#if he dies I'll just give up on life at this point i dont mean too i just dont know how I'll eved feel okay. hez my family...he was my best
ohdeerfully · 3 months
hi! I have a request, I've never really done this before but I'll give it a shot. so my request is that Charlie is tasked by heaven to watch over a very special human soul via a device that is like a full 360 VR kind of setup and this soul just so happens to be Alastor's immortal wife (he didn't know she was) whom he thought had died with him during a bad event and wound up in heaven but she didn't and She stayed the same since the 1930s like her looks stayed the same and her love for Alastor stayed too she never once tried to move on even when her new friends in this time tried to get her a guy but she just refused still wearing the wedding ring her gave her
I hope it's not too much to ask it can be changed to whatever you see if you have full creative control over it!
thank you for your brain anon
theres a couple awkward POV shifts in the story and im super duper sorry about that D: im not good at those
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An Eternity
alastor x reader (angst) TW: reader is female, reader gets a lil drunk and drives but shes fine(i do not condone this pls dont drink and drive im so serious), yearning goes ouchie ):
join my discord!
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Alastor rarely, if ever, talked about his time alive. He saw it pointless; a waste of time and energy. How could it benefit him if somebody else knew his history? If anything, it would only open up weak points. And, being an Overlord, he couldn’t afford that.
The only hint of his past was a band on his finger that he never took off. Even after decades in Hell, nobody saw him without it.
People often asked, of course, because how in the Hell did the Radio Demon get hitched? Even in life, he was probably just as unusual and off putting. These questions were always met with a dismissive wave and a laugh, but anybody who knew him—which wasn’t many, truly—would recognize the strain in his voice as he brushed them off. Whatever the story was seemed to only grow more painful with time.
He was deep in thought, humming absently as he trailed through the hotel. He ended up meandering by Charlie’s room, which was cracked open. He took this as an invitation to let himself in, cheerfully grinning as he saw the girl sitting on the edge of her bed looking extremely confused.
“Hello, dear!” He announced himself, standing up straight and fixing his bowtie with one hand. “What does this afternoon have in store for the Princess of Hell?”
“Heyy, Al,” Charlie responded, still frowning at the contraption in her hand. It was a rather bulky thing; an unappealing piece of new technology, Alastor decided. Still, he loomed from behind Charlie with a curious bend in his neck. Her shoulders were stiff, and he couldn’t tell if it was from frustration with the thing in her hand or discomfort at him watching her. 
“What is that peculiar thing?” He finally asked, since Charlie made no attempt at explanation. She seemed too focused to really pay him any mind.
“Something Heaven gave me to watch some curious soul they can’t control,” She murmured, fiddling with a couple buttons and knobs. “They’ve got me doing some ridiculous things. I mean, some human soul shouldn’t even concern me. But, they promise these favors will help with my hotel.”
Alastor hummed in response. He of all demons would recognize a manipulation tactic when he saw one—convincing a powerful demon princess to do your chores and promising to help her desperate project in return seemed like something the angels would do. He didn’t care one way or another, as long as Charlie’s naivete didn’t get in the way of his own goals.
He took a few steps back when Charlie stood, seemingly finished with setting up the box. He grinned, amused, when she pulled it over her head. It wasn’t the most flattering thing, and pretty bulky on her face. She looked ridiculous, honestly.
“Modern technology,” He sighed dramatically, leaning down onto his cane as he continued to observe her. “Only getting uglier.”
Charlie didn’t respond to his comment, looking around at what Alastor saw as nothing. She played around with the settings again, and adjusted the straps on her head again, before looking around again. She let out a successful sounding “hell yes” before pulling a remote of sorts from her pocket. She pushed on a joystick.
“What are you doing?” Alastor asked plainly, the building curiosity finally becoming too much. “Why do you have a box on your head?”
“It’s like…” She began to explain, trying to think of how to make sense of it to him. “Like… imagine you were looking through the eyes of somebody else, but still standing in the same spot..?” Her voice tilted at the end, unsure of her explanation.
Yeah, no, Alastor had no clue. But he dismissed it as unnecessary, as he often did with any technology he couldn’t understand.
“I’m seeing… Earth, I guess,” Charlie explained more. “Following around this girl.”
Alastor was only partially listening, humming quietly to himself as he just observed. He wondered if he should just leave—nothing interesting was happening. He was curious to see what antics Heaven was pushing on the Princess of Hell, though.
“Wanna try?” Charlie offered, lifting the headset up away from her eyes. Alastor immediately scrunched his nose up and narrowed his eyes.
“And look as ridiculous as you? Hah! No thank you,” He sat down on a chair near the wall, leaning against the back of it. He threw one leg up over the other. Charlie shrugged in response, and pulled the contraption back down.
Alastor sat for a while, absently thinking about what he wanted to do later as he waited for something to happen.
“Oh! Hold on,” Charlie suddenly said, causing Alastor’s ears to straighten to attention as she reached up and pressed a button. A holographic projection appeared out of nowhere, manifesting through some strange magic. “Forgot I could do that. This is what I’m seeing in here.” 
Alastor stood and walked closer, leaning forward on his cane as he studied the projection. It seemed like some kind of bar. He mused at how different modern bars looked from the speakeasies he would frequent during his own life.
“What heavenly task are you doing in a bar?” He joked, trying to find something interesting in the projection. It just seemed like generic bar business. Loud, flirtatious women and boisterous, over confident men. That, at least, was the same from his day.
“Like I said earlier,” Charlie explained, looking around the room. The projection seemed to follow her movement, and Alastor recognized that he was basically seeing through her eyes. How curious. “There’s some… soul they lost control of. And they want me to report to them about her.”
Alastor was very curious to see what kind of soul broke from control of literal heaven. He watched rather intently, leaned forward against his cane to watch the projection.
Charlie turned another knob, and the sound of tacky pop music and loud chatter began to emanate from the bar scene. Alastor wasn’t a fan of newer music, but he was often forced to listen anyway in the hotel lobby.
“Is it possible to turn down that dreadful noise?” He complained to her, announcing his dissatisfaction.
“No. I need to be able to hear what the woman is saying,” Charlie answered stubbornly. Alastor’s microphone of a cane began to obnoxiously play a song of his choice for a moment in retaliation, but died down after a few moments. After all, Charlie ignored his attempt at aggravation, so there was no point in keeping it up.
Charlie looked around the bar, searching. Finally, her gaze settled on a fancier booth with half drawn curtains. From her angle, she could only see a woman. She looked frustrated.
“---get out of your shell! It’s about time you start talking to some guys for once,” Charlie caught the tail end of the woman’s statement. She was gesturing wildly around, exasperation evident in the jagged movements. “I’m sick of watching you pine for somebody who’s been gone for ages.”
“Ten years isn’t ages, Mechiele,” You drew your finger against the table, making shapes with the rim of water that the condensation from your glass left. Nearly a hundred years, more like, You commented to yourself. You never told anybody that you were an immortal being. Nobody believed you when you did, anyway.
You sat your cheek against the palm of your hand and lifted your gaze to your friend, who looked at you with a sharp frown. You shot her a weak smile. 
“Can you just drop it?” You asked, nearly pleading. You didn’t want to cry tonight, being a little tipsy—you were an emotional drunk. You didn’t want to embarrass yourself blabbering about a dead husband.
“Come on,” Mechiele said impatiently, pushing your pleas aside. “There’s so many hot guys in here, I bet one would just love to take a piece of work like you home and-”
“Mechiele.” You hoped your tone was enough to shut her up.
You should’ve known better, honestly. Mechiele was already abrasive when she was sober, but with the amount of drinks she’s had tonight…
“No, no, no! You bum! Get your ass up right now and get out there! And take that ring off while you’re at it!”
Mechiele quickly lunged at you, a much too playful look in her eye considering how pissed you were right now. You yanked your arm away from her grasp, cupping your hand protectively with the other, shielding the golden band on your finger from her.
“Fucking drop it!” You snapped at her, standing from your seat. “I’m going home. You’re too drunk. I’ll drive.”
“You’re so fucking lame,” Mechiele droned, falling back into her seat. She wouldn’t budge when you urged her to stand and come with you. “He’s fuckin’ dead! Get a new man, already! Alastor’s not-”
Mechiele stopped abruptly when you smacked her. It wasn’t an incredibly hard smack or anything, barely enough to leave a red bloom on her cheek, but it was enough. She looked at you through narrowed eyes. You returned the same expression.
You left the booth and stormed off, cursing under your breath about it all. About Mechiele, about this stupid bar, about the tipsy feeling in your head, about Alastor—
You folded your arms together as you briskly walked to your car, yelling in frustration at your heels and ripping them off your feet. The ground was a little wet and cold, but you didn’t care. After making it to your car, you threw yourself in an switched it on.
You thought for a few moments. You were lightheaded after a few drinks, but you really didn’t want to wait for a taxi. You’d probably be fine, yeah? Sure. Against your better judgment, you began to drive.
It was a long drive, but it gave you some time to think.
You missed him. You pined for him. Nearly every night was agony, missing the presence of the only man you’ve ever fallen in love with.
You cursed whatever higher power there was for making you this way—immortal. How cruel it was, to make you live forever to suffer this longing. You didn’t even notice when you ended up in your room, but you let yourself fall face first onto your bed, curling up into a ball.
Even more, you cursed yourself for ever falling in love. You should’ve known it would only lead to an endless torture of heartbreak. You would never love anybody the same; although, you don’t think you’d want to, even if you could.
You were born to suffer. To spend an eternity in life without him.
Charlie continued to watch in shock for a few moments, her mouth dropped at the mention of the Radio Demon’s name. The previously hidden woman stepped from the bar, a furious look in her eyes as she stormed away. Mechiele was left with stubbornly folded arms and an empty glass of alcohol.
“Heyyy, uh, Al, how common is your name..? Do you know…” Charlie asked a bit awkwardly. She got no response. She lifted the headset, and realized he was gone. Even still, there seemed to be a lingering feeling of intense static, and the air somehow felt a bit heavier than before.
This had to be some cruel, sick joke, right? Heaven had to be toying with him, finally finding a way to torture his soul. His wife—she was dead. It had been nearly a hundred years since he died, and even if she had lived till she was old—
Alastor was pacing his room, ears pinned and eyes wide in frantic thought. Oh, how he yearned for her. He had managed for so long to push the memory of her away, to lock up his loss in a tight cage as he climbed the ranks of hell; it had all come rushing, barreling, torrenting back when he had seen her—or, no, somebody that looked like her—step out of those curtains. It was only a coincidence that that woman looked like his wife, and only a coincidence that she had a dead husband that shared his name.
His wife was in heaven, no doubt; which was where she belonged, of course, but Alastor had spent the last decade pining for somebody who he could never see again. If given the choice, Alastor wasn’t so sure himself if he was kind enough as to not tear her soul from Heaven and down to Hell by his side. Alternatively, even if Charlie’s idea of redemption were to work, Alastor was truly irredeemable. It was all wistful thinking, anyway.
Alastor’s claws dug into the curtains of his window, staring out into the streets of Hell in an attempt to concentrate on one steady stream of thought.
When billions of people touch the Earth, it’s only natural that coincidences like this rise. Right? He tried desperately to convince himself of different possibilities. It just made no sense.
A knocking at his door made Alastor’s grin curl in deadly malice. He really wasn’t in the mood.
He paced to his door, opened it just enough to fit his body in the frame, and glared down at Charlie. She was wringing her hands together nervously, and only seemed to grow more timid as the heavy, almost palpable ambience of his radio static filled the hallway she stood in.
“I’m busy,” Alastor said bluntly. His lips were curled in a sneer.
“I can tell,” Charlie responded. "I know you don't like talking about yourself-" She began to ramble on about him talking to her about his feelings and whatnot, but Alastor didn’t listen as he shut the door again.
Though, the interruption did give his mind a chance to slow. He sat on a chair in the corner of his room, and opted to fiddle with the radio on the drawer next to him. He tuned it—or, more just magically infused it—to play some jazz to try to keep his head level.
It would take some time to rebuild the dam that held back the memories of his wife. Even just the mere thought of her made him feel weak, and he hated it. The only soul he was capable of falling in love with—gone, forever.
Alastor never took the whole “eternity of damnation” thing seriously, considering the power he held and how comfortable he really was in Hell. However, when he remembered her—
Hell truly was torture. And he was cursed to spend his eternity in death without her.
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nin-deer · 3 months
Ch 143
i mean i think we all knew deep down the kiss was gonna happen based on the flow of the story but i think this chap reveals a lot about gorou and sarina
(uh warning this got a little out of hand so its pretty long lmao)
i dont think anyone's completely in the wrong, but i definitely don't think they're in the right either. (not that i condone incest; its just that their motivations led them to this specific point. would the story have been fine without it? hell yeah. please i actually prefer it that way. but this is the direction the author decided to take it, so we have to take it as it is as a point of learning more about the character's motivations)
Let's first analyze sarina and gorou's relationship pre-reincarnation. I think I covered this in my last post where I rambled about onk, but gorou is doing a doctor thing where he "accepts" sarina's proposal just to make her happy. We learn in this new chapter that he basically catered to her every request, and that's what started that infatuation. we know from previous chapters that her bio family's shitty, so the only place she would get this love is from gorou. we also learn in this chapter that it's not actually a romantic love but a fanatic love, for lack of better terms. she sees him as her idol. does sarina even know what it feels to be romantically in love with someone? she spent her whole first life in a hospital, isolated from others her age. she spent her second life very curated and protected because of her mom and her future career; she couldn't really live a normal life. (we'll get back to this point later) all she knows about love is through her idols, so she's channeling it into (what she thinks is) romantic love for gorou.
gorou, on the other side of this, is an actual adult who had an actual life before all this, so he knows what a normal life is like. assuming sarina is one of his first patients, its obvious to see that he got attached, which is a very risky situation for scenarios like this. we see this attachment made her death worse, as he threw himself into following Ai to cope for her death. not gonna go too in depth about this here because, again, i made another post for this that i'll probably link at the end bc im referencing it more than i thought... continuing! he knows sarina doesnt have long left so he wants to do what he can for her, thus creating that "idol" persona sarina has for him.
we see in his regret in this new chap that he actually knows what he's doing and is aware of the consequences of his actions. ruby doesn't. she doesn't regret anything. as someone who reads a lot of isekai/reincarnation stories, its easy to joke that ruby and aqua are their old age + their new age, but that isn't necessarily true for ruby. sure, aqua is old and this could apply to him. but ruby? she didn't make it past 18 before she died. she's like,,, 13 times 2. double 13. she never fully developed in her first life, and she's developing in this current life. it's like a continue from where she left off. aqua actually was an adult, so he has all the knowledge and wisdom of an adult. why does this matter? shift your attention back to the concept of love for a bit. aqua knows what she's doing is bad and is trying to stop her, but the knowledge that she's sarina is making him automatically succumb to her wishes. a part of his brain, because of the trauma, still sees ruby as the sickly sarina he was caring for.
ruby is naïve. she doesnt know what love is. all the love she's ever been exposed to is whatever she saw online: idols. i dont even think she fully knows what the concept of family is. aqua is her brother? nope. aqua is the doctor she proposed to and now she has a chance to follow through like all the shows she's seen. she's closer than ever to him, so why give up the chance? even as ruby, she wasn't exposed to a lot of normalcy because of idol culture. she isn't able to learn about the difference between platonic love and fanatic love. we even see this with ai, who she sees more as an idol than her mom. the joy is in her idol being her mom, someone who's supposed to care for her. it's like shes living a fantasy made just for her. because aqua was so obsessed w revenge, he didn't have the chance to teach her anything, and it's not like he needed to learn bc he already knows. ruby doesn't.
aqua, as the one who understands these nuances, should have sat her down and explained things, but he didn't because of the trauma of sarina. ruby is ignorant and is treating things like a tv drama, now that her dreams as sarina can finally become true. aqua doesn't realize how serious ruby is about this because in his mind this is just a child playing house. ruby is like,,,, imagine you die and you wake up actually being sold to one direction. or whatever happens to you in your fav self-insert scenario/fanfic. idk a better analogy lmao but its like finally being able to play out your fantasies irl. she doesn't realize the real world impacts of her actions because, frankly, she doesn't care. she gets to live out her life as she wants. aqua was shocked after the first kiss with ruby because he realized then she was being serious, but he didn't speak out about it because, again, the trauma™. (we see him again uncomfy with the whole situation in the next page, but his lack of objection could be bc it's a scene in the documentary and he finds it more important to get revenge rn) ruby kissed him then because she purposefully created the mood like that so it would fit in the story she was writing in her mind.
so what does this mean? because of their shared pasts, aqua and ruby are put in this situation where ruby can do what she wants and aqua goes along with it. even if he knows its morally wrong, he can't bring himself to break ruby's immersion in all of this. BUT. big but. aqua shouldn't act like this. they're both capable of living out their lives as normal (barring the revenge and the whole idol stuff). he doesn't need to act like this anymore; ruby's not terminally ill. he's not a doctor. what he should have done was firmly deny her stuff he knows is wrong because then he can educate her about the reason why. as much as their personalities are inspired by their past lives, sarina and gorou are dead. they need to move on and live a aqua and ruby. (Harsh, I know, but because of this scenes like *gestures vaguely to the newest two chapters* happens. if aqua stood his ground and taught ruby about familial love and that what she's feeling is probably not romantic, i think this could have been avoided. but alas, we need it for the ~drama~)
sorry that went on way longer than i thought lmao. i think i covered everything i wanted to say but im too lazy to read back so fingers crossed
if you made it this far and are curious about the other post i mentioned in the beginning, its here. i just think its some context to my thought process but not necessary to understand this post
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st-rayy · 20 days
your general cyno headcanons?
Cyno Head-Canons (in general)
Firstly, sorry this took so long but I wanted to play and inhale all the lore from Lupus Aureus Chapter 2 before I share my Cyno head-canons to not say things that dont make any sense with his lore (or to repeat stuff that his lore already confirmed) Secondly, omg, I never thought somebody would actually request head-canons but I'm happy somebody did. I don't know where to start but :3 Thirdly, I'd like to add that things mentioned here are NOT canon. Head-Canons are what one imagines to be "canon" for a character/series but is not (obviously some head-canons can become reality if it is later confirmed by the creators but that chance is soooo low, so don't see this as anything canon even if most of it might be based on canon in-game events)
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I'll throw some minor and short points at you before I go into detail about some Head-Canons I have... >-<
Cyno's a complete workaholic and nobody can stop him
Cyrus and Cyno act like "Student and Professor" when in public but they call each other "Dad/Father" and "Son" in private
When Cyno is stressed out he'd chew on his nails or pull on the skin of his lips without even noticing
He can swim, but he dislikes water if it's too deep for him to stand in safely
Cyno, at least once in his life, encouraged Collei to do something plainly stupid
If he fears something, it's Tighnari's or Cyrus' wrath
If he ever ecountered the deepest emotional low ever, he'd cut off his hair to cope with it
He's a calm drunk: If he's drunk, he's completely quiet, just minds his own business and gets really sleepy
Taj is like an uncle to him; when Taj had died, it hit Cyno harder than one would think and he cried in his room and at Taj's grave on ungodly hours so nobody would see
Now, I present to you things I think about at 3AM when I can't sleep:
Cyno is Collei's father figure / adoptive father Cyno adopted Collei at some point, in my opinion. He takes care of her, visits her and I'm sure she means a lot to him as well. For everybody that hasn't read the official Genshin Impact Manga: Cyno was the one to seal the Archon Residue in Collei and took her to Sumeru so she could fullfil her dream to cure Eleazar. They also have a lot in common and I think Cyno sees a younger version of himself in Collei and he's so proud of her to see her grow and live her life.
Cyno was bullied as a kid Knowing that Cyno grew up in the Academiya after Cyrus took him in and that scholars don't think all too good about people from the desert, I think Cyno received a lot of mean comments during his time as a scholar. Canonically, the matra are also not treated kindly by the scholars, but since Cyno is an adult now and seemingly unbothered, even fancies what the scholars say, he just learnt how to deal with the comments...
Lisa and Candace are "big sister" figures to Cyno Cyno and Lisa seem to be very close, especially with their connection to Cyrus. I like to think that Cyno sees Lisa as his older sister and she also sees him as her younger brother, mostly taken from how they interact with each other in the official Genshin Impact Manga, Lisa trusts him and Cyrus from the Academiya the most. Candace meanwhile just acts overly sisterly towards him, she worries about him, looks after him and scolds him if he does something reckless. They just give off "big sister-young brother" vibes from how they've behaved around each other during the Sumeru Archon Quest and the Lupus Aureus Acts.
Cyno has Lichtenberg Scars on his arms If you don't know what Lichtenberg Scars are: Those scars are inflicted by lightening strikes and look like tree branches. Hermanubis himself also had Electro powers or powers that inflicted lightening, therefore I also think that this applies to both Cyno and Sethos
Childhood Trauma This is the point where I bring up the things Collei and Cyno have in common. Both were sold or given away to somebody by their parents; Collei was given away to the Fatui and Cyno was sold to the Temple of Silence as vessle. They've both been used for experiments and most likely endured painful experiences + they were severly sick in their childhood as Collei suffered from Eleazar and it's symptoms while Cyno suffered headaches, fevers and probably some minor injuries he can't remember. As Cyno said himself that not everybody could probably endure what he and Sethos had to go through, I believe he meant both physical and mental pain which explains why he lost so much memory from the time at the Temple - it was his mind, perhaps even Hermanubis, protecting Cyno from the upleasant and traumatic events he endured during that time (that is called "dissociative amnesia"). I also believe that little Cyno (and Sethos) must've been terrified during that time and it mustve been hard for older Cyno still, probably even after Cyrus took him to the academiya.
Cynari (Cyno x Tighnari, yes, the ship, skip this if you want <3) Inhales - I don't think I need to explain that canonically speaking Cyno and Tighnari have multiple times described themselves as their best friends. No, you dont have to like the ship and nor do you have to agree with the ship since it is NOT CANON, hoyoverse can't and won't put any same sex romantic relationships or general romantic relationships between playable characters into their games anyway for obvious reasons, the most they will do is hint at them like they do with Xingqiu and Chongyun or Ningguang and Beidou (the characters are written that way to leave us imagining, not to confirm anything). However, I'd like to think that they are in a loving relationship because of their chemistry and that both act as Collei's parents (Dads). I know this means nothing, but the way they worry for each other, care for each other, act towards each other and think about each other simply fuels my brain with "Look at those two idiots being in love".
Honestly, I just wrote my mind because general head-canons take up a lot of my mind and I feel the need to explain myself so people understand what I mean or where I'm coming from ;-; So, sorry for the wall of text, ehe.....
ERM!!! I'm free to discuss things in the replies or dms if you want!!
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menelaiad · 1 year
can I prompt you to talk about Menelaus sparing Helen I'm just like :chinhands: about everything u say about the house of atreus
hey, if you're willing to listen, i'm more than happy to talk - thank you!
so. again. we got Big Three versions.
menelaus says 'guys it's chill i'll kill her at home. let's all cool our jets' (this is the version in euripides)
menelaus goes to kill her himself. helen shows her boobs. menelaus suddenly very chill (this is also implied by euripides)
menelaus gets men to kill her. helen shows her boobs. men suddenly very chill (stesichorus)
CAN YOU GUESS WHICH TWO I DESPISE? no. fr. the last two (the boob two) are far too dependent on helen being vain. and helen .... almost not feeling any guilt or shame from what's happened. and we know that's not true from the iliad. these two, to me, are classic. THIS IS JUST HOW HOT HELEN WAS propaganda. cause yknow. ur a greek/roman/ancient dude and you hear that helen of sparta showed you her boobs like 'damn bro i wouldn't kill her either ahahahaha pass the wine, maximus'.
but helen was never vain. she was never arrogant. she was confident and self-assured. but it's pretty much everyone AROUND helen that comments on her beauty and stuff. she never really does herself? which is another fascinating element of her character tbh. so her doing THIS as a means to be spared? doesn't suit me. do i think helen wanted to die/was willing to die? no. but i think she would have gone about pleading for her life a different way, y'know? also i hate the whole 'her tits got her into this mess they'll get her out of it' like shut UP. menelaus is not 12. he's fucking 60 odd at this point. he is tired. he is wounded. he is so beyond mentally well. give him some respect. he wouldn't have been blind sided by this.
but i don't think menelaus EVER planned to kill her. i can accept euripudes' version cause i think there would have been a lot of greek men that would have wanted to see helen dead. it makes sense yknow? they dont see the full narrative. the big picture. as far as they're concerned helen ran away. loads of people died. and now she's gonna get away with it. they're not narrative aware enough to see all the cogs of fate and the gods and all this. so i can respect that some greeks would have wanted her to suffer and menelaus would have risked a fuckin riot if he outright said 'nah lads she's fine lets crack on' so the whole 'wait til we get home' narrative is a good way for him to save time. to buy him and helen some time to come up with a plan, a story. to hear each other out. to work through stuff. they don't get back to sparta for like. 10 more years. they can EASILY have come up with some reason why she's not been killed yet. or why he's not gonna go through with it/why it's all worked out.
in regards to menelaus never wanting to kill her, i believe that because of how menelaus behaves in the iliad. menelaus is constantly lamenting the deaths of the greeks. the needless death and suffering. how these men are working and sacrificing to get helen back. to bring her HOME. what would killing her do? another senseless death. all the sacrifice for naught because menelaus doesnt get his wife back. he goes back to sparta alone. as if he never even went to fucking troy and tried to get her back?????
and also because menelaus loves her. despite everything he loves her and he never stopped. it's why i really like his portrayal in IOA even if he is a giant ass clown. he's a man desperate to get his wife back. and he's under the impression they're just gonna go to troy and get her back. simple as. two months tops. he's frantic and desperate and willing to try anything to get her back (yo bro kill ur daughter for me kthx). and i don't think that desire to get her back changes. menelaus grows more subdued and quiet. and has less fire. but he's still trying. he goes toe to toe with paris, is willing to take on hektor. menelaus is very much: 'i am dying at troy or i am leaving with my wife' and how is that not love? it's literally. he is going to get her back or die trying.
(also idk how much people value to fall of troy texts that are around but like. menelaus kills deiphobus in those. when dei is with helen. the man is insane in those moments he could easily have took helen out too in his madness. but he doesn't. also also. when he's in the horse and he hears helen, he's said to 'groan' when he remembers her and given the context of the other men weeping and stuff. this is like. a groan of pain. hearing helen's voice after so long and remembering her. HURTS him. he's missed her so much.)
menelaus and helen loved each other. you see it in odyssey 4. the healing they must have gone through in those 10 years. is so admirable and powerful. and they did it because they wanted to. because they were gonna see this out. they were gonna make this work. and even zeus acknowledges it. because he lets menelaus into elysium just to be with helen (his own DAUGHTER) for eternity. even though menelaus has LITERALLY no elysium qualities. not even zeus cant bear to separate these two.
they're just so fucking powerful.
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zirkkun-uthcs · 1 year
Hiya! So, i just read the scenario where the reader died during the X-event, and thought "This needs a happy ending!",, So, could you do Error, Cross, Dream (If you write for Dreamtale, it's okay if you dont, just do the others xd) and Swap Sans if they're S/o got badly injured during the X-event, but managed to survive? Thank you!
I for the life of me do not remember what ask this is referencing (it's been a while), so I can't go and grab it for reference. I'll be writing based on this ask only, so I'm sorry if I missed something integral that was mentioned in the other ask!
I don't currently write for Dreamtale, so I'll leave Dream out for now.
Error - He will NEVER admit this, but when you were so badly injured that you weren't responding, he was absolutely freaking out. Error did everything he could to make sure you were coming out of this alive -- sewing up wounds, bandaging what he could, stealing healing items from anything remaining he could find and shoving them down your throat. Anything and everything possible, he is going to do it, even at his own expense.
Once you're stable, though, he'll immediately go back to his normal self. And by that I mean he will deny ever helping you, probably tell you how stupid you are for getting hurt during that whole thing, refuse to admit he actually enjoys your company. You know, regular manbaby Error things. But he might suspiciously be far more okay than usual with you sitting close to him, provided you ask first.
Cross - Similarly to Error, Cross will do everything in his power to make sure you're okay. However, unlike Error, Cross will be very emotional at this point. He doesn't get emotional often -- only when he's in highly stressful situations. The last person he knows alive, nearly dying, and he's the only one who can help? Cross is a fucking mess, even if he doesn't look like it yet. All while running around trying to stablize you, he seems very stern, serious, strong. Nothing could faze him right now. But the second you're looking like you're gonna be okay... that's when he breaks. He can't stop crying or shaking, and he crumbles into a weak puddle of feelings. Cross is extremely happy you're okay, but the amount of stress he just went through and now there is finally a moment of silence and calm? Yeah, he's shaken up a bit.
Underswap!Sans - Once again, this guy is gonna be working his ass off to make sure you're okay -- even if it costs him his own life. Blue is not the type to sit back and watch anyone hurting, but he especially can't see you dying. In a way, he's almost the reverse of Cross: instead of being strong until the stress has cleared, Blue is frantic until his stress is gone. He makes desperate, rash decisions that he know will work despite the cost aside from perhaps more calculated ones that have less of a cost. Quite literally, if it came down to it, Blue would give up his SOUL so you could live -- but fortunately, since you asked for a happy ending, this doesn't happen. And once you're stable again, he desperately tries to go back to his confident, prideful persona. But any moment he's alone, he's practically falling apart and trying to glue himself back together.
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Matilda Age: (15 years old)
Warnings: dont remember them since this is a old imagine
Summary: Jay wishes for something horrible now she ends up in the hospital
Never say, I wish
Me and Matilda were in a fight over her grades. She had gotten a C- after i told repeatedly to study instead she was on her phone talking with friends and watching Disney+. Things had gotten to the point where Will tried to interfere but I ended up snapping at him. 
“Do you ever listen to my instructions?” 
“I do, oh my gosh Jay you never give me a break. It's always Mattie  study, Matilda this Matilda that.” She argued 
“Because you don't listen whenever you need to. This always happens. You don't study, you don't do your homework.”
“That was one time Jay” She said with an attitude “and everytime you say" Mom wouldn't be happy with what you're doing”. I wish you would just stop bringing her up”
“I wish you were never in my life” I snapped
As soon as I said that, I immediately regretted it and wanted to take it back. Matilda just stood there looking like she was about to cry.
“Mattie i'm sorry” i said
She just ran up to her room and slammed the door shut. Will gave a death glare and I knew I was so screwed not only with will but because I knew he would tell Hailey and Hailey would give me the worst lecturer of my life.
“Man why the hell would you say that”Will yelled
“I don’t know it just slipped”
“It just SLIPPED?”He yelled “Are you insane did you not think about what you said before you said it”
“I'm sorry I didn't think, I'll go say sorry to her now.” I said walking 
“No, let her calm down first because what you said was so wrong”. 
And just like that i had put myself in the worst situation
Matties POV
Why would he say that? Does he actually mean that? Maybe he is right, mom wouldn't be proud of me. I'm just a burden to both of them.
Walking around I felt a familiar feeling. The feeling of fainting. “Ugh of course this has to happen now” I yell in my head. I go to sit down on my desk chair but I don't make it very far when I can already feel myself falling.
Everything hurts so much.
All I can see is black.
Wills POV
Im sitting scrolling on my phone glancing at jay everyone once and a while who looks antsy to go see Matilda. I look back down at my phone and I hear a loud thud. Hoping its matilda releasing her anger by throwing things i yell to make sure she's ok. “Mattie you good up there?”
I don't hear an answer from her and I yell aging. “Mattie!” Me and Jay both exchange a worried look before running up to her room and barging in.
“Matt why aren't you- Shoot Mattie can you hear me? '' Will said, slightly slapping Mattie's face. 
“Jay go get the car ready we can't wait for an ambulance” Will immediately checked to make sure she had a pulse and was relieved she did.
Jay nodded and ran out to the car so he could pull it out to the front.
I picked Matilda realizing how light she is. I ran out to the car and jay opened the door for us and we sped off to med
“This is 50-21 gorge. I'm headed to Chicago med. 15 year old female was found unconscious in her room.” I could hear jay radio in
“See Jay, this is why we don't say things like that. I had a co-worker in New York who wished that she didn't have a sister. the next day her sister died on the way to her house.” 
“I'm not gonna say anything until I see Matilda. I could never forgive myself if something happened to her and that was the last thing I ever said to her.” Jay said, i could hear his voice. He was on the verge of tears but Jay doesn't like to cry in front of people because he thinks it's embarrassing. 
Just then connor came and me and jay stood up hoping for good news 
“So she's stable and it was just another episode. She does have a concussion. I assume she fell on her head because she didnt get down fast enough. “
“Can we see her now?’ I asked already knowing the answer.
“Of course, good luck with her. She's delirious from the meds.’ He chuckled and left to continue his work. 
“Matilda, stop. How many times do I have to tell you to stop playing with your IV”. Making her jump because she didn't see us walk in. 
“Ok Jay, you can say whatever you want to say now.”
“I'm so sorry I said that Mattie, I never meant to say that. I just had a bad day and I shouldn't have taken it out on you. 
“I forgive you, and i'm sorry to i should start to listen to you guys more often” She admitted
I just let out a small laugh and we all broke out in laughter on how stupid the argument was.
“I love you guys” Mattie said
“We love you too Mattie” Jay replied
I hate this one but i just wanted to post something while im working on a new imagine, even though i could've picked from many of my imagines i never posted
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pocketramblr · 1 year
Ask Game: Tenya ends up interning with Hawks.
Zoom zoom
1- So Hawks sends an invite to Tokoyami, because bird, and also Tenya, because he doesnt want bakugo and expects Shoto to go to his dad's. Tokoyami accepts. Tenya does not, and Hawks figures 'oh ok hes going to idaten even without his brother there', checks, and finds out that he's actually going to a tiny agency in Hosu. Hawks can connect those dots as easily as Manual can, and so he just kinda.... shows up at Manual's agency before Tenya can.
2- Manual's like "what is going on and why are you here", Hawks explains his concerns, Manual agrees he is as well, and Hawks says "great we can do an official collaboration then, the kids will train here today and i'll whisk them off to the Aviary tomorrow for the rest of the week." Manual is pretty sure thats not really how collaborative training works but is also sure Hawks will do a better job both in training and keeping murder from happening, so he agrees. Manual warns Tenya about Hawks both in a 'he WILL arrest your idiot teen self if you try to do murder and also maybe dont tell him anything sensitive ive never seen him without his mask... good luck' not that Tenya is in the mood to take advice
3- i mean Manual gave the advice nicer than that but anyway. the kids are whisked off and Hawks has them with his sidekicks for a bit, meeting with each of them a couple hours a day- asking questions about USJ, and heaping plenty of praises on Tenya for getting out to bring up backup and saving his friend Midoriya's life, plus others- and having him run faster and faster.... and training him in combat. Tenya says he doesnt think that last one's going to be helpful as he'd rarely have to fight an airborn enemy, but Hawks just draws a feather, tilts his head, and says "You sure you don't want to know how to fight someone armed with knives and swords?" and yes.... yes, Tenya very much does, he's heard bits and pieces of how Stain fights and is armed. he's seen the cuts in his brother's armor.
4- Tenya, aware he can't sneak out of this agency and that its too far to hope to get anywhere near Hosu, asks Hawks why he's getting involved just to help train him anyway. Hawks says he doesnt want Tenya throwing away a good hero career, but he doesn't see why he can't do both- make his brother and himself happy, if he's smart about it. Hawks will tell him what he knows about Stain, if Tenya tells him more about the USJ attack, and as they exchange information Hawks challenges Tenya- tomorrow, he's going to be focused on teaching Tokoyami to fly, and Tenya will be left with the intel side of the agency. If he can track down Stain from here, Hawks will consider him ready to fly closer to Hosu. Tenya agrees. Unfortunately for all parties involved, that night the League attacks Hosu!
5- The following morning, Tenya wakes up to a million messages and a video online- Stain dropped by a winged nomu onto a roof in front of Shigaraki and Kurogiri, and dusted on camera as hosu burns around them. The casualties are comparatively low- the hero Native died to Stain mere hours earlier, but Midoriya was caught in the attacks and helped evacuate others, while Shoto and Endeavor ensured most of the nomu were entirely destroyed. Tenya is furious at his missed chance, and Hawks is sorry that happened, but asks if this isn't the best way- Tensei's attacker is dead, and he doesn't have to worry about his little brother getting caught up in it anymore? Tenya is too mad to listen, so Hawks sighs, points out that Tenya does need to get faster and focus on training, but he also needs to remember he has something Hawks doesnt- a family name he gives a damn about, and sends him directly to the hospital for Tensei to handle. He gives one more hour of his time to Tokoyami, then leaves him in the care of the sidekicks as he has a meeting with the Commission.
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Here's some more angst for ya 😌
S/O was in an accident and Rogue thought they had died, turns out S/O survived but have no memories of them or what happened. Your picks 😘
(Is this the general plot of my angst fic? Yes. Yes it is. Ehehehehehehehe)
Time takes all things...even memories.
You had slept for a long time. Forgetting a little bit more every minute. Now you were strangers again but a stranger with memories that only the Rogues had. You looked at him with empty eyes, he was a stranger to you once more. You looked at him like you hadn't given him the world. The truth was that to him, you had died in that accident. To him you were nothing but a ghost. You had no recollection of him or your life before. You weren't even the same person you were from before. Even your name didn't hold the same meaning it had before. You were different and only now could he really bare that perhaps that's okay.
The Riddler: When this all started, he wished you had died. Stupidly, he thought it would hurt less. That mourning your loss, had you have died would be so much easier than knowing you were alive with no knowledge of the life the two of you had together. To him, that was worth than your death. It was selfish but true. It didnt feel possible that one day he'd be able to feel relief that even if you wouldnt end up with him, youd be alive and that meant one day you could be happy. Even if it wasnt with him. You had no idea what you lost and that hurt him. It hurt that you didn't even know what you had lost. You had the greatest man in Gotham and now had nothing to show for it. If anyone could create a big speech, it was the Riddler. If the world had the time, he would talk about every little moment the two of you had. It wasn't as though they didn't hold meaning. Those moments meant everything to him. There was a lack of point. There was no point in telling you all the things Edward held dear to his heart. All of which involving you in one way or another. There was no point in telling you those memories or feelings. You couldn't remember them. In the end, there was nothing left to say. For a man who needed to be loved, this was cruel. For fate to decide he'd love you but that you, in the end, couldn't do the same. It grew anger that he didn't think he'd ever be able to subside. Yet he couldn't be angry with you. Not for one moment. You looked at him like a stranger, fearful and distant as you shivered in the cold rain. He couldn't feel it, not yet. Not when he was flooded with warmth upon seeing you. His sadness was ever present but for that brief moment he could utter words of what resounded to him as defeat. If anyone knew the Riddler- he could never admit defeat. He cupped your chin, tilting to towards him as he always did. "Know that you're loved." Just as quickly, he released you and walked away. He walked quickly- he had to. It was too painful otherwise.
Scarecrow: "Thank you for timing my arrest so perfectly." Jonathan turned to Batman who didn't respond but Jonathan knew. The delay was Batman and entirely on purpose. Just so he could cross paths with you in the hospital. "You...you told me that you gave this to me." You began quietly, removing your necklace and he nodded. "I did." He said softly. "It's beautiful and I love it but I think you should have it back." You spoke gently. "So that you can give to someone who you'll spend the rest of your life with and they can love it like I do but appreciate it more than I ever could. I hate that i dont remember you and that i've lost the sentiment this necklace had. You will find someone Jonathan, I promise. I'm just a chapter of your story and I'll pale in comparison to the one you spend your life with." Jonathan exhaled with a soft smile. "Of all things to keep, you kept your optimism? How annoying." You giggled in response and he took the necklace from you. "You did a lot for me but can I ask you one last favour?" He asked and your smile fell at the sight of his sadness, his heartbreak. "I'd like to say goodbye." He said quietly. You nodded. If you could do anything to heal his pain for his loss. You would. It was a sentiment you couldnt explain but it was there. Jonathan leaned down and pressed a kiss to your cheek. Lingering for a moment as he squeezed his eyes shut before any tears could fall.
Two-Face: Even when you had no memory or knowledge of your history with Two-Face, your eyes held the same sympathy they had then. He told you about his loss and how much he loved the person before they were gone. Yet he never spoke of them by name nor did he give any hint of who it could have been. However you remembered that Harvey was once married. Naturally, you pieced together that the person he held so highly was Gilda. You could listen to him for hours talk about his wife. Even if it hurt to see him so sad and broken. Sometimes there wasn't much that couldn't be said, the words would not heal that pain. Sometimes it was kinder just to sit and appreciate the pain. Simply be present. However one thing did come to mind. "I hope someone will love me the way you loved your wife, one day." You smiled and he slowly nodded with a small teary smile. You didn't understand and you didn't know the pain in his chest. He wasn't talking about his wife. He was talking about you. It helped a little to be able to reminiscent to you even if he couldn't with you. However reality came crashing down when you said that. That even if he told you, he couldn't bring you back to those moments. You were alive but gone.
Black Mask: You always noticed it when your mind was quiet...like a small hum in the back of your mind. Only at nights was the word quiet enough for you to listen and you did. One night curiosity got the better of you. You let that tiny hum take control. You couldnt explain it, but you followed, like it was a small fading trail of the life you wondered about having before the accident. It led to who you were before, you were fairly certain but you knew you could never really know the life you had before. It was gone and this, despite being so new, was reminiscing. Perhaps mourning was a better word but could you mourn something you have no recollection of? Red alarms struck everywhere when it led you to the offices of Roman Sionis. Doors opened for you easily. People looked at you with familiarity. You continued to follow that small feeling as difficult as it had become to follow. You had the faint notion that you were looking for something here but couldn't remember what it was. The distant whim that something was in this room you had been looking for but even looking at the place didn't remind you what you were looking for. Even as you were face to face with Black Mask, you were just as confused as you had been before. The whole time he was silent as he let you look around. The notion had run cold. You had hit a dead end. You apologised and left, feeling just as empty as you had when you first woke up. Even still, Roman said nothing. Silently, he let you go.
Mad Hatter: You bumped into Jervis Tetch a few times. You didn't know who he was, only by face. To you, he was likely a drunk since he hardly seemed sober each time you did pass by him. He'd tell you time and time again that he had lost someone. Someone important. Although he never elaborated on who or gave a description. Yet with each encounter he'd tell a little bit more about his special friend as he sometimes referred to them as. It was apparent, this person was actually his lover, his partner in life. His soul mate. "I'd bump into them all the time. It was like fate, like magic." He grinned with a twinkle in his eyes. "When i lost them...it was beyond tragic." You tilted your head. "Where did they go?" You asked. Jervis smiled sadly. "I haven't the faintest idea. If i knew maybe i could tell them what i shoukd have said more often." You tilted your head. "Oh? What's that then?" You asked. Suddenly your phone buzzed loudly making you dig into your pocket. "Oh, im sorry, sir. I have to go. Um, I hope you find this special friend of yours!" You turned around and begab to walk away. "I love you." Jervis said and that made you turn. "That's what I never got to tell them." He said weakly. You smiled softly. He missed that smile so much. "Don't worry, I'm sure they know...wherever they are." You assured him. Even after everything, fate interwined you both. Yet Jervis felt a weight off his shoulders for having finally told you...even if you didn't realise it. Even if you didn't remember him at all.
Joker: You watched as he was chased by the Batman. You had fled to the roof for safety. The last thing you expected was for the Joker to come bursting through the door with a cackle. He slowed to a stop when he locked eyes with you. Everything evil about him melted away until he was just a broken man in make up. All before your very eyes. You were certain this was the end, dodging death once and now it followed, waiting for you to return. Yet he did nothing but smile. It wasn't a malicious grin. A genuine smile. You had thought the Joker was ever capable of that. He pressed his fingertips to his mouth, pressing a kiss to them before blowing it to you. His eyes tearing up. You had never seen such emotion from the Joker before. It was confusing and terrifying. Without warning he sprinted to the roofs edge and jumped with a maniacal laugh. You screamed in shock, barely having time to process the Batman jumping off the roof right behind him.
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tmabutlesbian · 2 years
i have SO MANY hc's abt martin's family?? like. they're canon to me now. let me try n tell y'all, but btw some ages are not. still very set but yh. also i'll focuse on his mother's side cause i hc martin as half-polish half-korean, n while he does keep in contact, it is far away. but i guess i'll start this hc list by saying:
the first time martin does go to korea is when his mother goes to the care home (or whatever you'd call it) n he feels safe enough to do so. he's around 22/23 years old. the entire family is delighted to see him and all speak english with him, some more broken than others, but martin did learn korean (i hc that he is pretty good at learning languages) n pleades them to let him use it.
also they were shocked at how old he is now, since this part of the family is the one with the most children, so ofc they dont have time for everyone, but omg!! adult!! has a job!! also they dont judge him for not finishing college, and a lot of them are also fat or chubby. just fyi. when he leaves, they decide to send him soju on any given holiday, his birthdays, his mum's birthdays, etc. to the point where martin Does Not Know what to do with all the alcohol in his home.
martin's polish grandparents have kept their lives very secret due to the fact that they had to run away from the country due to committing crimes. they flew to england, and changed their names. they chose blackwood as the last name because it was an author that they both liked n also the reason why they met. the only reason his family ever found out abt this is because after they had died, the children were cleaning their room and stuff n found some journals with their original names ripped, scribbled, painted over, etc. it's the biggest mystery in his family, right next to what happened to his father
the polish side of the family has 6 children, 8 originally, but one died at birth and another tragically went missing when he was five. it consists of 4 women and 2 men (the two dead children were 2 boys, n according to their ages, these siblings had a pattern of boy-girl-boy-girl, which is kinda funny).
the oldest is Uncle Ron, then it's martin's mum, then the boy who died at childbirth, then twins 1 girl 1 boy, then another aunt, then the missing child, and finally the youngest sister, Aunt Z short for Zelda. She is 12 years older than martin
(btw i did math for this just so yknow) forget what i said abt the ages i got it all figured out SO: (martin is 28 for reference) Uncle ron- 54; Martin's mum- 53; dead son- 21 years older; twins- 47; Aunt- 44; missing son- 14 years older; Aunt Z- 40. i do not have months n shit figured out cuz frankly i dont give a fuck but yh. also his grandma was 23 when she had Ron, his grandpa was also 23 but he is 2 months younger than her
Uncle Ron is a sweetheart and Martin's fav uncle. He has a cottage and a farm up in scotland, with a forest surrounding it, and he has an affinity for befriending the wild animals in it, most importantly, bears, which i just found out do not exist there but tbh theres fear god thingies in this universe so u can fuck off if u pull my none existent PENIS because of this, anyways. he introduced 5 year old martin to them and the mama bear at the time thought he was one of her cubs n almost took him away. Uncle Ron has photos of all of this. martin has those photos on his phone. Also Uncle Ron is pretty lean, more than 2 meters tall, n also ace and pan. He found this out much later in life but he's proud he did and is very happy rn. His voice is akin to Con O'Neill but a lil deeper and with some accent from the years living in Scotland (besides the english accent i mean)
imma skip martins mum, except for the fact that recently i thought of the hilarity of her being bisexual and knowing martin was gay since he was 5, but got meaner when he came out because of bad luck, she also got sicker n therefore her mind deteriorated more then. Martin only finds this out through his Aunt Z when he first started his archival assistant job. boy was going through it.
THE TWINS! i dont have names yet BUT the aunt is known for being a bit bland but nice, with a horrid first marriage but now doing much better with her second husband. she did, however, with the second one, create a HELLISH pair of twins, also boy n girl, who martin babysat Once. never again. she's also bisexual but isnt very sure so she doesnt think much abt it. the uncle, however, went to prison, for aggravated assault and attempted murder (the guy was a nazi and also just a horrible person besides that fact, so he does not regret it); because of good behaviour he got out earlier, around the time martin was 17. he had only been in martin's life since he was 2 so he kinda missed a lot, like him coming out, which he does, which his uncle responds with him telling him that "it's not rly homosexuality if youre on top, i know it, i did that while i was locked up." martin didnt have much to comment but im happy to report that a decade just relaxing and coming back to normal life again has made him realize a lot of things, like the fact that he is gay. he's out of the country, in Portugal, just chilling n living life, still single btw hehe.
the next aunt is the one everyone hates since she is homophobic n racist n just a cunt rly. also shes the only one who is naturally blonde which was just a red flag from the start /hj; everyone else is a raging red head, darker the older you are, the only exceptions being the twins, the aunt is strawberry blonde and the uncle has dark brown hair, almost black. no one cares for the homophobic aunt, since shes also out of the country, somewhere in the USA
AND AT LAST!!! Aunt Z... listen im gonna be honest with y'all, i based her entire personality on Katya, the drag queen, lil bits n bobs, the only difference is that she pursued an art career but was in and out of rehab for most of Martin's childhood, only truly coming out when he was around 23/24 years old, getting back to work and having more sober fun. she is a delight, and isnt afraid of helping martin out with money problems since her time in rehab got her into some great contacts n her art is booming, which also means shes travelling a lot. she is the only one martin truly accepts help from just because she will annoy the fuck out of u otherwise so. u might as well. also, i have some au's where she meets the archival crew and falls in LOVE with Tim n Sasha, she loves them; she is pan, leans more towards girls, and may be non binary but she isnt sure yet, she'll figure it out.
regarding children n cousins, martin is the oldest bby in both families. besides the demon twins, the homophobic aunt has some kids but she had them all the way over on the USA so they dont know them well. the boring aunt, besides the twins from the second marriage, has an older child with the first one, and they are non binary, as well as having a pet frog and snake, whom Martin loves. they're also goth, and remind Martin of gerry once they read his statements. there's no other children.
on the korean side of the family, theres 4 children, one of them being martin's father, status unknown, and their mother is alive. she also cooks very well, tho ofc her children help her as well, but she likes doing things herself. when martin goes there the first time he cried when he ate her food and had to quickly reassure her that its because he loved it too much.
martin's father is the oldest, then a sister, and then 2 younger brothers. i dont have names yet nor ages more because martin also doesnt rly interact with them much, tho he wishes he did.
this is the family with a lot of children. ignoring martin's father, the sister had 4 children, the next brother had 5, and the last brother had 4, making that 13 children. and yes, the two brothers workship their wives, cuz ofmg. the only thing i have rn is that the oldest cousin of martin's from this side is only some months younger than him, and one of his cousins is actually studying art in the UK, so they're pretty close. she's on her last year when martin is 28. his youngest cousin on this side of the family is 13, and martin is his fav cousin btw. mostly because whenever they would all play games, during that first visit, whenever martin would sit out of a game, he'd help his bby cousin cheat and win. all his other cousins are incredibly offended by this.
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fictionfixations · 2 years
SCU x DSMP Crossover Series talk
unrelated thought but like
so my SCU x DSMP Crossover series where I have it called 'OVOH' or 'Only Violence on Humans'
would it be funny if Dream was the only human there
I mean I don't know who I want to have Tommy meet and include but like
what if everyone was a hybrid or of some magic kinda origin and Dream was just the only human so as to say 'only violence on dream' lmAO
thatd probably not work though because thered probably be some character thatd be of human origin ? I mean there's Wilbur but technically he'd be ghostbur so not human-- do I *want* to revive him? I dont even know how I'll get to that because this Tommy I'd like to think is more calculated in general.
He's smart and takes things into account and kinda plans it out from there. He's not like C!Tommy who is kinda more reckless and loud mouthed, sometimes stating things without thinking them through, but the reason C!Tommy tried to kill Dream while he was in prison was kinda due to recklessness (don't get me wrong, his plan was pretty cool though and ALMOST worked- cant blame him for not being able to hold back long enough, not when the idea of his abuser finally being killed by his own hands is so close.)
SCU!Tommy already doesn't like Dream of course, but would see no reason to go back when Dream is already in prison, and try to kill him?? I mean Dream hasn't even really traumatized him and he, I quote, "doesn't remember" (we know the real answer). Can I mention too that ABSOLUTELY NOBODY knows what happened in exile? Dream and C!Tommy were the only ones who knew to what extent it went, and even Dream would probably leave some parts out or say things with bias, being like 'he deserved it' or some shit like that. Wilbur does not know because Ghostbur thought it was just a vacation, and therefore Revivedbur would be under the same impression until C!Tommy said otherwise
SCU!Tommy in fact would not say otherwise if Ghostbur referred to the exile as 'vacation' because SCU!Tommy would not know the difference, and would also not know what was true or not, as having not been warned of the ghost's forgetfulness of bad memories. (But I don't know if Ghostbur and Sam have interacted long enough for Sam to know? And it'd be weird to just have a huge paragraph lore-dumping when it just.. doesn't fit.)
Unless Dream breaks out
except I literally haven't watched the Prison Break stream?? I know Ran died because that was everywhere, and I've seen some stuff of his ghost but like zero idea how he escaped
but so
SCU!Tommy would probably pick up on what Ghostbur talks about about Alivebur to somewhat gain an idea of that Alivebur wasn't a good person
and later probably when Ghostbur would mention about maybe wanting to be brought back to life.. SCU!Tommy technically has no reason to. Alivebur would know C!Tommy more then SCU!Tommy does and therefore would know when something is wrong and completely blow his cover, but Ghostbur is easy to manipulate.
I'd like to think Tubbo would know Tommy enough to do that as well, but I'd say they have also been far enough from each other for there to be a change. Tubbo being more mature, and Tommy being.. different. I think they managed to talk it out at one point, though I didn't see the stream, but I do think that the exile really.. put a bit of a distance, a block between them.
He'd most likely from what I'd like to think probably be hesitant to point out anything that might be different then the Tommy he knows.
TW: mention of cannibalism, manipulation (there are a shit ton of paragraphs over this)
I think though.. The only one who can give a true answer to what happened, would be Dream, who had been there since the beginning, despite how much he lies and would take any chance he gets to have control over the other.
I bet with time he'll come to realize that this Tommy isn't his, and that's all the more fun isn't it? To play with someone different yet so familiar. Who ticks almost the same way, who can act the same too if the cards are played right, yet so so different in the same ways.
SCU!Tommy will probably come to realize that Dream has the answers.
The question is if he'll go in pursuit of it, I mean SCU!Tommy fuckin despises Dream with the small amount of time spent around the other.
But SCU!Tommy is still a kid, isn't he?
Dream would probably fucking break him once he realizes exactly how he works.
I dunno, figure out how SCU!Tommy craves flesh, use it against him, make him starve until he's so fucking desperate, to be able to get inside his head and control him, and of course the rest of the SMP would have zero idea of Tommy's zombie self, because they believe that he doesn't remember, not that he is a different person entirely.
The thing is, is that I like manipulation. I want to write about it because it's a weird unhealthy obsession I have. My only problem though is that I can't actually write good manipulation.
Honestly I've only ever been on the victim's side of manipulation, and maybe that'd be enough, considering I'd be writing from the victim's POV, but I have to write the manipulator's actions, how he talks, how he'd be thinking and then correlate that to what he's showing, and I think- Dream can't help himself when he has control. It's just a thrill, that he can't stop himself from showing. I think he's a bit of a prideful and egotistical man.
I'd like to say that during when SCU!Tommy was in prison, Dream seeing SCU!Tommy kinda freeze up at the mention of Dream reviving him, with his weak '..what?'
And he got ahead of himself, sprouting bullshit about how he is a god, controlling life and death.
Maybe with C!Tommy it would've broke him, realizing just how much control the masked dickhead has- maybe it would've made him afraid.
But SCU!Tommy is not like that. He does not care, and instead gets annoyed at him. SCU!Tommy does not have as much experience dealing with Dream as C!Tommy does.
Basically figuring out how Dream thinks and acts and putting that into writing, as well as figuring out how SCU!Tommy, or at least my headcanon version of him acts in response to Dream is.. complicated, to say the least.
SCU!Tommy is not weak, and Dream's need to intimidate him and make him feel small and weak for that bit of control will irritate him. That is not to say that SCU!Tommy cannot be broken enough to be weak to the other, but that SCU!Tommy is strong in his own right, and will not be easy to break, like C!Tommy before, who was a spitfire of insults but broke during exile.
They are both manipulators, SCU!Tommy and Dream, but Dream is the one who is more extreme out of the two. SCU!Tommy is more to befriend them, to gain their trust before backstabbing them, nothing more.
Dream is the one to gain total control of them, break them until all they can do is rely on him, depend on him to survive, to just fucking live, where he takes everything away that isn't him, where he punishes and breaks until they are molded to just fucking listen and do as he says, and only him.
Can I mention too that SCU!Tommy has really only been seen to target assumedly adults (I doubt any children are alive actually.)
Meanwhile Dream is targeting children, minors. Sure, he does the occasional manipulation of an adult, but his is very much worse.
SCU!Tommy will probably fucking HATE people like Dream, but he knows when to act onto that hatred and when not to. [SCU!Tommy saying to Charlie that he doesn't deserve his brain. something something, SCU!Tommy assumedly backing down for now and rejoining him until at a later time where he's JUST about to reach his goal, to strike back with his army.]
bro i really wanna fuckin write disc duo lmao and i know that people can do out of order oneshots in series because ive seen some where they do a oneshot of something far off in the future and then later make one that happens before that one but like aAAaa
but I dont know the full storyline lOl
how does Dream get out of prison (or how do we get Tommy in the prison with a viable reason?) it cant even be that soon either because Sam would probably stop him -
SOBS I JUST REALIZED I MADE HIM HAVE 2 HEARTS IN THE PART 2 ??? BUT HE LOST ONE LIFE DURING THE PRISON BREAK I THINK- BRO I READ IT TOO D: 'Killed by Dream in Pandora's Vault on February 4, 2022.' AND READING THE WIKI, ITS WAY AFTER THE PRISON BREAK?? (the prison break was on like november or something is this why the lore is so fucking confusing ?? i feel like ive missed everything)
guys why did no one tell me
I might have SCU!Tommy meet Ghostbur though next? I dont know, Ghostbur's like everywhere and I dont know who to have him meet next D:
i dont think his priority either is learning about what happened since it isn't necessary tho? considering hes going with not remembering ..?
He'd probably just go off on his own to survive
do you think Tubbo's compass that leads to Tommy would lead to him? no wait isnt it a lodestone compass
or am i wrong? cause otherwise it would point Tubbo to the hole of Logsteshire
so it means nothing basically- what even happened to the compasses??
aGGHhh why is this so hard to think of
i think i have to settle for requests D:
anyway, uh..
also I have no idea what C!Tommy's doing, unless for some reason the SCU universe completely resets and goes all back again but I don't have the creativity to think of what SCU!Tommy was doing before he met Charlie, and assumedly had already escaped long before, as he acts with experience.
i dont know how old SCU!Tommy actually is though, but I'd assume he's a minor?
also writing this has finally given me an idea of how I want SCU!Tommy to act onto his zombie urges (maybe when starved long enough he loses all self control and just fucking goes after the first thing he sees thats living.) its a fucking thrill that fills him and its addictive.
no doubt tho he will probably stock up enough once he realizes the creepy crawlies that are out at night and (when he realizes that those zombies are not the same as his, and therefore removes his guilt) probably just fuckin kill them all for their flesh.
Maybe SCU!Tommy doesn't even care about zombies? maybe he used to be human- he had a family, SBI maybe and Wilbur had gone on a reality show with a fake name, and the others were.. MIA somehow.
Maybe. And maybe he was only with the zombies because he was a mix of both human and zombies, and therefore did not fit on either side (oddly reminds me of Tokyo Ghoul)
BUT thats really hitting headcanon territory lmao, but I have already been hitting there aghhh
but I dont wanna go too far
I probably wont lol. like I said, I dont have the creative juices for C!Tommy POV in SCU
anyway thats enough talk before i spoil too much of the series but I probably already have lol
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mattel-is-nobody · 7 months
Time to brainrot about something I guess since I'm being kept up with a migraine.
Now you probably wouldn't think it from looking at me, but I am actually very, very much deeply obsessed with linguistics. To an unhealthy degree, some might say. And one of my favorite linguistic concepts is "This is a stupidly hilarious pun in Language A, but it makes no sense in Language B" The prime example of this is an old Sumerian/Babylonian joke that at this point has had several thousand video essays written about it. You know the one: "A dog walks into a tavern. 'I can't see anything!' he says. 'I'll open this one.'"
And who could forget the Greek Philosopher Chrysippus? In one of the accounts of his death, it is said that he got a bit too drunk at a party and, upon witnessing a donkey eating figs, he said "someone should get that donkey some pure wine to wash down the figs!". He then fucking died of laughter at his own joke. Beause apparently that was the funniest shit he'd ever seen.
Now neither of those make sense in any living language or modern culture, but the fact that it was written down at all means it made enough people laugh for it to be worth recording. And it's fun to look at living languages and see what makes the native speakers laugh but still utterly baffles everyone else. Even better, digital archeaologists in a thousand years are going to have a field day with this post if they ever stumble upon it, so here are a few of my favorite untranslatable puns: Hungarian: A man is pulled over by the police. The officer asks, "Are you drunk?". The man replies, "No, sir, Ivett is my wife"
Japanese: Why dont Hawaiians go to the dentist? Good teeth.
Finnish: "A bar and a screwdriver". That's the entire joke, by the way. Set up and punchline, apparently both right there, and in the original Finnish it's only two words. Apparently it's a reference to something? I'm just going to assume this is a thing you say and people laugh, much like "omae wa, mou shinderu"
Spanish: What fruit is the most patient? It's a pear. So fun fact, my Aunt is from Mexico, and I decided to tell her this joke in the original Spanish (which as a consequence of having a Mexican aunt, I speak pretty well). And I shit you not that as soon as the words "es pera" left my mouth, she let out the longest, heaviest, most world-weary sigh I have ever heard in my 20 years of life, before returning to the tamales she was making. I guess she now knows that my pun game has transcended to include her native language, and in that moment she was preparing herself for the ensuing decades of Spanish wordplay
Another from Japanese because they are gods of wordplay: "7-Up, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, they're all types of what?" "Soda?" "That's right!"
Chinese: "Who is Mi's mother?" "Hua, because peanuts". I took Chinese in high-school and I can verify that this is the shittiest pun I've ever seen, but the reddit user who posted it says "I am yet to find a single Chinese/Taiwanese person who does not find it hilarious"
Aussie English (which I'm including both for English rep and because Aussie slang is so markedly different that Brits and Americans are still unlikely to get it): "What's the difference between fat and cholesterol? You can't crack a cholesterol".
Danish: One sign says to another, "Are you married?" The other replies, "No, I'm divorced"
AND MY PERSONAL FAVORITE: French: "He wished to be Caesar, but he died as Pompey" -- George Clémenceau, commenting on the death of President Felix Faure (I refuse to explain this one or give any further context, go look it up)
Oh and side note. Obviously, no world leader can speak every language, so interpreters are a necessity for negotiation. And of course, world leaders and diplomats are going to try the lighten the mood occaisionally with humor. But for negotiations between most countries, that's hard to do, because there are very few puns with much cross-linguistic utility. Sure, you have that one joke about where cats go when they die that works in English and most Romance languages, but for some more serious negotiations, the number of puns that would make sense in both languages is pretty close to zero, and may very well BE zero. So the question arises, how do interpreters deal with that? Of course there are a lot of possible methods, not all of which are good or even remotely efficient. You could just translate the pun word for word, but as evidenced by the fact that that's literally what I did above, it's not gonna work that well. Explaining the joke also isn't gonna fly, because as we all know, the second you explain a joke is the seond it becomes Not Funny Anymore. The method I've found that I think works best is just to say "They have said a pun that doesn't translate well to English. Laugh now." Which is funny not just because it works, but because it works amazingly. That person on the other end of the table (who we are assuming doesn't speak a lick of English) has no clue what the interpreter is saying, and so must assume their joke was translated faithfully. Sure, their interpreter might know depending on how the whole thing is set up, but considering the vetting process you have to go through to be an interpreter for the POTUS , I highly doubt anyone is going to risk national security over a joke being left untranslated. Both leaders have a laugh, everything ends on good terms, and we avoid nuclear annihilation for another few weeks.
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voidmutt · 2 years
i need this to reach the stranger things fandom bc i have no one irl to infodump on and i need someone to tell me if i’m right or if i’m going insane 🙃
i’m gonna sound like a raving lunatic but bear with me. before Joseph Quinn privated his eddie playlist on spotify i screenrecorded the song list for future reference (i like to make playlists for people/feelings its not weird leave me alone ab it) and after looking at all the songs, Mr. Quinn hella privated that playlist for a reason…
The Promise - When In Rome: “If you need a friend, don't look to a stranger. You know in the end, I'll always be there. And when you're in doubt, and when you're in danger, take a look all around and I'll be there.” 
i mean, thats pretty self explanatory. lol
Another Land - Medio Mutante: “And we could walk through the dreams you would see what I mean. I could take your hand in another land.” 
i could be reaching for this one, but “in another land” just makes me think of the upside down.
Collapsing New People - Fad Gadget: “Fated - collapsing new people. Watch them - collapsing.” 
i mean… do i really need to explain this? ChRiSsY WaKe Up!!!
I Ran (So Far Away) - A Flock Of Seagulls: “And I ran, I ran so far away.” 
queue the many times Eddie references how he runs from danger. 
Breaking The Law - Judas Priest: 
i’m not gonna put lyrics for this one bc the entire song is relevant. Our favorite freak is a 20 yo senior in high school, sells drugs to students, on the run as a prime suspect for several murders. do i need to keep going?
Metropolis - Motörhead: “Metropolis, the worlds divide. Ain't nobody on the other side. I don't care, I'm not there.” 
foreshadowing, anyone?
Love Me Forever - Motörhead: “Every way out takes you back to the start. Everyone dies to break somebody's heart.” 
i mean COME ON.
Orgasmatron - Motörhead: “I lead you to your destiny, I lead you to your grave. Your bones will build my palaces, your eyes will stud my crown.” 
this song, these lines specifically, makes me think of Vecna’s POV. 
Stoned Bikers In Space - Black Space Riders: “[…]creatures, looking for a fight. Wanna ride, wanna hide, don't wanna die tonight.” (i cant find any lyrics sites that say whatever theyre saying before creatures and i have poor listening skills without subtitles so F in the chat) 
BUT again, self explanatory.
96 Quite Bitter Beings - CKY: “Footprints giving clue to where we are. All we ever wanted was an answer. Civilized are close but way too far.” 
this reminds me of the scene when Eddie, Steve, Robin, and Nancy are in the upside down communicating with Dustin and the gang. i dont think i need to elaborate further there. lol
Master of Puppets - Metallica: 
not gonna put specific lyrics for this one either, the entire song just sounds like another Vecna POV. 
Flesh Into Gear - CKY: “Flesh into gear, my self appears dissected and pretentious. A simple sound, a heavy side could win the whole world over. You live in fear of being someone that you didn't want to. I realize your insecurities will get the best of you.” 
a simple sound being the plot point of hearing your favorite song to escape Vecna. Your insecurities, the way Vecna preys on your insecurities or your guilt in order to take your life.
War Pigs - Black Sabbath: “Sorcerer of death's construction.” “Time will tell on their power minds, making war just for fun. Treating people just like pawns in chess. Wait till their judgement day comes.” “Begging mercy for their sins.” 
more Vecna inclusion.
The Thing That Should Not Be - Metallica: “He searches, hunter of the shadows is rising. Immortal. In madness you dwell. Crawling chaos, underground, cult has summoned, twisted sound.” “Drain you of your sanity, face the thing that should not be.”
moooore Vecna inclusion, but from another perspective.
For Whom The Bell Tolls - Metallica:
*gestures violently at the name of the song*
Harvester of Sorrow - Metallica: “Invade their nightmares to see into my eyes, you'll find where murder lies.”
Motorhead - Hawkwind: “Fourth day, five day marathon, we're movin' like a parallelogram. Let's go, see you on the only house. Don't move, except they’re gonna kill the lights.”
the parallelogram part may be reaching, but parallel universe, upside down vs hawkins. (also hawkins, hawkwind… is it THAT far of a reach?) only house could be the house Vecna is in in the upside down. they’re gonna kill the lights bc the lights explode when Vecna kills. could be setting something up…
Sad But True - Metallica: 
*gestures at the title once more*
In My Time Of Dying - Led Zeppelin:
do i- do i really have to point it out…
Neon Knights - Black Sabbath: “Circles and rings, dragons and kings, weaving a charm and a spell. Blessed by the night, holy and bright. Called by the toll of the bell. Bloodied angels fast descending, moving on a never-bending light. Phantom figures free forever, out of shadows, shining ever-bright.”
this makes me think of the parallels they all draw from their DnD campaigns and their real world. also another reference to the bell toll.
Creeping Death - Metallica: “I rule the midnight air, the destroyer. Born, I shall soon be there, deadly mass. I creep the steps and floor, final darkness.”
idk why the Metallica songs just come across as Vecna POV’s… but tell me i’m wrong.
The Trooper - Iron Maiden: “You'll take my life, but I'll take yours too. You'll fire your musket, but I'll run you through. So when you're waiting for the next attack, you'd better stand, there's no turning back.” 
this is all assuming Eddie dies in Vol. 2, but this makes it sound like he has a hand in Vecna’s death somehow.
Sabbath Bloody Sabbath - Black Sabbath: “The gates of life have closed on you, and now there's just no return. You're wishing that the hands of doom could take your mind away. And you don't care if you don't see again the light of day.”
again, assuming it’s Eddie that dies, this would just describe Vecna’s curse.
The Last In Line - Dio: “We're off to the witch. We may never, never, never come home. But the magic that we'll feel is worth a lifetime.”
referencing Vecna as the sorcerer in their dnd campaign. 
Seek And Destroy - Metallica: “There is no escape and that’s for sure. This is the end, we won't take any more. Say goodbye to the world you live in. You’ve always been taking but now you’re giving.”
idk how to be more clear about this one
Children of the Grave - Black Sabbath: “Revolution in their minds, the children start to march, against the world in which they have to live and all the hate that's in their hearts. They're tired of being pushed around and told just what to do. They'll fight the world until they've won and love comes flowing through.”
the children of ST come to save the day yet again.
Diary Of A Madman - Ozzy Osbourne: “Sanity now it's beyond me, there's no choice. Diary of a madman.”
“Do you ever feel like you’re losing your mind?” “Uuuhm, you know… just on a daily basis.”
Megalomania - Black Sabbath: “Well I feel something's taken me I don't know where, it's like a trip inside a separate mind. The ghost of tomorrow from my favorite dream is telling me to leave it all behind. Feel it slipping away, slipping in tomorrow. Got to get to happiness, want no more of sorrow.”
another description of Vecna’s curse, more specifically when he’s about to kill you. gotta get to happiness like when Max was hearing her favorite song and thought of only good memories.
Flight Of Icarus - Iron Maiden:
this one seems more metaphorical. The story of Icarus being flying too close to the sun (or fighting against Vecna) resulting in his demise.
Johnny B. Goode - Chuck Berry: “Who never ever learned to read or write so well, but he could play a guitar just like a-ringin' a bell.” 
again, our mans not getting good grades and being held back in school, but MAN can he play guitar (allegedly. just a tiny bit salty we didnt get to hear him play in vol. 1)
Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) - Journey:
LOOK OKAY. i know this was unhinged and honestly this was a lot longer than i thought it was gonna be and agaaiiinnn. this is all speculation bc i was suspicious of how quickly this playlist was privated and i’m fully aware i’m reading way too far into a fucking playlist. but also you’re gonna look at me and tell me that i’m wrong??? AM I WRONG????? the man told the entire story through SONGS ON A PLAYLIST. my theory is Eddie dies bc of course he does. everyone loves him and we all should know by now that we can’t have nice things ever. OR. he’s about to die at Vecna’s hand when he’s saved, and either gets trapped in the upside down or (assuming the Duffer bros follow through on basing Eddie off Damien Echols) he’s arrested and sent to prison… 
anyway. if you made it this far into this post, hell yeah ily. i didn’t include like half the playlist (if you can believe that) bc they either weren’t relevant (all the love songs bc they didnt show much love interest for Eddie) or i would have just been repeating myself even more than i already was. i would like to shake this man’s mf hand for curating such a well thought out playlist, while simultaneously apologizing for overstepping a boundary he set in place… 😅
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space-prophet · 2 years
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paypay0315 · 3 years
Mikey x tropes (in another life)
Pairing: Mikey x Reader or Female OC!
Word Count: 1.5K
Anguished Decloration Of Love
"Confessing your love for somebody during a moment of angst"
She has to find him. She has to.
She can't be happy knowing he is out there suffering. This wasn't how it was supposed to be. She was supposed to live her life with Mikey. Why didn't she?
She thought they would be together forever. She has to find him.
She sits down on the stool next to all the bowling balls. She remembers when Kazu told her that they used to hang out at the bowling alley.
While sitting there she contemplates on if she should be there or not. All she can hear is Naoto screaming at her that he has changed. But she can't accept that.
Why cant she accept that? Why can't she just leave it alone.
Thinking back on it she knew the reason why she couldn't stay out. Why she had to help him but it just wasn't connecting to her brain yet. But she knew what her heart was saying.
All of a sudden she feels something cold and hard go agaisnt her head, she knew exactly what it was.
"Don't move or i'll shoot" A voice from beside her said.
"Man, you haven't changed at all have you? Especially from back then?" The voice says.
"Who are you?" she asks him.
"Shhh" the male tells her and she hears someone walking towards them.
"Listen up, the boss will speak" the man says.
She knows exactly who that is.
She hears the figure behind her sit down.
"It's the best future isn't it?" He says.
She almost sheds a tear at the realization.
It's mikey. He sounds so different from before.
His voice always was so upbeat and calm but his voice now was raspy and choppy. Almost like he wanted to talk but didn't.
"So, anything you wanna ask?"
"Mikey...." the tears start to well up in her eyes.
She wants to turn around, she wants to run up to him and give him a hug, a kiss. She wants to feel his warmth once more.
"Here, I want to give you this" She picks up an envelope from her pocket.
"And that is?"
"an invitation to Takinichis and Hinata's wedding"
"I know it's not up to me, but it would really mean a lot if you came" She says.
"everyone is doing well..... just as you promised 12 years ago" she says soflty.
"Everyone is living a happy life...... except you" she almost cries again.
"Hey dude, shut your mouth or i'll kill you" The man next to her brings the gun closer to her head.
"Could you leave us alone Sanzu" Mikey says.
"I want to talk to her, just the two of us"
"Got it! i'll be waiting down stairs" he says while walking away.
The air is silent for a while. She can hear his faint breathing from where she sat.
"Mikey..... what on earth is this "dark impulse?" she breaks the silence.
"I thought that the reason you snapped was because of kisaki, or your brothers death. But that doesn't seem to be the reason, what were you talking about back then in the video?"
He doesn't reply back.
"I couldn't turn back the time with the handshake thing with Naoto. Because ive fulfilled my goal of saving Hina and Takemichi. It was all because of you. It's okay, you don't have to say anything I understand...... this future is different, becasue you protected everyone"
"Therefore now it's my turn" she stands up and turns around to face him but before she does she feels wind on her face. She looks over to Mikey who has a gun in his hand when she looks down she sees she was shot by him.
"Huh?" It all happens so quickly she didn't even feel the bullet go through her.
"AHHHH!" she screams in pain.
Mikey gets up from his seat still pointing the gun her direction not fazed by the blood gushing out her of chest and her mouth.
She looks back and sees Mikey standing in front of her ready to pull the trigger again. And another two shots on her chest.
She lays flat on the ground coughing up blood.
She tries her best to stand up but it's no use.
"I didn't want to meet" he tells her.
"because things would end up like this"
What is he saying? Did he plan all of this from the start? Was he even meeting up with her to talk? No this cant be right.
"Your long journey ends here" He turns around and begins walking away.
"Save......you" She spits out.
Mikey eyes go wide. She can still talk? Why is she still breathing?
"I will save you no matter what" She tells him, trying ti stand on her two feet.
She knows this isn't the Mikey she knows and loves. The Mikey that would take her to get icecream when she felt sad. The Mikey that would hold her when she felt like the world was crashing down on her.
Mikey wouldn't do something like this to her.
The Mikey that gave her flowers everyday after school. The Mikey that let her shampoo his hair when he was bored. The Mikey that would let her braid his hair.
The Mikey that kissed her with so much love and passion it felt like the world stopped and it was just the two of them.
"For you..... i'll do it as many times as i can"
What is she saying?
He just shot her and she still feels this way?
"I will end everything here" he says and begins walking out the door.
She struggled to keep her eyes open. She struggled to even stand up, but she wouldn’t give up. She wouldn’t give up from saving Mikey.
"MIKEY?!!!" She hears someone yell out from outside.
She looks out the window and she tries to see what's going on.
Is he on the roof?
Is he going to?
"EVERYONE LETS DO THIS!!!" She hears Mikey yell out.
No this cant end here. She can't let him die like this.
If he dies, she couldn't live with herself.
She crawls to the edge of the window and sees him right there and her body moves without question and she catches him.
When he stops falling he opens his eyes and sees it's Christina.
"I WILL NOT LET YOU DIE!!" She screams at him.
"QUICK.... GRAB ONTO MY HAND!" She yells.
"This is stupid" he tells her hanging from the side of the building.
"I tried to kill you know? Yet-"
"Mikey.... there ain't much time left i'm losing consciousness" she blinks.
"Let go of my hand hand. I want to end everything here and now" he says.
"Come on...... you'll regret doing that" she breathes.
"Mikey..... quick. I will definitely save you. No matter what i'll go back to the past as many times....... as much as i can" she struggles to say.
"What are you talking about? You cant go back anymore right? This is why I never wanted to meet you. I didn't want this to happen. I literally just shot you Christina...... please put me in peace" he says soflty.
"No, i'm not letting go. I won't let go. Please Mikey you have to grab my hand!" She pleads, tears start to come down her face when she starts to lose grip on his hand.
"I don't get it? Why do you care so much? I just tried to kill you?"
"Because I care about you Mikey, now please give me your hand!"
"No that's not good enough. I tried to kill you, why do you still care!? Why do you still care about what happens to me! I want you dead-" he yells at her.
"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!" She screams and his eyes go wide at the confession.
"Mikey, I-I love you. I love you m-more than i love myself. I've always loved you Mikey!"
"N-No, i'm not worthy of your love Christina. Don’t you see. I just-"
"NOO! Don't you dare say that Mikey. You are worthy, you’ve always been worthy. Mikey why do you always do that? You always but such a burden on yourself, you don't need to do that when i'm right here-"
"I-I" His eyes go wide.
"Just say "please help me damn it!" And i'll..... i'll come save you, always. Because i love you Mikey and I've always loved your passion and your fighting spirit. From the first moment i saw you, i loved you Mikey. So please...... i'm begging you.... please just say it" she cries. Snot, tears and blood all running down her face.
Mikey starts to tear up as well and they start to quickly roll down his face.
"Christina.... I-I love you too. Please.... Please help me" He cries out to her.
"Christina....." He finally grabs a hold of her hand and tries to pull himself up but before she can grab a hold of him she sees a bright light and all of a sudden everything goes dark.
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https-sen · 3 years
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welp, caffeine break it is. i hope you like the middle pic ;) enjoy dear reader! remember to stay hydrated <3 (Listen to "feelings are fatal" by mxmtoon while reading this :3 )
Pairings: Suna Rintarō x gn!reader
Genre: Angst (no happy ending ( >д<) )
note:[ALL genders (including males) are allowed to read my fics <3]
p.s youre an athlete, vv tall and you play soccer and basketball (the sports I play ′~‵)
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* huff * * puff *
You sprinted like there was no tomorrow. You heard that he only dated you for attention and clout but you were too blinded by love to ever notice how he truly acts around you. The hood of your hoodie starting to fall of your head as you grasped on your backpack tightly. "Y/N!! Wait! Please!", you could hear Suna yell as he ran after you. Oh wait, shit, we havent done those classic flashbacks you see in a romance drama before ending with "To be Continued" yet huh? Let's go back then shall we?
"Rinrin, you just fucking stood me up for the 5 time this week! My phone battery died after waiting for you for an entire goddamn 4 hours."
You stood infront of your annoyed looking boyfriend. He glanced up quite a few times but rolled his eyes right after each scentence you ended. "Look just give me some time, I had other things to do.", stuffing his hands in the pockets of his jacket looking away. "I have given you time, 5 months even. C'mon you keep repeating the same thing all over. I have basketball and soccer practice too and I make room for your needs! I dont see whats so wrong-" "Of course you dont see it, you're just too laid-back and dense to ever care for something thats important to me at all. You're not even that good at them, thats why your coach lets you skip and you dont mind skipping practice. Honestly, I would'nt even be surprised if they give the captain title to someone else!", he scoffed as he glared, cutting you off. You were honestly hurt at that point, that your own boyfriend would actually say that without even looking sorry. Stooping down to his level, eye-ing him with a bitter look on your face, "Then if I'm not ever good enough at anything, then maybe I'm not ever gonna be good enough for our relationship, eh?" With wide eyes he (FINALLY) met your cold stare. "W-wait, you dont really mean that..? Maybe you should cool off and give me some time to-", he tries to hold your hand but his got slapped aside. His team members noticed your heated conversation and stood there staring in silence. "You've been given your precious "Time". Now if you'll excuse me I'll take my leave, later dipshit. See you, guys." Waving off to the team before dashing out the door.
And now we're here.
A desperate Suna who once used to be your boyfriend running after his S/O who was casually sprinting yelling "Wait!" like a mad-lad across the pavement. Not looking back you thought to yourself, "So its true huh.. Should've listened." before shutting the door once you reached your house that you ex-boyfriend pounded on throughout the night trying to get you to talk to him again.
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i have never once writen angst in my life its just so cheesy to me so i tried it for fun lol anyways todays my birthday and less than 5 people remembered so it'll make me happy if you followed me, said hi or wished me a happy birthday (੭ ˃̶͈̀ ω ˂̶͈́)੭⁾⁾ pls gimme ideas in the asks im begging you im bored asf and im taking up requests for any genre (fluff and angst) ε=o(´ロ`||)
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thelilxcfxiry · 3 years
So my theatre nerd and sylki obsessed brain has been drawing SO MANY connections between musical theatre songs and sylki so here, nobody asked for this but i dont care, a sylki musical theatre songs post type thing list? Enjoy (and feel free to add stuff if you happen to come up w any I'll be rly interested to see what you all think)
Also anything in square brackets [] is just me being me and adding some thoughts, not the actual lyrics HAHA
You Matter To Me (Waitress)
Dr Pomatter (Loki):
I could find the whole meaning of life in those sad eyes
They've seen things you never quite say, but I hear
Come out of hiding I'm right here beside you
And I'll stay there as long as you'll let me
Because you matter to me [can you just imagine how SWEET because he already said he wants her to be okay its just ONE step away from saying you matter to me cmon]
Simple and plain and not much to ask from somebody
You matter to me
I promise you do, you
You matter too
I promise you do, you'll see
You matter to me
Jenna (Sylvie):
All of this time I've been keeping my mind on the running away
And for the first time, I think I'd consider the stay
You Shine (Carrie)
Tommy (Loki):
If you could see the way that you look to me
I bet that you'd be amazed at the sight
You'd see a heart that's fearless and true
From my point of view, oh you shine
I'm Not That Girl (Wicked)
Elphaba (Sylvie):
Hands touch, eyes meet [ahEm LAMENTIS]
Sudden silence, sudden heat
Hearts leap in a giddy whirl
He could be that boy
But I'm not that girl
Don't dream too far
Don't lose sight of who you are [patpat Sylvie]
Don't remember that rush of joy
He could be that boy
I'm not that girl
Ev'ry so often, we long to steal
To the land of what-might-have-been
But that doesn't soften the ache we feel
When reality sets back in
Don't wish, don't start
Wishing only wounds the heart
I wasn't born for the rose and the pearl
As Long As You're Mine (Wicked)
Fiyero (Loki):
Maybe I'm brainless
Maybe I'm wise
But you've got me seeing
Through different eyes
Somehow I've fallen
Under your spell [she couldn't enchant his mind but she sure enchanted his heart]
And somehow I'm feeling
It's up that I fell
Say there's no future [anTIS]
For us as a pair
And though I may know [and yeah i know they both sing this part in the song but i think it lines up more with loki than sylvie in this case]
I don't care
Just for this moment
As long as you're mine
Come be how you want to [i mean just the thought of him serenading her with any of these songs... He's already dedicated a song to her before 👀]
And see how bright we shine
Borrow the moonlight
Until it is through
And know I'll be here
Holding you
As long as you're mine
Suddenly, Seymour (Little Shop Of Horrors)
Audrey (Sylvie):
Nobody ever treated me kindly
Suddenly, Seymour is standing beside me [just substitute every seymour with loki even the syllables line up HAHA]
He don't give me orders, he don't condescend
Suddenly, Seymour is here to provide me
Sweet understanding, Seymour's my friend
Seymour (Loki):
Tell me this feeling lasts till forever
Tell me the bad times are clean washed away
Audrey (Sylvie):
Please understand that it's still strange and frightening
For losers like I've been it's so hard to say
Our Love Is God (Heathers)
J.D. (overprotective Loki/Sylvie [honestly i think it could go either way for this one]):
They made you cry
But that will end tonight
You are the only thing that's right
About this broken world
Go on and cry
But when the morning comes
We'll burn it down and then
We'll build the world again...
Our love is God
I was alone
I was a frozen lake
But then you melted me awake
See, now I'm crying too
You're not alone
Omigod You Guys (Legally Blonde)
Me, looking at anything sylki:
Oh my god, oh my god you guys
If there ever was a perfect couple, this one qualifies
Oh my god you guys!
Oh my god, this is happening
Our own homecoming queen and king
Oh my god you guys!
Elle [Sylvie] and Warner [Loki] were meant to be
They're just like that couple from Titanic! [This only gets better when you know Kate Soph and Tom watched Titanic]
Only no one dies [yes HWR is no one]
Oh my god, oh my god you guys
Let's go home before someone [me] cries
If there ever was a perfect couple, this one qualifies
'Cause we [I] love you guys
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