#flowerguy worldbuilding
omega-floweys · 9 months
more rambles MORE RAMBLES . i have been prompted to talk more about my guys . smiles .
so like GENERALLY. flowerguys live pretty similarly to us. they work regular jobs they get crushed under the horrible reality of capitalism.
complete side tangent but unfortunately i cannot Not make this a capitalist society because i am not economist andy i would not be able to portray anything else in a way that feels accurate because i Just Don't Know What That Would Look Like. things are a bit better than real world capitalism though. discrimination is just not really a thing either generally or in the workplace because there is nothing to really discriminate against. there is likely some level of lack of accommodation for disabled people but i am not dipping into adding like a flower equivalent to racism or anything because it would feel weird and unnecessary and it is not my place to elaborate on.
SIDE TANGENT OVER. OK. where was i.
generally a lot of communication in tone etc is done through tail+hand gestures. it is a big part of how they communicate and get across things like sarcasm etc. i was also considering a sort of greeting where two people wrap their tails together to gauge what kind of person they are and whether or not they'd really get along. this greeting is likely not done very often in professional settings and if it is, it's very brief and doesn't tend to really reflect on either person like it would normally.
V and raz are very explicitly autistic and for that reason are PERFECT EXAMPLES here to elaborate on how it ties into these gestures.
raz simply does not do these gestures. his tail will typically passively sway around without any sort of intent. he does not emote in general and does not emote through hand or tail gestures. it makes it even harder for others to know what he's thinking or what his intentions are.
V, on the other hand, has learned to replicate these gestures. he has a terrible time doing them though he HATES it he hates socialising in general. he tends to get things "right" but will mess up on occasion and get looked at weird and it makes him want to explode.
there are definitely likely other ways for these gestures to tie into being autistic but V and raz in particular are very good opposing examples.
jumping topics again. this is the last bit i swear.
the general opinion someone typically has on the previous civilization is really how you'd think about any previous human civilization. with distant curiosity, unless you are actively interested in the topic. when discoveries are made the message gets out pretty quickly and there is a large effort from... tech-archaeologists? i don't know what term to use here. to archive the information they do have in ways that are easier to preserve. there's a pretty decent amount that they know about who these people were and how they functioned, but unfortunately enough they have not found any images or record of exactly WHAT they were, so there is an additional effort to find any physical remnants of this society. it IS, ultimately, a background part of the story but is kind of important context in various religious and spiritual beliefs that i do want to elaborate on at some point just due to their unbelievably close proximity to how this former society lived.
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labratboygirl · 5 months
ok may i ask. just what exactly is twomp. i keep hearing about it and i dont know what it is but im intrigued
SOBASICALLY . twomp ((short 4 the world of mr plant)) is a webseries thats been running on yt and tt for a little over 2 years now and im very autistic about it :o)))))) it has no like . overlying story . there ARE subtle little arcs but nothing huge . but the best synopsis i can give is “murderous flowerguy gradually falls for some weird little failboy all while experiencing existential crises on the regular and committing many atrocities” . SOUNDS STUPID AS HELL BUT ITS REALLY GOOD . I SWEAR . the worldbuilding and the characters are so so interesting 2 me and the general Vibe is so so nice …….. all made by one guy too . ashur gharavi . prettiest most talented bitch alive i look up 2 him so much
FAIR WARNING::::: it may not sound like it but its a psychological horror series . theres a lot of blood/violence and mental health topics and allat ……. also a little bit of body horror but its pretty mild
IF YOU EVER DECIDE 2 WATCH IT ((please watch it anon)) ive got 2 playlists :o))) one just has all of the main series in it and the other has all the Fun Bonus Content in it
playlist #1:: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL39XMOK0xIoyPG1SfNo72OPloAGzKpGEL&si=FOUksJZNnJhEmqxX
playlist #2:: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL39XMOK0xIoxXFEi1JW2u3d914yOmqXyG&si=gqephWswX0mRJLpz
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omega-floweys · 9 months
guh. GUH i have so many thoughts. but to get them across i need to establish so much shit about my flowers. i do not have an established name for them. i just call them flowerguys . ramble ahead
so they are like.. built on the ruins of a previous civilization. in several different ways. the cities they live in are heavily overgrown and they are generally arboreal. they do still use cars for transportation however. roads are carefully maintained as to not overly cut into any flora. there are also lots of thoughts to be had about an arboreal society and how disability accommodations may come about.
i think. there is a very strong belief that a lot of them share that it is incredibly important to recognise and appreciate that they are quite literally the same as everything around them. their origins aren't entirely certain but they are definitely a case of overgrowing and taking things over. they just became a bit more "people-ey" in a sense. i am not sure how and i could not explain the biological ramifications of this to you. just roll with it.
there is a lot of technology that was left behind that they have taken for their own and use to find any trace of the previous civilization. but it's very difficult. data is not permanent servers get destroyed over time. there is very little in the way of digital evidence to who existed but when it IS found it is groundbreaking.
but my god it is SO IMPORTANT. and so ironic to how much thought i put into this. that this is not the focus of any story i have involving these guys. my characters are just guys living their lives within the context of this world. i'd love to include huge breakthroughs in research as like... background gags. playing on the TV as the news. or being reblogged onto a character's timeline. but never focused on.
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omega-floweys · 9 months
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im thinking. im so thinking all the time. i need to figure out how chairs for my guys work . but i dont feel like drawing furniture ever . their tails . get in the way of everything . it changes so much of hteir posture . you understand
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