#i wanna go more into this cause i wanna make my shallow mean girl au okay!
gifti3 · 9 months
Kinda scary how asmo switches it up if you upset him or do something he doesnt like
just the general idea of having to deal with a very well liked and popular person latching on to you but ur aware that theyre mean and passive aggressive when u dont go along with their shit
and u dont wanna go along with whatever they say but this person keeps latching on harder every time u you try to go against them
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aetheternity · 3 years
Sight, smell, touch, taste, sound and which one I believe would draw the Aot girls to you. Kinda Modern Au 🤷‍♀️ idk you be the judge.
(Pov: none of you asked for this but I got bored and decided to give it to you anyway.)
The first time you touched her it was to pat her shoulder and tell her, "good luck" on a mission and she's been riding that high til the day she finally had you.
She was already so infatuated by you to the point that every bit of your touch became a daily necessity.
Locking you into her tight hugs late at night.
Pulling your lips back into hers whenever you try to escape.
She'll give you tiny kisses spread all over your face as soon as you wake up. And she's a huge fan of eskimo kisses. You might even trigger a little giggle from her when you initiate them.
She wants to rest her head on your chest and fall asleep to your heartbeat.
She's got your fingers perfectly knotted with hers in every situation.
Tangles your legs when the two of you are resting on the couch.
"I have to get up sometime Mikasa." Not today you don't.
Her favorite spot to scratch is your lower back. She softly circles her nails over that bit of skin after hiking your shirt up.
Please let her spend the day with you in her lap it's the perfect amount of intimate for her.
One day you came to her with concern filling your eyes and hugged her even though you never had before. You simply told her, "I feel like something's wrong but I won't pry. Just know I'll be waiting for you to come back to me." So softly in her ear and despite her push back at first her feelings for you grew stronger everyday.
She grew to adore the smallest things about you.
The sounds of your low morning yawns before you kiss her face.
The warmth of your knee resting between her thighs
Loves when you whine her name. It sends heat flowing through her entire body. "What do you want?" (She'll pretend she hates it tho.)
Whenever you two are alone she has her head firmly placed on your chest, falling asleep to your heartbeat. Just like Mikasa (No you do not have to pee lay back down)
Loves when you card your fingers through her untied hair. (Sometimes you make her hum when you scratch the back of her head just right.)
She's gotta have your hands when you two are cuddling. Holding you like she's scared you're not really there.
Whisper in her ear and she just might shiver for you.
Laugh when she's sarcastic and watch the pretty pink color dust over her cheeks.
Tells you she loves you under her breath and melts when you say it back after kissing her cheek or neck.
~(Sweet angel 🥺) Touch/taste
She held your hand like she'd always done with you and asked what you'd want your last meal in the world to be. Fucking around you said, "You." And the girl practically burst into flame. Meanwhile Connie at the opposite end of the table is mocking y'all talking about some, "Get a room already!" And then you did 😏
Oh, you just had some candy? She's biting your lips and sucking on your tongue.
Oh, your shampoo/body wash smells like banana, coconut, strawberries etc? She's got her face in your neck giving you little kisses. (Sometimes she'll give you a little kitten lick but it's fine cause you love it 😃).
She likes mutual feeding (ik that sounds weird idk how else to put it.) Like if you guys are eating popcorn together while watching a movie, she likes when you place the popcorn in her mouth and she does the same for you.
Licks the butter off your fingers when the popcorns gone.
When you stretch your arms next to her and then proceed to wrap them around her neck or waist she's in heaven.
Adores the feeling of your fingers splayed over her stomach right after she finished eating and the way you tease her by stroking her inner thigh.
Randomly jumps in the shower with you so that she can run her hands up and down every inch of your skin.
Sometimes she wakes you with a bunch of forehead kisses.
"Five more minutes please.." You beg
If you wake up before her though she'd love to be wrapped in your arms as she eats breakfast.
~Sight (y'all already know my baby's a lil shallow)
It was like a movie scene. She saw you across the room during a small party for the anniversary of the military police first debut and she just had to have you. And bug you.. she stayed by your side as often as possible after that.
She'll laugh so that her compliments on your body sound less genuine but she means it every time.
And when you're not looking she's got her lip between her teeth, eyes working up and down your body.
"I wanna see you in this honestly." She'll say late at night handing you a picture and covering her face as you look at it.
"Reminds me of your pink dress?"
"Yeah! Yes.. that's the point we'll match."
Doesn't matter how long you've been dating. She'll always build a little tension before every kiss by looking directly at your lips then back into your eyes with a little smirk.
Whistles when you wear an outfit she recommended.
She never straight up says it but her favorite part of your body is the part you like the least.
Backwards ass compliments.
"You know orange isn't normally your color but today you made it work." And "You seem really confident despite wearing those pants."
Don't worry it's how she shows affection.
Makes you blush as often as possible because she just can't get enough of how gorgeous you are when you do.
From the second she saw you she knew she had to get you out of your little bubble. You'd both done the warrior training as kids and you always kept to yourself. She thought a person like you looked like you had a lot of secrets. And she was gonna learn as many as possible. The older you guys got the more attractive you became to each other and you kinda fell back into the nervousness she thought she'd driven out of you. Eventually she got you to accidentally blurt a confession. Next thing you knew her tongue was pulling all conscious thought out of you.
Idk Pieck gives me the vibes that she'd always be looking for a way to stick her tongue down your throat?? (Just me?? Alright..)
She'll twirl you around with a hand around your waist. Unabashedly checking you out.
Loves long sweet kisses while she rests between your legs.
Will never stop smiling at you when you exit the shower in only a towel.
Brushes her lips over your stomach to wake you.
She's so enamored by the twinkle in your eye when you talk with the younger generation of warriors.
Playfully suggests you just walk around the house completely naked so she can really appreciate your body.
Her heart one hundred percent drops when she sees you sad for even a second.
Let her kiss you wherever she wants! It's a lot easier than arguing with her!
And she will try in some weird places. (She gives me body worshipper vibes.)
She heard about you due to rumors about your incredible fighting style. But what made her seek you out was the knowledge that you were next in line to become a titan shifter. It was hard to tell if her affection was due to interest in you as a person or your incredible fighting style but one day she asked you to live with her in the new world. Of course you said yes.
She loves the sound of you singing. (If you can sing) Sometimes she actively seeks you out and asks for you to sing to her.
Your war cries make her back arch (shh I didn't say that).
The second you guys started dating she developed a sixth sense of some sort where she just shows up if you're crying or if your day has been going terrible.
She just adores the sound of your voice and she can't get enough of it.
I could see her dragging you off some place where the two of you can just talk.
Within less than a week of dating you she's already got ways to get any noise she wants out of you.
Graze their neck with the tip of your nose for giggles and kiss the tips of their ears for I love you's.
That sort of thing.
Whenever you make a noise she hasn't heard before she's dying to force you to make it again.
Idk what it's called but I feel like Yelena has that thing where noises are attributed to colors in her brain. And at some point she explains all the colors she sees whenever you make certain noises.
Moblit had to take a.. short vacation after one of Hange's lab disasters nearly crippled him.. so Erwin had asked you to fill in and you said yes. It was only for a couple weeks and during that time Hange stuck to you like glue. Throwing an arm over your shoulder, stealing little glances and laughing loudly when you'd catch her. It felt like normal Hange stuff. But on the last night before Moblit's return, Hange was weirdly not.. Hange.. being quiet, filling in data and barely making eye contact. You asked if you'd done something wrong but Hange barely said anything back. Before you left she was nose deep in paperwork. You said your goodbyes and you were about to leave when Hange asked if you'd be willing to go on a date. When you looked back she hadn't even looked up but you smiled and nodded with a little yes and the rest was history.
It's a no brainer that you spent all your free time in Hange's lab to be Hange's other support system other than Moblit.
And when Moblit died, Hange's entire support system.
Her touch lingering on your lower back as you lean over to check her notes.
Completely enamored with the glint in your eye whenever the two of you come up with a sort of breakthrough.
Deadass pulls you into her lap at the most random times.
Oh hey the meeting finally finished? Yanks your frame right into her lap and laughs at the eye rolling of fellow colleagues.
Hange will say sorry but that blush on your face was so worth it and she's so glad she did it.
Rubs your back as you sleep on the work piled on your side of the desk.
Probably accidentally wakes you up a couple minutes after you fell asleep though.
Hange once sat you on her lap after a meeting right before Erwin tried to hand her some papers over the table. Without thinking she stood up to grab them and your face slammed into the table while her hips were pressed against your ass. Immediately getting everyone's attention. Safe to say you no longer sit next to Hange at meetings. (I had to add this even though it's a little off topic and random.)
~Smell (First one here.)
She had to share a room with you until she became queen. And almost every night she'd have some kind of nightmare about Ymir. You didn't mean to make a move but one night she crawled into your bed like she always had and you wrapped your arms around her shivering form like you always did. She had her nose trapped in your nape and you pressed a kiss to her forehead hoping it would stop her harsh breathing. And it did. She froze, the world froze, everything froze. You had leaned back to apologize for overstepping her boundaries and she kissed you back.
She'd gotten so comfortable with your scent that not only did it constantly lull her to sleep but always gave her a sense of security.
You're her security blanket. I don't make the rules.
Speaking of blankets. You gave her yours when she moved into the castle.
Whenever she gets even an hour alone she's trying to get you in the castle so she can sit in your lap and bury her nose in your nape like she always has.
She also steals your shirts and hoodies as often as possible until they smell like her then you have to take them back and cover them with your stink again.
Spending early mornings in the castle after washing your hair and her telling you over and over that she missed your smell.
It's legit like having a long distance relationship while being in the same place.
And she doesn't let you go until the last second before you both have to go back to work.
If you guys have time and you shop together she'll keep the candles that you believed smelled the best in her room.
All in all give Historia your shirts to wear cause she loves them/they look great on her.
You're probably either super sweet like Krista or really sarcastic like her and that's what draws her to look more in depth into you. When she finally gets a chance to actually look at you fully without the odm gear she finds herself fixated, tracing your figure with her eyes. You guys finally become friends, who mutually enjoy bullying Reiner. But she finds that she hates it. Thinks you're teasing her every time you brush her fingertips without actually holding her dammed hand. One day she just reaches out and grabs you properly and doesn't let go. Yeah, you're dating now.
What can I say except, she likes running a finger over the lines on your palm.
She's always grabbing you out of nowhere but you don't mind. You just let her hold you.
"You look extra beautiful today, bet you'll look even better when I put a ring on your finger."
Puts her hands under your shirt with no fucking shame.
Stares at you and yells at the first person that mocks her. Reiner/Connie
Can and will find a way to smack your ass the second she gets you alone.
Trails little butterfly kisses over your shoulders when you're trying to get dressed in the morning.
Literally everything you do is weirdly skillful to her.
Like you're peeling a potato and she's like, "You're so amazing at that.."
Let her lean on you for absolutely no reason she loves it. 🤷‍♀️
(I realized after writing this that Annie and Armin have the same one even tho I don't ship them at all 😕)
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bobohu4eva · 3 years
Pink Lace - Preview/Chapter 1
Characters: Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: College AU, stripper AU, fluff, smut, slow burn
Summary: Baekhyun, a philosophy professor with mysterious wealth, got himself completely fucked over a girl who can’t let him into her life. 
Word count: 2k
Warnings: sex work, mentions of sexual assault, adult themes/situations, eventual smut
Master list
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“Looking good tonight Candy.” 
You rolled your eyes, frowning.
“Thanks Dave.”
Having your manager check you out every time you clocked in was one of the less fun parts of your job.  
You didn’t clock in to make any kind of hourly pay, and your real name was definitely not Candy. As a dancer at a gentleman's club you made your money on a pole and in private lap dance rooms, but it’s whatever pays the bills, and as a college student being able to make over a thousand dollars a week working just two nights was worth it. 
After checking in, you went back to the dressing room to check your makeup and outfit one last time and grab your money bag before heading back out to get your night started.  
Saturday nights used to not be your favorite, but they had been for a few months now because of one customer. The first night you met him, his friends had dragged him in after getting dumped to cheer him up. When you sat down with the nine of them you already knew it would be a good night, judging by the *quite* expensive VIP booth they’d bought. 
Your first impression of him wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, having met plenty of relatively good looking guys while working at the club and being quite used to groups like them doing birthdays or bachelor parties.
They were a fun group, and you found yourself actually having fun as they bought you rounds of drinks and perched you on their newly single friends lap. 
That night his friends bought him a private room with you, and he’d been back to see you again every Saturday night since.  
Baekhyun always arrived pretty early in the evening so you sat yourself down at the bar and made yourself look busy while you waited for him to show up. Tonight you were wearing a matching lace lingerie set along with a new pair of clear heels, and your hair straight down your back. With your nails done and your favorite perfume on to top it all off, you felt sexy as hell. On weeknights you didn’t try as hard, but on days he would be there you always made sure to put in a little extra effort to look as nice as possible. You told yourself it was just because he payed you so much, so you wanted to look your best. But you’d have been lying to yourself if you didn’t admit that you wanted to impress him. Baekhyun, especially compared to other customers, was quite attractive. Having him fawn over you and compliment you always made you feel good. 
You feel a tap on your shoulder followed by a “hey” and turn around to see Baekhyun grinning back at you. 
“Hi Baekhyun” you smile back, getting up and giving him a small hug. 
“Hi Candy.”
Standing in 8 inch stripper heels you’re slightly taller than Baekhyun, and you find his usual glasses + hoodie + cargo pants combo endearing. Despite being somewhere around 30 and therefore significantly older than you, you can’t help but find him cute, adorable even. 
“Can I buy you a drink?” He asks, already knowing your answer.
“Of course, you know what I like” you say, giving him smirk and running one perfectly manicured hand over his shoulder, and down his toned chest.
The whole time you touched him his eyes were fixated on yours, looking at you with an intensity you weren’t used to, something you’d noticed was unique to him compared to the other men you met there.
“Your outfit tonight it.. um..” he says, eyes now looking you up and down, almost drooling. “ I like it.” 
 It was the same thing every time he’d come see you. He’d buy two beers, one for him and one for you, and shorty after pay you $800 for an hour together in a private dance room. For any other guy it would be $1000, but he didn’t need to know that.
You made your way up the stairs towards the area of the club with the private dance rooms hand in hand, leading him behind you to give him the best view.
“Do you want me to dance for you today or do you just wanna talk?” You asked as you entered the room and took your top off, standing in front of him as he sat down on the couch. Usually you would dance for him for a few songs and spend the rest of the time sitting on his lap listening to him talk about whatever it might be that week but some days he just wanted your company and nothing more. 
“Just for this song, I really like this song.” He said looking up at you with big eyes. So, you got to work doing your usual thing.
Getting into the rhythm of the music, you started swaying your body and slowly leaning towards him.
This time both of your hands find purchase on his chest and you move your body in a wave, giving him the full close up view of your bare chest.
As you lean back up you notice he’s slumped deeper into the couch and biting his lip, already thoroughly turned on.
“Holy shit” he muttered to himself, watching your nearly naked form sway in front of him.
The way he looked at your body was different too. Most men looked at you like nothing more than a piece of meat, something to use for pleasure and nothing more. Not that you minded, as long as you got your money, but the way Baekhyun looked at you as you danced for him was almost like someone observing a piece of art. 
You rotated your body until you’re facing away from him, and bent down slowly, the curves of your ass on full display to him, making it jiggle a bit before bending back up and lowering yourself onto his lap.
“God you’re something else, I wish I could touch you.”
You noticed him sit on his hands, because of course he wasn’t actually allowed to touch you, you were only allowed to touch him.
Once you were situated on his lap, you started moving your hips to the music, causing his head to hit the back of the couch.
As usual, you could feel his dick straining against his pants as you rolled your hips over him.
“Fuck” you heard him whisper.
You knew how much he was holding himself back by the way he was sweating and panting. He was one of the few costumers who had never once tried to touch you, not even a little bit. Which you appreciated, but right now you felt yourself almost wanting him to, knowing that his reaction alone would be worth it for you to see.
So against your better judgement, and with the hope of a little extra money, you turn around, knees straddling his right thigh, and put your arms on each of his shoulders. You play with the hair at the base of his neck and whisper in his ear
“If you really want to, you can touch.”
You almost feel bad when you notice his entire body go rigid beneath you, eyes wide at your words.
“Are you serious?”
“I mean nothing too invasive please, but I don’t mind if you want to caress me here and there” you respond with a smile.
You see him swallow as you lowered yourself onto his lap again, this time feeling his hands make contact with the bare skin of your waist.
As you let your hips move with the music, his hands slowly wandered across your waist, hips, and sides. His hands on you were surprisingly warm, soft, and gentle. Under his gaze and in his hands you felt like your body wasn’t just being used for shallow, fleeting pleasure. You felt appreciated.
And this was exactly the problem with Baekhyun.
You knew that you liked him too much, more than you should like one of your customers. You shouldn’t be thinking about how soft and pretty his hands are as they make their way across the skin of your thighs.
“You’re so beautiful. Your skin is so soft.”
You smile, now facing him once again as you sit with your knees on either side of his leg. You feel his words in the pit of your stomach and your hands caress his shoulders and chest, only now with his hands gently placed on your hips.
A few body rolls later and the song was over, so you shifted your weight onto one of his legs, sitting down on his lap, wrapping an arm around his shoulder, and leaning into the couch.
“You’re gonna completely ruin me one day” he breathed out, making you giggle. “Why’d you let me do that?”
“I don’t know, I guess I could tell how much you held back and most guys try to touch me anyway so..”
“They just do it anyway?” His eyes narrowed.
“Yeah well I tell them not to and usually it’s fine after that”
You could sense his discomfort with what you’d just said, looking genuinely agitated.
“Yeah well those guys aren’t worth your time no matter how much they’re paying” he muttered so quietly you almost didn’t hear.
“This is my job Baekhyun, there’s bad customers in every job” you respond timidly.
He turned to look you in the eyes again, this time more intensely due to the proximity of you sitting on his lap.
“Do you like working here?”
“Please don’t ask me that.”
“You know you don’t have to, I can take care of you.”
With the way his eyes bore into yours and he gripped your thigh, you knew he was serious. And you’d be lying if you said you weren’t tempted by his words.
Nonetheless you got up from his lap and sat next to him, bodies no longer touching.
“You know that’s not how this works Baekhyun.” You cross your arms over your bare chest, feeling like you needed to hide.
You look down, not wanting to look at him as you continue.
“It’s my job to make you feel good and give you something nice to look at but that’s all it is. My job. I’m sorry.”
He knew you were right. He knew because despite coming to see you every week for a few months now, he knew nothing about you. You wouldn’t tell him any details about your personal life, hell he didn’t even know your real name.
He knew he was stupid to have let himself become so completely fucked over a girl who wouldn’t even tell him her name.
“It’s okay, I understand, I’m sorry if that was too far”
You look at him again, giving him a soft smile.
“How was your week?” You ask, trying to change the subject.
You soon find yourself back on his lap as he starts talking to you about his week, but you couldn’t help feeling guilty. You could tell what Baekhyun felt for you was more than just sexual attraction, and yet he knew nothing about you. He’d asked you general things and you’d told him you were college student, which was true, but you’d lied about which college you attended. He asked about what you were studying and you’d lied about that too, quickly changing the topic back to him and his life.
Every time he tried to get to know the real you, you pushed him away, and you knew he could tell.
It fell silent for a moment, until Baekhyun spoke up.
“This is for touching you” he said as he dug in his pocket before pulling out three hundred dollar bills and putting them in the waistband of your thong.
He didn’t look at you as he gave you the money. It wasn’t until he was done that he grabbed your hand, and gave you another intense look.
“Please, can I please just know your name?” He asked.
With you sitting on his lap, faces close together you saw the desperation in his eyes. He’d spent a decent amount of time with you now and you knew how badly he wanted to know more about you, how much he wanted to be able to get to know the real you.
The way he looked up at you, with that look in his eyes, you knew you couldn’t tell him no.
You sighed.
“Okay. I’m y/n.”
Shorty after your hour together was up, Baekhyun went home and so did you. Counting your money was easy that night; just the eleven hundred dollar bills he’d given you. 
As you took your makeup off and got ready to finally sleep you couldn’t help but feel strange about Baekhyun knowing your real name. Despite how nice he smelled, how cute he was, and how kind, generous, and funny, and how you liked spending time with him more than any other customer, that’s still exactly what he was. A customer. Someone who walked into a club looking to pay hot girls in exchange for their attention. But at that point Baekhyun was your friend too. He’d been coming to see you for the whole summer, and you really did enjoy talking to him. 
Is it okay for him to actually get to know you? Is it okay for you to want him to? 
Next Chapter
A/N: Hello! This felt pretty short which is why it’s kind of a preview/first chapter but please tell me what you think :) and let me know if anyone wants to be tagged for the next chapter!
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codename-adler · 3 years
Hey! Hi, so I have seen that you ship Kevin and Aaron very much. Now, I read your 9th part of the foxes + onesies series and well now I'm craving more Kevaaron. I love them so much, but I have the hardest time finding good fics for them. So could you recommend me some of your favorite Kevaaron fics? (you can give however many you want, but no more than 10, cause I know you are going to give good recs and if I start reading one, I won't be able to stop until I finish all of them.)
Well hi!!!
I read (and publish) all my fics on ao3, so I hope this won’t be a problem! Also, most of these Kevaaron fics, if I remember well without the tags, are rated Mature or Explicit, so I’ll try to diverse my recs a bit but if these are too much for you (or any of you) please don’t hesitate to ask again for more sfw/G-rated fics, and I shall answer your call! And, I’ll only suggest completed fics, because I’d hate to leave you hanging.
The only fic I will recommend that is not on ao3 is the first one. 
Kevaaron Fic Recs
Twilight & Daytime - @ukamushu_the_bibliophile on Instagram
This. This fic. I have followed the chapters since day one. It is now complete. What was even better than this fic is the friendship I’ve been blessed to form with its writer, Kammy. She is an amazing woman and a wonderful writer who gave each character of our beloved series a new and unique twist, and much more depth. Kevin and Aaron are lucky to have her writing them, and we are lucky to have her for reading her sweet, heartfelt and honest story. This fic is an emotional journey, but a welcomed one. I urge you all to read her story and encourage her and show her some love!
(44 parts, completed, TW at the beginning of each posted chapter)
* Summary to be added once I get it from Kammy *
coming loose - dhedy on ao3 
I mean... I think we all started there... 
(13 chapters, 26,300 words, completed, G)
“  “What are you doing?” Aaron heard the door shut and closed his eyes. Even his eyelids were sticky. “It’s hot,” he said, the effort of peeling the words from his lips lingering in the form of sweat dripping down his face. “I was asking Andrew.” From somewhere near his feet, Andrew said, “It’s extremely hot.” - it's hot, and the twins are disgruntled, and aaron can't stop hoping for things he can't have. “ 
twin high maintenance machines - thisnightsrevels on ao3
This is slowburn af but god is it good.
(1 chapter, 17,500 words, completed, G)
“ Healing was never going to be easy, but maybe together they could find a way
Kevin and Aaron have grown sick of living under Andrews thumb, and slowly they're coming to realise that there are better things to live for beyond the bottle he shoves in their hand. “
The Thing About Andrew - aristotlethecat on ao3
This shit gets heavy but... so worth it.
(11 chapters, 10,300 words, completed, M + TW + Explicit)
“  Kevin is ignoring Andrew after canon events because of the choking thing and he finds solace in late night talks with the more sane of the two twins who has also suffered at his brother's hands. “
all of the things (that i’m not) - vertigo on ao3
Oh boy, this? This is a heartwrenching AU, slowburn-y and angsty and. ugh.
(5 chapters, 47,500 words, completed, M + TW + Explicit)
“  It took three swats of his racquet (heavy, short in length, shallow net depth, one parallel red mark on the middle of the body) to break Kevin's hand and spirit. “
or; Kevin never really heals from his hand injury, never goes to PSU, moves to Cleveland to co-coach its Exy team that just happens to have Aaron as one of its backliner...
Honey, You’re Familiar - OfficialStarsandGutters on ao3 
I don’t have words for this. A comfort fic of mine for sure.
(1 chapter, 18,300 words, completed, M + TW + Explicit)
“ Kevin is so warm, and solid, and bright. He is Enjolras, Achilles; the blazing hero, self righteous and certain, and Aaron is just a lost companion stumbling in his wake, grateful to be in his presence.
When the fuck did he become a Kevin Day fanboy? Because fuck that. “
I Wanna Make You Move - sheerpoetry on ao3
It’s NOT just smut, okay? It’s not. There are feelings.
(6 chapters, 9,600 words, completed, M + TW + Explicit)
“ Kevin is drunk. Aaron is drunk. Andrew is oblivious.
(Kevin hits the dance floor after hitting the bottle. He finds Aaron, who actually doesn't mind his company.)
[Then neither of them wants to let it go and it's a journey for everyone.] “
Only Fools - Moth2Flame on ao3
Oh this is dark. But it gets better. Promise.
(1 chapter, 12,400 words, completed, M + TW + Explicit)
“ Aaron was just going along, minding his own business, content in his life and then... feelings.
Unwanted ones. Bad ones. Ones he shouldn't be having and ones he definitely shouldn't be having about Kevin fucking Day.
The thing is, Aaron's not particulary good when it comes to feelings.
In fact, he could almost give Andrew a run for his money when it comes to being self-destructive in his stubborn determination to deny them
Set post-canon, and AKA: Aaron is an angry prickly cactus and Kevin just wants to hug him (but with angst) “
(don’t matter what) people say - psychOmidget (cominupforair) on ao3
We all need therapy, especially Kevin and Aaron. 
( 1 chapter, 8,000 words, completed, M + TW)
“ Aaron knew he was bi.
He had long come to terms with it, but he believed that he could pretend he was straight as long as he kept dating girls.
But then Kevin happened. That’s where Aaron’s carefully constructed world really started crumbling. With him and Kevin kissing on his bed, legs tangled and hands roaming each other’s bodies. “
And so I’ll stop there, even if I got more suggestions... You know where to find me if your life lacks some Kevaaron again!
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lilsocksiswriting · 3 years
Stuck in A Cabin in a Snowstorm, What Did You Think Was Going To Happen?
Fandom: Haikyuu
Paring: Bokuto X Fem!reader
Summary: You accuse Bokuto of hiding heating packs in his  sweats while stuck in a cabin during snowstorm.
Warnings: NSFW, no beta, minors DNI
Tags: College AU,  Hand job, Fingering, pussy eating, Light overstimulation, 
Word Count:  3283
I promise this whole blog won't be just Bokuto. I just really like that himbo
This was ridiculous, but you keep telling yourself that things could be worse. You could be stuck out in the snowstorm instead of inside in front of a cozy fire. But who leaves their cabin unlocked? What cabin didn’t have electricity in this day and age? And more importantly, why do you have to be stranded in a cabin with him.
You set it in front of the fireplace and it's decent fire. Whoever owned the cabin had a large stockpile of wood kept nice and dry under a thick tarp outside. Between the fire and Bokuto setting behind you not one part of your body was cold, yet you couldn’t settle down. Mainly in part that you hated that Bokuto was right about sharing body heat.
“They said that rescue would be here first thing in the morning right?”, you ask Bokuto for the third time. The cabin wasn’t quite out in the middle of nowhere so you two had cell service, but your phone had died and Bukoto’s was at 10% now which meant he had to conserve that battery power until rescue got here. 
You feel his chest expand then deflate as he lets out a sigh, “Yes Y/N they’ll be here bright and early. Just not soon enough.”
“Rude," you pout, " I'm great company."
“No, rude is asking me the same question five times now.
“Excuse me," you try setting up a little straighter, "it's only been three.”
“Three too many.”, the athlete scoffs.
“You’re insufferable,” you shift around more adding, “and uncomfy.”
You hear him swallow thickly then say in a strained voice like you were testing his patience, “You know I really wish you wouldn't do that.”
You don’t stop shifting as you complain, “Well I really wish I wasn’t stuck in this cabin setting on an itchy bearskin rug with you.”
You suddenly freeze when you feel something poking your lower back. No way. No fucking way. You scamper away from Bokuto and turn your body to face him. Sure enough between his open Legs was a bulge in the crotch of his gray sweats he wore under his snowsuit.
“Bullshit.”, is your response to the sight. 
Meeting his gaze Bukoto’s glaring at you, but that wasn’t new and neither is his annoyed  tone, “What did you just say?”
You try to act like you aren’t phased by the deep tone, “I-there’s no way you're that big. What are you hiding in there?” your eyes narrow, ”Heating packs?”
“What?" he's confused for a split second, "No! I told you to stop squirming!”
“I didn’t do that,”  you deny what you had done and repeat, “And there’s no way in hell you're that big.”
“Well I am.”, he tells you in a matter-of-fact voice.
“No, you’re not. Were you trying to impress that girl in our gen Ed English class? The one that’s always making eyes at you?”
“No- wait she likes me?”
You roll your eyes, “Yes, but not the point. What do you have in your pants Bokuto.”
“My Dick.”
“Bull. Shit.”
“I’m not lying!”, he groans though his head back and gives you a nice view of the way his Adam's apple bobs for a moment.
You cross your arms setting up a little straighter, voice becoming more serious, "Then show me.”
There was a long pause. It takes a moment for what you were demanding him to do to register in Bokuto’s head, “I’m not showing my dick Y/N.”
“Because it's fake. I mean look at it,” you point an accusing finger at the bulge, “How are you still hard.”
Bokuto suddenly becomes bashful looking off to the side. The dim light from the fire is all the lighting you need to see the red inching up his neck, “Seeing you angry it's... kinda hot ok.”
“That,” you scoff, “ is a blatant lie.” Though a small part of wishes that it wasn’t, “Just admit that you're lying about having a big dick. It makes you look worse when you’re still trying to lie about it”
“Fuck! Fine,” Bokuto Throws up his hands then slams back down on the rug with a dull thud and pushes himself off the ground, “You wanna see it so bad.”, he says in a voice that’s low, threatening, and hot.
Time seemed to slow down as he steps towards your spot on the rug.  Bokuto pulls down the waistband of his sweats and his erection springs out right in your face. The mushroom tip already flushed and red and drooling a slimy bead of clear pre-cum. A thick vein runs along the underside of a thicker shaft, all of which sat above a heavy set of balls. And yes, the carpet did match the drapes like the girls in your gen ed English class wondered a little too loudly.
You sit there staring at the monster of a cock Bokuto really does have with your mouth hanging open. Bokuto has half a mind to shove it down your throat if you're just going to sit like that. It's like you were waiting for him too.
Your jaw snaps shut, mouth pressing in a thin line. You didn't want it to be true.  It would just further make Bokuto out to be as perfect as everyone thought he was.
"A Prosthetic," you come to a possible conclusion, "You're wearing a fake one."
You clip your glare up just in time to see the man fisting his salt and pepper hair then running his hands down his face, "Are you fucking serious Y/N? My dick's right in your face and You think it's fake?”
"Yea. I do."
You shrug, not wanting to admit the childish reason why "I just do."
"Ok,” Bokuto breaths coming to his own conclusion, "then touch it."
In your shock you choke out, "Wh-what.
Your expression puts a smirk on his face. He puts his hands and his hips and bounces on the heels of his socked feet making his heavy cock bounce as well.
"Go on,” he challenges, “If you're so sure that my dick’s fake then see for yourself."
Your eyes flick from Bokuto's smug look to his weeping cock.
"Well?", he prompts impatiently.
You not being able to say no to a challenge, especially ones from the likes of the star athlete, reach your hand up. You swallow thickly when your hand wraps around the thick base which it can barely do. The erection was warm, weighty and firm in your hand. You can feel it pulse under your palm. All things pointing to the penis in your hand being very real. When you give it a sharp tug everything stays intact. You begin to stroke his shaft slowly, trying to find any indication of it being fake.
Bokuto trembles under your touch letting out a shaky breath. Under it, You hear him say, “Holy Fuck Y/N.”
Looking back up Bokuto is looking down at you as you jerk him off in shallow strokes. His eyes are dark and clouded, his lips are parted slightly, and his breath comes out in shakey huffs. A quiet moan slips past your lips as Bokuto needly bucks his hips into your fist. Even though Bokuto is standing over you, you feel like you have all the power over him, and you love it.
But Bokuto doesn't. Don't get him wrong, he could just cum from feeling and seeing your hand wrapped around his dick. It was that devilish smirk that spreads across your face as you jerk him off faster knowing he has no power over your hand that makes him feel weak.
 He tries to play it cool, "S-So, real enough for you?"
"Not quite. I need to finish my inspection before I decide that.", you say slyly and it fills Bokuto with both dread and arousal. Just what were you planning on doing to him?
“Then by all means inspect away.” 
The more that you stroke his cock the more Bokuto was coming to undone. By now you had already come to terms with Bokuto's penis being real. But admitting that was the last thing on your mind. You sit on your knees a little straighter, open your mouth, and look up at Bokuto not waiting for his permission.
"Fuck Y/N if you do that. If you put in my month -I’m going to cum.", Bokuto frantically informs you, his voice cracking and desperate to feel your hot mouth.
 You keep looking up at the athlete's face as you lay the head flat on your tongue close to your lips around it. You want to take more, see if you could make it past your gag reflex, but Bokuto wasn't kidding. His hands clench at his hoodie as his jaw goes slack and his mouth hangs open letting out one lang shaky moan.  His cum fills your mouth quickly and seeps down you though causing you to swallow or gag.
As he's calming down from his short high Bokuto smirks. Now it was your turn to be bashful and look away as you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand.
"Real enough for you?”
"I don't know. Tastes a little too sweet."
"Because I eat a lot of fruit."
"Excuses, excuses.", you retort.
Bokuto rolls his eyes. He's not done arguing with you. He'll never get tired of getting riled up, but right now he wants other things from you, “Yea yea, now lay down.”
“Oh are you going to make sure my pussy is real now?”, you tease but you’re already laying down on your elbows and spreading your legs so Bokuto can make himself comfortable between them.
Bokuto laughs resting his head against your clothes thigh looking up at you with darken eyes, ”Oh I'm very sure that it’s real and I'm very sure I can ruin it.”
“Ha,”  you put on a confident front but your eyes are  already clouding over with lust, ”I’d like to see you try.”
“Oh you will”,  Bokuto says, not about to let you have the last word.
Bokuto gets to stripping you of everything below your waist. Once he has your bar and the lips of your pussy spread out with his thumbs his mouth latches onto the sensitive pearl between them in a messy kiss. The sudden sucking and feeling of his tongue flat against your clit causes you to take a sharp inhale of breath and kick out a leg. Bokuto makes a ‘hmp’ sound and throws the leg over his shoulder.
 He pushes a finger into your slick heat then soon after another. It only takes the two to stretch you, but he doesn’t stop until he has four fingers  fucking your sloppy cunt.  All that time practicing those razor-sharp cross shots made his fingers calloused. They drag along your wall and press against a particle's soft bundle of nerves in ways that have you seeing stars. 
But just as your walls start to flutter around them Bokuto pulls his fingers and mouth away before you cum. You don’t even care about the pitiful wine that comes out of you because of how unfair Bokuto was being. He can hover over you and smirk like he won something all he wants. It wasn't fair that you got him to cum and he wasn't going to do the same for you.
“Aww, what’s wrong Y/N”, he pants, and it doesn't take a genius to know that he's stroking himself.
“Ass,“ you exhale, ”Do you leave all the women you sleep with this  unsatisfied?”
“Never, I’d just rather make you cum on my dick.”
On instinct you want to retort with a small dick joke, but you can’t when you have already been proven wrong on that. And being honest with yourself didn't sound half bad. His fingers were thick and rough in all the right ways and his tongue was so warm and wet, but his dick was a whole different story. Bokuto looks like he could rearrange your guts and why the hell not? You were on the pill anyway.
“You know how to use that thing?”
He gives you a blank look, ”I've had this thing for 22 years.”
 “So has a lot of other mediocre dudes.”
“You really like to get under my skin, don’t you Y/N.”,  he growls, his blank look turning into a dangerous smirk
 You smirk right back reaching your arms up and looping them around Bokuto’s neck. You do the same with your legs around his waist, locking your ankles together, ‘And I can do it all night, but I want you to put your money where your mouth is and show me rather or not you know how to use that monster cock of yours.”
“Oh so you're admitting it’s real now?”, He says lining up his penis with your soaking hole.
The comeback you have dies in your throat and you left your mouth gaping as he pushes in. Shit, shit, shit he was so fucking big. You can feel every inch being pushed inside you, stretching you in ways his fingers could never.
Bokuto stiffed his jaw forcing himself to go slow. Too fast and he would hurt, but too slow and he can enjoy how your face contorts between pleasure and pain. He lets a shaky huff of air when he finally bottoms out in you fitting nicely against your cervix. You both stare at each other panting, pupils blown.  Bokuto thinks you look so beautiful like this;  breathless, skin flushed pink, and eyes full of want for only him. It's a look he could get used to.
“Why the hell are you panting?” You ask slightly annoyed, “You aren’t the one being split in half here.”
“Y/N, it is taking everything I have not to move for you. I don’t wanna hurt you.”
You take that as both an insult and Bokuto just wanting to make sure you feel nothing but Pleasure. "Well, I’m not some fragile little thing. So move.”
Bokuto pulls back his hips until only an inch of his cock is left inside you, "You’re going to regret bossing me around like that.”  then slams into you.
It was like you here being stretched all over again. But as Bokuto continues to hump into you the burning pain soon fades. Bokuto's thick cock keeps filling you up over and over with each thrust. His dick dragging along that bundle of nerves from before and kissing your cervix makes wither in delight. Seeing you come undone so quickly further fuels his ego.
"You know for someone who acts like they hate me you sure do seem to love my fat cock."
All you can form are moans as Bokuto continues to fuck you at a growing pace. You are faintly aware of the grunts he makes from above and the wet slaps that echo through the tint cabin. But for the most part, all you can think about is the way he fucking your soaking pussy is bring you closer and closer to a huge orgasm you're not sure your body can handle.
“M’gonna- fuuuuuck Bo-,” your walls suddenly clench around him and refused to let go,” Cummin~  of god! ahhhh~” 
Bokuto follows you soon after you. His thrusts became more erratic as he fucks you through your orgasm and reaches his own. In one more powerful thrust Bokuto moans your name against your skin coating your convulsing walls with his cum.
"So was that real enough for you?", Bokuto can't help but ask as he and you catch your breath.
All it takes is a little push from Bokuto to fall over and let you roll on top of him. Before Bokuto's duck can go soft you start to softly rock your hips. Bokuto gasps and throws his head back. His big hands grip your waist but do nothing stop you. You wait until the athlete looks back up at you to strip off the rest of your clothes. His face was downright adorable. You've barely even done anything and you can already see he was getting overstimulated. His mouth was open, panting like a dog, jaw trembling, and eyes blurring.
"Aww what's wrong Bo?" you mock him as he did with you earlier. You quickly rid yourself of your sweatshirt and reach around unclasp your bra, "Is the star ace already out of stamina? Can he not handle a real pussy?"
"I'm still sensitive-" he's cut off by his own winey moan as you start to bounce on his hardening cock, "oh, fuck, fuck, Y/N  you look so fucking good on top of me."
"Yea?"  you smile as Bokuto continues to stare at your tits as they bounce along with you.
"You can look and touch you, oaf," You chuckle, taking Bokuto's hands off your hips and placing them on your breasts.
You let out a low moan when he gives them an experimental squeeze. Your hands slip back down and under Bokuto's hoodie where they come to rest against his chest. Bokuto doesn't even seem to register you putting your weight on him so that you can ride him faster. He can definitely feel the change in tempo.
You really start to feel the burn in your thighs but you refuse to give up riding Bokuto as hard as you can. He looks like he was about to cum and so were you. 
"So much," he moans,"you going milk me dry."
"That is the pint," you pant, " But  I can't sto-"
"No! please. I'm so close to cumming again and you feel so good bouncing on my cock. Shit, and your tits feel so good too.”
You dig your nails into Bokuto’s chest. He bucks his hips into which seem to be all that was needed to send you into your third orgasm. Feeling his seed releasing inside your messy heat has you creaming on his cock. Your third orgasm racks through your body. You fall forward and bury your face in the soft fabric of Bokuto’s hoodie inhaling his scent as your body continues to tremble. 
You stay like that for a bit, at least until the world stops feeling so light and Bokuto’s seed has begun to leak from your plugged cunt. He's flipping you two around and smiling down at you and you're confused fucked out face.
“What? You thought the starting ace would be tired after a few rounds? I can go all night Baby.”
You  smile back meeting his challenge, ”Bet you can?”
rounds of sex later you and Bokuto bask in the warm glow of the fire. Both of you are too tired to care if recuse finds you like this naked with Bokuto's dried cum between your thighs.
Bokuto's rubbing  a hand up and down your spine when he asks you, "So why do you hate me?"
your eyes were closed listing the heat beat but you were still awake enough to hear him and felt that since he spent so much time ruining all other men for you he deserved to know, "You're a great person, but you just kinda seem entitled. Like you assume everyone will like you. You don't earn it."
"That's all? You don't like me because I haven’t earned it from you?"
you nod.
"Oh! Then that's an easy fix. I just have to earn your friendship, then your love."
"One step at a time."
"And step one is asking you to go out for coffee when we make it back.”, you can hear the beaming smile in his voice.
And you can disagree with the offer,” Coffee doesn't sound bad.
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twokinkybeans · 3 years
The Arachnoids: ROCK BAND AU [Starker] - Chapter 8: FADING FACADE
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Find the masterpost with all the chapters linked here!
Taglist: @crystallinecrimsonmoth​​​​​​ & @staticwhispersinthedark​​​​​​ (Let me know if you want to be added!)
Note/warnings:  PS: A quick trigger warning: There will be a panic/anxiety attack and anxiety-related problems will be discussed, including meds and drug allergies.
Chapter 8: Fading Facade (Tony’s POV)
“Everything,” Tony hears himself whisper. “Everything’s wrong.”
The second the words fall from his lips Tony knows he should’ve kept quiet. He’s never lost control like this before. Not with anyone around, that is. His chest tightens. He can’t breathe. He can’t speak. Tony lets himself sink onto the edge of the double bed and presses his palms into his thighs. He’s very aware of the signals his body gives off but there’s nothing he can do to stop it. Not with this damned mantra flickering in the back of his mind.
You fucked up. You fucked up. You fucked up.
“Tony?” Peter’s voice pierces through the cloudy thoughts. Tony looks up warily and finds a pair of worried, deep-brown eyes searching his face. “Hey…” “I’m alright,” Tony chokes out. “Let’s just sleep.” “I… Don’t you wanna talk about it?” “No.” He can keep his facade up for a little while longer. He has to. ‘Cause if he doesn’t, who knows what might become of him?
Tony, honest to God, doesn’t know what to do. All these years and no one had ever found out about Morgan before. No one has seen the many videos on his phone filled with the girl’s sweet giggles and her never-ending stream of questions. No one’s seen her eyes sparkle with curiosity whenever she explores something new. He still remembers what it feels like to hold her small body in his arms. Always squirmy, the little queen.  But now, Peter has seen a picture of her. Tony ponders not telling a thing. But what if that leads to Peter asking other people about it? That’d be the true disaster. Then, everyone would know.
“The kid in the picture,” he whispers quietly. Peter’s head perks up. “That’s Morgan. Eh, my daughter.” “You have a daughter?!” Peter exclaims in surprise, his eyes wide and shocked. The boy quickly realizes what he’s doing and he lowers the volume of his voice. “How…?” Even now, Tony’s snarky comebacks get the better of him. Especially now. “I’m pretty sure you know how children are conceived, space boy,” Tony says, voice still painfully fragile. Peter huffs quietly.
“I mean… Does anyone know? Like-” The boy stutters, clearly trying to find the right words to not upset him. “-I’ve never heard of this before.” “Yeah. That’s the way it should be.” “Why?” “I don’t want her to grow up, not knowing who she can or cannot trust, simply ‘cause of her father’s fame.” Peter seems to contemplate that for a second, and somehow, the boy radiates such… serenity. Enough for Tony’s legs to stop moving. For now.  “Yeah, I guess that’s a good point.” Peter pauses. “But… How does that tie to everything being wrong?”
Instantly, Tony’s heartbeat picks up again and his fingers clench involuntarily.  “You ask too much,” he breathes. “No offense, but you keep shit to yourself too much.” “Mh-” is all that Tony answers to that. The boy is eerily perceptive. Tony sighs. He has to admit that it doesn’t feel too bad talking to Peter. 
“It… Doesn’t tie together at all. Not really,” Tony finally mumbles. God, he can’t believe he’s saying it out loud. “Somehow, I’ve developed a drug allergy for my anxiety meds. We’ve tried different types, but nothing works…” He scoffs. “Lucky me.” “Oh, uhm, so you’ve got anxiety then?” “Yeah,” Tony sighs. “My mind just… Doesn’t stop. Never. Not without the meds.” “Is that why you’re… y’know, eh- So tense all the time?” “Nice choice of words,” Tony laughs. “You can call me an asshole. I don’t mind. I know how shitty I am - don’t worry.” He hates how self-loathing it sounds. But then, he does loathe himself, so where’s the lie? “The anxiety’s the reason Pepper keeps Morgan away from me.”
“Wait what?” Peter’s eyes widen. “What happened?” “Nothing happened. I swear- I might be a wreck, but whenever Morgan is around it’s different, y’know? My focus is on her. Fully.” Tony breathes out. Dammit, he can’t believe he’s telling Peter all of this. Peter doesn’t push for more, instead, he waits for Tony to keep talking. Tony sniffs. “I still have my emergency meds though. They’re much stronger, not meant for daily use. They make me sleepy and foggy and unattentive. I’ve never taken one with Morgan there, but Pepper… She thinks it’s a hazard. In her eyes, it makes me a bad father.”
Tony presses his lips together and feels another wave of tears flood his eyes. “Pepper and I never dated. Morgan was, eh, an accident from a one night stand. “I’ve supported Pepper from day one. I paid for everything she and Morgan could possibly need. I even canceled shows to babysit her whenever she wanted a night off…” “How long has this been going on for?” Peter asks quietly. Tony shrugs. At this point he, funnily enough, told Peter so much he doesn’t even care about oversharing anymore. His secrets are out anyway. “My drug allergy started about a year ago. I haven’t seen her in eight months…” Tony laughs bitterly. “You remember my ‘shitty day’ on New Year’s Eve? Pepper was supposed to come to watch the show with Morgan. Of course, not backstage for their privacy- but in the crowd, y’know? I’d meet them a few blocks away before the show…” Tony swallows. “Pepper never showed up and blocked my number and social media.”
“Jesus fuck,” Peter mutters. “That’s… I can’t believe she’d do that. Tony, for real, can’t you just sue her?” “I could,” Tony says quietly. If he’d get a dollar for each time that that thought crossed his mind, he’d be a billionaire by now. “But it’s only a matter of time before some crap journalist finds out. I’d throw Morgan in the spotlights and that’s the one thing I don’t want.” “Right, I… I didn’t think about that.” Peter shakes his head. “Fuck.” “Yeah, it’s a real Catch-22.” “What’s that?” “Doesn’t matter. I’m fucked. That’s what it means.” Tony stands up from the bed, suddenly restless. He paces back and forth. The room is so infinitely small and he groans. His chest aches when the reality of his own words hit home full force. 
“I’m fucked, so fucked. Goddammit!”
Tony had been somewhat calm throughout the talk. Now, his fingers are tingling and it’s only then that he notices his shallow breathing.  “Fuck,” he rushes out and reaches for his small travel bag. “Talking about Xanax, I’m gonna need one now- I need…” He should’ve known that talking about this was inevitably going to set him off. He wishes he didn’t need it. He wishes Peter wouldn’t see him like this. But he knows that if he doesn’t take one he’s not going to calm down anytime soon. “Need water?” Peter asks, clearly trying to help. Tony just nods, unable to say anything else. His fingers finally find the bottle with his pills and he chews on his bottom lip as he tries to open the lid. His hands are shaky, though, and his panic grows when he can’t seem to take it off.
“Here,” Peter gently mumbles. “Lemme help.” The boy crouches down and takes the bottle from Tony’s hands. He opens it and hands Tony one of the pills together with a glass of water. Tony gratefully takes it- too tired to fight it. He sticks the pill into his mouth and quickly chugs it down with the water. He knows he’s still gonna have to wait for the actual effects to kick in, but knowing how he’ll feel once it does, helps him to not lose himself to the whims of his body.
“I’m… Just gonna lie down,” he mutters. “Can you maybe, uhm, God, I’m sorry. Can you maybe distract me a bit until I calm down?” “Of course. Wanna hear about the early days of The Arachnoids?” Peter suggests while Tony crawls under the covers. He tugs his legs into his chest and closes his eyes. No more thinking. Peter doesn’t second-guess Tony’s request and that tugs at Tony’s heart. Peter’s been nothing but nice, even helping him after being such an asshole to him for days on end. Tony knows he doesn’t deserve this, knows he- “Alright, so, we had to do this weird as fuck school project once. MJ was the first one who came up with…”
Thirty minutes later, Tony finally starts to feel the familiar, drowsy feeling he’s been longing for so much. Peter’s still talking. Tony isn’t actively listening to the words anymore. Instead, he lets Peter’s voice rain down on him. He never realized quite how pleasant the boy’s voice is. Soft and warm, with hints of excitement seeping through whenever he tells a part he’s passionate about. It’s nearly meditative. “...and then we got the invite to play for The Avengers, and that’s where we are now!” Peter ends his story, voice cheerful and light.
“Thank you,” Tony whispers and he hates how much his voice still wavers. “I needed that.” A small breath leaves Peter’s lips before he speaks.  “Of course, Tony. I’m here whenever you need me, ‘kay?” “Y-yeah. Okay.” Tony tugs at the sheets to hide his body underneath it a little more. The soft, thick fabric feels so incredibly soothing against his skin that it nearly makes him tear up again. He stares when Peter’s head turns to look at him, the glimmering of the boy’s eyes reflecting the tiny bit of light that still enters the room through the curtains. “If you need a hug,” Peter whispers so gently it’s almost unfair. “-I’m right here. All you have to do is ask.”
“I don’t need a hug,” Tony mutters before he even realizes it. “That’d… Be weird, wouldn’t it?” Tony already feels weak enough. Admitting he needs a pair of strong arms around him is something he could never do. “Alright, what if we flip it around, huh?” Peter smiles. “If I’d say I want to give you a hug right now, would you accept it?” “I…” Tony frowns and blinks a few times when he realizes that, while it’s the same thing, somehow this doesn’t trigger any form of resistance inside of his body. He’s painfully aware of the point Peter’s making here. “Yes.”
Peter hums and shifts a little closer. Tony swallows when he feels how the boy’s arms wrap around his rigid body. The first thing Tony notices is how soft and warm Peter’s skin is. The second thing is how Peter cuddles up to him completely. Yes, that feels so good.
The third thing… He can’t even think about that anymore. His mind drifts off into the dark depths of his mind. The darkness doesn’t swallow him, though. No. It’s warm. And cozy. 
Next Chapter >> 9: Wary Words
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elizabeatrice · 4 years
Feeling Blue, Seeing Red (Chapter 69)
Let’s Talk About JSHK Manga #5
Updated: 19/8/2020 (more thoughts)
Bea is back with the lame punny titles~
Warning: !!! MANGA SPOILERS UP TO CHAPTER 69 !!! Duh.
Soooo I opened the raws this morning. Saw the spicy and went 'ohh shoot'. Then some of y'all say that some folks are hating Akane bc of this chap. I proceeded to panic, because fandom war is scary af. So I translated the chap for myself. And I just gotta say:
Aoi, Nene, your boyfriends are idiots. Y'all gonna be punching and headbutting the idiocy out of them for the rest of your lives and I'll be willing to pay for your karate classes.
The teen drama made me laugh so hard ahahahaha I guess this is what you get for hoping sensei will drop a bomb this month lmaoooo.
P.S. Teru you little shit
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Man I don’t even know where to begin. This chapter is oozing doraaaaama and I can’t take it seriously no matter how much I try. I remember thinking, “Shoot, this is the ‘I hate you, I hate you too, proceed to make out’ trope in JSHK’s classic ‘oooh serious moment, eh? PSYCHE!’ style,” before bursting into laughter.
I swear I’m not making fun of it.
Because it’s already fun to begin with. Ahahahaha.
I do however, take seriously the long-awaited insight into Aoi’s mind. I hollered in joy, y’all. ‘Cause like ... finally!
(Also like ... ngl the development of Aoi and akaoi in this arc might come into play in my Shrek AU. Pls don’t ask. Yet. That’s not the official AU name I swear I just wanna confuse my readers ahahaha)
Back when chapter 64 came out I wrote something that was supposed to be the first of the Let’s Talk About JSHK Manga series but I ended up not posting it because I wasn’t sure about a bunch of things. Here’s an excerpt from that post, titled ‘Aoi and Her Blues’:
I mean, what did the minions do to her? ‘Remove unnecessary things’. Someone said they removed her inhibitions (I’m terribly sorry I forgot who said this because it’s been so long so I can’t put the link here, but if you know, feel free to send me the link).
But she has to be brainwashed, right?
She remembered enough about Nene. Enough to call her out on her feelings (that she still denies btw lol) and recognize Hanako from Nene’s wonderful description (or because Aoi could see him all this time and never said anything, who knows?).
Most importantly, she remembered Akane.
So apparently they weren’t unnecessary enough to be erased from her memory. Which I’d beg to differ if I were going to make this girl willingly sacrifice herself.
Would she let her best friend fall down into a pit full of giant insects, or let her childhood friend get impaled? I mean this is the same girl that cried when Akane and Yamabuki got together (by accident) and when Nene started talking to herself like a madwoman.
So yeah. Definitely brainwashed. Pretty sure now.
The one thing that bugged me is what she said though.
“I’ve always wanted to go somewhere far away.”
“Nothing will stop me from getting my wish.”
Btw these aren’t accurate word for word I’m just drawing from memory.
Is that a wish forced upon her by the brainwashing, or has Aoi been depressed all this time and ... y’know, therefore thought about ‘going far away’? I’m personally leaning more towards the first, but it still got me thinking.
Remember back in The Clock Keeper arc when she said there was something she wanted to tell Nene?
Can some creepy hands showing up in the gardening club’s album photos really warrant that kind of expression? Is it just me who got disappointed when the thing she wanted to tell Nene ended up being just that?
But if she did have such thoughts, why?
Maybe she was lonely? I mean Nene got so busy with supernatural shenanigans. Akane’s busy with student council stuff (and school wonder stuff). Though I don’t doubt for a second that he’d drop everything for Aoi, but Aoi’s not the kind of person to do that. And to be honest, I feel like so far Aoi hasn’t been shown having genuine interaction with anyone aside from Nene and Yamabuki without the other person being completely enamored by her. And even with Yamabuki that was just in that After School chapter.
So I guess my hunch wasn’t that far off. Still though. Still though. Is she or is she not brainwashed? Because as much as Aoi likes-but hates-but actually kinda likes Akane, I still don’t think she’s the type of person to stab her childhood friend until he’s got a hole through his fucking torso.
Throwing Nene into the bug pit I guess makes more sense if Aoi knew all along that the pit won’t lead anywhere too dangerous, and that Hanako wouldn’t leave Nene’s side. Nene’s perfectly safe with him. Sorta. She did get kidnapped and were about to be sacrificed after all. But heeey Hanako still showed up to save her in the end.
Stabbing Akane like that tho? Even if she knows he wouldn’t die in a boundary especially in his school wonder form? It just doesn’t feel like Aoi, man.
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Then again she did say no one really knows her, and that anyone who does would end up being disappointed in her.
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I’m really happy to know that she does not, in fact, appreciate all the attention given to her. Comedy framing aside, constantly having some random guy approach you to ask you out presumably every day is ... annoying at best. Kid deserves better.
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So ya girl got some extreme trust issues. Strangers, even Akane and Nene, I could understand. But her dad tho? Is something going on in the Akane household? Bruh ....
How long has Aoi not been able to trust anyone enough to let them get close to her? Because if she’s been feeling like that about Nene all this time, Imma be super sad bruh. Nene is one of the most genuine kids ever (perhaps only second to Kou).
I understand that Aoi’s disappointed because Nene’s been keeping secrets, but honestly, who would believe you if you come up to them and say, “Hey so I summoned a toilet ghost and now I’m stuck as his assistant. The rumors about supernaturals are like, totally real, and can endanger everyone in this school for real, too. Also I turn into fish when I come in contact with water.”
Sensible best friends would either a) not believe you, or b) try to get you as far away from supernatural shit as possible ‘cause hello? Ya ain’t Miles Morales ya can’t just blast What’s Up Danger when monster of the week shows up.
Even if Aoi does let it continue, wouldn’t she wanna get involved? Would Nene let her get involved when Tsukasa’s still around? Ya girl got cursed, thrown off the top of a boundary, sent to literally nowhere and everywhere, almost got her body stolen by mirror monsters, kidnapped and taken into a fake world, and now trapped in literal Grim Reaper’s realm. Honestly, who would involve their best friend in this sort of shit?
It just makes me sad to think that all this time Akane and Nene have genuinely cared about her but she didn’t think they were. Aoi, my girl Nene literally threaded hell boundaries and high shallow water to save you!!!
Unrequited platonic love hurts just as much as romantic ones, y’all ....
Speaking of romantic love.
Hey, uh, Akane. For claiming to despise Hanako and calling him a slimy pervert, y’all kinda act the same way with your respective girlfriends when things get a bit heated up, huh? Even the teasing part.
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Boy, you’re dumb af. You deserve that.
There it is y’all, it’s official. We got punches for akaoi and headbutts for hananene.
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You deserve this too. But Teru’s face here is really annoying, I’ll give you that. Teru you little shit.
At least you’re finally gonna be useful. Let’s just see.
Hmm I guess I have to address the thing now.
Ahem. The thing. The pushing (pulling?) Aoi down, grabbing her neck thing.
Yeah I don’t get it either. Whether it was a creative choice taken in consideration to the actual character’s state or to just pander to the trope that seems to be marketable in Japan or both, I don’t really know.
I do however, have to remind you that none of these kids are in their right mind. One is possibly still recovering from the effects of brainwashing and dealing with not only extreme trust issues and insecurities, but also the sight of a gaping hole on her childhood friend and perhaps crush’s torso, not to mention having to deal with this in the middle of nowhere. The other one is the said person with a gaping hole on his torso, who almost lost his life-long crush, and even got stabbed by her in the first place.
They’re lost. They’re tired. They’re emotional. They’re frustrated. They’re two hormonal teens.
I think Akane thought Aoi wouldn’t listen to him unless he makes her. Which is why he went with exposing her by saying he hated her. Which is still a dumb move in my opinion. But Aoi rightfully got back at him. And honestly I didn’t think he really hurt her. I mean, it’s Akane after all. *shrugs*
The way I see it, the entire thing was a result from not only their current condition but also the uh ... not telling each other how they really feel all this time. Aoi with her issues, Akane with his secrets. They’re a ticking bomb. It’s horrible that they ended up hurting each other because of this (physically and emotionally), but I could see why it went like this. These two are flawed. Most importantly, they’re teenagers. They’re bound to fuck up in this equation.
Heck, I’ve fucked up worse in less endangering situations before.
But heeey once things get cleared between them they fall right back to each other. Sure things aren’t entirely resolved. But they’re gonna be okay. Teru’s there. Should be fine. Probably.
The thing is we as the audience who come into the story with a clear head can easily figure out the best, most sensible way to deal with the characters’ problems. But these problems affect the characters in (physical, physiological, psychological, emotional) ways most of us can’t immediately empathize with, which can make their bad decisions frustrating for us to see. We know it’s wrong. And when these characters have calmed down and healed, they’ll know that it’s wrong, too. If they’re not dicks, that is.
You know how it feels when you’re fighting with someone, and you know the best thing to do is to talk it out, but you just can’t bring yourself to? It makes things worse, right? And you’re frustrated, right? Unfortunately that’s just how humans are.
Even I let my emotions get the best of me when I judged the villagers’ actions back in chapter 68 hahaha (but I still think they’re awful).
It’s just my opinion tho.
And whooo everyone is officially here but Yamabuki (and Sakura and Tsukasa, but they’re bound to show up)! Catch up soon, my citrus child.
Lastly, I have the moral obligation to remind you that if akaoi’s confrontation ended up like this, imagine how hananene’s would be.
I’ll leave you to your deductions.
As always, feel free to discuss. Just ... don’t fight, onegaishimasu.
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Brave Enough (to Break Your Own Heart) - Chapter 1
Jack wasn't expecting to fall for a guy, especially a guy like David. But he did and he's going to have to deal with that.
Jack struggles with his sexuality and David is there to help him though it.
Javid College AU
To say the music at the party was loud would be an understatement. It was the kind of loud that you couldn’t even hear yourself speak, the kind of loud where it was obvious that people weren’t expected to be talking. Jack was standing against a wall, out of the action, nursing some mysterious drink in his cup. It didn’t taste good but it was alcoholic and that was all he needed.
Jack wasn’t a stranger to parties. He liked to let loose, get tipsy, and have fun. He would usually hook up with some girl who seemed nice enough and get dragged back to his dorm by Crutchie. Then, the next weekend, he’d do it all over again.
Tonight, he was hesitant. Last weekend he followed the “let loose” and “get tipsy” steps perfectly, but the “hook up with some girl” portion didn’t go as planned. Okay, maybe he was closer to drunk than tipsy and that was what caused it. He wasn’t thinking straight. Instead of finding a girl to hook up with, all soft lips and swaying hips, it was a boy. A boy who he didn’t recognize and wouldn’t be able to recall but definitely a boy. If anyone asked he’d say he was too drunk to remember, that he didn’t have any memories after his third refill. But he was there for all of it. He remembered the strong biceps under his palms and the stubble tickling his chin. He was definitely making out with a man and he definitely didn’t hate it.
Jack was straight, he’d always been straight. He never even considered being anything but heterosexual. He had girlfriends, he was attracted to girls, why push farther? Apparently, Drunk Jack didn’t have the same mindset. He made out with a guy until his lips were swollen and his heartbeat was in his ears.
And he wanted to do it again.
Hence why he wasn’t letting Drunk Jack make an appearance tonight. His friends were around somewhere, he lost track when they joined the action and he didn’t. He was alone, stood against the wall in the basement of some house a few guys rented off-campus. He was afraid. Afraid to have fun, afraid that if he’d let himself stop worrying he’d repeat his actions from last week, ultimately leaving himself with more to worry about.
He was thinking too much. Parties aren’t the time to think. He shook his head as if the thoughts that occupied it would fly out and downed the rest of his drink. He winced at the taste but embraced the feeling. Staying sober was not the way to deal with feelings, he decided. Getting drunker was. Just as he set out to get a refill he was stopped by someone approaching.
He was taller than Jack, maybe by a couple of inches. His hair had a slight curl and was sticking to his forehead, probably from the humidity of the basement, leaving it falling just about his hazel eyes. As much as he didn’t want to think about it, Jack immediately thought that this guy was hot.
“Can I get you a refill?” He asked, leaning on the wall next to Jack.
“Yeah, thanks.” Jack handed his cup over.
The man was just about to turn away when he stopped.
“You don’t look like you’re having a good time.”
“I’m not,” Jack admitted. “I get drunk and I do stupid shit. I’m trying to avoid that tonight.”
“Got it.” He held Jack’s empty cup up. “Then are you sure about that refill?”
Jack laughed at himself. “Yeah, trying to say sober is stupid shit in itself.”
The guy nodded. “I’m David.”
David turned away to fill Jack’s cup. Jack was kicking himself, why was he talking to this guy? Why was he attracted to him? Well, he was attracted to him because he was gorgeous but it wasn’t like Jack had a history of thinking guys are gorgeous. But there was no denying it. He thought this guy was hot and he wanted to hook up with him. But he couldn’t. It would make everything too difficult.
David returned with a cup in each hand. He handed one to Jack and he smiled gratefully and took a sip. He needed this. They stood together without saying a word. They nursed their drinks and looked into the mass of people drinking and grinding. David broke the silence.
“You gonna tell me about the stupid shit you do when you’re drunk? I feel like I should get a warning?”
Jack finished the last sip of his drink. He put his cup down and turned to face David. He liked that he was the shorter of the two of them, that David had a masculine jawline and a hint of stubble. There was no denying that he was attracted to David and at this point, he was tipsy enough to not care.
“Can I kiss you?” Jack asked.
“Now, that doesn’t sound very stupid.”
David put his own drink down and turned his body toward Jack, taking away all the space between their bodies. He put a hand on Jack’s jaw and another on his waist, melting their bodies together as he kissed him. It was obvious that David was kissing Jack and not the other way around, and Jack liked it. He wasn’t used to not being in control but it was a welcome change of events. He started kissing back, wrapping his arms around David to pull him closer, if it was even possible. As the kiss got more heated, escalating to open mouths and tongues, David pushed Jack back so he was against the wall. He had one forearm against the wall next to Jack’s head as if he was holding him in place without physically restraining him and Jack loved it.
If it wasn’t for the alcohol Jack would have been embarrassed by the whine that left his mouth when David pressed into him, his chest pinning Jack against the wall.
David pulled away from Jack and Jack chased after him, attempting to continue the kiss, but David put a hand to his chest, stopping him.
“Do you wanna go upstairs?” David asked.
And, god, Jack wanted to. House parties tended to be confined to the basement, where damages were less important.
“Upstairs? You live here?” Jack knew that not just anyone would have access to a bedroom.
“No, I’m not stupid enough to live in a party house. I’m in a dorm on campus. My best friend does, though, so I can take you upstairs if you want.”
Jack leaned forward and kissed David again.
“Yes, please.”
Jack followed David through the crowd and up the stairs into a significantly quieter ground floor. The sparse furniture signified the college guys who lived there but Jack didn’t have much time to take it all in as he was being dragged by the hand into a bedroom.
As soon as the door was shut behind them, Jack continued kissing David. He felt he couldn’t stop now that he’s started. A few minutes passed before David pushed him away once again.
“Bed?” David asked.
Jack didn’t answer, he just walked backward until his knees hit the mattress and he fell back.
David grinned and walked over to Jack, straddling his hips and connecting their lips. Soon, his mouth migrated from Jack’s lips to his neck. Jack couldn’t tell if David was leaving marks but he didn’t care. He felt so good and David was so attractive and so, so good at this. Okay, Jack wasn’t completely straight, that was obvious at this point. He’s not drunk enough to blame his feelings on alcohol, he’s completely here, in the moment.
Suddenly, the room was spinning. Everything he was feeling became too much, even though it was pure bliss just moments before. He wanted David to stop but he needed David to keep going. If he could just give in to what he’s feeling maybe he’d avoid the identity crisis and skip straight to the new identity.
He pulled David up so they were kissing again but this time Jack tried to take control. He had a hand in David’s hair and another on the back of his neck, keeping him in place as he explored his mouth with his tongue. In what seemed to be an attempt to take back the reins, David dropped his hips against Jack’s providing them both with the friction they craved.
“Shit, Davey.” Jack broke the kiss when he dropped his head back against the bed. He was very aware of his breathing, fast and shallow, and not enough.
“Are you okay?” David asked.
Jack really didn’t want to talk about it. He wanted to deal with all his confusing thoughts on his own. He didn’t need to confide in some random guy at a party. Really, he wanted to do nothing about it, go back to kissing girls, and living the life he knew. God, he didn’t even know whose room they were in, whose bed they were on. How did he let himself lose control like this?
He looked back to David, his pupils blown from a mix of the dim room and the events from the last few minutes. He looked like he actually cared about Jack like he wasn’t asking just as a formality before he got his pants off.
A million possible answers rushed through his head, “Are you okay?” is a more complicated question than you’d expect. He paused before he found an answer he could settle on.
“Oh,” David moved so he was lying next to Jack, rather than on top of him. “Why only kinda?”
There was no turning back now. He let himself be vulnerable and now he has to deal with the consequences.
“This is the farthest I’ve gone with a guy,” Jack admitted.
“Got it.” David was quiet for a minute. “So what am I? An experiment, an act of rebellion, a drunken mistake? All of the above?”
The words would have sounded harsh if they came from anyone else. But not from David, David sounded like he actually cared and wanted to know what was going through Jack’s head.
“No, I don’t need an experiment to know that you’re hot and I’m into you.” And he really didn’t, that was made obvious by his messy hair, pink lips, and the situation in his pants. “I guess I’m just, I dunno, overwhelmed?”
“Overwhelmed sounds right.” David nodded.
“Like, I was enjoying what we were doing, I think we both know that. It was just a lot. I think I’m scared.”
“Of what?” David asked.
“I’m not scared of not being straight, I’ve already figured that part out. But acting on it means I need to figure out this whole new identity. I think I’m scared of having to do that.” Jack couldn’t believe he was talking about this. Talking about his identity crisis to some random guy at a party. Expect it wasn’t a random guy, it was David. And upstairs at a party is basically a whole different universe than the party itself.
Before David could say something Jack spoke again.
“Hey, whose bed am I on?
David laughed and it was a beautiful sound. “My friends started dating one of his roommates so this room is pretty much empty now. I didn’t bring you to hook up on my best friend’s bed, I have a little respect for him.”
Knowing that little bit of information grounded Jack in a strange way. It took him out of his head and into the moment. It was nice, peaceful until David spoke again and pulled Jack back into their conversation.
“Are you scared your friends won’t accept you?” he asked.
“No, they’re awesome. They don’t care about that kinda thing. Half of them are gay, anyway.”“What about your family?”
Jack scoffed. He wasn’t even sure who his family was referring to. It doesn’t matter if his parents care because it’s not like they’re in the picture anyway. He bounced around foster homes too much to have found a new family. Medda, his most recent foster mom, was his favorite, but by the time he moved in with her, he was about to leave for college anyway.
“Doesn’t matter,” Jack said, honestly.
“How do you feel now?” David asked.
“Like I wanna keep kissin’ you.”
David laughed and returned to his previous position, straddling Jack, hands pressed against his chest. He slid his hands under Jack’s shirt and Jack broke their kiss to slide it off.
Kissing David was different in so many ways. His chest was flat when he pressed against Jack, serving as a reminder that this is a guy, a man, and Jack’s kissing him like it’s all he knows how to do. His shoulders and broad and Jack could see toned muscle when he took his shirt off. David wasn’t ripped or anything, but he felt firm, built. Jack didn’t expect to love that so much.
Soon, they were both shirtless and Jack was sure he’d have some marks on his neck in the coming days but Jack wasn’t freaking out. No, he didn’t resume his panic until David broke away from him.
“We should stop.” David repositioned himself so he was sitting against the headboard.
Jack, still flat on his back, let out a groan.
“Do we have to?”
“No,” David admitted, “But we should. I don’t want you rushing into anything.”
Admitting defeat, Jack joined David against the headboard. His breath was still escaping him as he dropped his head against David’s shoulder. David moved his arm around Jack so he could run his fingers through his hair.
In a way, this was the most intimate thing Jack had done with a guy. They were just existing together, their mutual attraction known and acknowledged. Jack was enjoying himself, he knew that he would, but he knew that when he returned to his dorm, and Crutchie asked him about his night he wouldn’t say he was with a guy.
In a weird way, he felt like he was lying to his friends, not because he hadn’t come out, god, he didn’t even know what to come out as, but because he had been friends with them all for so long as a straight guy. He knew it was unreasonable, but it made sense to him. If he changed that now, such a huge part of a person’s identity, it would be like he had been lying to them for all these years.
Lying to himself.
“How are you doing?” David asked and it felt like that wasn’t what he was actually asking. It was a million questions wrapped into one and Jack didn’t know how to begin to answer.
So, that’s exactly what he said.
“I don’t know.”
David’s hand stilled in Jack’s hair for a beat until he spoke again.
“Do you regret coming up here?”
“No.” And Jack really didn’t. David was hot and Jack made out with him and he liked it. A lot.
It was quiet for a minute before Jack continued.
“I’m not ready to like, come out or anything.”
“You don’t have to be.”
“Why are you being so nice to me?” Jack genuinely didn’t understand why David was being so considerate of his feelings. He expected he would either take the hookup for what it is or end it when Jack told him he wasn’t out. “You seem like a nice enough guy and nobody should have a crisis alone. If you’re gonna have a sexual identity crisis might as well have somebody for it to be about.” David shrugged and it jostled Jack’s head.
“Maybe if you weren’t so hot I wouldn’t be having a crisis.” Jack scoffed.
“And maybe if you weren’t so cute I wouldn’t have approached you downstairs.”
“Fair point,” Jack agreed.
“I meant it when I said we have to stop, you know,” David said. “It’s getting late and people are gonna be heading out soon and I know you’re not ready to spend the night.”
“I know,” Jack said. “Can I stay for a little while, though?” Jack was comfortable under David’s arm. He liked feeling David’s weight on him and the movement of his chest as he breathed. The gentle fingers in his hair were making him more relaxed than he could remember being in ages.
“Yeah, you can. I just think you needed- we needed to stop for the night.”
So they stayed in their position, against the pillows and against each other. Jack didn’t fall asleep, he really didn’t. Maybe, just maybe, he rested his eyes for a little bit. David definitely wasn’t waking him up when he passed him his phone, which was vibrating on the bed next to him.
“Jack, you’re getting a call.” His arm moved from Jack’s hair to his shoulder, shaking him lightly.
“Jack opened his eyes and saw Crutchie’s name on the screen.
“It’s my roommate,” Jack mumbled. He took the phone from David and answered the call. “Hey, Crutch.”
Jack sat up straighter as he woke up more and continued the conversation.
“Yeah, I’m still here… I’ll meet you out front in five… No, shut up. I’ll see you in a sec.” Jack hung up the phone and slid it into his jeans pocket. “Heading out?” David asked.
“Yeah, my roommate's leaving and we’re gonna walk back together. You staying?”
“Yeah, I’m gonna sleep here. If I’m not here to help clean in the morning, nobody’s gonna.”
Jack got off of the bed and walked over to his shirt, sliding it on. David followed.
“What are you gonna tell your roommate?” He asked.
“Uh, probably that I got too drunk so I was brought upstairs to sleep and puke it off.” Jack ran his fingers through his own hair in an attempt to make it look a little more normal.
“Okay, a good plan,” David started, “but I wasn’t keeping that plan in mind earlier.”
“What do you mean?” Jack asked.
David turned him to a small mirror on the dresser. Jack could see the hickeys on his neck, higher than could be hidden by a shirt collar.
“Davey, you dog.” Jack laughed.
David opened the closet and pulled out a flannel shirt. “Here,” he tossed it to Jack. “This should work.”
Jack put it on and, luckily, it did cover all the marks. “This yours or your friends?” he asked.
“Mine. I stay here often enough that this is basically my second room.”
Jack’s heart swelled at the thought of wearing David’s shirt.
“Hey, give me your phone.” David held his hand out. Jack handed his phone to David with no hesitation. David typed his number in and handed it back to Jack.
“In case you have another crisis. Or if you just wanna text me.” David walked the few steps between him and Jack and wrapped his arms around his waist. “You should go, your roommate's probably waiting.”
Jack kissed David again, there was something thrilling about the way that David was still shirtless and the way he didn’t push Jack away, instead opting to help him. He could kiss David for hours, days, even but he was right, Crutchie wanted to go home and was probably waiting outside for Jack.
“Goodnight, Davey.” Jack couldn’t help but look back to David as he was walking out the door.
The house was mostly empty at this point, save for the people spending the night, either because they’re staying with someone or simply because they were too drunk to leave. Crutchie was sitting on the front steps.
“Hey, Crutch.” Jack closed the door behind him and offered a hand to help Crutchie up, which he ignored, to nobody’s surprise.
“You disappeared for a while.”
“Yeah, too much too fast I guess.” They began the walk back to their dorm, the cool air biting at their faces. Jack was glad he was wearing an extra layer. It was that in-between weather, the summer fading away and giving way to the fall.
Jack didn’t expect to use David’s number, at least not right away. He couldn’t help himself as he pulled his phone from his pocket and opened his contact, staring at the message button.
No, he didn’t need to do this. He was just with David and honestly, he didn’t understand why he should be planning on seeing him in the future. They hooked up, just as Jack has so many times in the past, and he’s never had any desire to reach out to those girls again. Yeah, he’s had girlfriends in the past but they’ve never met like this. He pocketed his phone again, choosing to ignore the urge to text David. They were getting close to their building, anyway, it would be best for Jack to just get some sleep, deal with his feelings in the morning. Or, more realistically, continue to ignore his feelings in the morning.
They got back to their room, and Jack continued his normal routine after a night out. Getting changed, brushing his teeth, and telling himself he should shower the night off but crashing into bed anyway.
He chatted with Crutchie as they got ready for bed, asking about his night and what he got up to at the party. Crutchie wasn’t much of a drinker, never getting far past a light buzz when he drank. His nights out tended to be more social and less physical, often talking to new people and making sure his friends are under control.
Once Jack was in bed and the light was off he took his phone from his bedside table to plug it into the charger and he couldn’t stop himself. He stared at David’s contact briefly before deciding, fuck it, he might as well throw caution to the wind.
Jack: hey sorry i know its late. just wanted to say i had a good time tonight.
He wasn’t expecting a response, it was late enough at this point to be considered early. Still, his phone buzzed soon after.
David: No problem. How’s the identity crisis going?
Jack laughed, well, more of a sharp exhale as he really took in the situation. He was texting some random guy from a random Saturday night party because he was so unbelievably attracted to him. To him. A guy.
Jack: all i know right now is i cant be straight after tonight lol
David: I’m glad I could clear that up.
David: No rush, by the way. You don’t have to hurry to come out or anything. Move at your own pace.
Jack didn’t know he needed to hear that. Or, read it, apparently. Jack: thanks davey. goodnight
He plugged his phone in and rolled over, attempting to fall asleep without images of David in his head.
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dearlazerbunny · 5 years
Again, and Again, and Again
Pairings: Kylo x Reader
Genre/Ratings: dance!AU, warning for a short but uncomfortable sexual situation
Words: 7,500
Summary: You dance your way into Kylo Ren’s life, and suddenly you never want to dance back out. Literally based on a dream I had, and then I went overboard with it, per usual. Enjoy!
“Hey.” A boy is standing by the door to the dance studio, all in black, including his messy head of curls. “You’re Y/N, right?”
“Um.” You stop in front of him, hiking your dance bag farther up onto your shoulder. “Yes? Can I help you?”
“I was just supposed to catch you before class.” He pulls out his phone and unlocks it, apparently checking the time. “I’ll let my director explain.”
Director? “I have to warm up.” You gesture to the open door leading into the studio. “Sorry.”
‘Aw, come on. Give us two minutes. Promise it’ll be worth your while.”
You raise an eyebrow. “More than the pulled ankle I’ll get for not warming up?”
“Definitely. Well, probably. Maybe. Possibly.”
“Kylo, stop terrorizing the talent.” A girl walks up beside him and shoulders him with her backpack. “You’re such a menace.”
“Guilty.” He smacks the girl back lightly, whose got her hair pulled back into this tri-bun thingy. Looks cool. Not that you could ever pull it off, you think self-consciously, touching the bun wound tightly on the back of your head. That’s about the only hairstyle you know to do.
“So.” She turns to you and smiles. “Y/N, right?”
“Again, yes.” She holds out a hand for you to shake, and you tentatively take it.
“I’m Rey. Pleasure to meet you. And this oaf,” she jabs the guy next to her with an elbow, “is Kylo. Ignore him, he’s not right in the head.”
You glance into your classroom, which is beginning to fill with other dancers stretching out their legs and lacing their shoes. “This is really making me want to stick around and figure out why you’re cornering me.”
“Okay, okay, fair enough. I’m Rey,” she repeats. “I’m another art student here. Directing major. We’re doing short films as a senior project, and I need a dancer. According to everyone in the department, you’re the girl for me.”
Hm. “What kind of dance?”
“Pointe.” She grins, and points to the shoes tied to the strap of your bag. “Am I in the right place?”
You laugh a little. “Yeah, I’ve been en pointe since I was like, seven? But I’ve never been in a film before. I don’t know how to act.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that. I want the dancing to be the main focus. There’ll be a little acting, but you’ll be surrounded by acting majors. I’m sure they can give you a hand. And Kylo here would be your partner, so he can help too.”
You glance at him- Kylo- and appraise him. “You a dancer?”
He grins a little sheepishly. “Um, no. Not really. But they needed someone strong and handsome to throw you into the air a couple times.”
Well, he does look strong underneath the black leather jacket. And handsome- well, you weren’t going to look him over too closely right here and now, but he’s not too bad on the eyes from where you’re standing. You finger a piece of pink ribbon trailing off your shoes, wrapping it around your knuckle and unwinding it again. “What’s in it for me?”
“Free food at the shoot, my eternal adoration, and a resume credit.”
You look sideways at Rey, who has a hopeful expression on her face. If she wants a ballerina, you probably are the most qualified in the department. Plus, this isn’t something you’ve ever done before. Might be fun.
“Okay.” You nod. “I’ll do it. Do you need my email?”  
“Oh, yeah, please.” She hands you her phone and you key in your name, number, and email. “I’ll contact you soon, okay?”
“Sure.” You give them both a little wave, ducking your head when Kylo waves back, and head into the studio with a bit of a smile on your face.
“Okay, so here’s what I’m thinking.” Rey is leading you an Kylo through the trees on no apparent path, pushing aside foliage and tramping through leaves with big ol’ hiking boots. Kylo doesn’t seem bothered in his similarly chunky combat boots, but your dainty little ballet flats are taking a bit of a beating. Luckily you’re good at walking on your toes. “You’re running through the forest, there’s a wide tracking shot following both of you coming from opposite directions, until you meet… here.”
She stops and surveys a clearing she’s just come to, dropping her camera bag onto a nearby branch so it dangles from the tree. You hike up beside her and stop, nearly bumping into her. She turns to you and grins. “Whatcha think?”
You’re prepared to put on a fake smile and tell her it’s nice, but it’s actually really pretty. It’s a pond, shallow by the looks of it but enough to reflect the trees branching out over it from the banks. There’s even a few growing from the middle of the water, giving it a ethereal feel. When Kylo crouches down and runs his fingers through the water, his hand can touch the bottom. You look around, but any ground you can see is covered in brambles. “So… where are we dancing?”
She looks up from her camera innocently. “In the water.”
“…oh.” You glance over at Kylo, sure he’ll be returning your odd look, but he just looks at you and shrugs. You raise an eyebrow at him.
“I’ve done weirder.”
“I… haven’t.” You’ve only ever performed in concert venues. Or practice spaces. You put a hand to your forehead, shading the sun from your eyes, wondering how in the world you’re going to be en pointe in the middle of a freaking lake.
“It’s okay if you can’t.” Rey is still fiddling with presumably her camera settings. “I don’t really know how, like, pointe shoes work? It’s pretty muddy.” She glances at the little lake. “So if they won’t survive or something I have another location picked out. But I’d really prefer this one.”
You sigh, toeing the water. New things. We’re doing new things here. “No, I think I can make it work.”
“Sweet. I just wanna get some test shots, you game?” You look at Kylo, who just shrugs again, takes off his socks and shoes, and steps into the water.
You laugh at his expression, all twisted up and cringing a little. “It’s a little… squishy,” he admits, wading his way to the middle.
“Your jeans are getting wet,” you say, still hovering near the edge.
“Come on, miss ballerina.” He holds out a hand and you take it tentatively. “The light is better out here.”
“Haha.” The few times you’ve met before now he’s always teasing you about being a priss or a princess or wanting the spotlight. Annoying, but harmless. You step out to meet him, trying not to wince at the thought of your satin pink pointe shoes being ruined in the mud. “You’ve really done weirder than this?”
“Mmm, maybe equal to? Acting majors man,” he points at himself jokingly. “The things we do for our art.”
“Huh.” He still hasn’t let go of your hand, and you’re grateful for it. If you’re jumping out of your comfort zone, at least someone’s there with you.
“Oh, that’s perfect.” Rey is looking through her viewfinder. “You guys look so good together!” Which of course immediately makes you want to step as far away from him as possible, but instead he grabs your other hand and pulls you a bit closer, making you look more couple-y. “Peeeeerfect.”
Kylo must catch your uncomfortable look, because he leans in and whispers in your ear “You know we’re playing a couple, right?”
You smile a bit. “Yeah, I know, I’m just… the boring, stick in the mud dancer. I’ve never done anything like this before.”
“Well that’s what art is all about right?” You look at him. His brown eyes are warm. “Trying new things. Doing weird shit.”
That does make you laugh. “I guess.”
“Well, that’s good, ‘cause you know you’re choreographing, right?”
You turn to Rey, wide eyed. “I’m what now?”
“Okay. Okay!” You reserved a practice room for the two of you to dance in, but now the empty space filled with mirrors is giving you anxiety. You typically do what the choreographers tell you, not make up your own stuff. “Rey, tell me again what you want?”
She’s sitting on the floor in the corner, playing with something on her laptop. “Aw, man, I don’t know, you’re the expert. Pretty stuff, some turns, some jumps. Make Kylo lift you off the ground. Use the tree branches if you remember where they are in the lake.”
You sigh, eyes closed. Why had you agreed to this? Someone’s grade is on the line, you don’t want to be responsible for that, and-
“Hey.” Kylo’s voice stops you in your tracks. You open your eyes, and he’s looking right at you, a small smile on his lips. “You’ll do fine. Just breathe.”
Breathe. Okay. You press play on your phone and the music that Rey’s picked beings to play through the speakers, filling the room with a haunting melody that instantly makes your bones shiver. “Well. We could start with…” you take a few steps onto your toes, do a pirouette, then let your leg extend out in front of you. You glance over at Kylo, who’s watching you intently. “Can you take my leg from here?” Delicately, he wraps a hand around your ankle. “Okay, on three, raise your arm. My leg will follow you, and I’ll go from a tilt into a turn where you can catch me between your arms.”
He looks a bit like a deer in the headlights. “Um. I have no idea what any of that means; I don’t want to hurt you…”
You smile. “You won’t, I’m pretty bendy. Just follow my lead.” Slowly, your leg moves up over your head and back down again, and you use the momentum to spin into Kylo’s arms. Face to face, you grin at him. “See? Easy.”
He huffs a little disbelievingly. “If you say so.”
The next hour is full of trial and error, with you basically making things up as you go along, backtracking and then re-dancing several spots until you get it just right. When you do the final bit for Rey, her eyes are wide. “Y/N. That was amazing! This is going to be fantastic!”
You blush. “Thanks, but it’s really nothing.”
“I think it’s pretty cool, anyways.” Kylo puts a hand on your arm and squeezes. “Nice job.”
Again with the blushing. You don’t know how you’re going to dance this intimately with this guy without flying apart at the handle. At least you’ve danced with worse partners before. “By the way, Rey, did you cast the part of that other guy you mentioned?”
“Oh, yeah.” She thumbs through her notes. “Some guy named… Armitage? We need an actual dancer for this part,” she says, giving an obvious call-out look to Kylo. “And he came recommended.”
You blanch. Speaking of worse partners. Armitage is a great dancer, sure, but he’s also a bit… obsessive. With his hair, with his turnout, and… with you. You’re pretty sure he’s been trying to go out with you since you were both thirteen and in class together. And now you have to dance with him playing your jealous wannabe lover? Fantastic.
Rey gives you a strange look. “Is that okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll just… need some time to rehearse with him.”
“Sure, I can set that up.” She jots down a note on her sheet. “When we meet tomorrow we’re going to go over the acting parts, just so you know.”
“Fantastic,” you say weakly.
As you’re locking up the studio. Kylo stops you. “Hey. You okay? You looked a little pale there at the end.”
“Oh, yeah, I’m fine.” You’re going to leave it at that, but as you put the key in your pocket, you have the sudden urge to trust him. “It’s just…. Armitage.”
“You know him?”
You nod. “Unfortunately. He tends to get all over me when we partner together. I guess he likes me or something…” laughing nervously, you tuck a stray piece of hair behind your ear. “It’s just kind of annoying.”
He’s frowning by now, listening to tell your tale with obvious worry. “Well, if you want, I can come to your guys’ rehearsal. That way you’re not alone with him.”
You glance up at him. “You’d do that? Really?”
“Sure. We’ll just pass it off as me trying to learn how to dance or something.”
“That’s… not a bad idea, actually.”
“See? It’ll be fine.” He shoulders his bag. “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
“Okay.” He salutes as he walks off, and you can’t help but watch his retreating form for a minute before going on your way.
“So, you got all that?” The three of you are sitting at a table in the library, with Rey looking intently at you. “You dance with Armitage, and he wants you but you’re looking across the way at Kylo. You run off, cue the forest, you dance, big finale, and kiss. End scene.”
You sit there, not answering her. This is… a lot. Sure, you’re used to showing emotion on stage, but this seems complicated. “Sure… I think.”
“Awesome.” She checks her watch. “I’ve got to run, I’ll catch you guys later.” Kylo waves as she leaves and she waves back. You’ve never seen them, like, be intimate, but you’re pretty sure they’re a couple. They’re so friendly with each other, and always joshing around and teasing one another. You’re trying not to be disappointed by this conclusion.
“So, you’ve really got all this?” Kylo’s attention is now turned to you. “I know you’ve never done this before.”
“Yeeeeah.” You shake your head. “I think so? It’s just a lot…”
“I understand.” He sits back in his chair. “Walk me through it. Just so you can review it in your head.”
“Um, okay.” You lean forward and put your head in your hands, resting your elbows on the table. “So, I’m dancing with Armitage…”
“…which you choreographed today.”
“Yup. Thanks for being there, by the way. He was definitely better behaved.”
Kylo smirks a bit, but you’re not sure why. “Anytime. He did seem a little pretentious.”
You roll your eyes. “You have no idea. So, dance with Armitage, but I’m looking across at you the whole time. Once I break away from him we cut to running through the forest; I’m looking back over my shoulder and feeling worried. Then go to our duet.”
“Perfect. See? You’re a natural!”
You scoff. “Hardly. Hey, would you mind walking back out to that pond with me? I want to practice the choreography in the water.”
“Sure. Now?”
“I don’t see why not.” You’d packed a pair of old pointe shoes in your bag that you don’t mind getting ruined. “Might as well get it over with.”
“Oh, come on, I’m not that bad am I?”
You smile a little. “No. I suppose not.”
Back in the forest, you lace your shoes up to your ankles before stepping into the mud. Kylo follows, barefoot, jeans rolled up to his knees. He takes your hand and you carefully raise up on your toes, testing the stability of the pond’s floor. Surprisingly not bad. You can even take a couple steps. “Okay, ready?”
“As I’ll ever be.” Your start the choreography, slowly, making sure you can keep your balance, and end up making it all the way through with only minor stumbles.
“Perfect.” You’re ready to leave when Kylo stops you.
“Rey said she wanted something big for the ending, right? Do you have any ideas?”
“Oh, right. Um…” You look around. “She said she wanted to use the trees…” there’s a sturdy looking branch right above Kylo’s head and you eye it. “Spot me real quick, will you?” He nods and steps aside as you jump up and grab on to the branch, jostling it up and down to test its strength. Seems hearty enough. “Okay. Here’s what we’re going to do. When I’m in the splits, you stand in front of me. I’ll fall, and my legs will end up wrapped around your waist. If your hands land on my lower back I can fall into a backbend. Got that?”
He nods and positions himself straight in front of you. You take a breath and let go, but Kylo is right there to catch you, and you end up wrapped around him, face to face. Oh. You hadn’t thought of the positioning of this, really. He’s looking at you with surprise, and to get away from his face you roll yourself slowly into a backbend, then back up. He’s still as close as before. Damn.
“And then, we kiss.” His voice is low, just for the two of you, and you feel like your stomach has dropped to your feet.
“About that.” You jump off of him and land neatly on the ground, concealing your nerves. “I haven’t really, um… done that. Before.”
He raises an eyebrow. “You’ve never kissed anyone?”
You shake your head nervously. “No. So I don’t really know what I’m doing there.”
“Color me surprised.”
“Excuse me?”
“I just thought- I mean, you’re gorgeous. I would’ve thought guys would be crawling all over you.”
You make a face. “Hardly.” He steps forward. You step back. He steps forward, you step back again. Giggling nervously to yourself, you aim for the edge of the pond where a clean pair of sweats and non-muddy shoes are waiting. “So, um, we have a date set for shooting?”
“Yup.” He nods and follows your lead, seemingly unrattled by the surprisingly intimate moment that had just happened. “Wednesday we meet out on the lawn, and then we’ll film here. That good with you?”
Wednesday. You have until Wednesday to figure out how to somehow be okay with wrapping your legs around- and kissing- this guy. Who is sweet and tall and has great hair and- has a girlfriend, you remind yourself. You wonder if Rey will get uncomfortable seeing the two of you kiss. You’d be a little weirded out asking someone to kiss your boyfriend for a class project. But she had asked, so…
You breathe. You’ll cross that bridge when you come too it.
Wednesday comes much too soon. The days beforehand are interspersed with meetings with Rey, more practice in the woods both by yourself and with Kylo- though you always stop before the finish- and sadly, another rehearsal with Armitage. But Kylo continued to make good on his word and be there in the dance studio whenever you needed him to be, which definitely kept Armitage much more in check than he would have been if the two of you had been alone. You always tried to keep your focus on Armitage- he was your rehearsal partner, after all- but your eye kept being drawn to the boy in the corner, head in his hands, watching you dance. He’s mesmerizing. And having his eyes on you makes you a strange combination of nervous, giddy, and… maybe a little turned on.
He has a girlfriend, he has a girlfriend, he has a girlfriend…
You sit on a bench underneath some trees on the grand lawn of your campus, lacing up your shoes. Students mill around here and there, some in hammocks or on picnic blankets studying and enjoying the nice day. Rey and Armitage are already here, talking about something or other as Rey takes test shots with her camera. Armitage certainly looks the part of a romantic lead- red hair swept back to reveal severe features and cool blue eyes, dressed in all white in contrast to Kylo’s black ensemble. But still, the thought of him spotting you- which usually means his hands in semi-intimate places- makes your stomach squirm a bit.
But your thoughts brighten a bit when you spot Kylo heading towards your group, bag slung over his shoulder. You wave, and he waves back, making you smile. He may not be a dancer, but he’s the only one you want to dance with.
“What is he doing here?” Armitage’s voice cuts through the rustling of the leaves and straight into your skull.
Rey glances behind her, unconcerned. “Kylo? He just can’t leave me alone,” she teases, sticking her tongue out at the approaching figure. There’s no way Kylo could have heard what she said, but he nonetheless responds with his own stuck-out tongue. “Nah, he’s going to be holding another angle while you two dance. More interesting to splice together that way.”
The ginger huffs, arms crossed. “I thought it would be just me and Y/N. We’re supposed to be in love, being alone would make for much better chemistry.”
“Well, technically you’re in love. She’s in love with Kylo.” You know she’s talking about your characters, but the insinuation still makes your ears burn. “Don’t worry, he’s just another man behind the camera. You shouldn’t notice him too much.”
You can tell Armitage still isn’t happy, but he quiets down the objections as you approach, instead turning a brilliant smile toward you. “Y/N. You look lovely.”
You glance down at the flow gray dress Rey picked out for you. “Thanks, Armitage.”
He holds out one hand and you take it as gently as possible, trying to prevent as much contact as possible for as long as possible. But he closes his hand around yours and pulls you closer the second he feels your fingertips, almost making you flinch. Now’s not the time. Be professional.
Kylo wanders over with his own camera, Rey finishes her technical whatnot, and the two of you take your starting positions on the bench. “Ready?” Rey calls, and you nod. “Three, two, one. Go!”
The scene plays out smoothly, almost like you’re watching yourself through your own eyes. Armitage advances, and you retreat, eventually leading into a duet where he’s constantly pulling you in and you’re trying to free yourself. Every time you take a step opposite his direction, he finds a way to trap you into another spin or leap. As hard as you’re concentrating on the choreography, the most natural part of the whole thing is looking off into the distance, reaching for a Kylo who’s looking on, wanting him to come rescue you, wanting to run to him but something holding you back-
“Cut!” Very suddenly, your headspace is broken as you all fall out of position. You’re breathing heavily, loose hair sticking to your neck, and reeling a little from just how into the scene you got. “This looks awesome, guys, I don’t even think we’ll have to do another take.”
Small victories. You turn to Armitage, who is still looking flawless even after all the turning. Typical. “Thanks for uh, working with me again. It was fun.”
He nods. “Absolutely.” He takes your hand, and the second he does Kylo’s head shoots up from where he’s looking through the viewfinder with Rey, immediately aware of how uncomfortable you look. You don’t notice, though, you’re just trying to pull your hand away. “And please know I’m always available to talk, or practice, whatever you need. Maybe we could grab a bite to eat after rehearsal this weekend…”
“Maybe,” you reply weakly, finally wrenching your hand away. “I, um, I appreciate it.”
The cool woods, bathed in sunset, is a welcome change from the bright daylight out on the lawn. The trees are spindly and barren, making the whole place look like an abandoned forest, beauty hidden within the branches as the sunlight dapples through them. Rey had you run through the woods a few times, constantly looking back over your shoulder for ‘Armitage’,who might be chasing you. But finally you get to the pond, where Kylo is waiting for you just like a creature of the night, blending in perfectly with he shadows starting to darken and lengthen on the ground.
As you step out to the middle of the lake to meet him, the anxiety in your chest loosens, and you feel like you can breathe again. It even makes you smile a little. This, you can do. This, you can put your heart into.
This dance is a joy to do. You practically fly, not even the dense water holding you back as you twirl around Kylo, a steady presence among the shifting surface of the lake. The look on his face is one of love, of want, and slowly you find yourself mirroring it. Every time he touches you, it becomes electric. Every time your eyes meet, you have a hard time catching your breath back.
Finally, you spring up to grab the tree branch, still dangling overhead. As Kylo moves in to catch you, you close your eyes and let go, trusting that he’ll be there. He is, just like always. Your legs catch his hips, wrapping securely around his torso, and you dip into the deepest and most graceful backbend of your life, feeling safe with Kylo’s hand squarely on the small of your back. As you roll up, you only have a moment for the thought of oh crap- now what? To flash through your head before you’re suddenly face to face.
You look at him. He looks at you. Both of you are breathing hard, from the dance and something else exhilarating in the air you can’t quite name. Whatever it is, it’s almost tangible, dancing among the trees just like you were a minute ago.
The kiss is hurried, desperate- the kiss of two people who have wanted each other for so long but haven’t had their chance until now. It’s different than you thought it’d be. His lips are soft, and he smells a little like mint and a little like the trees of the woods, a heady combination that makes you want to burrow into his side and never come out. You’re not quite sure where to put your nose, or how to keep your teeth out of the way, but it doesn’t seem to matter all that much. After a few seconds something swells in your chest like nothing ever has before, a feeling usually reserved for taking the final bow after a long concert or perfectly breaking in a shiny new pair of shoes.
Almost simultaneously, the two of you pull away from each other, both staring wide-eyed as that tangible feeling begins to dissipate into the air, leaving a comforting sort of silence. Completely forgetting about Rey, the camera, and the project, you smile at Kylo, wondering if he had felt that magic something that had shivered its way through your body.
“Cut.” Rey doesn’t even yell it, she just states it like a matter-of-fact. The two of you startle, abruptly pulled out of your own little world. “That was…” Rey shakes her head slowly. “That was something else.”
“Cool,” Kylo whispers, responding to her but still looking wondrously at you.
“Yeah,” you whisper back. His arms tighten around you, just for a second, before letting you settle back onto the ground. You look around, where mud has been kicked up onto the bank, as well as all over your dress and Kylo’s jeans. Rey hasn’t escaped either, and is meticulously wiping a dirt spatter from her camera lens. You giggle. “We made a bit of a mess, I think.”
Kylo grins and offers you his hand, which you take, helping you back over to land. “All In the name of passion, right?”
Your cheeks flare, which you try to cover by leaning down and straightening the hem of your dress. “Something like that.”
“Guys, that was amazing. Like, seriously.” Rey climbs up to the bank.
“Can I see some of it?” Now that it’s finished, you’re genuinely curious at what you look like- and you’re sure that kiss looks horribly awkward. Maybe you should ask her to redo it…
“Nope! It’s gonna be a surprise at the final viewing. I’m editing it myself, so Kylo won’t see it either.” Kylo rolls his eyes and begins changing into clean clothes he brought from a duffel.
“Rey is all about the surprise factor.” He turns to you. “We’ll see it in a week, I guess. Have you ever been to Griffin Hall? It’s the big digitorium on the edge of campus. That’s where they’re hosting the viewings.” You shake your head. “Well, why don’t I pick you up then? Just so you don’t get lost.”
As much as you don’t want to admit it, seeing Kylo again would be… nice. Very nice. “Yeah- yeah, that sounds great. Thank you.”
You fidget with your hair, placing one last bobby pin into your braided crown when there’s a knock on the door. Kylo. You take a deep breath. You haven’t seen him in a week, not really, except for waving to him a few times going to and from classes. He was usually talking with Rey, and you didn’t want to disturb them.
Taking one last look in the mirror, you turn the lock and open the door, where Kylo is standing in a slightly more fancy version of his usual black ensemble, a smile on his face. He instantly raises an eyebrow. “Wow.”
You frown. “What?”
“You look amazing.”
You’re wearing a chiffon dress that floats lazily at your sides, tied in a halter by a satin bow. You even traded your ballet flats for heels that criss-cross up past your ankles, mimicking the ribbons of your pointe shoes. “Thanks,” you smile. “You don’t look to bad yourself.”
He sighs heavily, like his outfit is the bane of his existence. “Rey made me wear the tie.”
You laugh as you reach out to smooth out a bubble in said tie. “Well, it looks very nice.”
“Are you two done? We’re going to be late!” Rey appears behind Kylo in a cream wrap dress with a brown belt. “I want to get good seats!”
Oh. Rey is here. Of course she would be, though. You shake thoughts of being alone with Kylo out of your head and grab your purse. “Ready if you are.”
The digitorium is done up in lights, with students dressed in their cocktail best streaming through the double doors. You blanch a little when you see all the pizzazz. “I didn’t realize this was such a big deal.”
“I mean, the senior film festival always draws a bit of a crowd. There are awards at the end of the night that the audience votes on based on what films they like the best,” Rey explains. So, basically, everyone is going to see you crushing on Kylo- you might as well admit it to yourself- on the big screen. Fantastic.
“Rey!” A black guy in a tan jacket and another in a ridiculously vibrant orange blazer walk over. “Ready to get your ass beat?”
“You wish, Finn! Your little adventure plot is no match for my romantic thriller,” Rey says dramatically, but giving the guy- Finn- a hug nonetheless. “Besides, everyone knows Poe here can’t hold any attention on the big screen.”
“Hey now!” Poe, in the orange blazer, tosses his hair back from his forehead like a teen heartthrob from the nineties. “I’m a stud and you know it.”
“Oh, just come on already. May the best film win!” The three of them dash off towards the entrance, apparently in a race to get the best seats.
You raise an eyebrow at Kylo. “Friends of hers?”
He snorts. “More like partners in crime. Finn is another directing major, he and Poe did some sort of aviation adventure thing I think.” He holds out his arm, and after a few seconds you hesitantly slip your arm through the crook of his. “Shall we?” You let him lead you into the building, not sure how you’re going to get through tonight.
There are six films in total. Finn and Poe’s was indeed an action-adventure flick, featuring Poe crash landing on an island and having to do a man-vs-wild sort of challenge. You recognize the same forest you danced in with Kylo in the background of some of their shots. Everyone goes crazy when the credits roll, you included, and the two friends stand in their seats to take a bow, both trying to outdo the other. You smile- they’re clearly class favorites.
“I think we’re up,” Kylo whispers, and sure enough, Rey’s name in bold letters appears on a black screen. You hold your breath. Hopefully Rey worked some magic and you wouldn’t look like an idiot in front of all these people.
To your shock, you don’t look like an idiot. In fact, you look- almost beautiful. Armitage never looks away from you the whole time you’re dancing, but it’s clear your mind is somewhere else- on someone else. The screen cuts away from the dance a few times to show a serene Kylo standing in the distance, looking on at the two of you on the lawn. As you finally pull away from Armitage, thanks to a close up on your face, you can see a tear leak down your cheek. You put a hand up to your face. You don’t even remember crying.
Trees fly past as the two of you run through the forest from opposite sides until you meet eyes from across the pond. Kylo holds out his hand and you delicately take it, stepping into the water- the pointe shoes make it looks like you’re dancing on the surface, rather than on the muddy pond floor. The dance whirls and races and sometimes slows and wavers, but never loses intensity or drive. Rey has managed to capture all the best angles, every facial expression, every slosh of the water as you kick up mud in a way that’s almost graceful.
As you fall from the tree branch, you catch yourself sitting on the edge of your seat, holding your breath. Everyone in the auditorium is too, and even though you know what happens next, you can’t help but smile a little when you kiss on screen. The last lingering shot is of the two of you looking at each other with mirrored expressions- disbelief, release, and love. Lots of love.  
The screen fades to black, and for a few moments the crowd is silent, making you sink down into your chair a little. Did they not like it? You thought Rey did an amazing job-
Your thoughts are cut off by thunderous applause rising from the rows of people, and even some cheering and whistling. Across the way, Rey proudly takes a bow amidst all the noise, and you find yourself clapping wildly as well, smiling at her success. Suddenly, Rey gestures to you, and before you know it Kylo is pulling you up out of your seat, holding your hand aloft like you’ve just won the olympics. In shock, you laugh, and he does too, giddy and high on everyone’s well wishes.
This is so much better than any dance concert you’ve ever done.
After the event, Rey is posing on stage with her professors, a small gold trophy in her hand- Audience Favorite, apparently by a landslide. You and Kylo wait for her outside amongst the rest of the crowd, who are milling about, discussing the night and their opinions.
“Well? What do you think? Caught the acting bug?”
“Maybe,” you admit sheepishly. “This was… incredible.”
“Yeah.” There’s a wistful look on his face, and in his eyes you can see just how much he loves what he does. “You never get sick of it.”
“Come on, guys!” Rey comes bounding over with her friends, who are holding a certificate for best editing. “Are we ready for the best part?”
“The best part?” You look at her, confused. She gives you a wicked grin. “The afterparty.”
Not an hour later, you’re standing against the wall of someone’s house, drink in your hand, trying not to draw too much attention to yourself. The room is dimly lit, and music is blasting, but you can vaguely make out some of the people you recognize from the films you saw and their directors. Apparently the afterparty is what everyone is really waiting for at the end of the night.
You think you’d just rather go home. Parties aren’t really your scene.
“Y/N!” A familiar figure cuts through the crowd, and before you can dodge away, Armitage is standing way too close, pushing you up against the wall. “How great did we look up there? We should dance together more often!”
You roll your eyes, practically gagging at all the alcohol on his breath. “Sure, Armitage. I’m gonna, um, go to the bathroom-” you try to slip away but he grabs your wrist, hard, making you freeze.
“Come on, Y/N.” He has to shout over the crowd, but you can hear him loud and clear. “It’s obvious we should be together. We’re the best dancers in our program. We look amazing together. We’d be unstoppable.” His demeanor suddenly changes, and he uses his hips to push you against the wall once more, still holding onto you so you can’t escape. “I know you want me, Y/N. It was just a matter of time.”
“Armitage, let me go! I don’t-” you shove him off, a little scared. “I don’t like you like that, okay? I’m sorry!”
His face darkens. “What, who is it? Who else is there?” He stops. “It’s that Kylo guy isn’t it. You’re into him. Instead of me.”
“N- no, I just-”
“I knew it.” There’s a fury in his eyes that you’ve never seen before. “You need to be with me, Y/N. I’ll show you- I’ll make you see it!” He throws himself at you, holding you tighter than ever, and you’re struggling to pull away but you can’t, he’s stronger than you, and he’s so close you can smell him and his hips are against yours-
Suddenly, air. Without anything to hold you up, you collapse to the ground, hard, chest heaving. You taste salt, and roughly try to rub the tears off your cheeks. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
Kylo is towering over Armitage, practically holding him by the neck. “None of your business, weirdo,” Armitage snarls, but Kylo throws him back so hard he bangs his head against the wall behind him.
Somehow, even though Kylo leans in close, you can still hear his voice over the music. “You touch her again, you’re dead,” he hisses. “If I see you within twenty feet of her you’ll have me to deal with.”
“Fuck off, you’re not-”
He suddenly goes silent, probably because Kylo just decked him in the nose. As drunk as he is, Armitage rag dolls onto the ground, out cold. It’d be almost comical if he hadn’t just tried to- no. Don’t think about that. You feel more tears, hot and painful, well up in your eyes, which are staring at Armitage’s limp body just a few feet away from you. “Y/N? Y/N.” It takes a minute, but you finally focus on Kylo, who has kneeled down in front of you. He holds out a hand and you cling to it, shaky, trying not to sob or scream or both. “Let’s get you out of here, okay?” You nod, but don’t move. Your legs won’t seem to work. Without saying a word, Kylo scoops you up as if you weigh nothing and begins to carry you through the crowd. Where, you don’t know, and you don’t care, as long as it’s away, away, away- you bury your head into his chest, trembling, curling in on yourself and closing your eyes tight as he brings you to safety.
Safety comes in the form of the backyard, cool and dark, big enough so that the music and the house is just a distant thrumming in the night. Kylo sets you down on the grass, gently, then sits beside you. You’re still frozen, so he wraps an arm around your shoulder and pulls you close to his side, and you wrap it tighter around you like he’s your lifeline.
He is, in a way. He just- he just stopped- “Thank you,” you whisper, and you can feel his chest rumbling as he responds.
“I don’t think he’ll be bothering you again.”
You shake your head, and fall quiet. The two of you just sit there, looking at the stars and hearing the din of the party in the background. Every nerve in your body should be on fire right now, but the longer you sit by Kylo’s side, the safer you feel.
“Can I tell you something stupid,” you say, and he shifts away from you a little so he can hear you better.
“Of course.”
You groan and pull your knees up to your chest, resting your head on them. “It’s so stupid. And embarrassing.”
“Y/N, it’s okay, really.” He taps one of your hands lightly with a finger, then takes it in his own and entwines your fingers with his. “You can tell me anything.”
“I really like you,” you admit, eyes squeezed shut so you won’t see his reaction. “Really really like you. And I know we basically just met and I know nothing about you and you and Rey seem really happy together and I’m glad, I really am, but-”
“Whoa, whoa, back up.” He shifts so he’s sitting in front of you, but you can’t bring yourself to show your face. “Me and Rey? What now?”
You sniffle a little. “Your girlfriend, dummy. You guys are great together and I know that, but I just had to tell you because-”
“Y/N, stop.” You do. He tucks a piece of hair that’s escaped your braid behind your ear, which gives you the courage to look up at him. The moonlight is glinting off of him in a way that makes him look unreal. Unearthly beautiful. And there’s a smile on his face- oh, god, he’s laughing at you, you shouldn’t have said anything- “you know Rey and I are cousins, right?”
“Oh.” That’s all you seem to know how to say. You just sit there and look at him, dumbfounded, and also feeling incredibly, incredibly stupid.
“Yeah. We’re not- we’re not a couple.” He shudders a little, seemingly at the thought, and laughs a little. “We basically grew up together. She’s like my little sister.”
This time you say nothing, your heart thumping out of your chest. With embarrassment, yes, but way deep down, if you look closely, there’s also a little flare of something. Something that might be a tiny, tiny spark of hope.
You look at him. He looks at you. Then, ever so carefully, he reaches forward and pulls you towards him, settling you onto his lap. Automatically, your arms go around his neck, and your legs around his waist- a mirror image of your kiss in the woods.
And you’re very, very close.
“Tell me if this isn’t okay,” he whispers, and then he can’t say anything else because he’s kissing you.
This kiss is different than the other- soft, slow, and hesitant. Barely there really, just a whisper of something, a hint of admission. He gives you time and space to pull away, but instead, you pull him back towards you, take a breath, and kiss him back. You still don’t know what you’re doing, but he guides you through it was small touches and a tilt of the head- and when a pathetic sound of want escapes your throat, he kisses you deeper, until you’re flush against him and you can feel his heart beating in his chest. Your hand finds its way to his curls and buries itself in them, his wander to your waist and the small of your back. You’re as close as you can possibly be and it’s still not enough- but it’s also the most wonderful thing that’s ever happened to you.
Eventually, he pulls away, because you’re breathing hard and maybe still crying a little. He wipes a tear away with the pad of his thumb, and you laugh breathlessly to yourself. “Sorry, I- I don’t know why I’m crying.”
“Hm.” He’s staring at you so intensely his eyes sparkle like the stars above. “There was something in the air, when you were dancing with me. I think it followed us here.”
“It wasn’t just me, then?”
“”Stars, no.” A small smile flickers across his face. “I couldn’t believe I got to be your first kiss.”
“And second.”
“And third?”
You giggle, feeling that magic swirl around the two of you, before meeting him in the middle again. And again. And again.
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bobohu4eva · 3 years
Pink Lace - Chapter 4
Characters: Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: College AU, stripper AU, fluff, smut, slow burn
Summary: Baekhyun, a philosophy professor with mysterious wealth, got himself completely fucked over a girl who can’t let him into her life.
Word count: 4k
Warnings: sex work, mentions of sexual assault, adult themes/situations, eventual smut
Tag list: @smolbeanmika @leave-me-in-the-summertime @totallynerdstuff @bbhmystar @nana-banana @kimyhappy @thegreatandi @geniusloey @deligxt @baekswifey @bbhyun506 @lovebuginlove @bellamendoza @baekyeonoreo
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When you woke up your head was pounding. Reluctantly, you dragged yourself out of bed anyway.
“Hey Mia” you spoke as you knocked on her door “I need a favor.” 
She opened the door just enough for you to see her tired form, bedhead and all looking back at you. 
“It’s 9am on a Sunday what the hell y/n.” She opened the door the rest of the way and rubbed her eyes. “What is it?” 
You felt bad waking her up, but you needed to tell her what had happened. And you needed your car back, which was still parked at the club. 
“I’ll explain more on the way, but Baekhyun drove me home from work last night and I need you to take me to my car.” 
You saw your roommates eyes widen “He drove you home? Are you insane?” 
“Just let me explain everything, I promise it’s not as crazy as it sounds.” 
“Okay, let me get dressed though.” She looked at you skeptically, closing the door and meeting you in the living room soon after to get going.
“So he drove you home.” She stated simply, keeping her eyes on the road as she made her way through the streets towards your work. 
“I know it sounds bad but he saved my ass last night. I was so nervous about him possibly showing up that I let some assholes get me blackout drunk. When he showed up he took me into a room to sleep it off and drove me home.” 
“You got wasted at work? You know how dangerous that is.” She reprimanded you. 
“I know, I know. And I usually don’t, but these guys seemed nice and I was so nervous that I just kept taking the shots they bought me. The assholes had me in a VIP room for a while too, from what Baekhyun told me. I can’t remember any of it though, thank god. All I remember is laughing and having a good time and then waking up with my head on his lap.” 
“Baekhyun’s lap? How do you know he didn’t just make it all up to seem like some sort of hero?” 
“Yeah.. He usually always gets there early, like 7 or 8, and when I woke up it was past midnight. He told me I was asleep for a few hours.” 
“So he just sat and watched you sleep that whole time... that’s not weird at all.” 
“I told you it’s not like that! If it wasn’t for him I would’ve been all on my own last night. I don’t even wanna think about all the fucked up shit that could’ve happened to me in there if he hadn’t taken me somewhere safe to sleep it off.” 
Mia stayed quiet. She knew you were right, Baekhyun had actually helped you. 
“I can’t explain it but it’s different with him, he’s not like the other guys there at all.” 
“Y/n, do you like him?” 
Her question caught you off guard. You didn’t know what to say. Did you like Baekhyun? 
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean do you like him as more than just a customer.” 
“Well...” There was a pause, and you knew she could tell what was going on in your head. 
As you were trying to form your thoughts, Mia was already pulling into the parking lot of your work. She parked next to you, but before unlocking the doors she looked over at you. 
“You know you can tell me anything. I’m not gonna judge you if you have a crush on your professor, even if I think it’s a really bad idea. You’re my best friend.” 
“I don’t know what I feel. He’s always so sweet to me that it’s hard not to like him, even though I know I shouldn’t. I know I’m pushing these feelings down but they’re getting harder and harder to ignore.” 
She gave you a sympathetic look and you heard her car doors unlock. “Let’s get home, it’s too early to be thinking about this now anyway.” 
You got out and entered your own car, starting it and making your way back towards your shared home. When you got back you started making breakfast for the both of you, as both a thank you and I’m sorry for waking her up so early on a weekend. 
The two of you were in the middle of destroying some cinnamon rolls when she caught you off guard again. “Do you have a picture of Baekhyun? This whole time I’ve been  imagining him as a smelly neckbeard. He’s cuter than that, right?” She asked you, and you couldn’t help but crack up. 
“Yes” you laughed “he’s cute, really cute actually. Definitely the most attractive professor I’ve had in a while. Let me see if I can find something.” 
“Ooooo yes I wanna see.”
You logged into your universities website and started searching around, seeing if there were any photos of him there. To your dismay you couldn’t find anything on there, so your next guess was facebook. You typed in his full name, and what popped up was not what you had been expecting. 
There were several posts, all fairly old, and all pictures of him with his arm around a beautiful girl. His ex. 
Mia saw the change in your face and immediately snatched your phone out of your hand to see for herself. 
“What the fuck y/n...” She said as she stared at the phone, eyes wide. “THIS is him? This man right here.” She turned the phone around, pointing at him. 
“...Yeah. And I think that’s his ex in the picture too.” 
“Fuck the ex y/n this man is fucking beautiful... no wonder you like him. I would too. I’m sure half the girls in your class would love to hop on that.” 
You took your phone back, looking intently at the image on the screen. 
“She’s pretty.” 
“Who? His ex? Of course she is, look at him!” You just kept staring at the picture of the two of them together, feeling how it made your stomach twist up in discomfort. “Damn you do like him if you’re that stressed over one picture with his ex.” 
You knew she was just teasing, but she was still right. 
“Shut up, I just haven’t seen her before. I knew about her but seeing a picture of them together feels different.” 
“Y/n you have the fattest crush on this guy come on just admit it.” 
“It’s not a crush! I just think he’s an interesting person, and he’s attractive, and he likes me, soo..” 
“So what? Are you gonna try to fuck your professor?” 
“MIA” You shouted, and grabbed a pillow to hit her with. 
“Come on if I had a professor that hot I would too! And you already know he’s into you too.” She said, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively, prompting you to roll your eyes. 
“He’s my professor, that’s the problem.” You sighed. “And my customer. Starting anything with him is a bad idea.” 
“It’s definitely a bad idea, but it could be really fun.” 
“An hour ago you thought I was crazy for letting him drive me home and now you’re telling me I should sleep with my professor just cause he’s hot?!” 
“Well I didn’t know what he looked like then! You should’ve at least told me he was cute.” 
“You’re so shallow!” 
“I’m not shallow! Y/n you need some spice in your life, maybe he could be good for you. And he’s rich.” Her eyes suddenly went wide, before asking you, “What car does he drive?” 
“An Audi... we still don’t know if he is though! He’s still just a professor, remember?” 
“You should try to find out how he has all this money, what if he’s secretly a mafia boss or something.” 
You only rolled your eyes. Sweet, shy little Baekhyun, a mafia boss? It was laughable. He was way too nice. 
“If he is rich, I don’t know how. Maybe he’s just a trust fund baby or something.” 
“Yeah maybe, but you’re gonna find out! Did he pay you last night?” 
That thought hadn’t even crossed your mind, you assumed your money bag was empty when you got home since you hadn’t given any dances but you hadn’t looked inside of it either. “I don’t know... let me check.” 
You got up and went to your room, returning with the bag. You sat back down in the living room with Mia and dramatically unzipped it, before holding it upside down and shaking it. Both you and Mia gasped at what fell out. Hundred after hundred fell until your living room couch was decorated with hundred dollar notes. 
“What the fuck...” You heard Mia whisper, obviously just as shocked as you. 
You gathered the money and counted the bills. Over two thousand dollars had been in that bag. You looked at your friend in disbelief. “He must’ve paid me for every hour I was asleep...” 
“Holy shit” 
“I have to give it back, this is too much.” You started shoving the money back into the bag, but Mia grabbed your wrist, stopping you. 
“Are you crazy? He gave you the money for a reason! You’re basically set for the rest of the semester now.” She was looking you in the eyes intently now, not letting you ignore her. 
“No, you don’t understand. I didn’t even give him a dance or anything I was literally just asleep and then cried a lot, he shouldn’t have paid me at all.” You said, shaking your head in disbelief.
“It’s your money and I can’t tell you what to do with it but I’d keep it if I were you. You’ll probably just hurt his feelings trying to give it back.” 
“I don’t care. I’m giving it back. Especially if he is just a professor I don’t want him spending any more money on me.” 
“It’s up to you...” She looked skeptical. You knew she wanted you to keep the money so she could reap some of the benefits as well, although she would’ve never admitted to it. Deep down you just couldn’t help but worry that Baekhyun couldn’t afford to give you that much. You had to at least try to give it back. 
The rest of Sunday went by in a blur of netflix movies and youtube videos. Sundays were your lazy days, a sacred tradition you were dedicated to keep. You knew however that when Monday rolled around, you were going to have to try to give Baekhyun his money back. You weren’t sure what that would look like, but for now the plan was to just corner him after class and tell him he needed it more than you did. Hopefully, he would accept it and that would be the end of it. 
Class on Monday was even more confusing than the previous days. You felt like you understood less with each passing class period, not more. The concepts he talked about only got more and more abstract, to the point where you had little clue what was going on at all. 
You were anxious about class ending as well, since you were going to have to face him to try to return his money. 
Eventually the lecture ended, and today you had to wait for several other students to talk to him first before he could get to you. They all had questions about their essays, the essay you had yet to even start. 
You knew Baekhyun saw you waiting and purposefully made you go last, although this time you were grateful. 
“Do you need help with you essay too?” He asked once he was done talking to the last student. You shook your head. 
You glanced towards the door, making sure the last student was out of the room before before pulling out the stack of cash that had been in your bag Sunday morning. “I can’t accept this.” You said, placing it on his desk. 
Baekhyun looked surprised, however he still wasn’t going to make this easy for you. 
“Why not?” He asked simply, looking genuinely confused. 
“I have plenty of money already, from you. I didn’t even give you a dance or anything and I know you don’t make THAT much as a professor and I just-”
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me y/n. Just keep it. I promise I’ll be just fine without it.” 
“No. You need it more than I do, I already have enough to keep me going for a while and this was too much, I didn’t even do anything to deserve it.” 
“Y/n. Please. Just take it.” The look on his face was tired. You could tell he was telling the truth, he wanted you to have it, but that didn’t stop you from feeling guilty, and you weren’t taking no for an answer. 
“You’re a college professor, not some hotshot CEO, I know you don’t have this kind of money Baekhyun. I’m not keeping it.” You said, crossing your arms. 
Baekhyun just sighed, scratching the back of his head. He looked annoyed, but also somehow.. sad? 
“I told you there’s a lot you don’t know about me. And I’m not taking it back.” He said staring down at the wad of cash. Obviously he wasn’t taking no for an answer either.
“Baekhyun pleaaase” You looked at him again, giving him your best puppy eyes but he wasn’t having it. His face remained stoic, the only visible emotion was a twinge of what looked like sadness. 
“Y/n...” He sighed again. “I’m going to my office now. You can come with me, or you can take your money and go home.” He said sternly.
You pouted, but picked the money back up, shoved it back in your pocket, and followed him anyway. Eventually he unlocked the door to what you assumed to be his office and he held the door for you to walk in. He sat down at his desk, and you sat across from him on the other side. As you looked around, you couldn’t help but smile at how Baekhyun the office was. The space was very cozy, filled with little trinkets and lots of books, all of which you were sure would make absolutely no sense to you. Everything felt so much like him. He had pictures of him and his friends sprinkled throughout as well, and the room even smelled like his comforting scent. 
You took the wad of cash back out of your pocket and placed it on his desk. He didn’t acknowledge it. 
Once both of you were sitting down, an awkward silence filled the air. Baekhyun was sitting right across from you, but instead of the usual intense eye contact you’d grown accustomed to, he was staring solemnly down at his desk. 
He was the first one to break the silence. 
“My parents died in a freak accident last December.” He said it without looking up at you, eyes still fixated on his desk. “A semi hit them going 20 over. They both died on impact.” 
Your stomach lurched. “Baekhyun wh-”
“Between the two of them they had quite a bit of money. I inherited it. I could quit this job if I wanted to. I have more than I even know what to do with, so just keep the money, please.” 
“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t know...” Your voice was barely loud enough for Baekhyun to hear. Finally he looked up and you met his eyes. 
“There’s no way you could’ve. I understand why you probably thought what you did but I definitely don’t need it, so keep it.” 
“If anything” he interrupted “I feel bad I couldn’t give you more. We were up there longer than what I paid you for but that’s all the cash I had on me and I didn’t wanna have to leave you alone to go to the ATM.” 
“Baekhyun, I...”
“You can go now, sorry if that was uncomfortable but I wanted to tell you before you insisted on giving the money back.” He said, scooting the cash back towards your end of the desk. His expression was once again blank, making it impossible for you to try to figure out what was going on in his head. 
“It’s okay. I’m sorry about your parents.” 
Although he had told you you could leave, you found yourself planted in the chair and against your better judgement, you stayed. Maybe it was the cozy feel of the room, or the comforting smell of old books and vanilla, but you didn’t want to leave yet. 
“Were you really close with them?”
He smiled at your question, and because you were still sitting in front of him, even though you didn’t have to be. 
“Yeah, they were amazing parents. They always supported the things I was passionate about. Lots of parents would get mad at their kid for studying something as useless as philosophy but they always had my back.” He sighed solemnly, the sadness making it’s way onto his face. “You never really learn to appreciate things until they’re taken from you. I should’ve visited them more often, told them I loved them more. Everything I have now is because of them.”
“I’m sure they were really proud of you.” 
“Yeah, luckily I was able to make the best out of my degree. Most people who study philosophy aren’t as lucky and end up doing something totally unrelated. I at least get to teach people about something I’m passionate about.”
“Is that why you keep working here even if you don’t need the money?” 
“Yeah.” He shrugged. “ And I know my parents wouldn’t want me to quit just because of the money. It would also get awfully boring to just sit around at home all day and not work anyway. I like having somewhere to go and feel productive.” He paused for a second, eyes meeting yours again. “And if I wasn’t here I wouldn’t get to see you.” His face turned up into a smile with his last sentence. 
At first his words made you think he was just trying to find an excuse to hit on you, but his face told a different story. His smile was so gentle and welcoming, it didn’t feel like any kind of sexual advance, just his raw emotions. Emotions that he was willing to show you without any filter. Baekhyun had always been so open with his feelings with you, it made you feel even worse for how hesitant you were about your own.
You couldn’t help the pink tint growing on your cheeks at his statement. 
“You’re blushing.” He said, now grinning. 
“Shut up.” You tried to hide your face, but with him sitting directly across from you, staring intently there was nothing you could hide.
“You’re lucky I like you enough to let you talk to me like that, any other student would be in trouble.” 
“So you admit I get special treatment?” You asked, leaning back in the chair and crossing your arms, one eyebrow raised at him. 
Before answering, Baekhyun leaned towards you, resting an elbow on the desk, halving the distance between the two of you. “Sweetheart, I’ve never even spoken to a student outside of campus. Special treatment is an understatement.” 
Your face turned an even deeper shade of red at his use of the pet name, which didn’t go unnoticed by him. 
“Y/n, do you have a boyfriend?” He asked you as casually as one would ask about the weather. Your eyes widened, not at all expecting him to ask such a thing. 
For a moment you just stared at him in disbelief, hoping he’d say something else but his expression remained the same. Eventually you shook your head, but before he could ask you anything more you had your own question for him. 
“What happened with your ex?” 
Immediately his face fell into a deep frown. You’d caught him off guard again, and this time he didn’t quite know what to say. 
“Well...” He said, still pausing to think. “After I got the inheritance from my parents things just changed. All we did was fight about money. She didn’t even seem to care that my parents were dead. She just wanted access to the money. Eventually she realized I wasn’t going to give it to her and she left me.” 
“I’m so sorry, that’s awful.” 
“But that’s how I got to meet you.” He smiled, taking one of your hands in his. “I’m glad she left me when she did, and Chanyeol talked me into going to the club that night.” 
“Baekhyun...” You felt yourself getting scared again. The things he was telling you and the way he held your hand was beginning to feel too intimate, to a point where you were becoming anxious. You felt an unfamiliar sensation blooming in the pit of your stomach. 
“I remember when he pitched the idea to me, I called him a dumbass.” He laughed. “I really didn’t wanna go but he dragged me in there.” 
“Well I’m glad he did too.” You responded shyly, before you could think twice about your own words.  
Now it was Baekhyun's turn to blush. He was already shocked enough that you were willingly staying in his office, hearing you say something that flirty to him sent his mind into chaos. 
“Y/n...” He grabbed both of your hands now, looking into your eyes with that familiar intensity. “Do you.. like me? Not as a customer or a professor, but as a man?” 
He had been wanting to ask you since Saturday night, but couldn’t find the courage. He knew how terrible of an idea it was to be having this conversation with one of his students, but when it came to you all rational thought seemed to fly out the window. He had stayed up all night torturing himself with the thought. He needed to know. 
But you could only stare back wordlessly. Not because you didn’t want to tell him no, but because you couldn’t deny to yourself that you did like him. You just couldn’t get the words out. It was one thing to feel something deep inside your heart. It was another to be able to say it out loud.
Baekhyun quickly noticed your discomfort and withdrew his hands. “You don’t have to answer that, sorry. But you know how I feel about you. I just need to know. Whatever your answer is, whenever you’re ready to tell me, I’ll accept it. If you want me to leave you be, just tell me and we can act like we never knew each other before last Monday.” 
But you didn’t want that, not at all. Your feelings for him had only grown and you couldn’t see yourself ever going back to only seeing him as your professor. It was too late for that now that you knew what his arms felt like wrapped around you. 
“I know I don’t want that.” You said so quietly, it was almost inaudible. But Baekhyun still heard you.
His eyes widened in surprise, but his smile found its way back into his face as well. “I really hoped you wouldn’t choose that. But whatever you do decide, will be fine by me.” 
“Okay.” You spoke, as you got up out of your chair. “I should go. Thank you for explaining everything.” 
“Don’t forget this” he said, holding the wad of cash. You sighed, and took it from him, shoving it back in your pocket “and thank you for listening.” 
Baekhyun waved you goodbye as you exited his office, shooting you another gorgeous smile that you couldn’t help but return. As you walked back home you felt that same unfamiliar feeling still blooming in your stomach. You tried to ignore it, but it was unmistakable. This is what people were talking about, the feeling of butterflies in your stomach when you talked to someone you liked. You’d felt it before with past flings and crushes, but never as much as now. 
And the more you let yourself think about it, the clearer it became to you. You were becoming just as fucked for him as he was for you. 
Next Chapter
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megaderping · 5 years
On KH shipping arguments
Honest question, but with all the shipping arguments that���ve come up in the fandom, I’m legitimately curious. And I swear I mean no disrespect here, but... Why does it matter if a ship is or isn’t canon? I see this a lot. People either arguing stuff like SoKai is or isn’t canon. Same with RokuNami, RikuNami, RepliNami, etc, etc, etc. “Canon” is used as a crutch in these discussions, as if that is the sole reason anyone can or should ship a pairing, but... Coming from a longtime RiKai shipper, who knew it was never canon and never going to be canon, I just think there are more reasons to enjoy a ship than whether or not it is represented in the source material. Sometimes people wanna ship just because of character dynamics. Sometimes it’s because people wanna challenge themselves, so they pick a wild crack pairing and try to make it work based on how their personalities could bounce off of each other. Sometimes it’s purely aesthetic. But just because your ship isn’t necessarily confirmed doesn’t mean you have to stop shipping it. Like, again, my OTP never stood a chance, but I cherish it because I was genuinely moved by Riku’s deep desire to save her in KH1, no matter how horribly he went about it, and because I think their personalities can work very well off of each other, and it’s just more interesting to me than the more popular alternatives. But then I look at the SoKai vs SoRiku arguments and it’s like. Look. SoRiku shippers have reasons to ship what they ship. Sora and Riku’s friendship has been going strong through the entire series, and unlike poor Kairi, both boys have had TONS of time to shine and develop. Both have agency, and their bond has been such a driving force from start to finish. There IS chemistry there. Some people are just tired of the “main guy x main girl” pairing and thus they favor SoRiku for that reason, too. There are a multitude of reasons, and not all of them are due to Kairi hatred or allegedly shallow reasons... BUT. That does not give people an excuse to be dicks to SoKai shippers. There is a lot in the games that points towards that ship as well and the ship IS popular for a reason. While I do not like it myself, I can acknowledge it means a lot to a ton of people and KH3′s Sora and Kairi moments likely brought immense satisfaction. HOWEVER... That does not mean fanworks that ship Sora or Kairi with other people are invalid. That does not mean people HAVE to like SoKai. And so often I see the argument that because “SoKai is canon,” SoRiku, RiKai, and the multitude of rarepairs are invalid.
Using the canoncity of a ship in arguments for OR against a ship is just a lazy way to shut down an argument. Fanworks are NEVER gonna be canon, and people should have the freedom to explore alternate possibilities. That doesn’t justify bashing Kairi or lazily breaking up SoKai just to facilitate a chosen pair- I personally think it’s much more fulfilling to either do AU works where things just develop differently, OT3s, or simply having it so they try dating, but maybe the feelings change. As much as the idea of true love is a cute ideal, the fact is that teenage romances don’t always last, and it is OKAY to have an amicable breakup that respects both parts of a pair.
Of course, I know shipping wars are always gonna be a thing. I just wanted to weigh in as someone who has no horse in this race, ‘cause I’ve always shipped the odd one out.
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yugkyumie · 6 years
Courtroom Courage (pt. 2)
BTS Jin x reader x Jimin
Summary:    At age 30, the two of you agreed that you would get married if neither of you had found your soulmate. Now, fast forward to the day that you and Jin are supposed to get married in court with Jin’s friend Jimin as witness. You may or may not have just fallen in love with your groom’s “best man.” Soulmate!AU
part 1
Word Count: ~2.2k
"Yah, Namjoon! You can't just take my cologne without asking!" Jin's yell rumbled through the apartment, and you let out a sigh. There's your future husband. What a wonderful marriage it'll be. Namjoon will just stay in the apartment with the two of you, and your honeymoon will have him tagging along while commenting on the different places you can buy mac 'n cheese. Not that you minded him, but what a life you were going to have.
"Jin, Namjoon, are you ready to leave? We need to go soon, or else the appointment will be voided." You glanced wearily at your watch. "We'll need to leave now if we want to be at least remotely on time."
"I'm ready, pumpkin. Jin-hyung will probably take a few more minutes to finish up his hair and wear his shoes." Namjoon sauntered over and smirked in your direction while slinging an arm around your shoulders. "Hey, why don't you just marry me, sweet cheeks? I mean, imagine how great it would be." His brown blazer was a bit much on his bright blue jeans, and with his glasses as a 'finishing touch', he looked like the stereotypical professor from movies that you, Namjoon, and Jin used to watch every weekend.
But that was before you realized that you were going to marry one of your best friends. And while that was fine, it just made the relationship awkward that you were going to kiss and have sex with your friend. Didn't there have to be an emotional connection or attraction in order for there to be good sex? How was this going to work?
For the time being, you swatted Namjoon's arm off of you and backed up to lean against the wall. "Hey, don't just carelessly flail your arms everywhere! I spent over an hour getting ready and doing my hair and makeup." You ran your hands over the mustard-colored dress you had bought specifically for this occasion. Manicured nails, loosely curled hair, Instagram-worthy makeup, nude heels, a new dress- you couldn't even recall the last time you put this much effort into something. It crossed your mind again if this was even worth the effort.
"You look stunning, babe, but I think I'd appreciate that more than Jin-hyung. So, let me ask again. Why not just marry me?" Namjoon mirrored your posture and smiled lazily before glancing at the door. "Plus, Jin-hyung snores. A lot." From inside you could faintly hear a yell that sounded like Jin chastising the younger man, and you wistfully grinned. Would it still be like tomorrow?
"You know," you joked, "it probably wouldn't be awful to be married to you."
"See, it really wouldn't. Glad to see that you're considering it."
You decided to continue to humor the man. "But I think we would have to order takeout or delivery a lot. I can't cook."
"I know, pumpkin. I've lived with you for years."
"When are you ever going to stop calling me that? It was one time!"
"Three, actually."
"Are you guys ready to leave? I had to change to match what my future wife was wearing." Jin nudged you and winked, and you smiled lightly in return.
"Well, you look very handsome, Jin." His gelled hair was something you always appreciated, even though he didn't do it often. His brown shoes matched his tan sports jacket, and his black tight-fitting jeans gave you a good view of his toned legs. His yellow tie and handkerchief matched your dress. These little details gnawed at your insides, because Jin could be doing this for someone he truly loved, but here he was with you.
And to add to the problem, he did look good. And he could cook. And he was kind and funny and sympathetic, and everything a girl could want in a husband. But there was just a spark missing. Something you couldn't place, but something was missing, and that was the only thing that was causing you to hesitate. But until then, you could sit and smile and be the perfect wife for Jin, because he deserved at least that much.
"I was just talking to your future wife," Namjoon began and opened the door to let you and Jin out. "And it seems that she's willing to marry me as well. So what the hell, let's just make it a three-way marriage. I mean, can you imagine the tax benefits?"
"Um, that's not for me to decide, but I think me and our little pumpkin over here are fine." Jin's nonchalant comment was punctuated with a small ruffle of your hair, and you scowled at him.
"Two things: I have told you guys repeatedly not to call me that, because it was one time. Secondly, I have spent too long doing my hair for you to mess it up, Kim Seokjin."
"Okay, but what about the tax benefits? Are you two rejecting me because it seems too good to be true?"
"Oh, look! There's a taxi!" You pointed towards the corner of the street and waved your hand frantically to flag it down and escape this conversation in fear of it actually turning serious.
"Hey, stop ignoring me, pumpkin! I just wanna know what's wrong with me!"
Jin swiveled and hushed Namjoon, rubbing the younger's arm soothingly. "It's alright, Namjoon-ah. There's nothing wrong with you. You're perfect just the way you are. No one needs you to change, and if they do, they don't need you."
"Really?" Namjoon looked to Jin, eyes brimming with tears.
You sighed and barely remembered and stopped yourself from running your hands over your face out of frustration and therefore messing up your makeup.
After a long and taxing ride, the three of you arrived at the office. Your hands were clammy, your mouth was dry, and you were pretty sure you were going to puke soon. If only your mom could see you now. However, she didn't need to know that you had stooped so low as to marry someone due to not being able to marry anyone. You just didn't know that Jin was the one behind it all, not you.
"Well, are you ready, my beautiful bride?" Jin's gorgeous face was in front of you, but a slight frown adorned it once he saw your expression. "Hey, is everything alright? If you don't want to go through with this, I-I'll understand."
You looked up to him and gave a slight smile to reassure him. It must've been difficult for him to stay single for so long, so once you again you reminded yourself that you were also helping Jin and repaying him for his sacrifice.
Feeling Namjoon's hand on your shoulder you released a deep breath. "I'm good. I want to do this. Is everything ready?"
This time Jin smiled, and led you inside. "We're all ready, if you are."
"I'm ready."
Jin grasped your hand and interlocked your fingers with his. Leading you through the heavy mahogany doors, and turned back and stopped, surprising you a little. "Why'd you stop? Are you backing out?" Your hands stilled and you felt all the air return to your lungs once again.
"No," Jin teased you and booped your nose. You jolted backwards in surprise in response. He continued, "I have something special prepared, so just close your eyes and trust me."
Slowly you followed the man, your feet dragging along the purple carpet, until you bumped into your fiancé, most likely leaving a makeup stain on his crisp suit. He gave your hand a squeeze, and you could feel the nerves restarting, causing your breathing to turn shallow and your fingers to fidget. Hopefully your parents weren't part of the surprise.
"I told the others to wait outside for a few minutes just so I can see your expression. I really hope you like it. Um, you can open your eyes now." Jin's baritone voice resonated through your ears, and you hesitantly opened your eyes, taking a minute to adjust to the difference in light in comparison to the sunny day outside. However, once they were open, you realized you would have preferred your parents being invited over what he had done for you.
All around you hung light pink and grey streamers with little strings of glitter interspersed throughout. The dark room was light up with miniature fairy lights, and the few chairs that resided in the office were draped with soft silk and neatly lined up. A small cake sat next to a bottle of champagne and a tray of truffles. Sandwiches that had obviously been prepared by Jin were delicately propped on a tiny tower of plates, and each of them had a tiny toothpick with a paper heart attached.
As you looked at Jin, the emotions finally caught up to you, and the reality of the entire situation crashed down on you. Your soon-to-be husband had done this all for you, and you didn't even love him the way he deserved. You were going to be trapped in a loveless marriage for the rest of your life, and you couldn't even appreciate the sacrifices being made. Jin would have done this for the love of his life, and it would have been grander if it was an actual wedding. However, he was stood here doing his best to make you as comfortable and pleased as possible, and here you were being a selfish brat.
Tears welled up in your eyes, and Jin grinned a lopsided smile and kissed your cheek, mistaking your tears to be for joy and not of guilt. Cupping your face with his large hands, his thumb gently brushed a stray tear, making sure to be careful to not smudge your mascara. "Don't cry, darling. The others are going to come in here after talking to the official, and you don't want them to assume that something happened."
You stayed silent, only stewing in your negative thoughts. As the massive door groaned open, you were met with the smiling and tearful faces of Namjoon and the most handsome man you had ever seen. It was as if an angel had blessed your presence and all you could do was stand and feel like an idiot with your mouth gaping open and shut.
"Hey Jin-hyung! Thanks for inviting me." The angel turned and greeted you in turn. "And this must be your beautiful bride. How do you do miss?" It was as if his face glowed and you were blinded by the new man's being. As if struck by lightning, you forgot how to function. This must have been what people described as 'love at first sight'.
"Yah, stop acting like a gentleman. You don't have to impress her; you're going to be seeing her even more in the future. Actually, I'm surprised that you haven't met each other before."
"Me too," You butted in, looking at Jimin. "I would've remembered if I had met someone like you before."
Maintaining eye contact, Jimin tipped his imaginary hat, winked, and replied, "I would've remembered if I met a lady as lovely as you."
A faint blush coated your cheeks and you hoped it wasn't noticeable, but Jimin's smirk told you otherwise. Completely ignoring Jin, he kept his eyes locked on you, and you easily returned the favor.
Your staring contest was cut short when Jin awkwardly cleared his throat and glanced between the two of you. "Let's carry on with the wedding, shall we? And you better get your grimy fingers out of the cake, Namjoon-ah! Didn't anybody teach you about hygiene?"
Jimin's face turned dark at the reminder, and you faintly heard him mutter under his breath, "How could I forget about the wedding. You absolute idiot, Park Jimin."
And you stopped at that and looked at the man. "I'm sorry," you began, "but I don't think I caught your name?"
Jimin's ears turned red. "Oh, yeah. I'm Park Jimin. And you are?"
"(L/N) (F/N)."
"What a beautiful name. It suits you."
"Thank you, Jimin-ssi. Sh-Shall we go inside?" You internally cursed yourself for stuttering, something that you never do, but still managed to reveal your nerves. Jimin seemed to not notice this, or if he did, he chose not to comment.
Jimin continued, and his honey-like voice"I was hoping that we could stay here for a little while more."
"I'm not sure Jin would appreciate that."
On cue, Jin stalked over to the two of you and lightly held your shoulders. However, you could tell that he didn't enjoy you talking to Jimin alone. "Well, everything's set up. Let's proceed with the wedding."
As Jin dragged you away, you peered over your shoulder, and gave a longing look to the man you had left behind. Jimin's expression matched yours, and you ended your little exchange with a hollow smile. Neither of you seemed to realize that what you had described as 'love at first sight' was truly that. You had just both given up because of Jin. On the other hand, fate was a persistent one, and the two of you would see each other, even when you didn't want to.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Beyond the Sea (Jadore) Chapter 1 - Eevee
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Hiya! Eevee here with what I swear is a much happier fic. Welcome to the mermaid AU I have spent over a month pouring my heart into, Beyond the Sea! I do hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it. As of this submission, it has over 15k words written, and this is some of those.
A note regarding names: Jinkx is not a name a person would give a child. Thus, our protagonist is actually named Virginia or Ginny Monsoon. She gained the nickname Jinkx through being klutzy and rather unlucky. This is actually constant in all of my lesbian AUs, names being changed to sound more like real names.
I’ve yammered on long enough, welcome to Rapture Beyond the Sea!
Ginny walked the beach lazily. It was a cool fall night, no one else was there. Ginny didn’t mind that, she was happy to be alone with her thoughts. She hummed to herself, happy to walk in the moonlight. It had been another long, long, day of classes, and she was tired of being around people. She was just tired in general. ~*~*~*~*~ Adore was bored. She was lonely and bored. She wasn’t fond of being either. She decided she might as well head to the beach, maybe there would be something of interest there. ~*~*~*~*~ Virginia sat on the sand, looking at the moon and stars reflected in the water. She felt her eyes grow heavy, and she dozed off before she could try and do much about it. ~*~*~*~*~ Adore looked over the beach, her beach really, and sighed. There didn’t seem to be anything here. She turned to leave when she spotted something bright orange, it was a person, their hair fiery and lovely in the moonlight. Adore moved closer cautiously. Were they, were they asleep? “Hello?” Adore called out, almost without thinking. Ginny’s head snapped up. “I’m awake!” She yelped, a reflex. She looked around. Someone had said something, hadn’t they? But she didn’t see anyone on the beach. “Is someone there?” Adore bit her lip. She could leave, she should leave really, but something about this girl was calling her. “Turn around.” She said finally. Virginia blinked in confusion, but turned. There, in the water, was a girl who looked about her age. Her hair was long and a beautiful teal colour, and even from where Ginny was on the beach, she could see stunning green eyes looking at her. The girl in the water grinned at her. “Um, hello. What are you doing in the water this late?” Ginny asked. Adore smirked. “I’m a goddamn mermaid.” She didn’t know if the girl would believe her, but either way it seemed to be the only thing she could say. Ginny laughed. “You must be, I don’t see any clothes anywhere near here, how far away did you get in the water? Do you need help finding your stuff?” The ginger had moved to the edge of the water, looking at the girl in the ocean with concern. Adore shook her head. “Nah.” She swam closer to the shore, still mostly underwater, but she raised an arm. Beautiful blue scales glittered along the back of her arm, a fin extending from her wrist to her elbow. “Like I said. I’m a mermaid.” She ran her fingers through her hair, tugging a bit of seaweed out. Virginia stared at her in awe. “Holy shit.” Was all the human could think to say. The mermaid laughed, and Ginny could swear it sounded like music. “Who- how- what?” The ginger stuttered, not quite coherent. “Adore, I dunno, and mermaid.” Adore answered, smirking. “Who are you? What are you doing here so late?” Ginny took a deep breath. This was happening, whatever this was. “Um, Virginia. Virginia Monsoon. Friends call me Ginny. Was taking a walk to clear my head.” She shook her head. “Adore. That’s such a pretty name.” Virginia blushed, some combination of confused and charmed by this woman in the water. “Ginny? Hmm. Not what I’d choose for you.” Adore said pensively. “It’s not a very mer name.” “But I’m not a mermaid.” Virginia pointed out. Adore waved a hand. “Right, fuck, getting ahead of myself. But you are cute.” The mermaid was in the shallows now, tail visible in the water, glistening in every shade of blue. She had delicate stripes running from her spine to wrap halfway around her tail in the darkest navy and the palest cyan, all against a stunning sapphire background. She wrung her hair out a bit, letting it fall around her.
Ginny was positive her face was redder than her hair now, she was blushing so hard. She looked at Adore more closely, she was stunning. She had what looked like seaweed woven into something like a bra around her chest, and there were pearls strung into her hair. Virginia suddenly realized she had stepped up close enough to reach out and touch the mermaid, and she raised a hand cautiously. “May I?” She asked, searching the green eyes that stared back at her. Adore joined her hand with Ginny’s. “Hell yeah.” The mermaid pulled the human towards her and kissed her, needing to feel the soft pink lips against her own. Virginia’s eyes went wide as Adore pulled her forward, but she relaxed into the kiss as soon as she realized what was happening. Adore’s lips were soft and salty, and Ginny loved it. She opened her mouth and the mermaid took advantage, causing Ginny to moan happily. When Adore pulled back, Ginny could barely remember how to breathe. “Ohmigod. Don’t faint, Jinkx, don’t faint…” she mumbled to herself. Adore quirked an eyebrow. “Jinkx?” She asked, feeling the power of the name. “Now that’s a fucking mer name. Names have power, for us anyway.” Jinkx blushed even brighter red. “Oh, Jinkx is sort of my nickname… I have pretty bad luck. I didn’t want you to think…” she trailed off, staring very intently at her boots. A small wave chose that moment to wash over the beach, just high enough to get into Jinkx’ boots. “Aw fuck.” Adore laughed. “Oh dear. Do you mind if I call you Jinkx? I think it’s cute.” The mermaid gently put her hand under Jinkx’ chin and tilted her face back up to look her in the eyes. Jinkx nodded. “Okay. Now, Jinkx, this might sound crazy, but. You wanna fucking, come with me?” Jinkx’ brow furrowed. “You mean, come swimming?” Adore bit her lip. That wasn’t exactly what she meant, but she had never turned a human before anyway. She might as well start slow. “If you want to, I mean. We could have fun.” Jinkx shook her head. “I can’t swim too well.” Adore lifted her tail to catch the moonlight. “I’ll make sure you’re okay.” Jinkx smiled. “Tomorrow, okay? I’ll come back with a swimsuit and a towel and stuff. We can swim then.” “Tomorrow night, please? People might be here in the day. I don’t want to be discovered. And… I am Adore Delano. My bloodline is of the night, that’s what it means.” Jinkx knew Adore had said names had power, for merfolk anyway, but… “If you don’t want to be found, why did you tell me, you know, that you’re a mermaid?” Adore blushed for the first time that Jinkx was aware. “I’m lonely. This beach is closed off by a reef, my pod was passing it when I got thrown in here by a wave. I was young then, too small to escape the current. I heard my pod, they found a scrap of my tail on the other side of the reef, they thought I had died. They’re long gone now.” Adore waved her tail again, there was a sizable tear in her tail fin, and Jinkx winced. “So you’re all alone? And you can’t get back?” “Maybe I could, but I’m nervous about leaving. There’s fish here, it’s easy to hunt, and the reef is far enough from the shore for me to be safe from humans here in the lagoon.” Adore shrugged. “I don’t really remember them so well. It’s been a long time.” “But your family… we have to get you back.” Jinkx decided. “I’ll help you find them.” Adore raised her eyebrows. “You, a girl who can’t swim, are going to help me, a mermaid, find a pod of mermaids who are very good at evading humans somewhere in the vastness of the ocean?” Adore asked. Jinkx huffed. She had a point. But Jinkx wasn’t one to back away from something she was determined to do. “I can learn to swim.” She answered lamely, and Adore laughed. “You’re cute. I’ll see you tomorrow, alright?” Adore plucked a scale off her arm, and pressed it into Jinkx’ palm. Jinkx curled her fingers around the scale. “What’s this for?” She clutched it tight in her hand, making sure she didn’t drop it. “Just- don’t lose it okay?” Adore couldn’t explain it, not yet. “Good night, Jinkx Monsoon.” She kissed Jinkx briefly and then was gone in the water.
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timetogoslumming · 7 years
sandlot au!
i wrote the pool scene from the sandlot, as newsies. (pls note that i pretty much just stole the sandlot script.)
i might make this a series so if yall want to request specific scenes for me to write, by all means, do!
thanks so much to @fuckin-georg for discussing this with me!
read it on ao3 or under the cut!
After they all ran back to their respective homes to grab towels and change into swim trunks, the boys gathered by the side of the shallow end of the pool, and most of them jumped in together, splashing and yelling as they immediately felt their body temperatures drop by what seemed like about twenty degrees.
Albert hung back, though. He spotted a group of women sunbathing by the side of the pool in bikinis, and decided to make an impression. “I remember you,” he said to one of the women, flirting shamelessly. “Hey, girls. Oh, sexy.” He turned toward the pool, lining up to jump, but turned at last minutes to wink at the girls, blowing them a quick kiss. Then, as loudly as he could, he screeched, voice cracking with every syllable. “Cannonball!” Albert ran towards the pool, jumping and tucking his legs in, and hit the water with a huge splash that hit each of the girls that he had just been flirting with.
On the hottest day all summer, in the beginning of July, JoJo and Race stopped at the drugstore on the way to the sandlot. It was their turn to buy the ball, after the two of them caused it to soar over the fence toward the Beast during an overzealous game of catch the day before. The two of them woke up early that day to dig through couch cushions for spare change, collect aluminum cans to trade in, and scour the streets for dropped money.
They had almost given up hope by the time the sun was high in the sky, until JoJo spotted something glistening next to a storm drain. He drew closer to investigate and found a sparkling quarter, which rounded out the exact amount that they would need to buy a new baseball.
The boys emerged triumphantly from the store, baseball clutched tightly in Race’s hand. JoJo made a lunge for the ball. “Come on, give it to me,” he whined.
“No,” Race snapped. “I want to carry it.”
“Come on,” JoJo argued. “I paid for it!”
“I wanna carry it!” The two boys continued to bicker for some time until something stopped Race dead in his tracks. “Oh. Whoa,” he said in a hushed, reverent tone.  
“Give it to me.” JoJo grabbed the ball from Race’s hand, which had gone limp at his side. Race didn’t even notice.
“Oh, man…” Race muttered.
JoJo looked back at Race, who was no longer walking by his side. “What’s wrong with you?” he asked. Race had frozen, slack-jawed, staring down the sidewalk.
Walking in their direction as if he owned the sidewalk was Spot Conlon. Spot was a high schooler, making him way out of Race’s league, which naturally made him all the more desirable. By anyone else’s standards, Spot was shorter than average, but to Race, who was still relatively shrimpy, he was a giant, with tight, flexing muscles and a tan so perfect that it made him want to cry.
“Spot Conlon,” Race whispered involuntarily, like a prayer.
JoJo had to admit- Spot was hot. Beautiful, in a way. But everyone knew that Race had called dibs the first time that he saw the lifeguard, and JoJo was not in the mood to be murdered by one of his best friends.
Spot sauntered past them with the tiniest of smirks on his face, backpack slung casually over one shoulder as he made his way toward the city’s public pool for his shift. As he passed, Race turned, staring after him longingly.
“Okay, come on,” JoJo said, tugging Race’s arm. “We’ve gotta go.”
“No!” Race protested. “I want to go with-”
“We’ve gotta get to the sandlot. Let’s go.”
At the sandlot, the rest of the guys were waiting impatiently in the dugout, sipping sodas from a cooler that Albert’s mom had packed, while Race and JoJo ran across the diamond, sweat dripping from their foreheads and pooling on their shirts.
“Where have you guys been?” Jack asked from the entrance to the dugout where he was impatiently holding his bat, ready to head out into the blazing sun to play. “We’ve been waiting forever.”
JoJo smirked. “We saw Spot Conlon and Race was busy planning their wedding.”
“Shut up,” Race snapped, shoving JoJo. “I was not.”
“Yeah, you were!” JoJo argued, laughing. “Your tongue was hanging out of your head, and you was swooning!” He clasped his hands together and switched his voice, which had begun to crack with the very beginnings of puberty, into a high falsetto. “Oh, Spot Conlon! Marry me and let me touch your muscles!”
“I said shut up!” Race protested, pouting. “I’ve got a lot of things on my mind.”
“That’s a first,” Elmer muttered.
Meanwhile, Albert was suffering. His face was red and splotchy, his hair was plastered to his forehead with sweat, and he had been fanning himself with his hat for the past half hour. “We can’t play baseball today, Jack,” he groaned. “I’m cooking myself over here! It’s just too hot. I mean, it’s like-” he paused, looking around like a temperature reading would suddenly appear in the air. “I don’t know. A hundred fifty degrees out here.” Jack rolled his eyes. “You’ve got to call it for today. We can’t play in this.”
Al was right. It was dangerously hot. All of the news reports that morning had warned people to stay inside, or at the very least, in shaded areas, to avoid heatstroke. The sodas that they were drinking, while cool and refreshing, were doing nothing to help hydrate the boys, and they were all feeling the effects of the sun, although none quite as badly as Al. As they looked out onto the sandlot, the air seemed to shimmer as the heat baked the dirt.
Jack stared around at them all, silently daring anyone to challenge him. It took a moment, but the other boys started to chime in, agreeing with Albert.
“You’ve gotta listen to him.”
“It’s just too hot.”
“I’m dying out here, man.”
“Fine,” Jack snapped angrily. He shouldered his bat. “We’ll vote. Any of you who wants to be a… a can’t-hack-it panty waist who… wears their mama’s bra, raise your hand.”
In unison, every hand, except for Jack’s shot into the air and the boys murmured in agreement.
“Whatever,” Jack grumbled. “So what are we gonna do instead?”
Race was the first to throw out a suggestion, instantly shouting, “Pool! Let’s go to the pool!”
Jack would have played ball all day, all night, rain, shine, tidal wave, whatever. Baseball was all he really cared about. But if he ever had to do anything besides baseball, going to the pool was what he tolerated best.
After they all ran back to their respective homes to grab towels and change into swim trunks, the boys gathered by the side of the pool, and most of them jumped in together, splashing and yelling as they immediately felt their body temperatures drop by what seemed like about twenty degrees.
Albert hung back, though. He spotted a group of women sunbathing by the side of the pool in bikinis, and decided to make an impression. “I remember you,” he said to one of the women, flirting shamelessly. “Hey, girls. Oh, sexy.” He turned toward the pool, lining up to jump, but turned at last minutes to wink at the girls, blowing them a quick kiss. Then, as loudly as he could, he screeched, voice cracking with every syllable. “Cannonball!” Albert ran towards the pool, jumping and tucking his legs in, and hit the water with a huge splash that hit each of the girls that he had just been flirting with.
The boys always said that they went to the pool because of the girls, but if any of those women had actually approached one of them, they probably would have either peed their pants or run screaming for the hills. Really, they all went to the pool because Spot Conlon was the lifeguard.
Just after they got there, Spot switched places with one of the lifeguards, climbing effortlessly onto the lifeguard tower as the boys watched. He put on a pair of dark, mirrored sunglasses that caught the sunlight, glinting spectacularly in the sun.
“Ah, man,” Specs said. “How is he so cool?”
“He don’t know what he’s doing,” Mike said.
Ike, always the echo, repeated him. “He don’t know what he’s doing.”
“Yeah, he does,” Jack said as he lazily floated on his back. “He knows exactly what he’s doing.”
Race gaped up at Spot, watching as he rubbed a bit of suntan lotion into one of his arms. “I’ve swum here every summer of my adult life,” he said. The guys around him suppressed giggles. “And every summer, there he is. Lotioning, oiling. Oiling, lotioning.” And that day, it just became too much for Anthony “Racetrack” Higgins. “I can’t take this no more! Move!”
He shoved the boys in his way aside as he waded his way toward the pool ladder. That day, Race did the most desperate thing that any of those boys had ever seen. Confidently, yet shivering from the sudden breeze against his wet skin, Race strode across the pool deck to the diving board. He waited in line anxiously, then caught Spot’s eye and smiled. Spot gave him a quick, stoic nod back. Race’s expression had taken on a manic quality and he actually shook as he waited for his turn.
“What’s wrong with him?” Davey asked.
“What’s he doing?” Al said at the same time.
Specs shook his head. “Three summers of this, I think he’s finally snapped.”
As Race stepped up for his turn at the diving board, walking slowly to the end, JoJo remembered a crucial detail. “I don’t know, but that’s the deep end and Race can’t swim!”
Race waved again to Spot, who was not paying him any attention, focusing on the busy pool full of kids. The gravity of the situation hit all of the boys at once, and they started swimming and shoving their way to the ladder, yelling. “Race!” Someone yelled. “Get down!”
Race took a huge breath, plugged his nose, and stepped off the diving board into the pool, creating almost no splash. “No!” the boys shouted simultaneously. They ran across the pool deck, ignoring the warnings of the lifeguards, toward the deep end, where Race still had not surfaced.
Spot Conlon noticed the boys’ panic and turned his attention toward the deep end, where Race had settled on the pool floor, nine feet below the surface. Spot blew a long blast on his whistle and jumped from the lifeguard tower into the pool, where he dove quickly, grabbed Race beneath the arms, and kicked off the ground to propel them both back to the surface.
The boys clustered by the side of the pool, yelling Race’s name. JoJo looked like might cry. Ike was already in tears. Spot’s head broke the surface of the water as he swam toward the edge of the pool.
“Move back,” a lifeguard said, shoving his way toward the pool. Another lifeguard was already kneeling at the edge. Spot passed Race over to the lifeguards out of the water. As soon as Race was out of the way, Spot hauled himself out of the pool.
The lifeguards spoke quietly to each other as they checked Race over, but Spot decided that there wasn’t any time to waste on discussion. “Nevermind!” he snapped. “Move over.” He pressed an ear to Race’s chest, listening for any sign of life, and immediately started mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Spot plugged Race’s nose and gave two quick breaths before moving down, once again listening at Race’s chest. He repeated this several times as the boys watched.
“Come on, Race,” Albert muttered anxiously.
“Race, come on.”
“Come on, Race. Come on, Race.”
Specs had been holding his breath by accident. “Breathe, would you?” he whispered.
“Come on, Race!” Davey urged. “You can do it- pull through!”
JoJo bit his lip. “He looks pretty crappy.”
All the while, Spot kept administering breaths as Race laid lifelessly on the pool deck.
“Oh, God,” Elmer said with horrifying realization. “He looks like a dead fish.”
As Spot moved down again to listen at Race’s chest, Race’s eyes flashed open for just a second as he shot his friends a brief, shit-eating grin, which immediately composed itself back to its previous dead state.
“What?” the boys gasped together, drawing back in surprise.
As Spot Conlon came back up to administer another breath, like a shot, Race reached up and grabbed the lifeguard’s face, kissing him for what had to be a solid four seconds- longer than any of them had ever kissed anyone before.
Spot yanked back in furious shock. “You little pervert!” he yelled. Spot leapt up from where he had been kneeling at Race’s side and grabbed Race by the arm, dragging him into a standing position.
“Oh, man! He’s in deep shit!” Mike yelled.
Spot Conlon dragged Race forcefully to the exit of the pool as the boys trailed behind, chattering amongst themselves and laughing so hard that they thought they might wet themselves. Spot shoved Race out of the fence that separated the pool from the rest of the world, and motioned for the other boys to get out, as well. “And stay out!” Spot shouted.
Their clothes and towels were tossed to them from the locker room, and the boys hurried away from the pool, all of them giving Race high fives and pats on the back. “Here’s your towel,” Albert said, passing it over. “Did you plan that?”
Race smirked. “Of course I did. Been planning it for years.”
“You guys,” Al yelled gleefully. “He planned that! He knew what he was doing!”
Anthony “Racetrack” Higgins walked a little taller that day. The boys had to tip our hats to him. He was lucky that Spot hadn’t beaten the crap out of him. No one would have blamed him. What Race had done was sneaky, rotten… and cool. Not one of those boys would have ever in a million years, for a million dollars, had the guts to put the move on the lifeguard. Race did. He had kissed a man, and he had kissed him long and good.
They got banned from the pool forever that day. But every time they walked by after that, the lifeguard looked down from his tower and smiled, right over at Race.
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taehyugyeom · 7 years
bonnie & clyde
mobster! dean au pt2
   →word count: 3k
   →warnings: graphic violence
   →a/n: this is part 2 to my dean au, for anybody who may have wanted this (lol i doubt anyone cared enough) but enjoy
pt1 here
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you woke up to an unfamiliar light - sunlight.
dean's body practically engulfed yours, both of your bodies facing in the direction of his window. his shallow breathes warmed your neck and his brawny arms trapped you against him. without waking him, you twisted to get a better view of his sleeping form.
last night, he had looked like a dangerous man, cold and hard - yet still sexy. but in the softness of the sunrise, he looked much more innocent. the side you'd seen to dean 12 hours ago had changed to an entirely softer one. his dark fringe fell over his forehead and eyes, and you went to gently brush it away, but his eyes fluttered open at the touch.
he grunted slightly, but then smiled at you, "morning."
you placed a kiss on his forehead lightly.
"morning, do you want me to go make us coffee?"
"that," he stretched out with a  yawn, muscles looking more prominent, "sounds grand."
"he's gonna come after us."
"no he won't, you got me remember?"
"i'm starting to question if that's a good thing or not."
as dark as the situation was, you found yourself smiling at dean's lightheartedness. no matter how troubled you got by what seemed like the inevitable, he would never let it last.
"i'm glad i make you smile so much," he took another gulp of his black coffee.
he swallowed, "because your smile's one of the prettiest i've seen. and i've seen a lot of pretty smiles."
"oh have you now?"
he chuckled at you. his roommates were all watching tv in the living room next to you, and they snickered at your question.
"oh believe me," bobby called over, "this boy has not seen much action since i've known him."
you smiled, almost pleased with the answer. dean looked over at you nervously, as if not having lots of experience was shameful. you felt relieved that he hadn't slept around.
"dean," you cupped his cheek and settled further into his lap, "i'm gonna be honest, i'm kind of glad your not that kind of guy."
his body softened now, his grip on your (his) t-shirt less clenched. the two of you had been mindlessly chatting to one another on the sofa for the past hour or so, still exhausted after the previous night. you could get lost in the idle chat, it was so easy, and carefree.
"i gotta work tonight, but your welcome to come to the pit with me. or you could always stay at the apartment with vin, it's up to you."
as nice as vin was, he had made a habit of making uncomfortable comments, and truthfully, you wanted to spend time with dean.
"the pit sounds good. what exactly is it?"
"our turf."
"ah, so is it like a club?"
he glanced over at his roommates, who all exchanged a similar look.
"uh i guess you can call it that."
the pit was nothing like a club. it was an old warehouse that had been done up into what looked like an underground fight club. it had a bar in the corner and back rooms all around the sides, and in the middle was a big fighting ring.
dean's arm wrapped comfortably around your waist and the atmosphere made you on-edge enough to curl further into his warm side.
"you okay?" dean's brow furrowed at your small, intimidated stature.
"i'm just a little overwhelmed," you said breathily, "i though it was gonna be a club."
earlier on in the day, dean had taken you out shopping for new clothes and possessions that you had obviously left behind. you weren't in any position to say no and so with each shop you walked out of you had yet another bag laden on your arm. dean spoilt you with luxurious clothing, he wanted you to be treated right. and you weren't the kind of girl to refuse such a kind offer.
"it's kind of a club," he scratched his head sheepishly, "it's a fight club. not like the fight club, but a fight club none the less."
since he'd splashed the cash a little on you, you'd decided to go for a simple, but short black dress with thigh high boots and a big fur coat over the top. if you were out with dom, he'd expect an outfit exactly like this, dressing like this was almost second nature.
but now you saw where you really were, you felt really exposed.
dean could sense your discomfort, "relax, you're with me. and no ones gonna mess with you if i'm around."
it wasn't possessive, it was just protective. you craved it more than any thing.
a tall, extremely muscular guy came up to dean, and have him a firm hand-shake-pat-on-the-back-hug that mobsters would do with one another.
"dean, it's nice to see you again. you in the ring tonight?"
you were surprised, "you fight?"
the tall guy looked at you like he'd just noticed you now, '"and who's this delight?"
"joey this is y/n, y/n this is my boss, joey."
he grabbed your hand and placed his lips on it politely. the action shocked you, but you didn't mind, it was respectful, not creepy.
"it's a pleasure to meet such a beautiful woman," his eyes slimmed as he studied your face even further, "i recognise you from somewhere."
your heart rate quickened drastically, you couldn't get caught now. you were finally free, it couldn't be over so soon. not when you'd finally found a shot at happiness with a good guy.
"she's just someone i met out of town," dean covered up your tracks with a simple lie.
"oh of course, you wouldn't be stupid enough to take an already taken girl, now would you dean?"
he knew.
"he's coming here tonight," he continued, "i suggest you leave before your fucked. and dean, i thought i taught you better. you never take unless it actually belongs to you."
your blood felt white-hot as anger burned all through you.
"oi, i suggest you watch the way you talk about me. i chose to leave by myself. dean just happened to be there to help at the right place and right time. so next time you wanna talk to me with that kinda language, i suggest you watch your fucking tongue before i rip it out your head, capishe?"
the two of them stared down at you, wide-eyed. who would ever expect such a pretty girl to have such a foul mouth? dean smiled at you and started to speak, before getting interrupted.
"i thought you knew by now that men don't like being told what to do."
"you did find out the hard way after all."
you were too frozen in shock to even turn around and confirm the owner of the voice.
"stay the fuck away from her," dean had his hand gripped firmly around your wrist, too afraid that letting go of it would mean letting go of you.
"or what, pretty boy? you gonna fight me?"
the scene had formed its own audience, mobsters from gangs all around had circled around to watch dom fuck up yet another guy.
but not on your watch.
dean smirked at dom, his confidence seeming a little miscalculated, "your on. i know how you fight, you get one of your men to do it for you. and then you sit back and watch on your pathetic ass. i don't think you've ever been in a fight, let alone won one."
"you so sure about that?"
dom wasn't getting anywhere with this, he couldn't find any way to intimidate dean. to some, it was comical to watch one of the most feared mobsters get shut down so breezily. to others, it was seen as a death wish
"i haven't got all day, i gotta job to do, so if we're gonna fight, i'd rather we got started and cracked on," dean was pushing his luck, and  dom's patience.
"you're really getting on my nerves now pretty boy," dom's jaw clenched in fury.
"you've been getting on my nerves since you decided to treat such an amazing girl like a piece of trash. if you'd taken your time to appreciate how truly remarkable she is, then maybe i wouldn't be pissing you off so much."
you gasped at how astounding his words were.
"so are we gonna keep pissing each other off, or are we actually gonna fight?"
the audience whooped and hollered at dean's rebellious attitude. if there's one thing a mobster likes, it's a rebel.
the two of them walked over to the ring, deans grip still around your wrist, "if i end up getting really hurt, whatever you do, don't try and help me."
"no y/n, you have to promise you won't get in that ring."
you suddenly noticed the absence of gloves, tape and gumshield.
this was a bare-knuckle fight.
dean shrugged off his jacket and unbuttons the shirt slowly, as you should have been doing for him later on tonight. but unfortunately the tables have turned and fate didn't seem to rest on your grounds anymore. we weren't as foolishly free as you had thought.
joey hopped in the ring and called the two of them to the middle, dean and dom both shirtless and looking very ready to hit each other.
"okay we still have rules here," joey glanced at dom, "this is a one round fight, so no weapons, no spitting, no biting and no scratching. this isn't a lady fight."
the audience laughed at his sexist joke, but you couldn't be bothered to get angry at anything except the soon to come fight.
"are we ready," joey called out.
dean and dom positioned themselves.
the room silenced.
good luck dean.
dom was offensive so he therefore got the first swing, which was smoothly blocked by dean. dom took yet another, but again his actions were blocked.
dean now punched, straight into his stomach, the blow causing dom to stumble back. dean now used this to take a couple more punches, one to the face this time. the impact of knuckle against cheek was evident through the audiences yells. even to this day, you still winced at the noise.
dom looked up at dean with blood dripping down his face. you had no emotion except pleasure at seeing dom's pain.
"why you little," dom hisses at dean, and charges straight towards him, pinning him to the floor. where dean may have been smart and quick at fighting, dom had more weight and strength. he took no time in punching dean in the face, the sound of dean's head hitting the floor as it was whacked against it.
from the edge of the ring, all you could see was dean's struggling body start to get more and more weak under dom's punches. his head was being punched back and forth, tilted to look at you. his eye was already starting to blacken, his lip was busted and bleeding and his right cheek was swollen with a small nick on the bone, blood also trickling from that.
you were frozen at the sight, the ugliness of dean's injuries chilling you to the bone.
you knew how dom's men fought, and you knew that dom fought the same way. and he hadn't fought dirty yet. in everyone of his men's left pocket was a smaller inner pocket that held a tiny, easily concealed switch blade. you saw dom's hand reach to pull it out.
"dean watch out! he's got a knife!"
dom made a quick swipe along dean's torso, now even more blood covering his body.
dean escaped dom's grasp and gripped his wrist in an attempt to get him to drop the knife. even in dean's weak state, he was resilient, unable to give up just yet.
dean shoved hardly on dom's chest, and he finally got back up onto his feet.
"you piece of shit," dean spit out blood, "no weapons."
"i don't know what you're talking about," dom smirked at him, then very quickly at you, "won't be long baby, i'll get you back soon."
dean lunged onto him and started throwing out punches, but dom was no where near as damaged as him, dean was losing blood rapidly, so he easily blocked them all. dean tried to kick him instead, but yet again dom had managed to block him. he hooked into dean's chin, the blow forcing dean onto the floor.
"giving up yet?"
dom sighed and kicked him in the stomach, a groan elicited from dean. he got on all fours and made an attempt at standing up, blood dripping from his cut.
but dom just kicked him back down, and kicked his head. dean yelled out in pain, clearly on the edge. you were struggling to watch, each blow to dean making the tears that were close to falling even closer.
dom reached down and grabbed dean by the throat, his face turning red and panicked as he weakly attempted to breath. his fingers tried to pull his hand off of him.
"i hope this fight was enough to prove that you should never steal what belongs to me."
and with that, he punches dean one last time straight in the face, and let's his body sink to the floor.
"oh and you're not the only one who's in a lot of trouble with me," he looked over at you with a menacing smile, "she's got quite a lot to answer to as well."
when dean would have automatically jumped up to your defence, his body stayed limp on the floor.
"dean! no, no let go of me!" dom trapped your waist and started to pull you out of the club.
"i hope you're ready for the punishment i have prepared."
you paled at the thought.
an idea came over you, and you stopped struggling entirely.
"dom i'm so sorry, he kidnapped me. i didn't have a choice. but i didn't do anything wrong."
"you were defending him before though?"
"i was scared you'd win and hurt me. i didn't know what else to do."
he thought about the statement for a little while, trying to know if he should believe you or not.
"are being completely honest with me baby?"
you shuddered at the old nickname.
"of course dom, you know i'd never lie to you."
he smirked and pulled you against him, caged into his build. he crushed his lips onto yours, tongue entering your mouth forcefully. you started to pull the hem of your dress up, past your stockings, his hands tracing along your thighs with you.
you felt the warm metal of the gun and grabbed it. placing it on the small of his back, you clicked the hammer back and readied it for fire. you stayed in the close position the two of you were in, so as not to draw attention.
"i suggest you let me go or i will shoot, dom," you whispered into his ear.
"why you little-"
"genius? why thank you. now i'm gonna give you 5 seconds to let me go quietly or i will pull the trigger."
"what if i shoot you first?"
"you're gun is on the inside of your jacket which you very stupidly left on the outside of the ring. you have no weapon to shoot with."
you had him in a box, and he had no choice.
"you're bluffing, you'd never shoot me."
"you're 5 seconds are gone and you're really underestimating me."
you pushed him back and shot his thigh twice, one dangerously close to his crotch. he sunk to his knees and gripped the wound strongly.
"fuck! you bitch!"
"all your men have left and there's no one here to protect you anymore. so i strongly advice you leave whilst you can."
"fuck you y/n."
"your choice."
you shot straight at his crotch this time. he screamed so loudly the whole building went silent.
"that's for dean."
you walked over and kicked him in the stomach, causing him to curl up.
"that's for all the people you've cheated out of money and lives."
you took one final aim at his face, your pointy, heeled boot effortlessly coming into contact with his already injured features.
"and that's for me and every single way you hurt me."
the room's silence was now filled with cheers as the most hated mobster was finally put in his place. and not one person dared to say otherwise.
you couldn't give two shits about anybody else in the room other than dean. you sprinted over to the ring again and jumped straight in.
his body was hidden by joey's and you couldn't tell if he was even alive or not. there wasn't any movement.
"let me see him," you pushed joey out of the way to find an unconscious dean - bloody and bruised. his cut had been dressed and his face wiped slightly to remove the dried up blood.
"oh my god," you fell on your knees next to him, just like this morning you brushed his fringe out of his eyes, but they didn't open at the touch this time.
"dean please be okay. we won, we beat dom," you spoke softly to his senseless body, "just please wake up."
by his point, dom had been carried out by a few men, and was told to "never show your cheating face here again."
you had however, collapsed into dean and were sobbing like a mere child lost in a new city. after all the drama and despair of the last 24 hours, you felt exhausted and completely hopeless. it wasn't like you to cry, you'd never let yourself before. but there was something about all of the action that had caused something to break.
"why are you crying?"
his hands very slowly came to pull your head up to meet his. one of his eyes looked into yours, the other swollen shut.
"you're okay!"
"somewhat, yes," he smiled at you, then remembered dom, "what happened to-"
"i shot him in the balls. he won't be an issue with us anymore, i can promise you that."
his eyes twinkled in amazement of your courage and strength. he pulled you down to him, his arms squeezing around your shoulders.
he sighed contently, "that's my girl."
you giggle and pull him up onto his feet.
"you alright to stand up?"
"absolutely fine."
he stabled himself out then grabbed his shirt and draped it over himself, not even bothering to button it back up.
the two of you walked out of there hand in hand, not even looking back to reassure yourselves. you both did that for each other anyway.
dean's swollen and bruised face looked so out of place with his eye-creasing grin.
"i may look like shit, and i probably need some medical attention, but tonight has been pretty cool."
you laugh and swing your arm around his shoulders, his hand instinctively coming round your waist.
the two of you stay like that for a little longer, just walking down the street. you looked an odd pairing, almost feared. but you two couldn't care less, you had all the time in the world, wherever you desired. whatever you desired. whoever you desired.
and right now you craved a bed, in an apartment, with dean.
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iamthechocobabe · 7 years
We All Have Battle Scars
I just wanna say real quick, thanks for reading. I’m sure many people are all like ‘isn’t she just copying someone else, wow, how original’ shit like that. But it means a lot to me for those who like this story, makes me have hope that maybe I’m not completely talent-less after all. Well, that’s a story for another day, how about I post some more chapters. Anyway, thanks again. 
AU based on: We Intertwined 
We All Have Battle Scars
~Chapter 4~
Word Count: 1,911
Prompto woke up that morning feeling groggy and still feeling absolutely horrible about what had happened the previous night. He knew what it was like to be stared at and be considered a freakshow, why would he stare at her so intensely when he knew it bothered her? Sure, when she approached him, he was more watching the fight between her and Wiz than actually watching her, but she wouldn't have freaked out if he hadn't stared at her so much before. 
Prompto had to apologize; the thought of Alaea being mad at him was making his skin crawl and he wanted her to realize that he wasn't staring because he thought she was a freak.
He wanted to see her smile again...this time at him, though. 
....where did that thought come from? 
Noctis joined Prompto outside in the cool air while Ignis continued to clean up the caravan and Gladio trained in the dirt road outside the outpost. After yawning deeply, Noctis looked at Prompto, eyes still a little bleary. "Do you think the grill's fixed yet? I could kill for some Chocobo specialty breakfast," 
"Don't know," Prompto mumbled, keeping his eyes open for Alaea. The other workers had begun bringing out what Chocobos would come out, but there were only two of them. Alaea was not among them, though. 
"What's your deal with this girl, anyway? Why are you obsessing over her?" 
"I'm not obsessing," Prompto mumbled, but refused to quit scanning the Outpost and waiting for her to come into view so he could beg forgiveness. 
"You haven't taken your eyes off her since we got here-didn't think she was your type," 
"What, because of her scar?" Prompto felt his temper flare up-he rarely got angry, so it kind of shocked him that he was this mad over something seemingly innocent. But Prompto still felt the aggression coming out of his voice. "All kinds of girls fall over Gladio, is he not their type? Does having one flaw mean you're not allowed to have any kind of a normal life?" 
Noctis looked shocked at Prompto's anger and held both of his hands up with his palms facing outward to signal peace. "Prompt, relax. I meant her figure-you go for girls like Cindy, you know, 'full figured' woman," 
"I do not," Prompto grumbled and forced himself to calm down. "I don't know, I just feel like I've met her before and it's driving me crazy that I can't place her," 
"Well...did you ask her if you've met before?" 
Prompto stared at Noctis like he had just come up with the cure for the common cold and started smiling with a crazy glint in his eye. "Noct, you. are. brilliant!" Prompto made a beeline for Wiz and Alaea's front door to their house while Noctis stood there and shook his head. 
On the way over, Prompto heard the guy who owned the stand that sold weapons and such and the conversation he overheard caused him to slow down. Mostly because Gladiolus and Ignis were there discussing what was apparently a theft...a theft of a spear? 
"That spear is amateurish at best, weak at worst," Gladio said. "If someone was going to steal from you, why wouldn't they take the more expensive stuff? And spears are weak, why take that?" 
"Perhaps it was a sense of honor," Ignis suggested. "Perhaps they needed desperately to defend themselves and lacked the funds to purchase a weapon, so they stole the cheapest one to counteract the guilt the person felt for having to steal," 
Gladiolus shook his head, still deep in thought. "Fat lot of good honor's gonna do; maybe if they were heading to Hammerhead, they would be able to use that spear because the daemons near Hammerhead aren't as vicious, but the ones around Lastallum tend to be more aggressive. Anyone who knew weapons would know that," 
"So, the thief is just inexperienced?" 
Prompto looked over to see Wiz heading towards one of the workers, who was putting out the tables and chairs for the restuarant. His eyes were wide with panic and his breath was shallow as he begged for information. "Please, tell me you've seen Alaea around; she's not in her room and I don't know where else she would have gone..." 
Perhaps the thief was inexperienced...
Realizing what had happened, Prompto immediately turned to Gladio and Ignis. "Guys! We've got a rescue mission!" 
"It's not stealing, it's secret borrowing," Alaea repeated to herself, trying her hardest to convince herself that stealing the spear was the right thing. The spear was the first thing Alaea saw in the truck and she swiped it...it was big and shiny, so it must have been an okay weapon, right? 
Even though it wasn't hot that morning, Alaea still took off the red and black checkered work shirt she wore and tied it around her waist, still wearing the Wiz Chocobo Outpost tank top and her work jeans and sneakers. She had pulled her hair up into a ponytail so she could see better; fighting back her nerves, she had followed the trail of giant footprints to a small enclosed space in the woods. 
Of course, that was when fog began to roll in. 
She didn't quit though-Alaea ducked behind a tree and took a deep breath, being careful to be as quiet as possible as she scanned the area for any activity. Alaea's plan for now was to just observe the Behemoth, maybe see if it did eat or had any feeding patterns and figure out a way to trick the Behemoth into leaving the valley; that would be hard to do though if Alaea never could actually see the Behemoth. 
Hearing a large crash towards her left, Alaea looked and began to strain her eyes, looking for any sign of movement. Then she saw the Behemoth, in it's large daemon-esque glory; it really was the size of a small house, with fresh blood dripping from it's fangs and wild eyes looking for any sign of fresh meat. It was walking away from her, sniffing the ground-for blood, meat, animals, other daemons, Alaea didn't know which. But she was determined to find out. 
That's when Alaea felt something slithering up her leg. 
And when Alaea saw a black snake going up her pants leg, instinct took over and she shrieked, fighting the coming hyperventilation and panic attack.  
Crashing and thudding began to become frequent as the ground shook-the Behemoth had heard and seemed to be headed straight for Alaea, but she was quick. She ran to a boulder nearby and crawled in a space underneath, holding her breath. 
After sniffing around for a minute, the Behemoth began to walk away, the ground moving less and less as the daemon walked. 
Alaea felt herself starting to relax when something covered her mouth and yanked her from the crawlspace under the boulder with no effort whatsoever. Alaea instinctively started kicking but stopped when she saw a familiar blonde head out of the corner of her eye, the Prince and Ignis standing next to him. Figures her dad would send these guys after her...
After Gladiolus let go, Alaea pushed away from him and faced them angrily, not caring if she was acting crazy. "What the fuck?" She hissed, careful to make sure her voice was a whisper. "What are you doing here?" 
"Saving your ass," Gladiolus whispered back just as harshly. 
"I'm fine, I was doing fine!" Alaea looked around the boulder before she could lose sight of the Behemoth. "I'm not gonna fight him, I just wanna see what he does, get a feeling of his patterns," 
"That's why you stole a spear?" Noctis asked. 
Oooh...they knew about that... Alaea had figured that since it was only one spear, no one would notice it was missing. "That's just for protection and I'm gonna give it back," Alaea noticed that the Behemoth was starting to crawl up a large boulder and into another part of the woods, so Alaea began to follow, but had to stop when Ignis walked in front of her, blocking her path. 
"We're going to take care this," Ignis said calmly and began to walk ahead of her. "You're going to go back to the Outpost and stay there until we come back," 
Alaea wasn't about to back down and walked right back in front of Ignis. "Um, excuse me? No, it's my dad's livelihood that's on the line, I'm going to be the one to fix this," 
"With what?" Noctis asked. "A cheap spear and maybe a few potions? You'd be dead in five minutes," 
"I already told you, I'm not fighting it! I'm just going to see-" 
"Daemons don't eat," Gladiolus said and they continued arguing and bickering back and forth. While arguing, Alaea noticed that Prompto sat in the background, looking at anything but her and she couldn't help but feel a little smug. She was glad she had put the little prick in his place. 
"It had blood dripping from its fangs, so this one clearly does!" Alaea turned back to Gladio, though she felt doubt beginning to creep in. But something had to be done, her father's life hood was at stake. The Outpost was all she’d ever known, where could she go if it was gone?
"It probably just attacked some poor hunter who thought they could handle themselves," Gladiolus said. "Sound familiar?" 
"What, and you guys can handle it, is that what you're saying? This guy's the Prince, shouldn't he be guarded and not put into dangerous situations where he can get himself killed? He's going to be King once all this Impirial shit blows over, right?" 
"It's a King's duty to serve his people," Ignis said. "And we're wasting time-the Behemoth is getting away," 
Alaea began angrily walking to where the Behemoth had gone, refusing to stay and argue. "Exactly-I'm not some helpless little girl, alright? I can handle this!" 
Alaea felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around, ready to take on which of the boys was going to give her a hard time, but instead she found herself staring into the eyes of a black garden snake that Prompto Argentum was holding.
A few miles away at Coernix station, Sania was putting red frogs into jars; the Prince himself had been kind enough to go and find these frogs for her and she was more than pleased that the experiments she was conducting would be able to continue. How nice this new King would be...
She was about to feed the frogs when she heard a long and shrill scream coming from the South-it reminded her of this one time when she visited the Chocobo Outpost and one of her beetles had crawled across a little girls foot and she screamed so loud that someone down the road thought a person was dying. 
"Alaea Thorin must have found a black snake," Sania mumbled to herself.
Prompto wasn't trying to be mean; he really wasn't. But he knew people like Alaea, people who couldn't be told what they're doing was stupid, they had to be showed. He was trying to prove a point, that this whole 'I'm gonna do it myself' thing Alaea was doing was pointless because she clearly had the nerves of a spring chicken. And if that meant picking up a snake, even though he wanted to scream at picking up such a slippery creature, then it had to be done. 
Prompto gently put the snake down, fighting the shudder that rippled through him and looked up at Alaea with his arms folded, a slightly stern look on his face. "You sure you can handle this?" 
Alaea, who had crawled up a nearby tree, looked down at the four while biting her lip. 
"...Ok, maybe I can use some help,"
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