#but it was too distracting so unfortunately it's just a normal moon
alexassanart · 2 years
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mentor, lover, maker
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bambisnc · 2 months
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sunny [ft. w.yx]
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pairing : bsf classmate!nicholas x reader genre : fluff :( cw/tw : kissing + a littol suggestive wc : 0.7kish !
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drowning under the weight of unsaid words and hidden feelings was something you'd made your peace with.
falling for your best friend, nicholas, who just so happened to be a classmate was not the best decision ever; but you have been dealing with it rather decently all these years.
so maybe it'll all work out just fine.
is what you thought, mere minutes ago.
everything was normal then, both of you were trying not to fall asleep in a particularly boring class. the harsh yet very welcome RING! of the school bell jolted you awake; and of course you wasted zero time in grabbing your bag and making your way out of the classroom.
but when has nicho ever let you leave just like that?
a "where'd you think you're goin'" and a sharp tug to the strap of your bag as you're pulled back by none either than your best friend.
he reminds you that you have cleaning duty that day with a much too gleeful expression..
..and that's how you find yourself leaning against a desk, zoning out to thoughts of him and how the afternoon sunlight streams in through the windows perfectly lighting his features aglow..
the loosened tie, the rolled up sleeves, the small smile playing on his lips as he says something.. wait he's talking to you.
"you're not exactly subtle you know?"
you find yourself unable to think of an appropriate reply, instead choosing to hide behind a simple roll of your eyes.
he lets out a laugh at that, making his way towards you, "i didn't expect you to be so careless.."
at that, you can't help but gulp because yeah it's not like you're not physically affectionate towards each other but something about this moment is.. decidedly not platonic.
nicho's hands rest on the edges of the desk, his face just a little too close for comfort. he's effectively trapping you against it; seemingly completely unaware of the effect this is having on you.
when he speaks up next, voice barely more than a whisper, you feel his lips hover just above yours, "or is it that.. you're just too distracted by someone..?"
something shifts right then. a certain obvious tension shrouds you and it's as if the two of you are the only people in the entire universe.
your hand reaches to tug on his collar, tentatively, with a considerable amount of hesitance; but the way his eyes meet yours - you swear you can see the sun, the moon, all the galaxies in those eyes - leaves you reeling.
you're not sure which of you closes the distance between your lips but you can't really bring yourself to care at all.
not when nicho's lips press against yours impatiently, eagerly. like he's been waiting for this. yearning for this, just as much as you.
especially not when your stomach is busily turning upside down like its life depends on it; all the while your best friend allows one of his hands to tangle into your hair, effectively deepening the kiss.
you'd do this forever if you could, but the unfortunate need for air causes you to push him away.
and oh the way his face looks the absolute picture of debauchery, of indulgence; what with his heavily lidded eyes, flushed face, and delicately swollen lips.
he looks like the prettiest mess ever.
you find yourself unable to deal with all the thoughts that suddenly flood your brain. this is what you've been dreaming of for ages. but nicho is your best friend. best friends do not do this.
his hand moves to gently cup the back of your neck, then; bringing you forward to capture your lips in another kiss, this one vastly differing from the previous.
tender, languid movements as if you have all the time in the world. his soft skin is hot to the touch but if it's him you wouldn't even mind burning.
you feel all your doubts slowly die down, a lingering warmth spreading in their place as you find his other hand on the desk and intertwine both your fingers.
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notes : @chiiyuuvv love youuu + ACCIDENTALLY ALMOST DELETED THIS ADN FR CRIED FOR LIKE 30 SECONDS + i lowk thought of sunwoo while writing but shhh + water related metaphors for reader n sun/fire related metaphors for nicho = symbolism loml ! + shoutout to this post and this post couldnt have done this without em + [m.list] song rec : sunny by rocco <3
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mrsshabana · 6 months
Aaah there are so many I want to see but for now could you show Mafia!Demon!Gyutaro?
I'm so glad you picked this one because it is one of my favorites too! This fic takes place in the AAO au. But if Gyutaro didn't go to college and joined the mafia with the other moons instead.
If you aren't familiar with my Against All Odds au, basically demons live among humans similarly to Tokyo Ghoul. But they don't have to eat humans, they can survive by eating any raw meat. Though some of them will still eat humans anyways.
Content: 18+ MDNI, Gyutaro x female!reader, violence, kidnapping, sexual themes
✧:・゚→ My WIP's
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𝑴𝒂𝒇𝒊𝒂!𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏!𝑮𝒚𝒖𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒐 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
The world of demons was foreign to you, but in the blink of an eye you were thrusted into this life and demons became all you knew.
The only other humans you ever interacted with were the other girls. Girls who were in the same unfortunate position as you.
You were no one special before. Just working your way through life like the rest of us. And that’s how he found you. You were the perfect candidate really. Young, attractive, and weak. He was sure you’d be profitable. Abducting you in the cover of nightfall as you walked home from work after a graveyard shift.
Your abductor, the demon with the two-toned hair, took you to the black market. Selling you to an illegal exotic dancing club. A place where humans are kept captive for the enjoyment of demons. Forced to wear lingerie and dance behind nichirin bars.
This became your new normal.
You hated everyone here. The other girls gave you a hard time because you were new, and the owner of the club didn’t help. She’s the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen, with stark white hair, two-toned just like the demon that had abducted you.
For some reason, that demon often came into your thoughts. As you sit in the back room, preparing yourself for your upcoming scheduled dance, you think back to him. His appearance was terrifying, but something about him intrigued you. You’ve been an exotic dancer for only a week, and you haven’t seen him since that first day. 
Too distracted by your lingering thoughts, you barely notice the other girls shuffling out of the room. You’ve been surviving by following what the other girls do, the girls that have been here for years. And an uncanny feeling begins to form in your gut. One that tells you that you should follow them. So you hastily finish your hair and makeup, slide on your heels, and make your way towards the door. 
And that is when you bump into him.
In your panicked state, you open the door too quickly without realizing what’s on the other side. Walking into the man’s chest, with a huff you slip on your heels. Falling right on your ass, at the feet of the only demon you recognize in this place.
Glowing eyes stare down at you with a frown. His lips downturned in an annoyed scowl. Looking down at you as if you are his prey, his frown changes into a toothy smirk, showing off his sharp teeth. 
Every nerve under your skin burns, every muscle in your body aches with the desire to run. But you find yourself frozen at his feet. Staring up at him like a helpless puppy.
“I-it’s you…” you whimper as he quirks a brow at your acknowledgment. Crouching in front of you and reaching forward to grip your cheeks with the rough pads of his fingertips. He hums as his grin widens, turning your face side to side, inspecting you.
“Oh so you remember me? How sweet,” he coos.
Quickly getting bored, he rolls his eyes and stands, “Get up,” he orders.
“R-right,” you stutter, struggling to get back on your feet. Once you are able to stand properly you bow and apologize, “I’m so sorry for my clumsiness, please forgive me sir. I-it won’t happen next time.”
He takes a step forward and brings his hand below your chin, forcing you to look up at him. He’s pleased by how you speak to him, it’s so different from how the other girls react to him.
“So eager to please, I’m glad I found you,” he chuckles before releasing you from his grasp, “and no need to be so formal, just call me Gyutaro from now on.”
You nod and he pushes you aside, “Now scram.”
After that day, you learned who Gyutaro was and why he frequented this place. This club is owned by the Kizuki, otherwise known as the most dangerous demon mafia in the world. And Gyutaro is one of their top members, along with his sister, Daki, who so happens to be the manager here.
Gyutaro comes once a week to collect the money that the dancers have generated, and once a month he’ll bring new girls if there is a need for more dancers.
Every time you’d see him, you’d politely greet him. A part of you hates him for bringing you here, but you begin looking forward to his weekly visits, even though he rarely acknowledges you.
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
You’ve been here for a few months now. Things have gotten alarmingly mundane. Your previous life becomes a distant memory as you’ve even forgotten what the warmth of the sun feels like on your skin…
Putting on your lingerie, slipping into a pair of stockings and heels before you exit your quarters. 
Daki waits for you in the backroom with a group of other girls. Something must be going on. Daki never bothers to interact with the dancers much unless she’s scolding them.
“Girls, listen up,” Daki yells in an aggravated tone, “we have some special guests tonight so be on your best behavior!”
She then begins pointing to girls out of the group, instructing them to come to her, “and… you,” she points to you, “the rest of you are off for the night.”
She picked a dozen of you from the group, “Ok girls, you’ll be having some very special customers tonight,” she smirks, “Come with me.”
You all follow her out onto the dancing stage, where nichirin bars separate you from a group of men sitting in front of the stage.
She instructs you to stand in a line. And your heart sinks at what she does next.
Pressing a button behind the stage, the bars begin to lower until there is nothing separating you from the men that sit in front of you.
And what do you know… there he is. Gyutaro sits nonchalantly with his legs spread wide, a lazy smirk on his face. He’s wearing his usual attire, ripped black jeans, black leather boots, and a black button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His birthmarks and various tattoos are visible on his exposed skin. 
The other men you don’t recognize.
Daki turns on the music and shouts, “If you're chosen, give him a lap dance. If not chosen, you're free to go back to your quarters for the night.” 
What the fuck is happening right now. As far as you know, this doesn’t happen. They never allow girls to get in such close proximity to customers for safety reasons. Having half naked women flaunted in front of blood thirsty demons is a recipe for disaster, which is why the nichirin bars have always stayed between the stage and the customers. The only time a girl is allowed to give personal dances is if the guests pay a hefty price… and even then the dancer usually never comes back.
They begin going down the line, each man pointing to a woman of his choice. And for some reason, you’re relieved when Gyutaro points to you. Feeling a heavy weight lifted from your shoulders. 
This doesn’t go unnoticed. Gyutaro’s smirk is wiped off his face when you flash him the tiniest smile as you make your way to him. You shouldn’t be happy about this. He knows you know who he is and his status within the mafia, so why are you so eager to see him?
After each man has made his selection, Daki takes the remaining girls backstage. Leaving you vulnerable at the hands of the Kizuki…
Dim lights flicker as you stand between his legs. Gyutaro’s gaze trails down your body, pupils hesitating when he reaches your breasts, and stopping when his gaze reaches your thighs.
This is quite awkward for you. Yeah, you’re used to dancing for guests but Gyutaro has never been one of your guests. He’s always just been the guy that comes to collect the money, you never viewed him as a customer. But orders are orders and in this place you know you have no choice. So you begin to dance for him.
“Stop,” Gyutaro says sternly, grabbing your wrist and pulling you forward, “Sit…”
You nod and do as you're told, taking a seat on his lap, straddling him. He rests his left hand on your thigh, and brings his other hand up to your face. Moving a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“Why so eager to see me?” words drawn out, his hooded lids stare at you with a lazy expression.
“I-I was just glad that you picked me…” you blush, feeling your body heat up.
He hums, holding your hips down as he rolls his hips upwards. A hard bulge can be felt through his jeans, rubbing directly on the wet spot shamefully forming in your panties.
“I can’t imagine why,” he growls.
You lean forward to hold onto his shoulders for support, “You-you’re the only one I recognized…”
Gyutaro can see right through you as you spit out a half truth. Trying to convince yourself that that is the only reason that you were happy to see him. That you haven’t formed some sick attraction towards him. 
“Well, I was happy to see you too,” he smirks, caressing your cheek, “so pretty, so obedient, so eager to please… so sweet to me every time I come by each week.”
His praises make the tightness in your chest worsen, you feel like you can’t breathe. Your whole body feels hot as he leans forward to kiss your neck. Nipping at your collarbone with his teeth. Your small acts of kindness and simple decency towards him have caused him to grow a liking to you. Forming foreign feelings towards something that he only viewed as food before.
Tilting your head to the side to give him better access to your neck, you look beside you. The sight makes your blood run cold.
The man beside you, a demon with platinum blonde hair and rainbow eyes, is busy ripping out the trachea of one of the dancers. Blood covers his mouth, pooling beneath him on the floor. Looking further down the line you see similar acts. 
You seem to be the only girl left alive.
Gyutaro instantly senses your panic. Feeling your pulse increase drastically under his lips as he kisses your neck. You begin to squirm in his grasp, but he keeps you seated with a firm grip. Your breathing becomes choppy and panicked, whining as tears blur your vision.
“Hey hey hey, you’re ok,” he coos and wraps his arms around your waist to pull you close, “I’m here with you, doll.” 
“P-please…” you whimper pathetically.
“Don’t you want to be a good girl for me?” Gyutaro grabs your face, forcing you to look at him, “You trust me don’t you?”
Through hiccups and sobs you respond weakly with a nod, “Y-yes.”
“Good girl,” he groans, “It’s just me and you right now… don’t worry about anything else.”
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hamiltonaf · 9 months
Hi bestie, can i request how lewis would help you when you have insomnia? Mine is really a pain in the ass this week, could use a distraction
Night Owl | Lewis Hamilton
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Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Female Reader
Word Count: 1.3K
Warnings: None
A/N: Hello loves ! Apologies for the delay in writing requests…I fell really ill over the week and was so out of writing :( but I’m back. Thanks anon for requesting, I hope you enjoy. Requests are still open .xx
Another night that I found it hard to sleep. It was like this for over a week because of stress and anxiety. I don’t even have anything to stress about, it’s just how my mind works when my brains thinks I have so much to do and I won’t complete everything I want to do in time.
It wasn’t that big of a deal to sleep at early hours of the morning all alone because I didn’t have Lewis with me so I’d wake up late. However, now that Lewis is around, I feel the need to sleep and wake up at a normal time so that we could do more things together as a couple since I hardly see him anyway.
Once in a while I’ll experience an adrenaline rush in the middle of the night and I’m so full of energy, I could literally eat a whole meal, probably even host my own fake concert and I still wouldn’t be tired till around 4 or 5am.
I joined Lewis and his family for the start of the summer break before Lewis was off on his boys trip. I was over the moon to see Lewis after a whole 2 weeks. Doesn’t seem that long but felt like a lifetime for me.
We spent the day with the family catching up and playing with Kaiden and Willow. We played countless rounds of Uno and spent most of our time out in the sun. Watching Lewis with kids and spending time with him had me thinking about him leaving on his boys trip soon - anxiety trigger because the thought of us being apart again soon.
I swear I’m not selfish… we video call everyday and I physically see him every weekend or every second weekend, but with our schedules clashing I can’t even spend time with him when I’m free because I’m working. Race weekends also fly by so quickly, before you know it, it’s already Sunday and I’m on a flight back home whilst he takes a flight to another race.
I just would’ve wanted to spend some more time with him during this summer break and it could make up for the lost time.
I didn’t even realise I was daydreaming until Lewis snapped his fingers in front of me. “We’re at the hotel… you’ve been so quiet for the past 15 minutes. Is everything okay ?” He asked softly. “Oh yeah. Uhm everything is fine… don’t worry” I faked a smile and exited the car. He followed behind me back to our room, it was quite evident to Lewis that I wasn’t my usual self. When we reached our room, he grabbed me by my hand and pulled me flush against his chest. “Are you sure you’re okay ? You seem off. Is something bothering you ?” He raised a brow.
“I’m fine really” I gave him a soft smile then pecked his cheek. Just as I was about to leave his grasp, he held me tighter. “Babe I can literally tell when you’re lying. You pull that fake smile on me when something is bother you” he pointed out. I immediately felt embarrassed. “What ? No” I scoffed and giggled. “And you do that as well” he said as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Okay well I’m not in the mood to discuss it right now, maybe later” I trailed as I pecked his lips and walked over to the bathroom. I had a shower and to my surprise, Lewis had fallen off to sleep. I on the other hand was full of energy, but might as well try to sleep.
I got into bed and cuddled up close to him. In hopes I would fall off to sleep, unfortunately I was too restless and ended up turning from side to side. I know he’s a light sleeper and I felt bad at the thought of him waking up because of me. A whole hour of trying to sleep and I gave up. I jumped out of bed and went to our lounge to watch something to pass some time. About half and hour into the movie, I got a shock when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
The movie I was watching had me in a depresso mode where I was bawling my eyes out. “Oh my- love are you okay ?” He asked concerned. “Oh my god. Babe you scared me” I screamed as I placed a hand on my heart. “Didn’t mean to scare you, if anything, you scared me… why did you leave me alone in bed ?” He pouted as he jumped over the couch to sit right next to me. “I can’t sleep” I sighed. “No worries, I can help” he smiled. “Lew it’s not one of those nights where I randomly can’t sleep, I have insomnia. It’s much harder to sleep when you’re an insomniac” I pouted and laid my head on his shoulder. “Well what’s keeping my girl up ? You didn’t tell me earlier, I wanna hear it from you now because I’m concerned” he said as he turned to look at me.
“Okay don’t take this the wrong way. My brain overthinks the smallest of things, when normally I couldn’t care. We’ll blame it on some chemical reaction on my brain, maybe lack of serotonin I think-“ he cut me off. “Babe. You’re rambling. Calm down. Deep breaths and tell me straight up how you’re feeling” he smiled as he cupped my face. “Look, you know how much I love you and it hurts me how little we see each other. My mind for some odd reason isn’t its normal self because all my mind thinks about is how little time we actually spend together …” I said embarrassed. “Look I’m all for you going on your boys trip, but I had to be honest with what’s on my mind” I gave him a soft smile.
“Aww baby you’re so cute. You want me all to yourself ?” He smirked and raised a brow. “Low-key yes, but no” I said as I then slapped my forehead in embarrassment. “I’m so sorry that sounds so dumb” I covered my whole face with my hands. “Darling, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about” he said as he pulled my hands away from my face and caressed my cheek with his thumb. “I’m just glad you’re honest with me. Sorry babe for hurting you, why didn’t you tell me sooner ?” He cooed. “I thought it was stupid and I was just being dumb” I shrugged.
“Never. Your feelings are valid, always. Consider me all yours for the rest of the summer” he smiled as he pulled me in for a short kiss. “Wait, what ? Lew no ! You can’t not go on your boys trip” I argued. “This is not a debate love” he grinned. “But Lew, you can’t not-“ “End of discussion. Let’s go” he cut me off as he stood up and carried me in his arms towards our bedroom.
“Now I definitely won’t sleep, you’re making me feel awful as if I’m holding you back which I’m really not. My mind is just racing at the thought of how quickly time is going and how we’re barely together, this has nothing to do with your mates by the way because I think they’re all amazing. My brain is just not braining these past few days” I pouted as he laid me in bed and jumped in to cuddle me closer to him.
“Babe just don’t worry about it, that’s the least of my concerns right now” he said as he nuzzled his face into my neck. “Lew !” I groaned. “You need to sleep and I’m doing my best to help put an end to your insomnia” he smiled into my neck as he snaked an arm around my waist. He placed soft kisses along my shoulders before turning me around in his grasp. “I really love you” he smiled. “I really love you too Lew Lew” I felt my cheeks flush as he pulled my face closer and connected our lips.
I felt so at ease in his embrace knowing he’s right with me after quite a while of being apart. I guess all I needed was a goodnight kiss.
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dogsayswoof · 11 months
Hounds From Hell Chapter 5
Summary: Vulnerability. That's it. That's the whole post.
Word Count: 2.2k Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Reader (Hounds from Hell Masterlist)
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
You and Wednesday now sit in an awkward position since the altercation at the Rave'n. Her confession of having no feelings for Tyler had calmed your anger but your anxiety heightened at the thought of her having no feelings for anyone, including you.
Sure, she had told you that you weren't a convenience, but that didn't mean anything. It was how she viewed all her friends.
Meanwhile, Wednesday was on the hunt to know more about what happened before the dance but you changed the subject every time she got close to mentioning it. You didn't want to talk about it. You kept that part of you hidden for a reason.
As much as she wanted to pry, she didn't. Her normal bashful and shameless tongue holding back for the sake of your privacy, straying from her natural behaviour.
A week before the championship game, you had a big chemistry test and Wednesday ensured that you were properly prepared to ace it.
She sat patiently waiting for you to enter the classroom, but you never did.
Then you didn't appear at lunch.
And, again missing in English.
She began to get annoyed, her mind unable to focus on the notes at hand when she was plagued by where you could have run off to. 
So, she took it upon herself to march into Weems' office requesting your location.
"I'm afraid I cannot share other student's personal information with you" she said politely, a small smirk present on her face.
"I'm sure you could tell me where I could find her." Wednesday said furthering her irritated state.
"Unfortunately all I can tell you is to stop wasting your time, she is not on campus."
"What? Why?" she asked needing the information more now than ever.
"Family emergency. Now get out of my office." Weems said growing tired of Wednesday's never ending questions.
She and Thing exited the office. He signed to her,
"I know you're worried, I'm sure everything is fine. We'll find her tomorrow." Wednesday tried comforting the hand.
She quickly found your friends who had laid out a blanket on the grass and were lying talking about nonsense. She threw her bag down and sat down crossing her legs.
"Pouting cause your girlfriend isn't here?" asked Ajax throwing a grape at the goth girl in jest.
"She's not my girlfriend and I'm not pouting." she huffed.
"Um yes. Yes you are." Bianca said, Divina and Yoko nodded in agreement.
"George and Benton weren't in class either" said Xavier as he laid looking at the clouds.
Wednesday's heart sank, realizing that this was bigger than taking a spontaneous trip to see your family. Thing must of pieced it together too because he signed frantically.
Her brain was working overtime trying to have some sort of idea what was going on. You had hunted just a few days ago before the Rave'n and it wasn't going to be a full moon tonight.
"Any idea where they went?" asked Ajax and Xavier shrugged.
"Weems said it was a family emergency" Wednesday said and Thing pretended to faint, "don't be so dramatic, I'm sure everything is okay," but Wednesday seemed like she was trying to convince herself more than anyone else.
That night Wednesday could barely focus on her writing. She did her best to distract herself but she needed to know where you went, especially with Benton and George.
Enid had gone to god knows where and she had hoped to capitalize, but you complicated things as usual.
Her keys clacked rapidly until it would stop abruptly. Then the sound of the typewriter resetting and the whoosh of a new piece of paper being drawn.
This went on repeat for multiple hours until she heard a crashing sound from her window.
Thing scrambled over to take a look and he signed frantically to Wednesday.
In an instant she was up from her desk and out the little door to the balcony.
There you were on your hands and knees with next to no clothes on, covered in blood that she could only assume wasn't yours, breathing desperately as if you couldn't.
You were having a panic attack maybe?
Your eyes were glowing red, your canines were fully extended, and you hadn't looked up from the bricks you were at the mercy to, gasping for air.
Wednesday took small steps towards you, her hand gently touching your shoulder.
You looked up at her in fear.
She bent down and cupped your cheek.
Your breathing began to calm and your eyes began to dim as you recognized the familiar girl.
She took advantage of this, pulling you gently to your feet and inside her room.
She brought you to the bathroom, still not a word exchanged between you.
Turning on the water, she ushered you into the small shower.
You fell to your knees, boxers and a sport bra still on as the water fell.
Your eyes looked broken, refusing to look her in the eyes, and as the blood began to run away from your skin turning the water red. 
She saw the damage that was hidden before.
A dark purple bruise stained your cheek. Faint hand marks remained around your neck. Your body littered in small cuts and other bruises.
Her heart ached at your pain. A feat that may of brought her joy in any other scenario.
She was not used to feeling this. The feeling of gentleness and wanting to care for somebody else. She was not used to love of this sort.
"Look at me" she said softly and you did without hesitation. Your eyes still a faint red and they would stay that way until death ran its course through your system.
"Come with me" she continued,
You stood up, turning the water off. She handed you a black towel and you dried your body the best you could without wincing. You refused to show her anymore of your pain. You were not her burden.
As you exited her bathroom, you saw one of your hoodies and a pair of your sweatpants folded neatly on her dresser.
"Where did you get those?" you asked, your voice raspy.
"I had Thing get them" she said as if it was common knowledge.
You grabbed them, your movements slow. Wednesday turned around as you did the same. Stripping from the wet garments and pulling on your sweatpants, you hesitated putting on the hoodie.
"Turn around" you whispered and she did.
That's when she noticed the mark freshly burned into your back. In the hope that it wasn't too much, she stepped closer to you and reached out. Her fingers featherlight as she brushed the mark.
Your back muscles flexed and you flinched.
She retracted her hand and you pulled the hoodie on turning around to face her. She could see you were on the edge of breaking down and in a moment of rare weakness, she reached for your hand pulling you to her bed.
You sat down and she stood in front of you. She was so close and it was intoxicating for you. Your eyes met hers and you could see her fondness for you.
"Show me what happened." she said gently and you nodded.
She pressed a hand to your chest and she was taken over by the vision. Your hands wrapping around her to keep her from falling back.
Benton, George, and you were driving to the mansion. You owed Hades a hunt. It was simple. You've hunted for years, one extra hunt this year would have been fine.
You entered the mansion. So far so good. Your father was the only other person there. He looked mad. Annoyed. Use any synonym in the book. It wasn't unusual for him to convey this emotion. He was usually only happy during the ceremonious hunts. Not the impromptu ones for a "dumb highschool dance."
"You better deliver." he growled before taking his drink and his anger somewhere else. 
As you stood awaiting Hades arrival, a demon arrived instead. He held a tray containing a piece of paper. You picked it up and read it, passing it to George and Benton.
It contained nothing but an address and a number. You understood what was being asked of you.
"Let's go" you said gruffly,
Exiting the building the three of you shifted. An auburn wolf, a black wolf, and a white wolf sprinting through the woods towards their target.
You weren't prepared for what it was when you got there.
As the three of you laid in the shadows you took in the sight before you. There was a bonfire, with tens of kids running around. There was a small building nearby and you could hear the laughter.
"An orphanage?" the black wolf said towards you,
You didn't say a word, continuing to observe the scene before you.
"Hades demanded it" you said almost defeated, "You know the punishment Benton"
The three of you leapt from the shadows, like something out of a nightmare.
It was pure carnage and destruction. Life after life taken. Adults, kids, babies. Each kill taking a shred of your humanity.
The three of you slaughtered each and every last orphan there, ripping apart their bodies for the sake of a master. How sick.
When the last one was dead you stood there your fur wet with blood, the shadows of their deaths sought for you as if you were magnetic.
The white wolf, Wednesday could only assume was George, began herding the souls his white fur stained red at the paws and his mouth.
A portal opened and he made sure he rounded each and every last one of them up.
Benton's wolf was ripping apart the corpses, their blood seeping into the ground illuminating slightly as the underworld took it gratefully.
And you walked around consuming the black particles of their death.
Wednesday felt herself be pulled further in time.
This time you were standing before the mansion still in wolf form. Your father and Hades stood at the top of the entranceway. They walked out slowly and Hades snapped causing another demon this time with a branding iron.
"You three have made me so proud, proving your loyalty time after time." he said walking until he stood before you all, "For that, I believe you have earned this."
He snapped again and the demon handed him the iron. He walked to Benton, branding the back of his shoulder. Then to George, repeating the same action. Then to you.
All three of you had let out painful yelps and you could hear George's small whines. 
Hades looked down at your wolf form and rubbed the top of your head.
"You're a good hound. All of you are."
He headed back inside the house but your father stayed. The three of you shifted back, on your knees in the dirt.
"Go inside boys. I need to talk to my daughter." he said puffing a cloud of smoke from his cigar.
They listened going to their rooms to find their clothes. Your father flicked his cigar before coming before you and punching you hard.
"Your brothers didn't yelp like a little bitch when they were given Hades mark" he growled
You said nothing and continued to stay on your knees.
"It's a mark of praise, you stupid girl" he said hitting you again, then again, and again, before grabbing you by the neck.
"You ever embarrass our family like that again, I will kill you." he said his eyes glowing red.
You did nothing but give a nod, as best as you could with his hands around your neck.
He threw you to the ground and went inside grumbling to himself.
Wednesday shot back to reality, seeing that you were holding her carefully waiting for her reaction. She took a few steps back and you felt pain sink into your chest, your arms falling to your side.
She hated you and what you had done. Your 'friendship' with Wednesday was surely over.
Then she threw herself into your body. Her arms wrapped around your neck pulling you close to her and your tears fell.
You wrapped your arms around her, pulling her equally as close. Your head rested on her chest and you could hear her heartbeat, grounding yourself as best as you could.
"I'm so sorry" she murmured into the top of your head.
You squeezed your eyes tighter and buried yourself further. 
She held you for what felt like hours, but was really just a few minutes.
When she felt you pull away and look up at her. She loosened her grip, her hands coming around to rest half on your neck, half on your jaw.
"I should probably head to my dorm" you said and glanced at her clock,
1:34 am. Shit.
"Stay" she whispered and you looked back up at her onyx eyes.
"Okay" you whispered back.
She leaned in and kissed you with the tenderness you had never expected she would have the capacity for.
Her lips were warm and soft. Pleasant against yours as you kissed her back.
Your hand embraced her welcomingly and she traced your jaw with her fingers.
She climbed up and straddled you lap, allowing a certain vulnerability between the two of you.
The kiss never escalated to anything more, it was pure and you knew this was her way of telling you that you'd be okay. And that she had feelings for you. 
She would never be this unguarded with anyone else but you made her feel okay to be that way. You had a key to her locked black heart.
You pulled away watching her eyes flutter open, her lips kiss swollen and chapped. And by god, she was the most beautiful woman you'd ever seen.
You pressed another delicate kiss to her lips, watching her eyes flutter close and open again reacting to your touch.
"Come to bed" you said quietly and she did nothing to object.
She got off your lap and you scooted back, lying down.
As you laid next to each other, you made sure to give her space. She appreciated that, as she would rather not be suffocated in her sleep. Though as you began to close your eyes to succumb to sleep, she reached out finding your hand and intertwining your fingers.
All you could do was smile.
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howaboutcastiel · 2 years
I Can't Help Myself (Marc Spector, Steven Grant)
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Summary: Jake accidentally touches a cursed artifact while on a mission. The consequences span a couple of days, leaving you and all of the moon boys in a pretty interesting dilemma. (Part 2, featuring Marc and Steven) Read Part 1. Epilogue.
Word Count: 6.4k
Content: Sex pollen. SMUT. Like honestly filthy, kinky, unapologetic smut. Manhandling, bondage, riding, PIV, vibrators, anal plugs, dub-con kinda (per the nature of sex pollen). THANKS FOR 800 FOLLOWERS!!! Consider this a token of my appreciation  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
You only had to get through the next twelve hours. 
That shouldn’t be so hard, right? You were halfway there already and now you had a solid grasp on your predicament, or more accurately Jake’s predicament. 
You woke up to the sound of your alarm and were relieved to find that your boyfriend was still fast asleep, having found his way underneath the covers sometime during the night. You tried not to wake him as you snuck out of bed. 
Heading to the kitchen, you had your heart set on an omelet with spinach and cheese and whatever other fresh vegetables you could find in the fridge. Last night had given you quite a workout and you were ravenous. You opted to make a second one for Jake, but you made sure to pull the oat milk to the front of the refrigerator in case Steven was the one who woke up instead. 
Halfway through making the second omelet, you heard stirring in the other room. A tiny rumble set off in your chest as you had hoped Jake would be able to sleep through more of the day, avoiding his problem for just a little while longer. He seemed relaxed enough, though, as he stumbled into the kitchen lazily. He was wearing his boxers. 
“Morning, baby,” Marc grumbled to you. The recognition of his voice sent fire down your spine. How could you explain this to him? Had he noticed anything yet? “Whatcha cooking?” 
“Omelets.” You hummed in response. He seemed to be alright for now and, thankfully, his body wasn’t showing the same unfortunate symptoms that it had the night before. In plain terms, you were thankful that he didn’t have a boner yet. 
“Smells great. I don’t know about you, but I’m starving. Jake must have worked hard yesterday, because I feel like I could eat a horse.”
“Yeah, about that…” how could you even begin to explain his predicament? Should you wait until he noticed something himself? Would he even notice, or would he be blissfully ignorant like Jake had been, too driven by lust to even think straight? 
“Oh! I forgot to tell you,” he interrupted your internal wrestling, “Jake has a new agreement with Steven, apparently, and he kinda roped me into it. He said he’ll stop eating red meat if Steven would stop trying to make us go vegan. He even said he would try to stay Kosher, but only if I didn’t get to eat burgers anymore. He said he didn’t want to be the only one making sacrifices.”
“Um… okay.” Marc was giddy. Distracted. You couldn’t tell if it was from just waking up, or if the brain-fog of the curse was weighing on him. “I’ll try to make sure you stick to it, then. Beef is bad for your cholesterol, anyway.” 
“I just thought about it because I’m so hungry,” he explained. “I guess it was a random thought, though. There’s no red meat in omelets, usually. Except ham, but I don’t eat that anyway.”
He was rambling. Not only that, he was happily rambling. Mindlessly. This wasn’t normal for Marc, especially not at the crack of dawn. No one in that body was remotely a morning person. You decided not to mention anything to him yet, only because you like to see him so carefree. Marc was never carefree. 
“Here,” you handed him the already-cooked omelet as you finished cooking the second one. “Go ahead and eat. I don’t want it to get cold.”
He scarfed down the food in no more than three bites, giving you barely enough time to even plate up your own serving. You scoffed as you turned to see his empty plate, his apologetic puppy-dog eyes meeting your own. 
“You said to go ahead.” He pointed out. You couldn’t exactly argue with that. You started on your omelet, much more slowly than he had. 
“Did you sleep well?” You asked through a mouthful of food. Marc grinned at you and nodded slightly. 
“I had really interesting dreams.” He had a cheeky look on his face, which sent a little bit of nausea to your gut. “There was a beautiful girl in them and I was sad to leave her when I had to wake up. Good thing she didn’t go far.” 
So the pollen infiltrated even their dreams. It must have even more of an effect on their brain than you had thought before with Jake. Even now, it was evident that Marc wasn’t all himself. He was unfocused and unstressed and optimistic and all of the things he normally wasn’t. But at least he wasn’t all over you right now. Not yet. 
“So what’s your plan for today?” You hoped you could get him to do the talking while you finished your breakfast. He stood to pour himself a cup of juice as he spoke. 
“Well, I don’t really know. I thought that Khonshu might have something for me to do, but he’s oddly quiet. I hope that he’s finally come around to the idea of giving me some time off. It gets pretty annoying having to listen to the orders of an old, dead bird. Plus, he doesn’t just say what he wants me to do. He yells it most of the time.”
He continued to babble as you scarfed down your food, only pausing periodically to take sips of his juice or to catch his breath. You had finished your plate by the time he was off the topic of Khonshu, at which point it was evident to you that he had no obligations for the day. 
“I think I’m gonna watch the morning news. I haven’t really done that in a while, you know? Maybe it’ll say something really important. Or maybe it’ll tell us it’s national cupcake day or something.” 
You followed him to the study, where he plopped down dramatically on the couch. As he spread his legs across the cushions, you could see his dick twitch underneath his boxers. The nausea grew a bit in your stomach. 
“Come sit down, babe.” He urged. You obliged without saying a word. As soon as your back hit the cushions, he wrapped you securely in his arms, nuzzling his face into your neck from the side. 
“Marc, there’s something I gotta tell you.” You began. He hummed to indicate he was listening before softly latching his mouth onto your shoulder, his hands beginning to move around your arms and back exploratively. You had to bite the bullet. “Something happened on the mission last night. Your body was… cursed.”
His lips stilled against your skin and his hands slowed. 
“Yes. I didn’t mention it before because I didn’t want to ruin your good mood, but Jake and I noticed it last night. There was an artifact that he touched and it was enchanted, we think. The curse is supposed to only last a day, but we’re only halfway there right now.” 
“What kind of curse?” He was only half-listening to you. You craned your neck to look in his eyes and you could tell that his pupils were dilated. Peering down, you didn’t even have to see the tent forming in his briefs to confirm that he was getting worked up. You sighed frustratedly. 
“Have you ever heard of sex pollen?” You asked him. He shook his head and hummed in denial. You were beginning to feel hot. “It’s kind of like… well—I don’t know how to say it exactly. It’s like you can’t control yourself. Like you’re permanently turned on and you can’t really think about anything else.”
Marc groaned lightly, and you could tell he was only pretending to take you seriously. He was obviously distracted by other thoughts. You took his head in your hands, jerking upward. 
“I’m serious, Marc. We need to talk about this. Last night was really worrying. Look—” You pulled down the neck of your shirt, revealing the various bruises that Jake had left the night before. “You’ve got to try to control yourself. This is dangerous.”
“Jake did that to you?” His face scrunched in concern. For a moment, he seemed more like himself. Guilty. Ashamed. 
“He didn’t mean to. That’s my point! We have to be really careful about this. You could hurt yourself. You could hurt me.”
A look of determination grew in his lidded eyes. 
“I won’t hurt you, I promise.” He was decisive. “I won’t even touch you if that’s what you want.”
A bit of guilt ran through your chest and up your neck. It was ice cold and hot all at once and it mimicked the nausea from before. 
“No, that’s okay. I don’t want you to have to handle this by yourself. I trust you, and if I don’t think you can control yourself, I’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.”
With that, Marc resumed using his mouth to worship your neck and chest. He made sure to restrain his strength as he began to grind up into you. The gentle touch sent waves of heat between your legs. 
“That’s it, baby. Let me help you out. Just show me what you need.” You felt somewhat like you were guiding a teenager through sex. Someone crazy hormonal, desperate, and not sure how to balance his pleasure with yours. He would need your direction if he didn’t want to hurt you, or even himself for that matter. If you truly had another twelve hours of this, he would need all the help he could get. 
“More.” He murmured into your skin. Marc was grinding up against you desperately, now painfully hard. You pushed your hips down into him, which caused him to throw his head back and squeeze his eyes shut. He was panting quietly. 
“More specific, babe. Tell me what you want.” You cupped his face again in your hand, pulling his lips up to yours. With his tongue in your mouth and his back pressed against you, you could feel the wetness beginning to pool in your panties, your heartbeat in your ears. 
He moaned into your mouth as he sucked on your tongue, trying to somehow hold you closer to him. Marc’s whimpers we’re high pitched. Needy. Pitiful. Beautiful. He pulled away, gasping quietly for air. 
“Just… help me. Please.” He did the best that he could. You knew Marc’s brain wasn’t capable of many more words than that right now. He whined as you stood up off of him. 
“Come with me.” You beckoned him over to the desk. Marc stared in confusion, but followed you to the corner of the room without so much as a complaint. You patted the chair to indicate he should sit down. He begrudgingly did. “I think this will work better if I’m the one using my strength.”
“I don’t understand.” He stated. His eyes glowed wider as you brought your legs over his, situating yourself in his lap. You wiggled your hips. 
“This way, you don’t have to worry too much about hurting me.” You explained, and brought your hands to the sides of his face. He used his own to cup underneath your arms, a feeble attempt to feel in-control underneath you. “Is that okay?”
“Whatever works,” he mumbled, “Just get on with it.” 
You tried not to take his rude impatience personally. Even though you knew he was cursed, part of you felt a bit like used goods. If you weren’t the one helping him out, he would find the next-closest willing participant to ride out his magical dilemma with. You tried to imagine that he simply loved you so much that you drove him mad with lust. To be fair, it wasn’t too far from the truth normally. 
His cock was completely hard as you pulled it from under the fabric, leaking precum and dawning an angry red color that bordered on purple. You pushed your panties aside to brush the head against your slick, your legs trembling as they tried to hold your weight. Marc sucked a breath through his teeth. 
“You’re so good to me.” He cooed as you lined yourself up. His eyes displayed the genuineness of the words. As lust-filled as he was, Marc was also brimming with adoration and appreciation for you. “The best thing that ever happened to me.”
“I think you’re a little drunk on that curse, baby,” You laughed. He smiled and shook his head a bit, pausing when you lowered yourself an inch or so onto his cock. “You’re just saying that.”
“No, I’m not.” His grip tightened on your back and his eyes fluttered closed. You sunk down another inch and he whimpered gruffly. “You’re everything to me.”
“Okay, don’t get too lovey dovey.” Tears welled in your eyes at his sweet nothings. Marc was normally not the best at showing his gratitude through words. It felt almost unfair to hear them from him now. 
His lips returned to yours as you bottomed out. He explored your mouth lazily with his tongue, hungrily pressing his chest into you further. You rolled your hips sloppily, drawing a whimper from him. The tip of his dick hit your cervix when you leaned into him. 
“Fucking Christ.” You moaned. He seemed equally satisfied with the movement. You began to roll your hips at a slow, steady pace, lifting yourself off irregularly as you tried to find a rhythm you could maintain. 
You were definitely sore from yesterday, but that didn’t stop you from chasing the pleasure that shot through your core as you bounced up and down. If you were this desperate for pleasure, even considering the pain in your joints and the sensitivity of your cunt, then Marc must be unfathomably needy. 
With you controlling the pace, Marc’s pleasure was growing a little slower than he would like it to be. He began to relay his frustration through little whines and grunts and mumbling phrases of discontent. He stared into your eyes with a yearning look, trying to plead with you in as many ways as his body would allow. 
“Baby, faster,” he groaned, tears starting to form in his eyes. He tried to buck his hips and you were grateful that he had only limited leverage to fuck into you with—you didn’t want to turn out even more sore. A high pitched whimper left his throat when you obliged his request. 
“Better?” Your breath was becoming labored as you had to use so much of your body strength to fuck yourself on his cock. He nodded. Marc’s eyes fluttered shut again and a single tear crept down across his cheek. You brought your hand up to his face, swiping the tear away with your thumb. 
His mouth fell open subconsciously as you grazed his face. You brought your thumb down to his lower lip, swiping delicately over the glistening, swollen pink skin and he poked his tongue out just enough to touch the tip of the digit. You pressed in a bit more, welcoming the warm feeling. His mouth closed around it. 
Marc sucked your finger hungrily. The move caught you off guard, but you could feel it making you wetter even with his cock buried deep inside of you. Tightness enveloped your chest, a sharp feeling that only fueled your high. You pulled away your finger and his mouth fell open with disappointment. 
“You want to suck on my fingers?” You hummed. Marc nodded furiously, his eyes unable to flutter open and still trickling tears. A quiet sob broke in his mouth. 
“Please,” he cried wantonly. When you didn’t move, he tugged at the skin of your back, grinding into you. “I need more.”
“Okay, baby.” You obliged. He reopened his mouth drunkenly, laying his tongue on his bottom lip to invite you. You rested the pads of your index and middle fingers there and you clenched around his dick as he closed his mouth, his lips beautifully wrapped around the knuckles of your manicured hand. 
You watched as salty tears continued to fall from his eyes. What a glorious sight. By this time, you were losing stamina in your pace, but Marc’s feverish bucking of his hips made up for your loss of strength. His hand crept up to the back of your neck as the other one cupped your ass for leverage. Before long, it was him that was almost entirely fucking you, not the other way around. 
He didn’t have to warn you that he was close. Your pleasure was growing faster than his, miraculously, and your orgasm ripped through you as he began to show signs that he was close to his own. You tensed around him, muscles spasming and clenching out of your control as the ecstatic current shot up your chest. Barely in time, you lifted yourself off of him right before he began to coat your thighs and stomach in hot strings of cum. 
For a moment, he looked too fucked-out to move much. That was a relief. You took the reprieve as an opportunity to walk to the bathroom, grabbing a wet cloth for yourself and another for Marc. You began to tidy yourself as you watched him in the corner of your eye struggle for composure. 
Reprieve, unfortunately, didn’t last long. 
You had vastly underestimated his ability to regain his stamina. As you approached him to offer the washcloth and perhaps a comforting touch, you felt the ground come away from your feet. Marc tackled you in one clean motion, pinning your arms above your head and forcing your lips open with his tongue. Steven’s books and stationary flew off of the desk. With a crashing sound, his cup of pens and pencils scattered on the floor and Marc shifted your weight underneath him so that your back was flat against the desk. 
“Get off!” You tried to shout into his mouth, but your words were obviously muffled against his tongue. Regretfully, you braced your full weight against the desk, lifting your knee as hard as you could into his lower chest. He lost his grip on you and stumbled back, the breath violently stolen from him. “What the fuck?”
You weren’t mad. Scared, maybe a bit, but more concerned than anything. His eyes were as wide as you’d ever seen them, maybe more. He clenched his fists. 
“I’m sorry,” he winced. He backed away another foot. “I don’t know how to stop.” 
“I know, baby,” You pulled yourself off of the desk, holding your upper arms defensively and squeezing your legs together. “This is what I was talking about. The curse is pretty powerful.” 
“I don’t know how to stop.” He repeated more desperately. His dick was hard. Still, somehow. Marc’s chest and face were bright red and he looked terrified. “Tell me what to do.”
“I’m not sure,” you explained, “This is what I was afraid of. I can’t keep doing this, though. I’m exhausted.”
“Is it gonna stop?” 
“Eventually, but you’ve got to ride it out until then.” 
“Literally, I guess.” He scoffed. It was a pitiful, sarcastic and miserable comment, but it gave you an idea. Marc was still clenching his fists and you could see that he was using all his willpower not to tackle you. 
“Honey… don’t get mad at me.” You blurted as you scrambled to the closet. Marc’s face contorted and another whimper left his mouth. It was a very different kind of whimper than the others. 
“I can tell that it’s taking all your strength to control yourself and, no offense, but I don’t think you can keep that up for long.” You rummaged through the shoebox in the top of your wardrobe. He swallowed thickly. 
“So what do you suggest?”
“I think you have to be restrained.” Marc’s face dropped at the words and his chest shuddered. He didn’t refuse, though. “You’re gonna hurt yourself otherwise. Or me. Or both of us.”
You motioned to the bed and pulled your hands out of the box, a thick length of rope in one and a thinner, longer strand in the other. Marc may not have his god-given avatar strength without the suit,  but he was still incredibly built. He would need a lot of restraint to hold him reliably. 
“You’re probably right.” He sauntered to the bed defeatedly. Marc sat on the edge, holding his hands out in front of him, wrists together. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“For the record, I’m sorry I have to do this.” You started by wrapping the thin rope around his wrists, making sure the knot was doubly secure as you began winding the length along his forearms. 
“Don’t be,” he tutted, “I’d normally be stoked about it, to be fair. And I’m glad you're helping me.”
Though he had pulled his boxers back over his waist, they were doing little else than feigning modesty. His dick was plainly outlined underneath the cotton, rock-hard and leaking pre-cum in a small spot under the band. It twitched with every other pass of the rope over his arms. 
“Should I secure you to the bed?” You pondered out loud how best to ensure that he wouldn’t break free. He didn’t have much to offer with his brain jumbled and horny and still. “I’m gonna have to bind your arms to your chest, baby. Otherwise, I think you might wank yourself raw.”
“Whatever you have to do.” He said vacantly. Marc wasn’t really processing what was going on, his mind deep in his thoughts as he watched you wind the rope up across his elbows and halfway to his shoulders. You passed the length across his chest and over his neck, ensuring it wouldn’t slip down toward his wrists. You secured the thin, coarse bindings in a hexagonal pattern and then reached for the other rope. 
“Try to flex for me. I wanna see your range of movement.” Your voice was soft, almost nurturing. Surprisingly, Marc didn’t seem too upset with his predicament. His face was flushed and his eyes lingered on your hands as they nimbly fondled the rope. Again, he swallowed hard. You were satisfied by how little the rope shifted as he raised and tensed his arms. 
You used the thicker strand to secure his arms tightly against his chest. The rope passed over his stomach and around his arms, aligning in the shape of a Magen David across his back. You tugged on it testingly and he let out a gasp. 
“You can pull it tighter,” he breathed, “I mean, if it would make you feel safer.”
“I feel perfectly safe. Do you want it tighter?” He blushed and lowered his head. There wasn’t much room in that cursed, foggy brain for him to feel ashamed or embarrassed, but Marc could always find a way somehow, couldn’t he? You felt a laugh bubble in your chest. “It’s okay if you do. Is that what you want?”
“Yes, please.” He murmured, eyes still below your face. He groaned as you pulled the remaining give from the rope, forcing his shoulder blades together a bit. You finished the final knot and helped him onto his back and he made a careful attempt to temper his breath and relax his body. His dick was still painfully hard and he was panting. 
You stood away from the bed, admiring your work. The bondage seemed secure enough—if not to hold him down completely, at least to keep him from tackling you again. As you pondered what exactly to do next, his meek voice scrambled your thoughts. 
“Honey,” Marc murmured in almost whisper, “What now?”
“Well, what do you think?” You offered. After all, the least you could do was account for his opinion, considering he was at your mercy now. 
“I can’t—” He whimpered. “You can’t just leave me like this. I need some kind of relief.”
“It doesn’t work like that, baby. You’re not really gonna feel relieved until the curse wears off.”
“But I need something. Anything, please. I can’t hurt you like this, right? It’ll be fine, just give me something.”
“I don’t think I should,” you explained, sitting in the chair next to the bed and pulling one of Steven’s books from the shelf. “You’re gonna be wanting that for the next twelve hours, babe. If I obliged, I’m more worried that you would be the one hurt. Your body can’t handle all that.”
He whimpered, but resigned himself to your logic. Slacking his muscles, Marc tried to relax on the bed as you opened the book and started reading. The television was still droning on the news behind you, barely within his line of sight or range of hearing. He tried to focus on it to distract himself. 
You were relieved to find that it was somewhat working. Marc looked focused enough on the telly, his eyes following the screen intently as he craned his neck to see it properly. For about a half-hour, the both of you got to rest. At least, it seemed that way. Once you were a few chapters into your book, though, you heard shuffling coming from the bed. You peered over the pages to see him tugging at his bindings, a scared and confused look on his face. He whimpered as he locked eyes with you. 
Oh, fuck. 
“Steven?” He looked mortified. You dropped your book and stood from your chair, over by his side in an instant. “It’s okay, don’t freak out. You’re okay.” 
“He was—Marc was in distress. I could feel it, so I came to the front to give him a bit of help. I don’t understand what’s happening.”
You explained to him his predicament as he listened intently, the look of fear only growing on his face. A red flush migrated across his cheeks and further as you outlined exactly why you couldn’t release him from his binding. Just like Marc before him, he twitched in his boxers each time he tensed or tugged on the rope. He looked even more pitiful than the other two had. 
“I’m sorry,” You provided, “it’s just best this way. You can’t hurt me and you can’t hurt yourself. You’ve just got to wait it out for a few more hours.”
He nodded, trying his best to accept your reasoning. His body screamed something contrary, though, and it was hard to even listen to the logic, let alone comprehend it and fight to align himself with it. 
There was nothing you could do but watch, for a while. Steven tried his damnedest to relax and distract himself, as you’d instructed him to do, but he just couldn’t comply. He squeezed his thighs together, desperate for friction, and you followed the beads of sweat that formed and fell around his collarbone, along his temples and down the back of his neck. His curls began to stick to his face as he rutted fruitlessly, all the while whimpering and hissing and choking on air when he stretched his muscles beyond their reach underneath the rope. 
You finally caved when his silent tears evolved into broken sobs. 
“Darling, please,” he cried, arching his back and curling his toes, “you can’t just leave me like this.”
You tried to explain that twelve straight hours of stimulation would ruin his body, but he was having none of it. 
“It doesn’t have to be all that. I just need something now. I’m losing my mind here. Please. Just—please. Anything. Anything.”
You thought for a split second about giving a hand job, too tired for anything else. A devilish thought pricked in your mind, though, and it made more sense the more you thought about it. You gave him a reassuring look and he responded with subtle relief and much less-subtle pleading. 
“Okay, baby, I’ll give you something. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.” You travelled back to the closet and once again rummaged through the shoebox for that object that you desired. Steven’s eyes widened as you pulled out a small bottle of lube and tossed it his way, followed by a black, remote-controlled vibrating plug. 
“What are you doing?” He mumbled worriedly. 
“Helping,” you explained, “I don’t have the stamina for what you need, and this thing has hours of battery life in it.”
He swallowed hard as you approached the bed again. Steven subconsciously clenched all the muscles in his body and his neck and chest blossomed red with some emotion between longing and shame. He couldn’t hide his excitement for it, though he knew the long and intense ride he was in for. 
“You know the drill, baby. I need you to relax.”
You pulled his boxers down slowly, careful not to touch his rock-hard length as it sprung free from the fabric containing it. Your logic was sound and anatomically-based. Prostate orgasms, even multiple ones in a row, were much less of a drain on the body than ejaculatory ones, and you wouldn’t have to worry about him trying to hurt himself to chase any more stimulation. It made perfect sense in your head. 
Coating your index and middle finger in the lube, you continued to murmur much-needed praises and reassurances into Steven’s ear as you pushed his legs apart and circled his rim with your hand. 
“Everything is fine, baby. I’m going to make you feel good. You don’t need to worry, you just have to relax for me for a bit first. You can do that, right? You’re always so good for me.”
You slipped one finger in first, drawing a deep and rigid moan from him. As you curled the digit inside of him, Steven rocked backward onto your hand and you watched another bead of sweat fall down his neck. His skin was glistening with desperation and his face was flushed pink and abused by your lips from earlier and yesterday. He looked ravishing, of course. 
Another finger pushed in beside the first, curling and pulling and pushing and twisting until he became used to the movement and was able to relax into it. Steven’s breath was labored and he refused to open his eyes. He bit his lower lip and clenched his fists in an effort to ground himself. You pulled your hand away and he yelped frustratedly. 
“I know, baby, don’t worry.” He hissed as you pressed the head of the plug against his entrance, slick with lube and not quite warm enough from your hand. You pushed it in slowly and he struggled to take it at first, moaning as the widest part of the bulb stretched him open. Once it was in all of the way and the flat bottom of the plug rested against his skin, you placed the pads of your fingers on the toy. 
“Tell me where it feels best.” You instructed as you began to shift the toy back and forth, feeling for the spot that would give him so much glorious pleasure. He cried out as you pushed at the bottom of the plug. 
“There,” he sobbed, his breath hitched, “Right there. Please.”
“Okay, baby,” You stepped back from the bed. He was a sight to behold, for sure, and he was needy and desperate and vocal and embarrassed and all of the prettiest things he could be. You fumbled with the remote for the plug, finding the on switch with your thumb. 
Steven grumbled a low sob, whimpering and pained and ecstatic and greedy all at once. His cock jolted helplessly and he tried to grind back farther into the toy. The rope scratched against his skin, pressing into his biceps and rubbing a red line at the base of his throat. 
“Does that feel good?” He nodded frantically. Satisfied, you turned the vibrator up to the second-lowest setting. Pre-cum trickled from his tip. 
“Thank you,” he breathed, “F—feels, ahh… Christ.” 
You returned to your book, though you were admittedly too distracted to focus on it. Steven’s little whimpers and groans and sobs and delirious murmurs made it hard for you to concentrate. Despite how entirely fucked out you were, some of the filthy noises shot straight to your core. 
A pang in your chest drew your eyes from the book as he made a particularly feral sound. Glancing up, you could tell that he was close to his first orgasm. Steven’s back arched and his toes curled and he shut his eyes tight as pleasure ripped through his body. He began to writhe as he rode out the high and the stimulation failed to slow. 
You almost felt bad for him, until you saw the absolutely drunken look of satisfaction on his face. He continued to rock backward into the toy, even pulling at his restraints in an attempt to reach his hand to his needy cock. Steven was hardly able to catch a proper breath, but when he did, he immediately used it to appeal to you again. 
“Darling,” he gasped, “higher.”
“I’m sorry?” 
“The toy. Please. Turn it up.”
You obliged, setting the vibrator to the next-highest setting. His moans grew more frequent and more desperate and he was covered in sweat as tears streamed from his eyes. He continued to try and reach for his cock, to no avail. After a few more moments, a second orgasm befell him and his face contorted into sobs as he continued to cry. 
“Can you—” He couldn’t choke out the words. He sniffled and swallowed another sob as the stimulation made his body jolt. “Can you come here?”
“Baby, I already told you—”
“I know, I know! But you helped the other two out, right? I just—just need you to touch me. Hold me. God, please. Love, please come here. Please.”
He mumbled and sobbed hopelessly, his chest rocking and his legs shaking and his breath catching. The look in his eyes was pitiful and lustful and loving and yearning and of course you couldn’t say no to him. 
“You want me to hold you?” You asked, just for clarification. 
“Yes.” With his confirmation, you got to your feet once again. You even tugged your shirt off for him to reveal your bare chest, though you left your panties on. He eyed you pleadingly as you stood at the bed. 
You curled your fingers underneath the rope across his chest, pulling him foreword and snaking your hand to his back for further support. Helping him into a kneeling position, you rubbed circles into his shoulders and subtly adjusted the parts of his bindings that were chafing his skin. He breathed a relieved sigh as you tucked your legs around him from behind, pressing your chest into his back and nestling your chin into his neck. He leaned into the touch as much as he could and you wrapped your arms around his front. 
“Is this better?” You hummed into his skin and he nodded, breathing out a jumbled affirmation. You pressed kisses into his neck. 
“Kiss me.” Of course, you were happy to comply with his request. His lips were wet with tears and sweat and they moved feverishly against yours. Steven kissed you so desperately that it brought a deep pressure to your chest—the kind that made you feel safe and important and understood. His mouth moved sweetly and gently, but passionately against yours. You had to force him to pull away for breath and he smiled loftily. 
His brows furrowed and his body stilled as he reached his peak again. Surely, he had to be getting tired. If nothing else, his brain was obviously exhausted and he had lost his ability to form words for the most part by now. Even still, Steven’s noises of pleasure were an adequate form of communication, and you could tell from the grinding of his body back against yours that he still needed more. 
Begrudgingly, you grazed your hand down the knots of rope along his chest until they traveled past his stomach and down to the base of his dick. He swallowed hard and a begging whimper erupted from his throat as he realized the placement of your palm. You wrapped your fingers around his shaft with a feather-light touch. 
“Please.” It was perhaps the only word left in his vocabulary. You increased the pressure your hand was exhibiting and you could feel the vibration of the plug course weakly through your palm. 
You began to slowly pump your fingers up and down and Steven barely had the strength to buck into your hand, but he tried nonetheless. His voice was destroyed and tattered and raspy, but he didn’t attempt to quiet or restrain the noises falling from his lips. His entire body shook as you worked your hand over his cock and you returned your lips gingerly to his neck, which was salty and sticky and inviting you so perfectly. 
Steven slumped considerably after his fourth orgasm shot through him. A measly shot of cum drizzled down your knuckles and his body became limp once he finished spurting his load into your hand. You sighed in relief when you noticed his measured breathing. He must have passed out from exhaustion. 
“Sweet boy,” you whispered as you gently, slowly parted from his touch. You coaxed him back down onto the mattress as gingerly as possible, desperate not to stir him awake as you got him back into a lying position. You reached for the remote, turning it down notch-by-notch until the plug was still. You didn’t try to pull it out. 
As much as he had certainly earned his release in more ways than one, you knew it still wasn’t safe to untie him. Carefully, you lifted his head and pulled a pillow under him before throwing the blanket atop his skin haphazardly.
Hopefully, he would be able to sleep through the rest of the curse, but it would be a miracle if he did. Only nine hours to go, you thought to yourself. 
He looked so peaceful as he slept. 
I hope I get everyone tagged here @romanarose @babylockley @twwcs @harrys-tittie @taisha-san @toracainz z @in-between-the-cafes @saahmi @friendlyneighbourhoodgothicpagan @bit-dodgy-innit @stevengrcnt and OF COURSE @rmoonstoner
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olivescales3 · 8 months
The Forgotten Legends of Chima Episode 2
Check out episode 1 [here]!
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Laying down on the ground, the lightened gloom strikes at us by the moon, tinting our surroundings with various monochromatic shades of purple. 
No matter how much Cragger counts the stars, or how much we spend time blathering about our lives, the purple moon sits still in the spotlight, stagnant; nighttime has never been this slow and peaceful.
Everything seems serene– it's impossible to not feel refreshed, absorbed by the calm, soothing wind.
I notice Cragger get up, ripping off the grass with his feet. He stands still, stiffening his body into a square, although moving his tail side by side, as he crosses his arm and mumbles.
Unable to hear him properly, I reach out to him in anxiety,
"Hey, Cragger… what's the matter?"
He lifts his lip, exposing his gums, "I want to leave", he replies.
Instinctively, I seize his hand onto mine, out of fear that he rushes away from me, yet, even then, I might lose him– my vision is dim, we don't have enough light near us. The worst part is… that I don't even know where we are.
Cragger… please don't go. You'll hurt yourself.
He growls, rasping his voice in an unusual tone, "Why are you grabbing me? Can't I walk around for a second?"
I try to drag Cragger down, but he agitates his hand, making me lose my grip.
"Please, stay! I don't want you to—"
An unfortunate event happens, as my friend runs towards the unrecognizable horizon.
No… not again! Why can't he stop abandoning me like this?...
I don't want to be alone. I don't.
Why does he need to be so reckless?
…I won't let go of him. This world is too dangerous.
I push my paws forward and sprint with the speed my feeble legs can gather, the wind flies on my fur, everything around me blurs uncontrollably—
I crash onto the ground. Cragger's shouts echo out of nowhere, hiding light whimpers of nervousness, blending in with my cries.
The moment we shut our lips, leaves crunch from the distance. I turn around, and for a millisecond I encounter a wolf, with pitch black fur, staring at me, with a long, macabre snarl, as if it's smiling. It pounces at me—
I fling my blanket across the room, gasping for air, as tears flood out of my eyes. Paralyzed, I can't cry for help. I'm alone, afraid. Each word I utter turns out as sobs. My rapid breathing suddenly starts to strangle me. Am I spiraling out of control? 
A gentle touch falls upon my shoulder; my dad, who pants as if he just ran a thousand miles, squeezes me comfortably between his arms.
"My son! What happened? Your hands are cold…", Lagravis whispers.
My ribs clamp, heart pounding stiffly.
Without self control, I end up shouting, "Wolf! The wolf jumped at me!"
Blood pressure skyrockets.
Head feels light.
Pain spreads throughout me. It irks me with its adrenaline.
Dad pets my head, and, despite my panic, his soft paw pads warm my chilling skin. I lean onto him, in for a hug. It feels good.
My breath… is returning back to normal.
Phew– I meditate, breathing in the fresh air in my room. 
…What happened? What? Was that even real?
He looks at me, confused. Of course, he asks if it was a nightmare. It probably was, thank goodness.
There's no need to lash out like this.
"Laval.", he holds my hand, "Was there anyone else in your dream?"
Ohh. No, no, no. No. I don't want to make my dad worried. I don't want to hear about the incident, but lying is not an answer.
"I dreamt about Cragger running away from me."
Dad itches his chin. He's going to piece everything together. He'll take my nightmare seriously.
"I see… It's normal to relive our worst fears during our sleep. Don't fret, my son. I'll take care of everything."
He tucks me on my bed and kisses my forehead.
It is now morning. I look at myself in the mirror to distract myself: my red mane is starting to grow into little tufts, which means that in the near future I will no longer be a cub, but a teenager.
I tidy my sapphire blue tunic and put on my golden belt, locking it with my lion-faced buckle. My pale tan fur, after the nightmare, has become frizzy. Petrified amber eyes highlight the sickly dread on my muzzle. My paws are trembling. 
I relax by the windowless stone arch. The view of our city from the temple is amazing and comforts me a bit; I can observe the forts forming a hexagon shape, the agglomeration of housing glued to its corners, and the tall, spherical towers at each edge. The center of the Lion Temple is bustling with animals from all tribes to visit the monthly Chi Market to sell their products. At this angle, everyone inside our kingdom looks like ants. 
I might as well leave my room and take a breather.
We're sitting on the first step of the Lion Temple's entrance. The sun shines on Cragger's scutes, as the light spreads along the grassy plains, which feeds the plants and makes them grow. Spring is a beautiful season, where Chima blooms with all kinds of colors.
Today's a special day, better than the ones before– an eventful morning like this means that there is going to be a Speedor Race! We're not old enough to race yet, and I unfortunately can't ride my Speedor for fun either, but my buddy has another idea.
"Laval, my papa is going to do something huge today!", he leans near my ear and whispers, "He's been practicing his tricks for this race. Want to see?"
"That's nice. I didn't know your dad went on Speedor Races at such an old age!.."
He stares at me, twitching his jaw hinge a little.
"Uh… Cragger, are you alright?"
He giggles, "I'm aight. It's okay. Don't mind me."
I see… His body is intact. No scratches, no wounds. It's like… nothing ever happened… but I doubt that he forgot about it, speaking such bittersweet words.
After a few hundred steps, we reach our destination, where its horizon is cluttered with Speedorz bolting left and right, in and out of our view. The animals here drift around the scattered obstacles with a tilt so tight that they seem to skim over the earth's surface; at first glance, such skill is admirable and desired by many, although we're quickly reminded that these racers are amateurs– their try-hard tricks backfire in style, as they're thrown out of their bikes.
Heavy rumbling trembles our eardrums and attracts us to a huge stone ramp pointed in our direction. It's too late to do anything now, we've been standing on its track without noticing. The sounds strengthen each passing second, while a vehicle sprints from afar whilst racking up momentum– and, in a matter of seconds, before we were given time to react, our gaze redirects towards the smirk of the scaled driver, as they propel their rectangular Speedor off the ramp, gracefully crossing the sky above us whilst gushing away a streak of dust on top of our heads. Mesmerizing.
I'm unable to take my eyes off this mysterious motorist, though the spectacle ended just as fast as it started. Knowing we're surrounded by nonprofessionals, the first thought that has come to mind was an assumption about this performance being a mere hobbyist's fluke, had the pilot not revealed himself as Crominus.
Yikes. Bold of me to dismiss pure skill as luck. Better than being crushed by a fool's bad attempt at tryharding.
His curved posture might fool you, but, despite the short and fragile appearance, Crominus is a healthy and humble king. He waves at us with a welcoming smile.
"Papa! That was crazy! Would you teach me this trick, please..?", Cragger climbs onto his dad's lap and hugs him.
"Hey… you know you got to wait, eh? At my age, I only got my Speedor when I was an adult.", the father cackles, "You have no clue how much time papa took to get this good! Lucky for you, I'll show you my super-duper secret techniques when you grow up."
They both laugh and crack jokes, untroubled about the incident. I'm glad Cragger is unharmed and continues to be a joyful kid– Crominus doesn't mind his son's lack of manners, nor does he expect maturity from him. 
It's all about his dad now… Hmph. Does he even have a clue about the incident? Speedorz this, Speedorz whatever, biggest race of all time… Haha…
A soft breeze caresses away my soft mane tufts, shoving away the water from my tear ducts, and, standing here, the background blurs beneath the water lacrimating off my eyes– meanwhile, they tussle, one running after the other. In silence, I hold my hands together and tap my toes, awaiting their return.
Enough time has passed, I think, because the area is emptying by the minute, the drivers are rushing at the stronghold as their unicycles whip further down the road in a hurry up to the main gate. until only the three of us remain. Then, a bunch of lion guards start to gather the objects lying everywhere, marching throughout the circuit like ants, skipping to and fro.
Groanings call my attention to an unusually short lion, crouching down in front of a boulder. He manages to latch onto the giant rock, pushing down his tendons to extend his claws, but it seems that the disproportionate size of the object counters the feline's strength. Sometimes, big muscles aren't enough– you'd need another pair.
In between the mass of workers, marches my uncle, who's in charge of the guards in my tribe. He observes his employees' work and compliments each and one of them with pats on the back. He manages to notice the struggling lion; with his much needed help, he comes to the rescue and shoves his claws on the bottom of the rock while chanting a rhythm, as to hint a cue for when the worker should lift.
"C'mon boys, let's do this quick. The race's starting pretty soon.", warns Lavertus after he gets up, signaling with hand claps.
My uncle turns around and our gaze meets– be it joy or worry, he wasn't able to resist ignoring me, though it's not like he would choose to do that anyway; the last time we were able to play with each other was a week ago! I stretch my arms and shut my eyelids in hopes of a hug, a head pat, or any kind of attention I can receive, but I'd really like a hug.
Come here!...
And yet…
I've only felt the same emptiness as before, of the wind embracing my body and arms, caressing my short fur, only to seep away and roam back to its ephemeral trail.
To spy with my little eye, to witness my uncle's grin dissolving by each step, might've been a mistake.  I turn around, unfortunately Crominus' glee begins to dissipate in synchrony, his posture slouches even further.
Lavertus' tail whips sideways. Crominus' golden teeth shine with the slightest amount of brightness. I imagine their heartbeats gushing at an all time high whilst they fixate their energy into a threatening staredown; no one wants to say anything, intimidated by another one's thoughts. Courage must arise for the silence to be broken.
My uncle has always been outgoing. However, his eyes are now hollowed by… chagrin? No– it's not anger, but displeasure; his well-built chocolate body tenses up in reflex, he sticks out his claws out of his paws in disgrace.
The crocodile king leaves his Speedor, grabs his staff that was tucked on the vehicle, then pushes it down on the ground.
With such qualms seething from the two adults, intoxicating the ambience with distrust, I wonder… What happened between them? Why express such childish attitudes in public?
Actually, why would my uncle have personal issues against the king of the crocodiles?
By coincidence, the guards' work was already done, and they disappear without a trace. Lavertus' time here has ended. He, however, persists still, growling in murmurs.
My toes freeze, my lips shut tight, chills run down my spine. I can't move. Adrenaline paralyzes each of my nerves while it drowns my blood, climbing throughout my veins up to the skull. My head feels light.
The clean blue sky showers the horizon with clouds, which patch shadows on us, sewn decaying light into intricate patterns.
Cold scales touch my hand and clutch my torso. Its soft cold soothes my body, meanwhile I observe the staredown. Thank you, Cragger.
"What are you doing here..? Shouldn't you be elsewhere, Crominus?", Lavertus snarls.
Crominus doesn't reply, doesn't utter a single word, neither does he twitch a muscle. Instead, he seems too immersed in his mind, as if this situation didn't concern him much.
Finally, he lowers his head,
"Yes, I suppose…", he sighs, "Please excuse me. I shall now take my leave."
He pats my head prior to departing, his face drowned in sorrow as he walks to his Speedor, just when Cragger waves at me with his trembling arm, hiding fear under an awkward smile– his mouth lifts a bit, though he's interrupted by the rumbling noises of Crominus' unicycle. He waddles behind his dad at a slow pace, before I'm able to move or react.
Suddenly, Lavertus locks my neck on his arm, then later plays with my hair, showers me with lion kisses; he's laughing without a care in the world, seemingly relieved about the clean, empty space, like a burden was lifted off him.
Despite these distractions, I've witnessed, all by myself, my friends climb up the stairs and merge with the mass of visitors, until they reach the fortress' gate. Afterwards, the sculpted lion head raises high, leaving space for the swarm to be eaten by it as they go through the entrance. 
Lavertus rubs his knuckles on my head with force and laughs. I roar in reflex,
"Ugh! Stop it, you goof!"
He lets go of me, his face miserably attempting to hold his grin.
As he throws his hair backwards with his paws, Lavertus' mane flows out of his head and neck, reaching his shoulder blades; it waves right at the tips, resembling the perfect shape of a sand dune molded by the wind. Even with this disheveled look, he's the opposite of dry, as he's constantly overflowing with personality and character. No wonder my tribe respects my uncle's wit and charm, but sometimes he can go a little too far. Oh– this isn't about the unceasing amount of lionesses who swoon over him. I'm referring to his nonchalant nature, a trait that is something rare among lions, and one that he overuses a lot. To see him tense is beyond improbable.
"Buddy, you're grumpier than I thought...", he whimpers, "Exactly like my brother."
"Why wouldn't I be? Did you even pay attention to your actions? My uncle would never do something like this— "
He pushes air out of his nostrils, forcing his muzzle to fold upwards, "Kiddo, ignore what happened, please. This issue doesn't concern cubs– don't butt in adult matters, okay?"
Really? Does he think he can get away with these kinds of excuses..? Adult this, adult whatever, blah blah, they make me feel like I'm not good enough to be a prince. It's just that… I haven't heard such words bleed out of Lavertus' mouth. Not even once throughout my life.
"Anyway, 'bout your arm…", he murmurs in a sudden change of subject, "I understand how you feel. We couldn't find enough clues about the perpetrator, though I believe you were attacked by a rogue animal."
I sigh, "It's alright, uncle. I won't feel bothered as long as nothing else happens."
He kneels before me, caressing my cheek with one of his paws, subsequently giving me a warm grin.
"Okay, buddy! The race is about to start in a moment, so I'll leave you there."
The Coliseum is huge, its beige color contrasts well with the lush grass that corners it. There are a few gates perforated into this amphitheatre, which are all linked to race tracks that cross every biome in Chima. Although the exterior is quite barren, everything changes up when you're able to rush inside the megastructure: dark granite canopies cover the first few inches of the entrances, with one of them built large enough to support the metal gong behind me, used to signal the end of a race; seats for thousands of animals molded onto the canopies; artificial waterfalls garnish the circuit with blue light reflected from the sun; the floor and it's coherent, exquisite patterns are made out of cobblestone, delicately chiseled to help Speedorz slide and overflow with speed. 
At this height, we can monitor the racers, cornered by more than thousands of spectators, whilst being able to watch the entirety of one of the racetracks.
Cragger and I embrace each other in excitement, hopping in circles. After an entire month of waiting for this moment, we're finally here, inside the Coliseum! We hop, dance, shout and sing, frolicking around the gong and Eris. She crosses her arms while grunting.
Dad stops our happy moment with hoarse coughs, as he lays his back on a stone throne, then rests his head atop his hand– meanwhile, the other paw holds an open book, flipping pages by the thumb. I hear the paper swoosh and my dad grunt under his breath.
Shouts arise from the crowd, catching us in surprise, after Crominus gets off his Speedor, waving at the viewers. The other racers enter the Coliseum seconds later, mounted on their stone bikes.
Before the competition starts, a white eagle flies off to the skies, revealing his famous orange goggles and his loyal blowhorn– that's Equila!
"Why, hello everyone who's watching this amazingly exciting Speedorz Race today! Very glad to see that a lot of animals are gathered here, because—", he dashes towards the participants, "a very special guest is on his way!"
Eris pulls my hand close to her, shaking her tail feathers, beak open wide.
Equila points at a shiny blue Speedor that's far away in the distance and screeches:
"Dom De La Woosh!"
Clapping from all corners of the audience reverberates with the strength of waves hitting the shore; it is as if the folks here witnessed some kind of miracle. I mean, he could be considered one. Dom is the only peacock in Chima and the best Speedorz Racer alive. His bright, flashy feathers and style, in addition to his unique personality from the extinct Peacock Tribe, make him beyond iconic– he's is an image.
The peafowl starts running his unicycle all over the  place, blowing kisses to the crowd, before the event even started.
"Bom dia meus amores!", he says, "I am absolutely flabbergasted to see all of you who came to cheer me on!".
Flowers are tossed at him and he catches all of them in a fell swoop, even placing one on his beak for extra pizzazz. They shower Woosh with confettis, love, attention, as they chant his name in a thunderstorm of excitement; Uncle Lavertus told me once that this kind of hype has always spread like wildfire since the dawn of time.
He almost beat the peacock in a big race once; I doubt he really did that, as he's the only testimony about this great achievement.
Dom returns to the starting line, flashing his attention-grabbing blue and green feathers. Meanwhile, all of the participants are in order, latching onto their Speedorz– some of them are grinning, a few are chit chatting, others seem focused.
As Equila counts down to one, his high-pitched voice leads everyone to jump and shout in excitement. Cragger and I are quite anxious, and I imagine that they also share the same feeling as us. The race feels like it's taking forever to start.
Even with all of the excitement and hype, my gut itches me with an unnerving sensation. Something's wrong, I can feel it; everyone becomes silent in point blank, and Lagravis' page flipping gets louder, before he shuts his book closed.
I turn around to look at the animals around me– Eris is gone!
The crowd's movement and noises explode the area, overwhelming me as I attempt to spot my friend.
I'm finally able to catch a glimpse of someone running towards the racers. As I push Cragger's arm, we both have the same reaction: our mouths drop wide open.
Everyone freezes in silence, again; not all animals have the courage to interfere with an organized event, especially one that's this big.
Equila strips off his goggles of orange tinted lenses, clenches his blowhorn near his beak, and screeches:
"Wait– wait! What are you doing, Eris? Get back here!"
Needless to say, we had already caught on that Eris was missing… but what she's doing right now is absurd!
"Damn it, Phoenixes!", he murmurs in vain, as the megaphone that's hung on his back exposes his frustrated mumblings to all of us, "I– I meant… Eris, stop that, right now! Lagravis is witnessing all of this, you know that!"
Amongst all of the animals watching this mess, Eris is on the racetrack getting her wing signed by Dom de La Woosh himself. Equila swoops down and snatches Eris off the ground. I don't know if Dom knows how to tackle fan service, or if it's just his eccentric and carefree personality. Maybe both.
Between the moment Equila begins to fly over the arena, Cragger tugs the raptor's left leg, pleading to hover above the race with him. He hugs the hatchling, still holding onto his megaphone, and returns to his place. Eris and I do the same, by holding me with her claws mid flight. 
She's returned to her place, followed by a light intervention from my dad; he knows that my eagle friend isn't mischievous, and that one warning will suffice. What a privilege!
At this height, we're able to spectate the racers; they sprint over the humid dirt, avoiding the obstacles in their way. 
A puddle of mud, camouflaged on the ground, splatters as one of the riders crosses through it– he loses control of the Speedor and spirals head first onto a tree.
Meanwhile, Dom sways between the tree trunks in a perfect rhythm. With his constant speed, he drifts along a sudden turn to the left. The others are way behind him, playing safe.
Chi awaits inside big stones in the middle of the road. The peacock snatches each and one of them—
Until Crominus flies from the curve onto first place, using his Chi to dart towards a ramp, projecting himself onto light boulders. Part of the obstacle course, Chi crystals cascade from them upon contact. The crocodile picks them up seamlessly.
"What a spectacular turn of events!", Equila shouts, "Who would've imagined that the king of crocodiles could surpass the legend himself, La Woosh?"
The crowd's cheers explode, as Equila describes the unforeseen; Dom has lost his lead against the other racers. They follow suit and pick up the remaining Chi.
Though, the end is still yet to come– he maneuvers left and right to regain speed.
A lion bumps his bike onto another participant and sends them flying at Dom's direction. In a pinch, he twists around before the Speedorz could collide. Such foul play!
All of the competitors waste their crystals, causing them to flock near Crominus at high speeds. He slows down– and they clash against each other. The vehicles crash everywhere. By then, a massive cloud of dust has started to cover the scene.
Equila accidentally drops his goggles in disbelief.
"No way…! The king of the crocodiles managed to eliminate his opponents!", he gawks.
The crowd cheers, clapping their hands at an improvised tempo. Now, only two racers remain.
La Woosh surges from the dust– he giggles while he dashes through the pile of leaves scattered around.
Vines swirl on and on, falling from the lush jungle, threatening a mighty slap if one dares to get on its way. Timing is necessary to get over this.
Dom and Crominus weave a trail on the ground between the vicious vines. A big one hits the crocodile's bike, shoving him straight to the side– the spectators scream in horror. Fortunately, this was not enough to take him off his vehicle.
Beyond them is their last trial: a trap. If one of them were to fall into this lake near the finish line, it's game over.
The peacock doesn't hesitate to propel himself forward at steep stone, and, with his speed, he defies gravity in a marvelous spectacle of skill, flying as the wind rushes through his feathers.
Crominus, however, has a trick up his sleeve; he uses his Chi to dart at the bridge above the waterhole—
but it was too late.
Dom has already pulled the trap's lever, making the bridge fall down and throw the crocodile off his unicycle at the last second.
Bang! Bang!
Guards hit the gong with enthusiasm– flags rise from the towers, before the harmonious toot of the trumpets begin to flow a melody. The race has just ended, and now is the time to start celebrating this amazing victory. 
"Amazing!", Equila squawks, "In an astounding turn of events, Dom de La Woosh has come first place!"
My friends and I land on the ground in the middle of the arena, where the winner stands victorious, blessing everyone with grateful good wishes. He's showered in roses and confetti by fans, an act of unconditional love, phenomenal passion that's able to unite animals from all tribes.
Lagravis walks down the canopy; he orders his workers to bring the Golden Chi, reward for finishing the race in first place. They march in formation: one guard is in front, holding the magnificent prize, Longtooth and Leonidas follow behind him while wielding decorated spears, and the rest remain behind.
My dad grabs the Golden Chi, whose sparkle shines so bright it resembles the sun, preparing himself to begin the ending ceremony.
After breathing in fresh air, he says:
"La Woosh– as always, the skill you displayed today was astounding. It was a tight match, and yet you managed to outsmart your opponent."
The crowd cheers, satisfied with the resolution of this beautiful competition, and while it was fast, it lasted enough to have an impact on all of us.
The gray-maned lion sighs in relief.
"I, Lagravis, king of the Lions and protector of the lion temple, hereby bestow Golden Chi, a powerful and sacred present created by Mount Cavora. Use it well, use it wisely."
He hands the crystal over to Dom, who proceeds to bow and blow kisses to his fans, before accepting his prize.
The peacock cries, "Thank you, obrigado, my loves! I wouldn't be able to continue my passion if it weren't for all of your constant support!"
Bang, bang!
Brave soldiers hit the gong once more, marking the end of this event– its booming noise spreads around the air, and, upon hearing its echoes, the audience starts to leave their seats, going down stairs, as they form a rockslide of throngs that accidentally block out everyone's exit from the Coliseum. Dom, however, noticed this craze and hopped on his Speedor, but in vain. We're surrounded.
Gunshots thunder nearby.
I lose sight of Eris, but manage to hold onto Cragger.
The swarm of fanatics escaping the arena jostles us around amidst steps and pitterpatters, as they clomp and run after the glorious winner, who's running away from this mess with his Speedor.
I can't help but look behind me– there, a small gap opens; a tall, pale olive green crocodile smirks, his arm pointed straight at the sky, as he's holding a gun. His macabre amber eyes show no remorse at all, his smile grows more sinister while our gaze meets.
Cragger snatches my hand. Together, we squeeze in between the crowd, shoving the animals away from us, and notice a breach to the outside slip— now is our chance!
I push my friend forward, then I latch onto his tail– our bodies fly through this mess, and with our vision cleared out, we find ourselves holding onto Dom's vehicle.
The cocky peacock, now terrified, croaks from the top of his lungs; he loses control over his bike, which starts to whirl around at high speeds, almost shaking us off it.
A strong turn to the right lifts me and sprinkles sand into my eyes. It burns and scratches my eyeballs to bits. Trying to get the stuff out of my eye, I end up letting go of Dom–
Wind blows on my back as Cragger pulls me by the collar.
"Carambolas! Why pounce on my precious Speedor?", Dom shouts.
"Uh– duh! Why shouldn't we?"
I giggle after Cragger's defiant speech. I mean, we had no choice, after all. 
La Woosh rushes straight into a bush, covering our faces with a bunch of flowers that block our view. Wooden sticks and dead leaves crunch as the wheel spins, small birds flap their wings at the sight of a speeding vehicle turning at each lush tree.
Desperate, Cragger shakes the driver and fiddles with his feathers, in an attempt to pressure him into parking somewhere– after we get smacked by long vines and tree branches.
Ah. To be surrounded by greenery instead of tumultuous fools feels so, so nice.
"Uh… Dom?...", words spill out of my mouth into a full stop.
He's static, face deep inside the humus. A humiliating scene for the best Speedor racer ever, for sure. Cragger kneels before the blue fowl, contemplating the fall of the last remaining master of the craft. Then, he attacks the body with tickles.
Dom rolls around and play-wrestles my friend.
Meanwhile, the light dims from inside the forest, followed by rattling fronds. They diffuse penumbras all over the tall grass, even beyond our view, before its colors fade away in the distance.
A mysterious sound howls out of the faraway depths– it grows louder as the moon emerges from the sky, cornering our eardrums in a sound barrier.
It's followed by a stampede of wolves that obstructs our path, they dash and crawl without regard to the trees and shrubs in their way and form a muddy fog of black and gray pelts.
Though, one of them sits still, menacingly staring at us. That wolf snarls, their bare fangs drip with blood, and their elongated body twitches, with their fur void of color while brimming purple shine of the moon, stained with gore– it's the image of a vile creature unaffected by this chaos.
We jump on Dom's Speedor and he drives as fast as he can. This is too dangerous– no, everything after the event became dangerous.
He manages to run around the gaps left between the animals, but they close down quickly and leave us with no other choice but to run over a few of them.
A harsh turn to the right forces us out of the mob, but the wolves sprint behind us. We're being hunted!
"Dom! I don't think we can flee from them much longer", I shout from my trembling throat, "They're after us!"
"And what am I supposed to do?"
We look behind us for a second; they're getting closer in less time than we expected.
Cragger squeals, "Use your Golden Chi!"
"You're crazy! I'm not going to do that—"
They begin to gallop at our pace, and one of them latches onto our vehicle.
Dom plugs in his Chi without hesitation– the Speedor speeds like crazy in zig zags, and we get hit by whatever is obstructing us. It rumbles on the bumpy road, but manages to keep its ground.
By a miracle, we find ourselves further near the grasslands. I can see Mount Cavora from here! Now's our chance!
From the top of my lungs, I growl desperately, hoping my cries can be heard nearby.
Dom brakes his Speedor in a drift, which kicks behind a cloud of dust that flinches the wolves cornering us– but this doesn't stop them from approaching in large numbers.
Fog seeps from their eyes. I can see the shine reflecting on their pupils… Their foam drools off their teeth, and their howls echo from the distance, as these menacing creatures crawl on the ground, penetrating their claws into the dirt.
I can't do anything, neither can my friend. We are surrounded, alone, afraid, defenseless.
That's unfortunate.
As I close my eyes shut and squeeze Cragger between my arms, despair seeps into my thoughts and reality.
Sweat drips from my shivering paw pads, freezing at the touch of my friend's cold scales.
if this is my final moment, then so be it.
"Halt! You fiends, stay away from my son!"
This loud, tenacious roar catches the wolves off guard, ceasing their rabid intimidations on the spot.
A swarm of small lion tanks rumble at high speeds, shooting their Chi lasers on everything in sight, as growls and barks screech from around all corners, muffling down the cracking bones of those dead wolves who flew amongst the clouds and crumbled underneath tracks.
The night sky brightens at every spark of light bolting out of their cannons and sizzling the canines' pelts, but a few of the victims manage to jump on top of lion warriors, as if their bodies haven't been mutilated to a crisp.
Loud rumbles shake us– Dom places himself in our front, hiding us from harm behind his giant and glamorous tail feathers.
We're trembling, confused, afraid.
"Woosh, there is no time to waste! Jump!", Lagravis' voice shrills in agony.
The peacock grabs our arms to lift us both, one at a time; seconds after my body is raised, when his plumage brushes off my face, the view reveals itself, with piles of wolf corpses scattered everywhere, drowned under their rancid blood. The damp moon hazes the horizon.
I turn my head around: Eris and Lagravis are standing on his Royal Fighter, he's stretching his hand to grab me.
After my friend is rescued, Dom hops onto the vehicle and hugs us for dear life. We're petrified, from head to toe– eyes shrunken and mouth shut, as we wait for this hell to finish. I hide my face on Woosh's feathers.
This… this is a nightmare. I don't want to be here, their excruciating whimpers haunt me…
Lagravis, while resting on the Lion Temple's throne, presses his fingers against his eyelids in absolute disdain, as I hug his leg, sobbing and trembling. 
We couldn't get enough sleep, even after dawn. The blood, the pile of corpses… all of it kept me awake. I've never seen anything like that, and I wish I didn't.
It all happened so fast; the gunshot, the hysteria, the bloodbath– so many tragedies, and yet… How come? Why?
"My lord", Longtooth kneels before my dad, visibly worried, "I am not in a position to give my input, but…"
"Go forth. Tell me about your findings."
The bodyguard gets up, then walks up to us, before bowing in gratitude.
"There have been two consecutive incidents in the past few days. Isn't that suspicious?"
Dad sighs, his hope gone thin– he can't argue, because that statement wasn't false. Instead, he nods, though in aversion, as he snarls and sticks his hind claws out.
"Yes, that is true. It has only been two nights since my son was attacked.", he stares at point blank, and, in a quick turn, looks at Longtooth with an earth shattering expression, "Are you implying that they're correlated?"
An ominous silence establishes itself in the Throne Room, the harbinger of chaos, a warning. It drowns us in fear, the one that lives inside our anguishing anxiety. Though, it gives us time to think, to plan ahead.
"I believe so. The gunshot was fired by one animal the day after that, and even if we don't have clues about who did it, it's obvious that both actions were made as a threat."
Ah– I've seen this perpetrator before, maybe?...
I add, muttering, "Yesterday, there was a pale green crocodile in the middle of the crowd… He had a long grin."
Lagravis' golden eyes water, as he leans his body to pick me up and places me on top of his lap.. An emotional smile spreads across his muzzle.
He pats my head, silently sobbing, "My son, I'm truly, truly sorry for what happened. I'll make sure to solve everything, whatever it takes."
This morning, my dad decided to inspect the Wolf Lair. Guards caught me by surprise while I was playing with Cragger, and I had no choice but to leave. My friend, who had insisted on following me, hopped onto their vehicle.
The land is barren, lifeless– so arid, in fact, that I can feel its dust grate my feet. My lungs ache a bit everytime I breathe this dry air, but maybe that's because everyone is tucked inside their base, except for Wakz and Winzar, his trusted escort.
Lagravis raises an eyebrow, as he places his hand behind his back.
"Let me ask you a question, Wakz. Have you noticed anyone missing last night, after the Speedor Race ended?"
The elderly wolf tenses up– his ears and tail stiffen in opposite directions, a sign of alertness; he makes eye contact with his guardian, who replies with the same reaction.
Dad takes a step closer to Wakz, glaring at him with the coldest, piercing stare I've ever seen.
After a brief moment of doubt, Winzar approaches my father, stretching his chest, not afraid of the king's presence. The patches of black hair on his muzzle and muscular build are already intimidating enough, even if he's covered with velvety gray fur.
"Your Majesty, do not treat our elder like that.", he growls.
Wakz pats him on the shoulder, "Hush… now is not the time."
He tilts his head downwards, losing himself at the sight of the dry dirt; a million memories seem to flash before him, as he pants in disbelief, unable to move. Terror consumes him whole, desperate by sorrow.
"Lagravis… forgive me for not knowing sooner. Wilhurt is on the loose."
"Wilhurt? Are you serious? He's been gone for years– this isn't a mass murder, but a hundred wolves gone rogue!"
Lagravis covers his face, pinching his nose bridge. Dumbfounded, he huffs; an incident like this surely couldn't be caused by one individual– a force beyond our imagination needed to be what caused this. Wolves can't just snap out of the blue, right?
"Your son was attacked the day before, Lagravis."
Cragger holds his arms together, waving his tail in fear. He's upset enough to leave me and join Wakz' side.
"But I'm asking about yesterday's bloodbath!", Lagravis slips out of his mature mannerisms, folding his face into a macabre yet horrified snarl.
"How hard is it for you to understand that you are threatening Chima?", he raises his voice, failing to maintain his composure, "How could you let all of this happen?"
Wakz pants, hugging Cragger. His entire body is trembling, closed up in dread, as his pale yellow eyes stiffen after that sentence.
"Your pack, Wakz. Think about the hundreds of wolves that died yesterday! They're wreaking havoc all around our lands, and you're here, refusing to do anything!"
I nip my dad's tunic, pressing my tears onto it.
Is… is there a way to stop them? Are we even able to end this war, finish it all without pointing fingers at each other? There needs to be a solution, somewhere. We can't sit still the entire day and expect problems to disappear by themselves.
Dad's tone returns to normal, "Wakz. I will send my guards to monitor your lair. From this day onwards, we will scout every nook and cranny of this place in search of the missing wolves."
"That'd be of great help, if you didn't just accuse our elder of treason!", Winzar barks, holding himself to no lunge on my dad.
In a matter of seconds, Lagravis grabs my hand, ready to leave, as he glares at him. 
"Soldiers, keep an eye on them. I don't have time to waste."
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While the moonshine barely manages to spread on the ground, the training area's horizon is painted by its soft light– the painted battlefields shine bright, echoing blood red paint. 
Besides me is the armory, crammed onto the walls of the Lion Temple, where each and every armor produced and displayed has been delicately forged to perfection. Weaponry such as saws, scythes and spears were left here by soldiers after their scheduled training.
"Hey kiddo, right behind you!", this loud, sharp voice emerges from the distance.
I turn around and find myself face to face with my uncle. His disheveled hair looks heavy, falling onto his shoulders. 
He runs at a mannequin, picks it up and brings it over.
"What about we train while your dad's busy? You can't be defenseless for the rest of your life, you'll make Lagravis worried."
My arm is still hurt, I can't go on like this. It… it has been too much.
An itch crawls all over my fur, as the unnerving sensation transforms into the abominable sickness from that time at the Fangs.
"Sorry… I don't want to.", I stutter, "No– I mean, I can't. My body feels weird."
He leans towards my face, raising an eyebrow in suspicion. Seems like he's looking out for signs of illness.
When he gets closer, my skin begins to frost; the cold sweat dripping from my snout bothers me, it tickles and it stings my nerves, so I lick it.
He pokes my snout, "You can't fool me out on this one, buddy! I know you're just nervous. C'mere now."
I equip a silver light armor Lavertus grabbed from the armory, then Lavertus lends me his sword, a Royal Valious, one of the four legendary swords of the Lion Tribe. 
Its magnificent black blade bounces the sunlight off into the faraway sky, reflecting my face onto its shine. No blacksmith in Chima can recreate this beauty without black leochium– a raw, scarce material extracted from the few mines in the middle of Chima. It is actually so strong, it can only be molded in extreme heat, with fire combusted by Chi. Due to its rarity and sheer power, only a few of the Lion Tribe's royal family possess this weapon.
I wield the weapon, admiring its uniqueness and surprising weight. It pushes my wrist down a bit, but I hope this doesn't matter much.
"I'll teach you how to swing that sword with your weak hand."
He kneels, points his wooden sword upwards, before slashing downwards with one hand, then pushing the wood up to the side.
"Repeat after me, Laval."
In synchrony, we kneel, then slash with our sword from down to up—
The hilt of the weapon is heavy enough to pressure my hand from pulling it upwards, which makes me fall and cut the mannequin in an ungraceful manner.
With a mediocre final result, the unrecognizable mannequin remains frozen, unaware that its insides of cotton scatter away into the ashes of a corpse.
Its only purpose was to embody the fragility of oneself, a weakness that forces our soul to remain captive inside us: life's ephemeral existence. It is by no means alive– but it's supposed to represent an animal, the enemy, as a target, one that's waiting patiently to be killed. If this sword, prized heritage from my family, is capable of obliterating this doll, then what could it do to someone else? Why am I being trained to murder people?
Is this what strength truly is? Destruction? I don't think I can do this – every fiber of my body paralyzes at the mere thought of it. 
Lavertus worryingly looks at me, "Yo, buddy…", he murmurs, "are you okay? You look pale."
I breathe deeply. What should I do?...
"Uncle Lavertus, do you think that there's another way to solve problems without resorting to violence?"
I let go of the Royal Valious, and it bounces a fee times before sinking into the dirt ground.
His muzzle falls open, eyebrows skyrocket; he's clearly never seen me like this. 
He sighs, "I know I'm a commander… but war really rubs me the wrong way, you know?"
He itches his head, shaking his tail sideways.
"But if someone tried to attack us, we'd have no choice but to defend ourselves. That's what my brother ordered me to do, teach you to—"
"...Why? Why do we need to use brute force? Why can't I be the Lion Temple's shield? If this is how it is, I'll leave."
Taglist: @fenth-eiria @aspiringfictionwriter @deadhunter-series @jasper-the-menace @tigeryasou @olive-riggzey @fretgoon
(@rekinus20 and @the-lesbian-demon-queen1 I unfortunately couldn't tag, but I'll try to fix this soon).
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abarbaricyalp · 10 months
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Written for the @sambuckylibrary Summer Bingo! Camp Prompt: Free Space--Star Gazing // Rated G // Set during Moon Knight
(I didn't really care to remember the month moon knight was set. I know it's probably not summer but I don't care and, also, summer in the south lasts from March to November so 🤷‍♀️)
Meanwhile, in Delacroix
The grass was dewy enough that Bucky could feel it seeping into his socks uncomfortably. It was a humid night, which the dew was not helping with, and the moon seemed like a faraway dream in the clear sky.  In the middle of the yard, Sam was leaning back on his elbows, long legs kicked out in front of him. He had his head tilted back, eyes closed as the moonlight washed over his strong face. He looked too impossible to disturb.
But the blanket was getting warm in Bucky's arms and making him sweat, so he came up on Sam's right side and brushed his knuckles over Sam's shoulder. "What're you doing out here?" he asked softly so he didn't even disturb any of the night birds.
"Listening to the crickets," Sam answered at a more normal level, though still quiet. Like the stillness of the night was something sacred and they shouldn't ruin it with loud familiarity.
Bucky settled himself next to Sam and put the blanket in Sam's lap so he could sprawl out the way Sam was.
"It's a little hot for this," Sam pointed out with a wry grin.
"Yeah, it was more romantic before I came outside," Bucky admitted. "Can't tell you how lucky I got just by bringing a blanket to a nighttime beach date back in the day."
Sam elbowed Bucky's arm affectionately. He went back to basking in the moonlight and Bucky got to watch his face without fear of being caught. Or maybe with the knowledge that he already had been. Sam always knew when he was looking. And since Sam knew, a few moments later, Bucky reached out to trace his fingers over a smear of moonlight painting his cheek. Sam let out a sigh and relaxed even more. 
"I think I stop existing when I'm out here, listening to the bug-song and staring at the stars," he explained quietly. "Feel like I just get compressed down into nothing but a clod of dirt, staring up at everything else that's so much bigger."
Bucky was pretty certain there was nothing in the entire world that could make him imagine Sam as less than grand. Still, he tilted his head a little and admitted, "The first time I saw the night sky in the middle of nowhere during the war, I almost threw up. It was so overwhelming. I mean, New York had nothing on the lights today, but it was still pretty bright. I had never seen a sky like that before. Thought it was gonna swallow me."
And he planned on looking up at the sky now. The Louisiana night sky was one of his favorite sights. Unfortunately, his number one eternal favorite sight was right in front of him and he didn't look away.  
Sam didn't look back over at him but he did lean against Bucky's side. Bucky brushed the tip of his nose over Sam's hair and then pressed airy half kisses over the same area. Sam freed a hand from under the blanket and squeezed Bucky's thigh gently. Which didn't necessarily mean anything. Sam was a tactile guy. He was always grabbing Bucky's leg for something or another. But Bucky still warmed at the semi-invitation. He tucked away the possibility for a little later.
He was just trying to hide his face against Sam's head when Sam suddenly sat straight up--knocking his head into Bucky's nose in the process--and pointed at the sky. "Did you see that?" he asked.
Bucky scrunched up his nose, trying to will the ache away, and glanced to where Sam was pointing. "If it's aliens, someone else can handle it."
Sam waved him off--and came dangerously close to smacking Bucky’s nose again. "No, it wasn't a spaceship." 
Bucky rolled his eyes like this didn't delight him. "What did you see?"
It was evidently Sam's turn to be distracted by his partner's face because he stayed silent, eyes focused on where his thumb was resting over the bow of Bucky's lips. "The whole sky," he said softly, and Bucky swore he could see that whole sky reflected in Sam's perfect eyes like this, especially once he glanced up again. "It was moving."
"What, like a shooting star?" Bucky asked. He forced himself to look away from Sam, towards the blurry sky. Sam's hand fell away and Bucky caught Sam looking up as well. 
But actually, the sky wasn't blurry. It was spinning. The stars were smearing across the sky in a perpetual rise and fall of the night sky. Bucky felt his mouth fall open, hand covering Sam's on the grass.
"No," Sam clarified softly. "Not like a shooting star." And then, because he was Sam Wilson and physically couldn't pass up an opportunity to be charming and suave, he turned to grin at Bucky and trail his fingers over his jaw. "I have my wish right here."
"What is happening?" Bucky asked. "Should we be calling someone?"
"Who isn't seeing this?"
The sky was spinning impossibly faster. It was like being stuck in a tilt-a-whirl, or maybe a double layered hamster ball. The sky wasn't falling, but something was clearly wrong. Maybe it was flying off into space. Was this the ozone layer finally ripping away? Or the beginning of being sucked into a black hole.
"If this is the end of the world," Bucky said and hooked a knuckle under Sam's chin to turn his face gently, "I wanna go out doing something good."
Sam, who was never more scared than he was brave (and didn't look it now), smiled at him and leaned in to fit their mouths together. The world couldn't be ending when he and Sam could still share kisses like this. The universe wouldn't dare remove this kind of perfection when it was needed to balance out the chaos. Bucky fit his hand gently against Sam’s jaw and neck while Sam’s fingers curled in Bucky’s hair. They each pulled the other closer through the humid night. How many times were they going to be just civilians during some cataclysmic event? Maybe they would get to go out wrapped in each other’s arms instead of across a battlefield from each other.
And then, just as Bucky was soaking in the starlight streaming over Sam’s skin–because there’d be no other way to go out than looking at Sam looking at him–it all stopped. The night sky was bright and still again. Sam slowly looked up to the sky.
“There’s so many more,” he said and used their clasped hands to point up. The star map above them was like nothing Bucky had ever seen. Not in the 20s, not out in the forests of Italy, not in Louisiana beside Sam.
“Man, I hope whoever needs to deal with that has it in hand,” Bucky said. “But I’m glad we get to enjoy whatever this is.” He looked back to Sam, because of course he did.
Sam looked at him when he felt eyes on him and grinned. “I hope so too, ‘cause I’ve got everything I want in hand right now.”
Bucky groaned and laughed, rocking back like he’d been hit by the full force of Sam’s flirt. “Two in one night? I can’t handle it.”
Sam shifted over Bucky’s hips. He draped the blanket behind him on the damp grass and then pushed Bucky back into it. “You were gonna spend your last moments on Earth kissing me, huh?”
Bucky languidly curled his arms around Sam’s shoulders. “I’d spend every moment between now and the end kissing you, if you weren’t so busy,” he said with an easy grin.
Sam rolled his eyes fondly and leaned down to kiss him again.
The whole new sky was sprawled out over Sam’s shoulder and eventually it went back to normal, but Bucky didn’t see any of it. Not when Sam was right above him, close enough to hold and kiss and love and adore. And stare at, of course.
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daceydeath · 2 years
Light in the Dark (Part 2)
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Part 2 - You Have Got To Be Kidding Me...
Paring: Vampire Chan x Female Reader Word Count: 4.9k Genre: Romance, Vampire au, Angst, Fluff Warnings: Swearing, violent themes, supernatural themes, mentions of blood, past violence
You knew the fairy tales were true, you knew Oddinary beings existed but now you were going to learn that everything you knew was a lie or at the very least a half truth.
Your Saturday had ended quite well it hadn't been too busy and you had managed to make some expensive sales so it felt like you almost achieved something plus the attractive boy from the morning had been playing on your mind all day which was a pleasant distraction indeed. Locking up the bookstore you decided to go for a walk before heading back home the sun was still shining warmly and although the day had warmed up a little the air still felt refreshingly cool on your skin.
You walked towards the city park deciding you would take the river walk home to clear your mind and enjoy some fresh air. The parks around the city were always beautiful, filled with couples walking, people riding bikes, children playing and even some artists painting landscapes on occasion. Today appeared to be one of those occasions as several people had set up easels to paint their surroundings you paused at each one that you passed always happy to watch people creating art, even commenting on them if the artist looked friendly or noticed your presence. That was until you reached one more secluded artist surrounded by tall red maple trees near the gates you normally took home. His painting was breathtaking as beautiful as any of the classic works you would see in a national gallery so you had stopped in your tracks to marvel at it until he started chuckling at something he found amusing he turned to face you.
"You should take a picture it would last longer you know?" he smirked his eyes creasing into crescent moons as he looked towards you in a friendly yet teasing manner
"Maybe" you smiled shyly "I didn't mean to interrupt you, but you painting is beautiful"
"Only the painting?" His lips pouted flirtatiously, there was no denying he was incredibly attractive with long blonde hair and full lips but you could tell that he also knew he was attractive.
"Yes only the painting" you replied dryly pursing your lips before he barked out a loud laugh and grinned
"Ooh you have some spirit in you, that's good it makes you more interesting than we thought" He looked up towards the sky as it began to darken "unfortunately though it looks like my light has faded time to go home" busily packing up his art supplies and leaving before you could question him on whether he knew you or what he meant. His aura had been friendly but also familiar as though you had perhaps met him before but you were sure you would have remembered any interactions with a man as handsome as he was. He looked as though he had been carved from marble with his perfect features and tall slim build. But he had flirted with you and joked as though you were friends and on top of that what did he mean by "than we thought" who the hell was "we". You continued your walk out of the park and back into the suburbs where you lived feeling more frustrated the more you thought about it.
"You said what?" Felix eyes had widened almost comically as Hyunjin recounted his encounter with you in the park. He had come back to the townhouse earlier than any of them expected and in a better mood than any one would have anticipated from a simple day in the park. Settling lazily into one of the armchairs he had began regaling Felix and Jeongin with the events of his day smirking as he got to the part about you.
"Don't panic Lixie it's not like I harmed her in anyway I was just surprised with how much sass she has" his voice smooth and calm
"Chan still won't be happy about it. I mean at this point all of us will have spoken to her before he has" the youngest almost whispered knowing just how good Chan's hearing was.
"It's fine stop worrying little one" Hyunjin soothed patting his auburn hair softly "Chan will get there even if we have to push him along a little bit" A stern yet annoyed growl emanated from somewhere deeper in the house causing Hyunjin and Felix to giggle. They both had a point though and Chan couldn't deny it if he wanted to know more about you, and he definitely did want to get to know you, he would have to step up and take a chance.
Your grandmother could tell something was wrong with you the moment you entered the house your mood was off and you were distracted which from her point of view could have meant only one of two things demonic possession or you had a bad day. As you passed her quick test of muttering incantations over you as you boiled the kettle for tea you assumed that meant she would ask you about it over some, should be afternoon but is now evening, tea. You watched her puttering around the kitchen getting out her favorite porcelain tea cups and some leftover lavender madeleines that she had made the day before.
Currently your parents were away on another book sourcing trip they had been sending special orders back to you from various locations but you believed that currently they were somewhere in Eastern Europe trying to find more rare and interesting manuscripts and tomes. Each evening when you returned from the shop there were boxes to unpack and things to sort like what kind of books they even were or who wanted them to be sent for. Today was no different as two large boxes sat beside the kitchen table waiting to be opened as you sat across from her.
"My child what troubles you?" she smiled lovingly as she slowly poured some honey into your teacup. You watched almost hypnotized as the golden liquid dripped from the spoon.
"I had an encounter with a man in the park today it was a little odd" you started nibbling on the edge of one of the madeleines "Not bad odd just a bit strange he spoke as though he had met me before but I am sure we haven't and he said something which confused me but I may have just misheard him" your explanation left your grandmother silent as you both quietly sipped you tea and you began going through the boxes beside you.
"Is he a friend of your Mimi?" her voice was soft and kind causing you to release some of the stress for the day. "perhaps he has been to the shop?"
"No I would have remembered him, he was um.. very attractive not a face I would forget easily" taking another sip of tea your grandmother nodded sagely. Pulling out a few texts you knew you would need to take to the shop tomorrow you wrapped them in thick fabric and put them under your work bag.
"We will consult the leaves when you are done my dear see what they have to say about all this?" You sighed trying not to get annoyed with her as you watched her swirl her now empty cup to look at the herbs in the bottom "The omens are mixed my child, a grave decision awaits us all and it will be placed before you soon"
"You know I don't believe in Tasseomancy and besides this is herbal tea it wont give a 'proper' reading" you sighed while shaking you head and putting down the empty cup. You stood slowly and stretched think of a way out of any further discussion of divination. "I might just go read and have a bath if that is ok I'm not really hungry enough for a proper dinner"
"You know as well as anyone that magic and fairytales are true child why do pretend that it isn't?" Her voice was sharper now as she scrutinized you from across the table.
"I know Grandma but you and I we are just humans. Reading tea leaves, waving incense or muttering incantations does nothing we aren't Oddinaries" your tone becoming just as sharp as hers. You were tired, still frustrated and you didn't want to fight with her but sometimes you were too alike to prevent it.
"Are you so sure of that daughter of fate?" she muttered under her breath so lowly that you almost couldn't make it out "Go then. I'll be here if you need me and I will bring your sleep tea up later" Shooing you from the kitchen and she quickly snatched up your cup to look into it. As you made yourself scarce to her as quickly as you could before either of you said anything too harsh.
'Daughter of fate' was what she had always called you when you had gotten on her nerves or ignored whatever she was raving about. She had never explained the title and you had never asked since she also called your mother something similar when she was annoyed. But your guilt rose as you began running yourself a bath she had only been offering to help you it wasn't intended to be malicious or ill meaning it is just how she was. After 2 hours of relaxing in the hot water you got out and readied yourself for bed, knowing you had to swallow your pride and go back downstairs to apologize to her. She was still sitting at the kitchen table but instead of teacups and little cakes she was surrounded by the old tomes you had started sorting and herbs although she was still mumbling away to herself.
"Grandma, I'm sorry I upset you I had an unusual day and I shouldn't have snapped at you since it wasn't your fault" you hummed stepping behind her and wrapping your arms around her shoulders. You knew she was smiling as she reached up her wrinkled hand to pat the side of your face that wasn't pressed to her hair "Can I ask you a question Granma?"
"Anything my lovely if you ask I will answer" She answered honestly
"Why do you call me daughter of fate when you get mad at me?" you inquired softly releasing your grip on her and moving to sit in the chair beside her. Silence followed the question as she in turn swiveled in her chair to face you taking your hands in hers and kissing the backs of them.
"I wondered when providence would bring this question to you" she began nodding solemnly "It is due to your lineage my dear you, are a child that was fated to come to us one day, your mother knew it was a possibility that it would be her child just as her mother before her knew before her it is your birth title, your right or had you been born earlier your destiny."
"Grandma you are my mum's mum you do know that" You snickered at her fondly
"I am in fact not your mother's mother and I deem that to be where this lesson shall begin" Her eyes crinkled as she saw confusion colour your face immediately "I am not your grandmother by birth I am your grandmother by destiny. I am not a human as you have so emphatically believed child, I am, what used to be known as, a soothsayer I can see things, many things." Once again she paused as you gapped at this new information "I have the ability to live a long life, an exceptionally long life my child. I have been with your family for the last six hundred years protecting your bloodline from evils. Protecting you."
"Stop. Grandma. Stop. Are you feeling well? Are you really expecting me to believe you are almost immortal and are in fact not my Grandma??" Your mind was spinning as you stood quickly shaking her hands from yours to put one of them against her forehead to check if she was feverish. "I think that you need to rest Grandma, you really do" Worry had laced your voice but she only smiled serenely in return watching as you frowned again as she once again began to shoo you from her.
You climbed the stairs towards your bedroom perturbed by what she had said to you. In the morning you were going to have to try to contact your mother to discuss the fact that her mother had absolutely started losing her mind. Yes you understood that magic existed, so did Oddinaries, you had met many different types of them at the bookstore Fae Folk, Witches, Elves, Nymphs, a rather sweet considering their reputation Succubus, and even a few Warlocks so it stood to reason that beings could live for hundreds of years, or even be immortal, but if she was that old why had that been hidden your whole life it wasn't something to be ashamed of. After sitting yourself on your bed you began processing what she had told you when a soft knock at the door interrupted your thoughts.
"I have brought you some tea my child it will settle your mind to allow you to sleep" she murmured through the door the porcelain rattling as she placed cup and saucer on the floor. "Sleep well little one I will see you come morrow"
You opened the door slowly after a few minutes of waiting for her to leave the hall and go back downstairs as you didn't want another outlandish conversation with her. You sipped the tea slowly finding it the same as always soothing, calming and quickly making your eyelids heavy. Finishing your routine you slipped into your bed falling asleep almost as soon as your head hit the pillow.
Your dreams were vivid but fractured images of old ruins and forests mixed with swords, screaming and pools of blood. Confusing small visions that slowly became clearer to you as scenes that could be from a movie.
A woman who looked like your mother rain soaked and bloody screaming to others to run as she brandished her crossbow towards a man who was almost painfully pretty to look at but unimaginably angry baring his teeth as he ran towards her somehow avoiding every bolt she fired his way. Grabbing her by her throat he threw he through the air, as though she weighed little more than a feather, she crashed into a large stone pillar screaming in pain as she landed with obviously broken bones. His sinister laugh as he moved faster than lightning to grab her by the neck and silence her forever. The scene then morphed into daybreak a younger woman sobbing and begging for help at a small cottage in a clearing of an ancient looking forest the older women standing in the doorway looked like a younger version of your grandmother who held the younger woman helping her inside her eyes fierce and angry as she looked back towards the woods. You turned to see the face of a man you recognized from somewhere his handsome face framed with dark curls, his kind dark eyes stared back at the older women who nodded firmly before closing the door behind her.
You felt as though you were swimming in darkness before another scene started to materialize before your eyes like swirling mist. The same older woman was meeting with a group of men and women who donned leather armor over chainmail swords strapped to their hips some with daggers, bows or spears others with crossbows. Handing out golden pendants on leather straps for them to wear. Each one baring the symbol on your own necklace that you wore everyday. Words you couldn't comprehend as though they were being spoken in a foreign language but images as clear as day. It changed again to a village encircling a pair of warriors dressed in mail and black leather a Vega surrounded by branches and words you could not read embroidered onto their cloaks in red and embossed on a chest plate of the man his face badly scarred and arm bandaged as a blood soaked sack hand limply at his side.
Finally a handsome man, with plump lips, sharp jaw and kind brown eyes sitting on an armchair across from you. He voice honeyed and sure as he explained something to you that you couldn't focus on properly due to the warmth blooming in your chest and the heat settling in you stomach. Moving forward he knelt before you taking your hands in his sparking emotions so intense you almost couldn't breathe.
You awoke with a start blinking for a few moments before realizing you were still in your bed, still in your pajamas and that daybreak was close judging from the slight glow emanating from the beyond the horizon outside your window. You could still feel the heat between your legs but the warmth in your chest had been replaced with a dull ache. Groggily standing you made your way to the bathroom to start your day before looking at your phone to find a dozen messages from Mimi asking where you are and if you were mad at her because you were ignoring her. Checking the time you were confused to find that is was 6:24 am on Monday you had somehow missed Sunday completely. Panicked you quickly dressed before rushing downstairs to find your grandmother sitting and waiting for you in the kitchen.
"I did not anticipate for you to sleep through yester I brewed the tea too potent my child I apologies, but you look as if you have seen a specter so you must have had dreams of the past hopefully the distant past" She stated gently motioning for you to sit as she poured coffee into your cup looking you up and down.
"What did you do? Who was it I dreamt of?" You demanded almost harshly sitting and staring at her. Gulping the coffee she gave you to help with the dryness of your throat.
"The woman with the crossbow was the oldest of your forebears sisters she lived 700 years ago and she met her death in a vampiric attack you may have seen the creature responsible you may not have, it matters not. Your forbear came to me weeping begging for help she had met another of the vile creatures that had brought word of what had happened, whether in malice or not, he returned the corpse of her beloved sister. I, of course, helped in return for the simple task of her family helping to care for me as I aged and lost my abilities". She paused waiting to see if you would let her continue, you stared ahead processing her words knowing them to true deep down for how else would she have known what you had dreamt of.
"Seer's have the gift of nature magic that is how we are able to live long and see visions with age that gift fades I needed the assurance I would be cared for and she swore it in blood. I helped her with the forging of the pendants which each warrior would wear to help protect them from the evil that they would face, the same pendant you and your mother wear. The warriors were monster hunters they lived and died in the service of protection of all evils against mankind. You are descended from them you are a child of the hunters, a child of light in the darkness. It reads tenebrae finiantur in lucem the light will be ended by the light. It was their creed, their ethos, their duty." Sighing greatly she carefully pushed back her chair and stood to leave "I have always loved you deeply child you are as much mine as if you were born of my blood"
You sat silently pondering all she had said for almost an hour until a notification on your phone roused you from your thoughts seeing the time you stood numbly and walked to the front hall to collect your things you would have to open the store again today and hopefully you could speak to Mimi and sort out all of your thoughts.
You had walked the city way to work stopping to grab a very strong coffee and pastries for your breakfast before arriving at the bookstore far too early to consider opening it yet. Sitting behind the counter you made short work of the pastries before deciding to call Mimi. She wouldn't have started at her work place yet and would hopefully be able to talk to you for a little while and sort out what had happened in the last few days.
"Hello honey are you ok? I'm so sorry for everything!" Mimi blurted out as soon as she answered the phone on the second ring
"Hi Mimi, I'm fine please don't apologise I wasn't well and basically just slept all day yesterday" you explained tentatively you could hardly tell her that you pseudo grandmother had accidently overdosed you on some kind of magic tea to get you to have crazy vision dreams "But I would like to talk if you have time"
"Oh babes, for you always" she chirpped sweetly "I'm still at home so I have time for whatever you need"
"Thank you Mimi" you smiled before launching in to a slightly abbreviated and less intense version of everything that had happened since you shooed her off on Saturday morning. She asked more questions than you could answer and then to distract you when she thought you needed something else to think about she told you all about how her hook up Changbin had failed to call her and had barely even bothered to answer her texts before reminding you that men were stupid and to stay away from them. You ended the call feeling lighter than you had since the first conversation with your grandmother, groaning you stood stiffly to open the bookshops shutters and get ready for the day which you hoped would be fairly quiet giving you a chance to rummage around in the oldest tomes upstairs to find anything that might give you any reference to what you had dreamt about.
By the time lunchtime rolled around you were up to your elbows in dusty books and tomes reading everything you could on monster hunters, Oddinaries considered evil and medieval ideas about hunting. Slowly you were piecing together the tiniest scraps of information when the bell on the front door chimed letting you know someone was there. Dusting yourself off you quickly made your way to the front counter to see who it was.
Minho had promised Chan he would go and scope out the bookstore girl on Monday but what he really wanted was the grimoire he had asked to be brought in for him. So venturing out of the house he shared with the others he made his way through town to Hawthorne and Bramble in hopes of getting what he wanted and perhaps some more useful information about this stupid human the entire house seemed to be obsessed with. Entering the store he found himself alone standing in front of the counter waiting, you appeared from the staircase that lead to the rare books looking slightly messy with your sleeves pulled up to your elbows, dust all over your jeans and cardigan and hair pushed of your face in an lopsided looking ponytail.
"Can I help you sir" you smiled easily blinking at the purple haired man in front of you.
"Um. yes I wanted to know if an order I placed has arrived I was expecting it last week" He hummed almost trying to look friendly.
"Of course what name would it be under?" you asked opening the program on the tablet on the counter
"Lee" he answered shortly "Lee Minho" you nodded typing the name in and waiting for the page to load your brows knitting together as you read the results on the screen.
"Let me just check the tomes that came in last night" You smiled softly trying to not offend the man before you who you could tell was trying his hardest to be polite. You scampered to the far end of the store to pick up the stack that you had unpacked from home and hadn't yet looked at properly as you were too busy with you own personal mission.
"I can already tell it is the one with the dark green leather cover" He stated blandly watching you as you fumble with the books his patience was already thin at the realisation that you were just another boring human that would interrupt the calm of his home for the near future he snapped his fingers causing the books to lift from your arms and sort themselves on the counter. However Minho frowned when he noticed you gulp, he assumed hesitantly, before rejoining him at the counter. "Don't look so nervous I won't hurt you"
"I know, it would be rather stupid to considering we are the only one who can get you your books" You smiled again but with slightly more confidence "You also aren't the first Warlock to get mad at me either and probably won't be the last"
Minho smiled truly at your remark Hyunjin had been right you did have some sass when pushed the right way. Maybe you were not a complete waste of everyone's time. Maybe helping Chan out just this once wouldn't end up in a fucking disaster like it did every time he tried to help out his younger more impulsive brothers.
"Speaking of which are you one of those Warlocks who will look into magical matters? You know like a business?" You tried to sound confident but you were not sure he was going to buy it. This was going to be your best chance to ask a magic wielder instead of having to look through all the stores records to find one who may be willing to help you.
"Depends what kind of matter you mean? The necklace your wearing I can look into, how to make a love potion? No I don't do that sort of garbage although it is a lucrative trade" Minho mused gesturing towards your throat as you watched him with wide eyes
"How did you know about my necklace? It's not even showing" You knew you sounded surprised but you couldn't help it
"I can sense magical auras like talismans, old spells, artifacts that sort of thing, all Warlocks can, but if you like I can look into it for you as long as you are willing to come to me. I don't do magic tricks in lounge rooms for people to gawk at" he explained rapidly flicking his fingers to produce a think deep blue business card which he handed to you with a smirk.
"Thanks" You almost laughed at the dramatic action but took the card to look over, not looking up again until the door chimed signifying his exit from the shop. Beautiful silver calligraphy decorated the card 'Lee Minho, Warlock' humming to yourself you put the card into your phone case and went back upstairs to continue looking through books.
Minho made his way back to the house they all shared thinking how they would have to go about dealing with whatever the very strong spell on the necklace was. He had a sneaking suspicion it was some form of hiding or blocking spell that must have been created by an incredibly strong being. Stepping back through the front door he found himself surrounded by the familiar chaos of home, which was an odd concept for Minho he had never considered anywhere home until he met Chan, Hyunjin was painting in the parlor again, Changbin was working out somewhere and Jeongin and Seungmin could be heard giggling as they teased him. Chan was waiting trying to look casual as Felix and Han bounced around the room like children. All three sets of eyes though flew to him as he entered the library to put his grimoire on his desk.
"Soooo?" Han smirked
"Yeah what did you think of her? She's really pretty and nice right?" Felix added grinning Chan, however, just rolled his eye waiting for them to finish acting up.
"She's just a human" Minho shrugged at his friends, noticing the disappointment blooming on Felix's face "She is going to be coming here at some point though she wants me into something for her" he added almost absentmindedly
"She's coming here?" Changbin almost roared as he and the others all burst into the room as though they were not all standing in the adjoining room eavesdropping.
"Yes, she's now a client of mine so you will treat her exactly the same way you treat all my client's" He turned to the jumble of boys in the doorway point to each one separately "So no flirting, shouting, bouncing around like children, brooding or trying to freak her out" Hyunjin glared, Changbin rolled his eyes, Felix pouted, Seungmin scoffed and Jeongin scuffed his foot into the carpet as though they hadn't all just been exposed. Turning back to Chan Minho lifted his eyebrows challenging him to disagree causing the Vampire to laughed heartily.
"Will you need an assistant?" He grinned playfully knowing Minho was trying not to laugh too.
"Possibly, but only if you don't spend the entire time eye fucking her" He snarked cheekily causing the others to bust out in fits of giggles.
A/N Thank you for reading please reblog, comment or critique. I can't improve without your wonderful help. If you would like to added to the taglist please let me know.
Taglist: @lotus-dly @thegoddessharmony
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wearethewitches · 5 months
i will definitely take you up on that offer! although dont get too distracted, masters and education is more important so stay on track. famdoms will be here when you’re done. now this isnt really a prompt, more to ask for your opinion. IF in some bg3 universe that was normal, how would ayling and isobel be as parents? (assuming through magic and or intervention of sêlune via moon fertility or something…) how do they react? to any and all their children or Valeria- reactions, parenting styles. you’ve given me brain worms Isobel is my fav
oooooh I have been thinking on this a lot (and thank-you! i have procrastinated by gutting my room instead and playing act 1 of bg3 with my new durge bard 😭).
so, your q: what would aylin & isobel be like as parents in a canon-like(?) universe?
i think first and foremost, they'd plan it out, with isobel being the one to have their children. in a more kind of classic scenario, i'd see isobel being hesitant to bring up the subject of children, and aylin quietly being the same but also settled into the idea of Not Having Children At All, then isobel bringing it up eventually and aylin seeing right through her in an instant; all for it, the both of them. then, they'd get selune's blessing, etc., and voila:
moon baby.
the vibe is very much VW road trip, because they're still actively doing good in the selunite community, and i have these images in my head of a silver-haired toddler, arms akimbo, riding about in a sling. aylin is showing them off constantly, and isobel is very pissed off that someone is attacking her while she's on a walk with her child.
i'd think that as time went by, there would be a veritable swarm of children, and no, isobel never gets tired of it. aylin is ecstatic. selune likes to visit them all and give them honeyed treats and like,, those sweet almond pastries. and occasionally a lemon, or something sour, just to keep them on their toes.
in a less classic scenario (i.e. "we tried to get pregnant and it turned out that aylin is the one having the kid, here, rather than isobel like planned"), i think they're more cautious? the difference here is that aylin can't be the big protector, not as far as she's used to, to there's a bit of role swap going on. their kids, plural, would have significant age-gaps.
(yeah there's no way i am not imagining isobel being gifted an elongated lifespan, somehow. no fucking way.)
hmmmmm...... parenting style-wise, they're very openminded, but i think they'd treat their kids like those no-socials celebrities do it, where their children are not blatant about their heritage, though unfortunately dnd rules state that aasimar (descendents or otherwise) are pretty much identifiable on sight, so i don't know how effective that would be.
either way, they'd really love their kids - though i think aylin misjudges what's appropriate sometimes. isobel hasn't had children before so she's equally in the dark, but aylin can be wildly right and wildly wrong in the kind of way that is "you cannot have hot things until you can speak full sentences" and "why wouldn't i teach my baby how to cast an upcasted Moonbeam spell, it should be innate anyway". but for some reason, she draws the line at giving them weapons, though not a specific some reason, aylin just has the page -> squire -> knight pipeline imprinted into her brain, and only one of those gets a sword full-time.
tfw isobel watches her babies bathe each other in magical moonlight and gets a creeping sense of dread, because one day - one day - she knows her children are going to have temper tantrum that could potentially level the house, and it's all because aylin thought it appropriate for their divine children to learn magic.
(i mean. it is? but also, they're children, who grow up being loved and adored and treated well, and those kinds of kids thrive. it's really not all that surprising they'd be brilliant at anything they chose to be.)
i had so much fun writing this, though i think i'll keep it at that for this ask. there were so many thoughts i had about Valeria specifically, but that's coming in the next chapter or so of (selune, thou).
genuinely loved this ask, 10/10 would do again.
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btskitten7 · 2 years
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Acquired Love || part three
➭fic pairing: Jungkook x Female oc, Yoongi x Female oc, Hoseok x Female oc.
➭current wc: 2.6k words
➭genre: smut, angst, domestic relationships, baby daddy/baby momma drama. Some fluff!
➭rating; M (throughout fic)
➭warnings: everyone except for Hoseok, is a little toxic 🤭
➭summary: the one where you realize Jungkook still isn’t ready.
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It’s currently three in the morning. Exactly three hours before you’re supposed to get up and ready, four hours before you drop your princess to her dad’s and five hours before you go in to work.
To say that this weekend was a roller coaster would be an understatement.
From getting wrapped up with Jungkook again, Yoongi popping up at your house, although he claims you called him drunk the night before, and Hoseok just being the sweet guy he is and checking on you. It’s a tad overwhelming.
All you craved was sleep, an sweet escape from the real world.
Unfortunately, your eyes wandered back to the clock, every second it seemed. Dreading the moment that you had to go work and face Yoongi after this weekend. You guys haven’t spoken much since the last encounter with Jungkook and you kinda figured that.
What were you supposed to say? Yoongi caught you red-handed fucking your ex. What is there to say? “Hey best friend, so about saturday? Yeah me and Jungkook were-“
You couldn’t even come up with an explanation, everything just sounded painfully pathetic.
To make matters even worse, Hoseok texted you while you were out with Jungkook.
Hoseok 🫧: when can I see you again?
Hoseok 🫧: ive been thinking about you. And I think I want to continue seeing you.
Now you really didn’t want to be seen. You’ve seen how these types of things end in the movies. Someone always ends up with a broken heart. Even though there’s plenty of amazing sex, there was too much confusion and anxiety.
Something you had enough of being a mother.
Gratefully, your daughter woke up in need of her mother, a distraction. Perfect.
Waltzing to baby girl’s room and to her crib, you saw her squirming around the crib, begging for her mama’s attention.
“There, there my pretty girl. Mommy’s here” you smiled, taking her into your arms and kissing her head before taking her back to your room. “You always save mommy from her mind”
After giving her the needed cuddles and feedings, you laid with little Aera until it was time for you to wake up–which– wasn’t an issue for you since sleep was nonexistent for you.
You got Aera ready like you did normally when you got an call from the one you wish to avoid.
You took a deep breath and answered the call, thanking God that it wasn’t a facetime.
“What time do you take Aera to her father’s?,,
‘’Around 7 but lately he’s been slacking so 7:20 ish. Why? Is everything okay?,,
“ Mhm, just thinking we should carpool. I can get my Aera cuddles for the day and we could grab breakfast before we head into work. ,,
Yoongi’s morning voice is something you could never get over. It was deep as if his voice wasn’t already deep and it was “send you over the moon” raspy, overall a ten out of ten, you would recommend.
“ Oh, okay cool. I don’t mind that at all, I’ll be ready before you get here ,,
“ Perfect, I should be there at 7 ,,
Honestly, you were shitting bricks.
You couldn’t believe you just agreed to allow Yoongi, the same one who walked in on you getting pleasured by the man he hates by the way, to give you a ride to that same man’s house.
Were you drunk or something?? You asked yourself over and over.
You didn’t want Yoongi to think you were being weird about what happened. You didn’t even want him to know that it kept you up all night, you had to be normal.
Which isn’t hard. It’s just Yoongi…
Exactly, it’s Yoongi. Just your best friend.
But no matter how many times you told yourself that, you were still nervous.
You were putting your’s and Aera’s bag together when you heard a knock on the door.
A little confused, you hesitated a bit but answered as quickly as you could.
It was Yoongi.
“You’re early” you said letting him in to which he hummed.
“I got bored and I wanted to see Aera”
Yoongi headed over to your baby girl and kissed her chubby cheeks.
Watching Yoongi, you wondered why he wanted to carpool. It wasn’t out of the ordinary but it still made you think.
Yoongi avoided eye contact with you the whole drive to Jungkook’s house for some reason.
Probably because he couldn’t sleep peacefully last night either.
Yoongi got ready for bed the same way he usually does.
Dinner, a little work, shower, then bed.
But ever since he heard your encounter with Jungkook and seeing you in that damn robe-
That damn robe.
He hated that robe.
The way it sat was so fitting on your perfect body. Displayed everything he wanted to see.
The roundness of your breast, that he craved so much.
The curves , gosh, your curves sent him into overdrive.
Your thighs, your fucking thighs. How he would love to have his head right between-
’Wait a second’ he thought to himself.
Why is he thinking like this?
Shaking his head, he thought a shower would help but it only made the thoughts worse.
He couldn’t get the image of himself, fucking, you against the shower wall.
Yoongi didn’t even want to watch tv at this point, he just knew he needed to go straight to bed.
But it didn’t stop there. His hand wrapped around his growing member letting out a relaxed sigh from the relief of pressure.
One thing led to another and now he fucking himself to the thought of you.
He was so wrapped up in the moment, he had half a mind to take Jungkook up on his offer to watch him eat you out even though he would much rather be the one eating.
“It’s this one right here” you reminded Yoongi, pointing to Jungkook’s home.
He remembers exactly where he lived but didn’t even bother to respond to tell you that since it really didn’t matter. He just nodded and turned into the parkway, looking over to you.
“Do you need me to help you with anything?”
You shook your head
“I got it, I shouldn’t be long”
You hurried out the car with Aera’s bag as well as her kicking body in your arms, after retrieving her from the car seat.
After getting to Jungkook’s door, you lifted your hand to knock when you noticed faint pants and groans from the other side. Frowning softly, you started to grow a little concerned until you heard a giggle followed by Jungkook’s deep chuckled.
“We need to hurry, my baby’s mother is going to be here any minute babe”
“So?” You could hear her remark, followed by Jungkook humming and sounds of lewd kissing.
“So, my daughter will be here and I don’t want her getting pissed because you’re here”
“Why would she care? You’re not together anymore” she teased. “Are you?”
That hit you like a ton of bricks, more than it should.
He’s right though, you aren’t together. No matter how much you end up in his bed or him in yours, you aren’t his.
And clearly, he doesn’t belong to you either. It’s time you come to terms with that.
Doesn’t change how much it hurts though.
Jungkook grew quiet. For some odd reason you thought, maybe he’ll say what you guys are or something to reassure you that you aren’t making a mistake.
But that’s asking for too much of Jungkook. Clearly.
Your eyes grew glossy but you didn’t decide to wait around any longer to find out what he would even say, you knocked on the door, stopping the conversation before it could progress.
You could hear the panic in Jungkook’s voice as he spoke to whoever he was with before opening the door. His eyes met with yours, softening.
“Hey—hey are you okay?” He asked showing so much concern as if he wasn’t the one hurting you.
You scanned over his body and counted the many love marks. The ones you made just the other day were still visible under the ones the lady just made. Jungkook stood there clueless until you scoffed.
Putting the pieces together he quickly tried to cover the marks but rubbing his neck softly, mainly in embarrassment.
“I’ll see you Sunday” your voice was deadpan and you had no emotion on your face when you spoke to him, but your eyes showed your sadness.
Kissing Aera’s cheeks, you handed her to him along with her bag and proceeded down the hall. Jungkook sighed and called out to you.
“Y/n, wait! Y/n!”
You didn’t turn back and you didn’t acknowledge him at all.
Making it back to Yoongi’s car, you were so close to letting it all spill.
But Yoongi didn’t have to see you cry to know something happened.
“You alright?” His deep voice asked you, comfort at its finest.
“I will be..I will be”
Jungkook sighed and closed the door, looking down at Aera.
Her bright smile was almost enough to make him forget about the scene before him.
“Oh Jungkook! Is this your daughter! She’s so beautiful!”
Jungkook smiled and nodded.
“She’s gorgeous, like her mama.” He said, whispering the last part.
“She looks like Y/n’s little girl.” She said smiling softly, jungkook frowns. ‘Please don’t tell me’ he pleaded to himself.
“You know yn?”
She nods.
“We work together. Which is why I should be going, she hates when members of our team are late, especially when we have a meeting first thing once we clock in,” she started, “wait, you know yn?”
‘Of course I do, that’s my ex. The mother of my fucking kid. The one I’m trying to give her another one of my kids.’ Jungkook wanted to say but he didn’t want to cause drama or make you feel uncomfortable at your job. Yoongi already had something against him, clearly he didn’t need to give him another reason.
“We know each other, but it wasn’t anything too serious. Just don’t mention it”
Without questioning it any further, she kissed Jungkook goodbye after get dressed once again and hurrying out the door.
Jungkook sighed deeply before closing the door behind the woman. He didn’t even call her over to sleep with her. Last night, after he dropped Yn and Aera off, he wanted to clear himself from the women he was sleeping with. He wanted to formally get rid of them and tell them that he wasn’t interested anymore to which most accepted since he made it clear that he wasn’t looking for anyone new before hand. But she ended up waltzing by his palace with that stupid trench coat act, who even thinks of things like that these days
He always thought if someone did that for he would love it but it was the opposite. He would only love it if, you, did it.
You had a way of driving him insane with your work attire, what if you actually showed up on his door step with something enticing as that. He would give you another child on the spot, no questions asked.
Although that may be a thing of the past.
“Daddy messed up with mommy again.” He smiled down at Aera who had no idea what was going on but she was just happy to see her daddy again.
You on the other hand were fighting tears every time Yoongi or Jimin asked you if you were okay.
‘ How could he? ‘ you thought to yourself. You stupidly gave him another chance and he goes behind your back and fucks someone else.
If he doesn’t want to truly commit to you, why should you commit to him? If he’s gonna fuck everyone he sees why couldn’t you.
Pulling out your phone, you quickly called Hoseok and stepped outside.
“H-hey. Sorry I couldn’t text you back earlier” you uttered “I was busy, how are you?”
“Oh it’s nothing major. I understand, you have a cute little princess to look after! I’m doing great, how are you?”
“I’m doing…mm..I could be better but I’m managing” you admitted.
“Oh? Are you busy tonight? I don’t mind stopping by and having a few drinks.” Hoseok voiced.
Ugh, you hate how thoughtful he is. You don’t hate it, but it makes you feel weird whenever it happens.
“Actually that doesn’t seem like a bad idea. Should I meet you somewhere?”
“Yeah, I’ll send you an address to one of my favorite bars.”
“Okay noted, I’ll see you later!” You smiled before hanging up and walking back inside.
Yoongi’s eyes followed your body as you walked back to your seat sitting next to him. A scow laid on your face as your phone vibrates with messages over and over.
It had to be Jungkook.
He noticed how weird you were acting when you got back into the car. Leaning over “you okay?”
“Yeah. I just had to call Hoseok back, that's all.”
“You’ve decided to see him? I thought you and Jungkook were fixing things.”
“I guess not. But I want to try things out with this Hoseok guy.”
And boy did you..
Everything was a vibe, you guys laughed, joked, and even had deep conversations with one another.
Then you started to watch a movie, cuddled up together as his hand softly pressed against your thigh, massaging them. Making your core heat up and clench around nothing.
You didn’t want to fuck him—at least not yet but the more his hands worked onto your body the more you wanted him.
One thing led to another and now you're kissing on the couch while the movie is now watching you.
He lifts your up and places you on his lap, letting his hands hold your waist and slip underneath your shirt. You never broke the kiss, not even to breathe.
But suddenly, Hoseok broke the kiss, holding your face in his hands as both your eyes fluttered open.
“A-are you okay?” You asked softly, rubbing his chin softly, causing him to smile.
“I’m perfect, I just want to make sure this is something you want, especially dealing with Jungkook’s moods and all.” Hoseok said sincerely, thoughtfully.
You sighed softly and nodded. You wanted this but a part of you felt guilty for using Hoseok as a weapon against Jungkook. No, you wouldn’t throw it in his face but you wouldn’t mind if he found out about it and got all pissy about it.
“I do want this…but you’re right. I need to take this slow and figure out this thing with Jungkook. No-I’m not getting back with him but I can imagine he’s giving you lots of shit for hanging out with me.” you said chuckling. Hoseok nodded and leaned back on your couch, his arms were still wrapped around your waist. You sat comfortably in his lap.
“He constantly gives me shit but I haven’t told him anything about us. Every day, he asks me if I’ve seen you or if we’ve done something. I just keep it short. Although I don’t want to keep what we have away from him, if there is something between us?” He states in more of a asking tone, although you don’t think he’s asking you.
In all honestly you aren’t sure of what you are with Hoseok. You knew you were friends but maybe something closer and more intimate than friends but not quite dating. You didn’t know.
Hoseok could tell he asked something you were ready to answer from your silence, “Let’s forget that yeah? Let’s just vibe.” he smiled causing you to smile, planting a small kiss onto his lips.
“Why isn’t mommy answering? You could be sick and need her.” he mumble to Aera. Aera wasn’t even paying attention to her daddy, her little eyes were glued to the tv. All the bright colors and catchy tunes were confusing to her but it was entertaining to see. Jungkook looked at the time then back at his phone, noticing that you’ve been reading his messages but that’s it….
You just been reading his messages with is the quickest way to piss him off.
But quite frankly, you didn’t give a fuck.
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white-lyra · 1 year
Hi, i'm new here and i wanted to start an Heimdall x Reader i wrote the first chapter, i'm not english so please don't hate me.
I hope you will like it and please tell me if i write something wrong, i'm still learning english and i want to learn this language 100% well.
Part 1
This is (yn)
They are the goddess of Power.
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Her eyes are one of a kind, his father had something like this, she hides them by putting bandages to cover them so that nobody sees them.
Although they look nice to look at she doesn’t let anyone see them.
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Her hair is brown and long, she doesn’t like someone touching her hair she only lets Moon touch it.
(yn)'s tattoo:
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Some pictures of what (yn) wears , and earrings:
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I created another character, her name Is Moon and she Is the goddess of justice, revenge, karma, personal growth and new beginning.
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From their first meeting they did not separate anymore, Moon felt the sense of revenge of (yn) guide her to her, from that moment they always helped each other, (yn) taught Moon how to fight while Moon taught (yn) some methods for healing.
They were always together wherever they went.
She is proud of her eyes representing the color of her magic and also her favorite color
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Her hair is dark and she likes to style it differently when she has time.
Moon's tattoo:
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Some pictures of what Moon wears :
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"hey (yn) we should go check on that creature it’s been a while since we went there"
Speak a voice that distracts me from my reading.
"You’re right and the temperature is falling we must hurry if we don’t want to find It dead"
I get up from my seat and put the book on a nearby table ,I take my staff, you have understood well staff, it may seem a useless object if it was just a normal staff but fortunately mine is not, and my sword that I attach to my belt. I leave the small house lowering a little so as not to hit my head, I am high enough and the door is too small for me so I lower myself, just outside meeting Leo, my pet is really good, and it’s very big, Leo has a very soft mane of light orange color with red streaks on the body, I caress his snout and a little mane , I wait for Moon to come out.
While I check that there are no Helwalker around, it’s already cold and I don’t think she wants to fight and neither do I now that I think about it.
"I’m here let's go," says Moon, closing the door behind her
"Let’s go Leo"
We walk to the abandoned structure where the creature lies, unfortunately we do not know its name and I do not think it wants one probably has already, given by its previous owner.
We keep walking until we get to the poor abandoned animal lying on the snow, we get closer and try to understand if it is still alive and fortunately opens its eyes. Suddenly we hear a thud behind us, we turn ready to attack whatever has approached, we turn to see a boy on the ground who is about to be attacked by a Helwalker.
I quickly pull out my Kunai and throw it at the monster by stabbing him , I throw him with the chain attached to the Kunai away from the boy, I throw it back on the head killing him permanently, while Moon approaches the poor boy on the ground.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" she says checking for any injuries on the teenager’s body.
"no I’m fine thanks for saving me," he said
"What’s your name? And what are you doing here alone?"
"my name is Atreus and I ran away from home"
"You should be careful, you look lost," I said, approaching him and reaching out to help him up.
He took my hand with a smile rising from the cold ground
"in fact I am umm I haven’t been here for a long time I was looking for this house a friend of mine lives there"
"I’m sorry to disappoint you but nobody lives here" Moon replied
"what?" he says making a confused face
"She didn’t even come back to take care of him?" he said as he approached the poor animal
"has been abandoned for quite some time"
he looks away from us to look at the house
"That’s why we were there" I say making him stop to look at us
"We don’t live very far from here we found it covered with snow and we decided to keep an eye on it until its owner would come back but no one ever came back," said Moon going towards the creature, she touches its face a bit making it wake up.
"Ehy we are here to help but we have to get in to do it you can please get up"
With a little effort the creature gets up just enough to let us in
"Come on! I don’t think he can stay that way for long"
We run to the door and slide under the small space before it closes again, we fall into the empty and cold house.
"Ugh… where is Leo?" I said as I attach my staff to my back
"Leo?" asked Atreus
"Here!" I looked in the direction of Moon to see her get up with Leo next to her
"Woah!" Atreus flinches slightly at the sight of the predator
"Calm down is harmless if you do not bother him so much" I also get up and approach Leo stroking his head a little, we look around the house to find something to light a fire
"I never had your names" suddenly says Atreus
"Oh right, where are our manners? I am Moonwhile she is (yn) and you have already met Leo" said Moon continued by a deafening silence, you may hear a pin falling.
"Why did you run away from your house?" she suddenly says
"What?" she says as I approach a table locating a book on it
"maybe he doesn’t want to talk about it might be a private thing," I told her as I opened the book and tore some pages
"oh no no it’s okay umm my father and I fought because I wanted to go to Asgard-"
"Asgrad?!" Moon said with surprise as I turned to look at him holding tightly the paper ball I was about to throw into the fireplace
"y-yes but it’s to save my father and my friends too"
"Do you work for Odin?" I said softly while he stiffens under my tone
"no no, I just want to stop whatever’s on his mind."
"ah this is a relief" I say turning again and throwing the crumpled paper
"Do you know him?"
"unfortunately" Atreus approaches pulling a knife and taking a stone but I stop him putting a hand in front of him, he looks at me confused, I close my hand fist and then reopen it making a flame appear I throw it in the fireplace lighting a decent fire to warm us up a little
"Do you also know magic?" Atreus asks curiously in his voice
"different kinds of magic" I answered by sitting by the fireplace to savor some of the warmth.
"We met Odin a long time ago I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t recognize us anymore" Moon says
"I hope you know you shouldn’t trust Odin," she continues by sitting next to me
"I know if I can ask why you wear blindfolds?" I turn around and look at him, "sorry I shouldn’t have asked."
"No it’s okay you told us why you ran away from home and that you want to meet Odin… I wear bandages because I don’t like to show people my eyes I don’t like to be the center of attention and my eyes would attract enough people would be scared they’re not pretty to look at," I explained to Atreus, getting tired of being sitting on the floor, I noticed that Moon made a sad face at my explanation, she tried a lot of times to convince me not to hide them, She says that people would not be scared but amazed, but I never believed that people would accept someone’s differences just because they are beautiful, I wanted not only words but also actions.
"You said you wanted to stop whatever Odin had in mind, do you have a plan?" Moon asks looking at him with curiosity wanting to know more "I feel a sense of revenge coming out of you"
"I don’t really have a plan I’ll try to keep an eye on him- wait you said you feel a sense of revenge? How do you feel that?" he looks at her confused while she laughs slightly "this is a story for another time" says Moon
"You know by yourself I don’t think you’re gonna get very far Odin is smart"
"I know but it’s just me others are against me they don’t want to understand that I’m trying to help them but even if they did I don’t think they will help me" says Atreus with a little disappointment in his voice, Everyone who is against you but you are just trying to help them is really hard to deal with on your own.
"We can help you the situation you’re in is stressful especially when you’re alone we understand what you’re trying to do even if we’ve only known each other for 5 minutes I’m willing to try to help you" I say looking him in the eye even though he can’t see mine
"Really?! But as you said, we’ve only known each other for 5 minutes, I’m a stranger to you," he says, getting off the ground
"Correct but Moon and I also want to stop Odin and you are alone even though Asgard may seem beautiful it is also dangerous you have to be careful of the people who live there" Atreus simply smiled happy to have someone who believes him and understands the intentions he has.
"Well how do we get to Asgard? And can we take Leo with us?" asked Moon
"Leo comes whether Odin likes it or not," I say, ignoring any request Odin has in mind
Before Atreus can keep talking we hear a little knock on a window.
Atreus approaches and opens the window revealing a crow with red symbols on his eyes
"We were looking for you I’m ready to take us to him," he says
The crow flies in and perches on a chair nearby, making a noise by letting in other crows.
Leo shakes off some water making it go in the eyes of Moon "Leo!" As she dries her eyes we look around confused
They fly around us until you just hear the sound of the beating of the wings then they disappear and we find ourselves falling into a lake,
We have difficulty staying afloat to get air but then we can get closer to the mainland, coming out of the cold water of the lake.
"This is not Asgard we are out of the wall," I say, pointing to the large wall not far from us.
We walk towards it killing some monster and passing a bridge that leads to a small village just near the foot of the wall, while Atreus and Moon talk to a boy I look up at the wall.
"will be hard to climb" I thought
"Ehy (yn) the only way to get to Asgard is to climb the wall so come on let’s go!" Moon says, we all approach to begin the climb
"We are coming Odin"
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note: i hope you liked the first chapter and please tell if write something wrong. byeeee
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laughterfixs · 1 year
Howdy giggle sprites! Inspiration has hit me and I’ve been writing! Got a little something to share with you!  Summers getting hot in the pizzaplex and celestial jester bros gotta find a way to cool down their adoptive floof covered dragon momma!  Contains: Mentions of tickles (no actual t scenes this go round sorry lol), fluff, sweetness, familial love, helpful friends and some of my own original characters! Enjoy~
*******************************************************************************************   “...Thankfully, it seemed no one was harmed in the collapse and everyone managed to get out of the building safely. In other news, it seems we’re getting quite the heatwave this summer!”  “You’d be correct, Jane! High temperatures are coming in as we are quickly climbing into the low and mid 90s, the high today being 95 degrees, but what’s even worse is that humidity which will be bringing us a toasty feel of 101 degrees. I suggest staying indoors during peak hours or at the very least layer that sunscreen. Thunderstorms will come later in the week–” “Since when do you watch the news?” Sundrop asked as he carried an armful of toys back to their spot. Moondrop turned to his brother and gave a shrug before turning it off. “Just curious what was going on today. Humans are so depressing with their news though…” He stood and stretched his joints. The day was over thankfully and it was a long one too…they couldn’t even take the little ones outside. Nor could they even have a proper naptime. The air conditioning in the daycare was…not working to say the least. While it didn’t affect the animatronics much with their inner cooling systems, it was uncomfortably warm in that section of the plaza and all day the poor kids were cranky and miserable. The celestial jesters did their best but unfortunately there was only so much animatronics could do during a heatwave.  They spent most of the day braiding young girls' hair to help them stay cool, Sunny would spin his rays like a fan and let the kids feel the air blowing. Moon tried to keep them distracted with puppet shows and stories since trying naptime was a complete failure. The kids couldn’t stay asleep, being too uncomfortable with their bodies sticking to the matts.  Moon fixed his hat and straightened his bowtie as he turned his attention to his humming brother. “Done then?”  “Hmmmm….” Sun straightened out a little Freddy plush and gave a giggly hum of victory now that his OCD was satisfied. “Yup!!” “Good, let’s go see how mom’s doing. I haven’t even seen a whisker of her peeking out today..” Moon hooked his wire to his back and held an arm out to Sun. Once his counterpart was holding on tightly, they flew up into the air and to the rafters where their mother was usually hiding out. When they got there however, the sight before them worried them. Their draconic canine mother was panting heavily, ears flat out, wings lifted slightly above her as if trying to let air pass through them. Her fur was disheveled and falling off in a few places. In short…she was a mess. Sunny squeaked and rushed over to sit in front of her muzzle. “M-mom?! Mama!! Are you okay?!” Ana pulled in her black and pink spotted forked tongue, lifting her head weakly. “Oh hey boys…I’m fine it’s just…a little hot. Fur and heat don’t necessarily work well together…” Her eyes went wide for a moment and she immediately lifted a hind leg in order to try to scratch a spot behind her head. “Grr…and if that ain’t enough, I shed so much and my skin gets so dry and itchy in the summer!” She huffed, laying her head back down as the itch was relieved…for now. “It leaves yer momma a bit…well…cranky…” The boys frowned before looking at each other and nodding. Sun laid in front of her and spun his rays to blow air into her face. Moon climbed up on her back and activated his claws that normally went along with his security system. He then started to scratch around her shoulders and the back of her neck. “Look mom, I’m your biggest fan…!” Sunny tried to joke, with a weak smile. He knew his mother wasn’t really in the best of moods, but he wanted to help! It made his smile grow when Ana gave a small chuckle, her muscles relaxing underneath the scratching. “You’re much too good to me, babies.” She lifted her head to give her lil firefly a lick on the nose, getting a giggle from him in the process.  “We’re sorry it’s so hot mom…” Moon apologized despite knowing it wasn’t his or Sun’s fault. Ana shook her head. “You don’t control the weather, sugarstars. I’m used to dealing with my fur in the summer heat…I just need to find other ways to stay cool is all…” “How do you normally cool off?” Sun asked, his rays blowing back small strands of his momma’s hair and her whiskers. “I’d go for a swim…but unfortunately can’t do that much here without bringing too much attention to myself…and who knows how clean the nearest lake is if it’s so close to humanity…” The dragon shook her head. Her boys knew she wasn’t fond of humans…She had her reasons but, it wasn’t something she talked about often.  “Well…What about Monty Golf! There’s water in there!” Sun offered with a grin. Moon looked over his mothers head. “I’m not sure that’s such a good idea Sunny...” His calmer half shot down gently. “Lot of people like to throw their trash in that water and then there’s the machinery that keeps things flowing in there.” “Oh…right…” “It’s alright boys…I’ll make do. Summer doesn’t last forever.” Sun sighed, dejected. Moon played with his mothers hair absentmindedly…it was so long…so was all her fur. He got an idea. “How about a haircut?” “What?” Both Ana and Sun asked, looking back at him. “I know some humans cut their hair in the summer to keep cool, we can do the same for mom!” Ana seemed a bit…uncertain at that notion. “I don’t know, Moonlight…I don’t even remember the last time I cut my hair…and I rather not end up looking like a poodle.” “Well…we could ask Regina, Chica and Roxanne? They know things about styling.” Moon offered.  “But they don’t know about mom, Moon…what if they panic? And-and she gets taken away!” Sun hugged Ana’s snout with a scared whimper, hating the mere thought of losing the only mother figure they’ve ever had. Ana licked and nuzzled her anxious pup to calm him down again. “I don’t think any of them would do that Sunny.” Moon assured, though deep down he was worried about their mother being taken away…humans didn’t react well to things like dragons, especially not a dragon dog. Ana sighed a bit. “Well…maybe introduce them slowly and gently. Get them prepared for what’s coming. I won’t lie, as fishy as I am about this I wouldn’t mind feeling a bit cooler this summer.” Moon gave a nod. “Sun, why don’t you go get the girls? Tell them to meet us in the employee showers.” He slid down off of his mothers back and looked up at her. “Are you able to transform mom?” Ana shook her head. Usually with her magic she was able to turn into a cat or a ferret to appear a little more inconspicuous around the Pizzaplex. Always being claimed as Sun and Moon’s emotional support animal. But magic took energy. “No…sorry honey. The heat has drained me.” Moon gave a sigh. “It’s okay…That’ll make it harder but…I know the security cameras’ blind spots. Just stay close and we’ll move as quickly and quietly as possible.” Their plan was set into action. Moon led Ana through backways to avoid cameras to the employee showers, where some of the human staff would freshen up should they so need to. With the plaza being closed, it was free and empty. Ana lowered her head walk through the just barely tall enough twisting hall into the showers and waited. Moon stood outside it, waiting for Sun to come back with the girls. He was nervous of course…His arms held to his body as he walked instead of his usual skipping. There was no telling how they would react… Regina Lioness smiled at the brothers, Roxanne Wolf had a hand on her hip, squinting at the boys. Chica however just seemed to sway to the music playing through the plex. “Hello Moon, sweetie.” Regina greeted. “Sun said you boys needed our help with something?” “Y-yes we just…need you three to keep an open mind?” Roxy raised a brow at her little brothers. “About?” “Yea what’s got you so scared?” Chica asked with slight worry to her tone. The boys looked at each other and nodded. “We uh…been keeping something from everyone but…she needs help now…” Sun gulped, tapping his two index fingers together. “...She?” The trio questioned. “Our mother…” Moon answered as he gestured to the bathroom. “Our…dragon mother…” ……..Roxy and Chica laughed, though Regina stayed quiet. “Pfft! C-cmahan you two, quit playing around! We’re not your daycare kids.” “Heehee! But if you really wanted to play pretend, all you had to do was ask!” “Ladies.” Regina stated firmly, showing all the command of a queen. She gave the boys a soft look. “This isn’t pretend clearly…Sun and Moon wouldn’t be so distraught if this was just a game.” “Come on, Regi! A dragon? There’s no such thing!” Roxanne huffed. She loved Sun and Moon, they were her little brothers after all. But she stayed out of their pretend games. “There’s more to the world than what you see at the end of your nose, dear.” The lioness stated. She looked toward the brothers and smiled before she made her way into the showers. Seeing Ana in there still caused Regina to stop and stare. Ana stared back. Sea Green eyes staring back at violet eyes. Ana shifted her eyes, the situation only got more awkward when Roxy and Chica entered. Ana pinned her ears as Chica let out a squawk. “BAKAWK!” “Holy shi-” “Language!” Sun reprimanded. “Uh..ladies…this is our mother. Ana.” Moon introduced awkwardly. More silence. Even Ana didn’t seem too sure what to say. “My…” Regina spoke finally. Her voice was laced with awe. “I’ve never in my days thought I’d see a dragon up close…or even outside a story book! You are quite beautiful, sweetie.” Ana blushed at that. She was never good at accepting compliments or praise. “Uhm…thank you…” “Your boys mentioned you needing help? It must be serious if they were so worried about showing you to us.” Ana looked at her pups and let out a sigh. “It’s not…that serious. I’ve just been too hot and my fur doesn’t help.” The lioness nodded, scanning the dragon's pelt. She noticed some fur just resting in clumps. Regina hummed. “Well it seems quite serious to me dear! After all, you could get a bad case of heat stroke or dehydration! And then no one but a vet would be able to help you. I highly doubt the three of you would want that.” Ana blinked, even Sun and Moon looked a bit surprised, clearly none of them thought of that… Regina turned around suddenly. “Girls, I need two pairs of scissors, one smaller than the other, a comb, a brush, and an electric razor!” “For what?” Roxy asked, squinting at the African lioness. “This dragon is in desperate need of a haircut. Come on, it wouldn’t be wise to waste time.” Sun and Moon breathed a sigh of relief, glad Regina was so willing to help and ready to take charge. They watched Regina shoo the two out of the room. She then took off a shower head and brought it as far as it could go. “Now dear, let’s dampen up this beautiful fur of yours.” She lowered her voice with a smirk. “I promise I won’t cut it too short…” Ana stared at her…and smiled. Something that shocked her boys, Ana never trusted easily. So to see her so much as smile at someone new was a good thing, if not a great thing! “Thank you.” Regina went to work. She sprayed Ana down with the hose, being as respectful of the dragon's boundaries as possible. She was a heavy mass by the time she was fully drenched. And the surprises kept coming, Ana let Regina scrub her fur and mane, which took care of the itching. Though Ana didn’t allow the lion to go near her belly…the boys knew their mother was ticklish and never let anyone she didn’t fully trust near her stomach. The fact Regina could touch her at all was enough. Ana was rinsed again. Roxy had brought a hair dryer and did what she could with it. Then the cutting began. First Regina began shaving fur along Ana’s body, shortening it up. Reluctantly, Ana let her shave around her stomach and did her best to stay still, focusing her energy into her breathing and flicking her ears around to avoid twitching. Her tail tip was shortened and her mane was trimmed up and cut to be much shorter, Chica even tied it up in a bun with a pretty little ribbon.  And by the time it was all said and done, Ana was a clean new dragon. The most fur she had was on her chest, a bit of poof for her boys to still cuddle up to. “How do you feel dear?” Ana looked over herself, doing a little spin and looking at her hair in the mirror. She hummed. “Lighter. Definitely cooler…I think I like this.” Sun bounced on his toes and clapped his hands, running up and hugging his momma. “You look so pretty!!” “Is it better?” Moon asked with a smile. Ana chuckled, hugging her Sunbun and leaning down to lick her Moonpie. “Much better…Thank you boys. And you girls too.” “Don’t mention it.” Roxy dismissed, carrying the supplies off. “Happy to help miss dragon~! Hope your summer is much cooler!” Regina gave a bow. “You three don’t be afraid to come to us now. I will certainly be more than glad to lend a paw.” Ana gave a nod and a smile. “Uh..about the amount of fur?” “The staff bots will clean it. They don’t question anything.” That relaxed the misfit family. Good. “You…won’t tell anyone?” Moon swallowed nervously. Regina smiled, drawing her fingers over her lips. “Your secret is safe with us dears. Have a good rest of your night.” Regina left then. Sun and Moon sighed, all the anxieties melting away. Ana licked both her boys. “Well…I’m not sure about you two, but I could use some sleep.” Sun squished his mom’s face with a bunny kiss while Moon hugged around her neck. They headed back to the daycare back the way they came to avoid cameras and to get some rest after the long hot day. Hopefully now the summer won't be as bad.
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newhavenrp · 11 months
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Is that NOAH CENTINEO? No, that's BENJAMIN "BENJI" HOBBS. The 27 year old BLOOD MOON WERETIGER OMEGA DUAL NATURED MALE is a COOK & CO-OWNER OF THE RIGHT SPOT. If you ask their friends, they're known to be PLAYFUL & FLIRTY, but they urge you to be cautious, because they're also known to be RECKLESS & FLIPPANT. Their friends also say that they're into KNOTTING, BREEDING, & SEMI/PUBLIC SEX but don't even think about trying GORE, WATERSPORTS OR SCAT with them.
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Born outside of New Haven, Benji had never known true peace. Born from a witch and a weretiger, his family has been subject of severe ridicule. When it wasn't because of his mixed family, it was due to him having two dads. When it wasn't the awkward stares and glances, it was fowl words and bricks being thrown through their windows. And so they moved and moved and moved. Benji has always felt unwelcomed wherever he went, this became especially true after his parents' death. They were killed by a group of drunkards. It started as the usual harassment that went too far. In an attempt to defend themselves, one of Benji's father shifted into his beastly form.
Unfortunately, they had been carrying silver. Since then, Benji had been on his own, hitching a ride wherever he went. He managed to be taken in as a cook. It managed to be something he took to quite well. If he fed others, he'd manage to feed himself. There seemed to be an odd peace in being useful. It didn't really matter from then on if he got run out of the joint the next day, Benji would have be to survive with his cooking. From town to town to town, Benji traveled throughout the country using only what he developed from every truck stop dinner and middle of nowhere stackhouse.
Though, as time went on, he found leaving these places started to lessen in recurrence and the thought of remaining in one of these places for too long triggered Benji's instinct of flight once more. Luckily for the weretiger, he wouldn't have to travel alone. He had met Matthew during a summer at a Mex-Tex place. The AC was broken and while Benji would normally complain about the heat, getting to seat the shirtless witch was more than enough compensation. Benji would become distracted throughout service.
The staring gave way to the ease dropping, listening in on Matthew's conversations about his travels with his friends. The sights they've seen, the people they've met, the people they've screwed. Benji wasn't surprised at the direction of the group's turn in conversation, unexpected details in conversations comes with eavesdropping. Apparently Benji make for a bad spy, seeing as he was found out by Matthew just a couple seconds after. He managed to speak with the witch later that night, offering what he had been saving up to travel along with Matthew and his friends. Benji himself wasn't particularly optimistic about his chances, having been the one to see exactly how cramped they all were in the witch's van.
However, a bit of luck seemed to gather in the moment as a few of Matthew's traveling friends had decided on this stop to be their last, offering the space in the van to Benji. From then on, Benji was finally truly free. He would travel the road with Matthew and the ever changing crew in the van. While traveling, Benji met many different people. He met Peters, Pauls, and Georges, though he was always a Ringo or Brian short of traveling with the Beatles. Whenever it was time for one of their trope members to leave, it was a bittersweet occasion. Benji would ask them why this place. They would always answer with something vague like, "Something about this place wants me here." A difficult feeling to understand for Benji until they came across New Haven.
It was here Benji found himself thinking he could build a new life here with other supernatural creatures just like him. It wasn't perfect, but it beats the years of running he had done before. With the help of his good friend Matthew, they would open up a sex toy shop. Benji was just happy the town had accepted their initial paperwork, otherwise the only alternative Benji would be able to come up would be "Hard Times". Just as any goal takes hard work to achieve, so would operating the Right Spot, allowing Benji to occasionally work as a cook for different businesses across New Haven.
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mylifeincinema · 7 months
My Week(s) in Reviews: November 5, 2023
Killers of the Flower Moon (Martin Scorsese, 2023)
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There's so much in here that's absolutely amazing; just infuriating, brilliantly acted, beautifully shot material that hits so incredibly hard. Sadly, it all lives within a sluggish, insanely overlong, tediously repetitive package. Yes, I understand some of this - especially the repetitive nature of the late second act - is done on purpose to highlight just how terrible what these people were doing was. The thing is, it would've been perfectly successful in getting this point across should these moments be cut in half. Lily Gladstone is a pensive, emotionally piercing revelation. Leo is a one-trick pony, but his commitment to the bit is damn impressive. And De Niro delivers a calculated, nuanced performance seething with a self-righteous, evil sense of entitlement. The rest of the cast consists of either highly effective or unfortunately wasted minor characters. There's somehow no room for anything merely 'good' in the bunch. I really think Thelma Schoonmaker should've put her foot down in the editing room. She very clearly caved to Marty's stubborn vision, and it muddied up the flow of her editing, which is normally one of the main things that really makes a Scorsese film kick. The screenplay is just too faithful, and too dedicated to honoring every single one of the moving parts in this story. Eric Roth really needed to put his foot down and trim out some of Marty's fat (but knowing Roth as a writer, he was very likely just as much the problem). Rodrigo Prieto's cinematography, Jack Fisk's production design and Robbie Robertson's music were perfection. No notes. Cut an hour and this would be a stone-cold masterpiece. - 7.5/10
Talk to Me (Danny & Michael Philippou, 2023)
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Damn. This was fantastic. Now I'm pissed I missed it in cinemas. A super creepy and perfectly executed premise fueled by surprisingly good performances and genuinely terrifying moments, throughout. Love that it never heavily relies on jump-scares. Love how brutal these spirits get. Love the hopelessness of the third act. - 8.5/10
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts (Steven Caple Jr., 2023)
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This is a movie that exists. Three years from now, I might not remember that it exists, but it does. It exists. The action and dialogue are annoyingly childish, but hey, these are movies based on toys, so whatever. Anthony Ramos should not be starring in movies. He's a painfully lifeless actor it hurts to look at him (which is why I waited for video for this one, I even opted for DVD for the resolution was lower). That's mean, I know, but I don't care, I'm still scarred by having to see him play a creepy ass child in Hamilton. - 3/10
A Haunting in Venice (Kenneth Branagh, 2023)
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Definitely my favorite of Branagh's Poirot films. This one actually nails the mood and atmosphere of the story. Branagh smartly takes advantage of the set design with effectively utilized wide shots throughout, and the cast never becomes distracting in their stardom. 7/10
Golda (Guy Nattiv, 2023)
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Helen Mirren is really good. So is the makeup. The rest? Not so much. This definitely feels the victim of a director with no clear vision for how they should tell this story. But hey, Helen Mirren is really good. - 4/10
-Timothy Patrick Boyer.
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mingi-bubu · 1 year
51. Public Kiss
*slaps my blog like it’s the top of a minicooper and i’m a car salesman* this baby can store so much unrelated and untold lore for this fantasy!verse wooyoung x gn!reader, san & seonghwa best friends, fae!wooyoung, elemental manipulator!reader, werewolf!san, and shape-shifter!seonghwa, fantasy & uni au, it’s not outright stated but yeosang is able to manipulate light, 854 words 76 Kisses Masterlist
“Hey!  What the fuck?”  You shout across the quad.  You barely processed the dozen or so people and humanoids around you.  The world was narrowed to the man you were yelling at, who was slowly turning around with naked terror on his face.
His friends share the look.  Well, you say his friends.  Technically they are your friends, too, but you were conveniently ignoring that fact.  It’s almost funnier to see San and Seonghwa looking at you like you were about to pull a sword out of thin air and use it on Wooyoung.  That was stupid; just because Hongjoong could do that doesn’t mean you can.  You were better with elemental material manipulation, not objects.  You stalk across the grass and pavement, barely stumbling over the changes in the ground as it rises to meet you step for step.
“H-hi, YN,” Wooyoung stutters.  He tries to smile, but it comes out as a rather unfortunate grimace.  The gold-plated iron necklace he wears shines unnaturally in the sunlight.
You finally reach him, annoyance littered all over your person.  “Jeong Wooyoung,” you hiss.  He stumbles back a step, but apparently forgot the table behind him.  He collapses on it, San and Seonghwa backing up from you with more awareness of the outdoor furniture.
“YN,” San greets, trying to sound like nothing was wrong.  His teeth look sharper than normal, and you remember the full moon is coming soon.  Reflexively, you glance at the ring he wears.  Nickel-plated silver with a moonstone sitting inside red jasper, a family heirloom stretching back several generations.
“Choi San,” you reply, not caring how it comes out.  You switch your focus back to Wooyoung.  He is just staring up at you with a slightly open mouth and wide eyes.  A smirk starts to grow on your face.
Before you can do anything else, Seonghwa says, “How are you?”  He winces at the question, both San and Wooyoung turning to look at him with a “What the hell are you doing?” expression on their faces.  The shape-shifter’s hair turns pink with embarrassment.
“Stop trying to distract me,” you say, smirk disappearing.  “Wooyoung needs to know that his actions have consequences.”  You can feel the silent tension in the quad, no one daring to speak.  What could the fae have done to upset a wielder?
“I’m sorry!”  Wooyoung pleads, pouting at you.  “I was in a rush!  I didn’t mean to!  You were asleep.”
You take another step closer, and you bring your thumb and forefinger to his chin to hold him in place.  Unlike you, who burns hot with fire in their veins, Wooyoung runs cool as a river, the feeling of stepping into a shadow on a hot day, just as the rest of the fair folk do.  To you, the contrast was addicting.  Your voice drops in volume, “You could have woken me up.”
The last bit of panic leaves him, and he deflates like a balloon.  His hand comes up to grip yours, slowly pulling it away from his face just to twine his hand with yours.  “You were tired last night.  Hongjoong said you spent the day working through elemental metamorphosis.”  Worry enters his eyes.  “Why didn’t you tell me?  I had to hear it from Hongjoong, not you?”
“I didn’t want you to worry,” you reply softly.  “I know you were working on the huge greenhouse project with Yeosang, and I figured that you would need all the rest you could get.  It’s not as if fae magic and plant magic are too far apart.  You needed to rest after dealing with all the concentration you had to use.”
“We’re both kind of dumb, aren’t we?”  Wooyoung asks rhetorically, a smile starting to grow on his face.  You like the way his smile curls up at the edges, as if he knew a secret and wouldn’t tell you.
“Yeah, you are,” San agrees.  He scratched behind his ear before sitting on the table.
“So all of the dramatics that were performed in the last five minutes were because of a lover’s spat?”  You and Wooyoung both glare at Seonghwa.  “Hey,” he says, holding his hands up, “I just wanted to check.”
“I’m going to kiss my boyfriend now,” you announce to your friends.  Both of them roll their eyes and groan, but turn aside slightly to give you and Wooyoung some semblance of privacy.
“Sounds good to me,” Wooyoung jokes.  He leans up as you lean down, your lips meeting in the middle.  For the first time since you woke up, you finally felt settled.
After you part, you sit down next to Wooyoung and set your head on his shoulder.  “Routine is important.”
“Yes, dear,” he says.  San and Seonghwa sit down on the opposite side of the table.
“So did you hear what happened when the werewolf walked into the astronomy tower?”  San asks.
His question is met with groans and protests that get louder as he tries to tell the punchline.  Wooyoung’s laugh when you pull water from the air and spray San with it is better than any punchline San could give.
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