#i doesnt look like it but i used references i swear
rui-drawsbox · 1 year
good morning mr general *disappears for the rest of the week✌*
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ma man deff has backpain, because i have backpain and im the one with the pen here
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but daddy i love him! // theodore nott x fem granger reader
playlist : but daddy i love him - taylor swift
summary : being hermiones slightly younger , less intelligant and more reblellious sister, it is your duty to have a boyfriend no one approves of to match.
y/n used , gryffindor granger reader , swearing
masterlist PART 2!
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"merlin hes so hot" you whined with you head in your hand , staring across the hall at theodore nott.
hermione shuddered in disgust , "yeah and hes a terrible person."
"mione hes really not , just because hes slytherin doesnt mean hes some kind of horrific monster," you rolled your eyes , finally looking away from theodore and looking at hermione across from you.
"dont mix your delusion with reality y/n. him and his friends have bullied us since first year," hermione snapped back.
"whos us? ive never been teased by him before but stay safe i guess," you argued , getting more annoyed by the second.
"you cant be with him y/n , not only does he not do relationships , clearly , hes not good for you!"
"oh but daddy i love him!" you said in a mocking childish tone.
"did you just call hermione daddy?" ron cringed inbetween his quick eating.
"its a little mermaid reference ronald." you said sternly , judging the boys messy consumption of the food on his full plate.
"whats a little mermaid reference?" he mocked.
you, hermione and harry all looked at him with pure shock , forgetting ron wasnt really accustomed to muggle films , "please educate your man mione."
she gasped in pure horror as ron pretened to gag , they both argued over eachother throwing loud defenses and digs at eachother.
"look! i would actually rather die than listen to one more second of all this bitching and moaning!!" you shouted over them , silencing their arguing as harry nodded along with your statement.
"y/n i dont mean to stir the pot but i dont really think nott is a great partner either," ron said with disgust.
"thanks for that ron! wanna add your two cents harry? seems like everyone cares who i have silly crushes on nowadays!" you fumed , turning to the twins who sat on the table besides you , "good morning george , fred, would you like to give your opinion on theodore nott?"
"hate him," fred stated plainly.
"i always target him in quidditch," george quickly followed with a shrug as you let out a defeated groan.
you turned back to the trio , crossing your arms in anger , "im going to go see ginny , see what she thinks of all this , she always supports me unlike you little goblins!"
"yeah cause ginny has a crush on basically every guy," ron scoffed.
"atleast ginny can admit when she has feeling for someone and doesnt pine on her best friend for years! atleast she isnt in denail!" you said smugly as hermione and ron squirmed in discomfort , blushing.
you abruptly stood up from the table , beginning to stomp away when harry shouted after you , "have a great day mrs nott!"
you turned to look at him , flipping him off before shouting back , "aw you too mr weasley!".
harry blushed as ron looked between the two of you , "shes insane , calling you weasley , what weasley could you possibly marry!"
ron scoffed and continued eating his food as harry scratched the back of his neck awkwardly and exchanged a look with hermione.
you now found yourself storming the corridors , looking for ginny when someone fell into step besides you , their deep voice making you shudder.
"hello mrs nott."
you stopped in you tracks and looked besides you in horror , theodore smirked down at you.
"erm hi," you mumbled quietly , face deep red in embarrassment. how could you forget the whole time that theodore had been sat with his friends on the table across from you?!
"dont go all shy on me now , i liked how you defended me." he smirked.
"i was really just joking dont get excited ," you teased , finally shaking your shyness.
"didnt sound like a joke to me? you got really worked up granger," he still held his smug expression , eyes peircing yours even when you didnt look back.
"look nott , i just like picking fights with them its funny to tease them." you shrugged continuing your walk as theodore followed still looking at you the whole time.
"go out with me," he said sternly as you paused again.
"are you being serious?" you said trying to seem not as interested as you truly were.
he grabbed your hand and pulled you to the empty classroom besides you , pushing you against the door to shut it.
he put one hand beside your head on the door and the other playing with your hair and grazing your cheekbone , "dead serious."
you looked at him , finally silent for the first time in your life , your silence allowing him to continue , "you can say you dont like me all you want. that its jokes , that its just to get a reaction. but i think we both know its more than that."
"im not gonna be one of your girls nott , im not like that. sure i have a different type to my sister but that doesnt mean i go for fucking man whores who just wanna get me in their bed."
"ouch , your words hurt me, bella. ive never touched a single girl asides from you. ive waited for you." he said softly.
"basically every person in this school says otherwise nott."
his hand that was resting on the door cleched into a first tightly , "stop calling me nott. its theo to you."
"why do you care?" you asked as his frustration grew.
he stared at you now with cold eyes , danger in them like he was staring at his prey. you simply looked back , folding you arms and watching as his eyes flicked down your face.
"dont play hard to get. you practically announced your love for me a second ago y/n." he mumbled.
"sure. ill go out with you, charity work." you joked as he finally dropped his anger and laughed.
"i like it by the way," he said looking up with a smirk as you stared back with confusion , " 'mrs nott,' it suits you."
"hm i dont know. ive always been kinda progressive , mr granger," you smirked before pushing him away with one hand and walking out of the classroom, leaving him to stare at your figure.
the second you found ginny you practically screamed in her face with excitement , "ginnny you will not BELIEVE IT!!"
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atinyniki · 5 months
i ruined it...
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group: stray kids !
pairing: idol!lee felix x f!reader
genre: angst with a happy ending, fluff if you squint
warnings + additional info: reader is referred to as y/n, almost breakup, y/n doesnt think felix loves her, felix is referred to as lix, felix neglects y/n bc of his job, felix misses their two year anniversary dinner, felix has trouble breathing in the scene, felix cries a lot, proposals, promise rings, insecurities, felix has been broken up with a lot bc of this, y/ns fav flowers are peonies, fighting
authors note: i cried. i dont even know why this came to mind??? but it did !!! so enjoy the angst :P this is also not proofread. english is not my first language, so please excuse any grammatical or spelling errors. happy reading :)
wc: 2232
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“i’m sorry”
“sorry isn’t going to cut it anymore, felix. you’ve said it so much i don’t think you mean it anymore.”, you bite back harshly.
you’re normally understanding of felix’s job. it regularly requires him to stay overtime and keeps him very busy, but he’s missed too many of your activities.
he missed ice skating, your birthday, at least ten dates, but now he’s missed your anniversary. two years that you’ve been together, yet it’s like you don’t even see the boy anymore.
“it’s always ‘sorry’. if you were really sorry, maybe you would’ve skipped dinner with the boys. you could’ve come home… to me…”, your voice falters at the last two words, cracking with raw emotion.
it’s not fair to you anymore, nor is it to him. he can’t leave group activities or basically anything work related, even when it’s an emergency. if no one’s in danger, then there’s no chance he can leave.
“don’t you ever want to see me…?”
his face contorts into an expression of disgust. not with you, but with himself. his tears finally drip over his lashline, eyes red and burning. the tears are continuous now, completely unable to stop.
“i do… i do want to see you… i miss you so much, y/n.”
you scoff, “don’t lie to me, felix.”
he opens his mouth to say something back, but only a squeak comes out. “do you still love me…?”
“i love you to the ends of the earth… i promise.”
“then why don’t you ever show it? i don’t even know if i believe you anymore.”
he clamps a hand over his mouth, not out of surprise, but to suppress his sobs. he continues hiccupping, but clutches his mouth harder, not wanting to make too much noise.
he tilts his head down slightly so you won’t be able to see the painful look on his face. he tries to pull through, knowing that your pain must be much worse than this.
the sight breaks your heart.
“take your hand off your mouth. you won’t be able to breathe”
he complies, quickly wiping his tears and taking long breaths. “please- please believe m-me. i really do love you. i’m so sorry.”
he says it again, and you look into his eyes. you can see the pain in there, causing your heart to crack even more. you know he’s dealing with a lot right now, but so are you.
and now you need space. time to think about yourself, and time to think about if this relationship is really worth it anymore.
“i swear, i mean it, y/n.”
“you’re the one ruining this. this isn’t fair at all, felix. i love you, but i don’t think you love me the same way i love you. you’re not making an effort in anything. i don’t know if this is going to work anymore if it stays like this.”
“i need space.”
“i can give you that.”
“i don’t think this relationship is good for either one of us right now. ill come back when im ready.”
he nods in understanding, but his eyes are blown wide. the second you leave the room, he starts sobbing again.
no, not sobbing. wailing.
there’s nothing else he can do. this truly might be the end of what he hoped would be forever. 
he hurt you. he hurt you and that hurts him. your pain is his pain, but he knows you have it worse. if anything, he deserves this pain. you’ve had to bear this pain for months.
it’s his fault, he knows it. everything’s falling apart because of him, like it always does. everything’s ruined. it will end like it always does. 
just felix, alone.
someone else will come along, and he’ll break them too. it’s happened time and time again, and he’s finally given up.
it’s you he wants to spend the rest of his life with. it has to be you. no one else has made him feel this way, not once.
what’s worse is that you’re truly considering breaking up. ending it all because of another stupid thing felix did.
and for this, he will never forgive himself.
he’s still crying, just as loud as before, but now snuggled up into the couch. it smells like you, he realizes. maybe that’s why he’s getting so emotional.
he plays with the promise ring on his finger, crying even more now. maybe he won’t need it anymore after this.
you start packing, taking a good amount of clothes and stuffing them in your suitcase. you’ll have enough space for everything, you’re sure.
you grab one of your favorite sweaters from the closet, it has an adorable baby chick embroidered onto it. you stare at it again, but then put it back. it reminds you too much of him. 
you make your way to the bathroom, placing your hand on the counter while you open the drawers to check for any jewelry, when you hear a clink.
you place your hand down on the marble again.
you look down at your ring finger, a singular tear leaving your eye. you remember when felix got down on one knee on your one year anniversary. it was too early for a proposal, so you freaked out, but he calmed you down and opened the box.
a promise ring. a simple band to symbolize eternity. an eternity you believed you’d spend with felix. you’re scared that eternity doesn’t exist anymore, as much as you want it to.
you don’t know if he cares. if he cares about what you have. if he cares about you. 
you remove the band from your finger, shaky hands placing it down onto the counter. you observe the thin tan line it’s made, has it truly been that long?
when did everything change…?
you look for the box that felix gave it to you in. you’ve never taken it off since you got it.
you check in your jewelry drawer, but it’s not there. so you check in his.
there it is. a navy blue box with gold accents on the edges. you smile sadly, crying a little more when you truly think about your circumstances.
you grab the ring from the countertop and flip open the box.
your heart stops.
it’s supposed to be empty.
why isn’t it empty?
there’s a gorgeous gold band on the inside, small peonies engraved into it. your favorite flower, you realize. additionally, there’s a perfect heart shaped diamond sitting on top, almost taunting you. 
the heart was meant to symbolize your love. the love you have for eachother. the love he has for you. but felix has never been able to show that properly, not while under his circumstances.
is this the surprise he mentioned the week before? is this why he told you to dress nicely to dinner? is this why he told you to do your nails all nice?
it had to be, right?
you close the box and hold it tightly in your hand, trying your best to suppress the tears that are trying desperately to escape.
but your heart controls you more than your mind.
its almost as if your heart actually has a mind of its own, bringing you to where you are now. standing in the living room, watching the sobs rack felix’s body, velvet box still in hand.
his body jerks with each hiccup, the noise completely muffled by his hand. it’s then you realize that it’s not muffled, he’s suffocating himself.
you place the box down onto the table, rushing over to felix. you grab his shoulder, pushing him over and sitting him upright. he jerks when you touch him, not expecting you to be anywhere near him.
once he truly processes the sight of you, he cries even more. you pry his hand off of his face again, you know it’s a bad habit.
“felix. you won’t be able to breathe when you do that.”
“im sorry. i didn’t w-want you to- to hear m-me”
“deep breaths.”
he inhales deeply, trying his best to follow your breathing patterns, but it fails every time, broken up into small hiccups. “i c-can’t.”
“calm down…”
you give him a small smile, almost to reassure him. he tries again, but it doesn’t work. he shuts his eyes, unable to take it all, and the tears just continue to spill.
“i- i can’t… i can’t breathe”
you rub circles onto his back, trying your best to do breathing exercises with him. you forget how truly sensitive he is. 
“i’m right here…”
“you’re r-right here.”
“mhm… i’m right here, felix.”
“you’re right here… w-why are you here?”
you tilt your head in confusion, wiping a single cascading tear away from his cheek. “i’m here to take care of you.”
“you- i… i don’t deserve it…”
“i don’t deserve you. you can- you can leave. i’m not forcing you to stay…”
your heart is now barely holding on, and it feels like only a single thread is holding it together.
“i’m here because i want to help you, lix.”
“you don’t- no- you don’t need to help me… it’s my fault.”
you open your mouth to speak, but he cuts you off. 
“it’s my fault… i’m sorry.”
“you’ll leave…”
what’s going on with him?
“they all leave… n-not you too…”
“i don’t want you to leave… it’s all my fault.”
“felix, please, calm—“
“you’re going to leave…”
“i’m not going to leave.”
“i ruined it…”
it’s almost as if he’s stuck in the same state of mind, every part of the world being blocked out except for the terrible thoughts swirling around in there.
you cup his cheek with your hand, guiding his gaze towards you. one single look into your eyes, and he’s sobbing again. 
you place your left hand on his knee, you know how much he loves to feel you, but he only seems to cry more.
he tentatively brings a hand up to the one splayed out in his knee, and you watch him out of curiosity. he giggles, and you look back up.
he’s crying even more now, you don’t even know how that’s possible. he picks up your hand by your ring finger, staring at the tan line that your promise ring created. 
“i ruined it. how could i ever let you go…?”
he runs his thumb over it, and he quickly pulls your hand closer to his face. he places a soft kiss onto the line, just once, as to finally seal his fate.
it will never happen. he must accept it.
you don’t let go, instead intertwining your fingers. “i thought about it for a little. i really don’t want to leave you felix. i just… i didn’t know if you loved me anymore.”
“i do… i do love you.”
“i know that now.”
“you don’t know the full extent to which i do, y/n. i don’t just love you for what you have to offer. i love you for you. i love you for your smile, and i love you for waking up everyday. i love you for working hard, and i love you for your heart. i love you for things i can’t even see, and i love every part that makes you you. i love y/n. i love you. and i love you for being you.”
it feels as if the tears in your heart have finally been stitched up. every crack in your heart healed with his pure words. you know they came from the heart too. 
“i can’t guarantee i’ll be there for every event, and im sorry for that. ive tried to change that, but the rules are strict. even then, i wont give up. i’ll try my best to change them, i want to be the best boyfriend i can be. i dont want to rush dates because im running out of time, but instead because i cant wait to get home and finally cuddle with you without being in the public eye. i dont want to be late to any events just so that i can see that beautiful smile on your face when you see me there. i just want to make you happy, happier than you’ve been recently.”
“oh felix…”
he doesn’t say anything else, placing your hand back down on his knee and retracting his hand. that’s when his gaze flies to the table in front of him, the dark blue velvet box staring right at him.
he stands up, grabs it, and then kneels back down, on not one, but both knees. it looks almost as if he’s begging, but what you don’t realize, is that he truly is. he’s begging for your forgiveness, and he’s begging for another chance.
he has to make things right.
“y/n… i know i haven’t been the best boyfriend recently, not at all, but i want to make things right. you’ve brought so much light into my world, and i want to bring you that light too. i just need you to give me one last chance. one chance to make it right. i know it’s not the perfect proposal, but please, make me the happiest man in the world.”
he flicks open the box, displaying the band you last observed in the bathroom.
“i love you.”
“that’s not a yes or a no.”
“yes, i love you.”, you repeat.
you can’t control your heart anymore, and you take the chance to push felix down to kiss him. you know it’s not the ideal proposal, nor is it the ideal post-proposal kiss, but your answer would always be yes.
“it’s you, felix. it’s always been you.”
“i promise, i’ll never let you go again.”
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heartsfourdazai · 5 months
hello!! i checked to see if you're taking requests and couldn't see anything otherwise but if you aren't then pretend i never sent this ;)
but, what would it be like being partnered with chuuya and dazai when they were teens? having grown up in the mafia and instantly clicking, does reader like either of them etc etc!
if this isn't your cup of tea - no fuss at all! thank you xx
teen reader partnered up wit 15!skk
warnings: out of character? mention of tourture/abuse. platonic ssk x reader. cursing from chuuya. they may sound/act possesive? but not in a weird, romantic way.
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get ready to be in the middle of their arguing. you could just be chilling alone, maybe enjoying a book your reading or getting ready for your next misson and then suddenly these two enter and start going off, now infront of you.
curses fly out of chuuyas mouth as dazai keeps mentioning "dog" to refer to the gravity manipulator.
"last i checked, y/n was there when you lost my bet! you would be my dog and act like one only for me!! right y/n, you were there!!" dazai would scream at you and you would give him a blank stare.
"piss off with that, don't get y/n into your bullcrap!! besides, they wouldn't give two craps about your stupid bet!! stop trying to get them all warmed up to you to put me down! y/n, put this bastard to sleep and shut him up before i kill him myself!"
each of them would ask who's side your on, but in reality you couldn't give two shits. you also usually get them to stop by simply using your ability...which dazai could esaily nullify, however he just lets you seperate them.
chuuya growls at use when you use your ability on him, but just crosses his arms and ignores the two of you.
mori thought after hiring you, and forcing you to join dazai and chuuya on their missions would hopefully help them, and stop them from shouting and arguing...however you don't and they just dont shut up.
they also really try keep you away from one another. you could be hangjng out with dazai, and then chuuya all of a sudden drags you away; dazai growing upset and whines.
"chuuuyaaa~ don't take them away from me, we we're going to go for a walk! here i thought you would be a good dog for your master today!"
"shut the hell up, shitty bastard! you've forgotten about our mission tomorrow? mori wants us to get ready for it. i dont care about your walk- go for one by yourself!"
you swear, you'll go insane if your with them for another minute.
although with every moment your with them you'd want to slap the living hell out of them...you would protect them to the best of your ability to get them out of harms way. they almost, mostly dazai, go through dangerous ways to get the job done...much to your hatement.
however dazai will thank you in the most cheesy way; "look at that chuuya- they care for me more then you ever will!"
*cuts to you slapping him upside the head*
"DAZAI!! shut your mouth before i bury you under ground!!" cuuuys would shout at him after kicking a enemy in the head and to the ground.
"not a horrible way to go actually- being by alive- but by your hands? ew, i'll pass."
takes everything in chuuyas power to foucus on the battle beside dazai.
they won't admit it, but the way dazai finds chuuyas corruption interesting, he finds your amazing as well but his ego would never let him say it out loud. he would give a proud smile when he watches you interogate someone by the tourture of your ability. meanwhile chuuya left; not being able to watch you hit the hell out of the soul. he also finds your ability cool, but sometimes you can be terrifying with it. no one wonder mori hired you!?
chuuya doesnt seem to get as upset with you then he does with dazai. him and dazai grew much closer togethet before you joined the mafia- so you already knew they would be closer...but he's grown used to you. that doesnt mean he won't argue with you too. you dont piss him off as easily but if you want to be annoying to him on purpose, expect him to raise his voice at you.
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privitivium · 4 months
thoughts / drabbles? about a yan playboy,,, i enjoy this type of character. especially when they get a bit pathetic
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landon / pestille, just so you could refer to him as a pest... i'll go with nameless for now :p
,, to say he was a little well-known was a little understatement, no? platinum blond hair, tan skin, muscular physique.. "mesmerising" livid blue eyes.. his charismatic, utterly kind personality, he was constantly making new 'friends' all the time! women and men alike throw themselves at him, hoping for a chance - but in the back of their mind they know they have to play the "disinterested" type.. but does it really work like it does in every other media? no one has tried it yet, besides playing coy.. most of the population of the campus knew about this guy in some type of way - whether it be his little clique, several tightknit fanclubs, or merely observers in the backgrounds unwilling to take a chance..
you, he's seen you around. and he's friends with everybody, mostly. he decides to take the chance of making a new friend he could use for his pleasure? you.. are handsome. oftentimes, his plans of making "friends" are ruined. walking your way with intent to touch your shoulder in greeting or "trying to get past you" but he doesn't get close enough to or merely trying to call you over by using the color of your shirt or something other - often being interrupted by his friends pulling him away, or your friends gaining your attention..
finally - coincidentally, you bump into each other at the library.. how romantic! ( and overused? maybe. i cant help myself. ) he was alone, looking apologetic as he proceeded to apologize, puncuating his apols with your name. ( it isn't weird! he just overheard someone calling you by your name, he swears! ) a group of dude-bros in the back, his main friend group, sitting at a table and whispering, laughing quietly amongst each other from what you could see and hear - "no worries." you waved off his apology with a polite smile, slipping passed him with a thick book about ocean discoveries in hand. you knew him, you must, right? everyone knew him. everyone! a-and everyone was equally into him in some type of way - why did he prepare for a much .. dramatic moment of forgiveness?? he thought you were just ... going to stand there, blushing... giving him the chance to flirt you up, but no... hrmph.
you were pretty.. and he liked having pretty people on his arm. ugh.. why doesnt he try his luck? trying to flirt you up, but accidentally making himself flustered the longer you proceed not to give into his praise. are you dense?!!
"oh, hey, actually.. that book.. did you check it out?" he appears nervous, apologetic as he lifts his hand to the nape of his neck, rubbing it. "i need that um.. exact book for a club that i'm in." he clears his throat, berating himself for the most stupidest fucking excuse -
"oh.. yeah.. i can lend it to you, no worries." and you bought it? hm. you were supposed to be a flustered mess. guys like you, "weird and quiet", around school usually were when he was talking to them.. you seemed nonchalant. lackadaisical... huh. he enjoys this.
"yeah, yeah! sounds good - uh, take my number." he practically forces you on the spot, but in a polite manner so it isnt considered forcing, right? you, a little weirded out, nod unsurely and hand him your phone with the keypad - happy to make a new friend, your outward appearance apathetic without intent... pretty easy, he thought.
he suspected you just didnt like guys... after multiple times hanging out with you and your own friend group who were a little weirded out that he was hanging out with them - welcomed him! of course, why wouldnt they.. you were so cute, talking about quetzalcoatlus and going into a debate over which pterosaur was cooler. what a nerd, he thought, face growing warm as he admires your frame while you argue with your friend in a joking manner..
he feels himself.. getting in too deep over trying to get a good fuck... when he could easily just use someone else. he likes the chase, he assures himself.
after a little digging that he commanded his friends to do for him, he's learned you had a few male flings.. so you couldn't be not into guys, right? just... not interested.. in him? what could possibly going through your mind to not like him in some type of way-? he looks over the pictures provided of your male flings... they all look different... nothing like him... perhaps it's personality? or maybe you just.. didn't like him. and this - this fuels his affection and interest.. and once he's got you, he isn't going to get bored as some would assume,,, he's a nice person! an even nicer lover! he promises... if you would just play along and like him..
his friends - lackeys, uh... people rather infatuated with him, knew better than to question why they were keeping watch as he went through your room. why were they keeping watch if you were friends as he said? .. rooting through your clothes... going through your little trinkets.. you were so cute. god, he was utterly ecstatic to find that you didn't have a roommate, it was relatively easy breaking in and entering... maybe leave a little gift behind?
with the door closed, and the two meatheads outside guarding the door.. just a quickie... using your boxers as material to jerk off and hiding the dirtied article of clothing in your underwear drawer below your carelessly thrown in clean underwear - ( don't you fold?!! ) feeling breathless at the thought of you finding them - dick twitching.. uah. even more disgusting, the thought of cutting a hole into your pillow and cumming inside,,, sewing it up and knowing you'd be sleeping on it every night - even cuddling it.,, uagh.. usually, he'd berate himself for such perversion, but he lets you fuel these thoughts.
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also thinking about this playboy x reader x grunge jerk type of guy?? both pining after same crush and tries to sabotage the other.. maybe you'll see that in the future.,,,
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aroacesetitoff · 4 months
OG Infinight Reference Sheet + Headcanons
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Marcy Burns/Elleve the Amender
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-4 feet tall
-its mentioned that she has "rainbow robes" and ive decided to interpret that as sunset colored
-pre mining accident Marcy has longer hair and has already lost her eye to unknown circumstances
-post mining accident Marcy cut her hair and it turned whiter, and she switched to more monochrome clothing-symbolizes her turning away from her faith and also grieving her husband
-still wears her wedding ring, and keeps Fred's on a chain with a locket of his picture
-we know literally nothing abt Fred but I think he was also a halfling and had a sick ass mustache
-the symbol on pre-accident Marcy's eyepatch + staff is supposed to be of the Diarians (followers of Dia). The circle is Faeza, the hands are Dia herself, and the six teardrop shapes are the Diagems. Also meant to resemble a flower as a reference to Gum Gum
-magic goblet-does it have a name? Anyways Paralyte stole it from the Sheerays so I gave it an aquatic wave/seaweed design (water = life)
-idk how to design tattoos, but other clerics of dia would probably have similar ones-i think hers are religious in nature
Ostin Tashe/Slique the Symphonius
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-ya boiiii
-4'6-so just barely taller than Bart. Barely
-had the most satisfying color palette for me- i love green and so does he
-i rewatched the hobbit/lotr trilogies so Ostin is def inspired by that-gave him braided hair and armor
-idk how a tuning sword works. Like a bident maybe? Ive drawn the sword in his right hand (the one with missing fingers) but he might prefer to fight left-handed. Idk ive trained with longswords before but ive never lost any fingers so i cant say
-magic lute-gave it a greener/mossier color palette to show it was from the Elderpines. The strings are vines and the rosette has a tree design
-dont know where Ostin's scars came from either, maybe he really did fight a dragon maybe he didnt-doesnt stop him
-post-Wight Winter i gave Slique a grey streak to match with Spectril
-also gave him a cool colored eye highlight for the same reason
Leonard Lank/Spectril the Surreptitious
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-i put his height around 5'7/5'8
-made the rogue armor sharp and dark-had to recolor it from the origianly palette bc it was too dark tho lmao. Fur collar to foreshadow his time in the Ethereal Plane
-post-Wight Winter i gave him simple, more homey clothes bc at that point he had a family and wasn't focused on fighting. The fur is not bear fur i swear
-already mentioned it before but his hair started turning white + he grew it out/braided it back.
-he's got normal rogue daggers, and then the Ethereal daggers. Not shown but yeah they fade in and out of the Material and Ethereal Plane
-"Walls Have Ears-Doors Have Eyes" by Clan D. Stine-the wiki i think mentioned him having books that let him turn invisible and walk through walls-this one's definitely a Leitner (ifykyk)
-boots-deceptively simple in design from the Elderpines
-piercings include several ear piercings, snake bites, and an eyebrow piercing
-warm colored eye highlight to match with Slique-your honor i have (accidentally) sun/moon coded then because they are gay
Luz Prattle/Paralyte
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-6'0 tall and definitely uses it for intimidation
-i think she dresses kinda emo/alt
-the only infinight with a unique logo-instead of two crossed swords its a snake eating itself
-committing to the snake bit-i gave her scale armor
-the gloves have two talons on the pointer and middle finger, based very specifically off a homebrew item i saw where the hand kind of looks like a biting snake. It contains a venom that paralyzes enemies and came from the Sheerays
-put a snake on her sword. Cause why not. Thats why she teamed up with Brink they are both snake lovers
-not drawn, but she would have a snake tattoo somewhere on her body
-hands are turning dark at the fingertips as a side effect of using the gloves so often. Her veins are visibly green because shes pale as hell and also suffering from long term exposure to Sangrianite
-facial scar-man im sorry i dont know where this one came from either. Kyborg shot her once tho i do remember that
Bo Bender/Grislee the Groundbreaker
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-height is about 6'6, very tall lady
-all i had to go off was red bandana so its like her thing
-her locs are made of rocks and also have veins of gold in them
-the stuff on her shoulders and hammer are lichen-she takes such long naps outside they've started growing on her. And also earth genasi
-when shes raging she has magma veins coming from her eyes and hands, and the inside of her body also glows
-when shes not raging it cools to golden veins-still very hot to the touch sometimes
-didnt have a lot if ideas for her second outfit but i gave her a bearskin bc she is "grizzly"
-hammer is the other item from the Sheerays and is pretty much just a trunk on a stick in terms of design. Combined with the lute tho, they are probably some of the most powerful items in Faeza
Man thats a lot of characters. Should i have made these before I made 3 painting and a comic page? Yeah. But i didnt lol. Enjoy✌️
edit: fixed the magic item origins
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fartface025 · 22 days
headcanon page bc i am the reverse 1999 fan of all time
assorted, pavzima flavor and kaalaa6 agenda.
erick ran into ttt once and conked her head fell unconscious. she didnt remember. ttt has never told anyone out of guilt. theres a conspicuous bump on her middle television. she feels so bad about it.
a knight likes to eat elk. jessica never finds out because he’s so fucking scared of her. like gloves shaking scared. she doesnt know. thinks hes just a cutie.
melania takes lilya’s advice to spike coffee with vodka for a kick. lilya is going to tease her, but she’s actually kinda scared because melania is one hundred percent cool with it. no gagging, no side effects.
arcana and druvis iii have fucked nasty.
forget me not would be trash at sex. hesd say the dumbest shit.
dikke and darley clatter fucking hate each other, nobody’s really sure why
sonetto likes leilani she thinks shes nice
sonetto doesnt like to purposefully loiter after a mission is complete, but vertin knows she wants to stay and do things. usually she lies and says they have business in whatever quaint coffee store sonetto’s been staring at, or at the carnival, or on the london wheel
john titor is the it guy. sputnik, the robot, and ttt all HATE him. “monthly checkup guys” “SCATTER!!!!”
nobody’s heard dikke swear so lilya jokes she must have a medieval swear she says. even a knight thinks she never swears, and he would know if she did. an an lee knows better, she once heard dikke say “fucking stupid ass fucking cretins.” (in reference to lilya and darley clatter deciding to headon fight like fifty monsters, immediately dying.) she looked at dikke. dikke had no response, no change in countenance. nobody would believe her.
aroace horrorpedia, but if he was capable of getting some he’d say some stupid shit when a girl/guy takes off their pants. same is true of diggers, who is very into anything, but gets no pussy because he once said “rocking” when a beautiful woman undressed for him.
NASTY SWEARERS, frequently (swear INCESSANTLY, and filthily, ranked by frequency) pavia, centurion, lilya, an-an lee, NONE of these people save pavia and lilya are allowed near children, centurion once took charlie on a roller coaster and it was maybe the worst experience of both their lives. pavia is exempted because mondlicht stalks him and he has nothing to make her stop. also matilda is so horrified by swearing and tells on them all. sonetto is also horrified but kinda intrigued.
NASTY SWEARERS, infrequently (swear rarely, but when they do its filthy) tennant (she learnt the term fuck nasty from ttt and then went on to use it on as many women as possible, accelerating language evolution in india and the uk), dikke (she likes to play with an an lee, who is still not sure who to tell), bkornblume (being free of censorship for the first time in a while is … encouraging), tooth fairy, vertin, satsuki, necrologist (rarely does but gets in a few nasty ones), kaalaa baunaa, shamane, kanjira, tooth fairy. (six doesnt really swear but he is captivated by the way she swears which is usually in hindi and absolutely vile.) melania, druvis.
TAME SWEARERS (frequent). madame z. APPLe loves saying shite, regulus loves saying shite, X says fuck, bunny bunny says aw shit, sotheby, john titor has her own equivalent, la source is la source.
TAME SWEARERS (infrequent). sotheby, ttt, sonetto, mesmer jr.
WOULD ACTUALLY DIE IF THEY SWORE: matilda swore once (ass) and then cried to kanjira.
kaalaa likes ttt because shes funny and lame as hell. so does kanjira. kanjira says GO WHITE GIRL GO and ttt gets tripped in her cable and cries. kaalaa helps her up but is also chuckling as she does so. shamane tells them to let up but he is also giggling.
sotheby and kanjira love picrasma candy.
six likes the flavor so does kaalaa. (im subliminally messaging you so fucking hard)
kaalaa explains what she thinks the stars mean and vedic astrology. six listens. hes genuinely interested. they talk abt astrophysicists and the math of it, the science of determining fate. fate is a strange concept for him. he is rather grateful theirs intersect.
sotheby finds out arcana and druvis are exes. it’s so over for druvis.
“why does the freaky ink lady call you beloved!” “How about we stop talking for a little bit” (about to tear her hair out)
bkornblume and lilya r dating, purely bc theyre that couple who goes we really liked ur vibe at the bar.
they did that to bunny bunny, who is acearo
37 fucking hates gogurt and shes gonna be so annoying about it. regulus nearly decks her clear on the face. “its not real yogurt” (seething regulus) “ILL REAL YOGURT YOU” (leaps and x has to restrain her)
regulus has eaten various knickknacks for missions. big bad villain comes out and says “HEY! what do ya think youre doing with that key!” vertin and sonetto swivel to look. regulus takes one look at the guy, vertin and sonetto, and immediately eats it. they have to magic school bus inside her guts to get it out.
X and regulus are girlfailure x boyboss and also he listens to the worst music of all time.
“regulus listen to this sick beat!” [angelic 2 the core by corey feldman]
spathodea loves melania theyre best friends. melania is 6 foot and can lift spathodea one arm. “SPATHY!” “MISS MELANIA!!!!”
the rollercoaster incident is so bad. theyre banned from that carnival.
rabies gets along w all the animals, esp pavia and zima’s. the haybale supports gay rights
click and necrologist are friends. sonetto and click are friends. necrologist and sonetto are friends
shamane teaches mondlicht to swim. mondlicht hates the water. like a lot.
kaalaa and shamane sit on the roof to stargaze even if the stars arent like the ones outside the suitcase
kaalaa can recite a variety of fables, and so can shamane. sometimes theres lightning in the suitcase, and they deal w the lil kids. kanjira scares them though
matilda and kanjira kissed bc matilda wanted to practice and kanjira doesnt mind. matilda learned things abt herself. kanjira also does but shes NEVER gonna tell anyone.
cristallo as ment in my prev post hangs out with leilani erick eagle and mondlicht.
erick is the famed mood killer of couples. pavia teasing zima about to get a reaction? “I gotta pee mr pavia can you take me there.” 6kaalaa bonding? “mr 6 we need to go i kicked some politician in the groin” vernetto really intimate moment? “ms timekeeper, whats it mean when you can see your kidney”
regulus HATES IT. shes abt to score in a movie theatre, and BOOM blondie kid.
pavia and mondlicht both can barely read but pavia’s a math god and mondlicht is an expert in biology and also has midwifed before because her village js mostly women. theyre both really smart.
pav and mond get help from eagle to read. zima teaches pav basic poetry. pav enjoys it.
pav and zima are exact same height.
cristallo wants to eat a burger one day
druvis and arcana have fucked nasty did i say that already. ungodly toxic. would do again
tooth fairy and madame z are very married. only time z went on a mission technically was to pick sotheby regulus and druvis up from jail. tooth fairy is deadpan. “hello sir we are these three minor children’s parents.” “yes, sir. very married.” (sotheby is SO dead for hitting that senator with her car)
charlie fucking loves rabies.
6KAALAA Explanation
6kaalaa explanation. 6kaalaa is basically its not that 6 is really repressed i think he would act the same way abt romance even if he wasnt 6. maybe more interested just bc its an interesting component of his existence.
i rock w both hcs abt demiromantic or asexual 6 and also ones where he is unlabelled, not averse to anything but not seeking romantic love. i see him as the latter but like.
theyre like pavzima. theyre not a romantic relationship as normally construed or imagined, but theyre def romantic in nature. they have a good friendship before they ever consider romantic entanglement.
6 is gen interested in kaalaa and vedic astrology, kaalaa finds his life interesting. also they have close familial dynamics in sophia 37 and 210, and kanjira and shamane.
i talked abt this w @anonymocha and how funny it would be w 6 meeting shamane and kanjira.
another discussion w anonymocha has made me confident. let me explain:
disclaimer, not an expert on kaalaa or 6, i missed mor pankh, i dont have kaalaa bur i know aspects of her character, 6 i am good friendship w did his story event when we had the 1.6 update, but havent gone past c5
firstly, kaalaa is great at math. vedic astrology as she practices demands great skill as a mathematician. she’s qualified to be a professor. she has to be excellent at it to calculate planetary movement. compared to any average person, she’s a prodigy in this field. i feel confident saying that out of the cast members that aren’t of the 1.6 island, she’s one of the best mathematicians. (john titor i dont know much of, i would assume she is a great mathematician too)
headcanon: i see both kaalaa and 6 on the same scale of demiromanticism. 6 isnt averse to aesthetic attraction, but he doesnt seek or need romantic love, and i think the same is true of kaalaa (SUBJECTIVE! this is my idea), and i think sex is just a if it happens it happens. (though they wouldnt want it or seek it out most times.) i j think they both understand aesthetic appeal and kaalaa is rhe single most beautiful reverse 1999 woman. send tweet
kaalaa is an astrologist who depends on seeing fate into something that can arguably be attributed as math. math as fate…why does that sound familiar…
the difference is kaalaa is of the opinion fate can be altered or is divergent and is never cemented. atticus was defined by his destiny and it eventually fulfilled and became him, but he was resistant. and from what we see of him in his event story and his interaction w the other worshipper in his second story implies remaining elements of humanity and individuality from his identity as atticus, PLUS he was curious for sophia and her human normal behaviors. this intersection between two people who know fate and have it entwined in their life, who both know math well and use it to define a large part of their beings, but the main differences of preconceptions of fate and exposure to human emotion, culture and illogicality? it feels opportune for a story, especially with the islanders learning that human traits are good and make life worth living (personal thinf, i Love humans and our illogical persistent emotions. apathy is an emotion. we are inescapably made of them.)
i hope this doesnt sound like romantic love teaches someone to “be human”. i explained that i think of them as a close friendship that naturally becomes romantic in nature, but i dont see the romantic love as the Woahhh hes human now. i see it as this as well as exposure to arcanist and human culture and nuance (a journey that him and 37 embark on) informs his worldview and its really secondary to both kaalaa and 6’s familial love with groups who care about them dearly (kanjira and shamane, 37, sophia and 210). that last part sounds like headcanon but i think its another poit of connection
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How Splatoon makes a controversial Fnaf theory work better in their universe, and other parallels. (Really.)
[Side Order spoilers]
I beat Side Order in 3 hours on my 3rd try at 3am. No I am not joking. I used a slosher. I currently have 9 lockers yet to open, so if anything important comes up, I will update.
I couldn't help but notice the parallels right at the beginning, freeing Marina from Order's control. I went neuron activation, VANESSA.
But then they started talking more about Octo Expansion lore, which made me get all giddy, because 14 y/o me had the biggest fascination with the Sanitized Octolings, and how Commander Tartar built up his scheme to the point we encounter him.
They referred something or other about the color chips/pallettes as "souls" which caught my attention. They're like broken soul pieces? Alright. We already know a comically large kitchen utensil blends octopuses into life goop. What exactly happens to the ones that look like this?
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Why are you green?
Marina's logs read:
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So okay. I, personally, despise Molten MCI. I think it takes away of a ton of character's individuality, and makes more things confusing, all to explain some old man's rambling in a non-canon ending.
It works for Splatoon's case, because we already had no information about any of the octolings before Sanitization. (Aside from Acht.) We didn’t have time to make that up for ourselves, because we never knew about any of this beforehand, like how we filled in the gaps with underwritten characters for fnaf.
However I'll keep reading and see what else can line up here.
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This is leaning into TFC territory. So for less Splatoon knowledgeable readers, Marina is trying to take, essentially what is the Freddy amalgam in TFC, and trying to deconstruct it with each animatronic having everything from their respective endoskeletons. That's best way I can explain it. (For a reader more knowledgeable with Steven Universe, she's trying to fix the forced fusions like Yellow.)
Except the difference here is that the products of Kamabo are, well, orderly, and not animalistic.
The logs that sold it for me:
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So in fnaf speak: From a Molten MCI perspective, (blech,) melting down the infused metal, transferring it into data, and putting that data gloop into playable avatars in an arcade game where they can choose the bits of remnant that belong to them, putting themselves back together.
However, with my neuron activation Order=Mimic, that would mean Mimic MCI, but WAIT COME BACK. IT DOESNT HAVE TO BE.
I have yet to get the rest of the lore bits, but as far as I know, Order, (I'm not calling him Smollusk,) is an AI with the generalized ideals Kamabo has programming into the Sanitized Octolings. (I swear he's just leftovers of Tartar. I know it in my heart.) Mimic copies everything it sees, and learns incredibly fast. It learned the tragedies and rumors of Fazbear Ent, and according to Tiger Rock, he's running most of the Pizza Plex, which makes profits of said tragedies he's learned. Did Mimic orchestrate everything? No. He probably has no understanding of anything he's doing, he just does it because that's all he knows. The company started it.
Kamabo Co.= Sleazy NewGen Fazbear Ent.
How ever this ends, I'm using as evidence for how I predict the SteelWool plot to resolve/hj
Conc1usion: Marina and Henry should meet up. Well maybe not, if Marina wants permanent results.
I find it telling that with a plot so similar to a Fnaf theory that I hate, I actually really like this idea. And I think it's because it's not Fnaf. It's almost the exact same concept, but it makes much more sense and flows better in Splatoon's world. Probably because it was intentionally written that way, and is supposed to be shamelessly absurd and scifi. I like that I'm able to enjoy a concept I hate.
Analogy: Chocolate is good. I like when a pre existing food item I enjoy has an added chocolate exterior. Like strawberries. Sometimes, there are instances where that is not the case, like bacon. It exsists, and you either love it or hate it. I like both base consumables, and I like the additive, but it works better for one than the other.
Literal speak: I like the scifi horror concept of brainwashing with the actual person person being trapped or lost in a specific state, while their body is just another puppet for the main antagonist, and it takes some Cyber Chase shenanigans to free everyone. That's a rad concept. I just like it better when it's applied to a world that is planned for that kind of take, rather than to a world I already enjoyed, but scrambled to cut itself to fit that shape because it almost fit. It works better for a wacky scifi dystopia, not a campy paranormal horror.
Conclu2ion: Some things are best left for other stories.
Oh and both franchises have a known history of bangin soundtrack.
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undobutton · 1 year
hi! can i request for a suna x reader where suna has like a huge crush on the reader and the twins always tease him about it but he keeps hinting to you that he likes you but the reader just doesnt have a clue?
warnings: Swearing, clueless reader, ooc... everyone?
reader: gender neutral!
genre: slice of life. kinda fluffy at the end
characters: Suna! Atsumu, and Osamu
synopsis: A day out at the arcade with your pals, what can go wrong?
a/n: i haven't written for any haikyuu chatacters in a while so i apologize if everyone is ooc i will work on it! also so sorry for the long wait anon, hope you like it though!
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Suna is fond of his friends, for the most part. They get along with ease and work well as a team. Leading them to countless victories and fond memories made (Despite the school believing they aren't necessary.)
Well, he was fond of his friends until two of them found out about his romantic feelings for their team's manager, Y/N. Now he doesn't know peace.
"Y/N," Atsumu called, you'd been waiting for your three friends to show up so you all could walk down to the arcade near your home and beat your high scores (and make a few kids cry) It was one of your favorite ways to spend Saturdays when you all were free. Though for some reason, over the past few weeks, the Miya twins have insisted on leaving early for increasingly silly reasons.
"Ready to go?" Osamu asks, holding a hand up to block the sun from his face.
"Yep! You three are the ones who're late. Let's head out."
You fall into line next to Suna, who has been silently scowling since they arrived. "Why the long face Rin?" You ask.
"Hm? No reason, planning on how to kick Atsumu's score down is all."
You smile at his response, not paying attention to what the twins are saying while you and Suna try to decide which place you should go to eat later.
"And that is how you do it!" You proudly proclaim to the three boys, Atsumu pouts, watching his name tumble down the leaderboard as yours rises.
"Haha, they toasted you 'sumu" Osamu laughs shoving his brothers shoulder.
"You're name is lower than mine! what're you bragging about?" Atsumu whines and Suna grins from behind his camera. He was recording your record-breaking run for future reference.
It's been like this for a bit, though the twins keep taking a concerning number of bathroom breaks and whispering to each other and Suna while you're busy becoming undefeated.
"Oh!" Atsumu startles, winking at his twin. Osamu smiles and looks down at his bare wrist.
"Would you look at the time, we've gotta head home."
You frown and cross your arms, "we got here an hour ago guys, I knew you were sore losers, but isn't this a bit much."
Suna chuckles while Sumu gasps. "We aren't leaving because of your unfair win," You roll your eyes "we're leaving because we have.."
"Have what?" Suna asks, raising an eyebrow at the twins.
"We've gotta, watch our fish." Osamu supplies, Sumu nods his head in agreement.
"Yep! It's sad but duty calls! Suna will, keep you company while we're gone." Atsumu says hurriedly with a suggestive tone you don't catch, not giving Suna time to call bullshit (they don't have a fish) which earns them a glare from the middle blocker in question.
"Aw okay, bye guys Call us when you get home?"
"Will do," Osamu calls, while the two make their way out of the arcade.
You turn to Suna, "ready to get your ass kicked?" He grins "Yeah, right."
Over the past few hours Suna has only chosen two-player games to play with you, won you three prizes, and made a joke about sharing a milkshake to save money... he must be getting into the valentines day spirit!
"don't think I haven't noticed your attitude this evening Rin." You smirk,
Suna's heart falls into his left foot. You're heading back to your place but stopped under a streetlamp a block away. His eyes are blown wide as he sputters for a response. You've never noticed all this before, despite the insane amount of trinkets hes gotten you till now and how coordinated you've become at working together in games. But you don't wait before continuing.
"The jokes, and games, the gifts," You smile squishing the plushies to your chest. "And all so close to valentines day... Go on, tell me who's the lucky person that's got you in the romantic mood?"
"What?" Suna blinks, going through a rollercoaster of emotions in his head.
"Don't act surprised! Someone has gotten a hold of your heart Rin! don't worry I can help you out if I know them. You'll have a valentines day date in no time with my expertise."
"I- I uhm, you-" Suna smiles then begins to laugh. You join him, proud of yourself for figuring it all out.
"You're adorable, you know that?" Suna asks, starting to walk, you follow him, obviously confused which only makes him smile more. He boops your nose and continues without saying anything.
"Wait what's that supposed to mean? am I helping you or what?" You pout.
"Don't worry about it, it's late, and we have a test tomorrow."
"Don't change the sub-"
"Looks like you're home, see you cutie." Suna laughs again jogging away before you can see his bright red face. He'll have to get the twins back for this somehow.
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Ta-da! hope you enjoyed reblogs and follows appreciated! -button🌺
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parchmentknight · 6 months
hello captain robert cross fans (there are maybe 5 of you) i come bearing my fanon depiction of rob
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uh yeah im a big fan of "guy who was in a super niche video game from the early 2000s and wasnt even a main character and therefore had maybe 2 minutes worth of voicelines and basically no lore" SPOILERS FOR THE FIRST PROTOYPE GAME BELOW. but also rob lore. lots. from an rp. yes i rp and i love making characters absolutely wacky and silly and troll others. its funny
my fanon headcanon rob (hes rob in my brain instead of cross because the rp server im in has like FOUR crosses LMAO and each uses a different part of his name. i find it hilarious. love duplicate characters. also rob hates all the other crosses or at least is pissed and freaked about them) survived getting obliterated by the supreme hunter (big endgame baddie) and spends like a month in a shady underground medical center/infirmary. hes infected with a strain of redlight but it doesnt turn him into a virus; hes just some dude whos stronger than normal and always feverish in temperature. hes still pretty lame and i want to kick him in the n u.ts.
he becomes friends with dana mercer (the woman on the ground begging for mercy in the second drawing as rob ominously uses his flip phone) because she finds his abrasiveness a challenge and fights to become his friend and partner in trol.ling. she taught him the ways of the internet and now he uses emojis (in the worst way possible) and calls everything a furry and/or cosplay and i think he uses reddit and facebook. he also uses a flip phone, not because he doesnt know how to use a smartphone, but because he knows that crappy technology enrages dana so much so he bought one to spite her. it also takes the worst pictures known to mankind and he sends her poor images. he and dana just send texts to each other and try to make the other cringe and swear. hence the second image (she is trembling as he uses his flip phone). images of his hospital breakfast below
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and yeah rob uses his flip phone even when texting in the rp server and it looks like THIS (imagine its discord instead of ins.tagra.m)
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i love rob hes my ball of rage and spite and he just yells at everyone and thinks hes tough but hes not. and the main thing that makes me rp is because i want to make characters silly and goofy
reference images i used:
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no i do not have ph.otosh.op i just use firealpaca and colour pick from the background and slap the screen a bunch until it looks good
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imkazz · 2 years
things i will PAY for to have in tsats
1. nico to make a bones joke
2. will to wear cargo pants to tartarus
3. apollo to give them a ride somewhere
4. them to say goodbye to some people
5. wear the ‘tartarus club’ shirt
6. will to critisize the river phleglon (river of fire)
7. nicos big sacrifice to be some super rare mythomagic card he brought
8. them to stop next to elysium to say goodbye to some dead people (jason) edit yk what that would alert hades who expressed that nico dont go back to tartarus
9. bob. please, bob be real.
10. solangelo to meet akhyles (goddess of misery)
11. will to use his glow in tartarus
12. them to hug as they fall down
13. please show meg somewhere i love nico and megs dynamic
14. will to be completely shook that nobody ever brings med kits on quests
15. meet with cupid/eros and will goes completely ballistic
16. apollo cabin to solely refer to nico as ‘brother in law’
17. yk i dont think plauge powers really would fit canon will but its a cool idea to think about @iwnut 
18. the brochure from when percabeth talked to nyx. yes @mistresscitrusslice . let them give their brochure to solangelo. “ok so in about 15 minutes and past the empousi cave, hellhound pack, and plauge spirit home should be the hermes temple” “oh thank the gods”
19. mr d to say goodbye to his favourite demigod and his boyfriend and hand will a rifle/ak47 and go “youre shit with any other weapon. the bullets are already in the bag.”
20. hunters of artemis. just. nico acting uncomfortable and will knowing part of the story so he shields nico away from most of them
21. shelper shelper shelper
22. this ones a bit far but please get married? and will to make a joke about ‘secret jedi wedding’ and for piper to officiate it and leo as the witness because he also made the rings and theyre trying not to rope that many people in
23. will to just say ‘there is a disturbance in the force’ in tartarus
24. nico to still hate pomogranites
25. please let us see nicos zombie chauffur jules-albert somewhere. 
26. mr d to force nico and will to watch something that looks like the orientation film but when they play it its percy and annabeth telling the dos and donts of a quest and percy is such a bad actor that theres so many cuts of percy saying ‘line?’  or ‘whats next’
27. and at the end percy goes ‘well what did you learn about going on your quest?’ dora the explorer style ‘great!’
28. trogs to go ‘ah its the son of hades and his bioluminecient boyfriend’ and will to just give a small sigh
29. mr d to talk to will in private and just: ‘wheel’ ‘thats still not my name’ ‘thats how nico says your name’ ‘well its just his accent’
30. please let there be an oath to styx. just not one as stupid as apollo because nico and will are smarter than that but yk what swearing to an immortal river who will get revenge on you if you break that promise doesnt sound that smart
31. solangelo to run into lukes shoes. we were robbed of this from percy and annabeth. imagine how funny itd be if they just ran into some winged shoes.
32. yk i want nico and thalia to meditate together and when asked what they were doing thalia to just respond ‘photosynthesizing’
33. orpheus and eurydice reference (this actually can become canon because on the cover it shows them holding hands with nico slightly more forward than will and pointing to the doors so nicorpheus and willdice)
34. will backstory will backstory will backstory will backstory will backstory will backstory will backstory will backstory will backstory will backstory will backstory will backst-
35. some memories of nicos for jason to show how much he misses his friend
36. just a fleeting mention of bianca from either of them
37. if theres a will pov make him hate percy. mans was partially responsible for both his older brothers deaths. he did shit to his boyfriend which include strangling him at godsdamned twelve years old. will shouldnt exactly adore percy is more what i mean.
38. solangelo smooch.
39. nico is the new percy of chb. think of it, big 3 kid, very powerful, hero, lives at chb, close to percy, knows a lot of people. nico is just the go-to now that percy is at college and nico is a permanent resident. 
40. nico fan club. made of new younger campers, reyna, will, percy, annabeth, meg, apollo, hades, and a whole bunch of long-time campers.
41. just to have some new campers act like ttc!nico and follow nico around like he did with percy just asking questions and instead of finding them annoying like percy did nico would answer their questions truthfully like how apollo actually did for nico
these arent in order. id die to see the ‘tartarus club’ shirt to be worn by percy annabeth or nico though or at the end of the book for will to be gifted one though and more to be added
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drpeppertummy · 2 months
extra leon & shel lore/tidbits copy pasted from the group chat that i dont think ive shared (non-kink-related)
[warning for mentions/descriptions of alcoholism, abuse, death including child death & pet death, transphobia, self harm]
angela really did not like shel before they became friends she thought he was just the most pissy old bitch. shel liked her fine bc she 1. never did anything to piss him off herself and 2. Called him a pissy old bitch which he thought was funny. i think she only changed her mind about him when she realized he was one of the only people to immediately start calling her the right name when she came out & when she realized he was friends with leon, who she already was cool with. now she'll defend him she'll be like No Hes Cool If Youre Friends With Him Honest I Swear. he always just liked her bc he thought she was Spunky. never really made a move to be pals with her just considered her one of his more tolerable coworkers. they both think its hilarious now that she hated him & she still Jokingly calls him a pissy old bitch. she was cool with leon Before coming out but only really became close with him After coming out bc he was like [in private] omg wait me too [<-paraphrased] & trans coworkers gotta stick together
shels cats prefer laying on leon when hes over bc hes softer & warmer & shel gets jealous so naturally the solution is for shel to use leon as a pillow so the cats have to lay on her instead
i think leon likes showering at shels house bc she has a shower chair & its nice. he probably winds up getting one himself anyway so shel can feel safer showering at his house too
shels house is pretty well cat-proofed. hes invested in soft carpeting so shits less likely to break if it falls, hazards are generally well-secured, hes got magnets on his cabinet doors so they cant break in, shit like that etc. the cats are more or less allowed anywhere in the house But he has a Strict no cats in the laundry room rule bc hes absolutely terrified of one sneaking into the dryer when hes not looking
leons place is like. very Lived In. kinda messy but not Gross (i imagine shel probably helps him keep on top of cleaning sometimes). a little dingy but not so much so that you dont wanna sit down & hang around. kinda dated. not overly well-maintained. needs some repairs that he just hasnt gotten around to (for years). hasnt been renovated or anything in decades. ugly old couch. he tries to keep trash off the floor but he is guilty of having old bottles & shit sitting around. making it look nice isnt a huge priority for him but he tries to at least keep it sanitary
shels house as we know is full of cat-themed crap & knickknacks & i think its kinda granny-esque & a lot of brown & pink & off-white & warm neutral colors. clean but cluttered & cozy. small but comfortable. nothing is like harsh & bright the color is all soft & subdued & the lighting is warm & gentle. lot of decorative things & photos on shelves & on the walls & on end tables etc. maybe some doilies. shel could be a doily guy. lot of cute fridge magnets
leon will refer to his pre-transition self as a girl/woman almost as if she was a different person he used to know. angela only refers to herself as a girl/woman including when talking about the past bc thats what shes always been even before she knew. & shel well hes just shel
projecting onto leon he'll be buying pants & be like "omg these fit Perfectly" & theyll be like a foot too long. length, as we know, does not matter when youre built like grimace
i think shel (playfully) gives leon grief for bein older than him. bc shel Looks older. if u asked their coworkers to guess theyd place leon at no older than 43 and shel at like 55
they bring out the best in each other. when shels around leon tries not to drink & he tries to take better care of himself bc he doesnt wanna disappoint him. when leons around shels less bitchy & less grumpy & in much better humor. theyre both happier around each other
i think leon was a little nervous about becoming an Official Couple & i think hed be a little nervous about getting married moving in together etc, not bc he thinks shel would ever hurt him but bc he still worries that all the abuse he took from bill was his own fault & hes afraid shels gonna start to see him the way bill saw him & get sick of him. & he feels guilty for feeling that way
shels had A Lot of cats in his life & he carries the grief of every single one hes ever said goodbye to. the majority of his Family Photos he has framed or in albums are pets & sometimes he'll be looking through them & gets a little misty. & i think leon realizing that all these cats have always pretty much been shels only family & hearing the way he reminisces about them the way somebody would fondly recall happy memories with their family or friends is a point where he realizes just how lonely shels life has been. hes always been very sentimental about his cats. if he finds a loose whisker on the floor he sticks it in a jar bc its too cool to just sweep up. & if one of them cuts him deeply enough to leave a scar he looks at it with fondness. & the paw prints they do at the vet when the times up. he def has those all hung up amongst whatever photos & other shit he has on the walls
i think shel has some kind of goofy little tattoo he got when he was really young & dysfunctional like. on her hip or some weird spot where nobody ever sees it & its some weird random stupid little thing & the first time leon sees it hes like ??????????? idk what it would even be but its definitely shittily done & probably doesnt have any meaning behind it
leon was originally supposed to be bitter & grumpy & bitchy like shel (who has been around longer & whose bitterness & grumpiness & bitchiness was well established by the time leon came around) but he wound up being more sad & sweet & nervous. i think his coworkers still generally dont like him unless they know him well & its mostly bc they make Assumptions about him based on the things they know. hes an alcoholic, hes a hot mess, he hangs out with that bitchy weirdo shel, he doesnt socialize much, etc
Thinking About Shels Cat Pics u knowww they look like shit. if hes texting them . with his flip phone. but also i think she takes a lot of Camera Pictures & puts em in a photo album. all the time leons receiving grainy shitty flip phone cat pic texts & he Adores it he feels so in love
Thinking About Angela & Leon i think they have like an extra special little friendship which they really come to think of as a father/daughter relationship after a while. it just kinda Becomes Like That. since she was relatively recently disowned by her parents & he lost his daughter & they both have a major void that theyre subconsciously trying to fill. he might take her shopping since she came out pretty recently & doesnt have much of a wardrobe & hes pretty experienced in the field of Womens Clothes. they make a whole little day of it. i think ive already mentioned leons necklace that his mom gave him that her mom probably gave her that he was gonna give to his daughter which he wound up giving to angela & it was gonna be a casual gesture but it wound up being a whole teary huggy thing for both of em
i think. if he found out bill died or something he would be all freaked out like Omg I Shouldve Been There For Him bc even after everything theres still a big part of him that thinks maybe if he tried harder if he did a better job if he was a better spouse etc they couldve been happy. even tho he Knows bill was awful to him & he Knows bill was a nasty evil abusive person & he would never wish what he went through on anybody else theres still a big part of him that feels like it was his fault & he deserved all of it & he cant possibly deserve better
Thinking About Baby Shel. sometimes as someone who works in school/childcare youll have a kid who nobody can figure out how to help--beyond troubled, disillusioned, home life is a mess, etc--& you just know in your heart that if Somebody cant figure it out theyre not gonna make it. shel was one of those kids from a very early age. any teachers he had who are still alive remember him well bc he was such a fucked up little terror & theyd be astonished to see that hes alive. not only alive but Relatively Happy. functioning. sober. nothing like the disturbed child they knew back then
the destroyed parent in leon wishes so badly he couldve been there for shel when he was little. even tho had they known each other at the time hes only like 4 years older. he hears about tidbits of shels childhood & just wishes he could go there & hold him. but he can comfort him now & shel appreciates that. i usually depict shel being more Okay bc he does have his shit way more together but sometimes he is just all fucked up & leons there for him. sometimes he has Bad Brain Days & sometimes its just that kind of day & sometimes its brought on by his pain or lack of sleep or somethin & sometimes something triggers it & fucks him up. & he might be agitated & moody or he might be sad & fragile or he might just be numb & barely responsive but leon will treat him gentle & make sure hes not isolating himself or neglecting himself or hurting himself & make sure hes taken care of until he feels ok again. leon often feels like he doesnt do nearly enough for shel considering how much shel supports him sometimes but when those days happen he usually (probably unknowingly) prevents shel from spiraling into a weeks-long & potentially life-threatening funk
Thinking About Leon bc ive established how angela & shel came to be without a family but ive never gone into detail on leon. i think his family was never very supportive to start with & they didnt like the man he married & blamed leon for getting himself into the relationship when it started going south & bill kinda drove a wedge between him & his family and then when he started to really become a hot mess with Apparent Mental Health Issues Including Alcoholism they shunned him even more & wanted no part of him or his problems & then by the time he divorced bill & started his transition he was so estranged from them & he knew how unsupportive they were in general that he just never came out to them & essentially disappeared. he was their black sheep & they were fine with him getting away. i think if he had the chance to forgive them & go back to them he would do it in a heartbeat in spite of everything. if he found them again & they were willing to take him back he would forget how much pain they let him go through all alone Immediately. hes too forgiving bc he doesnt think he deserves better. he woulda let bill back into his life too if shel hadnta beat him to it. hes afraid of being alone he thinks hes unlovable😔 shels trying to get him past that
shels mother was a terrible parent but sometimes he wonders if they wouldve had a happy life without his dad. & sometimes he wonders if he couldve saved her. leon will be like “you were just a little kid theres nothing you couldve done” but he cant help thinking about it. & honestly if it werent for his dad his mom probably wouldve been a fine parent but their relationship was so vicious & abusive & horrible that the household was just a constant screaming fighting mess
when leon got his top surgery he was freshly divorced & had no friends bc his shity husband had him all isolated & he was like the most alone hed ever been in his life he didnt have Nobody & he had to go through the whole process & recovery all alone & it was miserable so when shel gets his knees done leon makes dam sure hes there for him every step of the way
thinking about leon & angela finding out about stuff shel never got to do as a kid & being like Oh My God We Are Taking His Old Ass To The Zoo. take his old ass to the boardwalk for minigolf & rides & ice cream. cant take his old ass to action park. sad
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swagglessmoth · 9 months
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Ok but listen to me
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Does Nigel not sound extremely suspicious??
Lady Kiraba: (former) god of life
Lucas bringing up life so much, referring to the “angel” (a being lesser than a god, most likely bc she’s not one anymore) as “her”, “god wanted us alive to carry out his will” (???), “he was such a naive little shit” and it zooms into him helping Nicholas, “maybe I remember him too fondly” “we create a reality through the emotions we felt the most and it becomes who we grow up to be more than what really happened to us” (funnily enough this could also apply to the incident with Tobias and Mattias but this is not about them), “he did whatever anyone told him” like giving Tobias to that hoe when she asked
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nataliescatorccio · 11 months
'my ugly one' / 'why do you call me that' / 'cause i promised i'd be sincere'
ahhhhhh can you please explain this because i don't get it and i am confused! i love yen and ciri's relationship its my favorite part of the books and im so happy we're finally getting in the show! but yen callig her ugly doesnt sit right with me and i dont understand the explanation cause ciri is like really pretty? idk im not trying to be a hater i swear i just do not understand this.
it comes directly from the books! personally i don't think they adapted it very well on the show, because it felt sort of shoehorned in there and therefore came across as sudden and out of place, but in the books it's what yennefer calls ciri almost from the moment she meets her, throughout blood of elves and time of contempt. why is a bit more complicated, i've always thought that yennefer calls her that because when they meet, ciri has been living with the witchers and therefore has put zero effort into her appearance. she's very much a 'wild' kid, matted hair and covered in dirt and caring more about fighting. which ciri in the show is, but i think we forget because freya always looks so stunning. this to yennefer, who so perfectly presents herself, is seen as ugly.
but i also think it's kind of used to get under ciri's skin a little bit. yennefer and ciri don't get on when they first meet (the show sort of changes their arc that they do bond, and then they fight, and reconcile, whereas the book is more dislike and then they learn to respect and love each other). yennefer doesn't really think ciri is ugly, it's more by how she has been raised to view beauty, as by this excerpt: 'You still keep on calling me ugly one! You know how I don't like it. Why do you do it?' 'Because I'm malicious. Wizards are always malicious.' 'But I don't want to… don't want to be ugly. I want to be pretty. Really pretty, like you, Lady Yennefer. Can I, through magic, be as pretty as you one day?' 'You… Fortunately you don't have to… You don't need magic for it. You don't know how lucky you are.' 'But I want to be really pretty!' 'You are really pretty. A really pretty ugly one. My pretty little ugly one…' it's also a bit of a nod to the ugly duckling, there are a lot of little fairytale-type teases in the books and this is one of them. in time of contempt, yennefer says this: '‘Be quiet, my ugly little duckling. I made a mistake. No one’s perfect.’' ciri is the ugly duckling who becomes a swan as she grows. ciri in the books is also a bit different, she's described more of a snot-nosed brat more often than the confident girl we know in the show, so ugly one sort of refers to her more bratty awkward child stage, where she then grows into it. again, it's difficult to get this from the show because we've seen so much more of ciri and seen her grow. i get being confused by it because honestly i found it a little jarring in the show despite expecting it! it's such an integral part of their book relationship that i understand why the writers felt like they needed to include it, but also it didn't feel like it worked in how they'd already established their relationship.
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socialcarcrash · 11 months
Do you have any Sweets headcanons?
ooo yes i do! hold on :)
infodump time!! :0
1. bisexual i dont even care he is so bisexual its insane.
2. autistic (i swear i could say this about any of the characters, but its so real). Although id say hes sensory seeking when it comes to sound (metal music enjoyer- me too man), after a concert the crowd to exit was just way too much, so he is loop earplugs no.1 fan; he gets overstimulated pretty easy. Even as he got older he still used them, as the fbi isnt exactly a calm or quiet place, so he uses them frequently and loves how subtle they are. Sometimes when hes overstimulated he is sooo prone to having a verbal shutdown where he just…cant talk. usually he likes to be alone and isolate himself, but hes learnt through booth that it’s counterproductive so booth will sit with him quietly until its over, and he does the same for booth- its a mutual agreement that they never discuss, it just happens. I also think later on aubrey would sit with him too (im an aubrey-sweets friendship truther at heart). He’s potentially got adhd too? im undecided on that one.
^also!!! during school he 100% had a small seperate room to take exams in and thats so me projecting i just see it.
3. folklore enjoyer. his favourite song is cardigan, he is so cardigan coded its not even funny. He totally hides the fact hes listened to it for years, but he loves it so much. (me)
4. he is perks of being a wallflower. like…that is him!! maybe im just projecting, but please charlie is so him and he is so charlie. im insane about this for real, i cant even articulate it.
5. im like 90% sure hes trans ftm, thats just like a small idea that sits in the back of my brain. (also adds up why his name is lance and his favourite tv show was the og voltron…i too was a victim of fictional character name theft, and werent we all).
6. this doesnt need explanation, but he 100% still listens to metal music. he cant even deny it, its just a fact.
TW: references to sweet’s history with abuse/ suicide ideation (?)
7. He really struggled to think about his future when he was a kid. He spent so long living in an environment where he had to fight for his survival on the daily, that he just couldnt picture himself having a future. Even once he was adopted by his parents his heart sank at the idea that he would have to have a future and he had no way of comprehending that he would make it that far. That was until he found psychology, he originally looked into it to try and understand himself and give him support during school and social situations, but he found it fulfilling in a way he had never experienced before (first special interest joy!!). Thats when he knuckled down at school and finally found a way he wanted to go in life.
…i think thats it for now, more will probably come to me later but yeah :) thanks for asking :D
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twsthc · 1 year
octavinelle hcs and projections 🦑🦈
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⚠️ warnings: self harm, restrictive eating disorders, self destructive behavior below the cut! there are wholesome hcs too i swear
last updated: nov 10, 2023
collective headcanon: jade and azul learned the common language from textbooks (which is why they talk formally), but floyd learned from listening to sailors speak.
╰ underwater merfolk communicate through clicks + other sounds
floyd is mixed with black and tan (#D9AD91- Salmon Sand in the winter)
i think he has really large freckles across his body. i hc him to be bajan because this is the species of moray i hc the tweels to be
╰ i also made a deranged twitter thread about this
floyd has a shit ton of scars and even bite marks from old "play fights"
his two rows of moray teeth manifested in his human form as extra overgrown teeth. he doesn't mind because he thinks they look cool
in merform, both he and jade have two sets of teeth and a pharyngeal jaw
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floyd is 1 inch taller than jade and makes sure jade knows it
bites his tongue and the inside of his cheek on purpose and on accident
she has been banned from painting her nails or doing anything messy other than cooking inside of the lounge ever since The Incident.
floyd has ataxia symptoms on land and is a part-time cane user
has severe mamas boy syndrome and will freak out if he cant talk to her at the end of each week about what he accomplished (didnt bite anyone for the WHOLE day)
he thinks its so cool you can put colors in your hair and on your face above water (why i think he'd be into decora and scene)
enjoys okinawan gyaru styles and traditional hawaiian culture/fashion also
it has BPD, GAD, and separation anxiety!!!
triggering content ahead !!
has been a "delinquent" for half his life and has run away a few times
during his depressive episodes he'll forget to eat for days on end
he can also be self destructive during these episodes (self harm)
he can also get really quiet and it scares the shit out of azul (jade is used to it)
gets really (and reasonably) upset when people other than jade or azul mention his mood swings negatively because he's sensitive about it
channels his anger into cooking rather than fighting or cutting
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AZUL IS FAT AND HAS BREAST TISSUE (my azul hc art for reference)
in my head she looks like mama morton from the chicago musical
i base azul off of the octopus hawaiiensis, thus the vitiligo
he has longer front teeth and sharper teeth, resembling an octopus beak
rectangular pupils
has splatoon hair 🔥
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i am a drag queen azul believer. one of his dreams is to preform in the lounge
extremely double jointed/a contortionist because. octopus.
doesnt make food in the lounge anymore because its so spicy and ethnic it started scaring the pomefiore customers </3 its not her fault shes haitian...
has severe claudication/phantom limb pains and is a part-time wheelchair user, sometimes she uses a cane. book 6 was really taxing on her legs
GAD, ASPD, and gender dysphoria
triggering content ahead !!
has a restrictive eating disorder
back at his moms restaurant, he would purge after being a taste tester
used to self harm when she was younger but is years clean now!
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pretty similar if not the same as floyd's
jade is a bit paler than floyd despite going outside more (theyre anemic)
i think his makeup and fashion styles interchange at breakneck speeds
monday evil emo ecopunk , tuesday dainty fairy mushroom enjoyer (still evil)
shaved eyebrows
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similarly to floyd, they use a lot of petnames, but normal ones
╰ instead of "goldfishie," he might call riddle dear/honey
also has extra overgrown teeth in human form but hes self-conscious about it
has milder symptoms of ataxia, also a part-time cane user
really good listener and a really good talker. theyll go on hour long rants about what he found on his daily trek, a new recipe he tried, etc
has a lot of random hobbies! the main ones are swimming, stamp collecting, going on walks, and journaling/scrapbooking
owns those DIY jar terrariums as well as a few mini-aquariums
also owns multiple exotic pets/bugs! i think he owns leeche
GAD and autism. his special interests are botony and wildlife
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