#he's crying his nose is bleeding his heart is beating super fast his face is flushed he's seeing bubbles
french-fry-gallery · 2 years
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he isnt used to such strong feelings toward marinette, he's very confused
(that trailer tho)
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The times I may of had an undiagnosed concussion-
I was an active kid and also fucking stupid when it came to staying aware of my surrounds (still am). I never played sports but I was always staying active somehow. I grew up in the 2000's but I can't really remember much before 2010/2011. My memory, as I have aged well into my 20's, has became super spotty when it comes everyday shit but childhood trauma doesn't leave that easy. I blame the following events for a lot of the disfunction my brain is suffering from now. If I could afford a brain scan I would in a heart beat.
The first accident I can recall has to be one of the most embarrassing moments I've ever experienced. Still to this day I think if someone mentioned it to me my face would turn red. When I was younger I had a friend who lived a few houses down. We will call her Jane. Jane an I would ride bikes around the development we grew up in. I was leaving Jane's house one day. Jane's dad was sitting outside watching us and as I was leaving the only thought in my head was "I'm going to ride this bike as fast as possible to impress my friend". Why, I have no clue. So I take off down a hill. I hear someone yell something that might have been my name, so I wip my head around only to then smash head first into the back of a neighbors truck. Thankfully I had my head turned so my nose didn't break but I'm 50/50 if I blacked out before I started crying. What do you think happened next? Because it sure as hell wasn't love and support I'll tell ya. The dad and Jane were dying laughing in my face. Then laughter turned to "you dented the truck". Mind you I'm still in the road bleeding from the scrapes on my knees and may have a concussion. As Jane's dad freaked out about me denting a truck with my skull and Jane's mom gave me an ice pack, I decided I needed to leave and walked my bike home. My mom made me apologize to the neighbor only to find out that I caused nothing but a scuff to his truck. Which he seemed a little mad rightfully. My mom also tried to ground me (I'm kind of sure). My memory gets a little spotty after that. All an all extremely traumatic and you can assume that emotional neglect is a large theme. I come from a "rub some dirt in it" family and have found myself guilty of not understanding someone's pain as well.
Thankfully I had a helmet on for these next two. My family and I would go skiing together. Usually with my uncle and his 3 girls. The first one is when I fell trying to get on a "T bar" for the first time ever. It wasn't really explained to me how to, but the peer pressure kind of took over. So, I fall face first and let go of the bar. The guy running the "T bar" (probably a 16 year old kid) decided not to stop it. Giving me about 10 seconds to wipe the shame off of falling and get out of the way. If you have ever tried getting up after falling like that as a beginner, its not an easy task. As soon as I'm trying to lift my head up the next bar comes flying at my face. Smacking me right in the forehead. I kind of don't remember anything other then the bar coming at me, getting hit, then being in the truck on the way home. I can however hear my uncle laughing his ass off at me telling me I didn't hold on tight enough then being pissed I ruined the day. My dad was ahead of us, he tried showing me how to get on by example. Not a good enough example I guess. The next trip was the same crew, this time my uncle decided it was time I ski the bigger trails and stop going down the same one everytime. Which I get but also I wasn't the best skier. So, I with the constant bullying and teasing from my family, finally do. I couldn't slow down, hit some ice, decided okay I'm bombing this bitch, then hit a tree face on so fucking hard. I definitely blacked out for that one because I don't remember a thing after. I remember seeing the tree and knowing there was nothing I could do then pain.
This one was probably the worst because I 100% had a concussion and still have a dent in my skull from it. I was play basketball outside my house with, let call them Adam and Ali, till we got bored and started throwing the ball into the tree. Why, who knows. Well the ball gets stuck, duh, so we start throwing sticks at it. My dumb ass stands under were the ball is and throws a rock. No it wasn't the rock that hit me but a branch about as big round as a small tortilla. Right on the left side of the top of my head. It was about a 10-11 foot drop. I dropped to the ground and I can remember being immediately dizzy. I didn't start crying till I saw blood. So I rushed into the house telling my mom what happened and looking into the mirror to see a gash. I start freaking out that I'm going to need stitches (I probably didn't but in my defense it was about 2 inches long and a centimeter wide) while my loving mother said "get a band aid and go back outside your fine". Then ignored me and my worry the rest of the night. It didn't stop bleeding for hours. I was dizzy and nauseous, I had the absolute worst migraine that made my vision blurry. It was not a fun time. So I decided it was probably best not to sleep right away. Love my little dent though. It reminds me how uncaring my mother is. I also almost had to call 911 before because I could breath and she didn't want to leave the bar yet. Bust thats a different story and I was a teen by then.
The last one is funny. Pretty much my sister owned a this open bowed boat and while I was riding in the front hit about a 9 foot tall wave that almost sent me overboard. But I held on and when the boat landed, it landed hard. I smashed my head off the boat. Didn't cry for that one. I think I had a good amount of adrenaline in me though. I hit my head riding in my dads boat enough times that its just par for the course.
All these took place between the ages of 9-13. Not really the best time to aquire acute brain damage. Some quick ones I didn't feel like needed an explanation from the same time period are: throwing myself over the handlebars of a forewheeler, smashing my bike into a mailbox, hitting my head off a brach while riding on the back of a wheeler, hitting my head off the tree my swing was on multiple times, breaking my arm falling from the monkey bars and hitting my head off the side of the pool.
Yeah I don't know how I'm alive still either. I was a tough kid and crying was very rare until it came to extreme pain and someone screaming in my face.
If anyone does read this I would just like to note that I'm a sarcastic blunt person and write how I think. I know my writing abilities need work but it feels good just to share trauma to the void. Maybe even work through a few things while I'm at it.
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wolferine · 3 years
Heart Skips a Beat - Part 2
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Summary: Natasha faces her worst nightmare when a rescue mission goes wrong…
Warnings: Violence, blood
Word Count: 1837
Part 1
Tags: @blkmxrvel @blackxwidowsxwife @marvelwomen-simp
When Natasha sees your eyes close, she finally comes back to her senses. She squirms away from Steve, crawling under an ambulance and making her way towards you. She ignores Steve telling her to stay put and doesn’t hear Clint telling police officers the direction the bullets came from. All she can think about is bringing you to safety.
The ambulance engine is still running, causing its underside to reach temperatures that make Natasha feel like she is hiding in a furnace. She holds her breath from the fumes as she crawls to the front of the vehicle, throwing her arm out and reaching for your hand.
“Y/N!” she screams. “I’m right here! Hold on!” Her fingertips brush yours and she grabs onto your wrist tightly. You’re bigger and heavier than her, but the adrenaline gives her strength. With a massive heave, she drags you under the ambulance. You smear through the puddle of your own blood and it soaks through the back of your shirt. 
There isn’t even enough room for her to lift her head, but she grabs onto both your arms, digging her elbows into the ground and crawling backwards. “I got you, Y/N. I got you,” she pants. But the lack of space and your deadweight make it impossible for her to pull you all the way through, so she backs out from under the ambulance. “Steve, help me!” she shouts.
“Move!” Steve says to her, although his shoulders are too broad to fit in the narrow gap. However, his arms are long enough to reach both of your hands, and all it takes is one big tug for you to come sliding out from the ambulance. 
Your eyes fly open suddenly, awakened by the agonizing pain coursing through your shoulder like a lightning bolt. You scream, and as much as it makes Natasha’s heart hurt, she’s glad to see that you’re still alive. 
“You guys need to get out of here right now!” Clint yells. “Take the ambulance!”
Steve pulls you into a standing position and wraps his arms around your waist, lifting you onto his shoulders effortlessly. You flop over him like a ragdoll, pain pulsing in your stomach when you bump against his chest.
A bullet shatters the sideview mirror of the ambulance.
“Go, go!” Natasha urges, putting herself between the danger and you and Steve. Steve runs with you to the back of the ambulance and flings the door open. There is no gurney, so Natasha helps him lay you on the floor and climbs in after you.
“Stay with Y/N. I’ll drive,” Steve offers, going around to the front. “Clint, we’re taking Y/N to the Quinjet! Hold the scene down!”
“Copy that!” Clint is just as concerned for your safety, but he knows you’re in good hands. Steve jumps into the driver’s seat and throws the ambulance in reverse.
The windshield explodes.
“Let’s go!” Natasha screams, ducking her head.
“Hold on!” Steve backs into a sharp U-turn. The tires screech as they find traction on the road to accelerate forward.
Natasha practically lays on top of you to prevent you from rolling around. From a shelf, she grabs a handful of gauze packets, tearing them open with her teeth. She rips your shirt open and presses the gauze first to your shoulder, then another to the side of your stomach. You’re completely soaked in blood and it continues to pump out of you with each heartbeat. Your face has faded to a sickly pale. 
“N-Nat,” you whisper, trying to move but pinned down by the pain. “N-Nat—”
“Shh, it’s okay,” she comforts. “Just keep your eyes open for me, okay?”
You see the blood smeared on her face, her neck, and her hands, too delirious to remember that it’s yours. “A-Are you h-hurt?” you stammer.
Natasha wants to laugh and cry at the same time. You’re so in love with her that even in the face of death you don’t even think about yourself. “No, I’m fine,” she says, grabbing onto your hand and interlocking your fingers. She looks over at Steve, veering through parked cars and roadblocks. “Can we hurry it up a little?” she asks in panic, even though she knows he’s driving as fast as he can.
“I’m trying!” Steve swerves around a fire hydrant and the sudden movement jolts everyone in the ambulance. Natasha presses down on you too hard and you grunt in pain.
“I’m sorry,” she apologizes. “We’re almost there. We’re almost there.”
Your vision fades into fuzzy shapes and blurred colors. Even breathing seems to be too much of a task for you. Steve parks behind the Quinjet and comes around to help carry you in.
“Do you need me to go with you?” Steve asks as he lays you across the back seats of the Quinjet.
“No.” Natasha shakes her head. “Stay and help Barton.”
Steve doesn’t even try to argue. “We’ll find who did this, Nat. I promise.” He goes to the controls at the front and presses a few buttons. “The coordinates for the Tower are set. You’ll autopilot all the way there. Just make sure to update the medical team on Y/N’s condition.”
“Thanks, Steve.”
“Everything will be okay.” He places his hand on Natasha’s shoulder for a moment before jogging back to the ambulance. As soon as he’s off the Quinjet, the door raises shut and the engines blast on. You’re several states away from New York, but at the speeds the plane can travel, you should be there in minutes. You just have to hang on until then.
Natasha leaves your side only to grab more gauze, pressing it against your bullet wounds to slow the bleeding. She rolls you to your side so there’s no pressure on your front or back, but grimaces when she sees that your back looks as bad as your front.
“N-Nat,” you try whispering again, but she is quick to shush you.
“Not now, okay? Just stay awake for me, Y/N.”
You’ve never felt so weak before. It feels like you were hit by a bus and ground up by its tires. Your mind processes in slow-motion—probably a side effect of the blood loss—and you already forgot how you got into the Quinjet. But the physical pain isn’t your greatest concern anymore. You just don’t want to lose your fight and leave her.
Natasha fits an oxygen mask around your face and the cool air is comforting, but you know your time is ticking away. You don’t notice the Quinjet hiss to a landing or acknowledge the team of doctors suddenly hovering over you.
“We’ll do the surgery in room six!”
“Prep a blood transfusion!”
“Two gunshot wounds from a large-caliber gun!”
The doctors move you to a gurney and wheel you off the Quinjet. Natasha holds onto your hand as they take you to the surgery room, but a doctor stops her from entering with you.
“No, Romanoff. You gotta stay out here. We’ll take it from here.”
Natasha doesn’t fight back, letting your fingers slip through hers as you disappear behind the doors.
“Any updates?” Clint and Steve finally arrive a few hours later, but you’re still in surgery.
“Not yet.” Natasha paces the kitchen anxiously. Although she found the time to wash your blood off her hands and face, she hasn’t changed out of her uniform yet.
“Nat, you should get cleaned up. Y/N isn’t going anywhere,” Clint says.
“I know, I just…I want to be there when—” She can’t finish her sentence, falling into Clint’s arms and crying into his shoulder.
“Y/N is a fighter, remember?” Clint says, rubbing her back.
“But the amount of blood—”
“Super soldiers don’t go down easy,” Steve reminds her. “Y/N will pull through. And besides, you’ll be there to help with the recovery.”
Natasha nods, pulling away from Clint and wiping her face. “I’m sorry I froze when I saw Y/N get shot—”
“What are you apologizing for?” Clint asks.
“I don’t know—I put you all in danger because I couldn’t get myself out of the way—” she hiccups. 
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” Steve assures. “In fact, you were the one who dragged Y/N to safety, remember? I couldn’t fit under the ambulance and Clint was just sitting around like a duck—”
“Excuse you,” Clint interrupts, and Natasha smiles thinly.  
“So, did you find who did this?” she asks.
“Uh—” Clint and Steve look at each other awkwardly. “Natasha, we—”
“Did you find them?” Natasha repeats with more force. Clint motions for Steve to explain.
“That’s the thing,” Steve says. “We don’t know who did this. We scoped out the whole area with the police. We went out more than a mile, but we couldn’t find anything. No shell casings, nothing.”
“Oh, so you’re telling me a ghost shot and tried to kill Y/N?” Natasha scoffs.
“No, we…” Steve tries to find the right words. “We think it was a setup, maybe like a hired assassin or something.”
“Who would want to kill Y/N?” Natasha asks.
“That’s what we need to figure out.”
Natasha knows you have a lot of baggage from your past, particularly when you were forced into illegal covert operations by the government. But it’s been a long time since then. You became your own person and changed your life for the better. Unfortunately, not everyone sees the side of you that Natasha and the Avengers do.
When Clint and Steve leave to shower and change, Natasha finally does the same. She dresses in clean clothes and curls up on your shared bed, inhaling your scent through the pillow and blankets.
Sometime later, Clint visits and knocks on the door. “Hey, Nat? Y/N just got out of surgery—” He doesn’t even get a chance to finish his sentence and is almost run over by Natasha as she hurries over to the medical bay. She doesn’t know which specific room they’re keeping you in, but it’s like she’s drawn to your very presence and finds the correct one instantly.
You lie upright in the bed, propped forward with pillows so there’s less pressure on your back. Your right arm is in a sling and your entire torso is wrapped in bandages. An IV drip leads into the veins on your hand, while a blood pouch sends blood into the vein inside of your elbow. You have an oxygen tube up your nose and looped around your ears.
“I heard the doctor went a little overboard on the anesthesia,” Clint says from behind Natasha, startling her. “You know, with the super soldier serum and everything. Y/N will probably be out of it for a while.” Natasha walks to your side and kneels, gently taking your hand. Your skin is clammy and colder than normal, but your pulse beats strongly.
“I’ll be here as long as it takes.” Natasha raises your hand, mindful of the wires around your wrist, and kisses your fingers.
Click here for Part 3!
AN: Thanks for the amazing support from everyone! Definitely didn’t think I’d get that kind of response, but I’m extremely grateful for you all. The next part will reveal the identity of the shooter, so I hope you’ll stick around for that. :) Peace out!
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milkybonya · 3 years
order 015, anon: large banana milk tea with lychee jelly and pudding for Asahi
Warnings: some angst (injuries, crying mentions) and food mentions
Summary: a coffee shop! enemies to lovers! soulmate!au all in one where Asahi, an expert barista and newbie!y/n's supervisor is easily angered by small mistakes, but ends up falling for his new employee as they begin to hone their craft, and even more so when he discovers the butterfly birthmark at the nape of their neck which matches his own.
*disclaimer! i'm not a barista but am writing using the minimal experience i have acquired after working in a place that makes coffee but isn't as artsy as a coffee shop,, so please forgive any inaccuracies!
[a/n] Alex if u see this LOOK IT'S A COFFEE SHOP AU HHH
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After being lucky enough to get hired on the spot at your city's most famous coffee shop, you walk in on your first day, excited to make coffee and serve customers. The day does not greet you well, though, as your already nervous state is worsened when your supervisor and coworker, a dashing young man with black hair parted around his face, gives you a hard time.
Asahi is extremely cold and quiet, only yelling when he speaks to tell the employees to do their job right. He yells at you twice: once for forgetting to clean the steamed milk frother, and another time for when you serve the customers coffee that isn't fresh.
It leaves you feeling jittery to a point where you continue to make mistakes.
"[y/n], finish that order and meet me in the back," Asahi tells you, his voice completely emotionless.
Once you join him in the back, you find him sweeping, his hair falling in his eyes and prickling his nose. As soon as he notices you're there, he puts the broom away, pushing the hair out of his eyes before he turns to face you.
"[y/n], I realize that it's your first day, but you're doing an absolutely terrible job," he says.
"Our work here is more fast paced than you think, and if you can't handle it and keep getting nervous and slipping up, then I don't think we can keep you here."
Your bottom lip begins to tremble hearing the harsh criticism on what is only your first day, but luckily, a coworker who overheard everything steps in.
"Hey, Asahi! Big boss man, calm down. It's only their first day... stop being so hard on them," your coworker says, placing an arm around you.
When you look to see who it was, you discover that it's Junkyu, your bright and happy coworker who always does his job with a smile. Even just seeing him makes you smile, and he smiles back at you, patting your head.
"[y/n] is doing just great, so you can shut up!" Junkyu huffs, dragging you out and back onto the floor.
You may wonder why Junkyu was being so rude to his boss, but Asahi and Junkyu are actually close friends, so it's okay for them to get mad at each other like this.
"Don't listen to Asahi. He's like an old man sometimes," Junkyu says.
"And it's okay to get nervous! I was spilling so many things everywhere on my first day. Just take your time..." Junkyu explains, showing you how to do all the things that you messed up on before.
Asahi watches from the other side of the shop, feeling angry at the sight of Junkyu being so close to you, for some reason. He also thinks... he sees something on the back of your neck that matches his own birthmark, but he shrugs it off, telling himself he's just seeing things.
With the worst luck, you continue making mistakes every time Asahi shows up, and he scolds you for it in front of your coworkers and the customers each time. Sometimes, you have to rush to the break room to catch your breath and even cry it out, stare yourself down in the mirror and tell yourself that you're doing a great job.
"You're doing great, [y/n]! Don't worry about Asahi... you're doing great," you say.
Asahi, who is in the back of the shop in search of coffee grinds, overhears your pep talk and smiles to himself, immediately frowning as soon as you step out of the break room and face him, though.
"What are you doing? Get back out there!" he says.
You leave quickly and don't notice Asahi smiling at the way you waddle towards the front.
Despite being nervous at the beginning, your barista skills improve rapidly. You're able to master latte art after only a week and a half, creating pretty designs that are different for each customer. Your designs gain popularity and the shop grows busier with people waiting for you to hand them a pretty latte that you've designed.
Asahi still doesn't seem to want to give you praise of any sort, though, as he constantly points out your mistakes.
"It looks good, but does it taste good? You clearly went too heavy on the milk."
Even his your coworkers grow tired of Asahi, and everyone starts calling him angry bird Asahi behind his back with the way his eyebrows are pointed in a frown each time he comes to scold you.
For you, though, it doesn't matter anymore. You've found something you love and are improving in it rapidly, so Asahi's bitter attitude can't harm you anymore.
One short-staffed day, you're alone, closing the shop alongside Asahi. The two of you clean up in silence, save for Asahi's hushed hums as he sweeps.
Not noticing a paper bag on the ground, you trip on it and fall on your knees and hands.
Your yelp leaves Asahi rushing over, even though you thought he would just ignore your pain.
"[y/n], what happened?! Are you okay?" he asks, leaning down.
He pauses midway, staring at the back of your exposed neck. His fingers reach out in disbelief to touch what he sees, but he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable and stops himself.
A butterfly birthmark, just like the one on the back of his own neck. A shared butterfly birthmark in the same location: a sign of soulmates.
"I'm okay, I'm okay. I just tripped.
"Y-you're not bleeding or anything, right?" Asahi asks, suddenly breathless.
"Nope, all good!" you say, standing up and feeling confused at Asahi's flustered state.
"Are you okay? Why do you seem so panicked?" you ask.
"I'm... I was just worried that's all," he quickly says, returning to where he was sweeping.
He really found his soulmate despite not believing in the butterfly soulmate thing anyway....
Asahi is really weird around you for the next week, not scolding you anymore but just being super quiet and seemingly cautious around you. Everyone is confused as to what happened to angry bird Asahi, and feeling a little worried yourself, you approach him in his office on your break one day.
"Is everything okay, Asahi?"
"Hm? Yeah... why wouldn't it be?"
"I don't know... you just seem more quiet than usual."
Asahi stares at the ground, wondering if he should tell you about your shared birthmarks.
Ah heck, let's just go for it, he thinks to himself.
He swivels around in his hair, turning his back to you and holding up his hair at the back of his head.
"Does this look familiar to you?" he asks, pointing to the birthmark at the nape of his neck.
You gasp, feeling the back of your own neck.
The birthmark looks exactly the same...
"I don't know what to do. Because frankly, I don't believe in any of this soulmate crap, but we're really soulmates..." Asahi says.
Your eyes, on the other hand, are sparkling. You've believed in soulmates since the beginning and always wondered who would have the same birthmark as you. It's weird to think that angry bird Asahi is your soulmate, but you don't want to lose this chance.
"What else do we do but go on a date!" you say, hugging his arm out of excitement.
Asahi glares at you and you pull away, clearing your throat.
"Friday after work! Wait for me and we'll go somewhere," you say, excitedly leaving Asahi's office.
He places a hand on his heart, feeling it beat a little faster than usual.
Friday, you notice Asahi's hair is looking a little different - all straightened, neat and tidy. Asahi also doesn't fail to notice that you're looking a little fancier than your usual self. Even Junkyu bothers you about it, asking why you look really prim and proper today.
When Asahi's shift ends, he has an hour to kill until yours does, so he spends that time in his office at the back, watching you make pretty drinks with you latte art through the security cameras. He has a full view of your butterfly birthmark and suddenly wonders what it would be like if he was able to kiss it.
Finally as soon as your shift ends, you rush out, forgetting to say goodbye to everyone unlike you usually do, but also forgetting to punch out. Asahi reminds you to do that as soon as you step into his office. The way he smiles when you swing open the door, his teeth peeking out while his eyes hide away, makes you feel like he's happy to see you... though he's just giggling at your mistake.
Once you're punched out and ready to leave, you step out of there and take the bus to an art gallery that you've always wanted to explore. You notice Asahi staring down into your lap as you ride the bus, shyly looking at your hands, fidgeting his own and then looking away. You become the brave one for the both of you and take his hand in yours, smiling at the window when he looks at you.
You take your time looking at the artwork, both of you quietly walking while holding hands. You only talk to ask each other if you're ready to move on to the next piece.
After some time, though, Asahi speaks up and asks you if he can take a photo of you standing in front of a butterfly painting.
"Just keep looking at it and I'll take a photo from the back."
Once he stands behind you, you feel awkward and stiff in front of the camera, and it probably shows, as Asahi asks you to relax.
"Just be like you usually would!"
You try your best and Asahi eventually takes the photo.
"Can I see?" you ask him.
"Later," he says, smiling down at his phone.
On the floor below the gallery, there's a place to grab food and the two of you do just that, gushing about how cool the art in the gallery was and what your favourite pieces were. Asahi tries to imitate this robot statue you saw made of metal, and it makes you laugh so hard that you almost get kicked out.
"Asahi, I never thought you would be this fun," you say.
"Well, at work I do have to be somewhat professional," he says, smiling at you.
"At work you're just a jerk," you mumble, thinking Asahi can't hear you, even though he does.
He decides to stop being so hard on you at work, and actually follows through. Work becomes more enjoyable without angry bird Asahi and with all of the dates you go one with Asahi after work. Eventually, the two of you start to officially date, and Junkyu is shocked to his core.
"H-how did this happen...? And why did no one tell me!" he screeches when he finds out.
Asahi presses his lips to the back of your neck in the dark of the room, his lips curving into a smile when he hears your giggle.
"What are you doing, Sahi?"
"Something I've always wanted to do," he says, burying his face into your chest.
It's his turn to giggle as you run your fingers through his hair, tracing his butterfly birthmark with your finger.
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whumpee: kurt wallander
fandom: young wallander
this fic is for @bright-was-right who said: "Hello! If you're still taking fic requests via "I wish you'd write..." - Young Wallander + taken hostage by a suspect, pretty please? Either in the station or during an arrest? Tbh anything you write is gonna be gold anyway but that's all I could come up with😂" sorry this took so long and sorry it's not the best i've been like. super stressed lately and it's just a Lot so i apologize! i hope this is ok though!!!
The barrel of the gun is cold against his temple, and it digs into the skin so hard that Kurt will be shocked if it doesn’t leave a bruise. Though it may just as easily leave a bloody, gaping hole in his head as his body thuds lifelessly to the floor…
He can’t think like that. He can’t think like that. He’s in a police station, surrounded by cops who are going to negotiate with the man who is currently holding him hostage. He’s going to be fine. 
Except he’s going to be shot in the head. The gun shakes against his head, pressing harder and harder into him all the time. One of the officers standing around them says something, and Kurt hears the gun click and closes his eyes because he is about to die and god, he really doesn’t want to die. He’s too young to die. There’s so much he hasn’t done, years and years worth of experiences and he’s not going to get to have any of them because he’s about to be shot to death in the middle of the fucking police station because this suspect had apparently lost his goddamn mind and - 
Kurt falls to the floor, dead. Except...he’s not dead? He thinks for a moment that he must be, but then slowly opens his eyes and sees the familiar floor of the police station and realizes that he is most definitely alive. 
He can still feel the gun pressing to his head, but someone pulls him to his feet and he sees his former captor lying motionless on the ground, a pool of blood spilling out from his body, so the gun can’t be touching him anymore. It’s sitting on the floor, actually, and Rask is bending down to pick it up. He’s safe. 
God, he’s safe. He’d almost died, right here in the middle of this room, surrounded by coworkers and friends who would have had to see him die and the indent on his head where the gun had been pressing feels like it’s burning, feels like it’s freezing, feels like it’s bleeding and dripping down his face and there had been a gun to his head and now there is not and he had thought for a moment that he’d been shot and killed and he had thought for sure that he was going to be killed and now it’s over almost as quickly as it had begun and he’s alive and - 
“Breathe, Kurt.”
Reza. Reza almost had to see him die. He reaches out a hand, fists it into the fabric of Reza’s jacket and holds on for all he’s worth. He makes shaky eye contact with his best friend, breathes out in a long, uneven shudder.
“You okay?”
A sort of whooshing noise drowns out Reza’s question. Kurt feels like he’s drowning. Feels like the gun is still pressed against his head. Feels absolutely terrified, which is ridiculous, because the danger is gone, he’s fine, he’s fine, right? But there’s this noise in his ears and this panic in his head and he’s pretty sure he’s shaking and not quite breathing right and he has no idea what to do, so he just looks at Reza, blurry and unfocused through a field of tears (and when had he started crying?). 
Reza grabs onto Kurt’s shoulders, loosening Kurt’s grip on his jacket at the same time. He guides the two of them carefully to the ground, adjusting their bodies so that Kurt’s back is pressed against the side of a desk and Reza’s is in front of him, effectively shielding him from any potential danger.
He’s safe. Kurt knows this, knows it even more so now, with Reza crouched in front of him, but apparently his mind has decided to throw all logic out the window, because it’s still insisting that he’s in mortal danger, and he’s still shaking and panicking and the tears are still rolling down his face and he wants it to stop but he is still so, so scared and Reza’s right there and he’s safe but he’s not and Reza’s there.
Almost instinctively, Kurt launches himself forward, straight at Reza, who fortunately does not go toppling over as Kurt slams into his chest, burying his face in Reza’s shoulder. His hands once again grip Reza’s jacket, latching onto the back of it with a surprising amount of strength considering that they’re still shaking. 
A sob tears its way out of his throat, and Kurt presses his face harder still into Reza’s shoulder. Reza brings up his own arms and wraps them gently around Kurt, rubbing one hand on his back and keeping the other pressed against the back of his head. He’s saying things, things like “it’s okay,” and “I’ve got you,” and other, similar words that Kurt can’t quite hear. His voice sounds like it does when Shaba is scared, and at another time Kurt might have found that a bit embarrassing, but at the moment he only finds it comforting and calming. 
They sit there like that for several minutes, as Kurt slowly begins to come back to himself. He feels the panic start to ebb from his body, listens as the whooshing in his ears fades away, replaced with the now much clearer sound of Reza’s voice. His hands are still shaking, though his body is not, and he can feel his heart still beating too fast, but he no longer feels the gun pressing to his head. The mark there hurts, yes, but it hurts like a bruise hurts, not like a gunshot wound hurts, not like raw panic hurts. 
He takes a deep breath that doesn’t tremble and blinks his eyes open. They feel raw and achy, but they’re also dry. He’s stopped crying. He sniffs, pulls a hand away from Reza’s jacket and rubs it under his nose. Finally, he pulls himself away from Reza, not completely, but enough to look at him. 
“Thank you,” he whispers, voice slightly hoarse. 
“You good now?” Reza asks, tapping a light hand against Kurt’s cheek.
Kurt nods. “‘M alright,” he says. He risks a quick glance around, then, his cheeks already heating up as he imagines all of his coworkers standing around him, watching…
Nobody’s there. It’s just him and Reza.
“You really think everyone would just stand around and watch you freak out?” Reza asks, evidently following Kurt’s train of thought. 
Kurt shrugs. 
“Rask made ‘em all clear out. She wants to talk to you, by the way.”
Kurt opens his mouth to protest.
“Not right away,” Reza continues, apparently still on Kurt’s thought-train. “But soon. It’s procedure, and all that.”
“Okay,” Kurt agrees, cutting himself off briefly with a yawn. “Can I go home first, though? I’m really tired.”
“Rask already gave you the rest of the day off,” Reza responds, giving Kurt a hand up and not saying a word when Kurt keeps leaning on him once they’re both on their feet. “She also said that I could go home early, so long as I keep an eye on you. So you’re coming over to my place.”
There’s little point in protesting that, Kurt figures. What kind of friend would he be if he didn’t let Reza take the rest of the day off of work? And if that means he gets to spend some quality time with his best friend and his family, safe and protected, well, who is he to turn that down? 
thanks for reading this!! like i said im sorry if it sucks lmk if its like. absolutely awful and i can rewrite it lmao. but i hope maybe you liked it? anyway love u all!!
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anboringday · 4 years
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Tracey x Franklin: Just Friends
Summary: Tracey De Santa, a college freshman, has a crush on the most popular boy on campus, Chad Dillington. Determined to win his heart, she turns to her best friend Franklin Clinton for help. However, she never expected to start developing feelings for her best friend instead...
Word Count: 5.8k 
Tags: Fluff!! And more fluff!! Slow burn. Friends to Lovers. (Post Ending-C)
Read on Ao3 
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Franklin barreled through the door of my room.
Carefully applying my eyeliner in the mirror, I glanced at him. Chiseled jaw clenched and hands balled into fists, a frown marred the space between his arrogantly shaped brows. His strong, muscled arms wired tight beneath his white T-shirt, he stood at the ready for battle.
His cognac-brown eyes searched my room from top to bottom for unknown threats. “Tracey? You good?”
“Um, duh. I’m always fine.” I returned my attention to my makeup. “I’m gonna need you to tone down some of that masculinity. It’s totally uncalled for, super distracting, and it’s ruining my good vibes—”
His warm hand came down on my shoulder. I stiffened, his eyes shrewd and accessing as they bored into me. “You sent me a text saying that you were dying, that you needed my help. You sure you good?”
His voice was soft, filled with concern. My gut kicked. Maybe I shouldn’t have sent that overly dramatic text, but desperate times called for desperate measures. I needed help. Badly. Dad was always busy doing movie director stuff, Mom was too preoccupied with shopping and yoga, and Jimmy was a complete idiot, so Franklin was the only person I could rely on.
It’s been that way for months. He picked me up from school, assisted with my homework, helped me take selfies for Bleeter, talked me through every one of my frequent mental breakdowns—he was a life saver, literally. Because he was so selflessly awesome, I decided to keep him around. Mostly because he did stuff for me, but he also had a nice personality to boot.
And we looked hella good together. Whenever we were out and about in the city, people would stop and turn their heads to gawk at our beauty. I was a celebrity after all, the sexiest girl in Los Santos according to my Bleeter stalkers. And Franklin was powerfully built, dark-haired with stunningly amber eyes. He was a man who looked absolutely gorgeous just about every day of his life. It seemed effortless for him, and I would’ve resented that if weren’t besties.  
I confessed, “I lied to get you here, okay?”
“Tracey…” Sighing, he pinched the bridge of his nose. “You scared the shit outta me, girl. What were you thinking—”
“Don’t be mad. I’m sorry.” I hugged him.
The tension in his muscles relaxed beneath my touch. I took his hand and flopped down on my bed. He sat beside me, our fingers intertwined. “A’ight, Trace. I’m here now, so what’s going on with you?”
“I have news,” I smiled. “The best news. You’re not gonna believe this, but Chad Dillington asked me on a date!”
He stared at me, his expression blank.
“Well?” I tapped his shoulder. “Say something! Aren’t you excited for me?”
“Who the fuck is Chad Dillington?” he asked.
“Are you kidding me?” Energy thrumming through me, I jumped to my feet. “He’s like the hottest, most popular guy at my university! He’s a quarterback for the football team, a committed member of the Alpha Omega Theta Pi—”
“The Alpha Omega what?”
“It’s a fraternity, Frank! Chad Dillington is a big effing deal, literally every chick on campus wants to bone him. He has the prettiest blue eyes and the cutest smile ever.” I twirled on my heels. “I can’t believe he chose me of all people to go on a date with. This is so, like, amazing!”
“That’s cool, I guess.” He shrugged. “You called me over here just to tell me that?”
“No! If there’s any hope in winning Chad Dillington’s heart, I’ll need support. Your support and guidance, in particular.”
His brows furrowed. “Uh…why?”
“Because you can help me understand him! Guys know what other guys are thinking, right? You and Chad have so much in common too. You’re both around the same age, you both like getting sweaty at the gym, you both like getting high—”
“No offense, Trace, but me and that preppy ass frat boy ain’t got shit in common. I’m sorry, but I’m finna pass on this one. Maybe one of yo’ friends at school can help you.” He stood and took off for the door.
“Wait!” I swerved in front of him, blocking the exit with outstretched arms. “You’re right, there are some stuff you and Chad don’t have in common. Like, for example, he’s way smarter than you and his parents are filthy rich.”
Franklin glared a hole into me, a muscle in his jaw twitched. Yikes. Probably shouldn’t have said that.
“But you’re sane,” I complimented. “Sensible, wise beyond your years, and levelheaded. You’re playing with a full deck, Frank. That’s a rarity in Los Santos, you know? Everyone here is crazy.”
“Including you,” he snapped.
“But you love me.” I hugged his muscled arm. “You’re like the ping to my pong, the yin to my yang, the butter to my bread, the chocolate to my milkshake…”
“That was cute until you mentioned the part about chocolate. Now it’s weird.”
“Frank, you have to help me!” I pleaded desperately; my mouth set in a pout. “I’m your best friend, you can’t abandon me when I need you most. It’s not fair! I’ll hate you forever if you do—”
He smothered my mouth with his palm, silencing me. “Fine, I’ll help you on one condition. No more whining and crying like a damn baby, it’s embarrassing. Makes my ears bleed, it’s horrible.”
I smacked his hand away. “Deal. Now shut up and listen.” Standing on the tip of my toes, I spoke quietly into his ear. “Chad invited me to a masquerade ball. It’s a top secret, invitation only party the fraternity is hosting at some old, underground speakeasy—”
“Girl, why you whispering?”
“Because it’s a secret. Mom and Dad can’t know about this, they’ll freak out. Promise me you won’t tell them. You know how overprotective they are, they never let me have any fun.”
“It’s all good, relax. Your secret is safe with me.”
“Swear on it.” I rose my pinky.
“I promise.” His finger curled around mine. “So the most popular douche bag motherfucker in school invites you to an invitation only masquerade ball…”
“Could you refrain from calling him a ‘douche bag motherfucker’, please?” I rolled my eyes. “Anyway, all the cool kids are gonna be there. The party is happening this weekend. Friday night. I only have two days to prepare. This is so short notice, I haven’t even picked out a dress.”
“Hey, you could always cancel.”
“No! A date with Chad Dillington is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I can’t back out now. I have to do this.” My stomach grew queasy and my hands wouldn’t stop shaking. I paced the room, my fingers laced taut until my knuckles turned white. “What if I screw everything up? What if he doesn’t like me?”
Franklin appeared in front of me. I jerked to a halt, riveted to the spot as his searching gaze burned into me, glimmering with golden flecks. Lost in the intensity of his eyes, something shifted in the air between us.
As he stared back, he changed…as if the impalpable wall he kept between us began to chip and splinter. His tough, guarded demeanor crumbled before me, revealing a soft vulnerability in his eyes. A tenderness I had no clue he was capable of.
He patted my shoulder and squeezed lightly, affectionately. My skin tingled from the warm, steady pressure of his touch. “Of course the frat boy is feelin’ you,” he said softly. “He’d be crazy not to.”
My cheeks heated. Since when did he become so flattering? “You’re just saying that to make me feel better,” I mumbled.
“Nah. I mean it.” He reached into his pocket for his phone and started tapping away at the keyboard.
I peeked at the screen. “What are you doing?”
“If you’re going to a ball, you gotta know how to dance.” He pulled up a Bleeter video of dancers clad in silk doing the Waltz. “Think you can do that?”
“Uh, I dunno. Last time I tried to slow dance with a guy was at high school prom. I slipped and twisted my ankle in front of everyone. Super embarrassing.”
“Let’s make sure you don’t trip this Friday, a’ight? We can practice together.” He propped his phone on my desk and took my hand in his, the other rested on the small of my back. “You ready?”
Our eyes locked, I nodded weakly, my breath coming in short and fast. The contact was electric, I could feel the edgy energy radiating from him—like a magnetic pull that grew harder to reject by the second. He started moving, his strapping body gliding across the carpeted floor with confidence and easy rhythm. Jeez, when did he get so good at this? He was a natural! My knees wobbly, I followed his lead to the best of my ability.
I felt so small and insignificant in comparison to him, my movement stiff and awkward. And it didn’t help that I was petite, barely over five feet, and he was huge—a tall, deep brown slab of solid muscle and well-exercised strength. The force of his presence was difficult to ignore in a crowded room, and doubly so in an enclosed place like this, so close to me…  
After a few beats, the heat of his direct, prolonged gaze became overwhelming. I lowered my head shyly.
“Chin up,” he instructed, tipping my head upward with a gentle push of his thumb under my chin.
Sucking in a harsh breath from the mind-boggling intimacy, I lost my footing and tripped over my own feet. He caught me in his arms just before I collided with the floor, his strong-featured face hovered over mine. Hit with all that striking masculinity at eye-level, I could only stare. Stunned. His beard was well-groomed, complimenting the hard lines of his square cut jaw, and his lips were like the icing on the cake…the fullness gave his rugged good looks the perfect touch of sensuality.
He helped me to my feet. “That wasn’t part of the dance, Trace.”
“No shit, Sherlock.” Pinching my lips together, I kicked a tube of old nail polish across the floor. “I’m never going to get this right. I’m so screwed.”
“It ain’t the end of the world. You still got time. Don’t give up, girl.”
“I wish I could be as optimistic as you are.” I sighed. “I’m sorry for being a bitch. There’s a lot of pressure on me and I’m taking it out on you.”
“It’s all good. I’m used to you being bitchy. I’m used to the screaming temper tantrums—when you beat yo’ fists against the floor and your legs start flailing like a fish outta water …” He grinned.
My stomach dropped. “It’s not funny.”
His laughter quickly faded. “My bad.”
An awkward silence filled the room. Twisting a finger around the hem of my blouse, I broke the quiet. “I’ve been working on my temperament with Doctor Friedlander. Do you think I’m getting any better?”
He leaned against the wall, his hands tucked casually into his jean pockets. “You haven’t had any episodes recently.”
“Because you calm me down right before I snap. Every time.”
“So why are wasting stacks on therapy, then? You’ve been seeing a therapist for what? Years? And you were still having panic attacks until…”
“Until you came along,” I completed his sentence. “I don’t want to become so dependent on you, Frank. It’s like, totally unfair to you.”
“Shit, I don’t mind. I ain’t going nowhere, unless you want me to—”
“No!” My heart lurched at the thought of losing him. Shocked by the fury of my reaction, I took a careful step away from him. “You wouldn’t leave me. You’d miss me too much.”
He stared at me for a moment, silent and thoughtful, his brow quirked.
I tensed. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Uh, no reason.” He lifted the brim of his black Los Santos snapback to scratch his head. “I should probably bounce. It’s getting late, and you got class in the morning.”
“Wait.” I passed him his phone and gave him a brief good-bye hug. “Do you think you could give me some guitar lessons after school tomorrow? Music class is kinda kicking my ass. I could use the extra help.”
“Yeah. Of course. No problem.” He chuckled, seemingly nervous for some reason. “I ain’t the best with the guitar, but uh, I know a few things so…”
“Are you kidding? You’re way better at it than me.”
“Slightly better.” His teeth gleamed in a smile. “A’ight. I’ll hit you up tomorrow.”
I was a little bummed about him leaving, but he was right. I needed the rest so I could wake up bright and early tomorrow. I returned a smile. “Bye, Frank.”
“Bye, Trace.” He turned to leave but stopped at the door, his gaze shifted to me. “By the way, you don’t have to lie to get me here. You ain’t gotta send no dramatic texts or nothin’ crazy like that. If you need to see me, whatever the reason, just…call. I’ll be here in a heartbeat.” 
A pang struck my heart. I swallowed deep, fumbling for words. Before I managed to find my words, he was gone.
With a heavy sigh, I collapsed on my bed. What was the matter with me? Why were my brain cells starting to fry around Franklin? I had a huge date planned with Chad Dillington, but for some reason, I couldn’t stop thinking about my best friend.
My phone vibrated on my nightstand. I grabbed it and found two new texts from Franklin.
Still thinking bout how tripped over your own damn feet earlier.
Girl, you clumsy.
Oh my god. With an embarrassed grin, I texted him back; Wow. You sure know just what to say to boost a girl’s confidence :P
He responded a minute later. What if I told you that I like when you’re clumsy? I get to pick you up whenever you fall.
I read the message with wide eyes and then powered down my phone, my nerves danced wildly in my stomach. There was an ache in my chest, and I rubbed at it. Jeez. Pull yourself together, Tracey…
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inupibaldspot · 4 years
Saviour : Chapter 22
Emilia sat on her bed and looked at her sword, a silver sword with a few blue orbs on the handle.
It was still surprising that Zack gave her such an important item to her.
*Knock knock *
"Emilia~ I'm coming in." Zack said as he then pushed the door open. He looked at the girl, who was no longer the tiny brat he first saw. She was growing taller and often teased him about catching up to him, and between you and Zack he was scared that she will grow taller than him. She also lost most of her baby fats. But one thing which always remained same was...
"Your hair is still a chaos isn't it?" Zack laughed making Emilia pout.
The girl brought her hands on her hair and glared. "Its not my fault that my hair is super wavy at the ends."
"Hahahahha" Zack laughed, crossing his arms on his chest. "I'm sure if the Devil Fruit users touch your hair it'll make them weak since it reminds them of waves."
Emilia placed the sword on her bed and she stood up as she continued glaring, hands made into a fist. "Claire told me my hair is pretty." She fought back.
"That because Claire always had a bad taste." The older main continued to tease the young girl, who was slowly turning red in frustration.
Hearing that Emilia smirked. "I can see that." She huffed,placing her hands on her hips. "Especially since she choose you as her fianceé."
Even though Zack growled, inside he was quite happy. It still made his heart beat faster with joy knowing he would marry Claire. After much hesitation and pushes from Emilia, he finally proposed. You have no idea how much he cried when she said 'yes'.
"Anyways.." the girl said. "Did you come in my room to tease me?" She questioned,smiling softly.
"No..." Zack said as she walked towards her and sat on her bed. "Its finally tomorrow...your test."
"Yes." Emilia nodded. "I may end up with you guys or Vice Admiral Tsuru's team."
"Oh yeahhh.." Zack sweat dropped. Vice-Admiral Tsuru's team always consisted of women plus the older women showed interest in Emilia when she previously came on the ship to have a talk with Garp. "But I hope you will join us"
"Oya! Emilia exclaimed." Are you getting sentimental now?" Emilia teased. Before she smiled softly.
"But I guess.. I hope that too."
"You will under go only two tests"  The instructor said.
Emilia looked around. There were probably around 100 people on the field but undoubtedly she was the youngest.
People around her sneered and others smirked in confidence when she saw her. Why was this tiny girl who didnt even look like she was in her teens doing here. Emilia didnt like this at all. She clenched her fist keeping her emotions in check. I'll show them.
"The first test involves running. You will be running around this field 5 time which totals up to 15 kilometres." The instructor said as he pointed at the field behind him. "Within 45 minutes. Failure to do accomplish that will lead to direct elimination."
This made people gasp. This task was totally close to impossible! But that the same time who ones who do complete it show that they are not normal.
"Second round is simply to check your strength. Here people will fight against each other until only one person remains."  In other words,its just like a tournament. "There are two reasons for this. One is to simply eliminate people who are fast but have no strength even though usually people who are also fast are also strong. Other is to see where you will be placed. The First half of Grand Line or  The New World."
"Is there any questions?"  The instructor asked. "If not we will begin shortly."
"Excuse me!"  A voice started making all the examines including Emilia turn towards the voice. There stood a middle aged man,on hand in the air. "Are small kids even allowed to enter the test?"
Emilia's eyes twitched as the man turned towards her , lips pulled into a smirk.
The examiner understanding what the examinee was implying turned his head towards Emilia and nodded in assurances. "As long as the examinee is 13 or older, its fine. Personally I believe in the end age still doesn't matter much as long as you have the strength,skill or intelligence."
"But~ " The examinee continued,in a singing voice. "That girl doesn't even look like she is 10. I mean look at how small she is!" The comments made people around him laugh,some even adding remarks of their own.
Having enough Emilia turned towards the man with a glare. The examinee still smirking "Oh is the baby mad? Are you going to cry? Make sure you-"
"Enough!"  The examiner interrupted. "If you continue with this useless talk we may ask you to leave. If that is clear we will begin. You now may go towards there." He pointed towards the corner of the fields where a white line was drawn on the ground.
"Ready?" Another examine shouted in a loud voice. "GO!"
Emilia ran and she did not mess around. Covering her legs in haki she sprinted and leaving all other examinee to dust and with no surprise ended up completing the task first, will 30 minutes more to spare.
And as petty as it may sound she sat near the finish line, giving a smug smile at the examinee who made fun of her.
Soon the other examinee crossed the line one by one and completed trail. Of 100 examines now only 32 remained.
After that everyone was separated into a duo, each match examined by one examiner marine.
"Remember we won't intervene unless one of the participants say "give up" or unless we see injuries which might kill you. We are here to select only the strong, be it physically or mentally."
All of Emilia's match was short, all those training in Goa Kingdom plus the hard training of Garp's and Bogard's for the past 4 years made her strong than she already was.
"I give up!"
Emilia stood up, leaving the man below her on the ground and then looked towards the man who made fun of her earlier. The man was mercilessly kicking and stomping the guy who was given no chance to utter the  words 'give up'.
And this made Emilia frown.
"Okay! The last two remaining are Kusota" Emilia finally knew that bastard's name " and Emilia.Now...Start!"
Immediately Emilia jumped back making sure there was a distance between them. "Before we actually start fighting, I have a question." Emilia said carefully assessing the man's movements so that he would not be able to do any surprise attacks.
"What is it?" The man smirked,hands brought up placing on his hips. He was underestimating her!
"Your previous opponents." Emilia started. "Why were you making them suffer so much? You made sure they could not talk by breaking their jaws so they could not surrender. Then you proceeded to beat them up until you got bored."
Emilia then hardened her arms and legs using haki as the man walked towards her in a slow pace. "I can't imagine a guy like you being a marine."
And at once the man sped up, surprising Emilia and punched at her directing at her face. Fortunately the girl brought her hand up blocking with with her haki.
"Because if you are a marine you got power." The man whispered so that the conversation could only be heard by the two of them. "When power you are able to do anything. And with my strength I'm pretty confident I will be achieve a high rank."
Emilia felt uncomfortable, very uncomfortable with how the man in front of her was. He seemed to ooze out evil and malice.
"And when that happens, I'll be rich and have any woman I want. Of course not because of my pay but rather other things...you know" The man smirked. "Through kidnapping, human trafficking and ra-"
Emilia threw a punch but then Kusota dodged it. Then man continued to speak. "And you know I'll never be arrested. Why? Because I'll have the power and can call off any search and silence any suspicions."
Emilia ran in front of him swiftly and before be could react she jumped and kicked his face.
The blow made the man fly making the people watching gasps.
"You little shit!" The man shouted as he propped himself up. His nose was bleeding, it probably broke. "You know what?! I'll start by beating you to pulp" he shouted, as wobbled standing up.
His ego was definitely hurt.
"And when this is all over. I'll go after the people you care about next." Kusota said,hand wiping the blood of his nose. "And do all those things to them and make sure you will never see or hear from them again." He hissed.
People I care about?  Emilia thought. He mind immediately went to Luffy ,Ace, Makino, Dadan, Claire and Zack.
To those people who have nothing but kind to her.
Her eyes narrowed. And seeing the girl react to his taunts, the man started laughing. "HAHAHA How you like that now?! You-"
But before he could even finish his sentence Emilia was literally in front of him.
Emilia then directly brought her hands up and punched him on his jaws making him fall down from the impact. "If I remember correctly that's how you dislocated the jaws right?" The girl spoke coldly.
"Strup oup!!!" The man tried speaking but words weren't coming out correct confirming that his jaws were indeed dislocated.
Emilia walked towards the fallen man and kicked him on his stomach making the man throw up blood. She tilted her head. "Huh? I thought you were going to beat me to pulp"
"I'll kirl you!!" The man continued dispute his injury. "I'll marke sure do kirll evryon asroticated wirth you tdo!!!"
Emilia mind went to Sabo. Her precious friend was killed. And now if she let go of this man here, he might do the same to others.... to Luffy and Ace. This man was strong, even Blue Jam didn't seem much of a threat compared to him.
This man had the power to kill Luffy and Ace.
And she might not be there by their saide to protect them due to her marine duties.
Emilia's eyes narrowed furthered and walked towards him.  This ...this man is  a threat,that means she should kill him right now !
" Candidate Emilia" The marine watching shouted. "The match is over. Candidate Kusota might die if you continue."
"Shut up..." Emilia said in a soft voice. And immediately after that other candidates and also some examinee immediately fell down. The girl used conquers haki!
Standing near the man, Emilia kick him making him now lie on his stomach. She won't let Sabo's incident repeat! She wont let any of the people precious to her get killed, even if it means killing other people.
Sitting near the guy, she held the man's hand and pulled it backwards immediately making a breaking sound.
"Ahhhh!" The man shouted in pain. "please..please.. please stop! I'll do anything-" The man stopped.
Emilia then held his other hand. "Huh? But that wasn't what you said to me earlier"
"Candidate Emilia. I repeat! Stop immediately. Forget passing the test you will be placed behind bars!" An examiner who was on the ground shouted,still a bit too weak to stand up.
Emilia did hear him but choose to ignore him. She grabbed his hands ,with intentions of breaking them , when suddenly a presence came near her immediately and held her hand.
Emilia stopped immediately. Not because she wanted to but because she could sense the level in between the person and her were far too wide.
"Admiral Akainu!"
"Medics!" The examiner called and a group of people in marine uniform came rushing in directly towards Kusota. Emilia simply stood up and gave space for the medic. In front for great power she had no choice but to be docile.
One of the examiner stood up and walked towards Akainu and saluted. "What brings the Admiral here?"
Akainu turned his head and looked at Emilia making her eyes widened in recognition. This man...this man is the one who will be killing Ace..!
" I came here to recruit her on the team." Akainu simply said. Emilia stood there in shock. She could attack him right her, right now!... but then it wont be of any use since she is far too weak.
"I apologize." The examiner said. "But seeing what had happened in front of us, we wont be able to pass candidate Emilia.She ignored all of our warnings and almost killed a candidate"
"She knocked out almost every one here and right now she is simply a child." Akainu said. "She has the potential to get stronger and will be a wonderful asset to the marine in the future. I say we should pass her."
The examiner clenched his fist. This girl is far too dangerous "But-"
"I said." Akainu's voice thundered as everything went silent. "We will pass her. Make sure she is assigned to my team."
With that the man turn and walked away.
Emilia walked back to Garp's ship ,head held down. Even though she didn't look , she could feel the people of the ship stare at her return. There was no doubt they were informed of Emilia's action.
"Emilia-" Garp said faking a smile, noticing the girls angered expression. He could lecture her later because right now the girl didn't look like she would want to deal with any of that.
"I'm sorry, Garp-san." The girl said in a low voice and bowed towards Garp in apology. "I want to be alone for a bit." With that she walked away towards her room.
No one spoke for a whole before Zack started walking towards Emilia's room. "I'll talk with her,Vice admiral."
Zack stood in front of her room and took in a deep inhale,knocked and walked inside. He looked at the girl who still had her head down and then closed the door behind him.
"The man you attacked-" Zack said. The girl in front noticeably stiffened uncomfortably. "He didn't die. But then on of his arms will no longer be functional. He might also not be able to talk properly ever again." Zack explained, looking at Emilia with a sad expression.
She must be feeling guilty. Zack's thoughts were immediately stopped when he saw the girls shoulder shake. She was crying  "Emilia calm down-"
"Hahahhaha" the girl laughed. "That's what he deserves.."
Zack took a step back. "What do you mean...The man almost died because of you."
Emilia finally raised her head. "That man was evil...He had no right to be a marine."
"But you were about to be the same thing... You would have killed someone if Admiral Akainu didn't intervene." Zack repeated his point again.
"Maybe he shouldn't have intervened."
When Emilia said those words,something within Zack finally snapped. " We are talking about a human life here, Emilia!"
Emilia's eyes widened. This was the first time she had seen Zack shout.
"You can't take life for granted. And if you do kill a person, even if that person is evil, or you belong in the marine, where we have to serve justice... Once you kill someone you are simply a murderer !  You're hands will forever be dyed red."
"Then what was I supposed to do?!" The young girl shouted back. "Was I simply going to accept that man. That man who was already telling his motives of human trafficking! Rape! And corruption?!"
"Should I have just let that happen...? " Emilia let out an shaky exhale. "He threatened to kill people...people who are precious to me..."
Zack watched as Emilia's eyes filled with tears. This girl...She..
"He threatened that he would kill Ace...Luffy and Grandpa ... Dadan and Makino..." Zack didn't know most of the names being said but he guessed those were the people she cared for.
"He threatened to kill Claire." Emilia noticed that she now started crying. "And you, Zack!!  I couldn't let that pass.. I don't want to lose anyone precious to me anymore..!"
Anymore... Zack registered those words , his head hanging low.
Zack walked slowly towards the girl. She was scared..  She was afraid and didn't know how to deal with the situation... She just didn't want to lose anyone..
Zack then kneeled down and pulled Emilia into a hug. "Its fine... No one will hurt anyone of us now..I'm fine...it's fine.."
Zack continued to hug Emilia, The girl slowly lifted her hands then on his shirt then slowly holding it tightly as sobs slowly started turning into wailing.
She was just scared...and confused.
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loove-persevering · 5 years
Trained Weapon PART 1 (Steve Harrington Series)
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Description: You were made to be a weapon, forced to kill on command. You were number thirteen, the lab had taken you at the age of eight from your mother and father locking you a way for training, if you didn’t do what you were told you were locked away. This time you were going to be killed you knew it, if you told them no they would kill you so the only thing you could do was run. And turns out you run exactly to the boy in a sailor outfit. (This will follow closely with season 3 of stranger things) 
Read the Prologue! 
Please leave me feedback! I am super excited about this series and it’s my first time writing some action so please give it a read;) ilysm
‘‘Is she dead?’‘ You hear a voice ask. 
‘‘No, don’t touch her either!’‘ You hear a semi familiar voice call out and then felt a slight pressure on your cheek making you scrunch up your nose. ‘‘II’ll be right back, do not do anything while I’m gone’‘ The voice yelled again. 
‘’She’s pretty,’’ You hear a voice chime in. You had a horrible headache and the voices around you seemed to make it worse at the moment. You take your hand which felt like it weight fifty pound and lifted it up to your forehead which resulted in a unison of screams. 
 ‘’She moved!’’ A voice yells 
‘’Okay, Okay, okay,’’ You hear a panic voice next. 
‘’Dustin quit!’’ Another voice yells and once again you felt a pressure against your cheek. You open your eyes and close them blinded by the light, ‘’Wait close the blinds.’’ One voice says. You hear some ruffling and then peak your eyes open again and notice three boys standing in front of you and then another comes up behind them peering over their shoulders. 
 ‘’Where?’’ You try and speak but your voice still comes off weak like the other night. 
 ‘’Steve! Steve!’’ You see one of the boys with a hat on scream. You hear footsteps above you making you look up noticing the wood planks above you, you look around the room noticing a couch and a few things that looked like machines and you felt yourself start to breath rapidly. 
 ‘’Hey you’re okay,’’ The pale curly headed boy says looking at you intensely. ‘’It’s okay,’’ He assures you. You nod your head at him and feel a tear fall down your face. 
 You hear the footsteps get closer and then notice the boy from last night, only this time he was in normal clothes. ‘’What did you shit heads- Oh,’’ He says his gaze falling on you his eyes wide. ‘’Why is she crying?’’ He asks looking at the four boys. ‘’Did you do something?’’ He asks walking over closer to you examining you. 
‘‘No!’‘ One of the boys yells. 
‘‘She just woke up and started crying, we didn’t do anything!’‘ another boy says panicked looking back at you. You recognized his voice he was the one that said you were pretty. ‘‘What’s your name?’‘ He asks you. 
 You remember your parents gave you a name before you were taken, but while you were in the lab you were only referred to as thirteen. ‘’Y/N,’’ You tell them and they all look at you in shock. 
 You watch as one of the boys walks over to the tall one from last night, ‘’Are you sure she said she was like El?’’ He asks. ‘’When we found El she didn’t have a name,’’ He tells him. 
‘‘Eleven?’‘ You question making everyone look at you and you felt your cheeks flush. ‘’El?’’ You repeat what the boy had called her. 
 ‘’You know El?’’ One of them asks. 
You nod your head slowly, you had never seen El but you knew she existed she had escaped two years ago you remembered being so envious of her. ‘’Who are you?’’ You ask them. 
They all tell you their names Mike, Dustin, Will, and Lucas. You look to the boy from last night the one with the nice hair, ‘’Steve,’’ He says looking at you an admiring look to him. ‘’Last night?’’ He sort of phrases it as a question. ‘’You were bleeding and you passed out, what happened?’’ He asks you. 
 You look down noticing you were still dressed in your gown from the lab, you were laid on what you recognized as a couch and you sit up further looking around, ‘’I want to change,’’ You blurt out. You look up at the boy, Steve, who looks at you and nods his head eagerly and runs over to one of the machines you noticed earlier. He comes back with clothes in his hands, a pair of shorts and a shirt, you look at them all who seemed to be awaiting your next move and then you reach down to the hem of the gown ready to pull it off. 
 ‘’Oh shit!’’ The boy you remembered as Dustin yells, ‘’What is it with girls?’’ He says covering his eyes with his hand. 
 You look down not understanding why they were all so freaked out and you look up at Steve who seemed to have a hint of a smile on his face. ‘’Come with me,’’ He says to you. He walks over to a room and opens the door allowing you to move past him, ‘’You can change in here,’’ He says. You look at him and study his face, his hair was falling down and he wasn’t in that weird outfit from last night. You felt a strong connection with him when you looked at him, then last night when he touched your arm you had this vision of the girl who you assume was Eleven or El for short.  
You nod your head and he shuts the door completely and you change, you peel off the gown and throw it to the floor and pick up the shorts he had given you pulling them up your legs, they were too big but they would do. Then you take the shirt and pick it up pulling it over your head, as you pull it down the shirt drops over your head falling against your neck you weren’t in the closet anymore. 
You can hear the screaming and the pure terror as you watched what you knew so well, you watch your body be drug by two men across the tile. You felt them throw you into a chair and hold you down tighten the straps to your body, you felt them put something over your head and you scream moving your body in resistance. 
‘‘Thirteen,’‘ You hear the familiar taunting voice. When Brenner had left shortly after Eleven had escaped a new man taken his place Doctor Davis, he was your worst nightmare. ‘‘Kill,’‘ He simply commands. 
 You look at him confused and then someone turns your chair around and you were staring at your reflection in the mirror, then you found yourself staring at a man. He looked sick, like he was dying and he had cuts all over his face and a black eye. You look back over to Davis who seemed to be starring you down intensely. 
‘‘No,’‘ You fight back. ‘‘No!’‘ You yell and you squirm in the chair trying to break free. 
 ‘’Kill,’’ He repeats this time sounding more threatening if possible. ‘’Kill him!’’ He yells. ‘’Kill him or they die!’’ He says now sounding more calm and you look at him confused. He then looks down where he was standing and takes something in his hand slamming it against the glass, a photo. You look at it intensely and realize it was your parents, you gasp and look at him as he laughs mercifully. ‘’Kill,’’ He says once more. 
 You turn your head to look at the man through the mirror, you concentrate thinking about snapping his neck. You picture Davis’s face as you do so, thinking that he can kill your parents, well you could easily do the same but to him. You picture Davis in your mind and for a second you can even see him sitting in the chair in front of you and you channel all of your energy and the man begins to scream. Then you begin to scream warm tears streaming down your face you scream until your throat was raw and you could no longer hear the man in front of you screaming as your own screams were drowning you out. 
 Then the room went silent, and you were left only with your sobs. You lean over in the chair not able to breath and the sobs shakes your body. You killed him, you killed an innocent man on command the thing they had been building you up to do. You hear the door click open and footsteps and then slow clapping and you still were bent over not wanting to look at yourself. You felt a pair of cold hands touch your face and you flinch moving around but they were too strong. Davis takes his hands and makes you look up but when you do you no longer see the mans lifeless body you see yourself once again in the mirror. ‘’Beautiful,’’ He says. You shut your eyes tightly not being able to stand the sight of yourself, ‘’Take her back,’’ He commands. 
 You felt your body being shook and you could hear voices panicked, ‘’Y/N! Y/N!’’ The familiar voice of Steve yells next to you, you open your eyes slightly and see he was the one shaking you and all the other boys stood at the door staring in at you their faces looked scared. You look around at them all and then back to Steve who was staring at you with a look of sorrow and pity on his face, you couldn’t help yourself to you push your body against his and he takes in a sharp breath. You felt him cradle your body and you lean against him feeling his heart beat which was abnormally fast. 
 You once again hear footsteps ushering down the stairs this time it sounded like more than one person, and then the boys move out of the door way and you first notice the red headed girl and then she moved out of the way and you finally spot the girl from the vision you had seen. This was the girl who escaped, ‘’Eleven?’’ You ask moving yourself away from Steve’s body. He still kept his arm against your back and you look up watching the shock on the girl El’s face. You take your sleeve and push it up showing her the 013 on your wrist, and you notice everyone around look at each other not knowing what to say. ‘’I’m thirteen.’’ 
Part 2
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btsfan15 · 3 years
Zombie Apocalypse (Part 1)
It was a beautiful day in South Korea. I was on my bed, on my phone, browsing through. Then, I decide to spend the day outside. It wouldn’t be right to be cooped inside, so I hopped out of my bed, and picked out a outfit. I wore a pale, yellow crop top with a jean shirt, and pink Converse high tops. 
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After I got changed, I went downstairs, grabbed my car keys, and head out the front door. I get into my car and decide where to go. Then, I remember there was a carnival today! So, I drove to the carnival. I got out of my car and admired all the rides. I got cotton candy, pretzels, churros, fries, soda, snow cones, and burgers. I got so much junk food! I didn’t even finish it all! 
Anyway, I had so much fun riding all the rides. I didn’t have the confidence to ride the bigger ones. They looked...scary. And terrifying. A few hours later, it was dark out, so I decided to head home. It was super dark out and I didn’t have a flashlight. I don’t know if I was gonna find my way to my car. Turns out...I was right. I got so lost. When I went right, I came back to the same spot. When I went left, I came back again to the same spot. 
I was so worried that I wouldn’t find my way. Who knows how far I went. It was so quiet, I could hear a pin drop. The crickets were chirping and I was cold and scared. Then I heard a strange sound. Like a growl. Then something whooshes behind me. I get goosebumps. I gather my courage and turn around and see a zombie coming towards me. I scream and run as fast as I can. 
I find an old, abandoned junkyard and go inside. I lock the door and try not to make a peep. After a few minutes, I peek out the window and see if the zombie is there. I don’t see anything, so I decided to make a run for it. I try to open the door, but it won’t budge. I pull with all my might, but it still won’t open. That means I’m stuck inside here. Alone. Oh no. 
Then I remembered I had my phone with me. I take it out and turn on the flashlight. I use it to find my way. The place was really dirty. There was dirt, sticks, and leaves on the floor. I pointed my phone to the wall and saw something red. I gasp. It was blood. “I hope there aren’t zombies in here.” I whisper. I keep on walking when I come upon a four-way. “Which way do I go?” I say. I have no idea where each way takes, so I took a right. 
I’ve never been this scared in my life. My feet crunch on leaves as I walk slowly. Then, I hear something behind me. It’s another growl and it gets closer to me. I’m afraid to turn around, but I do. I see another zombie coming towards me. I scream even louder and run. I trip on a stick and fall down. I get dirt all over my clothes. Leaves stick to my hair. I get up and start running again.
But, as I’m running, I don’t look where I’m going and I bump into something. I fall backwards. It’s definitely a zombie. I close my eyes. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to bump into you! Please don’t kill me!” I say. Then when I open my eyes, I gasp. It wasn’t a zombie. It was a man. A young man. It looked like he was in his 20s. 
“I’m sorry. Are you okay?” He says, giving me his hand. I take his hand and he pulls me off the floor. I brush off my clothes and look at him. I take in his features. He had brown, chocolatey eyes, a perfect nose, and plump, red lips. I also saw that he was kinda tall, like me, and he had very broad shoulders. And, he was very handsome. He was wearing a brown shirt, and black pants with a belt. His shirt and arms were dirty.
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“Are you okay?” He asks, again. “Huh, oh, yes, I am. Um...sorry for bumping into you. I’m very clumsy sometimes.” I say. “It’s okay. Happens all the time.” The man says. “What’s your name?” I ask. “Kim Seokjin. My friends call me Jin.” Jin says. “I’m Navya. It’s really nice to meet you.” I say. “Navya. That’s very a beautiful name.” He says. I smile. “Thank you. So, what are you doing here?” I say.
“I was just going for a walk when I got lost and somehow ended up here. How about you?” Jin asks. “I went to the carnival and it got super dark. I couldn’t find my way back to my car. Then, a zombie started chasing me and that’s how I ended up here.” I say. “Wait, there are zombies in here?” Jin asks. I nod. 
“Oh, we have to get out of here. Fast.”
“How? The doors are locked.”
“I think there’s an open door, but we need to go upstairs.”
“Upstairs? With zombies? There’s no way we can survive.”
“We won’t until we try. So, are you up for the challenge?”
I think for a minute.
“Okay, let’s do it!” 
Jin and I tiptoe through the junkyard together. “So, where do you live?” Jin asks. “I live pretty close to here. Not too far away. You?” I say. 
“I live with 6 friends.” 
“In one house?”
“That sounds crowded.”
“It is. I have a roommate and he’s very lazy and eats a lot.”
I giggle.
“Sounds like me. I’m lazy and likes to eat a lot.”
“I’m not that lazy, but I eat a lot. You should see the way I eat. I stuff my face with big pieces.”
I laugh.
“Sounds pretty funny. Looking forward to it.”
Jin laughs. “Anyway, how long have we’ve gone? This place is like a maze.” I say. “I think it is a maze.” Jin says. “Really? Oh, it’s gonna be even more harder to get out now!” I say. “If we stick together, we can get out.” Jin says. “What about the zombies? How are we gonna fight them?” I ask. 
“I’ll fight them.” 
“You can’t do that! You’re gonna get hurt.”
“Who cares if I get hurt? I need to protect you.”
“Protect me? You don’t have to do that. What if I help you?”
“Hmmm...I guess that’s fine.”
“Okay, then.”
“So, how long have we gone? Where are the stairs?”
“They should be right here. Oh, wait!”
Jin grabs my arm and pulls me back. “What?” I whisper. “There’s a zombie blocking the stairs.” Jin whispers. “How’re we gonna get past it?” I ask. “I’ll distract him and you run up the stairs.” Jin says. “Okay...Just be careful.” I say. “Don’t worry. I’ll be fine.” Jin says. Jin picks up a stick and goes behind the zombie. I stay behind the wall and wait for Jin’s signal. He smacks the zombie with the stick and it falls to the floor. “Now, Navya! Go!” Jin says. I run past the zombie and run up the stairs. Jin runs behind me.
“We did it!” I say. Jin looks behind me. “No, we didn’t! Look!” He says, pointing. I turn around and see more zombies! I gasp. “Oh, no!” I say. “Don’t worry. I got this.” Jin says. He runs and smacks all the zombies. I watch and hope Jin can defeat them. My heart was pounding out of my chest. Then one of the zombies trips Jin by his leg! He falls to the floor and the zombies start beating him up! “Jin!!!” I say. I pick up a stick and charge towards the zombies.
I hit them left and right and they all fall to the floor. I help Jin up and we both run to a safe place. We both catch our breath. “Are you alright?!” I ask. “I...I’m fine. Just a little shaken up.” Jin says. “Oh, you have a cut on your lip.” I say, taking out a tissue. I dab Jin’s lip. Then I feel Jin’s eyes on me. I stop and look up at him. We both lock eyes. We both lean in. Our lips are inch away, but Jin sees a zombies behind me.
“Behind you!” Jin says. He takes the stick from my hand and whacks the zombie on the head and grabs my hand. We both run to a safe place again. “Are we almost out? I’m tired of running.” I say. “We’re almost there. We just have to take a left.” Jin says. We both take a left and gasp. There were zombies here, too! “Seriously? More zombies?” Jin says, “It’s okay, we can defeat them.” I say, taking the stick from him. I start to walk, but Jin stops me. 
“Oh, no, you’re staying right here. I’ll deal with them.” 
“You just got hurt. There’s no way I’m letting that happen again.”
“It was just a scratch. Now, stay here and wait until I give you the signal.”
“Ugh, fine. Go ahead.”
Again, Jin fights the zombies. I should thank for him protecting me. Or the other way around. I was getting even more worried now. I really wanted to help him, but he said he could handle them. Then, two zombies sneak up behind Jin and kick him in the back! He falls to the floor. “No!!!” I say. I run toward the zombies and kick them left and right. I help Jin up and we both get to another safe place.
We both catch our breath again. “I...told you...I could...handle them.” I say, out of breath. “I...I didn’t...know that...they would...trip me.” Jin says, out of breath. “Well, they did, and now, you’re hurt again. Look at your face! You have more scars! And on your neck, too!” I say.
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“Let’s just get out of here, first. Then we can deal with my wounds.” Jin says. He tries to stand up, but ends falling down on the floor. He groans. 
“What’s wrong?!” 
“My stomach. It hurts a lot!”
“Oh no! Here, let me see.”
Jin was holding his stomach with his hand, so I took his hand off and gasped. He was bleeding really bad! “It looked like the zombies stabbed you!” I say. “I think...*groans* one of them...*groans*...had a knife.” Jin says. “I never saw that! I don’t even remember the zombies having a knife! Only the sticks, I remember!” I say. Then Jin collapses to the side. I gasp. “NO!!!!” I say, going over to him.
I hold him in my arms. Tears start streaming down my face. “Jin...please don’t die. You’re too young.” I say, crying. “Navya...there’s...there’s something I need to tell you.” Jin says, weakly.
“I...l’m glad I met you today...”
“I...l’m glad I met you, too!” 
Then, Jin slipped away. “No, Jin! Jin, stay with me! Jin!” I said, crying and shaking him. I cried even more. Even more tears streamed down my face. Jin was gone, and there was nothing I could do about it. I cried and cried and cried. Then, in the corner of my eye, something glows. It’s a leaf. But, it’s not an ordinary leaf. It’s golden. I go over to it and pick it up. I was so confused, but then I realize. 
Could...could this help Jin? It’s worth a try. I go back to Jin and still have hope in my heart. I take him in my arms again and put the leaf on his wound. I look at his handsome face. “Please, Jin....Please wake up...” I thought. Then, Jin opens his eyes. 
“Did you know that I’m Worldwide Handsome?”
I gasp. “Jin!” I say, wrapping my arms around his neck. He puts his arm around my waist. I squeeze him tight. I look at him, happy. He smiles at me. I laugh and I kiss him on his lips. I grab his shirt. Jin was surprised, but he kissed me back. Then, I open my eyes while kissing him. I back away. I was so embarrassed. “I-I think we better get going.” I say, flustered. 
But, Jin cups my face with his hands and kisses me back. God, his lips were so soft. He breaks it. Jin smiles at me. I smile back. “Come on, let’s get out of this dump.” He says, standing up. He gives me his hand and I take it. He pulls me off the floor. We both exit the junkyard. “Ugh, finally! We’re free!” I say. “I don’t know how much longer I could’ve survived in there.” Jin says.
“Me too. I’m even more dirtier than you. I never would’ve thought that I would be chased by a zombie today.” I say. Jin laughs. 
“You know what they say: Life is full of surprises.” 
“Yeah...You know, I was scared at first when I first entered the junkyard, but then when I met you, all my fears went away.” 
“Really? Why?”
“I don’t know...maybe because I wasn’t alone anymore. I had someone by my side. Anyway, I wanted to thank you for protecting me. I-I really appreciate it.”
“No problem. I want to thank you for helping me when I was hurt. I appreciate it. Speaking about that, there’s something I need to ask you.”
“Go ahead.”
“Navya, do you...do you care about me?”
I stop in my tracks.
“Of course I do, Jin. In fact...I care about you...a lot.”
“Is that why you wanted to fight the zombies instead of me?”
“Yes! I didn’t want you to get hurt. But you refused and got stabbed in the stomach and almost died!”
“But, you didn’t give up? You revived me with that golden leaf you found, didn’t you?” 
“Well, yes. But still! What if...what if the leaf didn’t work? I would never forgive myself. And, I-I put you in danger!” 
I start crying again. Tears stream down my face again. 
“Oh, Navya. It’s okay. Here, look at me.” 
I look up at Jin and sniff. He puts his hands on my shoulders. “You didn’t put me in danger. We both worked together to defeat the zombies and now we’re free.” He says.
“We are free.”
“Yes, we are, so don’t push yourself, okay?”
Then, all of a sudden, I burst into tears and wrap my arms around Jin’s waist. I cry loudly. Jin wraps his arms around me. “I was so afraid I was gonna lose you! I really like you! A lot!” I say, through tears. “I like you, too.” Jin says. I let go of him and cry even more. “Navya, don’t cry. Look at me.” Jin says. I look up at him again. He wipes my tears with his thumbs. 
I sniff. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cry like that. I don’t know what got into me.” I say. “Everyone cries. Don’t be ashamed. Now, let’s go home.” Jin says. I nod and give a weak smile. Then, I fall to the side, but Jin catches me. He carries me in his arms. I was so tired that I fell asleep and didn’t even notice it. Jin carries me to my car and puts me in the passenger seat. 
He drives me back to my house. I slept the entire ride. Once we get there, Jin picks me up and carries me inside, up the stairs, and into my bedroom. “Jin...wait.” I say, half asleep. “What is it...Navya?” Jin asks. I grab his face and bring it closer to mine. I connect my lips to Jin’s soft, plump lips. I let go. Jin just blinks twice and puts me on my bed. Then, he leans in and connects his lips to mine.
Then, he lays beside me and cuddles with me. He tucks a piece of loose hair behind my ear. Then he falls asleep with me.
Part 2 coming! Stay tuned! Love you guys! 💜💜💜💜
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biillyhargroves · 5 years
hello, I'm the one who made the fic rec you mentioned. :) So, my idea is basically this: Billy survives the mindflayer incident but just barely and Steve becomes super worried/protective of him while he's recovering. He even has nightmares and wakes up needing to reassure himself that Billy is alive. I just want all the angst basically. lol
Hello, friend!! Thank you so much for resending, I’m so pumped to write this one!!
i felt it too(fic requests open)
Steve didn’t see it happen.
He saw the blood. He saw Max crying. He saw paramedics swarming like bees around a broken body, saw the bloodied, sweat-soak rag of a shirt cut away and saw fists pound on a chest that was barely held together. He saw Mike and Eleven ushered away, saw them vanish in the sea of flashing lights outside as more ambulances and fire engines and police cruisers flood the parking lot. He saw tubes and wires and gauze attached to the source of her deepest hurt and he felt his heart sink when Billy Hargrove is strapped, limp and lifeless, onto a stretcher. 
“I have to go with him,” Max starts to say, rising even as medics try to bandage her cuts and scrapes. Steve can hear her as he rushes down the stairs. He sees her shaking an EMT off her and straining to get closer to Billy as he is carried outside. “You can’t just take him. Billy! I have to go with him. He’s my brother! He’s my brother!” 
As Billy is lifted into the back of an ambulance, one sympathetic medic offers her hand. Steve catches her eye just before the doors swing shut. 
Billy is brought to Hawkins Mercy Hospital, where he is quickly evaluated and airlifted to a larger facility in Chicago and rushed into surgery. The papers talk about a single teenage victim left in “critical condition” following the Starcourt fire, but don’t mention Billy by name- his father won’t allow it. The family has moved into a motel on the outskirts of the hospital grounds, and Neil is giving reporters hell. He won’t talk to anyone, and he won’t let Susan or Max talk, either. If Billy wanted to talk, he couldn’t. He’s been in a medically induced coma since his surgery. Neil has used the money he hasn’t spent on the motel room and Billy’s care on a private investigator to find out what really happened, unconvinced that the gashes all over his body could really be from a fire.
“He doesn’t even care,” Max says over radio static. “Not about Billy. He just wants someone to sue, so he can get paid.” 
Steve has taken to camping out by Cerebro. The kids kept him company for the first few days, but the novelty of sleeping under the stars wore off quickly. Steve, for his part, has not done much sleeping. Whenever he tries, all he can see is Billy’s body, sweat-drenched and sickly, being carted away under sirens. He dreams about worse outcomes: about the heart monitor flatlining, about Billy bleeding out on the tiled floor, about Billy’s veins going black and that thing ripping him to pieces from the inside out. 
One night, he dreams about Billy sleeping beside him. He feels Billy’s breath against his skin and his arms around his middle. He has scars were all his wounds were, and Steve is afraid to touch them. He is studying them when Billy becomes restless; he tosses and turns like he’s having a nightmare, and as he moves his scars start to open. Blood spills from their seams and soaks Billy’s shirt, and then the sheets, and it gets all over Steve’s hands as he tries to staunch the bleeding. He is desperate, frantic, but he does not work fast enough. He thinks that all of Billy’s blood is on his bedroom floor and when he looks at Billy’s face he knows he’s gone and-
Steve wakes with a scream. His heart pounds so hard he can feel it in his throat. He tries his best to swallow it back down and he frantically grabs for Cerebro’s receiver. 
“Max?” he asks, voice bleary and shaky. “Max, are you there?”
There is some feedback and then a soft click.
“What the shit?” Max whispers. 
“It’s Steve.”
“I know,” Max says. “What are you doing?”
“I know,” Steve groans. “I know, it’s late. I’m sorry. I just- is Billy okay?”
“He’s been sedated for a week, he’s got a tube shoved down his throat, and he’s peeing into a plastic bag,” Max says. “So, he’s not great.”
“I’m sorry,” Steve says. “I’m sorry. I know.”
There’s a long stretch of silence before Max says, “The nurses are talking about taking the breathing tube out. If he can breathe on his own, they think they can wake him up soon.” When Steve doesn’t say anything, she continues, "Neil wants him out of here.” After another long pause, she says, “He...he looks like shit, Steve. He looks-”
“Don’t say it,” Steve says. “Don’t say what I think you’re gonna say.”
"I have to go,” Max says.
“Wait!” Steve says. “Max?”
“Just...promise me you’ll tell me if anything changes?”
“I already said I would.”
“Good or bad,” Steve says.
“Good or bad,” Max agrees. “Signing off.” 
It’s another few days before Billy is taken off his breathing tube, and a few days more before Max says he’s woken up. The news makes Steve’s heart jump. 
“He’s pretty out of it,” Max says. “He can’t stay awake for long. He’s, like, in and out right now. He’s still all fucked up on pain meds. But the doctor said he’s stable enough to be transferred.”
“What does that mean?” Steve asks.
“We’re coming back to Hawkins.” 
On the day that Billy is returned in Hawkins Mercy Hospital, the kids make a trip to see Max. Steve chauffeurs, only to be disappointed to be directed to Cherry Lane instead of the hospital. He hangs out long enough to get an update: Billy still sleeps most of the day, he’s rarely coherent when he is awake, but the doctors are happy with his progress and his father is trying to get him discharged. 
“They can’t let him go, can they?” Steve asks, worry gripping him so hard it hurts his chest. “They wouldn’t do that, would they? They can’t let him go if he’s still like that?”
“I don’t know,” Max says. “I mean, the infection’s cleared. His stitches aren’t out yet, and they have him on this feeding tube. His doctor doesn’t want to let him go, but Neil keeps talking about home care, so...I don’t know.”
That night, Steve has another nightmare. He sees Billy in his bedroom on Cherry Lane, but there is an IV pole and a whole array of tubes attached to him- digging into his stomach and stuck up his nose and poked in the crook of his arm. There are little circles stuck in the spots of his chest that aren’t covered in gauze and their gray wires lead to a machine that prints his heart rhythms on a strip of tape. Steve watches the tiny needle print shaky little lines. 
He approaches Billy, his heart hammering, but as he gets closer he sees another figure in the room. There is a shadow that falls over Billy and Steve feels a need to hide. He presses himself against the wall and he watches as the shadow turns into Billy’s father. He is yelling, but Steve can’t make out what he’s saying. When Neil Hargrove raises a fist, Steve panics. He lunges forward, but it is as if there is a forcefield surrounding Billy’s room. Steve tries to scream, but everything he wants to shout gets stuck in his throat: don’t touch him, get away from him, leave him alone. Steve fights and fights in vain, and the little needle tracking Billy’s heart rate trembles when Neil strikes his son. 
Steve’s eyes pop open. 
He is soaked in sweat and his heart is throbbing in his ears. He looks to the clock and the little red numbers blink out two sixteen a.m. Steve scrubs his palms over his eyes. He sighs. He throws his blankets off and pulls on shoes, not bothering to tie them as he grabs his keys and forces his bedroom window open. As carefully as he can, Steve clamors down to the ground and sneaks into the driveway. He slips around his father’s car and ducks into his own, speeding off without a clear plan in mind. 
The hospital comes into view before Steve realizes where he’s headed. His is the only car in visitor parking, and the halls are empty when he goes inside. He uses to stairwells to get to Billy’s floor (which he had guessed about, because Max had said he’d moved from Intensive Care to the recovery wing of the Medical-Surgical unit). He sneaks passed the nurse’s station and whispers Billy’s name over and over again as he reads the little tags outside the door.
“Hargrove, Hargrove, Hargrove,” he repeats like a mantra until the name on the door matches the one on his tongue. 
The door is open a crack, and its hinges squeak when Steve pushes on it. The lights are off save for one thin strip buzzing softly over Billy’s head and the little green and red numbers boasting his heart rate and oxygen levels. 
Billy himself looks small, swallowed up by the white hospital sheets and the machines towering around him and all the bandages and stitches wound around him and holding him together. There is a plastic strip feeding oxygen into his nose and heart leads stuck to his chest. A little white clip is clamped loosely on one finger, and a thick plastic tube snakes out from beneath the blanket near his belly. His lips are chapped and parted and his eyelids flutter as he sleeps. The sight of him makes Steve ache. He hovers in the doorway, afraid to go closer. When he finally does approach Billy, Steve is afraid to touch him. He is terrified to hurt him. He pulls a vinyl-padded chair closer to Billy’s bedside and sits. 
“Billy?” Steve stammers. “I don’t know if you can hear me.”
He raises a shaky hand to take Billy’s, mindful of the IV feeding fluids into his veins. 
“I needed to see you,” Steve says. “I’m sorry I haven’t come.” Steve gently squeezes Billy’s hand. His eyes flit to the heart monitor, which tracks a strong and steady beat. “I can’t stop thinking about you, and I just...God, you’d call me a pussy if you heard me right now, but I just really needed to see that you were safe. And alive. And I really need you to stay that way. Okay? I need you to be okay. Please, just...please be okay.”
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theholyyuunoaduck · 6 years
Daily yuunoa fanfiction
I titled this work
"My hero"
because i was listening to "hero by tommee proffit feat mike and i love to think that shinoa is yuu's hero because she's successfully protected yuu's family more times than anyone in the series in my opinion
So before i saw the spoilers for chapter 72 i had a theory that kureto summoned shinoa because he wanted to execute the traitor of the hiragi family seeing as how devoted he is to the name
So i made a little fanfic about it and it might be late but oh well~
Kureto: *raises his sword onto shinoa* like i said i don't forgive traitors
Shinoa: *gasps and trips backwards with wide eyes as the sword starts to descend towards her everything was so slow and terrifying in that moment it wasn't the first she had expereince though, the first being when she was within the confines of the hiragi house to undergo torture, the second when kureto had nearly choked her to death to test gurens loyalty and mahiru's intent, and many other times within her years in the army, the time with crowley in the same day, nagoya, shibuya, the experience of near death was no such thing as new to her and yet for some reason this time was more terrifying for she knew there would be no saving herself this time not against this monster she called her brother she opened her lips one last time as the blade had begun its slow descent onto her shoulder intent on splitting her and gasped with fear...but it had stoped there the blade moved no further with a loud klang the world around her seemed to stop but in front of her...*
A minute before the current events
Mikaela: yuu look at this book do you think this might be it? *he asked his freind as he showed him documents of vampire transformation and history along with information detailing about the ritual conducted for the revival of the dead within one of those pages a name was written "mahiru hiragi"*
Yuu: let me see! *he asked as he took the papers but a sudden chill ran up his spine it wasn't the first time he had felt this however the first had been in shibuya and the second within nagoya airport*
Mika: yuu? Are y-
Yuu: *yuu's wings had suddenly apeared and he dropped the papers instantly tearing through brick stone and wood with such velocity that it was inhuman not even a vampire nor demon nor living being could move that fast he was bearling through wall after wall teeth gritted hand on sword and sheath the force of his anger his fear his anxiety had caused so much on his body that he began to bleed from his nose and his lip from biting* i heard her! *he said as he looked in horror at the elder brother of his lilac colored freind who he called family*
*the sword was already within a small cut of her shoulder but he wasn't about to give up now he charged at them both and intercepted the blow before it could cause any more damage but he struggled to keep his blade in that place* GRAHHHH!!!
Kureto: ah! The black demon boy ive been waiting to pay you back for the damages you made in na- *kureto was interupted by a mighty kick that had hit his abdomen and knocked him back and the wind out of his gut as he raised his horizon to see the boy he and shinoa were gone*
Yuu: *yuu was running as fast as his legs would take him with shinoa in his arms panting from blood loss and panic running out and up the building he had just escaped were they both landed on the floor* SHINOA ARE YOU OK ARE YOU ALRIGHT?! *he yelled as he let her down on the concrete roof were she layed tired and pale skinned holding her wound with one eye closed the adrenaline has ceased to course her body rather rapidly*
Shinoa: *sits up* y-yes i am alright
Yuu: *yuu was panting as his features his eyes and wings went to normal and he looked down to the floor his voice began to tremmble along with his body* sh-shinoa i'm sorry im so sorry!
Shinoa: *shinoa had looked at him in confusion as the curse began to seal her wound slowly* for what?
Yuu:i...i nearly failed to protect you again...i nearly lost you again....why why can't i ever pro-
Shinoa: *shinoa quickly let go of her shoulder and looked apologetic to him as she wrapped her arms around him his forehead pressed to her collarbone* yuu..it's alright I'm fine...and its only thanks to you...
Yuu: but i-
Shinoa: yuu i'm fine
Yuu: shinoa....i'm
Shinoa: i said im fine yuu i'm not going anywhere...
Yuu: *he began laughing in despair as she said that with his tears streaming diwn her face* that's right...you promised to stay by my side...i made you promise to stay by my side....but that's so unfair....ive never....been able to promise you that *he pulled away from her chest and braught her into his arms* from now on....from now on im never leaving your side..i promise i swear to you on my life ill never leave you again!
Shinoa: *shinoa couldn't help but blush at the remark he said as she braught her face closer to his neck and nuzzled there she wasn't used to this sort of treatement but she had no intention in not getting used to it* i'll be in your care then...*she said with a small smile*
The focus went from shinoa to yuu's crying emotionless face and had focused more towards his eye which turned into a dark ocean that he layed within
A small yuu within those dark waters found small rays of light
"Why....why is it always like this*
He said as the small rays turned into large rays and revealed both his parents and almost as soon as they appeared it was gone
The next light that appeared as he sank deeper into the water with no emotion to be found upon his face was of his family within the orphanage
Suddenly the light turned blood red with all of their bodies on the floor
And finally as he began to reach the sea floor he was dressed in his jida uniform tattered and ripped with a single black inky wing and a red eye with the same emotionless expression he wore
Suddenly though
"Ah...whats that warmth.." He whispered as he felt himself be hugged by a small girl with lilac hair she was adorable in the small sailor suit and she was bright like the lights he had seen before behind her 5 other lights appeared behind her it was his new family along with mikaela but soon they started to fade in their light yuu reached for them but could not move as he was sent careening through the air by a mighty punch delivered by crowley on the floor once again that single light remained and again those 5 other lights flickered*
Yuu: shinoa....youre always picking up after me arent you....how is it that you can do what i long for so easily....
He began falling from the sky headfirst in the nagoya airport with his sword deep within his abdomen his eye twitched as he fell and he could see her...giving out orders and protecting those 5 lights now 6 with her life and he was within her arms as he woke up*
Yuu! I'm right here!
*she exclaimed while crying into his shoulder*
"Youre always always always picking up my messes shinoa...even when i gain all this power i can't do what youve done for me for all this time" he thought within his head as he looked around and saw those lights now 7 surrounding him in the shape of mika,mitsuba,guren,narumi,kimizuki, yoichi and the one holding him was shinoa
He held his chest as he looked her in the eyes ontop of the roof where they were last a small blush and smile spread across his face*
"Ahh...what is this feeling..." He asked himself as he felt his heart pulse and come to life as his senses returned to normal and the face of shinoa was more clear to him seeing her tears covering her face she gasped as she hugged him tightly*
In the distance of the roof mikaela looked at them both and smiled..
Mikaela: *thinking to himself* their hearts are beating...at the same extatic rythem as each other....
The end
And like i said this was more of a pipe dream that i wanted for chapter 72 hahah
Special thanks to @ichinose-s for helping me get this fanfic out and flushed
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coldcomputersoul · 3 years
Marco vs. the Forces of Love Episode 1: Death of a Party
Summary: It’s a hoot and a holler when Star returns to Earth and gets a welcome back party. Meanwhile, Marco and Jackie want to take their relationship to the next level.
Star vs. the Forces of Evil belongs to:
© Daron Nefcy
© Disney Television Animation
Starcrushed was written by: Dominic Bisignano, Tyler Chen, Evon Freeman, Gina Gress, Aaron Hammersley, John Mathot & Le Tang
[theme song]
[The episode starts with Marco watching photos of him and Star on his phone while lying on his bed. Cut to a flashback from the episode “Starcrushed”]
Star: Marco, we need to talk. Just one last time. Marco: Is everything okay? You shouted pretty loud. Everybody's just staring at us. Star: Yeah, I know. But some stuff just came up, and I've only got a little time. Marco: What? Why? We got the entire summer. Star: Marco, I don't know how to tell you this, because you're my best friend... Marco: Star? Star: ...and that makes this super weird because... Marco: What's wrong? Star: ...because I... I... I do have a crush on you.
All: [gasps]
Pony Head: Who called it?! I called it! Boom!
StarFan13: [faints]
Pony Head: I called it.
Star: I didn't want to admit it because I know you don't feel the same way, and I thought if I just pretended the feelings weren't there, they'd go away. But they haven't. I have to leave Earth, probably forever, and I couldn't go without telling you the truth.
Marco: Uh… I, uh…
Star: [crying] Good-bye! Good-bye, everyone! [runs back upstairs]
Marco: Star! [follows Star upstairs] Hey!
[As the camera follows Marco, Janna looks at Jackie, who appears stunned. Star runs inside her room and shuts the door. There's a bright flash of light inside]
Marco: [opens Star’s door] What do you mean—? [gasps]
[Star's bedroom reverts to the state it was in before she moved in]
Marco: Star?
[End of flashback]
Marco Diaz:
[narrating] I remember the first time we met… I was just an ordinary high school student living an ordinary life in an ordinary town and she… well, she was a magical princess from another dimension. [scrolls down to see more pictures] although I was only meant to be her guide on Earth, somehow we became closer as we started to hang out, but... I never thought of her as more than just a friend, I mean [watches a picture of Jackie] she even encouraged me to confess my feelings to my childhood crush, Jackie Lynn Thomas. It was thanks to her that we became a couple [cut to a flashback of him and Jackie kissing], but now that I know Star’s true feelings… I… I don’t know what to think of it. She didn’t even give me any time to react and now... I’m more confused than ever [sigh] the question is: what should I do now? [looks at his dimensional scissors]
[Marco’s phone rings. It’s a call from Jackie]
[narrating] Speaking of which... [answering the phone] Hi Jackie.
Jackie Lynn Thomas:
[o.s] Hey Marco, what’s up?
Eh. nothing really. Just here alone in my room, trying to catch some Z’s...
[o.s.] Oh, I see... You know, I was thinking: School is about to start next week and... I was wondering if tomorrow we can… you know... go on a date or something. There’s this really cool place downtown where we can go skateboarding, so...
[hesitating] Uhm... sure. I can’t wait for it.
[o.s.] Marco, is everything okay? I mean, you don’t have to pretend that you want to go just for me.We can go out any other day if you’re not in the mood...
What? No, no, no, you got me wrong, it’s just … [sigh] I’ve been through a lot of things lately and... I don’t wanna drag you down with my problems. but trust me when I say that I really want to go out with you… on a date.
[o.s] Marco, how can you say that? You know that if you have any kind of problem, you should tell me about it so we can get through it together. That’s what couples are for silly.
That’s why I want to go out with you tomorrow. Lately I've been feeling under the weather and I need to see you again.
[o.s.] Great, Then I’ll see you at the bus stop on Bakersfield Street. 5 0’ Clock. Don’t forget to bring your helmet. 
I will. See you there. Bye. [hangs up]
[Marco stares at the ceiling for a moment until he recovers his confidence]
[narrating] Okay, enough with this nonsense... sure Star is gone and things will never be the same, but... life goes on and it wouldn’t be fair for Jackie if I keep going like this… [watches a picture of Star on his phone] Besides, I’m sure Star is having fun with her friends back in Mewni, so I might as well do the same. [watches a picture of Jackie and smiles]
[Cut to next day. Jackie waits for Marco at the bus stop. Marco arrives on his Skateboard while Jackie receives him with a kiss on the cheek]
Are you ready to do this?
Ready as I’ll ever be.
[They skate together through the sidewalk holding hands]
So, how are you feeling today?
Uhm… fine.
Are you sure? Because yesterday...
Look, I’m sorry if I got you worried with our conversation the other day. It’s just... I’m still coping with the fact that Star is gone,I mean… you know when you spent so much time with someone and...
...and suddenly that someone rides out of your life before you can even notice it. 
It’s not that I don’t want to spend time with you. This is a process that I must face alone and I don’t think it’s fair to drag you down in all of this.
Marco: I know it’s not been easy for you, I understand, but you also need to remember that there’s nothing wrong with asking for help. We can get through this... [holds Marco’s hand] together
You must think I’ve messed it all up... again.
Well... sort of...
[They share a brief moment of silence and then they start laughing. Once they’re done laughing, they keep skating]
So… just to clarify: Between you and Star...?
What? Oh, You mean what happened last summer. Don’t worry about that. To be honest, things haven’t changed that much between Star and I. We’re still friends.
[smiling] I’m so glad to hear that, I wouldn’t like to be a third wheel you know.
Jackie, you’re way too far to be a third wheel in my book.
The reason I ask it’s because… [blushing] We’ve been dating for almost a year and… I was wondering if it’s time for us to… you know...
I’m not following...
Take our... relationship to the next level.
Next… level?
Yeah, I think it’s time for us to meet each other… in a more intimate way.
[Marco blushes as he understands what is she talking about]
But… you know, only if you really wanted it… I’m not trying to put any pressure on you or anything...
It’s not that I don’t want it… it’s just... you really caught me by surprise. I mean... I’ve been dreaming about being your boyfriend for so long, and... I always thought that I would be the one to take the initiative, but anyway...
Marco, look out for that...!!!
[Marco crashes with a road sign and falls onto the pavement]
[picking Marco up] Are you okay?
Don’t worry, I’m fine. It was just a harmless bump, that’s all.
Uhm Marco, your nose...
[Marco’s nose is bleeding all the way down to his clothes]
Aw man... I-I-I’m sure there is nothing to be worried about… just a running nose, that’s all. If I gently touch it, everything will be just… [as soon as he touches it, screams in pain] FIIIIINE!!!
Alright, we should go to your house to put some ice to that running nose.
But Jackie, what about our date?
Are you kidding? In your condition you shouldn’t even consider getting on a skateboard. Come on, let’s go... [they walk back to Marco’s home]
[Cut to the Diaz household. Marco and Jackie open the door while taking their helmets out]
[sigh] I’m so sorry Jackie. I really wanted to spend this whole day together with you.
Why do you even apologize? It was an accident. Besides, we can go out any other day.
I guess you’re right.
Also... we could use this opportunity to… [rolling her eyes] you know...
[Marco’s heart starts beating fast while his nose keeps bleeding]
Marco, please calm down. Wait until we treat your...
[Their conversation gets interrupted by the sound of Marco’s parents laughing at the living room]
[sigh] Aaaand, there goes our private time.
Huh, I wonder what they’re laughing about?
[Marco and Jackie walk into the living room and see Star sitting at the couch between Marco’s parents]
[gasps] No… Way...
Star Butterfly:
[gasps] Marco!!!
[Star jumps from the couch right into Marco’s arms and hugs him. He hugs her back but they immediately step back due the romantic tension]
I’m so glad to see you here. I thought last summer would be the last time we...
[interrupting him] What happened to your nose?
Oh, this? It’s nothing to worry about, I just need to put some ice and...
Ice? Pfft, come. Let me give you a hand with that... [she raises her wand and menacingly points it right into Marco’s face]
[nervous] Star, you don’t have to do this… I can...
[Star blasts Marco’s face with magic. He closes his eyes, but then he realizes that he’s okay and his nose is now fixed]
My… nose is fine? Wow, thank you Star.
Don’t mention it. That’s what friends are for.
No, really… that spell was like... brilliantly executed. I’m impressed.
Well, it’s nothing really. Last summer I worked hard on my spells and you know... I’m always willing to help anyone who needs it. [she notices Jackie] Oh, hey Jackie.
Hey Star, [fistbumps with her] What have you been up to lately? 
Yeah, I thought you would never come back.
[patting her head] Oh, of course, I almost forgot to tell you: My parents allowed me to return to Earth for another year. Isn’t it wonderful?
Really? That is so AWESOME. We’re gonna have so much fun together.
Mrs. Diaz:
Finally, our prayers have been answered.
Mr. Diaz:
With Star around the house again, we don’t have to worry about our plain and boring suburban lives anymore.
Jeez, thank you so much for that comment.
Cool, now we can hang around together like in the old days.
Sure, I can make another sleepover at Marco’s house like in the last time.
Mrs. Diaz:
[raising an eyebrow] Wait, a sleepover? Marco never told me about...
[interrupting her] Oh boy, oh boy... just think how excited everyone at school will get so when they see you again. I... just… can’t... wait.
Oh, Marco… you’re exaggerating. I’m pretty sure it won’t be a big deal...
[Cut to next day at Echo Creek Academy]
[A crowd of students receives Star with praise and enjoyment]
So glad to have you here Star.
Can we hang out? I’ll bake you a pie if you like.
Can I help you with your homework?
Is that a new wand?
OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH!!! [hugs Star] you’re here!!!
We’re so glad to have you back.
My boyfriend and I made you this friendship bracelet. Do you like it?
Star Butterfly rules!!!
People, people. Relax. We can talk about all the fun things we can do together later when I’LL TAKE YOU ALL NEXT WEEK TO THE BOUNCE DIMENSION!!!
[Everyone cheers. Then Brittney Wong shows up with her usual displeased face]
Brittney Wong:
[speaking sarcastically] Wow, Star Butterfly is back again on Earth. This must be my birthday, I mean... Now that you’re here we can hang out together like “besties” [quote on quote fingers] In fact: Why don’t you go to my house next week for a sleepover so we can paint our toenails and talk about crushes and stuff.
Really? I would LOVE to hang out with you Brittney. You know, I’ve always got this really weird impression that you never liked me considering all those nicknames you gave me in the past... [gives her a pat on the back] Oh, that is just classic Brittney.
Uhm, Star? I think she’s just been sarcastic.
Oh, don’t be silly Marco. Brittney just likes to show her affection in her own particular way… right “bestie”? [winks at her while giving a pat on the shoulder]
[crossing her arms] Ugh, whatever...
Now: Who wants A FREE LASER PUPPY?!!! 
[She uses her wand to create laser puppies. Everyone cheers in response]
[Janna Ordonia approaches Star while everyone keeps chanting]
Janna Ordonia:
Glad to have you back Star. [fistbumps with her] I mean, without you this school is a dump.
Oh, come on Janna. It’s not THAT bad.
I’m serious. When you’re not around this place is more boring than a waiting line for a Smiths concert.
Well, I guess you’re right. I am kind of awesome.
[cough] bootlicker... [cough]
Are you okay Brittney? that cough sounds pretty nasty...
You can say that again...
Maybe if I can help you with that… [raises her wand]
[intimidated by the wand] Uhm, I’ve just remembered that I have things to do [walks away]
[beat] Anyway: We need to make a party for you next saturday. [she approaches Marco and grabs him by the shoulder] So, what do you say safety boy? you put the house and I’ll take care of the rest.
You know Janna: Considering the occasion, I would actually consider your offer without any problem whatsoever...
Great, then it’s settled...
[interrupting her] However: Next saturday, my parents will make some redecorations in the kitchen, so… you’re gonna have to find somewhere else, like… I don’t know: Your own house?
[releasing Marco] Oh Marco, don’t you know it? My parents are very strict when it comes to activities at my house and a party is totally off-limits.
[Cut to Alfonzo and Ferguson overhearing the conversation in the background]
Hey Alfonzo. Aren’t your parents on a business trip this weekend?
Uhm, yeah. They won’t come back ‘til Monday. So?
So? You can offer your house for the party.
Mmmm… I don’t know.
Come on Fonz. This might be our chance to become popular.
Yeah, think about it: If we’re the hosts for Star’s Butterfly welcome party, more people at school will want to become our friends as well. Not to mention: We will become more popular with the girls. [Alfonzo has stars in his eyes]
Yeah, you’re right. I never thought it that way. I’ll do it.
[to Janna] Hey Janna. Alfonzo’s house is available.
Great. Then it’s settled [grabs Star by the shoulder] Star Butterfly: Prepare for the biggest,coolest and most exciting welcome back party of your lifetime. I guarantee you that THIS will be an event you will remember for a very long time.
[Cut to Alfonzo’s Household at night. Marco, Star and Jackie knock at the door and are received by Janna]
Well, well, well, look who we have here. Getting half-hour late to your own party? classic Star.
We had some problems choosing a dress for the occasion, even though I told her that isn’t that kind of party. Also, I thought we could show up like… whenever.
Relax, safety kid, I was just messing with you... [rubs Marco’s chin]
[sigh] Get outta town.
Oh, Marco, I’m so excited. This party is gonna be OFF THE HEEZY!!!
[Cut to the living room.Alfonzo tries to keep the house in order while everyone else is having a good time. The radio is playing “I feel it coming” by the Weeknd]
Please, don’t touch that thing. It’s a family relic… [sees someone running around] Hey, don’t run around like that, you’re gonna break… oh, come on [notices a glass on the table without a coaster] How many times I’ve gotta say it: Use the coasters to keep the table clean [sigh] Ferguson!!!
[Cut to Ferguson talking to a girl who looks bored out of her mind]
Like I said. I’m a close friend of Star, so… If you wanna hang around with us on an awesome adventure you can… [he gets interrupted by Alfonzo]
Ferguson: I need to talk to you.
Eh, will you excuse me for just one second.
[They walk away to talk in private]
I can’t take it anymore. Nobody listens to me. I mean, look at my living room [points at some furnitures upside down]
Relax dude, I’ll help you to clean it out later. In fact, you should come with me so we can try to start a conversation with the cheerleading team over there.
What? You mean Brittney is here too?
[laughing] At a party for Star? Not in a million years. I’m talking about Sabrina, Chantal and the others. Don’t you wanna go and try to get their numbers?
Well, I guess I could... give it a try.
That’s the spirit. Come on.
[Cut to Marco Star, Jackie and Janna talking to each other]
Wow Janna. I must say you really outdone yourself this time, I mean… look at all these people, I don’t even know half of them.
Hate to admit it, but you know how to throw a party. 
Eh, I have my moments.
I agree with Star, this place is so crowded that I don’t think there’s a single room without people in it.
Mmmm… You know, if I were you, I would check upstairs just to be sure [winks at her] Now, if you excuse me: I’ve got a little surprise for Star and I think you need to spend some “quality” time together. 
Come on, follow me. I know you’re gonna like it.
[Star hesitates as she sees Marco and Jackie holding hands]
Well, sure. I’ll go with you.
Great. See you later lovebirds.
Bye Marco, Bye Jackie. Have fun.
[Star and Janna separate from Marco and Jackie while Marco gets distracted watching Star walking away from them]
Marco? Marco?
Oh, yeah, sorry… I was...
Are you okay? You look kinda pale.
I’m fine. I’m just feeling dizzy because of the ponch, that’s all.
Well, if that’s the case [she grabs Marco’s hands and gets closer to him] maybe we should follow Janna’s advice to go upstairs so you can… take a break. [winks at him]
[Marco blushes as he feels his heart beating faster while holding Jackie’s hands]
[breathing heavily] Let’s do it.
[Cut to Star and Janna passing by while they’re greeted by everyone]
Okay Janna. Enough with all the mystery. What’s the big idea?
If you really wanna know, I suggest looking right over there.
[Star sees Oskar Greason sitting on the couch playing his keyboard, annoying everyone around him]
Oskar Greason?
What’s wrong? I thought you had a crush on him.
Yeah, I don’t know. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the gesture, it’s just… I don’t know what I want anymore.
If you’re not really sure, I guess we can just... sneak around from the party and go somewhere else.
Oh, I couldn’t do that to poor Oskar. Besides: you put a lot of effort to bring him here...
So, what are you gonna do?
Well… I guess I can break the ice and give it a try.
That’s the spirit. Go and get him girl.
[Cut to Marco and Jackie making out at Alfonzo’s parents bedroom]
Do you have protection?
It’s in my wallet. Hold on.
[Marco checks his wallet and pulls out a condom, but he notices something wrong]
Oh, shoot.
What 's wrong?
Janna took away the money from my wallet… again. That’s why she told us about the empty bedrooms. She knew it all along.
[smiling] Well, at least she was considerate enough to leave the condom, don’t you think?
Yeah, I guess.
All in all, we should be thankful for this moment. Don’t you think Marco?
Good, because this party is just getting started. [grabs Marco’s hand and put it on her breast as Marco kisses her on the mouth]
[narrating] Okay, this is it Marco. The moment you’ve been waiting for your whole life. Jackie Lynn Thomas is about to take you to third base. Oh, her breast is so… soft. Don’t hold back now man, it’s time to take the initiative. [they lay down on the bed]
[Cut to Star and Oskar sitting on the couch while sharing a moment of awkward silence]
So… Oskar, what’s up?
Oskar Greason:
Nothing... just hanging around… [beat]
Oh, I see...
[Awkward silence]
Hey, is that a new wand?
What? This thing? [showing the wand] no, actually it’s the same wand. it changes every time I reach a new level of magical power or something...
You think so? It’s funny how it all happened, you see, last summer Marco and I were fighting against this lizard monster that wanted to take over Mewni and...
[interrupting her] Lizard monster?. In my other school I was part of a band named King Lizard and I was like… the lead vocalist, but they kicked me out because they said I wasn’t good enough.
Well, I’m sorry to hear that.
Yeah, but between you and me, I think they were just jealous, I mean… that’s why they turned down all my ideas. Gosh. Idiots.
Yeah, but you know what they say...
[interrupting her again] and you know who else is an idiot? My mother’s boyfriend.
And… what does it have to do with…?
[interrupting her yet again] It’s like this… one time, when we were having breakfast... and one of the toasts looked like Abraham Lincoln, you know, with the hat and all that stuff... and I was about to take a picture and put it on the Internet, but he ate before I could do it. Gosh. What an idiot. 
[looking at the floor] That sounds… pretty bad.
Tell me about it… and there was this one time...
[Cut to Marco and Jackie making out half naked in the dark]
[breathing heavily] I love you Marco.
[breathing heavily] I love you too Star.
STAR?!!! [turns the lights on]
[getting nervous] I’m so sorry Jackie. I… was just...
You were thinking about Star, don’t you?
No… I mean… Yes… I mean… [narrating] Oh man, what did I do? Why did I say Star’s name?
Marco… do you… like Star?
[They share an uncomfortable silence. Cut back to Star hearing Oskar stories]
...and was like.. all alone in the woods with a grizzly bear staring right at me. I thought it would be the end, but just when I thought it was all over... A werewolf appeared out of nowhere and fought the grizzly bear. 
[looking bored] Werewolves? Really?
Yeah, and it was a great fight. But I forgot to record it on my cell phone. But it doesn’t matter because werewolves don’t have a reflection anyway.
Oskar, those are the vampires.
Nah, I’m pretty sure it was a werewolf. It was too hairy to be a vampire.
No, I mean the reflection. Vampires are the ones that don’t have a reflection.
[Awkward silence]
Uhm… Will you excuse me for a moment? I need to go to the bathroom to… powder my nose... or something like that.
Okay. I’ll be waiting right here.
Yeah, you do that.
[Star walks away from him as fast as she can]
Yep. She’s crazy for me. No doubt about it.
[Cut to Janna meddling a ponch-drinking competition]
Woo-Hoo, that’s right boys. Keep that juice pumping... [Star approaches her from behind]
[whispering] Uhm, Janna...
Hey party girl...
Can we talk for a minute in private?
Uhm, sure... [to everyone] Okay boys, you can take a break now. Star and I have some business to attend… somewhere else.
[Star and Janna find a quiet place to talk]
So… how’s things going between you and Oskar?
Oh Janna, it was awful. It’s like every sentence that comes out from his mouth makes even less sense than the previous one.
Really? Is Oskar really that bad?
Janna, the guy spent 15 MINUTES talking about the different types of moldy bread his mother’s boyfriend likes to eat. You gotta get me out of here before...
[o.s] Star? Where are you? You wanna hear my new song?
[begging on her knees] Janna please, I just can’t take it anymore.
Okay, okay, let me think for a moment. [she takes a few seconds to think about it] I got it. Follow me. [she grabs Star by the hand to the other side of the room]
[Cut to the closet door under the staircase where the cheerleaders are playing “7 minutes in heaven”. Alfonzo and Ferguson come out along with some random girls. They have lipstick marks all over their faces]
Alfonzo & Ferguson:
[with hearts in their eyes] BEST. NIGHT. EVER!!!
Alright, who’s next?
[Star and Janna show up looking for a place to hide]
Hey girls… wanna play 7 minutes in heaven?
Later, now I’m trying to find a place where Star can hide from Oskar.
Oskar Greason?
Wait a minute… what if you let me use this closet to hide from Oskar?. I won’t interrupt anything, I promise. Please?
I’m sorry Star, but you gotta play the game if you wanna use the closet. Rules are rules.
[Star hears Oskar calling from the distance]
[o.s] Star? Star?
Deal, now let me hide, and whatever you do: Don’t tell Oskar that I’m here.
Don’t worry. My lips are sealed.
Yeah, everything will be okay.
[Star hides in the closet before Oskar can find her. Cut to Janna trying to act discrete in front of him]
Hey Janna. Do you know where Star is? I can’t find her anywhere.
I don’t know. I haven’t seen Star the whole night. Maybe... she just left.
Oh, that’s pretty bad. I was about to show her my new song. Wanna hear it?
Maybe another time. I… I got some things to do… over there... see ya [she runs away from him]
[Cut to Marco and Jackie sitting on the bed. Then Marco stands up, put on his red hoodie and runs away while trying to avoid eye contact with Jackie]
Marco, wait… we can talk about this...
[As soon as he leaves the room, he quickly goes downstairs while being followed by Jackie]
[narrating] Why is she following me? Oh no, she wants to break up with me. [he tries to not burst into tears] But I don’t… I don’t wanna… break up. It was a mistake, or... maybe it wasn’t...
[Marco notices that everyone starts to look at him, which makes him even more nervous]
[narrating] Great, now everyone is looking at me. Come on Marco, think… I can’t just run to the door and leave, that would make me look suspicious [he notices the closet under the Staircase] Jackie’s coming. I guess I can lock myself until it’s all over.
[Marco runs towards the closet and uses it to hide from Jackie]
[to Chantal] Please don’t tell Jackie that I’m here.
No Marco, wait… that closet is for...
[But just in that moment Jackie arrives asking for Marco]
Hey girls, have you seen Marco?
Eh... nope...  I didn’t see him.
Neither do I...
Well. If you find Marco, can you tell him that I…?
[Oskar shows up and interrupt their conversation]
Excuse me, my keyboard just broke and I need a place to keep it while I find the missing keys. Can I use this closet?
Oskar, don’t open that…
[Before she can finish the sentence, Oskar opens the door revealing Star kissing Marco]
[Star opens her eyes and realizes that she’s kissing Marco while everyone else is watching them. Then Star runs away with tears coming out of her eyes]
Star, wait!!! [She runs away before he could explain the whole situation] I can explain… [he sees everyone else watching him so he locks himself inside the closet]
[Cut to Mrs. Diaz speaking on the telephone. Her husband is sitting next to her hearing the conversation]
Mrs. Diaz:
I see… No, no, no it’s fine… she can stay with you, I was just calling to know if she’s okay… Well, if anything happens, you know our number, okay?… again, thank you very much Mrs. Ordonia, it is very kind of you to take care of her… okay, bye [hangs up the phone] Star is at Janna’s house, there’s nothing to worry about...
Mr. Diaz:
Did she tell you what happened?
Mrs. Diaz:
[sigh] She doesn’t know either, but from what I understand, it has something to do with Marco...
Mr. Diaz:
Well, that would explain why he just went straight to his room without saying a single word.
Mrs. Diaz:
Oh, Rafael, I’m so worried...
Mr. Diaz:
Relax, I’ll go and talk to him, you go to the kitchen and prepare yourself some tea, okay?
Mrs. Diaz:
[takes a deep breath] Okay...
[Mr. Díaz goes upstairs to talk with Marco, but he’s sitting on the bed with his hood over his head in complete silence]
Mr. Díaz:
Uhm, Son? Can I talk to you for a minute? 
[He sits next to his son, but Marco turns his head away to avoid showing his face]
Mr. Díaz:
Marco, your mother and I are worried… Is there something you need to tell us right now?
I have nothing to say...
Mr. Díaz:
Are you sure? Remember that we’re your parents and we love you no matter what, so you don’t need to be afraid to tell us what happened...
I know… It’s just… [sigh] I don’t wanna talk about it, that's all.
Mr. Díaz:
Okay Marco, I understand. Just tell me: Did Star have something to do with…?
[As soon as he mentions Star, Marco starts crying while putting on fetal position]
Mr. Díaz:
Okay, okay, I get it… I’ll leave you alone, but remember: If you need anything and I mean ANYTHING… you can talk to me, are we cool?
[still crying] Okay...
[Rafael closes the door. Cut to next week at Echo Creek Academy. Star roams around the hallways with a shameful expression while everyone else just whisper behind her back]
Kid #1:
[whispering] Have you heard what happened last week?
Kid #2:
[whispering] No, what is it?
Kid #1:
[whispering] It seems like Marco cheated on Jackie with Star.
Kid #2:
[whispering] Really? 
Kid #3:
[whispering] Yeah, I’ve heard it too... they we’re making out inside a closet at her party at Alfonzo’s house...
Kid #2:
[whispering] Wow, that’s pretty heavy, man...
Kid #1:
[whispering] Yeah, tell me about it...
Kid #2:
[whispering] And what about Jackie? How did she react to all of this?
Kid #3:
[whispering] She seemed pretty calm last time I saw her...
Kid #2:
[whispering] Maybe she's just hiding her pain or something like that...
Kid #3:
[whispering] Well, that’s just sad. Poor Jackie.
Kid #1:
[whispering] Yeah, especially considering how happy they looked before all this happened...
Kid #2:
[whispering] The only thing I know I’m glad that it didn’t happen to me this time...
[Cut to Jackie riding on her skateboard while trying to communicate with Marco through text messages, but without success. She eventually comes across with Star, but she tries to avoid her]
Star? Can I talk with you for a...
[In that moment, Brittney shows up]
Well, well, well, If it isn’t Star Butterface… I’ve just heard what you did last week, and to be honest,I’m not even surprised. You really reached a new low, I mean… Steal someone else’s boyfriend the same week you return to Earth, like... have you no shame whatsoever?
[Star just looks at the floor in embarrassment, then Jackie steps up to defend her]
[to Brittney] Don’t you have anything better to do?
Well excuse me for telling the truth. Because it seems like every time this “magical princess” messes things up no one bats an eye about it. Seriously, [to Star] What makes you think you’re so special? Because you’re a member of the royalty? Is that it? Or is it because you’re rich you think you’re better than everyone around here? What a selfish jerk...
[Star just keeps looking at the floor with tears coming out of her eyes. Meanwhile, everyone at school gathers around to see what’s going on. Then Janna shows up]
[to Jackie] What’s going on here?
I’ll tell you what’s going on: Princess Butterface thinks she can get away with stealing Jackie’s boyfriend and now she’s just playing victim.
And what do you care about? You didn’t even go to that party.
I don’t need to go to a party to know that Star Butterfly is an awful person who puts herself over everyone else.
And that gives you the right to judge her?
What? Why are you still defending her? After what she did to you?
Look, what happens between Star and I is none of your business.
Yeah, why don’t you just go away?
This whole fight is just pointless. Marco is not even here.
Well, he’s lucky to not be here because I have some things to say about him too...
[Everyone reacts in shock while Star just stares at Brittney with tears still coming out of her eyes]
I don’t know what’s your problem with me Brittney, but I’m not gonna let you keep telling me that I’m a cheater, or a coward, or a selfish jerk. And If you know what’s best for you, you better stop right now [threatens Brittney with her wand] because… because... 
[But before she can finish, Star summons Cloudy and flies away from the confrontation while bursting into tears]
Star, wait… come back here please [she goes after her using her Skateboard]
I hope you’re happy with yourself.
Hey, don’t put the blame on me. I’m not the bad guy here.
[sigh] Whatever...
[Janna walks away from Brittney while everyone else just stares at her in disapproval. Cut to Star crying over the roof of some suburban house while watching the sunset. Jackie climbs to the roof to talk with her]
Hey Star...
[getting nervous] Hi Jackie [fistbumps with her]
That’s a really beautiful sunset, don’t you think?
Yeah, it 's pretty.
Do you have sunsets like this on Mewni?
Yeah... It’s pretty much the same.
That sounds cool. At least you can have something to remind you of your home while you’re here on Earth. That’s nice.
I guess...
[Awkward silence]
You know, I’m curious. How exactly things work on Mewni… It’s just that I...
[interrupting her] Okay, cut it out Jackie. We both know why you’re here so please just stop pretending that you like me and face the problem.
Okay, I think we start off with the wrong foot, so I’ll start all over again. Star, I’m not here to fight with you. On the contrary, I’m here to help you.
[sobbing] Really?
Of course. Look, the thing is: I’m worried about Marco. I’ve been trying to contact him the whole weekend, but he just keeps blocking my messages. I need you to help me.
What? What is it?
Well… you’re like… the most important person in his life right now and I’m here to ask you what’s going on… please, tell me what to do because, frankly I don’t know what’s going on and I don’t want to look the other way and pretend that nothing happened.
Well, you came to the wrong place because I didn’t talk to him since last week. I’m just as clueless as you right now.
[laughing] Oh man, I don’t believe it...
What 's so funny?
I mean what are you doing? Just to sit down and feel sorry for ourselves just because we don’t want to face tthe elephant in the room. Kinda silly, don’t you think?
Yeah… It’s… very silly...
[They share another moment of silence until Star chuckles while being followed by Jackie. Eventually both girls ended up bursting in laughter]
We sure are a couple of silly girls, don’t you think?
Jackie, I...
Wait… Let me go first so we can get this out of the way: I know how important Marco is for you, not only as a friend and… I thought it was pretty brave when you confessed your feelings in front of everyone. I thought that was pretty rad.
Wow, thank you Jackie. That means a lot to me.
My point is: Even though I still love Marco, I don’t want to get in the way if he feels the same as you do, but if we keep ignoring the problem, we may never know.
[taking a deep breath] You’re right. We should go with Marco and settle this argument once and for all. And no matter what decision he would take, I must be strong...
Now, that’s the spirit. So what do you say, truce? [extends her hand]
Truce. [shakes hands with her]
Old Man:
[o.s] Hey, what is that noise? Is anyone up there on my roof? I’ll call the police.
Okay, I think we should go right now...
[Star summons Cloudy so she and Jackie can quickly flee from the roof. Cut to Marco’s house where Star and Jackie are trying to make Marco come out of his room]
[knocking at the door] Marco? Marco? It’s me Star. Open the door please. Jackie and I just want to  talk… come on...
We’re not mad at you or anything dude. We just want to clear things up. Please.
[They keep knocking but they have no answer from Marco whatsoever]
[getting desperate] Okay Marco, cut it out. You can’t just run away from your problems like this [keeps knocking at the door] Don’t make me use the wand...
[whispering to Star] Calm down Star, the more you push it, the less he will want to talk with us. We need to come up with a different strategy.
You’re right ...[snaps her fingers] I’ve got it.
[Star uses her wand to create a laser puppy]
I have a cute laser puppy for you, but only if you open the door.
[o.s] Meh...
[getting angry] OH COME ON!!! [drops the puppy and it shoots her in the eye] Ouch!!!
[Jackie thinks for a moment and comes up with an idea]
You know what Star? Just forget about it. It’s obvious that Marco doesn’t care about any of us. What a waste of a man, don’t you think? [winks at her]
Yeah, and I thought he was some sort of “misunderstood bad boy” but I guess I was wrong. He’s nothing but a wimp. The safest safety kid I’ve ever met. What a whiny crybaby. Oh, you wanna cry?
Uhm, Star? I think you’re overdoing it...
[mocking voice] Oh, look at me: I’m Marco Diaz and I think I’m so cool because I take karate lessons, but I still get beat up by an 8-year old. I can’t even confess my feelings to Jackie without the help of Star, I’m such a cute looking coward...
[Marco finally opens the door]
Ugh, okay okay I get it, I’ll talk with you... just... stop please.
[to Jackie] You see? I knew it would work.
[Marco, Star and Jackie sit on the bed to talk]
Okay, first things first: Explain Star what happened at the party.
Wait, what?
Well, you see Star: when… [takes a deep breath] when Jackie and I were at Alfonzo’s parents bedroom we… we were making out and… and...
Keep going...
I… said your name because I was thinking about you.
[Star reacts with surprise while Marco just look down at the floor ]
That’s it. And I’m really sorry Jackie. It’s not that I don’t like you or anything… It’s just tha...t I’m so confused since Star said she had a crush on me. I mean, before that I’ve always thought of you as a friend, but...
I’m not gonna lie. I’ve fantasized about you a couple of times, you know… before I started to date Jackie… I think you’re pretty and… since we used to hang out together so many times, I... I guess I got the wrong idea about us.
No, no, don’t say that… This is also my fault. I’ve confessed my feelings at the wrong place at the wrong time because I thought I would never see you again, it is I who has to apologize.
Don’t worry Star, I forgive you.
[They smile at each other and share a hug]
But Still… What I did at the party has no excuse, even if I was just trying to hide from Oskar. Jackie, I’m sorry for what happened and I promise it won’t ever happen again...
Yeah, about that... I was thinking...
[interrupting her] I mean, Marco is your boyfriend and I never should have done that to you. It’s just that… 
Star, please let me finish...
[interrupting her again] After all, what is love? this wild, unpredictable thing that you can’t just get in control. One day you’re eating nachos in front of the TV next to a cute boy and then… you fall for that boy after realizing that he has a lot of things in common with you... and even if you think he will never reciprocate, that warm feeling to have him next to you is just… like… that feeling just don’t go away. It’s the same old story, boy meets girl, she likes him, but he likes someone else and… blah blah blah… anyway, the point is… just because we love the same boy doesn’t mean we can’t get along… just give me some time to figure things out and maybe...
I can share him with you if you want.
Star & Marco:
Yeah, that’s what I wanted to talk about with both of you. Look: I know how close you are, but I’ve always thought it was more like a brother-sister relationship. And don’t get me wrong: I have no problem with both of you dating as long as Marco is happy, but… I am still in love with him and... I was thinking that the best way to settle this argument is to let him decide which one of us loves the most… [sigh] I know it was a stupid idea, just forget of what I said please... [looks at the floor in embarrassment] I’ must be crazy...
Jackie? Are you sure about this? like, maybe we should talk about this...
I’ll do it.
Yeah, I want to do it. If I have the chance to know if I’m the one you love the most, I’ll take it. Besides, if I have to share my boyfriend, at least I’m glad that is you Jackie.
I’m feeling the same way Star.
Wow wow wow, hold on just. Can I have a word from all of this please?
Of course Marco, don’t you see? that 's the point. You’ll get the chance to date both of us and let your heart decide. No pressure, no grudges, just be sure to know what do you think is the right choice... What do you say?
Well, it’s really weird that you’re willing to do this for me, but also I’m glad to hear it so… Okay, I’m in...
Great, now we can all be happy and I get the chance to get intimate with Marco. I’m so excited.
Mmmmm… Speaking of getting intimate: I’ve noticed that your parents aren’t home, is that right?
Uhm, yeah, they’re in a meeting with the Morrissey's and won’t be back until tomorrow.
Perfect. That means we can begin with our little experiment right away.
Wait, experiment? Do you mean…?
[Star and Jackie stare at Marco with a lascivious look. Jackie steps up to lock up the door. Marco’s heart keeps beating faster]
[grabbing Marco’s left arm] Consider this my gift to you.
[grabbing Marco’s right arm] This will be a night you will never forget.
[blushing] Uhm, Girls? Can we take our time to talk about this...? [Star and Jackie start making out with him before he can finish]
[Cut to Marco, Star and Jackie under the bed sheets all sweaty and exhausted]
Wow… that was just… amazing...
I know right? I mean, I didn’t know you, we're so… experienced… Have you done this before?
Yeah, I thought you were a virgin. 
Well, you see, I...
It doesn’t matter. What is important is how we are gonna do it to share Marco from now on-
Hey, I’m not a toy.
Relax, we won’t get carried away. We just want you to have the proper chance to spend all the time you need, no pressures, remember?
Uhm, yeah I guess...
Okay, how about if we take turns day by day...
Day by Day, don’t you think that...
[interrupting him] That’s brilliant. It’s like: I can have him on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays...
...And I can have him on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays...
Star & Jackie:
...And we have a threesome on Sundays.
Oh, Marco, I’ve got the feeling that the best days of our lives are about to begin.
Yeah, sure... [narrating] ...and that’s how the most stressful days of my life began. Now, If you want to know how this is going to end, you’re asking the wrong person, cause to tell you the truth: not even I can comprehend any of this… Just hope for the best and wish me luck, because God knows I’m gonna need it.
0 notes
ims-monbebe · 6 years
White Sugar.
Author’s note: Holy hell I haven’t updated this story in forever. I’m really sorry I’ve been switched to the graveyard shift at my job and I’m just trying to find time to write and stay up all night for work but I’ve been working on this piece by piece so I hope you enjoy this. Writing this story makes me sad but the ball will get rolling very very soon. Mark my words lol, so bare with me for a little longer. Anyways as always Enjoy :)
Chapter 4: One of Those Nights.
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Wonho's POV
  The surroundings I am in is all too familiar, the air around me? Thick. The lighting? Black with flashing lights. The people around me? The usual. Girls I don't know, Jooheon, Changkyun, and Hyungwon all attached to these said girls. Music? Kind of shitty. Alcohol consumption? Clearly not enough to be passed out on this floor to take me out of this misery. I look around as all my friends sweet talk these girls. I get up from the sofa and make my way past the hundreds of people on the dance floor. Neglecting to look back at my friends, and honestly they probably don't care if I'm gone either. I make my way back outside and look across the street. 
  Kihyun.... wait we're in the same club as yesterday?
  "Shit..." I mumble to myself. "Kihyun."
  I begin crossing the street as fast as I can, my heart beat ringing inside my ears. I swallow the lump in my chest and finally approach the doors. I step inside and scan my surroundings. I look around and see a familiar face behind the bar making mixed drinks. Minhyuk, Kihyun's friend from last night. I quickly approach the bar. I slam my hands in front of him, he slightly jumps before his eyes land on me, his mouth gaping slightly. "I-it's you."
  "Where's Kihyun?"
  He nibbles on his lip before signaling me to move closer to him. "In the back room you were in last night." He whispers in my ear.
  My eyes widen as I shake my head. "W-with someone else?"
  He slowly shakes his head. "Yeah probably..."
  "Wonho wait!" He yells loudly above the music. I stop and face him. "I wouldn't go in there if I were you. He could really get in trouble."
  I shake my head furiously. "I don't care, I have to see him." I look back at Minhyuk. "You understand don't you?"
  He rubs his temples for a quick second before letting out an exasperated sigh. He taps another man next to him that I'm assuming is also working the bar with him. After a few words are exchanged he's walking out from behind it. "Fine, I'll take you to him. You've only been around for 20 some hours and you're already causing me a lot of problems! So annoying." 
  I smile slightly as I begin walking next to him, the feeling of relief being lifted from my shoulders. "Thank you."
  "Whatever, I'm just doing this because he couldn't shut up about you last night."
  "Wait really? What was he saying?"
  He scoffs as he opens the door to the back hallway Kihyun and I entered yesterday. "Like I'd tell you."
  I roll my eyes. "I won't force you."
  He stops in front of a door after a few more minutes of walking. "Anyways, here's his door. I gotta go back to my spot." Before I could protest Minhyuk is sprinting down the gray passageway.
  I turn around and face Kihyun's door, I press my ear to it and hear a couple voices, one of them obviously being Kihyun. I swallow the lump in my throats and inch my hand toward the handle. Come on Wonho, you can do this. Please you just need to see him. After what felt like an eternity I find the strength to push open the door.
  I see Kihyun on the floor, in a fetal position and a tall muscular man towering over him. My eyes connect with the mans and the look on his face does not look pleased at all. I hear Kihyun whimpering in pain as the taller man is still not moving from his spot above him. I can't find it in myself to move, speak, think!! Who the fuck is this guy? What in the fuck is going on?
  "Who the fuck are you?" The muscular man demands.
  "I- I um. I gave the bartenders some extra cash and they lead me to this room." My voice is shaky as his cold dead eyes stare into my own.
  He laughs as he backs away from Kihyun. "Here, you can have this pathetic little piece of shit."
  My body shutters at the coldness of his voice as he exits the room, slamming the door behind him shut. The room is left in a painful silence. I stare down and see Kihyun still on his side, not moving, silent sobs are breaking through his chest. I walk slowly over to him and sit down in front of his head.
  "Hey..." I shake him lightly.
  He instantly sits up, his arm slapping my own in the process. "Don't fucking touch m-." His eyes are wide as he finally notices my presence in the room. "You... you came back." His voice is low and soft, tears still tracing in his words. "You really came back?"
  "I told you I would."
  I grab a hold of Kihyun's face and examine it. His nose is bleeding a substantial amount of blood while his lip is busted right open. I feel the tears fight my eyes as I see his left forming a purple bruise. "Did that guy lay his hands on you?"
  He shrugs. "He does it all the time, I'm used to it."
  I lay down besides him and wrap my arms around him, I bring him close to my body and rest his head on my chest. I rub the top of my head as he begins to cry again, this time even harder. I fight back my tears as he stays in my embrace. The only thing filling the empty room we're in is Kihyun's crying. After what felt like hours he finally lifts up his head. "Why did you come back?"
  "You want the truth?" I smile down at him.
  He only nods and I continue. "I couldn't stop thinking about you, I just needed to see you. I needed to know that you were alright." I frown as I attempt to wipe the blood away from his lip. "I'm sorry that you're not."
  "I think I'll be okay now that you're here." His grip on me tightens. "I even feel safe like this in your arms."
  I look down at him and he's already staring at me. "How about we go on that date you mentioned last night?"
  Kihyun's eyes slowly make their way to my own. "How are we gonna leave? I can't leave here."
  "Oh so that shit you were saying you were just being bold?" I smirk.
  "I didn't think you'd come back okay?!"
  I smile at him. "Is there door or area that no one checks constantly?"
  He's silent for a moment. "Yeah, actually there is."
  "Okay is it in the back?"
  "In the alley yeah." 
  "Okay. I'm gonna go across the street and get my car. Meet me back then in 10 minuets then."
  "You have a car?" He asks as I get up.
  I laugh. "Yeah, I'm 26, not 16. I'm gonna have a car."
  "Sorry." He looks down. "That was a stupid question."
  I extend my hand out to him trying to help him get off the ground. "I was only kidding, I'll be back in 10 minuets with the car."
  I smile as I make my way to the door. "Of course."
  I make my way out of the dimly light hallway and back to the front of the building. I scan the room and look for Minhyuk again. Once I see him still behind the bar I walk over to him. "Can you cover for Kihyun? We're going out."
  "Out?" His voice is confused. "I mean, it will be hard, but I'll try."
  I take out my wallet and slide Minhyuk a couple of bills. "Try, please?"
  He looks around before snatching the money off the counter. "Fine, but if I get in trouble for trying to cover your ass you'll owe me more pretty boy!"
  "Deal. Thank you."
  "Whatever. Just go." He waves off. "Before I change my mind."  
  I nod before running out the building and back across the street. I make my way to the valet and hand the guy my receipt. He scans it before nodding. "We'll bring your car right out Mr. Shin."
  After a few minuets I see the guy driving up to me with my car, he gets out and hands me the keys. "I must say so myself sir you're Spirra you got here is super bad ass and well kept, I thought I should applaud you on that, most people can't keep these types of cars neat."
  I smile as I hand him his tip and sit down inside my car. "Thank you for noticing, I do work hard on keeping this car in good condition, enjoy your night." I wave off before shutting my door.
  I put my car in drive and begin driving slowly out off the valet parking lot. I make sure no cars are coming in either direction and proceed straight, to where Kihyun said the back door of the alley is. I enter the alley and begin driving slower. My eyes scan and I see a small frame about 10 meters ahead. I pull up to the boy and roll my window down. "Looking for someone?"
  Kihyun's eyes widen. "This is your car?"
  "Yeah is that a bad thing?"
  "No it's just that, I've never seen such a nice one."
  I laugh at him a little. "So is our date just gonna be you starring at my car here or are you actually going to get in and let me drive you somewhere?"
  "Shit right sorry." He begins walking to the passenger side of my car. He opens the door and steps inside, his eyes still wandering. "It's just as nice inside. Are you rich or something?" He asks as I put the car in reverse and I begin backing out of the alley way, my head turned behind so I can see as I back up.
  I only shrug. "I don't think I am. But maybe to others I am." We get onto the main road and I put my car on drive again. "Money comes and goes like it's nothing. Someday I may wake up and not have it at all. So I try to be humble about what I have." I say as my eyes focus on the road ahead of me. "Why, do I look rich?"
  He sighs. "Well, a little bit to me. But that's probably because I have nothing. What's your job?"
  "I'm a CO CEO for my friend Jooheon's company. We're in the music industry together. That makes us business partners right? I guess since he's the other CEO."
  "Wow." He says as I make a sharp turn onto the freeway. "You're so lucky. I can't do anything with my life."
  I glance over at him and back onto the road. "When was the last time you saw an over view of Seoul?"
  "Probably never." He sighs as he looks out the window. "I can't even remember the last time I've been in a car. Or on the freeway. "I can't do anything but stay in that place."
  "How did you leave tonight?"
  "Well Sho-" He looks out the window. "My boss usually leaves on these nights to go gamble and leaves the club in the hands of the security. It's super easy to ditch them. I've just never had any reason to do so. But if he finds out, hell will break loose." He trails off, his face retorts in fear at the thought.
  "He's the one who was hitting you earlier huh? Your boss?"
  He gets silent before slowly nodding. "Yeah, that's Shownu."
  I clench my jaw as I exit the freeway. "I don't know what to do to help you right now but, I'll think of something Kihyun. I promise."
  He smiles. "I'd like to hope that, but frankly I don't think there's anything you can do for me."
  "Don't give me that bullshit. Look- I don't want to sound weird or anything but I sort of kind of fucking like you, so if helping you out is the last thing I'll do so be it."
  "Like as in??" He looks at me, a small smile playing on his face.
  "Well I like you enough to risk my life apparently right? Doesn't that count for something?"
  He laughs as he leans his head back on the head rest. "I guess Wonho, I guess."
  I look ahead at the road and take a small turn. The car is silent before I come to a stop. Kihyun looks around before he smiles slightly. "I didn't even notice we were driving up a hill."
  "I found out this road when I was like 18." I laugh as I take off my seat belt. "It's better than the long hike down there."
  "Where are we?" He questions as I open the door.
  "Ansan, you know the peak to over look Seoul." I point ahead.
  Kihyun's eyes widen as he steps forward slightly. The bright lights of the city reflects in his eyes as he shakes his head. "I- it's beautiful. This is Seoul?"
  "Yup. Down to the very last light you can see."
  "I didn't know something so beautiful existed."
   "I did."
  "You talking about the lights?" He looks back at me.
  "Something like that."
  "You make no sense." He laughs as he looks forward.
  I sigh and lean on my car. "Come on sit down next to me."
  "Is it okay to sit on your car?"
  "Sure, I got four of them."
  "Of course you do." He laughs as he sits down next to me. 
  "Aren't you cold? I just realized that you're not wearing a shirt."
  He shrugs. "I'm fine."
  I roll my eyes. "No, you'll catch a cold." I take my coat off and drape it over his shoulders. "There."
  "I told you I was fine."
  "We're on a date remember? People on dates do this kind of stuff just so you know."
  "Really?" He looks up at and I only nod. He sighs as he pushes his arms through the sleeves. "Thank you then."
  "It's so cute how clueless you are." I admit as I look ahead at the city lights displayed in front of us. "It's adorable, it makes me not want any bad things to happen to you."
  He only frowns as he twirls his thumbs while he looks ahead. "I've never been on a date, so I'm sorry if I don't do things correctly, I'm trying not to be so nauseating."
  "You aren't at all. I'm enjoying the time here with you."
  "What are some things you want to do?"
  Kihyun nods. "Isn't that what people do on dates, ask each other questions?"
  "You got me there. Umm well I guess one thing I want to do is continue to travel. I've already been through all of Asia. I would like to go to Europe and see how things are over there. Maybe the United States too."
  "That sounds like fun honestly. You've been outside of Korea?"
  "Plenty of times, for business, for fun. But still even then I still feel a loneliness in my heart."
  He raises an eyebrow. "What kind of loneliness?
  I stay silent, my eyes fixated on the twinkling lights in front of me. "Maybe someone to share those moments with. I kind of long for a relationship I guess." I look at him. "After you've done the things I've done, you just want someone to come home to, someone to understand you, someone to listen to you. I think at this point in my life I just want that already. I've been here, done that, but come back home to nobody. It's lonely."
  "D-does." He mumbles off. "Does anyone know you're... you know, gay?"
  "Do you plan on telling anyone?"
  "Jooheon, Changkyun, and Hyungwon down the road maybe."
  "I get it." His eyes look back to me. "You're scared aren't you? Of what people might think of you?"
  I nod. "Yeah, I never really thought about it. I've never really talked about it. You're not?"
  He shakes his head. "Nope. I already know who I am, I accepted that a long time ago."
  His words linger around for a moment. I take a deep breath and look down at my hands. "Maybe being honest with them will lead to me being happy. It gets tiring acting like something I'm not. I'm sure a weight will be lifted off my chest if I told them. They are my best friends after all."
  "Maybe, I don't know your life obviously. But just know that freedom for yourself is what will make you happy in the long run."
  "Are you happy with yourself Kihyun?"
  "No, but I'm working on it. If I'm better person maybe I can make things about my situation better. I'm really trying to be a better me Wonho, I am."
  I rest my hand on top of his own. "I know Kihyun, it must be hard. Especially for the situation you're in. But don't worry I'll try whatever it is that I can to help you. You can count on me."
  He looks down at our hands and back up at me then ahead. "Promise?"
  "Cross my heart and hope to die."
  He looks up at me, his eyes in shock. "W-wonho." He stutters. "Why would you go so far for doing this much for me, you barley know me. Why are you wasting your time?" He looks away, his eyes shutting tightly in the process. "Why are you wasting your time on me? It just doesn't make sense. What do you want from me?"
  I stare at him for a second, not knowing what to say. After a moment of thinking I clear my throat. "I don't know, to be honest I don't have a solid answer for you. I don't know you, but I feel like I'm connected to you. From the moment I laid my eyes on you I could tell that you needed me to help you. Maybe it was just the way your eyes looked at me, they were so full of sorrow. I could tell that you needed someone to help you. So I'm tied to my self promise. I'll help you no matter what Kihyun."
  "I am not a charity case!" His eyes are full of anger as he jumps of my cars hood. “For fuck sakes Wonho! I don’t need your help! I don’t need your money! What I need is someone to understand me, what I’m going through.”
  “If that where true, you’d be content with staying in that place forever with Minhyuk. I know you don’t need me, but I want you to need me. I want to help you. Call me selfish but I want to help you for me.”
  “And what do you expect from me if you help me? Marriage? A happy life? I can’t promise you that Wonho. I just can’t.” His eyes glisten in the city lights reflection. “I don’t want to hurt you. I can’t.”
  “Kihyun, I don’t expect anything from you. If I help you out you’re free to live the life you want, no the life you should be living. You wouldn’t owe me anything.” I force him to look at me, his eyes are much softer than before. “You can’t hurt me, I’ll always be here for you.”
  “I can’t be loved.” He shakes his head. “I just can’t.”
  “If I fall in love with you so be it. I promise you, I’ll love you till my last breath if I do.”
  He stares at me for a second, his head leaning in a little closer. “You have a way with words.” He mumbles, his lips inches apart from my own. “I think I like you cause of that.”
  I smile, my hands automatically placing themselves on the sides of his face. “I won’t hurt you Kihyun, I promise.”
  His lips are only inches apart, his hot breath  brushes of my bottom lip as I close my eyes, my own lips desperately inviting his onto my own. My eyes instantly widen as I feel a sensation going off in my pant pocket. “Shit.” I grumble. I back away fast and take out my phone, examining the caller ID and groan even more. 
  “Yeah?” I annoyingly answer my phone.
  “Wonho where the fuck are you?!” Hyungwon’s voice yells in my ear. “Jooheon and Changkyun really did it this time!”
  “What?” I look over at Kihyun and hold up my finger. I jump onto the grass and walk a little away from him. “What did those dumb asses do?”
  “I can’t explain it. Look I don’t care where the hell you are or what or who you’re doing, but get here right now. Before either of them gets arrested! I’m not kidding Wonho, hurry please.”
  I shut my eyes, mentally slapping myself in the face. “Alright, I’ll be there soon.”
  I hang up before he can say anything else. I turn to Kihyun, his eyes starring ahead. “I’m sorry Kihyun, I gotta take you back. Apparently an emergency is going on with my friends.”
  “It’s okay, I understand. It’s better if I go back already too.”
  “Right, well let’s not waste anytime then.” I say as I walk to my passenger door. “I don’t want two things to worry about.”
  The both of us get inside my car, no words being exchanged. I put my car in reverse and look behind me. “Wonho?”
  “Thank you for tonight.” I hear Kihyun say. “Thanks for making my first date something nice and good to remember.”
  I smile as I look at him for a second. “No problem, it’s been my pleasure to be by your side tonight.”
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kasprak · 7 years
Hi! You should write! Because I’m sure you’re super amazing at it and even if you don’t think you are practice will make you feel so much better about it! But to get you started, I suggest ‘shh, c’mere’ with reddie. Love you, you’re great!
here i am and i’ll take my time (x)
→  word count: 1,497
→  teen richie and eddie, one-on-one sleepover, kisses in the dark
→  warnings: angst, swears, major character death, spoilers for part two
You’re too late, Richie, a rotting voice echoed in his mind, he’s with me now.
There was a sour smell that hung thick in the air. The whole atmosphere felt dense, claustrophobic even. It felt like how the world felt minutes before a storm struck. When grey clouds loomed heavy, electric. Tense. The scent burned in his nostrils and coated his tongue, causing him to nearly choke on his own breath. Breathing. His breathing was already labored, ragged, but why?
Where the fuck am I?
Richie’s entire body ached. He was aware of a throbbing in the soles of his feet like he’d been walking for hours on end, and of an even more subtle ache in his lower back. He felt tired and weak, and his head hurt most of all. Sharp bouts of pain pulsed through his skull, and his stomach churned in protest with every jolt. There was something else, too, a thick warmth covering his hands. It spread quickly and soaked his clothes.
He was holding something. Dead weight, his mind insisted, and when Richie looked down at this weight (dead weight) in his arms, his heart dropped like a stone.
Now the shrieking, the whimpering sobs that surrounded him made sense. He hadn’t noticed them until now. It was his friends. Beverly, mostly. She was crying, hard, and sputtering out the same name that had just died on Richie’s lips (died in Richie’s arms): Eddie. An older Eddie, sure, but still unmistakably him. Eddie lay limp in Richie’s arms. The wet warmth was his blood, dark and red, and it flowed in a steady stream from the socket where his arm was supposed to be. 
“F-fuck, Eddie!” He was shaking his friend’s body, already knowing it was pointless but not having the heart to stop. “E-Eds, fuck, shit, you’re bleeding pretty bad, man. What happened to you? Oh god, Eds.” He shook even harder this time, until he felt Bill’s hand close over his shoulder. Firmly, but not unkindly. 
“He’s guh-gone, R-Ruh-Richie. Let him go.” Bill was crying too. 
Richie shook his head. “Fucking do something! Eds is ―”
The corpse’s eyelids suddenly flung open, exposing glazed, lifeless eyes. A hollow, dusty voice spoke from Eddie’s still-warm lips. The voice sounded like it belonged in a zombie creature feature at the Aladdin. “Don’t call me that.” Richie sputtered a string of curse words, dropping Eddie’s head into his lap like a hot plate.
Richie woke up with a strangled cry, and was plunged suddenly into the absolute darkness of his own basement. The warm wetness soaking his skin was no longer blood, but sweat and tears. His wavy hair clung to his forehead, sticky and hot. The entire back of his t-shirt was damp. Tears stung his eyes and formed a sore lump in his throat, forcing him to swallow hard. His mind reeled with disorientation. Eddie. Where’s Eddie? Why is it so fucking dark and, oh god, I need to save him, he’s bleeding. I can’t lose him.
“I said don’t call me that.” Eddie’s reply came in a harsh whisper, cutting through the darkness like a knife. Richie hadn’t been asleep for long, so this whole time Eddie had been under the impression that he was having a very one-sided conversation with a very awake Richie. Richie would mumble ‘Eds’ urgently, and Eddie would shush him. It was late, and he was grumpy, and he knew that if he caved and asked ‘what?’, Richie would say some dumb shit like ‘Can’t you fall asleep a little faster? I want to spend some quality time with your mom.’ to which Eddie would reply ‘Maybe I’d be asleep if you would shut the fuck up.’ He was not falling for it. No sirree. Not this night, and not at this hour. Turns out, still unbeknownst to Eds, this was not one of those times.
Richie could hear his voice but didn’t process his words.
Eddie’s dying, he’s dying, he’s bleeding out in my arms and I need to find him. Why can’t I see anything? He felt around in the darkness, fingers tracing over the rough carpet and onto his own sleeping bag. “Where the fuck are my glasses?” What little composure he had was failing fast. 
“Richie, are you having a fucking stroke? Your prescription doesn’t give you night vision.”
“I-I just need my fucking glasses so I know ―” Richie whimpered, his voice breaking as he began to search more desperately,“so I know that you’re okay. There’s blood on me. Your arm ―”
“Woah, what? Richie what the fuck are you talki ―” 
“I don’t want to lose you, Eddie, I-I… I can’t… I can’t.” 
The room fell silent, save for Richie’s heavy breathing, and then a faint rustling as Eddie climbed out of his sleeping bag. His voice sounded closer the next time he spoke. “Richie, what happened? Are you okay?” The worry was painfully evident in his voice, and somehow amongst all the chaos in his brain Richie could still feel his heart skip a beat at the sound.
It was starting to make a little more sense now, but his words still tumbled out of his mouth in a jumble. “F-fuck, Eddie, I saw you and you were older and I think I was too, but you were hurt, and I couldn’t do anything. I think I-I’m covered in your blood.” 
He felt Eddie rest a hand on his shoulder and then quickly retract it, as though he’d been burned. “Jesus, Richie, you’re drenched with sweat.” Realization began to dawn over the smaller boy as he knelt closer to Richie, feeling the heat radiating off of him and the sharp, short breaths he was taking in. It was an anxiety attack prompted by a really shitty, scary dream. “I’m okay! You’re okay,” he began, speaking as soothingly as he could in his own state of shock, “you’re in your own basement. We’re having a sleepover. You just had a very bad dream.” He wished he could see Richie’s face right now. 
“No, no,” Richie insisted, shaking his head, “It was real. It was so real. I’m covered in your blood ―”
“It’s sweat, you’re overheating.” Without missing a beat, he began to stand. “I should get you some water and a cold washcloth ―”
“Please don’t go.” 
Eddie froze, struggling to hold back tears himself now. He hadn’t heard Richie sound this broken in a long time, and he had hoped he would never have to again. Hearing him like that broke his heart. He knew Richie wouldn’t want to be seen like this. He hated his own vulnerability. He hated when he couldn’t just crack an inappropriate joke, and laugh his pain away.
“Okay,” Eddie whispered, “I’m here. I’m staying right here.”
Another silence stretched between them. Eddie silently debated whether or not to reach out. Touch him, hug him, do something. God knows he wanted to, but would it be the right thing to do?
The quiet was broken by a strangled sob. Richie had clapped a trembling hand over his mouth to muffle the sound of his tears. He wheezed, choked, bit back another cry, and felt his entire body shudder with it. Stop it, Richie. Stop fucking crying, you idiot. Richie spoke coherently for the first time, and Eddie didn’t like what he heard. “F-fuck,” Richie chuckled weakly, “I’m s-stuttering like Bill.” Eddie frowned, and couldn’t help but think ‘he’s doing that thing again where he punishes himself for having real emotions’.
“Shh, c’mere.” Eddie whispered, hands searching in the darkness until they found the other. “You’re shaking.” He shuffled closer, climbing onto Richie’s sleeping bag, and held him close and tight, letting one hand wander to his hair and stroke his curls. “You’re okay. You’re safe.” 
Tears welled in Richie’s eyes as he hugged back, suddenly and intensely. Needing to feel as close as possible. Eddie’s skin was cold to the touch. Richie craved its chill.
“I don’t care if I’m safe,” Richie laughed through the tears, “I just need you to be, Eddie.“ 
“I am.” 
Eddie rested his forehead on Richie’s. He smiled in spite of himself. 
“Stay with me,” Richie begged, his voice breathy. Their noses brushed against one another’s. Eddie’s hand lingered on the side of Richie’s head, cupping his jaw, thumb tracing along his flushed cheek. Their lips drew closer. 
“I’m not going anywhere,” Eddie said, and sighed into the kiss. He squeezed his eyes shut and fought the urge to smile so sweetly against Richie’s mouth because this was finally happening, and it was bittersweet but his heart was soaring all the same.
Richie’s eyes fluttered shut and he wished he would never have to open them, afraid that if he did it would all fall apart, and Beverly would be screaming beside him again, pleading for Eddie to wake up. 
Richie wondered if Eddie knew he was lying when he said he’d never go.
59 notes · View notes
halowastaken · 4 years
After a decathlon practice, Peter went to the bathroom to wash his hands. He was playing around with paint and now his hands were a mess. He washed his hands till tey got clean and with a smile in his face, he was gonna wait for Happy to come. He couldn't
"Penis, do you think you were gonna get away with embarrassing me in front of the team?" Flash entered the bathroom with some other people. One of them took away Peter's backpack and threw it away
"Goddamit. Leave me alone Flash" Everyone there laughed at him as Flash just pushes him to the floor of the school's bathroom
"Aww. Baby Penis is scared? You want to cry?" Flash said and then he kicked Peter's stomach multiple times "What are you gonna do about it? Call mommy?" Everyone that was in the bathroom laughed except Peter. Then Flash grabbed Peter by his shirt "I hope you take this as a lesson. You are not and you'll never be the smartest person in the room. You know nothing but embarrassing yourself"
"It's not my fault that you didn't know the answer to any of the questions. I was trying to help the team" After Peter said that, Flash looked pissed to the point that he punches Peter in the face repeatedly. Then he let's go Peter's shirt and then leaves him in the floor.
"You gotta learn when to shut up" Then he leaves the bathroom with everyone after him. Peter stands up and looks at himself in the mirror. He had a blackeye, his nose and mouth were bleeding and so was his eyebrow. He looked terrible.
Happy was about to come pick him up since May was out for a week and he was staying in the tower. He just put his hoodie on and tries not to look up that often. When Happy was there, he just got in the car without saying hi as usual. They get to the Tower and instead of greeting Tony with his smile at the moment he gets out of the elevator, he goes as quickly as possible to his room. Tony didn't know how to react.He was really looking forward for his energetic, positive and sweet kid and all he got was a shy kid that didn't want to be with him.
After a while, Karen reminded Peter that today was lab day. He did want to go but he couldn't. He didn't want Tony to worry about some High School bully. Peter was actually fine with it because he knew that if It wasn't him, it would be someone else without his advanced metabolism. By that time, he almost didn't have any blood in his face.
When he got to the lab, he just kept his hoodie on and tried to not look at Tony "So, what are we gonna do today?" Peter was looking at something in the screen. He was acting like nothing happened. Tony in the other hand was in the corner, staring at him, knowing something was going on and he didn't like it
"FRIDAY take everything off all the screens please" Then a second later, Peter was just looking at nothing "Anything you want to share with the class, spidey?"
"I-I guess it is time for a suit update. I amm -I'm go gonna look for it" Peter totally ignored Tony and tried to get out of the lab, but Tony grabbed him by the wrist "Mr. Stark, i-is something going on?" Peter was looking down the whole time while Tony was standing right in front of him
"Kid, look at me when I talk to you" Tony demanded. It looked like Tony was super mad, when in reality he was worried as fuck about Peter. Did he got stabbed again and didn't tell him? Did someone died? Peter totally ignored Tony's comment "Peter, look at me" he said trying to get the hoodie off Peter's head, but Peter shaked off Tony's hand
"Mr. Stark, I-" Peter tried to explain himself, but Tony finally took the hoodie off his head, and as first reaction he just snapped and shoot webs at Tony's hands and mouth. When he realized what he did, Peter covered his mouth with his hands looking at Tony, who looked shocked "I-I'm gonna go" then Peter literally ran away from the lab leaving Tony there.
Tony couldn't believe what just happened. He didn't know what was worse, Peter shooting webs at him, leaving him without the ability of talking or using his hands until the web dissolves, or the fact that Peter's face was used as a piñata by some dumbass. He was really worried about Peter
There was also Peter who was freaking out in the ceiling of his room ( because when he freaks out, walks on the ceiling without noticing ). He webbed Tony Stark. He didn't mean it, he really didn't, but he did, and he was scared. Scared of Tony's reaction. He was going to take the suit, or worse. Peter feared his internship was gonna be taken away because of some stupid reaction
Peter waited a while, half an hour approximately, to actually do something other than think about all the possibilities that could happen and almost having a panic attack. He tried to breathe and calm down even though he couldn't
"Karen, can you connect me to FRIDAY for a sec?" Peter asked sitting in the middle of the ceiling
"Sure thing Peter" Karen responded with a calming voice
"Hello Mr. Parker" FRIDAY's voice calmed Peter for some reason
"Hi FRIDAY. Did Mr. Stark got out of the web already?"
"Yes. The web fluid dissolved four minutes ago" FRIDAY said causing Peter toalmost have a panic attack
"Oh boy. What is he doing? How upset is he?"
"He's actually coming here right now" FRIDAY shouldn't have said that. Peter was about to start crying. He was so scared and started to freak out again. He sarted to walk in circles again in the ceiling. After a few seconds, Tony opened the door without knocking. Peter immediately jumped off the ceiling and landed in his feet "Mr. Stark! I-I am so sorry! I-I didn't know what I was doing! That was so immature, I-I should have known better-" Peter was talking so fast and just kept apologizing about it while crying
Tony wasn't listening at all. He just cared about how horrible Peter's face looked. From his shoulders to his forehead he had marks and bruises that were healing fast, but they were still there. Tony didn't know what to say. Peter kept apologizing and crying and Tony couldn't stand that "Ok, I'm just-" He grabbed him by the shoulders and just gave him a hug making Peter shut up. Peter didn't know how to react
"Mr. Stark what are you doing?" Peter said almost as if Tony was making a mistake. Like he didn't deserved being hugged. He was super confused. After a few seconds, Tony was standing in front of him grabbing him by the shoulders
"What the hell happened to you?" Tony looked genuinely worried. Peter didn't understand how that mattered
"It's nothing. Just a little scratch" Peter said planning to keep apologizing
"That's bullshit. I've told you multiple times no patrolling during school time. You're gonna tell me who did this to you right now" Peter looked confused. Then he connected the dots. Tony thought he got beaten by some criminal while patrolling.
"Mr. Stark I wasn't patrolling" Tony didn't believe a word "It was just a kid in my school. Nothing to worry about" Now that Tony could believe, but he looked confused. Peter just told him everything about Flash. Tony didn't want to believe it
"For how long has this been going on?" Tony asked mad at that kid. How could he dare to even breathe the same oxygen as Peter?
"Since I transferred to Midtown. This really doesn't happen that often. Only when I do something that has to do with the decathlon team. Normally it's just him making fun of me or something. I really don't see how this is the problem"
"What? Kid how could you say that? He fucking beated your ass! You could've pass out if it wasn't for your metabolism! You're fucking Spider-Man! Why the hell didn't you fight back?!" Tony was almost yelling
"I could kill him!" After Peter said that, Tony's heart breaked "I cannot control my strength when I am mad and if I fight back, my super strength could kill him!" Tony saw for the first time that Peter's fear was himself. In battle, Peter didn't use his whole strength and Tony didn't know why. Now he realizes that Peter really didn't want to hurt anybody. Tony sighted trying to calm down
"You should have told me" Tony said trying to calm down
"I couldn't. I don't want you to worry about me"
"Then how do you deal with that kid? "
"I don't. They do this to me, but if they wouldn't, they would do this to someone else without my healing powers, and I don't want that to happen" The only thing Tony could think of is why is his kid so good? He didn't deserve someone that good. Tony didn't think anyone deserved someone that good
"Mr. Stark, I am sorry for shooting you. I don't know why I did that. I-I am so sorry. And if you want to take my internship away, I totally understand" When Tony looked at him, he couldn't believe Peter was seriously was worried about that
"Peter, I am not taking your internship. Who do you think I am? Osborn?" If Peter wasn't as concerned as he was, he would've laughed "You're my kid, and even if you web my the whole house, you're gonna stay with me" Peter was happy about the comment Tony just made "However, I am gonna be way more upset than I am right now if you hide things like this again from me. Don't ever do that again"
"It won't happen again. I will tell you everything from now on" Peter knew that wasn't gonna stay for a long time. Peter didn't like that Tony worried about him, but it worked this time. Tony gave him a little smile
"You still want to go to the lab? We could order pizza" Peter smiled
"I do want to go to the lab Mr. Stark. Thanks"
That day, they stayed up till three in the morning in the lab. By that time there wasn't even a scratch in Peter's face. The next day, Tony called Peter's school to arrange a meeting with the principal and that Flash kid. Peter was upset about it but in reality he really liked that Tony cared about him that much.
So this is my first fanfic. I wrote it a while ago but now I decided to post it. Hope y'all like it! Bye!
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starryeyed-char · 7 years
Close Call ~PART 4 (final)
Read these first!!!!!! Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Catch this fic on AO3
It’s about Lance and Keith getting captured and separated, with an injured Lance. For a better summary go to the first part… I’m lazy.
Finally! The last part!
…pssst @dogsahoy @voltronpaella @taylor-tut I can now stop sliding these across the table- this is the end!
I wanted to try doing something with multiple parts to celebrate VLD’s anniversary (the first part went up on the 10th)… and I can’t believe how well received this was! Thanks so much to everyone who’s given me such kind feedback!! I’ve got lots of plans for future writing, so hopefully you can look forward to that and not be too sad that this is over now? I hope you like the way I ended it… enjoy!!
Lance tumbled out of the healing pod like he did so many other things; without warning. The others were sat around the room when suddenly the walls of the pod disappeared, and the blue paladin fell forward. He would’ve face-planted into the floor of the infirmary if Hunk hadn’t been there to catch him.
He looked around in confusion for a moment while his eyes adjusted to the bright lights, and met the gaze of his best friend.
“Hey, Hunk,” he smiled, voice raspy and uneven. “Miss me?”
Hunk sighed with relief, giving Lance a shaky grin of his own. “You know I did,” he admitted. “Don’t you dare scare me like that again. I was worried sick!”
Lance laughed, and let himself be wrapped up in one of Hunk’s signature, bone-crushing hugs. “Sorry,” he shrugged. “Guess I should be more careful. So, what’d I miss?” He looked around at the others with an expectant smile on his face, but it wavered quickly. The rest of the team all looked worse for the wear themselves.
Pidge’s eyes were red-rimmed and puffy, while Shiro looked even more worn down than usual. Allura and Coran both stood off to the side, with strained expressions of relief. Keith was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, stoic and silent as usual, but Lance could see the bags under his eyes. In short, they all looked exhausted.
“Um… you guys?” Lance asked uncertainly, voice catching. “Why all the grim looks? What’s wrong?”
Allura and Shiro exchanged a nervous look. “How much do you remember?” asked the princess.
“I remember…” Lance trailed off, eyes scanning the room for the person he’d missed. His gaze caught on Matt, who was standing in his periphery, in front of another pod. A wave of relief washed over him. “Matt. Sorry I missed the Holt sibling reunion, but it’s good to see you’re okay, dude.”
Matt gave Lance his own small smile, though he looked tired, too. “Right back at you.”
Lance turned back to Allura. “I remember being in the cell with Matt, and… not much else, if I’m honest,” he confessed. “Why? How long was I out for?”
“Not long, all things considered” Coran assured him. “About two weeks.”
“Two weeks?!” Lance practically shrieked. “Last time I was only in the pod for… what? A day or two, right?”
“Well,” Pidge piped up, adjusting her glasses. “Your injuries were pretty severe. You needed a lot of time to heal.” She cleared her throat, averting her eyes. “We were all pretty worried.”
“You’re lucky my blood’s O-negative,” Hunk muttered under his breath.
“Oh,” Lance said softly, momentarily at a loss for words. His grin returned quickly, though. “But I’m fine now! We can get back to business as usual. I bet I have a lot of training to catch up on, right, Allura?”
Despite his efforts to return things to normal, the team just exchanged looks full of thinly veiled concern. Lance couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something they weren’t telling him.
“We’re glad you’re feeling better Lance,” Shiro finally spoke. “But I think it’s best we get food in your system, first. Then you should probably rest.”
Lance laughed, trying to hide his discomfort. “Yeah, right. I just spent two weeks getting a ton of rest, and that green space goop? Disgusting. I think I might take Blue for a spin,” Lance declared, stretching his arms over his head. The others said nothing, just glanced anywhere but at him. “Jeez, what’s with all the moping? This must’ve been a pretty close call, huh?”
There was a beat of heavy silence.
“You were dead.”
Lance turned to face Keith in shock. The red paladin stood with his arms at his sides, fists clenched and shaking. Lance fidgeted under his glare. “Wh-what?”
“You died,” Keith repeated. “Your heart stopped beating.”
Shiro started towards him. “Keith, let’s just—”
“No!” Keith’s loud voice echoed in the empty infirmary. “I’m not going to just go back to pretending everything’s normal. I— I won’t! Nothing is normal! I… he could’ve…” Keith trailed off, looking at Lance. The mask of a smile on his face had given way to surprise, and hurt.
“Never mind,” Keith growled, whirling around. He stormed out of the room, and Lance watched him go.
Keith paced around his room, completely lost in thought.
He’d always been a man of action. Hopeless at voicing his thoughts, he tried to convey what he felt through doing. And most of the time, it blew up in his face. Sometimes literally.
Keith also prided himself on his ability to hide emotions. He had a habit of burying his feelings deep down inside himself, and not addressing them until he was ready to deal with them.
When he’d seen Lance bleeding out on the floor of that cell… he’d only allowed himself one second of panic. One second to be absolutely terrified, and then it was as if his body had been switched onto autopilot.
He’d picked Lance up off the floor, and began sprinting towards the red lion. He was vaguely aware of Hunk’s sobbing as he helped Matt up, saying to Keith that he’d get them both to the yellow lion. The yellow paladin always wore his emotions on his sleeve, for everybody to see. His cries echoed in the ears of the entire team, even as he said they should prep a pod.
Keith did his best to numb everything he felt, resolving to be upset later. To cry when Lance was safe. There was no time to waste. He flew back to the castle as fast as possible, and got Lance into the medbay before he could even fully process the situation. He watched as Allura used some complex Altean device, attempting to restart Lance’s pulse, and he helped get Lance into the pod after the heart-rate monitor finally started beeping again.
They all stood around the pod, and it was when Allura announced that Lance was going to live that Keith allowed himself to break down.
He collapsed onto the floor in front of the pod, sobbing. Lance would be okay. He’d live. And yet Keith couldn’t stop thinking of everything that could’ve gone differently. What he could’ve done to prevent Lance from getting injured in the first place. Or if he’d been even a minute later in finding him…
These were the thoughts that plagued his mind as he walked back and forth in his small room, and had stuck with him for the past two weeks. Keith couldn’t sleep, could barely eat. The image of Lance surrounded by a pool of his own blood, motionless and seeming devoid of life, refused to leave Keith’s head. He just kept… seeing it. Even though he knew Lance was okay, probably sleeping in his own room right now, Keith couldn’t help thinking what if he wasn’t.
Keith couldn’t help remembering that moment after putting Lance in the pod, when he realized that he was covered in the blue paladin’s blood.
He shook his head to clear it, resolving to go to the training deck. It wouldn’t get rid of the problem, but it would be a welcome distraction. He opened the door, only to reel back in surprise.
Lance stood before him, a fist raised and poised to knock. His eyes widened when he saw Keith, and immediately took several steps backwards into the hall. “Uh… hi,” he said, with a small wave.
Keith crossed his arms, instantly guarded. “What do you want, Lance?”
Lance flinched at the words, casting his gaze towards the floor. “I… came here to apologize. To you.”
Keith raised an eyebrow.
“You know… for messing up the mission,” he continued. “My actions got both of us captured, and I wanted to tell you that I’m sorry. I know you’re super mad at me, and I already told Shiro he shouldn’t send us on missions together anymore. The Galra wouldn’t have caught either of us if I’d just been paying attention. I should've—”
“Shut up.”
Lance winced, rubbing the back of his neck, then continued. “Look, it’s fine if you don’t want to speak to me, like, ever again. I just needed you to know that I know I really messed up, and that I’m really sor—”
“I said, shut up,” Keith repeated. “Stop talking.”
Lance clamped his mouth shut in surprise. Keith tried to ignore the hurt written across his face.
“You think…” Keith mentally cursed himself, unable to find the right words. “You think that I’m mad at you because we got captured?”
Lance shuffled from foot to foot awkwardly. “I… yeah?”
Keith pinched the bridge of his nose between his fingers. “Are you serious? You think I’m mad at you for ‘messing up the mission?'”
Lance sighed, looking mildly irritated. “Isn’t that what I just said?”
“I’m mad because you almost died, you idiot!” Keith practically shouted. “You nearly got yourself killed!”
“Oh,” was all Lance seemed capable of saying. “Right. That. Uh, sorry.”
“Stop apologizing!”
Lance stared back at Keith in shocked silence. Keith huffed.
“Look, I’m just… you saved my life, back there. You got hurt because you were too busy keeping me safe. You’re always keeping the rest of us safe, and putting yourself in danger because of it!” Keith ran a hand through his hair, looking away. “And it scares the hell out of me. You could’ve really died, Lance! You almost did! And it would’ve… it would’ve been all my fault.”
Keith looked back up, only to find Lance still staring at him, floored. He abruptly went back to looking at his feet.
“I also came here to thank you,” Lance said softly. “The others told me what you did. Without you, I wouldn’t have made it. You’ve saved me countless times, too, Keith.You know that, don’t you?”
Keith let out a short laugh, and Lance’s eyes brightened at the sound. “Guess we’re both too reckless for our own good, huh?”
“True,” Lance agreed, with a grin. “But it’s part of what makes us such a good team.”
Keith was once again reminded of how much he preferred actions to words, because he had absolutely no idea how to respond to that.
So instead, he just kissed Lance.
It was slightly awkward, or at least until Lance took control, which he did almost immediately, after the initial shock wore off. Keith had also accidentally pushed Lance up against the wall in the process, but he didn’t seem to mind. The immediate reaction from Lance made Keith think that he’d probably been waiting for this for ages. Then again, they both had.
“Jesus,” Lance muttered, once they’d broken apart, short of breath. “I should die more often.”
“If you do,” Keith threatened. “I’ll kill you myself.”
“I’d like to see you try,” Lance laughed. “You know you’d miss me too much.”
Keith seemed to ponder this for a second. “Yeah,” he admitted. “Yeah, I would.” And the two of them were kissing again.
The End
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