#i was just taking shower letting my thoughts flow without restraints and i ended on this subject and was like
the20thcenturykid · 1 year
Huh, I just realised I've passed my oral native language final high school exam (matura) by talking about gender fluidity and how sticking to completely binary form is outdated. All that during time I didn't know much about LGBTQ+ community, not knowing I'm aro/ace and of "I don't care" gender and I based my reasoning on the hard sci-fi book (what was actually topic of my exam "how author portraits their time period in their piece" and yes I explained quite nicely why I used sci-fi book as "author's present time") where gender and sex is just the way you portrait yourself since most of people are practically digitalised and you choose your physical avatar you live in and some people have more than one so... You can look however you like basically, so for that manner new pronoun is used for them as basic one.
And I didn't knew this book were quite interesting piece of gender ambiguous umbrella in my country for some time.
You know, in my language (Polish) we use pronounces even in first person talk usually by changing last part of some words for feminine -am and masculine -em (I'm not going to explain it better, I'm ass in grammar) and there's no real alternative aside from pronoun for 'it', which in my language could mean child or object so... Also plural pronouns are gendered to.
There are some initiatives to use 'it' form or create new pronouns for gender ambiguous community but it's tough case since it's basically making quite big change in whole language where our society is still way behind many countries and while portrayed from outside as way more homophobic than it is in case of transphobia... Well, let's say trans people don't have easy and gender ambiguous are usually just treated as 'tomboys' or 'femboys'. (Yes, it's changing and is way better in bigger cities but we are in middle ages still). So pronouns are being created and... While it's individual thing for every person which to use, for me most of them don't seem natural to the language (like -ix one because letter 'x' is basically not existent in polish language and some even change it to '(i)ks' when writing english word in polish sentence) and here I came back to my exam because pronouns that I found the most fitting were... From that book I used as base to my oral essay (created on spot mind you, I had like 15min to prepare after I've got a theme). The thing is they seems interestingly natural and work very well with our grammar. They're based on -um pronoun and next to -om one seems the most fitting to the language itself. They even named after author's surname so it's 'dukatyw' or 'dukaizm'. Of course, I didn't knew that those 7 years ago.
I'm not here trying to push any agenda or great statement - I just found it funny than my 19-yr old ass completely outside of LGBTQ+ community when heard theme was "let's make 15+min lecture about gender and sex fluidity" based on book I've readed like a year earlier which burned my brain and twisted it to the other side and I decided to love it.
The book is "Perfekcyjna Niedoskonałość" (Perfect Imperfection) by Jacek Dukaj and was never translated to any other language and honestly I think it's almost impossible to do so to English without loosing most of it's "flavour". That pronouns thing is just a part of writing and shown universe, tho while subject on ones identity and purpose is main theme of it, the gender is just it - the part.
Time fluctuations, tech bending time and space and some social and interspecies tensions are quite big part of it too but that's other story.
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earlgreydream · 3 years
| loki x reader | fluff |
anon requested. loki kinda degraded sub!reader and she scrunches up all tiny and sobs afterwards because she thought he meant what he said
cw: slightly smutty, slightly angsty
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You begged Loki to let you come, fighting against the magical restraints your dom had placed around your wrists and ankles. 
“Oh, you want to come so bad you’re crying? You desperate, pathetic whore. You’re so fucking filthy, have you no shame?” Loki sneered, the words sending arousal pooling deep in your belly, even though you fought against it. Your body jolted at the slap administered to your inner thigh, a pained cry escaping your lips. 
You’d been acting up and testing Loki’s patience, which is what earned you this punishment, your pleasure being dangled in front of you, just out of reach. You’d broken his rules, and he’d had enough of your attitude. 
“Come now before I change my mind,” Loki’s tone was dangerous, and the pressure inside of you shattered. He followed your lead, finishing inside of you before he pulled out and made the restraints vanish. 
As the pleasure wore off, his words echoing in your mind, You desperate, pathetic whore. You’re so fucking filthy, have you no shame?
Loki stood off of the bed, going to run you a hot shower. As soon as he’d stepped away, a sob tore through your chest, your shoulders heaving as you cried. You curled up in a ball, feeling small and alone on his massive bed. 
Loki heard you crying, and he felt like his heart was being ripped out of his chest. He abandoned the shower and ran to your side, kneeling down on the bed. You looked so tiny and fragile, folding in on yourself. His chest ached when he heard your soft sounds and saw the way your hands trembled as you tugged at your hair, trying to self-soothe. He reached out to pull your hands away, wanting to keep you from anxiously tearing the hair from your sensitive head.
“My darling-” his voice cracked when you jerked away from him. You hiccuped on your broken sobs as they wrecked you, emotion flooding every last thought and turning you into a mess. 
Loki’s magic sparked around you, cleaning you up and leaving you both in loose clothing. The green shimmer surrounded you, Loki’s fruitless attempt to touch you without frightening you. It was warm, and seemed to buzz with its own life, but didn’t make you feel any better. 
“My darling, have I hurt you? Tell me whatever is wrong so that I may fix it,” Loki begged, wanting nothing more than to pull you into his arms. 
“Don’t touch me, please,” you tried to catch your breath, wanting to get your keys and leave. 
He sank back, giving you space. His eyes were concerned and sad, and he fought against the urge to pierce into your mind, ripping the truth from you. The door vanished from the wall as you tried to run out, and you whipped around to face the god, who was kneeling on the bed and looking wounded. There was no exit, Loki keeping you contained to the bedroom until your devastation was resolved. 
“Y/N, I won’t let you leave when you’re so upset. You cannot drive safely. If you wish, I can take you anywhere you want to go,” Loki fretted, and though you knew he was right, you only grew more and more upset. 
“Come to me, darling,” Loki opened his arms, the authority in his voice making you comply. You knew this was a fight you couldn’t win. You’d end up in Loki’s arms confessing your pain whether by his will, or your own.
Your sobs broke his heart, and he slowly wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you down into his lap. He held you firmly, and eventually your struggling subsided as you let yourself weep against his chest. 
“Please don’t make me pry the truth out of you,” Loki begged softly into your hair. He didn’t want to add to your pain, he only wanted to fix it. He was very aware that sifting through your mind to take your private thoughts was something that made you feel extremely violated. He wanted you to tell him on your own, but he wouldn’t let you keep such heartbreaking secrets from him. 
“Y-you... did you mean what you said about me? That I was pathetic, and d-desperate and a whore?” You sobbed out, stammering over your words.
“Oh, oh my goodness. My darling, I am so sorry. I never meant any of that. I thought you understood I just said it in the scene... please my love, I adore you more than all of the stars. Never think you are not the most perfect, beautiful, eloquent, and lovely person in my eyes. I love you, I will never say such horrible things again.” Tears flowed freely down Loki’s face. You were startled, unused to seeing raw emotion from him, especially not guilt. It hadn’t occurred to you that the words Loki had spoken were just part of the scene, part of the sex you were having. He wasn’t typically fond of degradation, but he was experimenting in the moment, never expecting it to be received as genuine. 
There was no room for doubt in his words. He meant his love then, and he would spend the rest of his life proving his love to you.
His strong arms cradled you against his body, trying to hold you together.
“I’m so sorry, so sorry,” he breathed apologies like a repetitive prayer.
You listened to his heartbeat, letting the rhythm slow your racing mind. Your sobs eventually subsided, calmed by the steady circles of his hand on your back.
“I forgive you,” your lips moved against the underside of his jaw.
“Please always stop me, tell me then, if anything at all makes you feel even the slightest bit unsafe. I never want you to feel this way again, certainly not at my fault,” Loki begged, and you nodded before burying your face back in him.
“Do you still love me?”
“I love you the most,” you promised.
Loki talked you into staying the night, doting on you to the point you were almost smothered. His magic conjured everything you wanted, even in the back of your thoughts.
“Do you want to go get some?” He asked, and you turned, tilting your head in confusion.
“To Paris. For the macarons.”
“You’re reading my thoughts,” you sighed softly, but a smile graced your expression as you kissed him.
“No, I’m sleepy. Maybe tomorrow?” You asked, and he nodded, sweeping you off your feet and carrying you back to bed.
You situated yourself in his arms, your back against his chest. His larger frame shielded you, wrapping you in safety and warmth. You slept soundly with him, the pain and uncertainty from the afternoon long gone and replaced by his love.
The smell of coffee rose you out of your sleep. Your eyes took a few moments to adjust to the soft light spilling in through the windows, and you sat up, suddenly realizing you weren’t in Loki’s bedroom at his apartment, where you’d fallen asleep.
“Loki?!” You called, and he leaned in the doorway.
“Good morning. I didn’t mean to frighten you. We took a short trip in your sleep. We’re at my Paris flat.”
You smiled, stretching your arms above your head as you yawned. Loki put a coffee in your hands, leaning down and kissing your forehead.
“If I cry will you spoil me more often?” You teased lightly, and he shot you his signature dom look of warning, making you shudder.
“It breaks my heart to see you cry, my darling,” Loki’s tone was apologetic, guilt still left over from the day before. You squeezed his arm as you sipped your coffee.
“I’m okay,” you swore, earning another kiss from your lover.
“Mm. Finish that up and we’ll go to the patisserie down the street.”
“Yes, sir.”
He smiled, happy you were cheered up and back to normal. He moved his fingers and a pretty sundress appeared hanging on the back of the washroom door for you, delicate white flats placed below.
“Dressing me up like your little doll?”
“Careful, or I will dress you, after I get that attitude in line.”
“I love the dress. And I can put it on by myself,” you apologized, pecking his lips before walking to the bathroom.
You returned in the sundress, a white beret adorning your head along with it. You relished in the bright smile Loki rewarded you with. In a shimmer of green, he was dressed in pastels that matched your own. You loved to see him in casual clothes instead of the Asgardian armor he frequently wore, and he indulged you for this small Parisian vacation. 
“You look stunning, my darling.”
Giggles erupted from your lips, making Loki’s heart soften. He dipped his head down to kiss you, making your nose scrunch up in the cutest way that he loved. His long, slender fingers folded with yours, holding your hand as the two of you made your way out of the flat and onto the bustling street. You were thankful for the sunny weather, greatly improving your mood from the rough night in New York’s rain. 
“Feeling better?”
“Much,” you nodded.
“Let’s get some crepes. Sound good?”
“Sounds perfect, Loki.”
The young god pecked your lips before pushing you inside of a patisserie. 
“Salut,” the girl working called to the two of you as the bell clinged on the door.
“Darling, what would you like? We can take some macarons to go,” Loki asked, pointing to the pastries behind the glass.
You chose a few, and Loki rattled off your order in French to the shopkeeper, taking the bag from her and moving you to sit at a table in the corner for your crepes. 
“Can we stay in Paris for a couple of days? Just us, not any of the distractions from New York,” you asked, leaning your head against his shoulder and accepting the bite he fed you. 
“Most certainly.” He kissed the sugar off of your lips before the two of you left for a park with your snacks for later. Loki held your hand as you walked along a low stone wall beside him, your eyes level with the extra height. 
“Y/N, you must know that you are so, so terribly loved.”
You turned and snaked your arms around his neck, looking deep into his crystal blue eyes.
“I do not doubt your love, Loki.”
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candy-and-writing · 4 years
Siren Song
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This is my entry for @mermaidxatxheart challenge #jamies500writingchallenge with the AU Siren/Sailor. I decided to kind of put a twist on it, so I hope it still fits!!!
Summary: You are a Siren. Your voice is an aphrodisiac that lures people into a spell. The only way they can break your spell is if they sleep with you. Steve accidentally hears you singing after a mission.
Warnings: dub-con, smut, drugging, gags, restraints, fingering, oral sex, Steve waiting too long for the woman he loves
A/n: Feedback is welcomed and appreciated! I was a dumbass and waited until the day before this was due to write this, so if there are any error, please let me know :)
I am NOT responsible for your media content consumption. This work is not intended for those under the age of 18 due to explicit sexual content and/or dark themes. By reading this work you agree that you are at least 18 years of age. I do not consent to have my work posted on any third party app or website; if you are seeing this work anywhere other than tumblr and archiveofourown, it has been reposted without my permission.
"What's your status, Siren?" Tony's voice came through your earpiece. You finished flattening out the line of your dress, taking a sip of your champagne before you answered.
"So far, so good. I have eyes on the target, let me finish my drink and I can engage—"
"No!" Steve spat in your ear, making you flinch. "Y/n, do not engage, do you understand?"
You scoffed. If Steve didn't want you to engage, then what was the point of you being here? At this point, you weren't even batting any eyelashes at anybody—under strict orders from your Captain not to. 
"Come on, Sailor," you purred. "I can help. Let me do my job."
"You use your power on me again, I'm gonna quarantine you," Steve growled. You chuckled at his threat.
"Then what exactly is the reason I'm here, Captain?" you asked, taking another sip of the overtly expensive drink you held. "You want the target incapacitated, I can incapacitate him for you. It'll be easy."
"Incapacitated, not oogling over you."
"You got a problem with my powers, Sailor?"
You heard Steve sigh. "You know that I don't. I got a problem with the men here, especially the man we're trying to catch. He doesn't have a good rep with pretty dames like you, I'm trying to keep you safe."
"You think I'm pretty?" You feigned surprise, bringing your hand to your chest to mimic shock.
"That—" he paused for a moment before letting out an aggravated breath. "That's not the point and you know it. Just keep your distance for now, when we're ready we'll let you know."
You sighed. "Yeah, that's not happening, Cap. Sorry."
You turned off your comms, swaying over to your target, a man named Viktor Yakovich. He was a HYDRA lackie known for sex trafficking and importing drugs in and out of the Harbour. You passed him, fingers dragging along the chest of his iron pressed suit, rolling off his shoulder and when you looked back to meet his eyes, you winked.
The wide-eyed, jaw-dropped expression he wore showed you he was enthralled. He watched as you sauntered to an empty seat at the end of the bar. You ordered a drink, a fancy strawberry vanilla tequila cocktail with a misconstructed french name. You watched the bartender make your drink, pouring different liquids into the mixer. He shook the tin almost violently before he poured the drink into a cocktail glass, adding three small strawberry slices into your glass. You thanked him as he handed it to you and took a hefty sip. 
Just as you finished the last of your cocktail, Yakovich stood leaning against the bartop, eyeing you with a level of lust that had chills running down your spine.
"I'll have a double whiskey on the rocks," he said to the bartender, his accent thick, "and another of whatever the lady is having."
"Extra shot of tequila, please," you added. Viktor smirked at you.
"You are quite beautiful," he commented. "What brings you here?"
You made up some story about your father being too sick to attend the luxurious gala himself, so he sent you as his representative. It was a story engraved in your brain, a caring daughter worried about her poor father's health. His liver was failing, you told Yakovich.
Yakovich was quick to give you his sympathies. You thanked him, sipping on your new drink. Gathering your courage, you set your hand on his thigh, rubbing your thumb softly against the fabric of his trousers. You watched his eyes widen, his shoulders raised as his breathing hitched. 
"Why don't we go upstairs?" Your voice lowered several octaves. Yakovich grinned, offering you his arm.
Your head pounded as you regained consciousness, groaning. You're vaguely aware of the pain in your body, the heaviness in your legs and how your arms almost felt numb. The dim light above you all too bright as you clenched your eyes shut in protest, grimacing. Your mouth was dry, the corners of your lips ached, and you felt a piece of plastic lodged between your teeth. You tried to bring your hand up, but something was keeping your arms rooted in place. As your mind became clearer, you saw your wrists were tied to the edges of the chair, arms pulled taut at your sides. You were gagged and tied down. Great.
What was the last thing you remembered? Yakovich had taken you to his hotel room above the ballroom. You remembered you had kissed him, he had pushed you against the wall. He moved you to the bed after you felt a sharp prick in your neck and then—and then it went black. The damn bastard had drugged you. But how had he gotten out of your spell? That wasn't supposed to be possible. 
"Well, well, well. . . looks like the little dove is awake." The rich Russian accent sounded oddly humorous, which sent a shudder up your spine. Footsteps echoed against the chipped concrete. Yakovich stepped into view, a wicked grin plastered on his face. You frowned at him, tilting your chin up defiantly. He chuckled at you, roughly grabbing your chin. "I know all about you, little dove. You were HYDRA's most powerful weapon, made the Winter Soldier look like child's play. But. . . you defected. How come?"
You shrugged. Mumbled through your gag some jarbled excuse. Really you were just making noise. Yakovich sighed before backhanding you across the cheek, your head snapping to the side with a sharp crack. You bit down on the plastic wedged between your teeth, a yelp getting stuck in your throat.
"Oh, dove. You make such lovely noises. It is such a shame I won't get to hear more. Kill her now."
A knife was at your throat. You held your head up, glaring at Yakovich. There was a crash, shards of glass shattering on the cement floor. Something flew past your head with a deafening whoosh, Steve's shield striking Yakovich square in the chest, sending him flying. The knife had left your throat, Tony blasting the blade out the man's hand as Sam drop kicked him.
Steve was in front of you, reaching to unbuckle the gag behind your head. He threw it to the ground, his hand cupping your cheek.
"Hey, Sailor," you rasped, your voice hoarse.
His thumb brushed over the red marks at the corner of your mouth. "Are you okay?"
"I had it handled," you smirked. Steve chuckled incredulously, dropping his head. 
"You're unbelievable," he laughed.
He tore the twine that was wrapped tightly around your wrists. He rubbed the dark red marks, trying to get the blood flowing back in your hands. He whispered something that sounded similar to 'oh, baby', looking at the marks surrounding your wrists.
"Let's get you out of here. Okay?" Steve's hand went under your knees, your arm draping the back of his neck. He carried you out of the warehouse, the quinjet parked a few meters away. Steve sat you on the exam table that came up from the floor. "The others will be here soon, okay? They just gotta take care of Yakovich."
You nodded, swallowing. The pain was starting to set in—your head throbbed in sharp pains, your wrists were burning in piercing pulses. You were so dizzy, your world spun around you until you had to hold onto Steve. He looked at you, concern swimming behind his eyes as his hand covered yours over his bicep. 
"I'm fine," you said weakly.
Natasha, Tony, and Sam boarded the quinjet. 
"Hey, kiddo," Tony smiled. "How you doing?"
"Never better," you grinned. "Where's Yakovich?"
"Local police are gonna hold him while we get you back to the Compound," Natasha said, "then Tony and I are going to bring him into S.H.I.E.L.D. . . . What happened?"
You shrugged. "I don't know, I-I thought I had him. We were upstairs, I was—um, you know. . .." you scratched the back of your neck. "And then it just went black."
"I thought people couldn't resist your powers?"
"They're not supposed to be able to." You frowned, rubbing the bridge of your nose. There was so much pressure building up in your head, you just wanted to take some aspirin and sleep for a week. 
"You gonna need medical?" Sam had his arms crossed, a frown on his face. You shook your head.
"I'll be fine."
"Y/n," Steve said sternly. Natasha went to the front of the jet, pressing buttons and flipping a switch. The ramp pulled up and sealed the entrance as the engine roared to life.
You sighed. "I'm fine, Sailor. Seriously. I just need a hot shower and to get out of this dress." 
Steve tried to argue with you. "You might have a concussion."
You reminded Steve about the serum that was coursing through your veins. The same one HYDRA had forced into you, the same one Bucky had coursing through his veins. Except it didn't make you strong like him or Steve. It had done something to your cells, and with a few genetic alterations, HYDRA was able to give you your powers. 
And HYDRA wondered why you left.
You let the dress slip off your body, leaving you in a lacy pair of wine red panties and a thigh holster. You discarded the holster, sliding the lace off your legs before stepping into the shower. 
The water was warm, soothing your taut muscles. Your shoulders were so tight they felt like concrete. You sighed, leaning your head back into the water stream.
You left the bathroom clad in a towel, your hair damp. Your head felt better than it had when you arrived at the compound. Your wrists were bruising, the dark red marks encircling your wrists turning a violent purple. You had a bruise forming on your cheek, too, from where Yakovich slapped you.
"Hey, F.R.I.D.A.Y?" you called. 
"Yes, Miss L/n?" the A.I responded.
"Can you play some music for me? My 'Calm' playlist, please?"
"Of course, Miss L/n."
A Lana Del Rey song echoed through your room. You thought it was called 'Love song' but honestly, you couldn't be sure. You hummed along, drying your hair with a separate towel.
In the car, in the car, in the backseat, I'm your baby
We go fast, we go so fast, we don't move
"I believe in a place you take me," you sang, eyes closed, scrunching the water out of your locks. "Make you real proud of your baby."
You stood, grabbing a lavender and cedarwood lotion off your dresser. You sat back down on your bed, bringing your leg up.
"Oh, be my once in a lifetime—" You rub lotion up and down your leg, massaging it in. "Lyin' on your chest in my party dress."
You dropped your towel, moving to your drawer chest. You grabbed a pair of white cotton panties that were a size too small and an old Yankees shirt that was too big. It used to be Steve's, but one day he was doing laundry and the shirt shrunk. You snatched it before he could throw it away.
"Dream a dream, here's a scene." You pulled a pair of green fuzzy socks over your feet. "Touch me anywhere 'cause I'm your baby."
You turned around, running into a solid wall of muscle. You yelped, Steve grabbing your arms to steady you. You looked up at him, frowning.
"Hey, Sailor, whatcha doing?" Steve was silent, staring at you intently. His eyes were dark, pupils blown wide as they raked up and down your form. "Steve?"
"I've never heard you sing before," he commented, his voice a few octaves lower than you've ever heard it. "Your voice is beautiful."
Your eyes widened, inhaling a sharp breath. You thought you had set F.R.I.D.A.Y up so when you told her to play music it also activated her soundproofing protocol. Tony assured you no one could hear you. 
"O-o-o-o-o-kay." You twisted out of Steve's grasp, holding your hands out in front of you. "I think you should go. Go take a cold shower or something, okay?"
"Oh, but, sweetheart. . . you said I could touch you anywhere."
You slowly stepped around him, Steve stalking you with a dark look. Your knees hit the bed and you crashed down, looking up at him in—in what, fear? Anticipation?
Steve hooked his finger under your chin, tilting your head up. He looked down on you, a crooked grin splitting his lips. You swallowed, looking at his smooth, plump lips. You quickly looked up to meet his gaze, his bright blue eyes swallowed in lust. You called out his name, your voice barely above a whisper. 
And then his lips were on yours. A small whimper died in your throat, his lips soft as they moved against your own. Your eyes fluttered shut, Steve's grip on your chin tightening. His knees came up to rest on either side of you, straddling you. He pushed you down, leaning down to cup your cheeks as he sucked at your bottom lip. His heated length pressed against your center. When his tongue pressed into your mouth, you pushed against his chest again only to have him press your hands against the mattress.
Heat pooled in your core as you felt the effects of his arousal. It was a lot like secondhand smoking, the way it affected you. Steve was hooked, caught in your trap like a fly in a spider's web. 
"Steve. . . Steve, wait." He pulled away, his hot breath hitting your lips, your noses almost touching. "You don't want this—please, snap out it."
"Come on, Siren," Steve smirked. "All that flirting. . . and you didn't see this coming?" His lips met your neck, trailing kisses down the column of your neck. Your lip trembled as he sucked a bruise into your skin, in the juncture between your shoulder and neck. 
"Steve, please. You can fight this."
A hand trailed up past the hem of your shirt. "Oh, I don't wanna fight it, sweetheart. Look at you, all dressed up for me in my shirt, pretty as a picture."
His hand palmed your breast. You pushed against his chest, trying desperately to get him off. He nipped at your collarbone, pinching your nipple until you yelped. He shushed you, pushing the shirt over your head and up your arms. He ripped the fabric apart effortlessly, manhandling you to lay across the bed before he grabbed your wrists. Using the shreds of the old shirt he tied you to the bars of your metal bed frame. You were surprised by the amount of panic that fled through you as you pulled against the makeshift restraints, the cloth digging into the bruises around your wrists.
His lips teased your shoulder while he gently played with your breasts. He added the slightest pressure as he squeezed, your breasts fitting perfectly in his hands as you shuddered out a breath. 
"That feel good, baby?" Steve mumbled into your neck. You helplessly nodded, whimpering as he rubbed his hard length against you in a rhythm that had your traitorous body moving your hips against him. 
You tried to remind yourself that it was the effects of your powers, that both of you were under a spell and this wasn't real. It wasn't intimacy, this wasn't you and Steve so madly in love with each other it drove you insane. It was raw, unadulterated hunger. Nothing more than a spell.
"Steve, please," you whimpered, a particular grind against your core making you gasp. "You know how this is going to end—do you want that?"
"I want you, that's all that matters."
You cried out Steve's name as his lips latched onto your nipple, rolling the other sensitive bud between his fingertips. Steve couldn't mean that—if he wanted this, that meant you couldn't force him out of your spell. He was bewitched until he fucked it out of his system.
Steve's fingertips danced down your torso, hovering over your belly button and stopping at the line of your underwear. He traced the edge of the garments, mouthing at the spot where your neck and shoulder met. His fingers hooked into your waistband and he pulled your panties down your legs, dropping them on the floor. Steve groaned, inhaling your scent.
"Smell so good, baby," he murmured, "bet you taste even better."
Your cheeks flushed. You weren't sure you wanted him to put his mouth on you. It was wrong, Steve wasn't in his right mind. He wasn't thinking straight.
A strangled moan left your lips as Steve plunged two fingers into your slick heat, looking for the spot inside you that could shatter you. That coil inside you was tight, threatening to explode and send you over the edge. You began to babble mindlessly, endless pleas of 'Steve, please' and vulgar curses. You struggled against your restraints, trying desperately to touch him. You wanted to feel him. He pumped his fingers in and out of you slowly, drawing out the stimulation. 
Then his lips were on the little bundle of nerves just above your entrance. You squealed, bucking your hips into his face. You thighs clenched around his head, pushing his face impossibly closer to your center. He removed his fingers from your entrance, leaving you feeling desperate and empty. You whimpered at Steve, gasping when his tongue darted into your entrance. 
He devastated you with his mouth, his tongue teasing your aching clit again and again until the little bundle of nerves was vibrating. As soon as you felt your release forming, he'd move back down to your entrance, teasing it in and out of there just deep enough to have you begging for more.
"Taste so good, baby." He hummed into your flesh, sending vibrations up through your clit, his hips rutting into the mattress. He pushed the pads of his fingers up, still teasing your bundle of nerves and that was all it took. You cried out, the coil snapping like a taut rubber band, your hips involuntarily jerking as you cried out and struggled against your bonds.
Your entire body was buzzing, your limbs boneless as you panted below him. Steve climbed atop you, fervently pressing his lips to yours. You could taste yourself on him. Licking your lips as he mouthed at your jaw, you closed your eyes. Your brow was sweaty as you tried to catch your breath. Powers or not, you hadn't cum like that in a long time.
When you opened your eyes, his knees were wedged between your thighs, the tip of his cockhead at your entrance. Steve hummed, brushing himself against your wet folds. You dug your teeth into your lower lip, trying desperately not to whimper. Steve leaned down to kiss your cheek before he pushed into you slowly, his thick cock stretching your walls.
Your breath left your lungs, a cry breaking in your throat as Steve groaned into your ear, your silky heat clenching him like a vice. You pulled against your restraints, wincing as pain burned your wrists. He shushed you, nibbling at your shoulder as a means of distraction. When he bottomed out, a growl reverberated through his chest.
"Fuck." Steve's hot breath hit your ear. "You feel so good, Y/n. So tight."
You preened as Steve picked up his pace, easily falling into a hard and fast rhythm. You screamed into his chest, Steve pushing your legs up and effectively folding you in half, the new angle allowing him to hit deeper. You were losing circulation to your hands by how hard you were pulling against the strands of fabric but you didn't care. All you felt was Steve and the way the tip of his cock hit the tip of your cervix.
Your orgasm came out of nowhere—rose so quickly and crashed over you like a tidal wave, sending you reeling. You screamed, seizing up and convulsing around Steve's cock. Steve cursed, feeling you pulsate around him. Black dots invaded your vision as Steve slammed into you harder, faster, and then pulled out suddenly, hot spurts of cum shooting onto your lower stomach. With an animalistic groan, Steve fell to the side.
It took several minutes for either of you to gather your bearings. You were still tied to the bed, breathless and coated in cum when Steve rose, the color in his eyes returning. 
"Y/n, I—" Steve faltered. The guilty look in his puppy-dog eyes making your chest flutter.
"Can you just untie me?" you said quietly. "Please?"
"Oh—yeah. Um. . . yeah." He undid the knot, letting you bring your hands down and sit up. He felt his heart skip a beat at the fresh marks around your wrists. He jumped off the bed and for a moment you were worried he was going to run away, but he gently handed you his shirt before pulling his pants over his hips. "Hold on, okay? I'm gonna get you a rag." You watched him disappear into the bathroom. You pulled his shirt over your head, massaging your wrists gently. 
Steve came back into the room with a damp rag. He handed it to you, hesitant to sit down as you wiped yourself off. "Y/n, I'm so sorry."
"It's not your fault." You tossed the rag on the floor, looking down at your wrinkled sheets. "Just—I should have been more careful about singing."
"No—no, don't blame yourself, sweetheart." 
"Listen, I'll go to Tony in the morning, tell him what happened." You sighed. "Maybe he can fix F.R.I.D.A.Y's protocol. I'll ask to be removed from missions, too, if that's what you want—"
"No, no. Y/n, I don't want that." Steve groaned. "I'll talk to Tony. I'm the one that invaded your space. I caused this, I'll fix this."
You bit your lip, ringing Steve's shirt in your hands.
"What is it?"
You sighed. "Nothing, it's just. . . I just Siren Song-ed you into sex and—and you're my friend, I don't want this to ruin things."
"It won't ruin things," Steve promised. "I was actually hoping we could. . . maybe go get some—you know, actually, never mind. It was a bad idea."
"Steve," you smirked. "What is it?"
Steve sighed. "Would you want to go get coffee with me? Maybe tomorrow?"
A smile spread across your face. "You wanna get coffee with me?"
"Yeah. I was gonna ask you after the mission, but things went a little. . . sideways."
You breathed out a chuckle. "I'd love to get coffee with you."
"Yeah, really."
Steve let out a sigh of relief. "Good, good. I'll pick you up after the briefing tomorrow? We can go to the coffee shop in town with all the books?"
You smiled. "That sounds great."
"Good." Steve flashed you a toothy grin. "I'm—uh—I'm gonna let you get some sleep, okay? You've had a long day."
You scoffed, slipping your legs under your covers. "Yeah. Goodnight, Sailor."
Steve stood in the threshold, shirtless and sweaty, his hair messy as he peaked past the door. "Goodnight, Siren."
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assomoir · 4 years
the sky might be falling; but the stars look good on you
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Pairing: Theodorus van Gogh x MC
Summary: A peek into a day of Theo’s life [and a reminder that she had her insecurities sometimes].
Note: Written for the @ikevamp-holiday-exchange​​ ! Hello @ceet​ , I enjoyed writing this (although writing non-smut was a challenge for me), so I really hope you’d like this too :) I saw your tags, so here’s to the both of us being fools for this man.
Title taken from the music of Ólafur Arnalds’ biography.
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She slept in his room more often than not these days, and Theo’s morning routine shifted to accommodate her presence.
Between the two of them, he would wake up first. It’s a hard-formed habit carried over from the years before his death; one he sustained for many reasons, but also because she looked softer in the pale gray of dawn. Lights from his chandelier fell on her sleeping form, and he propped himself up as his eyes were inexorably drawn to the way the sheets shaped themselves over her waist, the drape of hair over her breasts, the trail of hickeys blossoming along her body—
She stirred under his gaze, and blinked her eyes open with a yawn.
“Yeah.” He leaned back on the pillows, enjoying the way her languid stretches shifted the covers and exposed more skin. “Good morning.”
The patches of red scattered on her neck seemed to call for his touch, because he knew they matched the curve of his teeth – remembered how she tasted on his tongue. When he reached out to touch them, she pressed a string of open-mouthed kisses on his palm, a pleased smile forming on her lips, the echo of flame dancing in her eyes.
(There’s something about her that, when seen in these quiet, intimate twilight hours, felt like something really close to perfection. He’d seen it in the way she lowered her lashes as she bent down for a kiss, or in the way her back arched as he drove her over that maddening edge for the umpteenth time in a night.)
(It still left him breathless every time.)
“…hey,” he half-heartedly asked— no, warned her, if she really wanted to rouse him so early in the morning, when the rasp in her voice is still so clearly audible and the marks she left on his back still tingled.
(He absently looked down to find that her trimmed fingernails had grown longer, and thought about how he would know about it; for he wore the shape of them in various parts across his own body.)
“Sorry, sorry,” she chuckled, “but ten more minutes, please?”
Theo hummed in assent, suppressing his smile. Kissed the top of her head and quietly let the fire, simmering low in his stomach, burn.
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Most days, they work together. This cloudy Friday was one of those days.
Their only client that noon was an elderly nobleman in his late 50s, a Marquis Theo adored due to his kind disposition and shared appreciation toward the impressionist movement. Negotiations involving two of Vincent's paintings had gone swimmingly well, and as they stepped out of the gates, just before he hailed a carriage to take them home, she grabbed his sleeve and shyly asked if they could, perhaps, go for a stroll around the city? If he would like to have a little date before going back, because she had dressed up in a dress that matched his new suit, which would be wasted if they weren’t paraded around town for a bit, especially since the weather was nice albeit a little cold, and it would do him no harm to slow down because he had always been working hard, and—
"Sure," he said, effectively cutting her off, yet the fond amusement was plain to hear even for himself.
It's going to rain, he thought, glancing up at the sky overhead. We can go tomorrow instead, on our day off. But he went along with her plans anyway, mostly because Theo had stopped trying to tell himself that he still had any semblance of self-control around her months ago.
(That, and something about her had seemed a little sad this morning. It upset him in a way he couldn’t quite understand.)
So she took him to the Louvre, where everything began – saying that despite having visited the place many times over, he still owed her a proper tour of the museum. They ventured into the Assyrian Gallery, walking among creatures of black marbles and gray stones that left them more than a little amused. In the French Gallery, Géricault's Raft of the Medusa stole her attention at once – but when he explained the event depicted behind the painting, she had this extremely sad expression on her face – such that he had to practically drag her into the next gallery, half-panicked, so she wouldn't cry. It worked, though, because the mirror-like floor and gilded ceiling in the Gallery of Apollo fascinated her. They spent the rest of their visit admiring the artworks in Salon Carré: him explaining the Wedding at Cana, Pardo Venus, Soult's Virgin, Titian's Mistress, and them snickering in front of Mona Lisa and la Belle Ferronnieré.
By the time they stepped out of the Louvre, it was already half past three in the afternoon. The chilly November air had gotten even colder; the sky considerably darker.
(But her smile got a little wider, too.)
Expecting the rain to come any time now, he took her to this quaint café-slash-bookstore tucked in the corner of the 1st arrondissement. True enough, the storm started in the middle of their late-afternoon meal – and they watched the passerby bursting into a hurried frenzy all at once. After a little less than an hour it turned into nothing more than a light drizzle, but the streets had turned muddy and her skirt must be hiked up high when crossing Place Vendôme. The rain had not dampened her mood at all, though, for she kept humming happily as they passed through the high column overlooking the square.
“I assume you're no longer sad?”
She blinked at him. Once, twice, before timidly grinned. “I wasn't sad though. Things went smoothly at work, and you’ve been very indulgent today."
"...Has it ever occurred to you that those two things are probably related?"
The tinkle of her laugh filled the air, alongside the scent of petrichor as the shower ceased to an end. Rain had always lent the city some sort of a gloomy mood, but for the first time, Theo took a deep breath and let himself bask in it.
Maybe because somehow, the amber glow of streetlights looked a bit more somber than usual, and it bathed the city in a warm luster despite the crisp atmosphere. Seine was flowing by, where from this distance, they could see the turbulent waters moving below Pont Royal. The hustle of shops lined up on the other side of the street and busy traffic rumbled the sidewalk they were walking on, giving that distinct, noisy bustle he had grown to associate with the city.
She took his arm as they continued walking along the cobblestone, and he was struck quiet by the strange thought of how at home she looked like. As if she belonged right here, in 19th century Paris, all along—
"It's just— I was thinking," she suddenly murmured, "that I've been here for almost a year. Time flew really quickly. I'm still very happy, though."
It was almost imperceptible, the way she turned her head to glance at him – like she did whenever she was unsure about asking him something – but enough for him to press an encouraging kiss on her temple. Go on, he conveyed. I'm listening.
"...I hope you're still happy too, Theo."
The faint kaleidoscope on the river was reflected on her eyes not unlike the starlight, and when the following silence stretched for a second too long, his next words slipped out without permission.
"I can promise you, I've never been happier in all my life."
A burst of giggle escaped her. His brain, half-relieved and half-caught off-guard, scrambled for a response, and ended up blurting the first thing that came to mind.
"Don't laugh! I'm serious."
"I know, I know, but it's adorable. You indulged all my wishes because you thought I was sad?"
"...It's because you did great today. That calls for some treats, no?"
She quickly recovered and playfully smacked his shoulder, but he inwardly cringed because it actually hurt. He deserved it, though. "Again! I'm not your puppy."
"Really? But puppies are cute, I love them."
"I'm cuter."
"Well yeah, you are."
She was clearly taken aback by this, and he couldn't help but snort at her flabbergasted expression.
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That evening, he kissed her hard and rough, tangling his fingers in the strands of her hair. I haven’t had dinner, he teased, voice low and tempting, his breath hot on her lips. May I? She couldn’t help but moan then, a hand fisted in the fabric of his shirt, the other pushing his head to her neck. Heat consumed them as he carried her to the bed, prompting him to strip her down and let his body do the talking for the next few hours.
Later, when the high had worn down, he pulled her into his arms – freshly bathed, smelling like roses – and she grew quiet, lulled by the distant thunder and the sound of raindrops. He watched the light playing tricks on her hair, heart softer than the spun silk of her nightgown, and thought—
If I could spend eternity like this—
“Theo, sleep.”
He smirked. “Why is the dog telling me what to do?”
“Because you’re thinking too loudly,” she smiled knowingly, and his own softened. “I love you, you know that?”
Sometimes Theo forgot just how easily she unraveled him in all the ways that counted, leaving him a flustered mess wrapped around her little finger. “…Cheeky hondje. I love you too.”
If he was any lesser man, he’d probably skip all those elaborate, carefully-crafted plan about proposing and just drop on one knee right there and then; the lack of ring be damned. But since he liked to think he still had a teeny bit of restraint (however small) a peck on her forehead was deemed enough, followed by drawing the cover higher over their bodies.
She’s here, he mused before drifting off to sleep. 
For as long as they had each other, he existed only in bliss.
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onouwu · 4 years
Daughters of Gardenia: Chapter 1 “Hunger”
Floating through space on a rock beholden to nothing but the forces of gravity and its natural balance in the cosmos… That’s something which Kayla Elindottir has never experienced in her life, having been born on Gardenia, an interstellar vessel en-route to a new star with planets to colonize. It is, however, something she thinks about constantly while looking into the vast array of bright specks in the blackness beyond Gardenia’s windows. Since the moment she learned of such a thing, it has been both frightening and fascinating. It’s a wonder how life has managed before these ships. The first Gardenian by birth, earthling by origin, and Icelandic by heritage, she is one of few “humans” left dotted around the Matron’s empire. Of course, that means nothing to her except a fun fact her mothers like to bring up. She’s only ever known those who are around her, a handful of Venusian explorers and their children, all of different species.
 If anything, she feels rather underwhelming. This crew is a hardy bunch, as the planet is quite far away and only the most survivable of species aside from humans were permitted. The “Aside from humans” part is something she’s reminded of every time she talks to Valerie Nubal, the “captain” of sorts. A demonic looking figure with purple lips, slightly tanned skin, solid black irises, dark unkempt hair, two large brown horns pointing forward from the sides of her head in a hook shape, and a pair of blood-red wings that give her an intimidating look. She’s a hybrid of two races that imbues her with a lot of biological ruggedness but binds her to a diet of blood. She’s also a dismissive and arrogant woman if Kay’s ever seen one. It took a lifetime of begging and a miracle before Val would be hounded into letting Kay become the ship’s communications decoder, her life’s passion. She’s obsessed with this great society she’s never seen, and decoding is the only link to it. Like an archaeologist dusting off sacred thousand-year-old tomes from an ancient civilization, she decodes messages to the ship’s navigation systems. No words, nor pictures, it is only the guidance data that has become distorted over lightyears of travel. These messages are the only proof of this vast utopian society that she’s only heard stories of. Everything she’s done since she was born leads back to the expansion of the Great Matron’s empire. The information they get moves barely faster than the ship itself and is full of vital data to travel between such unimaginable distances and end up where it needs to be. Still, to Kay, this is the closest for now that she will get to this society of countless billions beyond the handful of people she knows.
 Soon, however, this will change as it’s so close, and the star is in view. Gardenia will no longer need these signals, and she will one day be able to communicate with her distant relatives in these very channels she maintains.
Still, there will be quite some time before she sees them. There will be a period of colonizing the designated robotically terraformed planets. She will probably have her own children, the crew with her will be the seed of life that expands their ever-growing colony. Only after that will other ships come and take their thousand or so year journey to get there. Still A dream she holds onto, motivation to keep going. “daydreaming again?” Kay snaps back into reality to the sound of her friend’s voice after staring into the abyss beyond the window. Kayla’s easily distracted, but this time it seems warranted. For the longest time all the dots in the sky were meaningless, but one has been growing bigger in the past few years. No longer just another speck of light, it’s become a visible bright ball.
“I know it’s exciting, but you might want to remember to eat” Her friend, Solanas Nubal, says with a playful smirk. Daughter of Valerie, Solanas shares her mother’s wings, almost exactly alike, her horns are swept back however, and her hair is a rich red. Her skin is white and pale and her lips are a soft purple that barely hide her sharp fangs when she speaks. While she and Kay both lack much skin tone, Solanas’ pale anemic looking body stands in deep contrast with Kayla’s soft pink complexion. Solanas couldn’t be any more different from her mother when it comes to personality though. A rather playful and outgoing dragon-hybrid who was also born aboard this ship like Kay. She’s decidedly not one to talk about herself, but she‘s attentive and kind. They’ve been friends for as long as they’ve been alive… and Kay is Solanas’ go-to meal. “Oh sorry, I just… I can’t help it!” Kay responds “Me too, but I think I’d rather let everything surprise me, I’ll experience it all when I get there… well, mother made you some food. Get yourself a nice helping because I’m hungry too, you know” Solanas lets out with a thirsty smile.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right, it’s been a while.” Kayla just smiles back at her before heading to the kitchen. As kayla gets to the dining area, she sees her favorite cheese dumplings laid out for her. Val might not pay much attention to her, but she does feed her well. Kay makes quick work of them. She takes little time devouring her food, never realizing how hungry she was until that first bite. As her belly is full she decides to go and take a nap.
When Kayla wakes up she wonders what time it is. The lights on the ship are out so she must have missed the rest of the light-hours. When she brushes her teeth she notices a wet spot on the side of her neck, then she remembers… Solanas! Oh, I forgot!
 It’s common for Solanas to watch over her when she’s hungry and have a little taste of her to hold her off until she can sink her teeth in.
 It comes as a welcome surprise though since she would otherwise be bored and looking for someone to play a game with. A giddiness and warmth fills her as she rushes into the shower and cleans off, hopping into new clothes and leaving her wristwatch-style lifetracker off as not to set off any alarms in the middle of sleep time with it reporting any irregularities in her vitals while getting fed on. She walks down the dark hallway to Solanas’ room -- Sure enough the light is on.
 Solanas always lamented her mother’s use of concubines, human cattle as she was told. Secretly the thought, as a fantasy, excites Kayla. She likes to feed her maybe more than she should.
 A soft chime plays as she stands in front of the door, the ship letting Solanas know she has a visitor. The door opens and Solanas, lying down in her bed with her massive wings hanging off the far side and a tablet in her hands, looks up at Kays with a smile. “Aww, you remembered me!” she let out playfully as she sat up and adjusted herself to put a pillow under her back and let her wings hang off both sides.
 “Yeah, you left a little reminder, didn’t you?” Kayla replied
 “I hope I didn’t wake you. I just wanted to get a little taste of you. Something to hold me over… it didn’t work though” “No, no… I only just noticed it. I guess I got a bit too relaxed.” Kay said.
 Kayla can already feel Solanas’ hunger growing. It’s rather… cute. For someone so in-control constantly, this is one feeling that she so easily succumbs to. It’s such a powerful thing that she shouldn’t be playing with, but she can’t help but to let it linger on Solanas’ tongue just for a bit longer until it takes over a little.
 Kay casually sits in Solanas’ chair “So how long has it been? I don’t even remember” “You’re really bad at this, Kay. I don’t know which one of us is more hungry right now.” She replied with a knowing grin.
 “Oh, w-what do you mean?” Kay replied “I mean, I’ll be happy to feed you”
Solanas taps her leg, beckoning her. Kayla walks over obediently, Now flustered and hiding her eyes as she crawls on the bed slowly and sits in Solanas’ lap, then starts to undress.
 “Don’t need to get my clothes wet” she says, as if to assure Solanas that she’s just being practical --All while her cheeks turn red.
 Those deep red and hungry eyes trace her body, much too busy to silently judge her now, stopping at her chest where they catch a few beats of that pounding heart nudging against her rib cage. Kay notices, letting out a relieved sigh but also taking a guilty pleasure in the fact that the woman before her is reduced to little more than a hungry animal lost in instinct at the sight of her heart. She teases her heart’s vivid dance for this enthralled woman, grabbing her hand to press her sharp clawed fingers over it. “It’s ready to feed you” Kay says softly. Without saying a word, Solanas takes no time pushing her horns between Kay’s jaw and shoulder, using what little restraint she has left in her to lick at Kay’s neck which sends chills down her spine. Solanas studies the glistening of her wet skin to see her throbbing target better. Kay only mentally prepares as she rests her head to the side while Solanas wraps her lips around her favorite artery, sinking her fangs into the soft pulsing flesh of her exposed neck like a ripe fruit. Kay’s body twitches and a quick soft gasp escapes her lips followed by fast and heavy breaths as Solanas clamps down and punctures the vessel deep inside and begins to swallow gushing crimson. Sharp claws run down Kay’s sides and firmly embrace her chest while the tip of that long red tail trails down her spine, giving her goosebumps all over her body. Kay tries to keep her guilty pleasure a secret, but as the blood touches Solanas’ tongue and she regains her composure, she becomes far too attentive of Kay’s reactions to not know. She now seems to take pleasure in assaulting Kay’s senses with affectionate little touches while engorging herself, teasing her and fulfilling that known desire if only for the mutual benefit of doing it.
 A firm but gentle embrace gently guides Kayla’s subdued body, following every lead as her heart’s beat quickens and that gentle rhythmic flow becomes mouth-filling squirts when she sinks into her depraved fantasy. Kay pants in humiliating ecstasy to feel the rhythmic suckling and licking of her neck while the blood rushes out of her to feed the hungry woman… all of course to her demonic mistress’ delight.
 Solanas is as eager to take as Kay is eager to give, moaning into her neck as she greedily consumes her life-force… too eager even, for one little heart to give. Too much, too fast. Just as Solanas fulfills Kay’s secret little wishes and gets into the rhythm of swallowing the heavy torrents of her life, she feels Kay’s arms begin to tremble, and that mighty little heart in her chest, with what seemed like endless vitality, starts to become dysrhythmic and angry, desperate even. Kay, far too lost in the feeling, her eyes full of those majestic wings batting in front of her while the room’s light behind them shows the veiny streaks becoming increasingly vivid. She only notices when Solanas stops drinking and presses her hand against her neck. Blood flows between her scaly fingers and drips on her own body, but due to the reaction between Solanas’ scales and injured flesh, her collagen binding and healing process goes into over-drive and the bleeding stops quickly. Kay’s eyes fill with shame and disappointment, they plead for just a bit more… but her clattering teeth and whitening skin says it was already a bit much. As Solanas lets go, kay has nothing more to say than
 “I’m more than full, Kayla. I’m pinker than you right now” she laughs, kissing over her fluttering heart for a job well done. “Here, lay with me for the night. I’ll feel better being able to watch over you” Solanas says
Kay would blush if she had blood to spare for her cheeks, but for now she only accepts defeat and rolls off onto the other side of the small bed, grabbing Solanas’ leg between hers and making use of what little space is left.
 When Kay wakes up, she notices Solanas missing. She gets up but her head feels light, still not recovered. She puts on her clothes and stumbles out of Solanas’ room just in time to be seen by Oleanna
A look of disgust crosses the lapine’s face at the sight of the dried blood on her neck “Ugh, I wish she’d grow blood cells in the farm like Yrsa does with meat.” That… aggressive behavior. It has no place here. Her kind have such violent tendencies” “It’s fine it doesn’t hurt much” Kay replies
Oleanna is usually not the lecturing kind, but it’d be an understatement to say she’s not a fan of the process.
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elmidol · 4 years
Prisoner of the First Order (NSFW)
Three Blind Tooke Part One Resistance is Futile
Read on AO3
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Warnings: oral, face sitting, attempted murder
Three Blind Tooke Part One: Resistance is Futile Chapter Thirteen: Prisoner of the First Order
As our bodies lie entwined, I am not yours, you are not mine; Strangers interlocked with fate, One of us the killer, the other the bait.
If someone had told you that you would be straddling Kylo Ren’s face, you would have wondered what the hell they were talking about. If they had told you that you would be grinding down against him as he moaned underneath you, his tongue buried in your cunt, you would have blushed and probably either slapped or punched them in the face. Yet that was exactly what you were doing. Your hands were still in their restraints, so you could not grab at his head, else you would. Instead you pressed yourself closer against him. You could feel his lips curl into a smile, his eyes full-blown as he stared up at you in with a lust-filled gaze.
Your breathing was heavy, and you threw your head back as you were brought to orgasm. Kylo Ren swallowed greedily, his tongue lapping until he had his fill. Only then did he turn you around so that he could lower you where your head was upon the pillow. The sound of his zipper being dragged down had your eyebrows rising. Before he did anything else, he crossed his arms in front of himself, grabbed the hem of his shirt, and pulled the cloth over his head. Your eyes wandered along his naked torso. He was well-toned; something you could have appreciated more had the two of you been on the same side of the war. You pushed aside such thoughts, allowing yourself to be wrapped up in the moment.
The sight of him seizing his bottom lip with his teeth as he pushed the head of his cock into you had you gasping as much as the pleasant pressure derived from that action. He was clearly enjoying himself, letting go more than he ever had. His mouth was open, his eyes closing as he started to fuck you. You licked your lips, watching as he moved so that his chest was to yours. Your shirt was riding up on you; he hadn’t touched it in any attempt to remove the cloth from you. A part of you was thankful for this—a rather large part. His mouth was on your throat, tongue and teeth attacking until he shifted to kiss your cheek. You nuzzled your way to his neck.
Having been so obedient up to that point, you were able to go for it. He had his defenses down, and you sunk your teeth into him. Blood splashed into your mouth, and you kept biting down. Harder and harder—until his hand flew up and he pinched the sides of your face so that you were forced to release him. Kylo Ren pulled out of you, thrusting you away from him and onto the ground. You rolled, leapt up to your feet, and headbutted him, knocking him back against the bed when he had been attempting to stand.
In your peripheral, you could see he had one hand over the injury, keeping the blood from rushing out of him. It was not necessarily a fatal wound, however you knew you had gotten him good. You whipped to the side when he successfully stood, turned, and aimed a kick in his direction. He caught it on his forearm, extended his hand, and summoned his lightsaber into it. You watched as it flew across the room. You grit your teeth, knowing that even one-handed he was a formidable foe. Even mostly naked with his cock hanging out. The man ignited the three plasma blades, and you had to literally drop to the ground to avoid losing an arm.
You rolled—towards him rather than away. At the same time, you angled your body so that you could thrust both your feet at his thigh. You were forced to instead hook your legs halfway up the length of his, using his limbs to pull yourself around him so that you were not stabbed in the shoulder. Sparks flew from where the hot blade met the floor.
I need my fucking hands! you screamed in your head. The next time he aimed an attack your way, you maneuvered yourself so that the blade cut through the chain that connected the shackles on your wrists. Though your hands were still covered by the mittens, which you could not remove due to the shackles, you found that you were able to better defend yourself. You extended one of your arms, using your uninjured hand to grab a part of the bed. You threw yourself across the piece of furniture, putting some distance between you and your captor. A weapon…a weapon…
Suddenly, however, you were paralyzed. You swore in your head, having forgotten about his ability to render you immobile in your desperation to harm or even kill him. You had been on your best behavior since he had given you the cookie; yet while you had been locked away from him for those six cycles, you had been plotting. If kindness was your weakness, you had wondered, why could it not be his as well? And you had learned from your mistake with the mirror shard. He was always on his guard…except for when you were having sex with him.
As he moved around the bed, he at last dropped his hand from his neck in order to adjust himself. You watched the blood slipping down him at a rate that suggested he would need stitches; perhaps a blood transfusion if he took too long in seeking medical attention. You felt a certain level of satisfaction in knowing you had given him that injury. Even if you were about to be killed.
Kylo Ren loomed over you, slowly raising his lightsaber until one of the crossguards was level with your throat. Being paralyzed, you could do nothing except move your eyes to watch each movement he made. Your captor turned the lightsaber to the side and brought the smaller plasma blade closer to your neck. You could feel the heat emanating from it, sweat gathering on your body. Closer and closer. The heat practically burning you—and then doing just that when for a split second it touched your flesh. He drew back the blade almost immediately. You knew then that he had no intention of killing you. No; you, apparently, still held information he wanted.
His thumb hit the switch, and the blades disappeared. “You react poorly to kindness.” Metal and his fist collided with the side of your face. You felt something snap in your jaw and a flash of red and white clouded your vision as you fell to the floor. You were once more in control of your body, not that it did you any good. Raising one of your mitten-clad hands, you touched your face and immediately shuddered. Dislocated, you knew.
He stepped away, the man stumbling a single step due to his blood loss. Though you had ultimately lost and though you were in pain, you inwardly gloated. Kylo Ren tossed his lightsaber onto the bed, covered his wound once more to stifle the flow of blood, and picked up his commlink. He called for a physician as well as stormtroopers. You were dragged out of the room almost immediately, the stormtroopers taking you to med bay so that your dislocated jaw could be remedied.
You were shackled to one of the beds and heavily drugged. The physicians gave you a liquid diet. As for clothing, following a shower you were given a gown commonly worn by patients. You objected to nothing, much too out of it with the drugs they were giving you.
On one of the occasions when you awoke, you blinked your eyes open to find General Hux standing at the end of your bed. His cold stare, those blue eyes, were taking you in with minor curiosity and more than a little disgust. He asked one of the nurses about your condition; it seemed he wanted to use you for more information. Given that you were still having pain and difficulty opening your mouth much, the redhead left without getting what he wanted from you.
When you had recovered a bit more, you were removed from medbay and taken instead to one of the cells aboard the Finalizer. You waited whenever you were awake, counting the seconds and minutes and hours that piled atop one another. It was not as though you had anything better to do.
You took to fantasizing about the past, about a number of your fallen comrades.
Ip sighed in contentment as he lay on his back. You were lying beside him. The two of you had completed a mission wherein not a single one of your comrades had lost their lives. It was not as though there were constant battles between the Resistance and the First Order. Sometimes it was hard to forget that. Yet when the two of you were on your backs and staring up at all the constellations, it was even harder to remember that there was a war going on at all.
“Meep, what’s your biggest fear?” he asked. Your eyes slid over to Ip. You had seen the creature—person, your mind corrected, yet you ignored it—known as Kylo Ren three times on the battlefield now. That was where your thoughts immediately flew to, however you nudged them aside.
Your gaze left his face to return to the stars. “I…don’t know. Being helpless?”
“Helpless against what?” Ip questioned, urging you to elaborate. Your lips tugged into a frown. Beside you, the man snorted. “Sheesh. If you have to think that hard about it…everything?”
“Well… It’s hard to think about, like, how it was before I joined the Resistance. I was only afraid of more simple things. Not being beautiful. Dying young. Not having a decent job or family. A lot of superficial things.”
“Dying young doesn’t seem superficial.”
“I was also afraid of growing old,” you admitted, wrinkling your nose. That earned a chuckle from your companion. “I guess…it’s that… It was superficial then. I’m still afraid that I will die…die young at that…in this war. But it isn’t uselessly throwing my life away. What I meant by dying young was that…something stupid would happen, and I wouldn’t have done anything worth having lived for. Joining the Resistance…I am willing to die for this, and that doesn’t seem like a waste to me.”
“I think this is why you’re my favorite right now, Meep.” Your frown disappeared, your lips pulling upwards into a small smile. “For your age…you have a mature outlook on things.” For your age. As though you were not even an adult, yet you were. It nearly made you laugh, however your smile merely grew a few inches. “You understand and appreciate the risks, but you know it’s worth it… Not everyone has that level of conviction. And a number who do, man, I think they would crumble in the face of adversity.” It was a high compliment, and you found yourself speechless upon hearing it. “Don’t change, Meep. Don’t let this war break you at all.” You nodded, still unable to find your voice.
The door to your cell opened. You snapped out of your thoughts. Icy-blue eyes set in a cold gaze. Red hair. General Hux strode into the cell with you. His hands were clasped behind his back, and he had an air of superiority about him befitting of his position. He moved forward until he was directly in front of you. You did not flinch under his scrutiny, though you felt rather unnerved by it.
“There are a number of ways to extract information from you,” he drawled, as though it were beneath him to have you even breathing in his presence. “I am aware of your stubbornness. Now, how shall we proceed?”
You blinked slowly. “You should kill me,” you said evenly. His lips quirked up into a smirk. There was something in his gaze that spoke admiration, though he gave no words of praise; not that you had expected him to, given that the two of you were enemies. “I’ve said it repeatedly.”
“Yes, I am aware,” he said, cocking his head to the side. “And yet we have managed to obtain information from you all the same. It has taken time, however you have proven to be quite useful.”
“I have nothing left to say, to give,” you stated, prompting General Hux to step closer. He kept a certain distance between your face and his. This was much different than how Kylo Ren had treated you. “What?”
The high ranking First Order officer released what sounded almost as though it was a breathy laugh. “Other Resistance members who were subjected to isolation broke within the first week.” You blinked. “It’s been three, and here you aren’t even begging to give me information. I see now what Ren spoke of; you are patient. How long were you placed in solitary confinement during your training?” Your lips pressed into a thin line. “Such a cruel method, yet they clearly conducted themselves in an effective manner. The entire second cell wasn’t eliminated, was it? There are three long-distance shooters per cell at any given time. Two of which are highly trained. One always a trainee to replace one of the other two. Only one of the veterans deployed at a time.
“That much we obtained by watching you, by tracking the movements of your cell…by killing the members of it. The second cell—we had believed that all were eliminated, however I had my doubts. The trainee and one of the veterans were killed. Yet the other, after observing you, I have come to conclusion that she or he is alive. In hiding. Patient. But the First Order is plenty patient as well. And you do have your uses. Simply speaking to you, my suspicions have been confirmed.” You narrowed your eyes at him, your face flushing hot at your unwitting betrayal of Resistance information. “Would you like a shower?”
You snarled. “If you’re going to rape me—“
He laughed, a rich sound. “Oh. No. Physically, I won’t deny that you are appealing. However, I have no interest in fucking you. You’re Resistance.” You waited for that next word, the one so many of the First Order spoke. Yet he did not utter it, not until he at last removed his hands from behind his back and set the fingertips of one to his forehead. “Scum, correct? You are fascinating. The first, and perhaps only, that I don’t quite consider to be scum. In fact, your dedication is admirable.” How many times had you been told such things? “A number of my officers are, sadly, lacking in such faith. In such determination.
“Make no mistake: you are a prisoner of the First Order. Yet I can be civil. You can choose to remain here for longer—weeks, if it need be. Or you may have a shower in exchange for something so simple.” He paused. A dramatic effect that he employed so well. You felt yourself holding your breath. “I merely need to know how long you were tutored for.”
“Wh-what?” It had not been what you were expecting. In a way, it was a relief that Kylo Ren had not been able to snatch such information from you. The walls you put up were only so thick. You had been trained using solitary confinement in order for you to learn how to put up such mental walls. To not break so easily. To entertain yourself with ponderings, memories, and fantasies. “Tutored for?”
“Yes. In general. A rough estimate.”
“You’re the reason we latched onto the idea that there might even be a splinter cell. Your accuracy is astounding. Twelve high-ranking officers, most of whom were heavily guarded. Yet you managed to get those shots in. How long did they train you for?”
“You’re wondering whether or not I had a history with such weapons…”
“I am,” he admitted so plainly that it took you a moment to take it in. “Judging by your expression, I would say this is so.”
“Never long-distance.”
“You did, however, have a history with guns?” There truly was no harm in him knowing this. It had no effect on their search for the other Resistance members. You dipped your chin in a nod of confirmation. General Hux was perfectly silent for a number of seconds. The pregnant pause allowed you time to appreciate why he was in the position he was, why he held his position. This man was notorious amongst the Resistance members. You understood why. He was calculating, obviously willing to take risks. “I believe I promised a shower.” You felt your heart begin to race, anticipation and dread welling up inside of you. “A stromtrooper will come to escort…” He trailed off, his brow furrowing when you tensed. “What a queer reaction. Not that I can blame you. Trusting your enemy can be a foolish thing.”
“It’s what you permit them to do.”
“Hm? Ah, the ‘troopers themselves?” Again did you nod. “I see.” General Hux lifted the restraints that you were put in whenever you were hosed down—this had happened only a handful of times during the weeks you had been kept locked up—and worked them onto your wrists and ankles.
You did nothing to protest, to make him change his mind about leading you out of your cell himself. General Hux placed a gloved hand on your back and nudged you towards the door. You stumbled forward, your legs weak from lack of use. Righting yourself, you walked through the door when it opened. Officers and stormtroopers alike looked your way. They stood at attention when they noticed the General, who hardly paid them any heed. You could feel his eyes on you. Always analytical with you, learning from you. A formidable foe, you knew. The hairs on your arms stood on end.
You did not know how to feel when clearly he was escorting you to his private quarters. He had claimed to have no interest in touching you despite his admission that you were physically appealing to him. You wanted to take him at his word, as he had been honest with you thus far. Yet to trust your enemy, as he had stated, could be a foolish thing.
When the pair of you arrived inside his quarters, General Hux seized up his blaster. His finger slid over the trigger and his eyes wandered to your wrists as he unbound them. Holding the weapon level with your head, he instructed you to undo the restraints on your ankles. You obeyed, glad to be rid of them. His eyes were glued to your hands. More specifically, to the two tattoos. His lips twitched before twisting into a cruel smile. He said nothing, however, of the matter and instead gestured towards the door to the refresher. You made your way inside, knowing he was following you and would not leave you alone. This man did not trust you; and for that, you respected him all the more.
You undressed when you were told to do so. He kept his blaster pointed at you at all times. Even while you turned on the spray, waited for the water to heat up, and then climbed inside.
You looked at the scar on your hand from where the mirror shard had dug into your flesh. You turned your hand then and stared at the tattoo. He had put his name on you. Both his names. Yet you were something he was willing to discard when it came down to it. He truly did view you as spoils of war. A mere possession. Like a toy that a mother labels for her child in case it gets lost.
As you thought such things, you had reached for the soap, lathering it into a foam that you scrubbed onto your body. You fully showered, accepting a razor when General Hux handed it to you with the hand that was not holding the blaster. You eyed his weapon, which caused him to smile sardonically and inform you that it was of no use to you. His fingerprint was needed, you ascertained from this comment. You finished showering, shut off the water, and wrung out your hair before wrapping a towel around your body. You were allowed to dry off before he led you back to the other portion of his quarters.
There was a fresh pile of clothing on a chair. Folded to perfection, waiting for you. Upon being told that it was allowed, you walked over to the chair and grabbed the clothes. It was a sort of jumpsuit. Definitely a prisoner’s suit.
You were well aware this was not like your times with Kylo Ren. As soon as you were dressed, General Hux escorted you back to your cell. You had half expected him to pry, to attempt to gain more information from you. Why else take you all the way to his personal quarters? You did not dwell on such thoughts. You were perfectly complacent as he led you back to your cell, as he once more strapped you down to the table.
“So well trained in patience,” General Hux murmured. You could hear the appreciation in his voice, the admiration. You well understood where it came from. He was a general, after all. It was natural he would wish the same skills for all his men. The fact that he could appreciate it in an enemy spoke volumes. In many ways he was as deadly as Kylo Ren. “Yet it is human nature to seek out companionship, even if only on a temporary basis. He has no desire to see you—what was it he called you? Naboo…tooke?” You flinched. His voice was so level, so passive. He was not exactly teasing you, yet his words were like punches.
Kylo Ren had no desire to see you, your mind repeated. He had used you all up, gotten his fill. Or perhaps you had simply injured him enough to make him realize he could not take you lightly.
“We know precisely which planet the other LDS is currently on. Monitoring all in-coming and out-going ships. No red flags yet. Perhaps he or she died from injuries received.”
“You’re looking for a body for confirmation of that.”
“Naturally.” He once more used a pause, although this time it was to change gears. “You are surprisingly well-mannered.” You furrowed your brow, confused as to what he was implying. “Many in your position throw out careless insults, some of which betray information without them realizing what it is they are doing. You, on the other hand, know how to hold your tongue. You seem to choose your words carefully.” You narrowed your eyes, observing him as he watched you. “I am quite fluent in body language as well. Your feelings towards Ren are rather intriguing. Such conflict. You want him dead, and yet… Who is it that he reminds you of?”
“I don’t know what—“
“You needn’t lie. I am sure you’re more than aware that he reminds you of someone… or multiple people. Your general, no doubt,” he said, his smirk fully formed. You were uncertain whether or not the entire First Order knew of Kylo Ren’s heritage, however it seemed that this man did. “However, there seems to be someone else… Perhaps someone from your childhood?” You did nothing more than blink, however he tilted his head back a fraction of an inch, satisfied. “I see. A first love?” You frowned. “No?”
“Why does it matter?”
“Simple curiosity.”
“I’ve heard it’s deadly.”
“You are, by far, the most intriguing prisoner we have had.” It was a compliment, and in a way you were able to take it as such. He was referring to your personality, your reactions. Not your rank. Not your gender. Nothing other than the way you were communicating with him. It almost unnerved you, how much respect this man had managed to gain from you. You would never agree with him, his methods, or his cause; yet you would never be able to deny that you, too, were drawn into the conversation. “Childhood is a rather influential time in our lives.”
You stared at him, allowing your head to tilt to the side. “It was a character in a book.”
“That he reminds you of?”
“Not exactly. One of my friends on Naboo liked the character. I didn’t. It wasn’t until I was older that I finally understood the appeal the character had for her. A certain complexity that you don’t comprehend when you’re younger.”
“I see. Your interactions with Ren have reminded you of such complexities.”
“Where were you raised?”
There was a moment of quiet, which you believed meant he would not answer. “Arkanis.”
“I’ve never been there.” You sighed, closing your eyes and turning your face away from him. “The senator is part of the Centrist faction, isn’t she?”
“You’re rather well-versed in politics.”
“Not really. There is a lot I don’t know.”
“Is that modesty or avoidance?”
You chuckled, shaking your head a bit. “Both. You truly are perceptive.”
“It is solely the fact that you remain respectful that I am humoring your need for a conversation,” General Hux stated.
It was your turn to smirk. “Plus the off-chance that I reveal anything useful to you.”
“There is that,” he said, crossing his arms behind his back and watching you. You had once more turned to him, your eyes meeting his. “Yet I must admit that I don’t think you would be so careless…not yet. Perhaps the two of us will speak again…following the execution of the other LDS.”
You grit your teeth, yet kept your mouth shut as the First Order General left your cell.
Alone again, with nothing but your thoughts. You waited, waited, and waited. Time passed you by once more. You knew it had been longer than a day since the redhead had spoken with you. But exactly how long?
Kylo Ren doesn’t even care if I am well… He wants me dead. You sighed. That’s how it should be.
The door to your cell opened, and you again jumped. It wasn’t mealtime yet, was it? Your confusion only grew when Urvno stepped around so that you could see him. He had a kit with him, a syringe with local anesthetics. The physician nodded in greeting before setting to work at what he had come to do. He removed the chip from you, the birth control. You watched him, having forgotten it was even in you. You had forgotten that they needed to be replaced every now and again. Yet he did not lift up another syringe.
Urvno was beginning to pack away his things when you spoke to him. “That’s it?”
“There is no…need…for a new chip.”
“…I need to speak with…with General Hux.” Urvno appeared taken aback, however he fingered his pocket before drawing out his commlink. You waited patiently as he requested the general’s presence. A confirmation that the man would come came through the commlink. You and Urvno waited. When the redhead did enter, his eyes darted immediately to you, an expectant look on his face. “I… I need…the… I need a new chip.”
“A new chip,” General Hux repeated. His lips tugged into a frown. “You’ve been fondled in the past?” You swallowed down some spit as you slowly began to nod. It ashamed you to admit as much. Here you were, asking for a sort of mercy from your enemy. General Hux looked to Urvno. “Do it.” As his order was carried out, his blue eyes lingered on you. “Another week. It’s been a month since you’ve been here. A small portion of the third cell was located. All minor players. The cell knew to go into hiding… There must be a means of communication between the three cells. It would be how the Resistance would know when to send in new LDS trainees when replacements are needed.
“There is a chance the third cell has been dissolved from its previous state. Yet the LDS… the three from the third cell, and the one from the second, will continue to be hunted; make no mistake of that. You said you have never been to Arkanis.”
“So?” You winced as the chip was pushed into you.
“A Centrist faction of the New Republic. Those in opposition to your general, or at least the most vocal about it. If one wanted to hide, it would not be there. Too much of a risk. Neutral territory, or else one of the Populists’s planets. But they cannot hide forever.”
“You…you’ve infiltrated the New Republic…those Centrists…”
“You listen well. However, I would not necessarily call it an infiltration. The two factions were quite honest with their views.”
“Perhaps not to the extreme that they held them.”
“Perhaps not. This is true for both sides.” General Hux waited until Urvno finished putting away his things and left before speaking. “You’ve resigned yourself to your fate, I am sure. You’re willing to accept death for the sake of one last ditch effort at aiding the Resistance. Be that by holding your tongue or by harming someone… You would attempt to kill me if given the chance.”
“I would.”
“We understand one another.”
“That you plan to use me in some way…that I will fight against it. That’s all I understand.”
“I see. Then I will show you the same respect you have displayed by telling you this: unlike in the past, the punches will not be held. Ren has no interest in keeping you alive any longer. You are at our complete mercy.”
“You’re a merciless man.”
“I am a strategic man,” he countered, causing you to hold your tongue. “Ren has no interest in keeping you alive. I, on the other hand, am aware of certain benefits in not yet killing you. You need only to be properly tamed. You’re patient, yet so am I. I do not expect you to agree with me, nor am I under any misconception that you will ever fully yield to the First Order. However, I am aware of what lengths you would go to in order to aid the Resistance. What straws you would grasp at. So long as I control what victories you achieve, there can be no harm.”
“In other words, you’re treating me like a muzzled dog.”
“Or perhaps a de-clawed cat.”
“I guess that would be more accurate.”
“In that you will attempt to lash out with your teeth—with whatever resources and at whatever chance you get? Precisely.”
“You truly are a ruthless man.” His smile was a little less cruel, as though he appreciated your characterization of him.
[I left one monster for another; One had claws and the other had teeth. Always there was one thing I feared— Their silver tongues would frighten me.]
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iamnotoriginalphil · 5 years
Lessons in Love (Bucky x Reader) - Part 11
Synopsis: Bucky finally explains where he was for that week.
Words: 1582
Warnings: swearing, smut
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
You strained up against the scarves, arching your back off the mattress. You whined, wanting the hot touch on your body again. Buck was standing over your body, slowly stroking his hardened length as his eyes roamed over your body. You wanted to press your legs together, get some kind of friction, but he’d tied your ankles to the bedposts at the bottom of the bed. You were spread for him, waiting for his touch.
He thrust his hips against his hand as he ran his thumb over the leaking tip. You whined again, biting down on your bottom lip. You wanted to wrap your mouth around him, taste his skin, make him feel good. His eyes darkened as he pumped his fist fast a couple of times.
“Bucky,” you whined, straining against the scarves around your wrists again.
He ignored you, his own hand coming up to tweak at his own nipple. Every cell of your body was straining towards him and you could feel the steady throb between your legs. You couldn’t catch your breath as you watched him. You wanted to taste him.
“Patience is a virtue, darling,” he ground out as he thrust into his hand again.
“Please,” you whined.
He chuckled before it turned into a low groan as he tightened his hold on himself. All you could do was watch as his skin flushed. He was panting as his fist sped up. He kept his eyes trained on you, the gaze hot enough to leave you feeling burnt.
He came with a low grunt, the white stream spurted over your chest. You watched, unable to look away at the pleasure washing over his face. He let out a long sigh, his eyes sweeping over your cum covered skin, a lazy smirk growing on his face.
“That was fun, wasn’t it darling?”
He ran his finger over your bare stomach as he stepped down towards the end of the bed. He trailed his eyes up your legs, licking his lip when he came to the apex of your thighs. You tried to keep watching him, straining your neck up but he stepped back from the bed, just out of your line of sight.
“Bucky,” you whined again.
His cum was beginning to cool against your skin and you weren’t sure if he was coming back. You lay, waiting for him, unable to move. The throbbing between your legs was still distracting and you tried to shift your hips, as if that would be a help.
“You make such a pretty picture,” Bucky said, from what you thought was the doorway.
“Please,” you moaned.
“Please what, darling?” he asked, “use your words.”
“Fuck me,” you groaned, pressing your face into the pillow.
You heard quiet footfalls, making their way to the foot of the bed. You looked over, watching as he took a long drink from a glass of water. He bent down, placing it on the floor. He licked his lips again as he dragged his gaze over your body. You were almost vibrating with need.
He put his hand on your ankles, running them up your shin. You shuddered from the skin on skin contact. He knelt between your legs, his hands climbing further up your legs. You were watching as he gave you a feral smile before diving between your thighs.
His tongue licked up your slit, your hips jutting up without your permission. He pinned them down, his tongue lapping at your folds, his nose nudging against your clit. You let out a strangled moan, pressing your face back into the pillow.
He closed his lips around your clit, sucking hard enough to send shockwaves through your body. Stars were bursting behind your eyes. You let out a cry, your body arching off the bed. He hummed against your core and you couldn’t stop the moan tumbling from your lips.
He lapped at your entrance, his tongue beginning to push within you. You made a high keening noise, your fingers clutching at the ties holding your arms above your head. You writhed as he pressed himself closer to you, licking into you as your legs began to tremble.
He brought his hand up, his thumb rubbing circles with a rough touch. You were making all kinds of noises as you were brought closer and closer to you high. Just as you bit down onto the pillow, your muscles beginning to spasm, the warmth of his body disappeared from your body.
You let out a cry, jerking against your restraints as you tried to follow him. You heard him chuckle, once again out of sight of you. You were gasping, sweat beginning to bead at your temples.
“Bucky?” you whimpered.
Silence greeted you. You shook, the cold air beginning to prickle at your skin after the heat of his touch. You tried to crane your neck to see where he might be but he had completely disappeared from view. You flopped down on the bed, your muscles still tense as your core throbbed in time with your racing heart, your eyes squeezed shut in frustration.
A weight settled over your body and you snapped your eyes open. Bucky was looking down at you with fire burning in his eyes, his face serious as he held himself above you.
“Giving up so easily?” he asked as he settled himself between your legs.
“No,” you breathed, watching as he ducked his head.
His lips attached to your neck, teeth biting down onto the vulnerable flesh. You arched your neck, wanting more from him. He trailed his lips down, teeth scraping, warm tongue soothing. You strained against your bindings, trying to follow him.
He stopped at your breasts, his lips wrapping around one nipple. You moaned, the flames of desire flickering over your skin. With a snap of his hips, he sheathed himself within you. You cried out, your hips rising as best they could.
He drew back from your skin, watching you as he set a ruthless pace. You could do little more than gasp and moan as he pounded into you. Your bones felt as if they had turned to jelly as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through your body.
He came with a grunt, burying his head in your neck. You felt the sweat begin to cool on your skin despite the warmth of his body against yours. You sighed, pressing a kiss to his head despite the awkward angle.
He sat up form you, his softened length slipping from within you. He got off the bed, moving out of sight again. You laid back on the pillows, closing your eyes. You felt a warm hand grasp your left ankle, the material releasing you, quickly followed by the other. You bent your knees, feeling the stiff muscles protest as you tried to bring feeling back to them.
He sat beside your head, releasing your wrists from above your head. He took your hands, rubbing over your wrists to bring the blood flow back. You rolled to your side, looking up at him as he concentrated on your arms. His hair was falling in his face but his eyes were darkening once again.
When you’d arrived he’d been out of sorts, all sharp words and stifling silences. That was until he’d kissed you with such intensity that you’d lost all thoughts of what might be troubling him. They were now rushing into your mind again as his face darkened.
“Bucky?” you asked, sitting.
“Was I not up to expectation?” he asked.
“That’s not it,” you replied, taking your hand from his hold, brushing his hair off his faee, “where were you last week?”
“I was here, darling.”
“In your apartment?”
“Where else?”
“So what’s wrong?”
“Why would you think something is wrong?” he asked.
“I’ve spent enough time with you to know when something is wrong,” you replied, “perhaps it’s my company.”
“Then what?” you demanded.
He sighed and stood. He reached down, grabbing your hand and yanking you off the bed. You stumbled, his arm wrapping around your body to keep you from falling. You looked up into his face. His jaw was set, his eyes burning.
He dragged you into the bathroom, pushing you into the shower once the water was warmed up. He stood you under the spray, his fingers trailing over the mess he’d left on your chest. You kept your eyes on him, watching as he focused on cleaning you.
“Bucky?” you asked, “talk to me.”
“It’s Steve’s birthday today,” he grunted, not looking at you.
You reached out for him, cupping his cheek. He ket his eyes averted, focusing on your body. You ran your thumb over his cheekbone, waiting for him to look at you. Slowly he dragged his eyes up to meet your’s. You gave him a small smile.
‘I’m sorry,” you said.
“Nothing to do with you, doll,” he replied.
You pressed a kiss to his cheek, knowing he disliked discussing Steve. He ran his hand over your back, his fingers trialing down your spine.
“Every year we would go for dinner and drinking,” he said, “we had a standing reservation and they called to confirm this morning.”
You slipped your arms around his waist, pressing your body against his in a hug. He buried his nose in your now soaking wet hair. He let out a long shuddering breath and you held him tighter. Your heart broke for the broken man in your arms.
Tags: @libellule2001 @sebs-daybreak
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fangirlfanwritings · 5 years
Bucky Barns x Steve!sister Request
Hello again! 😊 Can I request a Bucky one-shot where he's fallen in love with Steve's twin sister (and vice versa)? She gets injected with the super-soldier serum as well (and everyone starts calling her Lady Liberty), making her 100 times stronger and beautiful (Bucky's always thought she was beautiful in all her skinny glory). But unlike her brother, she doesn't end up in ice, instead getting taken by Hydra and brainwashed into a lethal assassin alongside Bucky + getting additional powers.
You sat behind the crowd and listened to Howard Stark talk about the future. How could he talk so happily about the future with the war that was going on? “Hey, there you are. Here, got us popcorn too.” Bucky handed you your drink and popcorn. 
“Thank you.” Seeing him dressed in uniform only made you think more about how the future seemed so uncertain. 
“Hey, what’s going on in that head of yours?”
“I’m scared,” you admitted. “I’m scared of what could happen to you over there. I’m scared Steve’s going to get caught lying on his papers.”
He put an arm around your shoulder and pulled you into his side. “Don’t be scared. You and your brother have always had dumb luck, probably from your hard heads.” You rolled your eyes. “And I’m pretty strong. Plus, I’ve got a gal I’m already eager to get back to.”
“Sounds like a pretty nifty girl.” 
He leaned forward and kissed your temple, “She is.” You two had lost Steve earlier that night when he tried his luck at getting enlisted again. Bucky walked you back home and stood against the wall as you opened the door. 
“You sure you don’t want to come in?”
“I want to come in, but the problem is that if I come in I won’t be able to leave in the morning.”
“Would that be so bad?”
He smirked. “Not unless you’re fine with escaping to Canada.” You couldn’t help but smile. “I do have something to give to you.” You watched as he pulled a small silver ring from his pocket. “It’s not much but I wanted to give you something that showed how much I love you, and that I promise to come back for you.” You let him slip it on your ring finger and felt tears hit your cheeks. 
He wiped them off before holding you close against him. “I love you too, Buck. Please be careful.”
You didn’t even have time to adjust to Buky being gone before your brother showed up at your door, less than a day later. 
“First my boyfriend gets shipped over there, and now you’re telling me that my twin brother is going?” You looked at Steve. “You can’t be serious?”
“I am,” Steve told you. “I leave first thing tomorrow for boot camp.” 
After everything that had happened, losing the love of your life and losing your brother but winning the war, you felt lost. You were contacted by Howard Stark a few months after the war had ended. They had replicated the serum your brother had been injected with and wanted to use it on you. They knew you were honorable like your brother and that you wanted to aid your country, they also knew that your genetic makeup was as close to Steve’s as they were going to get.
You were in the pod being injected and felt like your veins were about to burst. Bright light filled the metal bod and you felt like you were exploding from the inside out. Just when you thought you couldn’t take anymore pain, it was gone and the pod was opening, letting the smoke clear from your face.
When you stepped out you felt taller; that was the first thing you noticed. Then you noticed you could see without your glasses. You looked down at yourself and saw the muscles that hadn’t been there when you went in. 
When you were finally alone in your room hours later you took time to look in the mirror. You couldn’t help but finally consider yourself pretty. Your hair was thicker, your face fuller than it had been, your body more womanly but toned. 
You started being trained by the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division, attempting to take the place of your brother. After a few press conferences and heroic duties around the city you were loving deemed Lady Liberty. 
You were a year into being Lady Liberty when you were set up and taken by Hydra. No matter how hard you fought there were too many men and you were captured. When you came to you almost passed out again. Standing in front of you was your lost love, James Barnes. “Bucky?” You watched as his cold face faltered for a moment, like he was confused. 
“Take her and wipe her, I want her ready to use in three days time.”
Fear coursed through you and you pulled on the restraints. “Buck? James?” Your voice seemed to break him from his trance and the last thing you saw before electricity flowed through your body was Bucky struggling with the guards to reach you.
*Years Later*
You jumped awake with sweat beading on your forehead. You looked next to you but saw the bed was empty. The nightmare of one of your missions from your Hydra days plagued your mind; you knew there was no chance you’d be going back to sleep any time soon. You got up, threw on some shorts and a tank, and made your way to the gym.
You walked to the far end of the gym and lifted a large target up onto a hook with great ease. You took twenty paces and turned, concentrating on the target and quickly shooting a blast of energy at it.
Due to the serum you had gained strength, speed, and agility. After the experimenting Hydra did on you and the large amount of energy that surged through you to keep you under their command, you gained the ability to harness energy and send it through bursts as a weapon. 
You shot blasts out one after the other until you heard the gym door swing close; you hadn’t even heard it open. “Hey, I’ve been looking for you. I should have known to start here.” You looked over at Bucky. “You alright?”
“Yeah, just another nightmare. I woke up and you weren’t there and I knew I wouldn’t be getting back to sleep.”
“Sorry about that,” he came over and wrapped his arms around you. “I was on my way to bed but Steve wanted to talk to me. We ended up walking around and lost track of time.”
“It’s alright, I’m just glad you’re back.” You saw the door begin to open and your twin’s blonde hair step into the gym. “Speak of the devil.”
“Shouldn’t you both be getting to bed?”
“What are you, my big brother?” You asked sarcastically.
“As a matter of fact I am,” he chuckled. “It’s my job to keep you both in check and if I know you two can’t sleep then I can’t sleep.”
You detached from Bucky and put an arm around Steve’s shoulders. “Come on then, Cap. Walk me to my room.”
“I think Buck can handle that.” You three lead to the gym and started going your separate ways to your rooms. “G’night you two.”
You were silent on the way to the room and left Bucky in the room to take a quick shower. You stepped out into the room with one of Bucky’s shirts on and a towel in your hand as you tried to dry your hair. You looked towards the bed and saw Bucky staring shamelessly at you. After all this time he still made you blush. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“I’m just thinking about how beautiful you are.” You huffed and rolled your eyes before handing up your towel. “What was that for?”
“You and your gentlemen behavior.” You laid next to him and put your head on his chest. “I’ll never understand what you saw in be before the serum. I was just some poor, scrawny, too-skinny girl.” He briefly paused the pattern he was tracing on your arm. 
“I saw the more beautiful, smartest, and funniest girl I had ever seen. Even as kids there was always something about you that drove me crazy.”
“Really? Do I still drive you crazy?”
He let out a snort. “More than you’ll ever know, Doll.”
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chogiwank · 5 years
Overexertion | Taeyong Smut & Fluff
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Pairing: Reader x Taeyong
Warnings: PWP,, fluffy at the end,, Rough sex,, unprotected sex ((wrap it before u tap it kids)),, choking,, biting??,, denial,, nothing too much tbh just rough sex n a lil degradation. Prolly shitty dialogue ??? Oops
A/N: well well look who wasn’t lazy to write n finally posted. Whoop!! I hope you guys enjoy!! This is quite short since I was just writing it as a Drabble but it became a lil longer so I hope it’s not shit :)) have a nice read bub - Doyoung’s Darling <3
Anon asked: Hi!! Could you do some! Taeyong smut where you are so horny and he is so busy with his work 😶thank you , ily 😘
Exhaling a shaky breath as his release lands on her sensitive chest, from the previous assault of bites and slaps on her breasts, reddened and nipples hardened, sensitive to even his fingers ghosting over them.
“fuck…shit…” the profanities escape her raspy throat as he roughly kisses each of her breasts. Travelling down from the valley of her breasts to her stomach, halting above her panties, which clung onto her drenched pussy, the aftermath of the hour-long denials, teasing and punishments.
“I can't believe you lasted this long,” he teases, planting a kiss on her hip. “You’ve got good patience baby, you deserve a reward…” teeth biting the fabric of the panties, pulling them down enough to reveal her pussy, a string of arousal connecting the two. “Look at how wet you are. Did you think of me pounding you with my cock, while you sucked it off? Did you want me to slap your pussy with it, just like I did with your pretty face…” a lick up her slit caused an accidental moan and shiver down her spine. “Did you come here to just get fucked by me, because you couldn’t get off on your own, slut?” a whine leaves her throat at his words, a pathetic, frantic nod follows.
“Really, I just dropped by for a h-hello but I m-missed you so much, Taeyong.” Her back arches as she gasps from the pleasure she yearned from him. His mouth on her pussy: sucking on her clit, licking up and down on her folds, collecting her juices. Her hips buck up desperately as she pulls on her restraints, leaving red marks on her wrists. Forced down on the mattress by his tightened grip on her hips, she struggles to move, whimpering at each lick. Eventually, the feeling of the familiar knot she’s been feeling throughout the night in her stomach returns. Squirming under the boy’s hold, squeals began to leave her lips and her chest rose up and down at a rapid pace. Closing her eyes to focus on reaching her climax, she got denied so many times prior, she was close, so close and ready to spill herself over his face. Imagining the sight of his glistening pink lips and chin from her cum, she prepared to make it a reality. Her release approaching as fast as it goes away. A tear threatening to fall as the euphoria disappears, desperate from holding in her cum for so long, and getting denied each time was too much. She wanted it just once, to let herself relax, but knowing Taeyong, he’s going to use her helpless state to his advantage.
“ASSHOLE, why, please, tonight just once, I beg you, once-“
Complying to her desires, he enters her pussy with hard thrusts. Being aggressive enough to smash the bed frame into the wall as he pounds into her, a flow of tears leave her eyes from the intense pleasure, raising Taeyong’s ego, a smirk apparent upon his features complimented by a devilish laugh.
“You’re such-“
“An asshole? I know,” she feels a sting on her thigh from the abrupt slap, and a rough grasp on the skin. “But you’re a brat.” Hand moving up her body, situating around her neck, a tight hold, enough to have her gasping for air. Her naughty smile follows a sultry lip bite from his actions: he bites into her collarbone, sucking and breaking the skin leaving crimson and purple flowers, claiming her as his, “A slut too, but gorgeous, no doubt.” 
No matter how rough they were, how much he degraded her, he never forgot to praise her, reminding her of how lovely and precious she is in his eyes.
Continuing with the steady, rough pace, Taeyong whispers sweet encouragements and filthy compliments as his length slides in and out of her slick pussy. The sounds of skin on skin, wetness and grunts and moans constantly sounding throughout the room.
As her toes curl and eyes shut, Taeyong knew exactly what to do, how to get her to finish, push her buttons, taking her over the edge. In one swift movement, she lets out a scream of his name forming into a chant of profanities. Vision blurring as she passes out from the prolonged, gratifying relief she anticipated.
Taeyong gives a loving smile, “sorry, I tired you out,” heavy breathes as he calms down his breathing. “I really did miss you so much, and I love you y/n.” He mumbles. He admires her exhausted body in its naked glory as the moonlight glows on her skin. The small chill from the cracked open window blows through her hair, and he was mesmerized. In love and mesmerized by her. Her fucked out appearance: make-up messy, hair dishevelled and her body a clutter of love bites, red handprints and the cum which dripped down her pussy onto the sheets. All her aspects, whether looking sumptuous or ravished, were so immaculate and irreplaceable to him. Placing a soft kiss upon her pink flushed cheek, a token of appreciation for being his.
Of course, despite his own fatigue he always cleans her up, this time is no exception. Gathering wet towels, an extra shirt of his and the forgotten panties she left in his dorm room - he sets her for a night’s rest and does the same for himself: a quick shower and change of clothes before laying down beside her. Admiring her beauty, skin beaming from sweat, she still looked like a goddess. An angel who shows him so much love, inspiration and hope. Whatever she may hate about herself, he never let her insult herself: he never thought to deserve anyone like her. Meet someone like her. Never thought she’d be the one with him tonight, in his bed, or yesterday, or tomorrow or the day, month, year after. He only ever imagined she would exist in fictions, those princesses and ethereal creatures, someone as captivating as her, seems fable, but he didn’t care. He could hold her, love her, touch her. She means so much to him, he wants her to know. How will he express his ardour? His thoughts fathom to a conclusion, a ring. The ring he's hiding in his trench coat. Oh boy, he could not wait, a mix of eagerness, excitement and worry fill his mind and feelings, but without a second thought, he knows he wants it. He wants to put the ring on her finger, see her walk down the aisle and without hesitation, reciprocate the words “I do.”
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thenarcolepticone · 6 years
By TheNarcolepticOne
Day 1 and Day 4: Cozy Weather
Summary: It's in the middle of a rainstorm when Alfred gets an unexpected visitor who had been missing in action for the last couple weeks.
Warnings: None
A/N: This story was meant for the @aphfallfandomweek (2018) but I was too caught up with school work to be able to post anything relevant within the first 3 days. I'll post those days sometime later (but I'm cheating this entry to count both as Day 1 and Day 4 since it's relevant LOL). I was in the middle of writing it for Day 1 before realizing this prompt fit both days. Hope this is okay.
Expect some new stories finally seeing the light sometime soon; I'm getting back into the writing mood again, but out of practice enough to not be able to participate in NaNoWriMo.
This story was formatted and edited over an old Omegle RP in 2012. 
Alfred was absolutely bored.
The storm had completely defeated his short-term plan of staying home for the weekend and completing his planned Achievement Hunter video game marathon. But the lightning had gotten the better of this plan, and Alfred groaned, rolling over on the couch. 
Thankfully, his phone was still at a solid 91%, which indicated that he was still able to answer some of his students’ emails. But Alfred already had a rule in place that physically disallowed him from answering such emails: he worked his ass off so much in the week that he kept that rule strictly followed to stop himself from accidentally forgetting to eat his meals again. Treating himself was not a practice that he felt accustomed to, but he was forcing it upon himself before he ended up too focused for the next 18 hours.
But that didn’t necessarily solve his primary dilemma: Alfred was still bored. 
There was nothing in the house that he felt he could physically do, and honestly killing his phone off would be the worst thing that he could end up doing right about now. So, for now, Alfred had decidedly turned off the phone’s LTE status and let it sit silently in his pocket while he waited impatiently on the couch for the storm to end. 
Alfred could hear the rustling of the fall leaves outside, with the rain hitting his window like a coordinated attack. It caused instances of randomized droplets to hit his window. This was paired with the wind as if it were knocking gently on Alfred’s door to open it for him. And Alfred mentally exhausted himself thinking about all the leaves he would have to rake up later. Alfred exhaled through his noise quietly, turning over to lay on his side as he stared at the television. Come on, Jones. Where was the creativity he had when he was a kid? What would his 8-year-old self even do in this situation to make it less boring?
After having almost talked himself to make a pillow fort, Alfred sat up at the sound of angry knocking on his door that didn’t sound at all like the weather outside. He blinked, sitting up as he stared in the direction of the sound. He tugged his phone out of his pocket for 2 seconds to read the time. 
10:49 PM
Alfred frowned. Well great. This was the most opportune time for someone to rob his house, isn’t it? In the middle of a rainstorm? Where no one would hear his screams...
The knock was heard again, causing Alfred to jump. In an instant, he stood up, grabbing his University sweatshirt on the couch as he made his way to the door.
“I’m coming,” he called to the door lazily. ‘Oh well,’ Alfred thought. Honestly, if a person did come to rob his house directly, it would at least give him something to do. Maybe he put those PUBG skills to the test. Something. Anything.
Using his phone, he turned on the flashlight, opening the front door and shining the light down on the man’s feet. The wind almost blew the door enough to slam into the wall, had Alfred not caught it.
The light had made it a lot easier for Alfred to see his visitor’s face; it was one that looked too adjusted to the darkness enough to cringe from the sight of the brightness.
“Oh!” Alfred smiled, turning the phone away from the other. Not a robber. “Hey, Arthur. I didn’t expect that you’d be here.”
“Of course not,” Arthur murmured irritably. His rain matted hair had a scent of earth to it as he pushed past Alfred quickly to get into the house and out of the rain. Without permission. Alfred closed the door as he locked it tightly with three locks for good measure, though a bit bothered by the sudden intrusion.
“Nice to see you too,” Alfred said tiredly back, going to follow him.
The Englishman hung his coat on the side of the leather couch that Alfred had lain on ear-lier, dripping rain all over onto it. Alfred rolled his eyes, retrieving scooping the coat up and bringing it to the clothing rack he had next to the door to let it drip dry there instead. When Alfred returned, Arthur was found lying on the couch where he previously was, and exactly the same position Alfred was too.
“Okay, time out,” Alfred said suddenly, arms crossing as he went to then go up to Arthur. He couldn’t quite see his face well in the darkness, so he grabbed his phone and shined it directly into his face. It caused the other to wince, holding a hand up to cover the beam. 
It’s from this decision that Alfred was able to see that Arthur looked absolutely tired and at the same time, soaked. His clothes were sticking to his skin and his face looked absolutely pale from being outside. The raindrops that were on his face were reflected from the light, and it showed just how drenched he was.
But this did not make Alfred any more sympathetic.
“Dude. I know I said you were welcome into my house anytime,” Alfred said exasperatedly. “But literally crashing inside of my house without even explaining what the fuck happened to you in the first place... I could report you for trespassing.”
“Sorry, sorry,” Arthur apologized laxly as he kept swatting the light uselessly away. Alfred turned off the light and Arthur opened his eyes again to meet Alfred’s, revealing half-lidded, unfocused eyes. “I wouldn’t have come here if I had known your power was out. But I didn’t know where else to go.”
Alfred sighed loudly at that response. “Come on. I was going to take a shower before the water got cold later. But I guess you can have it. I don’t want your dirty germs all over this place or else Matt’ll have my head next time he visits.”
With a heave, Arthur eventually got up from the seat, wobbling a little in his stance on the way out of the living room. Alfred caught him before he was able to lose his footing, arm around his shoulder as he began to help him stand up straight.
“Okay,” Alfred exhaled as he began to help him step by step. “So, you’re getting fatigued from being outside in the rain for too long. How long were you even out there?”
“Oh, you know,” Arthur sounded hoarse when he began to speak again. “A few hours.”
“Hours?” Alfred almost shouted incredulously. But before he could inquire more, Arthur began to wobble again, causing him to stumble with him to catch him. And with some effort, the two of them made it to the bathroom. Alfred set his phone flashlight on and placed the device on the sink counter. It’s then that he began to start smelling something else faint from Arthur’s breath. Alfred deadpanned.
“You’re drunk, aren’t you.”
“A little.”
Alfred just let Arthur sit down on the toilet as he began the water and gathered towels. It was a thunderous noise that rivaled that from the rumbling outside.
“Stress. Why else would anyone drink?” Arthur snorted, leaning back against the toilet seat frame as he watched Alfred tiredly.
“Well yeah. But everyone has a reason.” Alfred said passively, pulling the knob to turn the shower on. He let Arthur undress, though he was familiar with helping him if he needed. Alfred’s brother hadn’t been too much different in high school with his marijuana addiction; always lethargic and slow.
“Alistair,” he said as he got into the tub as if it were an explanation. Alfred closed the curtains and sat on the toilet seat, finally taking a moment to catch his breath before waiting for him to finish. The sounds of flowing water were heard against the curtain, just like the windows. 
“He finally kicked me out,” Arthur finally clarified. The sound of a stressed, squeezing bottle was heard. “Gave him a good shiner for being a selfish spaz and letting his girlfriend take advantage of him again. She’s ugly too.”
“... well, no wonder why he kicked you out.” Alfred commented. “You know you don’t just call your brother’s girlfriend anything worse than ‘a bitch’ and expect to get away from it without an injury.”
“He deserved it though!” Arthur complained. “He’s been playing into her selfish demands like he doesn’t have his own sense of restraint. I already told him off once about it and he didn’t want to fix the problem. Kept saying that I was the problem.”
The water shut off immediately and instinctively, Alfred tossed in a towel from the top of the curtain. Arthur grabbed it.
“Well, anyway,” Arthur continued as he pulled the curtain open and stepped out; towel wrapped around him comfortably. “I was hoping to get to Francis’ by bus. But I had the unfortunate luck of standing outside for a good thirty minutes before decidedly walking here for an additional 2 hours.”
Alfred frowned. Hmm.
Alistair and Arthur had shared an apartment together in the hopes of saving some money and the trouble of putting up with a new roommate who might potentially be a worse candidate. But Arthur had eventually been unable to keep up with the pay, last Alfred had heard. The University’s English Department recently began some budget cuts that were more than just a few thousand dollars. And because of this, Arthur had gotten the short end of the stick and was fired immediately, even after recently being hired for the last few months.
Which was a waste, honestly. Arthur had become a quick favorite amongst others in the department. But since getting fired, Arthur hadn’t been himself lately. And Alfred knew that his own choice of words of ‘my house is open for you’ seemed appropriate at the time. And he definitely needed that help, evidently.
Alfred, as well as Alistair, didn’t think it would take this long for Arthur to find a job, of course. But after about two weeks, Arthur stopped texting Alfred on updates. Alfred already assumed the Englishman had gone away to a different state by then, or even back to England.
Alfred stretched his legs in the seat as he went to retrieve the clothes for him.
Arthur followed his stance a bit better after the shower.
“Sorry I ain’t got nothing to entertain you with; power being out and all.”
Arthur shivered visibly as Alfred went to his bedroom, swinging the closet open. Inside was a stockpile of University-sponsored clothing but a healthy amount of professional wear which were reserved for when he had to teach.
“Perhaps it was a bad idea to come to your place in this weather,” Arthur was heard grumbling, trapping his hands under his armpits in an attempt to keep warm as well as keep the towel around him. “And I assume that means you aren’t spending your weekend on your consoles again?”
Alfred practically threw his sweatshirt and striped pajama pants at Arthur, letting it plop against his face.
“I don’t wanna hear you start disrespecting me after I just let you use my shower,” Alfred huffed. “And video games are completely valid as a way to relieve stress. You know. Instead of drinking.”
“Touché.” Arthur agreed as he took the sweater and wrestled the sweater on. But even after this, he was still visibly shivering.
“You’re still cold?”
“Yeah, no. I’ll be right back.”
Shutting the closet door, he began for the living room again, opening up a drawer right next to the fireplace that held a stash of ridiculously thick blankets reserved only for the winter. Arthur trailed behind again like a lost puppy.
“Even now, you still don’t like to listen to me,” Arthur murmured, sitting back on the couch. “But thank you.”
“I never like listening to stubborn people anyway,” Alfred retorted back. “And you’re welcome.”
Alfred went over to sit next to him, now realizing that he was starting back again at square one and staring at his blank television screen. After a few moments, Arthur interrupted the silence.
“Well? Aren’t you cold?
“It’s not like I was out in a storm,” Alfred snapped back, already irritated that Arthur was still talking.
Arthur rolled his eyes. “Right. Then what exactly were you even doing here before I got here? I was hoping at least you could think of something for us to do.”
“How should I know?” Alfred was annoyed now. “I wasn’t expecting company before you got here. All I really did was sit here and planned to wait until the power went back on. Or maybe make a pillow fort.”
“Well, that’s hardly anything productive. I would have thought someone like you would stay organized. I mean. You’re the one who still has a job.”
Alfred ran a hand through his hair and groaned. The last thing he wanted as a fight with Arthur when he was being unreasonable and tipsy.
“You know, I could also kick you out too.”
“I know.”
Silence followed.
“Have you any flashlights?”
Alfred closed his eyes. “No batteries.”
“Not even the batteries?” Arthur gawked. “I thought you were the engineer type and owned at least a few backups.”
“Geez, keep your voice down,” Alfred flinched, turning his head to face the other. Despite the harshness of Arthur’s voice, he was found leaned back against the chair with the recliner up, eyes closed. He still looked angry, even with his eyebrows furrowed.
“And I was going to get some tomorrow the next time I went shopping,” Alfred continued. “Which was going to be tomorrow. My bad that I didn’t know the power would get blown out by tonight."
“That’s entirely inexcusable,”
“Like I said, how was I supposed to know that I needed batteries the day before I planned to get the fucking batteries?”
Arthur opened his eyes again, staring at the ceiling a moment before turning his gaze to Alfred’s. Alfred briefly wondered how he even had the energy to retaliate responses being so sluggish.
“Then do you want to talk then?”
“It’s an idea,” Arthur sighed. “Sorry. I’ve just been... very quiet about everything for a while. At home with Alistair. I just want to talk. You’re the first person who’s actually held a civil conversation with me within the last week.”
Alfred sighed. “Every time we talk, it ends up in a fight, remember? Back at the coffee shop when we hung out after work?”
“Well, fighting is at least something to do, isn’t it?” Arthur remarked. And Alfred couldn’t help but actually crack a smile at that.
“That’s true.”
It’s at this moment that Arthur was seen moving again, turning to meet Alfred’s face as he shifted in his lain position to look at him. Alfred just pulled his feet up, looking at Arthur curiously.
“... so,” Arthur began first. “What’s been going on with your life?” 
“Not a whole lot,” Alfred admitted, leaning his head on the side with the cushion. “Organizing my teaching schedule. Playing video games. Sitting around.”
Arthur crinkled his nose. “And eating at McDonald’s?” 
“Well, not so much. I haven’t been feeling like leaving the house lately. Hard to when all the budget cuts keep happening and all your colleagues move away from you. Friends are hard to make.”
“I didn’t take you for the type to be avoiding the opportunity being social. Why?”
Alfred averted his gaze, staring at the blank television. “I just haven’t been in the mood. Do I need to have a reason?”
“Rationally,” Arthur was heard shuffling in his seat. “But I mean. Me myself as a bit of an introvert, I can’t necessarily condone you for wanting time to yourself. I would much rather spend the time reading on weekends than attempting to find a teaching job.”
“Well, reading makes you a lot smarter and all that jazz, so I don’t really think it’s a waste of time.”
Arthur yawned. “Perhaps.”
“A little. I’m still cold.”
“Still??” Alfred sat up. “Well, I don’t know how many blankets you need, Art. But...” his eyes went to the fireplace. And in a few minutes went to collect some paper and a lighter.
Arthur, sensing what Alfred was doing, eyed the man around the pace of the room. And when Arthur noticed the fire, he began to stare at it. Alfred blew onto it, starting it enough to begin a flame. Arthur got up, going over to the fire and sitting on the rugged floor. And Alfred went to sit down next to him, staring at it. And after a while, the flame built itself up to get larger, warmer.
“It’s really cozy,” Arthur mentioned, keeping his gaze on the light. But not before giving Alfred a look.
“Don’t mention it. Let’s go find you a job tomorrow, okay?”
“You don’t have to do that, you know.”
“Hey,” Alfred gave him a serious look. “You’re staying at my house so my rules.” Arthur couldn’t help but feel himself smile at that. “... you’re too good for your own good, you know that.”
“So, I’ve been told. But I heard downtown, they opened up a new elementary school. Wanna go check that out?”
“Maybe,” Arthur sniffled as he rubbed his nose. The congestion was starting.
“Though, I’m not good with kids.”
“Kids are a lot better to handle. At least they act their age. It’s more frustrating to deal with adults acting like kids in a college classroom.”
Arthur laughed. “Honestly.”
Alfred smiled back, eventually giving Arthur a light punch to his shoulder. Arthur stayed smiling now. 
“I’m here for you, dude.” 
“I’m very grateful for it. Thank you.” 
“But also, if the power doesn’t come back on by the morning, I’ll blame you for taking all the hot water in the shower.”
Arthur’s smile faded. “Fair enough.”
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cannedapricot · 6 years
the wind, the sky, and you.
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ocean man take me by the hand. hahHAHAH i’m sorry
lmAO am i just gonna be writing seasonal fics for the dreamies or what bsefveVBIFUVE i swear i’ll write something non-seasonal one day. i had a hard time choosing between jeno and haechan for a summer fic but jeno won in the end sorry hyuck i still love you :c
you can find the spring fic i did for renjun here but it’s not in the same universe as this fic!! also,,,, the formatting looks weird on mobile ug h it ruins the flow of the story subvsoeb
word count: 6.8k of hopefully cute summer shenanigans loosely based off of nct dream - la la love. god this is long.
This word brought utter joy to some people. 
It meant goodbye to snow and hello to sand. 
It meant laughing with friends while frolicking on the beach.
It meant clear, cloudless skies.
It meant that the icy winds would finally be replaced with cool, refreshing ones.
But to you,
it meant the arrival of hell.
You hated summer with a passion. 
You’ve read enough to know about how summer was portrayed in books. You know how highly everyone thinks of the warm season.
Cicadas called to each other gently as you sat on your porch with a book in hand. Lifting your head and looking up only to smile and wave at a small group of children passing by.
What a lie.
Cicadas did not call gently. They shouted angrily at each other like their neighbor stole their crops, staying on the porch for more than five minutes attracted multiple bugs to come at you, and children around your neighborhood liked to scream their heads off when they were bored. You could hardly find any of these pleasant.
To top it all off, the temperature was absolutely unbearable. All the fans do is direct the hot air towards you and it wasn’t like you could stay inside your air conditioned house all day either. Your mom would yell at you to “go outside and play like a normal teenager.”
Hanging out with your friends sounded like a great, positive way to spend the summer holidays right? 
Well, too bad that your friends were all dirty rich and went to a new, foreign country to spend every summer at.
Another reason to hate summer, ticked off and added onto your list.
As the sun beat down on the earth and sunflowers turned to face it head on, you chose to turn away from the ball of light and attempt to shield yourself with your hardback copy of ‘Lord of the Flies’. Walking to school under the intense glare of the sun was absolute torture. Your sneakers, worn with time, slapped against the hot concrete path as you round the corner, arm already sore from holding the book above your head.
There was really no point in going to school the day before vacation started. The teachers would all be just as ready for school to end as the students are. They’d likely open some kahoot on Disney Princesses for the students to do or they’d play some David Attenborough documentary for the class. 
Honestly, if your mother didn’t force you out the door this morning, you wouldn’t even be dealing with the sun beams. Your plan to skip and sit under the air conditioner for the whole day wasn’t going to happen, not on your mom’s watch.
You sighed in defeat as the sleek school buildings started coming into sight. At least the fancy private school you attend, (thanks to your uncle who’s the chairman), actually turns their air condionter on during summer days.
  “I’m off to the Maldives this holiday. Dad’s hosting a high school reunion over there so I guess I’ll be snorkeling all summer again.” Jisung said, sliding onto part of the bench next to you.
It was noon and the bright, burning sun was hovering right above the school. The small breeze, though pleasant upon contact with skin, hardly did anything to counter the blistering heat. Under a big, green tree you sat with two of your underclassmen, content with the shade, their company, and your book.
You hummed in response to Jisung, who had bust open and started sipping on his capri sun.
“My family’s going on a tour around Europe this summer. Eleven weeks, fifty countries. I’ll end up bringing back suitcases of souvenirs for you guys.” Chenle joked, sliding a can of peach soda across the picnic table to you before settling down on his seat.
“As expected of President Zhong.” You remarked with a smile, looking up from your book. “Remember, when you take over your family’s hotel chain, let me live there for free.”
Jisung tutted while shaking his head, his messy blond locks shaking along with the movement.
“I can never beat President Zhong can I?”
Chenle’s eyes crinkled up and his lips let out a small, high pitched giggle. With a grin creeping up onto your own face, you directed your full attention back to your novel, hoping to finish it before the sun retires.
“Say, what about Y/N? Gonna spend summer with her imaginary friend again?”
Your head snapped up at the mention of you and your ‘imaginary friend’.
“I’m telling you, Jeno is a real person!”
Both of your underclassmen shared a look before bursting into laughter. They loved teasing you, even though you were older than the two. They found your reactions adorable! 
You, however, didn’t. 
“I want to graduate as soon as possible.”
You had meet your ‘imaginary friend’, Lee Jeno, a few summers ago, during your first summer vacation as a high school student. You had been trudging home from the last day of school, your head deep in a book and barely caring about your surroundings. 
Living on a street just five minutes away from the beach meant that you had the choice of going down to the boardwalk and enjoying the salty sea breeze anytime you wished. But that day, you seemed to be able to smell the familiar scent, even though you were in your own neighborhood. You didn’t complain though, you rather enjoyed it. It was the really the only part you enjoyed about summer.
Only upon reaching your front door you had noticed that there was a boy squatting in the front yard of your neighbor’s house, happily pulling weeds out of the flower garden. 
Strange. You had thought. A new neighbor? But Mr and Mrs Lee never sold their house?
The brunette had noticed you staring at him. But he didn’t look away or question you. Instead, he straightened up, and stared back at you. 
Realizing that you were being a huge creep, you had dashed into your own house, a million thoughts going through your head at once. Did he kidnap the old couple that had lived beside you? Or was he their new adopted child? Flinging your book to the side and groaning, you decided to stop overthinking and hop into the shower. It wasn’t any of your business anyways.
But what you hadn’t noticed after rushing indoors, was the boy’s eyes and lips curving up in amusement before he stood up, dusted off his pants, and went inside himself.
That same summer, you had gotten to know Lee Jeno. 
You were hanging around the smoothie shack that your friend, Mark, had a summer job at on the boardwalk. Due to similar tastes in literature, you got along very well with the older boy and visited the shack whenever your mom kicked you out to talk about new book releases.
It was extremely hot that day, the sun shone down without any restraint and many people swung by to try cool themselves down with a iced smoothie. You had perched on a stool in front of the counter and watched Mark flutter around, trying to get everyone’s orders made as quickly as he possibly could. Though your book was open on top of the wooden counter, it was long forgotten as you watched Mark nearly spill some Strawberry-Banana smoothie onto himself with glee. 
You caught the eye of a familiar brunette as he neared the shack, blue surfboard under his right arm. Smiling to himself, he ran his free hand through his wet hair before walking up to the little shack.
You had smelt him before you saw him. The familiar scent of salt, getting stronger and stronger. It wasn’t like you knew it was the boy from next door exactly, you just thought it was another beach goer. But then he rested his board against the shack and sat on the stool. Right next to you. 
Frowning, you had snapped your head to your left. All the stools were vacant. The customers bought their fruit smoothie then left to head towards the beach once again, replaced by new customers who would stand around to wait for their order. 
You swore mentally. You didn’t do well with social interactions when they’re with strangers. Especially when they’re half naked from surfing.
“A strawberry smoothie please.”
Mark had raised an eyebrow at you when he took the surfer’s order. It was as if he was questioning you whether you knew him or not, but soon left to take care of the fruit drink. Then your neighbor turned to you.
“Hey, I’m Lee Jeno. The guy you stared at the other day.”
You cringed at the memory before cracking an awkward smile, eyes darting to a crowd of chatting teenagers who were waiting on their drinks. 
“Hi, I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you, Lee Jeno, the guy I stared at the other day.”
You cringed again, How much lamer could you get.
To your surprise, you had gotten along quite well with Jeno, despite him being more into sports and you more into literature. He didn’t laugh at you for liking books like some jocks would. Instead, he payed attention to every word you had gushed about ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ and reassured you that he was not at all bored when you asked him. You admit, you tend to go on and on about the books you love and the listener gets bored quickly.
But he found the twinkle in your eyes fascinating.
The two of you had walked home together. Even though the sun sets later in summer, it was as though the day went by in a flash. You suspected that the sun was jealous of you finding a new friend and decided to end the day earlier. Though you had only gotten to know Jeno that day, the two of you had talked away like old friends.
Bidding goodbye in front of your house, you counted on your fingers what you had learnt about your new friend that day. 
His name was Lee Jeno, he was from the neighboring town and was spending the summer at his grandparents house, he’s learning to surf because that’s on his bucket list which he wants to complete, he adores cats, he prefers strawberry over blueberry, and,
he always smelt like sea.
Literally no one from your school believed that you met a boy named Jeno. It didn’t help that you didn’t have his phone number either! All your play dates were spontaneous and at the most random times. For example, he had showed up at your house one morning and announced that the two of you were going paragliding. You had grinned and went with him without second thought.
It also didn’t help that everyone else in your school went somewhere else during the holiday. No one was there to back you up. 
Except for Mark. But he believes that the two of you are summer flings. To which, you deny.
Chenle and Jisung claimed that he was part of your imagination. Claimed that you had missed the two of them too much. To which, you also deny. 
But even you had started doubting his existence.
He seemed too good to be true.
The next summer, however, Chenle and Jisung were proved wrong when Jeno showed up at your doorstep with bright blue hair. You had gawked at the bright color choice whilst he just smiled brightly at you. 
“Your hair!” Had been your first words to him that summer. 
The boy’s bright smile turned into a sheepish one as he ran a hand through his brand new, sky colored hair. 
“Yeah, I wanted a change. Does it look weird? Jaemin said it looked cute on me, I’ll kill him if he’s lying-”
“No! It looks perfect on you!” You interrupted. 
You had immediately regretted saying that out loud. Feeling your face heating up in embarrassment, your hand flew up to rub the back of your neck. 
As though he had sensed your awkwardness, the boy in front of you had cleared his throat and announced that he had bought a new board, pulling you by your hand and dragging you all the way to the beach. 
The summer breeze blew past the two of you as Jeno pulled you along the familiar road to the sea, even taking the shortcut that you had discovered the year before. It astonished you how he could still remember it after a year of not even being in town.
Jeno’s laughter mixed in with the wind and passed by your ears. Unknowingly, you had started to laugh with him.The two of you must’ve looked crazy, but who cared about the people looking at you weirdly, it was summer, it was time to unwind from school. After all, your summer started when you smelt the salty scent of not the sea, but of the boy whom you associated with the sea.
The town had a fair that summer, right on the boardwalk. It was one of the bigger events the small beachside town had. 
You had been reading Eleanor and Park that evening. Snuggling into your sheets, you had decided that you’d finish reading the book before sun rose and before your room became unbearably hot. Until you heard a clunking noise on your window. Frowning, you unwillingly shuffled to your windowsill, cursing at whichever cicada thought it’d be fun to try break in. Shoving the glass pane to one side, you had stuck your head out, trying to locate the source of the noise. You surprised yourself by narrowly dodging the rock that had flew at you.
“Jeno, what the hell?” You had hissed down at the boy. “Are you trying to kill me?”
His eyes had brightened and curved up into moons when he saw you. Dropping the handful of pebbles he was throwing at your window, the boy waved for you to come down. You rolled your eyes at him before closing your window and trudging down to meet him. Your parents had glanced at you suspiciously before you assured them that you were just going out with Jeno and that you weren’t going to do anything illegal. 
"I’ll be back before twelve!” You assured them before stepping out into the darkening evening.
You found Jeno standing in your driveway, hands shoved in the pockets of his jeans and humming a song as if he wasn’t just in your backyard, throwing rocks at your window.
“Hey.” You greeted, your own hands in the pocket of your hoodie. The air was starting to cool down as the sun dived below the horizon for the day. The sky was no longer the blue that matched Jeno’s hair, but was various shades of orange, pink, red and yellow. The boy turned to greet you, the descending sun dying half of his face a glowing orange. 
“Hey.” He greeted back. “Let’s start making our way over before it gets dark.” 
You were confused at the time, completely forgetting that the fair was that evening, only following Jeno because of your trust in him. Whenever you asked him where the two of you were going, he just simply grinned and dodged your question. 
You had gasped upon arrival. The boardwalk was bustling with people, even more than there had been during the day. Usually at this time, everyone would be packing their bags, dusting off sand, and heading home for the day. Fairy lights strung from the fencing and hung from the many booths that opened just for the night. Even the nearby Ferris Wheel, that was closed during the darker hours, was open and running.
Laughing at your shocked face, your blue haired friend snorted,
“Are you sure you even live here?”
Giving him a light slap on the back, you mumbled a weak ‘yes’ before sauntering off towards the candyfloss booth, Jeno following suit. 
The rest of the night was full of laughter, teasing and challenges. You had won Jeno at the shooting games and he had won you at the claw machines. Jeno said that he’d gift you the giant Rilakkuma plush he had picked out from the obnoxiously bright machine, but ended up admitting that he had gotten quite attached to it by the end of the night. The two of you even had a good giggle when you neared the smoothie shack and caught Mark being as busy as a bee. The older boy, catching you two out of the corner of his eye, had yelled at you two to either, 
“Buy a drink or get lost!” To which you and Jeno laughed even harder at.
The walk home was in a comfortable silence. You watched as the streetlamps neared, then disappeared into the night behind you. Stars watched over your journey home, twinkling to each other as if having conversations. The summer nights were much better than the days. Even you had to admit, the gentle snoring of the cicadas were rather pleasant to the ears. Turning to your friend who had an iron grip on the bear plush, you had asked,
“Say, Jeno, what do you love so much about summer?”
His head snapped up at your question.
“What’s there not to love about summer?”
Humming, you took a sip of your raspberry flavored slushie rephrasing the question,
“Alright, what do you love most about summer then?”
Jeno smiled at this. Tilting his head so that he was looking at the stars above, he answered,
“The wind and the sky I guess.” Bringing his head down to face you once again, you saw stars reflecting in his eyes. “The summer wind is always so gentle and pleasant. And the sky’s always such a beautiful clear blue! I always get the urge to want to fly up there, you know!” 
Smiling at the gushing boy, you nodded. He liked summer as much as you liked your books. 
And maybe, you were starting to like him too.
You would be lying if you said you weren’t excited to see Jeno again this summer. 
But he was even more excited than you were. 
With Chenle’s electric handheld fan held up in front of you, you were practically being dragged out of the air conditioned school and back into the heat. The two troublemakers claiming that the three of you should spend some ‘quality time’ together before they left for vacation.
“Come on Y/N, let’s go see Mark. It’s been ages since the Fantastic Four has met up.”
“Yeah, your attempts at resisting are futile.” 
Whining, you tried, once again, to wriggle out of their grasp. The heat wave came early this year and you, for one, weren’t happy about it. Even Jisung’s promises of buying you McDonald's weren’t enough to make you agree to head to the beach.
Everyone stared at you guys with their eyebrows arched. If they hadn’t known that you three were friends, they could easily misunderstand the situation as a kidnapping. Which is what flashed through a certain boy’s mind.
“What’s going on?”
Looking up towards the source of the voice, you met eyes with a blond haired boy. A boy who smelt like the sea. Yet, your first words were, once again,
“Your hair!”
Jeno chuckled a little before responding,
“Ah, don’t worry, I didn’t dye it again. The blue just faded away.”
Letting out a sigh of relief, you straightened yourself before Chenle started elbowing you.
“Introduce us.” He whispered, smiling at the taller boy in front of him.
“Right! Chenle, Jisung, meet Jeno Lee! The boy you thought was fake.” You mouthed the last half, a victorious smirk hanging on your lips. Jisung and Chenle’s eyes widened in shock before exchanging a knowing smile.
“Well, nice to finally meet you, Jeno.”
“Ah, yeah, Jisung and I were just off to Burger King, weren’t we?”
Burger King? You frowned. Weren’t they just dragging you to the smoothie shack just a second ago?
“Ah, I see! You’re Y/N’s friends right?” Jeno asked, not a trace of suspicion on his features.
“Yes! Yes, we are! Now, if you’ll excuse us!”
“Say hi to Mark for us!”
Then you were left with Jeno. The two underclassmen slipping off with hushed whispers being exchanged. You stood there amongst the summer heat, jaw dropped in confusion as Jeno waved goodbye with a pure smile beside you. You didn’t even realize that Chenle had taken his fan with him until you turned to face the boy next to you and finding your hand grasping nothing. 
Jeno’s eyes sparkled like they always did whenever you saw him. The stars you had seen last summer never left his eyes, it seems.
After clearing your throat you replied, 
Jeno’s eyes curved up into the moons that you were oh so familiar with. You���ve always found the way they curved up charming. Heck, you found everything about him charming. But soon, you find that you weren’t the only one. Your fellow students had started noticing this boy shining amidst the crowd with his blinding smile and pure heart. 
You didn’t like it.
In one swoop, you gripped onto Jeno’s arm and started leading the way to the beach, your lips pressed into a straight line. It wasn’t until you heard Jeno’s giggles that you came to an abrupt stop in the middle of the street. Then, for the first time in your life, you found the cicadas’ cries interesting. 
“What happened to you? I’m usually the one pulling you to the beach.” The summer child breathed between laughter. Feeling heat starting to consume your ears, your eyes followed a working bee as he traveled from flower to flower. Not noticing that Jeno’s teasing laughter slowly died down and changed into a small smile full of pure adoration for you. Stepping in front you, he softly ruffled your locks before starting walking again. This time, him pulling you along. Like it’s always been. But you miss the small mumble that tumbles out of the boy’s lips.
“It’s not like I mind you taking the lead though.”
“I can’t believe you still work here. Even after graduating high school.”
Mark rolled his eyes. 
“Yeah, well, college tuition fees aren’t going to pay themselves.”
Snickering into your blueberry smoothie, you watched as Mark placed Jeno’s strawberry smoothie down. Your older friend was back in town for the summer and like usual, he’s going to be working at the smoothie shack for all of his holiday. At least it was rather empty currently.
“I can’t believe the blue faded out of Jeno’s hair. I can’t call him ocean boy anymore.” Mark joked, leaning on the counter. The book you had long forgotten like usual fluttered as a breeze of wind passed by. Pushing your friend’s wire framed glasses up his nose bridge, you snorted.
“You still can. Nobody’s stopping you.”
Scowling, the black haired boy adjusted his glasses back to where they were before waving to Jeno. The ‘Ocean Boy’ jogged over to where the two of you were situated, surf board under his arm and shaking water droplets off of his hair. Reminded of the same scene two years ago, a smile made its way onto your face. Gulping all of his smoothie down in one shot, the surfer let out a content sigh. Another breeze of wind passed by, the wind chimes hanging from the shack alerting you of its presence. 
“Wind chimes? Those are new.” Jeno noted, nodding in thanks as Mark threw his plastic cup away.
“Yeah, Jaehyun added that recently.” Mark said, referring to his boss. “Said that it’ll ‘add aesthetic to the shack’ or something.”
Glancing up at the glass trinket, you closed your forgotten book. 
“I think it’s cute.”
Jeno couldn’t help but let out a smile at the softness in your tone.
“If Y/N think it’s cute, then so do I.”
Rolling over in your bed, you groaned at whatever was making that stupid tapping noise. Cracking one eye open to check the time on your bedside clock, you let out a whine. It was only five AM. You’d thought that the tapping would go away if you just ignored it and so you rolled back over. But it didn’t. Annoyed at whatever that wanted to shave off your sleeping time, you sat up in your mess of a bed, snapping your head in the general direction of the sound. Concluding that it was indeed coming from your window, you get out of bed in order to shut it up. Except you slipped on your sheets and fell out of bed. Mumbling some colorful words under your breath, you made your way across the room to slide open the window. Poking your bedhead out and squinting around, you tried to locate your biggest enemy at the moment. 
“Psst! Y/N! Down here!”
You should’ve known. Of course it would be Jeno. 
“Jeno, it’s five in the morning.”
“I know! We’re already running out of time!”
“I- What?”
You furrowed you eyebrows. Did you have some sort of thing planned for five AM?
“Come on now! I’ll wait in your drive way!”
“Alright, I’ll just change out of my pajamas-”
“We don’t have time! Grab a jacket and let’s go! You look cute anyways.”
A familiar heat started to climb up your neck and to hide your reddening face, you ducked back inside. Grabbing a random jacket, you trotted as lightly as you could as to not disturb your parents. Shutting the front door with as little force as possible, you mentally back yourself on the back for making it out. The sky wasn’t even light yet. As much as you wanted to swear at Jeno, one look at the boy completed melted any anger you had. The image of his tall frame leaning against the streetlamp just outside of your driveway, waiting, must be enough to make tons of others green in jealousy. Wrapping your jacket around yourself, you shuffled over to the ocean boy.
“Where are you taking me at five in the morning you creep.” 
Finally noticing that you’ve come out, Jeno takes your hand into his. Then breaks into a small jog to the beach with you in tow.
“The beach of course! Where else?”
You rolled your eyes in mock disbelief, even though the big smile on your face ruined your game of pretend. Did this boy know anything else apart from the beach?
The second your feet sunk into the soft sand, you stopped running. Doubled over and gasping to catch your breath, you looked up at the boy who brought you here.
“Good, we’re on time.” He whispered between breaths himself.
“What are we even here for?” You asked, grabbing onto Jeno’s arm in aid to stand up straight. Turning his head to look back at you, he flashed you his signature eye smile before saying,
“To see the sunrise of course.”
So here you were, sitting shoulder to shoulder with the ocean boy, on top of his flannel he had shed on the cool sand. The only sound being heard were the light splashes as ocean waves hit the shore. The first light had yet to break and usually, without a book, you found waiting around to be unbearably boring. But with Jeno, your unfinished story of ‘1984′ didn’t even cross your mind. The boy you had always associated with summer had his eyes closed, enjoying the cool summer air before the sun woke up and warmed the land. Your lips curved up into a sweet smile. With your knees curled up to your chin, you leaned your head on your legs, soaking in Jeno’s beauty. You always disliked the fact that your time with him was limited every year. Only during the months of summer vacation were you able to see him. It was a shame, but perhaps it made you appreciate the time with him even more. 
Suddenly, the thought that this was the last summer vacation before graduation wedged itself into your mind. What would happen after graduation? Would Jeno still be coming over every summer? Or would he be busy with work. No, he’d definitely spend it with his friends and family back in his own town right? You were about to open your mouth to ask him about his plans after graduation when he suddenly jumped up.
“Look! The sun’s finally rising!” He exclaimed, pointing to the horizon.
Giggling at his excitement, you looked at Jeno with stars in your own eyes. His smile was almost childlike in front of the giant, rising, golden star. As the sun rose and littered the sand around you in golden flakes, the birds began to start their day by singing.
“Come on, Y/N, let’s go take a skinny dip!” He said, running back and halting to a stop in front of you. His hands started to pull his white shirt up and whilst you’ve seen him surfing multiple times, skinny dipping was a whole other story. So your hands automatically went over your eyes, yelling at him to put his shirt back on.
“Alright, we’ll skip skinny dipping this time round, but do note that skinny dipping while the sun rises is on my bucket list.” Jeno said with a wide smile before rolling up his pants and running towards the sea.
As he frolicked in the shallow water, your gaze never left the young boy who loved the beach with his whole being. Against the orange backdrop of the awakening sky, the boy who brought you summer waved for you to join him. You wondered about how lucky you were to be have been able to meet him.
“You have some weird things on your bucket list for sure.” You whispered to yourself before shedding your jacket and running to join the blonde. 
Graduation? Whatever. Who cares about the future right? 
Let’s just bathe in the rays of the present for now.
 You weren’t ready for this summer to end. But alas, all good things must come to an end. 
Your room was stuffy with hot air, despite your air conditioner trying it’s best to persuade it into changing into cool air. Your summer homework was left open, yet undone on top of your desk. But how angry your history teacher was going to be was at the very back of your mind. Sighing, you stared at your calendar.
Two days before vacation ended. 
One day before Jeno had to go. 
You were being selfish, you know that, but you really didn’t want Jeno to leave. Because with his departure, your summer ends. Flopping back onto your bed, you started spacing out at your ceiling. Jeno always shows up on his last day and as expected, without fail, he’s at your window once again. You suddenly didn’t mind the tapping against your window. Moving the latch upwards, your eyes meet with the boy you’ve grown to like so much and a smile unknowingly creeps it’s way onto your face. Folding your arms then leaning on the ledge, you greet him.
“Hey.” He greeted back with his signature eye smile. 
As usual.
“Is there any reason as to why you prefer to throw pebbles up at my glass window than knocking on the wooden door?” You asked, acting as if you were annoyed like you usually were. He shrugged,
“I read somewhere that it was romantic?”
Keeping up your annoyed front, you tutted at him. Even though the smile had never left your lips. After telling the blonde that you’d be down in a second, you pulled your window back to it’s closed state, closed your whirring air con, then ran downstairs. You stopped to make sure your hair wasn’t a mess before hauling the door open and stepping beside Jeno, who had started moving towards the beach the moment he saw you open the door.
The whole walk to the beach, you couldn’t help but notice how little space there was between you and the boy. If you moved your hand just a smudge closer to his, they’d touch. 
“So, what’s going on this time? Fair? Skinny dipping?” You asked, opting to stuff your hand in your pocket.
Grinning, he replied, 
“Chenle and Jisung’s back early and throwing a party. We’ve been invited.”
You had no idea your two favorite underclassmen were back in town. Neither did you know about the party they had decided to throw down at the pier. So the second you arrived, you squeezed through the crowds of people to find the trouble making hosts, nearly losing Jeno behind you.
“Woah there, Y/N, wait up!”
Stopping and turning your head, you noticed his blonde hair, gleaming in the sunlight, politely smiling at the party goers he pushed past. Finally catching up and taking his usual place beside you in the noisy crowd, he wrapped his hand around yours. Flustered, with heat creeping onto your cheeks already, your eyes darted to look into his. Jeno’s eyes, overflowing with confidence just a few seconds ago, became equally as flustered as yours. 
“Uh, wouldn’t want to get separated again right?” He mumbled, barely audible between the loud music and chatter.
“Right.” You murmured back at him before continuing to maneuver through the sea of dancing bodies, Jeno behind you in tow.
The moment your eyes weren’t on him, he cursed at himself under his breath. Why did he always lose his confidence every time you looked at him?
“I can’t believe you two came back without telling me.” You hissed between your clenched teeth, cornering the two hosts. “What kind of betrayal is this?”
Chenle and Jisung, noticing you and Jeno’s intertwined hands, giggled like schoolboys before answering, 
“A kind of betrayal that’s good for you.”
“Yeah, you should really see the sun more often.”
A amused snort sounded from behind. Snapping your head around, you found Jeno, trying his best to contain his laughter, his eyes curling up into shining crescents.
“Sorry, sorry. I didn’t mean to.” He snickered, raising his free hand to hide his smile.
“Today’s the day I throw a man into the ocean.” You exhaled, but it didn’t come out as aggressive as you wanted it to.
 Let’s be honest, you couldn’t stay mad, not when Jeno’s smile was creating butterflies in your stomach.
The boy’s hand didn’t let go of yours for the whole party. Not even when multiple people came up to ask for his number (something you still had yet to get.). He simply cracked a polite smile, then moved not so discreetly to let the other party goer see your intertwined hands. If they were still persistent about getting his number, he’d give them the number to Mark’s smoothie shack. Nothing wrong with promoting his friend’s shack right?
But then, when the cute boy you’ve been eyeing the entire time slides up to you and asks for your number, you’d been ecstatic. You had tried to remove your hand from Jeno’s, but unfortunately, Jeno’s iron grip wasn’t a force to be reckoned with. The boy had seen the way your eyes lit up when the other dude came up to you. He had only seen you look at him that way and couldn’t help but let the green monster in him take over. 
“Sorry, Y/N isn’t looking for a significant other right now.” Jeno cut in, a smile that didn’t reach his eyes on his face.
“Oh, alright, I’ll try again later then, I guess.”
Eyes widened in shock, you watched as your ideal type walked back towards his crowd of friends.
Pulling Jeno away from the crowd and onto a creaky part of the pier that was significantly more quiet, you were ready to chew him out. But your friend started to explain himself without you saying anything.
“Look, he looks good, he’s got nice shoulders, and he’s your ideal type. I know.” He paused to look down at you for a second before looking back out at the calm sea. Your eyes pierced into his own, trying to figure him out. 
“But- Uh- The other day, I saw him with another girl. They were kissing and uh- I don’t think he’s worth your time.” 
He hated how just one glance at you can completely throw him off.
“Then who is worth my time then?” You asked, letting your hand slip away from his and running it through your hair in frustration. “I’ve been single all my life with no experience whatsoever, Jeno. Even my underclassmen are starting to date. If I don’t give anyone any chances, I’ll be single and lonely with twelve cats at sixty!”
“Maybe you should consider me for once.” He mumbled, not expecting you to hear it at all.
You heard it alright.
“What?” You whispered, thinking that your ears were malfunctioning. Lee Jeno, surfer boy with a killer smile, a sweetheart who had tons of people fawning over him, was asking you to consider him?
Muttering some curses under his breath, he turned to face you in the eye. The sun setting in the background making the moment to be much more dramatic than you liked it to be. The late summer sun’s golden rays highlighted half of the boy’s face and you swear, his features have definitely gotten more mature than the year before. The music from the party was still playing on faintly in the background and all you could really hear was the washing of the waves hitting the pier and your crazy heartbeat.
“I’m not going to hide it anymore. Y/N, I’ve liked you for a while now. This- this wasn’t how I wanted to tell you, but I guess it’ll have to do.” The boy you’ve grown so fond of chuckles before continuing. 
“I think it started during our second summer together. When we were walking back from the fair. You know, you looked stunning under the starlight. More so when your eyes had their own stars in them. I- I don’t know the exact moment I fell, but I remember not wanting to let you go.”
Jeno’s signature scent of sea salt was all you could smell. He was so, very, close. Your heart felt like it was in your throat. You couldn’t form words as you listened to the sweet confession.
“I thought it’d go away after a while, but when I returned back home to my own town, everything suddenly seemed dull. When I went on double dates with Jaemin and the girl in front of me was trying to chat me up, all I could do was compare her with you. Her eyes didn’t sparkle when she talked about things she ‘loved’. They didn’t sparkle like you when you got into a book.”
He was nervous. You could tell. Though he was trying his hardest not to advert his eyes from yours, his hands were playing with the hem of his shirt and his Adams Apple bobbed multiple times throughout his whole monologue. 
“So, I guess what I really want, is for you to see me in the same light.” 
The blond boy’s shoulders relaxed, finally finishing the words he had been preparing to say since meeting you again this summer. His eyes were squeezed shut, not wanted to face you and possible rejection. 
Finally finding your tongue again, you opened your mouth to speak, but was yet again interrupted by the boy who brought you summer every year.
“It’s okay if you don’t like me like that, I understand.” He said, rubbing the back of his neck, eyes still closed.
You let out a giggle of your own. 
Grabbing a fistful of his shirt, you pulled him down into a sweet kiss. Smiling into the kiss, you found that his lips faintly tasted salty.
Breaking away from him, you giggled at the sight of his eyes, as wide as saucers, in shock.
“I guess, I like you too huh. I mean, the way your eyes crease up into small moons are something I’ll never stop melting over. Also, did you know that your eyes also light up when you talk about the beach? I get jealous sometimes you know.”
A huge smile spread across the young boy’s face. Yelling out in happiness, he wraps his arms around you in a secure hug, then proceeds to spin you around in pure euphoria.
“So you’re officially mine now?”
You rolled your eyes, even though the smile on your face gave it away like it always did.
“Yeah, yeah. Just stop throwing pebbles at my window and we can work something out. I don’t find it to be romantic, sorry.”
Placing you down but hands not moving away from your waist, the beach boy rests his head on your shoulder and mumbles into your skin,
“I forgot to tell you, I got accepted into the collage a bus ride’s away from your house. On a full scholarship.”
Wrapping your own arms around your new boyfriend, you laughed.
“I couldn’t be more proud of you.”
“Yeah, but you’ll have to work hard to get admitted into the same collage.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me.”
Yeah, you hated summer.
You hated the annoying cicadas. You hated the noise the neighborhood children bought. You hated the never ending rise of temperature. You hated how your rich friends would leave you to go on vacation. 
But if a certain boy meant summer,
then you suppose you could deal with it for a little longer.
“Hey, Jeno, what’d you like about summer again?”
He pretended to think about it.
“Hm, the wind, the sky, 
and you.”
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shenala · 6 years
Paint My Interest Chapter 4
Notes: Just a quick chapter, I've got the next one planned and ready to write so hopefully shouldn't be too long before next update.
AO3 - Masterlist
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Chuckling softly he shook his head at you before turning you in his arms. A gentle finger lifted your chin before his lips were pressed against your own for just a second before he pulled away and asked with a smirk that was in direct conflict with the vulnerability in his eyes, "Will you be my Queen?" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You had whispered a fervent "yes" against his lips before collapsing into a kiss that had you burning from the inside out, only broken when Bucky had pulled away and rested his forehead against your own as he murmured "I don't want to rush this. Not with you."
After he had led you, almost shyly, to his bedroom you had slipped out of your dress and into one of his t-shirts and a pair of his boxers, before curling up next to Bucky in his bed; relishing in the closeness while being mindful of his bruises. That restraint had evidently been abandoned at some point during the night as when you stirred the next morning you found yourself tightly intertwined with the heavy warmth of the man next to you.
As the first inklings of consciousness seeped into your mind you became aware of the warmth first, followed by the solid, weighty presence that only a man can bring. Blinking your eyes open slowly you barely held back a gasp as you took in the sight in front of you; Bucky was on his side facing you, arm heavy over your waist and legs tangled with your own. His face was free of tension despite the beating from the night before and as you took in his ruffled hair that lay on the pillow like a halo you couldn't help but marvel at how he looked a good few years younger when he was asleep.
When a gentle snore sneaked through his barely open mouth, you shuffled just the slightest bit closer and pressed a quick kiss to his nose before pulling back to watch him as he joined you in the land of the living.
As his nose wrinkled and his eyes scrunched up, you took it all in, soaking up the sight of an unaware Bucky Barnes, and when his eyes finally fluttered open to reveal those steel blue depths your heart skipped a beat, barely catching up by the time his lips lifted in a blinding smile before he uttered a sleep-heavy "good morning beautiful".
After the pair of you got lost in each other for a few minutes, you pulled away from the kiss that would've left your knees shaking if you hadn't still been lying down and moved to get up.
"I better go, Buck. I need to get home and shower, I'm starting a new mural today."
As you picked up your dress from the chair, strong arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you back into his chest while lips found their way to the side of your neck before asking, "Do you want me to come with you? Or you could shower here? Get some breakfast?"
Turning in his arms you looked up at him and pressed a kiss to his jaw, "I need to get going Buck, but why don't you come over for dinner tonight? I'll cook."
After agreeing a time, he took the elevator with you back downstairs and didn't move from your side until you were safely seated in a taxi.
You had barely pulled away into traffic when your phone was ringing, a laugh bursting from you as you say the caller ID, "Bucky" you answered, laughter still in your voice, "I literally just left you."
His warm chuckle made you shiver with a smile bright across your face as he replied, "But I miss you already sweetheart... Tonight is too far away" he ended, with a pout evident even over the phone.
Shaking your head fondly even though he couldn't see it, you were laughing again, "Well, tough Buck! I'm going to work, why don't you do the same?"
The gentle teasing continued even after you had arrived home, only ending when you told him you had to hang up so you could get in the shower. But the smile stayed on your face throughout the whole morning, your thoughts filled with a tall, handsome brunette with eyes you would happily lose yourself in.
When the knock came on your day later that evening, you wiped the tears from your eyes quickly and as you looked at Bucky standing on the other side of your door your smile came naturally, albeit a bit watery.
"Hi, Buck" you greeted him, taking the flowers from his hands as he stepped inside, taking care to keep your gaze low to avoid making eye contact with him.
He didn't let you try for long as he caged you gently back against the counter and tilted your face up to look at him with one finger arched under your chin. His eyes were as firm as the set of his jaw as he asked in a voice that left no room for arguments or evasion, "what happened?"
Releasing a shuddering sigh you fell forward to rest your head against his chest and the sobs you had been battling to contain broke free when his arms wrapped tightly around you as his chin came to rest on your head.
Mumbling against his shirt as you twisted it with your fingers you whispered angrily, "My landlord is selling. That means no apartment and no studio seeing as he owns both."
You weren't quite sure what reaction or solution you had been expecting from Bucky, but it definitely wasn't the one he gave as without even a moment's hesitation he responded nonchalantly, "Ok, so you move in with me. Plenty of room for a studio, light's pretty good. You can have your own room if you don't wanna share with me. Save you a trip to work every morning at least."
Pulling back from his embrace you stared up at him with slack-mouthed shock, "what?! I can't move in with you.. we've only known each other a few weeks... Buck-- it's your space, I couldn't. I'll find somewhere."
A soft smile playing around his lips as he shook his head at you, Bucky walked you both backwards until you could sit side by side on the sofa, "Doll, come on. I'm offering. I'd love for you to be there.. give me a reason to come home on time huh? Like I said, there's plenty of room for you to do your thing and not worry about it."
"Are you sure Bucky?" you questioned, biting worriedly at your lip, "I don't want to be in the way, you'll get bored of me!"
A bright loud laugh burst from him as he pulled you into a tight hug, "Don't be ridiculous sweetheart" before leaning back to look at you with a grin, "when do you want to move in?"
And that's how you got to here. Standing in the middle of Bucky's open plan living space, as men passed you with the boxes containing your life; some heading to the empty guest room that had been designated by Bucky as your studio thanks to the light that blessed it for most of the day, and others to the room that had now become yours, you had no qualms about sharing a bed with him but you had both agreed that having somewhere separate for all your belongings would be best, at least for now, although Bucky had insisted that you share his closet "No negotiations."
The man himself was stood by the door directing the flow of traffic with an effortless command that made him impossible to look away from, and your observation was only broken when Steve stepped up next to you and nudged you with a smile, "he won't disappear if you stop staring at him you know" he teased.
With a laugh, you tried to hide your embarrassment, "I know. It's just.. this is so weird.. what if he hates living with me Steve?"
Unable to hold back a snort as he burst into a laugh of his own, Steve was chuckling as he replied, "trust me, as the person who lived with that punk for years, he's getting the best end of this deal, it's how you're going to put up with him that you should be worried about."
Elbowing him with a roll of your eyes you brought your gaze back to Bucky, "I don't think that's going to be a problem."
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xalgaliareptx · 6 years
Kill of the Night
trigger warnings: blood, violence, non-con, bondage, etc. 
You got Sam’s number off a hunter, so you called to tell him about a vamp nest. 5 hours later, the boys were knocking on your motel room door. Seeing as this was the only room left, they boys were left to bunk with you.
You woke the next morning with something stiff poking you, “Dean, that better be a flashlight that’s poking my ass cheek right now” you said scooting away.
Dean didn’t answer, but you could hear him laugh while he rolled out of bed and made his way into the bathroom.
Sam chuckled as he threw the thin motel sheets off his long body. Standing up, he stretched his lean muscles, much to your delight. His arms went above his head as he leaned back slightly, his shirt pulled up to reveal a tight and toned lower stomach. Your eyes travelling to the deep V on both sides. To point the way to salvation, my dear. You thought hungrily.
The younger Winchester was just as beautiful as Dean, but in a quieter way. Dean’s attractiveness was in your face, fueled by his cocky ego.  Sam was subtle in his beauty, a quiet confidence. I bet they both knew how to fuck you into a coma, though. Thinking of the boys like that had your mind travelling to darker places and you shivered with anticipation.
The bathroom door opened, taking your attention away from Sam. Dean walked out of the bathroom with only a towel on. You couldn’t help but stare. Damn, this guy was beautiful. His hair was in wet spikes, his green eyes bright against his tanned face. Your eyes couldn’t help but travel down his body, taking in every freckle. Every scar. Your eyes danced over his tight chest, taking in his perky nipples pulled tight from the abuse of the cold air. Imagining your tongue dancing over them, while Dean moaned your name. His strong hands fisting tight in your hair, almost had you rubbing your thighs together.
“Take a picture sweetheart, it’ll last longer” he sassed, shooting you a wink.
That knocked you out of your stupor. You couldn’t think of a comeback so you just stuck your tongue out at him.
Dean laughed deep in his throat. “I got something you can do with that tongue” he said suggestively. Oh shit. You wanted to drink him dry at the thought. Sam decided to speak up then, distracting you from your urges.
“Come on man, I haven’t even had my coffee yet, can you not?” Sam whined, grabbing his clothes to take into the bathroom.
After showers, you and the boys sat down in the back booth of the diner down the street, to plan your attack on the vamp nest. You had it pretty much figured out, with your intel and superior knowledge of the place, so you put the papers away to enjoy the final meal with the boys.
It was around 3pm, when everyone was ready to go and take care of the nest. You all loaded up and headed off to the warehouse, where you knew they would be. Sitting in the back of the impala, you could feel the deep rumble of the engine. It was not mixing well with the feeling in your gut. Maybe anxiety with a side of eggs? It was too late to back out now. Everyone was counting on you. Counting on your intel.
The impala sat, idling for what seemed like a lifetime. Everyone looking at the imposing building in front of you. Dean turned off baby, “let’s go gank these bitches”. Your stomach did a flip.
You got out, fighting the urge to vomit, and headed to the trunk to wait for Dean to pass out weapons. The plan was simple. The boys decided it would be better for you to wait for them to clear out the den first. Dean would take the back entrance, Sam the front and you would follow a few moments later, getting any stragglers they had missed.
The sound of gravel crunching from your footsteps, raked against your brain. Your nerves were on fire. You watched the flannel duo disappear to their appointed spots. You hoped this was over soon. Taking a deep breath to settle your nerves, you started walking towards the warehouse.
Once the boys made it through the doors, you counted to thirty and walked into the building. What you saw made your stomach fill with bile, blood everywhere and bodies without heads scattering the floor. The lifeless eyes of your family staring up at you, seeming to say “why did you let them do this to us?” The smell of pennies filled the air, clouding your mind. Your sharp teeth started to push out of your gums, fueled by your rage.
No. No, this isn’t right. This wasn’t supposed to happen. This many weren’t supposed to die. They were supposed to get the jump on the Winchesters. You had made sure your nest had enough numbers, the Winchesters didn’t stand a chance. Your nest would be famous, the ones who took out the flannel wearing fuckers. But, you had underestimated the Winchesters and lead them straight into your home and let them slaughter half your family. The guilt was enough to bring you to your knees. You held on to the pain, it would give you an edge while fighting. You stood up and followed the sounds of fighting into the next room and Dean and Sam surrounded, fighting back to back.
The moment Dean had seen you walk in and his eyes lit up with hope. It was enough to make you sick. The light in Dean’s eyes vanished as he saw your teeth. Anger and betrayal darkened his eyes. In a challenge, Dean chopped another vamps head off, eyes never wavering from yours.
You ran towards Dean, rage coursing beneath your skin. “She was my sister!” you screamed as you ducked the swing of his machete. Your body collided into his solid mass and you both went sprawling. Quick on the recovery, you jumped on Dean’s back and stuck the syringe into the soft flesh of his neck. Dean threw you off, and quickly pulled the needle from his neck. He looked at you, hate in his eyes. “you bitch.” Then he collapsed.
“DEAN!” Sam yelled, trying to fight off the other vamps to get to his brother. You could smell the adrenaline in his blood. He was fighting hard, but your nest had numbers. It was like watching a pack of wolves take down a bull moose. It took 5 of your brothers to hold him down long enough for you to stick the needle in his neck. Sam’s usually soft eyes, were hard and dark. A storm raged in his eyes. You pulled back your fear, and smiled down at him, placing a kiss to his cheek as he slumped in your brothers’ hold.
 You had tied Dean to a chair, pulled his pants down low enough to release his soft cock. You started to play with it, twisting your hand around tugging gently. Deans head bobbed, his pleasure trying to clear away the unconsciousness. You took him into your warm mouth and swirled your tongue around the head. His cock twitched in your mouth, coming to life.you could hear soft moans coming from Dean. He would be awake soon. You straddled his bare lap, sinking down, sending his hard cock deep into your cunt. Dean groaned, his eyes fluttering open. You leaned in, hot breath against his skin, as you licked up his neck “I wanna taste the way you bleed” you whispered against his neck before biting into the soft skin. Dean growled and you sucked harder, savoring the warm liquid. Dean struggled against the ropes that bound him. “You fucking bitch, I’m gonna cut your goddamned head off” Dean growled, trying to pull away from your mouth, tearing his skin more as he struggled.
You pulled back, his blood running down your chin. “Now, Dean, that isn’t any way to talk to a lady, especially one you are balls deep in.” you rolled your hips and he groaned. You grabbed his face to make him look at you. Dean jerked his head out of your hands.
“You fucking drugged me. I would never fuck a blood sucker like you.” He spat at you.
You smiled, bracing against his chest, you lifted your body so his tip was at your entrance and you slammed your hips down. Dean growled deep in chest. You could feel the rumble against your fingertips. His face was scrunched with his eyes closed. His muscles were tight against the restraints.
His cock filled you in a way you had never experienced before. He was hitting all the right spots, deep within your body.
You giggled, rolling your hips. The head of his cock hit your cervix and it made your breath catch. “Sounds like you are enjoying it.” He moaned, despite himself. You purred against his neck, licking at the wounds you had left there, keeping them open so the blood flowed freely.
“You know you’ve wanted me since the moment you saw me back at the motel.” His eyes met yours, you could see the truth in them. Shame crossed his eyes before flashing back to anger.
“That was before I knew you were a traitorous, blood sucking bitch!” he yelled, struggling against the ropes again bucking his hips up and into and he groaned, ashamed his body was betraying him. You could feel the pressure building in your core and you knew you were close. You started grinding harder, trying to find that sweet spot to send you over the edge.
Deans breathe was getting more ragged, his balls tightened against your ass and you knew he was close though he was trying to fight it. You bit hard into his neck as you came, moaning as you drank the ruby liquid. Thrusting your hips deeper into him as you rode out the wave of pleasure. You felt good knowing you had made the great Dean Winchester cum against his will. Taking that from him, would keep you warm and fuzzy at night.
Dean yelled, whether it was in ecstasy or frustration you didn’t know or care, and you felt him pulse inside you, his deliciously hot cum coating your fluttering walls, triggering another orgasm. You milked him dry, your hungry pussy wanting all he had to give. You drank deeply from his neck, satisfying all of your primal needs.
Dean started to weaken, his head falling to the side, limbs going slack. You stopped drinking, not wanting to finish him off just yet, you had planned on getting off a few more times before ending him. You got off his lap, enjoying the sight before you. The blood from his neck was running down his chiseled chest, to mix with your combined juices covering his soft cock. He looked positively delicious. You looked up at Dean’s face and saw him smiling. The air shifted behind you, turning just in time to see a blood-covered Sam, rage burning in his eyes, and a cruel smile playing at his lips. He was going to enjoy killing you. “Gotcha” he said, swinging the machete. There was no time to react, no time to even scream before the sting of cold metal was biting into your soft flesh, leaving you silent forever.
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podmusical · 6 years
The Ballad of GG Scrumptious, Part 1
Credits and Lyrics for Episode 7 of Days of Future Fuzz
“Narrator” - Jordan Gelber Golden George Scrumptious - Andrew Radford Butler
written by Jonathan A. Goldberg music by Matt roi Berger
recorded, mixed and edited by Marcus Bagala and Will Melones
Oh hello there, what’s that?  You want a story?
Something real and true, but perhaps, too, allegory?
Oh well, let me see, let me see, let me have a drink
And think up a story worth your time - let me think-
Ah! I’ve got it, and it’s got it all!
A hero and prophecy, a warning, a fall
A promise, a history - hidden, but crucial
And a secret you’ll never guess - though maybe you will
I think you look smart, I mean, you came here to me
When you needed some fun - that’s as smart as can be.
So what do you say?  Let me lay out the scene
Let’s start at the beginning, the best place to begin:
Born beneath a lard-shaped star
The moon was in the House of Starch
(The house, by far, the fattest -
Like being born in a fry basket)
His mother labored in great pain
16 lbs, this fellow weighed
And his eyes shown like a grease stain
Skin glowed like a casserole fresh made
His mama named him Golden George
Papa Scumptious was overjoyed
Said “we’ll call him GG for short.”
He was in the kitchen by age two
Cooking breast milk cheese fondu
Had his mama spooked - but one taste she knew:
Her boy cooked naturally
Over time his talents grew
And his confidence grew too
Said he would shape the world of food,
Fast and Casually.
He sang:
My gifts know no restraints
Soon all the world will know my name
My gift to all shall be
An escape from drudgery
Via culinary artistry.
So how do you like him? Guess he’s our hero
The boy with a wish and a gift… and an ego.
But this amico was on to somethin’ -
The world is bitter and cold and troublin’
But nothing’s so warm as something straight out the oven
And filling you up and giving you comfort
Adjusting your dials and pushing all your right buttons.
So why not toot his honker when he’s so much to offer?
Food and drink HEAL - and this boy was a doctor
But he needed more than a gift or a wish
He needed more than an ego - he needed a DISH.
It’s time to make my fortune
So let the world prepare
I’ll save their mouths from boredom
All other chefs beware!
I’ll keep the oil flowing
I’ll keep the oven hot
I’ll find the dish that shows them
What I’ve got!  Yeah!
Teryaki steak tips!
Buttered sweetbread fries
Cheese-laced onion blossom
Ranch on the side
Now, here’s my masterpiece! It’s
Piled high with 7 cheeses
What taste, what artistry
Baked Macaroni - I’m a genius!
And though it sounds simple, and maybe you laugh
That macaroni pasta put GG on the map
That macaroni pasta was better than yours by half
His use of thousand island dressing WAS astounding
Over seven layers of cheeses, french AND italian
And one that might be Russian but ain’t NO body telling
Mm mm!
See, the recipe’s a secret, and GG’s smart to keep it
Cuz everyone wanted what that bastard was selling
The momentum of this dish on every wish list
Was enough to propel him to the highest echelon
Of chef’s and give him what they all were eyeing:
But as GG sat in his kitchen, in Centralia New Jersey
Sizing up contracts, showered in glory
He felt a worry, an itch left un scratched
He was lost in the dark, lost his spark, all seemed black.
Something ached in his twice baked heart
Tho his macaroni was a work of art
All that work felt artless heartless
See, at the top, the drop’s all you got left
Now, his hostess was a beauty queen
Named Melanie Marie Manzine
Triple M saw GG’s depression
And so she pulled him near to tell him:
“I watched you build this place -
The joy that played across your face.
Why not give everyone
A taste thereof
Fill your menu with that joy and fun.”
Fun?  Yeah,
thought GG,
that’s the one!
The ingredient I had, but since had shunned
I’ve been so high on my own hot air
I’ve lost the fun that got me there.
Food should always be fun!
It’s entertainment for tongues!
That was obvious once
But I was blind I was dumb
As to what I’d become!
Goodbye to former pursuits!
Better to give and include!
Without further ado, I present you
A place where the food can always lighten the mood
The all new GG Scrumptious, where fun is always on the menu!
Well, you can guess what happened next
Oh, you can’t?  Well here it is:
GG rethought the plot of his vocation
He let go of the top and focused on elation
The silly joy and fun of stuffing your face and
Drinking your weight in
Milkshakes and
When his restaurant reopened after a short renovation
It was a success!  He was met with adulation,
And opened up franchises in 7000 plus locations!
GG Scrumptious, where fun is always on the menu!
And he married his muse! Yes he truly fell for
That clever, wild woman who’d been running the door.
Triple M and double G had their lives intertwined
By a wild west rabbi named Tex Rubenstein
Beneath a papermache macaroni
In the most beautiful mixed-denominational ceremony
Finally everything is right
I love my work, I love my wife
This is more than I ever could have hoped for
What’s this?  My love, why do you cry?
Tell me and I will make it right!
There is no worry we’ve in sight
“GG, I’m pregnant!”
What?  You don’t feel the tension?
Yes of course a child’s a blessing
It’s just - oh, I get the impression
You’re missing a key component to our hero’s depression.
So, for a second let’s leave the present.  
It’s time for a little history lesson…
Long ago when the world was young
When the restaurant game had not yet begun
Casual eateries didn’t exist
And the only fast food was that you couldn’t catch
If early man sought something good to eat (yeah!)
He’d best fall down on his knees and pray to the gods of drink and feast.
It was the perfect way,
And would still be today, but…
A lesser god of feast was this gal Edesia
Ha - your face betrays you never heard the name.
You missed nothing if you never met her
Though she thought she was an up and comer in game
She made a plan to be
The greatest god of food and drink in history
She’d show humans the holy ways
And thus secure their love and praise
Till the end of days
Well she didn’t wait more than a thousand years
When a man hit bottom and her chance appeared
A failing chef named Ray of the Romulus line
Stumbled in and begged at the foot of her shrine
He wanted fame and a chance to succeed
He was a fine mix of talent and greed
She saw her play
And she didn’t delay
Gave him a vision:
Her, descending on the gravy rain.
The salty brown drops
Washed his pain away
And she offered him the deal
That saw the world changed
In her vision, she said to him:
“Oh Ray unknown, how your talent and your pallet go to waste
As well you know, Gods tip the balance, and in their talons grip your fate
In this market how can you make
Your name known?  Oh no!
But I’ve a deal that, if you should take,
Your fame will grow, and grow, and grow!
I see your wonder, see the hunger in your eyes
With my secrets you’ll stun ‘em be their culinary prize
All that I charge of you
Is never have a child - your praise alone is mine
Yes, no children shall you bear
Though many will you claim as hairs in time
Yes the king of food for all your days
The people will taste and they will praise
O’er all you’ll reign, you’ll not be done
You’ll rise so long as the sun has rays
You’ll rise so long as the sun has rays
You’ll rise so long as the sun has rays
And only set when the Rays have son.”
You’ll rise so long as the sun has rays
And only set when the Rays have son.
Well Ray thought that sounded mighty fair -
A heavenly answer to his despair.
He bowed in praise, swore his faith blindly
Which, for gods, is legally binding
Ran down to town to his deep fried peacock eye food cart
In an hour he’d sold out, he was the talk of the town, his food a work of art!
And it grew and it grew and it grew and it grew
And Ray learned the secret that the Gods all knew
And he used them to create a new empire
Food that’s fun served fast, with cheer
Paired with a casual atmosphere
Fills all with food, yes, true, but too - delight!
People could not get enough
They came to get their faces stuffed
How nice! … for Ray…
The gods of food and drink were forgot
Edesia too, it seems her plot
And Ray looked down over all he commanded
By his death, to 1042 locations had he expanded
And as the ages changed, so did Ray’s descendants menus
As they took the empire to new, exciting venues
The Visigoth Grill, Crusader’s Crudo
Pita the Great, Dynasty Noodles
The Original Scythian Style Pub
Bennigans, Arby’s and Stubbie’s Subs
Mongol Flay It Yourself Easy Horse
And on and on til present day, of course.
And the most powerful chain on down that line
Was the Ray’s Pizza Franchise
Featuring Real Ray’s, Original Ray’s, Real Original Ray’s
Famous Ray’s, Infamous Ray’s and Ray’s of other Names
From the first Ray’s cart, this chain had continued
And you could still order peacock eyes off the secret menu.
And they ruled all the franchises with an iron fist
Ah - but how did Ray’s have heirs, if Ray’s never did have kids…?
Listen to this:
Oh it was all part of Edesia’s promise
Which was so poorly thought out it was almost comic
The contract was written up by the best lawyer of the time
Marcus Legislatus, and the print was very fine
As his wife had written it all by hand
And Marcus had married the most beautiful cricket in all the land!
But we don’t have time for that part!
What matters is the deal at this vile contract’s heart:
The Ray to Play Stipulation…
…which stated
That any chain restaurant whose owner mated
Forfeited their first born child to the Rays
Or they handed in their restaurants - either way, they all paid.
And the chains turned over became the Ray’s
And the children turned over - well, the Ray’s they became
Many chains tried to avoid this doom:
Ray Kroc hid his son in a Grimace costume
Papa John put Baby John in a basket of reeds
Dave Thomas sent Wendy to live in a tree
But each was found out, and each child was claimed
And through old, evil magic, was changed to a Ray…
Mama chef, papa chef, RUN! Hide your child away.
Look how the Rays come, on the 5th birthday of,
Oh!, what you most love, they’re gonna take away, and,
Oh!, what you most love -They’re gonna make a Ray.
They’ll file in, eat up all that you’ve got
And you must feed them your best - whether you wanna or not.
Then when they’re done - oh! - that’s when you give ‘em either
The first child of your blood, or all of your franchises
All that you’ve built, oh!, is it worth the pain
Worth all the guilt - oh - to see your child a Ray?
Many parents chose of course their child to keep
But many a chef was overcome with greed
And that’s how the Rays stayed on top of the game
And that about brings us up to date.
So now you may be keen
To the fear that chilled GG
When Mel
Said that she was with son…
All he’d made, all he’d created
Was to crumble lest he gave their
What was to be done…
My dear please dry your tears
You’ve nought to fear for our son’s life…
Let the Rays take all I’ve made,
I promise I won’t contemplate
The trade of child for franchise…
Well, Triple M was overjoyed
But you and me, we know our boy
GG’s not the sort
To sell himself short
He doesn’t give - he takes!
And he’d fight, he might even tempt fate…
Sure he’d changed his ways,
But to give up everything he’d made?? it-
Was a thought that repulsed him, everything he hated.
Well GG Jr came short months later
And his parents love - well, it couldn’t have been greater
And though GG’d been conflicted on what was to be done.
He’d greatly underestimated how much he’d love his son.
Feel how his smile calms me
See how his hands are strong
He’ll be flipping frying pans before too long!
God, he’s such a nat’ral!
See him with that spatula!
One day all that I’ve made will be… no…
And two weeks before lil G turned 5
A letter came in the mail, said “It’s Time.
We march your way in 14 days.
Prepare our feast.  Signed, the Rays.”
Outside there was a storm, but there was a knock at the door
GG turned and saw dripping on his floor
A chef, clad all in mauve
How’d the man get inside?  GG worried this was bad
But the chef simply smiled and acted as if he had
All the answers in the world.  And GG eased, suddenly calm.
He offered the Mauve Chef a drink, but then the chef dropped a bomb:
He looked GG in the eye
And the Mauve Chef said:
“I can save your son
Save all that you’ve done
But you must be brave,
No matter the pain
And do as I say.”
To be continued…
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EXO (OT12) - Reaction to Things Getting Heated During an Argument ;)
As requested. :)
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“Why do you even care” Your voice was stern as you turned around finally facing him after he had been nagging you as you were messing with the clothes in your closet. You had been spending some time with a male friend of yours and he seemed to be getting a bit jealous. You had repeatedly told him it was nothing more than hanging out due to having the same interests and working at the same office. His eyes were filled with anger but not directed towards you, mostly towards your friend. “He is spending too much time with you, what if he doesn’t feel the same way that you do?” Without thinking about your answer too much you blurted out what came to mind immediately, “Is he the one I come home to and sleep with every day? Who cares if he likes me, you are the one I want. No one drives me insane like you do, I mean do you even see how sexy you are upset like this?” You rolled your eyes but noticed the change in his demeanor. The anger in his eyes turned into lust. His rigid frame softened as he walked towards you and brought your lips to his own. The stupid fight forgotten. He wasn’t backing down and you had no desire to retreat, this man was yours and you were his. Just like you were trying to tell him.
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“You couldn’t keep quiet for another half an hour?” You and Lu had been out to dinner with some mutual friends. Before you had left, he and you had a small spat about you accidentally washing his white shirts with his red exercise shirts and dying them a light pink color. You hadn’t been feeling very well with a head cold and just wanted to do his laundry for him for when he got home. He just had to bring it up during the dinner, explaining why you were a little late since he had to find something else to wear. “Well that was the reason, it isn’t like I was lying.” You were stumbling into the bedroom, throwing your heels haphazardly on the ground and undoing your hair. “I’m sorry Lu, I tried to help but apparently, I didn’t. I will buy you new shirts, if you don’t want them then I can just take them to sleep in.” That comment caught him off guard. “Oh really? Here. Put this on.” He threw you one of the pink t-shirts that were still in the laundry basket at the end of the bed. You caught it but just look at him confused. “Why now?” He moved closer and wrapped his arms around you, beginning to unzip the back of your dress. “Because I want to see it on you, just my shirt, and then I want to take it off.” The teasing smirk he gave you, and the proximity between your bodies made you shiver. “But I’m sick.” He chuckled into your ear, “There’s plenty of things we can do stuck in bed together.”
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Kris had come home sloppily drunk last night. You knew that he was going out, but he promised to spend some time with you going over your presentation for your class. He was in no condition to do so which left you somewhat unprepared when you presented today. It went alright but you were still upset that he disregarded your plans together. You were sitting on the couch, silently reading when he walked in and sat down beside you, his arms wrapping you up. You didn’t acknowledge him at all and he noticed. “Babe? Something wrong?” You flipped a page as you casually yawned and moved out of his embrace to stand up, placing the book on the end table. His puzzled look indicated that he seemed to have forgotten about his promise to you. “Want anything for dinner?” You asked rummaging in the fridge. He stood up to join you, “Not specifically, but maybe you could use a little less salt.” You turned to glare at him, unamused by his joke. “You forgot about me.” His eyes widened as the memory struck him, “The presentation. I’m sorry baby.” He wrapped his arms around your waist and leaned down so his eyes were almost level with yours. You frowned as he kept apologizing, trying to get you to lighten up. “What can I do to make it up to you?” You looked down at your feet, “I don’t know. I was counting on you, and you were too drunk to care. I had no one else to help me with it, and yours was the only opinion I cared about anyways.” “Well I’m sure you did amazing, I may have creepily listened as you went over it in the bathroom a couple of times.” A smile broke on your face and he couldn’t help but kiss you. You were tired of being mad at him, you loved the giant dork too much. You kissed him back, wanting him to know that he was forgiven. And the kisses didn’t stop. “Maybe we could try a teacher student thing sometime?” “Yifan!!!”
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You knew that SM liked to have their artists work with each other. It didn’t help when your man had an adoration for a certain group that they tended to spend a lot of time with. They were also unbelievably gorgeous. He came home talking about a project he had to do with the group and your jealousy got the better of you. “Oh goody, you get to spend time with your girlfriends.” You don’t know why you were so bitter but it didn’t seem to be going away at the moment. “Y/N! Come on, don’t be so ridiculous.” You began walking away but he grabbed on to your arm. Not forcibly, but with a slight grip so that you didn’t slip out. “It isn’t ridiculous. You are surrounded by beautiful women all the time while I am just some random college student.” His eyes softened but then turned onto your fiercely. He wasn’t going to prove anything with words. That is why he pushed you against the wall and began kissing down your neck, pushing down your shirt to skim your collar bone. Your breathing hitched, unprepared for his sudden actions. “No more SM. No more saying that you aren’t beautiful. Just shut up and kiss me.”
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He had written a song about no longer loving the person you are with anymore. You had discovered the lyrics when cleaning up the notebooks he left opened after working until he couldn’t stay up any longer and decided to go to bed. Most of his songs were very personal to him, and he had never told you about a relationship that ended this way. Which led you to believing it was your own. He returned home from the practice studio to find you laying on your side in the bed. You were facing the door, but rolled over when he entered the room. “Baobei?” You didn’t answer so he climbed on the bed, placing an arm around you and snuggling his face into the crook of your neck. “Are you ignoring me?” There was silence for a minute before you spoke. “That song of yours. I found the lyrics. Does it mean what I think it does?” You rolled over to look him in the eyes. “No. Of course not. It was about some friends I had.” You started crying, not really believing his answer. “Please don’t lie to me.” He wiped the tears away with his hand and pulled you closer. “Y/N. I’m serious. Stop crying. You’ll make me upset too.” You sniffled but couldn’t stop, the fear of losing him had hit you hard. So he kissed away your tears. And when the tears stopped flowing, you didn’t want him to pull away, only to be closer in every way.
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Baekhyun had his heart broken before. That is why he never wanted to get too close. Always bringing you to the dorms when the boys were around or taking you somewhere with a small group of people. You had been getting irritated with your lack of intimacy. The time spent holding hands or giving small pecks came in small amounts. You wanted more. So, you told him. You met him at the dorms, for the first time no one was around. “Baekhyun, what are we? I feel like you never want to be alone with me. I am always the one suggesting we sneak away.” His jaw jutted out as he tried to think of his reasoning. “You wouldn’t understand.” You let out an exasperated laugh, “That is what I thought. Listen, I can’t do this anymore, I need more than a friend who gives me occasional romance.” You looked up to see the blank expression on his face, but not wanting to see him fall apart, you started to walk away. “Wait.” The urgency in his voice made you pause. “Y/N, please look at me.” Slowly, you turned to see the look of want fill his eyes. “You know how Taeyeon and I ended up?” You nodded, their story was quite famous. Two idols torn apart by the disapproval of fans and their hectic lives. “I don’t want that to happen with you. Believe me, I want more. Every time I see you, every time I touch you. The things that run through my head.” He brought his hand up, dragging his fingertips along the side of your waist. “Do you want me to?” You parted your lips as you moved forward. Guiding his hands to fully grasp your waist on both sides. “Of course, I do.” With that, all of his restraints disappeared.
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Missing your date because practice ran late, that was a bit of an issue. It was the day you had both decided to celebrate your anniversary since he would be on tour when your actual anniversary was. As he walked in you saw the frown on his mouth. “I know you are upset.” His tone was tentative as he looked up. “Well there is no point in talking about it. I’m tired. And you need a shower.” The layer of sweat on his clothing was visible, as well as the slight dampness reflecting in the living room light. You made your way to the bedroom as he followed closely behind. “Please Jagi. I really tried to leave, but the manager just wasn’t having it. The comeback is so close and we need to get everything perfect.” You turned to look at him, raising your eyebrows, before going over to the dresser to change out of your fancier clothing. “I know it isn’t an excuse.” You nodded, “It definitely isn’t, since we had this planned for a while now. This is our three year, it isn’t some small thing.” You grabbed your pj’s and began undressing. Not caring what Dae saw or didn’t see. Your lacy lingerie caught his eye. He threw his bag on the floor and came up behind your mostly undressed form, kissing your neck. “The night isn’t over yet.” He did have a point. You could go out to eat another time. “You stink babe.” He giggled wrapping his arms around your waist. His hands making your bare skin tingle. “A shower does sound nice though,” you grinned as you turned around and kissed him while wrapping your arms around his neck and leading him to the bathroom. 
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You had convinced Chanyeol to let you borrow his jeep for the day. You had to drive for some distance to go visit an old friend and didn’t want to take the subway or a taxi. You accidentally backed up into a post that was right on the edge of the curb. He had noticed the dent when he was dropped off at your apartment. “Y/N!?” His deep voice radiated throughout the house while you tried to hide yourself in the bedroom. He found you sitting on the bed, hugging your knees. “Care to explain why the hell there is a giant dent in my Jeep?” You pouted as you moved towards him. His angry form towering over your own. “It was an accident. I will fix it, I already called the shop and I can bring it tomorrow.” You pulled him into a hug but it took him a few moments to relax. His anger seemed to have disappeared as his hands began finding their way around your body. He pushed you back to get a good look at you, “You are fine though?” You nodded. “Good, as long as my baby is healthy, then everything is okay.” You grinned and he pressed his lips to your temple, then they found their way to your lips. His hands moving again, but not to check for injuries this time.
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Soo was having some actor colleagues over for dinner. The problem was that his practice was taking longer than he thought and he left some of the cooking duties to you. You had placed the meal into the oven on time, but had accidentally fallen asleep while sitting on the couch waiting for the timer to go off. The smell of burning is what woke you up. You sprang into action as you saw the smoke coming from the oven. The food was completely charred. The sound of the door closing is what alerted you to Kyungsoo’s arrival home. “Do I even want to know?” You placed the pan into the sink and opened the windows trying to waft the smoke outside. He turned on the fan and turned off the oven, covering his mouth with a small hand towel. He yelled at you not to breathe it in and go to the other room. Not wanting to make things worse, you did as you were told. Several minutes later he met you in the living room, a mean looking expression on his face. “So…” “I fell asleep, the time went off but I didn’t hear it. I’m so sorry Soo. I know how mice of an impression you wanted to make and I ruined it all.” “How could you fall asleep!?” You didn’t know how to respond, “I don’t know. My eyes just gradually closed and I…” “Just stop. We need to fix this. Is there anything else we could make in this time period?” You rattled off the recipes that you knew and he did the same. Then you both looked over the ingredients that you actually had available in the house. He was in the middle of angrily stirring when he got a message that they would have to reschedule. You were frosting a cake when he read it out loud. As you turned and wiped your hair out of the way, you left some of the sugary paste on your cheek. He walked over and took it off with his thumb, sucking it off afterwards. “Screw this whole thing.” You were a bit confused until he placed a hand behind your neck and kissed you deeply. His lips still tasting like frosting. “We have all night to clean up, you are coming with me.” His hand found yours, pulling you to the hallway leading to your bedroom.
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You had found your way to watching some fan-cams of your lovely boyfriend online. The most interesting ones were the ‘Adore’ fan-cams, the girl seemed to be Tao’s center of attention during the performances. “Interesting.” You knew the songs, of course you did. He would sing/rap them to you whenever you asked him to. Or if he was away for some time, you would play his CD on repeat. You didn’t realize he was home until his hands landed on your shoulders as he snuck up behind the couch. “And what have we been doing today?” You turned to look at him, giving an unhappy look. “Just watching some videos of you, well you and your background dancers. I think ‘Adore’ is the highlight. “Oh.” He knew that this was going to be a bit of a touchy subject since many of his female background dancers had tried to become more to him than just friends or employees. “Listen, she is a great dancer, that is why we have her. That and only that. Besides, I think she may have a boyfriend.” His words didn’t seem very convincing since due to the quizzical expression on his face. “Mhmm.” You just let him ramble on for some time until he ran out of things to say. “Why wasn’t I informed of this choreography?” He frowned while walking around to the front of the couch kneeling in front of you. “Because I didn’t think it was important. It is just a part of my job. You are much more important.” Now you had him where you wanted him, he usually didn’t get very soft at times like this. “Prove it.” He got up and gently pushed you down on the couch. “Whatever you say.”
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He had been working himself too much recently. Not listening to your concerns, he returned home late once again, sweaty and a little sore. You had some fried chicken out on the table for him which he gratefully ate when he settled into the door. You didn’t want to start another argument on the subject but you needed to say something. “Was it just you?” He looked up chewing on a leg piece. “Yeah. Sehun stayed with me for a little bit after the rest of them left, but it was just me for the past two hours.” Why would he listen to his girlfriend, it isn’t like you were looking out for his best interest. “Jongin! We talked about this! It isn’t good for your body.” He was listening, you knew he was. But he didn’t respond for a while as you stared him down. After finishing his last piece of chicken and chugging a glass of water to refuel he looked at you again. “I know.” You waited for more but there was only silence. “Nini, is that all you have to say?” He stood up and pushed the chair back in, “I promise that I will cut down on the rehearsal when the comeback is done. Just give me until then.” You nodded but still glared at him, upset that he doesn’t just take a rest for a day or two. “But you do know what would be good for my body…” He moved to push you back against the fridge, pinning your hands to your sides.
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“Could you look a little more enthused?” You were trying to teach your boyfriend something that he couldn’t get the hang of. His manager had mentioned how he would like him to look ‘happier’ during award shows. You said that it is just how Sehun is, there wasn’t really any changing it. But here you were, trying your best to help. “Imagine the camera is on you, what do you do?” His face was completely blank. “Babe?” He rolled his eyes. “I was trying to look fierce.” You giggled but that giggle made him upset. “I really am trying. How can I control my face!” You knew he had resting bitch face, that was part of what made your Sehun, Sehun. You were getting agitated as well. Just cause you were his girlfriend didn’t mean you could, or would want to change him. You had just given up when you snapped back at him. Which for some reason made him bite his lip and smirk. “What was that baby? I like it when you get sassy with me.” He stood up, not caring about the argument or the training any more. His hands finding their way to your waist and pulling you into him, leaning down to press his lips against yours.
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carvers-hawke · 7 years
Cullavellan Week - Day 3
Fandom: Dragon Age Pairing: Devanna Lavellan/ Cullen Rutherford AO3 Link: Here! Notes: Pshew, made it with a few minutes to spare. Uh. I’m really bad at writing action scenes and this was heavily inspired by the fight choreography of Wonder Woman. Also Dev is a Reaver, but like, not your average Reaver someone come talk to me about how she got her abilities because i love it so she gets very, very into fighting. 
And by the nature of day four’s prompt I won’t be participating since this is the first time I’ve a) wrote anything with Dev in it and b) wrote for Cullavellan. Anyways, today’s prompt is
It’s no secret that the Inquisitor and Commander are experts in combat! Show them in action out in the field!
They usually weren’t on the field together. As Commander of the Inquisition’s forces, Cullen had a mostly administrative position. As much as he would be down in the training fields, running the soldiers through drills, sparring, encouraging his troops to learn how to use their damn shields, he didn’t often leave Skyhold.
It was uncommon for him to take the field of combat, but not unheard of.
He had accompanied the group to Sahrina, to lend his sword and shield to the Inquisition in breaking the Red Templars’ hold on the quarry, to disrupt Samson’s easy supply of lyrium. It had been deeply satisfying, even if it did mean subjecting himself to the sickly sweet call of the tainted lyrium. And it called, leaving a deep throbbing pain between his temples, and a strong tremor to his hands. He hated it, but it was a suffering he would endure.
But then they’d met a handful of behemoths, and one had gotten in a good, lucky hit through Cassandra’s guard, and their Seeker had been rushed back to the nearest camp for healing. Broken limbs, cracked ribs, and a punctured lung, the healers were working round the clock to get her into stable condition. But the Inquisition couldn’t rest, and Michel de Chevin meant to confront the demon Imshael, one of the Forbidden Ones.
As if it was a matter of taking down a shade, or an abomination, and he remembered the devastation in Darktown when Hawke had faced down the creature Xebenkeck. The thought of the Inquisition facing down a demon of that caliber, without someone trained to nullify magic, to strike against these creatures, was unacceptable. And with Cassandra’s condition that left him.
Cullen hadn’t taken lyrium in over a year, that was true, but he had been a Knight Commander, and he could still throw a holy smite that would knock even the Grand Enchanter on her ass.
He might have wished, however, that the demon Imshael hadn’t taken up residence at the very top of Suledin Keep, filled with more Red Templars, and giants.
“Oh. Oh this is going to be fun.” A small mercy, that Devanna was at his side, body vibrating with excitement as they surveyed the doors of the Keep.
Kalros regarded her Hand, an indulgent smile on her face even as she fisted her hands on her hips. “Would you like to do the honors, then?”
“And it’s not even my nameday.” Devanna said it with such enthusiasm, swaggering up to the door.
She was a violent creature, this woman he loved, with the blood of dragons in her veins, and it was made all the more apparent by the way she led the charge into the Keep. A haze of bright, glowing red as she clawed deep furrows into the door, weakening it before kicking it down in a shower of splinters that left the few guards just inside looking on in astonishment.
“Hello lovies~” She sang, drawing her blade with a soft hiss. “Who’s ready to die?”
And the battle was joined.
It had been some time since Cullen had really fought. Not since the attack on Haven, and even then his duties had been more in organizing a suitable defense and getting as many people out as he could—not enough though, never enough. Still, any fears that he might be rusty, given his current companions, faded as he waded head first to join Devanna. The others stayed back, Varric taking the high ground to better aim with his crossbow as Dorian cast barriers and threw fire spells back and forth. They were content to let their warriors do the bulk of the work, well, all of them save Kalros, who used no staff, and wreathed herself in magic and using it to construct weapons of her very own, occasionally assisted by the chakri in her hands.
They fell into a sort of synergy, the reaver and himself, his defensive tactics well matched with her own reckless abandon. He knew that was the point, of course, the harder they hit her, the more she hurt, the stronger she became. And yet, he couldn’t help but cringe at every hard earned injury, couldn’t help but work to stay at her side.
“Archers!” He lunged forward, shield raising up in front of her, just in time to block a bolt that would have pinned her in the shoulder.
The elf stuttered slightly at the restraint on her shoulder, pupils widening from their slits in surprise and realization.
Realization that blossomed into a wide grin as she leaned in quick as a flash to place a blood smeared kiss to his cheek. “Thank you lover.”
And just like that she was ducking out of the protection of his shield, swinging that massive sword of hers and laughing at the spray of blood and death in her wake. Cullen noticed, with no small amount of unease, that the deeper they went into the fortress, the more potent the animus that clung to her. It manifested in a blood red mist, swirling and infecting any enemies that came within fifteen meters of her. Her attacks hit harder, and ideally it wasn’t a bad thing—it made putting down the Red Templars easier—but he could see her slipping.
The laughing gradually became less, replaced with wordless growls and snarls, her kills becoming messier. The danger of the dragon blood that ran through her veins; it was a source of power, but indulging too much could lead to madness as Cassandra hadn’t hesitated to point out.
He worried, a quick glance over at the Inquisitor showed a tightness of expression that indicated worry as well, but at least they were getting close to the end.
“Is that a bloody—“
“Kaffas, watch the swing!”
“Maker’s breath!” The giant staggered out of its cage with a swipe of its arms, a pulse of that sickening call running through Cullen as he focused on the clusters of red crystal sprouting from its skin.
And then he was dodging out of the way as it threw a chunk of stone at them, rolling away even as the crash left his ears ringing. He recovered in time to see Kalros reach out, frost blooming up her fingers even as thick ice shot up around the giant’s feet, holding it in place. Devanna was already dashing in to press the advantage it created, weaving between the giant’s fists to harry at its legs. Drawn in by her orbit, Cullen moved as well, creating as much of a distraction as he could even as he used his shield to deflect the blows thrown his way.
The fight might have lasted a few minutes of a few days, everything became a whirl of dodging and slashing, barriers shimmering over his skin as magic and crossbow bolts peppered the rough skin of the giant. They were wearing it down though, little by little, and Cullen hoped that it ended soon because he could feel the burn of exhaustion in his arms, shield hand starting to go a little numb.
Cullen couldn’t help but think at this point that maybe Cassandra had been lucky, even with the injuries she’d sustained.
There was a loud roar, and the sound of something hard colliding with something metal, causing Cullen’s heart to stop in his chest, his throat squeezed tight in a vice as he saw Devanna go sailing through the air. There was an indentation in the wall that she’d struck, sliding down with a smear of blood.
“Dev!” He wasn’t sure who yelled it first, Kalros or himself—possibly both—but Cullen instinctively jerked in her direction.
The kossith woman had positioned herself behind the giant, her face cast in a soft violet glow as she looped her lightning whip around its throat. It was by some design, some treatment like that which allowed a Tempest to sheathe themselves in the elements, that prevented her from getting electrocuted as she twisted the whip around her leg, catching it under her boot to pull the giant back. And it was a testament to her strength, both physical and arcane, that allowed her to restrain the beast even as she tried to choke the life from it.
A soft hiss of pain from behind him, an impatient noise, a growled fucker as Devanna climbed to her feet. Her sword was a few feet away, wedged into the frozen earth from where it’d been dropped, and instead of going to recover it she pulled out her long, aurum hunting knife.
She staggered a few steps, head swinging from side to side in her disorientation and she couldn’t mean to rejoin the battle.
But the elf righted herself, forcefully regaining her equilibrium and switching her grip on her knife.
“Cullen.” She snapped, her normally husky voice rough and deep, like shards of glass being scraped over stone. “Shield. Now.”
Panic gripped him, followed by confusion, as she made her way towards him, speed increasing. He remembered the last time he’d heard her say that, in the training grounds of Skyhold, a training session she’d insisted he watch because she wanted to show him something. He remembered the way Blackwall had taken a knee, shield braced to launch her.
And that was what she wanted him to do, to give her a step up to get to the giant’s vulnerable spots.
Bloody hell but was she always this reckless? Was this the sort of thing she did, on their excursions out into the field? How was she still alive?
His braced himself anyway, sword dropping and balance shifting as he gripped the shield tight with both arms. Her booted foot planted hard against the shield, but the weight of a fully armored warrior was nothing he wasn’t used to, and Cullen followed the change easily, rolling with it and pushing.
Some of her hair had fallen loose from its updo, strands of red flowing behind her as she flew through the air, teeth bared and a loud, inhuman snarl ripping from her throat. The knife plunged into the giant’s chest, a hand hold by the collarbone as she reached forward with her free hand, summoning the power in her blood and ripping into the creature with a spectral dragon’s claw.
It reached in, phasing through skin and bone and muscle directly through the sternum, and Cullen was forcefully reminded of Hawke’s companion, Fenris. Except, the way the blood hovered, the way he could visibly see the giant’s life force seep into Devanna, cuts and bruises healing before his very eyes, was in no way the same.
No, watching that sent a shudder of unease down his spine, and it was oh so dangerously close to blood magic. Except she was no mage, and her abilities had been forced on her, it was only fair that she use them to stay alive.
Finally the giant fell, first to its knees, and then backwards, Kalros letting the magic of the whip fade as she nimbly jumped out of the way. His first instinct was to check on Devanna, his feet taking him to his lover’s side, but as soon as he got close he felt… he felt the prod of something sharp, painful, buffeting at him. Foreign, a sort of ache that reached down into his soul and held it tight in a clawed grip.
“Cullen wait.” Kalros reached over, pulling him back. “It’s not safe.”
And that’s when he realized—the animus hadn’t faded, if anything the giant’s death had only fueled it farther. She had trouble coming down, letting go of the blood lust and calming the fire that burned within her, especially after particularly large battles. She needed help, she’d explained, someone who could bring her back to herself.
“She doesn’t recognize you.” The kossith continued, taking a step forward.
He didn’t hesitate, pulling himself out of Kalros’ grip and moving closer. “Devanna.”
The aura pushed back at the intrusion, sensing an enemy, and she tilted her head ever so slightly to regard him. Like she had when they’d first met, holding herself apart and unsure. But there was no recognition in those yellow eyes, pupils narrowed into thin slits. She treated him like a threat, an unknown, and while that cut deep into him Cullen reminded himself that this wasn’t her.
“Devanna.” He repeated, voice firm, as he continued his approach. “Love, the fight is over.”
It wasn’t completely over, he knew that Imshael still resided in the heart of the fortress, but if they challenged the demon like this, they would be at a disadvantage. More than that, he hated the way she quivered, body barely held in check despite the violence that held her coiled tight like a spring ready to snap. This was a part of her, he knew, but it wasn’t always healthy.
“Dev.” Her hand shot out like a blur, fisting in his mantle and effectively bringing him to a halt. “Love.”
It was a delicate situation. Devanna, he knew, could easily injure him if she so chose. Especially in this state, where her strength had increased tenfold. If he moved wrong, gave even the slightest indication that he was a threat, she would strike and at this distance not even the Inquisitor could stop her.
But he wasn’t afraid. If this day had shown him how powerfully aggressive his lover was, there were so many instances that he could call to mind of her gentleness. She loved him; though she didn’t say it he had felt it in so many small, potent ways and he trusted her.
So Cullen held himself perfectly still, hardly daring to breathe as she watched him like a cat watching a mouse. He didn’t fight when she pulled him in close, lifting his chin in a show of surrender when she pressed her nose into his neck, inhaling deeply.
“Cull…” She murmured, the tension bleeding out of her frame as she moved in closer. “Shit that was…”
“I’ve got you. You’re good.” He assured her just as quietly, pulling her into a quick, rough embrace. “You didn’t lose yourself.”
“You could have gotten yourself killed.” Devanna pulled back, a frown on her face as she looked up at him. “You should have let Kal—“
“Maybe.” He agreed, cutting her off by carefully dragging his fingers down her cheek. “I didn’t though. We’ll discuss our mutual recklessness once we take the Keep.”
Her pupils dilated at that, just a fraction, picking up easily on the intent behind the words. There were many ways to cure battle lust, he knew, and there were many ways to calm his warrior.
“Right.” Devanna cleared her throat, head ducking as a flush covered his cheeks. “Well. Let’s go kill a demon, shall we?”
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