#getting older with siblings
dosa-sambhar · 3 months
Now I really empathize with older people,who used to say ,everytime I met after a while, about how much I have grown since the last time they saw me cause now when I see my younger children whom I have known since the time they were 6-7 years old, now when I am seeing them turning 14-15 I think to myself damn I saw you grow right in front of my eyes and look at you now, you've have grown sm older, I have grown sm since the time I first saw yup passing of time kinda hurts
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An important FNAF question, why is Michael purple?
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fanaticalthings · 21 days
I really like the idea of the bat kids designating Dick and Jason's apartments as sibling gathering spots but for opposite reasons.
Sibling needs some comfort? Some eldest daughter advice? A shoulder to cry on or just a lil getaway spot from the chaos of Gotham? Dick's apartment is perfect.
But if a batkid wants to complain, maybe wants to talk shit about Bruce, or maybe even wants to discuss a lil felony in a judgement free zone? Jason's place it is.
And I like to imagine that while Dick readily keeps his doors open and reminds anyone that they can drop by anytime, it's the opposite for Jason.
Dude's got his place riddled with traps and locked up to the high heavens. He makes it obvious he doesn't want visitors, and vaguely insinuates that there are bombs rigged somewhere in his apartment so there's a always a 50/50 chance you might get blown up if he's feeling particularly bitchy one day.
But does that stop his siblings? Absolutely not. Unlike Dick (who assigns himself as the guiding older brother), Jason has been forcefully labelled as the older sibling you go to if you need to complain and stir up havoc. The hundreds of traps in his place mean nothing. And it's worse because Jason is never prepared for when someone drops in.
[Jason, 3 hours into his sleep, blearily waking up to a weight on his chest at 4am]:
[Damian, perched atop him, eyes dead-centre locked onto Jason without blinking]: Hello, Todd-stop screaming it is unbecoming-I just came to tell you that father won't allow me to adopt another stray I found on patrol.
Jason, half-asleep and like 70% sure he's hallucinating: Wha-
Damian: I need you to blow up his car.
[Jason, arriving home after a 6 hour patrol, exhausted out of his mind, turning on the lights]:
[Stephanie, previously baking brownies in the pitch black darkness before Jason arrived]: Oh hey! Just thought I'd drop by, y'know, for fun.
Jason: Bruce yelled at you again.
Stephanie: Bruce yelled at me again.
And yes, while most of the time, it ends up as wholesome sibling bonding, sometimes the other batkids just feel like inconveniencing Jason just whenever, because what are siblings for?
[Jason waking up and seeing all of his traps and security systems disarmed and very deliberately broken in a way where he'll have to replace all of them instead of being able to reactivate them]:
[Jason, immediately dialing his phone angrily]: Tim, I swear to GOD-
[Jason giving himself a rest-day and cooking some meals]:
[Dick somersaulting in through the open window unannounced (he missed his brother)]: Whatcha up to, littlewing? :>
Jason: GET OUT-
[Jason casually reading a book, feeling a sudden chill up his spine]:
[Cassandra standing in the corner without so much as an exhale, watching Jason intensely. Who knows how long she's been there]:
Jason: Are you here to kill me
Jason: Just make it quick.
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succoallimone · 10 months
Chat about the young’un from 1610
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
being an older sibling is like. you've never known a life without me. mom yelled at me and it taught her she never wanted to yell at you. I painted my room purple and grey and then you did too. we live in the same house but I haven't spoken to you in months. I don't know your favorite color. I saw it was going to rain so I picked you up from school on my way home so your books wouldn't get wet. i was so worried when you woke up sick when you were three. you don't remember being sick. mom and dad made their worst mistakes with me and I'm glad they didn't make them with you. I'm doing everything for the first time so you won't be in the dark. I don't know any of your friend's names anymore. I used to know them all. if something happens to mom and dad you won't have to worry because everything will fall to me. you don't like to be home alone but even if you don't see me just knowing I'm there makes you feel better. at least that's what mom told me. you still give me jars to open for you because you can't quite get them. I only see you during dinner. i'd never even think about missing one of your concerts. I stand at the counter when I eat and now you do, too. when offered a selection of books you picked the same one I did when i was your age. I'm terrified you compare yourself to me. I love you. I don't know if you like me. I want you to. mom says dinner's ready
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hierba-picante · 9 days
Just two idiots who don't know what to do with their hands during a smooch :]
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circuscountdowns · 3 months
I love your interpretation of the lamb, who's almost always calm and not much surprises them anymore. When's the last time they had a serious emotional moment, either angry or sad, where their facade totally cracked? I can't help but imagine it must have been a very long time ago.
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sometimes you find out that the divinity you worshipped wholeheartedly has a mortal name and was once the brother of the bishops you vowed to slaughter, chained for a petty familial disagreement, trivializing the deaths of your people, and proving that all gods were inherently false idols as they were made through crowns and not born, and you have to separate your feelings for your god from the pedestal you put him on, and reassess what it actually means to kill a god. But figure it out quick because you’ll have to lay your life down for that god soon to set him free ❤️
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 131
Okay, so first of all Dan would like to say it’s not his fault. Ellie was the one to bring some unknown object into the speeder and Jazz was the one driving. Or had Sam been driving- didn’t matter! It wasn’t his fault, he wasn’t the one shooting at them, he wasn’t the one to break whatever, he was not the one to open a stupid portal, and so it wasn’t his fault! 
So why is he now like, five years old, and why is the speeder crashed in some sort of corn field. Why is everyone- except for Jazz whose now like six- also like three at most?! And- oh fuck the door just opened and… okay that’s a kid. Like, nine at most. 
A kid and an adult, who he hadn’t noticed at first so again, it’s not his fault if he hissed at them and tried to hide his not-siblings behind him. It’s also not fair they’re apparently stuck to ghost speak for who knows how long, but at least they can understand the people. 
“Martha, get some blankets, it’s happened again!” 
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pokeberry5 · 6 months
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my attempt at reclaiming the arkhamverse tim design
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scintillyyy · 7 months
the real reason that tim can't age over 18 is because if he did, dick would have an existential crisis about how old *he* is. wdym tim, who was 13 when dick met him, is 21 now. if tim has been doing this for 8 years, how long has dick been doing this for? wdym tim is legally old enough to drink now? if *that's* true then dick's no longer 25. when did dick suddenly get so close to 30. that's not a thing that's real. *his* annoying little brother isn't that old because dick's not that old. he hasn't really been working here for going on 20 years, right? can't be, because he just started here two days ago.
so yea, tim's not older than 17. who are you trying to kid here? dick's not gullible. he won't fall for your lies.
what utter nonsense are you going to try to tell him next? that damian's in high school or something? he's onto you.
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wildflowercryptid · 3 months
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dumping a bunch of meme edits at 4am like a well adjusted member of society. also debut of the bb!jules edit i made a while, but then never shared.
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blackbatcass · 6 months
I’ve said this in tags before but I want to make it known: dick and cass desperately need regular brunches wherein they can get some fucking moral support. It’s called the ‘we understand batman a LITTLE TOO WELL to be healthy’ club
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Okay, but Elizabeth being an absolute savage girlboss isn't something that's talked about enough.
Love how you're spitting facts for our girly pop. 💪💪💪
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TBH I go off the personality baby has, and gotta assume some of that sass is definitely Elizabeth
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i3utterflyeffect · 4 months
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did you know: chosen was created before minecraft existed?
reblogs > likes
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chrollohearttags · 3 months
I just know luffy would be so insufferably spoiled by (y/n). As if Ace wasn’t bad enough gushing over his little brother, his girl is even worse. You’re always buying him food, clothes, the little beetle encyclopedia you found..literally anything you think he may like. Grown man be damned. You could be out somewhere, on a date even and you’re ordering an extra meal for him (or two!) ace acts like he’s against it.. “..he’s a grown ass man, (y/n). You don’t have to bring him gifts every time we go out, ya know?” “Why are you in our business? Hush.” But he really thinks it’s adorable. Also, he’s just as bad. Family is everything to him and the fact that you adore his brothers just as much as him, makes him happy and the feeling is mutual. Don’t even let him think about coming over without (y/n) in tow or visit the firehouse and you’re not there as soon as he enters the door. “Where’s big sis?!” He just adores his sister in law so much.
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littlecrittereli · 4 months
Doodle suggestions? Gotcha The crew in some comfy PJs because WHY DON'T THEY HAVE ANYYYYY
I was just going to do a quick doodle but I ended up liking it so much I made it into a full out drawing um...
They are having a silly game night :)
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