#he's gonna have to fight me in a dark alley but i'll do it for HONOR
vbecker10 · 14 days
Can you do one where reader and Loki have a really bad day and get into an arguement over the phone before they get home then someone attacks reader and she is stuck in an alleyway. Loki starts getting worried because she wasn't home for dinner so Loki goes to look for her and asks his brother and the avengers if they have seen her. He later finds her in an alley right outside unconscious? Ends in fluff?? Or something like that?
Running into Trouble
Pairing: Loki x female reader (Y/N)
Summary: You and Loki have recently started dating and get into a fight after you have both had a long, stressful day. You go out for a run to clear your head and end up being attacked, which is Loki's worst fear.
Warnings: arguing, very protective Loki, getting mugged / attacked (not shown), minor injuries, feeling weak, but not to worry there is a fluffy ending as requested
A/N: I love this request! I'm sorry it took me so long to get to it. Also, I think running is evil but I'm this way about going for walks after work so that's kinda where the idea came from. Thanks so much for sending this! I hope you like it! 💚
Thanks @soubi001 for the title and letting me bounce ideas for the end off you! 🙂
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"Come in," Loki answers when you knock on his office door. He looks up from the papers on his desk and smiles when he sees you. "Hello darling," he says happily as he gets up to meet you.
"I missed you," you tell him, putting your arms around him.
He chuckles, "I saw you half an hour ago."
"And yet, I still miss you," you smile up at him.
One of his hands rests on your lower back and he leans down, bringing his lips to yours. Your fingers gripping the fabric of his black dress shirt, you may have seen him a few times today but this is the first time you've kissed him since you left his room this morning.
"I should have you reassigned as my case agent," Loki offers with a smirk. "Then you will be stuck with me."
"Is that a threat or a promise?" you ask, raising your eyebrow.
"A bit of both I imagine," he jokes. "I need to finish up a few things and then we can get dinner," he says, letting go of you to walk back towards his desk.
"Take your time, I'm gonna go for a short run," you say, adjusting your backpack to hint that your running clothes are inside.
"I wish you wouldn't," his playful tone vanishing instantly as he faces you again.
"I'll be fine," you wave off his concern like you always do. "The park is only a few blocks from here and it's not even dark yet."
"It will be dark by the time you are finished. Why can't you use the incredibly large, state of the art gym Stark is constantly raving about? It seems to be good enough for the super soldiers," he tries harder than usual to sell you the idea of the gym.
"You know I hate running inside. Treadmills are so boring, I feel like a hamster," you try not to whine but you're tired of having this conversation.
He chuckles at your reference and shakes his head. "They do have a track," he suggests even though he knows you dislike that too.
"Loki, it's sweet that you worry about me but you don't need to. I'll make it short, just half an hour," you walk slowly towards him but he seems unconvinced. "Then a quick shower and I'll be all yours," you put your arms around his neck and look up at him.
"All mine?" he asks, his smirk returning as his hands settle on your waist, pulling you close to him.
You giggle and hold eye contact with Loki, "Yep, all yours."
He leans down to kiss you, his hands keeping your body flush to his as his lips move against yours. When you break the kiss he touches your cheek lightly and says, "I will always worry about you, love. Please be safe and enjoy your run."
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You check your watch for the third time and although it's already 5:45, it seems as if this meeting will never come to an end. It's your seventh and thankfully final meeting of the day but you aren't sure how much longer you can sit here for. Another hour later, Steve finally dismisses everyone and you head straight to the locker rooms in the gym. All you can think about is going outside, listening to music and running as hard as you can to let go of the stress that has built up throughout the day.
You get changed quickly then call Loki on speaker phone while putting on your sneakers. "Hello darling," he answers, the usual excitement you hear is missing from his voice.
"Hi Loki," you reply and take him off speaker as you get up from the bench. "Are you okay?"
"Yes, sorry it's just been a very long day," he replies.
"Same," you tell him, checking that your keys and wallet are in your bag before putting it into the locker. "Do you want to get dinner when I'm back from my run?"
"You're going for a run now?" he asks. "It's almost 7."
You turn back suddenly and open the locker again to retrieve the gift Loki gave you last week, slipping it into your hoodie's pocket as you leave the room. "I know it's late but that last meeting went way over. Steve asked if anyone had questions and Scott had a ton, most of which were completely off topic of course," you complain, rolling your eyes. "It'll be short I promise. I just need to be outside for a bit."
"Y/N, just skip it tonight," he insists, sounding more annoyed than worried. "It's already dark."
"The park has lights," you reply quickly. You walk to the elevators and zip up your thin hoodie.
"I'm tired of you fighting me on this. Just run in the gym," his tone is stern, making it sound like an order not a suggestion.
"I don't like to run inside. You know that so stop telling me to do it," you feel aggravated by the conversation and his attitude towards you. When the elevator arrives you get in and tell him, "I'll be back in an hour, you can eat without me if you don't want to wait."
"I don't care about what time we eat, I care about you listening to me," he says firmly.
"I am listening to you but you aren't listening to me," you counter, your voice raising to match his. "You don't get it. I spend all day sitting at a desk staring at a computer screen, the window in my office doesn't even open. I need to go outside. I want to feel the breeze and see the sky so I can unwind."
"You are being ridiculous," he says, you can tell he is not going to give up his side of the argument any time soon.
"Seriously, I'm the one being ridiculous?" you ask as you reach the ground floor.
"Yes. What would you prefer? That I not worry about you?" he asks.
"Ugh! No, of course not but you can't just force me to stay inside," you try not to scream as you enter the lobby. "Why are you making this so difficult tonight?"
"Fine, I will make it easy for you. You want to run, go run," he says and you stop walking, shocked by his words and harsh tone. "You repeatedly ignore my concerns and dismiss my suggestions without a moment of consideration so why should I continue to voice my thoughts to you? Do whatever you want Y/N, you always do."
Before you can respond, Loki ends the call.
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You look down at your phone, gripping it tightly. Your first instinct is to call Loki back and yell at him for hanging up on you, instead you take a deep breath and set your phone to do not disturb. Putting on your headphones, you select one of your favorite playlists and hit shuffle as you step out onto the sidewalk. You feel the cool fall breeze on your face and turn south towards the park.
Jogging slowly, you gradually make the music louder and louder to drown out your racing thoughts and Loki's harsh words. Your headphones beep when you adjust them again to alert you that they have reached their maximum volume. You sigh, leaving them as is for the first time in months, typically you made sure you limited the volume so you could still hear your surroundings but you want to block everything out tonight.
You enter the park from the same entrance as always and when your feet hit the loose gravel you pick up speed. The route you take through the park varies daily, picking random turns and directions based on how crowded it is or which path seems to call to you at the moment. You force away the meetings that filled your day, the piles of paperwork waiting for you in the morning and your fight with Loki. Your mind drifts, focusing on the music blasting through your headphones, the ground under your feet and how hard you are breathing in the brisk air.
Unfortunately, what you are not focused on is the three men who have been following you since your last turn.
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Loki gets up from his couch and paces back and forth with his phone in his hand. You have only been gone for ten minutes but he knew the second he hung up that he had made a terrible mistake. He sighs, running his fingers through his hair then he texts you.
<I'm so sorry I spoke to you like that and I never should have hung up on you. I did not mean to start a fight. Can we talk when you get back? Please be safe.>
He hits send and stares at the screen waiting for you to reply. He knows your headphones can read you text messages and you always responded back using the voice to text function. It never failed to make him laugh, the texts you replied with were usually just a bit off since your phone could never quite understand you while you were running.
Another ten minutes pass without a reply from you so he tries again.
<Y/N, I understand you are upset with me and you should be. I am sorry for how I behaved and I will apologize again and again when you get back but please respond to me. I just want to make sure you are okay.>
There was another reason he grew to like the voice to text function, you always responded immediately. You know how much he worries about you, so being able to quickly tell him where you were or when you were coming back put him at ease.
He sits heavily on his couch and after only two minutes pass, he stands up and calls you. Pacing again, he listens to it ring once then go directly to voicemail. His stomach drops instantly, you had either declined his call the second it rang or your phone was off.
He shakes his head, knowing your phone would never be off, you always listened to music when you ran. He calls you a second time but again it goes straight to voicemail. He doesn't bother to leave you a message, instead he leaves his room and heads down the hall as he tries for a third time to reach you.
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"Thor, I need your help," Loki says with a touch of panic in his voice when he reaches the kitchen.
"What's wrong?" Thor asks, turning from his snack on the island.
"Y/N went for a run and she's not answering me," he tells his brother.
"Did you do something stupid?" Tony jokes as he closes the fridge.
"Yes, but that is not the point," Loki snaps, turning towards him. Tony's smile fades when he sees how serious Loki is. "She always answers, always. Something is wrong, I know it."
"Alright, just calm down," Tony says, trying to hide his growing concern. "She's probably just mad at you for whatever it is you did. Let me call her." Loki nods, hoping Tony is right but after only a few seconds, he looks at his phone and shakes his head. "She didn't answer," he confirms Loki's fear.
"J.A.R.V.I.S.," he wakes up the computer system in the Tower, "Get me a location for Y/N's phone now."
"Searching," it responds, Loki holds his breath nervously as it works. A moment later it answers, "The last known location for Y/N's phone is from 10 minutes ago. I cannot find a current location. The device has been switched off."
"No, she wouldn't do that," Loki insists, looking at his brother. "We need to find her."
"We will," Thor assures him, resting a hand on his shoulder to try and calm him.
"J.A.R.V.I.S., get the team down here. We have an emergency," Tony tells the computer system. "Bring up a map of the park and Y/N's last known location. Overlay that with the route she takes when she runs." A large holographic map of the park appears in the air in front of Tony as he talks to the program.
"She takes a different route each time," Loki interrupts Tony and he nods.
"Ok, use the data from her phone's history to show the last three weeks on the map," he corrects himself. "Maybe we can see a pattern in where she runs, it would help us find her quicker than searching the whole damn park."
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The team enters the park from the same entrance you use every day and then they quickly make their way towards your last known location. Thor and Loki turn south while Steve and Tony head north, calling your name as they move down each path. Clint, Scott and Natasha take the trail that leads east. SHIELD agents spilt off to show your picture to people in the park in the hopes that someone saw you.
"Loki, look," Thor stops suddenly and points to a thin trail of blood droplets.
"Y/N!" Loki calls again as they both pick up their pace, following the blood trail deeper into the park. The blood drops continue across the gravel and Loki's heart begins to pound wildly in his chest as they approach one of the stone tunnels. Just before the entrance to the underground pathway is a small pool of blood and Loki nearly trips at the sight of it under one of the street lights.
The two brothers slow their pace cautiously and Loki calls for you once more as they enter the tunnel. "Gods, she's here!" Loki tells Thor who immediately radios everyone your location and tells them they need to send the medical team.
Loki kneels next to your unconscious body, terrified that the blood they had followed is yours. He checks you carefully for injuries but you don't appear to be bleeding.
He breaths a small sigh of relief when you blink your eyes open and mumble, "Loki."
"I'm here," he whispers to you, your eyes briefly focus on him. "You're safe now, we're going to take you home." You try to nod but slowly slip back into unconsciousness. His hand moves to hold yours and he sees the small dagger he had given you still clutched tightly in your hand. The tip is covered in blood, but not yours and Loki is thankful for that.
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You open your eyes slowly, unsure of where you are for a moment, the room seems so bright. You blink a few times until the room comes into focus, you realize your in the infirmary back at the Tower. Someone squeezes your hand gently and turn your head to see Loki sitting on a chair next to the bed.
"Hello darling," he says quietly. He smiles but you can see his eyes are full of worry. "How are you feeling?" You try to sit up and he puts his hand carefully on your shoulder to help. "Slowly," he tells you and you nod which causes the room to spin momentarily. "You don't have a concussion but Strange said you may be dizzy still from being knocked unconscious," he tells you when you close your eyes.
"What happened?" you open your eyes and ask instead of answering his initial question. Your memory of the night is filled with holes, fuzzy images and disconnected voices. The last thing you remember clearly was Loki hanging up on you in anger.
You watch nervously as his jaw tightens before he answers, "You were attacked in the park." You look away from him, feeling a wave of mixed emotions hit you at once. "There were three of them, we think. They stole your phone. J.A.R.V.I.S. is still sifting through the security footage from around the park, there were no cameras in the section where I found you," he says.
You don't respond to the knowledge that you had been attacked in the one place you felt most relaxed in the city. Slowly, you pull your hand free from Loki's as your thoughts begin to race. He had been right, you realize.
"Y/N, look at me, please," he says, trying to get your attention.
"Why?" you ask, looking up, your memory of his last words to you blend with your own negative thoughts. "So you can tell me that I should have listened to you? Fine, you were right. I'm just some weak human and I can't protect myself. Are you happy now?"
He touches your arm and you fight the urge to pull away again. "Y/N, how could you possibly think this would make me happy? I never wished for you to be hurt. This isn't a game and it is not some sort of win for me," he tells you and you can hear the hurt in his voice.
"You did win though, cause now I'll never run there again. I'll use the stupid gym like you always tell me to," you inform him, crossing your arms against your chest. You uncross them and look at your hands for the first time since you woke up, seeing a few small bruises forming along your knuckles. You raise your hand to lightly touch where your cheek is the most painful and Loki stops you, taking your hand carefully in his.
"You have quite a substantial bruise there, it will take a few weeks to heal," he tells you. "You didn't need any stitches though," he adds. "Your ribs and back have bruises as well, so it may hurt to sit up or lay down for the time being. Thankfully you don't have any severe injuries, Strange assured me that you only need rest and you will feel better in a few days."
While he describes your injuries, you let him continue to hold your hand but you avoid his eyes. "That's good," you mumble in response.
"You will be running again in no time," he says encouragingly.
"Loki, just stop it. I'm tired. Please, just say you told me so and get it over with so I can rest," you tell him.
He sighs, "No." You slowly lift your head then he continues, "I cannot describe the sheer panic I felt when I couldn't reach you. My worst fear is that something might happen to you while you are away from me and then it did and..." his voice trails off and he takes a deep breath.
"I was not right about anything," he tells you.
"What do you mean?" you ask.
"We both know you will be unhappy running inside," he says and you nod in agreement.
"I didn't realize how much running through the park means to you, especially after such a long day. I know you need it to unwind and calm you, I shouldn't have kept trying to change that part of you. The last thing I want is for you to give up something you love because of me," he tells you. "Or because of those pathetic mortals who hurt you."
"At least I would be safe running in the gym," you feel like giving up.
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"So what am I supposed to do?" you ask him.
Loki is quiet for a few moments then he smiles and offers, "How about I run with you?"
"You hate running," you laugh and it makes your side ache.
"I do," he quickly agrees, "But I like you."
You pretend to be surprised, "You like me?"
"Very, very much," he clarifies and kisses your forehead.
"I appreciate the offer but it will be no fun if you're miserable," you say, squeezing his hand. "And stop making me laugh, it hurts."
You laugh again, holding your side in pain and smack his arm lightly. "Are you kidding? Do you know how fast they jog? At a full sprint I wouldn't be able to keep up."
"Sorry," he kisses the back of your hand. "How about you take a super soldier with you? They seem to enjoy it."
"You already gave me one of these," you remind him.
"Fair point," he says then he is quiet again and you can almost see his mind working to come up with a solution. "How about this?" He holds out his hand and a small dagger with a black leather handle appears in a flash of green light.
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"Yes and from what we can tell so far, you used it exceptionally well," he praises you, making you blush.
"I think I did okay for having no idea what I was doing," you respond.
"Which is why I want to train you on how to use it properly. And I need you to promise that you will always answer me when you are running."
"I can do that," you smile and he smiles in return. "Now I need you to do one thing for me."
"Anything, darling," he promises.
"Can you hold me?" you ask. "I really am very tired."
"Of course," he answers. He carefully climbs onto the bed next to you and you rest your head on his shoulder. He kisses the top of your head and you close your eyes. "I'm so glad you are okay," he says then he waves his hand to turn off the brightest of the over head lights. He pulls the sheet up to cover you better and you snuggle against him as best you can without hurting your side.
You listen to Loki's slow, steady breathing and feel yourself drifting off quickly. His fingers run slowly through your hair and for the first time in your relationship, he whispers, "I love you."
You smile against his shoulder and whisper back, "I love you, too."
The next afternoon Loki leaves the Tower and begins the twenty minute walk south, following the directions he received from J.A.R.V.I.S. He enters the apartment building and climbs the five flights with his fists clenched. Checking the address again, he turns left down the hall, looking around at the peeling paint and worn carpet. He pauses in front of the door at the end of the hall, listening to the raised voices inside.
"Here's your cut," a man with deep voice says. "I know it's not much but that's all I could get for the phone."
"This is bullshit," someone else responds. "All those tourists and we jump the only person who didn't even have a wallet."
A third voice complains, "I still think I should get more than you two idiots. That bitch stabbed me and I'm only gonna get fifty freaking bucks."
Loki's dark green dress shirt and black pants are replaced by his leather armor and gold horned crown in a cloud of green smoke. The man tries to slam the door shut but Loki catches it easily with one hand. Your attacker backs into the apartment and Loki follows slowly.
A smile slowly spreads across Loki's lips, knowing that he is in the right place. He knocks on the door and waits. A tall, thin man opens it, his attention focused on the other men inside still talking. "Shut up," the one at the door says then he turns to Loki and he goes still in an instant.
Once inside, he slams the door shut with a wave of his hand as the other two men get up. "What the fu-" one of them starts to ask but Loki shakes his head and silences him.
"You three hurt someone I care for very deeply, and that simply won't do," he says. The green glow from his magic seeps out from under the door and out into the hallway.
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I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚 Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist!
@soubi001 @mochie85 @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen @animnerd @cabingrlandrandomcrap @icytrickster17 @lokisgoodgirl @mischief2sarawr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @mjsthrillernp @holdmytesseract @lulubelle814 @goblingirlsarah @foxherder @alexakeyloveloki @siconetribal @lokidokieokie @kneelingformyloki @jiyascepter @eleniblue @loreniscrying @muddyorbsblr @alyeskathewave @loz-3 @firedrakegirl @javagirl328 @princess-ofthe-pages @morally-grey-variant @soulpiercing @km-ffluv
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adventuringblind · 3 months
Eat His Heart Out
Oscar Piastri x Reader
Genre: Ghoulverse fluff
Summary: When the summer break leaves the ghouls trapped inside out of fear, Oscar has to find a way to get food (Featuring Carlando).
Warnings: Gore, Blood, Murder, Ghouls consuming human remains, mildly sexualized at the end,
Notes: First ghoul fic!! Head the warnings please before you read! This gets graphic and ghouls eating humans is the central plotline. This was not a request but you're welcome to make one as it's an option in the request form.
Side Note: You can search the tag oscarpiastri.ghoulverse to learn more about ghoul Oscar and how I envision him :)
Masterlist // Request Form // My Website // buy me a Ko-Fi
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They'd been raiding London the entire summer break, looking for those like them. Monsters pretending to be human. Demons who can't control their urges.
It's not their fault they were born this way. They don't want to have to hear people shriek as they crack their bones and slurp their organs.
Oscar wasn't born this way. He'd been turned at such a young age that he had no choice but to accept this part of himself. The part his parents are disgusted with.
After Mark took him in, he promised he'd learn to provide for himself. To never lose control like he'd done in the past. The Aussie had seen the fear in his sister's eyes as he'd finally snapped and ripped into a boy who was harassing them. He'd been nine at the time.
Mark brought him into a world where he could be himself. Oscar had never felt more alive than when he was eating with his tribe. Tail and Horns out for anyone to see.
Now the tribe is hidden away. The curtains drawn so nobody can see inside their home.
Lando and Carlos had come to visit them over the break. They'd been planning to do something fun together to make amends after Oscar's incident with Carlos on track.
Now, Lando and Oscar's mate are seeking comfort in each other. Curled up in the corner together. Dark eyes droop with pain.
They've been on the brink of ravenous. Unable to suppress the growing instincts that come with the hunger. The primal need to hunt something courses through his veins.
Carlos had apologized the day he arrived. The older ghoul had been Oscar's only source of reason.
He can feel his mate hurting. Carlos can feel the ache is Lando's stomach just like Oscar can with his. They aren't going to make it much longer.
"We need to hunt." Carlos sighs, looking at the two knocking on death's door. "Are you with me?"
Oscar doesn't hesitate to follow Carlos' lead. Finally able to sate the intrusive thoughts.
He pulls the female into his lap and presses his nose to her neck. Her scent drives him insane and calms him all at the same time. The tribe teases him relentlessly for always wanting to be able to smell her. It's not his fault he was blessed with amazing sense of smell.
She smells cold and depressed at the moment. "You're leaving."
"Gonna find us something to eat. I'll be back before you know it." He tries to remain positive. The sirens outside make it difficult to do so.
"Promis to come back safely?" Her fingers dance against his face and caress the length of his horns. He leans into the comforting touch. It only solidifies more that he needs to take care of her.
"I promise." He reciprocates the affection by kissing the tips of her horns then her lips.
Oscar leads Carlos out the fire escape. The quickly descend the stairs and duck into the alley that is currently dark.
It feels strange seeing Carlos looking human again. They both grimace shifting from their natural state into the uncomfortable human form they can all take.
There is a thrill to hunting that Oscar has never been able to shake. It's not his first choice for obtaining food. The less messy ways are always easiest. Hunting just brings that sensory inducing adrenaline.
They take advantage of the first person alone. He's armed with a lighter and looking ready for a fight. It always ends the same way.
Oscar lunges, too fast to be dodged. His teeth extend and glint in the moonlight.
The lighter in the man's hand drops to the ground.
The smell of fear drips from the human, slow and seductive. The sound of Carlos chuckling is the only thing making him see some kind of sense. "What's so funny?" There's a sarcastic twang in his voice. Rubbing salt in the wound of this man who knows he's about to die.
"Didn't know you liked the hunt."
Oscar shifts again. His tail, freshly groomed about to get messy again. The dagger like end aches to stab into something. "Don't we all, Carlos?"
His tail stabs through the chest of the man. A squelching sound and tang of iron makes his mouth water.
Him and Carlos get to work carving the man into pieces. They siphon his blood into water bottles and throw it all into bags to carry home.
The beautiful thing about being ghoul? They don't have fingerprints in this form. All of them has the same one. Generic so they can't be caught.
The only thing left when they leave is the blood-stained ground and bones. The body now carved away and placed safely into containers to bring home. Another thing their strength is good for, hauling a kill back.
The streets are clear on the way home. It's eerily quiet and puts Oscar on edge. Carlos keeps eyeing him with skepticism. The Spainard shakes his head no around every corner.
Oscar's nose may be good, but Carlos' ears are even better. He's had time to home in his skills more than Oscar has. If Carlos hears nothing, then something is wrong.
They pick up the pace home despite the overwhelming exhaustion. Oscar prays to whatever will listen that the two they left behind are still there.
Oscar takes the fire escape stairs three at a time. Clambers through the window in a way that should be painful. Carlos is hot on his heels.
The scent of blood overpowers any trace his mate may have left. That much is evident when she appears before him, hissing and defensive until she realizes it's him.
Hair matted with gore, blood covering almost every inch of her. Yet Oscar couldn't be happier when she collapses into her arms.
Lando is dragging a body across the floor when he notices them. He eyes tear up when he spots Carlos.
The apartment itself is in shambles. Four bodies lay mangled across the ground. Blood splatters decorate the beige walls. It smells mouthwatering.
They sit in the middle of the floor, teeth now able to sink into the flesh of their prey. Oscar's mate is draped over his lap, purring more with each bite.
"Are we going to talk about what happened?" Carlos looks at Lando with a playful smile.
The Brit shrugs. "They came inside and threatened us. They aren't even government officials, just some mangey ghoul hunters." Lando's nose scrunches up with disgust.
"They were waiting for you to leave, I think." Oscar can feel the female shiver against him. He runs his fingers down her horns, and she relaxes once more.
"At least we won't have to worry about food for the rest of break!" Oscar hums. The warm fuzzy thoughts of curling up with the girl on his lap and not leave the house again makes his tail wrap around her and pull her ever closer to him.
"Do you think we should clean up the house?"
"Absolutely not."
She pauses and considers something. Her own tail tapping her chin as she thinks. "Should we at least, I don't know, clean ourselves?"
Oscar looks at Carlos and Lando who are wrapped up in each other and not paying attention to them. "Only if you let me lick it off you."
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"Uhluhu" - [M.M.]
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Pairings: Matt Murdock x GN!Reader
Summary: Matt tells he loves you, and you want to say it back
Word Count: 1.6k words
Content: Like nothing. Safe for all.
( Masterlist )
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A/N: Sorry, I've been on a bit of a hiatus. Finals are coming up and it's super stressful so I haven't gotten to write much. I found this in my drafts so I'll let yall have it. Hopefully, it will hold you over for a bit.
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You had been dating Matt for several months now. You met him as the devil first. He was limping through the alley, and you heard him curse as he tripped over a trash can. When you looked out your window, you saw him collapse face-first in grime. You called out to him but heard no response. So against your better judgement, you climbed down your fire escape to check on the stranger. 
Matt woke up with a familiar feeling of deja-vu. He woke up on a soft towel draped over a couch, shirtless, with gentle hands tending to his wounds. His waking up was not peaceful in any way. He bolted upright with a large gasp ripping from his chest. You fell back on the floor in surprise at his outburst. 
He rattled off a lot of questions, and it took you a moment to respond to them as you tried to coax him into lying back down. You told him your name, where you had found him, and that he was about to bleed out from a bullet wound. 
“Luckily for you, it was a clean shot. I don't know how to fish out a bullet, but I was able to find a decent tutorial for stitches. You should be fine if you rest.”
Matt learned to trust you over time. You never asked for his identity or pushed him to talk about his past. He respected you for that. 
One night you got a text from him. It was only an address. You made your way up in the shaky elevator and knocked tentatively on the door. You were surprised when a blind man answered and greeted you by name. 
He asked you a bunch of questions about The Black Mask and what you knew of him, but you refused to answer, going as far as to threaten him. He chuckled at you as he opened a beer. 
“Trust me, honey, I’m not someone you wanna pick a fight with.”
You bristled at the nickname, but something about his voice was familiar. You raised the candle you grabbed from the coffee table higher, ready to swing if he got closer. 
He walked past you and opened up an armoire in the corner. You couldn’t see what he was doing. He threw something at you that you struggled to catch it. You ran your fingers over the familiar dark material. He heard your heart race before it started to settle again, and he knew then that you had connected the dots. 
“Really? A candle? What was your plan there?” He asked with a teasing condescension you’ve come to love. 
You chuckled as you set it back down. “I was gonna use that right hook you taught me.” 
It wasn’t long until he asked you out, the next day if you remembered correctly. He introduced you to his friends one night at Josie’s. Foggy and Karen adored you, and It was funny to see Matt’s lifelong friend tease him. 
“I mean honestly, what do you see in this ruffian?”
“I dunno Foggy, I guess he’s charming. In his own…weird…brooding way”
Dating Matt has changed your life. You have never known true admiration- devotion- like his. Anything you ask for, he would deliver (if he had the financial means to do so). He had been working on a healthy life balance for a while and with you, he felt he had it. And he felt the need to pay you back for that in any way he could. Flowers, home-cooked meals, cuddles, you name it. 
You were a well-known writer for The Bulletin. You often got to work from home. For the past month, you’ve been working from Matt’s. He had joked a few times about how you “moved in,” and if he noticed the way your heart raced when he said that, he didn’t mention it. 
You had been burned in the past. Pretty severally. So your relationship with Matt seemed almost unreal a lot of the time. While you didn’t have the crushing catholic guilt Matt did, you still had some baggage you were carrying around. 
Last week Matt told you that he loved you. He assured you that you didn’t have to say it back, that he still meant it either way. He’s said it every night as you drifted off to sleep and every morning as he left for work since then. Those three little words. 
You wanted to say them back- you really really did. You knew that if you spoke them, you would mean it; it would be the truth. Truthfully you did. But what a terrifying truth. You wanted to spend the rest of your life with him. You wanted to move in officially. You want to wake up to him every day. You wanted the good and the bad and the ugly. You wanted him, devil and all. But no matter how many hours you spent hyping yourself up, when he came home, you just couldn’t do it. 
You decided to change that today. You couldn’t let him go any longer thinking you don’t feel the same way. You could say it; you had to say it. 
You spent all evening cooking chicken piccata with homemade noodles. You went to the farmers market this morning to get fresh, local ingredients because you know Matt can taste the preservatives on grocery produce. You even baked fresh bread, made fruit tarts, and currently, you were tossing a salad. 
You had put on some of Matt’s vinyls, and when he walked in, he was almost overwhelmed. He could smell your cooking from the front entrance, and it only got closer as he approached his apartment. He could hear you humming and singing along once he got to his floor, and your gentle footsteps could be heard against the kitchen tiles. 
You heard the door open and were sure Matt could hear your heart rate pick up. You walked away from the stove and saw him taking off his coat. 
You ran into his arms, and he didn’t hesitate to catch you, spinning you around and holding you close. You melted into his embrace as you buried your head into his neck, taking a deep breath and letting his woodsy cologne wash over you. His hands were pressed flat against your back; you could feel his warmth soaking you to the bone. There’s nowhere else you’d rather be. 
“Your sauce is starting to stick.” You could hear the smirk on his face. He knew exactly what he was doing to you and liked to rile you up. 
“Oh shit,” you mumbled as you dropped down from his arms and raced back into the kitchen to stir. 
He followed after you at a much more leisurely pace, leaning against the island as you worked. 
“Let��s see here, I smell…chicken, lemons, garlic, raspberries, bread, parsley, and…is that fresh capers?”
You grinned, “Yes, bloodhound, these are fresh capers. I wanted to make you a nice dinner. Now go get changed and comfy. It’s almost ready.” 
You felt his hands on your waist and leaned back into him on instinct. He took the opportunity to place a kiss on your temple. 
“On it boss.” 
He stepped into the bedroom, and you began setting up the island. You arranged the plates and placed the glasses of water (and an opened beer next to Matt’s). By the time he returned, you were taking the rolls out of the oven. 
The power Matthew Murdock held was entirely too dangerous. He emerged wearing a v-neck and his trusty grey sweats. You knew he felt your stare. He could probably hear your heart rate pick up at the sight of him. His smile grew into that smirk you knew very well, and you knew he knew. 
Dinner was great and went off without a hitch. He told you about his day, and you did the same. You talked about big and small, and all the things of the world. He continues to complement your cooking, praising you after every bite. You brought out the fruit tarts, and the both of you munched on them happily. 
Matt set his fork down and looked at you curiously. “What’s all this about?” 
You frightened confusion, and Matt decided to play along. “The food was wonderful, but why did you make a three-course dinner? What’s the occasion?” 
You set your fork down, wiped your mouth with the napkin sitting you your lap, and place it on the counter. Matt could sense your anxiety and wondered if something was wrong. 
“There’s no… occasion, per se. It’s more of an announcement.” Matt tilted his head, and you continued. 
“I uh-” You cleared your throat, trying to force the words out. “I…” 
Matt was patient, silently reaching for your hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. His own anxiety melted when he felt your pulse slow. 
“I’m sorry. I don’t know why it’s so hard to say,” you admit with an air of defeat. 
A knowing smile makes its way onto Matt’s face. 
“You want me to guess?” he asked, giving your hand another reassuring squeeze.
“No, no. I want to say it. I want you to hear it come from me.” 
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You had been practising saying it all day, saying the words over and over again. 
You forced out the words on your exhale. “Uhluhu”
Matt tilted his head, ”What?”
You took another breath and squeezed his hand, “I love you.”
His face split into a grin. You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you. You suddenly felt light. 
“I love you, Mathew Murdock. I love you.” 
You couldn’t stop saying it. 
“I love you too.” He said, oh so quietly, but his words dripped with their truth.
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Tag List: @barbecuetiddy, @heejinw0rld, @Isshecrazyorissheclever, @purple-amaranthe, @rudy-the-winged-wolf, @scorpiolystoned, @tayswiftlovebot, @wannapizzamymindposts, @whoreforklitz,
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beesonhoneytoast · 1 year
Howl’s Moving Castle Incorrect Quotes
another shitpost bc I have problems 🎐
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Ryan: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the items you have lost throughout your life  Sophie: Self-esteem, haven't seen you in years!  Howl: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this!  Markl: I knew I lost that potential somewhere!  Calcifer: My moral code, is that you?  Ryan:  Ryan: I was just gonna show you this cool trunk my mother left me but do you guys need a hug?
Howl: What if the person who named Walkie Talkies named everything?  Ryan: Pregnancy tests are Maybe Babies  Calcifer: Socks are Feetie Heaties  Markl: Forks are Stabby Grabbies  Ryan: Defibrillators are Heartie Starties  Calcifer: Nightmares are Dreamy Screamies  Markl: Stamps are Lickie Stickies  Sophie, annoyed: You are disappointments
Howl: If you had to choose between Ryan and all the money I have in my wallet, which would you choose?  Sophie: That depends, how much money are we taking about?  Ryan: Sophie!  Howl: 63 cents.  Sophie: I'll take the money.  Ryan: SOPHIE!!!
Howl: He stole from me first! Sophie: Mhm. Howl: Stole my heart... Ryan: It is still illegal to commit murder.
Howl: Fuck. Ryan: We've got to work on your cursing. Howl: Why? I'm pretty good at cursing already.
Howl, Ryan, and Sophie are sitting on a bench Markl: Why do you guys look so sad? Howl: Sit down with us so we can tell you. *Markl sits down* Ryan: The bench is freshly painted.
Howl: I think we're missing something.  Ryan: Teamwork?  Markl: Cohesion?  Sophie: A general sense of what we’re doing?
Howl: You lying, cheating, piece of shit! Ryan: Oh yeah? You’re the idiot who thinks you can get away with everything you do. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD Howl: I’m leaving you, and I’M TAKING SOPHIE WITH ME Markl, picking up the monopoly board: I think we’re gonna stop playing now.
Howl: Self care is actually getting into fights with randoms in dark alleys.  Sophie: No, self care is stuff like taking a bubble bath, or putting on a lot of makeup if you like it, or taking a nice warm nap!  Ryan: Self care is the burning heat when rage washes over you!! Self care is when you feel the bones crack under your powerful fists!! Self care is the fear in your enemies’ eyes!!!  Markl: Lmao self care is taking your birthday cake just so I can eat the frosting.  Howl: If you touch my birthday cake I’ll make you eat your hands.
Cop: You’re receiving a ticket for having three people on one motorcycle.  Howl: Shit.  Ryan: Wait, three?  Cop: Yeah?  Sophie: OH MY GOD MARKL FELL OFF!!!
Howl: *Screams*  Ryan: *Screams louder to assert dominance*  Sophie: Should we do something?!  Markl, observing: No, I want to see who wins this.
Howl: I think Markl was right.  Ryan: I'm surprised he hasn’t marched in here to say 'I told you so.'  Sophie: He wouldn't do that.  Markl: You're right, Sophie. For once in your life, you're 100% right. I would never say that.  Markl: *turns around, the shirt he’s wearing says 'Markl Told You So' on the back*
Howl: On a scale from “damn Daniel” to “fre sha vaca do”, how are you feeling?  Ryan: In between “it’s an avocado, thanks” and “how did you defeat Captain America”, but as a solid answer I would say “I don’t need a degree to be a clothing hanger”. How about you, Markl?  Markl: Probably “road work ahead”.  Sophie: I speak many languages, and this is none of them.
Howl: Dammit, Ryan! Ryan: What?! It wasn’t me! Howl: Sorry, force of habit. Dammit, Sophie! Sophie: Not me either. Howl: Oh...Then who set the house on fire? Calcifer: *whistles*
Ryan, banging on the door: Howl! Open up! Howl: Well, it all started when I was a kid... Sophie: No, he meant- Markl: Let him finish.
Howl: Everytime I hear someone talking about updog, I’m torn between not wanting to fall for it and wanting to help them complete their joke.  Markl: Okay, but what is updog?  Sophie: Updog is a long sausage in a bun, often served with ketchup, mustard, onions, and/or relish.  Ryan: Not, that’s a hot dog. An updog is when a new version or patch of an application is released.  Calcifer: No, that's an update. You’re thinking of the fourth largest city in Sweden.  Prince Justin: Surely, that’s Uppsala, where’s updog is the giant spider in Harry Potter.  Markl: That’s Aragog. Updog is a symbol conventionally used for an arbitrarily small number in analysis proofs.  Howl: You’re thinking of epsilon. Updog is an upward-moving air current.  Sophie: No, that’s an updraft. An updog is the modern version of a henway.  Ryan: What’s a henway??  Howl: Oh, about five pounds.
Howl: Croissants: dropped  Ryan: Road: works ahead  Witch of the Waste: BBQ sauce: on my titties  Markl: Shavacado: fre  Calcifer: Miss Keisha: fuckin dead  Sophie:  Sophie, grumpy: I didn’t understand a single word of that and I hate every single one of you.
Howl: Poison is a magic transmutation potion that turns people into corpses.  Ryan: This knife is actually a magic wand.  Sophie: Meet me in the Denny’s parking lot for a wizard duel.  Markl: *cocks gun* Magic missile.  Calcifer: What the fuck is wrong with you people.
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currentlyfckingurmom · 11 months
Arachnoid (part 1)
(Yelena Belova and Female OC)
PART 1: And So It Begins
Aim. Shoot. Swing. Release. Aim. Shoot. Swing. Release. Aim. Shoot. Swing. Release. Aim. Shoot. Swing-
"Oh shit!" Rory exclaims as she narrowly misses a bird in the dark city sky. "Sorry dude!"
The Arachnoid swings onto a rooftop to peer into the alley below, hearing a commotion coming from down the dark corridor.
She sees two small women effortlessly fighting off four much larger men. Before she even has the chance to intervene, the fight is over.
"I totally had that under control," the blonde one complains.
"Yeah, right," the redhead scoffs.
"Ooh, Russians, how fun," Rory whispers to herself.
"Did you hear that?" the blonde asks, reaching for her gun.
She cringed and reluctantly reveals herself. "Uh, hey, hi there," she waves. "How are y'all tonight? Those were some pretty cool moves right there, I gotta say. Oh hey, you're Black Widow right?! Big fan, truly." She rambles on.
"Who the hell are you?" they ask in unison.
"Oh right. Allow me to properly introduce myself." She drops down from the roof, into the alley next to them. "I'm Arachnoid." She definitely doesn't puff her chest out as she says the alias.
"Who?" The blonde asks disinterestedly.
"What are you, like, a fake Spiderman?"
"No! I've been around much longer than that little copycat. He tries all he wants but he could never be all of this," she gestures to herself with frustration.
"Right, okay. So what are you doing here?" Black Widow asks.
"Oh, well, I just heard some commotion and came to investigate. Seems like this is Avengers business and you have it totally under control, so I'll just see myself out," she salutes. The Russians go to speak and she cuts them off, "And, no, I won't tell anyone that I saw anything. My lips are sealed."
Rory walks backward out of the alley, pointing at the blonde and making a 'call me' gesture before taking off into the city.
"Ooh, the spider likes you," she hears behind her, followed by a smack. Rory laughs at the situation, wishing she had gotten the blonde woman's name.
Several hours later, feeling utterly exhausted and content with it, Rory climbs back through her apartment window. She peels off her mask and ruffles her medium length hair, blowing a loose strand out of her face. She turns on her stereo, singing and dancing around as she stumbles out of her suit and into the shower.
After her shower, she throws on some boxers and a baggy t-shirt before climbing onto her fire escape. She opens her laptop and logs in as she lights up a preroll.
She blows out a cloud of smoke as she opens a familiar file, tinkering with the prototype design. She spends the next forty minutes like this before she gets hungry and goes inside to cook fettuccine alfredo. The best dish to have at 3am, if you ask her.
In four hours, she'll wake up to start another day of monotonous work and exhilarating crimefighting. But right now, she's got her weed and her alfredo, and she's convinced she couldn't be any fucking happier.
"So are we gonna talk about what happened back there?"
"You mean the mysterious chick in the black tights who was hitting on you? I was wondering when we'd get to that," Natasha hums. They had returned to Yelena's apartment after the mission to go over the new intel they had gathered.
"Hmm, yes, very funny, сестра (sister). Have you heard of this person before now? Are we sure they aren't a threat to the mission? If they interfere with freeing the Widows, I will kill them."
"Yes, unfortunately. Arachnoid has been on SHIELD's radar for a while now. She's not lying; she has been around longer than Spiderman. She's a bit of a loner. A lot more stealthy than Peter Parker. I'll get SHIELD's files on her. But no, she's not a threat. Not intentionally, anyway, but she's been known to get herself into sticky situations without realizing it."
"Interesting," Yelena mumbles, taking a swig of her cold beer.
"That's all you're gonna say? Alright, well if I can get her number, are you gonna call her?" Natasha jokes.
"No. Do not be ridiculous, Natasha."
"Oh please, I saw you checking out her ass when she walked away."
"That is so not true!" she objects. "I was looking for weapons!"
"And what did you find? Anything dangerous?"
"боже мой (oh my god)"
"So how about we do a little digging on our new friend? I mean, just in case she poses a threat to the mission." Natasha is making excuses, and they both know it, but some part of Yelena wants to know more about the masked vigilante.
"Alright. But only for the sake of the mission," Yelena emphasizes.
"Of course."
Natasha is called into Director Fury's office the next day.
"So I hear you've been looking into our little friend, the Arachnoid."
"And how did you hear this, Nick?" Natasha smiles.
"I hear everything, Romanoff. Let's get to the point, shall we? We've been looking into the Arachnoid for years. It's about time we get to know who she really is, don't you think?"
"I'm inclined to agree, Director. She's been lurking in the shadows for years, undetected by the press and the public. That takes some skill. Might be someone we should watch out for."
"Or someone we should have on our team," he counters with a raised brow and a smirk. Natasha returns it and accepts the file Director Fury hands her, leaving his office with a nod.
"Boss, it appears that someone is doing some digging into your files."
"Do you know who?" Rory asks the robotic voice.
"It appears to be coming from SHIELD. Would you like me to hack into their database?"
"Oh, EDNA, you know me so well. I'd love that."
"On it." The voice resumes a few minutes later. "It seems that Agent Natasha Romanoff, code name 'Black Widow', has been accessing your files quite frequently in the past 24 hours."
"Huh. I've got the Black Widow looking into me. Think I've finally made it to the big leagues, EDNA?"
"Yes, it appears so. You will likely be dead within a week."
"Okay, well, that was just rude."
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bimbo-writer · 2 years
👻Scream for me👻
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Vil schoenheit x fem! reader
Contains: vampire vil, demon reader, blood, breeding, biting, choking, degradation, praise, overstimulation, kinda sadistic vil.
A dark and hallow night perfect for a demon to go and steal the soul of whatever stupid mortal is out this late. You waited till it hit midnight and left in a black skirt and crop top to help attract humans to you. Tonight was good the moon shined bright with darkness covering the city.
It wasn't busy with people but there where a few drunkies and teenage girls hanging out overall not bad. As you walked the streets you heard commotion coming from a back alley way. Normally you wouldn't think twice about just walking away but something told you to check it out. Creeping closer trying not to make a sound you see a tall blonde man.
He looked rather handsome in the little light there was. "Can I help you" he asked taking a step forward trying to intimidate you, "no just checking on the noise" you said backing up just a bit. The alley seemed empty still you spotted a small trail of blood leading further into the alley.
"You doing something illegal back there buddy" you asked pointing to the small trail taking a step forward. "Oh you mean my last snack no but since your so nosy you can join him" he lunged forward, you dodged just before he could grab your wrist. "Ok look here buddy I'm not in the mood for my next meal to fight me either" your words took him by surprise.
"Wait your not human either" his question wasn't a surprise but it sounds like he didn't believe you. "Yeah I'm a demon or rather half succubus" his eyes grew wide before smirking, "so your out cause your horny" his tone was mocking. "No asshole I'm here cause I'm hungry and I need a soul" you spat back angrily as he laughed.
"I'm just playing darling don't be so serious" he said crossing his arms at your little outburst. "Well unless your signing up to be mu next meal I'm gonna split" you said turning to leave before he grabbed your wrist. "Wait what if we hunt together you know pretend to be a lost together" he asked, it didn't seem like a bad idea.
With him around it would make the clean up a little easier, "fine, but don't pull anything funny or else" you warned as he let go of your hand. You two walked around for a bit before finding a couple of teens walking around clearly high. "I'll take the boy you take the girls" you whispered Vil nodding in understatement, you walked ahead pretending to lightly trip in front of the boy.
He caught you before you fell and you thanked him before asking him if he wanted to go somewhere for a good time. The girls had walked in front to be met with Vil and his charming words as he led them to a alleyway to give you a chance to strike.
"Thank you for catching me how about I reward you" you said batting your eyelashes at him. He seemed excited as you brought your lips to his in a kiss but unfortunately for him it didn't last long as you sucked his soul from him in seconds. His body fell to the floor as soon as you let go and dragged it into the alley Vil went into.
It was bloody to say the least, "you clean up amazingly" you said rolling your eyes at the mess. "Well you handled yours splendidly" he mocked back pointing to the limp body in your hands. "Yeah well at least mine is clean" you spat back throwing the body in the trash can, "now that that's done wanna go do something fun" you asked with a tiny bit of teasing. It wasn't because you where honry no you just wanted to see how far you could get with him.
The idea of fucking stranger wasn't exactly appealing just curious if you did how good would it be. Would be rough or soft with you, what kind of kinks did he have?
"By fun do you mean, you want me" he asked stepping closer as your back hit the brick wall. "Maybe" you teased wanting to see his reaction, "well let's see how sensitive you are" he whispered bringing his knee between your skirt just brealy touching your cunt. "Ahh" a small moan fell from your lips as Vil took the opportunity to push his lips against yours in a heated kiss.
You tried closing your legs but Vils hands spread them apart quick, the feeling of his hand just barely above your clit driving you crazy. Whimpers slipping from your lips as his fingers slowly worked your folds, "Vil please-" your begs cut short with his other hand coming up to your throat choking you lightly. The feeling of his hand choking you making it hard not to moan, head becoming light from lack of air.
"You really are a slut" he spat moving his fingers to your clit rubbing it slowly, more moans falling out like music to his ears. "Please" you begged starting to feel tense, "please what bitch use your words" mean insults making you blush more. "Please fuck me already" you begged needing him to fill you with his cum, "well since you asked so nicely I can but where going to a love hotel it'll add to the feel" he mused.
You nodded in agreement as he pulled his fingers away the pleasurable feeling leaving with it. As the two of you walked you teased him with words of degradation and he did the same. The tension growing bigger the more the two of you walked, "so before we do this I have to know is it small" you asked teasingly knowing the answer already just looking at his pants. "For your information it's 10 inches" he smirked as your face flushed with thoughts of what it could look like.
"I won't believe it till I see it" you fussed not wanting it bit to true, but at the same time excited. "Well where already so lets find out" he teased as you two had arrived at the hotel, walking in there was a slow song playing over the speaker with a woman behind the counter. "Hello how can I help you today" she asked with a small smile, "how about deluxe room for an hour and a half on the tab Vile" he smiled back.
"Of course sir, would you like to add anything special to the room" she questioned, "no just tye standard packages fine" he smiled. "Alrighty then your room is ready for you, hears your key" handing Vil the key he took your hand leading you down the hallway. "So you've been here before" you asked wondering just how many women he's slept with, "yeah sometimes woman practically throw themselves at me".
His words made you feel a little sad but you knew this had to be the case since he looked so good. The door opened to reveal a lavish bed with sex toys and costumes for every fantasy. "Wow this is awesome" you beamed looking around at the various things, "yeah bit the best part is that the room is sound proof" his voice sounded ominous. You turned around to see him taking his shirt off toned abs underneath the garment.
"Ooo someone looks sexy" you teased walking up to trail his body, working your way from his arms to the hem of his pants. "Well someone's excited" he said grabbing your cheek bringing you closer, the warm feeling giving you butterflies in your stomach. "I'm not the only one who's sexy without clothes darling" he teased pressing a kiss to you cheek.
"Is that so" you questioned slowly slipping your skirt off, then your shirt leaving you in only your underwear. "Yeah, just look at you" he praised moving to undue your bra, cupping the exposed flesh. A small whimper leaving as your throat, hands working skillfully to pull more wines from you. "So sexy and all for me" he groaned moving to suck dark hickeys on the nape of your neck, hands trailing down to your mound pressing up lightly.
"Mhh" more whimpers falling from your lips as the stimulation starts to increase, "your getting wet aren't you" Vil whispered in your ear rubbing light circles on your clit. He finally pulled away from your neck pushing you on the bed, crawling between your legs. Dragging your panties down exposing your wet cunt for him to see, "you really are a horny succubus" he teased spreading your legs farther.
"You want it raw baby" he asked pulling out a condom from the draw of the nightstand, his question had you pause. There was the possibility of getting pregnant but all you could.think about was him stuffing you full with his semen. "Let's do it raw" you whispered with flushed cheeks, he smirked and took his pants off exposing his hardened cock.
The tip was a dark red with precum oozing from the slit, he fisted his cock a few times before placing the tip at your entrance. Teasing you with just the tip collecting your juices for extra lubricant, "Vil quit teasing" you whimpered wanting him to fill you already. "Such a greedy little whore" he grabbed your thighs tight before thrusting in filling you to the brim. His thrust where hard and fast leaving little room to talk whines getting caught in your throat.
"Oh fuck" the feeling of his cock kissing the entrance to your cervix repeatedly hitting it the feeling bringing you closer to an orgasm. "Vil gonna cum" you choked out as his thrust refused to let up hitting the spot deep inside you that drew you crazy. "Gonna cum on my cock huh? Gonna be a good whore and cum" he mused hand finding it's way to your folds spreading them further letting his cock go deeper.
"Shit-" your screams drowning out the sounds of skin clapping along with your sloppy cunt. Groans and moans filling the room as your high approached quickly with Vil pounding you relentlessly fingers moving to circle your clit. "Fucking hell" you cursed creaming on Vils cock body shaking as wave after wave of pleasure washed over you.
"So good baby. Such a good girl coming on my cock" he praised thrust starting to get sloppy. He trusted deeper and deeper till it felt like he was splitting you in two, "I'm gonna cum baby, I'm gonna breed this greedy pussy" his words making you blush. The thought of having him breed you turned you on sending you into overstimulation as he circled your clit harder and faster with your second orgasm seconds away.
Vil hilted deep inside your womb spilling his seed inside "holy fuck- yeah take it baby take my cum and get pregnant". His fingers made quick work as your second orgasm came crashing over you, the euphoric feeling causing your body to shake. Your hands searching to find anything to hold for support. Moans filled the room as the two of you held each other lovingly calming down from the orgasm's.
"Huff- That was amazing" you breathed out exhausted cupping his cheek, he put his hand over yours leaning down to give you a loving kiss. That feeling of love coming back you weren't used to this, you weren't used to catching feelings like this. Your thoughts got the better of you a small blush creeping to your face. "Dear your blushing" Vil teased as he pulled away from you, "I- I know it's just..." your voice grew into a whisper at the last words.
"Just what?" Vil questioned leaning closer concerned for your health, "It's just I'm not used to this sort of attention, sure guys fucked me but right after they would just leave" Vil's eyes grew dark with sadness for you. You never had proper aftercare from someone, "well your with me for the rest of the night we'll go back to my place and watch a movie and cuddle once you rest some more".
Small tears started to well up in your eyes as you never felt so loved before, "thank you" you muttered giving Vil one last kiss before dozing off.
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elegantsplendour · 1 year
Song Aesthetic for my one shot Let the Games Begin
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Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince
All the bloodshed, betrayals, all for the insatiable greed of the few.
As if it wasn’t my cunt of an uncle who pushed your wastrel brother on the throne!
I’ve fought for my family, hard, for a long time. This isn’t my fight anymore and I refuse to let you be in pawn in this game.
“American stories, fading before me, I see the high fives between the bad guys.”
“Cause nobody's gonna win, just thought you should know
And I'll never let you go, cause I know this is a fight
That someday we're gonna win.”
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I pray for myself, to myself. I am a goddess and you are my willing servant.
“She gets everything she wants,
When she gets me alone
Like it's nothin'
She got two little horns
And they get me a little bit.”
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Bubblegum Bitch
“You can drift away all you want, my viper,” he smiled deviously, “I will hunt you down to the end of the world.”
“But I also know you would do anything, absolutely anything to become the best for me again.”
“Candy bear, sweetie pie, wanna be adored
I'm the girl you'd die for.”
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Would you like a taste?
“Would you be mine? would you be my baby tonight?
Could be kissing my fruit punch lips in the bright sunshine
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She bolted like a mice being chased by a ferocious cat. Did she intend to escape? Absolutely not. Her alluring laughter like a siren’s call to the dragon prince.
“I want to have fun and be in love with you
I know that I'm a mess with my long hair
And my suntan, short dress, bare feet.”
Gimme Gimme
You know, I’ve never imagined that I would lose my maidenhood bent over in a dark alley in Bravoos, let alone to you.
“Even when we're up against the wall
You've got me in a crazy position”
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Off to the Races
Are you going to spank me?
“I'm sorry that I'm misbehaving
I'm your little harlot, starlet, Queen of Coney Island.”
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She hated the silver haired prick. Always looking so damn perfect. Always keeping his annoying ass proper facade when he literally betrayed his family, faked his death, broke an alliance, kidnapped her across the Narrow Sea to own her, claim her, break her.
“My old man is a thief, and
I'm gonna stay and pray with him 'til the end.”
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mlmxreader · 2 years
Scraps | Helmut Zemo x gn!reader
Anonymous asked: Hi! Can I request a Zemo x gn reader where the reader comes home with a bloody nose and bruises from being attacked? Zemo obviously gets really fucking mad and makes sure the people responsible for this will suffer.
summary: you and your best friend get jumped by some drunk assholes, and when your boyfriend finds out, he's ready to jump at their throats and make them pay... only, he has to make sure that you're alright, first.
tws: blood, injury, bruising, fights, alcohol consumption, swearing
It wasn't exactly like it hadn't been a long time coming, a bunch of assholes at the pub you and your best friend Frank often visited always making some sort of bullshit comment, and although you never threw the first punch, you and Frank had managed to get yourselves into a fight; sure, you worked well as a team, you were a fucking formidable pair and even your boyfriend Zemo had mentioned a few times that if there was anyone he didn't want to meet in a dark alley, it was you and Frank. But there were more of them than there were you, and while four of them held Frank down after kicking the shit out of him and even going so far as to knock his head against a fucking brick wall, two of them had started on you.
At least you could say you didn't throw the first punch; you and Frank were actually on your way home when they jumped you, taking you both by surprise. Of course you tried to fight back, but you could only do so much when Frank was practically out cold and you felt like you were getting your fucking teeth kicked in; at least they left you alone after they thought they had definitely knocked you and Frank out. But he picked you up, wrapping your arm around him as he helped you to get up and trudge home; the sight must have spooked a few people but you and Frank had gotten into worse scraps before. This was just a bunch of drunk assholes, this wasn't the likes of Billy Russo.
"You sure you're gonna be alright?" You asked, holding Frank's face in your hands when he got to the door, your brows furrowed.
Frank nodded, licking his split and bloodied lips. "Yeah, I'll get Micro to pick me up and patch me up - you gonna be good? Is Zemo home?"
You nodded, wincing a little. "Yeah, I'm not as beaten to shit as you... you wanna come inside and wait?"
"Best I don't," he told you with a shake of his head. "I'll wait on the steps outside."
"Alright, well... let me know how you're doing later, yeah?" You pulled away from him, steadying yourself against the door for a moment with a weak smile. "Y'know, we ain't had a scrap like that in ages - long overdue."
He dared to laugh, knocking on the door before he turned tail and yanked himself outside; you were worried, he was your best friend and he was badly hurt, but he was also the Punisher, he could look after himself. Micro would look after him. You went inside, groaning softly as pain shot through your shoulder, and you collapsed on the sofa, resting your head against one arm and kicking your feet up on the other, squeezing your eyes tightly shut.
"My god," Zemo breathed out, brows furrowed as he knelt beside you, one hand on your cheek and the other on your chest as he looked you over. "What happened? Tell me everything."
"Just some drunk assholes," you groaned. "Jumped me and Frank on the way home, beat us to fuck."
He clenched his jaw, shaking his head and working on getting you out of your clothes so that he could properly assess the damage; your nose was fucked without a doubt, you had bruises almost everywhere and it was clear that something sharp had caught your sides although it wasn't deep enough to cause any issues to your organs. At least there was that, none of it looked like it needed stitches. But you truly looked like you had been to Hell and back; he had to think quickly, discarding your clothes in the washing basket and setting everything up.
Liquor bottle. To steady his hands and to help you put up with the pain. Antiseptic. Bandages. Plasters. Painkillers. A cloth to bite down on. Kitchen paper. The speaker blaring 'How Many Tears to Nurture A Rose?' by Cradle Of Filth, if only to give you something he knew would cheer you up a little and would take your mind from it all. More than anything, though, he was angry.
How fucking dare someone bruise and bloody his partner? How fucking dare they hurt you?
He had more important things to focus on right now, like patching your wounds and making sure that you were going to, at least, not be in agony throughout the night; he was quick to work on it all, though. Blood soaked blue kitchen roll building up on the coffee table; empty plaster packages; a mountain of orange stained antiseptic wipes; a half empty bottle of Grant's whisky in your hands; a spit and blood covered cloth on the floor. The last of the strong painkillers finished off, the metal packet chucked in the pile with the rest of it. But it didn't take long at least, and Zemo was as careful as he could be; even though all he could think about was tracking those assholes down and making sure that they paid for what they did to you. Not so much Frank, you.
As he tightened up the last bandage, Zemo couldn't help but to sigh. "I'm going to find them, Bärchen, I'm going to make them all pay."
You groaned softly, offering him the whisky. "Can it wait til tomorrow? I'd quite like to see it."
He nodded, daring to smile a little as he traced the outskirts of the bruise on your jaw, knowing that he would give those responsible far far worse than a bruise. "Natürlich. I need to find them but... that won't be too hard, and I suppose Frank will want to join, too."
"More than likely," you tried to move to lay on your side, but Zemo pushed you down gently and kept you pinned there on your back. "Can I at least get in my own bed?"
"Not without help," he told you sternly. "It might actually be better if we both sleep here tonight."
You raised a brow, trying not to laugh because you knew that it would sting like a motherfucker if you did. "Why both of us?"
"Someone has to look after you," Zemo pointed out. "And as your boyfriend, that would be me. I won't hear any excuses."
"Fine, fine, alright," you mumbled. "You win."
"Thank you," he sighed, going to grab a couple of blankets and the pillows from the bed. At the very least he could make sure that you were comfortable. He set everything up, asking you if you were okay, if you needed anything extra, but you shook your head. "Tomorrow. I'll track them down tomorrow, and I'll make sure that they pay for what they did to you."
Watching Zemo make himself comfortable on the floor by the sofa, you let your hand drift down, letting him hold it tightly as he hummed softly; you cleared your throat. "Tomorrow... I think we all just gotta get some sleep for tonight. Pretty sure Frank's knocked the fuck out with some strong shit Micro dosed him on."
"I don't care about Frank, he can look after himself... but you... no one fucks with you, Bärchen, you're mine. I'll make sure they fucking suffer for what they've done."
He would, you didn't doubt it for a second; when Zemo got angry, he didn't just get even. Oh, no, he made whoever his wrath was directed at fucking wish for someone kinder, someone like Frank, they would beg and they would plead and they would sob and their snot would trickle down to their lips. But Zemo would drag out everything, when he got angry, he was more than dangerous. He was worse than you and Frank. Far, far worse. You almost wanted to pity those drunk assholes who had jumped you and your best friend, but you couldn't bring yourself to; you couldn't even force a fake beg for him to go easy on them. Zemo would make damn sure that each and every one of them would suffer, and he was capable of more cruelty than you and Frank were. He could be more cruel than anyone. At the end of the day, no one made Zemo angry, and those assholes were about to have an entire shit storm rain down on them.
if you liked this fic, REBLOG IT - you SHOULD reblog it; spam likers WILL be blocked. as will blogs that refuse to reblog or to give feedback. if you don't wanna reblog, then you'll get blocked; reblogging is the BARE MINIMUM. don't just "like", REBLOG
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Can't believe I care
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Vigilante/reader
Word count: 720
Warnings: violence, swearing
Tags: angsty-ish (I guess)
Synopsis: Reader is a fellow vigilante and has been taking care of Hell's Kitchen as well as Matt. They've crossed paths before, but this time reader has to save Matt's ass but goes terribly against his moral code.
A/N: I'm back and I've got some Matt Murdock for y'all :)
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Daredevil, wearing his dark costume, is on patrol out on the streets at night. It seems to be going smoothly until he spots some suspicious activity down an alley. As he approaches, his senses tell him he's dealing with an organized crime situation. He quietly makes his way into the alley, approaching the group. He tries to listen in on what the criminals are doing. There are about three of them, and they're just loitering around. He's terribly out-numbered. All of a sudden, a man in a trench coat walks into their view. Matt walks up to the group and reaches for his weapon, as the criminals take theirs too.
The fight starts, and Matt's out-powered. As if God heard his prayer, you appear out of nowhere and take a good hit at the man in the trench coat. He falls down.
"What the hell?" He jumps back. "I didn't hear you. Can you give a guy some warning before you just appear behind him?" Getting mad, he takes a moment to calm down. "Where did you come from? What are you doing out here?"
"Same as you." You say shortly. You turn to the criminals. As you walk up to the man in the trench coat still on the floor, you grab one of your knifes. With ease, you manage to kill the man.
Looking at the man you just killed. "Hey, I have rules. I don't kill people. Now you on the other hand seem to not have any such qualms. You're a loose cannon."
"Fucking rules." You say under your breath as you move towards another criminal. You knock him down and put your knife against his throat.
He sees you point your knife at the criminal. "Hey. Stop. Don't kill him." He says with a stern voice.
You look up at him with an angry expression. You exhale and drop the criminal, smashing his head on the concrete floor.
"I said stop. Don't you care at all about the consequences of your actions?" He can tell he's hit a nerve, and he's trying not to be harsh, but he has to be stern. He can't have you running around like this.
"No. I don't." You say as you move towards the last criminal.
"What's wrong with you? You can't kill people. Killing people doesn't make you a superhero, it makes you a murderer. And it makes you just as bad as the scum out here tonight, just in a different way." He sounds upset.
"Fine. I'm the bad guy. Who gives a shit?" You knock the last criminal down and once again you hold my knife to his throat, ready to strike.
"This is not okay!" He gets closer and tries to take your knife away. "If you kill this man, then I'll have to be the one to stop you." I pull the knife out of your grip, and hold it in my hand. "And I don't want to have to do that."
Your heart flutters lightly, but you snap back into your fighting-mindset. You wait a second, look at the criminal, then look at him and exhale deeply. You let go of the criminals head and you stand up.
Infuriated, He grabs you by your arm and gives you a firm shake, not letting go of the fact that you just took a human life. "What the hell is wrong with you? Do you not have a shred of humanity? Or compassion? This is sick, and I won't stand for it." You can hear the sincerity in his voice.
"Let me go." You pull my arm back as you turn around, moving away from him "Annoying prick" you say under your breath.
His anger is still there. "You have to learn to control yourself. You can't just start killing people. You're gonna end up in jail, or worse. Do you just think you're above the law? Are you some kind of psycho?"
You stand still for a second, looking at him from over your shoulder "Later, DareDevil." You start running and you disappear behind a corner.
He starts yelling out after you "Wait… Dammit!" Frustrated, He stands there for a few seconds, before sighing deeply and running off in a different direction. He speaks to himself. "That woman's insane. I can't believe I care."
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hibernationsuit · 9 months
Ask game :)
3. [I] trusted [you]
thank uu!!!
wanted to work on Toby's pre-Hope story so get some tired scientist thoughts who's about to Fuck Up badly :(
I trusted you Sometimes, working somewhere is hard when you have a strong sense of ethics. Sometimes, you want to bring it up. Sometimes, you get fired for that. Good thing there's always a chance to collect some evidence while you're still there. But is talking to your coworker about it always a good thing? aka Tobias sets up a meeting with a journalist in a dark alley in the middle of the night. Nothing goes right. Warnings: death, blood, violence mention, gun mention
also yes he's gonna be fine dw abt it
The whole walk the only thing I had thought about was that I really should've taken a bag. The cold wind was blowing right into my face, and the hood did nothing to stop the raindrops from getting into my face. My hands were clutching a datapad and two folders close to my chest, as if protecting them from the rain was more important than myself.
The streets were quiet. Everyone would be inside right now, drying their clothes and getting a warm meal to fight the cold air and rain outside. No one goes out in a weather like this. Yet here I was.
When I scheduled the meeting with the journalist, I didn't think it would be raining like this. I thought that the dark evening would be enough to keep people from seeing us, but rain seemed like a gift to keep us safe from curious eyes.
Yet I felt like something was off.
Ignoring one's feelings is not a smart mive, but I continued walking regardless, determined to get my voice heard. No rain would stop me from telling the truth.
I spotted the alley right away. Normally, no one notices it - the gates are half closed and its front was always cluttered with boxes, trash cans and other things. That's why it seemed like a perfect meeting spot.
No matter how quickly I tried to walk, I was still late, and the clock on one of the house's walls clearly pointed that out. Sure the journalist would still be there?
I slipped through the gates, carefully stepping over a pile of newspapers and other things that fell out of a broken trash bag.
"Hello?" I called out. No answer. "Is anyone here?" Don't tell me she left already.
I clenched the datapad even more and looked around. The only working street lamp was right in the beginning of the alley, and the orange light didn't reach the end. I started walking towards it. "Hello?"
Still nothing. I felt like pacing around the alley for a while, before deciding to leave. If nothing happened, I'd leave and try again.
Walking back closer to the light I noticed a weird, human-shaped object laying next to an abandoned box, hidden well in a shadowy area.
It was the journalist. With a bullet wound in his forehead.
Oh shit.
I backed off from the body and bumped into the wall. I need to get out of here.
"Found your friend?" A familiar, husky voice startled me. I turned to the entrance and saw Laura standing there, with a pistol in her hand.
"You...you killed her?"
"Yes. And before you ask, yes, I am working with Jackson." She started walking, pointing the gun with the same calmness and steadiness as she held the test tubes in a lab. Has she done this before? "You really need to watch who you talk to, Tobias. Curiosity kills the cat, and so do loose lips."
"You...Are you serious? After all that I showed to you?" My voice trembled, and so did my hands. "I trusted you."
"I have a trustworthly face, don't I?" She chuckled. "Give me the evidence, and I'll finish this quickly."
"No, never. How can you defend all of this?"
"Everything has a price. They pay well for closing your mouth. Now be a good boy and hand over the documents."
"I said no."
"Fine, be like that. I'll just pry them from your dying hands," she frowned and pulled the trigger.
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bbyblueetypes · 3 months
This is a story featuring @gatheringofsuffering / @sufferingsthegame ‘s ocs and my own! Its one of many parts of a mafia based story, let me know what you think.
TW [Implied] Pedophilia
The sky was dark, only lit by a million stars and the quarter moon that sat perfectly between them all. My back against the cool familiar concrete of the roof we met on every night as I stared into the speckles scattered above me. My phone laid flat on the concrete, silent. He always shows up, or at the very least he texts. Most people wouldn't give it a second thought, they wait patiently for a text or for them to come home. No one would think the worst in just a few hours, a day even. But I know otherwise, I know him.. I've been running every scenario in my head. Over and over again. And every single one has led me back to the same conclusion. I know I can't be rash.. not just yet. but i'd be lying if i said i didn't want to run through every alley, pick every bar fight and check every building in sight until my legs are burning and my head throbs. The sick feeling in my stomach won't go away, it sits at the bottom like a boulder and the continuous nauseous feeling gets worse with every breath. The buzzing of my phone makes my hand move like a flash of light. I grab it, hoping for a miracle and inevitably being disappointed again when the notification wasn't his name. My eyes dart to the top of the screen to read the time. 1:32am. It's later than usual. It's been about a whole day now, a whole day hes been missing. Where did you go? I can't take it any longer. I need to get answers.
I sat on the edge of the rooftop overlooking the buildings below and kicking my feet a bit. My brain is racing with all the information for my newest case. Trying to piece all of them together for Braxton. He never liked doing the thinking himself, it always pleased him more when i brought him the information already put together for him. Pleasing him helped me keep my status. pleasing him was practically all I lived for at this point.
“Hiya Blue”
Except him. My head turns in the direction of the familiar voice. There he stands only a few feet from me making his way in my direction, his emerald green hair falling against his forehead. He always kept it longer, enough to put into a small little pony tail if he wanted to. The thought amused me a little. He wasn't very tall, or well built like most men I've met in the mafia business. Sometimes I wonder how he ever made it so far. But he was smart, I guess I'll give him that. He used his younger look to his advantage and he used it well. God if he told me he was 13 I would've believed him. He always boasted about how he didn't have a group he worked for, how he worked for himself. God, how I envied him for it too. I hated him in fact . Braxton always told me never to trust someone like him, they were always out to get us. If I trusted them too much theyd ruin everything we've worked for, they'd hurt me. I hated him for a while, some would go as far to say we were enemies. Sometimes I still do. I watch his dark brown eyes scan me as he walks, probably out of habit I think. In case I'm armed, which I always am. He knows this.
“Hey Green, get bored of life without me so soon?” I tease him slightly. Which earns me a small smirk.
“Oh yea lifes sooooo fucking boring, i was almost gonna die if you werent on this roof” he speaks sarcastically. He always knows how to push my buttons with his sly comments and snarky attitude.
“Well get to dying asshole, I was just leaving” I say as I lift my legs over the concrete siding to the roof and turn myself around, now facing him before jerking myself off the siding to stand. He pouts his stupid pretty lip as he watches me and crosses his arms a bit
“already? But i just got here”
“well should've got here sooner, green” I smirk a bit as i walk by him, tapping the pad of my pointer finger under his chin as i walk by him. He rolls his eyes but i catch a glimpse of his small smirk
“I have a life, you know, not my fault you don't. Standing on the roof waiting for me all day”. God hes fucking annoying.
“I don't wait for anyone. Certainly not you, in fact I have a group that needs me” i spit as I turned my head just enough to see his snarky look on his face looking back at me already.
“I have a group blahh blahh” he mocks me. He always mocks me.
“Fuck you” i spit.
“fuck you” he immediately says back. I continue walking to the old rusty fire escape, once painted red, on the side of the roof, no longer feeling the need to entertain him.
“When you're done running around like a lost puppy for your group, you know where to find me” he speaks as I grab the handle of the fire escape. I flip him off before sliding down it, what a prick.
I sit up quickly, sliding my phone into the pocket of my weathered and ripped black jeans. I place my hand on the concrete and lift myself to my feet. If I wanted to know what happened, I'd have to go where everything would have started. I look over to the side of the building, i know where all these buildings are placed by now. I know this city like the back of my hand. I turn my body towards the side before getting a running head start, running towards the side and jumping as soon as my foot touches the edge. I watch the roof of the shorter building next door get nearer and I quickly tuck myself, rolling myself safely onto the roof. I stand and head over to the fire escape, grabbing the handle and sliding down it into the alley below. His apartment is only a few blocks from here, that's where i'll start.
I eventually arrived at his apartment building, surely his front door would be locked like it always is. However he leaves the balcony door open for me. I don't even bother checking the front door anymore. The old apartment owner knows me, infact trusts me with his home. Shes very kind. He got really lucky, she would have screwed him on his money so many times. Idiot. I know she’ll let me in, but i don't see why i should worry her. She’d most certainly call the police, thats the last thing he needs.I look into the window first, looking around his dark apartment. The lights are out, a clear indication he's not home. He loves to leave the lights on. His apartment looked like it always did, i took that as a good sign. No sign of a struggle or mess that wasnt already there. I grab the handle of the door and slide it open simultaneously reaching down to my leg harness to retrieve my knife before stepping inside cautiously. My eyes quickly dart around the apartment, scanning for any sign of life besides myself. I keep my footsteps quiet. I start with the kitchen on my left, making my way towards the counter tops. Nothing but dirty dishes fill the sink and empty cups lie across the counter. He was never one for throwing things away, even garbage. Hoarder. I think to myself as i continue making my way along the kitchen tile. The floor is surprisingly clean and white. I reach for the cabinets, checking every one incase he decides to make it a scavenger hunt for me. He loved to put important things in obscure places, only for me to find at the oddest of moments. Some would say it works in his favor. Who would check for a key in the ice cream box in the back of a small freezer? Never thought that'd be where I thought to check for things now. However my looking resulted in nothing. I labeled the kitchen a fail and continued my way towards the living area. It was a small area just beyond the kitchen. There was no wall intercepting the two, I could always see him when he’d go to make us drinks. I'd wait curled up on his light gray sofa wrapped in his dark mauve green blanket he’d occasionally leave on the back of the couch for me. He’d always say it was because he couldn't have a green couch, but I'd say it partially was because it was my favorite blanket of his. I lightly trace the back of it with my fingertips as I make my way around it. The couch wasnt of importance to me right now, however the glass coffee table in front of it had peaked my attention. Sprawled across it was papers, lots of them. A messy handwriting scribbled all about them. It was his. As i make my way to sit down i was immediately startled by a high screeching sound. I hold up my knife out of reflex looking in the direction the loud noise was coming from. It was his pet parrot. the small, pretty green bird in the cage on the other side of the room. She was screeching at me as if she was relieved to see me. I make my way across the room to the small standing cage which only makes her skreich more. I hush her softly concerned the small creature would alert the landlord living in the room not far from his. I grab a cracker from the open bag lying next to the cage
“sh sh okay Nami, calm down. Are you hungry?” As I lifted the cracker up to the cage near her she quickly took it from me. I smiled as i watched her sticking my finger through the cage and gently petting her small head with my pointer finger
“that's it, where's your owner hm?”
She chirps at me “blue. Blue. Blue”
She speaks before proceeding to eat her cracker. She repeats anything she hears often. I always found it a fun way to mess with him, making her repeat embarrassing things or simply something I would say often to throw him off his guard when he hears it. Maybe to make him think of me. clearly she hears my nickname enough to memorize it. I watch her for a moment before drawing a small breath and turning my focus back to the coffee table, “man i wish you could read bird”. I think for a moment as i look at the mess cluttered onto the table. Eventually i finally move my feet, making my way back around the table to the couch and sat down on the couch looking down at all the papers. I grab each one and quickly scan them for any importance. Some bills from his landlord, some mail that looked like spam, but what really caught my eye was the dark brown leather notebook in the middle of it all. It had a thin strap that matched its cover overlapping it and it looked like it had been used for months, a year at least. I carefully unwrap the strap and open it up skimming through each page. My eyebrow furrowed a bit looking through it, it was all his writing. Names and dates and times and places. What the hell is this? As i skim through each name, i come across a few that look familiar. Micheal Rhey.. Walter Thompson.. why do i know these?.. James Roy.. Sam Smith.. wait a minute. I know these, ive worked with them. These are all targets from my missions. The missions i saw him on. The dates matched up perfectly, and everything started to fall into place. These are his clients. These are the people that hire him. They hire him for his little sex work. These are the pedophiles that he puts on his puppy face for, the ones who loves the way he looks like a small boy. The ones he lies to for money. The ones that absolutely disgusted me. I hated every second i had to speak with them. I hated the way they spoke and shot their crooked smile at everyone, they knew exactly what they were doing. It made my stomach turn every time he sat on their lap or laughed at their pervy jokes for some simple bucks, even before I tolerated him. I immediately turned to the last page, assuming that would lead me to his latest client. Xxxxx xxxxx - the date was yesterday. Ding ding, we've got a winner. The name doesn't look familiar to me. I tear the page out of the book, folding it before sticking it into my pocket. Lucky for me finding people is my specialty, and I just happen to know a guy.
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
Curl Up
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Media Pistol
Character Malcolm
Couple Malcolm X Reader
Rating Sweet
Concept Aftermath
Warnings For fights and Abuse
I stood in my apartment listening to my records as I worked on dinner. It wasn't much but it would do for now. Often hearing people shouting in the streets and cars rushing around in the dark outside my window. I jumped a little as I heard a knocking on my door. Perhaps the neighbourhood got locked out again or something so I set everything to simmer and headed through the living room and down the long corridor to my front door unlocking it and opening it to see a sight I didn't really expect. In the pale concrete corridor of my apartment building stood a very frustrated Malcolm.
In his usual shoes, his leather trousers tight to his thin legs, his off-white sleeveless shirt with the two cowboys touching tips, his leather jacket over him, a duffle bag beside him on the floor and another bag of some sort over his shoulder, blood dripping down from his temple.
I didn't need to be a genius to figure out what happened here.
"Viv kick you out?" I asked and he nodded a little sheepishly "fine" I sighed opening the door to let him in he picked up his bag and headed inside so I shut and locked the door behind him "at this point I'm gonna have to start charging you" 
He dumped his bags and sat on my sofa stealing my lighter to have a cigarette so I went over resting my hands on my hips 
"What happened?"
"Some cunts thought a brick through the window" he says having a long drag of the cigarette 
"Oh god" I gasped "didn't hit your head?"
"No. Viv did that. Technically a lamp but" he shrugs 
I sighed going to my bathroom to get my first aid kit sitting on the sofa with him giving it a clean up even if he complained "you don't need stitches luckily just a graze" I told him as I began bandaging it for "so I'm assuming there's some in-between of the brick through the window and the lamp to your temple?" 
"Not really the brick came through she accused me of putting her and the kids in danger, sent them to there room, started going off at me about the shop and about every I said don't like it get the hell out, she said it's her apartment I should fuck off I'm putting the kids at risk, I said I don't give a shit about her kids but your not keeping my son from me, she said I never see him anyway and threw the lamp at my head, so I packed my stuff and she threw me out. again." 
"I mean… I'm not saying you deserved a lamp to the head" I sighed taking my first aid kit back and returning to cooking dinner adding some bits and bobs as I guarantee he hadn't eaten yet "one of these days she going to kick you out and not let you back in" 
"Oh I'm sure of it" he sighed "at least I have you" he says coming and wrapping his arms around me having dumped his jacket on the sofa leaning his chin on my shoulder
"My sofa that cosy?"
"No it's the second most uncomfortable place I have ever slept. But it's nice to be able to come here and have you clean me up. It helps"
"Helps what?"
"Helps me…feel better"
"Naawwwwww" I Cooed 
"Shut up" he sighed 
"Adorable Malcolm"
"I mean it, it's nice having somewhere else to go. Else I'd end up in Denmark street sleeping on Steve's spare mattress"
"Ohhh yeah I don't even sit on that thing I'm afraid I'll somehow get pregnant just from sitting on it"
"So do I" he sighed "thank you for letting me stay"
"It's fine can't send you out onto the streets" I smiled softly petting his hair twisting my fingers in the slightly knotted curls 
"No? You won't kick me out into the cold like an alley cat?"
"No you can stay. Maybe if you have a shower you can snuggle at the foot of my bed" 
"Tempting, I always end up in your bed anyway" he Cooes 
"I know something that help you feel better"
"Ohhh? Don't keep me in suspense" he smirked nibbling at my neck
"Ice cream?"
"Ice cream sounds perfect" 
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ipromiseicanexplain · 2 years
Until I Found You - Chapter 1
Notes: darkiplier x reader, I tried to keep it gender neutral. This first chapter is just setting up the story. I'll try update soon to actually get into it.
TW: violence, blood, assault
You woke up on the cold, hard, stony floor of an alleyway. You pushed yourself off the ground and rubbed your eyes. It was dark enough that a few stars were visible but there was still some colour in the sky. You looked around and realised you didn’t recognise anything around you. Your head seemed perfectly clear. You felt fine, but you couldn’t remember very much. You didn’t know where you were or how you got here. There were people dressed in all black with masks over their faces and eyes. You wouldn’t be able to ID any of them. You felt a drop in your stomach as they started stepping closer to you, drawing out small knives and holding them out ready. You looked around for a potential exit but they had you surrounded. Your stomach dropped. There was no way for you to get out of this. One stepped forward in front of the others and started speaking to you in a low gravely voice.
“Y/N. You have to come with us. Now.” You shook your head and stepped a small step back.
“No, no. You- you must have the wrong person.” he chuckled lowly and stepped closer to you again.
There was a stabbing pain in the back of your head and the sound of a glass bottle smashing filled your ears. You fell to the ground and your vision started going out of focus and hazy. Not so hazy that you didn’t notice the flash of yellow in front of you. A massive contrast to the world around it. You thought it was talking to you. It snapped at you and things came into focus again. It was a man. With a pink moustache. He had a yellow button-up shirt, light brown khaki pants, and pink suspenders.
“Hey there friend, nothing to worry about. We’re gonna make sure everything’s alright” One of the other people there started to move towards him but he pulled out a gun and shot them. They fell to the ground and the blood started to seep from underneath them. You looked further down the alley and there was another man fighting your attackers. From what you could see, he was wearing a dark suit. He slashed at someone’s throat with one of his daggers and twisted his body towards you. A small piece of hair fell down in front of his eyes and he paused for a moment before twisting back around to slash at the person again. He had the same face as the man standing in front of you. You looked back at the man who had spoken to you and found that he was staring at you with raised eyebrows, expecting something. Did he ask me something?
“What’s your name?”
“My name is Wilford Warfstache.”
“What is going on, I- I don’t know where I am and these people! Who are these people” your face was heating up and your heart started to beat faster and faster as you realised how weird this was. Wilford and the other man had continued to fight a lot of the other people there but the last of them ran away. Wilford started to race after them, gesturing with his gun as he ran.
“Wilford. Get them, let's go.” Wilford grabbed my arm and in a split second we were out of the alley and standing in the doorway of a house. A big house. Wilford opened the door for you and bowed at you playfully and gestured for you to enter first.
“They’re back”. There were 6 other men in the living room through the door on the left, and they all had the same face as the two men who came to get you in the alley. There was someone dressed in a doctor’s coat, another like Indiana Jones, someone dressed in a trenchcoat with a bandana over his eyes, one of them was in a dark blue shirt with a ‘G’ on it, another with a black singlet that said ‘bing’, and the final person was in a plain white shirt and black jeans. You were soon acquainted with Dr Iplier, Illinois, The Host, The Jim’s, and Yancy. The Doctor took you into the medbay to check up on how you were doing. You stepped into the sterile white room and the Doctor gestured towards one of the beds and asked you to take a seat. He gently cleaned the wound on your head but luckily you didn’t have a concussion. Other than that, you were a pretty healthy person. After you had been given the all-clear, Dr Iplier left the room and came back with Darkiplier.
“So, you’ll be staying here with us. Any questions?” Darkiplier said as he stepped closer to the bed you were sitting on.
Wilford, Yancy, and Illinois took you around the manor, giving you a tour of where you’d be staying. They finally took you to your room. You were on the same floor as Darkiplier (as well as his study), Wilford, Illinois, and Yancy. The Host, Dr Iplier, and the Jim’s were on the next floor. They explained that they ate dinner together every night, with everyone taking turns to make it (With Wilford making desserts when he wanted to) and had a movie night at least once a month. They left you in your room understanding how tired you would be.
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phonkg · 3 months
02 // #0560 - Manic
"Scrafty, the Hoodlum Pokémon, Dark and Fighting Type. They can smash concrete blocks with their kicking attacks. The one with the biggest crest is the group leader. The group leader also tends to be the one that sacrifices." — Scrafty's Pokédex Entry
In a deal, both parties must be truthful and trustful.
If one were to deceive, the whole operation goes to hell.
The bridge falls, and a war commences.
Such is the unspoken rule of the streets.
Credibility is a mandatory requirement to start a business.
And sometimes... some kicks and punches are needed, too.
.   .   .   .   .   .
15 October 491
I turn sixteen today, the minimum age for the gang to allow a Scraggy to go see how a transaction works.
Walking into the alley of our turf, I feel so much safer already. It's basically like a home to me now, not that I had a home to begin with.
There's only about seven or eight people here, maybe they're out there doing business. The alley's still lively, though.
Ayy, Chrys! 'sup with you, man?
A Scrafty calls for me.
...nothin' much, Theon. Where the rest of 'em go?
Dealin'. Heard it's our biggest shot yet.
Heck, even the leader went as well. You know, be the representative and shit.
That's a good thing, right...? We might just get famous from this.
Still, it sounds too good to be true, Chrys. Too good...
Hey, Chrys, Theon!
Another Scraggy comes over to us, carrying some zip bags with them.
Look what I've found. Some leftovers from previous deals.
You sure got a lot of them.
Fuck yeah! What do we got here? LSD, some mushrooms, weed... sure, it's leftovers, but it doesn't matter if it works.
By the way... Chrys, your birthday's this week, yeah?
It's today, actually.
Nice timing, then. You're sixteen now, should be able to take one of these!
Aughn tries to toss me a bag of crystal.
I... I don't think I'm ready for it yet. I swiftly put it back.
Yeah, I'll pass.
Oh, come on. Grow a pair of balls, already. Once you get a taste of it, you'll never have enough, man!
Heh heh, I'm just scared of its side effects...
It's nothing to worry about. You have us, right here! These are the finest shit in Zeroid, you know? You're missing out...
Chrys just turned sixteen, Aughn. Sooner or later, he's gonna acquire a taste for these by himself.
Now, just leave him be. It's not like we're gonna stop making these.
...pass me the cannabis.
Well... okay, if you say so.
Then, I'll have these all by myself! See ya, suckers!
Heh, get outta here.
Aughn picks up all the bags and leaves.
Theon really saved me just now. It's not like I don't want to do it, it's that... I can't get over my own moral principles yet...
I feel like I've been left out from the group if I don't do it, but still...
Maybe I should've at least tried...
Don't do it if you don't want it. Aughn committed his entire future into this, that's why he does it.
You, however, don't HAVE to stay here, get me? Zeroid's so big that it's impossible to starve to death here.
There's a lot of other things to do other than being a pusher.
The Scrafty ignites the joint he just rolled up and takes a puff.
This IS where I belong. I have nowhere else to go anymore.
If I have to be a filthy drug seller to stay, so be it. I have friends here that understand and accept me, after all. That's all I need.
Chrys, do you want to...
...no, never mind.
He hands me the joint, before pulling it back.
What's that supposed to mean? That I don't have the balls to take even a joint?!
Don't look down on me, I can take it!
I snatch his spliff.
To show that I ain't a fucking pussy.
He takes it back almost instantly.
His eyes... I've never seen Theon staring at me like that.
...huff. Don't ever do that again.
You do this to anybody else, and you'll be dead in a second.
Besides... weed's the low tier one. Trust me, you'll grow over it in just a week.
I've seen you taking that for years...
People take drugs for the 'high'. This is enough high for me.
Enough 'bout that. So Chrys, have you been practising your headbutting...
Several Scrafties come running back to the turf. Their words send us all in shock, especially since some of them were originally Scraggies.
They evolved... which only means that something bad has happened... they witnessed something they shouldn't.
What happened?
We were supposed to meet up with the Toxtricities... some group of fucks showed up and fucked us over...
They took our shit and... leader's killed.
That shook us all.
Our leader's... dead? The most powerful Scrafty of us all... killed?
That's... a hard pill to swallow.
Shit, what do we do now...!?
How the fuck should I know?! We suffer severe loss, and our boss dead...
I evolved, after seeing him killed... it's traumatising...
What's gonna happen to us...?
Theon lets out a loud cry and quiets down the entire alley.
Okay, guys, listen to me. I know y'all are devastated now, but it's situations like these that we must remain calm and not running around, screaming.
If the leader's no more... we simply have to pick a new one.
Call everybody here. We'll be having a meeting, pronto.
O... okay!
With that, the gang starts moving again.
That's impressive, being able to sort things out immediately...
Maybe him being a Scrafty ain't something coincidental.
Alright, everyone's present, I think.
What's the ruckus about, man?
Idris' dead. The deal's a bust.
What, the leader!? Holy shit...
So we're gonna pick our new boss now, huh? Who wants to be?
The gang falls silent.
Not a surprise. A leader has to organise the entire group and look after all the members. It's far from an easy task.
The Scraggies and Scrafties look at each other. The panic only rises.
Oh, come the fuck on! Without a leader, we'll be fucked! We're in Zeroid, man! We won't survive a day here...
Quit whining, dude. You complaining is just gonna fuck us over even more.
I'm just here for the acid. Count me out of this confusing shit...
Is no one gonna do it!?
Out of nowhere, Aughn raises his hand.
Theon should do it.
What you talkin' about?
Look. Theon's been a Scrafty the longest here. Plus, he's got a working brain. And he showed us his capability to put us all in order just now, didn't he?
Any objections?
It falls silent again.
Great! If that's the case, Theon'll be our new boss! Meeting adjourned!
What the fuck, man?! I didn't ask for this!
Aw, have faith, bro. I've known you for years, you can do it.
You think I want to be a Scrafty!?
Look, just do this for the gang, a'ight? We really need a capable leader, and you're the perfect candidate.
Do this for our sake, okay?
...I... agh, for fuck's sake.
Fine, I'll do it.
Ayy...! I know you'll handle it just fine.
Aughn slaps on Theon's shoulder, before leaving the scene.
What a turn of events! You're the mothafuckin' boss now!
Yeah, heh heh...
Sorry, Chrys. Was about to treat you since it's your birthday... but I don't think I can walk away now.
Here. 1500 bucks. Go get yourself something good to eat.
He just hands me some money to treat myself.
I really wanted to help, but it seems like it's final. Theon always babies me, or everyone that's not a Scrafty.
Th... thanks.
If we got everything settled down and there's another deal, I'll bring you along, 'kay?
That'd be great...
Holding onto the money, I get off the alleyway.
How am I gonna spend this fifteen hundred...?
...there goes another birthday again.
A handful of shit happened, I shouldn't ask too much...
.   .   .   .   .   .
19 October 491   >> 4 days later
It's been four days after our previous leader died and Theon took over.
With him on lead, our gang didn't succumb to the harshness of Zeroid. In fact, we got the business back to working almost instantly thanks to him.
Hey, Chrys. Looked everywhere for ya, man.
What's the big deal?
Exactly. We're gonna have another deal today. You'll be coming.
I take some time to process that.
Ready up. We'll be heading out later. This is our first time dealin' with a human.
A human!?
We're pushing to a human? Our business has expanded this quick already?
Yeah dude. Including you and me, there'll be seven members going. The rest will have to stay, though. A shame for them, but we can't risk leaving our turf empty...
What do you say? Wanna come?
O... of course I'm coming!
A deal between a Pokémon and a human... it's definitely a huge breakthrough for us.
There's no way I'm not going.
I... I'm gonna go prep up...
Hurry up, eh? We'll be leaving soon.
I can't hide my excitement...
Can't believe my first shot will be this big...
...I'll certainly learn a lot from this.
.   .   .   .   .   .
On our way to the meet up spot.
It looks like I'm not the only Scraggy here, there are other young 'uns and rookies like me.
And I get to hold the package. A ten kilos suitcase with all kinds of shit in it.
Doing this with a human... how sick is that?!
Hey, Chrys, you excited 'bout this, right?
Heh heh, chill...
Chrys' right. Don't panic. Us Scrafties have done this countless times. Relax.
...it should be this street here. Nice choice, all secluded and stuff. Looks like this human's a veteran, too...
Chrys, protect the products, okay? It worths a lot.
I know. Don't need you to remind me.
We all patiently wait for our guest to arrive.
Soon enough, a Flygon slowly descends from the sky and lands in front of us.
...about time.
A man gets down from the saddle.
There are scarves on both the man and Flygon's necks.
Thanks for the ride, Kale.
What an entrance.
An adventurer, huh? That's something new, ain't it?
I'm Theon. Pleased to make this transaction.
He offers his hand out to shake, but the man seems to not take that offer.
This is your small little gang, hm.
Show me the stuff.
A little rude, but I guess if you have the cash to...
As soon as Theon turns around...
...a gunshot.
That was a gunshot.
And a headshot.
In that split second, the man draws out a pistol...
...and kills Theon.
I was praying for it to be a one-shot kill, since Scrafties do have hard skulls...
After a cry, the Flygon stomps the ground.
Several rocks erupt from the ground and cut off our way back. We have been surrounded...
Theon... THEON...
His body... his corpse falls in front of me.
It's... it's... blood...
Holy shit...
At that moment, my body begins to glow. The fear, the dread... all of 'em are too much for me...
I evolve, into a Scrafty.
I... I...
The man tosses out a Poké Ball, summoning a Swampert.
It's around that time that I see just how dangerous a ruthless trainer can be.
A... a trainer...
The two Pokémons let out a roar.
RUN, MAN, I...
A Scrafty blocks in front of me, only for him to be slammed away by the Swampert.
The rest come to help as well.
GET OUT OF HERE, CHRYS. You have the stuff... protect them with your fucking life...
The Swampert returns and lunges at them. One of the Scrafties clenches his fist, hoping to clash with it.
Only to be assaulted by the Flygon with its tail, which knocks him away and deals major damage.
Holy shit... this ain't good, this ain't good...
We have to get the trainer... GET THE TRAINER...!
Several Scrafties then rush towards the human.
Hmph. Going for me, huh?
We thought if we get the boss, his Pokémons will no longer be the threats.
Turns out, he’s the biggest threat.
He unholsters his pistol again, and fires some quick bullets...
...all of which hit the attackers’ head accurately.
...don’t ever underestimate us humans.
Our group is almost wiped out.
I muster all the remaining courage I can squeeze out from myself, and manage to stand up.
Checking the rocks, I find an opening that I can fit through.
I... need to tell them...
I need to run. I have to run.
All of them died protecting this suitcase I’m carrying... they died for a profit they won’t get... I have to avenge them.
Avenge Theon...
A deep breath taken, I run towards the opening.
Run... Chrys...
Return, Nile.
...they should have a main base nearby.
Follow that Scrafty, Kale. He’ll lead us to them.
.   .   .   .   .   .
I scurry, and before I know it, I’ve returned.
How am I gonna tell ‘em? That our recently chosen leader is dead again...?
I am so scared, I really am. Witnessing my friends and my brethrens killed in front of me, instead of anger, I was fearful... running away from their corpses...
How much can I take... before I fucking lose it!?
Aughn appears behind me.
Hold on... you’re Chrys?
Holy shit, you evolved...! And... what the fuck happened, man, you got blood all over!
It’s not my blood...
It’s Theon’s...
He... he’s dead...?
I silently nod.
You’re shitting me, right, Chrys?
He grabs my shoulders and shakes me.
He couldn’t take it in.
...can’t blame him. I couldn’t take it in, either. Even if I saw it happened right in front of me...
...I still can’t believe Theon’s dead... along with the rest.
So this is where you’re hiding...
It’s the scarfed Flygon and the human.
They followed me... back to the turf.
You know, you have that Scrafty to thank for. He leads to your gang’s demise.
Now then...
...to finish an adventurer’s job.
Another gunshot.
...through Aughn’s skull.
Scums like you don’t deserve to have mercy anymore.
His body falls on me and both of us drop to the ground.
How many have you killed with your products, huh?
He fires another bullet towards Aughn, intending for it to pierce through and kill me.
Come, Kale. There’s more to finish off.
They soon left the scene.
Aughn’s body rests on me. I can’t move it... I don’t want to move it...
I’m afraid...
I just... want to... sleep it all away...
Aughn’s so warm... I know it’s gonna turn cold soon...
I don’t... want to wake up...
.   .   .   .   .   .
It is night.
I can feel... pecking...? And... something else’s moving...
I move Aughn’s corpse away... only to find some maggots around him and some on myself.
I quickly shake them off.
As for the pecking, it’s the Fletchlings, which fly away from my scream.
Aughn... can’t even recognise his face anymore...
I look at his carcass. The maggots crawling around him really makes me wanna puke.
But this solidifies one fact... he’s dead... and probably the rest of them, too...
I only manage to survive because the bullet meant for me got stuck in Aughn’s hard skull.
He protected me better dead... than I do for my gang alive...
...funny. How funny.
Everyone’s gone...
I lure him into the alley... in other words...
I... killed them all.
I sit down and lean against the wall.
I look at my hand... heh, all this so that my skin tone could be darker and have a mohawk crest.
I... fucked us all.
Me running away... fucked the whole gang up...
I’m so sorry, Theon, Aughn...
...the suitcase...
...yeah, the products...
I pull the suitcase closer, opening it.
Ten kilos worth of shit. Cocaine, acid, meth...
Aughn tried to feed me one of those, but I couldn’t do it...
...and now...
...anything... that can make me forget this shitshow...
...even for just a minute... will do...
Meth... meth should do...
I take out the bag of ice, and pour some of them into my palm.
I think I saw them snorting it in... I guess I’ll do the same...
...ACHOO...!! Shit...
I sneeze it out. This shit’s real irritating, how’d they do it daily?
But... I think it’s kicking in...
Heh heh heh... holy shit, it really works...
Holy shit... calm down first...
...LET’S... HEH HEH... don’t get too ahead of myself...
Ten kilos... that’s a lot...
...maybe I can... push them myself...
...then... with the money I got... I can start a gang...
It doesn’t matter if I have to do this... be a fucking filthy ass pusher... IT DOESN’T MATTER!!
...you’ll be proud of me, right?
...please... just forgive me...
end of transmission, 19 / 10 / 491
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Henry Danger Reader Insert | Captain Man x Reader: SEASON 5
Episode 3: Thumb War Part 1
~Downtown Swellview, in backstreet alley~
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Oh, (y/n) loved this job.  Some women got to jet all over the world and drink cocktails for a living, which genuinely happened to this one girl she knew in college - Melanie something or other. Yeah, good old Mel got to spend her evenings in Bora Bora watching the sunset, others got to relax in their penthouse suites after a gruelling day in court as a sleek, successful lawyer, whose biggest worry is what to order at the five-star restaurant they dine at every night. 
(y/n)'s nights were different. There was no sunset, the concrete jungle took care of that by hiding the horizon. She certainly wasn't being wined and dined with filet mignon and a Bordeaux, no, she and Ray didn't have that kind of money. What they did have was emergencies coming out of their ears because as usual, the criminals didn't come to Captain Man and co, they went to them.
That's how they'd ended up in one of the grottiest, grossest areas in all of Swellview--and believe me, Swellview had quite a few. It was dark, duh, because there could never be a crime on a nice, sunny day in one of the posh estates, and there was no one around--the perfect place for a nice robbery or murder. Yeah, their criminal had decided to make a shady backstreet carlot his digs, but whatever, they'd been in worse spots. 
And the guy wasn't even that big of a deal. Sure, he was a pain in the ass, but whatever criminal wasn't? Stainless Steve was hardly gonna go down as the world's greatest mastermind, rather the wackiest. His entire get-up made him look like an oven-ready turkey--all wrapped up in aluminium clothing. Steel shoes, steel-lined, foil clothing, dyed silver hair with added shiny highlights and gloves with iron knuckledusters under the metallic padding. 
He looked weird, really weird, but no matter how tough he thought he was, beating him up was a walk in the park for Captain Man and Miss Danger tag-teamed him, with the kid watching on the sidelines. A few punches from the hero here, a couple of kicks from the heroine there and Steve was getting tired. It wasn't glamorous by any means but god, she loved this job.
Ray grunted as he sucker-punched the metal man across his cheeks, making him collapse onto his knees as his face stung from the impact. Captain Man's strength was living up to its name, but the worse was yet to come. As he knelt, defeated on the ground but just gathering his energy to give the smirk hero a taste of his own medicine, (y/n) swooped in with a sharp kick to the chest, metal boot hitting metal jacket, and Steve stayed down. Probably a wise choice to stay there and wheeze as Ray grinned and pecked at his girl's lips for being so goddamn hot.
"You wanna tag in, kid?" The man asked his other sidekick as he pulled away from his blushing finacée so Henry could get some action. They'd been doing all the heavy lifting for the last ten minutes, wanting to do some couple fighting since they bounced off how hot the other was when throwing fists, but now, the kid looked like he was itching to do something useful. So, they elected to take a break as he was doing now, after all, a mid-battle kiss and cuddle wasn't so bad, was it?
"Yeah, yeah, yeah! You work on this sandwich, I'll work on Stainless Steve!" Henry garbled through a mouthful of PB and J. A mid-battle snack wasn't so bad either and Ray was endlessly hungry so he didn't mind splitting it with the kid, who was already springing to his feet at the opportunity of going to pound town on this clown.
"Deal. We'll munch, you punch." Ray grinned as they high-fived on the way past, Ray snatching the half-eaten sandwich as he guided (y/n) over to an oil drum. He could perch her on his knee and lavish his attention on her with kisses, sweet words and soft touches whilst his other sidekick burnt off some steam. And he got an evening morsel--win-win.
"I'd much rather work on you, Captain..." The woman teased her lover as Ray took a seat, causing his smirk to grow even wider. She too sat down, feeling emboldened under his dark gaze and how eating the sandwich was the last thing on his mind when he had an angel tempting him in ways that shouldn't have been possible. Perhaps he had to keep an eye on Henry too, but that didn't mean he could multitask. Kid, sandwich, hot future wife, he could do that.
"I'm gonna wreck you, Kid Danger," Steve growled as he slowly stood up, his chest and face still aching from the couple's assault, but he was less concerned about them. Sure, Captain Man and his girlfriend or whatever she was these days could take him but now it was just him versus a skinny, pathetic child. What could go wrong?
"Yeah, I don't think so, Steve. I have super-fast reflexes, so don't even try--" Henry chuckled with his boss at how cocky the villain was. He was the one with the superpower, he could move super-fast, no one else, Steve was fighting a losing battle, at least that's what they all thought. So, when the metal man backhanded the kid across the face before he could even finish his sentence, it came as quite a shock. Who was the cocky one now?
"Oh! Nice shot, Steve!" Ray exclaimed, shooting up from the oil drum so quickly that (y/n) nearly lost her balance. What gives? She was pulling out all of her best moves; fluttering eyelashes, big, doe eyes, innocent kisses to his cheek that then drifted to his jaw or lips, she wanted to seduce him and yet he was now preoccupied with how much Henry was sucking and that damn sandwich. Huh...rude.
"Don't compliment the criminal!" (y/n) snapped at her stupid doofus, who pouted when she took a speedy bite out of the PB and J to ruffle his feathers. Normally, the girl wasn't in the habit of sharing one snack between herself and two others but if she wasn't gonna get any kisses then she might as well do something else, and her sulking made Ray smile. He couldn't wait to take her home.
"Okay, you know what? That's it." Henry grumbled, having had enough toying with the guy, he just needed to let off some steam. No one punched Kid Danger, made him look like an idiot and got away to tell the tale. Looking over his shoulder, the teen whacked Stainless Steve repeatedly in the nose, his hands moving so fast that they became a red and blue blur. And Ray was loving it, his little movements and shimmies in time with every beat were so adorable as he watched his youngest sidekick beat the crap out of the guy, fists thumping against the metal but never tiring.
Henry gripped the criminal's jacket as his punches jackhammered the man's face, spreading pain throughout his nose until the guy couldn't take it anymore. His eyes rolled back and the kid knew he was done, so he relented to catch his breath and to watch Steve go floppy in unconsciousness.
"Careful, don't fall." He warned him breathlessly, even though he knew that the man was out for the count and couldn't hear him even if he wanted to, so it was no surprise when he fell back onto the ground with a scraping thud. "Aw, you forgot to be careful..." 
"Hey, nice job, K-D!" (y/n) grinned at the boy, strolling over to his side to share a fist bump with him since he'd pulled some pretty sick moves there. She never tired of seeing his lightning reflexes in action, just like he never tired of seeing all of her bruises disappear in under ten seconds. 
God, he wished he had that, his knuckles seriously needing icing, but that would have to wait until they got back to the Man Cave and he dreaded hearing Ray's complaints about how he wanted his fiancée all to himself after taking down one of the most irritating criminals in the city. Still, what needed to be done had to be done and his hands were sore.
"Thanks, Miss Danger," he grinned at the woman as his tender knuckles met her healed ones before he turned to Ray, who was still munching the sandwich, "okay, let's call the cops and have them come pick up this--yo! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Watch out! Wath out!"
"Holy shit, turn around, doofus!" But suddenly, there was no option for going back to the Man Cave. The hero stood there obliviously as his sidekicks watched in horror at how a Mini Cooper hurtled towards him in reverse. They had no time to react to how random it was, just that Ray was standing there eating like nothing was wrong because he was completely unaware that he was about to be flattened, and as usual, he thought their warning meant nothing. What a doofus.
"Watch out for what?" He asked in confusion but there was no urgency or worry in his voice and neither was he in a rush to do what they said. The danger was over, they'd caught the bad guy, kicked his ass and now, it was time for them to relax. All this hurrying wasn't his style, not when he had a half-decent sandwich in his hand and his eyes on the most beautiful woman in the world. Who'd want to turn their back on her?
"Just turn around, please!"
"Doofus, for the love of God, just turn around! Please, if you love me, turn around!" The boy and woman pleaded with him, wanting to avert disaster before it struck. Of course, it wasn't as if Ray would die or be seriously injured if he got hit, his indestructibility would protect him but that still didn't make it okay to just stand back and watch. He was their friend, boss, lover, and brother from another mother, whatever their connection, they cared about him and seeing him be run over by a tiny yet powerful British car made them cringe. If only he'd listen.
"Sweet girl, you know I can't take my eyes off you. I'm not losing the sight of you standing there, looking all pretty for you, the kid or anybody..." Oh, god. Should she melt or punch him for being a lovable idiot? 
"Move out of the way! We're not joking, dude!"
"I can't hear you, there's like a car coming or--" Too late. Oh well, at least Henry and (y/n) could say that they tried to save him, and it was Ray's fault that he was catapulted halfway across the parking lot when the Mini backed into him. To be fair, if it wasn't her beloved moron, the woman probably would've laughed at how comical it was to see a huge man fly through the air screaming, only to land on the concrete with a small squeak. However, when that squeak had such a familiar groan following it, all her heart could do was tense in worry.
"Oh my god!" She shrieked and ran after him, Henry quickly on her tail as tears sprung in her eyes, although they'd never fall. Now was not the time for sentiment, now was the time to make sure that he was okay--and he was. Captain Man is always okay if a little embarrassed.
"Dude, you all right?" Henry panted as they skidded to the spot where Ray had finally stopped rolling. He was moaning and groaning, perhaps a little delirious from the pain of a fall and blunt force trauma that would kill anyone else, but apart from that, he was still dumb old Ray.
"Yeah, I'm o...okay!" The hero groaned as the pain fizzled out and his vision cleared from the blurriness, bringing his friend and sweet girl back into focus. Aw, she did look all pretty tonight and the only thing that marred her exquisite features was the worry etched across her face from how he stumbled over his words. Well, he'd sooner put an end to that.
"Are you sure, doofus? How are you feeling?" (y/n) asked as she knelt to brush the back of her fingers across his forehead, which was slightly clammy and sticky from the fight and impact but she knew that that dopey look on his face wasn't due to a concussion, neither was her grabbing her hand to squeeze through the pain. He was on manoeuvres.
"Like I'm on cloud nine when I look at you, baby," Ray replied with a toothy grin, making her face burn as Henry groaned. Great, he got all concerned for nothing when in reality, his boss was just gonna use this as an excuse to have a nurse tonight--and he did not want to see or hear that.
"Oh, god. He's fine!" Henry argued, knowing that whilst some doctors might think the man was on some pretty strong hallucinogenic painkillers or something, the reality was that his brain was like that twenty-four-seven.
"I think I might need a kiss to make it better..." was his tongue-in-cheek reply. Oh, the gall of this guy. Whilst (y/n) laughed, Henry wrinkled his nose and turned his back, bored at how with every passing day, with every step closer they got to finally tying the knot, they got touchier and grosser. 
He refused to look as the girl bent to seal their lips together, the sweetest medicine Ray could've received and suddenly, the residual pain faded away and in its place, a burst of energy arrived. Call it energy or desire but Ray quickly felt the need to return home as he sat up in that dimly lit parking lot, following her lips as she pulled away after a minute. If they were at home, he could pull her to a private corner or pull her back down for more but it was cold and open here, not the place for him to go in a second time.
"Later, doofus. We still need to deal with Stainless Steve." (y/n) reminded him as she sat back on her haunches before straightening to her full height. She wouldn't mind playing nurse and indulging him when then they were safely back at the Man Cave, just not when they had work to do first. All that needed doing was getting Steve to jail and then they could revert to their normal lives. Duty first, pleasure second, that's how it went for them.
"Ugh, fine! Let's call the cops on this bozo, they can deal with him." Ray conceded, agreeing that they couldn't have another blood bank incident where they leave the criminal to return to his devices. They began to stroll back to the spot where Steve had been lying, but things weren't as they had left them.
Their criminal was gone, no longer on the ground where Henry had dropped him and in his place, there was a camera crew and that pretty young reporter from KLVY News. Huh. Odd. The news must've gotten wind of what they were up to because they hadn't made the call and no one was around to witness the fighting occurring. Very strange, indeed.
"Uh, guys. Why are they here?" (y/n) asked her doofus and friend as their relaxed stroll picked up into a brisk pace. She thought she'd heard voices earlier but she'd just put it down to kids or some low-level criminals hanging around in the shadows; not once had she expected it to be a camera crew ready for an interview. Okay, that was fine, she could do an interview, it wasn't like she was the sole speaker and they didn't frighten her as they once did. No, this was weird but fine, just another factor in a normal night for them.
"They're probably here to interview us, sweetheart, y'know, 'cause we're superheroes. Come on..." Ray grinned at the thought of being in the limelight and basking in the glory that came with yet another successful takedown of a pesky criminal who blighted the city. He'd take the lion's share of the camera and fame and (y/n) was fine with that; whatever was left could go to Henry because her idea of hell was performing in front of the nation as they scrutinised her every move.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, we need to tell them about the fight!" Henry grinned and sped up into a jog with the couple so they could catch the woman and her crew before they left the scene. This was as close as he'd get to being thanked for what he did, so he took every opportunity to let the praise wash over him, even if Henry Hart would never be thanked or acknowledged.
And so, they skidded to a halt in front of the camera and a frankly stunned reporter, panting from the sudden exercise but they'd made it and that's all that mattered. But what was odd was that the woman didn't look happy to see them, more surprised or dare (y/n) guess...disgusted, uninterested? That was new.
"Hey! Hey! What's up?!"
"What's going on? We're here!" The boys rambled as they swiftly smoothed their hair and painted their best smiles on their faces as they stared down the lens of the camera. Miss Danger settled for just standing there with a soft smile on her face; they could do all the talking because she guaranteed that their words would be infinitely better than whatever she could come up with.
"Are we on the news?"
"Are we live right now?"
"Yes!" Well, that answered those questions. Without even batting an eyelid, the reporter pushed her shock to the back of her mind and tightened her smile, moving on like the interruption was a mere bump in the road for her. Three superheroes coming out of nowhere and crashing her report? That was nothing and she quickly accommodated them, including them because after what she'd just witnessed, she'd love to get their reaction.
"As you can see, I am now with Captain Man, Miss Danger and Kid Danger." She grinned into the camera, pausing to look at the heroes in turn as they lined up, Ray subtly taking his sweet girl's hand to remind her that he was there. Like he always said when she worried about being on TV, it wasn't something to stress about, only a chance for them to revel in their excellence--y'know, the usual bigheaded crap that she only tolerated from him.
"So...what's up?" 
"Huh, what's up? What do you mean?"
"What's up with you? What do you mean?" The question came as a surprise for the trio because it was so basic and generic, not the usual snappy ones they got, which were all about finding out the who, when and why.
"What do you want?" Okay, then... This had suddenly gotten very awkward. They were heroes, they'd just defeated a bad guy and a news crew had turned up. What did she think they wanted?
"Well, I figured you'd wanna interview us about Stainless Steve and uh, the people of Swellview might wanna know that the city is safe once again..." Ray replied, smirking as he inclined his head towards the presumably grateful audience at home, but that was when something became very apparent to his sidekicks. Something was lacking, something missing and it was kind of a problem.
"Uh, dude, dude, dude, dude!"
"....thanks to us, so you're welcome--what, what, what?! You're not seeing me on the news?!" Ray snapped as Henry and (y/n) prodded his arm, vying for his attention so they could point out their problem. It was rather important, so even if he got pissed at them, not that he would over such a trivial thing, they did it anyway.
"Uh, Captain, Stainless Steve is gone."
"What?" Ray gawped at his girl's face before taking a look around. She was right too; Steve was gone, vanished, stolen, whatever, he wasn't in the spot where they'd left him. What the--- did they miss something? They'd only been gone a second and in that time, their man had done a runner right before they could slap the cuffs on him.
"Where'd Stainless Steve go?" Ray stuttered, looking just as lost as his sidekicks because they could swear that he was out for the count when he'd been rammed by that rogue car, Great, that was them not going home tonight, it looks like they were off on a search for the metal man, but strangely, the reporter had all the answers.
"He was captured by The Thumb Buddies!" She told them, changing her voice at the end to sound proud and dramatic, but she wasn't making any sense to the three. The what? Seriously, had they missed something? Was she saying that somebody else had stolen their win?
"I'm so sorry, what did you say?" Ray and Henry stuttered as they tried to understand what she was telling them. Not being praised and showered with gratitude was like a slap to the face and Ray found himself needing the support from holding his girl's hand, not the other way around, because what the hell?
"You sound like you said somebodys. Did you say somebody's?"
"We captured Stainless Steve--I don't know what she's saying, I'm just trying to explain to her that they and I captured Stainless Steve..."
"Yeah, I don't think she's listening." (y/n) stopped the boys' ramblings as she caught sight of the woman's glazed, empty stare and how she had that expression on her face that only came with experience. Y'know, that expression you develop after dealing with men for most of your adult life; the nod-and-pretend-you're-listening face for when they keep talking and won't shut up. Most journalists have them and this one was just waiting for the heroes to let her return to work.
"Thank you. I'm Kimberly Cross, crossing off." Ray, Henry and (y/n) were left stunned as the woman spoke loudly over their explanations and excuses before tootling off, taking her mic and cameraman with her and leaving them to stand there in confusion.
"Where are you going? Are you done?"
"That's not the end of the interview, is it? 'Cause I had more to say, he was talking and I was talking and--oh, hey, I found the sandwich!" And as the reporter climbed into her news van and drove off, Ray soon found himself with a lot of questions; where had their guy gone and who had stolen the limelight?
"No, dirty!" (y/n) growled as she watched her lover lunge for the remnants of the sandwich he'd dropped after being hit by the car, which she suspected had belonged to the guys who'd snatched their arrest. It had fallen in the mud after that, with one side of the crisp, white bread now stained black and there was no way she was gonna kiss him if he ate something off the ground. God, was it worth it?
"Aw..." Jeez, it wasn't Ray's night tonight. No capture, no thanks and now, no sandwich. At least he had home to look forward to, after all, that concussion might just make a return the moment he stepped foot in his bedroom. He only hoped that there was a nurse on call.
~One week later, the Man Cave~
For one week, there was peace. Not an easy peace, but peace nonetheless. The Thumb Buddies, as the team discovered, were an up-and-coming duo popping up all over town at various little rescues or missions and whilst it irritated the hell out of Ray and Henry, they didn't do anything to stop and find out who they really were and what they were up to. 
So, here they were, one week later, one week older, and (y/n) was still putting up with their bitching and moaning since she wasn't going to get herself worked up over two guys who were just lightening their load. It was the boys who were mumbling and grumbling as they were called out to yet another emergency at the local baseball game, which left their headquarters in the hands of Charlotte, the smart one and Jasper, the not-so-smart one.
"Uh, what are you wearing?" Said smart one asked the not-so-smart one as she stepped out of the elevator and glanced up from her PearPad. Jasper, in all of his genius, had chosen one of the worst shirts he could have possibly chosen to put on that morning and Charlotte knew that the garment was gonna stir up some trouble when Ray got back.
"Oh! This is my Thumb Buddies shirt." That's what was gonna get him hung drawn and quartered.
"Yeah, well, you better take that off," She advised as she strolled past. It was better to warn him now, that way when it all went wrong and Ray was scrambling to wrap his fingers around his neck, Charlotte could at least say she tried to save him. Come on, that shirt was just begging to be ripped off.
"Why?" Jasper frowned, showing just how unaware he was. Had he not met Ray Manchester? The biggest man-child around? (y/n) wasn't always gonna be around to protect him and calm her baby down, so what then? Jasper might as well have betrayal scrawled across his forehead in permanent marker.
"Because, last week, Ray, (y/n) and Henry caught that criminal, Stainless Steve and those Thumb Buddies guys took credit for the capture." The girl explained as if it hadn't been the talk of the Man Cave all week. God, (y/n) must've been exhausted, she had been soothing his bruised ego all week, telling him that it was all right and to focus on her instead, which had been the sole reason for the uneasy peace they'd found.
"So?" And Jasper seemed to have a death wish. Did he want to be thrown into the pot and boiled to death?
"So, Ray and Henry were pretty mad about it and (y/n) can't hold them back forever, so if I was you—" Charlotte's advice ran out as the tubes beeped and dropped, bringing down Kid Danger in the left one and Captain Man in the right one, with Miss Danger wrapped up in his arms. Oh dear, here came the blood bath; if he was smart, he'd take the shirt off now...
"Hey! How'd it go at the baseball game?" Charlotte didn't miss a beat, figuring that if she stayed calm and acted natural, maybe, just maybe, the boys wouldn't notice the abomination that was Jasper's shirt. Ray didn't look in his direction very much anyway and it's not like having two, smiling guys and their names splashed across your chest isn't obvious...right?
"Oh, I don't know, I'd say it went pretty well..." Ray replied with a huge grin on his face as the three came down from the tubes with a certain bounce in their step that hinted to the teens that they knew more than they were letting on. Well, they were in a good mood, that was a positive sign for Jasper's survival and despite how noticeable it was, the hero and sidekicks hadn't seen the shirt yet, rather they were too caught up in whatever it was they had to reveal.
"Uh, yeah, we didn't do that much other than, uh..."
"WE FOUGHT A BEAR!" (y/n) just couldn't hold it in, not when she was still on her adrenaline high. Not to brag but it had been the most awesome mission of her life. Full of danger, full of daring stunts, full of risk, which normally, she wasn't a fan of but she had to admit, seeing Ray tackle the beast head-on was something that wouldn't be leaving her dreams for the next few weeks. It was hot.
"We fought a bear! Yes, we did!" "Oh my god, we did that! We did fight a bear!" Henry and Ray turned into giddy schoolboys as the excitement came flooding out of them too. If (y/n) found it exciting, then they found it unbearable because heaven knows that they sort the danger, stunts and risks a lot more than she did. And judging by how they were screaming in each other's faces, with Ray giggling like a child on Christmas when his nose brushed (y/n)'s, it was quite the battle.
"Hey, hey, hey! What bear?" Jasper butted in, not wanting to ruin their vectoring shrieking but come on, they couldn't just leave them in the dark like that. Screw the bear, him wearing that shirt in front of them and then drawing their attention was risky, but even so, the heroes didn't notice, not yet anyway.
"Okay, okay, so, shall I tell them the story?" "Yeah, yeah, yeah..." Henry asked his boss with a huge grin on his face since he didn't know if Ray wanted to bask in the glory of this and be the one to retell the tale but he was surprisingly fine with it. Of course, he was; he had other business to attend to, such as sharing a post-fight with his sweet girl as the adrenaline high always made it that much better.
"All right, all right," Henry gathered himself as Ray took a moment to tightly hold (y/n) against his chest, her arms wrapping around his neck as their lips met and Henry knew that he had a few seconds to shine, "These college kids brought a real-life bear to the baseball game!"
"Yeah, you know, just to be funny," Ray added as he and (y/n) broke apart. The kiss was good but neither of them could resist being a part of this story, not when it made them seem so epic. 
"Which it was. Dangerous, but funny." The woman added, beaming up at her doofus as his hands stayed on her hips, keeping her close and he was inclined to agree with her. Sure, the bear could have killed everyone on the field but it did make everyone chuckle to see several grown men wet themselves. And besides, it wasn't like Swellview's greatest heroes couldn't handle it.
"Oh, it was hilarious."
"So hilarious," Henry and Ray agreed, the latter smiling down at his sweet girl as she drunkenly giggled at the memory. No one got hurt so it was okay to laugh, right? Of course, if someone had lost an arm or had a leg swallowed then she'd be suitably sombre but since that wasn't the case, it was fine...yeah. It was fine.
"Anyway, until the hotdog guy came out." Henry carried on with the story as Jasper munched on some chips. Any second now, they would see the shirt, once the story was over and they weren't so chipper, that would be it and he just wasn't bothered.
"Yeah, you know weiners?"
"Yeah, I love weiners." The boy nodded through a mouthful of the fried potatoes because he was loving hearing this story as much as they loved telling it. Charlotte was just waiting for him to get rinsed; now that would be the real blockbuster.
"So, the bear, he gets a whiff of the weiners, right? And he just loses his mind! Chases the poor Weiner guy right onto the field!" Ray continued, getting visibly more and more animated as he relived those exhilarating moments. He'd just acted on instinct for the next part, maybe a show of bravado for the crowd watching as well as one lovely young woman in particular, but either way, his reputation was shining brighter than ever.
"So, Ray, being the adorable doofus he is, chases the bear onto the field!"
"I did, I did!" Ray's cheeks flushed slightly under the adoring gaze of (y/n), who couldn't help but feel her tummy flutter when he'd risked his safety doing something that was admittedly, very stupid but also kinda hot. It was selfless and that wild spark of passion in his eye was just another reason for her to fall in love with him, as was the way his hand found hers without even having to break eye contact.
"And check this out. He tackles the bear!"
"I tackled a bear! I tackled a real-life bear!" Ray couldn't help but skip around a bit at Henry's revelation, even if it meant dropping his girl's hand as quickly as he picked it up to squeeze it. Oh well, he was excited, she knew that and it allowed her to admire the man as he glowed with pride and maybe a bit of ego too. Damn, she knew those muscles were big but today, they seemed even bigger. 
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, and the bear gets up, he's like, oooargggghh! And there's spit coming out of his mouth, arrroooghhh! He slashes at me, his claws just scrape right across my face!" Ray exclaimed as if the details of him nearly being mutilated weren't horrific to hear. 
Perhaps that had been a bit of a terrifying moment for (y/n), seeing her almost-husband getting shredded until she remembered that he was Captain Man. There was no need to worry, the pain only lasted for a second and he'd been through worse, no matter how much her heart instinctively bled to see him wince from the claws.
"Oh my god!" Charlotte gasped. She certainly felt the same terror (y/n) had and was wondering how the woman could still be smiling because that sounded awful--the sort of thing that she'd work herself until a nervous frenzy over. And yet here she was, giggling and blushing like a schoolgirl as she drooled over her fiancé, nothing new there but why wasn't she laying down the law? Giving them the third degree for being so reckless? Why had she participated?
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, and I guess that he thought that Ray was gonna go down or something like that but--"
"Instead, the bear goes, ooooraggh! Which I guess in bear language probably means...."
"Uh-oh, this doofus is indestructible!" She was laughing because everything had turned out fine. Why stress about something when you can laugh about it instead? The bear had gone in for the kill, expecting Captain Man to have his innards as his outards as he gnarled and viciously pawed at his stomach and face, but when Ray grunted through the pain and stayed in one piece, all of the danger disappeared.
"Stupid bear had no idea that I can't be harmed!" Ray yelled, gesturing wildly to his still perfect face as (y/n) stepped over to wind her arms around his neck, unable to keep her distance any longer. His hands landed on her waist, keeping her close as the story continued with the same energy, the same longing looks, but just a physical connection that couldn't be ignored any longer.
"We are smarter than a bear!"
"We are smart than a bear!"
"We are the smarter species!"
"Yes, that happened!" And that was the end of that. Charlotte and Jasper were left...regaled as (y/n) finally pressed her lips to Ray's for the first time in minutes because neither of them would ever get enough of that. For some reason, they were just drawn to each other today, more than usual and the high from the fight wasn't helping. They were living their best lives and it showed, no wonder they couldn't keep their hands to themselves.
"Unreal, man." The teens complimented them on their big win. Charlotte didn't sound particularly thrilled but that was just how she was. It was impressive and like Jasper, she found herself to be quite entertained by the grandeur of it all and speaking of grandeur, (y/n) had a brainwave. If two kids were entertained by the tale, who was to say that others weren't? After all, it's not like that baseball park had been empty, far from it. A couple thousand people from it, to be exact.
"Sweet cheese, we might be on the news! I bet they're talking about us right now," The woman gasped, looking up at her lover with sparkling eyes and his grin grew from the moment she said the word 'news'. Ever since the debacle with Stainless Steve, Ray had been anxious to get a new story in the press to make them all seem like the best team around again, but there had been nothing of substance worth reporting, which left them at a stalemate. Until now.
"I like the way you think, sweet girl..." He smirked and immediately began to lead her over to the supercomputer where they could hear all of their heroic actions being broadcasted to the city. He wouldn't mind seeing an action replay of how she gave the beast a swift jab to the snout after it wandered a little too close to Kid Danger for her liking; even when he was still reeling from being mauled, it was so hot to witness and seeing it again would be a godsend.
"Yeah, let's see what they're saying about us," Henry smiled and so, they all gathered around the computer. The trio stood back a little so they could soak up the story and bask in their awesomeness, which just left Charlotte and Jasper to bring it up on the monitor.
"Okay...coming up, now."
"And Trent, this happened just moments ago?" Mary suddenly appeared on the screen, sporting her usual blonde bob as she looked across at her colleague. Oh good, they hadn't started their report yet, they hadn't missed it. Fresh off the press, that was more like it, so much better than that Thumb Buddies crap.
"That's right, Mary..." Trent nodded, causing a surge of excitement to run up Ray, (y/n) and Henry's spines. Any minute now, they'd announce how awesome they were and then the Thumb Buddies would be history.
"See? They're talking about us!" "Fought a bear, my man!" It was kinda cute just how excited they were and (y/n) wasn't about to complain, not when her hero wrapped his arms around her body and pulled her in close, encasing her in his warmth and the scent of his cologne. She could feel his smile pressed against her neck as he refused to let go of the hug, wanting to hold her there as he heard the praise coming from the news crew. At that moment, life couldn't get any better.
"Okay, now, we're gonna go live to the scene where it all went down and talk with the actual heroes who saved the day." However, you can only go so high until there's nowhere left to go but back down. Their smiles deflated when they heard that because it didn't make any sense. They'd left the baseball field, they were safely anonymous and hidden in the Man Cave, how were they meant to do an interview now?
"What? How are they gonna interview us right now?" Henry asked, looking back at the perplexed couple as the cold seeped into their fluffy warmth. Oh dear, this didn't feel right, (y/n)'s tummy was talking to her, telling her that this next bit of news wasn't gonna be something any of them wanted to hear. 
"Yeah, yeah, 'cause we're here..." Ray muttered and just to make sure that they hadn't been tailed or anything, the boys checked behind them to make sure that there were no pesky reporters that needed a Memory Wiper to the face. That was dumb but the young woman with them let it slide; she didn't want to upset them any further, not when she sensed that Trent was about to cause a shitstorm.
"Thanks, Trent," said the reporter who had been with them the other night, bringing their attention back to their screen and oh, it wasn't good, "I'm here live at Nacho Ball, where a local, sweaty man committed a crime just moments ago."
"What, what, what is all this about?" Ray stammered, looking at his sweet girl for answers as they moved closer to the screen with heartbroken, confused expressions. Their big moment was gone, it had been replaced with a crappy fast-food restaurant instead, which stung. His girl could give him the answer, right? She was smart, she knew stuff, she made things clear with that big brain of hers when he didn't understand, she knew what was going on and it was all fine...it had to be.
"Why are they at Nacho Ball?"
"Don't look at me, I know just as much as you about this..." (y/n) told them. For once, she didn't have all the answers, rather, she was in the dark too, with nothing to go off except her gut and that was telling her that this wasn't going to be easy to hear. Oh, her poor doofus, her poor Hen, they were gonna throw fists first and ask questions later because they took so much pride in being the number one heroes in this town. To be outdone on their turf, it didn't look good.
"Can you tell us what happened?" The reporter asked a miserable looking girl, who seemed to have a perpetual wobbly lip and permanent tears in her eyes like someone had just told her the worst news in the world. Sure, she worked at the grossest Nacho Ball in town, but come on, was life that sucky for her?
"Yeah...Um, this guy, I think his name is Jeff, he ordered a three-ball nacho sack and when he paid for it, he handed me a coupon." The whiny girl described. So far, so...normal.
"But there was something wrong with that coupon, wasn't there?"
"Yeah! It was expired!" Jeez, this girl was whiny. It made (y/n) wonder what had happened to make her so teary because surely, getting so upset over one coupon wasn't worth it, not when her mascara was in danger of running down her face and making her look like a panda.
"Kimberly, we've just received cell phone video of the attempted Nacho Ball crime, so we're gonna show that right now," Trent butted in and suddenly, the viewers were being shown some blurry, shaky footage of what had gone down in the restaurant and suddenly, their suffering made sense. This guy was the author of their frustration, rather, because every time something irritated them, he was always there.
"Okay, that'll be twelve-twenty-one."
"Oh, yeah, sure. Here's a Nacho Ball coupon for twenty bucks."
"Great. I will just ring this up." "Thanks, bro!"
"That's Jeff!" Ray pointed out, knowing that tubby belly, moronic voice and dumb cap anywhere. Of course, it was him, where there was trouble for him and his sidekicks to sort out, Jeff was there too. His arms tightened around his sweet girl as he couldn't help but tense his muscles in aggravation, and (y/n) responded in turn. If she allowed her doofus to get worked up every time Jeff did something dumb, she'd be walking a greying old man down the aisle, not a super-hot hero.
"It's okay, doof. Everyone knows how stupid he is." She soothed him, tilting her head back into a rather awkward angle just to peck his chin affectionately. Ray softened at that and instantly relaxed when his mind focused on her tender love rather than stupid Jeff and the woman was left satisfied when the creases on his forehead relaxed and his shoulders slumped a bit, The ensuing kiss to the top of her head wasn't bad either.
"This coupon expired four days ago."
"Oh, I didn't know."
"Oh, sure you didn't." The whiny girl sneered as Jeff frowned at the expired coupon with knitted eyebrows and in a moment of colossal overreacting, the girl slammed her hand onto the panic button on the counter—the one reserved for when they were genuinely being robbed.
"HELP! THIS GUY HERE IS TRYING TO ROB US!" And that's when everything went to shit. To be fair to Jeff, and (y/n) couldn't believe she was sticking up for him, but it was a bit much how she assumed that he was a robber just because he had a dodgy coupon. Dare she say that she felt sorry for him in a way? The ensuing sirens, alarms and flashing lights were a bit much as he stood there and protested his innocence, right up until someone tackled him from behind.
A tall man with an orange cape leapt onto Jeff's back, slamming him into the counter and wrestling him to the floor like he was a WWE champion. Then, as Jeff was wriggling for freedom from the sudden assault, another guy joined the fray, pouncing on his friend's back and pinning Jeff to the tiles even more, possibly squishing his pancreas in the process too. They'd slapped the cuffs on him quicker than Ray, (y/n) and Henry could blink and upon freezing the frame, they saw who'd upstaged them with such a miraculous counter.
The damn Thumb Buddies.
"Whoa! Gosh, that was the bravest thing I've ever seen." Trent grinned, causing Ray and Henry's mouths to drop open. Okay, (y/n) wasn't particularly thrilled by it herself but they took it much more seriously. For them, it was like a betrayal seeing how these two idiots were being praised for taking down one criminal who hadn't even done anything—and they'd dealt with Jeff hundreds of times.
"Whaaaaat?" "Bravest?!" They gasped, staring at the monitor in disbelief because all they'd seen was a mad scramble to rest an idiot, hardly the stuff of legends. They'd nearly been eaten by a bear, that was heroic and deserved praise and yet they weren't getting any, all because of these two.
"I have done braver things on the toilet!" "Yeah, that is a bit ridicul—oh my god, Ray, what?" (y/n)'s nose scrunched up at how disgustingly dramatic her lover was being, which earned her a sharp shushing from Charlotte. The girl was still trying to listen and whatever troubles they were having comprehending being replaced was interrupting that. 
"Kimberly, are you with the heroes right now?" Trent pressed further, sending the boys into a cold silence as they begrudgingly started to listen again. Did they have to call them that? So what? They did one rescue and now everyone was fanning over them, had everyone lost their minds? Captain Man and Kid Danger, were the brave ones...and Miss Danger too, of course.
"I sure am, Trent," The reporter grinned as the camera cut back to her, revealing to the heroes' disdain that she was now with their newfound enemies, "And once again, it looks like our city of Swellview owes a big thank you to The Thumb Buddies!"
"You're very welcome." "We appreciate that, yes." They weren't anything spectacular to behold. To (y/n) (and secretly Ray and Henry), they just looked like two guys in costumes, which was technically what they were too. They seemed a bit dorky, a bit starstruck by the cameras and attention suddenly thrust upon them but apart from that, they seemed very polite and respectful, maybe even humble for the praise the news lavished on them. It was so damn aggravating.
"Okay, who are these Thumb Buddies? Where did they come from?" Ray asked darkly, needing more than a hug from his sweet girl to let this one go. He needed answers because, despite the report being muted, he could still feel the rage burning through him. This was his city, he'd been protecting it for years and now that there were two newbies on the scene, he'd lost the loyalty of his fans, and everyone knows how Captain Man thrives on the attention—simply doing it as a good deed was okay but doing it to be loved was better.
"Yeah, and why are they in our town, doing our job?" Henry asked too, his lips pursed into a thin, firm line. In his years as a sidekick, he'd grown used to the praise too, after all, he never got any as Henry Hart, being praised as Kid Danger was all he had left to fill that need to be loved. If they were the heroes now, where would that leave them? The professionals, the dependable ones, the ones who knew what they were doing?
"Well, technically, they're making our job easier." (y/n) pointed out, which caused Ray to whip around to face her with a murderous look, almost like she'd prodded her finger in a sore wound. It was a betrayal, how dare she side with the enemy, even if she did make a valid point. His sweet girl, did she like these Thumb Buddies too?
"Whose side are you on?!" He asked her furiously, but the woman didn't flinch under his intense gaze or bat an eyelid when his face got close to hers. If anything, her heart rate increased for a different reason entirely, not that she'd ever let him know that since he was being his ridiculous, doofy self right now. She'd only make a move on the adorable doofus when he was being reasonable, not irrational.
"Oh, we're picking sides now?" She smirked, raising her eyebrows in a way that said she wasn't taking him seriously, more like finding his fury amusing, "You know I'm with you, doofus, calm down.
"...Charlotte, I told you last week that I wanted a full report on these guys. Now, where is it?" Ray switched targets after taking a split second to calm down. Right, his girl would never side with two guys she'd never met and had no plans on joining, which was crazy when he snapped back into the moment and realised just how close her smirking lips were to his. So, he quickly redirected his anger onto someone else, namely Charlotte since he'd given her a task to complete after the incident last week.
"I sent you an email, last week." The teen stated dryly, giving him one of her dead-eyed stares because he was accusing her of slacking off. She was Charlotte, the reliable one, if her boss needed something she'd do it and she wasn't gonna be held responsible if he was too busy getting it on with his girl to realise that his order had been delivered.
"You know I don't read my emails unless you send me a text telling me to read my emails," Ray replied petulantly, trying to not seem like the idiot in this situation. (y/n) knew that all too well, he was so...forgetful, so distracted by things he deemed more important than a boring, old email, so he needed several reminders since he was usually busy eating, showering, napping, training, playing games or loving up her to notice.
"I also sent you a text," Charlotte stated, which was grinding for the man to hear, so much that he couldn't help but growl and reach out with grabbing hands, only for Henry to shove (y/n) into them instead. He could hold onto her for a bit, she could help him calm down a bit because God knows that he needed it and she craved it and it came with the bonus that Ray wouldn't kill Charlotte for his mistake.
"All right, all right, just...hug (y/n), there you go...will you just tell us who these Thumb Buddies are?" The boy then turned to his friend, who didn't know how to tell them that there wasn't much to tell. She'd trawled through every newspaper, every magazine, every gossip column, social media accounts, private records and public information to work out just who they were dealing with. Dorks. Normal, kooky dorks with nothing exciting and nothing to fear, hardly worth getting so upset over because they were people. Merely people.
"They're just...they're just guys. Regular guys, who started fighting crime." She said slowly, trying to phrase it gently, but just how gentle could she be when telling them that there was no dirt to sell to the press or legitimate reason for the city to be fawning over them?
"Then, why is everyone making such a big deal about them?" Ray asked in a distraught tone as his fingers danced up and down his sweet girl's satin-covered spine. It soothed him, feeling the curves and contours of her body, which he practically had memorised at this point, and feeling her forehead rested against his shoulder calmed him even more. He couldn't get mad when he had to stay still and give her affection.
"Well, they're new and they seem nice." Well, he could when Jasper was the one stating facts. God, he said it in such a plain, obvious way and it aggravated everything, making Ray see red. His hands seized (y/n)'s hips and squeezed and he couldn't help but shout, though he did take care to not shout directly into her ear.
"We're very nice!"
"Yeah, we're delightful, Jasper!" Even Henry couldn't help but snap too because he felt the same; they had everything the Thumb Buddies had and more, it was just because he lived in a throw-away society that it wasn't good enough. He'd finally reached the point where he was no longer new and exciting, the same with (y/n) and she'd been the latest to join. They were nothing new, so that meant they weren't wanted anymore...how depressing.
"Jeez, stop shouting, doofus. I think you're overreacting to this." (y/n) grumbled when her moment of peace was shattered because of her stupidly loud fiancé. She'd been enjoying that, had liked just breathing him in for a moment with just his hands on her back and his cologne in her nose, it was intimate yet softly so, just enough to satisfy the unending need to have him close. That is until they got upset again and she accidentally poured petrol on the bonfire.
"Overreacting?! We're overreacting? This is underreacting!"
"Overreacting? Oh-ho-ho, this--this is subtle!" The boys hissed, once again feeling betrayed by her cool response to the news that these new heroes were the greatest thing since sliced bread. That gained them an eye roll because with how many good times they shared, it was easy to forget how childish and proud Ray could be and how that had rubbed off on his most impressionable sidekick. She adored him, both of them, but god, could they be any more annoying?
"Hey! Look how popular those guys are," Jasper suddenly drew their attention back to the news and once it was unmuted, Ray and Henry found themselves with more cause for clenching their jaws.
In the time they had been "underreacting", tons of fans had seen the Thumb Buddies on the news and had gathered in the grungy Nacho Ball, almost to the point where no one else could fit into the restaurant. Each one was waving bits of nacho sacks for autographs or PearPhones for selfies, shouting and proclaiming their newfound love just as they used to do for Captain Man, Miss Danger and Kid Danger. All that just for them?
"And as you can see, it looks like everyone wants their tacos signed by the Thumb Buddies. Back to you, Trent."
"And Mary!"
"Looks like the Thumb Buddies are gonna be autographing tacos for quite a while, so if you're in the area of Nacho Ball, you might wanna head on over there and meet them." The report finished with the shining smiles of Trent and Mary and the dark frowns of Henry and Ray, who'd grown more and more livid with each swirl of the pens held by the Thumb Buddies. When was the last time they'd been swamped by fans wanting an autograph? Right, before these clowns turned up with their stupid kneepads and orange jackets.
"Are they--are they kidding me?! Not even a mention of the thing we did at the baseball game?" Ray whined as he plonked himself onto the back of the couch with a sour pout on his face. That prompted (y/n) to wander over with a sympathetic expression written on hers. He might have been annoying her but that didn't mean she didn't understand what he was feeling and looking so sad she couldn't help but intervene.
"Just let it go, sweetheart. We don't need a party for every mission we complete." The woman told him gently, standing in between his legs and stroking her hands over his scratchy cheeks that would be due a shave in a couple of days. The praise was nice but by no means necessary, just knowing that they'd do the right thing should've been enough.
"But sweet girl, I--"
"Wait, wait, wait, stop kissing, shhh!" Henry suddenly shushed their little pep talk when the next story flashed up on the monitor and it was like the producers could hear their prayers. Okay, his assumption that they'd sloped off to the back to makeout was misplaced and a bit annoying but Ray didn't care, not when he saw that the city's baseball match was up next. 
"Didn't even get one kiss, let alone kissing..." (y/n) muttered under her breath as Ray scrambled to stand next to Henry. She'd been building up to that and had been hoping for some adoration from the man since they'd been talking about these Thumb Buddies for far too long. Couldn't they just change out of their uniforms and watch a movie or two? Laze the rest of the afternoon away?
"And now, some news about today's baseball game. The Swellview Sailors lost seven to three..." Trent reported the score and left an awkward gap, which made everyone hang on to his every word for that crucial addition, "Captain Man and sidekicks save the day". However, he said nothing and didn't even crack a smile as his viewers waited for an explanation or development that never came, much to the heartbreak of the boys. "That's it."
"All right, that does it! We're going down to Nacho Ball and we're gonna tell those rotten thumb buddies that Swellview is our town!"
"Our town!" Ray and Henry growled because Trent's failure to mention their heroism for the day meant one thing. All-out war. If these Thumb Buddies wanted to take over their turf then they were just gonna have to fight them for it and they'd see who was the best when they had a proton blaster being waved in their faces. 
"Who needs the Thumb Buddies?"
"Nobody!" It was safe to say that they were ranting and blinded by the red haze of frustration from being ranked second place behind two bozos from nowhere. Were they gonna march into a Nacho Ball and cause a scene because they were jealous? Hell yeah.
"Nobody I know!"
"I fought a bear!" Ray exclaimed as they marched off towards the tubes again. It didn't matter that they were tired from an eventful mission, it didn't matter that (y/n) groaned and looked up to the ceiling with a silent plea for some invisible for to make them see sense but it wasn't happening. It was either stay in the Man Cave and hear all about how Captain Man and Kid Danger made fools out of themselves or she bit the bullet and went with them to try and avert disaster. Why did she love this job again?
"Are you gonna go with them?" Charlotte asked her with the same bored tone and the dry look she'd been wearing all afternoon, ever since this problem fell into her lap. In some ways, she admired the woman for being so loyal since not many people would still work after being led into reckless decisions so many times but then again, there was being loyal and then there was being dumb. Which one was (y/n)? Love made her do dumb things for all the right reasons.
"Yeah, someone needs to care since they don't." The heroine sighed tiredly and trudged along behind them, mentally preparing her camera face again since she'd end up in the papers one way or another. It would be something ridiculous like "Miss Danger spotted with Thumb Buddy, has she moved on?" or "Have Miss Danger and Captain Man called it quits?". Stupid, irrelevant headlines that were always far from the truth.
"If I come with you, do you promise to watch that new rom-com with me? The one with Tom Hiddleston in it?" (y/n) asked her doofus as she ascended the steps and wrapped her arms around his neck, ready to go up the tube. 
That was a toughie; on one hand, he loved sitting down to watch a rom-com with her since they were boring but the perfect opportunity to just...admire her. But on the other hand, he'd have to admire her as she admired Tim Hiddlestick or whatever he was called with his stupid suave accent and perfect face. A celebrity crush was a celebrity crush, hardly anything substantial but still. Did he have to see her drool over someone who wasn't him?
"...Fine. Just because I love you." Ray conceded, deciding to indulge his darling girl since she was so graciously following him on a personal mission to bitch and moan at two men he'd never met. Precious girl, keeping him from sinking into self-ruin, he could survive one movie for her, after all, Theo Piddleson wasn't the one who was gonna be waiting for her at the end of the aisle.
"Thanks, doofus. I lo--"
"W-w-wait--wait! Since you guys are going to Nacho Ball, can you pick me up a three-ball nacho sack?" Jasper butted in, thinking with his stomach and not his head--a grave error to make. (y/n) didn't think anything of it, to be fair, she'd probably pick up a snack once they were done berating the Thumb Buddies, but Ray took it much more seriously. He was enjoying a moment with his fiancée, she was about to say those three words that he'd never thought he'd have the privilege of hearing and he'd cut her off. Not cool, man.
"No, we're not gonna pick you up a three---what are you wearing?" Ray stammered and took a double-take when he finally saw what the boy was wearing. This was his gravest error. It was obvious now he was looking at him properly and with those faces smiling up at him, it was impossible not to notice. The lettering, the photo, and him interrupting the moment were infuriating and all of a sudden, he was breaking away from (y/n) to pick another fight.
"What do you mean?" Jasper's hands moved to cover his chest as if he'd been burnt, quick and reflexive. Charlotte couldn't help but grin; her warning had not been heeded and now, he was about to face the consequences for thinking he knew everything. 
"Move your hands," Ray ordered him. He didn't want to sound too harsh, deep down he knew that Jasper was still a kid and he wasn't about to yell, not when his sweet girl and other employees were in earshot but damn it, he knew what he'd seen. Jasper could move his hands over the pattern as much as he wanted, but he could still see those eyes peeking out.
"Jasper, just move your hands away from your shirt,"
"Yeah, you're not in any trouble," (y/n) agreed with Henry after Ray turned to them for help. It was no secret that the kid wasn't slightly afraid of them like he was with Ray, so they'd be able to get through to him hopefully, but those were famous last words that the woman couldn't guarantee. With her, he wasn't in any trouble at all but with Ray, that was a different matter because he'd labelled those men as enemies and he was supporting them, even if he didn't see it that way.
So, slowly, very, very slowly, Jasper parted his fingers, revealing his Thumb Buddies shirt in all of its glory, much to his terror and Ray's disappointment. Someone get (y/n) on hand, he preferred to have his head on his shoulders, not rolling along the floor...
"Calm down, calm down, it's fine, just look at me, doofus..." (y/n) moved like lightning as she watched Ray's eyes darken. Henry was gonna let her do most of the work since she was the expert at taming Ray but he still offered a hand on his boss' shoulder as another force guiding him back to the tubes. If they could just get him out of the Man Cave, he'd probably forget about this and Jasper would live to make another mistake, another day.
"It's fine..."
"We're all good, just come with me."
"It's totally fine..."
"You good?"
"I'mma just walk away..." So far, so good. Ray melted into his girl's touch like her soft words were working and with Henry helping out, for a moment, the sidekicks thought that they were gonna get away with this one. The man seemed calm and suspiciously reasonable for a guy famed for having a ridiculously short temper and childish personality, almost too suspiciously as if it was all too good to be true.
And it was. Ray just couldn't take it, he couldn't have those sorry excuses for superheroes being showcased in his secret hideout and in a moment of madness, he went berserk. No thought, no beforehand, no thinking things through, he just grabbed a spare blaster from a rogue and began firing to the beat of his frustrated grunts and groans. So much for having a magic touch, Henry and (y/n) were instantly wrangling to get him under control rather than treating him with the utmost care.
"Raymond, put it down, you moron!" (y/n) screeched as Jasper hit the deck and Charlotte hastily opened an umbrella. Oh yeah, that was gonna keep her nice and safe. Jasper was in a similar position, although he at least had the sense to clumsily scramble for cover as (y/n) did her best to get her rogue lover under control, mainly by jumping on his back and trying to steer his fire away from the boy. It was a damn good job that Ray was a shit shot with an even shittier aim because otherwise, Jasper would be a goner as her weight was doing nothing to make those muscles move.
"Raymond Manchester, I swear to god, if you don't stop trying to kill one of our employees, you'll be walking down the aisle by yourself!" The woman played her trump card by shouting the warning into his ear and as the threat wormed its way through the labyrinth of Ray's brain, his lasers slowly tapered off. 
Alone? On his wedding day? No sweet girl? No Mrs Manchester? Well, he'd wrap Jasper up in cotton wool, beg on his knees for the rest of his life and worship that boy if it made her happy and prevented that terrible possibility from becoming true. 
That gave Jasper enough time to wriggle through one of the holes in the sprocket and hide behind the thick metal as Ray lowered his weapon and Charlotte closed her umbrella. Right, in future, they'd be using the no wedding warning to get him to cease because Jesus, he could've hurt someone.
"Dude! That was dangerous! What if you hit him?" Henry asked sternly as (y/n) frowned and folded her arms. What had he been thinking? She'd never cancel the wedding, not unless something heartbreakingly catastrophic happened, but it had been enough to shock him into stopping, not that Ray shared their worry about hurting Jasper. The only thing he cared about was giving his best puppy dog eyes to his fiancée. Yeah, she'd be needing a bit more than that.
"Oh, it was set to a light stun!...ooh! Wait...yikes!" Ray brushed their worries away because he'd assumed that the weapon was just zapping lightly and Jasper, had he been hit, would have been fine...or not. To his and (y/n)'s and Henry's horror, the blaster had actually been programmed to burn and sear flesh, a setting reserved for their greatest and most hated enemies, not for the kid they were all so fond of.
"Raymond. Get your ass up those stairs before I kick it from here to Nacho Bell." (y/n) glowered at her dumb doofus and he ashamedly shuffled up to the tubes with eyes meeting the ground. He hated how angry she was and how she gave him the cold shoulder as they were packed into a single tube, his arms being the only thing keeping them pressed together because right now, she could barely look at him.
It stung and as the seconds passed, he found himself growing more and more embarrassed by his outburst as they whooshed off without Jasper left behind to lick his wounds. She'd forgive him in a bit but in the meantime? Ray Manchester was firmly on the naughty step.
~Nacho Ball~
Well, this was homey. As shown on the news, Nacho Ball was packed full of people and whether they had gone there for the food or not was irrelevant. The only thing that mattered to Ray and Henry was that everyone and they meant everyone, was collecting their order and then pandering to the Thumb Buddies like over-excited children--which most of them were.
Everyone boy, girl man, woman and toddler giggled and blushed as they approached the small table that the staff had set up for the men so they could hand out free t-shirts, selfies and sign tacos, and for the boys, it was enraging, perhaps even humiliating. There was a time when people used to do that for them, they'd queue around the block just to get a glimpse of their red and blue uniform but now? They were old news, pushed aside for the newest toys in the toybox.
And that wasn't the worst bit.
"Hey, isn't that your obnoxious little sister in there with the Thumb Buddies?" Ray asked as the trio peered through the glass door and assessed the situation, which was when they saw the biggest betrayal of all. There was Piper, fawning over the Thumb Buddies as they gave her a free shirt and signed everything she pushed in front of them. What the hell? She was supposed to love them and be their biggest fan, but that was not what they were seeing. Traitor.
"Yeah...what is she doing?" Henry breathed out as he watched his sister take an obnoxiously happy selfie with their rivals, something which made their skin bristle. Well, his and Ray's skin, (y/n) wasn't particularly bothered, not when she could smell that greasy, not-good-for-you-at-all goodness just waiting for her to buy. They hadn't had lunch yet, couldn't they forget about these guys and just move on, much like she was trying to do about the whole Ray-Jasper blaster incident? Was that too much to ask?
"Uh, I thought she was supposed to be the president of the Captain Man fan club," The hero stated bitterly as he stared at the alarmingly pink shirt that Piper had thrown over her cute outfit and how it proclaimed all her love for those idiots. He, out of the kindness of his heart and perhaps just a little bit of simping for his then-best friend, had made her president of the Man Fans all those years ago and this was how she repaid him? Et Tu, Piper?
"Yeah, she is, but you can like two things, doo--oh, sweet cheese, here she comes..." (y/n) muttered before trailing off as the girl abruptly turned around and headed for the door, straight for the ensnaring superheroes. Oh dear, (y/n) would hold them back as much as she could but even with her best, this was gonna be excruciating.
"Hello." Yep, it was excruciating and they'd only said one word. Before the heroine could tell them that confrontation was a bad idea, y'know, caring so they didn't have to again even though she had every right in the world to just leave them to it, they marched into the restaurant and that was where the awkwardness began. 
Ray stood with his hip jutted out at an angle and even lanky Henry cut an imposing figure as he towered over his shocked sister with a sour expression on his face. There was nowhere for the girl to go and when she looked at Miss Danger for an explanation, all she got was a wince because they were in too deep now to go back, like they were a jealous girlfriend confronting her boyfriend for being with someone else. This shit was getting weird.
"Yeah, hi, Pi---Hello, little girl," Henry added, switching his voice at the last minute when he realised that Kid Danger did not know Piper Hart on a personal level, no matter how many times they'd interacted.
"Ah, jeez..."
"Uhhh, h--hey, Captain Man, Miss Danger and Kid Danger. I, uh, didn't expect to see you guys here," Piper stammered awkwardly as her palms grew clammy around her tray of food. It truly was like she'd been caught out, stuck between her new lover and her old one, especially when the boys pettily folded their arms like she was in the wrong. God, (y/n) felt first-hand embarrassment, second-hand embarrassment, third-hand embarrassment, fourth-hand...and so on.
"Yeah, we bet you didn't."
"Yeah, we bet you didn't." Ray and Henry spat, giving a pretty good impression of Regina George as they stood there like a couple of mean girls, bored yet spiteful looks on their faces and for what? Piper hadn't done anything wrong, who said she was switching sides?
"Yeah, well, I--I..."
"Nice t-shirt."
"Yeah, with the Thumb Buddies on it," Ray flicked his fingers towards the hot pink material Piper was wearing, specifically the spot on her chest that had that stupid smiley pic of them together. He could feel his sweet girl glaring daggers into the side of his head and the way she was growing more and more restless by the scene they were causing but he wasn't done yet. Oh, he had a lot more to say, no matter how much his heart was tugging his brain towards the door and the idea of going home, where he could make all of his wrongs right.
"Oh, come on, this is just a t-shirt. It's not like I'm their number one fan!" Piper chuckled nervously and tried to play down the reasons why she'd put the shirt on in the first place. It wasn't a big deal, just a freebie she'd been given by two new celebrities, hardly the legends that were Captain Man and his sidekicks. Of course, she still loved them, but that's not what they were hearing.
"Oh, really? Then explain this!" Ray snapped and pushed the girl to turn around so they could see the back of her t-shirt, which had the icing to go on the traitorous cake. In big, white, stupid lettering, Piper's back read "thumber 1 fan" and as if the pun wasn't bad enough, the meaning behind the words was just another knife in their hearts. She could lie to them all she wanted but they knew the truth; the cold, heartbreaking truth.
"Thumber one fan?"
"Jeez, man..." She made them sick, and if (y/n) was just a little bit braver, she might've mocked them for that. She could tell them that all kids make mistakes but on second thought, she wasn't even sure that Piper had. So she was wearing a shirt with a dumb pun on it that promoted other heroes, so what? 
"Don't you think you're overreacting now, Captain Man?" The woman hissed to the man, slightly turning her back on Piper so she would struggle to hear her. The last thing she wanted was for Piper's view of her fiancée to dip, he deserved to be loved for his bravery, just not his partial stupidity, which was working against her right now. Piper didn't hear her, thank god, but neither did Ray, not when he didn't want to listen.
"Okay, look, I know this was wrong, I just really wanted to meet them, and have them sign a taco and take a selfie but it was just this one time, I swear! It didn't mean anything!" Piper begged them desperately, and alarmingly, she was starting to cross into the "yeah, I cheated but it didn't mean anything" territory of being caught red-handed. Things were starting to echo a really bad teen breakup movie and the boys weren't helping, not even caring when (y/n) tiredly pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. She gave up staying at home for this shit...
"You know what? Just forget it."
"Yeah, we have something to do, so..." And here came the awkward confrontation of meeting "the new guy", or in this case, the Thumb Buddies. They'd had a go at the cheater and now it was time to slag off the one who dared to take their place, which made (y/n) groan loudly and unapologetically as she stomped after them, and Piper watching on forlorn.
"Hey, what's up? How's it going?"
"All right, okay..."
"Hi, yeah, sorry--ooh, nice shirt, where'd you get that?... Yeah, just following my idiot of a fia--boyfriend...hey..." Of course, slagging off "the new guy" had to come with a little showing off too, just to show them who they were messing with and the cheater who they'd given up in the process. 
The room's reaction was instantaneous; once Captain Man, Kid Danger and Miss Danger made themselves apparent in the middle of the restaurant, people began to switch sides. What the Thumb Buddies had previously had was given to them, the adoration, the excited squeals, the constant hellos and how are yous, the phones that were suddenly shoved in their faces because holy shit, it was Captain Man, Kid Danger and Miss Danger! Cue the fangirling/boying. 
Piper stomped off humiliated and (y/n) made a mental note to make it up to her later as she graciously smiled at everyone who greeted her, from the cutest kids with their colour-in menus to the cocky high school seniors who thought they had a chance at taking her on a date. 
Hell, on second glance, even the Thumb Buddies seemed to be stunned and hyperventilating from their presence, which was a huge ego boost for Henry and Ray as they preened under all of the attention that had found its way back to the right people. This was more like it.
"MARRY ME, MISS DANGER!" A churlish voice came from the back, probably from the table of football players in the corner, who thought they were so clever with their cheap cologne and playground popularity. Okay, Ray loved the attention but not when it reached this point, not when the odd idiot around the room failed to read the signs that those shoes were already filled, never to be empty again if everything went smoothly. 
So, much to the squeals, jealousy and thrill of the others in the Nacho Ball, he slung an arm around (y/n)'s waist and pulled her close to his chest to show those morons, wherever they were in the sea of people, that this little fling of theirs as the magazines called it, that he was already set to have her as his wife. (y/n) blushed and shyly rested her palm on his chest as she ignored the camera flashes, acutely aware that this was gonna be posted online in a few hours, and the last thing she needed was to be scrutinised for all the wrong reasons.
They'd been so careful with what they'd fed to the press. Sure, there had been speculation on just what stage their relationship was at but there had been no official, definitive announcement for the world to savage, pull apart and sulk about. No hearts had been too broken because for most, they were still boyfriend and girlfriend. That wasn't serious, it couldn't be, please, tell them that Captain Man hadn't settled down and please, tell them that Miss Danger hadn't settled for less than she deserved. Still, no time like the present and some provoking to shove things in the right direction. 
"All right, everybody out! Right now! Customers, employees and the gunches who keep asking my fiancée to marry them, we have official business with the Thumb Buddies, so goodbye!" Ray gave no fucks. 
Without a second thought, he and Henry grabbed the portable tannoy system from their belts, which were rarely used, and ushered the crowd from the restaurant, although they weren't as obstructive and annoyed as you might think. No, they were far too preoccupied with Captain Man's very public announcement that he and Miss Danger were...engaged? 
Someone call KLVY because sweet cheese, this was huge! Some were shocked, some were whispering excitedly with their friends, some were disappointed and one girl was straight-up crying. Guess she had quite the crush on one of the heroes that had now been obliterated.
"That's right, one foot in front of the other! You can walk and murmur about what I just said at the same time! You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here..." The man was shameless and having Henry back him up wasn't helping as the trembling Thumb Buddies rose from their seats and (y/n) stood frozen like a statue. Had he just told a room full of people that they were getting married or was she just crazy? It was gonna happen at one point but jeez, she wasn't expecting that...
"You okay, sweet girl?" A soft voice suddenly sounded and she snapped out of her daydream to see that Ray was back by her side after shoving the last person through the doors. For such a huge guy, he sure could be silent when he wanted to be and despite his bumbling size, he was never rough, not with her. Well, not unless she wanted him to be, but right now, she wasn't talking to moron Ray, she was speaking to darling Ray, the one who'd gotten down on one knee and given her a ring with the sweetest words she'd ever heard.
"Yeah...you do know you just told everyone we're engaged, right? The whole world will know now..." (y/n) whispered to him as one hand settled in her lower back and the other picked up her left hand, one finger stroking over the place where her engagement ring would be if she wasn't in uniform. 
It was...new, maybe a bit overwhelming but still a good feeling to know that everyone else was caught with them, which meant no more lies and rumours about how they secretly hated each other and everything was for show. This was nice, impromptu, but nice.
"Let them know. I want the whole world to see how much I love you," Ray whispered after tenderly kissing her cheek, his lips moving across to ghost past her ear. It tickled, made her blush and caused a grin to spread on her face at the sentiment; she would've thought he'd be shy and reluctant to let everyone know his business since professions of love weren't gonna bolster his tough-guy reputation, but this was the opposite. Newsflash: Captain Man's soft spot revealed.
"Is that...okay with you?" This man. This fucking man, could he be any more perfect? Sure, it was too late to go back on his words but still, her comfort came above everything for him and unlike most, he never missed a chance to make sure everything was okay between them.
"More than okay. It's perfect, doofus...I love you," (y/n) replied gently, unable to stop herself from saying the words she'd been denied earlier because this was just a micro-step in them getting closer and closer to the big day. Everything was still in the infancy stage with very little planned apart from a rough idea of who was going to be there and doing what yet they were getting there, very slowly but very surely. 
Now, Henry was a patient boy, especially when it came to these two. He could take the kissing, the random breaks they seemed to take to say some mushy stuff and even their borderline obsessive behaviour when it came to needing physical affection every five seconds, but he had his limits. Okay, one smooch and that was him done; this was a Nacho Ball, for god's sake, hardly the time or place and the Thumb Buddies were getting restless. Time to intervene.
"Uh, Captain Man? Miss Danger?" He cleared his throat as the kiss lingered on and on and on. Maybe he was a killjoy but when they had interrogations to do about who these idiots were and where they had come from, he had to draw the line somewhere, especially when he'd allowed the moment to stretch on for as long as he had.
"Ugh, fine, you can have him back..." (y/n) pouted as she relinquished her hold on her doofus and accepted that he couldn't be soft and squishy forever. Out here in the world, he wasn't Ray Manchester, he was Captain Man and she was Miss Danger, with nothing to shield them if they revealed who they truly were. He'd go back to being an ass and she'd have to wait until they were back home to see the real him again.
"You two..." And just like that, they were back to it like nothing had happened in between. The boys descended into intimidation again and (y/n) prepared herself for awkwardness by folding her arms and acting as uninterested as humanly possible. What was though, was how excited the Thumb Buddies looked. To most people, Ray and Henry would look pretty terrifying right now but all they could muster was a constipated look of delight. Maybe it was nerves?
"We don't know where you came from..."
"We don't wanna know..." Still, no change in their expressions, even as they edge closer. Could it be possible that the Thumb Buddies weren't the dastardly villains that Ray and Henry had painted them out to be? (y/n) couldn't say for certain, but they looked so happy, perhaps a little too happy...
"But I'm gonna tell you something right now...okay, why are you smiling at us like that?" Ray asked as their grins unnerved him. It was kinda difficult to act all mean and serious when they weren't flinching or shaking, this was the opposite of what he had been expecting. Why weren't they scared? Why weren't they begging for forgiveness? Come on, he was supposed to be giving them what for.
"Joey...I--I--I think I'm gonna faint..." The smallest of the men stuttered to his friend as his wide eyes stayed on the three heroes, his hands grabbing onto the taller man's arm as if he needed to steady himself. Jeez, were they that imposing? (y/n) had always seen herself as quite friendly and approachable, but when she gave them a reassuring smile, his eye did a funny twitching thing. 
"Just--just hold onto me."
"I'm gonna faint!"
"Just live in the moment, okay? Just breathe and live this moment," The tallest of the two, Joey apparently, encouraged his friend, who began to take deep, calming breaths that seemed to settle his nerves. Joey was hyper too but he hid it much better than his friend with the moustache, who, despite his breathing, still needed to hold his arm for support as Captain Man swapped some confused looks with his sidekicks.
"I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS REAL LIFE!" All of their attempts to stay calm were in vain because the moment they let down their guards, it all came pouring out. It was slightly alarming to be shouted at about how much they were loved, so (y/n)'s hand sought out Ray's as her calming measure, but they were used to it. Screeching fans were an occupational hazard for them and these guys were no different, even if this was a complete three-sixty on what they had been expecting; "the new guy" was chill? Go figure.
"Okay, what is going on?" Henry demanded as he watched two normal if slightly oafish men fanboy over him, his boss and his boss's fiancée. Had he missed something? He'd expected this confrontation to be dramatic and angsty, not dorky and amicable because they were supposed to be the replacement and they were supposed to be the jilted exes...or something to that metaphoric effect.
"I think they're a lot nicer than you originally thought," (y/n) murmured without taking her eyes off of the men. Ray's hand squeezed hers and it was enough to not get nervous but the confusion was still there; Charlotte had been right, these two were nothing special, just two dorks in strange costumes who decided to be vigilantes. Oh, how she hated to say I told you so...
"It's just...the only reason we ever decided to be crimefighters--"
"--Is 'cause we want to be exactly like you three!"
"We humble ourselves before you..." Ray, Henry and (y/n) were speechless as the THumb Buddies revealed their almost devout love and loyalty for them but also knelt to the ground and bowed their heads as if they were in the presence of royalty.
Okay, perhaps it was a bit extra, demeaning to them, and embarrassing for the trio to be revered as superiors but it was also kind of flattering, and definitely a slap in the face for Henry and Ray. You could say that they hadn't just got the wrong end of the stick, they'd chosen a completely different stick entirely, one that was far from the truth.
"These guys are all right."
"Yeah, I'm starting to like these guys..." And just like that, Henry and Ray's opinions were turned on their heads, much to the frustration of (y/n). They changed theories as quickly as they had formed them and only when they were faced with irrefutable evidence, not someone else's wisdom. Her wisdom, they'd ignored it and now, they looked like idiots. Jealous, moronic idiots.
"You could've just listened to me, but nooooo. Miss Danger just likes to listen to herself say smart stuff, she doesn't want anyone to actually follow it." The woman growled sarcastically and slapped them both upside the head for pissing her off. One of these days, they'd listened to her when she said something to save them from trouble and then, they wouldn't end up in tricky situations. Y'know, like having two men kneeling before them.
"Sorry, sweet girl--I mean, uh, fellas, you may rise before us." Ray stammered a quick apology to his precious girl before grabbing his microphone and addressing the Thumb Buddies like he was their king and they were pitiful peasants. He was loving this; as much as he'd. hanged his mind to see them as equals, not enemies, he refused to let them know that because he was the experienced, dog-eared hero who'd saved the city from peril for twenty years or more. They were just starting out and as such, needed to show him some respect.
"Look, guys. Y'know, the whole superhero thing, it's sort of my--oh..."
"Emergency..." (y/n) muttered as Ray was interrupted by the quiet beeping of his phone. An emergency call was being put through and it wasn't like he could ignore it, even if he was about to tell the Thumb Buddies that Swellview was his city, no matter how much they helped or won the hearts of its people.
"They're getting a real emergency call!"
"I know, I know! Shhhh! Shhhh! Shhhhhhhhh!" The smaller man shushed Joey as he freaked out. So far, all they'd managed to pull off was stopping petty thieves and scavenging the leftovers of Captain Man's fights, so they'd not properly sunk their teeth into a meaty crime yet. Therefore, the notion of a genuine emergency, one fit for only the best, was cause for them to get giddy again.
"I should probably take this. If you'll excuse me..." Ray inclined his head towards the vigilantes politely and sloped off to the side to answer the call as the Thumb Buddies spluttered every respectful phrase they knew. To be honest, Ray could kick their dog and spit on their grandmothers and they'd probably say thank you, that was just how much they loved him. (y/n) and Henry, however, had no idea what to say, their boss normally led the talking for them.
"Where are you going?"
"We don't know these--we don't know what to say! Don't you dare walk out--oh, god." The sidekicks spluttered as Ray walked out the door with just a loving look over his shoulder at his sweet girl and nothing more. Oh, that was chivalrous, leaving them in it. Now, it was gonna be awkward and the pair prayed for a conversation point to make itself known as they slowly turned around to face the Thumb Buddies again.
"So..." Good start from Henry, certainly better than whatever (y/n) had planned as their watery smiles paled in comparison to their enormous grins, "The Thumb Buddies. Cool name."
"Nah. It's stupid..." Joey said bashfully, making (y/n) smile softly at how friendly they seemed. They weren't the brightest pair she'd ever met and they definitely had a childish streak in their personalities but it kinda reminded her of Ray and the playfulness that endeared him to her. They were dorks but she was famous for liking those, doofuses specifically, so hearing them be so hard on themselves strangely struck a nerve.
"Don't be so hard on yourselves, it's cute. How did you come up with it?" She asked with as much interest as she could muster in her voice.
"Well, Mark and I used to be dance instructors," Joey started. He and the smaller, moustache man, now known as Mark, began to lazily demonstrate one of their old routines, making Henry's smile falter from the awkwardness and (y/n)'s grow from how...endearingly quaint they were. What was it with her and dorks? She didn't fancy them or anything, far from it, she'd already found her perfect doofus for that, but they were so nerdy and weird she couldn't help but relax. 
"We taught the elderly to dance," And with an explanation like that, she was sold. She liked these guys, they were the kind of people she would've hung out with in college. Misfits and weirdos.
"But we never really felt fulfilled, y'know?"
"We felt like a couple of...nobodies." They went on, making Henry nervously look back at the door every five seconds as (y/n) kindly listened intently. He wanted Ray to come back now, he wouldn't tolerate a long-winded life story that made him want to tear his eyeballs from their sockets, he'd tell them straight and that'd be it. How long could one phone call take?
"But then, one night, we were having dinner with my sister and she says, you guysth!"
"'Cause she talks with a lisp!" Mark chuckled as Joey slurred his speech to be a bit more comical, enough for (y/n)'s gentle smile to twinge as they enjoyed retelling the story. Someone kill Henry now, he was having a dork overload and it was bad enough spending eighty per cent of her time with her and Ray being dorks in love.
"She does! She says, you guysth! You don't have to be nobodiesth! You can be sthomebodies!"
"And we were like, Sthombodies?!"
"Which sounded like Thumb...Buddies!"
"So now, that's who we are."
"The Thumb Buddies!...Boop!" Well, that was an adorkable story and to top it all off, they seemed to have like a strange, handshake thing which involved pressing their thumbs together and squeaking, which was...normal. Henry was getting a vibe here, a very specific vibe that came from a very specific kind of dork. 
Y'see, over these years he'd become an expert in what he called dorkology--the study of dorks, mainly because he worked for one. Ray was a dork, specifically a doofus, and on the chart of dorks, he was somewhere in between a nerd and a dweeb, possibly edging on being a sap but nowhere near being a dunce. Frankly, he was a dork but not a Thumb Buddy dork.
It all sounded very complicated but by Henry's calculations, Ray might have been a dork but he was a dork who got the ladies, very well by previous accounts. A dork who found themselves a mate in the wild was rare and it was only specific groups who could be so lucky. Many dorks found themselves unappealing to the females of the world and often, there were not nearly enough dorkettes to go around, so Ray finding his perfect bookworm dorkette match in (y/n) was a stroke of star-crossed fortune. 
The Thumb Buddies weren't so lucky though. From where he was standing, he noticed that they weren't blessed with the looks to accompany the personality so, unlike Ray, they weren't doofus, they were dimwits. Dorkette-less dimwits.
"So...I'm guessing you two aren't married." He stated after a brief second of study and placing them securely in the dimwit section of the dork chart. Judging by their amused scoffs and chuckles he was right and judging by how (y/n) knitted her eyebrows and glared at him, she didn't like that. Yeah, on the female dork chart, she was a bookworm, bordering on being a nerd, techie or weenie.
"Nah...just wait for the right girl!"
"That special someone!"
"Where is she?"
"Keep looking! If Captain Man can get someone as perfect as Miss Danger, we can too!" They laughed awkwardly as (y/n)'s cheeks flushed. Dorks couldn't go for the same dorkettes, doofuses were a higher ranking of dork so they got the prettier dorkettes, which was how a moron like Ray won the heart of (y/n), the borderline genius. The Thumb Buddies were on a lower rung, less likely to find themselves a girl since they weren't super-hot, super-cool walls of muscles like Captain Man.
"Trust me, it's worth the wait," (y/n) advised with a gentle smile as they awkwardly tittered about being loveless, much to Henry's amusement. Oh, he loved studying dorks, especially after spending a few years in the field waiting for two to finally discover that they were true dorks. A very complicated science, but rather interesting too, and speak of the dorky devil...
"Kid, sweet girl...Stainless Steve is on the loose." Ray panted as he sprinted back into the restaurant, having just gotten off the phone with Charlotte with some bad news. All of that hard work last week and for nothing because that metal bastard had evaded the useless police before he could be locked up. 
"What? Again? I thought the cops had him," (y/n) practically deflated when she heard the news, although she perked back up again when his arm curled around her back and rested his hand just above her butt. Y'know, she'd get to go home at some point, she'd get to change into some comfy pyjamas and nap at some point too, but of course, the job came first.
"They did, but he got away and now, we gotta go get him again," Ray replied tiredly, soothing her worries by rubbing his thumb against her satin-covered skin. He hated the idea of going through all that effort again but they were the guys to do it. Who else would?
"All right, okay, all right, we're sorry guys--" Henry sighed and turned to the Thumb Buddies, expecting them to understand that they had to go do some serious hero work but to his surprise, they had other ideas. This was their chance to do some proper crime-fighting, not the odd punch-up they had been doing recently.
"No! No, no, no, no, can we go with you?"
"Oh, please, let us come with you!"
"You gotta let us come with you!" Joey and Mark yelled, screamed, and begged the heroes to let them accompany them. Getting in on the action of a real Captain Man and Co fight would be a huge boost to their confidence and they'd finally get a taste of what being a superhero really meant. It was the chance of a lifetime and even if it made them seem a bit desperate, they couldn't help but run and circle the heroes to stop them from walking through the door without taking them first.
"Uh, no..."
"I don't think that's a good idea..."
"We don't usually do guided tours of crime scenes..." Their excuses came quickly as they thought about the prospect of having two inexperienced, untrained noobs following them into what could be a highly dangerous situation. What would happen if Steve was particularly vicious on his return?
Sure, the Thumb Buddies' enthusiasm and endless energy were a bit annoying, the upstaging even more so, but they couldn't let them get hurt. No, having them in the background would just leave them to make mistakes because it was just another thing to worry about.
"I'll rub your shoulders on the way!" Joey offered, which was an odd thing to put on the table. Ray's shoulders were tense, fair enough, he carried the weight of the world on them at times, but he had a very willing girlfriend to do it. (y/n) was more than happy to lavish her doofus with affection as she eased his pain. Seeing him tilt his head back and hearing him groan and praise her dextrous fingers was a dream, but admiring and having her lips on his broad shoulders and neck was bliss.
"What? No, I'm sorry, boys, but I'm the only one who rubs Cap--"
"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!" Or not. (y/n) snapped her head in Ray's direction when he interrupted her gentle protests with a raised hand. Okay, was he considering this? She wasn't going to but she could rub his shoulders if he wanted that, he didn't need a Thumb Buddy to help out. Consider her thoroughly confused. "You'll rub my shoulders?"
"You got good hands?" Rude, much? Her hands were great, probably smaller than Joey's but still powerful. She punched people for a living, there was power in those paws. And yet, apparently, he didn't want her doing that. What was Raymond's game?
"Yeah!" Joey exclaimed and raised his hands to show Captain Man just how big they were. He could cover more ground and get at those knots. He just needed to say the word.
"All right, let's go..." There was the word. Henry and (y/n) stammered and staggered after the hero as he casually walked past the celebrating Thumb Buddies and out the door. (y/n) had to practically jog just to keep up with him as the men put on their serious faces and swaggered behind them, which left her with a minute to ask a question. Why?
"My shoulder rubs not good enough anymore, doofus?" The woman asked as she caught up enough to speedily walk beside him, although there was no malice in her tone, just a genuine curiosity as to why he'd allowed two amateur vigilantes to tag along. There had to be an ulterior motive, she just couldn't see it.
"You know I love them, sweet girl, but if you're behind me, I can't do this..." Ray smirked as he slowed down to a casual walking pace, one that was much more suited to her shorter legs and the Thumb Buddies' out-of-shape bodies. For a dork, he sure could be cryptic at times and despite her borderline genius, she couldn't always figure his riddles out, not until he put the engima into practice.
"Do what? I don't under--oh my god, Raymond, that's so good..." Her knitted eyebrows soon relaxed--all of her muscles did from their tense, confused state--when Ray dipped behind her and two huge, enormous, massive, colossal, warm hands rested on her small shoulders and began to manipulate her muscles in a way that could only be described as magical.
Seriously, he was clumsy and poorly coordinated at other stuff but with this, he was an artisan., so much that she didn't realise her slip-up as the pleasured sighs fell from her lips every time his thumbs ran across her spine.
"That's Captain Man to you, sweetheart," Ray purred into her ear as his body forced hers to keep walking, even if it was barely a crawl from how much they'd slowed down. The Thumb Buddies were enthralling Henry in another one of their fascinating stories and even though they were distracted, they were catching up, not that (y/n) could even think about going faster. It was hard enough putting one foot in front of the other as his fingers swirled across her shoulders, let alone coming up the brainpower to focus on anything else.
"Yes, Captain..." She whined breathlessly, trudging along with only him on her mind. It wouldn't last forever, eventually, his fingers would cramp up and her muscles would stop feeling so good but for now, she was gonna soak it all up. It was worth it just to feel him shiver against her when she called him by that name.
~A shady house, the backyard~
It wasn't unheard of for athletes to have their shoulders rubbed before a big match, rather, it was common amongst boxers and the like, y'know, the ones who got riled up too quickly and needed to calm down before their focus snapped. That wasn't the situation for Ray, he never got wound up enough for that to happen but one thing was for sure, his mind had never been calmer in the buildup to a fight.
Joey was right, he did have good hands and they were working magic on Ray as they approached a suspicious-looking house in a quiet neighbourhood of Swellview--a little too quiet if you asked (y/n). Much like he'd done with her, Ray was loving the shoulder rub, so much that (y/n) was happily hearing him mumble rubbish to her as he loosely held her hand and rambled. Something about prettiness, weddings and...food? That pretty much summed him up.
As they approached the backyard, things started to get creepy, so it was a good thing that at least one of them could relax. The Thumb Buddies felt fine; with Captain Man, Miss Danger and Kid Danger leading the way, they felt unbelievably protected and the sidekicks wished they could say that. Sure, they were confident in their abilities but (y/n)'s tummy was talking to her as they snuck around the old, creaking house and into the backyard, the last known location of Stainless Steve.
Of course, he couldn't have chosen the park or the rich estate to hide, no, he had to hide in the dark and in the neighbourhood where the trash collectors seemed to be on strike. There was crap scattered everywhere, ranging from an old, abandoned sofa to chip packets to an old orange cone, this place was gross, not that Ray seemed to mind that much as he sneakily checked their surroundings with Joey massaging his shoulders and (y/n) safely tucked into his side with her fists ready to swing.
"Kid, you see anything?" He questioned Henry as he walked in behind him, Mark on his tail since they'd each decided to take a Thumb Buddy into their responsibility. They'd hopefully stay safe that way but it was so dark and the bushes were so built up that it was almost impossible to catch a glimpse of shiny metal anywhere. An ambush would be so easy in a place like this...
"No, nothing. You sure Stainless Steve ran this way?" Henry asked as Joey began chopping at the man's spine, causing his ensuing groan to sound funny. They'd been walking around for ages and had seen nothing, which was starting to make him nervous.
"That's what the cop in the police helicopter said, maybe he---ahhhh. Ahhhh, this guy's hands are like magic," Ray grinned as the guy behind him kept rubbing for much longer than his sweet girl ever could. Not to be mean or anything since he'd adore her until his dying day but sometimes bigger hands were just better. They could cover more ground and go on for longer, not to mention the fact that this way, he could have a massage and look at her.
"Thank you..."
"You know, if you're not careful, he'll grab onto you and never let go. It's what happened with me." (y/n) joked as she witnessed Ray's dopey smile and Joey laughed as the hero's cheeks flushed pink. It was a fairly accurate description of how they'd ended up the way they are now; they met, they fell in love, they latched onto each other, never to let go again. It was that simple.
"Hey, hey, hey, look! Footprints...leading up to the shed," Henry suddenly interrupted, pushing all of the jokings to one side as he noticed some familiar prints etched into the dirt below their feet. Too deep to be any of theirs, kinda like the wearer had been weighed down, possibly due to the impossibly heavy metal jacket they always wore. It was him, wasn't it? Steve was in the shed and all they had to do was sneak up to it and nab him, Easy.
"Oh, hey! Do you guys think that Stainless Steve is hiding in there?" Mark asked under his breath. Ten points to the Thumb Buddies for a brilliant deduction; he might have been hiding in there, might being the keyword. Steve could be sneaky when he wanted to be, so every clue was to be taken with a pinch of salt because, in this game, there was no chance to restart if you walked into a trap.
"Well, we don't know until we look..." The trio replied as they cautiously eyed the shed, pondering about how they were gonna go about this one but for Joey and Mark, that wasn't an option. This seemed like a simple enough mission, just going in and grabbing the villain, so what they asked next seemed like a no-brainer.
"Ooooh, let us go in there and get him!"
"Yeah! Let us do it!" They begged yet again, wanting a chance to do some real crime-fighting for once without having to stick to small operations or mere lucky finds. The last time they'd dealt with Steve, they'd just stumbled upon someone else's hard work and stolen the glory, but this time, they wanted to do things properly. If they'd let them, that is.
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no..."
"That's not a good idea, guys..."
"It's probably best to let us handle this one..." (y/n) said in line with her friends. In her experience, no mission was ever as easy as it appeared and if they allowed the Thumb Buddies to proceed and then they got hurt, well, that was on them. They were the professionals, they had the knowledge, weapons and backup ready if something went wrong. Mark and Joey didn't, not that they were listening to that reason.
"Please! If you guys will just let us do this, it'll make us feel like we really did something..."
"Like--like our lives have meaning..." Well, when they put it like that, it was nearly impossible to hold the tears in. (y/n)'s watery eyes met Ray's as she and Henry looked to him for the final say and she wondered which side was winning the war in his mind. 
She'd seen it before, hell, she used to be like that, an inconsequential nerd with nothing more than a nine-to-five life as her future when all her heart secretly longed for was an adventure. An odd longing for one so naturally nervous but she understood what they were feeling--the need to belong to something, even if that something wasn't something tangible, like morality or the belief that some things were still good and wholesome and worth fighting for.
"Captain Man?" She asked with hope in her voice, wanting to hear his judgement on the matter so they could put the men out of their misery. He was the boss, he made the call, not her, not Henry, him. What had he decided?
"Well...all right."
"Okay, you guys can get him," He caved, that was his decision. (y/n) broke out into a smile when his softer side came out to play again. Maybe he didn't need his name on this capture, perhaps letting them get a taste of what fighting the big dogs felt like, after all, he remembered what it was like being the newest hero on the scene and trying to find his big break. And seeing the proud smile on his sweet girl's face as they celebrated just sealed the deal; yeah, he'd chosen correctly.
"For real?!"
"Seriously?!" You could say that they were a bit happy at the news, possibly ecstatic. Just a bit. 
"But be careful! We don't want to have to scrape you up off the ground and into a bucket..." (y/n) quelled their excitement as Henry shushed their squeals; the last thing they needed was to give away their position because rule number one for espionage was to always try and have the element of surprise. That was their first lesson, the next lesson was not getting yourself killed before you'd even started because they didn't need the guilt on their consciences.
"Yeah, I don't want those fabulous hands getting hurt," Ray added, which made (y/n) frown at his simping as the Thumb Buddies grinned and blushed. This was it, their moment had come just as Joey's sister had said; time for the dorks to find their place in the world.
"Totally get it, totally get it!" Joey laughed it off as Mark came to face him and then, their smiles dropped into serious, stern expressions, which were completely ill-suited to their natural goofy personalities and whacky costumes. "Okay, man...this is it."
"I love you." Bit much? Bit of bromance going on? It made the heroes share a slightly confused look at how bluntly Mark said it but they understand the sentiment, it was cute. Ray loved (y/n), (y/n) loved Ray, Henry loved (y/n), (y/n) loved Henry, Henry loved Ray, and Ray loved Henry, their unit was built upon trust and a strong friendship, more in the couple's case. It was a good sign and lesson three was to always have your partner's back.
"Yeah...who are we?!" Nobody batted an eyelid at how Joey didn't reciprocate because of how weirdly touching the scene was as they entered lesson four - opening lines must always be cool and must always boost your confidence.
"THUMB BUDDIES!!! Boop!" They shouted as they mashed their thumbs together before charging into the shed with a battle cry sounding out into the night sky. Mark went in first with Joey stumbling over his heels as the wide-eyed superheroes watched on, ready to step in if they needed to but then the doors slammed shut and they assumed that they had everything under control. Until they didn't.
To their absolute horror, shock, terror, surprise and whatever, the shed wasn't a shed. Instead, it was a cleverly disguised trap, revealed when the flimsy, wooden walls fell to the ground with a slam. The trap itself was rather disturbing yet brilliant; a tiny, compact rocket with just enough room for two or three people to squeeze into it if they wanted an uncomfortable jaunt into space and through the small viewing window at the front, they could see the men's terrified faces pressing their noses against the glass. Oh god, they'd said to be careful.
Lesson five, charging in is nearly always a dumb idea. Be the tortoise, not the hare.
"Well, that's weird..." Ray stated as he blinked at the rocket. (y/n) was unable to form words as her hand slapped over her mouth at the peril the Thumb Buddies found themselves in and it didn't take a genius to work out that they were panicking. Well, they would be somebodies after this, the first idiots to not want to go to space. How had it all gone so wrong, so quickly?
"What's happened?!" Joey and Mark screamed above the noise of the engines starting up, the strange hissing and gentle vibrations of the metal making them feel sick as they realised that the door had been bolted after they ran into the pod. All heroes had bad days but these guys had the worst luck in the world. Not to be a pessimist but it looked like their bad day would be their last...
"Uhhh, uhhhh, we don't know!"
"You seem to be in a rocket," Henry told them as they tried to think of something, anything to help out. They should've known it was a trap, just walking into the shed to make an arrest was too easy but they were the ones who'd wanted to save the day. Their mission, their rules, their tactics. How could they help when they were still figuring out exactly what had happened and how?
"Uh, but don't worry! Everything's gonna be--"
"Activate main engine... Prepare for launch..." (y/n) could tell them not to panic all she wanted but when the rocket's automated voice came on and the thrusters started to fire up and spark flames, it didn't matter. They were panicking, she was panicking because she just knew that they were meant to be the ones in that damn rocket, not the Thumb Buddies, who were just fledging fighters, totally unequipped to go into space.
"Ignition...goodbye." Before she could offer any counsel or advice on how to shut the rocket down, the remaining thrusters kicked in and the shuttle started to shake, rattle and...fly. Screaming and pleading for their lives, the Thumb Buddies watched with pale faces and bloodshot eyes as Captain Man, Miss Danger and Kid Danger stood frozen on the lawn, getting smaller and smaller until they were like ants on the ground. 
They were up in the stratosphere before they even spoke again, unable to process that the one time they decided to accept some superhero interns and they accidentally sent them to the moon or something. Definitely not a mission to give to KLVY and certainly not their brightest moment.
"Well, I'll be darned..." Ray muttered as their necks stayed craned at the stars, watching the rocket into it was nothing more than a shooting star crossing the galaxies. (y/n) could swear that a tear rolled down her cheek as they became yet another star in the inky darkness; it was all so damn poetic, they'd wanted to shine and now they would but no one would ever know who they were admiring when they looked up at the sky and happened to see them floating past. They'd be immortalised in space and free to wander the cosmos as the Earth kept spinning...would anyone miss them?
Her thoughtful reflection was broken as delighted cheers broke the quiet of the night and when she finally brought her gaze back down, she saw that it was Stainless Steve. He'd crept back into the garden and was cheering at the sky as he watched his rocket disappear, which was no doubt his cunning method of getting rid of them once and for all. If only he noticed how he'd only succeeded in sending the wrong heroes.
"Goodbye, Captain Man and Kid Danger! And you're stupid little fiancée! Enjoy getting hitched in outer space for the rest of your---lives..." His screams were cut off as Ray, henry and (y/n) took a few steps forward and when the metal man turned around, he was met with their stony expressions. Oh, how they wanted to kick his ass into space too, maybe he'd bring their newfound friends back when he returned.
"You tried to trick us!" Ray realised as he looked from Stainless Steve to the path the Thumb Buddies took and back to his stupid shiny face. Right, it all made sense now, they were meant to run in there and get caught, not those guys. They had just been a very unfortunate accident, sneaky, little...
"You tried to shoot us into space!"
"No! No, I didn't!" Liar, liar...aluminium foil on fire. Steve cooly looked off to the right as they caught him out as if lying about what had just happened right in front of them would change anything. They might have looked dumb but they weren't, unlike him in his stupid metal outfit and facepaint. Why couldn't he just use a ski mask like most villains?
"You did too! We just watched your rocket fly away!" (y/n) spat, stepping forward as if she was about to punch the guy, but Ray's hand quickly caught her wrist to stop her from doing anything rash. She was upset, he could see that from her quivering bottom lip, so there was no knowing what was going through her mind and he didn't fancy letting her stand up to Steve alone, not when he was ready for a fight too.
"Yeah, so? What are you gonna do about it, girlie? Run and hide while Captain Man saves your pretty little ass?" Steve growled, taking one step closer so (y/n) could feel his breath fan across her face as he sneered. Contrary to popular belief, Miss Danger did not need the assistance of Captain Man because she was not a damsel in distress, nor was she afraid to fight her own battles, no matter how much Ray wrapped her in cotton wool sometimes.
"I hope for your sake that you've got metal everywhere..." She smiled sourly, watching as the confusion flickered over his features for a second before she took the plunge and kneed him right in the balls. Yeah, it was all well and good having metal plates sewn into your jacket but when you forget about the squishy parts, none of that really matters. 
Steve crumpled to the dirt and Ray and Henry witnessed the scene with wide eyes and their breath caught in their throats as the small girl took down a guy, who thought he could intimidate her. Well, here's to no little Steve's running around in the future. 
And just for good measure, Henry found a discarded, crusty soda cup lying on the ground, which was filled with a suspicious liquid that could have been soda or something more human, so naturally, he savagely threw it at the man's body, hoping the smell stayed with him for days. 
Ray would've done something too, he would've ensured that the villain stayed down until the cops arrived but he couldn't take his eyes off his sweet girl, who couldn't take her eyes off the rocket above their heads. It was just a speck at this point, only just in view and whilst she lamented the loss of the Thumb Buddies with Henry, he struggled to control his racing heart. It wasn't his fault that she was so hot when she fought.
"This is bad..." Henry said after a minute or two and he wasn't wrong. What could they do? They could muster the Schwoz's love shuttle and follow them but there was a strong chance they'd be dead by the time they managed to launch. Everything came back down to Earth eventually; the rocket wasn't big enough to fully explore the depths of space, and nor did it have the fuel to do so. It would circle the planet a few times, perhaps stray away just a little and then get caught by gravity again, at least, that's what (y/n) predicted. Was that good or bad though?
"Shhhh! We don't know what happened..." Ray silenced his sidekick as he snapped out of his filthy thoughts and promptly made a ruling on the matter. What the news didn't know wouldn't hurt them, right? As far as he was concerned, the Thumb Buddies were strangers to the Man Cave team and the night's events never occurred, which was cruel but what else could he do?
"Doofus, what are you talking about?" (y/n) asked with a frowning face. Sometimes, her dorkette just didn't get his dorkiness, not when she was racking her brain for a solution that didn't involve spending millions of dollars on a rescue mission.
"We were never here."
"We were never where?"
"We were somewhere else..."
"I wasn't here, and neither were you. In fact, I was at home with my fiancé all evening..." Oh, now she understood. Henry jumped onto his almost evil plan almost immediately as the man seized his girl by the arms and began to drag her away from the "scene of the crime". (y/n) didn't like it not one bit, but she allowed him to take her anyway--the mens rea to follow the actus reus as it were. Were they just gonna walk away and deny everything if the Thumb Buddies ever cropped up in conversation again? Yep, looked like it.
"Said Captain Man today in court when the prosecuting attorney questioned his whereabouts on the night of the disappearance," The heroine muttered bitterly as they scampered away from the house and back towards the Nacho Ball where they'd left the Man Van. 
It wasn't a long walk but it certainly looked suspicious for any lowlife witnessing three superheroes running away like they were the bad guys. Perhaps they wouldn't snitch when the police came knocking on doors and asking questions?
"You got a better idea, sweet girl? Other than going home and watching that rom-com with Ted Iggle-Piggle?" Ray asked with soft yet serious eyes because he was up for suggestions, anything she could give him, he'd take. She had to believe him, he wanted to do something about their...predicament but he had no idea how to get those fellow dorks back. Maybe a good night's sleep in each other's arms would bring some inspiration.
"His name is Tom Hiddleston, and no, I don't. I have nothing..." (y/n) replied tiredly, not even having the energy to twitch the corners of her mouth into a smile. Going to bed and chilling with a crap movie did sound nice and her doofus always knew how to take her mind off the bad stuff that waited outside the four walls of their bedroom. 
Sleep always brought better thoughts to her and who knows? Tomorrow might just give her an idea of what to do or maybe her worry would fade in the night, and honestly, she didn't know which was better. A hopeless struggle that might just fail or the prospect of carrying the guilt of never knowing for the rest of their lives? Her famous last words:
"Perhaps it's better to just forget. After all, I doubt we'll ever see them again..."
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a-kyber-star · 1 year
clone conspiracy and truth and consequences liveblog comments
cade and slip seem nice they deserved better
guess who's the attack dog 🙄
her hairpiece looks like one of padme's <3
rampart is so slimey
senate scene without padme :^(
rampart you better not be plotting to assassinate my gf
the racing from the earlier episode is on one of the tvs in 79s lol
i love her outfit so much its gorgeous with the colorblocking and gold filigree accents
why does the animation feel like actually really good
"rampart you committed genocide and it sits this easily with you?" "yeah lol."
girl no you cant go following strange droids down dark alleys oh its just bail
ever since i found out bail's va is the same as hermes from futurama i can't unhear it in his voice
i love the cardigans/robes bail wears theyve got neat like panel embroidery
what the fuck is ryeoh who is ryeo chuchi my gfs name is reeyo
this "bounty hunter" def is crosshair
he keeps like aiming for the shoulder not the heart lol not quite low and central enough to be a proper heart shot
oh its not crosshair??? paint me corrected
pff not the martez garage
"youre not wearing any identifiable markings" no shit hes an assassin
pretend theres a line break here
my handsome boyfriend captain rex
i wonder at what point 'imperial centre' becomes interchangeable/replaces coruscant
oh funky lookin bodybag
can we like close the container w the corpse while the child is present
aww this is like when ahsoka and padme would hang out and do politics
this poncho has a dope pattern
so like ramparts basically already proceeded with the imperial defense bill w/e with the tk troopers but we still need the pretense? of legality in order to continue i guess
is grandma gonna get shot thru the window survey says: not yet !
venator maintenance tunnels...... poor baby cal stuck on bracca for 4ish more years
and nobody notices some guys stuck hanging from a transport?? no "hmm suspicious transport activity over the venator maybe we should check that out"
"seal the door" and he shoots the controls. classic
definitely in galaxy's top ten least conspicuous escapes
"i was following orders" dude how many times has this excuse worked
oh fuck hes blaming it on the clones too??? what a dickhead tossing his chess pieces aside once theyve served their purpose
no honestly sidious triggers my fight or flight so bad
mr ian killed that speech tho
echo you didnt tell omega you were leavinf???? god this kid has enough issues as is now youre giving her abandonment problems??? like i'm happy echo is going with rex to help the clones and the rebellion but damn you should have warned her
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