#but please CALM DOWN!!!!! it is just a television show!
arielmagicesi · 2 years
btw I did very much tell you all that I was going to get back to being annoying now that season 4 is in the foreseeable future... so I wanted to rant a bit about how people in the Shadows fandom are inevitably going to start throwing the word “queerbaiting” around and I just want to say, jesus christ please do NOT... I’m so excited that they’re going to make Guillermo canonically queer and I don’t care with whom, I’ve been thrilled to see Guillermo’s personal life outside the vampire house for ages (the episode with his family???!!???), I’ve wanted him to have romantic interests outside the house forever, and I’m genuinely sincerely excited to see him as a canonically queer character. and Harvey Guillen has been absolutely lovely about the whole thing so if I see ONE GODDAMN PERSON try to give him shit about shipping-related things... don’t be an asshole, and on a more selfish note, please don’t give everyone on earth more reasons to talk about how cringe fandom shippers are all insane sex-crazed stalkers or whatever
however if we as a fandom ARE going to toss the word “queerbaiting” around, can we talk about Nadja, because it’s high time that one of her rotating cast of side pieces was a woman. I absolutely will become an insane sex-crazed stalker about that, I take back what I said five seconds ago
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chaosandmarigolds · 9 days
Here ya go pookie! 🤍
Johnny stared at the officer that had very briefly explained the situation to him, his face contorted into some dumbfounded state because there was no way in the seven hells this random woman was telling him that Oliver was going back to his deadbeat half assed dad. He was leaning on the desk, after he had managed to get you calmed down and sat down in his truck, so he figured it was his time to get the story- after all, your words were just sobbed attempts.
“Yer fuckin pulling me leg.”
The officer blinked and frowned, “I’m sorry sir I don’t understand.”
“Ye just jokin me, ‘cause there no way Ollie is goin with tha man."
to that the officer 'tsk'ed and set the folder down on her desk, looking up at him, her face emotionless except for some patronizing smile, "And you said you were with Mister Riley?"
A short pause and Johnny looks around the office, "Can I talk to him?"
Ollie sat in the empty conference room, his few toys scattered on the table and the television playing some PBS Kids show with a volume of less than ten. He could hear the people outside of the room, but he didn't understand them, sometimes they would yell, and sometimes it was silent, he couldn't tell anymore. Nor did he care.
He spins in his chair as the door opens and he yelps, "UNCLE SOAPY."
"Ey, laddie," without missing a beat Johnny picks up the boy and looks him over, still in his pjs from the night before, his boots not even laced all the way up and his hair messy, with a huff he gives the officer a glare and sits down at the table again, "Yer mum wanted me to come check on ya."
Ollie frowns to that, "Why-why not she come? I.-Uncle Soapy, can we go home now? I do- it scary here."
"Price's, this is Eliza."
"Is th' Captain home?" "Simon! Darling-....oh honey, is everything okay? You sound like-"
"No. Please give John the tell."
"Get away from my son."
Johnny stands up when he heard the voice, turning around with Ollie still in his grasp, and unshcokingly he saw a less-than-average man who looked awful mad by his presence. Ollie, after about ten minutes of tears as fallen asleep, his head on his shoulder and happily snoozing.
"Ah, Caleb- 'm Johnny, heard about ya."
"Funny, haven't heard about you." Caleb frowned, slowly moving to get the young boy, "Now if you don't mind I have to take him back home."
Out of habit Johnny took a step back, "Back to his mum, yeah? Cu' tha's his home."
"No, back to Las Vegas, my home."
There was a long silence and then Johnny speaks, "Bloody out of your mind if you think 'll let tha happen."
Caleb almost smiled to that, "Then I’m out of my mind. Now give me my son before I make you."
(....Teee...hee? more of Uncle Soap action in this segment)
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formulapai · 6 months
Could you do one where Lando has food poisoning or is sick in general and reader fusses and takes care of him that weekend?
Thank you!🩵
of course dearest, thanks! 🧡 really short, I’m so sorry, I’ll probably do one way longer in a few !!
a Lando Norris fluff scenario
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scenario: see request :)
warning: Lando being whiny
pai’s words: it’s my birthday in 4 DAYS !!!!! and I’m truly excited even tho I’m STILL sick so this is a little piece of self comfort 🧡
“-Drink it.
-It smells disgusting, I am not putting this near my mouth.
-It’s medicine !
-Well I am not sick.”
They huff and cross their arms in front of them, fixing their boyfriend with a disappointed stare to which he responds by imitating them. He is sick, whether he wants to admit it or not. He’s been waking them up with his coughs all night long and his voice is now replaced by a low rasp, his body temperature much higher than what’s normal. It’s his fault really, they’ve told him that hanging out in the near-beginning of December in only a shortsleeved shirt was a bad idea and he laughed at the idea of getting a cold, turns out they were right, obviously.
“-Lando please just drink it, your voice is getting worse by the minute.
-You don’t find the raspy voice sexy ?”
The Brit winks exaggeratedly at his lover and breaks out in a poor imitation of his giggles, sending him in yet another coughing fit. He points to the medicine bottle in his partner’s hand in the middle of it, finally giving his pride up and admitting that he is, indeed, a little under the weather. He makes a show of gagging at the smell and insisting (more like whining) that they spoon feed him the syrup, almost to the point of begging them for the airplane thing you usually do with children.
It’s a weekend off and he’s glad for it as it gives him the opportunity to cuddle all day in front of the television. Or well, that would be the case if only he wasn’t fidgety 24/7 and absolutely bored out of his mind.
“-Baby, go back to the couch please, you need to rest!
He grumpily makes his way to his partner and hooks his chin on their shoulder, hugging them from behind as they’re lovingly cooking something for him, making sure he gets all the vitamins needed. It’s been like this for hours now, him making round trips between the living room, the bathroom and the kitchen while they’re locked up in there, making every remedies known to mankind in hope it’s going to be miraculously healing him in a few hours. He chuckles as they grumble something under their breath, something about how stubborn he is and how he should be grateful to have them. He is, really. For this and for everything else, he’s grateful the universe allowed him to meet you and even more grateful it allows you two to be together. He nuzzles his face deeper in the crook of their neck, whining about how he’s bored and only wants to love on them.
He stays like this for the rest of the day, having bribed them with his best puppy eyes so he could stay with them in the kitchen, watching as they make him a lemon tea with honey and love. Tea, he’s not fussy about drinking. He enjoys feeling it glide down his throat and coat his soreness with warmth, enjoys the sweet taste it leaves despite the bitterness of the lemon.
And when it’s time for them to go to bed (with a lot of coaxing for Lando), he’s glad to have the warmth of another body next to his, the calming hands stroking his back when he gets caught in a coughing fit, the soothing murmurs lulling him back to sleep, finally getting the rest he needs. He’s grateful towards the universe, tonight more than ever.
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chelleztjs18 · 6 months
Somewhere In The Multiverse (W.M)
Scarlet Witch x Fem!MultiverseVariantReader! (Avengers AU)
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Summary: After Westfield, as The Scarlet Witch, Wanda is in her endless journey to find her boys through the multiverse until one particular universe caught her attention.
Warning: None, I guess this is just something domestic with a sprinkle of angst. Let me know if I miss anything.
A/n: Hello! I'm back! I finally got this fic done after a while. I wrote the parts towards the ending when I'm down, so I couldn't really focus. Please bear with me if some part a little wonky or doesn't make sense. lol. Anyway, happy reading!
Main Masterlist
Five long dreadful years after Vision died and a guilt filled year after everything that happened in Westview, Wanda still desperately searches for her happiness. The longing for the happy life with Vision and her twin sons drew her to the Darkhold.
To Wanda, it’s the only way for her to get them back. Being the fast learner and powerful witch she is, she easily figured out ways to look around in different universes.
Universe after universe, Wanda sees different kinds of happy life her variants have with them. She can hear her son’s laughter. Different scenarios of life she dreamt about exist in another universe until there’s one that intrigues her.
In this one universe, no matter how many times she sees through it, Wanda only sees Billy and Tommy. They live happily just like in the others but she never sees herself nor Vision in it. The more she observes it the more she is drawn to it. Questions popped up in her mind. Do Vision and her exist in that particular universe? With whom do Tommy and Billy live? Who is the person behind their laughter and smile?
Wanda spends more time focusing on it and clues start to show up. She starts to see another figure with her twin sons, you.
Wanda never gets the chance to see your face. Every single time she tries to find out, she can only see the back of you. She doesn’t recognize you, your voice nor from your appearance. All of these surely drags her curiosity up to the surface of her mind.
With all the spells and ritual she learnt from The Darkhold, she decided to pay this universe a visit.
With an ease, Wanda gets into this different life in a different world yet seems to be familiar. She looks around and she figures that she is in the house where her sons live. Wanda instantly feels peaceful. At first it felt weird for her about how much she feels like she is home.
It's really calm and quiet. The house feels warm and cozy in her heart. Just like how she always dreams about even though part of her is wondering where the twins are. All the colors, furniture and decoration around seems like welcoming her home.
Wanda continues wandering around, her sights jumping from one spot to another. She even feels that she is attached to this universe, something that she never feels when she watches the others. Her hands start to touch around the couch, the coffee table and she lands her interest on one black shelf near the televisions. She found some books, a few of them are the ones that she read before. Her fingers keep slowly sliding around the lines of books on the shelves.
Another shelf on the other side really caught her attention. A mix of rows of movies and records on it. Wanda tilts her head curiously as soon as she sees a series of old sitcoms. Including her favorite ones that she used to watch with her parents. The urge she has inside her to pull the movies out and play it but she manages to control it and just looks at them with her glossy green eyes.
Wanda proceeded to look around more. She sees pictures on the walls, other tables and more shelves. A shaky soft gasp escaped her lips. She takes a closer look at the hung frames with mixed pictures of Tommy and Billy.
Wanda sees pictures of Tommy with his baseball team and a picture of him holding a big fish that he caught when he went fishing with you. She continues looking at the next pictures. She sees a picture of Billy winning his archery competition and all other random silly pictures of both of them.
Tears started to slowly fill her eyes. She can feel her hands getting a little shakier. Without hesitation, Wanda gently touches the face of the twins in the picture lovingly. Her lips quivered, a huge wave of emotions suddenly crashed onto her.
All mixed up feelings fill her heart, even Wanda herself doesn’t even know if it was happy tears or sad ones.
She wipes her tears right after she finds a few more pictures. Pictures that have herself from this universe in it with brown hair all smiling together with you in it. She sees you kiss her cheeks in one picture and she hugs you so close in the other. Some pictures have the four of you in it, as a happy family. Slowly bits and pieces of Wanda’s own conclusion start to gather around her mind. A little stack of mail on a table caught her attention.
“Y/n Y/L/N” Wanda mumbles under her breath reading the name on the envelopes. Wanda figures that it’s your name.
All of a sudden, Wanda hears something and it breaks her focus on the pictures. She is aware that someone is coming.
She hears familiar voices and suddenly she hears Billy scream for help. “Tommy, help me!”
“My boys.” she says under her breath at the same time with red wisps showing up wrapping around her hands. Wanda was ready to fight whoever dared to hurt them.
“No. This is why I suggested you pick a violin for the music class, not the Cello. Now, you can barely bring your other school stuff because it’s bigger than you.” Tommy replies with his straight to the point thoughts.
Wanda’s red wisps quickly disappeared and she let out a relieved sigh. A smile curves on her face hearing the conversation but right away turns to a confused frown after she hears your voice.
“Tommy, be nice to your brother and help him please. My hands are full with the groceries.” Wanda notices how gentle you talk to the boys and it draws her smile back. “Okay, okay. I’ll help you.” Tommy agrees in defeat.
Few seconds later, Wanda manages to manipulate the surroundings as soon as you and the twins walk into the house. Neither you or the boys see her there. Wanda hears Tommy’s complaining question. “Who likes to listen to Cello anyways?” The boys take off their shoes in random spots while you walk to the kitchen.
“Mommy does. So do I. You boys have to be supportive of each other, okay.” You answered as you put all the groceries on the kitchen counter. “Okay, Mama.” The twins’ voices overlap each other.
Wanda was surprised when they called you Mama. Are they your kids too? What about Vision? What happened to him? With all those confused and intrigued thoughts she follows them to their room, watching them put all their school stuff back to their shared bedroom but right after that they run back to the kitchen to help you.
It was very difficult for Wanda to hold herself back to not appear in front of the three of you and hug the twins but she didn’t want to scare everybody. She continues watching in silence every move you make.
“Mama, are you going to make chicken paprikash on Mommy’s birthday?” Tommy asks with a cute tone.
“Yes, I will, sweetheart.. We will celebrate it together with her favorite food.” you answer with a soft smile. Wanda has been too busy with the Darkhold and the multiverse and hearing that reminds her that it’s almost her birthday too. Since Pietro died, Wanda never celebrated her birthday anymore, she could care less about it. Surprisingly, what she is seeing from you and the boys drags her curiosity about this whole birthday thing in the next week.
Wanda spends the rest of the day watching you and the boys, thinking that the variant of herself in this universe will come. Wanda is really curious to see her but at the end of the night she starts to wonder why the variant isn’t home yet.
Seeing you put the boys to bed and you get ready to bed after as if you have been doing it by yourself for quiet sometimes makes her think of a temporary conclusion that your Wanda probably is on a mission.
Wanda keeps going back to your universe in the last few days, watching how your days and life go with the twins. The longer Wanda is around you and watches everything, the more she sees that you are very great with the twins. You take very good care of them and it’s undeniable that they love you so much. The boys are very close with you. They make you laugh as much as you make them. It warms Wanda’s heart seeing everything. Sometimes she doesn’t even realize that a smile always curls up on her face whenever she sees you smile and laugh. Wanda’s adoration towards you slowly built up in the last few days.
Sometimes you can feel someone’s watching or even feel like a familiar figure is in the room with the three of you. There are these unexplainable feelings you feel in you. You feel like you are complete again whenever you feel that presence around after all these years. You feel.. less lonely but you shrug the feelings off, thinking it was just probably because you miss your Wanda so much.
Days have passed and today is Wanda’s birthday. Deep down she is excited to see what will you and the boys do today even though part of her knows that it’s all for her variant, not her.
Wanda sees you wake up but she can’t figure out if you look happy or sad. It’s your Wanda’s birthday, why wouldn’t you look happy? Her thought starts to wonder. You sit up but your head hangs low as your hands cover your face for a few seconds as you take a deep breath. “Happy birthday Wanda.” you mumble under your breath. Confused, Wanda’s head tilted a little.
Your hands rub your face and you try to make a smile as soon as you hear running steps coming to your room and Wanda notices everything.
The crease on her forehead fades right away and a smile comes up right after she sees Billy and Tommy come into the room and get on the bed to hug you.
“Ma! Oh great, you are awake!” Tommy exclaimed.
“Oh good morning to both of you, my little monkeys! Of course I’m awake.” You tease them as you hug them back.
“Yeah Tommy. Mama wouldn’t forget Mommy’s birthday today. She already got everything planned, right Mama?” Billy asks.
“Of course! We gonna cook mommy’s favorite dish—”
“Paprikash! It’s our favorite too!” The boys’ voices overlap competing to finish your words. You laugh. “Yes, yes. Paprikash, it’s our favorite.” Wanda accidentally chuckles watching all the sweet conversation that is happening. You quickly look back to where you thought you hear the little chuckles. You could’ve sworn you hear a familiar sound behind you and again, you feel the warm presence. Wanda takes notice of what is going on.
“Oh and the cake! Will you let us help make the cake too?” Tommy questions you and brings your focus back on them.
“Of course buddy. I always let you and your brother make Mommy’s cake. She always likes the cake you two make.” you playfully play with their hair.
“Yes!” Billy and Tommy exclaimed excitedly at the same time and did high fives with each other. “Okay okay, now go take a shower and get ready for the day. I will make breakfast for you. After breakfast, I want you to do your homeworks first before you two go playing. I will let you boys know when it’s time to cook and bake for Mommy’s birthday okay?” You gently tell them and they nod before they both run out of your room.
Meanwhile you, you walk towards where you felt the warm presence earlier. Wanda nervously takes a step back when you get closer. Her brain was sure and remembered what she learnt from the dark hold that you shouldn’t be able to see her or know that she was there after she casted this particular spell. Wanda can’t lie to herself that she feels this little spark and maybe a connection with you. Her heart skips a beat when you stand right in front of her.
“Wands, are you here? I miss you so much.” you whisper softly with a very sad desperate tone. Hearing your sad voice got her thinking that something isn’t right. It led her to pay more attention to little details that she might have missed.
Series of activities you and the boys have been doing and how much fun the three of you have  draws Wanda’s urge to show herself to you but she knows it’s not the time just yet. At least not until she sees her variant.
The paprikash and the cake are finally ready and it’s still only the three of you. Wanda is perplexed even more when you and the boys do not even bother to wait and have the dinner together then proceed to the cake.
Her own curiosity is killing her when Billy, Tommy and you sing happy birthday without the variant is even there. You blow the candles together right after.
No video call or call? What’s going on? Perhaps she is on a secret mission that doesn't even allow a simple birthday call?
At the end of the night, you put the boys to bed. Wanda follows you walk to the kitchen to do the dishes.
You look calm at first, doing your chores. The house sounds a lot more quiet when the boys are asleep, soft low volume from the TV makes its way to be heard every now and then. Wanda notices little changes on your facial expressions gradually. She thinks that you look exhausted but as Wanda is turning around to go to check on the boys she hears you start to cry.
She finds you bawling in such sadness. Wanda starts to think that you look broken-hearted. Between sniffling and crying, you mumble but clear enough for her to hear. “I miss you so much, Wanda. I really wish you were here. I wish you never did what you did. Please come back.”
Seeing how hurt you are and how you mumbled in anguish makes Wanda’s heart ache and curious at the same time. What happened? Does it mean her variant isn’t on a mission as Wanda thought she was?
You start to sob as quietly as you can. Standing behind you, she feels the urge to calm you down even though she doesn’t really know you. Her eyes slowly turn glossy. Wanda can’t help it. Unbeknownst to you, she casted a spell and made herself slowly visible.
“Y/n, I–i’m so sorry for whatever happened to your..uh partner.” She said hesitantly yet full of concern for you as she gently touched your shoulder.
Wanda didn’t think it through. What she just did startled you. You gasp loudly and turn around in a split second very very shocked. Your face instantly loses its color as if you just saw a ghost, the ghost of the love of your life.
“Wa–Wanda? Is..Is..Is that you? No. No. That can’t be you. Who are you?!” You rapidly walk back to whichever direction you can just to get away from Wanda. You start to grab whatever you can reach and throw it at her. The twins’ plastic cup, forks, spatula, coffee mug, even a roll or paper towel. Her magic dodges everything right on time before it hits her. Panic and terrified, your instinct leads your hurried steps to your set of knives. You grab them one by one, and throw it at her with the thought of fighting for your life so you can go save the boys.
Once again, the red wisps do its work. It stops each knife at ease and keeps them frozen still mid air. One of the knives was stopped an inch right before her forehead. You see that she doesn’t even flinch. Wanda grabs it and puts it on the kitchen counter gently and then looks at you.
“Who the fuck are you? You are not Wanda.” you demand answers.
“I am Wanda Maximoff. Who–” Wanda answers but you didn’t let her finish.
“No! You are not Wanda! It’s impossible! My wife died five years ago.” you denied her and your voice starts to break. A little gasp breaks through Wanda’s lips after hearing what you just said but confusion takes over the surprised feelings in her.
The little silence of shocks puzzled you and got you thinking about what she wanted. Your instinct reminds you of your sons right away. “The boys.” You mumble and you quickly run. Unfortunately Wanda’s magic freezes you on the spot and you are floating mid air.
“Let me go! What do you want?!” you confronted her.
‘Tommy and Billy are in their room.” Wanda responds calmly. “What did you do to them?! Please don’t hurt them.” you said while you try to escape yourself from the red magic that limits your movements but it was all in vain.
“They are safe and sound asleep. I’m not a monster. I’m not going to hurt you or them. I will put you down and I just need you to tell me who you are and your life here.” Wanda offers you a one way deal.
Deep down you refuse to agree but it’s for the safety of your sons, you know better not to fight her or anything. You agreed in defeat.
Wanda gently lands you on the floor as she floats smoothly closer to you.
“Now tell me about your life here. No trick and no lies please.” she requested in a very soft voice.
You swallow down your fear hardly before you start telling her your life story. “You look like my wife, Wanda. She’s– she is the most amazing woman I have ever met. I was one of the scientists for S.H.I.E.L.D but then they transferred me to work with Tony and Bruce at the Avengers compound. That was where Wanda and I met.” Your eyes get glossy. Wanda notices your sad expression as she pays attention to everything you say but then you chuckle and smile a little talking more about your beloved deceased wife.
“She was a very shy person but once she got comfortable, she would turn into a very funny, caring and talkative person which made me fall for her. She is a great mother to our boys.” you continue as your hand starts to wipe the tears that slowly overfill your eyes.
“What happened to Vision? Where is he now?” Wanda’s forehead puckered as she asked another question.
You turn your head to her and answer the question with another question. “Who is Vision? I don’t know who you are talking about.”
“Vision, he–he was Jarvis and was created during Ultron’s attack on earth 616. Us, Avengers fought him and saved the world back then. Vision became one of us and that’s when Wanda– I–I meant that was when Vision and I got closer but Thanos killed him and uh– we have the boys, Tommy and Billy years after. It’s—It’s—It’s another thing that happened.” Her lips quiver shortly before she exhales a shaky breath while holding her tears back.
What Wanda just said really caught your attention that you shift yourself to face her. “Wait, what? Ultron’s attack? Earth 616? Did you say Jarvis was born? THE Jarvis, as in Tony’s AI? Thanos? Does this mean you are from another universe and the multiverse actually exists?” you start to ramble instant lines of questions.
“Yeah, Ultron. Ultron didn’t invade this universe? What about Thanos? What happened to me–I meant to your wife, Wanda?” Wanda took her turns asking your even more questions.
“Ultron happened here but everything worked out and there was no fight between The Avengers and Ultron in this universe. Jarvis is still Tony’s AI until now.” you explained.
“Tony’s alive? Jarvis still exists here? That’s why I didn’t see Vision here.” Wanda rambles out her thoughts to herself under her breath, connecting the dots.
“No Vision was created and yes, Tony’s still alive. Everybody is still alive, except.. Wanda.” you swallow hard when the memory hits you again, so hard that your heart aches. Sadness shows up in your face again. You feel Wanda’s hand holding you and it’s insanely bizarre that you feel the same comfort that you used to get when your Wanda did it.
“What happened?” Wanda hesitantly asks you with her soft voice.
“Thanos and his army came to attack. The Avengers were at war and fought them. I had a feeling that day, when I saw Wanda fly out of the compound with everybody else that I would never see her again even though she told me that she would come back for me and the boys.” tears start to fill your eyes to the brim slowly.
Wanda doesn’t know what to say when her mind comes up with a conclusion of what happened to your wife but she knows how you feel, she senses a great loss from you. Her heart feels yours aching. Her thumb rubbing the back of your hands and you continue your words.
“I was waiting and waiting and waiting for everybody to come back, for Wanda to come back. The second I saw Natasha and Clint at the door, I knew that—” you pause and swallow the lump in the back of your throat.
“I knew that I had lost her. Natasha told me that Wanda sacrificed herself to defeat Thanos and his army.” with that, you can’t hold your tears back anymore. You break in tears, sobbing your grief out.
Wanda quickly pulls you into her embrace. “Oh, detka. I know how you feel. Grief, loss and death are so hard to accept. Trust me, I know.” you cry even more once you hear Wanda’s voice calling you with the same exact pet names your wife always calls you with.
You asked Wanda more about what happened in her universe and her life. Wanda tells you everything from her childhood, Vision and including what happened at Westview. You both end up talking about everything all night.
Listening to everything that Wanda tells you while seeing her emotions through her eyes touches your heart. Knowing that Wanda lost her parents and twin brother just like your Wanda did brings out all the sympathy you have. It convinces you that this Wanda right in front of you is not a villain. You know your wife would do the same thing that happened in Westview if it happens to her.
“So, you were saying that the Darkhold and Multiverse exist? And you are The Scarlet Witch? There is only one Scarlet Witch in the multiverse and it’s you? This is crazy. I always have a theory that the Multiverse exists. I have been doing research and trying to find it so I can find—”
“Your wife?” Wanda finishes your sentence as if she has the same thoughts as you.
“Yes.” you admit.
“That’s what I was doing. I was so lost and alone. I just want my boys back and live a happy life with them. Then I saw this universe, the boys and you. I–I wanted to see why this universe looked different, no Vision and I didn’t see me either. I meant no harm to you or the boys.” Wanda’s eyes get teary. This time you pull her to a hug to comfort her.
“I understand, Wanda.”
After all the talk at night, the connection between you feels stronger. You agreed to let Wanda come visit to see the boys and you. Wanda humbly accepts even though you requested her not to show up to the boys just yet until you are sure and feel safe around her. All Wanda can do right now is to understand your request and it’s her way to thank you for your thoughtful decision.
Day by day and weeks by weeks, the more you and Wanda spend time together, the stronger the connections between you two. Wanda starts to smile again, so do you.
The hearts know what they want, slowly you and wanda start to fall for each other. You are slowly convinced that it’s time to let Wanda and the boys meet. It melts your heart to see Wanda’s smile when you tell her your decision.
Billy and Tommy sit together waiting for you after you tell them that you need to talk with them. They smile at you right after they see you walk into the living room.
“Mama, we are not in trouble, aren’t we?” Tommy asks anxiously. “No, no you are not, silly. I just have something to tell both of you.” Tommy smiles again in relief after hearing your answer.
“What is it, Ma? Are you okay?” Billy lets out her question with furrowed eyebrows.
“Oh, sweetheart, yes, I’m okay.” you answered in awe while Wanda watched everything discreetly under the invisible spell. Her heart races with excitement and nervous feelings at the same time.
“Well, Tommy, Billy, do you remember the theory that I always talk with you two about the Multiverse?” This time, it’s your turn pitching a question to them. You clear your throat as if it works to shrug off the nervous feelings you are having right now.
“Yeah, the one that you said you are trying to find?” Billy asks.
“Yes, darling. So, well, guess what? Multiverse exists!” You exclaimed excitedly.
“Really?? Wow! That was awesome!” The boys respond with such a thrill. The twins are always interested in what you are working on and sciences. Sometimes you bond with them in the lab and the three of you always have a good time together.
“Wait, so it means there are other variants of me, Tommy and you in the multiverse?” Billy curiously asks you.
You can’t hold back your happy chuckles. “Yes, there are variants of us and also Mommy.”
They both gasp at the same time. “Mommy? Did you see her in the other universe?” Tommy gets closer to you as he asks you.
“Yes, yes I did.” you answered with a smile. Bubbles of joy burst in Wanda’s heart. Warmth spreads in her seeing their positive response.
“Does she look like our mommy, mama? Does–” Billy couldn’t wait her turn to ask you.
“Do you think she knows us, Mama?” Tommy interrupts her twin brother.
“Does she love as much as our Mommy does? Can we see her?” Billy chimed in with more questions. The boys’ voices overlap each other.
“Boys, boys. Okay, okay. Calm down. Wow, you two are very curious, aren’t you?” you giggle. The Maximoff brothers nod their heads rapidly followed by more smiles.
“How about you ask her yourself?” You suggest the idea as you tap their nose gently. Wanda takes it as her cue to show up. Their mouths slightly opened in amazement as soon as they saw Wanda.
“Hello, Billy, Hello Tommy.” Wanda greets them in a shaky voice, as she tries to keep herself together, holding her tears and smiling at the same time. Wanda walks closer to them slowly, trying not to scare them away.
The boys get off the couch and walk quickly to Wanda.
“Whoa, you look like Mommy.” Tommy comments. “I am your mommy, from another universe.” her tears roll down and Wanda quickly wipes it right before she crouches down to their eye level. As hard as you are trying not to cry but this view of Wanda and the boys really gets you. Tears escape the brim of your eyes.
“Can–can we hug you?” Billy shyly asks.
“Of course! Come here.” Wanda cries in happiness and extends her arms welcoming them in her hug. Tommy and Billy hug her hesitant at first but melt into the embrace a few seconds later. Wanda pulled them closer, cherishing every second of it with every piece of her. Tears escaped her eyes as she cried in happiness quietly. She never thought she would ever feel happiness again. Never in her mind since Westfield that she would be able to hug the twins ever again.
Wanda mouthed a thank you to you and seeing how happy, grateful she is, really touches your soul. You could really see the difference compared to how she was the first time you saw her that night. Right now, you could see how she really is, a devoted mom and a gentle loving woman.
The boys pull themselves back a little from the back. “Wow, you look exactly like her.” Billy comments in amazement as his eyes examine Wanda’s resemblance.
“I love both of you as much as your mommy does.” Wanda explains as she wipes her cheeks, a little smile shows up under the wet trails of her tears.
“So, you have your own Tommy and me? Where are they?” Billy asks curiously. You know it’s a hard question for her to answer so you try to stop it by changing the topic. “Billy, Tommy, why don’t you both show mommy–uh I meant uh Wanda the new set of legos you are building. I’m sure she would love to spend time with you two while I’m making dinner for all of us.”
The four of you spend the rest of the evening together. Wanda even helps you to put them to bed. Everything went well. The boys and you bond with her so easily as if there has always been natural connections between all of you, as if she is your wife and the mother of your sons from this universe.
Almost a year after, Wanda still keeps coming back and forth from 616 universe to yours or sometimes she stays some nights there. You and Wanda have been dating for a few months. Everything has been great, the boys and you are getting a lot more comfortable having Wanda around.
Just like Wanda always envisioned before, the three of them often bake together. She gets more involved with the household and all the activities that four of you can do. Showing her around and how everything out there in your universe. There are some adjustments that she has to do but she doesn’t mind it at all.
Sometimes Wanda even goes with you to pick the boys up from school or comes to their theater school play. You and Wanda love each other. It feels like you have known her forever and Wanda finally feels like she’s home, with you and the boys.
Today is your and the boys’ first Christmas morning together with Wanda and it is a big day. You, Billy and Tommy have something planned. A surprise for Wanda.
The four of you are sitting near the fireplace with matching pajamas. You and Wanda smile while watching the boys open their presents. Laughter and joy fill your house.
“Boys, are you ready?” you gave them the cue. They quickly nod and grab a bigger square shape wrapped gift.
“It’s for you, Wanda.” you smile and tell her. Wanda’s cheeks blush and she smiles right away, followed by a little excited chuckles. “Aw, you guys. You don’t have to get me a gift.” she responds.
Wanda opens her gift and smiles. “Aw, did you boys draw this? It’s both of you, mama and…your mommy? Oh all four of you are in front of the fireplace and Christmas tree. This is really cute!” She asks while she looks excited yet confused.
“Yeah, they drew it and I reprint and enlarged it.” you explain while gently rubbing her back. The boys interrupt her thoughts while she is admiring the drawing.
“It’s us with Mama and you.” Tommy and Billy race each other to tell you about the drawing.
Wanda quickly raises her head and looks at the three of you, one by one slowly. “What?” she asks softly, trying to make sure if she heard it right.
“Yeah, it’s four of us just like how we are now.” Tommy added.
“Can we call you Mommy?” Wanda gasps gently as soon as she hears Billy’s question. She is lost at words. Her lips are slightly open, happy tears start to fill up to the brim of her eyes. Before she can even answer, Tommy says another thing.
“Yeah, our Mommy.”
With that the happy tears flow freely. “Yes, I’m always your mommy. You are my boys. Of course you can call me mommy.” Wanda pulls both of them in a tight hug. She closes her eyes, thinking that this is the happiest moment in her life after years of sadness and loneliness.
Little does she know, another surprise is coming. Tommy and Billy slowly get themselves out of Wanda’s warm loving hug and stand up straight, clearing their thoughts as if they are getting ready to do something.
To her surprise, the twins start to sing a song they made specially for her. She is astonished as soon as she hears the words they sing, asking her to move and live with them and with you. The way they call her their mommy in a serenade makes her heart leap. Happiness fills her like sunshine. Wanda can’t stop smiling ear to ear.
As soon as they are done singing, you ask her.
“Wanda, we love you. Will you move here and have a beautiful life with us as one family?” you ask as you look into her eyes and hold both of her hands.
“Yes, mommy! Please! Please! Come live with us and Mama.” Tommy’s and Billy’s thrilled voices overlapped each other as they jumped around in exhilaration.
“That has been my dream since I met all of you here. Yes, of course!” Wanda extends her arms, inviting the three of you into a group hug as a one happy family.
A/n: Welp, that's all for today peeps! I hope you enjoy this piece. Let me know what you think. Reblogs and comments are highly appreciated. Follow me for more and see you in next!
Taglist: @madamevirgo @musicinourlips @unstable-sapphic-hoe @fanboy7794 @chloe7076 @b0mbdotc0m @trikruismybitch @ichala @californianwhiterabbit @honey-sweet-hiraeth @imfuckinggenius @sxfwap @chaekhan @daenerys713 @stupidsapphicsstuff @pattypavo @savethefbees @frvny @franfineashell @heyyoweveryone @ygtft-chen @yaaskasey @sweeet-likeeee-cinnamonn @paumxmff @dopeyouth @beaniejennie @ineedafinghug @idkwhatimwriting @lucydiibi @mainly-rebloging-fics-i-like @gloriousfoxruins @grxvitye @mcubreakdown101 @aos22 @wandanatstan @paulawand @yeeterthekeeper @femalehomosexual666 @snowdrop1026 @modernmonalisa @nothingisrealanyway @idamaemann @sweeterlust @royalityofmultifandom @playboysaleen @peabrain112 @gwhaley127 @harleyswanda @bodhi-j @darth-rain @cristin-rjd
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unsolved-duvall · 1 year
Hi! Could you do an Eddie Munson X reader where it’s readers first time and nervous but Eddie is gentle?
𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐞 - 𝐞.𝐦. (𝟏𝟖+)
hi my love! thank you so much for the request, i hope this is okay <3
warnings 18+ only fem!reader, virgin!reader, smut, fluff, gentle eddie, heavy kissing, oral (fem receiving), fingering, protected sex, praise kink, hair pulling, reader cries during sex (she’s overwhelmed, but it’s all good i promise!), aftercare, i think that's it but if i've missed anything please (politely) let me know! i'm so sorry if there are spelling or grammar errors, it's five in the morning and i've just finished this <3
The trailer always felt uncomfortably quiet when it was just you there. You had been resistant at first, when Eddie had given you a key and told you to treat it like your own home. You didn't want to intrude on his and Wayne's space. But he had promised you that when he had asked Wayne if it was okay for you to have a key, he had only told Eddie that he thought you already had one, expected you to. He had always treated you like his own, and you were so grateful for that.
So there you were, sat on the couch, it was comfortable and it had started to feel like home. Orange lights flickering from the lamps you had turned on around the room; you never put on the big light.
The sounds from the television reverberated around the trailer, some old tv show was on, but you weren't paying any attention to it. You had only turned it on in a futile attempt to try and distract yourself, to calm yourself down and stop your mind from racing a million miles an hour.
Eddie would be home in twenty minutes, give or take. Sometimes he got carried away with a last-minute job at the garage. Other times he was home at six o'clock on the dot. Desperate to see you.
You and Eddie had been dating for a while now and you'd honestly never been happier.
Except you hadn't had sex yet. Ever.
Eddie didn't know you were a virgin. He had never pushed you to go further than you felt comfortable with. You would touch each other, over your clothes, of course. You had definitely had some pretty needy makeout sessions on his bed, all soft whimpers and needy hands. But you had never gone further than that. You had always made some excuse up to stop, telling him that you were tired or needed to go home. He would never question you, but you could tell he was starting to be confused by your actions. You would kiss him desperately, your hips grinding down into his as he held you on his lap on the couch. He could feel how needy you were, could hear your fast breaths and small moans that you couldn't hold back whenever his tongue would run over yours. But still, you never went further than that.
Of course, Eddie would never push you. He assumed you just wanted to wait and he was okay with that. Fuck, if all he could do was kiss you forever he thought he would be okay with that too.
But you didn't want that. You wanted more. You wanted to sleep with him, more than anything. It consumed your mind twenty four hours a day, it truly was all you could think about. How he would feel, how he would hold you, how he would sound. Fuck.
But you had never done anything like that before. You were so worried you would be bad at it, that you wouldn't know what to do and Eddie would get bored of you.
You knew Eddie had slept with a couple of people before, not many, but he definitely had experience. You didn't know if that made you feel better or worse.
Just as your thoughts started to overwhelm you, the front door swung open. You knew it was Eddie just from his footsteps.
You turned your head and were met with that sickly-sweet smile he gave you whenever he got home.
"Hey baby" Eddie walked over to you, pressing a delicate kiss to your lips before he turned to go and change out of his work clothes.
Fuck. Okay.
Your feet were carrying you into his bedroom before you realised what you were doing, coming to lean in his doorway as you watched him pull on an old t-shirt and pyjama bottoms. You hadn't said anything as you had followed him, quite frankly you weren't sure he had even realised you had followed him.
"Can I talk to you?" You blurted out, making even yourself jump.
Eddie tensed up as he realised you were standing behind him, quickly relaxing again when he met your eyes.
"Yeah sweetheart, 'course. Is everything okay?" worry was etched onto his face, you were never this serious and dour looking.
When you didn't answer he gently took hold of your hand and led you over to his bed, sitting both of you down. You crossed your legs and pulled your hands into your body, fiddling with your fingers as you tried to find the right words.
Eddie's eyes darted down to your hands and saw how restless you were; you only did that when you really nervous, he had come to learn. He held both of your hands in between one of his in an attempt to calm you as much as he could. He didn't say anything, he knew you would speak when you were ready.
"I, uh- well do you know how we've never... I mean we've done some things, um-" You were blabbering, you didn't know why you were so nervous, it was just Eddie.
"Take a breath, it's okay." Eddie;s soft voice pulled down that wall of anxiety you had built around yourself.
"We've never had sex" the words left your mouth before you had even registered them. Your mouth dropped open and you tried to pull yourself away from him out of embarrassment, but he wouldn't let you. His thumb rubbing soothing circles over the back of your hand.
"I know." was all he said. He was slowly putting the pieces together. Your nerves, the way you were holding his hands a bit tighter than normal, the way you couldn't sit still. He was almost sure he knew where you were going with this, but he didn't want to assume, so he waited for you to say more.
"Do you want to?" you asked him, looking away from him, your eyes landing on the wall behind his head.
"I, well-" it was Eddie's turn to be flustered now. Because, of course he did. But he didn't know quite how to say that without sounding incredibly desperate. He was trying to keep his cool here. It was a losing battle.
He saw the anxiety flood your face, he could see how unsure you looked. He would do anything to get rid of that look.
"Sweetheart. Of course I do. I love you. But I don't want to if you don't want to."
"I want to." There was no holding back anymore, it was like the flood gates had opened and you needed to feel him. But you knew you needed to tell him one other thing before you both got carried away.
"I've never done this before." You breathed out, your eyes meeting his. "Ever. This would be my first, uh my first time."
"You're a virgin?" Eddie asked you, he couldn't hold back the slight surprise that laced his words and spread across his face.
"I'm sorry." you said. You weren't sure why, but you felt like you needed to.
Eddie pulled back a bit, his eyes scanning your face, "Baby you don't need to apologise for that, why would you say sorry?" he was genuinely confused. Did he think that you thought he wouldn't want to sleep with you because you were a virgin?
"I don't know what I'm doing," your voice came out small and timid. You had never heard yourself sound like that before. "It probably won't be very good for you, Eddie"
"Baby, first of all. This is you we're talking about. If you haven't already noticed I'm kind of ridiculously in love with you. You only have to kiss me and I fall apart," you can't help but laugh at his words, a small blush spreading across your cheeks as he pulls you closer to him.
"So please don't think for a second that sleeping with you could ever be bad." he held your hips and tapped them gently, signalling for you to sit across his lap, your legs on either side of his, as he rubbed a comforting hand up and down your back.
"Secondly, if you really want to do this. Then I promise you, it will all be on your terms okay? I won't do anything unless you tell me I can. This is all about you, yeah?" Eddie's voice had dropped a few octaves, you didn't know if he was doing it on purpose or if he was just trying to calm himself down. You could feel him beneath you, sitting on his lap didn't leave much to the imagination.
"Okay." You whispered.
"Yeah. I want to do this with you, Eddie. Tonight. Now."
"Fuck, okay." Eddie lifted a hand to push your hair off your warm face, he let his hand rest on your cheek for a bit, his thumb rubbing underneath your eye, comforting you.
You couldn't wait any longer, and you had a feeling Eddie wasn't going to do anything until you made the first move. So you leant in, your lips barely brushing over his as you closed your eyes.
"I got you." was all Eddie said before he was kissing you like his life depended on it. It was slow and soft and deep and it felt like you had just taken your first breath.
You had kissed before, but there was something debilitating about this one. The promise it held, the knowledge that this was all building up to more. Eddie let his tongue run over you bottom lip, eliciting a soft whine from you as you opened for him. His tongue running over yours as the kiss deepened.
His hands were hesitant. One was resting on your hip, and the other was holding the back of your head, keeping you flush against him. But you needed more.
"Eddie," you breathed out, breathing the words against his lips.
"Yeah, sweetheart?"
"You can touch me, it's okay."
"Yeah? Can you lie down for me, is that okay? Or do you wanna stay like this?" Eddie asked you, his forehead resting against yours, his eyes heavy with want.
"I wanna lie down, yeah." you told him quietly. He moved you both gently so that you were lying pressed against the soft mattress beneath you. You moved your legs so he could lay in between them, he breathed out an almost silent thank you at your movements.
Neither of you wanted to break the comfortable quietness that was filling his bedroom. The sounds of your breathing and movements were more than enough.
Eddie leant down to press his lips against yours again, the kiss still as slow and deep as the first one. Your hands moved to rest in his hair, your fingers tangling in the curls he never brushed out on a work day. His weight rested on his forearms, but he used one hand to rest on your cheek. Your entire being was filled with Eddie. His tongue in your mouth, his hand on your body. It was all just Eddie Eddie Eddie.
Time didn't exist when Eddie had you pinned against the mattress. You might have been kissing for two minutes or two hours; you had no way of knowing. Not when he had managed to find his way into every part of you; his kiss running through your veins, filling your lungs as you breathed him in.
He made sure to hold his weight off of you, but still, it was all consuming. His hair fell around your faces and you couldn't imagine doing anything else but this for the rest of your life.
But that need grew deeper and you subconsciously moved one of your legs to wrap it around Eddie's waist. Pulling him tighter against you. That, mixed with your moans that you were not letting flow freely from you, was a silent plea for him to give you more.
That was all Eddie had been waiting for. He needed you to need him, not just want him.
He reluctantly pulled away from kissing you, his lips trailing down your jaw and landing on your neck. You craned your head back, pressing it further into the pillow that Eddie had somehow got underneath your head when he lay you down.
He pressed soft kisses on your neck, he wasn't trying to mark you. Not tonight, not unless you explicitly asked him to. Tonight he was determined to be as gentle and tender with you as possible. He needed you to feel safe with him. It was the least he could do, you were being as vulnerable as you could be with another human being, and he respected that.
He honestly couldn't wrap his head around the fact that he was lucky enough to be with you in this way. Your soft skin under his fingertips and your small whimpers in his ears, this was as close to heaven as he was sure he was ever going to get.
Eddie pulled his head from your neck and saw your blissed out face, how your eyes were softly shut and your eyelashes fluttered against your cheek.
He moved his hands down to rest on the waistband of the pyjama pants you had on.
They were his.
You felt his fingertips at your waist and you opened your eyes to watch him.
"Can I take these off, angel?" Eddie breathed. Placing a small kiss on your stomach, just above where the waistband sat.
You nodded your head in a deafening confirmation. "Nuh-uh sweetheart, I need you to use your words for me, okay?" Eddie looked up at you from where he lay between your legs. The sight alone was enough to send your heart racing.
"You can take them off," you responded, "please take them off." almost begging as your voice cracked with every word. You didn't realise how desperate you were until you were so close to having what you needed.
"That's my girl, thank you." Eddie said, his calloused fingers moving to go underneath the waistband of your his pyjama pants. He moved them down, pulling them over your hips and down your thighs. Every movement was slow, soft, calculated.
All intended to have you desperate and whining underneath him by the end of it.
Before you had time to register it, legs were bare and Eddie was kissing them. Small, barely there kisses, intended only to relax you when he felt you tense up under his gaze.
You didn't know what to do with your hands. They lay limp beside you. You didn't know what you were meant to be doing. Were you meant to touch him? Move your hips for him to take your underwear off? Pull him up to kiss him again? You didn't know-
"Hey, sweetheart, look at me." Eddie's stern but loving voice pulled you out of the onslaught of insecurity that threatened to take over. Your breathing had sped up, he had noticed that, but not because of him.
"We can stop if you want to, okay? We don't have to do this if you've changed your mind, that's okay. We can talk more about this more before we do anything else. I can kiss you some more, or I can leave you alone, if that's what you want. I just need you to tell me, okay love? Just tell me what you need me to do."
You didn't know what to say, or do, or think, or feel. You were overwhelmed, but in a good way. Eddie had barely touched you and this was already more than you could have asked for it to be.
You felt the bed move beside you, Eddie was about to move off of you. You realised you hadn't said anything to him, and he had probably taken that to mean that you wanted to stop. You grabbed his arm and he paused his movements, not yet lowering himself back over you, but not moving further away either.
"I don't want to stop. I just- fuck, I don't know." you had never been good with words, Eddie knew that, it was why he was so patient with you. It wasn't that you didn't know what you wanted to say, it was that you couldn't say it.
"I'm just nervous." Eddie's eyes softened at your vulnerability.
"But I want this, I want you. I just need you to tell me what to do, show me. I don't want to make all the moves here, please, I need you to do that."
You saw the hesitancy that hit Eddie at hearing your confession, he didn't want you to feel like you didn't have any control in this situation.
"I know, I know that you want me to tell you what's okay and what's not but- Eddie, everything is okay. Touch me, kiss me, I don't care. I'm doing this with you because I love you."
Both of your hearts were racing. Eddie had never heard you so certain, he had never heard you speak so confidently. There was still a shake to your voice, it was still quiet and vulnerable. But he knew you meant every word, he knew how hard it was for you to be so open with him. It made his heart break and repair itself all in one go.
"I trust you and I need you to trust me when I tell you that I will tell you if you do something I don't like, or don't feel comfortable with. But please, I'm begging you, please fuck me, I've waited so long." A breathy laugh laced your last words, you couldn't quite tell if you were laughing out of relief or nervousness, but either way.
You felt okay. You felt good. You felt like this was exactly where you were meant to be.
"Okay." Eddie leant back down and kissed you. It was quick, his tongue barely passing yours, but it was enough. It sent your heart racing again, because of Eddie. His taste lingering on your tongue as he lowered himself down your body until he was lay with his head resting on your thigh, his hands on your waist.
"Can I touch touch you here, angel?" Eddie asked despite what you had just told him, his fingers lightly grazing your cunt still covered by the fabric of your underwear.
You went to nod your head but then Eddie's earlier words echoed in your mind, "Yeah you can touch me." you moaned out, a small kiss he placed on your inner thigh causing your fingers to grasp the blanket beneath you.
"Good girl." Eddie praised you, it was quiet, almost as if he was uncertain at what your reaction would be. But when he saw your breath hitch he smirked, he knew you liked that shit. He just knew it.
Eddie ran his fingers over your slit, your wetness had practically drenched your underwear. If Eddie wanted to, he didn't say anything about it. Instead he just slowly moved his fingers along you, so gentle that if you weren't so worked up you barely would have felt it.
But you did. You could feel everything. His hands on you, his breath on your cunt, his hair that fell over your thigh.
Eddie went to move your underwear, but before he pulled it off you he looked up at you once more, a silent question hung in the air between you.
You nodded, and Eddie kept looking at you as his fingers slid underneath your underwear and he pulled them off you, throwing them somewhere behind him. You suddenly felt incredibly exposed, you closed your legs in reflex. Eddie wasn't having that.
"Open your legs for me, baby. It's just me, I promise you're okay."
Eddie could ask you to jump off a cliff in that voice and you would say yes. Your legs fell open slowly, your head turned to the side to hide in the pillow under you.
"Fuck sweets, you're fucking perfect." Eddie sounded wrecked. His voice hoarse and breaking at the final word.
"I'm gonna touch you now, okay? You tell me if something hurts, or you don't like it."
"Okay," you managed to get the word out, hardly.
Eddie finally ran his fingers through you. Gathering your wetness between them and moving his fingers up to that sweet spot between your legs; it took him a second to find it, but when he did your hips bucked up and the sweetest moan fell from your open mouth.
"Yeah? That felt good, huh sweetheart?" Eddie kept working his fingers against you, occasionally dropping them back down and running them over your slit, never dipping them into you just yet.
He pressed soft, slow circles over your clit, his fingers pulling obscene sounds from you, you tried to hold them back, moving a hand to muffle the noises you were making. "No baby, let me hear you." was all Eddie had said before you dropped your hand and lost yourself in the new sensations.
You had touched yourself before, but it had never felt like this. When you did it, it always felt rushed, like you were racing towards the finish line, and when you got there it was never as good as everyone else seemed to say it was. But not with Eddie.
You were getting desperate. Eddie was leaning over you and his fingers were on you and you could hear his breath hitch every time you moaned and you could see his eyebrows srunched together in concentration as he touched you.
It was like a waterfall of emotions ran over you and you needed him right now. You needed him inside you or you were sure you would start crying.
"Eds, please."
"What do you need baby? huh?" Eddie asked you, his tone almost mocking. It truly wasn't meant to be. He was being as sincere as he could be, but you were falling apart underneath his touch and he was dying inside.
"I need you. Need you inside me, please just, please-" Eddie cut you off with an all-consuming kiss. His lips moving against yours, his fingers never once stalling their never-ending movements against your most sensitive part.
"Not yet, baby. I gotta get you ready first, okay? You gotta take my fingers before you can take me, yeah? Can you do that for me, is that okay?"
"Yeah, shit, okay."
Eddie moved away from your face, leaning so he could watch where his fingers lay against you. He slowly moved them down to run between your folds, like he had done before, only this time he kept them there. You felt his middle finger press against your entrance and you had to fight every instinct in your body to stop yourself bucking your hips against his hand.
Eddie gently pressed his finger into you, he moved so slowly you barely felt the pressure. He stopped once he got to his knuckle and looked up at you, "does that feel okay? It doesn't hurt or anything?"
He was so sincere it broke your heart, "It's tight," you told him honestly. "But it's okay, it feels good."
"Okay, okay baby." Eddie pulled back and pressed his finger back into you, a little further this time and you mewled at the new sensation. He stopped quickly, waiting for you to tell him to stop, but you didn't, you just tightened your grip on his arm.
He kept working you open until you took his whole finger, his ring rubbing against your entrance with each smooth thrust against you. Soon, it wasn't enough and you needed more.
"I can take more." you told him, eyelashes fluttering up at him as he watched your face.
"Good girl" Eddie breathed against your ear and goosebumps ran down your arms. He smiled, clearly pleased with your reaction.
Eddie moved another finger to press into you, both of them together was a stretch you weren't expecting. You winced again and the concern flooded back into Eddie's face, "you can do this baby, huh? It'll feel so good I promise. Just breathe for me."
You listened to Eddie's every word like it was law. Taking in steadying breaths with each thrust of his fingers, as he worked you open.
Soon both of his fingers were inside you. It still felt sore, but the pleasure was overwhelming and you couldn't help the way your hips moved to meet his movements. Eddie's face lightened at your reaction, at how your eyes went heavy with pleasure and your body moved of its own accord.
You moved a hand that was resting beside you to pull him down by his chain that dangled over you, into a fiery kiss. All teeth and tongue as you clenched around his fingers.
"Fuck baby," Eddie pulled back from your kiss, looking down at your cunt and then back up at you again, "can I eat you out, is that okay?"
You felt your confidence falter, you didn't know what that meant. Not really. It felt embarassing not to know, you should know, right?
It was as if Eddie could read your mind, he placed a soothing kiss on your forehead before he said "So, I put my mouth on you and I use my tongue and it feels really fucking good, so I've been told."
Eddie winced at his accidental mention of his other sexual experiences. Not that it was a secret, but it wasn't the right time for him to bring them up. He was just trying to relax you.
"Oh- okay, yeah. You can do that." You told him, pointedly ignoring his mention of other experiences. He didn't mean it like that, he was just as nervous as you were, he was just better at hiding it. For your sake.
Eddie placed one last gentle kiss to your lips before slipping his fingers out of you carefully, and moving down to your centre. He pulled your legs over his shoulders and made sure you were comfortable.
Then, he ran his tongue over your folds and over your clit. And your whole body convulsed under you. Your back arching up and your neck craning back.
Eddie laughed against you, "Oh yeah? Was that okay?" he knew the answer, but you seemed more comfortable now and he wanted to tease you a bit, he figured it would turn you on even more, and he would do anything to see your desperation grow.
"Fucking shit, oh my god- yeah, please do that again, Eddie-"
You didn't need to ask him twice, he delved back in. Running his tongue through your slit before dipping it inside you quickly, the action pulling a moan from the back of your throat. "You can put your hands in my hair if you need to sweetheart, it's okay" you weren't sure what Eddie meant straight away, but then Eddie moved his mouth up to your clit.
You almost died, you were sure of it.
Your hand reached down to grab onto his hair. Either to ground you or keep him pressed against you. You weren't sure.
Eddie kept lapping at your cunt like it was breathing air into his lungs, his tongue alternating between sucking your clit into his mouth and running down your folds, dipping into you and tasting how desperate you were.
You tightened your grip in his curls and his hold on your waist got firmer, keeping you pinned against the mattress.
"Eddie," you said suddenly.
He pulled back and looked up at you, his mouth covered in your wetness. If you weren't so turned on you would have crawled away from him out of embarrassment. But instead it only made your stomach drop and your heart race.
"I need you to fuck me" was all you said.
"Are you sure, you were so close angel?" He had heard you hold your breath and felt you legs tighten around him, he could already read you better than you could.
"No, I wanna come with you inside me, please." You were practically begging at this point and Eddie relented. He didn't want you begging, not this time. He wanted to give you whatever you needed.
“Okay angel, let me get a condom yeah?” you nodded as Eddie moved away from you. It was only then that you noticed he was still fully dressed. Something about that made your breath hitch. You didn’t know why.
You watched as Eddie pulled his top over his head, his eyes found yours as you stared at his bare chest. He bit back a smirk, he wouldn’t tease you about that, not yet anyway.
You were pulled out of your trance when you saw him take of his pyjama bottoms he had thrown on earlier. He hadn’t put any underwear off, something you were very grateful for.
He was big, but you already knew that. You had felt him before when you moved your hips against him during those late night make-out sessions. You had also seen him before, Eddie had a habit of walking around the trailer without a towel, after a shower, when he knew Wayne wasn’t home. He had made sure you were comfortable with it first, and when you have managed to stumble out that you had no objections to it he had only kissed you and told you he would also have no objections to you walking around naked.
Eddie grabbed a condom from his side table and rolled it on. You meant to ask if you could do it for him, but you were too distracted.
He moved to lay back on top of you and you grabbed his shoulders instantly, you felt the nerves creeping back in and you needed to ground yourself.
"I've got you baby" Eddie said, as if he knew exactly why you had grabbed onto him, "I'll go real slow, I promise. If it hurts you just tell me and I'll stop."
You nodded your head and Eddie tapped your thighs, encouraging you to wrap your legs around him.
Eddie reached down and lined himself up against your hot cunt, your breath hitched at the slight contact and you closed your eyes.
"Hey, look at me," Eddie said, "Give me your eyes sweetheart, I need to see you while we do this" Eddie's voice had never sounded so gentle.
You opened your heavy eyelids and met his gaze, it was full of love and adoration and you were sure yours mimicked his.
Eddie leant down and pressed his lips against yours. He was trying to distract you while he first pushed in, you didn't know that though.
Eddie gently pushed into you, barely even getting the tip in before you winced in pain. He looked at you, eyes full of worry, he thought he would get a little more in before you reacted like that.
"It's okay, it's okay" Eddie told you when he saw your face scrunch up in worry. "It's normal for it to hurt the first time baby, do you want me to stop?"
"No, fuck, it's okay" you shifted uncomfortably but soon stopped moving when you realised it only made it hurt more.
"Just- keep going slow, I'm just nervous"
"I know, but you're doing so well for me, huh?" Eddie encouraged you and it helped ease you a little more.
He pushed in a little more, ready to stop when your body tensed up again, but you told him to keep going, that it was more of a harsh pressure than actual pain. So he did, reluctantly, watching your face for any sign of you being in more pain.
He got about halfway in before you pushed back on his shoulder and asked him to stop. He still inside you and pressed a kiss to your parted lips, "good girl, thank you for telling me".
You nodded your head, your eyes screwed shut again as you tried to adjust to the feeling of him being inside you. "Just breathe, that's it baby."
Eddie ran his hand through the hair that had fallen over your face, pushing it off you so he could properly see you.
You took a couple of deep breaths, basking in the love and attention Eddie was showing you. Soon enough the dull pain turned to a pulsing need to feel more of him.
"You can move" you told him, he kissed your cheek and started to push his hips in again. It didn't hurt as much anymore. Eddie had snaked his hand between your bodies to run his fingers over your sensitive clit in a bid to distract you from the dull ache.
It worked, because soon enough he had fully bottomed out in you.
"How does that feel sweets?" Eddie asked you.
"it's a lot" you replied, Eddie just smiled and rubbed his nose against yours. If you had told him a year ago he would be rubbing noses with some girl he was ridiculously in love with he would have laughed and then told you to fuck off, he would never do that, But here he was.
"But it feels good, it's just, oh shit, like a dull ache that's all. It doesn't hurt anymore." You assure him.
"That's good baby, you did so well for me. You just tell me when I can move." He told you, dipping his head down to rest in the juncture of your neck, pressing heavy kisses into your skin.
You let him carry on like that for a minute, enjoying his lips on your skin and how full you felt from his being fully inside you.
"You can move, Eddie." You told him after a while. Your legs tightening around his waist.
"Fuck, okay angel" The relief Eddie felt at being able to finally move was palpable. He pulled out of you slightly before he pushed back in, you moaned instantly and it only spurred him on more.
He found a rhythm that was perfect for both of you, he never fully pulled out, but he kept the pressure on you as he ground his hips against yours, hitting that sweet spot inside you that had you seeing stars.
You swear your whole body was crying out for Eddie. You moaned and whimpered, his name falling from your tongue like a prayer. He kept his head in your neck, sucking love bites into your skin after you had begged him to. The burst blood vessels underneath your skin made it look like Eddie was painting a galaxy across your neck.
He eventually pulled back and kissed you. Deep and sure. But your moans kept you from kissing him back the way you wanted to. You clawed at his back and shoulders and he let his head fall to rest next to yours. You could hear every moan he made when he was that close to you, and you swear it was that which sent you tumbling over the edge of that cliff Eddie had held you over all evening.
"Fuck, baby, I think I'm-" you couldn't even finish your sentence, pleasure washing over you.
"Yeah sweetheart? You gonna come for me, huh?" Eddie talked you through it as your scrunched your eyes closed and pulled his hips closer to you, you feet digging into his lower back.
"That's my girl, let go for me. I've got you, it's okay."
You fell apart underneath him and you were almost certain you screamed his name, but you couldn't be sure. Your ears were ringing and there were stars dancing over your eyes and all you could feel was Eddie as he stilled inside you.
Eddie came as you did, hearing your moans and cries as you came undone was all it took for him to come crashing down.
You both held onto each other as you let your bodies come back down from whatever the hell kind of religious experience that had just been.
Neither of you spoke for a while. Sounds of your heavy breathing and whines filling Eddie's bedroom.
Eventually Eddie lifted his head from the crook of your neck. His hair sticking to his sweaty face. You giggled and pushed it off his face, much like he had done to you earlier.
"Are you okay?" he asked you, his eyes searching yours for any sign of pain or regret. He didn't find any. He was only met with overwhelming love.
You nodded and felt tears prick at your eyes, oh fuck.
"Hey, hey, whoa. Baby? What's wrong? Does something hurt?" Eddie asked you desperately. Totally unsure of what to do.
You shook your head quickly, "No, nothing- I just, that was a lot, and I love you and I cry sometimes you know this" You managed to get out through little cries as you let the tears fall.
Eddie couldn't help the laugh he let out, it was a mix of relief and happiness as he watched you. He pulled you tighter against you and held you until you calmed down.
"I'm gonna pull out now, okay? It might hurt a little sweetheart" He told you, taking hold of one of your hands before he slowly pulled out of you. You hissed at the feel of it, but you missed him filling you up more than it hurt.
"I know baby, it's okay. I'm gonna go and get a towel to clean you up, okay?" you nodded and Eddie moved off of you.
You only realised you had closed your eyes when you felt Eddie's hands on your legs. He had put his pyjama pants back on, but left the top off.
You let him part your legs again, running a warm washcloth over you as you whimpered at the overstimulation. He shushed you gently and assured he was nearly done. He pulled you up by your hands, into a sitting position at the end of the bed, and you wrapped your arms around his stomach, resting your head against him as he ran his hands through your hair, kissing your head.
Eddie hated to interrupt this moment but he knew you needed to go to the bathroom before you both fell into bed and went to sleep. He remorsefully told you so and he heard you groan, your grip tightening around him.
Eventually you did let go off him, he walked you to the bathroom and only left when you told him to go and get into bed, that you would be back soon.
You made your way back from the bathroom to see Eddie had changed the bed sheets. You didn't ask why.
Eddie smiled at you as you walked over to him, throwing yourself down and clawing at the duvet to get underneath it with him. He laughed and lifted the covers for you to climb under.
"Was that okay, sweetheart?" Eddie asked you quietly as you settled in next to him, your legs tangled together and your head resting on his chest. His arms keeping you pulled tightly against him.
"It was perfect, baby." you breathed out, tiredness quickly overtaking your whole body.
Eddie ran his hands over your back and whispered a "I love you" against your head.
"I love you too" you told him, before you fell asleep. Both of you a mess of limbs tangled together.
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faeriekit · 21 days
Health and Hybrids (XXII)👽👻💚
[I can't remember the original prompt posters  for the life of me but here's a mashup between a cryptid!Danny, presumed-alien!Danny, dp x dc, and the prompt made the one body horror meat grinder fic.]
🖤Chapter navigation can be found here🖤 Click to browse previous updates.
💚 Ao3 Is here for all parts (now featuring mediocre mouseover translations, only available on a computer)
Where we last left off... SOMEONE (Danny) had a PANIC ATTACK (it was warranted) and now he's laying low and trying not to move.
Trigger warnings for this story:  body horror | gore | post-dissection fic | dehumanization (probably) |  my nonexistent attempts at following DC canon. On with the show.
There’s a green guy in his room.
Danny keeps eating his mush. There’s mush apple in it today, for variety. It’s probably triple-pasteurized applesauce, but it’s something, and Danny’ll appreciate it while it lasts.
The green guy and the lady are talking. Danny is happy to ignore them—they’re quiet, and careful, even if they’re trying not to act too suspicious or too quiet. Danny has the sneaking suspicion that he’s supposed to be getting used to his presence. Like a cat meeting another cat, or something.
The thing is, Danny kind of remembers him—but his brain’s been so loopy and weird, it’s kind of…hard to be certain? There are some memories of pain, and some memories of stress, and…maybe he was there for one of his star-walks? Danny thinks?
His memories are all mush. Since waking up here, Danny’s been more confused the more he’s become aware.
He sticks his spoon in his mouth.
Hello, the green guy tries, flexing some oddly solid aura, but Danny’s very busily ignoring him; the television has another news segment on weather in places Danny’s never seen, and he’s trying really hard to remember what the extra letters actually sound like.
There’s, like, an ampersand in the middle of words here. What the hell is that supposed to mean?
I would like to talk, the not-ghost says without speaking, which is how Danny knows he’s not human. He doesn’t feel like a ghost, per se, and Danny’s breath is normal and as warm as his body can arrange it. It’s still weird though, since he clearly wants to communicate in some way, and Danny just.
He digs his teeth into the plastic spoon. It’ll leave little tooth-shaped dents. He focuses very firmly on the television spot. There are so many towns. Some of them have very silly names. One of them is having an asteroid shower, if Danny trusts his understanding of the icons they’re using.
Asteroids are cool. There’s a couple shots of the sky and a projected time at 8pm in some time zone. Maybe he can get the fast kid to tell his medical team he wants to see them. Maybe they’ll actually let him out of his room at night to watch…?
A hand gently fans at his sleeve so that the breeze jostles the fabric just a little bit. It’s a signal Danny’s gotten used to—a non-verbal, attention-grabbing signal that doesn’t require physical touch.
Danny looks. The lady waves.
He huffs.
“Licie,” the lady asks gently, but firmly. It’s a pretty insistent Please.
Please be polite with the guests, Danny. Your father loves Vlad, so please be nice, Danny.
…Danny doesn’t quite roll his eyes but he does. Look away. He doesn’t want to talk to them. Boundaries aren’t so… Empathic beings are…
“Do I have to?” he asks, and then remembers. Right. Different language. “Ic sceal?”
“Licie. Pleese.”
Danny’s face scrunches up. All the scarring his face probably has pulls taut. “…’Kay.”
“Min þanc.” Thanks.
Danny…reluctantly…faces the green guy.
He looks. Nice. Enough. He’d look better if he wasn’t staring—if Danny couldn’t physically feel how heavy the green guy’s attention was weighing down on him, pressing into his head and shoulders and neck, and—
Danny looks away. Again. The lady sighs.
The green guy sends waves of peace, calm, which is definitely a threat! Danny’s been smacked by Nocturn more than once! He knows what safety feels like when wielded as a weapon!
Apology wafts around the room, but Danny doesn’t want to hear it. Feel it. Smell it? Whatever. It has nothing to do with him. Danny wants to fiddle with the bits of his space station and maybe practice writing his name again, which has so far been less than a success. But he should probably introduce himself soon enough.
It’s only been. You know. …Literal months.
Questions and answers/queries and information? the green guy offers to trade, which is theoretically nice. But Danny’s been hunted for answers before—and sometimes just straight up hunted for fun.
There’s no information he wants to give.
Ask me? comes instead.
…Danny’s fingers still. Wait. He’s allowed to ask?
A bubble of amusement/worry bursts. Yes. If Danny has questions, he can apparently…ask.
Okay. Danny sets the space shuttle aside. He tilts his aura around, and bends it—if the green guy were a ghost, they’d be able to share more emotions with ­Danny’s guard slipped downwards. He’s going to bet it works…kind of the same way for whatever he is.
Who’s the lady? Does she have a name?
There’s a bubble burst of a memory—some dude in all black with little cat ears announcing This is Wonder Woman, hand out to present her to the listener. Without her scrubs on in the memory, she looks…like a warrior.
Armored. Strong. Black hair, gold gauntlets and red boots. Firm back. Like on the television
…In her scrubs, she just looks like the same lady as always. In his head, she looks as powerful and mighty as Pandora.
Danny’s heart picks up. Breathing becomes—harder. Does she fight? Does she fight all the time?
Memories of shared battles play out from the green being’s point of view: punching and throwing and whipping her lasso in the air and confidence and freeing prisoners and the power of the gods behind her, a royal in her own right—
…Will Danny have to fight?
The green guy murmurs something sad, grief flashing up against Danny’s low emotional shields. His hands reach out—but Danny leans back. He doesn’t want to be touched. He doesn’t want to feel the dude feeling bad for him. He just wants to know; will Danny be forced to fight?
There’s a deep, painful sympathy brushing up against him. Danny recoils. The thoughts of healing, doctors, naps, coming off his meds, recovery. Of concern, worry, Wonder Woman settling the patient’s blankets, his green-marred face raw and luminescent.
Healing. Resting.
Which. Danny glares. He gets that. But what happens after? Medical care is expensive, and Danny doesn’t even have hint of an idea of how long he’s been lying here. He knows that nothing comes free.
The green guy’s expression squeezes with concern. His head might be kind of funky-shaped, but the face is pretty human equivalent. Danny would have struggled to read Frostbite’s more than his. Danny doesn’t like that.
Danny misses beings he recognizes. He wants his friends. He wants Jazz. He wants Frostbite or Wulf or…or…
…Or Mom…or Dad…
Something touches Danny’s hand. Danny looks down. The green hand that reaches for him doesn’t grab, exactly, but it lets him know that the dude is there, at his side. I’m sorry, the guy says, more sentiment than thought. And then there’s a struggle to convey the next few thoughts.
…Because the guy doesn’t have as much experience of being outside as the school bell rings, children going in. Lunches in the headquarters cafeteria. The phone in Flash’s hand turned sideways, so that Martian Manhunter can see the dead-fish kiss between Rosalinda and Romero from last night's episode—
Wait, is the guy actually an alien? It’s kind of rude, but Danny. Gawks.
The concern hanging around in the air of the room turns into green-tinged amusement. The green dude and Danny have already had this conversation.
…Danny peeks at his water bottle on the side table and sheepishly rubs his nose. Ah. Whoops. They have?
Yes, the alien continues, and pulls his hand back. But they were having a conversation. About school. And healing. And recovering, and a comfortable space to rest, and an apartment on Earth and peace and family, and—
Danny shoves his emotional shields all the way back up before he. Before he forgets. His heart is pounding. He can’t look.
He can’t.
…He can’t have that again.
The green guy—the martian wants to tell Danny something else, but he can’t—he can’t open himself up to that anymore.
Danny doesn’t have a mom anymore. Danny doesn’t have a dad anymore. His sister is—gone. He’s not going to hurt himself for wanting them back. There's no family and no house and no safety.
There are more quiet, empathetic presses against Danny’s emotions, but Danny pulls the covers up as high as they’ll go, and breathes through the thin cotton sheet pressed against his face.
It catches his tears, when he has them.
Someone mutters, and someone else mutters back. When Danny feels something touch his wrist through the cotton blanket, he can’t help flinching, but the speaker’s voice is familiar enough that he settles quickly enough. Danny listens to the lady—Wonder Woman, he remembers—hum softly.
…It’s a nice hum.
She hums, and she strokes his wrist, and she doesn’t go anywhere. She’s a stalwart, soft presence at his side.
It’s nice.
It's... Relatively, it's safe.
Danny eventually stops acting like a baby, and. Takes the sheet off. He isn’t crying, so there aren’t and tears to wipe away (there’s no need to check the footage, just believe him!), but it takes him a second to get himself reoriented to the room without a giant psychic presence in it.
But the whole time, the lady just…rubs his wrist, and then his mildly obliterated (but mostly healed!) hand. And hums. And lets Danny reorient himself, at his own pace, and in a safe space.
 Danny sniffles. He hopes it’s all mucus in his sinus cavity, and not, like, more ecto. But who knows?
The lady tilts her head forward, until Danny can see the blue eyes peeking over her lavender surgical mask. Her hand comes to her chest to tap against the paper-thin PPE covering her top half.
“Wonder Woman,” the lady says, firmly and clearly. “Diana.”
…That’s a name. Danny’s nose scrunches. That's a human name. That's a very recognizable, extremely culturally familiar human name.
They never introduced themselves, right?
Maybe…well… He is in space. Maybe he’s far enough away that no one will know him if he says his name.
(Or maybe Mom won’t want him back anyway, even if she found him.)
And there’s probably a million black-haired kids named Daniel, anyway. It’s a biblical name. These people don’t even speak English or Esperanto, or anything else Danny knows; so maybe it’s. Safe?
And…maybe Danny just wants to hear his name said again.
The lady frowns, and then eases closer. Danny—gently—tugs on a lock of her hair until she lowers, and his mouth can reach her ear.
“D’nny,” Daniel James Fenton whispers into Wonder Woman’s ear.
Diana raises herself back upright. Her eyes are wet.
“Danny,” she repeats back to him. Her callused hands gently take both of Danny’s scarred and lumpy ones. “Wel mete.”
“He believes that we are going to require his presence in combat as payment for his recovery,” J’onn reports diligently, and stuffs his trepidation deep into his countenance.
The league around him groans.
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nymphybae · 3 months
Rainstorms with Alastor
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It's unusual for hell to rain, yet this time the droplets grow heavier and thunders struck loud enough to make you unease. You shivered, covering your ears as you tried to focus on the television in front of you. Everybody else was asleep except for yourself, how can you when the storm reminded you of how you met your life's end.
The tv lost its signal and soon powered down, leaving you in an unsettling silence in the lounge room. You pursed your lips, feeling restless as you watch the rain pour from the window.
Footsteps were heard, coming closer into the room. You didn't need to second guess who it was, facing the red haired demon who looked down at you with a sly grin.
"Can't sleep my dear?"
"Yeah.. I just-" A loud thunder storm cut your sentence, immediately putting you in an anxious stance. Your hands were shaking, hugging yourself as an attempt to calm the pulsing in your heart.
Alastor puts his hand on your shoulder, giving you a faint squeeze. "Come with me."
You were a little curious, wondering why he's leading you to your own room.
"Would you like a cup of tea?" He asked, pulling the chair of the tea table you had next to the window. 
"I'd love it." You smiled as he motioned for you to sit. 
With a snap of his fingers, he conjured the equipments needed for the drink.
"This is my favourite batch of tea, it's aroma is just purely sweet as if it came straight from heaven, ha!" he brewed the pot with his dark magic. 
You took the cup, thanking him as you took a sip of the warm tea. Who would've thought the caffeine would help you so much. "It's really good! No wonder you order this batch every other month."
Alastor sat across you, holding a cup himself. He had a pleased smile on his face. "Glad to hear. Now, tell me what's troubling you so late at night?"
Should you really tell him? You figured it was too silly, especially for the radio demon himself. Out of all things that could displease you in hell are the vigorous sounds from outside.
"I hate thunderstorms." You admitted. He didn't say anything, as if waiting for you to continue so you did. You took a deep breath. "It reminds me of the little remnant memories I have left of my death. I lived below mountains, you see. My brothers locked me out of the house because I turned in on our family’s illegal trading to the police- which I obviously didn’t. Then a really terrible thunderstorm came, wiped out most of our crops and farmland. The heavy wind threw me down a lake and I drowned till water filled my lungs.” You took another sip of the tea. “I guess it wasn’t the death, it was the fact that my own blood betrayed me only because of their own assumptions, and I end up losing everything in the end. But they got to live, probably thinking that I left and never came back.” Your hand formed a fist at the thought. It was a short silence for a bit until Alastor spoke.
"Hah, Men.” He poured more tea into his cup. You chuckled at his remark. Who taught him that sort of phrase?
“When exactly did you die again?”
You hummed in thought. “Decades ago.. I can’t recall.” 
Alastor’s permanent smile remains plastered on his face. “Men are soulless and willingly disobedient during my time! There were always reports of disloyalty in newspaper. I would know, I broadcasted them in my radio show!” 
You clicked your tongue playfully. “So much for someone who was a serial killer.”
His grin grew. "Haha, But I was not a vicious idiot darling!" 
“Oh? Did you happen to have any experiences with men in your li-“
A lightning struck at the hotel's electric circuit.  electricity buzzed and every power in the hotel was cut off. The only bit of light in your room came from the windows. 
"Shit, see this is why i fucking hate the rain." You panicked, shuffling around in the dark until a pair of hands grasped you from moving and hitting the furnitures. You look up and saw his glowing red eyes. 
When you finally stood still, he pulled his hands off from you. "Don't worry yourself. I'll take care of this." 
"Wait- You can't leave me here." 
Alastor hums a familiar tune, holding up his cane as he gave you his arm to take.
You hesitated at first, taking his arm before you both teleported to his radio station. 
"Why are we here?" You asked, looking around his personal building.
"Who did you think manages the electricity here? I can't let outsiders control our power supply, especially that excuse for a television head!" He opens a large electrical box, taking a glance at all of the smoked up wires. You waited there awkwardly, covering your ears in preparation for the next thunder strike. 
"You’re just too good to be true, can’t take my eyes off of you~" he sung to himself, working on the wires. 
"Frankie Valli's a classic." You spoke out. He's been humming the song for the whole week now.
“Couldn’t agree more darling! Apologies if it’s bugging you. I suppose the song is stuck in my head for some time.” he turned on the said music on his radio.
“How ironic! I remember my last theatre show was me dancing to this song.” You tapped your feet to the beat.
Alastor walks over to you, taking both of your hands that were covering your ears. “Let’s see if those dance moves are still in tact.” 
The music swept through the room as they danced together, moving enthusiastically while you try to hold in your laughter.
I love you baby! And if it's quite alright, I need you baby. to warm a lonely night.
I love you baby, trust in me when I say
You felt warmth spread throughout your entire being as Alastor spun you around. All the anxiousness from the on going storm washed away as you lead the dance, guiding him through a series of steps.
And there, in the midst of the music and the rhythmic beat, he saw something in you that he had never seen before. A determination, a drive, and a passion that left him chuffed.
The music faded away, and so did the rainstorm. You were quite pleased at this, looking at Alastor with a bright smile. "That was fun. Didn't even realized the power went back on halfway through the dance."
He tilt his head, planting a gentle kiss onto your knuckles. "It's been a pleasure. I suppose now you'll feel much better to lay off in bed?"
You nodded. Why of course, as from now on the heavy thunderstorms will only remind you of this unforgettable night with your beloved co worker.
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solar-wing · 10 months
⚣ Forever 💛
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⚣💛 A/N → This is a testament to how I'm unable to write anything under 1.5k words. This was supposed to be a short drabble/prompt writing and turned into a whole fic. Lord help me...still super cute though. WARNINGS: none really. just fluff. comfort vibes. emotional tingz. kind of neglectful parenting.
⚣💛 Summary → After an accident during a training session earlier, Conner and you are cuddling on a couch with your Kryptonian wanting to make sure you're safe and cared for. That includes keeping you from going back to your boarding school which is doing the opposite of that. He really doesn't like your parents.
⚣💛 Words → 4.1k
REBLOGS and replies are greatly appreciated, please! 💛
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It was late at night. You and Conner were laying together under a blanket on the couch for a few hours, watching movies and random episodes from your favorite tv shows.
You were laid against a pillow on the arm of the sofa with the Kryptonian on top of you between your legs, his head lying on your chest, and arms wrapped around your body. He almost resembled a child hugging their favorite teddy bear.
You had your arms rested over his shoulders with one of your hands rubbing up and down his back while the other massaged his head, fingers threading through his dark hair while you both watched the ‘Graveyard Shift’ episode from Spongebob Squarepants.
“I still don’t get it,” Conner spoke gruffly,  “How is he a talking sponge? What gives him the ability to speak and walk?
You chuckled at his words, feeling how he nuzzled his head against your chest from the vibration of your voice.
“I don’t know. It’s a cartoon. Not everything is supposed to make sense.”
“How am I supposed to follow along if I don’t get how the world functions?” He responded, taking one of his arms from under you to gesture at the TV. You couldn’t help the sigh and eye roll that came from your lips at your boyfriend’s antics.
As Spongebob screamed frantically while running to throw the trash out, you removed your hand from Conner’s head to grab your phone. He let out a disgruntled noise, turning to look at you with one of his signature frowns, “Oh, calm down, you big baby. I was just grabbing my phone.” You laughed.
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He eyed you with a disapproving look before reaching to snatch your phone out of your hand before you could look at it.
“Shut up and rub my head.” He mumbled, laying his head back down on your chest while tucking your phone away in his grasp under your body.
“Conner, give me my phone.” You insisted, trying to squeeze your hand under your body to retrieve it from his hands.
“Watch the talking sponge, Y/N,” He replied, scooting himself up a little so more of his body rested on you, limiting your movement.
Now, it was your turn to huff as you raised an eyebrow at his antics. “Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing.”
He didn’t respond to you, but you knew he was holding a smug look on his face.
It had been the same thing for the past few nights. You and Conner would hang out with the team after a mission or training session. Then, you both would separate from everyone else to spend time with each other whether that was reading, sparring, laying out by the beach, watching television, or other stuff. 
At some point, you’d realize how late it was and would check your phone to see the time.
The boarding school you attended had a strict curfew policy, and while you had broken this rule multiple times (sometimes in a row) for team missions, you couldn’t count on Batman or Red Tornado to write you an excuse as your ‘parents’ for the simple reason of cuddling with your boyfriend.
Thus, whenever you reached for your phone to check the time, Conner knew it meant you were about to leave. So, for the third night in a row, your boyfriend attempted to prevent that by keeping your phone from you. 
The first night, he simply kept it in his pocket. Everything was fine as you hadn’t even noticed it was missing until you were making out with him in his room, and your roommate had called, wondering why you weren’t back yet as it was close to curfew.
He smiled sheepishly at you, cursing himself for forgetting to silence the ringtone.
The next night, the Kryptonian remembered to place it on silent and decided to leap up to one of the high walls in the Cave to hide it up there. You could’ve left without it if it wasn’t for the fact that the locks on the door to your dorm were Bluetooth-enabled, requiring a link from an app you could only access on your phone, which you now regretted telling him. 
When you spent half an hour searching around the Cave for it, you demanded he tell you where it was since you had already searched his pockets and room. He promised to give it to you in the morning with a cheeky smile thinking he’d won since it was getting late. 
The smile was quickly wiped from his face when he discovered the beauty of Find My iPhone after watching you use it on your computer to locate the phone and make it ring. 
Though, remembering where he left it, he kept his smirk since he knew only he’d be able to reach it, at least until he watched you fly up and grab it, landing in front of him with your arms crossed eyebrows raised in mocking victory.
He forgot about that as well.
Now, he resorted to simply holding your phone hostage, figuring as long as you couldn’t get it out of his grip, you’d have to stay, and he could cuddle you all night.
“Conner, I’m so serious right now. Give me my phone.” You demanded, starting to get annoyed with your boyfriend’s childish antics.
“No.” He responded, tightening his arm around your body.
“Conner, come on, please!” You grabbed at his black shirt, pulling it back and forth to shake him.
“Why can’t you just stay here? You could transfer to Happy Harbor with M’Gann, Zatanna, and me.” He whined when he realized you weren’t going to give up easily.
Another sigh escaped your lips as you pinched the bridge of your nose in frustration. This was also the third time you had this conversation. 
“Conner, you know why I can’t do that.” You said, even if there was nothing more you wanted to do than exactly what he suggested.
But you couldn’t, and he knew it, hence the unhappy grumbling under his breath.
It wasn’t your school that was the problem. It was your parents. 
You hailed from one of the wealthiest families on the east coast, right up there with Lex Luthor and Bruce Wayne, who they both knew through social events. But, they shared ideologies that aligned more with Lex regarding his view of Superman. 
It didn’t help when they realized their son possessed abilities similar to the Man of Steel. Minus the heat/X-ray vision and super strength, you could fly, manipulate energy fields, move at inhuman speeds, and possessed enhanced durability. Not the same as invulnerability but somewhat still close.
Your parents sent you to your boarding school under the guise that they wanted the best education for you, but in reality, they wanted the scientists at the school to find a way to ‘cleanse’ you of your powers. Something Lex Luthor was happy to help with at their request. 
Eventually, during another one of Lex’s attempts to destroy Superman, the Justice League found a way to hack into LexCorp, discovering your existence and the experiments being performed on you through an encrypted file. When Batman, aka Bruce Wayne, recognized your picture, he along with Superman and The Flash showed up at your school (in disguise) to meet you. 
When they revealed who they were, you excitedly showed them the extent of your abilities, thoroughly impressing them. You told them about your parents and their wish to rid you of your powers and that you didn’t know where they came from, but you had been teaching yourself how to control them. They told you they could help you learn more about your powers with time and study, especially on the newly discovered possibility of you gaining new ones over time from the information they found in your file from LexCorp.
With little convincing needed, they recruited you to The Team without your parent’s knowledge, and that’s when you met your boyfriend, Conner Kent, aka Superboy.
Of course, this posed many potential problems. 
You couldn’t risk tipping off your parents or Lex Luthor that you were with the Justice League since it could put you and the team at risk, but also your parents. Plus, the scientists couldn’t be allowed to continue their experiments on you with any success. Thankfully, you were smart enough to never reveal all your abilities to them. 
The most they knew was that you could fly and move really fast. So, you had to find subtle ways to sabotage it, which the Dark Knight was more than happy to help in that department.
He did advise not to tell your story to your teammates yet, especially Conner until they found a way to shut down Lex’s little project without hurting your parents. Of course, you agreed. 
You may not have seen eye to eye with them all the time, but you didn’t want any harm to come to them because of you. Plus, with someone like Lex Luthor involved, even you knew there was more to his words than he let on. There was a very real possibility of him using whatever came out of those experiments in a ploy against Superman and the entire Justice League. It was almost definite.
It wasn’t until Conner overheard one of your conversations with Batman in the main room that the team started to get suspicious about your mysterious origins, so they sent him to try and figure it out. He overheard you on the phone with your parents saying how much you had been ‘enjoying’ your time at the school and that ‘Uncle Lex’s’ tests were very effective. 
They were all lies, of course, but Conner didn’t know that when he rushed back to tell the others.
Leading to a mess of complicated events, including a fake mission, you tied to a tree, and Wally, for whatever reason, throwing peanuts at you. Thankfully, Batman revealed the truth to your ‘captors,’ leading them to give you embarrassed apologies.
Accepted by the team now, you got a suit to conceal your identity from not only Lex but also your parents. And you chose the alias, ‘Primus.’
This also sparked the beginning of your and Conner’s relationship with you both sharing a connection over being subjects of Lex Luthor’s experimenting, which is an odd way to bond, but slay queens.
Of course, there was already an attraction between the two of you when you first joined that had the Kryptonian confused, but the fact that he and your other comrades thought you were some molerat sent to spy on the team got in the way of him exploring that attraction.
But, not that everything was in the air, he was free to pursue his interests in you which also led him to want to tell you the truth about his connection to Lex Luthor.
The day he told you was one to remember. You were hanging out with the team on the beach and decided to ask why Batman told you to specifically never mention your background to Conner. When you saw how everyone tensed, you became nervous but he still told you, not wanting to have any secrets between you two. He was scared to tell you, thinking you would look at him differently and not consider him an actual person.
Your response left everyone speechless.
“Wow. You are a miracle to all the gays around the world.”
He held a confused expression on his face as well as M’Gann. Wally, Artemis, and Zatanna couldn’t stop laughing while Dick and Kaldur tried to hide their chuckles.
After that, you two became inseparable. He and M’Gann had already broken up due to him realizing he only felt a friendship for M’Gann, considering he didn’t understand feelings and emotions that well when he came out of the pod hence him having to ‘explore’ his attraction to you. And explore he did…
Wait, are we keeping this PG-13? Well, no one told—Ugh, fine.
He was very very very interested in you.
Anyway, when he discovered the world around him, he only saw guys with girls and girls with guys, figuring that was what he was supposed to do.
Then, you came into his life, and, well…he thought his stomach was broken for a week and a half.
It was butterflies.
As you and he discovered your feelings for each other and soon entered a relationship, Conner began to see how some of the experiments were affecting you. Batman and the League still hadn’t found a way to shut down Lex’s operation quietly and safely, and he became frustrated with the time and danger it posed for you. 
Even with Batman’s sabotage attempts, the scientist’s tampering with your powers was causing various side effects putting a strain on your body. There was never a moment when the topic of your ‘schooling’ came up that Conner did not make clear how he felt about your parents.
Plus, since he made it his personal responsibility to walk you back to your campus every night (wearing a disguise, of course) to make sure you got back safely, at some point, he was bound to meet your roommate.
Conner had accompanied you to the gate of your campus, insisting that he walk you to your room to make sure you got back, but you didn’t want to take any chances of Lex discovering him here and linking you two together. Then, your roommate Mason decided to appear at that very moment.
You’d be lying six ways to Sunday if you said the expression on Conner’s face was neutral, at a bare minimum.
After an awkward exchange, your roommate headed to your shared dorm, saying he got you some food from the dining hall, which, for whatever reason, Conner did not appreciate. 
As soon as he was out of earshot, Conner’s first words were, ‘I don’t like him.’ That was the first time he suggested you come live at the Cave with him and the others. When you told him you couldn’t, he suggested (demanded) you switch rooms, to which you reminded him you’d just get placed with another guy. So he circled back to the first option, and you chose to kiss him and run back to your room before he decided to drag you back to Mount Justice (which you had no doubt he would do given the opportunity).
So yeah, it was safe to say Connerhated when you’d leave back to campus every night.
“I don’t like your parents,” He growled, the 1000th time you’ve probably heard him say that exact sentence.
“Conner, I need to get back,” You spoke softly, rubbing his head again, hoping he would give in. But, knowing him and how stubborn he could be, there wasn’t that much hope in the world.
“No, you don’t! You need to stay here where I can keep you safe.” He remarked, pushing himself up and throwing the blanket to the floor before standing up to walk toward his room with your phone still in his hand.
“Conner…” You groaned, getting up yourself and following after him.
You continued to call out to him as you walked through the hallways, eventually reaching the door to his room just as your phone began ringing in his hand. 
“Oh look, it’s your little boyfriend now.”
You could see Mason’s contact appearing across your phone screen before he opened the door to his bedroom walking inside. And even though you could hear the sarcasm dripping from his voice, the urge to make a joke was hard to resist.
“I have another boyfriend? Wow. I must be hot stuff,” You chuckled, flipping imaginary hair out of your face while following him inside the bedroom before closing the door behind you.
Conner held a sour look at your words, very much not impressed. “Not funny,” He huffed.
“What! You said it. Come on, Conner. You know what will happen if I don’t go back.”
“And I know what will happen if you do go back!” He shouted.
You froze right where you were, surprised at the outburst while he continued his tirade, “You barely could keep up today with training. You’ve got so many drugs and serums running through your body, not to mention Batman’s dilutions to nullify their effects and it’s clearly taking a toll on you! You think I didn’t notice how exhausted you looked when you put up that shield? Let’s not forget you basically fell out of the air mid-flight and would’ve hit the ground from 50 feet up if I hadn’t caught you in time. These experiments are hurting you, Y/N! And you think I’m just going to keep letting you go back so they can do more twisted shit to you? Do you really think I’m going to be okay with that?!” 
At this point, Conner had grabbed you by your shoulders, his voice almost in hysterics.
You could tell he was trying to sound unaffected, but the trembling in his voice was unmistakable. His hands clenched at your shoulders, dropping your phone on the ground which probably cracked and broke it, yet, you couldn’t find an ounce of care in your body about it seeing how distressed your boyfriend was standing in front of you.
The experiments were becoming more extreme, there was no denying it. You were the one on the end of the needles and syringes, so you’d definitely know.
Conner was right, it was definitely putting more stress on your body from constantly fighting the drugs and ‘medicines’ they injected into you. Batman thought adding what he called a ‘dilution’ solution (rhyme unintended) to counter the effects of the drugs would help. But, your body’s immune system saw it as another foreign virus and attempted to flush it from your system.
He and the Red Tornado were concerned when they saw how you were barely keeping up with the others during training. Usually, you were easily the most combative fighter on your team, picking up your lessons and training easily when you joined. But, the last few weeks had been different with today being the worst out of all of them. 
Just trying to fly felt like you were pulling 10 truckloads of bricks, and that was usually the easiest thing for you to do. When had basically fainted during an exercise and fell out of flight, Conner had to leap up to catch you before you hit the ground head-first.
Everyone came to make sure you were okay while the Kryptonian lost it on the Dark Knight. Not only was he yelling and shouting at him, he was also blaming the entire League for allowing you to stay in this situation as long as they did and threatened that if they didn’t find a way to get you out of that school and away from Lex’s experiments soon, he’d take matters into his own hands.
He carried you away to his room to rest, stating you were done with training for the day. When you woke up to him staring at you while caressing your face, you jokingly asked if you should be worried about this in the future. 
You were still slightly confused on why you were in his room and had asked him what happened only for him to respond with a kiss on your lips before nuzzling his face into your neck, breathing in your scent. 
When you figured he wasn’t ready to speak about it, that’s when you suggested going to the lounge room to watch movies and TV, figuring he wouldn’t let you out of his sight from his behavior. He carried you the way there and was going to let you rest against him, but you said you liked it better when he laid against you (which he did too but he would never admit it).
Your friends had stopped by to check on you when they were passing through, and while thanking them and letting them know you were okay, you had to pinch at your boyfriend’s back a few times feeling how tense he got from his arms tightening around you whenever one of them came closer than he liked. 
He was almost like a guard dog that was on full alert, seeing anything that came near you as a possible threat. Somehow, you got the sense that a part of him needed to be near you and constantly holding or having some type of physical contact with you, assuring himself that you were okay and safe. You figured it was a Kryptonian thing.
Now, you knew exactly what happened and why he had been so clingy with you and grumpy at everyone who came by, especially Batman. He looked like he wanted to snap his head off.
And the look on his face communicated his feelings clearly as day without him having to say a word. He was scared, terrified really. You figured the sight of you falling and hitting the ground like that had more than an impressionable effect on the Kryptonian. If the roles were reversed and it was him that almost got hurt like that, you’d probably (definitely) be acting the same way (worse actually).
“Conner, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize-” You started to apologize but he didn’t let you finish, pressing his lips against yours.
You stood there lost in each other for a moment, forgetting about the world outside the bedroom door and all the problems you had. It was a blissful moment, one you wish you could stay in forever.
Eventually, though, you had to come up for air, breaking the kiss as Conner once again brought a hand up to caress your face.
“Don’t apologize. None of this is your fault, but the only way you’re going back to that school is if I’m going with you. And if not, then you’re staying here.” He declared to which you raised a playful eyebrow.
It was no secret to anyone but you that you very much enjoyed how protective your boyfriend was over you, liking to poke at him a few times just to get a reaction.
“Do I get a say in this?” You asked, twirling your fingers through the hair at the back of his head.
A slight smirk appeared on his lips before he leaned his head down between your jaw and shoulder. You leaned to the side, allowing him more access while he traced his nose up and down your neck.
“Nope,” He stated.
“Don’t care.”
You stood there in silence for a few more minutes with your head resting on his shoulder while he still traced your neck, planting a few kisses now and then. His hands were rubbing up and down your back with one slipping under your shirt to press against your skin which left you shuddering in his hold. How was it a man who ran so hot could have hands that felt so cold?
“Why can’t we stay here forever?” You muttered, nuzzling your face into his chest.
“We could if you’d just move in here. We could wake up and have breakfast together. Go to school together. Have movie nights all the time. You could sleep in my room, which means we could even-”
“Ah ah ah, watch those hands, tough guy!” Your hands shot down to his wrists, stopping them from reaching into your pants with a laugh.
PG-13, remember?
Ever since he was introduced to the world of corny but with an ‘H,’ you’d had a hard time keeping his hands off you. His libido was something else. Another Kryptonian thing, you figured.
He playfully whined as you dragged his hands off you before leaning down to grab your phone off the floor. Surprisingly, it didn’t have a scratch on them. There were missed calls and messages from Mason, alerting you that curfew was soon and asking where you were. Conner grumbled as he watched you reply to your roommate's messages.
“Oh, hush you, big baby. I’m asking him to cover for me since I’m apparently spending the night. You’re lucky it’s Friday,” You laughed before he snatched your phone again, “Conner!”
He held your phone above you, using the phone’s camera to snap a picture of you two before quickly sending it to Mason. You launched yourself off the ground to snatch the device back while flying above the room to see what he sent.
“Had to make sure he knows whose room you’re gonna be sleeping in,” He joked, though you knew part of him was serious. The boy was so freaking territorial.
You loved it though.
A hum sounded from your lips though when a thought came to mind and a mischievous grin appeared on your face as you tapped your phone against your chin, “Maybe I’ll tell him I’m bored and ask him to come to get me.”
That wiped the smirk off his face quickly, “You wouldn’t…”
You played like you were typing a fake message as Conner jumped at you, chasing you all over the room.
Yeah, you knew you wanted to stay here forever.
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☀️ | Conner Kent/Superboy | ☀️
☀️ | Masterlists | ☀️
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withwritersblock · 3 months
Your Needs, My Needs
~Your Needs, My Needs by Noah Kahan~
Author's Note: I love Kirby Dach and I miss him Summary: After Kirby gets injured Y/N comforts him Warnings: shouting and cursing Word Count: 1,069 Kirby Dach x fm!reader
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He hasn’t come back to the ice after the hit into the Chicago bench. She anxiously sat in the back of the suit, staring at the television broadcast instead of the actual game below them. Caitlin walked over towards her with a sad smile on her lips.
“Have you heard from him?” she asked and Y/N shook her head. Shifting her gaze towards her phone, waiting to see if he texted her what was going on.
“It didn’t look that bad right?” Y/N questioned as she kept her gaze on the TV screen waiting for her boyfriend to return to the ice but he hadn't. She raised her hand towards her eye as she wiped a tear that was getting ready to trickle out of her eye. 
The team ended up winning the game without Kirby. He hasn’t texted her or even alerted her if he was going to be okay. She waited outside the locker room with Caitlin beside her. Kirby usually left the locker room during the middle of the pack but he was the first one leaving. Using crutches to help himself walk. He kept his gaze low for only a moment before he lifted his gaze to see Y/N waiting for him. He clenched his jaw as he felt his eyes tear up.
She walked towards him, furrowing her eyebrows. “It hurts like a bitch,” he muttered, shaking his head. She nodded as she wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing his cheek for a brief moment. His head rested on her shoulder as he fought off a sob climbing his throat.
“You’ll get through this,” she let out as she pulled away from him. 
“Can you drive?” he mumbled, his voice was raspy.
“Of course,” she mumbled as she stood beside him, “Let’s get you home,” she muttered as she delicately rested her hand on his arm.
It had only been an hour since they got back to their shared apartment and the pain was slowly starting to get worse. He tried to pretend that it wasn’t hurting by trying to maneuver through the apartment. He didn’t want to talk about it, he just wanted it to be fine.
She emerged from the bathroom wearing her pajamas to find him standing up near his dresser. “Baby, please sit down and-”
“I dont want to sit down!” he shouted. She pulled her head back at the sudden tone of his voice. His lips quivered as he looked towards Y/N. His eyes tearing up. “I just want,” he let out a huff of air.
“I know, I know,” she muttered as she took a small step towards him.
“I’m-I’m sorry. I’m sorry I shouldn’t-” he said as he started to cry. He had spent several hours holding it in but now looking at his own reflection and the future of his season it all came crumbling down. 
Her eyes widened as she walked towards him quickly. Her hand began gently rubbing circles along the center of his back as he clenched his fists and delicately hit them against the top of the dresser. He looked towards her and she met his eyes. “Honey,” she muttered as he turned his body to face her.
“I didn’t mean to yell,” he mumbled as he engulfed her in a hug.
“I know, Honey,” she mumbled against his chest, holding back her own tears. 
It was rare to see him show emotions. He was always good at keeping the way he felt inside but he was frustrated. Year after year, he could never catch a break. “Come lay down, it’ll feel better,” she muttered as she delicately looped her arms around the center of his back guiding him towards their bed. She helped him lay down onto his back before she climbed beside him. 
He rolled onto his side, unable to look her in the eye any longer. She slowly wrapped her arms around his chest, feeling the unsteady breathing. She ran her hands up and down his arm and his back. 
“It’ll be okay,” she mumbled, her voice cracking slightly, “Injured for the season or not, you’ll be okay,” she said as she pressed her lips to his upper back. He stayed quiet as her touch began to calm him down. 
The next morning, she woke up to Kirby slowly running his hand up and down her back. She took a deep breath as she rolled over to face Kirby. He smiled softly as he met her gaze. “How are you feeling?” she let out barely above a whisper. He shrugged slightly as he looped his arm around her waist.
“Getting a scan today,” he mumbled as he showed her his phone that was lying near the pillow. She rested her hand onto his arm as she inched closer to him. “It’ll probably need surgery,” he mumbled as he toyed with the end of her t-shirt. 
“You don’t know that,” she mumbled as her hand landed on his cheek. She ran her thumb across his cheek, the stubble of his beard scratched her hand slightly. 
“I can’t put pressure on it, Baby. Season’s done,” he muttered as he clenched his jaw.
“Then you’ll have one hell of a comeback,” she said as she tapped her hand against his cheek. He smiled softly as she leaned towards him and delicately pressed her lips against his. “Welcome back seventy-seven!” she said with an echo effect in her voice. He rolled his eyes playfully, “What a goal by Kirby Dach!” she continued.
“Enough,” he muttered before he kissed her urgently. “I’m glad you're here with me,” he said against her lips.
“Come on, handsome. Let’s get your comeback started now,” she muttered as she kissed him briefly. She stood up from the bed as she walked towards his side of the bed, “Do you need help?” she questioned. He shook his head as he sat up from the bed.
“I’m okay, Baby,” he mumbled as he started to stand up from the bed.
“Are you sure? Because I was thinking I could help you in the shower,” she mumbled as she widened her eyes slightly as she met his gaze. He raised his eyebrows as he pursed his lips forward.
“Now that I’m thinking about it, I could really use your help,” he pouted his lips forward as they wandered towards the bathroom together.
“Oh really?” she teased.
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desswright29 · 3 months
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Contains: Petty Argument, Overreacting reader, Overprotective Shuri, Bratty reader, Angry Shuri/reader, Reader testing the fuck out of Shuri’s patience, apologetic reader. Smut (18+), Sub Shuri 🫦, (I was inspired lol) Reader has PTSD from her past abusive relationship. A/N: This is in the “Shame” universe. I just felt like writting. So this is a side quest as I write PTV. I hope y’all enjoy! Also this shit is not edited. Read at your own risk lmao.
“Mholo ngalentsasa, umfazi wam.” Your wife’s voice was soft, slightly raspy with sleep this morning. You sensed an aggitated apprehensiveness in her tone, even in your groggy state. Her back was to you as she sat in the lounge area of the bedroom, eating a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch while watching the news. Your vision was still blurry, eyes sensitive to the amount of sun shining into the room, as you stare at the back Shuri’s head from the bed.
“Good Morning baby, are you eating cereal? I was going to cook breakfast for us.” You stretch, becoming more aware of your surroundings, and most importantly of your body, you recognize the pounding headache at your temples and the aching in your bones.
“It is just after noon, 12:02 to be exact, and you sweet girl, are sick.” Your eyes bulge at her revelation of the time.
“Afternoon!” You shot up fast, and was  immediately hit with an overwhelming dizzyness that forced you to lay back against the headboard. You were in denial about the final part of her statement, even though your body ached from head to toe, you had the sweats, and your head was pounding. But, you were on tour and had no intention of canceling tonight’s show.
She glanced at you over her shoulder. “Take it slow, my love. You tossed and turned all night, running a fever. I had Griot check your vitals and your fever got dangerously high. I was up all night making sure you were alright. You’ve been sweating a lot so you need to hydrate.” Hesitance laced her tone as she stared ahead at the television. Your face was plastered all over the news. Fans already lined up outside of the arena waiting to see you perform. “I think that it would be best if you cancelled tonight’s show, no?” Shuri knew that her advice would not be well received, and braced herself.
“Uh no! Shuri you should’ve woke me up. I’m not canceling my show! Now I’m gonna be rushing.” You try standing only for your body to reject it. Landing right back onto the bed. Shuri’s chin dropped to her chest, pinching her nose trying not to allow her frustration to over power her rationale.
“Sthandwa, it’s been weeks. You’re over due a break. I told you this was going to happen and that you need to slow down.” Shuri spoke with her usual calm demeanor. Trying to keep you from going into a panic.
“I have!” Your voice went up an octave as you lied to no one except for yourself. Shuri threw her arm over the back of the couch, finally turning to look at you fully “No. You have not.” She rebutted. You roll your eyes sitting on the side of the bed. You notice the lounge wear you wore to bed had been changed. You were sure that was courtesy of your thoughtful wife.
“Uuuuugghhh Shuri. Please. I don’t have the energy for this.”
“Right. That is exactly my point. How do you plan to do a show in your condition ubusi?” Shuri cocked her head to the side as she waited for an answer that would make sense.
“I’ll take something for the pain and fever, go back to sleep for a couple of hours, and I’ll be ok when I wake up.” Shuri placed her half eaten bowl onto the table, getting up to walk over to the bed. She got on one knee in front of you. Grabbing one of your hands and lifting your chin with her other.
“No you won’t. Baby, your body is exhausted, it can only take so much more.  I’ve been medicating you all night. It keeps coming back. You need rest. You have to know when to take a break, or this lifestyle is going to break you.” You groan in defiance.
“I understand you mean well Shuri but I have an obligation to my fans. If I cancel tonight it’s going to complicate everything. We’ll have to refund everyone. Pay a fine to the venue…and damnit I just want to perform! It’s Madison Square Garden for Bast sake!” You whined. You leaned forward catching your head in your hands in frustration. Shuri rubbed your arm comfortingly. 
“Don’t stress yourself. I understand. I know you love what you do. You put a lot of hard work into it, and I admire that. But, Thando you’re taking your body through a lot of physical strain. Training with the Dora, learning your duties as consort, and actively on tour. It’s physically impossible for any human.” 
“You have more on your plate than I do. And you’re doing just fine!” Shuri, being true to the patient woman that you married, continued being calm during your temper tantrum.
“Bambo’lawami, while I am human, I have a bit of an advantage here. I should hardly be the determining factor for your work ethic. You need to let something go.” If Shuri only knew where her statement would take this, she would immediately swallow those words. Your head jerks back as you look down at Shuri, chuckling though very unamused.
“OOOOh, ok… I’m getting it now. Is the career I built getting in the way of my duties for Wakanda?” You raised a brow as Shuri mimicked your prior movement, her head jerking back in confusion.
“What? That has nothing to do with what I said.” 
“No. But, it has everything to do with what you implied.” You say, your words laced with spite. 
The creases in her forhead increased with each word that came from your mouth.
“Don’t fucking SthANdwa me. I already know what you’re gonna say. ‘You are being unreasonable Entle, I only want what’s best for you.’ When we both know that this your way of introducing the idea of me giving up my career, so that I can play the submissive Queens consort? Walk to the right and two steps behind you!?” Shuri sat back on her haunches, completely taken aback. She snickered.
“Are you for real? I-“ Your hand comes up, placing it directly into your wife’s face. She bit into the corner of her bottom lip. A sneer appearing on her upper, as her nostrils flared.
“I don’t want to hear shit you have to say. I’m doing this and every other show I have scheduled for MY tour. I’m not giving up who I am and what I’VE built to play small and be your little wife.” You go to mush Shuri’s face but her hand quickly grasped your wrist placing your hand gently back onto the bed. 
“Whoa. You’re loosing it Nkosazana. Dont put your hand in my face. Don’t ever disrespect me like that.” Her pointer finger came up, centered between your eyes. 
“And what are you gonna do?” You say swatting her hand away. She removed her hand before you could make contact. You place your hand back into her face and she swats it. The two of you go through this back in forth for a moment until frustration takes over and you catch Shuri off guard pushing her away from you making her land on her butt. 
“Y/n what the fuck are you doing!?” Shuri’s voice became high pitched as confusion took over her. She remained seated on the floor.
“My intent is not to start an arguement with you. You’re stressed and not feeling well. Apparently, you have some other unrelated issue with me, that we should discuss at a better time. Because, no way you’re taking my concern for your health as some sort of power play.” The statement came out as a question.
“Yup.” You say crossing your arms and rolling your neck. 
“Yuuup.” You say more aggressive. Shuri squinted her eyes a smirk turning up one of her cheeks.
“Yup” You repeat.
“Childish.” You shrug staring at her waiting impatiently for whatever it was she had to say. Quietly, her eyes scan over your body. Had it been any other time, or had you felt better the look on her face would’ve folded you like origami. However, now you had an unwarranted point to prove. Just because Shuri was a sexy, domineering goddess didn’t mean you were going to drop everything for her. You built your image without her and planned to maintain it. You were a Queen in your own right before marrying Shuri, this was your shit!
“It seems as though we’re past not arguing.” You cock your head to the side with all the attitude you can muster, as Shuri stands to her feet, clenching her jaw. 
 “Llisten, Your health at the moment is what matters to me. That is all this is about.”
“Puh’ lease, you been on this shit. Does my success make you insecure Shuri?” You continued pushing your invalid point. Shuri closed her eyes.
“Bast, I’m trying to keep my composure.”
“And if you loose it?” You raise a brow continuing to challenge Shuri. She stepped forward Jaw clenched. 
“You want to act like a child, y/n? Fine, I’ll treat you like one. If you so much as think about going to that show tonight, I’m going to hunt you down and drag your little ass back into this house and chain you to the bed. Do you understand me?”
Your mouth dropped, a sudden burst of energy hit you as you lept to your feet standing on the bed in an attempt to over power Shuri. 
“Who the fuck you think you talking to?!!” Shuri snorted turning to walk away. 
“The only person confused in here is you. I guess the 103 degree fever you were running was boiling your brain cells. I’ll be happy to remind you who YOU are speaking with. We maybe consorts but I rule over you. Calm yourself.” She punctuated her sentence jabbing her finger in your direction. “You’ve gotten beside yourself. I’ll shut the fucking city down before I let you leave this house thinking it’s ok to distrespect me the way you are. The only point I’m making is that you’re running that beautiful body of yours into the ground. And it’s going to give way mama.” At this point you were relentless. 
“Ha! Oh that’s cute kitten.” Shuri shook her head chewing on the insides of her cheeks. Confused at how you even got to this point. She’d made her way back to the sitting area plopping down onto the couch. You followed. “Be serious, your intimidated because I’m not one of these thirsty bitches that need you. I’m good on my own and I could have just as much without you and your trying to ta-“ Shuri shot back to her feet. Making her way to you in a few long strides.
“I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOUR LITT-.” Shuri tried stopping herself before playing into this foolish argument, but it was too late. You had shook her calm front, and cut her off.
“There it is!! There the fuck it is! Show yourself!” 
“EVERYDAY! Y/n EVERY FUCKING DAY I go out of my way making sure you’re happy and ok. And you think I would wait until you were ill to push some dumb ass agenda I’ve been hiding onto you.” You stare at her unyielding in your point. Shuri stepped back chuckling, She threw her hands up in surrender.
“You know what. Fuck it. Do as you please! Fuck me for giving a shit about my wife. Go risk your LIFE to dress in a strip of fabric and clap your ass in front of an a arena full of strangers. I’m done!” You smirk.
“Proved my point.” 
“Discussion over.”
“I bet it is.”
“OVER!” Your eyes connected with Shuri’s. Though you may not have been very connected with your own limits. You knew Shuri’s. So you chose to heed her warning. You stomped around the room collecting your things while Shuri sat slumped on the couch attending to business on her Kimoyo beads. 
“I’m going to wait for the car at Bruno’s and I’ll stay with my sister after my show.”
“Do what you gotta do.” Her voice had gone down an octave, raspy and tired. Your aching body wanted so bad to go over, fall into her lap, and let her nurse you back to health. But, the stubbornness in you, the part that was afraid to rely fully on Shuri or anyone because of your checkered past relationships, pressed on. 
“Eat a dick.” You say calmly before snatching open the door, and slamming it as hard as you could behind you. 
“Tuh.” And a snicker was Shuri’s only reaction. Her nonchalance only a weak bandage for the wound you’d just caused her.
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Shuri was in a bad mood. It was apparent in her stifling demeanor as she swaggered backstage. Her lack of sleep, the heated argument between the two of you, and pure worry for her wife drove her to an astute level of unapproachable. Her shades hid her frustrated eyes, but her demeanor was not to be misunderstood.
She’d tried getting some rest, tried staying away and letting you do your thing. But, even when she was pissed at you her love and protective instincts for you would always over power any anger. So, after stubbornly tossing and turning on the couch, and stomping through the house mumbling angrily to herself, after her failed attempt at sleeping. She decided to take a shower, and then she found herself getting dressed, grabbing keys, and heading in the direction of Madison Square Garden in the Royal Talon. 
You were halfway through your set, as she walked over to the wings. Your tour Manager Wayne stood watching intently, until he felt the presence of the Queen approaching. Shuri saw his shoulders visibly tense as she walked up beside him.
“Why do you look nervous Wayne? Is there a reason you would need to be cautious around me?” She never made eye contact. Just leaned  her shoulder onto a pillar, crossing her legs at the ankle, staring out onto the stage.
“N-no I-“ She cut him off, not having the patience to beat around the bush.
“Tell me, have you seen my wife today?”
“Uh, Well yes.” Shuri’s jaw tensed as she nodded, somehow the shades covering her eyes made this moment even more frightening for the man. The lights from the stage casting a red glow over her. 
“Really? Because if you had. You would know that she is in no condition to be on that stage tonight.” Her head turned slightly to the right of her where Wayne stood shifting on his feet.
“She said she’d be good by show time. E-everyone was already here I-I couldn’t cancel. I was just doing as she sa-“ 
“Isn’t apart of your job to make sure that my wife is in good health. Does it not matter if the artist is well? Or are you just worried about your check? Because, I can get you your check, and  it’ll be the last. Was this one show worth your job Wayne?” Shuri raised a brow, and a sarcastic smile spread across Shuri’s face. 
“I’m so-“ The shivering teary eyed man began. 
“Shuri!” Dani marched up standing in between the two of them. Interrupting the tense moment.
“Wayne, go gather yourself. I hear the Queen is on a little power trip because she can’t control my sister. She’ll get over it.” Shuri scoffed as Wayne rushed off. 
“I heard you were here terrorizing the staff because y/n went through with her show. Lay off it Shuri! This is a sold out show at Madison Square Garden! You’re not about to mess this night up for her.”
“Me! Mess it up! Dani have you even seen your sister up close for the past couple of weeks!? She’s fucking exhausted. She’s pushing herself entirely too hard.”
“So, she has to give up her career?!”
“WHO THE FUCK IS SAYING THAT! Demethi! You two are definietly related. She JUST NEEDS A BREEAAAAAK! From EVERYTHING! GAHDAMN!” 
“I think she knows her limitations. She’s putting on a flawless show. You can’t control-“
“I don’t -…. You know what Dani, It’s best if  nobody says shit to me tonight. I’m here to ensure my wife’s safety. Keep the rest.” Dani rolled her eyes.
“Whatever.” She said as her and Shuri stood silently watching the show. 
She watched your body move, as you sang effortlessly. The truth was, Shuri loved watching you in your element. The joy in your face, the sound of your voice. How you lost yourself becoming an entirely different being on stage. She loved even more the private shows she got after a show was over, the both of you all riled up. You, from trying to turn your wife on while onstage. Her, from you succeeding. Yea. After show sex was Shuris favorite. A smirk found it’s way to Shuri’s lips as she thought about your escapades. She didn’t want to argue. She just wanted you to be ok, and she couldn’t rest until she felt that you were. Taking something that you loved and excelled at would have never crossed Shuri’s mind, and it hurt her that you believed it would.
The show was coming to an end, and per usual it had been effortless. You did your final song. thanking your fans as the band continued to play you off stage. Shuri felt silly. Maybe she had overreacted. But, was she wrong? All she’d wanted was for you to be safe and healthy. You couldn’t be too mad at her for that. Could you?
The crowd roared as you did your signature strut off of the stage. The walk Shuri loved so much. Her eyes trailed over your body, starting at your feet, up to those thick thighs, your non existent waist, your beautiful bouncing breast, and then that gorge-. That’s when Shuri saw it,  your face was pale, washed out. There was fear in your eyes as you approached the wings as fast possible. Shuri’s face dropped as you got out of view of the crowd. She stepped forward.
“Y/n, babe.” Your eyes met her shaded ones, and you made it to your wife just in time to wrap your arms around her neck and faint. 
“Sis! Y/n!” Dani yelled, running to Shuri’s side. Jumping into action Shuri swooped the rest of your limp body up into her arms. 
“Move!” She yelled as she made her way through the crowded back stage. Chaos, ensued as everyone realized what was happening. Shuri tried making it to the Talon fighter, everything she needed to nurse you conscious was there, but suddenly she felt you stiffening in her arms. She stopped in her tracks looking down at you.
“EVERYBODY GIVE HER SOME SPACE SHES SEIZING! Someone get me something to cushion her head!” She barked orders as people ran around trying to find ways to help, or just stood staring. She gently placed you on your side as your sister took off her jacket placing it under your head, as your body began jerking. 
“It’s ok baby I’m here. I’m going to make sure you’re ok.” Medics rushed in with a gurney, directing everyone not to hover. Shuri lie on the floor above your head. Whispering words of encouragement. 
“I got you baby. Hang in there. It’ll be over soon.” Once you stopped seizing, They moved into action. Hurrying to get you onto the gurney before you went into another seizure. 
“Take her to the roof. I’m taking her home. We have whatever medical assistance she needs.” Shuri ordered as her and your sister ran beside the gurney. The Dora and your team followed close behind. 
Once safely on the aircraft Shuri had you placed you in a bed. Her first goal to hydrate you. She’d noticed weeks ago that in your attempt to juggle everything you weren’t eating enough, or staying hydrated. Your body had been running on fumes. Not getting nearly enough of anything it needed. Food, water, or sleep. Not to mention all of the sweating you did in your sleep last night. She’d spoken on it several times, and she continuously went ignored. Now your body had finally caved. She worked on you silently. Cutting off the restricting clothes. Giving you fluids through an IV and placing a cooling pad over your body. A tear fell from her eye and she quickly wiped it away. She’d never forgive herself for not being more insistent on you canceling if something happened to you. 
“Griot. Does she show any signs of injury?”
“Assessing damage Panther.” She waited patiently as Griot scanned your body. “Ikumkani wam shows no signs of injury.”
“Thank Bast.” Shuri breathed a sigh of relief. 
You began to stir and Shuri stood to her feet walking over to your side. She held your hand as you opened your eyes. 
“Hey there, pretty girl.” She says leaning in, gently caressing the side of your face. 
“W-what happened?”
“You fainted, and had a seizure.” Your eyes widened before you averted your eyes. 
“I’m not here for I told you so baby. I’m just happy you’re ok.”
A soft knock at the door interrupted the moment. 
“Did I hear her talking?” Your sister walked in with Wayne trailing behind. “Girl thank God you’re up. You scared the shit out of me!” Your sister came over kissing your forehead.
“Yes we’re all happy to see you up. You gave us all quite a scare.” Wayne said. Your team stood outside of the door not wanting to overwhelm you. Shuri spoke up. 
“I’m glad you all are here. I think this is a perfect time for me to voice how I don’t appreciate the complete disregard for my wife’s health. If it was my say all of you would be fired.”
“Shuri.” You say about to chastise her when she threw a look over her shoulder that let you know now was not the time.
“I’m being as nice as I have the patience to be right now….It’s been a long day. You all will postpone the tour for two weeks.” You gasp.
“Shuri that’s excessive! I alrea-” Shuri turned all the way around looking down at you from her seated position. 
“I’m sorry sthandwa..Did that sound like a request? I should’ve went with my first mind and shut it down last night. However, this is your thing. So I deemed it necessary to run it by you first. But, since you don’t seem to know your limits I’ll be taking things into my own hands until you prove to me you can. And it’s not up for discussion.” She spoke firm staring directly into your eyes, and there was no room for argument. She directed her attention back to your team. 
“Call the venues, get a price point on the fines and the date changes. Let me know. I’ll take care of it. Staff will also be compensated. Just get it done. All business is to go through me and me only for the next two weeks. Got it.” Everyone acknowledged her with a firm yes and she dismissed everyone to allow you to rest. With the exception of Dani, who decided to stay with the two of you to help out.
Shuri pulled up a document on her Kimoyo beads and began typing.
“What are you doing?” You ask
“Requesting that M’Baku take my place for the next two weeks. So I don’t overwhelm myself.”
She side eyed you and you looked away. She turned around to you grabbing your chin, turning your head back toward her. 
“Ubusi, when I met you…It’s like….like I grew another limb. You became apart of me. Apart of my body, and If you’re not ok neither am I. I need you to take care of my body baby. There is no strength without rest.” You bite into your lip. Your wife always had a beautiful way with words. 
“I understand. I’m sorry about earlier I-“
“Let’s not talk about that now. You need to get some rest. I’m not dismissing it. Just saving it for another time. Ok?” You nod and she softly kissed your lips.
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For the next week you watched your wife take care of your business. You noticed how much attention to detail she had to have been paying to the way you ran things, before you got sick. She didn’t miss a beat. She made sure you ate, hydrated, and rested. Took meetings with venues and made sure your staff was paid, suggesting that they rest as well. You also noticed, that with all the care and love she was giving you, she was still a bit stand off-ish. 
“Baby what’s wrong?” You’d find yourself asking constantly. She’d always rebut with, “Nothing my love, just a lot on my plate.” However, you knew better.
Her kisses were light and didn’t linger, she’d bring your meals, but, wouldn’t snuggle up, and eat them with you. And when you two went to bed she’d kiss your forehead and turn over away from you. You hated it! 
The two of you still hadn’t talked about the argument. The more you thought about it, the more guilty you felt for overreacting. You’d gone entirely too far. You knew that you had really hurt her with some of your harsh opinions about how she felt about you and your career. Regret was as simple as you could put it, as you watched her handle the the career you built with all the love, just as you would. You had been wrong, and hurtful. And It was your turn to apologize.
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Shuri pulled into the driveway. Taking a deep breath as she turned off the car. To be honest, home had been hard for her lately. She struggled with when to bring up the fact that you had hurt her. How did this part of your relationship go? Was she even allowed to be hurt? The two of you had never made it to this point. Shuri had always been the one ruining everything, and apologizing profusely. But, she’d fixed it. She was putting her best foot forward in this marriage. Being the best wife she knew how to be. She thought you’d known that. What was she doing wrong where you didn’t see?
She had been sitting in the car for 15 minutes. Meetings with your team, updates with the council, and checking in on her lab filled her day and she was ready to get some rest. Finally she decided to get out. Her energy was heavy as she walked to the front door placing her key in the lock. Stepping inside of her home she was immediately met with red and gold rose petals. Large glass vases filled with long stem roses, and candles led a path to a table beautifully set for two. You sat on the table, legs crossed in your sheer black floor length dress, breast on display with an edible arrangement settled on your lap, with the words sorry carved out in pineapple. A huge teddy bear that read “I love you” sat in the corner and balloons with apologies written all over them,  littered every corner of the room. But over top of your head were huge balloons that individually spelled. IM SORRY. In case she wasn’t getting the message.
Shuri was stuck, speechless at the door. The last time you’d done something this beautiful for her was when you proposed. The thought brought tears to her eyes, as she took it all in.
“I know grand gestures and elaborate apologies are usually your thing. But, I thought I’d take a jab at it this time.” Shuri chuckled as a tear fell down her cheek. You looked at your beautiful wife. Today she was apparently feeling her femininity. A jean dress that hugged her silhouette so perfectly graced her beautiful body. Her braids were adorned with golden string, and her makeup was perfection. You couldn’t help but think that you were a lucky women. 
“You look beautiful, Sweet Lady.” She look down slightly and you could tell she was trying to hide her blush. It brought a smile to your face.
“I promise I didn’t over exert myself. Dani helped with dinner, and I had a few other hands with helping me get all of this set up, before I kicked everyone out.” You stood from the table placing the edible arrangement onto it. You reach out your hand to her. “Come here.” Shuri made her way to you, heels clicking against the marble floors. When she was close enough you grabbed her hands.
“Baby I’m sorry. For a lot of things. But, first of all for putting my hands on you. I was delirious. I am fully aware we don’t operate that way. I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you, and that I made things more difficult than they had to be. And most importantly, I’m sorry for the things I said. I know I have a habit of putting my guard back up in certain areas of my life out of protection for myself. I recognize I don’t have to do that with you. I recognize how ungrateful and entitle I’ve been. Overlooking your effort. I do see you. And I’m very appreciative of the work you put in for us.” Shuri sniffles looking down at her feet. You lift her chin slightly so that her eyes can meet your own again. She bit into her lip, her low eyes connecting with yours. 
“I can see that I hurt you, and I hate it. I wish I could take everything I said back because I didn’t mean it in the slightest. Those weren’t words meant for you, and who you’ve shown yourself to be to me. I let the past infiltrate what we have now, and for that I truly apologize Shuri. So, if you give me the chance, I can be better at showing you how much I appreciate you. I know you know I love you. I’ll forever be in love with you. I don’t want to mess us up either. Your love is wonderful, and I don’t want to loose you.”
Shuri had tears streaming down both of her cheeks now. You use the pad of your thumb to wipe away the tears. Finally, the two of you step into eachothers arms. “I love you sthandwa, I’m giving this all I got.” She finally says. The softness in her tone almost broke you.
“I know baby. And you’re perfect.” you say wrapping your arms around her neck as she buries her face into yours. She picks her head up, placing her forhead to yours staring into your eyes.
“I miss you.” She says. You nod. Knowing exactly what she means. 
“I miss you too. Can I kiss you?” You ask. She nods.
You close the distance and give your wife a long lingering kiss for the first time in days. Your lips slide against eachothers longingly. Passionately. This woman would forever be your heart. Your everything.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper against her lips.
“I forgive you, baby.” She responds.
“I need to touch you Shuri. Can I touch you please mama?” Another request came from you against her lips. She moaned her reply into your mouth. One of your arms slipped from around her neck. Gliding down her clothed chest to her abs, to the hem of her form fitting dress. You hike up her dress, your fingers brushing against her silk lined clit, her body shivered against your touch as she stepped further into you. Her mouth gapped open at the sensation, as you rubbed up and down against her. 
“It feels like you need me to touch you. But, you won’t tell me what you need beautiful.” Shuri’s knees buckled a bit as she backed you against the table. 
“Uh uh, calm down panther. I want to take care of you. Tell me you need me.”  She panted against your mouth as you stroke her bud. “Uhn. I-I need y-you please baby.” You smirk against her lips. “Good girl.” 
Shuri moaned, as the two of you switch positions Shuri now pressed into the table.
Your kissing became more intense. Pressing her up against the table, she lifts your dress as you firmly plant your thigh between her muscular legs. Shuri whimpers quietly, grabbing the back of your head and kissing you voraciously. Your bodies heave together, squirming, and writhing. Your thighs intertwined as you hungrily rub her vulva over her panties.
 She pulls you as close to her as possible, her nails unconsciously digging into your back. You pull away from her mouth, and begin kissing her neck. Sighing as she tugs on your hair. 
“I need you Shuri.” You say as you find the zipper at the back of her dress. Slowly unzipping her dress, pulling it down her shoulders. “I need you in my life. To be loved by you. To touch you. To taste you. I love you so much.”
Your hand finds her breast under a sheer, silky bra. You feel her nipple poking through the soft fabric, and take it between your two fingers, massaging it slowly.
“Fuck y/n.” She whispers, her hips continued to rotate on your thigh, her head thrown back eyes closed in concentration.
Wanting to feel her skin, you unhook her bra and let it fall off of her shoulders. Taking her small perky breast in your hand, you caress it softly, tracing circles around her nipple. Giving each one equal attention. 
“You’re so perfect. Beautiful and perfect. All of you.”
You take a nipple into your mouth and suck lightly, encircling, and kissing each one. Shuri begans frantically moaning  trying to rub her self against you harder. You lightly run your fingers up and down her bare back. 
“Tell me what you need pretty girl.” You whisper in her ear. “Tell me what I gotta do?” Shuri whimpers.
“Bast, I love it when you talk to me like that.”
“Mmm Daddy Panther wants to be my pretty girl tonight?” Shuri grabs the front of your dress. As her hips continue to grind against you. 
“Ewe! Let me be your good girl.” Your core throbs at the pretty sound of her voice. 
She sits eye level with you. You stare intently into her eyes taking her lower lip into your mouth, sucking as your hands slide gently down her sides, onto her thighs, and inside her panties. 
She lets out sweet a little moan and buries her head in your neck. She breathes heavily on your skin as you gently rub her mound, pressing hard against her clit. Your finger slides between her lips to find her slick and wet, her clit rock-hard. 
“Ndive kamnandi (make me feel good)” Her body shivered against yours. 
“Whatever you want baby girl. Whatever you want.”
You continue, rubbing on her clit, with calculated strokes soft, slow, up, down. 
“Please baby I need more. Uhn I want to cum for you sthandwa.”
She grips the back of your neck tighter as she lets out a breathy shudder. You move your  fingers in and out of her pussy. You felt her ridges squeezing against your fingers as her hips meet your thrust. Your thumb rubbed delicate circles on her clit as tears began to run down her cheeks.
"Yes baby right there!” She says. You start pressing hard against the upper wall of her pussy. She nearly collapses from this intense sensation. Her thighs shaking beneath you. 
“Ooohh fuck me y/n. You make me feel so fucking sexy.” Your mouth was agape as you watched Shuri bounce against your fingers. She looked more erotic than you’d ever seen her before dress bunched at her waist. Sweat begining to glisten over her beautiful breast, and one of her toned legs thrown over your shoulder, her pretty feet still adorned in her heels. 
“I could cum just looking at you right now Shuri. I can’t believe you’re mine. Fuuuck.”
Your arm supported her back so she wouldn’t  fall as you brought her closer to the edge of the table.  She tenses up against you now, squeezing you with both arms. A steady stream of the most beautiful sounds to ever exit Shuri’s mouth flowing into your ears.
“You’re close baby I can feel you. Give it all to me.”
The web of your hand pressed hard against her clit as your fingers pump in and out of her. You grab her clit between your middle and index fingers, pulling the foreskin up and down. A gasp escapes her mouth. 
“Ahhhh fuckgiveitgiveittomegiveittome!”
Her words ran together as you continued to work her pussy. Teasing bringing her to the edge and slowing down because you didn’t want this to end. You loved seeing your powerful wife like this. Putty at the tips of your fingers.
By now your fingers are drenched and pruning. Beads of sweat appeared on her forehead, as she fell back against the table gripping the cloth. She's whispering under her breath for you to fuck her, growing more and more insistent. You were mesmerized. She began to stifle screams and you reach forward pulling a pineapple from the stick. Placing the S in sorry into your wife’s mouth. 
“Here baby. That should keep that pretty mouth quiet.”
She bites into the fruit hard. It’s juices running down the sides of her face. “Uuuuuuhhhnnn.” She lets out a long moan muffled by the the fruit. You fuck her harder, as she drools, her back begining to arch off of the table. "I'm gonna come," she says breathlessly, her mouth still full. Her body begans twitching and convulsing uncontrollably.
"It's okay, l've got you baby. Give me that shit." You lean over whispering in her ear and kissing it lightly. A few more strokes to her G-Spot, your thumb circling her clit, and you finally let her release. She lets out a long, tremulous sigh, her eyes rolling back into her head before her whole body goes limp in your arms. She comes hard, her pussy clamping down on your fingers. Her warm cream coating your hand as  you take out your dripping wet fingers. You suck her juices from your fingers and lean over her grabbing the bottom of the s of her pineapple with your teeth. Tearing it from her mouth and pecking her lips as she lay catching her breath.
You squat in front of her. Coming face to face with your work. Her panties soaking wet and rolled to the side of her fat pussy her clit jutting out between the lips. Quivering. Calling out to you. You place her heeled foot onto your shoulder and answered the call. Cleaning her up, sucking all the cum from her lower lips. And spitting it back into her clit before taking it into your mouth. Her hips buck upwards as she reached down holding your head in place. 
“Too sensitive.” She says. You reach up moving her hand from your head holding it in your hand. “You can do it.” You kiss the tip of her clit and once again engulf it. 
“Uuughhh!!” She lets out, as you suck up and down on her engorged clit. “Baby it’s too much.”
“She’s calling me Shuri.” 
“Umphhh Fuuuck!” She says as you continue sucking her. You rub your face in it. Getting your face full of her juices. You felt Shuri tensing underneath you. Holding her breath. 
“Breathe, baby. Deep breaths.” She tried following your instructions, and you felt the exact moment the pleasure took over body.
Her heels painfully dug into your shoulders, egging you on. 
“Damnit! Y/n!” She yelled, as she let out huffs of breath. Breathing through the intense pleasure. 
“Tell me you like it baby.” Your fingers reentered her sweet pussy as you ate her like your final meal.
“FUUUUUCCCCK! I love it. You drive t-this pussy crazy! Uuhhhnnn Bast! Get up! I gotta pee! I-I’m gonna e-explode!” You dive in fucking her harder sucking her faster. “Y/n, MOOVVVEE!” Her body writhed violently on top of the table anything that had been on top of it now long gone. 
“EH!” A high pitched scream left her mouth as her body almost levitated into a seated position. Her eyes and mouth wide. She grabbed the back of your neck pressing you up into her pussy, as her hips began to thrust hard against your face. You felt a gush of liquid hit the back of your throat. Unattatching yourself from her you began to cough, only to go back in and suck some more of her. Letting Shuri cover your face in her essence. She slid from the table. Both of you falling to the floor. She landed on all fours. Pussy still hovering over top of your face. You lift up kissing it. 
“Stop! Stop, stop.” She said shivering. She lowered her body between your legs laying on top of your chest, and you let out a hiss. She looked up seeing small holes left by her heels on your shoulders. 
“Did I do that!? I’m so sorry babe.” You laugh. 
“Trust me baby, I enjoyed it.” She leaned forward kissing, licking and sucking your sex injuries as you carressed the small of her back moaning from the feel of her mouth on you. 
A wrapped gift caught the corner of your eye amidst all of the broken dishes and fruit on the floor. “Oh. I almost forgot!” Shuri hummed as she continued to tend to your wounds. You reach over grabbing the box. Tapping her back, signaling her to get up. She looks down at the box as she sits all the way up straddling your waist.
“What’s this?”
“Open it. You’ll see.” You giggle as she rolls her eyes. She removes the ribbon and wrapping paper. Opening the box to two diamond Catier bracelets. 
“Apology diamonds” you say. “ They’re engraved.”She picked them up looking inside. 
One read ‘For better’ the other read ‘For worse’. 
Shuri looked looked into your eyes tears brimming. You smile.
“Forever baby.”
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Dirty Work 17
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as bullying, familial discord/abuse, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You start a new gig and find one of your clients to be hard to please.
Characters: Loki
Note: It's friday again.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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Once Leslie leaves, you lock yourself away again. Your father's taken to the cold shoulder over his previous aggression. You don't mind, it assures you of a tenuous peace. So long as you don't draw his attention, you're okay.
Your anxiety remains piqued. Not only by your father's stewing ire but the thought of what looms both behind and ahead of you. With all that happened at work, you have little hope of tomorrow being better. There is also the question of Mr. Laufeyson's surprise... you can't even begin to guess what he has in mind.
Another test, no doubt. Like today. You're certain you failed that one too. You took his kindness and showed yourself to be ungrateful. You questioned him when you should have just accepted it with a smile on your face.
It is not your place to worry about his intentions, as he has made it clear, you are not on the same level. He is your boss and you do what he says. So you will do that and nothing more.
Is that his voice in your head?
You sneak out for a shower but it doesn't do much to calms your nerves. You spend another night tossing and turn, kept awake by the television set a top volume and the dissonance of your anxiety. Even with the extra hours granted, you find yourself painfully awake at the same splitting hour.
You get up to make your tea. Your father's snoring on the couch at the TV continues to blare. You don't disturb either as you put on the kettle and ready a mug. You rub your eyes and yawn. Leslie will be here soon. You should wake him and get breakfast going. It will lighten her load.
When you have your cup steaming, you stay at the counter and sip tentatively, weighing your next steps. You leave your father as he is and return to your room, dressing and cleaning up before you descend again. You have your phone in hand, almost hoping a notification will pop up. Maybe Mr. Laufeyson will change his mind and you can be off before you have to face your dad. The phone remains lifeless. 
You sigh and shut off the television, hoping the sudden silence might rouse him. He continues to snort loudly. You bite down on your cheeks as your skin buzzes and itches. He's not a morning person. 
The memories of him exploding to consciousness in a furor of hollers and kicks keep you from shaking him. You back away as the doorbell rings and does the job for you, your father grumbling as you go to answer it.
Leslie enters with her usual blustering brightness. She greets your father and stops short, hands on her hips as she tuts.
"Now what is the meaning of this?" She huffs, "Charles, you can't sleep down here."
"I'm not," he sits up and hacks into his hand before sliding the oxygen tube back into place. "You woke me up."
"What's gotten into you?" She accuses, "I told you yesterday I'm not here for your attitude. You're not some teenager, you're a grown man."
"Bah, I need coffee," he snarls.
"You need a cold shower," she retorts as she goes around the couch and snatches up the pack of smoke on the cushion beside him, "and a swat on the snout. What're you doing with these things?" She pauses and looks at you, "he can't be having these in the house."
"I don't... know where they came from," your murmur.
"Don't matter, if you see them, you toss them," she reproaches, "this is a team effort, alright? Now yesterday, this place was a right mess. I'm here to help, not play maid."
"I'm sorry, I..." you snap your mouth shut. You did clean up, as best you could before work, but you'll have to do better.
"Not her fault she's useless," your father quips.
"Charles," Leslie warns as she points at him.
"Sorry, hon," he puts his hands up, "was only a joke."
"Not a very nice one," he rebukes.
"I know, I know," he chortles.
"So don't apologise to me," she flicks her finger towards you.
Your father stops his laughing and quiets. He crosses his arms and slumps his shoulders as you stare at the back of his head. You wait as Leslie tilts her head dangerous and cross her arms.
"Charles," she girds.
"Don't worry about it," you croak, "it's fine. I'll... I'm going in late so I'll get breakfast started."
"Oh yeah, she don't gotta go polish that man's silver early," your dad growls.
"Charles," Leslie snips again, "I mean it, be nice."
"I am nice, hon, I'm being funny."
"You are not," she insists.
"Come on, Les," he lowers his voice as you pad towards the kitchen, "I'll be good, alright? Don't give me that look."
She sighs but you don't look back, "alright, no more smokes."
"I'm tellin' ya, honey," he speaks so softly you barely recognise his voice, "I didn't touch 'em. Found them in the couch but I didn't smoke any. Don't be mad at me."
You shake your head and try to roll the tension out of your shoulders. She's been here just over a week and he talks like he's known her forever. He's actually nice to her. He cares about what she thinks, what she feels. But you, his own daughter, you get the blame for it all. You're the reason he hates himself and his life. Maybe if you'd never come along, he'd still have the woman he loved. 
You set off just after eleven, the bus due not long after. As you come down the overgrown walk with its cracked pavement and uneven tilt, your eyes are drawn up by the snap of a car door. Footfalls scuff on the pavement as you look over the curb to the shiny car parked there. It's an unusual sight in the rundown neighbourhood.
Mr. Laufeyson proudly steps up as the window on the passenger's side rolls down. A pair of similarly green eyes peer out as she takes in the sight of the yellow duplex. You want to run and hide. You can't imagine either of them ever had to dirty themselves in a place like this.
"Mr. Laufeyson," you rush towards him, "I--- you said noon."
You pull the phone out and check the time. He puts his hand on the roof of the car calmly as you stop a few feet away. He chuckles, amused by your panic.
"It's so quaint," Frigga remarks as she remains firmly in the front seat, "dear, how are you?"
"Um, I'm well, Frigga," you answer with a tight gulp.
"Good, good, you look well," she praises, "a bit tired. Tell me he's not overworking you."
"Mother," Laufeyson shoots a glance in her direction.
"Er, it's fine," you clutch the strap of your bag, "I... did I do something?"
"No, no," Frigga waves off your suspicion, "I simply insisted my son bring me to see you while I'm in town."
"Oh, I was just on my way..." you look at Laufeyson confused as he gives an expression you can't quite read. He's expecting something but you're not sure what.
"We have lots to do so no sense in waiting around," she trills.
"Oh?" Your lips part. "Did something-- is the house okay?"
"The house is just fine. That old place only needs a little light, but see if my own son hears me," he rambles, "Loki, don't be rude, get the door."
He flinches and drags his hand away from the top of the car, "yes, mother."
He moves to open the back door, gallantly opening it for you. You feel like you've been dropped into an alternate universe. This can't be happening.
"Get in," he says. 
You blink at him and he tilts his head, gesturing to the back seat. You obey with some reluctance and sit the large leather bag beside you. You slowly pull the seat belt down and click it into place. Laufeyson strides around the bumper as you peek in the mirror at Frigga's silvering curls.
"Right, then," Laufeyson opens the driver's door and lowers himself into the seat, "there we are."
"How are you feeling, darling?" Frigga's eyes meet yours in the rearview before you quickly look away, "are you very hungry or can you wait a bit longer for lunch?"
"I... Lunch? I'm okay," you assure. You can't figure this out. "Thank you."
The car whirs and rolls into motion. You're uneasy as you watch the street pass by. If he takes a left, he can get back to the main roads and-- no, he's going right?
"Mm, alright, the boutique first then," she orders her son, "I'm wondering if perhaps they could squeeze us in at the spa. It has been a while since I had some clay done. Oh, and my nails are ragged."
You try to connect the dots as your brows stitch together. Is this his surprise? His mother? Why are you there? You should be figuring out what's going on with the squeaky hinge on the closet. 
"I can't wait to see the new season's colours," Frigga carries on as you tune her out, lost in the riddle of her presence and your own.
Surely, you're being brought along as some sort of valet. Of course, Laufeyson would offer you to carry her bags as she splurges on her pretty dresses. And she is always dressed so nicely whenever you see her. And make up, her lips are a pleasant shade of rose. She would likely spend even more on shoes, don't forget the silver sparkling at her throat and the gemstone dangling there... 
Right, you see. Another lesson. He wants you to remember what you don't have. After your slip-up yesterday, he has to remind you of where you belong; squashed under his sole.
"Oh, is Eliana still at the salon, I should stop in and say hello," Frigga's voice once more punctures your distraction. "She was always so sweet."
"Mother, I... don't know about that. Maybe a different salon."
"You are such a pessimist, what are the odds we run into her?" 
"Don't even tempt fate," he warns.
"No one said you were invited, hm? You said you had business down at Heimdall's."
"You are stubborn, mother," Laufeyson tisks.
"It's where you got it from, dear," she taunts, "so, darling," she peeks in the mirror again and you shy away, "how about it, you and I? It will be so nice. I haven't gotten a day out in so long."
"Oh, you haven't? Should I ask father about that?"
"Let's not mention your father," she rebuffs him smoothly and his shoulders slump.
"Um, well, that's nice, but..." you protest meekly
"It's my treat," she insists, "please. You're doing me a favour."
"I really don't know--"
"I don't mind," Laufeyson interjects, "and it won't affect your hours."
"I did soften him up a bit," she purrs.
"Mother," he hisses again.
"Oh you are so serious," she chides, "she needs this more than I do, I'm sure, with a stickler like you."
He twitches but says nothing. You sense he wants to say it again, 'mother', in the tone of please be quiet. It would be laughable if you weren't so perplexed by it all. Maybe it is a dream. Maybe you didn't wake up and you're oversleeping your alarm, having stress dreams about what will happen when you wake to reality.
"He's a good little chauffeur," she pats his arm playfully, "so he will drop us at the salon, won't you, dearest son?"
He grips the wheel tight and you see his knuckles turn almost translucent, "yes, mother, whatever you wish."
Mr, Laufeyson drives through the downtown area. You don't come there much, or at all. You passed through on your way to the hospital and on occasion to sort out a billing issue with the bank, but there wasn't much for you there. Along the west side, the nicer shops reside and several buildings with businesses you could never figure out.
Laufeyson pulls up into a marked spot beside a meter. As you stare out, still puzzled by it all. Everything's going so fast and you just want it to slow down. You look at your boss and feel a pang in your chest; how many times had he mentioned your clothes? This isn't a favour, this is him saying you're not good enough.
"Come, come," Frigga gets out and opens your door for you, "let's not drag our feet."
You undo the seat belt and go to grab your large leather bag. As you get out, Frigga catches you by the shoulders. "You won't need this," she takes the bag and reaches past you to put it back in the car, "only your pretty self."
"Oh, uh, sure, okay," you look again at Laufeyson but you're not sure why. He isn't going to help you. He's plunged you into this situation. He only arches a brow in response.
"Just going to give you a nice refresh," Frigga pulls on your elbow and shuts the door, tugging you onto the pavement. "You would do wonderful with some highlights."
You stumble along beside her, overwhelmed by her enthusiasm. She directs you to the shining transparent windows of a salon, a sign overhead with a curled iron bar across the top. You peek over your shoulder again as Mr. Laufeyson lingers another moment before steering out into traffic.
The door chirps as it opens and you're ushered inside to the sound of jazzy pop covers. You can't choose where to focus as the sleek shelves of colourful bottle behind the pure white counter refracts the lights of a spindly chandelier. Velvet chairs are arranged around a table in the little waiting area as stylists gab with clients in chairs.
"Frigga," a woman with platinum locks flutters over with the clacking of heels, "oh, it's been so long."
"Eliana! It has, look at you," they embrace and part, Frigga playing with the tall woman's pin-straight tresses, "what happened to the black?"
"Got a few grays and a divorce," the woman, Eliana you presume, cackles, "and who's this?"
They look at you as you're ready to fade into the black and white stripes on the wall.
"Oh, a friend, she's lovely," Frigga comes back and takes your hand, drawing you forward, "she just needs a little touch-up."
"Oh, she's a natural, she won't need much at all," the stylist approaches you, "I know just the woman; Luciana," she claps and looks back, "I have someone to fill in that cancellation.”
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thecuriousquest · 6 months
Brother Dabi with a reader that cowers, whimpers, cries, ect, ect whenever he touches her or raises his voice. Sadly he’s confused as to why she’s like that and just makes it worse (if you feel like adding comfort in the end that’s 100% up to you, I’m happy with whatever)
What Are You Really Afraid of?
Tag List: @issamomma @repostingmyfavs @chickennugnugnug @palesweetscherryblossom
Warnings: Platonic yandere themes, NSFW (physical abuse), Enji is abusive, past event of abuse briefly mentioned; the abuse mentions hair pulling (not sexual), slapping, beating with belt, and condescending behavior; hurt/comfort
Master List
Request Rules
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Touya doesn’t understand why you’re so scared of him. Sure, he teases you like a big brother does. Sometimes, he can be a little rough while playing around with you. But all in all, he can’t fathom why you’re deathly terrified of him all of a sudden.
He has to get to the bottom of this.
When you come home from school, he decides to turn off the television and confront you.
You notice the heavy clunk of his combat boots drawing closer and closer. You take off for the stairs, but he cuts you off, standing right in front of them before you can even get to the landing.
“You and me are gonna have a talk.”
He grabs you by your elbow and drags you up to his room. He shuts the door behind him, locking it, trapping you.
When he turns back to face you, there are tears blurring your vision, your fists are clenched, and you’re trembling like a leaf in the wind. Seeing you like this when he hasn’t even done anything makes his heart clench with anger, but he forces himself to calm down. Taking a deep breath and counting to five in his head, he points at the bed for you to sit down.
“Go on. Sit. I want to talk to you.”
“Touya…please, I just want to go to my room.”
“And I want to know why you act like this when you’re around me.”
Taking a seat on his flannel sheets, you notice that he stays by the door with his hands shoved in his pockets. You aren’t sure if he’s trying to come off as non threatening or if he’s trying to show you that you won’t be able to run away from him by blocking your only exit.
“Good girl. Now, can you tell me what’s going on?”
It’s not that you hate Touya. You’ve loved him all your life. Sure, he can be rough with you at times, but he’s always been your warrior, your protector.
Recently, after a pretty horrible beating from your father while Touya was away with work, you just can’t look into his eyes and not see Enji. He shares those same electric cerulean orbs with your father. Your dad’s flames can reach the same cobalt hue as your brother’s quirk, and that thought is also unsettling.
But you know Touya isn’t like your father, but you can’t help but see him in your brother! It’s confusing, and it leaves your head and heart aching.
The tears finally flow over your lower lids, and you break down. Elbows resting on knees while your hands rake through vibrant, scarlet locks. Your father would scold you and tell you to sit like a lady, but Touya doesn’t say anything. Touya only stands there, shifting on his feet. You can tell he’s debating whether to give you space or solace.
“Hey, what’s going on? Y/N, I don’t understand-“
“Fucking shut up! Just stop talking!” You blow up at him. Looking into his wide eyes, you point a finger at him. “What would you have done if I didn’t want to come in here with you?!”
That question is rather unexpected. He doesn’t like the tone his baby sister is taking with him, but now isn’t the time for scolding. He doesn’t want to fuck this up.
“I would’ve just picked you up,” he admits. It’s what he usually does. All he has to do is sling you over a shoulder and carry you off to wherever he wants you to be.
“Exactly! You’d just pick me up. Just do whatever the hell you want with me. Just like Dad.”
And that, THAT, causes him to snap. He stands up straight, hands out of his pockets, and he stomps over to you.
“You think I’m just like that monster? Is that what you believe?”
It’s not…but isn’t it? Isn’t that what all this has been about?
“Well?” He’s calm but firm.
“Why do you two have to have the same eye color? Ever since he beat me and you came back, it’s all I can think about. I hate it! I hate that looking at you reminds me of what he did to me!”
And now he understands but it’s something that he doesn’t know how to fix.
Touya releases a pent up breath, his fingers combing through his mass of black hair. “Jesus, kid, what did he do to you?” he asks while taking a seat next to you on the bed.
You really don’t want to relive that night, the night a few days before he came back from a work trip. It’s just too painful.
Maybe it will help to vent though. Touya’s always been a great listener.
“He grabbed me by my hair and pulled me to his room. He slapped me and took his belt to me. I tried to get away. It only made him angrier. It was even worse when he told me you wouldn’t be there to come to my rescue. It was like he was taunting me.”
Hesitantly, he places a hand on your back, watching for a reaction. When you don’t try to pull away, he wraps an arm around you, letting you cry on his shoulder. You clutch his shirt.
“I’m sorry! I was just scared!”
“I know. I get it. Dad can be…Dad. I’ll never treat you like that, and you better get that through your thick skull.”
“I don’t have a thick skull,” you pout.
Touya snorts. “Yeah, you do. We all do. Even Shoto has a thick skull. Damn near can’t get anything through to him.”
This causes you to giggle at the thought of your socially awkward older brother.
You sit and talk with Touya-Nii a little while longer until he sends you off so that he can have a chat with Enji.
Said chat may or may not include Touya beating the living shit out of his father until he can barely stand or breathe.
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fandomnerd9602 · 5 months
Cold Outside
StepSister!Wanda x Reader
For @lifespectator and @aloneodi
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You and your stepsister Wanda had been up to your own brand of mischief. Ever since your first kiss with her on New Years Eve, it’s like the two of you could not get enough of each other. You always found little excuses to see one another and share kisses where no one could see you. Wanda and you were scared of what your parents would think of such a relationship.
But that didn’t stop you and her from having ‘cram sessions’ over at your apartment. Yes you and her did study for exams and homework. But afterward the two of you would celebrate with pizza, a marathon of her favorite shows and a little make out session. It was the perfect cover.
A perfect cover until it happened.
Your college town was hit with the worst blizzard of the year. Your classes were cancelled but somehow Wanda's were still on.
You tried to keep your apartment warm when you got a call from your stepsister, "detka?"
"what's the matter, Wanda?"
"the heater in my apartment broke. C-Can I come stay over at your place?"
“What about your roommate? yelena?”
“She’s hanging out with Kate. So can you please pick me up, detka?”
"Of course! I'll come pick you up." You grabbed your keys and ran to your car.
The wind was howling and the snow fall nearly blinded your view but yet you persisted on being there when Wanda stepped out from the college commons area.
You pull up outside of the commons and Wanda runs out from under the porch right to your car. The scarlet red scarf you bought her blowing in the wind. She quickly jumps in and blows into her hands, just trying to keep herself warm.
“Hello detka” she smiles at you.
“Hey you” you smile back, “let’s go home.”
It didn’t take long for you and Wanda to get home. You spent the time talking about whatever you wanted as you drove home.
You and Wanda truly enjoy spending whatever time you can together. Little moments here and there.
You turn on your television and switch it to your queue of Dick Van Dyke episodes. Wanda continues to enjoy her freshly brewed tea as you take a seat next to her.
“No better way to rough it through a blizzard, huh?” You give a little smirk to your stepsister.
“What are we?” She asks.
“What do you mean?” You genuinely ask.
“I-I mean…where do you see us?”
You gently take her free hand, “Wanda…there will never be another. You’re it. I’m totally in love with you. I-I want strings with you”
Your thumb glides across her knuckles.
“I want strings with you too” she giggles. “I want to tell everyone about us, but only when you’re ready.”
“When you’re ready,” you reassure her. She stares at you with adoring eyes. Her gazes lowers to your lips and then back to your eyes.
You pull her into your lap. Wanda giggles and leans in, kissing you. Her tongue glides across your lips, you can’t help but allow her access.
“Detka” she whispers against your lips.
You and Wanda continue to share long, loving, passionate kisses on your couch; lost in your own little world. Wanda giggles against your lips. Your hands wander up and down her spine.
So strong was the temptation to reach under her shirt but you truly loved her. You were willing to take things slow and enjoy all the little memories you have to form with the amazing young woman in your arms.
Your little moment of heaven was interrupted by the sound of Wanda’s cell phone. She let out a quick little squeak of embarrassment before rolling off your lap and grabbing her phone. The caller ID on her phone read Papa. You and her went pale white.
Wanda takes a deep breath, wanting to calm the beating of her heart from her moment of ecstasy. She answers the phone, “hello Papa” she puts it in speaker mode.
“Hello my little witch, I just wanted to be sure you were alright.” Your stepfather tries to explain. “That blizzard is something fierce.”
“I’m alright” Wanda giggles, “I’m at Y/N’s. My apartment’s heater went out.”
“Hey Pops” you call out.
“You all okay?” Your stepfather asks back.
“Y-yeah” you try to answer. “I was about to put a pizza in the oven and turn on some Dick Van Dyke.”
“Okay” Django answers back. “According to the weather channel, the blizzard won’t clear up for two days”
You and Wanda look to each other, you can already see the ideas forming in Wanda’s head.
“Think you’ll be alright?” Your stepfather asks.
“Yes Papa,” Wanda answers, “I think we’ll be alright. We’ve got homework and tv and…”
“Okay. Love you both” Django answers before hanging up.
You and your detka look at one another. You can’t help but share a laugh. She collapses against your chest.
“You hungry?” You ask her playfully as you wrap her in a hug.
“Yes. For pizza…and you” she giggles at her own response. You give her one last kiss to her lips and one more to her forehead.
It sure is cold outside but it’s nice and warm in your little apartment. You will have to tell her father and your mother eventually but until then you’re just gonna enjoy your time together. You and the love of your life: Wanda Maximoff.
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.⋆。Call Your Mom。⋆.
Clark Kent x plus size reader
I'll drive, I'll drive all night I'll call your mom
Stick Season (We'll All Be Here Forever)
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Music softly played through the shitty sound system in your car, providing enough noise for you to stay awake but not enough to wake your passenger. Every few minutes, your eyes would flick over to him as if to make sure that he wasn’t just some hallucination that your caffeine addled mind conjured up. But the way that the rare street lamps would cast a yellow glow onto his face and the occasional shift in his sleep meant that he was very real.
Even in the dim light of this back country road, you could see the tear tracks on his cheeks and the dark bags beneath his eyes. He looked so much smaller than you remembered him, weighed down by the world. You wondered briefly about how long he had felt this way, did it start recently or was it always there, just buried beneath a smile and those bright blue eyes that lingered in your dreams.
He drew in a shuddering breath but then settled back to sleep, the wrinkle of worry above his brow slowly disappearing with each mile you drove. You bit back the urge to push back the lone black curl that had fallen onto his forehead. Instead, you gripped the steering wheel even tighter and thought back to a few hours before, when you received a call from someone you thought you would never hear from again.
You were half paying attention to some late night television show, half awake and numb with the lateness of the hour but the relative calmness of your night was interrupted by the ringing of a phone. Without looking, you fished your phone from the side table and pressed it to your ear. “Yeah?”
Expecting a telemarketer or some automated message, you were shocked as the speakers let out a pitiful sob followed by a voice you used to know so well. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know who else to call- I just- Please.” 
The drive to his apartment went by quick as you forced yourself to act upon instinct and not listen to the still hurting part of your soul that told you to let him suffer just the same as he left you to do so. The achingly familiar walk up the stairs to his apartment made that little voice grow louder and louder until you could barely ignore it.
Your knuckles hovered over the painted wood of his front door, your nerves screaming at you to leave but then the door opened and you knew that you couldn’t. 
Clark Kent, Superman- always so well put together, so stupidly perfect in every way- looked like he was crumbling right before your eyes. Like a great tree wilting away, he was bowed forwards, pale and trembling. You let him pull you into a hug and he collapsed into your arms.
It had been months since the last time you had felt his touch, you were out of practice, slightly clumsy as you cradled his head in one hand and stroked his back with the other. But it was muscle memory, your instincts guiding you back to that spot on the left side of his spine halfway down his back that always had a knot in it but when you dug your fingers into the muscle, he melted, pushing his face into the crook of your neck as his sobs began to taper off.
Neither of you said a word, the discussion, the awkward conversation and the inevitable fight could wait- for a while at least. He trailed behind you like a lost puppy as you guided him down to your car. He squished himself into your small passenger seat and leaned his head against the window as soon as the door shut. 
He fell asleep less than 5 minutes after you started driving, this would have normally annoyed you but you knew he needed the rest and you didn’t need to hear the sound of his voice as your mind reminded you what used to be. 
Soon, street lights and paved roads gave way to corn fields and the gentle sway of a well-worn dirt track. The porch light was on, guiding you home through the darkness. As you pulled into the driveway that you had driven onto countless times before, the screen door opened and Martha, still dressed in her dressing gown, stepped out.
“Clark. You’re home.” You placed a gentle hand onto his shoulder, softly waking him. Those gorgeous blue eyes looked up at you, reflecting the full moon perfectly. He glanced past your body to where his mother stood then back to you. “It’s gonna be ok.”
His smile was enough to make you forget the miles driven in the dead of night, to heal the heartbreak caused by his hand, to remind you that all things can be set right once more.
[Verse 1] Oh, you're spiralin' again The moment right before it ends you're most afraid of But don't you cancel any plans 'Cause I won't let you get the chance to never make them [Pre-Chorus] Stayed on the line with you the entire night 'Til you let it out and let it in [Chorus] Don't let this darkness fool you All lights turned off can be turned on I'll drive, I'll drive all night I'll call your mom Oh, dear, don't be discouraged I've been exactly where you are I'll drive, I'll drive all night I'll call your mom I'll call your mom [Verse 2] Waiting room, no placе to stand Just greatest fears and wringing hands and thе loudest silence If you could see yourself like this If you could see yourself like this, you'd've never tried it [Pre-Chorus] Stayed on the line with you the entire night 'Til you told me that you had to go [Chorus] Don't let this darkness fool you All lights turned off can be turned on I'll drive, I'll drive all night I'll call your mom Oh, dear, don't be discouraged I've been exactly where you are I'll drive, I'll drive all night I'll call your mom [Bridge] Medicate, meditate, swear your soul to Jesus Throw a punch, fall in love, give yourself a reason Don't wanna drive another mile wonderin' if you're breathin' So won't you stay, won't you stay, won't you stay with me? Medicate, meditate, save your soul for Jesus Throw a punch, fall in love, give yourself a reason Don't wanna drive another mile without knowin' you're breathin' So won't you stay, won't you stay, won't you stay with me? [Chorus] Don't let this darkness fool you All lights turned off can be turned on I'll drive, I'll drive all night I'll call your mom Oh, dear, don't be discouraged I've been exactly where you are I'll drive, I'll drive all night I'll call your mom I'll call your mom
All works
@im-a-slut-for-fluff @alexxavicry @ravenwings73 @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @silverfire475 @psychadelichues @mvyalx @faefanatic @evansqueen54 @anamiad00msday @th3slothy @princess76179 @Lanielagenev @luvvvjada @Lucypaulette @midnight-shadow-va @km-ffluv
@snedhdh @kobaltdragon @blackhawkfanatic @8bookishworm8
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lovelybeesthings · 7 months
The one that got away 1
Coriolanus Snow x reader
Word count: 2.k
Warnings: idk?
Chapter 2
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(I’m sorry this like a time skip before the games)
“It’s me or Lucy are you willing to give your life away for her!” I said you wanted the plinth prize but it seems it’s a love show of Snow and Lucy grey” I say with a smile scoffing as I hold back tears “Your over reacting Y/N! I’m just trying to win you know my current situation you sound mad!” He spits back.
He doesn’t look back at me and bites his tongue and with that I know he’s made up his mind “her or me! Her or me please..” I say looking at him watery eyes rosy cheeks I swallow the pain in my throat “I wish you the best of luck and for her” I speak in a calm voice wiping my tears as I walk away my heels clicking to ground
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As I watch my tribute reaper gather the body’s one by one in the center of the arena my eyes begin to water his act of defiance takes a full on me and when he rips the capitols banner down to cover the body’s he looks into the cameras shouting I can’t control the tears in my eyes and walk away from the televisions and see Tigris’s at the exit smiling watching the tv.
I soon heard of the victory of Snow and Lucy grey I was happy for her win but I decided to not speak to Coriolanus and soon made my way home resting my head in my pink silk sheets as I change into a much compterable formal look negreo I knew it days began to fly then weeks I soon got heard of how Coriolanus was sent away to one of the distracts which hurt to here he really did anything for Lucy..
I put up my mask for every social event every gathering the perfect daughter of a well named man in the capitol but when I was home I locked myself in my room taking care of myself my mind slipping to the memories of Coriolanus white blond curls causing me to form sweat small smiles.
I was soon going on dates my mother and father had made for me I obliged some guys were sweet but stuck up or handsome and cocky I soon to think my soulmate had left and I’d have to be alone until one.. Devesh Sebastian the son of a politician he was different form the rest brownish locks that looked beautiful in the sun his eyes a light brown and sometimes gold if you looked at them in a right amount time his hair was long but a small pointy tail in the back leaving a few strand hair in the front, he dress himself nice white buttons up with a black tie black vest black coat and ideal man.
We soon got together and I brought up my heath curling hair with a bow light pink heels a white ish pinkish dress that’s beautiful land a white fur coat for an event a apply pinkish red lipstick and lip gloss (the ideal outfit it is in the bottom)
As I enter with Devesh my hand on his arm smiling giggling to his jokes and kiss him on the cheek and we part ways as I say hello to my parents and family friends and introduce myself to people I wonder what’s this event for I walk over to my mother “what’s this event for mother?” She soon reply’s in simple words “oh just this man reentering the capitol I think” she says as I nod and walk over to the drinks and grab two glasses of champagne and hear footsteps behind me.
“Oh sorry my dress is a big I’ll get out your way!” I say with a sweet smile “No need” a masculine voice responds that sounds familiar and I soon turn to face…Coriolanus snow but now his appearance is different his hair is cut shorter and styled some way back white colar red vest red coat red and red pants black shoes he’s cleaned himself so well “oh my Coriolanus! It’s so nice to see you once again!” I say with a sweet tone my voice like honey as I place down the glasses and hug him and grab the champagne glasses again.
“Y/n you look so beautiful this evening I thought I’d not see you until 20 years” he chuckles he mite look different but the way he is still feels the same “how’s it been I heard that you were sent to distract 12 to see Lucy?” I say as I’m confused on what happened “things changed different view points but I was able to come back to study under Dr. Volumnia” he speaks in a bold tone with a small smirk.
“Oh well I’m sorry to hear the part about Lucy but happy that it worked out in the end for you I have to go though bye! Croyo” I say as I walk away with the drinks in my hand to Devesh as he watches we walk away he clenches his fist as he sees me with another man thinking to him self who is that man is that her boyfriend did she not wait for me?
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This is the dress ^. This is the fur coat ^
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obae-me · 18 days
A Taste of His Own Medicine- Simeon
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Guess who's back, back again, back with sick-fic posts again! Sorry that it's taken me a god-awful amount of time to post an update after my little teaser. Life often has a way of trying to ruin things, but I'll be damned if I don't manage to claw my way out of the depths to finish my works one inching crawl at a time! Anyways, I pray that this was worth the wait! Please, enjoy!
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Peace. These last few days, the whole of the Devildom seemed to be experiencing a lull of sorts. Curses, vengeful items, creatures from another world, monsters, mania, and overall magical mayhem felt as if they were in hibernation. Or at least giving you a wide berth. Or perhaps the brothers were repaying your sympathies, beating back problems with several well-intentioned sticks. A much needed break in your opinion. The stars shone brighter, and you had never slept deeper. It was quite like being on vacation despite you still spending most of your time holed up in the House of Lamentation. Even the brothers appeared to be quarreling less than usual. You’d even be tempted to say they were getting along. Yes…there was nothing exactly like this feeling of peace. You continued to rub the towel against the back of your head and neck as you moved down the hall, feeling nice and refreshed after a calming shower. It was rather late into the evening. Dinner was over with and everyone in the House had mostly moved into their respective rooms to get ready for the night. The last week or so had been so normal and blissful, you had completely forgotten about the several ‘events that shall-not-be-named’; a cheap title coined by the brothers to stave off embarrassment. One which you gladly accepted to avoid the risk of superstitiously summoning more incidents. There was something about fine health that you had forgotten to feel grateful for. In fact, you were quite excited to have another moment where you could just jump straight into bed, kick back, and enjoy the silence of the night.
So, with a gentle push of your door, you waltzed happily inside your room.
“Ah, there you are.”
The random sound of another voice had your muscles all jolt. You clutched at non-existent pearls (the towel would have to serve as ample replacement) as you caught your breath. A white head of hair and a small blond one. Two members of a home different than yours. Not exactly undesirable faces, but definitely unexpected ones. They both were sitting on your bed, feeling right at home as they set up a movie on your television, already in pajamas. As you raised an eyebrow, your eyes wandered down to two packed day-bags.
“I… Welcome?” There was clear confusion in your voice as you addressed them. Not to be rude or anything, but this was…your room as so many people seemed to forget. Maybe you should look into getting a plaque for your door… Plus, it wasn’t quite like these two to just show up unannounced. Solomon maybe, but Luke? Did they forget to invite you to a sleepover? A late-night tea party perhaps? The other human was hard at work getting himself settled and relaxed. On the other hand, the angel was avoiding your gaze a little, acting more fidgety than normal. “You both are here…why exactly?” you couldn’t help but ask.
At your question, the two guests looked at each other for a moment, like they were trying to determine who would answer. Both of them were stubbornly staring into each other’s souls. With a little bit of irritation, you cleared your throat, glaring at the more grown of the bunch. The sorcerer glanced back up at you and conceded. A little shrug was followed by a more slumped position as he leaned back against your pillows and started the show. To others, he would’ve come off as unbothered, but luckily you had come to know him better than that. There was a subtle frustrated tone to his voice, his limbs a bit stiff like he didn’t want to be resting, and his eyes seemed to be unfocused. There was something on his mind that was upsetting him, so his actions were attempting to overcompensate for his worries. “Let’s just say that the Hall is a little bit…overtaken at the moment.”
With a shake of your head, you sighed. One side shuffle brought you to stand in front of the screen in an attempt to get him to look at you. “That doesn’t tell me much of anything.” Begrudgingly, the movie was paused.
Then the angel spoke up. Luke stuttered at first, but then managed to find his words. A pillow was held tightly in his lap as he clutched it for comfort. “It’s Simeon! He- He’s been cursed!”
Panic seemed to flood your body. Your eyes went wide and your jaw opened just enough to prepare yourself for demanding more information. Cursed? Was it dangerous? Was he in trouble? Why were they both just sitting around when you all could be helping?! Or was it so bad that they had to escape to safety? However, before you lost yourself to stress, Solomon raised a hand. “Not a curse.” He rubbed away an itch at the end of his nose with one finger. “At least, I’m fairly positive it’s not.”
Luke didn’t appear entirely convinced. “But he’s…” Before finishing his thought, he just went silent. It was clear he was very concerned for his guardian, but didn’t know how to go about fixing it.
“In my expert opinion,” the human continued, “I believe he’s simply not feeling well.” A bitter sensation crossed over your tongue. “I noticed he was acting strangely a few days ago, but any time I tried to pry information out of him, he turned me down. And quite cleverly turned my attention elsewhere, might I add.” Familiar actions started to leave an itch in your brain. A creeping sort of dread covered your skin. But, as soon as you started to notice these details, you shook your head, flinging them off of you. Now wasn’t the time to be feeling that way. Solomon continued to explain the situation. “And then he began to…how do I put this? Become rather obsessive.” He narrowed his eyes a little and glanced downwards, looking at nothing in particular. “I didn’t think anything of it at first…” All the sudden, he sighed, his playful mask falling and turning quite somber and serious. “Simeon’s always been caring, clean, and precise, but its been as if those traits have been kicked up to exuberant levels. It started with just some extra angelic doting- you know how he is-, and then just a few hours ago, Simeon took it upon himself to start tearing the entirety of Purgatory Hall apart to deep clean it.”
Luke made a sad sort of sound, one that broke your heart. “We tried to help so it would go faster and be easier, but he wouldn’t let us.”
“Stubbornness isn’t inherently a demonic or mortal trait, it would seem,” Solomon quipped. “I tried talking him into getting some rest, but he didn’t appear to hear me. And I was…dissuaded from casting any spells.”
Two little eyebrows scrunched up in irritation. “No using magic on Simeon! He always tells us that we shouldn’t force someone into doing what they don’t want to do!” But, even as Luke exclaimed it, he couldn’t help but let a bit of shuddering doubt slip into his voice.
“Well…” The immortal man appeared a bit guilty. “I just hope he doesn’t get himself into trouble trying to potentially clean my room…”
That dug in a different sort of fear… You glanced at the both of them and sighed, glancing out the window. Simeon… If he wasn’t feeling well, why was he trying to convince everyone otherwise? Well, the reason why didn’t particularly matter. If this was…him being sick, he needed rest. The angel probably knew that deep down, but maybe it had been too long since he put his needs above anyone else’s. You’d just have to remind him that self-care wasn’t inherently selfishness. Enough of your own self-pity! You had been given enough of a break. Besides, since when did you get the chance to take care of an angel, especially one so kind and lovely at that? Yes! You were back in business! “Alright!” you exclaimed a little too loudly, almost making your guests jump. “Leave him to me!”
Solomon processed your words before he smiled. “I knew we could count on you.” Cheeky little… So that was why they were here in your room and not over at the castle which had enough rooms to house a gala. Ah well, he could be lectured later.
“Try not to destroy my own room while I’m gone…”
“No promises!"
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After a short jog- more like a speed walk- you were in front of Purgatory Hall. For some reason, you expected some sort of… cursed aura to spring from the place, but it stood as it normally did. Fingers crossed that the lack of one meant that Simeon had yet to get his hand on any of the myriad of dangerous items Solomon possessed. Hands tucked inside the pockets of your jacket, you approached the front door. Part of you wanted to immediately let yourself in, but you kept yourself restrained. Not only was knocking first good manners, but you also weren’t quite sure of the state Simeon was in. Hopefully an easier one than the brothers had been. Your knuckles drummed the door a few times. There was no answer. You attempted the doorbell next. Aside from the haunting ringing echoing inside, there was nothing… Normally, that would’ve been concerning, but if you tilted your ear near the door, you could clearly hear some ruckus inside. Sounded like the tooth-achingly familiar squeak of furniture being moved across the hardwood floors. Once more you knocked. “Hello? Simeon? Can you hear me?” The following silence spoke volumes. “I’m coming in then,” you warned, giving the angel a few more moments before opening the front door.
Stepping inside the entrance hall, you could feel floods of angelic magic filling the halls, along with the smell of several cleaning products and also…cookies? The sugary scent mingling with the chemically one made your stomach churn a bit. The sight was also rather overwhelming. When Solomon mentioned the Hall being torn apart, you thought perhaps he was being melodramatic. However, one glance from by the door suggested otherwise. Furniture was pushed from their spots and tipped over, paintings were pulled off of walls and laid out on the floor, blankets and towels and sheets and cloths and clothes were hanging to dry on wires that were strung back and forth in zig-zag patterns across the walls. No wonder Solomon and Luke absconded away.
“Simeon?” You called out again, ducking under some of the clothes as you pushed through the rest of the dorm. The sound of rather aggressive cleaning seemed to get louder as you approached the kitchen, the obnoxious noise of clanging silverware making you cringe.
The kitchen was in a rather right state. Cupboard doors thrown open, every single item pulled off the shelves, a worrisome teetering stack of dishes- that already looked clean, mind- piled in the sink. The room was much too bright, your eyes rapidly blinking as your brain mistakenly thought of sunlight. It took you longer than you’d like to admit to remember you were in the Devildom. The more you adjusted your focus, the more it became apparent that Simeon was the source of the radiance. It was hard to see him clearly, worried about the effects staring right at him would have on your vision. You walked further into the kitchen, stepping over several glistening feathers and loose parchment with scribbled works from his next project. Heat radiated out in all directions, feeling as if you were wading through a sauna.
Several times you called out to him, trying to announce your presence but not even getting a huff of acknowledgment from him. In fact, it seemed that he was completely oblivious to anything in general. The only thing he could do was flit about the room in a panicked state, his fingers raw from all the scrubbing and work he was doing. Some kind of stress response? “Simeon!” The voice that trembled its way from your throat was more frightened than you meant it to sound. But it couldn’t be helped. You had never seen Simeon quite like this before. Was it simply angelic duty intensified by a thousand? A cleanliness is next to godliness sort of deal? Or maybe he was too similar to Lucifer in the sense that he needed to fulfill some sense of obligation to feel ‘normal’. Who knew? It certainly didn’t matter in this moment. Your feet closed the distance between you two in seconds, leaping against him, arms tightening around the angel’s waist. Simeon’s body jolted as your forehead pressed against the skin of his exposed back. Much like the brothers when they had gotten sick, Simeon was much hotter than he should be. It nearly hurt you just to embrace him like this, quite like having your face much too close to an open flame. But you’d deal with it for just a little longer. “Please… Just stop for a moment.”
The hug seemed to put a screeching halt to his momentum. He’d probably been running on fumes for hours now, knowing that the moment he stopped was the moment he would collapse. Even now, his legs were shaking, his body working into overdrive just to keep himself steady. He wobbled and clutched onto one of the kitchen counters. The Celestial light in the room started to dim a little. “MC?…” Finally, he seemed to notice you. “I’m sorry…I didn’t hear you come in. S-Sit down…I’ll get you something to drink.” He attempted to shift in your grasp.
Your hold on him tightened, your fingers curling into the fabric of his warm clothes. You cleared your throat, trying to eliminate the earlier squeak in your voice. “You won’t be doing anything.” Even if you had felt like playing along, you had to wonder how he would do anything with the state the kitchen was in. It was all you could do to keep from imagining that giant pile of plates toppling down on top of him.
“I… Well, at least let me finish up in here. I don’t want to leave it like this for Solomon and Luke.”
Your eyes softened even though he wasn’t facing you. He really was out of it, wasn’t he? “They’re not here, Simeon.”
His back stiffened against you. “W-What?”
“They’re not here,” you reiterated, releasing your arms from around his sides and coming around to face him. Taking in his countenance sunk your heart. His well-kept hair was frazzled and flat, his skin dry, hands calloused. Ink and grime coated the inside of his fingernails. Typically, his eyes held a particular light in them, a small halo around his irises, but now that light was gone, dulled. “They came over to the House of Lamentation to tell me what was going on. They’re still there, worried for you…”
With that revealed to him, his face twisted into remorse. “They left? Because of me?… I didn’t mean…” A sigh left his chest as he stepped behind you, stuffing his hands into two oven mitts as he pulled a sheet of freshly baked cookies out of the oven behind you. “I’ll at least go take these to them…” Even now he was still thinking about caring for others…
“Simeon.” With his name being called, he looked over his shoulder at you. You reached out and took both his wrists in your grasp, taking the mitts off his hands. After you put them on the counter- which was positively gleaming, by the by - you found yourself acting impulsively bold. Without thinking, your touch went to his cheeks, feeling the flush beneath his skin. You gently guided his head down to lean on your shoulder. You tilted your cheek to press against his temple, your palm tenderly resting on the back of his neck. For a moment, there was silence. A comfortable, knowing silence. “I know it might be rather shocking to discover, but those two can handle themselves. At least for a little while.” You managed to chuckle, but he didn’t seem to find it amusing. Or maybe he was simply feeling too miserable to muster any mirth. “Listen…don’t you start feeling guilty over stepping back from those responsibilities for a little while. Your worth isn’t measured by your output…if that makes sense…I’m not the best at impactful speeches. You understand where I’m getting at, don’t you? And you understand that I’m dragging you to bed regardless, right?”
Two arms wrapped around you and ran up your back. “You’re right…”
Despite the situation, you managed a big grin. “Yes, I am,” you chimed. “Let’s go now.” You took one of his hands firmly in yours, leading him through the labyrinth of his own making and towards his room. Unfortunately, his domain didn’t seem to escape the chaos. So, you sat him in a chair and worked to try to get things mostly in order. You pushed the bed-frame back up against the wall, plugged the side lamp back into the socket behind the nightstand, found the bedding hung up in the hallway, and even went so far as to fluff the pillows. When you proudly turned back towards the angel with your hands on your hips, you saw that while you were busy, he had discarded his shoes, cloak, and gloves.
Simeon pushed himself out of the chair and up on his feet, his hand curling around his forehead as he staggered towards the bed. You held out your arms precautiously. He practically flopped onto the mattress, his face temporarily buried into the comfort of a crisp cold pillow. It pained you to see him like this, and you had the sinking feeling that he was expending most of his efforts to hide as much of the sickness from you as he could. A few of your fingers worked on pushing some of the hair from his face. Even his locks were rather toasty. At the very least, he took in a nice deep breath. “Is it wrong…” he started, his voice drifting into a whisper, “…that I’m happy you’re here?”
Those words left you frozen for a while. You just stared down at him, resisting the urge to just hop into bed next to him and hold him next to you. “Why would it be wrong?”
“I…remember how tired you looked.” Your eyes went a little wide at his answer. “I remember thinking at the time how unfair it must’ve been for you. But then…when I first started feeling…under the weather…” His eyes glanced up at you, his arm twitching against his sheets like he had half a mind to reach out for you. “All I could think of was how nice it would be to have you here with me…”
Your lips parted as you went to speak, but no words came out. Guilt swirled in your soul a little. Had he really kept this all hush just for your sake? If that were the case though, he would’ve told the other members of Purgatory Hall, surely. He was partially right though, with the fact that it would do no one good if you wrung yourself dry trying to help someone else. Finally, you sat by his side in bed, pulling a cooled sheet over his body and rubbing his taut shoulders. “I did seem to go a little overboard in the care-taking aspect when the brothers all turned ill, you’re right… But, you can rest assured that I won’t push myself too hard by taking care of you… After all, you wouldn’t let me do such a thing, would you?” His expression seemed to brighten, taking hold of your hand and pressing it against his own face as he shook his head. “And don’t you worry. Tomorrow I’ll be summoning Solomon and Luke back home to help put the Hall back in one piece. So for now,” you leaned forward and embraced him, nearly cradling his head against your body, “rest, and prepare to be fully cared for just as you deserve.”
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