#he’s also autistic to me. in my professional opinion
every time I rewatch geography of global conflict I’m reminded of how much I love professor cligorus (the model un advisor/poli sci professor.) he’s gotta be the best of the characters who are only in one episode, right. I gotta make a highlight reel of this guy. nobody gets him like me. I’m so serious
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AITA for possibly invalidating a self-diagnosed autistic person
I (20sNB) met D (20sM) in an online server for an anime fandom we're both in. I'm a psychology student who was professionally diagnosed with autism in early childhood. D and I developed a friendship based on having similar fandom opinions. I don't remember how me being autistic came up in conversation but when I mentioned it, he described himself as "autistic as f#ck". Sometimes he would get into arguments with other people in the server and bring up his autism if he was called out on how he spoke to people. On his twitter he said his autism was self-diagnosed and he has no interest in getting a professional diagnosis but he could if he wanted to.
I have complicated feelings on self-diagnosis; I think there's pressure in the autistic community to accept every single self-diagnosed person as valid. I personally would never definitively say I had something that I hadn't been professionally diagnosed with. That being said, I understand that there are factors that would prevent someone from getting a diagnosis so some people *have* to only be self-diagnosed. I don't have a problem with it as long as people aren't spreading misinformation or being actively harmful, which is what I (and others) thought D was doing. My issue wasn't him being self-diagnosis, it was that he was using his self-diagnosed autism to justify incorrect (and harmful) claims.
I noticed a few times that he would make comments like "autism isn't a disability" and "some autistics have high support needs because of intellectual disability", which is just flat out wrong. D also claimed that if he was to get a diagnosis, his would be level 3 autism (which would be for someone with high support needs with severe social and communication deficits, generally nonverbal) but he also is a college student who's been in a relationship for over a year and he works part-time in retail. For context, my diagnosis happened when there was different terminology but my psychologist considers me to be somewhere between level 1 or 2 and I am also studying and working part time.
Another person in the server (let's call them P, also 20sM) brought up a different disorder that they'd been diagnosed with (not autism although P is autistic as well) and D immediately said "I probably have that too but I can't be bothered to do anything about it".
P and a few other people in the server expressed some frustration in a separate group chat about D's tendency to (a) say things about autism that just aren't true and (b) say "omg me too" every time one of us brings up things we have. Once D said autism isn't a disability the third or fourth time we'd had enough and I responded "D, that's not right". D took offense to that and claimed as a fellow autistic person I should agree with him. I said "D, I'm autistic and it's a disability, I call myself disabled because my autism is literally disabling". D said he felt like disabled is a bad word and he doesn't like using it about himself. I said "D, no one's forcing you to use it about yourself if you don't want to, but saying autism isn't a disability is just wrong". P pointed out that every time someone in the server talks about being neurodivergent D is like "omg me too" and P also said that D doesn't get to claim to be autistic while also spreading misinformation, especially when the misinformation being spread is ableist. D got mad at P for calling him ableist; he insisted he's autistic and self-diagnosis is valid. I said "I get that, but when the information you're spreading is flat-out wrong, it kind of makes me question your researching skills".
D called P and I both ableist, told us we were so privileged to be diagnosed (which neither of us disputed but also D *could* have been diagnosed but chooses not to be even though he has the resources to access a professional diagnosis) and we're "f#cking assholes" for invalidating self-diagnosed autistics. D's partner (20sF) also got involved and claimed we were bullying D and we both have "pick-me" attitudes. P and I both muted the server and disengaged for a while.
Later on, D messaged P and I both. D claimed his reaction to what was said was because of his autism. P had had enough and said "buddy, you don't get to say that" and D got mad and blocked P. I told D I was going no-contact and D could block me if he wanted. D called me an asshole and I blocked him.
It's probably worth noting that my autism means that I have difficulty interpreting people's messages in text form and tend to take what people say at face value. Sometimes D getting overly confrontational triggered my anxiety and caused me to feel very uneasy around him since it was in text form and there was no vocal tone to decipher (if that makes sense). The thing is, I don't think D is necessarily not autistic, I just think D has some internalized ableism and doesn't really understand the nuances of the autism spectrum enough to make a sound judgement and he should have maybe not made claims about an identity he knows very little about, but maybe P and I might have been a little harsh because we'd been stewing on our feelings for so long.
What are these acronyms?
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wormlette · 3 months
smaller than everyone chilchuck being understood by autistic laios. is this anything. (i am small and autistic and felt deeply represented by your post)
Oh my god I spent so long writing a FUCKING RESPONSE and tumblr deleted it kill me. ANYWAY “is this anything” friend this is everything. 🤝
I think the two of them are uniquely able to understand each other bcuz in summary, the things they are both most vulnerable and affected by, the things that have probably damaged their lives most, are things they cannot conceal from others. Laios’ autism and Chilchuck’s size. There’s VERY good discussions on whether Chil is totally normal, autistic but very good at masking, somewhere inbetween, or even whether he’s cis, and those would all INFORM this conversation but whichever way you read him, he is socially aware enough to see that Laios is NOT. And it drives him crazy and he is constantly frustrated and trying to teach him to be more aware of himself as the party leader and just “be more normal”. In my opinion this is because Chil KNOWS how much it hurts to live with a part of yourself you can’t control that makes it hard to make your way through the world — in his own way, he is trying to take care of Laios. This may be both for selfish (he wants a good stable party and that requires a good socially savvy party leader) and selfless (chilaios…) reasons, but either way. It’s essentially just there in the text To Me.
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Chilchuck is probably extra frustrated because, at least as he seems to see it, Laios COULD choose to shave off those rough edges of himself and “pass” as respectable/“normal”. (Another reason I kinda think Chil has his own autism thing happening. In my experience, shamefully, I’ve been least patient with people who I see as like me but they just haven’t figured out how to stop the world from hurting them like I have.) (I imagine chil often thinks things like. why don’t you just change. Don’t you see how much easier it would be for you. Don’t you see how much you’re letting the world hurt you. Don’t you know what that will do to you, over time.) meanwhile Chilchuck cannot stop the rest of the world from seeing him as either childLIKE or just straight up a tall-man kid. No matter how professional he is or how scathingly he can insult people or how much he can drink — he can’t stop what people SEE when they LOOK at him (this also makes him a great trans character To Me). I think Laios knows exactly how this feels. He’s not seen as a kid, so it’s not exactly the same. But despite having everything Chilchuck would like to have (tall, looks manly, socially respectable in appearances)… Laios is never going to pass as normal once people get to know him. He ISN’T socially aware. He CAN’T pretend to be someone else anymore, not once the story starts.
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So autistic Laios keeps bumbling through social situations that make people want to fucking hunt him for sport. He can’t say the right things, and when he has tried to be himself, we can assume it’s been very poorly received in the past, both when dungeoneering and prior as a little kid. When he’s not being manic about his monster special interest he seems to constantly be doing an Autism Stare that serves to keep people away from him and his sister.
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The fact that Chil and Laios both, to some degree, can’t hide what they hate most about themselves, makes them uniquely able to understand each other. And treat each other with sympathy/empathy underneath it all. Laios is the one out of their party who most treats Chilchuck as an adult with agency (understands the stress of his work, defends him, lets him steer situations, listens to his advice, never demeans him or gives any indication he thinks he’s a child altho he did assume Chil is younger than him). If the daydream hour extras that give rough indications of who joined the party when are canon, Chilchuck is the party member who’s been with the party the longest, almost since Falin and Laios founded it, despite thinking of Laios as “the party leader comma I GUESS”. He keeps trying to beat lessons about leading parties into Laios’ head despite many ppl around him considering him a lost cause. As I’ve said in other posts…. He could probably just fucking walk out at any time and either retire or get a different party, and we know Chil has no problem hitting da bricks, but he doesn’t.
The things about themselves that make them most able to relate to each other are also the things that sometimes make them grate against each other (Chil berating Laios in the way only a guy with a major complex can and Laios pouting about it lmao. Laios continuing to be a big cute socially inept dummy anyways.) BUT THAT’S LOVE, BABEY!!!
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Can you tell us your top 5 husbandos?
Yeah sure. My list rarely changes, but now something has changed.
Kanato Sakamaki #5
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guys I really don't know how to say this….
But Kanato is kind of relatable.
Before you ask yes I'm mentally fine and no I don't need professional help lol. (If you don't know what this means, good luck reading the fanwiki.)
So I am an autistic person. And Kanato has small traits that make him relatable. His obsession with certain things, aversion to places with a lot of people, the assumption that everyone assumes the worst about you and difficulty dealing with changes.
These traits are not true for all autistic people, but they are true for me. So that's why I find Kanato relatable. And that's also the reason why he attracts me like a magnet.
And that's why he's so high on this list.
+ Hes kinda canon yandere lol. I love write for those.
Malleus Draconia #4
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Malleus Malleus Malleus Definitely one of my favorite characters from twst. Maybe also a bit in the canon yandere category.
I really like the Malleus character desing and backstory. It hits me. He is also a character that is really nice to write.
And every night I cry because the Malleus figure was the only one that never went on sale in the country where I live :(
Leviathan #3
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Definitely my second favorite character. Originally the reason why I got to know Otaku culture. I really like the way the character is made.
I also apparently have a thing for characters with tails. I have no idea where it comes from.
But Leviathan is also really relatable and moody.
Douma #2
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Same thing that with Kanato. I'm fine and I don't need professional help XD
Not even I find Douma relatable lol
Listen, everyone has their own character through which they got to know the fandom, and for me, Douma is that character.
I really REALLY REALLY like how he's done. His backstory is good as is his desing and pasta god bless the person who handled his Japanese dubbing.
This just works. Hits just the right spot and I can't wait for us to get more screen time for him.
Azusa Mukami #1
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I have been an Azusa simp since 2018. This man was perfection in my opinion at the time and I have had no reason to change my opinion over the years.
I LOVE this man. Everything is perfect. EVERYTHING.
The dubbing of the character is perfect, I like his backstory and his appearance.
And I am one of those people who have read game translations. In them, if you make your choice correctly, Azusa is a wonderful cinnamon roll… Aaaaaaah
I just love him... And its pity we no have Azusa merch ;(
Plz send me Azusa requests...
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thalassic-p4rk · 8 months
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okay okay so some explanation:
kwazii: self explanatory really. it’s kwazii.
shellington: totally hc him as aroace and so oblivious and i love him sm for it
paani: might accidentally flirt or attempt occasionally, but most of the time is so completely oblivious. he’s got sm autistic rizz.
inkling: okay don’t come for me he has a really really nice voice okay?? i’m working through it still 😭😭
peso: okay unpopular opinion probably bc of this one wild 120k fic i read in one go but i totally think peso isn’t as naive and innocent as everyone thinks he is and he totally uses that to his advantage. like, not even with flirting, but in general like with cursing and stuff. but i feel like he’s not as oblivious as he pretends to be, and when he chooses to flirt holy shit this guy can flirt. 10/10 best twink 4ever <3
barnacles: i have. many thoughts about barnacles. but, all i will say is that he is so completely oblivious to how hot everyone thinks he is and he has sm unintentional rizz. he will accidentally flirt with like random people he helps or comes across and he has no idea why they keep swooning and calls peso over cuz he’s concerned and peso just is like *sigh*. also, i know fictives aren’t their sources but our barnacles is pretty damn close and when he first split me and peso spent weeks simping over him before another headmate forced us to sit down and explain this to him (which was one of the most embarrassing experiences of my life btw, fuck u eddie /lh)
dashi: i am a hardcore tweak/dashi shipper all the way, and while i think dashi is a very professional person (dog?), i think she’s also really good with people and knows how to use her skills to get what she wants. i think she totally worked in like customer service or something pre-octonauts and that she would charm her clients and customers almost instinctively. however, flirting for her, while common, is something she doesn’t really view as flirting flirting? like, it’s just something she does to steer the conversation in a more favorable direction. she very rarely actually means it, or genuinely tries to flirt, so that’s why she’s not where kwazii is. she was struggling with tweak though lol.
tweak: i think tweak is similar to dashi, she’s not naive and she certainly is good at flirting and probably did a lot of flirting and uh sleeping around in the past (who doesn’t love a butch lesbian mechanic), but i also think that she just. doesn’t really care. fhjffjjgdg like she likes having fun and stuff but generally outside of her video games and her inventions she does not give a shit about much lmao. not in like, a bad way or anything. she just never really saw the point of a social life yk? and the octonauts are an exception, that’s family it’s different. but she’s always had more important shit to do than playing social games.
anyways thank you for coming to my ted talk i am very eepy.
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wheelie-sick · 1 year
☁️🪻 Pinned Post
「 ✦ Corvid — he / him — no they ✦ 」
↬ physical, sensory, psychiatric, and developmental disabilities ↫
「 Deaf ~ hEDS & co. ~ lupus ~ miserable malalignment ~ unknown neurological disorder ~ etc. 」
↬wheelchair • forearm crutches • hearing aids • FM system
「 autism ~ ADHD ~ PTSD ~ OCD ~ bipolar I 」
↬professionally diagnosed and supportive of self diagnosis
I run a disability discord server
before you follow, some things you should know:
01. I think terfs should die, you're not welcome here
02. I am strongly anti-zionist. zionists are not welcome here. I believe isn't-real doesn't have a right to exist, is a settler colonial ethnostate, and that all of isn't-real's land must be returned to Palestine
03. I do not care about queer discourse, syscourse, or shipcourse. don't involve me in it. this also means anyone is welcome to interact
04. I am against psychiatry as an institution, I generally align myself with anti-psychiatry views and values. I am pro-recovery but against forced recovery
05. I am an anarchist
06. I am strongly in favor of land back. the USA is not legitimate, this is stolen Native land and it must be returned
07. I am strongly against the police. cops were the original slave catchers. the institution only produces bad cops, there is no such thing as a good apple from the cop tree.
09. I am against ABA therapy and believe it to be inherently abusive. if you want to know why, read my experience.
↬ this list exists to keep the flies away, you don't have to perfectly agree with everything here. I will block for some opinions but this is not a DNI list. I'm open to discussion about my views as long as you're here to discuss and not preach
some information about my boundaries:
01. I allow other deformed people to call me deformed but if you are not deformed then keep that word out of your mouth when talking about me
02. I am intersex but do not share my variation except for when I feel inclined to do so. please don't ask about it.
03. I'm happy to answer questions, I promise I don't bite. I don't mind educating people as long as they're asking questions in good faith
04. do not send me "x believes y, delete your reblog" type asks unless you attach evidence
05. I do not want my posts screenshotted or posted to other platforms
some other information about me, if you care:
01. I have a long long history of experiencing psychosis due to some combination of bipolar and lupus (yes, lupus causes psychosis)
02. I am autistic and really heavily struggle with social cues
03. I am intersex, trans, and queer
Things to research before getting a manual wheelchair
Basic dislocation/subluxation care
Coping with inflammatory arthritis
What is Idiopathic Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)?
Explaining Dysphagia
Overview of immunocompromisation
Let's talk police interaction and Deafness and protests
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kanai-ward-census · 7 months
Twimare propaganda
"They are literally made for each other I gesture to most of ch4 of their scenes together and the rest of the game"
Image propaganda:
"listen. they're very partners in my opinion. listen. they love eachother a lot but don't show it publicly because fuck PDA . doesn't deplete how much affection they feel for eachother, Vivia reminds Halara of a cat and that is very endearing to them. Halara drags Vivia out of shit and in return Vivia takes care of Halara in private if they aren't feeling well. also Non-Binary x Genderqueer thing. they're both very autistic imo. so they. autism. please consider that they love eachother I am in misery being the one feeding myself Twimare content in my head with a bunch of AUs. all I have to say. start shipping them now."
"second uh. look at their DDUO SHIT IN CHAPTER 4?????$,IT'S EVIL THAT THEY DIDN'T EXPAND ON THEIR DYNAMIC SO I'LL GO AHEAD AND DO THAT. fucking genderqueer autistics ruling the world with how fucking gender and strong they are. THOUGH WITHOUT. PUBLIC AFFECTION THEY STILL LOVE EACHOTHER A LOT. JUST IMAGINE THEM CUDDLING AND TELL ME THATS NOT. CUTE.THEY READ BOOKS TOGETHER I SWEAR. LOTS OF DETECTIVE NOVELS OR SOMETHING. VIVIA HAS NO GENRE PREFERENCE SO HE READS ANYTHING HALARA READS. AND DAMN WELL THE STORY IS GOOD. GOOD GOD HALARA HAS GOOD TASTE. goth ass genderqueer man and a non-binary that is a professional at whooping your ass. good god AAAGHN good duo. GOOD. (I am going mentally unwell in this inbox I need to be put down.) wiwkqko1kojiqwniownw2n. god it's so sad they don't have more interaction in canon. LIKE AHUGH THE DYNAMIC WOULD BE SO GOOD IN MY OPINION. BUT . AUAAGAHNQ.JAJWH."
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Submitted by Vivitwisia
Fanfiction links:
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extrasensoryscholar · 7 months
Hello, hello! My name is Alzis Myers, and I am a naturally born psychic... No, I do not also specialize in psychic type pokemon. Stop asking.
I am a history enthusiast, and while I do work professionally, (you may have heard my name in a few places,) most of my research and findings are independent. Unless it's peer-reviewed, take it with a grain of salt!
However, I primarily made this account not to publish my musings, but as an attempt to socialize! If I come off as off-putting, I truly, truly apologize. It has been a while since I've held proper conversations.
But, enough about me. I'm not a Pokemon trainer, but I have three Pokemon of my own.
Delphi (♀️) - My Absol. The partner I've had longest, and my best friend. She's an older girl now.
Kiran (♂️) - My Cubone. He's still very young and small. I've had him for about a year and a half now.
Atlas (???) - My Sigilyph. It's an Alpha. I am not quite sure about many things regarding it, but it enjoys patrolling my property. At least I think.
I shall be getting a proper image of them soon!
Hello! This is the OOC part of the introduction >:) I follow from @act11as! Muse is an adult, mod is a minor, don't be weird, etc.
Please note the blanket unreality warning in the description, I do not tag #unreality to avoid flooding the tag, but I do try to tag all non-out of character posts with #pkmn irl in case you need to block things from your dashboard at times! On that same note, OOC posts will be tagged as such, and I will mark them with green text (though often not past the first line, because it can be grating to look at after a while)
All trigger warnings will be tagged as "[word] tw" for the sake of consistency. And if I forget to tag something, please shoot me a dm or an ask!
Additionally: Please note that I am autistic and very chronically ill. I may have to end things earlier than they were planned to be because I just suddenly had a flare-up, and I often misinterpret/forget things, o7 please feel free to remind/correct me if I do!
Guidelines? I guess?
Literally any kind of pokemon irl blog can interact! Sentient pokemon, eebydeebies, evil teams, whatever. I'm chill with anyone, though the muse may not be, keep this in mind. If you want to do something, send me a dm! I'm more than happy to discuss things ^^
IN CHARACTER anon hate, be it just being an ass, homophobia, transphobia etc. etc. are perfectly fine. Note that I probably wont respond to all, especially if it seems to go a bit too far. (same vein: Feel free to start arguments with him if you want. It's always fun to write him angry <3)
^ Additionally, feel free to harass him for the bit. Just for funsies. I love playing into it if you can't tell!
Alzis is very much a morally grey character. His opinions are not my own, etc. He's also an unreliable narrator! PLEASE question what he says.
Pelipper Mail, un-mail, and Malice are always open! Feel free to torment this guy whenever you so please. (links go to the source posts for all 3 lol)
Musharna mail, (sending dreams) and Musharna malice (sending nightmares) are always on! Once again feel free to torment this guy.
Magic anons are usually off, unless I specifically specify otherwise!
Some organizational tags:
#[nickname] the [pokemon] - Most posts about Alzis' pokemon should be tagged like this.
#Inquiries and Comments - Custom ask tag
#Alzis' ramblings - General post tag!
#Pokehistory rants - History rants and rambles!
#Myers' Mailbox - Pelipper Mail, gifts, etc.!
Additionally, here's his playlist! Don't... mind the 4 different Mind Electrics... bro's going through it.
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trkstrnd · 1 year
Neurodivergent 126 anon here. I'd love to hear your thoughts on tarlos and Mateo!
hi anon i cannot believe i didn’t see this sooner but i would love to give you in depth examples of my opinions!!!
disclaimer: i am not a medical or psychiatric professional. do not use my posts or statements as means of diagnosis or medical advice. i am simply a person who struggles with mental illness/neurodivergence and am headcanoning characters that make me happy/that i relate to!!
that being said!! yes!!
i firmly believe that mateo is autistic just based off of his social awareness. i know he’s canonically dyslexic, which, according to a quick google search, is strongly associated with autism. also, canonically, he’s an outcast, people look down on him, think he’s stupid, or slow, when really, he looks at things incredibly literally. i think we really see this in 1.07, with his struggles with his exam, finding a safe person inside a safe space and heavily relying on that routine of answering questions with marjan, then being thrown into a completely different situation that he was expecting just to panic. plus, when he got in there, the captain asked him if he needed anything to drink and mateo answered honestly, which got the sentiment of, “it’s sarcasm, einstein.” which is such mateo wasn’t even wrong to assume. in situations like this, before, he’s had people who cared, and he is trying his hardest to relate back to the past experiences he’s had, since most of the time he’s flying blind socially.
plus, mateo is really bad with the non-verbal communication as well. the main time i think about this is the last scene with the 126 in 3.18. when the boys were going to announce that they were engaged, but everyone figured it out before hand, EXCEPT MATEO, because to him, there’s nothing different. it’s just a 126 hang where people want to talk beforehand. he constantly has to be clued in.
plus, he was raised a loner, easily influenced by the actions of others. he feels incredibly strongly but doesn’t know how to express it and reach out. all of this was with marvin. messy room, bad actions, not being able to handle grief, being a “problem child.” they’re all autistic traits.
mateo, to me, is almost textbook autistic, but lmk what y’all think!!
truthfully, i haven’t done as much research on adhd as i have with asd, but from what i’ve read, it fits for tk very well. i honestly think part of it is why he gets along with carlos so much. tk is very all over the place, except for when he’s working or passionate about something. he’s able to fixate on one thing, and let all the others go for those moments (work, foosball, lou). he also tends to let things in his personal life show much more. he wears his heart on his sleeve. when he was upset owen was depressed, his mom’s passing, his sobriety being tested, issues with carlos, all manifest in places that there should be complete focus, but he has trouble focusing his attention on something unless it is the most important thing to him in that moment, which it often isn’t.
also, he’s impulsive!! i mean, who takes home a lizard from a guys leg?? he often does what he thinks is right no matter the circumstance, like in 2.08 when he goes for the alarm, 1.03 when he follows marjan into the corn despite judd’s orders, the bar fight in the same ep, 2.01 going after the person with the crossbow almost alone until judd offered backup, stealing a firetruck to find his dad, walking out on carlos, pushing carlos when he had nowhere else to place his anger at the situation, breaking up with carlos, you get my point. he struggles with emotional regulation and it manifests in impulsive behavior.
plus, he sucks at sleeping. ex: 3.13, 3.18.
boy oh boy have i saved the best for last because there’s a REASON i kin him ok.
all rise for the president of autistic carlos nation: me.
carlos is closer to what common folk would call ‘mildly’ autistic (which is not a term i indorse. everyone has different needs and they do not dictate the severity of a disability!!!) he has lower support needs, and because of this, when he was younger and he voiced them to his family, he was met with the cold shoulder.
look i will be a gabriel reyes defender until the day i die and i will never forgive tim for what he did to my favorite dad ever but this is not to say he didn’t have faults because he did!!! and they have a lot to do with how carlos’s autism presents itself.
many people with lower support needs go undiagnosed for years, and because of this they fall into this pit of isolation from their friends and family, and sometimes, themselves. carlos was constantly being reprimanded for being too soft (likely intense, overwhelming feelings, when he was younger. meltdowns.) he didn’t get the support from his family that he needed, so he isolated even more, leading him to believe there was something wrong with him. he couldn’t get along with his sisters because of the age gap, his dad constantly cared for him but in a way that made carlos second guess every decision he made, from coming out to joining apd.
again, he stayed pretty much a loner through childhood. in school, he said all he had was iris, and his shame and mask forced him to make the decision he did when they graduated. he married her because he needed to keep himself from being the burden he perceived himself as for /having needs/.
autistic people tend to take things literally, jump to conclusions. he never asked his parents how they felt after he came out. he just assumed they hated him and tried to soothe that by marrying iris and disregarding himself once again.
it’s why every time he expresses a need, it’s in the form of an argument, or when someone else is upset with him, he brushes it off because his feelings don’t matter because they never have. he masks so much that he almost broke up with tk because he kept brushing off his frustration (2.04), and he held his tongue for so long that he exploded and sounded like an anshole (3.13). he didn’t even tell tk he didn’t want kids until the issue was forced, and i want to highlight how good tk is for him because carlos didn’t run away from the discussion and let tk have whatever he wanted, he recognized the conversation as the collaboration it was!
he has an intense need for routine, he stims all the time (hand rubbing), he tends to have explosive bouts of emotion from masking so long, and he only truly opens up to tk. tk takes care of all of the social stuff, too! carlos’s entire friend group is tk’s friends. tk talks during catan, socializes, while carlos takes on the big, rehearsed speeches.
getting to see him open up with the right person over the last four years has been an absolute delight, and i cannot wait for more.
anyways that’s all for now! if you have any questions about these or others feel free to ask, and if you’re curious about my other neurodivergent 126 hcs, you can check them out here!!
i will forever believe in autistic carlos thank u
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hael987 · 2 years
Extraordinary Attorney Woo - Ep 1 Thoughts
This WILL contain spoilers and screencaps. Thoughts and opinions (with an ASD focus) on Extraordinary Attorney Woo (2022) / 이상한 변호사 우영우 drama series Ep 1.
This is one of the most well-rounded and detailed autistic characters from a show that I’ve seen before. I can feel that a lot of care and thought has gone into the creation and portrayal of this character. 
The portrayal:
I'm really impressed with the details that I can relate to either my own experiences or those of people I know.
The stimming, the self-soothing, the sensory experiences as well as the accommodations for overcoming it (namely headphones).
Always carrying (and consistent usage of) headphones in environments that may be sensorily overstimulating.
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The touch aversion, how she goes out of her way on the train and walking to work to avoid physical contact with strangers. Additionally, even with loved ones and people she knows she still shows this.
The acknowledgement of the necessity of removing the sensory nightmares that are clothing tags. Loved that.
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The room decorated fully with her special interest (whales) - the images on the wall, the bedding, the plushies, the figurines. This was a wonderful depiction for me because it felt like seeing my own room (different animals but a similar decorating ethos i.e. everywhere in the room).
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The routine of eating the same food every day as well as the sensory challenges that can come with food: "alarmed by unexpected texture or flavour". I especially like how there's very little judgement on this aspect from her loved ones, they support and accommodate this.
Her first appearance in the courtroom where she doesn't answer the judge to confirm her presence/is unresponsive definitely reads like a shutdown.
Overall it's a very detailed, consistent and comprehensive portrayal.
The prejudice and judgement:
The show did a good job of portraying the prejudice and judgement faced, both obvious/explicit as well as subtle.
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The explicit prejudice - the disbelief that someone disabled could be competent, that someone autistic could be just as good, if not better, than you.
The casual ableism of referring to "ordinary attorneys" (with strong implications of 'normal') when supposedly actually meaning 'allistic'. I thought they weren't going to address this but I was so pleased when the character who said it immediately apologised and acknowledged what he was doing.
The subtle judgement that autistic behaviours are 'annoying'. The characters 'banning' echolalia and Myung Seok sighing, the implied exasperation, when he sees Young Woo pausing before entering his door. These behaviours harm nobody and have very little actual effect on the surrounding people and yet they're still judged and/or prohibited.
(The ban on info-dumping (about whales) is sadly understandable though in the professional setting, with the emphasis and specific definition society puts on so-called 'professionalism').
The revolving door:
The issue Young Woo had with the revolving door was a great way to show the different reactions one can face/receive when needing accommodations or extra support.
A positive experience -
Joon Ho provides a suggestion and then guides/supports her through it but ultimately lets her accomplish it on her own. He gives her autonomy but also support alongside her and there's no judgement present. He doesn't try to limit her and make her use the other door and instead facilitates an opportunity.
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A negative experience -
Soo Yeon sticks her arm in the door to stop it, she "helps" without being asked to and then makes a big show about the inconvenience of it all. She tries to limit what Young Woo can do/should be allowed to do when Young Woo knows herself best and what she wants to try.
Soo Yeon: “If the revolving door is difficult just use the other door […] are you an idiot?” And the reaction:
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You're made to feel 'othered' and lesser because of it. When your differences are made to feel like deficiencies. That any extra support or accommodations that you need to succeed or experience life ‘like everybody else’ feel like a burden, that if it's difficult you shouldn't try because you're an inconvenience.
I'm pleased that they showed both aspects as they're both realistic experiences/reactions. You'll have people in your life that will understand your needs and others that won't. People that will try to limit you with your disability when you try to achieve the opposite and others that will support you in your attempts at liberation and growth.
The positive realities:
She has friends, has fun and jokes around. She's not isolated because of her autism.
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ASD is not portrayed as some almighty superpower (despite the implication of savant syndrome). It's believable and everything she achieves has hard work just like everyone else. 
Out of everyone, she was the one to spot the truth of the emotions - that the woman, Yeong Ran, did in fact love her husband. It's derived from a logical conclusion based on her understanding of actions and motivations but so what? that's the point. It’s no less valuable than purely empathetic conclusions, it’s just as good, if not better because she’s the only one to truly see it. 
Her opening statement in the court essentially boils down to: 'I have ASD and I might be different but I’m no less than others'.
I think the show does a good job of showing the positives, negatives as well as the realities. It feels very balanced. I like it so far.
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train-wreck-of-thought · 10 months
Opposition to self-diagnosis in autistic communities is funny to me. They're giving way too much weight to a diagnosis. Let me tell you about the history of my diagnosis.
When I was ten, a neuropsychologist wrote the following:
I was not however able to find evidence of Asperger's which was reportedly suggested by a previous physician who had examined Lucas. If he is an Asperger's child, then he is presenting far differently to me than any Asperger's student I have evaluated in the past or encountered in the literature I have reviewed on this disorder.
I took that to mean "I am as certain as science will permit that this kid isn't autistic."
Seven years later, a document from my high school referred to "characteristics of Asperger's." It also said my most recent evaluation was one that took place before the neuropsychological evaluation. It's really interesting how those two facts go together.
Three years later that, a psychological evaluation referred to a previous diagnosis of autism--which, let me be clear, I have no documentation of.
Some years later, I realized just how muddy the waters were, so I underwent another psychological evaluation. The psychologist was of the opinion that I wasn't autistic.
But wait--within the past year, I started seeing a new psychiatrist, and after a thorough look into my case, she figured I just might be autistic after all.
At the very least, my experience shows that a professional opinion--whether in favor of a diagnosis or against it--isn't the final word. More than that, though, I think it shows just how much of a disaster the diagnostic process can be.
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br1ghtestlight · 1 year
Hi hello, I just wanted to say how much I adore your account because all of your Bob's Burgers opinions are completely correct. Yes. You are wonderful. ALSO, YOU ARE THE AMAZING PERSON WHO WROTE THE GENDERFLUID GENE FANFICTION YES. IT IS SO ADORABLE AND MADE ME SQUEAL, DEFINITELY ONE OF MY FAVORITES.
Thank you for bringing the Autistic Bob headcanon to my attention 👏🏼
Do you perhaps have any headcanons about Autistic Bob, because it makes me absolutely feral 👀
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! :D this actually means a lot bcuz i always feel like im annoying people by posting so much on this account and spamming the tag im just very passionate about. burgers (and thank u for reading my genderfluid gene fanfiction i poured my entire heart and soul into it haha)
he is so bad at talking to ppl its very stressful because he doesn't understand social cues and people always assume he hates them?? bcuz he isnt very expressive and his words get misinterpreted so people he's talked to like once think that he hates them and he's an asshole so they treat him like garbage, but in reality he's a very loving and passionate and kind person he just doesnt express that very well :(
he wasn't very good at making friends when he was in school (and still isnt) like obviously socializing was hard bcuz of the restaurant and his mom but even outside of that he just Didn't understand other kids and they knew something was weird/different about him and treated him badly even if he didnt understand why, he was very trusting as a kid and fell for people's jokes and tricks a lot of the time bcuz he didnt question them which lead to him being pretty cynical as an adult
bob being autistic is 100% a genetic thing he inherented from big bob but neither of them would ever admit this and they both just think its a personality quirk, it is not
his special interest is cooking and he absolutely LOVES talking abt different recipes and ingredients he uses, he's usually good at controlling himself but if you get him talking about cooking he will not ever stop (linda actually loves this and actively encourages it by asking him questions especially when they first started dating bcuz she thought he was cute and otherwise he didnt talk about himself very much)
bob gets stressed out very easily and likes having control of things in his kitchen especially when he first started his restaurant bcuz he had a specific routine for everything, then he had kids and linda running around everywhere and he got a lot better at dealing with last-minute changes and stress LOL he still prefers cooking by himself though and his control freak tendencies tend to come out around the holidays (he definitely tries not to be Like That because he doesnt want to turn out like his father)
sometimes when the restaurant is busy bob will get overwhelmed and linda will tell him to take a break and go to the employee bathroom to calm down while she handles everything, he's very lucky that he married someone who thrives off chaos and craziness bcuz he would not survive without her
bob is the only person in their family who actually reads books its not very often, but he enjoys reading books about the cooking process and memiors written by professional chefs :) linda thinks that its extremely nerdy but she loves him and she thinks its cute when he reads before bed she calls him her little professor
bob doesn't stim very often bcuz he's good at masking (kinda) and he isnt very expressive in general but if he's really excited about something he'll start bouncing on his feet when he talks until he notices what he's doing and then he's embarrassed, he also mostly does vocal stims when he's anxious/upset lots of groaning just like tina and he repeats things somethings (especially recipes that he has memorized)
when bob has meltdowns (not very often) they usually come out as anger and he starts screaming at everybody and just being annoyed by everything and he's kinda awful to be around until he calms down, everyone in his family knows that he didnt mean it and that he was just stressed out and they're more worried about him than anything bcuz he doesn't typically lash out like that
bob learned the napkin trick he used with gene in the laser show episode when he was a kid bcuz he used to get stressed out while working at his dad's restaurant and the loud noise did not help, his dad wasnt totally understanding but he would let bob take a break if he needed it especially during busy days he would typically work in the kitchen
this is just canon but bob is awful with talking to customers which is why linda and the kids are usually the servers LOL he has absolutely no social skills and he feels like he always says the wrong thing and misses social cues and he comes off as cold and antisocial, if a customer comes back often enough like teddy he'll be more open to talking to them bcuz he knows them but otherwise he usually stays in the back of the restaurant and cooks (this is also why tina wasn't allowed to serve the customers when she was younger but after she asked her dad about it he said that she was allowed as long as she didn't try too hard to make conversation with them)
bob sees a lot of his younger self in tina which is something he absolutely refuses to look deeper into but she's a lot more social and confident than he ever was and she has way more friends than he did at her age (this is almost certainly something she got from her mom)
bob is usually okay around linda and the kids bcuz they're his family and he's used to them and doesnt feel as stressed out or anxious when he's around them, but sometimes he just cant deal with anyone and the kids annoy him with constant questions and loud noises so linda takes the kids out for the day and bob gets to relax at home and watch old western movies idk (this was a lot more common when the kids were younger bcuz now he can just ask them to leave him alone and they'll go to their rooms or whatever) but he's always happy when his family comes home <3
linda will occasionally drag bob out to social events or parties (especially when they were younger amd had more energy/no kids) but she also knows his limits and will come up with the perfect excuse to leave right as he's getting overwhelmed, he doesnt mind going to parties with her because of his (except family parties because they are a lot. he usually just stays home with the kids)
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theravenflies · 1 month
My Takes
Consider these
People with personality disorders are not inherently abusive. Yeah, even people with NPD and ASPD (why do I have to say that?) There is no such thing a narcissistic abuse. People with ASPD are not serial killers. They are people, stop putting them down for no reason. People with personality disorders are welcome here. All of them.
Armchair diagnosing is bad. I don't care how shit someone is, if you call them a narcissist, a psychopath, a sociopath, a compulsive/pathological liar, or literally any other disorder that they haven't been professionally diagnosed with, you're a dick. You can't know what's going on in their head. You are not their doctor and are not qualified to diagnose them. And it's just a dick move to diagnose Casey Anthony as someone with a heavily-stigmatized symptom THAT I ALSO HAVE HAD
Stop. Tagging. Your. Writing. With. Disability. Tags. The PTSD tag is nearly unusable because everyone tags their fics as PTSD. Stop it. That space is not for you. It's for us.
People with intellectual, developmental, cognitive, whatever disability deserve to be heard.
As do semispeaking and nonspeaking autistics.
Yes, we do need to listen to caretakers, they're how some people communicate. No one is invalid because they're a caretaker, they're invalid when they're an ableist caretaker.
If the autism "cure" were to exist right now, it would mean eugenics. I don't give a shit if you want it, it would mean eugenics. Society is way too anti-autism for us to trust non-autistics with a cure. I won't get into my rant about the concept of a cure unless asked, it doesn't matter. What does matter is that if that cure is created, it will be forced on people, even those who vehemently oppose it, so it can't exist yet without putting people in danger.
Autism Speaks is shit. So is National Autistic Society. So is the Autism Society. ASAN is on thin fucking ice.
Stop tagging political posts with NPD, ASPD, compulsive liar, or no empathy. You're being ableist and armchair diagnosing. And putting that shit on our feeds.
ABA is bad. Yes, always. All of it. I lost a friend to ABA and I will not budge on this. All pro-ABA people will be blocked, I do not give a shit.
I do not care about syscourse. I am not a system and am not qualified to have an opinion on it.
If you point out typos, grammar mistakes, or whatever when the other person hasn't explicitly said it's okay, stop. You're being ableist.
Stop using TBI as an insult. Yes, I was dropped on my head (okay, I fell, but still,) as a baby. Fuck you too.
This is a safe place for systems and I'm firmly anti-Split.
Autistic and intellectually disabled people are allowed to transition, be queer, get tattoos, drink, have sex, whatever, should they so want.
Mental age is bullshit. He doesn't have the mind of a two-year-old, he has the mind of an adult with IDD.
The posts of disabled people are not an excuse for you to trauma-dump. I don't care what your ex did, that person with NPD wasn't talking about them and it's a dick move to bring that up on their unrelated post.
People should not have to work to live. No one. Ever. Period.
Healthcare should be free
Caretakers need to stop killing their disabled charges
Autism Mommies (TM) are shitty people.
Don't even get me started on Fathering Autism (bitch, you aren't fathering autism, you're fathering ABBY)
Disabled people deserve dignity and privacy. All of them. Yes, even those ones. We're still people. You don't need to know how we go to the toilet.
Fiction does not determine morality and sending people anon hate telling them to kill themselves is a shitty thing.
Telling people to kill themselves in general is a shitty thing. What are you gonna do if they actually do it and you get arrested for manslaughter?
Trans kids deserve to transition, intersex kids deserve to not be mutilated and forced onto HRT when they can't or don't consent, children can and will be queer
Actual sex education needs to be standard
Label policing LGBT+ identities is bad
Devotees and "transableds" are not allowed here
Children and disabled people deserve to exist in public, even if you don't like us
Stop. Saying. Retard. Stop using autistic as an insult. Stop it and go to hell.
I'm pro-choice and I know you don't actually care about fetuses with Down Syndrome, you're just trying to guilt me.
I will reblog with more takes as they occur to me
And, most importantly, listen to ALL disabled voices. All of them. Every single one. We stand together or we don't stand a chance.
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omega-floweys · 9 months
more rambles MORE RAMBLES . i have been prompted to talk more about my guys . smiles .
so like GENERALLY. flowerguys live pretty similarly to us. they work regular jobs they get crushed under the horrible reality of capitalism.
complete side tangent but unfortunately i cannot Not make this a capitalist society because i am not economist andy i would not be able to portray anything else in a way that feels accurate because i Just Don't Know What That Would Look Like. things are a bit better than real world capitalism though. discrimination is just not really a thing either generally or in the workplace because there is nothing to really discriminate against. there is likely some level of lack of accommodation for disabled people but i am not dipping into adding like a flower equivalent to racism or anything because it would feel weird and unnecessary and it is not my place to elaborate on.
SIDE TANGENT OVER. OK. where was i.
generally a lot of communication in tone etc is done through tail+hand gestures. it is a big part of how they communicate and get across things like sarcasm etc. i was also considering a sort of greeting where two people wrap their tails together to gauge what kind of person they are and whether or not they'd really get along. this greeting is likely not done very often in professional settings and if it is, it's very brief and doesn't tend to really reflect on either person like it would normally.
V and raz are very explicitly autistic and for that reason are PERFECT EXAMPLES here to elaborate on how it ties into these gestures.
raz simply does not do these gestures. his tail will typically passively sway around without any sort of intent. he does not emote in general and does not emote through hand or tail gestures. it makes it even harder for others to know what he's thinking or what his intentions are.
V, on the other hand, has learned to replicate these gestures. he has a terrible time doing them though he HATES it he hates socialising in general. he tends to get things "right" but will mess up on occasion and get looked at weird and it makes him want to explode.
there are definitely likely other ways for these gestures to tie into being autistic but V and raz in particular are very good opposing examples.
jumping topics again. this is the last bit i swear.
the general opinion someone typically has on the previous civilization is really how you'd think about any previous human civilization. with distant curiosity, unless you are actively interested in the topic. when discoveries are made the message gets out pretty quickly and there is a large effort from... tech-archaeologists? i don't know what term to use here. to archive the information they do have in ways that are easier to preserve. there's a pretty decent amount that they know about who these people were and how they functioned, but unfortunately enough they have not found any images or record of exactly WHAT they were, so there is an additional effort to find any physical remnants of this society. it IS, ultimately, a background part of the story but is kind of important context in various religious and spiritual beliefs that i do want to elaborate on at some point just due to their unbelievably close proximity to how this former society lived.
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cryptidpupper · 2 months
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rediscovered (read: remembered) tumblrs existence!! thought id do a quick re-introduction as my use for this account as changed.
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here we go! (will update)
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general introduction !!  ༘
my name is cody (call me feral! /nf) i am 16, my birthday is the 27th of september. i use he/him it/its pronouns + neos (they/them is okay as well) i am transmasc and spectrasexual, i struggle with labels but so far i am happy with these. (+ some xenogenders)
australian !
autistic, adhd, sad, mdd and arfid. (i am professionally diagnosed, am and have been medicated since i was 4yo and been going to talk-therapy for 8yrs)
this is my resource carrd it also links to my special interest & personal carrd :3 my prns page and thats about it. (my twt, disc, ao3, pin and spotify are in my carrd)
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  ࣪ ៹ specifics !!
BYI 𓂃★ ︵︵ ⧣₊˚﹒ b4 u interact . . .
i am white + christian (religion is personal for me) ︵︵ i use neoprns and identify with multiple xenogenders ︵︵ i (usually) need tone tags ︵︵ i talk about my interests *a lot* ︵︵ my social skills are poor ︵︵ if i dont respond, please know that its most likely due to my own mental health / stress !!
DNI 𓂃★ ⸝⸝ ⧣₊˚﹒ do not interact if you. . .
are transphobic, homophobic, queerphobic, ableist, racist, antisemitic, sexist, pro life, anti-vax, etc.  ⸝⸝ force beliefs/opinions onto others  ⸝⸝ disrespect agere, petre, any religion, zodiacs, etc  ⸝⸝ talk over / for minorities  ⸝⸝ make fun of someone for having 'basic' interests / 'niche' interests  ⸝⸝ belittle someone based on their interests  ⸝⸝ victim blame ⸝⸝ dont like my interests
╰➤ Other ° . ıllılı . ꒷꒦
ꔛ ۫ i separate art from the artist, however this only works to an extent ☆
𖥦 if i say something insensitive or speak on a topic i am not knowledgeable on, please feel free to educate me or alert me.ヽ♥︎
꒰୨୧◞ i love to share my headcanons ! and general thoughts/theories ! however i dont enjoy seeing negative attention towards my special interests 。
⤷ i am sensitive ◍
☆ જ⁀➴ my favourite aesthetics include yamikawaii, gurokawaii, feralcore, cryptidcore, chaotic academia, puppycore and more!
リ﹒Ꮺ i might post and reblog a bit too much — ♡﹒;
✚⠀i age regress ! usually not willingly, i do so after meltdowns⠀❜⠀⠀
﹕i draw, write & read fanfiction, scrapbook, talk to my friends and i am homeschooled! ≛ ・
. .╭┈ ᐟᐟ☆🗒️💭 QnA .ᐟ ╰୧
 ──★ ˙ ̟  lets go  .ᐟ .ᐟ
. .┇ ◟ ✰ ⋮ why am i blocked ? : 
 ──★ ⇨ ˙ ̟   multiple reasons, but most are simply for my own peace of mind.
. .┇ ◟ ✭ what will you post?┆
 ──★ ⇨ ˙ ̟  i'll be reblogging things related to my special interests, pixels/resources/graphics, things i find funny, things i find interesting, and more ! the stuff i'll post will be thoughts, headcanons, maybe some art, my own pixel collection, rants, etc. while practising coding, this will be my lil online journal of sorts. ('cause i wanna make my own website !)  
. .┇ ◟ ∿ what sort of suggestions do you take? :
 ──★ ⇨ ˙ ̟   i make pngs, banners, and am trying to start making more gifs, pixels and graphics. i doodle occasionally too ! once i post that i'll link examples here
. .┇ ◟ ↳ AR level ?:
 ──★ ⇨ ˙ ̟   50, but i have a bunch of xp 'cause i get too nervous when levels get too high >_<
. .┇ ◟ ‧₊˚ ┊genshin uid? : 
 ──★ ⇨ ˙ ̟   i am on the asian server and my uid is 852754946 :D (my current pfp is childe)
. .┇ ◟  ₊˚ ‧ current 5stars ? ₊ ๑
 ──★ ⇨ ˙ ̟   12 ! kazuha, tighnari, cyno, neuvillette, childe, albedo, xiao, venti, jean, wriothesley, yoimiya and dehya ! (pls come home alhaitham)
. .┇ ◟ ૮Ꮚ  . ₊ ⋆
 ──★ ⇨ ˙ ̟   
. .┇ ◟
 ──★ ⇨ ˙ ̟   
. .┇ ◟
 ──★ ⇨ ˙ ̟   
. .┇ ◟
 ──★ ⇨ ˙ ̟   
. .╰ ┈ ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
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special interests & hyper-fixations ᯓ★
HISTORY ★ .ᐟ History .ᐟ English Monarchs .ᐟ Russian Tsar .ᐟ Ancient Medicine .ᐟ Egypt .ᐟ Boudica and much more .ᐟ The history of Psychology .ᐟ Sigmund Freud, and others .ᐟ WWII .ᐟ All of it .ᐟ
MEDIA ★ .ᐟ Haikyuu!! .ᐟ Yuri!!! on Ice .ᐟ Sk8 the Infinity .ᐟ Boku No Hero Academia .ᐟ Manhwa, Manhua, Manga .ᐟ Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba .ᐟ Bungou Stray Dogs .ᐟ Genshin Impact .ᐟ Hazbin Hotel .ᐟ
MISC ★ .ᐟ Random Facts (literally anything) .ᐟ SFX Makeup .ᐟ F.R.I.E.N.D.S. .ᐟ Big Bang Theory .ᐟ Poetry and Literature .ᐟ Etymology .ᐟ Sharks .ᐟ Podcasts .ᐟ Mäneskin .ᐟ Linguistics and Language .ᐟ Junji Ito .ᐟ
OTHERS ★ .ᐟ Bones .ᐟ Teeth .ᐟ Organs .ᐟ Aesthetics .ᐟ Coding .ᐟ Genshin VAs .ᐟ
SCIENCE/BIO ★ .ᐟ Medicine/Paramedicine/Surgery .ᐟ Psychology/Mental Illness/Disorders .ᐟ Tourettes .ᐟ ASD .ᐟ DID .ᐟ PTSD .ᐟ ADHD .ᐟ Schizophrenia .ᐟ Bipolar Disorder .ᐟ OCD .ᐟ BPD .ᐟ PANDAS .ᐟ Tuberculosis .ᐟ Typhoid .ᐟ Bubonic Plague and others .ᐟ Medical Mysteries .ᐟ Human Behaviour .ᐟ Autoimmune Disorders .ᐟ Lobotomies .ᐟ Pharmacology .ᐟ
TRUE CRIME ★ .ᐟ True Crime .ᐟ Missing Persons .ᐟ Murder .ᐟ Serial Killers .ᐟ Medical Murders .ᐟ Israel Keyes .ᐟ Charlie Brandt .ᐟ Dellen Millard .ᐟ Ed Kemper .ᐟ Rodney Alcala .ᐟ Herb Baumeister .ᐟ Robert William Pickton .ᐟ The "Lonely Hearts" Killers .ᐟ Dexter Killer .ᐟ Bathtub Killer .ᐟ Lipstick Killer and others .ᐟ
UNKNOWN ★ .ᐟ The Supernatural/Ghosts/Aliens .ᐟ Mothman .ᐟ Spring Heeled Jack .ᐟ Chupacabra .ᐟ Jack the K!ller .ᐟ Van Gough .ᐟ BigFoot .ᐟ Rasputin .ᐟ The Dyatlov Pass .ᐟ Reykjavik Confessions .ᐟ Other Unsolved Mysteries .ᐟ Cryptids in general .ᐟ Urban Legends .ᐟ Mythology .ᐟ Religion .ᐟ Cryptozoology .ᐟ
YOUTUBERZ ★ .ᐟ Kurtis Conner .ᐟ Drew Gooden .ᐟ Danny Gonzalez .ᐟ Moriah Elizabeth .ᐟ penguinz0 .ᐟ Primink .ᐟ Sam O'Nella .ᐟ Buzzfeed Unsolved .ᐟ
SONGS ✮ 🎧 [▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။|။၊|• 0:10]
⤷ "BABY SAID" Måneskin
⤷ "Girl Anachronism" The Dresden Dolls
⤷ Måneskin
⤷ Will Wood
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ᶻ﹕→ .kins !
⟡ ⁺◟biggest kin . . . ꜜ (they're literally me /nsrs)
kaveh ໑ tobio kageyama ໑ edogawa ranpo ໑ tighnari ໑
⁺◟mid kin . . . ꜜ (similar in trauma, general character, likes/dislikes, humour, etc)
osamu dazai ໑ alhaitham ໑
⁺◟least kin . . . ꜜ (only one or two aspects.)
akutugawa ryunosuke ໑
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lemontartyellow · 1 year
Uhhhh I feel like talking about Kristen Kringle so I’m gonna do it now.
This isn’t going to be very cohesive, I just felt like talking about my thoughts on her.
First of all, I want to say that she is nowhere near my favorite character. I felt completely neutral on her for all of Season 1, and started to like her in Season 2 before they killed her off. I can’t even say I understand why some people like her so much. But I will still defend her to my death because I firmly believe that woman did nothing wrong.
“But she was ableist to Ed!” I honestly think she didn’t like him not because of his autistic traits but because of how he acted around her. I say this as someone who heavily sympathizes towards S1 Ed, he was being incredibly creepy to her. He fucking sniffed her. Really, I think you could make stronger case for Harvey being ableist toward him (he literally told him that he needed help because he asked a riddle)
Plus, she literally apologized for how she thought of him even though she, in my very humble opinion, didn’t need to.
“But she gets in the way of Nygmobblepot!” Ignoring the fact that hating a female character because she “gets in the way” of a ship is misogynistic, how? Ed and Oswald are literally in the same room twice before she dies. I honestly didn’t think she would get this treatment from the fandom simply because she is such a non-factor in their relationship. If you wanna talk about Isabella, that’s a different story, but they’re two different characters.
I just genuinely don’t think there’s a valid reason to hate her, yknowwhatimsaying? Other then that, I don’t care about her that much. I liked her for the 3 episodes before she died, and her and Lee would’ve made a cute couple, but that’s about it. But I’m still side eying you very hard if you don’t like her.
Now I want to talk about her writing. It’s not a secret that Gotham does not write its women well, and Kristen Kringle is not an exception to the rule. She joins Isabella and Lee (strange how all the women Ed dated have the sake writing problems) in the “most of their character revolves around a man/men” category of misogynistic writing (well, Lee could hypothetically get better in Season 4 and maybe 5 since I haven’t watched them, but I don’t have faith).
Kristen doesn’t have much of a character outside of him. She has no existing plotlines, motivations, or goals. The closest thing she gets outside of him is her tendency to date jerks (Flass, Dougherty, Ed even counts technically).
Kristen does not have any scenes where Ed is not also in them. The closest she gets is a scene is Season 2 where she is talking to Lee and Ed isn’t in the same room as them. He is still in the scene though, he’s just overhearing them.
And then there’s her dying for Ed’s character development. Which is, for obvious reasons, not something you do to your female characters.
Now, I’m obviously not a professional writer, but I’ve thought about how they could’ve done her better. I’ve heard people throw out the idea of her becoming a villain herself, but that doesn’t really seem to make sense to me (interesting idea though). The best I can come up with is Ed almost killing her instead of actually killing her, have her help out Jim and Harvey sometimes, having her have a reaction to Isabella/Oswald/Lee, exploring her attraction to toxic men, and give her relationship with Lee more screen time (I’d say make them girlfriends but I’m trying to be a little realistic here). I think a weird and complex relationship between her and Ed could be cool,
I’ve never been good at conclusions, so just take the thing.
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