#hands down my fav meme of all time
In Han's words:
"Lee Think? No Lee Know."
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hwaflms · 1 month
𐙚˙⋆.˚ nct 127 as 1d songs!
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‧₊˚ 💭 ✩彡 , , 0.69k, fluff + slight suggestive + slight angst, just lil snippets of you and 127 with one direction songs, not my usual writing style, TELL ME UR FAV 1D TRACKS
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♡ taeil . . . last first kiss
rainy days, soft smiles and soft kisses, nicknames, casual dates, putting away groceries, taking photos of things to show each other later, promises, painting dates, secret handshakes, prolonged stares, drawing each other, approving photos to post, kisses on the top of your head, karaoke nights, trying street food together, song recommendations, deep questions, laughing over some soju, denial and hesitation, splashing each other with wet hands
♡ taeyong . . . little things
LONG showers, buying clothes for you, matching jewellery, folders in your galleries for each other, perfume, long talks over tea, words of affirmation, flowers, crying in front of each other, wine nights, slow dancing, sending you reminders to eat, falling asleep over call, learning ukulele together, staying-in days, holding hands 99.99999% of the time, corny jokes, bike rides, playing video games, cutting fruit for each other, naps while it's raining outside
♡ johnny . . . she's not afraid
secret movie dates, drive-thru mcdonald’s, tight dresses, tousled hair, long video calls, subtle lock screens, orange-scented soap, sneaking out at night, drunken confessions, the two of you together in the background of every photo, watching scary shows, kissing in the dark, running, texting while in the same room, lying in his arms, windy nights, knowing each others favourite songs, screenshots, hushed whispers, road trips, dancing in the kitchen
♡ yuta . . . perfect
parties at 1 am, hailing taxis, long sloppy kisses, tucking hair behind each others ears, red bull cans, blasting music in the car, ice cream runs, eye contact, skinny dipping, cheap hotels, playing pool, texting late at night, beach walks, wind blowing in your face, meeting in secret, italian restaurants, thin cigarettes, messy sheets and hair, windows all the way down, knowing smiles, wearing his shirt at home, soft gasps, motel pools, cherry lip balm, getting tattoos together, getting kicked out of parties
♡ doyoung . . . half a heart
soft sweaters, missed calls, buying his detergent, matching rings, soft wispy clouds, two different kinds of juices in your fridge, puddles, picnic dates, mixed up socks, never deleting photos, the first text after an argument, books with notes in them, walks by the river, watching a show together, conversations in the dark, spontaneous coffee meet-ups, naming plants, museum visits, drives in the rain, saving memes about each other, empty lockets
♡ jaehyun . . . no control
stargazing, drinking on rooftops, meeting at parties, red cups, pool nights, lipstick stains, the smell of his perfume, oversized clothing, driving fast when the roads are empty, voice messages, morning kisses, private playlists, tinted taxis, looking for each other in a room, holding your hair back, strong coffee, silk pillowcases, clothes on the floor, selfies on each others phones, muffled moans, drunk tattoos, pinching his cheeks
♡ jungwoo . . . 18
amusement park dates, walks at night, letters on beige paper, photo booth pictures, ugly keychains, playing on the seesaw when the playgrounds empty, passing notes, keeping said notes, bracelets, having each other as your lock screen, messy beds, lists of baby names, knowing each other's favourite songs, extra toothbrushes, shampoo bottles, yearbook cutouts, shoebox filled with letters and trinkets, holding pinkies, random texts throughout the day, talking to his mom on the phone, long calls
♡ mark . . . i want to write you a song
pure innocent love, cafe dates, warm hugs, board games and hot chocolate, writing songs for you, sharing clothes, pecks while smiling, cookie recipes, said cookies ending up burnt, karaoke nights, acoustic guitars, writing desks, cheek kisses, grocery shopping, badly taken polaroids, long walks, late night conversations, photo albums, beanies when it's cold, holding hands under the table, wearing his glasses, breakfast in bed, bouquets, scarfs, walks along the sand
♡ haechan . . . temporary fix
stolen glances, smokey rooms, making out in the back of a taxi, moonlight, hair flying in the wind, playing footsie under the table, jealousy, talking on the phone late at night, eyes meeting across the room, drunken kisses, sitting on his lap, lots of 'are you awake?' texts, vodka sours, mirrored lense sunglasses, dyeing each other's hair, locking doors, lips on your neck, avoiding questions, stupid contact names, waking up in his clothes, empty wine bottles, bright sunsets, 10+ tiktoks and memes every morning, voice notes of him singing
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lizaluvsthis · 8 days
Destiny has already decided
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- What if (in Triple Threat AU) - 
- Eratica got to talk to her inner self? (Eri) -
Summary: Eratica got sent to the abyss where she happens to meet her inner-self
Talked to @dreamteamredstinger about couple of Lore drops Eratica has and the AU itself, since eri's my fav this story is about her and her innerself ^^
Anyways enjoy lovely fans and to people who love Eratica!
Especially to RedStinger since this is one of the first gift fic he's getting
A white light suddenly burst into the plain white space, revealing a lone woman caught off guard by the unexpected appearance. 
Time seemed to slow down as the person’s eyes widened in realization. For a brief moment, fear consumed her, but she refused to let it control her. 
With a clear and steady mind, she quickly assessed her situation and decided to use her sword as a makeshift stair; she stabbed it into the ground just before her body could touch the floor.
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Her boot landed on the top handle, and she gracefully landed safely on the ground, her sword still firmly embedded in the floor.
Her feet stabilized as she took in the surroundings around her. 
Her eyes darted around, taking in the endless white spaces that seemed to stretch indefinitely. 
With a determined look, she pulled her sword from the ground, its weight firmly gripped in her strong grasp.
"Where in the hell am I?" She said aloud, her hood falling to her shoulders revealing her face and her mask hanging loosely around her chin. She took a deep breath, taking off her mask momentarily as she looked around the space in confusion.
The woman's face revealed signs of battles past. A scar on her left eyebrow, a scar on her cheek, and hints of corruption on the left corner of her cheek that crept down her neck. 
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"What is this place...?" she asked aloud, her voice echoing faintly in the quiet space, the volume seeming out of sync through the emptiness surrounding her.
Her gaze fell beneath her feet, and she looked at the tile reflecting her appearance. 
Suddenly, a faint glow caught her eye, and her focus shifted towards it.
Her senses tingle with anticipation, bracing for a possible encounter yet to come.
The surrounding atmosphere suddenly darkened, the glow intensified to an explosion of brightness. 
In a quick motion, Eratica shielded her eyes with her cape, protecting them from the blinding light that engulfed them all around her as the explosion occurred.
As the brightness faded and the abyss returned to its previous state of blank white emptiness, Eratica slowly lowered her arm, eyes opening once again. 
She steeled for the unknown, preparing to face whatever may come.
Only to find that she was staring back at...herself?
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Her eyes widened in surprise to beheld her inner self, transformed into a young, healthy, and unblemished version.
The other version of her wore a purple sleeve and sported long, flowing hair, and eyes appearing innocent.
She couldn't help but take notice of the other version's stature, as she seemed shorter in comparison to her own. 
This difference was both unsettling and yet strangely captivating.
Eratica felt frozen in place, her hands remaining firmly clamped onto her sword's handle as her eyes locked onto her past self. 
Astonishment washed over her, prompting her to utter "You're...me..." 
Her brow furrowed, deepening the frown that now adorned her face.
Eratica's confusion only deepened as her eyes locked with her past self, the glowing yellow aura around her adding to the surrealness of the situation. 
“But how? How is this possible?” Yet no words came from her past. 
The silence between them felt almost deafening.
As the memories flooded back to Eratica, images of the past came rushing to her mind. 
She remembered the rise of the memes, their dominion over the territory, and the chaos that ensued. 
Bloodshed and destruction ravaged the lands, cities were reduced to heaps of rubble, and an army filled in vengeful hearts was ready to strike. 
The most haunting memory of all was the moment where she had taken her own brother's life…
Eratica could feel the weight of the memory as it pressed upon her conscience, its presence overwhelming.
In a desperate attempt to deny the reality of her past actions.
She took a few steps backward, her body instinctively distancing itself from the horrors she had inflicted. 
Her inner-self, Eri, now stood before her, an expression of anger evident on her face as she posed the question, "Why...?"
Eratica's body stiffened slightly as her mind wrestled with memories, her feet momentarily rooted in place. 
With a deep, purposeful breath, she managed to center once more, bringing clarity to her thoughts. 
Her attention returned to Eri, watching as her former self stood there, tears welling up in her eyes and a look of anger and hurt painted across her face.
"Why did you do that...? You..." Eri started, her voice trembling in a mixture of sadness and betrayal.
Eri's voice rang out in anguish, blaming Eratica for the death of her brother.
“You killed my brother!"
 However, Eratica responded to a cold, impassive tone, her face lacking emotion as she firmly stated, 
"He is not our brother. He has become a parasite. And parasites always will be parasites until they've grown to harvest from the mind of each being's existence..."
Eri's eyes dropped to the ground, her fists clenching tightly as she digested the harsh words spoken by Eratica.
Eratica remained cold and unflinching as she listened to Eri's outburst. 
"Why are you sad? I did what we were supposed to do, we finished our job," 
she stated matter-of-factly, in a hint of confusion.
But Eri's anguish only intensified, her frustration and anger reaching a boiling point as she yelled, "THIS ISN'T RIGHT! ALL OF THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" 
To a surge of emotion, she ran up to Eratica and lashed out to a weak punch, but Eratica dodged the attack effortlessly.
Her glow intensified, illuminating the space around her. 
In a sudden motion, she conjured up a small sword that bore a striking resemblance to Eratica's own. 
To a determined push forward, she issued a battle cry, her voice implied with anger.
Her swing came down hard, the force behind it powerful enough to almost knock Eratica off her feet. 
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But the present Eratica stood her ground, her blade held firmly as a shield, defending herself from the onslaught.
“And who are you to think of that to yourself?!”
Eratica's anger flared, visible in the purple glow of her eyes shifting from red. 
She dodged Eri's attack, knocking the sword out of her grasp and pinning her to the ground. 
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Her sword pointed menacingly at Eri, Eratica issued a harsh decree.
"You are nothing. You are not worth being yourself anymore," she declared, her voice cold and commanding. 
"I am in control here. And no such parasites shall live."
Her vision fixed on Eratica, a look of empathy and contemplation on her face as she uttered the question, 
"What have I become...?"
Looking down at her younger self, Eratica remained cold and neutral, her eyes devoid of kindness or mercy.
The anger and hatred that resided in her heart radiated outward, consuming her without a trace of compassion.
Eri's voice trembled in regret as she confessed, 
"I've become the worst to everyone, haven't I?” 
Eratica spoke “They think I'm the villain, but I tried everything to save their lives for this." 
Her grip tightened on her sword, anger welling up within her, but she fought to keep hers in check, slowly calming down.
Eratica's voice trailed off, choked in anger. 
She took a deep breath before speaking again, 
"And yet, what did I get in return? Nothing but the loss of my brother, all because of those damned pests."
There was a brief moment of quiet as the two versions of Eratica stood facing each other, both reflecting on the shared struggle and the pain that had driven them to such extreme measures. 
Though separated by time and circumstance, they shared a common bond in the loss of their brother, 
a pain that had consumed their hearts and led them down a path of anger and violence.
Eri's words echo a sense of self-blame and regret. 
She held accountable for the choices made.
 On the other hand, Eratica remained steadfast in her belief that the memes were the root cause of their troubles.
 She wholeheartedly believed that the chaotic influence of the memes had led to all the suffering and chaos.
"But- what about Minion...?”
Eri's words brought up an old and painful memory, and Eratica instinctively flinched at the mention of Minion.
"No- don't bring this up now, she doesn't matter to me” Her response was brief and dismissive, trying to suppress the guilt connected to their past.
But Eri persisted, her voice added frustration as she yelled. "Then why did you stop?" Eratica paused, caught off guard by the question.
She followed by turning her head to the left at her prompting, and her eyes widened at what she saw.
She stood silent. “Don't you see the other side? The bright side of life? Can't you see how it is for other people that can have different paths?" 
Looking to her left, Eratica was met to an unexpected sight—a vibrant, colorful world filled in joy and laughter. 
People moved about, their faces etched that had radiant smiles and eyes twinkling in mirth. Life seemed to hum with energy and optimism. 
Everything here is so... vibrant and alive.
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Eratica turned to the other side and saw the scene unfolding before her. 
The white plain abyss loomed, and SMG3 was there, defending SMG4 with his arms protectively wrapped around him.
Minion had bravely stepped in front of the meme guardians, a look of determination and fear mixed on her face.
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She was frozen, unable to move, the weight of her feelings pinning her in place.
Eratica's eyes, something stirred within her. 
She was quiet for a moment, the weight of truth sinking in.
"We were different from our world. We killed our brother... and what did it cost? All of it, just because others turned into those insane meme parasites? Was it all just for our brother to return? Hoping everything would finally end? Go back to normal?”
Eratica walked up to the front, she stared at Minion's face. 
Regret and guilt seeped into her expression, the weight of her actions and the consequences they had brought upon them all. 
"LOOK AROUND YOU, ERATICA!" Inner Eri's voice cut through the air, feeling frustration and despair. 
"I did it to protect the people!" Eratica retorted, her voice firm and resolute, standing unwavering in her convictions.
But Inner Eri's response was equally intense. "THIS ISN'T OUR WORLD! IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT!”
As Eratica's resolve cracked, the pieces of her facade falling away, she stood there, dumbfounded by the realization that hit her. 
Inner Eri's blunt words struck a chord, causing her to question everything she thought she understood.
"Take a hint," Eri urged "What do you think the people around this world act like? Four's crew, who weren't even affected by the meme parasite?"
Eratica paused, letting the question sink in as she looked around, seeing the world differently for the first time.
"It's because they're good people, they protect others from the dangers that are a threat to their world. Look outside. 
Don't you see that nature is still living? On its peaceful side, you wonder why. 
Because they're the main guardians. 
They guard to protect whatever is harming their own home! And what do you think you're doing?!"
Eri's eyes glanced at the sword, she urged, 
"Please... think about your decisions... think it all through... I don't want us to... to go insane again... please..." 
As she spoke, she slowly raised her right hand, offering it to Eratica, hoping for her to take it and embrace the path of understanding and healing.
As Eri stood there, offering her hand to Eratica, she noticed that her hand was fading away, slowly vanishing before her eyes.
Eri's time is running out.
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Eratica stood there, torn apart to her and the weight of her past actions. 
Eratica's voice was soft and strained as she spoke, "Please... make a decision... I don't want ourselves to end up in a big mess like this... let it all go... it was all... in the past…"
Eratica felt confused. 
In her world, the guardians had always been in control. But now that she saw them in this world, they seemed different. 
She tried to find why they seemed so different, but it made her doubt what she had thought was true.
As Eri pleaded with Eratica, the urgency in her voice was palpable. 
"Promise me you'll change," she began, her voice barely holding back tears as she spoke of her brother and their world. 
"For us, your brother, the world we were in... promise me," She begged, her hand still extended, the promise hanging in the air. 
"PROMISE ME!" she cried, the weight of her request clear in her emotional outburst.
Eratica's gaze fell upon the sword before her, the embodiment of her identity and the symbol of her convictions. 
It took a moment of deep contemplation for her to reach a decision. As her sword clattered to the ground, a sense of resignation washed over her.
A form of a heavy sigh, she admitted.
"I can't promise that." 
The words hung in the air, went to a mixture of regret and acceptance.
Despite her problems, Eratica knew that some things couldn't be guaranteed.
As the weight of the decision bore down on her, Eratica had self-doubt. 
Her inner self slowly fading away and leaving her to choose her own, the significance of the moment magnified.
The silence seemed to only amplify the tension of the moment as Eri stood there, knowing that whatever decision she made would have far-reaching consequences.
As Eri's words echoed through the air, a bittersweet chuckle escaped her lips. 
Forming a gentle, saddened smile, she continued.
“Then you are an idiot." 
The weight of her statement hung in the air, a stark contrast to the finality of her fading away into the ether.
Eratica stood there, alone in the silent aftermath, grappling the weight of her choice and the consequences that lay ahead. 
The absence of Eri's presence left a void in her heart, and the echoes of her words still resonated within her mind, a bittersweet reminder of the choices made and the paths that had led them there.
As Eratica gripped her sword tighter, determination burning in her eyes, she declared in a firm voice, "There is nothing WORTH for me to give... I've paid the price, and I must end it." 
As Eratica sat there, a wave of emptiness washed over her like a merciless tide. 
She finds it hard to understand, grappling the question at her thoughts. 
“Why does it hurt?” It was a question that had no easy answer, and as the weight of pain and loss settled upon her, she wept without restraint, shedding tears that seemed to come from the depths of her wounded soul.
As tears streamed down her face, Eratica felt a touch on her shoulder and provided comfort.
The faint figure of a familiar soul stood beside her.
Its voice cutting through the haze of her pain as it spoke words that offered both guidance and purpose.
The red gleam flickered in the dim light as the familiar soul urged her on, 
"Come on, Eratica. It is your DUTY to save everyone. Before it is too late, you must fulfill your destiny"
A determined glint in her eyes, Eratica wiped away her tears and stood upright, gripping her sword tightly.
The voice of the familiar soul's encouragement echoed in her mind, reminding her of the weight of her responsibility.
"You're right," she acknowledged, her voice firm yet in a hint of sadness. 
"I must... for the people and everyone," Eratica took a deep breath, filling her lungs to a mix of resolve and lingering guilt. 
Despite the conflict that gnawed at her heart, she steeled following the path she was setting her upon.
In a final swing of her sword, Eratica sent forth a cutting arc that tore open a portal, its shimmering light rippling in the surrounding environment.
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With a heavy heart, (I'm sorry) the words tinged in regret of the path laid out before her. 
"But destiny... has already... decided."
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areislol · 2 years
I'm so excited everytime you update your streamer au series! I feel so giddy because I love it!! ♡ I'm thinking about reader continuously answering questions in the stream like "Do you like cats?" "Do you hate dogs" and then there's "Do you have a boyfriend?" then you instinctively say yes. Everyone was shocked, including you since it's just your little imagination bc ur crushing hard. Now cue jealous genshin characters interrogating you who is it. "They're like call him, call him! I want to TALK to him."
And everyone saw their shocked meme like face when you just called their number.
streamer! xiao, dainsleif, zhongli, childe, ayato x online friend! reader
ft— xiao, dainsleif, zhongli, childe, ayato warnings— slightly suggestive??, super long!!, fluff!!, not proof-read so maybe some bad grammar, mentions of feet pics/feet... a/n— this idea is so cute omg!! and i love the “call him, i want to “TALK” to him.” it’s funny cuz i can 100% imagine them actually saying that. and im so happy you get so happy every time i update my streamer! au, makes me more motivated to post more!! hope you’re doing alright. 
was originally going to add albedo but i was kind of stressed as it meant i was going to write 6 characters in total and my motivation was just nowhere to be found so i had to remove him, sorry!!
recommend listening to: sweetest pie/wink -  megan thee stallion and dua lipa
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streamer! xiao x reader
“what cup size are you?” “...what the-” *xiao immediately blocks and kicks the person who asked that question* “...... :)”
“ignore them 🥰 ”
you might be asking.. why did they ask that? why on earth would they ask you such question? why were they asking you questions?
like? 🤨
well.. that’s because you had a mini qna during xiao’s stream!!
did xiao mind at all? nope! he didn’t mind at all <3 if anything, he would be learning more about you(as if he doesn’t know everything about you..)
during one of xiaos stream, one person donated to xiao with a message which they said “does y/n like cats?” which you immediately say yes to!!
since then you started to answer more and more questions from xiao’s viewers and most of them(you’ve got to say) were pretty nice questions
questions that you’ve never heard before but did you care? absolutely not as you loved answering their questions.
xiao on the other hand.. minded.
every time someone would ask you questions that seemed kinda of weird or creepy to xiao he would eye them(?? eye who?? who’s them?? im kidding, ... xiao would eye the screen)
xiao would fight the urge to literally ban the person who asked that question AND OR stop the mini qna but you seemed so happy answering their and everyone(s) question so xiao obviously stopped his urges ;(
and so the mini qna went.. many questions such as “what is your favourite animal” and “your fav colour?” was asked a lot and many uhm.. questionable questions were being asked too.
“what’s your feet size?” and more which i will not be adding.
you felt extremely uncomfortable when people would ask you questions that were just creepy over all, so when you told xiao about it, he immediately blocked the user and told E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E to not ask you those type of questions and did his word get into the people’s head? yes!
most of the questions they gave you were pretty simple, you always ended up saying “yes” to many of them.
you practically said “yes” so many times that you’ve kind of.. counted how many times you’ve said “yes”
“do you enjoy going to hotels?” “yes!! i do actually.” *xiao: WRITE THAT DOWN WRITE THAT DOWN!!!!!*
and then suddenly.. “do you have a boyfriend” and now you didn’t really concentrate on what you said and since you’ve said “yes” so many times you accidentally responded with “yes” and oh my god.
the ruckus you’ve caused after saying that...
xiao WAS paying attention and DID hear what you said so when you said “yes” xiao full on whipped his head to your direction and poor baby.. his face said it all..
xiao was like “HUH?! BOYFRIEND?!” in his head, you never told him that you had a boyfriend!!
now he’s upset, really, upset.
and yes, he’s upset because 1, you didn’t tell him and 2, you have a boyfriend!! :(
everyone in chat was shocked, they were all spamming “OH MY GOD???”s and “Y/N HAS A BF????”s
and in all honesty, why did you even say yes?
you did have a crush on a special someone... and as a matter of fact, you were crushing hard.
crushing on who? can you guess who? 3..2..1..!!
xiao!! you had a crush on xiao himself! the very one who’s in your room, looking at you in defeat.. anyways..
lets cut to the chase.
after you and xiao staying silent and the chat wildling, xiao finally spoke up and what he said startled you a bit
“who are they?” “huh? who’s who?” “the special man.” “o-oh! uhm..”
xiao: 🤨
you’re absolutely flustered, your face and ears are just red
xiao and everyone(in chat) could tell that you were embarrassed which made them even more curious and wanting to know WHO the lucky man was
after some silence you decided to grab your phone and when you were unlocking your phone xiao asked “what are you doing?” which you responded with “calling my boyfriend, you wanted to know right?” “..”
you wanted to tease xiao because.. you wanted to see his cute flustered face, but if xiao had no reaction at all then.. that would be embarrassing..
so you decided to call him!! as a.. prank? (i guess you could say that)
xiao was blushing - blushing a lot. sure he “knew” you had a boyfriend as you said “yes” to the question but he didn’t expect you to actually call them.
he was waiting for you to say “JUST KIDDING!!” or “IT’S A PRANK!!!! >:)” but those words never came and so now xiao’s just anxiously waiting for you to call the person without trying to look like he’s constipated or nervous.
 a few minutes pass by and you’re still not calling them, weird isn’t it?
it’s totally not like you’re nervous to press “call” to a special someone(xiao) or anything, right?
you wanted to do this, so why are you struggling to press the “call” button? were you nervous? scared? too embarrassed? you’re feeling all of them right now.
taking in a few deep breaths you decided to just do it, you wanted to see his reaction after all.
“beep” you closed your eyes waiting for xiao to say something but you hear nothing except for a distinct sound coming from right in front of you
you expected to hear a ringtone that everyone would use but instead you hear a song instead. it was a very.. romantic song...
you open your eyes and just stare at a very flustered xiao who is trying to silence his phone but is failing terribly
but before you could laugh or do anything - xiao suddenly stops his attempt on closing his phone and just pauses for a second before he turns to look at you, he stares at you with wide eyes
“why are you looking at me?” “did you just.. call me? “.. what?”
you both are now just blushing profusely and avoiding eye contact as much as possible
everyone in chat was just going crazy or was just simply in shock.
“ahem, i did uh.. call you xiao.” *chat: SO CALL OUT MY NAMEEEEEE* “... i know you did, you said you were going to call your boyfriend, right?” “correct!”
(why did you say that so happily.)
you gave xiao a small smile while trying to suppress the urge to go cover yourself with tons and tons of blankets.
xiao on the other hand.. wasn’t so happy, not in a bad way of course!!
he was shocked, it was a joke and he knew but the thought of him being your boyfriend just makes him feel all jelly like and flustered.
you prevent a laugh from coming out of your mouth but ultimately fail - you burst out laughing while patting xiao on the back - spilling out many “im sorry xiao!!” and “you should’ve seen your reaction!!” but many of those were always cut from your continuous laughter.
xiao no longer cares about what just happens but rather your laughter, god you were so cute. your laugh too!
while xiao still does care about what happened, he doesn’t really mind it now as long as you’re happy <3
(except for the fact that everyone in his chat/comment keeps on making fun of him for looking like he was constipated or his reaction over all)
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streamer! dainsleif x reader
🤨 i see, so you want to scare this poor man’s soul? is that right?
sigh, poor dain ;(
dain was just talking with his viewers, asking them questions and asking if they were doing fine, if they did anything fun and stuff like that
when all of the sudden someone asked if you loved to eat choco pops which you replied “yes! i do, they’re so yummy..” because they were delicious and you couldn’t just leave the person who asked the question hanging!
*dain in his mind: y/n likes choco pops? i might as well buy thousands of them by tomorrow.*
and soon after everyone started to flood dain’s chat with questions that were directed to you because why not?
although you wanted to answer them all you couldn’t, there were just too many questions!! the chat was just going WILD
they were eager for you to answer their question!! you skimmed and scanned the chat but you could only make out some of the questions - the rest were blurred by the continuous bombarding of questions.
you sigh as you get ready to try to answer all of these questions
“atrialopdo donated $3! : do you enjoy shopping?” “yes i do”
“jumpeylap donated $10 : do you enjoy dain’s presence? do you like to hang out with dain, i mean.” “of course i do!! why wouldn’t i? dain’s the best to hang out with!! i enjoy being around dain and he’s just the absolute best and....”
honestly, you kept on talking and talking about dain that dain’s mind just goes blank, he can’t even hear what you’re saying!!
“dainnn? dain! DAIN HELLO?! >:(” “ah! huh? what-” “see? he’s alright guys” “...” “yea! he’s just being quiet right now, i think he’s getting shy just by me talking about him”
you continued to talk while dain was blushing a whole lot.. yea..
lets get into the juicy part >:) 
someone finally asked if you “had a crush” and all of the sudden you said ‘yes’
to be frank, you’ve said the word ‘yes’ or ‘yup’ too many times so...
you were caught off guard with that question which prompted you to answer with “yes”
so it’s not your fault. definenetly not your fault!!
after a few seconds you finally realized what you said but didn’t say anything, but dain? oh boy, when he heard your response he full on whipped his head towards you.
dain had a “did i hear that correctly??” type of face, he looked so confused yet nervous-
you had to hold back your laughter because dain’s face was just too hilarious, how could you not laugh?
you just sat there, looking back and fourth between dain and the chat
dain’s just staring at you with wide eyes, unable to comprehend what you said EVEN though he knew exactly what you said
it was just hard for him to take in kay?!
eventually, dain snapped back to reality and cleared his throat.
“so, who’s.. this man of yours?” “glad you asked! i’ll call him right now!” “dain: 😨”
now dain’s scared fr
dain gets even more scared the more you talk about your boyfriend
“oh yea, and he’s super hot, like handsome. and he’s just like: mwa, chefs kiss”
why must you do this to him?!
you’re just talking and blabbing about your (non existent) boyfriend while pretending to look for his contact when you knew damn well that dains’ contact number was at the top of the list
you didn’t plan on calling dain at all but since you said you had a boyfriend on accident and since dain was there.. , why not entertain his viewers! by calling dain!
dain’s still staring at you, looking at your phone and right back at you, waiting for you to press down on your phone and waiting for the sound of ringing.
you bite your lower lip not knowing if you should do this or not but you decide to just go for it because.. you need to get his reaction.
his reaction will 100% be worth it!!
you press the “call” button and dain suddenly feels and hears a buzz
it came from his pocket, dain just stares at his pocket and grabs his phone, looking at it he sees that you’re calling.. HIM?
while your awkwardly smiling, dain is dying.
everyone in chat was freaking out because they thought this was for real and that this thing was set up to reveal that you and dain were actually dating!!
dain is just slowly melting away, his poor heart ;(
“y/n..” “it’s a prank!! i have no boyfriend and uh yea!” “...?”
it was just a mess over all.
you had to tell dain that it was all a joke and that you actually had no boyfriend and that you accidentally said “yes” and blah blah blah
dain forgives you, of course. but he won’t forgive how you scared him to death(he’s obvi kidding dw)
but dain wasn’t the only person who was turning red, you were too!!
but why? well, that’s because you actually like dain!! what a surprise!!
what a shocker!!
so the thought of you actually dating dain made your just feel absolutely warm and fuzzy, like extremely.
like.. him wrapping his arms around you while nuzzling into your neck.. him kissing your neck and- STOP IT. 😔 not yet..
so yea!! :D two people that look like idiots because they’re blushing profusely while looking anywhere BUT the other person
now kiss
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streamer! zhongli x reader
zhongli was talking to his viewers and talking to you too(of course), zhongli spoke about many things: weird facts about animals, weird facts about the human body, and surprisingly, how to be financially stable!!
(as if he is LMAO)
and it was over all fun!! many of zhongli’s viewers also chimed in there and then to tell some facts too, it was just amazing to talk to everyone.
during one of zhongli’s “lesson of the day” speech, a sudden notification popped out of nowhere, it was a question if you liked cats or dogs more and why.
although the question came out of nowhere you were quick to answer it so zhongli could go on with his speech but it just seemed like more and more people decided to ask you more questions too, you didn’t mind of course. but you felt bad for zhongli as he’s just sitting there, waiting for everyone to quiet down so he could finish what he was saying but it just never happens :(
“do you prefer chocolate over strawberry?” “are you allergic to anything?” “what’s your favourite place to go to and why?”
you answered all their questions but occasionally looked back to zhongli to see if he was feeling down or anything but to your surprise, he didn’t look all that sad!!
instead he was actually enjoying you answering all their questions.
“is there something wrong y/n?” “ah-! no, nothing’s wrong..” “hm, if you say so.”
after answering many questions you were starting to get bored, all you were doing were answering questions, with the same answer over and over again.
“yes” “no” “mmm maybe?” “yes” “i think yes”
how many times did you say “yes”? you were unsure, but all you knew was that you must’ve said “yes” TOO many times that you answered “yes” to the next question that would put you into the situation you’re in right now.
now, what was the question you accidentally answered “yes” to?
“do you have a significant other, y/n?”. yes. that question.
when i tell you zhongli full on turned his head like a 90° angle.. i mean it, zhongli turned his head to face you so quickly. it was kind of scary to witness
“ah- you guys- i-” “you have a lover?” poor zhongli, he had a full on heart attack when he heard you.
your face is extremely red from embarrassment, but why? why would you be embarrassed? that’s because you have a little crush~  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
a crush on who? zhongli! that’s right, the very man who’s right in front of you!
just the thought of actually dating him makes your heart go into a frenzy. you’ve been crushing on him since forever, so him being your boyfriend? oh god.. BUT! another thing that made you red from embarrassment was also because the thought of zhongli being jealous? what a dream!
zhongli isn’t the type to be jealous but your imagination is going wild(rn) so it’s hard to not think about it
the possibility of him ACTUALLY being jealous makes you weak to your knees, like him? looking dead in the eyes of another person? or maybe.. him just mad at the thought of him not confessing earlier and now his chance is gone?
“y/n? are you alright?” “mhm! im fine, and uhm.. yes! yes i do have a lover.. haha...” “is that so..”
“well do you mind calling them? it’s alright if you don’t want to. one’s friend should be able to know one’s significant other, do correct me if im wrong.”
。:゜(;´∩`;)゜:。man... JUST GIVE ME ONE CHANCE PLEASE
zhongli keeps on bombarding you with questions, “what’s their name?” “when did you start to date them?” “are they (even) GOOD looking?” “are they able to provide you with EVERYTHING?”
you’re caught off guard with all the questions and your face reddens even more, you stutter while trying to get a response out of our mouth
“ah- uhm, o-of course! just give me.. a minute” you take out your phone before scrolling through your contacts, and honestly, you didn’t know who to call but in the end you chose zhongli because.. you just wanted to get this over and done with. you click “call” and wait for “him” to respond.
you hold your phone in your hand while looking at your phone and at zhongli anxiously, suddenly, zhongli feels something buzzing in his pocket - it’s his phone.
maybe this was a coincidence? zhongli spares a glance at you, seeing your very red face, he observes you before reaching in his pocket and pulling out his phone and TO HIS AND EVERYONE SURPRISE.. you called him!!
was this some prank? did you accidentally misclick or something?
“y/n- i think you misclicked..” he says while showing and pointing at his phone
you stare blankly at zhongli while trying to think of an answer, but you are unable to.
you stare at zhongli, not knowing what to do before laughing nervously and saying that it was a joke WHICH, you could see zhongli’s shoulder slowly falling down(he’s relieved/heavy burden is gone)
“ah.. i see.” “yeah! so, it was actually a joke.. i don’t know why i said “yes” but uhm yeah. sorry guys!” 
zhongli and everyone forgives you, and then you all lived happily ever after.
not before zhongli tells you to hug him for like hours after stream because of the pain his heart had to go through.
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streamer! childe x reader
you should be scared of this man 😍(in a bad and.. good way?)
childe was streaming himself playing a horror game while you sat beside him, watching(his every move) him play the game
it was kind of boring but you didn’t mind, it was funny when childe got jump scared and screamed like a little girl
after a few rounds childe decided to stop playing and just focus on talking to his viewers, sure playing games are fun and all but childe loves and cherishes his viewers so why not talk to them?
(he loves you more than them ofc..)
“soooo, how are you guys?” “good? that’s good.”
“that sounds extremely creepy childe.” “?? what”
so yea, it was very interesting to say the least, but after asking everyone questions, they decided to ask you guys questions too!!
plus they would get more information about you guys, but mostly childe so those people can FINALLY add the correct information in childe’s biography.
and so the questioning begins.
but i won’t bore you with those questions so time skip to when someone asks you the question
you still sat beside childe and listened to everyone asking him questions and him answering back, when all of the sudden, someone asks you a question - “y/n do u have a lover?”
to be frank, nobody was surprised or shocked with the sudden question but everyone soon was wanting to know your answer, including childe.
childe paused and turned to look at you, giving you the “do you?” look
you open your mouth to say something but nothing comes out, you eye the screen then eye childe.
childe is still staring at you, waiting for your answer while everyone in chat starts to bet if you have a lover or not.
then you finally answer. “yeeesssss?” did you mean for it to come out like that? you sounded unsure.
“was that a “yes i do” yes or a “maybe?” yes, y/n?” childe says while raising his eyebrows, god his stupid face was making you flustered - the things he does to you..
you avoid eye contact with childe and turn your attention to the chat, everyone was asking you questions such as “does y/n have a lover?” or “so does y/n have a lover or not? someone tell meee!!”
you stare at the chat, looking at texts overlapping each other.
you turn to look at childe who now looks absolutely devastated, his smile was now gone, replaced with a frown.
before you could ask if he was okay childe suddenly asks you questions, questions you weren’t able to answer due to the amount of questions he asked you.
“does he treat you right?” “is he as rich as me?” “does he make you feel good.”
then came the “call him.”, you’re just there - not knowing what to do before slowly grabbing your phone while staring at childe who is now looking at you with that shit-eating grin, his whole facial expressions screamed “mischievous”, he was going to do something to your “lover” once you call him, you just knew it
childe scoots closer to you to peer over your shoulder to get a glance of your “lover’s” name but it unable to as you move to face him so he can’t see this “lover” of yours
of course, childe frowns. he stops and just patiently waits for you to call them
you bite your lip as you wonder what do do know, who should you call? what if they don’t play along? you sigh in defeat, but then you think - “what if i call childe?” it won’t hurt to try right? plus! you would be getting a 10/10% reaction from childe.
thinking about how he would react suddenly awakened the demon inside of you 😔
now YOU had a shit-eating grin on your face, and it kind of scared childe(/j)
you pressed “call” and starting to grin even more when you saw how childe’s body froze from the vibration coming from his pockets.
he rushes to grab his phone and what he saw made his heart going into a frenzy that his heart could actually stop.
childe almost faints from what he saw, you giggle before going over to where childe sat to whisper something in his ear and oh lord
what your doing is making childe and everyone CRAZY
and what did you say?
“did you not know we were not dating? what a shame..”
listen you’re not all that flirty okay?! that was the best you could say to be uhm, you know..
but you’re not all that flirty so when you pulled away from childe you became a blushing mess, just like childe himself.
everyone’s in awe now, you two are just so cute <3
now everyone’s determined to get you guys together. they know that you and childe both like each other so now it’s up to them to get you two together!!
it was a sight to see you and childe blushing in silence, yes.
childe gets up and stumbles over to his pc where he ends the stream, not before saying “g-goodbye everyone.” in a rushed manner, now they’re curious about what happened next!!
what did you guys even do after childe ended the stream? 🤔 i’ll leave that one to you!
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streamer! ayato x reader
ayato is a very calm and collected man as we all know, but if you haven’t said that this was all a “joke on accident” he might’ve actually cussed this “lover” of yours
can y’all just imagine him spitting out the most disgusting, inhumane, vile, nasty, despicable, abominable, hellish insult you’ve ever heard out of his mouth. while smiling as if he didn’t just say the most disgusting, inhumane, vile, nasty, despicable, abominable, hellish insult you’ve ever heard out of his mouth...
but anyways!
today was an unusual day, instead of streaming games like scheduled, many of ayato’s viewers demanded that they allow them to ask you questions SINCE ayato had banned everyone from asking you questions as someone had asked you a very personal and creepy question that made you uncomfortable which of course, got ayato mad and banned everyone from asking you questions. even if they were harmless. he would NOT budge
you sigh and close as your eyes as you listen to ayato reminding everyone about what happened last time and that if anyone did ask a question they would be banned.
this went on for a bit before you got a bit tired and said out of no where -  “just let them ask me questions ayato, it won’t hurt right? plus even if someone were to ask me such questions you or the mod could just ban them!”
although it was true that he or the mods could just ban the person he was still hesitant to allow people ask you questions, but ayato reluctantly allows everyone to ask you question but on one condition, once someone asked a creepy a question or a question that makes you uncomfortable he WILL end the questioning stream and will never do a questioning stream ever again.
everyone agreed and somehow “pink promised” ayato not to ask such questions and within a second ayato was now smiling and in a good mood.
and so went the questioning, while it was a little boring because all you were doing was just answering their questions - it was kind of fun as you could answer questions that normally wouldn’t be asked. they were really interesting questions!
of course ayato and the mods were on the look out for any weird questions that would make you feel uncomfortable, and when they did spot one they quickly deleted it and went on to find more
but you might be asking, why did they end the stream like they said? well that was because when ayato saw how much you were enjoying the questions and when he saw how you answered them with such enthusiasm he couldn’t bring himself to stop the stream, he didn’t have the heart to do so. (awww 😊 🔪)
in the middle of the stream someone asked you if you had a “boyfriend or a lover” in which you responded yes.
after saying yes you froze while laughing nervously.
why on earth did you respond with “yes” when you know damn well that you don’t have a boyfriend?
you were still answering a question before that one came and once that question(^) came up you accidentally said “yes” without even knowing you said it. it was, you could say “instinct” but you’ve never been asked about having a lover or not so there was no way you could call it an “instinct”
ayato had to take a moment to process what you said and what the question was and there was no doubt - you said “yes” to “do you have a lover”
he stared at you with wide eyes and an open mouth, you stare back at him while awkwardly laughing
ayato shakes his head as he regains his composure, he clears his throat as he calmly asks you questions about this “lover” of yours.
you play along as you didn’t know what to do and just answer his questions.
“when did you meet him?” “uh like, 3 months.. ago?” “hm okay, is he handsome?” “most definenetly.” “...okay..” and so on
ayato’s heart was breaking one by one as you answered all of his questions
then, ayato decided to ask you if you could call him.
“y/n? is it okay for you to call him? i just want to talk to him.” “just talk? are you sure? i’ve heard you say that many times and then go onto-” “yes! yes, just talk to them.” “ ヽ(ಠ_ಠ)ノ “
you sigh in defeat while pulling out your phone, you had to play along!! what if he gets mad at you for faking this? what if he never talks to you ever again?!
you go into your contacts and while skimming and scanning everyone’s contact you can’t help but feel like you’re being stared at intensely, you take your eyes off your phone and look up to see ayato smiling at you, weirdly. you puff up your cheeks and go back to looking for someone that you know that WOULD play along
you try to find someone, anyone, but to no avail.
then you just decide to give up and press “call” on ayato’s contact
which of course his phone starts to buzz and ayato stops smiling for a bit before picking up his phone
your face is now bright red, though your avoiding eye contact with ayato, ayato is looking at you with a smirk once he realizes what you’ve done.
ayato gets up and turns to stream off leaving everyone on a cliffhanger(good luck to y/n)
once he turns to stream off he turns around and heads towards you
you’re aware that he’s getting closer and closer towards you but you still stay in your place. your face still bright red from embarrassed but also from imagining.. things with ayato.
what do you except anyways?! you have a crush on him so it’s not possible to not think about someone you like in that way!
once ayato is right behind you he ends the call and you hear the sound of ayato sitting right beside you
you slowly turn around to see ayato right. in. front. of. you. literally 2 inches away from your face
you gasp and your cheeks burn a even brighter red, ayato chuckles and pulls you in for a hug, you can hear ayato hums while twirling your hair
now you’re heart is not stable anymore, ayato’s heart isn’t either.
ayato too, is absolutely red from this interaction. although he is the one initiating he can’t help but feel uhm, you know, embarrassed and mushy?
you then hear ayato sigh, a relived sigh. “so you don’t actually have a boyfriend right? or is this some type of way to confess to me?” ayato says while smirking, you could just see him smirking.
you mutter out a “i.. don’t have a boyfriend” before resting your head on ayato’s shoulder.
ayato lets out a hum before going back to playing with your hair, you sigh in pleasure.
“are you alright?” you could only let out a “mhmmm” before closing your eyes, ayato chuckles and pulls you closer where you’re practically up against his chest.
this was the closest you’ve ever gotten to him and you thanked the gods while leaning in to be closer even though you were already close.
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note: if you would like to be added to the genshin taglist pls just ask me!! dont be shy <3
taglist: @tomansimp @one-offmind @miitchiji @dainsleif-when-playable @momoewn (there were two other people but it says that your account does not exist so if you sent an ask or comment to be added please ask again, accs: @mobiuskiss/@viaxiao) liking + following + reblogs are very much appreciated!! another note: sooo you know how i said that the sagau x reader series will be coming out soon...? well uh, im going to postpone as i don’t think im fully ready to post it out yet so maybe later in the year? also this took me weeks to do because i was writing then i lost motivation, then wrote again and the cycle begins. i have many requests(including event) to be done so i will try to prioritize one or two and yeah! i hope you guys enjoyed this <3 kinda rushed towards the end but just ignore all the mistakes, posted this a lot more earlier than expected..
im such a sucker for blushing dain//imagine if this flops
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oddinary4bts · 1 year
The Forgotten Spaces | ch 6 (jjk)
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☆summary: you've been dancing on the same dance crew since your teenage years, and you finally have an important role in it. It feels like life is taunting you when your rival comes back after disappearing for a year, ready to tease you every chance he gets. Will the teasing turn into more, or are you going to take him down with you?
☆pairing: photographer and dancer!Jungkook x dancer!female reader
☆rating: 18+ (minors DNI, there is mature content in previous/later chapters)
☆genre: slow (SLOW) burn enemies to lovers, college!au, slice of life!au, angst (oop), smut and fluff
☆warnings: mentions of sex/hot tub scene. hickey. angst (oops), might be a curse somewhere in there?
☆word count: 5.8k
☆series masterpost here
☆a/n: I am very sorry for all the angst that is to follow. Please don't hate me and please enjoy reading still haha! Thank you to @moonleeai for her beta reading on this fic, I won't ever thank you enough, you're the best <3
☆Read What Was Hidden here, the fic that inspired this whole story, written by @daechwitatamic, one of my fav human beings on this app <3 It follows the story of Jo and Taehyung before The Forgotten Spaces
For this meeting of our end of the world
It's with you that I want to sing
On the threshold of the memories the dead of today
Them that breathe for us
The forgotten spaces
Je t'écris - Gaston Miron (rough translation by me)
Sunday, July 8th
                Waking up next to Jungkook feels weird. You reckon it might be because you haven’t slept a lot, and people are already moving around the cottage. You’ve refused to open your eyes so far, just because you’ve heard Jiho and Hobi whispering about you and Jungkook and you feel too much of a coward to admit you probably fucked things up with him already.
You think Jiho has taken a picture. Knowing her, she definitely has, and you wish you could just disappear for a time. You eventually force yourself to get up though, before Jungkook who is still dead asleep when you move to the kitchen. You suffer through Jiho’s questioning, but she quickly notices that you’re shut off, lost in thought and maybe even dabbling in a little regret too.
From there she shuts down everyone that asks questions, and by the time Jungkook gets up, everyone is just pretending they haven’t noticed that something definitely happened between the two of you.
Jungkook doesn’t really look at you. He eats breakfast chatting with Taehyung and Jin, avoiding you like the plague. You can tell you’ve hurt him, but you don’t know how to fix it. After all, you’ve never really been acquainted with feelings yourself. Especially not after your parents’ divorce.
The day feels heavy. It’s still warm outside, far too much, and a veil of dark clouds is looming over the horizon by the time you have to leave the cottage. Your mood imitates the weather, and you find yourself brooding more than you usually do.
You haven’t been able to talk to Jungkook yet. Mostly because he’s been avoiding you, yes. But also because you don’t know what to tell him.
“Hey, I’m shit at relationships and feelings, yesterday felt too real” sounds like too much of a confession. Even though it is the truth, you’re a coward, through and through.
Jiho’s been trying to get your mind off things. Texting you random stupid things, sending you memes as Hobi drives the four of you home. Heather is riding with Chaeyeon, Lance and Bridget this time around, so there’s a space between you and Jungkook. This time, when he falls asleep, he falls asleep with his head resting against the window, and not on your shoulder.
It starts raining halfway home, and Hobi drives slower, windshield wiper going on full blast. Jiho sends you yet another meme – something absurd you can’t bring yourself to find funny. It earns you a frown from your best friend, and a second later your phone vibrates in your hand.
[1:23 pm] Jiho❣️: u’re supposed to laugh☹️ [1:23 pm] You: i want to talk to Jungkook but idk what to tell him🫠 [1:25 pm] Jiho❣️: what really happened yesterday? i wanna help but it’s hard if idk [1:26 pm] You: we made out in the hot tub then fucked when we were supposed to sleep🤡 [1:26 pm] Jiho❣️: bruh i wish i had a make-out session in the hot tub [1:27 pm] You: 🙄🙄 [1:27 pm] Jiho❣️: sorry [1:27 pm] Jiho❣️: pretty sure more than just fucking happened considering both of you are upset [1:30 pm] You: i told him we shouldn’t have fucked after and he got upset [1:31 pm] Jiho❣️: bitch he’s into u ofc he’ll be upset [1:31 pm] You: u’re not helping [1:32 pm] Jiho❣️: are u into him?
You don’t know the answer. You ask yourself that question for the rest of the day, and you reckon you really don’t know. A lot changed between you and Jungkook over the weekend, but it’s hard to ignore the fact you have never really liked him. Because he was a dick and a bully to you for years.
It’s not something you think you can just forget because you’ve had sex with him once. And you don’t even know if you’d be interested in a relationship with him anyway. You’ve never been in a relationship before at all, and the thought of it terrifies you.
The thought of Jungkook being upset with you terrifies you in equal measures, but you refuse to admit it to yourself. Maybe because you’re trying to protect yourself. It’s hard to tell. You feel like you won’t be able to go through your feelings by yourself – they’re overwhelming, all of them.
Thinking about Jungkook is overwhelming. Thinking about dancing under the stars, about his scar, about the way he held onto you after he finished. Everything is overwhelming, and it makes you anxious. Jumpy, even, as you’re sitting in your room in your mother’s empty house later at night.
You’re halfway through a Studio Ghibli movie that was supposed to help you relax when you decide to text your therapist to schedule an appointment this week. It feels like the right thing to do – you know Mary has always been able to help you sort through your thoughts, even though you haven’t seen her in months.
You don’t expect her to reply tonight considering it’s late in the evening, but you linger on your messaging app. You can’t resist but scroll down a little, down to where Jungkook’s name lies on the screen. You click on the conversation, rereading the last messages he sent you from when he was drunk a little over a week ago. It makes your heart squeeze in your chest a little, and you scroll all the way up to the first time he texted you in April. You haven’t talked much at all, so it’s not like there’s a lot, but you can’t help yourself. You reread everything, entirely ignoring the movie playing on your laptop.
When you’re done reading, you find yourself typing a text even though you don’t know what to say. It seems your fingers know, because a moment later you find yourself staring at a fully formed sentence. It looks as if it’s taunting you, and you reread it so many times the words start to lose their meaning.
[9:47 pm] You: hey, i really enjoyed the weekend with u and i’m genuinely really sorry about yesterday…
It takes you all the courage your body can conjure up to press send. You immediately turn off your phone to focus on your laptop and on the movie, though it doesn’t really work at all. The anxiety the message has brought up in you makes the story of Totoro way too hard to follow, and you’re merely watching the scenes, barely even blinking.
When the movie ends, you get ready for bed. You haven’t dared check your phone yet, but a little bit of anticipation has been steadily building inside of you. Because you hope he’ll answer. You hope you won’t have to explain why you are the way that you are for things to go back to normal with him. Maybe because offering him your vulnerability feels like too much of a commitment for someone that doesn’t do commitments at all.
You know you’ll hate yourself at your internship the next day, but you can’t really sleep after you’ve settled under the comforter in your bed. It’s way past midnight when you finally gather the courage to look at your phone, teeth worrying at your bottom lip.
Your empty notification screen stares back at you, as if to say ‘you really thought that would change anything?’
You sigh, putting your phone away on your night table before turning on your side, grabbing a pillow to hold. It’s still raining outside, and your brain focuses on the splattering of rain on the panes of the window. You think maybe Jungkook went to bed early, considering you didn’t get a lot of sleep in the last two days. Maybe he’s asleep and will reply tomorrow…
You cling onto that hope as the sound of the rain finally lulls you to a troubled sleep.
Tuesday, July 10th
                Jungkook has been in a shit mood. He knows why, and it’s strange to think that it’s not his leg for once. What makes it worse is that everyone around him knows too, thanks to the hickey on his neck.
And it’s only worse when you don’t show up to dance practice. Jiho mentions something about you being stuck at your internship, but Jungkook doesn’t ask. He feels like maybe he could text you to make sure you’re okay. His heart wants him to do it, but his mind is stronger.
And his mind has been winning the war against his heart so far. He won’t cave in now. But he’s still in a shit mood when he gets home after practice. It feels even worse when he sees Taehyung and Jo cuddled up on the couch, and Jimin sprawled up on the floor.
Jimin’s texting away on his phone, and Taehyung meets Jungkook’s gaze where he stopped by the door.
“Practice is already done?” Taehyung asks.
It brings Jimin and Jo’s attention to Jungkook. He just stands there for a time, not knowing what to say.
Not wanting to admit he wrapped dance practice earlier because he was pissed that you weren’t there.
“Yeah,” Jungkook lets out flatly. He finally starts moving again, aiming straight to the kitchen.
He misses the way Jo and Taehyung exchange a concerned look when he passes in front of them, or maybe he just ignores it. He’s been ignoring Jo since the weekend, because it feels like too much pressure to admit that her plan worked and failed in the same night.
Yes, he got to sleep with you, but he’d take it back if he could. Just so it wouldn’t lead to where you’re standing now. Because he’s never replied to your text on Sunday night. Maybe because it was too early, and seeing it just pissed him off more.
Or maybe he’s just trying to preserve himself because he’s realized being with you might be a lot more complicated than previously thought.
He’s pouring cereal in a bowl when he receives a text. He fears that he’s conjured you up for a few seconds, but then he reads the name at the head of the notification. Laura. He furrows his brows, reading her text a few times over to make sure he’s read well. On his fifth reading he reckons the words won’t change even if he keeps glaring at them.
And Laura doesn’t deserve him being upset with her too. Actually, he realizes she might be just what he needs – a distraction, perhaps. Because all he wants is to forget how it felt to be with you last Saturday. And it’s not even about the sex. No, the part that’s been sticking with him is the moment between the hot tub and the sex. When he laid his heart on the table for you.
Had he known you were going to step on it a little under an hour later, Jungkook knows he would have never asked you to dance. It was a stupid request, one that made everything too real.
He can’t really blame you for getting scared. Because he knows that’s what it is. You got scared when he told you you should have slept together before, and he’s been embarrassed since then. Because he said the words in the heat of the action, and even though he meant them – means them – he’d rather not have told you.
Because now when he thinks of you he’s embarrassed, upset, and of course he’s pissed. He’s been in a shit mood after all.
He sighs, pushing his hair back before moving to the fridge to grab the milk. He pours some in the bowl, before grabbing a spoon in the drawer and making his way to the table, where he sits to eat the cereals. He’s halfway through his bowl when he finally decides to open his phone and reply to Laura.
[9:01 pm] Laura: Hey, I gotta admit… I’d like to see you sometime this week? If you’re up for it ofc [9:08 pm] Jungkook: yes ofc! i’m free tmrw evening if u want😌
He doesn’t even know if he actually wants to see her. It makes him think of when he helped her with her camera last week. Laura is sweet. Cute and shy. She’s his type, he can’t deny it. But she’s nice, and he doesn’t think she deserves him using her as a distraction.
He reckons he’s a mess. You’ve been messing with his head far too much, and he doesn’t like that you have that power over him. He doesn’t want anyone to have that power over him.
Yet it’s relieving that for once his mind isn’t clouded with dark thoughts related to the accident. Because he can’t really think about the accident when you’re there whenever he closes his eyes. When he can almost feel your warmth lingering under his fingers, along his body. When he thinks he can still smell your shampoo, and feel your soft skin.
The way that he feels disgusts him. It makes him scoff, and he’s frowning as he finishes eating his cereals. The frown only relaxes when Laura texts him again.
[9:12 pm] Laura: I’m available too! There’s a restaurant I’ve been wanting to try? Is that something you’d like to do?
The way that she texts sounds formal. It makes him laugh, and he finds himself replying,
[9:13 pm] Jungkook: wait, so then it’s a date date uh? [9:16 pm] Laura: Maybe?☺️ [9:17 pm] Jungkook: is 7 o’clock good for u?
He doesn’t really know what he’s doing. He doesn’t usually do real dates, preferring hanging out at the girl’s place or inviting her over for one of the many parties they usually host. But he needs the distraction, right?
And when he’s texting Laura, he realizes he’s not thinking about you as much. It’s relieving after the last few days, and really, maybe he should just give her a chance.
Wednesday, July 11th
                Your therapist works in a building that’s surprisingly not too far from your internship. You were able to schedule an appointment for tonight, which is a relief.
You’ve been thinking about this weekend so much you haven’t been able to focus at the internship. So much so that you were stuck at the office later yesterday. You didn’t mind having to skip the dance practice though – you were glad you didn’t have to see Jungkook.
But now, it’s time for you to sort out your thoughts about the whole situation. As much as pretending that everything is fine can be fun, you also hate the way your mind wanders every night. Especially considering Jungkook never replied to your text last Sunday.
You feel like he’s slipping through your fingers. And maybe he is, and maybe all of this will be for nothing.
Well, not necessarily nothing, since it’s always good to get a grip of yourself.
You sigh, and you walk into the building right before a rain shower starts. You’re relieved you were able to avoid getting wet, and you walk to the front desk to give your name to the lady. She puts you in the computer and then tells you to sit in the waiting room. You thank her, and you’ve barely had time to sit when Mary comes to get you.
Mary’s office hasn’t changed one bit since the last time you sought her help in February. You sit on the same couch, and she offers you a glass of water as she greets you. And then she asks what brings you there.
At that you still. You freeze, like a deer in headlights, because for a moment you’re terrified of having to say the words aloud. Terrified to admit you felt something last Saturday, and you think you’ve already screwed it all up. She listens to you intently, and you watch her scribble on her pad as you do so. You’re tempted to read what she’s written; you’ve always wondered what it is that therapists write on that notebook of theirs.
Is she piecing out your soul the way that you feel like she is?
You tell her everything. You tell her about how Jungkook came back into your life, differently this time. You tell her about the dance practices, and about your internship too. You tell her about last weekend, and you reveal every little dirty thought your brain dared to think. Mary doesn’t judge, and when you’re done, the only thing she says is, “You’re really good at psycho-analyzing yourself”.
You reckon she’s right. Because you know exactly why you acted the way that you did – with the example your parents gave you of love growing up, it’s hard to actually love. It’s even harder to deconstruct it, to deconstruct the fear until you can build yourself back into someone that can love.
It’s not that you think you can’t. You love Jiho, Jisung and their family plenty. But it’s different when it’s love with a big L. It’s always been, and you’ve never once really wanted to change it.
But now you do. You’ve been using your fears to protect yourself from others for far too long.
Mary makes a plan with you. Nothing too big, but she does suggest scheduling another appointment next week. Because you knowing what you need to do is half of the work, yes, but you still need to put it into practice. You agree with her, and you leave her office feeling lighter than you’ve felt in days.
The plan is for you to ask Jungkook if you can talk. You have the option to wait until tomorrow at dance practice, or to text him tonight, just so he knows in advance that you want to talk to him. Mary favoured the latter, saying that it’d give him time to prepare if he has things to tell you too.
You have no idea if he does, but the moment on Saturday felt heavy. You doubt there’s been nothing on his mind since then… because you were there. You know how it felt like, under the stars and after that. And the whole weekend, if you’re honest to yourself. You doubt he was immune to it.
You decide to wait a little before you text him. Just to make sure you really are going to do this. Because it feels like you’re standing at the top of a cliff, and you’ve never been a cliff diver. No, you’re far too afraid of heights. But the fact that you haven’t been able to get Jungkook off your mind tells you enough: you’d jump off the highest cliff for him.
Because if you don’t risk it, what is there to win?
So it’s later that night, when you’re rewatching your favourite anime, that you find yourself pausing the show. You go to your messaging app, and heart beating out of your chest you type a message. Something simple, something straight to the point. Because the fact he ignored your last message says enough: Jungkook won’t cave in for apologies, especially not over text.
You settle on,
[9:31 pm] You: hey jk! can we talk tmrw after practice?😌
You press send before you can convince yourself that this is not a good idea, and anxiety blooms in every inch of you. It’s a foreign feeling: you’ve never been so anxious when it came to someone else before in your life.
Watching your favourite anime after that has never been so hard.
Thursday, July 12th
                You don’t want to go to practice. Everything feels like it’s going too fast and too slow at the same time: waiting for Jungkook to reply is excruciatingly long, and having to head to the dance studio is coming far too quickly.
Jungkook hasn’t replied. You texted Mary about it – she said to see in person if Jungkook wants to talk, but to also respect it if he doesn’t. It makes you far less hopeful than you were when you got out of her office yesterday, but you know she is right.
If this is his way of setting a boundary, you will have to respect. No matter how much it upsets you.
So it’s in an anxious state of mind that you make your way to the studio. You run into Jiho on the way, and you’re worrying at your bottom lip when she asks, “What’s wrong?”
Your steps falter a little, and you throw her a side glance. “Uh?”
“What’s wrong with you?” she asks.
She knows that you used to see a therapist. But telling her that you saw Mary again about Jungkook feels like too big of a confession. It gives him too much power, and you’re not sure you’re ready for that. But you can tell some parts of the truth, can you?
“I’m going to try and talk to Jungkook tonight.”
Jiho remains suspiciously silent for a time. “Are you sure you want to talk to him?”
“I guess,” you say, shrugging your shoulders. “I just feel bad about this weekend.” Jiho offers you a sad smile, as your eyes fall to the concrete in front of you. “It’s just like, I don’t know, I liked where last weekend was going and I don’t want it to go back to the way things were before.” You pause, already feeling a little lighter now that you’ve started talking to your best friend. “Like I know I got scared and all, but he’s actually pretty decent?”
Now, Jiho’s smile has turned knowing, and she nudges you with her elbow. “I think I saw that coming from miles away but I didn’t want you to kill me.”
“Uh?” you let out, feeling a little confused.
“Everyone always thought you two were into each other,” she admits, and she laughs loudly when you push her. “Exactly why I didn’t want to tell you,” she says when her laughter subsides as you offer her a fake glare, lips jutting out in a small pout.
“I mean, I don’t even know if that’s where things are going,” you say. Your fear returns, and you’re back to nibbling on your lower lip. “Like, maybe I just fucked up too bad?”
“Did you talk since then?” Jiho asks.
You refuse to look at her when you reply. “No. He ignored my texts.”
From the corner of your eyes you see Jiho wince. Because she knows just as well as you what it probably means, and you don’t want to hear her say it.
“What did you tell him?”
You shrug your shoulders, trying to act as indifferent as possible. “Sunday I said that I was sorry, and I asked him if we could talk after dance practice yesterday.”
“And he said nothing?”
It’s rhetorical, so you remain silent. You’re reaching the bridge, and you know the conversation will soon come to an obligated end anyway.
“Babe…”  Jiho lets out carefully. “Maybe you shouldn’t talk to him.”
It makes you scoff. “I’ll be chill, don’t worry.”
“I’m not saying you won’t be,” Jiho says. She grabs your arm to make you stop. “Maybe he just doesn’t want to talk.”
You free your arm from her grip, though she was already letting you go. “I’ll ask. We’ll see. I just want to clear the air.”
Jiho holds your defiant gaze for a while, before nodding once. “Alright. Sounds good. You let me know what he says.” She pauses for a few seconds, before adding, “And we’re still on for Thirsty Thursdays after that.”
Of course you are, and of course you’ll tell her. She’s your best friend after all, and you don’t remember a time when you really hid anything from her.
It doesn’t stop your heart from aching in your chest as you near the studio.
                Dance practice feels weird. You can’t help your eyes from diverting to Jungkook where he’s standing, next to the mirrors. He’s good at pretending he doesn’t feel your gaze on him, yet more than once you catch him already looking.
He looks good. He’s in paler clothes than his usual today – light blue jeans with an oversized white t-shirt – and his hair is ruffled by the way he keeps running his hands through it. He looks like he doesn’t care, almost. Because you can tell he’s anxious about something whenever you catch him pulling at his piercing, eyebrows slightly furrowed over his eyes.
You don’t know when you started being able to read him so well, but you surely can now.
He calls dance practice off earlier than his usual, and he still hasn’t really looked at you. You’re pretty sure everyone has noticed by now, especially considering the fact Jiho hasn’t really been subtle about it. She’s glaring at Jungkook most of the time, and he just shrugs his shoulders to her.
It’s weird. Something is off, but if you’re going to do this, you’ll do it, right?
It’s in that anxious state of mind that you approach him as everyone filters out. His hands are buried in his pockets and he’s leaning against the mirror. It’s like he’s waiting for you, and you figure maybe he did read your message after all.
The first few seconds of standing in front of him are far more awkward than anything you’ve ever experienced in your entire life. You don’t know what to say, don’t know where to start, and Jungkook’s head is hanging too low for you to be able to catch his gaze without invading his personal space. So you stay rooted in your spot, and you wait for him to look at you. It takes a while, but he eventually looks up.
You’re taken aback by the bitter annoyance his features hold. “What?”
You’ve written in your notes app what you wanted to say. You’ve even practiced it, but now you don’t remember a single word.
His eyes are sad. It’s the only thing that feels different on his features. The rest is all annoyed: his eyebrows are furrowed, the corners of his lips are pointing downwards. His shoulders are low, defeated, and he seems to realize it because he straightens and folds his arms on his chest.
“Uh,” you choke out against the anxiety that’s building up inside of you. “I just…”
“If you want to apologize again, I received your message last Sunday.”
You brush a strand of your hair behind your ear, before folding your arms on your chest too. “Why did you ignore me?”
He shrugs, shaking his head a little as he looks away. “I have nothing to tell you.”
“Jungkook, can you please not? We’re adults.”
“Yeah, and I’m choosing to not be talking with you. I’m sure you can respect that?”
You can. You definitely can. But at the same time you can’t. Not when he says it like that, like it’s some sort of an insult.
“Why are you overreacting like that?”
“Because I’m fucking embarrassed about last weekend!” he bursts. “I wish it never happened.”
It hurts. It stings and burns, and you hold your arms tighter against you. “You’re embarrassed? Is that why you said you wished we did it earlier?”
His gaze turns vicious, like he’s a viper waiting to strike. “See, that’s exactly why I do not want to talk to you. I don’t think we can be friends either. We’ve never been friends, like you oh so kindly reminded me, and that won’t change.”
You close your eyes, taking a deep breath to relax, because this is not where you want this conversation to be going. “Listen,” you say after a few seconds of silence, “I really don’t want to be fighting with you. I just want to clear the air.”
“The air is cleared,” he says as you open your eyes to meet his fiery gaze again. “I don’t understand what you’re trying to do.”
You’re struck then. You feel like you either have the choice to confess or to stick to your anger. And you try to confess, you really do. It’s not like with Jiho – Jungkook was part of the moment Saturday, he was there with you under the stars. So it shouldn’t be too hard to tell him, to say you got scared.
You open your mouth to say the words, and shut it immediately as he scoffs.
“See, I don’t even think we should be speaking at all,” he says. There’s a fraction of a second when you’re convinced you can read pain in his gaze before he continues, “I’m actually seeing Laura, and I don’t want to fuck that up.”
Every word you’ve ever known vanishes from your mind. You just stand there for a moment, mouth hanging open, ears ringing as you look at him. You feel like you’re falling, or maybe you’re getting crushed. It’s hard to tell. It’s equally as hard to breathe, and your lungs burn as oxygen fills them.
“I went on a date with Laura and I actually like the girl, I don’t want to fuck things up by talking to you,” he says, slowly, as if he needs to hammer every word into your head.
Laura? The girl from his class?
“Isn’t that the girl you told me you don’t care about?”
Your voice is somehow flat. Empty of the emotions it held just a few seconds ago.
“I went on a date with her and I like her,” he repeats as if you’re stupid and didn’t understand the first time around. As if your heart is not breaking in your chest, infinitely so.
You didn’t know how big your heart is until this moment, when every beat just breaks a little more, and all you can think to do is hold yourself tighter. As if it’ll stop the breaking.
“Why do you want to know?” he asks, and his eyes fall shut as he pinches the bridge of his nose. You really do feel stupid then, stupid and foolish and everything in between. Like you’re a five-years-old that keeps messing her right from her left.
“I… how the fuck did you go on a date with her already, it’s been four days?”
“A lot can change in four days, Y/n,” he drawls.
You think your nails might be digging in your palms from how hard you’re clenching your fists. “Wow.”
The studio falls silent. It’s heavy, and maybe the silence is what’s been crushing you. Because you were expecting it – the moment you and Jungkook wouldn’t have anything else to tell each other. Because for everything you were willing to confess, now there’s just an empty spot inside of you.
You hold his gaze. He doesn’t look all that infuriated anymore. Defeated, yes, and maybe a little deflated. He looks like he didn’t expect the conversation to go there.
But you were right. Turns out you were right and you are too late. You can’t help but hate him for it.
“You don’t waste your time, do you?” you ask, and you scoff bitterly. “You fuck one girl and then another in just a few days. Suits you well.”
He rolls his eyes. “As I said, I wish we didn’t sleep together. If I could take last weekend back I would.” He shrugs then, shaking his head a little. “I’m sure you understand.”
You purse your lips, trying to keep them from trembling as you feel a lump form in your throat. “I can’t believe you’re already fucking some other girl.”
“Okay, Y/n, as if that’s going to change anything.”
You nod, and you find yourself fleeing his gaze. Because you don’t want him to see how you’re breaking inside. How every piece of you turns inside out, until you’re bleeding out standing there in front of him.
You think about the stars. You think about the way he led you in that dance, the way his eyes shone as he looked at you.
Jungkook is cataclysmic. He really is. And cataclysms are rarely good, are they? They can create, yes, the way the universe was once created, but they destroy. They destroy and destroy until nothing remains, until you just feel like you’re drowning and burning all at once.
“Save your breath,” he says. You think his gaze is shining again, and you don’t think it’s shining for the same reason that it was under the stars. “And I mean that in the most respectful way.”
“Right. As if that would ever sound respectful.”
He rolls his eyes again. “Yeah, whatever. I’m done here.”
It occurs to you that you’re about to watch someone you care about walk out of your life again. You want to reach out and hold him, to tell him how you feel, to say how everything has started to hurt, but you can’t. You can just look at him, hold his gaze until he makes the decision to go.
He’s gone before you’ve truly assimilated just how bad everything went. Just how far south things went, and how fiercely everything burns. And you stand there for a long time, holding yourself, waiting for the heartbreak to stop. But the thing with heartbreak is that it never fully stops, does it? You just learn to deal with it better.
It’s weird. You never thought you could be cold and burning at the same time. But if this is hell, then hell has frozen over because you’re shivering, just holding yourself.
You feel like you’re sixteen again, like you watched your dad walk out of your life again. Maybe because Jungkook really was the cataclysm to you, and now you’re stuck with the aftermath.
But you don’t cry. No, you hold the tears in. Force them to dry without having rolled on your cheeks, convince them that you don’t care. It’s something you’re good at. Pretending. Because maybe you’ve been pretending you hate Jungkook for a lot longer than you thought. Maybe that’s the reason why it hurts so bad.
But you won’t cry, no. You won’t cry for Jeon Jungkook.
You get home later that night, after having walked through a daze for the whole evening. You’re drunk, and you’re still aching from the inside out. Your phone is in your hand, and you’ve been on Jungkook’s conversation for so long without blinking that your eyes have fully gone dry.
You watch the text you’ve just sent, the only proof that you ever cared about Jungkook.
[2:31 am] You: i reall y wish things ddn’t go so bad
It takes you three days to realize it never delivered.
Friday, July 20th
                It takes Jungkook a little under two weeks to officialise things with Laura. It’s moving quickly, he’s aware of it, but he’s been trying to ignore the way he saw your heart break in your eyes. It seems the best way to do it is to watch feelings swell in someone else’s gaze, and so he asks Laura to be his girlfriend after their third date.
She says yes, beaming like she’s the sun personified.
Still, when Jungkook closes his eyes at night, all he sees is your heart breaking in your eyes.
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yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh.. my bad. I really went far with this angst uh? What do we think? What's going to happen next?
All rights reserved to @/oddinary4bts 2023. Do not copy, repost or translate.
Taglist (strike-through means dumblr is not letting me tag you):
@chimchimmarierie | @pamzn | @sugaluvmyg | @tearyjjeonon | @jkclouds | @libra04 | @parkinglot-nights | @ggukieasy | @omnomnomtron | @jichimx | @synnfulqt | @leedoesntknaur | @pornichett | @melodiesforari | @oopscoop | @nadzzzblog | @amylouisecullen | @sunwooful | @parkethereal | @jeonhvvrs | @daisies-and-dandelionpuffs
325 notes · View notes
allisonlol · 2 years
Can I request a Fyodor Headcanon of his s/o and him being caught in the rain? he’s so flawless I couldn’t see him caught in the rain lol. Please take care <3
a/n: this is adorable yes yes yes. added some of my other favs just cuz!
warnings: none!
(Fyodor, Ranpo, Jouno) Getting Caught in the Rain With Their S/O
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i agree that he's almost too perfect to imagine in this situation BUT
the two of you had been out for a date, and it was on the walk home that the sky had turned cloudy and grey
rain hadn't been in the forecast so neither of you were really prepared when it started pouring
you hear fyodor curse under his breath while he quickly takes off his coat and throws it over your shoulders <3
i feel like he really hates the rain. specifically, the getting wet part cuz we know his anemic ass is gonna be freezing
does that thing where he pulls you close to shield you more from the rain
^benefits of having a bf who is tall asf i guess!
y'all just huddle together and try to speed walk towards the nearest place for shelter
y'know those pictures of cats where they get wet and look all pathetic and pissed off? yea that's what he ends up looking like
you've been too busy laughing at that and he's just shooting you the nastiest glares while literally trying to squeeze the water out of his clothes bye
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so this time, y'all KNEW it was going to rain but had still tried to plan your day around it
unfortunately, you severely misjudged the timing and ended up getting LOST in the city when it started storming
remember that scene of the gif i inserted??
you would think he'd be prepared like that again but nah, no umbrella this time
instead, ranpo give you his little cape (?) thing but it gets all soggy and deadass weighs you down so you throw it back at him PLS
wrings it dry-ish and holds it over both of you as a makeshift umbrella
and then y'all take off and start BOLTING down the sidewalk in search of a directory or something to tell you how to get back home
(think of that meme with the two people in the jacket running in the rain and just screaming AAAAAA)
needless to say you guys are still lost and end up calling kunikida with ur literal waterlogged phone
bro has to drive around until he finds y'all and to top it off you guys get water all inside his car??
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oh lord. you guys already know how this is gonna go down
so. you and jouno like to go for walks in the city, right? y'know holding hands n all that cute shit that he pretends to hate
today the forecast was supposed to be good, but jouno wouldn't shut up about how he "can sense rain coming"
you're just like "ok sweetie, whatever you say" LMAO
but he was actually right and like 30 minutes later it downpours
jouno hates the rain (cuz it messes up his hair or some shit) so he's immediately gonna start bitching
starts walking super fast and dragging you after him
you're all like "oh i WISH i'd brought a coat so i wouldn't get all wet" in a subtle attempt to get him to give you his but
mf just goes "no shit, you really should've" petty ass
LOL dw he does end up giving it to you but claims it's cuz it "got so drenched it's not even worth wearing" yea mhm ok
you guys wind up sheltered in some random shop and jouno terrorizes the owners to let y'all stay past closing till the rain has stopped
usually you'd be like "bro stop" but you let it slide this time since he looks so cute. like when you give a kitten a bath and it's all soggy and miserable <3
taglist: @deadmitochondria @miycutie @scul-pted @exorcisedstraydog @chuuyasboots @shy-socially-awkward-intovert @beandaifuku @stygianoir @sonder-paradise @dreaming-of-ambedo @nervousyetconfidentway @beautiful-is-boring @irethepotato @serenareiss @thescrunkly @ashthemadwriter
919 notes · View notes
silverflqmes · 1 year
notes. because i’m that bitch who went to see this movie in theaters four times, you guys are getting my unhinged hcs for going to this movie with some hq boys
genre. crack. just crack.
ft. tooru oikawa, kenma kozume, hajime iwaizumi, rintaro suna, tetsuro kuroo, satori tendo
tw. headcanons may include some spoilers to the mario movie</3
gender neutral! reader.
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➫    𝓞𝗜𝗞𝗔𝗪𝗔   𝓣𝗢𝗢𝗥𝗨   ୨୧   ˎˊ˗
⌗ ah, yes. as a long time fan and because he heard peaches, tooru had to see the movie just to mess with you a bit ( and to relive his childhood )
⌗ “y/n-chan, at the end of the line, I’LL. MAKE YOU MIIIIINEEE, OHHHHH—”
⌗ “tooru.. i’m already yours..”
⌗ showed up in attire befitting of the movie theme ( overalls!! ) and begged to get the film special when you guys were ordering food and drinks.
⌗ doesn’t look it, but has for sure played mario games before! definitely owned a wii and ds at some point in his life; totally did download play with hajime, i don’t make the rules ( tooru does. ). so it’s needless to say he knew his shit
⌗ movie aside — tooru will very much be cuddling you in the theater because it gets cold and he likes being close!!
     ➫    𝓚𝗢𝗭𝗨𝗠𝗘   𝓚𝗘𝗡𝗠𝗔   ୨୧   ˎˊ˗
⌗ you are GOING to the movie, you have no veto rights to say no.
⌗ knows the entire soundtrack with every single extract from every song in every mf game, and found ALL the easter eggs down to the “chasse au canard” — the french title for duck hunt.
⌗ while kenma may have this unyielding expeession of indifference that hardly ever leaves his face, you never failed to miss that look of childlike wonder that flashed in those golden eyes of his throughout the movie.
⌗ isn’t one for pda but since it’s dark, he held your hand throughout the movie and squeezed it whenever he spotted another reference<3
⌗ the mario high does not die down after the movie so y’all play for a bit on the wii just for nostalgia
⌗ yk when people come off a carnival ride and are all like “let’s do that again” — yeah, that’s him. but with this movie.
⌗ wasn’t crazy about going to the movie but when you kept begging to go, he just had to give into your pleas if it made you happy
⌗ it was needless to say, he was that meme of spongebob ascending when he heard the songs that were being played — especially when thunderstruck came on during the designing of the karts scene
⌗ “i know they did not just- what is this soundtrack. AND WHY IS IT IN A MARIO MOVIE.”
⌗ cannot choose between the kart scene and the arena fight between mario and donkey kong ( if he had to pick favs )
⌗ the training scene of mario doing the obstacle course had him howling — could not stop laughing and honestly, same.
⌗ comes out of the theater blabbering about everything he saw, acting like the gemini he is capable of being at times and it was just the cutest, rarest sight for you<3
⌗ made the FUNNIEST COMMENTS during the movie — istg people started looking at you cuz you could not stop laughing
⌗ “damn, bowser really just got jumped in broad daylight in brooklyn.” or “the fact that nobody said or questioned anything when a bunch of turtles just pulled up rampaging through the city — like just another day in brooklyn.”
⌗ he was LIVING for the shy guy scenes, like when they jumped spike in the streets of brooklyn or made those noises and did the head tilt when luigi was having this very non lgbtq moment with bowser
⌗ saw and heard cranky kong and now kins him just for the sarcasm and dry comments
⌗ he knows the mario brothers rap VERBATIM and sang it when it came on ( also sang the dk one )
⌗ immediately changed his ringtone to the gamecube start up noise when luigi’s phone went off in the movie and downloaded the entire soundtrack on spotify for studying purposes ( totally played it for many more reasons )
    ➫    𝓚𝗨𝗥𝗢𝗢   𝓣𝗘𝗧𝗦𝗨𝗥𝗢   ୨୧   ˎˊ˗
⌗ if you thought you were safe, no you are not. because when i tell you.. he picked up the bowser rizz like a disease ( kuroona fr ).
⌗ the whole “i guess love really makes a guy come out of his shell🥴” — yeah. expect to see him turn to you SPECIFICALLY during that scene ( because he has seen videos ) JUST TO SAY THAT TO YOU.
⌗ you either laughed, smacked his head or deadpanned — the choice is yours.
⌗ he gave you a side eye when mario ended up in the cat suit and me-owed into your ear mockingly before doing that chaotic ass laugh of his
⌗ when you go to shower and get ready for bed, don’t be surprised when you exit and hear piano noises of tetsuro just casually showing off his take on the underground theme
⌗ like tooru, he also sings peaches to you. literally came out of that movie and made bowser his new personality
⌗ come on now, this weeb is totally a nintendo geek / enthusiast — HE QUITE LITERALLY PUT THE TENDO IN NINTENDO so OF COURSE you guys are going to this movie
⌗ he was very eager and excited to attend, has literally been waiting all his life for this movie to come out- to like finally be MADE
⌗ it was just the cutest sight but he was a MENACE in the theater — literally snickering throughout the movie during every joke or was just pointing every reference
⌗ he did several impressions of toad to get a laugh out of you and honestly you couldn’t help yourself; it was silly and stupid but adorable
⌗ when take on me started playing during the drive with funky kong through the jungle kingdom, he did the high pitched bit from the memes and honestly you had to laugh
⌗ another peaches enthusiast.. “OHHHH PEACHES, PEACHAAAAAAS-” gets the flashlight pointed at him to hush and he covers his mouth before snickering
notes. yes i know this was unhinged and just on a whim but enjoy, thank you and goodnight
↳ return to main masterlist . request rules . send an ask
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notedchampagne · 1 month
if you're still looking for movie recs!! here's some i LOVE not sure how hidden some of them are but they ARE gems
Moonstruck (1987) - cher and nic cage are extremely italian and say some of the most bonkers lines ive ever heard. nic cage's "johnny has his hand! johnny has his bride!" monologue got kinda memed i think and it might make you think its a goofy movie which it is but its also a genuinely phenomenally constructed and really gorgeous and clever one.
Down with Love (2003) - hyperstylized, chic and campy faux-60s satirical battle of the sexes romcom with maybe the highest joke per minute ratio ive ever seen in a movie. every second of it is hilarious and SUCH a feast for the eyes, all around hysterically fun.
Ida (2013) - Polish black and white film about a nun and her aunt and their family history in the 60s. never graphic or violent but does deal with some pretty heavy topics (namely the holocaust and suicide). a lot more quiet and introspective but pretty short and sweet around 80 minutes
We Have a Pope (2011) - smart, funny, surprisingly melancholy italian comedy about a papal conclave. this one was an instant fav for me, its one of those movies that sort of opens with a thesis question and instead of resolving it just continues to wind it around and reflect in on itself in really cool, weird ways
Certified Copy (2010) - lush, gorgeous, disorienting romance about a french single mother and an english author in tuscany. kind of hard to explain without giving it away but it follows this theme of originals and copies and reflections of reflections. it exists on this like, razors edge of cynicism and sincerity and its SO visually stunning, like there were some shots that actually made my jaw drop
OOH certified copy and down with love definitely grabbed my interest but for the latter thats something id watch on my own time. you know for silly joyous things to see while im drawing.
i am still open for more movie recs but if anyone wants to see the type of stuff i already watched heres my letterboxd
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hippolotamus · 3 months
Hippo my loooove
James, darling!!!!! 🥰
🥑 you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
oh! I was hoping someone would ask this! 😅 hands down I’m texting @blackandwhiteandrose and @stereopticons first. @giddyupbuck if an assist is necessary. ngl probably my boss too because she has a scary amount of knowledge about serial killers and natural disasters *chuckles nervously*
🎲 ⇢ what stops you from writing more in your free time? 
Mental fatigue mostly. After work and parenting it can be a struggle if the beans aren’t happening.
🧸 what’s the fastest way to become your mutual?
more than likely? just show up like a feral cat and don't be rude
🥐 name one internet reference that will always make you laugh
I couldn’t decide on something that wasn’t fandom specific, but one of my love languages is Memes. So have some of my personal favs
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🐝 tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
@stereopticons - i cannot be expected to say just one nice thing. i'll go with: if you don't have her in your life... i'm so sorry. i, for one, am looking forward to the day we get to spend the rest of our lives living in a forest cottage with our cats.
@blackandwhiteandrose - personal life coach, cruise director and graphics consultant. literally nothing is off limits.
@disasterbuckdiaz - mi amor, mi vida, mi alma. so damn smart, kind, full of amazing ideas. LOML right there
@vanillahigh00 - the first person to beta my work. a chance meeting that led to an incredible friendship in and out of fandom.
@watchyourbuck - provider of the loudest yells and (loving) threats. need a cheerleader? she's your gal (gn)
@giddyupbuck - from words to edits, they will shamelessly encourage any absurd idea i come up with. likewise with @jesuisici33 @daffi-990 and @tizniz
@shortsighted-owl and @eddiebabygirldiaz - other escapees from The Zoo (ifykyk) who have supported me in and out of fandom, through all kinds of shit.
@elvensorceress - my dearest ducky friend. she is friend to all and literally deserves all the love in the world
@spotsandsocks - legit one of the nicest humans on planet earth. The universe was blessed when Spotty was gifted to us.
YOU - bless you for being absolutely unhinged with me about Buddie and loads of other outrageous topics
send a writer truth & dare ask
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weirdfishy · 9 months
fic stats meme
Rules: Give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the least words.
tagged by @mashumaru !!! thanks lovely for the tag, i haven't had a minute of brain power to write lately, but i love being tagged in these!! (also, all my ao3 stuff is archive locked, so y'all've gotta be signed in to read them)
Most Hits
Unknown Caller ID - Danny Phantom x DC Batfam
Surprisingly, Damian steps in front of him, arms crossed. “Batman, this is my Father. He arrived soon after receiving word of my capture. Please, refrain from arresting him.” Danny reels.
one of the favs (n istg i will make more but like. life.) bc it's crack Treated Seriously n i love this concept that Damian has just gone 'you're now my father' to Danny bc Danny is Worthy Of Dating Bruce
Second Most Kudos
Tim's Drake's introduction to ✨Ghosts✨ - DP x DC Batfam
Tim, currently standing on top of the Batmobile, in distant yet full view of the computer’s camera, shouts, “Not B! How the fuck do you deal with a ghost!??” Tim hops off the car and dashes towards the computer as Constantine just gives a weary sigh, dragging a hand down his face.
lil bit of crack treated seriously, allowing myself to be silly goofy
Third Most Comments
just slip me on, i'll be your blanket - The Sandman, dreamling
It boils Hob’s blood, to see him like this—to not know how long his stranger has been here, in this hell of human greed. But you can be hurt…or captured. He’d heard the stories, the rumors of The Magus and the Devil in his basement. Hob didn’t know about devils, but he did know of those assumed to be yet never were, taking human form. Hob also knew of imprisoning others, and of being imprisoned.
legit one of my favorite prose stuff, even if i lost motivation (& my notes) for fleshing it out
Fourth Most Bookmarks
Discussion in Trust - Boku No Hero Academia
“We know that the second they know they can control you, you’ve lost,”—a pause—“but once you lose, you can learn. And I learned, Sensei, from fucking five, that “quirkless” was a societal loss I’d never stop learning from.”
my contribution to all might bashing, dadzawa, and like? analyst izuku. proud of it still, at the time i adored it but yk, my self standards raised so.
Fifth Most Words
C'est la vie - Criminal Minds, Emily Prentiss/Murder!Reader
Drip,  “Family is not blood.” You tilt your head back, closing your eyes, voice low and slow. sigh “But I would bleed and cry for family found blind- I would turn to & die. I would turn blade & kill.” You lick your lips, catching the edge of the cut, the sting causing you to shiver.  drip, “Apocalypse,” you finish, tilting your head back to face them, squeezing the trigger. die-
oh boy, this one is my second??? fic posted, and i fully intend to rewrite it, but it's been awhile, and it will continue being awhile
Least Words
To See the Sea Last - The Witcher OC
Stilled lungs bloated with a corrosive, burning salt, and yet felt no pain. The water line rose higher. Strands of gray danced in a thin crown as the ocean submerged the body of a man who had chosen to both live and die by the whims of the sea.
a flash fiction fill, it's a lil poetic death scene of one of my OCs, a pirate named Walerian. i actually adore this, even if it goes mostly unseen
no pressure tags to: @oliveofvanders @fannafiction @spacedace @shire-bard & ofc anyone who would like to ! <3
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lamonnaie · 10 months
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme!
Thanks for the tag @fiercynn !! This is a really lovely idea :)
note: i consider "fanworks" to pretty much everything people create related to a fandom, including but not limited to meta/analysis/discussion, gifs, fanvids/edits/fancams, filk, fanart, fanfic, fan food, fan crafts, etc. please include this note with the meme unless you have a different definition!
name and whatever you want to share about yourself hi i'm mars, i use she/her pronouns, i live in australia and i've been into thai/asian bl for a little over a year now. i mostly just lurk and mass rb on tumblr lol, but i'd definitely like to get to know more people !!
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom? I was actually trying to track down the exact date recently (i failed), but i watched it for the first time around mid-september 2022, ended up binging it in a day and been a part of the fandom since
favorite ship(s) patpran <3
favorite character(s) pat !! he's one of my favourite characters from any media ever. I just love how selfless he is and how he transforms through the show, and how bright he is but knows when to stand his ground. i could wax poetics about him fr <3
favorite episode(s) Whenever i watch/rewatch bad buddy i tend to binge it so i can never distinguish betweens episodes lol. In general, ep 12 is definitely one of my favs because i feel like it ties things up nicely and i like seeing them happy :) i can probably give a better answer for favourite scene...
favorite scene(s) ...which is why it's great that this is the next question!
In no particular order: the staircase proposal scene, the bus stop roleplaying scene, the post-curtain bench hand holding scene (specifically that one face pat/ohm makes which imo is the single most most heartbreaking frame in the entire show), the ep 12 post-credits scene (wait was it actually post-credits, i don't remember ajksdjf), the screaming on the rocks at the zero-waste village scene, and the rooftop kiss (ofc)
Basically i just like to see them happy (most of the time) :)
one thing you would change about the show if you could the whole making-it-up-to-wai arc was not it for me. WHY was pran the one apologising and going after him??? still makes me mad to this day, but i think i'd have a lot more animosity towards wai if ep 12 didn't exist (also all the wai redemption arcs in fanfics have made me warm up to him :P)
what are your some of your favorite fanworks made by other people? ahhh so many!! joy of stanning a show that's finished is that it stays going through fanworks, but also now there's too many that i absolutely adore to remember in the moment, sp here's some:
we both know you're my only dream (fic) by @fiercynn: one of my favourite fics ever that i constantly go back and reread whenever i'm having a bad day (or not)
yield strength (fic) by @dulosis: the physics analogies do something to my brain /pos
10 things i hate about you (fic) by @nobodynobodyno: this one's so cute and i reread it all the time
this fmv to tujh mein rab dikhta hai by @transpat: desi moots, iykyk. but fr this holds such a special place in my heart, the lyrics are so patpran and the editing and clip choice is just *chef's kiss*
this fmv to dandelions: IT'S SO GOOD. all the parallels, the dialogue overlaying is just perfect, and the TRANSITIONS (the one at 1:28 especially)
every single one of @hereforlou's art: i'm literally obsessed, i don't always see everything on my dash so i'll literally check their tumblr every couple days. is this stalker behaviour? possibly, but if you've seen their art i think you'd understand.
Also special mention to this one gifset of the staircase proposal scene which was my first ever exposure to bad buddy, it made me watch the show to begin with, but i didn't rb it when i first saw it so now it's lost to the times 😭😭
I have an insane amount of fanfic i wanted to put here but for the sake of length of this post, i restrained myself ajskdjf
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made? i do not (yet 👀)
a song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol) pretty much every fmv/edit that i've rewatched a couple times set to a song will make me thing of bbs lol, so some are tujh mein rab dikhta hai and dandelions from above, emily by Jeremy Zucker and Chelsea Cutler because of this amazing fic, and gorgeous by Taylor Swift because of this gorgeous edit (y'all please go watch it it's amazing).
idk anything else you want us to know? It's the perfect timing for this because these are my nails right now ):)
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honestly not super sure who of my mutuals are bbs moots so i'm just gonna tag some people, feel free to ignore this if you've already been tagged/don't want to do it! :)
@nobodynobodyno @dropthedemiurge @justafriend-ql @cornflowershade @hometothecanyonmoon @7nessasaryevils
If you see this and you want to do it, this is is me tagging you as well !!
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ereborne · 5 months
Hello, happy holidays! For the End of the year ask meme if you'll like to answer any of the following: 8 (game of the year), 25 (a character you created), 14 (fav book), or 18 (a memorable meal)
Happy holidays! I hope they've treated you well <3
8: I don't play many games myself (only Stardew Valley, Minecraft, and silly seek-and-find puzzle games) and my laptop was too tuckered for games for most of the year, but even if I'd been farming nonstop I think the game of the year would still be Final Fantasy VII Remake. Pretty sure it'll be the game of every year until it's all out, and then maybe a couple years more for good measure. I am having such an incredible time following the game as it comes out and @kaylithographica plays through it, and I can't wait to see how Square Enix keeps going with the meta and story changes.
25: Some of the more complex edits I've been trying to work on this week actually revolve around a particular OC, so we'll talk about her. Her name is Mercy, and she was not supposed to be important (folks who have lived with me may be familiar with this refrain). She was supposed to be a filler character! She's an archetype! Her name is Mercy and she has none! Grr rar tragic backstory vengeance quest knife collection! But nooo now she's got layers. She's got depth. We're emotionally invested in her character arc. Damn it. Anyway she befriends her local main characters to use them as pawns in her revenge plot, spends a lot of time with them waiting for them to vouch for her to her target, gives up her first chance at revenge because she has to go save them instead (in a scene so terribly close to the classic 'stand at crossroad, look longingly at selfish goal down the left, turn back fully on goal to run to friends down the right path' that I may rewrite it to avoid cliche shame), and then eventually gives up her scheming entirely because it would be too much of a betrayal of her very best friends the main characters. She was supposed to die in the first rescue, and then the whole story locked up and I had to go back through trying to find the writer's block instigation point, and I realized I've made too optimistic a world to kill her off without friends or redemption. She's (big sigh) thematically significant now. At least she's also very cool.
14: I'm going with my favorite book that came out this year, to help narrow things down: "The Innocent Sleep", by Seanan McGuire. Seanan McGuire is one of my favorite authors and this is my favorite of her ongoing serieses, and usually we get one a year (usually just in time to be my birthday present to myself! a joyous coincidence) but this year we got two. "Sleep No More" and "The Innocent Sleep", paired stories, one from Toby's point of view and one from Tybalt's. The current state of their world means that these two POVs of the same happenings are wildly different, and it's fascinating (a little heart-wrenching sometimes) to see. Also, Tybalt and his friends dimension-door into Costco in the dead of night and steal all their catfood. It's amazing.
18: The vegeble man had a special on collard greens one time, and I bought a 'bundle' thinking it was your standard grocery-store greens bundle, a generous handful at most. It was more like an armful. Apparently the special was because they'd been sold a literal truckload of greens (perfectly good but disqualified as 'organic' by some neighbor shenanigans) and needed to offload them quickly because the fridge wasn't ready for such a bumper crop. I cooked them in batches with andouille sausage and bacon and just a touch of this amazing miso ghost-pepper hot sauce Duncan has, and we ate them for our next four meals (with grits, with cornbread and grilled tomatoes, with fried eggs and beer bread, and then the last of them mixed into red beans and rice). I really miss not just Southern food but access to Southern ingredients (the 'andouille' sausage I get here is pitiful, and bacon is no substitute for a proper salt-ham, and neither is beer bread always a good alternative to a buttermilk biscuit or quickbread) and it was so nice to have a proper mess of greens again.
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twothpaste · 5 months
17 and 30 for the ao3 meme?
[ ao3 wrapped ]
17. Your favorite character to write this year? It is with a heavy heart I must concede, Claus continues to steal the show. There's somethin really engaging to me about developing him in these postgame fics, how he becomes such a dynamic character over the span of like 30 years. The Settled Score in particular is so dense with flashbacks, constantly weaving the past and present together - so I end up with lots of interesting little cross-sections of Claus' growth as a person. I can put carefree kid Claus right up next to the haggard PTSD-addled survivor he's become. Or the Masked Man right up against his present-day defiant love & optimism. I'm workin' with the whole Ship of Theseus at once. It's loads of fun discovering & highlighting the things he's outgrown, versus the things that've stayed exactly the same.
Porky's also a top contender. His in-the-flesh appearances in TSS are scarce, and some haven't been posted yet. In this fic he's like an awful misanthropic sickness haunting the world, living rent free in the rest of the cast's heads. An invisible implication beneath each little thing. Even when I'm not writing Porky, I'm definitely writing Porky. But every time I do get to work on a scene where he's physically present, I'm hyped as hell. I love writing his bitter & downright nasty dialogue, how pitiful he is, how he's so unrepentantly self-assured. In contrast with Claus, it's also a blast writing a character who petulantly refuses to grow, and instead prides himself in his stagnation.
I'll mention Hox, the former Pigmask Colonel, as a bonus. Out of the handful of "OCs" I've thrown together in this project, I think she's my fav. I always get a kick outta writing her. She's a brazen burly lady in her 50's, she's funny, she's straightforward, she gets shit done. She's got a complicated past, but since she very deliberately chooses not to wallow over it, you've kinda just gotta take little scraps of it at face value. She has surprisingly subtly sensitive interactions with characters you'd expect her to hate, and it makes me sappy as hell. Gotta love her.
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year? That this one goddamn fic was gonna take me all year. And then some. I've got no ETA on finishing it, it'll be done whenever it's done. After banging out so many fics last year though, it's weird slowing down like this for the sake of just one. I was expecting I'd wanna work on a bunch of oneshots instead, but this Fucking Thing had other plans. I'm happy with it. Finally learning how to take my time and commit to a long-term project feels really nice, actually.
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danidoesathing · 4 days
End of year content meme: 📝 a line or paragraph i’m really happy with | 😔 a gifset i wish had gotten more notes
📝 a line or paragraph i’m really happy with
"The desert sun hits greets you like a fist. The light is blinding after a lifetime under the earth and the heat threatens to burn your flesh off your bones a second time, but you claw towards it in all it’s blazing salvation. You break through the surface into a barren wasteland of scorched earth and burnt husks of homes. You are void of it’s desolation. Your hands - the same ones that built your family’s home and the same ones that pulled your wife into a dance and the same ones that had held your daughter for the first time and the same ones you saw char and melt into bones trying to break down the same door you had built - are unchanged. Your skin is unmarred and your heart still beats in your chest. By some miracle or curse, you are alive. But you are not the same. You feel the heat of a inferno raging underneath, an awful, hungry thing that threatens to swallow the world whole in its hatred. The oppressive fever of the desert is nothing to the hellfire shaping your bones.
You are born again in a graveyard next to your wife and daughter."
More of the tma au that but this one isnt statements as much as it is a bunch of snippets about different avatars. take a crack at what avery might be
😔 a gifset i wish had gotten more notes
I cant be too picky with how small the fandom is really but i do wish my Fav shots one because its pretty and im biased as well as the Strange Trails teaser and a majority of my Lonesome Dreams ones as they never did super great, but specifically this one.
also not necessarily a gifset but i do wish my Twenty Long Years endless loop got more attention. i still its really cool
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daxieoclock · 6 months
Tactica Impressions Part 6, No Plot Spoilers
Toshiro continues to bring the entire plot down. I need him to stop being here. Please. Please, I'm dying and the only cure is No More Adult Man Party Member In Persona Game.
Erina is a fantastic character and her development is fantastic but it DRAGS that she's so fixated on being nice to Toshiro and sucking up to him and giving him unearned authority over her rebellion and the Phantom Thieves.
They've even co-oped Futaba into buddying up to Toshiro and it sucks so bad. Futaba. Futaba, cyber criminal and prodigal hacker, compares her being autistic and talented to Toshiro's...having experience deescalating cabinet battles. It's SUCH mischaracterization.
Complaining aside. All The Girls (And Ryuji) Love Erina's Flag and I feel like that's very gay of them. Everyone likes the cool girl.
RYUHARU SIDE QUEST with bonus Futaba and Haru sister moments, and Ryuji calls Haru "senpai." It's fucking amazing. Haru fans keep winning.
Even though Yusuke and Makoto are my least fav Thieves on average, I do love how they're animated this game. They both have fantastic poses, and there's even some good bits of characterization, though Makoto gets really robbed by most of the big planning stuff being handed over to Toshiro instead so he can show off. Stolen valor tbh.
There's one random moment where it looks like Haru and Makoto are holding hands. Yay! :)
The marriage fantasy scenes kinda sucked on average? The Makoto and Yusuke scenes were deeply unfunny jokes, the Ann scene felt like it was copy-pasted from Lovers 10, and the Ryuji scene was surprisingly earnest even through the attempt to play it off as a joke. Like...it felt like yet another case where Atlus accidentally wrote them into genuine bi subtext, as opposed to the "my friend is a weirdo" of the Yusuke scene.
The Haru scene almost made me tear up. Yes I'm a Harufan, yes I'm biased towards Shuharu. Don't care, it was so fucking genuine and played into her themes of overcoming romantic/sexual abuse and it was just AGHHGG I LOVE THESE STUPID KIDS.
How does Joker STILL have the grappling hook from Royal, what the fuck. We're playing X-Com over here, you didn't think that would have been useful EARLIER???
Anyway Erina continues to be an absolute badass, it's unreal how cool she is.
...I wrote most of these points as I experienced them, and now I may need to take a step back. Because the projection room scene in the castle has left me genuinely reeling. I'm not sure what to say beyond...that I am taking another look at Toshiro as a character. Because I might be starting to appreciate him. Metatextually, his role as a pseudo-party member is a fucking nightmare, and his writing is so inconsistent and uncharismatic that the most entertaining parts of his presence so far has been other characters dunking on him. His personality sucks and I don't like WHY Atlus put him in this game. But as a character, as a foil to the Thieves and an individual narrative...I am starting to be compelled. There is absolutely an opportunity for Atlus to absolutely dumpster this good faith they've got from me, but...I said "if they want to make Toshiro compelling, they need to do these things" and like fucking clockwork, they did. So now I'm putting my money where my mouth is. I don't have to LIKE Toshiro, but I will give his arc the benefit of the doubt. (Also if people want to read my specific thoughts on the scene, let me know, I'll definitely write them up if there's interest.)
Anyway pls look at this meme from @lilyhoshikawa
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Haru / Ann Close Read Lines: 21 (and boy fucking howdy what a handful of good ones we got this time)
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smolwritingchick · 6 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 3O- War of Hormone
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Chapter Summary: Jen portrays a sexy persona as she films War of Hormone with BTS. An old friend messages Jen when she creates a new Instagram. Nervous because she's not used to dancing so close to guys, Jungkook helps Jen to relax when up close and personal.
Genre: Major Jennie and Jungkook fluff!! JenKook! He's starting to show his feelings a little more!
Words: 7,000+
Author's Note: One of my fav chapters! The ending especially! I added a little more to this chapter compared to the first time I posted this years ago. New ideas kept coming and I thought the ending was sweet and foreshadowing.
What were her motives?
There must be a glitch, how can she keep doing this to me?
Angry thoughts filled the Golden Maknae’s mind. Frustration was visible on his handsome features as he continued to aggressively mash the buttons of the PlayStation controller. Currently playing Call of Duty with his best friend, Jungkook couldn’t help but feel taken aback when he noticed that he could not stop getting killed by her.
Noticing his frustration, Jen managed to keep her laughs to herself, smirking in amusement as she continued to snipe him, every time he would respawn. Her “Strategic” gameplay seemed to be working in her favor.
Her stomach dropped when she saw him trying to shoot at her character. A smirk appeared on Jungkook’s face.
He finally found her.
“How are you doing this!?”
She heard his frustrated growl, punching a nearby pillow. She managed to shoot him before he killed her off.
“Luck?” She quipped in an innocent tone. 
Finally, she could feel good beating him in one of the many video games they would play. It was pleasing to see him lose against her. Even if it was rare.
“JENNIE!” He shouted after he got killed, once again. Triggered by her laughter, he lunged at her, making her shriek.
“H-HEY! Wait!” She giggled as she tried to prevent him from snatching the controller out of her hands.
“Give me the controller!”
“Get away from me!”
Holding onto the controller with all her might, she grabbed onto a pillow to swing it at his head. His hair stood up, disheveled as he sat there, surprised at the sudden attack. 
“Oh, now you’re dead!”
“Get away!” She yelled, standing up on her feet. 
She ran around the couch with him running after her. With the game forgotten and playing in the background, the two friends stood on each side of the couch, watching each other’s move. Jennie, standing at the back of the couch, pondered how she would be able to get out of this.
“Hey! Over there!” 
As soon as he turned his head, she tried to make a run for it, only to get her wrist grabbed.
“Not falling for that, one.” He effortlessly picked her up over his shoulder. Feeling her fists banging against his back, he laughed at her pleas. “Suffer.”
With no remorse, he started spinning her around, attempting to make her dizzy.
“Yah! Yah! Yah! Yah! Yah! Cut it out! You’ll break a lamp again.” Namjoon scolded. “And I would appreciate it if I wasn’t blamed this time.” He added, staring at Jennie after Jungkook put her down.
“What the-it wasn’t me! I’m trying to tell you!” She exclaimed. “It was Jungkook! It’s been a year, Namjoon!”
“Uh huh...sure...”
“Why won’t you believe me!?”
The next day was Jungkook’s birthday. He was finally 17 and as a tradition, Jennie and Jungkook would send each other random birthday memes and messages. Carrying on the tradition, Jennie sent him random messages while he was at practice.
To Jungkook, who finished his dance practice, he looked down at his phone, letting out a short laugh.
Jennie had sent him a Kermit Frog tea meme
Jennie: When Jennie beats you in COD multiple times but that's none of my business :)))) [9:36 am]
“Two can play at that game...” He said, getting evil intentions.
Back to Jennie, she got herself ready for the day and heard a loud ping while brushing her teeth in the bathroom. Walking back to her room, she picks up her phone.
“This...this overgrown motherchucker!” She yelled, feeling her face heat up from embarrassment.
He had sent her a derp meme of himself 
JK: When you have a 0-29 losing streak against the birthday boy in Mario Cart but that's none of my business [9:41 am]
Jennie: JUNGKOOK! [9:41 am]
Backstage, still promoting Danger, Jennie and the rest of the members took early birthday photos for Namjoon’s upcoming birthday, to post on SNS.
“Aw, you look so cute!” She pointed to his birthday hat.
“I refused to wear the hat, but I still had to wear it.” He sighed. Although he didn’t like the hat, there was no denying that he looked adorable with it on his head.
“I’m sure the ARMYs will like it.” She stood behind him. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she smiled while he put up two peace signs.
As she chilled on the couch, with Yoongi, who was napping, she looked up to see Jungkook putting his mouth all over Namjoon’s hat.
“Whoa! Whoa! What is going on here!? Jesus Christ, Jungkook, what the frick!?” She exclaimed in alarm. The response she got from him was a silent laugh. As the Bangtan Bomb camera turned to her, she pointed out, “Mind you, he just turned 18, folks. What else is he going to do? ARMYs are going to go crazy over this, I hope you know. Jungkook better attend all their funerals.”
Finally prepared to promote War of Hormone, BTS started the day off by posing for the concept photos. For her outfit, she wore high waisted leather skinny jeans, black heels and a red short sleeved crop top with lace on the shoulders. Her hair was freshly washed and straightened with loose curls. Her appearance seemed foreign since the outfit showed off a sexier side to her.
“Jennie...looking good. Do you know that your front is the best? And your back is the best?” Jimin tried to flirt, putting an arm around her.
Rolling her eyes, playfully having an annoyed expression on her face, she took his arm off her, retorting, “Boy bye!”
Letting out a nervous chuckle, Jimin tried to explain on camera, “Don’t worry ARMY, this is just how our relationship works. Please support JenMin! Right now, she’s just playing hard to get. She’s easily flustered. She was probably just shy.”
“Riiiight. Whatever gets you through the day.” She patted him on the back, strolling away. Jimin let out another nervous laugh, trying to hide his rejection.
“ARMY, Jimin and Jennie are just friends. They always do this, don’t worry.” Jungkook explained.
“Why are you telling them lies!?” Jimin shook him, earning a loud laugh in response.
As they finished the group photo shoot, they took their photo shoot to a local store. 
“Ooh, can I have some? Haven’t had whipped cream in a minute.” She asked Suga, who had a can in his hands. He sprayed some in her mouth and she happily enjoyed the taste. “Just as good as I remember.”
After watching the guys do their individual photoshoots, she sat down against the shelves of groceries, with her right knee up to her chest. She rested her right arm on her knee.
From posing with her tongue poking out of her mouth, puckering up her lips for the camera, to having a strawberry between her teeth, the photo shoot went well so far. Getting back up to her feet, one of the female stylists fluffed up her hair, so it could put off a sexier vibe. 
“Is this too sexy?” She gestured as she leaned against the wall.
After taking more shots, she checked out some of the photos, nodding in approval. “Well damn. I’m getting better at these concept photos.”
The next day was the day of the Music video shooting. Jennie adjusted her leather jacket, zipping it halfway. Gathering around the director with the rest of the members, the director began to direct how the music video would go. “We’re doing one take.”
“Gah...one take?” Jennie asked in surprise. “This is going to be fast paced.”
“When it’s your cue, you’ll be sitting by the bench.” The director addressed.
After getting pointers, she turned to the camera, raising her shoulders up and down at a fast rate, clearly excited. “This is going to be fun! And I’m dancing in heels.” She pointed to her black heels. “Am I cool, yet? No? Okay, never mind, then.”
Getting out of the way, she watched the guys shoot the opening scenes of the music video. One of her favorite parts of the music video would have to be the beginning.
“Ah, it’s nice to chill for most of the music video. It’s fun to watch.” She looked on as the guys walked around the model. As she continued to watch, she couldn’t help but feel anxious about her performance for the music video. They were attempting to film everything in one take, she intended to make sure she didn’t slow anyone down.
When it was finally her cue as the guys were lip syncing the chorus, she sat on the bench, legs crossed, with a magazine in her hands.
La la la la la la la la la
aptaedo choego dwitaedo choego
La la la la la la la la la
georeumgeori hanakkaji choego choego
Throwing the magazine away, she stood up and strutted past them. Jin, taking a glimpse at who was walking past them, widened his eyes and pointed her out. Mesmerized by her presence, they scurried on to follow her, walking close behind her.
Continuing to strut in front of the camera, she had a sexy expression on her face as her hair bounced when she walked. Behind her, Jin, Rap Monster and Suga had their eyes widened, blinking in disbelief.
Jimin had his tongue out, occasionally licking his lips. V and J-Hope had their jaws dropped. V, being the extra one, also stared at her backside, pondering if he should grab it or not. Meanwhile, Jungkook checked her out by eyeing her up and down, biting his bottom lip.
Before she knew it, she began to lipsync her verse.
I know I’m the best, from head to toe
it’s completely ridiculous if you think I don’t know
Slowly unzipping her jacket, she peeled it off, throwing it back, allowing Rap Monster and J-Hope to catch it.
My hair
My body
My waist and legs
It’s okay to stare, I know that I look good
Stopping, she turned to the guys, calling them out.
Yea, I see you starin’ hard
Caught you off guard
I see you droolin’
Who are you foolin’?
V attempted to put an arm around her but she slid away from his grasp, wagging her finger, saying no. Suga got close to her, attempting to flirt but she placed a hand on his firm chest, shoving him away.
Sucks to know it won’t be easy to tempt me
You and I both know that I’m driving you crazy
Those sexy smirks and lip bites clearly show how much you’re yearning
Don’t try to hide it, I see your body twistin’ and turnin’
You call me an equation and say you can just do me
But we both know you’re the one dreaming and wishing you could touch me
With a sexy smile on her face, she pointed to the camera, continuing to walk ahead. Glancing down at her body, she lipsynced,
I could turn you into a man
But you can’t handle this
Halting, she placed a hand on her hip since Jungkook blocked her way. Unbothered by his seductive smirk and eyebrow raise, she met his stare, reaching out to run a hand through his soft, black locks.
You say you can’t hold back and you wanna please me
I’m gonna need you to behave and take it easy
Grabbing both sides of his black scarf, she pulled him close to her face.
And yes I’m the baddest
Yes I’m a bad girl
But I ain’t your baby, you gotta earn that
They both turned to the camera, placing one of their hands in front of it to block it. She and the members rushed over to the next spot and she stood in front of them. Rocking forward and back, she waved, dancing the choreography.
Hello hello, hello hello, I’ll tell you what I want right now
Hello hello hello hello, I ain’t givin’ it to you right now.
I’m the best and I know it but I’m not yours.
I make your body twist and turn when you in front of me.
Grabbing onto her hand, Jimin tried to kiss it but she pulled away.
nege dagaseogo sipjiman neomu simhage areumdawo
yeojaneun choegoui
seonmuriya seonmuriya
V tried to approach her again but she rolled her eyes and pushed him away.
jinjja nae sowoneun
neoppuniya neoppuniya
nan neoramyeon I’m ok
Oh jajega andwae maeil
aptaedo choego dwitaedo choego
meoributeo balkkeutkkaji choego choego
La la la la la la la la la
aptaedo choego dwitaedo choego
La la la la la la la la la
meoributeo balkkeutkkaji choego choego
Shaking her butt, she grabbed V’s hand before he could smack it. Then she headed inside the building that the model walked into. After filming, everyone checked out the finished product with bright grins on their faces.
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“I think we did a great job!” Rap Monster said to the camera. “However, if Jimin says, ‘Hey...I did something wrong.” That’ll make me feel nervous.”
“Oh dear.” Cringing at the scenario, Jen grabbed onto Jimin’s arm. “Jimin, you’re fine, right?”
Turning to them, Jimin joked, “I did something wrong.”
“NO~!” She shouted while Rapmon grabbed onto him.
The next day, after a short and sweet dance practice to clean up the War of Hormone dance, Jennie sat against the mirror, creating her new Instagram account. Placing one of her war of hormone concept photos as her profile picture, she named her account, JJenniee_JW
After following people like the members of Girl's Generation, 4Minute, Jay Park, EXO, 2NE1, Big Bang and her sisters, she posted a photo of herself smiling, with the caption, ‘Long time no see. I’m doing well! I missed you, all!’
She also posted her Instagram link on the BTS Twitter account, so the fans can be aware. Immediately, comments floated in like crazy, along with new followers.
‘Yes! You made one!! I hope the other members make one, too!’
“Munchkin made a new insta!’
‘Tell BTS I said hi!’
‘@ItzAngelinaa SHE MADE A NEW INSTA!’
'@ItzAngelinaa SHES STILL ALIVE!’
As she read the profile name, she smiled and immediately followed Angelina on Instagram, checking out her photos. She looked so happy, and even her hair was back to black. Not even a minute passed when Angelina commented on her photo
‘Hey stranger...DM me ;)’
After getting her number, they FaceTime each other as Jen put on her earbuds to speak with her.
“Long time no see, you bitch!” She heard Angelina shout. Jennie let out a laugh at her enthusiasm.
It’s been far too long. She missed this. She missed her. But guilt began to be on her mind because she didn’t stay in touch. 
What kind of friend is that?
“Jennie! Where have you been?! I’ve been worried about you! And now I hear you migrated to South Korea! K-Pop?! You were in LA for a show with your boys? You’ve been winning awards with them? Music videos!? GIRL! I want details! Now! I missed you! Why didn’t you keep in touch?” Angelina ranted as she started to tear up. “I’ve been worried sick about you! I thought you were pissed off at me for something. You legit fell off the face of the earth!”
Jen’s eyes began to sting as hot tears began to form in her eyes, as she couldn’t escape the shame. “I’m sorry...I should’ve kept in touch. Everything was so overwhelming. I’m sorry, no excuses. I’m a shitty friend, aren’t I?”
With a teasing smile, Angelina requested, “Well...if you treat me to a big dinner, I’ll forgive you.”
“Good. But don’t think I’m mad at you, JW. Leaving Amity took a toll on you. I understand you needed time for yourself. I’m just glad you’re happy. You look different. You’re glowing.”
“Thanks, girl! You’re glowing, too. Before we get to me, what’s going on with you? Still with Amity? Still rapping, right?”
Letting out a snort, She bluntly replied, “Oh, I left the group.”
Genuinely surprised at the sudden statement, Jennie asked a simple, “What?”
“Yeah, I actually left them a little after you did. I signed up for a new label. Went solo. I’m with Colombian Records. Been doing great, I’ve been collabing with bunches of artists. Nicki Minaj is hopefully next on the list.”
“R-really!? Wow! I’m so happy for you! I remember how much you told me you wanted to collaborate with a bunch of people. So, what happened?”
“What didn’t happen? Ugh, Hailey was pissing me off. As soon as you left, she wanted to try to stop me from doing new things. That bitch tried it. I dunno why she doesn’t just leave the group, instead.”
Frowning, Jennie shook her head. “She just wants followers...people to boss around. That’s not a leader. Hey, let me listen to your music! I can buy it off iTunes, right?”
“Yep! Tell me what you think, when you listen. I’ll even let you listen to my new work! And I hope you know that you and I are going to be doing music together. No ifs, ands, or buts. I will fly over to Korea, to see your ass. And I will find a way to book a flight for you to come see me, I don’t even care about your schedule, we’ll make it work, missy!”
“Haha, I’d like that. So how is Amity doing anyway?”
Angelina let out a sigh. “The three girls can have their girl group. They’re getting more popular. But it’s for the best.”
“I encountered Hailey in LA...”
“What did she do?” Her voice got angrier.
“Interrupted my breakfast with my leader, and threw a drink at my face.”
“That bitch did what?! Did you hit her? Please tell me you hit her! Damn, I wish I was there! Like no, who throws a drink at someone? That’s some weak shit.”
“I got held back and she hid behind her security. And as much as I really wanted to smack her, I’m representing BTS, I need to not do anything too crazy.”
“Ha! I can’t believe this girl...She’s a whiny little brat, she would probably threaten the sue since she can’t fight her battles. But I’m impressed with how you’re maturing. You’re being the bigger person. Honestly, she’s not worth it. But to me, she is, because I really hate her guts. I got into a physical altercation with her.”
Jennie’s sudden shout, made the guys turn around. She grinned sheepishly, waving their amused stares away.
“Hahah, don’t worry, I didn’t go to jail. Thankfully...”
“Oh god, what did you do?!”
“She hit me first, okay!? Remember that! That was also one of the main reasons I left. She got pissy with me because I called her out on her bullshit and then she got in my face. Need I remind you that I don’t like it when people are in my face? So then, she shoves me.”
“Oh...so that’s how we’re doing things?”
“I know right? It was a wrap after that. It’s on World Star. I’ll send you the link.”
“Angelina!” She sputtered. “Why is it that I miss the good stuff when I’m not around? Jeesh!” 
Angelina laughed wholeheartedly. “Hey, you know I have a temper. I just regret getting grabbed by security so damn quick...ugh, I could’ve ripped the hair off her. You know she got plastic surgery, right?”
“I thought she looked different. She didn’t need it though.”
“Welp. I may had something to do with that because I ruined her face. I was let off the hook because I had to pay for all her damn plastic security. Waste of money, I could’ve donated it to the animal shelter.” She ranted.
Jennie smiled when she mentioned an animal shelter. Angelina always had a soft spot for animals underneath her strong image.
“But anyway, I wanna see you! When can you come to America? Or better yet, I’ll make my way to South Korea to see you! Show me around, and let me know how their food is. Remember, you’re treating me to a big dinner, so prepare your wallet!”
“Hahah, you and your eating habits. I’m promoting the new album that BTS just released. So, we’re going to be busy. I can’t have my singing exhibit this year either because of our tight schedule. But I’m planning the next one early for 2015, so I’m looking forward to that.”
“Ah, it’s cool. We’ll see each other, soon! By the way, are you dating one of the members?”
“Yo, why is everyone asking me this? First, it's ARMYs after I clearly stated multiple times that we’re all friends, then it’s my sisters, and now it’s you!”
“Haha, well are you sure? Because you and the guy with the black hair are always together. You sure?” She teased.
Knowing who she was talking about, she shook her head. “We’re best friends.”
“Hm. Yeah...that’s what they all say.” She muttered in a sarcastic tone, not impressed at her excuse.
“I’m serious! We’re all too busy to date, right now, anyway. Plus, I want to wait until I’m older.”
“Hm, maybe it’s because of your chemistry with him. It’s cute. Make sure you introduce me to the guys! I want to meet the leader. He’s sexy.”
Jennie groaned at her statement. “Oh God...”
After catching up, Jen packed up her bag after she and the members were told that they could leave.
“Jennifer. Jungkook. Could you two stay for a moment?” Mr. Son called them out. The two teens stand before him, awaiting what his request was.
Mr. Son glanced at the two of them and nodded to himself. “All right, as you know, War of Hormone is going to have various choreography changes and you guys are going to have fun with it. But I was thinking, for one of the choreography changes, you two can dance together. Will you two be okay with that?”
Jennie and Jungkook glance at each other and smile. “Yeah, sure. What do you want us to do?” She asked.
Dancing was always important between them. They both took it seriously, making sure their performances on stage were topnotch. With their minds on work and no play, they listened to what their dance teacher had to say.
“I believe you and Jungkook can pull this off. I have some ideas in mind as I’m listening to the lyrics, especially your verse. There’s a lot of things I want to work on.”
“Anything specific?”
“Jungkook, I want you to make sure you work on your facial expressions. The song is War of Hormone. She’s a beautiful young lady and you really want her.”
Nodding, taking mental notes, Jungkook said, “Understood.”
“Oh, okay, so basically you want him to look at me with want on stage? How the song is supposed to be? Like they guys did in the music video?” Jennie asked, getting the picture.
Mr. Son nodded. “Now you two are teens, your hormones probably have gone crazy, I’m sure.” He turned to Jennie. “What I want you to work on and to keep in mind is to act hard to get. Do not let this handsome young man woo you on stage when you perform.” He warned. “It’ll defeat the purpose of your verse. Jungkook, he’s beginning to woo a lot of ladies. Try your best to not get added to the charmed list.”
Waving his warning away, she nodded at his request. “I’ll be fine, on stage.”
“Be careful.” She heard Jungkook playfully warn. 
She playfully punched him on the arm. “Please, it won’t be that hard to resist you on stage.”
“We’ll see.” He raised a brow in a teasing manner.
“Oh boy, what have I started?” Mr. Son let out a deep chuckle at their funny banter. “Jennie, I also want you to flirt with the camera. I need you to act very sexy for this concept. Sexier than the music video. Your stage presence needs to be strong for this.”
“I won’t let you down.”
“All right, think about what I said to you two. I’ll see you guys in the morning to practice what I’m thinking of.”
A few days later, Jennie met Jungkook in the dance studio.
“Sorry, I’m late!”
Hearing a calm voice, Jungkook’s eyes lit up when he detected Jennie walking into the dance studio.
“There you are, I thought Jimin was going to keep you, forever.” He lets out a laugh.
“You know how he is. He asked me to eat lunch at the last minute when he knew I was meeting with you. He’s silly.” She set her bag down and plugged her phone into the stereo.
“He did it on purpose...” He grumbled under his breath, making a mental note to beat him up, later.
“I hope I didn’t make you wait too long.”
“Nah, I don’t mind waiting for you.” He responded in a soft tone.
Smiling apologetically, she replied, “I’ll try not to make it a habit.”
Walking to the middle of the studio, she began to stretch out her limbs. Already stretched out, Jungkook opened her phone and began to take photos of himself making derp faces. After he was done, he placed one of his derp photos on her lock screen.
“I’m afraid to see what you just did to my phone.” He heard her sigh. Letting out a laugh, he showed her the new and ‘improved’ lock screen “...Really?” She deadpanned as she stood up.
“Just trying to make you feel comfortable.”
Was her nervous demeanor that obvious since they started learning the dance?
“Don’t get me wrong, I am comfortable. I’m comfortable with you. It’s just that I’ve never danced like this before. And with a guy so close. Sorry, I’m taking a while to get it.” She let out a disappointed sigh.
Recently, Mr.Son had a female dance partner with him, to demonstrate what he wanted Jen and Jungkook to do for War of Hormone. And when Jen watched with nervousness at how close they were, doubts filled her head.
How was she going to pull it off? Make it look real if she had never done anything like this before.
But with Jungkook, he seemed at ease as he analyzed the dance, making sure he could better himself and be good enough to perform it for the crowd.
Part of her wanted to just chicken out. Maybe they should just do something else instead. But another part of her wanted to dance with him. It was Jungkook. If he was comfortable with her, she should be, too.
“I think I know how to make you feel more comfortable.” 
Her thoughts were interrupted by his statement.
“I see that you’re still nervous but it’s okay. I’ll loosen you up. Jennie, I want you to be comfortable in your dancing and when you’re dancing with me. So, before we go over the dance, I want us to try different songs to dance to, so you can get into the feel and loosen up. Do you have any suggestions?”
“Yeah, I have a few songs.” She grabbed her phone from him.
Flipping through her song list, she tried to pick out certain songs that had a certain rhythm. Deciding to put on Body Party by Ciara, the sultry melody filled the room.
“Okay, this seems like a good song to get into the feels for dancing close. Ah, but I wanted the instrumental. These lyrics are too sexy...” She murmured in English as she tried to search for it on YouTube.
‘My body is your party, baby’
“Oh dear.” She mumbled in embarrassment, at the lyrics. All she wanted was the music, not the lyrics. Letting out a sigh in defeat, she put her hair in a bun. “This’ll have to do, I can’t find it.”
Meanwhile, Jungkook listened to the beat, thinking it was a good song to dance close to because of the music.
‘I hope he’s not uncomfortable.’ She thought as she turned to him. “I’m sorry, do you want me to change the song? Are you uncomfortable or anything?”
Shaking his head, he gestured for her to continue what she was doing. “Nah, keep it. Dance for me.”
“Come again?”
Smiling, he leaned up against the wall. In his work mode, he seriously stated, “Dance for me. I want to see how you’re moving so I can help you.”
Nodding curtly, she walked to the middle of the room. Freestyling as she danced and body rolled on beat, Jungkook carefully analyzed her movements with his arms crossed.
“Ah, you’re still stiff.” He pointed out.
Stopping her movement, she let out a sigh, turning back to him. “Really? I don’t feel stiff.”
“You’re overthinking it. I can see it by the way you’re moving. Try doing it like this.”
He got off the wall and effortlessly did the same movements she did but in a stronger manner, making the movements pop.
“I think I might have it.” She turned back to the mirror, attempting to mirror what he just did, but failed. Annoyed at herself, she let out a frustrated sigh.
“It’s okay!” He chuckled softly. “You’re going to get it.”
“Can you guide me, please?”
With a curt nod, he got behind her, gently placing his warm hands on her hips. She could feel her ear getting tickled when his warm breath hit her ear. Out of habit, she tensed up, feeling her stomach flip.
“Follow me.” He said as they swayed to the beat. His hands moved her hips to guide her. “Make the movements slower and more powerful.”
Stiffening again, she murmured out a “Sorry.” as another chuckle escaped him. 
Who knew she would get nervous around him?
Feeling his chest against her back, he pulled her close while firmly holding on to her hips, getting a more intimate feeling for the dance. Her body began to heat up from the foreign contact as she let out a hitched breath.
Was this supposed to happen?
Was she supposed to feel this way?
Do all dancers feel nervous when it’s their first time dancing close to someone?
“Relax, Jennie, it’s just me.” He murmured in her ear.
Easier said than done.
But it was something about him that made her begin to feel at ease.
She thought about how he danced. He was so passionate. She knew what she was missing. It was the passion. He was right, she was overthinking it.
Relaxing her body, just like he said, her movements met his, in sync with the beat. As the song progressed, her movements were more fluid and stronger.
“There you go.” He saw a difference as they continued to move together.
“Aye! I’m getting it!” She happily said.
“I never doubted you.”
As soon as the song fades out, Chris Brown's Wall to Wall blared out of the speakers, boosting up her mood even more.
“Aye~” She shouted as she started jamming to the song. 
Jungkook let out a loud laugh, watching her dance around the room. 
It was cute.
“We’ll practice after this song! Dance with me, come on! It’s Chris Brown for goodness sake!” He heard her say over the music. Next thing he knew, his wrist was grabbed by her as she freestyled with him.
After the song ended, she finally put on War of Hormone.
With her nervousness gone, she confidently requested. “All right, back to business. Let’s go all out like we’re on stage. So, use your stage persona.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, do whatever. No holding back. Let’s perform like we’re performing on a music show.” She waved his warning away.
Watching Jungkook dance full out, inspired her. He was so good. He wasn’t called the Golden Maknae for nothing. Once it was her cue, she strutted to the front, putting a fist near her mouth, imitating a mic.
Touching the side of her head before lifting up her right knee, and tapping the side of her shoe, she lipsynced, “I know I’m the best, from head to toe. It’s completely ridiculous if you think I don’t know. My hair. My body. My waist and legs."
Turning her head back she saw Jungkook while ‘It’s okay to stare, I know that I look good’ was heard, she widened her eyes and quickly turned back around when she caught him biting his lip with a smirk across his face.
‘Jesus...his stage persona is no joke. I hope he didn’t peep that. Please don’t tell me he peeped that.’ She thought as she tried to remain focused.
Yes, I see you starin’ hard
Caught you off guard
I see you droolin’
Who are you foolin’?
“I saw that...”
She froze when she heard him whisper in her ear, teasingly. Looks like he noticed her breaking character because she was shocked at his intense expression change.
“Damn it!” She whined while he let out a laugh, pausing the song on her phone. “I’m sorry, I’m just not used to being stared at like that.”
“You’ll get used to it.”
“Will I?”
Walking up to her, his brown irises met hers as he looked down at her. “Are you nervous?”
“Not yet.”
“Good. Don’t be. Don’t look at anything else but me.”
Holding his strong gaze as he requested, she noticed some strands of his hair sticking to his forehead. His warm eyes watched her as she remained calm.
“Say your verse. And don’t take your eyes off me. If you avert your eyes, we’re starting from the beginning. And no matter what I do, don’t take your eyes off me.”
It looked like he was going to help her with her eye contact. Making facial expressions and doing gestures he would do on stage.
Was she in trouble?
“I know I’m the best from head to toe. It’s completely ridiculous if you think I don’t know," she spoke as she held his intense gaze. But she couldn't help but notice him getting closer and closer. "My..." she trailed off and looked away.
Letting out another chuckle, he took a few steps back. "Again,"
She restarted the song and repeated her lyrics, getting further this time, "My hair. My body. My waist and legs. It's okay to stare, I know that I look good,"
He started leaning forward while she leaned back, not expecting the sudden closeness. She took a step back as she continued, "Yea, I see you starin' hard," 
"Where you going?" he pulled her back forward by wrapping an arm around her waist, pulling her into his chest and she immediately folded, covering her face and looking away as he laughed again. 
Starting over again, she continued with no issues, "It’s okay to stare, I know that I look good. Yea, I see you starin’ hard. Caught you off guard. I see you..." she trailed off and looked away when he smirked and raised an eyebrow.
This was going to be hard. His charisma was impeccable.
"You see me what?" he teased. "Didn't you say it wouldn't be that hard to resist me? You're failing, Miss Bangtan. Try again,"
Jennie shushed him and got back in position. She'll get it...eventually.
Starting again, she went on, “I see you droolin’. Who are you foolin’? Sucks to know it won’t be easy to tempt me.” 
Watching him raise a brow as a smirk came across his face, she remained unfazed, keeping eye contact.
“You and I both know that I’m driving you crazy. Those sexy smirks and lip bites clearly show how much you’re yearning.”
Feeling bold, she placed a hand in his dark locks and moved it down to caress his face. Jungkook reacted by grabbing her hand and placing it on his chest before moving it down his torso.
"Jungkook!" she exclaimed, feeling her face heat up as she averted her eyes and backed away.
"Try again," he looked at her, amused. "You're getting better,"
"Yeah, but a warning would have been nice!"
"That defeats the purpose, Miss Bangtan,"
'This guy...' she thought as she restarted the song again and got in position. As she said her verse, Jungkook ended up pressing his forehead against hers, slowly moving her backward while she managed to keep going.
'Don't look away. Don't look away. You got this.' she thought.
"Don’t try to hide it, I see your body twistin’ and turning. You call me an equation and say you can just do me. But we both know you’re the one dreaming and wishing you could touch me.” she removed her forehead from his and lightly pushed him back.
Tilting her head to the side, she mirrored the smirk on his face as she walked back and he followed. “I could turn you into a man. But you can’t handle this. And yes, I'm the baddest."
He pulled her back into his arms as he held her. She kept her eye contact with him but the lyrics were forgotten. Both remaining silent, they held each other’s gaze. It was something about the way he was looking at her, that made her go silent as the music continued to play in the background.
“I messed up.” She finally spoke up, with the song way past her verse.
“Sorry, I didn’t notice. Let’s start again.” He let her go, broke eye contact, and went back to his starting position.
Before they could start, her phone started to ring. Walking over to it, she answered it. “Yes, mom?” she teased as she answered Jin's call.
“Sweetie, when are you and Jungkookie coming back? I’m making dinner, soon,”
“We’re at the dance studio, cleaning up the War of Hormone dance. We’ll be back at the dorms, soon! It won’t take much longer.”
Not thinking much about it, Jin said okay and they said their goodbyes.
“Sorry about that. Mama Jin is wondering where his babies are.” She joked, earning a soft laugh from Jungkook. “Want to start again?”
“Yeah. You're doing good improvisation as we keep doing this. Keep that in mind. Since we can do different things during the choreography, use those improvising skills of yours.”
“How do you do it?”
“Do what?”
“Make those sexy expressions?”
“Because I’m the Golden Maknae?” He grinned.
“Never mind, you big bunny.” 
“Let it come naturally. Just don’t overthink it. That’s your habit that I’m trying to make you break out of. You’re doing well, so far. Keep going.”
Nodding at his words, she started her verse again, successfully. Grabbing onto his white shirt, she pulled him close to her face as he grinned at her.
“And yes I’m the baddest. Yes, I’m a bad girl. But I ain’t your baby, you gotta earn that.” Shoving him away, she happily shouted, “I did it!”
“There you go! Strong contact. You’re learning fast. Let’s continue working on the dance.” He replayed the song and got back in formation.
Practicing the routine multiple times, each time Jungkook would restart the song if she messed up. He was patient and helped her with her facial expressions. She felt comfortable around him. And before they both knew it, they noticed how strong their chemistry was when they danced.
“Let’s do it one more time, full out. Then we’ll head back to the dorm.” He requested.
“Let’s go!” She gestured for him to replay the song.
After Namjoon’s verse, Jungkook smoothly came up next to her with a big grin on his face.
jakkuman nuni doragane yeojadeurui bae (Yup)
yeojadeureun bangjeongsik uri namjadeureun hae (Yup)
ttam ppilppil gwaenhi bilbildaege dwae
deo manhi jom sineojwo haihilhil
As she was in front of him, the both of them hopped forward and did the same on the other side.
nado yeollyeodeorp al geon da areo
yeojaga segye choegoran geot mariyeo
Placing a hand on his chest, he turned his attention to her. She brushed him off, while he lip synced,
Yes I’m a bad boy so i like bad girl
illu wabwa baby urin jal doel geol
After the chorus, she strutted forward while Jungkook was near the back of the dance studio, watching her.
I know I’m the best, from head to toe
it’s completely ridiculous if you think I don’t know
My hair
My body
My waist and legs
It’s okay to stare, I know that I look good
Turning her head back to see Jungkook watching her, biting his lip seductively once again, she remained relaxed, waving his looks away.
Yes, I see you starin’ hard
Caught you off guard
I see you droolin’
Who are you foolin’
Turning back around, she continued to lipsync her verse while Jungkook slowly made his way over to her. With a hand on her hip, she ignored his attempts to flirt as he tried to get closer.
Sucks to know it won’t be easy to tempt me
You and I both know that I’m driving you crazy
As she continued to lip sync, Jen body rolled with him mirroring her movements from behind. Placing his hands on her hips he grabbed her back as they effortlessly moved together, in sync.
Those sexy smirks and lip bites clearly show how much you’re yearning
Don’t try to hide it, I see your body twistin’ and turnin’
Escaping his arms, she turned around and grabbed him by his shirt, walking forward as he walked back.
You call me an equation and say you can just do me
But we both know you’re the one dreaming and wishing you could touch me
Letting out a laugh when he suddenly wrapped his strong arms around her waist, from behind, she held onto his arms, giggling out a, “Behave!”
Letting out a laugh himself, he released her as they both got serious again. He moved her body with his in sync with the beat as she continued her verse. She got used to the feeling as their motions were on beat and full out. She turned around and grabbed him by the collar, getting up close and personal.
And yes I’m the baddest
Yes I’m a bad girl
But I ain’t your baby, you gotta earn that
Deciding to kiss his cheek instead of shoving him away this time, he smiled brightly at the unexpected kiss and then got in position with her to dance the chorus.
Hello hello, hello hello, I’ll tell you what I want right now
Hello hello hello hello, I ain’t givin’ it to you right now.
I’m the best and I know it but I’m not yours.
I make your body twist and turn when you in front of me.
nege dagaseogo sipjiman neomu simhage areumdawo
yeojaneun choegoui
seonmuriya seonmuriya
jinjja nae sowoneun
neoppuniya neoppuniya
Approaching her once again, he grabbed her hand, smiling down at her as he gently lifted up her chin.
nan neoramyeon I’m ok
Oh jajega andwae maeil
aptaedo choego dwitaedo choego
meoributeo balkkeutkkaji choego choego
After the successful dance practice, she chugged down the rest of her water. Taking out a small towel, she kneeled in front of Jungkook, who sat against the wall. Handing him the towel, he dried off the perspiration on his face, messing up his hair.
Feeling her hand run against his damp black hair, attempting to fix it, his eyes lingered on her, as a soft smile came across his lips. He lowkey liked the feeling of her hands in his hair.
Jennie laughed nervously. “Sorry, I think I made your hair worse.”
“It’s okay. You can mess it up and style it how you like.”
“Hm, I’ll keep that in mind.”
They sit next to each other, resting their bodies.
“How do you feel?” He asked her.
“Much better, thanks to you.”
“Good to know.”
“I don’t want to come off as sounding too crazy but I’ll just come out and say what’s on my mind.” She spoke up, making him turn his head to her. “Jungkook, I admire your stage persona. I like how fierce you are on stage, and how you’re a sweetheart off stage. You inspire me. More ways than you think. Thank you for being so patient with me, today. I’ll work hard.”
“Anytime, baby girl.” He smiled softly. After he realized what he just said, he quickly stood up, letting out a couple of fake coughs. “My parents thought I was going to be a baby girl. That’s what I said.”
Laughing wholeheartedly at his statement, she questioned him. “Wait, what did you just call me?”
“N-nothing! Forget about it.”
“No, repeat what you just said.” She got on her feet.
Reluctantly facing her as his face heated up, he repeated what he said. “I called you baby girl.”
‘She’s going to kill me.’ He thought with a groan. ‘I just had to speak. I ruined everything.’
“Babygirl, huh? I like it. Keep calling me that. It’s cute.”
Her statement caught him by surprise as he watched her pack up.
Sighing out of relief, he replied, “All right, I will. I also wanted to let you know that I can continue helping you with our dances. Unless you want Hobi to then that’s fine or-Jimin or even-“
His ramblings were cut off by her light chuckle as they started walking out of the room with her walking a little bit ahead. She spoke out loud, not expecting an answer, “First, you’re my personal trainer in the gym, now you’re my dance instructor? What else do you want to be for me?” 
Smiling shyly to the floor, he mumbled something under his breath as his heart fluttered.
Hopefully your boyfriend one day...
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