#breakfast food in china
mockva · 3 months
Breakfast in a Chinese family
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atlastv · 1 year
"Why Congee is one of my favorite ways to use Leftover Rice."
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hi-technique · 1 year
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perplexedkitchen · 5 days
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scarletevening · 5 months
polished [ simon 'ghost' riley ]
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read too many mafia simon fics [ more specifically @cordeliawhohung. omg j the thought of her fics gets me all bothered.] ANWAYS. bodyguard/underdog fic of him... ugh, got me drooling. i can't help but ramble about him like this.
cw: suggestive, public teasing/mentions of public sex, some fluff, mafia au, established relationship, mostly just headcannons/rambling, no real plot, obsessive-ish simon, fem! reader.
simon "takes care of what belongs to him" riley who doesn't let you even see the bill of the restaurant he takes you to. only taking you to restaurants that have his card at registration, that don't ever print and only e-mail receipts.
who acts like all hell will break loose if you even try to pull out your wallet, immediately wrapping his large hand around yours, smiling as his gruff voice mumbles to the waitress, or cashier, or bartender, or whoever else would be cashing you out. even when you pout and whine, he chuckled, his lips curving into a smile and he pulls his mask just over them, to shush you with a kiss.
simon riley who never lets you slip away from his touch, smiling as he lets you sit on his meaty thigh, your back pressed against his broad shoulders as you sit in the private room with some... friends. you knew otherwise, with the way the women changed every hour, but you didn't. you stayed, the hand splayed around your waist unmoving as his masked face trails its lips down your spine, kissing the nape of you neck through the fabric.
who makes sure to schedule every appointment for his girl. your nails, your brows, you spa, anything else you want, need, desire. he'll do it, he'll wash more money, wake a little earlier, blaming it on a morning run, bidding you goodbye with a kiss on your forehead, closing your bedroom door to load his gun. but it didn't matter, not when he got to see your cute little face warm up and smile, thanking him in that sweet coo as you tugged gently at his collar; a kiss as a thank you.
simon riley who makes sure you never, ever, ever are alone, unsafe, without him. he goes everywhere with you, the grocery store, he loiters at your little diner as your best tipping customer, sitting beside you as you get your nails done. and even when you think it's just you and your girlfriends, giggling and drinking tea from cute china cups, he's had some snake through the security cameras for him to watch. to keep you safe.
who never lets you take charge, who makes sure he can fulfill all of your desires. learns all your reactions, how the way his mask rustles against your cheek makes you blush as he whispers into your ears. how you always bat your eyelashes when you get needy. how you can barely last an hour with the way his rough fingers tap at your waist in the private club, watching the other couples flirt. how you let him tease you on his lap, as if no one else could see the way his fingers snuck under your skirt. how you always forget your own name when you feel the knot tightening in your belly, so impatient as he forced you to wait until you were in your own bed to satisfy you.
simon riley that learned how to cook your favorite breakfast so every morning after. bringing you tea, a plate of food, and a kiss to bed as you woke up, marked up and sore. you happily tucked you into his chest as he held a silver spoon to your lips.
who loves you dearly, the apple of his eyes, the sun to his moon, his woman.
i didn't mean to make it this long... hehe. if you recognize the car in the banner... i fucking love you. [pls buy me one.] edit: i literally forgot to fix the tag before i posted imma cry.
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withacapitalp · 9 months
Link to ao3 for the stranger things writers guild daily drabble!
“I’m going to skip asking how you got into my house this morning, and go straight to what the fuck happened in here?!” Steve shouted after he finally got the window open, watching the smoke pour out into the open air. 
The kitchen was, in a word, a complete and utter wreck. Egg shells littered the counter tops, batter was dripping from the ceiling, flour was layered on the floor like freshly fallen snow, and two bedraggled teenagers were standing in front of him looking extremely forlorn. 
“We were trying to make you breakfast,” Dustin sighed as Max dragged a path through the flour with the toe of her sneaker, still not looking up at him. 
“Why?!” Steve cried, throwing his hands up, starting to get actually angry. He had woken from a wonderfully peaceful sleep to the smell of smoke and the fire alarm blaring in his ears, and he still had no clue what was going on. All he knew was they were in big, big, trouble. 
The kids knew they were semi-permanently banned from being in the kitchen. They knew that. Especially if he wasn’t around to stop them from their ‘experiments’ with food! Steve didn’t put his foot down about a lot of things, but this was the one thing that the entire Party actually listened to him on. 
So now they had not only broken in, but broken in to go against probably the only rule he had for them. He wasn’t usually a hardass, but this might merit a phone call to both of their mothers. 
“Why?” Steve repeated, his teeth gritted against the yell that was threatening to come bursting out of his throat. 
“Because it’s Father’s Day, jackass,” Max snapped, finally turning her glare upward, as if challenging Steve to say anything. 
The anger instantly vanished. Steve’s mouth shut like a trap, and his eyes opened comically wide. 
He had forgotten. There wasn’t really any point in remembering. Vaguely he knew that was why Robin and Eddie wouldn’t be able to hang out today, and that was the reason that everyone else would also be busy, but now he was hit full force by the fact that he wasn’t the only one without a dad today. 
Or, apparently he was, because according to Dustin and Max, he was the one they were going to celebrate today with. 
And that wasn’t terrifying at all. Nope. Steve wasn’t freaked out by that whatsoever. 
It wasn’t like he didn’t know that the kids saw him as someone to look up to. But there was knowing that, and there was having the two without father figures break into his house just to try and make him something to show that they cared about him. 
And Steve had spent the better part of the last ten minutes lecturing them. 
“Well, the toast survived,” He said slowly, walking around Dustin and Max and over to the kitchen table where two pieces of sad burnt toast were sitting on a blue china plate. 
“Barely,” Dustin grumbled, turning and leaning into Steve’s side. Max hooked her chin over Steve’s shoulder to join them in staring at the slightly depressing toast. 
“Don’t be mean to my toast. It was made with love,” Steve defended, grabbing the plate and holding it high above their heads as both kids groaned and reached up to take it away, complaining about how gross he was being. 
“Let’s take this inside and watch some tv. Then we can clean this up, and I’ll show you guys how to properly make breakfast,” Steve declared, already going towards the living room, “You know, for next Father’s Day. ” 
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Omg hi! i was wondering if i could request a tommy fic? i was thinking during the whole luca changretta war tommy finds (Reader) who is a harley quinn typa gal in the psych ward gets her out and asks to help him kill luca?
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•Thank you for the request! Apologies it took so long to come out, hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Altered storyline, mentions of smut
The hallways were narrow as he passed by each barred cell, ignoring the familiar faces of many of his enemies. With each step he was inching closer to her menacing yet playful laugh. He was desperate at this point and being a Shelby he’d never like to admit that.
He really didn’t want to do this, but what other choice did he have? Y/N L/N was known very well for her crimes, many she had gotten away with until she attempted to blow up Tommy’s fucking pub and threatened his family, also the time where you had managed to do seduce his men guarding the company and breaking into the vault stealing a tremendous amount of money.
“Mr. Shelby, crawling back already are we? To what do I owe the displeasure?” She snarled at the sight of his frigid, cold stare. 
Folding his hands and standing with a straight back, feet implanted solidly in his stance, he released a disgruntled breath.
“I need your help. You��re the only one who’s been able to out play me numerous times, and we have a common enemy we both want dead.” She simply giggled and rolled her eyes, not at all phased by his demeanor. Was he being serious right now?
“Regardless of who it is, why should I help you? After all you’re the reason I’m in this filthy, low ridden place. What could you possibly offer me that I can’t already get myself?”
“You’re freedom. No strings attached after Luca Changretta is dead.” The man’s name rolling off Tommy’s tongue boiled the blood in your veins. He was the man who had killed your mother and made you an orphan, depending on others for food, living on the streets growing up all by yourself at the ripe age of twelve. 
He noticed the sudden change in your facial features and how your hands clung to the metal bars, knuckles turning white in anger.
“So what do you say? Do we have a deal?” 
The breath of fresh air warmed your body, refreshing your sense of smell. Tommy had a tight grip around your bicep, untrusting that you held any type of loyalty to the arrangement.
Shoving you roughly into the car and locking the doors, he drove off filling you in on what the Changretta’s have been doing to his family, mentioning the death of his brother John.
Pulling into the driveway, knowing it had been a long, painful day, he thought it was best just to show you to your room and create a plan of takedown the following morning.
Your eyes widened in shock at the big expensive house, surprised to see he had a maid waiting on him, yet you couldn’t steer away from all of the fine china on the walls, the glistening silverware laying out on the clothed table.
“If I had known where you lived I would’ve ramsacked this play awhile ago, I mean look at this!” You picked up the ferrarce pink egg in your hand carelessly, magnifying it’s beauty and not being able to stop thinking how much money the antique could get you. Grasping the object out of your hand, Tommy forced you around back to the stairs where you heard pitter pattering footsteps rushing past you down the stairs.
Seeing the little boy so alight and full of energy brought a profound joyfulness to you. A person’s childhood is so precious, supposed to be the best time of life, never worrying about a thing, not understanding the hatefullness in the world. It made you sympathize a little.
“You have a child?” Tommy wasn’t going to entertain any conversation of his private life. He was uncomfortable enough having you here in this house with Charlie but what choice did he have?
“Don’t get any ideas, breakfast is at 8 am. This will be your room, windows have been barred, any sharp objects have been taken out, don’t bother trying anything.” The room had nothing but a singular king size bed in the center of the white painted room, a bathroom attached with a shower, toilet, and sink but no towels.
“I know you’re fucking crazy, I don’t need you trying to hang yourself or some shit. Frances will bring you one if needed but one of my men will be outside the bathroom to ensure you don’t try anything. Take it or leave it.” 
Begrudgingly you tossed your belongings onto the bed, Tommy pulling out a cigarette in the process, glossing the tube over his plump lip.
It was all settled then. You’d head out first thing in the morning.
When the following day arrived you awoke to Tommy busting through the door, causing you to jolt upwards reaching for your weapon that wasn’t there thanks to his stupid rules.
“Artillery Square. It’s 8:01, you’re late. Get dressed. I want you to see how they operate.” 
Ripping the blankets off the bed, Tommy tossed you a change of clothes, black pants with a black hoodie marching your darkened personality.
Huffing, you looked at him expectedly awaiting for some privacy to which he rolled his eyes as if he hadn’t seen women nude before.
Closing the door he waited outside for you.
The car drive consisted of etching out a plan. Tommy knew they were following behind him and informed you of where he had weapons set up on the different floors and railings outside. Why did he have to plan everything and be serious? Didn’t he like risk taking every once in awhile, so utterly boring.
“Stay close.” The men had taken a different turn probably in hopes of throwing Tommy off but that wouldn’t work.
Passing by civilians he motioned for them to go inside that danger was near. They wasted no time in auietly running up to their rooms in fear, fully knowing that whenever a Shelby was around, trouble always seemed to follow.
Turning around Tommy realized you weren’t behind him anymore. Huffing and scanning the area he found you sitting on the curb of the sidewalk next to a bakery petting a stray pup with a croissant in your hand, as if there weren’t italian men scattered throughout Birmingham looking to complete their vendetta.
In a powerful stride he walked over to you, gripping the small of your wrist angrily and dragging you along with him.
“Hey! Y’know what your problem is Tommy? You’re so uptight all the time, jesus relax every once in awhile.” Rounding the corner, he shifted and slammed you against the alley wall effortlessly, causing your creamed croissant to fall to the ground, pissing you off.
“Really! That croissant was the only good thing going in my life, it gets tiring constantly being spied on and not being trusted y’know.” His hand struck you across the cheek, causing your head to whip to the left from his harmful blow, smacking against the brick wall.
“Ow! What the fuck Shelby!” Your stomach bubbled with fury, arms flailing and hitting his rock hard chest trying to fight back against his strong hold. 
“Listen to me alright? This isn’t some fancy fucking get away. We had an agreement, so stay hidden before you blow our fucking cover or I will take you right back to the fucking coppers and have you readmitted, Got it, eh?” She giggled menacingly, rolling her eyes from the masculine, testosterone fueled facade, not at all intimidated by him. If anything a little turned on by his threats and the chokehold he had you in.
In a quick, swift movement you giggled before raising your knee and striking him directly in the ball causing the older Shelby to hunch over in pain.
“Lay a hand on me again and I will drown you in your fucking sleep. Got it?” You snickered sarcastically, smiling at the feeble position you put him in.
“Now, let’s get back to business and set aside the pleasure shall we?” 
The two of you scoped Artillery Square, the block being hing with sheets and laundry around every turn while innocent civilians were inside the homes they rightfully owned.
Enough people had died from these fuckers, children included and Tommy refused to have any more unnecessary blood shed. 
Hearing footsteps from behind, Tommy motioned for you to follow him in the building. The empty hallways eerily quiet as bystanders were crouched in their rooms hiding beneath tables, fleeing to corners and shielding their children.
All of Birmingham knew the Chagrettas were in town and what a black hand meant. The italian Mafia had been a profound problem back in the state of New York, innocent lived being taken just for being in the same vicinity as who they were after.
Quieting the worrisome families, you raised a finger to your lips with each passing room, ears and eyes at the ready to think fast.
At that moment a bullet richoeted through one of the windows, hitting a metal wall and flying up toward the ceiling shattering a light bulb connected to a ceiling fan.
On high alert, Tommy whipped you around toward the other side of the hallway, pushing you forth by the low of your back. Birmingham wasn’t a place you were completely familiar with but Tommy knew these streets and buildings like the back of his hand.
“Go! Go!” As windows shattered, you held your bat at the ready, looking to fight as Tommy instructed you where to go, but you had plans of your own.
Instead you turned around, walking back out toward the parking lot where the gunfire was coming from.
“Where the fuck are you going?!” You shrugged your shoulders, glancing back at him daringly while batting your eyelashes.
The need and want to see Luca’s face again after so long consumed you but Tommy was faster.
In an instant he thrashed your body down onto the floor, saving your head from a bullet that would’ve went right through you skull.
“That’s enough. Save your fucking anger for later. If he sees your face he will be a step ahead. So just fucking listen to me!” You groaned from the tumble, slamming your hand on the floor in frustration.
Days turned into weeks until you were face to face with the man.
Hiding in a room, you filed your nails carelessly listening in on the conversation, awaiting Tommy’s cue.
“You can sign the papers on your fucking knees.” The intimidating man pushed the papers off the table, the contracts scattering across the floor in a whimsy manner. When Tommy still didn’t move, still didn’t speak it angered Luca immensely, causing him to flip over the table in fury.
“Sign the fucking papers.” Tommy’s crystal blue eyes never left Luca’s in fact he found his little performance quite hysterical. He simply smirked, attempting to hold back his laughter. 
“All of your blood relatives are gone Mr. Changretta. The men behind you will work for whoever the highest bidder is and well how the turned tables have turned.”
“Is that so?” When he turned around to face what were once his men, they stepped back with the guns in their hands fully aware of the plan Tommy had implemented.
“A friend of mine once told me big fucks small. So I had to find someone bigger than you. Someone whom you crossed years ago and has been locked up ever since. You see I did some digging as well.”
Coming out from the shadows, bat ready at the hand. You didn’t like guns as much, bullets were too much of an easy kill, you wanted to see him suffer. Tommy winked your way causing Luca to spin around only to be met with the brunt force of the wooden object against his skull.
At that moment Tommy fleed from his kneeling position, pulling his gun out to finally end this yet you stopped him.
“Allow me to do the honors. Boys stand down, I’ve been waiting my whole life to kill this piece of shit and oh how I want to see him suffer the way I did.
Luca fumbled to get up, a few of his teeth now lying on the floor while blood trickled out from his mouth like a river flowed down a winding stream.
The man jumped at you, spitting blood on your face. Oh how you loved a challenge.
In one powerful swing, the bat banged at his knee, shattering the bone completely leaving him once again on the floor writhing in pain. 
In that moment a flashback of your childhood rushed to your head. Remembering the moment you eere cowering in the corner of the kitchen floor, scared and terrified of this man who had just killed your entire family, leaving you an orphan.
You began to beat him relentlessly with the bat, blood splattering on your face as his face became deformed from the brutal blows.
When you began to cry hysterically, Tommy slowly walked to your aid pulling you into his warm embrace carefully, rubbing your temple soothingly as you welt into his shoulder. The motion was unexpected to say the least.
“He’s dead now love. He’s dead.” Your fist scrunched in the fabric of his shirt, tears forming a puddle on him as you tried to relax. He nodded his head motioning for Pol and Michael to leave the room. To make light of the situation, Tommy decided a joke was necessary which was rare.
“Seeing as this wasn’t your vendetta alone, do you mind if I-“ His hand settled on his gun, and he waited for your agreement.
He emptied the chamber of his pistol onto Luca’s body before escorting you back to his home. 
Offering you a glass of whiskey, he took a seat beside the fire nodding toward the chair beside him and pouring a glass for you.
The fire crackled in the darkened room, a comforting sense of relief after the strenuous events of today.
“Y’know you and me make a pretty good team, don’t you think?” Tommy smiled softly, something he hadn’t done in awhile.
Quirking his eyebrow, he pulled out a ciagrette, passing one to you before lighting the tube of tobacco.
“I guess you can say that.” There was a moment of silence before you stood up from your seat, walking slowly over to Tommy and straddling his lap. Your plush lips just centimeters away from his as your fingers intertwined in the strands of his hair. Your ass grinding down on his lap.
“Now that I’m a free little bird now, I don’t know about you, but I’m in desperate need of some stress relief. What do yuh say Tommy boy?” His hands placed on your thighs, he lifted you up effortlessly taking you by surprise and carrying you into the bedroom and slamming the door behind him.
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elliesmainhoe · 1 year
Happy Mothers Day!!
HBO!Ellie Williams X MotherFigure!Reader
Summary: The first mothers day Ellie has ever celebrated and she's going to make sure that it's amazing.
Contents: tooth rotting fluff, happiness, extreme cuteness
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Pancakes were supposed to be simple. Key word supposed.
Ellie woke up at the ass crack of dawn that morning, she had set her alarm clock for 6m and had switched yours off- discreetly forcing you into sleeping over time. She'd gathered all the ingredients the recipe had told her. Said recipe having been ripped out of the book they were originally in and found laying near a library a little outside of Jackson.
Ellie had squeezed fresh apple juice as she waited for the first pancake to cook through. A bad habit of Ellie's was losing track of time, she got carried away, squeezing the apple juice lead to her finding cutlery which lead to her cleaning said cutlery which lead to finding the right tray to put the silverware on. Ending up with the smell of burning flooding the kitchen.
She slammed the kitchens door, attempting to stop the smoke from wafting through the house alerting you of her antics and waking you up. She opened the window, the chilly air ventilating out the smell of smoke before she turned off the stove.
To say the pancake was a little crisp would be a bit of an understatement.
Shit. She only had enough for two, one for you, one for her. Oh well... She'll have the burnt one, today's about you anyways.
Take two was a little more successful a bit crisp on the edges but it'll do. She flopped them onto the two blue and white china plates- covering yours in fruit and hers in chocolate, balancing them on a wooden tray with the two glasses of juice before she took to the stairs.
She nudged open the door with her foot as she walked into the dark room, curtains closed and blocking out the ever insistent sunrise from seeping into your bedroom.
Cautiously, she placed the tray on your bedside table quietly before tiptoeing over to you window and drawing the curtains apart- the warm glow of the morning lightening the space.
Ellie watched as your eyes fluttered open. "Fuck kiddo. What time is it?" You grunted rolling over to look at your alarm clock 7:45am. 1 hour and 30 minutes late for patrol. Before you opened your mouth the soft voice of your daughter interrupted you.
"Don't worry Mom... I talked to Maria and she cancelled your patrol today" her hand gestured towards the tray of overlooked pancakes, before she whispered a shy "Happy mothers day mama..."
"Oh sweet girl come here" you opened your eyes as a blur of brown hair launched itself at you, her arms wrapping around you and giggling when you pecked her forehead lovingly.
"I tried to make you breakfast. It's not the best but-"
"It looks amazing kiddo. Thank you so much_ you smiled into her hair, before scooching up the bed- your back meeting the headboard as you move the tray onto your lap.
You took a bite of the fruit covered pancake, and honestly you couldn't tell whether or not Ellie was a culinary genius or you were just a smitten mother. Because fuck it tasted good.
Ellie's doe eyes looked up at you expectantly and with worry and anticipation. "Well done Ellie. This tastes so so so so good. You gotta cook for me more often now kid." You hummed, she seemed content with your answer.
"oh wait I got you something else" the girl said darting off your bed and out of the room before swiftly returning with what looked like... A sketch book? "I uh didn't really know what to get you and I thought you would enjoy something personal... So..." She shoved the sketch book into your hands "here."
You set your food aside, opting to open up the leather bound pad of paper instead. The first page read.
To Mom.
I know how much you like my drawings so I decided to put something together for you. Happy Mothers day.
Love Ellie.
You flipped to the next page and there was a beautiful sketch of you, sitting a the barstool of your kitchen island, glasses resting on the bridge of your nose as you read a new recipe
The next one was of you and Ellie. She had sketched out and traced the photo you both took in the malls arcade.
The next one was of a cartoon giraffe wearing a space suit on the moon.
It went on and on and on for 80 pages, sketches of you, her favourite things, her favourite hobbies, her favourite people it was so so so beautiful.
A single tear dripped down your cheek, "come over here baby" you sniffles hugging your girl tightly "my baby's so talented..." You hummed hands playing with her hair as she smiled joyfully.
"Thank you so much kiddo.."
I actually celebrated mothers day 2 months ago! But I have baby fever rn so here I am again, healing Ellie Williams mommy issues.
Taglist:@aunslie @lonelyfooryouonly @eywaskisses @daryldixonh0e @kittynnie @lovelyyevelyn @randomhoex @moonlightdivine @haerinwho @mufflaa @mial1l @sarahsmileslikesarahd0esntcare @moonlighting87 @escaping-reality8 @magicalfreakcowboylawyer @hejdevkdbdjsd @dergy @half-of-a-gay @ellieismami @cyberlainn @gollumsmygel @sseorii @kyleeservopoulos @taloulalila @ellieluhme @kiiyoooo @delusionalvioleht @joelscharm @hi2647 @gumdropkoo @coffeeandbookskeepmealive @womaniza @namgification @kimiisims-blog @tayyyystan @abigaillovestoread @whoreshores @kylieeluvstlou @knowitsforthebetterr @endureher @erikaar @lanasluverr @sayah13 @ilovebufflesbians @srryhoneyy @222fine444u
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toulousewayne · 9 months
Batfamily Shenanigans Pt: 4
Jason reading in the library with a cup of tea.
Tim: Jason
Jason: Mmm?*Sips Tea*
Tim:—Damian put laxatives in your tea this morning for using his favorite China cup.
Jason: *Sips tea all over the floor*
Batman at the Watchtower giving a oral debate discussion.
Flash: Bats what’s in your cape?
Batman: What are talking about? *Large lump in his cape on full display.*
Green Lantern (Hal): The massive lump in your cape!
*Cue a 6’2 over 200 lbs of muscle in a red helmet with two large pistols strapped to his thighs.*
Red Hood: Alfred wanted to know if you wanted Herb Crusted Salmon or Chicken Fingers for dinner?
Batman: Chicken tenders will do.
Red Hood turns to the League and waves: Hi Diana
Wonder Woman (warmly): Hello child.
Red Hood leaves, and Batman returns to his conversation.
Hal: *Internally about to combust*
Clark: So this is just normal day in the Wayne Residence?
Dick swinging upside from the chandelier, Tim throwing batarangs at Damian who’s chasing him running full force with a sharpie Katana, Cass braiding Bab’s hair while she’s on a FaceTime with Dinah and Helena, and Stephanie and Duke place stickers and sharpie drawing on Jason’s face as he snores loudly.
Bruce while sipping his coffee: Yes it’s just another Tuesday.
Dick serving Damian and Duke warm fluffy pancakes and fresh chopped fruits.
Damian: Grayson?
Dick: Yeah, lil Dee?
Damian: Did Pennyworth prepare this?
Dick (confused): No, I did.
Dick: Just now. Eat up guys it’ll be time for me to take you guys to school soon. *Leaves kitchen whistling*
Duke (whispering): I thought he couldn’t boil water?
Damian: I was told the same information Thomas,I am just as surprised as you.
*Both begin to eat and surprisingly the food is tasty*
Tim:No way Dick made breakfast?!
Duke and Damian both share a confused look.
Duke: Wait so Dick had known how to cook this whole time, then why did you tell me he couldn’t?
Tim with a mouthful of pancakes:Yes it was a lie,I love when Dick cooks and I wanted be the only one to eat it.
Damian and Duke share another look.
Damian:I curse the day of your conception Drake.
Tim: Mhmm, are you gonna eat those?
Damian gives him the rest of his pancakes.
Dick returns to the kitchen dressed for the day: There’s some left, does anyone want seconds?
Tim with syrup all over his face and with a demonic voice: Gove it to me.
Dick,Duke, and Damian:………
Superman and Wonder Woman burst into the Batcave.
Superman: We got your destress call,what wrong?
Bruce turns in his chair to look at them: I didn’t issues a destress call.
Wonder Woman:Like Hera you didn’t, we got here as soon as we could.
Dick drops down from the ceiling.
Dick: I summoned you both here.
All: What for?
Alfred arrives with a smug look on his face: Master Dick thought it would be wise for you both to spend the day with Master Bruce he had been quite grumpy as of late.
Bruce: have not.
Dick: Has too.
Clark (chuckling): If you missed us you could have just called.
Bruce(grumpily): I did not.
Diana holding her Lasso in hand: Shall we test that theory?
Alfred clearing his throat:I have taken the liberty of preparing tea along with finger sandwiches and pastries in the sunroom if you both would follow me.
Bruce turns to Dick blankly: why would you do that.
Dick grinning evily: Payback for the Penguin case.
Bruce:That was two months ago.
Dick: I never forget B, remember that. Save a sandwich for me Alfred!
Bruce staring blankly into the cave before getting up and following: I have raised a monster.
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Breakfast foods in China
Since arriving in China my typical breakfast has changed quite a lot (hello baozi and mung bean paste!) so I decided to explore some common local breakfast foods eaten in China!
包子 - Bāozi (my love) These have been an almost consistent (excluding the lunar new year when the canteens and most cafes and restaurants closed) staple of my breakfast ever since I arrived in China. They come with several fillings such as veggie, pork, seafood etc. and they can cooked in different ways such as being steamed, fried etc. Here's a more in-depth post about the types of dumplings and bāo.
粥 - Porridge (zhōu) I sometimes have porridge for lunch instead and it's a really filling meal. I get the Century Egg Congee with Chicken - 皮蛋瘦肉粥 (Pídàn shòu ròu zhōu) and it's one of my all time favourite meals.
煎饼 - Egg pancake (jiānbing) Popular also as a street food, this is a thin crepe type pancake with an egg, veggie, spice, sauce and sometimes meat filling. The actual filling varies as you can customize what veggies and spice level you'd like and whether or not you want meat.
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热干面 - Hot and dry noodles (règānmiàn) I honestly had no idea about this dishes existence until a while ago, probably because it's a regional dish originating from Wuhan which is kind of far away from my location. These are spicy and dried noodles which are actually eaten without a broth unlike many other noodles. They seem pretty interesting so if anyone tried them before do share your experience!
桂林米粉 - Guilin Rice noodles (guìlín mĭfĕn) This appears to be another regional dish from Guilin, Guanxi as I had no idea that this was a also a pretty popular breakfast dish. Apparently it's not the noodles but rather the broth that they're cooked in that makes them special, with the actual recepie varying across the region. Someone should do a long weekend trip vlog (pondering on this) to Guilin where they just go from store to store trying these noodles and trying to determine the differences.
葱油饼 - Scallion oil pancake (cōngyŏubĭng) A tasty but heavy-ish pancake imo. These pancakes are cooked with scallions (green onion) and pan-fried to give it that crispy and chewy texture. Very tasty, but it's a little too heavy on the oil for me so I save these pancakes for special occasions instead.
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豆浆油条 - Soy milk and deep-fried dough sticks (dòujiāng yóutiáo) I have tried the dough sticks, and I have tried soya milk but separately so far. The dough sticks are these long deep-friend dough sticks, reminding me slightly of breadsticks but more lighter and chewier.
茶鸡蛋 - Tea eggs (chájīdàn) I adore these, my canteen serves them along with regular eggs for breakfast and the tea eggs are usually the first to go. They actually don't really involve tea, instead these eggs are cooked in a mixture of chinese five-spice powder (pepper, cloves, cinnamon, star anise and fennel seeds), soy sauce, and black tea leaves, although some recipes leave out the tea leaves. They have a relatively strong smell so I usually grab some for breakfast on the weekends or in the canteen at lunch if there are any leftover after breakfast. They are also quite cheap, one egg is around 2 yuan so around 0.30 euro, making them a pretty filling and affordable breakfast food.
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If there are any other common or specific breakfast foods that you know of, do share them please as I love trying out new things!
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hetafice · 5 months
allies taking care of a sick/injured partner :
𖤐 ִֶָ 𓂃 🧷
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request: How many characters will you write for at once? I’d love to see the Main 8 taking care of their partner as they’re bedridden (sick, injured, etc). If I have to limit it to a certain # of characters, just lmk for the future and you can pick whoever you’ve got the most ideas for for this? 
a/n: i think the limit will be capped at 4-5. for the sake of cohesion i chose to write for each of the allies. enjoy!
He will absolutely baby you. To the point where it could easily become overwhelming. 
In general, he suffers from the too-much gene in combination with his savior complex. Any injury on your end just exacerbates it.
I think he would also feel guilty on some level that he let you get injured in the first place, even if it was not his fault. So to overcompensate, he will refuse to let you do anything even remotely strenuous.
It starts off genuinely helpful. If you’re having a hard time moving around he’ll gladly help you sit up or move around. The issues arise once you start healing up a bit more. Rather than let you return to taking care of yourself, he’ll drag out the process for as long as possible.  
It does not matter if you’ve been okay for weeks and can function normally, he’ll still insist on completing menial tasks for you. He might also try and prohibit you from doing anything he perceives as dangerous. If you put up a big enough fight he’ll let you do it, but only in his presence. 
 If you don’t mind being babied, great--he’ll gladly keep it up. If you don’t want to constantly be hovered over, and voice that to him, expect some pouting from his end.
Like Alfred, he is similarly overbearing but will relent if asked to do so. 
Outwardly, Ivan is not a super emotional guy. However, if his partner was sick to the point of being bedridden, some of his emotions might start slipping through the cracks.
He’s protective and nurturing by nature, but past circumstances have forcefully muted that part of his personality. Your being sick would absolutely kickstart those instincts again. He would perfectly fill the role of a caretaker, cooking, cleaning, and nursing you back to health to the best of his ability,
He would be extra attentive in the mornings before he had to go to work. He’d check up on you, help you take your medication, and would try to boost your strength by cooking a healthy breakfast.
The constant checkups could get suffocating, but he genuinely only wants you to recover as fast as possible. And in his mind, that means being around you constantly to monitor your condition, or to provide whatever aid necessary.
Your being really sick serves as a way for him to realize how much he truly treasures you.
He is constantly badgering you about preserving your health, so when he first notices you aren’t feeling well he is far from pleased. When you tell him exactly what’s wrong he’s even more upset.
He’s a fixer, and he immediately jumps at the opportunity to find some remedy whether you want him to or not. The second he hears a sniffle from you, he’s already handing you mugs of strange concoctions and loading your meals with as many nutrient-rich vegetables as possible.
He’ll whip out holistic medicines that no one has heard of in centuries (and honestly, they might just work lol)
After the first time you get sick, he would also start trying to give you organic and highly medicinal foods, but as a preventative measure.
In parts of China, some people recommend drinking hot water in response to any small ailment. To Yao, it's a cure for everything, and from the first time you wake up in a cold sweat to the last, you’ll be handed glasses of barely drinkable water. Good luck with that. Honestly, who knows? Maybe drinking half a liter of hot water will stop whatever sickness you have from developing further -- or at the very least, distract you from your symptoms?
He is the type to say “I told you so” and pretend to not care, while still actively taking care of you.
He’ll chastise you for getting sick, maybe even going as far as to threaten to not take care of you should it happen again, but when it inevitably does he starts taking care of you without a second thought.
He’ll make sure you are comfortable, and have taken your meds on time, and will even prep tea for you if need be.
This scolding while simultaneously nursing you back to health is nothing new. You start sniffling or coughing, and he tells you that you should know better and not count on him to take care of him. Then only a few hours later when you’re sitting down somewhere trying to work on something you’ll see him checking up on you from the hallway from the corner of your eye.
He will by no means dote on you, but he makes sure to lend a helping hand whenever possible. 
You’ll be left primarily to your own devices with this one.
Francis understands that you’re injured, and finds it very unfortunate, but unless you are seriously hurt you are going to be fending for yourself.
He won’t leave you completely out to dry though. Should you need something he’ll do his best to get it--but most of the menial practical tasks that come with taking care of someone unwell will be left to either you or a medical professional to manage.
His role is mainly to keep you comfortable and entertained. This is where he feels more confident taking the reins.
He’ll employ a variety of methods to make sure you’re relaxed. He’ll sporadically bring you glasses of red wine, help you with your skincare routine, offer massages, etc.
When it comes to leisure, rest, and relaxation he’s got it down pat.
Out of all of them, he would be the most likely to delegate a medical professional to come and take care of you in his stead. It’s not that he does not care, or feels inadequate; it’s just that someone trained in matters of rehabilitation would probably be more suited to the job--and what kind of partner would he be if he did not offer you the best of the best?
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gotham-ruaidh · 3 months
Little Bit Better Than I Used To Be
Catch up: Chapter 1 (Starry Eyes) || Chapter 2 (Save Our Souls) || Chapter 3 (Dancing On Glass)|| Chapter 4 (Merry-Go-Round)|| Backstage (1) || Backstage (2) || Chapter 5 (Danger)|| Backstage (3) || Chapter 6A (Love Walked In) || Chapter 6B (Without You) || Backstage (4) || Chapter 7 (Stick To Your Guns) || Chapter 8 (Time For Change) || Backstage (5) || Chapter 9 (Take Me To The Top) || Backstage (6) || Chapter 10 (Home Sweet Home) || Backstage (7) || Chapter 11a (Nightrain) || Chapter 11b (Nothing Else Matters) || Chapter 12a (Handle With Care) || Chapter 12b (I’m So Tired of Being Lonely) || Chapter 13a (Angel) || Chapter 13b (She’s My Addiction) || Chapter 13c (Patience) || Chapter 14a (Where Do We Go Now?) || Chapter 14b (Where Do We Go Now?) || Chapter 14c (Where Do We Go Now?) || Chapter 15a (Dreams) || Chapter 15b (I Sing A Song of Love) || Chapter 15c (You Can Do This If You Try) || Chapter 16 (Let That Feeling Grab You Deep Inside || Chapter 17A: Never Tear Us Apart ||| Also posted at AO3
Chapter 17B: It's Tough To Be Somebody, And It's Hard Not To Fall Apart
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New York City || September 1988
It's tough to be somebody And it's hard not to fall apart Here on Rehab Mountain We gonna learn these things by heart
 - “Detox Mansion”, Warren Zevon (1987) [click here to listen]
Raymond crossed the threshold, and Claire closed the door. “We just had breakfast delivered, if you’d like something to eat or drink.”
“Tea or coffee, perhaps, if you have it?”
Claire slid her hands into the pockets of her leather jacket, bare feet soundless on the marble floor of the suite’s hallway. “Of course. You must excuse us, we didn’t get back until very late last night, and it’s so hard to go out for breakfast so we tend to just order room service for everything.”
“No need to apologize. I’m grateful for whatever you may have.”
The hallway turned into a sitting room, complete with a stunning view of Central Park.
“Hello, Dr. Germain.” A tall man stood at a long white couch, wearing black jeans and a black tank top, the tattoos on his arms vivid against the sky through the floor-to-ceiling windows. “I’m Jamie Fraser.”
“Raymond. And it’s a pleasure, Mr. Fraser. Dougal speaks very highly of you.”
Raymond shook Jamie’s hand, and watched Claire busy herself at a large rolling table covered in food.
“Jamie, please. Just Jamie. Make yourself at home.” Jamie gestured to another couch, and Raymond settled against the cushions.
“It’s quite something, isn’t it? This room, I mean.” Jamie grabbed a coffee mug, wedding ring clinking softly against the china. “I grew up on a farm in upstate New York. So this is the kind of thing you can’t get used to. Or should never get used to, anyway.”
“It is incredible,” Raymond agreed. “Definitely a lot better than the view from my apartment. I’d find it hard to leave here.”
“I do,” Jamie sighed. “But playing shows at the Garden…well. That’s pretty awesome, too.”
“Here you go.” Both men looked up to see Claire, holding out a steaming mug and plate of cut fruit. “Black coffee, but there’s cream and sugar if you like.”
Raymond gratefully took the plate and mug. “Thank you, Claire. You don’t need to be so generous.”
She smiled kindly, and settled on the couch next to Jamie with a bowl of cereal. Raymond sipped his coffee, watching Jamie rest a gentle hand on her thigh.
“Tell me about yourself,” Jamie said softly. “How do you know Dougal?”
Raymond spoke at length, in between bites of banana. “We met at a conference about ten years ago. I’ve been in private practice for many years, and I’m always eager to learn new techniques, to keep on top of the latest research and thinking. Conferences are good for that kind of thing. It was one of those three day affairs in a big hotel ballroom, and there was a rather boring dinner the first night. I ended up sitting next to Dougal and Gillian. We got to talking, and that was it.”
“If you’ve known each other for so long, I’m surprised you’ve never worked at The Ridge.” Claire crunched the last of her cereal, and Jamie smiled slightly.
Raymond shrugged. “You know this better than anyone – there is one requirement to work at The Ridge, and that is that you must be an addict in recovery. I’m not that.”
Jamie’s brows rose in surprise. “And yet, you’re one of the top therapists in the country for addicts in recovery. Or so Dougal led us to understand.”
Raymond set down his plate. “I started my career focusing on patients who had experienced extreme trauma. I’m a bit older than the two of you – this would have been in the ‘50s. I had volunteered at a VA hospital during medical school, and I got to know a lot of veterans who…well, let’s just say that they had seen and done things in Germany and the Pacific that no man ever should. I resolved then and there to dedicate my life to help people like that.”
He paused, and closed his eyes.
“Many of the men I worked with turned to drink and drugs to numb their pain. To escape their reality. I learned a lot about addiction that way. Why it starts, why it persists, how much damage it inflicts on the addict and the people who love them. I’ve never had a drink or taken a drug in my life, and I hope to stay that way until the day I die.” He took a breath. “But that doesn’t mean that I don’t understand why someone would reach that point.”
It wasn’t often that Raymond opened up – even in this muted way – about his own life. But with Jamie and Claire – who would be some of the most unique clients he’d ever work with – he knew they would give him space, and respect. And more importantly, that they would understand.
He finished his coffee, gently setting the mug on the table. Eyes open but focused downward on his hands.
“Put simply, I did not have the happiest of childhoods. I have no memory of my parents, and was in an orphanage run by nuns from the age of two. Things were not easy in Montreal during the Depression.”
“So that’s where your accent comes from,” Claire smiled.
Raymond glanced up at her, and smiled back. Tightly. “Indeed. Well, as a child I was bullied quite relentlessly. I’ve always been quite small, and you know how boys can be. So my friends were my books. Had it not been for my high school English teacher, I never would have found the courage to apply to university, or to come to New York. To fulfil my dream of helping people, and giving them the kindness and support that I never had. And somehow, by the grace of God, here I am, sitting with you today in this beautiful room. I will never be ungrateful for my improbable life.”
He glanced up at Jamie and Claire. Saw their hands entwined, gripping tightly, Claire’s face buried in Jamie’s shoulder.
Raymond flushed. “Oh my. I do apologize. I didn’t – ”
Jamie smiled sadly. “It’s fine. Claire’s fine, she’s just…did Dougal tell you anything about us?”
“Only the broad strokes.” Raymond uncomfortably scratched the back of his neck. “How you met, that you were both at The Ridge for treatment. He had to tell me about your career, regretfully I had never heard of you or your music. But I did buy your most recent CD earlier this week to prepare.”
Jamie nodded. “Interesting. I’m asking because we all seem to have something quite important in common. Claire was five when she lost her parents in a car crash. And I was eight when I lost my mother, though thankfully I had my father until just a few years ago.”
Now it was Raymond’s turn to smile sadly. “It colors your life, does it not?”
Claire straightened, and Jamie wiped away her tears with his free hand. Raymond noticed the flash of a tattoo at the base of Jamie’s thumb.
“It does.” She smiled sadly at Raymond. “It’s a hole that is never filled. Jamie and I have talked about it many times – whether we would have ended up as addicts, had we not lost our parents.” She sighed. “Thankfully I was raised by my mother’s brother – and I’m so grateful he is still in our lives. He married us. But it’s not the same.”
Raymond’s smile brightened considerably. “My heartiest congratulations on your recent wedding. It’s quite evident how deeply you love each other.”
Claire flushed happily, and Jamie kissed her cheek. “Thank you. We still can’t believe it ourselves. It’s been quite the year.”
“I can imagine. This tour must be something, if you’re selling out the Garden.”
“Well – the tour of course has been big,” Jamie remarked. “But it’s been a lot more than that, for us. A year ago now, we were at The Ridge, in treatment. I ended up being there for 17 weeks. Claire was there for, eight weeks?”
“And when did the two of you get together?”
Claire glanced at her husband. “Officially, right before Jamie left. Then after that, we had some time together in January and February, but soon after that the decision was made to go on tour. Jamie had written a lot of new material at The Ridge, and he – we – thought that touring would be a good way to get back into real life. Buy us some time as I figured out what was happening with my medical license. And then…we decided to get married.”
“A three week tour,” Jamie snorted. “That was the original plan. We’re now on our fourth month, and we’ve sold out Madison Square fucking Garden for three nights.”
“How much longer will you be on the road?”
Jamie glanced briefly at Claire. “Just a few more shows and then we’ll wrap up. But then we’ll be back at it next year – the label has booked over one hundred dates, all across North America and then legs in Europe and Australia as well.”
“It’s going to be intense,” Claire added quietly. “I’ll be there with him, of course. My medical license has been reinstated, but I’m taking an informal break.” She darted a quick glance at her husband, squeezing his hand. “You should know this, Raymond – we quite desperately want to start a family. We’ve given ourselves this year to just…be. But that means there’s a good chance that while we’re touring next year I’ll be pregnant.”
Raymond folded his arms across his chest. “Which would be yet another source of stress in the situation. And another strain on your sobriety. Not to mention, your relationship. For both of you.”
Jamie gripped Claire’s hand. “And that’s where you come in, Raymond. I’ve been stone cold sober since I arrived at The Ridge. Claire, too. We’ve had each other this tour to keep each other honest, and I know I can say categorically that I wouldn’t be sober without her.”
He kissed her temple.
“But it’s not been without tremendous difficulty and so much strain,” Claire said softly. “He’s been having panic attacks.”
Raymond nodded. “Dougal did tell me that. And naturally, you’re worried that they will continue as the touring continues.”
Claire glanced at Jamie. “He – we – have learned enough about them now for him to recognize when one is coming. We can’t stop it from happening, but we can step away and ride through it together. Every time that happens, I’m grateful for the psych rotation I did in medical school.” She sighed. “But I’m not an expert, Raymond. I can’t help him the way he needs.”
“Said differently,” Jamie interjected, “it’s not fair for me to expect her to provide that kind of support. I don’t want to add to her stress. And I don’t want something to happen that could threaten her own sobriety.”
“Is that a realistic fear for Jamie to have, Claire?”
to be continued…
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perplexedkitchen · 9 days
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oknowkiss · 6 months
my lucky number - 42, drarry. please and thank you!
you got it! please enjoy! ~600 words, rated T for language. les champs-elysées - joe dassin
Harry decides to have breakfast in Paris. He’s twenty-one, it’s nine in the morning on the sixth of June, and the cleansing power of his hangover has allowed him to realise he can go anywhere he wants, with anyone, to do anything, for the rest of his life. 
His Portkey lands in an alley a short distance from the Eiffel Tower, because after the agent had asked him where he’d like to go, and after he’d replied, “Erm… France?” she had said, “The first timer package, then. Return trip is half eight. Here’s your list of attractions and instructions for a basic translation charm.” 
No matter. He has breakfast at a street-side cafe, espresso and carbs and sunlight quieting the pounding inside his head. 
He visits several of the attractions on the Portkey agent’s list: the Notre Dame, the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre. All of them are far too crowded, and by midday he’s resolved not to follow the list. After all, isn’t that the point of this excursion? To do what he wants? 
Harry has a glass too many of vin rouge at lunch and his confidence inflates in direct opposition to his experience with France, his ability to manage having time to himself, his general awareness of his surroundings and how to navigate them.
Which is to say: it’s now seven, ninety minutes before his Portkey takes him back home, and all he’s done is become increasingly lost. Harry chews on a bite of pasta and wonders if it counts as being lost, if you never had a destination to begin with? Perhaps he’s been lost — or not lost — since leaving the Forbidden Forest four years ago. Every day a step further into the void, away from his intended purpose. 
A loud, sudden coughing rouses Harry from his thoughts. Harry’s head snaps to the left, his hands already in fists, ready for action. 
“What the bloody fucking hell are you doing here?” Draco Malfoy splutters, staring at Harry with watery eyes. Around them, several diners look away. A lover’s quarrel, they presume. In Paris? How droll. 
“Malfoy?” Harry asks stupidly. It’s obviously Malfoy. No one else looks like him, which is actually quite annoying seeing as it means Harry can’t chalk it up to misconception when Malfoy sneaks into his wank fantasies. 
And no, he doesn’t want to talk about that.
“The one and only, thanks to you,” Malfoy replies meanly. A steak sits half-eaten on his plate, red juice pooling on the china. It doesn’t not remind Harry of the second floor girls bathroom.
“If you’re looking for sympathy, you’ve got the wrong orphan,” Harry says. Then, because he’s already bored with this argument, “You live in Paris, do you?” 
“What’s it to you?” Malfoy asks. He crosses his arms over his chest. 
“Nothing, I suppose.” Harry shrugs. “Forget it.” He turns back to his food.
“It’s my birthday,” Malfoy says, calling Harry’s attention again. “Well, yesterday. This is my gift to myself.”
“Eating dinner alone?” Harry asks, amused. 
“Go ahead and laugh—” Malfoy starts, but Harry cuts him off.
“I’m not laughing at you,” Harry says. “I—” He bites his lip. “I do the same thing.” 
“Other people are exhausting,” Malfoy insists, his face red. 
“Hell is other people,” Harry says. Then he's blushing, too. “I read that on a bag once.” 
“And did it hurt, reading all those words in one go?” Malfoy says. A smile plays at the corner of his mouth. 
Harry checks his watch. Half-seven. He looks down at his pasta. Mostly eaten.
“I’ve an hour before my Portkey,” Harry says, and he’s barreling forward blindly now, no idea where this will land. “Shall we order dessert?
(give me a number 1 - 100 & i'll write you a drabble based on the corresponding song on my spotify wrapped)
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loveackermannn · 1 year
I'd if ur taking nsfw levi rq, so it's ok if u don't wanna write this.
Can I rq a levi x reader modern au were they're best friends that are clearly attracted to each other. One day, you decide to make ur move.
You visited him for a movie night at his house and decided to sit on his lap. This was ur first time doing it, but he kinda liked it. You were grinding on him throughout the movie, he could barely pay attention.
And when he asked u what u were doing, you just acted innocent and said you didn't know what he was talking abt. You began grinding harder on him now.
Long story short, he got frustrated and quickly pulled your pants down to... yknow
☰ BY YOUR SIDE –.ೃ࿐ 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧.
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➺ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲; 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐥𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐚𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐝𝐢𝐝. 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮.
! 𝐑/𝟏𝟕+ 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟; 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 (𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 ><), 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐱 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 !
➺ 𝐚/𝐧; 𝐢 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐬𝐦. 𝐝𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 < 𝟑
Levi who never had any problem with you coming over to his apartment nearly most days of the week – you might as well move in with him at that point. His home was an extension of yours, except that you would much rather stay with him than by yourself all cooped up with nothing to do within the four walls of your space.
You always had extra clothes taking up some of the space in his closet and room just in case you decided to take your rest on his couch in the late hours of the evening. And to add on to that, he had a blanket reserved just for you when those moments were to come. He'd turn off the TV and leave a few lights on in the hall to make sure you got some well, deserved rest. But, somewhere in the back of his mind, he wanted to slip right beside you with an arm slung over your restless form and take note of the way your body fell and rose with every breath you took.
Levi who was the first face you saw whenever you woke up in a daze, still too drowsy to make out what he was exactly saying..
"Time to get up sleepy head. I made breakfast."
Of course, who were you to object to that?
Levi who had the table set up with two plates sat from across each other and the fresh aroma of eggs and bacon filled the air. His favorite tea pot boiled over the stove while two mugs waited to get their fill of his signature brew that you loved so much. He always made it so perfectly.
Levi who made sure you sat down first as he readied your cup of tea in his hand. The clink of metal against fine china could be heard while he stirred the spoon in rapid motions. It was truly made with love every single time and you could never get tired of the way his brows furrowed in concentration when measuring the tea leaves or how he could make the most mundane tasks look so enticing.
You must've felt this way for a while.
Levi who brings you your cup of tea while simultaneously blowing over the rim, to ensure that you wouldn't burn your tongue like the countless amount of other times that you did. With gentle hands, he gestures for you to take the cup from him and as it always happens, nervous fingers graze against his own. A rosy, pink blush painted both of your cheeks and he could almost feel whatever you had been feeling in that moment. Embarassing.
Levi who sits across from you with his features ever only softening for you as he begins laying the food onto your plate first. He knows exactly how you like your eggs and how crispy you want your bacon – It's been ingrained into his mind, along with many things that he grew to memorize about you.
Levi who suddenly breaks the comfortable silence with a clearing of his throat, followed by a question, "You wanna watch a movie tonight? Your pick."
It wasn't out of the ordinary for the two of you to make plans like this, especially since there's nothing better than spending some quality time together – You practically already do that every day.
"Sure, I'll choose a rom-com," You heard him scoff thereafter your suggestion, but nothing out of malice.. More like a playful tease.
"Not that shit again. Last one we watched wasn't even that good. Acting was shitty and the plot was stupid," He says bluntly, nothing out of his character. You were used to it.
"Oh, lighten up grump. That's the point of most rom-coms anyway. They're supposed to be bad that they're laughable."
You did have a point.
"Fine. But, I won't be entertained."
Levi who begins preparing the popcorn bag in the microwave while you shuffle around his living room in a new pajama set that he hadn't seen you in before. It loosely fitted your form in all the right ways and he nearly cursed himself for staring longer than he should have. Perhaps you didn't notice, but secretly, internally... You did – And you loved every second of it. That was the effect you had on him, whether you knew it or not. Though, it never swept over you when he'd steal glances at you from across the room or the nervous, subtle contact he'd make with either the brush of his knee or hand. It all came clear to you, that he must've felt the same as you.
Levi who readies himself next to you on the couch, a bowl filled with the freshly popped popcorn in his lap and you comfortably join him, pulling the shared blanket over the two of you.
This feels nice. This feels right.
"So what shitty movie did you decide on this time?" Levi quips, grabbing a handful of popcorn and individually placing one in his mouth at a time – He never did like the risk of making a mess.
You shrug in response, eyes trained on the TV, "Honestly, I just picked a random one. I forget the name, but it seemed interesting." Of course you'd be spontaneous like that, he didn't mind it however. If it meant spending time with you for the night, he had no place to complain.
With not even twenty minutes in, the two of you visably grew bored of the corny scenes on screen that felt like it had taken off a few years of your life spans. You could barely recall what had occured in the time of watching and you couldn't really care less.
What you had noticed, was the fact that you had gradually shifted closer to Levi as if completely leaning against him. It was probably subconsciously. Despite this, he made no move to scoot away or bring it to your attention. His eyes began to stray from the TV the moment he felt your own direct their focus towards him.
"Something wrong? Do you need anything?" Levi who never had the heart to raise his voice at you, who always thought of you first beyond himself, who seemed to have a twinkle in his dreamed out gaze whenever you came into his view. You hesitated, not knowing how to bring yourself to explain these deep rooted feelings you've harbored for so long. Would it even change anything? What if he never felt same? What if it's all ruined?
After the forever silence of just a few seconds, you spoke softly, "No it's not that it's just.." He patiently waited for you to continue, never pushing you to share anything you're not comfortable with, but a part of him was curious as to what you had to say.
It wasn't long after you had mustered every last ounce of courage within you to finish your sentence, "What.. do you think of us, Levi?"
Regardless of such a rather bold question, it didn't come as a surprise to Levi as he had been planning to ask you the same question, yet he could never bring himself to. But now that it's being confronted now, there was no turning back.
Levi's overall reaction was one that you'd expect from him – slightly dilated pupils, his breathing faltered and his normal, stoic mask crumbled at your hands. However, what he had to say was out of your guess and you never thought you'd see such a side from Levi, even after all this time that you've known each other.
"I think we're two idiots."
"Is that a bad thing?" You chuckle at his nonchalant answer as he turns his body to fully direct his attention to you. It wasn't out of character for him, though you did wonder what he meant by this.
"No it isn't. I'm saying if you told our past selves from like two years ago that we'd end up like this, watching a shitty movie, then having this conversation, we'd call ourselves idiots." To that, it did hold truth as you would've never imagined falling stupidly in love with your best friend. You've had your fair share of hookups and flings here and there, while he stayed watch to make sure you weren't being treated any less than what you deserved. He spent late nights with you in his apartment when you felt heartbroken, useless, tired.. He'd always be your safe space whenever you needed him.
You sighed as you faced the ceiling, closing your eyes for a moment before starting again, "That's true. I remember the first time I met you, I was really intimidated. I couldn't imagine ever being as close with you as I am now."
He snickers, mirroring your position and staring aimlessly at the same ceiling, "But that's changed now hasn't it?"
"Yeah. It has."
The longer the silence fell, the more the two of you couldn't resist it anymore. As if reading each other's minds, you simultaneously turned your bodies inwards with eyes intimately boring into your souls. The movie continued in the background, the lights dimly lit in the hallway and the popcorn long gone.
With each passing second, you didn't know how much longer you could take it. He looked so utterly pretty, his hair still damp from the shower he took prior to the movie and the way he looks at you with such earnest is making you fall apart.
Hearts like magnets and bodies like puzzle pieces, you found yourselves inching closer and closer. Never rushing and never impatient – Though internally, the two of you wanted to absolutely ravish each other in this moment.
"How long?" He was the first to speak.
"A really long time. You have no idea."
"No, you have no idea how long I've waited for this," Levi's breath hitched before he could continue. Eventually, he composed himself enough – But, he looked as if he were holding desperately back from something.
"If you want me as much as I want you, you can have me. But I want you to know that my heart has always been set on you since the first day we met."
You're in too deep now.
"I've always wanted you, Levi."
Without a second to spare, the canvas of his lips met your own in a waltz of passion and need. You needed this. He needed this. His hand threaded through your strands as if to keep him grounded to you while the other rested on the curve of your hip. Your arms found their place around his neck and your body pressed further against him, wanting nothing more than to feel him on every part of your skin. From this action alone, Levi craved more.
More, more, and more..
His hands met the plush of your thighs, gripping firmly but not too harsh as to cause discomfort. That was the last thing he wanted for you. Suddenly, he effortlessly lifted you in the space of his lap, never once letting you out of his hold. You tried to control the irrisistable urge to move your hips against him, but all of that was wiped away the second delicate words left his lips.
"Please, give me more. I need you to move," You didn't know the whines laced between his pleas would have that much effect on you, but hell on earth – It fucking did.
You heeded every word, everything about him you could never deny. You'd give him anything he wants in the world; the moon, the sun, the stars. You might as well rip them out of the sky and call them your own for as long as Levi exists. You'd do it all for him.
And he'd do just the same.
You shakily inhaled as you closed your eyes, intoxicated by the entirety of this situation. You could feel the heat of his warmth combining with your own, his breaths wavering with every inhale and exhale, his scent and touch alone, his bangs curtaining his face but you could most definitely make out the tinge of pink that dusted from his cheeks to his ears. He was mesmerizing and you didn't want this to end. You'd spend the rest of eternity with him if it meant you'd stay by his side.
His palms rubbed tenderly on your side, a silent reassurance that it was all okay and if ever you wanted to stop, he would in an instant. But, you merely smiled back at him, bringing his lips back onto yours – You're own way of telling him that you wanted this more than ever.
Soon, your hips rhythmically grinded against him as you continued to kiss him over and over and over. His mewls began to sound more evident than before the more you moved, he could barely stand it.
If this is what he's been missing out on this entire time, then he really must've been an idiot for not saying anything sooner. But, none of that matters – Everything worked out in both of your favors and he wouldn't want it any other way nor would he want anyone else in this world but you.
The movie was eventually forgotten. It had been since the moment you decided to face the truth of your feelings. The two of you would most likely never watch it again, but for what it's worth – It was an okay movie.
Levi found his grip in your hair again, but this time, he eagerly held a fistful between his fingers. You swallowed his grunts and hushed moans and you found it in yourself to eventually pull away, only for him to chase after your lips in an attempt to continue. He was panting, disheaveled and perfectly ruined just from a simple makeout.
"Did.. you want to," He stopped and took a deep breath, "Did you want to stop?"
You shook your head, placing a soft palm on his cheek as you quietly confessed, "No, it's not that. I just... really want more. Is that okay?" After a short pause, you began to think that perhaps you ruined the intimate moment, but it was far from that.
He turned his head to kiss your knuckles and took your hand into his, "Of course it's okay. I'll give you exactly what you want."
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the-monkey-ruler · 21 days
Journey to the West: The Demons Strike Back (2017) 西游伏妖篇
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Director: Tsui Hark Screenwriter: Stephen Chow / Li Sizhen / Tsu Hark Starring: Wu Yifan / Lin Gengxin / Yao Chen / Lin Yun / Bao Beier / Battle / Yang Yiwei / Dapeng / Wang Likun / Wang Duo / Zhang Mei'e Genre: Comedy / Action / Fantasy / Costume Country/Region of Production: Mainland China / Hong Kong, China Language: Mandarin Chinese Date: 2017-01-28 (Mainland China) Duration: 108 minutes Also known as: Journey to the West: Demon Chapter 2 / Journey to the West: Demon Chapter / 伏妖篇 / 西游降魔篇2 / 西游·降魔篇2 / 西游·降魔2 IMDb: tt5273624 Type: Reimanging
The monk Tang Sanzang finds himself as a giant in a city in India. His master congratulates him on reaching India and retrieving the Sutras, and gives him a halo as a reward. The halo, however, malfunctions and Tang awakes from his dream to find himself in an alley in a village of circus performers with his three disciples: Sun Wukong; Zhu Bajie; and Sha Wujing. Tang encourages Sun Wukong to perform for the villagers, but the disciple refuses. Angered by this stubbornness, Tang provokes Sun Wukong by calling him a "bad monkey", which causes Sun Wukong to smash the village and damage the villagers' homes in his temper. The terrified villagers present the group with money and food for their travels, but Sun Wukong continues wreaking havoc, sending Zhu Bajie and Tang flying through the air. That night, Tang whips Sun Wukong for his disobedience.
The next morning, Tang goes to find water for their breakfast congee and comes across a house. Its host, a beautiful woman in a splendid outfit, welcomes them all in for breakfast with her companions. Sun Wukong, however, sees through their disguises as spider demons; he purposely provokes them until she and the others show their true form. During the subsequent battle, the demons come together to form one huge spider. After being poisoned by the spider, Sha Wujing falls ill and slowly bloats into a fish-like creature. Sun Wukong defeats the spider and Tang attempts to exorcise her, but Sun Wukong smashes in the demon's head with one blow. Once more, Tang is annoyed at Sun Wukong's disobedience and whips him again that evening. Later that night, the enraged Sun Wukong discusses with the other disciples his plans to kill Tang, but the others fear Tang's mighty Buddha Palm powers. Tang overhears this conversation and prays to Buddha to help him and also confesses that he actually does not know, or have, Buddha Palm powers. Zhu Bajie overhears this admission and tells Sun Wukong, who challenges Tang to a fight. Just as Sun Wukong is about to strike, a blinding ray of light shines from the heavens and he retreats.
The next day, the group pass into the capital city of the Biqiu Kingdom and a minister comes out to greet them and bring them to see the king: an immature and childlike man who likes to play games. The king orders Tang to perform for him but the monk does not have anything to showcase. Sun Wukong therefore pastes an "obedience sticker" on Tang allowing Tang to copy his actions and perform stunts for the king. Sun Wukong, however, goes too far and makes Tang slap the king continuously, who throws them all out. Tang orders Sun Wukong to return and apologize, but it is revealed that Sun Wukong purposely provoked the king to make him reveal his form as the demon Red Boy. They fight and Sun Wukong defeats Red Boy, also freeing the true king of Biqiu from his cage under the throne. As a reward for helping him, the king presents them with a beautiful girl, Felicity, to accompany them on their travels. As Felicity dances for them, Tang is reminded of his deceased lover, Duan.
The group set off and on the way, Sun Wukong realizes that Felicity is actually a demon. In the meantime, Felicity takes out the nose plugs on Sha Wujing, allowing him to sneeze out the poison and turn him back into his human form. Tang, however, does not believe him, so they set off to visit Felicity's home village. Sun Wukong becomes enraged with Tang's lack of trust in him and that night he destroys the whole village, killing everyone. Tang stops him from killing Felicity, further angering Sun Wukong, who attacks Tang, but Felicity finally confesses that she is actually the demon White Bone Spirit and that the whole village was an illusion conjured by her. Sun Wukong flares up and turns into a giant Monkey King demon and swallows Tang. At that moment, the minister and Red Boy arrive and see Sun Wukong has fallen for their trick.
They had deliberately sent Felicity with the group to cause strife between Tang and Sun Wukong, so Sun Wukong would kill his master. Sun Wukong spits Tang out, however, as they had known this all the while; they only played along so that the minister would reveal her true form. They battle and the minister creates an illusion of Buddhas surrounding Sun Wukong, using them to fight him. The real Buddha, however, uses his giant palm to destroy the false Buddhas and reveals the minister's real identity as the Immortal Golden Vulture.
After the battle, Tang heads back to find a dying Felicity. He has no choice but to free her soul as there is too much demon in her. Before she dies, Felicity asks Tang if he loves her. Tang replies that he has only one person in his heart. The animosity between Tang and Sun Wukong has finally dissolved; together with Sha Wujing and Zhu Bajie, they continue their journey to the West through a desert.
In a post-credits scene, breaking of the fourth wall is invoked with the appearance of a modern movie theater, where theater employees tell both the viewer and the in-story audience that it’s time to leave and there is no post-credits scene
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journey_to_the_West:_The_Demons_Strike_Back
Link: https://ww5.0123movie.net/movie/journey-to-the-west-the-demons-strike-back-19438.html?play=1
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