#getting better at backgrounds thankfully
deva-archived · 1 year
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Alex has game, but at what cost >_>
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orowyrm · 9 months
in a tragic turn of events, the rove beetles i purchased specifically with the hopes that they’d help control the fungus gnat problem in my terrarium have decided to completely forgo their intended purpose and are instead feasting on the plates of food that i set out for my isopods and snails. the upside is they’re really fucking adorable
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iwantabatlleaxe · 7 months
Mia Goth making me remember I am very much bisexual, I just have a horrible taste in women
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neil-gaiman · 10 months
This may very well get lost in the flood, but if you see this, I just wanted to say that there were a lot of things I thought I wanted for good omens 2 (a happy ending for one, of course!)
But my favourite thing that a writer can do to my experience of a story is to make me go "okay forget EVERYTHING I said before, this is the outcome I didn't know I needed." This show took my hopes and said "no u don't actually :) i got something better" and it had the audacity to be SO RIGHT.
The finale I *thought* I wanted would have probably had me giggling and kicking my feet and then moving on with my day while in a bright mood for a bit.
The finale I got had me absolutely devastated, inconsolable for maybe an hour, and then just...immediately rewatching. And talking about it behind a fortress of spoiler tags. And writing, and drawing, and being invested in theories and trying to find all the easter eggs and just...falling in love with the story and the characters all over again. And I can tell that feeling will stay with me for a whole lot longer than a couple days.
I'm bad at brevity, I apologize! This is just a very long-winded way to say thank you (and thank you to everyone else on the team) for giving us these idiots (affectionately) to have Way Too Many Feelings about!! Thank you for sharing them with us.
I'm running GO in the background, crossing my fingers and looking forward to a season 3—whether or not it'll be what I'm *hoping* for, I am just beyond excited for whatever story it is that you want to tell us, and I trust that whatever it is, it will be wonderfully told! 🩶🩶
(But also, please, for your consideration...I am in fact soft and innocent, I can only take so much damage before I cry myself to critical dehydration—do with that what you must, I shall leave my electrolyte balance in your hands and hope for mercy. You did say everything would be okay, and thankfully we all know a writer would never lie!)
I wouldn't lie about that, anyway.
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hyewka · 7 months
soobin + hybrid pls :33
⭑ warnings; hybrid!au, sub!soobin, blowjob, breeding, impregnation kink (this is filth good god), big dick soob, dubious consent somno
⭑ send in a small prompt with the format of (member) + (nsfw prompt) and ill write you a small drabble!
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owning soobin as your eccentric bunny hybrid who goes around humping literally everything you own, his favorite being your poor couch. you'd have to stop the poor thing from unknowingly going at it on your leg in pure daylight or when guests are over, thankfully after a while he learnt to control that part of himself, saving you from anymore future awkward encounters in public. you've searched and looked all over the internet for anything to help tone it down just a little bit but every pill that promises to get rid of it completely only does so for an hour or two before your bunny starts it again like the horn dog he is.
using your mouth on soobin was a home remedy that surprisingly worked for longer than a few hours and you're beyond surprised, he loves it. 'not gonna play with you like this again if you continue ruining my couch bun, know that right?' he nods and nods and he doesn't stop, his tongue out panting so dumbly as you squeeze the base of his bunny dick, satisfied with his obedience. so that marks the day you dump out all the useless vitamins and pills, emptying your bathroom vanity.
of course, all this really does is get him obsessed with you sucking off his dick, retaliating by ruining your couch even more. does he like the feeling of you punishing him? does he know that you're weak to his eyes and you always give in the week of denying his begging and pleading? yeah, you needed to practice some self discipline--your knees would thank you.
when week two comes around, and soobins sulking around everyday, trying his best to get you to give in, because he's so so addicted to the warmth of your mouth the moment you had got on your knees for him but you're really strict this time and he feels like he could cry. it gets even worse when he feels a fire in his tummy in the middle of the night, heating up rather quickly, and he groans. heat period, now of all days.
he really is cursed but bunny!soob is unhinged, he can't stand being hornier than usual so what does he do? he goes to your room, tries to think over his options but fuck it, he goes in, climbs in your bed, as careful as he can, he tries to make it quick, just a little bit of your warmth and your scent and god, he clumsily pulls down your panties in one go, dick standing up tall, rubbing against your cheeks and he's already sent to overdrive. you're murmuring, moving a little bit. when he looks over to check your face you're not opening your eyes, he sighs. he'd definitely get punished for life for this so he swears he won't cum at all and if he feels that he would, he's running straight to the bathroom.
unfortunately bun soobin isn't known for having self control, so when he's done prepping, rubbing your core and collecting at your arousal, he doesn't let your body get used to his cock, bottoming out, stretching you out to unimaginable degrees. if you pretend to be sleeping before, you aren't now.
"s-soobin, shit, d-do you wanna--get punished?"
he ignores all your threats to taking away his little blowjob privilege because this is a hundred times better, this is heaven. bunny soobin who really doesn't stop, he can't, he physically can't, his thrusts are erratic yet it felt like his stuffing cock was hitting your womb each time. you feel so full already, you weren't ready for what comes next. soobin promised to himself he won't cum, he can't or you'd kill him, but he's too far gone, his eyes rolling back as he feels his high coming rather quick. "wanna fuck a baby into you, please let me-- 'm cumming, cumming!"
he can't hear your protests-- it's all background white noise, he's just fucking into you, sopping sounds coming from your pussy as he mewls, your ass feels like it's bruised with how hard he slams into you, bunny's just sooo so obsessed with your cunt. and when he eventually cums, and you then later, he doesn't stop. you're past overstimulation with how much he filled you up, and yet he still keeps going and going, switching positions with him hovering over you with your legs pressed to your chest like all you were was a breeding bitch for him to spill his load in. all hybrid!bunny soobin does the night is plan to fill you up with his seed, cute scut twitching every time he jizzes lol >_<
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mrchiipchrome · 2 months
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W.C. - 1.2 k
a/n: I’ve been having so much fun dealing with migraines, a break up, exams and getting an eye infection that I’ve totally forgot to write, so take this as a sort of apology:)
It wasn’t hard to be the best footballer in the world’s girlfriend. All things considered, life with Aitana was pretty good, amazing even, if it weren’t for Aitana’s incessant need to ask people if they were employed.
It started small, when Aitana first met your family in Sweden, she had asked your brother whether he worked or not, happy when he started raving about his work, happy to find someone as passionate about their work as her.
Since that interaction it seemed like she searched that passion out in every interaction she had, going as far as to climb over rows of seats in order to speak to people.
She was nothing short of a social butterfly, and you were her anti-social caterpillar. The Swede in you was drawn to the Spanish affectionate nature even if it was vastly different from your own.
Your tiny girlfriend was as much of a magician on the pitch as she was off it, her ability to simply vanish the second you took your eyes off her was quite impressive, but not very enjoyable on your part. You almost had to invest in a private investigator to figure out how she did it, the way she always fooled you simply driving you crazy to the point of oblivion.
Still, you loved her strange habits simply for the fortune of having her, having her in every way imaginable.
You loved getting to hold her even as she squirmed to get away, kisses raining down on her face after a long game, using your substantially taller frame to put some space between her feet and the ground so that she wouldn’t be able to get away.
Your muscles ache as your feet thump against the ground, the last game before a small break one of great performances, you yourself slipping 4 goals past the keeper, all of them assisted by your wonderful girlfriend.
Still, despite your obviously tired appearance, you were still ushered away to the corner of the pitch for an interview, being handed a man of the match award for your efforts during the game. This meant that your girlfriend was left unsupervised, your tired mind mixed with needing to seem professional before the camera completely taking up all your attention, meaning you didn’t immediately notice your girlfriend beelining for the stands.
“So, how does it feel to be back in the squad after the hamstring injury?” The reporter looks at you intently, trying her hardest to stare into your soul, or that’s at least what it seems like.
“Yeah, I mean it’s always special to be part of this squad, I’m not even going to lie and say that it’s been easy sitting on the bench when all I wanted was to jump on the field and score again but ultimately I got through it. I’m really happy with the performance as well, my beautiful girlfriend assisted all my goals so that makes it even better.” You smile widely when you mention your girlfriend, seeing through half-lidded eyes as the reporter's smile drops before she plasters it back on.
‘No need to be unprofessional now’ you think to yourself, looking away from her in search of that girlfriend to see if she could save you from the creepy situation.
But in your attempt to catch your girlfriend’s attention, you see her about to climb over the railings to talk to fans. You know that it’s dangerous, not only because of the altitude, but also because you never knew the intentions of some fans.
Somewhere in the background you can hear the reporter speaking to you, but you don’t pay her any mind, simply getting more anxious the longer you are standing there.
“It has to be special to be back with your teammates-”
“Perdón!” Is all you’re able to get out before you take off in Aitana’s direction, your legs no longer aching thankfully enough.
Your hands latch around her hips, tugging her softly away from the railing like you would a cat that had burrowed its claws into the couch. Aitana yelps as she looks back at you suspiciously, her hands coming down to rest on your shoulders when she realized that she didn’t have any plan of escape, seemingly just accepting her fate.
There are multiple cameras pointed at you, including the social media manager’s, so you just know that the interaction would find itself on the internet by the time you would be sitting in the bus.
Strangely enough, you didn’t mind that fact all that much, liking that the world would see how much you loved your girlfriend, maybe it would discourage reporters from trying to shoot their shot with you.
“Hey there pretty lady, whatchu’ doin’?” Aitana smiles at you innocently, acting like she totally didn’t try to climb over the railings. She presses a quick kiss to your cold cheek, enjoying the way your face darkens a few shades, the red spreading up your cheeks like food coloring in water.
It leads her to continue, kisses soon being placed on every single space on your face, with you soon blending in with the tomatoes you were growing in your garden.
“You are very cute.” She whispers lowly, her eyes flitting over your face as she smiles, keeping the words between the two of you like it was a secret only meant for your ears. Perhaps it was, you never knew with Aitana.
“And you are trying to distract me from the fact that you were totally trying to climb up into the stands. You’re lucky to be adorable, because Jona is one more abandoned interview away from benching me.” You boop her nose, shifting her body around so that your left arm was the only thing holding her body up, her arms still around your shoulders.
Walking back towards the interviewer, her professional smile drops from her face the second she sees Aitana perched on your arm, but nonetheless you approach her civilly. Aitana smiles brightly at the camera soon pointed at her again, media training mixed with the attention she’s getting from you being the perfect situation for the camera.
“Hola, lo siento, this one was getting herself into trouble. Had to get her out, don’t want the gaffer to bench the superstar now do we?” You motion towards Aitana with your head, the girl still sitting perched atop your arm slapping the back of your head lightly. Switching her around again, you quickly put her down back on her own feet, Aitana’s arms coming down to wrap around your waist tightly, almost possessive in a way.
“Thank you for today, that was all we needed. Here’s your man of the match trophy.” You get handed the trophy, turning to your girlfriend to brag, only to find her gone once more, her small body shooting across the pitch to get as much space between you two as she could.
It was almost as if you could see into the future as she jumps up and throws herself over the railings, giggling madly along the way.
You start to laugh too, the high speed chase the biggest highlight of the day, because not even scoring 4 goals could overshadow spending even a second laughing with your girl.
And even though Mapi would be teasing you for weeks about the absolute lovesick actions that day, you wouldn’t have it any different, besides you had more than enough ammunition to be able to blackmail her for eternity, so it didn’t really matter anyways.
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aleatus177 · 1 month
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hehehehehhee i got obsessed with Zukka so i drew them (obviously still not finished), i started it in pencil cus i was at school when i got the ✨motivation✨ and then i went digital to make it easier to draw (cus i’m sure the paper was going to break from all the erasing i was going to do)
designing Sokka’s clothes was really fun, i tried to combine some Inuit’s clothing with Water tribe’s and just some extra details for fun and i really like how it turned out, tho with Zuko is another story, it was a pain making his clothing, first trying to find out if which culture was the Fire nation clothing based on, if it was Japanese or Chinese, then second i got frustrated trying to find good references so at the end i just grabbed one clothing i liked, fire nation clothes, and some details from other Zuko drawings, i obviously tried to make it as original as posible, i made lots of designs but with similar ideas in some parts, i ended up really liking it but i feel like i could have done a lot better to make it more fire nation or chinese/japanese (i don’t fucking know)
i like Sokka more cus he still looks like himself and the clothes still look like water tribe, Zuko thankfully still looks like himself because of the scar and his clothes don’t really say fire nation, but if it had nothing to do with the clothing looking like the fashion from their respective place and the characters looking like themselves, i prefer Zuko
BUT ANYWAYS, THEY’RE SO CUTE AHHHHHHHHHH i sometimes surprise myself with how amazing my drawings can look, i just hope i still get enough motivation to finish the drawing, cus its gonna be a lot of details and colors… haha, i love colors thats my fav thing when drawing😄😄 😃😃😀😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
i’m still not sure if i should add a background and lights and stuff, i need to improve drawing those kind of things
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miinatozakiii · 3 months
watch me take my time 
park jihyo x fem!reader ; fluff, smut ; read tutor perks first! this is pt. 2
synopsis: surprising the woman you're dating with tea and pastries turns into a steamy evening, and a more sentimental morning after
warnings: mommy kink ; jihyo receving, reader giving ; jihyo in control for the most part ; smut! ; smut :3 ; and smut ; cursing ; fucking on the couch!!! ; face riding ; yeaahh anything else i didn’t mention ; not proofread, as always lol 
a/n: hey! i wasn't sure what to do for a part two, i never know. i didn't really expect tutor perks to get THAT much attention. anyway, I just went with whatever I felt like, i hope you guys like it. lmk what you think!
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the parking garage was quite mesmerizing, adorned with lush greenery and meticulously planned layouts. it was a stark contrast to the parking spot on campus that was a fifteen-minute walk from the main campus. compared to the $225 spot at your university, this was undeniably better.  
“is this the right place?” sarah, your roommate, asks. “because if it is... you coined a whole sugar mommy.” 
“oh shut up.” you say, blushing. sarah laughs at you, then gives you a little hug. 
“whatever, get out my car. i have to go see my girlfriend.” sarah says jokingly, to which you respond with a roll of your eyes.  
“yeah yeah, see you, love you, bye.” you mutter before getting out the car and shutting the door, watching sarah wave at you teasingly. 
walking towards the actual building — littered with plants and the beauty of the exterior catching you off guard — just the sight of it was enough to make you nervous. still, you manage to open the door and step in, feeling intimidated almost immediately just from seeing everyone inside the lobby. 
the corporate image time ten was right in front of you: men in suits tailored to perfection exuded an air of confidence as they made way through the bustling lobby, their attention divided between important phone calls and firm handshakes with other mirror images of themselves. meanwhile, women clad in sleek blazers formed clusters, their conversations punctuated by polite laughter and the occasional sip of coffee.  
it was safe to assume that you didn’t really fit in, you couldn’t help but feel like a fish out of water in the moment. so, while clutching a bag of pastries and a cup of iced tea from your shift at work, you made a conscious effort to blend into the background as you walked up to the lady behind the desk up front. thankfully, that wasn’t too hard given everyone had been occupied with their own things. 
the lady, a shorter looking woman with hair tied up professionally, looked at you unamusingly. she raised a brow as you looked at her, putting a finger up to pause you in place since she looked like she was preoccupied with a phone call.   
you balanced the small brown bag of pastries and iced tea in one hand, then moved over to fix the tote bag on your shoulder. the lady finished her call, then turned to you and spoke in a monotoned, uninterested tone. 
“hi, how can i help you?” 
“hi, um, is jihyo here? she’s still working, right?” 
“and who are you?” she asks, looking offended that you even asked that question.  
taken aback, you grow a little bashful and respond, “y/n l/n, i'm a...” you clear your throat, “friend of hers. she said if i wanted to stop by, now would be a good time.” 
“yeah, alright. you expect me to believe you that miss park said you could stop by?” 
“excuse me?” you say, immediately feeling belittled by her tone and look at you. “what do you mean by me? is there something wrong?” 
the lady lets out a noise thats a mix of a laugh and a scoff. she sighs, looking down at her desk and pointing down at a paper before responding.  
“miss park is a very busy woman, you know that, right? i have to make sure that this is an urgent thing, otherwise, you can see yourself out the door.” 
the condescending tone in the desk lady's voice grates on your nerves, sparking irritation within you. you resist the urge to roll your eyes, instead fixing her with a steely gaze as you suppress the retort bubbling up inside you. 
"i get that jihyo is busy, seriously," you reply evenly, your frustration simmering beneath the surface. "i'll call her right now if you need confirmation. i have her number and everything. she even texted me—" 
"she what?" the desk lady interrupts, her expression shifting from dismissive to incredulous. "you-- you have her personal number?" 
"of course i do, it's jihyo we're talking about," you respond matter-of-factly, feeling a twinge of satisfaction at the surprise evident in the woman's reaction. 
"i didn't think—wow," the desk lady stammers, clearly caught off guard. she clears her throat, attempting to regain her composure. "miss park doesn’t give anyone here her personal number. s-sorry, i'm a bit taken aback. i'll have someone escort you. i'm sorry for the inconvenience, miss—" 
"it's y/n," you interject, feeling a sense of satisfaction at the sudden shift in demeanor from the desk lady. it's almost amusing how quickly she seems to have changed her tune, now treating you with an unexpected level of deference.  
the desk lady nods and begins making arrangements for your escort, you can't help but feel a sense of validation at the realization of just how highly regarded jihyo must be. the fact that you have her personal number suddenly feels like some sort of badge of honor, you must be lucky to just know her or interact with her casually—especially in bed, that must be better than any trophy or award. maybe even better than a grammy or something. 
a tall, frail older man is by your side in the next minute. before you leave, the lady smiles at you – maybe a little forced given the unnatrual expression – then picks up the phone again, seemingly dialing a number. 
the man leads you to an elevator and presses the second to last button, indicating the 11th floor. as the elevator ascends, you stand beside him, taking note of his impeccable posture and the condition of his suit. not a single crease in the fabric, he had to be some kind of perfectionist.  
when the elevator doors slide open on the 11th floor, the man steps aside and gestures for you to exit first. his actions are formal, almost ceremonial, and you can't help but feel a sense of significance in the gesture. despite being just a girl who's clocked off work, you find yourself appreciating the unexpected treatment. you’re not against any of this treatment, however. 
once you step out of the elevator, the man gestures for you to follow him down the corridor. as you walk, you can't help but be captivated by your surroundings. the corridor is lined with large windows that offer expansive views of the city, bathing the space in natural light and providing a breathtaking backdrop as you continue through the building.  
the floor itself is decorated with tasteful elegance, oozing an air of professionalism and refinement. everything is thoroughly arranged, from the sleek furniture to the artful accents that adorn the walls. it's a space that balances functionality and cliche professionalism with an aesthetic appeal, creating an atmosphere that feels both welcoming and authoritative. if this is just one of the floors, you can’t even imagine how wonderful the rest of the building is. maybe jihyo will get to show it to you sometime. 
passing by the employees that type away or take calls, he leads you to a room that has large windows, displaying the blinds that block whatever – or whoever – is inside. a sign is plastered on it that says park jihyo, indicating that this is right where you wanted to be. 
he knocks on the door three times – somehow sophisticated and professional – then says in his deep voice,  
“miss park, i'm sorry to interrupt. you have a visitor.” 
silence takes over for a bit before the door is opened, revealing a tired looking jihyo in her blazer and slacks. she doesn’t see you at first, sending daggers at the man covering you before saying in a stern tone, 
"chang, you know i'm busy with emails—" jihyo begins, her voice trailing off as she catches sight of you standing in the doorway. immediately, her demeanor softens, a faint smile playing at the corners of her lips. 
clearing her throat, she regains her composure and gestures for you to enter her office. "ah, y/n, come in," she says, her voice warm and welcoming. turning to the man, chang, she nods in appreciation. "chang, you're dismissed. thank you for escorting her." 
chang nods respectfully and takes his leave, leaving you alone with jihyo in her office. as the door closes behind him. jihyo wastes no time in closing the distance between you as soon as the coast is clear. 
her hand finds its way to the nape of your neck, pulling you close with a gentle yet firm touch. you feel a rush of warmth as her lips meet yours in a soft, tender kiss. her smile is evident even in the midst of the kiss, and you can't help but mirror her expression, returning the affection with the curve of your own lips. 
you pull away, lips inches apart. jihyo smiles at you sweetly. 
“what are you doing here?” 
“you said you would be relatively free, i just got off work. i got you something to eat, figured you’d be hungry and... i wanted to see you.” 
it's been almost three months since your first – very intimate – night with jihyo. the two of you continue to see each other, both intimately and regularly. dating jihyo has been pretty nice, though both of you have times where you don’t have time to see each other, so it’s nice to have moments like these. 
as the weeks turn into almost three months, your relationship with jihyo continues to evolve. jihyo asked you out on proper dates, rather than her eating you out, she wanted to eat something else and get to know you better.  
despite the demands of your respective schedules, the two of you make a concerted effort to see each other as often as possible. whether it's her inviting you over when her nephew isn’t around to evenings spent curled up together on the couch or having wine and a conversation. every moment shared with jihyo was precious 
dating jihyo has brought a sense of joy into your life, a feeling of being understood and cherished in a way that you've never experienced before, none of your high school relationships made you feel this way. and while there are times when conflicting schedules and obligations pulled you apart, those moments only serve to make the time you spend together even more precious. 
“you’re so sweet honey, come, sit.” jihyo says thankfully, guiding you to the large couch that gives you an even better view of the city. 
you sit next to her and place the goods on the table, then immediately. she rests her head against your shoulder. a smile plays across your lips, and slight worry seeps into your skin. jihyo must be tired, judging from how limp she is against you, so you grab her hands and hold them gently, rubbing her knuckles and letting her relax a bit. 
as you sit down next to jihyo and place the goods on the table, you can't help but notice the fatigue etched into her features. she leans her head against your shoulder, a smile plays across your lips as you feel her weight against you, but a slight twinge of worry creeps into your heart. jihyo must be exhausted, judging from how limp she is against you. without a word, you reach out and gently take her hands in yours, intertwining your fingers with hers. 
you begin to rub her knuckles soothingly, hoping to ease some of the tension that seems to have taken hold of her. her fingers are a little bonier, hands noticeably more mature given the slight age gap between the two of you. a ring is around the base of her middle finger, something expensive looking with a small apricot-colored gem in it. in the warmth of your touch seems to relax her, and you can feel the tension slowly melting away as she leans into your embrace.  
“you seem drained, was work exhausting?” you ask, turning to face her. 
“just some really incompetent men and everything has been getting on my nerves. lots of deadlines that need to be met and some of my employees have been slacking.” jihyo sighs, “things are getting better, though. i made some... arrangements that should have things back in order.” 
“i see.” you say, playing with her fingers. you press a kiss to the top of her head and reach for the iced tea, moving the straw to her mouth. “this should give you some energy, it’s the house tea, something peachy and sweet.” 
“aw, you’re too kind, doll.” she says, pouting her lower lip before taking a sip. she takes a few more sips before grabbing the drink from your hand and setting it down on the table, then pecks your lips. “you’re seriously a gift, darling.” 
almost three months and her little petnames still make your heart race, you don’t know if you’ll ever get used to them. 
“sweetheart, if it’s not too much, could you massage my upper back? there's a lot of tension, god, it’s killing me.” 
“of course.” 
jihyo turns away from you so that her back faces you, and you place your hands on her tense shoulders. squeezing lightly to get her accustomed, she immediately relaxes into your touch, sighing as you massage her. she moves her head down so you can reach more of the stiff areas, and once your thumbs add more pressure, she lets out a louder sigh, more of a groan that makes you giggle, and leaving some room for imagination to other ways that can make her sound like that. 
as jihyo turns away, her back facing you, you instinctively place your hands on her tense shoulders. with gentle pressure, you begin to massage her muscles, hoping to provide some relief from the tension that has accumulated there from whatever she’s been up to all day. 
at first, jihyo tenses slightly at your touch, but as you continue to knead her shoulders, she gradually relaxes into your hands. a soft sigh escapes her lips as she leans into your touch, allowing you better access to the stiff areas of her muscles. 
you adjust your position slightly, moving your hands to target the areas of greatest tension. with firm yet gentle pressure, you work your thumbs into the knots, eliciting a deeper sigh from jihyo's lips. the sound is more of a groan, and it sends a shiver down your spine, igniting a playful giggle. 
“ah- great.” she says through gritted teeth. she moves her hair over to once side, then asks, “can you get this side for me?” to which you respond with a hum. 
as you continue to massage her shoulders, you can't help but let your mind wander, imagining other ways to draw out this genre of sounds from her. but for now, you're content to focus on the task at hand, providing jihyo with the comfort and relaxation she so desperately needs. and as you feel her muscles begin to loosen beneath your touch, you can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that you're able to provide her with some relief.  
however, this doesn’t necessarily mean that your mind is completely free of other intimate scenarios. 
jihyo gets a little louder, failing to suppress the groans that slip past her lips. your hands slow down, instead, you start to slide your hands down her back and around her waist, gently placing them on the sides. leaning closer, you place a chaste kiss on the skin that isn’t covered by her hair, smirking into her. 
“what are you doing honey?” she asks softly, turning her head just barely to catch you in her peripheral.  
instead of responding verbally, you press longer, lingering kisses along jihyo's neck. with each gentle caress of your lips, she begins to relax further, her body responding to the intimacy of your affection. 
sensing her movement, you feel her hand come to rest lightly on your head, her fingers tangling softly in your hair. the sensation sends a shiver down your spine, a warmth spreads throughout your body as you continue to place kisses along her neck. 
slowly, almost imperceptibly, jihyo begins to turn toward you, her movements guided by the gentle coaxing of your lips against her skin. as she shifts, her hand remains on your head, the gentle pressure of her touch grounding you in the moment. with each kiss, you feel the tension melting away from jihyo's body. 
finally, when she’s turned towards you, you catch her lips with your own. jihyo hums into the kiss, her hand moving from your head to the base of your neck, then to your shoulder. 
you pull away briefly to mutter, “feeling better?” to which jihyo responds by pulling you in by the hem of your jacket, closing the distance again. 
as the kisses between you and jihyo grow soft and slow, a familiar heat begins to build between you. your tongues meet again, this wouldn’t be the first time for sure. 
feeling a surge of need coursing through you, you subtly shift your position, guiding jihyo down until she's reclining on the couch. with a smooth, fluid motion, you position yourself on top of her, your body pressing against hers, heat radiating off the two of you. 
in this moment, you find yourself taking control – in contrast to how it usually goes. as you deepen the kiss, your hands roam freely over jihyo's body, tracing the curves of her figure before sliding your hands under the edge of her shirt. she gasps at the feeling of your fingers on her skin, leaving you to kiss the corner of her mouth and trail down. 
with jihyo beneath you, her body yielding to your touch as you trail kisses down to her neck, you feel a sense of power and satisfaction wash over. you nip gently at her neck – careful not to make any noticeable marks – while she claws at your clothing. 
“baby-- darling, god,” she groans as you nip at the right spot with your teeth. she lets you indulge for a few minutes more, clearly enjoying it as much as you do before halting your actions as you slide your hands up closer to her chest under her shirt. 
you pause, pulling away and looking at her with confusion, “sorry, too much?” 
“never too much,” jihyo assures, placing a hand on your cheek while she catches her breath. “my employees are outside.” 
your eyes widen, then you get the message and mutter, “oh.” 
jihyo giggles at your response before lifting her head up to kiss you deeply again, pulling away with a noticeable sound made from your lips parting. “you’re adorable.” she says before grabbing your phone out your pocket and checking the time briefly. “my nephew isn’t home, so how about we get situated at my place? i should’ve left the office thirty minutes ago.” 
“anything you’d like.” 
with jihyo’s purse in your hand, you follow her into the house. the lights are off and it’s clear that no one’s home, leaving many possible opportunities for the two of you and even more scenarios to run through your head.  
“have you had dinner? and don’t say you’ve had those pastries, that’s not enough darling.” jihyo says lightheartedly, though stern enough to let you know she’s serious. she places her purse on the counter and takes off her blazer, which reveals the shirt hugging her figure neatly. she's looking through the purse now, back faced you and you can’t help but check her out briefly. “if not, i'll order takeout.” 
“that’s perfect.” you respond. jihyo turns towards you and grins, walking over and pecking your lips. 
“yeah, i'll grab us some wine. order anything you’d like, love.” 
“i’ve been craving bento bowls, is something japanese fine?” 
“anything is fine, i'm starving even after that scone.” jihyo giggles, “also, it’s almost six. i have a little work call to answer, but after that we have the rest of tonight and the weekend if you’re not occupied with classes.” 
“perfect, i'll just order for pick up then and then i'll be back in time for us to eat and whatnot. sound okay?”    “that’s lovely, then i'll have to find my favorite wine for us. the best for the best.” 
you giggle before pressing your lips against hers again, pulling away just barely before she closes the distance again. her arms rest on her shoulders as she pushes you closer, then she deepens the kiss. 
without thinking, you move yourselves over so that jihyo’s against the counter, your hands sliding under her shirt yet again and lips sliding down to the soft skin on her neck. she groans at the feeling, tilting her head back to give you more access to her as she tightens her hold on your shoulder. 
“later tonight,” you mutter in between kisses, rubbing circles on her skin under her shirt. “let me help you relax, yeah?” you nip at her skin lightly and she lets out a sharp breath, hand moving to the side of your neck. “let me do the work this time, you deserve to sit back for once.” 
“y/n--” jihyo begins, but is cut off by the sound of a phone ringing against the counter. she groans in frustration; this is the angriest you’ve seen her. her brows furrow and she tenses her jaw as she picks up the phone, then looks at you apologetically. 
“you should take that.” 
 jihyo sighs, then kisses your nose. “you should order dinner.” 
“mhm.” you mumble before kissing her jawline, removing your hands from under her shirt and jihyo whines just barely. her skin seems colder now that your hands aren’t on them, tracing patterns and rubbing up and down the landmarks.  
jihyo gave you the keys before you had left, so you didn’t have to ring the doorbell or anything – you assumed she’d still be on that work call. 
as you enter the room, you find jihyo standing against the counter, her posture tense and her expression drawn with frustration. she's wearing something different: a cropped t-shirt and comfy sweatpants instead of her work attire. with one hand, she pinches the bridge of her nose, while the other holds a phone to her ear. she listens intently, her brow furrowed in concentration, as she navigates the seemingly irritating conversation on the other end of the line. 
one arm crosses defensively while her gaze remains fixed on some distant point on the wood floor. to her left, on the smooth marble countertop, you notice two glasses and an unopened bottle of white wine.  
“yes, i already have my employees on it.” you hear her say, tone stern yet level. “look, according to the results and feedback we’re doing fine, so i don’t understand why this meeting is still in session. i know you want to be secure, but doubting me won’t secure what’s already set. everything is fine, so go talk to samuel if you really want to bicker with someone who can’t do their job. he's been slacking with his unit; i've seen the data. goodbye.” 
a small “ugh” is muttered under her breath before she places the phone down, then looks over to see you standing in the entrance of the hallway. a smile tugs at her lips immediately upon seeing you. 
“two teriyaki salmon bentos for the struggling college student and her beautiful, older, hardworking, hot older woman.” 
jihyo snickers, laughing at your stupid little titles. “calling me old?” 
“well maybe... i’m into that though, so stay old.” 
jihyo rolls her eyes at you, then watches you pull out the to go bowls out onto the table nearby. she walks over herself and brings the glasses and the wine bottle over. before she takes out the cork with her tool, she places a kiss on your cheek and mumbles against you a soft, “thank you.”  
you grin and kiss her back before going back to the kitchen to grab utensils, and then back to the table to sit down next to your lover. 
grabbing the boxes and handing jihyo a spoon, you ask, “how was your day? work seemed rough.” 
a sigh leaves her lips, her aura radiating exhaustion and irriation, yet she stays calm and content before your eyes.   
“just a lot of deadlines and dreadful people to deal with today, but it’s over and you made me feel better.” 
“i’m glad.” you say, putting a hand on her thigh. “let’s eat, maybe you’ll be less exhausted.” to which jihyo responds with a nod and a kiss to your knuckles.  
the sliding door in front of you two gave a great view of the setting sun, which made dinner quite romantic. jihyo shared more about her day, though it was mostly complaints mixed with frustrated grunts and groans when bringing up the men she had to face. you on the other hand, shared some small anecdotes from your shift and your roommate's own drama to jihyo, which she enjoyed listening to. before you knew it, dinner was finished – bowls clean and all, barely any remnants of the food left – which urged you two to throw away the plastic containers and head to the couch to sit and sip on wine. 
jihyo sat beside you and swirled her wine around before sniffing, then took a small sip. you did the same, eyes lighting up from how good it was, which made jihyo laugh. and then the two of you went on to talk about more small things, ranging from what annoyed each of you during the day and things you both looked forward to.  
the next thing you knew, your head was against jihyo’s shoulder, and your now empty glass was set on the table with hers.  
“at least the day is over, hyo.” 
she snickers upon hearing the name, then turns to you with a smile.  
“sorry, don’t like that name?” 
“no, i love it. it's cute.” she assures, “adorable.” 
“yeah?” you say, grinning. shifting yourself up to sit up right, you brush a strand of hair behind jihyo’s ear. “any plans tomorrow?” you ask, staring at her lips blatantly. 
“no, what are you up to darling?” 
you giggle and run your hand down to her jaw, placing your thumb on her lip and applying subtle pressure. 
“let me help you relax tonight.” you simply answer, smirking devilishly. “seems like you need it.” 
in no time, your lips make their way over to hers, you kiss her slowly and savor her. she places her hand on your shoulder, gripping slightly as you deepen the kiss.  
your hands find their way under jihyo’s shirt again in no time, though at first, your fingers simply brush against her skin before doing anything big. you're taking your time exploring her, finding out which area on her rib makes her kiss sloppier or her breath shorter. you feel her responding to your touch, her movements becoming more urgent, more fervent. 
jihyo's hands roam over your body in tandem with your own explorations, one hand in your hair and the other on the base of your wrist. you're both consumed by the heat of the moment, kisses with more tongue, breaths heavier, and jihyo’s groans getting louder. it's perfect. 
you create a gap between the two of you after pulling away, your own breath heavy. jihyo looks at you: red, puffy lips and peach colored cheeks from the intimacy.  
looking down at the edge of jihyo’s shirt, you silently ask to take it off by playing with the edge of the fabric. 
“take it off.” she says lowly, almost an order. 
nodding, you slip the shirt off, gazing at her clad chest. 
you've seen her naked before – more than you can count on one hand – yet, she still manages to leave you in awe.  
“fuck, you’re beautiful.” you sigh, immediately making your way over to her neck. “i could have you like this all day.” you groan against her skin, right before sucking near her pulse point so harshly to the point where she moans your name out, subconsciously gripping your hair and tugging so roughly it hurts your scalp.  
blindly, you start to unclasp her bra, discarding it somewhere in the room – you could care less where it landed – and tending to the new area exposed. 
a brush of your finger on her nipple already has it perked up, making her groan loudly. saying it’s music to your ears would be an understatement, it’s better than any symphony. 
“y/n, baby,” jihyo moans, feeling a wetness pooling down in between her legs. “ah-”   
your mouth lands on her chest, then down to her tits. you press a chaste kiss to her tits, making her look down at you with furrowed brows and parted lips. with full eye contact, you travel to the swell of her breast, finding your way to her nipple and swirling your tongue around. the way you suck on her sensitivity is enough to make her groan right in front of your face. the way her mouth gapes and oh, how lovely she sounds; you could get used to this for sure.  
and later you pay attention to her other breast, treating it with the same care and evoking more lewd sounds from the older woman. the way she folds under your touch, twitching and slowly losing herself while she’s weak to you; jihyo could use more rest days, especially ones that have hours dedicated to you indulging in her. 
moments later, after earning at least a song’s duration of jihyo’s indescribable pleasure seeping from her lips, you decide to look at the mess you’ve made.  
marks of pink ranging to a darker red – even a near purple – are littered all over her skin, from her neck to all over her chest area. you bite your lip at the sight, rubbing your finger along a few of the hickeys. 
“y/n, baby,” jihyo starts, looking at you intensely. “shirt off, down on the couch now. don't make me ask twice.” she orders breathlessly, narrowing her eyes and expecting immediate obedience – which she receives without question. 
despite how much you’ve riled up and left her, she still has that natural authority. there's absolutely no way you could disobey her, at the end of the day, no matter what you’ve done to her; you belong to jihyo now, no doubt. 
“yes ma’am.”   
as you slip the shirt off in one motion, jihyo uses that short duration of time to slip off her comfortable pants, discarding them and slipping her panties off. she watches you – who's watching her in return – you're propped up by your elbows as you watch her sit on your lap, feeling your pussy throb just from the feeling of her bare cunt on the denim covering your heat. 
“good girl, always. you know how to listen to me, glad you know your place.” 
“of course.” you say, looking at her with desperate eyes. 
“you know how i've told you about today, yeah? it was so difficult, so many incompetent people. you’re going to listen to me, okay? you're gonna let mommy use you just like the good girl you are, got it?” 
taken aback by the new title, you hesitate to respond, too entranced by the sight in front of you: jihyo completely naked, on your nap, with her hands resting on your abdomen to hold herself up. when she doesn’t get a response from you, she grinds harshly against your lap, earning a pathetic whine from you. 
she presses her hand down on your abdomen harder, earning a sharp breath from your lips. 
“you answer me when i talk to you, i won’t say this again.” 
“y-yes, sorry.” 
she leans closer, her face above yours and gaze sharp. “yes who?” 
with no hesitation, you correct yourself. “yes mommy, i'm sorry, i'll be a good girl from now on.” 
jihyo smiles, pleased to say the least. 
“down on the couch then honey, on your back.” she says gently, though there’s still that stern tone.  
you gulp, then nod. jihyo smiles as you set your head down, putting your arms off to the side so your hands can gently caress her thighs. she gets up on her knees, repositioning herself so that her cunt is hovering above your chin, then stroking your cheek lightly. you look at her with puppy eyes, silently begging for her to let you get a taste; she gets the message almost immediately, then sets her cunt right above your mouth. 
your hands reach for the sides of her waist, moving her down just an inch so you can get a taste of her arousal.  
she groans again, throwing her head back before looking back at you with creased brows: your cheeks are red, your eyes are closed, and you’re humming against her while you eat her out ravenously. the last time you had eaten someone out had been a while ago, and jihyo’s been the one fucking you to oblivion since the first night with her. you're following her body, sliding your tongue up her folds and sucking on her clit once you reach. she gasps and grips your hair the way you like it, rough and demanding. her nails dig into your scalp, and you let out a little moan yourself, turned on just as much as you are when she’s doing everything to you. 
attentive to the sounds she’s making, you keep doing what earns the more pleasing reactions. she's griding against the flat of your tongue, forcibly pushing your mouth into her wetness the more you indulge. she's moaning louder, her deep, mature voice growing breathy and higher pitched the more you please her.  
and then she shifts your lips over to the left side of her clit, so you suck and lick and groan until the living room is filled with the sound of squelches of her pussy and your mouth coming into contact mixed with moans that fade into nothing as they’re caught in throats. jihyo's cursing more and more, holding you in one spot with that one hand gripping onto your hair like there’s no tomorrow whilst she grinds herself on your tongue and completely uses you. 
“y/n, y/n darling, honey, fuck, ah-!” she cries out, shaking until she isn’t, propping herself up with one hand on your hip bone and the other loosening her grip on your now disheveled hair. she grinds slowly now, still stimulating the aching between her legs whilst you clean up all her climax with your tongue.  
slowly, you take your time licking up her folds, savoring her. a press to her clit later and you're pressing more on her inner thigh until she shifts herself off your face and back to your lap.  
she runs a hand through her hair – some strands sticking to her forehead.  
you catch your breath, then sit up a little bit, jihyo still in your lap.  
“feeling better?” you ask, your hand settling on her explosed ribcage before moving up to cup the bottom of her tit.  
“much better.” she grins, fixing the hair she’s ruined. strands fall over your face, she runs a few fingers through to fix it up again.  
laughing, you lean closer to press a kiss to her lips, smirking once you part away. 
“y/n,” jihyo begins, twirling a piece of hair with her fingers. “you’ll be a good girl, right?” 
you nod. 
“good, because the night isn’t over.” she says menacingly, looking at you with darkened pupils. “on the ground, on your knees. you're gonna eat mommy out until she’s satisfied, got it?” 
“yes ma’am, yes mommy.” you say, immediately switching positions.  
jihyo watches you move over to the ground, the visible patch of arousal apparent on your denim as you kneel. she traces down the grooves of your torso, indulging in the sight before sitting back and spreading her legs.  
seeing her like this, you lick your lips. you're like an obedient puppy, eager to receive her approval and eager to serve her in any way she sees fit. 
jihyo raises her brows at the sight and smiles devilishly at how pathetic you look. she gives you the green light after relishing your submission.  
just like every other morning, you’re stuck in jihyo’s bed half naked. some sports bra covers the upper half of your body, and boy shorts hug the skin just below your waist. the older woman’s hands are wrapped around your waist, one hand sitting on the exposed hip bone that pops out, and she’s warm against you, her chest rising and falling against your back. 
shifting subtly in your place, you turn over to face her.  
her face is bare, no makeup on and it’s just jihyo before you. she's rubbing her hands on the exposed skin on your hip, mumbling something groggily under her breath. it's been a while since you’ve seen her like this – it's been a bit since you’ve been alone with her, really alone, just the two of you and no one else or worry of interruption. 
“mm, honey,” jihyo mumbles, and you can’t tell if she’s awake or asleep while saying this. “closer.” 
you find your nose in the crook of her neck, smelling faint hints of lavender while you press closing. she rubs your shoulder with her thumb, tracing patterns and shapes you can’t really put a name on. the sun hits her eyes, you hear a little groan, and then a little yawn that gives you the hint that she’s fully awake. 
a hand finds itself tangled in your hair, then massages your scalp. “did you sleep alright?” jihyo asks, voice gentle and caring as she holds you. 
“i slept great, you?” 
a kiss is pressed to your forehead and fingers play with the rim of your boy shorts. a soft smile plays across your face, you close your eyes and breathe out. 
“sweetheart.” jihyo hums, tapping your shoulder.  
“i realized i've never really, fully expressed how thankful i am for you.”  
upon hearing jihyo’s sentimental words, you pull away from where your face had been nestled, face to face with jihyo now. 
“i haven’t been that, well--” jihyo’s face flushes – to oyur surprise – she looks down at your clad chest, then back at your eyes. “relaxed. you helped me unwind, thank you.” 
you can’t help but giggle, finidng all of this so cute. jihyo had been ordering you around last night, moaning so loud the neighbors probably heard. you can still feel a little ache in your scalp from how roughly she was pulling at your hair; everything about the night before was so lewd. it's funny how vulnerable and cute jihyo’s being right now, letting her heart do the talking. 
“you’re adorable, hyo.” you sigh, looking at her with admiration. “i’m glad i was there to help, and i'm looking forward to helping out whenever you want.” 
“y/n.” jihyo begins, placing her hand on your cheek and looking at you like you’re the most precious thing in the world. “will you be my girlfriend?” 
giggling again upon hearing the seriousness in her voice and the adorable look on her face, you nod. 
“of course.” 
at the end of the weekend – a beautiful sunday evening, the sky painted hues of pink and purple – you’re in your desginated spot: the passenger’s side of jihyo’s car. 
both of you sit in silence as jihyo exits the freeway, some pop song playing on the radio. her hand is intertwined with yours, elbows sitting on the little compartment that seperates the two seats. she's humming along and it’s music to your ears, you’re smiling ear to ear as you watch her. 
sunglasses sit on the crown of her head, her side profile staying in its place while the scenery behind her flashes by as the car moves forward. she's beautiful. 
once you reach your apartment complex, jihyo parks somewhere close.  
“don’t move, just stay there.” you warn her, sounding all serious and looking at her with raised brows. 
“darling, what?” she asks, a little smile tugging at the corner of her lips. she giggles once you leave the car hurriedly, rushing towards the other side to open her door. 
“miss park.” you say, putting your hand out. jihyo laughs, amused at your little gesture. she takes your hand and steps out, rolling her eyes at you. 
“you’re unbelieveable.” 
“well, after seeing how scared everyone was at your work place the other day, i feel like i should treat you better.” 
“you’re my girlfriend, not my employee y/n.” jihyo scoffs, then kisses the back of your hand.  
once you make it to your apartment, you knock on the door, waiting for the familiar face to open the door for you.  
sarah opens the door a few seconds later, eyes widnening upon seeing you and jihyo right in front of her – hands holding and all.  
“oh my god you really did manage to get with her.” sarah says in disbelief, making you roll oyur eyes and the little comment making jihyo snicker. “you’re jihyo? wow, oh my god, you look so young – i mean, you are, like--” 
“i get what you mean, thank you.” jihyo responds lightheartedly, smiling at the woman in front of her.  
the two of you step in and sarah is still examining jihyo, baffled by how unreal she looks – and wow, your descriptions and rambles about this woman did not prepare her for this meeting. jihyo sets herself down on the couch and sarah pulls you to the side quickly before the two of you join her. 
“oh my god when you said older woman i didn’t expect godly cheekbones, jawline sharper than a knife, and fucking luxury to show up holding your hand.” 
“she’s amazing.” 
“ugh, you’re drooling.” sarah sighs. 
you smile at your roommate like a proud little kid, pushing her lightly before joining your now girlfriend on the couch.
maybe majoring in education was worth it, you think to yourself as you watch sarah grin at the two of you from across where you’re sitting. despite your dreadful research papers, essays, and mock lectures – all of it was worth it if it meant meeting jihyo.  
sarah puts a leg over the other, leaning back against the smaller seat in your living room. 
“you know, y/n has been gushing over you since like, the first time she tutored your nephew. she's kept me up at night just talking about--” 
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angels-fantasy · 3 months
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Sweet Confessions
Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Reader
Description : After a night out with friends, Bakugou decides to tell you something while you two are eating sweet pastries.
Details : 1.8k words, friends to lovers, cussing, reader and bakugou are over 21! readers looks are not specified in any way, but she is a woman. small mention of alcohol.
this is my first fanfic ever, so please be kind! constructive criticism is welcome :)
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When Bakugou received a text message from Kirishima inviting him out to eat with the bunch of other idiots, he immediately declined. Though this was nothing new, and it was something his red-haired friend was already expecting. Which is why he had Mina execute plan b.
Raccoon Eyes
Yo Bakugou! Come out with us tonight. You're always locked away in your apartment. Let loose a little!
Bakugou glared at his phone and typed out a message.
Hell no.
UGH BAKUGOU!! You're literally no fun. I can't believe you'd miss out on the opportunity to see this cutie -.-
A few seconds later, a picture was sent. When Bakugou opened it, he saw that it was a picture of you. He brought his phone closer to his face and looked it over carefully. He noticed you were dressed for the occasion, like everyone else in the background, and you were smiling widely at the camera. Mina probably told you to pose.
He must've been looking at your photo for too long because another text from Mina came in.
You drooling or what lover boy? Hurry up and get here so you can make a move already. We all know you like her 🙄.
Bakugou felt his face flush. It was true, he did have a crush on you. And though he never verbally admitted it to anyone, they all saw right through him. Except you, of course.
He clicked his tongue and typed up a quick response before beginning to get ready.
Shut up. I'll be there in 30.
"Woo! We got him!" Mina cheered, leaning across the table to high-five Kirishima.
You looked between them suspiciously, "What are you guys plotting?"
The pink woman had the audacity to look nervous. "Nothing! Don't worry about it."
"Yeah, okay."
As Mina and Kirishima kept whispering to each other, you squirmed in your seat. You knew the other pro heroes at the table fairly well, but not enough to just strike up a conversation like you would with Mina.
"Hey pretty, what do you look so nervous for?"
You turned to the left and were faced with a yellow haired man.
"Oh, hi Kaminari. I'm not nervous, just hungry. They're taking a little long to bring out the food. Don't you think?" You lied.
Thankfully he was kind of an airhead. "Oh yeah I know right! I'm starving. I'm gonna go ask how much longer!" He said and got up out of his seat, leaving you alone again.
You sighed and took a sip of your drink. Since Mina and Kirishima were too busy talking to each other, and you didn't want to bother talking to anyone else you decided to scroll mindlessly on your phone.
Some time later, the empty seat next to you was pulled out and sat in by Bakugou himself.
Your ears got hot at the sight of him. It wasn't the first time you'd met him, you two were good friends after all. But you never got used to how handsome he was. It was like he got better looking everyday. You began to wonder what he looks like under that button up-
"Hey nightlight, what're you staring at huh?" He asked, snapping you out of your trance.
"Shut up! I told you to stop calling me that." You said with false annoyance.
"It ain't my fault your quirk makes you a nightlight." He smirked. You scrunched your nose to hide your laugh, but unknowingly failed since Bakugou still saw it.
His nickname for you was completely harmless, and came from your quirk which allowed you to produce light from your hands. It wasn't anything comparable to a pro hero's quirk, but it did have its uses.
"Kacchan you made it!" Midoriya exclaimed with his big smile.
Bakugou clicked his tongue, "Shut it nerd, or else I'll leave. Give me a menu, yeah?"
Midoriya laughed off his words and passed him a menu, used to his harsh way of speaking.
Dinner went on without any problems, and the food was delicious. Everyone around the table cracked jokes, brought up old memories, and some people had even began drinking alcohol, including you.
Your drink wasn't very strong, but the few you had was enough to have you a little tipsy. Thankfully, you took an uber to the restaurant, so you didn't have to worry about driving.
During dinner, you and Bakugou engaged in a conversation. Mostly about his hero work and the villains he had caught recently.
Once everyone finally finished their food and drinks, they had all begun to leave. Slowly leaving one by one, some in pairs as well.
While you grabbed your stuff, you got on your phone to call for an uber but got interrupted by Bakugou talking to you.
"How you gettin' home nightlight? You better not even think about driving after drinking." He warned.
You brushed him off, "I'm taking an uber, don't worry!"
He grunted in agreement and was silent for a moment before saying, "I'll give you a ride home. C'mon."
"No it's okay! I can just take the uber home. Besides, didn't you drink too?"
"Hell no I didn't. It's not my thing. Just hurry up and accept my offer alright? This is the only time I'll be this nice."
You smiled at his words, knowing he was lying when he said this was the only time he'd be nice.
"Alright then, let's go!"
He smirked and held out a hand for you to hold, which you did while he walked you to his car. He made sure you didn't fall on the way there, and even opened the door for you.
"Wow what a gentleman you are. Do you open doors for all the ladies?" You teased.
"Nah, so consider it special treatment for you Nightlight."
You smiled shyly and wiggled your feet a bit after he shut your door and got into his own seat.
The ride to your house was quiet, except for the occasional small talk. But it wasn't awkward or uncomfortable. It was a comforting feeling for the both of you.
When he pulled up to your place, you turned to him to say goodbye, but instead you said "Um, do you wanna come inside with me? I have some pastries I made earlier..."
He laughed lightly at your words, "Sure, but be ready for me to critique the hell out of those pastries."
You led him inside where you both took off your shoes and coats. You ushered him to sit on the couch and relax while you went to go prepare some drinks and the pastries for the two of you.
While you were gone for a few minutes, Bakugou couldn't help but think about how he was actually inside your house. It wasn't the first time he'd been there, but it was the first time he'd been there alone. Just you and him.
In the midst of his thinking, he felt his phone buzz and he looked at it to see a message from Kirishima.
Shitty Hair
I see you left with your little nightlight ;) Better make a move while you have the chance!!
Bakugou huffed and sent a middle finger emoji, then silenced his phone. He didn't need any distractions.
Finally, you came from the kitchen with a tray in your hands and placed it on the coffee table.
"Here they are! My babies. I hope they're still good, considering they're not as fresh as they were this morning." You said nervously while sitting down next to him.
Bakugou hummed and grabbed a pastry, biting into it. You watched silently as he chewed and swallowed it, anticipating his reaction.
He bit it again, "S' good."
You smiled, "I'm glad you like it. That means a lot coming from you, Bakugou. Your cooking is so good!"
He turned away with a red face, "Of course it is. I'm the best at everything. And why don't you call me Katsuki? We've known each other for years now."
"Oh, I didn't realize you felt that way. Sorry Baku-erm, Katsuki. I just thought you didn't want anyone to call you that, especially since Kirishima doesn't even call you that..."
"Tsk, I feel a lot of ways. You just don't know about it."
Your interest peaked at his words. "Oh yeah? Then would you do the honors by telling me how you feel Katsuki?" You teased.
Bakugou felt himself hesitate before speaking, which is something he never did. Gosh, he couldn't believe this is how he was going to confess to you.
"I like you, idiot."
Your smile fell and your expression formed into one of pure confusion. "What?"
Damn. Maybe that wasn't the right move.
He began to panic and sat up quickly, "Ugh, nothing. Forget about it-"
"No! I'm not forgetting about that." You said while grabbing his hand, pulling him back down onto the couch.
As he sat down next to you in silence, you kept his hand in yours. "You like me Katsuki?"
He huffed and turned away. "So what if I do? It doesn't matter-"
You grew frustrated at his words. "Of course it matters! Stop acting like this is nothing. I need you to talk to me seriously, because I don't want to get my hopes up..."
He looked back at you, only to see your eyes watering. "Hey wait-don't cry. Shit. I'm real fuckin' bad at this, ain't I?"
You laughed and sniffled, "Yeah, a little."
He sighed and squeezed your hand that was holding his.
"I uh, I do really like you. I have for a while. I just didn't wanna fuck up what we already had-" He was cut off by you throwing your arms around his neck tightly.
"You big dummy. I can't believe you thought you'd mess things up."
His eyes widened in surprise, but he still wrapped his arms around your waist. He stayed quiet to listen to what you had to say.
"I actually like you too, y'know. I have for a while now."
He smirked and hugged you tighter. "Thank god. I was almost afraid you'd run out on me."
You snorted and pulled away slowly. "No way in hell would I do that. I just didn't know how to tell you..."
He threw an arm around you and said, "Well I'm glad ya did. 'Cause you're my girl now."
"Don't I get any say in this?" You asked jokingly.
"Nah, you agreed when you said you liked me back."
That night, Katsuki decided to sleepover at your place since you two had already made it official. You lent him some mens pajamas you had since you were sure they'd fit him, which he fussed about because he assumed they belonged to another man.
"No Katsuki, these are actually mine believe it or not."
"Tsk, good. If I ever find any other loser's shit in here I'll blow it up."
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mj0702 · 2 days
The other Bronze – Pt. 20
“Keira... you okay?” Ingrid looks closely at her teammate who suddenly stopped eating.
They were out with the whole team in a small Restaurant in Barcelona – a get together if you liked. Ingrid noticed first that Keira stopped eating as she stared down at her phone and suddenly there were tears flowing. The Norwegian kept a close eye on the englishwoman seeing how much she missed young girl namely y/n Bronze.
It was unreal how you single handily turned the whole team spirit around in just a couple of weeks. Every single one of the blaugrana Team was a fan of you in some sort. Keira and Lucy obviously – they had the family connection. Alexia felt protective of you the second she laid eyes on you when you insulted that guy in the most filthy spanish someone could come up with – courtesy of her own girlfriend Mapí. For Mapí you were the little sister she never had – together with Pina and Patri the four of you meant indescribable trouble. Ingrid and Caro where a little more careful with you – both of them more on the calmer side they haven't had interacted with you much but what they saw made them see you in a different light. You were young, yes – but you also were determent and strong headed. Irene and Marta immediately adopted you guiding you a little from the background with gentle soft touches and encouraging words. Aitana was intimidated by you at first but the second you threw out catalan she wanted you near her all the time to see what else you could learn. Ona saw you as her girlfriends sister but also as a growing up young woman who needed her space and guidance at the same time. So it made everyones alarm bells scream seeing Keira cry. No one expected it to be happy tears.
Keira watched the video at least another four times before she handed her phone wordlessly to Lucy who looked at her confused
“Just watch it Lucy” the blonde sniffled smiling through her tears
“What am I watching?” your sister asked a little suspicious Ona already shuffling closer wanted to get a look as well
“For fuck sakes Bronze... just press play” Keira snapped at her ex who immediately pressed play with such a force she nearly threw the phone into the olives
It didn't even take two seconds for Lucy to realize what she's watching and she let the phone fall onto the table stunned
“It's not” Lucy looked at Keira shocked tears in her eyes
“What is going on??” now Mapí asked annoyed “... everyone is starting crying”
“Is everything okay?” Alexia asked getting a little concerned for her teammates
“Yeah... everything is better than okay” Keira smiled
“Then why is everyone crying?” Mapí asked confused
“Happy tears Maps... these are happy tears” Keira answered smiling
“Then why is everyone happy crying?” the tattooed girl asked getting even more confused
“Y/n picked up a ball... on her own” Lucy said her voice uncharacterically flat
“Lucy..” Keira immediately understood why your sister reacted that way
“... scuse me for a second.. I need some air” your sister already shoved her chair back nearly running out of the restaurant
“Go after her” Keira said to Ona “... she needs you now”
“What? Why? What happened” the young catalan asked confused
“Just... go” the blonde basically shoved Ona to go after Lucy who thankfully got the message and stumbled after her girlfriend
“Let's start where Ona left off... what happened?” Alexia asked and suddenly all the eyes were on Keira
“Georgia just send me a video of Bitsy playing with a football – on her own... she did upsies and tricks like she never stopped playing” Keira explained setting her phone up pressing play
Everyone looked mesmerized at the little screen – at you controlling the ball like no one they've ever seen
“This is...” Alexia was at loss for words “... I've never seen anything like this... ever”
“Told you the Nena is out of this world” Mapí announced proudly “Mi Nena”
“But... this is good right?” Ingrid asked looking at Keira
“It is...” the blonde nodded
“Then why is Lucy...” Caro asked looking at the restaurant door like Lucy would magically appear
“Three and a half years we waited for that... the amounts of fights we had because of it – because we weren't sure if we should give her a little push or not... you all saw what happened when Mapí caught her off guard...” the blonde started but got interrupted by Maps
“... I'm still very sorry” the tattooed woman said ashamed
“... it wasn't you fault Maps... but you all saw what happened.... and NOW... after three and a half years... she picks up a ball.. in Munich... at her girlfriends trainings ground...” Keira kept going
“Lucia is hurt” Alexia mumbled and Keira nodded
“But why? It's amazing that Nena plays again... Ale you have to talk to all them big people you know... we can't lose her to england... or worse... Madrid!!” Mapí said shocked her eyes wide
“María...” Ingrid started gently smiling a little “... lille venn can't play anymore remember?”
“But... she just did” the tattooed girl pointed at Keiras phone
“And neither Lucia nor Keira where there to experience it first hand” the norwegian said softly knowing her girlfriend didn't mean any harm she just... was slow sometimes.
“Oh... OH... that sucks... I'm sorry Keira” Mapí bursted out looking apologetic in Keiras direction
“It's okay Maps... I expected it to be honest... In Munich no one knows who she is...” the blonde said but Alexia, Ingrid, Irene and Marta didn't miss the hurt undertone in their teammates voice
“Can we do anything to help Luce?” the tattooed spaniard asked
“No... she needs to work through it on her own” the blonde shook her head
“Then why did you send Ona after her?” Ingrid wondered
“She's complex.. she needs to work on it on her own but at the same time she needs someone there... someone who she trust... who she can break in front” Keira said “... so... dessert anyone?”
And with this the topic of you picking up a ball was history. At least inside – outside was a different story
“Amor” Ona carefully tried to approach Lucy carefully
“No... I need... I need space... I need to breath” your sister said upset roaming the pavement in front of the restaurant
“Okay... I'll be just here if you need me” the young catalan said calmly pointing to one of the window sills sitting down on it
Lucy roamed for another 10 minutes before she suddenly stopped looking at Ona
“Three and a half years...” your sister blurted out “... three and a half years... I waited three and a half years...” before she started roaming again
Ona just kept quiet waited for her girlfriend to continue to rant and get it off her chest
“... and she has the AUDACITY to pick up a ball in Munich... MUNICH!!!” Lucy ranted angrily “... In front of Georgia Stanway!!”
“Lucy..” Ona said softly
“I was there... every step of the way... I held her when she had nightmares... I picked her up when she did more than her knees could handle and she fell.. I cooked for her even tho she never eaten more than a spoon full... I drove her to rehab sessions and picked her up... I took her to camp with me because I was scared she'd do something stupid if I leave her alone... where was Georgia all the time?” your sister just kept talking “... she was no where to be seen... and now she gets to be there when y/n decides to pick up a ball again... she gets to witness something Keira and I worked for three and a half years?”
“Lucy... amor” Ona tried again keeping her voice soft and calm
“She doesn't DESERVE it to witness that!!” Lucy exploded and Ona knew now was the time to interfere
“Amor... mi vida” the young catalan said her voice low as she pushed herself off the window sill going over to her girlfriend and just pulled Lucy into a hug
Just as she expected Lucy broke down crying the second she felt the arms of her girlfriend tighten around her shoulders
“It's just...” Lucy cried into Onas neck pulling her even closer
“I know... “ the catalan said softly “... but it looked like she didn't know Georgia was there”
“But why does G get to witness that? Why wasn't I there?” your sister hick-upped “I should've been there...”
“I don't think Georgia was meant to witness that...” Ona said her heart breaking a little bit when she heard her girlfriend crying into her shirt
“But she did” Lucy cried not knowing how to deal with the situation “She got to see it”
“Let us go home okay... lets just get some rest” the catalan whispered already pulling out her phone to text Alexia
“We can't... the team” your sister pulled back a little bit trying to contain her tears and sadness
“They'll understand...” Ona said softly “... let me just text Ale... they can take our stuff to and bring it to training tomorrow”
“Thank you” Lucy mumbled holding onto her girlfriend for dear life
Back in Munich you didn't have a clue of your sister breakdown – you were laying happily on your girlfriends couch. Maybe a little too happy.
“Baby... are you okay?” Georgia asked raising her eyebrow at you where you laid on top of her your head on her chest
“Sí” you giggled “muy bien... todo bien”
“Okay...” your girlfriend looked at you confused “... care to switch back to english?”
“No parlo anglès” you giggled pushing your nose against her chest
“Oh fuck me...” Georgia sighed out “... ehrm... wait... who do I know who speaks english AND spanish....”
“El castellà és una llengua bonica...i dones boniques” you giggled
“Tainara” your girlfriend suddenly exclaimed angling for her phone from the side table calling her teammate while you continued to giggle into her chest
“Yeah George?” Tainara answered the phone after the second ring
“Sorry to call you this late... but my... friend... something is not okay with her and she speaks something language I don't understand and... can you help?” Georgia rambled
“Sure... put her on.. I try to help” Gs teammate answered
“y/n... my teammate wants to talk to you” your girlfriend pushed her phone into your face for you to take it
“Hola... qui ets?” you asked wondering
“Oooookay... give me back to Georgia please... you understand english right?” Tainara said
“Sí...” you giggled handing the phone back to your girlfriend
“Yeah?” Georgia asked carefully
“That's spanish you muppet” the Brazilian woman said flatly
“And?” your girlfriend asked confused
“I'm from Brazil” her teammate exclaimed
“Again... and?” Georgia didn't understand what the problem was
“I don't speak spanish... I speak Portuguese” Tainara said a little offended
“Okay look... it kinda sounds the same to me” your girlfriend said ashamed “... so you can't help me?”
“No you asshat... and you owe me a big ass lunch for saying spanish and Portuguese sound the same” Tainara grumbled “... Ana is Colombian... they speak spanish”
“Thank you... god bless your Portuguese soul” Georgia sighed in relieve as she was about to hang up
“I'M FROM BRAZIL!!” you heard yelling from the phone as the call disconnected which caused a new round of giggles
“Hang in there Baby... I'm getting help” your girlfriend mumbled holding you closer to her calling another number
“Yeh?” a tired voice answered after some rings
“Ana? That you?” Georgia asked a little desperate
“Yes? You called me.. G.. if you interrupted my nap by accident” Ana said getting fed up already
“No no... my... friend... she speaks spanish even tho she doesn't speak spanish... I already called Tainara but she couldn't help... and I need help to understand her” your girlfriend rambled again
“Ay dios...” you heard from the phone and it made you perk up
“Uh... I think she understood that... here... talk to her and find out what's going on” Georgia immediately catched on your change of behaviour and once again pressed the phone into your hand
“Hola?” you asked giggling
“Hola chica... cómo estás?” Georgias teammate asked you
“Soy buena y tu?” you giggled
“Bien gracias... Entoces qué te pasa?” Ana asked trying to figure out what's wrong with you
“res per què?” you answered confused
“Puedes devlverme a G por favor?” the Colombian asked
“Sí cap problema” you smiled even tho Ana couldn't see it handing the phone back to your girlfriend
“And?” Georgia asked hopefully
“Yeah I can't help you...” her teammate said nonchalantly
“Why?? She speaks spanish.. you speak spanish... bam... help me” your girlfriend said lost
“I would help if that WAS spanish... that's catalan... I can understand bits of accents away from other spanish but catalan? no... sorry...” Ana said apologetic
“Ugh... fuck meeee...” Georgia whined “... you have any idea who I could call? I just want to know what's going on?”
“Ehrm... my best guess... someone from Catalonia?” the Colombian offered and started to chuckle
“Great help....” your girlfriend said flatly “... I don't know anyone from there”
“Isn't your best friend from Barcelona?” Ana mused
“KEIRA!!! YES!!!” Georgia exclaimed suddenly sitting up quickly which resulted in you getting squished into her torso “You're a godsend Ana... see you tomorrow... good nap!!”
Georgia quickly hung up the call immediately dialling Keiras number waiting nervously for her best friend to pick up
“Hey G...” Keira finally answered and Georgia could hear laughter and voices in the background
“Keiraaaaaa.... heeeeey...” your girlfriend greeted Keira sounding like a maniac
“Oh god... what happened? Is Bitsy okay? Are you okay? Are you both okay?” Keira immediately knew something was off her mind already painting the most worrying pictures
“Yeah yeah we're good... kinda” Georgia said quickly
“Kinda?” her best friend repeated confused
“Yeah you see... we're here... in Munich... on me couch...” your girlfriend started feeling you giggle against her stomach
“I hope for your sakes that you really are” Keira growled her alarm bells screaming “God save the King”
“We are... but... something is not right with y/n... she's all... giggle-y... and...” Georgia confessed embarrassed
“Aaaaand?” her best friend asked her patience low
“ShespeakingspanishandIdon'tunderstandherhelp” your girlfriend mumbled quickly
“Again?” Keira asked confused not knowing if she heard correctly
“For some reason she's speaking spanish and I don't... so... help? Please?” Georgias voice was high
“Why is she speaking spanish?” Keira asked confused
“I don't know... she just started speaking spanish out of nowhere and I tried to solve the problem by asking me teammates but apparently Portuguese is not spanish and even the one who apparently speaks spanish didn't understand spanish... useless the lot of them I tell ya” your girlfriend huffed “... so... help?”
“Oh god... why... why did you two find each other... I'm 27... I'm having GREY hair G... GREY!!!” Keira exclaimed upset
“It's not like anyone would notice between them ginger ones” Georgia shrugged her shoulders
“Georgia Marie Stanway!” her best friend scolded her “... ugh... just get Bitsy on the phone”
“Hey Baby... Keira...” and for a third time that night the phone was shoved in your face
“Sí?” you tried your hardest to sound as normal as possible knowing Keira would catch on and then you were in trouble
“Hey Bitsy... you alright?” Keira cooed sweetly
“Estic perfectamente bé... per què?” you answered honestly and a small snort made it out
“Oh dear jesus lord in heaven” you heard Keira huff “Alexia... mind doing me a favor?”
“What's the matter?” you heard the Barca capitana asked
“Here... your Cariño is on some kind of drug and now she speaks catalan... you are catalan... fix it...” Keira said as she passed the phone to her friend
“Holi Cariño?!” Alexia said a little confusion in her voice
You only squeaked before you threw the phone across the room – even in your current state you knew you were in SO much trouble if Alexia gets involved
“Hey... don't throw me phone!” Georgia exclaimed shocked
“Ho sento” you mumbled trying to push your face deeper into Georgias body hiding from the world
“Baby.... I don't understand you... I just want to help” your girlfriend begged you “... let me go so I can go get me phone?”
“No” you whined holding tighter onto Georgia
“Baby... please” G tried to pry your arms off her “... me phone”
“No necessities el teu phone” you mumbled but your grip loosened a little bit which Georgia used to pushed herself out under you quickly walking to pick up her phone
“Keira?” she asked hoping her friend didn't hung up
“No... Alexia” the other person answered
“Jesus fuck” Georgia sweared throwing her phone a little further away before running after it picking the phone up again “... ehrm... sorry... that was... quiet the surprise... big fan”
“Georgia sí?” Alexia asked trying to keep a clear head
“Yes... that's me” your girlfriend nodded even tho nobody could see it
“Okay... what's wrong with mi Cariño?” the spaniard asked still trying to figure out what is happening
“You mean y/n?” Georgia asked confused
“Yes... y/n... Bronze... the small Bronze” Alexia answered losing her patience already
“I... don't know... we were laying on the couch doing.... nothing.. and she started giggling and speaking spanish... I don't speak spanish... she doesn't speak spanish... so I need help... please” your girlfriend explained once again
“Okay... I can work with that... put me on speaker” the Barca capitana instructed
“Okay... sure... ehrm... wait...” Georgia said before pushing the speaker button “... you're on speaker, Miss Putellas”
“Hola Cariño” Ale said ignoring Georgias rambling
“Ale... Com estás?” you giggled
“Estic bé i tu?” the spaniard asked hearing you speaking catalan surprising her
“Sóc genial” you exclaimed happily
“Per què parles català?” Alexia smiled to herself
“Perquè puc” you grinned proudly “Digues bonmatí”
“Ah, doncs li hauria de dir a l'Aitana?” the blonde spaniard chuckled “... per què hauria de fer això”
“Aitana estarà orgullosa” you said wholeheartly
“Oh but I'm proud of you too....” Alexia said softly “... so tell me mi Cariño... why are you speaking catalan?”
“Ona taught me” you said like it was the most obvious thing on the world
“Ona?” the spaniard asked completely at loss
“Yes... the friendly spaniard” you nodded quickly
“And we're back with the nicknames” Alexia sighed “... want to tell me about your day Cariño?”
“Uh... didn't do anything special.. we had breakfast... VERY good Avo-toast... you spaniards could learn to make Avo-toasts... it's not that hard you know... it's avow.. and toast...” you started to recap your day getting distracted
“Cari.... after breakfast” Alexia stressed
“... oh yeah... we went to this garden... not the bad one where I'm not allowed to go anymore... the nice garden... babe... what's the nice garden called” you got distracted again
“... Englischer Garten... english garden” your girlfriend provided thankful you're speaking english again
“That one... you should come visit pretty spaniard” you giggled “... they have beautiful trees... cherry trees... and this little tent-thingy”
“Cari... focus” the blonde spaniard pressed
“uh... then we went for lunch... just a small one... I had....” you looked at Georgia for help again
“Wurstsalat” Georgia threw in
“... that... it's like sliced sausage with vinegar and onions and pickles and it's really good... oh and you eat it with bread” you giggled again
“Cariño por favor..” the Barca woman groaned
“... then we went home for a nap... and G overslept so we didn't have time for coffee because we had to take public transport to training... G lost her license you know – she drove like a cunt and got a nice picture of it... expensive picture” you just kept talking ignoring Alexias groaning and Georgias shocked face “... we made it to training and they had just a light session I got a bit bored and fell asleep... after training we went home and I cooked...”
“What did you cook Cari?” Alexia perked up
“Penne all'Amatriciana.... it's pasta with beef... or... vedella” you said proudly
“Hm... sounds delicious... how did you prepare the beef Cariño?” the spaniard suspected something specific
“You need to season the filet beforehand... just salt and a little bit of pepper” you started to explain happily and Alexia let you talk “... heat the frying pan to basically volcano and then throw the filet in there... fry fry fry... and than deglaze it with a good dash of red....”
“Red?” Alexia and Georgia asked at the same time
“Yes... don't worry... the alcohol goes all poof with the heat of the pan... no alcohol left in the meat... but it gives it some amazing flavour...” you waved off “... then you throw in the cooked pasta, some fresh tomatoes, basil and parmesan”
“Red wine?” the blonde spaniard clarified
“Sí” you said again
“I don't even have red wine in me flat” your girlfriend exclaimed shocked
“Stole it from Lucy.. she has a whole ass wine rack she didn't even noticed I packed it... got it through camp as well” you answered proudly
“Ay dios mio” you heard Alexia through the phone “Cariño... did you have a sip from the wine?”
“Maaaaaaybe a little” you sing songed
“Ay dios” the spaniard huffed out “how many sips did you have Cari?”
“Just a few” you grinned
“Georgia... look for that bottle” Alexia instructed and immediately sprinted into the kitchen “Cari... why did you take the red wine form Lucia”
“She doesn't need it... she didn't even know what she had there... it was a Vega Sicilia” you said getting upset
“That's a very good wine” the spaniard mused trying to keep you calm “... you have good taste Cari”
“Bottle is half empty” Georgia panted coming sprinting back in “you drank half a bottle of wine?”
“Nooooo...” you giggled “... I put some in the pan too... like... two dashes”
“Oh god...” your girlfriend whined “Miss Putellas...”
“You can call her pretty spaniard... she doesn't care” you interrupted grinning
“Please don't” Alexia exclaimed “Alexia is just fine”
“Please don't tell Keira y/n is drunk... I swore I look after her” Georgia begged
“I'm not drunk” you said seriously
“Cari... you are drunk... but some sleep will fix this, hm?” the blonde hummed
“But I'm not tired” you said confused
“Oh but you are... you told me” Alexia lied hoping you would fall for it
“Oooooh yeah... true... baby I'm tired... I'm going to bed okay” you nodded seriously tossing the phone at your girlfriend swaying in the general direction of the bedroom
“What... where.. huh?” your girlfriend watched as you made it through the open door face planting onto the bed
“You're welcome” Alexia said before she hung up
“Crazy... all of them are crazy” Georgia shook her head
“Ugh” you groaned next morning when you felt Georgias fingertips dance across your ribcage
“Morning drunky” your girlfriend chuckled behind you nuzzling into the back of your neck
“Not drunky” you mumbled closing your eyes again protecting them from the far to bright light in the room
“Oh you so were drunk” Georgia chuckled pressing a soft kiss to your neck
“Was not” you groaned again
“You spoke catalan” your girlfriend pointed out and THAT made you shoot up into a sitting position – which turned out not to be a good idea since you immediately got hit with nausea and headache.
“How do you know I spoke catalan... I don't even speak catalan” you looked at Georgia panicked
“Oh but you do... you had a whole ass conversation with Alexia Putellas...” your girlfriend said as she laid on her back her arms stretched above her head
“Alexia??” you screeched
“Look... I got worried... you were all giggly and strange and you spoke a language I didn't understand... I asked me teammates for help but even they couldn't help... so I called Keira..” your girlfriend explained
“Keira??” you screeched even higher
“Yeah... she couldn't help so she put Alexia on the phone.. she helped...” Georgia shrugged her shoulders sitting up now “... she even got you to go to bed”
“Oh fuck me G... that's bad... so SO bad” you whined
“Why... you had a little wine... geez when I was your age I literally tubed beer” your girlfriend said trying to calm you down
“Do you realize what Ale will do with me once I'm back in Barc... I'm simply never going back to Barcelona... easy...” you started to whine before you just had THE idea
“Yeah well... I don't think Lucy will let that happen” Georgia scratched the back of her neck embarrassed
“We just ignore her...” you looked pleadingly at the blonde
“I still have to play with her in the national team... and you have to go to camps too now since you signed a contract” your girlfriend pointed out killing your plan with her stupid logic
“Ah fuck” you groaned and let yourself fall backwards onto the bed again
“Baby.... it's not that bad....” Georgia tried again
“You wanna tell Lucy I got drunk on red wine?” you raised your eyebrow in challenge
“We just pay Keira and Alexia to never ever breath a word of that” your girlfriend quickly said seeing what you meant
“Mhm... thought so” you mumbled
“Okay... I have training this morning and fitness in the afternoon... you wanna join or stay here?” Georgia looked down at you
“I want to die.... that headache is going to kill me” you whined which made G chuckle
“I'll get you some water and paracetamol” your girlfriend said before pressing a kiss to your head and stood up
“And a bagel... I want a bagel... with bacon....” you yelled after her
When Georgia returned with the bottle of water and two pills you were dead asleep again
“Guess you won't join training then” the blonde mumbled smiling walking towards the bathroom to take her shower and get herself ready for the day
You woke up two hours later to a quiet flat. You groaned again rolling over to your other side seeing the water bottle and the pills laying on your nightstand.
“Every time I think I can't fall more for her she pulls some shit and I fall even harder” you mumble to yourself swallowing the pills with a large gulp of water
“Ugh... I hate pills” you shuddered but made it slowly out of bed dragging yourself into the kitchen where you found a post it on the coffeemashine and one on the fridge
“Press “an”... who the fuck is Ann?” you read loudly looking at the coffeemashine like it offended your whole family
“... oh... there... button... an...” you pressed the button and the machine started to come to life “.... oh cool...” you shrugged your shoulders
“... when all the lights are on... press “Kaffee”...” you read again looking for the right button
“uh... that thing can make Cappuccino” you said excited pressing on that button instead of Kaffee
The machine started to grind the beans – which did wonders for your headache – but THEN it made weird noises. Like it was dying.
“Oooooh no no no no no” you said in panic “... stop dying.... just coffee... you already started the coffee... just... put it in the cup... here... it's a nice cup... look... it's from here actually... it's a Bayern Munich cup... you like Munich right... you live here”
You spoke to the coffeemaker like it would actually answer you but it continued to make weird sounds so you decided to try a different approach
“If I now press Kaffee... will you stop dying... please?” you looked at the machine pleadingly before hitting the coffee button over and over again
“Please... stop dying... G will kill me if I kill you” you said desperately but it was no use
“Okay... we gonna approach that rationally... you had a good life... I'm gonna pull the plug now” you said and pulled the cable out of the socket with closed eyes – immediately the machine stopped “dying” and you sighed in relieve
“Okay... so no to coffee... new plan... get a shower... get ready... go coffee” you mumbled to yourself already leaving the kitchen for the bathroom
30 minutes later you checked your pockets if you have everything before pulling the door shut going down the stairs and step outside into the beautiful Munich sunshine. You had no clue where you were or where you needed to go so you just played eene meeny mooh and then turned right to follow the street. On the next occasion you turned right following an important looking sign hoping for some sightseeing. Again you followed the sign on the next traffic light as it pointed to the left. You took some pictures on your phone on the way being absolutely mesmerized by the buildings you passed in awe. You followed the road for some time until you discovered the next sign telling you to go left and suddenly you stood in front of a big building... with a lot of cars inside. It dawned on you - you just followed a Carpark sign. You were very disappointed at this point. So you decided to walk along the carpark building until you were back on a bigger road. You totally winged this Munich tour.
You followed the bigger road until you spotted a group of Asian people who looked like they were getting a city tour with a guide. So you decided to just go with that group since the guide apparently knew what she was doing. After some short stops at some buildings you were absolutely not interested in you found yourself at a place you reconized from being here with Georgia before – the Viktualienmarkt. It was a beautiful big market place where you could basically get everything. Fresh fruit and vegetables. Honey and Bee products. Wine (slight heave) and Beer. Good food. Nice people. Everything in one place. That also was the moment you realized you had no money on you. Which sucked big time since you got quite hungry with your exploring. You pulled out your phone to see five missed calls. When you pulled them calls up you saw two from your girlfriend, one from Keira, one from Lucy and one from an unknown number. So you decided to call your girlfriend back first and to your surprise she answered after the second ring. Which was VERY unusual for Georgia since you normally needed four tries to get her on the phone
“Baby.. where are you... I came home half an hour ago with you gone... are you okay?” your girlfriend spoke quickly and her voice showing her increased stress level
“I'm alright... I'm at the big market place...” you said confused
“Big market pla... love... where the fuck are you?” Georgia said even more confused that you were
“You know... where you took me when I visited the first time... where you can buy all that bee stuff in that little corner shop on the market” you tried to explain since you didn't want to make a fool out of yourself for pronouncing the places name wrong
“I have NO idea where you are... wait... look for someone nice and let me talk to them” your girlfriend tried so hard to figure out were you where
“Okay... wait” you looked around until you spotted someone familiar – it was the nice waitress from the breakfast place G took you to yesterday so you approached her carefully
“Ehrm... excuse me?” you lightly tapped her shoulder
“Ja?” the nice blonde turned around “Oh hi... I remember you... you had the two avocado toasts yesterday with your friends”
“Actually just one... the other one my friend ate before I could grab a bite... that bottomless bitch...” you said still a sore topic for you “... I... need help... could you please help...?”
“Dinara...” the woman offered smiling friendly “... and of course – what's the problem”
“I... got... kinda lost?” you said embarrassed holding your phone up “... me.. friend is on the phone but she's too thick to figure out where I am so can you please tell her..?”
“Oh my god of course” Dinara laughed as she took your phone “Hi? So your friend is at Viktualienmarkt just opposite Chicos Saftbar... at the golden chicken”
“Oh god thank you so much” you heard the relieved sigh of your girlfriend through your phone “I know you probably have better things to do but... could you maybe keep an eye on her... or chain her to one of the lampposts so she can't run off again? Either way is fine”
“Excuse me??” you exclaimed upset “... tying me to a post?? The fuck you think you are – you ain't Luce”
“Depends on how long you need to get here...” the blonde woman said amused at your outburst
“Half an hour max... I'm already on me way” Georgia said panting as she was jogging down the street to the next tramway
“Yeah I can do that... I'll take her to Café Schmalznudel” the nice helpfully blonde said still grinning at your behaviour since you retreated to grumble to yourself about getting tied up to a post
“Thank you so SO much” your girlfriend said as she got onto the tramway towards the city centre
“No problem...” Dinara smiled as she tugged on your sleeve so you would follow her “... I know how it is to get lost in Munich”
“Where we going? I'll have you know I have a lots of friends who will come looking for you if you murder me” you said but still walked after the blonde
“I was about to get you some coffee and some delicious pastry but since you accused me of being a murderer you can sit and watch me eat and have my coffee” the blonde said sweetly
“That's literally letting me starve... I didn't get coffee this morning because me gi... friend... friend decided to get a coffeemaker you need a fucking PhD for and then I got lost...” you deadpanned as the blonde woman shoved you into a small shop where it smelled deliciously
“Are you always this dark and twisted sarcastic?” Dinara asked interested
“Yes... got it from... I wanted to say my family but they're not like me... in terms of fun... they're all very humourless.. except for me sister... she has her moments... they're rare but she has them” you mused “... she's trying”
“Okay...” the blonde laughed “... what do you want... I recommend the Dampfnudel” she said as she pointed to one of the trays
“What's that?” you looked interested
“It's a yeast dough with a plum marmalade filling... very tasty” D explained “... or there we have Auszogne...”
“Uh.. I had that before... they're amazing” you looked at the pastry your mouth watering “I want them all”
“You literally will puke if you eat everything... so let's settle for one and you can come back with your friend another time” the blonde said
“Gibberish gibberish dare” you looked at her straight in the eye grumbling
“What?” the young woman looked at you confused
“It's... Swedish? Danish? Cold countryish for “you're mean”...” you said huffing a little
“Have it your way... I'm going to order now” the blonde shrugged her shoulders turning around to the guy behind the counter starting to order
“I take that yeast thingy” you interrupted from behind her
“Und eine Dampfnudel mit... what coffee?” the woman said half turning to you
“Do you guys know what a cappuccino is?” you asked carefully
“We're a European country and closer to Italy than the UK... yes we know what a cappuccino is” the woman said rolling her eyes “... und einen Cappuccino bitte”
20 minutes later your girlfriend bursted through the front door looking around panicked before she spotted you speed walking over
“What the hell were you thinking???” your girlfriend said panting
“I was thinking about getting a coffee” you looked at her confused
“I... I.. what?” Georgia looked at you in disbelieve “... coffee?”
“Yes... you know... that black liquid that brings you back to life” you chewed on your pastry as you heard your new friend snort beside you
“I have a perfectly fine coffeemaker at home” your girlfriend exclaimed
“Had... I think it dead” you looked at her innocently and G couldn't do anything than look at you flabbergasted
“So... as lovely as this interaction was... I need to get to work” Dinara suddenly exclaimed and stood up
“What do I owe you... wait... you paid for her stuff right?” Georgia started to ramble and rummaged through her pockets “... here... 50 Euros.... 10 for the food the rest for having to deal with her”
“No needs... she is a delight once she's fed and caffeinated” the blonde waitress laughed and pushed Georgias hand back denying the money
“No really... I can't thank you enough... god knows where she would've ended up” your girlfriend tried to give Dinara the money again
“It's okay... just... put one past Coll for the girls who look up to you” Dinara smiled winked and pushed past Georgia leaving the small place leaving Georgia behind looking confused
“You think she'll come back for the rest of her pastry?” you quipped up behind your girlfriend eyeing the piece interested
“Honestly Baby... what where you thinking? You don't know the City, you don't know the language you didn't even knew where you were” Georgia whisper yelled after she sat down opposite to you
“Look... you were gone when I woke up... I tried to make coffee the machine died... yes, I don't know the city or where I was... but I'm not five... and for the language barrier.. you don't speak german either” you said back your voice low “... you won't believe it Georgia Stanway but people speak english and I found out pretty quickly that the people here are actually pretty helpful if you just ask nicely and be polite”
“I know that... I got scared okay... I know you're not five... but I came home and you were gone and you didn't answer your phone...” your girlfriend said calmly and you saw how she tried to keep herself calm too
“I didn't hear it because it was on silent” you sneered back “What is the big deal?”
“The big deal is that I started to call hospitals because I thought someone knocked you out” Georgia said and you saw how she lost her patience
“G... I can look out for myself.. did it for years” you snapped at her
“Let's go home okay... we can talk about it but we're in public” your girlfriend sighed
But you wouldn't be a Bronze if you wouldn't have the treat of stubbornness
“YOU can go home... I'll use the credit card I stole from Lucy and buy myself a flight to....” you stopped thinking a second “... Manchester”
“Baby please...” Georgia pleaded trying to take your hand but you pulled it away
“No...” you sneered “... don't touch me”
“I won't let you run... and if you run I'll follow you” your girlfriend said her voice low “I can't let you run.. I love you”
Your head snapped up and you looked at her shocked
“You... never said that” you whispered out
“I love you... I got so so scared when I got home...” Georgia said carefully taking your hand and this time you let her “... I told you before I can't and don't want to imagine a world without you... so when you were gone I panicked”
“I'm sorry...” you mumbled “... but honestly it's your coffeemakers fault”
“You pressed another button didn't you” your girlfriend smirked
“It offered cappuccino” you defended yourself
“It can also make cappuccino... if you fill up the milk tank” Georgia said grinning
“I love you too” you mumbled as you let your girlfriend pull you out of the chair
“I know... if you didn't you would be at the airport already” Georgia pulled you into her side pressing a subtle kiss to your temple
“Baby??” you heard your girlfriend call from the kitchen
“Yeah?” you yelled back from the spot on the couch
“Pernille asked if we want to join them for dinner tonight?” Georgia said as she leans against the doorframe of the living room
“Yeah why not...” you said distracted “... what the hell am I watching? There are naked people.. it's freaking daytime”
“Would you be able to whip up a desert? I hate coming empty handed and wine isn't an option this time” your girlfriend asked already texting her teammate back “And what are you watching?”
“How the fuck should I know... I understand fuck all” you exclaimed pointing at the TV with the remote control in your hand
“Oh god... you found the trash TV channel...” Georgia groaned after she threw a quick look at the screen
“That isn't normal trash... that... offensive trash” you exclaimed watching how two police officers start a yelling match with two naked people “What they yelling about?”
“Erregung öffentlichen Ärgernisses...” your girlfriend said distracted still on the phone texting Pernille “... public outrage”
“Yeah I bet... I would be outraged if I see naked people buying a newspaper in broad daylight” you snorted and kept watching how the police officers tried to reason with the nakeys
“Didn't Ella and you once walked naked into Old Trafford?” Georgia asked looking at you expectantly
“THAT was a dare...” you pointed out tilting your head trying to make sense out of the scene that was displayed on screen
“Baby... about that desert” your girlfriend asked again
“Yes I'll whip something up” you said absent still not believing what you see on TV
“Thank you” Georgia pressed a kiss to your head as she walked passed “... I advice to change the show.. it's not getting better”
“It's kinda fascinating....” you said in awe
“No it's not.. it's trash TV” your girlfriend snorted as she started to pack for her afternoon fitness session “You're going to join in?”
“I'll join... but not in” you grinned “Just let me look how long the thingy takes I want to make for the wine replacement”
“I can bring wine... but you won't having any” Georgia grinned as she threw a second kit into her bag knowing fully well you're gonna join in at some point
“I would need about two hours... do we have that much time?” you looked up from your phone where you googled the receipt
“Sure... training ends around 5... I can get you an Uber so you can go home earlier and get a head start” your girlfriend shrugged her shoulders
“You won't let me use public right?” you asked hopefully
“Yeah no... even I get lost sometimes with all them trains and tramways and undergrounds and busses...” Georgia shook her head
“Can someone else drive me? Uber is always so awkward” you whined
“You can ask Alex... he should still be in doing... whatever managers do in their offices... maybe he can drive you” your girlfriend offered
“Sounds good” you grinned knowing exactly how you would get the Trainer to agree driving you back to Georgias apartment
Georgia was right of course. As soon as you walked into the locker room Jill pounced on you talking your ear off while making you promise you would join in the gym. You tried to get out of it by saying you didn't have anything gym appropriate as you get hit in the face by a shirt and some short. Your girlfriend grinned widely at you as you shot her a dirty look which made most of the team laugh. So you changed into the kit Georgia threw at you which resulted in G looking smug and Magda rolling her eyes
“What?” you grumbled at the swede
“Wearing her number? Want to make it anymore obvious?” Magda said her voice low
“She my friend and the only Lioness here... as well as the best friend of one of the women who raised me AND a good friend of my sister...” you answered automatically
“Knew that speech by heart do you?” the blonde swede grinned
“You know how often I had to say that to the newbies at Camp?” you rolled your eyes as you pulled some shoes on “... dear jesus... whose shoes are that?”
“Your... friends” Magda chuckled emphasizing the “friend”
“Bitch...” you grumbled before looking up at the swede “... what's your shoe size?”
“Ehrm... 40” the swede answered
“What's that in UK size?” you looked confused
“7” Pernille answered as she walked past have followed your conversation with half an ear
“Why do you guys have such hobbit feet?” you groaned looking around “Anyone shoes in 8.5?”
You were met with stunned silence. You looked for help at Pernille who looked at her teammates
“42/43 anyone?” the Danish asked into the round but was met with just head shakes “Sorry Søde... looks like you have to go barefoot”
“Barefoot my ass” you grumbled as you walked out of the room and straight into the managers office “Alex... what's your shoe size”
“Ehrm... 43” the norwegian Trainer answered bewildered
“Perfect... give me your shoes” you demanded and pointed at his NIKE Free Metcon5
“Excuse me?” the brown haired man looked at you
“You're players are annoying and now I have to go to the gym with them but they all have mini feet and I don't... so I need shoes... you have me size.. so give me your shoes” you explained
“What's the magic word?” the Norwegian grinned
“Please” you rolled your eyes annoyed
“See... not so hard...” he grinned as he threw his shoes over to you “oh by the way... Ingrid Engen says hi... you better not tell us Barca secrets or she sees herself in the position of taking actions against you you won't like”
“Pff.... Princess Norwegian is far to nice to do something...” you waved off as you pulled the shoes on
“Engen? Probably.... Graham-Hansen on the other side... wouldn't want to piss her off” the man smirked
“You know... if you want me to help you poke Barcas ego... you're not doing a good job in convincing me” you said tilting your head
“I want to win” the Norwegian said confident
“Against Barca?” you laughed out in disbelieve
“Yes...” he nodded curtly
“You know I'm not a bullshitter.... and you have a good team... but defeating Barca? They will have to have a REALLY bad day...” you said honestly tying the laces “... they have everything... Forwards who are constantly on fire... a blazing midfield... and don't get me started on the backline”
“You got the Lionesses to win against Spain” the man pointed out as he leaned back in his chair his white socks shining under his table
“And I have a contract with the Lionesses... I can't help you... officially” you said smirking slightly “... but if I by pure accident write down some plays and weak Barca links and lose them and you find them by chance...”
“Coincidence” the Norwegian shrugged smirking as well
“Pure accident....” you grinned “... I'll have it ready by tomorrow evening for losing it”
“I really have to keep hold of Stanway don't I?” the man laughed
“For as long as she's happy here...” you shrugged your shoulders before turning around leaving the office
“There she IIIISSSS” you heard Jill before you saw her
“And there she gooooeeesss” you mimicked her turning to leave again
“No no no no no Lieveheersbeestje” the dutch said quickly throwing her arm around your shoulders pulling you further into the gym
“Lie... what?” you looked at her disgusted
“Lieveheersbeestje... Ladybug” the young player smiled
“Ew... stop giving me Pet names... your my annoying soul sister” you pushed her of you
“Naaaaw.... love you too” the dutch sing songed and pulled you back against her
“Let go you annoying gouda-head” you said trying to push her away again
“Say that you love me too” Jill laughed holding on to you even tighter
“My Sister taught me not to lie..” you pushed harder even tho both of you were just messing “so I'm not saying this because it would be a big fat lie”
“You don't mean that” the dutch exclaimed shocked
“Pernille!!!!” you whined out as you spotted the Danish player “Jill is mean to me...”
“Jill...” the light blonde warned as she stretched her muscles
“I didn't do anything” the dutch defended herself
“She wanted me to lie... Lucy said if she ever catches me lying she cuts me feet off!” you immediately said accusingly
“Kids” Pernille warned now both of you before turning to her girlfriend “Which one do you want?”
“The small Bronze of course” Magda looked at Pernille like she lost her mind “I really don't understand that question”
“Just wanted to be polite” the Danish said rolling her eyes “Take your kid to the other side of the room... these two together won't be good”
“Come on Kid... we start over there” Magda pulled you out of Jills grip and to the other side of the gym
“I'm not your Kid” you looked confused but let the swede pull you along
“Now you are... or do you prefer Kiddo?” the blonde swede grinned “Or should I throw Swedish nicknames at you?”
“Can't you just be normal?” you looked bewildered
“Normal is boring... I'm fun” Magda grinned
“And old...” you mumbled
“Hey... I'm not old” the blonde exclaimed
“Oh sorry... you are experienced” you nodded with a shit eating grin
“Just... do your training” Magda pushed you towards the treadmill
“I... don't have a trainings plan” you said confused
“Then do whatever you fell like but please do something... Pernille is already looking over” the swede whisper yelled
“Uuuuhhh... someone is scared of her girlfriend” you teased the older player
“You want me to get her on your ass... I still can swap kids” Magda said grinning
“I... can't go on the treadmill...” you admitted a little ashamed
“Why not... it's not that hard... and you look fit enough to do it” the swede pushed you slightly
“No... I... physically can't...” you started to bite your lip looking up to find your girlfriend
“Would you please explain that?” Magda said carefully sensing that it was a very personal topic
“I have... knee issues” you said finally spotting your girlfriend on the bench press
“Okay...” the swede said softly “... want to do some arm work?”
“I can do push ups or pull ups” you said excited and grateful that Magda dropped the topic
“How many pull ups can you manage?” Magda grinned poking at your competitiveness
“More than you” you shot back
“Oh we're gonna see that” the blonde grinned already jumping up to grab the monkey bar
“Respect little Bronze...” Magda panted out next to you as both of you laid on the ground faces red and covered in sweat “... didn't think you had it in you”
“My sister is Lucy Bronze...” you panted back “... had to beat her in something”
“Are you two done being idiots?” Pernille asked appearing in your line of vision
“We're not idiots” the swede answered her girlfriend “... we had to settle an argument”
“Oh really...” the Danish said raising her eyebrows “... keeping everyone from training because you two do pull ups until you pass out... counts as being idiotic”
“I won” you weakly pointed out your breathing slowly getting back to normal
“Pff... you wish” the blonde swede next to you huffed
“Oh I won” you sat up quickly which turned out to be the wrong move as you began to sway
“Yes Søde you won” Pernille was immediately by your side steadying you with her legs
“She didn't.... you shouldn't lie to her” Magda exclaimed
“She won” the Danish said firmly throwing her girlfriend a look that probably could freeze hell
“Yes darling... she won... fair and square...” the swede quickly corrected herself and it made you snicker
“Alex is waiting for you?” the Danish looked down at you
“Uh yeah... he driving me home” you quickly said trying to stand up but your said it wasn't a good idea
“Stay down... let your body relax and let it come back from the torture you just put it through” Pernille said gently
“Don't have time for that” you answered trying to stand up again
“Oh but you gonna make time Søde...” the Danish smirked and you knew you better listen
“If G helps me... would you please let me go shower?” you asked carefully
“No... Georgia has to train” Pernille answered shortly “... I normally should train too but I can stay a little longer with Magda so I can afford a few minutes”
“We stay longer?” the blonde swede whined “Why?”
“Because you haven't done any of your training so far... you did pull ups....” the Danish answered strictly
“Aaaah maaaan” Magda huffed annoyed
“Your own fault... MY kid is already done with her training by the way... I win the better parent contest” Pernille grinned
“My kid is cooler and fitter” the swede shot back “Your kid is just annoying”
“HA!” you exclaimed happily “I think I can stand up now”
“Try” the Danish encouraged you and you finally got up without swaying “.... okay... off to the shower and you clock out before you leave”
“Yes mom” you rolled your eyes but quickly moved out of the way when Pernille tried to playfully kick your ass
15 minutes later you pushed your head through the door of the gym looking for Pernille
“Mom I'm gone...” you yelled in her direction finding her standing next to Magda who just did some leg press
“I expect you home for dinner” the Danish shot back without taking her eyes of her girlfriend
“Yes mother” you rolled your eyes
“That's “ja mor” for you brat” Pernille played along smiling slightly as she nudged Magda slightly with her foot against her girlfriends hip silently telling her to focus
“Yeah yeah... I'm off..” you pulled a face before disappearing again
“So... any tips for free?” Alex asked as soon you slided into his passenger seat
“You have to watch Aitana... this woman likes to work” you said as you put your seatbelt in place
“I already know that” the Norwegian rolled his eyes as he smoothly maneuvered the car through traffic “... want a little city tour?”
“I wish I could but I really have to get going on this stupid desert G promised Pernille for inviting us for dinner” you grumbled
“You got invited by Hardersson? Nice...” the trainer looked impressed
“Why you look so impressed?” you asked confused not understanding why he would be impressed by a dinner invitation
“You getting invited by our royal couple... impressive... you here now what... two days? Three?” Alex mused
“Three if you count arrival” you said “Royal couple?”
“You don't really follow social media don't you?” the Norwegian asked chuckling
“Not really no... being Lucy Bronzes sister does things.... the amount of thirst messages over my sisters hands or her thighs I received kinda put me off having a social media account... then there were threats... or inappropriate messages... oh yeah... and the messages that said they were happy I had three ACLs.... so no.. not really on social media” you said flatly
“The internet is a dangerous place...” the Trainer said calmly “... but also a good place you know... we as a Club can use it to keep in touch with the fans... we can rewatch games... players can basically promote themselves”
“I know... I never said it was bad... it wasn't just not a good place for me at the time” you said seriously
“But back to the original topic.. Hardersson is the royal couple...” Alex said
“I thought that was Beth and Viv...” you asked confused
“Here in Munich it's Pernille and Magda” the Norwegian smiled
“You're biased because Pernille is on your national team” you said shaking your head
“She's Danish....” the Trainer rolled his eyes “... I'm Norwegian and I don't train the NORWEAGIAN team”
“Danish... Norwegian... Sweden... all cold countries” you grumbled
“England isn't far off” Alex teased you
“We have rain... not cold” you huffed
“I went skiing in Glencoe last winter” the Norwegian chuckled finding immense entertainment in riling you up
“Glencoe is Scotland you fish eating...” you couldn't think off a good insult so you just huffed again
“We're here my token” he laughed as he pointed to the front door of the house where Georgia had her apartment in
“Thanks for the ride trainer” you tipped your head and got out of the car
“Don't forget to lose that paper tomorrow” he yelled after you and you threw a thumbs up at him
“Baby... I'm ho... shit that smells good... what is it?” Georgia yelled as she opened the door and got a little sniff of the pastry you made.
She walked into the kitchen but you weren't there. But she found the most delicious treat. Just as she was about to grab one from the baking tray you yelled from the bathroom
“If you touch them damn things Georgia Stanway I cut your fingers off”
“But you love my fingers!” your girlfriend yelled back in a teasing tone but retreated from the tray
“You still have a tongue I can use...” you deadpanned as you stepped out of the bathroom wearing a dark blue pantsuit with a silver necklace just putting in the matching earrings and light make-up
“True... but you li....” Georgia said but stopped midsentence and just stared at you
“What?” you asked seeing her staring at you
“You... this... you” your girlfriend rambled with wide eyes
“Do you need a restart?” you asked carefully and a little taken aback “... I can hit you if you need it”
“No.... you're just... you're beautiful.... so so beautiful” Georgia whispered
“Thank you” you said shyly your cheeks flushed as you bit your lip
“I think we should stay in....” your girlfriend pushed herself into your space towering a little over you
“No... I spend the last two hours making that desert... we go...” you said firmly pushing her back slightly “... go change... if we're late because of you...”
“Yeah... I'm already moving... no need to get mean woman” Georgia grumbled knowing exactly what you wanted to say
30 Minutes later you stood in front of a small house a little outside the city center with your basket full of deserts. Georgia took it upon herself to ring the doorbell – multiple times to annoy Magda – and was now waiting with a wide grin for the swede to open the door. And that she did. Magda opened the door saw a widely grinning Georgia Stanway with you behind her holding a basket. The swede eyed the basket and you offered it to her so she could take a better look
“I come brining gifts” you smirked as you saw the blonde lurking inside
Suddenly everything went very quickly. Georgia got pushed to the side so she nearly fell into the rose bushes you got grabbed and ungracefully pulled inside as Magda shut the door behind you with her foot
“Pernille... Pernille....” the swede excitedly yelled pulling you behind her further into the house “PERNILLE!!!”
“I'm in the same universe as you... stop screaming... what's the matter” the Danish came out of the – what you assume living room – looking annoyed “... hello dearest daughter of mine”
“Hi...” you said a little bit flustered and confused
“What's the matter Eriksson?” Pernille looked at her girlfriend who just pushed you in front of her with a wide grin
“Look...” she motioned to the basket
“Where's Georgia?” the Danish asked looking behind you two
“Don't know” Magda said getting more excited by the second “.... who cares... LOOK”
Finally Pernille took a look into the basket and bursted out laughing
“Can we keep her??” the blonde swede asked hopefully
“She's not a dog Magda” Pernille rolled her eyes
“But she made Kanelbullar!!” Magda pointed out taking the basket from your hands shoving it in her girlfriends face
“You are unbelievable Magda... no manners whatsoever” the Danish said annoyed as she made her way to the door to leave your girlfriend in
“I'm really sorry Georgia...” the blonde Dane said “... you have my permission to hit her”
“It's alright...” your girlfriend waved off “... I got threatened with cut off fingers if I'd touch them... she made them from scratch”
“Magda will guard her with her life now...” Pernille chuckled as she watched her girlfriend basically carrying you around and running circles around you asking you a million questions a second if you need anything
“That's okay...” Georgia smiled softly “.... she deserves to have more people in her corner”
“God Stanway... you really are in love” the blonde Dane chuckled
“Is that a bad thing when you look at her?” your girlfriend looked longing at you
“No... she's a treasure...” Pernille smiled as well watching how her girlfriend offered you even her Olympic medal in exchange for more Kanelbullar
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suguru-getos · 5 months
— soft yandere suguru geto pt 1 —
-> building the story in this one. warnings: none! the reader meets suguru for the first time since her best friend was encapsulated by a curse causing nightmares and issues. it’s fluffy <3
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suguru had one goal — irradicate the non-sorcerers so there comes to be a world without curses. satoru on the other hand wanted to make people capable enough to fight the curses. the goal was same - a world where curses don’t exist anymore. suguru was hell-bent on achieving that of course. gaining fame as ‘geto sama’ a monk-looking saintly human being who helps people. the backgrounds are for suguru to handle anyways - he needed curses to get powerful & eventually achieve his goals.
his hatred for monkeys was unsubstantiated. no one who was not in control of their cursed energies would be spared by suguru geto. he didn’t even spare his parents. though he knows certain monkeys are slightly more valuable than others. some are his banks, some give him curses to swallow. and some are the ones who have no control of their CE and end up attracting higher curses/creating them.
what he didn’t take into account was you. your best friend was tormented by sickening nightmares of being non-conned almost everyday. aches in the back, cramping and utter pain during her period. you had almost given up — as her roommate, you had searched all psychologists; all doctors. nothing seems to be working. until one day — you found a ‘monkey’ treated by none other than geto sama.
without wasting time, you believed their gratefulness and their willingness to lend you the address. since nothing is working — you will definitely try anything at this point.
the moment your car landed on the geto estate you knew this man was no joke. why else would he be able to afford something like this otherwise? on the other hand — you were suspicious as to his ulterior motives. what if he was a mafia boss or something? who knew. finally, after some wait; you were advised to follow the instructor who led you to suguru geto.
he sat there, a merry & a friendly smile over his face. something that’s practised even as he talks to your friend. “yumiko san.” he grins, “you have symptoms like rape nightmares, don’t you? you feel like you’re being touched in the wrong places & there’s nothing you can do about it?” your best friend teared up, she had never felt so intricately seen and heard the way geto had made her feel. he raised a hand, and the curse that was latched into her, unseen by you. unseen by her.. latched itself into suguru’s hand.
she instantly felt lighter & felt better. while you were extremely considerate of what suguru geto did, you were not pleased. what even was that — you and your best friend bowed and on your way to leave. you turned back, “what did you do?” you couldn’t help but ask.
“ah, i have god’s grace in my hands thankfully. nothing much. prayed on her behalf that her problems go away. little one.” he hums, monkeys are usually dumb enough to be happy-go-lucky with the treatment. you weren’t. suguru hums, “if that’d be all, you may leave. i have other things to cater to.”
your siren eyes met his own, deep down. you could sense suguru hated your best friend. it was just a hunch— the vibes were so off. you hum, “what do you practise then? what form of meditation?” you crossed your arms, eagerly wagering for more answers on his behalf.
suguru chuckled in disbelief, an insignificant, puny monkey was asking ‘him’ questions? “be grateful and leave.” he said dismissively. and your best friend held your wrist, dragging you outside. you were adorable and so curious. pity you were just an ordinary, low-class monkey.
“he’s a scammer, a fraud! i’m fucking sure! let’s go to a doctor.” you scoffed, gritting your teeth. glaring daggers at the man who laid down in front of you on a stage, seemingly uninterested. suguru wanted to play with you too, the same curse that was latched onto your friend, he transferred it into you, going out. now you’d have the same symptoms and suffer. shouldn’t have voiced your shit so hard, tsk…
unfortunately for suguru, you ended up like one of those who can see curses once subjected to cursed energy. you screamed gutterally when you saw the hideous creature attached to you. an amused smirk ran past his lips at the way you tried to shove it away. your friend was in utter confusion — what did she do? got on her knees and apologized on your behalf to ‘geto sama’ who promised to treat you. and forgive you of course. forcing her to leave.
you screeched curses and profanities at suguru, who was more than pleased to see you hit some sort of a standard he has for people he’s allowed to care about. his hand touched your crotch, right where the curse was supposed to be holding, unconcerned with your flustered resistance as he absorbed it.
“there we go, little girl.” he smiled, while you watched the curse turn into a ball. “this is the thing that was latched onto your friend. normal humans can’t see these. some of them can. i can.” you sat next to him and asked him a multitude of questions about this. you don’t remember the last time you had talked to someone this much & suguru doesn’t remember the last time he was so thoughtless. he was observing literally everything. your facial features, the way your brows scrunched when you emphasized over something, how you overcommunicated with your hands at times, rolled your eyes ever so often and shook your legs while you asked questions and waited eagerly for your answers. you blinked and your lashes looked so long and luscious, your hair suited you just well. he wonders how your soft looking skin would look all marked up with hickeys. he wonders how your voice would sound when you would moan or scream out his name. he wonders how his name would sound. how your lips would curve a certain way to pronounce ‘suguru’. oh he’s slowly losing his mind isn’t he?
he asked you to stay the night and join for dinner since it was quite late because of everything he just told you. you of course obliged and met his adopted daughters, miguel and the others who he called family. holy fuck they worshipped him. you knew that because of the way they respected you — treated you as their own because suguru said you are a guest today. his daughters were bratty but they knew their limits; seems like suguru raised them well.
after dinner, you joined him for a walk outside, pouting and flushed because he wasn’t wearing his gojo-gesa anymore. he almost looks so normal with that. “you aren’t an actual monk are you?” you raised a brow, grinning when he shook his head in denial. “no, i’m just here to collect cursed spirits because of my technique for a greater cause.” he hums; replying gently and looking deeply into your inquisitive eyes. you threw another question at him, seemingly obvious. “what greater cause?” you tilt your head like an indulged bird, and he caught that gesture. “want to know everything at once? hmm? little bird.” he smiled, looking relaxed and like a normal human being. “i’ll let you know with time.”
you had a peaceful and a sound sleep, why? because you were unaware how suguru watched you sleep in awe. just thinking of the ways he would watch you smile again, just thinking how he could make you feel special again? he can brain wash you into thinking humans are detestable, no?
the next morning, you were called for breakfast and had a great time, making promises to visit again while suguru bid you a farewell by kissing your knuckles. looking ever so charming. oh you will visit again, otherwise suguru geto would: either way… your red thread of fate was sealed.
suguru geto had a little crush…
or was he in love?
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asapeveryday · 1 month
We Have Now
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Pairing: Nika Mühl x Reader
Warnings: lil bit of angst, suggestive content
Summary: The season is over, the seniors have graduated and the summer has begun. The future holds a lot of uncertainty, but your feelings for Nika have never been uncertain. Is it too late for you?
A/n: I just can’t resist summer themed fics. Also I’m ngl this is NOTT my best work so I’m sorry for that… enjoy anyways.
“Holy shit!”
Through the window of your bedroom you can see the sunset has turned outside an entrancing mix of tropical colours. Pink, purple, orange and yellow mix in the clouds and paint the world around you for a moment, and you know you need to see it up close.
You rush down the stairs and past the living room, where the rest of the team is sleeping on the couch with a movie on in the background.
It had been a long day for everyone, the team had planned to spend a couple days of July at an airbnb in Rhode Island back in February, and the plan thankfully took off.
The day had been filled with a long car ride, various TikToks, loud music, unpacking, swimming and barbecuing. Everyone was exhausted.
When you rush out to the deck you’re encapsulated by the scenery. Sunsets were beautiful, but even better by the beach. The white sand and deep ocean water against the rich setting sky was something out of a book.
After taking about a hundred photos and videos, you put your phone away and just stood in astonishment.
Playing basketball with these girls at Uconn was one of the biggest blessings you’d ever received in your life, and you were going to miss them so much. You often found yourself swimming in old memories at night, memories of locker room conversations, late night drives, shared playlists, loud Friday night parties, shared looks, useless yearning and post game tears.
You’d already gone through your sad feelings at graduation though, and the draft had brought some more light to the situation. You had no regrets whatsoever about your college career, except for maybe one thing. And that thing was on the beach right now.
Nika was laying on the sand, just far enough from the ocean to avoid getting hit by the high tide. She didn’t say anything when you laid down beside her, the both of you just stared at the darkening sky as the sound of waves filled the silence.
“Remember how different things were when we first met?” You finally say after some time.
Nika quietly laughs. “How could I forget?”
You roll your eyes playfully. “Gosh, I thought you were so weird.”
“You were weirder.” She grumbles.
“You just thought all Americans were weird.”
“Because you guys are! I never saw so many overly confident basketball players who were so bad till’ I came here.”
The two of you laugh together for a moment, then it’s quiet again.
Your hand is excruciatingly close to hers, but neither of you move closer.
“Everything’s so different now.” Nika mumbles, almost to herself.
You turn your head to face her. Nika’s side profile is strong, prominent nose, perfect lips, sharp eyebrows and expressive eyes. Her cheeks are pink from being out in the sun. You have the urge to make them pinker, but you shake the thought away.
“Yeah. Everything is different…but that’s a good thing”
Nika nods solemnly, but you can tell she’s thinking hard.
“Niks, don’t worry too much okay? Things work out if they’re meant to.”
She brings a hand to her face, covering her eyes and muffling her voice, which slightly wavers when she says. “What if I don’t make it?”
With this you give in and take her hand, squeezing it tight for a moment.
“Baby they’re lucky to have you. One day with you and they’ll know you’re needed on that team. Everyone else knows it for sure.”
“Says who?” Her eyebrows furrow. “I can’t just assume this’ll work out. What if it doesn’t? What the fuck do I do then? All my work will have been for nothing.”
“If Seattle doesn’t see you as an asset to their team, then I assure you there’ll be another team just waiting for you. Everyone here knows how valuable you are as a player, and the internet wouldn’t let anyone forget.”
She isn’t very convinced, but she turns her head to meet your gaze. Her eyes remind you of a puppies eyes. “Thank you.” She says, sincere and slightly embarrassed. Her hand is still in yours and your noses are almost touching. You wonder if she’d ever talk to you again if you kissed her.
At the thought of that, your stomach sinks. You sit up suddenly, hand breaking from hers. You don’t see how her face drops when you do it.
“I-“ you start, but hesitate. You didn’t want to regret anything like this again. You wanted her to know every thought in your head, even if it had a chance of going sour. “I’m really gonna miss you Nika. More than anyone else, I think.” You finally manage to get out.
She sits up now too, her brown hair blowing in the salty wind, her almost hazel eyes glinting from the reflection of the water, or perhaps something else, something like hope.
“More than anyone else?” She questions you.
“Yeah.” You say, turning to meet her stare. “I’ve always liked you more than the others.”
“Hm.” She says, as if she was expecting more.
The silence is eating at you, you just want to scream out how badly you want her. You know it’s too late, when this trip is over everyone splits. You to your hometown, Aaliyah to Washington, Nika to Seattle, Paige and the others to Connecticut. Still, you didn’t want to live with this in you forever.
“I had a massive crush on you during freshman year.” You utter as confidently as possible.
Nika’s lips part in surprise “You- you did?”
“Yeah. Major.” You scoff. Those days were almost pathetic in hindsight, obvious to everyone but Nika and yourself.
You watch as Nika draws swirls in the sand with her finger. You can practically hear the gears turning in her head.
“And…when did this crush fade away?” She finally asks you.
You let a beat pass before sucking it up and saying. “It didn’t.”
Nika’s eyes really widen now. You hold her gaze as best as you can. “I never stopped liking you. It just got stronger overtime, actually.”
You almost recoil when she scowls at you.
“Fuck you.”
“Fuck!” She rubs her face, exasperated. “You- urgh, I wish you told me. I wish you told me way, way earlier.”
You don’t say anything.
“I wish I knew. Don’t you get it?” She whines, almost pleadingly. “God, if you’d told me way earlier we could’ve…maybe we would’ve..” she trails off.
Finding out that Nika Mühl, your best friend and longest love, also loved you should’ve been the best moment of your life. Instead it had you thinking of everything that could’ve been.
“I was scared.” You mutter. “I was so, so scared, I don’t know why. I wish I’d just told you, but you know me. I never take chances. I pass the ball, I don’t make the shot. I just…I wouldn’t have been able to take it if you didn’t feel the same. So I never did anything.”
She’s close to you now, hand on your knee, face flushed.
“What are we gonna do?”
You stare at her face, eyes darting from her eyes, then lips, the her eyes again.
Her eyes are beautiful. Honey brown, golden in the sun but piercing now at dusk, eyelashes long and fluttering as she tries to make sense of this situation.
You’ve wanted her more than you’ve wanted that ring at the end of the National Tournament every single year. The thought of you wasting time that could’ve been spent pressed next to her, skin to skin and soul to soul? It was sickening to you.
Still, here she was. Eyes begging you for something you’ve dreamed of. The sky now staining the beach a violent pink.
When your mouth meets hers it’s everything you’ve fantasized about. Her lips are full and soft, fitting perfectly against your own. You can feel her lashes tickle your face as you tilt your head just right, her arms get goosebumps when you fiddle with her hair.
Pulling away from her, you can’t help but melt at the satisfied smile on her face.
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long.” Nika says. “I just wish it could’ve happened earlier.”
“I’m tired of wishing.” You say, putting a hand on her face gently. “We can’t change anything now. It’s over. But we have today.”
She drinks in the feeling of being this close to you. “We have now.” Nika whispers.
Your kisses are sweet and chaste at first, but it’s getting colder out and you need her warmth. She changes the pace, clashing into you with a sense of urgency now. When her mouth slightly opens and you feel her tongue against yours you know it’s over for you. She can have whatever she wants.
Nika finds herself straddling you now, and you’re suddenly hyper aware of everything that’s happening.
After four years of thinking of her before bed, before letting your hands take care of yourself night after night to the thought of her, here she was in all her glory. Body toned and breathing hard, hair sprawled against her tan skin, fingers untying her bikini top.
She leans into you, but instead of kissing you she puts her mouth to your ear. You can feel her smirk against your skin.
“How much of the past four years do you wanna bet I can make up for in one night?
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𓁹Let Me Breed You𓁹
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-You help the Adaptus from dying in the snow and in return he wants to make you his mate-
Yandere!Xiao x afab reader
⚠Warnings⚠:Non-Con, force breeding, breeding kink, predator and prey dynamics, feral Xiao, injured Xiao, Blood, Yandere themes.
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It was a cold morning in Liyue, snow scattered the ground of the region as most chose to stay home and enjoy the snow day, however you couldnt, you're a studying nurse who needed to test out some herbs and well these special herbs you're looking for only grow in the cold areas, so hoping to avoid a trip to Dragonspine with this newfound snow day you hoped to find the herb. The weather had turned for the worst, becoming even more bitter and cold, it made you feel like you were being eaten alive even if it wasn't all that bad. Just as you're about to give up your search you noticed something in the distance, squinting you realized it's... a person! They're laying in the snow, unmoving.
You quickly made your way to them to see it was the famous Adaptus Xiao, he was bloodied and unconscious.
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Quickly you reached down to feel his neck, faint but he still had a pulse. So you used all your strength to pick up the Adeptus and carry him to your cabin nearby, tending to his wounds, luckily with him not being human he would heal rather fast with the help of your care.
After a few days of treatment and healing you had healed all of his injuries, thankfully not enough to leave permanent scars or be any trouble, but he will get better now, hopefully.
That's how it all started, how the lonely Adaptus Xiao found a new fascination, before now he didn't really have any relationships, any care for humans other then his usual duty to protect them. But then you came along and everything changed, you brought him joy when nothing else could. You helped him become what he wants and wanted is to find love again, he wants someone to take care of him, someone to treat his wounds and tell him everything will be okay. It's like there was never anything wrong with him, even when he didn't want to accept these feelings, he knew they where true.
Of course after a few months you suggested he should probably get back to his usual dutys now that he's healed but to come back occasionally to chat, it's true he was fine now but.. he didn't want to leave, he didn't want to be away for even a moment but complied for now, these strange feelings only becoming more complicated for the poor Adapti as he's trying to figure them out.
Obsession, a simple word that his once innocent love became, even with his duties he made time to watch over you, stalking from a distance and keeping himself hidden. He didn't know what to say to you, even with these feelings he was still very socially awkward so he opted to just watch for now.
But you never notice, no one did because he's very good at staying inconspicuous, and you never notice him because he can always blend into the background, especially when he needs to.
And thats how things continue, for a while, over a span of a year he would watch you become the nurse you wanted to be, getting your license. However that's a problem, you wanted to be a travelling nurse, he couldn't have you leaving, he already killed so many men who attempted to swoon you, sent you so many gifts that seemed strange for toy. Most being parts of the enemies he killed that day, to show he could fight for you, sometimes being food, to show he can provide for you and even once the head of a guy that was being overly flirty to you, to show he can protect you. However he never put who sent the presents, he assumed you would know, unknowingly you're freaking out from such strange gifts.
However now isn't the time for him to send gifts, he has to act. Though with his now clouded judgement and twisted thinking he learned humans don't generally leave partners if they have offsprings, he could do that, then you wouldn't leave, you couldn't.
So he decided a gentle approach first, appeared before your home for the first time in over a year since you parted ways, well as far as you knew. Of course not knowing he was responsible for all the strange occurrences around you, you where relieved to see him, even hugging him.
"Xiao! I'm so glad you're back!" You felt so protected with him around, afraid of the stalker you knew Xiao could protect you.
His face reddening some as he hesitated but held you close, almost not letting go. You let him in as you spoke, at first it was of simple things, about what has been up to what you been doing and so on. It seemed pleasant until he out of the blue tackled you to your futon, blushing hard as you looked up at him "X-Xiao whats-"
"Let me breed you"
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a simple demand to him yet such a strong one for you, he just shows up after a year demanding such.. a huge thing.
"Xiao! Y-You can't just ask someone that-"
"Why? I've shown my love, I've shown my capabilities, just submit to me like a good mate won't you? " His eyes no longer held the same shy sweet look but rather an empty coldness you could only describe as pure lust. He was staring at you, waiting for you to respond to him. He looked hungry, almost predatory, yet you struggled against him, you even managed to push him off and run for the door, escaping out while he was confused at first but took it as a game of predator and prey, assuming you wanted him to catch you first.
He was soon chasing you outside your house with his mask on, you ran as fast as you could, you ended up hiding in a small cave area. Breathing heavily as you tried to catch your breath, it was all so clear, he was the one doing all this, it made sense, he would be the only one able to pull it all off.
You needed to get help, to find someone, maybe even get Zhongli to hel-
"Found you" his voice spoke from behind you, before you could react he already had you pinned down onto the ground, panting from your sudden exertion. You couldn't move, you were stuck as much by fear as by his hold on you. "Xiao please-"
"Please what?" His eyes held no warmth anymore as he leaned in to whisper "Will you agree to let me mate you? To make us one forever?"
You shook your head as your heart sank to the ground, tears forming in the corner of your eyes from your fear. "No."
He froze for a moment before, he looked hurt for a second but brushed it aside. "Don't worry, you'll learn to love me as I am eventually, right?" His eyes held a cold look yet he didn't need your response, he would make you love him.
He held your wrists above your head with one hand as he kissed you harshly, his lips where cold as his other hand felt your clothes body, as if to admire how well you looked in your outfit before ripping it from you. You screamed as he did so, unable to stop yourself as his lips moved to attack your exposed body, biting and kissing every part of your body as you writhed against him, he gripped you harder and rougher each second as he devoured you with his mouth and teeth. You soon felt two of his fingers shove themselves into your hole, stretching and preparing you, you closed your eyes and cried out in pain as you felt his finger stretch inside of you. A loud cry left your mouth as you felt the pain, your eyes wide open as tears continued to stream down your cheeks.
Suddenly he pulled out, leaving you gasping as the feeling of emptiness began to take over your whole body. You hated how your body betrayed you so, reacting to his touches like this. Before long you felt his cock slam into you, forcing himself further inside you making sure to keep most of his weight against you to keep you from wiggling away. Soon you saw stars as he slammed into you, his thrusts never failing to push himself as deep as he could, letting out animalistic growls as held you close to him, feeling his breath hitch some, his cock twitching inside as he continues his harsh pace. The next sound you heard was your own scream as his cum filled your womb and poured over your sensitive opening and out your body, coating you both in sticky white fluid and the smell was sickeningly sweet. As his cum dripped down you felt so tired, so exhausted. Barely able to keep your eyes open as he looked down at you, seemingly proud of the mess he made of you. "this will do nicely, there shouldn't be any reason you wouldn't bare my offspring" laying along side you on the cold ground, huddling you close to him. "I promise you I will always protect you and give you everything you crave" as he nuzzled your neck before finally falling asleep in your arms.
You remained silent as you felt your consciousness slip, the last thing you saw before you succumbed to sleep was the warm body next to yours holding you close as his breathing calmed and eventually slowed down until it turned quiet.
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soraviie · 1 year
he's not your bias.txt
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━ type: bts x gn! reader  ━ masterlist
━ about: fluff ━  pictures taken from Pinterest
━ a/n: requested and thank you for it! Please, like, reblog and leave a comment, you know the drill :]
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NAMJOON: "It's Yoongi, isn't it?"
"Please, shut up."
"You shut up!...traitor."
Sighing, you adjusted your spine from where it was comfortably settled in the mattress and turn to the other side where Namjoon was grumbling, fingers tightly gripping the duvet and stare transfixed on a meaningless spot in the ceiling. His jaw was slowly working up into a full blown clench.
Cautiously, you reach to tug his hand into yours, rubbing slow circles on the back of his palm. Thankfully, he allows this and in due time the tension leaves his tightened body.
"Why do you think it's Yoongi?" you wonder aloud once more. When you accidentally let it slip that he wasn't the first one who caught your attention, he said he didn't care, tossing that remark over his shoulder but you should have known better.
"I don't know," he trails off, shrugging. "He's cool, quiet, determined, caring. A perfect guy, really."
"So are you."
You smile into the duskened air of the dim bedroom, hoping this will be the straw the breaks the back of his worried camel but then he turns up his nose, offended.
"Not enough to be your bias."
Your head slams against the pillow - exhausted.
"I'm with you not him. I admit there are a lot of admirable qualities he has but it's just that. To me he's an idol, but you're Kim Namjoon."
Tepidly, he takes the bait and glances at you from the corner of the eye, imperceptibly scooching closer, sheets rustling in the quiet.
"And is he so great? This Kim Namjoon?"
"The greatest," you press a soft kiss against his cheek. "Now be a good boy and go to sleep."
You place his hand firmly over your waist, relaxing once more and you hear him do the same thing as well. He did not need to know who you actually biased - that certain bandmate would get his ego stroked far too much than even a fan such as yourself could allow.
YOONGI: "I'm completely fine about meeting him! Now just pretend we don't know each other and be casual about it."
Yoongi draws a deep inhale, refusing to let your hand go.
"There's only two of us here," he remarks, pointedly glimpsing around his studio. The air was laced with the stench of paint whilst the canvas you both worked on dried away in the dark corner.
"So? I could be a new staff member."
"You're sitting in my lap."
You glance down to where your thighs rested on top of his.
"Perhaps you're a pervert," you state off-handedly. This offends him and rolling his eyes, Yoongi unceremoniously shoves you onto the floor. It was exactly in this moment when you fought to preserve your balance, the door cracks open and to your great mortification Jimin comes in.
The easy smile on his lips drops faster than your gut can and with gaze hastily flickering between you and Yoongi, he steps cautiously forth.
"Oh, hello," he greets, trying to mask the awkwardness streaming out of his very pores. "I don't think I've seen you around...?"
"Yes, I'm just..." you floundered, quickly growing breathless in the presence of someone shaped like a sheer perfection. The pixels truly did not do him justice.
"Your biggest fan," Yoongi concluded dryly from his seat. "So if you could be so kind and sign a scarf or something, I'd be grateful. This one is slobbering up all my studio."
You could only turn around with mouth wide open despite no sound falling out of it. Innocently, Yoongi meets your gaze, daring to be so aggravating and proceeding to flutter his unfairly pretty eyelashes.
"Oh," Jimin laughs brightly in the background. "I don't mind signing something..."
Whilst the blood in your head boils to the degree, a straying fear arises of it simply pOpPing off your head, Jimin so graciously loops his signature on the back of a ripped note containing your and Yoongi's grocery list. Once he finishes, he lifts his head, gives an absolutely paralyzing smile and...
"Ehhhhheheheheh, thankyou."
You think that somewhere in the back of Yoongi's throat there rises a sentence of "that's just embarrassing" but as you whip around, murder in the eyes, he chooses to ultimately stay diplomatically silent.
"I just remembered, there's a thing I need to do," Jimin excuses himself, bowing politely and you try to do the same but it comes out as a bit too deep. More like you're ready to accidentally worship him. As he leaves, lingering for a second too long in the doorway, his gaze jumps curiously between you and Yoongi.
"Interesting," is all he says to himself before leaving altogether.
Deep silence veils the room, interrupted only by the rhythmic ticking of the wall clock.
"We're breaking up," numbly, you announce.
"No, we're not," smugly, Yoongi remarks over the shoulder.
JIN: "Well, I can't say I'm surprised," Jin speaks over the rim of his steaming cup, overtly self-satisfied. "With a face such as this and my perfect personality to boot, you really stood no chance."
Personally, you have had a very, very long day. The kind of which leaves your brain leaking from the side of the ear and the soul from the bottom of the waterline, so hearing that coming out of his mouth, accompanied with a smug expression that just begged to be humbled, you slammed him down with no hesitation.
"I was talking about Jungkook. Jungkook is my bias."
The cup in between the saucer and his lips freezes halfway and you can even vaguely hear an error noise drawn from the depths of his perplexing mind.
"The sexy brunette, hitting all the notes with a grace of an angel..." he clarifies, closing his eyes. Does he think - see no evil, hear no evil?
"Is Jeon Jungkook. 190811 concert to be specifically."
The error noise grows louder.
"He was very sexy in that one. Absolutely mesmerizing. My core memory actually."
Calmly, Jin places the cup back onto the saucer, daintily pushing back a strand of unkempt hair.
"I see," he concludes and after a prolonged moment of stretching inaction during which you almost grow to believe he has entirely turned into a statue, Jin states with nothing short of cornucopia of attitude.
"Well, I raised him so by any good business model, 25% of affection belongs to me anyhow."
"Oh, only 25%?" you grumble. "How gracious of you."
"You're right," he leans his head to the side as though genuinely thinking it over. "Inflation. Make it 45%."
And to your surprise no fuss was made. He went to sleep and kicked you twice in his sleep - as per the standard rate. A year went by and the fact was never brought up, be it in passing or even when conversation was on the topic, he merely sat smiling politely in the sidelines. You assumed that the piece of this knowledge was so traumatic, he suppressed the memory of it altogether.
"Hey, Jin," you called out, rifling through the bedsheets. "Have you seen my phone?"
Over the sounds of his infuriated screams about losing yet another game, there comes a hasty "no, sorry".
"Okay, can I use your phone to call myself?"
The password on his phone - your birth year, not exactly hacker worthy. You hover over the contacts list not finding in the appropriate section. Babe? Nothing. Honey? Nothing. Annoyance? Not even that. You trail purposelessly throughout the small splattering of contacts - an outcome of being forced to change numbers every - accidentally stumbling on a particularly suspicious name.
"Traitor 💔"
"Drama queen," you mutter fondly, deciding to let him and the name be.
HOSEOK: "He's a sweetheart," Hoseok whispers in the vicinity of his elbow where you were using him as an impenetrable shield. "He's literally going to be happy to learn you biased him."
"Look at his face! He thinks I'm annoying!"
"That's just how his face looks, silly. As Tae-biased you must know that."
"But he's scary," you whimper. "I adore him as a bias but I also want to run away. I do not want to be perceived."
You shrink smaller the second those soulful, weary eyes glide over to where Hoseok was so suspiciously angled. You squeak and hide even further behind Hoseok's back, praying Taehyung doesn't come over.
"Get me out of here, please," you mutter and with a quick wave, Hoseok leads you out of the building. There, in the chilly air of the oncoming night, the awkwardness and, truthfully, no small amount of panic evaporates into the black sky. For a while, both of you are simply content in holding hands and watching them swing back and forth.
"Ugh, I'm so lame," you whine.
"No, you're not. It's natural to be shy around people you idolize," he scolds you gently. "You don't think I'm soaring on the ninth wave of confidence when meeting my stars?"
"Well, you're cool yourself so there's no reason why you shouldn't," you scoff.
"And you're cool as well."
There's that tone again - it's useless to argue. Hoseok was not here to entertain your insecurities, he made sure of that from the very start. You smile to yourself, gazing out across the slowly running river. Walks like these were precious. Treasured even as they were so rare.
"You're not upset by it, right?" you clarify cautiously. Partially knowing that of course such a minuscule thing as this would not upset him but...it just didn't hurt to make sure.
"No," he chuckled airily, before awkwardly scratching the back of his head. "Actually I'm kind of glad about it."
"Well, it'd be difficult to date you if you kept running away from embarrassment."
You chuckled, facing the ground as the streets and the river slowly molded themselves into a nondescript background.
JIMIN: "So...Namjoon told me you hung out?"
Easy. Casual. Even somewhat in passing. But you know him better than that and the second your sixth sense catches onto the lingering shadow in the background of his chords, you lift your head from the magazine and stray to where he was leaning against the countertop.
"I don't like him like that. Please, do not misunderstand."
"I'm just asking," Jimin defends, more so out of instinct. The very best and simultaneously the worst thing about the relationship you'd both cradled like a gentle flame is that by now you could read each other's mind. Despite not being there with him in person you know of the pang in his heart he'd felt when seeing a picture of you trailing next to Namjoon as you both were immersed in a conversation about art, one that'd surely make him bored quite easily. And despite Jimin not literally finding himself dug deep into your brain, he knows you worry, he knows you suspect, knows you're working overtime into scheming all possible future scenarios.
"Stop overthinking," he chides but there's no malice behind it and simply just as that the tension stretches and unwinds until there's only the soft ambient noise of life swirling all around.
"Does he know? You go rabid over him?"
Fully offended, you point the spoonful of yoghurt in his direction, a fat glob of peach splattering clumsily onto the tiles.
"I do not! Go rabid over him!"
Before you get the chance to reach for the paper towel, Jimin has already snatched a ply, wiped up the peach yoghurt and discarded it into the trash.
"Thank you. But I do not go rabid over him!"
Jimin pointedly stares at the your keychain where not one, not two but three Koya's hung limply around the metal circles.
"Of course, absolutely sane."
"Do not patronize me, Park," you glare at him but once geared to amuse himself in your miffed state, he shows no sign of stopping.
"You are so chill about it. Not like you spent hours creating TikTok edits of his dimples."
"You swore to take that to the grave," you growled underneath the nose, your clenched fist indicating you were extremely close to choking him. Which Jimin didn't exactly mind. In fact, such was his goal.
"Oh, make me take it there," he winked.
TAEHYUNG: "I'm not going to share Hobi with you."
"I'm your partner!"
"And? You're not getting Hoseok privileges."
You pouted the rest of the day away, grumbling about the unfairness of the whole situation. But secretly you felt your heart draw a heavy sigh of relief. It'd been so hard to get together with Taehyung that unwillingly it felt that even the smallest of things got inflated to magnitude you feared could drown you whole. But it was fine. If anything he seemed overjoyed in hearing that it was Hoseok who'd caught your attention first and kept a rather brutal chokehold over the course of these few years. Yes, it was fine. However, should Taehyung ever reveal you had drooled on yourself while watching "MORE", you would kill him and then yourself. A promise you'd made loud and clear to which he swore to obey.
And it wasn't like meeting Hoseok was something so necessary for you to live, feeling rather content watching him from the sidelines. In between life, Yeontan, Taehyung and all the secrecy that one had to accept came with him, your life was...full. So when one of these factors suddenly became absent, you grew suspicious.
Why did he sneak away before you woke up and came home when you were asleep? He couldn't be mad at you, could he? You think back, absent-mindedly tapping at the phone screen. "Daydream" blasts into your ears all too loudly and flinching you yank them away much to Tannie's disappointment. As of late, he appeared to be even more judgmental. You reckon the little rascal never grew to be quite okay with you taking so much of his dad's attention. But to be fair his dad's attention was on whatever third party that kept him away the entire day.
The slowly running anxiety prodded your eyes wide open so it's not like you planned to stay awake for when unmistakably Taehyung shut the front doors cautiously behind him. No, there was nothing for him to be angry about. He hadn't been home often enough for it to happen. As such, guided by latent curiosity, you pretended to be wholly asleep, cracking the barest sliver of one eye open to observe him through the dark.
Stumbling ungainly through the minefield that was your bedroom, it was no surprise he stubbed a toe against the dresser and choking on a series of half-withheld curses, collapsed onto the duvet.
"Good evening," you greet him smoothly. "Fun night?"
He yelps from the shock whilst you turn on the lights. Though you find him not with guilt gleaming in the eye or lipstick on the collar but rather brandishing two dozen of balloons and a photo album.
A photo album of carefully and might you say, artistically gathered collection of photocards, signed at the end by Hoseok himself.
JUNGKOOK: His eyes never left your figure, analyzing each and every interaction with a hawk-like precision.
Jimin? No, you were far too unperturbed talking to him. Jin? No, he'd been in your home far too many times drunk of his ass. Frankly, after he'd slathered your favourite plushie in the contents of his stomach, Jungkook doubted you could hold any sense of idealization towards the man, regardless if he was your initial bias or not.
Jungkook hummed to himself. Decisions, decisions. All of them wrong. His investigation was fruitless for so long Jungkook had all but abandoned it, resigning himself to sitting quietly by the stewing pot when at last something in you changes. Yoongi casually recommends a dish as he'd taken notice of your befuddled stare upon the cornucopia of the dinner table and you lover your gaze, bidding a very quiet, meek "thank you". As a year old boyfriend of yours, Jungkook could definitively say - you were not meek.
Ah, so it was Yoongi.
Why did he want to know so bad? He himself did not even know. Perhaps because you hid it away and the spitefulness of your action flared his own competitive nature. Or perhaps it was nothing at all.
Laying down in the sparse room of the lakeside guest house, he listened to you shower, weighing should he bring the matter . You loved him, not Yoongi. After all you were his partner, but...
No "but's", he scolds himself, turning to lay on the other side. You pad softly to the bed and with a drawn out sigh of utter content jump down next to him.
"Why do you keep sleeping with your hair wet?" Jungkokk nags, twirling a strand between the fingers. "It's bad for you health."
"I sleep better that way."
He gives a non-committal hum, knowing so much already. He briefly opens his mouth as though the words were already there - in the papillae of his tongue but then he closes it shut once more, leaving things unspoken
It doesn't much matter, he reckons happily, while you were still by his side, he would not doubt a thing.
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© soraviii/soraviie, 2023
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cupids-chamber · 1 year
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— INTRODUCING THE CONCUBINES / CONSORTS + others ♡. The first part and it's over 1k words hahdk
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. LEONA KINGSCHOLAR ; The second prince of the neighboring country; married the emperor for what is presumed to be diplomatic reasons; he has his entire family's support and backing, allowing for the utmost comfortable experience. Though many assume Leona married into the harem for political reasons alone; Leona had many more prominent and dignified proposals that he had denied blatantly in the past and his family had never truly pushed him to get married- his brother preferred giving him freedom and free will… and yet he married into the harem? An union which was more than unlikely to be accepted by the lion?.. Why would he agree to this marriage.. Could there be a reason? 
. RIDDLE ROSEHEARTS ; Riddle comes from a high ranking family; his family owns multiple pharmacies and is a known name in the medical district, his family has treated royalty and many other foreign diplomats in the past; originally he had no plans in joining the harem, despite being a palatable candidate for a high ranking position, the stories and fights he’s heard of in the past, regarding the harem made him decide that it was better off marrying into a normal noble family then royalty; but per his mothers request he joined into the brutal playground that is the royal harem, thankfully his unique magic puts him at a advantage in any fights that may occur. 
. JADE/FLOYD LEECH ; Many say that twins are attached to the hip and would follow along everywhere the other goes; and this seems to be the case for this pair. The Leech family had been a pillar for the empire and helped the emperor for many years; they've played a role in imperial politics, hand in hand with the emperor for multiple generations by now. Though many could argue the pair married into the imperial family to strengthen the relationship and political bond between the two families; in reality only one son marrying into the family would have the same effect.. So why did the pair decide on such a decision?
. TREY CLOVER ; Trey’s family owns the emperor's favorite bakery; Trey fell for the emperor at a young age, even among first sight. Yet he remains blissfully unaware and in denial of his feelings for the emperor, burying them deep into the enraptures of his heart. He enters the palace as a concubine and before this entire ordeal he’d send baked goods to the emperor, preferably the emperor's favorites with recommendations of other sweets they should try; he’d continue sending these baked goods to the emperor after his entry in the palace; which in return allowed him to gain the emperor's favor quickly.
. KALIM AL ASIM ; A wealthy mercenary heir, of the biggest mercenary there is. Kalim was brought up as a candidate for the emperor's official partner; and for some peculiar reason he agreed to join the harem. Reasons of interest are unknown and even his parents were shocked when he decided so, but the public is quite interested in knowing why the ever so charming heir of what seems to be one of the richest- if not richest families around, married into the royal family's brutal playground. 
. JAMIL VIPER ; Background is unknown; ?????.. information unattainable. 
. YUUKA ; Emperor's closest companion, personal guard, and childhood friend. Seems to know a lot about the emperor and their whereabouts, quite a few concubine candidates contacted them in advance and tried paying her for information- but her loyalty resulted in her denying all offers. The emperor reaches out to her for advice and care, onlookers describe their relationship to be too close for comfort.
. YUUKEN ; One of the emperor's most trusted guards and close comrades; the pair became friends in childhood as they studied under the same teacher/mentor, their friendship continued to blossom and strengthen over the upcoming years and into the emperor's youth. The two can be spotted alongside Yuuka, another close companion, having tea in the garden. Though these meetings occur less nowadays as the Emperor, the pair of guards become all the more busier. 
. CHE'NYA ; Che’nya often finds himself sneaking into the gardens of the imperial palace; these visits increased when the new emperor was crowned, as the palace being in a stir allowed his visits to be more frequent and carefree. However recently he was caught on his expeditions by the emperor themselves, this channeled a sort of cat and mouse relationship between the pair. Che’nya could have gotten an higher rank in the harem, yet only decided to send his application in after he met the emperor in the garden; due to his curiosity, but the late application only earned him the role of a concubine. (Which he was fine with) 
. VIL SCHOENHEIT ; Originally a candidate for the position of the Emperors official spouse and was planning on giving up the role after hearing of the Emperors announcement; yet pushed for the role of an Imperial consort after hearing that his longtime rival would be joining the harem. He has a strong backing as a high ranking court official's only child. He’s confident in his abilities and can make some devilishly succulent tea; though he prefers not doing manual labor and focusing more on skills he finds to be useful and not minor. 
. NEIGE LEBLANCHE ; Had seen the emperor before while they were still training to become an heir and wasn’t yet crowned as the heir to the throne. At the time he was told to keep a distance from them, and Neige was raised in a strict military family; so he complied easily. However, he claims from the very first day he laid his eyes on the emperor, that it was true love and as such he convinced his parents to send in a letter of recommendation for him; though it would be a challenge to say the least, Neige’s strong backing allows him to be accepted easily. Thankfully he has company, as his childhood friend Vil will also be entering the palace.
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— THE CONCUBINE GAME !! ♡. Synposis ; After many months of persuading, the emperor, Y/N L/N had finally agreed to take in a select few concubines and consorts—not an official partner.. but concubines. This caused an uproar in court; however the emperor promised to choose an official partner; amongst the crowd of concubines and consorts.. Who will the emperor choose?
— taglist ♡ ; @corvids-treasure-box , @queerlordsimon , @treytheslay , @syl-lithy , @liris--noir , @dxmoness , @oogly-oogly , @ravenlking ,@sarah22447 , @merurishi , @gyarunie , @nerdy-simp-7120 , @love-sicklesbian , @islander-posts , @the-dumber-scaramouche , @lunavixia , @senpaiofotome , @sophiethewitch1 , @voasprofile , @dotster001 , @aviagax , @eriislost , @twst-writer , @the-fox-of-the-eclipse , @yandere-kou , @achy-boo , @deathbunnyluv , @despairingy-obsessed , @tiyoin , @mirai-in-the-headspace , @novaloptr , @rose-the-witch1 ,
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© cupids-chamber, do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work without prior permission and or confirmation.
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satorusfelicity · 5 days
recollections ⋆。𖦹°‧★
gojo x fem!reader
word count: 788
a/n: decided to practice my writing (bc I honestly suck at it) by writing fanfics!
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“Can’t you stay a little longer?” Satoru asks, although he already knows the answer. He always knew the both of you would end up here sooner or later; you did too, and so did everyone else. After all, life was only fair to its favorites.
“You know I can’t.” Your voice is low, barely above a whisper, glossy eyes trying to meet his, but he doesn’t dare to meet your face.
The people around you two are too busy having other places to be to notice the young lovers under a sign that leaves people like them with hollow, empty hearts.
“We’ll see each other again,” you promise, your thumb dancing around his wrist, trying to cheer him up. However, the white-haired sorcerer shows no hint of comfort from the action.
“And when would that be?” he asks, tears brimming in his eyes. He knew they'd end up like this. He saw this coming. But he was not the slightest bit prepared.
Maybe he was being selfish, Satoru thought. Because although you had a pain-stricken face, he also knows you need this; he knows that you two have to part ways. You’re selfish too, he deems in his head, dragging him along all these months knowing the outcome. Maybe if he wrote you as the villain in his novel, it’d hurt less.
You laugh as if it would help brighten the mood. Grabbing his face with both of your hands, you softly say, “It’ll be okay, 'Toru.”
And he nods, not having it in himself to say anything else. Thankfully, the universe decides to go easy on him as his lover takes this as her cue to leave.
Time has passed since he last saw you. Your voice is nothing more than an echo in his mind, and your smile, one he once knew all too well, still flashes in his head now and then.    
Everything seems to pass so quickly around him, but it’s as if his legs are frozen; he can't go anywhere else, forced to relive moments in his life he longs to forget. 
Maybe, he says to himself, maybe the universe isn’t going easy on me after all. 
His mind recalls the glances he stole before you two started dating and the awkward yet warming first couple of dates that happened not long after. Of course, in order to ask you out, he had to confess first. A chuckle almost leaves his lips as the projector in his head replays the moment you laughed after he confessed his feelings and how his body froze, realizing he was naive for thinking that you’d reciprocate his feelings. At that time, he didn’t know you laughed because you found his nervousness endearing. He knows this now because of the countless nights spent in your apartment, ordering takeout instead of reserving a table at the new five-star restaurant he promised to take you to one day. He’d take in the way your lips parted as his predictions played out on the screen in front of you two, only for his laughter to ring out in the apartment once he admitted to watching the movie the other night. That wasn’t the only secret shared on nights spent like this. With your head against Satoru’s shoulder and the credits playing in the background, you and him would retell the words written on the pages of your own youth and pour out what had you pacing at 2 in the morning.
The sorcerer's mind begins to wander further into the forest of recollection until the sound of his name halts him. Blinking himself out of his trance, he takes in his surroundings; the sound of footsteps coming from one retail store to another reminds him of where he is. Slowly, he turns around and sees you. 
Just like a scene from a movie, the world slows down as you make your way towards him, hands rubbing on the fabric of your jeans, a habit you often do whenever the nerves kick in. Finally reaching him, a small smile paints your face as you lift your head to get a better look at him. His mouth dries as his eyes dance around your face. 
“I’m sorry I took so long,” you break the silence.
It takes a moment for him to respond, but his eyes soften, and he says, “It’s okay.” 
He would never blame you for anything. 
The two of you stare at each other for a moment until he decides to wrap an arm around your shoulder with a playful smile. Walking down the hall, he guides you to the center of the mall, rambling about a dress he saw on display, leaving the sign of the women’s restroom behind.
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I love my silly little drama queen sobsob
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