sparkbeast20 · 6 hours
Jjok: ... Its that you man? *Points at Satan who is killing angels left and right*
MC: Yes.
Jjok: ...
Jjok: Its that also your man? *Points at Mammon who is crushing angels head like they're cherries*
MC: Yes.
Jjok: ... Okay... What about him? *Points at Leviathan who just summoned his monster to devour angels*
MC: Yes~
MC: And yes, so does Beelzebub *Points with your thumb over your shoulder, behind you, Beelzebub as a swarm of flies are distracting the seraphim*
Jjok: Really? Them? But you have Sir Lucifer-
MC: Who said I'm satisfied with just the four of them?
Jjok: *Scared cause he heard things about you and your bed habits*
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sparkbeast20 · 7 hours
MC: If you all have titles, then I want one too!
The five kings: ...
MC: Call me, "Hellbent!!"
The five kings: ...
Beelzebub: Oh! I get it!! Cause we bent you like a pretzel while fuck-
Leviathan: Don't encourage them!
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sparkbeast20 · 7 hours
Did Satan rip MC's talisman out of selfishness alone?
So, recently, I saw that some players are upset about Satan's actions in the first part of Ppyongs/Juno's L card story. However, Satan's actions don't come from him being selfish. So I'm writing this post to analyze and explain his actions.
Also, as an F2P player, I don't have Juno's card and can't read his story, the images come from the YouTube video. The credit I'll put at the end of the post.
Firstly, I'll summarize the story. Spoilers alert.
On April Fool's Day, weird things happen to Hell and every habitants of Hell. The weird things vary and are different from devils to devils, they are also unpredictable. Zagan sticks talismans on everyone, these talismans can predict the weird thing that will happen to each devil. Devils can choose to accept it or not. Of not, they rip the talisman. However, they have to suffer another weird thing instead. As MC is living in Hell, they have a weird thing happening to them too. Zagan's talisman on MC says that MC can return to Earth. Satan grabs the talisman before MC or Sitri can. After reading it, he rips it and teleports away (teleportation is what Satan gets for his April Fool's).
So the problem is this. Many believe that Satan refuses to let MC return to visit their only family, Minhyeok, for one day. But I don't think so.
We'll begin with the reaction of the devils right after reading what the talisman says.
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Their first reaction is worry. Why? Because to return to Earth, MC will have to leave Hell, where the devils can protect MC best. Remember, there's currently a great war between Heaven and Hell, dozens or even hundreds of devils die every day, because of the attack of the angels. It's a fact recognized in the main story that after the appearance of MC, angel's attacks begins to focus on wherever MC goes.
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Minhyeok story 12
Gehenna has always been the focus of angel's attack since ages, because of Satan and his citizens' attitude. Gehenna is the first county MC stays when they come to Hell, so the change isn't noticeable. But when MC goes to Hades, the country began to receive more attack than usual, even Michael himself comes down. In the Halloween event, it's said that usually, only Gabriel comes down to attack Hell directly, Michael and Raphael rarely show their faces. So wherever MC goes, that place will receive unwanted attention and will be attacked more. And Earth isn't the place where MC can be best protected by devils.
Furthermore, it's weird thing happening to Hell. So I don't think MC will come back to Earth normal way, using teleportation place of Hell, but get ty teleported randomly to Earth. The talisman only says "return to Earth", it doesn't specify where. MC could end up in dangerous places, like in a desert with no water, or in the territory of a crocodile, or in the middle of the ocean. Again, the talisman doesn't specify where. It's a misconception that MC will be back to spend time with Minhyeok.
Also, if MC is back to Earth, MC will be out of Hell and will be out of the influence of the law of April Fool's Day. Any weird things happening on April Fool for devils will be reverted back to normal when the days ends. But because MC is out of Hell, that law no longer applies, and MC's return is not guaranteed. I think it's like you board a flight from your home country to country A. You already bought a ticket for a returning flight. But something happens at country A and they invalidate your ticket. And now you can't return to your home.
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While pondering what to do, Sitri says they are concerned with your best interest. Remember devils cannot lie, except Lucifer, Gamigin (who isn't technically a devil), Leviathan and the Hades devils. Sitri can doubt because he studied in Hades, but he can't lie, just like any other Gehenna devils. So they are having your best interest when making the decision with your talisman, just like they said.
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As for Satan teleporting away right after tearing MC's talisman. The text makes it sound like Satan gain an ability that he can control. But I don't think so. It's the rule of the April Fool's Day that you can't avoid the weird thing happening to you. If Satan decided not to use his teleportation ability and proceeded the day as normal, the law would fail. All the weird things happening are things that the devils can't avoid (like Ppyong gaining his handsome form, Paimon with animal ears, Sitri showing doubt, Leraye saying whatever is in his head). It's not something optional. So either Satan has no control of his teleportation or he has to use it after a certain period of time. And he can't bring MC with him either. I just can't imagine Satan not spending time with MC of his own volition.
Satan is possesive, yes, but he isn't a jerk who doesn't consider MC's feeling and emotion. It's he who invites Minhyeok to Hell in the Halloween event, just because MC says they want to see Minhyeok.
Images of the Ppyong's L card story come from Juno P unholy board story pt 1, Hiki channel, 04/06/2024
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sparkbeast20 · 10 hours
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sparkbeast20 · 11 hours
Man, puberty hit Luke, he looks like a different person now XD
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My son!!
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sparkbeast20 · 11 hours
Satan can Rot for all I care!
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So, I did like 40 Devil Voucher pulls and Lucifer was my exchange
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I kinda wished that they broke the one sin in the nightmare, cause now I'm filled with Pride cards
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sparkbeast20 · 11 hours
Me looking at my Tumblr drafts: 50 or so...
Me: That's ain't so bad-
Google docs: 50 in each email you have...
Me: Fuck...
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sparkbeast20 · 2 days
I might be bias with the secondary boys
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Aside from Gentaro, I like all the secondary guys XD
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sparkbeast20 · 3 days
Last Command
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Summary: Just one day... All you have to do is stay quiet for one day so that the curse will be lifted. However...
Warning: Death, Hurt no comfort.
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You have no to blame but yourself. Why... Why you had to be touching a curse book.
It was on the glass case in the Library of RAD. Saying "DO NOT TOUCH" in bold demonic letters.
The curse mention, "Speak your final death", you franticly check the book and it said that you have to keep your mouth shut for a day in order for the curse to be lifted.
A simple request, for fucking dangerous curse.
You thought of it, that you might and lift the curse, however that means you speaking or worse.
You manage to not speak at all. You tried to write down just in case, but every time you've tried. The ink fades so quick that you thought that the pen was broken.
But this might be the curse. So you had to avoid talking to anyone. And you did!
Up until class is over, cause as you walk down the courtyard. Someone calls out to you-
"Oh... No"
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"You think that you can avoid your responsibility" He sounded furious.
Right you have papers to do in the Counsel room with him, but you've been preoccupied not fucking talking that you have ignore all of Lucifer's calls and texts. He might've think that you are giving him the cold shoulder.
But you can say or write what's going on. Afraid with the situation you're in. You panic and turn towards the gate and start running.
But before you can even start sprint. Lucifer appears right in front of you in his demon form and place both hands on your shoulder.
"You can't avoid me all day! Now... Answer me!"
You shake your head franticly with eyes shut. "Please... Lucifer-"
"K̷̰̑i̷̟͐̓ͅl̵͉̂̓ļ̵͈̍ ̷̲̓̆m̷̲͙̓e̴͊̽ͅ"
It all happened so fast. Lucifer's eyes widen as his gasps, but before he knew it. He grab your head with both hands, digging his claws into your skull... He in a spilt second...
He snapped your neck.
Lucifer's blood runs cold, with only the sound of ringing can be heard as he stared blankly at his lover's limp body, their head in his hands.
You instinctually covered your mouth and keep on walking, or more so, you started to quicken your pace to the gate.
You ignore Mammon's voice calling out to you.
Worried that he might think that you are ignoring him on purpose, well you are. But for a good fucking reason!!
You are getting close to the gates of RAD when suddenly you were trapped in an embrace.
"Yo! Why are ya runnin' from me!!" Mammon asked, but you shook your head in protest as you try to escape his arms.
Concerned, Mammon frowned.
"MC?" Now, he sound worried. "Did... I do something wrong to ya?"
"No!!" you scream in your mind, you knew that you had a rough night with him, so you started your morning a bit more quieter then usual.
So, maybe Mammon assume that you're giving him the cold shoulder, which is the last fucking thing you want-
"K̷̰̑i̷̟͐̓ͅl̵͉̂̓ļ̵͈̍ ̷̲̓̆m̷̲͙̓e̴͊̽ͅ"
Mammon stiffed for a spilt second as he feels the power of the pact taking affect.
Before he cause say something. He changed into his demon form, nails grew into claws, before pulling back his hand and slam it straight back to you.
You groan in pain as you feel his sharp claws dig deeper and deeper into you.
"Ma...mmon" You spoke quietly.
"I'm sorry-" But he couldn't finished it as he felt his hand jerked hard, stabbing his claws into your chest.
You went limped... And Mammon stare blankly, eyes franticly shaking as he feels your body growing colder.
You look back to see no one is behind you. That made you sigh in relief.
But that was short lived when a hand grab your wrist. Causing you to gasps in silent.
"Yo-You've been ignoring my texts!!" Levi can be sneaky at times. "Did I do something wrong?!?! If so- Tell me!!"
You shook your head as you try to pry out of Levi's grip.
"I did, did I! I knew it. I'm sorry MC- I'm so Sorry!!" He dropped down his kneels and start apologizing.
You were getting scared of this situation. Leviathan was panicking all because he thinks that you are intentionally ignoring him.
You slowly stepped away as he balling his eyes out, while keep reminding yourself that this is for his own good and your safety-
"MC!?!" You got startled when he calls out your name, and quickly grab your leg. You shook your head as you kept your mouth shut tight.
But Leviathan didn't let go, and just keep on saying unrelated things that he can blame for his action.
However he didn't realize that he was grabbing your leg as tight as he can, to the point he is digging his claws into you-
"Levi!!!" At that moment you froze in place, you try to slap your hand on your month but it's too late. The curse made you say "K̷̰̑i̷̟͐̓ͅl̵͉̂̓ļ̵͈̍ ̷̲̓̆m̷̲͙̓e̴͊̽ͅ"
That made Levi be taken aback. He let go of your leg, looks at you with dread filled in his eyes. While yours is filled with fear and worse of all. Regret.
Before he knows it. He shifted into his demon form and with one swipe of his claw, he slash you across your chest. Ripping off most of the skin and muscle off. "Huh... He is the Great Admiral" Before you completely fall back hard on the ground-
"NOOO!!!" Levi scream in aguish before rushing over, grab your limped body...
What did he just do?!?!?
You only glance over your shoulder to see Satan, hands on his hip with 'I'm not mad, but disappointed' look on his face. Of course you would clear things up... Tomorrow, "Please, be angry with me today, so I can live for tomorrow" that what you were thinking as you looked at him before looking forward and started to walk to the front gates. You ignore his call, in fact you quicken your pace.
Then you heard him walking- No, running behind you and that made you start running.
However, as soon as you reach the front gates. Satan manage to grab your wrist then gripped it tight causing you to- "Ouch! Satan- No..." You realized too late.
"K̷̰̑i̷̟͐̓ͅl̵͉̂̓ļ̵͈̍ ̷̲̓̆m̷̲͙̓e̴͊̽ͅ"
Those words alone made Satan's face lose his color and his blood ran cold. And before he knew it. He shifted and with trembling hands spun you around to face him and quickly he grabbed your face, digging his claws into your face, you scream in pain and that caused him to cringed and sick to his stomach. He wants to stop, but the power of the pact is too strong.
The next thing happens, would burn into Satan's mind. As he mutters under his breath that made him start to cry.
In a split second, his palms ignited and start to burn your face. You scream in pain and agony, while Satan scream your name as he try to pulled away, but couldn't.
In mere second, your whole head was burnt to a crips and that's when he felt the pact break and he can finally let go, but he didn't. Instead, he cradle your corpse in his arms as he cries and wail on the top of his lungs.
You didn't get to react, as Asmodeus being quiet when he needs to manage to sneak behind you and wrapped his arms around your arms, preventing you from wiggle your way out of his grasped.
"You're sooo, Mean!!" Asmo start to whine as he buried his face on your should. Here it comes, Asmo's dramatical whining while you would entertain this, but not today. God not today.
You try to pry out of his arms, but he hugged you tighter. And this starting to annoy you.
"I've been call your D.D.D, calling it and what? You've been ignoring me!!! MC!! How could you-"
"Asmo! Please- No, no, no, no, NO!!" You gotten frustrated that you didn't realize that you talked and now, its too late... "Asmo..."
Asmo was a bit confuse, but he hums in responds.
"K̷̰̑i̷̟͐̓ͅl̵͉̂̓ļ̵͈̍ ̷̲̓̆m̷̲͙̓e̴͊̽ͅ"
Before Asmo scolded you for this sick joke, his body react and shifted to his demon form and he immediately dig his sharp nails or rather claws into your arms. And he cry out for you to stop, but you can't.
Then, you felt it something is being injected into your arms. Ah, yes. He is injecting you with his venom.
You can it flowing through your bloodstream, and soon your heart start to beat fast. You groan as you find it hard to breath as each passing second, all the while Asmo is crying out to you to tell him to stop. However its too late.
You feel sleepy, you can describe it you aren't tried nor exhausted... Its more like the life is fading away and soon you closed your eyes... and went limp.
Asmo held you tight when you did, and start franticly shaking you awake, but there's no use. The venom destroyed your heart.
You turned only to see a huge chest right at your face. It was Beel's.
"You haven't answering my calls and Belphie's, is there something wrong?" you didn't need to see that he has a frown on his face.
"No, no!! You or him didn't anything wrong. But I can't, not today" You shook your head before taking a couple step back. However you trip on a rock causing you stumble back. But Beelzebub was quick, he reacted and grab you by the waist. You gasped and looked up and saw his handsome face, you smiled and- "Thanks Beel- Shit..."
"You're welcome...?"
"Beelzebub" That gave Beel unease feeling in his guts but he responded.
"K̷̰̑i̷̟͐̓ͅl̵͉̂̓ļ̵͈̍ ̷̲̓̆m̷̲͙̓e̴͊̽ͅ"
Beel's eyes widen and he gasped. And before he knows it. He grab you hold on your waist with both hands, and he quickly shifted to his demon form, and his nails grew into claws and dug in deep into your skin, causing you to groan in pain. And what happened went to fast.
He opened his mouth showing his shaper teeth and lunged into your chest, ripping off your uniform exposing your skin to the elements and he lunged again bit your skin and ripped off a chunk of your chest, he keeps doing it over, and over soon both you and he are covered in your blood.
He stopped when he saw that he remove all the flesh and bones off your chest and there he spots your heart beating. He was crying and drooling he couldn't swallow what is in his mouth, cause its bits and pieces of you. But he drive his head back into your chest, biting your heart and with one swift move he ripped your heart out of your chest.
You went limp in his arms, Beel immediately dropped down on his knees and he gently yet quickly lay your body on the ground.
Sadly, Beel franticly try to put your heart back, like a child fixing what he broke. But there is no fixing this.
You looked around but didn't see Belphie anywhere, you sigh in relief before you being to start walking to the gates.
But suddenly someone grab your ankle causing you to gasp. Then you heard a smug chuckle, you looked down to see a hand coming out of the bushes, and next a head popped out revealing to be Belphie. It seems like he was skipping class and slept in the bushed near the front gates.
"Damn it Belphie!" 'Oh shit' You just realized that you spoke.
"That's what you get-"
"K̷̰̑i̷̟͐̓ͅl̵͉̂̓ļ̵͈̍ ̷̲̓̆m̷̲͙̓e̴͊̽ͅ"
That send shiver down Belphie's spine. You are joking right? Belphie thought. As he quickly shifted into his demon form. He crawled out of the bushes then stood in front of you. "M-M-MC! You're joking right... RIGHT!!!" Belphie was panicking. This whole thing fucking scaring him.
However, you said the last words he never wanted to hear.
"Kill me... Like last time" Belphie started to cry his eyes out as his body moved on his own, he raised both arms and quickly grab you by the neck. Causing you and him to scream in fear.
He tried to pull back and run away from this, but that made his hands on your throat tighten even harder. You gasped and choked as you claw on his hands.
"Yes, MC, fucking claw my hands off!!! for the love of hell!!! PLEASE!!" Belphie was begging at this point, as he watch as your eyes rolled to the back of your head and your face turned purple.
And then-
Belphie eyes widen to the sound of your neck break, and soon you went limp. He had no emotion as he stare into your open eye face, eyes bloodshed and drool leaking on the corner of your mouth.
By the time that any of the brothers got to the courtyard, cause they heard the screaming. All the saw was Belphie on his knees cradling your dead body muttering "You're just sleeping... your just sleeping"
Don't know if I'll write an "Aftermath" for this. But we'll see if I get motivated. Also, this was my first time making hurt, no comfort type of headcanon fic.
If there’s grammar or spelling error, please let me know and don’t be shy to leave a comment or reblogging with cute tags. I just love to see you guys thoughts on this :3
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sparkbeast20 · 3 days
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Fucking Alfons...
This fucker!!!
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I promise myself to focus on Harrison and Victor. But this! This Mother fucker!!! RRAAAAAA
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sparkbeast20 · 3 days
This fucker!!!
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I promise myself to focus on Harrison and Victor. But this! This Mother fucker!!! RRAAAAAA
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sparkbeast20 · 4 days
Your "what if it wasn't satan?" deal just shows we could have had specific routes with our preferred kings/countries instead of lumping everything together or getting crumbs and losing sanity over unholy board materials. :(
Here's the thing. PB did routes before and let me tell you, it took a years for them to finish Love Unholyc. Like sure the gap between season 1 and season 2 isn't that big (Mostly cause I think they had those ready and you have 3 love interest ready is also there) but the gap between season 3 is years. And with how the internet is with patience I don't think that WHB would stay relavent.
I get it, most of us wanted routes. But you have to factor time and effort would be in each routes and that would mean that they'll have release only two or three characters to stay relevant in the public eye. Good example is Ikemen series where they release three character and the rest every couple of months, and with how people tend to stay with their favs, it would a pain to wait for let say Beelzebub's route, it would be months or a year cause they'll try and space the main love interests route release.
Not to mention the time you'll spent doing one route and get the good or bad ending (not to mention you have to choose wisely to get the ending you'll want), I had to go back and do all routes for all three love interests in Love Unholyc just to get all endings and since those are real time. 63 weeks, so imagine seven love interest. And I was a f2p player so I had to make sure that I was on time otherwise I had to use tickets.
I can see what people would much prefer, but in hindsight. PB wanted to tell a big story and not have routes. Thus they have a huge cast. And yes, they could have events in the middle of each route release, but I don't think that would be fulfilling as having the main story.
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sparkbeast20 · 4 days
What if it wasn't Satan?
I always wonder if it wasn't Satan that came to earth and saved us from Gabriel... What if it was a different king.
Firstly, Lucifer... Yeah, no Gabriel won't even try and anger him. The two would exchanged glare before Gabriel up and left. Sure we don't know if Lucifer's power would even work in earth. But with what we know about Lucifer's history with his brothers I would assume that Gabriel would retreat like Michael in the two star event.
As for the contract... Would Lucifer agree to bring Minhyeok alive? There is a small chance of Lucifer agreeing to make a contract with MC, with his angel nature of disliking Solomon and that fact that in this possibility MC doesn't have "I'm here in hell to help you" plot armor. So, MC has to really think outside the box to convince Lucifer to make a contract with him. Also, it is a give if MC did manage to do it, they'll be staying in Paradise Lost, and it would a sure in that Paradise Lost would still get angel attacks but not that much, which also means there has to be a different way for MC to meet the other kings otherwise, why would MC leave Paradise Lost? Or they write it as though MC needs to get to each region and help the kings and nobles.
Next, Leviathan. The way I see how he'll agree to go to earth and save MC is by having an information about MC and that they have God's permission before hand and not later in Chapter 5 of the main story. He'll save only because of that.
Now with the contact in order to save Minhyeok, yeah no. That ain't happening with how his H scene went. He wouldn't make a contract with MC in order to save Minhyeok. So, the way I see it, Solomon would be a voice in MC during them and Leviathan's talk about saving Minhyeok, MC wouldn't know who Solomon is, but they'll believe anything at this point (I mean after seeing and angel kill your friend and slice you chest, who wouldn't believe what is real or not) Solomon would have to tell MC how to handle Leviathan. And they try and stand up to Leviathan, after that... He'll agree, only with specific conditions and he'll save Minhyeok, have a contract with MC (With a few death threats sprinkled here and there) and They'll both head to hell and to Hades.
Next, Mammon. Honestly I could see Mammon going the same way as Satan, only this time he'll and attack Gabriel as soon as MC was yelling at Gabriel, Mammon would see their display of anger adorable but also admirable. And knowing Mammon, he gladly take this human with him. Back to the attack, Gabriel insult Mammon before leaving.
MC mourns Minhyeok, and that when Mammon mention about the contract and MC begged Mammon to saved Minhyeok and Mammon agrees only if MC would answer him truthfully. MC agrees and when the contract is one and done, he asked if they desire his body and to that MC pour their thoughts about his body and that's when Mammon and taste their greed for him. He quick laugh and say that they'll be staying with him and quickly he picks them up in his arms and both headed to Tartaros.
Finally (For now) is Beelzebub, And Honestly Beelzebub would try and test MC as he dealing with Gabriel, and when the angel left. Beelzebub would just try to leave, and that when MC try and stop him. That was their first test and MC passed, next he taunt them like what he did in his selfie and MC did they're best to not let this taunting get to them and that was the last test and Beelzebub is interested of this human.
Next, is relative easy and I kinda see it going as Satan's contract. The hardest part is that MC would have Beelzebub interest and now that they have it, Beelzebub would be like "Okay" and form a contract with MC. As for where we be staying... There's actually two ways, one is obviously in Abysoss but only differences is that Beelzebub would just leave MC to Bael and leaves and only in occasions that he'll stay and spend time with MC. Next is that he'll pawn MC to one of the other three kings, high possibility is Leviathan or the other two.
Will make a Belphegor and Asmodeus once they are in the game, till then.
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sparkbeast20 · 5 days
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sparkbeast20 · 6 days
Leviathan (Or Nobles) and MC's Summer
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sparkbeast20 · 7 days
Horny face!!!
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sparkbeast20 · 7 days
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In game reason this could be more simpler reason is to why the other isn't there.
However, Asmodeus is still in hell and what PB mention is that, all they're games are connected and characters will be appearing in each other games. Cause there is no evidence so far to say that Asmodeus isn't in hell, please he has responsibility as king.
Belphegor, while yes he could be just sleeping. Story wise he'll need to interact with the others. So, I speculate that there is more of a reason is to why?
Looking back at this, it make senses that the other three won't be here.
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If Lucifer still have angelic aura (And I think it hits different to the devils cause he is a Seraph) it'll be awkward for Lucifer to meet up with the others especially with small things like this.
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My theory is that the other three Kings/Sins have a reason for not being around the other four. Like, I can get Lucifer not wanting around the other kings (I could theorize that they have more of stronger vibe then their nobles or other devils)
This make me wonder, what could be the dynamic of the last three kings with each other. Would Asmodeus tolerate Lucifer? Or Belphegor? Would they be close like what the four kings have with each other (Like, even if Leviathan doesn't seem like it. He seem to enjoy Mammon, Satan and Beelzebub's company) or the are they loners (Not all really cause they seem to be okay around their nobles).
Honestly, having Lucifer in the cast really shake things up.
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