#healthy transformation system
nettienets · 4 months
Welcome 2024! What does a New Year mean to you?
Happy New Year! I hope you all had nice holidays filled with love, laughter, peace, great people & good food! I know mine were all of the above! As we enter into a new year, a lot of us reflect on the past year. What we had planned to accomplish versus what we actually accomplished. The changes last year brought, the ups, the downs, the goods, the bads, etc. For many of us, a new year means a…
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wisterianwoman · 1 month
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How to Regulate Your Nervous System for a Balanced Life
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soundbodyinstitute · 2 months
Rebuild Your Physique with State-of-the-Art Weight Management Services
In a world where fitness and wellness are becoming increasingly central to our daily lives, the quest for a body transformation center that offers effective weight loss services has never been more critical. The journey towards achieving your ideal physique involves dedication, perseverance, and, often, the guidance of professionals who understand the nuances of sustainable weight loss. As you embark on this transformative journey, you must explore the myriad options available to you, ensuring that you find the right fit for your needs and goals.
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Understanding the Importance of a Body Transformation Center:
A body transformation center is a hub for individuals seeking to embark on a holistic journey toward better health and fitness. Unlike traditional gyms, these centers offer comprehensive programs tailored to address individual needs, focusing on physical exercise and nutrition, mental well-being, and lifestyle adjustments. The holistic approach adopted by such centers recognizes that true body transformation encompasses more than just shedding pounds; it involves creating sustainable habits that promote long-term health and vitality.
The Role of Weight Loss Journey:
These services may include personalized meal plans crafted by nutrition experts, one-on-one coaching sessions to address psychological barriers to weight loss and access to state-of-the-art fitness equipment. By combining these elements, weight loss services empower individuals to make meaningful changes that extend far beyond the numbers on a scale.
Tailored Approaches for Lasting Results:
Unlike generic, one-size-fits-all programs, these services are tailored to each individual's unique needs, preferences, and limitations. Whether you aim to shed excess fat, build lean muscle, or improve overall health, the professionals at a reputable body transformation center will work closely with you to develop a customized plan that maximizes results while prioritizing your well-being.
Embracing Innovation in Fitness Technology:
In recent years, fitness technology advancements have revolutionized how we approach body transformation. From wearable devices that track activity levels and calorie intake to virtual fitness classes accessible from the comfort of your home, the options for incorporating technology into your weight loss journey are endless. 
Creating a Supportive Community:
Many weight loss services offered by body transformation centers emphasize the importance of community support in achieving long-term success. Whether through group fitness classes, online forums, or social events, fostering a sense of camaraderie among participants can provide invaluable motivation, accountability, and encouragement along the way.
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Celebrating Milestones and Progressl:
As you progress on your body transformation journey, it's essential to celebrate every milestone, no matter how small. Whether fitting into a pair of jeans you haven't worn in years or achieving a new personal best in the gym, acknowledging your achievements reinforces your commitment to your goals and fuels your determination to continue moving forward. 
Achieving a body transformation and reaching your weight loss goals requires a multifaceted approach that addresses physical fitness, nutrition, mental well-being, and lifestyle factors. Soundbodyinstitute.com is a beacon of expertise, support, and empowerment for those ready to take the first step toward a healthier future. Visit their website today to begin your transformational journey.
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lassieposting · 5 months
Been thinkin about Astarion + vampire biology so have some headcanons and the bits of game lore they're based on
Dialogue establishes that Cazador has been successfully passing himself off as a regular noble for centuries, and Astarion confirms that while he's considered a bit reclusive, he does mingle with the upper class of Baldur's Gate and has a property specifically for hosting fancy events.
Vampires are camouflage predators, whose primary hunting strategy is to blend in with their prey until the perfect time to strike. Their ecological niche is not a particularly safe or stable one - they live hidden in plain sight, usually in sizeable cities, for easy access to prey, but they know that if they are discovered they will be rooted out and killed or driven away. They are rarely able to get away with attacking in public, where city guards might rush to the aid of a screaming victim - they have to isolate their target before killing it. The ability to blend in, to be overlooked by their target, until it is too late is essential.
Cazador is, as far as we know, the only true vampire in Baldur's Gate
This is because true vampires are aggressively territorial. Like most apex predators, they eat a lot, and need substantial territories to support them - even moreso if they have a partner or spawns. Ascendant!Astarion would need to hold onto the entire city, as Cazador did, to be able to feed himself and Tav without raising suspicion.
True vampires are relatively rare, but there are more of them than there are cities, so it's not uncommon for one to set up in an occupied city and try to oust the sitting resident. The challenger usually believes himself to be as strong or stronger than the current tenant: these territorial disputes usually end in at least one death, so they're not to be entered into lightly.
Astarion is very obviously a vampire: his fangs are visible, as are his bite scars; he's so pale multiple people comment on it; his eyes are red, etc.
Astarion is not a healthy vampire.
This is a man who has been kept on the knife's edge of starvation and tortured regularly for 200 years, and to another vampire, that would be clear from the state of him: Astarion is a camouflage predator who is so malnourished he is no longer able to blend in.
Tav will get an up-close look at his transformation over the course of the game and during the years afterwards: the more healthy and well-fed Astarion becomes, as his body catches up on its immense energy deficit and begins to recover, the better he will be able to mimic a living elf. His skin will be able to bleed, or blush, or bruise, none of which he's capable of while actively starving. Hia fangs will retract until he needs them, not invisible but less obvious - having them out all the time is a response to severe deprivation; he's so hungry his body can't risk losing prey to the split second it takes Cazador to snatch a rat back, so he's permanently in bite mode, hyperaware, ready to strike. Some body functions will come online that he didn't even know he had, the ones that are supposed to help him blend in - his eyes will start producing pigment to look darker, less scarlet and more burgundy, to be more easily mistaken for brown; his lungs will make him breathe automatically even though he doesn't need it, he'll start being able to eat normal food without getting sick again, though he still won't get any nourishment from it; he'll heal faster. He'll even be able to get drunk, though he'll burn through it very quickly. As it stands, all those extra systems have been shut down by his starving body - they're useful, but nonessential, and he needs every single bit of energy funnelled into just keeping him alive and functional.
There is probably an intentional bit of psychological warfare against the spawns on Cazador's part here - him starving them strips them of their natural defences, and every time he makes them leave the mansion to hunt, they have to do so knowing that they're poorly hidden and vulnerable. But it's established that true vampires treating their spawn poorly or outright abusing them is A Thing, so it's not the only reason - he sees them as property rather than people, he keeps them weak so they won't plot against him, he's acting out his own trauma from Vellioth on them, he just wants to - but it does feed into it.
Astarion can, at one point, identify old blood as belonging to the player character. He also gets excited at another point if an enemy character runs away, stating, "Now it's a hunt."
He says that "even stale, [he'd] recognise that bouquet anywhere." This confirms a few things for us:
He has a vastly superior sense of smell capable of identifying individuals by scent and - since he can tell who the blood belongs to even after some time has passed - following scent trails.
This confirms that although city-dwelling vampires may primarily hunt via luring a victim to a secondary location before killing it, they still have the "stalk down and chase" predator instinct. Since Astarion can't lure wildlife anywhere, this is almost certainly how he's been hunting to supplement his diet when he's not using the player as his personal caprisun.
The fact that he can scent out prey before killing it means he has this ability all the time - he can smell blood while it's still safely inside the owner's body.
So scent is probably relevant to how vampires process the world. The more time each companion spends with him, the more he gets used to their scent, starts associating it more with safety and camaraderie than with a potential meal, and so he becomes more relaxed around them. As he learns to link the player's scent with love and comfort and trust, the more likely he is to retreat to their tent over his own when he's injured or afraid or having a trauma moment. When he's fond of someone, something of theirs will go conveniently missing - he's moving their scent into his little safe space, it's comforting for him. He can tell when his lover is hurt or aroused or frightened - though not which of the three applies - from a distance, because his sense of smell can pick up the spike of adrenaline rushing into their bloodstream.
But that also means that he can never feel like he's got any distance from Cazador while he's living in the mansion - even if the man isn't in the same room, the entire place reeks of him, and it makes Astarion feel like Cazador is breathing down his neck all the same. Ascendant Astarion would have a really, really hard time sticking it out in that mansion with stale Eau de Cazador all over the place. It means that he's put instantly on edge by the faint scent of one of his siblings as he walks through the lower city - when seven vicious, territorial apex predators are confined to a single small dormitory, several hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, fights are going to be nasty and frequent, and although Cazador wouldn't allow them to kill each other, considering how many of his siblings refer to him as weak or a runt, Astarion probably didn't win them very often. So. Having a highkey advanced sense of smell is a mixed bag.
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adviceformefromme · 9 months
So your life isn’t looking and feeling how you envisioned. You see the TikTok and IG girlies living that life. You dream about luxury travel, pilates on a Saturday morning, drinking overpriced green smoothies, driving a sexy car, and living your fullest most authentic life…But in comparison, you’ve grown to mostly hate spending time with your friends, you’ve out grown them and notice how much they complain about life and generally are low vibes, you’ve spent all of this months wages already, and still have 2 weeks left until payday so your bank balance is no way supporting the life you dream of, to add, your dating life is a mess not consisting of your dream guy that provides for you. No, instead it seems too much effort for him to message back, let alone take you to that sexy spa you’re dying to visit. So in short your life is a far cry from what you want. The life you’ve created right now is absolutely not what you would want for yourself for the next year, or even five years. So in order to completely shift from where you are to where you want to be. You need a fucking RE-SET. 
The re-set is basically your metamorphosis. Think of being the caterpillar, heavy, slow sluggish (currently you right now). In order to become a beautiful butterfly you need to completely transform, undo, take time to reorganise so you can re-emerge as nature intended. 
The Re-set might look slightly different for everyone so take what you need from this: 
2-3 months stepping back from the people around you. 
Meditating daily to clear you mind so you can hear yourself, your own voice and drown out any external noise. (I recommend insight timer app, or mind app both for meditations)
A journal, to document your feelings and emotions, empty your thoughts, and a space where you can become your own best friend and create a connection with yourself. 
Movement. - you need to move your body this is KEY, you might pick up running, stretching at home, pilates, yoga, HIT, whatever it is just fucking do it. Your body needs the movement to replenish its energy and move you out of stagnation. 
Healthy diet. Less alcohol more greens. If it’s processed, if its fizzy, if its sugar, if its cake, if its chocolate, if its ice cream (you get the picture), cut that shit OUT. You need food that supports you, cleanses you, energises you in order to thrive and clear your energy. 
FAITH in something bigger than yourself. If you’re religious, great lean into your faith with prayer, scripture, faith music. If you’re not religious maybe you believe in the universe, the love all around you, faith in something unknown, something guiding you, protecting you, even if you believe this is part of your own psyche - lean into this. Your faith is your support system. Your faith is the unseen that will guide and protect you on this journey. 
The above might seem overwhelming, and it will be if you don’t already incorporate those things into your day already. The worst thing you want to do is try and do everything at once and feel disappointed when you don’t succeed. So start with one thing if that’s all you can manage and focus on doing that one thing consistently and then add from that. 
The purpose of the first 2-3 months is the cleansing. You want to start slowly removing what doesn’t serve you, and start creating space for yourself, your thoughts and visions so you have space to start planting new seeds of the life you want to live. 
What your first steps in your journey might look like: 
Saying no to going out for drinks with friends, instead you go for a long walks in nature listening to an empowering podcast, go home journal and meditate. 
Weekends might look like not seeing friends, maybe even family. Doing exercise, making healthy food, researching recipes, creating a vision board on Pinterest and doing a guiding meditation, affirmations and mirror work. 
Having a prayer practise, reading books/ passages that support you in your journey 
Deleting your social medias or even doing a detox day / weekend so you have a break 
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please1mistress · 4 months
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you know in your consciously that the IMAGES are not likely doing anything to your MIND, but part of your mind is fascinated by the power of subliminal messages. You have heard that they can influence your subconscious mind and make you do things that you normally wouldn't. You decide to experiment with some online images like the ones on my blog that have hidden messages embedded in them. You WATCH them with curiosity, wondering what they are trying to tell you. You know in your conscious mind that the images are not likely doing anything to your mind, but you can't help feeling a bit EXCITED and nervous at the same time. You wonder if you will notice any changes in your behavior or thoughts after watching them. Each FLASH revealing a word for that split second that your almost able to READ, something about PINK and GO, but they just flash so fast, you are hardly aware of how long you sit and STARE, and as you do, you decide that rubbing down there between your legs would feel GOOD. Self pleasure is a natural and healthy activity that can bring many benefits to your well-being. It can help you explore your sexuality, discover what you LIKE and don't like, and improve your confidence and self-esteem. It can also reduce stress, improve SLEEP quality, and boost your MOOD and immune system. There is nothing wrong with self pleasure, as long as you do it safely and responsibly. You don't have to feel ashamed or guilty about it, because it is a normal part of human sexuality. So, you STARE and RUB and RELAX deeper feeling yourself start to SINK into the PRETTY eyes of the model, her PINK eyes drawing your attention away from the flashing words that are now forgotten as you STARE and RUB and SINK deeper into the PINK. Wait, were those words there in the subliminal flashes? No, don't be silly, just STARE and SINK deeper into the PINK and don't THINK, after all BIMBOs don't think. You giggle at the thought of you being transformed into a MINDLESS BIMBO DOLL that is super HORNY and needy for sex. Maybe you should rub a little faster so you can get yourself to that EDGE you want. You feel a NEED to re-post this so other SLUTs can STARE and RUB and SINK to Please1Mistress like a GOOD GIRL.
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batboyblog · 2 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #7
Feb 23-March 1 2024
The White House announced $1.7 Billion in new commitments from local governments, health care systems, charities, business and non-profits as part of the White House Challenge to End Hunger and Build Healthy Communities. The Challenge was launched with 8 billion dollars in 2022 with the goal of ending hunger in America by 2030. The Challenge also seeks to drastically reduce diet-related diseases (like type 2 diabetes). As part of the new commitments 16 city pledged to make plans to end hunger by 2030, the largest insurance company in North Carolina made nutrition coaching and a healthy food delivery program a standard benefit for members, and since the challenge launched the USDA's Summer EBT program has allowed 37 states to feed children over the summer, its expected 21 million low income kids will use the program this summer.
The US House passed a bill on Nuclear energy representing the first update in US nuclear energy policy in decades, it expands the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and reduces reducing licensing fees. Nuclear power represents America's single largest source of clean energy, with almost half of carbon-free electricity coming from it. This bill will boost the industry and make it easier to build new plants
Vice President Harris announced key changes to the Child Care & Development Block Grant (CCDBG) program. The CCDBG supports the families of a million American children every month to help afford child care. The new changes include capping the co-pay families pay to no more than 7% of their income. Studies show that high income families pay 6-8% of their income in childcare while low income families pay 31%. The cap will reduce or eliminate fees for 100,000 families saving them an average of over $200 a month. The changes also strength payments to childcare providers insuring prompt payment.
The House passed a bill making changes to the Small Business Administration’s 8(a) program. The 8(a) is an intensive 9 year program that offers wide ranging training and support to small business owners who are socially and economically disadvantaged, predominantly native owned businesses. Under the current structure once a business reaches over 6.8 million in assets they're kicked off the program, even though the SBA counts anything under $10 million as a small business, many companies try to limit growth to stay on the program. The House also passed a bill to create an Office of Native American Affairs at the SBA, in order to support Native-owned small businesses.
The White House and HUD announced steps to boost the housing supply and lower costs plans include making permanent the Federal Financing Bank Risk Sharing program, the program has created 12,000 affordable housing units since 2021 with $2 billion and plans 38,000 additional units over ten years. As well as support for HUD's HOME program which has spent $4.35 billion since 2021 to build affordable rental homes and make home ownership a reality for Americans. For the first time an administration is making funds available specifically for investments in manufactured housing, $225 million. 20 million Americans live in manufactured housing, the largest form of unsubsidized affordable housing in the country, particularly the rural poor and people in tribal communities.
The Department of Energy announced $336 million in investments in rural and remote communities to lower energy costs and improve reliability. The projects represent communities in 20 states and across 30 Native tribes. 21% of Navajo Nation homes and 35% of Hopi Indian Tribe homes remain unelectrified, one of the projects hopes to bring that number to 0. Another project supports replacing a hydroelectric dam in Alaska replacing all the Chignik Bay Tribal Council's diesel power with clear hydro power. The DoE also announced $18 million for Transformative Energy projects lead by tribal or local governments and $25 million for Tribal clean energy projects, this comes on top of $75 million in Tribal clean energy projects in 2023
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg put forward new rules to ensure airline passengers who use wheelchairs can travel safely and with dignity. Under the planned rules mishandling a wheelchair would be a violation of the ACAA, airlines would be required to immediately notify the passenger of their rights. Airlines would be required to repair or replace the wheelchair at the preferred vendor of the passenger's choice as well as provide a loaner wheelchair that fits the passenger's needs/requirements
The EPA launched a $3 Billion dollar program to help ports become zero-emission. This investment in green tech and zero-emission will help important transportation hubs fight climate change and replace some of the largest concentrations of diesel powered heavy equipment in America.
the EPA announced $1 Billion dollars to help clean up toxic Superfund sites. This is the last of $3.5 billion the Biden administration has invested in cleaning up toxic waste sites known as Superfund sites. This investment will help finish clean up at 85 sites across the country as well as start clean up at 25 new sites. Many Superfund sites are contained and then left not cleaned for years even decades. Thanks to the Biden-Harris team's investment the EPA has been able to do more clean up of Superfund sites in the last 2 years than the 5 years before it. More than 25% of America's black and hispanic population live with-in 5 miles of a Superfund site.
Bonus: Sweden cleared the final major barrier to become NATO's 32nd member. The Swedish Foreign Minster is expected to fly to Washington to deposit the articles of accession at the US State Department. NATO membership for Sweden and its neighbor Finland (joined last year) has been a major foreign policy goal of President Biden in the face of Russian aggressive against Ukraine. Former President Trump has repeatedly attacked NATO and declared he wants to leave the 75 year old Alliance, even going so far as to tell Russia to "do whatever the hell they want" with European NATO allies
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millysastroblog · 11 months
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SR ASC in Natal Chart Houses
🌼ASC in Solar Return Chart🌼
The ASC in the Solar Return Chart is a vital point ,implementing the first energtical shifts in the SRC for the year ahead. From the start the Sun returns to the same Natal Sign and Degree ,which gets activated on your Birthday. But It is definitly possible to feel those changes prior to 1-3 months before your actual Birthday occurs.
The ASC generally is one of the most visible components in a Chart, giving the outside world a first impression of our presence but also us as individuals automatically exuding the energy of the ASC Sign and taking the world on with the ASC Signs Personality. The Asc is so important because of the how the constellations from all the 12 houses are created and constructed, shaping certain life areas differently and uniquely. So with the ASC in the SR Chart are we adapting to a new energy . Lets say we have Sagittarius as SR ASC , we probably are going to feel more alive and ready to explore the world and step out of our comfort zone. Through our more adventures and curios side we are going to consciously or unconsciously attract opportunities that could help us to really embody this energetic change for that year.
🌼The 12 Houses in a Natal Chart 🌼
As you might as well know with the Asc our 1st house we have 11th other houses that carry their own meanings. In my Solar Return Chart PT.1 you can look up the main interpretation of the 12 houses. To get a quick review and understanding if you don’t know much about houses in Astrology or are inexperienced with them! Click here!!
🌼 How do we go about it?🌼
-> First look at the SR Rising.
Example: SR Chart Capricorn Rising
-> Secondly I would recommend you guys using whole sign system for your Natal Birth Chart but if you are more on the Placidus side then you can also use that.
-> Thirdly look at the Signs of each houses in your Natal Chart, and see in which house capricorn sits in.
Natal Gemini Rising (whole sign)
Gemini = 1 st house
Cancer = 2nd house
Leo= 3rd house
Virgo= = 4th house
Libra = 5th house
Scorpio = 6th house
Sagittarius = 7th house
Capricorn = 8th house
Aquarius = 9th house
Pisces = 10th house
Aries = 11th house
Taurus = 12th House
AS SR Chart in Capricorn -> Capricorn in the 8th house in the Natal Chart
🌼!!! End result = SR ASC ruling the 8th house of Natal Chart 🌼
When we try attaching our Solar Return ASC with our Natal ruling houses, we create an ultimate strong connection with this two energy portals. The ASC in SRC has then the ability to dig and dive deeper into your life experiences for the year ahead granting you with huge lifestyle changes by expanding the Natal House Area predominantly, having opportunities arise because of how in sync and aligned these two Charts are with each other. From my experience it is the MOST important SR Chart Placement to look at, to get the bigger picture of how the Year will turn out for you.
🌼SR ASC in natal 1st house 🌼:
You will feel the need to put more focus on yourself, this is a time period that is invested in your own well being. Prioritizing the self, stepping up for yourself, going by the own beat of your drum, this is the time to develop a strong and healthy ego that sets a firm solid base . This placement can indicate you are changing, maybe your personality can shift and become more mature like growing into adulthood, becoming a mother, aging, losing or gaining something about yourself . There possible life events that could lead to your identity being transformed whether for the better or worse. Everything that you thought was you might come to an end and a new you is reborn. You can decide to make changes on your physical appearance like buying a completely new style of clothes, dying your hair in a different color than usual, doing your makeup a bit differently, speaking tone can change, attempting (cosmetic surgery, all kinds of surgery), finding small or big things about yourself that could  improve, this the time to explore what you like, don't like, core values, what you might identify as, your gender, sexuality and what place you take in society. This period is giving you the opportunity and chance to step into your true purpose, following your own voice, ideas, beliefs, feelings and intuition. You can gain an abundance of attention for just simply being you. People can effortlessly gravitate more to the new energy you carry. The relationship to the self can consume a lot of energy and time because of how deep, insightful  and significant this journey is going to be for you. 
Questions you might ask: How do i feel? Who am I ?What do I like? Do i really want to do this or am I just going by the rules that have been instructed to me since childhood ? Do I feel good about myself? Do I even like myself? What do i realy want and desire? How do i feel about this? Is this right for me? Am i really who i portray to be? Do i love my self? What can i do for myself to get to a better place? Am i happy with my life ? Am sad, angry, bitter depressed? What can i change about myself?
🌼SR ASC in natal 2nd house 🌼:
For the year our dominant life area resolved in building a set foundation. We tend to look more at what we have within us or outside of us. This is the time to reflect about  yourself and what kind of beliefs and standards you hold for yourself. This is a journey of loving your strengths and weaknesses. You are going to be able to identify what exactly you need to feel safe in life. Similarly to the 1st house we can put a lot of attention on things that matter the most to us including our core values. We tend to enjoy things more like watching Netflix, reading a book and activities that give us stableness and groundedness. Of course all of it basically depends on our the Sign and Planets in the  2nd house to see where we like to mostly like to engage in life. As an example: Riding a luxurious car while the sun goes down, cooking or baking our favorite meals, shopping for new clothes, taking a bubble bath. Here the small and easy things in life become a place where we show more gratitude. With the 2nd house ruled by Taurus we have the ability to create and build lasting things such as working towards establishing money assets and how to make them expand over time, gaining more knowledge and experiences with money. we begin to prioritize our material items and possessions and start placing more value on them, looking around at what material items carry the most meaning in our life, selling clothes even to gain money from them. Ideally you might as well start spending your money more on things that grant your life with pleasure. We might want to involve people dearest to us with the same experience and place what kind  of value they bring to us. 
Ouestions you might ask: Am i good enough? Is what i do save enough for me? What items do i want to purachse next? Maybe I can sell this? How secure do i feel right now? Do I see myself as worthy? Is my life stable? How can i gain more money? Where should i invest more of my energy and time? What kind of value does this person or relationship bring?Is it worth is????
🌼SR ASC in natal 3rd house 🌼:
With SR ASC in the natal 3rd house we encounter a very interesting and busy year ahead, expressing ourselves more openly and communicative to the public . As the 3rd is ruled by Gemini there are many experiences that will led you to explore your everyday life, being distracted with multiple tasks and chores, whether it´ll be working on group projects at school or any kind of environment where you have to express and communicate your thoughts, ideas and beliefs. You probably will feel comfortable engaging more in intellectual topics like reading, joining a book club, learning a new language being more active on social media or simply curious about anything. It's possible to create something like a podcast, music, or writing a book , where you are able to exchange Information with different kinds of people. This year includes a lot of changes in your everyday life stepping out of your own comfort zone like having to attend more job interviews if you are job hunting, being intensely involved with classmates or people in your everyday life. A huge important role that can have an impact on you is the relationship to your siblings, they could reach out to you after not being in contact for a long time or you might take that the initiative, wanting bond with them and try fixing the relationship, if you both have not been in good terms with each other in the past. Also what we can not forget here , is that you might gain a NEW baby sibling, nephew, nieces in your family. Additionally short transportation can be a focal point for this year, you might get your driver license and buy a new car. Or you'll probably use it frequently for future trips, if you don't own a car then be ready to spend a lot of your time traveling with public transportation :) 
Ouestions you might ask: How should I express myself? Did they understand me clearly? Why are there so many things that i need to do? How should i writte this?Are they listening to me? Should i do more tasks or less? Am i running late for school/ work, Did they like my presentation? How is my sister/brother? Why not talk about this? Should i create an You Tube channel? Why not learn French???
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🌼SR ASC in natal 4th house🌼:
We start the year reflecting on our home environment and how we might want  to have it in the future. Our minds are filled with imaginary pictures of beautiful and perfect homes and living spaces where we want to coconut ourselves and spend the — of our time. Nothing matters more to us than withdrawing from the day to day busy life. We want to create a peaceful and soothing living space for ourselves and family members. With these temptations we join a journey of searching for a place where we might want to settle down and call our HOME. With that being said ,we automatically attract situations and opportunities that lead us to change our living situations like , purchasing a new real estate, designing and renovating our current living space, moving out of  our parents/grandparents home, moving out of our home, moving out of our hometown, moving to a new city or even country, we can move in with our partners after dating or marriage, our families can grow bigger due to new family members like the birth of a child which results into us purchasing a bigger home for the family. As you can see there are so many different possibilities to expand your current living spaces or make a few changes. But sadly it could be possible for you to take more responsibilities for the family, like taking care of your parents or grandparents in times of sickness or urgency. Situations like these encourage you to invest more time and care into your private life with family members you haven't talked to for years. This is the time to set strong and long lasting bonds with the people closest to you.The 4th house rules  our origin, roots, ancestry and childhood so here we might be interested in discovering new things about our family history, visiting our hometown/country to explore our historical background or past childhood memories. We are asked to rest in our maternal feminine energy by taking care of domestic chores like cooking, cleaning and preparing things . In this phase you could be more in touch with your feelings and emotions having a stronger connection to your intuition and ancestors.  :) 
Ouestions you might ask: Where do i feel the most safe and nutured? Where do I want to live? How much do i know about my familys history? How is mom/dad brother? What do I need to take care of? Should i visit my home town? Do i enjoy my living space? Is it time for me to move out? Should we move in togehter? Am i able to take care of my mother? Where is my Intuition guiding me?
🌼SR ASC in natal 5th house🌼:
With SR ASC in the 5th house, we tend to experience a very exciting year ahead. Starting to engage with our personal interests and hobbies more often. This is a time for you to really explore your creative, imaginary world deeply. It's common to suddenly not take life that much seriously and adopt a more fun and lighthearted attitude. The 5th house hands us the gift to let our inner child play, wild and free with whatever hobbys or creative activities that come to our minds like, painting, digital art, fashion, if you are into singing you might have the courage to enter the music industry. People who might have an interest in writing could start sharing  their thoughts and ideas with the world. (example: this year i have this placement in my SR Chart and guess what i suddenly started my Astro Blog on tumblr because it turned out to be something that i like and find interesting ) . We place more of our focus and on things that give us pleasure,happiness and joy by following our first internal instincts and desires. But the down side of this placement if not harnessed in a healthy manner can cause us to act out impulsivly, over engaging in pleasurable and destructive behaviors like, unhealthy consumption of alcohol,drugs, sleep, food, shopping, mast**bation, SE*  etc. Big theme here for you is to " just live in the moment" , having fun, being more spontaneous, flirtatious, going to parties more frequently , playing all sorts of games with friends, simply celebrating life. An interesting path that you could also encounter for this year, are children . Whether you have children or siblings, you'll probably try connecting and bond with them. Or you could attract situations where you might have to take care of them like through babysitting roles. It's also quietly possible to get pregnant this year . With the 5th house we could enter into a romantic era with potential suitors, that we might date,  have an affair with, a short term fling, an tinder dating phase , (fwb), or getting into a relationship with, there definitely different outcomes of this situations, so you might as well can stay single and enjoy your life ;) 
Ouestions you might ask: How about trying something new? Should i go out more? Do i want to have children? Maybe i could start creating this idea, Should i join a dating website, Can´t i just relax and have fun time?
🌼SR ASC in natal 6thhouse🌼:
We are given the opportunity here to get our lifes organized and fixed. The 6th house is another house that gives us groundness and stability through utilizing routines that work for our daily living. You will probably put a  heavy focus on how you operate your routines, if it is healthy, if it fulfills your set standards and goals or if you can improve them. This is a time period where you are occupied with a lot of things at school, work or generally in life. This could also be a phase where young teens enter into their adulthood trying to cope with daily responsibilities. Your daily routine can drastically change after entering an important life stage like a new job, apprenticeship, promotion, new school. Your attention can also be directed at health matters. you will put more value on healthy diets, eating more organic and natural foods, cooking attentively to your desired health plan. You will reflect on past behavior patterns to see if they were healthy or unhealthy, if you have been only eating junk food, been on the phone daily for over 7h, not consistent with body hygiene. You could like observing your physical body more, figuring out what you like and don't like and how you can fix it. Here we are prone to attend occasionally to doctors appointments for health conditions like discovering illness,sickness, health conditions where we have to  take our medications and supplements regularly. This year is going to make you very busy, similar to the 3rd house, having to create a tight and fixed schedule because you don't have that much free time. Planning and Organising is a huge focus for the year ahead. In this time period you´ll probably be introduced to new coworkers or you will be introduced to people at work because of a job change. Encountering situations, occasions where you have to teach, assist and help people like at work, grocery shopping,  are common for this year and can also be the other way around. Fun fact: You could adopt a new pet, of course if you like pets :) 
Ouestions you might ask: Do i need to change my routine? How will go about this situation? How is my health condition doctor? Should i adopt a new pet? Sould i stop eating 3 buckers of ice cream everyday? Maybe i should get bracets (not saying that anything is wrong about having crooked theeth) How should i plan this apponintment into my scheuduel?
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PT.2 coming out soon :)
Thanks for reading
❁SR Chart Interpreataion PT.1❁
❁ SR Chart Interpreataion PT.2❁
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fishnapple · 29 days
CRYSTAL READING: What would bring you good luck? 🌻🌟✨️
A little explanation of the method I used for reading
Lithomancy : I assigned a meaning for each stone (each stone represents a planet) and cast them on a circle divided into 12 parts, just like an astrology chart and do the reading
Pick a stone :
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Reading for each group below :
1. Trolleite group
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There is a contrast of two sides.
blue vs. red
personal vs collective
A hidden fire underneath a calm blue surface.
Wearing or using white and blue objects during travelling, especially long journey, dealing with a large crowd or going to public institutions, religious or spiritual places, the banks etc. would help you navigate the surrounding environment more smoothly.
It could be the colour of the clothes, vehicles, bottle, backpack etc.
Bringing a book and a notebook with you while travelling is also very beneficial.
Going near a large body of water, the ocean, the seashore, fish, and shells will help calm and ground you.
But for your private home, planting lots of flowers, paint the wall in warm pale tones of pink or pale orange, yellow will bring wamrth and vitality.
For harmonious communication, you could use a pink phone or a pink phone case, a pink notebook and pen, and pink accessories.
As I have said above about a hidden fire, intimate connections would stoke a creative fire within you, bring in more inspiration and life force to your projects.
Show a more vulnerable and soft side of yourself to the world and see how that would lead you on an unexpected, lucky journey.
2. Citrine group
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There is a sense of an overall blessing draping your life. It's soft and jubilant.
You should surround yourself with soft, pastel colours and oceanic motifs.
Having a kaleidoscope and occasionally looking through it can unwind some restrictive thought patterns.
Travelling will bring lots of luck and valuable lessons. Schools and learning are also very important steps.
The more you study broadly but also deeply, the more depth and value you will find in life and in yourself. There is a calling from the depth of the ocean. To go deep, your life is not meant to be spent in a light, breezy, superficial way.
Have an exercise routine, not necessarily something vigorous, but just move your body around, writing or practising something with your hands daily will also assist you in this journey.
A teacher with masculine energy would also help you transform your fundamental way of thinking, building a more solid and vibrant inner core.
I also see that keeping yourself warm and monitoring what you eat closely would bring positive changes to you.
Bright red, orange, soft purple and blue, black would be your lucky colours.
3. Garnet group
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Some period of wandering by yourself, away from familiar faces and environment, would do wonders to you. Especially when you feel quite lost, confused, or aimless.
Allow yourself to be guided by your intuition.When the urge strikes, just pack your things and go without too many thoughts and concerns.
It would be like a spiritual cleanse.
Things that relate to cleansing would also help you. Soap, salt, something smells of lavenders, lemon, rose, and water.
After some long walks or runs, taking a shower with soap or shampoo of these scent.
Take good care of your hair. Our hair is one of the most visible signs of life growing, of progression. I would usually imagine it as inverted roots of the tree that is our body.
A healthy root system would make a healthy tree.
I'm also see that some objects with cradle-like shapes are quite beneficial for your financial and physical growth. A bowl, a basket, a candy dish, something that can hold others.
The colours to bring you luck are jade green, sky blue, lilac, and dark red.
4. Rose quartz
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When I saw your spread, I immediately heard the sound of wind chimes. More specifically, a brass wind chimes, the one with no frills, just simple tubes of brass swaying gently in a place with lots of dark trees. The place feels simple, quiet, serious, and solitary.
Hanging some objects like wind chimes, dream catchers, or something light, delicate by the door or windows. Or wearing earrings with that kind of shape would bring good luck to you.
Even more so if it was made by your own hands. I even saw some kind of transparent panel make of glass or acrylic with painting on it, dangling in front of the window, sunlight striking through, making rainbow dance in the room.
Light and sound would affect your energy profoundly.
When things feel unstable, difficulties arise, you could go to places that are old, with lots of history, have big, strong, square structure, or anywhere that has 4 walls surrounding you to feel more grounded.
Number 2,3,4 would show signs of blessing.
Things or beings that come in pair, in groups of three or groups of four.
Consider using things with contrast, a combination of complementary colours ,
dark and rich colours combine with light, soft colours such as green and pink, light blue and brown black, lilac with dark red, orange with cold grey.
5. Carnelian group
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For this group, it's not really about something physical like a place, an object that could bring you good luck. It's more about words, thoughts, and emotions.
When dealing with others, sometimes not revealing yourself entirely would actually achieve more peace and honesty in that relationship.
You have an intense inner world, you see clearly the hurts, the vulnerability, and the darkness in yourself and others. Your words would have a heavy , serious trigger. It's not easy to always bring that heaviness out into the open because it would create misunderstanding and anger in others.
So, not showing yourself too much, wait and observe, until you and the other person reach a certain understanding of each other.
An outward elusiveness and detachment sometimes would help balance out the inward gravity.
Having a psyche like that would manifest as sensitivity in the physical body such as allergies, so avoid eating too much spicy and hot food or strenuous activities so as not to aggrevate the body further.
A healthy bridge between bodily nourishment and the psyche should be established. Observe how some food would affect you.
The biggest message is to take good care of your health. No amount of blessings is enough if you are not actually healthy to receive them.
For colours, dark earthy and creamy tones would make a nice comfory blanket for you.
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punksocks · 9 months
Astrology Observations: No.20
*just based on my opinions, only take what resonates
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I feel like 2nd house overlays can make you overly forgiving towards the person with planets in your 2nd house. It’s a Venusian house and that can bring a sort of desire to see the best in that person (7th can have this effect to a lesser degree imo bc Libra is focused on balance, so there’s affection there but it’s less likely to skew into being overly forgiving)
Chiron in the first can be a very beautiful person when they’ve really healed their wounds. A person who has a sort of glow from their inner light.
Earth moons in general like to receive and give gifts and Capricorn moons tend to be hyper fixated on giving the right gifts to the people they’re close to
5th house Venus could make you more creative in a relationship
7th house venus/Taurus/Libra definitely creates more in a healthy relationship
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Mars conjunct MC could mean being known for a career in violence, like martial artist or action star
Lilith MC could mean success in a taboo career, like s*x work or just some alternative field (I’m a tattoo artist :0)
People with planets conjunct your south node are definitely tied to your past life and may be destined to do certain actions towards/with you
North Node overlays can also be tied to past life but they’re usually here to make sure you grow in some capacity/move towards your destiny.
Your Venus sign could show the most beloved features of your body (Sagittarius Venus- a lot of people may notice your legs, Libra Venus- a lot of people may notice your butt, Virgo Venus- a lot of people may notice your hands, etc)
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Moon conjunct Jupiter could make you very empathetic, could also make people see your emotions as big whenever you express them
Imo Virgo shows where you are a minimalist (Virgo Asc usually has a minimalist approach to fashion/accessories/tattoos/etc, Virgo Venus or Virgo in 11th could point to having a circle of only a few friends, Virgo in 4th could show a minimally decorated home, etc)
Aries risings tend to have big heads/foreheads or their heads are the first things people notice about them (my mom used to get called tweety bird bc she had a big head and a little body which was mean, but so is she so…..)
Pisces moons tend have this look like they could cry at any time (like their eyes always look wet and sad if that makes sense lol)
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Wherever Pluto aspects (trine, Sextile) your personal planets shows where you can be the most transformative (or obsessive/possessive lowkey, especially for harsh aspects like square/oppositions— conjunct feels the intensity of both). Moon can show that your emotions push you to transform, Venus is this for your personal/romantic relationships, Saturn is how you use the lessons it teaches and how it affects your self discipline, etc
Leo in 6th could point to dealing with performance anxiety
Cancer in 8th could point to trauma around family (Scorpio over 4th could point to this too)
Gemini in 8th could point to trauma with neighbors/siblings/cousins/the education system or communication in general (Scorpio over 3rd could point to this too)
Sagittarius in 8th can point to having religious trauma or having intense/taboo experience with religion (Scorpio over 9th could point to this too)
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Capricorn can show where you start to lose yourself and can’t go through with when your stressed (I have Capricorn in 3rd and I literally lose my voice when I internalize stress, it’ll start cracking so fast it’s spooky. Capricorn in 5th could mean you absolutely cannot relax when your stressed. In 6th your health starts to act up immediately and you catch colds. In 1st you may have issues with your skin/breakouts when you’re stressed out.)
Mercury in 12th could stay up all night overthinking or experiencing intrusive thoughts
Virgo moons that oversimplify are underdeveloped
The mother of a Capricorn moon views love as super transactional (like if you don’t give them a hug you don’t love them, instead of the child being a person who deserves their own autonomy)(I was watching Beef and I got frickin triggered when Ali Wong’s character said her daughter was supposed to love her forever but wouldn’t hug her when she wanted to do her daughter’s love was conditional— I was like holy sh*y I heard that before!! Lol Saturn moon gang lol)
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obsidian-pages777 · 18 days
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Chiron in astrology represents the "wounded healer" archetype, symbolizing areas of deep sensitivity and vulnerability but also where profound healing and wisdom can be found. When Chiron is placed in the houses of a birth chart, it indicates the specific life areas where these themes manifest. Here's a brief overview of Chiron's significance in each house:
1st House: The sense of self, identity, and physical body. Chiron here may indicate struggles with self-image, confidence, or health issues but also the potential for profound self-discovery and healing by embracing one's uniqueness.
2nd House: Values, resources, and self-worth. Chiron here may bring challenges related to financial security, self-esteem, or personal values. Healing may come through developing a healthier relationship with money and possessions or by recognizing one's inherent worth beyond material possessions.
3rd House: Communication, learning, and siblings. Chiron here may manifest as difficulties in communication, learning disabilities, or strained relationships with siblings. Healing may be found through improving communication skills, expressing oneself authentically, or reconciling past conflicts with siblings.
4th House: Home, family, and roots. Chiron here may indicate wounds stemming from family dynamics, childhood experiences, or a sense of belonging. Healing may come through creating a nurturing home environment, exploring ancestral heritage, or establishing emotional boundaries with family members.
5th House: Creativity, self-expression, and romance. Chiron here may manifest as challenges in creative expression, difficulties in romantic relationships, or issues related to self-confidence and self-expression. Healing may be found through embracing one's creative talents, pursuing self-expression fearlessly, or cultivating healthy romantic relationships.
6th House: Work, health, and service. Chiron here may bring health issues, perfectionism, or challenges in the workplace. Healing may come through adopting a holistic approach to health, finding meaningful work aligned with one's values, or practicing self-compassion and acceptance of imperfection.
7th House: Partnerships, marriage, and open enemies. Chiron here may indicate wounds related to relationships, partnerships, or issues with commitment. Healing may be found through developing healthier relationship patterns, learning to compromise and cooperate with others, or resolving past relationship traumas.
8th House: Transformation, intimacy, and shared resources. Chiron here may manifest as deep emotional wounds, trust issues, or difficulties in navigating intimate relationships. Healing may come through embracing vulnerability, exploring the depths of one's psyche, or transforming past traumas into sources of empowerment.
9th House: Philosophy, beliefs, and higher education. Chiron here may bring challenges related to belief systems, higher learning, or spiritual exploration. Healing may be found through expanding one's perspective, embracing a personal philosophy that resonates deeply, or engaging in spiritual practices that promote self-discovery and growth.
10th House: Career, public image, and authority. Chiron here may indicate wounds related to career aspirations, public recognition, or issues with authority figures. Healing may come through finding purpose in one's career path, reclaiming personal power, or integrating aspects of the self that have been disowned or suppressed.
11th House: Friends, groups, and social causes. Chiron here may manifest as feelings of alienation, difficulty forming friendships, or struggles with social acceptance. Healing may be found through connecting with like-minded individuals, contributing to social causes that align with one's values, or embracing one's uniqueness within social circles.
12th House: Spirituality, subconscious, and hidden enemies. Chiron here may bring deep-seated wounds, spiritual crises, or feelings of isolation and loneliness. Healing may come through spiritual practices, introspection, or connecting with the collective unconscious. Embracing compassion, forgiveness, and self-transcendence can lead to profound healing and spiritual growth.
Angelina Jolie:
Chiron in the 1st House: She has been open about her struggles with self-image and confidence, especially regarding her physical appearance. However, she has also embraced her uniqueness and used her platform to advocate for various humanitarian causes, embodying the wounded healer archetype.
Leonardo DiCaprio:
Chiron in the 7th House: DiCaprio has had high-profile relationships and has been known for his intense portrayals of love and romance on screen. However, he has also faced public scrutiny and criticism in his personal life, which may reflect Chironic wounds related to relationships and partnerships.
Lady Gaga:
Chiron in the 2nd House: Gaga has been vocal about her struggles with self-worth and mental health issues, particularly during her early years in the music industry. However, she has used her experiences to inspire others and advocate for mental health awareness, embracing her vulnerabilities as a source of strength and creativity.
Brad Pitt:
Chiron in the 4th House: Pitt's personal life has been heavily scrutinized by the media, especially regarding his relationships and family dynamics. Despite facing challenges in his personal life, he has been open about his journey of self-discovery and growth, demonstrating resilience and emotional depth in the face of adversity.
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nettienets · 1 year
Fabulous February: Wellness Wednesday - Heart Health Week 2
Happy Wednesday! We made it halfway through another work week and to another Wellness Wednesday dedicated to Heart Health. This month Bravera Hospital is doing a 28 day heart challenge. You can sign up for daily emails here and catch up on missed challenges here. The Day 3 challenge was to Step Up and Get Exercising. Per the article walking 20 minutes a day for 15 weeks can lower the risk of…
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duskymrel · 10 months
Ghost Wingwoman
synopsis: After Eliza marries Puffy, she's content with her newfound life with him. But... she feels a bit guilty about Idia, and notices that he's pining after a certain Ramshackle prefect. So what better way to make it up to him then by playing Cupid?
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She had the happily ever after she always dreamed of. She married Puffy, who - while not what she expected - was everything she could ever want. She felt on top of the world, never having experienced so much pure bliss in her life.
But despite the joy, the guilt she felt for what she had done to Idia plagued her, making it hard to enjoy her newfound happiness.
But it wasn't about her, was it? It was about Idia. Eliza realized that she had been focused on herself for far too long. Hell, she had even kicked Yuu out of their own dorm just to fulfill her obsessive search for the 'perfect prince'. But despite having a selfish motivation for it, Eliza knew she had to make it up to Idia somehow. Thankfully, Yuu was kind enough to let her stay at their dorm longer, giving her the opportunity to right her past wrongs.
Eliza was strolling through the halls of NRC when she heard the sound of Idia and Yuu's voices. Curious, she stopped to peek around the corner and was stunned to see Idia in person - he never left his room much usually, especially after... the incident. She cringed at his awkward demeanor. He would often sputter out gaming and meme references, clearly distressed, and she couldn't help but groan. She had wanted to marry this guy? Yet, Yuu seemed unbothered and continued their conversation cheerfully. Eliza took a closer look at Idia and paused, stunned. 
It was his eyes.
She studied his eyes for a moment and the realization hit her. This was it. Love.
After Puffy's confession, the same subtle signs of affection became clearer to her. And now, without a shadow of a doubt, Eliza knew what love looked like. The look on Idia's face, though awkward, was unmistakably similar to the look Puffy had given her. She finally had her answer.
The gears began to turn in her head and a plan was forming. What better way to make it up to Idia than by setting him up with his crush? Oh yeah. It's all coming together.
She wondered how to get the plan started. Where to begin?
Okay, with all due respect....... Everywhere.
Idia's lack of confidence was evident. He constantly slumped his shoulders and kept his eyes fixed on the floor. Eliza knew the potential he had. With his gorgeous face and lustrous hair, why was he so hesitant to take care of them? Despite his tendency to speak in memes and video game references, Eliza admired his witty humor. Eliza decided it was time for a makeover. 
After waiting for Idia to return back to his dorm, Ortho answered the door, reluctantly inviting her in. As she greeted Idia, the boy shrieked and attempted to flee. Eliza awkwardly smiled as she tried to reassure Idia, 
"Keep your composure, I'm only here to make it up to you."
Idia mistrusted her, but she had successfully blocked his only exit.
"Huh? And how're you going to 'make it up to me'?" Idia asked suspiciously.
"By giving you a makeover, inside and out!"
Idia was tempted to bolt, but Eliza stopped him.
"Trust me, you'll like where I'm going with this."
She worked tirelessly to transform him into her desired version of Idia. First, she taught him good posture, how to walk with confidence, and proper speech. He constantly called it “swag”...
Next, she forced some healthy foods into his system. 
“What even is this rubbish??”
“Disgusting. Here, have some gluten-free whole grain avocado toast-”
Now that she felt his 'inner self' was fixed up, she turned to his appearance. Exfoliation, moisturizers, attractive makeup and nice clothing - the whole shebang. She called it 'fancy', he called it 'gaudy'. But it was time for the final plan, all the steps Eliza had taken had led to this moment.
Of the three people she spoke to, only one was told the truth. Idia was asked to accompany her for dinner to practice table manners. Yuu was asked to accompany her to a nice dinner to thank them for all they’ve done. And Azul was asked to prepare a private room for them to have a dinner together. He normally would have demanded something in return, but after looking at the expression on Eliza’s face, he decided his pride wasn’t worth it.
Eliza watched in anticipation as Idia and Yuu entered the private room and looked at each other in surprise. Yuu couldn't help but show their annoyance at Idia's unfamiliar outfit - fancy suit, stiff shoes, and hair done up perfectly. Eliza smirked, satisfied with herself and the situation she had created. But she was ready to move on to the next part of the plan. She stepped forward, her presence now revealed
“Okay, so I lied. Anyways, enjoy your date~!”
Eliza let out a mischievous giggle as she shut the door, prompting Idia and Yuu to look at each other in disbelief. They both knew the true nature of their "date" but decided not to question it and simply enjoy themselves.
“Well, I got all dolled up and I’m hungry. Might as well.”
Idia simply sighed and went along with it, secretly hoping for something more to develop between the two.
Eliza patted herself on the back and went off to tell her husband about her matchmaking skills. She excitedly told him about what she had been up to the past few days, but his reaction was…… unexpected.
Puffy raised an eyebrow at Eliza, a bit concerned about the consequences of her actions.
"Dear, aren't you concerned that this might hinder their relationship?"
Eliza's smile faltered.
"What do you mean?"
"Idia and Yuu aren't the type of people who like going on unexpected dates or being set up with someone. They need to develop a relationship naturally. How do you think Idia feels about being coerced to change himself and being forced into a surprise date?
Eliza mulled it over.
“I think I made a mistake. I should talk to them.”
Puffy smiled with relief, having been unsure if his headstrong wife would see reason, and nodded. “You should do that.”
Eliza rushed over to the door and cracked it open, wanting to check on the situation herself. As she peeked through, she saw Idia and Yuu engaged in small talk and seemingly enjoying their food. But something felt off. Idia was acting the way she had coached him; no informal language, proper mannerisms, no video game references, etc. Yuu set down their fork and sighed heavily, prompting Eliza to reconsider her actions. Should she really have them go through with this? Should she step in?
“Idia, what's wrong with you today?”
Idia started at the accusation, feeling anxious.
“W-what do you mean?” “Look at you. You're wearing clothes you hate. You're acting prim and proper. You're even eating sushi - which you hate!! For fucks sake, you despise raw fish! You’re acting like, dare I say it? A priss.”
Idia flinched at this, his demeanor crumbling as Yuu correctly pointed out that he was pretending to be someone he wasn't. It was all Eliza's doing, and now, he regretted going along with her plan.
“Eliza told me to act like this... to not scare you off, I’m guessing. I thought that the person she instructed me to be was more likely to get a second date.” Idia sighed, his demeanor changing again to one of resignation.
Yuu’s face softened.
“Did it ever occur to you that if you were going to scare me off, you would have done so already? I know you hate cliches and corny things, but I genuinely like you the way you are.”
Idia quirked an eyebrow at the cliche line, but was quiet, not knowing what to say. Yuu gazed at Idia, marveling at his long hair and handsome face - beautiful even, without any makeup. Their eyes scanned Idia's clothing, noticing the discomfort and unease it caused him. 
"Idia, you don't have to be anyone but yourself. I like your quiet presence and your video game and meme references are hilarious. Others may see you as 'weird', but to me, you're perfect. It’s perfectly okay to want to be a better version of yourself, and to be your best self for those you care about, but it’s not okay to change who you are completely." 
They smiled gently at him. After all, Idia deserved to be accepted as he was. Idia slumped down and loosened the tie that was drastically restricting the amount of air he was taking in.
Yuu cracked a warm smile, pleased to see Idia back to his usual self.
"How are you so good at wording?" Idia asked, genuinely curious.
Yuu chuckled lightly and answered, "Practice."
They looked at each other for a moment, and then Yuu took Idia's hand across the table.
"Tell me if it's too much, okay?" Yuu said softly.
Eliza slowly shut the door behind her, providing Idia and Yuu with the privacy they needed. She was shocked by how wrong she had been. Instead of changing Idia, she should have improved his weaknesses and used his strengths to their advantage and-
This was her problem. She was always trying to intervene in other people's lives. Puffy had been right. Idia and Yuu had natural chemistry and would have developed a relationship naturally. But like many times before, Eliza was acting brash and self-centered. Thankfully, she didn't completely ruin things.
She returned to Ramshackle and wrote Yuu and Idia separate apology letters, then slipped them under their doors before leaving (along with Puffy) for her honeymoon.
But beforehand, she requested Ortho to keep her updated on Idia and Yuu's relationship. She needed to know whether or not she had ruined what could've been a beautiful romance.
She was delighted when, a week later, Ortho messaged her, excitedly announcing that the two had gone on a second date.
Had a blast writing this one! Hope you all enjoyed it!!! <3
Remember that I do take requests! Check out the pinned post on my blog to see my rules for requests.
*MWAH* Love yourself babygirls
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soundbodyinstitute · 2 months
Unveiling the Secrets to a Healthier You: Transform your body
Embarking on a journey towards a healthier lifestyle is often a challenge, but the rewards are undeniably worth the effort. As the world becomes increasingly health-conscious, weight reduction center and body transformation centers are pivotal in guiding individuals toward their fitness goals. In this article, we'll explore the transformative potential of such centers and delve into the science behind achieving sustainable weight loss and body transformations.
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The Transformative Power:
At their platform, the focus extends beyond mere weight reduction. It is a holistic body transformation center, integrating cutting-edge techniques and personalised approaches to address individual needs. They aim to empower individuals to achieve lasting transformations through a combination of science-backed workouts, nutritional guidance, and expert coaching. The center employs a multidisciplinary approach that sheds excess weight and enhances overall well-being.
Unlocking the Science of Sustainable Weight Loss:
Understanding the science behind sustainable weight loss is crucial for success. To create tailored programs, they employ a team of experienced professionals, including nutritionists, fitness trainers, and mental health experts. These programs are designed to burn calories and educate clients on making healthier lifestyle choices. The center emphasizes the importance of creating habits beyond the program, fostering a mindset shift towards long-term health.
Personalized Approach for Lasting Results:
One size does not fit all, especially regarding fitness and weight loss. Their platform takes pride in its personalized approach, crafting individualized plans considering unique body compositions, fitness levels, and health goals. Whether you aim for weight reduction or a complete body transformation, the center's experts work closely with clients, adjusting plans to ensure steady progress.
Empowering the Mind for Lasting Change:
Transformation goes beyond the physical. They recognize the crucial role of mental well-being in achieving lasting change. With dedicated sessions focusing on mindset and motivation, the center ensures clients develop a resilient mental attitude toward their health journey. This holistic approach not only aids in overcoming obstacles but also equips individuals with the tools needed to maintain their newfound health for years to come.
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In seeking a healthier and more vibrant life, weight reduction center and body transformation centers play a pivotal role. Their platform stands out as a beacon of transformation, embracing a holistic approach beyond the conventional. By unlocking the science of sustainable weight loss, offering personalized plans, and prioritizing mental well-being, the institute empowers individuals to achieve enduring transformations. Embark on your journey towards a healthier you by visiting Soundbodyinstitute.com, where transformation is not just a goal but a way of life.
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moonkissedvisions · 2 months
Pick a pile/pick an image: Health messages ❤️‍🩹🌿⭐
Important: 16+. Not medical advice. If you are dealing with a health problem please talk to a professional. This is a general reading, take what resonates and leave the rest. Use your own discernment. Let your intuition guide you.
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Pile 1 ❤️‍🩹
cards: Queen of Wands, King of Cups, Four of Wands, Four of Swords, Seven of Pentacles, Two of Wands.
There is a really strong need for REST here. Whether it is a physical or mental break, it is very clear that you have reached a point of great stress and exhaustion in both your body and your mind. Maybe it was a lot of work, study or overthinking and anxiety. Either way, you need to calm your nervous system urgently by walking, sleeping, meditating, deep breathing, being in nature, etc. You also need to appreciate your body and your mind for helping you work and do your daily activities. CELEBRATE your achievements but also your body and your health.
This pile has a good intuition which is helpful in making the right choices for your health. Your balance between your physical and emotional body is good. You have the need to understand the connection between your mind, body and spirit health and the multiple dimensions each of these have. For example, when people think of hormones, they most likely think about the sex and fertility aspect/dimension or hormones. But hormones are emotions, actions, and a lot of other things, so they both affect and are affected by all aspects of health. Your fertility is specially high, so if you are facing fertility problems atm, this may be a sign that you are improving and you should keep focusing on your current treatment and trusting the people who are taking care of you. Determination to quit unhealthy habits and start engaging in good ones is key for you now. You need to gain confidence in your health choices. You are capable of everything, especially rn. Everything that you want for your health is within reach, you just need to trust your course of action and be committed to it.
You need to know that you reap the fruits of the work you do on your health. If you do a good job on taking care of your health, you will feel good. If you don´t, you will not feel good. Also, if you are facing a health problem, you need to evaluate your lifestyle, routines and daily habits to find the root cause.
Finally, be grateful for the work your body does for you everyday. Thank the parts of your body that are working and healthy, instead of just focusing on your sickness/the parts that are bothering you.
Pile 2 🌿
cards: Temperance, Five of Wands, Queen of Wands, Ace of Swords, The Devil.
You may be going through a mysterious health issue, or maybe you are not listening to your body´s messages. It could be that you are ignoring a symptom, and you gave up getting a diagnosis because doctors couldn´t find the problem or had different/contradicting opinions. If that resonates, this could be a sign to not ignore it anymore, because there is a new opportunity to find help, a diagnosis, or a treatment. There is also a new opportunity to start taking care of your health, whatever that means for you
If you had a surgery, you are recovering impressively and completely. There is a lot of regeneration and transformation about this pile. It is possible that you will be cured of an illness. There is some waste in your system that is being removed and eliminated too.
Moderation is really present here. If you want to start eating healthy, quit smoking, or practicing a new form of exercise, I see you doing it gradually. This can be done in the form of reducing your portions or the amount of cigarettes you smoke daily. Your determination is high as well, you are really convinced you can reach your health goals and you probably wont stop until you make it!
Also, be careful with unprotected sex and take care of your genital organs. Avoid promiscuity by channeling your passion with other activities like working out, creating and mindfulness. SLEEP and EAT nutrient dense, building foods for regeneration. Don´t use sex to deal with every emotion. Learn about hormones and how to have healthy hormones/menstrual cycle.
Pile 3 ⭐
cards: Judgment, Two of Pentacles, King of Pentacles, Three of Swords, The Tower.
Health must be a priority as much as your work, your family and your social life are. Maybe this is something you forgot, or something you are starting to remember and being aware of now. There is a need for balance and having fun. You need to find joy in your health routines and be intentional about them. Find the joy in being in nature, playing, moving your body, making healthy meals and taking rest. Be responsible with your choices and priorities.
It is possible that you faced a sudden change in your life or a health issue that left you feeling nervous and anxious, or that you experienced a sudden anxiety attack or some kind of emotional disturbance that affected your health. If you resonate, relaxation is key. Also, it could be that you just realized you need to start therapy because you can´t deal with a problem on your own. The Tower in this pile may indicate muscle tension, stress, high blood pressure, grief, depression and spine problems for some of you. Im getting detoxing as well.
If you resonate with going through grief, pain, depression, heartbreak or a difficult emotional time, allow yourself to feel your emotions. Release them by crying, screaming, punching a pillow, writing, or whatever way is helpful to you. Acknowledge your hurt, your pain without getting lost in it. Practice gratitude. Reconnecting with nature is another good thing to do, since nature is something greater than ourselves and also incredibly beautiful, mesmerizing, and healing. As you can see in the picture you picked, grounding and walking in a forest is adviced. Get exposed to natural light and natural springs. Drink a lot of fluids, get enough minerals. Drink calming, soothing teas. Planning your health routines will be beneficial.
Lastly, take care of your joints by maintaining a good posture, moving your body and strenghtening your muscles.
Thank you for reading! Feel free to ask any questions, or leave any suggestions and corrections!
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journalofanoldsoul · 1 year
Moon Placements (Synastry Chart)
The Moon represents emotions, instincts, and the subconscious mind. In a synastry chart, the Moon reflects the emotional compatibility and the ability to connect on an intimate and nurturing level. It reveals how partners support and understand each other's emotional needs and can indicate the potential for emotional harmony or conflicts.
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1st House: Partner A's Moon in Partner B's 1st house suggests a deep emotional connection and a sense of emotional security in the relationship. Partner B may feel understood, nurtured, and supported by Partner A. This placement can create an instinctive and intimate bond, where both partners are attuned to each other's needs and emotions.
2nd House: With Partner A's Moon in Partner B's 2nd house, emotional security and shared values become important aspects of their relationship. Partner A may have a significant impact on Partner B's financial matters, providing emotional support and stability in the area of material resources. They may help each other develop a sense of self-worth and nurture a shared approach to financial security.
3rd House: When Partner A's Moon is in Partner B's 3rd house, communication and intellectual connection are vital in their relationship. Partner A brings emotional depth and sensitivity to Partner B's mind, stimulating meaningful conversations and fostering a deep understanding of each other's thoughts and emotions. They may engage in activities together that involve learning, writing, or exchanging ideas.
4th House: Partner A's Moon in Partner B's 4th house highlights a strong emphasis on the home, family, and emotional foundations of their relationship. Partner A may bring a nurturing and supportive energy to Partner B's domestic life, creating a sense of emotional security and belonging. They may feel like a family unit, with a shared focus on creating a warm and loving home environment.
5th House: With Partner A's Moon falling in Partner B's 5th house, their relationship is likely to be characterized by creativity, romance, and a sense of playfulness. There is an emotional connection and mutual enjoyment of shared hobbies, entertainment, and artistic pursuits. Partner A may inspire Partner B's creativity and bring a sense of emotional joy and passion to their shared experiences.
6th House: When Partner A's Moon is in Partner B's 6th house, their relationship is focused on mutual support, routine, and overall well-being. Partner A provides emotional nurturing and care in the realm of work, health, and daily life. They may have a strong desire to help each other establish healthy habits, and their emotional connection may thrive through acts of service and practical support.
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7th House: Partner A's Moon in Partner B's 7th house is a significant placement for emotional bonding and a sense of partnership. Partner B may feel deeply connected to Partner A on an emotional level, seeking emotional balance and harmony in their relationship. This placement indicates a strong desire for a committed and emotionally fulfilling partnership.
8th House: With Partner A's Moon in Partner B's 8th house, their relationship is likely to be intense, transformative, and deeply intimate. The emotional connection between them runs deep, exploring the realms of shared resources, trust, and vulnerability. They may experience powerful emotional transformations together and have the potential for a profound spiritual and emotional bond.
9th House: When Partner A's Moon falls in Partner B's 9th house, their relationship involves growth, expansion, and a shared sense of adventure. Partner A brings emotional depth and sensitivity to Partner B's quest for knowledge, exploration of new belief systems, and spiritual pursuits. They may embark on journeys together, whether physical or intellectual, that deepen their emotional connection.
10th House: Partner A's Moon in Partner B's 10th house indicates that the relationship plays a significant role in both partners' public image, career aspirations, and sense of responsibility. Partner B may see Partner A as a supportive figure who brings emotional security and understanding to their professional life. They may have shared ambitions and goals, and Partner A's emotional presence helps create stability and fulfillment in their careers.
11th House: With Partner A's Moon in Partner B's 11th house, their relationship is likely to revolve around friendship, shared ideals, and involvement in group activities. They may develop a strong emotional bond through their shared interests, humanitarian causes, and social networks. Partner A's emotional support and understanding contribute to a sense of belonging and camaraderie in their shared circles.
12th House: When Partner A's Moon is in Partner B's 12th house, their relationship is characterized by deep emotional and spiritual connection, as well as a sense of mystery and transcendence. Partner B may feel understood at a profound level, and Partner A's emotional presence may help them navigate their subconscious realms and explore spiritual practices. Their emotional connection may require periods of solitude and introspection.
Remember that this is a general interpretation, and a complete synastry analysis would provide a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship dynamics between both partners.
Stay tune for more astro posts.
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