#i go home and just stare at my phone or nothing and suddenly it’s 2 am and i have work so soon
lilgynt · 10 months
i was talking to my mom about my job sucking and she kept pushing like well every job sucks. and kept pushing like girl if it all sucks the same why are you leaving urs
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rboooks · 1 year
Alfred's Boy: Part 2
Bruce felt his blood pressure rise as Damian shoved another pair of swimming trucks into his cart. His youngest insisted that he needed something flattering, as his previous outfit was "functional but not attractive to the youth of today."
Damian had never cared that he wasn't up to the trends, but that was before Danny moved into the manor. Now he had to wait hours for Damian to find a satisfying outfit, knowing darn well its only because Danny mentioned he was interested in taking a dip in the inner pool.
The boy, technically being staff, felt it was essential to ask permission before taking a swim. Bruce had spent years telling Alfred he had free range over the manor, only to always have the man ask before doing anything. He hopes Danny won't develop the same habit.
He wanted the young man to feel at home with them.
His younger children- who honest to God forgot they even had a pool- had all scrambled to go swimming with Danny. Tim had practically thrown himself over the table to change from his WE suit into his swimming wear, Duke use his grappling hook to zoom up the stairs and Steph begged Cass to lend her a bikini.
Damian remained seated, despairing that his old swimming shorts had been bought by Dick the year previous. Dick had gotten him green shorts with little cats and dogs. Damian- who refused to even go near public pools- wore them to the family pool with no desire to purchase new ones since he saw no point in it.
And now he was paying the price for keeping childish wear. Personally, Bruce thought they were adorable and perfect for his fourteen-year-old son, but being two years younger than Danny gave him a terrible disadvantage, and Damian could not afford falling futher behind.
He just sat there, staring longingly at the retreating back of Alfred's assistant after telling him he had nothing to wear. Danny had told them he could join the rest another time before scurrying away to finish his cleaning of the right wing.
What else could Bruce do besides offering to take him to the nearest outlet mall and get him something nicer?
"Damian are you almost-"
"I am ready, father. Make haste to purchase our wears. Daniel must be finishing his duties, and I wish to get back." His son announced, yanking the cart out of Bruce's hand and practically running to the cashiers.
Bruce sighed.
It's not that he minded his son's crush on a boy or that it was Danny. It just felt like he shouldn't be encouraging his children to try and romance someone going through a lot.
Alfred had forbidden anyone from looking into Danny's background, and he had respected the request. There was a lot Bruce and Batman were willing to do but defying a direct order from Alfred was not one of them.
(Honesty, if Alfred ever turned evil, Bruce's contingency plan for him was simple: Die.)
Danny took his assistant butler job very seriously. Often wearing a neat and pressed suit, finishing his work in record time, well mannered and very intelligent but kept a distance from the family. Alfred also had a small wall of professionalism but he would crack a joke and be in their presence like a grandfather.
Danny only spoke when spoken to, tried to refrain from being notice and basically kept the reminder that while he liked them all he was always going to be a employee first and foremost.
Maybe it was due to his parents? Danny probably couldn't relax until he felt safe once more. Not for the first time, Bruce wondered what type of monsters the Fentons had to be to make a boy capable of discovering the Batcave without so much of a blink, flatter.
"Father!" Damian called impatiently, tapping his foot before the nervous-looking teen who what been attempting to ring him up.
The Wayne's made everyone nervous.
"Yes. Yes. Here put It on my card-" Damian snatched it out of his hand before Bruce even took it out completely from his wallet.
Suddenly his phone rings. Seeing that Damian could handle punching in the Pin, he accepted the call, not bothering to check the screen.
All his children have personalized ringtones, so only one person would cause Gun and Ships from the Hamilton musical to blare from his phone.
"Bruce!" Jason yells in a wheezing voice "Tim almost drowned!"
"Is he alright!?"
"He's fine!" Jason assures, voice breaking to manic cackling. "He's just really embarrassed. He forgot about the bruise on his back, so when he tried to do cannonballs with Danny, he cramped up. Danny had to help him out of the pool and then lectured him about jumping in the deep end because of peer pressure. He thinks Tim can't swim, Bruce!"
Bruce felt a headache building behind his eyes. "Jason-"
"Wait, wait, there's more! Do you know how Steph never wears bikinis because she is uncomfortable? Danny clocked that as soon as she walked in and offered her the old t-shirt he was wearing. Took it off right then and there, and do you know what Steph did!? She walked into a wall! A wall Bruce!"
"Duke hasn't stopped staring at Danny. I think his brain is in a permanent blue screen. I'm actually thinking he's-"
"Jason!" Bruce cut in which finally seemed to get his second oldest attention. Don't get him wrong, he was thrilled that Jason was spending so much time around the manor but the constant updates on his children tripping over themselves for Danny was not well for his heart. "I think you need to make sure your siblings give Danny some space. The poor chum might not be comfortable-"
"I'm not helping you stop Danny from finding true love, old man"
Bruce rolled his eyes as his son hung up. He can't wait for school to start up again. Danny will be homeschooled by his own request and Alfred's agreement but at least most of his kids will not be around him as often.
His phone started playing Sk8er Boy and he considered not answering. He really did but honestly his son probably needed him.
With a sigh he presses the accept call button "Tim-"
"He thinks I can't swim Bruce! He banned me from the pool!" Tim sobs and Bruce sees Damian perk up, happy Danny had put distance between one of his suitors ans himself.
Was it too late to ask Alfred if he was sure his contact Clockwork had no where else to foster Danny?
Being Batman on the night all his rouges broke out was easier then this.
( Part 1) (part 3)
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veneerslipstick · 6 months
˚୨୧⋆yes, & i love you。˚ ⋆
velvet x FEM!reader
• one shot
• fluff/slight angst
velvet, the pop star every girl strived to be, had met you at a meet-and-greet, recognized you from highschool and instantly made you her #2 — not necessarily her assistant but accompanied her on every shopping trip, dress rehearsal and personal meetings to discuss her opportunities for her career.
but you were quite more than just her dresser. from the heart melting tension to the pain you felt each time you were away from eachother turns more and more intense as time goes by.
you knew what you wanted, and by her longing gaze before fleeting to a show, you knew she knew too, but was she committed to her feelings as much as you?
˚ · • . ° . ˚ · • . ° . ˚ · • . ° . ˚ · • . ° . ˚ · • . ° .
“what do you mean my cards been declined?”
“ma’am, i-“
“try it again!” velvet protested, waving her credit
card in the air and her other hand balling into a fist.
you stood there , holding shopping bags all up your
arms and smiling nervously at the cashier.
awkwardly, you walked over to velvet and put your
hand out, her hesitating for a second but placing the
card on your palm and crossing her arms ignorantly.
you inserted the card into the machine, waited
patiently and it beeped.
“perfect!” the cashier exclaimed, looking relieved
whilst looking at you , mouthing ‘thank you’. you
nodded at her and looked to velvet. she rolled her
eyes and picked up a few bags.
“yeah yeah, don’t look at me like that. let’s go.”
both of you headed out of Ralph Lauren and into the
parking lot, where you loaded the bags into the back
of the limo, and getting into the car. you sat next to
velvet , a couple inches away, and she melted into
the seat.
“UGH, that was exhausting.” velvet whined, her eyes
falling closed. you admired the purple, sparkly
eyeshadow she had on, which you yourself put on
her that morning. you suddenly remembered how
close she was to you and how you could smell her
strawberry cream perfume. you blinked and looked
down, giggling.
“girl, i don’t think you could last a REAL full day of
shopping. you’d collapse.” you joked. velvet opened
her eyes, furrowing her eyebrows with a small smile.
“what do you mean a REAL day of shopping?”
you smiled and crossed your legs.
“nine to five, shopping alllll day without stopping and
coming home with blisters and your makeup ruined.”
velvet scoffed and kicked you gently with her boot.
“i could so do that, don’t test me y/n.” she shot back,
leaning in slightly to intimidate you. you stuck your
tongue out at her.
“game on , 30$ says you’ll give up within the half
velvet rolled her eyes and laid down on the seat,
crossing her legs.
“don’t even with that.” she murmured, leaving you
giggling to yourself.
after the car ride from one of vels assistant, you both
escorted and velvet was snappy with getting other
assistants to bring the bags inside. you felt awkward
whenever she did that, like you were useless in the
situation, and it was even worse when you weren’t
even the celebrity , so you had no right to be
standing there with nothing in your hands. but,
whatever velvet says goes, so you carried on.
entering her and veneers mansion, you took a
glimpse to the chandelier over head of you. no matter
how many times you’ve walked into this room, you’re
still taken aback by the beauty of the shining crystals
and the cream light that poured over it.
“do you want one? i can easily get one. everytime i
see you you’re eye eating that thing.” velvet intrudes,
pulling out her phone.”
“NO, no. i don’t want one, this one is just specifically
pretty. it’s nice to be able to walk into the room with
it glowing.” you continued to gaze over it, your eyes
shining like beads and your lips pulled into a soft
velvet watched you, staring at your eyes as she bit
the inside of her cheek. she felt a pang in her chest,
but couldn’t tell if it was good or bad. clearing her
throat, she turned around and headed for her
“come, we can find places for the clothes then finally
pick out a nail colour for tomorrow.” she stated, you
weren’t slow to catch up to her.
now in her room of many rewards on shelves and
carpet flooring, velvet groaned when she saw all the
shopping bags on the floor.
“they could have AT LEAST put them down neatly.”
she grumbled. you noticed overtime that she was the
picky type, and not just rich picky, but things had to
be exactly right in her eyes or everything would go to
hell. you walked to the bags and started going
through the clothes, sorting between color , fabrics,
tops and bottoms. after sorting, you began putting
away everything, and velvet was right at your side.
“for the polish, i was thinking arctic blue that’s
marble with light blue, and maybe light glitter? no
wait that’s stupid..” she speaks as you fold and hang
clothing on hangers in her walk in closet, right at
your hip and throwing her hands in your face.
sometimes you think she forgets how comfortable
she is around you.
“what’s your favourite color again?” she asks out of
the blue.
“f/c.” you mumble.
she stares at you for a moment,
not saying anything and then groaning, swatting
clothes out of your hands and pulling you by the
wrist out of the closet. “it’s like talking to a wall.” she
mumbles, acting all pissy, but in reality she just
wanted your attention.
you both sit on her king sized bed, her laying down
on the bed on her back, crossing her legs (she does
this a lot, you never knew why) and looking at her
nails. she continues to ramble about polish and how
it’ll match her performance outfit, then how she
hated the outfit, and how she hated the smell of
detergent, then.. you got a little lost. you you look
down at her, one leg tucked under you and your hand
down on the mattress holding yourself up.
“vel,” you started and she stopped. “what?”
“take a second girl. you’ve been pent up about
this nonstop , just breathe.” you grinned and her
expression softened slightly. her shoulders loosened
up and you noticed her jaw stopped flexing. she
opened her mouth to say something, closed it, then
opened again; “if i asked you to do something
stupid , what would you say?”
you scanned her eyes. “yes. i would say yes
your expression was so serious it
frightened her for a moment. you remembered to
relax and smiled a little. “well, cause, it’s hard to say
no to a celebrity. or whatever.” you bettered , velvet
rolling her eyes in exaggeration.
“i’m being serious, y/n.”
“oh are you? that’s shocking.”
“hm, yeah, jackass.”
“you adore me though.”
silence. she stared at you with her beady , deep blue
eyes. they were similar to spears, threatening to
attack and not being able to look away. she laid on
the bed , her green curls and locks spread on the
satin sheets like a painting. if only it were a painting,
she couldn’t have looked more beautiful.
“y/n,” she whispered , a smile pulling at the corner of
her mouth. you hummed in response, her legs falling
to the side that brushed your arm. her eyelids hung
low as she looked at you. a magnet in your stomach
pulled you closer to her,
and you let it.
you leaned down to her, hearing her breath hitch in
her throat and her lips parting the further you leaned
down. but her headed to started to shake, her eyes
fell closed and her breathing got shaky.
“no.. no, no no” she whispered , sitting up and
backing away. you panicked for a moment and
leaned away from her , raising your hands.
“h-hey, i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to make you
uncomfortable,” you spat out and she still shook her
“this.., this can’t happen. get out please.” she
you froze, your expression completely falling. “what?”
“i said get out.” she snapped , pointing to the door,
her eyes red and hot and you wondered what her
tears looked like oh you wondered how her tears felt ,
“okay.” you whispered with a voice crack, feeling a
lump in your throat and getting up from her bed. you
turned and headed out her door, closing it slowly and
feeling your stomach twist and churn as you heard
the door click.
everything had felt right, why had she acted like it
was so out of the blue? did you misunderstand? no,
you couldn’t have. that look in her eye. the contact,
the way she seemed to have pulled your soul from
your throat.
ohhh, she had you. had you by the strings.
eyes watering, you found your way out of the house
and went somewhere. you didn’t really know where.
anywhere was nowhere without her.
┊ ⋆ ┊ . ┊ ┊ ┊ ⋆ ┊ . ┊ ┊ ┊ ⋆ ┊ . ┊
the next day…
yes, you had eventually made it home. after a long
night of contemplating and trying to tear the pit out
of your stomach, you fell asleep on your couch at
4am. you decided to head to velvet and veneers
dressing room early. usually you went with velvet, but
you decided there was no point. there you prepped
their makeup and hair products , anything to keep
yourself busy. it wasn’t your job, it was crimps, but
you couldn’t care less. sometimes you felt like you
did more than her.
as you were laying out makeup brushes, eyes half
open from exhaustion, you heard the door knob
rattling. you had locked the door without realizing it,
so you went to open it. you were then face to face
with a messy up-do velvet with her casual gold mini
skirt and gold top that was paired with pearl earrings
and a white pendant. you felt that churn in your
stomach that came as a familiar feeling. you forced a
smile and opened the door wide open for her.
“good morning vel,” you murmured, her walking in
and scanning the room.
“you didn’t have to.. do any of that. you aren’t
supposed to.” she says almost defensively, putting
her purse down and avoiding eye contact. leaning
against the wall with your hands in your pockets, you
gazed at her. “i didn’t think it mattered.” you replied
with a tone you didn’t recognize.
she didn’t respond, only cleared her throat and
pulled the elastic out of her hair, her loose, flowing
hair falling over her shoulders. you noticed her nails,
but didn’t catch a glimpse of what she did with them.
“what uh…” you started, feeling a lump forming in
your throat. you tried to gulp it down and she looked
at you.
“what color did you do your nails?” you asked. she
looked down at them, seeing her face freeze.
“f/c. the marble.. i was talking about.”
you felt like she kicked you in the stomach. you
shook your head and stood straight.
“velvet. what…what is this? cmon, please.” you
looked her in the eye as your voice broke. you could
tell she was trying to hide an emotion, by the way her
eyebrows twitched and her eyes darted from wall to
“i don’t know what you’re talking about. stop, y/n.”
she said monotonously, sitting down in her vanity
chair and easing a brush through her hair.
“wanna pass me a claw clip?” her tone changed, like
she was completely over it.
you watched her through the mirror, hating how you
felt like a neglected dog. you didn’t bite.
“fine. then i’ll.. i’ll go. crimp will be here soon.” you
picked up your jacket and opened the door.
“no.. no y/n don’t go, don’t go,” she looked panicked
and got up rushing to you , grabbing onto the sleeve
of your jacket. she let go almost instantly. you stood
there, looking at her with your head turned, and you
closed the door, not looking away from her.
“then talk to me.”
“i-i don’t, this isn’t.. good. for my image. for all of
them. i can’t have this, it would cause a wreck in the
media. it won’t work..” she stood so close to you, her
breathing shaky. you furrowed your eyebrows
slightly. it started to click, or so you thought.
“oh. oh, what because your fame is more important
than your feelings? is that it? velvet. you’re better
than this. don’t choose people who love you by first
impression over someone who would walk to the
ends of the earth for—“ she shook her head which
cut you off.
“no, that’s not..” her eyes began to glisten, trying to
fight her worst fear.
“i wish you were a boy.”
your blood ran cold. as if things couldn’t get any
worse, she pulls that card. you stood there like an
idiot; when you should’ve walked away there and
then. you couldn’t get yourself to.
“oh.” you couldn’t tell if you genuinely spoke or if it
was in your head. she batted her eyelashes at you
and it was similar to knives being plummeted in your
“this is just how it’s supposed to be. you’re supposed
to help me with clothes and makeup and be my
fashion designer , i just do what im—“
“i could make you feel more than any man ever
could. you know that.” you became slightly
aggravated. you knew she ddint actually want this,
and hell if you did. she turned around and you took
her wrist gently, stepping towards her.
“don’t run from this.”
“y/n, please,”
“we’re meant to be girls together, just try—“
“don’t push this, y/n, y/n i cant —“
“i wasn’t lying.” you said disconnectedly. she looked
back at you.
“if you ever asked me to do something crazy. i’d say
yes. if you asked me to climb mount Everest in a
dress, i’d say yes. if you asked me to be with you,”
you glided your hand down her arm and took her
“i’d say yes, and i love you.” you could feel the
magnet again, threatening to collapse out of
“…don’t, don’t…” velvet found herself leaning towards
you with tears smudged at her waterline. and she
kissed you. and she kissed you with a sigh, with a
broken promise. a single tear from her fell to your
cheek, and somehow that pulled you closer together.
you broke apart, looking into eachother eyes, and
didn’t notice your hands squeezing with intertwined
fingers. you rose her hand up and pushed it against
her chest.
“figure yourself out first. you can’t rip my heart out
then eat it.” your own words hurt to say, but you
knew if things would work out, both of you needed
she looked hurt, keeping her hand to her chest even
when you pulled yours away. velvet wiped her face
and cleared her throat. “okay.”
the door swung open.
“god damn janitors, jesus chr.. i just fell on my ass,
vel. no one knows how to dry floors apparently.”
veneer burger in whining , crimp following behind
him. you looked at him, then back at velvet.
who was staring at her nails.
┊ ➶ 。˚   ° ┊ ➶ 。˚   
holy poop that took longer than it should’ve to write.. i’m sorry friends school and work is stressful and i’m trying to find time to work on this stuff 😞 anyway i loved writing this sm i think i captured velvets crudeness and soft side pretty well lolz, i’ll rewrite a happy ending if a lot of u want one bc i have so much tooth rotting fluff ideas for her 💗💗 anywayyyy im getting a couple of requests so ill make sure to get to them <3 TYSM FOR TJE SUPPORT AHAIN ILY ALL
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jeongin-lvr · 7 days
This's kinda freaky but hear me out!!
Skz member#1 fuck reader and film it to send it to skz member#2 who is her boyfriend.
Skz member#1 was fwb w/ reader but she ended it cause she has a boyfriend now, and skz member#1 is jealous of skz member#2 and wants him to know who owns that pussy.
(I'm kinda into that type of things, lol)
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immediately yes pls… my guilty pleasure is shit like this >< makes me think of hanji & felix for some reason :p
Jisung wasn’t having it. You were his— originally, at least. Sure, he didn’t get to call you his girlfriend or give you his last name, but everyone knew you were his. He thought you knew as well. But then he found out you got yourself a boyfriend and suddenly he was gritting his teeth fuming. How could you? How dare you? And the fact that you still kept his number in your phone… the same contact, the same random texts at night. Oh, Jisung was going insane. He knew you still wanted him; he knew he’s the only one who could have you, and he knew you knew that very well. Yet, you were still posting pictures of your “perfect, pretty boyfriend.” You were still telling everyone he was amazing.
Jisung wondered why you were even wasting your time. He’s seen the pictures of your boyfriend— Felix. Even the name makes him scowl. Felix was too innocent looking, too kind, the way he held you in pictures was nothing like how Jisung held you. It was different, softer. It almost made Jisung laugh whenever he saw them. Was it jealousy? Maybe, but it was also smugness. His name was practically carved into you at this point, Felix was just an added accessory. Maybe it was sad how Jisung still waited by his phone every weekend, manifesting your call on his screen as he stared at it. Maybe he was the one who should be embarrassed, but he didn’t have it in him. He always found himself accepting the invitation to your house, to invitation to fuck you. It’s like the second he heard your voice he folded. The anger he felt for being the second choice dissipated and all he longed for was you— your momentary ecstasy. The only time when he can call you truly his. Maybe it’s pathetic, he’s beginning to believe that he actually is, but he can’t help himself. It’s an incurable urge, an insatiable need.
“You’re mine— mine,” Jisung moans as he bends to your face, the flat, toned surface of his chest meeting yours, sweats mixing, eye contact unbearably toxic, “Say it to me.” God, he wants to cry, from the pleasure the absolute burn he feels when he sees you. He almost sounds angry, hissing out demands. You obey them always, your infidelity clearly not a worry in your brain. You breathlessly respond as his hips drive into you, again and again. Over and over in the same spot that he knows drives you mad. “I’m yours— Hannie, m’ all yours, please, baby!” Your nails dig into his shoulders but he doesn’t feel it, his big brown eyes shimmer down at you. “Louder.”
“I’m y-yours!” Your back arched off the sheets, Jisung’s fingertips sliding up your body and onto your throat and jaw. He touches you like lava on water, stinging and singeing. Burns of lust and bliss. Your vision is blurry and suddenly Jisung is wide awake, the pure rage becomes smugness again because, well, you just said it. You’re his. He knows it’s just temporary, but what if it didn’t have to be? Your perfect, little boyfriend might not like that his girlfriend is being fucked brainless by another man— he may not be aware of it now but Jisung was more than capable of changing that. So as your eyes cross and roll back, Jisung reaches for your phone, the screen alight with 3 messages from your boyfriend: “Where are you?” “I miss you.” “Come home soon.” And it almost makes him laugh. Oh, he knew this was evil, he knew this was an irreversible, bitter act. But so was cheating on your supposedly-perfect boyfriend.
Was it an act of jealousy or an act of revenge? Either way, he was doing it. So he opened your phone, placing the Face ID in front of your fucked-out face, snickering of how unaware you were. He laughs as your messages open and, of course, the chat was with Felix. The three messages practically burning into his retinas. He clicks the camera icon and doesn’t hesitate before clicking record. His hips relentless, but slowing now just so the camera wouldn’t shake too much. You blinked, callously breathing while your eyes stared at the ceiling above. “Baby, look at the camera,” Jisung commanded, your obedience was perfect, immediately looking curiously at the phone in front of your face. Your phone. You parted your lips to speak, only to feel the quick interjection of his cock thrust deep inside you, a moan falling from between your lips, “Who do you belong to?” Him. “Y-you.” Who? “M’ yours, Ji!” That’s right.
“Say to your boyfriend, baby, I’m sure he’ll be so happy to see you,” Jisung chuckles, tongue gliding over his teeth. You’re too fucked stupid to even reply, moaning as his thrusts became indecent, too quick and rough. Jisung doesn’t hesitate to press send, he flips you both around, situating you on his lap, a simple command of, “Fuck yourself on me, bub.” His eyes fixated on the screen; he watches the little grey dots appear and disappear, he watches so happily. He has it immortalized forever, you’re his. And now your boyfriend knows. Your boyfriend is well aware of what a cheating slut you are, the three dots appear again. And the message that sends makes Jisung laugh boisterously, throwing the phone down as his hips instantly reach for your waist, helping you bounce on his cock, “Felix said hi.”
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vminizzle · 1 year
Sex shop
pairing : bestfriend!jungkook x f.reader
genre : SMUT, fluff
warnings :masturbation, really bad description of sex shop & stuff (sorry), mention of sex toys (not used, maybe in part 2 who knows ;) hehe ), teasing, use of pet names, praising, marking, first time, love making, penetrative sex, unprotected sex ( wrap It up guys! ), creampie, slight cockwarming, THEY ARE CUTE UGH
best friends ͜͡➸ to lovers ♡
words count : 4.2k
A/N : pls I’m insane (the way I had to clean my search history) ,, sorry this is a whole mess. I don’t know what I had in mind when I started writing this. I spent ages on this fic and ngl it didn’t turn out how I wanted but I tried my best :). I wrote this there is a long time ago but I decided to edit it 💀 & sorry for my english.
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“see you on monday!” you waved at Jungkook as he waved back driving away.
You sighed as you walk to your friend.
“so, today your boyfriend doesn’t walk you home?” she teased. 
“Jungkook is not my boyfriend“ you blushed slapping her arm playfully.
"please you guys are always together. like always! Studying, hanging out together, shopping, lunch.. Except when he’s working on the weekends. He even sleep at your house.. I’m asking myself what you guys do-”
You gasped slapping her arm lightly.
“what? Chaeyoung stop! don’t say non-sense, we’re just..best friends.” you retorted looking down.
“yea yea whatever.”
Chaeyoung and you walked to your house, eating ice creams on your way.
“so what you wanna do?” you asked unlocking the front door.
“let’s just do nothing.” you laughed nodding.
You were laying on your couch scrolling though your social networks lazily when Chaeyoung suddenly jumped on you.
“Yo look at this!” she shoved her phone to your face.
“what is it?”
“it talks about masturbation.” she explained.
“and what about it?” you asked confused.
“I read that some women masturbate with water pression.” your cheeks heated up at her sudden burst.
“w-why are you even reading this?” you handed her the phone back.
“ just saw a girl from our promo repost this article.” she shrugged.
“that’s really suprising. I mean I’ve never thought about masturbation with water pression. Like I mean, using toys are easier no?” you looked at her eyes wide open.
“oh my god stop!” you threw a pillow at her face as she caught it midway laughing.
“wait! Don’t tell me you don’t masturbate, do you?” you hesitated before answering.
“i-it’s kind of personal.” you muttered.
“ugh stooooop we’re friends.. except you rather talk about it with your "best friend.” she wiggled her eyebrows teasingly.
“Can you just stop with him?“ you groaned.
“so tell me.” she whined shaking your arm repeatedly.
“well, yea.. like every other teenagers.” you cleared your voice making her grin.
“how many toys do you have?” she asked curiously.
“ok enough! this is so embarrassing.” you whined.
“not at all.” finally letting go of your arm as she grab her soda can on the glass table in front of you both.
“i don’t own any...” you muttered.
Chaeyoung chocked in her soft drink “you don’t?!” you shook your head.
“I don’t need it so.. yea.”
She stared at you silently for awhile.
“you should buy one.”
“why?“ you laughed awkwardly.
“it’ll be a new experience, another level of pleasure. And maybe it’ll please you more than your fingers or whatever."
How can she talks so openly? you thought.
“i know a great little sex shop not so far from here!” she exclaimed.
“you should check it out!”
“I’ll think about it.” you said, wanting this conversation to end.
❁ — •*:。✩
You furrowed your eyebrows, bottom lip caught between your teeth, the pressure on your clit making you feel frustrated.
Your legs spread wide open, fingers going in and out of you slowly to tease you a bit.
Rubbing little circles with your thumb on the throbbing nerve trying to stimulate you a bit more.
10 minutes. 10 fucking minutes that you were trying to make yourself cum.
You didn’t know if you were too tense, stressed or exhausted but these days you couldn’t make yourself reach your highs. You groaned and gave up as you sigh annoyed getting up to wash your hand.
Later, you smiled as you sat on the edge of your bed, noticing a message from your best friend on your phone.
[20:42] kook : just arrived home, I hope you spent a nice afternoon. You’re probably sleeping or watching something on Netflix without me :( 
[20:44] y/n : hey yes i did. How was work? nahh I’m gonna sleep. wanna wait for you next week to watch our serie :)
[20:45] kook : work was alright. ohhh that’s my girl hehe can’t wait for next week then!
[20:47] y/n : nice then. You’re working all day tomorrow ?
[20:48] kook : yea unfortunately I’m working all day :(
[20:49] y/n : ughh!! good luck for tomorrow. Go take a bath and rest idiot. 
[20:51] kook: thanks princess! Sleep well too love ya ♡ 
[20:53] y/n : hehe love you too ♡
You let your body fell back on the mattress, smiling like an idiot at the small conversation.
Jungkook could always make you smile without even trying.
Noticing a early message from Chaeyoung, you opened it.
[18:57] Chae : here the address of the sex shop I talked about earlier : <address>. I know how curious you are sometimes 👀 hehe you’ll tell me. xoxo
Your smile vanished when you thought about your little talk with Chaeyoung.
“ok” you sighed deeply.
“I’ll go to this shop tomorrow.”
❁ — •*:。✩
Waking up with the warm sunlights caressing your body gently. You stretched out groaning at the sore muscles.
You checked your phone. 1pm.
Well damn, that was a long sleep.
You decided to take a shower, eat lunch and get ready to “visit” this little shop.
Not wanting to be seen at such a place, you put a cap enough to hide your face a bit. You went for a oversized hoodie, a jean and a pair of vans.
You didn’t know why you were so nervous to go there. Is it because you’re scared to meet someone you know there? Is it because you’re embarrassed to see all the stuffs you’ll probably discover there? What type of things you’ll find?
“C’mon that’s just a shop y/n the fuck is wrong with you." you whisper-yelled to yourself before pulling your cap lower.
You took a deep breath as you put your hand on the knob of the door.
“Let’s go.”
Entering the place hesitantly, you looked at your surroundings. Deep red velvety walls, lights keeping the shop bright enough to make it less dark, shelves full of stuff you never knew the existence of.
The cashier welcomed you and you smiled at him politely.
Walking further through the shop, you noticed shelves filled with magazines, covers of obscene pictures of naked women and men making you cover your eyes feeling like a shocked and scared kid.
You blushed as you passed by lingeries hanging on the walls. Not lying to yourself, they were so pretty.
You brushed your fingertips gently over the soft materials, some velvety ones, lacy ones and other lingeries more… revealing.
Different boxes at the back of the shop intrigued you as you approached them.
Getting closer, you gulped feeling a little lump in you throat.
“what the fuck are these oh my gosh” you whisper-yelled completely shocked.
Not only vibrators were there, but anal plugs, anal beads, dildos, strap-on dildos , bdsm toys… handcuffs, ropes , flogger , whips, open mouth gag, blindfolds, spanking paddles, cock rings (pls help me!!), fleshlights …
“nipple clamps? That sounds so painful.” you whined covering your chest.
”urethral sound? oh lord i don’t even have a penis and I can feel the pain." you held your stomach, disgust painting your face.
“the hell are these? rabbit vibrator? butterfly vibrator?… bondage hood?? h-how do people breath oh my-”
(little break, let me clean my horrible search history real quick and drink some water my head is spinning with all these new information lmao)
Looking around you noticed bondage furniture and other stuffs making you uncomfortable.
“Chaeyoung is completely insane what the hell!”
“Good afternoon, how can I help you?”
A really familiar voice could be heard behind you. You turned around only to see your best friend.
”J-Jungkook!?“ you said louder than you thought.
“y-y/n?! What are you doing here?” shock written all over his red face.
”I’m hm I.. wait! What are you doing here?” you said trying to avoid his question.
Jungkook stayed quiet, mouth opening but no words coming out.
Looking at his shirt, you noticed the logo of the shop on it. ”you work here?“
Your eyes widened as you glanced at his red ears.
”hm.. yes.” he replied, head down as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.
 “Oh.. that’s why you’ve never tell me more about your job…“ you trailed out.
He nodded looking at you again.
“and you? What are you doing here huh?” he asked curiosity laced in his voice.
You chewed on your bottom lip, searching for an answer.
“so?” he smiled teasingly ears still red.
“yo stop with your weird thoughts!” you punched him on his shoulder.
“personal stuff.” you muttered.
“well, I guessed it’s for personal stuff.” he looked around you smirking.
“oh shut up.”
“so what.. are you searching for?” you looked up at him shocked.
“eh that’s my job calm down.” he laughed as you looked around searching for someone else than your best friend to help you.
“I .. hm.. I came for this!” you grabbed a random box on the shelve next to you not even looking at it.
“wow..is this for you?” Jungkook tried his best not to laugh.
“never knew my bestie has a dick.” you looked down at the box .. cock ring.
You closed your eyes embarrassment washing over you. He laughed softly as you put the box back at his place quickly.
Looking for a diversion, you glanced behind him “hey what’s that?!” you pointed at a random spot.
When Jungkook looked over his shoulder, you grabbed the box of a vibrator running away with it.
“what?” he turned back only to see that you weren’t here anymore.
You stopped running, putting your hand over your heart as you tried to breath slower.
Looking up, you noticed that you were at the lingerie "booth”. Your eyes stayed glued on one of them.
A black one exactly.
You touched the soft bra, fingers sliding on the lacy material. It was just so cute and sexy at the same time.
You shook your head walking at the front of the shop to the cashier.
After paying your product, the cashier told you with no shame to “have fun”.
Gosh what a day.
❁ — •*:。✩
You groaned exasperatedly throwing your purchase on your bed, this one bouncing on the mattress and ending on the floor.
You decided to take a shower, letting the warm water caress his way down your body pleasantly, helping your muscles relax, washing the stress and shame away.
After your shower, you went downstairs opening your fridge to take a bottle of ice cold water. You needed something fresh to calm down from all the events that happened today.
You swallowed down the liquid, the cold water hitting your throat in a pleasant way.
You jumped when you suddenly heard knocks on your door startling you.
You furrowed your eyebrows checking your phone to see if Chaeyoung texted you announcing she was coming over but nothing.
Opening the door you were faced to the last person you wanted to see today. The embarrassment too “fresh” to handle.
“Hi.” Jungkook smiled shyly.
You looked down nodding acknowledging his presence.
“hm.. can I come in?” he asked after a few seconds.
“oh! yea yea of course.” you let him in, closing the door behind.
“so.. what bring you here?” you talked still avoiding his eyes.
“can’t I come visit my favorite best friend?” he tilted his head to the side, raising an eyebrow up playfully.
“your one and only best friend.” you huffed.
“yep! my only one. mine.” he grinned cutely.
“yes. yours.” you smiled back this time looking at him, this one still smiling.
The atmosphere changed. You didn’t know how, why but it changed.
Something in Jungkook’s gaze changed for a second before he cleared his throat.
The word ‘yours’ affecting him a bit too much.
He couldn’t think like that, no , you’re his best friend.
But he wanted you more than that. He wanted you to be his.
A pleasant silence settled as you stared at each other, his eyes on your lips time to time.
“Can I kiss you?” he breathed out.
It was so sudden yet so tempting.
“yes.” you whispered as he approached you taking your face in his hands gently before connecting his lips with yours.
He kissed you softly, his hand sliding down your side to rest on your hip.
Kissing him felt so magical. It felt so unreal.
Jungkook pulled away, resting his forehead on yours before chuckling.
“i’ve never thought I’d kiss my pretty best friend one day.”
You chuckled hiding your face on his chest. He pulled you closer, hugging you.
This hug wasn’t like the others you shared before. This one was different. You could feel his heart beating faster when you wrapped your arms around him.
“y/n.” he spoke again.
You looked up at him waiting for him to continue.
“i.. i think.. I’m in love with you.” his cheeks red from the confession.
“think?” you teased.
He rolled his eyes smilling widely “I’m in love with you.”
“i’m in love with you too.” you said shyly before kissing his cheek.
He smiled before capturing your lips for another kiss, a sweet and loving one.
This time the kiss was longer, his hands creeping behind your back by your waist and tugging you closer onto his body.
The way your bodies were against each other’s made you feel some type of way.
A feeling you’ve never felt before. An unfamiliar feeling deep down in your stomach making you moan into the kiss as Jungkook’s hand went on your lower back pushing you harder on him.
He groaned feeling blood rushing down there. His growing boner pressed on your lower stomach.
You pulled away breathing heavily.
“I want you.” Jungkook whispered, his hands playing with the strings of your -his- hoodie.
“I want you too.”
You looked toward the stairs. Jungkook got the hint and took your hand in his walking upstairs.
It wasn’t the first time he came into your bedroom but this time, it wasn’t for studying, watching movies on your sleepovers or take naps… no this time was different.
Jungkook closed the door before walking to you, taking your chin between his thumb and index.
He leaned down, his lips envelopping yours into a loving and slow kiss again.
He started leaving little pecks, his lips trailing down to your jawline, to your neck sucking gently on the soft skin.
You walked backward to your bed letting your body fall on it pulling Jungkook in the process on top of you. He giggled softly as you caressed his cheek softly.
Your fingers went down, playing with the buttons of his shirt before unbuttoning them slowly one by one while looking into his eyes. He helped you taking it off completely throwing it away.
He bent down, lips on the side of your neck pressing light kisses, his hands sliding under your hoodie.
“can I?” he said gently pulling at the hem of the garment.
You nodded before sitting and raising your arms up. Jungkook chuckled pulling it off your beautiful body.
You suddenly froze, realizing that you were half-naked in front of him.
Your hands flew directly to your bra-covered breasts. If you felt exposed with your underwear on, you wondered how you’ll feel naked.
“don’t be shy.” Jungkook said softly.
“Easy to say when you don’t have breasts.” you muttered.
“i do have breats! But they’re super flat..it’s like they’re non-existent.” he said playfully palming his pecs.
“oh gosh stop.” you laughed slapping his arm.
Jungkook laughed too before taking your hands in his.
“look at me.” he started “your body is so beautiful. You are so beautiful. Don’t be shy around me. You know you can trust me and be yourself with me. So don’t hide from me.” you locked eyes with him, his words making your heart skip a beat.
No one ever talked like that with you.. about you.
You nodded with a smile decorating your lips.
“That’s my girl” he said as he peck your forehead.
He laid you down again gently, hands wandering on the bare skin, so soft as his fingertips caress their way up and down, goosebumps raising after their journeys. 
Jungkook lowered his head, his soft lips on your collarbone starting leaving open mouth kisses and little love bites there and then.
His mouth cascaded down on your chest, sucking on the sensitive skin to leave little reddish and purplish flowers.
He continued his way down, kissing every part he could, not forgetting to leave little marks proving that he has worshipped your beautiful body as it should.
He stopped when he reached your panties, looking up at you, a silent request to have your permission to take it off.
You hesitated for awhile, rethinking about his words. You did trust him. A lot. More than yourself perhaps? But being this exposed was really difficult for you.
Were you ready for this step?
“If you’re not ready or if you’re uncomfortable it’s ok princess, we can stop.” you heard him speak again pushing you out of your thoughts.
“take it off.” you answered.
“Are you sure?” he asked.
“Yes.” you lifted your hips a little bit as he dragged the soft material off your legs.
“so pretty.” Jungkook murmured as he caressed your thighs.
He took his time adorning them with love bites and hickeys, making them look even prettier at his eyes.
His face got higher, just above your most sensitive part.
He kissed your clit gently making you hiss. The new sensation so good making it throb, anticipation growing more and more.
The need to close your legs really tempting. And that’s exactly what you did.
Jungkook got off the bed to get rid of his pant.
You immediately looked away when he glanced at you, hands on the waistband of his boxer ready to push it down.
He blushed thinking about the fact that it was also his first time being naked in front of someone.
He still chuckled at your shyness murmuring a quiet “cute.”
Jungkook hissed as he finally freed his cock from his confinement, the sensitive tip hitting the air before slapping against his stomach.
You breath hitched when you felt the bed dip again signaling that Jungkook was back.
He made sure you were confortable, pillows behind your head, blanket over your bodies as you suggested for more ‘intimacy’.
Jungkook hovered you before talking again “are you nervous?”.
You gulped before letting a small yes escape from your mouth.
“Are you?” Jungkook nodded.
Both of you knew it was both your first time.
“If you’re not ready we can stop.” you said softly.
He smiled shyly nodding “y/n we can stop at any moment. Understood?”
You nodded hand cupping his cheek, thumb caressing the cheekbone.
Jungkook positioned himself at your entrance, the head of his cock rubbing teasingly on your folds making you moan.
“´k are you sure?” he asked one last time.
You nodded before he stopped you, shaking his head.
“I need a verbal approval y/n.”
“I’m sure and I want you to be sure too.” you said softly making him hummed.
“oh wait wait!” Jungkook exclaimed.
“what is it?” you asked confused many scenarios creating in your head ready to make you panick.
“be my girlfriend. no! I mean, w-would you like to be my girlfriend?” you chuckled at how cute he was.
“I’d love to Kook” you pecked his lips making him smile widely, eyes turning into little crescents.
Jungkook started entering you slowly and carefully making sure not to hurt you, checking up on your facial expressions time to time.
You gripped on his bicep hard as it started to burn. The unfamiliar intrusion uncomfortable.
You hissed, the pain making his presence more and more.
“are you ok? Do you want me to stop? Pull out? I can st-”
“i’m good don’t worry, keep going slowly please.” you whispered.
Jungkook peppered kisses on your cheek and neck, to distract you from the pain of the stretch as he pushed in deeper until he completely bottomed.
You groaned, tears forming in your eyes “shh, you’re doing so well darling.”
He caressed your cheeks a bit concerned “Tell me when I can move yea?”
On the other side, Jungkook suffered in his own way.
He scrunched his nose, bottom lip trapped between his teeth at the warm tightness around him so foreign, his mind going wild.
You took a deep breath, trying to surpass the burn down there.
You nodded gesturing him to move again. This one, thrusted in and out slowly, taking his time not to hurt you and enjoy the new sensation around him.
He groaned as he started feeling this exciting and pleasuring feeling making his cock twitched inside you.
You moaned softly, the pain fading away and the pleasure coming gradually.
The burn was still there but it was bearable, it felt good as Jungkook continued his slow moves.
“J-Jungkook” you breathed out hand gripping his bicep tightly nails digging into the flesh.
“you ok princess?” he whispered against your lips.
“It f-feels good.. you feel so good” your eyelids getting heavy, trying your best to keep your eyes on him.
He looked so handsome. On top of you, lips swollen with all the kisses exchanged, a light blush decorating his cheeks, his ears red, chest gleaming with sweat, little droplets formed on his forehead….. so ethereal.
As Jungkook continued moving in and out of you, the pleasure took over, the painful burn long forgotten.
Your hands travelled to his back, fingernails were buried into the soft flesh of his muscular back drawing little crescents.
“you’re doing so good baby. so good for me.” he caressed your cheek.
Jungkook took his time making love to you, nibbling on your earlobe lightly as he whisper sweet nothings into your ear.
You scratched his back as he gripped your thigh lifting it a bit getting deeper inside you.
“fuck please don’t stop.” you whimpered voice cracking, his length rubbing deliciously against your warm velvelty walls.
The wet and warm feeling around him made him feel lightheaded. You felt too good to be true.
He pressed butterfly kisses on your jawline, his lips travelling down leaving beautiful dark red flowers on your neck, continuing his path to your collarbone biting it lightly enough to form a little mark. “so pretty.” he whispered more to himself.
He let out a low groan as you clenched around him “fuck!” he rolled his hips sensually grazing over your sweet spot making you whined out loudly.
You ran your fingers through his soft locks. You squeezed your eyes shut, letting your head fall back into the pillows as Jungkook hit deeper.
Art. Just art. You looked like a masterpiece.
All covered up with hickeys, the red and purple marks on your skin making his eyes sparkling with lust, admiration and love.
“you’re so beautiful. so beautiful all marked up.” he said fingers running over the little bruises he left. “mine. you’re mine.”
The vein of his neck was prominent as he moaned when you tightened around him, the pressure making him weak to a point “baby d-don’t stop clenching p-please.” 
“Jungkook I think I’m- fuck.” you moaned feeling the knot in your lower stomach tighter, your heart beating faster as the pleasure propagated inside you.
Jungkook placed your calve over his waist, he cupped your jawline, his lips barely touching yours as he whispered “cum for me love.”
He furrowed his eyebrows at the way your walls convulse around him. “fuck! I’m so near!”
Jungkook slid his veiny hands up your arms until they reached your hands, pinning them at each side of your head as he tangled your fingers together.
The sweet little gesture making your heart stop.
He bent down to press kisses on the sensitive marked-skin of your neck. His touches overwhelming you.
Butterflies finally blooming into your lower stomach as you came around him.
The sudden wave of pleasure forming tears in your eyes as they slid down your cheeks. His name leaving your throat in a high pitched moan.
Your soft moans pushed him over the edge of his own release, he moaned deeply as he came inside you, filling you up to the brim.
The warm cum made you sigh as you let your body relax against the soft sheet.
“i love you.” he pushed stands of hair out of your face.
Heat rushed to your cheeks, the three words making your heart melt.
“i love you.” you whispered softly, caressing the back of his head gently.
Jungkook buried his face into the crook of your neck, his breath tickling you.
You chuckled, hand stroking up and down his back to soother the scratched skin. He looked up at you before pecking the tip of your nose.
“’m tired.” you mumbled yawning.
“let’s get you clean up first cutie.”
He was about to pull out when you groaned pulling him down on you. “let’s stay like this please?” shyness showing up again.
“as you wish princess.”
He laid a kiss on your temple before turning around on his back, pulling you on top of him. His slow heartbeats and an last I love you were the last thing you heard before drifting off in his warm embrace.
a beautiful relationship started and probably a wild one …
a/n : not a frequent f2l fic right? I hope i did good - a part 2? I love writing fluffy smut since I’m a romantic person 😭 sorry sorry. Anyways, thanks for reading luvs. Take care of yourselves :)
+ I forgot to add that jk and reader are both college students and it’s a part job for Jungkook.
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brodieland · 2 months
.˚ 𓈒 ࣪.𝝑𝝔 10 Things I hate about you ´ˎ˗
Percy Jackson x Fem!Reader Synopsis: After baking with Percy, she FINALLY gives in and agrees to go to a party !! Warning(s): shits nothing crazy bai Word Count: 1591
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"I think that's considered stalking."
Leo said as he, Jason and Charles just stared at Percy. "What?"
"Showing up to her house, at her window, at night," Jason asked.
"Whats the problem with that?"
"The problem is we want you to take her out on a date, not get thrown in jail," Charles said.
"Whatever, I think its working," Percy smiled.
"Yeah clearly," Leo rolled his eyes, then he noticed Percy smiling. "Don't get too excited she hasn't said yes yet."
"Excited? I'm fine," the three gave him a look before shrugging off.
"Whatever, I have a tutoring session to attend too," Charles said as he stood and waved off his friends. As Charles rounded the corner, he saw Silena by her locker talking to Luke. He had to struggle not to roll his eyes as he walked up to them.
"So this one, or this one," Luke asked, as he scrolled between 2 pictures of him on his phone. They were almost the same picture, just looking in different directions. Charles was struggling not to laugh at Silena's confused face.
"Um.. the first one?"
"That's what I was thinking. You really are beauty and brains," Luke winked, and Charles started gripping on the straps of his bag tighter and till his knuckles were white.
"Hey Silena," Charles greeted, earning a grin from Silena and an eye roll from Luke. "Ready for some French?"
"Yeah for sure," she started walking and turned back to quickly wave goodbye. "He's cute and all but did he really have to make me stand there for like 5 minutes choosing between those two pictures?"
Silena laughed as she walked ahead, Charles following behind her. They made it to the library and sat down. "And by the way, do you think you could ask Percy for the recipe on those cookies? They were so good."
"Yeah for sure," Charles chuckled. "Or maybe you can ask him the next time he shows up in your sisters window or something."
"C'est comme s'il pensait qu'il était Spiderman," Silena shook her head.
"C'est un peu inquiétant."
﹒º. ౨ৎ
You were putting stuff back in your locker before going home. When you slammed it shut, you saw Percy on the other side.
"We've got to stop meeting like this," Percy joked.
"Do you need something? Because if you do, I'd prefer you did it now instead of sneaking into my house," you said sarcastically.
"Oh come on, is that how you speak to your friends?"
"No, I'm quite kind towards my friends," you smirked.
"So what you're saying is, I'm the exception because of how cool and awesome I am?"
You rolled your eyes and sighed, not even knowing what to say anymore. 'He's a real persistent one isn't he?' "Whatever helps you sleep at night, I suppose."
You turned to walk off and make your way outside, when you noticed Percy still by your side. "You know, you have a issue with following me around."
"I don't think its a problem."
"You might want to get that checked out," you joked as you went looking through your bag to find your keys. "Well, bye then."
As you went toward your car, Percy grabbed your wrist, stopping you from leaving. He pulled you so you were now facing him as he put something in your hands. He closed your palm and leaned in to whisper, "your sister asked for the recipe."
He winked and walked off to his bike. You stood there for a moment, watching Percy make his way out of your line of sight. You looked down at the recipe, and at the very bottom it said,
This kid seriously has a problem with the color blue.. "Percy," you called out, not really sure why you did.
He turned around, smiling. "Yeah?"
"Silena's not really a baker... so if you'd want to come over and teach her or something.." you dragged off, suddenly feeling embarrassed. Though you weren't sure why you did.
"You want me to come over?" You really wanted to smack that stupid grin off his face.
"I really want to smack that stupid grin off your face," what can you say? You spoke your mind.
"I'll grab my bike." You mentally face palmed, and now you wanted to mentally punch yourself because your sister wasn't getting home till 5. Its 3.
You sat back and relaxed as you watched Percy stuff his bike into the backseat, "You god back there?"
"Absolutely perfect," he was struggling.
"if you say so," you chuckled. When he managed to fit it in (pause), he hopped into the seat next to you.
"We're gonna have to make a stop."
"What? Where?"
"The store??? When I said blue dye I meant it."
"I'm gonna strangle you," you muttered under your breathe as you started driving off.
"What was that?"
"Don't even worry 'bout it." While driving you gave Percy aux. Him and Silena would've been bumping out together. After finally parking, Percy sped walked over to a shopping cart. When he got one he hopped on and zoomed around like it was a scooter. Like he was a kid or something. "Someones having fun aren't they."
"Is it a problem I live with a careful attitude?" You rolled your eyes, taking the shopping cart from him and ushering him to lead the way. "Follow me ma'am."
"I think you meant, 'yes sir.'"
"I think I meant 'your bikes in my backseat so watch your tone with me,'" you smiled.
"That works, too," he agreed as he walked off. You both were walking down the aisles grabbing ingredients and such. After getting flour, sugar, blue food dye and other ingredients you two finally made your way home. Walking through the front door, you were greeted by your dad.
"Hello Y/N," your dad said from his recliner while reading his newspaper.
"Hi dad." "Hi Mr. Beauregard."
Your dad quickly looked up, shocked with hearing a boys voice from behind you. And additionally, he didn't seem happy about it. He stood up and walked over and stood right in front of Percy, looking him up and down. You just rolled your eyes as you watched this happen.
"Hmmm," you dad hummed. "And what are you doing here?"
Percy grinned as he pulled up the grocery bags, "Cookies!"
You chuckled as you walked off to the kitchen, "Follow me."
After clearing out the kitchen you both started the baking process. Mixing dry ingredients, wet ingredients, you know. The works.
"I don't know, I just feel like you'd be the type to burn the house down," Percy joked.
"You're not too far off," you hopped onto the counter, sitting by Percy as he stirred. "I tried making instant ramen once and forgot the water."
"How do you forget the water," Percy laughed.
"It was 3:30 in the morning," you laughed along.
"And what were you doing up so late?"
"I was studying for the SATs, and it paid off. I got into the dream college," you boasted. "Sarah Lawrence."
"That's amazing. I still don't know if I even want to go to college, like what would I even major in?"
"Well, what do you like to do?"
"Well I like the ocean, you think I can major in surfing or something?" You laughed and so did Percy. You both caught your breathes, and you caught yourself staring at him. You were looking between his sea-green eyes realizing that, he was pretty good looking. Before you let your self stare any longer, you moved down and grabbed some flour, throwing it in Percy's face. You belly-laughed as his face was absolutely coated in white. Percy didn't wait before doing the same to you, and you weren't planning on letting it slide, except your sister walked in.
"Am I interrupting something," she asked. You and Percy were still laughing and very much covered in flour.
"Hi." "Hey Silena, you said you wanted more cookies right," you gestured to the mess behind you.
"I said I wanted to make them," she crossed her arms as she walked over.
"I heard you weren't a baker," Percy said.
"From who? The girl who forgets to add water-"
"It was one time," you yelled. They started laughing as you, though their laugh must've been contagious as you also were now doubled-over in laughter. You guys continued mixing ingredients till it was oven time. While waiting, Silena went over to her room and did some homework, leaving you and Percy in the kitchen.
"Are you not gonna wash that off," you pointed toward his forehead.
"Why, I feel like samba right now," Percy beamed. While looking at the streak of blue you left residing on his forehead, you caught yourself staring again. "Pictures last longer y'know."
You groaned, "Shut upp."
He chuckled as he sat on the barstool next to you. You might just really like sea-green. "I'll go," you muttered.
"I'll go," you said louder.
"To what?"
You groaned loudly, "The party tomorrow, I'll go."
"I knew you would," he pulled you in for a hug, and you couldn't not hug back.
"You're gonna break my ribs," you said as he let you go. Then the oven dinged letting you know the cookies are done, and Silena made her way back downstairs. "Silena?"
"You still wanna go out Friday?"
"Well, I guess we're going now," Silena smiled and cheered as she ran up for her phone to text Charles.
﹒º. ౨ৎ
✰C'est comme s'il pensait qu'il était Spiderman - It's like he thinks he's Spiderman ✰C'est un peu inquiétant - It's a little worrying
✰Taglist: @liviessun @lara20aral @balletfilmss @job-ross-the-second @brokecollegebitch @riaaavm @avihashearts4lix @huera-ne @zn0v1a (just lemme know if you wanna be added)
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xan-izme · 10 months
Dubble life (ACTSV x reader x Batfam) 2
Part 1, Part 3
Summary: Reader struggles to get used to their new life in Gotham. Worrying constantly about her family in New York. A rise of tension rises between readers father figure Aaron and her real father Bruce.
After the dinner, you got yourself ready for bed. The old boombox player you had was playing soft music in the background.
You turned the lights off, slipped into bed and stared at absolutely nothing. Even with the soft music playing, you were just itching to break into your suit and jump from building to building. You were missing your life as Spider-Woman. You missed your aunt and uncles. You missed your cousin. He was literally your twin.
You practically bawled your eyes out while saying goodbye to him. Suddenly, your train of thought was broken when you heard a ringing sound. You sat you and grabbed your phone, for some reason, hoping that it was your mother calling, telling you she was going to be home late tonight.
It wasn't your mother, of course, it was Miles, your cousin. You happily accepted the call. "Miles! oh my God, I missed you!" You could hear the boy chuckle on the other side of the phone.
"We saw each other this morning."
You pout and groan "I know! but it feels like it's been days." You knew you were acting like a toddler, but don't you deserve to act like this? After the nights filled with crime, days filled with unwanted drama.
You and Miles stayed on the phone. Not much talking involved. Talking was too much to do, knowing that they couldn't say the usual 'See you tomorrow' or Miles reminding you to be safe on your little outings. You did end up crying at one point, which caused Miles to tear up, but you don't know that, and he would like to keep it that way.
The next few weeks went by in a blink of an eye, dinner most of the times ended up just being you and Alfred, which you understand, knowing Bruce is busy, and Damian doesn't really like you. Tim would join you for lunch at times. You soon found out Tim was a geek. Which made you talk and ramble off about your plans for the future. Besides from that, you were mostly alone in the house.
Now it was your first day of school, your uncle Aaron offered to drive you for your first day. You asked Bruce for permission first of course.
Bruce at first wanted to say no, but when he pondered about it. It would be good for you to be with someone you knew better to be with you on your first day.
But Bruce looked into Aron. The man was trouble, used to be involved in lots of bad people back in the day. Just to be safe, Bruce decided to tag along. This would also help Bruce get closer to you, get to know the real you.
Putting aside the formalities and the instant obedience you give him.
The doorbell rang, Alfred opened the door and see Aaron standing with a blank expression, one matching Alfreds. "Ah, Mister Davies. Lady Y/n is curently getting ready. Please follow me."
Without any words, Aaron follows Alfred to a room. Thats where he meets Bruce.
"Nice to meet you Mr. Davies." Bruce puts a smile on his face and extended his hand to greet. Aaron smiled a little and shook his hand
"Same here. And Aaron is fine."
The two men sat down and began to talk. It was normal, but only for a small amount of time. The tension in the room began to rise when Aaron's past was brought up.
". . . I admit. I went down the wrong path when I was younger. But I grew out of that mess. But if this is about Y/n, then I guaranty you she is nothing like me. She's a good girl."
"I know she is. I'm not suggesting anything Ill towards my daughter."
Aaron chuckled "Daughter? Don't take this personally. But she ain't your daughter. Not till she says so."
Before any real argument could be made, you came busting in the room. "Uncle Aaron!"
"Baby girl!" Aron at up and opened his arms for a hug.
You ran into the man's arms. Giggling as Aaron gave your head a kiss.
"Look at you. In your little uniform."
You smiled more and twirled around for Aaron to see the whole fit better. "You like it?"
"I love it."
The car ride was a little awkward, but at least it wasn't fully awkward.
Aaron gave you some money and a few good luck kisses and I love You's from Rio. You gave Bruce a hug goodbye.
It's been almost a month since Spider-woman was last seen. Tim did take an interest in this Spider-woman and was going to offer her to join the Young Justice League. You were just one person looking after New York all on your own, with no help. It was very impressive.
But now Spider-Woman was just nowhere to be seen. She has just gone MIA. Now the Prowler was taking care of the city. The media has gone crazy after the disappearance of Spider-woman.
What did catch Tim's attention was the last time Spider-Woman was seen was the day Y/n's mother died. A lot of people were hurt that day Only one dead, which was your mother. Tim has come to a small theory that the death of your mother is connected to the disappearance of Spider-woman.
It's been a full week since you started school, the first day, teachers were really nice to you. They already knew about your mother, which had them pity you. And Bruce being your father made them extra nice. You already didn't like the kids. Seeing them as fake. Because they were. Those smiling faces, those empty words.
You knew them all too well. You do the same, fake knows fake, guess that's what you could call it. Damian was of course no help. Ignoring you as much as he could. Which you didn't actually care.
Why would you care for someone who clearly don't care for you? No need to waste any energy on him. You did take interest in a few clubs. You did need to pick one that you didn't have to attend all the time. One that didn't need too much of your attention. So, you picked the art club.
You saw how much kids were in there, with those number of kids, no one expects you to get to know them all, nor make friends with them all. There are also very talented kids in the club, and the art they do isn't your style, so you're not the best. Which was in a way, good to keep cover.
Right now, you were at the manor. Your uncle dropped off the extra books you left at his place. half of your room looked a section in a library. You knew there was a library in the manor. But they weren't your books. Even if Bruce insists that most of the things in the manor was also yours, that's not how you saw it.
The things you brought from New York was yours, the cloths, books, pictures. You just felt like a guest. Nothing else.
You were curently in your room, listening to a playlist Miles made for you. You were just finishing up your homework when you heard a knock on your door.
"Y/n? It's me, Bruce." The voice on the other side of the door spoke. "Come in!" You say, just loud enough for him to hear.
Bruce enters the room, when he sees you, a small smile graces his lips. You gave him an awkward smile as you wait for what he needed to tell you.
"My schedule is cleared out today. I was wondering if you wanted to go out shopping with me." Bruce was taking a look around your room. Looking at the items you kept on shelves, pictures. Trying to know what you would like, so he could buy something for you that was more of your style.
"And me!" Suddenly Dick popped out of the door with a bright smile on his face. "Nice room." Drick mumbled as he went near your bookshelf. Seeing what books, you were into.
"Ah. . . I would love to, sir- Bruce. But I don't got much on me." You had your own card, you had about 300 or 500 in. But you don't use it unless you're out and really need something to eat. On top of that, you kind of have a spending problem you need to control.
"No need to worry about that." Bruce pulled out his card "It's all on me."
You had no choice but to go with them. You sat in the back seat. Dick in the passenger seat while Bruce was driving. "How's school? make any friends?" Dick spoke up, turning down the volume of the radio. "Oh, it's alright. Me a few kids, they were pretty nice."
The car pulled up to a store. You walked in with the two men and started looking around. You saw plushies that looked really cute. "Can I get these?" You pointed at the plushies and looked up to Bruce for permision.
"Of course." Dick grabbed the plushies and you all started to get more things. Clothes, shoes. You were pretty satisfied with what you had. Bruce purchased what you had picked out, along with a few dresses Dick picked out for you.
Bruce was able to talk to you more. He knows that you like a lot of music genres, you seem to have a deep bond with your cousin Miles and your uncle Aaron. You speak highly of Miles, like he was a sun in the sky to praise.
Bruce was still hooked up on what Aaron had said. Bruce knows that he can't fix the sixteen years he missed in your life, but he wants to try and be there for you now. Try to break down that fake smile of yours.
What? You think he didn't notice.?
Bruce knows what pain looks like. And he can see it all over you. In your actions, your words. In your voice. Whatever makes you cry, whatever fears you have. Bruce will make them all go away. And he is determined to earn the title as your father. For you to finally call him by that title.
Because he's your father. And that's what fathers do.
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simp4wom3n · 1 year
Live Celebrations
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Pairing: Jenna Ortega x GN! Reader
Requested: Yes/No ~ request 1 ~ request 2
Summary: To celebrate Wednesday coming to Netflix, Jenna livestreams on Instagram in order to answer and questions and talk to her fans. The questions soon take a turn in the direction of her partner, Y/N L/N. ~ Word Count: 1.363k ~ Warnings: SO fluffy
A/N: Hi!! I merged two very similar requests and made it gender neutral so hopefully thats ok. I’m really trying to crank out these requests for you guys cause there is A LOT of them, but I don’t want to close my requests so just know if you submit one it may take a while <3 p.s i mention in this fic that the reader and Jenna are drinking. I’m aware that Jenna is 20 and in the states the legal age is 21, but where I’m from it’s 18 so just deal with it xx
With Jenna’s music playing softly through the speakers of the living room of your shared apartment, the two of you were preparing to stream her new show ‘Wednesday’ for the first time as it finally comes to Netflix. It was currently 30 minutes away from being released and you had decided to treat the moment as a small celebration, preparing various snacks as well as some celebratory cocktails. You wanted nothing more than to celebrate your girlfriend which is why you insisted on doing all the preparation, allowing Jenna to livestream on her instagram to interact with fans before the big release.
With Jenna sat on the couch setting up the livestream and you going back and forth from the kitchen preparing for the incoming marathon, there was an air of excitement within your home that filled you with nothing but pure joy. Jenna had set up her phone, held up by your empty cocktail glass, on your coffee table. “Y/N I’m going to start streaming in a minute. Are you sure you don’t want to be in it?” Jenna questions, turning around on the couch to look at you in the kitchen, offering you a small smile. “No that’s ok. They wanna see your gorgeous face not mine.” you jokingly flirt with a look of admiration on your face. “Besides I need to finish setting up for our little marathon. I’m excited to see you on screen for like… 6 hours?, which shouldn’t be too hard seeing I can never take my eyes off you anyway.” “Y/N!” Jenna shouts as she becomes increasingly flustered, her cheeks now painted red, making her look somehow more adorable. “Ok suit yourself but I’m going to start now. I love you” she says blowing you a kiss. “I love you too” you reply, looking at her with heart eyes as her focus returns to her phone as she starts the livestream.
“Hellooooo” Jenna greets as the viewers start pouring in, the comments instantly flooding with excitement. “God this is really exciting.” she starts, flashing her beautiful smile to the audience. “Wednesday is officially on Netflix in… 21 minutes so I thought I would come on here and we could just chill out and I’ll answer any of your questions”
As she talks to her fans and answers numerous questions about the show, you can’t help but just stare at her. One of the things you always admired about Jenna was her passion for the things, and people, she loves, so watching her genuinely enjoy herself whilst interacting with her fans makes you grin inwardly, a small smirk appearing on your face as you try to return your focus onto the drinks.
You were trying your best to not disturb her and remain as quiet as possible, but these cocktails weren’t going to make themselves, so you fill up your shaker with the ingredients and start mixing. Jenna immediately lifts her head, turning it in your direction as you shoot her an apologetic smile. Jenna looks back at her phone apologising for the noise as the topic of the comments suddenly change.
ilovejenna: what’s that noise??
jenna_fan: is someone else there? whoooo
wednesday4life: is that Y/N?? get them on here NOW
A smile immediately forms on Jenna’s face at the the mention of your name. “Sorry guys that’s just my partner Y/N.” she says through her giddy smile. “We are planning on watching the show together and they wanted to make some celebratory cocktails”
ortegareels: omg that’s so sweet of them
jenna.ortega.fanpage: THE Y/N L/N!! GET THEM ON RN!!
onlyjennaa: GIRL!! bring them here rn
Jenna giggles at the influx of comments begging for you to join her, eventually giving in and agreeing to get you to come say hi. “Y/N?”, she calls from the couch. “Yeh?” you reply, pouring out the two cocktails into separate glasses, adding a small garnish to make it extra fancy. “Can you come here please? Everyone wants you to say hi.” “Oh” you think out loud, not expecting them to take any interest in you. “Ok I’ll be there in a second hold on”. Grabbing the two drinks you walk towards your couch, entering the background of her live as her fans start to blow up at the site of you. As you round the couch, you place the two glasses down of your coffee table and take a seat next to Jenna, giving her a small kiss on the cheek. Shifting your focus to her phone you instantly notice the copious amounts of questions that continue to flood the comments.
“Hi” you say with a small chuckle. “Hi cutie.” Jenna says returning a kiss onto your cheek. “Ok so we have about 5 minutes before the shows live so fire away I guess” she smiles, facing her phone to read the comments as she slips her hand into yours.
jennaortegamyidol: how long have you guys been dating?? and where did you meet??
“We have been together for just over 2 years now” Jenna replies instantly glancing at you with a smile “Best two years of my life” you casually added, squeezing her hand and admiring her side profile as you see the familiar red return to her cheeks. “We met through mutual friends when we were like 16 or so and starting dating just after we both turned 18” you continued, taking your eyes off your girlfriend to address the audience.
jennaoutfits: who’s most likely to fall asleep whilst watching something together??
“Oh definitely Y/N” “What?!?” you retort incredulously, letting go of her hand playfully glaring at Jenna. “You have to be kidding me. It is so you, you legit always fall asleep on top of me when we watch something. I’d be shocked if you make it through Wednesday without falling asleep.” you fight back causing Jenna to just laugh before admitting defeat. “Yeahhh your right”. “Damn right.” you boast before adding, “I love it though it’s super cute” giving her a quick peck on the cheek.
jennaortegaswife: which one of you is most likely to get jealous?
As soon as Jenna read it out loud, a small teasing smile spread on her face as she slowly turned her head, resting it on her hand, and just looked at you. You looked at her for a second before accepting defeat. “Yeah that would be me” you chuckle looking slightly embarrassed. “I mean rightfully so though I mean look at you. Your gorgeous. I don’t know how I got you in the first place there is no way I’m letting anyone take you away from me.” you rant in an attempt to justify yourself as Jenna watches in pure amusement. “Love don’t worry your hot when your jealous.” she teases, placing a chaste kiss on your pouting lips, instantly causing you to smile.
“Oh guys it’s live in less than a minute.” Jenna suddenly announces realising the time. “I think that means we are going to leave this here and let you all go.” “All of you better go support my girlfriend or I swear I will find you” you jokingly threaten as Jenna flashes you an appreciative smile. “Thanks for being here guys. I love you all. Thank you guys so much for the support I hope you enjoy the show.” she finishes as she blows them a kiss, ending the stream.
As Jenna throws her phone to the other end of the couch, she grabs the two cocktails, handing one to you, and faces you. “Cheers. To my beautiful girlfriend and her unbelievable talent” you lift you glass staring at your girlfriend with nothing but pure adoration in your eyes as she attempts to hide her blush. The two of you toast glasses and take a drink, before placing them down on the coffee table and snuggling into each other with Netflix open and ready.
Jenna places her head on your chest and wraps her arms around you waist holding you tight. “You are really cute when you are flustered you know.” you whisper into her hair, lacing it with small and gentle kisses. “Shut up” she murmurs smiling, playfully hitting your stomach as you chuckle softly, picking up the remote and pressing play.
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hawkinsquarry · 1 year
❝  please don’t go—  i need.  i need someone—  i need you.  ❞ and ❝  it doesn’t have to mean anything,  i just don’t wanna feel lonely tonight. and i want to feel good for once.  ❞ is making me feel things. honestly needy steve begging to not be lonely sounds lovely but either way ❤️
how could i say goodbye? - steve x gn!reader
no pronouns for reader used; fluff, angst; hurt/comfort; sharing a bed; friends to lovers; love confessions; steve cry :(; brief mention of p*rn section at fam video but nothing in depth!
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You’ve seen Steve like this before. Beaten up, bruised, a bit bloody. You’ve seen him wear the scars after. Borrowing Robin’s concealer for a cut lip and making up lies about being a klutz. You’ve bandaged him up, grabbed an ice pack and a handful of ibuprofen and sat them down on his bedside table, taking in his sleeping face before shutting off the light and going home.
This time, he’s scared. Everyone is. The world’s up in smoke and fire and tens of people are missing or dead. You’d wrung your hands the entire walk to Steve’s at 2 am, just as big military vehicles are pulling in. You couldn’t sleep, not knowing what’s become of him, and you’re relieved when his big, dumb house is in view, intact. A warm light on in his bedroom window. His car in the driveway, his dad’s car not.
Steve’s terrified when he opens the door, but his features soften immediately. His shirt’s off. You notice the lacerations on his torso immediately, but Steve’s pulling you in and locking the door before you can ask.
“Did you walk here?” is the first thing he says. You shrug, and he sighs loudly before wrapping you up in his arms. He smells like earth. “I’m sorry I didn’t call.”
“Lines are down anyway,” you mumble into his shoulder, trying not to kiss the skin as much as you want to. “What happened?”
He sighs again. “Not an earthquake.”
“I know.”
“Guess you could tell I needed a nurse, huh?”
You don’t think it’s very funny, but you lead him to the bathroom, picking out the first aid kit you’d last restocked in July. “Think you’ll need to lay down,” you say, gently kicking the cabinet under the sink shut. “Bedroom.”
You work gently and diligently on his stomach. He’d sworn to you it was already disinfected by the same people who partially cleaned him up after Starcourt. You still apply alcohol, much to his dismay. But even when he’s wincing, he’s quiet. Steve’s not known to be quiet. Your anxiety nearly gets the best of you, almost screaming at him when you ask again, “What happened?”
He stares at you for a long time, brown eyes starting to wet. “Not tonight,” he says.
“She’s alive, too. Almost -“ and he takes a deep breath, pauses when you dab some more isopropyl on his spent skin. “Eddie.” It’s all he says. You bite at your cheek. You didn’t know Eddie well, and you’ve still got a lot of questions - but it’s a confirmation that those you know who usually get into these kinds of messes are okay.
You’re not unaware of the pointed use of the word alive and not okay. He was okay after 1984, and okay again after 1985, but 1986 only brings the word alive.
You use gauze to wrap the cuts on his stomach before taking another once over of him. He’s still so beautiful, even caked with mud and dirt and some weird thick gross slime that he’d only moaned a little don’t ask about. “Your neck,” you whisper, brows furrowing.
He nods a bit. “Hurts.”
You disinfect it, too, gently dabbing him with a cotton pad. “Hurts to swallow? To talk?”
“That’s okay,” you soothe, “I’ll stop askin’ questions now.”
“Don’t,” he whispers, suddenly grabbing your wrist. “Keep talking. Please.”
You swallow and nod before continuing your work. “My house is fine. It looks most bad in downtown - I guess you already know that? The phone lines - I said that already. Guess what I did today?”
A hint of a smile. He shrugs a shoulder.
“I finally checked out the porn section at Family Video.”
His smile grows.
“Which I guess was really good timing. But Keith was there - something about how his employees didn’t show up? Do you know anything about that?”
“Nothing,” he mouths.
“I didn’t rent anything,” you continue, “I just wanted to look. And I guess - I guess I just wanted to see you, too.”
His big eyes get all soft again. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry.” You dab away the last remnants of blood from his neck and pull back to throw the cotton pad in the trash. “Shouldn’t apologize for saving the world.”
You’re prepping a band aid for a cut on his head when he whispers, “We didn’t this time.”
You look back at him in a little bit of shock. Yes, the things always come back. But he’s never come back and said “yeah, we really dropped the ball this time.” He’s always been relatively confident, giving it “an eighty to eighty-five percent chance” that this was the last time.
“Zero percent,” he says, like he’s reading your mind. “We didn’t.”
“Let’s worry about that tomorrow, okay? I saw those big government vehicles - they’ll help.”
He makes a face that tells you everything. They won’t. They don’t know how.
“I’m sorry,” you say, leaning back towards him and resting your hands on his chest.
You see his adam’s apple bob. “I’m sorry I couldn’t make it safe for you.”
Steve has never cried before in front of you. He’s gotten close, but just walked away, pinching his nose and coming back a few minutes later like nothing ever happened. But now, he’s crying. It’s soft, a few tears riding down his cheeks.
“Steve.” Your voice cracks. “None of this is your fault. None of it. You can’t save the world. I’m - I’m so happy you’re safe.” You press your tongue to the roof of your mouth, trying to fight off a sob. “I’m just glad you came home.”
He closes his eyes and bites his lip. You move away with your kit, placing it on his desk before moving back to him. You push his hair out of his face softly. “Get some sleep. Okay?”
Steve’s eyes shoot open and he looks scared again. Panicked. He shakes his head and grabs your hands, pulling you into him so far that you almost trip and fall on top of him. “Please don’t go. I need - I need someone. I need you.”
Your heart jumps up to your throat and you swallow thickly. He’s never asked you for this before. And he’s genuine - his eyes are wild and still wet and he looks so, so scared. Scared of losing you.
“Okay,” you whisper. “I’ll get some blankets and -“
“Here,” he says, tugging you in again. “I - look, I know. But it doesn’t have to mean anything. I just don’t wanna feel lonely tonight. I want to feel good for once. I - goddammit. I want you. Please.”
I want you. It rings in your head. I want you.
You move to the other side of the bed and slide under the covers, cuddling up close to him. Steve turns onto his side as best as he can - you’d chosen his good side to lay beside. You wrap him in your arms as he rests his head on your chest. His grip on you is tight and it has to hurt. His muscles have to be screaming at him to stop and rest. But he holds you like you might get taken, too, along with all the others.
And he cries. You feel the tears soaking through your shirt. He tries his best not to make any noise, but he still sniffles and clears his throat. You rake your hand through his hair and hold him as tight as you can, too.
“Steve,” you whisper. “I love you. I just - I had to say it.”
There’s a pause, a shaky breath, before he pushes himself up to kiss you. It’s small and otherwise insignificant, but warm and sweet and what you’ve wanted for years. You’re surprised when he pulls back, but you melt as he whispers, “I love you, too.”
He settles into your chest again, and you resume combing his hair, heart pounding. “I’m here. Okay? I’ll take care of you. Just rest. I love you.”
He sighs and relaxes. “I love you, too.”
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ky-yk · 1 year
2:28 am (hyj x f!reader)
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genre: fluff || word count: 968 author's note: back from the dead with smth self indulgent and way farther from what i envisioned
in. out. deep breaths, y/n.
lying in a pool of your own sweat, you heaved while staring up at the ceiling. not even a blasting a/c could stop me from shedding my weight in sweat, huh. you learn something new every day, you thought to yourself.
you turned my head with what energy you had left and squinted your eyes to look at the time: 02:28 am, it read. you closed your eyes and sighed, turning to look back up at the ceiling.
"literally, why do i do this to myself. i had a whole day to work out and yet here i am," you muttered to know one in particular. maybe it was a way to distract from the baby hairs sticking onto your forehead and the ends of my locks feeling like you'd taken a shower that you'd suddenly become hyper-aware of.
"i wonder the exact same thing."
a husky voice broke you out of your reverie. you propped yourself up on your arms as you looked over to the door that you're surprised you didn't hear open and met the striking brown eyes of a certain songstress. your eyes grew wide as you tried to sputter out an answer.
"o-oh, hey yunjin!" such a charmer, y/n. nice going.
you then got up and ran over to the couch where your towel lay and tried to at least make myself look presentable. "what're you doing here? it's so late," you asked in english.
"i could ask you the same thing, y/n," she chuckled with a shake of her head. she turned her attention to the lone yoga mat near the end of the room.
"i-i'll clean that up, don't worry!" you sputtered out. you then scuffled over to the yoga mat and started rolling it up. "anyways, what're you doing here again?"
"leader's orders. she's been trying to contact you all night," she replied nonchalantly. you cringed at the thought of worrying your chaewon-unnie. yikes...
"um, tell her i'll be home soon," you replied.
the quiet hum of the air conditioners was the only thing filling the awkward silence between you and your same-aged friend. who you also happened to be crushing on. hard. i mean, it was hard not to. she was quite literally everyone's dream girl. insanely talented, creative, witty, and not to mention, absolutely gorgeous. when she came home from the salon after dyeing her hair black for unforgiven promotions, your soul quite literally left your body.
aside from those, though, she felt like home. the whole debut process -- from getting scouted at a school talent show to moving to korea barely speaking the language -- would've been even more hellish had she not been around. your first training session with the girls was nothing short of grueling, made even more so by your evident insecurity and shyness. you sat on the couch with the girls as they chattered away nonstop among each other, their conversations going in one ear and out the other as you stared off into the distance and just let everything sink in.
"hey, you good?" she asked you in english, and the familiarity in a strange land lifted a whole weight off your shoulders.
only for it to make it so easy for you to fall into the trenches that is huh yunjin.
"i'll wash up real quick and then head home," you told her after cleaning up after yourself. she hummed noncommittally as you picked up your belongings and made your way to the hybe showers. when you came back, she was sitting patiently with her legs crossed and her phone in her hands, looking at it intently. you finally got a good look at her: how her glasses hung on for dear life at the end of her nose, how her hoodie engulfed her and made her look oh so cuddly, and how she let her hair down and had it frame her face perfectly.
goddamn, get up, y/n.
"let's get going?"
"come here, first."
she put her phone down and opened her arms up for you to come into. you confusedly put your bag down and walked over to her, only for her to turn you around and pull you into her lap. your eyes widened as you felt your heart beat against your chest. you looked down at her arms tightening around your waist, hoping your hair would cover your reddening face. that was probably fruitless though because you were certain she could feel the heat radiating off of you with her chin resting on your shoulder.
"um...care to explain?"
"i'm just feeling affectionate," she mumbled.
"ah." she probably would've clung onto kkura-unnie if she was here. i just happened to be the only person around. get up, y/n.
"besides, i haven't seen you often. you're always disappearing after our schedules; my english is getting rusty, you know?" you could hear the pout in her voice. you turned to look at her and completely underestimated the distance when she turned to look at you too, noses barely touching.
"so when chaewon-unnie was going to ask zuha to look for you, i stepped up. i missed you."
"we see each other every day though."
"but we never get to hang out."
"valid, i guess."
you broke her gaze and turned to look at yourselves in the mirror. yunjin plucked her phone up and turned her camera on.
"look, y/n."
your idol instincts turned on and posed for the camera in front of the mirror: hand on your cheek, face scrunched up in a smile as yunjin shot away until...
you felt her nosing away at your neck and leaving a little peck on the spot. there was no way she couldn't feel your heart drumming against your chest.
"cute. let's get going?"
"yeah, sure..."
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And they were roommates. 1-4
Summary: Your roommate comes to save you from a bad date and ends up saving your whole night.
Pairing: FemReader x Jason Todd
Words: 3.9k
Warnings: SMUT 18+ ONLY, choking, teasing, swearing, praise, asshole men, drinking, plot? whos she?, Friends to lovers, Roommates!AU, Jason is the hood but his roommate has no idea. Mean names for mean men.
AN: OMG they were roommates. Soft Jason is getting me through my days right now.
Edit: Apparently I need to put numbers on theses, because I live in this world now and as of right now there are 2 more chapters in my drafts.
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“Hey roomie, what's up?” Jason's voice is somehow the only thing calming you down as you cower in the stall of the ladies room. This was supposed to be a nice date, the guy was a doctor for fucks sake. But if he isn't the creepiest guy, with the worst vibes in the world, you'd eat your own shoe. 
Shit, how are you going to tell Jason that you’re an idiot. The smart thing to do would’ve been to call Cass or Steph, but you’re not quite sure how they would react. Jason on the other hand, you know he will come. He might be one of the biggest assholes you know, but he’s got a soft spot for you. He did let you move in with him after you got kicked out of your last place and well, you panicked. So now here you are hiding in the bathroom, calling your massive roommate to come rescue you because you're terrified of what's going to happen when you turn this guy down.
“Princess? You there? Are you alright? You're breathing kind of heavy.”
“Jay, I need you to come get me.”
“That bad huh?”
“Yes, please. Were at-”
“I know where you are. Give me ten minutes.”
“Thanks,” you end the call. Ten minutes ok. You can wait ten minutes. You've just got dessert left. That should give Jason plenty of time to show up and you can just say Jay will give you a ride home and that will be that. No worries.
5 minutes to go, you think as Dr fuckin douchebag, stands from the table. “I can't wait for you to see my apartment  I just got the new-” Blah Blah Blah.......Fuck does he ever shut up? you think. Your eyes stay focused on the door. Maybe you could go back and hide in the bathroom until Jason gets here?
Shit, he's staring. Did he ask you a question? Who cares? You stand up peeking down at the message on your phone.
“1 minute away.”
Thank all the fucking gods for Jason Todd. You follow Dr douche outside, onto the busy street. His gross hand on your back makes you recoil into another passer-by. "Sorry, ma'am," 
"It's ok dear," the old lady says, brushing past you with her groceries, "are you ok?" 
“Yeah, thanks.” You say sincerely, hearing the echo of Jason's bike from down the street. Any second now.
“Don't worry about that old bitch. She needs to watch where she’s going,” Dr douche says, “my car is this way,” he starts to direct you. But you stand in place, he looks at you with his brow furrowed, “this is Chanel,” he points at his coat, “I need to get inside before it rains. Lets go.”
You just stare at him. Completely flabbergasted. Where the fuck is Jay? The Doctor reaches for you but you take a step back. “I think I'll walk home,”
“Don't be ridiculous, I can drive us back to my house.”
“Nah I'm good,”
“What! I buy you this expensive dinner and nothing? Typical fucking female.”
“The lady said she's good,” a gruff voice comes from behind you before an arm wraps around your shoulder. You lean back into the touch, letting out a deep breath.
“And who the fuck are you?” Dr D-bag shouts.
“Ready to go Princess?” Jay asks, handing you his spare helmet. You nod in response and Jason turns to lead you back to his bike when he suddenly stops. Turning around so fast you don't know what's happened until you see Dr douche on the ground cradling his face. “Fucking prick. Keep your hands off me,” Jason sneers over at him. “You ok?” he asks, as you step away from Dr D-bag who’s still shouting obscenities at you both.
“Yeah good, can we go home now?”
“Right this way Princess.”
“So what happened?” Jason asks when you walk through the door of your shared apartment. He’d be silent the whole way home and you’re not certain if it’s because you wouldn’t be able to hear over his motorcycle or if he was trying to calm himself down. He was gripping the handles of the bike so tight you thought they might snap off.
“You saw him. He was awful. Nearly dragging me back to his house wasn’t even the worst of the things he did. Sure, the not letting me get a word in bugged me, but when he started talking about OUR plans for the future I knew I needed an out.”
“That’s gross. But what I don’t understand is-” he pauses as if thinking over his response, “Why call me?”
“I ah-” you're not really sure what to say or why he's so shocked that you would.
“Noone ever calls me for help. You must be out of your mind,”
“I didn't know who else to call,”
“Dick, Steph, Cassie. Geeze I even thought you’d call the demon spawn before me.”
“I panicked and well, I knew you'd come.”
“Because I have no life?”
“No, because even though you're a jerk sometimes there's a reason you let me move in here when I was desperate.”
“Because you're hot?”
“No, because we're friends. You like me,” you tease,”you think I'm cool.”
“Not true.”
“I would not.” he dramatically rolls his eyes at you. 
You ignore him, walking over to the fridge and grabbing a bottle of wine. With a little jump, you sit yourself on the kitchen counter and take a swig. Jason throws his favourite jacket off onto one of the stools, leaning himself next to you on the counter. He stares up at you, like he’s still very confused about why you called him instead of one of the others. The favourites, but he doesn't want to push you.
“May I?” he asks and you recall the dozens of other times you have sat like this together. So much easier and equal when his face is in line with yours and his massive frame isn’t hulking over you.
“For my rescuer? You can have as much wine as you want,” you smile, handing him the bottle.
“Rescuer, I like that. Though I am wondering why you went out with him in the first place.”
“He seemed fine when we were texting. But-”
“He wasn't.”
“Exactly. And honestly I'm so pent up that if he wasn't such a walking red flag, I probably would have gone home with him.”
“Asshole is lucky I only hit him,” he mutters under his breath, “Should’ve at least stabbed him a little,”
“Enough about him. What are we going to do tonight?”
“I could call Roy and Artemis, we could go to the club? We could prowl the streets to find this guy and I'll hit him again for good measure? Or we could stay in, do a girls night?”
“Dancing does sound good, but I'm not really in the mood for other people right now.” You slide further down the counter, before flopping onto the floor, “mogjt I wntd t gt ld tdy,” you mumble into your arm.
“What was that? You’re mumbling,”
“I said!” You shout, “MOSTLY I JUST WANTED TO GET LAID!” Jay peers down at you, his eyes  going wide and a tiny bit of shock on his face. “But apparently I'm picky and gross. No one I ever want, wants me.”
“Hey, I won't have you saying shit like that,” he bends down in front of you, his hand firm on your chin. You want to look at him but you can feel the shame on your face. “Eyes on me, Princess.”
“I can't,”
“You can. Come on now, just look at me.” You slowly raise your gaze until your eyes meet his. “There you are, now tell me about your problem.”
“My problem is being so horny I feel like I'm gonna burst.” you admit, “So, not so much a problem as an inconvenience.”
“That’s a really big one,” He says leaning back on his heels, “do you want my help?”
“What?!” you say, very taken aback by his offer.
“I said,” he stays where he is giving you room to think. But you know how fast he can move when he wants to, “Do you want my help?”
“I -” Shit, you can feel all your conflicting emotions swirling around in your head. Sure Jay is kind, sweet even. But he can be such an jerk. Is he going to hold this over you? Bring it up all the time? Is it going to change your friendship? You admit you always had a tiny bit of curiosity about what it would be like, how he would taste, what his big strong arms would feel like wrapped around you. But would this change everything? Would it be better or worse?
“Last time I'm going to ask Princess, you want my help or not? We can just sit and watch a movie or something.” he throws his head back towards the couch, “Clocks ticking, better decide fast.” He smirks, pulling away slightly like he’s about to get up and leave.
“Yes,” the word whispers on your lips.
“Going to need you to say that a bit louder, Princess.” He teases, watching you intently.
“Yes, Jason. I would like your help,”
“Good girl,” he takes your face in his two hands, pulling you into him. His lips meet yours and it's like nothing you've ever felt before. The sweet wine on his breath, his calloused thumbs brush along your cheek, his lips firm while not consuming. It's a great fucking kiss.
“Are you sure about this?” You ask when he stops to take a breath.
“Second guessing yourself already Princess? Coz we can stop. This is all it could be, just a kiss between friends.” He bites down on his bottom lip, his eyes raking over you in the tight red dress you'd worn for your date. “Be a shame, but we can stop.”
You take him in, the grey sweats that just cling to his thighs. The black tee that looks like it's been painted on and those beautiful curls that have gone all frizzy from his helmet. 
“Yes you want to stop.” he confirms, backing away.
“Yes, I want to keep going.”
He smiles so wide at that, “then get up,” he wraps an arm around you hugging you close to his body, “I'm not about to fuck you on the floor.” Your legs bind around him, even though you know he isn't about to drop you, “see now isn't that better?”
“Love this dress by the way,” his fingers graze along the underside of your thigh, “Red looks good on you,” he carries you down the hall. Stopping when he reaches your opposite doors, his eyes glancing between the two, “Yours or mine?”
“Damn, was hoping I'd get to smell you on my sheets tomorrow.”
“Maybe next time,”
“Oh,” he raises his brow, “going to be a next time is there?”
“If you're lucky,” you wink.
“Well, I’m shit outa luck.” he jokes as he takes a seat on the edge of your bed, placing you on his lap. His hand drift’s closer and closer to your pussy. “Maybe I don't need luck,” he kisses into your shoulder, “maybe I can convince you based on pure talent.”
“That's a big maybe,” you squirm rubbing yourself down into his groin,
“Not for me,” he hooks his knees under yours, spreading you open for him, his mouth dangerously close to your ear. His nose brushes along your neck, his fingers matching the movement on your inner thigh. 
His other hand reaches around, massaging your tits. A quick swipe of his fingers over your panties, you hide your face, knowing what he's going to find. “Fuck, you're wet already,” his finger slip up, moving your panties to the side as he dips his fingers into your wetness. 
You let out a small moan, his fingers feel so intense, slowly drifting up and down your pussy lips. You start to squirm aching to have them inside of you. “Jason please,”
“You want my fingers princess?” 
“Yes, shit that feels so good.” His hand rises from your tits circling your neck. His other hand moves your thighs up, your feet landing on his knees and making you fall further back unto him, 
“That's a good girl, spread open for me. I got you,” he says when he feels you tense, “relax into me.”
You let your muscles go loose, your hands wrapping around his huge biceps as he brings his free hand closer to where you need him. His hand slips into the band of your panties, ripping them from you and in seconds his hand is back on you. 
“Shit, can’t believe you’re so wet already. Do I turn you on Princess?” His voice teasing as his middle finger presses onto you. “Slides in so nice,” he presses it deeper, “fuck, I can feel you clenching on on it already,”
“Jason,” you thrust your hips up, “move your hand,” you reach down, pressing your hand ontop of his.
“Oh, like this,” he pulls his finger out, then puts two back in, “Show me how you like it Princess,”
“Yeah,” you moan, “like that,” guiding his fingers, exactly how you like it.
“That’s it, show me how to make you cum,” he moans, his stubble grazing your cheek as he peers over your shoulder to watch you, “You like that? How about this?” he tilts his head, lips sucking on your shoulder, his thumb moving how you're directing it while his fingers fuck into you.
“Yeah, that's amazing,” you move your hips in time with his thrusts noting the hardness growing under your ass. Relishing in the soft nip of his teeth as they graze up your neck. His other hand reaches round, slipping under your dress and pinching at your nipple.
“That's it, take it from me.” He moans in your ear, “take your pleasure from my hand Princess.” Your hips start to buck, your knees shake from trying to get his fingers deeper and deeper inside you. You feel a surge inside and suddenly your legs collapse, your feet tingle and your head falls back right into his shoulder.
“Jay, that was-” you're lost for words as you stare up at him with only half your brain left.
“Fuck, you made such pretty sounds, let's see of I can get some more,” his hands tighten on the bottom of your dress, tugging the material over your head and throwing it onto the floor. The chill of the night hair hits you and sends goosebumps all over your skin.
You're still basking in your post cum haze when he flips you. Landing on your hands and knees and before you can even ask what he's doing his face is on your pussy.
“I just have to, if this is the only time. I want it all,” his tongue thrust's into you, licking all of that sweet cum from inside you. “Fuck you taste so good,” he moans, the vibration of his voice sending jolts of pleasure through your body. “So fuckin hot when you twitch, Princess,” His fingers thrust back into you as he sucks down on your clit.
“FuucK Jay, yeah like that,” you quiver, over-stimulated from your first orgasms. You press your ass into his face and he growls in response, grabbing you by the hips to force you even closer. 
“That's it Princess, fuck yourself into my face. Give me all-” he stops, staring up at you in awe, “are you going to cum again?”
“Yes, so close.”
“Fuck, you must've needed this. So pent up, just needed a real man go take care of you,” his fingers work faster his whole arm wrapping under your hips to keep you upright. “So fucking delicious,”
“Yes Jay, yes I need to-”
“Cum then. Cum on my face,” his words muddled by how well he is eating you right now
“Jason fuuuucckkk,” you scream as you let go, your body shaking, held up only by the arm underneath you.
“Such a good girl,” he says, slowly easing off you, “take a rest,” his weight leaves you and you feel the bed rise as he stands.
“Where are you?” You turn your head with maximum effort.
“Can't fuck you with my pants on Princess,” he smirks at you, “do you still want me to fuck you? Or are you blazed out?”
“Yes, please,” you smile sweetly at him, even though your face is still smooshed into the mattress.
“Such manners for such a bad girl,” he says, working to get his clothes off a bit faster, “Can you tell me what you want?”
“Want you to fill my achy pussy, so fuckin empty Jay, please.” you pout your bottom lip at him.
He smiles so bright that it almost lights up the room, ”Since you asked so nicely,” he grabs your hips lifting and spreads your ass cheeks, “do you want it right now or?” His cockhead swipes through your soaked pussy.
“Yes, now. Please fuck me,” you try to back into him but he his massive hands hold you in place
“I wanted this for so long, can you let me enjoy this,” teasingly slowly he swipes his cock through you, slapping his head onto your pussy. You jolt up, so fucking sensitive, you legs start to twitch and your back arches your ass into him.
He lets out a pleased giggle to himself. He presses just the tip into you, slowly opening you up and pressing himself in deeper and deeper. His huge cock stretches you out wonderfully. You feel every vein, every inch of him, until he's fully inside of you. “Holy fuck, you feel so good,” he moans, leaning his body over yours and kissing into your neck. Goosebumps cover your skin and you can feel your pleasure starting to build again.
You try to move again, but his strong hands hold you in place, “Inpatient aren't we Princess. No need for squirming, I got you.” Drawing out slowly, he slams back into you. 
“Jason, holy fuck,” you pant, biting down on the blanket below you.
“Shit, you're pussy, holy fuck is right,” he keeps his movement consistent, the slow draw out before he thrust hard back into you. “You're so fucking slippery princess, it's so fucking good.”
His pace speeds up, your breath becoming raged and hoarse as he fucks into you. “Holy shit, I can’t believe we waited so long for this,” His cock worshiping you from the inside while his mouth rambles "so good, too good. Taking me so well, Fuck I want to live here,”
Your about to come again when he stops, his hand latching into your hair and pulling your back to his chest. The zing of pain almost, fucking almost sending you over the edge. But he’s still, holding himself inside you.
“From now on Princess,” his voice is almost a growl in your ear as you clench around him at the mention of your pet name, he shivers in response. Tugging tighter on your hair, “You come to me ok. No more fucking assholes that can't treat you right. No more late night rescues, just this.”
“Jay,” you pant, “is this-”
“I want you to be safe and if this keeps you safe, then we'll do it every fucking day,”
“I want that,” 
“Good girl, now roll over. I wanna see those pretty eyes when I make you cum on my cock.”
“Jason, fuck.” You squeal when he takes your ankles over his shoulders, his hands coming down to rest on either side of your head. 
He leans down pressing his forehead into yours, “kiss me Princess,” you reach up wrapping your arms around his neck and plant your lips on him. It's hungry and sloppy and it sends shivers down your legs. You only stop to let out a low moan when he pushes back in.
“You're so deep,” 
“I know, shit. I want to be all the way back in.” He pushes harder, “do you feel how well I'm filling you?” He grinds his pelvis into yours, “how well you're taking me? Fucking hell, hold on to me,” He tightens your grip around his neck, He moves faster, fucking into you like some wild animal let loose, his pace all over the place as he looses himself in you. “Princess, you're-” he grips your throat tighter holding you in place, “that should stop ya slipping away from me”.
“Jason, tighter,” you move your hand over his, pressing his fingers in harder. 
“Like that?” He confirms and when you nod he takes your hand back, “hold onto me. I need to cum, I need it so fuckin bad.” His hand moves back to your throat, "But I don't want to stop fucking you," his hips pressing yours higher and higher until your ass is fully off the bed, his other arm holding your thighs to his chest. 
“Jay, fuckin- oh my shit,” you pant as he cock reaches parts of you, you didn't even know existed. “I'm gunna cum Jay,”
“Me too Princess, want me to count us down?”
“Yes, yes whatever.”
“5, shit you're so fucking sexy like this,” he moves your head with his thumb  pointing your face right at him, “4, were definitely doing this again,” you feel your legs begin to shake and your world start to spin as you try to hold it at bay. “3, shit, shit, it's so good, too fuckin perfect,” his grip tightens on your throat, and you close your eyes trying to focus, “2, open your eyes Princess, look at me when I make you cum,” your eyes zap open and your met with that cocky smile, you feel your insides start to flutter, to squirm and buzz and all that good shit, “1.” You start to convulse like you've been possessed, the only thing holding you in place is Jason's massive body while he cries your name and buries himself in you.
“I didn't choke you too hard did I?” He asks rolling off you and gently putting your legs on the bed.
“I liked it,” you joke, turning on your side and slipping your elbow under your head. “How are you? Do you need some water?”
“Yeah, that'd be great,” he takes heaving breaths, not even sitting up to drink from your water bottle. “That was something else.”
“You got that right.”
“So have I got the skills or what?”
“Are you really fishing for compliments right now?” 
He shrugs at you, throwing the water on the ground. 
"Yes, oh great Jason Todd, you got the skills."
“Knew it,” he winks, “I meant what I said, you come to me, you cum on me, whenever you want.”
“Good night Princess,” he says, rolling over and tucking you into his chest.
“Hey! I didn't say you could sleep here,” you protest jokingly trying to push him away.
“Good luck with your whole pushing me away thing,” he yawns, his arms tightening around you as he presses a little kiss into your forehead and snuggling down into your hair.
“Asshole,” you mumble as you press yourself in closer, throwing a leg over his.
“Yeah, this asshole rescued your whole night Princess, So I think you'll let it slide this time.”
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woozvc · 9 months
notice you
1.0 (season finale)
word count - 1.8k ish
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you keep your phone down for a while. me and vernon replays in your head. maybe it's the stress from the interview being released or maybe it's something else, suddenly you're laying in bed like a motionless doll staring at the ceiling. events from your meet up with vernon replay in your head.
how when he saw u walk over to him he broke out in the biggest smile ever. how he didn't immediately hand you your wallet, instead took his time to ask how you were and if you had eaten. when you said no he responded
" I know a place nearby let's go"
"oh it's okay we don't have to I've already made u come all the way here just to give me my wallet"
"I want to hang out with you let's go"
I want to hang out with you. he wanted to spend time with you with or without the wallet. but surely it didn't mean much?
you guys stop by a nearby cafe, it's small with no one around. the smell of freshly made ramen fills your nose as u remember you hadn't eaten at all.
both of you sit down and make small talk about life, goals, the future and what not. vernon is genuine in his answers, that's something you admired about him since the first time you both met.
admire, that's the word u use when u see vernon.
admiration fills your eyes when he talks about his love for music and his passion.music has been your life goal since forever, and you wouldn't give up being an idol for anything. it was nice knowing that someone you look upto also feels the same. it felt comforting that he also felt the effect of music.
admire, that's the word you use for vernon when he offers to take a walk around the river after you finish eating.
he's a bit awkward, it's very evident. both of you clueless as to if this is okay, adrenaline pumping in your blood at the thought of being caught. but for some reason you didn't care, not when you're with him.walking around with him felt natural, something about him feels familiar, it feels comfortable.
admire, the word both of you use when you finally say goodbye.
it's around midnight and the river area is getting crowded with college kids having picnics with their friends. that's when you both decide to head home. it's comfortable, but there's a feeling of longing. you want to stay there with him but you know u can't. "I'll see you around" leaves your lips as u walk away, clutching your wallet in your hand.
admire, that's the word vernon used for you when he saw you debut showcase for the first time on his YouTube for you page.
he was bored, he has nothing else to do. autoplay helped though, he heard an unfamiliar melody fill his ears and suddenly he was watching all your videos on your channel for the next 2 hours.
admire, the word vernon uses to hide the fact he didn't just notce you, he admired you.
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"sometimes things are better left unsaid" you both think as you turn your phones off, last texts never getting sent.
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synopsis - you get invited to your first MAMA awards after debuting as a soloist. a dream come true for u. your fans are ecstatic but they can't help but notice how this one idol keeps stealing glances at u......and you can't ignore it either.
pairing — vernon x gn!reader
genre/s — smau, idol au, fluff, minor angst
warnings — a lot of cursing
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note — Y'ALL I'M SORRY FOR MAKING THE FINALE SO ANGSTY BUT I PROMISE SEASON 2 WILL BE BETTER PLEASE FORGIVE ME. but yes omg we finally ended season 1!! I didn't know this series would blow up as much as it did and I'm so grateful. this series will be on hold for a while, I'll focus on my other series which is coming up and more one shots but this WILL RETURN!! thank you for loving notice you as much as I do <3
anyways as always id love to know your thoughts on this chapter!
tags —
@spilled-coffee-cup @atinytinaa @matchahyuck @wonwoos-wineparty @kawennote09 @weird-bookworm @idkwwhatimmdoiing
@maiamorrrrrrrrrrrr @thehao8 @blurryriki @atinytinaa @delicatewinterenthusiast @stqrrgirle @cloelinnnnn @sp1ng @venusprada @hellohannie
@ddokye @jeonghansshitester @cienlvrs @vernyangel @thefroggybazaar @wondering-out-loud @mxnhoeuwu @ahuihoeeee
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y0urm4m · 3 months
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Summary: Matt begins to question whether he deserves your love and time.
Warnings: none just a breakup story.
(Couldn’t find a perfect song to go with so I picked this one)
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
╰┈➤ ❝ 𝑀𝒶𝓎𝒷𝑒 𝓌𝑒 𝓌𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝓂𝑒𝒶𝓃𝓉 𝓉𝑜 𝓂𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝓉𝑜 𝒷𝑒 ❞
- 𝓳.𝓫 [𝓬𝓻𝓸𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓹𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓼]
I slowly opened my eyes, groaning at the sudden sunlight that blinded me. Rolling over my back now facing the light peeking through my window, grabbing my phone I was happy to see 1 new notification from Matt.
Matt - Hey when you’re up and ready why don’t you come over
I smiled to myself, sitting up. I had to brush my teeth, hop in the shower, get dressed and then I’d head over to Matt’s. I walked over to the bathroom brushing my teeth then turning the shower on. Quickly washing my hair and body so I could spend more time with him as we hadn’t seen each other in at least 2 weeks due to him being busy all the time recently. After I was finally dressed I rushed to put my shoes on and head out of my apartment, practically speeding over to matt’s.
Once I had finally reached the house I slowly knocked on the oak door, to be greeted with Matt. He had bags under his eyes and looked like something was on his mind. “Hey..”I said smiling. “Hey.” He replied smiling slightly. It was nice to see his smile in person after two weeks.
We made our way to his room. As he returned to the position he was in before I had turned up. “Soo.. how’ve you been?” I asked looking at him. “Good.” He mumbled looking back down at his brittle bitten nails. I just nodded looking around the room that I’ve been in many times before, nothing was new. The silence was almost deafening, but he suddenly spoke up. “um y/n I’ve been thinking, I know you’ll probably be confused and I will completely understand but I think we should take a break.” “What?” I said in utter shock. Me and Matt had never even argued where did this come from. He swallowed. “I don’t want us to end on an argument but I think we’re just not meant to be.”he said whispering the last part. “Matt.. please don’t do this we can work it out I promise, where did it all go wrong?” I asked as my voice cracked and vision blurred trying to fight back the tears forming in my eyes. He didn’t reply instead picking at his nails and biting the inside of his cheek, I slowly arose from the bed not knowing what else to say, grabbing my things and left his room making sure to be quiet as I didn’t want to make a scene in front of his brothers.
Matt pov:
I sat there like a coward watching her leave as I felt the lump form in my throat, wishing I could bring myself to tell her but I just couldn’t find the words. As I heard the front door close, I sat soaked in my own guilt regretting everything that just went down. I hate myself for knowing I hurt her but I know it’s for the best.
Reader pov:
I slowly slid into the drivers seat letting the tears that had built up fall, wiping them away with the sleeve of my jumper. I took a slight glimpse in the rear view mirror at my mascara stained face, I was a state I need to go home now. I quickly started the car pulling away to drive home. Where did i go wrong? Did I do that had upset him? I had so many questions but no answers. I eventually arrived at my apartment rushing inside before my neighbours could see me like this, I didn’t even have the energy to change into pyjamas I just slid under my covers curling up into a ball crying myself to sleep. He was perfect all I could have ever asked for, the person I wanted by my side forever till death do us apart.
He was the one for me, but I guess I wasn’t the one for him.
Matt pov:
I bit my nails staring into the abyss of room, thinking the events that occurred not even hours ago. Just thinking about her makes me realise how much she deserved to be with someone who could be there for her whenever and forever through all the ups and downs. I wish I could be that person but I can’t. If I had the time I would have married her someday possibly even had kids. I know she’ll be upset but she’s a strong woman and I know she’ll find the one.
Although She was the one for me, I wasn’t the one for her.
A/N: 𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐨 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬! And I wanna say a big thanks to my friend who helped me go over this lyl
Taglist: @patscorner @mattisthehottest @mayhem-72
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wintersxldiers · 5 months
I already messaged @lafleshlumpeater this ask but I thought I should do it to as many people as I could (esp bc ik ur a Bucky stan)
Could you do a sad reader bc she has period cramps and concerned Bucky who has done his hw to help his girl every way he can. (Some smut too if you're comfortable) Just fluff, fluff and more fluff
YESS Winter's children UNITE!
thanks for requesting hope you like this but I don't know if I really did this justice.
Warnings: Periods, Fluff and comforting Bucky (Lmk if I missed any) In which Bucky's Doll gets her period and he helps her feel a bit better and does everything he can to make sure his girl feels good.
(Thank you @lafleshlumpeater for proof reading and encouraging me to post this <333 so grateful for you xx)
You rolled around in pain. Curse these stupid period cramps. You prayed for the moment for Bucky to come home so he could help relieve you of this pain. You needed his cuddles, his kisses, his warmth and his scent. Your favourite thing to do while on your period was to wrap yourself up in his scent. You missed and wanted it all. 
Suddenly you hear the front door slam shut and footsteps in the kitchen.
"Doll, I'm home, where are you?" Bucky said, looking in the living room and bathroom. 'Probably in our bedroom' he thought to himself and walked into the bedroom. There he saw you clutching your stomach and rolling around on the bed. "Baby, what happened? Is it the cramps again?" He asked, holding your face in his hands. He glanced at his phone to check the date and realised you were on your period. "stupid periods" he cursed under his breath. 
Then an idea popped into his head. "Wait there Angel, I'll get you the hot water bottle" and that's exactly what he did. He grabbed the hot water bottle and climbed into bed with you for a while, cradling you in his arms before he decided that he needed to go shopping first. "Bucky please stay here." you mumbled, in pain. He refused and walked out and left the house. 
Bucky returned twenty minutes later with 2 carrier bags full of sweets and chocolates because of your cravings. "Hey baby I'm back with the goods" he chuckled a bit under his breath. "Thank you so much Bucky." you said eternally grateful that he is your boyfriend. "It's nothing Doll, you deserve this and more." he said staring deep into your eyes before standing up and getting you water and medication. 
You took the medication then asked "wanna come lie in bed, watch a movie and eat?" You looked at him hopefully and of course he agreed. He took his jacket off and slipped under the covers. He grabbed you and held you in his arms and you stroked his metal arm softly, your fingers grazing over it. He had his flesh hand rubbing over your belly, almost massaging it. Your head rested on his hard chest.
You loved this comforting side of Bucky, it was refreshing to see especially after you both come back from a mission and he lets his guard down when he steps into the house with you. You looked up and stared at him while he stared at the screen while watching YOUR comfort movie. He could feel your eyes on him and looked down at you, “what’s up Doll?He asked. “Nothing” you replied, “Thank you” you said before landing your lips onto his. “I love you Angel.” He muttered. “I love you too Buck.” You replied.
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kimis-gloves · 3 months
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Runnin' Home To You - read on ao3
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The winter break. The time of year that either leaves people longing for more, or an appreciated break from the world of cars and speed. For Charles leclerc it's a different situation. During this time of year, he's apart from everything he loves, everyone he loves. The way he grabs onto charles when they share a podium, the looks they share while they achieve one of their few moments alone. Charles can't see his life in racing without Max Verstappen being there with him. From the early years of karting, Charles knew he loved max. His entire mind and way of thinking revolves around max. The way he races, the way he does not find any genuine attraction to anyone other than max. It's almost as if he's been poisoned and rotted by his fellow dutchman. 
After Abu Dhabi, Charles found himself not wanting to leave Max's side because he knew that once he did, it would be one of if not the last time he saw Max before the next season's testing. His heart ached everytime he had to spend time away from max. He wondered if Max ever felt the same way, he doubted that as he watched Max walk over to his new girlfriend, one that came upon somewhat suddenly. He watched as they hugged each other tightly, embracing the other's presence as Max exclaimed with joy after winning his fourth world drivers championship. When Max leans in to kiss her, Charles can't bear to watch as it just hurts too much to see the man he's loved for his entire life, act so affectionately to someone that isn't him. 
That was what Charles thought would be the last time he saw Max that year. He spent most of his winter break attempting to take his mind off of the fact that he is so in love with the boy who was sent from the stars. He spent nights laying in bed, deeply wishing Max was there with him. To laugh with and to hold, to stare into his oceans of eyes and tell him how right from the start, he was the light in the dark. 
But alas he can't. He lay there in his cold, empty bed and continued to wish. It's a colder & rainy night, not cold enough to snow. He listens to the droplets of rain rattle against his windows, as he turns over to face the moonlit & rain scattered window, he hears a loud, but stern knock at his apartment door. 
“What the-”
knock, knock, knock
After quickly checking his phone, Charles drags himsout of his bed, throwing on the nearest joggers and whatever loose tee he can get his hands on. As he's making his way towards his front door, hes wondering who on earth could be at his door at this hour, surely nobody import-
“Charles.. May I please come in?”
“Oh, of course here..”
As Charles is making wax for Max, he's left utterly speechless as to why Max Verstappen is at his door, dripping wet with monacan rain, asking to be let in. surely there's no logical reason for this. 
“Max.. why are you here”
“Shit- charles im sorry, i knew it would be a mistake coming here.”
“No, talk to me.”
Charles brings them both over to the sofa, he offers max a drink but he abruptly declines
“So max, are you going to tell me why you've shown up at my doorstep, at 3 in the morning and soaking wet?”
“She left me, charles.”
‘Oh. I'm sorry to hear that, but it doesn't really explain why you're here like this.”
“Something in me just really needed to see you, I tried calling Daniel for a word of advice but nothing and nobody is helping. I guess I just- really needed to be with you for this. You understand, right?”
Charles is at a loss for words. THE max verstappen.. needed him?? He didn't know how to respond or how to feel about this information, all he could do was sit there and stare at his beloved, not noticing his gaze moving to the freckle on Max’s light pink lip. 
“Uh- yes max. I get how you feel. Sometimes you just can't help but only want one specific person at times.”
The two men sit there in silence, thoughts racing through minds. Max worries that he's making Charles uncomfortable so he's urged by his mind to get up and leave. He really doesn't want to, but he doesn't want to make his situation worse by ruining things with the person he genuinely loved. The person that was the root of his breakup with his now ex girlfriend.  
 - 40 minutes before -
“You only talk about charles!! Charles did this, Charles said that. Charles talked about these things and that person charles charles charles!! I’M supposed to be your girlfriend, not charles. I've had enough of being put second to somebody you're supposed to be rivals with. It's going to be either me or Charles, Max.”
Max did not respond to her, instead he walked out the door and walked straight to charles apartment where he knew charles would lie awake at that hour. 
Ever since Max was a young boy, he knew he had some types of feelings for charles. He didn't care about winning against the other racers, he only enjoyed racing against charles. Seeing the way Charles would be left frustrated after knowing Max is the only one he couldn't take on. He enjoyed the rush he got from teasing Charles of the win, knowing he would come out on top every single time. 
When Max met Kelly, he thought he had found it all, but soon he started to feel as if there was something missing. He felt empty. When he realized it was because of these feelings for Charles, he tried so desperately to ignore them but the more he tried the more he couldn't keep his mind, or his eyes off of charles. He thought Charles was the most beautiful thing to have ever existed. Charles was everything to max and max was everything to charles, but neither of the which knew of the others “secret”
“I think i should leave, im sorry charles”
“What? Why?’
“This was wrong. Enjoy your night.”
Max turns towards the door aiming to leave but charles quickly follows and grabs max by the back of his shoulder
Brushing off Charles's hand, he stands there, slightly hovering over charles.
“Please stay” he says, looking up into the madness of max's eyes.
And that was all max needed to feel sure that coming here was, in fact, not a mistake. 
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suna-cerely-yours · 2 years
tonight, you're mine ft rintaro
warnings: fem! bodied reader, smoking, 18+, oral sex (f! receiving), fingering, angst, fwb!suna.
a/n: i've had this in my drafts forever it's a miracle i actually posted this.
[2:07 am]
you up? im downstairs
huffing slightly, you put down your phone as suna's message lights up your screen. tipping your head back, you breathe slowly- once, twice- before getting up, shrugging on a hoodie and making your way to the door.
you leave your apartment building, the glass door closing with a click as you cross the walkway and climb down the stairs. suna stands there, leaning against his black lexus, head tilted towards the sky. you move closer, gravel crunching underneath your feet as he turns his gaze on you, head still tilted upward. slowly he straightens, lithe body drawing upto its full height, and shifting to face you.
"i won't kiss you, you know", you say, gesturing to the lit cigarette between his fingers. " i hate that shit."
"it's just one, i've been stressed lately - it's not that bad," he replies, carelessly bringing the cigarette to his mouth.
you huff a sigh, before stepping closer and grabbing his wrist.
"fine then, i guess i'll also smoke a bit- since it's not that bad."
hooded eyes watch as you bring his wrist closer to your mouth, lips wrapping around the cigarette.
you inhale- and immediately start coughing.
"this is- ugh- how do you even- "
smirking slightly he brings the cigarette up to his own mouth, inhaling.
"you have to, have to suck it slow- can't be in a hurry."
throat dry, you glare at him- fighting the urge to simply storm back to bed.
"well? you gonna get in or what?"
he crushes the cigarette and throws it in a nearby trashcan, before smoothly opening the door for you, gesturing you to get in.
climbing inside, you fiddle with the radio, the weeknd's sultry beats filling the car as suna climbs in and reverses out of the parking lot.
"do you wanna stop at mcdonald's?"
"rin we're literally driving to your apartment so we can fuck, hurry up."
"okay, okay fine- be like that."
"be like what? "
sighing, you tilt your head back. you never knew what went through this boy's head. sure, you guys weren't exactly friends- you didn't say hi to each other at parties nor did you acknowledge each others' presence at any time that wasn't past midnight- but still.
"i thought you were going home this weekend."
"i was- then something came up."
awkward silence stretches between the two of you as rin pulls into the parking lot of his bougie apartment building. for a moment neither of you move, now listening to travis scott mumble about being the highest in the room.
reaching over, you let your nails drag against the nape of his neck, your hand reaching around to cup his face. turning it towards you, you lock eyes- his stare heavy.
you swallow, mouth suddenly dry.
"rin, i've been thinking lately that, that this can't go on. we've been at it for months and i'm literally moving across the country for grad school next month. it's better we wrap things up."
" you mean fucking? you wanna stop?"
"well we certainly can't continue when we're in different parts of the country."
his jaw works under your palm, teeth grinding together.
"so we just stop? and become strangers?"
"you're acting like we even look at each other in public."
" i look at you plenty, it's you who never looks back."
"rin, what are you even saying? we're just fuckbuddies, and it's time we stop. this was a temporary thing anyway, remember?"
mouth parting, he exhales- before slipping out of your palms.
"alright, i guess it's our last night then, c'mon."
the both of you make your way up to his apartment. he takes his time unlocking the door, swiping his key card multiple times. the door finally opens with a click, familiar surroundings meeting your eyes. the glass windows overlooking the city is the only source of light, moonlight illuminating his minimalist living room. the city bustles as usual, skyscrapers and billboards lit up. you'll miss this view, that's for sure, and maybe even the countless nights the two of you had spent looking at the view, satiated on his leather couch.
his hand threads through yours, uncharacteristically tender, as he leads you to his bedroom, and he's cradling your face delicately and kissing you- soft, languid and unhurried. you grasp at the soft fabric of his sweatshirt, trying to bring him closer.
he's moving you backward, till the back of your knees hits the bed and you lie back, him moving above you. without breaking the kiss he lowers your head till you're lying flat on the bed, him between your legs, one arm supporting himself.
he kisses you languidly, licking into your mouth, slowing palming your breast over your hoodie.
“this hoodie is mine, y’know. i was wondering what happened to it.”
“mhm, it’s mine now.”
huffing a laugh, he sits back on his knees, stopping his ministrations momentarily to simply look at you, lips swollen and hair messy.
his adam’s apple bobs as he swallows, reaching over to unzip your hoodie, revealing a thin white camisole stretching over your breasts, nipples erect. his hands trail over your stomach, pushing up the camisole and sliding inside the waistband of your leggings, inhaling sharply when he notices your lack of underwear.
“so pretty, all f’me right? only for me,” he groans, peeling your leggings down and tossing them aside. parting your legs he settles between them, hooking your knees on his broad shoulders.
you’re cut off as he presses a kiss to your cunt, tongue dipping between your folds to flick at your clit. sucking on your clit, he pushes a finger inside you, curling just so when he finds your sensitive spot, grinning as you whine, your hips shooting upwards.
“rin, please oh, just- i need you inside,” you moan, panting as he slides another finger inside, torturously slow.
“fuck, doll- you don’t need to beg, i’d do anything for you.”
you’re too turned on too notice the implications of his words, sliding his hoodie down your arms and slipping out of your camisole, watching as he pulls off his sweatshirt and grabs a condom, bringing it up to his mouth to open the packaging.
before rolling on the condom he grabs your hips and brings you closer, tapping the head of his cock on your pussy, sliding it between your folds, groaning at the friction. you whine, wrapping your legs around his waist in an attempt to pull him closer, sighing as he finally rolls on the condom and pushes past your folds.
“shit, you always feel so good, fuck-”
“rin, faster, i’m so close, please-”
he obliges, thrusting faster, one hand slipping between the two of you to press tight circles on your clit.
you scream, lips forming an o as you hit your high unexpectedly, gasping as he continues pounding into you, sloppier as he chases his own high. you clench down on him, squirming at the over sensitivity as he cums, hips stuttering.
the two of you are silent as he pulls out, breathing heavily. you push yourself up on your elbows as he knots the condom, throwing it in the bin near his desk.
“i-”, you begin, unsure what to say.
his eyes lock on yours as he pulls you into his lap, burying his face into your neck. 
"you can leave in the morning, tonight i'm not letting you go."
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