her head and felt small butterflies in his stomach, feeling excited with every touch. It wasn’t long before the puppy had joined the two and nuzzled her way on his chest. “You know I really like you, right?” Evan decided to comment. He wasn’t really one to hide his emotions.
Marley always loved physical contacts so when she felt his arm wrapping around her, she immediately moved closer to him. She looked up at him, her head resting on his chest. “You do?” She was surprised to hear this confession. It was hard for her to think that someone had feelings for her. Simply because she was used to be put into the friend zone. But maybe he meant it just as person.
Evan nodded. “Of course I do. You’re gorgeous and sweet, not to mention a complete babe.” He chuckled softly. His hand caressing her lower back as he held her against his chest.
Marley felt her cheeks burning slightly, “That the first time someone says that to me.” She couldn’t help but chuckled. “You’re saying that but you’ve never seen me at my not so good days.” She said to him. She reached out with her free hand to her puppy and petted her gently.
Evan raised a brow. “I don’t believe that.” He chuckled softly. “Unless all the people you hang with are too scared to say shit.” He continued to rub her back “I’m just saying what I see and what you show people. Everyone has bad days. You know this.” He sits up a bit and lays her down on the sand, hovering over her. He pushed her hair out of her face with a kind smile.
“I guess they are.” She laughed. “I know that… But I meant physically. I’m sick, Ev.” Marley laid on her back and looked up at him, her blue eyes looking into his.
Evan furrowed his brows when she mentioned being physically sick. It made him think of his own issues but he didn’t want to assume anything anymore. “What do you mean?” He asked quietly, wanting to know because he cared. “I have Lupus. It’s an autoimmune disease. Most of the time I’m okay but sometimes I struggles doing little things.” She explained. Marley ran her fingertips up and down his back.
“Oh, marls.” He really wasn’t sure he knew anything about the disease and he felt bad for not knowing. “I’m sorry, honey.” He kisses her forehead. “It’s okay, I’ve learn to live with it.” Her lips curved in a slight smile. “I’m just more difficult to deal with sometimes and not everyone wants to deal with that. I don’t blame them.”
Evan shook his head. “Everyone has things that are difficult to deal with it, Marley.” He shrugged “You can’t let that shit get to you. People who actually care will be there for you.” He caressed her cheek and traced her lips with his fingers. “God, you’re fucking gorgeous.”
“I know- I know…” she sighed. “I’m not but-“ she stopped. “Never mind.” Marley’s eyes not moving away from his face, her lips curved into a small smile. “Thank you.” She whispered.
Evan was confused that she stopped and didn’t finish telling him what was on her mind. “But what? You can tell me. I’m not going to judge you.” He responded, still caressing her skin. He wanted to kiss her so bad but didn’t want to be inappropriate.
Marley shook her head. “It’s nothing really. You’re right, I shouldn’t let this get to me. I just can’t help it sometimes.”
“Marley.” He warned. “Tell me what’s on your mind. Maybe I can help?” He raised a brow “or maybe I’ll have to kiss it out of you.” He teased and kissed her left cheek and then went over and kissed the other before pecking down to her jawline, stopping before he got to her lips. “You wanna tell me now?” He whispered
She laughed softly and moved a hand to the back of his neck. Without adding anything else, Marley closed the gap between them and kissed him gently. Evan kissed back with a small chuckle, not expecting her to initiate the kiss. He pulled back a few moments later with a sly smile. “You little cheater, I’m the one supposed to be kissing you. Now you have to tell me.” He laughed and pecked her lips again before laying on his side next to her.
“I wasn’t important. I was just about to say that yes, people who care about me will be there for me. They are. But dealing with this for a short period of time versus having to deal with it most of the time is not the same.” she explained. “See, it was just more, sort of, complaining.” She chuckled. Marley glanced over at the dog, making sure she was okay and then looked back at him. “Can we not talk about it anymore?” She asked, poking the tip of his nose playfully. 
Evan listened to the girl, feeling bad that she felt that way. But decided not to push further in because she had asked so. “Alright.” He said softly and buried his face in her neck, lining her skin with small kisses. “So did you decide on a name for her?”
Marley grinned and ran her fingers through his hair, tilting her head slightly to the side as she felt his lips on her skin. She loved the attention Evan was giving her. She looked over at the dog again and thought for a bit. "I think I'm gonna name her Skye." Evan wrapped his arm around her waist and laid his head on her shoulder. “Skye’s a pretty name. I think she’ll like it.” He smiled against her skin. He’d been so distracted with Marley and the dog that he hadn’t even thought of Freddie or Milo. It was nice or at least it had been as the thoughts began to creep back. Evan sighed to himself, trying to brush it off so he wouldn’t bother Marley with the annoying thoughts pestering his brain. He just wanted to be high again.
“I think so too.” Marley smiled widely and closed her eyes, enjoying the moment. She laughed softly as she felt the wet nose of Skye brushing against her exposed skin. “You’re tickling me.” Skye waggled her tail and laid down against her. “I was right, it is the perfect day. Puppy, beach and cuddles.” She grinned.
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diangeloyoyok · 4 years
my review on pjo movies
first up with have The Lighting Thief obviously
 Poseidon’s entrance lowkey kinda fire but high key weird
‘it’s been many years’ didn’t y’all just have that winter solstice party together ???
‘if your son if the thief i will send him to the pits of tartarus’ ouch that hurt ngl
logan lerman 🥺
he would’ve been such a good percy if they did the movies when he was younger IDC IDC IDC
i stan black grover and just grover overall
i wish we got to see my bitch nancy
gabe to me is just *hmm* perfect in this movie, he’s not as mean in the movies but he’s still an asshole ehehehe
i love Chiron actor i think it’s very accurate
also wtf chiron is bros with the big three lols 😹
y’all know jenna davis?- that’s who the girl who plays ms dodd’s looks like
so they just gonna ignore him and tak ab him while he’s RIGJT. THERE.
‘This is a pen. This is a pen.’
‘Are you guys crazy? This is a pen man!’
the scene with gabe makes me uncomfy bc percy says in the book gabe never hits percy in front of sally but ok 😗✌️
leaving percy was the *mOST* difficult thing poseidon *the GOD of water* has ever done wow percy is that cool
‘You’re half donkey?!”
i am da wittlest minotaur 😳✨🙈
such a subtle entrance to the camp love it
why y’all give percy the pen before he supposed to be a badass and rip the horn off wjth his hands but ig
wait so in this dumbass movie percy doesn’t even do anything to get the horn goodbye
i’m still very pissed that they took the scene of annabeth sayjng ‘you drool when you sleep’ but it’s fine i’m NOT fine
why is no one wearing camp shirts 🤬
they may be wrong but i didnt know it was ‘brUnner’ not ‘brUNner’
it’s kinda cute how when percy first sees annabeth he’s like ‘ooouuu who’s that name now 😌😏”
brown haired blue eyed looking ass BITCH
‘A real horses ass’ laughed a LITTLE
so the poseidon cabin is just *THAT* open poor percy no privacy
oh wait wth they already know his daddy poseidon 🤨
like everyone just knew ????
when did percy get new clothes the fuck
why did everyone laugh and shake their heads when chiron introduced percy what whores
omg luke 🥺
i know everyone knows this but it’s *SOOOOOOOOO* unrealistic annabeth and luke aren’t on the same team. like i’m pretty sure in the first book annabeth said they had a permanent allies type thing with the hermes cabin
‘that’s a sword! that’s a sword’ aw baby luke why’d you have to be evil 🙁🤚
where the FUCK did that bitch tryna be annabae come from
she realky said ‘i love trees🌲☺️❤️’
why does annabeth act like clarisse during capture the flag
why are there like actual 30 yr olds at camp
luke was so excited when he saw percy get up he said ‘omg no way✨’
so suddenly percy just knows sword play 😀
y’all red heads a bunch of babies
i already know it’s coming
shit no
i hate it
i hate it so much
already ew’d out
‘i definitely have strong feelings for you, i just haven’t decided if they’re positive or negative yet.’
‘well you let me know when you figure it out’
‘you’ll be the first’
why they just drinking nectar for fun?? like bruh you tryna die or sum
after that i can’t watch anymore tonight
it’s been like 3 weeks but let’s not talk about that
i’m not even gonna comment on the campfire scene anymore my god
i like how in movies everyone is like “omg the underworld so scary percy you can’t go that’s so dangerous you will DIE”
and in the books they’re like “yeah it’s dangerous but whateva you 12 yr olds have fun down there bring me a souvenir!!”
why does luke have?? video?? games?? in?? his?? cabin??
why is luke the only one in his cabin like where’s the stolls and chris 😳
you mean to tell me luke broke into hermes house just for like funzies and to steal shit?
sounds like travis and connor but ok✨
what the fuck even is the whole pearl plot
i don’t even wanna talk about the medusa scene
percy has an ipod 🤡
“i’ve only been in the outside world a few times” did you fucking practice driving those few times or WHAT
if percy could actually heal people with water wowie imagine how useful
why did percy bring swimming trunks on a quest
can this brown haired bitch shut up already
sally never took gabes last name excuse you 🤣
ofc it’s fucking fox news giving us that bullshit info on sally
they in nashville wee-doggie 🤠
‘hey it’s your mom’ obviously dumbass she has eyes
so they hid in the potty room for like 5 hours? huh
yeah let’s jus facetime lukey real quick 🥰
silly boy percy
“how flipping awesome was that”
does percy even know he can bend water in the first book
that’s gonna be an unexplainable statue for the workers tmrw
lotus hotel baby
the only reason this movie is watchable
vegas be lookin kinda fresh i wannna go
i wanna stay at the lotus hotel this place looks sick asf
lotus flower treats yummy yum
here comes gaga 😮
why they laugjing so much
wonder if nico likes gaga
imagine like 10 yr old nico just straight vibing there
grover pulling out the dance movies yessir 🤩
“no❤️ percy don’t eat the flower”
why didn’t percy just like grab the flowers and throw them
i’m bored ✨
ooo skeletons
charon my queen 👑🥳
“we drowned in a bathtub, all three of us” 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
i wish that was in the movie
i wish a lot of things were in the movie hit that is high
we’re in the same boat in the very same boat
how do you get seasick in an elevator- BOAT?
the way to the underworld is over the styx it’s a river
i know, you show off chicks
sexist much? go make a splash
i’ll splash you
it’s like watching titian’s clash, they’ll kill each other it they’ll kiss if we’re lucky they’ll end up in an abyss
hades do be looking kinda cool tho
that’s a cool ring you got there hades
omg mommy sally 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
how did percy not notice the lightening bolt in the damn shield befORE???
“it’s luke shield he betrayed us”
damn she switched sides real fast
this phoney bitch why does she want power and a war sis go plant shit
i refuse to believe hades is abusive sorry sis you ain’t fooling me
god where’s Juniper when you need her
so no fight between percy and aries 🤡
instead we have lukey pukey
omh he’s the lightening thief i did not see that coming ong 😳
^^ me on twitter after it’s revealed on the percy jackson tv show
can this luke character chile
percy pulled a harry styles and said “i’m falling” 😔
“yeah, i think i am the son of poseidon”
okay 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋
omG i goT bUtTerFliEs
how does s-dog jusy know how to get to olympus did y’all get freaky up there or
that’s actually kinda how i imagine olympus looking so
i guess
good job
what is this ant man why they so small
“i have no connection to poseidon”
p-dog looked kinda hurted 😳
as if zeus would ever compliment percy
has athena ever told annabeth *or any of her kids* i’m proud of you
“i need to speak with him” “just this once”
yet we got poseidon showing up once in awhile just to say hi
7 months? 😀
percy was 7 months old?
now i don’t remember much but i don’t think it was that long luv ❤️
i thought i was watching percy jackson not harry potter tf is up
sally and percy have my whole heart
g-man got his horns
chiron 🥺✨
missed my main hoe 😍
why are there so many fucking campers
there’s like 500
let’s take a chill pill shall we
annabeth and percy look like siblings in this
 incest 😳
they bouta fiGHTshe better have won
k well that’s it thank the gods 😘
i’ll be back in like 4 months to review sea of monsters i need a break of bullshit
it’s gabe
he pulled a demi
stone cold
stone cold
everyone will be happier without him
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fuckedurbias · 4 years
hey, can i request the smut tag thingy with got7 mark?? thank youuu
Tumblr media
a = aftercare
mmmmm mark would be soft and caring in his own way. he wouldn’t do or say much, just bring his partner a wipe/towel, whatever they needed to clean up and quickly wipe himself up as well. he’d then slide back under the covers quickly and softly rub their cheeks or back and play with their hair until they fell asleep. if the sex occurred earlier in the day he’d quietly slide away while his partner cleaned themselves up on their own and bring them back their favourite snack and some water and then they’d just watch a movie and/or nap for a little while.
b = body part
100% an ass man. he’d love his partners ass and would always wanna smack it, squeeze it, grab it, rub it or even just look at it. he’d get so turned on just thinking about it. he’d also love his partners collarbones, he doesn’t know why, he’d just love the look of them,,,,,,especially when he has left marks are all over them.
on himself, he’d love his arms; so long and toned. the way they tense up and you can see the muscles and tendons working when he’s using his hands on his partner and they way they so easily can hold and wrap around so much of them. also his jaw!!! he fucking loves his jaw, the way his partner softly kisses & licks along it, the way it tenses when he’s aroused, the way it opens and closes during make out sessions and when he’s giving head.
c = cum
he’s a pretty neat cummer, not liking to leave any more mess than necessary, though sometimes when he’s really horny and feeling a little bit risky, he’ll come on his partner’s chest/back just for funsies. he also doesn’t really like to swallow/lick up his partner’s cum, he just doesn’t enjoy the taste or get any enjoyment from it however if it will save cleaning up and make things easier, or just turns his partner on, then he will happily do so.
d = dirty secret
he loves dirty texting over the phone,,,, just letting his mind run wild with thoughts and fantasies of what he will do to his partner and vice versa, he would just get off on the fact that everyone else around him has no idea about what vulgar, sinful things him & his partner are texting about right in front of their faces. and getting to go home/to his partner’s place afterwards or even the next day/later in the week and finally getting to act on the messages would be so fun to him.
e = experience
oh i think he’s very experienced, it’s always the quiet + sneakier ones. just his vibes, he gets LOADS of action a lot i think,, no i KNOW he’d definitely know what he’s doing. and it’d b so cute if his partner was less experienced then he was bc he’d be so gentle and would take care of them so well :(
f = favourite position
i feel like he’d def be a fan of the cowgirl (no matter the gender), his partner riding him and getting themselves off on him while he does the bare minimum and just gets to sit there in awe. whether it’s reversed or forward, he wouldn’t care. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,also doggy style,,,,,,,,,,,,, preferably with his partner’s hair being pulled back or shoved into the pillows,,,,,,,,,,,, either or.
g = goofy
hmmmm i feel like if mark has sex he likes it to be pretty serious and intimate, but obviously if something silly happens by accident he’ll laugh about it but yeah, i feel like he prefers to be serious. he may let out a few chuckles but they definitely won’t be out of humour,,, more due to the fact that seeing his partner such a mess is so cute to him.
h = hair
i feel like mark likes to keep himself pretty neat and tidy, sometimes he will shave depending on how new the relationship is or if he’s going out and hoping to get frisky with someone,, but most of the time he can’t be bothered and if he’s comfortable with the person he will probably just trim it and nothing more than that.
i = intimacy
as i said before, mark would love to be as intimate & personal as possible during sexy times. he wouldn’t necessarily make it romantic every time, he would save that for special occasions but during the act he would just love to hold his partner close and show them that he likes to make them feel good, that it also makes him feel good and would just love to remind his partner that they are his and he is theirs.
j = jack off
mmmmm i think he would jack off sometimes, not a lot if he had a partner or just easily accessible booty call to get his rocks off. he would rather just let out his horniness through the actual thing rather than just himself and his hand, obviously unless he was on tour or was just too busy for a while and wasn’t able to fuck anyone.
k= kink
he’s pretty vanilla i feel,,, but not in the typical way, just he doesn’t have many kinks or a kink he considers his fave, he’s chill w most things!! he would still have a few little kinks he enjoys, like giving praise, dirty talk and essentially anything his partner likes at the time tbh.
l = location
in the comfort of a goddamn bedroom, he would hate doing it anywhere other than either his or his partners private rooms/houses. he would sometimes and i mean - very rarely - do it in the dorms with the other members if him and/or his partner are going wild with hormones but that’s a very rare and treasured treat, but yes otherwise exclusively an enclosed & private area.
m = motivation
like i said before, sexting or just even thinking about doing things to someone/his partner. or seeing his partners ass all cooped up in them jeans or just the ass in general,,, mmm he’d love that.
n = NO
honestly i can’t see anything mark refusing anything straight out he’d be pretty open to anything his partner suggests or wants to try, unless he finds it really gross and off putting from the get go, but even then there’s nothing specific and nothing he wouldn’t at least try once.
o = oral
giving!! 100% prefers giving, ofc he loves receiving too but he just loves giving and seeing his partner become so weak because of him. even more so because he knows hes so good at it without even trying.
p = pace
definitely more slow and sensual, even on days where he’s more rough he isn’t really fast. it’s not that he can’t do it he just prefers to drag it out and make it as deep and intimate and close to his partner as possible, wanting it to always be passionate, intense & personal even if its rougher, kinkier sex.
q = quickie
mark wouldn’t be a fan of quickies, especially since he liked any kind of sex to be more private, but if it had to be done it had to be done. if either him or his partner couldn’t wait he’d take them to a private bathroom/toilet & would go no further than oral or fingering/handjobs, it would suffice until they could go back home and go all the way for hours.
r = risk
definitely game to experiment with different people and different things, liking to try almost everything and figuring out what he likes for himself with as many options as possible (obviously being safe & consensual).
s = stamina
oh he can definitely go for a long time, wanting to make his partner come as many times as possible before he even finishes once, even during foreplay he doesn’t usually come and stops his partner giving him head so he can just get into the sex. due to this though, he doesn’t usually go for many rounds after unless his partner wants to, sometimes one or two if it’s been a while but usually just the one. but it’s rare that his partner will want to, already having came so many times at once.
t = toy
i don’t think he’d know much about toys or have any, unless his partner had them and wanted to use them on him or wanted mark to use the toys on them. once experimenting with them though, he’d definitely fuck with cock rings & stuff that stimulates him & enhances the experience/orgasms like that, and he’d like when his partner uses them on him. he’d love having fun using toys on his partner too, just experimenting with all of them on each other.
u = unfair
hmm i would say mark likes to tease because of what we see but i think he wouldn’t actually enjoy teasing, he’d just outright say to his partner ‘i wanna fuck’ and when his partner teased, they would not be doing so for long at all. i don’t think he’d enjoy teasing because if he wants something he wants it fast, especially when it comes to sex - especially when his partner is right there with him or close by.
v = volume
he wouldn’t be loud or make many sounds, more of a heavy breather, with gasps & groans (and sometimes breathy moans oh fuck imagine that)
w = wild card
okay hear me out.
phone sex.
okay thank you
x = x-ray
he is honestly packing nicely, more on the thinner but longer side but not by much. average length & just under average girth but definitely no issue, he can use it very very well.
y = yearning
i think fresh into a relationship or even courting, his sex drive would be pretty high but would lessen to be normal as it the relationship advanced. if he wasn’t in a relationship & just had booty calls or hooks up/one night stands, it’d be just above normal like any single adult, just going with the flow kinda vibe.
z = zzz
i don’t think he’d like to fall asleep straight away afterwards, even at night time. he’d like to cool down afterwards, getting his heart rate & breathing back to normal; watching tv or scrolling on his phone as his partner cuddles with him - fast asleep. he’d fall asleep soon after, snuggling them back.
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brokenmimir · 5 years
When Eyes Meet, A Battle Begins
White Rose Week 2019, Day 8: Free Day
All the stories talked about meeting a rival on your Pokémon journey, one who would challenge you again and again and keep you on your toes. Ruby just hadn't expected her's to be so pretty.
I've never gotten into the anime, and this probably got a bit too into the weeds with staying true to the video game. Still, I'm a huge fan of the games, so this was fun to do. I also wrote this before the new Corgi based Electric Pokémon got announced, which is obviously an even better fit for Zwei.
White Rose Week has been a blast, and I hope everyone has enjoyed themselves as much as I have.
“Zwei, you can do it!” Ruby shouted, bouncing in place. “Use Tackle!”
The Lillipup bent its tiny legs, before launching itself forward with a cheerful bark. It slammed into the small, bud-like Pokémon, sending it reeling back. With a grin she pulled out a Poké Ball and tossed it, catching the Grass-type inside. The ball rocked back and forth for a moment, making her bite her lip with worry, before it finally settled down with a click.
“Yes!” Ruby shouted, jumping up and down. “We did it, Zwei! We caught the… uh… the something!”
Before she could retrieve the Poké Ball and use her Pokédex to figure out what the cute little Pokémon was, a voice scoffed behind her. “You don't even recognize a Budew? What kind of trainer are you?”
Ruby turned around, and found herself stunned at the sight in front of her. The girl couldn't be more than a year or two older than her own fifteen years, and without her heeled boots she might have been even shorter than her own barely five foot height. Despite that she looked elegant and refined in a way that Ruby had never seen in real life, even standing along the forested trail of Vale Route 4.
“Well, are you going to say anything?” the girl demanded.
Ruby blushed and looked down at herself. She was a bit dusty, having spent the last few days living out of a Pokécenter while trying to fill Professor Ozpin's Pokédex. She'd already caught a few new friends to go with Zwei, the Lillipup her father had bred for her when she was still a little girl, but she suddenly found herself wishing that she'd spent at least a little more time on her appearance. Her dusty, grass stained black and red dress and beloved red cape, looked silly next to the other girl's perfect white dress and bolero jacket.
Why did she care, though? She'd never worried about what anyone else thought of her looks before. In the end she fell back on habit, meeting the girl's blue eyes, one of which had a really cool scar, and offering a challenge. “We've made eye contact. That means we have to fight.”
She smirked. “Hmph. Perhaps you're not a total loss as a trainer if you at least know that. Prepare to be defeated by Weiss Schnee!”
“Well- well you prepare to be defeated by Ruby Rose!” she responded, to which Zwei added a cheerful bark. “That's right, Zwei! Let's get her!”
The two faced each other down, Weiss pulling out a Poké Ball and throwing it out. “Myrtenaster, let's show this girl who's boss!”
From the Poké Ball emerged a Pokémon like nothing Ruby had ever seen before. It appeared to be a fancy, elegant sword, with a long, scarf-like blue tassel emerging from its pommel. The weapon floated in midair, and she could see decorations on the hilt that resembled eyes and a grimacing mouth.
“Alright Zwei, use Baby-Doll Eyes!” Ruby shouted.
Zwei barked, and focused on Myrtenaster, his big, glistening, incredibly cute eyes making it hesitate. Ruby still wasn't sure what kind of Pokémon the sword was, but nothing was immune to Zwei's cuteness.
The other trainer wasn't immune, either. “Ahh! It's so cute!”
“I know,” Ruby said with a grin. “Nothing's cuter than Zwei!”
Finally shaking off the cuteness overload, Weiss pointed dramatically at the Lillipup. “Myrtenaster, use Fury Cutter!”
The sword hesitated, obviously not wanting to hurt the cute little puppy, but eventually it swung its body. Ruby braced herself, worried for her cutie, but the hit didn't do too much damage. Zwei shook it off, barking confidently as he set himself again.
“Good boy!” Ruby shouted, suddenly much more confident. She didn't know what Myrtenaster was, but she wasn't afraid of it if it could only hit that hard. “Use Tackle!”
Zwei jumped forward… and flew right through the Pokémon, not hitting it at all. Ruby blinked, confused, but he hadn't missed. The attack simply hadn't done anything at all.
Besides making the other trainer laugh. “Really? Don't you know Ghost-types are immune to Normal-type moves? Your Lillipup doesn't stand a chance against Myrtenaster!”
“Oh yeah?” Ruby said. “Well, um, your face doesn't stand a chance either! And it's not like yours did much either!”
Weiss smirked. “Didn't it, though? Myrtenaster, Fury Cutter again!”
The sword-shaped Pokémon attacked again, using the same move, but this time it hit harder. Still, Zwei was a tough little Lillipup, and he was okay even with several more hits like that one. She had a secret weapon ready, just for jerky Ghost types. And finding cookies. Mostly the cookies. “Zwei, use Odor Sleuth!”
The Lillipup sniffed the air, focusing in on Myrtenaster. Weiss just ordered her Pokémon to attack again, this time hitting poor Zwei hard. He kept his feet, but Ruby fretted, almost going for some medicine before she realized what was going on.
“Figured it out?” Weiss asked. “Fury Cutter is twice as powerful every time it hits! Next one's gonna take your little doggy down!”
“Not if I have anything to say about it,” Ruby said confidently. “Zwei, use Tackle!”
“That won't work, you dolt,” Weiss chuckled. “Myrtenaster's a Ghost-type, remember?”
The Lillipup charged forward, but this time instead of passing through he slammed into his opponent, knocking it back a bit. “Now who's a dolt,” Ruby said triumphantly. “Odor Sleuth lets Normal-Types hit Ghosts.”
“You're still the dolt, dolt,” Weiss said, blushing at having not known that. “Myrtenaster, finish that cute little Pokémon off.”
Myrtenaster swung one more time, this time sending Zwei tumbling back. Ruby ran over to him, but while obviously out of the fight he wasn't too hurt. Still, it was with a heavy heart that she had to recall Zwei to his Poké Ball.
“Is he alright?” Weiss asked.
Ruby looked over at the other girl, and felt herself smile just a little. She'd been kinda acting like a jerk, but if she cared about her opponent's Pokémon then she wasn't a bad person. “He'll be okay.”
Weiss returned to her cocky stance, resting one hand on her hip as a smirk stretched across her face. “Ready to give up?
“No way!” Ruby shouted, pulling out another Poké Ball. Silently she thanked her Uncle, grateful for the training trip he'd brought her on that had led to her getting this Pokémon. “Crescent Rose, let's kick her butt!”
The Pokémon was strange looking, with a four legged posture, light pink fur, blue eyes, and a huge red scythe blade sticking out of one side of its head. Ruby felt her chest puff out with pride as she saw her opponent's reaction to the unusual Pokémon.
“No way!” she said. “Is that a Shiny Absol?”
“Yup,” Ruby said. “Your Ghost-type is going down. Crescent Rose, use Bite!”
The Absol jumped forward, opening the mouth in its strangely human-like face and taking a large bite out of Myrtenaster. Crescent Rose was too powerful for the Ghost-type, taking it down in a single bite.
“Alright, so you've got some good Pokémon,” Weiss said, making a face as she recalled the sword-like Pokémon. “I'll still beat you!”
“Bring it on,” Ruby said with a grin.
“Hmph,” Weiss harrumphed, hesitating for a moment, before pulling out another Poké Ball. “Glyph, you can do it!”
The Pokémon had green hair with two red, disk-like horns, and red eyes. Its body looked like it was wearing a white tutu, and it danced in place like a ballerina on two legs.
“That's a Kirlia!” Ruby said, recognizing it from Trainer school. “Absol's are immune to Psychic-type moves!”
“But they're weak to Fairy moves!” Weiss shouted. “Glyph, use Disarming Voice!”
The Pokémon shouted, a wave of energy emerging from its mouth to strike Ruby's Absol, knocking it back and hurting it badly. Still, Crescent Rose was tough, and she wasn't defeated by one hit. “Crescent Rose, use Bite!”
It hit hard, but the Kirlia withstood it. Ruby had forgotten that being a Fairy-type also helped it resist Dark attacks. “Glyph, finish off that Absol!” Ruby winced, bracing herself for the attack, but the shout left Crescent Rose still standing… barely. Still, she needed something else, so she quickly recalled the Absol, pulling out her last Poké Ball. If this didn't do it she was in a lot of a trouble. “Come on, Wormy, you can do it!”
“Wormy?” Weiss asked, raising a skeptical eyebrow.
Ruby threw out the Poké Ball anyway, revealing a three foot tall bee with lance like cones for forearms. After seeing it Weiss scoffed and tossed her hair. “Seriously? A Beedrill? Why did you name it Wormy?”
Ruby blushed and poked her finger tips together. “I caught her when she was a Weedle and thought she looked like a cute little worm. I didn't know what she turned into.”
“Dolt,” Weiss said, rolling her eyes. “Glyph, its a poison type, so use Confusion!”
“Wormy, hit Glyph with Poison Jab!”
The Beedrill was fast, much faster than the Kirlia, and it slammed one of its poisonous lances into the other Pokémon, taking it down in one blow before it could move. With a sour look on her face Weiss pulled out another Poké Ball. “This is my last Pokémon, a gift from my sister when I was young. He's more than enough to beat you, though!”
She tossed the Poké Ball, and out came one of the most adorable Pokémon Ruby had ever seen. It looked like a spherical ball of striped fur, but with two tiny slits for eyes, and a pig nose at the front. She couldn't see any legs or mouth, but its little nose moved up and down as it grunted cutely.
“That's adorable!” Ruby gushed. “What is it?”
“This is Boarbatusk, my Swinub,” Weiss said proudly. “Swinub, use Mud Bomb!”
“Wormy, Posion Jab!” Ruby replied.
Wormy was faster again, but this time the hit barely did any damage. The Swinub oinked loudly, before somehow launching a clod of densely packed mud with a flick of its body. It slammed into the Beedrill, doing quite a bit of harm.
“Swinub is an Ice/Ground type,” Weiss said. “Your Poison type doesn't stand a chance. Hit it again!”
Seeing how hurt the Beedrill was Ruby bit her lip, before she remembered what it could do. “Yeah, well… Wormy has the Swarm ability, so Bug-type moves are way more effective now that he's hurt. Wormy, use Twineedle!”
The Beedrill darted forward, slamming its two lances into Boarbatusk. The Swinub was obviously badly hurt by the enhanced attacked, but it wasn't enough. Ruby felt her heart fall as the Swinub replied with another mud ball… only for it to miss completely.
“No!” Weiss shouted.
“Wormy, finish it off!”
The bug darted forward, slamming its lances into the Swinub again before it could move, knocking the Pokémon unconscious. “Alright! You did it Wormy! Good job!”
“Here,” Weiss said, tossing some money at her. She looked upset, and Ruby could understand why since nobody liked losing. Still…
“You were amazing,” Ruby said.
“Not enough, obviously, since I failed,” Weiss said.
“You just lost 'cause you got unlucky,” Ruby said. “If that Mud Bomb had hit I'd've lost Wormy.”
“You still had Crescent Rose,” Weiss pointed out, looking only a little mollified by her words.
“Yeah, but she was hurt pretty bad,” Ruby said. “I'm not sure if she could've beaten your Swinub.”
“I guess we'll never know,” Weiss said with a sigh as she gathered up her Poké Balls.
Ruby bit her lip, before running over and grabbing her own, as well as the Budew that she'd captured before the fight started. When she turned around she saw Weiss already starting to walk off. “Wait! Where are you going?”
“To get my team fixed up,” Weiss said.
“Let me go with you,” Ruby said. “Mine's pretty beat up, too.”
Weiss hesitated for a moment. “Fine.”
Ruby ran up beside her, grinning brightly. “You're really good, you know.”
Weiss shook her head. “I lost.”
“Yeah, but, I mean, we're both pretty new as trainers, right?” Ruby said. “We both only have three Pokémon on our team. The best way to get better is to lose, or at least that's what my dad always said.”
“My father told me a Schnee should never lose,” Weiss said.
“Well, he sounds dumb,” Ruby decided. “I mean, you're awesome and you lost, so losing can't be that bad.”
“You are such a dolt,” Weiss muttered.
Ruby grinned. “Come on, it's getting pretty late. Let's get some dinner while our teams are getting healed!”
Weiss looked at her for a long moment, before blushing and turning her face away. “You're paying.”
Ruby plucked up the courage that led her to become a Pokémon trainer in the first place. “Of course! You're always supposed to pay when you ask someone out on a date, right?”
If Weiss had been blushing before, it was nothing compared to how red she turned with those words. She still managed to raise her chin in the air proudly when she spoke again. “Good, at least you know that much. But if you intend on courting me, I expect you to also prepare yourself appropriately for the evening.”
“I will!” Ruby promised, desperately hoping she had something in her pack to wear on a proper date. She also suddenly wished she hadn't run and hid whenever Yang tried to teach her how to put on make up.
“Good,” Weiss said primly, before looking away as she reached over and grabbed Ruby's hand. It was cool and soft, and fit her own perfectly. She wasn't sure which of the two turned more red at the contact, but while Weiss kept her expression stoic Ruby grinned from ear to ear.
What had she gotten herself into?
“Don't think this means I've forgotten you won by luck this time,” Weiss said, squeezing her hand a little. “I'm going to beat you next time!”
She couldn't wait to find out.
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