#what is language? what is grammar? someone please kill me
waywardcrow · 5 months
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All eyes on us.
Summary: This wedding needs to happen, it's the only way you can protect the ones you love, the only problem is that you're in love with your husband-to-be and he would never love you back.
Pairing: Mob!Bucky x Stark!reader.
TW: Really not so many, talks of murder but very lightly, mentions of mysogyny, implications of mafia kind of stuff, death of parents, mention of future smut, curvy!reader, no mention of y/n and reader's nickname is Bells (context coming soon), kind of enemies to lovers but not really enemies, arranged marriage, this will be a +18 story so minors dni.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language, please tell me if I make grammar mistakes.
Part of the Yours to lose series.
Pictures from pinterest and graphic and dividers by the amazing @ firefly-graphics so all credits to the creators.
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Everyone was waiting for her but she kept looking at herself in the mirror.
The wedding dress was beautiful, Pepper told her it was what Maria Stark –her mother- wore in her own wedding day and she loved it, the silk was too soft, hugging her curves with an ethereal touch and it had a subtle scent that she assumed belonged to the mother she couldn't remember.
Tony swore their mother loved her, their father too, the young bride couldn’t help but doubt it, they would not love her if they could see her now about to get married to a man who didn’t love her back, a man who humiliated her once for his pride, someone who probably only wanted what this arrangement could give him back.
How would she survive this marriage when it was impossible to leave the room and get to the Cathedral?
A knock in the door pulled her out of her mind, finding Natasha smiling at her in the reflection of the mirror.
“Are you ready, dear?” her friend knew the real answer but still gave her the chance to speak.
“I was about to go” she lied and the redhead gave her a knowing look “everyone it’s waiting, isn’t it?”
“You’re the bride, honey, they can wait” Natasha walked to her, looking like a goddess in her silver dress and put her arms around the bride’s body “you can say no, we can fight Russo’s father, hell, Billy would love having one more excuse to kill him.”
She was sure Billy would do it, not only for her but for his sister, for Madani and for himself but it wasn’t time yet, the alliances needed to be settled, Stark and Barnes had to fight alongside to kill Pierce and Carlo Russo. She made all that mess before getting her family back and nobody would take them from her, never again.
“It has to be done, Nat” she put the veil in her head and took the beautiful bouquet Becca left for her earlier “let’s go.”
Her friend must have seen something in her eyes that made her nod.
“Alright, Bells. Let’s do this” her nickname, the one Yelena gave her when they met years ago, made her smile, who could ever thought that knocking someone out with Christmas bells will change her life?
Natasha guided her trough the corridors to the waiting room where Tony was talking in a hushed tone with Pepper, her sister-in-law radiant with her baby bump, reminding her why this alliance needed to happen.
“I’d be waiting outside, dear” Nat kissed her cheek and went to take her place with the other bridesmaids.
Tony was staring at her, pale like a ghost, whispering his sister's name. It wasn’t the first time in the last months Bells was told how much alike she was with his mother, their mother but this time Tony didn’t say anything, just looked at her eyes to find determination that matched his concern.
“Everything it’s beautiful, Peps, thank you” the bride said and the ginger smiled with a hint of sadness barely visible.
“It’s the least I could do for you, topolina. You deserve beautiful things” she never had a mother, not that she could remember, but with Pepper there she could feel like she did.
Pepper gave her husband a gentle squeeze in the arm and went to join the rest of the guest.
“I have Frank ready to go, say the word and we leave” his first words almost made her chuckle, he spent the last fifteen days planning ways to get her out of this but Bells always refused, a small and stupid part of her happy because she would marry the man she loved.
“I want to do this, Tony, for all of us” that part it was true, this marriage was the only way she could protect him and Pepper and the baby, Billy and Dinah, Frank and Maria and the kids, the family she dreamed about since she was a kid and that she finally had. It also would save her from Carlo Russo’s greedy hands.
Bells knew one or two things about the mob, mostly from movies and for that she was sure the respect from his brother to her choices were more part of his good soul, she heard some stories from Maria that made her want to kill Carlo Russo even more.
True to the man she met not too long ago Tony didn’t fight her, instead he straightened his bow tie and extended an arm out for her to take it.
“Then allow me to walk you down the aisle, signorina, it will be my honour” the charm went back to his eyes and Bells could breathe, if she could count on them, she could do anything.
The music started playing when the wedding planner gave the signal and every one of her friends smiled at her or blew kisses at her before marching down the aisle. From where she was she could see Maria walk with confidence, not sparing a glance to her father who unfortunately was sited next to her brother Billy and Dinah.
Natasha was the last one, looking at her with reassurance one last time before following the others, then it was their turn.
“I love you, topolina”
“Love you too, Tony”
The crowd of guest was an unfocused picture, she only had eyes for the man waiting for her at the altar, wearing a black tux with a new haircut, his long chestnut locks were gone, sending a silly wave of sorrow through her veins.
She loved his hair, in an embarrassing impulse she remembered pulling his long hair to get him to kiss her again when-
Bells stopped herself.
It was dangerous to think about those times, they were gone the minute he saw her as one of his properties and decided to punish her for something she never did.
Bucky’s eyes never left her the whole way to him, drinking her like he was dying of thirst. Steve must have noticed too because he gave him a subtle bump to get him to blink and stop looking like he would commit sacrilege in the middle of the church.
The beautiful glass windows projected a million colors around her when Tony lifted the veil and with a barely visible hesitance put her hand in Bucky’s.
“I’m confident you will protect her with your life, Barnes” was all he said, dead serious when Bucky gave him a solemn nod and her brother kissed her forehead.
With her eyes watching her step, Bells avoided looking at him until it was impossible to keep going.
A soft smile, one she thought she lost forever, resurfaced when their eyes locked and the bride could read what he was thinking.
She was his, always was and always would be and he would never let her go.
I'd do bad things with you >>>
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Hiya! I'm super happy to post this story even if I don't know what I'm doing, to be honest I'm not fluent in italian, so here's the translation of the pet names I used:
-topolina: Little mouse.
-signorina: Miss.
If I made a mistake with that, feel free to correct me and tell me what you think! What do you think it will happen?
Love, Lily.
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autograph session - Lando Norris
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summary; Lando Norris x reader
How can Lando change the situation from enemies to lovers?
warning(s); bad language, angst, fluff, maybe grammar errors
"I would never date someone like her"
This is what Lando said to Daniel Ricciardo after you were gone. You waited a whole day to get a photo with Lando Norris, talking a friendly conversation at an autograph session and when you walked away, you heard this.
Sure you're just a fangirl. But it hurts. You're not a model, you're not as tall as Lando himself but you're smart and nice.
It's like the world hates you months later - Lando Norris is sitting in the restaurant with his team where you work as a waiter. You need to pay bills, it's definitely not your dreamjob. He's definitely not your dream guest.
"I'm not going to this table!", you swear to your coworker. She's looking amused, she's the only one knowing why you hate Lando Norris.
"He'll not recognize you!", she supports you, laughing at the end of saying.
It's hilarious how you stand in front of her, acting like a child.
"Show him you're better than him", she pushes your body forward to Lando's table.
The team hears your foot steps and the attention is on you.
"What can I bring you to drink?", you twist your legs, trying to stay humble. You want to smash the menu card after lando's smirk. Reminding yourself, you really need the money.
They order their drinks and food, you're staying in the shadow without saying much words. Usually you're joking around, having a good time with all guests but you're not feeling well.
"Do you want to pay with the credit card?", you ask Lando without friendly manners. "I'll pay cash, thanks", he shows you his million-dollar-smile. Too bad it bounces off like a tennis ball.
"Thank you, Sir", you nod in the round, ready to leave, Lando holing your wrist, "this one is for you". You can feel cash between your hands, pushing the money like a reflex back to him, "fuck you, Lando Norris!". Your voice is hissing in his direction.
His eyes are getting big, his team is laughing but you couldn't care less, waking back to the cabin, ready to leave your last shift of the week. "What happened?", your coworker comes around, completely in anger what you did. "He can throw his cash in his ass, Mr. I would never date her!", you're frustrated. In this moment someone knocks on your door, "hello?", both of your heads spinning around. "it's only for waiters!", you warn this person. "I don't see if you're naked, I swear!", Lando Norris standing there and holding his hands on his face to cover everything. "what do you want?!", straight eyes caught him. Your coworker pushes you again, "Sir".
Lando rolls his eyes, his rolex is glimmering on his wrist. "what's your name?", he asks you. "doesn't matter", you don't want to interact with him.
"Did I upset you or why are you hating me this much?", he asks again, trying to make this situation a little bit funny.
You don't want to laugh with him, you want to sleep after a ten hours shift.
"Because you play with fangirls feelings!", you scream in his face. He touches his hair, totally chill.
"How can I change your mind, that I'm sorry?", he bites on his lips. He looks so god, you want to kiss and kill him at the same time.
"Leave the restaurant, thanks", you tell him your mind, you get hitting on your shoulder again. You huff, rolling your eyes, "everything is okay", you fake a smile. He says bye and leaves the restaurant.
You're thinking about this situation, even days later back at work. Yes, you had your reasons to be like this but he treated you not like grass unser his feet.
"One guest is asking for you", your coworker searched you in the crowd. "We're not a private restaurant so this guest has to wait!", you bite on your tongue not to say more you'll regret later, "bet you want to know who he is", she grins like a devil. "fine!", shrugging the shoulders and walking to table 10.
"Are you kidding me?", you're pissed to see this face again. Lando Norris in a smoking.
"Hi, nice to meet you!", Lando smiles kinda worried, his eyes are blurried.
"Wish I could say the same but here we are. We're not the only restaurant in this area", you spew fire. He plays with his crossed fingers, his head is down. "what did I do?", he breaths in. "What do you want to drink?", you have to do your job. Nothing more. "I'd like to order food. Just food", he sounds disappointed.
But you have to pretend you couldn't care less.
After he ate his dinner, paying and saying thank you - he left. He didn't left like joking, he stayed quiet.
"You broke his heart, girl", your boss comes around after the shift is over. "Whose?", "Mr. Norris".
This conversation hunts you, still on the streets on the way home.
Lando Norris would never ever go to a restaurant without having a plan. Or at least a reason. Your fan merchandise is hidden in your wardrobe, you didn't wore these things for two years like its a plague.
Next work shift you're tired. You could sleep on your own feet. What if he's telling your boss, you need to get fired? Just because your emotions you could lose your job.
"He's asking for you", your boss pets your hair like a dog and told you it's table 3.
Lando Norris. Again.
He might has vacation, shouldn't he win races?
"Hello", you smile, asking your typical questions as a waitress. It's the same like last time; he orders food, pays cash and wants to leave.
"Have a nice day-", you want to end his time in your restaurant, but he interrupts you. "I asked my menager if i did something wrong to you. There's nothing on social media. I have no clue-", he talks in his british accent. To be fair, his accent sounds cute.
"You told Daniel Ricciardo at an autograph session you would never date someone like me!", gosh. It feels so heavy to speak out this.
Lando's face gets gray. He's biting on his lip. "I'm incredibly sorry", his voice cracks and is shaky. So thin, it could easily break.
"What can I-", you talk between his sweet nothings. "You're a bad person Lando Norris and I don't deserve this. I worked hard to be here with two jobs to pay my bills and I'm not perfect but I'm good enough someone would like to date me! But you would never understand because I'm out of your league with your millions", you scream and leave the restaurant.
You're sure: it was your last day at work.
Nobody called you for the next week, your boss only texted you "take some time, see you in two weeks".
He destroyed you, now you destroyed him. But why does it feel so wrong?
You're watching TV, ice cream in your hands and the blankets is around like a coucon.
"Mr. Norris, how are you today?", the reporter asks Lando with the microphone in his hands.
"I'm okay", he answers with a sick voice, his face is not shaved. "you'll start from p4, are you happy with the results?", Lando Shakes his head, "I'll try to win, like always", "you want to send the prize money to a kindergarten, why?", ok this question is interesting.
"I'm a bad person. I want to change it", he gets weak and walks to his car.
You feel bad. So bad. Maybe you hurt him, too.
Maybe he's crying right now in his car, helmet on.
The following next week comes earlier than you expected and now you're here; in your restaurant ready to make some people happy.
"Lando told me you're working here", a young boy with aussie accent standing here. "are you Oscar Piastri?", "psst please be quiet", he hides his face in his hood.
"He's a mess. He did an horrible mistake and he regrets it but he's not a bad person. I swear", he strongly says. "Thank you for telling me", you smile lovely.
"He wanted to ask you out since the team dinner. He came back here after the race of Australia and he had a jet leg and almost slept in the next practice but he didn't care because he thought you're happy to see him again", he spills the tea. He's not angry, he's calm. "What should I do now?", you feel rude.
"I can give you his number and his address, he booked a hotel room but is too afraid to come here", he whispers because guests are walking behind him. You nod and take the phone number.
"Why is he afraid?", "you ripped him with words". "Bye", he says in a hurry and leaves.
You decided to walk to him after your work shift, a luxurious hotel room in front of you.
You knock two times until you hear foot steps. "don't need room service but thanks", an exhausted voice talks.
"Open the door, Lando", you're freezing your ass off. It's cold tonight.
"What are you doing here?", Lando Norris standing here with nothing but in just his underwear.
"Oscar told me", you smile. You don't want to hurt him.
"Come in", he opens the door and let you in. It's clean, just some helmets on the ground, "I like your new helmet design", you smile again.
"I'll give them away", "why?", "I'm a bad person and want to make it better for my fans", he sniffles. "You love this helmet", you argue back. He told the media he would sleep with this helmet in his bed because it's so cool.
He's standing here, broken and lost.
"I want to treat my fans better..", putting his head down. "oh Lando", you can't help yourself and hug him. He's one head taller than you and lays his head in your neck, sobbing. "I'm sorry I told these awful things", touching his back, running circles over it.
"Everything will be alright", you breath in his cologne. "You're not a bad person", you correct yourself.
"I am and I just wanted to ask you out", he cries in your arms. You're watching out of the window. It's already dark outside, cold air. "Everything is alright, Lando", you burry your head in his hair.
"I'm such a pussy", he sniffs and stops hugging you. "you're not", you smile and whip his tears away. In front of you is a good looking, inside and out beautiful person.
"I swear I wasn't talking about you at this autograph session", he uses a tissue and smiles. "Oh what is this?", you catch a beige hoodie in your hand, lando's name on it. "its my new merch but it's not-", "I'll borrow it until you ask me for a date so you have to come along", you wink at him. He giggles his adorable laugh, "okay, darling".
I might fell for his personality.
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lovelyamarilala · 4 months
Can I call you mine?
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"Can I call you mine?"
"HAHA! Get the fuck away from my sister."
"hm..what about..No!"
"Alastor calm down dear.."
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Lucifer Morningstar x Older sister of alastor! Reader x Adam..(ish?????, NdYes it's female again..ahem but in future blogs it won't be " female!" Bare with me..) swearings, Alastor being a protective younger brother🤷🤷, flirty Lucifer, he's off character I guess? (Thank you so much, for enjoying my recent blog! I appreciate it!!) English is my first language, and I may have grammar issues
Part 1.
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How are you a demon..? Well let's just say, you killed dozens of people in sadness and rage, after your younger brother died. you also killed the person who killed him.
"You are sentenced to be killed in the electric chair, Ms. Altruist." The judge looks at you with a heavy stare, you look back at him with a sweet smile, "Oh about time Mr judge." You knew about your brother's doings, but you still love him, and still think of him as your brother
You sat on the electric chair, with a small gentle smile, "It's terrifying to see ya still smilin, even if you're gonna die." You chuckled at the officer, "oh you! It's how I am~" the officer looked at you confusedly, "well uhm, are you ready?" You nodded,
He puts a bag in your head, you are starting to see darkness, as you start to feel electrified...
You feel the heavy floor, as you slowly open your eyes(your color palette is the same as alastor!) You were met by a red sky, you sat straight, and stood up, dusting your dress, and looking around your surroundings, it had a different feeling, you were still feeling bangs in your head, you walked down in the alleyway, and stumbled upon a store, you looked into the glass, you looked slightly different... (Your powers are lighting, due to you dying by the electric chair, but I also wanted you to be a deer, just like Alastor, I know it doesn't make sense, but bare with me please!) You had antlers, and ears, your nails were sharp, "Well would you look at that, seems like I'm in hell!" You laughed as the demons around you looked at you weirdly, you smiled back at them and started walking down the street, until you heard a girl singing...
"Today is gonna be a fucking happy d—"
"why hello there my dear!"
she jumped and looked around, she was wearing a suit, (hot pink? Or..pink Mix with red..?) She had long, blonde hair, with lighter blonde and pink highlights, which is tied into a twice-banded low ponytail. Her blonde bangs flip to her left with a curl with an untucked white, long-sleeved dress-shirt. Over this she usually wears a fitted red tuxedo jacket with dark-red lapels and a pair of red fitted pants. She wears black and white saddle shoes. (Found that in wiki..ahem..sorry..)
She looked at you, and laughed nervously "oh hey! Uh.." your smile reminded her of someone but she nudged it off.
"Quite an interesting song sweetheart! My name is _____! I'm quite pleased to be meeting you!"
Charlie softly smiled, "hey, I'm Charlie, Charlie Morningstar, I was heading for a meeting, would you care tooooo...go with me?"
You smiled wickedly, "Morningstar? My! I didn't know that was real, how shocking" you softly smiled, "I'd love to join you sweetheart!" She nods her head, and gestures to you to follow her, as you follow her, with a grave movement.
You both entered, a white looking room, it was a different feeling compared to when you guys were outside, you looked around while Charlie signed something, you looked back at her, and followed where she was going, you both now entered a room who is full of darkness, "Sup." then light suddenly filed the room as Charlie tripped, you helped her up and fixed her hair, "Hi! I-m charlie..uhh..my dad sent a meeting to Uhhh" (I actually forgot what she was saying so I'm really sorry if it's not interesting now) "Really nice to meet you!"
"Rightttt, nice to meet you too!" As the man held his hand out, Charlie went to it and to shake hands with him, only for her hand to go through it.
Timeskip (Really sorry, but I ran out of stuff to say in this part)
You were standing, all the time, you noticed The man kept looking at you, you looked back at him, as he winked at you, you sweat dropped and looked away,the man wore a smooth white and golden cloak that appears to have a large 'A' symbol emblazoned on the front. His visible hands were black in appearance, as well, and had golden tip spikes on the back of his collar. The mask also held a pair of horns similar to an exorcist, albeit longer, smoother, and with a golden ornamental attachment on the tips.
As Charlie talked about the hell population, about like..reducing.
"Oh Uhhh, ugly people?..math!..global warming wait no—"
Charlie talked about "BIGGEST PROBLEM"
"ohhh...yeah..well..that must've sucked for you!" Adam laughed, "Anyway, who's this chick beside ya?" Charlie came to the realization that you were still there, "ohh my gosh! ____! Really sorry, well Uhhh, Adam sir. This is ____!" You smiled widely "Adam is it? First man? Nice to be meeting you! I'm quite pleased!" You smiled even more, and fixed your hair, Adam smirked and got up from his seat and walked towards you, he took your hand and gave the back of your hand a kiss, you imagined alastor being here, you knew he would be fuming.
You chuckled, "how lovely!" You took away your hand, "thought you angels despise demons."
"well demon-tits you're an exception."
"how shocking! Don't call me that please."
"Call me Dick master first."
"hah! Never gonna happen."
Charlie dragged you away from him, she stared at you worriedly.
Adam spoke again "Whoops seems like we're outta time, guess we should get going."
Charlie smiled, "Oh well, I have a lot to go through!" She spawned papers with her hands, "and not a lot of time and I think you weren't hearing me before, so here it goes..
Timeskip after the song.
You already wanted to get out, as you saw Charlie being pushed out by Adam, you tried going to her then Adam grabbed you back, "hey babe, what about you give me a kiss before you go?"
"HAH! no."
You looked at him dumbfounded, as got out of the room, and helped Charlie up, the door closed, you and Adam held an eye contact.
"well how interesting!"
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The grammar issues, I'm so sorry!!!
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bloodytittiez · 3 months
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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey guys [*gets shot*] I know I've never posted any of my writings before, even though I write fanfiction, but this has been collecting dust in my google docs page for nearly two years and it was too good to not share it with you my little kinky freaks/lh/aff (at least I think so)! I hope you enjoy this little smut fic - English isn't my first language so excuse some possible spelling and grammar errors, please... also, KEEP IN MIND THIS WAS A DRAFT! There's a lot of time skips and I doubt I'll ever finish it.
CONTENT WARNING: AFAB reader, vaginal sex, oral sex, teasing, heavy dirty talking, sex without condom, consensual non-consensual, phone sex, masturbation, public sex, porn with plot.
Red and blue lights flickering outside, tree branches tapping against the snowy windows of the sorority house. The soft, slow tunes and delicious scents of cinnamon and ginger cookies flowing in the air...
Christmas, such a family centered holiday where there's only place for laughs and sweet surprises, was completely ruined yet another year by him.
It was the fourth time in the night the moaner called. You could see your roommates gag at the blasphemies and curses the stranger yelled at the phone to each one of them– while you seemed to enjoy them in secret.
《Nasty… F-Filthy piggy. Bi-Billy has a big juicy fat cock he k-knows you’d love to suck on… I-It’s dripping wet and it f-fits in your mouth.》
You crossed your legs as ‘‘Billy’’ —you had no idea if that even was his actual name— spat nonsensical words for the sake of feeling some friction against your womanhood. His descriptions were so detailed that you could picture them perfectly in your head.
《Billy w-will kill each one of you… Tonight.》He breathed out in a way that felt almost a threat, his sentence getting distorted when it reached the other side of the line. Everyone could tell he was all tensed up for the way he gripped the phone.
《I can’t stand you anymore, you fucking pig!》
《Pig… P-piggy! Naughty piggy…》 The moaner repeated, mocking a very stressed out Jess Bradford.
《Jess.》 You interrupted the leader of your group with a serene expression, finally standing up from your seat when you felt her anxiety grow. 《Let me take care of the situation.》 You suggested while you took the device out of her hands before she would say anything, and covering the speaker you added something;
《Why don’t you guys go to bed? It’s way too late already.》
《But we can’t leave you alone with that creep!》 Jess exclaimed.
《Don’t worry about it. Someone has to confront him already and that’s going to be me.》 You answered, already building up enough courage to complete the task. 《Please.》 You looked up at the concerned eyes of every girl occupying the room while you could hear Billy talking to himself on the other side of the line. 《You girls need some rest. It’s been a long day.》
Jess and the rest stood there in silence, trusting your words. She gave you a small nod and parted her lips to articulate a silent ‘‘thank you’’ before leaving the room with relief. You knew she didn’t have enough energy to argue, and so did the rest.
You smiled when you returned to the call, grabbing the phone with distinguished elegance in your movements. A soft smile formed in your face and felt a sudden flock of butterflies inside of your stomach. It definitely wasn’t a good idea to play along with who you knew was a creep, but a part of you loved the thrill and danger in doing that. You could hear your sweet mother’s voice in your head begging to stop what you were doing as you answered Billy. To hell with her warnings of not picking up the phone to strangers!
Tonight was going to be different. May this be your very own Christmas gift…
《Hello, Billy.》 You tried not to come off as rude at first.
《Yes, yes… Hello there, my darling… It's so nice to hear your voice. You sound like an angelic creature.》
《Do you know who I am?》 You asked.
《 Yes... Yes, I know you. The quietest slut of the bunch. Billy loves to see your pretty ass swaying around when you walk. Yes… You filthy, nasty whore love to tease Billy’s cock. I know that well. Billy saw this naughty piggy touch herself… S-saw you cry out for Billy in the intimacy of your room.》
You couldn’t help but fluster at his obscene rambling and switched the phone to your other hand. You were the kind of person that would move around constantly when you felt nervous about something. In this case, a stranger that saw you masturbate plenty of times before. Poor you… How many times exactly did Billy hear you pronounce his name under muffled moans? You could feel your heart rate at the top of your throat, flooded in embarrassment as he playfully mocked you.
But; back to his confession though, you definitely couldn’t deny something that was completely true and after spending some seconds in silence you finally spoke up, a cigarette being held in between two of your shaky fingers so you could calm yourself down.
《Would you like me to do it now? Touch myself for you?》
《Yes. Yes. YES!》 He demanded in an almost feral manner.
You nodded in response to his pleas as the flame of your lighter lit the cigarette and kept paying attention to his delicious blasphemies. You were enjoying the moment more than you would like to admit. 《Touch yourself f-for B-Billy...》 He insisted, despair breaking in his voice. 《I want to hear your sweet moans like when you finger yourself alone.》
You held the phone between your ear and your shoulder, letting one of your hands completely free and trailing down to your skirt as the mysterious man dictated. 《Roll your skirt up… Billy wants to see your juicy ass aswell.》
Your pussy soon got filled with two of your fingers, exploring every inch of your insides.
You were so warm…
So wet…
It was hard to believe how turned on you could get by the phone calls of a creep. Being manipulated in such ways by a man that you'd never seen before.
《I'm doing it, Billy…》 You sighed, moaning his name under your soft breath. 《I'm touching myself.》
The mysterious man groaned and panted on the other side of the line, incapable of forming coherent words. 《Move the phone down to your pretty slick… Billy wants to hear the sound of your wet cunt.》
His voice sent chills down your spine while you placed the speaker close to your pussy, fingering it with oh, such passion in every one of your circular motions. Obviously, you made sure that the sound of the friction of your digits was audible enough for Billy.
���Fuck…》 He groaned once more. 《I want to taste your pretty pink cunt… Oh Y...Yes… I will. I bet it tastes as sweet as you do. B-Billy wants to lick your tits and your round juicy ass.》 The man chuckled with a childish tone as you could hear him stroking his length while getting indulged in his fantasies. 《Suck on your nipples too… Squeeze those tits ‘till they turn red like two christmas ornaments…》
His words made you shove your fingers even deeper in you. You were getting too carried away right when you heard the mysterious man hang up the phone.
You grabbed it close to your ear, wondering what happened.
《Hello? Billy? Are you still there?》
Only the empty beeping of the phone answered you, leaving you completely disappointed and wet.
You took a deep puff of your cigarette and hung up the phone in return when you got tired of listening to the dull melody of the lost connection, then mumbled something and decided to go to your room for some rest too. Maybe Jess and Barb were right after all, there was no point on wasting your time on that fucking moaner guy you all couldn’t stand.
You turned off the lights outside, blew the candles in the living room and grabbed a little candy cane from the coffee table. You thought the night was over and your only comfort now was a little sugary treat.
But, when you suddenly walked into a dark corner of the stairs, a pair of big hands pinned you on the wall. An audible yelp escaped your lips as you heard a man's voice speaking in an attempt to reassure you. It was the same one you'd always hear on the phone.
《Shh… S...Shhh… It's okay… It's me, Billy.》
The man caressed your cheeks in a sloppy manner and covered your mouth. 《Pretty piggy… Where do you think you are going? Billy isn't finished with you yet… There are so many nasty things Billy wants to do to you…》
You tried to pick small bits of his face in the darkness when he slowly released you from his grasp. It felt rather strange to see him in person.
A tall figure partially hidden in the shadows, green eyes that would stare directly into your soul and long, curly hair caressing the sides of his forehead. Billy's description didn't fit his personality at all. He had the looks of a gentleman but the mouth of the devil. Although; you had to be honest about something. You still wanted to fuck Billy despite of his looks. They didn't matter much to you when his low and menacing tone is what drove you absolutely crazy for him at first.
His hot breath hitting against your neck soon turned you on again.
《Billy… I thought you weren't interested in me anymore. Why did you hang up on me?》You pouted, wanting to tease him as an act of revenge.
The way you said those words, with such a sweet yet innocent tone made the man react in ways you exactly wanted him to.
《N...No. Billy came a-all the way here to see you. Billy craves your body.》
You dragged his fingers across the line of your lips as an excuse to turn him on as well. You liked the way he sounded, so nervous. He could break down at any moment and you liked that.
The warmth of his digits along the surface of your puffy lips, bringing goosebumps across your whole body. You parted your lips and spoke again.
《How much do you crave my body?》 You attempted to lick his index finger to which got you a slight moan in response.
《S-So much...》
《Show me then, Billy. I’ve been wanting to do this for the longest time…》
You finally confessed while you rolled your tongue out of your mouth and placed his finger on top. You sucked on it gently from the base to the tip.
Billy yanked your hair with such strength, dragging your puffy velvet lips to his dripping cock. His tip forced them open and soon his shaft filled your mouth hole.
Strands of hair tangled up around his fingers, both of you now locked together for god knows how long. You made the man shiver with anticipation as his tip brushed the back of your throat, leaving it hot and irritated.
You couldn't help but gag and drool repeatedly for he didn't give you a single break. But you didn't mind. You finally had what you craved.
‘‘Billy's juicy fat cock…’’
His words showed up in your brain, accompanied by a clear image of the cock that was stuffing your mouth in that very moment. Your horny mind couldn't help but recap every single quote that made you fall madly in love with him. Blame it on your degrading kink as a result of many failed relationships.
Billy bent you over with the same strength as before, ripping a yelp out of your throat while you grabbed the handrails so you wouldn't fall down the stairs and cause a scene.
Your ass now completely exposed was facing him, rubbing against his wet cock.
The man leaned over you and hands crawled around your stomach to hold you firmly as he would start rocking his hips at a slow pace. His left hand roamed free around your belly and later your clit, while his right one stayed busy pinching and twisting your nipples ever so slightly.
Billy could make you scream at any given time.
He could definitely break you. Turn you into his pretty little fucktoy, but having sex in a set of stairs definitely required some precaution.
《Billy. We should move somewhere else…》You gasped as soon as you could catch some air and already felt your whole body sore from standing up there. 《What if someone wakes up and sees us here?》
《If someone sees us…》 He repeated. 《I…It won't matter. I want them to see YOU moaning f-for Billy. Want them t…to see just how good you can take a cock.》
He purred into your ear as he covered your mouth to force your jaw open widely for him. Holding your breasts better around his hands he rubbed them together and squeezed them. You felt his wet cock pressing against your folds, desperately trying to make its way inside of you. God it felt so good to finally experience how all of his sinful threats came true one by one. Little whines came out of your mouth when you tried to accommodate to his size but he didn't let you. He was more than aware of his power and chuckled playfully.
《Billy's cock feels so good inside of your wet cunt. You are taking it so well. So tremendously well. Don't stop squealing, my little dirty piggy.》
You obeyed and let out a bunch of more moans caused by the pain of quick and deep thrusts. It was embarrassing to echo your satisfaction to an empty living room... And definitely hoped the girls closed their doors upstairs.
Billy noticed the red and white swirled candy that you were holding in your hands and took it from you while he turned your body around so that you could face him now.
Still holding your waist, he licked the candy cane until it would remain a little damped. You were staring at his eyes in a mix of excitement and curiosity the whole time and snickered.
He spreaded your folds and shoved the candy inside.
《Billy's gonna make this wet cunt even tastier.》
The chorus of early birds singing outside and gentle sunrays kissing your face woke you up the next morning. You stretched your arms, your legs and then… A pinch on your sore waist fully woke you up. You remembered what happened last night soon after that and smiled.
You sat up in bed and noticed a candy cane wrapped its plastic with a small green bow and a note. You had no idea when and how it got there, perhaps Claude; the sorority cat stole it from the silver platter downstairs and left it in your bed as a mere coincidence. You elongated your arm to pick it up and brushed strands of hair behind your ears to read it better.
It said ''Merry Christmas. With love, Billy'' in a surprisingly tidy calligraphy.
His name made your heart flutter and cheeks aroused when you remembered more details about last night.
You unwrapped the candy cane and tasted it, its sweet flavor melting in your tongue.
Maybe Christmas wasn't completely ruined this year.
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misserabella · 1 year
not a kid
joel miller x fem! reader
warning: +18 content. MINORS DON’T INTERACT OR I’LL COME FOR YOU. age difference (r is 24 and joel is 56), fighting, mentions of death, images of death, murder, dirty talking, praising, oral sex, piv sex, rough angry sex, finger fucking, unprotected sex (GUYS WRAP THE DONG UP), cream pie…
a/n: it’s my first fic of joel tlou, i hope y’all really enjoy. please ignore any grammar mistakes, english is not my first language! <3
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“Are you alright?!” you asked him as you got beside him, your hands shaking, your voice wobbly and scared. You were terrified, terrified when that guy had snuck on you guys and almost choked Joel to death.
The sweat on your hands was making it harder to hold the gun that you just had fired, the gun that you had just used to kill someone.
You had killed someone.
Your breath hitched in your throat when he was suddenly tugging on your wrist, pulling you away and into the closest room in the back of the store.
He closed the door behind you, and you looked at him with a shocked expression as his hands ran down his face.
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” he yelled as his eyes left the body and fixated on yours.
You stepped back, a frown showing on your face. “What? I just saved your life and that’s what you tell me?!”
“You didn’t have to… You shouldn’t have killed him!”
“And what was I supposed to do, huh? Stand there and look at him kill you. Joel, he was killing you!!!!!!” your voice rose when he stepped closer.
“You could have gotten hurt!”
That’s when you saw that look in his face. That fucking goddamn look.
You scoffed, looking away with an angry smile tugging on your lips.
“There it is.” you muttered.
“There it is what?” he spat, and you pointed at his face.
“That. That look of ‘you’re still too young for this’. ” he fell silent, and you knew you had hit the mark just right, what made your skin boil.
“Jesus christ, I’m not a kid a Joel!” you screamed, and he spoke back with a frown.
“Of course you are not a kid.” and you weren’t, you were 24 years old.
“Then stop treating me like fucking one!”
He stepped back at your frustration. You whined as you squeezed your eyes shut.
“You always treat me like a goddamn child, Joel. Never letting me stay on guard at night, never letting me stay right beside you in a mission but behind, never trusting me with a gun…!” you were finally speaking up. You were finally breaking apart, letting it all show. Maybe it was the adrenaline running through your veins, maybe the fact that you had just almost lost him but… “And you never look at me!”
“I am looking at you.” he said, but you shook your head.
“Not in the way that matters!” you snapped back. “You never look at me, you never touch me, Joel! It’s as if you were scared of me, scared of just brushing me. You are always looking down on me like that.” you pointed out.
“Like what?”
“Like you want me but can’t have me.” you breathed out and his whole body stiffened. You knew you had hit the target for the second time. “You know I’m not a kid, that’s why you try so hard to treat me like one. To look at me like one.” you took a step closer, and his eyes widened for just a split of a second. “I look at you, Joel.” you whispered as your chests brushed, you could feel the tension in his body, but still the fear, the pressure, the desire… “I’m not a kid, and I know what I want.” your lips brushed, the contact just as light as a feather, your eyes on his when you talked. And that’s when you saw it, the change, the hunger.
You whimpered when he was crushing his lips against yours and your body against the wall, his hands on your waist and pulling you closer to his body. Impossibly closer. He groaned when you leaned on it, on his touch, your arms surrounding his neck and your fingers dipping in his hair as you kissed him with the same intensity.
It was a hard kiss, with a lot of teeth clashing and tongue. It was animal, the need making it impossible to breath.
“Joel…” you moaned when his lips latched to your neck, kissing that sweet spot underneath your ear that made your body feel weightless.
You hissed when you felt him suck. His teeth digging on your skin and tongue licking over the mark to ease the pain. Your hips buckled down on the thigh that he had pushed in between your legs, your head banging against the metal of the door to give him more space.
You cried out when one of his hands came up and cupped one of your tits, his warm big hand grasping at you with the fear that you will turn to ash if he stopped touching you, kissing you… You could feel on your thigh his hard clock straining against his jeans. You pushed against it in a roll of your hips and he groaned.
“Please Joel…” you begged, his kisses now on your chest. Your back was arched, your nipples hard and that spot in between your thighs was growing wetter and wetter by the minute. “Please touch me.” you whimpered and later on moaned when his free hand quickly pushed inside your sweats and cupped your cunt from underneath your cotton panties.
“Jesus christ.” he cursed when he felt just how wet you were for him, his fingers sliding easily in between your lips due to your slick.
You moaned out loud when he started to roll your clit, using his knuckles to pinch it every now and then.
“You sound so fucking pretty, fuck.”
The coldness of the air suddenly hit your skin when he got down on his knees and pulled your pants and underwear down, getting rid of them as fast as he could just to have you opening your thighs for him and hooking your right on his shoulder.
You screamed when his tongue pushed against your core, a fat strip collecting your slick from your hole to your clit, in which he sucked. Your knee buckled and he held you with his hands harsher against the door. His fingers were digging on your hips, so hard that you were sure they would bruise. But you didn’t care. ‘Cause Joel was finally touching you, was finally finally looking at you the way you’ve wanted from the start.
“You taste so good…” he muttered against your cunt as one of his fingers entered you up to the knuckle, making you gasp for air. “So sweet…”
“Joel, fuck, ah, please don’t stop.” you cried out as he started to fuck you with now two of his fingers, curling them to find that spot that had your whole body growing on goosebumps. “Shit.” you moaned when you felt the coil on your stomach quickly growing.
“You’re gonna cum, hm? Gonna cum in my face for me, baby?” you nodded with a whine, him groaning as his eyes never left your face contornes in pleasure. “Come on, let me have it.” and with just a simple flick of his tongue to your clit you were falling apart, crying as you tugged on his hair, whole body shuddering and numbing at the strength of your orgasm. He groaned as he tasted you, licking up everything you’d give him with his eyes closed.
You were panting against the door by the time you had come down, hissing at the overstimulation of his tongue on your pussy. “Joel, please.” you begged as you pulled him back up on his feet. “I need you, please.” he tasted of you, you hummed on his tongue as you quickly unbuttoned his jeans. His underwear was already growing a damp spot due to the precum that beaded the head of his cock.
He moaned when your hand cupped his erection, his hands quickly finding your thighs with an order. “Jump.” that you followed instantly, wrapping your hands around his hips.
“Please, hurry.” you cried out, kissing his neck as you rocked your wet pushy against his stomach.
“Fucking hell.” he groaned as he pushed down his underwear, your breath hitching when his cock made contact with your slick folds.
“Joel…” you whimpered as he humped against you, lubbing himself up. He cursed under his breath when his tip got caught against your entrance, making you buck your hips down unconsciously. You needed him inside so bad it hurt, needed him to fuck so bad that your eyes stung. “Joel…”
“I’m right here, baby, I’m right here.” he said against your lips, grabbing his dick with one of your hands before lining himself up to slowly thrust in you. You let out a loud cry, your nails digging on his back at the stretch that just his head supposed. “Shh. You’re doing so good honey, so good taking my cock.” he hushed you, kissing you so deep your eyes rolled back. “Just a little bit more, okay? Just a little bit more.” he muttered as he slowly finished to settle inside of your tight walls. “Fuck. So fucking tight.” he groaned as you clenched around him when he pressed against that spot deep inside you that nobody had ever been able to reach. You were crying on his cock, feeling so full you could die. So complete…
“What is it, baby? Are you okay? Does it hurt?” your heart melted at his concern, one of his hands cupping one of your wet cheeks. Your eyes, unfocused and half lidded found his as you shook your head, muttering a ‘just so full…’ that made him groan, his cock twitching inside of you.
“Joel, move, please move…” you hiccuped, and he didn’t have to be told twice, quickly pulling out ‘till only his head stood inside to thrust in, hard. You let out the most pornographic moan he has ever seen, your nails digging in his back as he started to relentlessly fuck into you with a need that had your head feeling fuzzy and heavy.
Your moans got caught up in your throat with every new snap of his hips. ‘Uh. Uh. Uh.’
“That’s right baby, does it feel good? Is this what you wanted?” your head lolled to the side as your eyes rolled to the back of your head, too lost in the pleasure to be able to answer. “So pretty taking my dick, so. fucking. perfect.” he groaned with every thrust into your gummy walls.
The constant hitting to that spot had your mind reeling, the coil on your lower stomach growing bigger and bigger with every new snap of his hips, ready to burst for the second time.
“Joel!” you screamed as one of his hands came down in between your bodies to roll your clit in tight and quick circles.
“That’s it, honey. Cum for me, cum on my dick.” he kissed your neck, fucking you so hard that he had you gushing around his cock in a matter of seconds. “Fuck, good girl.” he groaned as your cum decorated his base in a white ring. His thrusts started to become sloppier, your count squishing him so tight that he swore you would milk him dry. “I’m gonna cum, honey. Where do you want it, hm?” he inquired without stopping his relentless fucking.
“Inside, please Joel, cum inside…” you cried out, and he grunted, his hands grabbing at your hips to thrust harshly one, two, three more times before he filled you up with his sticky and warm seed. You moaned as he fucked himself into you through it, pumping you full of him do the brim. You cried out at the feeling, never wanting it to stop.
His lips found yours in a messy and sloppy kiss that had you melting in his arms.
“So…, does this mean that I can have you?” he muttered with a smile, making you laugh and stroke his hair softly, sweetly.
“Only if you want me.”
And with that he was kissing you again.
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sparkbeast20 · 1 year
Blind rage (Satan X MC)
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Summary: Anger can blind a person, including demons
Warning: Violence
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All that Satan can see was red and blurs, he roars loud and booming that it shook the floor beneath him.
Then he can smell a scent that infuriates him. A scent that is familiar to his own. A scent he knew exactly who it belonged to.
Lucifer. He turns his face to the scent and all he sees is a tall blur figure. It was trying to say something, but all Satan could hear was a muffled voice.
That angers him more, he shook his head violently before roaring and charging at the figure.
The figure easily dodged him by leaping to the side. Satan crashed into a wall, destroying it. He quickly recovers and turns to see five more figures appear, standing close to his prey. He snarls and curses in death language before standing up and facing his victims.
As he was about to lunge at them, that was voice. A calm and familiar voice that snapped him out from his wrathful state.
“Satan” The voice calls his name.
He turned to see another blurry figure, this one was different, he sniffed, once it hit his nostrils it startled him causing his eyes to widen.
He knew this scent, and yet he can’t quite put his finger on who it was. That frustrates him to no end, his mind mocking him for being this stupid to not know it was. 
Satan, as much he wants to say Lucifer was his enemy, but in truth he was his own worst enemy.
Satan just roars in frustration and charges forward and throws his arm at this annoying thing. It was strong enough to send this figure flying and hit the closest walk, there he heard a sickling cracking sound.
Suddenly he felt his chest tighten, but before he could react. He was tackled by five of the six blurry figures with the sixth one rushing to the victim he attacked.
Satan roars while struggling to get out the pile of bodies on top of him. But a fist made contact with his face causing him to black out instantly.
The next thing Satan remember was waking up in his bed, jolted up and clench his chest as if he was waking up from a nightmare-
“You’re finally awake” Satan turned and sees Belphie siting in one of his armchair by the corner of his room. Satan can barely see Belphie’s face which was hidden in the dark. “You’re fucking lucky that Solomon was able to heal MC, otherwise I would slit your fucking throat”
“The hell you’re talking about-”
“YOU ALMOST KILLED MC!!!” Belphie abruptly stood up from his chair and there Satan saw Belphie’s eyes were red, as if he was crying his eyes out.
But that wasn’t that shock Satan, it was what he said that shook him, all of a sudden his blood ran cold as his face shifted from annoyed to pure and utter horror.
No, he didn’t. He couldn’t!!!
And yet it all was coming back to him, as if his mind was reliving that moment but now much more clearer.
He was angry and he couldn’t control it. And he saw Lucifer try to calm him down, he roared at his brother and lunged at him, but Lucifer dodge him and he crashed into a wall and that’s when the other five showed up. They all try to calm him down.
He cursed at all of them and that’s when you came along you slowly walk closer to him, calling his name with your hands up to try and reach him. Your touch often calms him down.
But this wasn’t that time. He was blinded by rage and he slammed you to the side and into a wall, you groaned in pain as the sound of your bones cracking filled the room.
That’s when all the other brothers lunged at Satan tackling him down on the ground while Mammon rushed towards your body.
Satan was Mammon, as if instinctively seeing someone he holds dear being touched by a different demon. Satan roars in anger, which angers Lucifer to the point he punches Satan in the face and knocks him out.
Satan knows remembering everything, causing him to start shedding tears.  
Note: This was short, but I'm just happy I can still write lol
If there’s grammar or spelling error, please let me know and don’t be shy to leave a comment or reblogging with cute tags. I just love to see you guys thoughts on this :3
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luci-is-a-bitch-x3x · 4 months
Obey me! Nightbringer Diavolo Drabble:
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Welcome! To this adventure! The characters may not be how you imagine! I apologize for any poor jokes, bad spelling, and terrible grammar. Without further ado, please enjoy the content. ♡
⚠︎Caution: Nightbringer Post⚠︎
CW: nightbringer talk, could be spoilers. Lemme know if I miss any other warnings!
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Can we just talk about nightbringer Diavolo? I love it. He's giving zero fucks, madly in love vibes. Puppy love. Like the reality that his father may and probs won't wake up hasn't set in yet, so he hasn't gotten semi more serious about doing his duties. He disobeys Barbatos and runs around with Mc like high school sweethearts. Nightbringer Dia is doing the craziest shit man, I feel like it's still him when he feels like that prince that doesn't have any responsibilities yet, just the young fun Prince. In og obey me he's still fun and silly but he's got himself a more serious, I've been doing this for a bit so I kinda know what I'm doing vibe. He gets like that in nightbringer after a certain situation or whatever, but the point is that we get to see Dia live for a bit. We get to see him just be a normal demon to a point, yeah hes still a royal so he has to live up to a certain standard but besides that he gets to do a lot more silly and goofy things. I mean he also has to do a lot of not so silly really hard traumatizing, this is what makes me so good at being the Demon Prince, and basically Demon King, things too but everyone has to experience character development. Nightbringer in general is fascinating to me and like looking at all the characters is cool but I really enjoy seeing Diavolo in this light. Like nightbringer is complicated and stressful for Mc, but I think nightbringers good for Diavolo, in the sense of him having a moment to just experience what it's like to not to live. To fall in love with someone and run around without permission trying to see the person you love. This specific thing I'm gonna talk about is a spoiler for a chat with the royals I think. But the fact that Barbs texts the group chat with Diavolo and Mc and is basically like calling Diavolo out for not being at the castle, and then Diavolo like tries to play it off and just be like oh why do you ask? And then Barbs sends a picture of Diavolo lost, kills me. But what really kills me is that Diavolo has the audacity to ask Barbatos to take him to Cocytus Hall because he's lost. Like he didn't even ask Barbatos for permission to go, and still he has no shame In asking Barb to take him to Cocytus Hall to see Mc. That and another chat where Diavolo accidentally texts the royal chat with Mc instead of just texting Mc, Diavolo is supposed to be working but is trying to sneak away to take a break and hang out with Mc and then like Barbs is just like "My lord? Do you plan to go somewhere with Mc?" I just find it so funny, like it's basically two highschool sweethearts running around trying to not get caught by their parents but instead of it being their parents it's Barbatos, who knows like everything so sneaking around him is basically impossible. Now I don't think Diavolo's love language and will to disobey Barbatos changes much in og obey me, but I still think it's changed a small amount, like yeah he still disobeys Barbatos sometimes but it's just not the same in my opinion. Like in og obey me it's kind of like a friend and a friend, with a little bit of Barbs still being a strict parent of a butler. In og obey me Diavolo is more serious about his duties so Barbs doesn't have to work as hard to keep him in check. But I'm NB obey me, it feels more like a parent and a child, Barbs has to sit there and try to keep Diavolo in check until he gets serious, and Mc is not a help in Barbs case.
Also can we just talk about NB Dia and Barbs, like okay I don't know the lesson but this is a spoiler, but like finding out that child Dia tried locking Barbatos in a room until Barbatos swore loyalty to him, is insane and so f-ing cute. There is so much of a relationship going on between those two hidden under that butler and master relationship thing they've got going on. You know Barbs gives shit to Lucifer for being soft on his brothers or when Lucifers soft on Diavolo, but Barbs is like that with Diavolo too. Like giving in and swearing your loyalty to a child who locked you in a room even though you could get out with your powers, that's giving in and being soft on them. And for Dia's birthday lesson thing, Barbs gives in and goes soft trying to let Diavolo go have a normal birthday. I'm not going to put a label on their relationship as man would that cause problems, but whatever's going on between them is cute, and I enjoy getting to witness it.
I can't end the Dia nightbringer talk without talking about Dia and Luci. Now here's my thing with them, yes even Diavolo acts like the reason he took them in is because the brothers are shiny jewels that'll make the Devildom more powerful, but he took Lucifer in, because that's his boy. Like I don't know what kind of relationship was going on between the two of them when Lucifer was still an angel, but Lucifer talks about knowing Dia before falling obvi, and when he talks about it, he acts like they got along and we're friends. As much friends as they could be, Lucifer is the Avatar of Pride and looked down on demons. The two of them have such a weird but cute relationship/friendship?? I don't care what you think it is, it's cute. Like do you think when Lucifer was still an angel Diavolo still acted the way he does with him? Do you think Diavolo just sat at the meetings between angels and demons and just complimented and complimented Lucifer until he was bright red in the face and cursing Dia to stop? Also in my opinion what makes Lucifer so special to Dia compared to the other brothers is I bet Lucifer interacted with Diavolo's father a good few times before the fall. So yes, his father did put the brothers in their order so all the brothers may have technically met Diavolo's father, but Lucifer would actually know Dia's father a little. So when Dia's all in the dumps, all is this what my father would've wanted? Am I living up to my father's expectations? Lucifer may be able to be like Barbs and give Dia reassurance as he probably met the guy before he decided to take the longest nap in history. Dia's dad literally makes Belphie look weak, Avatar of Sloth my ass, Dia's dad is the true avatar of sloth. Jkjk.
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That's all for now babes! Hope you enjoyed!! ♡ This is not proofread. Feel free to comment or reblog any thoughts or any add ons you have! Would you guys like me to do more of these but for the other characters? Lemme know, or if you have any nightbringer content you want in general let me know. I'm at lesson 40 in nightbringer. Anyways more content is coming soon so Stay Tuned! Stay Safe! & stay Spooky! ♡
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
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anythinganother · 1 month
The Final Judgement in BSD???
Hear me out. I was reading about biblical apocalypse a lot in previous days and i came up with few things i would wanna share with you here! Please guys i need your opinion on this.
The Four Horsemen of Apocalypse
I already made a post about it but for the context: in Bible, apocalypse is preceded by opening The Seven Seals. Opening of the first four seals releases the four horsemen – pestilence, war, famine and death (there is a lot different interpretations of idenity of the first horseman. Conquest, conquest provoking the pestilence, even Jesus himself or Antichrist, but lets go with the main basic interpretation for now) DOA members can resemble The Four Horsemen.
Conquest/ Pestilence – Bram. I call it pestilence cause its precisely what vampirism do.
War – Fukuchi. I think no explanation needed.
Famine – Sigma – we will talk about him in a moment
Death – Nikolai.
More or less it fits. Also, what’s interesting, they all hate the mission of the horseman they resemble…or nearly all. Bram hates changing vampires, Fukuchi hates war, Sigma hates hunger. I dont know what to say about Nikolai in that one tho. Maybe that he tried to kill Fyodor and at the end, when he thought fyodor was dead, realized it gave him nothing and he didnt really want to do that? It was only about Fyodor tho, not about death as a whole. Anyways, i will stop it here cause i think a bit of a pattern is visible.
Next thing i was thinking of is Fyodor being The Antichrist. Antichrist – sometimes described as evil twin of Jesus, false Christ. Basically impostor who tries to fool people that he is the Jesus and eventually lead to armagedon. Somehow fitting for Demon Fyodor, don’t you think? Of course we don’t have any direct proofs yet, maybe only the Jesus parallels that could end up being fake and a way to ‘fool’ us, but it’s still interesting scenario to think of.
The Book.
We sometimes forget that The Book is – or should be – the main focus of the plot of BSD. Every antagonistic organisation’s main goal was to posses the book. Fyodor was present in or around all of them so it seems like its his goal too. Everything that’s happening from season 4 is because of page from said book. Despite that it’s very important thing for whole plot, we still know very little about it.  Back to the topic of Final Judgement, in the first paragraph i already said that apocalypse was preceded by opening The Seven Seals. The symbolic seals that was securing some book (or scroll to be specific) that author of Book or Revelation saw in his vision. Maybe in BSD, the seals could refer to The Book itself and we have something more going on in the background?
Fineee, that's all for now i think. Reading about it took me a few days so i hope fandom haven’t died yet after last chapter and someone will actually read it. Have a nice day if you read it!! English is not my first language so sorry for any grammar mistakes.
Special thanks to my friend @skrybazasterixa for listening to my raving about it in last few days and helping me come up with this all. Luv u ♡
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animelovelover123 · 1 month
V's Yandere Alphabet v2.0
Synopsis: An updated and improved version of my original with more content. For those who have read the original, the big changes can be seen in entries L, P, Q, V, X, and Y.
Author's Note: I wrote the original during a troubling time and it resulted in the project taking 6 months and me hatting it by the end. However, after being encouraged by someone asking me if I would write for the other guys and my completionist side being bugged by how the original alphabet was not complete, I went back in and felt more motivated. I actually kind of want to write for the other guys now! Still no promises though.
The yandere alphabet I am using is an edited version of one made by no gender bee on tumblr. I added missing letters, changed some of the letters/descriptions, and altered some of the grammar (like using Canadian spelling).
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction for personal entertainment. If you are reading this, please understand that drawing/writing/reading/imagining things of this nature does NOT equate to desiring or supporting real-world assault.
Abuse = Could they ever hurt you physically or mentally? What would be the reason?
Physically? No. Mentally, kind of. He would not do it with the intent of causing harm, but some of V’s mental manipulation can hurt. He’ll pull at your heartstrings, saddle you with guilt, and talk in circles to get you to comply with his wishes all while using flowery language to mask the manipulative web he is weaving.
A big one, and the most common form of mental strain he gives you, is when he is desperate for attention and at the end of his rope. He will plead for it, reminding you that neither of you knows how long he has left to live and that he only wants to spend it with you. He does this to show you how much you mean to him, but he is also aware that he is inciting guilt in you. He does not realize how deeply and long it can affect you though until you tell/show him.
Both = You are a Yandere too, what’s their reaction?
V is intrigued and finds it amusing at first. His obsessive tendencies take longer to form, and he also does not believe he will live long so he sees your invasive and manipulative actions as entertaining with no fear of long-term repercussions. Even if you think you are being sneaky, he sees everything you are doing and he enjoys watching your reactions as he either plays along with your schemes or effortlessly evades them.
But once he finds himself falling for you in return, he gets rather depressed. He sees how desperately you want him, yet he knows, no matter how much he wants you as well, that all of your attempts to show your love will be in vain. He’ll try to pull away from you, but the more you chase, the more he wants you.
Then he finds out a way to live longer and his restraints are finally broken. You and he revel in your shared obsession, happily lavishing each other with love and attention. He sees your quirks and views them as romantic gestures. He finds out you have been stealing his things? How it warms his heart to know you want him close at all times even when home alone. Why don’t we move in together darling to save you the trouble? You’ve cancelled his plans with others behind his back? Well, why didn’t you tell him you wanted a night alone? He would love nothing more. You’ve killed a supposed love rival? Snuffing out another's life just because they threatened to take his love, though not necessary as you already have his heart, is such a beautiful display of adoration that he just has to give you a reward~
Crazy = How easy do they enter crazy mode? How do they act when they are in it?
It takes a lot for this man to snap. He is the essence of calm and collected, able to keep his composure in circumstances where most would panic and/or become angry. You could rage at him before walking out the door claiming you will never return, and though he will put up a bit of a fight, he knows deep down that you are just lashing out. After you have time to calm down you will be back in his arms soon enough. Whether by your own means or his, that was yet to be seen. This man could be in the middle of getting arrested and he would comply because he knows that this is not the end. He could easily escape prison and find his way back to you. The only true end is death, and that is what will cause him to snap.
Not his own death per se as that mental break will be directed and contained to himself. If his plan for extended life starts failing, he will fight tooth and nail to survive while rushing through the stages of grief. The most this will affect you is that he will disappear for a while as he tries to find a solution before returning when he realizes there is no hope for him and begs you to stay with him until his last breath.
The true snapping point would be a result of your life almost being lost, particularly if you try to take your own. Knowing or, worse, catching you trying to end your life flips a switch in him. He already had a lot of stress from trying to preserve his own life, but when he realizes that he could lose the primary reason he fought so hard to live all of that effort, panic, and stress gets funneled into caring for you. Now that he perceives a proverbial ticking clock for both of your lives, he will no longer allow a single second to go by without you. He will lock you up in his home and become your caretaker, tying you up so you can’t hurt yourself and taking care of all of your needs himself like feeding you and bathing you. You are his everything, and he will not let a second of both of your possibly short lives not be spent together. (see Kidnapped)
Difference = When can you notice a difference in behaviour in them? What are the first signs that their love for you is unhealthy?
At first V’s yandere tendencies were subdued and easily hidden. For the first couple months of knowing you he was under the belief that he was not long for this world. His body was actively deteriorating and soon he would have to return to Vergil.
But then he found a way that he could continue living as his own person. Maybe through killing and absorbing Urizen’s life force rather than merging with it or by somehow stealing it from others. Either way, there was a chance for him to survive and pursue a relationship with you. That is when he changed and that is when you start noticing his obsession with you.
He won't totally indulge in his attraction to you until he has proof that this lead is viable, but he will suddenly become more affectionate. Where he once kept any compliments and flirtatious remarks shrouded in flowery language so that you could not quite tell if he meant it that way became more direct and regular. The few feet he always put between you two was shorted as much as you would allow.
When he does gain evidence that his plan for a longer life is working, all restraints are off. He immediately goes to you and confesses his love. He may even tell you right then his true origins, why they resulted in him being distant at first, and how now that he has a long life ahead of him he is excited to spend it with you.
Enjoy = Do they enjoy what they’re doing to you, your life and the people around you? Do they show it?
V does worry about how some of his actions affect you. He is a bit of a philosopher type, often getting lost in thoughts or conversations about the deeper meanings and effects things have on people and the world as a whole. He is also introspective so he will occasionally worry himself over what he is doing. This line of thought doesn’t only trigger when you show hints of discomfort or hesitation. You could be perfectly happy, but he is privy to the manipulation and trickery of his that you are falling for. He considers and speculates on how his actions could warp your mind in the long run. And when he pictures the worst-case scenario, he might just guilt himself into admitting to, and apologizing for, a recent misconception he gave you.
He did not say those things with malicious intent, he just wanted to protect you from the cruel world and keep you loving him.
Force = What, if any, kinds of things will they force on you? Isolating from friends and family? Going on dates? Physical affection and/or sexual acts?
If you are a demon, to any extent, V will force you into a contract with him, assuming he is unsuccessful in his initial attempt at convincing you to join willingly. Depending on your battle prowess he will even call you to (relatively easy) fights along with his other familiars. Seeing you in battle is just as beautiful as seeing you dance to him so he will gladly do it as long as the risk of permanent harm is practically nonexistent. No matter how skilled you are in combat though, your primary duty as one of his demons is as a companion. With you being bound to him he can call you to him whenever he wishes to be with you, which is most of the time. He’ll try to offer you space and as much free will as he can, but the more obsessed he becomes the more he will abuse this power over you. One thing to note though is that he will not force you into romantic or sexual acts, even if he technically could through your contract. No matter how much he desired you, he would never hurt you in that way.
Alternatively, say you were a human. He would force you, again assuming you don’t fall for his flowery words, to take on a demon familiar. Not just any demon though. Specifically, he wants you to bond with one of his familiars. If you want more than that that is your prerogative, the more safety you have and empowerment you feel is only a boon, but being partially bonded to one of his familiars is his requirement. He tells you that he wants to keep you safe by giving you access to one, or more, of his demons for protection, and this is true. Though V is their primary master, V will willingly put himself at a disadvantage in battle by allowing you to call one of his familiars for protection. And if you don’t call them V will send them to you. He also advertises the practical benefits of having creatures at your beck and call. One aspect that he does not fully disclose though is how being bonded to a demon under his command also acts as a tracking device for when you try to run. (See Hide)
Gross = What is something they think is really romantic/sweet but is actually horrifying?
He writes letters and notes to you using his blood as ink. Sometimes it is just his signature coloured burgundy, and other times you find whole notes or poems scrawled in thin, inconsistently faded cursive which he delivers to your home or work with a bandaged arm.
He already puts his heart and soul into these letters. To him, offering part of his body with them shows you his complete devotion.
Hide = How easy is it to hide from them?
Depends on if he has bound you to one of his familiars yet.
First, let's assume he hasn't. Then, honestly, it’s pretty easy as he is but one man with not a lot of connections. He can send out his familiars to scan the area for you, but they can not go too far from V. That is only if he works alone though because the few connections he does have are with people who hunt down living creatures as their profession. Sure, hunting a demon is not quite the same as hunting a person down and his friends will initially question why you would run off, but V just has to string together a tail of how you are being influenced by a denizen of hell and that they must find you before it is too late. Sure enough, he will convince the morally just crew of demon hunters to find his love and now half a dozen people are calling in favours and travelling the country looking for you. And when they do find you, even if you try to tell them that you ran away from V willingly, V’s story has already cemented itself in their brains so they will drag you back anyway. A caveat to this plan is that the crew will get more and more suspicious if you run away multiple times and V keeps asking them for their help.
One of the benefits of binding you to one of his demons is that he won't have to risk growing doubt within his friends. With you bound to one of his demons (see Force), no matter where in the world you run V can track your location by getting his familiar to appear around you, scan the area to gather information, and relay it to him. And when he is close enough, the familiar can just pin you down and call out like a siren so V can easily find you.
Improve = Will they be willing to recover from this psychotic state for their lover?
Working off of E for Enjoy, V can find the conviction to be better for you. The problem is that he does not really know how to be better. He has only existed as his own entity for a relatively short time and has no experience with having a healthy relationship. He has only ever had you and the, sometimes maddening, urges to be with you. But because of his overwhelming love for you and the fear that his actions risk harming you, he will work towards being better.
He has to look to healthier relationships, like Nero and Kyrie’s and what little memories of Sparda and Eva’s he retains from Vergil, to understand what they look like and how he himself is failing. And if he can’t make the headway he wishes, being unable to stop himself from telling you subtle lies and trying to monopolize your attention, he will talk to someone about his feelings and urges. He understands that he does not yet really understand how to be human and is not above asking for aid in learning, for his own well-being yes, but mostly for yours.
Justification = Why are they acting like this? When and how did it start?
Upon being created, V knew that he did not have long to live. Soon he would join with Urizen and become Vergil once more. When he first started to fall for you, he knew it would not last due to his minuscule lifespan so would not pursue a romantic relationship. He could not, however, stay away from you. You were like a work of art, so utterly perfect that it was a miracle you even existed in such a cold and cruel world. He tried to accept the brief moments of connection you shared as enough to have him return to Vergil without regrets, but it wasn't enough. It would never be enough.
His body was failing though, crumbling away. Perhaps when he becomes whole again Vergil will be able to be with you. But that would not be the same for you or V, and he knew that.
And then, he found a way to continue living as his own person (See Difference). Now he had a chance to have a life with you. But always lurking in the back of his mind is the fear that this means of sustaining his body and life will fail. He does not know when he will disappear or how quickly it could take him. This is why he needs to always be with you. He doesn’t know how much time he has left and he wants to spend as much of it with you as he can. You understand, don’t you darling?
Kidnap = Are they willing to kidnap you? If so, how will they do it? For how long will they keep you and where?
He will kidnap you if you make the drastic decision to try to end your own life (see Crazy). He has given you the freedom to do what you want, far more than most yanderes would, despite the dangers in the world because he trusted you and himself to keep you safe. But now that even you are a danger to yourself, that shattered any trust V had.
When he finds out what you were trying to do, whether it be through catching you in the act or finding out in the aftermath of a failed attempt, he will bring you to his home. He will tell you, and anyone else privy to your attempt, that he wanted to give you a safe place where you can be monitored, rest, and offer an ear to which you can discuss your feelings and thoughts without judgment. And with him being your partner, if other people knew of your attempt, they would trust him to watch over you and stop you from trying this again. And that was exactly what he would do.
So you spend the night with V in his home where he refuses to leave your side for more than a minute at a time. It was understandable though, right? He was just shaken from what you tried to do. But when you woke up you found your wrists belted together, as were your ankles, and were chained to the bed’s headboard and one of the bed’s end legs respectively.
“My love, you are awake.” V greets as he enters the room, a bowl of oatmeal in his hand. “How wonderful it is to see your beautiful eyes finally open.” You can ask him what is going on, but no matter if you question him in fear, anger, or confusion, he will smile sympathetically as he helps you sit up. “I know this may be a bit frightening my dear, but this is all for your safety. You have somehow come to the heartbreaking and erroneous belief that you should not live and have become a danger to yourself because of it. But worry not, for I love you unconditionally and will care for you in your stead. Now, open up~” He coos as he holds out a spoonful of oatmeal.
V keeps you bound for as long as it takes for him to trust you not to attack him. Still, whenever he leaves the house he chains you to the bed to make sure you don’t try anything. Soon enough he stops going out, instead spending every waking moment coddling you. He feeds you by hand, dresses you, bathes you, and loves you through any bout of emotions, be they positive or negative. You don’t get to step foot outside until after you are knocked out by drugs and discreetly transferred to a new home out in some forest. Once there he will be willing to take you on walks, if you can prove you can behave. Even if you do try to escape though, the forest is enchanted so any human without a demon guide will be lost to endlessly loop through the same areas.
After years of living like this and proving that you don’t intend to leave him or harm yourself, you may just be lucky enough to find out how V was able to keep you locked up and disappear without anyone coming to look for you. You see, your friends and family were devastated when they heard from V that you had killed yourself by running off into a demon nest and letting yourself be eaten. And then it was unfortunate but unsurprising when V, now without the love of his life, spiraled into depression, became a recluse, moved away from the city where he and his love spent their time together, and soon after joined you in the afterlife.
“What a tragic tale, isn’t it dear?” He asks you with a proud smile on his face as he feeds you your lunch.
Lonely = They are feeling lonely but you are busy with something else, what will they do?
V is a patient man. If you are busy with an activity or responsibility, he will wait patiently for you to finish. He has his limits though (See Non-Stop). Also, depending on how urgently the task must be done or the rules regarding it, V would like to get involved.
“What are you doing my songbird? Watching something? May I join you?” “What is that craft you are making? How fascinating… Would you do me the honour of teaching me how to do it?” “What are you so furiously researching love? I would so dearly like to hear all about it, and perhaps I can help you search.”
V wants to learn everything he can about you and be involved with your interests and hobbies. And even if you are doing something that he can not assist in, such as writing a paper for school or work, then he will still insert himself by delivering to you snacks, drinks, messages, or simply his silky voice reading out his poetry to calm you and act as white noise while you focus. As long as it does not harm you or put you in danger, then V wants to support you and uplift you in any way he can.
Moving On = If you die or escape, will they be able to move on? How easy will it be for them?
You are his light, his world, and the number one reason that he fought to stay alive. If you were to leave him, he would be devastated. With you gone so is his will to live, and so he will follow you into the beyond. However, one deciding factor for how he will come to his end is how you met yours. If it was some unforeseen tragedy then he would chase after you into the next world immediately. But if your death was in any way his doing, he would drag out his death. Whether it be through starvation or letting his body deteriorate, whichever was more painful and a fitter punishment for the sins he has committed.
Alternatively, if you were to escape and he could not find you, his will would slowly drain. He would spend more time and energy looking for you and despairing over not being able to find you, he would neglect what he needs to do to stay alive. Slowly his failing body would wither away or, if the option is still available, he may just make a last-ditch effort to become whole again. He knows that death would be an easier option than reforming, but his lingering feelings may unconsciously drive Vergil to keep looking for you and you wouldn’t hide from Vergil, right? Knowing you were at least alive would give V’s broken heart and soul some levity while it rotted away somewhere inside Vergil.
Non-Stop = How clingy will they be when you’re in a relationship? How possessive are they? And how much free space do they give you?
V will give you a great deal more space than most yandere’s. He is fine with you spending time with others, whether he is present or not. He will even allow you to go on multiple-day-long trips, like road trips or vacations, with others. Seeing you happy and hearing you excitedly recount your outings was a joy in it of itself for him. Hearing you talk with exuberance and seeing your radiant smile as you describe the event you attended, the activity you did, and the conversations you had was just enough to make missing you worth it. It also helps that he is an introvert so is more than okay with spending some time for himself.
There is a limit to this though. If you have a job or attend school then he can get by with having you in the morning and evening. He will encourage you and praise you for your hard work before and after each day while enjoying having you all to himself. But if, on top of this, you are going out with friends two or three days a week then he’ll get antsy. He won’t get in the way, but he will get a bit needy and clingy, doing things like wanting to walk you to and from places just to spend more time with you and inviting you on more dates and activities to offset how much you go out with others.
But if others try to take up more of your time than that, V will become a lot more proactive. Suddenly you start ‘forgetting’ your phone in the other room all the time, meaning you miss calls and texts. Your calendar and alarms start messing up more, giving you incorrect times and dates causing you to miss events. V seemingly becomes more worried about your well-being. Do you have a bit of a cough? Feeling warmer than usual? A bit of a headache? Well, then it is best if you stay home. Even if it seems small now, exserting yourself by going out could just make things worse. Besides, the weather report said it might rain. So just rest at home today, V will be there to care for you.
Other = Someone else speaks to or flirts with you, how will they react?
V is usually very confident and trusting of you to not betray him so does not mind when others speak to you. He doesn’t blame the person either because you are a truly fascinating person that V can’t get enough of, so others wanting to get to know you is only logical. Other’s flirting with you is usually a similar story, as he trusted you implicitly. But that does not mean he is always complicit. If you or the person give him a reason to worry, such as you seemingly reciprocating that flirtation or the person overstepping boundaries, then V will act.
It won’t be a full-on assault, physically or verbally, it will be a subtle, insidious poison that he seeps into the bothersome person. Through his words he will gracefully belittle and insult the person while showcasing his superior knowledge and sharp wit. Most of his comments don’t even immodestly register as insults, instead, they will weigh the person down bit by bit until their confidence is but dust in the wind and they realize that they have no chance in besting V in his control over your heart.
Persistent = You have rejected/ignored their first attempts at gaining your attention. How many more times will they try and how quickly will their actions ramp up in intensity?
Before discovering a means of sustaining himself, he will see your rejection or obliviousness to his signs of affection as signs and reminders to not pursue you as it will only end in heartbreak. However, if, after proving to himself that he can indeed survive his once-set expiration date and he confesses to you (See Difference), you somehow misunderstand his confession, perhaps as some kind of bout of manic joy from being able to extend his life, then he will take time to calm down so you know he is being serious and tell you honestly and blatantly. He has already waited for so long, suppressing the calling of his heart and soul, and he will not waste another moment of his life not cherishing and worshiping you as you so deserve.
Questioned = How do they react if someone catches on to their odd behaviour and questions them?
V is calm, composed, levelheaded, and a master at manipulation and the ways of the English language. If someone starts questioning his actions then he can easily lead, twist, loop, and end the conversation like a conductor to an orchestra with the other speaker left satisfied and a bit confused on the topic and point of the conversation.
Risk = How risky will they be with getting rid of rivals?
V has no intention of killing anyone. He loves you and, though you may not see it now, he knows you love him too. But if he really feels the need to dispose of someone, he has to be careful. Not so much because he fears the police or the friends and family of the victim. They could easily be tricked and manipulated into cooperating. It was his own family and friends that posed a problem. Dante, Nero, Kyrie, they would never understand. They don’t understand how deep his love is for you. If they found out he killed someone to protect his relationship with you, they would try to intervene or, worst of all, try to get you away from him. V can’t risk that.
So he carefully plans out his assassination. He can’t use his familiars because there is a chance that as soon as the police/family realize the murder was done by a demon they may call Lady or Dante’s businesses for help and they can spot Griffon, Shadow, and Nightmare’s work easily. And a physical altercation, even with the aid of weapons, would cause too much of a scene. So instead, V will kill with discreet methods, such as poison, or a disposable method, such as forming a contract with a demon, sending them out on their elimination mission, and then killing the new demon familiar so it could not be traced back to V.
Sweet = Even when they’re Yandere they can be sweet. What’s their sweet Yandere side?
You are his world, his everything, and he will tell you that often. Every day he tells you and shows you how much he appreciates you and all you do, for him and others. Being able to wake up beside you, spend time with you, and hold you at night is a blessing that he will always cherish, no matter how long you are together.
Type = What type of Yandere are they?
Going off of the Yandere Fandom Wiki’s list, V would mostly be a Manipulative Yandere (Focuses on working a series of situations to prevent losing their love.) with a bit of a Submissive Yandere (Only in love with one specific person and will carry out any task asked of them.).
V has a way with words and with his ability to stay calm and collected no matter the intricate lies he is weaving, he will subtly manipulate you into things like spending more time with him and fending off anyone who seriously threatens your relationship (See Other). He won’t just have you wrapped around his finger, as he will also make others question themselves or change their mind through his poetic, complex, cryptic wording. This can range from telling your family and friends that they should not make you go to some even, claiming things like how tired and stressed you are when in reality he just wants more time alone with you, to even beneficial things like convincing your teachers or boss to treat you better because you are such an amazing student/worker.
There is also little he wouldn’t do for you. He will of course do small things if you ask like taking you to and from appointments no matter the ungodly hour it is happening and taking you on dates to all the places you are interested in. But he will do so much more if only you ask it of him. For example, if you come to him for help, telling him about some person or group that is hurting you somehow, either directly or through association, and ask him to get rid of them, he will.
Unsure = How much trust do they have in you? What happens if you break it?
V trusts you a great deal, more than most yandere. Even when you make small mistakes he will quickly forgive you and assure you that he understands that you are doing your best and don’t truly mean any harm. If you do something drastic though, that is different. There is what will happen if you try to hurt yourself (See Kidnapping), but if you do something like cheat on him he will be devastated. He will blame himself for the most part, assuming he has failed to provide you with the love and affection you desire and is determined to be better. He will follow you without being too pushy, not quite a stalker but he will reappear in your life every couple of weeks to try to win your heart back. And between each meeting, he would work on improving himself in any way he thinks he is failing you, from physical to social to financial. At times he may even consider leaving you be, letting you go free, but he can’t help but be drawn to you. In the end, he would rather give up on life rather than give up on you.
Vexation = What is the one thing that you could do to piss them off or worry them the most?
V does not really get angry, being levelheaded enough to stay calm and give you and himself some space if he is getting frustrated. As for worrying him, the thing that will unsettle and worry him the most is if you suddenly, without plausible reason, start claiming that you love him and saying overly sweet things. If you were to say ‘I love you’ without complete sincerity he would see it as the complete opposite. You must be upset and/or unhappy in some way. Though he does not want to pry, if you keep forcing words of affection out it will eat away at him until he pleads for you to stop and instead tell him what it is that is driving you to hurt him like this.
Welcome = Let’s say they’re Yandere for you but you’ve not had your first meeting. How do they initiate it?
If you two have not officially met but you have caught V’s eye, he will avoid approaching you due to the belief that he will return to Vergil soon. He does not wish to hurt you by charming you and then disappearing, though that does have a romantic air to it. So perhaps he will allow himself to be seen once or twice if the situation requires. For example, if you are attacked by demons he will jump in to save you, maybe take a moment to let his mysterious and alluring aura seep in before disappearing like a masked hero, never truly known but leaving a sense of mysticism. At least this way, when the being known as V does disappear from this world, he will live on in you to a small extent.
If/when he knows that he can prolong his life, he will search for you right away. He’ll want to keep up his dark, mysterious, romantic aura as much as possible to make a good impression. This includes not giving you all the answers right away, slipping into the shadows and reappearing for the first few meets, and not letting you meet the blabbermouth Griffon or the horrific Nightmare, at least not at first. Shadow you may meet because he trusts her to not ruin the moment and may even add to his allure as he has a powerful jungle cat at his whim.
He has read countless poems and stories of romance, and he will use that to his advantage to make your introduction to him as perfect as possible.
Xeric = What is an innocuous thing you do that hits a nerve in their twisted mind and really turns them on?
Whether it is done casually during a time when you are relaxing and holding each other or if he is in the middle of something and your wandering mind leads you to do it, having you lightly trace the patterns of his tattoos sets his body and heart on fire faster then he is able to ask you why you are doing it. Having your fingers delicately glide along his skin has him twisting, arching, and bending into your touch, trembling slightly as soft gasps that sometimes sound more like moans, slip from his lips.
Yearning = They want you but you are already with someone else. How will they win you over/steal you from your current partner?
V will not even try. He is already hesitant to get close to you with his mission of becoming Vergil again. You being in a happy relationship with another offers him a melancholy peace as he knows that once he is gone you will be taken care of. In this circumstance, he will not even bother looking for a way to extend his life and simply complete the task he was created to do.
Zealot = If everything fails, will they be able to kill their partner? For the most part, no. Even if you fight, run, reject, and abandon him over and over he will never be pushed to kill you. The only circumstance in which he would take your life is if you have been irreparably damaged, physically or mentally. If, because of a demon attack, the cruelty of the world infecting you with an incurable disease, or you have lost your mind, if your life is nothing but suffering, he will mercy kill you. And he would follow you soon after, to be able to hold you in the afterlife and watch you be free of this pain.
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garxtomp · 7 months
The 100% accurate Genshin character guide
P1 Mondstadt
Abandonment issues
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Questionable choices in skins
Don’t let him any wear near your friends
“Gay or European, it’s hard to guaranteed”
The tour guide that doesn’t do anything
H o n g r y
Probably the unknown god but we’ll get back to that later
At least we have emergency food
Mondstadt’s Stove Lighter
Festival webtoon outfit when?
I’m missing amber’s dance rn
“Go go baron bunny”
Single mom of mondstadt
Tuonto’s beloved
Someone give her a comfortable bed to rest on
“Klee, put that down”
Mondstadt’s fireworks
Menace to society
Probably killed someone on accident once
“Klee loves to go fish basting!”
I lied about Jean being single
Depressed man
Daddy issues
God of wine that hates wine
“Not interested in idle chit chat”
Ice bridge
Daddy issues but double it
Everyone’s first genshin crush
The 1 thing the god of wine is allergic to
“Why so cold Diluc?”
Speaks funny language
Theater kid
Has pet bird that translates funny language
“Oz shut the fuck up”
Hot librarian
Fought the abyss over a book
Has pet wolf
“Give me back my book before I shove knifes down your throat 😊”
Fornite kid
Has more dads than all the Genshin characters combined
Somehow isn’t dead
“You want me on your team? 🥹”
Has basically been adopted by everyone in mondstadt
Loves potatoes (as he should)
Grammar? Never heard of it
Jeus lady
Everyone’s favorite Facebook celebrity
Idc if you don’t like her protect her at all means necessary 😨
Bring her old voice back 😭
“Please notice me Jean”
Maid therapist
Looks nice, can kill you
Probably won’t kill you tho
“Maiden for the Kights of Favonius”
created a whole new species because her friends left her
At least they aren’t dead
“What If I took ur body, and slapped it against a fking chalkboard 👹”
Chalk man
Mondstats’ older brother cause why not
Has a silly voice actor
“Moment of birth”
First Atheist to regularly show up to church
Goth lady
“ fuck u or sm idk that much an Rosaria I…I gave up”
Weilds multiple weapons,
Wdym he’s not a cryo catalyst :(
Vengeance lady
Strange family members
“Don’t be shy girl go bonanza”
A fking menace to society
Bartender, hates wine
“I wish my dad loved me”
Broke bitch
Strange choice of friends
Knows the future, somehow not god.
“You have a son right? Yeah well he’s gonna die tomorrow so good luck with that”
(Sorry i died lol, also my Wanderer fanfic is prob never gonna get finished lol mb)
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hellishere7980 · 2 months
Whatever It Takes (CH-2)
Dear Damian, Normally I would write a letter in Arabic, but I thought since you're gonna live here, you might as well get used to the language. I know this was abrupt to you. But this is the first opening me and Mother could get. Sorry, Mother and I could get. English grammar rules are so wonky.
Both Bruce and Damian let out a soft laugh.
Anyway, back to the point. I know what you're gonna say. You're gonna say, “You did the same thing I'm doing right now. I can handle it.” And I'm not denying that, Damian. Just that you shouldn't have to do this. Shouldn't have to fight. You shouldn't have to kill. You shouldn't have to always watch behind your back. It's not right. And just the fact that it happened to me does not make it right for you. Here at Father’s you'll be able to learn new things. Enjoy life. Make friends. Meet your other siblings and our Father.
Please give them a chance. You don't know if you like something if you never try it. Stay safe. And be happy. Don't think this is goodbye, I will come visit. Mother and I love you. With all we have.
Your sister And the bane of your existence, Mariam.
Thankfully, Damien was too tired after the day's proceedings and went down for sleep without much fuss. After making sure he was comfortable in the guest bedroom, Bruce went back down to the Cave where the DNA showed 92% completed. Seeing him, Tim, Dick and Alfred came and gathered around.
“Well, Master Bruce?”
“He is sleeping for now. The kid had a dagger, but I left it with him because he looked too–”
“Vulnerable.” Tim said.
“Yeah, that.” Bruce said, giving them a tired smile. “I was thinkin–”
The batcomputer chimed. As all of them whipped around they saw displayed on the screen in bold letters. Almost mocking them-
Test #27
Subject: Damian Al-Ghul Wayne
Biological matches: Bruce Thomas Wayne (Parental) Talia Al-Ghul (Parental) Ra’s Al-Ghul (Grand Parental) Test subject #28 (Complete Fraternal)
“Well damn” Dick said. “I suppose it was to be expected, honestly.”
Bruce sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “I suppose it is pointless to open up the second test result.”
“Better safe than sorry.” Tim said, clacking on the keyboard. “Here we go.” with his words, the screen changed.
Test #28
Subject: Mariam
Biological matches: Bruce Thomas Wayne (Parental) Talia Al-Ghul (Parental) Ra’s Al-Ghul (Grand Parental) Damian Al-Ghul Wayne (Complete Fraternal)
“I didn't enter her complete name because she never really said it out loud, but do you want me to, like, input it in as Al-Ghul Wayne?” Tim asked, spinning around on the batchair.
“Yeah.” Bruce said. Turning to Alfred, he continued, “What do I do, Alfred?”
“Though it may take some time, Master Bruce, I believe a solution will present itself. Worrying about when will only cause additional stress. I suggest you focus on Master Damian. You do have a lot of years to make up for.”
“I don't even know how old the kid is!” Bruce groaned. “I’ll turn In for the night. I'll deal with this tomorrow morning.”
“Excellent idea, Master Bruce. After all, a good rest makes our minds work better. Don't they Master Tim?”
“Wha-What?” Tim asked, his eyes still glued to the screen pulling up Talia's file.
“Come on, Tim.” Dick said. He was slowly putting all the bat computer screens on Sleep Mode. “You already know all that there is to know about her.”
“Yeah, yeah. I'm looking through Justice League files, you know, in case someone updated something.”
“Come on, Tim.” Bruce said, making use of his ‘dad voice’ as put by Dick. “The files will still all be here in the morning. It's time you got some rest.”
“Yeah, yeah. Just a minute.” Tim said, his eyes scanning the screen.
“Nope.” Dick said as he picked him up. “Going to burrito wrap you in a blanket so you can't sneak into the Cave.”
“Nooooooo” Tim said dramatically as Dick put him over his shoulder and walked off.
Bruce waited until their steps receded before again turning to Alfred. “Do you think I'm ready for this?”
“Master Bruce, In quite a lot of cases, you have not been ready for something yet. You took it on beautifully. Some mistakes did happen, but, your imperfection is a part of you. I believe you'll know what to do with Damian and how to do it. You both are more similar than you think.”
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waywardcrow · 3 months
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Haircuts and coffee.
Summary: A little story about how Fairy and Bucky meet and how far Fairy could go to protect someone.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F!Reader.
WC: About 1600 or something.
TW: Very poor science kwnoledge by me, a pair of assholes talking shit, language, references to Bucky’s past as the Winter soldier and the abuse he suffered at Hydra's, physical violence (don’t try this at home), goofiness, someone trips and falls, fluff and feels, reader it's pictured to don't be above 5'3 but I try to don't specify too much, let me know if I missed something.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language, please tell me if I make grammar mistakes.
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Everybody talked about “the incident” for a while.
That’s what Tony decided to call when his favorite lab tech decided to blast a not tested powerful weapon at some jerk agents.
In your defense, he had it coming.
Agent Smith was rude, obnoxious and misogynistic, he smelled like instead of water he used his awful cologne to shower and he made the mistake to be rude to Sergeant Barnes in your presence.
Three weeks ago Sergeant Barnes was found innocent of all charges against him and Captain Rogers took him to the Avengers compound so he could start living there while he finished his recovery, you remembered how happy he was that morning, not even Tony’s teasing could get under Steve’s skin and you were so happy for both of them, obviously not everyone shared the feeling.
There were some people whispering, not very enthusiastic about having the former Winter Soldier living there, free, but you decided to don’t engage with them, Agent Hill made very clear you couldn’t keep getting into fights with your coworkers even if they never were physical.
You weren’t a violent person but also you weren’t one to stand and watch something happening when you knew it was wrong.
So you focused on your work.
A simple weapon that could be camouflaged like a normal glove but it had all the power of Tony’s blasters, it was a delicate experiment because the material wasn’t resistant enough to the power source so it ended on fire or the blast wasn’t powerful enough, firing some sparks that only will scare you and no one else.
Tony told you over and over again to don’t pressure perfection which was bullshit because the man survived on caffeine and impostor syndrome most of the days, just like you. You continued to work until you were sure it was good, that’s why you decided to try it in a safe environment and, it was then when it happened.
You heard a couple of agents talk on your way to see Tony, they were watching Sergeant Barnes from the hall without an ounce of shame while he poured some coffee for himself in the kitchen, what you heard made your stomach drop.
“I don’t know why they let him out, he’s a fucking freak” Agent Smith said with a vicious smile in his very symmetrical face.
“Yeah man, they should never left him leave prison” the other, Jameson, agreed.
“They actually should send him back to Hydra, so he gets what he deserves”
At that, you saw Sergeant Barnes flinch and you realized he could hear them even if he was a very good distance.
It broke your heart.
He was so polite when Steve introduced you, he had such a kind smile when his best friend told him he would take him to the best burgers in the city that night as celebration and you read some of the files years ago when Nat put out all of SHIELD and Hydra’s information, you knew things you wished that could get erased from your mind and specially you wished the man in front of you never would have to suffer them, ever.
So yeah, you threw Hill’s advice through the window and went to agent jerk and agent douchebag.
“Take that back, assholes”
You were well aware how you looked, a small nerd with very big glasses and a very short skirt facing some six foot something idiots who could kill you in a heartbeat. Your mother always told you to stop being too impulsive but your father always smiled about it, calling you a troublemaker.
“Don’t get your nose in things that doesn’t concern you, lab rat” Smith didn’t like you, not so much after you declined his offer to go out which was predictable from someone like him, beside him Jameson let out a laugh that made you see red.
“I said: take it back and apologize”
Smith got too close to you for your liking, enjoying being able to stared down at you, like you were nothing.
“Or what? Are you going to cry? Or would you ask your new friend to kill me like he used-“ you didn’t let him finish, with a flick of your wrist, he got send backwards alongside his buddy, making both of them fly across the hall to the empty conference room to end in the garden, a floor below.
You looked at your hand, the good news was your experiment worked, the bad was Maria would not like this.
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That was how you ended in disciplinary action, thankfully Tony and Steve interceded for you, watching with Friday’s help the footage of the incident, Smith and Jameson had to apologize to Sergeant Barnes and you didn’t have to do the same with them. When they presented a complain, Tony swore the footage of the incident was gone and there was no way they could prove you hurt them. Also he promised them they would have nice assignments waiting for them after their recovery… in Alaska.
Maria was not speaking to you, tired of cleaning everyone’s messes. Yelena gave you lots of high fives that made you want to hide when someone else watch you both, and Steve, he was thankful for your intervention and you didn’t regret it but his friend couldn’t look at you in the eyes anymore.
It wasn’t that obvious because as part of you punishment, you had to spend a lot of time in the training facilities with Nat, Maria was convinced that it was perfect because you hated exercise and she was right, you were in hell.
Even if Nat was one of your best friends, she was a relentless trainer, tough and disciplined, all you weren’t when it came to run in circles.
“Come on, Fairy” she yelled at you from her position, very ahead of you “I need you to run like Pedro Pascal is waiting for you!”
The sweat was blinding you, your lungs felt on fire and still you managed to scream at her like a suffocated turtle.
“Don’t you dare use Pedro’s name in vain!”
The redhead laughed, running backwards like it was easy, for her it probably was and then you saw him.
Not Pedro Pascal, of course, although you were sure he was friends with Pepper and she didn’t want to tell you.
You saw Sergeant Barnes coming towards the run track, it wasn’t strange since he and Steve used it a lot but his hair, it was different. He had cut all his long locks leaving only a very modern haircut that make his cheekbones more evident.
Before you could think about closing your mouth, your foot got caught in something and you fell.
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It was so embarrassing being in the med bay for this.
Sam would never let you hear the end of it, Yelena got the footage and made a tik tok reel just for you, Morgan was the only one who took pity on you and left you a bag of Sour patch when she went to see you.
You were fine with all of that, the teasing of your friends and even your sore wrist but your literal high school celebrity crush saw you hit the dust, all because you were so busy staring at him. It was a good thing he was avoiding you.
Because life loved to make fun of you, he went to see you at the med bay.
“Hi miss, Fairy, I mean miss Fairy” he wasn’t sure he could get to call you by the pet name everybody used with you even if Steve had introduced you like that. Bucky knew your real name, of course, but you seemed to like being called Fairy and if he was honest with himself, it suited you.
“It’s everything ok, Sergeant?” your first instinct was to check on him and it didn’t went unnoticed by Bucky.
“Yeah, I am” he put a cup pf coffee in the bedside table and looked at you like he wanted to run from there “I came to see how you are, it was a very bad fall”
Your cheeks burned, why did this have to happen to you? If seventeen year old you could see you right now, she would slapped you for making this impression on Bucky Barnes, your favorite Howling commando, the reason you wanted to join SHIELD and even when you couldn’t, you still tried to do something good with your life.
“Yeah, it wasn’t- I mean, I’m fine” you smiled but it looked more like a grimaced gesture.
He wasn’t convinced, your arm had scratches and your left cheekbone was red, Bucky felt bad for waiting until this happened to talk to you.
“I brought you some coffee, Steve told me you like it like this” he lied, Bucky had observed you enough to know how you liked it, which was natural since you drank it like it was water. He fought the urge to hide his gloved hands on his pockets “I didn’t get to thank you”
“What for?” you asked before taking a sip of your cup, it was perfect.
“For standing for me, that day”
His voice sounded small even being this close to you and he hated it.
He hated you heard what they said, he hated that you felt bad for him and that he found you so beautiful when he had no chance with you.
Biting your lip, you left your drink and looked at him in the eyes.
“I didn’t want you to think they represent us, they don’t, there’s a lot of douchebags but there’s also a lot of good people here and we will support you” it sounded so cheesy but it was true, what kind of superheroes organization they would be if they don’t take care of their own people?
Bucky stared at you, not wanting to believe you were real, why were you being so kind with him? And why did he wanted more?
“Thanks, Fairy” this time, your pet name sounded sure on his tongue and it made you smile.
“No need to thank me, Sergeant”
“Please, call me Bucky”
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Hello! I wanted to write this so bad and I didn't care if it was very self indulgent and silly, I needed this, I love Fairy and Bucky so much and I hope you love them too, let me know what you think.
Love, Lily.
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callsignmercy · 2 years
Don’t go breaking my heart - Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin.
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Prompt: The only thing you asked Jake was to not break your heart. But Jake can’t keep a promise, after all he always leaves when the fight becomes too intense right?
Words: ~4k
Warning: Jake being a dick (why you asking), crying, Phoenix and Halo being the sweetest friends ever, cute Bob, fluff, happy ending.
Note: Somebody needs to stop me writing about Hangman, this is becoming concerning, I’m scared for the small amount of mental health I have left. Highly unedited. English is not my first language. Sorry for the easy vocabulary and bad grammar. Please do not republish, translate or do whatever to my work.
Y/C/S: Your callsign
You pass the door of The Hard Deck that evening not really waiting for anything in particular. You have been called back to Top Gun for a top secret mission along with a few other pilots whom you don’t know yet.
“Hello, I’m Y/N, but you can call me Y/C/S.” You smile at the cute nerdy lieutenant who was sat down on a bar stool eating peanuts. “Hi uh- I’m Bob.” “Your callsign is Bob?” You ask with a smile.” “Uhm yes well people never really gave me one so we just stuck with Bob.” “Oh that’s sad, is your name Robert?” “It is.” “Well nice to meet you Robert. Are you going to Top Gun too?” “I am.” He smiles softly.
You sit down next to Bob, waiting for other aviators to arrive. “Well hello there. What’s your name beautiful?” A man asks, arriving at the pool table. “I’m Y/C/S.” “Hello Y/C/S, I’m Hangman.” “Nice to meet you. This is Bob.” You tell Hangman, pointing Bob next to you. “Man’s a stealth pilot, didn’t even notice you there.” “I’m a WSO actually.” “Yeah it was sarcasm buddy.” “Oh I uh-” Hangman pats him on the shoulder with a smile. “It’s okay, don't be so shy. Wanna play pool with Coyote and I. Two vs two?" You look at Bob who seems hesitant and you smile softly to him. “Come on, it'll be fun.” “Alright.” He smiles shyly.
You begin a game while others arrive, saluting Hangman and Coyote whom they seem to already know. You meet Phoenix, Payback, Fanboy and later on Rooster and many others.
As Rooster begins playing the piano everybody joins him for a karaoke of Great Balls of Fire but you stay back being a little shy. “Wanna play darts?” Hangman asks with a genuine smile on his face. “Hum yeah. I’m not really good at it though sorry.” “It’s fine, I can show you some tricks if you want.” “Okay.” You smile at him.
“Okay just like this, can I put my hand here?” He asks, hovering over your arm. “Yes, go ahead.” He puts his hand on yours when you give him the go and shows you the move to throw a bullseye which you almost get when you shoot your dart. You shoot him a bright smile seeing the dart next to the center of the target. “Not bad for a first time.” He exclaims with a smile.
You don’t know what it is but you genuinely feel attracted to Hangman, he seems so nice and gentle. After Rooster ends his song and the aviators come back to the pool table you get to talk with Phoenix among others. “I saw you playing darts with Hangman. I don’t wanna kill the mood but Jake’s a real womanizer and he’d do everything to get in a woman’s pants so be careful with him. You seem so nice I wouldn’t want you to get attached to someone like him.” She says.
“Really? He seemed so nice and gentle. He asked if he could touch my hand to show me a move at darts and everything. He doesn’t seem like the type you’re describing.” “I know but trust me, be careful. If you wanna have fun I say go for it. He seems like a really good one night stand but don’t really expect much more from him.” “Alright, thanks for warning me.” You reply and she gives you a genuine smile.
As the night comes to an end you head out of the bar to go back to base. “Hey Y/C/S. Can I give you a ride home?” Hangman - or Jake as Phoenix called him - asks. “Are you on base too?” “I am.” “Alright then.” You smile and climb inside his truck. “Did you have a good night?” “I did, thanks for the games of pool and darts, by the way.” “You’re welcome, I really enjoyed playing with you.” He replies.
You arrive on base and show the officer your badges as he lets you in. Jake parks his truck and runs to the other side to open the door for you. You chuckle at the gesture. “Why thank you lieutenant.” Jake can’t help but feel his stomach twist as his rank comes out of your mouth. It’s a word he hears daily by his friends and superior officers yet somehow, coming out of your mouth, the word has a different sound to it. A sound he can’t quite decipher but he sure likes.
“I assume you might bunk with Phoenix and Halo?” “I presume yes.” “Do you know where your dorm is?” “I do, thanks for asking.” You smile back at him. “Well goodnight then Y/C/S.” “My name’s Y/N.” You tell him. “It suits you, I like it. I’m Jake.” He smiles softly. “Well it was nice meeting you Jake. See you tomorrow?” “See you tomorrow, sleep well.” “You too Jake.” You say as you head over to your dorm, leaving Jake in the middle of the corridor, smiling like a child in love.
You can’t help but think about how cute he is despite everything Phoenix told you a few hours ago.
The next morning you head to your first class with the girls and sit in the front as you usually do. Jake arrives a few minutes later and sits in the same row, leaving an empty seat between you two. “Sleep well?” He asks. “I did, thanks for asking.” You give him a cute smile and his stomach makes somersaults inside him. He needed to ask you out. Not in front of the whole class but he would find an opportunity. He needed it like air to breathe.
So that evening after dogfighting he did exactly that.
“Y/C/S wait a sec!” He exclaims catching up to you as you were headed back to the changing room to end your day. “Hangman.” You reply solemnly. “I uh- I wanted to ask you something. You can totally say no I will understand but um… Will you go out with me? Like… ever?” “Are you asking me out on a date, Hangman?” “Only if you say yes.” He says and you grin. “Then it’s a yes.” You reply. “Is tonight too soon?” He asks, hopeful. “Tonight’s perfect.” You chuckle. “Meet me at the door at seven? And please, call me Jake.” “Alright Jake, see you then.” You smile shyly and enter the changing room to take your shower.
Jake feels like a little kid almost twirling on himself as he heads over to the men’s changing room.
At seven you go to the main door to meet Jake who’s already waiting for you. “You look wonderful Y/N.” He says, smiling. “Thank you, you clean up nice too.” You reply. “Where are we going?” “I thought we could just pick up some food and then go have a picnic on the beach? There is a food truck not far away that serves really good food if it’s alright with you?” He asks with a hopeful smile. “Sounds perfect Jake.” You reply, smiling brightly.
Jake drives you to the beach where a food truck is parked. You order food before going to sit down in the sand with your meals.
“So tell me about you Y/N.” “What exactly do you want to know?” “Everything. Parents, siblings, pets, favorite food, drink, hobby, pet peaves, ideal holiday, the whole shebang.” You laugh. “Okay so, my parents are divorced. My mom’s a chef and my dad was in the navy, a naval aviator like me but I’m the first to make it to Top Gun.” “Congrats on that.” Jake interrupts you. “Thanks, it wasn’t easy to be honest, being a woman and everything. Anyway, I don’t have any siblings nor pets because my parents can’t be bothered with any which is really sad but I really want a dog someday.”
“What else um, I love pasta and I like to have a beer once in a while but I’d much rather drink water. I love to read and I hate the sound of people chewing or people that walk slowly in front of me. My ideal holidays are skiing or doing nothing on a beach far away from naval towns where everyone knows everyone you know. What about you?”
“Well what do you wanna know?” “Truth be told, Phoenix told me things about you and I only wanna know if she’s right.” Jake’s face falls a bit. “Uh oh… What did she tell you exactly?” “That you’re a womanizer and you’d do everything to get in a girl’s pants.” “It was true.” He admits. “But I met you yesterday and I instantly thought you were really cute and to be honest I just want to spend time with you.”
“Well I thought you were really cute too. But I warn you I really don’t want to get my heart broken so you better be honest and not lead me on if you don’t want this to be serious.” You reply as he grins. “I promise I’m not trying to get in your pants. Well yes, but not only.” He smirks. “Jake Seresin!” You exclaim as you playfully punch him on his arm. “Well you told me to be honest.” He chuckles.
“Don’t go breaking my heart, that’s all I ask.” “I promise.” He smiles softly.
“Alright I wanna know your biggest fear.” You say. “People leaving me on my own to die up there.” “Why would they do that?” “I’m not a really likable person to be honest and people have done that in the past so…” “So you’ve developed a defense mechanism which consists in leaving everyone out to dry by fear of people doing the same to you right? At least that’s what I picked up from dogfighting earlier.” You smile and Jake sighs. “I do, yes.” “You know, we’re a team up there. You should really start trusting people not to leave you hanging. People count on you and you can count on them. There’s no need to be arrogant in this field, it’s a team’s job. We’re not playing solo here.”
“I know.” “Promise me you won’t do that to me up there. Cause I promise you you’ll be the first to be sad if someone that you’ve left behind dies on you up there.” “You’re probably right. I’ll try my best.” He replies as you smile at him. “I really like you, you know.” “I really like you too Jake.”
The next day was dogfighting again. You, Jake and Rooster were up in the air waiting and searching for Maverick. “Hangman you see him?” Rooster asks. “Negative. Y/C/S?” “Negative guys. He must be up in the clouds.” “Oh but I’ve been here the whole time.” You hear Maverick on the radio before you see him, going up above Rooster’s plane, inverted. “Holy shit.” Hangman says. The next few seconds go really fast as Maverick and Rooster start fighting and Rooster provokes a Cobra maneuver that lead them to almost crash on the mountains below. “Come on Rooster, drop down and take the shot.” Hangman says but Rooster doesn’t budge. and Maverick tones him a few seconds later before going after you.
“Shit Hangman, get him off me.” You exclaim. “Coming Y/C/S.” Hangman replies.
He listened to you and didn’t leave you out to dry. Even though you ended up “shot down” by Maverick you gave him a run for his money and Hangman stayed with you all along.
“I’m proud of you.” You whisper to Jake after getting ready for your push ups. “We’re still dead, you and I.” “Yeah but we fought till the end and that’s what it means to be a team. I’m happy you stayed and fought with me Jake.” You smile at him. “Next time we gotta survive though.” “We will, don’t worry.”
At the end of the day as you head towards the women’s changing room you hear Jake’s voice talking to someone.
“It’s not like I would ever go out with her, she’s not even my type. Gotta be blind to ever wanna chase someone like Y/C/S.” He chuckles awkwardly. “You seemed really close to her during your push ups though. And someone told me they saw you together last night.” It was Coyote’s voice now. “I don’t know who told you that but they’re wrong, I would never go out with her.”
Tears begin to pool in your eyes. So much so for not breaking your heart. You run back to the changing room, luckily you were hiding for the entirety of their conversation.
You fall down on the bench in front of your locker and the tears flood your cheeks. You hear Phoenix and Halo coming in laughing together about something. You quickly wipe out your tears before getting up and opening your locker. “Hey Y/C/S, good job up there you almost had him.” “Thanks.” You reply trying to sound convincing but your voice just breaks because of the sadness you were feeling. “Are you okay?” Halo asks, concerned. “I’m fine.” You reply as a single tear drops down your cheek, not going unnoticed by the girls. “Wait why are you crying, what happened?”
Instead of answering you break down again and fall down on the bench behind you, putting your head in your hands. Phoenix and Halo are quick to get to you and sit down on either side of you hugging you. “Do you want to talk about it?” Phoenix asks carefully. You sniffle before answering. “Jake’s an asshole and I should have listened to you.” “What did he do?” “He took me out on a date last night and we had a good time and I just heard him say to Coyote that I wasn’t his type and that people would have to be stupid to ever go out with me and another load of mean things like that although earlier today he was still flirting with me and everything.” “Fucking asshole, I swear to God I’ll kill him.” Phoenix groans.
“Yeah well it doesn’t matter anymore really, I’m just gonna forget about him and keep working on going on this mission.” “That’s the spirit Y/C/S!” Halo says. “Just forget about him, he’s a dick.” Phoenix adds. “But it hurts you know, I asked him not to break my heart after he told me he liked me and everything and he promised but he did anyway.” “I will never understand the pleasure men get in hurting women. Seriously, what are they gaining from it? A sense of purpose? An ego boost? Because I can tell you what they’re losing it’s awesome women that would have given the world to them but they are too stupid to comprehend this.” Phoenix rambles and you and halo laugh at her words.
You’ve been ignoring Jake for days. Not letting him talk to you, nor explaining why you weren’t talking to him. You haven’t been up in the sky with him since that second day but today Maverick called the both of you up.
“How is it looking, Y/C/S do you see him?” God, even hearing his voice made you want to punch him in the face. “Negative.” You reply with a stone cold voice. Jake knows now is not the right time to get into an argument with you but he would very much like for you to explain what was wrong to him. The tone of your voice made him shiver, he never heard you sound so… not you? He didn’t know how to describe it but it didn’t sound like you at all, you were usually really cute and gentle in your tone and choice of words that this simple word sent him goosebumps.
As Maverick drops from the clouds above and appears on your radar Jake is the first to speak. “He’s on our tail Y/C/S break left!” You do so as Jake breaks right to force Mav to pick a side and he chooses to follow Hangman. You hear Jake panting on the radio trying to avoid being toned by Maverick.
“Y/C/S a little help here please?” Jake asks but you don’t respond. You drop down behind your captain and take the shot, having been unnoticed by neither of them. “That’s a kill, Captain.” You say blankly.
Hangman is shocked at your words and before he could say something Maverick speaks. “Really good job Y/C/S, I’ll see you both back on base.”
You head back to base and hear Jake talk to you through the radio. “Good job Y/C/S.” He says but you don’t respond.
As you walk towards the hangar Jake comes running behind you. “Hey can we talk?” He asks, expectant. You don’t reply and keep on walking. “Y/C/S!” He shouts. “Y/N!” He tries but you keep walking. “Lieutenant Y/L/N!” You stop dead on your track and turn around to look at him.
“Can we talk?” He asks again. Your jaw clenches before you speak. “You know I really wanted to give you a taste of your own medicine up there. Play solo, save my own ass. But I didn’t, because I’m a team player but I know you would never have done that, you’re so selfish. And why would you save my ass if he went after me uh? After all, people gotta be blind to ever wanna chase someone like me right?” You ask, voice stone cold. Jake's face drops at the realization but before he could open his mouth you were already walking back to the hangar.
You were shaking the whole way back to the changing room. Never in your life have you ever done something like that. Staying impassible and stoic in front of the man that broke your heart and telling him off like that. You thought it was so well done but you hated being mean towards people like that but he needed to understand. Understand that you knew what he really thought of you and understand that he really hurt you by saying what he said.
When you push open the women’s room door you allow yourself to let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding and you fall down on the bench in front of your locker. Luckily for you it was next to the door as you don’t know if your feet would have supported you for another step. Phoenix and Halo were already there when you entered and they were next to you in a second, seeing your state of panic.
“Are you okay? What happened?” “I told Hangman that I knew.” “Really? That’s wonderful! How did you tell him?” “I was telling him that he is selfish and that if I was the one Maverick was chasing he probably wouldn’t have saved me like I did him and I said ‘After all gotta be blind to ever wanna chase someone like me’, the thing he told Coyote the other day and his face just dropped and all the colors disappeared at once. And then I left.” “That is so badass, I’m so proud of you Y/N!” Phoenix exclaims. “You’re shaking.” Halo states. “I know I’m not used to being mean to people like that.” You reply matter-of-factly. “You weren’t being mean, you were being truthful and that’s all that matters. Now Jake has a chance to come and apologize now that he knows why you won’t speak to him.” Halo says. “You’re right. But It doesn’t mean I’ll forgive him though.” “And you’ll be in your own right not to. After all, he did break a promise he made you when he said those things.” Phoenix replies.
On the other end of the corridor Jake was walking towards the men’s changing room, mind blank, gaze on the floor. Coyote arrived and stopped next to him. “You alright?” Jake didn’t respond as he kept on walking, afraid of what would come out of his mouth if he did.
Phoenix came out of the room at the same moment and heard the guys’ voices. “Have you seen a ghost or something? Are you sick?” “Fuck you Coyote!” Jake exclaims. “Wow okay what did I do?” Phoenix thought it best to film the interaction just in case she needed something to blackmail Jake in the future. She got her phone out discreetly and started filming, trying not to be noticed.
“Why would you ask me about Y/N uh? I don’t even know why I lied to you. Of course I like her she’s the cutest, and nicest person I’ve ever met and I seriously think I’m in love with her. But now it’s all gone out the window because she heard me say that she was not my type and everything to you the other day. I don’t even know why I said that. I wanted to keep it a secret for now but of course you had to get your nose in my business!” Jake shouts.
“I uh- I’m sorry man I didn���t mean to bother you I wasn’t being nosy or anything I just wanted to know if you’ve finally found someone to settle down with that’s all. I really like Y/N and I think she’d be good for you. Look, you've even stopped leaving people out when we fly. We almost have to give you a new callsign now.” Javy chuckles.
“I don’t deserve her man. You know what she did today? She almost left me get toned by Mav but she saved my ass. She just nice like that and I fucked it all up.” “I think you need to tell her the truth.” “How? She would never listen to me and even less believe me after what she heard the other day.” “You have to try. You cannot let her go, you'll never find another one like her.” “I know that, trust me.”
Phoenix stopped the recording and went back to the changing room to find you. “Y/N you need to look at this!” She says. She sits down next to you and plays the video for you.
When you hear Jake rambling about the fact that he loved you you felt the tears pool in your eyes.
You went back to your dorm after that, mind racing, processing Jake’s words. “Y/N.” You hear behind you. You turn around, knowing who the voice belongs to. “Jake.” You reply. “Please let me explain.” You don’t reply but you don’t walk away so Jake takes this as a sign to go on.
“Look, what I said to Coyote the other day, it wasn’t true. At all. I just said that because I didn’t want him meddling into my life, I wanted to keep whatever we had a secret because I wanted to protect you from people talking, considering… You know… That I’m a womanizer. But the truth is, you’re totally my type and I will chase you to the end of the world if need be.” “And you’re in love with me.” You stated. “I- What?” “That’s what you said earlier right? You’re in love with me.” You repeat as Jake chuckles. “You really gotta stop eavesdropping on my conversations.” He grinned. “I wasn’t, Phoenix heard you. But the point is you should never talk about me behind my back because I’ve caught you every time.”
“I’ll stop.” “I’m sorry about what I said earlier. About the fact that you were selfish.” “Already forgotten. I promise I’ll never leave you behind. Ever.” “So?” “So what?” “Is it true you’re in love with me?” You smile softly. “Undeniably.” He replies before closing the gap between you and putting his lips on yours.
“Finally.” You said as you smiled into the kiss.
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Bloody Beetle | Part Six
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Summary: in an intense car ride with Harrow you make one final attempt to change his mind, and truths are revealed.
Pairing: Harrow x reader
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Harrow being Harrow (he's like, bordering on yandere)
A/N: I am SO sorry this took so long. Grief is a bitch. But part seven coming tomorrow!! then I think part eight will be the final part... I researched a LOT into the Staff of Ammit and what powers Harrow had but definitely made shit up so apologies haha 🙈 as always spelling and grammar are not my strongest skills so please be kind :)
Part Five | Series Masterlist
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The journey across the Egyptian desert is uncomfortable. Not just because its a long time to be sat in a hot car on a ridiculously bumpy track, but because you're forced to sit in the back with Harrow right by your side. He tries to converse with you, telling you how excited you should be about going to Giza and how privileged you are to witness the birth of the new world. But all you can do is stare out the window, simultaneously trying to block Harrow's voice and the image burnt into your mind of Steven and Maya’s lifeless bodies in the tomb. 
When you finally reach a main road, you're almost relieved to see the Egyptian patrol vehicles blocking the road, forcing the cars to stop. Officers approach the cars, banging on the hoods as they say something in a language you don't understand. 
“Stay in the car.” Harrow tells you calm but firm as he opens the door and gets out. Officers raise their guns and shout at him and some disciples immediately jump out the cars to defend him. Harrow just calmly raises his hands, telling everyone it’s all right.
“Show me your papers!” The officer near to him says. 
“I don't need to show you my papers.” Harrow replies. “You need to show us your soul.” 
He raises his cane and as he bangs it to the ground a purple light sweeps through the officers. You gasp, watching as almost all of them fall to the ground. All except the one who had been talking to Harrow. His body shakes and when it stops he looks at Harrow, dazed and confused. 
“This is the face of a good man.” Harrow says, reaching out to place his hand on the officer’s shoulder. He removes the walkie talkie from the officers vest and shuts it off. “You don't need this anymore.” He throws it to the ground and moves away from the officer.
“Move the bodies out of the way.” You hear Bobbi call and see disciples start to jump out from the cars. “Lets go! Clear a path.”
The driver in your car gets out to help and you see your opportunity. You open the door, but before you can even move Harrow is there slamming it shut again. He locks eyes with you through the car window and holds out his hand. The driver hands him the key and he instantly locks the car, before turning and leaning against the door. You shuffle across the seat to the other side of the car and try that door instead, but it stays locked. You let out a sigh, turning to look out the back window. You watch the disciples working, moving the officers bodies like they’re just bags of sand, not caring at all that these are real people who had lives and families. 
Movement behind one of the vehicles a few cars away grabs your attention. Every other person out there is helping clear a path, but not this one. This person has their hood up. Like they’re hiding, sneaking behind he back of the cars. The sun catches something metal shining in their hand. A knife! As they get close enough you realise its Layla! Her eyes remain fixed on Harrow as she steadies her grip on the knife in her hand. She must be here to kill Harrow!
You spare a quick glance at Harrow, he’s still leaning against the car door watching his disciples do his dirty work. You look back at Layla and you're surprised to see she’s no longer focused. Instead she’s looking down at the ground, talking to someone. You shuffle as far over as you can to try and get a better view but all you can see is someones legs. It looks like she’s talking to one of the dead officers… 
Suddenly she looks back up again, startling you. Your movement catches her eye and she looks directly at you through the rear window. You wave, mouthing at her to “help”. She nods, bringing her finger up to her mouth to tell you to stay quiet as she refocuses on Harrow. She takes a couple of short steps but when Bobbi shouts “it’s time to go” she stops retreating back a few steps. 
“I’ll find you.” She mouths to you before running to the back of the cars and disappearing from your view. A sadness hits you as you remember Steven saying those same words back in London. When was that? Days? Weeks? You’d lost count of how long you’d been with Harrow in the middle of all this madness. 
You jump at the sound of Harrow getting back in the car, turning around to sit back down in your seat.
“What were you looking at?” He asks, glancing out the rear window. 
“Nothing.” You say shakily, hoping Harrow doesn’t realise you're lying. “Just.. there’s a lot of bodies out there.”
Sensing your sadness he reaches over, placing his hand on yours and giving it a reassuring squeeze. “I know it’s hard. It will be over soon.” You pull your hand away and move as far away from him as is possible when trapped in a car. You hear him sigh before he says “Not far to go now.” 
— — — — 
You see it in the distance. The great pyramid of Giza standing tall in the desert. Your heart starts to race as you realise this really is it. Time is running out. 
“Are you alright?” Harrow asks, hearing your shaky breaths as you try to calm yourself.
“Please don't do this.” You say in a sudden moment of bravery.
“Don't do this.” You say, firmer this time as you look at him. “You can turn these cars around, stop anyone else from dying… You don't have to go through with this.”
You look him at him for a moment, silently pleading with him as he looks back at you. There’s a sadness in his eyes. 
“I have to.”
“No- no you don’t”
“I do Y/N.” 
“Says who?” You argue. “Who? Ammit? She’s lying to you Arthur-”
“She’ll say whatever she has to to convince you to free her. But there must be a reason that the other gods imprisoned her. She is dangerous-”
“ENOUGH!” Harrow shouts and slams his cane into floor, startling you and clearly the driver too from the way the car swerves. “My apologies.” He says to the driver, composing himself before looking at you. You haven’t seen him this angry, especially not with you. “I understand that you are frightened, and you are grieving your friend…” he tries to hide his anger by softening his voice “but you talk of things of things you do not understand.” 
“Then help me.” You say quietly. He looks confused. “Help me to understand.”
“I’ve already told you-” Harrow starts but you interrupt.
“You told me why Ammit takes lives. But what about you? You killed Steven, Arthur, YOU did that!”
“He was complicated. He had unbalanced scales.”
“What about Maya? She didn’t have ‘unbalanced scales’. She was on your side, she worshipped you! And you murdered her!” 
“No! She failed to stop Marc Spector from getting to the tomb and in turn we almost lost the ushabti. She jeopardised our chance of freeing Ammit.”
"Then what about me? Why am I still alive Arthur? I have been very open about how much I disagree with Ammit, and you. I helped Steven to get the ushabti. I have tried at every opportunity to stop you, but I’m still here. Help me understand that.” You pause, giving him a chance to speak but he closes his eyes. “Why haven’t you killed me, like you have with everyone else who got in your way?” He still remains silent. “Arthur?!”
“Because I can’t!” He finally replies, looking at you with teary eyes. “I know I’m supposed to, she wants me to, but I can’t do that to you, I just can’t… not to you…”
“What are you saying?”
The car comes to a stop at the base of the pyramid and the driver gets out. But Harrow doesn’t move. The cult leader/avatar of Ammit persona he’s always worn has dropped, leaving a very different person in front of you. For the first time, he looks vulnerable. 
“I have feelings for you Y/N. Feelings I’m not supposed to have. Feelings that have stopped me from carrying out Ammit's orders.” 
“I- I don’t understand.. You said Ammit changed her mind, that she saw something special about me-” a realisation hits you “It was all a lie. But the daily healings? If that wasn’t Ammit, then what the hell was it? Please, just tell me the truth.” 
He looks conflicted, releasing a sigh before speaking. 
“Keeping you alive was an accident. When I first met you in the museum, I would have gone through with killing you if Marc hadn’t stopped me. I made up the deal that Ammit would spare you if he gave me the scarab but I had every intention of killing you anyway. When I came to you, when you were almost dead, I was going to finish it.” He must see the horror on your face because he quickly tries to reassure you “But then I listened to you speak and for the first time I questioned Ammit’s judgement. No one has ever made me do that. I knew you must be special, so I restored your life back to you.”
“So why convince me I was still dying?”
“I needed a reason to keep you near me. I hoped you would be grateful and stay with me. But you didn’t, so I said Marc had left you behind and when you still wanted to leave I panicked and made up a reason to keep you around.”
“But if you weren’t actually healing me, what were you doing?”
"Simply making you sleep. I always believed the Staff of Ammit simply judged and drained a life force completely. It was only after Marc interrupted me draining your life at the museum that I realised that wasn't the case. It can kill, it can leave a person on the edge of death, or it can send someone into a deep sleep. So that's what I did.” He looks down at the cane that is resting against his leg.
“Is there anything you haven’t lied to me about?!” 
“There is something special in you Y/N, that wasn’t a lie. I can see it. And when Ammit is released I will make sure she sees it too-”
“She wants me DEAD Arthur!! Why aren’t you getting that? She wants me dead, and when she sees you haven’t done it she’ll just do it herself.”
“I won’t let that happen.”
“If you think you can stop her you're even more delusional than I thought.” You say, and from Harrow’s face you see he knows you have a point. “The simple truth is, if you go in there and release Ammit you won’t just be condemning a whole lot of innocent people to death… you’ll be killing me too.” You watch him as he thinks. He looks conflicted. You reach out and take his hand, causing him to fully concentrate on you. “Arthur, you said that you questioned Ammit’s judgement. If there is any doubt in you at all, any part of you that thinks she wrong then you have to stop this.” 
He looks past you, out the car window to the disciples that have started to climb up the side of the pyramid, studying them for a moment. Then back to you. 
“You're right. I have to stop this.” He says and you smile at him in relief, nodding your head. “I have to stop her from killing you.” 
“What, no that’s not what I mean-” you start to argue but he cuts you off, placing his hand on your head. You see the cane glow and instantly feel sleep coming over you. “No Arth- please…”
“It all right my love, you’ll be okay.” He lays you down across the car seat, sliding back to open the car door behind him and lets himself out. “You’ll be safe in here.” He pulls a blanket from the floor and drapes it over you, covering you so that you are hidden but leaving a small gap for you to breathe. You look up at him stood in the door frame, he's looking at you full of sadness and fear.
"Please..." you manage and as you drift off you hear him speak.
“I hope I'm here when you wake to join you in the new world.”
Part Seven
Taglist :  @sleepylunarwolf / @ahookedheroespureheart / @sleepyamaya / @spicydonut25 / @kult6 / @uncle-eggy / @malaanii/ @toracainz / @pinkiestwinkie / @galacticstxrdust / @mateihavenoidea / @xmariakx / @oscarissac2099 / @whycantwebefriendz / @parkeepingparker
(If you want to be added/removed on the tag list please let me know, but note that I can’t reply to comments from this blog)
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fangirlvibez · 10 months
The Festival Of Hearts (a Royal Au) - part 1
Characters: King!Jake “hangman” Seresin x Queen!female!reader, Royal Huntsman!Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw, Master of Arms!Pete “Maverick” Mitchell, lady-in-waiting!Natasha “Phoenix” Trace, Royal Advisor!Robert “Bob” Floyd, King Champion!Javy “Coyote” Machado, Queen Champion!Reuben “Payback” Fitch and Queen Champion!Mickey “Fanboy” Garcia
Warnings: mention of arrange marriage, mention of dead parents, mention of killing, mention of attacking a person, inaccuracies in terms of the Middle Ages (Let me know if I forgot a warning)
Summary of the story: princess, now Queen Y/N (Y/M/N) Y/L/N was forced into marrying King Jake “Hangman” Seresin. Leaving her own kingdom, Eldoria, behind, she left to live and rule Jake kingdom, Misthaven. The time for an age-old tradition in Y/N kingdom came. Miraculously the Queen convinces Jake to invite her old village to come celebrate the tradition with them. This is the story on how the ruthless King learns how to love his Queen.
A/N: English is not my first language, so if there is any spelling or grammar errors: please let me know
Previous part - Next part - masterlist
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Princess - now Queen - y/n (y/m/n) y/l/n, never saw her life going down this road. It's not like she didn't picture herself walking down the aisle to her future partner. No, she's had dreams about this magical day since she was a little princess. Sharing imaginary stories about the most important day of her life with her lady-in-waiting Natasha Trace. She knew exactly what she wanted during her wedding day. She knew what dress she wanted to wear, which colors and flowers would decorate the church, the ballroom, even the town. She knew what music should be played and what food should be served to not only other royals but the whole village. She knew what she wanted, and this was not it.
King Jacob “Hangman” Seresin of Misthaven wasn't exactly her dream partner. She wanted to get married to a partner she met herself. Someone she got the chance to meet on her own, spend time with and actually fall in love with, naturally. Not in this arranged marriage circus. She knew her father meant the best when he passed away. She knew protection was needed for their kingdom, but why? Why did her father chose King Jake, the most ruthless king to ever exist. People described him as the baddest of the bad kings. And she went through all this at the age of 19.
Y/n stood in front of King Jake. On her left side stood the priest, slowly reading from the Bible. Y/n’s hands were laying softly in Jakes hands. Her eyes drew towards Jakes face. She decided to take in his appearance while he was watching the priest talk. He didn’t seem happy to be there either. The young king shifts his gaze back to his future wife. Y/n’s eyes left his face and met his chest. He was wearing his royal suit, the Misthavens coat of arms visible on his right peck.
Her eyes traveled to her shoes and her long wedding dress. The wedding dress was beautiful, a gift from her future kingdom. But the dress was not her style, she felt like she was wearing someone else's style. This wasn’t the wedding dress she dreamed of when she was knee-high. Her eyes wondered to a decoration piece in the church. The colors were dull, or at least duller than she hoped the decorations would look like on this day.
Her eyes caught a moving foot next to the decoration she was looking at. The foot belonged to Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw, the Royal Huntsman of the kingdom. He was the third and last man standing next to the king. Y/n had never talked to Bradley before. Come to think of it, she never talked to any of the Kings acquaintances, apart from Javy “Coyote” Machado, the kings champion. He was the one welcoming her into the kingdom.
Next to Bradley stood Robert “Bob” Floyd, the Royal Advisor. Looking over the four men, Y/N already liked Bob the most. He looked the nicest. He even looked like he didn’t belong there, like he belonged to a whole different kingdom, not Misthaven. Y/n’s eyes met Bobs. He could see the fear in her eyes and gave the princess an assuring smile. For whatever reason that made Y/n less nervous.
Het eyes moved over to Javy, he was looking at the priest as well. The words of the priest faded in her ears but her eyes caught the movement of Javies arms, moving to hold the pillow with both rings in front of her and Jake. It was time, time to give each other the rings.
While she was repeating the words of the priest and looking into Jakes green eyes, she felt her veil move. Natasha must of fixed her veil to make it presentable. Y/n cried tears of joy when she found out not only Natasha but also Mickey and Rueben could come with her to Misthaven and leave Eldoria. It gave her a little hope that she won’t feel alone in a new place like this.
Mickey “Fanboy” García was standing next to Natasha, following by Rueben “Payback” Fitch. The sight was odd, seeing two men stand in a place where bridesmaids should stand. But the whole place looked odd. At the doors of the church stood Pete “Maverick” Mitchell, together with three other guards. Their swords reflected in the light, ready to attack when needed.
Looking over the crowd in the church, wasn’t pleasing either. The crowd wore dull colors as well and their faces represented more like they were attending a funeral instead of a wedding. Y/n felt a pinch in her hand, her eyes met Jakes again and the words of the priest came back in her ears: “You may kiss the bride”.
Y/n was seated next to Jake in the carriage. Her hands layed nervously in her lap. She looked outside. The streets were filled with families, throwing rice at the newly-wedded couple. Around the carriage was Bradley and Pete with 4 other knights. The only sound Y/n could hear was the rice hitting the roof and sides of the carriage. There was no music, barely any laughter. The supposedly most joyful day of the woman’s life, wasn’t the most joyful day of her life.
A throat cleared next to her. She shifts her focus to her newly-minted husband. “Maids will show you your new room when we will arrive at the castle. You can ask them anything and they will bring it to or do it for you. There will be a celebrating dinner at 7:30 pm for your companions and mine” king Jake spoke with his deep voice. He wasn’t looking at her, but staring outside. “I will be away with Rooster until then, you can explore the castle, but I expect you to be ready when time will come.”
Y/n swallows, then asks in a small voice, “What about the villagers? When will the feast start for them?” Jake let out a chuckle, he turned his head towards her. “If the villagers want a feast to celebrate, they should organize one themself. I have more important tasks to accomplish then organize a feast on the costs of the castle.”
Y/n frowned, the kingdom of Misthaven didn’t get to celebrate their new queen? In her homeland, any big or small event was cause for a town-wide celebration. Holidays, weddings, arrivals of newborns, the castle and village wouldn't miss a moment to enjoy life. Whenever a new king or queen joined the royal line, they would organize a marvelous feast for the villagers, with live music, a huge buffet and dancing until the sun rises the next day. This wasn’t the wedding Y/n wanted, nor the life she'd imagined.
Taglist: @mirrorball-6 @corriegrace06 @dempy @the-romanian-is-bae (let me know if you want to be tagged)
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unhingedhousehold · 2 years
count the sheep
summary: you can't sleep and bradley passed his sweet mom's genius method to help you.
lol. omg. was scrolling through tumblr when i found this post and one of the reblogs said they used to go through alphabet and name a person they love whose name starts with each letter and... that's how i gave birth to my 2nd story lol who would've thought I'll have 2 babies!
this story is so funny in my head sffdgfgr i had so much fun writing this sfagafwfsgsgsgsgdg okay enough with the giggles
pairing: bradley bradshaw x reader (reader has hair)
warnings: mentions of bradley's parents, mentions of pineapples on pizza (lol), mentions of mint choco flavor (lol again), implied smut, a bit of marriage proposal thought (bradley is a simp), bradley saying fuck!!, my knowledge about natops and navy based on my 5 mins google research so apologize for any mistakes, english isnt my 1st language so you know the sorry for any inaccurate words and bad grammar drill!!
words: around 2k i think
i don't consent my work being translated or copied, please be respectful of someone's work!
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Bradley felt like it's been hours since you've been turning and tossing on your side of bed when in fact, it's only been around 30 minutes. He already turned off the lamp, a playlist created to help both of you to sleep soundly still playing, yet you're still wide awake squirming trying to sleep. You were in his embrace earlier, but escaped because you simply just can't stop moving and shift your body a bit from Bradley's. He heard you grunt, and that's his cue to get you back to his embrace, his arms wrapped around your body and chin on your hair.
“I say this with so much love, please stop squirming or I'll have to tie you on the headboard.” He heard you chuckling and even though he can't see you but somehow, he's able to detect there would be a witty answer from your upcoming reply.
“Oh kinky, wouldn't be the first time though.”
See?! You and your smart mouth will be the death of him!
“Pervert. Seriously, what's up? You're usually the first one to go to the dreamland. Try to relax and stop thinking, okay? We had a long day; let's rest our tired body, yeah?”
You sighed, feeling guilty and trying to escape again from his embrace so he'll be able to have his sleep, “That's what I've been trying. Sorry. Maybe I should be sleeping on the cou–” he stops you with a kiss on your lips, “Nah, don't apologize,” and tightens his grip to prevent you from getting away again, "and not a chance."
You relented and hugged him back, with muffled voice, you reason, “This is why you shouldn't let Bob chose a movie. I don't do well with horror.”
“He won today's quiz from Cyclone. Phoenix would've killed me if I interfered with Bob's choice of movie. Besides, you have your eyes closed the entire time the movie is on! And you know it yourself you will never be able to say no to Bob.”
You smiled fondly at his statement, recalling the time when Bob offered you to try his mint choco flavored ice cream and you ended up liking it to normal amount (up to this day, Fanboy still convincing you you're basically having toothpaste as a dessert. Hangman as the Vice President of Mint Choco Ice Cream Lovers kicked his ass for that). “Bob is really the worst enabler in my life.”
You can feel Bradley's laughter from the way his chest grumbled. He then hummed along the song that's currently playing, usually his humming would help you sleep faster, yet it's not working.
You're tracing something on his back, from your initial to his, and mixed both of your initials when he started talking again, “You know, maybe I know a way. This is something my mom came up with when she was dealing with her insomnia.” He said it with so much ease, so different from years ago when he didn't even wanna talk about his mom. You started writing his Mom's name on his back.
As he felt you writing the O letter, he answered, “Count the sheep.”
You stopped your movement from writing the I letter, “So I should literally counting them to thousands? I've made it past 300 only back then.”
(You remembered it because you had 3 coffees in one day thanks to back to back studying session you had to do during exam period.)
“No, you're not literally counting the sheep. It's more like you try to think of things that fit the topic you chose and count them, but don't google the answers. Just lay in bed and think of them.”
“Does it work for you?”
He answered when you just finished his Mom's name, and now you're going to write his Dad's, “Most of the times, yes.”
Bradley felt it when you're done writing NICHO, index finger about to start writing L when you quietly asked, “What kind of topic did you chose then?”
“Inactive United States Navy aircraft squadrons between 1980 to 2009. What's on NATOPS Pocket Checklist. NATOPS Emergency Procedure Basics–” before he can continue with more Navy related that you have no idea about, you looked up and kiss his lips tenderly to shut him up, “You're such a nerd.”
He laughed, kissing the top of your hair and defends himself. “Not always like that. Sometimes I think of ways to please you. My favorite topic to think about, honestly.”
You rolled your eyes, your hands that previously on his back smacked his ass lightly.
“Or you can use my mom's way, she told me to go through the alphabet and name a person I love whose name starts with each letter.” Bradley started writing something on your back, like you did earlier to his.
When you felt him writing your last name, that's when you found your voice back. “Hmm. Interesting.”
“Yeah, I used to do that a lot when I was a kid but I don't think I can do it now.”
“Because your letter is the only letter I can think of. I don't need to through from A to Z to think of someone I love.”
With your fist, you hit his chest lightly, “You're such a sap.”
“Only with you, sweets.”
His index finger started to write M, followed by R, S, continues with B, R, and then A. You had an idea what he was about to write, so you decide to try his Mom's method.
“Okay, I'll try.”
He just finished writing W with heart emoji in the end when he replied, “Go on. I'm listening.”
You wrote A on his chest, rocking your brain to come up with someone whose name starts with A.
“A.. I can't think of any A... Aaron?”
Bradley tensed up, the movement of his index finger trying to write the V letter suddenly stopped and shifted his body a bit to get a look at your face, “Who the hell is Aaron?”
“What? Urgh, I don't think this method will work. It's just one male name and you're already this worked up. How am I supposed to go through until Z?”
“The Aaron I know in your life was your ex-fling! You could've mentioned Ally!” Your brows furrowed, looking at him with confusion clouded your face, “She makes omelet you claimed is to die for at the diner we frequent to?”
You laughed at his goofy but correct answer, “You're unbelievable.”
You're back to his chest, writing B as the next letter. “Okay. B.. hmm...”
You both knew damn well who is the person going to be, but riling him up is your favorite thing to do so you made your voice to be the sweetest and full of hope voice that you'll certainly say one precise name.
“Oh I know, this is the easiest,” You practically can feel Bradley's anticipated eyes, smile at the ready and kisses that awaits you after you said one name, his fingers ready to write so much after he finished i love you on your back earlier.
(He's just that good with his timing, huh? You can't let him have his victory, though.)
“It's Bob! Next for C...”
Bradley released you from his embrace, fingers stilled in the air, and giving you that look when you told him you like your pizza with pineapples on it, “What the fuck?”
You showed him your innocent eyes, a kind of eyes that will let you get away with anything and everything, blinking them, “What? I'm doing it right! Bob starts with B!”
He huffed, hands covering his face dramatically, “You know there's someone else whose name starts with B.”
You taunt him, “Yeah? Who?”
Oh, he loves you so much for that.
He pouts, voice like a little kid whose mom rejected his idea to go biking with friends, “Oh come on, big elephant in the room?”
Your eyes lit up when he said that, as if you got what he meant by the elephant in the room.. because you should! How could you forget his name? A name that you're screaming to when he went down on you! A name you fervently vocalize when he's ball deep insi –
“Hmm.. Benjamin Penny?”
Shocked at your answer, his mouth goes wide open, formed a big O, “Are you kidding me?”
And what happened next was your laughter filled the room with Bradley hovering over you as he tickled you with so much force; from your waist to your sole, your stomach isn't lost on him as he blew so much raspberry on it. Not only that, he attacks you with kisses on your neck, biting the juncture between your shoulder and neck, the back of your ear tickles at how much force he puts to make you laugh that you can't say anything but laughing. When you got lost in the feeling, he's back on tickling your waist.
He's really good at memorizing your body, thanks to the amount of times he spent to explore on it. You decided you couldn't take another tease from him when you felt his right hand trying to make its way on between your closed legs, and as you tried to get away from his teasing by hitting his shoulder, an idea came up, “Stop it, Cradleeeey!” But it seems like he didn't hear you, looking at how his hands busy kneading the flesh of your thighs.
“Hey Dradley, stop it! Okay, I surrender!” He's now looking at you, confusion over his pretty face because he just registered what you just called him.
“What did you just call me?”
“Cradley. Dradley. Eradley? Bradley starts with E sounds so weird.” Both of his hands are now on your side, face inches away from yours, “Fradley is funny though. Oooh, Gradley?” You kissed his nose, and his cheeks as you said each name.
“Did you just change the first letter of my name?”
“Yeah. Now I know what you meant by elephant in the room! You said to go through the alphabet and name a person I love whose name started with each letter, right? Hradley sounds weirder than Eardley, don't you think?”
He laughed so hard at your expression and to muffle his chuckles, he hid his face on your neck. You can't help but to join him as you wrap your hands around his neck.
“Wait until we get to T.” He said after so much effort to stop his giggles.
“Oh my god! You're right. Hey, Tradley,” you giggled, amused by it and he kissed your forehead because he didn't want to interrupt your laughter and looked at you like you hung the moon (you did, according to him), “I don't think I'll be able to pronounce Xradley and Zradley well though.” You said the X and Z with struggles, and for your attempt to pronounce Yradley and Wradley next, he rewards you with a kiss to your lips, deepening it when he felt you opening your sweet lips to welcome him.
And the next few weeks when Bradley was deployed and had a hard time sleeping, he chose his topic about ways on how to propose you. He woke up smiling as he vividly remembers what he came up with. He thanked his genius Mom for her count the sheep method; that's how he knows his Mom has always been, is always, and will always be with him, just like she promised.
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the ending is a bit weird but whew 🥹🥲🫣 if you make it to the end, thank you for reading!
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