#girlboss to your grave
imsosocold · 1 year
Hating the trend of female characters’ strength  only being considered ‘acceptable’ if it’s physical; specifically in violence and combat.  There is strength in words!  There is strength in creation! There is strength in relationships!  
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kxllerblond · 3 months
another 'haha duality' post but feral over the fact two things can be true for clark's vibes/aesthetic at once: (this) and (this) sort of music fits him as well as (this) type of music
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Not Sick Fic
744 words of Eddie not being sick and Steve not finding him endearing.
“I’m not sick,” Eddie argues, punctuating his argument with an aggressive sneeze followed by harsh hacking.
“Are you holding a loogie in your mouth right now?” Steve crosses his arms and tilts his head in what the Party has taken to calling his Mom Stance (trademark pending).
In a disgusting display of defiance, Eddie swallows. “No.” 
There’s a glob of neon yellow snot dripping from Eddie’s left nostril that he drags his crusty sweatshirt sleeve across before snorting up another drip of snot coming from the right side this time. 
“You are…” Steve sighs, exasperated, “so gross.”
The furrowed brows and grumpy pout paired with Eddie’s pink nose and puffy eyes could almost be considered cute if Steve hadn’t just witnessed him swallow a loogie.
“How the hell did I fall in love with you?”
Steve knows exactly how it happened. He could write a library’s worth of books about all the things he loves about Eddie Munson. That doesn’t change the fact that Eddie absolutely refuses to admit that he’s sick and is being very gross about proving his health.
“Because I’m so totally handsome and I can do cool guitar stuff.” His voice is scratchy and nasally and Steve can tell he’s trying very hard not to sniffle or cough. “And I’m super rich on account of the cool guitar stuff.” Eddie bats his thick black eyelashes and flashes a big bright toothy smile in Steve’s direction. It’s usually quite charming but the new bead of snot dripping towards Eddie’s upper lip causes his charisma to take a hit. “Gimme a smooch.”
Eddie sniffles harshly, sucking the snot glob back into his nose. He leans in, lips puckered up and chapped from extended forced mouth breathing, eyes squeezed shut. Steve reaches out a hand to stop Eddie from falling when he continues to lean forward. 
“You’re cute,” Steve admits, pushing Eddie back to balance on his own feet, “You’re also sick.”
“‘m not,” Eddie pouts again, opening his eyes and glaring at Steve.
Yes he is. Eddie is very sick. His nose is running a marathon and Steve could hear the congestion from a mile away. He’s running a 102 degree fahrenheit fever and shivering like a chihuahua on a sugar high. His eyes are red and puffy and his eye bags have eye bags. He’s sneezing and coughing and if the way he frequently grimaces and groans is any indication he’s nauseous too. 
It’s wild to Steve, how easily Eddie tends to ignore his own health and well-being. He’s going to work himself to an early grave and take Steve with him. It’s frankly astonishing how long Eddie’s made it and Steve is half convinced that Death is simply scared of Eddie. It wouldn’t be surprising. Eddie is absolutely horrifying when he wants to be. And also sometimes when he doesn’t mean to be. 
“Just lay down in bed, Eds. You’ll get better sooner if you rest.”
“Don’t need rest, ‘m not sick.” Eddie makes a noise like he might throw up if either of them make a wrong move. He clears his throat when the feeling seemingly passes. “Gotta finish planning out the next session for when the Party comes to visit next week and then work on some acous- acousti- ACHOO!” Eddie sneezes and a snot rocket launches toward Steve in a majestic arch of green and yellow nasal mucus. Steve, luckily, manages to move out of the way and not be hit by the bio weapon. 
“Did you just say “achoo” as you sneezed?” 
“I didn’t sneeze,” Eddie says, like a lying liar who lies.
Steve looks from Eddie to the small puddle of snot on the floor. “What’s that then?”
Eddie scoffs a couple of times, searching for a reasonable answer. His brain isn’t working at full capacity, which is reasonable considering he’s very sick, despite his resolute denial. “Science project.” 
Eddie lives and breathes gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss, Steve will give him that, but Steve has mastered manipulate, mansplain, malewife. Especially that malewife bit. If the government ever comes around to letting Eddie put a ring on it Steve would make a wonderful trophy wife. 
“Yeah? What’s the hypothesis?” That’s right, Steve knows science words. He may be a certified Ken but he’s not stupid. Eddie, of course, is a Barbie, but that was never really a question.
“It’s about projectile paths and stuff.”
Steve cannot believe how endearing Eddie is even when he’s being this gross.
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Chameleon, as your psychology professor (Anxiety ridden reader)
- You heard about the mysterious professor that everyone’s been talking about… Not only being famous for being bizarre, she was also famous for her mature looks, so of course you are going to hear the occasional thirst from the others as well… 🧎‍♀️ Regardless, you wind up becoming her student when the first semester rolls around. People are very jealous at the fact that you get to be in her class… Stink, first impressions are long-lasting so you better not mess up! - You bumped into her accidentally on the way to her class… Yikes, clumsy you…! You were beyond mortified 😰 at the piles of paperwork that you had to pick up, your brain was technically not braining the moment you decide to ignore reality and get in your head… Mood. 😪 Well, you’re about to enter that realm now because on the inside, you are a bundle of nerves, but on the outside? You were basically picking the papers up as fast as you can while mumbling apologies… Girl, same. 🤝 You were so focused on the task ahead while overthinking about the whole situation as well, wow ✨multitasking✨, you didn’t notice her helping you out and as well as observing your behavior… - “Calm yourself. I do not bite…” Is what she said, and you impulsively thought that she might as well do that… Rebecca reads your mind and smiles at the thought. You are funny. Slayed 💅 “I assume you are a new student here or…?” That was your queue to answer her, finally snapping out of your anxious state. She was satisfied with your answer, but she noticed that you were heading in the same class that she is going as well… “Are you one of my students in lecture hall ___?” You immediately went stiff at the mention of the class you were supposed to go. Goodbye 😞 Your career was over before it even started…! 😫 You just wanted to crawl in your grave at the sudden realization that she probably was, your professor… You couldn’t look up to see her being amused at your thoughts… In fact, you haven’t even looked up to see her for the first time… Whoops 😊 - And when you finally do, now you were very, very conscious of the way she looked… Exactly how those people described her. Wow. You just had to ruin your first impression with your college professor… You forced a shaky smile in an attempt to hide your pitiful state. Babes, I fear there is no coming back from this… But thank God before your professor could even leave another comment, the bell rang. - Immediately shooting up and giving her the papers that you picked up for her… You comically just really left her and she was like Oh…! 🤨 Now, that’s how you make an impression sis! You were sweating 🥵bullets on the way to the lecture hall, like GIRL, you were WORKING 💪, so HARD that you almost girlbossed too close to the sun from the incident 😭. - Girlie arrived a few moments after you, and start the class. Miss maam had you shaking like a leaf 🍃, at the back of the class though, I am not that cruel enough to put you in a spotlight sis 💅 - When it was your turn to introduce yourself, you felt like you might as well jump off the window due to how many… People were staring, and even her, who was anticipating for your introduction… Sis was looking at you like you were some tiny puzzle that stuck out from the rest of the class… After your introduction, she commented on how interesting your background was, slay? But that didn’t help at all when she was the person you bumped into and your mind kept going back at the encounter… Help. - The rest of the class went surprisingly smooth… If not for the fact that she was STARING 👁👄👁 at you at every opportunity, like GIRL you were sitting at the back of the class, why is she staring at you, when she can stare at the people in the front? 😰 Your anxiety level went ↘⬅🔁⬆↪↙↖↕↔⤵ - After the class, you were going through SPEED 🚅 levels of sonic, my girl you were RUSHING to get out of there asap! You were going to BOOK it 🏃‍♀️💨 Until, you hear her call your name and asked you to stay behind. Life does not unfortunately get better for you, poor unfortunate soul... 😇
- So, you wind up staring at the ceiling, finding the ceiling more appealing than the sight of your professor, staring. 😰 Bestie, you just wanted to get out of there and never come back again… You hear her clear her throat, and so you immediately meet her eye, she gives you a motherly smile… ☺One that made you want to die, because how could you deserve such a thing, when you bumped into her…? You were losing it on the inside, babes you’re fine, she’s here for you, and I’m here to support you as well…! In the background, of course! 💅 - She looks entertained at the prospect of a new student that has a rather interesting mind to dissect… She probably sees you as some sort of a new patient to have some fun conversations with… She wanted to see if she can alleviate your anxiousness by the power of psychology rather than the usual hypnosis. And so, she talked to you about how the experience was being on her class and if you had any feedback that you can provide so that it may help her out as well… You were now short-circuiting with all these, overwhelming developments that was suddenly happening… You ended up embarrassingly stuttering the whole time, trying to communicate that the experience was fine…! But you, on the other hand? Was not. On the inside. 💀 - She again, gives you that same smile, that makes you want to jump of the window because, what did YOU do??? 😩 While you were being a confused mess, she decided that she wanted to talk to you again, and ended the conversation with “I hope to have an exchange with you again. You may now go.” You didn’t hear the first part of the sentence; you only heard the words “go” and you ZOOMED 🏃‍♀️💨 out of the lecture hall just like that. Leaving, a very entertained Rebecca.
An: I wrote this before the nursing student intern, but I ended up finishing that one first before this... This... Is so unserious. With the random emojis 😶 there will be another part of this, and a fic as well if I am able to come up with ideas, till then!
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sweet-as-an-angel · 1 year
Yandere Phillip Graves Headcanons
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Warnings: Yandere behabiour, toxic beahviour, kidnapping, no pronouns used for Reader except 'You', flirting, Graves is jealous, Graves gaslighting himself, etc.
This man is the definition of gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss.
And not in a funny way.
You captured his attention with your skill, your humour, and your overall personality.
He's cocky, arrogant - tries to wow you with his flash lifestyle outside the military.
Btw, he would definitely use his money to keep you docile (or, in the beginning of your friendship, impressed); try to buy you expensive things to keep you happy where he himself could not satisfy you.
Lowkey flirts with you; like he really tries to make it subtle.
He thinks it makes you feel special when he's understated with his attention to you, feeling more genuine as opposed to him basically charming his way into your bedroom as he usually does with other people.
If you don't even reciprocate his subtle flirting (which you totally pick up on), he'll take that as a challenge.
Will increase the flirt factor when speaking with you.
"Looking mighty fine today, darlin',"
"Wish I could say the same for you, Graves."
Lives for the challenge you present to him - like you're a code he needs to crack.
Begins to over-analyse every interaction you have, trying to read it and find a double-meaning.
He's like a teenager with a crush; his thoughts are only of you.
Eventually, he'll start seeing signs that aren't even there.
You offered to help him plan a tactical attack on the enemy? You're making time for him - you want to be around him.
You give him your extra bread? You care for him. Deeply. The bread is a metaphor for your heart--
Stuff like that.
He literally gaslit himself into believing you liked him romantically.
Graves began spiraling a few months into his 'relationship' with you.
You saw it as a friendship, but Graves, apparently not.
He's always thinking of your safety and well-being, even when it's not necessary, basically forcing you to get medical check-ups you don't need because he "Doesn't want to risk it."
Risk what?
Well, your health, of course!
Absolutely gives unsolicited advice about how much of what vitamins you need in a day, what you should and shouldn't eat, etc.
Goes everywhere with you.
I'm serious, he will NOT leave you alone.
He's like a dog or a puppy, and, while endearing to you, his presence is downright menacing to others.
Shoots absolutely disgusting look at people who stare at you. Or just look at you.
He's mad territorial; can't stand to see you talking with anyone else.
He can get extremely jealous and will often punish those he deems as a threat to your 'relationship'.
But never you.
He could never bring himself to punish you.
Eventually, after the two of you got closer and he realised he liked you romantically, he acted on instinct immediately.
He lured you to some secluded area of the Base under the false pretenses of having "Somethin' real cool to show ya!"
Turns out that "something cool" was a chloroform-soaked rag, which he pressed to your nose and forced you to inhale.
You resisted, of course. Tried to put your military training to good use, but Graves was stronger, both physically and mentally, and your body gave out.
When you woke up, you were in a penthouse.
You could recognise the decor as your blurred vision came into focus, Graves having bragged to you many a time about his salary and the many houses he owned in God-knows where.
Coming to think of it, he never actually told you where his penthouses were located.
Sneaky bastard.
When you fully came to, you found yourself on a bed, unlike anything you were permitted in the military.
It was soft, plush, like two mattresses stacked atop each other.
The room was large enough that you assumed even your thoughts would echo within it.
Everything was a neutral cream or beige, lacking any personal touch and resembling a hotel room rather than an expensive villa.
That is, until Graves' voice crackled over a microphone.
"Hey, darlin'," he said, his voice bouncing from the walls, making the origin impossible to locate.
"Now, you'll be wonderin' why I've brought you here, and the truth is that--"
There was a pause.
"--that I...like you. More so than you've probably noticed--"
You scoffed. Jesus, his attempts couldn't have been more obvious that if he'd outright told you what he was planning on doing to you.
The voice didn't react to your show of 'disrespect', and you gathered that the message was pre-recorded.
Of course, Graves was far too busy keeping up appearances for the 141 to come and see you in person.
“And because I— like you— I had to take you away - protect you.”
Despite having kidnapped you, Graves sounded more bashful than anything else. No remorse, no nothing except for embarrassment.
"I had to bring you somewhere you'd be safe, and happy, and...loved-"
Even the recording seemed to freeze as you did upon the word 'love' permeating the air.
This isn't love, you thought.
You, on the other hand, were fuming.
How long had he planned on doing this to you? Who else knew? What made him think he had the right to do this to you?
You tried leaving, but found the door all but soldered shut, the windows such a great height off the ground that, if you were to even try to lower yourself down from the ledge, you'd most certainly break your legs.
Graves had you right where he wanted you; dependent and reliant on him and him alone.
And, unless you can outsmart him, you'll stay that way for the rest of your life.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously :-)
Masterlist Masterlist [Continued] Masterpost Modern Warfare AI Masterlist
AO3 Wattpad
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bbygirl-aemond · 1 year
why was alicent so upset that rhaenyra lied about her virginity?
i know that i love rhaenyra's gaslighting gatekeeping girlbossing era, but i wanted to touch on a time where she gaslit a little too hard and i think irreparably fractured her relationship with alicent.
i am, of course, talking about the brothel/sex rumors and how rhaenyra responded to them in private. alicent comes to her and asks about it, admittedly fairly judgmentally, but i think there's still an element of concern on rhaenyra's behalf, a "why aren't you protecting your reputation? don't you know how precarious your position is?"
alicent's reaction is for sure a result of her conservative upbringing and internalized misogyny. i just think it's also at least in part an acknowledgement of the political reality that rhaenyra is as of that moment ignorant to: that because she is a woman, rhaenyra is going to be held to unfair standards as viserys's heir and that she needs to be smarter or she's going to get hurt. that her claim to the throne is already in jeopardy because of the patriarchy and that she really cannot afford to weaken it further. i've spoken before about how i think viserys raised rhaenyra to be very sheltered and privileged, while alicent as a woman with a far less powerful father was always forced to confront the hard truths of politics in westeros. she never had the privilege of rhaenyra's false sense of safety.
anyways, alicent's motivations aside, what does rhaenyra do? she swears on her dead mother's grave, and she lies.
now, i don't blame rhaenyra for not trusting alicent enough to tell her the truth. she's likely still reeling from her best friend marrying her dad. i see alicent as very much a victim of viserys, but rhaenyra is still hurt and it's understandable that she'd feel tricked, even if it's not alicent's fault. their friendship isn't what it once was by far. and obviously the potential consequences if the rumor was confirmed would be catastrophic, so it would honestly have been a bad move to tell alicent the truth.
but bringing aemma into things was unnecessary, and it was a mistake. we see alicent and rhaenyra bond over their dead mothers earlier in the show. alicent opens up to rhaenyra about her grief in the wake of her own mother's death to try to comfort her after aemma dies. it's a very vulnerable moment for alicent and she shares this part of herself selflessly, for rhaenyra's sake.
rhaenyra brought up aemma for a reason. she knew alicent had lost her own mother. she remembered what alicent had told her and how seriously she took her own mother's death. she knew that if she made it about her dead mother, alicent would respect it and would believe her.
and alicent does, enough to stand up to her father for rhaenyra during a time when she really has never gone against otto, ever. she feels helpless to disobey him when he orders her to viserys's rooms, but she musters up that strength to defend rhaenyra to his face, and i think that's notable.
this is why alicent isn't just upset but devastated when criston tells her the truth. it's not fully because rhaenyra isn't a virgin or whatever, though for the aforementioned political and ideological reasons i acknowledge that's a part of it. but i think her very visible, emotional reaction is because alicent realizes, in that moment, that rhaenyra has manipulated her grief for her dead mother. this marks the first time alicent realizes she is truly alone.
we see throughout the show that alicent has been manipulated by everyone around her that she should trust. her father, who should love her, pimps her out so he can fulfill his own ambitions. viserys, who should be a pseudo-father to her since he watched her grow up, grooms and assaults her. alicent never thought rhaenyra would be like them. but in that moment, she is.
by swearing on her mother's grave, rhaenyra proves herself to be just another person who took alicent's honesty and kindness and used it to manipulate her for her own ends. again, not saying that rhaenyra could or should have admitted the truth here. but did she really have to bring aemma into it?
and it costs her alicent's trust, which as we all know has massive ripple effects that will cost her far, FAR more than just a friendship.
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tournament-of-ninjago · 5 months
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ohhhhh crap the entire semifinals is ninja vs another ninja
anyway keep reading for propaganda!
he’s a triple threat! he’s cute! he’s smart! and he can kick! your! ass!
he’s an absolute genius though like most of the time he’s the one who stops his buddies (the ninja!) from doing stupid things and also he’s always the one to come up with the most logical solution (even though the ninja don’t always listen to him) and i feel like he isn’t given enough credit for this :(
also! he is very much the sweetest kindest purest nindroid (or person) you will ever find in ninjago like HOW MANY TIMES has he sacrificed himself for the sake of his friends? and he is THE! ICE! NINJA! how cool is that (pun intended)
She is THE girlboss!! You don’t get to call her “the girl ninja”, you don’t get to underestimate her, because if you do it’s a grave mistake and the last one you’ll ever make. Nya is the master of water, and the former Samurai X. even though she was the last one to join the team, she’s just as good as the rest of the ninja, sometimes even better. Aaand she’s an absolute genius.
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ivymarquis · 1 year
The B.A.G. Coalition
Did I use one of my work breaks on my 14hr shift to write this? Yes, yes I did. I also took time out of my day to make sure my introduction to the COD MWII fandom was a crack!fic despite promising angst with Ghost and simping from Price. Both of which are still coming.
Tags; platonic 141 + Reader, crack fic, drinking, weaponization of barrack bunnies, dunking on Graves.
I don’t know how the military works and I don’t care to learn.
You try really, really hard to not fixate too much on the whole being a woman in the boy’s club thing because you’ll drive yourself insane if you do.
You’re good at your job, you’re not getting preferential treatment, and all is right in the world. Your team was cautious, gauging your capabilities but ultimately warming up to you and welcoming you into the fold.
A mission planned with 141 and Shadow company means that Graves is a tolerated interloper into the group.
Everyone is settled into a booth in the corner of a pub near base, a few drinks in as the night wears on. You are finally feeling settled in and like your feet are firmly underneath you and you’re no longer treading water, watching your back as the other 141 assess you.
And it’s the exact moment when Graves asks “Are you seeing anybody?” that you realize you’ve girlbossed entirely too close to the fucking sun.
The table’s reaction is immediate. Your “I beg your pardon?” is muffled by Ghost’s “Sod off, Graves,” Soap’s “She’s been fucking drinking” and Gaz shooting him a look while Price clears his throat with a pointed “Commander?”
Good to know your team has your back because what the fuck.
“Not like that,” you’re not entirely certain if he’s back peddling or being genuine, “I don’t know what it is but none of the women around this base date. It’s like pulling teeth.”
“Really?” Gaz asks. “I haven’t been having any issues.”
Your eyebrow arches, reaching for your drink as you realize there’s not enough alcohol in the world for this conversation. “Yeah no ever since the B.A.G. Coalition was formed, you’re gonna have to download Tinder or something, Commander” You speak without thinking, a look of horror dawning on you that the alcohol has loosened your lips a little too much. Well, shit.
“The what?” Graves asks incredulously.
You panic, reflex having you turn towards Price. “Please get me out of here,” you plead with him.
“Oh no can do, Sergeant.”
You cling to your glass like a buoy. “I’ve said too much,” you whisper.
“What the hell is the B.A.G. Coalition?” Graves asks again.
Taking a long draught of your drink, you steel yourself for both this conversation and the potential wrath of the bunnies now the open secret was out.
“Have you… noticed how the barrack bunnies don’t have anything to do with you?”
His eyebrows draw together. “Guess I never bothered to worry about it. Not like they’re hard to find,”
That last sentence had some teeth to it that you did not appreciate. Especially coming from a man who’s managed to piss off an entire base of them. “Hey now, I love the bunnies, you gotta be nice to them,” you admonish before remembering yourself and quickly adding a “Sir”.
The alcohol has your mind drifting away from the question at hand and going slightly to the left- still focused on the bunnies, but no longer directly leading to the coalition.
“They do important work and make my life easier when some guy is being obnoxious and won’t leave me alone,” you elaborate. “Also most of them are really nice and I don’t blame them for having a type and staying focused on it. I admire the commitment and tenacity.”
“Wait who was bothering you?” Price would hone in on that part.
“No one anymore, after I weaponized one of the bunnies and pointed her in his direction.”
“You…. Weaponized a barrack bunny?” Soap sounded out the idea, clearly having some image of a tactical assault bunny in mind.
“Yes I did. It was absolutely incredible. Poor guy never saw her coming- it was like watching a lioness take down a wounded gazelle.”
“A bunny battalion,” Gaz sighs into his drink, his pupils damn near in the shape of hearts at whatever image his brain was conjuring.
“What the fuck do barrack bunnies have to do with this coalition you’re talking about,” Graves tries to redirect the question.
Shit. Right.
Like, you get why he’s confused. From his perspective at least. Tall, blonde, conventionally attractive with a southern drawl most girls would go gaga over, not to mention the commander of Shadow Company. He should be having women chase him from all over. And here he was with no bitches and getting zero play.
And yet none of those attributes were actually indicative of him like… being a good person. Graves soured you like 3 day old sweet tea. There was something both saccharine and bitter about him all wrapped together even if you didn’t know for sure what the problem was.
“You did something to piss off the bunnies. I don’t know what and frankly I'm afraid to ask. Like, I thought maybe some supreme pick me bunny would rise from the ranks and make her move anyway but they have made a united front. It is both impressive and terrifying,” you’ve got just enough alcohol in your system that fuck it, let’s tell a superior officer a little something about himself that he clearly doesn’t know. “And the rest of us noticed. So it slowed the not-bunnies rolls too.”
There’s a beat of silence before the lightbulb clicks in Ghost’s head and he is busting out laughing. You don’t think you’ve heard him ever make that much noise even when he’s grousing out orders.
Gaz is the next one for the lightbulb to go off, verbalizing what B.A.G. stood for to a stupified Commander (and equally stunned Soap and Price).
“It’s Bunnies Against Graves!”
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vampsquerade · 1 year
Dating valeria headcanons please
VALERIA my favorite girlboss 😩 i’m in love w this woman y’all have no idea! also i got a few requests for headcanons. BIG HEADS UP THAT THERE IS A SPOILER HERE FOR THE CAMPAIGN OF CALL OF DUTY: MODERN WARFARE 2 (2022 reboot), YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
Valeria Headcanons: Dating Her
Trigger Warnings: slight angst, campaign spoilers (second warning), stress, crime boss activities (in a fictional sense), arrest and escape
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♪ Dating Valeria was a wild thing, really, even if the live you lived was comfortable
♪ She was lovely and sweet with you, as one would expect a lover like her to be, but to everyone else she had the capacity to be the cruelest you could ever see her
♪ She never has you witness any of it, so as to protect you
♪ In another way to protect you, she has you wear a special mask so that it’s easier to identify you out of her clients and hostiles
♪ She dotes on you constantly, coddling you and treating you like you’re her most beloved treasure
♪ Refuses to talk about her relationship with Alejandro, the only time she’s ever brought it up was when she had a few too many drinks
♪ Takes you on expensive and fancy dates and buys you whatever you want, even if you tell her not to
♪ “Money is made to spend, mi amor. And I choose to spend it on you.” she’ll say, dragging a finger under your chin before giving you a kiss
♪ If you’re allergic to flowers, Valeria finds alternatives to show you her affections and her love of giving you both anything you wanted
♪ When you’re not at her home if operations, Valeria made sure to set up a safehouse where you were set to live in whenever she was away on business
♪ Valeria likes to tease you a lot, often finding it endearing and cute that it’s so easy to have you flustered and shy
♪ She makes sure your clothes are tailored perfectly as well, wanting you to find love in yourself the way she loves you
♪ Despite her cold exterior, Valeria worries often about your safety and stresses herself out in silence—but once she’s able to hold you in her arms and feel her yourself does she know it’ll all be okay
♪ Eventually, upon her arrest, most her assets were seized—including you
♪ Valeria was pissed, and everyone knew that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
♪ She did everything to free the both of you from Graves and his Shadows, and found herself to be successful
♪ You both escaped and eloped, hiding off the grid until everything blew over and she was able to get most of your things back
♪ She obviously taught you how to protect yourself too, in the case that she wasn’t there and the guards she assigned to you died
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wutheringskies · 7 months
Re-reading MDZS: CH 11 - 16
I'm rereading MDZS with my friend @zenenini out loud (with voice acting, it's so fun!) and here are some of our observations:
1. Wei Wuxian is such a gaslighting girlboss. The narrative is written interestingly, where firstly, we see the actions and the dialogues and only afterwards are we exposed to Wei Wuxian's thoughts - such as him sneaking out from behind "Lan Wangji's area of protection" to get whipped by Jiang Cheng in a way that he'll only crash into Lil Apple and prove that he's not possessed this body.
2. Lan Wangji's Wangji is stronger than Jiang Cheng's Zidian. The line went like, "the former waned, the latter waxed." And Wangji produces ripples of energy like a wave, and brightens up the night sky to look like it's daytime.
3. Even if Wei Wuxian is the ultimate evil overlord patriarch, the public cannot deny his talents, his looks and his charming personality. I found it extremely funny that they didn't comment on the increduility of the charming, 4th ranked Yiling Laozu possessing the body of a cutsleeve because Jiang Cheng, who was ranked 5th, was there and they didn't want to anger him by complimenting wei wuxian.
4. Sizhui is such a wangxian child - like he's got the manners of Lan Wangji and the wits of Wei Wuxian. Sizhui is a REAL mediator, not Lan Xichen.
5. Lan Wangji probably thought Wei Wuxian played Wangxian or came under his "protection" willingly because he'd have remembered the past.
6. Wei Wuxian calculated everything perfectly down to the last detail of how to get away from Jiang Cheng etc, but did NOT expect Lan Wangji's personality change and has stated twice he believes him to be possessed instead.
7. On the matter of Jiang Cheng, like I said - Wei Wuxian previously never compared Jiang Cheng to anybody, even encouraging his natural talents. He knew Jiang Cheng hated comparison the most, yet throughout the narrative in present time, he compares Jiang Cheng with Lan Wangji relentlessly.
8. Wei Wuxian has not experienced a single positive emotion upon seeing Jiang Cheng well, etc, only disbelief that his hatred was still strong. Jiang Cheng has only felt disgust towards Mo Xuanyu being gay, and anger, hatred and a desire to torture Wei Wuxian.
9. Wei Wuxian is such a Lan, like I'm always shocked by just how much Lan stuff he explains - the origins behind the name Cloud Recesses, the discipline wall, the manner of the disciples, etc.
10. Lan Wangji: Let him cry. When he is done, drag him inside. (fuck)
Lan Xichen: you should treat your guests with more courtesy
Lan Wangji: anyway you are going to meet Jin Guangyao again lol bye
Lan Wangji: drag him inside
Wei Wuxian: ???
11. The fact Lan Wangji can read behind Wei Wuxian's intentions - he knows WiFi will annoy his brother, so he silenced him.
12. I also wonder just what was going inside Lan Xichen's head. How are you so aloof bro, let me know what are your thoughts? Btw, loved how we got told about the Jin Discussion Conference rn.
13. There was a paragraph comparing the statuses of illegitimate sons of Jin Guangsham, I found that interesting.
14. Wei Wuxian thinks both Lan Wangji and Jiang Cheng are against him, yet it's better to be locked up than be whipped!
15. Wei Wuxian ALWAYS notes the scent of sandalwood when Lan Wangji is involved and what does he say again, the smell "had a way of tugging at one's heartstrings???" like bro... it's just you. But what's insane is that, he's moving towards the incense (probably in an attempt to smell like Lan Wangji!) What Zene and I said about this was "bro, you're probably are just a zither under Lan Wangji's hands cause why does everything tug at you"
16. Reading Wei Wuxian's narrative is like: although it wasn't sentimental: IT WAS SENTIMENTAL. HE MISSED IT.
17. Wei Wuxian thinking of how Lan Wangji probably practices his zither in this room, etc, and then randomly throwing in the knowledge that btw, he used to dig graves, find holes etc is so him.
18. Wei Wuxian had the greatest idea of stealing a jade token, and he was even aware of how the security would be like - like, this guy, apparently has the worst memory ever. and he remembered where the cold springs were exactly. WHY? Because of that ONE moment. 19. Wei Wuxian already recognized Lan Wangji from behind - he commented that the person was a bathing beauty.
20. The fact Wei Wuxian was looking at Lan Wangji in a 'im attracted' sort of way, but rationalised it by saying that he was only looking at the scars, or the seal, and that of course, he can't be actually attracted to a man! Like, ugh, bro. You have a storm coming. 21. Lan Wangji: are you sure that this is what you want? WWX: blushing like a slut LWJ: then stay like this for the whole night Me: SKDJKSJDKSJDKSJDKSJDKSDJKSDJKSDJSKDJKJ 22. The fact that Wei Wuxian couldn't sleep, and THAT is why he went to Lan Wangji's room, and then rationalized it by saying that he was gonna get the jade token - and then he threw himself onto Lan Wangji. Also, the fact that he's so chill about escaping, like i bet he's thinking, let's just have as much fun as we can, i'll leave anyway ~~ 23. Lil Apple is Wei Wuxian's comfort person, therapist, mother, and best friend. 24. Wei Wuxian sad thoughts about how Lan Wangji probably thought about him like everyone else did - a tyrant, etc. And him mocking the Lan Sect's 'righteousness.' 25. Wei Wuxian had thoughts about the sear. LIKE DON"T BE A COWARD SPEAK THEM OUT. Also, Wei Wuxian had thoughts about Lan Wangji dressed down, in simple, night robes. >< 26. Wei Wuxian trying to think over their relationship and describing it as moments that got lost in the bigger span of time. 27. 15 year old Wei Wuxian was IT. like, idk, he was just IT. Also, Jiang Cheng just exists to mock, berate, warn, make fun of, etc. And Nie Huaisang was already so keen, like he noticed that LQR was targeting WWX more than the others, and didn't dismiss his ideas. 28. LQR: as a disciple of the YMJ sect, you shouldn't be too proud at knowing these things Also LQR: look at my self taught, prodigy born, second heir, best disciple Lan Wangji, who knows everything! And of course, as the second heir, he is expected but that's not the point. The point is HE IS BETTER THAN YOU AND YOU ARE A MENACE TO SOCIETY. WWX: ah, yeah, fuck this imma out 29. LQR forewarned us about WWX's future TT 30. LWJ didn't express as much outrage over Wei Wuxian's demonic theories as LQR did, but he was intrigued. 31. Dude, Zene and I were thinking of just how many regrets LWJ fostered for 13 years. WWX: Lan-er-gongzi, do me a favour and look at me! WWX: Won't you look at me? WWX: Lan Zhan, look at me! WWX: Do you... hate me that much? WWX: I really wanted to apologize! 32. VERY IMPORTANT DETAIL: In a way, both Lan Wangji and Jiang Cheng got punished with the discipline whip for saving Wei Wuxian, and the discipline scar remains as a reminder to 'never make the same mistake again.' But Lan Wangji makes this 'mistake' every day. Jiang Cheng, on the other hand, despite getting his whip mark from the 'unrighteous people' never protected Wei Wuxian again. 33. The detail that people in the Jiang Sect have so much servitude towards Jiang Cheng, and are so in-tune with the regular ploy of 'catch the demonic cultivator to torture him.' 34. Wei Wuxian fucking gaslighted the HECK out of Lan Wangji! He's so dauntless, like, nothing scares him bro, i understand why people wanted to off him. LIKE HE's SO ON THE PAGE. 35. Wei Wuxian: Lan Wangji is very pretty. VeRY PRETTY. Wei Wuxian: who cares if he hates me, does he think he is that pretty?
Also WWX: YEAH FUCK HE IS THAT PRETTY 36. Wei Wuxian: why should i learn the lan clan rules? i don't intend to marry in the lan clan! (also wwx, using about 3-4 lan rules at lwj to rile him up) 37. Lan Wangji: You, go outside, we have fought before. (clown music) Wei Wuxian: Against the rules HAHAHAHAHAHA LWJ: WHAT SORT OF PERSON ARE YOU? WWX: A MAN. 38. WWX tried to befriend LWJ for a month or so, he failed, and he decided to make him experience his firsts - the first time he shouted and cursed was at WWX LOLOL. 39. NHS being like don't worry bro keep up the free entertainment and you can get as many porn books as you like!
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homicidal-slvt · 1 year
COD Incorrect Quotes
Alex: Wow, what a girlboss.
Laswell: She just slaughtered five men-
Gaz: Slay queen
Price: Quick- everyone act normal so he doesn't suspect anything.
Y/N: Wouldn't it be more suspicious if we suddenly started acting normal?
Price: ....
Y/N: ....
Price: Fair point. Everyone- do anything but act normal.
Soap: Hey, how's your day going?
Y/N: Awful.
Soap: What happened?
Y/N: I woke up.
Soap, concerned: Wha-
Ghost, interrupting Soap: Mood.
Graves: What is wrong with you???
Y/N: I was hand crafted to be a royal pain in your ass.
Alejandro: .... What's going on?
Rudy: I'm... Not sure.
Y/N, talking to Valeria: That's so hot... I love supporting women's wrongs.
Valeria: ..... Wanna make out?
Y/N: Fuck yeah.
Alejandro: Wasn't Y/N supposed to be interrogating her?!?
Rudy: Told you we should have picked someone else.
{More Content}
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adragonsfriend · 26 days
Reading Darth Plagueis,
by James Luceno.
Ok I finished this book. It was a wild ride, here are some highlights, (anything in quotes, " ", is in fact, a direct quote). Spoilers, I guess.
“At some point, probably when he was focused on murder, a rock or other projectile had pulped a large area of his lower back.”--Plagueis
Yeah man that always happens to me too when I’m focused on murder
Me thinking, *Plagueis is way too normal for a sith,* about five seconds before the narration goes *Plagueis was hungry. he thought about eating the eggs of some sentient lizards and also the sentient lizards themselves, but restrained himself*
Plagueis, a banker: nOt all mUNns R bAnkErS u kNoW
A pirate who wants a bribe: be better for you if you were some financial wizard
Plagueis, a literal wizard:
Captain La (the random pirate): how do u know my name
Plagueis: *truthing* I sliced you ship’s systems,
Plagueis: *lying* it’s not like I’m a telepath or something
*at the evil rich people party*
"Republic senators, at least those that weren’t present, would be subjected to ridicule—"
I love how the narration says "subjected" like Bail Organa would give fuck about some assholes making fun of him
Plagueis in a business meeting as hego damask:
Repeats himself multiple times conducting experiments in trying to force suggest to a resistant species
His assistant: bro what r u doing ur making us look bad
omg young Palpatine is so Anakin coded. Genuinely he throws tantrums it’s perfect
Tag this accidental baby acquisition some random dathomiri lady just handed maul over like a sac of potatoes
Sidious, about to gaslight, girlboss, gatekeep, mansplain, manipulate, and threaten to manslaughter Nute Gunray within an inch of his life all in the span of a 2 minute zoom call: *wearing his Sith cloak on their holocall* what is up my guy? did u get the rare collectible bird I sent u anonymously a while back?
Nute Gunray: uhh…yes…um… its very nice…who are you and why r u hiding in that hood bro?
Sidious: it's the traditional clothing of my Order
Gunray: ur a cleric?
Sidious: "Do I seem like a holy man to you?"
Me: the only holes I see here are in your logic, morals, ability to feel compassion, and *waves hand all encompassingly* vibes
Dooku: if one more Jedi dies because of the indolence of the republic, I’ll leave the Jedi and refuse to look back
Palpatine: *listening attentively*
Plagueis & Maul: (separately) gloat about being Sith Lords to people they’re about to kill
Sidious: these idiots cannot keep a secret to save their lives—
Plagueis ACTUALLY believes Sidious is about to appoint him co-chancellor. what an idiot.
Padme shocking both Sith at every turn during the Naboo crisis is sending me
Oooh Sidious' murder rant is incredible. He's like Plagueis you manipulated and abused me, now i'm gonna kill you so I can go do that to other people without you hanging over my shoulder. It's like the evil but still cathartic version of Zuko's speech to Firelord Ozai.
Dooku: That zabrak guy was definitely a Sith. There has to be another one, probably the master
Sidious, standing right next to him in a shadowy warehouse wearing a black cloak: “how would one even begin to know where to look for this other Sith?”
“For an instant, Palpatine perceived a touch of his younger self in Skywalker”
This book needs to stop. Maybe consider pulling its punches sometime. The only mark of disapproval I have here is that this is portraying Obi-Wan as an asshole for the five seconds he’s present
Bad news, the book did indeed stop. I have been gravely injured, but also greatly amused. The experience of reading this book is just constant vacillation between *wow so Sith Lord, so scary, so evil* and *Plagueis, my guy, that is the dumbest ideology I’ve ever heard. maybe if you took a nap (for the first time in 20 years) you’d finally say something that made sense*
I will also confess that I was taking detailed notes about Plagueis for an AU idea I have that I will not be starting for at least another year because I am married to BHOT and I refuse to be like the rest of you sorry fucks with 17 wips (ignoring that fanfic is in fact the only genre of writing I do not have at least 17 wips in)
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lyralit · 2 years
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛɪᴛʟᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛꜱ
[] Kills and Counting (PB)
How I Ended Up Here…Again
Aliens Don’t Like Cotton Candy
Next Time I’ll Actually Kill You
We All Need Psychotherapy
Maybe I Won’t Die Next Time
Can A Party Crasher Be Dead
This Chapter Has A Cool Montage
Where’s The Comedic Relief When You Need Them
Grave Robbing Is Easier Than It Sounds
Are You Really That Sick Ellen
I Hit The Big Red Button
I Promise They Were Not Invited
My Friends Should Be Backing Me Up But They Don’t Exist
Welcome To Hell, May I Take Your Order?
It Was ONE Time.
Karma’s A B****. No, Seriously, What Do I Do With This Dog Now.
ERROR 101: Server Not Found
This Is The Seventh Murder Attempt So Far
You Won’t Be Stranded, They Said
I Thought They Looked Familiar
Girlboss? No, Girl, Run.
In My Defence You Told Me To Open The Door
This Must Be A Superhero Thing
We Should Throw A Post-Jailbreak Party
I Mean They Didn’t Look Evil
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jaytriesstuff · 6 months
Tim/Kon Sick Fic snippet that I started when I was sick and haven’t finished.
like 750 words ish
“I’m not sick,” Tim argues, punctuating his argument with an aggressive sneeze followed by harsh hacking.
“Are you holding a loogie in your mouth right now?” Kon crosses his arms and tilts his head in an attempt to mirror the infamous, and seriously effective, Dick Grayson Mom Stance (trademark pending).
In a disgusting display of defiance, Tim swallows. “No.”
There’s a glob neon yellow snot dripping from Tim’s left nostril that he drags his crusty sweatshirt sleeve across before snorting up another drip of snot coming from the right side this time.
“You are…” Kon sighs, exasperated, “so gross.”
The furrowed brows and grumpy pout paired with Tim’s pink nose and puffy eyes could almost be considered cute if Kon hadn’t just witnessed him swallow a loogie.
“How the hell did I fall in love with you?”
Kon knows exactly how it happened. He could write a library’s worth of books about all the things he loves about Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne. That doesn’t change the fact that Tim absolutely refuses to admit that he’s sick and is being very gross about proving his health.
“Because I’m so totally handsome and I can do cool skateboard tricks.” His voice is scratchy and nasally and Kon can tell he’s trying very hard not to sniffle or cough. “And I’m super rich.” Tim bats his thick black eyelashes and flashes a big bright toothy smile in Kon’s direction. It’s usually quite charming but the new bead of snot dripping towards Tim’s upper lip causes his charisma to take a hit. “Gimme a smooch.”
Tim sniffles harshly, sucking the snot glob back into his nose. He leans in, lips puckered up and chapped from extended forced mouth breathing, eyes squeezed shut. Kon makes use of his tactile telekinesis to stop him from falling when he continues to lean forward.
“You’re cute,” Kon admits, pushing Tim back with TTK to balance on his own feet, “You’re also sick.”
“‘m not,” Tim pouts again, opening his eyes and glaring at Kon.
Yes he is. Tim is very sick. His nose is running a marathon and Kon could hear the congestion from a mile away without using his super hearing. He’s running a 102 degree fahrenheit fever and shivering like a speedster on a sugar high. His eyes are red and puffy and his eye bags have eye bags. He’s sneezing and coughing and if the way he frequently grimaces and groans is any indication he’s nauseous too.
It’s wild to Kon, how easily Tim tends to ignore his own health and well-being. He’s going to work himself to an early grave and take Kon with him. It’s frankly astonishing how long Tim’s made it and Kon is half convinced that Death is simply scared of Tim. It wouldn’t be surprising. Tim is absolutely horrifying when he wants to be. And also sometimes when he doesn’t mean to be.
“Just lay down in bed, Robbie. You’ll get better sooner if you rest.”
“Don’t need rest, ‘m not sick.” Tim makes a noise like he might throw up if either of them make a wrong move. He clears his throat when the feeling seemingly passes. “Gotta finish this report for WE and then file some evi- evid- evid ACHOO!” Tim sneezes and a snot rocket launches toward Kon in a majestic arch of green and yellow nasal mucus. Kon, luckily, manages to move out of the way and not be hit by the bio weapon.
“Did you just say “achoo” as you sneezed?”
“I didn’t sneeze,” Tim says, like a lying liar who lies.
Kon looks from Tim to the small puddle of snot on the floor. “What’s that then?”
Tim scoffs a couple of times, searching for a reasonable answer. His brain isn’t working at full capacity, which is reasonable considering he’s very sick, despite his resolute denial. “Science project.”
Tim lives and breathes gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss, Kon will give him that, but Kon has mastered manipulate, mansplain, malewife. Especially that malewife bit. If Tim ever wanted to put a ring on it Kon would make a wonderful trophy wife.
“Yeah? What’s the hypothesis?” That’s right, Kon knows science words, Kon was a science project. They implanted all kinds of information in his head. He may be a certified Ken but he’s not stupid. Tim, of course, is a Barbie, but that was never really a question.
“It’s about projectile paths and stuff.”
Kon cannot believe how endearing Tim is when he’s being this gross.
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igotanidea · 1 year
Hoodies and sneakers : Jason Todd x fem!reader
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@mxtokko asked me to make part 2 of my ff Beneath (Jason Todd x fem! plus size reader). This is sth that may or may not be treated like this. @jasontoddsthickbabe - I take the liberty of tagging you since you were the one who requested previous part.
Summary: Y/N may (or not) have got through her size complex, but something new is creeping in. Something about her wearing tomboy-like clothes and not being feminine enough......
It was pretty rough day. Not because of work or the intensity, but because of late Y/N has been spending a lot of time inside her own head. Dealing with her thoughts and demons that seemed to feed of the smallest piece of insecurity and doubt. It was getting harder to deal with them and focusing on work was becoming impossible. How could she possibly concentrate when the world was going crazy before her eyes and she was slowly loosing grip of who she was and what was her place on Earth.
She was really better and sort of lighter before Jason confessed how he felt about her and they started building a relationship. Before that, she was fairly aware she was not an object of desire and therefore never focused on that. But now…. More often than not she was wondering whether she was the girl she was supposed to.
The problem was, Y/N was always the kind of girl who felt best in leggings, or even sweatpants, and hoodies. Messy hair, lack of makeup and domestic vibes were definitely her style. She was rocking sneakers, using bus instead of cab and never cared about the brand. This was fine, before Jason turned her world upside down. And now? Irony being that when she became the girlfriend the world started overflowing her with the images of hot girls in tiny dresses, feminine-like with perfect hair, painted nails etc. Real girlbosses. And that was only feeding her fears.
However, she was doing her own thing, not showing how she felt inside. It was working for a while, but after a few weeks she was getting more and more sad and frustrated and the time bomb was ticking in the stepped-up pace leading straight up to explosion.
Since Y/N was still working as a journalist in Gotham biggest newspaper and considering her part-time job as Wayne tech expert she was spending a lot of time working remotely, from the manor. Sometimes it was just too much dealing with the colleagues, but of course, from time to time she had to show in the office. For a debriefing for example. She never treated those differently than any other work day, so she was not prepared for what was coming for her.
“Wait. What do you mean photoshoot?” he eyes grew wide at the sight before her. All those professional photographers, cameras, lights and photography equipment got her head spinning
“Oh, Y/N. didn’t you get the e-mail? I sent you all notification a couple weeks ago….”
“E-mail. Right. Of course I did. I just….. forgot to open it.” In fact, when she saw a message entitled “Sitting” she just deleted it without opening. Grave mistake.
“Don’t worry about it, dear. I bet we can find some more appropriate clothes for you. The girls can borrow you something. You surely cannot show yourself in this.” Her boss pointed out towards her worn jeans and a simple, basic black T-shirt.
“I don’t think anything will fit me…..” now, the plus size complex started to creep in. Great. She felt sick. Again.
“Are you all right, y/n?” her work best friend came from behind and quickly realized what must have been happening inside her head.
“I’m fine….” She swallowed strenuously “I think I;m just gonna sit back and watch.”
“It’s all right, I swear. I was never a fan of showing off after all. But by all means, you go ahead. It’s your time to shine.” She pushed her friends towards the other girls, who were just flawless. Showing off, smiling, teasing and flirting. High heels, office looks…. Y/N felt like a preschooler amongst the confident, beautiful women. She never get to feel like this. She never needed to be on the spotlight. So why the fuck did it hurt so much. Knowing that she would never look so hot and mature. Jason told her he loved her (yes, he finally used those words), but what if was just a toy? A way to kill time before he found someone better? Hotter? Sexier?
“Not again….” she whispered as her heart started beating rapidly due to all the projecting she was doing.
“Y/N? Are you familiar with the photo equipment?”  one of the snappers asked
“Yes! Yes I am. Do you need help?”
“Um…. I do. But are you sure you don’t want to pose with….?”
“NO! I mean, no, I’m good. I’d rather give you a hand……please…..”
“You sure….?” The guy was still hesitant. Why the hell did he ask her if he was withdrawing now. “You don’t want the attention?”
“I’m good behind the scene. Now, give me that.” She practically whipped the camera off his hands “what do you need me to do?”
So she spent the day acting all cool and goofy, assuring everyone she was fine. Even if all her coworkers knew that was a lie, no one found any words to convince her to join the session as a model, not a helper. All that situation left her with the bitter taste of not being worth the attention. How could she ever compare?  She could count the times she wore a dress on the fingers of one hands and even then she looked like a kid dressed up in her mother’s gown rather than a grown-up women she was. This was a disaster every time. So maybe she was not worth any attention?
With dark thoughts she came to the manor. Normally she would tell everyone to fuck off and leave her alone, but Dick was quite persistent, trying to bribe her with some new tech ideas Bruce came up with and with which he needed some help. So, despite her attitude she changed her plans of sitting in front of Netflix with some ice cream.
“Y/N!” Dick opened the door, beating anyone else in it and hugged her closely in welcome “you look sad. Is everything all right?
“Peachy” she muttered, looking like a storm cloud “where are those new gadgets?”
“Straight to the business, huh? How about we try to wipe that frown off your face first?”
“Listen to me very carefully now, boy wonder. If you don’t cut on your sunshine and rainbow attitude I swear I’m gonna shove your smile up your ass. See who will be wiping what then.” Dick’s eyes widened in surprise. Y/N was known for being fast talker and having harsh tongue, but this?
“Um…. All right, then…..” he muttered “let’s go to the cave. Guys are already there.”
“All of them?”
“Yes? Why? Does that bother you?”
“No. I’m actually glad. Plenty of people to pick up the fight with.”
“Y/N, are you sure you are ok?”
“I swear to god if one more person ask me this question today I will draw blood!” she exclaimed making Dick jump away and raise his hands in surrender. Shit, she was more angry than Jason when he first came out of the Pit. Grayson had a bit of experience with angered girls and knew well enough this was no joke. It was better to just keep his mouth shut. Perhaps, Jason or Tim would be able to calm her down, but he’d rather live some more. “Now, move Grayson! I don’t have all day!”
“What’s with the sad face?” Tim asked the second she walked through the entrance to the cave
“HOW ABOUT WE FOCUS ON THE TECH!?” Dick chimed in, before Y/N could answer meeting with a surprised (Tim), condescending (Damian) and amused (Jason) looks of his brothers. He exhaled deeply. “That’s why we are gathered here, right?”
“Damn it, Grayson. You sound like you were about to officiate a wedding. Should we know about something?” Damian smirked and looked at Jason and then at Y/N, who was now red like a tomato, clenching her fists. “Um…. Y/N?”
“Can. we. Just. Focus. On .The .Work” she hissed through clenched teeth moving towards the table where the tech was displayed, the boys moving out of her way. Even Jay, who usually had his ways of making her chill now just let her pass, his mouth agape. None of them has ever seen her this angry.
“What did you do to her, Dickhead?” he hissed towards his brother
“Nothing. She came here like this.” Dick tried to defend himself
“Can you two just shut the fuck up!?”
“Sorry Y/n.”
“Yeah, sorry, babe. But if you want to talk then……”
“All right, all right, I’m gonna be quiet from now on…..” he mumbled, looking down, acting like a beaten dog. Normally the rest of the boys would laugh at him for being like this, but at this point even Damian knew better than to mess with the force of nature Y/N became.
There were silence for like five minutes, before Steph and Cass entered the cave, followed by Babs.
“Y/N!” Steph jumped forward and hugged her friend, causing boys to go through a little heart attack “Alfred told us you are here. It’s wonderful. We are going shopping. You need to join us. I saw this cute little outfit that would be just perfect for you. I bet Jay would like you in it and …..” oh, poor Steph did not get to finish
“AGH!” Y/N yelled at the top of her lungs. “I’M DONE! I’M OUT! JUST LEAVE THE FUCK ALONE!” the tears finally started to fall down her face, since she was not able to hold them back anymore “I just can’t…. I can’t …. I’m sorry guys….” Her voice broke and she rushed off the cave blindly, not caring about the gadgets, the scene she was making, the tears or anything else. She felt like she was suffocating when she run upstairs, towards the manor, further away from all the people.
“What…. what just happened?” Babs stuttered “what the hell did you do?” her accusatory gaze landed on each of the boys separately
“I did nothing!” Tim exclaimed “Ask you boyfriend, Oracle!”
“Oh, come on. Why do you always suspect me? I had nothing to do with it. Jay is supposed to take care of her so….”
“Speaking of you, Jason. Why are you still here?!  Run after her, before she does something stupid!”
“Do you think she can…..?”
“Just go, you dumbass!”
“Oh, yeah, right.” He slowly threw his shock off “Oh, fuck! You’re right! Y/N! Y/N, wait!”
‘Did I say something wrong?” Steph gaze was fixed on the floor, her voice barely above the whisper “I did not mean to…..” Cass just took a step forward and put a hand on her shoulder reassuringly.
“You didn’t. I bet she just had a bad day or something like that…. She’s been nervous and stressed for a while now.”
“Guys” Babs was already searching through the web “I think I know what might have caused it.”
At the same time, Y/N was sitting in her favorite spot on the manor roof, slowly calming down. Legs bend and hugged to her chest, chin resting on the knees, hands hidden in the sleeves of her sweatshirt. She was a bit ashamed of the scene that she caused. Poor Steph was probably blaming herself now. Poor Dick who was verbally attacked by her. Poor Jason who….
“Safe to enter?” …. who was just slowly moving towards her, cautious of every step.
“Sure…” she muttered, not looking at him.
He plumped on the floor next to her, legs crossed, not saying a word, waiting for her to start speaking, But the second she opened her mouth to let it all out her phone chimed. The message she received contained the photos that were made barely a couple hours earlier.
“Well, that was fast…” she muttered rubbing her eyes, irritated from the crying.
“What happened? Who do I shoot?” Jay asked using the opportunity of her distraction and grabbing her hand in his.
“Possibly me.” she smirked “I did some stupid things today.”
“Really? Stupid?” he smirked “I bet no one noticed. You act so normal.”
“You’re an idiot” she cuffed his arm and chuckled which made her hiccup
“Then we match each other, right?”
“Don’t push it, Jaybird.” She warned moving closer and leaned her head on his shoulder, his arm automatically wrapped around her waist pulling her closer shielding her from the wind. It was cold and he did not want her to get sick.
“If I do I give you permission to push me off this roof.” He laughed kissing the top of her head “Tell me what happened. Seriously Y/N. As much as I love you with all that fire we need to put it out before it burns you.”
“It’s better now…..”
“No. Talk.”
“How about I show you?” she reached for her phone and presented the photos to him “you see that?”
“A photo of your work friends?”
“There was a photoshoot at the work today and…..”
“So where are you in this picture?” he frowned taking the phone from her hands and blowing the picture up. “what did you do?” the girl mumbled something inaudibly “Y/N? I can’t hear you. What. Did. You. Do?”
“I hid.”
“What?! Why?!”
“Oh, come on, Jay…..”
“Don’t tell me it’s because of your size, again. We’ve been through it.”
“It’s not about the size. “
“Then what.” he tightened his grip on her and she winced “I’m not letting you go until you confess.”
“I’m not hot, all right? I mean, look at them. They are all exceptional. And I’m wearing a hoodie, torn jeans and sneakers, Jay.”
“So what?”
“So what?  Are you serious?”
“Yes, I’m serious. What is the problem with your clothes?”
“I…..” she hesitated for a while, blinking in surprise “but …..” how was she supposed to put in into words “isn’t that what all the guys want?”
“Meaning?” he narrowed his head. This bastard knew exactly where her words were heading and yet did nothing to make it easier.
“A girl who captures attention? Don’t you want to brag about catching a babe? A chick? I don’t know…. Don’t you wish to have  a lady in the street and a freak in the sheets? I’m not like this.I am totally average. Vanilla. Boring. Ordinary. “
“Look, I’m fully aware I’m not the person who catches attention, all right? Not… looking like this. Sometimes I even believe your family pities me. And you too. I mean, have you seen the girls that were lining up to talk to Dick and you at the latest gala? Isn’t that what you want?”
“Will you just shut up?” he leaned to her and cut her race of though with the most gentle and delicate kiss that got her melting on the spot “Come here.” He twisted positions slightly, pulling her on his lap, grabbing on her hips while her hands locked on his neck. “Have you lost your mind?”
“Is that a tricky question?”
“Obviously. Let me rephrase it then. You did lose your mind. Do think you are undesirable?”
“Do you think I would toss you away because of a girl wearing mini skirt? The girl that I don’t know? Do you have so little faith in me?”
“In men, in general.” She bit on her lip and hissed when Jason pinched her side “Auch!”
“Well you deserved it for having such silly thoughts. You read too much fanfiction.”
“I don’t….” she objected turning red.
“Don’t deny it. I know you do. Look, all those stories? They are highly overdrawn. They make girls believe than guys only want them if they are skinny, flawless and wear nothing.” He shook his head ”I don’t mind lingerie, but that does not mean I don’t love in you in that damn hoodie you mentioned. Or a simple T-shirt. Preferably mine.” He smirked ”Look Y/N, I know you don’t feel comfortable in dresses or anything like that and I don’t mind. You are the hottest to me when you have that spark in your eyes, when your hair are tousled because your mind is racing. I love you in trainers, when you run the streets searching for a new story. I would never, never want you to wear mini or an revealing top if it’s uncomfortable. Did you think you can only capture my attention this way? With thong and lack of bra? That I would fall for an exposed body?”
“I…..” she started but realized something  “Wait. How do you know so much about fanfiction, Jay?” she grinned. Darn, she was so going to use that in the future.
“Did you? Yes or not?” he didn’t even stutter, keeping his cool.
“Auch!” he gasped “Really?”
“I’m sorry. I just got insecure….”
“I know. And I forgive you. But only because I love you, you silly one. And because I know a lot about insecurities. First handed.” he kissed her nose gently “Now, promise me, this was the first and last time you doubted yourself.”
“I don’t like empty promises.”
“Well then you leave me no choice but to make you….” once again he captured her lips in his, ready to be convincing her for the rest of the day, evening and even the rest of his life if needed.
She was his one and only.   
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aqours · 7 months
anyways if i'm going this deep in lemme share this teen mom Ashley fic idea i had i'd love feedback on the idea
this is completely unrelated to my other idea regarding this this is an entirely different can of worms i'm putting this under a readmore just bc it's a bit long and also filled with dead doves so only open and eat it at your own discretion
so basically the idea goes like this- when they were teenagers (her 14 and him 16) Andrew and Ashley got into some kind of big fight (still working on it) most likely due to him having a girlfriend in hs at the time. during this period, in an effort to make a point and piss him off, Ashley gets a boyfriend of her own (who just so happens to have messy black hair and green eyes wow what a coincidence) who was in a class with Andrew. some incident happens where Ashley "accidentally" leaves her phone with explicit texts on view (but also tis like the 90s so maybe i'll redo that) and Andrew talked with his classmate and then uh there was another second missing person, and after an intense argument Ashley and Andrew "slept in the same bed" and anyways a month later Ashley announces she's pregnant casually at the dinner table putting the pregnancy test she put right on it.
"Huh. Not the reaction I was hoping for."
"Forgive me for not being particularly fucking thrilled at the idea of being a grandmother at 32, Ashley."
"You know, if my kid has a kid at 15 and their kid ALSO has a kid at 15 you could be a great-great-grandma at only 75."
"Please shut the fuck up, Ashley."
and Andrew is in complete denial it is. it's been 6 years and every single person except Julia refuses to believe it isn't. at one point when Alexis "Alex" Graves is a baby she makes a comment she has her father's (green) eyes with a wink and grin at Andrew. during the Burial Route when Mrs. Graves is trying to plead with Andrew she finally says "... If you won't do it for yourself, do it for your ------------------" and it's like his brain physically blocks out any insinuation with he's the father with white noise. so he's been living as the kid's uncle officially and has no idea how to act around this kid most of the time.
Ashley is not a good mom by any means and has had CPS called on her more than once but incompetence won't remove the child entirely and she does like. actually love this kid but her obsession with Andrew is clearly more important to her, the fact this kid keeps him tethered to her even if he won't admit, and also because she spoils the kid however she can to try to prove she's a better mother just because her daughter is happier than she was, when learning Alex hit another kid to get their candy she was outright like fuck YEAH if you want something take it!!! girlboss gatekeep gaslight to this four year old and Andrew at least tried to teach the kid right from wrong in response. during her first birthday Mrs. Graves asked Ashley if she was gonna do anything and Ashley didn't see a point the kid is 1 they won't remember the birthday there's nothing they'd want and she doesn't seem to process the point of a birthday for a baby isn't about toys and fun but to celebrate their life. when Ashley suggests they can get by on mugging people Alex says she can pose as a homeless sad kid and for the first time in a while at her Ashley lights up and says THAT'S why you're mama's favorite <3333
babies don't make everything better the co-dependent toxic satanic demonic summoning cannibal incest game's plot now also includes a 6 year old that has also eaten people now with two of the most awful parents imaginable around her and if anything Ashley might get colder once her mom is dead because now there's no way
thoughts? i really want to write this but i'd love feedback
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