#musical theater geek
little-lovett · 8 months
there is SO much depth and beauty in the stories we hear in sweeney todd. a murderer who was once a doting father, so blind with hatred and anger towards the world that he couldn’t even see his own wife and daughter, staring him right in the face. a woman down on her luck and in love, trying so desperately to make a connection with a deeply broken and disturbed human. an unfortunately innocent and unknowing boy who ended up being the one who could sense the dark truth. a love at first sight that refused to die, even when torn apart by the disgusting perversion of a greedy abuser. sweeney todd is about all of these people, doing absolutely horrible things, all out of some form of love. that’s the beauty of sweeney todd. sweeney killed for a father and husband’s love. lovett baked real people with real lives into pies to maintain a shallow, lustful relationship she impossibly dreamed would bloom into true romance. turpin destroyed an innocent family because he could not contain his ‘love’ for a pretty woman and her daughter. toby slit a throat because his mother figure was all he had, and he loved her, simply and purely, as an innocent child loves a mother. their love is the purest of all in the story.
but my point is — yes, sweeney todd is about a murderer and his accomplice who cannibalizes and sells his victims. but it’s not. sweeney todd is about love. how love is even stronger and more dangerous than the deepest hate. it’s about how love can destroy people. this show is so beautifully, deeply, disgustingly human. and this dark, telling tale is somehow warped into some of the most gorgeous music to ever be written and made hilarious, lovable, and entertaining. musical theatre is truly magic. human nature is love and filth and greed. sweeney todd perfectly embodies both of these ideas.
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dowdles · 10 months
she sure does love play rehearsal <3
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sincere be more more chill fanart in 2023???? on tumblr??? shocker :o
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+ the old redraw
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friday-iam-in-love · 1 year
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First official images of the new Brazilian production of “Wicked”, with Myra Ruiz as Elphaba, Fabi Bang as Glinda, Tiago Barbosa as Fiyero, Diva Menner as Madame Morrible, Marcelo Medici as The Wizard and Cleto Baccic as Dr. Dillamond
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I truly believe that we need to dismantle capitalism, thrift stuff, and steal shit.
But all my morals are abandoned on broadway, I’m a musical theatre kid I will fight people for that merch. So now I have a growing collection of broadway pins on my battle jacket
And fuck capitalism
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*watching a new musical* where's that one actor that is the biggest reason im here
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As someone who watched Ride The Cyclone (The Musical). This was the only musical that actually got in touch with me, I cried at the thought some choir had entire lives planned ahead for themselves and got it cut short by an unfortunate accident. Like sure Burn from Hamilton was sad.. BUT HEARING SUGARCLOUD AND THINKING OF A GIRL WHO DIDN’T APPRECIATE HER TOWN UNTIL SHE LOST IT MAKES ME BAWL.
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theatre-kid-things · 7 months
I like helping people and I know things about theatre, so I thought I'd make a blog for that. Ask me questions about theatre basics (parts of a theatre, stage directions, terms/vocab ect.), recommendations (I've got some good ones!), audition help (tbh I suck at finding monolouges, but I'm pretty good with songs!), critiques, the whole shabang
My ask box is always open, if you wanna send in any questions (like I said above), I also answer personal questions, whether that be getting to know me better as a person or asking about my own theatre things (dream roles, current productions, past productions, theatre ask games, shit like that)
if you wanna send in a scene, song, whatever for critiques, you can tag me in a text post with it in it, of you can send it in the ask box (not sure if you can send video in the ask box, never tried to lol). Or if you want it to be more private you can send it in a dm
Some things about me!
-You can call me Maureen (not my actual name but I dont wanna give away my other account yet)
-my pronouns are She/Her but They/Them works with me
-I have 2 dogs
idk what else to put here lol
Some Musicals I like
-In Trousers
-Starlight Express
-Little Shop of Horrors
Typical DNI stuff, no homophobes, transphobes, misogynists, racists, trump supporters, ron desantis
idk what else to put in here but yeah that's me!
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venetianwindow · 11 months
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20230617. 【🇺🇸】
I had the immense pleasure of seeing Sondheim’s fantastic Assassins, my favourite musical alongside The Book of Mormon, in the theatre designed by my favourite architects. Couldn’t ask for more. ❤️💙
A good time to revisit this old journal spread I did inspired by the musical. Younger me would be so elated to know that we got to see it on stage at last.
☞ studygram
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dyingroses · 10 months
I’m not saying Miss Hannigan was right, I’m just saying being the only adult responsible for 30+ little rugrats 24/7  would drive me to drink too
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frayed-wind · 10 months
Epic the Musical>>>
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allicshark123 · 1 year
Just saw a production of Jekyll and Hyde and I have about a bajillion thoughts but the most prevalent are:
1. I miss being in theater, I should audition for a show again
2. It would be great if the show I audition for is Jekyll and Hyde
3. I have ISSUES
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Fan art of Jane doe (ride the cyclone)
(If you re-post pls give credit <3)
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genitalkenobi · 2 years
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(based on a fanart by @rozelalondez)
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ianmilleruk · 1 year
Almost Famous The Musical - Fever Dog Supercut! The final Fever Dog curtain call including an appearance from Cameron Crowe and Tom Kitt
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mauradersdaughter · 1 year
One interesting observation in Hamilton is how much the words: “just you wait/ wait for it” are used and the different meaning they can bring. We have them in the opening number, where we have Alexander’s introduction. In this one, the meaning is for the audience to wait on how much he’s going to accomplish, but as the show keeps on going, slowly, the meaning starts to change from hopeful and grand to threatening and warning. Like in “Non-Stop”, where we have it in the background when Burr and Hamilton have their discussion (coming back to Burr’s song “Wait for It”). In that moment, it seems like a wait for everything that Burr will do, since the context of their conversation is how he never stands for anything. At the end of the song, we have a beautiful harmony of how Hamilton will never be satisfied and the helpless cries of Eliza, bringing to us the “History has its eyes on you”. In this moment, there’s the definitive change of “just you wait”, going from grand to cautious and warning. As if history itself is trying to warn Alexander to be careful. [“Just you wait, Alexander Hamilton, Hamilton, just you wait.”]. It’s also funny how in this moment, Hamilton is screaming how he’s not throwing away his shot. This can also be seen from history or his enemies telling him to wait to watch the moment where he does throw it away on his own, ruining his own life, ‘cause of his mistake. All his reputation and hard work gone, because of a woman, her husband and his own damn pamphlet.
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sleepyfoxbooks · 8 months
By Gregory Maguire
Hi! I’ve been really struggling to write this. I haven’t figured out the best way to discuss this book. I haven’t finished this book either. This is just gonna just be on the first few chapters.
Holy s**t this book contains so much more than I ever expected. I went into this with only the knowledge from the musical of the same name. I started this story before I started this blog but unlike Good Omens I still have my copy.
⚠️Warning! Spoilers for the book and it’s musical counterpart! ⚠️
⚠️Content Warning! This story contains drug use, explicit language, mild violence, and sexual themes! Read at your own risk!⚠️
Prologue & Munchkinlanders
The prologue contains a few short pages. Simply about the wicked witch seeing Dorothy and her friends on the yellow brick road on their way to Oz. There’s not a whole lot here. Except Elphaba’s inner monologue about Dorothy and the shoes. She recognizes that Dorothy is just a child, curled up and cowering at the world around her. But what really catches her attention is the shoes. She has this line in this inner monologue that caught me, was her feels of deserving of the magic shoes. This feeling of sacrifice and working to deserve the shoes gives a glimpse o her motives and her character this early on. This made me really excited to continue.
This part covers most of Elphaba’s childhood in Munchkinland. However, I’m not interested in Elphaba as much as I am interested in Melena (her mother). From what we get about Melena, she comes from a noble family and a lot of privilege. She hates being a mother, even before Elphaba is born, so it’s not a strictly an “I have a green kid” thing.
This chapter really could’ve been this conversation on maternity. Melena is very obviously an unwilling mother, and does experience immense guilt for her lack of feeling to the kid. If Melena was the main character of this story maybe we would’ve gotten an interesting story of the idea of separating motherhood from being a woman. But she’s not the main character, so moving on!
(I do think it shows a lot about a story when the readers are interested in the side characters and the world outside the main plot. So the writing and world building is pretty good!)
During this part of the story, Melena’s boy toy Turtle Heart (a glass blower from the slums) moves in with her and her husband. This affair continues on in Frex’s face. Turtle Heart’s glass blowing enchants Elphaba. Turtle Heart can see things through the glass, like a magic and integral part of his culture. Elphaba sees it too. Which actually triggers her first word at the end of the chapter. Horror.
But I’m getting ahead of myself. Elphaba has so much more to her than just being green (which is kinda her entire personality trait in the musical). She has sharp ass shark-like teeth (and literally takes off a woman’s finger within like five minutes of being born), and actually hates water and refuses to bathe in it. There’s also a few comments made about her during her birth, about potentially being intersex. Her first word is “horrors” at nearly two years old.
At this point in the story, Elphaba doesn’t have a lot of agency, as you know, she is a toddler. So there’s not much to be said about her actions yet as things more or less happen to her. I don’t want to take away the enjoyment of you reading the book, so I’m not gonna give you a beat by beat of the story. I think this covers the broad strokes of what happens and the characters of the stories so far.
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